#so the outfit i made worked for them if they'd been in that era but it didnt fully work for THEM
grapecaseschoices · 2 years
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part duex of the various fits and looks of kendis
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dyushas · 10 months
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I return two months later with another people standing image but this time it's Younger Character Designs for the Wayfinder Trio, because I don't think they should look exactly the same for four years straight of their adolescence. So this is how I imagine them when Ven had only just arrived in the Land of Departure
Thought-process notes under the cut (mild spoilers ig):
-I think Terra is a creature of habit and has been dressing mostly the same since at least puberty, especially since his style is the most like Eraqus' (in my opinion) and I think most people would copy their parents less as they get closer to adulthood instead of more, but what do I know? Idk what I'm even talking about half the time. It's ultimately vibes, I just think that's his brand of autism. But I had to do it at least a little differently to justify the drawing
-Obviously he is like four years younger or something here so he's not as good at things yet or he would've just taken the Mark of Mastery then, so he's got a wrist brace to show he has fucked up his wrist. To show he's still not good at things. I am very intelligent
-I didn't want to draw the full arm piece but I pretend it's because he hasn't worked his way up to handling that much extra weight on one side yet
-I think the red shirt and the patterns look nice so I also did that
-Aqua cut his hair and she isn't that good at it
-I think he's meant to have brown eyes
-She's got so many flowy bits in her canon outfit and I think it probably took her awhile to achieve the kind of control needed for those to not just be a hazard, so at this point she's a younger teen and she isn't there yet, but she can still afford to add a bit of flair
-I was looking at ballet warm-up clothes like those trash bag shorts cause she's got this dancer thing going on
-She and Terra have the same style of shirt because I thought it would be cute and emphasize their closeness as well as the fact that Ven is somewhat of an outsider here at this point
-She has a knee thing. She hurt her knee. She probably fell trying to figure out that fuckass twirl she does sometimes or something
-She cut her own hair but had Terra help with the back. Mistakes were made
-Terra's nails are painted, too, I just drew him with the wrong hand position to show it. The two of them have been the only other kids around for a good while so they hang out when they're supposed to be asleep sometimes to study their keyblade stuff and then get distracted with something silly and joke back and forth, and they paint each other's nails and share clothes sometimes, although this is getting harder cause they're less and less the same size. And then the next day, Eraqus has to tell them off because Aqua is mad Terra's hogging the bathroom and now they're at each other's throats. Just the way it is
-I can write off everyone looking the same in the flashbacks in BBS cause it was a PSP game and they'd already made a lot of new character models so like. I can think "it was just a practicality thing, they probably didn't actually look the same back then" but Ventus also has the same outfit in UX and I pretend I do not see it. There's no way. He needs something else, his skin is sticking to his clothes. It's just not right, it's not ethical, he's only a boy
-I let him keep the waistcoat though cause it feels SO UX era, everyone in that damn game has a little waistcoat and then no one (?) in the console games does. So my thought process is that this one thing is for SURE from tha past and he just keeps wearing it. He's a little vintage
-He has shorts because ummm :P
-Sora had shorts both as a little baby in BBS and a larger baby in KH1, and then as he's been depicted as less kiddish and more teenaged they have him in those cropped pants now. So it's a Sora parallel. Shorts are just the little boys garment
-"But what if his legs get cold?" Well clearly I thought of that
-He has no armor bits because at this point in time he's just been through a lot of trauma and has only just woken up from a mild coma (for him), so he's all kinds of unwell and I don't think he's really doing any proper training yet. Eraqus already kind of babied him in the main story, so he was probably truly swaddled back then. He's dressed for COMFORT
-This meant he also needed different shoes so I drew some. They're not very remarkable
-I gave him a little jacket because I tried drawing him just without one and I didn't like it, he didn't look enough like he spends his days skulking around and looking sad and not getting to hit things with his keyblade, so I gave him something haori-adjacent like it's maybe something Eraqus had lying around and let him wear like how my mom starts putting her jackets on me when she thinks I'm acting sick. But it has black and white checks on the sleeves because I had to put them SOMEWHERE or else it wouldn't be right and every other option I could think of sounded ugly
-I CAN'T EXPLAIN THE LEGWARMERS, I just wanted him to have a unique silhouette that makes him look like he's been sitting the fuck around
-He just has the same hair as he had in UX, which is his original hair but shorter
That's it unless I forgot something in which case you can ask and I may or may not have an answer.
I might also draw Vanitas in this time period even though I'd just give him the same outfit he always has since it's a magic outfit or whatever, but like for the sake of imagining him Small. Vote now on your phones if I should or not so I can disregard it and do whatever I feel like anyway
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dominickeating-source · 4 months
What Satellite Issue 228 (2005)
Star Trek: Enterprise is nearly over. Elise Harris talked to actors Dominic Keating and Connor Trinneer about the end of an era.
After only four series Star Trek: Enterprise, the fifth of the Star Trek franchise series, is over. To slightly misquote the theme song, it hasn't been a long time getting from there to here. The last episode of all is controversial. There is a major character death and, metaphorically speaking, some appearances from the ghosts of Enterprise crews past (or yet to come). It may not be what you want to see. 
Dominic Keating (Malcolm Reed) and Connor Trinneer (Trip Tucker) think there was a lot of unexplored potential in the show. Dominic particularly feels there was more to see with his character. "I never got a love interest. I got a couple of fling-ets, that were treated as a joke - and I wouldn't have minded - but Trip Tucker got all the top tottie." 
Connor focuses more on the stories themselves. "I think there was an opportunity to see what they could have done with the introduction of these alien species. They always glossed over the first contact - we never investigated the first contact, which I thought we could have had a lot of mileage with." 
The much-derided theme tune and rather tight all-in-one uniforms were not a problem for either, though. Connor agrees the outfits were "like gas station jumpsuits" but feels they fitted the tone of the show, especially the dark sets. Dominic says: "The idea was it was a sort of retro feel and the whole bridge and the ship itself was Das Boot-ish, that sort of thing. I didn't mind the costumes. Though Monday morning was always a bit tricky because they'd wash them over the weekend." 
He says he really quite liked the theme and the sentiment behind it. "I loved the endeavour and the images that went with the credits, 'It's been a long time getting from here to there...this time I'm going to make it.' Alot of stalwart fans didn't want to hear the captain whimpering about that, though." 
Connor thinks the fans would have preferred a heraldic theme more in keeping with the other shows in the franchise. "Yeah," adds Dominic, "the Third Reich march. We will conquer the space." Altogether, 98 episodes of Star Trek:Enterprise were made - every other Star Trek series but the original made 100. Connor says that is enough to syndicate the series on US TV. "Ultimately, that was what they were looking for. There was no point to go five years - if you were going to go five years you were going to go seven. There's nothing for them - they were going to get their package." 
Dominic says: "I'm disappointed. I would have done three more series probably - I would certainly have done two. We signed for seven, so we're three short of what we signed for. I loved going to work, to be honest, I really did. Lovely camaraderie and great crew and just regular employment with a nice cheque at the end of every 10 days. Can't beat it with a short stick." 
He also feels the show was just beginning to find itself. "The other series that came before really found their stride round about where we found our stride and I think season one and season two are pretty good too - at least 75 per cent of it is." Dominic credits new executive producer Manny Coto with this turnaround. "He was very hungry and ambitious and talented. He was a huge Star Trek fan from his youth and knew all the lore of Star Trek; he righted some wrongs. They'd taken some liberties in the first two seasons with some of our time lines, which certainly ticked of some of the hard-core Trek fans. He tipped some of those around and made it look as though they were intentional. It was clever stuff, man." 
There are no immediate plans (if any) for an Enterprise film, but both actors think it's only a matter of time before there's another Star Trek project in the planning stages. Dominic says: "There is talk about a Star Fleet Academy movie, but I think they got burnt badly on Nemesis, all things considered." 
Connor says he is overwhelmed at how the media is reacting to the show's demise. He says: "They're treating it as though the franchise is over. My instincts don't tell me that. I think they're going to put it to rest for a while." 
Dominic adds: "It's the end of an era for the franchise, that's for sure. It's the end of producer Rick Berman's stint. Then another man will put his paw print on another version four years from now. Try his luck - "Starfleet Academy 90210 In Space" - something like that." 
Source: www.dominickeating.com
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dsknsk · 1 year
Opinions on MagiReco outfits, Puella Historia edition
It's been a while since I last did this. Also renamed it because it sounds less harsh than 'judging'. Since Puella Historia is complete (at least it seems so for now), I felt like it'd be a good moment. I know I technically already looked at Tsuyu and Chizuru, but I'll include them just because this is supposed to be going over all of Puella Historia's new characters.
Tsuyu Mizuna
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A simple and to the point outfit that does convey her aesthetic and gives me an idea of what kind of character she is personality-wise. The color palette fits nicely together and even the little bit of gold isn't out of place thanks to that. Previously I expressed wanting to see a back view to see how her hair is constructed as I was interested in that, the best I've got is a side view. It seems like what I assumed was a bun is more like a ponytail, huh.
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Chizuru looks like she's mixing old with new. The vest over her arm feels a little peculiar to me, I'm not sure if it is just me but it reminds me of a winter jacket. The inner outfit itself gives me more summer-y vibes, though, leaving me a little bit confused. The headpiece brings me back to her actual era. Her exposed thighs feel a little bit like they just had to put gaps there though.
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Now, does Kuro belong to this arc or not? She was a non-alt character who had her playable debut during it, but even though she isn't technically from the Puella Historia, I'm including her anyway. She's also the second girl whose design is based on Iroha, which is very visible from the way her hood is colored and built up. I don't really have an opinion on this though, it's just...fine. For a background character, she's fine. Nothing too special or anything else that stands out though.
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Now I won't be kind, but if anyone expected me to, they don't know me. My biggest gripe with it is that it doesn't actually convey anything about her. It's all just...exposed (pale) skin for the sake of exotification. That's it. She's an assassin, and at least her weapon being a damn censer does its job of being unexpected. And while there were people who were less dark during that time, I heavily doubt they'd be this pale.
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Olga takes mixing the old with the new to a different extent, and I'm not sure if it's working. What I do like is the cloak hanging from her belt but green makes for a very difficult kind of palette if it's the main color. Just like here, I chose to combine it with gold but the grey mesh is what throws me off, sorta. As well as the exposed midriff with the downwards cut in the mesh.
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This reminds me of like. The thing where designers seemingly use the lasso tool and then they color in along to where the lasso tool made gaps. That's the vibe I get here. It's kind of an edgy mess of huge demon horns, Norse motifs and of course, showing skin for apparently no reason.
Also, two girls leading a war with one having blonde hair and being light-themed, the other having black hair and darkness-themed, in a Europe of the past, designed by Masugitsune. That's definitely original.
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She's fine, if a little overdesigned (her artist likes to do that). The endless knot on her outfit is a nice touch (it's how I called her origin). If the garb it is on was a bit longer I would've probably liked it better, but I appreciate the artist combining green with red and avoiding that X-massy feeling you get with that combo. As a side note, having skin this pale is a beauty goal for many people who live in the area of Tibet I visited (Gansu), pretty much every person I've met has darker skin than you'd expect.
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She's actually rather fine. I can tell where she's from and what kind of position she has in the scheme of things. The only slight difficulty I have is with seeing her hair at first glance, i.e where it droops down along the outfit. It does nicely break up the white of the sleeves with the white of the main outfit, but also obscures where the cloak that goes down from her waist comes from. Overall, I like the use of the magatama (it's one of the three regalia of Japan and no, you can't see the real stuff) in the outfit and it's actually kinda funny how GAN was asked to backpedal before he made this.
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In a vacuum, I really like this. I love the classic combination of purple and black, because they just go so well together. The veil and the way her dress poofs up gives me that 'mystic' kind of vibe, and the white is there to aid the gold that is in there with the purple. However, I would have never guessed that she's from ancient Italy. The only thing that does clue me in about that are the shape of her shoes. She's really pretty, she just doesn't clue me in about her era at all.
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what-if-nct · 1 year
hiiii today's reminder is a notes app list of observations/thoughts from the concert that I kept to say to you lol:
- xiaohenyang black on black dance break I sobbed
- the first VCR started with jungwoo and jeno and I thought they'd do Js first then it went to yuta and my brain said "mera juta hai japani" which is a line from an old Bollywood song meaning "my shoe is japanese" and it cracked me up too much to pay attention to the rest of the VCR
- about the from home stage: RENJUN MY BABY smiling when he made it through his famous voice crack part and all the members putting their mics up to him for the "and it starts from here our home" bit 😭😭😭
- new stages/songs i don't remember being performed before that I loved: Oasis (why does sm hate winwin's voice), kangaroo (i need a well shot performance vid), ok, pado (tho why would they call it pado and not wave bc my brain immediately read it as pedo and then it was a sexy song and I was Disturbed), call d (what does that even mean lol they're not even trying to hide the frat boyness anymore), and you specifically are gonna love bat and alley oop
- why were the mics so bad. why was the camera work so bad, esp in nct u songs where they clearly don't know which part is whose. also they were focusing wayyy too much on close-ups for choreo-heavy songs (rip nectar). also the random hour long delay in between wtf?? tho I did like wayv banter in the meanwhile, speaking of which
- WHY DID THEY CHANGE WAYV'S INTRO TO "TO THE WORLD THIS IS NCITY"?!!!!!!!! also they clearly just tossed wayv up there to buy time while they fix the sets, it was kinda hilarious. they're pushing winwin to act cute and winwin taps his in ear and says "give us more time" (as in the staff asking them to fill up more time before the performance) and they jumped on him with "you can have all the time you want to act cute baby" to which winwin tries to hide behind ten but he's a whole head taller than him lol
- baggy jeans is good and I'm sure it'll grow on me more, but the t7s unit reunion feels wasted on it. love love LOVE ten's rap verse tho
- songs i loved live but really missed the missing members (this is mostly taeil tho sungchan makes a couple of appearances): round& round, my everything, taeil's empty spot in good night broke my heart, misfit, the 90s love bit in resonance. i like that they didn't have anyone cover taeil in 127's songs tho because he really is the heart of their music to me
- conversely: why does winwin still have 0 lines in boss, why not give him you know who's verse??
- apparently the new 127 album will be the most 127-esque yet and should I be scared?
- so so so very few resonance era songs :(
- some beautiful people: chenle, winwin, ten's wayv outfit, jisung in his black outfit (is that allowed???), taeyong's little braids even though I'm not sure how to feel about this hair, KUN 😭, yuta being the only one without a shirt in resonance for some reason
- Kun, Doyoung, jeno and Chenle together in the end that's my husbands and our sons
Hiii!!!, I might be responding super super out of order.
Overall the missing members left a layer of pain the whole time but the members who covered for them did amazing, Yuta hitting taeil's high note my baby did so well. And Jisung too, speaking of, recently I have been fighting any attraction to Jisung back with a stick, but the past day I... Can no longer fight it like hello???? Sir?? Sir?? Also I really noticed how much he and Winwin look alike I used to think it was just their lips but its their cheeks and smiles too. Jisung still looks more like Taylor Swift though. Who is coming to Miami next year! I think it's an amphitheatre so might picnic in the parking lot. Anyway next!
I just wanna talk about how much of a cutie patootie sweetie pie Renjun is every time I see him I'm like heres the boy! and his little smile! His redemption. And just everyone clamoring to him and Winwin, the princes of NCT.
I really didn't want to spoil all of the new songs yet so I just skimmed over them. And I did allow a little more of Bat and you are so right but but I left some surprises and I'll go back after the album release. But Hendery!!!! That is all. Call D, I have so many questions but the sheer vibe of the song answers them. It's not an NCT album without a song covertly about sex. Baggy jeans from what I've heard so far, same I'm not completely sold on it but I didn't hear the whole song so who knows.
The production value was definitely lacking and they seemed confused about how to film it. At least Winwin had a few of you knows lines in Wayv's songs but I always say this but it's cause the first time was so hard but the Yixing vibes are so strong with Winwin, and I worry. SM if you appreciate Winwin and give him everything he needs he won't find it else where just give him more please. Give Wayv more!!! I am an exo-l who's seen a lot and I'm scared okay. I don't want history to repeat itself. Again!! Cause exo was history repeating itself the first time.
I think we should just be prepared for the next 127 album it could honestly be anything, genuinely anything. I think just go in open-minded and ready to hear them out.
And I just wanna add just Xiaojun Yangyang and Hendery, that's it Xiaojun Yangyang and Hendery just wow look at them also.
Ignore the text I don't agree with that, that's just the tiktok. I only okay you know what nevermind.
Also Yuta can *** ****** ** me
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tveitertotwrites · 2 years
38, 35, 1, 5, 9 and 32 for your OH OCs/MCs please!
Hey! Sorry it took a while for me to come up with answers but here they are.
1). What was your MC's/OC's motivation behind being a doctor? Did they have any other career plans in mind?
Claire: So ever since she was little, she had been interested in acting and dancing, she also went to a lot of Broadway shows with her family when she was little. So she had been planning to find a way to work in theater/acting her whole life, and then she sees Ethan's book which changed her mind and made her interested in becoming a doctor.
Adelaide: Now Adelaide had always wanted to be a doctor. Growing up in Australia for the first few years, she made a few friends who she still talks to even in her adult years. One of her friends who she was really close to, ended up dying when Adelaide was 13, which made her want to help people who were suffering. The other idea she had for a career was to be a professional dancer.
5). How does their morning routine look like? Is it messy or organized? And to them, what is instrumental in setting "the tone" for the day?
Claire: Her morning routine is pretty much the same every day unless she wakes up early/oversleeps. She wakes up and checks her phone for a few minutes before going to the bathroom and taking a shower. She will then make herself breakfast (usually a blueberry or cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese or yogurt with granola or fried eggs on toast). She'll then brush her teeth and then pick an outfit before doing her hair and makeup. And on her way to work she'll grab coffee for herself and her friends (and possibly Ethan if he's at the hospital).
Adelaide: Now Adelaide's mornings are different each day. She tends to change the order for somethings depending on the day. Like she'll eat breakfast and then take a shower one day and then switch the next. She also gets coffee from Derry Roasters on her way to work though.
9). Suppose Landry Olden pays a visit and tries to make amends, will your MC buy into it or will they reject an opportunity to start afresh?
Claire: She wouldn't buy into it. In her younger years, she had been used by people and promised herself she wouldn't take someone back into her life of she didn't see a point or they hurt her too much. So when he asked to make amends she told him that she would only talk to him about patients.
Adelaide: Since she was at MK, she didn't have to directly deal with Landry till he transferred there. But once he did, she told him to not mess with her or Claire.
32). What is likely to be in their backpack/everyday carrying case?
Claire: She always has her water bottle and her laptop. She also has mascara, gum, chapstick, hair ties, extra clothes, and extra shoes.
Adelaide: Adelaide always has a water bottle, gum, extra clothes, gum, blue light glasses, and chapstick.
35). Funny on-call room stories they'd like to share?
Claire: During her first year as an attending, Claire and Sienna were in an on call room when two interns crashed into the room. They were making out and toppled over Claire and Sienna and when they realized what happened they ran out of the room. Claire and Sienna then never saw the two of them again.
Adelaide: So after Tobias transferred over to EB and Adelaide was an attending, she decided to have lunch with him everyday they had lunch at the same time, and one day they were in the on-call room after lunch, having some personal time. Then both Leland and Naveen walk in to see Tobias in his boxers and Adelaide without a shirt. About 5 seconds after Leland opened the door, Ethan comes and sees what happened.
38). Hypothetically, they're quitting medicine, what would it be for and why? And would they quit their career if they're presented with a grander opportunity?
Claire: So in my OH version, during the suspension and Amazon era, Claire actually auditioned for a few shows on Broadway and other theaters. Like I said above Theater is something Claire has always been interested in. Depending on the job, Claire may quit her career, particularly if they asked her to be in Moulin Rouge.
Adelaide: While I don't think she would immediately leave medicine completely, I think she would want to do something with Claire so she would probably also do something in the theater, which if she could choose it would be to play Anne Boleyn in SIX.
Any other questions?
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santajp · 1 year
The Wolf of the Heart
~ 6,000 Words
~ Werewolf and gender transformation with feet play, it all happening at a Halloween party with some magic! Apart of my 'Fuck it, We ball' era!
I had been waiting, or at least watching, for some time. Each and every year, near this same date and time, I'd see the weirdest people imaginable lightly passing by to head into the woods near my neighborhood home, and each year I'd get closer to doing something, only to stop myself barely. Today was apparently this day for this year, where I'd hear laughs and see fully grown in adults in costumes of animals that had to have costed a fortune. Seeing them made me cringe, roll my eyes even, but today was different, more hectic one may say. I had seen rumors online, ideas of forces beyond us pulling strings, and how it led to those who neglected their- morals almost...
Though many may not believe it, I did. I had seen it, every single time such a nefarious holiday cropped up on the calendar at the month's end. It was a natural evil really, one I didn't want to taint myself with. I would say I was better, too good for whatever vices filled their halls, and move on out of grace. In due time, they'd get the judgement, I thought. I thought that all until today where a string in my head snapped. Each year was cutting it thin like a knife was to my own mind, pestering me about my own ability to not stop these things being so close, being so- threatening almost, even if I knew I was better.
So little after such thoughts came and my curiosity spiked, I left the front door to follow the path into the woods, noting each part of it for one of them to notice me, but thankfully, I passed easily. I was going to tell whoever was making these meets to stop, demand they do or get others perhaps. At least in such case, I could say I gave some sort of heads up, some sort of warning. The dark woods surrounded me on the road before I saw a cabin above me, it needing stairs to reach the front door of sin. Though I rose them as much as my heart, knocking on the door...
The door opens to let me see a purple cat in a nurse outfit alongside a rabbit in an outfit her own, both of their attire making me want to look away. "Ugh. I hate this time of year." I mutter under by breath, going inside to a party before seeing a feline in a nurse outfit and timid rabbit beside her.
The rabbit grabs her arm and blushes. "Hello! How may we help you?"
"I would like for you to explain what you're doing."
The feline smiles. "We're simply having a party! Though I don't remember inviting you."
"You didn't. I desire you stop these yearly circuses, if not for me, for the rest of the community."
The two furries jump. "W-what!? We aren't doing anything!"
"You all are most certainly a bad influence." I catch a sweet smell in the air, it confirming my suspicious nature. Alcohol bellows from another part of the large house as I simply must only gaze around to see people wearing things they should not, feeling as if such things are ever acceptable. "This vice will wear off, like all other things, and I don't care for your excuses."
The rabbit and cat look at one another before slowly walking away. "O-oh, I see!" They then get into a huddle
"What is he talking about!?" The rabbit blushes. "He sounds like I was, just worse."
"Humans are weird, veery weird, but either way, let's just get him out with a spell or perhaps a..."
They mutter to one another as my want to negotiate falls rapidly. This was never going to work anyway. I should have noticed it wasn't, especially for these- Then came a tap. "Relax... it's going to be ok." I suddenly have to step back from a bird woman, looking upon the extremely revealing slew of leather straps upon her and immediately almost pushing her away, only before she speaks further. "You want to understand this, right?"
"Be this depraved you mean? I already know how. I've seen enough online to prove what you all are."
The bird then moves around me easily, getting behind me in what feels like a few seconds. "And yet, you still are confused." I immediately turn around to get her away, but she is gone, as well as the rest of the party. I'm simply in the room alone with the sudden bird as something in me feels- odd. "How confident do you think you really are, barging into here as if we'd all just stop because you asked?"
"I am confident! I stand firm! Now stop these tricks!"
"Fine, fine, on one condition."
"Speak, demon." I slowly motion for the cross in my pocket, moments before her feathery hand slides upon my chin so suddenly before she once again leaves.
"You need to stay here for an hour. Just an hour. After that, you can go, get others, do whatever whining you want when I'm not here to overhear it."
"You heard me. If you feel so adamant, then surely you can stay to test what you believe, just for a night."
"You- you-!"
"Like I said, if you know you'll hate this, then just do it and prove me wrong rather than
This is wrong. It must be, but- I have no other choice. Perhaps I'll be forgiven for this, at least to get out of this hell and her sinful words. I know I'll hate it. That is why I stay away, why I must fight any and all considerations of this. "Fine. Just- leave me be!" I yell before the party returns, the bird gone as I stand where I was. Though while the two ringleaders speak to one another, I begin to swiftly leave, running to the smell of the first vice through the crowd. Though I am trapped, I can and will prove the bird wrong. I will make that minx know her place, know my worth no matter what. Past the pack of wolves becoming like beasts to more drinks and across from a stage of people gladly showing themselves with a joy that gives me shivers, I reach a grand table of foods, simple snacks filling it alongside bottles of wine perfectly sitting near the corner in a triangle of wanting near small cups.
"That damn bird..." I grit my teeth and am so frustrated I don't even question of the evil of my hands, them picking up a bottle and pouring the glowing pink inside into a cup I suddenly hold. "My body will hate this, as I've always known it will, and I'll show her my conviction before others will help me!" Though would others work with me after what I now feel, the tip of the plastic cup now being on my lips while my throat swallowed it down, letting the strange sweet taste and taste of strawberries fill my mouth. I hated each second of it, and the people around me- I could feel them glaring, or was that my idea of them doing so with their wicked smiles. "N-no! No!" The thought made me tense and relax almost at once, a jolt of the two sensations making me step back before hitting a wall that was as soft as it was firm.
Behind me is one of them, a wolf by the looks of it, his grey fur and strong snout looking down at me as he lacked a modest shirt and only wore a pair of shorts. "Woah! You need some help?"
"N-no! Just- d-drunk a little!"
"Oh! Then you definitely need some help. You need to relax before it happens."
"Before what happens?" I barely have time to ask before two other wolves arrive, their bodies large in one way or another as one has fat all over near another of only toned muscles. The one I ran into is almost perfectly in the middle, his fur being such as well, a mix of the black and white wolves behind him.
"I'm not fully sure, but you need to ready for it." Once the wolf took my hand while laughing, I got shivers, a feeling of warmth unlike much else. Gone were even the words to even compare it to something. My breath was actually taken.
"W-what are you doing!?"
He quickly let go of my hand. "Oh! I'm sorry!"
I pant and slowly calm down, at least get some of the nearby eyes off of us. "What were you doing?" I ask it again, now more breathless somehow than the first time.
"I just wanted to help. You seemed tense and still do, but- sorry again."
"N-no, it's- alright." I feel strange saying that was ok, especially when it is so easy to get even more defensive, but- for some reason- I can't muster it. I can't muster the want to be mad, not with him in front of me and my mind suddenly scattered. Perhaps the drink has just relaxed me that much, but even if it has, that doesn't explain the sudden want for that again- the words almost taking my mouth for themselves. "You can help me. For now!" I felt the need to add the last part for my own sanity. Regardless of the sudden jolt of my mind, I still know them to be sinners. Though such an idea does leave my mind again one my hand was taken this his own, with him then pulling me along with his pack.
"Good, let's have some fun then! Turning should be fun!"
From the first drink then comes him digging into the nearby snacks in a manner I would expect, eating them down so quickly and so dirty I am left without words, all until he says, "Want to eat too?"
"M-me!?" I am offended he'd ask, especially as his two friends then attempt to push me forward.
"Yeah! Join in!"
"I hear they have steaks in the kitchen actually too!"
I am not interested in this, no matter how many times they say there are spare cheese balls and peanut butter cookies. I am not even caring for these- *Drip!* I then look at my mouth, feeling it drooling. I don't even remember opening it to droll, but- I walk forward to slowly take a peanut butter cookie in apparent defeat.
"Yeah! That's our dude!" The way the wolf puts his arms around me gives me shivers once again before I bite the cookie, chewing it to then feel urges to do something. Though I all it manifests in is a suddenly shake of my whole body.
"What the!?"
"Tastes good, right!?"
"Y-yes! What the hell!?" I growl to myself before I get another and another, just stuffing them into my mouth before he has to stop me.
"W-woah! Slow down! Other wolves want these too!"
I swallow perhaps the tenth treat down. "Fine."
"There's other food anyway. Boys, ready to get some meat?!"
They both chant a yes before I get pulled along again, finding it hard to not almost get excited. If those tasted so good, perhaps an hour wouldn't be so bad. I simply needed to get away from them and eat more. Though in little time we reached a kitchen where more animals spoke to one another, each in their own cliques as a group of some were in the corner with laptops. Though I find it hard to judge, harder to really look down upon it. Even if I do, my attention is drawn to exactly what my new wolf group got out of the cold array of foods, getting a streak that is raw and somehow seems delicious enough from that fact alone.
"This is the real stuff! Let our guest of honor try it. You'll need the energy to turn."
This time, when offered, I don't even flinch. I bite into it, opening my human mouth as much as it can to try taking it down. Somewhere in the back of my head is a knowing, an understanding that I'm acting like what is below me. Animals, made to serve humans, made to fill the world and feed us, for seconds felt less different. I adored food before, but now it was a moment of sameness- a moment where the same adoration was life was known to me. Though that was wrong. I was told it was wrong- or rather, I knew it to be. All these thoughts are wrong, yet the emotion on my face is a smile as the sounds are a laugh, my teeth slowly shifting to become sharper whist adapting to tear through what was once another animal moments before the steak is pulled away from me.
"H-holy shit!" I curse without noticing it, a patch of grey hairs slowly forming upon the once clear skin of my arm.
"See! Now you're really getting it!"
I laugh, immediately trying to get the steak back from his arms. "N-no! I want more!"
"Hey! No way! We want some too!" He laughs again. "Though tonight we can fight for it, perhaps do a little group hunt?"
"Fine!" I bark back at him with my sharpened teeth. "That sounds fine by me!"
The other two wolves look at me, immediately chuckling alongside us. "We've both tried to out hunt him, and we didn't get far. What makes you think you can outdo us, human?"
I try to answer the question, especially quickly in the heat of the moment, but I have nothing. Normally I could use facts and logic perhaps, but this is simply a feeling, a feeling that needed not to be proved. It simply is. "I know I can," I say. I internally say the same to myself, letting the words sink in. I know I can.
Minutes after we are back inside the slew of lights and music in front of a stage, the many laughing as the two I spoke to on arrival are suddenly gone and the wolves go past the crowd. Though I stay closer to the main wolf of them, holding onto his arm. "Now what," I ask.
"Now we party until the moon is not bright."
Right when the song shifts, he yanks me away from his two other friends, suddenly dancing with me in his large paw's grasp. "What the!?"
"Come on! You're one of us now, so we should have some fun! We ate, now we dance, then we drink- again, if you want!"
I retort, "Oh yeah, very enriching!" Though my feet move with his own on the ground, slowly having me get used to dancing with him. Though we aren't smooth nor formal, as shown by me then letting getting away from him to jump in the air, waving my arms wildly. It is only now I feel that I've never danced in front of people before, but he only smiles before jumping around me with spins, then taking my hand once more when I actually leave myself open for a split second. "H-hey! Also you noticed!?"
"The single moment where you catch your breath? Yes. Nice moves, but maybe they shouldn't tire you out so fast."
"Oh, shut up!" The other two wolves get people of their own to dance with, I rub against him as he does the same to me, the starting motions becoming constant. I slide out of his hand before he catches me, over and over, each time needing us to think outside the box further to do so. Perhaps I drop my legs down, only for him to pull me up, before I jump back, only for him to nearly pounce on me to the floor to follow. Even in moments like this, his lack of a name, my lack of a name barely passes my thoughts like the ticking of the clock reaching the depths of the early morning.
More hairs grow upon my arm as I feel more tempted to tease him, knowing how he thinks, knowing how he gazes at me for that of prey ahead. Though sometimes we bump into others, slowly making those of the crowd move away to let us have our own circle of former dancing made into play fighting.
"Wolves at it again!"
"They make the biggest messes, huh?"
I hear whispers around us as I break out again, looking at him even with my smaller frame staying firm. Though did they call me a wolf? Why? I look at my form, it mostly being human, but- this sensation, this rush of blood, it is something different, something I am aware of.
"So, when are you gonna quit!?" He looks at me with a growl, his hackles rising.
"Not any moment in your lifetime," I yell. With a simple lunge forward, my hands have their nail sharpen, becoming closer to animalistic claws before I try to jump up and pounce onto him like he did to me moments before, the crowd that was once dancing then chanting for one of us to win as the tune of drums and bass and guitars filled the air with a piano's legato. Each tap if the drum follows a step upon the ground that leaves claw marks upon the floor, first once only from him before my own shoes snap open to the emergence of large paws, their fur and paw pads adorned in growing sweat as I roar in an attempt to attack him.
Though he dodges before kicking me upwards, then jumping up with a strength I didn't expect as lyrics fill the air and a kick hits my back to the tune of a drum snare. I salm into the ground, crashing into it as a large groan comes from the crowd and he lands in the floor.
"There you go! I win!"
As he looks at the crowd, I slowly stand up, shaking while getting ready for the last word. "Oh, hell no!" The fur keeps rising upon me, overtaking my whole arms and hands as they become more paw-like in nature.
"Oh? Come on! I got one more!"
I then rush in, pulling my arm back as he rushes to me to do the same, our growls mixing in the air before-
"Ouuuhhhhhhhh!" The crowd gasps as we both punch once another at the same time, his fist in my gut at the same time mine is in his, before we both fall onto the floor to blackout...
Once I wake up on a soft surface, I look to see the wolf I fought barely waking up too, my nose in his musky fur before I sniff it about two times to make sure. Then I jump away. "E-ew! Ew!" I look around the still crowded room, seeing the party still going away from us as the other two wolves are gone. Perhaps they are getting help, but either way, without anyone looking, I sniff him again, the scent being more vivid with my nose now dark and wet to the touch. Though what was that?
I feel the realization hit after the fact, once I realize how beastly I acted, how wild that was to- hold him like I did for moments before trying to tear him apart. Was that really me? Was it really me who smiled through it all, who welcomed it? I don't look at him, only looking around for perhaps another cup of pink wine, before he wakes up to ask, "S-something up?" He laughs at us both being wounded, yet not seeming to care.
"No, it's just been a fun night, to say the least!"
"Why does a fun night leave you looking so sad? I'm surprised you haven't turned yet."
Apart of me doesn't want to believe what is happening. Even looking at my arm, it now coated in fur-like hairs make me feel relaxed, I try to deny it. It feels good to become it, good to see more of my body lose what it was, and yet- I tense still looking at it. "It's probably the alcohol."
"Is it?"
I nod, swallowing the other thoughts down in a way that is seemingly convincing as his arms go around me. "We're still strangers, you know. I'll go by the end of the night, forget this ever happened, and go back to- I don't know. I'm not sure if I can see myself the same after tonight."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"Yes, very bad. I was meant to be something. I was meant and born to be something, and now, I can't be it. I can't-"
"Woah, woah, slow down. You were born to be something, and you're already that."
"You're born to be you. You've done that, more than enough. What I've seen of you is confidence, and I well- I love it personally."
I sigh. "You say that, but of course you would. You are-" I cut myself off.
"I'm what?"
"You- you aren't like me. You don't feel my own head telling me this isn't right and me believing it is right. I know it doesn't make sense to feel the good, to live it and somehow- not want it still." I let out a low growl.
"You don't have to do it alone. You never had to. Sometimes you may feel that, but people would be willing to help. I would be willing to."
I laugh. "Oh, so you'll tell me you'll help my problems but not tell me a name already?"
"You never asked. I never did either. I'm used to people at these parties leaving their human names behind, making new ones or being nameless. It's commonplace."
"I-it is?"
"Yeah, but- I'd like to know your name after a fight like that. I need to know who to blame for my future bandages on."
I blush and nearly slap him, only to stop myself at seeing his smile and the- rather apparent wounds. 
"Haha, cute!" I then slap him. "O-ow!"
"Oh my god! Sorry! I was just caught off guard!"
"Has anyone called you cute before or do people not because you slap them?!"
"N-no! I just never- felt it like that before!"
"Like what? A threat?"
"No, like- having someone say that give me shivers and make me weightless."
"Oh, so you've never believed it until it came out of my lips."
I try to retort, but- he caught me. My lies float like a rock in water. "N-no, not really, but thank you. Thank you for that and the advice. My name is- Forget Me Not."
"Really?" He rolls his eyes.
"I don't know! I don't want my name here to be something people forget, and I'm bad at names."
"Ok, what about shortening it. Formn? Just jam it together like that?"
"Hmmm... sure, I guess Formn is fine for now, but what is your name?"
"Vao is my name, but call me V, if you'd like."
"Well, hello then Vao!" He pets the black hair of my head.
"And hello Formn~! May I take you out?"
"W-what!?" I blush. "But I'm another guy- you can't-"
"I can't what? I know I can do this-" His grip got onto my back, rubbing it before I got shivers. "Oh, I can also do this." He gripped my ass before I actually moaned, immediately covering my mouth. "I don't think your roles made that not feel good, huh?"
I slowly nod. "O-oh my... yeah-"
"Exactly, so let's go out into the woods, gave some fun!"
I can only smile at he stands from the couch to lead me to the backdoor, then going out into the cold night under the moonlight. "Maybe you'll turn faster if you use your fur."
"Yeah, just get in tune with yourself."
"M-may you help?" He nods and easily uses his hands as we step onto cracking branches while he rips my clothes off with his claws, letting the cloud prod my bare skin as I shiver in his arms.
"How does it feel?"
I look up to the moon, rapidly feeling hotter and more shameful. "I don't know. I don't know! Rahhhhh!"
He holds me tighter. "Calm down. If you fight it, it will come out as jagged as your thoughts. You need to be calm."
I try to force my heart to slow and control a steady rate of my fur then growing in to ease the cold wind's touches upon me. Though he sees me shake, growling louder and more like a wild beast. "I'm scared! I'm- grrrr! Awwo- awwwoooo!" I snarl and shake, even trying to claw out of his grip as my feet paws extend to their full size and my legs snap into more of a canine appearance. As more fur coats me, I also feel my hair extending, going over my eyes as drips them fall onto the dirt below is. "I'm grr-gr-oing to lose everything!" He holds me tighter as I look back at him, my new hair needing to moved out of the way to show my crying eyes. "I love this! I love it too much! And I was wrong!" My head spins with how wrong this is and how much I am wrong for letting this side of be come out. "Now- my life- I can't get it back like this!"
"Once the moon is gone, you can go back to being a human."
"But I can't go back to being me! I thought I- I thought I didn't like this for some good reason, but- I was wrong. I was just too weak to admit it, too gullible to think this all was something I would never do."
"I know know what or who I'm becoming, but- I can't them from wanting to be here forever, from wanting to love you..." My eyes tear up further. Begging for love like somesort of puppy, is this who I am truly? Is this what that bird knew? She knew I was just- so weak..." As a cry, the transformation slows down, more fur rising upon me before my exposed manhood rises only to shrink.
"Don't call me that."
"Formn, listen to me." He softly takes my hand, with me then looking at him. "Look at everything around you. This forest, the sky, the animals, even you- we all change. We all are different. We all aren't alone. You can't- you can't spite life itself for being as large at it is. You can't spite yourself for being as deep as you are."
"Though my head- it doesn't work on reason. I will feel this regardless of how many times you're right, regardless of how many times I know you are right. Like the same emotion that made me think the world had to be like how I thought it was, it can lead me to- feel as if that is still true."
He slowly turns me around, looking into my eyes through the now parted length of hair. "And each time you'll get through it. Each time those thoughts come, you will get through them because that is how great you are. I promise."
I nuzzle into him. "Are you sure?"
"Then- I know I can." I kiss him as I feel snaps and warm contorting from all across my body, my legs expanding as my whole body does the same. My furry chest grows the thickest fur, two mounds emerging to softly hang down over a chest of muscle and a crotch now lacking the cock it once had for a pussy that wet the ground. Vao slowly leaves the kiss with a smile as I do the same, my spine showing from my back as the fur finally spreads fully, overtaking my whole body as I eventually tower above him with giant paws and feet, drool spewing from my mouth as it extends forward into a grey snout.
As if it always was inside me, I feel it flourish out, making an ever-deeper coat of fur and an ever deeper yellow hue to my eyes. My spine popped before skin moved outward from my back, winding out into a tail of fluffy fur. It feels so good, better than all else as I cry tears of joy and shake. "Y-yes! Yes!" I snarl and fling my head up, howling loudly while my new hands get beside me.
The sound of joy echoes for miles before look down to Vao, smiling as a woman and a large one at that.
"You look great!" He gazes at me before I smile back.
"I do! Now, you wanted to hunt, right!?" I immediately turn to run forward into the treeline, going to find anything of note and smell the vast area of darkness under the moon's light, leaving him in the dust as he immediately followed to catch up.
"Don't think you can get away that easily!"
Despite my size and speed, I make sure to leave my footsteps silent, going to the sound of steps far away through the sounds of owls and the clicking of bugs. Though I also hear him behind me, catching up surprisingly enough as we near the same prey at the bottom of a hill we both notice ahead. The tempo of my steps slows down he closer we both get, making the single deer stay where they are before I step upon stones for a better view of it from above.
That was quick, quick enough that I may have time to think, but there at the bottom near the deer are yellow eyes like my own in a tree's shadow. He's good. Though I jump down the hill, feeling gravity do the rest as my paws leave harsh marks on the Earth before I use my feet paws to lunge forward at the same time Vao does the same. We slam into one another as the deer rapidly runs away, looking at each other's snout as I find myself on him. "Vao! You let them get away!"
"No! You should've been quieter!"
We look at one another and growl before laughing. "You're such a dumbass!"
"Says the one who got us found!"
"Either way, you need to pay me back!"
"And how I do that, Formn?"
"Help me relax for starters! I like this form, enough for me to want to let it be fully pleased!" I get off of him while he is still on the ground, turning around to show my feet paws before they slam onto his face with all the dirt of our run and the dried up sweat from out fight. "Ha!" I laugh more at expecting him to push them away, to hate this, but he grabs my foot to make me silent before I feel his nose rubbing against its sole before a tender lick goes over its surface to give me shivers. "What are you doing!?"
He looks away as he pulls my feet up. "Helping you relax~! You wanted this, didn't you!?"
I try to stop him, but another lick to my sole makes me immediately not want to anymore. "Fine then," I pout before my feet push him back down onto the grass, letting him smell their earthly scent mix with that of a vinegar, sweat going across his tongue as he sucks upon my paw pads. "You better do this damn well too!" I let my toes tense, their claws getting onto the top of his head as I growl and hold it still with my giant feet.
Though even without my demands, he most likely would have done this. I feel him lick faster, making it lightly tickle over their rough texture, with him taking the things that made it so rough onto his tongue to leave my feet damp as well as clean. Slight laughs leave my lips before moans follow, his warm maw sneaking out from the grip of my feet to then bite down onto each toe, sucking them like the soles before them, his tongue winding around their salty taste as he savored it.
"How's that," he teases to the sight of my wet feet while sitting up. Though my feet then lowering again to land on the crotch of his pants shuts him up.
"Not enough," I bark. "You should undress. Now." I lick my lips as he does so frantically, showing his sheath as well as the cock extending out of it before my now wet soles get around it to find a good grip. They clamp down onto his shaft, pulling it up before forcing it down with little regard for the throbbing they slowly feel as he jerks with sudden pants.
"O-oh goodness!"
"What? Too much for you?" I watch him tense as my feet tighten around his cock, the claws that he sucked so well now going over the tip of his shaft to slide down his skin and tease those blood-filled veins. "I thought you loved feet?"
He yelps, what began as a joke now making him up upwards, slamming into my toes with his swelling cock. "Grrrrr!" He snarls, shaking further while humping, my feet tightening further onto him as he feels them go against the need to release. "C-can't stop!" He humps again into them, feeling his saliva act as a natural lube that makes them slide easier across my sole.
"Then don't hold it back! Just let go!" I laugh at seeing him squirm, then having him howl in front of me as his cock shakes and jerks and warms up, begging my feet for them to stop pushing against it, but I don't stop as my feet only get tighter and tighter until-
"Awwwwwhooooooooooo!" He howls differently than I do, his cock top exploding with cum that smothers my soles and pops out of the top of my toes, dripping down my feet onto him and the soft grass.
"Now, you get one last treat!" I snarl.
"W-wha?" He blushes with a dazed look before my feet raise once again, now shoving their glazed surface onto his face.
"Clean then again! After that, you would have done enough for losing our kill~!"
"Y-yes ma'am!" He immediately gives in, his voice muffled under my feet before getting to licking his own cum off, making sure they once again maintain a clean look that will quickly dissipate in little time. Though simply doing this, it leaves his cock stiff below, globs of cum dripping down as he tastes his own salty load mix with the smell of my musk, both overtaking his senses as he keeps being obedient. I pull my feet in before grabbing his head, shoving his face into my soles.
"And stay there for as long as you need to! I deserve the world!"
He slowly leaves my feet, his face dirty as he looks up to me to kiss my snout. "I'm happy you agree."
                While we lay in our sweat and musk, off to a sleep as the sun nears rising above the forest, I wake up first to the sound of flapping wings. Above me, above us, is the bird in the same outfit I met her in.
"How did it go?"
"The night was wonderful… t-thank you, but who are you? Why did you give me this chance?"
"Simple." She looks at my face and Vao sleeping. "You’re happy. Someone else could have done it, but she was occupied with a rabbit and still being new to the gig. I understood that you sometimes need to take personal measures, perhaps curse people while they aren’t looking. Though your drinking of the magic wine and meeting his man made it much faster than I expected."
I laugh. "Understandable, haha! Though where are you going to go? I want to pay you back somehow!"
The bird thinks for a moment before it hits her. "There is one thing… how do you feel on seals?"
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harrysmimi · 2 years
A Little Surprise
Synopsis: One where Harry surprises his love with tickets to concert of her favourite artist.
Professor!YN x Current Era!Harry
Ps. Not proofread also.
More of my work
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Now YN's always been a sucker for romance. Well, she grew up watching romantic Bollywood movies.
But with Harry it was like she was living the hopeless romantic life she always wanted to live. And let's be honest Harry is as much of a hopeless romantic as her if not more.
He's send her random flowers when he's on tour or away from home, bring a bar or two of her favourite chocolates when he'd go over to hers, of course make love to her in all away he can think of whether it's sexual or not.
Both of them had very different love languages they used, Harry preferred to give gifts to her, take her out to eat or on last minute trips, whilst YN tried her best to make his life easy by cooking for him, or just leave little notes for him everywhere to find. She was very creative in her own way but she is more of an introvert than him to plan very extravagant things like he does. She doesn't mind stepping out of her comfort zone for him though.
Now Harry is away somewhere in Europe finishing up his last tour before his small break as he's getting married soon whilst YN is in London, busy as hell as it was end of the semester and all of her students have suddenly decided to show up and submit their assignments and projects. Plus she had a few wedding plans to look after as Harry is not home. Plus her dress fitting was getting on her nerve.
It was Harry who had convinced her that she should go to Phillipa Lepley to get a couture dress made for the Christian ceremony of their wedding (her brothers had told her that they'd be paying for the outfit she'd be wearing during her cultural ceremony as for custom and to help their sister), she had to go in every week to get het another mock up fitted to her size. That one thing Harry had not been nosy about and pay gor it all himself, it took everything in him to not contact Phillipa and get on to pay for the rest of the dress. He had to shut up and do his own things he had taken up responsibility for, plus YN was a little frustrated with the dress.
The thing is, YN isn't the one to stay in one size nor did she tried to. It was difficult for her to either stay as she is or loose weight to what was last month. But it's not something she was worried about it, constant visits to the store, long train rides were making her more and more tired and she needed a small break which she couldn't do on weekends. The dress making team was very, very, very patient with YN though.
YN was getting ready for her yet another fitting appointment when Harry had face timed her. It was just when she was making breakfast in hurry as she had pressed snooze on her alarm way too many times. Harry was coming home by night anyway but he wanted to his lovie.
"Hey, darling I need you to calm down okay?" Harry said watching her go crazy to find honey to put on her pancakes. She did found it but stopped.
"I should not eat this." She said and Harry k ew exactly why.
"No, come on eat up your breakfast I don't want you getting sick okay?" He warned her but lovingly.
"Doesn't matter YN, you can't stop eating for a wedding dress!" He interrupted her.
"Okay," she agreed and sat down by the coffee table propping her phone against a pile of her doctorate books.
"I'm sorry for that," Harry said, "you just don't have to stop eating and put yourself through misery, okay? If you say so we can get married in our PJs, I'm down for that."
She chuckled, "yeah, but no the dress is already coming together."
"And how's the other one coming together?"
"Jasmine said it's all done and made, a few fitting arrangements can be made a week or two before." YN shared shoving her face with pancakes.
"That sounds good, can't wait to see you in those." He gave her a kiss through the phone.
YN wasn't allowed to talk about his outfits though, not him, nor even to Harry Lambert who was obviously helping him. She knows her ways with words - which used only when needed - Harry knows that but Lambert doesn't so he had banned her from talking to him for a while. He wanted it to be a complete surprise as well.
"I've got to leave now so I can come back home. See you tonight love." He gave a wave. Just to be funny he pulled up the neck hem of his shirt to his ears.
"Is that my shirt?" YN asked.
"Is it?" He looked down, "oh yeah, it is." He huffed casually.
"No wonder I couldn't find it!" Ahe shook her head.
"Well you steal my clothes all the time." He pointed at the Packers hoodie she was wearing even though she had zero knowledge about American football. She wore it because it smelled like him and he left it at hers before he left for tour.
"You left it here, now it's mine." She protectively hugged the piece of clothing on her body making him laugh.
"Now I really gotta go baby, I'll see you tonight yeah?"
"Yeah, I love you." She picked up her phone from the coffee table.
"I love love more." And he hung up when he heard Jeff yelling at him as they were getting late before saying, "buh-bye baby!" And give her another kiss through the phone.
He can't really keep to himself when he's with her, especially in a private setting. He's obsessed!
Like expected, YN had a very long day, plus she was feeling a bit sick and she missed Harry as he's been away for a month now. Ordered take out when she got back home as he's going to there any minute.
Dorothea was sitting by the door as if she can already sense he is going to come over tonight and she gets to get his attention and cuddles. YN wasn't very keen on the fact that her boyfriend (now fiancé) had stolen her cat but now she's fine with it.
YN heard a little thump as Dorothea jumped down of her cat tree to welcome her dad. She let the take out boxes be on the counter as she walked out too, following her fur daughter.
"Oh hello love," Harry cooed seeing the cat rub herself against his legs and purring. He closed the door making sure she doesn't run away not that she have, just to be safe.
"Hey baby!" Harry crooned in contained to see his love in person finally after a month and a week. "I missed you so much!"
His bags made thuds as they were dropped on the floor so he can huddle his love with kisses and hugs and cuddles. YN hugged him back.
"I missed you too," she mumbled burying her face into his chest, taking in familiar scent of him.
"How did the fitting go today love?" He asked, still holding onto her and pressing casual yet loving kisses on her head caressing her hair gently.
"They had to up the size more today." YN sighed pulling away from the hug so she can get to kiss him properly. Harry gladly dipped his head down to press a longing kiss on her mouth.
"It's okay, it's their job." He assured her, "it's their job to make your day even more special with that piece of garment. Don't worry about it, yeah?"
"Hmm." She nodded, "you can go change I ordered take out from your favourite place."
"Oh, I can smell it already." He smiled.
Dorothea was already chomping away her food when Harry was done taking a shower and changing into her PJs. YN had already brought out the take out.
"You alright, you look very tired baby." Harry sat next to her.
"Yeah, I'm a little bit tired. But I'm fine." She shared.
"You sure, do you want to go see a Doctor or something? You look very drained out darling." He ranted worriedly.
"I just need to sleep, I'll be fine." She lean forward to plant a small kiss on his cheek.
"Okay if you say so," he sighed knowing there is no winning with her, "but I've got a tiny surprise for you."
"What?" She looked caught off guard. He picked up his phone and pulled up something.
"This," he handed her the phone.
"Two tickets to Billie Eilish!" She squealed reading from the digital tickets.
"Yeah, ow—" Harry was tackled to the ground with a bear hug, mumbling how much she loves him. "Awh I love you too baby!"
"All tickets were sold out, how did you get those?" She asked.
"I've got my ways," he smirked his classic lopsided smile.
"Ouch, ouch, ouch," YN winced in pain as she quickly got up from him, holding onto her stomach.
"What happened love, you alright?" Harry asked, frantic.
"I don't know must have pulled a muscle or something," she chuckled in pain, "it's good now."
Harry let out a sigh, "you fucking scared me!"
"Sorry," she said in a sing-sang voice leaning forward with a puppy face. Taking the advantage Harry moved forward to kiss her, slotting their lips together he levered her back until she was flushed against the sofa. With his hands on her hips he swiftly had her made sit on the sofa.
"What, what you doing?" YN asked pulling away from the kiss.
"I don't know where this leads yet," he shrugged. "Where do you want it go?"
"Why don't we move to our bed and dinner can wait," she suggested.
"Mmm, dinner can wait," with that he picked her up to figure out where this little kiss leads.
Now Harry was sleeping like a baby when he was woken up hearing his fiancé throwing up in the bathroom. He rushed in there to find her humped over the toilet emptying everything she ate last night out.
"Hey, hey it's okay," he pulled her hair in a ponytail as he rubbed her back in soothing strokes. "You good now?"
"Hmm," she nodded pulling herself together.
"What got you sick? Did you eat anything?" He asked getting out the tissue box from one of the cabinets.
"I don't know," she shook her head taking a few tissues from the box to wipe her mouth. "I'm exhausted!"
"I know baby," be cooed, "it's okay, I'll get you some water yeah?"
"Mhmm." She nodded again.
Harry mind was racing as he padded out to kitchen, filled a glass of water and padded back to where YN was now brushing her teeth. He'd never seen her this sick. Plus she have a very healthy life style, she sleeps well, eats well, never drinks or hardly, even rarely eat out. There is no way that the last night's take out has something to do with her throwing up as that restaurant is well reputed, though one can never be more cautious. He waited patiently for her to be done.
"How long have you been sick love?" He asked, taking notes of her exhausted features and sunken eyes.
"Past three days maybe." She mumbled into her towel patting her face dry. He handed her the glass of water he got her, "thank you."
"Did you eat out or something? We can go to doctor." He suggested, watched her gulp down water.
"I didn't eat out, and I'm fine I promise." She assured him.
Harry actually forced her to be seated and relax with a cup of tea whilst he made something for breakfast, even gave Dorothea her food. She did looked very exhausted sitting there as the cat brought her paper ball to her to play throw.
What is to come next is a little (or not you can judge) TMI; just before he flight for tour he wanted to have a quickie. They had no protection to use but he promised to pull out, which was boo worthy of him if she actually is pregnant. But she was the one who initiated the second round which defeated the purpose of a quickie. So they're both even on this.
Now the real exam was going to be to suggest her to rake a test. He took the breakfast out and sat down next to her.
"Do you maybe wanna take a pregnancy test?" He asked once they were done with breakfast, very hesitantly scared thinking all of the possibilities she might take it. He couldn't think of any alternatives to ask that question.
"Oh," was her reaction. If this was a pregnancy scare it would be the first. "Yeah, okay." She nodded and went to look for tests in the cabinets but couldn't find any, and one she found was expired.
"You want me to go get one?"
"Yes please," she nodded, "just realised haven't got my period last month either."
"Okay, okay don't stress. I'll be back in ten yeah?" He pressed a kiss on her forehead.
He quickly grabbed his phone and car keys before he headed out. He also made sure to quickly grab some of her favourite snacks and chocolates as she didn't eat much for breakfast. No matter if she is pregnant or not he's going to make sure she's well fed and healthy.
He'd gotten back home earlier than he told her. Bumped into few of YN's neighbours on the way up who seemed to be University students.
Now Harry knows when YN goes silent she is in deep thoughts, whether she is angry, upset or sad or when something is bothering her, which he thinks is the case this time. He gave her all the space she needs when he handed her the tests he got.
YN in the bathroom. Lord help her having to process the feelings she was going through. It was going to create huge scene, at least in her family. She's not married, yes she is engaged, she doesn't live in her husband's house yet. And many more old fashioned comments which were destined to cone her way for sure. She took the tesr and left it on the counter to go just hug and cry to her Harry about all this.
She needed to get it out somehow. For sure she knows he'll be there with her no matter what, she jist felt the need to cry now.
"Harry?" She walked out to find him in kitchen.
"Hey, what does it say?" He asked.
"I don't know, I just kept it there." She took two careful steps closer to him, enough so she can snake her arms around his middle and bury her face in his chest.
"Hey it's alright, I'm here with you," he wrapped her in a warm embrace, he caressed her hair gently knowing that sooths her. "What's up, darling?"
"I don't know Harry, it's just, it's just... I don't know." She sighed, "I have a feeling it is going to turn out to be positive."
"Hmm, do you not want it to be?" He asked knowing her answer very well but she has the will and right to change her mind even though they have talked about this a million times.
Even in the earlier time of their relationship together, especially when they were both just friends for a long time, she'd talked about wanting to have kids after she is married. Apparently it would cause a big ruckus in her life if she have a baby befire she is married. And she was in no rush that time. But she's been talking about it especially since they've got engaged, how she feels ready to have a family if he is. Though she knows Harry's work won't allow that for a little while, but it doesn't hurt to dream, does it.
"I want it to be," she got defensive.
"Why you seem so scared then?" He pulled away enough to be able to take a look at her.
"You know, plus do you really want this if this is really happening?" She counter asked a question.
"It is your decision my love, it's your body if you want to keep this pregnancy then sure we can — we don't know yet but it's good to talk about it — if you don't want it right now, or if you don't feel like we don't have to." He explained his thoughts, "but I'd want a little one keeping us up, pooping and peeing and throwing up on me. That sounds exhaustingly amazing!"
"You want to go look at the test now?" She suggested.
"Mhmm," he nodded and guided her to the bathroom. Feeling bold he picked up the test with the digital screen thingy himself just to be hit like a bus. "It's positive!"
"This one is too," she picked up another one.
"Oh my god!" He gasped as realisation hit him. "You're pregnant, baby!"
"Yeah!" She nodded looking at him awe. His eyes were teary as he looked at the other test to be sure himself.
"Wait," he stopped his celebration for a moment, "do you want it?"
"I told you, yeah!" She said.
"We're having a baby!" He screamed, pulling her in a bear hug.
YN chuckled, "but what about your work?" This made him pull away enough so he can talk to her.
"We can settle down now, I'm thirty-two now — woah that feels old! — I've got couple of movies coming up but that's about it, I'm done with the tour. Can take it easy now and focus more on my... Home." He layed out his improvised plan in front of her. Staring at her with loveful doe eyes as he tucked her loose hair behind her ear. "We can rent another flat near your Uni until we find a good home in a secured neighbourhood. I will take care of the baby when you have your exams coming up, take them out on little date. It's just going to be Daddy and the Baby dates no Mummy allowed, will look after them when you're working."
"And as for you family, we don't have worry about them. People are gonna talk shit if they wanna talk shit. We can't please everyone." He went on with his ranting, talking a little faster than he usually does, "I know we did not exactly plan this but if we're both in it then nothing should stop us. I'll be there with you every step of the way, baby, I promise!"
"I know, and I love you."
"I love you more!" He cooed, taking both her hands to place them on his shoulders he wrapped his own around her waist. "We're having a baby, we're having a baby, we're having a baby." He sang swaying in circles to no music in YN's tiny bathroom. Nudging his nose against hers he mumble sung his improvised song dancing to no music in celebration.
"We're going to be parents, we're going to be parents," and he changed the lyrics to his song looking dead in her eyes, making her giggle softly. He closed the millimetres of space between their mouths and slot their lips together.
He was going to have a kid of his own, he's going to be dad. He's over the moon dancing with the person who's going to make him a dad and home their baby for next nine months in her womb.
"I can't wait to see what's in store for us in future," he whispered.
"Me either," she whispered back.
"Do you still want to go to the concert?" He asked now lifting his head off of hers but still swaying in circles.
"Mhmm, wouldn't want to miss Billie Eilish concert!" She smiled sheepishly. "But I have to make an appointment for tomorrow first."
"Hmm that's important," Harry nodded, "but... we're having a baby, we're having a baby." He pulled her towards him again guiding her out to the living room as he swayed to his own music.
"We're having a baby!" She repeated to make it more sound more legit to herself.
At the concert, YN was very grateful off the tickets Harry got them. VIP section in the pit, it was meant to be fun. YN was rocking her Billie merch, Harry borrowed one of her shirt too so they could match. Even Anne, Gemma, Jeffery and Glenne were there.
Now YN and Harry have decided to keep the new to themselves and push the wedding date for after the baby is born. She is indeed pregnant, her doctor confirmed it. Even told them that their baby is a size of a small Cherry by now as she's eight weeks in. Harry found that very fascinating, and now he can to see thier baby grow and be born already. He was crying mess when he heard his baby's heartbeat for the first time and got to see the little grainy blob on the screen moving. That was a scene of yesterday.
But now, now, Harry isn't necessarily a fan of PDA. He believes he doesn't need to show his love for his fiancé to everyone else when she knows how much he loves her, there is no need for that. But when you're at a Billie Eilish concert listening to Ocean Eyes live, one couldn't help but sway with the love of their life. That's exactly what Harry was doing. He could seriously care less about people around with their cameras pointed at them.
YN was making her own Instagram stories too by the way. It was a good thing her account is private.
Harry had her arms wrapped her upper body caging her arms underneath his but still letting her film the memories. He sang along to her as he rocked them side to side. YN even managed to get many selfies with him and puther phone away for good.
"I love you baby." He whispered in her ear softly.
"I love you too," she reciprocated, holding onto his wrist. "Thank you for bringing me to the concert."
"Don't have to thank me," he huffed, a little offended of her thank you, "our baby can brag that their first concert was Billie Eilish, like their Mummy." He managed to keep his voice low enough just so she can hear him.
"Yeah," YN laughed.
"Is that Ms. YLN?" A girl squealed to her friend catching YN's attention.
"Oh my god yes! She's a Billie fan too! We stan!" The other one did not try to be subtle at all with her talking. Harry laughed hearing those girls.
"Are those your students?"
"Yeah," YN nodded, "they should be home studying, they're here."
"Hey come on, you're here too!" Harry defended those innocent students of her.
"They have their exams coming up not me." YN rolled her eyes.
"Oh my god her boyfriend is so fucking hot!" One of the squealed.
YN giggled her evil laugh, "true that." She leaned back on him comfortably.
"Urgh, you're giving my ego a boost darling." He rolled his eyes dramatically.
"Oh my god, Bad Guy!" YN gasped when Billie started singing Bag Guy. Gemma joined them as they danced away with song, Harry started with his Robot dance which YN followed quickly and so did Gemma. All in all they all had fun at the concert.
Them expecting was a little surprise for both of them which they decided to keep from everyone (at least for a while). They've planned to tell their family when they feel like it which is not happening, at least for a couple of weeks or even a month or until YN starts showing a little.
Harry had told his mum that he's working on a confidential project that he can't talk about yet, which she believed, when asked why they have pushed the wedding date ahead.
Now all there is left to figure out is their living situations, which was not a big deal in itself as they both basically live in YN's flat now. It can be taken care of eventually.
N O T E :
Fook!!! I loved writing this so muchhh 😭 this one is like my second favourite one shot I've written lol. :)))
Hope you like it too. Pls vote and comment as it helps me write more. Also, a reminder, my requests are open so you can feel free to reach out. Love. M xx
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charmixpower · 2 years
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🌊 Aish hairstyles 🌊
Literally oh my fucking god the designers can't think of more than three fucking hairstyles for Aisha, if I never see her with twin puffs again it will be too soon. Put her in a unique fucking hairstyle you assholes. This anger at the complete lack of interesting hair for Aisha is what sparked me to do this series in the first place. Just so I can show how fucking cool her hair could be if they weren't fucking cowards about it. Unsurprisingly this one took me the longest, with all the braids I had to line and color (tho it didn't take as much time as expected), but it was a lot of fun to do. I was easily the most excited to this one for obvious reasons. She looks great. I went a little ham on the gold jewelry but Aisha deserves it ok?? Her hairstyles in the show are so dull, she needs some fun
Side note, Aisha has the second longest hair out of the Winx, longest naturally, but it isn't visible due to how coily Aisha's hair is. My hair goes from barely toucing my shoulders to below my sternum, and my hair is curly as where I draw it Aisha's the 4 range. So yeah, her hair gets like at least 6 inches when straighten, going all the way to her butt. I also challenged myself to style her edges differently with every drawing djsjs which you can probably tell
Anyways on to the individual styles
Classic Aisha: this is the hairstyle I've started to usually draw Aisha in. Sporty and practical meet fun and feminine! I also gave her a nose piercing bc she, Musa, and Tecna have the vibes, and to fit the slight vibe of Andros. Aisha's hair in canon usually looks like it's on the low side of curly, and the reason why is made p clear by the miss magix ep and s8/WOW, so I decided to give her tight coily hair. Btw yeah that's her s2 camping outfit
Twists Aisha: this was my first foray into drawing this hairstyle, I usually draw dreads and box braids in this area, so it doesn't look super good but hey I tried jdnsjs. I wanted to stylized them so I'd didn't spend years trying to finish them, and you can visibly see me give up on that with the next drawing, but I think if I were doing a comic or quick doodles this is what I would go with. Anyways, I did this one because it really makes me think of Aisha athletic nature. Idk they just look super athletic to me, and I gave her a little extra ponytail for the fashion of it. Sporty chic
Mermaid-y: When I first drew these braids with the flat bottoms, they kinda looked like Mermaid tails to me?? So my brain was like, Aisha in her mermaid era <33. So my heart is set on her having this hair during s5, mermaid season, mermaid hair. It's literally perfect. Also I thought this top was super cute. This is where I really went overboard with the gold, but she's in her mermaid era, princess, guardian fairy, and dame. She can have a little (lottle) gold, as a treat. She deserves it, she's been though a lot lately with her family and Nabu being in a COMA. Some fun hair is good for the soul
Date night: light rage. They put Aisha's hair into pigtails for every causal event that happens and it inches across my last nerve like you wouldn't believe. Much like how that uniform outfit ruined one of Musa's hairstyles, pigtails feel ruined for Aisha, but making the. Apart of a braid really lessoned the blow. Half of me wishes I did a head wrap instead, but I can't just not include them. The outfit is super cute tho. She's going on a date!!! Yess!!! So pretty. I'm so happy with her earrings and dress. She and Nabu are gonna go have a picnic together, it's gonna be great
Box braids: I just got my braids taken out this Friday, which was fun (it hurt a lot, especially taking the small ones out ;-;) and I think it's a really good hairstyle for Aisha. I used to think that they'd be super impractical due to being so long, but because they're so heavy they're not actually annoying to deal with at all. They don't move all that much and they don't really get in the way. These would work perfectly for Aisha. Giving her the long hair, and the practicality. Absolute win! Of course I had to go for her outfit from her date with Musa. These kinds of braids always make me think someone has an important event coming up or they're trying to look cute, and a first date is a perfect occasion. I had so much fun with the earrings and braid decorations
Work out: I wanted to go for something simple, less fancy, and that doesn't require braiding, for of her hairstyles to just like her hair be itself and vibe. Here it is in a classic half up half down look, completely unbraided and vibing. Outfit slightly inspired by Serena Williams's entire aesthetic, including the headband. I didn't wanna put her hair over her shoulders, which admittedly looks a little weird but I wanted the high low part to be clear fjsjdnd
Poodle puffs: Personally I think Poodle puffs are really hard to styles, because it's hard to get the size of the puffs right without going too far in either direction. I think I got it right here? I think four is a good number of puffs. This is probably one of my favorite looks, mostly because of how warm and royal it looks. I'm a sucker for shiney jewelry and warm colors. I think this one came out especially well, I love the earrings, and the dress looks really good! I was worried it was gonna look silly but thankfully it doesn't
Bantu knots: She just looks gorgeous here. It adds so much to her orginal red carpet energy. Her hair is now all done up and fancy. Her nose ring also adds to the energy. I really like the earring, despite how lopsided it is lol, but I do wonder if it was a little too much for such a elegant outfit? Idk. Either way I didn't do anything to this look because I love it and she looks amazing. Not thoughts, head empty, bantu knots pretty
Princess Aisha: Hehe this one is probably my favorite out of all the hair. Not the outfit top XD. I don't like poofy European dresses rip. I got to go as fancy as I want!! I feel like Aisha usually tries to stay away from super fancy and complicated one event only hairstyles (which is why she usually goes for protective hairstyles she can wear for a while with low maintenance before needing to change it), but she's making a formal appreances, which means I can loop a gem into her hair. I also got to put big gems on her outfit and earrings which was super fun. This perticualr hairstyle always looked super royal to me and I had to include some proper beads on the look too. They match the gem she's wearing. Extra royal look. Her headgear as a child did something similar, but now that she's older she can just get proper braids put that do what the head gear was doing but better. Also can you tell that I was worried about getting too close to the edge of the page XD
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tbh regardless of the script, i've always been so confused about ben hardy's casting. i have nothing against him personally but he does not look like roger at all, he sounds nothing like him in terms of pitch or accent, their body types are way different (ben hardy is wayyy too buff, tbh the others also are too buff for the band in the 70-80s except for rami maybe). rami also doesn't look a lot like freddie but the end product is believable, he embodied freddie a lot with his movement and overall performance. gwilym's facial features are kind of similar to brian's, they both look like the english aristocratic aubrey beardsley type, and gwilym absolutely NAILED brian's mannerisms, expressions, voice and accent (i can still tell who is who but i really think he did an amazing job). joe does look a lot like john and i also see a lot of john expressions in his performance as well. also this is not ben's fault but i don't like how they just gave him that one (1) long blonde wig for a movie that spanned across 15 years, and roger never even had that hair style, while others got different wigs (tho i think gwilym also only had one wig but i guess that doesn't matter as much since brian's hair looked v similar over the years although his hair does have different eras). it just seems like they cast a pretty blonde boy that could drum on a certain level, slap a wig on him and said "you're a womanizing drummer in a 70s rock band, here's a cigarette, look hot", and it's just so disappointing. and also can we talk about how ill fitting some of the costumes were? they would boast about how amazing the costume team is (and im sure they are) and how they got ZR's help remaking the costumes, but my gosh some of them looked so bad on the cast. and the choice of outfits was.. questionable. so many iconic looks were omitted for either lesser known outfits or outfits that they never even wore at all (and even roger shaded this lol). that white blousey ZR top with the flowy poofy sleeves brian wore in 1976-77 got completely butchered i could cry. maybe none of this matters to anyone else but imo quite a number of things were half-assed in the movie on top of the script being horrible, except for the scenes that involve actual playing/ performances/the live aid scene (but can we talk about how they were always so hesitant to film close ups of some actual instrument playing LMAO its always extreme close ups of the face or medium shots that only show the upper body)
I guess the filmmakers didn't really care about presenting Roger as anything but a womanizing pretty boy with a cigarette, as you described lol. They wanted someone who could act and look vaguely like Roger if you squint and Ben Hardy fulfilled that. Rami didn't look a lot like Freddie, but like you said, he embodied his mannerisms more. I actually don't think Gwilym's actual features look as much like Brian's as people think, but the wig did a lot of heavy lifting lol, and he did act just like him in some scenes so it worked. Maybe they correctly anticipated they'd get fangirls to gush over the movie with Ben Hardy's casting, too, who knows.
I didn't pay attention to the costumes too much in comparison to everything else, but I see what you mean with basically everything about the movie being half-assed. Roger did say he wouldn't have worn a lot of what they made his character wear lol. It all looked 70s enough for the general audience and that was the low bar they were going for, I guess. Same with them glossing over the lack of real instrument playing lol, although to be fair, a lot of movies do that when the actors aren't really musicians, and Queen's music isn't easy to pick up
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