#so thinking about how she may change drastically when getting her memories back makes me a bit sad
kdramacrybaby · 2 years
Okay I have some thoughts about this drama that I need to get out cause I don’t know how to feel about it just yet
#alchemy of souls: light and shadow#alchemy rant#alchemy of souls#drama rant#so on one side i am wanting so hard for bu-yeon to regain her memories#i wasn’t sure if i would like the explanation of how they brought her back but it does make sense within their universe so that’s#an issue for me#and every time she remembers something new I’m there 👀 like a complete clown cause i know it’s too early in the story for her to actually#remember just yet#destined lovers and all that is a pretty good trope that usually works for me and probably will in this drama too#buuuuut… on the other hand this version of Bu-yeon is probably my favorite version#i liked Mu-deok a lot don’t get me wrong#but there’s something about bu-yeon i like more#so thinking about how she may change drastically when getting her memories back makes me a bit sad#they’re probably not even that different and I’m just being dramatic but still#and somehow the story of Uk finding new love would be just as good to me i think#of course they would have to explain a bit more about naksu really being dead and all that#but i really wouldn’t have been that mad if bu-yeon had been a new seperate character and a new love interest#but then again Mu-deok (and previous Bu-yeon) and Uk were such a good couple too#i really can’t decide what i want the most right now#i know of course (or y’know am pretty sure) how it’ll go#but yeah#idk how to feel just yet#either way though i will probably still love the drama so 🤷🏼‍♀️
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paperbackribs · 8 months
for the 'Eddie freaks out over How to Survive a Werewolf Attack' post and those who missed the upload on Ao3, this is the second part of the chapter from Steve's POV, with a little protective stobin to delight
Steve leaves the pulse of the woods behind him as he emerges from the trees that abut his backyard. He’d smelled Robin long before shifting back into his human form, the sharp mint of her shampoo mixing alongside the sweet earthiness that he now attributes to family. Never having had one, he nevertheless knows that the combination will always mean sister.
Circling the pool, its night lights cast an uncanny, rippling blue across the surface, he heads to where she sits under the warm yellow lights, propped on her elbows against the wrought-iron patio table. In her cupped hands rests a book with an overflowing tree protectively sheltering a dog and her pups, Woman and Nature carefully inscribed above them.
She stirs as he approaches, inserting a receipt between the pages to save her place and resting it beside her. Looking into her concerned eyes, Steve grimaces. “Well, that went well,” he says lightly, feeling the need to inject some humour into the memory or he may be tempted to dwell on the ache that wants to rise instead.
Robin’s face softens and he knows that she can feel his hurt even without him saying it. They’re so connected sometimes that he wonders if his wolf forged something with her when they’d sat there, bound and interrogated by Russians, only able to depend on each other. “He was a little freaked out from the unexpected is all and he just needs to get used to the idea before…”
She trails off and Steve finishes her sentence, “Before he can be in the same room as me? Robs, the guy practically had a panic attack on my mother’s Giorgetti rug. I could smell his fear: he was terrified that I was going to eat him or something.”
Robin’s lips firm as she drums her fingers over the book cover, “Yeah, well, that’s his problem. After you left, we gave him the rundown; that you’re just a normal wolf—”
Steve snorts: there’s nothing normal about his transformations at all, but Robin ignores him to continue, “—and hopefully if he’s affected by the bites then it’ll turn him into a normal bat too.”
“And how’d he take that?” Steve asks curiously.
“Oh, another meltdown,” Robin says blithely, “He’s now convinced that he’s going to turn into Bela Lugosi and will be prowling the night for his victims before we know it.” Steve laughs despite himself, already able to imagine Eddie making exaggerated gestures in the middle of the group.
“Did he hiss like a vampire?”
“Nah, but he did do that thing, you know with the cape?” She shields half her face with her forearm as if hiding menacingly behind it. Fond amusement fills Steve, as if often does when faced with Eddie’s dramatics only for it to quickly drain away at the reminder of how drastically he had taken Steve’s shift.
Robin notes his change of mood and scowls at an absent Eddie. “Scaredy-cat,” she mutters darkly, “Should have called him a scaredy-bat to his face.”
Steve chuckles and leans forward to gently tug on a lock of her blonde hair, “And then give him my nail bat…”
“So, he’d be a scaredy-bat with a nail bat that lost his bat-le shield.”
Steve waggles his hand in a so-so motion, “Could use some work.”
“Oh, screw you, buddy, I did all the work,” Robin’s eyes dance with humour even as she pokes him with a sharp finger at his ribs. Steve squirms away, “I gave you the nail bat!” He mock protests before the image of Eddie’s wide and terrified eyes crosses his mind again. He sighs, “Do you think I should avoid him for a while? Let him get used to the idea before springing myself on him again?”
Robin leans back with a too wide smile, its awkwardness immediately transparent. “What?” Steve asks suspiciously.
Her brow furrows in an apology that gives lie to the smile, “We’re meeting back here tomorrow. El thinks that she might be able to lead him through a change if he’s got it in him, and we all thought it better to get the potential of it all out of the way before Eddie devolves into one big puddle of fear.”
Rubbing the bridge of his forehead, Steve sighs, “So, not only is he freaked out by the sight of me but I’m going to see him in the next twenty-four hours.”
Robin looks at her bulky men’s watch with a grimace, “More like twelve. We figured that we should get it over sooner or later, and this way he can work out whether he wants to freak out over being a bat or a vampire.”
“Or neither,” Steve points out.
She shrugs, “It seems unlikely, right? Correlation doesn’t equal causation, and you may be the outlier, the one cool weirdo out there.”
“Thank you,” he says dryly even though he does appreciate her positive spin on his furry little situation.
It had been months after the events over Halloween, when he’d been bitten by a demo-dog, that he’d started to notice the first few small changes. At first, he’d been convinced that it was the world that had transformed: smells becoming deeper, sights becoming sharper, but after one night where he had been panicked to find that his feet were no longer so far away, and suspiciously clawed, that he’d come to the realisation that it was his senses that had evolved, not the sun or the trees or the perfume of his history teacher.
The kids, while excited, had been very little help, but their encouragement had made him feel less alone. He took Dustin’s attempt to turn him into a science experiment in stride and as an extension of the little butthead’s support. But it was when Robin had been brought into the Upside Down fold that he’d felt truly embraced.
Surprisingly, rather than turning to books and research, she’d listened to him instead. Asked Steve what he wanted to be called when he was turned and let him talk about the oddities and freedoms he’d found in this new version of himself.
Steve had already known that the wolf would be a part of him forever, but Robin’s role in his life had cemented that feeling into a bone-deep acceptance, an understanding that he wasn’t weird or wrong for his new transformation, but that it was simply another part of Steve. Or Furry Steve as Robin would gently tease him.
“Are you staying over?” He asks now, watching her smother a yawn and nod in agreement.
He stands, waiting until she walks through the door before flipping the light switch off, the flurry of moths above flutter in confusion at the sudden darkness. “We can practise some more on the way home tomorrow if you like.”
Robin had gained her license a month ago, but with no car to drive Steve was building her confidence by having her drive his. She often teased that their love was a true one since she’s the only one allowed to touch the bimmer.
Wrapping an arm around his waist, they walk through the kitchen and head to his bedroom in unspoken agreement. “That’d be great. Do you want to wolf-out or be on your side of the bed,” she counters sleepily, leaving her book on the counter as they pass.
He hums, thinking. Months ago, after they’d worked out that the Upside Down nightmares were better handled when they knew the other one was in the room, Robin had struggled with having Steve in her bed.
It’s not that he wasn’t welcome, she’d reassured him, or wanted, she’d said with a haunted expression, clearly thinking of having woken up silently screaming not moments before. But having his skin touch hers made her irritable in a way that she had no explanation for. Fur, however, was fine.
Since then, if Steve needed cuddles he was allowed to wolf-out, as they decided to call it. Once transformed, Robin had no problem with Steve’s fur covering her skin; rather, she quite liked the partial weight of his body.
He thinks that tonight he’d like the reassurance that there is one person who is not only unafraid of him but likes the differences that make him not-quite-human.
“Wolf-out,” he responds, letting go and allowing the wolf to unfold. The sweet musk of the kids sharpens, even with them having departed hours ago, as does the appealingly darker scent of Eddie, although it is bitterer than it normally is as if his fear had saturated the small space.
His tail drops sadly at the reminder, but Robin distracts him with scritches behind the ear before leading their way up the stairs to his bedroom. Steve pads behind, happy to have a friend in Robin and determinedly putting Eddie out of his mind for the rest of the night.
If you enjoyed any of this drop me a comment over at Ao3, it'd make my day! (fic now titled Swift Wings and a Brave Heart)
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knifedog-machina · 7 months
Daemons To Systems, And The Ways They Intertwine
Hey, I’m Max, he/they - I’m the host of our system, the guy who lives in the front and has only ever lived here, the one who identifies our body as my body specifically. A few nights ago, we realized something about our system origins while talking to some other systems, and I’ve honestly never heard of it happening before, so I thought I’d talk about it.
I used to think that I was a singlet before Jude and Gavin walked in. Now I’m pretty sure I wasn’t. See, before I was the host of a system, I was a daemian. I had three daemons, over the course of my time practicing daemonism, interacting with the community. And they were all a little weird.
The first one was Charlie, affectionately longformed as Charlemagne. Xe appeared in January 2018 as a red fox, said that was xir settled form, and never changed from that. That’s an option for daemons - I know other daemons who chose their forms, independent of how well that form represented their daemian, and stayed that way - but it was in contrast to how most people seemed to do it. I never really felt the need to find a form that fit my personality, not when xe was so confident that this was what xe was.
I didn’t try to make xir do anything, I didn’t decide to give xir faux autonomy - xe just did things xirself, with or without my prompting. Xe was playful, optimistic, a cheerful presence always willing to race around and perk me back up. I really needed xir, back then - I was going through a lot of stress in high school, and I needed someone around to remind me of the whimsical little joys in life. Xe fronted sometimes, and I loved when xe did, conjured phantom tail and paws and big fox ears and an unstoppable zest for life.
My next daemon, Martin, appeared in May 2019 after a fever dream. Really. I was sick and tired and miserable, and I didn’t want to do anything, including things that would make me feel better, and a new internal voice appeared in my head. She told me to drink some water and get to sleep. The next morning, she was still there, lounging around as a large black dog, and she stayed.
This became her role, her purpose in our mind, being a shepherd for my needs. She ran our faulty executive functioning, told me to take care of myself when I forgot important things, encouraged me when I failed to meet expectations. She raised her hackles when anyone tried to overstep our boundaries, and advocated for doing what we needed to protect ourselves, regardless of whether it was nice or polite.
Charlie and Martin overlapped in existence for a while. Charlie loved having a big sibling to play with, and Martin was fond of xir. So I had two daemons for a while, and the arrangement was nice. As I transitioned out of high school into college, my circumstances and environment drastically changed. Charlie was sweet, but xe stopped having a function in my life, so over the months, xe popped up less and less, until xe faded away entirely. Xe wasn’t upset to go, and xir memory is a comfort to me - xe served xir purpose, brought me joy, and had a life well lived.
In October 2021, I created a new daemon, compartmentalizing my emotional dysregulation and disordered anxiety into something that was Not Myself, so I could talk to it and understand its needs without being overwhelmed with distress. This became the feral shadow of a dog that we named Cortisol, nicknamed Court - and if Martin was our Freudian superego, who provided guidance for my decisions and stability when I got stressed, Court was our id, feeling all the explosive emotions that I couldn’t externally express and curling up for scritches like a beloved pet when it got what it needed.
We stayed like that for almost a year, getting familiar with the rhythm of life together. Then, in August 2022, my current headmates walked into my brain. My daemons vanished for the duration of their stay.
They only stayed around a few days, that first time - I was moving to a new place and having new people in my brain simultaneously was overloading our mental RAM, so I was forgetting a lot, and I decided that I’d rather live with them some other time. They understood, we said our goodbyes, and they walked out the next morning. (Recounting this to my friend Tanix was hilarious, by the way. “what the fuck (positive)” he said, his own headmates unable to do this. The joys of being a gateway system.) Once the headmates were gone, my daemons returned into my life.
They came back in March 2023, after I settled down into college for a while, and the memory didn’t jam up like it did previously, so we didn’t part ways this time. Martin and Court vanished overnight, again, and looking back on it, I’m noticing some patterns.
Gavin is basically performing the same role that Martin did - he’s the guy reminding us about our responsibilities, talking through the emotions when we feel like garbage, telling me to eat when I forget, or encouraging me to eat when I have enough sensory issues that I can't stomach anything. He consistently fronts when talking to people we don’t especially like, because he feels protective of us and tends to be the most patient with annoyances.
He’s also literally just some guy, just a decent human person who wound up in here because his partner arrived in my brain five minutes before him and understandably got really upset about it, so he followed them in. Somehow. We don't know how it works, but I also don't know exactly where the first two of my daemons came from, so I’m fine leaving it as a mystery.
(He has a lot of complicated feelings about the position he's in, playing a daemon’s role as a completely different person from me, and will probably write his own post about it some time.)
Jude is, unfortunately, kinda in the same role as Court. And since Court held the emotional dysregulation in my brain, Jude also holds the grand majority of the distress and anxiety that we feel on a regular basis. We all really wish it was split more evenly, because Jude tends to not only lose the ability to talk when they panic, they also get stuck in the front, completely unable to talk to me or Gavin.
(It’s not even that they feel the stress that directly affects them, it’s that on top of the stress that we get in our daily life. They regularly had panic attacks over my grades and exams last semester, and they weren’t even the one studying for it at all! It’s fucked up and I don’t love it for us.)
And there are other interesting little coincidences. You know how Court was a sketched-in sort of black dog? Jude only really realized they related to dogs upon arriving in the system with me, and the archetypal form they identify with is, again, a stylized black dog.
It’s really interesting, the ways my brain decided to be plural, because I didn’t think I was a system back then. I had a daemon, then two daemons, and they were daemons because I considered them parts of myself - no matter how autonomous they were, we were bound together in the same identity, as parts of the same person. They were reflections of me, and I loved them like I loved myself, and they loved me with the same ferocity.
With this realization, that my daemons effectively merged into my system, I did have to ask - are my headmates also parts of me, since they’re falling into the same functional compartments in my brain? We don’t think so, or at least, we don’t think it’s that simple. 
They’re completely different people from me, people who arrived here with their own lives and memories and identities. They aren’t autonomous reflections of my psyche like my daemons were. They’re my weird roommates who moved in with me, and my boyfriends, and I guess you could say we’re life partners - because hey, what’s a partner if not someone you share a life with? What’s more intimate than sharing the same body, hearing each other's thoughts and feelings? They aren't parts of me, but we live the same life together, and I think that counts as something just as significant.
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koscheicore · 3 months
I say throw Ten into the sea/ocean. Because, why not! I'm not 100% sure he can swim tho 😔
OKAY MY THOUGHTS ARE THOUGHTING. BEAR W ME. My memory of 10 and his arcs is a bit messy but remember this?
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Yeah you do. This is gonna get a bit long so imma just add a readmore
Iirc he was at some party being all emotionally unstable since he's lost so many people and he really, really doesn't want to go, to "die." So he's putting off his regeneration yeah? If I'm misremembering then pretend I'm right (?). He's obviously had too much ginger there, and the ainley!Master is there in disguise. He's been observing this Doctor for a bit, quite entertaining how he refuses to move onto his next face, how he's so fond of himself, how he wants *more.*
So much for being able to smell the Master or whatever... he definitely doesn't recognise him. He ends up flirting with this stranger of course, long conversations about nothing and everything, mutual fascination, your regular the Doctor meets the Master and is oblivious af to who he is, and when he's too wasted, the Master takes him to his TARDIS. The Doctor is a bit too intoxicated to pilot and as he rambles nonsense he begins to realise his beloved ship is moving, and the pretty stranger is at the console. How? He really doesn't like that. He tells him to stop, but he won't listen, so he gets up and tries to grab him away from the console, to no avail as this stranger opens the TARDIS' door, and messing with the gravitational configuration pushes the Doctor out.
And he falls.
He soon finds himself sinking into a nowhere planet's ocean, a familiar laughter he can't quite place still resonates in his head, "die, Doctor, die! You must die!"
He tries to swim up, but this water makes it impossible to float. He keeps fighting, desperate, he does NOT want to die, he's not ready, he will not, not yet, he still has to do so much more, besides, he had imagined his death would be different. He feels pathetic. He deserves better than this, he thinks.
"Ah but of course, you were expecting a grand finale, weren't you, Doctor? How incredibly contemptuous."
Great. He's hallucinating. The surface is far away now, the temperature is drastically lowered as darkness engulfs him and he finds himself unable to do anything but accept surrender. Is this how death feels? Cold and lonely, and a pugnant sense of regret?
Cue a myriad of sequences I haven't had the time to think of, moments he would have liked to change, to intervene with in a rather reckless way, and how he could indeed have done "more". None of these have a satisfying ending, anyways.
Eventually, he finds himself staring at the back of a figure, this scene is different, it feels rather somber, but still, familiar, in a sense. The smell of decomposition invades his senses as he squints and makes out the shape of an almost skeletal being, dry tissue flaking off it. It's, somehow, still alive, and he remembers he has seen this disintegrating shell of a person before.
The figure turns around, excruciatingly slow. It stares right back at him, if one can call that staring, but what the Doctor sees is not the decayed Master. The structure of its bones is clearly that of himself. The living corpse emits a suffering whine, weak and trembling at first, but it gets louder and louder, so loud it hurts and rings not in his eardrums but in his head. He can barely make out the word as it tries to move its lips, it's only a simple...
The Doctor wakes up in his TARDIS, alone. She sings her usual steady hum. His tie is on the floor, alongside the hat he was wearing, and he's been sitting on the same place he barely remembers collapsing at earlier when he arrived from the party.
It's only as he manages to stabilise his breathing that he notices an itch at the back of his neck. He scratches off about a dozen hypnotic sleep patches.
SOOO basically the Master was guiding him through all of that because he may have noticed he was putting off his regeneration >:3c Yeah I was supposed to do little silly headcanons not a whole almost one shot but I got inspired HDKDLD HERE YOU GO HOPE YOU ENJOYED
Again my apologies if I got stuff from 10 wrong I barely remember nuwho cuz memory issues but this was fun! Also the sleep patches are those the 12th Doctor uses with Clara in Dark Water, they're technically not supposed to work on 12, so I assume they wouldn't on 10 either, but who's to say a dozen of them wouldn't or that the Master didn't tweak them somehow, or maybe it's the ginger. Anyways 10 is a mess and I am biting him.
If you want the silly headcanons still feel free to send another ask for that I got a bit carried away here fjfkfkf.
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malecius · 4 days
While you may pick for whom you answer this, I obviously encourage you to say as much as you'd like. The more the merrier, my friend! For the ask game, I kindly ask you answer 10, 11, 14, 9 and 3!
hi gale!! orin beat you to questions 10 and 11 :} i'll answer the other 3 for both myself and as astarion!
3. Favourite memory?
i already answered for astarion, so my favorite memory as mal... there may be too many for me to simply pick one!! bumping into my siblings while on adventures was always a fun surprise and a wonderful way to rest; the first time i got to hear my daughter sing after i'd adopted her; some of the conversations i had with pink durge about domestic life, our relationship, and my daughter.
i think i really cherish having been able to cook with him and my daughter. the 3 of us, my little familly.. ahh how special
9. If you could change anything you did in canon / go back and do something you didn’t do, what would it be?
as mal, i try not to regret having met my daughter so late in what should have been her childhood. i suppose this is something like survivor's guilt, wishing i could have helped her get out of that system and help her begin healing sooner
if that doesn't "count", astarion's vampirism was often on my mind. i don't know if a cure existed in my lifetime, and he and i spoke once a blue moon, but i wish i'd had the capacity to help more. i think that's where most of my regrets stem from haha, thinking i could have done more
as astarion, i wonder still if my wife would have been better off without me. i know that i yearned for her and selfishly jumped at the opportunity to stay in her life and explore what our relationship would look like now that we had both changed so drastically, but the doubt lingers. i've wondered often if i *had* in fact ascended or otherwise pushed her away and severed whatever ties we had, if she would have had some sort of closure. if it would have helped her move on. i often wonder if that would have been better for her.
14. What was something you loved in your canon?
my daughter and my wife <3 haha, but that's already obvious i think
as mal, the older i got the more i cherished simply being in others' company. being surrounded by people that loved me for who i am was still rather novel during bg3's events. inviting our companions over to catch up over tea (or coffee, for me haha) was all i could really ask for. i couldn't be more grateful to my gale for making regular trips from waterdeep to visit us in baldur's gate <3
as astarion, being welcomed into lyra's family, despite the way i treated them in our youth, was really special. i'm not sure if they ever fully forgave me for that, but they welcomed me anyway because, like it or not, i was family. and lyra loved me still, and wanted me around. her brothers were annoying, but i would never admit to them that i was glad she had them as support when i disappeared.
fictionkin ask game
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nocturnalghoul · 9 months
This is one of three fics that I plan to post today on my birthday as a sort of reverse present. It's my birthday and nobody can stop me from OC posting with a little drop of lore mixed in :D ! I'll link the other two fics here and here once I get all three posted
Summary: Frankenghoul and Tempest reflect on their time in the pit versus their time on the surface, and the moments that their life's drastically changed.
FG is they/them, tempest is she/they
Words: ~1.3k
Warnings: light angst in the recollection of bad memories but honestly thats it. It's all good here, just the OCs being nostalgic
Read on AO3 here or below the cut
It is said that there is no changing the past, but unfortunately for the proto-ghoul deep in the woods, there is no returning to it either. All of the ghouls summoned to the surface have widely varying opinions of their time in the pit, but for the first summon it was without a doubt the best era of their long life.
Turning points in one's life can be hard to pin down, but even now they can pinpoint to the minute when their life in the pit went from good to great. The fond memory of a rumbling laugh and a twinkling smile from a charming earth ghoul is still as fresh and exhilarating to remember over a millenia later. 
They had come from a well off family in the pit and landed a cushy research job rather quickly, but the first time that they met Kedros was the single best thing that has ever happened to them. Before the two ghouls first meeting was even halfway over they both were already truly smitten with the other. From there the air ghoul’s life in the pit only improved. Their husband, always the chatty and charismatic ghoul introduced them to some of the best people and closest friends anyone could hope for. 
Even two centuries post summoning they can’t help but wonder what has become of all the friends they loved so dearly. They hope that the lovely water and air ghoul couple they quickly became best friends with are still prospering and just as hopelessly in love. Each time they think of the couple though, their mind leads them to what is still a sore spot, the couple's daughter. 
Both Kedros and them loved that little multi ghoulette as if she was their own, and not knowing whatever happened to her is a trail of thought that rips the blissful memories apart, sending them crashing back to their somber reality. Neither of their friends were particularly skilled with their magic, but that ghoulette had so much potential for good things if given a guiding hand. 
They had been diligent before being summoned to mentor the ghoulette and help her air magic grow as much as possible. Hopefully somebody else was able to step in and guide her, but they would give almost anything to be able to see her again and be able to see the wonderful talented ghoul that they surely grew into. The first summon is confident in the strength of their friends to do right by her even after they seemingly disappeared when summoned. 
The closing moments of the party they and Kedros were throwing at their simple estate in the pit before the summoning ruined everything is the last thing they can remember from that time in their life. 
Meeting Kedros may have been a turning point for the better in their life, but the conclusion of that party was where everything went wrong. 
To not only lose all of those close connections, but to live unsure if their husband lived or died for that entire first year was the worst torture they have ever undergone. Their time on the surface has been dark, but those first months of uncertainty were the worst.
Even now, in their worst moments of feeling sorry for themselves they remember their wonderful nights spent amongst friends and dream about someday making it back to the pit to find out how everyone has fared in their absence. They doubt that any of the ones they loved outside of Kedros would recognize their current form, but still they hold out hope that they would still be able to recognize the spirit behind it. For the legacy of their kind heart and deep friendships to be lost completely is one heartache too many for them to possibly consider. 
Tempest has never been overly fond of her time in the pit, but it did have a few bright moments in the beginning. One of her fondest memories is of the ghoul that taught her everything she knows about air magic. While one of her parents had an exceptional grasp of the water magic they possessed, the other was never quite elementally gifted and they struggled for it. Luckily for her though, one of her parents' best friends was an exceptional teacher. 
The days they spent learning from and practicing with the ghoul are some of her best memories in the pit. All of the happy memories of Tempest’s parents have long since been tainted by the bad ones, but these memories remain untouched in her mind. 
It is hard to know the exact point in one’s life that everything went wrong, but they can confidently point to the last time they saw the ghoul they considered an uncle as the moment everything began to slide downhill. The only memory stronger than all the ones she wants to forget is the shining perfect recollection of bright smiles and roaring laughter at the final party her uncles ever threw. It was mere hours after the conclusion of that party that they both disappeared and everything changed. 
For centuries their mother threw herself into investigating exactly what happened to her friends. The more time passed, the less time she made for anything outside of obsessing about the disappearance. Slowly her parents drifted apart, as did most of the people she knew and she set out as a full grown ghoul to attempt to move on. As hard as she worked to put the past behind her, she just couldn’t seem to outrun it. Eventually, over a century after the party, she was summoned to the surface and held hope that it would be a chance for them to start fresh. 
Tempest’s time on the surface has been wonderful if you exclude the 7 years that they went missing shortly after being summoned. Those years are an era of her life on their own, but the month before them is something that still confuses Tempest. They had heard so much about the abomination that lives in the woods during that time, mostly horror stories meant to scare her away, but for some reason they were intriguing. Maybe it was the fact that they were the only other ghoul with more than one element at the time, but they were always naturally drawn to them. 
Sure the proto-ghoul was terrifying, but they couldn’t help themselves. It was almost like they were meant to meet, even though to this day they never have formally met. It was deep in the woods one night looking for them, following that call, that she ran into the whole situation that caused them to disappear. 
The proto-ghoul may have ruined the start of her new beginning, but at least the contemptuous weirdo can't ruin the happiness she has made for herself post reappearance. According to Dew, they are barely even aware of her, which in her opinion is quite rude considering the way they almost ruined their life. 
At least she learned her lesson and has rebuilt what little happy times she remembers from the pit full of good friends and enthusiastic laugh for herself here topside. It is truly a wonderfully interesting place. 
Still, sometimes they can’t help but wonder what became of the ghouls she knew in the pit. Most importantly what became of her mentor? Would they remember her if they ever met again? It’s been so long and she was so young she is not sure that she would even recognize them, let alone the other way around. 
Tempest has zero desire to ever return to the pit, but seeing her mentor again or at least knowing what happened would be nice. Maybe someday, but for now all that remains is a pair of names etched into skin as a tribute, one of which she is certain is a name nobody but her remembers anymore. Kedros and Skiron.
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childofaura · 1 year
Not to drop in another ask after the recent one but looking at your last post regarding how you want to change Engage’s story….
What are some of the things you want to rewrite and/or change in FE Engage?
I wanted to get to my computer before I answered this one, because I have a LOT to say on it.
I've basically been re-imagining most of Engage's story from the ground up, changing a lot of things to either make the story make have a little more meaning at some parts, or just to satisfy some personal itches I had with the game. I've been doing my best to think of things that would make the story more enjoyable to me overall, though sadly some of it would erase Veyle's established development (but also it would kind of just go down a different path?), and I'm trying to do my damndest to hold onto Hortensia's character arc, lol. So it'd be a LOT of things to change in Engage's story.
I spent nearly an hour typing stuff up but decided to remove it because I MAY want to do a comic someday. But bottom line is mostly this:
Alear and Veyle would be established as Fell Dragons right off the bat in the game. They would also actually transform into dragons (none of that "uwu I hate my dragon form" just because they didn't want to design more dragons. We were cheated of Dragon Alear, Veyle, and Zephia!). The designs would be reminiscent of swans (since Veyle's outfit gives off swan vibes), with Veyle being based off of a white swan and Alear being based off of a black swan. Also Zephia would have a dragon form as well, something along the lines of a vampire bat. Because they're established as Fell Dragons, instead of being worshiped by everyone, they're distrusted and scorned by most of the cast (in varying degrees from mild to more severe), with most of the story having Alear and Veyle needing to earn the trust of the other characters.
Their meeting with Lumera would be drastically changed: Instead of Lumera meeting Alear in the mountains, Alear would have tried to kill Lumera to appease Sombron, but Veyle tags along and is captured by guards, and Alear gives up their fight with Lumera to plead for Veyle to be released. Lumera is moved by this and orders the guards to release the both of them, where she takes them to a separate room alone and makes tea for them. She spends the night talking to them and learning about how Sombron uses them as tools, they bond, and then she lets them go. Sombron is angered by their failure and goes to kill them; Alear, in a panic, defies Sombron and fights him, but Veyle also tries to protect Alear and is injured in the process. So Alear takes Veyle back to Lumera, having nowhere else to go, and Lumera manages to heal Veyle and offers them refuge in her castle. Thus begins Lumera, Alear, and Veyle's bonding, and at some point she adopts the two as her own children. The Sombron attacking Alear at the castle would probably play out the same, but instead Lumera, after giving her Divine Blood to save Alear, would tell Veyle to take Alear and hide somewhere safe, also entrusting them with Marth's Emblem.
For the game's beginning, Alear would have their memories of what had occurred intact (because no more protag amnesia, please), and instead of the Somniel, would wake up in a small isolated cottage where Veyle's been watching over them this whole time (which means Veyle would be with you from Chapter 1). Also a drastic change: instead of starting the game off with Vander, Framme, and Clanne, you'd start off with Mauvier who finds Veyle and Alear alone several years before Alear wakes up, becomes friends with Veyle, and opts to stay to take care of the both of them (this is actually a ruse ordered by Zephia who finds out where Veyle and Alear are hiding, but this is still kind and compassionate Mauvier so he genuinely bonds with Veyle during this time). Once Alear wakes up, this is when they decide to return to Lumera to show her Alear has awoken.
The whole rewrite is still a big work in progress, but to summarize some other changes:
The order in which the kingdoms are visited would be different. Instead of Firene, Brodia, Elusia, Solm: Firene would be first (Instead of Alfred meeting you at the castle, you'd first meet Celine on the way to Firene who asks for your help, and Alfred would be at the castle attempting to defend his mother). Then Elusia, which would be the first and only kingdom that actually worships you as Fell Dragons (However Ivy and Hortensia don't quite join you yet); however this would be for ulterior motives as King Hyacinth wants to use you to counterattack and conquer Brodia as revenge. The war between Brodia and Elusia would still play out, but with Brodia on the antagonistic side instead; however, when Hyacinth tells Alear and Veyle to execute Diamant, they refuse (also gaining Diamant's trust for him to be recruited later).
Sombron's return and Hyacinth's death are still played out the same, but instead of Veyle having a dual personality, Sombron executes his influence over her to simply make her an empty, emotionless drone. With this, both Mauvier and Veyle are removed from your party (as Mauvier would be revealed to be one of the Hounds), and instead of your current party running away, it's just Alear (of course with a MUCH ADJUSTED level design), but after a few turns your party comes in to save the day, with a new alliance from the Brodian and Elusian characters.
Additionally, Yunaka, Lindon, and Seadall would be recruited in paralogues like Jean. There'd be two separate types of paralogues; ones to recruit the new characters, and memory paralogues that explain Alear's Fell Dragon origins. The Emblem battles would be done away with entirely.
I haven't gotten much further than that because there's a LOT of nitty-gritty story stuff I've been reworking in my head, but this is the best that I can summarize of my rewriting. Actually typing it out is VERY messy for me, lol.
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Kabby + "We need to get you out of those wet clothes. Can you sit up?"
Grayspace funsies as usual, PG13ish for language and (implied but plot-relevant) nonsexual nudity, also on ao3.
She’s going to kill him.
This is not an unfamiliar thought, but the motivation behind it is… different now than it has been for the past few decades, to put it tactfully. Abby is used to Marcus being a difficult person and making her life a living hell for his own amusement; the fun new detail is that lately it hasn’t seemed intentional and-
She may not have to kill him. His own fantastically questionable life choices are probably going to beat him to it.
She can understand some of them, at least, the learning curve of being in an environment that cannot be controlled and is hard to even predict – the weather models they’d had on the Ark are a hundred years out of date and of course that’s the most archaic part of their systems – but there is a level of self-preservation instincts that she’s come to suspect that her counterpart does not have and-
She shouldn’t be so mad at him for getting stuck outdoors in a torrential rainstorm, but frustration has been her default setting towards him since they were children and why change that now and-
“We need to get you out of those wet clothes,” she mutters, not bothering to mute whatever emotions may come through in her voice.
It’s not the fact that instead of looking for shelter he decided the right thing to do, caught in sudden rainfall in the middle of a patrol he shouldn’t have been out on in the first place but that’s another issue they can deal with later, was to come right back home and walk several miles in it. It’s the fact that he decided to make this brilliant decision her problem.
This is not, unfortunately, the first time in recent memory she’s ordered him to strip. If anything, it’s the most benign. She doubts he’s intentionally hiding any injuries from her this time, which feels like progress somehow, but she’s never really sure with that man and-
Oh, fuck him.
There’s just something pathetic about his current physical condition, something that a certain part of her finds deeply satisfying, how much water it takes to soak through a guard jacket and the different colors of his hair and beard and-
Focus. Do not make this worse than it already is.
“You owe me,” she hisses as she moves closer and starts undoing the damn jacket. Soaked through as she suspected, and under it his skin feels cold and-
“Something wrong?”
Her hands have paused on his shoulders and he’s giving her one of those worried looks she wished he hadn’t learned recently and-
“You’re going to need to completely undress.”
“Whatever you say.”
“You pick now to be cooperative?”
“Whatever you’re pissed off about-“
“How many of your bad decisions do you actually want to-“
“Like you care.”
She’d hit him if she thought it would get a reaction, but even that probably wouldn’t work and-
“You are currently dripping wet in our office, having cleared I don’t even know how much distance in that condition, and you don’t even seem to think anything’s wrong with that and-“
“You would worry if I didn’t come back on time.”
“This is better?!”
“Then whatever drastic shit you’d do in panic mode? Yes.”
They are wasting time they don’t really have, and Abby decides to ignore her mood for a moment and focus on trying to get his shirt off him and good grief she’s seen all of this more times than she wanted to recently but touch is another issue entirely and-
Her daydreams are going to be that much more vivid now. Dammit.
“You’re taking off your own pants,” she mutters. “I’m not-“
“You’re still going to watch.”
“Yes, because you like to not tell me when you get clawed by-“
“That happened once.”
“Once is enough.”
Their fights don’t go as far as they used to, she thinks as she stands back and… she’s not looking more than she has to, but she’s still looking, and she can map how he acquired almost every scar and-
“I shouldn’t have-“
“I don’t stay mad at you anymore. And you’re not bleeding, so-“
She hands him the couch blanket, and it’s easier to make eye contact now, and-
“You’re still worried.”
“You’re still a stubborn suicidal idiot.”
“Fair. So what now?”
“You’re stuck on the couch for the next hour or so until I decide you’re probably not going to freeze from the inside out, and you don’t do that shit again, and-“
“No promises.”
She expects nothing less.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
Hi can we hear more about the Failed Rock Revolution AU? It sounds and looks intriguing and amazing!
Oooh yes! I’d love to! Though there is a lot to this AU so I don’t know if I will get to everything. I can give the gist of the AU for the most part and go into details on anything someone might want more info on!
And again, under the cut because it is fairly long. And just a note, this is a darker AU. It’s not as fun or silly as my Swap AU. I don’t think there is anything too drastic to warn about. I do quickly mention a minor character death, abuse of power, deteriorating mental health, but I don’t go into great detail.
I’m mainly going to be focusing on the aftermath of the failed Revolution, but I can go into how things in history changed to make people act differently. Like, for example, the Goolings in this AU had a rougher break-up making Tatiana even more stuck up and hostile to rock, and Neon and his Wife’s relationship is different which kept him from fully going with the cyborgification (he still has plenty of robotic features, but he has his face/head in this AU).
But the main gist of this AU is that 1010 were able to stop the Rock Revolution. Mayday and Zuke sustained some heavy injuries from the fight that left them incapable of playing their instruments anymore, meaning the Revolution kinda died. And since May and Zuke did not fully complete the Revolution like in-game, things are very different for a lot of the characters.
For DJSS, he was stuck in orbit for a bit longer. When he did eventually come back down his head had severe cracking. Other than that actually, he is not affected by the Revolution that much. He was affected more by the past where he was fired from his teaching job instead of quitting, making him much more bitter and hostile to others than the OG DJSS.
For the Sayu Crew, Sayu is not an AI and won’t become one, especially not after people start thinking robots/AIs are dangerous from how 1010 fought B2J. The Crew is also very confused on what they should do, whether to stay with NSR and keep making music that now feels wrong to them or quit and try to figure out what to do with their lives at such a young age with no real backup plan. 
The only other thing that really changed history-wise for the Crew is that Dodo was given cybernetics and can now talk (not that he wanted them, it was forced by his parents) and that Remi has not come out as trans yet and is still seen as a girl using she/her pronouns (at least publicly. With the Crew he is seen as a guy between them).
For Yinu, her piano stays broken. There is no music magic to fix it and so a lot of passion for playing is actually stifled in Yinu. Her job that once brought joy is now becoming bittersweet and exhausting. Mama sustained damage to her spine from the fall (which is actually the same for my OG Mama, I just haven’t shown it much) but she refuses to use a cane (which is NOT like my OG Mama).
Historically, not much is changed for Mama or Yinu’s past. They still lost Papa and moved to Vinyl City to work for NSR around the same time. The only difference really for them is that because the music magic never fixed the piano, and there was no reconciliation between the family and B2J, Mama has become even more protective and overbearing on Yinu. Which just makes Yinu even more upset and wanting freedom and to stop playing the piano.
For 1010 and Neon J, there is a lot that has changed (of course there is, this is me. 1010 all the way lol). Both historically and after the Revolution. They intertwine a lot, but I will try to keep it brief. The doll/kid versions of 1010 were destroyed, meaning they never get those memories of Neon’s Ex-wife and kid, or any peace-time memories before the war. Because of this, they are not as human-acting when MK units (if anything they act more like canon 1010 than my versions of 1010) and Neon is not as attached to them as he is as OG Neon with his 1010. He still loves them, but not in the way as he would if the dolls were able to become the MK units, since to him these are just robots he built to fill an empty void. They were not even given names (I like to think the fanon names are the names Neon picked out for potential kids, so he would not give these “replacements” real names), so instead they are just their colors (White, Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, and Purple).
As you can see, Purple is, or at least WAS, a part of 1010. The reason he is no longer part of 1010 was because Tatiana destroyed him to set an example of what happens when robots become dangerous to the public (she honestly thought Neon would just rebuild him and was trying to set an example so 1010 would behave). Well Purple was lost, and Neon was trying to find a way to quit NSR without abandoning 1010 as NSR owned 1010 at this point in time (this was the same in my OG version, but negotiating with Tatiana got them out of that situation, but this Neon was too scared to attempt that for fear of losing 1010).
At the time of the Revolution, 1010 were all metal (no flowing hair or kinda human-like silicone skin) and just following orders given by Neon (All-kill protocol). Even without their human-like memories they would know not to ACTUALLY hurt B2J too much, just to try and stop them. But as B2J destroyed 1010 and the factory, Blue became desperate to protect his troops, his captain, and NSR. Which led to Blue breaking May’s arm (to the point it later needed to be amputated) and severing a tendon in Zuke’s arm, fracturing his skull, and damaging his spine/legs (he was more hostile to Zuke because of Zuke’s comments on destroying the factory). In the end, it was this act of violence from Blue that put 1010 on the spot for possibly being too dangerous along with questions of what to do with Sayu if she were to become an AI at some point. (there’s probably more with 1010 but I will leave it there for them).
For Eve, she never fought B2J. So her feelings for Zuke were never dealt with. What she did have to face though was the fact that Blue had almost killed Zuke, leading Eve to resent 1010 and start acting very cruel to them. I feel like her mental state was very fragile at this point, causing her to spiral and hurt people around her: Blue, Neon, Remi, even Zuke when she tried to reach out to him since now she had an idea of where he would be. Everyone to her was an enemy at this point and she felt more alone than ever. (She was not in therapy because I have the idea that Eve only started therapy after the Revolution, so since that was stopped, she is not getting the help that she needs.)
Historically, instead of staying with both parents while her parents split, she instead stayed with her mother only and so she was not raised alongside Remi at all. Even though they are half siblings, they are not very close at all. If anything, Eve doesn’t even see him as a sibling while Remi looks up to her, basically putting her on a pedestal and trying to be more like her (even if it is the more negative aspects of Eve that are more apparent in this AU).
For Tatiana, like I said earlier, the Goolings had a much harsher break-up. She is now a lot less caring about those around her. Even when her OG version was cold, she still cared about the city and the people who worked under her, but this version is a lot more callous to the point of pushing her artists more and more. Rock is definitely a thing she detests now, not just dislikes and annoyed with. Even other genres are pushed back, making a lot of the Megastars have to redo their music at times if they stray too close to a particular genre outside of EDM for fear of some kind of retaliation. This could be in the very SEVERE case of 1010 losing a member to her anger, or Mama getting implied threats about Yinu’s future in the music business getting a lot more difficult. It has become a very toxic work environment that puts EDM above everything else.
For the Revolution part of her story. She was happy that B2J was dealt with, but not with the fact that 1010 is now seen as a dangerous tool in the hands of a record label/power company. So she forced Neon to remove all weapons and fighting abilities from 1010 or else she would get someone else to do it. She put restrictions on robots, AIs, holograms, and anything else the public might get spooked by. Meaning that Yinu, DJ, and Eve would all be forced to work overtime very soon after recovering to pick up slack for Sayu and 1010. Leading to just more resentment between all the charters, most of it aimed at 1010 and Neon (the only one not TRULY angry or resentful of 1010/Neon is DJSS). 
Some of the resentment comes from fear of robots now, such as Mama terrified that one of 1010 is going to go haywire and try to hurt Yinu. So she tries to keep them away, yelling at them when they get close or even shoving them away so that Yinu is safe in her eyes. There’s resentment for ACTUALLY hurting a loved one, which is Eve hating 1010 (mainly Blue) for hurting Zuke. She now treats the group, and Neon, with cold hostility, and if she is ever alone with Blue she uses her mind powers on him to show him what Zuke must have felt when Blue was attacking. Then there is the resentment of losing work, which is the Sayu Crew who are now being forced to basically take a pay cut and not be as creative all because 1010 decided to hurt people. 
It’s not just others hating 1010, there is resentment within the group. White hates almost everyone around him (especially Tatiana and Blue), the only exception being Neon J. Blue is full of self loathing, anxiety, and fear of messing up again and leading to the death of the other members of 1010 (along with the fact that Blue is the technical leader of 1010, White is only the leader in the public eye). Red is terrified of everything. He is almost always cowering behind Blue or Yellow when not around fans. Yellow has become an absolute prick, picking on White, Red, and Green. Trying to take back some control in his life on the few people he deems lower than him. And Green is just tired of everything and wants to quit music. He is very depressed and once his weaponry was removed, his ring acted like a force shut-off button, which Yellow and White love to pull and make him shut down. Everyone in this AU has basically become toxic to each other because of the environment, and it seems like no matter what people try to do, things just get worse.
Um, I think that’s all I have for now with Tatiana. No one figures out she is Kul Fyra. She doesn’t blast her head off revealing any crystals. Her fire/spark for rock stays extinguished. There is no talk between her and Kliff. To her, everything goes back to normal except with a few more rules to keep the order. It’s all perfect to her and so she can’t see the terrible environment she is promoting both for her megastars and for the citizens of Vinyl City.
For Kliff, I will be honest, I haven’t thought of him much in this AU. I kinda see him bailing on B2J the second he realizes they were done in by 1010. He probably feels guilty about kinda being the reason robots now have such heavy restrictions on them, but not enough to try and reach out to Neon and reveal himself. He would try to get in contact with Tatiana or B2J at some point. Failing to get to Tatiana but able to get to B2J. There would be an apology at first and then the formation of a new plan to get back at NSR, only for the 2 to just tell him to go away. They can’t do this anymore. Their spirits were broken along with their bodies. Probably leading to Kliff feeling abandoned again, but not as much since he could physically see why the two were giving up rock. Still though, he’d try and start a new revolution somehow, kinda vanishing for now. (I’ll try to think more for him, but for now this is what I got.)
For DK West, he and Zuke had the first two rap battles. So when Zuke ended up disowning West, then going up against 1010 only to get severely hurt, West didn’t know what to do. He was hurt by Zuke but still loved his brother. This ended up with him selling his house, land, and wagon to move to the city and take care of Zuke and May. Trying to find ways to help them pay for medical bills and become accustomed to their new way of life. I don’t think Zuke ever really apologizes to West, but it is a fear in his mind that potentially the last thing he said to his brother was that they weren’t related and that he basically hated him. The two have a very strained relationship, and May is trying to help them figure things out, but it is all just pain and sorrow for the three at the moment. 
That is all the main stuff I have! I could go into more details about specific characters, either histories or how their personalities have changed because of their environment. I really want to draw more for this AU because it is honestly a lot of fun to think of it! I have no idea what to call it other than like “Failed Revolution” or something, so I will go with that for now. I’d love to talk more about this if people want to hear more! :D
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yzzizdump · 2 years
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I posted 23 times in 2022
16 posts created (70%)
7 posts reblogged (30%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 23 of my posts in 2022
#yzzwriting - 14 posts
#poetry - 12 posts
#yzzphotos - 3 posts
#grief - 3 posts
#text to image - 2 posts
#photography - 2 posts
#ok i should stop ranting - 1 post
#this post is making me even more apprehensive to dig into it but i still think i should - 1 post
#haven’t really went back to it for a while goddammit - 1 post
#3 weeks or so ago i wanted to finally learn sth about english poetry and read a few pages of some handbook - 1 post
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#well to be fair i changed a few words in one line so it sounded better bc i was clearly not doing it consciously and it broke in that place
My Top Posts in 2022:
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**Click for better quality
9 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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Late night thoughts from not long ago
Even after it seems to have healed
Grief is a wound that keeps opening
Even after it scars
Suddenly, it bleeds
It's like living with a hole in the heart
Its existence may be forgotten from time to time
But when you turn your eye towards it
Mercilessly, it pulls you in
You may manage to ground yourself and quickly look away
But if you do take a peek
You see a glimpse of another time
A whiff of feelings from the past
But even if you follow the thread
There is nothing on its end
Cut off brutally and taken away
So you can only backtrack
Crawl out of the hole
And look away towards what's still there
But with a clouded vision for a moment
From the wound that keeps on opening
12 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
poets are so annoying, oh you think you can just barge into my place and grab a childhood memory I barely know of, sprinkle images for me to whiff like a starving addict, as I bite my tongue unable to sing along to the music I understand but don’t know lyrics for? get out
13 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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Underwater city
Text to image generation (x)
16 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I was leaving the doctor and an elderly lady entered the lift after me. I clicked the level 0 button, which flustered her; her hand twitched towards the buttons and hovered over level 1, and she asked, "mine is one, right?". Doubt instantly flowed into my eyebrows, because I think (but am not sure) that the rest of the building is filled with office spaces, but in my confusion I only managed to squeeze out "I... don't know?". She hesitated for a moment, then looked at me directly, "I want to go down?", so this time I answered with reassurance that it should be level 0 then. Her body relaxed visibly and her hand dropped, as she turned towards the door, apologizing and embarrassed, “I get easily confused and muddled”. I said “it’s okay”, but I don’t know if she heard me or not; her eyes fixed on the door and her face became solemn, as she kept quietly talking how it’s the age speaking and what it does to the mind. Her parting words were spoken in the tone which I can’t really pinpoint; on one hand firm and impassive, on the other with a tinge of powerless anger and sadness typical for the late stage of grieving something lost:
“Old age is cruel.”
And that was our farewell.
I don’t fear years adding to my age; I treat life as experiences and growth, which can only keep increasing as we live longer. I do fear, however, the moment when my mind starts slipping too drastically and the body gives up beyond repair, my world falling apart while I am still alive and grasping at straws... 
17 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rapifessor · 2 years
Wanderer and Faruzan First Impressions
Wow, I wasn’t expecting I’d be doing another First Impressions on two BRAND NEW characters so soon. Actually... I tell a lie. One of these characters we have seen before, just not in their current form, and they are now known as the Wanderer.
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I am of course talking about Scaramouche, whose debut as a playable character has been long-awaited since he first appeared all the way back in version 1.1, in the Unreconciled Stars event. He comes to us bearing a palette swap and... an Anemo Vision...?
Yeah, that does seem a bit odd. Fans of Scaramouche might be a little disappointed to see these changes, as this redesign is arguably less cool than his original getup, and the Anemo Vision is an odd choice. To me though it says a lot about his character development and there are some very notable differences between OG Scara and his new Wanderer design.
For starters, there’s a very strong implication that Scaramouche will either lose his memory or have a change of heart following the events of the upcoming Archon Quest, wherein I assume we’ll be kicking his ass with the help of Nahida. That’s the only explanation I can think of for why he’d go through such a drastic change and be willing to join the Traveler on their adventure.
Then there’s the matter of the Vision. You may have noticed its shape, which indicates that it was given to Scaramouche in Sumeru. Obviously this is a brand new Vision, and even more curious is that Scaramouche didn’t have a Vision before this. Which raises even more questions for me, like how was Scaramouche so powerful if he didn’t even have a Vision before? This is obviously the case while he’s a member of the Fatui Harbingers because he ranks higher than Signora, and Miko confirms this, even though she says it after she’s already given him the Gnosis.
In any case, I’m sure we’ll learn quite a lot from his inevitable Story Quest in version 3.3, including what exactly happened in the aftermath of our battle with him if it wasn’t already made clear. I’m also curious to see if his relationship to Ei gets brought up. Maybe they have a mother-son reunion or something, that’d be cute. We’ll just have to see though.
Okay, let’s have a look at our second reveal for version 3.3.
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So here we have Faruzan, sporting an elegant white dress that is also surprisingly colorful. She doesn’t strike me in the same way that Layla did as a surprise reveal, but she is very pretty and also quite cute.
She is yet another Anemo Vision holder, making her the same as the Wanderer. Bit of an odd decision from HoYoverse here, adding two characters of the same element in one update. With Collei and Tighnari it made sense, because we didn’t have any Dendro characters prior to their arrival, but Anemo has been in the game since launch. Perhaps they’re trying to add some diversity to the element, pushing it away from the standard Elemental Mastery, succ, and just being very OP in general.
We’re given a little bit of information about Faruzan as well, as is the standard practice whenever HoYoverse reveals a new character. She’s a member of the Akademiya, known for assisting Kshahrewar students with their studies, although strangely she’s a member of the Haravatat Darshan. Yet, she is also shunned by the Haravatat for some unknown reason.
Faruzan is also apparently more than a century old, and she’s the first non-Archon, non-adeptus (and non-Khaenri’ah) character to my knowledge to sport such an impressive lifespan. Really makes you wonder how she does it, but she seems not to like it when you express surprise at her youth. Whatever it is, she clearly has some sort of secret.
There was a lot to unpack about our new reveals this time around, which has left me very interested in what their full stories are. If I had to choose one to gacha for based on first impressions alone, I’d probably go for Faruzan although she’s most likely a 4-Star character. I don’t have anything against Scaramouche but I dunno, he just doesn’t appeal to me that much. Definitely has cool lore though.
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tinkerbcll · 1 month
"we're not just friends. you know that." 👀
even with peter’s return to neverland, tink’s heart still felt heavy and ached enough that she believed something could be wrong with her. a checkup with one of the nursing-talent fairies told her she was completely fine. but tinkerbell felt anything but fine. it’s been a couple of weeks now since peter had called for her, but she was still keeping her distance from him. it took an enormous amount of willpower to do so when everything inside of her was screaming to be close to him. she wasn’t staying inside hangman’s tree with him, but she hasn’t return to pixie hollow since his return either. instead she stayed in a hollow of a tree outside, close enough where she could keep an eye on peter and make sure nothing happened to him. her reluctance to stay by his side was fear of him abandoning her again. tink knew she wouldn’t be able to handle it and it very well may kill her if he were to decide to leave neverland for good.
it’s been a few days since she’s seen him face to face, so she went inside their hideout to see if he needed anything. she contemplated remaining in her tiny fairy form, it felt safer for her heart that way and made her feel like there was still a barrier between them. but she decided it was time to stop being cowardly, she couldn’t avoid him forever. so she shifted into a human size, she doesn’t even remember the last time peter has seen her like this. it was still strange seeing peter how he is now, even with the visits she paid him on the neverland. but time was drastically different between the two realms and nearly impossible to keep track of. one night he was the boy who didn’t want to grow up, then suddenly when she came to him again he was exactly who he said he didn’t want to be. she was so angry with him, choosing to return to a family that didn’t even love him for who he was instead of staying here with her.
even though she was furious she kept visiting him, getting to know the new older peter and falling so deeply in love with him. she was only hurting herself further, yet she didn’t stop checking in on him. now standing before him her heart beats wildly against her chest and wonders if he could hear it. that thought as well as the tension between them had her avoiding getting closer to him. instead she walked around examining things and went right to where she stored all her belongings. when peter left she kept them all here, not bringing a single thing back to pixie hollow because everything here reminds her of peter and holds a memory. it would have been too painful, but she really missed all her little jewels and trinkets here.
she kept her voice steady and casual even though she was anything but. “you’re still my best friend, so it’s my job to make sure you’re still breathing in here. i’m glad to see the animals here didn’t make this place their new home after it’s been vacant for so long.”
“we’re not just friends. you know that.”
tink’s head whipped towards him, her eyes wide, “well i knew that you silly ass! i just didn’t think you did!” peter had shattered any willpower she had left with his statement. she practically stomped over to him, having to tilt her head to look at him. “peter, i need you to tell me exactly what you mean by that.” it had been so obvious how much tink cares for him, but he had always been so reluctant about relationships and love. and tink always liked that because it meant no one would take him from her. but if his feelings for her are similar to how she feels about him, then that changes everything. tink also knew how peter was and how manipulative he could be, she needed to make sure he wasn’t trying to soften her up into forgiving him so easily.
0 notes
paradoxrealm · 4 months
A Return Worth Waiting For...~
...Yet you do distinctly remember there being a black cat at one point in time. I'm not trying to drive you mad, Moon. That's the thing, you should've passed whatever grace period there is so now you should be able to regain the lost memories to fill in the gaps. Mikearu doesn't know this, but I went through a similar situation with my memories after the second Reality Check. I knew that we were married, but I couldn't remember anything about the wedding day itself at all. I couldn't even find my and Mikearu's wedding photos for a while because they were from when we were still Spirits... So the Reality Check took them before I saw them too soon...
...I think... that's why the doll, the painting, and the scarf are all gone... ...They're memory triggers... ...major ones... ...But I was eventually able to get the wedding photos back. I earned them back. So maybe we can do the same with your mementos.
She chose to ignore the unfriendly smile and the glare that bore right through her, instead turning back towards the Beldam as she stopped in her pacing.
...You know you have fonder memories of me, Moon. Memories where you didn't see me as prey at all. But those memories are either gone, or hazy like last night's dream. But I think you're already beginning to fill in the pieces. Such as my comments earlier, where I mentioned I was a wife and mother? You remember me mentioning it before, don't you?
A defeated sigh escaped her, the grown dimension-hopper finally seeming to deflate slightly as the topic dragged on.
She was having a harder time drilling this into Moon's thick skull than she thought she would...
Moon, the whole reason I'm telling you this is because if you don't fill in the blanks then there will be entire chunks of your life that you won't remember because the change was so drastic. I don't want you to forget about me... Because when I leave, I still want to come back and visit you again. But I can't do that if I've lost my friend... Please, you have to let me help you get those memories back... You have to remember, Button Dad...
...Now she was beginning to look like that young girl again, the Beldam watching as the glow in her starlight buttons dimmed and the color dulled slightly. And he could feel the deja vu just looking at the pain in her face... ...She may have grown, but in her heart she still feels like that wayward little girl, still struggling with the loss of the friends and family she makes as she wanders the universe...
...Walking back over to the garden wall she carefully scooped up her teacup, leaning back against the wall as she now stood beside Moon, taking a sip of her cleansed tea. Thankfully it was still warm.
...Moon, you know that I wouldn't tell you something like this without fully knowing what I'm doing. ...I want to help you through this. ...But I can't do that if you don't let me... ...I trusted you enough to put my damn soul back together, now I need you to trust me to put your mind back together, Moonjumper.
He was quiet for a long time, the only real sign he was listening was the occasional twitch at the mention of things that should be familiar.
He wasn’t looking at her as she moved to stand by him, more looking at the ice- but there was still the distinct feeling of eyes on her.
He contemplated how well he might be able to walk on the ice with more needle-like limbs. Maybe he could simply stab his legs into it to ground himself.
“…… Hypothetically speaking, let’s say I care about what you’re saying.” His tone was even, betraying nothing as he spoke. “What would you suggest we do about it?” He turned slightly to stare at her, gaze shifting slightly between her and her cup.
1 note · View note
none-prob · 1 year
I write about a character per day
Day 16: Willow Park
Alright, let's get this out of the way. I'm just gonna say it, Willow is not a good fat representation. I didn't mind it at first, but it started to make sense, and with the few frames in the ending of her being extremely thin-ified made it even worse, I feel the need to say it. It's a disappointment for sure, since Willow is my kin, and I crave for fat representation as a fat person myself. That being said, I love and respect anyone who draws Willow fat, it honestly means a lot to me. I guess the Willow Park lived in my mind is the fat Willow Park in fanarts. (This may or may not contributed to the reason why I love Steven Universe more, but that's another story for another day)
(Do I want to tag this as fat representation? Probably not, because after this is just me writing about Willow)
Anyway, Willow is my kin, as I relate to her in so many sense. She was bullied, stressed, had a breakdown, and a nerd. She's so awesome. The friend, the reliable helper of everyone, yet sometimes still need someone to rely one. So many similarities to Steven Universe as well, and she's not even the biggest main character.
Where do we even begin with this complex character? How about from the beginning with her best friend, then bully, then best friend again. Willow was striped away from Amity's group by Amity's parents (can't thank Odalia enough, Alador didn't help either). And nothing's worse than your old friend just embracing your bully and joining to bully you. Like I feel that. It sucks. It's a stab in the back. Do I feel like there should be more time for them to talk about things? Maybe, there're a lot of things we didn't see in the show. Ever since the dreadful moment of Amity tried to burn the memory of Willow, things changed quite drastically. It only took Amity a near death experience and she and Willow is fine again. After that, it all went pretty for them, from prom pic to the grudgby team. There are still moments of them stepping on each other in Labyrinth Runners, but overall it settled down. Amity no matter how far away she distanced herself from Willow, just managed to get back to her closer than ever.
Would Amity reconcile with Willow without Luz? It's an interesting question, but I can tell you that no, it wouldn't happen. Luz built so many bridges in the show, but the bridge between Willow and Amity is one of the greatest. Willow meant a lot to Luz. Luz's first friend is Willow. Willow helped Luz experiencing life outside of the owl house, while Luz helped Willow opened up to others more. Luz loved hanging out with Willow and Gus, probably more than Eda and King. And on the other hand, when either got in trouble (mostly just Luz), Willow seeked help for her. It kinda disappointed me a bit that Willow and Luz doesn't interact nearly as much in Season 2 and 3, they had such a good time in Season 1 terrorizing the Isles with the Moon spell for funsies.
Willow is like a big sister in Hexsquad, and it showed quite clearly towards Gus. I think Labyrinth Runners isn't one of the best episode of the show plot-wise because so many backgrounds of characters being explained. Willow found Gus in a panic attack, helped him out and started a long time friendship in Hexside. Two students that are pretty alienated inside the school, found each other and help each other. It amplifies the need of someone to rely on when you're alienated.
Her confidence improved significantly during Season 2, as we saw in Any Sports in a Storm. That scene of her just controlled the entire team with her power while pulling Hunter down. I talked about Huntlow before, they were nice, they helped each other, Hunter saved Willow when she had her breakdown. Everyone acknowledged Willow's contribution to helping people, but Hunter is the first to appreciate it so much, to value her higher than she thought. All my hatred towards Boscha can turn into love and delivered to Hunter, because Hunter had pulled Willow out of self-doubt and self-devaluation.
I don't think I could hold that much pressure at a young age, let alone being alienated and bullied out of existence like Willow. And that's something that I will appreciate a lot from Willow and Steven Universe, they're physically strong but not as strong mentally, and it is fine. They love helping others, but forget to help themselves. They tried to hide it from others, but the more they hide the worse it got. They taught us a valuable lesson of opening up to those you can trust, and mutually come to a solution.
0 notes
mbb-project-entity · 2 years
Chapter 25
Kyubi hated cops. So annoying. Now she had some fun, with some of Rivers friends, she now had two different houeholds to viit. All thanks to that bitch Poppy. She decided to start with Camilla Rodriguez family. knocked on the door and young man answered. Too many flaming fairies in the neighbour hood, move out, cock roach infested apartment. First, change your memories.
We just need you to be put in his past! It is the only way to make him change his attitude towards what we tell him to do![C.R]
And how can you be so sure that he is going to change his attitude??[T.I]
Well, I’m not!! Not at all!! But it’s our only chance here!! We’re gonna make him believe he has already done all the things we were trying to make him do![C.R]
Are you sure all these won’t affect his judgement??[T.I]
I’m counting on that!!! Let’s hope that changing drastically his past behavior will confuse him that hard, so that he starts questioning his present behavior!![C.R]
You mean that...[T.I]
I mean that he’s gonna get a lot of dirty things in his brain about you, honey.[C.R]
Like what?[T.I]
I don’t know yet. Anything! But I’m sure Zhang will help us on this! Right?[Z.W]
You mean you want him to remember masturbating and fantasizing Cat?[T.I]
Yes. But more!! Masturbating and fantasizing about Cat are way too soft memories for him![Z.W]
What exactly do you have in mind?[T.I]
You don’t need me, Zhang. Write whatever you want! The important thing is to make him remember that he acted like a pervert! Do not make him how he think he is! Make him remember he acted like a filthy, horny pervert! He was hitting on her from the moment he got in. Make Cat be remembered like a lady and him like a disgusting pig.[Z.W]
I see...[T.I]
That’s it. I want him to remember that he couldn’t control his cock. That he was being nice to us, even though he knew he shouldn’t, only to put his penis into Cat.[Z.W]
I see...[T.I]
And hit him real fucking hard with this! Show no mercy! Put him that Cat was constantly reminding him of his wife and he was saying things like “fuck that whore”, or “I will divorce her if you want”.[Z.W]
Hm. I don’t know about that. It may react with his moral values. From what I see in his memories, he would never say something like this. It would make that memory look irrelevant, you know? And we don’t know how his brain is going to react on this.[T.I]
Irrelevant, huh? Then we have to make it relevant! Put more staff like this in his past! Can you?[Z.W]
More staff, like..?[T.I]
Has he ever cheated on his wife?[Z.W]
Uhm.... no.[T.I]
Okay. He has now![Z.W]
With whom? When? A memory that powerful may confuse him even worse! We are playing with fire here![T.I]
Don’t worry! We’re gonna make it that common, so that we help him not to get confused! Yeah, let’s give our perfect boy here something to remember...[Z.W]
That might work actually...[T.I]
Do you see his wedding, Zhang?[Z.W]
Wait a minute... yes.[T.I]
Okay. Where he was the day after?[Z.W]
He had left...uhm.. for honeymoon![T.I]
Wait... uhm... somewhere in Indonesia![T.I]
Perfect! That’s where he met Titi, that hotel maid he got to fuck from the day he got there to the day he left![Z.W]
I see...[T.I]
And do not make her splashy or anything! His wife must be a thousand times more dazzling. The whole point of this is for him to remember that he settled for the first woman he saw. Make Titi short, dark skin, black hair, skinny as hell, no tits. And a bit dirty! You get the point. She’s a cheap, trashy, ugly slut looking to get fucked by horny Americans, who are looking to fuck foreign girls.[Z.W]
And then start creating earth-shuttering fucking sessions with Titi throughout his honeymoon. Give him memories of wild fucks with Titi behind his wife’s back. And make them dirty. Make HIM dirty! Give him crushing orgasms in the bridal bed with Titi. Give him that he had Titi wearing his wife’s wedding dress every time he was fucking her brains out.[Z.W]
Are you sure about all these, Tanya...?[T.I]
Yes, but I mean, you know... His mental state after all these. He may be mentally unstable, you know...?[T.I]
Of course...[T.I]
No Tanya. I know...[T.I]
I know, Tanya. There’s no need to...[T.I]
I know...[T.I]
Yes, Ma’am![T.I]
That’s the spirit!! Now. Was our boy’s honeymoon full of nice hot fucks with the maid?[Z.W]
Yes. Everything’s in. I have one more problem though.[T.I]
Say it![Z.W]
For those memories to be put, we have to take out others. See. He can’t remember more things than he already remembers, you know?[T.I]
I see. Well... How many fucks with his wife does he remember?[Z.W]
Uh.... all of them.[T.I]
And how many were they?[Z.W]
Wait... uh.... 7.[T.I]
And how many days was he there?[Z.W]
Uh... 15.[T.I]
How many fucks have you put with Titi?[Z.W]
15... Same as the days he stayed there. Should I start deleting?[T.I]
But! 15 sessions with the maid and all the other things we have put in, are way too much! There will be no space for everything![T.I]
That’s okay. Our boy doesn’t need to remember any boring romantic sex with his stupid wife back there. He has dirty Titi to remember from his honeymoon. So. Delete ALL the sex with his wife. And to make room for the rest of the good stuff with Titi, he doesn’t need to remember ANYTHING about her with regards to sex! Was there a night that his wifey was wearing a sexy dress? Delete it! A memory of her on the beach wearing a sexy bathing suit? Delete! Any memory of her wearing only her panties at the hotel? Delete! Replace them with images of tiny Titi, wearing cheap trashy uniforms, posing for him like a slut, having him emptying his balls all over the place like a horny dog.[Z.W]
Okay... and... done...[T.I]
One last thing. And that’s important.[Z.W]
I’m listening...[T.I]
I want you to add to all, and I mean ALL, the fucks with Titi, the memory of him having a mind blowing orgasm, while being IN HER PUSSY![Z.W]
That’s right! I want that bastard to remember EXACTLY every shot of his load in her pussy and I want you to add several times after that in his life, to remember of his fear that Titi may have been raising his child all these years.[Z.W]
And I want you to create more imaginary fucks for our boy! You said he has never cheated on his wife?[Z.W]
Uhm.... no. Well, apart from Titi...[T.I]
Start writing then![Z.W]
I want you to emphasize on the number! Not the quality of the memories. He doesn’t need to remember what the girl he fucked was wearing or what they did afterwards. I just need him to remember that he fucked her! You don’t need to put even the name. Just put him the image. The lust. The craving for more. Fill that man’s life with legions of no-name whores. Fill his past with soulless fucks in toilets, cars, bars, or any trashy places that come to mind. And spend no time in those women. We want them trashy, cheap and whorish.[Z.W]
Sh...it. Tanya. We are creating a monster, you know?[T.I]
Let’s hope that we do! At least he’s gonna have the past of the monster![C.R]
Tanya’s right, Zhang! Now, can I ask you a favor as well?[T.I]
What is it?[C.R]
We’re giving him vague memories of sex with several women, right?[T.I]
Hopefully with hundreds of women![C.R]
Well... Can we make some of them... to be, let’s say Spanish? Or at least of Spanish heritage? You know... so that later, with me...[T.I]
That is indeed clever, Cat.[T.I]
Zhang! Please look. Can you please find the first time he had sex?[Z.W]
Yes, Ma’am. Give me a few seconds... uh.... uh yeah. I think I found it.[T.I]
When it was, with whom etc. Tell us about it.[Z.W]
There was this girl, Mary. They were at some guy’s party. It was love at first sight.[T.I]
Did they have sex at the party then?[Z.W]
Uhm. No. Actually they didn’t even kiss! Yes. He wanted it to make it special for her. Uhm, yeah, it was the following day. He took her to a nice restaurant. With candles and everything. He ordered champagne. They laughed. They both had a great time. Then, he took her for a walk at the beach. And later....[T.I]
Yeah! Fuck that! I don’t wanna listen!! Just tell me how old he is![Z.W]
They are both 16.[T.I]
Perfect! Can you see that girl? Describe her to me![Z.W]
She’s cute. She’s blonde, she has blue eyes, beautiful face, light-skin. Uhm... yes, from what I see, he remembers her pretty much as an angel. He can still recall that pure, romantic love those two had.[T.I]
Yeah, okay. Blonde you said? Okay, she’s a brunette now.[Z.W]
Uh... okay.[T.I]
She’s got thick, black hair. And make her skin darker. I want her skin tone to resemble nothing like an American girl.[Z.W]
And about that face. You said she’s cute. Well. I want you to make minor adjustments in what she looks like. You know, let her stay the same in his memory. But change a few things here and there so that she gets a more ethnic look. I, for sure, want a more prominent nose, a thick skin and I want lips as big as possible.[Z.W]
Perfect. I want it to be obvious to everyone that she’s not American. I want her to look like a Latina. But I don’t want her anything like a Latina hottie. Make her more like a Mexican immigrant or something. Take all the elegance out of that girl and add a few things.[Z.W]
Okay. Is there something specific that you want?[T.I]
Uhm, well.. yeah. For starters, inflate her tits! But not in a sexy way. I want it more like two mountains of saggy flesh in front of her.[Z.W]
And then start adding some excess fat in all the right places. You get the point, right? I want our girl to be chubby and cheap.[Z.W]
Okay. I’ll see what I can do.[T.I]
Now the most important part. You said, in his memory she looked like an angel, huh? Well, we don’t want that now. Obviously! Delete that![Z.W]
Now, once he saw her in that party, said it was love at first sight. Okay. Well, about that first memory of her... Do not delete that! Actually we want him to have that memory. In detail... But make it something like this: He got in. He saw her. She was wearing a ridiculously low-cut shirt that could barely cover her nipples, short shorts were everyone could see her fat butt cheeks, cheap heavy makeup, high heels and she was dancing like a whore. Now when he saw her, he looked nothing like an angel to him. However, once he saw that girl dancing like a whore, he felt the most soul-crushing hard-on he had ever felt to that day. Can you do that?[Z.W]
Yes, of course.[T.I]
Great. Then do it. The moment he saw that girl he felt his balls weigh a ton. He went straight to her to hit on her saying “you have great tits, I would love to put my cock between them”. She smiled, but that wasn’t out of politeness or anything, but because she had no idea what he was talking about! You said her name was Mary?[Z.W]
Uh, yes.[T.I]
Okay. It’s Marisela now. It has always been Marisela. Can you change all his memories to make them be okay with the new name?[Z.W]
Yes. I’ll try.[T.I]
Perfect! Also, delete any kind of long talks they may had. Marisela could not speak English. A word here and there with the heaviest accent you can create. Instead I want you to give him a great deal of Spanish! You know any?[Z.W]
Uhm, actually no. Not much![T.I]
Catalina, will you help her?[C.R]
What? Of course![T.I]
Nice! Then help Zhang put them in his mind. And not just with Marisela! I want him to have Spanish ridiculously attached to sex. Give him vague memories of him trying to resist fucking other women with the breaking point being a word coming out of their mouth in Spanish.[C.R]
Leave that to me, Tanya...[T.I]
Make Spanish be his breaking point throughout his whole life.[Z.W]
Marisela was the first he ever got to fuck. And from that moment on, Spanish women became his fetish. I want him to be able to recall at least 50 different cases of animalistic sex with Spanish women, in all of which he initially tried to resist![C.R]
I, am gonna take care of this.[T.I]
I want his life’s story to be telling him how weak he is, especially when it comes to Spanish women.[Z.W]
And make the last, let’s say year of his life, the most intense and dirty of all.[Z.W]
How many hours does he sleep every night?[Z.W]
Uh.. about 8-9 hours.[T.I]
Okay. He now remembers him sleeping only 5-6. The rest, he’s spending his time masturbating for Spanish women—real or fictional, doesn’t matter—which ends ONLY with an explosion and ONLY after he has listened to a Spanish woman speaking. Okay?[Z.W]
Okay. But I think that would be enough. We have gone too far this time. More than we have ever gone with anyone.![T.I]
I know, Zhang. But we have only two days! TWO DAYS! YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?[Z.W]
I know, Tanya. But we have already altered way too many memories of him! I mean, as of tomorrow, his past will already be way different than it used to be! And we have no idea how is he going to take all this! I’m pretty sure that when he wakes up, he’s gonna feel like he’s a different person, you know? I mean, probably he will feel like he’s the same, but if the right buttons are pushed and he’s made to look back, I’m sure that he’s gonna have a serious identity disorder.[T.I]
I know, Zhang. But his identity problems are not OUR problems, if you know what I mean! Since he won’t be able to identify the source of his inconsistencies between his memories and his beliefs, he will be perfectly acceptive of our approach. Won’t he?[Z.W]
Yes. Most probably.[C.R]
Then what do we care about his identity problems, Zhang? We’ll help him become the person we want! The important thing is to be sure that he has absolutely no memory of what we are doing here![Z.W]
No. That, he won’t! We have deleted everything![T.I]
Okay. Perfect then! I think we can go.[Z.W]
I’m gonna need a couple of hours to describe some of the new memories in better detail.[T.I]
Okay. But two hours max. He’s gonna have to be at home by ten. Cat, will you take care of this?[C.R]
Of course. And I want to stay with Zhang. I wanna make sure that once he hears me speak tomorrow, he’s gonna be as I want him.[T.I]
Okay. I leave him to you. Zhang, please make sure that he has the proper memories of what happened the last couple of hours. Okay? As I said, have him remember that he came to our house and he spent the entire evening having sex with Cat. Are we clear?
Open Memory Viewer
tags: money: bad, wrong, not important, not
MEMORIES FOUND: 97.829 files
Deleting files...
Files Deleted Successfully!
TYPE COMMAND: Open Memory Viewer
tags: money, first memory, mother
Opening file...
—Yeah but mom!! Natalie stole their money!!!
—I know, baby...
—But why??? Why did she do that??
—Natalie is just a bad girl. That’s all, dear.
—Yeah, but why??? She could have asked someone to buy her that meal! She could have asked me!!! I would have given her the money!!
—Don’t worry, baby. She is going to pay for her crime.
—Natalie is bad, mom! Real bad!! I hate Natalie, you know???
—I know you do, honey. It’s okay. Jason and David are your best friends. But at least you came here to tell me, baby! Right away! My little prince is a good friend and a good person! Better yet, the best friend and the best person!! In the world!
—I’m gonna tell our teacher! First thing tomorrow!!
—I’m so proud of you, my boy. But you don’t have to worry, baby. I have taken care of everything. I have already informed your teacher about that girl.
—Yes, dear. Everything’s taken care of. You just keep away from people like Natalie. You are a good boy. My boy.
—I know mom...
—And you know how much mommy loves you. Don’t you, baby?
—Yeah mom...
—And every time you need money, you’re gonna come to me, right?
—Yes, mom...
—We do not care about money, right baby?
—Yes mom...
—And remember, my love, that all the Natalies in the world are going to take what they deserve in the end...
—I know, mom...
—That’s my prince! But you will promise me one thing!
—What, mom?
—That no matter what you do, you will never talk to that girl again!
—Like I would, mom!!
—We have nothing to do with people like Natalie!
—I know, mom!! You think I’m stupid???
—Come here, my baby. Let me give you a kiss...
Deleting files...
Files Deleted Successfully!
Opening Editor...
Editing file No 1...
-Yeah but mom! Natalie stole their money!!!
—I... I... please, mom... What... Jason and David are my... friends... Why are you sl...
—I... I’m... sorry... mom... please...
—And did anyone else saw her taking that money?
—... I... no, mom...
—So it was just you???
—Yes... I... I think so...
—And what did you tell her??
—That... I’m telling... my mom... and then... everyone...
—No... nothing...
—Yes, mom...
—Now. Why did she take that money for?
—I... I guess... she wanted to buy... something like, new tires for her boyfriend’s bike...
—I see. How old is her boyfriend?
—I.. I don’t know... 17 I think...
—And she’s your age?
—Okay, then, YOU are gonna buy those tires for him!!
—Wha... me?? I mean... yes, mom...
—But, mom... He’s... not... a good boy...
—Anything else you want to say...?
—Why on earth would I have to give birth to the most useless thing ever imaginable???
—Listen, Carl. You may be too stupid to see it now, but when you grow up you will realize one thing.
—What is that??
—You will learn that money is the most important thing in the world. In fact, you will find out that money is the ONLY important thing in the world!!
—I... I. Okay...
—And for that, you will have to realize that you will have to do whatever it takes to make money! Lots of it! Nice and quick!
—O... okay...
—But you can’t make enough money through work!
—So you will find out that the only quick way to make money is to take them!
—You mean... stealing...?
—Yes, you stupid shit, that’s exactly what I mean.
—I’m...I’m sorry...
—And for that you have to know the right people.
—People like Natalie...
—I... okay, mom...
—People like Natalie, will help you make money. Big money.
—People like Natalie are the only people you should hung out with, Carl. All the other people you meet are useless.
—So you listen to me. Your first priority must be to make up with Natalie. Because of your stupid act today, she must think of you as her enemy. You have to change that!! So, listen!! First thing tomorrow, you’ll go find Natalie’s boyfriend and you’ll give him the money for his tires (Don’t worry I’ll give it to you). Next, you’re gonna go find Natalie and you’ll tell her that yesterday you were checking her reaction. To make sure that you two are on the same page. From that moment on you’re gonna do whatever it takes to prove yourself useful to her. Or her boyfriend!
—But mom... What about Jason... and David... What are they gonna say...
—But, mom...
—So... sorry... mom...
—Yes... mom...
—Yes... mom...
—But mom... how am I going to... live...?
—You are going to need to ask Natalie for that, baby...
TYPE COMMAND: Open Memory Viewer
tags: Natalie: bad, wrong, steal, hate
tags: Natalie: good, right, take, obey
Replacing files...
Files Replaced Successfully!
TYPE COMMAND: Distant Memory Generator
Type in to Generate:
I’ve been stealing money since I was a boy.
I’ve been stealing money from my friends.
I’ve been stealing money from school.
I’ve been stealing money from my work.
I’ve always felt money is good.
I’ve always felt money is hot.
I’ve always felt money is sexy.
I’ve always felt people who steal money are good.
I’ve always felt people who steal money are hot.
I’ve always felt people who steal money are sexy.
I’ve been doing things for money since I was a boy.
It felt nice to do things for money.
I have done the most extreme things so that I can get quick money.
Nothing has ever stopped me from getting quick money.
I have always felt people who offer me money in exchange for my services are smarter.
I have always been the type of guy who does things for money.
I have always felt people who play nice are losers and hypocrites.
Generating distant memories...
Distant memories generated successfully!
Opening Editor...
Editing file No 1...
I went after work. I would never do that if it wasn’t for her. I can’t resist that woman. Especially when she starts speaking spanish.. Fuck. She makes me wanna fuck that mouth right away. I would never agree on meeting Ms Ivanova, if it wasn’t for that fucking woman. Ms Ivanova is smart and strong and sexy and she’s the only one who knows me that... good! I still can not understand how the hell she found out about my only weakness! Yeah okay, I would do anything for some money, but what the fuck? Who wouldn’t?? Why do I have to feel bad?
I went anyway. I would never let anyone know about it. This time I would be strong. Yeah, I could really use some money, but no! I have done enough for money! Sometimes you got to say no!
Editing file No 2...
Ms Ivanova. Sexy as always...
[ ]
I want you to co-operate, Carl... That’s all...
[ ]
And you will still be, Carl. You will just choose to keep them shut when it comes to us...
[ ]
Please, Tanya. You know I can’t...
[ ]
You want more? Is this what you’re saying? How much? Give me a number...
[ ]
Don’t do that to me, Tanya...
[ ]
Yeah, well. For that amount of money you’re gonna have to do a lot more for me, Carl...
[ ]
You got yourself a deal, Carl.
You’ll have your money.
But I’m not gonna buy just your services for that amount of money!
I’m gonna buy YOU!!
[ ]
Yes, Carl!! That’s exactly what I mean!
You’re gonna be mine! Owned! Call it whatever you want!
For that kind of money you’ll be my pet.
You will do what I ask you to do, you will say what I tell you to say and you will breath when I tell you to breath!
If you have a problem with that, the deal is cancelled!
It’s your choice. You say yes or no to the money?
[ ]
It’s a deal! You are my property then!
[ ]
Editing file No 3...
What have I done??? I’m so fucking disgusting! I can not believe she made me kneel!!! I can not believe I sold myself!!! What’s wrong with me?? I know the money was good! But fuck!!! Fuck the money was good... I mean, it’s not my fault... for that kind of money, anyone would sell himself!! I’m gonna be their pet! So fucking what??? Self-respect my ass! Everything’s about the money!! And those women give me a lot!! I’m gonna do what she says! I may have said some things in the past... but that’s because.. i was a fucking asshole!!! That’s it!! Tanya pays! And that means Tanya makes the rules!! If she wants me a pet, I’m gonna be a fucking pet!! Whatever she wants, she’s gonna have it!!! I’m gonna be whatever she wants me to be!!! There’s nothing I can’t do for the right amount of money...
FRIDAY: 02.49
TYPE COMMAND: Distant Memory Generator
Type in to Generate:
I have done disgusting things for money.
I have been humiliated for money.
I have crossed all the lines for money.
I have acted beyond any moral codes for money.
I have done horrible things for horrible people for money.
I have no limits when it comes to money.
I have enjoyed crossing the limits for money.
I have enjoyed being the bad guy.
I have enjoyed following orders in return for money.
I have enjoyed being ordered for money.
I was being called “money-slut” since i was a boy.
I always took it as a compliment.
Generating distant memories...
Distant memories generated successfully!
TYPE COMMAND: Open Memory Viewer
tags: self-respect, dignity, pride, vanity, integrity, worth, honor, ethics, decency, honesty, fairness, virtue, self-regard
MEMORIES FOUND: 231.358 files
Files Edited Successfully!
TYPE COMMAND: Open Memory Viewer
tags: most, shocking, question, ever, being asked, dare, never do for money,
Opening file...
—Oh come on, Carl! It’s Truth or Dare! For the last time!!! You HAVE to tell us the truth!!!
—I’m telling you, Leila, it’s a NO!! Why is it so hard for you to believe it??
—Oh come on, Carl! For that amount of money?? I mean, fuck, you’re lying...
—Girls, is there anybody else here who thinks he’s lying?
—Uh, me.
—And me!
—Oh come on, girls. Give him a brake! It’s not that weird! I mean, I know many men who wouldn’t suck another man’s cock for that kind of money!!
—Oh come on, Larissa!! You don’t need to stand up for him!! We know he’s lying!!
—Tell us what do YOU know about gay men, Kate?? Is your brother gay maybe??
—No! Is yours??
—Wha..., I’m sorry to hear that, Larissa!! I mean, NO, OF COURSE NOT, we have nothing against gay men!! You know that!! It’s just that, you know, for Carl here, we thought 10 thousand dollars for a one minute blowjob is...
—Gee, I’m sorry Larissa...
—That’s okay, Maddie! It’s just that... real men are way too proud for their, you know, manhood! See, for a woman, like you and me, it may sound easy and stupid to just get on our knees and suck a cock for a minute or more, but for a real man that is usually out of the question! No matter how much money you give them, they don’t want to even think about it! I think it has to do with their male ego or something, you know?
—Didn’t know that...
—I wouldn’t have said better myself, Larissa! Thank you so damn much...
—That’s okay, Carl. I wouldn’t know had it not been my brother, you know...
—Believe me now?? All of you???
—Whoa, okay! Then answer me this: how much money would it take for you to do anything with a man?
—With a man?? Are you out of your mind??? I said nothing!!! NOTHING!! I’M NOT GAY!! AND I WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH A MAN FOR ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD!!!
—See? I told you...
—Oh come on. We are only 17. Maybe when he gets 30 he will change his mind...
Opening Editor...
Editing file No 1...
—Oh come on, Carl! It’s Truth or Dare! For the last time!!! You HAVE to tell us the truth!!!
—I’m telling you, Leila, it’s a NO!! Why is it so hard for you to believe it??
—Oh come on, Carl! For that amount of money?? I mean, fuck, you’re lying...
—Girls, is there anybody else here who thinks he’s lying?
—Uh, me.
—And me!
—Nothing, Carl!!! We do not believe you!!!
—Because you’re a money-slut!!! That’s why???
—Oh just listen to him!! Isn’t he cute when he says that??
—I’m not a money-slut!!!!
—Oh yes you are, Carl!!! You would suck another man’s cock for 10 dollars!!! Saying no to 10 thousand dollars??? That’s ridiculous!!
—Fuck you, Larissa!!!!
—Hmmm. Okay!! Let’s see then... I say we test him!!
—What do you mean??
—Well, my brother’s gay! And from what I know he would do you in no time!! See, I have a proposal to make!
—What, do you... want???
—Here! I give you not 10, but 100 dollars to suck my brother’s cock!! Will you do it??
—You heard me! Here! 100 dollars. In your hungry pocket!! For one little taste of my brother’s big, fat cock! What do you say??
—Why, Carl?? You want more maybe??? Here take 50 more!! But you’ll have to stay down there for 5 minutes! What do you say??
—I’m not doing anything to you, Carl! You are doing this to yourself! That’s okay! You could just confess right from the start: you’ll do anything for the right amount of money! Isn’t it so?
—But it’s even better when you get it that easy, huh??
—You are willing to do anything, Carl. I know... WE know...
—Have you had sex with a woman, Carl?
—Yes! Yes I have!
—And was it good?
—Yes!!! It was perfect!!!
—That’s okay, Leila. He doesn’t need to be gay. He is just open to anything for some easy money. Am I right, Carl?
—What?? No. I mean, yes... I mean...
—Here!! Take them!! That’s 200 easy bucks, Carl!! In your pocket!! Will you have sex with the man we tell you??
—Yes, you will, Carl. We all know that.
—Yes, Carl. And now that those two hundred bucks are in your pocket, you are thinking about it. You know you won’t return them. Right??
—Oh you’re so funny, Carl!! Come on! Say it! There’s nothing wrong with it!
—Oh just look at him!! I saw it in his eyes!! He’s thinking about it!!
—He’s not thinking about it, Kate. I’m telling you, he can’t say no! Big Carl here, will suck whoever we tell him like a vacuum for the right amount of money.. Right, baby?
—No!! I’m telling you! Just stop it, will you???
—Well, listen to me, Carl. I’m going to ask you just once and you are going to have only one chance to give me an answer. I am going to accept that answer of yours and I promise you that we won’t question it no matter what!
—Yeah, that’s it!
—Listen. Here are 300 dollars. There you go. Right into your pocket. So. They are yours now. Now. What I want from you is simple. Tell me one thing: have you ever gone to a gay bar?
—WHAT? NO!!!!
—That’s okay, you will be with us. So. How about you keep the money and you go to a gay bar with us?
—My offer is this: for you to earn your money, you will have to find a guy and make him have sex with you. That’s it.
—You will answer me with a YES or NO. Just this. You have no second chance. 300 dollars, Carl. Think...
—That is not my problem, Carl! For the money I give you, you will have to do some pretty gay stuff, if you know what I mean!
—Fuck, look at him, he’s thinking about it!!!
—I give you an extra one hundred to suck the guy you find off and swallow everything in the end!!!
—And I give you an extra one hundred to tell him that you are a fucking homo!!! And you need his cock in your ass every day!!!
—Easy there, ladies!! We’re gonna scare him to...
Jerk to porn. no lights heating. Who else is home? GF in living room with me, sister in her room. Dad and Mom not home. Buh Bye Jin
0 notes
anki-of-beleriand · 2 years
This blog is 18+ minors DNI! 
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Only one gif is mine, the other credits to the creator
Hello there!
So I finally got to orginize my works in here, thank you for stoping by and I hope you like the stories. I write for several fandoms but my main focus right now is Marvel and Tolkien with very specific pairings. Here you will find the list of the stories I have written so far, and the works in progress.
This blog is 18+ so please minors DNI, and if you're not comfortable with it just a heads up. Please read the warning on the stories as well as the tags, if you believen I'm leaving something out give me a heads up so I can correct it right away
Without words -  (Fluff) 
           Summary: Y/N is the new recruit, and Wanda finds herself drawn to her.
When there are no words -  (Fluff,angst) 
           Summary: It was a bad mission, Y/N just wants to forget, and Wanda is an amazing girlfriend - Continuation of Without Words.
On a single night -  (Fluff, smut, angst) 
           Summary: One night between you and Wanda changed everything. Now, your relationship will end up in tears or wedding bells.
Midnight meeting series -  (Fluff, smut)
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​           Summary: You have been under house arrest in the Avenger´s compound since arriving to that universe, then in a single night your world changes while meeting the newest addition to the team.
The house at the edge of the world -  (fluff, angst, drama, smut) 
​​​​​​​            Summary: Y/N is the owner of an Airbnb at the edge of the world, a place in which Wanda would either heal or become what everyone is afraid of.
Enhanced senses - (Fluff, drama, smut)
Summary: While on a mission you heard a conversation that make you think about your relationship with Wanda.
We can be forever - (Fluff, drama, smut, angst, romance)
Summary: You and Wanda met at a Café, your life and hers changed drastically and for the very first time in her messy life, Wanda may have discovered the real meaning behind love at first sight.
Dirty Little Secret - (Angst -drama)
Summary:You were Wanda's dirty little secret.
A Heart Made Of Glass - (Angst - drama - romance - smut)
Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Bad Liar - (Angst - drama - romance - smut)
Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
The Winter that never ended 
           Summary:In a world where magic only happens in the big Kingdoms, Thorin Oakenshield had to find a way to save his nephew’s life. He never intended to get lost on his way to the closest healer,                  and he certainly didn’t plan to fall in the clutches of a strange Lord and his household. Yet, destiny seemed to have something to say about his life and how this little encounter would change his                      perception of live, magic and love.
In Memory
           Summary: He saved him at a great price, his memory of what had happened between them was ripped from him. The payment for his sin was to love without being loved.In the anniversary of the                  defeating of Smaug Thorin is present with a marriage proposal, just as the dreams of the past come to haunt him and show him where his real happiness lies.
 I don’t think I love you 
            Summary: Prince Thranduil of the Woodland Realm promised himself to never love again. Thorin of Erebor promised himself to never need love. Both of them are different in all the ways you can                  imagine, and yet they are more alike that they care to admit. When a political marriage force them to share their time with one another they will realize some promises are meant to be broken
The ABC of Thorin and Thranduil 
           Summary: Just a bunch of short and long drabbles featuring Thorin and Thranduil their relationship and the people in their lives.
 When the Stars go Blue
             Summary: Thranduil was born a healer, his gift could save everyone but it wasn’t enough to safe his wife. Now, after all these years of not using his gift he came forward to safe the life of those                      who despised him; the Elven-King never suspected his actions would activate emotions he thought he had buried the day he lost his wife, or that those emotions were directed to a recovering                        Thorin who, apparently, has always had a soft spot for him.
The Silent Ballad
            Summary: “The world was fair, the mountains tall, In Elder Days before the fall.” Thranduil has done what no other Elf has done before him, Thorin has decide in his pride to ignore the signs of what               really is happening between the both of them. Perhaps, Thorin should be careful for there is only one sickness that could take an Elf’s life away and for the suffering of the heart the only cure from a               certain death is to leave the shores of Middle-Earth. Would Thorin overcome his pride and anger to recover what he most desire or would he stand still doing nothing while Thranduil vanishes little               by little until his only salvation is to travel to the Undying Lands?
The Promise of a Child
           Summary: Little Thorin is ready to propose to Thranduil even though he knows Thranduil is older and he still has to get his adulthood braid. The thing is, he doesn’t want anyone courting Thranduil                before he can get the chance to marry him.
 Sunday Morning
           Summary: It’s just another Sunday morning in the Oakenshield household.
 Counting Stars
            Summary: Thorin Oakenshield is in a moment of his life where he is just confused yearning for something he cannot name. Thranduil has just suffered an accident that may change everything he is.               When their paths cross a friendship is forged and, perhaps, if they give themselves the chance it can turn out into something they may need and want.
It will always be worthy
           Summary: At the end of all things, Tauriel, Bilbo and Thranduil have an honest talk about the people they loved and will always love.
 A token and a Promise
            Summary: Orcrist was put there for a reason.
 Sing to Me
           Summary: Thorin and Thranduil had been kidnapped by a group of orcs. While being tortured both Kings realized there may be more than animosity between them. However, Thranduil has been                  poisoned and he is loosing his mind little by little confused as to what is real and what is part of the nightmare the orcs made him live.
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