#so she ends up just living with appledash on the farm
silvernyxa · 8 months
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cartoon-lizard · 2 years
Life at Sweet Apple Acres
a short appledash fic i wrote after having a need to read more of them in the future being old and married but there was a noticeable lack of exactly that :’) so enjoy! (i’ll update this with an ao3 link once i get an account lol)
In all her years, Rainbow Dash never believed that she would find home on a farm. Especially not Sweet Apple Acres. She’s sworn multiple times that if she ever got a chance to speak to her younger self, she would never believe her. Sure, being a veteran Wonderbolt and coaching the next generation at the academy, that one was a no-brainer, but living on a farm? Rainbow had to chuckle to herself when thinking about what that conversation would be like. As she’s curled up into her designated seat in the living room, she zones back in on her book. It’d been a while since she read through the Daring Do series, her last meeting with Twilight finally tipping her over the edge and giving in.
Rainbow practically had the pages memorized, Daring Do being really the only series she’s read in its entirety. She remembers back when A.K. Yearling had tried out different genres and published several more successful books after retiring as Daring Do. Rainbow, as her friend, made sure to read all of them as soon as they were released. But it was the original Daring Do series that still held a special place in her heart after all these years. She didn’t get very far in her reading though, as the golden sunlight was shining through the window and onto her seat, slowly putting Rainbow to sleep. It only felt like she had just closed her eyes when the door to the kitchen slammed open and the peace in the house seemingly ended.
Big Mac, Sugar Belle, and their son, Crispin Cake, were all bustling about in the kitchen. Thursday was one of their nights for making dinner, and each of them liked to do it all together. Rainbow marked her place in her book and stretched in her chair, yawning loudly to announce her presence. Sure enough, Crispin leaned out the doorway and smiled.
“Hi, Aunt Dashie!” He waved his hoof enthusiastically.
Rainbow waved back, leaning back with one hoof behind her head. “Hey, kiddo. What’s for dinner?”
“I think Mama said we’re having spaghetti tonight!”
“That sounds good, bud,” she suddenly sits up, eyebrows knit with slight concern. “Have you seen AJ? I came home early and thought she’d be out apple bucking, but I haven’t seen her.”
“I think Auntie Jack was over at the animal sanctuary, helping out Fluttershy.” The colt tapped his chin like he was trying to remember.
Rainbow smiled slightly. “That’s probably what’s taken her so long. I bet she’s having to wrangle all of Angel’s kids.”
The pegasus finally got out of her seat, cracking her back and her wings as she did so, and followed her nephew into the kitchen. While Big Mac and Sugar Belle did the cooking, Rainbow helped Crispin set up the table.
“Daddy, do you know if Auntie Applebloom is coming?”
The colt’s smile grew as he went to grab an extra plate. It was clear that he loved his aunts, but he always got excited when he knew Applebloom would be joining them, since she lived closer to town and was usually at the School of Friendship a majority of the time.
Sugar Belle turned the temperature down on the sauce and looked back towards Rainbow Dash. “I hope we didn’t wake you Rainbow, we didn’t realize you were home.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it,” she shrugged, setting down a fork and a spoon. “Practice ended earlier than expected, and instead of starting the next exercise, I just decided to let the recruits have the rest of the day off. But they won’t get it so easy tomorrow when I bring out the Dizzy-tron!”
“It sounds like everything’s been going well with this new batch then?”
“Oh yeah, much fewer show offs and a lot more ponies who actually want to be in the academy.”
After a few more minutes of comfortable silence, Applebloom came bursting through the kitchen door. “I’m here! I’m here! I’m not late, am I?”
“Not at all,” Sugar Belle smiled. “Dinner’s almost ready.”
“Mm, smells like spaghetti!”
It was well after everypony had their plate and was halfway done with their food by the time the kitchen door opened again and in came Applejack, looking frazzled and sweaty.
“Sorry I’m late, y’all,” she said, wiping her forehead, embarrassed. “Hope y’all don’t mind, but I invited Fluttershy over as well.”
The pegasus followed behind sheepishly, even as everypony responded with “there’s enough room”, or “we have plenty to go around”.
“Thank you so much for having me,” Fluttershy said as she sat between Applebloom and Rainbow.
“Been a hot sec,” Rainbow stretched a wing out and pulled Fluttershy in closer for a hug. “How’s the sanctuary been?”
“Oh, wonderful as always.”
“Yeah, ‘cept for all of Angel’s kin. Of all rabbits to multiply, that one knew what he was unleashin’.” Applejack finally sat down after washing her hooves and serving herself a plate. She reached down for Rainbow’s hoof and kissed it, keeping hold of it while she ate.
“And how’s that pesky roomie of yours,” Applebloom added, leaning towards Fluttershy, still under Dash’s wing. “Discord been behavin’ himself?”
“Of course he has,” she paused. “Although he did finally learn how to do the dishes correctly.”
“He doesn’t know how to do the dishes?” Applejack asked between bites. She looked appalled.
“Oh, no, no, he does, it was just… how he did them.”
Rainbow let her go, leaning on one hoof to face her friend. “Which was?”
Fluttershy smirked at the thought. “He would put them in the soapy water, but they would come out dirtier. All this time, I thought he was leaving a pile of dirty dishes, and when I would clean them, he would see the clean dishes and think they would need to be ‘dirtied up’. It went on for a long time until I was in the kitchen when he was doing the dishes and finally noticed.”
Everypony stared at the pegasus as she giggled at the mishap. How she’s managed to live with Discord, nopony knows, but it’s somehow worked for years now and neither friend has ever said anything negative about the other. They didn’t make sense, but as the draconequus always said, what fun is there in making sense?
Dinner continued, Applebloom was asked about how her job at the School of Friendship was going, Crispin told a long story about an adventure he had with Lil’ Cheese, and Sugar Belle updated everyone on how her village was doing after her most recent visit. The sounds of laughter and chatter filled the barn as it always has, decades of old memories within the walls. Eventually it grew late, and Fluttershy felt like she had overstayed her welcome, even though she never did. She tapped three times on the table and an unzipping sound could be heard from the living room, along with a flashing blue and purple glow. She said her goodbyes and stepped through the portal. The family moved into the living room, and as it grew later, Crispin couldn’t hide his yawning anymore, indicating it was time for bed. He gave everyone a sleepy goodnight hug, making sure Applebloom’s was extra tight, and headed upstairs for bed. The two couples and the little sister were left, and even when living together for so long, they still had plenty of stories to share, enough to go well past midnight.
“Applesauce, is that the time?” Applejack said, looking up at the clock. “Sugarcube, are you stayin’ the night here? It's pretty late.”
“Oh, no, I was plannin’ on headin’ back after dinner. Mighta got carried away though with the talkin’.”
“Walk back to your place? At this hour?”
“Well, yeah,” Applebloom said nonchalantly. “I’m not a baby Applejack, I can go by myself.”
Rainbow could tell Applejack tensed when she said that, but then quickly eased up. “You’re right. Sorry, sugarcube, sometimes I still feel like you’re that little filly. I’ll walk ya’ out.”
Applebloom smiled as she got up to hug her brother and Sugar Belle and then Rainbow. “Have a good night, y’all.”
Applejack was outside with Applebloom for a long time, most likely not wanting her to go. Rainbow knew she missed having her little sister there all the time like when she was growing up. She remembers how distant Applejack was for the first few weeks after Applebloom moved out. Even though she just lives near the center of town with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, and still visits the farm regularly, Rainbow was still able to tell that Applejack missed her.
Once Applebloom was finally allowed to leave, Applejack came back in, curling up next to Rainbow. Their nightly routines were set and tonight was no different. Big Mac and Sugar Belle usually said their goodnights and headed for bed first, which left the two mares alone in the living room.
Applejack sat up to look at Rainbow, then leaned in to kiss her. “Haven’t properly said hello tonight.”
“I was starting to wonder,” Rainbow teased, kissing her forehead as she snuggled in closer. “Sounds like you had a rough time wrangling?”
“Well, y’know, I’m not built like I once was,” Applejack said, mostly jokingly. “I’m just worn out tonight, ‘sall.”
Rainbow wrapped her wing around her partner, who promptly used it as a blanket. The pegasus rolled her eyes. “We can go to bed, too, y’know?”
“I guess we could.” Applejack smirked as she reached a hoof up to Rainbow’s cheek. Right as she leaned into the touch, the hoof quickly moved to boop her snout, and Applejack was quick to wrestle herself out from under Dash’s wing and onto her hooves. “C’mon,” she said with a smile and tired eyes.
Entering their room, Rainbow took off her sweater and tossed it onto the nearby chair while Applejack took off her Granny Smith’s bonnet around her neck and placed it carefully on the dresser. She then took off her hat and shook her head of whatever dust or dirt was caught up there from a day’s work. Rainbow came up behind her, knowing she’ll ask to take the pin out from her hair. Applejack still kept her mane long, but more often than not would have it braided and tucked into a bun. Rainbow herself had kept her mane around the same length for the longest time, as if she made it a competition to see who could stand it longer. Apparently, Applejack was never a part of this imaginary competition. The day Rainbow finally chopped her hair off was the day she decided she would never grow it out again. Having a short mane felt much better, especially when flying, and she thought it looked good on her. Applejack’s reaction was confirmation enough when the pony’s face turned redder than her brother’s coat when she first saw Rainbow after her haircut.
She looked down at her partner’s mane as her wavy blonde hair unraveled from its braid. It was frizzy, stuck out in some places, and there were shimmers of silver here and there, but she loved it all the same. Looking at their reflection in the mirror on the dresser, she caught Applejack’s eye and pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
As the two crawled into bed, it was quiet enough outside for Rainbow to hear the distant sound of howling. She didn’t question it and got under the covers, leaning herself against Applejack’s chest, who was sitting propped up on a pillow. Rainbow’s eyelids were growing heavy and she was ready to fall asleep when she felt hitched breathing coming from the other. She looked up to see what was the matter only to find quiet tears rolling down her wife’s cheeks.
Rainbow quickly sat up, cupping her hoof around her cheek. “What’s wrong?” She tried as hard as possible to sound gentle when speaking.
Applejack merely shook her head, looking down at her hooves beginning to bunch up the sheets piled in her lap. It was easy to tell she was too upset to speak, so Rainbow could only sit and watch with concern, waiting for something to be said. Applejack allowed her breathing to even out for a moment so she could say:
“The timberwolves are howlin’.” Her voice was shaky and as soon as she spoke her breathing resorted to gasps again. That was all Rainbow needed to hear though, because she knew. That was the first sign. Zap apple season is beginning. And it was the first harvest since losing Granny Smith.
“Oh,” she said quietly, reaching to wipe her tears away. “I- I’m sorry, hon’, I wish- I wish there was a better way we could predict it- I-”
“No, it’s alright,” Applejack said, wrapping a hoof around the other’s, taking a deep breath. “I knew the time would come eventually. Guess I was less prepared than I thought.”
Rainbow moved again to wipe the tears from her face. While she wasn’t in the family as long, Granny Smith still made her feel as much a part of it when she began dating Applejack. Rainbow was convinced that Granny considered her family before she ever even thought of being with Applejack. Granny was such an unstoppable force in the family, always making sure things got done, always providing for her grandchildren. Her impact was definitely felt when she passed.
“AJ, I know you know how much Granny loved you, loved all three of you.”
Applejack sniffed. “She loved you, too.”
“Heh, well, this isn’t about me right now.” Rainbow lifted her chin up so she could look her partner in the eyes. “Granny always wanted the best for all of you, and I saw how much she’s done for this family. She was such a strong pony, and she raised some strong ponies, too. And it’s because of that that I want you to know, it’s okay to be upset over this. I never want you to bottle something like this in. Losing someone sucks, especially somepony like Granny, that’s for sure. But, if I know her, she wouldn’t want to see you upset over her. I can practically hear her right now if she knew you were sad.” Applejack looked down again briefly, but her tears had stopped.
“Life is full of firsts, and this is no different. And I know it won’t get any easier as those firsts become seconds or thirds or so on, but I think it can also become a time to remember and look back on the good times you’ve had. We may not have Granny anymore, but she’s still with us in our memories and in what she’s left behind.”
Applejack looked up, her eyes still shining. Rainbow gave a small smile and Applejack leaned in, hugging her wife. Rainbow wrapped her arms around her, rubbing a hoof up and down her back as she squeezed tighter. When Applejack pulled away, she wiped her face and took a deep breath.
“Thank you, sweetheart. It’ll definitely be hard without Granny, but you’re right. I’ll have Big Mac and Applebloom, and of course you n’ Sugar Belle, and lil’ Cripsin. Granny wouldn’t want to see any of us upset, especially durin’ zap apple season.” She laughed slightly. “She’d tell us we don’t have time for that.”
Rainbow smiled at that, nodding. The two paused, taking a moment to themselves. After a while, Rainbow faced Applejack again and reached up to push her hair away from her face, her hoof lingering against the side of her head. It seemed what she said did the trick, Applejack wasn’t crying anymore. Her cheeks were flushed and she leaned into the touch sleepily, shutting her eyes. It was so rare to see her wife cry, and it in turn upset her as well. But Rainbow knew she needed to be the voice of reason at a time like this. It was more important to her that Applejack felt better. Applejack, whose head was currently getting heavier on Rainbow’s hoof.
“Well, I say we get some shut-eye. Gonna be pretty busy for the next few days,” she said quietly and the two slid further under the covers. Taking hold of Applejack’s hoof, Rainbow continued. “If you want, before I head up to the reserve, I can go into town and find Applebloom to tell her the harvest is starting. I know she’ll be excited to start making zap apple jam.”
Applebloom was really the only pony in the family who knew all the steps Granny did when it came to making a successful batch of zap apple jam. That was always a special time for the two to work together.
“Y’know, I reckon Crispin will be able to help out Applebloom in makin’ the jam this season,” Applejack said, a small smile on her face at the thought of her nephew. “He’ll love gettin’ to do that with her.”
“Another first right there,” Rainbow said, a smug edge to her voice.
“Alright, I believe you’ve made your point,” Applejack rolled her eyes and lightly kicked Rainbow’s leg. “Thank you, though. I needed to hear that.”
“That’s what I’m here for.”
“It’s much more than just that,” Applejack said, scooching closer to the pegasus and kissing her. “I love you. So much.”
Rainbow smiled, taking Applejack’s hoof and kissing it, then her forehead. As she pulls back, she takes a moment to simply look at her wife. Years of teasing and competitions, small looks and quiet gestures, long nights filled with laughter and heartaches, and a friendship evolving into romance and so much more. They’ve been through so much together, but Rainbow wouldn’t know where she would be without it all. It’s not a life she ever expected, but it’s one she wouldn’t trade for the world. Especially if it was spent with the pony next to her.
“I love you, too.”
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tezzbot · 3 years
appledash headcanons? i need more of them in my life tbh </3 [also i love the way you draw ponies,,, they're just so,,,, shaped and cool,,,]
i have been thinking a lot about dash moving in with the apples a lot recently, like her getting accustomed to their little traditions and like trying to like find her place in the household n stuff, maybe confiding in sugarbelle since this was a process shes already been through getting used to living w the apples?
i just like to imagine little domestic scenes like at night when its dark and theyre all in like. the living room or whatever just sitting together chatting, telling stories n jokes and stuff n its all cozy and warm, maybe the couples cuddled up on the couches, granny knitting or smth in Her Chair, and in the mornings when everyones getting up its like they all have to figure out how to weave in and out of each others way cus like, adding sb and rd to the house its more crowded than its been in decades and it ends up looking like some kind of weird dance up and down the stairs on the landing and in the kitchen lol
i also like to imagine they have a little like firepit maybe a little bit in the orchard behind the house and if they sit out there long enough it starts feeling like an at home camping trip... if youve ever been sat outside though sundown around fire you know the feeling qwq.. maybe aj brings out an instrument of hers and gives little personal apple chord performances or they do a little family singsong w tunes that have been passed down through generations apple to apple or she just mindlessly like lightly plays it giving a little bit of bg music
and then eventually, after getting used to her living there, when dash has to leave for however long for wonderbolts excursions her absence is absolutely felt, maybe the house is slightly quieter without her rowdy ass hovering around jokingly whining about all the work she has to do now lmao
and oh man having rds parents over for dinner or something would be a laugh and a half for fuckin sure omg everyone just swapping stories embarassing each other like families are supposed to do
i feel like dash would be good helping bring in the harvests, i dont think shed buck i dont think pegasi are built for that lol shed probably just fly from tree to tree and just shimmy and shake the apples down, i feel like sugarbelle would like help w the finances n stuff and do little bake sales in the ponyville market from time to time or maybe the cmcs take her stuff to the schools to help w funds to keep the farm going, though i think dash's celebrity paycheck would help cover anything that keeps them out of the red :P
god can you imagine how excited dash and aj would be to hear that theyre going to be aunts to big mac and sugarbelles foal,,, i feel like theyd be like omg congrats thats so cool :)!! but like in private theyre like OH MYG OD WE ARE GOING TO BE THE BEST AUNTS EVER IN THE WORLD fghgjgkhfhfg
ANYWAY sorry this got long and was more abt the apples as a unit rather than just appledash lmao i just have a lot of feelings about domestic shit it makes me so so so soft<3<3
and thank you so much!!! i love drawing the horses :P
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incendiarymoth · 5 years
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Part 1! All the info about these are under the read more
(Images show the adult forms of all the characters, but in my nextgen universe their ages are younger, and any sexualities listed are not discovered until their adults so that just shows what they WILL be) Appledash Family - Rainbow Dash - 45, nonbinary lesbian (they/them or she/her) Apple Jack - 45, lesbian (she/her) Rainbow Dash loses her right-wing during a risky stunt and is forcibly retired from the Wonderbolts. She falls into a deep depression and without one wing she can't stay in her cloud home, so she stayed at the Apple Farm. AJ helps her through all this and feelings that were dormant before come to the surface. Applejack, being herself and very handy, works on making a new home for Rainbow that she can use, one close to the farm. When it's done RD asks AJ to live in it with her, and she accepts. Rainbow is still depressed, she has denied the use of a prosthetic wing up until this point but she misses flying more than she can express. Her friends convince her to try out a prosthetic wing, and as soon as she's able to fly again all her doubts vanish. Now that Rainbow is happier and able to fly again, she and AJ can focus on their relationship. They get married at the same spot Applejack's parents had their wedding. They decide to have a foal, and consult the clinic that helps couples who can't conceive on their own be able to get pregnant. RD offers to take on the pregnancy but AJ figures she can take a break from the farm, she doesn't want RD to be grounded again. They have Zapapple, and then some moons after they have Zestar. Things are smooth after that, they're enjoying domestic life. Rainbow is back to being the weather pony for Ponyville, and AJ is training Zapapple the ways of the farm. Zapapple - 15, cishet asexual (he/him), he was born during the zapapple harvest, his hair frizzed up like from electricity. Thus his name. It ended up being his talent as well, he can tell when the harvest is coming before any of the signs and really good at making all sorts of zapapple goodies. His mom applejack gave him her hat when he got his cutie mark, figuring it was time it was passed down. He’s eccentric and weird, yet timid and reserved. He looks up to his mom AJ a lot. Zestar - 14, lesbian (she/her), her talent is lifeguarding. She’s loud and boisterous and has a passion for helping people and acting cool on the beach. She also looks up to her mom RD a lot. Twishy Family - Twilight Sparkle - 46, cis asexual bi (she/her) Fluttershy - 48, trans girl lesbian (she/her) Twilight and Fluttershy go on a friendship quest to Griffonstone, where they find a young griffon all alone. They assume their job is to find her parents or at least someone to take her in, but that's not the case. After exhausting all their options, they say maybe they should take her home with them, and their cutie marks glow in success. So they take her home to Fluttershy's cottage. Twilight and Fluttershy immediately feel like mothers of the griffon, who they name Gaia. And with how much time Twilight spends at the cottage, she starts falling for Fluttershy. Feelings are confessed and they start dating. Twilight basically lives at Fluttershy's cottage, wanting to spend more time with Fluttershy and Gaia. She doesn't realize it until Spike mentions she's never at the castle anymore. Twilight decides to officially move to the cottage, making her castle open to the public in the form of a library. Ever since the town's library was destroyed, Twilight knew they needed a new one eventually. So she renovates the castle to be a big, beautiful library. And she starts working there as her day job, giving friendship advice on the side to all who visit. Twilight also starts writing more books. About magic, friendship, science, and anything else she wants to share her learned knowledge about. She starts writing new spells too like Starswirl used to. So now Twilight works in the library, Fluttershy at her sanctuary, and Gaia helps both of them. Gaia - 21, aroace (she/her) although she helps her moms at the library and sanctuary, she picked up botany. She keeps a private garden in the woods near the cottage where she breeds plants together (like growing strawgos/strawberry mixed with mango). The talent is still hidden from mostly everyone because she likes that it's her secret thing. The only one who knows is her friend Apple Bud who bakes her creations into yummy treats, everyone is baffled about why they taste so good. Apple bud, true to keeping Gaia's secret, hasn't told anyone what his special talent truly is, which is using plant fusions in baking. Cheeseskypie Family - Cheese Sandwich - 45, cis poly demisexual (he/him) Sky Star - 47, trans poly pansexual (she/her) Pinkie Pie - 46, cis poly pansexual (she/her) Pinkie starts dating Skystar, taking frequent trips to visit her as well as sending constant letters and gifts in the mail. And during this, Cheese Sandwich moves to Ponyville, wanting to be closer to Pinkie. He confesses his feelings to her and pinkie is intensely conflicted, having feelings for two ponies. She talks to Skystar about it and Skystar decides to visit Ponyville to meet Cheese, and she falls for him too, and vice versa. They all decide pretty quickly they should just all be together. And not long after they started dating they wanna get married and have kids. Of course their wedding is the biggest party Equestria has ever seen. Pinkie and Cheese decide to make their first child, Cheese Pie. And when Cheese Pie is still young, they want another kid. This time though, they want to combine all their genes to make a kid that's truly all of theirs. They end up with triplets, which they are ecstatic for. They live a blissful domestic life, the trio making the ultimate planning party committee ponyville will ever see, they get asked to plan parties all over Equestria. Cheese Pie - 17, cishet (she/her), she takes after her father in her love of cheese-based foods and is known for making cheese versions of and mixing cheese with the craziest foods (example: cheese brownies) and somehow makes it work. She's very energetic but doesn't talk a lot, she often just runs in and leaves a cheese dish in front of her parents with no explanation. Tuna Pie - 16, cis bisexual (she/her), takes on some of her mom’s aquatic genes, and the only one who didn’t pick up the pony gene of cutie marks. At least as far as she knows. She loves to swim, and meeting every pony she can. Pecan Pie - 16, trans het (she/her), she’s timid and quiet, like her aunt Maud, but pinkie loves her and understands her. She loves her aunt and took on her love of rocks, but mostly the art of rocks instead of the science. She’s a sculptor, and she sculpts with her beak. Mud Pie - 16, cis gay (he/him), he took on music, like his mother pinkie pie, very early on and it’s been his passion ever since. He got his cutie mark really fast because of that. He’s a fun and chill dude. Spibby Family - Spike - 35, genderfluid pansexual (any pronouns) Gabby - 35, trans pansexual (she/her) They have the normal awkward teen romance, with awkward encounters and blushing. But eventually, Gabby just out and tells Spike she likes them. They date for a long time (because they started young) before deciding to get married. Lots of people come to their wedding from all over Equestria, seeing as they've met lots of creatures in a wide range of places. After getting married they decide to have kids. Gabby gets pregnant and lays four eggs. Spike ends up being the one to take care of the eggs while Gabby keeps working. Spike loves doting on the eggs, reading to them and watching over them intensely. They hatch one by one and Spike and Gabby are so in love with their kids. The family gets quite a bit of press being such a drastic interspecies couple. Gabby still delivers mail and Spike works at the library with Twilight. The kids go to school, figuring themselves out and their passions. Girasol - 13. cishet (he/him), he's in his edgy preteen phase Gabbro - 13, asexual lesbian (she/her or they/them), shy nerd, likes hanging with her aunty Twilight Galena - 13, cis bisexual (she/her), also in her edgy preteen phase, very emo Gem - 13, cishet (she/her), just the most cutesy girl ever, loves everything girly, wants to be friends with the popular girls but they bully her saying she can't be girly when she looks like that
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tomeandflickcorner · 5 years
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic- Final Thoughts
Finally got a chance to watch the final epsides of MLP.  My thoughts of the finale (and other random lingering questions) under the cut, due to potential spoilers
Twilight’s flowing mane and tail are awesome.  It does make sense that she would end up looking a bit like Celestia, now that she’s ruler of all Equestia, and probably has access to magic that she didn’t have before.  But I’m now wondering what Celestia and Luna look like now.  Do they still look the same, or did they revert back to normal looking ponies now that they’ve retired?  (Case in point the way Luna looked when she reverted back to her old self in the series premiere)
So, the CMC became teachers at the School of Friendship, alongside most of the Young Six, excluding Gallus, who is Twilight’s royal guard, and Yona, who apparently works with Rarity at the Ponyville Boutique.  (And are Yona and Sandbar together?  If so, that’s rather cute.)
Speaking of the Young Six, would they have inherited the Elements of Harmony if the Tree of Harmony hadn’t been destroyed?  If so, what would their elements have been?  Obviously, Silverstream would have most likely been Laughter and Ocellus would have been Kindness.  But what about the others?  That’s a bit harder to determine. 
Tirek, Crysallis and Cozy Glow being turned to stone was a reasonable fate for the final villains, but I’m still wondering what happened to Cozy Glow’s parents.  Are they still around?  How do they feel about their daughter’s ultimate fate?
Yay for Pinkie/Cheese being canon!  And it’s heavily implied Flutterchord is also canon, as Fluttershy seems to be living with Discord now.  That’s awesome!  But am I alone in thinking the implied Appledash came out of nowhere?  Not that I’m against it, but it just seemed to happen so randomly.  If there were hints throughout the series, could someone point them out?  Because before this final episode, I didn’t even realize Appledash was a possible ship.
Awww.  Pound and Pumpkin took over their parents’ bakery.  And I love their cutie marks!
Gummy is HUGE!
Hmm.  Now that I’m thinking of the pets, did we ever see Owlicious again after the S4 Finale?  Because I can’t remember ever getting confirmation that he and Twilight reunited after the library tree got destroyed.
Cool, so now Big Mac, Sugarbelle and Applejack run the farm together.  With Big Mack and Sugarbelle’s son.  And it looks like Winona had puppies, too!  Thouh I’m guessing Granny Smith and Grand Pear probably died from old age at this point in time.  Kinda sobering to think of that, but at least they’re probably reunited with Bright Mac and Pear Butter/Buttercup in whatever the beings of Equestia call heaven.
And now for a probably morbid thought.  Throughout the series, it was implied that Celestia and Luna lived and ruled over Equestia for hundreds of years.  Now that Twilight has obviously achieved their level in terms of magic (as shown by her flowing mane and tail), her overall lifespan has probably expanded as well.  But does that mean she’s probably going to outlive her friends?  Because Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy all looked rather middle aged in the final episode while Twilight didn’t have so much as a wrinkle.
On a lighter note, I wonder what Flurry Heart did to earn a stained glass window of her own.....
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