#so one as an audience member believes that there is something otherworldly going on in the forest
noturmuse · 1 year
Every once in a while I remember Lottie ran out of her meds early in season one and it haunts me
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s-creations · 4 years
Return the Flames - Chapter 4
All at Dead Bird Studios knew of Amos' (The  Conductor's) ability. How the owl could suddenly erupt into flames if  angered enough. When the studio first opened, Dominic (DJ Grooves) was  told that Amos had his ability under control. Nothing to worry about. No  possible loss of anything from an open flame.
A few years later however, and that control seems to have lessened to a dangerous degree.
It should have just been a simple, week long drive to fix the problem. It really should have been.
Dominic should have asked a lot more questions and should have been prepared for a twist ending.
Fandom: A Hat in Time   Rating: General Audience   Relationships/Pairings: The ConductorXDJ Grooves   Warnings: Eventual depictions of violence, slow burn relationship, named characters, attempt of an accent, being hunted down, a race against time (sort of).
  He couldn’t believe that had happened. He didn’t mean to start that fire. There was so much anger building up for so many weeks. That reporter was just the final straw. What finally broke the dam of build up emotions. But he didn’t...that fire was so unnatural. And it came from him!
 The owl jerked away from the touch on his shoulder to find Dominic. The normally ‘calm and collected’ penguin appearing frazzled in the driver’s seat.  They had stopped by the side of the road, a good distance away from the town. A dense forest surrounding on either side. It was clear the desert, and more importantly that dinner, was far behind them.
 “Amos. We need to talk.”
 He really didn’t want to. He instead exited the car and walked towards the forestline, leaning against the closest tree. Another car door closing announced that Dominic had left the vehicle as well.
 “You are not allowed to pull that stunt and then decide to shut down like this.”
 “We agreed, no questions.”
 “Which was made before you burnt a building      to the ground    .”
 “Aye, ‘m aware this looks bad!” Amos snapped back, facing the penguin. Who looked just as frustrated and angry about this situation at Amos felt.  
 “Don’t think you’re getting out of this. I knew you were having issues, but nothing this serious. That was...you’ve never don’t anything like that before. Was that even fire? And it went up so quickly.”
 “I know. ‘M very aware.”
 “But what was that?”
 “I don’t know. It’s never been that bad before!”
 “You set a building on fire!”
 “I know that!”
 “I thought you said you had better control over this?”
 “I-I thought I did! I just- I already had- That’s not…”
 Dominic frowned as Amos flailed around, starting to pace as the owl clearly scrambled for some sort of believable answer. “Amos...Amos look at me. I need you to explain to me what happened. That was not your normal fire...and it grew far too quickly.”
 “Then tell me what happened.”
 “...I was angry.”
 “I’m aware of that! But what about the fire Amos.”
 “What about the fire!”
 “Why was it so different.”
 “I don’t know-”
 “Yes you do! Amos...I wouldn’t have agreed to this if I had been aware of how damaging it could be.”
 “It’s not-”
 “Do you want to go back and see the damage you’ve done? This is a level of danger that I don’t think either of us can handle.”
 “I can-”
 “No, you can’t-”
 “Would ya let me answer, ya peck neck!”
 “Can you give me clear answer?”
 “I don’t know.”
 “That’s not good enough Amos.”
 “Well, what do you want me to say!”
 “The truth! An explanation! Something, anything just to know we aren’t going to accidentally set anything else on fire!”
 “I can’t… I don’t know what to expect from this.”
 “I don’t know Dominic!”
 “Did you know this would be dangerous? Maybe we should have gone to find an expert instead of traveling halfway around the world!”
 “And where do ya expect to find and expert on Phoenix flames!”
 Silence fell between them. Dominic looking shocked, Amos down right terrified.
 “...Phoenix flames?”
 “I didn’t- ya didn’t hear that. Just, forget it.”
 “I don’t think I will forget our discussion about a mystical flame that has the capability of destroying anything. Even more so if it’s hurting you and makes your emotions further unstable!”
 “What are ya talkin’ about unstable!”
 “You set a building. On. Fire. Because of your anger. You even admitted it!”
 “Aye...I did…”
 Dominic stood with his arms crossed, letting out a heavy sigh when the silence stretched between them. “Since you don’t feel like sharing information at the moment, let me piece together what I can. You, somehow, have a Phoenix flame burning in you. Which has slowly been increasing for I don’t know how long, but it’s becoming dangerous. Enough so that apparently you have to either force it back down with cold. Or release it. With the latter being the most worrisome as the flames you’re able to create can burn hotter and faster than any normal fire.”
 “You can’t go to any doctors because, you’re right, there are no experts on this. As this is not a normal topic to study. So, going to this mountain will help in some way that even you don’t fully know why. How’s this going so far?”
 Amos, who had crossed his arms as well and was hunched over, merely nodded. Receiving no other forms of confirmation, Dominic continued.
 “There are two parts to this that I can’t figure out about this. How did you get this ability and why is the flame, that is yours, harming you. It’s clear that you’re in pain, so don’t you try and deny it. But why would-”
 “What does a Phoenix's do when they’ve become old or are severely injured.” Amos voiced weakly.
 “They burst into flames to burn their own form and are reborn from the ashes.” Dominic casually answered, only to pause in realization as to what he’d just answered with. Wide eyes of fear returned to the ow, who was still shrinking away.
 “Amos...are you...dying?”
 “No… Aye? ...I really don’t know. I still am a mortal, but I have an otherworldly ability. If I become…if I burn, I believe I will die.”
 “Which is why you wanted that day before we left to settle your estate. To make sure Amelia was set. In case…”
 “...Do you know how much longer you have?”
 Amos shook his head. His crossed arm tightened around himself. “It’s soon.. I can tell that much. It’s harder to keep it at bay...as you’ve seen.”
 “And the way to help this is at the mountain?” Dominic sighed as Amos nodded again, “Then we need to get going.”
 Another silent nod. Dominic walked forward and gently placed a hand on Amos’ shoulder, gently directing the owl back towards the car. They get back in, pulling away as Amos voiced one last piece of information.
 “It’s my father.”
 “I’m sorry?” Dominic looked over.
 “The Phoenix...technically my father.”
 They drove off in silence.
 “Sir, the fire is out. Finally.”
 Fire Chief Marelo nodded weakly, eyes still scanning over the ashed foundation. In all the years he had put into fighting fire, this was by far the worst he’d ever experienced. They weren’t able to get close and nothing they quite literally threw at it worked. And the flames. That’s what terrified him the most. Flames of pure red, of physical anger, engulfing the once pristine restaurant. It was an absolute mess and one that he wasn’t sure he could explain to the major without sounding insane.
 “Let me guess. It burnt itself out.” He grumbled weakly.
 “Uh, yes sir.”
 “Was anyone harmed?”
 “No. The building was the only thing lost.”
 “At least there’s that. Rope off the rest of the area and we’ll start our report. There’s not much we can do here.”
 “Sir!” Marelo looked up as another fighter rushed over. “There are some, uh, visitors that want to speak with you.”
 “...Alright. Lead the way.” The chief was honestly expecting to see the police waiting for him at the tape. What he was not ready for was a flock of crows. Or a murder to be more accurate. Marelo couldn’t tell if this was a warning or not. It was honestly hard to tell where the black feathers stopped and the black trench coat began. All Marelo could truly see were their white eyes and their beaks that stuck out.
 “Hello...gentlemen. What can I help you with?”
 “Yes, hello, fellow governmental department. We have been informed you are the leader of this scene. Is this correct?” The (possibly) head crow spoke.
 “Yes...that would be me.”
 “Then I will make this brief. My fellow birds and I are part of the C.A.W. which is a special department of the government. The same one you work for as well. Fellow government department. We have arrived after hearing the reports of a strange fire that transpired here as this once eating establishment. We arrived to look around.”
 “I, wait, what? Caw? I’ve never heard of your ‘department’ before.” Marelo flinched when a badge was quickly shoved into his face. He was given the briefest moment to look it over to confirm it was authentic before it was taken away.
 “We will be looking now.” A flood of crows crossed below the tape and began scurrying among the wreckage.
 “Hey, wait, hold on! I didn’t give you clearance to be here!” Marelo snapped.
 “We don’t need clearance. We are clearance.” The crow responded.
 “I don’t even understand what your so-called ‘department’ does!”
 “We are C.A.W. The Crypto-hunters Advocating for Well-being.”
 “Tell me, chief, the fire that happened here. It did not go out by usual means. And by that I mean, water did not put it out.”
 “Yes, that’s true.”
 “And that fire burned hotter than any of those that you’ve seen before. With it even seeming to be a solid color.”
 “How did you know that.”
 “Because this is an unusual, very rarely seen fire. Only held by beings of a higher power.”
 “...What are you talking about?”
 “Fellow C.A.W. member,” Marelo jumped as another crow spoke up from behind him, “We have found what was needed from this scene. We are on the okay to leave.”
 “Good. Thank you, fellow government department, for letting us look around.”
 “I didn’t allow for anything! And what exactly did you find?” Marelo watched, with mouth agape, as the crows ducked back under the tape and walked away from the scene. The murder packed closer together as they parted the crowd easily. All watching with varying shades of confusion as the flack moved towards the horizon.
 “Um, sir? Did you want to start on that report?”
 Marelo nodded slowly, still watching the retreating crowd of crows. “Yeah...and we need someone to tell us what the actual peck the C.A.W. is…”
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concealeddarkness13 · 3 years
WHG 15 Post-Games Imposter Syndrome Part 18
The day after part 17! Warning if you don’t want to read about this: there’s kissing. Tagging: @sparkles-and-hens, @knmartinshouldbewriting, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses (also thanks for Conor!), @thoughts-of-nora, and @ratracechronicler!
I triumphantly sent the video to Indigo as some Peacekeepers installed some cameras in my room. They were trying to intimidate me, but it wasn’t going to work. I’d just have to figure out how to smash them.
As the Peacekeepers left, the District 9 escort, “affectionately” nicknamed Bystander slipped in. This time, he went for fancy but not garish, and he was holding a purple iris. Oh joy. What was he up to now?
I just eyed him, not bothering to get up from my bed, as I set my phone down. He spoke first. “My, you’ve already caused quite the stir here.”
Well, at least he hadn’t openly threatened my crew, and he didn’t seem to want to start with that, so I relaxed a slight bit. I didn’t have to be openly hostile back, at least not yet. I smiled. “Oh? And I was hoping to remain inconspicuous.”
“Forgive me if I don’t quite believe that little thief. I have already found myself applauding your performance though, such a shame they felt the need to put a tighter leash on you.” He glanced over at the cameras. So, what was he even talking about? The incident where I beat up Indigo might have slipped out, but the whole slipping out, stealing from Aurora, getting a video while burning what I stole, and getting caught shouldn’t have. And I hadn’t done anything special other than that. The citizens of the Capitol wouldn’t even know I was alive yet. “I’m sure you’ll find a way around it of course and I, for one, am thrilled to watch as always. Tell me, were you truly thinking it would work?”
What, beating up Indigo or stealing, which both did work? Or did he not know exactly what I had done? I cocked my head. Better to not give him anything. “What would work?”
He grinned and winked. “But of course. Still, for your efforts.” He held out the iris elegantly. “Forgive me, but I find roses to be horribly overdone.”
True. I took it and set it down, ready to crush it if that would actually hurt his feelings. “So, what is Bystander really here for?”
“Ah yes, I suppose you have earned the right to my name. After all it simply wouldn’t do for you not to when we appear together. It’s Conor.” How…normal. But what did he mean by “appear together”? He bowed and walked to the other side of the room. Casually. Nonchalantly. But I could tell he was enjoying drawing this out. “There is no last name to worry about. You’ll forgive if my manners on this are a little out of date, but it’s been a while since I’ve hoped to win someone’s affections. The flower might not be appropriate still, though I did try to find a pomegranate to offer with the news of us becoming a couple in the public’s eyes.” He winked.
What the fuck? That didn’t even make any sense! It wasn’t as if he was a celebrity too. Why would anyone care? Fucking ridiculous. But there was nothing I could do about it. I had already agreed to cooperate on TV. I had to feign a different surprise so he wouldn’t see my real surprise. “Oh, dear me. So fast? We haven’t even shared a life-threatening scene together where you confess your undying love for me even though you’ve only known me for a day.”
“We didn’t?” He pretended like I had stabbed him in the chest. “Though I suppose in your version my life would have to be in danger as well, instead of the tale of seeing you and falling for you before the Games, after all you did wear my signature stars, but then, alas, I worried so much that you would die in the Games and had to profess as soon as we were able to meet up again. Though, if you would like to present another life threatening scene for yourself before the cameras for it to go your way, I’m sure it could be arranged.”
Well, that story was even flimsier than mine. But the citizens of the Capitol might just eat it up, especially if we were both entertaining enough. Oh joy. I laughed. “So, it’s to be a fake relationship? I’m wounded.”
His grin turned sharper, more dangerous. And I felt pinned down by his stare. “Oh I know you better than to fall for someone who could easily be your enemy and clearly has ulterior motives. But imagine the spectacle all of this will cause, the idea that not only have tributes survived, but for the possibility of love afterwards? The Capitol thinks they’re in charge of all, but maybe the people worry that they’ve grown soft? Allowing people to survive the Games after all? What are they covering up?”
Another flimsy story. Why would this be what the Capitol relied on? “They don’t have to use love with a random nobody Bystander to do that. They have a million other ways at their disposal.”
He laughed. “No, if anything the idea of love or even allowing me to do this shows that the precious Capitol isn’t as wise as they hope. But us? We can use it to exploit that foolishness and cause the people more concerns and doubts about all that power and maybe cause some trouble and mischief for added fun, little thief. Don’t tell me you don’t enjoy this to some degree?”
If he had come to me with this before I had agreed to cooperate, that manipulation might have worked. However, I had to cooperate on TV, at least, so I wouldn’t be causing any mischief there. Not when it could mean that my crew would be killed. I just decided to ignore that. “Well, I’m afraid I won’t live up to your expectations. Or you won’t live up to mine.” My smile turned into a smirk. Since I wouldn’t gain anything else from this, I might as well have some fun. “Are you a good kisser? If not, I don’t think I’ll be able to pretend to your satisfaction.”
“I have never lived up to an expectation a day in my life, it’s what makes it so exciting. And oh? Here you accused me of going too fast, but well,” he smirked as well. “Practice makes perfect after all.”
As if this would be anything but a distraction. Possibly a dangerous distraction if he was more than he seemed, which was becoming more and more likely. “Who said anything about love in this?” I stood up and crossed my arms, the smirk still playing on my lips. “It’s a mutually beneficial relationship. One that we have to sell as if it was real.” Even if there was nothing for me to gain, really.
He quirked an eyebrow and stepped forward. “You claim that and yet you don’t truly know yet what you’ll gain, still seeing me on the Capitol’s side in all this? You truly are fascinating my little thief. If this is to appear real though, I’ll have to know more of what you like and I can’t wait to learn more of your wit.”
I laughed lightly. I should be able to get a good time out of this, at least. “Isn’t having a good time enough to gain from a relationship like this?” I stepped forward, within arm’s reach of him and placed a hand lightly on his chest. I lowered my voice to a whisper. “So, the Bystander takes his turn on stage.”
“Hard to stand by when the lead is just so interesting, after all, sometimes the best view is right in the center of everything.”
I laughed. So close, his eyes almost looked otherworldly. Kind of like how his eyes had changed color a few days ago. If he was older than he looked, I wouldn’t be able to one-up him, but it would be fun to try. “I’m flattered. Now, let’s see if he can play the lead.”
He closed the distance, and damn. He was actually a good kisser. Held me so that there was no space in between us, buried one hand in my hair, while the other skirted along the edge of my shirt, touching the skin underneath. Kissed with such “passion” and intensity that I barely had time to breathe. My thoughts swam and got all jumbled, which I just blamed on the lack of oxygen. But that was kind of the point, I supposed. When I finally had to pull back to gasp in some breaths, he kissed my neck, holding me tighter, hand slipping under my shirt. Shit. I would gain at least something from this, even if it was just a good time. Once I had regained my breath, he brushed his lips up my neck until he kissed me on the lips again and my thoughts muddled. Still totally because of lack of oxygen. And he backed me up until my legs hit the bed, and I almost lost my balance, and he made me lose my balance, and we were laying on the bed. Shit. He stopped and smiled down at me. “What do you think now little thief?”
He was so close. It was hard to breathe still. I hated how my voice wavered. “6/10.”
“Still need to work on your acting if you want me to believe that. Though, I did already mention practice making perfect didn’t I?” He raised an eyebrow and kissed me on the forehead. Okay, okay 7/10.
I could barely find my voice, so I whispered instead. Trying to pry again. “With that performance, you should be the main character. I’m nothing compared to you.”
“Don’t sell yourself so short, anyone would fall for you, and I know that I wouldn’t be the first. Everyone’s eyes have been on you since you entered the Capitol.”
Huh. Deflecting. Well, there were other ways to figure out more about a person. I slipped one hand under his shirt to distract from my other hand that was slipping into his pockets. “You’ve fallen for me? I’m flattered.”
There was a piece of paper that could be important. “My attention is what flatters you? Not that of the rest of the Capitol, or even those who were your fellow tributes?”
I laughed and snagged the paper, bringing it to my pockets. “You’re certainly the most intriguing. Despite how much you say you’re just a member of the audience, you are possibly the most mysterious one I’ve met.”
“Would you prefer me to call myself the devil on your shoulder?” Huh. That sounded pretty applicable. “Encouraging what are likely ideas that will lead to trouble to watch it all play out but doing nothing more? It certainly wouldn’t be the first time someone has accused me of such things.”
And I had a way to make a small victory. “I rest my case as to why I focus on your attention over anyone else’s.”
He grinned. “Oh, I like you my little thief. The devil has always been far more interesting to listen to I’ve found. Very well, I will admit getting closer to you is not the only fun I am hoping to have from all of this, though I assure you it is definitely a part of it. I do love unique things after all. But I am hoping to help catch someone’s attention even more than you already have for a bit of personal fun. I do wonder how close you are to figuring out the puzzle from the pieces now.”
My thoughts snapped to Reine. He had been mentioning her too much, especially last time I saw him. Why was he trying to get her attention? And I had to admit, the promise of information was tantalizing. I smirked. “And what’s the prize for piecing the puzzle together?”
He pretended to think. “A favor perhaps, anything short of getting you out of this predicament you’ve found yourself in because then where would my fun go? Maybe a gift, a message…Though I do hope you choose wisely because you would be trusting the devil here.”
Something to think about. “Noted.” I laughed and winked. “I think we should practice more before they think we’re plotting something.” I pointedly glanced at the cameras.
He laughed too. “Very well my dear thief.” I pulled him into the kiss this time, but he kissed with the same intensity, not giving me enough time to breathe. Shit. I had to admit, he was charming and intriguing. I had to be careful around him.
He broke off fairly quickly and stood up. I sat up and smirked at him as he spoke. “Sadly, you are correct in assuming they might think we are plotting something if I stay too long, but I will look forward to seeing you again, I promise.”
I bowed a little and channeled my best sarcasm. “And I’ll be counting the seconds.”
He just laughed and left. I frowned and immediately looked at the paper I had taken from him. It was filled with letters that seemed to be from the same language that Reine had shown me. So, they probably were connected. But the way Reine had talked about him when I had wanted to steal from him made me think they weren’t on the best of terms. So, what did he want to do? Especially because she was captured. She might not even be able to watch the TV. Was there anything I could do with this information? Probably not.
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fyexo · 4 years
200926 SuperM Open Up About The Encouraging Message Behind Their New Album "Super One"
The group's members are some of the most skilled performers in K-pop history; Kai and Baekhyun are from Exo, Taemin is from Shinee, and Lucas, Taeyong, Mark, and Ten are from NCT and its Chinese sub-unit WayV, respectively.
When they join forces as SuperM, however, the result is incendiary — otherworldly vocals mesh with indomitable rapping to create powerful performances that leave viewers reeling long after the group has left the stage. Don't believe me? Just watch the group perform their breakneck power anthem "100" and prepare to feel absolutely exhilarated.
It's been less than a year since their debut, but SuperM has already made history by becoming the first K-pop group to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 album chart with the release of their debut EP SuperM — The 1st Mini Album. It's an achievement that youngest member Mark credits in part to their fans, who banded together from multiple fandoms to support their debut; it was also a great source of inspiration for SuperM to work even harder so their next album would be even better than the last.
Now, SuperM is back with their first full-length album, Super One, out Sept. 25.
AKA, today! With the world currently under lockdown due to the pandemic, it was SuperM's desire to create an album that would give fans encouragement and, according to Kai, "take [them] to a place of hope." The 15-track album still includes the group's signature powerful sound with songs like "One" and "100," but also highlights the softer side of SuperM with tracks like the gospel-infused "Better Days" and funky "Together at Home" too.
We sat down with SuperM in a roundtable interview to discuss their new album, Super One, and how they hope its overall message of coming together will bring comfort to fans around the world during the pandemic.
1. After the release of your first EP debuting at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 200 chart, did you feel any sort of pressure while preparing to release this album?
Mark: It was our first EP release, you know? So to have that No. 1 achievement itself was an honor. It was our first EP as SuperM and to have our fans really combine their strength to support us really felt great, so it motivated us to really work harder on this album. We put double the amount of effort we put in on our last album into this album, so we believe that the quality went up that much as well. We can’t wait for fans to listen to Super One too now.
2. What made you decide to combine two songs together to make your title track "One?" It feels reminiscent of Shinee's song "Sherlock!"
Taemin: When I recorded “Sherlock” with Shinee back in the day, it was one of the first times we were doing this [type of hybrid song creation], so it felt very experimental. At that time, I was a little worried about how it would end up sounding at the end of the recording process, but I think after recording [this kind of song] with “Sherlock,” I was able to see how this song would come to be as “One.” A lot of people might think that mixing two songs together is quite tall of a task, but we were able to do it and I’m really happy with the results.
3. What’s your favorite track on the new album?
Baekhyun: “Big Chance” is my favorite. I personally like taking big chances and looking for big opportunities, so just the title itself caught my attention.
Taemin: I would probably say “Wish You Were Here.” I actually think this would’ve been a great title track as well. I personally think all of the members did a great job in recording [this song] and I love how it sounds. This song is actually one that’s more unexpected from SuperM, because audiences usually expect a performance-heavy song and I think the message within it is one that really brings the whole album together and conveys the message that we’re hoping to convey with Super One.
Kai: “Tiger Inside” is one of my favorites because when you listen to it, you just feel energized and you feel that strength coming from the song. And I feel like it’s a song that showcases all of the members really well.
Mark: I honestly really like “Wish You Were Here” as well, but I’m going to say that I really like “Infinity” right now. "One" is a song that combines “Infinity” and “Monster,” but I feel like “Infinity” has its own story and dynamic and you can feel a different side [of it] than you can feel from “One” when you listen to it.
Taeyong: I'll pick “Together at Home,” because I like that message. Overcome this situation and—
Mark: Netflix.
Taeyong: And just Netflix.
Lucas: My personal favorite is “So Long” because the melody is really addictive, like once you listen to it, it hooks you right away. I really think it’s a song that fans will all appreciate.
Ten: “Infinity!” Like Mark said, the dynamics and storytelling were outstanding on that track. Also, I was so lucky that I got to try this rap/vocal kind of style that I had been wanting to try for a long time on “Infinity,” so I enjoyed recording it very much.
4. What is something you learned about yourself while creating Super One?
Baekhyun: One of the new things that I learned while preparing for this album in particular was that we were able to stretch our limits even more. As you know, we released "100," "Tiger Inside," and now we’re releasing the title track “One." Each of these songs has such a great concept and choreography — just putting all of that together was really challenging, to be honest. I think that was something that I learned when we were able to come together as a group and face that together.
5. Given that each member comes from another major group, how do you make sure that each member has their moment to shine on Super One?
Lucas: Visually, we all have different aesthetics that go along with our individual styling and I think that kind of points to each of our charms. In our upcoming music video for “One,” we all had different designs and colors, but it all still stayed connected. I feel like through those points that we give out through our art that it adds a charm for each of us.
6. Super One features a wider variety of musical styles and influences than your first album. How do you feel SuperM’s musical identity has grown with this new album?
Taemin: I would say that while putting together this album, we were able to [bring a greater sense of] harmony between the members than we did initially. Everyone is just so skilled, but with this album, we were able to experiment more and try out these different genres and see how it all comes together.
8. Which song on the album have you personally come to fall even more in love with in time, and what made you fall in love with it?
Ten: I would choose our ballad song “Better Days” because at first when I listened to the song, it sounded kind of old — seriously, it sounds like it’s from the '90s, a very old pop song. But after we recorded, I realized the song goes well with us and the concept we want to release because the lyrics are very healing. I think when you listen to “Better Days” you can get that energy that us together, we can make a better day.
9. SuperM has all of these modes of transportation that are featured throughout your music videos. At a time when we can’t travel and the world is kept apart, what does this represent to you and how do you want it relayed through the album?
Kai: If you look at our past music videos, there are helicopters, tanks, and a lot of cars. I think that goes really well with SuperM’s concept as a group. That’s why those modes of transportation were kind of illustrated through our music videos in our past songs. We can’t really travel right now because of the pandemic and everything that’s going on, but we really hope that, just like these modes of transportation take you somewhere, that this album can be that mode of transportation to take you to a place of hope and to a higher place where everyone can enjoy themselves and be happy.
10. Looking back on all of your journeys so far, what is one event that you considered a failure at the time, but now you feel it ultimately led to your success today?
Taeyong: As artists, when we start out our careers, I can’t help but feel like a lot of the moments that we go through feel like we’re still trying to get there, or like we’re not fully there yet. There are a lot of moments where it might have felt like a failure, but actually everything was a step to build up to what we have now.
Mark: When I first debuted, my hair was very short, so my bangs were above my eyebrow by like four inches and I honestly hated it during my debut. But coming back to it now, I feel like it was alright.
Taeyong: It was cute!
Mark: It was appropriate just for that age, you know! Just for that time in my life.
Ten: Like Mark, mine is the same. During the debut days like “The 7th Sense,” when I saw my own hair, I was like: “This is not going to work out.” But now I miss it so much; I’ve got to get it soon!
Mark: Hair is an important factor for a debut for us!
11. Mark and Taeyong, you both wrote and produced on the last two albums. When you're writing a song like "100" or "Together at Home," what is your creative process like?
Mark: Most importantly, I feel like whenever we have to create or produce something for our raps and rap making, the main theme and the meaning are what’s most important. This particular album, for “100” or any other song, the main meaning for the whole album is to really bring hope and to encourage people that unison is the only way for us to get through this and through all of our problems. So we kind of used that theme, in a way, to interpret each and every song. So for “Together at Home,” we really felt like, we’re all staying together at home, so what are the benefits and what are the goods that we can bring out of this? What are the ways that we can connect through our songs while we stay at home and everything? So I feel like that process worked for every other song and we enjoyed that while making the raps as well.
Taeyong: Also, the most important thing is the performances. This time, Taemin hyung fixed our choreography [so it has] more detail. I think, this time, our performance is really dope and great and untouchable. I think I’m very excited — please look forward to it. Thank you!
12. What is the key ingredient needed to transform a song into a SuperM song?
Kai: Each member's individual charms are a main ingredient, but if I had to add one more spoonful, it would be the producing and direction of our executive producer Lee Soo Man. As you know, SuperM is a group that is really strong with its performances, so that’s a really key ingredient that’s needed when making a SuperM song.
13. And finally, how has SuperM evolved since your debut together?
Baekhyun: With this new album, especially just the process of recording it, we were able to emphasize the message within the album. All of the songs have their own message, but Super One is all about unity and being unified. I think in terms of the sound of the music itself, we wanted to make sure to relay a message of positivity rather than just focus only solely on the performance. This was an album where we were able to focus on the messaging more, so I think we’ve matured in that sense.
Emelyn Travis @ Buzzfeed
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randomvarious · 4 years
Phuture - “Acid Trax” Mad on Acid: A Comprehensive History of Acid House Music Song released in 1987. Compilation released in 1998. Acid House
Before we talk about the legendary Chicago house trio, Phuture, who are fully responsible for launching the acid house phenomenon that would eventually take the UK by storm with its 1988 Summer of Love, we need to talk about the Roland TB-303, the electronic instrument that inadvertently ended up revolutionizing electronic dance music with its distinct, squelching and chirping, “acid” sounds. Just about everyone has heard the TB-303 used in a song before, but virtually no one has ever heard it used the way that Roland originally intended. Released to the public in 1982, the TB-303 was supposed to replace and replicate the sound of a bass guitar, but in actuality, it didn’t really sound like a bass at all. As a result, it failed commercially, and Roland ceased its production after only two years.
But that was before Phuture got ahold of it in 1985. Composed of a trio of young Chicagoans who were caught up in their own city’s burgeoning house scene, Phuture began as an idea to produce tracks that member Pierre could mix into his own DJ sets. Initially, Pierre was content with just spinning records, but his friend Spanky was adamant that they start making their own music. Pierre was still reluctant, though.
However, all that hesitancy seemed to disappear when Pierre heard a Roland TB-303 for the first time. A 2014 interview in DJ Mag has more:
Pierre was round at his friend Jasper G's house one day, listening to a track he'd made, and heard a unique sound coming out of the speakers. “I asked what he used to create that sound, and he said the Roland 303,” Pierre remembers. “He was using it to function as Roland intended, but immediately that light went off for me and I thought, 'If we got that machine, we can do some damage'. This is just from hearing it, I didn't even know what it looked like at the time.”
Pierre told Spanky he was in, he wanted to make music (“Yo! Lets do this!”), and Spanky bought a 303 from a second-hand shop for 40 dollars. “Spanky got it and started messing around the same day,” says Pierre. “At one particular session at his house, Spank had a beat going and I just got on the knobs and started twisting them. We kept going, man. We had a jam session for over an hour. We knew there was nothing out there like what we were coming up with, and we knew what it did for us on the inside. We knew that there was something there that spoke.”
Spanky, Pierre and other Phuture pal Herb J started getting alien voodoo out of the machines, jamming, with Pierre being the one twiddling the Roland TB-303. “Spank programmed a beat, and we just went with it,” Pierre recalls. “I got on the knobs and Spanky kept saying, 'Yeah, that's it! Keep doing that'. We all knew, man. It was natural and pure.
Another interview in The Fader provides a little bit more detail of that fateful day:
[Spanky] had it hooked up, running with the drum machine, but it wasn’t [working]. If you get one of those 303s it’s not going to have any baseline sounds in it, so you got to squeak and squack it till it makes some noise. He said he didn’t know what was wrong with it, how to program it right, so he said, “Could you figure it out?” So when I came over by it, I started twisting the knobs, seeing what they do, because that’s what I do: twist knobs. So I was doing that and we fell in love with the sounds it was making. We fell in love with how I was twisting the knobs with the beat. And then I started twisting them a certain way, and putting emotion and feeling behind it, and Spanky was like, “Yo Pierre, keep doing that, I like that.” I was like, “Yeah, this is something!” We were like, “Yo, that’s style.” We said forget trying to make a baseline, let’s program it like this and just twist the knobs. And so that’s what we did, you know.
And thus, the acid house sound was born.
Phuture would take this wholly new, alien sound that was unlike literally anything that had ever been heard before, and jam with it for hours on end. They knew they had something special and they wanted other people to hear it, too. They ended up recording a song called “In Your Mind” and decided to give it to the house DJ whom they admired most and also thought was most likely to play it: Ron Hardy.
From a Discogs review by user Alain_Patrick:
As soon as they gave Ron the tape, the visionary DJ listened to it and said, smiling: “It’s ok... When can I get a copy?”
That night, Hardy played “In Your Mind” a total of four times. As a song that clocks in at almost 12 minutes alone, that means he dedicated at least the better part of an hour of his set to this one song. Legend has it that the first two times he played it, the crowd wasn’t feeling it at all. A less confident DJ could’ve then very easily taken those reactions into account and decided to never play the record again, but Hardy seemed determined to get his audience to believe in this track the same way he did. There was a transformational moment in dance music history taking place right before people’s very eyes and Hardy was going to force his fans to embrace it. By the time he gave “In Your Mind” a third spin, the collective opinion of the club did a complete 180 degree turn and the dancefloor mutated into spiritual bedlam. 
Word soon then spread about this otherworldly bit of cosmic funk. Fans dubbed it “Ron Hardy’s Acid Tracks,” and possibly because of how relentlessly Hardy had pushed it, people assumed that Hardy had made it. But he didn’t; he was just its primary evangelist. However, in order to avoid confusion, Phuture changed the name of their song from “In Your Mind” to “Acid Tracks.”
It wasn’t until 1987 that “Acid Tracks” would finally appear on wax. Executive produced by now house legend, Marshall Jefferson, the song was released on Chicago’s Trax Records, and despite their vital contribution to the history of both popular and underground music, Phuture has only seen a total of $1,500 in revenue from that record. It goes without saying, but that’s some really shameful shit.
Anyway, a song like “Acid Tracks” represents the absolute potential of the “acid” sound. It’s an experiment that uses the TB-303 as a maker of both melody and rhythm in a way that no one had ever previously thought of. As Pierre twiddled and twisted away on its knobs with purpose, like how a guitarist plucks and strums on their strings, he managed to unveil a full, undiscovered range of never before heard, nearly impossible to describe, fat and thick, funky sound. Spanky laid down the constantly changing series of hats, claps, snares, cowbells, kicks, and whistles to provide minimal layers of accompaniment to the leading, unpredictable heaps of acid, and unsung member, Herb J, who was also in on the action, played a part in co-writing the song with Pierre.
It’s impossible to know what the history of electronic music would’ve been like without “Acid Tracks.” Literally tens of thousands of songs that use the TB-303 like Phuture did have been released in just about every electronic music subgenre since. Had Phuture never chosen to exploit their discovery, or had Ron Hardy given up on it after its first two spins, all those acid tracks that followed would have likely never happened. It’s entirely possible that someone else could have discovered that sound accidentally, too, if Phuture didn’t, but who’s to say that they would’ve thought it was usable? Without “Acid Tracks,” there’s no 1988 Summer of Love in the UK, and there’s no incorporation of acid house into popular alternative music like The Happy Mondays or Stone Roses. The future that we would come to know about electronic music is highly improbable, if not impossible, without Phuture.
One of the most important tracks in electronic music’s history, bar none.
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moviesandmania · 5 years
IT: Chapter Two will be released by Warner Bros. in the USA on Digital on November 19th 2019 and on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray + Digital combo (the one to get!), Blu-ray + DVD + Digital combo and Special Edition DVD on December 10th. Content options vary in other regions but they should be released around the same time.
Special features:
Audio commentary with director Andy Muschietti
Pennywise Lives Again!
This Meeting of the Losers Club Has Officially Begun
Finding the Deadlights
The Summers of IT: Chapter One, You’ll Float Too
The Summers of IT: Chapter Two, IT Ends
Here’s our previous coverage of the movie with stacks of reviews:
IT: Chapter Two is a 2019 American supernatural horror feature film directed by Andy Muschietti (Mama) from a screenplay Gary Dauberman (The Nun; Annabelle; Within; Wolves at the Door; et al), based on the novel by Stephen King. Seth Grahame-Smith and Barbara Muschietti produced.
Bill Skarsgård returns as Pennywise the clown, with Jessica Chastain (Crimson Peak; Mama) as adult Beverly, Bill Hader (The Skeleton Twins) as Richie, James McAvoy as Bill, James Ransone (Sinister; Sinister 2) as Eddie, Isaiah Mustafa (Shadowrunner: The Mortal Instruments) as Mike Hanlon, Andy Bean (Allegiant) as Stanley, Jay Ryan (Mary Kills People) as the adult Ben Hanscom.
Twenty-seven years later, the members of the Loser’s Club have grown up and moved away, until a devastating phone call brings them back…
“The group dynamics of the (very good) cast propel the film as each Losers Club member faces down his or her personal demons. (Chastain especially gives the material a lift.) Taking each storyline at a time, all accompanied by flashbacks, gives each character some depth, even as the crowded film — at nearly three-hours long — verges on turning into a clown car.” Jake Coyle, Associated Press
“The whole film is going damn near overboard, for better and worse. It’s easy to admire Muschietti’s film for its excess and imagination. It’s easy to watch and enjoy it as a fright flick. It’s just harder to connect with the adult versions of these characters than it should be, and it’s harder to take this story seriously than it was before.” William Bibbiani, Bloody Disgusting
” …each scene begins relatively innocently before exploding into a waking nightmare that preys on the worst fears and repressed memories of each of the Losers. All good stuff, but more often than not, director Muschietti and the first-rate special effects team deliver gross-out visuals in favor of truly chilling and tense psychological terror. I mean, the Losers have to deal with a lot of arachnid-inspired imagery.” Richard Roeper, Chicago Sun-Times
“The devotion that Dauberman and Muschietti exhibit towards the Losers is palpable from start to finish, and despite some pitfalls in the film’s pacing, overall what they’ve managed to achieve with their collaborative efforts on IT Chapter Two is nothing short of monumental, and I think they’ve crafted something very special with these two films.” Heather Wixson, Daily Dead
“A psychologically merciless sequel, everything here is as it should be: deeper, scarier, funnier. Muschietti, in particular, has stepped up, skilfully guiding us through a rollicking funhouse. It is obscenely entertaining.” Alex Godfrey, Empire
” …even if Chapter One was example enough, there are no diminishing returns when it comes to shock value. Any time Pennywise feeds on life there is genuine sadness over the loss (the naivety and insecurities of his child victims contrasted with Bill Skarsgård’s master manipulator tendencies ensure it so), whether it’s a character we are attached to or someone newly introduced. ” Richard Kodjer, Flickering Myth
“The terror of Pennywise is best glimpsed fleetingly. See the clown too many times, and he becomes a familiar joke. But also letting the air out of things is Muschietti’s penchant for CGI scares, where practical effects would be far more effective. The movie’s many monstrosities – a crawling eyeball! a giant spider! an insect with the head of a human infant! – don’t inspire fear.” Barry Hertz, The Globe and Mail
” …Chapter Two seems to consist of an indefinite number of big, scary set pieces, featuring interchangeable snaggle-toothed creatures, or occasionally gigantic, fairground-sized monsters lurching grotesquely up out of nowhere. The scenes deliver reasonably efficient scares, but with the tension level repeatedly and disconcertingly reset afterwards to zero…” Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian
“Muschietti’s faithful adaptation, with all its creative and creepy set pieces, can’t justify that ass-numbing run time; especially not when the characters are just doing a lot of the same things they did in the first movie. They run into cobwebbed houses, stare down nightmarish visions and get tangled up with a clown that can morph into all kinds of silly, gigantic creatures. It’s all so easily forgettable.” Radheyan Simonpillai, Now Toronto
“Chapter Two is darker than the first, Bill’s attempt to deal with the guilt of losing his little brother by saving another ending in a brutal bit of bloodshed. Yet there are really only a couple of scary jolts, too many scary CGI puppets repeating themselves, too many effects beholden to Carpenter’s The Thing. McAvoy feels miscast here, perhaps a first for the actor.  Chastain, Ransone and Hader do a great job updating their childhood counterparts…” Laura Clifford, Reeling Reviews
“Maybe it’s just that an evil clown terrorizing kids is intrinsically scarier than one going after adults. Or maybe it’s that the filmmakers, apparently believing this themselves, put the majority of their focus on a series of digitally created monstrosities. Whatever the case, It: Chapter Two, though ultimately satisfying, doesn’t get at the deep-seated creeps its predecessor did.” Michael Gingold, Rue Morgue
“IT: Chapter Two never really depicts the way dewy sentimentality can curdle into pain and regret or considers whether the other side of middle age offers a way of letting go of the past. Its monster only occasionally embodies the otherworldly fearfulness that leads the characters to speak of it in hushed tones. But at least Muschietti is trying for something epic and intimidating…” Keith Phipps, The Verge
” …when the filmmakers don’t force the story to fit into strict parameters and just let the story flow with these characters that we love, IT Chapter Two can be just as effective and emotional as the first film. For fans of the novel, you shouldn’t miss this because much of what we love about the book makes its way to the screen, even if it can’t completely hit every high point. IT Chapter Two is clunky, too long, and not as scary as it could have been, but when it hits, it really hits.” Alan Cerny, Vital Thrills
“Real trauma is given the same consideration as a literal funhouse of horrors, which cheapens what the characters and audience are put through.” Alan Silberman, Washington Post
“What stands out in It Chapter Two is not the clearly labored-over insect effects but that moment with Mrs Kersh and the scene of Pennywise as Beverly’s father — both reliant on actors rather than technical wizardry. The human eye can tell that there is not much in effects but effects themselves with a story like this about evil. But an actor like Gregson or Skarsgård can channel evil for us because they are human…” Dan Callahan, The Wrap
NB. Scroll further down past the trailers for YouTube reviews
The New Line Cinema production is obviously the sequel to the smash-hit horror movie IT (2017) which took a whopping $700,381,748 at the box office worldwide against a reported budget of $35 million.
As reported by 9news, some parents in Australia say that giant billboards of Pennywise’s face have been giving their young children nightmares.
“It just totally freaks them out,” Brisbane mother Kellie told the Australian news outlet, speaking about her kids’ reaction to the billboards. Her daughter Piper added: “I get really scared because it’s hard to go to bed when you have a scary picture in your mind. Before I go to bed, I have to check the whole room. And when I finally go to bed I will wake up after a nightmare.”
Another mother also told 9news that her child is terrified by the imagery. “Some people do enjoy going to horror movies and that’s fine and that’s their choice, and I understand that but we’re not choosing to see this poster,” said Jane, who issued a complaint with Ad Standards. The latter body has confirmed that the ads don’t break any of their rules. [Source: Bloody Disgusting]
Filming on IT: Chapter 2 officially began on June 20 in Toronto with a release date of September 6, 2019.
IT: Chapter Two clocks in at a whopping 169 minutes.
“A movie is very different when you’re writing the script and you’re building a story compared to what the final product is,” director Andy Muschietti told Digital Spy and other press.
“At the beginning, when you’re writing and building the beats of the story, everything that you put in there seems very essential to the story. However, when you have the movie finally edited and it’s 4 hours long, you realise that some of the events and some of the beats can be easily lifted but the essence of the story remains intact.
“You cannot deliver a 4-hour movie because people will start to feel uncomfortable – no matter what they see – but we ended up having a movie that is 2 hours and 45 minutes, and the pacing is very good. “Nobody who’s seen the movie has had any complaint.”
Cast and characters:
Jack Dylan Grazer … Young Eddie
James McAvoy … Bill Denbrough
Jessica Chastain … Beverly Marsh
Bill Skarsgård … Pennywise
Sophia Lillis … Young Beverly
Finn Wolfhard … Young Richie
Bill Hader … Richie Tozier
Jaeden Martell … Young Bill
Jay Ryan … Ben Hanscom
Kate Corbett … Dean’s Mom
Javier Botet
Xavier Dolan … Adrian Mellon
James Ransone … Eddie Kaspbrak
Owen Teague … Patrick Hockstetter
Jess Weixler … Audra Phillips
Jake Weary … John ‘Webby’ Garton
Nicholas Hamilton … Young Henry
Wyatt Oleff … Young Stanley
Isaiah Mustafa … Mike Hanlon
Jeremy Ray Taylor … Young Ben
Jackson Robert Scott … Georgie Denborough (rumored)
Teach Grant … Henry Bowers
Andy Bean … Stanley Uris
Chosen Jacobs … Young Mike
Stephen Bogaert … Mr. Marsh
Logan Thompson … Victor Criss
Taylor Frey … Don Hagarty
Ryan Kiera Armstrong … Victoria
Janet Porter … Richie’s Mother
Jake Sim … Belch Huggins
Amanda Zhou … Waitress
Kelly Van der Burg … Victoria’s Mom
Angela Thompson … Comedy Show Patron
Will Beinbrink … Tom Rogan
Ari Cohen … Rabbi Uris
Lyla Elliott … Dead Young Girl
Angelica Alejandro … Asian Waitress
Rob Ramsay … Meaner Nurse
Divan Meyer … Audience Member
Erik Junnola … Bully
Anthony Ulc … Joe The Butcher
Martavius Gayles … Paramedic
Connor Smith … Carny
Shannon Widdis … Cheerleader #1
John Connon … John Koontz
Elena Khan … Derry townsperson
Chris Jiggins … Paramedic
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Image credits: Brooke Palmer / Warner Bros. Entertainment
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IT: Chapter Two released on 4K Ultra-HD, Blu-ray, DVD, Digital soon – invite Pennywise into your home! IT: Chapter Two will be released by Warner Bros. in the USA on Digital on November 19th 2019 and on…
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hennyjolzen · 5 years
What if we’ve been looking at Irish through the wrong lens all these years? Rather than it being a subject that causes heartache in schools might it actually be a periscope into our psyche and our souls? A path towards an entirely fresh way of seeing reality, transforming existence from a predictable and quantifiable 3-D dimension into a vacillating, multi-dimensional realm with the potential of bleed-throughs from other parallel worlds.
First, there are some truths about the language that need to be acknowledged, though the grammarians and language academics might not agree. 1 Irish derives from a world in which the unseen is as real as the seen; 2 it acknowledges the existence of other dimensions; 3 it is based on an understanding that nature and the land are vibrant, sentient beings; 4 at its most potent can be a language of incantation, meaning that it has (or might have) the potential to summon up wishes, behaviours, people and things.
These are bold claims, I realise, and whether any lofty academic linguist would agree is debatable, but let me explain with some examples of the many Irish words and phrases that can upend your way of seeing reality. Words like sclimpíní, for example, which conveys the effect of lights dancing before one’s eyes – either real light or the supernatural; those glimpses we get through the veil of what lies beyond. A single word like this can shift one’s frame of reference radically, to question all one’s assumptions and offering the potential of a more holistic and limitless way of thinking and being.
Cáithnín is another fine example of how a single word can unlock the hidden richness in our lives and landscape. It means a speck of dust, a husk of corn, a snowflake, a subatomic particle and a miniscule smidge of butter, or anything tiny that gets into the eye and irritates it. But, most evocatively of all, it also means the goosebumps you feel in moments when you contemplate how everything is interrelated and how tiny we are in relation to the whole, like that feeling when you realise, or, maybe, remember, that we are all one – all unified.
In this way, cáithnín, becomes like a koan or mantra – a single word that brings you right around the universe from the infinitesimal to the infinite. It becomes a reminder from our past about how we once related to our environment and community, and how we might do so again.
Another example is scim, which means a thin coating of tiny particles, like limewash on a house or dust on a mantelpiece. These are good practical, pragmatic meanings that any lexicographer would be comfortable with, but there are other more nebulous ones which might prove more challenging for the limited claustrophobic way of thinking that we now ascribe to in this age of empirical reasoning and narrow-mindedness. For example, scim can mean a fairy film that covers the land, or a magical vision, or, best and most alluring of all, succumbing to the supernatural world through sleep.
Just consider that notion for a while and you get a sense of the gateways, wormholes and rabbit warrens that the Irish language allows us access to, should we dare open ourselves to it. Might our world in its current state benefit from a language that allows for fairy films that cover the land, a language that offers the potential of being whisked away to the supernatural world through sleep?
Alternate dimensions
Surely children would be more intrigued if, as well as teaching them that ceantar means region or locality, we also teach them its equal and opposite, altar, which means the other realm, the netherworld. After all, this way of seeing the world is instinctive to the young, who have no problem accepting the potential of the alternate dimensions of Narnia beyond the wardrobe or Hogwarts beyond platform 9 ¾ of Kings Cross Station.
Consider the word crithir: its basic meaning is a particle or a spark of flame or light, or the tiniest portion of something, but it has other meanings that can act as a wedge to prise open perspectives that would otherwise remain hidden. For example, it can refer to the vulnerability and insubstantiality of solid objects; such as a swamp, or the trembling of the land in an earthquake, or the crumbling surface of ploughed land when dry after rain. Crithir means all these things.
This notion that our world is not as rigid or dense as we like to believe, has become more relevant with our growing awareness of quantum physics and how electrons are forever materialising, then dematerialising and reappearing somewhere else. All we really know is that our bodies, fields, mountains and stars are elementary particles, vibrating and fluctuating constantly between existence and non-existence – swarming in space, even when it seems that nothing is there. The fact that any solid, dependable mass that starts to quiver or falter can be referred to as crithir makes it an ideal term for the unpredictable and infinitesimal particles that we have delineated as the building blocks of all life.
These concepts are a bit bamboozling to all of us, but they might be easier to an Irish speaker who is already comfortable with the notion that a word like púicín can mean a supernatural covering that allows otherworldly beings appear unseen in this reality (as well as being a blindfold, a goat muzzle and a tin shade put over a thieving cow’s eyes). As an aside, the Irish for bamboozling is meascán mearaí, which also means going astray into other dimensions.
Now, with regard to this incantatory quality that Irish may possess, the best way of seeing it is through the first words ever composed by an Irishman, The Song of Amergin, which our chief poet and druid, Amergin, is said to have recited upon arriving in Ireland on the 1st April 700BC. He immediately begun uttering an incantation, summoning up the world that we intended to create here through his words. Ancient languages, when spoken by shamans and sorcerers, seemingly had this ability to not only describe an item, but help condense it from a parallel amorphous world of potential into a tangible, crystallised reality.
Language of unity
Amergin’s first stanza “Am gaeth i m-muir, Am tond trethan, Am fuaim mara”, (I am wind on sea, I am ocean-wave, I am roar of sea) clarified the interrelation between this world and all other planes of existence – physical and spiritual. It was a declaration of the unity of all things and it’s what, more or less, everything in our lives has been based upon ever since. We’re all here because of Amergin – his incantation summoned us into existence, or at least propelled us forward. And ever since we’ve been here – farming, fighting, mating and, eh, baking.
Yes, baking. As a way of delving deeper into these issues I’ve created a show called Arán agus Im, in which I summon the powers of wild yeasts and invisible bacteria to perform alchemy on milled grain and water, transforming them into bubbly universes of sourdough bread. In the show, which the Abbey Theatre is touring to Limerick, Cork, Galway and Dublin this summer, I’ll be baking bread and delving deep into language issues, while the audience get to perform their own alchemy, creating butter from cream to spread on my fresh bread made of grains grown in Ireland.
The Abbey will also be touring my show Gaeilge Tamagotchi in which I bestow rare and endangered words upon members of the public who agree to nurture and nourish them, words like lóipín, the cloth fixed on a hen’s claws to stop it scratching the earth or the pieces of jute put on a donkey’s hooves to keep them from slipping on frost. Or seithreach, the wistful voice of a mare calling for her foal, or the sound horses make when they meet after an absence.
The truth is that Irish is an ideal tool to help reorientate us back to what we have forgotten about our connection with the world around us. Its arcane structures and lack of clear rules can make it feel chaotic and uncontrollable, but therein lies its power. If we dare to dive in and escape the grips of its more pedantic gate-keepers and spirit-crushed naysayers, there are worlds of new perspectives and experiences awaiting.
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wisdomrays · 5 years
Path of Guidance and the Walls of Chastity
QUESTION: How should chastity be understood when looking at the path of the Prophets?
ANSWER: All Prophets used their lives for the sake of conveying the messages from beyond heavens to humanity and expected nothing from anyone in return. They lived in modesty and humility, kept away from dissipation, did not give up thankful contentment, and led a simple life of asceticism. As a matter of fact, some of them such as Prophets David and Solomon, peace be upon them, were given kingdom as well. But they never gave up living modestly and used all opportunities and power they had for the sake of upholding the Divine teachings in their time. The kingdom granted by God Almighty neither made them dizzy nor made them go astray. They never let their chastity and innocence be tainted, always inspired trust in those around them, and remained loyal to their Prophetic attributes throughout their lives. In this respect, a condition for people to follow the path of the Prophets was to embrace these same virtues, which are indispensable qualities of the Prophets. As for those who do not walk on this path, let alone their fulfilling the duty of following guidance and spreading the message, they run the risk of occasional strays to the course of evil even if they are Muslims.
It is not only your reputation that will be tarnished
Those who run on the path of guidance, particularly if they are included in a lofty collective, must understand that the sins they commit, and even little wrongs to taint their chastity and faithfulness, could cause disgrace to the entirety of the collective with which they are affiliated. A collective is like one body. When one of its members is spattered with mud, the entire body will be dirtied. Therefore, a person whose legs are spattered with mud cannot say, “There is nothing wrong since my face, hands, and eyes have not been spattered with mud.” In the same way, it is not correct for someone who is affiliated with a certain circle but who cannot get his eyes, ears, hands, and tongue under control, who does not suffice with the pleasures within the lawful sphere but transgresses to the unlawful zone even in the least bit, to say “I am just the heel or foot or knee... so there is no harm for the others if I am spattered with mud.”
Thus, the duty that falls to those on the path of serving faith is to show scrupulous care about not being spattered with mud, to be diligent in keeping immaculate, and always to remain in the sphere of chastity while using their hands, feet, tongue, eyes, and any other blessing bestowed upon them. As far as chastity is concerned, a true guide endeavoring to voice the truth should be able to very comfortably say, “My God! If I am to lay my eyes on and give ear to something You do not like, take my life please!” They must be loyal to his or her ideal in this degree, behave nobly, and never mar the face of Islam or smear it with anything, always following the Prophets—the real representatives of the path of guidance who acted so scrupulously at protecting their innocence and chastity that they did not let even the slightest spot of mud spatter upon them or allow the slightest blemish to their chastity.
“My God, please do not disgrace my friends through me or disgrace me through my friends!”
A person’s neglecting to show due scrupulousness in this respect will mean violating the rights of the entire collective and harming them just like a devil. Therefore it is dubious whether such a person will enter Paradise unless each member of that circle forgives that person individually and gives his or her blessing to that person about this violation. For this reason, we must constantly implore in our prayers, “My God, please do not disgrace my friends through me or disgrace me through my friends!”
Unfortunately people known to be Muslims in our time have committed such evils that we bend in grief before these and say, “If only they had not listened to their carnal soul and done these evil deeds! If only they had died for the sake of chastity and loyalty and had not been involved in these immoralities.
Chastity of words
On the other hand, even though it does not hold true for ordinary people like us, as far as people who are at a certain position are concerned, for the sake of the people who look at them with esteem they must utter what they will only after having thought about it some ten times over. They must review it letter by letter, and only then offer it to the people like the line of a poem. Words uttered without taking into consideration how they will be perceived by the audience and what kind of reactions they will likely cause can open wounds in bosoms like a spear, and these wounds are nearly impossible to cure. Words spoken thoughtlessly often cause dissension and social disunity. Indeed, a single word can cause communities to oppose and fight; a single sentence can make a nation lose.
Our lost values
Chastity, innocence, loyalty, and faithfulness are unfortunately values that have been lost to us. These are the essential components of the Paradise we have lost. If you intend to build up Paradise anew, these are its building blocks. The architecture of this building of civilization has already been drawn by the Prophets long ago. When a renewal was necessary in later times according to the needs of a given era, this architecture was once more presented to beholders by mujtahids, revivers, and purified saints, and the following message was given to those addressed: “Adjust your manners and stature once more according to these lines. Because maintaining the true understanding of servanthood depends on suiting this architecture.”
Scholars like Sayyid Qutb (d. 1967) questioned whether the people of his time had anything to do with real Islam.
One must bolt up doors against losing hope from the very beginning and never give into hopelessness. On the other hand, one should not cease to practice self-supervision either. If you live judiciously in this world, you do not fail to account for your deeds before the Day of Judgment. The great personage Umar ibn al-Khattab who was honored by the noble Prophet with the words, “If a Prophet would come after me, that would be Umar,” always lived with a consciousness of being called to account in accordance with the warning: “Bring yourself to account before you are brought to account.”
It is therefore necessary to plan one’s life according to a serious mathematical logic. While there is the opportunity in this life of making one good deed into ten, tens into hundreds, and hundreds into thousands, there is also the possibility of upsetting all of these gains with a small mistake. In other words, if a person leads a life based on serious otherworldly reckoning he can turn good deeds into thousands, but he can fall with very little mistakes if he lives without any reckoning.
The Pride of Humanity pointed out that looking at a forbidden sight is “an arrow from the poisonous arrows of Satan.” Sometimes the eyes look at, the feet walk toward, and the hands extend to the forbidden, and the consequence may be immorality that brings utter shame. And if that person is affiliated with a certain movement, then the evils he commits might be used to defame the entire collective. If we also consider that some people look forward to occurrences of such falls so that an opportunity to accuse an entire collective arises, it will be understood that it is necessary to be much more cautious in this respect.
Preserving the trust
For God’s sake, then, let us build walls upon walls in order not to act in such an despicable way and not bring disgrace on the entire collective. Not sufficing with this, let us bolt doors upon doors. And when the henchmen of Satan comes, let us say, “Do not tire yourself in vain, the doors are bolted!” Thus, let us fulfill the duty of guiding others in safety as our personal position requires. Let us not destroy the world God granted us and its blessings by giving into our carnal soul. Truly, God Almighty blessed believing volunteers, who even do not know one another, with accomplishments not even realized by superpowers, not even by the Ottoman state. In the face of these blessings we are honored with, if we keep praising God ceaselessly, we still cannot offer due thanks for them. And remember that Sa’di Shirazi said it is necessary to thank God twice for every breath we take. And the blessings we are discussing here are far beyond a single breath.
In short, the load is heavy and the trust is so dear. If you bear this trust with fifty teams of bodyguards, it will still not suffice as this trust is from God, from His Messenger, from the revivers, and from the righteous Muslims of the classic period. Then come, for God’s sake, let us not bring shame on our people! Let us live chastely; let us bury our desires, not just by burying them but by placing boulders on them as well. This way, let us protect our faith and not ruin our Afterlife. Let us not be like those who destroy their otherworldly lives by filling their pockets, wallets, and bags whenever an opportunity emerges. Let us not be deceived like those who see the world as everything. Let us not transform into Korah and the Pharaoh as others have. On the contrary, let us follow the example our noble Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him, and the Rightly Guided Caliphs! Let us succeed.
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bbparker · 7 years
Let Me Know (Infinity War!Steve Rogers x Reader)
Summary: the final words spoken by (y/n) and Steve Rogers before the ultimate battle for Earth begins. 
Warnings: Little spoilers from trailer. Obviously very inaccurate to the future movie since I barely know it's content also swearing and fucking fluffy af! ALSO your heart might die
(Gif credit to @msmarvel )
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(Y/n) stood by a tall old oak in the woods, the war cries of otherworldly beings they were up against could be heard even at this distance. She knew she’d have to leave to go to the war to end all wars, but for now, she just wanted what nobody ever seemed to have enough of. Time.
Her body trembled and for the first time (y/n) felt fear. True fear. Not the state of being slightly frightened, she was petrified. Her family, her friends... her soulmate were about to head into a battle with no prediction of how it will end. Her thoughts drifted to her soulmate. Steve Rogers. 
(Y/n)’s hand grazed the tall tree delicately, the tree had had time... thousands of years by the look of it. She wished she had more time with Steve. She’d only managed to find him four years ago through Sam but in this short amount of time she’d never felt closer to anyone. There were many things (y/n) wished but this warzone didn’t go away at the whims of a mere mortal girl. 
“There you are...” A deep voice echoed through the forest, it made (y/n) forget about the incoming war cries and the sound of metal being adjusted on the men on their side. The sounds of minor explosions somewhere in the distance and little chatter between men and women preparing to fight. 
“And here you are...” (y/n) stood off the ground and slowly made her way to Steve. Seeing his long hair and beard made something tweak in her gut. She’d always known him to be a clean shaven man but with this new look, she couldn’t help herself. Leaning on her toes and hands reaching for his blonde hair, burying them within the locks, (y/n) brought their lips together softly. Steve’s hands lay on her hips and he brought her into his chest, trying to limit the distance.  
When they separated, Steve leaned down to rest his forehead on (y/n)’s. Silence from the two was uncommon as they both loved to hear the sound of each others voice, but right now they couldn’t find the words to say. How do you convey everything in one single moment? What if you forget to say something and regret it later? This war was so unpredictable, so unnatural and it went against everything (y/n) thought she knew. 
She wanted time and with that in mind (y/n) finally began speaking.
“Steve, I don’t know how to...how to convey everything in such a small space of time.” Steve locked his baby blues onto hers, watching every movement as if she were the art and he the audience. Like he’d never get this good of a view again. 
“Then don’t say anything...Right now I have you, right here and thats all I need.”
“No... I really need to say this.” Taking a deep breath, (y/n) gripped his hair in her hands tighter, as he did around her waist. She’d never get enough of his lingering gazes, soft and rough touches- his eyes, his lips, his soul...
Getting back on track (y/n) looked into those baby blues, ignoring the clanging of metal, voices once leagues away now seemingly closer. 
“Steven Grant Rogers, there are no words I can use to describe and no Gods I can pray thanks to that will ultimately fill up how thankful I was to have you in my life. I’d never dreamed i’d find someone like you;  someone who inspires me, who encourages and loves me as deeply as you do. I am so goddamn lucky to have found you, i’d only wished we’d had more time.” 
“Why do you sound like you’re saying goodbye?” Tears began to build up in his eyes, he couldn’t help it. Steve knew the stakes of this war but he didn't want to admit it, not out loud and certainly not to you but he was scared. He finally found his other half and now it felt like he was about to lose her. 
“I’m not, I just need to let you know.”
“Let me know?” After being so strong for too long, (y/n) opening let her tears fall, she cried for Tony, Wanda, Vision, Bruce, Bucky, Nat, T’Challa, Okoye; all of the people she came to know as family. Most of all she cried for Steve and the future they could have had together. She wasn’t going to fool herself into believing that both of them would come out of this unscathed. 
“Let you know that i’m so sorry that time got the best of you again. Time seems to always rip away your future, doesn’t it?” The small joke mad them both huff shortly in a small laugh before returning to their serious situation at hand. 
“I wanted it you know?” (y/n) stroked his hair, letting her eyes fall closed to take his touch and scent in for what could be the last time. Moving her hand to his bearded cheek, (y/n) grazed her thumb over it. “I wanted the marriage, the wedding, the couple fights... kids. With you, Steve but we just never had enough-” 
“Time.” He finished for her. (y/n) opened her eyes and looked up to see the tears glide down his cheek and into his beard. 
The silence slipped in between the two once again. “What would we have named them?” 
“What?” (Y/n) said, pulling her other hand to cup his face. the voices of war becoming almost too loud to comprehend whats about to happen.  
“Our kids, what would you have named them?” He was trying to distract her from the incoming battle set to occur within the next half an hour at most. Finally separating from each other, they both really looked, as if it were the first time all over again.  Brushing her messy strands back Steve sighed at her silence, being mildly surprised when she broke it. 
“I would have liked to have a little girl named Daisy. Daisy Sarah Rogers.” A small cry escaped Steve, as if the very sound caused him pain. More tears flowed like diamonds and into his beard. 
“That sounds beautiful, just like you.” 
A short laughed escaped (y/n) as her face glistened with seeming waterfalls of tears.
“We’re about to be almost decimated and you’re still trying to flatter me. You’re a cheese ball.”  The humour within it was dark but still, the pair smiled. 
Pulling (y/n) back in for their final kiss, (y/n) gripped his biceps tightly. Suddenly someone coughs and both look to see King T’Challa standing in his Black Panther suit almost too good for war. 
“It’s time.” Both nod and take a final glance at each other before heading to stand in position at the front of the army. As Steve passed each member of his family, his team, he gave them hugs and short notes and good lucks. Steve stopped at Bucky, laying a hand on his shoulder. 
“You with me Buck?
“‘Till the end of the line, pal...”
Steve no longer wanted that space and he pulled Bucky in, holding him tightly. The hug broke when another loud screech pierced their ears. Looking out to the field, thousands of eyes stared back and feet thumped on the ground. It felt like an earthquake. Unintentionally, (y/n) wrapped her arms around her waist causing Natasha to frown as she stared at (y/n) sceptically.  
 Finally coming to stand side-by-side, (y/n) and Steve looked out to see Thanos’  generals waiting at the Wakndan shields edge. Waiting for them. 
“Yeah, Stevie?”
“I’m scared.” 
Looking at each other for the last time in understanding, (Y/n) and Steve began leading their family, friends and army towards what would be the most difficult battle of their lifetimes. Squeezing Steve’s hand one last time, she looked up upon him with all the love in the world as their armies boarded the small hover crafts that would deliver them to the battle field; to face the demon creature on the other side of Wakandas barrier. This is the end. 
What (y/n) failed to tell Steve, knowing he’d send her away immediately is that Daisy Sarah Rogers was more than just a concept to her. 
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sleemo · 7 years
Star Wars Breakout Kelly Marie Tran on The Last Jedi and Kylo Ren’s Shirtless Scene
— Kyle Buchanan for Vulture | Dec 20, 2017
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Star Wars: The Last Jedi has a lot of characters to service, from franchise icons like Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and Leia (Carrie Fisher) to heroes introduced two years ago in The Force Awakens, including Rey (Daisy Ridley) and Poe (Oscar Isaac). 
It’s a testament to Kelly Marie Tran, then, that the character you’re most likely to talk about after you leave the theater is her series newbie Rose, a mechanic who teams up with Finn (John Boyega) to embody the central theme of the Rian Johnson–directed film: A hero can come from anywhere. 
The 28-year-old San Diego native imbues Rose with such heart that she all but steals The Last Jedi, and offscreen, Tran is just as winning, repeatedly describing herself as a fan who’s hit the jackpot. With her big breakout now in theaters, Tran rang up Vulture to discuss how she’s dealing with her new place in the galaxy.
Tell me what it was like to see the movie at its first premiere in Los Angeles. How were you feeling before you got there, and then what was it like when you arrived?
It all happens so fast, it truly does. It feels like you’re getting married! So many people were going to be there, my friends, my family … there’s a lot of nerves involved. And then when I finally arrived, first of all, I was listening to Hamilton in the car with all my girlfriends, trying to get pumped up for the situation. I was like, “I’m not throwing away my shot!” And then I got out of the car, and it was just madness, immediately. There’s cameras everywhere and people saying my name — first of all, they knew my name, which is very different for me. And then I saw this girl who was dressed as Rose and I just lost it.
How come?
Because I know how impossible this is. I had been auditioning for so long and my parents aren’t from the entertainment industry. It just seemed like a dream the entire time, and to have it hit this final moment was a very big deal. It’s still a big deal. I never want to forget that I’m doing an impossible thing. How rare is it that you get to be part of something people love? It’s really special. It’s a very out-of-body experience to be a part of something so huge.
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Now, that was the second time you’d seen it, right? I heard there had been a first screening for all the actors the week before.
It was right after we did Jimmy Kimmel, so if I can paint a picture for you, it was kind of a smaller room. Daisy and Gwen were on my left, and then Oscar on my right. And Laura Dern! Behind us, John and Andy Serkis. Sitting in that room with all these people that I’ve looked up to before I even got that first audition was a big deal for me, and we were shouting for each other. Every time someone would appear onscreen for the first time, we would all just scream. There was a lot of laughter and a lot of tears. It was a very emotional experience, and one that I will definitely cherish. The most comforting thing about this whole experience of being the new person was meeting everyone else and realizing that everyone was just as excited and pinching themselves.
How has your family reacted to the movie?
They were there at the premiere. My parents are refugees from Vietnam, so they didn’t grow up with Star Wars. I don’t think they know what’s going on in the movie at any given time. [Laughs.] But my dad stayed awake during this movie, and my dad never stays awake when I take him to the movies, so that was a good sign.
So how has the experience of watching this movie settled for you?
First of all, I think it’s different for every actor, but it’s very weird to watch yourself. I actually just watched it again yesterday at the Arclight by myself! I really want to see this movie to the point where I can watch it like I’m not in it, if that makes any sense. You spend so much time watching yourself and picking yourself apart, and it’s not what you want this experience to be like.
Did you pull your hat down low on your head at that Arclight screening, like a full-on superstar?
I full-on was dressed like myself. [Laughs.] I also had a very big backpack because … well, don’t tell the Arclight, but I definitely smuggled in two large bags of chips. A lot of people think that your life immediately changes after something like this and you can’t walk outside, but I saw three different movies at the Arclight yesterday, and it was never an issue. I look so normal, I don’t think it’ll ever be an issue. I’ll let you know.
I saw on Instagram that you were out in London and you overheard people discussing the movie, oblivious to the fact that you were right next to them. 
Okay, so after the press tour, I stayed in London for a few days because I just wanted to watch theater and go eat a lot of delicious food in pubs. So we’re at this pub, me and a friend of mine, and we’re having a delicious savory pie when this guy comes up and says, “Hey, we’ve got a big group of people, is there any way we can sit here?” My friend’s like, “Oh, we’ll just scoot over on our table,” and we did, and all these people come in dressed in these adorable Christmas sweaters having a great time. And then it became very clear that they had just seen the movie, they had just come from that, and they were doing what me and my friends do after we’ve watched a movie we love, just sitting there and dissecting every moment. It was an otherworldly experience.
How did that make you feel?
First of all, there’s nothing more rewarding than being part of something that causes a dialogue. Even if someone doesn’t like it, or just likes it for me, storytelling has been the one true love story of my entire life. I believe if you can have an open dialogue about anything, whether it’s a book or a movie or TV show, it’s this door that suddenly opens your mind to new ideas. So to hear people do that right next to me with something I was involved in was a very big deal. I don’t think that’ll ever get old. But yeah, so I sat there listening to them for about half an hour, very creepy. Finally, I finished eating and walked over and said, “Guys, I just wanted to say I’ve been listening to your conversation,” and the first thing they said is, “Oh my God, have we ruined this spot for you? We’re so sorry.” And then I’m like, “No, no, no, not at all. Hi, I’m Kelly. I played Rose.” And they just were completely shocked by the whole thing.
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What was it like to watch that opening sequence of The Last Jedi where we see Paige, Rose’s sister? Her sacrifice is such a big part of Rose’s backstory, and I’m sure you weren’t actually on set when it was shot …
I actually was!
You were?
You know what? Pretty much every scene they would let me go to, I would go. I just wanted to watch people work! I had no scenes with Andy Serkis, but you bet your ass I was there watching Andy Serkis, and same with Laura Dern. It was like someone gave me this golden ticket and I got to the chocolate factory and was never leaving. But yeah, Veronica Ngo, who plays Paige … that moment is pretty incredible, and she does such an amazing job. It’s such a momentous moment for Rose’s character, losing the last living family member that she has after having grown up in a situation where her home was torn apart by the First Order.
Rian told me that you would often wander from set to set, department to department. He even once caught you feathering the Porgs.
I also got to put hair on the falthiers! I think that I was given a gift, in that I just didn’t know there were rules. I didn’t know that it was weird to always want to be there, because literally, even if I wasn’t working, I would just be around. People were like, “Don’t you have things to do?” But I would go on set and watch every day and walk into different departments unannounced, like, “Hey, what are you guys doing?” I went to the costume department, and there’s just a huge room with hundreds and hundreds of costumes, and every single one was so detailed — it was incredible! I don’t know how to explain this experience other than to say it was like someone had told me Hogwarts was real. It says so much that every department was so welcoming to me, and they really took time out of their day to talk to me for half an hour and explain things to me.
To me, Rose is this background character, right? If she was in The Force Awakens, she’d be running around in the background and no one would ever think about her, because she’s not a hot-shot pilot or a princess or a leader, per se. But just like Rose, all of those people who are in the background making the movie are just as important as the people in the movie who the audience sees. Every single person. Like for example, if the Porgs were unfinished, how distracting would that be? For me, there’s so much appreciation for the people who work so hard. The women who were making those falthiers … putting even one hair in that falthier was so difficult! And they’d be doing this for hours and hours every day. It was a very eye-opening experience and I’m so thankful and grateful that people let me poke my head in all the time. I think I’ll do that on every set I get to be on.
Last question: How do you feel about Kylo Ren’s shirtless scene?
[Screams for several seconds] Oh my gosh, right? Am I right?
You’re right.
I loved everything Rian did with Rey and Kylo. I love that they had these awkward, funny moments but they also were dealing with so many interesting themes, like the idea that they both have the Force in such a strong way, and what does that mean? But that shirtless scene was hilarious and awesome and so surprising and different. [Laughs.] I loved it. I loved it!
— Vulture
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caitspodcastlist · 6 years
99% Invisible
From Radiotopia
Caitlin's rating: 5/5
"99% Invisible is about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world." -99% Invisible website
Aside from Phoebe Judge, Roman Mars is probably my favorite podcast host. He is so talented, and 99% Invisible tells so many interesting stories that as soon as I listened to my first episode (Squatters of the Lower East Side), I was hooked. There are so many things around us that we neglect to notice, and Roman Mars gives us all a chance to learn more about our surroundings. This podcast helps you stop and smell the proverbial flowers. Favorites of mine:
The Trials of Dan and Dave (57:01) - In 1992, Reebok had an ad campaign with two decathalon athletes. Super interesting. I've asked several people if they remember it (not old enough myself) and most of them say yes, so it's amazing to see how much of a lasting effect this ad campaign had. The power of advertising! This is a 99% invisible/ESPN 30 for 30 episode.
The Pool and the Stream (34:46) - Swimming pools changed skateboarding.
In the Same Ballpark (29:34) – The evolution of baseball parks in America. I love love love this episode.
Squatters of the Lower East Side (30:32) - People were illegally living in NYC and eventually came to own the places they were staying in basically by relentlessly defending their residence. POSSESSION IS 9/10 OF THE LAW.
Curious City
From WBEZ Chicago
Caitlin's rating: 3/5
"[Curious City's] mission is to include the public in editorial decision-making, make journalism more transparent and strengthen multimedia coverage about Chicago, the surrounding region and its people (past or present)." -WBEZ website
Again, a hit or miss for me, probably because I don't live in Chicago. Listeners send in their questions about Chicago (e.g. Where does all the poop go?), and Curious City answers them.
What Happens to the Lincoln Park Zoo Animals in the Winter? (5:39)
Chicago Bathhouses: More Than a Century of Sanitation, Sex, and Sweat (13:37)
What Happens to "Number 2" in the Second City? (9:03)
A Lot You Got to Holler
From Newcity Design
Caitlin's rating: ??
"The podcast explores Chicago’s singular history of architecture, design and urbanism, with an emphasis on pop culture." -Newcity Design website
To be honest, I never listened to this one, but it's on my list because it sounds like a Chicago version of 99% Invisible.
Love and Radio
From Radiotopia
Caitlin's rating: 3/5
"Love and Radio features in-depth, otherworldly-produced interviews with an eclectic range of subjects, from the seedy to the sublime. You’ve never heard anything like it before. New installments are added monthly." -Love and Radio website
Love and Radio is interesting because there's very limited narration. The story starts, and you basically have to figure it out as it goes on. I've liked the episodes I've heard, but it hasn't hooked me like some of the other shows. Recommendation:
Relevant Questions (46:05) - Polygraph expert helps people cheat the system. This is the same guy who is in the polygraph episode of This American Life mentioned above, but not the same broadcast.
Snakes!!!!!!!! (33:48) - Guy self-immunizes with snake venom.
A Girl of Ivory (42:16) - Polyamorous relationship with an unexpected twist.
Part Time Genius
From How Stuff Works
Caitlin's rating: 3/5
"Every episode packs incredible research, fun-filled quizzes, nerdy interviews and a giant, head-scratching question into one superfun show." - Part Time Genius website
I don't particularly like the humor in this show, but it does have some interesting fun facts, and I definitely learned something new every time I listened. Recommendations:
Was Mr. Rogers the Best Neighbor Ever? (41:52) - BRB sobbing
What are the Greatest Things We Just Learned about Japan? (40:41) - OMG at the baseball story. That cracked me up.
How Did Putin Come to Power? (42:32) - Between this and watching Icarus, Putin terrifies me.
Is Recycling Worth the Hassle? (47:11) - Shoutout to this episode for putting me on even more of an environmentalism kick. I am especially trying to reuse plastic grocery bags now and, sadly, throwing them in the trash whenever they've finished their purpose.
What Are the Most Surprising Jobs at the White House? (43:39) - I already knew some of this thanks to Veep. :) But it was still good.
Science Vs
From Gimlet
Caitlin's rating: 5/5
"Science Vs takes on fads, trends, and the opinionated mob to find out what’s fact, what’s not, and what’s somewhere in between." -Gimlet website
I LOVE Science Vs! Another show with an Aussie host, this show is pleasant to listen to and always helps me learn more. Wendy interviews doctors, scientists, and other experts to back up her material. They break down the science-based evidence in a way that any audience can understand without being condescending. Favorites:
Opioids: How America Got Hooked (45:56) - Did you know that in 2016, opioids killed more people in America than AIDS did in its most dangerous year?!
The Bee-pocalypse (31:44) - Bees are dying, and you should care.
Vaccines - Are They Safe? (35:09) - Short answer: Yes.
The Rise of Anti-Vaxxers (32:24) - My eyes are rolled all the way back into my head right now.
Abortion: What You Need to Know (46:07) - Understanding the process is important, in my opinion, especially in this political climate. Don't make claims for one side or the other until you know the facts of how it works!
Formerly from Radiotopia, but now from Story Central
Caitlin's rating: 5/5
"Each episode is an empathy shot in your arm, featuring true stories about the people we meet, the connections we make, the heartbreaks we suffer, the kindnesses we encounter, and those frightful moments when we discover that WE aren’t even who we thought we were." -Story Central website
Strangers is so fascinating to me. It tells the stories of people. Usually they're stories that I can't relate to, but the people in these stories still have the same feelings that we all experience, so the stories aren't irrelevant. They're funny, they're said, they made me angry. Any time of show that evokes this type of emotion is a winner in my book. Lea's voice is soothing in the same way that Phoebe Judge's is. She talks about her personal life some, and I know that's appealing to some listeners. Personally, I'm more "Get to the story!" but that's okay. The wait is worth it. Favorites:
Franky Carillo - Life (34:39) and Franky Carillo - Life Now (29:35) - Guy serves 20 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.
Kugel vs Khaled (37:52) - Alaa Khaled aka Alec Ledd talks about how he had to change his name to hide his ethnicity and break into acting.
Claire Obscure (57:31) -
Twelve Years On (33:44) - A refugee Somali family moves to a white neighborhood in Vermont
Eleven Up (1:07:51) - A family adopts children from another family, and then the families make plans to move in together.
The Truth (50:03) - A family divides when a member gets accused of the worst thing possible
Lex (35:06) - What do you do when you think your child is capable of being violent?
Claire Obscure (57:31) - Girl grows up with very abusive family, changes her identity so that her dad never finds her. Super intense.
The Son, The Goddess, and Leopoldo (47:37) - Guy is born into a lesbian witch coven, lives in communes with his mother, and eventually becomes an attorney.
From WNYC Studios and Snap Judgement
Caitlin's rating: 4/5
"True-life supernatural stories, told first-hand by people who can barely believe it happened themselves." - Snap Judgement website
Whether you believe this kind of stuff or not, the stories are interesting and creepy. As a huge Stephen King fan, this appealed to me. The narrator, Glynn Washington, is amazing. He also hosts a show about Heavens Gate, which I tried to listen to, but it gave me nightmares about the cult I used to be in. Womp womp. Anyway, here are my favorite Spooked episodes:
Spooked: A Friend in the Forest (29:56) - Weird appearance of a boy who was supposed to be dead. Narrator is Irish.
Spooked: Lost in Time (36:37) - Two people walk into a bar that time warps.
Spooked: Final Act (35:26) - An EMT gets lost and someone who is supposedly dead helps her.
Wait Wait . . . Don't Tell Me!
From NPR
Caitlin's rating: 3/5
"NPR's weekly current events quiz. Have a laugh and test your news knowledge while figuring out what's real and what we've made up." -NPR website This one's okay. I subscribed to it so that I could prep for bar trivia (don't judge). I like that they have celebrity guests on the show. The newest episode has LeVar Burton (9:44), and I am stoked to listen to that! Bradley Whitford's episode was good, too. He's so problematic for me because I love him in West Wing, but I hate him in Get Out. Such a skilled actor.
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3orangewhips69 · 5 years
Hustle and Flow NRK
I FEEL BAD. I feel bad for the people who immediately write off this movie because they believe it is a story that they won’t be able to connect with. A story about a southern pimp who lays down a rap track and then gets arrested for assaulting Ludicrous. Now who can’t connect with that story?!?! But in all honesty, this is truly a story that applies to everyone who lives their lives. This movie is about a group of people who are struggling with their identity and self-perception. Have you ever had a dream? Have you ever had a mid-life crisis? Have you ever wanted to be something more? That is what this movie delivers. It gives us insight on the struggle that everyone goes through when it comes to answering the question who do I want to be and what do I want to be remembered for. Throw aside the amazing music and standout performances and this movie stands as encouragement and motivation to push through your struggles and daily dilemmas in pursuit of that what you most aspire to do.
Before I dive into the specifics of the movie, I’d just like to talk about a quick observation that I made in the opening three minutes. This is a Tarrantino open! Now, I know that I am a Quentin fanatic, but this movie clearly borrows some of his famous strategies, even down to the font and coloring of the opening credits and title. It opens up with a solo shot and monologue of one of the main characters followed by a car ride and some music to boot that will set the tone for the entire movie. Something that I never really realized but definitely appreciated watching it this time around. Anyways, I digress.
I forgot how much I loved this movie. I was recommended this movie by another one of our members here at 3orangewhips.com and enjoyed it right from the beginning. It does an amazing job of making you empathize with the challenges that D Jay goes through on a daily basis because of many of the reasons that I mentioned in the opening paragraph. Going back and looking through the career of Terrance Howard, you could definitely say that this was his first big time performance in my mind. For me, this is Terrance Howard’s perfect role, playing a guy that is tough on the exterior with demons on the inside.
One of the craziest statements that can be made about Terrance and about this movie is that this is perhaps the 2nd best musical movie that Terrance Howard has been in. August Rush, for those of you who have not seen it is an amazing movie with otherworldly music. However, that is not to say that this movie does not have outstanding music. I myself am a fairly musically challenged individual, however this movie was able to impact me and make me invested in the music making process and the overall production. Anthony Andersons role as the producer of the music in this movie was perfectly played and perfectly written out. Choosing a character that maybe lives a cushier lifestyle than the protagonist is nothing necessarily new when it comes to screenplay but yet it just seems to work so perfectly in this film. If you were to tell me that out of the first three movies that we reviewed for this site would include substantial roles from Anthony Anderson I probably would not have believed you. But his performance in this film was nothing short of amazing.
Overall, the supporting cast in this movie did a wonderful job of adding to the story but not to take away from the impact of the main characters. As an audience, we are able to connect and feel for each character in the movie, regardless of their varied backgrounds, which is something that I can’t say many other movies have been able to do.
I’m not sure that I have really ever watched another movie that had DJ Qualls in it, other than this film and Road Trip. With that being said, the range of this actor in these two movies is quite mind blowing. Usually, in a movie like this, this kind of role can be quite tiresome. The character who is of another race who comes in and is supposedly supposed to blend in with the rest of the cast after the initial moment of acceptance is somewhat unnecessary in most films that try to do it. However, this was a believable performance and really added to the film. He adds to the flow of the film in his own way that is very much appreciated.
Set aside all of the amazing performances and the overall production of the movie, I really appreciate the setting and cultural impact of the movie. This movie was released a good 15 years after the boom of the rap industry with West and East coast rap becoming polarizing by the end of the 90’s. The genius of the placement of this movie in the South at this time can not be understated in my mind. Rap is indeed rooted in the South as DJ Qualls character points out in the movie. Most people have not been educated and/ or are unaware of the importance of music in the history of the South, specifically when it came to slave culture. Music was not a means of entertainment, but a means to express the pain and simultaneous pride that was felt within African American culture at the time. This level of pain and passion then transitioned and manifested itself into blues and then eventually into modern rap. The added layer and choice to use an African American from the South who wants to use rap to express his struggles and escape his daily trials and tribulations, simply adds to the pure genius of the film.
As a whole, this movie is undoubtedly underrated and underplayed. I believe it succeeds in everything it sets out to do and I would recommend it to anyone looking to watch something that will make the feel.
0 notes
darlingpetao3 · 7 years
For Asgard (Chapter 19/?)
The last several minutes pass in a dizzying haze. It kind of feels like you aren't even present in your own body. Could this be sleepwalking? With your luck, unlikely. If only it was that easy to wake up from your problems.
While you were in your hazy reverie, it would appear that you had been taken to a cabin room to wallow in your horrid memories and thoughts. What will these people do to me now that I'm on my own? Lock me up forever? Torture me? Kill me?
You lean back against the cold metal wall of the room and slide down until you reach the floor. Your hands wrap around your legs – vulnerable. Forehead touches knees – alone. Everything has changed so quickly...
The door to the cabin whooshes open. It's a S.H.I.E.L.D guard.
“Come with me please, Miss.”
Oh great. The end is nigh.
Having nothing left to fight for, you obey and follow the man to a control room with a large glass table above a group of what you assumed were analysts and technicians. At this table sits two familiar faces; previously your rivals: Stark and Rogers. You weren't sure what you would consider them now. Also present at this gathering, is Eyepatch, in the middle of giving a speech.
“-The Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people. See if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to. Fight the battles that we never could. Phil Coulson died still believing in that idea. In heroes.”
Upon the untimely combination of both the utterance of Coulson's name and your eyes catching on a handful of bloody trading cards on the table, you emit a distressed noise. The men turn around to see you standing there with a slumped posture and arms crossed. You remain silent, still not knowing why you're here.
“Uh, hi. Sorry to... I was brought here...?”
“Gentlemen, the newest member to join our ranks.”
“What do you think we are, soldiers?” Stark says sharply. “Damn it, Fury, we are not soldiers.”
“I don't know what's happening,” you say cautiously. “But just so we're clear, I'm not joining anything. It's nothing personal, I just want to go-”
“That's it. He made it personal,” interrupts Stark.
“What?” you ask.
“Loki. He made it personal,” he muses aloud. “Hit us right where we live. Why?”
Rogers speaks up. “To tear us apart.”
“Yeah, divide and conquer's great, but he knows he has to take us out to win, right? That's what he wants. He wants to beat us, he wants to be seen doing it, he wants an audience. Loki is a full-tilt diva. He wants flowers, he wants parades, monuments built to the sky with his name on it.”
“That does sound like him,” you mutter.
“Which brings us to you, Missy. Loki's better half. You know the guy like no one else.”
“What are you getting at?”
“You can fight with us,” says Rogers. “You know his weak points, and I'm sure you yourself are one of them.”
“This is a bit much, I don't-”
“Don't you want redemption for what happened? To play for the right side? Loki will continue to destroy everything in his path unless you help us stop him,” Rogers pleads. “Do you have any training? Martial arts? Weapon handling?”
“Yes. Believe it or not, Uncle Sam, I can fight.”
Tony laughs. “Uncle Sam. I like her already.”
“Watch it, Money Bags. I can also wield a knife.”
“How are you at persuasion?” asks Rogers.
“This might work if you're able to convince Loki to stand down.”
“Nobody can convince Loki of anything,” you tell them. “He does what he wants.”
“But you two are more than partners, right?”
“I'm not too sure anymore.” There's no way you two could be “partners” now. He went down a path you cannot follow. A short silence hangs in the air. Rogers breaks it with the number one question.
“Are you willing to help us?” You relinquish your arms from their folded position – no longer in a defensive stance.
“Yes. I'll help you.”
You never thought in a million years you would be catching a lift from Iron Man above New York City, and yet here you were.
“You remember the plan?” he asks.
“Yes, and thank goodness it's a plan I'm actually in on for once.”
“Are you sure you can fight? Loki will probably have my security under his spell. They'll come after you.”
“You know, Stark, just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't handle myself.”
“You sound just like Pepper.” He sets you down near the Stark Tower main doors, your point of entry. Stark will fly up to his penthouse and distract Loki, while you make your way up the tower from the inside. You are the element of surprise.
“Good luck, Missy.”
“You too.”
“Oh and don't worry about Cap's theory on Loki's power. We'll be there for you if things do take a turn.”
You nod, trying not to think about it too much. “Right. Hey, Stark?”
“Just don't underestimate him.” He gives a single nod and salutes you. As he bolts upwards, you burst into the building and find, as Stark had predicted, a group of big muscly men in suits with glazed over eyes are ready to stop your break in. But what the poor unsuspecting security team doesn't know was all that you had been through.
They never stood a chance.
None of them was ready for your otherworldly martial arts training. You introduce these grown men to the floor, but not before rendering them unconscious with either a kick, punch, or a strangle. They'll wake up eventually, but not anytime soon. Stark should hold interviews for a new security team when this is all over and done with.
You book it to the elevators and find Stark's personal lift to his penthouse apartment. He had already given you the passcode to operate it because it will absolutely not function without it. You type in 73777 or if you spell it out on the keypad with letters, P-E-P-P-E-R. Even Stark should know better than to have his girlfriend's name as a password. You guess he was another one of those hopeless romantic types beneath his rough exterior.
Maybe it's the nerves, but the elevator feels as if it's taking two freaking years to reach the top floor. On the way up though, you see your reflection in the mirrored interior wearing the slimming S.H.I.E.L.D agent uniform they gave you back on the flying base. Damn, this looks amazing on me.
The lift comes to a halt. Finally, the penthouse. It's showtime.
The elevator door opens to a view of a complicated machine outside on the terrace and it looks like the Old Man Scientist is out there tinkering with it, still under Loki's control. You hear two voices coming from around the corner. All you need to do is take a few steps and stand there. Simple, right? Maybe everything you once saw in Loki will come flooding back to him when he sees you, shake him out of his madness.
You didn't hear exactly what Stark said, but it must have pertained to you because Loki turns around and freezes, surprised at the sight of you.
“My darling, you've come-” His voice hopeful and glad to see you once more, but he breaks off and looks closer at you. “No...”
“She's with us now, Reindeer Games.”
Dammit, Stark. You shoot him a glance as if to command him to stay out of this.
“After all we have been through? Are you choosing them? Please tell me you are going to appeal to my humanity?”
“Uh, actually she's planning on threatening you.”
“Shut up, Stark,” you say through your teeth.
“Nothing you can say can change my mind (Y/N). No matter how much you mean to me.”
“Anyone want a drink?” Loki and you ignore him as he pours some whiskey in a glass.
“The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that. It is for your own good that you leave before they devastate the city.”
How is it that Loki is still trying to protect you even though you are no longer together, no longer on his side. This surprises you, quite frankly.
“Don't you worry about that, Rock of Ages.” Spotlight-loving Stark always has to be the centre of attention, no matter what room he's in, doesn't he? “Your beautiful Kryptonite here is tough stuff. After all, you do have to be tough to be an Avenger. Being beautiful does help, too...”
Loki looks at him, you can tell he's wondering what that one word was.
“What, Avengers? That's what we call ourselves. Sort of like a team. Earth's mightiest heroes type of thing.”
“Yes, I have met them,” Loki says, annoyed. Stark keeps rambling on about every individual that makes up the Avengers while fidgeting with something around his wrist, but you can't tell what, exactly. He must be buying time. Stark advances on Loki, which you think is far from a good idea.
“There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it.” He takes a bold sip of his whiskey.
“How will your friends have time for me, when they are so busy fighting you?” Loki taps the spear to Stark's chest.
Oh no!
But nothing happens. Loki tries again but to no avail. “This usually works.”
It's the arc reactor in his chest. It's interfering with the stone! That's lucky. Stark shrugs.
“Well, performance issues are not uncommon... one out of five.” Loki grabs him by the throat and throws him across the room. He stalks Stark like a wild animal going in for the kill.
“You will all fall before me,” he growls.
“Loki, stop it!” You start to go over to stop him but he throws Stark out the window, shattering it with great force.
In a flash of red and gold, Stark's Iron Man suit whizzes past you and follows him out the window in a nose dive to the street below. You only pray it gets to him in time.
Out of the corner of your eye, Loki starts stalking you now. But you stand your ground because there's no way in hell you're backing down from him in a time like this.
“Darling, you know I love you,” his voice is not at all soothing as how you would expect it to be saying these words. “But for what I am about to do, I am truly sorry for this. It is the only way now.” You hold your breath. Loki raises the glowing sceptre to your chest and contact is made.
“Now,” he says authoritatively. “Join me again, Mistress.”
You look at him with wide eyes.
Loki's expression is beyond confused as he mouths Wha-?
“How is this possible? I don't understand.” You can't believe he even tried that on you. He would have controlled you back to his side, made you do gods know what. Even though it was brought up in the debrief with Stark and Rogers, you never actually thought Loki would try it. Rogers mentioned there could always be a possibility...
“It was a theory the Captain had after much discussion,” you say. “But ultimately...” you force your voice to stay strong and will your tears to stay put. “My heart still belongs to you.”
You let him soak up your words. “Only, in the purest sense. I don't know the science or the magic behind it, but your sceptre won't work on me. My heart, my mind, my body,” you choke back a sob. “Every part of me is yours despite how much I hate everything you're doing.”
“I- I do not know what to say.”
“Say you'll end this, Loki. I'm begging you. Please.”
“I can't, darling,” he almost whispers. “It's too late.”
“Please. It's never-”
Loki gestures to the terrace. The Tesseract in the Scientist's machine beams a blinding light up to the sky, where a hole opens, finding never ending herds of alien beings flying down into New York City.
The Chitauri army.
Laser blasts shoot out from their extraterrestrial vehicles, attacking innocent civilians. It was too late. The chaos has only just begun.
A/N: Guys, I know it's corny, but I hope you were able to suspend your disbelief with the whole "sceptre-not-working-on-you-because-your-heart-is-still-his" thing.
Part 20
Tag List: @gerardwayisapotato, @theloneavenger1995, @magellan-88
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dowoonscookies · 7 years
omg personally, seeing MLF live just made my life lol. the quality of oor's lives is next level, and they all headbang and flail around so much idk how they're still intact? the guys didn't say much at all, though (no ments or anything), but they really love going into the audience. you could totally tell how dorky tomoya and ryota are bc during one of the supporting acts, they would stick their heads out behind the side curtains and make silly faces to get the audience to cheer. (1/3)
i barely got to see them during the actual concert, but ryota’s growing a serious stache or something LOL. taka actually looked kinda small and adorable next to everyone else (like i wanna bake him cookies), especially since he was wearing an oversized hoodie at the beginning. and god his vocals are soo heavenly. they’re so clean and clear that i couldn’t believe what i was hearing. toru really likes to run and jump around the whole stage interacting with everyone which was cute. (2/3)
they had a special instrumental performance and he just went OFF like that boy really knows how to dominate a stage. i can’t even describe the amount of sexy LOL (them neck veins were poppin 24/7), but he’s so much better looking in person. and i could actually hear his backing vocals because his voice is so deep and contrasting. also just curious, who’s your favorite member and song from oor? (3/3)
toru’s neck veins im
gosh the amount of headbanging in mlf is like not even headbanging like taka’s literally throwing half of his body towards the ground at the bridge asdfaglk seeing them perform live must be some kind of otherworldly experience ;w;
tomoya and ryota are such sunshine dorks lol i can totally see them sticking their heads out from behind the curtains. and ryota’s definitely growing a serious stache lol
taka is actually the most smol bean of all. and the fact that he likes to wear oversized jackets and stuffs for concerts makes him look even smaller. i cant believe such a powerful voice can come from such a small body T_T he’s honestly sooooo good i would die if i saw oor live……
i’ve seen some videos of their instrumental breaks on this tour…. and yeah it sounded sooo epic. i can’t believe you got to see toru perform in person and survived T_T
as you can probably tell…. toru hurts me a lot. but it’s too hard to make me choose a favorite song T_T they’re all so good…. but real talk kkd is the actual oor anthem i dont make the rules
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drinkthehalo · 7 years
Shanghai. Again.
So I went to Shanghai again last week.
(I know. Ridiculous.)
A few thoughts... Consider this a sequel to last year's concluding thoughts and guide.
The Show
Some cuts that made me sad; some improvements that made me very happy. I'll do my best not to spoil.
The Porter/Boy Witch story has improved, because they have incorporated moments to replace some of the ones that are missing due to the changed lobby space.
I love one moment where Boy Witch looks at himself in a half-shrouded mirror. If you stand behind him, you see his reflection looking back at him in the mirror, and the Porter, like another reflection, peering at him from behind the curtain to the lobby desk.
And while I still miss the Porter's mirror in "Moonlight Becomes You," I love that if you stand in the right spot, you can watch both him and Lady Macduff, their movements mirroring each other.
Boy Witch has a great moment, coming up from the ballroom dance and after teasing the audience at the lost & found, where he walks through a long dark corridor into the lobby. Following behind him, you walk into the darkness, his shadowed outline slowly becoming apparent as you approach the light of the lobby. It's a powerful moment; Boy Witch in general feels more ominous in Shanghai.
"Witches 1" looks so beautiful. I've never found a reliable place to watch the New York version - some angles are always difficult to see. But in Shanghai, the lobby desk functions like a proscenium stage, and if you stand in the center you can see the whole thing clearly. They use the space so well, the witches spending more time behind and atop the counter, and the symmetry of the spacing and the movements is gorgeous to watch.
The lack of "Is That All There Is?" is still a huge loss. :(
I also adore the moment of the Bride dancing in the trees - not only is it beautiful, but it feels achingly like Wendy in Drowned Man.
I'm sad that they cut the hide and seek between Sexy Witch and the Bride on High Street. It was so much fun, although I'd guess that the logistics were too difficult.
I do love the new scene those two have together, but in general I don't feel like the Bride's story has as compelling of a narrative arc now as it had in December. Her relationship with Sexy Witch also isn't as clear to me now.
I really miss Hecate's fifth floor scene with the Bride, also cut. :( I felt that it incorporated the Bride more clearly into the existing narrative, better clarified her relationship with Hecate, and added emotional resonance to her story.
The Husband has a more developed story now, and I loved the emotional arc of his loop.
Duncan does something totally unexpected and brilliant. Which again, I won't spoil. But I loved it.
I greatly appreciate how much more dynamic and interesting the loops of Duncan, Cunning Man, and Speakeasy Barman have become. I know there are fans who enjoy watching a character sleep, or sew, or scrub cardboard, but to me these just seem like side effects of poorly defined character loops, and I don't mourn the loss. I think it's great that these characters have more to do.
There are new 1:1s. I had some but not others. All of the ones I had impressed me very much. I won't say anything else since it's spoilery, but kudos to Punchdrunk for doing a great job developing these. 
The commercialism of the product tie-ins is a little bit distracting. But I don't think that the integrity of the show itself is compromised. The show is a work of art; I'd rather Budweiser and Kans spend their money on it than on another stupid TV commercial. I think people who criticize forget that art throughout history has been sponsored by those with money.
For the most part, the audience has gotten better since December. The stewarding is great, and one of the Woman in Bar characters actually demonstrates in her lift speech how to give performers space. It helps.
But I did make the mistake of going to the 100th show party, which was by far the worst audience experience I've ever had at a Punchdrunk show. I've honestly never experienced anything like it. People shoving ahead and pushing you behind them like a wild mob. There was no way to win - either you fall behind and can barely see, or you push ahead too, and either way you feel awful. I can't imagine how stressful this must have been for the performers as well. :(
On the plus side, 100th show Follies was delightful. (Only it's not called Follies there, I forget the actual name.) Fun to see such an interesting combination of people on stage - Lily and Sam, Conor and Garth, and several of the local cast.
The Performers
I don't even know where to begin. There are so many brilliant performers doing exceptional work; even in eight shows I didn't have time to follow everyone I wanted to see. A few specific thoughts:
Andrea Carrucciu
Andrea is brilliant. I can't complement his performances enough. He's exceptionally expressive with both his body and his eyes. From Porter to Macbeth he absolutely transforms, from sweet and awkward to intense and terrifying.  His "Moonlight Becomes You" is beautiful, and his Macbeth is convincing both in his monstrousness as a killer and the aching vulnerability of Macbeth as a man who is in way over his head.
Fania Grigoriou
Fania is delightful to follow and brilliant at engaging the audience. She fully embodies her characters in every way. The contemptuous blasphemy of her Bald Witch must be seen to be believed.
The witch combination of Fania, Miranda, and Olly is the best I've ever seen, which is saying a LOT. They have the most amazing energy, pushing each other to the next level, shrieking and cackling and smacking each other, so absolutely delightful and wicked and thrilling. I'm in awe.
Lee Wen Hsin (Debby)
I somehow ended up watching her Dragon Boat scene like five times, and was consistently awed at her performance every time.
Lily Ockwell
In some ways Lily was the star during this visit. Every show she popped up in a surprising role - Lady Macbeth, Bride, Sexy Witch, Lady Macduff, and Nurse.
I never would have expected to see her as Lady Macbeth, but she totally killed it. Lily exudes sympathetic humanity, which made the cruelty of her actions toward Duncan even more painful to watch, and her remorse completely convincing. Her final bathtub scene was heartbreaking.
Also, her Sexy Witch scream in the rave deserves its own credit in the program. I knew it was coming and I still jumped out of my skin.
Liu Yu
His Calloway is charming, handsome, and by the end he remembered the names of everyone in my group. Seems like the entire show might stop running if he ever takes a sick day.
Miranda Mac Letten
Miranda's Sexy Witch is a work of art. Dark and haunting, more layered and mysterious and compelling than I ever thought Sexy Witch could be. Her bar solo seems to defy gravity and move at light speed; it's a stunning accomplishment.
Olly Hornsby-Sayer
Olly has totally come into his own as a performer - he’s very confident and comfortable with the audience, and seems like he enjoys his roles. I had a great time following him. At one point as Boy Witch, he startled me and other audience members so much that we screamed out loud. He's gotten so great at the Boy Witch eye contact and audience interaction. As Speakeasy he was an absolute delight - I found myself laughing multiple times throughout his loop.
Omar Gordon
Some of his dialog as Cunning Man cracked me the fuck up, which I will not quote here because it's spoilery, but omg. Brilliant.
Omar's Banquo is also fabulous, never more so than in the ballroom dance, where his chemistry with Fania's Bald Witch lights up the room.
Sam Booth
Sam is a genius, let's be honest. He took a character that spends half his NY loop sleeping, and made it into one of the most interesting performances in the show. I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say this Duncan feels deeply and uniquely human, and his story is absolutely haunting.
Shen Ni
Her Hecate is riveting and terrifying.
Tang Tingting
In both her roles, she is one of the most impressive Punchdrunk performers I've ever seen. She has such presence, and can go from otherworldly and intimidating to profoundly human and sympathetic.
Tim Bartlett
I was very impressed with what I saw of his Taxidermist - didn't get any 1:1s, but even just watching his loop, I loved the intensity of his nervous energy, and the humor in his friendship with Speakeasy.
The Spaces
The Drama Hotel is open - it's Shakespeare-themed, expensive, and not designed by Punchdrunk.  It has an outdoor bar on the ground level, which is more lively than the Manderley after the show.
The eighth floor rooftop has the Cosmos Cafe, which looks like a bland version of Gallow Green, also isn't designed by Punchdrunk, and doesn't serve alcohol. The views are gorgeous.
The seventh floor has both a speakeasy and a restaurant, also not designed by Punchdrunk. I didn't go into the restaurant (it doesn't have vegan options) but I loved the speakeasy. We met a fabulous bartender there named Eddie, who'd traveled the world - his cocktails and conversation rivaled the best bartenders I've met anywhere.
The different bars feature two different cocktails named "Sleep No More" - one absinthe-based and one espresso-based. The espresso one was particularly fabulous (and appropriately named!).
A few updates to the recommendations I shared last time:
* James Turrell "Immersive Light" exhibition at the Long Museum. Fascinating series of artworks created with light; worth spending half a day to take it in.
* M50 Arts District, especially the Island6 gallery and its amazing artworks incorporating video, light, sound, and interactivity.
* Propaganda Poster Museum - incredibly interesting, and sheds so much light on China's historical perspective on the West.
* Huangpu River Cruise at dusk - amazing to watch the futuristic cityscape light up around you as the sun sets.
* Mount Sanqingshan - we took a two-night trip here via high speed train and climbed a beautiful mountain. Thank you @whenwillweawake​ for planning it!
The Drowned Man
I was traveling with a group who were mostly Drowned Man fans, and talking mostly to cast members who'd been in Drowned Man. Everything seemed to bring up memories of it, and we talked about it for hours. It continues to awe me how deeply that show left its impression on our souls.
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galadrieljones · 8 years
Hello! I saw your post saying that people could send you writing questions, so I wanted to ask you one, if that's ok. I'm in the middle of creating my dragon age character's personality and backstory, but I'm a little lost on how to go about it properly. she's been through serious trauma, and is slightly emotionally unstable becuase of it. How can I portray this realistically without it being too dramatic or inaccurate?
Yes!! Thank you! Great question.
Writing Emotionally Complex Characters
I think the true difficulty here for the writer lies in staying true to character without getting caught up in, as you say, “dramatic” portrayals, which can tend to feel cliche, or generic, and therefore unrealistic. A lot of what we see and know when we think of “traumatized” characters will come from popular media, and there is often an accompanying coping mechanism, like alcohol or drug abuse, and/or pain tends to manifest in the forms of “flashbacks” and nightmares that seem to serve more as exposition tools for the audience than actual moments of deep characterization. These characters will inevitably influence us, of course, always, but they’re not always the best examples when it comes to complexity.
For me, personally, the best places to go to read very believable, well-handled characters who have experienced trauma, will be with short story writers. Granted, I am a short story writer, so this is just my area of expertise. Robert Stone writes excellent post-Vietnam war stories (”Helping” comes to mind), and Joy Williams, whose heroines tend to feel particularly traumatized by the sheer impact of living (”Woods” and “The Farm” are both excellent and in the collection called Taking Care). These writers are very good at locating the coping amidst the denial and sometimes the anger and the fear, and from there, drawing out a lot of intricate and painstaking action that illustrates a character’s pain without removing their agency. They’re complex, layered human beings who inhabit many roles during their day-to-day lives. One of the reasons Sherlock Holmes or Dr. House are such compelling heroes is because, despite their trauma, they’ve adapted in ways that enable them to be in control during very specific contexts. Yes, they both use drugs as coping mechanisms, but their coping is an entire complex. It is not the drugs alone. It is communicated through their routines and interactions on a daily basis. They are true characters who are sometimes villains and sometimes very difficult to like, but that’s their reality. That’s who they are.
In terms of writing characters who are experiencing some sort of emotional volatility based on coping (or really anything), one can almost think of it as magical realism, only rather than magic, the newly integrated element into everyday reality is the coping in and of itself. In magical realism, magic and fantastical elements are not pointed to or announced as being special or otherworldly. They are merely accepted as rule. It’s the same with writing any sort of complex emotional state for our characters. One of the mistakes writers make when writing characters with coping mechanisms is to point to them, constantly. “Billy is a drunk. Billy wakes  up in the morning to a pile of empty beer bottles at his feet. He yells at his wife and stumbles out the door.” But it’s not like that. I mean, it can be like that. But in writing, it can’t be ONLY that, if that makes sense. Coping is not momentary nor is it extraordinary. It is a means of breathing, and so, it is constant, thus, it must appear as a constant in our writing. It is a layer that never goes away. This is why generic coping mechanisms or things like nightmares and flashbacks can be hard to truly earn in fiction, because it lets us think that, just because a character has a certain backstory and then is drinking heavily or smoking a ton of weed, or acting out and yelling at their partner or family members, that communicates their pain. And sure, it does, but if that’s all there is, that character is incomplete. How they “act out” is just one small piece of their complicated emotional life.
So in order to truly communicate that life, a writer must show and explore their character in the small moments, the off-moments, doing things, interacting with people in the mundane, the truly quotidian aspects of life. Making breakfast, talking on the phone, going grocery shopping, hanging the curtains, etc. The more you do this, the more you’ll find yourself braiding these actions and feelings into their entire emotional complex, and the easier it will become to write them, especially during BIG moments, when something comes to a head. When they must, in their way, “act out.”
And in terms of emotional instability, that can come in so many different shapes, it’s important to establish exactly how and when that manifests for your character, and again, to not let portrayals of emotional instability in popular media influence you too much. Find the details. The inventory of their lives. There is no one right way to make characters complicated. They are like people. Their quirks, habits, and compulsions are entirely unpredictable. So as always, my advice comes down to: stay true to your character. In the writing itself, let your characters actions and decisions speak for themselves. Show, rather than tell, and trust your readers to get to know and sympathize with your character from their own perspective and at their own pace. Writing emotionally complex characters can take a lot of time and practice, but it’s really rewarding when you find yourself in the throes of understanding, of empathy, writing a person who you truly love.
Final note: A really wonderful way of visualizing characters through their ENTIRE trauma is to think of their backstory from the perspective of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey. A lot of what we think of as “coping” can be thought of as the hero’s “Return” to ordinary life, their attempt to reintegrate, despite having been changed irreversibly by some major experience, positive or negative. From the craft perspective, reading and learning about the Hero’s Journey has done TONS for me, in terms of teaching me about writing the complexities and sort of chimeric state of character psychology. I’ve applied it generously to how I write Solas (who, in my fiction, is quite emotionally unstable) and more recently, Mythal, who is dealing with traumas that have gone unsolved for thousands of years.
I hope this helps! ^_^
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