#so they will not give us ratatouille. im sorry everyone.
sarakiz · 2 years
how did the seemingly widespread understanding that chock/bates' weird concepts are smoke and mirrors for whats otherwise fairly conventional/normative romantic narratives suddenly turn into "chock/bates actually own all weird program concepts including the ones that are specifically not normative, to the point where every team that tries stuff out of the ordinary gets called walmart chock/bates"
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~More incorrect quotes while I figure out my next fic revolving around my fav WTTT characters~
(Also, Y’all are amazing 🥲🤍✨)
Gov: What are you planning to do? 
Florida: Hey, now. "Planning"?! Do you KNOW who you're talking to?!
Mass: York- Bud-
Penn: It- it was just a rat-
Cali: Isn't it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they're annoying? 
York: D*nm, if people did that to each other, Mass woulda killed me years ago.
Loui: Slash gamemode creative. 
Jersey: Dude, this isn't Min- 
Loui: *starts levitating*
York: God has let me live another day and I'm going to make it everyone's problem.
Cali: Oh gosh I wish I got more sleep I only got six hours! 
Tex: Six? I only got three! 
York: You guys got sleep? 
Gov or Loui (you decide), comes stumbling out of their room and grabs a jug of coffee before saying: What year is it??
Gov: A mouse! 
Loui, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you. 
Florida , pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal! 
Mass, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy. 
York, gasping with pure joy in his eyes: It's Ratatouille! 
Cali: His name is Remi, dumb*$$. 
Gov: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
York: No, I wanna keep im’!!
Gov: Ok, first of all, what the f(speaks sleep-deprived coffee bean)?
Loui: Fellas, I gotta know for science. Is the opposite of red green or blue? 
Jersey: Technically a mix of green and blue? 
Loui: So blurple. 
Mass: That's implying you're mixing blue and purple. 
Loui: Would you rather have f(speaks New Orleans) bleen? MOTHERF(speaks New Orleans)IN’ GRUE? 
Jersey : You were confusing before but now I'm scared.
York: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine! 
Tex: How can you still say that? 
York: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Teacher: Your little brother was in a fight. 
Connecticut: Oh no, that’s terrible.
Mass and Jersey: Did he win?
Florida: It's locked. You got a lock pick? 
Loui: Yeah- 
Tex: *kicks in the door*
Florida: Or y’know what? That works too.
York: BWWAAAAAAAAAA! Oh, you hear that? That's the wrong opinion alarm. 
Jersey : That is not something you actually have installed. 
York: Sorry, say again? I couldn't hear you over my alarm that YOU SET OFF with your WRONG-*$$ OPINION.
Jersey: …. You are so lucky that Masshole is sleeping or I would’ve made you eat those words.
York: *chokes on something* 
Loui: Jeez, Yorkie, don't die on us. 
York: Don't tell me what to do, I'll die whenever the he// I want!
Jersey: Loui seems really zoned out. Whaddya think he’s thinkin’ about?
Mass: I can't imagine what Loui is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
Cali, shooing York away: Can you go be depressed over there? You’re bumming out my whole area.
York, very high and disoriented: I wasn't hurt that badly. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal, that's where the blood's supposed to be!
*York drunkenly wanders around the house and Tex is drunkenly giggling* 
Cali, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the world, Jersey . 
Jersey , going to their room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
Jersey: How would you like your coffee? 
Loui, trying to be dark and broody: As dark as my soul. 
Jersey : Got it, one cup of milk coming right up!
Mass: What’s it like being tall? 
Mass: Is it nice? 
Mass: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards? 
Tex: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want. 
Loui: It was one time!
Connie: York, can I speak to you for a minute? In private. 
York: Ooh, someone's in trouble. It's me. I don't know why I did that.
*Tex is casually searching around the room* 
York: Hey cowboy, what’re ya lookin’ for? 
Tex: My will to live. 
*Loui walks into the room* 
Tex: Oh, there it is. (Loui is pretty much everyone’s will to live tbh)
Mass: We all have our demons. 
Mass, grabbing York: This one’s mine.
York: 👹👹👹
Mass: Okay, what does A stand for? 
Loui: Arson. 
Mass: Aw, you're so good. Okay! B! What does B stand for? 
Loui: Barson. 
Jersey: *laughter* 
Mass: What stands for C? 
Gov: Commit arson. 
Jersey: Oooo. Mass: D! 
Loui: Don't come near me, I'm going to commit arson. 
Jersey: *more laughter*
Loui: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- 
York: A doll. 
Florida : A cinnamon roll. 
Mass: A sweetheart. 
Loui: ...stop it. IM NOT BLUSHING SHUT UP-
Loui: So, what's it like living with Mass? 
York: He once referred to sand as "heterosexual glitter." 
Loui: ... 
York: I both love him and hate him so much.
York, looking over Tex’s shoulder: You can draw? 
Tex, stopping what he was doing: You can speak?
Loui: Sometimes I like to place my hands on my enemy’s cheeks, look into their eyes... 
Loui: ...And violently jerk their head until it snaps. 
York: ...That took an unexpected turn. 
Mass: So did their neck.
Texas, popping up behind York: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat.
York:*turns in his chair* Just put me out of my misery please.
Penn: You disgust me. 
Jersey : *eating a kitkat sideways* I realize this and don’t care.
Jersey : I think we should have glow stick juice injected in our bones when we're born, so if we break our bones, we get a fun little surprise. 
Tex: What's the surprise? 
Mass: Blood poisoning.
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
A Certain Romance (1/6)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2,513
Warnings: fake dating au, mention to past abusive relationship
A/N: im so EXCITED to start posting this series lmk what yall think!!!
He couldn’t quite think of a word to describe the restaurant.
The deep tones of maroon on the walls contrasting against the clean, stark-white tablecloths, tablecloths that have been so deeply washed, soaked in bleach and radiating chemical residue beneath plates of fancy and over-priced dishes for people who have too much money than they know what do with.
Ratatouille is the special for tonight, priced at $32. Side dishes extra, of course.
The overly simple decor on the walls with lighting so dim you’d think they forgot to pay the electric bill, all in the name of minimalism and an art form you just wouldn’t understand.
Bucky has news for them, though. Minimalism won’t get rid of their depression and anxiety, and a $30 plate of vegetables won’t bring you happiness.
His collar feels tight around his neck, even though the first two buttons on his shirt are undone. The longer he stands around waiting for Sam, the more ridiculous he feels. He’s sweating suddenly, and all he wants to do is leave, go back to his apartment, to Alpine, and take off this stupid monkey suit of an outfit.
Where r u?
Should be sitting pretty at a table already. Wearing a cute lil red dress. maybe blue, not sure.
“Son of a bitch,” Bucky mumbles under his breath after reading Sam’s text.
It’s Bucky’s fault at this point. Not only is this not the first time Sam has done this to him, set him up on a blind date and tell him it's him he’s meeting and not a girl, but it’s not the second either. Sam has done this three times, and this is going to be the fourth. How do you let this happen to you four times?
It’s not a surprise either when the date goes horribly all three times, either. The girls are always nice and always beautiful, but Bucky’s in such a sour mood by the time he reaches the table that it’s a failure from the start.
That’s a good word to describe the restaurant. Sour.
“Excuse me, I’m looking for a table under Sam. Or maybe Bucky.” He approaches the hostess, praying that whoever Sam has set him up with isn’t here and that they stood him up.
“Ah, yes, your date has been waiting.” She tells him, and he tries not to roll his eyes.
The walk through the restaurant to the table makes him feel more ridiculous than when he was waiting. He feels all eyes on him and it makes his skin crawl, even though when he glances around, everyone has their eyes on their own date; their date that probably wasn’t sprung up on them by a man who dresses up like a bird for a living.
Careful not to trip over his own feet in the dark room, the only lights being small bulbs on a thin string from the high ceiling, he sees a table that’s probably for him.
The only table with one person sitting alone, he spots you looking down at your phone with a slight frown on your face. Sam was right on his first guess, you’re wearing a deep red dress, thin straps over your shoulders and he can see through underneath the table that it flows down to your calf. Nude heels adorn your feet as they are crossed at the ankle, and he can’t help but feel a little bad.
Just because he thinks minimalism and expensive meals are stupid doesn’t mean that other people don’t enjoy them.
“Hi, uh, sorry I’m a little late.” He greets as he takes his seat.
You look up from your phone and give him a closed-lip smile, an unspoken way of saying it’s alright, but he’s seen that tight smile on too many girls before to know that, no, it’s not really alright.
“I’m Bucky, what’s your name?” He asks, hoping that the sooner he starts the conversation, the sooner he can get the fuck out of here. Respectfully.
As far as introductions go, this has definitely been the most awkward. Neither of you know what to say. Not that he’s about to go around giving Sam advice about setting him up with people, because he certainly wouldn’t want Sam to take that as him asking him to try again, but he couldn’t have set him up with someone worse.
It’s painfully awkward, and he feels himself sweating again, blushing from slight embarrassment at this disaster of a date.
The waiter hasn’t even brought out the bread yet.
He can’t do this.
“Listen,” He begins after a few minutes of silence and the two of them awkwardly glancing around the room, as though the avant-garde art pieces are the most interesting thing either of them have ever seen.
“I’m sorry if I don’t seem like I want to be here, it’s because I don’t. And it’s got nothing to do with you, it’s just that Sam told me I was meeting him here because he thinks he knows best when it comes to setting me up on dates even though I’ve told him countless times that -”
He stops when he realizes you’re laughing. Giggles escaping from behind your manicured hand that’s attempting to cover your mouth, he can’t believe you’re laughing at him. As if the date couldn’t get worse.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt you.” You tell him, the most you’ve spoken the entire night, only really telling him your name and a few one-word answers a while ago.
“It’s just that I don’t want to be here, either. And Sam also told me I was meeting him here, not a date. And I thought that was funny.”
That bastard, Bucky thinks. But he appreciates that it’s the situation you find funny, and not him. He’s never had a date laugh at him before, and as tough as he is, he can’t lie and say it wouldn’t hurt his feelings.
He opens his mouth to say something but another man in an equally ridiculous monkey suit such as his own approaches the table, a basket of bread in hand.
He can’t help but notice how small the breads are and the fact that the butter is individually wrapped in those small tinfoils - not even The Cheesecake Factory does that, they bring butter in a tiny dish - but he doesn’t say anything.
At least now he has something to do with his hands.
The two of you both pick at the bread in your hands, and while the tension is somewhat eased at the table with the confession that neither of you want to be there, it’s still silent and awkward, as neither of you have spoken again.
Bucky doesn’t know what causes him to say it, maybe it's the obligation he feels to keep the conversation going and fill the silence, maybe his mind just insists on making the evening worse, because apparently that’s possible.
“My best friend died. Recently. And Sam’s been setting me up on these dumb dates to take my mind off it.” He says, and he sees out of the corner of his eye your hands pause around the bread and your head lifts slightly to look at him, though he doesn’t do the same.
“Sam was a little better about it at first, using distracting me as a way to distract himself while we both grieve. But he’s got the whole Captain America thing, helping his sister, working with Torres; he got over it a little quicker than I did and… expected me to get over it, too.”
He’s afraid to meet your eyes. He’s not sure why he just told you that, or why he felt like he owed you an explanation in the first place. He doesn’t even know you! What does he care if the date is awkward? He could leave now and never see you again and not feel bad about, and yet he sits here, sacrificing his own comfort in order to attempt to salvage the evening by being honest? Is honesty even what you want?
“My boyfriend beat the shit out of me. If we’re sharing tragic backstories, I mean.” You reply, looking down at your own bread now that Bucky’s head has snapped up to look at you, a humorless smile on your face.
“Had to move states, change my name, the whole nine yards. And while I wasn’t grieving a best friend, I was grieving… myself. My old life. And Sam doesn’t just distract himself by setting you up on dates, he’s been doing that with me, too. And, so, I kind of get what you mean, when you say that other people get over it and expect you to be okay, too.”
Another pause of silence, but the awkwardness is gone now.
“How many times have you heard the phrase, The grieving process is not -”
“Linear? Too many times. If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that, I’d probably have enough money to afford a plate at this place.” You finish for him, a disgusted look on your face. Almost the same look he had on his face when he entered the restaurant.
He laughs, though. The first time he’s laughed tonight.
“Are you two ready to order?” The waiter interrupts again, small booklet in hand, and thick French accent in the air. Of course, the waiters here are French, how is he even surprised?
“Do you mind if we have a few more minutes with the menu?” Bucky replies, not receiving much of an answer as the waiter looks him up and down, gives him a curt nod, and leaves the table once more.
“Listen, I don’t know about you, but this place looks like… I don’t even know, but it just looks sad, and I know a pretty good pizza place a few blocks away. If you don’t mind walking. Or continuing this date as friends?” He squints as he finishes his question, hoping you won’t take it as him playing hard to get, and actually want to be friends and absolutely nothing more.
“You had me at pizza.”
With the bread from the restaurant in hand and his jacket around your shivering shoulders, the two of you make your way down the sidewalk, stomachs rumbling at the thought of cheap, greasy, slices of pizza.
Sitting among people in their pajamas and otherwise casual clothing, it’s safe to say the two of you are the best-dressed people in the joint. Bucky tells you this and you laugh again, agreeing. Slice after slice goes down easily, much easier than any plate at that stupid clownhouse of a restaurant.
The conversation is easier, too. It’s almost like it was so bad before because of the suffocating atmosphere of the restaurant, The Fork, a stupid name for a stupid place.
What was that word he said before? Oh, yeah. The restaurant was sour. The pizza place, though, run by two older, heavier men with ungroomed mustaches and dark pit stains, is much less sour.
“I surprisingly had a good time tonight. I’m really glad we both came to an understanding of not wanting to date due to our individual unresolved trauma and issues, that we should probably be in therapy for.” You tell him, after thanking him for paying the six dollars both your copious amounts of pizza slices cost.
“I did, too. I’m just glad we didn’t have to stay at that dumb restaurant, I mean what was Sam even thinking with that place?” He rubs his fingers over his eyes in lasting disbelief. He’ll never let Sam live that place down.
“Speaking of Sam,” You start, stepping out of the pizza place as Bucky holds the door open for you, “Would you mind telling him that the date went well?”
“I mean, technically it did, didn’t it?”
“It did. But if we tell him that we left with a newfound friendship rather than sore legs and sex hair, he’s just going to keep setting us up on more shitty dates. I mean he’s great, but he does a better job at being Captain America than he does at being Cupid.”
“Agreed. He’ll just keep setting us up with people until we end up dating one of his picks, regardless of friendships made along the way. He’s too competitive, he doesn’t see friendship as a success, only a boyfriend or girlfriend.” Bucky admits.
“So… if he asks, we’ll just say we’re going to go on another date? And then whenever we hang out, we’ll just -”
“Be extremely and explicitly clear about it to him.” Bucky finishes.
They smile at each other satisfied, satisfied knowing they’re finally going to outsmart the bird man, they’re finally going to be done with shitty, last-minute blind dates that they never wanted to go on in the first place.
“Do you need a ride home?”
“Oh, no, my friend’s on her way to get me now.”
“I’ll wait with you then.”
Cheesy flirting ensues as the two of you joke about fake dating, competing to see who can think of the worst pick up line. Bucky feels a bit embarrassed that he probably would’ve used a few of these a few decades ago when he was a fresh, young man, but he doesn’t dare mention that to you. No need to give you more ammunition to use against him, and especially no need to risk you mentioning it to Sam.
Your least favorite, and evidently his favorite, is If happiness starts with “H,” why does mine start with “U”?
He laughs as you dramatically gag on the sidewalk, almost not noticing the car pulling up to the two of you.
“This is me. Oh, here’s your jacket by the way.” You move to take it off from atop your shoulders but he stops you.
“Hold onto it for me. And also, mention to Sam that you’re holding onto it for me.” He winks.
“Will do. Boyfriend.”
“Drive safe. Girlfriend.” He opens the passenger door for you, greeting your friend briefly, and offering a hand out to help you sit inside, closing the door after you’ve clicked your seatbelt.
He watches the rear lights grow smaller and smaller as you disappear down the street, and he begins walking back to where you two came from. His bike is still parked at the restaurant, after all.
That was probably the best date - not a date, friend date - he’s ever been on, and by far Sam’s greatest success yet, even if it’s not the romantic relationship he probably intended.
It was nice to talk to someone without the pressures of impressing them, the intrusive thoughts questioning their deeper motives or what it is exactly they want out of a date with him. He tried engaging in the whole hookup-one-night-stand culture once, and didn’t like it at all.
Not to mention, he’ll never have to go on one of Sam’s set-up dates again! And he didn’t even need to get a girlfriend to do so!
The night couldn’t have ended better, and he can’t wait to tell Sam all about it.
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inkdemonapologist · 4 years
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scribbles from Session 2 of the current Bendy Call of Cthulhu game, where everyone’s having a normal one!!!
After an actually very pleasant evening meal (there was cake!), things got weird fast,
Joey started “talking to himself” in his empty hotel room but got evasive and weird and physically shoved everyone out when the others went to demand an explanation 
Sammy tried to sleepwalk into traffic, completely entranced by Those Weird Symbols which apparently “feel like ink,” and got real Prophety for a bit when the others woke him up
Joey got him to chill out by calling after him in two voices at once (?!?!?)
After Sammy finally came to his sense and we all went back to get a little sleep, Joey finally showed us why he’s been so intent on wearing a hat everywhere lately and explained that hE IS POSSESSED BY BENDY CURRENTLY, so that Bendy could get some help remaining stable and come on the trip with us, WHICH IS, FINE. Just let eldritch horrors possess your mortal form that’s fine. Also Bendy needs a regular supply of ink to remain stable, so Joey’s been drinking ink, which is, also fine,
Anyway here’s some contextless quotes under the readmore:
[Sammy is played by me, Joey is played by Boo (inkyvendingmachine), Henry is played by Maf (inkcryptid), Jack is played by Mochi (whatyouwantedmetosee)and Thren (haunted-hijinxer) is our GM!]
[Sammy] So yeah, if you roll under a 5 on a d100, then Jack has SOMEHOW seen this occult symbol before. [Jack] Y'know, I'm gonna roll, just because it'd be REALLY funny if he succeeded. [Henry] Yeah! You can do it, Jack! [Jack] oH MY GOODNESS [Sammy]....what did you roll, [Jack] I roLLED A FOUR,,, [Sammy] Jack I JUST told you not to look at symbols what are you DOING
[Jack] He just used to have an ex who was really into the occult, it's fine -- [Sammy] (his name is Joey Drew,)
[GM] The location of the body is about 30 feet from the nearest building. [Sammy] Ah. So he fell out of the SKY. [GM] Unless he was a very impressive long jumper!
[Joey] Joey did not get candles because it seemed... a bit unfortunate that Bendy was not able to join us -- [Sammy] Sammy doesn't care. [Joey] -- but we can still celebrate -- [Sammy] He's here for cake.
[GM] Is everybody drinking responsibly this time? [Henry] Well Henry's not stuffing four drinks down himself if that's what you're asking!!
[Sammy] There's gotta be at least ONE nice thing about this trip. [Sammy] And it's this cake. That's it.
[Henry] Henry might try to get that book from Joey -- [Joey] Which book? [Henry] The yellow symbol one. [Joey] Um, Joey's gonna hold onto the one with the weird symbol on the cover, because he hasn't had a chance to cover up the symbol and he wants to do that first, but if Henry wants to look at Alice in Wonderland, he can have that one! [Henry] ...maybe tomorrow. [Joey] Joey seems ofFENDED at this.
[Sammy] That's the best roll I'll ever have in this entire scenario. [Henry] Sammy's listening very hard. [Sammy] Sammy's trying to sleep, therefore he hears Every Noise.
[Joey] It was the first night that Joey took Jack out to a dinner to kind of, y'know, spoil him, [Joey] a Thanks For Not Being Super Weird About Our Occult Stuff And Sorry You Got Dragged Into This dinner,
[Sammy] Sammy's not TRYING to be handsome, he's just accidentally really hot.
[Joey, the lowest physical stats of the whole group] He's going to more desperately try to just like, shove them out the door I guess!!! [Sammy, the highest physical stats of the whole group] Yeah! Give that a shot! SEE HOW THAT GOES
[GM] Henry swears he saw a third hand shoving Sammy out the door. [Henry] *uncertain* ......we know how many hands Joey has, right?
[Sammy] I was going to suggest that he's possessed, but... that's not a symptom I'm familiar with. [Henry] I'm pretty sure I didn't get extra limbs last time. [GM] (He just THOUGHT he did!) [Henry] (Well, he thought he was three whole people.) [Joey] (THATS SO MANY LIMBS!!)
[Sammy] I want an explanation. [Joey] *innocently* For what? [Sammy] The list grows longer!
[Henry] You know what happened last time you hid stuff from us, Joey... please... try to be smart, [Sammy] .............. (we know it's hard for you,)
[Sammy, explaining to Jack] ...I mentioned dying, in Haiti, [Henry] Oh, we're going into this, then, okay-- [Sammy] *muttering* You’re the one who brought up being possessed, [Sammy] Joey and I were possessing Henry for a significant portion of the trip. [Henry] For longer than the trip itself! [Sammy] well i wasn't going to go into THAT, [Henry] Well I-- uh-- I-- ...I should shush.
[Jack] So what do I have to roll to see how well Jack processes this? [Joey] How many nightmares do you have tonight? [GM] *cheerfully opening Weird Dream files* At least one!
[GM] You could make a Brawl check to hold on, if you're trying to make sure Sammy doesn't walk away from you. [Sammy] Brawl Check: Just Deck 'Im. [Henry] Henry will try! [Sammy] ....he's gonna try to deck him????
[GM] I feel like this might apply to the Charm skill, because you're a good... cajoler of Sammies, [Jack] *laughing* I'm actually SLIGHTLY BETTER at Persuade, because I'm down to 69 Charm for the joke!!
[Joey] But Joey's going to say it with two voices at once. [Sammy] HMMMMMMMMMMM,,, [Henry] eXCUSE ME? [Jack] Is Jack the only one here who doesn't have someone else in his head?! [Henry] Well Henry doesn't currently, [Jack] Give him five minutes.
[Joey] I think Joey's actually probably going to crack open that book now. [Jack] I honestly thought you were going to say "a drink" [Jack] Crack open a cold one with the son boy
[Jack] Jack is going to do all of the motions of going to bed except for the one part that's the most important.
[Sammy] The rest of us will go down and meet with Peter. [Sammy] Oh -- no, just realised, Sammy would call him "Pete" because he doesn't know that nicknames aren't transitive.
[Sammy] What IS it with people in masks??? [GM] ..................says Sammy,
[Sammy] All we've learned is that Trenchcoat Guy is super suspicious! Big shocker, I know.
[Jack] Jack is going to respond with a very eloquent, "UHHHHH,,,,"
[GM] You probably would get a Bendy voice popping up at that point saying "Joey's not actually drinking it, I am!" [Henry] Oh, hey Bendy. [GM] He maybe borrows a hand to wave. [Henry] (HOW'S IT FEEL, JOEY!!!!)
[Jack] I also had a hunch about the horns once it became more apparent that Joey was very specifically trying to keep a hat on all the time. [Jack] But very briefly, when he was like "and he takes his hat off to reveal--" my brain was like, what if it isn't horns, what if there's just a very small Lurker, [Sammy] Just pulling on his hair like Ratatouille,
[GM] Jack is pretty sure that whoever wrote this play wrote it to induce paranoia and mental distress. It seems baked in. [Henry] Well it's working on Henry! Henry wants to go home!
[Jack] #JustWorkingAtJDSThings
[GM] Make some sort of persuade-type roll! [Sammy] My... my only one is Intimidate, so that's what I'm using! [Jack] oH BOY [Jack] what do I roll to stop Sammy from whatever he's about to say?!
[Jack] Everyone else better be on their best behaviour! [Joey] Joey puts away his lockpicks for now.
[GM] You do see a microfilm machine, which is quite large at this point in time, [Jack] Not very micro, then,
[Jack] See if his Prophet senses are tingling! [Sammy] THATS THE OTHER GUY
[GM] It's kind of remarkable how little there is that talks about this guy's personal life in his desk! [Joey] There's no, like, locked drawers or anything? [Jack] No copy of his autobiography, talking about how gay he is?
[Jack] He's not going to mess with things. He's a polite boy. [Sammy] The rude boys have left the building. [GM] Only polite boys left!
[GM] It surely would never happen again! [Jack] One-of-a-kind, one-time-only, completely exclusive, if you didn't go you'll never get the fancy new shirt, [Jack] Hashtag I Was At The Cult Police Raid And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt And Put In An Asylum
[Sammy] Well, now we can have some new trauma! We've had time to process this trauma, we're ready for more; that's how it works, right? [GM] That's good, because you need to roll Sanity checks for those dreams!
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Can you make a list on who you think is the most to least reliable of the RFA (+ Minor Trio if you want!) when it comes to pets 👀
gasp you know what yes (I've been wanting to make some lists for a while -maybe least to most bottom of each of the RFA characters LMAO-)
MysMe characters least to most reliable with a pet and what pet would they have:
11. Rika
LMFAO bet ya didn't expect that did ya!? Nah you probably did, anyway the reason why she's the least reliable for a pet it's kinda obvious, first of all, she would refuse to get her pet treatment when it almost turns blind and ma'am? Please help your dog???
Also if at any time the pet dies she would start another cult so let's not risk it with her. Instead of an animal maybe give her a rock instead pfttt (actually wait-no she'd probably throw it at our poor mint coloured hair boy just give her a dog plushy it smth she can't be trusted with alive things)
10. Saeyoung
You may be asking me, Amanda, why, Saeyoung absolutely loves cats he'd be a cool cat dad, and yes, you're right. But you also don't understand that this man's love for cats goes SO far that he will actually cause chaos all around him. He'd give the cat SO many treats, not only that, but he'd also cuddle them, and that's nice tight? Wrong. This man will try to stretch the cat, grab it and twirl it around, reenact the lion king and do the 'Simba' bit and everything. Not only that he'd completely use it to prank Zen and everyone else, overall, he'd be a great pet owner but it'd be too much chaos so let's just stick with loving cats from afar.
Also I feel like he'd get a snake for some reason, and he'd dress them up in like a fancy bowtie a hat, or an iguana or chameleon y'know? He'd go for the amphibian type :o
9. Ray
I love our boy, I really do, but honestly how do you expect him to take care of a dog if he can't take care of himself. 😢
Actually scratch that, if he had a dog he would definitely love it and spoil it, and we live for that but also:
honey focus on yourself too we don't want you to D I E
Maybe give him a hamster or smth, while he's hacking away and watching MC in their room the hamster will be spinning on it's wheel super happy
Or he can have some cute fishes 🐟🐠
And like his brother, because great minds think alike, maybe a chameleon. He'd be pretty scared of them at first but he found one under some flowers and decided to rescue it, and now he sort of ended up adopting it :D
Although I find it pretty unlikely that he'll get a pet, he's more into flowers anyway
(OH WAIT WHAT ABOUT BEES? YA LIKE JAZZ -im sorry pft but now I need to see Ray in like those bee farmer dress things lmao)
8. Zen
I could see him as the pet owner that takes their dogs on walks and such, but honestly, if he's allergic to cats he's probably allergic to other animals too, at least some with a lot of hair! Although I feel like he'd get one of those big dogs and he'd go on runs with it all the time. The dog would be like the ones that are mostly thought of as super dangerous or aggressive but it turns out they're a sweetheart. Either that or a poodle 🐩💀 (but like I said, he's probably allergic to animals with lots of hair.)
7. Jihyun
Jihyun would be pretty good as a pet owner but honestly he'd be super nervous at everything at first. Welcome to the Jihyun apologizing to his pet show akdjdn. But would we trust him with a pet? He wasn't really able to take care of two teenage boys -although it was mostly because he was in a toxic relationship 💀
When he has his sight problems he could totally get those helper dogs? (Forgot what they're called I'm sorry T_T)
He'd probably get a more chill pet tho, maybe a cat (he probably likes them a lot too! Also they're pretty calming.) So he could have like the guide dog and a small kitty too!
6. Jaehee
She'd be an awesome pet mom lol. I don't think she'd get a cat after being traumatized from pet-sitting Elizabeth. Maybe she could get like a turtle 🐢
Or maybe a rat to reenact Ratatouille lmaoo
She wouldn't get big pets unless the MC wanted to adopt something (and if they're a couple, we all know what people who want kids but can't or just aren't able to adopt at the moment, do, they get DOGS AND CATS!!!)
So honestly she'd start understanding why Jumin pampers Elly so much, since your dogs basically your child now PFTTT
Maybe a bunny too? I could see her working with the bunny on her head lmao and that's adorable
Omg imagine her with a SNAKE, HOW BADASS WOULD THAT BE???
5. Suit Saeran
You may be wondering once again, WHAT AND WHY
Let me explain.
Suit would dffinetly get those scary and big dogs that have spiky collars and everything, and he'd probably call him something like Killer or Skull Destroyer, or maybe Blade lmao
And we all know he'd die for his dog. It's the only one he can trust ajdhdbdbd
He'd be like the bad boys that walk around with their dog everywhere growling at people (not just the dog, the two of them)
And "Spike" would be so well taken care of. Believers have to start doing draws to see who feeds the monster dog that always bites them PFTTT
The dog would also dffinetly know how to fight. It'd be cute if the only person he likes appart from Saeran tho is MC hehe
AND you cannot change my mind in this, ever since Saeran got "Dark Knight" (I'm experimenting with the dog names pfft) he's shown him a picture of Saeyoung and taught him to absolutely hate his guts, so Seven, buddy, maybe don't get to close to them lol
AND the backstory for this dog is that Saeran found him under some bushes, hurt, and the dog reminded him of when he was younger, so he took him in and that's how the doggie came to be :3
3. GE Saeran
Idk, he'd also get the normal-ish animals, like a bunny or a cat (he'd like how calming they are.)
He'd be awesome with animals too!
Also uhm, someone please draw him as a farmer AJDHDHD lmaoo that's the first thing that came to mind 😂
He'd be the person that likes animals but like....other people's animals? He'd love to see Elizabeth and such, but he wouldn't really want to have one (unless MC wanted to of course.) It's not that he doesn't like them, it's mostly because he feels more comfortable with other people's pets ajdjdbd
Also he doesn't want them to ruin the garden oop
3. In a tie with Saeran, Yoosung
I forgot about him and didn't want to change the numbers lmao
Yoosung is a vet, c'mon he knows how to deal with animals!
At first he'd be so freaking nervous and would be just like a helicopter parent, making sure the doggie is alright and such, but then he gets the hang of it and he's perfect.
We all know we got a bunny with him too in his GE :D so maybe a dog and a bunny! He'd have more than one pet I'll tell ya that.
2. Jumin
Listen he's the king alright? He pampers his cat SO much, and you can just TELL how much he loves Elly. We all stan a man that loves animals.
He'd probably get some exotic pets too, maybe a few horses and birds that are really exotic or something
But can you imagine him with like....a tiger PFT
He'd be like: omg this is a cat but bigger let me have one
It'd be like Sebastian from Black Butler lol
He'd also be up to a dog, it'd take a bit of convincing but if MC wants one then he'd snap his fingers and get them one immediately (I love this man he's so ADORABLE) and then they'd have two children and Zen wouldn't have to worry about just Elizabeth
1. Vanderwood
Yes! The one! The only!
He's the only one appart from Jaehee that has more than one braincell PFTTTTT
He'd have a pretty big and scary dog that would've an absolute sweetheart when you get to know them. Everyone at first is scared but the dog just wants to sleep and eat, that's all.
Vanderwood is super responsible, I mean after Saeyoung I'm sure a dog would be nothing. He'd also compare Seven to his dog lol "Not even Capitan America is that dirty!"
"you named your dog Capitan America...?"
"shut the hell up or I'm tasing you."
His dog would spend all day sleeping. Sometimes Vanderwood will take him on walks, and they really enjoy that time together.
Vanderwood romance route? Uh, no he's far too in love with his dog to be doing anything else PFT
And you cannot once again change my mind on this:
He talks to his dog when he's alone.
He will tell him about his day as he cooks or does the laundry. He'd be in an apron making some dinner and be all like:
"Ugh, today I had to take care of that no-good for nothing guy again. It's incredible how messy his house can get in just a matter of hours! Not only that, he wasn't eating properly again, that idiot. I had to practically drag him out of his chair and make him eat some food. Not that I'm worried. It'd just be a hassle to have to find another hacker as good as him. Seriously that guy...."
And the dog would be like excuse me do I look like your therapist please just give me food lolol
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
haikyuu!! masterchef au (second-gen captains vs. first-years edition)
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hello my brain made another thing again. to check out the first masterchef au (captains vs. setters) just click here
due to popular demand, masterchef is hosting another team challenge with volleyball nerds
they had to pay gordon a bit more and ensure the freezer is available at all times in case he needs to hide
so we have team second-gen captains with shirabu, akaashi, yahaba, taketora, ennoshita, and futakuchi
then team first-years with goshiki, lev, koganegawa, hinata, tsukishima, and kindaichi
shirabu is back to win while akaashi had to be patted down to make sure he's not sneaking another rat in
team first years look very nervous except for probs tsukki and goshiki
hinata is always out of frame because all his team members are so tall
they give him a box to stand on while he's cooking and suddenly he's taller than kindaichi
when the time starts, team second-gen are off cooking like pros
most of them have never been to a kitchen
yahaba's poking an onion with the tip of his knife
yahaba: this,,, this isn't how its like in cooking mama
taketora: yah, no shit
ennoshita's washing the dishes and futakuchi tries to tell him he doesn't need to until he realizes that maybe washing the dishes is all he can do
over in team first-years they have Absolutely No Clue
and then hinata's like 'wHY dON'T wE mAKE sOUFFLE'
koganegawa and lev: Y E A H 🤘🤘🤘
none of them know how
everyone else did contemplate helping them but its more fun watching lev crack an entire egg, shell and all, into a bowl and take out the shell bits after
gordon, realizing its going to be a repeat of last time: *surprised pikachu face
kindaichi: do we,,, have a plan tho ???
tsukishima: *pats mysterious bulge in his jacket pocket* we got a back-up plan
meanwhile team second-gen is standing in a circle still trying to figure out what to do
and then futakuchi brings out an alexa device (idk wat these are called im poor)
futakuchi: we must consult a higher power
gordon: is he allowed to do that?
producer: this is a no-rules match
futakuchi: alexa, how do u boil an egg?
taketora: no alexa. play despacito
alexa: *plays despacito*
*cut to montage of futakuchi beating up taketora with despacito playing in the background*
ennoshita: what if,, we jus make a salad? just throw a bunch of leaves and crunchy bread cubes in there?
akaashi: did u mean,,, croutons?
yahaba: i shall make the crunchy bread cubes
shirabu: i'll chop the leaves
akaashi: like how u chopped your bANGS?
taketora and ennoshita have to stop shirabu from killing akaashi
meanwhile lev, kogane, and hinata are working on their ✨✨~~souffle~~✨✨
except kogane and lev keep accidentally spilling stuff on hinata because our li'l guy is li'l
gordon: their souffle actually looks pretty decent and by that i mean it looks half-burnt and barely edible
they're so proud of it tho
that is until they're all carrying it to the front when lev accidentally trips and throws the souffle up in the air 
its heading straight to kogane and his Setter Instincts kicks in and he sets. the. souffle
and its heading straight to hinata whose Spiker Instincts kick in
shirabu, watching the entire thing happen: alexa, play mm watcha say
im sorry idk the name of the song
alexa: ~~mm watcha sayyyyyy~~
hinata: *spikes the souffle into the ground*
goshiki: so whats plan B?
tsukishima: *reaches into his jacket* instant mac and cheese
goshiki: good enough
kindaichi's really good at making mac and cheese if that’s possible
like the macaroni is cooked perfectly and all
meanwhile in team setter someone has managed to burn the salad leaves
it was actually ennoshita but he blamed it on futakuchi and everyone believed him
taketora: now we only have crunchy bread cubes
yahaba: this is so sad. alexa play--
shirabu: BUT WE ALSO HAV RAT CHEF !! *points at akaashi*
ennoshita: he didn't bring ratatouille with him
akaashi: his name is remy not ratatouille omg u fake fan
taketora: what if,,, someone sat on akaashi's shoulders,,, and pulled his hair to control him like remy???
all of the next-gen captains who have lost braincells at this point: 🆗️🆒️
so yahaba mounts akaashi's shoulders and u kno,,, does the rat chef thing except both of them are flailing around
kindaichi, watching from the other table: alexa, play the ratatouille theme song
*insert montage of yahaba and akaashi flailing around with the ratatouille theme song playing in the background*
i hope y'all can picture is in ur heads as well as i can because it has the dynamism of a renaissance painting
also did i mention that tsukki smuggled in dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets?
he's frying them with a smol smile on his face
hinata took a picture of it
goshiki's doing the plating and he's arranging all the dinosaur nuggets around a wad of mac and cheese
kindaichi grating fresh parmesan on top
 it looks spectacular
koganegawa and lev eat one of the dino nuggets and tsukki s C R E A M S
kindaichi’s trying to calm tsukki down while goshiki drags koganegawa and lev into the freezer
which stresses gordon out because the freezer was supposed to be his place
have rat chef akaashi and yahaba managed to cook something?
no they both fell to the floor
and are contemplating their life decisions
akaashi: i miss remy
yahaba: me too man
futakuchi and ennoshita decide to add peanut butter and jelly on a plate and sprinkle the crunchy bread cubes on top
and now the judging begins
gordon: *looking at team second-gen's dish* what are you?
taketora: a deconstructed pb & j sandwich
gordon: and there's no way i'm eating this mac and cheese it looks terrible
tsukishima: i thought you'd be used to it with the food from your country
shirabu: *keying 911 into a microwave* hello, police? i'd like to report a m u r d e r
im sorry british food sucks except for like fish and chips which are only good sometimes
gordon: did this child just sass me? 
in the end he chooses team second-gen as the winner but its not because they cooked the best dish but because he feels bad for yahaba and akaashi
also because tsukki sassed him
futakuchi: alexa, play despacito again
also the microwave explodes
koganegawa and lev are still locked in the freezer
(check out pt. 1 feat. captains vs. setters)
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dnvrsmedia · 4 years
I’m not Letting You Get Away
Natasha x reader
Summary: Natasha and reader are fwb and the reader has feeling for her.
warnings : implied smut & angst with a happy ending!
An: FINALLY IM DONE WITH THIS FIC!!! I went through hell to try and finish this fic & it’s finally done. It would mean the world to me if you gave me feedback! as always request are open!
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You fall backwards on the bed; panting because of the activities that you and Nat partook in. For a second you both lie there in utter bliss. The world around you doesn’t matter; it’s just the two of you...until she gets up to get her clothes on and leave you. You knew going into this type of relationship that Tasha just simply doesn’t do relationships. But here you are, in love with a girl who thinks she’s incapable of loving or being loved.
The two of you have been friends with benefits for a little over 2 months now. It started on a drunken night and here the two of you are now. You, pathetically looking at her as she puts her shoes on. “Stay.” You mutter out. You knew you’d regret this as soon as you saw her body stiffen. She continues putting on her other shoe as if she didn’t hear you. When she finishes, she gives you a peck on your forehead and heads to the door.
Before she can get very far, you grab her arm. “Please, Nat, why don’t you stay this once?” You smile gently.
“Y/n... you know I can’t.” she caresses you’re cheek. You move from her hand and sit up from the bed.
“You can’t or you don’t want to?” You feel tears building up in your eyes. Why do you always do this to yourself?
“It’s not that I don’t want to it’s just- it’s just if I stay, the team’ll think we’re dating.” She says defensively as she sits back on the bed, adjacent to you.
You look back down at your hands and shyly ask. “What’s so wrong with that?” You could feel your heart beating in your throat.
“Y/n...” Nat calls for you, but you refuse to look into her eyes.
“Tasha, what’s so wrong with us being together?” You look back up at her to try and find something, anything, in her face. All you get back is a blank stare.
“I-I don’t think we can keep doing this.” You blurt out. Your tears are fully streaming down your face now. She goes to wipe your tears, but you move away again.
“Y/n, please...” Nat says, her voice full with concern and hurt.
“I can’t force you to love me the way I love you. I’m sorry, Tasha, I knew this from the start.” You wipe your tears with your hand.
“You love me?” Nat looks back into your eyes. There was silence for a moment. It was just the two of you looking at eachother, but this time, you weren’t feeling bliss. This time, you were feeling pain and heartbreak. Nat quickly mutters a “Sorry” and leaves you alone in your room.
A few days pass, and you haven’t left your room since. Your phone has been blowing up ever since, but you can’t be bothered to answer anyone. You were planning to have no one come and visit you, but Stark threatened to override friday the other day. So, today you kindly asked friday to only give access to your best friend, Bucky. Within fifteen minutes of you doing so, Bucky was in your room with a bag from your favorite Chinese restaurant in the city.
“God, Y/n you look miserable.” Bucky points out. You groan and go in to give him a hug. You were wearing one of Nat’s hoodies she left a couple of nights ago and your favorite leggings. Your hair was in the messiest of buns, and your face and chest were red from the excessive crying you’ve been doing.
“Gee thanks you really know how to make a girl feel good.” You sarcastically say as you roll your eyes. Bucky ignores you as he sets everything up on the coffee table in front of your couch. The both get situated and start to dig in. You soon take the remote and put on Ratatouille.(It’s my comfort movie don’t judge)
After about a half an hour, Bucky noticed that you weren’t paying attention to the movie one bit. You were just looking blankly at the screen. He takes the remote and shuts the TV off. “Okay, I didn’t want to rush you, but what’s wrong Y/n?”
“What do you mean? I’m fine.” You try and smile, but the smile doesn’t reach your eyes. You don’t know who you’re trying to fool, your best friend is a super spy. After Bucky stared straight into your soul, you finally crack.
“I told her, Buck. I told her I loved her and she left.” You averted your gaze to your fingers like it was the most interesting thing on the planet. You hear Bucky shift on the couch to engulf you in a hug. You instantly start crying.
“You know, she’s not taking this very well either.” Bucky says as you calm down. You laugh haughty. “No i’m serious Y/n. She’s been in the training room for hours on end. She hasn’t been talking to anyone either. I think she just needed time to think. I really do think the two of you should talk it out.” Bucky rubs your back.
“The two of you were made for eachother. Don’t let her go.” And with that, Bucky was out of your room. You keep thinking of what he said for hours after he left.
The next day, you decide it’s finally time to leave your room. You take a quick shower, making sure to at least make yourself look decent. You hands were trembling as you put on your shoes. Your nerves were through the roof. God, you hope Bucky is right.
You take your phone from the charger and head downstairs to the main kitchen. Lucky for you, everyone was sat at the table for lunch. Everyone including Nat. Everyone greeted you as you took your share in the kitchen. As you were grabbing your things, you heard a small “hey” from a familiar voice behind you.
You turn around to see Nat herself. “Hi” you sheepishly reply.
“Can we-” she sighs “Can we go to our spot and eat lunch together? I wanna talk to you.” Nat asks and you nod your head. As soon as you finish collecting your food, she takes your hand and leads you to your spot on the roof.
“Are you okay? I haven’t seen you in a while.” She asks as the two of you eat your lunch together.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” You see her cringe at your words. “How about you? Buck told me you were overworking yourself.” You ask as she scoffs.
“I wasn’t overworking myself...well, maybe a little, but i’m fine.” You giggle at her. She smiles back at you. She missed hearing you laugh. She missed you.
“I just want to say sorry for just storming out.” Nat looks away from your face. “I just don’t remember the last time someone loved me.” You put your hand in her lap.
“I’ll always love you no matter what, Tasha. I don’t even want you to feel like you need to love me back either. Trust me, I understand. You reply as she looks back into your eyes.
“That’s where you’re wrong, I do love you Y/n. I’m just scared.” Nat caresses your cheek.
“Scared of what?” You search her face for any sign of remorse.
“I’m scared that something will happen to you. My life isn’t particularly lucky you know.” She chuckles. You stare back at her face, taking in all of her beauty.
“You two were made for eachother. Don’t let her go.” The words of Bucky reply in your head. You know you can’t let the love of your life slip away.
“I’m not letting you get away.” You whisper as you lean in to kiss the love of your life.
The kiss lasts for an eternity, yet left you wanting more. No more being afraid, no more hiding. “I love you Natasha Romanoff.”
“I love you Y/f/n Y/l/n.”
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enchanted-prose · 4 years
The Unconventional Princess
anons in my ask box im so sorry and I will get your ficlets out soon! this is for my darling @ascendant-queen, because I know how much she loves Fink
Word count: 1,400 
Characters: Fink, Fink’s rat, Snips, Buttons, and Grip (All original characters)
Notes: 1414, Fink is about 9 in this ficlet, a wee babey. Unedited! Also we were cheated because Fink deserved to take his sweet rat with him, and I was watching Ratatouille so its only fair that I write a rat fic. Don’t think about how difficult it would’ve been for Fink to give up the rat, and you’ll be fine.
Fink was never the strongest, nor the biggest.
But he was small, and he was quick. 
He couldn’t remember the name he’d been born with; couldn’t remember the names of his parents. His name changed multiple times from Gabshite, to Bug, to Dung Beetle, and finally to Fink because he’d struggled with pronouncing his ‘th’ sounds while saying the word ‘think’.
“Come on Fink,” yowled one of the older boys. His current name was Grip. “There’s things to be doing.”
If dodging blows wasn’t something Fink was used to, he would’ve had a sharp kick to his ribs. Rib kicks were the worst.
They usually resulted in broken ribs.
Broken ribs meant a slow, painful death. 
“Things like what?” Fink rubbed his eyes, there weren’t any messages to deliver this early. Or at least he hoped there weren’t.
Grip shrugged. “Dunno, Snips and Buttons have been catching frogs ‘n other things. I think we’re gonna roast ‘em an’ eat ‘em.”
“We’re gonna eat Snips and Buttons? Eat a person? There’s no way I’m doing that, not even-”
“Shut up, gabshite, I’m talking about the frogs.”
Dichell was a nice enough city. It was far enough from the ocean to keep big fish out of the sewers, but close enough to Isel to get a wide variety of rich folk. They clung to their purses and forgot to seal up their pockets. Fink could get his hands on a few coins easily enough.
Despite begging him to slow down, Grip dragged Fink by the wrist through alley after alley, eventually they merged into Dichell’s main road. 
“Where are we going?” Fink asked.
No answer.
“Grip! Where are we going?”
“The Farmer’s Wench!” Grip called back. “I don’t know where to find the frogs, but I know where to find rats! Snips and Buttons will meet us there!”
“I thought Snips and Buttons were hunting frogs!”
“They are!”
Flaws riddled Grip’s statements, but Fink knew better than to point those out to him. The last time Fink had informed Grip that he wasn’t talking right, he earned a fist to the face. 
Luckily the tooth that Fink lost was one of his baby teeth, and a new one was beginning to grow. He had no intention of losing one of his permanent teeth over a dispute about talking.
Although losing a tooth by fighting a dragon in order to save a beautiful princess was easily the best way to go.
All Fink had to do was find a dragon. And a princess.
Just as Grip promised, Snips and Buttons were waiting in the alley by the Farmer’s Wench. Buttons, being the largest out of them all, held a large sack on his back. He was furiously beckining Fink and Grip over.
“We cornered a rat, but it’s hiding between a crate and the wall,” Buttons said. 
“Why can’t Snips get it?” Grip asked as he led Fink into the alley.
“We’re both too big, Gabshite.”
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“No, but I kiss yours.”
Fink frowned, “None of us have mothers. Oh! That’s an idea, we could all find a mother, get her to take us in, feed us-”
“Mothers don’t want boys like us, pigbrain!” Snips cackled.He jabbed his finger at the crate. “You’re gonna catch that rat for us, we need dinner.”
“But what if it bites me?”
“Better it bites you than me, Buttons, or Grip.”
“That’s not-”
“Fair?” The three boys supplied.
There was no sympathy in their eyes.
Something rustled.
The rat was making for an escape. 
“Get the rat!” Screamed Buttons, hurling himself at the animal. 
Buttons missed the rat by a foot, and careened into the wall. Fink flinched at  the sight of Buttons’s bloody head. Wounds like that only ever meant trouble. 
The rat dashed between Grip’s legs, dashed side to side, and scuttled right into Snips’s open hands.
Fink didn’t like the odd tug-tugging in his heart. It wasn’t right, the way Snips was laughing as he squeezed the rat until it squeaked.
He knew what it felt like to be squeezed until you were sure your bones were going to break.
It was too difficult to watch. Fink pressed his fists into his eyes, and looked at the Farmer’s Wench’s old sign. Looked at the toothless old man begging for a coin or two in the street. Looked at his shoes.
Anywhere but at the squealing rat. 
Too many times he’d been told he was too small. Boys like him couldn’t be knights, they’d be blown away by the flap of dragon wings before they could do any princess rescuing. 
Was it too early to fill those shoes? Too early to answer that chivalrous call in the only way he could?
“Ah, dinner is-” Snips said, but his sentence was never finished.
Gathering all of his strength, Fink punched Snips in the nose as hard as he could, and caught the fat rat as Snips tumbled down. The rat’s heart was beating faster than a humming bird’s wings. . . And Grip’s fist was coming at him equally fast.
Cradling the rat to his chest with one hand, Fink dashed down the busy street. He couldn’t let go. Couldn’t let go of the rat. Horses thundered past, drivers yelled at him to get out of the way.
By the Devils! What could he do with a rat!?
Go, Fink! Go!
His size brought him an advantage. Fink vanished into a side alley just as Snips, Buttons, and Grip thundered down the street. Rat in hand, Fink slumped against the alley’s brick wall. 
Fink didn’t know kind words, not the kind that young mothers used on their newborn babies. 
But he was willing to think of kind things to say. “You’re a skinny, little thing, aren’t you? Ah, silly me, rats can’t talk. I’m sorry, I’m kind of used to speaking to trees and other silly things. I get lonely, do you get lonely? Do rats have feelings?”
The rat gave a pitiful squeak.
“Oh, Devils! I’m holding you too tight, I’m so sorry. Here, ah, I’ll set you down. I can barely find food for me, let alone another mouth. Besides, pets are useless. I can’t train you to-,” Fink set the rat on the ground, “-do anything that’ll-, hey! What are you doing?”
The rat only sat back on its haunches, and sniffed at Fink’s trouser leg. 
“Shoo! Didn’t you hear what I said?”
Still, she sniffed his trousers. 
Fink stood up, “You’ve gotten me into trouble with my friends, I’ll have to go apologize. I wanted to be a knight, and you were my unconventional princess. But you’re not a real princess, and I’m not a real knight, so I have to leave you now. It’s nothing personal, everyone gets left behind in one way or another. Happened to me, but I turned out alright! Sure, I go a little hungry, but I haven’t kilt anyone yet. Goodbye, lady princess.”
He brushed his palms over his shirt, unsure of why his eyes were smarting. It was miserable, acknowledging that no matter how hard he wished, he’d been abandoned. There was no mystery mother and father coming for him.
There was nothing more to him than his ability to sneak into tiny places. 
A flash of grey darted around his feet as he shuffled forward.
It seemed the rat wasn’t inclined to being left behind.
“Oh! You’re right, it’s rude of me to do that,” Fink said, freezing in his steps to avoid stepping on the rat. “I didn’t ask your name, but rats can’t talk, so I’ll give you a name.”
The rat squeaked a little louder as Fink picked her up with both hands, and looked her over. 
Names weren't something Fink really knew. The boys he ran with were all named after objects or things they did well. 
Thinking, thinking. He’d run so many letters to so many people. There had to be- wait!
“I’ll call you Ninette,” Fink declared. He set the rat, newly christened Ninette, on his shoulder. “I ran a letter for a Ninette once, she was marrying a man she didn’t love and wanted to run away with somebody else. I don’t know what happened to her and if she got away. You can carry her name, though. Ninette was nice to me, and you’ll be nice to me too, little Ninette.”
He wouldn’t be alone.
Not while he had Ninette resting on his shoulder.
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feel199x · 6 years
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mafia!au, mafia boss!hwang hyunjin, ceo!hwang hyunjin
chapters: I II III IV V VI VII   masterlist
♟ warnings: angst, existentialism?
♟ a/n: y’all can never catcha break huh :( im sorry
♟ song rec: jungle - busy earnin
“Like I said, we’ve been aware. Is this the only reason you called a meeting?”
“Of course not, but if you could ask your team to leave, please.”
Hyunjin didn’t look at any of you particularly, preferring to keep his attention as he waved you all away like dust on his shoulder. He bridged his fingers together, placing his chin on the interlocks as he smiled at Woojin, and you stepped out. Hyunjin looked like a striking image of his father when he smiled like that, and you knew something was going to go down. God, you could hear Hyunjin’s voice- a youthful version of his father’s- speaking in a low tone, calm but threatening and it sent shivers down your spine. You couldn’t help but wonder if you would be on the receiving end one of these days, and how soon it would be. Too soon, probably.
Everyone sat in a waiting room, piling onto the couches and love seats separated by an unspoken line. Was this really the life you were born into? Was this really how you were going to live, propped only by invisible strings to be moved out of obligation? Life was a game, and you were certainly not winning. You had no cards up your sleeve, no trickery to gain any favors. You were condemned to the hierarchy of generation and legacy.
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You rested your head on your hand even as your wrist grew sore. They were starting to talk amongst themselves, of what? You didn’t know. It didn’t matter. Jeongin caught your eye as he whispered something into Seungmin’s ear and smoothed his suit walking off.  It was possible that he really was just going to the bathroom, but you doubted it. You waited a few minutes as the boys grew deeper in their conversation, too self-involved to care about their supposed enemies on each side of the wall. You got up, and smoothes your skirt when Changbin grabbed your wrist.
“Be careful, please, ___” he whispered.
“How did you-”
He let go, “I don’t.”
You released the tension in your shoulders as you made your way to the hidden hallway that kept the bathroom. You didn’t see Jeongin outside the doors, and thought it would be best not to look around. If you could avoid the suspicion, then you would. As the restroom door closed, you heard something fall. You opened one of the stalls to find Jeongin peering through a hole in the wall. “Cafe on eighth, three am.” He pulled the brick back- when had he done that? And then you heard the men’s door close, and footsteps fading from the hallway.
You sighed, placing both your palms on the sink counter and stared at the mirror. You looked so tired, why did you look so tired? You pulled at your eyes, wanting to cry and break down- you wanted to mourn. You didn’t even recognize who you were anymore, it was like you’d never even really known what you’d look like. Your body wasn’t your own, the breaths you took were automatic, you weren’t living.
But if man chooses to play god, something must be traded. An eye for an eye.
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The cafe on eighth was disgusting in short. It didn’t help that there were shards of glass everywhere, it didn’t help that you knew this could be a setup, and it definitely didn’t help with the number of rats you heard squeaking. No, you hadn’t brought a gun, and you hadn’t told anyone you were leaving- stupid, really, but you couldn’t afford to have Jeongin thinking that you didn’t trust him. Not even Hyunjin knew you were here, and you told him everything, everything. You felt a little less guilty with his recent actions on mind, but you still loved him. But after the run-in with Sir Hwang, you were determined to make him watch his bloodstained empire fall, his own blood spilling over his white marble chess piece. He had taken much more than he could give, much more than you had to give. He took and took, and it was your turn this time, and you were going to take everything. And the fact that Hyunjin hadn’t even mentioned the bruise around your neck? It was one thing to separate love and work, but another to become the character you played. You had heard about actors getting too invested in their roles, becoming the paper they played- going too far deep not to drown. You mentally waved it off, trying to focus on the matter at hand.
“Jeongin?” For a building that was supposed to be abandoned, there were still remnants of the cafe that used to be there. For one, the cafe’s name was still painted, albeit mostly peeled off, but there when you looked. But most notably, there were a few tables left. “Over here.” You squinted, trying to follow the source of the voice and found Jeongin, sitting with two coffees on a small wooden table. “I hope you didn’t make that here.”
“I don’t think Remy from ratatouille makes coffee.”
You snorted, taking the coffee off the table and taking a sip. “This isn’t even coffee, Jeongin.” He shook his head, taking a sip from his cup as well and sighed. “I don’t like it, and I bet you don’t either.” You smiled, “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” A comfortable silence sat between you two as you drank the latte, cappuccino- whatever, the not coffee. It wasn’t exactly like you had a lot of time to sit in each other’s presence, but it was better than coming up with a morbidly flawed plan. “So…” Jeongin’s voice trailed off as he put his cup down a bit too loudly. You sighed, wiping the cream from your lips with your finger. “We know the feds are coming,” you started, “So collecting necessary information is key. Find out when the next hits and drop-offs are, who they’re bribing.” Maybe you should’ve been more careful, and maybe it was naive to have this trust in him, but you did. It was a growing worry that nested in the pit of your stomach. “I already have some,” he pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and slid it across the table,
 “They’re moving arms in two weeks.” You picked up the paper, squinting in the dark. “The back docks? Don’t you guys do it by the bay instead?” Jeongin nodded, “Yeah, but Woojin freaked, and took safety precautions.” You tapped, trying to think of any information that could be proved useful to the both of you. “I have to be honest, Jeongin, it’s gonna take me a while to get good information,” you dropped your head in your hands, rubbing your face and brushing the hair out of your face, “They don’t trust me. But I know for a fact we’re going to be moving drugs in a couple weeks in a jet, Hyunjin is going to attend a game with other leaders.” Jeongin tapped his fingers on the table, letting the pads of his fingers hit it with an echo. “I didn’t know, maybe Woojin will tell the team today. But you do realize…” Jeongin leaned, “We could bring them all down with that game night, right?” You furrowed your eyebrows, racking your brain for all the times that Hyunjin’s father went off for the games. “They leave for two- three weeks, it’s a whole thing. We have some time to prepare, but everyone’s going to be on high alert. In fact, I think one of my teammates is on to me.”
“What? How?”
“He’s the most perceptive person I’ve ever met. But I think he’s on our side.”
“What if he’s not?”
“Then,” he bit your lip, trying to think of a solution but your mind came up blank, “I don’t know. We’re smart, we’ll handle it.”
“I guess I can’t get mad, I know for a fact that Woojin is keeping a close eye on me.”
You downed the last of whatever was in your cup, “We should meet back in a while, if we get caught then they’ll make an example out of us.” He took your cup, and nodded. To your surprise, he took you into a hug. “Be safe.” And then, he disappeared into the depths of abandonment.
Maybe you could’ve ignored the car that was following, maybe you could pretend like your heart wasn’t thumping in your throat and all the blood was rushing to your head. Maybe you could, maybe you couldn’t- same difference. What mattered was that it was happening. It hadn’t started outside of the cafe, nor for a couple blocks- but instead when you passed your regular bus stop.  
 You picked up your pace, finding yourself in a full sprint before you knew it. And then you stopped, it was a compulsion, maybe. You came to a halt, nearly tripping and falling face forward when you turned. You heard the tires screech, and you ran to the window, and in a frenzy- you punched the glass. You hadn’t expected it to break of course, actually, you didn’t know what you were doing at all. What would you gain? More importantly, what would you lose? It happened in slow motion, time seemed to move slower and you swore you could pinpoint the millisecond the glass shattered. You didn’t even feel the pain until you saw the glass litter across your feet.
You should’ve expected to see him, you should’ve better acknowledged the fact you could’ve been caught. You should’ve known that your entire plan could’ve been compromised. That didn’t mean you weren’t dumbfounded when you saw Hyunjin with hands on the steering wheel, looking at you worriedly. “Where have you been? I was going to bring you up to the garden.”
“I was walking.”
“This far downtown?” He took his hands off the steering wheel and opened the passenger door. It was more surprising that you had actually broken the glass, it should’ve been bulletproof. “This new?” He sighed, tapping the steering wheel as he drove. “It was.” He stroked your hair, eyes still on the air. “I haven’t been good to you.”
“No, you haven’t.”
He sighed, putting a loose strand behind your ear before returning his hand to the wheel. “You’ve been understanding, and that’s more than I can ask for. But mistreating you? That’s not me. It’s just been hard.”
“I know, Hyunjin.”
He laced his hands in yours and wound them together and kissed your hand. “But I’m still your lover right?” You squeezed his hand. “Of course,” your heartbeat began to beat fast, “But why were you following me?”
“Well, you weren’t back at the estate, and I was just driving around.”
“That doesn’t make any sense, how would you find my exact location?”
“I didn’t- I just,” he sighed, pulling the car over, “My dad thinks you’re a threat. So, I saw you leave and I followed you, but I lost you when you transfered lines and waited at the bus stop.”
“How could you have lost me if you were following the bus?”
“Cars started to pile up before me, and I lost sight of the bus when two similar one were behind one another.”
“What did you see, Hyunjin?”
“I didn’t see anything.” You looked for the tapping on his thigh, and his finger twitched. You stared up at him. If you lied, then you would just be as bad as him. You pressed your forehead against his. “Don’t lie to me, my love.” He sighed, closing his eyes, but didn’t move. “You know me better than my dad,” he laughed bitterly, “I don’t know why I even tried.” He pressed a kiss on your lips, “I know, and I won’t tell my dad, we can do it together,” he whispered, “I’ll protect you.” He kissed you again before he started driving again.
“I have a place to show you,” he hummed, “We haven’t been out, hm?” Haven’t been out, ever. Unless of course, it was Hwang related. For all of your life, you had been kept under the confines of your estate, away from the other legacies, away from any normalcy. Your mother said that you should be grateful, at least their estate was large- new rooms seemed to appear the more you explored. You technically weren’t allowed to explore without a tutor, but you were good at hiding. You were good at fighting. It wasn’t Hyunjin’s fault, you knew that. But it was his father’s. Your father was dead, your mother was going to die, and you would be joining them soon. And there was no way it was by god’s hand, but man. You refused to play god, and with this you opened your hand for others to play it for you, make you beg for a mercy only the holy was supposed to grant. Why was it like this? Blood lust, that’s why- something primal you didn’t have within you.
“We’re here.”
A diner, the kind that still served classic milkshakes and was open 24/7. The neon phosphorescent was almost blinding considering how dark it was. You sighed, maybe things weren’t okay, but at least you could pretend.
All the world’s a stage, after all.
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He smiled big at you, pushing his door open, “Let’s go! I’ll open your door.” It was a nice form a formality, a sort of chivalry something accustomed Hyunjin to. You found it silly, since you were in sweats, but endearing anyway. He kissed your hand, bowing dramatically as he did so, “My queen, join me on this feast.” You laughed, “Of course, my king.” He swung your hand as you entered the diner, and the door jingled as you both entered. You expected it to be mostly vacant, or for the both of you to be the only ones there, but it a bit busy. There was someone at every couple of booths, but you realized most of them were slightly tipsy. The pair of you sat in the back booth, holding up your menus and peeking over them with only your eyes.
“You’re stupid.”
“I am an acquired taste, my love- and here you are.”
“Not for long.”
“You heard me.”
You let Hyunjin order for you, you always were indecisive anyway. On the table sat a strawberry milkshake with two straws. You bit the inside of your cheek, trying hard not to let a grin spread from your lips, but you failed. “This is so cheesy.” He leaned over the table, nearly knocking over the glass to plant a kiss on your forehead. “Only for you.”
“Mm, gross.”
“You love it!”
“I do, I do. You got me there.”
You forgot about your problems as you sat there, drinking strawberry milkshake across who you knew would be the only boy you’d ever love like this. “Hyunjin,” you brought your lips back from the straw, “I love you. A lot.” He smiled, squishing his cheeks as he blushed a little. “Maybe I love you back.” You threw a straw wrapper at him and pouted. “Aw, I’m kidding baby. I love you.”
“I’ll kick your ass one of these days.”
You kicked him under the table, and he grimaced, but shot you a wink. The food arrived and you almost salivated at the sight of it. It tasted as good as it looked, and you don’t think you were ever excited to eat a burger as much as this. “It’s just, ugh,” you groaned, “you know?” Hyunjin laughed, trying to steal one of your fries but you slapped his hand away. “Please don’t cheat on me with a burger, it’d be very humiliating.” He pouted, and you sighed, giving him a clump of your fries. “God, you’re so lucky I’m in love with you.” He blew you a kiss. “I know, otherwise I’d be a dead man.” You nodded, pointing a fry at him, “That is the smartest thing you’ve said tonight,” and you popped the fry in your mouth. “Oh, so not the ‘I love you’?” You furrowed your eyebrows and frowned, “You know what-” Hyunjin stuffed a handful of fries in your mouth. “I’m so sorry, I just can’t make out what you’re saying. Could you repeat that?” You glared at him, but it soon melted into a laugh as you covered your mouth- nearly choking.
“You look so pretty,” he sighed dreamily, staring at you lovingly, “I’m so lucky, you know that?” You scoffed, shaking your head. “Vice versa, my love. I wouldn’t have made it through these years of training without you.” He pouted, opening his arms. “Aw baby, come here.” You sighed, moving to sit on his side of the booth and he put his arms around you, bringing you closer to him. He traced circles on your arm, and fed you fries. “You just wanna steal my food, Hyunjin.”
“True, but I also wanna feel you.”
“I love you, Hyunjin.”
He brought you closer, kissing your forehead, the button of your nose, and then your lips, “I love you too.” You stayed in the diner for a bit more, binging on junk food that was sincerely too good to be called that, talking about nothing particular as the night’s washed out sky bleed sunlight.
But all good things must come to an end.
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hideouspumpkin · 4 years
hello léna!!! food anon here :-) its very cute that i got my own tag im touched! i hope you made yourself some nice comfort food yesterday and today!! ❣️ also im so sorry to hear that you lost your grandma just a few days ago, i really hope you're doing okay and that you're taking time to heal! learning more about different love languages helped me so much in deepening my relationships with the people around me because i always assume everyone shows love in the way i do (1/4)
food is a very beautiful love language and even if it isnt your own love language you can learn so much from the people who show their love to you through cooking and sharing. its so much more than just putting the ingredients together and serving someone, its a way of saying "i love you and i made this and i want to share it and i hope you love it because i put my love and effort into it" and thats very beautiful (2/4)
to so many people food is just an afterthought, you have a quick breakfast before you rush off to do work and you don't take proper time to prepare lunch and sit down and dinner is just a hassle, but food really asks you to use so many of your senses and enjoying a meal can be very therapeutic and meditative. it's about creating something that smells nice, looks nice and tastes nice while also offering a way to connect and that's just 🥺🥺🥺 (3/4)
so yes lets look at food as a way of showing your love, and making connections and self care to take a moment out of your day solely focusing on yourself and the moment and the food and the senses it stimulates, instead of just a way to fill us up with least calories as possible so you can fit into the small standard of society. having a good relationship with food has a way bigger nutritional value because it also feeds the soul ❣️ (4/4)
omg hi again !!! i gave you a tag because your messages really impacted me and i want to be able to find them again ! I had a nice ratatouille with a lot of spices yesterday and today i went on a picnic with some friends so we had veggies and hummus and bread near a lake and it was great !! What about you ? Did you have a nice meal, a nic trip at the market, the store, did you bake or cook something you’re proud of ?
Thank u for your words abt my grandmom, it’s very weird because we really didn’t expect it so im struggling to fully comprehend what happened but i’ve talked abt it a lot in therapy and i have been writing about it so im slowly healing ❣️
I was actually considering reading about love languages because the concept of it fascinates me, how each person expresses their affection and care in their own ways, and how we adapt our languages so your own can articulate itself with other people’s !! I actually think food is one of mine, and that’s why i have issues with it, because making food and giving food both mean so much to me and i have like intimacy issues so y’know it’s linked ahdhfgs 
i also completely agree abt the whole food being an afterthought. I think it’s because a lot of people see food as a necessity, something we have to consume to live but don’t actually think about it fully, and food isn’t just abt the energy it gives you, or how it will stop your hunger (even tho it is also that, because it’s a privilege to be able to see food not just as something that will make your survive) it’s the moment that surrounds it, the time you take to prepare, sit down and then eat the meal that makes it important ! Also, i read eat up! by Ruby Tandoh and she said that most times, when we remember a moment that mattered to us, we remember it throught taste, and it says a lot about the importance of food in our lives, how they shape our happiness and who we are, she wrote “our memories are patchworks of taste” and like shes right 
But also, food is important and having a good relationship with it is important as well, i think food isn’t everything and shouldn’t be everything, it shouldn’t be put on a pedestal, because it isn’t an healthy mindset either, like romanticizing food sure helps associating something positive with food, but it also can become obssessive and, especially for peeps having disordered eating, it creates a sort of distance with food, which then becomes something almost ideal and perfect, only there for pleasure. We have to consider food as pleasure but also as something we do need to survive, we need some nutriments, and some vitamins so we cannot just eat whatever we want, its a need and a want which is actually pretty amazing but makes it hard to build a balanced way of consuming it (i have no idea if what i meant even made sense here ahzfdgqf sorry)
Also, love your last sentence it made me go full of love and hope and want to heal ❣️
Thank u again for your kind words anon hope u had a good day as well ❣️
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stylessemantics · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
1. Always post these rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
I was tagged by my sweet @roseonhissleeve and there is a cut cause y’all know I love to babble on for ages! I also love this cause this is one of those tags you can get tagged back and do again every time! Isn’t that fun?!
1. What are three things that you are proud of?
My parents. My love for reading. Harry Styles.
2. If you could learn how to sing/perform one song perfectly, what song would it be?
Change The World by Eric Clapton and/or Don’t Know Why by Norah Jonas. Those two songs are masterpieces and beautiful to play on the piano which is what I need to learn so I can stop asking my mom to accompany me on the piano. CTW is also a very beautiful arrangement that I would kill to know the guitar part of as well.
3. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
What would I want my superpower to be? Power of persuasion? The power to copy other powers? Telekinesis, telepathy?
4. Do you have any tattoos/do you want any tattoos? Tell us about them.
I don’t have but I do want. The only thing i can tell you about them is that i like simple small designs like line art, minimal style things, pointillism as a method of shading, not extremely detailed or like hard just simple things like idk planets, roses, constellations, figures, cartoons or doodles, etc etc . Check my inkspiration tag.
5. Where do you go when you need to think?
I wish I had a place. I wish I could tell you there’s this little house on a hill or a treehouse or a cafe o some interesting spot like that but I don’t leave my house much and there are no spots like those over here that I could just escape to. So I’m guessing I don’t go anywhere physically but I do mentally with the help of music or a good book. 
6. What is your favourite Disney/animated movie?
I can’t choose. Every time Ella Enchanted is on I just have to watch it, but that’s not an animated movie, and I wouldn’t consider it a favourite (i can’t choose any favourites in anything sorry) Maybe Ratatouille? Or The Lion King?(the timon and pumbaa one)
7. What is your favourite book & why?
If I can’t pick an animated film how do you expect me to pick a book WOWOWOWOWOW talk about unfair, and impossible. Wings by Aprilynne Pike always comes to mind because I just LOVED it when I read it back in like 9th grade, and because I recently discovered it’s 5 books NOT 2 AND I HAVE ONLY READ 2!? Also To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han. Palacios’ WONDER. The Book Of Lost Things? The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. Red Queen? IDK IDK IDK I want to read more. There was this line in The Perks Of Being A Wallflower that goes “this is my favourite book, but then I’ll read another and that will be my favourite book” or something along those lines and that right there is the definition of me. 
8. What is a song that not a lot of people know that you wish was more popular?
Nope. Not Saying. JK I Don’t have one. I’m always searching for new music and even older tunes that catch my eye I just... IDK. I do love sharing music, I love being able to light up someone’s day with a song recommendation cause it feels good to be all “yo listen to this, you’re going to love it” and share the love, but then again sometimes you discover a song and you’re like “nope, mine mine mine” and you want to keep it to yourself and then it’s on the radio and you’re like pissed but also glad cause now it gets the well deserved praise? That’s me too. And I don’t have any songs right now. Let’s go with Always by Panic! At The Disco. IDK why but I feel like not everyone has listened to that beautifully written jam, and everyone has to.
9. Where do you get your inspiration?
anywhere. I haven’t lived many experiences. Writing romantic fics/songs? I have the most inactive romantic life ever. It has never been activated for me to say it’s NOW inactive so... I just have a vivid imagination and I enjoy coming up with things, stories, scenarios, visuals, etc. I sometimes grab a tenth part of something that happened to me and sprinkle all the fiction possible and write it. My love songs are all stories I wish had happened to me or me writing from a friend’s perspective after they tell me their story and i live the romance vicariously through them. It’s why I don’t think my songs are any good. They are not real cause I never experienced that. And that’s just when it comes to romance stuff, there’s a whole other batch of genres I’ve never experienced IRL and still try and talk about.
10. What makes you happy?
Harry Styles. Music. Writing. Reading. Doodling. My Family. Imagining a future in which im happy and have some answers to some of my questions. my friends. making friends. Discovering things i like. Travelling. Not having depressive thoughts. Watching my fave youtubers. Seeing other people happy
11. Why are you a 1D fan?
boy, oh boy. I have no idea. They just drew me in, without me looking for anything they just popped and I liked it and there was nothing wrong with that, I just like music idc who sings it and then we see if I like the artist as a person to explicitly follow all their work, which happened with 1D, I read up on them and caught their performances on the tv or looked them up and realised how awesome they were as humans and that made me like them a bit more to the point where I was a fan. An Actual Fully Fledged fan, not just an “oh i like this song” and I have no idea how, or why, it just happened and they were too good to drop. I am a fan cause they are amazing people. Isn’t that just how it goes? You don’t know why you love someone, you just do, and that’s how it goes.
Do you have a favourite pet name? What is it and why, and if you don’t have/don’t like pet names; why?
Tell me a Joke:
Are you a plant inside the house person? If yes; fake or real plants. if not: why?
Take me down memory lane and tell me a first. (first tattoo, first kiss, first time you saw the colour pink idc, just take me with you)
Pick one of Harry’s 8 unreleased songs and give me a prediction. What does it sound like? What is it about? Get creative and write a verse of the song if you want. Just for funsies!
You’ve just won a Grammy/Oscar/Emmy/IDK. Thank you speech? Go:
Fill in the blanks: I instantly smile when _____ because _____
Favourite Harry Trait? #AHarryLovePlatform.
What don’t you understand? (besides this question, come on, be creative) ((example: IDU how people don’t like Harry Styles))
If a sandwich was named after you, what would it be called (your name or something else)? What did you do to earn that honour? What’s in it? (taken from my 1 page at a time daily creative companion book)
Recommend me: a song, a book and a movie. (they can be Harry inspo or not. Just give me art!)
AND NOW I TAG: @hstylescouk @roseonhissleeve @inwhichitrytowritesomething @harrycarryme @legend-waitforit-harry @kasiwrites @permanentcross @trulymadlysydney @aqua-harry @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy @ihearthemcallingxx Wish i can tag more of youse but i was asked for 11 sorryyyyy You’re all more than welcome to do these and tag me back!
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Episode 9 “Find out who your true friends are” -Aromal
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(a little bit later)
I'm so sad bc Dana has been the REALEST w me since day 1 and Mitchell lied to me about his idol so idek if I can fully trust him anymore and aaaaaah Looks like its me Mitchell Matt willow allie aro and whoever Mitch can pull over from the other tribe but I'm really sad my mom was idoled out its just not fair
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i hate double tribals i really do especially if its one world since everyone has to say something to someone else in order to save their homies and ALLLL offense i still hate the small talk so like what else is there for me to do besides get ma plants and chill. so the round started off with willow trying to talk to me but then completely going missing but then talking to johnny (home boy af btw. squad in the house) about how she can save all the newbies using mitchell and danas vote which basically confirmed what i already knew of the old makiura alliance being tight. but that only leaves 2 people to get voted out and that is me or ryan which 1. duh and 2. not today satan. i quickly established ma thang with johnny even more so he can continue to give me info that i needed on the newbies like aro/zak having an idol to use on each other, lily having the makiura one, etc but it also got me thinking that maybe i should continue to try talking to the newbies cause they seem festive but then willow goes and lies so i said fuck dat. ryan and johnny made like 2 alliances with us on the same day which i high key didnt see the point of doing bottthhh but ya know be festive. they came up with this idea of splitting votes which i never like doing really since it is really sus af but i told them ayy great plan whatever just to make them not yell at me for not being alive but thEN! i was like this high key makes no sense to do??? so if there is a rat then im just going to stfu so no one can have tea on me and guess what. RYAN THE RAT???? [4/24/17, 8:52:11 PM] Dana Barry: So i know there's a vote split [4/24/17, 8:52:20 PM] Dana Barry: Not to be blunt [4/24/17, 8:52:49 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Okay :S [4/24/17, 8:54:07 PM] ~~Johnny~~: How do you know about the split? [4/24/17, 8:57:19 PM] Dana Barry: Ryan is blowing up your alliances game to gain favor on the other side [4/24/17, 8:57:31 PM] Dana Barry: They literally all know and have been in contact since the plan was conceived [4/24/17, 8:58:50 PM] Dana Barry: I know we havent talked a lot, but i really didnt think you were going to vote me [4/24/17, 8:58:56 PM] ~~Johnny~~: And I’m assuming that Ryan has been getting you guys to vote for someone else? [4/24/17, 8:59:00 PM] ~~Johnny~~: That isn’t LA? [4/24/17, 8:59:09 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Because Mitchell just said that he wasn’t voting for LA [4/24/17, 8:59:13 PM] Dana Barry: Nah it isnt [4/24/17, 8:55:19 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Why do you even think that though? [4/24/17, 8:55:36 PM] Mitchell Kalabang: Is it not true though? [4/24/17, 8:56:42 PM] ~~Johnny~~: It is [4/24/17, 8:57:12 PM] Mitchell Kalabang: I figured lol [4/24/17, 8:57:25 PM] Mitchell Kalabang: If we're being honest I've never been voting for LA [4/24/17, 8:57:37 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Who were you voting for..? [4/24/17, 8:58:07 PM] Mitchell Kalabang: If y'all tryna sneak split vote me out why would I give that up ! [4/24/17, 8:58:40 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Well, I didn’t want you out, and you were getting 2, but now I’m being told information about how you guys found it out [4/24/17, 8:59:06 PM] Mitchell Kalabang: Someone's got some pretty loose lips on ur side [4/24/17, 8:59:15 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Ryan? [4/24/17, 8:59:22 PM] Mitchell Kalabang: Not to name names but there's a reason this person went 6 times without making single digits idk mitchell and dana are savage as fuck fdkughdk (but yeah we all know the rest. and dana got voted out by someone who was too busy sleeping to know what the fuck was happening. if that is not me!) the alliance chat is popping tho of ryan and johnny arguing. turns out mitchell is just annoying and likes to spread shit so who is really the rat. hm. the answer to that is good ol' matt. the most annoying guy to talk to and the main person i have been dying to leave for ages. god. literally he has been against my side since the start of this game and he continues to make things hard for himself.... if you are going to be a rat dont be obvi? i still dont 100% trust ryan but i do trust that matt is fucking ratatouille in the flesh so there is that. cant even just pay attention to his own tribal ctfu. I HATE THESE PEOPLE ESPECIALLYLYLLYYLYLYL HIM
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Well this has officially been the craziest episode whatever you can call it of the season. Jacob went home as planned after complete chaos with Willow. Basically she told him I was targeting him just because she felt bad and it's cute and all that she has a good heart, but seriously she needs to get it together before I vote her off too. I think I have a lot of enemies now, obviously Jacob voted me and RTP played an idol and saved his ass after somehow Mitchell and Dana got everyone to vote him which was wild. I am so sad about Dana it's unreal I loved that girl. Now I still have Mitchell who hopefully hasn't lost any faith in me after I told Willow he had the idol, oops, and then lied to him and said I didn't say that because I can't own up to anything I did. Right now I am cooking I think, I got numbers, Mitchell, Allie, Willow, Zak, Aro, and even Johnny, and hopefully when it comes down to it I will be at the tippy top of the alliance since I believe firmly I have close relationships with many of these people. I flushed two idols tonight btw, and Daisy who had one, so in my two tribal councils I've literally just triple flushed idols like a really stinky poo. Ryan is mad at me but is willing to play the game but I don't trust his ass really.
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Final Confessional! I just got voted out, and I'm not actually very sad because i went out WITH A BANG and i'm on jury, where I will make it my mission to ruin lives. Effectively, nobody is this damn game can keep their mouth shut, which was both the best and worst part of this season. As I said in my last Conf., Matt was feeding us info, but basically fucked up that line of communication by getting himself caught as a snake. But about 2 hrs before tribal, Mitch and I get word that the other 5 on our tribe are splitting votes 3-2 for me to go out because they thought I could have an idol I guess. So at this point, Mitch and I were voting RTP and it looked like i was definitely goin. Mitch's idol wasn't going to be useful for us there, because even if he had given it to me (which he wouldn't have), there would have been a tie for him and RTP and his ass was grass at that point. So basically, we're tryin to think of options like 1.5hrs before tribal, and so Mitch and I just start goin nuts. I'm saying all this crazy shit to LA to make her vote with me: [4/24/17, 8:30:29 PM] Dana Barry: Listen- i know you guys are splitting for me tonight, but i wanted to talk to you first. [4/24/17, 8:39:09 PM] Dana Barry: I know we havent talked a lot- and there's not really much incentive for you to want to vote with me, but Ryan has been throwing you under the bus for days, basically since the game started. He wants nuTemoana to be a thing post- merge, which automatically leaves you out of any plan he has. [4/24/17, 8:44:06 PM] Dana Barry: I love ryan as a person- but he isn't with you long term, and i know you'd be taking a risk, but at merge we would have numbers. Also i'd be willing to vote whoever you are interested in taking out tonight, which would be a big move for you in this game, because inevitably you will make it far. This would build a lot of trust, which i DO NOT betray unless i find people are coming for me in this game. Sorry this is a lot, just something to consider as someone outside of the core alliance. [4/24/17, 8:45:53 PM] Dana Barry: Obviously this means I have no idol, so if you don't want me out and want options down the line, i'm here and i have no more options. And Mitch is on call with Johnny tellin him about how shady RTP is, and then eventually I get on with them where i'm literally hiding out in the bathroom of the bar to talk to them. So then we're all about to vote RTP, and for a minute there is some consideration for Lexi, but then Johnny is like nah RTP doesn't have an idol. OK-so at this point the four of us could just vote RTP. Then someone tells Lexi to also vote RTP, which she does. EXCEPT SOME FUCKER TELLS RTP TO PLAY HIS IDOL BECAUSE WE'RE ALL ABOUT TO VOTE HIS ASS OUT. LIKE OMG PLS EVERYONE HAVE SOME CHILL. So I know that Mitch has the idol, and i'm the only one on our tribe, so both he and RTP play idol, meaning that because Luca was asleep and voted me, my ass gets voted out. While I'm not sure how RTP found out he needed to play the idol, my best guess is Lex? Idk her well and she would be the most likely to be close to him and then just vote him as a cover for herself. Alternatively, some things were getting funky with the other tribe, where basically Matt and Willow (who was also being fed info by Johnny. like what?) also knew how desperately Mitch and I were trying to save me, and so maybe they reached out to RTP for some odd reason. Am I happy? NO.  But also I was so problematique tonight and really caused a problem, which is absolutely my aesthetic and i wouldn't have played it any other way. So, peace out Solomon, get ready for your most vocal juror. Please Mitch- you better be dancin and win this. 
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Hey! Remember me! I'm still here! Barely.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3ykj-8n1M4&feature=youtu.be 
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Mitchell is the gayest straight boy I know and I know myself when I was 12.
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Yay I made both jury and merge! :D Double yayy for making merge with a majority alliance! :D First merge vote is looking like Ryan and even people outside our alliance wants him gone. Rip
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This flag making challenge made me mad because I had an okay idea, but then the app I was using crashed like 50 fucking times, and so I lost all my progress. Since i kept loosing all my progress I didn't even finish with the extension oops. But if I had more time my idea was gonna be to also add quotes of what people have said in the tribe chat next to their icons.
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Pino Noir Caviar, Myanmar, mid-sized car You don't have to be popular Find out who your true friends are Pino Noir In the boudoir (in the boudoir) Pino Noir, smoke a cigar Revenge can be spectacular Pino Noir x4 (Pino Noir) Pino Noir, leather bar Oh so close and yet so far Pino Noir x4 (Pino Noir) Pino Noir, you're a star Listen to Tom Berenger Pino Noir, Rosenbar Pino Noir Au Revoir
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I won my first individual immunity !!! *screams* I didn't think I'd actually win this one but yay. I'm excited but I'm also really worried, people say I'm good at challenges and this win is definitely gonna put a bigger target on my back. It doesn't help that we tried to vote out Ryan either, cause obviously we are gonna have some trust issues now, we're still working together cause he says it's fine but he could just be saying that. It was weird having to talk to someone after voting them, usually the people I vote go home so this was the first time I had to talk to someone and try and fix the relationship and be like it was nothing personal. I'll see how this goes though, I need to try and be more social, its still my biggest problem.
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ayo! its time to party aka have a heart attack for the rest of the night cause i hate major votes like this and this is the most important vote since the start of the game.... im gonna die. anyways so prior to the merge i guess some of the female newbies were tired of the attitudes given to them by the returnee males like matt and mitchell (which understandable lmao i hate being told what to do even tho i dont show it most of the time) so they came to pretty much everyone and expressed their interest in switching to the other side namely ryan johnny and i's side. the thing is, i know i can trust allie since she hasnt proven otherwise that she can't but willow is just a very shady person to talk to and she is very much not talking game with me so as of now, who knows what she is actually doing. it also concerns since she is the one that told mitchell and dana about the plan we had to split the votes so that obviously doesnt make me want to trust her to any extent. in hand with that, luca has also been very weird and i can't trust him as far as i can throw him which isnt very far since im barely 5 feet so... bleh. he was trying to get ryan out before the start of the reward challenge and i just do not know man! these newbies suck ass. and not in the good way! but yeah i won the reward hehe and got the idol clue hehe but found nothing... so 2/3 isnt bad i suppose for this round and i knew i wasn't winning immunity since everyone in this fucking community talks the exact same way like what is in the juice? speaking of the juice... these people got very drunk last night and normally i love drunk people but last night.. a moment in time. funny enough karen was also drunk but she was a nice convo to have. but yeah about the drunk people, i dont know if johnny is trying to be the next parvati or he actually believes what he is saying to me for some reason but i will not take the bait. at times like this i appreciate my lack of social skills. but thats all folks. hopefully matt leaves (or ryan tbh as long as it is NOT me) and that alliance is shook to the core.
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So we just all said it's supposed to be Ryan and people are deadass so quiet rn that I'm like getting paranoid it's gonna be me but I don't wanna be that person who overthinks and then cut to me overreacting and making a dumb move and losing everyone's trust, so I'm just gonna keep my cool and if it's me tonight or something crazy allow this confessional to be proof that my ass ain't surprised.
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fuckfuckfuck the vote was set to be Ryan but apparently Willow told Zak something about another plan god im so nervous now
0 notes