#so now i have to go and be like ummmm. hi dr. im stupid and ummm 🥺 i know i said i was doing fine but i think i was wrong i sick now
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sorry my posts suck today i have a headache and im stressed about my doctors appiintment tomorrow and its making me stupid. in my brain
#.pdf#rd#worried about not being taken seriously when i say ive had these issues for like a year. cos ive never brought it up before because they-#-were so comparatively mild that i thought it was just chronic work stress manifesting as brief illness episodes. and i was embarrassed-#-about being so stressed out by my simple part-time flexible-schedule job. i thought it would be stupid to complain about something tjat-#-“happens to everyone” and that i had “no reason to be this stressed”#so now i have to go and be like ummmm. hi dr. im stupid and ummm 🥺 i know i said i was doing fine but i think i was wrong i sick now#which makes me feel like im making it the fuck up. like im a “healthy” 22 year old with normal bloodwork im scared shes gonna dismiss me-#-when i say that ive picked up on a symptom pattern characteristic of me/cfs and over the past 3 months its gotten so bad i can barely work#my mother also wants me to ask for a referral to a place that does POTS testing bcos i have some of those symptoms as well#and im concerned about going “heyy i know i was like fine last year but do you think i might have TWO entire chronic illnesses perhaps”#cos ive seen. so many stupid comments from doctors and nurses on reddit tiktok etc saying patients “like me” are faking/attention seeking#scary..#grrrrrrrr. what ever. idk just wish me luck i guess
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ok but that aside im just gonnw let out some theories or thoughts here cause ummmm why not!!!!!
have this little ramble that turns out to be w rant about lightbulb
mephone wanted to start a season 4 so the show could go on forever, right? what would happen to the season 2 finalists? considering how long its been i can only assume theyve either been invited to stay at hotel oj for the time being or legitimately got left rotting in the forestHELPME. hoenstly im guessing that during episode 19. like yk how wt the end of object show episodes kike after the credits they show a little scene? yeah im guessing one of thoseare gonna be there after the credits and and and its gonna FIRST OF ALL START BU SHOWING THE NIGHT SKY OF THE SEASON 2 GROUNDS OKAY OKAY??? then its gonna like the screen moves down and its the forest, zoom in more and yiu see suitcase and baseball talking, go to the right and its knife like kicking down a tree or whatever, GO EVEN FURTHER AND IT LIGHTBULB SITTING ON A TREESTUMP CHUGGING DR. FIZZ OKAY ITS GON A HAPPEN SHES GONNA HAVE EYEBAGS AND SHES GONNA BE A DEPRESSED LITTLE FUCK ITS CANON IM TELLING YOU. and apparently it was comfirmed that it hurts ligthbulb when she cries like WHAT!!!!!!!!so um shes gonnw cry at some point cause i said so i love angst i need lightbukb angst shes so overlooked like her stereotype is the assumed enthusiast but her story is so much deeper than that guys please im sobbing can you tell how much i miss her I NEED HER ON SCREEN NOW. okay okay look look so um back to the topic im not sure how iii 19 is gonna turn out but maybe mephone is gonnw come back to the season 2 island MAYBE?????
ok i have 3 outcomes for 5his
1. mephone comes back, the cutscene with the final 4 ends with mephones shadow walking in AND ALL THE FINALISTS LOOK UP ST HIM then it hits us with a "TO BE CONTINUED." CAUSEE YEAAH ADAM LOVES TO TORTURE US!!!!
2. mephone gets kidnapped by cobs. thats it
3. mephone never goes back to season 2 so the show gets cancled and the finalists go back to hotel oj and lightbulb sees testy painty and fan and they all kiss right right ZrugtRUGHT
i need lightbrush cintent so bad im so deprived for it i just want them to hug ot something like why do we get Znickloom hugging and not lightbrush ok thats not fair tha5 is NOT fair this is so not fair can they atleast hokd hands or soemthing like hug like maybe even KISS come on adam co e on you jnow you want to /silly
oh yeah and tacos probably gonnw do something stupid as fuck with mepad shes gonna rewire him or something and turn him into like a fucking teleportation device i meann he already is one so uhhhhhhhhhh
um hi!!!
#inanimate insanity#object shows#ii lightbulb#ii paintbrush#lightbrush#ii 2#ii baseball#ii knife#ii suitcase
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Bim's Date (part 4)
"We have to watch this!!" Mark saids happily as he looks at the poster on the side of the theater.
"Ummmm really? Its a documentary on space. I didn't know you were into that." You give him a look. Mark realized he is trying to play as Bim and takes it back. "O ummm sorry its just that I think I have been hanging around Mark to much and its starting to rub off on me hahahaha." Mark runs his hand through his hair nervous. This was actually harder that he thought it would be. He may have created Bim but he still does not know all the quirks Bim has.
"You hang out with him a lot? You told be you don't really see him that much because he gets busy and he checks up on you once in a while to see if Willford hasn't burned the house down." You remember the texts you both had been sending each other. You were nervous about asking him so many questions thinking you were annoying him but he didn't mind them. He turned out to like talking about it from the outside, sometimes venting about something Willford did to not let him have a segment, King of Squirrels getting peanut butter on the laundry after he just cleaned them, sometimes Dr. Iplier does surprise check ups and gives him surprise shots because he knows Bim would have run out, the constant complaints from neighbors about Ed trying to sell his son to them, Silver always trying to jump off the roof to practice a superhero landing and Bim falls over instead saving him, Google always insisting he is the smart one, when Host gets in a mood and Bim feels terrible not being able to help him, Yandere making creepy laughs at night that keep him up, and pretty much everything Dark does.
"O well you know just the times we have talked and he brings it up it sounded interesting. You pick out the movie." Mark insists. You pick a action movie and he pays for the tickets. You both walk in and get some popcorn, a Icee, and some candies. You go into the theater and Mark's phone goes off. He turns pale as he sees who it is. "Are you ok?" You ask him. "Is it Dark?" The thought even makes you shiver. "Im sorry I need to take this." Mark walks into the hallway and is face to face with the person who sent him the text.
"You are in so much trouble Mark Edward Fischbach!!!" Amy glares at Mark her arms crossed. "Amy I can explain..." Mark reaches for Amy but she shrugs him off. "No need. I go to the ego house to check up on them for you because you said you had to do something and no one is there. Sure enough I ask the Googles what is wrong but they don't say anything but Yellow gives in and tells me everything. I cant believe you are doing this..." Amy turns away from him.
"Amy I know this looks bad. It really does but please hear me out before you start to judge me please." Mark pleads to her. She peeks at him ready to listen. "Amy when Dark called me and told me what happened I was worried for Bim. I didn't want another incident to happen again. he told me either I did this or him and you know how bad he is. Who knows what he could have done if it is not me doing this. Im trying to protect both Bim and (Y/N). I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I felt like it was something I had to do myself." Mark looks down at the floor. Amy sighs and walks up to him and hugs him. "Your stupid you know that. I understand why you are doing this but next time tell me. I can help to you know, I care about them too you know. I mean its part of the great Markiplier care package right." Amy laughs looking up at him. Mark smiles and holds Amy close snuggling into her hair.
"Ok I will go but please be careful ok. Think about what you are doing. Not only for Bim but for (Y/N)." Amy kisses Mark. "But you are still in trouble." She pokes his chest. "I know.. am I forgiven?" Mark asks looking at Amy not wanting her to hate him. "For now and depends on how this ends." Amy kisses Mark again and takes off. Mark watches her leave and sighs. "I am the luckiest man alive." He walks back into the theater just as the movie begins.
A few minutes later the egos make it to the theater. Dark sweet talks the person in front to let them in for free and the egos enter the theater quietly. They sneak up the steps carefully so they wouldn't be noticed and sit at the top. Below them by four rows is Mark and you. Bim looks at you already with a heavy heart, you are into the movie and laugh at something that happens. Bim feels even worse as he sees you lean to Mark and say something about how cute a actor is and you both laugh. "Just as I expected. They haven't noticed a thing. it looks to me like (Y/N) is having a better time with him than you." Dark looks at Bim smug.
"No.. your wrong..." Bim tries to defend the situation but he is starting to doubt himself the more he sees you having a fun time. Even the other egos feel bad, they feel for Bim. Bim cant take it anymore and gets up to leave. He stomps out of the theater with tears in his eyes and sniffles. You hear the stomping of feet and look up at the sound but you don't know it is Bim because the theater is too dark. Mark however does and he tells you he is going to get more snacks. mark races outside and finds Bim in the hallway sitting on the floor holding his knees to his chest.
"Bim..." Mark doesn't know what to say. Bim doesn't look at him. "Why Mark... why did you do it..." Bim is crushed. Mark sits beside Bim.
"Bim I'm sorry. I thought I was helping you. Dark didn't give me a choice in the manner. and if it makes you feel better Amy already scolded me." Mark looks at Bim. Bim peeks at Mark. "A little bit.." Mark smiles at that and pats Bim's back. Bim looks at Mark. "You know despite this being very wrong it looks weird to see you really look like me." Bim saids. Mark looks at him comfused. "I mean we really do look the same but I mean wearing the same things I have and trying to act like me."
"Would you find it funny if I told you it was actually really hard being you. which is weird because I creates you so you think I can pull it off easily but no. Im a terrible actor." Mark laughs and Bim laughs with him. They sit there for a moment quite and Bim speaks up. "Mark I know you mean well. I know everyone does, except Dark he is loving this. But I could have handled it on my own really. Come on I'm Bim Trimmer I can take care of myself fine. Thank you though for caring." Bim hugs Mark which surprises Mark but he returns the hug.
"How about you finish this date? I really want to go home now and I didn't want to leave Chica alone for too long." Mark stands up. "I believe you got this." Mark gives you a thumbs up and heads out. Bim stands then turns to go back in the theater and comes face to face with you.
"I knew it... I knew it wasn't you." You stand their looking at Bim. Bim feels himself go numb. "So what you made Mark come here to see if I was just using you to get to him... I went out to check on "you" after "you" got that text to see if you were ok. I hear Amy and she confirmed that it wasn't you but Mark. he mentioned something about it being Dark's idea and he didn't want you hurt again. What did he mean by that?" You look at Bim feeling hurt.
"(Y/N) I didn't mean it like that. I didn't know about it trust me. It is just something happened once with a fan and I got hurt badly so they got worried about me." Bim tries to get you to believe him.
"It was pretty obvious we were being watched. You didn't notice that the other egos were watching us the whole time. At first I didn't think much of it but not I get it..." You feel tears coming in.
"i didn't... but please know I didn't mean to hurt you." Bim reaches for you but you back away from him.
The other egos come out of the theater and see what is happening. You look over at them, they all look guilty, but Dark. "Do you blame us for thinking this way?" Dark saids calmly. "You clearly put out a post saying you would love to go out with Mark. Although the rest of your profile suggests you are a good person it cant be helped."
"Wait you internet stalked me!" You feel worse. You feel like you were being judge because of someone else that did something wrong. It hurts badly, you tear up and one escapes. "Just because someone messed up doesn't mean I'm going to be like that. That post was done two years ago as a silly thing. but you didn't care about that did you..."
"I didn't see that.." Google saids. his eyes glow looking back at it. "(Y/N) is right... im sorry.."
"This is our fault ok. Bim had nothing to do with this and Mark was just being used. If your going to be upset be mad at us." Willford saids taking a step to you. "Bim is better than us. Please know that."
"No... I get it now. You didn't want him to get hurt. I don't know what happened before but clearly it caused problems for you enough to make the effort to stalk me to see if I was going to used him. But im not. But just from this I made all of you concerned and upset. It got Mark in trouble with Amy. I could have made Bim not want to talk to you all anymore. I knew Bim shouldn't have gone out with me but I let it happen anyway and this mess happened." You take a deep breath. " I'm sorry I bothered you all. send my apologies to Mark and Amy for me." With that you turn to leave trying to hold in the tears. Bim reaches out for you and turns you around. He holds you tightly.
"Please don't go... please don't leave me..." He loosens his hold on you and you see he is crying to. "I just wanted someone I can talk to. You made me feel like I was my own person and not just Mark's ego... I don't want that feeling to go away..." Bim just kisses you. His lips are trembling but it feels so warm and soft. He doesn't want to stop but pulls back any cups your cheek. "I like you (Y/N)."
The tears come poring down your face. "I like you to Bim... that's what makes this hurt more." You get out of his hold and walk away from him then run off to your car. You get in the car and hear Bim calling out to you but you don't dare look back and drive off home.
Bim stands infront of the theater watching the car drive away. The other egos run out after him. "It was for the best. This is why we don't date." Dark saids and he leaves to his car and drives off. Bim just keeps staring down the road the car went through.
"Bim we didn't mean for-" The doctor gets cut off by Host. "Bim wants to be alone. Nothing we can say now will help him. Bim does not want to talk to us. We have all hurt him. We should let him be." The Host saids sadly.
Silver tries to walk to Bim but Ed stops him shaking his head. "We have done enough.." They walk to the car. Google sighs and as he walks to the car he peeks at Bim feeling bad. Willford walks back into the theater and takes in so many candies and munches on them without a word as he heads to the care, an emotional snacker. Host pats the doctors back and heads to the care to but the doctor looks at Bim. Finally the doctor turns to leave.
"Doc..." Bim whispers. Dr.Iplier looks back at Bim. "Yes?" Bim finally turns to him. His face covers in tears and his suit has many drops on it. "Can you give me a new heart... I don't think I can feel mine anymore..."
(bear with me guys I know this looks very bad but don't worry it is going to have a happy ending trust me. for now all aboard the feels train. *saids while getting tissues for anyone who reads it and is open to hug anyone who feels bad)
#bim trimmer#willford warfstache#ed edgar#silver shepherd#The Host#googleplier#dr.iplier#darkiplier#markiplier#Amy Nelson#king of squirrels#yandere chan#marks egos#fanfic#story#the feeeeeeeeeeeeeels#i need a hug#tissue
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