#so nate persuades her into putting her career on hold just for a little while until they can start putting their son in daycare
thinking about nora again
#fallout#okay first of all her full maiden name is lenore dubrovhsky#she's somehow related to the russian diplomat who is the grandfather of natalia dubrovhsky#maybe his niece? idk but she immigrated to the us after meeting nate during his tour because she claimed she was IN LOVE#i imagine she was in her late teens and nate was in his early 20s#and she falls for him and he promises he'll help her with going to college in the US and they'll have an equal marriage yadda yadda#so they get married and nora becomes a lawyer#so they've been married around seven years and she's doing her training as a legal secretary when oops! she becomes pregnant#(nate sabotaged her birth control but shhh she doesn't know that)#so nate persuades her into putting her career on hold just for a little while until they can start putting their son in daycare#(shaun takes heavily after nora's side of the family to the point nate jokes about whether his DNA had any say at all)#(he also later joins the army and dies in action)#so nora's being kept at home all the time. taking care of the kid. cooking all the meals. cleaning the house. barely any time for herself#and she gets so frazzled she gets into a minor car accident while taking shaun home from the doctor#nate freaks out and confiscates her car keys so now she can barely get out of the house without him on her arm#barely any adult social interaction and any family she could have had keeping her company was all the way over in russia#so she has a quickie with a door-to-door salesman and when her next kid pops out with red hair#the lack of resemblance to nate stops being funny#he agrees not to leave her but says he can't trust her at home alone anymore so he gets her a job at shaun's elementary school as a teacher#this happened around when shaun was 11 and he's harbored a hatred for his mom and his sister ever since#nate promised to raise the girl like his own but he's distant with her which rubbed off on shaun#so the girl. i'm calling her annabelle. TOTAL mommy's girl. wants to be just like her#so when shaun's seventeen he fakes his enlistment papers so he can be enlisted early and dies in combat#i imagine nora misses the baby boy she raised and is utterly upset he turned out this way#and by 'this way' i mean i imagine him as a patriotic misogynist and nora does not hold kind feelings towards the US for various reasons#nate was proud of his son for dying for a cause he believed in#so when annabelle's six nora gets pregnant again and that's when i imagine the bombs drop#the school nora works for is a really privileged private school (nate comes from old money) and that's where the cryo pods come in!#i imagine it would be like a 'saving america's youth for a brighter tomorrow' thing idk#also the day the bombs dropped nora killed nate before heading off to work. woulda been totally caught had the bombs not dropped HEYOOOO
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lucaniisdellamorte · 4 years
This isn’t completely solid yet but I wanted to write out how things go in the twins canon
So the twins were born and raised in Wayhaven, after their father died Rebecca more or less dropped them off with an uncaring uncle and very very rarely ever saw the twins growing up
We’re talking like.....she’d maybe visit for a weekend a month
Poloma dated Bobby in college and it was her first real love but after Bobby stole her work, lied to all their friends making it seem like she was trying to steal from him, and ruining her reputation, she decided she wasn’t going to going to make that mistake again
Pax was one of the people that Bobby couldn’t persuade and after everything he absolutely loathes him
Pax was the first one to be promoted to detective about a year or so before the old detective I don’t remember their name retired, more or less so they could coast through the last year of their career
Poloma was promoted simply because of that detective retiring
Okay so moving on to the events of Book One
Both twins are at the crime scene and both twins go to that abandoned warehouse, they take Poloma’s car since Pax only has his motorcycle and it’s still too cold to be riding that around
Pax pepper sprays Adam
At the Official Meeting, Pax is professional and welcoming, Poloma tries to be welcoming but gets a little snarky with Mason (Felix kisses Poloma’s hand and she likes him immediately)
Listening to the four talk, Poloma highly suspects that these are the same four people they ran into at the warehouse but after asking about it Pax is convinced that they aren’t
At Adam’s dismissal of them, Poloma goes with the “ah yes you obviously don’t need our help since you’ve already caught the guy orrrrr...wait...no you haven’t” which leaves Pax to to play peacekeeper alongside Nate
So since Nate is present in all three investigative routes, here is how I see that playing out, Nate and Pax go to talk to Verda while Poloma makes a call to Tina to get the details on their witness and get a cup of coffee since Pax fixed that earlier
Then when those two are done, Poloma, Nate, and Mason go to talk to Mrs Hudders
After ub leaves for the evening the twins sit down and chat, Poloma still thinks ub are the same guys as the night before and with how weird Nate and Mason were after talking to Mrs Hudders (and after Pax tells her about Nate’s reactions when they were talking to Verda) she’s convinced they’re hiding something and is frustrated that these guys that were sent to “help” them are probably doing nothing more than standing in their way
Pax doesn’t agree, well he agrees they’re probably lying about something but really believes that since ub is there to help that they’re really trying to solve the case while including the twins as much as they can. Since they’re shady Agency types there’s probably a lot of things that are Top Secret. Poloma isn’t convinced.
The next day Pax and Nate go to talk to Kate, Poloma goes back to the station
Both of the twins, Nate and Adam go to talk to Verda
They decide to split up a bit, Nate, Adam, and Pax looking into the weird blood while Felix, Mason, and Poloma focus on the connection between the victims (this is also where there starts to be hints that Felix and Poloma absolutely cannot work alone together because they’ll distract each other)
Poloma loses to Pax in rock, paper, scissors, and has to take the call from the mayor
Both twins get to have their moments with their lis on patrol
Then for the fight with Adam, Pax leaves to talk to Verda, Poloma talks to Kate and comes back before Pax which leaves her to fight with Adam and then she runs into her brother down in Verda’s office
They both decide to leave Adam to cool off and head to the hospital, Pax drives and Poloma calls Mason but after Poloma tells her brother that Nate hadn’t been in the office when she got back, Pax leaves him a voicemail too 
Poloma gets snarky with the receptionist at the hospital so Pax volunteers to go talk to Murphy while she hangs out in the hallway
When she hears the glass breaking, Poloma runs in and of course sees the broken beaker and Pax bleeding, Murphy does the whole take her hand, try to convince her to calm down and sit which doesn’t work so he now has confirmation that these are the people he’s looking for
Pax convinces Poloma that they need to stay at work that night even though Poloma would very very much like to go to the bar with Tina it’s been a week okay the girl just wants a bREAK They work in Pax’s office and when he goes to grab them both a snack and some coffee Bobby makes his appearance and ends up bugging Pax’s office
Somewhere in here Douglas had managed to sneak back into the station, possibly looking for a place to sober up a bit before heading home
Pax returns and immediately kicks Bobby the fuck out of the building
The fight goes down about the same with the added bonus of Pax saving Douglas and telling him to run, each of the twins gets to help out their li, Pax fights along side Felix and Poloma ends up pulling the fire alarm to end it
Only Pax ends up getting knocked out, Poloma manages to duck is this something she ends up teasing him about forever? The answer is a resounding Yes
Everyone heads to the facility, Poloma drives probably to transport her brother? With Nate and Adam at least probably? Either way no one says anything
The facility stuff plays out easily enough, Pax wakes up and is really only happy to see Poloma and Nate, Poloma makes a joke about how she’s fine because “apparently only one of us is smart enough to duck” Poloma takes the “actually them being vampires makes this whole thing make sense” and after a little convincing Pax takes the “...okay” option
The tour is...cold to say the least, Pax doesn’t hold back with the criticisms of Rebecca ,the secrets she’s kept from them, and how she’s made sure to put her work before her children, Poloma says nothing
The reveal about their blood is tense to say the least but they both agree to do the tests
Both of them stop outside of their lis doors though on different mornings
Once they’re back at work, the twins, Nate and Mason all head back to the hospital to scope out the lab
They rotate whose apartment they stay at which is fine with the twins since no matter where they stay at least they each get their own bedroom
Also somewhere in here Felix reveals that it was UB at the warehouse that night and a very vindicated Poloma gets $50 off of Pax and tells him “this is what happens when you doubt me”
Pax and Nate get to have breakfast together, Mason and Poloma get to check on the thralls
They’re at Poloma’s apartment when the attack happens, of course they have their little talk with Rebecca (still just as cold as their every other interaction mostly thanks to Pax) and they both still get moments with their lis since they get their own rooms, how the actual confrontation goes is a little hazy for me since I’m bad at planning big action sequences like that but uh...more thralls probably?
Anyway the twins end up caught
Before the transfusion Poloma just rips Murphy and his plan to shreds because this asshole went through the trouble of kidnapping them and isn’t even sure his plan will work and she’s not at all impressed
The transfusion is rougher on Pax and that leaves Poloma to get them both the fuck out of there (she manages to loosen the buckle with a pen) and more or less has to help heave her brother out into the room where UB finds them
Murphy bites Poloma on the neck
They still end up catching Murphy though by tripping him thanks to both of the twins and then they both pass out (Poloma from obvious blood loss and Pax from exhaustion)
The rest plays out like this, the twins are kept in the same room, Pax heals up faster since he didn’t have to deal with the extra burden of blood loss so they’re playing a card game on Poloma’s bed when Rebecca and UB come to visit, Pax ends up in the hallway talking to Nate while Poloma gets to talk to Mason
Now for Book Two!
Both of the twins have nightmares about what happened, Poloma’s revolve around the bite while Pax revolves around his inability to help his sister both during the fight and the transfusion
The twins talk to the Captain together, both of them reassuring him in their own way that they know they still work for him (Poloma picks the “surely more help is a good thing” while Pax is just like “yes sir”)
They drive separately to the warehouse since the weather is nice and Pax is just itching to drive his motorcycle
More coldness from Pax upon seeing Rebecca again (the fact that she hasn’t seen them at all in the last two months not helping the situation), while Poloma at least tries to be a little friendly by thanking her for giving Adam the dmb
Pax doesn’t approve but at least he keeps his mouth shut
Poloma ends up having to leave first since she gets a text from Verda about some test results pertaining to a case, Pax leaves some time later after getting a text from Tina about work as well
Pax doesn’t like that there’s a carnival in town without a license while Poloma is a little excited about it and the sense of normalcy it brings
Pax stays at the station with Verda while Poloma goes out with Tina to the bakery for a late breakfast
Both twins get to walk home with their lis, though its Pax and Nate that discover the sick supernatural
That means Pax also has to deal with Bobby
Meanwhile Poloma and Mason are interrupted by phone calls about what happened at the same time, Poloma asks “what are the odds that both of us getting called at the same time is a good thing”
Everyone gets updated at the facility, Poloma and Pax both expressing to Nate that while they want to protect everyone, Pax isn’t sure how to do that against a disease, while Poloma says that whatever this is she’s sure they can figure it out
Pax finds Ub outside of the station later and while he doesn’t shy away from talking to the Mayor he also doesn’t make any sort of greeting
Poloma is waiting inside the station for Pax (and her coffee) and bemoans the fact that ever since the attack, Douglas only seems to listen to Pax now
Poloma is the one drawn away by the phone call, while Pax leaves to grab some papers from her office while she’s doing that, when they both return she is the one to threaten Mason with a fire extinguisher when he goes to light his cigarette
Both of the twins are happy to see Verda’s family and when little Cara asks to sit on Nate’s shoulders, Poloma elbows Pax and just grins making him roll his eyes
But he absolutely thinks that’s adorable as fuck okay he just doesn’t need his sister’s teasing
While Pax is being all heart eyes, Poloma is the one that connects the carnival and the illness
Poloma finally gets in a witty remark with the whole “if you need a big car you’re just compensating” line
She and Mason along with Nate and Pax are all going to the carnival tonight though not at the same time, Nate and Pax leave first in an agency suv while Poloma and Mason leave about fifteen minutes later
Pax and Nate go for the carousel first and then head to the games (Pax gives the rabbit to Nate) while Poloma and Mason go the fortune teller and then the carousel, Adam tells Poloma and Mason that Pax and Nate are going for the house of  mirrors first so they need to pick one more attraction before heading there themselves so they go to the games as well
 Since their radios cut out when they go in, Pax and Nate have no way to warn Poloma and Mason about what happened to them before they go in themselves and subsequently cause their own radios to stop working
The twins head home together with Poloma driving after that whole post carnival talk, after she drops off Pax he runs into Douglas and when she gets home herself she runs into Bobby. Pax lets Douglas stay with him for a bit and he ends up seeing Falk and his friends first so he calls Nate first
Poloma’s call to Mason is followed only a few minutes later (which I’m sure went over real well with Adam)
So both Bobby and Douglas end up at the warehouse and while both of the twins are willing to talk about Douglas and why he’s dressed like Pax, both are very obviously more hesitant to talk about Bobby. Pax tries to give Poloma an out simply stating that Bobby is a real fucking annoying reporter but Poloma admits that he’s her ex, thinking that it’s best to get that awkwardness out of the way not that she divulges any more details than that
The twins compare notes about how the attacks happened before each is driven home by their respective li
Poloma and Mason bang
The twins decided to split the difference between fight training and research, Poloma gets research in the morning with Adam and Nate while at the same time Pax gets fight training with Mason and Felix, in the afternoon they switch so Pax gets his moment with Nate in the library while Poloma gets her moment with Mason in the training room
Pax goes to the lab to find Verda and sabotages his work while Poloma goes to find Tina in the backroom and encourages her to find the truth
When they find out about the maa-alused, Poloma suggests that she’s the best person to go speak with them with both Mason and Pax agreeing with her (Pax has a line here about how if his sister says she can do something, he trusts that she will period)
Pax stays at the warehouse with the other three ub members while Poloma and Mason go the carnival and both agree to stay the night afterward and have been given their own rooms
They both also get their moments with their lis in the night after having nightmares
Felix is sent to hang out with the twins but after seeing that Pax really does want to just do work, picks to hang out in Poloma’s office and they proceed to make paper airplanes for hours and the rule that they’re not allowed to work together alone is born
Since Poloma was sent to talk to Falk, he appears in her mirror
Everything at the facility goes down easily enough with both twins impressed by not only UB’s tiers but their own as well. Pax goes for the more aggressive route when they talk with Rebecca about Rook but Poloma cuts in to be more sympathetic when Rebecca tells them that she didn’t look into his death
Back at the warehouse, sitting around with UB just shooting the shit is the first time that the twins really feel like they’re apart of this little family
So of course the subject of Rebecca and their own family is brought up, Poloma fields these questions saying that she’s sure working together will only bring them closer together, Pax rolls his eyes so damn hard its a miracle they stay in his head but at least he knows when to keep his mouth shut (I swear one day they’ll tell UB about how Rebecca abandoned them as children but not today)
Poloma diffuses the situation when Falk and his friends burst into the warehouse, Pax was super ready to fight them
After they visit the burned down carnival, they both get to walk back to their vehicles Pax with Adam and Poloma with Felix
Pax isn’t impressed by Unit Alpha but Poloma loves them instantly
Pax gets the call from Verda and when he tells Pax that Tina has recently gotten into some interesting books, Pax knows that this was Poloma’s doing and oh man is she gonna get an earful later when they aren’t near the facility or anyone that works for the Agency
The twins, Nate, and Mason all go to the sewers, Poloma uses her deductive powers to find the tunnel that the trappers are down in time for Pax who uses a map he downloads to his phone to confirm she’s right (she bemoans the fact that she should have bet money on it, now she’s out like $50)
For the actual fight, Pax fights while Poloma out smarts the leader and the twins work together with Nate to successfully rescue Sanja, Mason ends up hurt
Pax is understandably uhm...tense when they bring up that the Trappers knew who he and Poloma were because of their blood test results (and really how the fuck did they get a hold of those Rebecca hmmmmm) and specifically says that they don’t need her help especially since they’re part of UB now. Poloma doesn’t say anything but at least gives her brother a halfhearted glare
Falk signs the treaty, Pax and Poloma are attacked by the trappers outside of the facility but they deduce and science their way out of that
They run into Tina and Verda’s family at the carnival and Pax is instantly suspicious of what Tina and Poloma are talking about when Tina pulls her away (because of everything he might have forgotten to chew his sister out for spilling the beans)
Pax runs into Douglas while Poloma runs into Bobby, both are equally disturbed for different reasons after their encounters
Both end the chapter getting their moment with their lis!
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