#so sad that he had to be decapitated in order for this to be drawn. oh well he'll get better soon.
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indigo6f00ff · 1 year ago
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i think what's been putting me off of digital art for a while is that the way i was doing it just took like too long and was too tedious for my brain to want to focus on so i'm trying out New Ways Of Doing Things that have similar results to my old style (imo) and this is a result of Practice Arting. anyway here's the guy with the same name as the character from cloudy with a chance of meatballs
#toontown#toontown corporate clash#firestarter#flint bonpyre#toontown cogs#ttcc#corporate clash#toonblr#toontag#cogs#art#digital art#artwork#so sad that he had to be decapitated in order for this to be drawn. oh well he'll get better soon.#this one. is small but i think i'm slowly getting out of my brain's refusal to do digital art...#hopefully i'll be able to do big pieces soon again without feeling the life being drained out of me every time i think about opening my#canvas. this definitely was easier to do than Other Artstyle and i think it's going to lead to better looking pieces cuz i'm not spending s#much time trying to squeeze texture out of a watercolor brush#although it's not lineless i hope i can experiment with it more to make the lines less prominent and have the shading be the way that shape#are flushed out to the eye while the lines are just. visual guides to what things should look like yknow#also i'm using fill tool for this now instead of Meticulously Filling In With Watercolor so that's less of a pain in the ass#and now i'm just doing watercolor in gradient spots for variation of color + shading#and then putting sketchbook over it to give it some more noise and texture to make it look less flat#no blur filter either i just rendered it with some unsharp mask and then changed the RGB levels to get nicer colors#basically it was just reg. brush over sketch -> fill color -> watercolor -> put pencil sketch over outline -> put pencil sketch over color#-> render -> add quick white background for some flair ig#unfortunately school will still prob be kicking my ass... fuck college algebra... but even when i'm tired i hope this'll Motivate me to go#do digital shit again cuz all i've been doing is notebook sketches and like. i miss making full-fledged colored pieces man. its just so#exhausting to do tho when my brain has a tantrum bout it. anyways
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deci-doodles · 4 years ago
Now that the 2.0 trailer is out I can finally start dissecting the trailer with way more intensity than necessary for as many lore crumbs as possible but before all that:
Mondstadt’s the city of freedom, we see this when Venti lets Dvalin go as one of the Four Winds as freedom isn’t really that when a god is ordering you
Liyue had its contracts, the adepti fulfilling theirs despite Morax’s supposed death and Zhongli creating his “contract to end all contracts” with the Tsaritsa
But what of eternity? That’s not really an ideal, not to mention it’s such a vague one too. So I’m gonna upload my write up on Baal I did a few days ago for my interpretation of what eternity is meant to be and her potential motivations to pursue it
(TLDR: Baal isn’t inherently malevolent and her eternity’s a bastardised version of Nirvana, but she’ll never be able to achieve it because she misunderstands it and it’ll only do more harm than good)
Buddhism is one of the biggest religions in Japan (as the saying goes, Japanese people are born Shinto, married Christian, and die Buddhist). As such it should come as little surprise that it also has had a huge impact on Japan’s culture. In fact, we can see this with the most famous floral symbol of Japan, the cherry blossom.
Now I know what you’re thinking, what do cherry blossoms have to do with Baal? Well we’ll cross that bridge when we get there, just be patient.
Cherry blossoms are also synonymous with ‘mono no aware’ (the pathos of things), something derived from Zen Buddhist teachings and described as a “gentle sadness” from the acknowledgement of life’s transience. In fact, you’ll notice that a lot of Japanese culture and values can be linked to transience and imperfection, from Hanami and wabi-sabi to kintsugi. This can all be linked to Buddhism. Now to blasphemously simplify an entire religion into a single sentence(I’d recommend doing further research if you’re curious, I’m not a practitioner so I don’t recommend asking me), Buddhism’s “aim” is to break Samsara (the cycle of death and rebirth), and the only way to do this is to achieve Nirvana (enlightenment).
So where am I going with this? Well, what if Baal’s “eternity” is simply her equivalent to Nirvana?
Think about it, because all living things are trapped by Samsara, they are doomed to live transient lives, dying and being born again before dying and so on.
This certainly wouldn’t be the first time Mihoyo’s nabbed inspiration from religions, the folks over on Khaenri’ah have done a fine job analysing various instances on their Twitter. Baal thinks highly of her ideal as shown in both the Vajrada Amethyst stone and the quote from Zhongli: “Seven ideals for seven gods, and of these, Eternity is the closest unto heaven”. Nirvana is enlightenment, it is freedom, it is what allows one to transcend beyond the material world and finally be liberated from samsara, so it shouldn’t be a stretch to assume that this is what Baal means by “eternity”, especially since it directly opposes transience. But still, why would Baal take such extreme measures? And is she in the right here?
Let’s start off with first question and the vision hunt decree itself. The decree’s a direct reference to the various sword hunt decrees in Japan’s history but what’s interesting is that Inazuma’s can be linked to the sword hunt under Toyotomi Hideyoshi where the confiscated weapons were to be melted and cast into a giant statue of the Buddha. In a similar fashion, Baal is in laying the statue of the “Thousand-armed, hundred-eyes god”’s palms with confiscated visions. This also leads to yet another Buddhist parallel.
The Bodhissatva Kannon (also known as Guanyin) is the goddess of mercy, and one of her most popular depictions in Japan is the thousand-armed Kannon (Senju Kannon), who grew 1000 arms out of her desire to help free everyone from samsara. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? Like how Baal wishes to achieve the “eternity” that she promised her people. 1000-armed Kannon was also sometimes depicted with eyes in the palms of her hands, and where is Baal placing the confiscated visions again? That’s right, the statue’s palms.
But still, can we use this to justify the actions she’s taken? Baal may believe her intentions are noble but they’re also heavily flawed. Let’s rewind a bit, transience is a huge metaphor in Japan and thus it should come as little surprise that it’s also reflected in Inazuma.
- Kazuha’s main motif is maple, a deciduous tree associated with autumn, both being symbols of change as autumn is a transitional season and maple leaves fall
- Ayaka’s shown with cherry blossoms, but also her clan mon (crest) depicts a camellia flower (tsubaki). Camellias are associated with divinity but also a noble death as the flowers “decapitate” themselves
- Yoimiya has a firework theme, fireworks themselves last briefly but shine bright nevertheless. Her choker is also a butterfly, an insect synonymous with change
- Sayu’s kimono has bellflower patterns, bellflowers being one of the ‘seven autumn flowers’ and, again, autumn is a season of change
- Even Baal herself is the electro archon, storms never last forever and lightning (Inazuma’s namesake mind you) is also extremely brief
So where am I going with this? Well there’s another aspect of Buddhism that I left out. When one reincarnates, there are six possible realms you may go to depending on your karma: hell, hungry ghosts, animals, demi-gods, humans, and gods. Only those who reincarnate as humans have the opportunity to achieve nirvana. Baal’s obsession with eternity is only doing more harm than good regardless of her intentions because she fails to truly understand both the beauty that transience holds as well as transient mortals themselves. Her ideal directly contradicts Inazuma itself, so even though she may love her nation and it’s people oh so fiercely, the more she pursues “eternity”, the more she’ll fail to truly help her people. We’ve already seen this through Kazuha and Atsuko, the former losing his friend when he decided to make a stand and the latter nearly dying as she escaped. People have already drawn connections between her and Decarabian, and it seems that if she continues her path she may meet a similar demise to him.
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ayuuria · 4 years ago
Yashahime Translation: Animage December 2020 Issue (Part 2)
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This month’s Animage article was quite loaded with 6 pages of content. It consisted of an illustration with Kohaku and Hisui (2 pages), an interview with Kimura Ryōhei and Urao Takehiro (2 pages), and an interview with Uru (2 pages). That being said, this translation has been split into two parts.
Part 1: Interview with Kimura Ryōhei and Urao Takehiro Part 2: Interview with Uru
Click here to read Part 1
The Light of Recollection The Cool First Ending Theme “Break”
Song, Lyrics, and Composition by Uru
An ending video broadcast full of suggestiveness, tied together with a clear singing voice and wonderous imagery. We unravel the charm through an interview and image cuts.
The ending theme for “Hanyō no Yashahime” is “Break” by Uru, an artist who mainly puts her work on Youtube. It is an impressive song with a pleasant beat and a singing voice that holds a mix of transparency and strength at its core. This is a song that Uru wrote after reading the script of the main story. The lyrics are based off the regret that Towa has long held towards Setsuna and confronting that anguish stemming from her kindness. Also, not only is the setting of the work and the characters feelings diversely woven in, but universal themes of modern society are woven in as well. The ending cinematic that unfolds from “Break” uses soft colors. There are Japanese motifs scattered everywhere and creates a sense of being in a dream. You can feel a story telling nature at the end as the three of them walk together in the same direction after searching for something separately. In accordance with the change of their relationship in the main story, the way one sees the ending cinematic may change as well.
Towa’s Emotions and Regret as She Anguishes from Her Kindness
— Did you previously watch “Inuyasha”?
Uru: I watched anime when I was a child. I remember my heart skipping a beat when I watched the exchanges between Inuyasha and Kagome, even as a child. This time, when discussions of “Hanyō no Yashahime” was presented to me; I went back and rewatched “Inuyasha” but I thought “Was there this much decapitation (of demons) before…?”. I love horror works, so I still found it fun even when I rewatched it. Not only is “Inuyasha” very popular overseas but “Hanyō no Yashahime”, which is continuing that world, seems like an anime that will be loved by many people. I feel nervous to be singing the ending theme for such a work.
— How did you go about creating the new song based on what you knew about the story of “Hanyō no Yashahime?”
Uru: I read the entire completed script (translator’s note: completed at the time). Since the story’s protagonist is a girl this time, I was excited to see how the story would unfold but as I continued to read, it left quite an impression that while the protagonist, Towa, is a strong girl, she is very kind at her core. There were scenes where she suffered in battle because of that kindness, so I thought up the lyrics using that as a base.
— The regret that Towa has is certainly expressed in the starting lyrics.
Uru: Yes, I imagined the scene where Towa became separated from Setsuna in the forest fire. The part where the story unfolds as Towa drags those emotions from that time is, what I feel, an essential point to this work. The regret of letting go of that hand despite having an existence she wanted to protect. Plus, the feeling of wanting to return to those peaceful days they spent living together. For that reason, I think that is what drives Towa’s actions.
— In part 2 of the song, there is the phrase “Piling a number of fake guises”
Uru: There are scenes where Towa is unable to inflict the finishing blow upon the enemy during battle and Setsuna chides her for it. Also, while she can fight those who come at her, she can’t make a preemptive attack on someone who seems likely to attack her. Somewhere inside her, there’s something that can’t Break free from its shell. It’s a part that I wrote imagining something like “There are a number of selves within her carrying all different emotions.” Basically, it’s like even though she has something she wants to protect, there’s a part of her that can’t seem to get stronger.
— Not only can you think that part 1 is Towa’s and part 2 is Setsuna’s song, but you can also feel that it pertains to Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha.
Uru: I think that kind of interpretation is viable. They are lyrics drawn from different angles… You see, at the time I was writing the lyrics, there was some sad news which involved social media. You could say that for me, I linked this work to that timely situation. Social media feels like a bunch of lined up icons but there is always someone existing on the other side, you know. You can say things you can’t say in real life and easily hurt someone when you create an anonymous account and hide your face and name.
— I see, hence “Piling a number of fake guises”.
Uru: That is what sprouted from the story of “Hanyō no Yashahime” coupled with the feeling of wanting to say, “Right now, the one who is here is you.” Also, in the D melody, there’s a lyric that says “To foster strength in order to protect someone”; Even if Towa can’t initiate the offensive, she’s willing to risk her life to protect those who ought to be protected. When I felt that is what fosters her strength, I realized that she had the same thoughts as me.
— It is like Tessaiga in that you can begin to wield it when you have a heart that cares for people. The universality of “Inuyasha” and “Hanyō no Yashahime” have linked well with Uru-san’s feelings.
A Song That Gets Closer to the Work as the Story Progresses
— Next, please tell us about the composition of the music
Uru: This is a story about going between the feudal and modern eras, so I wanted to make the music mysterious. The part that starts from “In the corner of my memory”, there’s an independent melody that’s only found in that part; I imagined an introduction that felt like opening the door of time. In the part after that, in order to connect to the vigorousness of the hook (translator’s note: the high point of a song), I expressed the determination in oneself.
— Did you ever give instructions to song arranger, Yaffle?
Uru: It connects to what we’re talking about right now, but I wanted the low tone of the first half to feel like a coolness that held back temperature, so there’s not much of a chord. However, I did request things like a hook with a rhythm that could go well with fight scenes or that I wanted a chord that was easy to become familiar with. Yaffle-san is someone who always makes wonderful arrangements, so that’s all I really told him. Actually, I think he made it really fancy. In order to match the base that Yaffle-san created, I really held back and suppressed my voice until the hook. Then I sang the hook as though letting everything out at once.
— After seeing it, what did you think of the ending cinematic that was broadcasted?
Uru: I’m always nervous the first time the song plays. I wonder if my song truly fits the work. However, it was very lovely so that made me happy. The traditional Japanese designs were especially impressionable. I liked how they made it into bands instead of the whole screen. The atmosphere of the entire screen used gentle colors instead of snapping (from one thing to another) (translator’s note: not confident on the translation of this sentence). Also, I was inspired by the figure of the three’s back sides together at the “Right now, we’re all right here” part. It a had a different touch from the rest (of the song) and it had a kind of recollective feel to it.
— Lastly, please give a message to our readers.
Uru: I’m deeply honored to have sung the ending theme for “Hanyō no Yashahime” this time. I created “Break” hoping that it would get closer to the story as it progressed. I would love for you to be able to enjoy the song as you listen to it.
Creating images “Within a Dream”
Ending Storyboard – production direction: Lim Kahee
— What sort of impression did you get when you first heard the ending song, “Break”?
Lim: It’s difficult to put the shock at that time into words. I thought it was a song that had a lot of depth, gentleness, and strength. Like… waking from an important dream that you mustn’t forget. I felt a lot of pressure like “I have to create a cinematic that won’t lose to this song…!” (laughs).
— Based on the story and the composition of the music, what sort of cinematic theme did you think of? In terms of the image, I felt as though it was a story of “The three who were searching for something separately, come together at the end and walk in the same direction.”
Lim: For the most part, I organized the storyline as you said so I’m a little relieved that it came through. I wanted to entrust the interpretation to the various people watching, so rather than a cinematic that conforms perfectly to the lyrics, it took its shape from mixing together everything and reconstructing it: the direction of the story, the lyrics, and the melody. This time, I wanted the song to really be felt, so I threw away unnecessary information from the screen and created something that’s close to the “image”. Creating plenty of white space on the screen, I focused on creating a picture that wasn’t lonely. Using white so boldly was personally challenging for me. I was so scared like “What’ll I do if it comes across as incomplete” (laughs)
— Uru-san told us “Why did you think of Japanese style from this song? It’s very lovely.” What do you think?
Lim: Thank you very much. You see, director Satō Teruo-san gave me this order at the time of the ending’s ordering, “Please put in Japanese style things into the cinematic”. Conversely, that was the only order I received from the director, so I was free to do whatever for the rest. I was at a loss as to what direction to take prior to the ending order meeting, but a single requirement was created which made thinking easy after that. It’s just that I was a little unsure as to how to “incorporate Japanese things”. Rather than using Japanese goods as is, I focused on inserting the designs into the screen so that it would balance with the three’s clothes.
— Additionally, I felt a lot of devices being used such as instead of the outlines of the three girls being black, they were sliver, gold, and red, or that the back sides of the three girls was drawn with a color penciled touch.
Lim: First, after respectfully listening to the song, I wanted to create images “Within a dream”, so I thought I would create an unrealistic space. I thought drawing the three girls in a way that you wouldn’t seen much in the main story would be fun for the ending, so I challenged myself in different aspects. In terms of colors, the song was fairytale-like so I made a request to color designer, Satō Miyuki-san, saying that I would like the cinematic to have a pale image, and made adjustments. There was a lot of trial and error to get the image we were aiming for, so being told this makes me happy.
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1) Towa opens her eyes in a white space. The silver outline and use of pale colors brings a fairytale-like atmosphere to the screen.
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2) Also in this white space is Setsuna, laying down. To her side, the gold rainbow pearl in her possession rolls past.
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3) Moroha opens her eyes in the same way. The movement of making a small frown is just like her. Japanese motifs like the Japanese umbrella appear and continue into the next cut.
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4) The three of them start walking; Each slowly looking around as though searching for something. The gorgeous bands (translator’s note: the kanji translates to the obi found on kimonos) draws the eye.
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5) On the band behind Setsuna, a sparrow motif that seems to associate with her technique (translator’s note: aka attack move) is also inlayed.
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6) Moroha opens her eyes and starts running as though she has found something. The action of her sniffing out a scent resembles that of her father, Inuyasha.
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7) The sliding doors that appear in the backdrop open, the tune goes to its hook (high point of the song). The paper doors that quickly open and appear many times makes the climax of the song prominent.
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8) At the hook of the song, the stirring poses of the three of them holding their weapons appears. With the outline becoming black, there is a greater sense of strength.
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9) The impressionable color penciled touch of their back sides. The sense of roughness that the three of them have in the main story is undeniable but, will they walk onward in the same direction like in this illustration?
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10) In the last cut are the rainbow pearls that the three girls possess. The brilliant high-quality goods surrounded by Japanese motifs finishes off the ending video.
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shaso-cinnjin · 7 years ago
Written by @grand-master-alrik-ville and @shaso-cinnjin
Chapter 1: Old Friend, Old Enemy M41.072
Shas'la Hel'ves ran as fast as his hooves could carry him. The mont'gue'la had ambushed his convoy out in what they thought was safe territory. Hel'ves looked behind him and stopped. How could he not have thought about them. Raising his pulse rifle, Hel'ves ran back to cover the civilians as they ran past. Just about 60 meters behind were the mont'gue'la that the Imperium call Chaos Marines. He knew he was no match for them, but he had to buy the civilians time to get away. Just as he was about to turn and follow them, Hel'ves noticed a little girl trip, falling face first into the churned up ground. Hel'ves slung his rifle and launched himself towards her, sliding down next to her to pick her up.
“Come on, you have to get up. We cannot stay here.” Hel'ves stated as he tried to get her on her feet.
“I can’t. My legs are too tired”
“Then I shall carry yo-” Hel'ves was cut off by the cackling of a Chaos Marine as his shadow descended up Hel'ves. Seeing the devilish and barbaric looking axe raised high in the air, Hel'ves turned his back to the marine, attempting to protect the child as best he could. He waited for the pain and the cold of death to come, but all Hel'ves heard was the sound of a loud metallic CLANG, and then a wet THUD as something landed next to him. Turning his head, the chaos marine laid next to him, and a different presence stood over him. Looking up, all Hel'ves saw was a white cape emblazoned with a silver cross and crossed lightning bolts, and a terminator standing above.
“Run, get your people to safety and tell your Shas O’ that he must press his forces into the flanks if we are to win this war.” The tall marine ordered, his shield raised to protect both him and Hel'ves.
“Who…who might I ask are you, so I know who to tell my Shas O’ to thank for rescuing us” Hel'ves hesitantly asked.
“I am Grand Master Alrik Ville, of the Storm Templars. He will know what to do beyond that. Now go!!” and suddenly the marine dashed forward into the mont'gue'la, no fear in his voice, and he could only sense duty seeping from him.
The distress call from the evacuation convoy rang loudly in his ears as he shot through the sky, the fire billowing its orange and red glow from its location becoming more and more visible the closer he came to its last known location, he feared the worst yet hoped for the best, a hope that would soon take life as he spotted the untainted popping of frantic bolter fire and the crackle of power swords.
As he crested the cliff of the canyon where the ill-fated convoy rested he saw them, weathered armor glinting with orange and yellow as their frames became silhouetted from the muzzle flash, their tall shadows flickering against the trees surrounding the area, fighting valiantly against the bloodied hounds that surrounded them.
Arvack looked upwards, “Incoming projectile! Take Cover!” he screamed as he and his battle brothers dove into what cover they had left.
A thunderous crash was shook the ground as the projectile made impact over their heads, a ring of dust now hanging over them, the cries to the blood god falling silent.
Arvack leaned around his cover bringing his bolter to bare, in front of him was no crater left by stray ordinance but the rising form of a Tau battlesuit gripping the decapitated head of a bloodletter tron from its body by the suits gauntlet. A single red eye turned to look at Arvack, scanning what Arvacks assumed was his left pauldron,
“Storm Templar… It's been so long.” the suit spoke in flawless gothic, “What happened here?” it asked.
“We were ordered by the Grand Master to hold this position to provide cover for your “people” from this convoy while they retreated.”
“I owe both you and your commander a debt, Arvack.” it spoke turning its attention to the recovering horde as it began to reinitialize its assault.
“How’d you know my name?” Arvack inquired, firing his bolter at a charging berserker, blowing its head into gory chunks across the canyon floor.
“I know many things, we’ve met before on the flaming spires Jukaa, you were but a scout.” it said fondly as the T’au began to mow down cultists with its burst cannon, each popping spectacularly in dazzling blue explosions.
“That cannot be true, you lie! It’s been 200 years! That commander’s long past, he is but ash now.” Arvack spoke briefly, his attention becoming more drawn into the defense of his squad.
“Doing pretty well for a pile of ash don’t you think!” the T’au chuckled. “Shas’O Cinnjin, it’s a pleasure to work with your chapter again, Sergeant.”
Arvack looked back at the tall suit, its snow white limbs the same as those he saw blackened by soot back on Jukaa, the same T’au that fought beside him back on that infernal planet.
“Lets go, I’ve cleared a path!” the T’au shouted pointing towards an opening in the trees, “We’ll meet up with more reinforcements that way.”
Alrik rammed his shield into the first Chosen as he charged into battle with the traitors. Swinging his axe in a downward arc, Alrik cleaved the pathetic traitor in two before spinning around and using his shield as a club to crush the skull of another Chosen. Running further towards the convoy, Alrik could see the Tau battle suit aiding his men.
Alrik gave an amused HMPH, as he barreled through some more traitor marines, carving them into pieces. “Cinnjin, you never cease to show me that I can trust you” Alrik mused as he slammed his shield into another.
“Third squad, form a defensive ring around the Tau, the 4th company will be here to push back these fools,” Alrik ordered as he made his way into the quickly forming ring and took position at the back of Cinnjin, “Hello, old friend. Miss me?”
The caped terminator barreled his way into the perimeter forming around Cinnjin,
“Hello, old friend. Miss me?” he asked warmly, Cinnjin knew only one astartes whom would greet him so kindly.
“Alrik, it's good to know you still draw breath” Cinnjin chuckled as he ignited two traitors with the beams of cyan spraying from his pack mounted plasma rifles.
“You’re most kind for aiding us, I fear the more inquisitive among our kind will brand you traitor, you know my offer from all those years ago still stands, I won't ask you outright to come, but if an unpleasant fate begins to manifest in your chapters future, beyond your control, you are always welcome to pursue your goals here, as an equal.” Cinnjin spoke with slight concern in his voice.
The ring closed around them, Chaos of all forms sprinting from the treeline over the steadily increasing mound of corpses, blue and orange flashes making the shadows flicker and grow in spastic pattern. The crack of thunder hammers slamming ceramite and the pop of pulse munitions hitting home filled the night as the defenders grew ever fewer.
The ground began to shake and the clouds opened above, beams of bright blue shot down from the stratosphere, a beam of incinerating heat traced the outline of the group, annihilating the surrounding area. The flick and hum of incoming thunderhawk and tigershark engines sang chorus for the symphony of munitions they let loose as the entire canyon, save for the convoy, became naught but atoms before the combined might of the allies combined forces.
“Hel’ves told me about your desire to flank them, looks like they finished off the others just in time to save their poor commanders.” Cinnjin laughed, his eye lenses began shrinking to pinholes to better cope with the blinding light. “Tis’ a Victory, Alrik, even the smallest can make all the difference don’t you think?”
Alrik smiled under his helmet as he hacked at a Chosen, cleaving the traitor in two. “Cinnjin, you know I must say no to the offer. My loyalties are to my Emperor and his Imperium, regardless of whether it is a shadow of its former glory or not. Maybe in a different time, our Empires would see that we would work better as an Alliance. However, I fear that the Imperium has grown to a set in its xenophobia to ever realize that.” Alrik stated with a hint of sadness. Slamming his shield into a charging possessed marine before cutting him in half, Alrik looked behind him to see a charging chaos marine with a melta bomb going for Cinnjin.
Alrik pushed his Terminator armor as best he could to get as much speed as he charged for the traitor. Unfortunately for the traitor, he didn’t notice until it was too late the charging behemoth of cermatite and muscle. Using his shield as a club, Alrik decapitated the traitor in one undercut swing, sending its head and the bomb flying.
“All units, engage these traitors with extreme prejudice, leave none standing” Alrik ordered.
“My friend, our chapter is one of very few that ally themselves with…xenos. While we keep that under black tape, we are the only ones who try to help those that have helped us.”
“Aye, I know where your loyalties lie, it was never a matter of that, of sides.” Cinnjin spoke sending a punch into a whirling screamer, the force of his onager gauntlet sending a shockwave into the treeline.
“It was about consequences, how sometimes the black ink gets washed away, it’s not an offer of annexation into the empire but of protection, so that you may serve your people even if they grow hate you, a thought that I dread.” Cinnjin spoke to the terminator as it smashed the skull of one of his traitor brethren beneath his bootheil.
Cinnjin then let out a sigh. Briefly noticing trees falling from deep in the thick foliage, the only warning of what was to come.
With a blood curdling scream the Debaser of Slaanesh slammed into the defensive perimeter, its wip like tendrils cutting through armor like it was the air itself. Cinnjin fell silent and began to crouch forward.
“You may want to move.” He said motioning for Alrik to step away.
All that stood in Cinnjins place after that moment was a cloud of dust a faint blue trail and a very, very shattered sound barrier.
Cinnjin shot fourth over the Debaser, grappling the two large horns cropping out from the head of the beast, kicking his vector thrusters around he began to rear the beast towards its own, it sending chunks of eviscerated heretic flesh through the air in spectacular gory sprays.
With a crack and a thud it was clear the commander had had enough, using his onager gauntlet to strike the beast so that the pressurised air punched clean through it and the ground, its head exploding in a purple-red haze coating him in blood.
Cinnjin them motioned to the path he had previously cleared and for the Astartes to follow.
“The evacuation should be complete, come!” the bloodsoaked commander yelled, pointing towards the salvation of the landing-zone.
“It's time we show these creatures the meaning of what we stand for!”
“If it comes to that Cinnjin, then I will accept your offer.” Alrik stated as he walked past the Debaser. “Templars, move to the LZ and secure the perimeter. Double time it” Alrik broke into a run.
“Cinnjin, I pray that the path we tread will never see us become enemies. As we both know, the path to ruin is paved with good intentions. My Emperor discovered that ten millennia ago. I fear your people are due for it as well. I just hope it will not see a good man like you taken from this galaxy.”
“I fear the same” spoke Cinnjin, “I’ve taken… "steps” to see that it doesn't. Until we meet again, Alrik.“ With those final words Cinnjin reignited his retros and shot into the air. His departure shaking the ground he once stood upon, the blue haze of his jumpack becoming ever dimmer as he rose up into the stratosphere.  
Chapter 2: New Age Diplomacy M41.109
Alrik stared through the glass of his flagship The Iron Storm. Down below were the burning remains of the Storm Templars home world Valencia. The day had come for Ahriman’s revenge. Though it had been many centuries ago, back when Lanius Pathiel had walked among their once proud halls and fought alongside the greatest of his chapter’s heroes. Today was a tragedy in the history of the Storm Templars, but one the Storm Templars will recover. Until the time for revenge is right, however, the Storm Templars must disappear, to give their enemy a false sense of security. “All ships, lock onto our warp jump point. We make for the Eastern Fringe. We have allies there that will show us hospitality. All hands, prepare for Warp.” Grand Vicar Remuldus stepped up behind Alrik, a puzzled expression on his otherwise stone-like face. “Grand Master, surely you don’t mean to barter with Cinnjin. Regardless of whether he is an ally, the wider Imperium would see this as…” Alrik raised a hand sharply, cutting his High Vicar. “Our people need a home, Remuldus, and our chapter needs a place to bury or dead. Cinnjin has offered us a home, and I intend to take him up on it. You know as well as I that he is an honorable man and a friend of our chapter,” Alrik turned to look at his friend, a long red scar running diagonally down his face, “and if we are to have our revenge for those that died down there, and for the stain on our chapter’s history, we must become like ghosts. What better way than to hide where not even Ahriman would think to look. Trust in me, Remuldus.” Remuldus stood emotionless, his face set. Suddenly he gave a sigh before look Alrik in the eye with a smile. “Once more my friend, you have proven yourself. I see your wisdom and logic in this course. May the Emperor guide our actions as he has done before, and let us go to our esteemed friend.” Alrik and Remuldus clasped gauntlets in a sign of mutual respect and kinship. Alrik turned to look our the view port. “All ships, initiate warp jump on my mark…..mark. With that, a series of over 30 warp rifts opened as the fleet made its jump to Tau space, bound for a friend they had not seen in years. A faint mechanical whining sound from within the suspended suit, chem injectors and nutritional drips retracted back into their inactive positions, Cinnjin woke from a dreamless sleep, something he had become accustomed to in his age. At least it took an edge off the fatigue, and the infernal nagging of the water caste. He did not wake to the usual hum of busy drones tending to battle damage or the flicker of his inbox prompting him within his heads up display but a wailing siren. “Ambush!” he thought lurching upright, tearing the still unattached wires and tubes from the walls and various equipment that allowed him brief rest. “Status report, Por’O!” he screamed into his communicator. “We’ve got jump readings off our starboard side, I’ve scrambled the fighters but they’ve caught us at port. They’re transmitting an unknown signal through the rift, can decipher it!” the Por”O replied. Cinnjin caught a faint flashing in his peripheral vision, a tiny screen flicked on and off as it read out its message. “Stormborn” “Recall the Fighters!” He spoke, with a taste of worry on his voice. “Get the EMT on the bridge and clear a landing zone upon the planet's surface, today is about to be a very dark one, and I refuse to let it dim any more.” “But Shas’O, it could be an ambush or a-” “Do as I say Ki’neth, trust in me.” Cinnjin cut the Por’O off, his voice adding a palpable calm to the situation. “Y-yes, Shas’O.” Just then the void tore open to birth a dozen vivid swirling holes, spears of silver and steel pierced the veil into T’au space, each one an intricate maze of spires and stunning stained glass sanctuaries depicting the heroics of heros long past, each one a grey reminder of the power of imperial might and the solemn reminder of engenuity long lost to time and tragedy. A few entered real space in ragged condition, their might hulls porus with shell holes torn to ragged ribbons by the lashing tendris of ordinance powerful enough to end trillions of lives in seconds. Cinnjin saw this, his mechanical fist clenching into a vacuum tight grip, it was the first time he felt rage in a very, very long time, the only calm in his mind came when he saw the flagship, its colossal silver hull ornately detailed and etched into swerling branches of silver and marble, its weathered prow still carried the remains of enemy vessels strewn across its titanic width. It sat protectively at the head of the fleet, like a lioness guarding her cubs. Now all Cinnjin felt was sadness, sadness and a hint of hope. He was sad that they had to come, but glad that they did. What would follow would need to be a time of rebuilding and trust, the Storm Templars have shown their true face, they need help, and now it was the T’au’s turn to be what the universe had been missing for fourty thousand years, kind. Alrik stood straight as he let his personal serfs attach his artificer armor to his neuroports. He had intended to come in his terminator armor, but Ahriman had seen it torn to ribbons. He stared at the remains of his once glorious axe, a relic of his friend, now shattered at the hilt. Alrik supposed now was the time for it to return to its old master, as well as his shield. When the Serfs returned with his new relic blade, he could scarcely believe what he beheld. A long polearm, a gigantic spear wreathed in symbols of lightning and the symbol of justice: The Hammer. His personal artificer never ceased to amaze. “Alrik, my friend, it is time to meet with Cinnjin, before his men get too restless.” Remuldus walked in before giving a low whistle. “Very fitting, I would say. Your weapon matches too. You look more like a sentinel.” “I embody that role. I am a sentinel to our chapter just as we are sentinels to our people. I agree with you friend. What is the Grand Paragon doing?” “Currently tending to his Paragons and the needs of our people. Should I recall him?” “Negative. We shall handle this. I think we need everyone we can get. Come lets meet our friend.” The Command Suit strode down the pristine halls towards the airlock trailed by a neat formation of fire warriors, each of their helms a pitch black, their pauldrons bearing the personal markings of their commander. Two warriors on either flank of the formation held a banner, one bearing the Iconography of the Storm Templars chapter as the contingent remembered it, and the other bearing a simple T’au symbol. Behind them proceeded numerous medical teams, unsure what the condition of their allies was they prepared for the worst. This was the same across the dozens of T’au ships rising to meet the sizably larger imperial vessels, the only one coming close to matching their size was the Flagship Drakken a prototype vessel with a massive centered railgun that bisects the ship right down to the picketed prow, a piece of equipment the T’au learn to fear from the Damocles Crusade adapted to meet their needs. “Wait to hail them before boarding, once we receive that it is indeed them, we will proceed” Cinnjin spoke across his fleet via intercom. “This is not an exercise in force, but compassion, this is where we prove we are different. Be kind my fellow crewman, be kind.” With that Cinnjin received the all clear, the airlock clicked and puffed oxygen visibly through its vents before opening. “Hello, old friend.” Alrik stood at the airlock as it opened, his silver and gold suit shimmering in the passageway lights. His spear was mag-locked to his back, a sign of respect and peace to his old friend. Once the airlock opened, he looked up at the battle suit, the now dull red scar very visible across his face. “Hello, Cinnjin. I wish this were on a better occasion but I must take you up on your offer. Our home system has been razed and our home world destroyed.” Alrik stepped aside to show his wounded men and the many civilians that waited in the hangar. “Many of our apothecary's were killed in the fighting, but we were able to recover as many as we could.” Cinnjin stepped aside, and his retinue followed in perfect sync to allow the medical crews aboard. “Your people are welcome here on Tash’var, and you are permitted to build upon orbiting moons to create a new “Chapter Monastery” as you call it. Shame really, I always hoped to see the Stormhold.” Cinnjin spoke, his tone serious with a hint of grief. “You have my utmost condolences. However I believe the grieving will have to wait unit things get settled.” Cinnjin then gestured down the hallway. “Shall we make room for the wounded, we should move around the ship so we can better talk without remaining ourselves an obstacle.” “I can guarantee that it would have been a sight for you, Cinnjin. I agree. If you would follow Remuldus and me, we can talk in my personal chambers” Alrik turned slowly before stepping off in a slow march, keeping his head forward, never letting his eyes wander. They walked down silver and marble halls, etchings depicting heroes of eons past. Here and there, picts displaying heroes in terminator armor holding off hordes of orks and traitors. Some depict massive combats with the Eldar. There is only one that depicts a dreadnought, its fist raised high, ready to crush a Tau battle suit. Cinnjin followed Alrik down the weathered hall of the flagship, wounded lining the walls on either side. They passed underneath gothic arches and past ancient statues. Cinnjin couldn’t help but feel the worried eyes of imperial crewmen eyeing his every move, he didn’t exactly blend into his surroundings. “Worry not about how they feel Cinnjin. They are hurt and scared. They will understand in time.” Alrik stated without looking. The group came upon two ornate blast doors. Placing his hand upon a pad beside them, Alrik opened the doors to his chambers. The main room was a rather modest hosting room, filled with furniture to sit upon. Lining the walls were shelves containing books and terminals with data streaming across them. Alrik’s personal serfs came forward before kneeling before him. “How may we serve you, Grandmaster” they spoke in unison, no questions asked about Cinnjin and his retinue. “Please, gather some tea for those that can drink, and whatever our friend Cinnjin here is able to have that we may be able to provide” “I thank you for your hospitality.” Cinnjin spoke, moving around the humble chamber briefly admiring the smell of burning incense. “Your chapter is welcome here, Alrik. The moon of Il'cea has land that is yours to govern. Save you defend it and its people. A condition I know you have little issue with.” “If there is anything specific you need we will attempt to accommodate you.” Cinnjin said turning to face Alrik. “I would like to ask of I could borrow some of your stealth teams. Despite their expertise in stealth operations, my fourth company was decimated trying to fight our traitorous cousins. We need to train our scouts going to that company.” Alrik turned towards Cinnjin. “We also need help with construction and possible terraforming. To being anymore than my people would be to invite war upon your cadre unless you were to join in an alliance. Like Commander Farsight did” “We would be honored to instruct your men, my kind are most reasonable when it comes to these things, it will not be difficult to sway things to better suit you. We’d even be willing to share equipment given time.” Cinnjin gestured towards the nearest of his bodyguard, the comparatively small warrior stepped forward, placing a disc shaped object upon the table. “A gift to soothe these difficult times, it is a shield generator, same make and design as mine, however more fitting to your “aesthetic”. The shield bore a simple design, not more than a simple disc with rivets dotting its circumference, and a single word etched in low gothic centred upon its crest. It read “Virtue”. “I saw it a fitting gift come our next meeting, albeit I had hoped to present it to you under better circumstances.” Alrik picked up the device and attached it to his shoulder. He could see the device shimmer as it dispersed the energy field around him, melding itself with his armor’s built in shield. He nodded approvingly. “A fine gift, one I am happy to receive, regardless of circumstances.” Alrik turned looked at Cinnjin. “In exchange, if your people are so inclined, we can teach your men further in the ways of melee combat. I unfortunately don’t know how much our technology would ban of use to you” That would be most appreciated, in time I’m sure your men would be willing to share with us your knowledge, though I do have to keep an air of ignorance about the truth regarding your technical equipment, the Ethereal caste still think me ignorant to the reality of the “warp” as you call it. They must be given time to better realize its complications, lest I suffer the wrath of knowing such a dangerous knowledge. A bit ironic don't you think?“ Cinnjin laughed. “All you must do now is allow us to help you, you are in good hands.” “Your men are welcome aboard our ships. They will be escorted by my men to keep any descendants in line. I must make a further ask that no mention of the Greater Good be made. We have our own version of which works for our people. I do not wish to cause any complications in our relationship as it stands. I do hope you understand.” "Understood, though you were already a whole coming together to work towards something greater, you already fight for a greater good, just one separate to my own. I however will instruct the more zealous of my crew to hold their tongues when it comes to Ideologies.” Cinnjin the paced over towards the stained glass window, a giant figure depicted in shining golden armor. “I think he may be proud, Alrik, I know little of your Emperor but if he is half the man you are he’d be proud, of you, of what you stand for.” "He was the most powerful man in the galaxy. Could persuade entire armies to lay down their weapons without a single shot being fired. Could mend machines with but a single touch and obliterate an enemy without a single motion being made. He was the epitome of what man could become. Now he is nought but a skeleton upon a failing throne. Few realize what he gave up to save his Imperium from the claws of the Chaos gods and their traitorous followers. He burned his own beloved sons soul from existence, so that he may never be brought back into being. In doing so, he sacrificed his immortality. He was a god among men, a true god. He merely wished to see mankind rule the stars, not alone, but the dominant species. I believe he would have attempted to have your Empire join the fold, if not ally with us. I merely wish to see a part of his vision come true.” "He did not know us, he knew a cold galexy that knew no warmth, I’m sure he could see the value of kind not his own given better times.” Cinnjin then turned away from the everwatching gaze of the imparator prime towards Remaldus. “I presume this to be your second? I wish to become acquainted with you, space marine.” Kindly spoke Cinnjin, extending a hand in a formal human gesture of trust. Remuldus looked at the hand before slowly taking it in his own. "I am Premier Vicar Remuldus Teuton. I am what other space marines call the High Chaplain of my chapter. I lead my brothers in prayer before, during, and after battle and in times of peace. However I am not his second. I am merely his spiritual counsel. Unfortunately, his second is seeing to his men. The first company was the rearguard in our retreat from our sacred home and took heavy casualties.” “It's a pleasure all the same, Remuldus, I look forward to hearing what you have to say, a holy mind is strongest in times of darkness.” Cinnjin praised, gently shaking Remuldus’ hand and taking note of the weathered and battered skull the Chaplin wore, the flickering of candle light highlighting the cracks lining the faceplate. “Now If you’ll allow me, I’d like to speak to you, Alrik, and perhaps a High Paragon, if one so much as remains after such a tragedy. I have a matter I’d like to discuss, in private.” Alrik went over to a command console. “Remuldus, go ahead and head to the chapel. I think now would be a good time for one of your sermons.” Alrik stated as he typed into the console. “Aye, Grand Master. As you command” Remuldus turned and walked out of Alrik’s chambers, his black armor melding with the shadows around him. “Randrid to the Grand Master’s chambers please, Randrid to the Grand Master’s chambers” Alrik called over the ship vox before shutting off his link. “So, what did you need to discuss, old friend?” “I need to share some grim news my own, we’ve managed to create a means of traversing the Damocles Gulf, after the tragedy of our fourth sphere expansion a wormhole opened in the silent zone, a path of void left by Hive Fleet Gorgon.” “We received a distress call through it, the same frequency as our missing expansion built a nexus of thousands of star forts around it and dove into it find our lost friends, this succeeded, however we drew a putrid ire.” “The sickly legions of the Death Guard appeared from deep space in numbers never seen before, a million fronts opened in an instant and the slaughter of millions took place, millions of lives that I am failing to save. They push ever closer to the nexus, and if they breach it the heart of our empire will be exposed to the destructive forces of chaos. I will not ask you to fight for us, for me, but the Empire is fighting a losing battle, and we need all the help we can get.” “I only wish to discuss such a thing in the presence of your Paragon due to the horrid eldritch powers at be, his expertise may be of some use, or at the very least he shield my words from the prying eyes of the warp.” The blast doors opened before the terminator armored figure of Randrid as he stepped through. “You have need of me, Grandmaster?” Randrid questioned, giving a momentary glance towards Cinnjin. “Yes High Paragon. Our friend here has told me that the forces of the Death Guard have launched a full-scale attack upon their Empire. He is fighting a losing battle. While I won’t necessarily say that he isn’t asking for our help militarily, he is asking for counsel about how best he can face this threat. Also, Cinnjin, this room is psychically shielded from all but Randrid here.” Alrik started with a hint of pride. “I see. Indeed, Cinnjin, you face an uphill battle if you face the Death Guard. Veterans one and all, and cursed by Nurgle to be nigh unstoppable. Depends on who leads this force, that will answer what your best course of action is. Truthfully though, the Death Guard are near peerless in psychological warfare, now more than ever. Your best chance is to kill any and all psykers, known to them as Plaguecasters. The rest would be to concentrate as much heavy firepower on any vehicles and heavy infantry they bring. Create kill zones to trap any light infantry or their regular troops. Finally, whatever you do, do not engage in melee with any cultists that look more like the undead than people. Those are called Poxwalkers. Any man they kill will rise and join their ranks.” “Thank you for sharing such wisdom.” Cinnjin said bowing slightly. “I’ll be sure to share such knowledge with my colleagues, as well as the good you’ve done for us.” “I would also like your paragon to study one of our drones taken from such a conflict, your Imperium shuns such thinking machines due to their susceptibility to dark influence, however we suffer not even the tiniest disobedience with our designs, the philosophy of our kind engrained within every fiber of their being, even to the point where they exhibit a sentience of not corruption but a desire to continue their intended task, even doing so after suffering such damage that they should fesable be incapable of doing so. Adapting some portions of our design may lead to a decrease in the creation of servators.” “Sometimes I think they may have souls their very own.” Alrik and Randrid looked at each other before chuckling. “My friend, we shun the use of fully autonomous AI, free thinking machines, for a reason. As long as the AI is controlled, we do not mind whatsoever. The reason we use servitors is because they are either criminals where even the best of rehabilitation programs would fail to turn results or trainees who have failed their trials and are too maimed to be returned. We take no pleasure in doing so, but regular humans can only do so much. Though you may notice we have many more serfs then you think” Just as Alrik makes this statement, his personal serfs return with drinks, passing them out to everyone. “Indeed, the war with the Men of Iron brought about the end of the first Empire of Man, with their reliance on technology being the catalyst. It is okay to use technology to benefit, but there is a line between benefit, and a crutch” Randrid spoke before sipping his tea. “However, we can study your drones combat footage and tell you the best course of action about how best to deal with them, if only to give your people more time to consolidate and hold. I will say, your builder drones are of interest” “You must think me a fool.” Cinnjin said with a sigh. “I know the risks, our drones are no crutch, but partner’s. The notion I was attempting to make clear is that in time your stock of servators may dwindle and although your chapter will still be capable it may be hindered without a workforce.” “And what causes the peculiar interest in our construction equipment?” Cinnjin said, motioning for his bodyguard to relax. “How quickly they work, their ability to continuously build. As it stands, we have no enginseers or techpriests to build our ships and knowing them, they would take forever. We meant no offense to you or your technology. Specifically you, but we have seen many other septs rely almost entirely on their technology solely.” Alrik apologized. “Nor did I mean any offense.” Randrid stated, locking eyes with Alrik for a moment. “Me and Alrik seem to agree on one thing. We will give you our full support to hold back the tide. We take care of our allies.” “We hope to do the same.” Cinnjin spoke kindly. In most cases septs attacked are in development, a phase of vulnerability where the infrastructure for a "living” workforce has not yet been implemented. I can see where your misconceptions come from.“ "If you provide the blueprint we will be happy to build you most anything, lest it require too much material at that time. The defense of the Empire comes first and the Ethereals only trust you with so much requisition, a stance I have worked to remove since our last meeting.” We can build you more than just a few cruisers if that's what you are asking.“ A drone then Calmly buzzed into the room, its eye lense staring curiously at Alrik. With a beep it drew back towards Cinnjin. "This drone will be the connection between you and me if we aren’t face to face.” Cinnjin said fondly, physically greeting the drone by placing a hand utop it. "Very well my friend.” Alrik tapped into his coms. “I need a servo skull to my quarters with blueprints for a strike cruiser.” Within moments a servo-skull floats in from a vent and displays the blueprints in front of Cinnjin. Cinnjin waves his hand over the holo-pict, designating the blueprint as vital information to his system, a faint but rapid click can be heard as his focal lens take even the tiniest the details with sharp precision. “I’ll upload this to my ships memory banks for data-transfer once we reach a dry dock, I am most impressed with your chapters personal changes from what is usually the standard for Astartes navy ships.” he praised. With a final click he returned his focus to Alrik. “I believe these talks have been fruitful. Once the entirety of your fleet is void worthy we’ll guide you to our space docks for further replenishment of provisions, then we will direct you to your new residence. Now if you’ll excuse me I must make my way back to my ship before they worry too much, our men aren’t as fond of each other as we seem to be, something that I hope to change yes?  Regardless it was a pleasure meeting you Randrid, you as well Alrik. Oh. Don’t forget to contact me immediately if you need anything, you are our guests after all. ” With those final words Cinnjin motioned his retinue to return to his ship, all silently standing and returning to formation behind their commander. Whether they were more relaxed after their ordeal or even nervous to begin with could only be guessed at. “Until I see you next, old friend.”
The years went by quickly, the Storm Templars rebuilt their fortress monastery with the help of the Tau builder drones. The fleet of the Storm Templars grew rapidly, its ships being completed in the spans of months rather than years. A trade route was established, with markers being placed to establish a route that would take any Imperial forces away from Tau planets. Given time, the Storm Templars returned to their former glory.
“Brothers, serfs, now is the time we return to the fold of the universe. We shall show our true might, not just to our friend Cinjinn, but to the wider Imperium.” Alrik announced from his pulpit in the staging area. Pressing a button, a hologram appeared in the air for all to see. “This planet is currently under protection from Cinjinn, and being attacked by the Death Guard. We shall through our full might into this. We shall remind them why we are the Emperor’s Storm. Board your transports, make ready for war. For the Emperor! For Mankind!” This battle cry was repeated in unison from over a million voices. Armored feet marched in lockstep to thunderhawks and stormbirds. Fighters took off to dock with their respective ships. Tanks filled into clamps underneath specialized thunderhawk transports. Death comes for the those that claim to be deathless.
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ofscnias-archive-blog · 8 years ago
howdy!  i’m jo and i’m super stoked to start interacting with you wonderful specimens. under the cut is a longer than necessary, but not as long as my first draft, intro post for my lil baby. she’s adorable & dangerous. isn’t that the best combination?
ANYWAY feel free to read or not read & hmu to plot of for a casual chat. i need attention like twenty four hours a day or i die  ( essentially a tamagotchi )  
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— &. welcome ( SONIA GHANI ) to the mutates protection program. the ( TWENTY THREE ) year old mutate is (  CHARMING & DISLOYAL ), possessing the ability of ( BARBED WIRE CONJURING/MANIPULATION ). they look strikingly similar to ( SUMMER BISHIL ). are they going to self-express or self-destruct? ( ooc: jo / nineteen / gmt / she/her  )
okay so starting with the short version of the long drawn out backstory ioriginally wrote:  sonia was born sonali gangadharan  ( bless google for helping me find indian names ) in bangalore, india.  she was raised by her mother ameera in a very depraved slum. 
sonia was born a mutate. at the age of eight sonali began to feel pain like she’d never felt before. like something was inside of her scratching at her skin.  weird things started happening. the metal fences that surrounded their homes would bend out of shape as she stood in front of them. she’d have viscous nightmares about being restrained to her bed with barbed wire. 
the word mutate was never brought up though, believing her daughter to be possessed by some kind of evil spirit, ameera took her to a local man who claimed he could help. he didn’t. instead he tried to exorcise the ‘demon’ that was inside her. throwing an acidic mix dubbed as holy water on her face which scarred the left side of her face permenently and causing her great pain. it was that pain that finally made her power reveal itself in full. strings of barbed wire conjured up around her, entrapping the man and her mother --- killing them instantly. 
she practically raised herself after that, hiding away in the shadows with the rest of the parentless kids of the slum. ashamed of the burden she carried and the scar that made everyone look at her like she was hideous. during this time she managed to get a hold on her ‘gift’, controlling it enough to stop it from killing other people. 
as she got older she began to adapt herself to survive.  she changed her name from sonali to sonia, gangadharan to ghani in order to escape her history. she ended up growing tired of people looking at her like she was hideous so instead she made them look at her with fear, becoming one of the faces of a local gang that practically took command of the area she lived in.
during this time she had her fair share of being used bc she was beautiful enough to fuck but too scarred to marry.  few people knew about her mutation because she never hesitated to use it to threaten people.  stema picked up on this when the group of people she hang around with tried to abduct an american college researcher. her power was exposed to the journalist when she helped him escape by using it. the rest is history...
her power is incredibly dark and twistd. it’s not a pretyt mutation at all. she can literally decapitate people by conjuring up strings of barbed wire and wrapping them around peoples necks. (i’m graphic & delightful) think silent hill style. if she pushed herself to her limits she can create like an entire barbed wire shield typ thing that piles up behind her and snaps at people. she’s also desensitized to the pain of it and can literally just grab hold of it bc honeslty...it’d be fucking painful if she couldn’t.
personality wise, she’s very disloyal. will work for anyone that appreciates her in any way. if she thinks you’re in the wrong she will go against you no matter how close you are. but she’s also very witty and charming. surprisingly she’s fairly intellectual for someone who never really had a proper education. like she knows big words and is very street smart. she might not be able to work out maths or tell you what the capitol of australia is but she’s got a lot of common sense.
she still has the scars on the left side of her face & although she makes an attempt to make it more appealing with make up it’s very obviously still there.  she’s not overly insecure about it but still wishes it wasn’t there, as much as she might protest otherwise. tells people it’s just a side effect of her mutation bc the truth is too painful.
( click here  OR  here  for two different mock ups of what i mean by scarring.)
speaks in an american accent bc she’s had enough of not fitting in in her life.
an actual cutie when you get to know her, comes out with the most random little remarks which are just brilliant. call her barbie & she will laugh, call her burned barbie she will threaten to decapitate you.
might seem intimidating at first bc of the scar and bc she’s so guarded. plus her power is a little...intese so.
hasn’t decided whether she really wants to do good ith her power yet bc she struggled to believe anyone will ever see her power and do anything but run away.
my actual babe. i had her in a group before that died within like a week and i was super sad BUT it’s good for you guys bc now you get to experience her. yaaaaay.
i’m currently like half-assing my way through a connections page but feel free to hmu and brainstorm w/ me bc i’m a plot ho/needy af
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monster-massage-blog · 8 years ago
Do-Over; Part 1, Malicious Revenge
Saga found himself sitting on the throne...this was a familiar sight. He looked at himself. He was an Abra once more...there was the flowers. That meant Asgore was behind him and the human was going to arrive. He took a deep breath...he felt weaker. Of course he was weak. He didn’t have his powers as a deity of calamity and he was a child. He knew how to fight now though. He didn’t have long to wait though...the human, no, Chara strolled into the throne room with knife in hand. Their eyes widened slightly as they had been expecting someone else. The only one in the throne room was that monster that they had encountered a few times but something felt different now. Their eyes were open and their eyes were red as rubies. They had expected a more gentle color. Still they would play this off. “Aha…interesting choice for a final showdown.” Chara said with an amused smile. “You are the prince though. Does this mean I have you cornered?”
“Shut your fucking mouth and come at me.” Saga said curtly and gently hopped off the throne, knife in his right hand, and taking a stance.
Chara seemed momentarily stunned. What the heck? Did they really- “You’ve got a mouth on you all of a sudden.” The Human said, eyes narrowed.
“I told you to shut up.” Saga ordered. “Or do I have to come to you?” Chara was getting tired of this pretty quickly and charged forward, raising their arm up high and swinging down with all their might but the Abra raised his left hand and quickly palmed it to the aside, the right hand thrusting forward and planting the dull knife into the human’s throat. Chara’s eyes widened, but Saga wasn’t finished yet, and tore the knife sideways, almost decapitating the human, where they fell backwards, the crimson staining the flowers. He knelt down as he saw the light fade from their eyes. “Now what you were expecting was it? A battle with magic where your HP would protect you. No...no no no. I’m going to kill you with a pain you can still feel.” The prince whispered, wiping the knife off with the human’s shirt. “These will be mortal blows for sure but you’re not going to die right away. You’re going to lay there until you bleed out. You’re probably not conscious are you? Oh well. I’ll just make sure the next one is drawn out.”
Saga waited there, content with his work while taking a few practice jabs at the human’s limbs to test the power that his smaller limbs contained, but eventually death took the human and there was the familiar tearing as the world seemed to fall apart and then snap back together...only something was different now. Now it felt...earlier. Everything seemed the same though. Just...earlier perhaps? Then he felt the familiar tearing as someone else beat the human, and things were reset. They were fighting Sans. He HAD gone back. As his stomach settled down, he hopped off Asgore’s throne and took off running. The Cathedral wasn’t too far away.
“Heya. You look frustrated about something. Guess I’m pretty good at my job huh?” Sans asked with a smug grin on his face.
Saga was charging as fast as he could, flying past the skeleton and shoulder-checking Chara in the chest, catching both Sans and Chara by surprise, and sending the human tumbling to the floor with a bewildered expression. Saga sighed and turned around. “Sans. You are relieved of duty. I’ll get this.”
Sans amused and laid-back expression had changed into something more serious. “...What happened to you?” He asked. This wasn’t the same kid he’d talked to earlier. That child was frightened but determined. This was...someone else. Something else. His eyes were open as well. He’d never seen that before. Those eyes looked firm and hard. Red didn’t suit him.
“I’m aware of the resets. I always have been.” Saga said with a hint of bitterness. “I guess I found my limit. Now stand back. That’s a royal order.”
“You’re seriously gonna try that one?” Sana asked.
“Papyrus wanted a skeleton to be among the Royal Guard. Ideally it would be him but wouldn’t he be delighted to find out you’d done it?” Saga asked.
San’s expression hardened. “Those are some pretty words...but you don’t really mean that do you?”
“No. I don’t. But I’m going to say to get you to leave this to me. If I lose you can mop up afterwards and this will never have happened. Now STAND. ASIDE.”
“...Suit yourself.” Sans said and started walking off. “...You’re dad is gonna be a sad man.”
Saga was about to retort with something VERY biting but there were more pressing matters to attend to. The human was getting back to their feet.
“You…what the hell is going on?” Chara demanded. “You’re not like this...and now I’m back here! I already beat him! I know I saved before I got to you! Why am I back here!?”
“Don’t wanna tell you.” Saga said and held up the knife. “I promised you pain but you were unconscious.”
The Human glared at him with unrestrained venom before charging forward. Saga swung his own knife, deflecting the human’s strike with a blow to the side before thrusting forward with a rather quick slash and gouging out one of the human’s eyes. They screamed in pain as their vision was abruptly lost, their other eye shutting in pain. Saga didn’t want to wait for them to recover though, grabbing their hair and shoving their head down to meet his raised knee with a rather sickening crunch. Their nose caved and they stumbled backwards, trying to escape this onslaught, but he was far from finished. He teleported behind then, kicked them from behind, and grabbed their wrists as they fell forward. They didn’t make it to the ground, now on their knees as Chara forced their one good eye open, staring back at the vengeful prince. “W-what are you going to do?!” They demanded, but dread was filling their voice.
“You were very naughty with these arms of yours.” Saga said simply. “You punch even when you were disarmed. I think...you would be better without them.” He started to pull with his arms and push with his foot, which was still firmly planted against the human’s back.
“Wait...no, stop! This isn’t fair!” The human roared but they couldn’t managed to get any other words out, the prince yanking even harder, and the human screamed as both arms were pulled from their sockets. The pain was too great...as he released them, the human fell forward, gasping desperately for air. This wasn’t right...how were they supposed to fight? There was supposed to be a back and forth sort of thing. Then they felt something against their shoulders...the prince had picked up their sharper knife and was gently feeling around with it, serving for where the bone and shoulder had been disconnected. “W-what…?”
“I want to cut them off.” Saga said simply. “I want you to stay awake as long as you can as I dis-arm you completely.” Saga said almost cheerfully. “I want you to feel the warmth leave your body and your strength fade. I want you to fully appreciate your death and every aspect of it...because I’m going to come for you. Every time you come back I’ll be there to kill you again. Every person you’ve killed, all the progress you made, every number that you increased, back to how it was, bit by bit. I’m going to make you fear me. I want you to feel what it’s like to lose all hope. To be hunted by someone you don’t stand a chance against. A REAL monster.” He found the spot. “Still...I’m strong, but I can’t chop through bone, even with this nice knife. Good thing it so kindly moved out of my way.” And with that, he started to slice through the flesh. The rest of the strength in Chara’s body and the rest of the air in their lungs was spent screaming as the prince methodically sliced through the soft flesh and the cloth of the human’s sleeves. Their life’s blood spilled generously from the holes and Saga watched with some satisfaction...and then indifference. “Hmmm...sure takes human’s a long time to bleed to death doesn’t it?” He mused. “Oh well. We’re going to spend a lot of time together. I’ll think of some other fun way to snuff you out when you come back. See you then.”
The human’s vision was blurry. They couldn’t speak. They could barely managed to breath. Soon all fell to darkness...and they were back again, this time outside of Asgore’s home. All of their injuries were gone but the memory remained...they needed the knife! They ran forward, threw open the door, and their felt a sudden coldness in their stomach. They looked down in disbelief...at the knife. It was in their gut...and holding the handle was a yellow hand with a lacy pink fingerless glove. “Guess whoooo~” Saga said almost lovingly. “I said I’d be here for you when you came back...I hope you saved often. I’m not letting you escape me...ever.”
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acepsychologist · 4 years ago
Location: Eldoon’s Noodles. Time: 6:30 P.M
Nighttime had sprung on the bustling city of Los Angeles, mostly clear skies with a touch of clouds strung across the sky, masking the crescent moon. Athena finished what was mostly a standard, rather boring affair that involved filing paperwork involving the last case she handled, trying to get some money from it that basically all went towards the rent of the office that Phoenix inherited from his former boss Mia Fey. Athena was flat broke as per usual and had close to about $20 of assorted bills and change rustling around in her purse’s wallet, so she decided it was yet another Eldoon’s noodles sort of night.
The owner of the stand was watching over the people walking by on this chilly night, walking by People park, going into it for a short walk, most heading back home to avoid the real bitter cold temperatures that were expected to come in this winter night. Athena made her way up to the stand and sat down on the stool smelling the ramen and letting off a soft sigh. Her expression was a contemplative one, deep in thought, with a small frown over her face. She was thinking back to past times, the cases that she took on and the strange people who she encountered that she considered friends.
“Ay, what’s with the long face Thena? You seem like you’re deep in thought about something.” Eldoon broke the long silence just waiting tor Athena to order her usual. “Oh, I’m sorry, you’re right, I was just deep in thought about a few things, I’m fine. I’ll have the usual please.” “The usual coming right up, and because you are a valuable customer who I don’t want to see sad for any reason this is on the house tonight.” Eldoon pleasantly surprised Athena who’s face lit up and she immediately put all her attention towards him. “Aah don’t worry about it. I know that you’re dealing with money issues and besides, I can’t let one of my best customers starve. I can deal with the financial loss every now and then. It’s more about the satisfied customers than anything.”
“Yay free food!” Widget blurted out loud to Athena’s chagrin. Eldoon just laughed and went to making the stuff for her, adding in his trademark hefty amount of sodium to an already sodium rich dish. As he was preparing things her mind went from that back to her thoughts. Past cases sprung through her mind, some more gruesome than the last. She remembered the case with the butcher, walking into a total blood bath, vaguely recalling seeing the mutilated individual who was about to be decapitated, before she passed out due to pure sensory and emotional overload, the case involving the runner who was her rival during a marathon. Even though she was a jerk she could never say that she deserved to die. It was horrific to say the least.
And then her mind went to thinking about the various people that she met over time. Los Angeles was always known for having some of the strangest clients ever but some of the people that she met were even stranger than them. Heh, it had been a while since she met some of them. She was wondering how they were doing. She even had some encounters with herself! That was certainly a strange thing, and she was just glad that the two endings that were always supposed to happen when meeting yourself didn’t happen.
Her eyes gazed up as she was told that her ramen was ready and was giving some chopsticks to eat with. “Thank you, Mr. Eldoon! Sorry for seeming down in the dumps. Just a lot of the stuff that I’ve been thinking about isn’t exactly the most pleasant stuff ever.” She took a long-drawn-out sniff before blowing against the steam to push it out of the way, and then went to eating, drinking some of the broth and enjoying the warmth as it went down. “It’s never bad to reminisce. Sometimes though you have to look towards the future instead of looking towards the past.” Eldoon noted having another customer ask for his stuff that would take his attention away from her.
He was right, there was of course a time and place to reminisce about past events, people that she met, and the resulting hijinks that ensued, and of course thinking a lot about her childhood and how things would’ve been different if she wasn’t basically isolated from the rest of the world thanks to her hypersensitivity. But she also had to look towards the future, there was always going to be more cases, more people in need, and more people to meet and become friends with. It helped her understanding of the world and how human behavior worked as she met more people with different motivations, personalities, and so on.
“Yeah, that’s definitely right. I shouldn’t be thinking about the past as much as thinking about the future. I’m still trying to revolutionize the court room after all.” Her lips curled into a smile. “Besides, I’m sure I’ll meet some of those people again. Just a matter of time.” She finished her ramen, thanking Eldoon for the free meal and silencing Widget before it could blurt out any of her thoughts, and she proceeded to head home, shivering a little due to the cold. The time for reminiscing was over, now it was time to look towards the future. It was going to be a good one if she had any say over it.
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