#so that post is so them to me fr....eel friends <3< /div>
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squuote · 2 years ago
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eel posting..
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maydays-big-day · 1 year ago
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Based on:
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abyssforphantoms · 1 month ago
Based on this what's your favorite template by @aisdsstuds76
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Now I'm going to do a little rambling below. >:D
Favorite Regular Spirit - Tearful Light Miner
The spirit that made my go "oh... OH. oh nooooooo..." as a moth.
They need a hug fr.
First hair I ever bought was from them.
I drew them staring at their own husk when you relive their spirit because pain man.
Favorite Elders - Wasteland and Vault
I don't actually have much thoughts on the elders but always kinda liked both of them.
Wasteland was the first elder I got in orbit thus bias
Favorite Seasonal Spirit - Cackling Cannoneer
Words CANNOT describe the unfathomable level of brain rot I have for them... like if I do talk about them this post... that will obliterate and overshadow the rest of the stuff here. Which is not the point!!!! It's a freaking iceberg, and I'm going to have to contain my thoughts like the scp it is.💀
Favorite Creatures:
Instead of an "other" category I wanted to do some much needed favorite creature appreciation, because they make the game feel more alive and sky without creatures would be even more depressing.
1. The Abyss Monster (Thousand Eyes)
Best creature 1000 out of 10
Very chill. They are just swimming there... menacingly!
For something so big it's relatively quiet unless it roars or something has it's attention.
I like that we free them from being trapped in a cramped tank... must have sucked for them. And what could go wrong? Ignore last abyss quest lol. I'm sure cannoneer will be back from the grocery store anytime now.
I like calling them thousand eyes because that "name" kinda just stuck for me ( Also ,unrelated, totally forgot that a person who worked on the music for signalis is called 1000 eyes so that was kinda funny to me... also I love signalis).
They don't actually have 1000 eyes. It's something more along the lines of 29 with 22 missing eyes (I figured that out by comparing images).
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Granted, in AU I'm working on they have an ability where the name makes more sense.
I feel like almost everyone calls it something different anyway.
Face wise, reminds me of a moray. I really like morays. :]
2. Eel
Sweet :>
Fun to follow around
The treasure reef one saved me from drowning a few times.
A very unique light creature. Like, the only other light creature I can think of thats kinda similar is the whales with their more stoney masks and how they spin while swimming/flying.
It's noises can be startling if you are not expecting them but I find them quite comforting and probably have some of my favorite animal noises in game. I just wished we had an eel call. I think it would sound pretty.
Has 4 eyes which is unique to them.
I like to call the treasure reef one Velma or Vel... don't have a name for the prairie peaks days of bloom one yet as I cannot choose. I got a list of potential names.
A friend pointed out they kinda look like a leek and I can't unsee it.
3. Krill Cat
I love how the Cackling Crab one purrs
Mine still my favorite though. They keep me company.
Also I love being thrown into outer space... or playing golf using my skykid as a ball and the cat as the golf club to fling me around... also very useful for building cannons.
4. Krill (Dark Dragons)
I used to be terrified of them. (Had a group of vets lure one at me when I first went into wasteland as a moth)
Broke my fear of krill by watching them from a distance and figured out they are quite predictable pathing wise and to watch out if a server switch happens because it messes with certain ones' pathing more than others... If you wonder why a krill suddenly contorts weird or suddenly makes an unexpected turn that's why.
I but I also enjoy watching them because they have some of the most interesting animations in game.
"Brutally elegant" is the best way to describe how I see them.
They might be partially made out of a sandy, clumpy, almost liquidy type material that isn't completely stable... Ask if you want me to elaborate.
5. Dark lurker (worm)
10/10 creature.
I think they are cute.
I appreciate that they don't drain all my life immediately.
Reminds me of how a dog behaves with a new chew toy.
Feel like they would enjoy eating a sandwich.
Once it snagged a thief that stole my boat! Good worm!
6. Crabs
They are some of the most interactive creatures in sky.
Leave the friendly ones alone if you value your life. You wanna get me mad? Honk friendly crabs. I will drag you to an early grave you thoughtless monster! And if I didn't do anything immediately to show my anger watch your back... I'm plotting your demise.
7. Knife Fish
I have a running gag of using them as actual knives.
Very Very easy to draw.
Noises are pleasant.
Also have saved me from drowning.
8. Butterflies
I sometimes scorn them but most of the time they are quite helpful during candle runs which makes up for it. I remember when they didn't come out of dark plants which made wasteland more treacherous.
Love the new dyeing feature and that butterflies come in multiple colors now... but I still have a fondness for the classic yellow ones.
Cute noises, Butterfly call when TGC???
Also easy to draw
Fond memories of being a butterfly during days of bloom and carrying crabs around with me.
Favorite Places:
I couldn't just pick one realm so just decided to list areas and maps
Note: I decided not to include oob locations, but they may factor into why I like some places.
1. Treasure Reef
Love how the music changes depending on where you are in the map.
It's looks are deceiving... >:)
Kinda foggy
It's Thousand Eyes and treasure reef eels home.
FISH and other creatures there are nice too.
Rip the manta spirit that gave us the ability to go underwater. You are my favorite Manta.
Abyss crews boat
Gorgeous underwater areas.
The LORE there I have taken quite an interest in.
Great to run if bored of typical candle run.
Level design wise, I think it's one of the better seasonal areas.
It has a big shared space that's partially underwater.
Tower interior OOB is a fav of mine to hide in. But also kinda sucks that it got scrapped for a quest.
Enough is left open for the brain to go crazy speculating and imagining underwater areas there that aren't canon.
I like that place is long abandoned mostly submerged lab, light house, mines, and to some extent a prison... like come on great setting!!!
More than likely there was some really shady shit some ancestors did there.
Is the area that made me question the use of spirit barriers, and how powerful they are because of the ones used in Thousands Eye's and the flock of mantas containments... it makes all the other spirit barriers in game look sus to me now.
It also reminds me of old adventure games and "point and clicks" setting wise like the Monkey Island series, a little bit of Grim Fandango and Freddi Fish games... in other words kinda hits a nostalgic spot in me I didn't know I had.
Has a mysterious invisible object you can pick up that makes a weird sound effect. (It's Probably just a random asset someone at TGC forgot to move).
I like making evil swimming races there for myself and friends if they dare. >:] (Mainly for myself though, ha)
In general great place to chill - like to float around afk on my boat or play music or build stuff.
I got lots of fond memories there.
2. The Archives
My favorite song in Sky's OST plays here: Hover
Home to one of my favorite OOB locations not many people go to
I like the dilapidated flooded liminal hallway vibes
I always felt like it should go somewhere else, but the fact it loops is neat and adds to the vault's weird nonsensical architecture nature.
Crabs in vault? That feels rare.
I think the lanterns and spinning platforms are neat.
3. The Last Lamp Before Death in Eden
I just like playing the Through the Eyes of a Child music sheet before going off to die and like to think it brings good luck to others on the map... or comfort them. Makes me happy when people join in or take a moment to listen.
4. Forest Brook
Pretty much end up going past here every day for event runs route I do.
It Has a nice flow to it compared to other maps for running and it's not too big.
Because the plants don't rotate, they are easier to memorize.
I swear it's one of the maps with the most wax.
Fond memories here with friends and as a moth
I love the secret rainbow there.
Waltzing in the Rain is definitely a iconic and beautiful music track.
Plenty of places the hide and listen to the rain.
There is the manta friend that leads moths through forest.
Often is people's first encounter with crabs... Definitely was mine. XD
5. Wasteland Graveyard
Many points of interest
Spent alot of time watching krill here to get over my initial fear of them.
I have both fondness and trama for this area.
Not bad wax wise if you can take risk. Best on Sunday though when all of wastelands plants are out instead of being one rotation or the other and/or candle cakes are there.
6. The Patch of Big Blue Flowers in Prairie Peaks
I just think they are pretty even though I don't stay there very often.
Is another place to chill and play instruments or just go afk on my boat.
7. Duet's Concert Hall
My favorite of the crowd tech areas
There is the 4 boat OOB and ghost piano.
I like the flower area and that hidden cave.
8. Starlight Desert (Pot Interior)
The place where I first met a dear friend I don't see too often anymore.
On rare occasions I will play music there but not as much as I used to, just doesn't feel the same...
Its the bitter sweet favorite if you will.
I feel bad for drunk spirit.
Favorite Ships:
Originally was going to do boats instead to be funny but I decided to be brave and talk a little about this.
Also If you have different headcanons and stuff I'm happy for you and wouldn't mind hearing about them.
1. Cackling Cannoneer and Anxious Angler
If you are wonder what's happening in the picture have a headcanon that angler has Cannoneer take pictures of them and their catches sometimes. (Joke on "fishing dad photos")
Originally I didn't ship it. It just kinda happened!!!
I find the dynamics between the two interesting. So now it's become like a side lab experiment I tinker around with.
"Hunter × fisher sapphics???" - something someone said to me and stuck.
And before someone asks I do head canon that both of them are around the same age albeit angler is the slightly older one of the two.
kinda comes off as more of a queer platonic relationship of sorts??? But idk thinks can and have changed before.
As for... if someone is curious about how Doppelneer from my au feels... all I have to answer you is this image from centaurworld...
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And to say the least if you know... YOU KNOW and NO they are not going to be taking it well.
Also man that image has been on my phone for awhile... centaurworld underrated.
2. Duets Guide and Compassionate Chellist
I think both of them are cute and really enjoyed that season for actually having somewhat of a story... and hiiiii abyss crew.
I hope they have a nice afterlife together playing music
Other than that I don't have much to say
3. Provoking Performer and Sneezing Geographer
Crack ship due to that one traveling spirit bug... and I found funny and never forgot.
I like to think that the reason that the glitch happened is that geographer sneezed while mid-telaport, and that caused provoking and the random statue to be there. And now sneezing and provoking are dating.
For some reason, it reminds me of a troupe that I swear I have seen... where wizard messes up a spell and summons the wrong spirit/ demon/ entity, and over time, they slowly fall in love... idk lol
Bonus Fav Ships (Boats):
I decided to include this anyway, haha.
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1. Abyss Crew's Boat
I love speculating if it had an interior, what it would look like.
Nice size. Rare example of one of the more medium size boats in game.
I like that you can tell that it's definitely a place that was used but the "sand" on everything indicates stuff hasn't been touched in a bit and the fact there are light blooms attached to the boat says it hasn't moved in a bit. Possibly stranded.
While the enchantment ark has a mural telling it's story and you repair it gradually I like abyss crews for the subtlety of prop placement and things are left were they are.
Still RIP beta version of this boat...
2. My Boat
It's my boat :D
T'was one of my first IAP that I got gifted thus I cherish it.
Not as cool as abyss crew's but it does it's job well even though she be a wanderer.
It's always funny when others steal it and proceed to get her stuck.
Wish there was a way to place it in my nest... I would in a heartbeat if I could.
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