#so now they’re my little barbie dolls and if i want them to be married they’re married
thinking about elementary school teacher steve and his rockstar husband eddie who shows up to the school dressed like he’s on his way to a metal concert to bring steve his lunch he forgot at home
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charles+hawkeye, charles+margaret
I combined your first request with some others, but thank you for the additional one!! We love biodiversity <3 Ok so. CharMarg huh.
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To get it clearly out of the way: Canon CharMarg Bad. Both because it was just atrociously quarter-assedly attempted in one of the most pathetic pseudo-storylines ever scraped together, an embarrassment to put into such an otherwise quality show, and more importantly because any attempt to make these two get together in canon would always be bad no matter what, because Ms. Swit and Mr. Stiers did not want to do that and if anyone tried to make either of them do something they didn't want I would kill that person and then myself.
But there is one thing worse than canon CharMarg. And that is fanon CharMarg. Because obviously basically nobody actually ships these two, but there are many people, particularly of the mainstream h*wkbeej variety (#notallh*wkbeejers and certainly none who would be in the general vicinity of my blog at this point, I don't think), who like the idea of Charles and Margaret in a lavender marriage.
I love the recent interest in lavender marriages in fandom recently. Now everyone can do the same Pair The Spares maneuver fandom has always done with characters it doesn't care much about, but now they can do it even when the idea of the spares being in love is completely laughable. And it sounds so much cooler, too!
Man I'm sorry I don't know why this irks me so, but alas! It does. The thing is, a lavender marriage would do nothing for either of them anyways, in terms of "playing at doing what society and family want them to do", which is after all the entire purpose of such marriages. Margaret already basically had a test run of marrying into a family like Charles' when she tried it with Penobscott and she HATED it and they basically rejected her for not being the perfect Aryan race anyways. And that's beside the fact that what Charles' family want from him more than anything is children, and Margaret is at the very LEAST extremely on the fence about having kids. So she'd be as miserable as ever, obviously. And with all this, it's fair to say that the Winchesters would be hardly any more satisfied with CharMarg than they would be with Charles just staying a bachelor, so what the hell would he be in it for either???
So it's a no for me on that. So why did I put down that it's "better in fanfic"? Well now we must discuss not canon CharMarg, not fanon CharMarg, but a secret third thing. Hypothetical CharMarg. Essence of CharMarg if you will. The CharMarg that exists only in slight little glimpses in scenes where I'm like you know what? If they hadn't forced it, if they hadn't tried so hard and so badly, if they'd done nothing at all, if they'd just given us all these quiet little moments of friendship and kindness and smiles and affection and never implied anything else and then I’d seen that last scene with the book.......... I’d have been like yeah. I see that. 
And then the fandom could have done Pair The Spares normally, without pretense. And the thing is, I actually always loved fandom pairing the spares, putting every set of characters in groups of two (or three or four, if we really wanted to have some fun and get silly with it) and never leaving anybody behind, making sure nobody was alone. Even if they didn’t care about the spares much, really. It was always hell on fans of those less popular characters, of course (been there!), but it seemed to come from a place of awkward, fumbling love. Nobody gets left behind.
(Aromanticism?? Characters not needing a relationship to be fulfilled?? What’s that lol this is 2014 era Tumblr. Romance shipping LOCKDOWN.)
But of course they did force it and they did ruin it and now it’s hard to even write CharMarg as friends, sometimes, trying to parse out what their friendship is really like when they’re allowed to be people instead of two barbie dolls smashed together. 
They’re still great together though. It is great whenever they’re on screen hanging out together and being narrative mirrors and trying to figure out how to have a friend for the first time in their lives. God I wish they’d gotten to talk about their fathers together, about expectations and never being good enough and having to keep themselves apart from everyone else and repressed anger and repressed love and repressed loneliness. I wish everyone would stop smashing them together like two barbie dolls and just let them be great together. 
In conclusion society would be fixed if Loretta Swit and David Ogden Stiers got everything they wanted forever
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mistressemmedi · 3 years
Måneskin: "Different from whom?"
Greetings from Miley Cyrus - phenomenal numbers.
The streams of Zitti e Buoni are growing by the second, and ahead of Muse, on the top of the English charts, twelfth in the Spotify Global Chart. We almost tripled followers after Rotterdam (from 1.4 to 3.3 million, ed). Contagious and universal madness: T-shirts and merchandise sold out in 10 minutes. Like records, tickets for a tour that adds dates and expands on maps. They are even looking for us in festivals where the Rolling Stones have played. - Thomas
After the whole cocaine scandal that was started against us from France, which was later denied by my drug test, in Spain there people have been making murals with my face saying "No drugs". Some tweets made us laugh: «Congratulations, Italy! I have never been so sure that four people have fucked each other ". Miley Cyrus started following us. "You are great". “You are more” . - Damiano
From rags to riches - what a story
It was only 2016, and we were playing in restaurants, on the streets, in via del Corso (famous street in Rome). Damiano without a microphone, Thomas's guitar with broken strings, Ethan drummed on a cajón. At the occupations of the high schools in Rome (Kennedy, Virgilio, Mamiani) we had our first gigs and half an hour of fame, between those who criticized us and those who said "these guys are so cool". One of the rare times in which they offered to pay us to play - 50 euros each - we offered that money to those after us, in exchange for the chance to play during their time slow, as we knew there would have been a bigger crowd. We already understood then how it worked. That visibility was worth more than the money. We still think so ». - Victoria
The intimacy of rock - Choice of a genre
Music allows is this miracle which allows one to talk about very personal and private topics, even difficult and delicate ones. They are and remain deeply yours, but at the same time they become a confession that reaches a wider audience, and in this passage which is like a delivery, they also find their place in you, their elaboration. They are overcome, they are accepted. One moment it feels aggressive, one moment later a (soft) ballad. It's very cathartic. - Damiano
Against panic - The stage as therapy
I have suffered a lot from anxiety and panic attacks, it is a problem that I have worked on thanks to a course of psychotherapy, to my friends and family. Playing has helped me not to let myself be paralyzed by my fears, not to be limited in my private and professional life. I have learned to accept, to live with this side of me. I don't hide it. I no longer feel ashamed. - Victoria
This belief that only crazy people go to the psychologist is widespread ignorance. Nobody is born learned. And it is often difficult to understand why we are here, let alone the derivation and direction of our desires. It is a long and legitimate journey towards one's clarity. - Damiano
Essere fuori di testa – Ma diversi da loro (Be out of your mind - But different from them)
Already feeling a strong passion for something that is not a 'regular' profession but an artistic language, it puts you on a level where you're an anomaly, and while you're neither superior nor inferior to others, it places you in the condition of what breaks the mold but you're also being at a loss, leaving it to you to be bold and to take risks, hoping that they will pay off and land you somewhere. "What good is it if you don't stand out on your own?". You want to give it an aesthetic to your artistic dream, but to others it boils down to " You dress differently! You must be gay! ”, I'm 22 now and it makes me laugh, but at 17 it had an effect on me too. - Damiano
The beauty of being unique - Of believing in that and defending it
After all, we are all different not because we want to be alternative but because really no one is the same. Justice is being judged on what you do and not what you are. Justice is equality, respect, beauty. - Ethan
Fluid sexuality - Pride is freedom
We appreciate heels on men, we kiss each other, we have an open, extended mind, and we are proud of it. The horizons become vast, beyond the oppression of conservative families. With information on the web, knowledge is enriched and with it the possibility that minorities will be fewer and fewer, because majorities will be fewer and fewer. This will lower the volume to insults and bullying. If social networks can reach a village of 50 souls to reveal to someone, who is afraid of the darkness, that someone has felt that same fear.. There is no longer the need to give it a name, to define that "something" to fear, to brand it with labels that only limit you. Definitions have always had this effect on me. Gender should not even be considered in a person's judgment. Let alone orientation ". - Victoria
Sexism - A culture to be dismantled
Emma (Italian singer) dropped the bomb:" When I went to Eurovision, they insulted me over a pair of shorts. Damiano - half naked and in heels - was never criticized ". The judgment against women is constant, ferocious, and demeaning (if I have a lot of sex I'm cool but Vic a whore, where I show myself strong I'm a leader she is domineering and pain in the ass, who is successful because only because of her looks [and not the hard work she puts in]). As a male I am privileged, the harassment I suffer is not comparable to that experienced by a woman, the comments on my aesthetics are focused only on my aesthetics and do not insinuate anything about my professionalism and my competence, while women are victims of this kind of thinking in a systemic way. But I did find myself in a situation, out of nowhere, with someone who, pulling close to her for a selfie, started licking my face ... "What do you want, did you ask me?" Consent exists, and it is a must ». - Damiano
To grow as a person - The only rule to follow
For me, to conform is the total opposite of educating oneself, and the asphyxiation of one's expression (of freedom). Fortunately, I did not suffer heavy bullying, to the point where I felt I needed to change to adapt to how others saw me. But the matrix of who I am and the aggression that marks me is the same. If I'm a kid who dances and loves dolls, then allow me the freedom to do so. I used to be a kid who wanted long hair and played with Barbies. My friends, as a teenager, looked my long hair and teased me: "You have to find yourself a girl with a short hair to make up for it". My grandparents took the dolls away from me and said: “Stop it, they're not for you” ». - Ethan
“I was six and I already could not tolerate the distinctions between masculine and feminine. I've always had strong ideas about how I wanted to be. I refused things typically defined as feminine as a child, and they made fun of me for skating, for playing soccer, for not wearing skirts, for giving myself the chance to be as I wanted to be. I suffered a little, as I was bullied, but I had courage to stay true to myself, and today thanks to that courage I know that I could have been much more hurt, or I would have risked leaving the most important decision to others: the one about being just me". - Victoria
Love - music and girlfriends
I've been married to music for the past 20 years. I cannot wait to celebrate our golden wedding anniversary. - Ethan
Everyone goes through their own experiences, sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, but it's never other people's business." - Thomas
When, for the first time, I developed feelings and attraction for a girl it was a bit disorienting because I had never had the courage to go beyond the limitations I had imposed on myself. For society, being heterosexual is the norm and therefore often one automatically pegs himself in that way, giving up the freedom to experience many different shades and facets of love. Once I got over the initial insecurity of having to question one's own certainties, I lived my sexuality in a very natural and free way, as it should be for everyone. - Victoria
I had paparazzi under my house morning and night. So, after four years of relationship, I finally revealed her name. I still have the paparazzi under my house morning and night, but at least I don't have to hide anything anymore. - Damiano
The value of the group - Protecting each other
But the real relationship, the real family, is between us. Our band. We believed in it from the first day, even before calling ourselves Måneskin (moonlight in Danish), even before Ethan drew a giant moon, on the poster for our first concert. We share everything, even the pain of the tragedy of Seid Visin, who committed suicide at 20 because he was a victim of racism. Being a group is what we should all do together: stay united and not retreat in the slightest in the face of abuses generated by a distorted vision of someone "being different|. - Thomas
Non ho l’età – like Gigliola (It references Gigliola Cinquetti who won both Sanremo and Eurovision with her song "Non ho l’età" which translates to Not old enough)
Before us, the only one to win Sanremo and Eurovision together was Gigliola Cinquetti (in 1964). Is there is something for which I feel I am not yet old enough for? No, honestly no. Maybe for kids. I'll be honest, I'm not enough to be a dad. - Damiano
Reached the sky - What fears still remain
We are more than in the dream, we have conquered the dream. To fly high this high, there is the risk is to fall and get hurt, but we will try not to end up like Icarus, who burns his wings with the sun. Everything is in our hands. And this - somewhat presumptuously - reassures us rather than frighten us ". - Damiano
[Please note that I have changed some words or structure sentence, trying to make it so that the interview made more sense lol - I skipped the first two paragraphs, which was basically the interviewer gushing over how pretty the band is lmao (relatable).
Any mistakes in the translation are sorely mine, nothing was proofread, so apologies in advance]
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passivenovember · 3 years
Thinking about Steve’s glamorous southern Grandmother teaching him haircare and the ways of men.
Louisiana Girl.
On wispy Saturday afternoons she sat under the hooded dryer in a world made of candy. 
Bubblegum walls upon which pastel images of women in shiny blue makeup oversaw the hustle and bustle of women in Eden. Magazines open in their laps, gum smacking between cherry red lips, talking a mile a minute about the intricacies of life. 
Husbands and kids away at college, building a world that Steve hoped he could understand someday. And, in that twangy southern drawl that he knew came from this same place his mother did; Louisiana, where women were spun of gold the color of corn fields, his grandmother shared her secrets.
She was called Boo Boo because it made her feel young, and that was the first lesson Steve learned in his life. Women should always be made to feel young and beautiful. His mother’s mother was not nanna, or grandmama, or even Cheryl, which the ladies at the beauty parlor disclosed to Steve with smiles on their bright pink faces.
She was Boo Boo because she looked like Dolly Parton and smoked Marlboro golds like Johnny Cash, and always said that Steve was her greatest love. 
Everything about her was plated in gold, from her strawberry ringlets down to her heart.
Boo Boo never had much of a taste for Midwestern life. 
She thought of it as some special sort of hell Steve’s mother had been exiled to when she married Patrick Harrington. A desolate wasteland far from the molasses bayou's of the promised land. Displaced from the twangy guitars of Crosby Steels and Miss Lorette Lynn. 
Boo Boo never understood why Delilah couldn’t bring Steve home, to New Orleans. Why she insisted on keeping him in the world of men, content with a life devoid of magic.
Everything about Hawkins confused her. The way women wandered the streets with flat hair and unpainted nails was somethin’ else, she said, curious how they went without their armor. 
That was one of Boo Boo’s best kept secrets; women need their chainmail when they go out into the world. Any southern lady worth her weight in hairspray wouldn’t be caught dead with chipped polish, and she taught Steve how to be a southern woman through and through after the first time she caught him playing in his mother’s high heels.
Boo Boo called it what it was, from the very beginning. “Got to look pretty for your man someday, baby doll.” 
Steve watched as she slipped one long, golden finger nail under the hooded dryer, checking highlights trapped under waves of aluminum foam. “Daddy says I won’t ever get a husband.” Steve said, frowning. “Daddy says--”
“That man thinks Lemon Pepper chicken wings come wet, darlin’, I wouldn’t listen to a word he says.” Boo Boo smiled down at him, her long eyelashes fluttering. “Pretty little thing like you? I bet the boys will be swarming like honey bees in the springtime.”
Steve shook his head. “I’m not pretty. My knees looked like baked potatoes.”
“Potatoes?” Boo Boo declared. “I don’t think so, you just gotta grow into that figure. And you will, someday.”
Steve never found it much use to argue, never found his footing even as the stylist came and removed Boo Boo’s hair from the dryer and they migrated, as all birds do, south for the winter. 
To the mint green chair in front of the big mirror where the spells were cast, boxing them into that perfect little dollhouse wonderland.
Steve watched in awe, leaning against the palm of his hand as Boo Boo grew more and more beautiful by the minute.
He wished that could be him. He hoped, someday, it would be.
Boo Boo said that being a lady lived in more than just the spray that went on in the morning. 
It was easy to be beautiful. To paint yourself up like a Barbie doll and gain attention of all kinds from good and bad men alike, but it was harder to keep a level head. To do the right thing, the way God intended.
He took her word as truth. As he grew up, Steve realized a lot of girls would never be ladies and it was evident, Boo Boo said, in the way they treated each other. Always tearing the next one down to make room for themselves, providing compliments that sting and bite back, taking chunks of invaluable flesh with them as they go.
That was the mark of Cain. 
The undoubtable truth that they would never grow into something worthy of respect.
When Boo Boo came to town for Christmas the year Steve fell in love for the first time, he had to know.
“How do I get girls to like me?” He asked, posted up in front of his mother’s vanity as Boo Boo went to work on his hair. “I mean. How do I get them to understand that I don’t want to hurt them, and I’m not a threat to them--”
“Why would you be a threat, baby doll?”
Steve thought of Billy. 
Billy Hargrove, who made his bones turn to pudding cups and his heart burn red with fire and heat under the light of eyes so blue Steve felt like Dolly probably wrote that song about him.
I can see the light of a clear blue mornin’--
“There’s a boy.” Steve said.
Because. “There’s always a boy.” Boo Boo began mixing the bleach in her little green bowl, smiling to herself. “And these girls feel threatened by you?”
“He likes me.” Steve thought of Billy’s lips, so pink they tasted like strawberry bubblegum, pressed against his under the bleachers during fifth period. Before he could stop himself, Steve’s fingers brushed his bottom lip, remembering.
Feeling the way Billy’s teeth had pulled that sensitive flesh, almost like he wanted to--
“I think he likes me.” Steve shook his head. “And they’re mad at me. Like maybe I took Billy from them, or something.”
“As long as he wasn’t kissin’ some poor girl while he’s kissin’ you, I don’t see how they hold any claim over him.” Boo Boo said, pinning Steve’s hair down as she added highlights to his soft brown locks. Highlights the exact shade of her own. “Real women see strength and they applaud it. Tearing other women down ain’t gonna get you nowhere.”
Steve knew what she meant. He wasn’t a woman, he was old enough to know that now, but in the matter of love?
Steve might as well have been a thirteen year old girl, the way he wanted to fight for this boy. The way he’d develop that killer instinct, to take what was so clearly his. What Billy had given to him. 
“If they try to tear me down first, what do I do?”
Boo Boo took a drag from the cigarette between her lips, fingers never stalling as they wrapped Steve’s head in aluminum foam. “If they’re weak enough to go after what’s already done, they aren’t worth your time, darlin’.”
Steve thought about his mother. His shining star. He thought, too, of Mary Bell. The pretty redheaded girl who sometimes held his father’s arm too long at the office. 
He thought of what his mother was always saying on the phone, to other women her age, a glass of wine in one hand and a funny smelling cigarette in the other.
She’s trying to take my man. Delilah Harrington, who was just as pretty as a magnolia in may and who was tough as steel, crumbled with the weight of that sentence. She’s gonna take him.
Steve stuck his lip out in thought. “What if they try to take Billy away from me?”
Boo Boo cackled, lifting her perfect fingernails to snatch and snub the cigarette into a pretty pink ash tray. “Honey,” She said, smiling. “I don’t care if that girl is God’s gift to this Earth, she ain’t woman enough to take your man.”
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Love and Medicine ~ 12
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,815ish
Summary: You are still trying to cope with the fact that Steve’s married. (Read note at the end of the chapter.)
I do not own Grey’s Anatomy or Marvel.
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You and Natasha eventually found your way back to your house and into your bedroom’s adjoining bathroom. Natasha was in the bathtub as you laid on the floor.
“It's not us. It's them,” you said. “Them and their stupid boy penises. They didn't tell me they had a wife. They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to break up with you.”
“It's not that Banner broke up with me,” Natasha began. “It's how he broke up with me. Like it was business. Like it was a business transition like he's the boss of me!”
“He is the boss of you.”
“And what's worse is that I care.”
"I'm gonna throw up again.” You moved so that you were leaned over the toilet bowl. "No. Wait. False alarm.”
“Look, the problem is estrogen.”
“No, the problem is tequila.”
“I used to be all business, and then he goes and gets me pregnant.”
“With the stupid boy penis.”
“Now, I'm having hormone surges. He ruined me. I'm ruined. He turned me into this fat, stupid, pregnant girl. Who cares! Estrogen!”
Having heard the commotion from your bathroom, Val, Scott, and Clint found themselves standing in the doorway.
“Penises,” you stated. “Penises Val.”
“Estrogen, Scott. Estrogen,” Nat added.
“Okay…” Scott said, looking around. “What did I miss?”
“I came home to full on vomit drama,” Val explained. “Apparently she dumped Derek and her—“ Val pointed Nat’s way. “She’s been sleeping with Banner!”
“So you really broke up with Rogers?” Clint asked.
“I feel empty,” you responded.
“Two hours of vomiting will do that to you,” Val said with a shrug.
“You’re lucky,” Nat added. “I feel pissed off.”
Arriving in the parking garage, you could clearly see Steve waiting for you. Getting out of your car, you slammed the door as he came closer.
“Stop,” you growled at him.
“What?” Steve questioned, pretending to be all innocent.
“You're stalking me. Stop it.” You continued into the building with Steve following you.
“Did we not communicate last night?”
“Did you hear what I was saying?”
“Your wife screwed your best friend.”
“And then from that point on she no longer existed to me anymore.”
“You had marital amnesia?”
“No.” Steve reached out and grabbed your arm, successfully stopping you. “Come on I bared my soul to you last night.”
“It's not enough.”
“How can that be not enough?”
“When you waited 2 months to tell me and I had to find out by her showing up, all leggy and fabulous and telling me herself, you pulled the plug. I'm a sink with an open drain. Anything that you say runs right out. There is no enough.” You pulled away hurrying inside with your friends after you.
“She probably could've picked a better metaphor,” Clint commented.
“Give her a break,” Scott said. “She’s got a hangover.”
With a huff, Steve followed. Tony, who was also coming in, quickly caught up to him.
“Dr. Rogers!” He called.
“Dr. Stark,” Steve replied.
“We have an organ donor coming in this afternoon. We're doing a harvest.”
“Commendable, but—“
“In OR one at four.”
“I’m in OR one at four.”
“Your surgery is non-critical.”
“You can’t bump me!”
“As Chief, I can. You’ll be first up tomorrow.”
“Interim Chief. Bump somebody else!”
“You’re in the OR we need.”
“Why can’t the harvest be done somewhere else?”
“Cause the donor’s coming in from a small facility. We have the location, the airport nearby and the staff. Your surgery is rescheduled.” Then Tony turned, heading away.
“I’m not done talking about this, Stark!”
“Well, I am! See ya around Rogers!”
Rounds weren’t too bad, especially because you successfully ignored both Peggy and Steve. It even became slightly better when Gamora called you in for a bowel obstruction. Except the guy wouldn’t tell you what he ingested.
“You know, Mr. Sanders, it would be easier if you just told us what you ingested,” you pried, taking him to radiology. “We’ll know anyone, once we see the films.”
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” Mr. Sanders responded.
“Mr. Sanders, whatever you’ve ingested could kill you. Are you sure you don’t just want to tell me?”
“It might offend you.”
“It might? Is it drugs?”
“Mr. Sanders.”
“It’s not drugs, I promise.”
“Well, good, I’m glad.”
“I… Nope, not going to tell you.”
“Fine by me. We just reached radiology, so I’m going to find out anyway.”
It wasn’t long before Mr. Sanders was back in his room and the radiologist had found you with the scans.
“It’s drugs,” the radiologist stated handing the scans over to you. “Looks like at least 13 small balloons in the bowel. My guess, cocaine.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, holding up the scans up to the light. 
They didn’t totally look like balloons, so you weren’t completely convinced. Before you made any judgement calls, you found Gamora.
“It’s drugs,” you told her, handing her the scans. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” she muttered, placing the scans onto a screen. “One burst and he’s dead in minutes. Okay, what do we do?”
“Run his bowel.”
“And what does that mean?”
“Running the bowel entails removing all 36 feet of the intestine from the body cavity, hand searching for the balloons and then cutting them out.”
“Good. Book an OR and get two other interns on board, need all the hands we can get.”
“Dr. Gamora,” Y/N called as Gamora tired to leave. 
“Are you sure they’re balloons?”
“You have reason to believe they’re not?”
“Well, the more I look the more I realize that this one,” you pointed to the scans, “has a face.” Gamora looked closer. “And this one… they all do.”
“I’ll be damned. They’re Barbies. He swallowed 13 Barbie doll heads.”
“Barbie heads?” Scott repeated after you told him, Natasha, and Peter what happened.
“Yeah,” you responded. “And Gamora wants two of you to join us in surgery.”
“I’m already booked.”
“I can do it,” Natasha said.
“Me too,” Peter said.
“My foster mothers used to buy me Barbie dolls. All sorts of them.”
“I also wanted one,” you added. “My parents never let me.”
“I dissected them. Cut off their arms, shaved their heads.”
“You’re a little scary,” Scott stated. “You know that?”
“I try.”
“Sounds like there’s a sick and twisted story behind this,” Peter said.
“No, they’re sexist, distorted devil toys that create unrealistic expectations carrying to the porn driven minds of men,” Natasha expressed.
“You swallow a bitter pill this morning, Romanoff?” Gamora questioned, coming up to you interns. “They’re just dolls. Quill, call for a psych consult. Then see if he has family.”
“Should I still book the OR?” You wondered.
“Blocked bowels become necrotic bowels. Check with Dr. Stark, see if we can bump someone. Those Barbies gotta come out today.”
Gamora had given Clint the impossible assignment to revive a patient. And, unfortunately for him, he was stuck with Laura.
“Any family members waiting?” He asked as he stapled up the man’s chest.
“Still trying to reach them,” Laura responded.
“Good. Well, I mean, not good that we haven’t reached anyone. Good that I don’t have to, uh…”
“It’s always hard.”
“I’m sorry about Peter.”
“It’s fine. It’s good. No need to talk about it.”
“You do understand that I had sex with him before you, not during, right? Because when you and I were together—“
“I understand.”
“I just wanted to clear the air.”
“Oh, it’s clear. Perfectly clear… okay.”
“And about the syphilis—“
“We really on’t have to talk about it.”
“Which is, I mean, I didn’t know I had it. I definitely should have, I’m a nurse. Like, there was a sore and I was all itchy.”
“Okay!” He backed away almost knocked the tray beside him over. “You know I, uh, got it. You know things happen.” He moved to the door, away from Laura.
“They really do. Things you wish you could change.”
Clint’s pager rang and he looked down. “It’s the Chief, I gotta take this.”
“Sure… Clint.”
“You have to call it.”
“Call it?”
“Oh, yeah.” He looked at his watch. “Time of death 1:37.” He turned to leave again.
“And, Clint,” he paused, not turning around this time, “if we could, I wouldn’t mind trying again.”
“Maybe… some day…”
Tony was walking down the hall with Maria, going over the donor surgery.
“When is the donor getting here?” He asked.
“Should be here at 3. Harvest team’s not heir way in.”
“I also need to touch base with the transplant center about a patient here getting his son’s liver.”
You walked up. “Dr. Stark,” you called. “Dr. Gamora needs an OR and they’re all booked.”
“An emergent bowel obstruction.” She handed him the scans.
“Barbie heads. 13 of them.”
Maria looked at the films. “I can see their little faces,” she commented. “That patient must have serious issues.”
“Hill, can your hernia in 1 be bumped?” Tony asked.
“Most likely.”
“Do it.”
“On it.” Maria left.
“Thank you, Dr. Stark,” you said, moving to go.
Tony grabbed your wrist and stopped you. “Y/N, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m not. I’m really fine.” And you pulled away.
You, Gamora, and a doctor from psych were currently discussing the psych evaluation on Mr. Sanders.
“He’s not talking. It could be pica,” the psych doctor stated. “Doubtful for a man his age. Maybe an oedipal complex or an idolization of the doll as his partners. Or it could be that he simply enjoys it.”
“Now I've seen a lot of strange things in strange places but how does he enjoy this?” Gamora questioned.
“He’d enjoy it when they came out.”
“I didn’t need to hear that.”
“Dr. L/N,” Peggy called as she walked back. “May I speak with you for a moment?” You looked at Gamora for help.
“Don’t look at me. I’m not gonna help you.”
With a sigh, you went to Peggy and the two of you began walking away.
“I assume he told you why he left me,” she said.
Annoyed, you stopped in front of her. “Look, Dr. Rogers, will all do respect, this has nothing to do with me,” you said.
“Really? So you didn’t take him back. Good girl.”
“And int he future, I’d appreciate it if we could keep our relationship strictly professional.” You walked away.
“Y/N!” You stopped and turned back slightly to give Peggy your attention. “Sometimes people do desperate things to get someone’s attention.” You shook your head and started walking again. “There are two sides to every story!”
You, Peter, and Scott arrived at lunch first. The three of you picked a large table farthest away from the others.
“Look what I went out and got,” Peter said, putting a grocery bag on the table.  Opening the bag, he revealed 13 headless Barbie dolls.
“Really, Quill?” You wondered.
“That’s gross,” Scott cringed.
“I think it’s funny,” Peter said, smiling, as he laid them out on the table.
“Of course you do,” you muttered.
“Oh! That is sick!” Clint commented as him, Natasha, and Val walked up.
“Who would do that?” Val asked. They looked to see Peter smiling.
“Oh, look!” Natasha said, picking up a doll. “See Barbie fly.” She throw it at Peter, who ducked.
“Hey, Clint,” Laura greeted, walking by.
“Hey,” he replied, sitting down at not looking at you. The interns all gave him a look. “What?”
“She was trying to make up with you, Clint,” you told him. “You should go eat with her.”
“No, I shouldn’t…. No.”
“She’s cute and she likes you,” Scott said.
“You shouldn’t let a little syph get in the way of that,” Val added.
“It’s not the syph,” Clint insisted.
“It’s so the syph,” Natasha said.
“It’s not the syph!”
“Then what is it?” Val asked. Clint didn’t answer, looking down. “Oh.”
“What?” You wondered. Clint simply shrugged. “What is it?”
“There’s this other girl,” Val responded.
“Val!” Clint exclaimed.
“Other girl?” Natasha questioned. “You have another girl?!”
“He hasn’t told her that he likes her yet,” Val said.
“Val!” Clint exclaimed again. “This isn’t high school.”
“Clint has a little crush.”
“I do not… It’s a thing, a very personal thing. One day I would like to build on this thing with this other girl—woman. She’s all woman.”
“What are you doing, Clint?” You asked, slightly harsh.
“I-I don’t—“
“With Laura. What are you doing with her?”
“Oh. Nothing.”
“You’re letting her think you’re emotionally available. You’re letting her think she has a chance. And there is nothing worse in the world than think you have a chance when you really don’t!”
“Y/N is right,” Natasha said. “Tell her that there’s someone else. And tell her why, Clint. I mean— I mean at least give her the chance to have some feelings about it!”
“Why are you both yelling at me?” Clint asked.
“Because of the estrogen Clint! Because of all the estrogen!”
“Was it an act of desperation?” You asked Mr. Sanders as you headed into his surgery.
“Not at all,” he replied.
“Something to attract attention?”
“I’m just trying to understand here. Why 13 doll heads?”
“Well because 14 would’ve been too much.”
You cringed and helped the nurses get Mr. Sanders on the operating table before going to scrub. It was Gamora, you, Peter, Val, and Natasha in the surgery.
“I think it has something to do with his mother,” Val suggested. “Maybe she always wanted a girl and gave him Barbie dolls because of it.”
“Ah, ah, I’ve got another one,” Peter said, showing the head in the intestine.
“Uh!” You groaned.
“Doyen clamps to Romanoff,” Gamora ordered. “L/N, push the head up to the incision.” You began to squeeze the doll head up through the intestine.
“Maybe his mother looked like a Barbie doll and he’s into voodoo,” Peter suggested. “Instead of sticking pins in… well…”
Dr. Stark entered the OR. “You good here?” He asked Gamora, observing you though.
“Couple more heads to go,” Gamora responded.
“Then L/N stay here. All you other interns I need you on other cases.”
You met Tony’s eyes before he walked out of the OR.
Clint was put on a case with Steve. They were about to go separate ways so that Clint could run labs, when Steve stopped. He looked back at Clint.
“Is she okay?” Steve asked.
“Who?” Clint questioned. He looked up at Steve and knew. “Y/N? She’s… hanging in there.”
“Look out for her.”
“I will.”
Then Steve walked away. Before Clint could get really far, Laura found him.
“The family of the guy we worked on this morning is here,” she told him.
“Thanks for letting me know,” Clint responded.
“Clint, I just want an answers, so that I can get on with my life if I need to.”
“Look, maybe I’m not over the Peter thing yet or the syph thing… And I really want to be, but there’s also another girl. And, to me, it doesn’t matter there’s this other guy and frankly I wouldn’t care if she gave me the Ebola virus… I like you, Laura, I really do. Just… I—“
“You’re going to need some time.”
“Yeah.” He kissed her forehead. “Thank you for understanding.”
Steve was standing alone in the elevator when Peggy walked in, both dressed to leave.
“Just when the day was improving,” he murmured.
“You told Y/N what happened?” Peggy asked.
“I did. Why? What did you tell her?”
“That sometimes people do desperate things to attract attention.”
“What? Wow. That's your side of this? That I didn't pay you enough attention. Is that you were thinking when you got naked with my best friend?”
Peggy reached over and stopped the elevator. "No, by that point I wasn't thinking at all Steve. By that point I was just scratching an itch. We got successful you and me. We got busy and we got lazy. We didn't even bother to fight any more Steve. And Bucky was there and I missed you. And now I'm sorry.” Steve restarted the elevator. “I’m more sorry than you can possibly imagine. But at least I'm talking to you about it.” The doors opened and Steve walked out. “Steve.”
“I’m a sink with an open drain, honey.”
“Did you get them all?” Mr. Sanders asked. You were checking on him, post-surgery.
“Yes,” you replied. “It wasn’t easy or very pleasant. How do you feel?”
“Empty… I feel empty now.”
“Yeah. I've been feeling a little bit of that myself lately.”
“I can tell.”
“Mr. Sanders, why does eating doll heads fill you up? What’s the satisfaction?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Would it be too much information?”
“Maybe I’m better left in the dark.”
next chapter >
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Destiny
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Ch 4- Get Busy Living, Or Get Busy Dying
Chapter Summary: We check back in with Steve and the Kids, before Katie is taken back to a time a few weeks post the Battle of New York, where she desperately tries to get through to a despondent Steve.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: So these chapters contain flashbacks of sorts- but they’re not flashbacks as Katie is watching the events unfold in front of her-a “Time heist” of sorts. However, to keep it clear and hopefully not confusing, the events she is watching are depicted in itallics instead of me trying to keep calling her 2010 v 2030 Katie…
This was originally finished and posted on the day that we all learned of Chadwick Bosman’s passing.  I sure can read the emotion I was feeling when I wrote it, and therefore I still dedicate this to him.
 Rest in power, King. Wakanda Forever.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Destiny Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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When Steve arrived home, Emmy’s car was already in the driveway. Rori gave a little squeal at the fact her sister was home and shot off to the front door of the house, bouncing on the step.
“Hurry up, Daddy!” she turned to look at him.
“Alright, alright.” He chuckled, reaching her with a few strides and pressing his palm to the access pad. The door clicked open and Rori shot inside, running down the hallway shouting Emmy’s name, Harry toddling behind her as fast as he could followed by Stark, his nails causing him to slip on the wooden floor as he ran, sliding ass first into the small table which thankfully didn’t fall over.
“Rori, hush!” Steve hastily tried to quiet her for fear Katie was asleep, but to no avail. With a sigh he pushed Flossie’s stroller in and then once Jamie had followed him inside he closed the door, the security system clicking back into place.
“Am I banished to my room now?” Jamie looked at him.
Steve took a deep breath, before he shook his head. “Not yet no, but you’re going up after dinner.”
“Okay.” Jamie nodded as he kicked off his sneakers and picked them up, placing them in the rack by the door. “I think I’m gonna go up anyway.”
Steve looked at him, and nodded, watching as he headed off to the stairs, his shoulders slumped a little. He hated it when any of his kids were upset but this was Jamie’s own doing. With a sigh he gently picked Flossie out of her stroller, bent to retrieve the flowers that they’d all chosen from the little meadow and headed into the kitchen where he could hear Rori gabbling on excitedly.
“Hey Dad.” Emmy looked up at him, a little sheepishly given their earlier exchanged and he smiled at her as she came towards him, arms outstretched. He passed Flossie over and then placed the flowers on the side before retrieving the empty vase from the windowsill, giving a small groan of frustration. This vase was never empty, he usually made sure of that by always bringing Katie some flowers home once a week or so, but as he filled it up with water for the flowers the kids had picked, Steve realised he’d been as guilty of neglecting her and taking her foregranted a little as anyone else in the house had been.
“I take it Mom’s still sleeping?” Emmy asked and Steve turned to look at her.
“Yeah, she must be.” He nodded. “I’ll go wake her in a little while once we’ve ordered dinner.”
“I really am sorry.” Emmy began and Steve held his hand up.
“I know, it’s done okay?” He shook his head. “We just need to make sure in future we help out a little more, an I include myself in that.”
“Daddy?” Rori tugged on his jeans and he looked down “Can you try and fix my doll now?”
“Yeah, sure.” He nodded, looking at the offended broken Barbie doll on the side. Whatever had happened between Jamie and Rori, Jamie had managed to snap the head off from the neck. He took it in his hands, had a quick look before he disappeared into the laundry room for the superglue. After a little careful application he’d managed to reattach it reasonably well.
“All fixed.” he walked back in, holding the damned doll upright as Rori gave an excited squeal “But you need to leave it to set for a while.”
“Daddy you’re the best!” She hugged him tight and he chuckled as he passed it to her.
“Be careful.”
Rori nodded as she looked at the doll and then her face fell. “But I can still see the break.” She whispered.
“I can’t do anything about that, Princess.” Steve sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“I can…” Emmy said suddenly. “Rori, go grab your craft kit.”
Rori looked at her, then to Steve who shrugged, before she thrust the doll back at him and disappeared into the den. Steve gave Emmy a questioning look and she simply winked as she placed Flossie down in the pack and play in the corner of the room, where the baby let out a loud shriek and wiggled her legs and arms excitedly at the activity station above her, grabbing at one of the rattles.
Rori came back in, carrying the little plastic box that she kept all of her stuff for colouring and sticking in the Crap Book, and set it down on the table as she scrambled into a seat. Emmy dropped next to her and opened the lid.
“Okay, so…” she began sifting through the stuff in the box and then pulled out 4 little squares of material that Rori had in there. “Which one is best?”
“Erm…” Rori looked at them before she pointed to a bright pink piece. “That one.” “Good choice.” Emmy nodded. She reached into the box once more and pulled out the crimping scissors that were in there because Rori liked the shape it left on the edge of things. Steve watched as his eldest carefully cut a thin sliver of the material off. “Dad, can you pass me headless Barbie?”
Steve smiled and headed the doll back over and Emmy wound the material round the doll’s neck, tying it in place at the front with a knot.
“There.” She said as Rori gave a huge gasp and a smile. “Line gone and Barbie now has an on point kerchief.”
“That’s awesome!” Rori grinned, giving her sister a hug. “Thank you, Emmy.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Now, Aurora,” Steve looked at her and she glanced at him, her face falling at the use of her full name, because she knew full well what it meant, “if I find out you’ve hit Jamie with it again, it’s going straight in the garbage, you understand me?” “Yes Daddy.” She said, her eyes falling down to the table.
“Good.” He nodded before he looked at Emmy. “Now, I don’t know about you, but I could use a beer.”
Emmy smiled “Sure. Sounds good.”
“Can I-“
“No.” Steve cut Rori off. “You can have a juice box. What flavour do you want?”
“Can I have apple please?”
“Sure.” He turned to Harry who was sat at the table, pushing a small car across the surface. “Hey Buddy, you want a juice box too?”
“Owange pwease.” He looked at Steve who nodded and moved to the fridge. He passed the kids each a drink, piercing Harry’s with the straw for him before he moved to the wine cooler and pulled two beers out of the beer section at the bottom. He flipped the lids on the opener set into the unit and slid one over to Emmy as Rori hopped down from the table and announced the was going to the Den.
“Any luck on the apartment hunting?” He asked and she wrinkled her nose.
“Not really.” She shrugged. “We can’t agree on anywhere. I like a place, Pete isn’t so keen, he likes somewhere, I’m not sure.” She looked at Steve “How did you and Mom agree on this place?”
“We just walked in and knew it was right.” He shrugged. “We were in a slightly different position though. We’d been living in our apartment and the compound for so long, I think this place just ticked everything we wanted. Plus, your Mom was pregnant with Jamie so we saw past the tiny little niggles we had and focussed on the good bits and there were far many more points we liked. We changed the bits we didn’t eventually.” He looked around the kitchen “And it’s nice. It’s home.”
“Pete’s not really comfortable with you and Mom saying you’d buy us somewhere.” Emmy said gently and Steve smiled, chuckling.
“I wasn’t comfortable with your Mom basically buying this place either.” He shrugged. “But, well as she pointed out, we were married by then, it was a moot point.” He took a pull from his bottle. “Did she ever tell you about the house we viewed before we got married?” Emmy grinned and nodded “Danni with an I, remember?” Steve snorted and then shrugged. “Yeah, so I had a hard time with that because I had nowhere near as much money as your Mom to put down but, it’s just money Em. Easy to say when you have it but if you and Pete are ready to settle down and be together then it shouldn’t be an issue. You want me to talk to him?” “No.” Emmy hastily spoke. “Absolutely not. You already scare the sh…” she stopped herself swearing and Steve arched a brow. “You scare the life out of him.”
“Good.” Steve grinned “I’m your Dad. That’s my job.”
Emmy rolled her eyes and Steve bit back a chuckle, checking his watch. It was almost seven. So much for an early night for the kids.
“Right, I’m going to order dinner. Fancy doing me a favour?”
“Sure.” Emmy shrugged
“Can you get Harry a bath and into his pyjamas? I’ll round the other two up once you’re done.”
“No bath from Emmy.” Harry mumbled “Momma gives me my bath.”
“Momma’s sleeping buddy, but she’ll come down in a little while for dinner ok?”
Harry looked at him and then grinned “Emmy…daddy got momma wet yesterday.”
Steve spluttered on his beer as Emmy looked at him, arching an eyebrow.
“He means at bath time.” Steve hastily explained “Harry was splashing and it ended up in a slight water fight…”
“Well of course, what else could he mean?” Emmy rolled her eyes before she groaned “God that’s a disgusting image…”
Steve blushed a little before he shook his head, pulling out his phone. “Pizza?”
Emmy nodded before she frowned “Actually, whilst I’m okay with whatever, surely mom would prefer her favourite if she’s feeling down?”
Steve pondered. “Good point. I can order from both. You want a burger or…”
Em nodded. “I’ll have the same as mom, double cheese with a side of chilli fries…oh, and can we get some mac and cheese to share?”
Steve shook his head. “I don’t share food, I’ll get two.”
Emmy smiled and then stood up grinning at her younger brother. “Okay Squirt, let’s go get you bathed.”
Harry looked at her, before he shook his head, “nope,” and in a flash he was off his chair, sprinting out of the room, cackling to himself. Emmy shook her head and with a snort took off after him. Steve watched them go, smiling to himself for a second before he set about ordering their dinner. ***** “Hey…” Katie looked at Steve as he emerged into her tower penthouse. “You okay?”
“Yeah, no, actually I dunno.” He sighed, “I’m sorry to barge in and bother you but…”
“It’s okay, I’m not busy.” She looked at him frowning, “what’s up, Soldier?”
“I had a meeting with Fury before.” Steve bit his lip, “he was going on about the academy and stuff he has planned for me and…” he trailed off
“Say what’s on your mind.” Katie encouraged, gently as she took him in. It had only been two weeks since the battle of New York, and Steve looked absolutely exhausted. She could tell he wasn’t sleeping. She’d seen him a handful of times over the past fortnight and he’d started to look more and more drawn with each visit.
“It’s overwhelming.” Steve replied eventually, shaking his head “Everything. God, it’s so noisy and…” he swallowed, “look, sorry, I’m just, I don’t know what I’m doing here, Katie. The world is so different. This isn’t me.” Katie pondered something for a minute, before she had a sudden wave of inspiration.
“Ever seen Niagara falls?”
“What?” Steve frowned, utterly perplexed at her change of subject. “No, but what’s…”
“I think you need a little head space.” She mused, before she spoke. “JARVIS?”
“Yes, Miss Stark.” The AI responded and Steve jumped a little. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to the voice belonging to a man that didn’t actually exist.
“Can you patch through and get one of the jets ready. Set a course for Niagara, I want to take a trip.”
“Of course Miss Stark.” Jarvis replied. “Give me a moment.”
“We can’t just fly to Niagara.” Steve looked at Katie horrified, “I mean…”
“The beauty of having a personal, private Jet is just that, Steve,” she grinned, “I can go where I want, when I want, with anyone I want. Well, most of the time anyway.”
“Isn’t that a little...”
“Self-indulgent? Eccentric? Arrogant?” She looked at him, arching an eyebrow and he sighed, shaking his head.
“I didn’t mean that. I wasn’t…”
“Well if you did mean that, you’d be correct, of course it is.” She shrugged. “But I don’t much care. It comes in handy, and as part and parcel of being friends with a Stark, you get the privilege too. Oh, and if you’re worried about the environment, don’t be. They run on self-sufficient energy sources, like this place.” She waved her hand around the apartment and Steve gave her a small smile.
“Sorry,” he looked at her a little sheepisly, “I didn’t mean to sound rude.”
Katie shrugged, “no offence taken, it’s okay.”
“Miss Stark?” JARVIS spoke again. “The Jet will be ready to leave in half an hour. Would you like me to organise a car?”
“No need, I’ll take mine. Can you have Happy sort the clearances for myself and Captain Rogers, and a car at the other side?”
“Of course”
“Thanks J.” She said, then she looked at Steve. “How about it Cap? A little spontaneous fun might be just what you need.”
“I don’t know.”
“Oh come on!” She pleaded. “You need to learn to let go, live in the moment. Not everything has to be so serious and daunting.”
Steve looked at her as she raised her eyebrows before he rolled his eyes. “Fine.”
She gave him a grin and nodded, “okay, wait here, gonna grab my jacket.”
“Do I need anything?” He asked “Like to fly or…”
“No, you’re good.” She tossed over her shoulder as she headed into her room. Shoving on a pair of sneakers and grabbing her leather jacket she walked back out to find Steve stood in exactly the same place he had been, his hands twisting together almost nervously. She took him in for a moment, he was wearing a pair of light grey slacks, a blue and white plaid with a white t-shirt just visible where the top three buttons where undone and a brown leather jacket. “What’s your schedule like next week?”
“I err, I don’t have a….what?” He frowned, utterly perplexed. .
“Never mind, I’ll sort it. We’re going clothes shopping.”
“No, absolutely not.” He shook his head.
“Steve, you can’t walk around dressed like that forever.” She scoffed “You want a quiet life? You’re gonna have to blend in a little.” As she watched his face fell and she cursed herself, hastily adding, “it’s not that you look bad. You don’t, at all. But trust me, the more you can embrace the changes in your life the happier you’re gonna feel.”
“Who says I want to embrace it?” He mumbled.
“Don’t you?” She challenged, looking at him. He gave a sigh and shrugged. “Well, that’s up to you. I can’t make your mind up for you.” “No? You’ve done a pretty good job of that today so far.” He quipped and she looked at him.
“If you really don’t want to go then we don’t have to.” She replied, not a shred of annoyance or anger in her voice. “I just thought it might be nice to get away from the noise. Both out there and in here…” She reached up and gently tapped his temple. There was a moment’s pause before Steve took a deep breath and smiled.
“No, I know. You’re right.” He nodded. “Lead the way.”
“God, I never realised how forceful I was.” Katie mused, watching as her past self and Steve headed into the elevator. She turned to Tony. “I was worse than you!”
“Hmmmm,” Tony rotated his hand in front of him on a so-so motion, “maybe not quite.”
“He needed it though.” Katie let out a breath from her nose. “God, he was so down for those few weeks after New York. I hated seeing him like that, so sad and lost.”
“You don’t know the half of it.” Natasha muttered and Katie turned to her, frowning.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ll see.” Natasha said, airily as she too headed to the elevator “Come on.”
They made their way down through to the parking lot in time to see Katie unlocking the white range Rover that had ended up buried under the Triskellion. Steve hopped into the passenger side, and Katie said something to him. He turned, reached for his belt, clicked it in and then looked at her, arching his brows. She nodded and then pulled the car out of the spot.
“He hated seatbelts.” Katie smiled fondly before she imitated his deep baritone. “They didn’t have these in my day…”
“Seatbelts, toasters, microwaves, headless and faceless voices,” Tony ticked them off on his hands, “mobile phones, TVs…” “Flashy billionaires in red and gold metal suits.” Katie nudged him, and he turned to look at her, his trademark smirk on his face. She sighed “He didn’t take long to come round, all things considered.”
They hopped into Tony’s car and emerged into sunny Manhattan from the underground lot. Katie smiled, taking it all in fondly. It had changed, dramatically following the events of the Snap and was still a very different place to the one she had once loved and called home. And then sure enough, the scenery was changing once more and they were pulling into the parking lot at Nigara Falls State Park. They all climbed out, and Katie followed Tony and Natasha through the throng of sight seers, taking the route she could remember with Steve. She could recall this trip like it was yesterday. They’d spent a few hours walking around, down to the Cave of Winds…which seemed to be where they were heading now. And, sure enough, after a little time walking Tony stopped and nodded to where her past self and Steve were stood on the Hurricane Deck, both in bright yellow ponchos. Katie knew what was coming and her face split into a grin as she watched.
Suddenly a sheet of water blew right over them, drenching them both. Steve’s face arranged itself into utter shock and Katie burst into laughter as she glanced up at him, his hair flattened to his head, water dripping down his face.
“I told you to put the hood up!” She howled, tipping her head back as she laughed. He glanced at her, wiping his face, before another wave blew over them.
“What the hell!” He spluttered, before a grin split his face in two and he gave a chuckle as well, shaking his head. He turned to look at the waterfall, taking a huge breath, closing his eyes. After another few rounds of being drenched, Katie tapped his arm and jerked her head, the pair of them heading a little further down the trail. Steve reached up and brushed his soaking hair back from his face, looking at Katie who grinned back at him.
“Everyone who comes to Niagara has to feel the spray on their face.”
“That wasn’t spray!” Steve scoffed. “We might as well have jumped into the damned fall itself.”
“Now there’s an idea.” Katie mused “I reckon they’d let you if we asked.”
“Yeah, I mean I already did one plunge to my supposed death into icy water.” Steve looked at her “What’s another?”
“Ooh was that sarcasm?” Katie arched her eyebrow and Steve rolled his eyes.
“Maybe.” He shrugged and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Come on, we can head back up and grab a coffee. Take in the view where we’re safe and dry.”
Together they weaved their way back through the visitors, and Katie’s eyes were taken by a gang of people who were all pointing at Steve and nudging one another. “Don’t bother.” She said loudly, and they looked at her, frowning.“It’s not him. He just looks very similar. Makes a killing as tribute act.”
“What are you talking about?” Steve looked at her.
“Tell you in a bit.” She grabbed his elbow and steered him up a narrow, step-lined path towards a small outdoors coffee stall. “What’s your poison?”
“Erm. Just normal, I guess?”
“Can I get a large Latte and an Americano.” Katie turned back to the barista before she looked at Steve. “You want cream or…”
“Please.” He nodded. He’d drunk it black mostly when on tour in the army, but that was because there wasn’t much of an option for any other way. Katie nodded to the barista, thanked him and reached for her purse.
“Oh, I’ll get it.” Steve said quickly, fishing his wallet out and handing over a note. Katie looked at him, smiled and thanked him and they moved further down to wait for their coffee. “So who makes a killing as a tribute act?”
“You.” She shrugged. “Well, so I told them. They’d recognised you, I think.”
“Oh.” Steve looked around “Right.”
“It’s okay, I threw them off.” She smiled, taking her drink. She moved over to the table at the side, adding a sugar to hers and stirring. Steve did the same, another thing that had never been possible in the war and once they were sorted the two of them headed over to the little viewing area, which gave a safe look out over the expanse of the waterfalls.
“You’re right, it really is beautiful” Steve looked around, taking a sip of his coffee, his aviators placed on his face.
“Yeah, I like it.” She smiled.
“You come here often or…”
“Not been for years. In fact, the last time was just after my 21st. Me and Tony came for a day out, well, I say day, we actually stayed over. Made a weekend of it. It was fun.”
“Fun.” Steve repeated. “Yeah, I remember that.”
Katie sighed. “You know, I get that you’re pissed and confused, I would be as well, Steve but you’re being your own worst enemy now.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, a little defensively. She turned to him, completely nonplussed by his tone and eyed him shrewdly.
“You know, there’s a quote from one of my favourite films that sums up you and your ‘situation’,” she framed the words with quotation marks using her fingers, “perfectly.” She looked at him. “’You can either get busy living, or get busy dying’.”
Steve took a deep breath, his face still trained on hers and she saw him swallowing a little.
“The world has changed Steve, there’s no escaping that,” Katie reached out to take his hand, giving it a little squeeze, “but that doesn’t make it any less beautiful.”
She watched as he took a deep breath and turned away from her, his hand still linked in hers as he looked back over the waterfall. He didn’t reply.
Katie wiped at her eyes as Tony dropped an arm round her shoulder, totally swept up in the emotion. “Fuck,” she swallowed, “I…”
“I know.” Tony said gently as she leaned into him, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“He just looks so,” Katie glanced at Steve, “defeated. That’s exactly how he looked in Wakanda when…” She trailed off. “I hate seeing him like this.”
“I know but remember this didn’t last long.” Tony soothed her. “You got through to him.”
“Big time.” Natasha added, gently. “Nova, this was a pivotal moment in Steve’s life. He always told me that ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ was a personal favourite of his, and this is why.”
“Yeah, I know. He’s told me.” Katie sniffed. “In fact, he told me not long after we started dating that this moment was what made him kick himself up the ass, realise that he had to try and move forward. It’s why we came back here a few times. But it didn’t make it any easier for him you know? He still struggled.”
“No, but you did.” Natasha looked at her. “You made it a hell of a lot easier for him. You know this.”
Katie nodded. “Yeah, like I say, he’s told me plenty of times. Still, guess he had no option. Not like he could go back was it?”
“Well, he could have.” Tony shrugged. “When I cracked Time Travel.”
“I mean at the time.” Katie shot Tony a glare. “Stop being facetious.”
“Yeah, about that, that isn’t strictly true either. Well, maybe not the Time Travel thing but…” Natasha trailed off as Katie looked at her, frowning.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ll see.” Nat smiled. “Come on.”
Katie looked at Tony who simply shrugged before she tossed a glance back over to her past self who was now stood with Steve, both engaged in a conversation. She fondly recalled how it had taken a lighter turn, Katie telling Steve about her experiences in London, and he his, both of them sharing a laugh about how the two were very different. She made a mental note to tell him they needed to come back to Niagara soon, with the kids this time. With a final, fond look at the back of her soldier, she turned and followed her friend and brother towards the car.
“Now this takes me back.” Katie smiled, fondly looking around the inside of Steve’s New York apartment that SHIELD had put him up in. It was clean and tidy, nothing out of place. Not unlike his home in DC had been, well, that is until she had descended upon it and caused chaos. She used to take great delight in moving things around and seeing how long it took him to notice and especially wearing odd socks which she would flash when she kicked off her sneakers and either dropped her feet onto the coffee table or up on the sofa besides him. He had hated that, so much so that for her birthday the first year he’d known her, he’d jokingly bought her a bumper pack of the items which were labelled with the days of the weeks on. More fool him though, as she’d simply mixed them all up and started wearing them on the wrong days. Rori now wore odd socks too, copying her, and Steve simply rolled his eyes every time he saw it, chuckling to himself.
Just another way he had come so far from the uptight man he had been all those years ago.
She wheeled round as she saw Steve walk into the apartment, in the same outfit as she had been in at Niagara. She glanced at the calendar on the wall and realised it was the same day, this must have been the night they had gotten home.
Curiously, she followed him into the kitchen where he pulled out a beer and popped the lid with his hand.
“Show off.” Tony mumbled and Katie snorted.
“He still does that you know, not all the time but, when he’s feeling like wants to be particularly macho.” Katie smiled fondly.
The three of them watched as Steve sat down at the small table, both his large hands cradling his drink as he sat still, his eyes fixated on a spot on the wall, his face deep in concentration. Katie felt her chest contract a little, he looked so damned lost.
He reached for his phone, pulling it out, looking at it. It was a Samsung, Katie had shown him how to use it, she remembered and she also remembered showing him how to take photos with it, which she knew he’d done at Niagara, testing it out.
This was strange for her to watch, as she hadn’t been here for this moment previously. So she couldn’t know for sure what he was thinking as he looked at his phone. She took a step towards him, peering over his shoulder as she glanced down at what he was looking at. It was a picture of the water fall he’d taken as they stood with a coffee, and then he swiped to the next one which was the first ‘selfie’ of the pair of them ever taken, one which still sat in a frame on the side in their hallway. Steve had crouched down to get into the frame, as Katie couldn’t quite reach far enough otherwise and he’d smiled, a little awkwardly, but it made for a good shot all things considered. She’d teased him relentlessly about being the Poster Boy of the damned War, but being so shit at actually taking a photo. So much so at one point he’d threatened to throw her over the railing. She’d laughed than and slapped his arm, drawing a chuckle from him in response.
Steve gave a little sigh as he looked at the photo, before he turned the screen off, drained his beer and pushed his chair back from the table. Picking up his jacket he left, locking the door behind him.
“What…” Katie looked at Natasha who nodded to the door.
Katie frowned, opened it and stepped through…and found herself in an office. Only this wasn’t at the Triskellion, it was at their base in New York. Steve was stood in front of Fury, who was lounging in a chair.
“I take it from the demand to see me immediately you’ve come to a decision?” Fury eyed Steve and the soldier took a deep breath.
“Yes, I have Sir.”
“I don’t want to go back into stasis.” Steve spoke clearly. “I was tempted but, well, I’ve been given a second shot at my life. I owe it to those men, all my friends who didn’t, not to throw it away.”
Fury took a deep breath and nodded. “Good, I’m glad. Like I said a few months back, the world could still use a man like you, Cap.”
Steve nodded. “I’ll take the position in SHIELD it it’s still open. Just tell me where I need to be and when.”
Fury smiled. “Consider it done.”
“Thank you.” Steve said, before he nodded to the door. “I’ll see myself out.”
As he turned to go, Fury stopped him. “I’m curious, what changed your mind, other than owing it to the dead?”
Steve hesitated and turned to the Director, a small smile on his face. “Let’s just say I had my eyes opened. The world has changed, but it’s still a beautiful place.”
Katie’s breathing was deep as she watched Steve leave the office, “He…he was going…” the words caught in her throat as she looked at Natasha, completely in shock at the scene she had just watched.
Natasha nodded. “Fury offered him the chance to go into stasis, to be frozen again, and brought back out if we ever needed him. Just like HYDRA did with Barnes.”
“He never told me that.” Katie sniffed, her eyes stinging with tears. “He never mentioned any of this to me, I can’t…”
At that point she began to cry and she turned to Tony who wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his chest. The thought that Steve had felt so lost he had even considered this broke her damned heart and she couldn’t stop the tears as they continued to fall. And more so, she couldn’t understand why he had never told her.
“‘I’m only strong because you’re by my side.’ Remember those words?” Tony spoke gently.
“Of course I do.” Katie sniffed and wiped her eyes, stepping back a little to look at her brother. “It was in his wedding speech…”
“Exactly.” Tony smiled, reaching up to brush her tears away with his thumbs. “You gave him the strength to keep going when everything and everyone he knew was lost.”
“Without you being there, Rogers would have ended up as nothing more than a Soldier, wheeled out by SHIELD when they needed him.” Natasha sighed gently. “It’s twisted, I know, given Barnes’ history, but that’s the way it is. Captain America would have been SHIELD’s version of the Winter Soldier. But you showed him there was a life to live, and he made that decision to damned well live it.”
Katie took a deep, shaky breath. “I wanna go home.” She whispered, gently. “I wanna wake up, I’ve seen enough. I want my kids, I want Steve.”
“Just give us one more stop.” Tony soothed, softly “One more, please Kiddo, there’s something else I want you to see.”
Katie looked away as more tears brimmed in her eyes before she glanced back at her brother then to Natasha.
“I can’t.” “Do you trust me?” Tony looked at her and she sighed.
“Of course I do.”
“Then let me show you one last memory. And then, well, then we can say goodbye.”
“Jesus Christ, Tone.” Katie cried, her voice cracking. “Don’t say it like that.”
“Hey, look at me.” Her brother instructed, and she turned to face him, swallowing as tears poured down her face, her chest aching with raw emotion. “You know this was never permanent. We’re gonna have to go at some point.”
“I know, I just…” Katie shook her head. She glanced back over at Fury who was furiously talking into his phone, most likely to Coulson from the snippets she caught as he discussed Steve, and she took a deep breath, steeling herself and turning back to Tony.
“Okay, let’s get this over with.”
“That’s the spirit.” Tony smiled, dropping an arm round her shoulder.
As they headed into the corridor, Tony looked around, taking the surroundings in as they walked to the elevator.
“Do you remember my speech?” He asked as he hit the ground floor button. “At your wedding, I mean.”
“Of course I do.” Katie smiled “I remember yours, Steve’s Sam’s…Steve nearly died at Sam’s comment about being friends with Captain America doubling your chances of getting laid”
“Yeah, it was pretty funny, but mine was better.” Tony shrugged flippantly, and Katie rolled her eyes, snorting a little as the elevator doors closed.
 **Original Posting**
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Stark Spangled Destiny
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Ch 4- Get Busy Living, Or Get Busy Dying
Chapter Summary: We check back in with Steve and the Kids, before Katie is taken back to a time a few weeks post the Battle of New York, where she desperately tries to get through to a despondent Steve.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: So these chapters contain flashbacks of sorts- but they’re not flashbacks as Katie is watching the events unfold in front of her-a “Time heist” of sorts. However, to keep it clear and hopefully not confusing, the events she is watching are depicted in itallics instead of me trying to keep calling her 2010 v 2030 Katie…
Huge thanks to @icanfeelastormbrewing​ and @southerngracela​ for beta reading this before. You girls are awesome.
I thought long and hard about posting this today, but it was finished this morning and I sure can read the emotion I was feeling when I wrote it, and I wanted to share it. This was my outlay.
Rest in power, King. Wakanda Forever.
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When Steve arrived home, Emmy’s car was already in the driveway. Rori gave a little squeal at the fact her sister was home and shot off to the front door of the house, bouncing on the step.
“Hurry Daddy!” she turned to look at him.
“Alright, alright…” he chuckled, reaching her with a few strides and pressing his palm to the access pad. The door clicked open and Rori shot inside, running down the hallway shouting Emmy’s name, Harry toddling behind her as fast as he could followed by Stark, his nails causing him to slip on the wooden floor as he ran, sliding ass first into the small table which thankfully didn’t fall over.
“Rori, hush!” Steve hastily tried to quiet her for fear Katie was asleep, but to no avail. With a sigh he pushed Flossie’s stroller in and then once Jamie had followed him inside he closed the door, the security system clicking back into place.
“Am I banished to my room now?” Jamie looked at him.
Steve took a deep breath, before he shook his head. “Not yet no, but you’re going up after dinner.”
“Okay.” Jamie nodded as he kicked off his sneakers and picked them up, placing them in the rack by the door. “I think I’m gonna go up anyway.”
Steve looked at him, and nodded, watching as he headed off to the stairs, his shoulders slumped a little. He hated it when any of his kids were upset but this was Jamie’s own doing. With a sigh he gently picked Flossie out of her stroller, bent to retrieve the flowers that they’d all chosen from the little meadow and headed into the kitchen where he could hear Rori gabbling on excitedly.
“Hey Dad.” Emmy looked up at him, a little sheepishly given their earlier exchanged and he smiled at her as she came towards him, arms outstretched. He passed Flossie over and then placed the flowers on the side before retrieving an empty vase from the windowsill. He let out a little sigh, this vase was never empty, he usually made sure of that by always bringing Katie some flowers home once a week or so, but as he filled it up with water he realised he’d been as guilty of neglecting her and taking her foregranted a little as anyone else in the house had been.
“I take it Mom’s still sleeping?” Emmy asked and Steve turned to look at her.
“Yeah, she must be.” He nodded “I’ll go wake her in a little while once we’ve ordered dinner.”
“I really am sorry.” Emmy began and Steve held his hand up.
“I know, it’s done ok.” He shook his head “We just need to make sure in future we help out a little more.”
“Daddy…” Rori tugged on his jeans and he looked down “Can you try and fix my doll now?”
“Yeah, sure.” He nodded, looking at the offended broken Barbie doll on the side. Whatever had happened between Jamie and Rori, Jamie had managed to snap the head off from the neck. He took it in his hands, had a quick look before he disappeared into the laundry room for the superglue. After a little careful application he’d managed to reattach it reasonably well.
“All fixed.” he walked back in, holding the damned doll upright as Rori gave an excited squeal “But you need to leave it to set ok?”
“Daddy you’re the best!” she hugged him tight and he chuckled as he passed it to her.
“Be careful.”
Rori nodded as she looked at the doll and then her face fell. “But I can still see the break.” She whispered.
“I can’t do anything about that princess.” Steve sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“I can…” Emmy said suddenly “Rori, go grab your craft kit.”
Rori looked at her, then to Steve who shrugged, before she thrust the doll back at him and disappeared into the den. Steve gave Emmy a questioning look and she simply winked as she placed Flossie down on the play-mat in the corner of the room, where the baby let out a loud shriek and wiggled her legs and arms excitedly at the activity station above her, grabbing at one of the rattles.
Rori came back in, carrying the little plastic box that she kept all of her stuff for colouring and sticking in the Crap Book, and set it down on the table as she scrambled into a seat. Emmy dropped next to her and opened the lid.
“Ok, so…” she began sifting through the stuff in the box and then pulled out 4 little squares of material that Rori had in there. “Which one is best?”
“Erm…” Rori looked at them before she pointed to a bright pink piece “That one.” “Good choice.” Emmy nodded. She reached into the box once more and pulled out the crimping scissors that were in there because Rori liked the shape it left on the edge of things. Steve watched as his eldest carefully cut a thin sliver of the material off. “Dad, can you pass me headless Barbie?”
Steve smiled and headed the doll back over and Emmy wound the material round the doll’s neck, tying it in place at the front with a knot.
“There.” She said as Rori gave a huge gasp and a smile “Line gone and Barbie now has a kerchief.”
“That’s awesome!” Rori grinned, giving her sister a hug “Thank you Emmy.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Now, Aurora…” Steve looked at her and she glanced at him, her face falling at the use of her full name, because she knew full well what it meant “If I find out you’ve hit Jamie with it again, it’s going straight in the garbage, you understand me?” “Yes Daddy.” She said, her eyes falling down to the table.
“Ok.” He nodded before he looked at Emmy “I don’t know about you, but I could use a beer.”
Emmy smiled “Sure. Sounds good.”
“Can I-“
“No.” Steve cut Rori off “You can have a juice box. What flavour do you want?”
“Can I have apple please?”
“Sure.” He turned to Harry who was sat at the table, pushing a small car across the surface “Hey Buddy, you want a juice box too?”
“Owange pwease.” He looked at Steve who nodded and moved to the fridge. He passed the kids each a drink, piercing Harry’s with the straw for him before he moved to the wine cooler and pulled two beers out of the beer section at the bottom. He flipped the lids on the opener set into the unit and slid one over to Emmy as Rori hopped down from the table and announced the was going to the Den.
“Any luck on the apartment hunting?” he asked and she wrinkled her nose.
“Not really.” She shrugged. “We can’t agree on anywhere. I like a place, Pete isn’t so keen…he likes somewhere, I’m not sure.” She looked at Steve “How did you and mom agree on this place?”
“We just walked in and knew it was right.” He shrugged “We were in a slightly different position though. We’d been living in our apartment and the compound for so long, I think this place just ticked everything we wanted. Plus, your mom was pregnant with Jamie so…we saw past the tiny little niggles we had and focussed on the good bits and there were far many more points we liked. We changed the bits we didn’t eventually.” He looked around the kitchen “And it’s nice. It’s home.”
“Pete’s not really comfortable with you and mom saying you’d buy us somewhere.” Emmy said gently and Steve smiled, chuckling.
“I wasn’t comfortable with your mom basically buying this place either.” He shrugged “But, well as she pointed out we were married by then, it was a moot point.” He took a pull from his bottle “Did she ever tell you about the house we viewed before we got married?” Emmy grinned and nodded “Danni with an I, remember?” Steve snorted and then shrugged “Yeah, so I had a hard time with that because I had nowhere near as much money as your mom to put down but, it’s just money Em. Easy to say when you have it but if you and Pete are ready to settle down and be together then it shouldn’t be an issue. You want me to talk to him?” “No.” Emmy said quickly “Absolutely not. You already scare the sh…” she stopped herself swearing and Steve arched a brow “You scare the life out of him.”
“Good.” Steve grinned “I’m your dad. That’s my job.”
Emmy rolled her eyes and Steve bit back a chuckle, checking his watch. It was almost 7pm. So much for an early night for this lot.
“Right, I’m going to order dinner.” He said, “Fancy doing me a favour?”
“Sure.” Emmy shrugged
“Can you get Harry a bath and into his pyjamas? I’ll round the other two up once you’re done.”
“No bath from Emmy.” Harry mumbled “Momma gives me my bath.”
“Momma’s sleeping buddy, but she’ll come down in a little while for dinner ok?”
Harry looked at him and then grinned “Emmy…daddy got momma wet yesterday.”
Steve spluttered on his beer as Emmy looked at him, arching an eyebrow.
“He means at bath time.” Steve hastily explained “Harry was splashing and it ended up in a slight water fight…”
“Well of course, what else could he mean?” Emmy rolled her eyes before she groaned “God that’s a disgusting image…”
Steve blushed a little before he shook his head, pulling out his phone. “Pizza?”
Emmy nodded before she frowned “Actually, whilst I’m ok with whatever, surely mom would prefer her favourite if she’s feeling down?”
Steve pondered “Good point. I can order from both. You want a burger or…”
Em nodded “I’ll have the same as mom, double cheese with a side of chilli fries…oh, and can we get some mac and cheese to share?”
Steve nodded “Consider it done.”
Emmy smiled and then stood up. “Ok Harry, let’s go get you bathed.”
Harry looked at her, before he grinned “Nope.” And in a flash he was off his chair, sprinting out of the room, cackling to himself. Emmy shook her head and with a snort took off after him. Steve watched them go, smiling to himself for a second before he set about ordering their dinner. ***** “Hey…” Katie looked at Steve as he emerged into her tower penthouse “You ok?”
“Yeah, no…I dunno.” He sighed, “I’m sorry to barge in and bother you but…”
“It’s ok, I’m not busy.” She looked at him frowning, “What’s up Steve?”
“I had a meeting with Fury before.” He said, “He was going on about the academy and stuff he has planned and…” he trailed off
“Say what’s on your mind.” Katie said gently, taking him in. It had only been 2 weeks since the battle of New York, and Steve looked absolutely exhausted. She could tell he wasn’t sleeping. She’d seen him a handful of times over the past fortnight and he’d started to look more and more drawn with each visit.
“It’s overwhelming” Steve said, shaking his head “Everything…it’s so noisy and…” he swallowed “Look, sorry, I’m just…I don’t know what I’m doing here. The world is so different. This isn’t me.” Katie pondered something for a minute, before she had a sudden wave of inspiration.
“Ever seen Niagara falls?”
“What?” Steve frowned, utterly perplexed at her change of subject “No, but what’s…”
“I think you need a little head space.” She mused, before she spoke “JARVIS?”
“Yes Miss Stark.” The AI responded and Steve jumped a little. He wasn’t sure he’d ever get used to the voice belonging to a man that didn’t actually exist.
“Can you patch through and get one of the jets ready. Set a course for Niagara, I want to take a trip.”
“Of course Miss Stark.” Jarvis said “Give me a moment.”
“We can’t just fly to Niagara.” Steve looked at Katie horrified “I mean…”
“The beauty of having a personal, private Jet is just that Steve.” She grinned “I can go where I want, when I want most of the time anyway.”
“Isn’t that a little...”
“Self-indulgent? Eccentric? Arrogant?” she looked at him, arching an eyebrow and he sighed, shaking his head.
“I didn’t mean that…I wasn’t…”
“Well if you did you’d be correct, of course it is.” She shrugged “But it comes in handy, and part and parcel of being friends with a Stark is you get the privilege too. And if you’re worried about the environment, don’t be. They run on self-sufficient energy sources, like this place.”
“Sorry.” Steve sighed, “I didn’t mean to sound rude.”
Katie shrugged, “It’s ok.”
“Miss Stark?” JARVIS spoke again “The Jet will be ready to leave in half an hour. Would you like me to organise a car?”
“No need, I’ll take mine. Can you have Happy sort the clearances for myself and Captain Rogers, and a car at the other side?”
“Of course”
“Thanks J.” she said, then she looked at Steve “How about it Cap? A little spontaneous fun might be just what you need?”
“I don’t know.”
“Oh come on!” She pleaded “You need to learn to let go, live in the moment. Not everything has to be so serious Steve.”
Steve looked at her as she raised her eyebrows before he rolled his eyes “Fine.”
She gave him a grin and nodded “Ok, wait here, gonna grab my jacket.”
“Do I need anything?” he asked “Like to fly or…”
“No, you’re good.” She tossed over her shoulder as she headed into her room. Shoving on a pair of sneakers and grabbing her leather jacket she walked back out to find Steve stood in exactly the same place he had been, his hands twisting together almost nervously. She took him in for a moment, he was wearing a pair of light grey slacks, a blue and white plaid with a white t-shirt just visible where the top 3 buttons where undone and a brown leather jacket. “Ok, so what’s your schedule like next week?”
“I err, I don’t have a….what?” he looked at her, frowning.
“Never mind, I’ll sort it. We’re going clothes shopping.”
“No, absolutely not.” He shook his head.
“Steve you can’t walk around dressed like that forever.” She scoffed “You want a quiet life? You’re gonna have to blend in a little.”
As she watched his face fell and she cursed herself. “It’s not that you look bad. You don’t, at all. But trust me, the more you can embrace the changes in your life the happier you’re gonna feel.”
“Who says I want to embrace it?” He mumbled.
“Don’t you?” she challenged, looking at him. He gave a sigh and shrugged. “Well, that’s up to you. I can’t make your mind up for you.” “No? You’ve done a pretty good job of that today so far.” He quipped and she looked at him.
“If you really don’t want to go then we don’t have to.” She replied, not a shred of annoyance or anger in her voice “I just thought it might be nice to get away from the noise. Both out there and in here…” she reached up and gently tapped his temple. There was a moment’s pause before Steve took a deep breath and smiled.
“No, I know. You’re right.” He nodded “Lead the way.”
“God I never realised how forceful I was.” Katie mused, watching as her past self and Steve headed into the elevator. She turned to Tony “I was worse than you!”
“Hmmmm” Tony rotated his hand in front of him on a so-so motion “Not quite…”
“He needed it though.” Katie mused “God he was so down for those few weeks after New York. I hated seeing him like that, so sad and lost.”
“You don’t know the half of it.” Natasha said and Katie turned to her, frowning.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ll see.” Natasha said, airily as she too headed to the elevator “Come on.”
They made their way down through to the parking lot in time to see Katie unlocking the white range Rover that had ended up buried under the Triskellion. Steve hopped into the passenger side, and Katie said something to him. He turned, reached for his belt, clicked it in and then looked at her, arching his brows. She nodded and then pulled the car out of the spot.
“He hated seatbelts.” Katie said fondly before she imitated his deep baritone “They didn’t have these in my day…”
“Seatbelts, toasters, microwaves, headless and faceless voices…” Tony said, ticking them off on his hands “Mobile phones, TVs…” “Flashy billionaires in red and gold metal suits.” Katie nudged him, and he turned to look at her, his trademark smirk on his face. She sighed “He didn’t take long to come round, all things considered.”
They hopped into Tony’s car and emerged into sunny Manhattan from the underground lot. Katie smiled, taking it all in fondly. It had changed, dramatically following the events of the Snap and was still a very different place to the one she had once loved and called home. And then sure enough, the scenery was changing once more and they were pulling into the parking lot at Nigara Falls State Park. They all climbed out, and Katie followed Tony and Natasha through the throng of sight seers, taking the route she could remember with Steve. She could recall this trip like it was yesterday. They’d spent a few hours walking around, down to the Cave of Winds…which seemed to be where they were heading now. And, sure enough, after a little time walking Tony stopped and nodded to where her past self and Steve were stood on the Hurricane Deck, both in bright yellow ponchos. Katie knew what was coming and her face split into a grin…
Suddenly a sheet of water blew right over them, drenching them both. Steve’s face arranged itself into utter shock and Katie burst into laughter as she glanced up at him, his hair flattened to his head, water dripping down his face.
“I told you to put the hood up!” she howled, tipping her head back as she laughed. He glanced at her, wiping his face, before another wave blew over them.
“What, the hell!” he spluttered, before a grin split his face in two and he gave a chuckle as well, shaking his head. He turned to look at the waterfall, taking a huge breath, closing his eyes. After another few rounds of being drenched, Katie tapped his arm and jerked her head, the pair of them heading a little further down the trail. Steve reached up and brushed his soaking hair back from his face, looking at Katie who grinned back at him.
“Everyone who comes to Niagara has to feel the spray on their face.” She said.
“That wasn’t spray!” he spluttered “We might as well have jumped into the damned fall itself.”
“Now there’s an idea.” Katie mused “I reckon they’d let you if we asked.”
“Yeah, I mean I already did one plunge to my supposed death into icy water.” Steve looked at her “What’s another?”
“Ooh was that sarcasm?” Katie looked at him and he rolled his eyes.
“Maybe.” He shrugged and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Come on, we can head back up and grab a coffee. Take in the view where we’re safe and dry.”
Together they weaved their way back through the visitors, and Katie’s eyes were taken by a gang of people who were all pointing at Steve and nudging one another. “Don’t bother.” She said loudly, and they looked at her, frowning “It’s not him. He just looks very similar. Makes a killing as tribute act.”
“What are you talking about?” Steve looked at her.
“Tell you in a bit.” She said, grabbing his elbow and steering him up a small path towards a small outdoors coffee stall. “What’s your poison?”
“Erm..” he frowned “Just normal…I…”
“Can I get a large Latte and an Americano.” Katie turned back to the barista “You want cream or…”
“Please.” He nodded. He’d drunk it black mostly when on tour in the army, but that was because there wasn’t much of an option for any other way. She nodded to the barista, thanked him and reached for her purse.
“Oh, I’ll get it.” Steve said quickly, fishing his wallet out and handing over a note. Katie looked at him, smiled and thanked him and they moved further down to wait for their coffee. “So who makes a killing as a tribute act?”
“You.” She shrugged “Well, so I told them. They’d recognised you, I think.”
“Oh.” Steve looked around “Right…”
“It’s ok, I threw them off.” She said, smiling and taking the drink. She moved over to the table at the side, adding a sugar to hers and stirring. Steve did the same, another thing that had never been possible in the war and once they were sorted the two of them headed over to the little viewing area, which gave a safe look out over the expanse of the waterfalls.
“You’re right, it really is beautiful” Steve said, taking a sip of his coffee, his aviators placed on his face.
“Yeah, I like it.” Katie smiled.
“You come here often or…”
“Not been for years. “ She said “In fact, the last time was just after my 21st. Me and Tony came for a day out…well, I say day, we actually stayed over. Made a weekend of it. It was fun.”
“Fun.” Steve repeated. “Yeah, I remember that…”
Katie sighed “You know, I get that you’re pissed and confused, I would be as well Steve but you’re being your own worst enemy now.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked, a little defensively. She turned to him, completely nonplussed by his tone and eyed him shrewdly
“You know, there’s a quote from one of my favourite films that sums up you and your ‘situation’” she framed the words with quotation marks using her fingers “…perfectly.” She looked at him, “You can either get busy living, or get busy dying.”
Steve took a deep breath, his face still trained on hers and she saw him swallowing a little.
“The world has changed Steve, there’s no escaping that.” She said gently, reaching out to take his hand, giving it a little squeeze “But that doesn’t make it any less beautiful.”
She watched as he took a deep breath and turned away from her, his hand still linked in hers as he looked back over the waterfall. He didn’t reply.
Katie wiped at her eyes as Tony dropped an arm round her shoulder, totally swept up in the emotion. “Fuck…” she swallowed, “I…”
“I know.” Tony said gently as she leaned into him, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“He just looks so…” Katie glanced at Steve “Defeated. That’s exactly how he looked in Wakanda when…” She trailed off “I hate seeing him like this.”
“I know but remember this didn’t last long.” Tony said gently “You got through to him.”
“Big time.” Natasha said, gently “This was a pivotal moment. He always told me that The Shawshank Redemption was a personal favourite of his, and this is why.”
“Yeah, I know. He’s told me.” Katie sniffed “In fact, he told me not long after we started dating that this moment was what made him kick himself up the ass, realise that he had to try and move forward. It’s why we came back here a few times….but it didn’t make it any easier for him you know? He still struggled…”
“No, but you did.” Natasha looked at her “You made it a hell of a lot easier for him. You know this.”
Katie nodded “Yeah, like I say, he’s told me plenty of times. Still, guess he had no option. Not like he could go back was it?”
“Well, he could have.” Tony shrugged ���When I cracked Time Travel…”
“No I mean at the time.” Katie shot Tony a glare. “Stop being facetious…”
“Yeah, about that…that isn’t strictly true either. Well, maybe not the Time Travel thing but…” Natasha trailed off as Katie looked at her, frowning.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ll see.” Nat smiled “Come on.”
Katie looked at Tony who simply shrugged before she tossed a glance back over to her past self who was now stood with Steve, both engaged in a conversation. She fondly recalled how it had taken a lighter turn, Katie telling Steve about her experiences in London, and he his, both of them sharing a laugh about how the two were very different. She made a mental note to tell him they needed to come back to Niagara soon, with the kids this time. Jamie, Rori and Harry would love it. With a final, fond look at the back of her soldier, she turned and followed her friend and brother towards the car.
“Now this takes me back.” Katie smiled, fondly looking around the inside of Steve’s New York apartment that SHIELD had put him up in. It was clean and tidy, nothing out of place. Not unlike his home in DC had been, well, that is until she had descended upon it and caused chaos. She used to take great delight in moving things around and seeing how long it took him to notice and especially wearing odd socks which she would flash when she kicked off her sneakers and either dropped her feet onto the coffee table or up on the sofa besides him. He had hated that, so much so that for her birthday the first year he’d known her, he’d jokingly bought her a bumper pack of the items which were labelled with the days of the weeks on. More fool him though, as she’d simply mixed them all up and started wearing them on the wrong days. Rori now wore odd socks too, copying her, and Steve simply rolled his eyes every time he saw it, chuckling to himself. Just another way he had come so far from the uptight man he had been all those years ago.
She wheeled round as she saw Steve walk into the apartment, in the same outfit as she had been in at Niagara. She glanced at the calendar on the wall and realised it was the same day, this must have been the night they had gotten home.
Curiously, she followed him into the kitchen where he pulled out a beer and popped the lid with his hand.
“Show off.” Tony mumbled and Katie snorted.
“He still does that you know, not all the time but…when he’s feeling like wants to be particularly macho…” Katie smiled fondly.
The three of them watched as Steve sat down at the small table, both his large hands cradling his drink as he sat still, his eyes fixated on a spot on the wall, his face deep in concentration. Katie felt her chest contract a little, he looked so damned lost.
He reached for his phone, pulling it out, looking at it. It was a Samsung, Katie had shown him how to use it, she remembered and she also remembered showing him how to take photos with it, which she knew he’d done at Niagara, testing it out.
This was strange for her to watch, as she hadn’t been here for this moment previously. So she couldn’t know for sure what he was thinking as he looked at his phone. She took a step towards him, peering over his shoulder as she peered down at what he was looking at. It was a picture of the water fall he’d taken as they stood with a coffee, and then he swiped to the next one which was the first ‘selfie’ of the pair of them ever taken, one which still sat in a frame on the side in their hallway. Steve had crouched down to get into the frame, as Katie couldn’t quite reach far enough otherwise and he’d smiled, a little awkwardly, but it made for a good shot all things considered. She’d teased him relentlessly about being the Poster Boy of the damned War, but being so shit at actually taking a photo. So much so at one point he’d threatened to throw her over the railing. She’d laughed than and slapped his arm, drawing a chuckle from him in response.
Steve gave a little sigh as he looked at the photo, before he turned the screen off, drained his beer and pushed his chair back from the table. Picking up his jacket he left, locking the door behind him.
“What…” Katie looked at Natasha who nodded to the door.
Katie frowned, opened it and stepped through…and found herself in an office. Only this wasn’t at the Triskellion, it was at their base in New York. Steve was stood in front of Fury, who was lounging in a chair.
“I take it from the demand to see me immediately you’ve come to a decision?” Fury eyed Steve and the soldier took a deep breath.
“Yes, I have Sir.”
“I don’t want to go back into stasis.” Steve spoke clearly “I was tempted but, well, I’ve been given a second shot at my life. I owe it to those men who didn’t not to throw it away.”
Fury took a deep breath and nodded “Good, I’m glad. Like I said a few months back, the world could still use a man like you Captain Rogers.”
Steve nodded “I’ll take the position in SHIELD it it’s still open. Just tell me where I need to be and when.”
Fury smiled “Consider it done.”
“Thank you.” Steve said, before he nodded to the door “I’ll see myself out.”
As he turned to go, Fury stopped him “I’m curious…what changed your mind, other than owing it to the dead?”
Steve hesitated and turned to the Director, a small smile on his face “Let’s just say I had my eyes opened. The world has changed, but it’s still a beautiful place.”
Katie’s breathing was deep as she watched Steve leave the office, “He…he was going…” the words caught in her throat as she looked at Natasha, completely in shock at the scene she had just watched.
Natasha nodded “Fury offered him the chance to go into stasis, to be frozen again, and brought back out if we ever needed him.”
“Like Hydra did with Barnes.” Tony said gently.
“He never told me that.” Katie sniffed, her eyes stinging with tears “He never mentioned any of this to me, I can’t…”
At that point she began to cry and she turned to Tony who wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his chest. The thought that he had felt so lost he had even considered this broke her damned heart and she couldn’t stop the tears as they continued to fall. And more so, she couldn’t understand why he had never told her.
“ ‘I’m only strong because you’re by my side’…remember those words?” Tony said gently.
“Of course I do.” Katie sniffed and wiped her eyes “It was in his wedding speech…”
“Exactly.” Tony smiled, reaching up to brush her tears away with his thumbs. “You gave him the strength to keep going when everything he knew, everyone he knew was lost.”
“Without you being there Steve would have ended up as nothing more than a Soldier, wheeled out by SHIELD when they needed him.” Natasha said gently “It’s twisted, I know, given Barnes’ history but that’s the way it is. Captain America would have been SHIELD’s version of the Winter Soldier. By showing him there was a life to live, he made that decision to damned well live it.”
Katie took a deep, shaky breath “I wanna go home.” She said gently “I wanna wake up, I’ve seen enough. I want my kids, I want Steve…”
“Just give us one more stop.” Tony said, softly “One more…please Kiddo, there’s something else I want you to see.”
Katie looked away as more tears brimmed in her eyes before she glanced back at her brother then to Natasha.
“I can’t…” “Do you trust me?” Tony looked at her and she sighed.
“Of course I do.”
“Then let me show you one last memory. And then…well, then we can say goodbye.”
“Jesus Christ Tony.” Katie cried, her voice cracking “Don’t say it like that.”
“Hey, look at me.” Her brother instructed, and she turned to face him, swallowing as tears poured down her face, her chest aching with raw emotion “You know this was never permanent. We’re gonna have to go at some point.”
“I know…I just…” Katie shook her head, stepping back a bit and wiping her eyes. She glanced back over at Fury who was furiously talking into his phone, most likely to Coulson from the snippets she caught as he discussed Steve and she took a deep breath, steeling herself and turning to Tony.
“Ok, let’s get this over with.”
“That’s the spirit.” Tony smiled, dropping an arm round her shoulder.
As they headed into the corridor, Tony looked around, taking the surroundings in as they walked to the elevator.
“Do you remember my speech?” he asked as he hit the ground floor button. “At your wedding, I mean.”
“Of course I do.” Katie said “I remember yours, Steve’s Sam’s…Steve nearly died at Sam’s comment about being friends with Captain America doubling your chances of getting laid”
“Yeah, it was pretty funny, but mine was better.” Tony said flippantly, and Katie rolled her eyes, snorting a little as the elevator doors closed.
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respect-the-fae · 4 years
Things that remind me of: Aphrodite
Time for Aphrodite! I love her! She's like my mum! I work with her and Ares alot, I would go as far as to say that she's my matron, along with Hekate. She's so wonderful, but also absolutely terrifying, my favourite epithet of hers is Aphrodite Epitumbidia, which means She Upon The Graves. Anyway, I'm rambling, this will also probably be long. I'm glad you guys like my dumbass thought process so much 😂
Getting butterflies in your stomach bc your crush/partner/spouse walks in and your brain stops working and you can't stop admiring them and their aura and the wonderful personality you know they have and you only thought is "oh my god I wanna kiss them."
When kids have dolls and they make intricate love triangles and dramas with them, where Barbie number 12 wants to marry Ken number 6 and Ken number 3 wants to marry her instead so he pushes 6 down the stairs so he can have 12 all to himself. (Why was that so specific? 😂)
Doing romantic things impulsively. Seeing your partners favourite flowers, or sweets, or anything that reminds you of them and immediately buying it, just because you think it will make them smile.
Best friend necklaces/bracelets/rings, etc. Aphrodite is platonic and familial love, as well as romantic and sexual.
When your best friend gets their heart broken and you clench your fists and bite your lip so hard you draw blood, when all you see is red and your chest is heaving with rage because HOW DARE THEY. And if asked later, if you were the one who slashed their tyres, you smile and say no. No one believes it, but there isn't any evidence. You only slashed 3 of them, so their insurance won't cover it.
Safe sex. Aphrodite does not like unsafe sex. She lived through the times where it wasn't safe, when love and lust gave those she blessed and adored illnesses that she wasn't allowed to save them from. It makes her so angry and hurt when the sex isn't safe, because it's just an extra few seconds to use a condom and confirm that they got tested recently and it was negative before losing yourself to passion.
Feeding the birds in the park.
Stalking your friend's crush and scaring everyone because "holy fuck, you were like 10 minutes, why do you know his middle name, hospital of birth, and his aunt's 4 divorced husband's names?"
The Addams Family. Gomez and Morticia's marriage is awesome, and their unconditional love for anyone with quirks, and their habit of adopting everyone who they like and see needs a family is what my experience with Aphrodite is like. She and Ares saved me.
PET NAMES. Darling. Love. Honey. Angel. Princess. Kitten. Dear. Sweetheart. Little One. Sweetie. Doll. Baby. Babe. Bambi. All other variations! They all remind me of her and I LOVE THEM.
Flirting. The game, the push and pull, the drawing so close your breath catches in your throat before pulling away with red cheeks. The tease and the dare between you of who will snap first and kiss the other.
Grief and rage. Getting cheated on and wanting to tear someone apart with your bare hands. They see Dite as a peaceful goddess, a silly love goddess. She is the goddess of rage and war as much as Ares is. So many wars have been started over love. I admire the fuck out of her, and her temper scares me.
Cute date nights. Matching teddy bears. Stealing their clothes and spraying their perfume or aftershave on it so you can keep at least that with you when they go.
Dying your hair candy floss pink, and absolutely loving it because YOU LOOK LIKE A MARSHMALLOW.
Looking in the mirror and feeling sad bc you feel too masculine and wondering how she could love you when you're not even a girl (in my case lmao, I'm nonbinary, or any guys who worship her) or you feel like she won't love you because you're a trans woman. And you can almost hear her scolding you in that soft, motherly tone because "excuse the fuck out of you, how dare you insult my beloved like that. You're my beloved and I wouldn't have chosen you or blessed you if I didn't love you, and your gender has nothing to do with it. You're always enough for me, and I will always love you." And now you're smiling and grinning in the mirror and maybe crying because she loves us all so much guys. Yes, I'm a little emotional and possibly crying, I fucking love her.
Belladonna plants. They're so pretty but could kill you. Very good metaphor for her.
Legally Blonde. That whole movie (and the musical) are fucking masterpieces and they scream Aphrodite.
Cuddling your friends!!!!! Building huge nests with blankets and pillows and curling up together with snacks and cocktails and having an amazing night.
Historical romance novels. I read them out loud to her and her candle goes crazy!
Sea shells!
Piercings and tattoos.
Dancing with someone. Even if there isn't music, just swaying and leaning against them and it feels magical.
Bubble baths! Bath bombs! Putting flowers in your baths!
Rosehip tea.
Cuddling with teddy bears and being all warm and feeling safe. (Yes I am 20 and still sleep with a bear, there is no shame in it).
Champagne, cheap stuff or fancy. Bubbly wine make my brain go WOOOOOOOOOOO.
Chinchillas. Idk why.
Seeing your friends after a while of being apart and you're hugging and swaying and everyone around you is like AW OMG THEY'RE SO CUTE
Being so close with your friends that they think you're dating.
The pink and purple colours the sky goes when the sun is setting.
Not as long as I wanted but I'm a little drunk and also, exhausted. I SEE MY FRIEND TOMORROW.
Hope you like it! I'm doing Hekate next!
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I'm loving Mango! I actually had a idea of someone they know (maybe Carol? Or Jon? or any of the kids, etc go wild tbh) is under a lot of pressure, maybe blatant sexism "just because they care" for them to have a pup? And its causing a lot of strain and they come to Steve and billy for help and they're just immediately supportive! Like having a kid is HARD even one like Mango, they're still valid if they dont want kids, it's their life. Esp cuz both boys know what it's like to be a unwanted kid
Part 19
Mina was at the door, trying to reach for the doorknob and let in their guests.
“Watch out Mango.” She moved to allow Steve to open the door.
Tommy and Carol were in San Diego for the week, came to visit some of Tommy’s family, and check in on Steve, Billy, and Mina for a few days.
They settled down in the living area, Mina playing on the floor. She had given Tommy a stuffed bear and Carol a blue blanket, had taken to giving all of their guests their own little item.
“I haven’t seen her in so long. She’s like a whole person now.” She was playing with a few Barbie dolls, loved playing with their long hair. Steve kept his at his shoulders these days, it helped her with tantrums when she could run chubby fingers through them.
Her hair grew so fast, was halfway down her back. Steve would do it immaculately every morning before she went to preschool for a few hours.
“God I know. It feels like I’ve blinked and now she’s fully grown. She’s going to preschool for three hours in the morning, just to get her used to school and other kids and stuff.” That had been a big decision. Steve usually spent time with her on the weekdays, didn’t want to have her school taking up their time together. But then Billy brought up socialization, that going to school would be good for her, and Steve could not say no.
“What are you two getting up to these days? You old and boring yet?” Tommy smirked at them.
“Oh, yeah we are. Steve got his GED and his working the desk part time at an animal shelter. I found a garage here and am going to school and stuff. What’s good back in Chicago?”
They had moved just after Mina was born, both going to school in the city.
“Just school and shit. Well, and this.” Carol held out her hand, had a simple diamond ring on her left forefinger. “We bonded in September, and we’re getting married in April! We’re gonna have a big wedding in Hawkins!” Steve made an excited noise, standing up to hug Carol tightly.
“I think we have champagne in the fridge...” Billy was digging through, found a bottle that was probably as old Mina. He popped it, made her shriek at the noise, climb up into Steve’s lap.
They sat together for the evening, talking and laughing. Billy excused himself to put Mina to bed, had to spend about ten minutes chasing her around, fully naked while he sighed a lot, trying to shove her into pajamas. Steve just laughed from the couch.
“So, listen. With getting married and bonding and everything, we’re getting, I don’t know, like a lot of pressure to have pup.” Billy joined them on the couch, Mina asleep in her bed. “And we’ve talked, and, neither of us really want to have one.” Tommy looked sheepish as he spoke. “You’re the only people our age we know with a pup, and just wanted to, pick your brains I guess.”
“Look, I love Mango, and wouldn’t change our life for the fucking world at this point, but kids are hard. I mean, she’s overall pretty good, but she has her moments.”
“Oh, those first few months when she would just cry, and I thought maybe she was in pain or something, and would just have meltdowns alongside her.”
“I must’ve come home to find Steve crying on the floor, saying that he’s a bad father at least three times a week for the first two months. I love the garbage out of her, put it’s a lot of work.”
“Well, and although she was definitely an accident, we both knew we wanted to have kids at some point. We made it work because we wanted to. If you don’t want to, don’t do it. We were both unwanted kids, and it fucking sucked.”
“You’re good people, if you had one, you’d learn to love it, by why bother. If you’re happy just the two of you, be happy. Tell everyone else to fuck off.”
“Mina is my favorite thing on this planet, but she stresses me the fuck out sometimes. It’s all worth it, because I’ve wanted pups since I was one, but it may not all be worth it to you, and that’s fine. Maybe later you both decided you do  want pups, maybe you don’t. Either way, it’s up to you.”
“Sorry, do you love Mina more than you love me?” Steve turned to Billy, raising an eyebrow.
“She lived inside of me for nine months. Of course I love her more than you.” Billy threw his head back and laughed.
“Honestly, Tommy was worried you two would try and talk us into having a pup.”
“Well, it’s like Stevie said, we both know what it’s like to grow up with parents that didn’t want you. It really fucked us up. I’m not saying you two would become abusive, if you did have an accident pup, but trying to have a pup because it’s what you’re supposed to do, isn’t the right way to do it.”
“That makes a lot of sense.” Tommy sat back. “It’s really nice to hear that from people that have one.”
“Plus, kids make you boring as fuck. We go to bed at like, nine thirty.” Steve laughed, slapping Billy’s chest.
Carol and Tommy went back to their hotel just after midnight, had helped Steve and Billy clean up the hors d'oeuvres they had put out.
“I’m glad they’re being thoughtful about this, not just throwing caution to the wind and having a pup.” Steve was standing in the doorway to their bathroom, was putting moisturizer on his face.
“It was kinda funny when they said they didn’t want pups. Could you actually imagine those two as parents? Not saying we’re perfect, or anything, but just like, imagine.” Steve crawled into bed, shoving his way into Billy’s space.
“Remember when we talked about having another one, eventually?” Billy’s heart began to thud in his chest.
“Yeah...” Steve was quiet for a moment.
“I’m pregnant again.”
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title: epiphany . summary: Fix-it Fic. After Jughead finally came back to life, Betty finds herself thinking about the time she had to live without her boyfriend. She helped fake his death, investigate possible suspects and even pretend to date her best friend, Archie Andrews— who also happened her first love. She went through a lot during the past few weeks, and now that is finally over, her heart can’t stop thinking… What if?
. a/n: okay, this is probably my first time writing a fix-it fic (unfortunately) and I've tried my best to make some justice to our beloved Bughead. If they really wanted to explore any kind of thing Betty might have felt towards Archie while she had to pretend, well… that’s how I would’ve done it. Oh, and needless to say, all that cheating crap didn’t/ won't happen. Hope you like it, and remember, #bugheadforever
Also, this is unbeta’d because I just needed it out of my system. 
‘All I’m saying is…your secret is safe with me.’
 It had been almost a week since Cheryl said those words to her, and ever since then, Betty couldn’t seem to keep them off her thoughts. At night, while trying to sleep, she tossed and turned, pushing the covers away as she sighed like a damsel in distress haunted by her own thoughts. Her golden locks were messily splayed across her pillow, and she could only thank the superior forces for Jughead to be sleeping at the bunker that night.
He didn't deserve to be disturbed by her troubled thoughts. He didn’t deserve to lose a single minute of his precious sleep because of her, especially not when the one thing keeping her eyes open was actually asleep one window away.
Archie Andrews. Her best friend. Her first love and the one who pretended to be her boyfriend so people would believe that her real boyfriend was actually dead. They’ve spent a couple of days holding hands, sharing milkshakes and even kissing in public for the sake of their master plan, and according to Veronica, their acting had been simply perfect.
An act. That was all it was supposed to be, and it was all that really was, right? They did it for the sake of Jugead’s life, and both of them were fully aware of that the whole time they were playing lovebirds. It had all been just a big lie— one of the endless lies hidden in this small town— so why on earth was she feeling so frustrated?
She turned one last time, her eyes now facing the ceiling of the room. Her arms rested on both sides of her body over the duvet, and she could only feel herself growing more irritated by the time she was wasting with that nonsense. ”What's wrong with you, Betty?” She whispered to herself, thinking that, maybe, if she threw the words into the universe, she might actually find a logical explanation for all of those feelings. Maybe, if she could tell Jughead about it, he would find her an answer.
Yeah, right. Telling Jughead that she was actually losing sleep because her stupid heart was actually rummaging around the biggest ‘what if’ of her young life.
What if Archie hadn’t rejected her? Would they still be together? Would things have gone so smoothly as when they were pretending? And what about Jughead?
What about Jughead?
Would their friendship still be as it used to be if they hadn’t started dating? Would they still investigate all of Riverdale’s dark secrets if Archie was more present in her life? Would his life have been so different without her love?
Her eyes widened at the thought and slowly, she sat up on the bed, her legs now on the edge of the mattress. Golden hair was falling on the sides of her face, as she found herself deeper into her thoughts. Betty had never even considered how her life would’ve been if her beanie-clad knight hadn’t climbed up her window and stolen a kiss from her that day. Their lives were now so entangled that she just couldn’t picture herself without Jughead anymore.
He understands her better than anyone. He accepts her for who she really is, and their love is the only truly good thing in Riverdale. Their love is real— way more than whatever she used to feel for Archie— and even if she was now trapped in that dilemma, not even once had she doubted her love for him.
It was just… just — She couldn’t even describe what she was feeling, for god’s sake!
She has always prided herself in how well she could use words to describe her mind’s tricks in her journals, but this time, Betty was freaking out over it! She could feel her anxiety peaking, making her heart beat faster and her lungs urge for more air as she just couldn’t find the right answers for her questions. What even were her questions, to begin with? She wanted to work with facts, just like when they’re investigating things, but there was no such thing as logic in her feelings at that moment.
All she knew was that she had been moved by the time she had spent as Archie’s fake girlfriend. Even if had only been for just a couple of days, it was undeniable that she had to pretend to be everything her younger-self used to wish for. She had to pretend to be happy with her ginger neighbor while living in a world without Jughead Jones by her side, and perhaps, she allowed that stupid illusion to meddle with her reality. By not knowing how long Jughead would remain considered K.I.A, her mind began to spiral out and project herself a new, distorted future.
A future in which Jughead and her are no longer together.
Her hands were quick to cover her mouth and suddenly, a terrified expression took over her face as she was hit by that realization. Of course, she thought, quickly standing up and rushing to the drawer where she kept her photo album. She sat back on the carpet and started to go through older pics of her and the boys during their childhood, when they were always together and life was but a walk in the park during a warm, summer day.
Those really were simpler times. They had absolutely nothing to worry about and Riverdale—well, for all they knew— was still just a small town with pep. Back then, kids were still allowed to have fun and people weren’t being killed by their own neighbors. Her father was still a good man, Cheryl still had a twin brother and she was still the perfect, girl who was so young and in love with her best friend.
Her entire future had already been decided back then. While her mother had taken care of her education and what she would have to do in order to achieve the best colleges in the country, Betty herself had already written in her journals about marrying Archie and how they would manage a life of happiness and success before their thirties. That future used to be clear as the day in her naive imagination, and perhaps, that was also the future she had started to imagine during their little game of pretending.
Betty found herself to be impersonating her younger version during those days because that Betty had everything figured out. She knew what to do and where to go; and most of all, she knew everything would work out in the end. She wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone— herself included on this huge list— and perhaps, that ignorance was enough.
Enough for her to feel loved and confident, and mostly, enough for her to be happy. 
Her eyes sadly softened at a picture of her smiling next to Archie. Things would’ve certainly been easier if that fantasy future of hers had come true. She wouldn’t have cried as much as she did in the past years, and she would only have to worry about winning prom queen during her senior year. She wouldn’t be a nosy, Nancy-Drew-wannabe and instead of breaking into people’s houses to investigate their pasts, she could be just another student walking down the hallways of Riverdale High.
Who wouldn’t want a life like that? A normal life.
Her heart suddenly ached at the thought. She could feel tears threatening to pool under her eyes, and it didn’t really take her that long to reach the first and most important conclusion of the night.
She wouldn't want a life like that.
In fact, she would hate a life like that. 
Though simple and serene, a life like that would be nothing but a huge lie. If she were to follow all of her old dreams, Betty would be trapped in a world blinded by a curtain of pre-made decisions and overwhelming expectancies that she would most likely be unable to reach. And then, knowing her old-self like she does, the blonde knew it would be just a matter of time until she blew that whole facade up and got herself hurt. Really hurt. 
More than when Polly was taken away and more than when Archie rejected her after she told him about her feelings. Oh, that’s right… On that night, while wearing that pink dress that made her look like a barbie doll, her ideal life ended before it even began. She was left crying on her porch because her prince charming thought she was just too perfect for him. In all of those years of planning, she had never expected not be chosen back because she had become the supposedly best version of herself.
She used to be too much and too unreachable. Without knowing, she built a wall around herself that no one even tried to trespass in fear of never being good enough for her. She was a perfect and lonely girl who had isolated herself in her pristine world, where no one could hear her pleas.
Poor Elizabeth Cooper.
But she would be okay, right? She would eventually find someone worthy of her perfection. Eventually, she would find someone who could fit into her pretty, little world and she would finally have a brilliant, happy and simple future.
No fucking way.
She could never be happy like that. That future could never be right, and right now, as she looked at her white window, she couldn't thank him enough for saving her from her own solitude.
Right now, instead of looking at that window and thinking about her neighbor, she thinks about the boy from the wrong side of the tracks who climbed his way up to her room, called her crazy and kissed her with all the love and kindness she had been denied for ages. He wasn’t perfect and he was nothing like the man she had pictured to be her husband, but that was the best thing about him. 
He saw her as more than just that fake image she had adopted as her identity. He saw the girl behind that mask and that included all of her flaws, her passions, her scars and her peculiarities. He saw all that, and yet… He didn’t run away. Jughead Jones stayed by her side during the best and worst moments of her life, and it was the first time she felt like she was wanted.
She felt loved. 
She felt loved and excited and—damn— she felt so free. For the first time in her life, Betty was feeling everything so deeply and with such intensity that made all of that old numbness seem like a distant nightmare. Of course, there were a lot of painful moments, when her face was soaked in tears and her heart was breaking, but even that felt better than that emptiness that took over her life.
Betty could finally find some relief building up in her stomach as she looked at what was probably her favorite photo of them. Officially, that was a picture Archie and Veronica took of themselves during their Labor Day escapade, but standing there, on the background, Jughead and her were swimming together, warm bodies entangled and surrounded by the cold water; and she will always remember how much she wanted that moment to last. His blue eyes were so beautiful that day, and through them, she saw the reflection of what was certainly best version of herself.
And that version only exists because of him. He took her out of her own life so they could start something new together, and ever since that, Betty just couldn’t imagine herself wanting to go back.
So screw the simpler times— they are never coming back. Screw her expectations and all of the words she has once written in her journals. Screw her first love. It was never the love she deserved.
A bright and warm smile was now taking over her face and she had never felt lighter before. Her heart was beating faster in excitement right now and— damn it— she just felt the urge to see Jughead. She wanted to tell him everything she had just finally concluded, and more than ever, she wanted to tell him how much she loves him. Perhaps, she could go after him at the bunker, and then—
Fuck. Her eyes drifted to the digital clock on her nightstand and the green numbers were marking 3:27am. There was no way she could just go out there and wake him up after he had probably spent the whole afternoon working so hard to catch up on their studies. A wave of disappointment hit her, and through her mirror, she saw herself pouting like a contradicted, spoiled child. 
She wanted to be with him. She needed to see him and that unique beanie of his. 
And thankfully, he felt the same way.
When Betty had finally decided to put the photos back on the drawer so she could go back to bed, her ears captured the roaring of a very familiar engine right before it suddenly died out. Her eyes widened, and she wasted no time before rushing to the window to confirm the expectations of her now thrilled heart. She glanced towards the streets, and she could never describe how happy she was when she saw him taking off his helmet and leaving it on his motorcycle.
What a sight for sore eyes, she thought, as a blush crawled up her cheeks. She saw as he yawned and scratched the back of his neck, and even if she knew he was clearly tired, Betty just couldn’t keep her own excitement for herself at that moment.
That was the man she loves. The man she's going to marry.
The blonde, then, took a deep breath and wasted no time before running out of their bedroom and down the stairs so she could finally meet him. When she got down there, the red door was already been unlocked, and as soon as it was opened, her heart skipped a beat at the sight in front of her. Jughead was half asleep, with his messenger bag hanging on his right shoulder, and she saw as his eyes widened as soon as they met hers.
“Eh? Betty? It’s 3am. What are you—“
The raven haired boy didn’t even have time to finish his question before his girlfriend literally jumped on him. His keys fell on the floor and so did his bag, and as in an automatic movement, his arms encircled her waist so he could properly hold her up. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, and her lips were already pressed to his in a strong and breathtaking kiss.
It was warm, soft, intense and it was filled with pure and sincere love. An everlasting that love that has already faced so many hardships and only grew stronger amidst the adversities. Her cheeks were blushing as her bare feet were still far from touching the ground, and the pressure of his fingertips on her small body was strong enough to make her feel safe.
He would not let her fall, she knew. And even if he did— even if, one day, he’s not strong enough— then they will fall together.
Neither of them knew how long they had remained like that, but eventually, he slowly put her down, his hands now resting on her lower back, as their eyes looked at one other. The Jones boy was left speechless, and all she could do about it was suppress the urge to laugh. If anything, she’s one of the few people in the world who are able to leave him speechless, and she can’t help but to feel proud of herself for that.
“I…You…What—“ He cleared his throat, then, closing his eyes for a couple of seconds as he finally tried to find the words she had stolen from him. “Hey, Betts. Nice to see you here."
“Hi, Jug.” She smiled. “Nice to see you, too. I thought you weren’t gonna come home tonight.”
“Yeah, I thought so, too, but I ran out of coffee there. And you know I can’t survive without it.”
“Oh, you really can’t live without your midnight coffee. Though it’s still a mystery how your stomach doesn’t complain about it.”
“Years of practice, Betts.” He smirked, his fingers unconsciously drawing circles on her hips. “But the real mystery here is why on earth are you awake, young lady?"
“I had an epiphany!” She said, a little louder than she needed to, joy clearly present in her voice.
“Oh…” His eyes widened, a mild surprise taking over his expression. “Cool, I guess? Hope it was a positive one.”
“It was a wonderful one, Jug!”
“Well, I’m really happy for you, then. And happy for me because of this unexpected and very pleasant display of affection. What was it about?”
“Me?” He arched his brows. “Could it be that you’ve finally realized who’s the best detective of this duo?”
“Definitely not. I already know it’s me.” She smirked. “I was actually having some trouble sleeping with all of these thoughts about us, but now I’m much better.”
“Sounds really great, Betts. Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Definitely! I can’t wait for you to hear it all. I need you to hear it all.” Her eyes grew fonder at such words, and she watched as his expression mimicked her own. Jughead knew whatever had stolen her sleep was an important matter to her and if she needed him to hear all about it, then, he would. 
He wanted to. He really wanted to.
“Okay…” He started, his voice filled with tenderness and honesty. “Then let’s get inside, make some coffee and you can tell me all about it.”
"Right now?"
"Yeah. Why not?"
“Actually…” Betty said, her voice laced with a certain tone he knew way too well. “I was thinking that we could go to our room instead.”
“Do you prefer talking there?”
“Not really, but… Maybe we could leave it for tomorrow. It’s not like I’m in a hurry to tell you or anything.”
“What? But we’re both awake now. What else could be more important than that?”
“Well…” She leaned in, slowly, and whispered something only for his ears to hear. It was a fast and productive talk that, in a matter of seconds, made his eyes widen and a silly smile take over his lips. Betty, then, returned to her previous position, and she knew her words had served their purpose.
“We can certainly talk tomorrow.” He said, eagerly, leaving his belongings on the floor next to the entrance right after he closed the door behind him. The blonde let out a muffled giggle, and before she could take another step, he lifted her up to carry her upstairs. Her hands delicately cupped his cheeks, and softly, she planted another kiss on his lips.
Once more, they were just two teenagers in love, enjoying their night together. They didn’t care about anything else at that moment, and their minds weren’t even thinking about trivial things such as the future, his coffee, her mother waking up or the fact that they both had english classes in a couple of hours. 
At that moment, nothing else mattered. Nothing but their love.
And their future—oh, what a delightful adventure awaited for them.
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kyndaris · 4 years
“Not Like Other Girls”
Despite sitting down and having a proper heartfelt discussion about the pressures of ‘continuing the family line’ and ‘finding a significant other,’ my mother is once again hoping that I will somehow befriend a man that I met only twice and exchanged about five minutes total of actual dialogue. Both she and my grandmother are worried about the ticking biological time bomb that is my reproductive system. And while they are also concerned that I’ll die alone, without family or friends, it’s more the former that seems to encompass their thoughts. Why? Well, it’s tradition. It’s the ‘normal’ way of life.
To be honest, I can see where they’re coming from. Yes, it’ll be nice to have a companion besides a body pillow or a strong protector to hold me in their arms...
But I would also like to think that if I decide to go it alone, it should be accepted. Why do I have to fit the mold? Be normal? 
My thoughts have turned back towards this because even at work, one of my colleagues is also hoping to help me ‘settle down.’ Nearing thirty, it’s the ‘expected’ thing to do. And as she strove to support me by offering possible love interests, she also, bless her heart, recounted the days of her youth when she had been a ‘tomboy,’ scarpering over roofs and fixing cars. It was only in her later years that she changed. In truth, it’s hard to envision the woman before me, with her mauve cardigan, loose white blouse, pencil skirt and perfectly coiffed hair as a rambunctious tomboy playing in the mud with scraped knees and elbows.
Growing up, I never could properly fit myself into the ‘girl’ stereotypes that were on TV or in films. There were times that I wondered if maybe I was actually a ‘boy’ trapped in the body of a ‘girl.’ After all, my interests always skewed towards the boyish: playing make-believe as knights, channeling my inner Saiyan and delving into the world of video games like the nerd I am. Lego, rather than Barbie, was what caught my eye. Chess instead of make-up. Pants instead of skirts and dresses. Of course, juxtaposed with these tendencies were my love for books and horses (my second favourite animal behind wolves). 
Unlike those that have taken the step to have their gender reassigned, undergone hormone treatment or have come out about their gender identity, I’ve never felt the intense body dysmorphia that often leads to this realisation. True, I’d prefer it if I had a thinner physique and the inherent ability to backflip or kip-up like those cool people in parkour or martial art videos, but there has never a vast disconnect between who I am and the face I see in the mirror each day.
I mean, what girl hasn’t bemoaned the periods that come every month? Or the discrimination that comes from trying to be the best at sport or hunting or computers or engineering. That’s not to say that dolls and frilly dresses and make-up is a bad thing. Some people are drawn to the prospect of raising a family, of wearing flowery dresses that have no pockets.  But others, such as myself, aren’t as inclined. In fact, my fashion sense is a little more conservative with collared shirts and scoop neck shirts that don’t plunge down to my non-existent cleavage (admittedly, throughout high school, I always hoped that my breasts would never develop and I’d be as flat as a washboard. Alas, it never happened. And the tradition of wearing bras has always chafed. As for the men that go around shirtless...WE DO NOT NEED TO SEE YOUR NIPPLES EITHER! TAPE THEM UP FOR GOODNESS SAKE! Or wear a man bra! Nobody needs to see those pecs. Abs yes. But you can wear a crop top for that).
Unfortunately, in the nearly three decades that I’ve been alive, the toy aisles are still gendered. Though women play video games on an equal level as men, it’s still considered a hobby relegated to angry white men that have the emotional range of a teaspoon. While there have been some strides in evening up the level playing field, I know quite a few people that still echo the sexist sentiments of the past. But, if you don’t want companies to have a quota of female staff, perhaps address the underlying perceptions in the society we live in. 
Being a man or a woman should have no impact on whether one is good at mathematics or the arts. There are plenty of men that would be great at nursing or serving as primary school teachers. Likewise, there are a whole host of women that would be excellent as video game programmers or construction workers.
That said, if a woman doesn’t feel the need to follow tradition and want to forge their own path, that should also be accepted. I’m so sick and tired of being hurried along the hetero-normative corridor, loaded down with the expectation that I should be married by twenty-five and have two children by the time I’m twenty-eight. All, of course, under the guise of love from a worried parent. It’s fine. I’m not lonely. And I’m certainly not something that needs to be pitied. 
There are times that I wonder if there’s something about me that intimidates the men around me. Or maybe they can sense something about me that I haven’t yet discovered. Alas, I can’t be sure. For now, I’ll just fantasise about all my good boys. The question is: do I get a body pillow of Riku (in his Kingdom Hearts 2 attire), Legoshi or best waifu Ignis.
In any case, I’m essentially ‘not like other girls.’ For one, I don’t know how to make-up. What even is shaving legs or armpits. And I like books and video games too much to ever ‘grow out of it.’ If that’s not what you’re looking for, well, please look elsewhere. As for any others that might be possibly interested in a person such as myself, and are looking to apply to be my SO, I have a form ready and waiting to be filled out.
I mean, is there any other way of separating the wheat from the chaff in this day and age? 
Fair warning: my standards are HIGH. And like I said, no nipples. Even Tumblr says ‘no.’
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What's were you doing before you got on the computer? Drinking coffee and watching TV.
Is there anything you really want right now? To not feel crappy would be nice.
What's the best gift you've ever gotten? I couldn’t possibly choose just one. 
What's a song you think the world needs to listen to? I don’t know.
Has there ever been a person you regret ever being friends with? Nah.
Do you think you have a good understanding on love? I haven’t experienced the romantic kind still.
You just discovered a new color! What would you name it? I have no idea.
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? I’m not a big ice cream person, but I do like strawberry, mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, and birthday cake. I haven’t had ice cream in years, though.
What do you want to do on your honeymoon? I don’t plan on getting married.
What's one thing you remember learning in school? The Fifty Nifty United States song. And all of the Grammar Rock from Schoolhouse Rock VHS tape. <<< Awww, yep I remember both. Those Schoolhouse Rock tapes really helped me with my multiplication as a kid and it’s cool how the states song stayed with me all these years later.
Are you more of a cat or dog person? Doggo.
How do you want to be remembered by people? I don’t need to be remembered by people. I’m sure my loved ones will remember me and that’s all that matters.
Do you like road trips? They can be fun, but long car rides are rough.
Do you think Medical Marijuana should be legalized? Yeah.
If you were forced to dye your hair another color, what color would you get? I don’t know... I really just want to keep dyeing it red.
Are you excited for anything? No.
What do you think of your parent(s)? I love my parents, they’re the best.
Are your grandparents dead? My maternal grandparents are, RIP. <3
What celebrity do you think should of never become famous? All the pervy, gross, bad ones out there, which unfortunately seems to be a lot.
What's your favorite thing to do online? Tumblr and YouTube.
If you could appear on any TV show, what show would you choose? Nah.
What does your full name look like without the letters t,a,i,o,e,l,n or s? I’ll just do my first name: Ph. 
Your mood summed up into one word? Shitty.
How often do you talk to other people about the weather? I bring it up most when it’s hot.
Are you doing anything else besides taking this survey right now? Not really. My TV is on, but it’s more background noise at the moment.
What's a name you wouldn't mind having? I’ll stick with mine.
What's your favorite thing to wear that you own? My leggings and graphic tees.
What do you think of Barbie dolls? I was obSESSED with Barbies as a kid.
When you were little, did you ever want to go to Disneyland? Yesss. I was fortunate to be able to go a few times. I still get just as excited as an adult. 
What's the first thing you thought in your head when you woke up today? I woke up to my brother handing me a Starbucks, ha so that was nice. He’s so sweet.
If your best friend confessed that they can see the future, you would...? I don’t believe in that, but I’d question them about it and hear what they had to say.
Write a random quote that comes to your head: Nah.
What's your opinion on milk chocolate? I like it, but white chocolate is better.
What about Dark Chocolate? Ew.
You do know that white chocolate isn't even really chocolate, right? I don’t care.
Do you get annoyed when surveys mention a band you\'ve never heard of? No.
What's your opinion about Katy Perry's song "I kissed a girl"? I remember how risque that was considered at the time lol. People were like *gasp!* She what???
What's your least favorite pizza topping? I’m super picky and basic, so I don’t like any other toppings besides what I put on mine, which are white sauce, cheese (preferably feta and ricotta, but I’m not picky about the cheese), garlic, spinach, green onions, and crumbled meatballs if they have it.
What would you do if you discovered the US was now drafting for the war? I have a physical disability, so I’m out of the running but I’d be terrified about my brother getting drafted.
Are you even living in America, or are you from another country? Yes, I live in the US.
What's your favorite social website? Tumblr and Twitter.
Do you believe in heaven? If so, what's it like? If not, why? Yes. I’ve never been, obviously, but I imagine it to be like how the Bible describes it to be.
What's your favorite video game? Mario Bros games will always be a favorite.
In your opinion, is Bzoink the best place to find fun surveys? I never go on there myself, but a few fellow survey takers on here seem to find a lot of surveys there that I then steal from them, ha.
What's your opinion of high school? It had its ups and downs. The first two years were rough for me.
Do you prefer the country or city? I like both, but I think I prefer living in the city. I’ve never lived in the country, though, so I can’t say for sure.
Texting: Is it fun, evil, boring, or none of the above? I don’t text much at all, I’d just say it’s convenient and preferred over talking on the phone.
What email service do you use for your main (or only) email account? Yahoo.
What's your favorite dumb pick-up line? *shrug*
What are your plans for the next 48 hours? Same things as always.
Did you ever read "Captain Underpants" when you were little? No, I was older when those came out. My lil bro loved ‘em, though.
What's better: The old Cartoon Network, or the new one? Or do you not care? I’d say the old, for sure. I don’t know wth happened to that channel, mainly the Adult Swim segment. Like seriously, what. the. fuck.
Disney Channel shows are all pretty cheesy, aren't they? I’m definitely biased, but Disney Channel growing up and in my teen years was waaaaay better. I haven’t watched it in several years now, but I feel like the shows for kids and teens nowadays are super cringe.
What's your opinion on the Jonas Brothers? I’m a fan, but I was a huge fan in my teen years. I’ve kept up with them as a group and their solo and side projects all this time.
What are some of your favorite singers/bands? I have a lot.
Why do the lead singers in bands always get the most recognition? Because they’re the voice and face of the band. I think the other members certainly should get their recognition, too, though. They all together make up the band and its sound.
Did you ever believe in the Tooth Fairy? Yeah.
What's your favorite type of weather? Fall and winter weather.
What's your opinion on reading books? I love reading.
You're given a chance to act in a Hollywood blockbuster! Would you accept? Nooo.
What it if it was a movie directed by Tim Burton?(He directed Sweeney Todd) I enjoy his work, but still no. It wouldn’t matter who was directing it.
How do you feel about Taco Bell? I like it. It’s been awhile since I’ve had it, though. I went through a major Taco Bell phase a few years ago and was getting it all the time. 
Are you hungry right now? Yes.
How often do you go on to YouTube? Everyday. I spend a lot of time on there, mainly for ASMR videos, but also other stuff I like to watch. Usually while I’m eating I like to catch up on some videos.
It's possible to be addicted to anything... What are you addicted to? Caffeine.
What's your opinion of Walgreens? I like it. My mom also works there.
Back when Spongebob Squarepants was famous, were you interested in it? Not really. I just watched it here and there cause my lil bro was into it. There were quotable moments I liked, though.
What's your dream pet? I love having doggos.
You see a mermaid while relaxing on the beach with friends. What now? lol I’d just assume it was a group of people chillin’ with mermaid tails. You can buy blankets or costume pieces like that, so.
Who's been your favorite teacher growing up, and why? My 4th and 8th grade teacher, Mr. McG.
When you were little, did you ever like Pokemon? I did have a brief Pokemon phase. I collected the cards, too.
How often do you get headaches? Not often at all, so when I do - they really tend to hurt pretty badly. <<< That’s how mine are. I’ve been sick this past week and headaches have been apart of that, unfortunately, and they haven’t been fun. I can’t take anything for them either, which really sucks.
Do you have any songs stuck in your head right now? If so, what? That new Wendy’s jingle, “Bag alert, major bag alert.” That commercial comes on constantly and that’s literally the only words to the jingle. It’s annoying.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me -Chapter 19
Warnings: none
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @alievans007​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​
Tumblr media
“I don’t think your husband likes me very much,” Salena comments, as she and Esme lounge in the shade of the back patio.  
They share a pitcher of non-alcoholic sangria while watching as Chloe entertains the kids in the pool and Kyle and Tyler –chatting amicably- busy themselves at the barbecue; both shirtless and tanned and buff in their remarkably different ways, both clad in swim shorts that sit dangerously low on their hips.  There’s no sign of Ovi; he’d run into town on an errand over an hour again and had yet to return.
“Don’t take it personally,” Esme says, as she stretches her legs and places her feet in the chair across from her; one hand nursing her own drink as the other holds the bottle Addie nurses from as she lays along her mother’s thighs.  “He doesn’t like anyone.”
“I’d laugh, but I don’t think you’re joking.”
“It’s not that he doesn’t like people. He’s just very...I don’t know...guarded. He doesn’t trust as easily and quickly as I do. And he has his reasons. Very valid ones.”
“From his military days?”
“That and what he did afterwards. It wasn’t an easy life. For him more so than me. I wasn’t as involved as he was. I was just the ‘brain side’ of things; he was all physical. And it did a lot of damage. Mentally.”
She refuses to delve further into it. It’s not her story to tell; finding it disrespectful - not only to Tyler himself, but the struggles he’s endured and the progress he’s made- to discuss it with anyone without his knowledge.
“And physically by the looks of it,” Salena says.
Esme nods. “The last job we were on...the one that nearly killed him...it caused the most issues. It was a long haul. Months in the hospital, months in inpatient therapy. If you could see what he was like then, you’d see how far he’s come. How hard he to work to get where he is now. I’m proud of him. I don’t tell him that often enough. I should pretty get on that.”
“Well I may not know exactly what you’re talking about or what happened on this last job you worked, but he’s lucky to have you. You’re strong as hell. If you’ve managed to stick around through all of that and through all of whatever happened in Colorado...”
“I guess maybe I’m old fashioned in thinking that you don’t just walk away from things...from people...without trying to work on them first. And I know he comes across pretty intense, but he’s worth it. I wouldn’t have put all the time and the effort into it if he wasn’t.  He’s a big man with an even bigger heard. You just have to give him a chance.”
“Think he’ll give me a chance?”
“It’s going to take some time. It’s just who it is. He doesn’t like people in his space. Don’t let him get to you. He’s not doing it to hurt you. He’s doing it to protect himself.”
“Men are brilliant at that, aren’t they?” Salena smirks. “Guarding themselves like that? “
“And he’s twice as bad as your average man,” Esme says. “I love him...with all that I am and all that I have...but he’s exhausting.”
The other woman laughs at that. “You know what’s exhausting? Your children. Are they always like this?”
“Always. From the time they get up in the morning. They can’t sit still. Ever. They're all energy, stamina, and fearlessness. Have you seen my son’s face? He got into a fight at school. Defending his brother. Four older kids jumped him, and he kicked their asses. All of them. AT the same time. And I’m not naming names or finger pointing but guess what parent he gets THAT from. Here’s a hint: it’s not me.”
“I don’t think they got anything from you,” Salena remarks. “Are you sure you gave birth to them? Because not one of them looks like you.”
“Right?! I told you. I wasn’t joking. They all look like him. They’re exactly like him; head to toe. Inside and out. How unfair is that? Mind you, it’s still touch and go with Tanner. Personality wise. He’s on the fence but he leans more towards me.  That other ones? All Tyler.”
“Strong genes.”
“Whatever you do, do not say that to him. Because we’ll get into a conversation about it and you’ll have to hear about his dominate DNA and his super sperm and no one...and by no one, I mean me...wants to hear that.”
Salena laughs and reaches for the pitcher of sangria and fills both their glasses. Well you did get one that looks like you. That little nugget is definitely all mommy.”
“So far,” Esme agrees. “But she’s a tough little thing. She probably should still be in the hospital because of how small she was when she was born and all the problems she had, but she was not having any of it. There was no way she was staying there, and she proved all the doctors.  She is a little nugget,” she leans down and presses a kiss to Addie’s forehead, then places the empty bottle on the table and lifts her to her chest. “Won’t be for long eating the way she does, mind you.”
“Speaking of eating,” Salena comments. “I see something I’d like to eat.”
Esme glances towards what has captured her friend’s attention; both Tyler and Kyle standing at the side of the barbecue, the latter talking animatedly about one of his especially daring fireman rescues and dramatically flexing his biceps.  
“Okay as much as it grosses me out because he’s my brother. I’m hoping it’s Kyle you’re talking about and not my husband. Because I have to draw the line somewhere on comments I won’t allow.”
“Honey, your man is fine as hell and I was not expecting THAT when I walked over here today. Not in a million years was I expecting him to look like he does. When you said retired, I thought you meant old man retired. But I’d never disrespect you by taking things too far. I definitely was talking about your brother.”
“Ewww,” she wrinkles her nose in disgusts, then holds Addie out at arms lengths, one hand under her bum, the other supporting the back of her head. “...can you believe that, Addie?  Someone finding Uncle K attractive? Uncle Shrek is more like it.”
“I know you aren't talking about me,” he comments, as he steps up onto the patio, a slight sunburn gracing his broad shoulders, ball cap backwards on his head, sunglasses on.
“You’re the only uncle here so if the shoe fits...”
“See what I put up with?” He winks at Salena. “Thirty-five years of this. Her talking shit about me like that. You think she’s all sweet and cute? Try growing up with her. Pain in the ass.”
Esme smirks. “Kyle used to undress all my Barbies and put them in compromising positions together all over my doll house. And then he’d try and convince our mom that I did it.”
He grins at the memory. “You were a twisted little thing. Even then.”
“I was five! You were eight and sneaking peeks at Mike’s porn collection he kept under his mattress. Don’t even try to deny it. Perv.”
“I was...curious...” he reasons.
“He also used to like walking around in mom’s high heels. He used to steal them out of her closet and parade around like RuPaul.”
“Why is why my calves and my ass are as fabulous as they are,” Kyle concludes. “You ladies need anything? Kids want something to drink.”
“I’m fine,” Esme says. “But Addie needs something?”
“What’s that?”
She holds the baby out to him. “You’ll smell it in about five seconds.”
“Really, bean?” he grimaces as he takes her from her mother. “How does someone so small smell so bad?”
“Because she’s a Rake and they’re all rotten inside. Big and small. Thank you, big brother. You’re a gem.”
“And you’re still a pain in the ass,” he playfully retorts, and then disappears into the house.
“Oh yeah,” Salena sighs. “I would definitely eat that.”
“Please tell me you’re not talking about my brother’s ass when you’ve only known him for two days.”
“I don’t mean eat in a literal way. Or maybe I do. Because I’d let him eat mine like a cupcake.”
“Oh my God,” Esme nearly spits her drink across the table. “That’s my brother! And I have my kinks but...ewwww....” she gags. “...even I draw the line somewhere.”
“Oh, come on! You mean you’ve never done it or had it done?”
“No. Hell no. Just....” she makes a retching noise.  “...I think I’m going to puke.”
“Does he do that sort of thing?”
“I don’t know. He’s my brother. I don’t know what he does in the bedroom. I don’t even want to think about it. He did have an ex-girlfriend that was a dominatrix though.”
Salena’s eyes widen.  
“He met her when there was a fire at a sex show. I do not make this stuff up. It’s the honest to God truth. He’s a fireman. He has met women in the weirdest situations.”
“Has he ever been married? Any kids?”
“No and no.”
“Sadly, no. But he can be. Do you want him to be? I can make it happen.”
“I do not want you breaking him and his girlfriend up just for me.”
“Oh, I don’t like her anyway. We have history. And not good history, either. I can hook you up. Want me to take one of the team? I’ll do it.”
“You’ll do what?” Tyler asks as he joins them on the patio, Declan on his hip, wrapped in an oversized beach towel.
“Nothing,” she quickly and innocently replies. “I’m doing absolutely nothing. What are you doing?”
“I’m bringing you your kid. He wants mommy.”
“Sure he does. You’re his favorite. Don’t bring him here.”
“I’m busy doing shit. Here... go see mommy...” he places Declan in her lap then places a hand on the back of her neck and a kiss to her cheek. “Do I even want to know what you two are doing?” he asks, as he grabs a disposable plastic cup from a stack on the table and pours himself some of the sangria.
“We were just talking about eating ass,” Esme replies, and he scowls. “Were your ears burning, honey? Because they should have been.”
“We do a lot of weird shit, but we don’t do THAT.”
“Salena wants Kyle to eat her ass like a cupcake.”
He nearly chokes on a mouthful of sangria.
“You never learn your lesson about walking in on girl talk,” Esme says. “You wanted to know what we were doing, now you do. Hey,” she snags him by the wrist before he can walk away. “I need you to me a favor.”
“If it involves THAT, you married the wrong guy.”
“Salena wants to feel you up. Let her touch your arm.”
“What?” he laughs. “Why?”
“She told me that she asked you earlier today and that you said no. Because you said it was disrespectful towards me letting another woman do it. Which is very sweet, and I love you very much for, by the way.  So she asked me to ask you. If she could touch your arm.”
Tyler glances back and forth between the two women. “You’re kidding, right?”
“She’s curious. She’s never seen arms like that. She’s lived a sheltered life. If I didn’t know you, I’d want to touch them too. Please? Make her day. Just flex and let her feel them. I promise I won’t get mad.”
“You’re both fucked,” he declares, but relents; quickly flexing his left arm and allowing Salena’s hand to explore. Starting at the shoulder and travelling over both bicep and tricep before ending up on his forearm. “You’re lucky I love you,” he says to his wife, palms coming to rest on the arms of her chair as he leans down to kiss her; long, soft, and enough to make her toes curl.
“Do I get kissed like that too?” Salena inquires as he walks off, frowning when she gets the middle finger in response.
“That wasn’t so bad was it?!” Esme calls after him. “I love you! Just so you know!”
“I now understand why you have five kids,” Salena says. “Because if I had a body like that next me in bed every night...”
“Sorry. He’s taken. He’s all mine.”
“Lucky bitch.” Salena mutters, and then playfully digs her elbow into Esme’s side. “This must be the bonus kid.” she says, as Ovi steps through the sliding doors; giving a sheepish smile and a small wave, clutching a colorful bouquet of flowers in his other hand.  
“This one is my favorite,” Esme declares. “Just don’t tell the others.  Why are you all dressed up?” she asks him, studying the short-sleeved button down and his neatly pressed khaki pants. “You clean up good.”
“Just wanted to look good, I guess. These are for you,” he offers Esme the flowers. “Just because.”
“You didn’t have to do that, Ovi,” she presses a kiss to his cheek as he leans down to embrace her. “I wasn’t THAT mad at you. You didn’t have to get me flowers.”
“I know. But I wanted to.”
“I’m going to go and get a refill,” Salena announces, as she stands and grabs the nearly empty pitcher of sangria. “Seems like you two need to talk. And who knows, maybe Kyle needs some help.”
“My brother knows how to change a diaper,” Esme retorts. “No groping him in front of my kid!”
“I make no promises,” her friend laughs, and then disappears into the house.
Ovi slips into the chair alongside of her, greeting Declan enthusiastically as the toddler climbs off Esme’s lap and into his.  He’s a favorite with all the kids; affectionate and compassionate and possessing the patience of a saint.
Smiling, she lifts the flowers to her face and inhales deeply, then leans sideways in her chair and presses a kiss to his cheek. “They’re beautiful, thank you. That’s very sweet of you. Tyler’s going to be worried you’re setting the bar too high for him.”
Ovi chuckles at that.
“You didn’t have to do this,” she insists. “You know that, right? I don’t you buying me thing to get back on my good side. You could have just come and talked to me.”
“I know. I guess I was just afraid to. After what happened the other night, I was worried I’d only make things worse. I never meant for things to come out like that; I wanted to talk to you myself. I didn’t want you finding out like that.”
“Well Chloe has a real way of making a mess of things.” Esme concludes. “I guess she told you? That I confronted her. Gave her shit?”
Ovi nods.
“She said a lot of things that were out of line. About me. About my kids. About Tyler. And you know defensive I get. Especially about him. He’s the person she should be talking shit about. Considering he’s the reason you’re even here. That he nearly died making sure you even got to see your fifteenth birthday.”
‘I know. And I told her that. That she had no right saying things about him. That he doesn’t deserve it.”
“No. He doesn’t. And you know what else he doesn’t deserve? Getting dragged back into this bullshit. He gave it up, Ovi. The job. He walked away. Not just to save himself, but to keep his family together. You know important that is to him. Having a family.”
“I do,” Ovi confirms.
“Then why couldn’t you just let him have a life? Why couldn’t you just let him rest? He deserves that. Hasn’t he done enough? Hasn’t he sacrificed enough for the job? For you?”
“I didn’t mean to drag him into it. I just thought he could help with some things. Maybe do some easy jobs from time to time. Until we could get things off the ground.”
“There is no such thing as an easy job,” she argues. “There’s always a chance that something will go wrong. That you could get hurt.  Or worse. But then you went to Nik? Before you even talked to Tyler? What the hell? He’s the first person you should have went to.”
“I just wanted advice,” he attempts to explain. “About how to talk to him about it. And I figured...”
“The last person you should be going to about how to deal with Tyler is Nik. Trust me. She doesn’t even know how to deal with Tyler properly. She just knows how to take advantage of him and manipulate him. You realize that’s what she did, right? That she used his PTSD against him and all the fear he had about not being to provide for his family. She completely fucked with his head. That’s not okay, Ovi. That’s nowhere near okay. Yet you turn around and trust her before you trust him?”
“I never thought about all of that,” he admits. “And I really did only go to her for advice. And then she offered me a job and...”
“Did you really tell her that you felt you something to prove to him?”
Ovi blinks. “What?”
“She told Tyler that he’s the reason you started thinking about the job.  That he made you feel as if you needed to prove to him that you were worthy of his love. That you were worthy of being treated like one of his kids.”
“I never said that. I would never say that.:
“Are you sure? Because that’s what Nik told him. That he’s the reason you wanted to do the job. That he made you feel like you had to.”
“I would never say that!” he insists. “Not everything he’s done for me. Not just in Dhaka but when he came to Mumbai to help, when he talked to my father about letting me live with you, everything in Colorado, and now here.   I would never say that about him. And he’s never made me feel like that. Ever.”
“Are you bullshitting me? Because if I find out you’re lying to me and you did say all that about him...”
“I swear! On my mother’s grave. I never said anything like that. And I never will. Why would Nik tell him that?”
“Because she’s Nik,” Esme grumbles. “Because she wants to manipulate him into her helping. And it worked. You know he agreed, right? To help you. To train you?”
He nods.
Esme scoffs. “You’re going to need a bigger set of balls because he is going to hard core on you. He won’t show you any mercy. You think basic training for the military sounds tough? This will be ten times worse. And when he’s in that ‘zone’, he’s ruthless. Savage. He will break oyu. I’m not even joking. You really think you’re ready for that?”
“I guess I’ll find out.”
“Oh you’re going to find out. When he has you passing out or puking all over the place. I am telling you; you need to be prepared. You need to be ready. Because he will not go easy on you. He might even go even harder on you than anyone else. Consider yourself warmed.
Ovi sighs heavily.
“Why are you even doing this?” she asks. “Getting involved in the job? I don’t get it. I can’t even wrap my head around it. After everything that happened in Dhaka. Everything you saw. Why? Was that not traumatizing enough? Because it sure as hell was for me. And I already had firsthand experience in absolutely shit shows. But that? On the bridge? That was fucked up, Ovi. And I don’t think I’ll ever get over that.”
“You went through more than I did,” he attempts to reason. “You stayed there. With him.”
“Well someone had to because Nik sure as shit wasn’t sticking around.  And this isn’t about me and what I did. This is about you wanting to do the job and me not understanding why. Is it Chloe? Did she put you up to this?”
“I swear it was not her.”
“Then what the hell? It’s not Tyler. It’s not Chloe. Is it me? Did I say something or do something because I...?”
“No!” Ovi interjects. “It’s definitely not you. You’re my mom. The only mom I’ve ever had. That I remember. It’s not you.”
“Then help me understand this,” she implores. “Because I don’t get it. I don’t get why...after everything you’ve been through and after everything that Tyler’s been through...you’d want that life.”
“I honestly don’t know,” he admits. “I just want to do it. I have to do it.”
“That makes absolutely zero sense. Ovi, you need to listen to me. Because I’m going to talk you like a mother. Actually, I am going to resort to begging you. Forget about this. The job. Don’t do this. It is not the life you want and it’s not the life I want for you. I’ve lived that life. Long before you came along. Before Tyler even came along. I have seen what happens to people. Good people that thought they could handle the job and couldn’t. And it didn’t end well. The job destroys you. Slowly. It kills you from the inside out. Until you either put a bullet in your brain or someone else does it for you.”
He nods slowly and swallows heavily, considering her brutally honest words.
“The job never lets you go,” Esme continues. “Even when you walk away. You see that. You’ve been with us for five years now.  You see what it’s done to Tyler. You know the demons he battles with every minute of every day. You’ve seen him when he’s been in the darkest possible places and he’s wanted to kill himself. You’re here on the days he can’t even get out of bed. Why would you want that for yourself? I don’t want that for you. And I know Tyler doesn’t want that for you.”
“I’m sorry,” he chokes back tears. “That he’s gone through all of that. That he still goes through it.”
“But you’re still going to do it, aren’t you.  You’re still going to go through with this.”
He nods.
Sighing heavily, she shakes her head in disbelief, then places her elbow on the arm rest and her cheek on her palm.  She glances out towards the pool where Tyler now stands at the edge; arms crossed over his chest as he looks down at Millie, who's in the midst of a rather animated tale, hands wildly moving and gesturing with nearly every word. She’s tall and lanky yet still looks so tiny alongside of him, and when stops talking she copies his stance of arms over chest, hip slightly cocked to the side.  Their resemblance uncanny as they stare one another down; same color and texture of hair, same skin tone, same facial expression.
He breaks first, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. And Millie giggles when he effortlessly scoops her up off the ground with one arm, then shrieks when he tosses her into the water. The twins want in on the action and they quickly scramble for the ladders on the sides of the pool, their bare feet smacking against the deck as they rush towards him.  The fun lasts for several minutes; the kids squealing and each time they’re hurled into the water, making it a competition on who can make the biggest and loudest splash. There’s a smile on Tyler’s face. A genuine smile. For a long time, he’d had to force them for the sake of the kids; the depression so powerful and profound that most days just putting one foot in front of the other was considering tremendous progress. But it’s real now; lighting up his face and crinkling the corners of his eyes. And it’s so beautiful.
“Ovi,” Esme begins, as she struggles to hold back the fold of threatening to me. “I need you to listen to what I’m about to say. And it’s going to sound super harsh and I’m sorry for that and you know that I love you like you’re one of my own.”
He nods.
“But if something happens and you fuck up and you need Tyler to come and save your ass, you better make sure he comes home. Alive. Because if he doesn’t, I will never...ever...forgive you. Do you understand me? If something happens to him and he doesn’t make it out of there and you do, I will spend the rest of my life hating you. Because that is my husband. The father of my children. The love of my life. And if he dies, I will hold you responsible and I will make sure it haunts you until you take your last breath.”
The sliding door opens and Salena and Kyle step out, chatting and laughing as if they’ve been friends forever, Salena now sporting his baseball hat.  And Kyle frowns when he sees his sister’s tear stained face and her attempts at brushing away the remnants of her emotional meltdown.
He glares at Ovi. “What the hell did you do to my sister?”
“Nothing,” Esme answers for him, using the back of her hand to clean up the last of the tears. “You know how I get; how I cry for the stupidest reasons sometimes. I just had a baby three weeks ago. My hormones are still messed up.”
“You sure?” her brother asks. “Because...”
“Because what? What are you going to do, K? Beat him up? I already have one overprotective man in my life, I don’t need another. I’m fine. It’s just my emotions; all over the place.” She gives him a reassuring smile as she pushes her chair away from the table and stands up. “I’m going to go in and start bringing things out. If you want to hold onto little bean there...”
“You kidding? I’m going to hold her forever. I’m never giving this one back.”
“You might have to fight her for over that.  He’s sort of attached to her. That’s his last one and he’s enjoying it all he can.”
Kyle shakes his head. “I keep telling you both. Go for the even half dozen. The procedure can be reversed and then just get it done again after the sixth.”
“Yeah, that’s a no from me, Kyle.  We’ve reached our limit. Five is fine. Neither of us are OCD enough to make it an even number.”
“One more,” he encourages. “A boy.”
“You’re insane. Three boys are enough. More than enough. You want babies, you have them. Find someone that’s actually willing to have sex with you and put your spawn in them. My baby making days are over, thank you very much.”
“I’m kind of one Kyle’s side here,” Salena says. “One more wouldn’t hurt. And you guys make really cute kids, so...”
“No more babies,” Esme insists. “That’s it. We’ve reached the end of the line. And don’t even think about putting this bullshit in Tyler’s head because he comes to me and suddenly thinks another one is a good idea, I’m coming to kick both your asses.”
“Do you want some help?” Salena inquires as Esme heads for the door.  “I don’t mind.”
“I’m fine. I’ll call you if I need you. You’re a guest. So just sit down and do guest stuff. Or get Kyle to flex and feel up his arm. So you can see the difference. Boy versus man. And you’re the former, Kyle. In case there was any doubt.”
“That’s harsh,” he complains. “My arms are just as big.”
“Sure,” his sister agrees. “If you put both of yours together. Then they’re as big as one of Tyler’s.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “You’re a savage, kid. A straight savage.”
“Personally. I think your arms are just right.” Salena drawls, then gives him a wink before following her friend into the house.
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blouisparadise · 5 years
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Upon request, here is continuation of our angsty fic rec list. If you’re looking for bottom Louis fics with some painful angst, you’ve come to the right place. If you missed the first angsty fic rec list we did, you can find it here.
Happy reading!
1) Just Stop Your Crying (It’s a Sign of the Times) | Explicit | 5864 words
My own imagining of the inspiration for Sign of the Times.  Featuring boys in love, even after all this time.
2) Give Me Things To Stay Awake | Explicit | 10261 words
AU. It's been a year since Louis broke up with Harry.
3) This Glorious Mess | Mature | 14260 words
His head lolls to the side, and his eyes float open to focus on what used to be his bedside table.
It’s empty now, devoid of the framed photo of the two of them. And Louis knows that he has no right to feel hurt, but somehow, this only confirms what this really is.
“This is the last time,” he cries, his voice breaking both from pleasure and pain.
“I know, baby,” Harry breathes, burying his face in Louis neck.
4) Baby Honey | Explicit | 14744 words
When the next great war strikes, all alphas have to ship out. Alex leaves a little more behind than some of the others.
5) Wait For Me (To Come Home) | Explicit | 16066 words
"i’m always soft for you, that’s the problem. you could come knocking on my door five years from now and i would open my arms wider and say, ‘come here, it’s been too long, it felt like home with you.’"
6) Maps Can Be Poems When You’re On Your Way | Not Rated | 18974 words
Harry falls in love with the guy his best friend is fooling around with.
7) Monsters At Home | Explicit | 21566 words
High School!AU. Everyone's eyes are on Harry, the beautiful, charming new student. Harry's only got eyes for the school golden boy: football captain Louis Tomlinson, whose homophobic father complicates matters a bit.
8) England Has My Bones | Explicit | 24087 words
The next time Harry thinks about calling, it’s 4.14 in the morning on a Parisian hotel balcony.
9) Etched In Salt (Is A Cathedral Of The World) | Explicit | 24416 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH.
Louis asks for very few things in life, and they are: to solve cases, to keep bad people from doing their bad things, to get good coffee, to go home to a spacious apartment with nobody else in it, and to manage his stupid telempathy powers with minimal interference. And now he's stuck in a tiny cabin in a snowstorm in the middle of god-awful-nowhere with Harry Styles. Because of course he is.
10) The Things I’d Do To Wake Up Next To You | Mature | 36109 words
AU. Harry wakes up to a pregnant Louis Tomlinson and a wedding band on his finger.
11) Brooklyn Saw Me | Explicit | 38537 words
In the cold and unforgiving city of New York, Louis doesn't have a home and Harry wants to give him one. But as their heartstrings become increasingly intertwined, and the snow continues to fall, home is getting harder and harder to find.
12) Bloodsport | Explicit | 40283 words
“You know how our next game is against the Cardinals, right? You remember how vicious those guys can get. I wanted us to come up with some plays, maybe work on a block from the left—”
Louis stops when he hears a chuckle.
He doesn’t think he’s said anything particularly funny, so he turns to Harry, waiting for an explanation.
“‘S funny, ‘s all.” Harry throws his finished bottle somewhere near the other discarded ones. “This is the first time you’re talking to me in eight months, and it’s still about football.”
13) Ever Fixed | Mature | 41521 words
Three years ago, Harry was happily married, successfully heading the largest technology company in the world, and raising his young daughter. After he loses nearly everything in the aftermath of his daughter’s lost battle with a rare brain tumor, it may take three strange and yet very familiar visitors – and a man from the therapy group Harry keeps refusing to go to – to get him back on track.
14) We’re What’s Right In This World | Explicit | 48809 words
The World War II AU where Harry goes off to fight and all Louis wants to do is be the boy who brings him home.
15) Why Can’t It Be Like That | Explicit | 63567 words
A fashion AU with a royal twist, where Louis doesn't need a stylist, Harry's thrilled to have a real life Barbie doll, and they're both very wrong about each other.
16) Like Real People Do | Explicit | 64175 words
Louis didn’t ask for a lot of things. He didn’t ask for his entire family to die in a car crash that may or may not have been his fault. He didn’t ask to get powers out of that accident, either, powers that eventually led him into a two-year relationship with a man who was far more than met the eye. But one night, he chose to ask for a replacement to a broken camera from someone he hadn’t spoken to in a year and a half. He did ask for that. And that kind of led to everything else.
17) Consequences | Explicit | 78655 words
Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time.
18) For Reasons Wretched and Divine | Explicit | 94655 words
Ten years ago, Harry Styles was just a nerdy kid with one friend and a debilitating crush on the captain of his school’s football team. He thought the stars were smiling down on him the day he and Louis Tomlinson were paired for their end-of-term Literature project. But because Harry’s life is decidedly not a fairytale, the budding friendship quickly leads to the least happy ending of all time.
Now, Harry Styles is a household name. Barely twenty-seven with two Grammy nominations to his name, the singer-songwriter is poised to take the music industry by storm with his highly anticipated third album. So, what happens when the best producer in the business is also the only person Harry’s vowed never to speak to again?
19) A Taste Of Desire | Explicit | 104414 words
Victorian ABO where Harry is the owner of the most successful cotton mill in Manchester, and Louis is an opinionated social activist about to disrupt Harry’s world.
20) Saving Symphony Hall | Mature | 124766 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
“I think I have an idea,” Louis said. Slowly, and reluctantly, but with a growing sense of the inevitable. “God damnit, I think I have a really good idea.”
“Oh christ, that's the problem-solving face,” Babs said. “Last time we saw that face, he sold a company.”
“Wait, what?” Zayn asked.
“Right place, right time,” Louis said. “Also, fuck my life,”
“What?” Zayn repeated. Niall patted his hand.
“I usually just roll with whatever Louis is about to do,” he said. “It’s better for us all.”
“That’s the attitude,” said Louis, “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Tonight, I need to do some research. Zayn, give me your number. I’m gonna save our symphony.”
21) Run Like the Devil | Explicit | 138095 words
Note: This fic has mentions of BH.
Harry stops pouting, but his frown is still fixed in place. “Are you sure?” he asks. “You know it’s your soul you’re signing away.” He sounds…sad? No, that’s not right, but there’s  something.
Christ. This is the most incompetent demon Louis’ ever met. If he hadn’t seen the red of his eyes he wouldn’t believe he was a demon at all. How’d he get this job if he isn’t trying to convince Louis to deal? Or is it just another trick? A ploy for sympathy?
“I’m sure,” Louis says. “Come over here and kiss me.”
22) Collision | Not Rated | 207413 words
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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hutaos-gh0st · 4 years
Ok I’m just gonna go on a little rant so please ignore this I just need to vent out my feelings somehow.
I’ll be honest, I don’t fear a lot of things. Yeah that’s not a good trait to have I know but it’s just how I am,
But I’ll be honest right now I am fucking terrified. My family has been falling apart and when I broke down one night my mom told me “your brother and you will form you’re own opinions that we won’t always agree with and vice versa but I’m the end we’re still family and love each other” I take this as an ok to finally be myself around them, how fucking wrong I was. Not only did I get compared to a serial killer, a school shooter, and many other things for having depression, they wanted to send me away to a mental hospital when all I needed was someone to be there. I came out to them and they don’t look at me the same, I’ve been called many names from it and constantly hear faggot, that shit hurts coming from the people you thought you loved and cared for. I spoke my opinions and they believed I was being influenced since my opinions weren’t theirs. I sat and got lectured for hours yet had to keep my mouth shut. It was torture since I’ve learned to not take anyone’s bullshit, but when it comes from your parents when you’re in a time if need holy hell it hurts. Thank god I didn’t tell them that much otherwise I probably wouldn’t be here right now. All I hear about when romance and my name is brought up is about husbands and boyfriends, nothing female even though I lean towards it. I constantly hear them talk shut about my beliefs and the lgbtq+, my mom told me one night with a nasty tone I’ve never heard her use that if she could pick my sexuality shed pick me and wishes I was straight. I went downstairs to grab a bottle of water and currently am working my way out of a panic attack. Why? Because the debate. They’re cheering on trump and his racist and homophobic ass. They’re cheering along with the new justice and what hurts the most, that grin on my family’s face when they talked about what they new justice wanted to do, get rid of gay marriage. All I want is to be happy, I’ve felt so numb for so long it’s all I want, I want everything to be ok, god dammit I just want to love and get married and grow up with the one, who’s most likely going to be a female. I gusss that can’t happen. I’ll never get the day to watch my girlfriend walk down the aisle up to me, I’ll never get to put that ring on her finger, I’ll never get to have those late nights holding her and telling her how much she means to me, I’ll never get to be happy, I’ll never get to love. It’s all I’ve wanted for so long, to be loved and be able to have someone accept me and my love, but I guess that won’t happen now. I hate politics but this term I have to be involved, why? Because my rights, MY RIGHT TO LOVE, is being debated and up there for some old ass man to chose. I’m terrified, I hate this I hate everything so much and I feel like this was just the thing that broke the damn. I’m so tired, I hate putting on a mask in front of my family I’m not a Barbie doll that you dress up and play with dammit. I’ve never been as scared as I have been in my life, I dotn get panic attacks often and if they are they aren’t long, this one was. I’m begging you please, if you can vote settle for blue, I just want to love, be loved, to be happy.
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my-plastic-life · 4 years
Behind the Scenes: Making Thumbelina
When I decided I wanted to do a fairy scene, this idea was bouncing around in my brain and I decided to take the plunge and attempt to make Thumbelina. She was a huge part of my childhood (along with Crysta, who is also in the scene - more on that later) and I’d seen some other people make their own version of her, so I wanted to give it a try.
Originally a Fox movie released in 1994, Thumbelina is now technically a Disney Princess since Disney now owns Fox. :D
For that reason, I knew I wanted this doll to have a Disney Princess face. So after checking out the bargain dolls on the Disney Store, I found two potential candidates: Ariel and Snow White. Ariel would have been a funny coincidence because Jodi Benson voiced both characters!
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The Disney Princess dolls seem to have the same rounded eyes, though some are different sizes. Cinderella and Aurora could have also worked, but upon looking at pictures of Thumbelina from the movie, I made the decision to use Snow White. She has the same smaller round eyes, a soft smile, simple makeup, and a subtle hint of blush in her cheeks. Plus, if I wasn’t able to salvage her Disney Princess body (those things are very hard to decapitate without breaking!), I knew I could use a Barbie body that would match the skin tone. Here are the source photos:
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Snow’s lips are more pink in person, which makes them even closer of a match. She also has the same black outline and eyelashes at the top of the eyes. I could just picture the beauty she’d become!
Before I bought the doll, I had to confirm that someone would be able to reroot the doll for me and make the dress since I’m terrible at both of those things. :D I first contacted a very talented seamstress who’s made a few outfits for me, including the outfit Crysta is wearing in the same diorama that Thumbelina is in:
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Not bad considering I had to take the measurements for her, since she didn’t have a Disney Fairy doll to use as a model. :D She said she’d be able to make Thumbelina’s dress, so I did a victory dance and focused on the next part.
Next up was getting the doll rerooted. That was tricky because, A), I can’t reroot so I had to pay someone else to do it. I did get to choose the color, but not being able to physically see the color made me keep questioning whether or not the shade would be right.
The pictures make Thumbelina look like she has red hair, but compared to her true love Cornelius, it’s more of a strawberry blonde since his hair is red.
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I finally settled on a color. The seller kept me posted on how the hair was going, sent me pictures, and even styled the hair for me so that Thumbelina had her bangs and “wisps” on the sides of her head.
When the doll and dress arrived, I was very pleased! Everything was perfect except one part - Snow White’s eyes are brown and Thumbelina’s eyes are blue. Fortunately, that’s one thing I can do - I broke out my acrylic paint, carefully changed the eye color, then sealed the paint with Mod Podge. Since this doll is meant for display/collecting and not play, that should be just fine.
Disney Princesses usually wear heals, but the dolls do not. They all have flat feet and flat shoes. In this case, that was perfect for Thumbelina. I took the yellow shoes that Snow White came with and repainted them with a color that matched the belt on her dress. That same color was also needed for her headband. See:
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Might have gotten a bit darker than the picture, but I’m still happy with it. My first idea for making the headband was finding ribbon to match. You’d think it would be easy to match that color... wrong! My Walmart, the only place in this town that carries ribbon, was picked over and based on the stock photos, the right color wasn’t there anyway. And it’s something I have to see in person to know I have the right shade. Shopping online wasn’t an option, and I wasn’t going out of town with a pandemic going on.
I’d seen videos of people using rings from milk gallon jugs or pop bottles and turning them into headbands, so I tried that. The little spikes molded into the plastic were messing up Thumbelina’s hair, plus it stuck out too far away from her head. I wasn’t liking it.
Then I saw the red headband that Snow White had come with. The bow came off easily, and I thought I’d try to paint it with the same paint I used on the shoes. Wasn’t sure how it would work on fabric, but I knew at least the headband would fit properly since it was made for that head.
But alas, I needn’t have worried. It came out perfectly! The fabric became stiff, but that’s okay with me. So all the red got covered with the teal color, then sealed with Mod Podge, and BOOM! Headband!
Last were the flowers in Thumbelina’s hair. It was tricky finding small flowers, but I managed to find a few in the many that had been picked through at Walmart. They’re white lilacs, and they were cheap, so I grabbed a bundle. I knew I’d only need three little blossoms. The leftovers went into my wolf planter. :D
I first tried to glue the flowers onto some green embroidery floss that was holding the ponytail in place. The flowers didn’t like that. They kept slipping off, even with the Gorilla Super Glue. Plus I was afraid that would hurt the doll’s hair. Then I looked closer at the flowers and saw that they had little holes in the center that allowed them to be attached to the bunch. A lightbulb went on and I decided to thread the flowers through some green thread, then tie that thread around the ponytail holder (the embroidery floss was still there). I would then be able to maneuver the flowers as needed, and they’d be safe from icky glue.
And that was it! Thumbelina was complete! I’m very happy with how she looks. And she’s a great addition to my Disney Princess collection. Like I said, since Disney owns Fox now, Thumbelina is technically a Disney Princess (she married a prince, so in Disney’s eyes, that makes her a princess lol).
Here she is!
Dress made by Mariya Bridal on Etsy (Click here!)
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Eyes painted blue
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Painted headband, plus flowers
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Original shoes repainted
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Reroot done by NenasDolls on Etsy (Click here!)
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