#so she went for the fresher one
exponentiate · 2 months
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Bear 128 has brought her spring cubs all the way to the falls, I think for the first time this year! Here she is beating up another bear to take his fish, while one of her cubs takes notes.
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hella1975 · 2 years
loveeeeeeee when my one very spoilt flatmate says some shit about how she treats her mum/how she talks to her mum and me and my other flatmate just look at each other for a silent moment and both just go 'no id be dead'
#like flatmate no.1 is the spoilt one and ive known her as well as flatmate no.2 since not just first year but FRESHERS#like these are my uni 4lifers we've known each other since the first two weeks flatmate no.2 i met on my first DAY#so it's quite funny bc ive SEEN flatmate no.1 change her atittude over time#and i think it's a joint effort of being exposed to different people at uni#and also bc ive just beaten her down every time she says something even remotely ignorant/spoilt#like i normally wouldnt give myself that much credit for a single person's character arc but flatmate no.2 BARELY saw us last year#and me and flatmate no.1 were basically joint at the hip so it was a proximity thing more than me just being super cool and inspiring#so basically what im getting at is that in first year she was sooooo shamelessly spoilt#and it was so clear she just had never hung out with people who WERENT spoilt#and nowadays she's v good at letting herself be the butt of the joke and she still gets iffy about dumb shit#but generally speaking she takes what we give her now whereas she used to ARGUE and that boiled my fucking blood#and it means we can talk more easily about these things and one thing that comes up A LOT is the difference in parenting#like i shit you not this girl uses a baby voice on her parents. it's actually uncomfortable#me however i was raised with a bloody mercenary whose genuine worst insult for us was to call us middle class LMAO#like my mum put tough love into the dictionary her VERBATIM catchphrase is 'fall in or fuck off'#and flatmate no.2 is ESTRANGED from her mum and has a very on-off relationship with her dad that has all round left her very independent#like for her there was no one there to spoil her and for me the person that was there would literally have rather died than have spoilt kid#so flatmate no.1 will say some bratty shit and me and flatmate no.2 are just there like??? are you fucking deranged???#the example that caused this post is that flatmate no.1's mum went into her room#and she was like '.... it smells like weed in here darling....' and my flatmate POINTED AT HER WEED AND WENT 'YEAH THAT'S WHY'#and she was telling us as a haha funny and i was like. THE DISRESPECT?#like my mum would be less angry about the weed than she was about the fact i didnt even respect her enough to hide it if that makes sense#she'd fucking clobber me id be out on the bloody street LMAO#spoilt kids and/or pushover parents just baffle me like i have never won a fight against my mum what are you even doing#'why didn't you do [rebellious thing] as a kid' BITCH I WAS SCARED LMFAO#hella goes to uni
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just-rogi · 1 year
Ik I’m not white passing bc every Arab restaurant owner who sees my face can instantly clock me as brown and give me extra food and discounts and ask if I speak Arabic and if I’m staying in school and where my family is from and my thoughts on soccer, like sorry Emxly on tiktok just who learned the word white passing last week thinks that I’m not brown, but the Azerbaijani pizza shop staff cheer when I walk in the door so maybe it’s a skill issue?
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exopelagic · 1 year
God help me I may have another crush on a straight boy
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rebelscums · 3 months
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Angel (Qimir x Jedi reader)
Part One of Angel
Ratings: Angst | Fluff
Summary: After the death of your master you begin to question the dark side and just who keeps appearing in your dreams…
The ringing in your head only grew as you opened your eyes. Your vision was blurry, but you knew that you were hanging from something… You drained your neck up to realize that it was a tree. You were stripped bare from your robes and something dropped slowly down your forehead past your nose… Blood.
“Master?” Your voice cracked as you called out to her.
The air felt thick and the smell of blood grew stronger, but you could hear her to your right.
“You must whisper, my padawan.” She whispered in the same predicament you were in, “It is hunting.”
“What is?” You whispered confused, hurt, and you knew you had a concussion, “What is going on?”
“They betrayed us and now they are offering us to the beast they fear from this jungle. It has already taken the other. We must remain vigilant and strong as we find a way out of us.”
You looked around, the moonlight brightening the forest floor just enough to see all of the blood and bones scattered everywhere.
Hours had passed as you both struggled to get out of your bindings without falling to the ground. You realized quickly that the tribe you were trying to help had drugged you heavily making it even harder to escape.
With the luck of the force, your master unblinded herself and swung over to one of the large branches on your tree.
“Stay still.” She requested as she began to untie your bindings, “Once you are free we will make a run towards the north river. Our shop is just across the river.”
“Okay.” You whispered as you began to feel the rope loosen.
“Almost…” Master Runh went to untie the rope. You were almost free… Almost.
It was so quick that you could barely see it grab your master between its large jaws and drag her down to the forest floor. Her screams echoed throughout the night as she yelled over and over…
Tears streamed down your face as you watched her get torn apart. Struggling to free the last not so you could help her… Save her… You needed to save her. You were so close.
“Master!” You cried out as her final breath left her body and through your tears you saw something or was it someone standing beside the beast over your dead master just watching you…
You jolted awake in your room with a startled gasp. It took you a moment for your brain to let you know that you were safe and it was only a dream, but but the wetness on your cheeks had let you know that you had been crying.
You quickly wiped your tears and went to the fresher to compose yourself. It had been a couple hours since you have been in hyper drive and you knew you would arrive to the next planet soon.
That means you had a bit of time to talk about your dream to Master Sol… Maybe he would have an answer for the mysterious figure.
“Master Sol.” You drew his attention away from the map he was looking at from where he sat at a table.
His tired eyes were now trained on you, a calm look on his face as he greeted you with a smile. He was an ever present and diligent master and you silently thought of how lucky Jecki was.
You have been missing master Runh dearly these days. She was a great master, someone that you could count on for anything. She was wise, and strong, and brave too… She aided and guided you as you grew up, leading you down the path of the Jedi. You were grateful to her for everything she has done for you. You believed in what it meant to be a Jedi.
Until she was killed a few months ago.
It wasn’t her fault, the two of you were betrayed and sold out by the tribe you were trying to help… It shook you to your core, leaving you with nightmares and sleepless nights. You could still hear her screams, see her body be torn to shreds by that horrible beast… A beast you barely ran away from with your life.
You remember it’s sharp claws digging into your right side, leaving you with a painful reminder of that night.
That was when the urges of darkness started to rise. A growing pain that settled in the pit of your stomach and rose to your throat almost like a scream. Your calm temper had grown shorter these days and with no other master willing to take you in during your last few months of training as you were too old and they were looking for someone with a more pliable mind.
You remember scoffing as you stood in the council room, an annoyed look suddenly spreading across your face. Not one free master would take you in so you could pass your trials. You almost threw a chair at the weak minded fools.
That was until you were placed in the care of Master Sol. He had graciously stepped up and offered to take you under his wing along with his current padawan. Master Runh was a dear friend of his and he refused to let her padawan be casted out.
“Yes?” He asked.
“My anger towards what happened to my master…” Your voice lowered into almost a whisper, “I feel as though it is getting worse.”
His gaze turned concerned as he lowered his voice, “I know what have you experience has been painful, but rage will only lead to the dark side. It was not your fault young padawan and I know that you will overcome this tragedy with great strength.”
“Thank you master, but my dreams…” You shivered as you remember them so vividly, “It’s always the same every night, but last night was different… It felt as if my master was warning me of someone.” You whispered, “There was…” A dark figure standing above my masters body.
My explanation was cut short as his former padawan butted into the conversation, “We’re nearly there. I was hoping you and I could talk before we go find Master Torbin?” Osha asked master Sol.
A torn look spread across his face as he tried to choose who he wants to help more… The sinking feeling in your gut at him looking back at Osha sealed your fate.
He started to say, “Maybe we could…” continue this another time.
It was the same thing you heard before and you raised your hand to stop him, “It’s alright. I should probably go get ready anyways.” You stood up from your seat and Osha quickly took your place.
“Another time.” He said again, an urgency in his voice.
You didn’t spare him another glance as you walked away, “Sure.” You knew you wouldn’t talk about it again.
You thought back to the figure in your dream as you followed after the group. Yord fell into step with you as he kept a watchful eye out.
“Your lost in thought.” He mentioned which seemed to work in snapping you out of your daze.
“I’m just worried for master Torbin.” You lied and a part of you hated the feeling, but you felt that it was necessary to keep the figure to yourself for now. At least until you can find out more about it.
“Mae has already killed Master Indara.” You continued, “Who knows what she is capable of.”
“The Jedi do not judge someone we do not know.” He said and his words twisted a not in your heart, “But I am confident that we will get to him in time.” He glanced at you, “There is no need to worry.”
His confidence made you cringe. How could I not worry when there was a Jedi killing assassin on the loose? Is no one here concerned? You thought.
It was safe to say that Jord’s plan to confront the mystery man was stupid.
“Or we skip that and she just talks to him.” Jecki said, “If he’s Mae’s accomplice, we can send her in. She can talk to him and we can record and monitor the conversation that way we have a lead on Mae plus we also get a confession from him. Seems like the most logical way.”
“That sounds like the better option out of the two.” You agreed.
“I’m in.” Mae nodded her head as she stepped forward.
“We will follow your plan padawan. It’s a good one.” Master Sol agreed.
That was all that was needed to spring into action on our mission. You watched as Osha stepped into the shop.
“Hello there.” You could hear her say over comms.
“Oh… Hello.” His voice sounded… Chipper. It seemed that he was happy to see her. Maybe he and Mae do know each other on a deeper level?
“Hi…” Osha’s voice trailed off as she seemed unsure of what to say.
“Hi?” His tone now held confusion to it.
“Come on Osha.” You muttered praying to the force with words of encouragement.
He continued sounding concerned, “You alright? You’re back so early?”
“I wanted to see you…”
“See me? Oh?” His light chuckle sent a pleasant chill you didn’t know the exact reason for, “Mae… Are you okay? Did the poison work?”
“That’s it.” Jecki looked up from the comms ready to go, “That’s all we need.”
“Pull her out.” Yord stated taking out his lightsaber.
You also made motion to grab your lightsaber, ready to head into the shop and confront the mysterious man before Sol put his arm out to stop you.
“Wait!” Master Sol’s sharp word had you, Yord, and Jecki all freeze in place. The four of you paid closer attention to the comm.
“You’re acting so strange…” The man spoke through the comms. There was a pause, as if he was assessing something about Osha, “Wait.”
Please don’t figure out she’s not Mae… You thought with worry.
“You killed Torbin without the poison.” He assessed with a light tone to his voice, “He will be so pleased.”
That seemed to be all Master Sol needed to hear as he said, “Go.” And pushed his group towards the man and Osha.
He was different than you expected him to be. A good way perhaps… He was easy on the eyes for a smuggler or was he a dealer? You weren’t sure. What you did know was how quick he was to sell out Mae.
You stayed partially hidden behind Jord. Your hood was up and your hand remained on your lightsaber as the stranger continued to explain himself.
“Wait wait…” He stumbled over his words as he tried to explain, “That isn’t my thing. This is her. I didn’t know what she was going to do with that stuff.”
“If you cooperate. We will consider letting you go with a warning.” Master Sol walked around him, assessing if he was a threat.
The man clasped his hands together, “Okay! Thank you! Thank you sir, ah… Please don’t do the memory wipe thing or whatever it is you guys do.” He held his hands up in surrender as he followed Master Sol’s movements.
You studied his movements, they were graceful compared to the nervous way he spoke.
“What is your relationship to Mae?” Was the first question Master Sol asked.
“I’m just her supplier.” He explained quickly walking around the room and using his hands as he spoke, “Yeah, I started out gun running for the hits and now I supply people like her with what they need. For the right price.”
He seemed to calm but too fidgety at the same time as if it were almost forced…
“Well maybe you could supply us with the truth.” Jord’s voice was stern and left no room for debate.
You hid further behind his stance as the man turned around. Not ready to reveal that you have been studying him intently to see if he was telling the truth or stalling for time…
“Who is he?” Master Sol asked.
The man gave him a confused look, “Ah… I? I thought he was with you?” He asked pointing back at Jord.
You couldn’t help the small laugh that escaped past your lips, but quickly stifled it as his amused gaze tried to find your behind Jord’s frame.
Master Sol didn’t find it funny as he continued, “Does Mae have a master? Is someone training her?”
“Listen I have no idea what’s going on with that girl.” He stepped towards Master Sol, “All I know… Is that she wants revenge on four Jedi.”
The room fell silent as a grave realization settled… Four Jedi was stationed on Osha and Mae’s planet and Master Sol was one of them…
His eyes widened as an idea sparked, “If you want to get to her, she’ll be back here tonight. I’m holding some things for her.”
“Jord. Secure the perimeter. Keep an eye out for Mae.” Master Sol ordered, “Jecki get to the ship. Mae, you are coming with me and…”
Your heart beat quickly in your chest as Master Sol looked in your direction, “You will stay here and make sure that he does not try to escape.”
“But—“ Your pleas were left unanswered as he gave you a look. You bit your tongue and nodded, “Yes master.”
“Good. Let us go.” Master Sol stated, “Mae will be here soon.”
You watched with a knot in your stomach as your group left. How could they just leave me here alone with a stranger? You thought as you clenched and unclenched your right fist to try and keep your nerves at bay.
You tried to take a calming breath. You are a Jedi. You can guard an unarmed man. He couldn’t hurt you. This will go smoothly without any problem… You squeezed your eyes shut as the screams of your master rang through your ears.
You were alone then too… You but your biotin lip, grateful that your hood hid your face as you stared longingly at the door. You didn’t want to be left alone with a stranger… You couldn’t handle it, not again. Your breathing began to pick up, something that the stranger noticed immediately.
“So…” He spoke in an airy tone in an attempt to lighten the mood and get your mind off of whatever you were thinking about, “Who might you be Angel?”
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thewritingrowlet · 5 months
The Freshman, ft. tripleS Yoon Seoyeon
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tags: first time, male reader
length: 5k+ words
Today is August 12th, the first day of Freshers’ Week at your university. Professor Son, the head of Computer Science department, had asked you personally to be one of the seniors to lead a group of freshmen throughout the Week and continue to offer help and advice whenever they may need it, even after the orientation period has finished. She told you that she was very impressed that you were able to maintain a 3.7 GPA in the 2 years you’ve been studying while being active as a basketball player for the university’s team at the same time. You were hesitant to take her up on the request at first because you had wanted to take this holiday period to relax and gather yourself after such a stressful semester. However, you recalled the way your senior had helped you when you were a freshman yourself; how he motivated and set an example to you and your groupmates, so you put your holiday plans to the side, said yes, and become a group leader.
Your watch shows 5:30 am, you just finished the morning briefing with the other group leaders and the rest of the Freshers’ Week committee. In less than an hour, the freshmen will start gathering in the football field and you will start your duties as a group leader for these new faces. You are very nervous as you are not very sociable with new people, but you see this as an opportunity to help you be more comfortable being in the spotlight and present in public—the promised payment is too good to pass up as well.
You and the rest of the group leaders stand in a row while holding a sign with the group name and number written on it. You see the freshmen start lining up in front of their respective leaders, including yourself. Some look like they just woke up, others look excited to start their new life as a university student, as you were back then. Initially, no male or female freshman catches your attention with their looks, until the last freshman joins your group’s line. You quickly peek at the attendance list on your clipboard and find the name of this last person: Yoon Seoyeon, from Chungnam Girls’ High School in Daejeon— “that’s quite the distance”, you think. As you look up from the attendance list, you see her walking up to you. Just before she gets to you, you managed to pick up some details from her looks: big eyes, small lips, fluffy cheeks—she’s also wearing a bow tie in your favorite color, light blue.
Lock it in, she’s holding out her hand to shake yours. “Good morning, sunbaenim. My name is Yoon Seoyeon”, she says. You find yourself staring deep into her eyes for a second before replying and shaking her hand; you have never felt anything like this before—is this what they call love at first sight?
After that short introduction, you tried your best to shake off other thoughts that could distract you from doing your job on this opening day. Little did you know, today was going to be a start of something huge for you.
The day went by very quickly for you, as you and your group followed all the introductory programs prepared by the committee. You tried your best to be present for your group throughout the day, sharing your university experiences, offering them tips, and showing them your favorite spots for studying. Most of them seemed engaged and interested in what you’re saying, which you’re thankful for, because you found out that being in the center of attention like this is not easy for you. In the last 15 minutes before things are wrapped for them today, you express your gratitude for them and ask them to be more comfortable with you and not to call you “sunbaenim” ever again, resorting to “oppa” or “hyung”.
After every freshman left, everyone else started following suit and left to go to wherever they needed to be; their dorm rooms, their favorite coffee shops, whatever the case may be for them. You opted to walk back to your apartment, picking up food for dinner on the way, “pasta for dinner feels like a good idea”, you think to yourself.
As soon as you entered your apartment, you heard a buzz from your phone. The documentation team sent a Google Drive link full of pictures they had taken throughout the day, neatly put into folders for each group. You set your food on your desk and start scrolling through your group’s folder. After looking more closely, you notice that Seoyeon was always by your side in every picture, paying very close attention to what you were saying. So, you promise yourself you will try talking to her and find out more about her tomorrow. You feel your heart beating fast at the thought of getting close to her, and you think to yourself, “I don’t think I can sleep tonight”—that’s cap, though; you fell asleep at around 10pm, as usual.
A few hours later, the sound of your alarm wakes you up from your sleep. The sun hasn’t risen yet, but you need to get ready anyway so that you’re not late for the briefing.
You open your wardrobe after showering and decide to dress nicer today because you want to show Seoyeon a more proper style of yours, opting for a red shirt, and a matching combination of dark gray trousers and blazer. You hope no one asks you as to why you’re dressing as if you were going to a meeting with the board of directors. “I hope Seoyeon likes guys who dress well”, you mutter while looking at the mirror one last time before leaving.
At around 4:40 am, you arrive at campus and go to the same spot as yesterday to attend the briefing. The committee explains that we’re having more talks with the freshmen today to get close to them and see if they have concerns or other things they might want to talk about with their group leaders or fellow freshmen. You get excited about the prospect of getting closer with your group, specifically with Seoyeon. You can’t wait until you can talk to her, promising to yourself that you’ll show enthusiasm to whatever subject she might bring up.
Just like yesterday, you and the other group leaders go to the football field and wait until everyone arrives. Unlike yesterday, though, Seoyeon arrives first today. Your heart beats fast when you see her walking up to you with a smile on her face, “how cute”, you hear a group leader next to you say. You shoot him a quick glare which he misses, you don’t want other people to fall for her like you’re about to.
You take a good look at what she’s wearing today; light blue shirt and brown pants, “these colors suit her very well”, you say to yourself. “Good morning, oppa. How are we feeling today?”, she asks. “We? When did it become ‘we’?”, you think, getting ahead of yourself. “I’m feeling great, Seoyeon. I’m excited because I heard that we’re going to talk a lot and know each other better today”. You see Seoyeon blush a little and look away for a second before looking at you again. “Sure, oppa. I’ll tell you everything about myself and I hope you will too”, she says, and now it’s your turn to blush. You take a few seconds to muster up the courage to compliment her. “You’re looking great, Seoyeon, these colors look great on you”, you say to her, hoping that she won’t take it any other way than a compliment. “Thank you, oppa. I noticed that you were holding a blue clipboard yesterday and caught you glancing at my bow tie a few times yesterday, so I figured that you like blue, hence the shirt”. Your first thought is to apologize for staring but at the same time, you’re holding in a squeal of excitement because she has noticed your fondness of blue.
Soon, everyone starts gathering up at the football field; you see that some people from your group have gotten more comfortable with each other, some even have made friends with people from other groups. Seoyeon finds herself among some peers and seems to be comfortable with them, and you’re glad that you get to see how she’s able to present herself so gracefully and elegantly when surrounded by people. Deep down, you hope that one day you can wake up to her next to you with the same smile she has on her face right now. “We’ll see how today turns out”, you think.
You end up spending the whole day talking with your group about all kinds of things related to university life in general and being a student-athlete studying Computer Science. Seoyeon asked you a handful of questions, to which you replied with sincerity and enthusiasm. She was careful enough to not ask about personal details, keeping the curiosity to herself. You wanted to make sure that no doubt lingers in her mind in terms of studying Computer Science in this highly competitive environment. Others also asked for more specific tips for studying after being told yesterday that you’re one of the top students in your department and in the entire university as a student-athlete—you were never in it for the fame, but being recognized positively every now and then for what you’re doing feels good and fulfilling.
The day went by quickly for you, just like yesterday did. Day 2 made you realize that you really can’t stop talking once you start and you hope that you weren’t just spewing nonsense to everybody.
While the second day started similarly to the first, it will end differently. You see Seoyeon sitting at the bus stop, staying behind even after every freshman left and the evaluation finished. Feeling concerned, you walk up to her to see if there’s anything you can help her with. Hearing your footsteps, Seoyeon turns her head to see you, “Oh hi, oppa. I thought you had left already, why are you still here?”, she asks you. “Hi to you as well, sweet—I mean, Seoyeon. Well, you just stole my line, I was supposed to ask you why you’re still here. Is there anything I can help you with?”. You saw her eyes dilate a bit when you slipped, you curse yourself for nearly losing control of what you’re saying. “I-I wanted to wait for you so we can talk s-some more—if you don’t mind, that is”, looking down as she says the last bit. “Sure, let’s talk some more. Let’s go to that burger place, we can talk over some burgers and fries”, you tell her as you point to the burger spot across the street.
Seoyeon stands up from her seat and quietly holds your arm, and the both of you start walking across the street to get to the burger shop. When you two enter the establishment, you see Jeno, your favorite guy, working at the cashier. “Yo, what’s up, man? What are we in the mood for tonight?”, he says, friendly as ever, while glancing quickly at the girl next to you. “Jeno, it’s always nice seeing you here, man. Can I have a Double OG with no tomato and some nacho fries?”. You almost forgot that you weren’t alone, so you look to your side and ask the girl shyly holding your arm, “It’s on me tonight, Seoyeon. What would you like to have?”. She shyly replies, “u-uh, I don’t know, oppa. I’ve never been here before, but I would love to have a burger and some fries as well”, of course the freshman from far away is clueless, you dumbass. “Oh, right”, you bring a palm to your forehead, “well, can I have a Black Montana and some cheesy fries?”, you tell Jeno your extra order—Black Montana used to be your favorite thanks to the sauce they use for it, only changing because you wanted to try other things. “Of course, man, anything for my favorite customer”, Jeno says as he hands you two empty cups for the drink. You fill your cup with some cold water while Seoyeon opts for diet coke. After filling the cups, you look around for a table, finding one in the corner next to the windows—how romantic.
You pull a seat for her before sitting down yourself, replicating the gesture you’ve seen your dad do for your mom throughout your life. Seoyeon mutters a little thank you that sends a jolt to your heart, making it beat like you just ran a few laps around a basketball court. You sit on the other side after setting your backpack down on the floor. “So, what did you want to talk about?”, you ask to start the conversation. Seoyeon looks at you but looks down at the table soon after, so you just nod in understanding. You don’t want to make her feel uncomfortable, so you wait until the food comes before pushing again.
Luckily for you, the food comes a few minutes later. Two delicious looking burgers, some crunchy fries, and a couple of bottles of condiment. You see a beam of excitement on Seoyeon’s face as she looks at the tray the waiter has just set on your table. She immediately grabs some fries and shoves it in her mouth, making her cheeks round. Soon after, she starts unwrapping her burger and takes a bite, squealing cutely at the taste. You choose to not start eating just yet, paying close attention to how excited she is when it comes to food and feeling the warmth that’s radiating from her. After taking another bite of her burger, she looks at you and notices that you haven’t touched your food yet. “O-oppa, why aren’t you eating?”, she asks with a full mouth. “Oh, I was just admiring your excitement for food. You like it?”. “This is amazing, oppa. Thank you very much, I love y—uh, this burger”, she blushes and looks away from you while you choose to act like you didn’t catch the slip and start unwrapping your burger.
Not long after that exchange, you both finish your meals, feeling full and satisfied with it. You hope that this is good timing and ask her again, “what did you want to talk about, Seoyeon?”. Knowing that she has nowhere to hide now, she gathers her mind and says four words that shake your world, “I like you, oppa”. You drop your jaw in shock, unable to say anything back to her for a few seconds. “I’m sorry, Seoyeon, but can you say that again?”, you hope that she won’t deflect and repeats it. “I said I like you, oppa. D-do you f-feel the same, by any chance?”, she repeats, maintaining eye contact with you despite the crimson hue on her cheeks. You remain stunned for the next few seconds, until you see tears start forming in her eyes. “Seo-Seoyeon, ye-yes, I also like y-you”, you reply while breathing heavily, forgetting how to breath. Satisfied with your answer, Seoyeon immediately jumps to the empty seat next to you to hug you, tucking her head under your chin. You close your eyes and bask in the moment; you feel like a massive weight has finally been lifted off your chest. Soon, though, you start hearing little sobs coming from her. You pulled her out of the hug to look at her and soothe her, “hey, hey, sweetie, are you okay? Don’t cry, please. I’m here for you”. “I’m just so relieved, oppa. I was so scared that you would push me away—you would never push me away, right?”, she says, voice shaking from the emotions. Your heart sinks to the bottom of the Mariana Trench; there is absolutely no way on this green earth that you would push her away like that, and the fact that she’s letting her emotions show assures you that she’s being honest and sincere. Peck her on the forehead to soothe her, “it’s okay, sweetie, there’s nothing to fear. I’m here for you, always”.
After about a minute, she finally stops sobbing and her breathing returns to normal. She’s dropping another bomb, though. “Can we go to your place, oppa?”, she says softly as she pulls away from the hug. You quietly thank your parents for planting in you the habit of maintaining cleanliness, which means that your apartment is presentable for guests all the time. “We can, sweetie, but are you sure?”, you ask her with the last few drops of self-control, your patience running thin. “Please, oppa. There’s nothing I’m surer of right now”.
You ask her to let go so that you two can leave this place. She wraps an arm on yours, more confidently this time, as you walk to the cashier. “So how was it, guys? Delicious as always, right?”, Jeno asks the two of you. “Amazing, Jeno, always. We’re going, thank you so much”, you give him a fist bump before leaving the place. He gives you two thumbs up as you’re opening the door to leave.
Soon, you two find yourselves on the way to your apartment. “Sweetie, c-can I carry you? I-I’ve always wanted to try it”, you ask, surprising Seoyeon who did not see it coming at all. “Sure, oppa, just don’t drop me please”, with her consent, you ask her to get in front of you and carry her bridal style for the rest of the way, carrying this 50-something kilograms bundle of sweetness with ease. You feel her start to loosen up and lean her head on you as you’re carrying her, transferring the warmth from her body to yours. You wonder how this might look like to people who see you, but it’s the least of your concern right now; you’re at the peak of your life and it’s only getting better from this point onwards.
“We’re here, sweetie”, you say to her as you reach the front door of your apartment, not putting her down as you open the door and enter. You softly put her down on the couch bed, extending it out so she can lie down comfortably. Peck her on the forehead again to remind yourself that it is really happening. “Would you want some water, darling?”, she nods to the question, and you go get some cups of water for the both of you. You then sit next to her lying body and put her legs on your lap and softly massage them. “Oppa”, she softly calls out, “what made you like me?”. Her question is a simple one, but leaves you speechless nonetheless. “I don’t know, sweetie. I just felt drawn to you”, you start, “you’re just so charming, and graceful, and elegant, and— “, your brain realizes that these words sound absolutely ridiculous coming from you, so it tells your cheeks to blush so that you stop. Seoyeon giggles softly seeing you stop so suddenly, “anything else, oppa?”, she challenges. You look at her with a serious face, which made her bite her lip in nervousness, and hover over her. You stay there for a bit and slowly go down for a kiss, nice and slow, to show her your genuine love. Pull away from the kiss and tell her softly, “I love you, Yoon Seoyeon, with my entire being. Would you be mine, my only one?”. “Yes, oppa. I’m yours and you’re mine”, she replies, her soft smile prominent on her face.
You spend a bit more time cuddling with her on the couch bed, saying sweet things to her. However, you’re curious about something, “so what did you want do that you asked me to bring you here?”. Seoyeon stayed silent for a few seconds before turning to face you, “I want you to be my first, oppa”, she says while looking deep into your eyes—that’s one more bomb she dropped on you; if you weren’t already shattered from the previous ones, this one will surely end you. “That would be a huge honor for me, baby, but are you sure?”, you say, still holding yourself back even though blood has rushed to your cock, making you as hard as a rock. “Take me, oppa, make me truly yours”, she replies while softly rubbing your cheek with her hand.
Still in control of yourself, you get up from the couch and carry her bridal style again to your bedroom, the lights turning on automatically as you walk in. You put her down on the bed and move a stray hair covering her face, “you’re so beautiful, baby”, you mutter softly. Your self-control running thin, you ask her one more time if she’s sure about this, to which she replied by lolling in your bed, “take care of me, oppa, please”. You stand up by the footboard and start taking off your clothes in front of her, being confident with your physique as an active basketball player. Seoyeon keeps her eyes on you, biting her lips occasionally as you take off each layer, until you’re down to your boxers, your hard cock making a significant tent.
You see nervousness creeping up on her, “is it going to hurt, oppa?”. You climb nto the bed again and pet her head softly, “it will be uncomfortable at first, baby, but we’ll get through it together”, you assure her. Your assurance helps Seoyeon be less nervous, as she gives you a nod and pulls your hands to her top button, indirectly asking you to undress her. You take your time unbuttoning her shirt, paying attention to her gesture and expression, down until the last button. You open the curtain that is her unbuttoned shirt and see her mounds covered with a simple white bra, “I know they’re not as big—”, you shut her up with a kiss, “please, baby, you’re perfect as you are”, you tell her with a comforting smile on your face. You then start kissing down her entire body; from her neck down to her tummy, earning soft moans from her. Give her a calm smile as you unbutton and unzip her pants, her nervousness returning to her face. “I know I sound like a broken record, baby, but are you sure?”, you ask, even though your patience now is as thin as paper. She gives you a nod and a warm smile, so you pull her up on her feet and take her clothes off, leaving her only in her white underwear.
Set her down on the bed again before opening a drawer of the bedside table to get a condom. Seeing you unwrap one and putting it on, she grabs your arm and tells you once again, very softly, “please be gentle, oppa”. “I will, sweetie, I promise”, you reply before kissing her forehead. You get in the bed again and open her legs slowly, noticing the damp spot on her panties as soon as her legs are open wide enough for you to get in between. You look at her once more before sliding her panties off, revealing her shaved and untouched pussy. “Alright, are you ready, sweetie? I love you, okay? Don’t ever doubt that, not even for a second. Say ‘pochacco’ if you want to stop, baby”. “Yes, oppa, I’m ready. I love you with all my life”, she replies.
She gasps as soon as feels your tip on her entrance, “be gentle, please”, she begs you. You give her a nod and start pushing in, making her moan just a bit too loudly. You feel yourself getting past her barrier, turning her into a full-blown woman—your woman. She muffles a moan with her palm as a tear runs down her face. You lean forward and hug her, then whisper softly, “are you okay, sweetie? I love you”. “I-it hurts, oppa, you feel s-so big, plea-please be gentle”, she says as another tear runs down her cheek. “I know, baby, but please hold on for a second, okay? You also don’t have to cover your mouth. It’s okay to let go, you’re safe with me”, you assure her with a peck on the lips and wipe her tear with a thumb.
Straighten your back once more and start moving rhythmically in and out of her pussy, earning soft moans and some high-pitched ones from Seoyeon. “You’re so tight, baby. Such a good girl for me”, you tell her with heavy voice between thrusts. “Ye-yes, I’m your good girl, oppa”, she replies with shaky voice. She’s just so sweet, isn’t she? You promise yourself that you’re going to spend the rest of your life protecting every little bit of the woman underneath you, keeping her by your side until the end of time. A few more deep thrusts and she delivers a breaking news exclusively for you, “I-I feel like something is about to burst, oppa”—her first orgasm is coming soon, and you’re the cause. “Yes, baby. Let go, let it all go for me, my good girl”, you say as you speed up your rhythm. “OPPA I’M—”, she screams out loud as her juice gushes out of her small frame, forcing you to pull out. You lean forward and pet her head softly, waiting for her to come down from her high naturally. “You’re such a good girl, love. Let’s calm down before continuing, okay?”, you tell her calmly, a gentle smile drawn on your face. “What was that, oppa? What just happened?”, she asks, still panting from the foreign sensation. “That was your first orgasm, love”, “an orgasm, oppa? Does that mean I did well?”, “yes, you did, my love, you did very well. I’ll get you some water, okay?”, you two share a small exchange as she relaxes from her first ever orgasm.
After giving her some water and waiting for her to relax even more, you ask her if she’s ready to go again, chasing for your own orgasm this time. “I’m taking your bras off and then I’m going back in, sweetie”, you tell her. You start thrusting into her again at decent speed, making her freed breasts bounce with each thrust. “Yes, oppa, it doesn’t hurt as much now. Give it to me, give me your all, oppa”. Her encouragement fuels your arousal as you deliver deep, solid thrusts into her, chasing for another orgasm for her and your first tonight. She grabs your right hand and brings it to her breast, hoping that you would do something about it. You palm her breast and squeeze it softly every odd second, getting ever closer to your orgasm, “I’m getting close, baby, very close”, “yes, yes, oppa, I think I’m getting close too”, she says while moaning softly. A dozen thrusts and you feel the knot in your stomach tightening—you’re close to the finish line. “Seoyeon, baby, I’m cumming”, you notify her. “Me-me too, oppa, let’s cum together”, and the both of you do just that; you feel her walls tighten around your cock as you’re cumming, milking every drop of cum out of you. Feeling weak, you just fall forward on top of her and hug her tightly in your arms. Whisper in her ear, “baby, I love you so much. I really do”. “I love you too, oppa. My oppa”.
After gathering your strength for a bit, you pull out and take off the condom, tying it into a knot then showing it to her, “this is all you, baby, you made me cum this much”, you tell her. You see her blushing before covering her face with her hands. “I’m gonna run you a shower, baby, wait a sec, yeah?”. You leave her lying down in bed while you head to the bathroom to start a shower for the two of you. You then go back to the bedroom and carry her to the bedroom to start the aftercare—"this was her first time, she deserves all the sweetness I can show her”, you think to yourself. “Alright, baby, let’s get you cleaned up, yeah? Stand under the shower and face that wall for me, please”, you tell her after making sure she can stand up on her own, to which she just nods and does as you ask. You start by letting water run all over her then turning it off so you can rub her back all the way down to her legs with some soap, going up and down multiple times to make sure you don’t miss a spot. Once that’s done, you turn off the shower and stand back up while gesturing to her to turn around to face you. She looks up at you with her big eyes and a wide smile on her face, “oppa, I love you”, she says, getting on her tippy toes to kiss you. You lean down and kiss her deeply, “I love you more, baby. Let’s finish this, okay?”.
After getting out of the shower all cleaned up, you put her back in bed and lie down next to her to start the second part of the aftercare. You’re peppering her with pecks all over her face, saying “I love you” after each peck. You’re still curious about something, though, so you ask her, “darling, what made you fall for me so suddenly?”. Surprised with your question, she blushes and stays quiet before answering, “I-I think that you’re a kind and sweet and attentive person a-and heard that you’re a top student while being a student-athlete. I fe-felt attracted to you out of nowhere, oppa. I even asked my mom if this is what they call love at first sight, and sh-she said that it could very well be, so I decided to take the chance”—"what a sweet girl, that was a lot of good adjectives, too”, your heart tells you while listening to her—“and then you showed me your how kind and sweet you really are, and I couldn’t help but to fall even deeper for you”, she covers her face again after finishing her piece, visibly shy about confessing to you. Needless to say, you’re very satisfied with her answer, so you reward her with a passionate kiss, “I love you so much, Yoon Seoyeon, and I don’t care if I sound like a broken record every time I say it. Let’s put on some clothes before going to sleep, okay?”. You get some T-shirts and shorts for the two of you, putting them on for her. You also make sure that her clothes are hung neatly in the wardrobe so that they’re not creased since she’s probably wearing that again tomorrow.
You two get ready to end this eventful day by cuddling, getting ready to get some sleep. So, for the last time tonight, “I love you, sweetie. I can’t wait to spend more time with you in the future”, “I love you more, oppa. Thank you for everything”. With her last statement, the both of you drift off to sleep. You still can’t believe how lucky you are to have her not only fall for you but also call her yours.
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Wicked Games 4
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Warnings: non/dubcon, cheating, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Steve Rogers
Summary: you had a one night stand. Or did you?
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You wait. And wait. And wait. 
Each day, each week, your hope dwindles. Barrett doesn’t change. He’s not going to change. You know for sure as you watch him storm out. 
That’s why you didn’t talk to him sooner. It always ends like this. He gets defensive, you get emotional, and it all erupts. If he would just listen! 
You sigh and hold your chin in your hand. You look around at your small apartment. Even when you’ve just cleaned, it feels cluttered. You hate this place. You feel trapped. Or maybe that’s your relationship. Probably, both. 
You don’t think it was that bad to ask for a bit of understanding. All you want is for him to communicate. Instead, he sits on all his gripes until the bubble over in another rant about the squeaky bathroom faucet or the way you fold his shirts. It’s always on you. You’re the one who has to make him happy. Never the other way around. 
This time, it wasn’t the dishes or the mopping or the recycling. Nope. You’re not attentive enough. You’re depriving him. You’re punishing him by not having sex with him after working overtime four nights out of five. It can’t be that you’re tired or hurt. No, it’s an attack on him. 
That’s where it all fell apart.
You tried. Once you got past the frustration and tried to just let the waters calm. When you started talking to him again and fell back into your routine. You were both too busy to keep the fight going. And a few nights, you let him initiate but something would keep you from going all the way. 
You saw Wendy last week. She didn’t mention anything about the night you went out. Didn’t mention a guy. She said she had fun and you should do it again. You told her you can’t afford it. Besides, you’re too tired. She called you boring. She’s not wrong. 
You get up and distract yourself. Well, it’s not really for you, is it? You’ll clean everything from corner to corner so he has nothing to complain about. You don’t need him to nitpick another reason to hound you. 
So much for time off. Once more you’re spending it in misery. You finish vacuuming then spray the couch with some freshener. Feeling accomplished but not less addled, you go to the bedroom and pull out some clothes for tomorrow. You’ll go to bed early and get a head start. If you’re lucky, you’ll be asleep before he drags his sorry ass home. 
You yawn as you stare at the time. It’s barely five o’clock and you could keel over. These days, you’re beat to the bone. You can’t remember the last time when you didn’t feel like a sack of dirt. You put your work clothes on the dresser then grab a fresh towel for the shower. 
You wash up, soothed by the warm water, and emerge in a hazy cloud. You go through the motions of applying the discount bin toner and moisturizer. You feel a little fresher. 
You tuck into bed and scroll on your phone for a while. Six-thirty. You black the screen and close your eyes. It takes as much to put you to sleep. 
You dream about flashing lights and the clink of glass. You’re swaying to a drone of music, spinning and swirling. The place is painted in streaks of colours as you keep moving. And when you manage to stop, the room turns on an axis, keeping you dizzy. 
Arms wrap around you from behind and pull you back into a thick body. You can’t escape. You look down and know those aren’t your husband’s hands. Where are you? Who is holding onto you? 
You try to turn around but it’s impossible. You’re stuck in the strange embrace as the neon lights melt and the air pulses with shadows. You push on the arms around you and wriggle desperately.
“Let me go,” you beg, “let me go.” 
Your words rise to a shriek and you wake up with a start. There’s a figure in the room watching you, as if waiting for you to wake up. You almost scream for real as Barrett stares at you. He doesn’t ask if you’re okay before he turns away. 
“I’ll sleep on the couch,” he grumbles. 
You don’t argue as you catch your breath and lower yourself back to the pillows. You can smell the tinge of beer left behind. He’s been drinking. You can’t begrudge him that, not really. Last time it got bad, you did the same thing. At least he came home. 
You cringe. No. Stop. Nothing happened. No one can prove it happened. Not even you. So, it didn’t. 
Your stomach mulches and you turn onto your side. The nausea roils in your stomach. You must be hungry. You didn’t eat. Yet the thought of doing so makes you even sicker. You burp and swallow down the mouthful of acid that sears your throat. 
Stress. It’s stress. And it’s not going to get any better. Not with everything you’re running away from. 
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disneyprincemuke · 9 months
that’s just the way things go * femdriver
when her and logan crash out in a race, well, now what?
pairings: sebastian vettel x femdriver, logan sargeant x femdriver
warnings: accidents, car crash
notes: i warned you all.
(series masterlist) | (📂 the sophomore year)
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-> canada, 2024
"ready, kid? one minute until the race starts," she hears sebastian in her ears. "everything good?"
she looks around her, trying to look at the grandstands with what little vision the halo provides her. typically, she'd not be able to hear the crowd cheering. but either something is up with her earphones, or one of her senses has heightened.
there has been an uneasy feeling in her stomach that she's not been able to shake off since she landed. there's a ringing in her head that's persistent all weekend.
"are you there?"
"yes, i'm sorry," she says quickly, perking up at the confusion in sebastian's words. "everything’s good.”
“is everything okay? you’ve had this worried look on your face all day,” sebastian states. “are you nervous? starting in the second row for the first time in f1?"
she looks to her side, noticing the ferrari mechanics working on charles’ car. she sighs and looks right up ahead at max’s red bull in front of her. diagonal to her is oscar’s car. “maybe it’s that. maybe i’m just nervous.”
“don’t worry about it, kid. i’ll be here.” she gets a feel for her steering wheel — the same one she’s had since she started last year. but for some reason, it didn’t feel great in her hands today.
her steering wheel doesn’t fit her palm today.
“let’s try and fight with the front row, alright? don’t let max get too far ahead.”
she breathes as the mechanics start to disperse. “i told max to always check his side view mirrors now that i’m behind him.”
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she drives out of the pitlane, watching the car passing her before she rejoins the track. "who is that in the williams? is that alex or logan?"
"logan," sebastian says. "he's got good pace, but you're faster than him. you can overtake him whenever you see fit."
"how much faster than him? can i overtake him this lap?" she asks.
"up to your discretion. if you think you've got enough pace to catch him eventually – you have the fresher tires."
she tries, trying her best to catch up to the williams car. she grunts under her breath, stretching her shoulders as she braces herself to fight logan on the track again.
she smiles. she hasn't fought logan on the track in a while so this is a very nice change of scenery. she tries to fight it fair and square, but she's noticed – only now – that he's developed a different driving style from the one she's used to.
she concedes about three corners into the lap, trying to get used to logan's driving style before she makes the decision to pull an overtaking move that would push logan out of the podium spot. which, realistically, she doesn't want to do if she had the choice.
maybe she should just let logan have the podium? she's already had one for herself last year in singapore after all. but no, she can't do that. there's always been a mutual understanding that whatever happens on the track should be a separate entity from their friendship.
if she concedes and lets him have the podium, despite knowing that she could very well beat him on the track, she is lying to herself and logan. and oscar, who is ahead of logan.
whatever happens on the track, stays on the track.
she always comes close, only to have to pull away from the early braking point that logan seems to be pulling at.
"seb, i can't find an opportunity to get past logan," she speaks, turning on the radio. "i need you to help me out. he went to the alex albon school of defending, apparently."
sebastian laughs. "okay, just keep trailing behind him. i'll let you know when."
the uneasiness has managed to creep up into her body again. she feels her grip around the steering wheel falter, and her legs lock up on her as she tries chasing after him. logan manages to keep her behind him for a couple of laps, probably 3 or 4 if she remembers it correctly.
but there's a corner that logan runs too wide. she changes gears, suddenly changing her mind about slowing down and taking it slow, stepping on the gas pedal and taking a dive between the williams and the side of the track.
"beautiful overtake, kid," sebastian speaks into her ears. "he's still very close. keep the position until the flag if you can."
"i'm not chasing oscar?" she frowns, glancing at her side mirror. "i can shake logan off at the series of corners ahead, i'm sure."
"okay, but no risky moves. play it safe because you're already guaranteed for a podium at this rate."
and she holds off logan, for the better part of the next lap. they've been fighting head to head for a while until she turns into the corner, deeper than she typically would have done to throw logan off. but it seems that he's caught up with her games because he's directly next to her.
but she's already trying to go for the next corner while his car is still trying to finish the previous one. and it happens very quickly.
his left front wheel is caught slightly by her right rear, sending both of them off track. and because she was going a little faster than him, she’s spinning out at a much quicker rate than he is.
she shuts her eyes, feeling her car being flung onto surface that doesn't feel like the track anymore. she lets go of the steering wheel and bunches herself up. why is she still spinning? it shouldn't be taking this long.
until she feels the car come to a rude halting stop, the side of her car completely buried into the barriers of the track. she heaves as she tries to process her crash. it isn't as bad as her crash the year before, head first into the barrier in the streets of baku at 200 kilometres an hour.
but she does know one thing. she doesn't know if this is what she's been dreading all day, but she's furious. despite the ringing in her ears and the growing pain in one side of her body, she starts climbing out of the car.
"are you okay?" she hears sebastian asking her.
she doesn't respond. she reaches up for the halo of her car to pull herself up and climbs out of the car. she's on too much adrenaline now that the crash happened. the pain is absolutely nothing to her right now.
she unclips her helmet and yanks it off along with her balaclava, approaching the blue car in the gravel next to hers. logan is already out of the car, slowly approaching her.
"it’s o-"
she throws her arms into the air. "what the fuck is wrong with you?"
logan tilts his head, only taking off his helmet now. "what?"
“yeah, what is wrong with you? you ruined our fucking race!” she scream, flailing her arms in the air. “why did you do that? you knew there was another corner i had to make a sharp turn for!”
“you went deep! you accelerated way too soon.”
“no, you hit your brakes way too soon! now we’re here! i don’t get my podium and you don’t get your fucking points either!” she turns away from him, wiping her face on the sleeves of her racesuit in frustration. “fuck you, logan!”
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a soft knock lands on the door, immediately being pushed open to reveal sebastian with a small smile. he has a paper bag in his hand and lifts it up to show her. “how are you feeling, kid?”
“fine,” she answers firmly, looking down at her phone. “have you seen liam? he’s supposed to be back with my twix bars by now.”
“he’s on his way back from the paddocks,” sebastian nods. “logan’s doing okay. mild concussion, from what james told me out in the hallway.”
she looks up from her phone, the anger in her eyes very prominent. it almost makes sebastian wish he hadn’t said anything in the first place. she furrows her eyebrows. “i don’t remember asking how logan is.”
“oh. you don’t want to know?”
“no.” she promptly goes back to texting on her phone, shaking her head. sebastian walks deeper into her room, careful not to agitate her more.
she puts her phone down on her lap and looks up. she takes a deep breath. “why would he do that, seb? not only did he ruin his own race, but he also ruined mine! why would he do that?”
sebastian shrugs. “i don’t know. i’m sorry. i’m sorry you had to retire from the race, kid. but it’s not his fault. things like these happen, you know?”
“not to me! not to us!” she rolls her eyes. “he’s so reckless for that! do you not think so?”
sebastian hums, patting her hand. “calm down, kid. i know you’re angry. but you and logan have been competing with one another half of your lives. don’t be like this.”
she shakes her head, moving her hand away from sebastian’s touch. she folds her arms over her chest. “he needs to apologise for ruining my race.”
“we’ll watch the playback later, okay? don’t jump into conclusions now. don’t ruin your friendship.”
“you’re saying there was possibility i caused the accident?”
“i don’t know yet. i immediately came to your side after the accident,” sebastian sighs, shaking his head. “please just get some rest. worry about this later.”
the door opens, revealing liam with mick trailing behind him. “oh, hey, logan’s-“
mick cuts himself short when sebastian’s head snaps to him, shaking his head profusely. mick’s lips form an ‘o’ shape as he slowly puts his attention to the silently raging girl on the hospital bed.
“we got your twix bars!”
“and a pepsi!” liam cheers, dancing over to her with a straw in his other hand. “blythe said she’s on the phone your parents, but once she’s done, she’ll come right back up here.”
she nods, returning her attention to her phone. she scoffs at the notification at the top of her screen, a text message from logan rolling in.
i’m not apologising this time
she scoffs and puts her phone down. she reaches out to liam. “give me my stupid pepsi.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @inejismywife @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @love4lando
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cheriladycl01 · 9 months
My love, is mine all mine - Max Verstappen x Norris! Reader x Charles Leclerc Part 1
Plot: Norris' Twin sister is also a driver in the 2021 line up and is in her rookie era. Not only do the commentators struggle to now talk about the pair in the race, but they also struggle to talk about talent. What happens when two drivers find her eye-catching.
A/N: A lot of back story explaining the 2021 season so far!
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"So when we talk about the Norris twins, obviously due to Y/N being female it has pushed her career back further than her brothers, where she is debuting into McLaren alongside her brother we will be able to see a real test of talent"
"Yes i think it will be really interesting to see them both in the same team competing against one another while still driving for that same team. They have very similar driving styles and I can imagine them helping one another out when it comes to pole positions and keeping both of them within the top ten for points" Jenso replies to Nico.
This was from an interview at the start of the 2021 season, just before your first race in Bahrain. When Zac Brown reached out to you, you were more than happy to take up the offer. Being able to not only race alongside your brother once again but by being his team mate as well had you so excited for the season.
Bahrain went really well, Lando being in his 3rd year of Formula 1 and within the same team now felt comfortable in his car, and it had the pace this year and he came P4, you had some difficulties where you weren't fully used to the difference in the F1 car, compared too your old F2 but still managed to wrangle 6 points for the team in P7.
Imola came after a larger break where you and Lando got to travel home for a few weeks before and check on everything in the MTC before travelling to Italy. Lando got a podium in P3 and like the interview had said, he kept enough of a time gap to help you defend of the two Ferrari's behind you. You came P4. To say that Charles wasn't happy with this, as you knocked him down a place was an understatement.
Portugal was the week after and you travelled straight there, sightseeing with your brother, Daniel, Carlos and Charles. You would often leave them in bars and clubs and find yourself in cafe's and museums. Portugal wasn't as good as a race as you could have hoped, but even with car issues you still managed to get points in P9, while your brother came P5.
After this race, where you went straight to Spain, you started to get home sick. Only having your brother by your side as your parents and other siblings couldn't come out for the last few races due to their own busy schedules. Spain was an incredible race for you making you feel better for the next week ahead. You came P4 managing to overtake Charles on the last lap, which again heavily annoyed him, and very nearly catching up to the Mercedes in P3 while you left your brother in the dust in P8.
There was another break after this race, you and Lando both went home you saw Max and his girlfriend who you'd missed dearly and your family, then Charles had invited you and Lando to come spend some time on his yacht in Monaco with his younger brother who you knew of from the F2 garage when he'd been invited to come watch.
You had been nervous for the race in Monaco, it was a difficult track and so far, you hadn't been in a position where you hadnt gained the team points. However Monaco was clearly not your race, from the mixture of your nerves and car issues you came P12, while you brother stood on the podium, in P3.
The next week in Azerbaijan went so much better, with Max, and both Mercedes not having pace, you'd managed some effortless overtakes and insanely quick pit stops. You'd had a second pit stop and was on fresher tires that your brother so you were behind him, you were flying and going much quicker than him but your engineer didn't want you to go for the overtake.
You did anyway against their advice, pushing until you were behind Charles Leclerc's Ferrari, you went for a cheap move that you knew was safe but would have him fuming in interviews afterwards until you were up alongside Pierre Gasly, you were P4 and he was P3, driving alongside him you couldn't tell who went over the checked flag until you heard from your radio engineer that this was your first podium win.
You cried... of course you did. But this was the start of a rocky patch for you and Lando, he was fuming at you the minute you got out of your car. You were asked not to go for the overtake but you did anyway. He was yelling in your face angrily, taking away the beaming smile.
Lando hadn't realized you'd got your first podium, he was just angry that you'd bumped him down a place. You looked upset on your podium, a sad smile as you raised you trophy, stood up there with Sergio and Sebastian. They'd both given you a hug trying to cheer you up having seen on the TV what happened with you and Lando.
"Well done on your win Y/N" a voice startled you as you turned to your side seeing Max Verstappen stood there congratulating you.
"Thank you. I'm sorry about the DNF, France will be better next weekend for you I'm sure" you smile, a light blush held on his face.
"I'm also sorry about how your brother reacted. I've been in this sport for 6 years now and as a word of advise sometimes you have to go against what your team ask of you, you gained more points for the team today than you would have if you did stay put behind your brother. So take it as not only as a win for you but a win for McLaren as well" he smiles before pulling you into a comforting hug. His words had really hit you, nobody had said that to you today, but then again Seb and Checo probably didn't here the opposing radios yet as they'd been on the podium with you.
"Thank you, i really needed to here that Max" you smile genuinely.
"Hey, that overtake was so risky!" a voice shouts over, and thundering footsteps stand behind you.
"Huh?" you'd asked looking over your shoulder, Max's gaze following yours.
"Charles, leave her alone!" Max says with pointed eyes at the Ferrari golden boy coming close to you.
"No, she needs to stop doing overtakes like that at the last minute. They are dangerous and have no thought behind them, you even put your own brother at risk today because she can't listen to her own team" he yells his exaggerated hand gestures going everywhere.
"Her overtakes today was phenomenal. She just got her first podium, her brother has already spoiled that don't make it worse by being a prick" Max says, but Charles is fuming and too far gone that the stuff coming out his mouth is there from pure anger.
"She shouldn't have even had that win today! It's not fair, she shouldn't even have that seat!" he exclaims, Max gasps and you look down.
"Charles!" he exclaims, but before you can hear anything else you are out the door running towards the McLaren motorhome. You packed up your stuff saying quick apologies to the engineers who would take anything you left behind. You didn't have a car here so you walked from the track to the hotel, a few people spotted you but thankfully didn't interrupt seeing the tears streaking down your face. They must have seen both Charles and Lando yelling at you today.
You booked a flight to London for that night, you had your bags packed and sent to the airport before you had Seb offer to drive you to the airport.
"Thank you Seb, I really appreciate it" you smile, looking down at your phone. It rung with Lando's icon popping up. You pressed decline and put your phone on do not disturb.
"It's okay. I saw the videos of Lando and Charles with you surfacing. I'm sorry" he admits, rubbing your shoulder, as you turned to look away from him so he couldn't see the tears coming down your face.
In no time you were at the airport, you'd thanked Seb who promised he'd see you in France and asked you to let him know when you were safe and home.
You sat in the airport alone, your covid mask on, but you knew people still recognized you as you went through security and waited for the plane where they would take pictures of you. Some even came up asking for pictures or signing their merch, but where it was so late there wasn't too many that it alarmed you or security.
When you landed in the UK, your dad was right there pulling you into a hug, cussing his son out saying how he should have been there to celebrate the win. You cried to him, telling him about how shit you felt after what Lando and Charles had said.
"Lets go home" he says rubbing your shoulders.
As you both walk into the house, you can overhear you mum and younger sister on the phone to someone.
"No mum, I just want to know if she's home safe" you hear your twin's voice across the phone.
"Look hunny, your dad's gone to the airport but I don't know if he's got her yet. She's upset though Lando" you hear your mum reply.
"I know, and I know its my fault, i didn't realize she got the team more points because she overtook Charles and Pierre. I didn't get to apologize because she left right after the race"
"Because you were?" his mother pushes and he groans.
"No Lando where were you"
"At the club"
"Yes you were at the club, celebrating while your sister was packing her bags in her hotel room crying her eyes out because she gets her first win in F1, and her brother cant even congratulate her and watch her podium with the rest of their team? She'll see you in France but for now she needs some time alone" you mother rants at him.
"Arghhh that boy Flo, can you believe him. When i next see him, i swear to god!" she exclaims and you and your dad finally make yourself known.
"Hey guys!" you try to smile, but it doesn't reach across your face like they are used to. Flo immediately runs up to you pulling you into a hug. You started to cry into her again, before Cisca, your mother and father all join in the hug.
"Come, we'll order your fave tonight as a treat okay?" your mum guides as she sits you down at the table.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover
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lilghostiequinni · 2 months
Not How it Started
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Main Masterlist Lando Masterlist
Pairing: Single mom!female reader x Lando Norris
Warnings: Fluffy,
Summary: It started with a runaway kid, your runaway kid, but it ended with you being happy and a mom again.
Requested: NO / yes
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2022 - Singapore
Taking a 7-year-old to a night race wasn't the best idea, but it was for your birthday, your 23rd birthday, which was September 30th.
Having been to Grand Prixes before, with and without your son, you knew the relative gist of what was going to happen, and your son loved the fast cars as you did, something you had inherited from your own father.
Your son, Langley, had wanted juice, so you turned your back for 2 seconds just to pay and grab the drink. When you turned back, your son was gone.
While you weren't alone, you still didn't trust people with your son, except your father. You were waiting back where you were before, your son had wanted to go with you rather than stay with his grandfather.
But you weren't alone. You had two of your friends, one who was your best friend, and you did trust her with Langley, and the other you didn't trust and was supposed to help you if needed, but she also disappeared.
In a panic, you turned around in a full circle, yelling his name, calling for him to come to you. You raced around the Paddock, and then you returned to your spot and told your father and best friend, both getting in on the search for your son.
You quite literally ran into a member of security for the actual garage of McLaren in your search, and when the guard saw your fear-stricken face, he questioned what was wrong, and you told him that you turned for a second and your son was gone.
The guard radioed more security and asked for a photo, which you showed him, and when more security came and saw the photo just minutes later, you also went back to searching for your son.
If it hadn't been for this fear for your son, you would have been more excited to see Max Verstappen or Daniel Riccardo.
There was the threat of a thunderstorm; you didn't want your son to be in the cold or in the rain.
Being the nice people they are, Max and Daniel helped you search for your son, not leaving you alone, just in case something happened to you in your search.
Daniel saw Lando coming over to the three of you before you did, a kid in hand with him, and when your son saw you before you saw him, he yelled out to you.
Your head whipped around, and you ran over to Lando and your son, pulling the 7-year-old close to you and squeezing him impossibly tight to your body.
"Langley, you can't leave me. I thought something bad happened to you." You said as you looked him in the eyes after pulling him back from you a little before you pulled him back into your embrace.
You picked up your son and looked to Lando and the other two rivers who helped you, "Thank you, I now have to go find the security personnel for McLaren to tell him to call off the search. I really can't thank you enough."
Lando nodded and gave you a bag, "Your son may have won a few hearts over in McLaren."
You nodded and took the bag with a smile as your son tucked his head into your neck.
Daniel and Max nudged Lando in the ribs with their elbows, making him grunt a little.
"Let me help you find them, the security guard. Make it easier."
You nodded at Lando's suggestion and followed him toward McLaren.
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2025 - Silverstone
You stood mostly hidden in McLaren garage, your now 10-year-old son, and with your now 2-year-old daughter as of July 5th, she was tiredly being held by a baby carrier, resting comfortably for both you and her, given your rather pregnant belly with twins.
You watched as your now husband of Lando Norris led the final laps of the Silverstone Grand Prix, with fresher tires with about a 6 second lead on Max and Oscar in 2nd and 3rd.
You rubbed your hands together as Lando started his final lap, the gap between 1st place and 2nd growing as Max battled it out with Oscar.
You celebrated in joy as Lando passed the finish line in first place.
You follow everyone else to where the cars are. You are let through to the front as Lando parks behind the first-place spot.
A quick weigh-in and he makes his way over to you after taking his helmet off, Oscar has also come over to you to help hold your son after he was weighed in after pulling into the 3rd place spot.
Lando took your daughter from you and kissed you, cameras catching the moment from every angle, Oscar putting your son down next to Lando to go to the end-of-race interview before the podium.
The team helped you through the brocade to the side with your husband, Oscar, coming back when Lando took your rather now clingy daughter with him to do his interview.
He also took her and your son to the podium with him, getting them off the platform and down to you before the bottles were popped.
For the other interviews and debriefs Lando had to do, you went to his driver's room with your kids, your daughter sleeping, and your son definitely exhausted.
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A/N: Please vote in this week's polls. All are linked through each other here(P1)
Tags: @poppyflower-22 @samantha-chicago @barcelonaloverf1life @tallrock35 @ellen3101 @hellothere9597
If you want to be removed from a tag list, let me know so I don't keep tagging you. If you are striked through, I don't know if you want to be tagged, but just let me know if you want me to continue or stop
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elliespassagerprincess · 11 months
Mary - (ellie williams x reader)
for @fleshunger ty for being patient, ily <3
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This story is based off the song Mary by Alex G, if you can please listen to the song as you're reading! There is another version to this fic! You can read it here:)
Pairing: ellie x fem!reader
requests are open again! send me your silly thoughts
warnings: angst.
Summary: in which you left her to rot
authors note: lmao yall probably hate me for posting so much, forgive me pookies, I swear after tomorrow i'll post less....
Mary is the girl that I wanna kiss
She's got big red eyes and big red lips
She's got big sharp teeth and big fat hips
Mary is the girl that I wanna fuck
She's got leather heart and leather gloves
She's the only girl that I wanna love
"I wanna kiss her so bad" Ellie vented to Dina.
Dina rolled her eyes at Ellie.
She was in love. Really in love.
In all the years Dina has known Ellie she has never seen her this down bad.
"What's so special about this girl anyway?" She asked as she took a bite from Ellie's sandwich.
"What type of a question is that?" Ellie asked. She felt disrespected on your behalf.
"She's got beautiful eyes- and she looks good with red lipstick. Even without lipstick, her lips are so kissable"
A small smile appeared on Dina's face as she listened to her friend describe the girl she was so deeply in love with.
"She's got big fat hips too and I just want to eat her-"
"woah Ellie calm down, that's too much information"
Ellie's face went red with embarrassment.
"How'd you meet her" Dina asked.
"at a fruit Market" Ellie replied with a shrug.
Bananas or oranges?
Ellie was currently thinking about what she should get as she stood in front of the fruit stand. Since when was it so fucking difficult to choose fruit?
"If you think harder, much you might explode" she heard someone chuckle next to her.
Ellie turned to where your voice was coming from, her heart rate suddenly increased.
Angles are fucking real.
"um- yeah" Ellie responded awkwardly.
She cleared her throat and she fixed her posture.
"Bananas or orange?" She asked you.
What the fuck Ellie? Why would you fucking ask that?
You turned your head to look at the fruit, before you reached out to grab a banana.
"It looks fresher" you shrugged as you gave the banana to her.
Your fingertips brushed against hers, and a shock of electricity ran through Ellie.
Her palms felt sweaty, she couldn't breathe.
Focus Ellie. Focus.
"Thank you" You gave her a small smile as you started walking away.
'C'mon Ellie make your move' she thought to herself.
"hey wait!" Ellie yelled as you started walking away.
You turned around to look at her.
"Can I have your number?"
"That's fucking cliché" Dina laughed.
"shut up" Ellie muttered annoyed.
The two girl fell into a comfortable silence as Ellie's thoughts wondered to you.
Oh you would've loved this salad. You would've loved this ice tea. Maybe she should've asked you to come out instead of Dina
Ellie reached down to grab her phone. It was you.
Her girl.
Not officially her girlfriend yet, but soon.
She clicked onto the notification with your name.
"Come over please"
fuck yes
Ellie jumped up, and she looked at Dina with a grin.
"My girl is looking for me"
Dina laughed at her friends excitement.
"go get her tiger"
Ellie gave Dina a hug as she ran towards your apartment.
Today she felt confident. Today she was the day she was going to ask you to be her girlfriend. You messaging her was a sign from the gods above.
Ellie's legs were hurting, and she was out of breathe but she was on her way to finally tell the girl of her dreams that she was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.
Listen to me, baby, I don't mind
I wanna be with you and waste my time
Give it to me, baby, I feel good
I wanna feel whatever you think I should
Sing it for me, baby, play my song
I wanna hear your daddy sing along
Mary is the girl that leaves you to rot
She says, "I am real and you are not"
She says, "I am real and you are not"
Ellie knocked at your front door.
She kept knocking and she's been standing outside of your apartment for the last 10 minutes.
Where were you? Maybe you were laying dead on the floor?
Ellie knocked and knocked but yet you never came.
Was this a prank?
She held the doorknob as she opened the door.
It was open this whole time.
Ellie slowly walked into your apartment, and she looked around the place you called home.
It felt oddly empty.
The little trinkets you kept around was all suddenly gone.
The apartment filled with so much life at one point, suddenly dull and lifeless.
Ellie's eyes went around the room and her eyes landed on a white envelope.
On the front was your pretty handwriting and Ellie's name decorated the front.
With shaky hands Ellie picked it up, and she opened it.
Dear Ellie
Or should I say banana girl?
She chucked remembering your first interaction.
I'm sorry for what I'm about to tell you, please don't hate me. I truly never wanted to hurt you Ellie. But I know you have feelings for me. I don't feel the same way. I never wanted to reject you, because I valued our friendship too much. So for the sake of your feelings, I left. I changed my number, so you wont be able to message me. I'm sorry Els.
I love you.
Ellie didn't realize that she started shaking till she finished reading the letter.
She tore the letter apart and her knees buckled.
She fell to the ground sobbing.
You made feel so alive, but you just killed her again.
All the love Ellie had for you was rotting away into hated.
She loved you so much but you left her to rot.
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mikachacha · 9 months
𝙵𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚣𝚎 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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Synopsis: Bada just couldn't resist after seeing you dance and makes you scream out her name in all the ways she knows how
Warnings: smut. shameless smut. little to no plot. Nsfw so mdni. Please im begging u
(A/N: soooo we're back with these things and we're gonna start 2024 right. Also this is based on the request I got from last year. This is the filthiest story i've ever done 🫠🫠)
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"Oh hey baby! Perfect that you're home right now because.. There's something I wanna do with you." Bada could feel her cheeks heat up as she just came home and the moment she stepped inside the kitchen, she saw you sitting on the counter, dressed in one of those oversized coats with just lingerie underneath and those sexy, sparkly boots that she bought for you on Christmas.
"Oh yeah? And what's that something my pretty baby wants to do?" Bada asks, smirking as you get off the counter and walk towards her. She placed her arm around your waist and pulled you closer to her, an action that made you chuckle and place a soft kiss on her lips.
"Oh you'll find out soon enough, darling. How about you head to the bedroom now and get comfy as you will witness a show fitting for a new year." you told her and Bada could feel her heart racing with excitement at the mention of 'show' since she knows it could mean only one thing.
She headed straight to your shared bedroom and sat on the bed after changing into fresher clothes. She almost jumped when the lights in the room were briefly turned off but then a dim, purple light emitted from the string lights the both of you had installed months prior after moving in together.
"Oh? So you are planning something grand.. I should have expected this." Bada chuckles as you finally showed up. You motioned for her to sit on the chair that you placed in the bedroom earlier and she sat there without complaint. You gave her a cute little smile before setting up your phone to the speaker so you can give Bada this new year gift that you specially crafted for her.
The song began playing and you began giving Bada a lap dance and some strip tease but you made sure that you don't spoil her too much before you could even reach the best part. You could see the excitement and lust in your girlfriend's eyes and you're pretty sure about what's gonna happen once you're done and you've pretty much said, 'fuck it' because you know too well it's gonna be worth it.
When the chorus came, Bada was pretty sure that she just passed away and went to heaven as you stripped all your remaining clothes while dancing on her lap. It was hypnotizing, the way your body moved to the music, the way you were singing along to it, it just awakened something feral deep inside her that she didn't even let you finish the whole routine when she just grabbed you by your hair and kissed you on the lips. It was hot, messy and just full of lust. She didn't pull away until you were both breathless.
"Now you've done it, pretty girl.. Naughty girls like you should be fucked hard and good until those lips could only scream out my name as I make you cum over and over again.." Bada whispered to your ear and just those words sent shivers down your spine and dampness between your legs.
Bada didn't even give you a chance to think of a witty remark as she unceremoniously carried you to the bed and tossed you like you're a stuffed toy. You shoot her a glare and she just smirks as she gets on top of you, pinning your wrists above your head as she claims your lips once more. When she feels that your lips have received enough attention, her kisses begin moving south to your jaw and neck where she placed not so few marks on the otherwise flawless skin.
You were moaning and writhing beneath her at that point. You just want to feel her lips all over your body and her fingers moving in and out of you, preparing you for the good fucking you know you're gonna get. Sensing your impatience, Bada let go of your wrists and held out two fingers in front of you. You could feel your cheeks burning still even though you've done this multiple times already. You shyly took those fingers in your mouth and began to suckle on them, making sure to get them wet enough for what's about to come even though you're pretty sure it wasn't that necessary from how wet you already are.
While Bada got you busy with her fingers, her mouth was busy toying and teasing your nipples, loving how you'd moan against her fingers or try to close your legs but couldn't since she was situated in between. The way your eyes would shut tightly as your back slightly arched whenever her tongue would lick those sensitive buds. She loves seeing you in such a state knowing that she's the reason behind it.
She pulls her fingers out of your mouth and lightly grazes it against your heated skin, going south until it finally reaches between your legs. You felt yourself shiver and you could swear that you blacked out for a second as she worked her fingers inside you while her thumb rubbed circles against your clit. It felt like heaven and hell at the same time.
"Bada, please.." you gasped out and she looked at you, grinning like the devil as her name rolled off your lips with such desperation as you were nearing that sweet, sweet release. Without saying a word, Bada adjusted herself until her head was in level with your crotch. She temporarily pulled her fingers out of you that got you whining so she can place your legs on her shoulders and without a warning, Bada ate you out like she has been starved for weeks and your pussy is her first meal.
Loud moans and whines escape your lips, you couldn't think straight. Your knuckles are turning white from how hard you're just gripping the sheets beneath you. You don't know if you want to push Bada's head away or lock her head between your legs as she continues to have her way. It all soon became too much, your body trembling as you felt waves of pleasure through your veins as your orgasm finally hit. Bada lets you come down from your high before pulling away and sitting up, licking her lips with a smug smirk on her lips.
"Thanks for the meal, baby." she teases and you just shoot her a look as you sit up as well. It was your turn to please her to which you did. You help her undress and worship her, placing kisses on the spots that get her hot and bothered then proceed to eat her out like her pussy's the most scrumptious meal you have ever received in your whole life.
Bada could only moan and grip your hair as she was getting close. It was such a turn on seeing you between her legs with those sparkly boots still on and eating her out like a feast. She could already think of how much she's gonna fuck you until the only thing that comes out of your mouth is her name and loud moans from the pleasure she's gonna give to you.
It didn't take long for Bada to cum and she immediately tells you to lie down on your back as she retrieves the strap on from the drawer and some lube as well. You obediently did what you were told and waited for her to finish your preparations, anticipation already building as you're now entering the main event.
"I'm gonna go slow, yeah? Just tell me when you want me to go faster.." Bada says and you nodded your head, holding on to her free hand while the other was guiding the strap on to your hole. You flinched a bit from how cold the lube felt on initial contact but Bada's thumb has found your clit again, rubbing circles and distracting you that you didn't even notice that she was already fully inside.
True to her words, Bada went slow and steady for you to get used to the feeling. She'd give you kisses, whisper sweet nothing to your ear until you finally told her to go faster and harder to which she complied.
"Fuck! Right there.. Oh shit.. Yes, right there Bada please!" you moaned out loudly as she kept hitting your spot. Bada grabbed one of your legs and put it over her shoulder and began to pound you so hard that you could swear you can see stars and angels, among other things behind your eyes from how good it felt. You were babbling, you were begging, your brain couldn't form any coherent thought except for that hot white pleasure seeping into every fiber of your being. You could feel your orgasm closing in until you couldn't hold it in any longer, her name escaping your lips along with moans as your orgasm crashed into you.
"Feel good, baby?" Bada asks as you calmed down a little and you could only nod. You're breathless and you feel like you're floating in cloud nine as you came twice already.
"Yeah.. Feels so good.." you replied and she places a kiss on your forehead before pulling out. You thought she was done but you were dead wrong. Bada flipped you on your stomach, holding you up by the waist as she entered you once more from behind. Your eyes rolled back as she began fucking you from behind. It felt so good that you don't know what to do other than just grip the sheets and moan out your girlfriend's name. It was wild, it was hot and definitely the best fuck you've ever had with her pulling your hair and sometimes smacking your buttocks as she rails you hard from behind.
You don't know how much time has passed or how many times you came that night. It all felt like a blur that when Bada was finally done with you, you only drank some water and fell asleep immediately with a tired yet satisfied smile on your lips. Bada couldn't help but smile as well as she cleans you up and dresses you in comfortable clothes before finally tucking you in with a kiss on you head.
"I love you, Y/N. So much.." she whispers as she soon falls into a deep slumber, holding you in her arms.
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yaniiiiism · 1 month
just fine. -h.hj ✦ !
🧸 chapter 1.
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read chapter 2 ✿ here.
͏✶ pairing : hwang hyunjin x fem!reader ͏✶ info : sadfic (IM SORRY) , a LOT of angst , melancholy (ofc) , drama , feelings , mature themes , suggestive , bsfs , one sided . ͏✶ personas: uni students ; dancers ; hyunjin does art and dance, reader does dance and songwriting. ͏͏✶ word count : 534 ͏✶ warnings : mature themes !
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His voice shot through, brows furrowing in confusion as he ran his fingers through his freshly-permed, raven strands. 
“You’re saying you’ve never— ever, slept or made out with a guy?” “How are we still on this topic?” 
The brunette that was nicely settled on her bed, whined, eyes quickly skimming through her Economics course-book. She tapped her pen against the page, trying to focus. 
“I thought we were over this. Yes, Hyunjin, I’m so pathetic and picky that I’ve never slept or kissed a guy. Can we end it here, please?” He leaned back in his chair, eyes narrowing slightly as he studied her life like it was some biography project. 
“What about that guy at the freshers’ party?”
“We had just met?” She sighed, flipping the pages of her textbook a little too forcefully.
He wasn't ready to drop the subject just yet. 
"But you guys were flirting the whole night. I thought for sure something happened after I left."
“Flirting? You call yapping about similar interests— in this case, songwriting, flirting now? While your tongue was figuratively and practically down—” 
She got up from the bed, her voice wavering the tiniest bit, the twinkle in her eyes, fading just a tad. To which she continued by clearing her throat. 
“..Seori’s throat the whole evening?” A glare was shot his way, as she walked towards him, or rather her desk he was nestled near, grabbing a pair of her pastel highlighters.
Hyunjin's eyebrows furrowed further at her jab, but there was a softness in his gaze as he watched her. He knew her well enough to catch the shift in her tone, the subtle way her defences went up whenever this topic came around. They'd shared everything growing up—secrets, dreams, fears—yet, there were still things he couldn't quite figure out about her.
The soft sound in the background was like a lullaby, weaving through the air with a bittersweet elegance. The ethereal notes of "Apocalypse" by Cigarettes After Sex drifted like whispered secrets, mingling with the soft hum of the room. Its dreamy, hazy paints brushed over the room like on a canvas, accentuating the gravity of their conversation as if the song itself was echoing their unspoken intentions.
With her gaze lingering on him a moment longer, tracing the familiar curves of his face— her eyes flickered with a blend of frustration and vulnerability. 
Those sharp yet calm eyes that seemed to pierce through her defences, his plump lips that moved so delicately, spilling words that always made her heart clench just a little too tight. 
There was a melancholy in the way her eyes looked at him, betraying a sadness she kept buried deep in the shadows, the familiar glint absent.
For a brief moment, she allowed herself to imagine what it would be like to close the distance between them.
To let the words she never dared to speak tumble out. 
To feel those pink lips on hers, once again.
To let the outer world fade away in a muted embrace, even if it lasted just a mere minute.
But— there are always buts, right?
But— those lips could never belong to her.
But, he could never be hers. 
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author's note !
HAIAIAIAIAI DWBHHKEHEEWJ I AM BACK i hate sadfics yet half my notes app is full of sadfics </3 lowkey or highkey inspired by cough cough hyune's past 3 lives w the permed hair plus hyunebinnie dorm..? next part..?
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annie-creates · 4 months
Beautiful I know
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Words: 1100
Note: Another spring fic is here, I hope you enjoy this one. We have had a tough couple of weeks but I hope we can get back on track.
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The air got fresher, early flowers started blooming and the days were sunnier and warmer. Everything around you implied the spring was here. Even the ever students got overly excited for the longer and warmer days, and nevers were willing to spend more time outside than absolutely necessary. It made teaching both of them the slightest bit more pleasant.
What didn’t make your classes easier however was the upcoming Spring ball. A tradition your school kept from before the merging, now both faculties equally accepted and invited. The buzz of your students chippering about the dress and shoes they’re going to wear and the date they’re going to invite was louder than the bees in the gardens.
You couldn’t blame them, you’d too get excited for the opportunity to dress up and dance. But your girlfriend wasn’t a big fan of such festivities, preferring the dark and coldness of her chambers and loneliness of her own company. You knew bothering her with it would not bring much more success, yet you were hopeful for her to change her mind about not going.
“Hey babe?” You question once you enter the office you so often shared.
“Yea?” Leonora reacts, not raising her head from the papers she’s currently grading.
“I know you said you aren’t really a ball type of person, but Dovey got the fancy chocolate fountain out…” You try to bribe her.
“I thought I already told you clear enough I’m not going.” She turns to you with a heavy sign, her arms folded over her chest and brows scrunched.
“Well… yes… but I thought you’d like to come with me…” You specify as if your presence should be her reward.
“I wouldn’t go with you even if you were the queen of Sheba.” She levels you annoyed.
“Oh… I’m sorry.” That stung a lot, pinching your heart in a twist. “I thought you would have done it for me.”
Lesso watched your hunched form leave her office, happy to finally have a bit of peace. Yet even after she did all her work, she couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. Did she not do enough for you? Why were you so needy all the time? It’s not her job to entertain you every hour of each day. If she doesn’t want to go to some stupid dance, she won’t go.
But the pointed look Dovey was giving her all throughout dinner seemed to say otherwise. You didn’t join them tonight, leaving many of the teachers wondering why the bubbly and talkative you didn’t show up. Even when she never wanted to admit it, it made her feel the slightest bit worse. Maybe she was really unnecessarily tough with you.
“Do you mind telling what your fuckin problem is?” Dovey cornered her right after dinner.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lesso retorted, dissatisfied with her tone.
“Oh please! Every time something’s bothering Y/n, it’s got to do with you.” Clarissa accused her.
“Oh god, why is she so needy?! I just don’t want to go to your stupid dance. Can’t she grow up and let it go?” Leonora argued.
“When was the last time you took her to any dance?” Dovey opposed.
“I… what?” In the heat of the argument Lesso got derailed.
“Actually, when was the last time you took her anywhere?” Clarissa stands her ground, waiting patiently for her answer.
“I… I did… I mean, we went to that place… like a couple months ago..?” Leonora backs down, confused herself.
“Lesso, you need to stop expecting her to invest all into the relationship where you put in nothing. Would it hurt you to give her some of your time every now and then?” Dovey lectures her.
“But I… why does it have to be that stupid dance?! Can’t we just go catch some frogs or something?” Lesso objects.
“Do you think she likes hanging by the stinky pond? Or that she enjoys tormenting the evening fireflies?” Clarissa raises an eyebrow.
“Uh, yes?” Leonora states matter of factly. “Why else would she do it?”
“No, she doesn’t!” sometimes Dovey contemplated if your girlfriend even knew anything about you. “She does it because you like it. She does whatever you enjoy to spend time with you. I’d say it’s only polite to do the same for her.”
Giving Leonora enough to think about Dovey leaves her to her own thoughts. Maybe she really wasn’t good enough girlfriend, spending the time she had left with you after the work hours doing only what she wanted and never asking what you would enjoy. She despised school dances, hated all the balls and fancy parties, but maybe she could bite herself and go just for you.
During the next week you don’t bring the ball up again, and it seems you finally came to terms with the fact you’ll be attending alone. But your excited chatter is shorter and less happy than usually, you don’t mention all the preparations to anyone anymore and you spend most of your free time alone in your room. That’s why you’re so confused when at the afternoon of the ball, a flower corsage finds itself on your bed.
You didn’t know who sent it, the only person you’d accept one from was adamant about not going to the ball. But it somehow complemented all the colors of your flowery dress, so you decided to try it on, just to see how you’d look. Just as you’re about to take it off and leave, a knock is heard from your door, which confuses you even more. As you open it, you find your girlfriend in a fitting white suit with her hair pulled back.
„Wow, you look…“ You whisper in awe.
„Beautiful, I know. Can we go now?“ Lesso cuts you off in faked annoyance.
“But… I though you aren’t going..?” You question her confused.
“Well I changed my mind.” She almost bites but then continues much more nicely. “I realized you deserve to be taken out to where you want.”
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to…” You didn’t want to pressure her into doing things she didn’t want to.
“No, I want to go! We weren’t doing much of that lately.” She admits offering you her arm.
You link your arms together passing to the ball room. Your arrival turns heads but neither of you really cares. As you’re beaming with a smile, she realizes she loves the neediness and wonderment you have for her. She wouldn’t want to live in a world where you didn’t need her.
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kore-arts · 5 months
Me and @aurora-bore-aura have whipped up a Fabulous new au!
Introducing! The Lost Voices!
What happens when you toss in an Ex Hero, his “younger” and Older siblings(read Dani and Dan), His Two Partners, Red Robin on a Year long Vacay with his Partners Bernard and Kon and Ember the Pop Rock Ghost In one Van?
That's Right! Band Au bitches!!!! Well band and food truck au since I hc Bernard as Totes tone deaf.
Ok so
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Danny! He retired, in desperate need of a new Vacation and Hobby.
And surprisingly Ember absolutely went wild when she invited him to ghost karaoke.
So his wail gave him a sirens voice, that's new. Welcome!
Wait. What if he made a Band?
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Turns out Tucker is a Wizard with a soundboard. And Sam plays the Bass and drums nicely.
And for a bit the four played gigs all over the place, a niche band called the Lost Voices. (Sam suggested and that earned a surprising Kiss from Ember. Hey! Poly Band time hehehe)
Sure Tucker pre-recorded the drums. But they All agreed they wanted a bit more. A fresher view.
So! Auditions!
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(Not done Bernard Yet)
Ok so Gay/Bi panic. And oh, the ancients were Tim and Kon good.
Tims voice a holy thing and his drum playing is even better.
And Kon!!! The piano was a surprise but man his fingers moved at a unmatched speed. Ok Danny *knew* they were semi death touched. Eh probably just liminal.
So they are invited! And they play in metropolis for a while and they start booming
Tim and Kon grin seeing a opportunity.
One Band van, one food truck and a Tour set up later? They are officially on the road and on tour for a Year. With Dan Driving and Dani happily along the ride they are set!
Tim did make it clear its a vacation and he would send postcards unless it's monthly call or emergency.
Babs is still laughing because he forgot to mention he is in the band that's rising faster then Canaries old band.
Oh well, time to remind Dick and Bruce to not constantly call.
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Pt1(Here!) Pt2. Pt3. Pt4
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essentiallyleaf · 1 year
day 05. thigh riding. with. sullyoon.
1689 words.
kinktober ‘23, idol x male reader, subby girlfriend sullyoon, photographer reader who gets dommy at some point, the reader is kind of a dunce in this one, i’m sorry reader, the writer is kind of stupid, and a bully, a decent amount of floof methinks, thigh riding, a note of ass play, and a note of feeding/oral fixation maybe?, squirting, freestyle punctuation, basically unedited.
i don’t know, it’s all up in the air, really. ignorantly, leaf.
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“That’s not fair, you promised we were gonna play today!” Yoona whines while stomping her feet on the parquet.
“I said we were going to play today, after I’m done with work” You correct her, matter-of-factly.
You know how much she cares. This is the first time you’re not traveling when she has a weekend off in months. She just wanted to spend it together. Maybe bake with you, and end up throwing flour and chocolate powder on each other, maybe make blue and sand colored beads, have them break and crawl on the floor attempting to fetch them for the next twenty-five minutes, and definitely have extra-long sessions of lazy sex, through meals, through bathtime, through her playing Zelda, then passing you the Switch, then through you playing Zelda. That’s what she was looking forward to doing today. To you, the fact that you can’t spend a lovely and horny weekend with your girlfriend because a client decided, the day before the deadline, that they needed the photos to “look younger, fresher!” and that the best way of accomplishing that was adding a comic book filter on them and changing all the fonts to resemble those “BOOM!”’s and “POW!”’s that your grandfather used to read while HE WAS FIGHTING THE GREAT WAR, mr. Russo! Because “that’s what kids are into these days! Superheroes!”??? And your grandfather is DEAD.
To you - as I was saying - that felt unfair. But to Yoona, whose pouting face looks sooo cute, the expectation of a weekend of fun with her boyfriend was a fair one. And as you recognize that, you realize that with your dismissive answer you were being kind of an ass.
“Hey, I’m sorry, okay?” You pat her shoulders and back, then stroke it softly as she looks down at her feet. They’re naked, just like the rest of her legs, she dropped her pants as soon as she got in your apartment, as per her habit. It started with her wearing oversized shirts (usually yours) with no shorts underneath for comfort reasons, then the tees quickly got shorter and shorter and now she’s just wearing a white cropped top and a pair of light pink panties with a tiny tiny bow in the center, leaving her entire stomach and a good half of her buttcheeks for all, or rather just for you to see. “You wanna take some selfies on the Polaroid while I finish?”
You have plenty of cameras, but that’s the one you bought for her. It’s so hip, and trendy, she said. You told her she could bring it wherever, and take pictures of the places she visits (last year she went to Japan with two of her girl friends, it was beautiful, she said, but she didn’t take many pictures; you didn’t go because you were on one of your work trips in Malaysia, and you took way too many) but Yoona wanted to leave it in your house, for “I only care about photos where I’m with you”.
“I already have…”
You are certain she made sure you were somewhere in the background of the shot, as she always does when she takes selfies.
She puffs her cheeks while pouting. She’s too adorable not to look at and too bored to sit idle on the couch for another God-knows-how-many hours. Two problems to solve.
“You wanna come sit on my lap while I work?” Sounds like a win-win.
She nods cutely. You sit at the living room table (the lighting is best here) and she follows you. Instead of sitting with her back towards you, or perpendicularly to you, though, she straddles one of your shorts-covered thighs, facing you, the exposed part of her buttcheeks in direct contact with the skin of your knee. You look at her puzzled, and maybe a little suspicious. She just smiles. That’s good enough for you. She just wants to look at you in the face, you think. Add another adorbs point to the count (4? Just about her average per 5 minutes).
As you start working, laptop in front of you, water and a tangerine on the side, she tucks her chin in your shoulder and wraps her arms around you. Then you feel a subtle movement on your thigh. It starts as a small pressure, her body seemingly getting heavier and heavier on you, and then slowly gaining speed on the sagittal axis, getting broader with each swing.
She doesn’t respond, only moves her hands from your lower back up to your shoulders and widens the radius of her pendulum. You think you know where this is going.
She stops immediately, seemingly getting out of her trance. That’s the pet name you gave her; must have been a reward for record adorbs points in a day.
“I won’t bother you,” (while I keep doing what I'm doing, is the part of the sentence that’s only silent), she pulls her head back to look you in the eyes, the cutie pout is still there (5). “Please?”
“Try not to move too much” - says the guy who’s letting his girlfriend hump his leg while he’s editing photos on his laptop and definitely doesn’t need his hand to be firm or steady; Alexa play Scooby-Doo villain type plan - she pulls the one leg of your shorts up to your groin, then lifts herself up just enough, and, with the most innocent smile on her face, she drops her pink panties to the floor.
She returns exactly to the position she had moments ago and resumes her routine right from the point where she left it. The only difference is, you can feel your girlfriend rub her skin on yours, with its warmth and its texture, and now your thigh feels humid.
“Feel good?” You take your hands away from the laptop and mouse for a second and sit back to peel your tangerine. She nods, but not cutely this time (6), she’s completely absorbed in her pleasure and is trying her best to keep her eyes open and look at you as she does. That part is cute (6!). “I’m glad, honeybun”
You feed her a slice of tangerine, which she captures with her lips and stores into her cheek, then suckles on for a few seconds before chewing it. Adorbs (7). You go back to work.
As her lust builds up, and once her mouth is empty, she can’t help but let you know through a loud moan. And then about two or three more, you can’t count them exactly because they kinda connect and fuse together, but she sounds so heavenly and you’re - you’re supposed to be working. But at this point, who knows what you want more. To get your work done, and have the rest of the day for yourselves, or to help your little girl. To get her where she wants, and to make it feel as good as it can be. To make it feel earned.
“Hey! I need to concentrate though, so I’m gonna need you to be silent, honey, can you do that for me? I’ll touch you in the other hole while we play later, but now,” you place a finger on her lips. “Daddy needs Yoonagi to behave, is that alright?” (That’s the pet name she gave you; must have been because every adorbs baby needs a baby daddy.)
One time the two of you were having sex, you were half-sitting, she was on top. At some point you grabbed her plentiful, soft asscheeks to help her bounce on you. As you gripped them strongly, one of your fingers slipped on her puckered hole and without even thinking, you started teasing around it while her butt ricocheted on your lap. She came so hard that day. So hard that she started spasming and tearing up as you held her on your shoulder (“Did I hurt you?” You hadn’t. “Can you stand up?” She could, after a few minutes. “You wanna do it again?” She did).
It was then that you started sprinkling it here and there as a promise, as a reward. Not to control her, just to help her learn how to behave. And she’s had nothing but gains out of it.
Yoona keeps rocking back and forth on your thigh, only silent pants coming out of her mouth. She even locks her lips to avoid any spills, while her eyes are now permanently closed, focused on the target of reaching her now close at hand peak. You palm your girlfriend’s gorgeous tummy while adoring her lustful state. She puts a hand on top of yours and starts feeling you feeling her. Your thigh is shining with her wetness.
“I know it’s hard, but you gotta hang in there for just a couple minutes, understand? My baby girl is doing so great for me”
Still trying her best not to make noise, even when it’s obvious that it’s not to help you with the work that’s currently not even remotely passing your brain, Yoona takes both of your hands and puts them on her hips, her message wordless, but crystal clear. You swiftly drag her wide, huggable, baby-making hips forth and back, as the two of you unite in an unfittingly innocent, tongue-less kiss. A few pushes and a few pulls at this rabid rhythm and your girlfriend bursts in orgasmic pleasure, releasing a whole downpour that wets from your thighs and calves up to your crotch, her pelvis shaking violently and uncontrollably. Even through all this, she manages to keep her lips shut and not emit a sound.
“Good, good, such a good girl, my pretty baby made Daddy so, so, so proud,” you praise her as you hug her soft, meaty body and pat her head.
“Thank you… Thank you…” she pants out, tired. It takes her more than a couple minutes wrapped around you to regain her senses. And when she does, you think you hear her say in a satisfied tone:
“Haha, I won!”
“I won. I played with Daddy. Even though you said no. And I won.”
eh. numbly, leaf.
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