#so please check it in case i won't answer your dm
yakowo · 1 year
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dm me via twitter or tumblr, must have:
✨character reference
✨general idea, pose refs are optional (but appreciated)
i listed main «won'ts» but i might decline the commission if a certain idea makes me uncomfortable
commissions will be open again after i finish with these❤️
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cappulcino · 8 days
How much more entitled can people get?
I literally received a message this morning (5:30 a.m for me) saying:
[Fandom I don't write for] and [Fandom I don't write for] need fics and so do [Fandom I don't write for] and [Fandom I don't write for]
Just that. That's the message.
First of all, fanfiction writers (as well as other artists of any kind who post their work on social media) are actual people with feelings and a life you don't know about. You owe them basic respect. So "Hello", "Please", and "Thank you" are the bare minimum. You can also throw a couple "Sorry to bother you" or "I hope you don't mind [...]" in there if you want.
And I don't care that your English isn't good as it was the case with the person who DMed me. I'm fairly certain your language has words for those, and Google translate exists.
Second. I know my DMs are open and I don't really mind receiving some. But I know some people do mind. So please, as much as possible, keep private conversations for private things. For general questions and requests, there is a....... you guessed it: REQUEST INBOX/ASK BUTTON. Not only Tumblr made it easier for us to know how many requests we have left unanswered (unlike the notification count for DMs that disappears as soon as you open the conversation), but your request and our answer to it might be interesting to others.
Third. When you know a writer (or, again, digital artist, video editor, whatever) is already in a middle of something, sometimes maybe working on several WIPs/requests/commissions at once (+ their personal lives and struggles), you may send your own request. But you may not send several requests a day or one everyday (as it has happened to me), nor keep asking "Have you seen my request?", "When will you answer my ask?" and any other variations of those questions. Again, we have lives and problems outside social media, and we can't burden ourselves with more WIPs than our brain and schedule can deal with.
Also, quick reminder that constantly asking about the progress of a fic or other work you asked for or are excited about does not make said work arrive any faster. If anything, you are pressuring someone that may react the opposite way and be so frustrated they can't do it anymore. Thank goodness this hasn't happened to me yet, but I know that, with my AuDHD and anxiety disorder, if you start asking me about something repeatedly, I won't want nor be mentally able to do it anymore and you'll never have what you wanted.
Lastly, learn how to read. For the love of God, learn. how. to. read. Writers and artists on Tumblr spend quite some time answering asks and making detailed masterposts and introductions for themselves and their work. So take as much time to read those and check previously answered requests because the answer might be somewhere in there.
I have received messages about fandoms I don't write for. What's the point? I have received requests for tropes I'm not comfortable with (and I clearly stated so). What's the point? I have received requests to write in a style that is evidently not mine (and while I do enjoy a challenge, I don't think it's fun for neither writer nor recipient). What's the point?
Also learn how to read the room. If we suddenly stop answering you, you might have done something wrong. If you see us suddenly get tense or a bit rude, you might have done something wrong. And if we express our discomfort and tell you you've done something wrong.... you've definitely done something wrong. There is no need to whine or be disrespectful about it or send anonymous insults to our inbox. Take responsibility, be mature and accountable.
Remember that what we post on social media is for enjoyment, but not only your own –ours, too. And remember that 95% of the time, we are not paid to do this, and yet it takes half if not most or all of our free time. You have no right to be impolite and so entitled with someone you don't know and whose services you don't pay for.
Be better.
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prinnamon · 10 months
last updated: august 3, 2024
hi! im prin. check out my preferred names/words card! i like subtitling and video editing. i have a love-hate relationship with illustration.
don't "softblock" me, just block me or i will get confused and refollow! thanks, i won't be mad
if you follow me for relatable funnyposts, i guess i sometimes make those. i use this site like a journal now and then. but mostly this is a fandom blog, so i hope you like your dash full of stuff about boomer shooters and machinima!
my dms and asks are open to everyone who respects my boundaries, and spamming me with notes is always ok.
nsfw/18+ blogs are allowed to interact! strangers may not tag me in or send me nsfw.
i block liberally for a variety of reasons, often including "i'm fine with your posts existing but they're not my taste." please don't take offense if i block you, it's just how i use this site.
i take drawing commissions on a case-by-case basis. i have some prices in mind but i haven't posted them publicly, so you'll have to ask! i can take venmo, paypal, or ko-fi with venmo being preferred.
please don't repost my art without permission and credit unless (1) i made it for you, or (2) i can't be contacted for permission (account deleted/abandoned/etc).
you can use my fanart (*not* art of my/others' OCs) as a profile picture & for other non-commercial purposes without asking if you credit me!
YouTube | Steam | Ko-fi | Toyhouse | Art Fight
tags (for archival and for filtering) below the cut.
general tags:
prinna's posts
prinna's art
prinna's machinima notes
prinna's asks answered
others' art
important (silly/fav tag)
useful (genuinely useful resources; further divided into categories like art reference and activism & advocacy)
tags for filtering purposes (may not always apply to posts older than this was last updated):
nsfw text
not screen reader friendly
irl bugs
i use fandom tags pretty reliably as well!
let me know if you'd like me to tag anything else, or if i fail to tag a post that falls into one of these.
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Heyo! I'm Cassiopeia!
The following blog is an ooc hub for all my pkmn irl accounts, and where the follows for all the accounts listed later in this post come from! This blog USED to be the rp blog for a character I no longer use and have no motivation for anymore, and is the main blog on this account, so I figured changing it into a hub blog of sorts would be a good idea.
I'm free to answer questions about my ocs ooc here, plot arcs, and generally talk about stuff in the pkmn irl community. I'll also possibly be boosting some accounts I think are cool, reblogging important posts and ask games in the community to hopefully spread them around a bit more, and just generally using this to store some posts about pokemon in general that I think are neat.
Info about the Mod and General Boundaries!
The following is some general information that might be useful. Like I said earlier, I'm Cassiopeia, but you can call me Cass, Cassi, or Pea! I use any pronouns, and I'm an adult (Adult meaning 18 or older in this case.) I'm the host of a system, and a splitroject (or whatever the term is I cant remember) with multiple sources, but notably several pokemon characters. Pokemon has been a systemwide special interest since we were a little kid, and we have a lot of opinions and headcanons, as well as know A LOT about the series as a whole. Our main account is @max-starfall but this is a seperate account so follows for pkmn irl stuff will come from here. A warning that we occasionally reblog heavy stuff or more adult oriented content on that blog (nothing outright nsfw, but usually some suggestive stuff and sexual humor, so minors beware)
I DO check peoples boundaries before I follow so don't worry! Only time I won't is if I miss them. Also sometimes I follow people just cause I think the blog is cool, but I tend to not interact outside of anons just cause while I like your blog, my blogs just can't or wouldn't interact, or I'm a little scared to, yknow?
Any pkmn irl rp account is allowed to interact with p much any of my blogs! Sentient pokemon, legendaries, eebies, etc etc etc. I run on Rotomblr being a multiverse. I may not interact much if our canons diverge too strongly for personal comfort but usually it's whatever cause of the previously mentioned multiverse thing. Some general stuff I go by on all my blogs are people do eat pokemon, and pokemon do eat other pokemon. There are small bugs and bacteria and shit thatre still. alive but not pokemon. Not all pokemon lay eggs. A more mammalian pokemon like stoutland would give live birth like a real dog, and stuff like the more plant like pokemon like sunflora or oddish produce seeds. Not going to go too into details but thats something that happens.
While I am an adult, I prefer not to engage with more suggestive or outright nsfw content on the pkmn irl sphere (but i may rb some suggestive stuff or make brief jokes VERY RARELY, always tagged). There's a lot of minors in this community, and I'd like to keep my blogs generally safe spaces for them to interact. If it's anything you wouldn't joke about with a middle schooler or high schooler, probably not. I try to tag stuff that can be upsetting on all my blogs, and I'll usually ask before doing anything big with anyone elses blogs. There's other stuff, but DNI's don't usually work, so I'll probably just block you if I don't like your vibes.
My tumblr dms are always open, so if you'd like to plot anything out, I'm free to chat here or on the rp account in question! You CAN leave a message on my main account too, but I'd prefer to keep rp stuff here. If you already know my discord and we've chatted in dms there before in the past, that's also an option, but otherwise stick to tumblr.
If you have a problem with me, please tell me because I am stupid. If you don't want me following you please just block me, or tell me straight up because I will not realize.
Pokemon IRL Blogs I run:
Putting these under the cut cause there's a lot. Includes summaries.
@yveltalreal - currently in the process of being rebooted! will update when i get the new rebooted version more established!
@pure-incense - my attempt at making a normal ass guy i can just interact with a bunch of people with. probably gonna end up being a very active blog but who knows we'll see.
@sd-up - the blog of juno, an ex neoplasma grunt. an exploration of what inspired people to stay with plasma after the whole noble cause was gone, and what happens to people in that kind of environment long after they've been ripped out of it. tw for themes of past cult abuse and generally what comes with a member of evil teams. not a villain blog, but certainly a character with issues
@fruitbasket-gossip - A joint blog with 3 friends. I play Mod Starf. A group of NaraUva students and Blueberry students fucking around on Rotomblr. What will they do? Who knows!
@vital-spirit - A joint blog with a friend! A pmd blog in a setting inspired by various western movies. A whole new set of towns, dungeons, and characters unrelated to those in the various games. I play Lucario.
@blazingvictory - the blog of a bba student with so many problems and issues.
There's a few others but they're completely dead and I have no intent to use them again for a while, and are still attached to my main rather than this blog.
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thundersyst3m · 4 months
' welcome to the thunder hotel ! please get comfortable inside your forever home '
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Hello, I'm Thunder! We are a diagnosed DID system of over 200+ members!
Our collective pronouns are he/she/they/cloud, and our collective sexuality+gender identity are bisexual, genderfluid, aroacespec and polyamorous.
This blog is for reblogs, shitpost, dumb thoughts, aesthetics, daily life and questions!
Wanna know what I like + other social media? Check here!
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♡ I hate racists, homophobes, transphobes, zionists, ableists and all that jazz i hate y'all and will block y'all.
♡ We are severely mentally ill (AUDHD, BPD, DID, and possibly ASPD), were isolated socially for years and we are recovering from a lot of stuff, sometimes relapses will happen and I can have outbursts in this blog, be warned.
♡ During my pre-teen / teenager years I was extremely abusive towards multiple people due to my own past of abuse, this blog has mentions of abuse both in the vision of a victim and a ex-perpretator, this link leads to my post taking accountability + link to the statements of the victims (please do not attack / witchhunt them)
Regardless of my past actions, I am allowed to not respond + keep details about my past to myself (therapy suggestion).
♡ We are Brazilian ! So expect portuguese posts!
♡ We are extremely anxious and overall introverts that hate DMs, please avoid DMing us without asking us beforehand using our ask box!
♡ This account is +16, but for my own comfort I don't befriend minors, I don't mind mutuals but I will probably ignore friendly DMs if you're -18
♡ I have a tendency to have delusions, interact with care.
♡ We don't answer vent asks (unless I ask for it), hate asks or asks with important questions about our past, in case you need to say something important to us, ask to DM us using the ask box and then DM us about it. And again, we are allowed to ignore / not respond you if we aren't comfortable. if you insist, you will be blocked.
♡ I do not care for LGBT contradictory labels, I do not care for endo discourse and I also do not care for proship/antiship discourse, sending discourse asks/DMs = block.
♡ Don't send asks regarding people from my past / ex-friends, I do not care and I will block you.
♡ In the past, I used to help others with calling out dangerous / abusive people, but due to my decaying mental health + tendency to delusions, I no longer do this kind of stuff, please do not come to me to ask me to help you with callouts. If you insist, I will block you. (however if we had an abuser in common, you are more than welcome to come chat/vent/rant with me about it, just be warned that I won't be bringing it publicly).
♡ I try my best to use trigger warnings constantly, please tell me if i forget.
♡ I block freely, especially content i find repetitive/boring/not interesting for me personally or if I get blocked first, so if i have you blocked, don't take it personally.
♡ We interact with both anti-endo and pro-endo, we will only DNI If you have "endo neutral" on your DNI.
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My art page is @lightninmuseum
My qsmp page is @qthundercubitos
My littles page is @thundersystemlittles
My writing blog is @thund3rwords
My paranoia blog is @magicalgirlbreakroom
My therian acc is @thundersyspaws
North's winter posting blog together with an alter from another system is @frozenheartache
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Chilchuck dedicated blog @chilchucklover2003 (+18 ONLY)
NSFW blog is @thunderfreaks (+18 ONLY)
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North - @winterangelthoughts
Gabe - @blood-soaked-peppermint
Blade - @cherrycolahound
Johnny 🎸💿 - @downtherebelpath
Alice - @alice-doctor-office
Bill - @bills-most-coolest-blog-page
Ted - @stallyntheodora
Wilford - @wilfordmotherlovingwarstache
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#thunder system - daily notes about our day + text posts
#thunder asks - Our ask tag
#therapy stories - funny or impactful things from therapy
To see posts from certain alters, just put [alter name].pdf
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These are the alters that mostly use this tumblr:
Nimbus ✨ - Body age - All pronouns/zap/cloud
More will be added...
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Project Know-It-All tracking
Headmate Layout Of The Month
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Enjoy your stay! <3
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were-team-fortress · 5 months
Do not reblog this post!
Well, someone has to organize all of this mail.
AUs | Shipping | Anons
General Info
Hey, Pauling here. Got questions? I'm sure someone has an answer. Send some mail if you'd like, I'll make sure it goes to the right person.
OOC: Ask/RP blog. Including all mercs and more. No strict canon besides it taking place after the comics. RED and BLU have slightly differing personalities.
I have every right to ignore/delete your ask. I'll do inbox checks if asked so you'll know if your ask has purposefully been left unanswered.
No NSFW. Suggestive is fine if you don't take it too far.
Roleplaying in asks is fine and encouraged.
OCs are fine and encouraged, but I won't know the relationship between your OC and CCs and may get it wrong.
No limit to how many asks you send per day. I really don't mind unless you're spamming to get an ask answered.
You can project any headcanons you'd like.
DMs are open if you'd like to inquire about roleplaying one-on-one. (TF2 only.)
More (still important) info under the cut. Please read before sending an ask!
Will do: The current team, Miss Pauling, The Administrator, Scout's Ma, Zhanna
Depends on the prompt/my interest: Saxton Hale, Bidwell, TFC team, Heavy's other sisters
Won't do: Gray, Redmond, Blutarch, or Olivia Mann, Merasmus, anyone else unmentioned
Elaborated more on in the AUs post, but gender swaps are taken as well!
I will block you if you're a proshipper. Don't send any incestuous asks or the like.
Scout and Spy will be related on both teams.
Mod is 18+. This blog could include suggestive themes, bordering on NSFW. Blocking the // suggestive tag will remove any of this content.
Tagging Guide
#// suggestive - just that.
#// mod post - OOC.
Asks tagged with emojis will give you the #(emoji) anon tag. If not anon, your username will be tagged.
#// shipping - in case you don't want to see shipping posts.
#// follow up - a post that follows another, like a sequel.
#// art - any art we receive or create.
AUs will be tagged accordingly, such as #// fem fortress.
This post may update.
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Creation period starts now! ⛱️
Hello to our Fugue Feast participants!
We have contacted everyone to deliver gift prompts and now starts the creation period, which will last until July 8th.
If you haven't received anything, please check your socials:
Check your Discord DMs, Tumblr DMs or emails, depending on how you asked to be contacted: you should have received a DM from mod Hiaen (hiaennyddei on Discord, @hiaennyddei on tumblr), mod Tivs (tele_vy on Discord, @televy on Tumblr), or an email from [email protected].
if you haven't received a Discord DM, check your friend requests: if you aren't on the Gift Exchange Discord, then Hiaen or Tivs has sent you a friend request to be able to DM you.
if you haven't received a Tumblr DM, check that your blog isn't set to "only allow messages from blogs I follow", because this stops us from messaging you (including if you follow the gift exchange account).
If you have received your prompts properly, send a little answer our way so we know you've seen it!
If there seems to be something wrong with your prompts (for example, if the prompts contradict your "won't do this" conditions, or we accidentally sent you your own prompt), please point it out to us and we will check that you were sent the right information.
Reminder of the rest of the event schedule:
June 3rd to July 8th (that's now!): Creation period.
July 9th to July 15th: Gifting week. Your gifts must be done by the beginning of this period.
July 16th to July 22nd: Pinch hitter week, in case of people dropping out/not having a gift in time.
If at any moment of the event, you realize you cannot complete your gift and wish to drop out, please contact the mods as soon as possible.
We're excited to see what you all make!🍹🥥
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partynoobvanii · 9 months
Small Important Update :
Hello there! It's Ethanvanii here, posting a small update cause I've been inactive on Tumblr lately, and I wanted to clean stuff up.
I will be on a break now, I won't be online so much and I'll be working on homework, and other art projects/series.
Where i have been in life 📣
So far, i have been behind on homework, so much that the homework line on my computer is RED. And not completed, behind even. But yeah, aside from that.. Life has been a bit boring and honestly sad. I've been worried for my online son, Ryker since they have been going through a lot of mood swings, terrible shit happening to them and all. I hope they'll try to stay safe and healthy while I'm gone for a bit.
About Sickpants Lullaby ☎
As you can see, Sickpants Lullaby has been on hiatus for like... I dunno... SINCE LIKE OCTOBER... But the question is, WHY was it on hiatus?
Homework aside, the reason why i haven't worked on it was because of my motivation dying down for the series, without Cobalt/Natt here... I feel very unmotivated to work on it at the moment, he is my beautiful and silly online son, he is like a whole ray of sunshine even. It was fun to hang out with him, before he left to China... I'm honestly lucky to have him in my horrible ass life. Not having him here can be really lonely honestly, even he had that problem while working on Parodies College House (A Spongebob Parodies Fangame he made) To the point he had to put it on hiatus till Benjamin and Juan were back. (Since they are needed, cause they're voice actors in that. And also cause of the fact Cobalt misses them.)
Not to worry, cause Sickpants Lullaby will continue once he comes back! Hopefully, if I don't get art block...
Please do NOT slide into my DMS just to ask me when I'm gonna work on Sickpants Lullaby, or if im working on a drawing of your character. It just makes it annoying and makes me not wanna complete it anymore, I hope you understand that.
Another mention though, I have a second reason for having no motivation for working on Sickpants Lullaby as i used to.
The second reason why Sickpants Lullaby is on Hiatus ☎
The SECOND reason why the series is on hiatus, is just because I've been working on another series which is called "Ethan's Void Life (EVL for short)" more. I've lost some interest in working on Sickpants Lullaby now that Cobalt/Natt is gone, it just doesn't feel the same anymore without him... I don't feel the same joy i get while drawing Sickpants Lullaby frames for my audience as i used to.........
....But besides that, look at the bright side. At least i get a break from the Internet for a bit..? Yes, I'll be checking my Tumblr Inbox in a while, just in case to answer questions.
Anyways, time for more fun stuff.
So far, I've gotten around.... Well I don't know, 3 INTERESTS?? MAYBE EVEN 5???
But yeah, I'll try my best to remember most despite my poor memory.
1. PHIGHTING! (Roblox Game)
2. Item Asylum (Also Roblox Game)
3. Guts & Blackpowder. Again, another roblox game. But this time Cobalt got me into it in the first place. I don't regret playing it.
Stimming aside, it's a pretty cool and fun game. I liked the voice acting, fun stages, and the characters are pretty creative to be honest!
5. Dayshift At Freddy's. Despite the... Ahem... Problematic parts due to it being made in like 2018.... It's a really goofy and silly game! I honestly love it despite me still trying to get all the way to DSAF 3... DSAF 1 was a pain in the ass to play, hopefully I'll skip it and just see if DSAF 2 is easier. (Because my dumbass can't press the springlocks fast enough in the first game lmao, but don't worry i still love the game anyways)
6. Dialtown. Made by the same creator of DSAF. I really enjoyed Dialtown honestly, the dialogue, the story, and the characters! They even added some phone guy characters from DSAF into it. Maybe as a Easter egg? I don't know. Either way Dialtown was still fun. Not to mention the creator is really nice, bless their heart. :)
Interests i MIGHT stream 📣
NO. As much as i love it, i am ass at playing on computer, I'll most likely make a video of me playing it on phone instead of streaming.
2. Item Asylum
Possible? I haven't tested it on computer for lag, so it's a maybe for now....
3. Guts & Blackpowd-
NO. I've tested it on my laptop before, believe me. It's laggy for my small ass laptop. I'll be posting videos of me playing it on mobile instead, thank you very much... It may be less laggy on your laptop, but mine? Nah.
4. Regretevator
Yes. It's still fun either way if i die to lag, one death isn't gonna hurt my soul. ^_^
5. Dayshift at Freddy's
Maybe?? It's if I DON'T GET SPRINGLOCKED A BUNCH OF TIMES DUE TO FAILING... but yeah, it is possible, I'll be streaming myself watching DSAF 1 gameplay on youtube, and then the next streams will be me playing DSAF 2 and DSAF 3 (that's IF they don't springlock me again... It sucks tbh but it's still a loveable game)
6. Dialtown
Yes! Though I'll have to add some warnings before people watch it, since i don't want my viewers getting uncomfortable due to the themes in it.
Thats all for now, I hope the news up there was useful.
No, not the interests, the Sickpants Lullaby part.
Anyways, bye for real! :3
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billythesimp · 2 months
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Welcome to my Inter-Knot Page for Requests and General guidelines for sending anything through my ask box. I'll try to get everything in order here to make it an easier process.
If I'm missing anything or you have any further questions, please talk to me and I will give you my take/word on the situation. If it's important, I'll add more into the guidelines as we go along!
Thank you guys for checking it out and thank you for your patronage!
⋈ Falu
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Character Count
For Requests, I'll do a max of 3-4 Characters per requests.
Please list the characters you want to ask and as for the reader insert, please clarify the basic things like gender if they have one/species if their is a specific prompt you would like to see.
i.e fem!reader / father!reader / bangboo!reader
if not specified ahead, I'll usually go straight to a gn!reader. Everything will be tagged properly either way but please let me know in your request to best fulfill your wishes!
For Requests, I'll do scenarios, headcanons, AUs, single-character interactions, drabbles, and detailed prompts.
That being said, I would like to note that anything following any NSFW will be handled differently. In fact, I won't be taking direct NSFW requests as I don't feel confident that I can deliver your wildest fantasies to the best of my capabilities. I do have my own ideas for future content which I will share and might mention/hint at some sexual content here and there, but that does mean I'll consent to accepting any NSFW/general smut content. 1*
Anything with established relationships like even poly relationships (or prompts including harems types content), I will try but I'll admit, not my area of expertise.
If a Prompt becomes popular and becomes somewhat of a series on the blog, I will add a tag for the specific request and add it to the tags list on the intro post for easy access to said requests.
Interacting with Falu
I would like to state that I am down to talk about characters, simp over our favorites, and making friends in the community. I won't say no to a simple Hi or Hello, I like answering questions and interaction as a whole so feel free to come say hi!
I don't only making writing requests and prompts, I also make characters and draw occasionally so don't be shy to share your own thoughts and ideas! I'm have a ball for a brain, got all these ideas bouncing around.
I would like to state some boundaries as well down below.
One ; I am not a consistent writer as stated before and have a very packed schedule, so please understand that I can't post regularly and/or interact with people. I also am a nervous reck so please be patient.
Two ; I don't mind any form of interactions. Whether it's me, the writer / persona Falu, the Bangboo who I am accompanied by, ButterBoo, or even breaking the fourth wall the OP. Just please be respectful and kind, we can have fun with this until we can't.
Three ; Don't be rude on my blog, please treat everyone with respect. Understandably if you see something you don't like on my page or don't enjoy my writing, I request that you don't interact with it and move on. It works out for everyone and we all can continuing going along.
Four ; I do have the right to reject and refuse any request sent to me. So please don't go spamming my inbox with the same request, or even hit me up in DMS with your request and asking about updates on your request. I will block you if you continue these actions and worst case scenario I will turn Anon off. 2*
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1* Especially when it comes the some characters who I see as minors (Corin/Ellen/Koleda/etc.). I don't do Aging-Up Characters content either so don't expect that. Also included in this list of no no's is anything with non-con, r-pe, SA , intense gore, self-harm, or suic-de.
2* I like to leave my ask box open for anon's because I understand if people aren't comfortable or wish to remain anonymous when it comes to interactions and requests, we've all been there when you are spotted by mutuals in the wild when you think you aren't noticed. I respect that choice so please do the same and respect my boundaries so we can have fun together in comfort.
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tortillasconsal · 2 years
I haven't made one of these so I thought why not while I'm getting more followers
About Myself...
My name is SindiNero, but I also go by Tortillasconsal. You people can call me Sindi or Tortilla.
I'm a 18 y/o Mexican, I am a nonbinary aromantic lesbian and I use they/them pronouns only!!
English isn't my first language despite being the main language of this account, so I apologize for any mistakes I make.
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Currently I am very invested in creepypasta since I'm coming back to the fandom after like 5-6 years I think(? I'm writing my own AU but I doubt it'll be something big, right now I'm just making headcanons and some world building maybe. I also focus a lot on the Slenderbros bc they are very gender.
I do have a couple of crp OCs (and more outside the fandom), but I rather share them later on when I'm more comfortable with my audience.
My ask-box is always open if anyone wants to chat or ask for stuff, but if you want to DM me please ask there first. I get really confused with random messages from people I don't know.
Also, I talk a lot. So prepare to have a bunch of ridiculously long posts filled with excessive context and nonsense descriptions in random order because I can't talk normally.
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I do both writing and art requests. You are free to ask for anything, but here is some stuff to follow:
You can ask for anything as long as it's appropriate and creepypasta related, asking for my original stuff outside of the crp fandom is ok too.
The style I do with art requests may vary depending on my time, the request and how much I'm familiarized with the character, but I usually try to do a simple doodle for time's sake.
I will do gory art, but don't expect much. I'm just not that experienced in that.
If you give me a list of characters to draw/write about I'll only pick one or two. Except if you're asking for the characters doing stuff together obviously.
The only OCs I'll draw and write for will be my friends'. If you come here asking for headcanons or art of your OC and idk you, I'll ignore you.
I take a shit ton of time on doing the requests, so please be patient with me, I'm lazy 😩
There will be a bunch of characters that I won't write about at first as I'm still learning about them, but eventually I'll do more.
Shitposting is always welcome.
Themes I don't write or do art about:
Ships or romance.
Smutt or Fluff.
Anything NSFW or suggestive.
I don't do fanfic or oneshots. I just don't have the mental capacity to focus on a story 💀 please just ask about headcanons or something else instead.
Characters I won't write or do art for:
Lazary and Lulu, or any other Chibi-Works character.
Julius the Dressmaker and Killian Lynch, or any other work made by SanityisforLosers.
Dr. Smiley.
Pokepasta, gamingpasta (with the exception of B.E.N.) and MLP creepypastas.
Offenderman. But he's a special case. He's canon in my AU as the original version, I won't take prompts or requests for him and I won't write/draw much about him, the most I'll do is answer questions and do lore-bits when necessary. If enough people ask me to write my headcanons on a certain topic where I don't see any harm, I'll do it.
I also love Art Trades. Check out mi bio to see if they're open!
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Other interests/likes of mine:
Character Design
Smoking herbs like lavender or chamomile (weed too, but that is a secret)
Glass Animals, Will Wood, Grandson, Cosmo Sheldrake, IDK HOW, Saint Motel, Tally Hall, Scene Queen, Miranda!, Cuarteto de Nos, Vete a la Versh, Molotov, Cartel de Santa.
My DNI List:
The basic (homophobes, transphobes, ableists, racists, etc...)
Anti-feminists, masculinists and people who don't support feminism.
People who support SnuffBomb, La Mishi Mish, Sanityisforlosers, GravezGrind and/or xXAmLuvsXx.
Comshitters/Proshitters/Anti-Antis and their supporters.
Coffin of Andy and LeyLey fans and other weirdos that like similar media. (Excluding ones that don't enjoy the sketchy aspects of it)
People who think fiction doesn't affect reality and say "they're just pixels" like stfu.
People who say 'latinx' (you can refer to me as Latino or Latine, but please don't use that word)
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My socials!!!
Instagram📷 tortillasconsal0
Twitter🐦 SindiNero69
Pinterest🖼️ SindiNero69 (in case you're interested in seeing my OCs' or Creepypasta MoodBoards)
Swag people you should follow
@the-catcake @schrodingers-seraph @realmysticalsorcery @ivydarkrose @dadumtss @ask-jeff-creepypasta @laliloon
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squealing-santa · 2 years
Updated Submission Guidelines
It’s been brought to my attention that Tumblr no longer allows for anonymous or sideblog submissions! 🙃 This, for obvious reasons, is less than ideal. Fortunately, we can work around the limitations and still allow folks who wish to maintain their anonymity the option to do so while also ensuring your works are appropriately credited and tagged.
Step One
Select whether you’re submitting text or an image, and include the title of your art piece or work of fiction if you have one.
Step Two
Insert your gift and who it’s for! Be sure to double check that your submission contains all the bits ‘n’ bobbins that you typically like to include when you post content. This can include summaries/captions, artists or authors note, word count, image ID’s, etc. Once you submit your piece, there will unfortunately be no way to directly edit it, so make sure you like how it’s formatted in the HTML box and that it’s free of error.
Step Three
Insert a page break indicator (a line of - - - or ~~~ would work just fine). Below this line is where you will have the opportunity to include tags for your piece that I can add prior to posting. Please list (separated by comma): • Your preferred/tickle blog username or registered anon handle • All relevant fandom and pairing information • If there are any trigger or content warnings you feel are necessary to include I will add whether it is [#tickle art] or [#tickle fic], as well as [#squealing santa 2k22], [#ss2k22], and [#submission] on your behalf. This way we can find and archive your wonderful creation!
Step Four
Should your preferred username/anon handle differ from the submission username, I will take your creation and make a one-to-one copy as a brand new post to preserve your privacy. The only thing I'll adjust is adding artist/author credit below the title and moving your tags to the, well, tags. Once posted, I'll forward you the link to your post via DMs, similar to what I intend to do when anon gifts are posted. If your preferred username matches the submission username, I'll simply move the tags. I'll only follow the above steps if Tumblr acts a fool and won't let me adjust accordingly. So it's like a 50/50 chance 😅
As always, please make sure to check the 2k22 Bulletin Board for all event specific updates/news in case your question has already been answered elsewhere on the blog 😊
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Request Rules
*Minors DO NOT Interact!* this is an 18+ only blog even if the content is not always nsfw, I will check who is interacting with my nsfw posts and minors will be blocked
I will post if I'm rejecting your request so if your ask hasn't been answered, I either haven't seen it yet, or just haven't gotten around to that request just yet. Asks & DM's are welcome for requests you can remain anonymous even if you DM me- you can check my bio for an update on how many requests I have currently - requests close when I have about 10-15 until I catch up
Please specify in your request if it's for drawing or writing, or I will just do whichever I feel more inclined to at the moment
Ships I will and won't create for can be found here, if it's not on the won't list feel free to request it and see what happens
I will write for reader x canon, canon x canon, and oc x canon - if you request an OC ship please link me to info about your OC or tell me about them!
(I reserve the right to reject any request if I feel I can not do it justice)
This is a queer friendly blog, both to be here and for requests! Reader inserts will be presumed gender neutral unless the request states otherwise, any gendered posts will get a gender neutral version as well though just because I enjoy doing that
If requesting from a prompt list please specify which one in your request
🥵 spicy requests are welcome - kink content will vary, if I'm comfortable with it I'll give it a try for sure. Will not do watersports, non con*, (*some dub con may be considered), sounding, or any kind of severe bodily harm, choking/breath play (light bondage is fine)
WILL DO: breeding kink, ABO,
DONT'S THAT APPLY TO ALL REQUESTS - NO self harm, extreme gore, eating dis*rder, or any dead dove esque type stuff in general.
I like romcom and fluffy stuff (hurt/comfort, smut, yearning, goofy, etc) so don't expect anything to dark from here thank you!
The above being said, some angsty themes will be welcome, its a very case by case basis just dont go too dark or make me depressed okay? I do enjoy a good jealousy plot lol, I will write for ships etc from an outsider perspective that is angst/hurt no comfort for the character who is jealous of the ship being focused on or any unrequited love type plot (esp if its not really unrequited love!! love a good hurt/comfort lol)
Please be nice when making requests and dont take any declines personally! Its probably bc I feel I couldn't do it justice or I have personal issues with the topic, feel free to send in another request even if yours is declined!
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casualjacobwrites · 2 months
My FFXIV Hot Bar Setup
A friend who watches me stream asked me to explain how I have my hot bars set up in Final Fantasy XIV, and while I tried to answer on stream I realized quite quickly that without diagrams a lot of what I said wouldn't make sense. At his request, I decided I could do a big write-up complete with my horrible graphic design skills to show how I set up my bars for melee DPS, tank, healer, and caster.
Before I begin, some information plus a couple of caveats:
I play on PC using a mouse and keyboard. If you're looking for help with controller setup, I fear this "guide" won't be of much use. If you really want some help with controller and can't find any other source, feel free to DM me, or check my Twitch page for a link to my Discord. My spouse, NinjaWeazel, uses a controller and can likely offer some tips.
I use a Logitech G600 mouse (pictured below) and can highly recommend it if you're looking for a multi-button mouse. In the past have used a Razer Naga and a Steel Series MMO mouse, but do not recommend their products.
Before playing FFXIV, I played WoW and I used the same sort of setup and keybinds then that I do now. I mention this in case it might somehow give people insight into why I do things the way I do. I doubt it will, but who knows?
I am neurodivergent and what makes sense to my brain may not make sense to yours. Please know there's no wrong way to set up your hot bars! Do what works for you and you alone.
I got so wrapped up in making my crappy graphics that I forgot I set an ice cream sandwich on my desk to eat. It melted before I remembered it. Thankfully, it was still contained in its wrapper and didn't leave a mess. This has nothing to do with the guide, but I'm mourning my lost treat.
Oh, and while I obviously am not posting anything related to Dawntrail MSQ, some of the jobs pictured under here are at level 100 if that matters to anyone. Anyway, let's get on with it.
Mouse and General Keybinds
As stated above, I use a Logitech G600, which looks like this (please excuse crappy cell phone picture):
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The side buttons correspond with the number row on my Keyboard. I use buttons G15-G20 which translate to numbers 7 through = on the keyboard. For numbers 1 through 6, I typically use my keyboard as those buttons on the side of the mouse are hard for me to comfortably press. I can do it in a pinch, but I've never really needed to and, to be honest, if I'm not able to press keys 1 through 6, it typically means I'm doing more important stuff like mechanics.
My Basic Hotbar Setup
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OK so here are my hot bars one through four. On bar 4 (the top row in the picture) are my sprint key, some raid markers, and my limit break. This bar is set to universal and is the only one that's constant through all my jobs.
Bar three is reserved for role actions and any other action I am unable to fit on the other bars/don't use as often but still need.
Bar 2 is set up so the first six buttons are my shift key PLUS buttons G15-G20 on my mouse (number 7 through = button on the keyboard). Zero comes first because that button is right next to where my thumb rests. You'll see why I mention that in a moment. [Side Note: Eagle eye readers might notice that it goes 8, -, 9 rather than 8, 9, then -. Why is that? Because when I was first doing this set up 10 years ago (yes, that long), the buttons on the mouse I had at the time didn't correspond to numbers. They were just extra buttons. I think I was using a Steel Series mouse at that time? Anyway, I screwed up the order when swapping to my Logitech and have never fixed it.]
Finally, bar 1 (the bottom row) is just the standard row of numbers on a keyboard.
With me so far? Good, because now it gets a bit more complicated.
My "Universal" Set Up
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"Universal" is in quotation marks because there are exceptions. HOWEVER, this is more or less the standard "rule" I use when setting up bars on a new job and applies across all job types.
Shift + 0 (Shift + G18 on my mouse) is my gap closer for most of my DPS jobs. My middle mouse button is always my disengage/jump back buttons and the cause of many of my deaths on DRG. Shift + Middle Mouse Button is usually assigned to my party buff (though that's not the case here; again, there are slight variations between jobs).
Shift + 7 through = (Shift + G15-G17/G18-G20) vary depending on the job, which I'll explain a little more when I show RDM. Note: I use shift versus ctrl or alt keys because I've never been able to hit those while doing rotations without my hand cramping.
For melee DPS and tanks, numbers 1-4 on Bar 1 are my single target rotation, with 7, 8, and 9 being reserved for my multiple target/AoE rotations. (On RPR, DRG, and now VPR, I make sure that 0 and - are for Flank and Rear positional actions so that I don't have to try to remember positions by ability name.) Remember, for buttons 7 through =, I use my mouse (Buttons G15 - G20) so that left hand doesn't have to stretch too far.
Typical Melee DPS Setup
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Pretty much what I said above, but here's what my DRG set up looks like. 5 and 6 are part of my second single target rotation that some melee DPS have. 7 has always been the start of my multiple target rotations when applicable.
RDM Bars
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You can see the general setup of "this group of buttons for Single Target" and "This group for Multiple Target/AoE." Also note my middle mouse and shift plus middle mouse buttons are similar to DRG even though DRG is melee DPS versus physical.
Specifc to RDM: Shift + 7, 8, and 9 are my melee combo with Shift + - being for Manification. Shift + = is (Enchanted) Moulinet for AoE.
Please note, the setup does vary on BLM, SMN, and Pictomancer, but in general the same sort of separation between single target and AoE buttons stays the same.
The only other important part I'll add is that I keep Swiftcast plus Verraise on bar 3 in that specific spot, which leads me to Healer. (Yes, I know I have dualcast on RDM, but sometimes it's just quicker for me to use swiftcast then rez especially if I can't stand still in that moment to get off a cast to proc dualcast.)
Healer Setup (WHM Specifically)
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While WHM is what's pictured here, I have a similar set-up on all my healers. 1 is always my single target spell with 2 being my DoT. (I have the most experience on WHM and AST with minimal knowledge of SCH and SGE.)
My middle mouse button on my healers are my "OH SHI-" buttons where I need to do an instant burst heal (Benediction, Essential Dignity, etc). Esuna is always my = key/G20 on my mouse. Also note that I keep my swiftcast plus rez button in the same spot.
Tank Setup (DRK)
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And finally we have tank. Again, buttons 1-5 are assigned to single target abilities while 7 through - are AoE/multiple target.
Note that instead of a gap closer for my Shift + 0 it's set to Unmend. This is a holdover from when I tried to learn Paladin in World of Warcraft and I assigned that same keybind to shield toss. Now I use this on all tanks for their "Throw something to get an enemy's attention," and set 6 as my gap closer on tanks. Again, it's a thing that makes sense to me.
My middle mouse and shift + middle mouse on Tank are set for stuns and Interject.
And I think that's about all I can think of at the moment. Please note that I use the term "universal" a bit loosely as each job is unique and has its own fiddly bits (such as NIN's combos, VPR's "whatever, just hit a button," or Pictomancer's strange and weirdly fun "rotation").
To the friend that requested this: I know this is more than you bargained for, but feel free to pick my brain over Discord. And if anyone else wants to ask questions, go right ahead I suppose. If you need me, I'll be busy getting all the jobs to 100 and then forgetting how to play them. XD
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babyrdie · 4 months
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Vetted Palestinian Campaigns
Donations Masterpost
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Basic things
You can call me Birdie.
NO AI!!!
I'm a woman, but don't worry about pronouns.
I'm Brazilian. If you are from a Portuguese-speaking country, feel free to speak to me in Portuguese. If you're Hispanic and prefer to speak Spanish, I can also understand some Spanish although I'm not fluent. I'm not fluent in English either and I'm better at reading than writing, that's why I still have to use online translators. So please consider that there may be a miscommunication when you find something I wrote strange.
If that matters in your decision to interact, I'm an adult. There is some NSFW content here, specifically nudity. It's not a big deal, but if that matters to you please be aware.
I like a lot of stupid and silly headcanons, be warned!
I'm aroace and sometimes that affects my headcanons. I KNOW the characters aren't really aroaces, they're just headcanons! I say this because I've seen some people misinterpret things like this.
I post mostly about Greek Mythology, but I reblog about a variety of things because 1) I have multiple fandoms 2) I reblog beautiful art even if I don't saw the original work. The fandons I'm currently most invested in are Dungeon Meshi and ATLA, but I have others like tgcf, kny, etc.
Please don't take everything I say as definitive.
I accept comments, reblogs (when enabled), asks, DMs, tag games, etc. Feel free to interact!
Although I mainly talk about mythological sources, this blog isn't anti-retelling fandom. So if you're going to follow, expect to see Hades, PJO and TSOA. And if you're a fan of any of these and haven't read any mythological sources, that's fine too! Always feel comfortable asking, and if I know the answer, I can try tell you! But I know more about mortal characters than deities, so I probably won't be of much use when it comes to deities! Still, remember that this for me is a hobby and I'm not a classicist or historian or anything like that, so logically I can make mistakes and in that case I'm fine with being corrected. I recommend you check the sources if possible becuase my posts don't intend to be intelectual sources lol. Plus: I'm agnostic, I don't speak from a worshiper's point of view.
More here.
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stayconnecteed · 5 months
       ‎‎‎‎‎( 𝑟. ) 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗅𝖺𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗋 ──── 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽 𝖻𝖾𝖿𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝗂𝗇𝗍𝖾𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀.
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ㅤㅤㅤ⌕ㅤㅤ ㅤ requests⠀ ⠀ ⎯⎯⠀ ⠀ ⠀﹙ closed ﹚⠀ ’ ⠀
a space to check my rules before interacting and / or requesting content in this blog. please read carefully - i'm usually open to a lot of things and i'm always thankful if you interact, this is just in case.
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  2024 word count : 54.2 k
other blogs : @ourskz , ( to be added ) nets : neverendingdreams-net.
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O1.⠀⠀this is sfw & nsfw blog, so it's open for everybody. but nsfw marked fics are ment for adults only, minors and blogs without age indicator will be blocked. you will be blocked too if you're a blank blog. please, add an icon, a bio, or at least have something reblogged.
O2.⠀⠀i love to interact! all types of feedback are highly appreciated! i get super excited every time i check my notifs and i see a reblog with comments, even a silly message in my inbox is welcomed! no hate towards my moots, any person here or me! we believe in nice words and politeness. this is a safe space.
O3.⠀⠀about requests / suggestions. if i don't feel comfortable writing it, i'll let you know by dms or answering your ask and explaining it. i won't force myself to work on something that doesn't speak to me.
O4.⠀⠀topics i don't write about : non-consensual, domestic violence, abuse, cheating, unhealthy relationships, incest, sexual assaults ... ( will add more ).
O5.⠀⠀please remember: all of my works are works of fiction. celebrities, businesses, companies, franchises, songs, places, and movies mentioned are/will be used fictitiously. the characters are all fictional, meaning they are not real, nor are their opinions or anything they say or do. it's a work of fiction.
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fairybonesandstardust · 6 months
How do you get past being sex repulsed while being a sex worker? I'm a sex repulsed ace too, and I've been genuinely considering it because I chose a dogshit major and I have difficulty finding even a full-time job and my parents keep telling me that they won't "finance my lifestyle" (renting a flat instead of being homeless … yeah they're not great) for much longer. If I wasn't struggling with just imagining myself having sex I would've done it a year ago. So uh yeah do you have any advice on how to do it?
short answer: money. long answer is that sex work has a lot of different avenues, phone sex, sexting, stripping, pro-dom, camming, etc. i started out in non porn? avenues but again sex work isn't fast and easy money. it also comes with a lot of stigma that affects our ability to transition out later if we want to and our ability to maintain housing (esp if you are full service worker)
this isn't going sound pleasant. i hate it. i hate fucking and sucking, but it helps pad my income (i work multiple jobs) i think after a certain point in my life i became more desensitized to sex. my hatred and my discomfort with having sex don't affect my ability to consent to having sex. tldr; my desire for financial stability.
i'm not the most ethical person, i will do a lot of things for money which is how i got past it, i want to live without the fear of going homeless, food insecurity, i want to be able to retire when i'm older. in my case it felt like a decent trade of. this is probably not the best advice or the kind you wanted
one last thing be very careful of the porn industry. there are a lot of men who will pose as porn studio's/directors. always check the porn studio's your applying to, the industry isn't safe. sex work comes with the risk of being assaulted. being a sw also means that you may not able to go to the police for help or even be taken seriously. if you're a sex worker people are going to hate you, they will call you names, your family might disown you if they find out, lastly you have to be prepared for the fact that someone you know is almost entirely guaranteed to find it.
WAIT i thought of something. ig you could try to get accustomed to the idea of sex? you're sex repulsed like me it's never going to be a pleasant experience but you can try to mitigate the discomfort a little bit. i read a lot of smut on ao3 (for almost a decade) i think that's part of why i can do the things that i do. your consent, your comfort and your boundaries are what is most important. if hardcore porn is too much they are other avenues of sex work but please keep in mind it's not fast, easy or always stable money. it also requires a lot of effort. i hope this helps op, and i hope everything works out my ask box is always open and i'll try to fix my dm's if you have any other questions
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