#so the only smoke detector is the one in the basement
waitineedaname · 15 days
if that damn smoke alarm battery keeps beeping I'm going to turn violent
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bomberqueen17 · 10 months
house remodel updates
I forget where we left off but like so the thing is of course nobody was here over the weekend. on saturday we took dude's mom to the airport and then moved ourselves into her house to house- and cat-sit. yes we're cat-sitting our own cat. listen she can't be in our house it makes sense.
she has been extremely confused by this. she saw the Dreaded Suitcases and hid while Skin-Grammy packed up and left, and then hours later came slinking out in confusion. why were we there instead??? What is this about??
She has mostly adjusted but has been intermittently clingy and invisible, after the manner of cats. But anyway where are we on the kitchen remodel??
Well we got a new guy in the cast of characters. Jim, having shaved his beard somewhat in advance of his upcoming vacation to visit his mom in Florida, arrived in good spirits, and introduced me to John, a youngish guy who is doing the electrical work. John cheerfully explained to me that he was going to be adding up to six circuits to the house, and I had been forewarned that he was also going to be adding hard-wired smoke detectors on two floors since I didn't have any and that's illegal. (The house sold privately, it hasn't been inspected since it was built in 1950, so are we surprised? No!) They weren't included in the contract/quote but are required for the work to be approved by the town, but we weren't surprised by this. I'll pay john separately. For the record it's only like $3-400 to have that kind of thing installed, I was worried it'd be more but he was like nah. I'll bill ya.
A bit later, as I was looking around at the various outlights and light fixtures, I said "oh wait the microwave shelf. there's supposed to be some kind of microwave shelf? somewhere?" and neither Jim nor John knew anything about this. And I was like I remember about this because when we first started looking into remodeling this kitchen we went somewhere and they were kind of snooty and when I said "can we just put the microwave on a shelf" because it takes up most of my counterspace they acted like this was illegal.
"What," John said, disbelieving. "I put in outlets for that like... all the time. It's not only legal it's also super normal."
"They acted like I was a stone-cold freak," I said, "and then they tried to convince me that the only option was a drawer microwave."
John physically recoiled, and made a warding gesture with his fingers like a cross. "That's what I said," I told him, "it was the worst thing I'd ever seen!"
"Those things are the worst," he said, and I felt vindicated. "Naw ma'am. I'll put your microwave on a shelf. And it's fine if we can't find the blueprints, I'll just put the wire up and leave extra, and we can get it to the right spot once we know." (Jim was leafing through the plans and trying to find the shelf, but he'd handed over the detailed plans to his colleague Max, who was going to be covering for his vacation, so he couldn't find the relevant sheet.)
So, John worked on Monday and Tuesday, and I checked in on Tuesday midmorning after I dropped Dude off at the airport. (He has a work trip and it's terrible timing and also he doesn't want to go. He made me promise to eat real human food at regular intervals, which is something I have historically struggled with when unattended. I have been a good girl about this I promise. I went to the grocery store and bought myself a series of treats, which i have been deploying strategically as rewards for having properly fed myself.)
The bad news on Tuesday was that john had gotten all the wires approximately run, but in order to hook them up to the circuit box, was going to need to run them along a wall that I had thought was safely out of range and thus had used to pile up a great deal of the Assorted Nonsense in the basement. Hear me out, when this work was supposed to happen in February, one of the things that was going to happen was that I was going to sort through much of the Basement Nonsense and either discard it, file it neatly, or donate it somewhere that could use it (in the rare case of there being like, anything useful in those piles). But the accelerated timeline meant I had no time for that and had in fact only piled things higher.
Jim informed me of this very kindly, and said it wasn't a hurry since it was going to all get hooked up at the end. But like. I mean. It's not like there's infinite time. So that's what I figured I'd work on Wednesday while I was waiting for the plumber and inspectors.
So, cue Wednesday. I got here like 8:30 and around 8:45 a random car carefully reversed itself into my driveway and then parked, and I thought, this must be Max. And sure enough. Jim's coworker/substitute, a personable guy of like, freaking twenty something, in tennis shoes instead of work boots. But he did seem to know what he was doing, and had been well-briefed on the project. So I went down into the basement and hauled things around (and did have time to sort and discard some things, though not much), and he tacked up more insulation and got ready for the electrical inspector. I thought I was doing to have to talk to the guy but I did not, he came and went and I thought I heard someone talking but by the time I came up it was just Max, tacking down the last insulation he'd had unsecured so they could see the wiring.
After noon the plumber arrived, yet another addition to the dramatis personae: Kyle, another young guy (mayyybe thirty), who works for a guy named Don I guess. I showed him my gas dryer that I was going to ask if he could hook up and he was like oh that will be so easy, yes, when I come back I can do that. So then I showed him my laundry sink faucet that had just started leaking and he was like i also can replace that for very few dollars and very little time. So I am well-pleased. My washing machine is leaking too but I think I'm on my own to sort that one out.
Kyle asked if I was sticking around and I was planning to, so here I am, in the other room, listening to them saw things. I guess I'm getting a whole new sink drain assembly. And he's got to saw out some things to get a water box for the ice maker in the fridge. Why not.
So that's how that's going. The big excitement is that now that the electrical inspection is done and the plumbing is underway, Max and an unnamed assistant who showed up and was even younger are going to start hanging drywall. I'm so excited to have an insulated kitchen with drywall, instead of the uninsulated plaster that radiated cold in winter.
I'd normally be preoccupied with historic preservation but the thing is, this house isn't old enough for that to really matter. No fear, there'll still be some plaster panels in this house when all this is done. I'd prefer if all the exterior walls were insulated though.........
Baby steps. Maybe we'll get there.
Oh one funny little side story-- John was like "oh let me get your number in case i have questions or whatever" and so I started reciting my phone number and he pulled out a sharpie and wrote my number right on the wall of my kitchen. I mean of course it was a wall that was stripped to the studs so he was writing on the paper backing of the reverse side of the plaster panels of my attic staircase, but it was funny-- but it makes sense, now that's there for anyone who works on this project, but then when the project is done it will be gone.
But of course on Monday night when Dude came over to get some things to pack for his work trip he texted me a photo of my phone number scrawled on the kitchen wall and was like "???"
well, i thought it was pretty funny.
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writingwarden · 17 days
The Begrudging Adventures of Magnus the Human and Dave the Vampire.
@lamone-gerkin wanted Vampire and Human friendship shenanigans so here they are!
Word Count- 1k
[A/N- Most of this was written on mobile so it might be formatted weird!]
If you would have asked Magnus how he ended up with the grand old house as a broke college student, he would have offered you it for fajitas and an ice-cold beer. 
Because the house, while it's a beautiful thing enough to make Gomez and Morticia proud…it came with a price. A major pain in the ass price. 
His grandmother forgot to disclose the vampire that resides there and won't leave like a feral cat that's decided this is its home now. 
Dave the literal vampire. Yes, Dave. Not Dracula or Vlad or even Belpherus. Just Dave, no last name.
It's been pretty fun with the ancient (1635 if he's to be believed) around, so many stories and lots of knowledge. 
But let's just say he's not the most socially adept.
Magnus is lounging in his living room watching some Youtube. Today has been calm, suspiciously calm. 
Then his house’s kitchen window can be heard slamming open, the annoying and grating sound of that vampire’s dress shoes clicking on the wooden floors. The foul stench of cigarette smoke accompanying Dave's arrival.
Sitting up slowly with a frown on his face, spotting the dracula wannabe grinning ear to ear. A cigarette hanging from his fanged mouth. “Why are you smoking a cigarette? You don't even breathe!” Magnus gripes, getting up to get to the fire detectors before they can start with their shrill screams.
“It's called an aesthetic, Magnus. Get with the times.” Dave seems amused, flicking the ash into an empty mountain dew can. When one looks at Dave they think that this man has watched too much Scooby-Doo. And even he isn't shy about his vampire status, because who in the sweet Mother Mary's name would believe him other than fellow vampires?
“You are making my house stink.”
Dave blows smoke in Magnus’s direction, “Get better ventilation.”
“Step into sunlight, bats.” Magnus chucks that very same mountain dew can at the overgrown Chiroptera. 
The night was dark as an unexpected storm rolled in, lightning and thunder shaking the very foundation of the old house. What's to be expected of a house built in the 1800s? 
Magnus lays asleep on his bed, the old mattress creeping with every move he makes. Tossing and turning as if he's trying to run away from some unseen force in the dream world. Oblivious to the happenings around his form…
Squeak. Thump. Squeak. Thump. Angry and rapid squeaking noise. A mouse caught in a trap can't figure out how to escape.
And then something landing in the fireplace and loud Romanian curses. 
Magnus shot up out of bed at the intrusion, dazed and confused but letting out a startled undignified yelp at the sight of a man standing over him.
“W-what are you doing in my room?!” He asks, completely bewildered at the rain soaked figure holding something in its hands.
A deep and raspy voice answers him, sharp fangs glinting as lightning fills the sky, “Magnus…I made bread, do you want some? Do you like banana bread?”
Magnus has had it up to Here with Dave leaving these creepy ass artefacts and vampiric items around the house. This dead rabbit in the fridge next to his leftover pizza was the last straw, the stench of dead rabbit permeating into the entire inside of the refrigerator. Great, there goes that half eaten banana bread neither of them had the sense to wrap up before storing it on the top shelf. 
So a trip to the grocery store was required, leaving behind the sleeping bat-man in the coffin in the second bedroom. Oh yeah, that bloodsucker had moved from the crumbling basement to the only guest room that looked decent. “It’ll be better for our friendship, Magnus!” Yeah right, as if an even closer proximity would help Magnus not want to band his head into the walls repeatedly. 
So to the store he went, too fed up to care about the strange looks he was getting from those passing by as he mumbled about getting rid of the vampire in his house. He must look like a crackhead the way he’s debating what type of wooden garden stake would be more effective to stab someone with. 
Into the buggy went three different types of garlic, silver butter knives, a Live, Laugh, Love themed cross, and coconut water because where in the world would he get holy water? It’ll just have to do for now. 
Sneaking the bags into the house was an operation all on its own, Dave had wicked hearing. There is absolutely no hiding the action of opening a bag or chips or cracking open a soda on the other side of the house without him coming running to steal a sip or bite. But somehow Mangus manages it, Going through the process of setting the new items around the house in his usual spots to stop Dave from getting near him. 
Finally! The mortal man can have some peace and quiet away from the self-proclaimed thing called Dave.
Grabbing a beer from the garage fridge and throwing himself into the recliner across from the old tv. The jars and bushels of garlic sit on the table and armchair around him. The smell can be dealt with for a little alone time. 
The creaking of someone coming down the stairs makes him smile thinking he’s won this time, Not today you little shit. 
That is until Dave stops, mid stretch when he sees the garlic and Magnus looking smug. Walking across the living room, his shoes clicked against the hardwood. In one fell swoop Dave picks up a head of garlic and takes a bite. Of. raw. Garlic. That smile the vampire dawns only lasts a few seconds, long enough to wipe that look off Magnus’s face before Dave starts sputtering and spitting the vegetable out onto the accent rug. “Ugh, so gross.”
Magnus downs the beer before getting up and walking out into the backyard in defeat. 
So much for that plan.
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eddiescouch · 9 months
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sorry this has taken me so long to answer. The brain wasn't cooperating.
I'm talking about Askia Khafra, 21, who died while digging tunnels for an undergound bunker for Daniel Beckwitt, 30, in 2017. An electrical fire started in the tunnels and a combination of hoarding conditions, and Daniel abandoning him, lead to his death. It's relevant to note through all this that Askia is black and Daniel is white. If you want the full details, there's an excellent documentary done with a lot of love for the family and their cooperation that I'll link at the end. This is the cliff notes of it.
Askia met Daniel while chatting on an investment forum. Askia had been trying and failing to get startup capital for his business. Originally he had tried for the Thiel Fellowship, which required him to drop out of college. During that time, Daniel had been giving Askia advice and offered to invest. After he failed to get the fellowship, Daniel also stopped replying to him for weeks.
Eventually Askia messaged Daniel begging for help, saying that he would do literally anything from taking on the investment as debt (over $10,000), working minimum wage, or both by working directly for Daniel. Daniel took him up on that and hired him for $150/day to dig tunnels under his house for a bomb shelter in case North Korea decided to nuke them.
Daniel was a maladjusted recluse who considered himself a hacker. Some of his favorite hobbies were literally harassing the Phone Losers of America (a phone phreaking group with an attitude a few shades nicer than 4chan), spending time on actual 4chan, and trying to remotely destroy a hard drive with things like thermite. In his dorm room. After the FBI was called to investigate him for hacking his school network, they ended up having to call the bomb squad and they found enough evidence to arrest him on. To celebrate he had an AMA on 4chan. Ultimately he was expelled from college.
Don't worry! Though he was kicked out in disgrace he returned home to an inheritance of over two million dollars which he invested into bitcoin and made multi-millions. That was how he ended up in the position to invest in Askia's business.
Though the two actually only lived a few miles apart, Daniel kept Askia literally in the dark by blindfolding him, extending the drive to his house for hours, and leading him by key-lanyard into the house. Askia thought he was in Virginia, miles away, until he smuggled in a gps and realized he was actually at Daniel's home. Askia would be kept there for days, sometimes weeks at a time. He was only ever allowed in the basement and tunnels which had no bathroom save for a bucket for waste. A mattress, microwave, mini fridge, and ceiling fan made up the amenities. The only way for Askia to contact Daniel was through google voice, not an actual telephone, or banging on the wall when the wifi went out in the tunnels which happened frequently.
The night of the fire Askia tried multiple times to alert Daniel that something was wrong. Six hours from when Askia messaged him, Daniel flipped the house breakers and responded acknowledging the 'major electrical failure' but that Askia should 'just put it on a different circuit'. Over the next five hours Daniel would receive three more messages from Askia, including one saying he definitely smelled smoke, and ignored the alert from the first floor carbon monoxide detector. He continued to believe the only issue was a power outage and only tried flipping breakers to fix the issue.
On the return from his last trip down into the basement, where he had not checked on Askia, he heard an explosion back in the basement and smoke began to pour up into the first floor. Daniel went back outstairs and shouted for Askia, trying to warn him about the fire. He heard Askia yell back with a drowsy tone that would have easily pointed to carbon monoxide poisoning. Despite assuming that Askia was very close to him, he didn't try to go to him, help him, or even call to direct him to the safe side of the basement. Instead he ran outside and called for help.
Firefighters found Askia, naked, lying on his back on top of a power generator. He was in the laundry room, like Daniel had assumed, and was actually only steps away from Daniel if he'd tried to save him. Askia was so badly burned he could only be identified by dental record.
Daniel was sued by Askia's family for wrongful death in 2018, and sued by the county to have the tunnels filled in which has not yet been done. In 2019, Daniel was put on trial and was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and second degree depraved heart murder. Though the minimum sentence for a depraved heart murder is 10 years, the judge only served him nine while praising him for his intelligence. This was further reduced to five years, and in 2022 he got probation with five years of probation and 250 hours off community service, after only three years in prison.
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blackypanther9 · 2 years
Alastor x Reader – Intruder
In this one Reader has no specified gender. Have fun reading this small piece.
You were always intrigued and drawn to places where scary shit happened. You heard about the New Orleans, Louisiana forest, where rumors had it that a Serial Killer and possible Cannibal lived in. He was torn up by dogs and got a bullet sent through his head in the year of 1933.
The bank took the whole forest with his house as their own property, but no one bought it after dead bodies everywhere were dug up. Many said that the Killer buried them to hide evidence and to do Voodoo Magic on them, while others said that all of that could have been a fraud and it wasn’t the man who got so brutalized before a bullet finally freed him from his pain.
You were very intrigued none the less. You went to hunt down the man’s house. If you remember correctly the guy’s name was Alastor Hazbin. He was in his alive time a very well known and beloved Radio Host. You could almost say that he was a star.
No parents left alive, no wife and no children. Not even a pet he owned. Poor guy must have been so lonely…
Suddenly you spotted an old looking house, but it didn’t look run down. Someone must have taken good care of it. You rushed over to it and looked through the windows…no one was there.
You touched the doorknob and tried to open it, which did.
You stepped inside it and looked around.
“Wooooow…”, you said in awe.
The house smelled good, it smelled like wood…a smell you adored. The house looked so old inside, no TV, no Smoke Detector nothing electrical at all. Just lamps and a radio. A very old fashioned looking Radio.
You closed the door softly and then went over to the old Radio, picking it up gently and examined it.
“It’s so pretty…Why are our Radios nowadays so damn ugly ? This must be worth hundreds of dollars seeing how old it is and how well it is still in shape. I wonder if it still works…?”
You slowly moved your hand to the button that looked like the on and off button, but stopped shortly and pulled your hand back.
“I better not mess with it… Would be a shame if I accidently broke it…”, you mumbled and gently set it back down.
Then you went into another room that had a piano in it, a couch and a small table. You went over to the piano and pressed a key, it gave a deep sound from it. You giggled and sat down.
You tested out every key and then thought of a song. You smiled and started to play the piano. The song you played on the piano was ‘Not Alone’ from Alan Walker. You were so observed in playing the song, that you didn’t notice that the owner of this property was in the house as well, watching you.
As you finished you chuckled softly and got up, brushing your pants straight.
“If that Alastor guy also played the piano…? A supposed Serial Killer playing piano ? Hard to imagine and yet….somehow I can picture it very well.”
The owner hid in the shadows, you didn’t spot him.
“Hmmm…”, you hummed and looked around the room.
“Gotta admit…it’s pretty here.”, you said and then moved again.
After some time you saw every room in that house and only the Basement was left. You didn’t touch anything while you continued to look around, besides that one old picture that you carried with you and looked at the whole time.
‘Who were they ?’
On the picture was a kind smiling man and a smiling woman, sadly it was black and white. Did this Alastor have a wife after all ? Were they his parents ?
You even admired the old microphone that was in a glass cabinet. It looked really pretty and expensive.
“Y/N ?! Y/N WHERE ARE YOU ?!”, a male voice called.
“Oh shit…Brother !”, you cussed and quickly hid in the Basement.
You didn’t want your Brother to find you. He always yelled at you and he always dragged you out of the house, even though you told him many times that you don’t want to come along. You always run away when he wasn’t looking.
You went down the stairs and then hid in the darkest corner on the basement.
“Y/N ?!”
You held your breath and stayed silent.
“Y/n !”, his callings got more quiet.
He distanced himself from the house again and you took a deep breath, then came back up and out of the Basement. You were back in the living room and eyed the Radio in curiosity.
You picked it up again and then turned it on. There was static to be heard, which made you sad.
“I thought it was set on a channel for some music already…”, you whined.
You put the Radio down and turned it off, huffing in disappointment. Then you sat down on the floor and eyed the Radio. It was so damn beautiful…
Then you jumped in utter fright.
The Radio just turned on by itself and the static was back, but also something else. There were whispers of some kind. You eyed the Radio in fright.
“The flippers ?! Is that Radio broken already ?! Oh crickets !”, you cursed.
“Hello ? Who am I talking with ?”, a voice came out of the Radio, it sounded like a male.
He sounded curious. You listened.
“Heeelllllloooooo ?”, he asked again.
“Ummm….I guess whoever called him dumped him by a phone prank. Damn so sorry for him.”
“Ah ! There you are Darling ! Can you please tell me your name ?”, the male asked.
“EHHH ?! Wait ME ?!”
“Of course you, Dear !”
‘Oh shit… What kind of Magic is this…’
“My…my name is Y/n… Yours, Sir ?”
“Pleasure to meet you Y/n, Darling ! The name’s Alastor ! Alastor Hazbin !”
At that your eyes bulged almost out of your skill.
“Why yes, indeedy ! That would be me !”
“Oh shit…”, you wheezed.
“You alright there, Darling ?”, he asked chuckling.
“Y-yeah…Uummm…How has the afterlife been, Sir ?”
“It is just peachy !”
“That is good to hear !”, you said happily.
Then the Radio turned off.
“Why thank you Darling~”, the same voice said, but the Radio was turned off.
You looked at the front door and screamed in shock. In front of you stood a creature. It had red and black hair with two big mountains on his head, one on each side, a big, yellow, sharp teeth smile, red glowing eyes, wore a red tailcoat with a black bowtie and red dress pants, had a monocle on his right side of his face and wore black dress shoes.
“What and who are you ?!”, you screamed at the thing.
“My Dear, it is me ! Alastor Hazbin. I apologize for scaring you so badly. I forget sometimes how fragile you humans are. Hahaha !”, he said laughing and playing a laugh sound track.
“Holy moly…you look…different. What happened and what even are you ?”
“Ah…I am a Deer and Radio Demon, my Dear ! I don’t have the faintest idea why I am a Deer, but the Radio bit I understand ! I was a famous Radio Host !”
“D-demon… So Hell and all that jazz exists…Holy Moly…”
“Yes, indeedy ! Now I have to ask though, what encouraged you to invade my lovely home ?”
“Ah ! You still LIVE here ?! I thought someone just took care of it while the bank is still trying to sell the property off ! So sorry ! I didn’t mean to intrude !”
“Applesauce, my Dear ! I am not as pissed as I was a few minutes ago when you just entered my house ! I thought you would rob me, but all you did was look around, enjoy the view and examine some of my things. You never stuffed anything into your pockets !”
“Still, so sorry ! But…ummm…I did keep something of yours, trying to figure out who these two were… Here.”, you said and handed him back the picture you tried to figure out.
He took it from you and looked at it, then chuckled.
“Ah. That would be my dear beloved, sweet Mother and me. I just got my job at the Radio Station and we took a picture of what I wore. Always said she wants a lot of pictures of me in my handsome years.”
“To be honest with you, Sir, you look very handsome in there. Nowadays there aren’t as many that actually have such a friendly and handsome face.”, you said and looked away blushing.
“Oh~? And what do you think about my present form now ?”, Alastor purred.
“W-well, you did scare me quite good at first, but to be honest…You look adorable and dangerous. I mean your teeth surely could even tear metal apart by how sharp they look, but the rest, looks adorable. It is just the big smile that makes you look a bit scary.”
Alastor had a slight red tint in his face at that.
“Why, thank you for the compliment, Darling !”
“Were you really the Killer ?”, you asked softly.
“I sure was !”
You only nodded and sighed.
“Shame, always are the good guys dead first…”
Alastor tilted his head in slight confusion.
“You look so nice and adorable…Man wish I could have met you to your alive times. You probably wouldn’t have been an abusive best friend.”
“Do you have such friends ?”, Alastor asked slightly worried.
You nodded.
“My friends are toxic and rotten to the core. My best friend even tried to force me into a relationship with her Brother/Sister. And I once had a Boyfriend/Girlfriend that tried to drug me to have his/her dirty ways with me. You may have been a Killer, but I bet you had some standards and boundaries…”
Alastor looked at you disturbed and then his smile became menacing looking.
“Do you have any pictures of them~?”, he asked dangerously sweet.
You got out your phone and showed him some pictures of them.
“Thank you, my sweet. I will be back shortly.”, he said and was gone.
It had been 30 minutes and then he came back, covered in blood.
“Are you okay ?! What did you do ?!”
“I am just peachy, my Dear ! I killed the scum that dared to call you a friend and abuse you.”
You stared at him in utter shock.
“Something wrong, Dea-MMM ?!”
You jumped on him and kissed him on the lips, hugging him tight as he held you.
“Thank you so much, Alastor !”, you said happily after you parted from him.
“N-no problem, my Dear.” He said blushing.
You smiled and kissed his cheek.
“You are cute when you blush.”, you teased.
He blushed a darker shade of red and you giggled softly.
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blogbeatsever · 13 days
Safeguarding Your Home with Expert Smoke Detector Installation
Imagine waking up to the peaceful hum of your alarm clock, feeling refreshed and ready to start your day. Now imagine that same alarm clock waking you up in the middle of the night because your home is filled with smoke. This scenario isn't just a nightmare; it's a terrifying reality for many homeowners who lack proper smoke detection systems. Luckily, installing smoke detectors can provide peace of mind and protection for you and your loved ones.
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In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about smoke detector installation in PA. From understanding the importance of smoke detectors to tips for ensuring optimal placement and maintenance, we’ll cover it all. Whether you are a new homeowner or looking to upgrade your current system, Decenzo Electric, LLC is here to guide you every step of the way.
The Importance of Smoke Detectors
Smoke detectors are a critical component of any home's safety plan. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), three out of five home fire deaths occur in properties without working smoke alarms. This startling statistic underscores the urgent need for reliable smoke detection systems.
Not only do smoke detectors save lives, but they also minimize property damage. Early detection allows for quick response, potentially saving thousands of dollars in damage and invaluable personal belongings.
How Smoke Detectors Work
Understanding how smoke detectors operate can help you appreciate their significance. There are two primary types of smoke detectors: ionization and photoelectric. Ionization detectors are more responsive to flaming fires, while photoelectric detectors are better at sensing smoldering fires.
Ionization detectors contain a small amount of radioactive material that ionizes the air inside the device, creating a current between two plates. When smoke enters, it disrupts this current, triggering the alarm. Photoelectric detectors, on the other hand, use a light beam and sensor. When smoke scatters the light beam, it activates the alarm.
Choosing the Right Smoke Detectors
Selecting the appropriate smoke detector for your home involves considering various factors. Both ionization and photoelectric detectors have their strengths, so it’s often best to use a combination of both types. Some modern smoke detectors even incorporate both technologies in one unit for enhanced protection.
Additionally, consider opting for interconnected smoke detectors. These devices communicate with each other, ensuring that if one alarm detects smoke; all alarms in the house will sound. This feature is particularly crucial for larger homes where a single alarm may not be audible throughout the property.
Optimal Placement of Smoke Detectors
Proper placement of smoke detectors is vital to their effectiveness. The NFPA recommends installing smoke alarms inside each bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of the home, including the basement. For homes with levels without bedrooms, place alarms in the living room or near the stairway to the upper level.
Avoid installing smoke detectors near windows, doors, or ducts, where drafts might interfere with their operation. Ceiling-mounted alarms should be placed at least four inches from the nearest wall, while wall-mounted alarms should be installed four to twelve inches from the ceiling.
Professional Installation vs. DIY
While some homeowners may feel confident installing smoke detectors themselves, professional installation ensures optimal functionality and compliance with local codes. At Decenzo Electric, LLC, our experienced electricians offer expert smoke detector installation services in PA. We ensure that your detectors are properly placed and interconnected for maximum safety.
Professional installation also includes testing to ensure the alarms are operating correctly and educating homeowners on maintenance and testing procedures.
Maintenance Tips for Smoke Detectors
Once installed, regular maintenance is essential to keep your smoke detectors functioning effectively. Test all smoke alarms at least once a month by pressing the test button. Replace the batteries at least once a year or immediately if the alarm begins to chirp, indicating a low battery.
Smoke detectors themselves should be replaced every ten years, as sensors can degrade over time. Regularly vacuuming around the detectors can also help prevent dust and debris from interfering with their operation.
Benefits of Upgrading Your Smoke Detectors
If your home already has smoke detectors, it may be time to consider an upgrade. Modern smoke detectors offer features such as wireless interconnectivity, voice alerts, and smart home integration. These advancements enhance safety and convenience, providing peace of mind that your home is well-protected.
Smoke Detectors and Carbon Monoxide Alarms
Many homeowners opt to install combination smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors. CO is a colorless, odorless gas that can be deadly at high levels. Installing combination detectors ensures that your home is protected from both fire and CO hazards.
Legal Requirements in PA
Pennsylvania law requires the installation of smoke detectors in all residential buildings. Landlords must provide at least one operable smoke detector on each level of the dwelling, including basements. Property owners must also ensure that detectors are functional before leasing or selling a property.
Common Myths about Smoke Detectors
There are several misconceptions about smoke detectors that can compromise home safety. One common myth is that smoke alarms last forever. In reality, detectors need to be replaced every ten years. Another myth is that hardwired smoke detectors don’t require battery replacements. While they are powered by the home’s electrical system, they have backup batteries that need regular replacement.
The Role of Decenzo Electric, LLC
At Decenzo Electric, LLC, we specialize in ensuring the safety and security of your home through expert smoke detector installation in PA. Our team of licensed electricians is dedicated to providing top-notch service and peace of mind for all our clients.
Investing in smoke detector installation is an essential step in protecting your home and loved ones. By understanding the importance of smoke detectors, choosing the right types, and ensuring proper placement and maintenance, you can significantly reduce the risk of fire-related incidents.
Decenzo Electric, LLC is here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule your smoke detector installation and join the many homeowners in PA who trust us for their electrical needs.
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horce-divorce · 6 months
we have had such an exhausting night. first of all, the heater has been out of oil for days, so it's just been the wood stove to heat the house during this storm and it's been miserably cold, its probably in the 50s in our room if I had to guess. we had a space heater in here for most of the winter, but it died a few days ago.
then today around, idk 6 or 7, I came back from the 2nd floor bathroom and noticed this godawful stench. I asked the others if they noticed it and they did as soon as I pointed it out. it was coming from the basement, it was sooo bad and thick down there we actually saw a haze like smoke and we could barely be down there to investigate, it was nauseating. It got so bad so fast that we called the non emergency dept and they sent the fire dept, who brought easily a dozen guys (including volunteers who had specialties in electric, carpentry and a bunch of different areas). three firetrucks, a cop and an ambulance just in case.
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they tested the whole house with some kind of gas spectrometer, heat mapped the walls, checked everything outside and around the house, nothing else amiss. everyone could smell it, but nobody could quite place it. we all described something slightly different, but we agreed that it was chemically and burn-y. Bel said he smelled eggs or something rotten. For me it was more like burnt cotton at first, from the upper floors, and then once we got closer, it was distinctly chemical. it lingered on my breath and my clothes the way paint thinner does if you don't wear ppe.
the only way I could describe it was like... idk... I know both how formaldehyde and turpentine smell intensely, id know them anywhere. they're different and very distinct. it was neither of those things, but it reminded me of them strongly. it really, really reminded me of school for some reason.
ultimately they told us that because they couldn't positively identify any gases or fire hazards, we were good to go back inside and just call 911 if anything else goes amiss.
about an hour after that one of the CO detectors in the basement started going off frantically and erratically, but when Thorin went to check it out, it was hanging off the wires all weird. Putting it back securely made it stop chirping, and it was still on, and hasn't gone off again. the smell has also started to dissipate upstairs since we had the windows open for a bit.
it was bizarre though. almost 2 dozen people assessed this shit and nobody could find a source. this family has lived here for 25+ years and never had this particular smell.
We did get to sit in the firetruck while they assessed things bc it was cold outside lol that was pretty cool.
But now I wanna go to bed and it's just so fucking cold in here I can't even get cozy fffff :(
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pinnaclegenerators · 7 months
Safety First: Essential Precautions for Using a Silent Diesel Generator at Home
While silent generators offer a reliable backup during power outages, their quiet operation can sometimes mask potential risks.
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So, before you rely on these machines from trusted silent generator suppliers or DG sets suppliers, prioritise safety with these essential precautions:
Deadly Carbon Monoxide:
Silent Killer: Carbon monoxide (CO) is an odourless, colourless gas produced by diesel combustion. Even small amounts can be deadly.
Location, Location, Location: NEVER operate a generator indoors, in basements, garages, or near windows and doors. Always run it at least 15 feet away from your home and in a well-ventilated area, ensuring it's sourced from reputable silent generator suppliers for safety compliance.
Install a CO Detector: Equip your home with a battery-powered CO detector placed near bedrooms and living areas. Regularly check and replace batteries according to manufacturer's instructions.
Electrical Safety:
Professional Installation: Hire a qualified electrician to install your generator and connect it to your home's electrical system safely and according to local codes. Look for qualified professionals recommended by your chosen silent generator suppliers or DG sets suppliers.
Transfer Switch: Ensure a properly installed transfer switch isolates your generator power from the utility grid to prevent backfeeding and potential harm to line workers. Consult your silent generator suppliers for compatible transfer switch options.
Grounding is Crucial: Proper grounding protects against electrical shock. Never operate an ungrounded generator. Ensure your chosen silent generator suppliers provide grounded models for your safety.
Fuel Safety:
Store Fuel Safely: Store only the recommended amount of fuel in approved containers, away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Securely label and store fuel out of reach of children and pets. Silent generator manufacturers often offer fuel storage solutions; inquire about their recommendations.
Refuel with Care: Turn off the generator and let it cool completely before refuelling. Refuel outdoors using a safety funnel to prevent spills. Never smoke or use open flames near the generator or fuel.
Dispose of Waste Properly: Never dispose of used fuel or oil down drains or on the ground. Follow local regulations for proper disposal or recycling. Check with your silent generator suppliers for any specific waste disposal guidelines.
By following these essential precautions, you can harness the power of your silent generator for home, sourced from responsible silent generator suppliers or DG sets suppliers, with confidence. Remember, prioritise safety for yourself, your loved ones, and your property.
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universalinfo · 8 months
Making Your Home Radon-Free with Detectors
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We all pour energy and effort into creating homes that not only provide shelter but also act as our refuge from the outside world. With the innovation of tools like the radon home detector, we've been given a chance to bolster the safety of these cherished spaces. These homes, lovingly crafted, mirror our personalities, memories, and hopes. The essence of a home is its guarantee of comfort and security, where every member can genuinely relax. However, in our pursuit of the ideal haven, our attention often gravitates toward the palpable and immediate risks. We may promptly fix that creaking floorboard or swiftly replace a malfunctioning security camera, but some dangers, particularly the invisible ones, might escape our notice. Prime among these is radon.
A stealthy and unseen gas, radon covertly infiltrates our living spaces, undermining the very foundation of safety we work hard to establish. But, thanks to modern advancements, we're not defenseless. Employing a radon home detector allows us to detect and address this silent menace. Leveraging this technology, we strengthen our homes' protective barriers, paving the way for genuine peace of mind.
What is Radon, and Why Should We Be Concerned?
Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas. It originates from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water. When it enters our living spaces, radon becomes a health risk. In fact, prolonged exposure to high levels of radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, next only to smoking.
Now, this might make you wonder: How do I know if radon is in my home? The answer is straightforward—a radon home detector.
The Importance of Radon Home Detectors
Imagine a scenario where you could be alerted to potential dangers even before they pose any real threat. A radon home detector does just that. While we can't see or smell radon, a radon home detector is designed to sense it.
Regularly checking your home for radon with a radon home detector is crucial. Why? Because radon levels fluctuate. Today's safe levels might rise tomorrow. Without a radon home detector, you'd never be the wiser with Luft.
Choosing the Right Radon Home Detector
There are different types of radon home detectors available in the market. Some are short-term, while others offer long-term monitoring. It's essential to pick one that suits your needs.
Short-Term Detectors: These are generally less expensive and can measure radon levels for a few days to a couple of months. They provide quick results and are a good starting point if you suspect a problem.
Long-Term Detectors: If you're looking for something more lasting, these detectors measure radon levels for more than three months. They give a better understanding of year-round radon levels in your home.
But remember, any radon home detector you choose should meet the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) performance criteria.
Where and How to Set Up Your Radon Home Detector
Placement is key. Radon gas typically moves up from the ground, so basements and ground-level rooms are primary areas of concern.
Here are some pointers for setting up your radon home detector:
Avoid Drafts: Radon readings can be affected by drafts. So, steer clear of windows or exterior doors.
Place Away from Humidity: Bathrooms, kitchens, or laundry rooms are not ideal due to the high humidity levels.
Ground Level or Basement: As radon comes from the ground, placing your radon home detector in the basement or on the ground floor is best.
Don't fret! Your radon home detector will come with instructions, making setup a breeze.
Taking Action on Your Results
So, you've got your results from the radon home detector. What next?
If radon levels are within safe limits, that's great! However, it's a good idea to continue monitoring. Remember, radon levels change. On the other hand, if radon levels are high, don't panic. There are professional radon mitigation services that can help reduce radon levels in your home.
Our homes, for many of us, are more than just structures; they are the embodiment of our dreams, memories, and aspirations. Each corner tells a story, and every room resonates with laughter, love, and moments shared with family and friends. However, the essence of these spaces is not only defined by the visible comforts they provide but also by the unseen safety measures we integrate. Among the hidden threats we face, radon emerges as a silent adversary. Its invisibility might make it easy to ignore, but its potential risks are undeniable.
Thankfully, modern technology offers a beacon of hope in the form of the radon home detector. This device doesn't merely detect; it empowers homeowners. Acting as a constant guardian, it monitors our spaces, ensuring that radon levels remain in check. When anomalies arise, it promptly alerts us, allowing for timely interventions. Investing in a radon home detector is more than just a purchase; it's a statement that underscores our commitment to creating a safe, healthy environment for ourselves and our loved ones.
Read More:
Radon Awareness
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earaercircular · 1 year
Lithium batteries in everyday life: how to prevent emergencies
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Nearly 500 electric cars aboard burning freighter
They are everywhere - and often at the same time: devices such as mobile phones and e-bikes that contain lithium-ion batteries. The energy sources rarely burn, but when they do, it gets violent. How to prevent and act in an emergency.
It has not been finally clarified whether an electric car caused the fire on the freighter "Fremantle Highway"[1] off the Dutch coast. But the fundamental risk of fire from rechargeable batteries with lithium-ion technology is undisputed. The Federal Environment Agency (UBA, German: Umweltbundesamt)[2] in Dessau-Roßlau speaks of an "increased risk potential".
Batteries of this type - individually or in packs - are found in e-bikes, e-scooters, drones, laptops, smartphones and many household and garden appliances such as vacuum robots or lawnmowers. They have high energy densities, so they last a long time, and they hardly discharge themselves when not in use. The problem: once they catch fire, a chemical process is set in motion that makes extinguishing a special challenge.
"A lithium-ion battery can start burning at 60 degrees Celsius inside," says Frank Hachemer. He is the Vice President responsible for preventive fire protection at the German Fire Brigade Association[3] in Berlin. "When the reaction takes place, energy is suddenly discharged, resulting in a violent blowtorch."
Alarmist news misplaced
Although electrical devices have always been the number one cause of fire in Germany, this is not specifically due to the batteries. Scaremongering is generally misplaced. "These are rare, but sometimes very spectacular cases," says Hachemer. The UBA website states: "Lithium-containing batteries and accumulators are safe if handled properly."
But the reverse conclusion is: You can make mistakes. And preventive measures are required.
Prevention is better than eradication
The following applies to everyday use: "Mobile phones and power banks do not belong in the blazing sun, for example behind the windshield in the car or on the towel on the beach," says Hermann Dinkler, officer for fire and explosion protection at the Tüv Association[4] in Berlin. If devices get too warm, the risk of short circuits increases. If the plastic walls in the device then melt, oxygen can enter: “And lithium reacts very violently with oxygen.”            
When charging the energy storage devices, only chargers and cables intended for the corresponding device should be used. This is how the battery management system optimally protects against overcharging, at least that's what many manufacturers promise. However, the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing[5] (BAM) in Berlin recommends unplugging chargers after charging: if overcharging occurs, this could lead to a dangerous reaction in the lithium battery.
According to TÜV expert Dinkler, the charging process should be monitored as far as possible away from combustible materials such as wood chips in the basement, paper on the desk or flour in the kitchen. “Check from time to time that the device is not getting too hot. If you can no longer touch it, the plug should be pulled out immediately.” According to Dinkler and Hachemer, charging batteries overnight should be avoided. If there is a smoke detector nearby - all the better.
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E-bike batteries can often be removed from the bike. So you have it in your hand where to load it. Experts advise: ideally outdoors or in rooms that are not at risk of fire.
What if the e-bike battery catches fire?
The vice president of the Fire Brigade Association goes one step further with his precautionary measures: If possible, for example, e-bike batteries, which would heat up to around 800 degrees in a fire, do not charge in the house or apartment at all. "Of course, that can be unrealistic in the case of an apartment in an apartment building," he says.
For such cases, in which the risk of theft of the battery packs, which often cost around 1000 euros, must also be taken into account, he has an “unconventional tip” ready: “Store and charge the battery in a metal bucket and place it nearby the front door so that they can kick him outside in an emergency.” After which: quickly call the fire brigade.
He would charge smaller devices such as smartphones or power banks in the dry sink: "In an emergency, the pool is flooded." Because in the case of battery fires, the only thing that helps is cooling down with lots of water - "that's how we at the fire brigade extinguish battery fires."
According to Tüv employee Dinkler, in the event of a fire, it makes sense to separate devices from the oxygen in the ambient air, if that is realistic at all: "You can grab smaller things like smartphones with long pliers and throw them into a metal bucket with water." Hachemer doubts, however whether this is always possible: "Burning batteries radiate a lot of heat."
Blankets and fire extinguishers are of little help
Throwing fire blankets at devices with lithium-ion batteries doesn't even solve the problem. You can smother flames that may have spread to the area. But not the battery fire itself, since the chemical processes themselves produce the oxygen needed for the fire again and again.
The same applies to special fire extinguishers that are commercially available. Frank Hachemer emphasizes that although these are also good at extinguishing fires around the battery, “they do not achieve the necessary cooling. The chemical process continues, it heats up again and starts burning again.”
You should also be careful if batteries or their cases are damaged - for example due to a pedelec[6] accident or because the cordless screwdriver has fallen on the ground: "Especially when charging, short circuits can occur," warns Tüv expert Dinkler.
In addition to burn injuries, there is another health risk. "Damaged batteries can release noxious gases," says the BAM website. The UBA advises not to use deformed or swollen batteries. "E-scooters, for example, are very often treated in a rude manner," says Dinkler. Checking the condition of an electric rental scooter before setting off is also advisable.
Also risk of fire if disposed of incorrectly                 
If a lithium-ion battery cannot be reused, the question of disposal naturally arises. There is also a risk of fire here. "Hardly a week goes by without a short circuit in an improperly treated battery in waste disposal vehicles, garbage cans or sorting plants causing a fire somewhere in Germany," writes the Federal Association of German Waste Management, Water and Recycling Management (BDE)[7] in Berlin on its site.
The BDE points out that lithium-ion rechargeable batteries and batteries must be handed over to designated collection points in retail or recycling centres. Disposal with household waste is taboo. The Federal Environment Agency[8] advises finding out in advance which recycling centre in the vicinity accepts such batteries free of charge. To prevent short circuits, it is better to tape off the poles.
If e-cars are affected, as on the freighter off the Dutch coast, the experts say there is no chance of self-help in the event of a battery fire: "If the vehicle is connected to the wall box for charging, it makes sense to still use the cable if possible to be unplugged,” says TÜV consultant Dinkler. If no other currents feed the battery, it could be easier for the fire brigade to extinguish it. But the same applies here: The fire brigade must be called immediately.
Stefan Weißenborn, dpa, Lithium-Akkus im Alltag: So beugen Sie Notfällen , in Süddeutsche Zeitung, 28-07-2023, https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wissen/fehler-vermeiden-lithium-akkus-im-alltag-so-beugen-sie-notfaellen-vor-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-230728-99-575782
[1] MV Fremantle Highway is a car carrier owned by the Japanese tonnage provider Shoei Kisen Kaisha, while the vessel is technically managed by Wallem Shipmanagement Japanes and operated by Ocean Network Express (former "K"-Line). MV Fremantle Highway caught fire off the coast of the Dutch island of Ameland around 11.45 pm (CET) on 25 July 2023 while en route from Bremerhaven, Germany, due to arrive in Egypt's Port Said on 2 August 2023. K Line and Shoei Kisen Kaisha stated that the ship was eventually bound for Singapore and was carrying approximately 3,000 cars.
[2] Headquarters of the Umweltbundesamtes  (Federal Environment Agency) in Dessau-Roßlau. As an environmental authority, we want to set standards in ecological construction and renovation with our office buildings. For our building in Dessau-Roßlau, which was rebuilt in 2005 due to the relocation of our headquarters from Berlin to the Bauhaus city of Dessau, we were awarded the German seal of quality for sustainable building in gold in 2009. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/das-uba/standorte-gebaeude/besuchen-sie-uns
[3] German : Deutschen Feuerwehrverband
[4] he TÜV Vetrband (=Association) represents the interests of its members in Berlin and Brussels vis a vis politics, authorities, economy and the public. It´s aim is to improve the technical and digital safety of vehicles, products, systems and services through independent assessments. Together with its members, the TÜV Association pursues the goal of maintaining the high level of technical safety in our society and creating trust for the digital world. To achieve this, the experts of the TÜV Association are involved in the further development of standards and regulations. Currently, the main focus is on strengthening digital security and meeting the growing demands for sustainability in our society. https://www.tuev-verband.de/en/about-us
[5]The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing is a higher scientific and technical federal authority within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. It tests, researches and advises on the protection of people, the environment and property. Security makes markets. BAM sets and represents high standards for safety in technology and chemistry for Germany and its global markets to further develop the successful German quality culture "Made in Germany". BAM fulfils this task through its committed employees. Around 1,600 people from around 50 nations work at BAM. https://www.bam.de/Navigation/DE/Ueber-die-BAM/ueber-die-bam.html
[6] A pedelec (from pedal electric cycle) or EPAC (electronically power assisted cycle), is a type of low-powered electric bicycle where the rider's pedalling is assisted by a small electric motor. However, unlike some other types of e-bikes, pedelecs are classified as conventional bicycles in many countries by road authorities rather than as a type of electric moped. Pedelecs include an electronic controller which cuts power to the motor when the rider is not pedalling or when a certain speed – usually 25 km/h or 32 km/h – is reached. Pedelecs are useful for people who ride in hilly areas or in strong headwinds. While a pedelec can be any type of bicycle, a pedelec city bike is very common. A conventional bicycle can be converted to a pedelec with the addition of the necessary parts, e.g., motor, battery, etc.
[7] The BDE Bundesverband der Deutschen Entsorgungs-, Wasser- und Kreislaufwirtschaft e. V. (Federal Association of German Waste Management, Water and Circulation Management e. V.) was founded in 1961 and is the industry association for recycling and resource management. The member companies of the BDE represent 75 percent of the private-sector turnover in the sectors "wastewater disposal", "collection, treatment, disposal and recycling of waste" as well as "remediation of environmental pollution and other disposal".
[8] In German: Umweltbundesamt
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Electrical Solutions Smoke Alarm
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Having smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors installed and tested by an electrician is essential to the safety of your home. Both devices serve different purposes, but both can save lives by detecting fires or gasses before they spread throughout the home.
Smoke alarms should be placed in every room where there is a source of fire or heat. They should also be interconnected to each other, so that all alarms sound when one goes off.
Unlike basic smoke alarms that only sound when smoke is detected, interconnected electrical solutions smoke alarms are designed to alert you and your family anywhere in the home. They work by connecting together and using backup batteries so that if one fire alarm goes off in the basement it will still wake up people upstairs.
This is a huge advantage over traditional smoke alarms which can be hard to hear in a basement or even in a second story apartment. The reason why it is so important to have an interconnected smoke alarm system is that it will give your family more time to escape the house in the event of a fire.
Before attempting to wire and install your smoke alarms, you should have them tested for power by a licensed electrician. This way, you can be confident that the work is being done properly and safely.
Ionization smoke detectors use a small amount of radioactive material called Americium-241 to ionize air particles. The ions created by the radiation attach to the smoke particles and disrupt the flow of the tiny current inside the alarm.
Ionic smoke detectors are more responsive to flaming fires than photoelectric smoke alarms, giving you and your family extra time to escape a blaze. This is important because many people die in residential fires due to smoke inhalation rather than flames.
Ionization smoke detectors are also more susceptible to nuisance tripping, such as cooking or burning toast, than photoelectric smoke alarms. When this happens, frustrated homeowners will often disable the alarms, leaving their homes unprotected from fires.
Smoke alarms are a must-have in all residential properties to help protect family members. However, there are many different types of smoke alarms that can be installed and choosing the best one for your property can be confusing!
Photoelectric smoke detectors use a light sensor and light beam that reflect off smoke particles in the air. When a smoke particle passes through the light beam, the detector’s light sensor detects the change in light and triggers an alarm.
While a photoelectric smoke detector is recommended by many Fire Authorities and safety experts, it may not be the right type of smoke alarm for every residential property. Some experts suggest installing both ionization and photoelectric alarms to ensure optimal protection against flaming and smoldering fires.
If you want the best fire protection for your home, consider a combination electrical solutions smoke alarm that has both photoelectric and ionisation technology. Generally, photoelectric alarms are more sensitive to smoldering fires and ionisation alarms are better at detecting flaming fires.
Combination alarms can be hardwired into your home’s electrical system or powered by batteries. They also have battery backup features in case of power outages.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends replacing combination smoke and carbon monoxide alarms every seven to ten years. If you have a battery-powered unit, it’s also a good idea to make sure that the batteries are fresh and in good condition.
Hardwired smoke alarms should be interconnected so that they all go off if one of them is activated, this increases the chances that occupants will hear an alarm in time to escape. If you’re not sure if your existing alarms are interconnected, test them by pressing the test button on each alarm and listen for the sound.
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mell-eight · 2 years
Frustrations of Real Life
2/5/23 I had my whole weekend planned out.  When I was going to the grocery store, when I was writing, when I was working on my current paint by numbers project; all of that was supposed to be fully structured this weekend.  I even factored in how to get all that done around the crazy weather we've been having.  And it was working!  I added about 1k words to Vivary Tales before bedtime, and I knew I'd be able to pick it back up in the morning.  And then at two AM I'm woken up by a WHOOMPH coming from the direction of my en-suite bathtub, followed by an ominous whooshing sound. No water leaking in my bathroom.  I sprint downstairs.   No water puddling anywhere on the main floor.  Sprint down another flight of stairs.  No water in my basement.  I open the door into my garage, and my car is getting a shower.  Water everywhere!  I turned the water off to the house and then had a moment of "what do I do now?"   The answer: call my mom, of course.  Lol. There's a smoke detector in my garage, right underneath where the pipe burst.   Apparently smoke detectors and water are not a winning combination.  The whole system goes off, blaring and deafening throughout the entire house, and I'm still shocked my neighbors whom I share a wall with didn't come running. Picture me, in pajamas at dark o'clock, on the phone with my poor mother, trying to get the smoke detectors on four separate floors to shut off, all while my garage ceiling continues to forlornly drip onto my car.  Yeah.  I don't want to picture it either. So that leaves my Sunday plans absolutely destroyed.  I moved my car into my driveway, got the ladder out so I could remove the smoke detector--dropped it onto the concrete floor, so I have a trip to the hardware store in my future--and now I wait.  I submitted an online claim to my insurance, but I can't contact a plumber until the sun rises.  No water, which means I can't shower, which nixes the grocery store run.  I can't clean paintbrushes either, so no painting.  No laundry, and I can't wash dishes.  That means the only thing left on my to-do list is to write, so maybe Vivary Tales will take off, distracting me while I wait for a verdict from the plumber.  One can hope. 
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bomberqueen17 · 8 months
in terms of the kitchen remodel we are still waiting on like five pieces of trim and the door of one cabinet. so we're to the final details phase. which means the electrical and plumbing inspectors from the town have to come by.
the plumbing inspector came by and was super friendly and funny and was like "i guess i gotta run some water, i'll feel silly if i don't and there was a problem, but mostly i mean, if there was a problem you'd probably have noticed right?" and i was like yeah fair enough, wanna look at the gas lines they moved? and he was like oh i guess i will, sure. Super low-key.
The electrical inspector was similarly chill but he looked grimly up at the smoke detector they'd put up in not the place I'd expected them to, and said "that's. not where that goes." I said "it goes off all the time" and he was like "yeah it's way too close to the stove, I would not have put it there. But the problem is, you need there to be a carbon monoxide sensor within fifteen feet of your bedrooms, and the closer bedroom is seventeen feet that way."
Sure enough. It's the right kind of smoke detector but it's in the wrong place.
I looked up the manufacturer's instructions and they say to put it 20 feet from the main cooking appliance. Ten if that's not possible, but preferably 20. I measured, and it's eight feet from the stove. I can't get emojis to insert but this is the upside-down smiley, right here.
So the hallway location would have been completely fine for that, and in fact better. And that's where I had pointed out that they should put it, and that's where Jim had said they'd put it, and it's where I fully believed they were putting it until they finished the job.
So I'm displeased and have to psych myself up to call Jim and break the news to him, that it's not just that I could put another sensor up and be good-- the one they put in is just plain in the wrong place. I don't know if they can properly move it, they hard-wired the communication wire to the basement alarm, and I don't know if they can fish that through the ceiling that direction. (They can't, I'm one thousand percent sure the joists go the other way.)
But the alarm they installed, which cost me extra outside of the five figures of work done on the kitchen, is incorrectly located, and meets neither the manufacturer's guidelines nor town building codes. So I gotta put my big girl panties on and complain about that. I'd been preparing myself to just suck it up and set the smoke detector off every time I cooked but realizing that it's absolutely not supposed to be there has removed my last shred of putting up with that shit.
Hell fucking no. Now, how to say that nicely???? *deep breath* I can do it. Polite but firm.
On another note-- I went out of town for the weekend and got stuck there because of the snow, and finally made it back Monday morning, and when I texted the family groupchat that I'd made it home my mom was like "great!" and then literally one minute later was like "so what color are you painting your kitchen" so understand that y'all are not the only ones waiting to find out.
LOL any color would workkkkkk so I gotta pick one and do it. But probably not this week, as today's the last break in the weather and then we're supposed to get absolutely slammed with snow.
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i-mushi · 2 years
North Dakota Winter
Been digging around my fanfiction and opened an old folder of "Shorts Going Nowhere" which includes this little fic.
Summary: Hazel's been hunting with the brother's for a few years now, but the heat goes out and if she's gotta choose a brother to cozy up with... Word count: 893
Dean x OFC, no smut or anything, probably written during a winter night when I was super cold and did not have a Winchester brother to cozy up with.
Read on Ao3 --> Here
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North Dakota was freezing in January.
Hazel stamped snow off her boots as she approached the motel room door, looking forward to getting back inside. She’d barely crossed the threshold though before she realized Sam was still wearing his coat.
“Heat’s out,” he said almost immediately, wincing apologetically as he rubbed his hands together at the tiny table.
“Are you kidding?”
“Something short circuited. No rooms have heat,” Dean added, piling more comforters from another room on one of the beds.
“We have to go to another motel.”
“It’s 11pm,” Sam pointed out. “This is a one-light town. I’m not sure we can get another place.”
“The library may as well have been haunted with the lack of heat in that basement,” Hazel complained, shuddering. She was cold damnit, and sitting in that dank, dark room looking at old newspapers had frozen her solid while the boys checked out the local church. It wasn’t like they could idle the car for hours either to run the heat. She had layers but she wasn’t prepared for full blown winter in a North Dakota motel room.
“Look, we grabbed blankets from some other rooms and—“
“We could start a fire,” Dean interjected. “I mean, they aren’t charging us and no one’s in the main building anyway. Break some of this furniture down…”
“No Dean,” Sam sighed.
“Why not? I don’t see a smoke detector—“
As the boys bickered, Hazel toed off her boots and went into the bathroom. She cleaned up for bed, adding another set of socks over her cold toes and as many layers as possible, then immediately dove under the blankets of the nearest twin, ignoring Dean’s squawk.
“Hey! You’re the shortest by a foot, you get the pull-out couch!”
“No. I’m too cold.” Hazel buried herself further, knowing she was being childish, but dealing with the brothers sometimes required those tactics. “It’s too cold and you put all the blankets here.”
“I can rip them off!” Dean warned, and he did take the top duvet off, but it was late and everyone was too cold and tired to pick a long fight about it. Plus, Hazel reasoned, she usually got stuck with the couch or daybed when they only had one room because she was the smallest, so a proper bed was a treat. She deserved it. Dean could sleep in the car if he was that pissed.
An hour later though, Hazel was no closer to sleep than she’d thought. Sam was out like a light, he always slept the easiest, but Hazel’s teeth were chattering as she curled up tighter. It was like her body just couldn’t muster up enough heat by itself.
She could hear Dean tossing and turning on the couch too, muttering about back pain and cushions digging into his spine when he wasn’t griping about the cold.
“Dean,” she hissed. “Dean.”
“What do you want?” he grumbled, audible but low, with that tired growl that Hazel firmly told herself not to get excited about. Dean was a friend, no matter what her imagination liked to wander to.
“Get over here.”
“What, you want to swap? Not cozy enough in your damn mountain of blankets?”
“I’m freezing, get over here. I need a space heater.”
“I don’t have a damn space heater.”
“You are a space heater.” Hazel didn’t know this for certain, but the one time she’d fallen in a lake Dean had laid with her under a blanket to get her body temperature back up, and he’d felt like a space heater then. That had been almost three years ago and she still thought about it.
“Fuck, fine.”
A grumbling dark shape sat up from the couch and shambled over to her, bringing more blankets and the warmth and familiar scent of Dean. Hazel scooted over to the far side as much as she could, shivering as she lifted the blankets for him.
“Jeez, your teeth are chattering,” he muttered.
“It’s fucking cold in case you haven’t noticed.”
“Trust me, my balls are gonna shrivel up if I don’t get some damn heat going. We could still do that fire.”
“Just get over here.”
The twin bed was too small for two adults, especially one of Dean’s size. His six-foot frame took up the whole bed so spooning wasn’t possible, which would have been uncomfortable if Hazel wasn’t so cold that cuddling up was her best option anyway. Now she draped herself over Dean as he laid on his back, pillowing her cheek on his chest and squirming until her leg draped over him.
“Whoa Hazel, uh—“
“Guys, I just want to remind you that I’m in this room too,” Sam said loudly.
“Shut up Sam, I’m freezing.”
“Ow, shit, watch your knee!” Dean cursed as Hazel accidentally jabbed him in a sensitive place. “I’m not a body pillow.”
“You are tonight,” she muttered, finally settling down as Dean’s heat started to seep into her bones, the blankets settling and trapping all that warmth in. If Hazel wasn’t a little drunk on his scent too then she was a liar.
His arm settled around her shoulders finally, hugging her lightly to him, and she felt his body tick down into sleep as the fog took her too. Neither of them saw Sam rolling his eyes in his own bed or mouth finally to himself.
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hollywood3015 · 4 years
Apocalypse BaCC Ruleset
I've always wanted to try my hand at an Apocalypse Challenge but could never get behind the whole only one family thing. I am a avid rotational player. One family just bores me, so I came up with this challenge. This is based off of my own rulesfor the Bacc and not the original or one of the many variations.
Starting Out:
-Create a new neighbor and create your three founders. They can be families or single it doesn't matter.
-The three founders may NOT go to college. That would make the challenge way to easy.
-Build and Buy mode tabs are NOT allowed after you build the families house. Not even for a baby crib so make sure you factor that in when you make their house.
-The bunker can look however you want it to. It does not need to be up off the ground nor does it need to be 8x8 but you may only have a max of 3 rooms until Architect is unlocked.
-Sims may not have a stove, they must have the cheapest grill and Fridge.
-No sims may sleep outside.
-The lot must be enclosed by a fence.
-Only 3 restrictions may be unlocked a generation
-No Electronics may be used. Only the cheapest fridge and cheapest fridge
-Basic Electricity is unlocked when a sim has Max mechanical and level 8 logic. Once that is done $3500 must be paid from town funds.
-Taxes must still be paid. It can be whatever percentage you want but it has to be consistent.
-No smoke detectors, sprinklers, burglar alarm
-To unlock running water you must get level 5 cleaning and level 5 logic. That enables sinks.
-Basic airport is your ticket out of the city. If you plan for your kid to go to college you must have a basic airport. You must pay $25,000 dollars. With a basic airport you get:
Adopt Stray Pets
Higher quality furniture that has been unlocked.
-No cars, service sims, or delivery service.
-Pet adoption is unlocked when a pet store is opened.
-Nanny is unlocked when business is unlocked, and there 5 teenagers in town.
If you want to get more households:
+1 When the first community lot is built+1 When you have basic electricity+1 When you have plumbing+2 When you get an Airport+1 With every 5 community lots after+1 A sim tops a career. (maximim 1 per household)+5 Downton+10 University (Multiple universities are allowed)+13 For every business district.
-Community lots:
Are unlocked when the business career is topped.
Is unlocked when the political career is topped and $100,000 dollars has been paid.
Are unlocked when there is an airport and a population of 1,000
You cannot move in anyone until someone tops the career.
Sims may not go on vacation
Sims may not move out until this career is topped.
Businesses may not be built until this career is topped
A position opens when a sim maxes creativity
Sims may not use workbenches or the potty/clothing bench
Sims may not open any art type business or have any paintings on their business
No deco items may be placed
For teens and elders to leave the lot they must have level 10 body skill.
Can NOT have a gym or workout equipment on their businesses.
Cannot move anything bigger than one tile
Items received as date or outing reward may be moved once no matter how big they are but after that they may not be moved again. If they are restricted items they may be moved to inventory but not sold.
Sims may not sell items on community lots that are bigger than one tile
Sims may only sell things they made
Gym equipment may not be used or purchased
Sims may carry no more then three items in their inventory
Sims may not use vacation days
Sims who miss a single day of work lose the job
If a sim loses a job they may never take that job
No clubs community lots may be built or owned
Elders may never retire
You may not ignore chance cards
Sims may not use the phone unless it is tuesday
No cell phones or computers may be used or purchased
Sims may not use the robotics bench or have servos
You may not call the exterminator
No lights
No trash compactor or bass or guitar
Sims may only have 3 rooms in there house
NO downtown may be unlock
Sims may not go to college
May not have a cemetery
No basements
May not have a second floor
No vacation hood
May not influence other sims
May not plead with grim reaper
No cemetery lot
May not move a grave. If a sim dies somewhere the grave must stay there
May not place graves or urns into inventory
May not use the resurrect-o-nomitron
-Natural Science
No landscaping items
No gardening trees
May not own a pond
May only have a 4 plot garden that has to be enclosed with a fence
May not alter the ground color
May not flatten the lot
May not use fertilizer
No cow plants
No chef salads
No telescopes may be used
Sims may not watch clouds or stargaze
No flower arranging bench
No Greenhouses
Businesses may not be opened (home or community)
You may not sell items via buy and build tab.
May not sell paintings or workbench items.
Sims may not hire service sims
May not use workbenches
Sims may not dance.
Sims may not do tai chi or meditate
Sims may not use the ballet bar or the dance sphere
Stereos may only be used to build body skill
Sims may not have a club business or a business where they sell music.
Sims may not throw parties or use the entertainment menu
Sims may not buy anything from the party tab
Sims may not use the karaoke machine (also restricted by Artist and Science).
Sims with televisions are limited to the Yummy Channel, the Workout Channel and the News/Weather Channel.
Sims may not read a book unless it is a skill building book
Sims may not have wedding parties
Sims may not use wedding archs
May not place a wedding venue.
No toy crafting bench
Sims may not have a business with instruments or a microphone.
Sims may not perform any action from the Ask pie menu that came with Nightlife.
Sims who are not friends with a member of the household may not enter the house.
Proposals to move in may only be offered by the Sim who is in love and will produce the next generation with the new household member.
Sims may not accept blind dates, jobs, or contact numbers from social townies.
Sims may not chat online, send emails, or blog.
Sims may not hire employees.
Sims may not give gifts.
Sims may not visit community lots alone—they must take a friend or family member along.
Sims may not Search for UFOs or Summon Aliens.
Sims may not go on vacation at all.
-Law Enforcement
Your sims may not purchase a smoke detector, sprinkles, burglar alarms, car alarms.
Sims may not use the emergency tab on their phones.
Teens and Elders may not go to college
Can not call the police to look for runaway teens.
Showers and tubs may not be used
Dishwashers may not be built
Hot tubs, water wigglers, and pools may not be used
Sims may not use medicine to get well
If a sim gets sick you must roll to determine if they are going to die. 1-5 is live/ 6 is die
Whenever a sim woohoos they must try for a baby
May not purchase changing tables.
Sims may only buy a cheap grill and and fridge.
May not buy anything from the small appliance category
Sims may only prepare food once a day and may not store food in the fridge
Baby bottles do not count
No gelatin
May not prepare food on community lots.
Sims may not open restaurants or open anything that has to do with restaurants.
No pizza or chinese food delivery
Sims may not open a grocery store.
Sims may not hold food in inventory
NO birthday or wedding cakes
No buffet tables
-Life of Crime
Every Sunday all the sims income has to go into the town funds.
Sims may not travel to community lots
You may not invite sims over unless you are in love with them
Only a to be spouse may be moved in
No sim may move out
No parties, dates, or outings
Sims may not go to college
Must have level 10 body skill to go anywhere
-Show Business
Sims may not practice romance in mirror
Sims may not change clothes
Sims may not make their own clothes
Sims may not purchase love potion or purfume
Sims may not own a salon
You may not put down a salon type lot
May not use the makeover chair
Diva and Mr. Big may not be moved in
May not own a stero
May not Smustle
May not classic or slow dance
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prorevenge · 5 years
My contractor was cheap, so I made sure to get my money’s worth.
So this is actually what happened between my father and the contractor who built his house (my childhood home).
In 2000, my parents and their two young children, ages 7 and 5 (that’s me!), were looking to move into a house big enough for a family of four and that they could stay in for a very long time. They found a newly constructed street in a quiet neighborhood in a town known for being family friendly. It was perfect. There were only four available lots, so my mother chose the one she liked best.
Now the houses on these lots were still under construction, so they were mostly just framing at this point. So my parents decided to contact the contractor, let’s call him Alfred, and see if they could have any input into the design, as they had already set up a mortgage agreement on the property. Alfred agreed, but didn’t let them do too much. Which wasn’t all that bad. My parents were pretty busy trying to sell their old house anyway.
A few months go by, and the house is finally ready to be moved into. My parents are thrilled, they finally have their family home! We move in and everything’s great...for about 36 hours. On literal day 2, the furnace in the basement breaks and spews smoke throughout the whole house, setting off the smoke detectors. The police and fire department show up, investigate, and tell us that we can return in 72 hours. So we stay in a nearby hotel for the three days.
Everything is great again, until we start noticing a bunch of small details that Alfred seemed to have overlooked. My dad hires a home inspector to look at the house; the inspector finds numerous faults that could cost thousands to fix. My dad is PISSED. So my dad, being the calm asshole he is (and I love him for it), decides to get some help in paying for these repairs to his 7-month-old house.
You see, Alfred had been the contractor for four houses on the street, of which only one (ours) had been bought. So my dad went to the bank and expressed interest in the other lots. He asked that a $1,000 lien be placed on each one. This was all legal.
Alfred found out and was rightfully angry. He couldn’t sell these lots because of the liens! He asked my dad to remove them. My dad agreed and said he would, IF Alfred paid for the repairs. Alfred refused to pay, so my dad refused to lift the liens.
Alfred then sues my parents. My parents counter sue. The court rules in favor of my parents. My dad had to lift his liens. But Alfred, he had to pay my parents $50,000! Instead of paying $2-3k for repairs. AND a home inspector looked at the other three lots and made him pay for any repairs on them.
TL;DR: my dad’s contractor is a cheap asshole, so my dad legally makes him pay more than what he owed
(source) story by (/u/KevinJGraham)
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