#so that’s why he thinks so nice of Murdoc
Snoop Dogg
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✞︎| Snoop Dogg got fucked by Murdoc !
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sardonic-the-writer · 7 months
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𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲
↳ summary: the day that landed your coworker in the hospital, and a car in the side of a building
↳ warnings: some blood, mentions of alcohol, some hurt but everyone turns out okay, and murdoc being murdoc
↳ notes: had a close friend that knows nothing about gorillaz beta read this, and they convinced me to post it. enjoy. reblogs and comments are more than appreciated
↳ song: da funk—daft punk
masterlist | commissions | carrd
Business at Uncle Norm’s Organ Emporium had been steady that day.
You remember it being around three in the afternoon when your shift rounded its end. The busted heater of the store rattled with a wheeze as it desperately tried to stay on, and you reveled in the momentary relief it brought you from the cold weather. Customers shuffled amongst isles lined with various vinyl’s and cd’s, occasionally approaching you at the front desk to ask a question or secure their purchase. Only one or two complained about the mold in the corners of the room this time—an overall win for the day, you mused. 
The small shop filled with a tinkling noise as the glass door to the outside swung open. A burst of cold air came with it, and the customers nearest the entrance bundled up tighter for the moment. You just exchanged a polite look with the newest addition to the store, eager to get off your feet and go home.
Stuart Pot’s green eyes flitted to you for a moment as he offered a small smile to accompany his hello. He took a moment to breathe in the warm air of the shop, no longer disrupted by the draft he had let in, before shedding his coat and starting forward. No doubt preparing himself for the beginning of his shift.
Stuart was a man that seemed to be all legs and no brain. Most people upon meeting him assumed he was stupid, walking all over him until he said something to make them think otherwise about their actions. You yourself wouldn’t have made much of him if he hadn’t struck up a conversation one day. Now, he was one of the only people you talked to on a regular basis. Pretty sad, considering he was just your coworker, but not at all unexpected for having just moved here.
You knew he liked roller skating and wanted to be a storm chaser as a kid. You knew he had a girlfriend that played guitar, and spent his spare time painting. And after one unforgettable day when you decided to bring your lunch in, you now knew his lips ballooned up when he ate pickles.
Stuart really wasn’t a difficult guy to get along with. And while your job wasn’t bad, it was always nice to have something of a friend to complain about it with.
“Afternoon.” You settled for nodding at him as he rounded the corner of the desk, pushing yourself out of the leaning position you had been in to allow him space behind the register. “It’s a real nasty one out there, yeah?”
“Only if yew don’t have a car.” Stuart, who had insisted you call him Stu for the past year now, shrugged. In truth, it wasn’t that he didn’t have a car, just that he didn’t know how to drive it. But that wasn’t anything important you needed to know.
You nodded in agreement as he panned away from you to clock in. At that moment across the store, a customer opened the door Stuart had just come from only to have the wind outside blow it closed right in their face. They took a moment to struggle with it before stumbling outside, looking displeased as they did so.
You made a face.
On a nearby chair hung your own scarf and jacket that you’d brought for the walk home. And while your feet hurt something awful, the thin layers you had brought in preparation of the temperature made you hesitate. Clearly you hadn’t thought long enough about how cold it would get. You sighed in defeat before turning back to Stuart.
“So, how have you been?”
The blue haired man blinked at your form leaning on the counter, no doubt wondering why you weren’t heading out. With a huff of air, you tossed the formalities in favor of a more straightforward conversation.
“It’s freezing out there.” You scrunched up your nose. “I don’t want to walk all the way through town in that just to get to my flat and find out my landlord forgot to fix the heat again. At least here has some warmth.”
“True.” Stuart’s voice cracked in its familiar fashion. Ever a man of few words, he just stood awkwardly, biting at a stray fingernail or two as a nasty habit. Thankfully the silence didn’t linger long before someone shuffled up to purchase a new set of guitar picks.
“Have you heard the new album that we got last week yet?” You mused after he was done ringing the fellow up, pushing yourself off and jumping over the front desk to point at a collection of records. “I thought it was pretty good, and it sounded like one of those underground bands you like to talk about.”
Stuart immediately perked up when you started talking about music; as he always did. It shouldn’t have surprised you, really, to work at a music shop with someone that was passionate about the art form. But with the way Stuart rambled on every now and then you’d think that that’s all he ever thought about.
Nimble fingers picked up the artists cover as Stuart turned it over to the description on the back. When you hadn’t been looking, he’d abandoned his post in favor of the possibility of a new song track, moving surprisingly quiet for someone of his height.
“Homework?” Stuart parroted the title back at you as he read through the track names. “Sounds funny.”
“Lot’s of people think the same thing about you.” You grinned with teeth, unaffected by his suspicion. Stuart just looked at you owlishly, letting a small gap toothed smile show as he caught onto the joke.
“‘S nawt my fault I got an accent.” He placed the album under his arm for later, no doubt going to utilize the employee discount you and him were so generously offered. “If anyfing you’re the weird one.”
You would have responded. In fact, your lips had already opened— ready to rebuke his claim —when a horrible screeching noise stopped you.
The front of the store exploded into a brilliant shower of glass mere seconds later. Shards glittering in the grey light from outside threw themselves at you, covering the skin along your arms and face with a tingly feeling. You barely had time to process a slow trickle of something warm making its way down your face before your body reacted for you. 
A poorly carpeted floor felt the weight of your backside as you fell back, bumping your head on a nearby table in the process. Somewhere a few feet away from you, you heard high pitched groaning that sounded faintly like Stuart’s voice, and a gleeful cackle that incited a splitting headache.
Faint sirens wailed in the background as you wobbly stood to your feet. The sight before you was much different than it had been a few moments ago. Pianos and cases of speakers that you had spent the better part of last week propping up were now in pieces. Some made sparking noises as they lay in disarray. You stared at them as your vision swam, not yet aware of the yelling figures around you or of the  small pool of blood collecting at your feet.
But the biggest change by far you noticed, was the giant car sticking through the front of the shop.
At the wheel was the source of the maniacal laughing. In the three seconds it took to give him a once over, you observed more details about the driver than you could ever want in your life.
He had olive toned skin that was lined with sparse scars. His teeth were yellowed and pointed in an unnatural manner, and his hair fell just about halfway over his eyes; which when he opened them you saw were two different colors. One black, and the other a faded pink. It didn’t take long for his gaze to land on you.
“Oi! Did you bloody see that!” He shouted with glee, apparently ignorant to the chaos he had caused. “Brilliant! Bloody brilliant! Can’t even say I’m sorry about the cuts, love.”
His gravelly tone did nothing to snap your brain out of the haze it was floating in. With a far away look, you stared straight through the driver.
Later you wouldn’t remember the way his eyes widened as you mumbled something with a frown before collapsing forward on the hood of his car, fading into a restless realm of black.
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You were fine.
Stuart Pot was fine. 
At least that’s what the tests said. 
Doctor after doctor had come in and out of your room with clipboards before they allowed you to even so much as get up. They’d given up on keeping you off your feet after you rolled out of bed as an act of defiance.
Everything was too white. Hospitals had always felt so artificial to you, so being stuck in one was nothing short of a nuisance. Beeping machines in your ear only proved to aggravate you further, testing your nerves. Thankfully, a nurse was sent in to discharge you, bringing news of only a few cuts they had disinfected, and some minor head trauma that should be okay as long as you kept an eye on it.
Now here you sat, just a few rooms over from the one you had just woken up in, sitting in a visitors chair next to your only friend.
Your only, catatonic, unresponsive friend.
Stuart’s hospital room was busier than yours. There were more machines, more i.v drips, and more nurse visits than yours had. It was to be expected, though. He had gotten hit with the car head on instead of just being near it, unlike you and the other spectators. The only thing keeping your stresses at bay was that his vitals were steady. 
Blue hair splayed itself all around his pillow like a halo as he lay almost peacefully. His chest was moving up and down at an even pace, the gap in his teeth making a whistling noise as he breathed. You would have felt more relieved about it all, if it wasn’t for his eye.
It was fucked. That was the simple way to put it. Completely and utterly fucked. Where a gaze of mossy green had been prior, there was now brilliant bloody red. The entirety of it had been consumed by an inky darkness, making it look like the appendage had just popped right on out of his face. You were unaware if Stuart could see you staring at him from time to time, but you figured if he could, all he would see was pain on your face. Pain, not at his appearance, but at the trauma that was sure to come from it when he woke up.
There had been a third party to visit Stuarts bed not too long ago, sporting sunglasses indoors and black lipstick, and proving to be a very useful distraction for you. You hadn’t recognized her at first until she rushed to Stuart’s bedside, clutching at his hand like it would somehow shock him back awake.
Paula Cracker was just as you remembered her; loud and unabashed. The one time she had come by the shop to pick up Stu on her way home hadn’t been particularly interesting, if the way she barely looked at you before screaming along to her radio said anything. Stuart had to assure you the next day that she didn’t mean any harm. She just wasn’t all for meeting new people. 
You had shaken your head at him and said nothing at the time.
But now, in the hospital, sitting by her boyfriend’s bed, Paula couldn’t seem to stop talking to you. She ran right into conversations like they were open doors, barely leaving any room for you to respond before barreling on. By the time she declared that she had to leave, no matter how much she apparently wished to stay, you had counted a total of ten words that you’d managed to get in. You offered her a short goodbye to match. She didn’t seem to notice.
You settled into a morose silence after that. Nurses stopped coming in, and you stopped waiting for something, anything at all, to happen. It was beginning to set in that Stu had been, to out it bluntly, run over, and wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon.
You had just begun to wonder if you should head home when the door knob to the room rattled, and opened harshly.
“Well this is bloody brilliant.”
The door to the hospital room, which you could have sworn Paula had just walked out of, swung open in a wide berth to reveal the very person that landed you in the hospital.
A quick glance at the clock let you know that Paula had been gone for almost two hours, leaving you to sit by yourself as Stu stayed put. 
“What are you doing here.” Your mouth moved before you could stop it, sentence slipping past your lips in a weak attempt to make sense of this unsettlingly human being.
He looked the very same as he had the last time the two of you met. Just this time with an upside down cross for a necklace, and less blood on his hands. Literally.
The stranger made his way over to you, flopping down in a visitor chair and lighting a cigarette with one very dented lighter. He smiled cruelly at you, showing off a familiar row of teeth. They were as pointed as you remembered.
“Charity.” He tacked on a weird laugh at the end through the stick in his mouth. Two fingers lifted to his lips to remove the cigarette, a thick plume of smoke coming with it. He blew it in your face, and if you hadn’t been so lost in thought, you might have hit him for it.
“You don’t seem the charitable type.” Once again, your words were getting ahead of you. But he didn’t seem to be offended at all. Rather, the man gave a bone chilling laugh that was ended with another drag of his fag.
“Court mandated.” He continued with a smirk.
“They already had you tried?”
“What can I say? The law works fast when it comes to Murdoc Niccals.” He shrugged, once again with that strange laugh of his that accompanied nearly everything he said.
You simply eyed him with a tired sort of caution, drinking in the new information like it could kill you at any second.
“What? Not going to share your name with me?” Murdoc sneered. “It’s only polite.”
“When it comes to you, I have a feeling manners don’t really apply.” You grumbled, but ended up sharing your name all the same. Murdoc nodded slowly in response. You saw his eyes flick you up and down a couple times— something that made you clench a fist —before they found their way over to Stu’s bed.
“Hafta take care of him for ten hours.” He continued to explain without a hint of regret for the individual. “Apparently knocking some scrub in the noggin’ is a crime.”
“I wonder why.” You responded dryly, scratching at the bottom of your right eye without thinking about it.
“Wish I’d hit someone better looking with my car.” Murdoc laughed with a not so subtle look to you. “Wouldn’t mind taking care of ‘em for a few hours.”
“You just crashed a car into the front of a building and nearly killed someone. I don’t think I’d trust you with as much as a dead fish, much less Stuart.” You crinkled your nose. ‘Or me,’ your brain silently added.
“Not much you or I can do ‘bout it now, love.” He took another smoke to punctuate his sentence. It left you with furrowed brows and downturned lips. Murdoc snickered at your expression.
“I mean, it wouldn’t that be hard to watch you.” 
“Didn’t know you were into that.” The man sported a shark’s grin, only dropping it when you made a fake vomiting noise.
“God no. I meant watch you while you take care of Stu. Make sure you don’t do anything to him.” 
“I’m hurt you think I’d do anything unethical to Steve.” He scoffed.
“Same thing.” He shrugged. You didn’t bother to correct him.
The two of you delved into an awkward pause that was timed by the ticking of the nearby wall clock. While you were busy thinking about what exactly you had just offered yourself up for, you could tell Murdoc was growing bored. You fell back on bouncing your leg as you analyzed him, the bottom half of your body attempting to get out all of the nervous energy you had been bottling up.
“Well—" Murdoc flicked a bit of ash off the butt of his cigarette, putting it out against the armrest of his chair. “—this was a joy, yeah? Let’s never do it again.”
You couldn’t help but mumble an agreement in his direction. He stood up with a twist of his back, letting out a satisfied sigh as it cracked.
“Guess I’ll see you soon, love.” Murdoc chuckled darkly while heading for the door. One leather clad boot was out the exit before he paused, necklace bouncing against his chest as he turned to look at you.
“Say. You don’t play any instruments, do you?” His eyes held an unreadable emotion.
“Uh, I dabble. Stu is more of the music guy than me.” You responded. “Why?”
But he was already gone, leaving you to wonder if he had never been there. But the ash on the chair next to you and the faint smell of booze in the air told you otherwise.
You let your head fall into the embrace of your hands as you groaned, massaging at your temples in an attempt to quell the pounding in your head.
“What have I gotten myself into.”
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Hiii! I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if I could request Gorillaz x Singer!S/O? Like, they have a solo career, and occasionally collab with the band? I hope you have a great day, and thank you for your time whether you write this or not!<3
Gorillaz with soloist Singer S/O
WRITERS NOTE: Thank you so much, i hope you have a great day as well. Sorry about the bad grammar, my mod at the time is not active and sorry if I got to off track with the headcanons. Either way- I am so excited for my first request!
All art on this post is mine
Edited: At this time no, but will hopefully will be later
TW: Curssing, Drinking, Trama, Voilence, if I missed any tell me please and I will add it
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Murdoc straight up jokes about you replacing 2D(often right in front of 2D). And sometimes it doesn't feel like hes jokeing even if he is
He likes to chill back stage with you- which he expects automatically that he gets to be in the back because he's his S/O's boyfriend and because he's the leader of the greatest band ever- his words not mine
If/When you collab he was iffy on wether he wanted you to duet with 2D at first because he's a bit jealous
But he can't argue with what sounds good, and the voice of his amazing S/O, and the voice of the singer in HIS BAND is something that is he needs for his next album
Murdoc will always talk about how he could go solo too if he wanted to, once he learned his S/O was a solo act
If he drinks too much when you guys are hanging out he will start singing himself, and encouraging his S/O to sing with him
When recording he will give you as nice of criticism as he can if your not hitting the right notes or arn't in the right pitch- but satan forbit one of the others try to give you constructive criticism, especially 2D
Whenever he has nightmares about his childhood and his dad, and his S/O's around he finds it comforting if his S/O hummed to him but he won't ask you to hum to him though because he's scared that you'ed think he's weak
And if your not around when he's haveing a nightmare, he'll listen to one of your songs to calm himself down
If his S/O's a smaller and less well known singer- he will often tells his S/O how he can hook them up with good produser(even if S/O already has one) and anything that you as a smaller creator may not have access to, and will promote you sometimes like on an interview
And even if you are just as popular he can be a bit stuck up and will be like 'Yeah but, Gorillaz is little bit more popular'
Murdoc has mentioned before that he's glad that your a soloist, because he would feel bad for your band mates because of how bad you would out shine them
He wants to lay his head on you, and let you sing to him but he's to nervous
"Dove you have quite the voice, I'd love to have you on my next album."
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Noodle is can be quite the extrovert, so she would love to go out and do karaoke with her S/O
Noodle was so excited when it was decided that her S/O and Gorillaz was going to collab, cuz it means being with her adopted family and her lover at the same time- she was just so happy to have the people she loved most in the same room
She almost tears up duing a live performance collab because everthing feels so perfect and amazing at that point in time she can't help be a bit emotional
Noodle will travel the world to see her S/O preform at concerts
She would be absolutely in love if her S/O could sing in different languages
She has all your albums, murch- everything
Noodle would be delited to help write your songs
ANY ONE WHO CRITICIZES HER S/O'S MUSIC WILL FACE HER WRATH, it doesn't matter if she likes the kind of music her S/O makes she will beat the shit out of anyone who is rude
She is your personal body guard, like why would you need a body guard when you have a Noodle
She introduced you to 2D and Russel before the collab because her S/O and 2D are both singers and she thought 2D needed a singer friend that wasn't connected through work, and Russel is her dad who did the most parenting so it was like a meet the parent situation Sorry Mudoc :/
She will ask her S/O to sing to her somtimes, most often when you two are alone
Noodle has a LOT of respect for her S/O because managing a music career by yourself can be quite hard, especially to her because she grew up in a band with other people so she could never imagine doing it alone
She like catching her S/O singing to themself when they are alone, because she loves to see her S/O flustered, and if you don't get flustered she still likes to see them surprised to see her
"Hey S/O, about our date- I was thinking.... karaoke!"
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2D is ecstatic to have a S/O that is also a singer
He is just so happy to have someone to relate to
Before 2D even starts dating his S/O(like in crush faze) he would have already asked S/O to do a collab as a way to get closer with them
Like Noodle, 2D owns a lot of his S/O's merchandise not as much as her but still a lot
He likes to atend his S/O's concerts but prefers to watch back stage because while he loves his fans and fan interactions he also hates the idea of taking attention away from his S/O at his S/O's concert, and due to his very recognizable appearance he is likely going to draw attention to himself in a crowd of people
2D will blab to anyone who will listen about his S/O and their solo career as a singer, this is the case often in interviews where the interviewers ask about y'alls relationship
When talking with his S/O and his S/O's career as a singer he has forgoten he was a singer himself
2D tends subconsciously sing or hum to himself, and if his S/O joined him in his little tune he would melt into putty- though it would take him a hot second to realize that they where singing with them
He's fascinated by the fact that his S/O's are a solo singer, and often asks you about it, though he often gets off track with his questions
PLEASE write a love song about him, if you do his heart will die of happiness
When it comes time for the collaboration 2D gets distracted constantly, by his S/O, and their voice specifically
While 2D getting distracted in the studio isn't new, but him getting distracted while recording is, as he tends to hyperfixate on singing when recording- but now half way through the lyrics he just slowly stops and stares at his S/O like nothing else in the world exists- with a goofy euphoric grin on his face, and when S/O stops cuz he stoped he'll mutter out praise about S/O's voice/singing Much to the others dissmay
"Wow... ya have such'a pretty voice luv"
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Russel is a very supportive boyfriend
Out of all of the band mates he's the one that doesn't mind watching from the crowd the most- but much like 2D he doesn't like taking attention away from his S/O
If you show him the lyrics to a song you are working on he likes to suggest beats that might sound good with it
While Russel was happy to collaborate with his S/O, he's the least thrilled about it in the group- as he likes to balance his work life and home life as much as he can even though its really hard to so bring his love life into work life isn't exactly thrilling for him I mean did you see how it worked out for 2D
Russel is also the most professional when it comes time to collaborate with his S/O, like I said he tries to separate home life and work life and he does this by acting professional and trying to ignore the fact he is dating the person he is working with
Whenever the bands on tour and he misses his S/O he likes to listen to S/O's music even if it's not his type of music, but he usually won't really listen to the collab music at that time because it only makes him think of work(also no one but Noodle knows he does this)
And to add on to him and his S/O's music, Russel likes to suggest his S/O's music but he's very sublet about it
Besides actually collaborating as a work thing, he likes to help his S/O with their songs, whether it be helping with lyrics, what instruments to use, or with beats- though he rarely does this as he is usually he is exhausted with making music from work
He's overall just really chill about it in general, he's doesn't mind that your a soloist, and out of everyone he's the most neutral in that category
Though Russel sometimes jokes about how he's jealous that you don't have to deal with band mates and that he wishes he was a solo act or that he was in a band with his S/O instead
I mean Russel loves his band mates but sometimes they can be down right obnoxious *cough* 2D *cough* Murdoc
Also Russel likes helping his S/O pick out their stage outfit/make up for live performances and/or music videos
"Look'in and sound'en great hun."
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heats-lover-girl · 1 year
Please I need Gorillaz content 😭🙏
Could I ask for Gorillaz members (or just 2D and/or Murdoc) having a crush on a male/gn!Reader and how’d they’d confess
Just something cute I thought of 🧍‍♂️
I love them so much, my little blorbs
Tw: murdoc being an ass, mention of weed
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Hes so nervous, shit usually hits the fan when he likes someone openly
But poor thing is so obvious about it
"Oh no I made to much tea, would you like a cup (Y/N)?"
"Oh no I made too much popcorn for my zombie movie marathon, would you like to watch it with me (Y/N)?"
He tries to hide behind you when Murdoc is being an ass, but hes so tall it just looks like a big dog hiding behind a chair
he would also like to skate with you, but is too nervous to ask
would probably confess absent mindedly during a zombie movie
You two where watching a new zombie movie in the living room, the lights where off and a bowl of popcorn between you. You two where at a spot in the movie where a character sacrificed another in order to get away from a hoard of zombies, "Aw now that wasnt fair! He was your best friend! Why would you do that?" 2D spoke up, you looked towards him amused "Your telling me, that if you had to pick between me or you getting eaten, you wouldnt push me in order to get to freedom?" 2D looked at you. "No, why would I push my crush if I could just push Murdoc-...." his eyes widened, "Oops..."
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This ass
He literally thinks you hypnotized his ass at first
His only solution to his closeted ass thoughts is to pick on you
"You want to kiss me so bad it hurts, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" "What?" "What?"
But he also forces you to help him pick out outfits for himself and the rest of the band
You are the model btw 👀
"That looks nice poppet, I may not get it for the others but I could get it for you." "Murdoc I'm not gonna be on screen, I'm the stage manager." "WELL EXCUSE ME FOR TRYING TO BROADEN YOUR SHITTY WARDROBE!"
This is how he confesses btw
Another day, another reason for Murdoc to try and get you to wear some type of ridiculous outfit. "Murdoc, I doubt Noodle would wear this." You say in the changing room, "Well how the hell do you think I'm gonna know that if you dont come out and show me?" he says exasperated. He had you put on a bright pink skirt, and a mesh top with a black sports bra underneath, and as much as Noodle would definitely rock it, she definitely wouldnt wear it. Murdoc knows this, hes fucking with you again for his own entertainment, humiliating really. You quickly changed and stomped out of the booth, grabbing your things and headed to the entrance. "Hey, where are you going? You didnt even let me see!" "I'm not going to be humiliated for a laugh Murdoc, I'm going back to the studio, have fun with your shopping." Murdoc scrambled up off the couch and rushed towards you, "Hey, wait! Poppet let's talk this out, I just wanted you to look nice for the show-!" "LOOK NICE?! Murdoc I'm the stage manager, I dont get screen time, theres literally no reason for you to dress me up like some doll-!" "I JUST WANTED TO SEE IF YOU LOOKED LIKE A WOMAN OR SOMETHING I-" "WHY WOULD YOU WANT ME TO LOOK LIKE A WOMAN?!" " TO SEE IF THAT WAS WHY I WANTED TO SNOG YOUR UGLY FACE!"
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Vocaloid and Gorillaz Crossover Headcanons
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🎤 Original headcanons 🎸
🎵 Ao3 version 🎶
Hatsune Miku: After meeting them, she quickly realizes that these “Gorillaz” aren’t some generic moe idol rival group who wear monkey costumes, so she lowers her guard. Murdoc very much irritates her for being…well…himself. The other band members are fine. Russel is one of the more well-spoken members of the group and is often the most reasonable. He’s also a goodhearted and caring person, but Miku wonders why he’s so distant most of the time. Maybe that’s just him? She loves how humorous, energetic, nice, badass, and relatable Noodle is. 2D, while not the brightest star in the sky, is overall a nice person with some incredible vocals! Though, Miku wonders why he would join a band with a guy who looks like a green goblin and caused him two car accidents.
Rin and Len: They hate being treated like children! The Kagamines were so much older than everyone thinks! Out of everyone, Noodle was the coolest! The twins saw her as a hardcore older sister figure who once kicked a zombie gorilla in the face when she was only 10 years old! 2D, they believe, needs a lot of help with certain things, but in general has a nice personality. Russel is both mysterious and gentle. Murdoc...they have mixed feelings about him because while he says and does things that make them laugh sometimes, he also says and does things that make them want to roll over and flatten him with their yellow roadroller.
Luka Megurine: 2D is nice! He seems a little off sometimes when that Murdoc guy is around, so she's a little afraid of him (Murdoc). Russel seems like a father figure? Or rather, the uncle figure of their group, which is great! Noodle's backstory is very impressive to her, and she enjoys being around her.
Kaito: He's the self-titled big brother figure of his group, so Russel coming across as a good-natured guy who can be a little grumpy at times makes sense to him. 2D... has got to be the least intimidating man he's ever met, but hey at least he's really pleasant to be around and plus his eyes look really cool! After learning more about the Gorillaz backstory, he feels Murdoc is not... right in the head. Noodle is sweet and a bit mischievous - like Miku!
Meiko: Doesn't treat 2D like a naive child; she knows he's a fully grown adult and so she treats him like one. However, she is a bit concerned about the guy's vision. Meiko might baby Noodle a bit since she sees her as a sort of younger sister. Murdoc looks and seems like a pervert - a quick 20 second online search can confirm this as well, so she watches closely. (Also, while doing her research online, she came across the “MTV Cribs” video. That... had to be the most awkward thing she's ever watched.) Russel is such a good person. He's amazing!
2D: Overall, they're all quite pleasant to him. Particularly, his favorite vocaloids to be around are the ones with a more gentle air like Miku, Luka, Rin, and Len. Although Kaito may be a bit of a doofus at times, 2D understands that he means well, so if he makes any mistakes, the frontman can't help but forgive him. He is also able to relate to Kaito's misfortune and lack of luck. Meiko is a lovely lady.
Noodle: Meiko is her idol in a way. She's strong, rowdy, passionate, and enthusiastic, never afraid to show her true self to Noodle. She loves that! When it comes to Kaito, she may playfully tease him but never goes too far. It's always fun to hang out with the Kagamines since Noodle gets to act like an older sister. Luka's pretty alright. She seemed intimidating at first, but when she and Noodle got the chance to talk more, she became very open. Noodle was already a fan of Miku, so it was great for her to meet her favorite twin tail pop idol!
Russel: Finds Kaito to be too… goofy. Meiko seems to be the mature one, but she can act tough and even manly at times when alcohol is involved. However, Russel likes how she can be a serious woman when it's needed. Luka might be too soft on people sometimes, but she's also very calm and has good character. Len and Rin, the two blonde kids, are alright, but Russ is just kinder to kids on principle. Miku reminds him a lot of Phase 2 Noodle due to the way she acts, so he's nice to her as well.
Murdoc: It seems to him that these voca-whatevers are feeling anxious about him. Which makes complete sense. The first time he saw and met Rin and Len, he scared Len. Len ended up running away screaming, "Aaaaaaah! Pickle Monster!” He believes that Kaito is just an annoying sod with blue hair, a bizarre ice cream addiction, and a singing voice that sounds way too computerized. Wait, an annoying sod with blue hair who sings? Hmm, he kinda reminds Murdoc of someone he already knew. Murdoc was taken aback by Meiko's almost boyish personality; he has never encountered a woman who could not only out-drink him, but could also end his existence with a single punch. Ugh, she's too powerful for him to torment. Luka is just straight up trying to avoid interacting with him in any way. Miku is probably his favorite vocaloid because of her easily fussy nature. It reminds him so much of Phase 2 Noodle. Miku to him was basically like Phase 2 Noodle, only with pigtails, turquoise hair, and leeks. Lots and lots of leeks. He never understood her fascination for that vegetable.
Their thoughts on the other group's music:
2D: Doesn't understand a word of it, but at least the tunes and melodies to some of the songs are nice. He likes the V3 and V4 english songs since he can somewhat understand them.
Noodle: LOVES IT! ❤🎵 Her favorite bops are “World is Mine”, “Meltdown”, “Ugly Guy Documentary”, “Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder”, “Double Lariat”, “Escape of Salmhofer the Witch”, “Crescent Moon”, and many, many more!
Russel: The music isn’t really his thing, but he’s supportive of it. He can admit that it is cute.
Murdoc: He is not fond of it. He finds it too robotic and cutesy for his liking.
Hatsune Miku: She likes their music, but won’t admit it. After listening to a few songs, she'll take off her headphones, shrug her shoulders, and say, "Meh, it was okay.". But really, she's screaming in her mind, 'THESE GUYS OUT HERE CREATIN' ICONIC BOPS. THEY'RE REALLY GOOD, I MIGHT HAVE TO STEP UP MY GAME'!
Len: Loves their music, it’s so cool. After listening to songs like “Feel Good Inc.”, “Dirty Harry”, “DoYaThing”, “Rock the House”, “Doncamatic”, “19-2000”, “Stylo”, and many others, he becomes a huge fanboy almost instantly! He will commence buying all the albums, analyzing the lore and songs, gathering merchandise, cosplaying, attending concerts, and possibly start a blog online, all typical fanboy activities.
Rin: Thinks their music is pretty alright. Since Len has become a fanboy, it's the only thing she hears. She might tease him about his new interest.
Kaito: He likes a few songs, either the aesthetic ones or the ones with political themes.
Luka: She mainly listens as a support.
Meiko: *Doesn't really try to sit down and listen as she's too busy singing the song "DARE" drunkenly at a karaoke bar somewhere in Tokyo.*
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strayzband · 10 months
The camera comes to focus on the inside of a car. Sitting beside me in the back is Stuart Pot, dressed in an old hoodie and skinny jeans. His ponytail is even messier than usual. He rubs his head so intensely that his beanie is starting to slip off. I’m not sure he notices.
Alright! Thank you for agreeing to this
My hand suddenly comes into view as Stuart shakes it. I don’t know how to feel. I’m not really supposed to be on camera. He lets go and holds his hand up, and I fall silent before asking the first question.
Hol’ on… yew mind if I…?
The camera nods up and down.
Not at all! Go ahead.
Smiling at me, Stuart reaches past Russel to roll down the window and makes a joint with frightening speed. Certainly looks like he made it quickly though. From the front, Noodle looks back at him and frowns as he lights it and takes a long drag, and immediately starts coughing his lungs up.
…Are you alright?
He nods, eyes watering.
Okay… Ah’ve made it past the chokin’ phase, ah’ll be awright now.
He hits it again, and immediately starts coughing his lungs up. Noodle turns back around. Russel slaps him on the back, and smoke blows out of his mouth.
Eh, fanks, Russ…
I clear my throat. The car is rapidly filling with smoke, even with the window down.
Can I start the interview now?
Stuart grins.
‘Course yew can!
I’ll start simple. Anything you’d mind sharing about the upcoming album?
‘m not s’possed to say much… but i’s real good! Trust!
He grins at me, and it’s clear I’m not getting any more than that. I move on.
I need to know – why, after everything that happened, did you decide to join a new band?
Stuart shrugs, a hand in his ponytail.
Got kidnapped. N’ I di’n’t have anyfink better to do, so I though’ I migh’ as well, y’know?
…Interesting. And, what do you think of your bandmates?
If I thought he was smiling before, it’s nothing compared to the reaction to that question. He positively beams at me.
Luv em. The lot’uh em. Noodle’s my favourit’, probably. She’s well cool, she is, love her. We, uh, we play games n’ stuff. ‘S fun. Russ’s great too, though! Don’t talk all’at much, but ‘e’s real real cool when ‘e does. Cool when ‘e doesn’t, too. E’s a listener, ain’t he? We needed on’a those.
He pauses for a moment too long, then grins.
‘N Murdoc’s me best mate. Place would be borin’ wi’out ‘im.
Hmm. Well, this is just something I’ve been wondering… why dye your hair blue? Is there any meaning behind the colour?
I di’nt dye it.
I pause.
Did somebody else?
Nah. When ah was a kid, yeah, I used to climb trees a load. Freaked my mum out, I thought it was a right laugh, I did. Always liked trees. Nice t’ have sumthin’ bigger th’n yew about. ‘Neway, so one day ah was up in one by me house, n’ I tripped n’ fell on me arse, totally cracked me head against the street. Wild. All my hair came straight out, n’ it grew back this colour. Hasn’t gone away yet. Whole thing’s mad wicked.
That didn’t make any sense, so for my own sake I assume he’s high. I file the whole thing away as interesting trivia.
I notice Stuart has been looking at me expectantly every time I start to ask a question. I’m not sure what exactly he wants.
Stuart? Are you hoping I’ll ask something specific?
He shrugs, a boyish smile on his face.
Well, y’asked Muds abo’ those rumours ‘bout us. Thought yew might ask me too, dunni?
I hesitate for a moment, before remembering that Stuart is far less… dangerous than Murdoc. Maybe he’ll actually give me something I can use.
Well, are they true?
He just keeps smiling at me. From up so close, I can see the chip stuck between his teeth. Murdoc, who’s been driving, is carefully watching. I’m honestly tempted to tell him to keep his eyes on the road.
Murdoc nearly crashes the car. He glares at the both of us.
Murdoc: He’s a liar!
Stuart laughs, slipping down his seat until his feet rest against the back of Murdoc’s head.
Am not! I c’n prove it!
Before I have the chance to take him up on the offer, Murdoc twists back in his seat and grabs my camera. The video goes black as Murdoc can be heard swearing while Stuart laughs, before it cut out.
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I got some magical questions about Azul Pot guys
1. Whys she called azul did 2D name her
2. Who's her mum
3. What phase was she born in
4. How old is she
5. Is she in the band
6. How is she like around the others? Does she like them?
7. Did she grow up with the band or away from them?
8. Does she have a good relationship with 2D?
9. If she bashes her head will her hair turn blue
10. How tall is she
1: 2-D didn't name her, but her mom named her Azul (the Spanish word for "Blue") because of her blue hair!
2: Their mom is named Roja, she was a Gorillaz groupie who slept with 2-D around the time Gorillaz was still broken up (2003).
3: Phase 2 (April 30th, 2004 so a month after the band got back together)
4: She is currently 20 years old
5: Nope, although one of her hobbies is making Music for fun but she will never, ever release them as she doesn't want to be famous and the songs are very personal to her.
6: I'll explain their relationship with the others later but in short she gets along with Murdoc and has nice banter with him and tries to impress him, she sees Russ as a father figure and looks up to him as a mentor figure and talks to him the most, and with Noodle they have a one-sided friendship due to Noodle seeing Azul as a friend while Azul doesn't feel the same. She feels comfortable with them except for her dad. She's more chill and like herself and actually pretty talkative and rambles away about random stuff just like her dad.
7: She grew up away from them which is almost exactly why she doesn't like her dad, and I'll get into that in the next question.
8: Azul and her dad’s relationship is strained to say the least. Azul hates her dad for not being in her life and now wants nothing to do with him, something she has explained to him. She always tries to avoid him and whenever he tries to talk to her they simply dismisses him by telling him they are busy, or just straight up ignoring him. 2-D doesn’t fully understand her reason for her hatred as the emotional pain he gave her was indirect and it breaks his heart that one of his kids hates his guts, he thinks if he keeps trying and trying to bond with her maybe there would be some progress between them, but it’s only pushing Azul away even more and makes them see him as a nuisance.
9: Considering her hair color is basically 2-D's hair color in Phase 1, I headcanon if she accidentally hit her head her hair will just turn into their dad's hair color in Phase 2 lol
10: She is 5'9
Thank you for all the questions!
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valhallgreg · 1 year
11 12 and 17 since you sent me more
11. How many fandom-related words do you have filtered?
Uhhh I don’t think I have any
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Hard because my fave is Murdoc and he’s pretty well-liked within the fandom… Russel is so cool and so nice and he has a lot of unexplored character and relationships and I think everyone should take the opportunity to get to know him and maybe create things that involve him. And, fuck it, because Murdoc is the 2nd least favourite character in most polls I’ve seen, he’s so fucking funny and a very complex and interesting character altogether and even though he’s a bastard he’s very interesting.
17. There should be more of this kind of Fic/art
Russdoc russdoc russdoc please I’m begging you or literally anything to do with Russel at all ever please…
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somethingshifted · 2 years
as i wrote, this became longer and longer, so i'm sticking it under a readmore to save your dash, i'm just waffling about the plot
as someone who feels like the band taking their own plot too seriously with plastic beach pushed the writing into a box ever since then, i still find myself wanting to connect each phase to each other. like surely there was an underlying point to be made between murdoc painting the plastic beach pink and the last cult's main color being pink. why is russel struggling again after they've set up shop in LA, his birth country but the other corner, in what i consider tumultuous times that in the end has Del return (even if unacknowledged). but then i kind of shrug my shoulders as canon is still a hodgepodge of 100 things marching in a circle. it's still easily entertainable in my head and i can't help but pick out tidbits i thought have meaning, and re-arrange them in my head like a dollhouse. i may actually dislike it if they did try to connect the two album phases officially and go down a serious route again but PB existing just makes those connections in my head. a fan interpretation is always fine but i think it's best left to the fans. that sounds haughty to say but, for the band to stay a band, i prefer it that way.
so whats the point of this post. the thing is, i'd genuinely be satisfied if gorillaz continued not taking their own plot so seriously, with the disclaimer that i do wish they'd be steadfast with characterization. like it'd be nice if any of them actually held commentary on cults practices considering theyre usually open about their view on world events, but i think enough griping about CI promo material is out there i have nothing new to say other than falling back to CI being a spur of the moment album with a release schedule out of the creators control plus the shitty fact that russel & noodle have been kind of nothing for almost 10 yrs OOPS. they could explore more avenues if they were freed from having to address past events as if they're characters in a storybook and not symbols that change with the times. and maybe if they remembered they can give characters new traits as russel's done things like pick up taxidermy and cooking but only one is referenced for several albums as his sole trait and *zips my lips*
i really feel like a bitch for wanting to harp on the lost chord as it's a beautiful, beautiful song outside of the characters, and additionally i'm a sucker for moments murdoc is faced with how he used to act, but i don't think i'd ever take it as part of a linear plot? which is why i can't fully feel like he's gone back on his word being a cunt to 2D again and falling back into the grandeur lifestyle and all that with the cult stuff.. like, let me wear my pretentious hat for a second but the lockdowns leading people to reminisce about so many things so openly and retreading memories in lieu of making new ones due to being cooped up, resonates more with my feels on the last chord, rather than uh blowing the island up and such and using portals. see, Song Machine can be written around easier bc you can say they're filming the MVs and they're metaphors, even the art reflects this (i didnt listen to the podcasts yet). but then it references the events of PB so openly that you can't just go "well thats the fake MV they shot" and that, incongruence, is hard for me. so was it refreshing to have CI not walk in circles of Murdoc is trying to say sorry guys? yes? i don't know what redemption would do for his character, as the topic of abuse and trauma (when explored with tact) is pretty important to me story wise honestly, but it's kind of... getting repetitive at some points. or maybe too much focus on murdoc 'redeeming' himself at the cost of 2D having traits stripped away and noodle & russ being silent. i don't want the events of plastic beach to be erased from both his and the band's history. having him be the villain of the plot du album is also meh, which is why i can appreciate the less serious canon on him where recent writing is concerned. 2018 is like yesterday to me and they (writers) were still poking fun at murdoc being not only assaulted in prison but also being in the psychiatric ward of prison. like what was that all about, i really really prefer peepaw livestreaming for attention to them taking harrowing events and making them the butt of a joke. i feel like it was handled better in pirate radio even if that itself wasn't meant to be all doom and gloom. it just made more sense. and theresssss my problemmmmm
all that being said i will always adore plastic beach. some of the plot heavy things contain my favorite moments and i'm easily baited with nostalgia so this isn't a bashing post at all... just looking back and wondering if the written material is best when they're dropping tidbits and leave it for fans to imagine up scenarios, rather than adhere to a canon timeline all the time. it's so hard to sum up my feelings on this and stay in perspective of the band because my genuine feeling is that i actually love a lot of the murdoc storylines and i can't reconcile that with feeling put off that it requires believing some MVs and story beats are "real". because i'm shaking the gorillaz dollhouse regardless. and writing angst in my head revolving around how recovery isn't a straight line. and how tbh russel's journey is a direct foil to murdoc's. because all the ingredients are there
like read that and call me a hypocrite, i am! i just have a lot of thoughts. i think if i knew how to write fanfic i'd just shut up and do that but my dialogue writing skills make me uncomfortable due to not being BRITISH.
TL;DR, i'd be satisfied if plot being canonically recognized wasn't a drawback on the band because they honestly suffer when they do fall back on addressing the timeline and treating the characters as Vessels who Had Someting Happen To Them rather than whatever symbol for the current topic of the album. i do think the current writing gets repetitive and sanded down. at the same time i will always encourage fan interpretations regardless because i find those very fun. in being non linear it opens their world up to diff. perspectives. and i #support peepaw listening to weyes blood
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greywindys · 7 months
Perhaps it's not a battle between mean 2D and nice 2D, but a battle for flawed 2D.
You're right anon. I think I overuse mean!2D and evil!2d lately because I feel those are the most glaringly absent from his current characterization in canon. What I really mean when I use those terms, is that I wish there were more moments where his flaws are apparent, and not is a likable way where they're meant to be "cute" or "Murdoc's fault."
I'll also add that I think a lot of 2D "kindness" has more to do with how he treats Murdoc, which likely can lead to him appearing careless towards others. An example - 2D skipping out on plans with Russel because Murdoc says he needs him to help with a song, 2D forgetting Noodle's birthday because he was out all night with Murdoc and sleeps through it the next day etc. For me personally, because most of the scenes I write involve 2D and Murdoc, it's a lot more likely that we see a kinder 2D because he's trying really hard to be whatever Murdoc wants him to be. But that can be really unhealthy, build more long-term resentment, and hurtful to everyone else in his social circle.
So, yeah, it's maybe not an issue of 2d being kind, but how well a person can delve into and examine that kindness, the "how?" and "why?", and so on.
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snobgoblin · 11 months
I sometimes wonder what it’d be like if the roles were reversed and Del survived and now Russel was possessing Del, like their personalities are quite different, I know it’s not like a massive change but it crosses my mind sometimes y’know?
that's true... I do wonder how Del mightve reacted to the trauma Russel had to face... not to say Del doesn't have trauma. he literally got shot and died. but he doesn't have the survivors guilt Russel has... and, before the possessions, its mentioned Russel was a VERY happy kid. he liked to dance, too. so I wonder if, in this case, Del might become more reserved, but I don't know that Russel would be more carefree. because, he still did get posessed by demons, and end up in a coma, and still end up with massive amounts of religious trauma and stuff like that. so honestly I think if Del survived and Russel didn't, Russel might still be the same, but Del wouldn't be so carefree... at least not deep down. who knows! he might put on an act so the others don't worry, but then there's of course, the survivors guilt. and the later mourning of having to let Russel go
AND, it's interesting to think about how the dynamic with the rest of the band might've changed. and like- would Russel be the ghost rapper? or still the drummer. I think it was mentioned Del is also a drummer, at least his skills transferred to Russel. so I guess Del would be the drummer and rapper and Russel would be just a drummer? who knows, maybe he can rap or sing, he did make an album by himself after all but we didn't get to hear it so I can't be sure what that would be like
and like, from Jump The Gut (and the radio interview with Jamie), we know Del is mischievous, and has a good relationship with Noodle and can even understand Japanese... I wonder how Russel would've done in his place, Russel doesn't seem like a prankster particularly... and actually, we know Noodle is freaked out by Russel's taxidermies so I think the dynamic there would be really interesting like instead of "lighthearted ghost man to do pranks with" it's "this ghost man likes roadkill and taxidermies but he seems nice" and that could be really cute I think (but then of course it's mentioned Noodle likes watching gorey horror movies with 2-D... I'm not sure why that's okay but taxidermies freak her out)
then theres how Del would react to the cheating incident... Russel is close with 2-D! I wonder if Del would be, too. I think they've got some traits in common so it could work... but then there's like, I wonder if Del would've broken Murdocs nose, too. I wonder if he would've said anything. jeez, it's times like these I wish we got to see more of Del so I could say for certain how he'd react to all this... then of course there's like. how did he react to getting kidnapped by Murdoc and would he have jumped into the ocean like Russel did? it's hard to say, I don't know if Del's nearly as mentally ill as Russ is (affectionate)
and, I bet Del would leave records on while he falls asleep so Russel can listen to them... this was a great idea btw
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black-eyedzombie · 1 year
Why do you think you’re paired up with Murdoc so often for interviews and other press materials?
Originally it was because he was supposed to take care of me for community services, but we never broke that habit so it's sort of stuck! I don't mind it most of the time cos it's nice to sort of just sit down and talk.
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Hiya! If your still doing requests Could you do Murdoc x Fem girly reader headcannons
Reader is the complete opposite of Murdoc she is sweet to everyone, wears dresses likes pastel colours stuff like that. If that’s okay with you <3
Murdoc x Very fem pastel F! S/O
WRITERS NOTE: Hi! I honestly really like this request, I personally find any pastel style to be realy cool! But I do apologize I'm not good at gendered things- but I will try my very best! I hope you like the hc and that you have a wonderful day!
[ANOTHER NOTE: This is late again, life threw a wrench in my posting schedule again. Anyways have a lovely day, sorry for the delay!]
Edited: Nope
All art in this post is mine
TW: Curssing, Murdoc drinking, Murdocs childhood, Murdoc being a grouch, implied abuse?, spoilers for cracker Island, jealousy, insecurity, probably more but can't figure it right now- so just tell me any out standing ones I missed.
(Side thing: Murdocs shity behavior is not ok, it's toxic, I am not trying to indorse the shit he does!)
Murdoc(yay better murdoc drawing)
Tumblr media
Sorry HuH???
Just how???
You are the embodiment of a kind person... and Murdocs..... a satanic piece of shit gremlin with anger issues
So to say everyone- including Murdoc himself was quite surprised
The band won't let him live down the fact you two are so different
They tease him a lot, but other then that that band absolutely adores S/O
2D has straight up asked you why would you 'date 'an asshole like Murdoc', it was very blut though there was no ill will behind it
Murdoc will Call you the normal nick names such a 'dove, babe, love, ect..' but he will most likly call you a bit more sweet things- in private obviously, but this often happens if he's ih a more sensitive state-
Whether that be when he's drunk, high, hung over, ect... he'll just tend to be a bit loving- his voice is almost tender
And he'll use pet names like 'babydoll, sugar, cutie, my star, sweetie, the occasional babycake's', but Murdoc could use those in a very teasing way too if S/O is the kind of person who tends to get flustered
"*hic* ya'know, I'ma start... *hic* call'en ya cavity..." Murdoc said sluring his words
"What, why?"
"*drunken giggle* Cuz' yer so cute *hic* dat'cha rot my teeth... heh.."
S/O looks so different when standing next to Murdoc that some people find it concerning
When out in public with each other at night(ie. Murdoc draged you to a bar with him), there has been at least one case of someone coming up to you in concern for S/O's wellbeing, thinking Murdoc was some creep following S/O, or the every so often waitress or waitor asking if you are ok, when you and Mudz are out on a date
Murdoc gets really pissed when this happens, so S/O will have to call him down
With pastel and bright clothes you gonna want to not leave them around Murdocs room/Winnebago because that shit will be stained to high hell(even if you need a black light to see the stains), and those stains will never come out, so be reaaally careful
He doesn't really understand why you like pastel & bright clothes or makeup- but he definitely thinks you look good in it so he won't complain- as long as you don't try and put any of that on him(at least in public)-
Listen hun, Murdoc has a reputation to uphold!- Murdoc would often repeat variants of that
"SSSZZ-SSTOOWWWPPHhhu- *hmph* I have a reputation- and YOU-" Murdocs points an accusatory finger at S/O "-Fuck'in... leav'en damn stupid... neon fuk'en PINK lipstick marks.. on MY damn FACE... BEFORE A DAMN SHOW..isn't help'in..."
"Why'dya got'a go'in be so damn cute... yer stupid 'KinDNeSs' making me look... ugh nice..."
S/O when their in the later phases and later in the relationship- S/O definitely made Murdoc more nice but only really around S/O- don't get me wrong when S/O's gone Mudz still a complete ass
But he tends to be more chilled out, Murdy once he got close to S/O, he really wanted her to like him- but this isn't uncommon with Murdoc getting scared his shitty behavior is gonna scare a person he genuinely cares about away
He's in complete denial about going any for of soft, and he just ends up acting like a piss baby-
"Wha'dya mean I'm go'in soft!?!" Murdoc said pulling away from S/O
"Babe. You're wearing the *insert random pastel themed character* shirt I got you..."
"...I-...I had nut'en else to wear.." Murdoc tutned away with a huff
"You walk around shirtless and in your underwear all the time- what changed?"
"..Damn face ache..." Mudz slammed the door with a a groan, clearly agitated
"You ok dear?"
Murdoc turned to you and pouted like a bitter old man "Face Ache said I was going soft!!! Can ya believe that fuck'en nob!"
He's overall very bitter and sour about going soft, so don't tease him to much unless you want his grumpy-ness to turn into full blown anger
Murdoc like to send S/O pictures of things that remind him of her/her style
This is most often pictures of clothes, but it can maybe be a pic of a stuffy or somthing, these items are often pointed out by Noodle or even 2D
But when 2D talks about/points out things that remained him of S/O Mudz will most likely get jealous... and I think we can geuss how it usually goes from there..
Speaking of jealousy
Due to how nice and kind of a person S/O is to everyone, and how insecure Murdoc can be- he can get jealous pretty easy depending on the situation
And no it's not a 'ohh ahh, he's protective and loving' jealousy- no he's an insecure angry goblin man- only getting petty and aggressive, just sit him down and have a talk, he just needs some reassurance
To add to S/O dressing up Murdy. Murdoc refuses to match outfits, he refuses to let you do his makeup... or take pictures of it to show it to people at least..
Like my last statement implies Murdoc has let her do his makeup before, S/O just can't take pictures to show it around to people- tho this doesn't mean you can't take pictures at all
Because you can and you do, S/O has so many pictures of Murdoc in a skirt, or a full face of makeup, etc... and there all adorable even if Murdoc is pissed in all of them
Murdoc refuses to match your style or do any of the dressing up thing in public, or let any of it go out into public. He is stubborn and this is a big boundary for him, so please respect this.
This doesn't just apply to appearances, but just his stuff in general, so no cute neon stickers on things, or cutesy decorations without his permission. Murdoc stands firm on his decision so don't push to much he will get really agitated, and it might lead to a fight- like I said his stubbornness is off the chart.
Murdoc teases S/O quite a bit especially at the beginning of the relationship, and especially if its in earlier phases-
It's how he copes with nice people, Murdy isn't use to people being nice
Murdoc grew up with assholes, he was raised to be an asshole, and he was raised in a way to basically see kindness to be a form of weakness.
So him being shown kindness from this goddess, in response he freaks out a bit and just get really teasy out of defense at first
And knowing him, he might say some upseting things. So S/O has to walk very carefully around early phase Mudz or just a bit early in the relationship
Murdocs sweetheart of a girlfriend is gonna have to break down some walls, and honestly this applys to all and any relationship with Mudz- theres always a few walls to get through
But with any initial kindness there will be some extra defense put up by Murdoc
(I wanna talk about phaze 7 Mudz specifically for a second, so like spoiler warning I guess? )
Murdoc is firm on the fact what he is wearing isn't a dress- we all know what I'm referring to!
That thing he wears in the Cracker Island music video.
He referres to it by whatever it's actually name is(again I don't know, I'll edit it when I figure it out) or he calls them PJ's. He has referred to it dress like but never a girly dress like somthing S/O would wear- and he gets pissy if anyone goes around calling it that. Though in the passed Murdoc has probably worn a dress before.
(Ok weird tangent over, back to just general Murdoc)
Despite hating it when S/O does his makeup or dressing him up- Murdoc does love picking her clothes out and has more then once done S/O's makeup- and he isn't the greatest at first but he does eventually learn how to apply eyeliner without impaling your eyes
Murdoc while is proud of his work- will not stop laughing at how she looks after he's done S/O's makeup
Murdoc 100% underestimates S/O, he thinks S/O is one of the most pure things ever and he wants to mess that up ;)
JK- I'm just joking... particularly...
He just kinda sees S/O as a bit of a childish innocent person who's oblivious to the world- like how else could you be so happy?
If S/O really is that innocent than good luck, becuase that sure as hell isn't gonna 100% last if she wants to stay with this Satanist
But if you arn't as innocent well then it's quite a pleasant surprise to Murdoc
It's up to you to determine how you want Murdoc to figure out S/O's lack of innocence but here are some examples
1. Murdoc used a horribly raunchy and crapy pickup line on S/O and she retorted back with her own, this left Murdoc flustered and stunned before he played it off pretty well. Mudz jokes about this later on because he finds this situation funny
2. Murdoc whilst pissed said some unsavory things, and S/O responds in a way that shows she understood what he just said, and Murdoc depending on how bad what he said was would either laugh it off or he would immediately choke on his own spit, then awkwardly defend himself
3. Very similar 1 but Murdoc made a dirty or just inappropriate joke and S/O expressed they understood and Murdoc would just burst out laughing
Just a few ideas- but it's up to you
But once Murdy finds out, him being the dirty little man he is- he's gonna tease you about it. Mudz sometimes mockingly treats you like a kid- with all good intentions of course
Either way innocent or not S/O is just as appealing- just in different ways
"Dove... your cuteness juz made me throw up'en my mouth.."
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tothedarkdarkseas · 2 years
I really like imagining a hybrid of old hologram performances mixed with how the real crew really preform. Sure, I'll admit it's real charming watching Stu text while waiting his turn, but thinking about him doing half the things Albarn does on stage is also really amusing.
Prancing around, feeling himself up, feeling up the other band members, nearly crowd surfing every show... What a hoot that would be! (I also saw footage ages ago of seye kneeling down and playing damon's guitar with his tongue. im just saying. that's a real nice mental image for muds and stu.)
How do you think the band would preform nowadays?
I love absolutely everything you've described; while I'll never turn my nose up at Stu texting girls or his mum while he's idling on stage, I'm also quite smitten with Stu embodying more of that young Damon video and performance energy. Jumping up and down like he does in Charmless Man, getting raucous and sloppy, coming alive with a mic in his hand. I see it most when they're a bit younger, newer to performing, the others a bit more composed but still privately finding the footing for what Gorillaz will be. He's the least equipped among them to do it, but Stu will set the tone on that-- he is the frontman, after all. I wish early Gorillaz shows (er, in-character/in-universe I mean) did showcase more of those Albarnisms in Stu. I think it'd make sense for him, especially as he's getting a taste for performing without guidance and realizing it quite suits him. Plus, as you say, it'd just be charming to see! I could see Murdoc taking some issue with Stu showboating, but as they grow used to each other and particularly as their relationship warps around the knobby shape of them, I can see him being much fonder and more goading of it than Russel or Noodle would be; whether he's got a penchant for the spotlight or not, he does understand why it's fundamentally in their best interests for Stuart to be a good frontman, and a good frontman is, in his experience, a bit of a showboating dickhead.
As Gorillaz get older, more elements come into play: their age and their history, their developing reliance on or distance from their personas and the press and the stage, the evolution of their musical styles, the greater scale of it all and the emphasis on "bigger" music, on exploring things beyond Murdoc and Stu sat sharing a spliff in the studio, splitting all the writing credit for the debut between them. Performing Year 20+ Gorillaz is simply a different beast than performing Year One Gorillaz. But on the other hand, you can say all the same of Damon and he's still up there, performing exactly the way he does. The characters frankly seem younger now than they did in early years, so it'd be inaccurate to say they have to or should be slowing down.
Tuning the particulars of this phase out and pretending they're just performing as a band well into their career, the way they would've during Song Machine, it'd be fun to see them actually return to those carefree roots. I could see Stu doing less actual jumping and running and diving, but imbuing his movements and stage presence with that same confidence, lack of boundaries, lack of structure-- he's here because he's meant to be here, and any person in that audience should know it. I can see him running his hands through his hair and letting it stick up and back, can see him settling down at the edge of the stage to mouth things to girls in the front row while Murdoc's playing, sauntering and skipping in little bursts around the stage, swapping out blocking at a whim, leaning back-to-back against Murdoc and bending his knees in a comical slump, breathing a little laugh through his nose in the mic as he cranes his head back to lay on Murdoc's and probably loses his balance.
...and yes, yeah, I'm fully on board with a Murdoc-on-his-knees moment. They work Stu's admittedly fledging rhythm guitar playing (Noodle's drowning them out on lead, luckily) into the set just for that moment. I've also gotten an image of Murdoc sliding forward on his knees while he plays bass like this is rock and bloody roll, like he's the main attraction, and Stuart just standing before him, lazily echoing a few words of the chorus and putting a foot up on his shoulder. Murdoc's just staring up his leg as he plays, chin touching the top of his shoe; Stu's looking past him or into the crowd, but then he turns back and holds the gaze a moment before kicking off a bit as he leaves.
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Don't mind me just ranting about my oc
Sometimes I think about if any of my Gorillaz ocs' were Canon, specifically Azul Pot and how the fandom would react to them. Honestly I'm glad she isn't because the way the new writers would write their character would go in 2 ways:
1: Basically Sydney Pot under a fresh coat of paint. Sydney is the most popular and beloved Gorillaz oc to the point even Jamie knows about her, so it wouldn't be a surprise if the new writers know about her so when they make a 2-D kid (in this case Azul) they would use Sydney as a huge inspiration, probably try to make up some bullshit that Azul was there the whole time and was raised by 2-D and they just kept her existence undercover, or them and 2-D do meet when Azul turns 18 and they have a nice bond together. Some fans eat the wholesome father-kid content while the rest callout the fact Azul's character isn't even original
2: Her character only revolves around their dad and that's it. Literally just there to make the 2-D fans happy.
And even if she's written exactly how I written them they would probably be just as hated as Paula for the sole reason of hating 2-D for being an absent father growing up, there would prob be some debates on Reddit if Azul is right to hate him when there shouldn't be any debates at all. They'd also hate her for her flaws like their anger even tho Murdoc had them too. Speaking of Murdoc they would try to discredit Azul somehow because they get along with Murdoc when Murdoc hurt her dad in the past when Azul doesn't even condone what Murdoc did, she just understands why he was like that in the past. Literally it was the little similarities they had in their pasts that drew Azul to him and they actually get along just fine.
That doesn't mean she wouldn't have a small set of fans but the hate would drown them out. So I'm honestly glad Azul isn't Canon and not that well known in the fandom. Only having a small fandom on my Insta.
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valhallgreg · 1 year
1 4 and 16?
Russel and Noodle (and to some extent 2D); I can definitely be biased on this one with the type of character I tend to enjoy but people making Russ and Noodle “the rational ones” really rubs me the wrong way… like Noodle was raised by a bunch of hedonist lunatics there’s no way in hell she’s normal, and while Russel is very nice and gentle, he’s also a little bit of a menace sometimes and he has his vices… also there’s the obvious issue with the whole “UwU pure angel baby” 2D and its blatant ignorance of canon as well as its frankly ableist undertones. Tl;dr, the three who aren’t Murdoc can have character flaws too
4. I honestly haven’t really had anything like this happen to me, probably because I don’t post a lot; if someone annoys me I don’t hesitate to block them
16. I don’t really get why people think Murdoc is a completely evil human with no complex feelings other than self-importance and hatred… like yeah obviously he’s not a great guy (understatement) and he exaggerates things to make himself look better but there is. So much about him pointing to the fact that he cares about his band and that he really doesn’t like the way he is. Literally just read pretty much any interview involving him or listen to any song from plastic beach that man has such a complicated relationship with both himself and the people around him.
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