#so take every missfire as my personal headcanon
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butadailovehim · 6 months ago
sometimes i imagine young elrond (relatively young, you know for elves) grieving the loss of his brother, trying to respect his decision to die a mortal death, really respecting his decision, but still feeling sour about it from time to time when everything becomes too much, sorta thinking you left me alone, why did you leave me alone and celebrian, galadriel, everybody around him is saying something along the lines everything happens for a reason and sure, elros becoming the first great king of numenor should be enough reason and elrond understands that? but it still makes his heart ache, but he lives on, he keeps an eye on his brother's line, protects the middle earth where it counts, and that's how it goes for a couple hundred years
and then there comes a human woman with a little boy, and sure there were many before. he kept an eye on his brother's descendants before, but this one is so small and his little feet take him all around rivendell where he somehow always manages to find trouble, and his eyes are the shade achingly similar to his brothers, and sometimes he calls him ada because he learned it from his other kids
and one day he's reading little estel a story (maybe a legend of an old king who rose to greatness before he faded away) and he looks at the child snoring away on his chest, a child that wouldnt be here had elros made a different choice
and he thinks. oh. that was the reason.
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nyodrite · 8 years ago
#Uncle Skull
I have this headcanon that Skulls year mates are the best trained graduates of his whole generation, because they needed to fight Skulls creation if his spells missfire and somehow the most regular spells don't seem to work and they needed to get creative.
They formed extra learn groups to look up obscure spells in case the Skull apocalypse happens again and how to best use the more common spells without actively using them on the target.
And they founded an unofficial running club, which started with Skulls dorm mates, (because they were the most affected before a proffesor finally forbid Skull from practicing in his dorm room) and it just branched out from there. Because somehow most of Skulls creation have flying projectiles and if you're not fast enough to dodge you're already doomed and you need stamina to run away if your spells don't work.
Most of his class mates became aurors, because come on they survived everything Skull threw at them in their seven years after this dark wizards are just babys. And if they're going to be honest they would miss the adeventures and the adrenaline rush everytime they fought on of Skulls creation from hell, so they're going to do the next best thing.
Meanwhile Mad-eye Moody is in his own personal heaven, because this are the best auror trainees he has ever seen. In contrast to most wizards this teens are actually quite fit, they know more spells then most seasoned aurors do and they already work perfectly in teams. And apparently they don't fear anything no matter what he throws at them. (Because what is a littly dark wizard to you when you fought a 30 m ceberus with laser-eyes and poison breath who was sadly deaf and therefore couldn't hear the freaking music)
While a large part of Moodys is desperatly trying to figure out what he actually can still teach these kids besides the standard protocols, another part of him really wants to hire whoever trained this kids, because them if the rest of the auror corps where this good the wouldnt have any problems with this fucking Death eaters.
Meanwhile Voldemord has a lot of trouble to get anyone from Skulls year mates to join his course, because they know how good their classmates are and what the hell are they going to do if Moody actaully gets Skull to join? ( And some of the things Skull said about Muggle doesn't seem so bad)
The 'club' has an entire R&D subdivision dedicated to finding out what works against the things Skull summons, because sometimes- a lot of times actually- it is not a quick fix and the castle is living for a while- hours, days with the record being three weeks- in fear of the thing popping up once more. On the upside, they seem rather focused on Skull who has proven to be both very durable and quite good at outrunning things trying to kill him.
("They're spell resistant," a Ravenclaw declared, "But only to spells entirely magical. Spells like the ones that shoot arrows work."
"Are you saying," a Slytherin asked, twitching. "That these monsters are better killed by muggle means?"
The Hufflepuff, who wasn't part of the 'research' per say but invited for the sole purpose of note-taking and organization and thus irritated with the others by now, deadpanned, "Yes. Muggles Do It Better.")
Those of that research division become Unspeakables (oddly enough, there is a team dedicated to finding out HOW the heck Skull makes monsters out of first year spells).
  spastic goldfish:
...my god can you imagine how fantastic Skull's year mates and surrounding years would be in Eldritch-Abomination!level catastrophic events? Considering the nightmares that Skull accidentally sics on them in school, anything less than Cthulu would be met with a bland yet competent, "Eh, I've seen and dealt with worse." And thus a goodly chunk of Voldemort's scare tactics are rendered useless in the face of this level of competency and level-headed-ness.
Also, can you flesh out the creation of Oodako into a full fledged scene? Maybe from Slughorn's perspective for variety, and maybe Sirius and James are present to deliver some sort of message? And with a Recorded-Message Patronus primed and ready to be released at the breaking of the rune seal keeping it in stasis to let the castle know to go into Izzy-ocalypse!mode?
Yes, that generation (every student who was at school in the time frame of Skull's seven years) have spines of steel and will not be cowed by intimidation tactics. You want to torture information out of me, ha! Nothing you do, not even the Unforgivable, will match the time when Skull was trying to get rid of a Boggart and made it mutate.
(Said mutated Boggart is widely agreed as The Worst Incident and, unfortunately, was the one around for three weeks because not only was it a horrifying shape-shifting fear-inducing abomination it was also scary intelligent.)
And yeah, they got emergency procedures down to an art form - plus side, the staff all know exactly what to do in Harry's second year. As for Oodako...that would be telling ;)
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