#nate was proud of his son for dying for a cause he believed in
thinking about nora again
#fallout#okay first of all her full maiden name is lenore dubrovhsky#she's somehow related to the russian diplomat who is the grandfather of natalia dubrovhsky#maybe his niece? idk but she immigrated to the us after meeting nate during his tour because she claimed she was IN LOVE#i imagine she was in her late teens and nate was in his early 20s#and she falls for him and he promises he'll help her with going to college in the US and they'll have an equal marriage yadda yadda#so they get married and nora becomes a lawyer#so they've been married around seven years and she's doing her training as a legal secretary when oops! she becomes pregnant#(nate sabotaged her birth control but shhh she doesn't know that)#so nate persuades her into putting her career on hold just for a little while until they can start putting their son in daycare#(shaun takes heavily after nora's side of the family to the point nate jokes about whether his DNA had any say at all)#(he also later joins the army and dies in action)#so nora's being kept at home all the time. taking care of the kid. cooking all the meals. cleaning the house. barely any time for herself#and she gets so frazzled she gets into a minor car accident while taking shaun home from the doctor#nate freaks out and confiscates her car keys so now she can barely get out of the house without him on her arm#barely any adult social interaction and any family she could have had keeping her company was all the way over in russia#so she has a quickie with a door-to-door salesman and when her next kid pops out with red hair#the lack of resemblance to nate stops being funny#he agrees not to leave her but says he can't trust her at home alone anymore so he gets her a job at shaun's elementary school as a teacher#this happened around when shaun was 11 and he's harbored a hatred for his mom and his sister ever since#nate promised to raise the girl like his own but he's distant with her which rubbed off on shaun#so the girl. i'm calling her annabelle. TOTAL mommy's girl. wants to be just like her#so when shaun's seventeen he fakes his enlistment papers so he can be enlisted early and dies in combat#i imagine nora misses the baby boy she raised and is utterly upset he turned out this way#and by 'this way' i mean i imagine him as a patriotic misogynist and nora does not hold kind feelings towards the US for various reasons#nate was proud of his son for dying for a cause he believed in#so when annabelle's six nora gets pregnant again and that's when i imagine the bombs drop#the school nora works for is a really privileged private school (nate comes from old money) and that's where the cryo pods come in!#i imagine it would be like a 'saving america's youth for a brighter tomorrow' thing idk#also the day the bombs dropped nora killed nate before heading off to work. woulda been totally caught had the bombs not dropped HEYOOOO
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lookbluesoup · 5 years
How about Nora/Nate, 38…because they’re running out of time? :)
Whee thank you! :D I got… a little a lot carried away with this one. There is some Sad™ and an injury/near-death-experience, so most of it is under the cut! I am particularly proud of it, definitely pulled me out of my comfort zone! hahaha
He almost made it out. Given a few seconds longer, things might have gone differently. But Nate had never been very lucky, only resourceful. And resourceful wasn’t enough. Today Fate’s scale did not balance in his favor.
Red warning lights drenched the hallway. Piper rushed for the exit with Nick hot on her heels. Less than a meter back, Nate followed. Dogmeat sprawled in his arms, squirming as each jarred step aggravated the bullet wound to the canine’s thigh.
Lockdown systems, installed long before the apocalypse to protect against such emergencies, groaned to life. Nate yelled for them to run faster. It was carried away by the intercom’s urgent siren and weathered static. Oh, and the distant roar of condensed fire erupting through every lower level of the building. Death was coming fast. Too fast.
What followed came in a blur of perfect clarity. Blast doors up ahead began to stagger shut, slowed by rust and age, still prepared to cut off the hall and protect the lab just past it. A blistering inferno surged from behind. Nick and Piper ducked through the closing gap. But Nate couldn’t make the distance. He managed to toss Dogmeat between the doors, and then the ground caved in beneath him as several metric tons of concrete and cast iron went crashing down. Flames grasped Nate’s feet.
“BLUE!” Piper’s howl sounded panicked - unnatural. It cut off sharply against the competing noise. He was drowning in chaos.
Through the blur, he had the sense to grasp at makeshift cover. A paltry effort to shield his face from the blast as shrapnel sucker punched him in the gut. The air was gone. Burned up. Rubble smothered him. Then all Nate knew was darkness.
His own ragged breathing stirred Nate back to a bleary consciousness. Fog lay heavy over his mind. His lips felt like sandpaper. How long-? Were the others-? God, what was pressing so hard into his stomach…
Breathing shallowly, he fumbled for the flashlight on his Pip-Boy. Blue illumination cast the scene into furrows of sharp black and pale, half-discernible detail. To his left, a burning hallway stretched into smoky oblivion. To the right, nothing but debris. Motes of dust floated in the stale air; they seemed out of focus. He was alone.
And he hurt. Realization came slowly, then in a crashing heave. Nate’s moan shattered into a hoarse cough that felt sticky and hot behind his tongue. That’s probably not good.
Incessant 8-bit beeping drew his eye back to the Pip-Boy. A comically distressed avatar made note of several severe wounds to Nate’s person. Glancing down, he could now dimly make out the black stain leaking against the collapsed infrastructure he lay wedged between. Oh, God.
A fragment of steel rebar jutted from beneath Nate’s ribs. Attempting to rise sent hellish streaks of searing pain from the wound. For a moment, he went blind. “Shit.” His voice cracked over the expletive. It was nearly a whimper.
The rod went deep. Stuck there. Probably the only reason he hadn’t bled to death yet. Adrenaline brought a faint light of clarity with it, and Nate understood that removing the object was out of the question. So was staying put here; he had to believe the others made it out, and there was no way they could reach him under the rubble in time.
He felt so heavy. A black dredge of fear added friction to the cloud of his mind. This was no way to go. Dying itself didn’t scare Nate. It just wasn’t something he could afford to do right now.
Get up. Get on your feet. That’s the first step. His next attempt to rise ended in equal disaster, ripping out a clenched groan from deep in his chest.
Teeth gritted, he squinted to distract from the darkness pulsing over his eyelids. Slowly, in agonizing increments, Nate managed to extract himself from the bloody ruin and drag himself to bloody knees. The left side of his face throbbed and he was pretty sure the eye had swollen shut. He clutched the rebar to instill some sense of control over the grief it caused, and dragged himself upright. A surge of dizziness nearly sent him careening back onto the floor. But this time Nate managed to stay up.
Good. There. Okay. Now keep moving.
Cuts and bruises made their protests known across every inch of skin. Each footfall was a battle and an eternity. But after a while the pain spilled together and turned to white noise in the back of his mind.
His flashlight served poorly in such sooty air. Sparks from frayed wires illuminated the path in unpatterned entropy. Smoke burned Nate’s lungs. He could taste it mixed with iron, another unpleasant distraction from the numbness spreading inward through his limbs.
“Nora-a…” He garbled, blood irritating his chin. Her name was instinct on his lips, or else a prayer. The vertigo of dying shook his inhibitions free. Loved ones returned to you when you came close to the veil, right? If he called her, wouldn’t she come and take this pain away?
Wouldn’t she save him?
Lurching into the wall, for a moment all Nate could do was struggle to breathe. He left a dark handprint against the warped panelling. “Nora-” Please.
Pressed into the hallway’s edge for support, Nate limped along. A savage smear followed his progress.
Another tattered passage waited ahead. No end to the hallways seemed in sight. Collapsed sections and burning rubble obstructed most routes, leaving Nate to wander like a rat in some apocalyptic maze. Every once in a while something seemed to move further ahead, but summoning the focus to be sure had long since become impossible. He kept calling. Sometimes he thought he heard answers, but never close enough to reach. Time floated in and out of his attention. It was hard to know how long he’d been wandering this hell. Except that he was getting weaker. Even the ringing in his ears sounded far away now.
“Nora-aa-” Nate’s limping cries grew slurred with desperation.
Why wasn’t she here? This wasn’t right. None of this was right at all.
Staggering, Nate pitched to the ground like a collapsing skyscraper. He felt a throb - something that should have been pain. But it was too distant. “Please,” he begged. Whether the words actually left his tongue Nate wasn’t sure. There was no strength left in him to rise. Silence engulfed the bleak hallway.
Consciousness was slipping between his fingers; a stream of sand he couldn’t even slow. The feeling was not entirely unpleasant. Even comforting. He seemed to float. Maybe oblivion was better. Maybe his father was right, and men always died alone in the end.
Something bright stung Nate’s eyes.
He tried recoiling at first, the color painful after so long draped in gloom. It grew brighter. Perhaps this was the next life, come to claim him.
Nate’s eyelids were heavy, but he forced them open into a squint at the familiar voice. She’d come from somewhere up ahead, and she was out of focus, haloed in bright orange. And then he didn’t care if he was dead. He didn’t care if he could stand. She was here, she’d come back to him, it was her. “Nora-” Nate rasped.
She knelt before him, ‘Get up, Nate.’
He didn’t question it. He tried to listen, but lead anchored each limb, and his crippled body could not obey. “Ho-ney,” his voice churned with gravel, “I, love ygh - I’m sorry.” Bile clogged his swollen throat, and Nate garbled for his voice back. “I-I’m so, so, sorry…”
‘Shh shh shh - it’s okay.’ A sad smile carried her words. ‘I love you, too. Now come on.’ Her fingers tousled his hair, a touch he’d missed so desperately bringing warmth back to Nate’s extremities.
But they still would not heed him. “I can’t.” Nate groaned, wanting nothing more than to cleave to his wife’s sides.
‘Get up, Honey.’
Stay with me. Please. “Don’t leave.”
‘There’s no more time’ Her lips painted his cheeks. His forehead. His nose. They warmed every inch of his face as she pulled him against her chest into a longing embrace, “Come on. You’ve got a son to find, remember? You’ve got to get up. You’re not going to die here.”
Then nothingness consumed him.
The next time Nate saw light, it was fluorescent. He felt cold. Yellow eyes peered down at him, and when he stirred, the sound of worn leather shifting rapidly hit his ears. Piper darted into view beside Nick. Nora was gone.
Nate’s chest ached with longing. But she’d come. She’d saved him. He shut his eyes again, clinging to the memory of her touch.
“Blue-?” Piper probed, voice furrowed with concern.
“We’ve - gotta stop meeting this way.” He breathed, testing his arms and finding them weak, but responsive. His gut burned. It was a muted feeling. They must’ve given him something for the pain.
“Glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor, at least.” Nick chided. “You weren’t talking much sense after Piper pulled you out of that burning rubble.”
Nate’s eyes flit open. “Piper?”
“Yeah.” She managed a sheepish-looking smile, glancing away. “You cut it close, Blue.”
Nick frowned. “How’s that wound? You look pale, Nathan.”
“I…” No. That couldn’t be right. Nora had found him. It had to have been Nora. She’d… she…
Her touch, her voice, the hands that lifted him up. He’d called for her, and his lover had come. It had to be her.
Even without seeing her face, even in the fog of pain and desperation, he knew that voice. Knew the presence of her soul. Robbed of all his senses, surely he wouldn’t just forge her existence in a fit of delirium.
Nate grimaced. Had he really been lost chasing a memory, when flesh and blood came to save him? Could a specter blind him to the living so entirely?
Piper’s hand squeezed his gently. He stared down at it. Nora’s ghost kissed him, he’d thought. His stomach turned, “…Did you-?”
Piper’s fingers twitched around Nate’s palm. Not enough to mean anything. Still it stopped him. Through hazy thoughts, he possessed the presence of mind to realize how tactless the question would be.
Changing tracks, he swallowed. The motion was difficult. “-bring any water?”
Valentine’s eyes narrowed. Nate made sure not to meet them.
Piper found him.
Piper was always finding him. In Goodneighbor. In Sanctuary. At his worst, most vulnerable moments. And he was always looking backwards, after the one he left behind.
(Ask for a Kiss!) | (AO3 Archive)
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fandomscooter · 7 years
Dusk of stars
After defeating the Brotherhood of Steel and The institute, Sole thought everything was about to be okay.
But then again, The Commonwealth wasn’t exactly an ‘Okay’ place.
Sole discovered that who she thought was her son Shaun, the director of the Institute, was just in fact a guy named Robert Grey. He used her, but she now know where in reality is her true son.
Washington D.C
In the Old Statement House, Hancock was trying to stop her.
“Honey, and what if he’s not alive anymore?” He asked scratching his neck.
“I know he is alive John. I saw his archieve in the Institute, they’ve had been tracking him. He was in vault 101 but not anymore” Sole was very serious about her decision and no one, not even Hancock could stop her.
“Then i’ll go with you” Hancock took Sole’s hands on his.
“You’re my wife, and as a husband, it’s my duty and privilege to be there with you”
Sole smiled but that smile feaded while she was thinking.
“No, John. You have to stay here in Goodneighbor, they need you!” She said stepping away grabbing her backpack.
“But i need you more Sole”
“I know, and i’m sorry. But i need you to stay here, i don’t want to risk you out there”
“And risking yourself is the best option?”
“I won’t go alone. Cait is coming with me…”
“What? You choosed Cait instead of your husband!?”
“I did 'cause…”
“Tell me, why did you choosed her first!?”
“I…” Sole was having enough
“What? Cat got your tongue?”
“What…did you call me?” Oh boy, Hancock was spechless. He was heartbreaked.
Sole just took her stuff, she leaved Goodneighbor that night with Cait.
Hancock couldn’t believe it, his wife still were thinking in her dead spouse.
Days were passing by and Hancock started his chem addiction again. Fahrenheit was taking charge of Goodneighbor, John wasn’t really in a good state.
At the first month, Hancock had nightmares about Sole, and he saw her dying in differents ways.
At the third month, Fahr came to his office to show him a no identificable podcast radio signal. It was from Sole, saying she was okay, that she were able to find vault 101. But she didn’t bring the topic about their fight.
Hanccock tried to answer in the same signal but it wasn’t possible.
At the sixth month, another podcast.
This time, Sole said she found her son. Well, his grave at least. She said his name was James, and that she had a grandchild.
At the nine month… nothing.
A year were passing by and there was no signal of Sole or even Cait.
Half and a year pass in Goodneighbor, the small city was doing alright thanks to Fahrenheit and Hancock.
Yes, he dig everything behind and made himself a man to be proud of.
One day, the town was quiet. Throught the doors, a female figure appeared carrying a backpack. Hancock saw her in the balcony so he went to see her.
It was Cait, she was dirty, and tired.
“Where’s Deacon?” She said resting while Hancock helped her.
“He’s a the RaildRoad, where’s Sole?”
Cait looked at Hancock, her sight wasn’t a happy one.
“Hancock, you need to promise you won’t get mad…”
“WHERE IS SOLE!?” He asked again but in fact, he was mad.
“She’s with Nick, but she is not in a good state. I’m afraid she won’t make it”
To Hancock, those words were a low blow.
In a blink of an eye, Hancock was running from Goodneighbor to Diamond City. He pushed people, guards, and even ignored Piper and Mccready calls for him to stop.
Everything was happening so fast to him. He entered Valentine’s agency and saw her.
She was in his bed, and as Cait said, not in a good state.
Her left leg was gone, and her right eye was covered with a small bloody towel.
“What happened!?”
“Hancock, you need to calm down” Nick was the first to grab him by his shoulders to stop him.
“I won’t calm down! Let me go with Sole!”
Danse appeared and grabed him. He take him out of Nick’s office.
“You can’t go inside, ghoul. Sole needs to rest, you screaming won’t do any good”
“I’ll give you what is good tin can!” Hancock was infuriated, why no one would let him get close to his own wife?
“Where’s Deacon?” Nick asked Danse.
“Why everyone has something to do with Deacon today?”
“Because…” Nick tried to tell him but was stopped by Deacon himself.
“Because i’m her grandson”
“Long-short-story, My father is James Fran, and i’m his son, the Lone Wanderer” Deacon said while getting inside of Nick’s office. Now that Hancock was more calmed, he was able to see Sole.
“Deacon? Damn it, who would’ve believed that you are my grandson?” Sole voice was tired, and dry.
Hancock stepped closer to her taking her hand.
“I have to admit this is weird” Deacon said by Hancock’s side
“Sole, what happened to you?”
“Not important. I’m just happy to see my two boys here”
Her breathing was getting slowed, she started to feel sleepy.
“Sole…” Hancock whispered. Deacon grabbed Sole’s cheek.
“My mother died when i was born, i did never had a mother figure in my life, but i’m glad i can call you my family Sole. I’m so proud of you”
“Oh Deacon, that sucked” she laughed and Deacon rolled his eyes behind his shades.
“Hancock” now it was time for the couple to talk, but time was running fast and they have not much left.
“I’m sorry John, i really do. I shouldn’t have gone like that and-”
“It’s okay Sole, it’s okay”
“No it’s not. I know I promised that we would be together forever and I am sorry for not being able to fulfill it…”
“It’s okay Sole, it’s okay”
“ I seem to be the only one who is going to speak on my own deathbed! Say something for pete’s sake Hancock!”
“I love you Sole” John’s hand cherised Sole’s cheek while her life was leaving her body.
“I love you too” Sole’s eyes closed and she was able to let it go.
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warwidowed-a · 7 years
here are my collective thoughts on my first listen at b.andstand on broadway. a lot of comparisons are gonna be made to papermill just because i’ve been listening to it for like six months straight waiting for this transfer, so it’s the version i’m used to. this post is NOT spoiler free, by the way. alright, let’s do it.
opening/just like it was before:
totally new arrangement from what it was at papermill, but i still really like the song
lyrical similarities right off the bat to ‘right this way’
“i’d like a good nights sleep, is that too much to ask?”
“the cream always rises” hmmmm, i see what y’all did there (see: donny novitski)
“you talk in your sleep” “i should have warned ya”
why is this score so lit
“if i can’t play, then what’s the point of making it back home?” have i mentioned today i love donald novitski because i feel like at this point i need to say that
that last harmonizing note fuck fuck fuck
donny novitski:
pretty much entirely the same as papermill
donny has some serious animosity at frank sinatra
i like hearing this song with the full orchestra though it’s lit
“donny needs something to block all the memories and break his insomnia spell” again, hello, i love donald novitski thanks
corey cott could kill someone with that last note his vibratto is killer
scene before i know a guy:
“we’re not open yet” “your back door is”
i still can’t believe they call michael ‘rubber’ through most of this show
i know a guy:
the “drivin’ me nuts’ joke is still hilarious
why is nick radel me
“how do you miss a b flat? it’s a b flat trumpet!”
why did they skim wayne and johnny shy though like we got full scenes with davy, nick, and jimmy why not them too??
ain’t we proud:
still a catchy song but not one of my favs
corey fucking cott teaching himself piano for this show and you wouldn’t have even guessed what a fucking champ
post-ain’t be proud, pre-who i was:
i love johnny simpson more than anything in this life i will choose his happiness over mine every time
“how much slower will you get, will they put you in reverse” FUCK
you can hear johnny mumbling “sunday.... sunday” before he asks what day of the week is sunday i swear to god i would die for him
“the high balls are on me” “i don’t get it” “well see, griaffes are really tall”
“how bad was it?” “friendly fire got him” “were you the friend?” what kind O F FUCKING FORESHADOWING
“aren’t you a little old for ding dong ditch” julia,,,,,, julia,,,,,,,
i don’t like that they have that interlude and have julia invite him over a different day instead of just inviting him in right away. i feel like that could be cut out honestly
“i just want to know what happened” “what will that get you?” “i don’t know, sleeping through the night? closing a chapter? maybe just getting out the door?” juliaaaaaaa i’m a fucking wreck it’s fine
who i was:
the dinner scene:
“you look pretty” “well, turns out there’s better cosmetics than cake flour” Me: Fucking Squints(tm)
“the top of the paprika shaker fell off” i’m
oh shit since they took donny’s parents out of the beginning number from papermill, his mom died when he was thirteen
julia crying while they go through the pictures i’m fine
“your daughter’s voice is beautiful, it’s really high” my god donny
just like it was before (reprise):
the chorus of “donny no” and “what are you doing?” from julia and wayne when he tells julia to come sing with them i’m shrieking
“wait, i gotta transpose” JOHNNY
first steps first:
it’s a bit different than what it was but gd i’d still die for laura osnes’ voice
“no need to be so shy, take reassurance i know how to guide you through the worst steps, first steps first” uh more foreshadowing re: donny
“why don’t you kick it up” “oh, thank god” DAVY
oooh yeah i like this new arrangement
“you want a drink?” “oh i hardly ever drink” “you wanna trade livers” davy please
“the best i could hope is to teach the kids choir at church” “DON’T. TEACH.” i love nick sm 
their names are emily and grady btw 
“as far as i’m concerned i’m one of the lucky ones” “yes you are, you made it home” “no, lucky i don’t remember” again, i would die for johnny simpson too
god damn julia’s voice is so soft and sweet i’m dying. the voice laura uses is even softer than her ella voice i just wanna hug her
heck they kept the “parents warn their kids about people like you” line god bless
“oh a wise cracker! you might be watching too many pictures” uh ya did you not get the “avid cinephile” line, donny?
“i don’t need to be rescued” ur goD DAMN RIGHT JULIA
“i’ll give it a thought but there are a lot of things i want to know about michael” “first steps first” oh fuck i see what y’all did there
“stop touching my stuff with your sweaty hands” this is literally a band full of five year olds
??? this song doesn’t really do anything ???
they could easily cut this song tbh
it’s pretty much just like them rehearsing for you deserve it
you deserve it:
this song didn’t change pretty much at all and it’s still a bop
post-you deserve it/pre-love will come and find me again:
donny and julia bonding over music i’m shook
“michael is buried in some place called manila, i'll never get to manila, i never got to say goodbye. a lot of things just vanish with not explanation and i wanna know. if-if he was in pain, i wanna know how his hands were folded in the casket and if-if his uniform was pressed and his hair was combed right and a million other things that keep me up at night” i’m sobbing 
julia takes no shit and i love her so much
“i survived mustard gas and pepper spray, i guess that makes me a seasoned veteran” davy’s jokes oh my god
awwww julia’s poem
“don’t stay up all night reading them, get some sleep” “eh, gave up on that a long time ago” :////
“when i lost him it broke my soul. who knew my voice could be one part of the whole? well... perhaps someone does” fuck
“gershwin’s got nothing on you” MRS ADAMS 
“i’ll stay up all night, i’m good at that” again i’m ://///////
love will come and find me again:
laura osnes could step on me and i’d thank her
nothing has changed with this song but fuck it’s so good
right this way:
holy fuck this song might just win corey cott a tony nomination
literally the same nothing changed it’s still a bop
i got a theory:
nothing much changed with this song either tbh
i said it probably like twice already but i love johnny simpson
julia still having her moment of trying to convince davy to stop drinking ://///
post-i got a theory:
“was it quick? did he suffer? was he trying to save someone?” “you don’t wanna know”  “for a year and a half it’s all i’ve wanted to know. was he scared? what was the last thing he said? were his eyes open?” AND D ONNY SNAPS AT HER IM “
“i’m still waiting”
oh myg od
they changed michael’s entire death 
donny had accidentally dropped a grenade while they were in a trench and couldn’t find it. he tried to tell michael to get out and he didn’t make it and fuck he’s crying telling this to julia what the fuck has this show done to me
everything happens:
i love mrs adams so much
what would julia have done without her
welcome home:
“you know the first thing he said to me? don’t sing because you need to get the lead, sing because you just need to sing. you know what he said next? the girl who got the lead stuffs her bra with so much kleneex, one cigarette act and she’ll go up” no wonder julia wrote poetry for this guy he was smooth as FUCK
“stop picking up my clothes, if i wanted them in the drawer, i’d put them in the drawer” nick relax
donny singing welcome home i’m in tears
“sometimes i just think, maybe the wrong guy came home” again, fuck this entire show
a band in new york city:
this song is still a bop too
this is life:
idk i like this song but i think i almost prefer “give me a reason”
this also hasn’t changed at all from when they sang it at broadwaycon
but holy fuck do corey and laura sound incredible together
welcome home (reprise):
jimmy campbell: the real hero
“we came, we saw, we said fuck it” DAVY IS ME
the lyrics changed a bit to welcome home and it still breaks my heart
awwwww sweet betsy oh my god
donny inviting her and her family backstage to meet her father who served i’m sobbing it’s fine
it’s literally just a reprise of nobody oh god
it could have been a little longer but !!!!!!
okay, so overall holy shit. a lot changed from papermill. dialogue, songs, you name it. i think the book needs a little re-writing and there are a lot of pointless interludes between scenes that could be cut but!!!!!!! holy fuck overall i love it so much. i can’t wait until we get a video boot i need to see this choreography and ESPECIALLY this is life and before welcome home
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petersasteria · 7 years
Levi Jones AU
A/N: This is inspired by a scene from my favorite tv show. As some of you may or may not know, my favorite tv show is Glee. It always was, and always will be my favorite. This is inspired by an episode of the first season of Glee. It's one of my favorite scenes and it's AU, because there's no The Tide in this one. However, I will do my best to include the boys (if it fits).
Heads up:
-Nate's your brother in this one.
-You're the head cheerleader.
-Levi's the quarterback.-Both of you are in Glee Club.
-Nate's in the yearbook club.
-You're two weeks pregnant and Levi knows but your parents don't
Requested? No.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
* * * *
Your P.O.V
Glee Club was my last period before going home. I was fixing the things in my locker when I remembered that my parents asked me to invite my boyfriend, Levi, for dinner. I quickly closed my locker and looked for Levi only to find him sitting with his friends on the bleachers of the football field. As I was walking towards them, they were laughing about something that Drew said.
Levi's P.O.V
Austin, Drew and I were just lounging around by the bleachers when Drew brought up some random topics. We were laughing and then it grew quiet.
"Remember when Squidward ate a bunch of Krabby Patties and exploded?" Drew asked breaking the silence.
"Damn, you're so childish." Austin muttered under his breath.
"What about it?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing. It's really funny." Drew laughed like a dying seal while clapping his hands.
Austin and I looked at each other and joined in the laughter. Not because Drew was funny, but because he was laughing like a dying seal. You know that laugh when no sound comes out? Yeah, that's basically Drew right now.
As we were laughing, I saw an outline of a figure walking towards us. Once the figure was near us, I noticed that it was Y/N.
Your P.O.V
"Hey guys!" I greeted as I stood in front of them.
"Hey babe!" Levi smiled that million dollar smile.
"What's up?" Drew nodded at me.
"Hey" Austin said in a deep voice.
"Can I talk to Levi for a second?" I asked politely.
"Oh, we were just about to leave anyway." Drew shrugged.
"We were?" Austin asked confused. Drew gave him a look and nudged him and muttered, "just go along with it, bro."
"Oh. OH!! Yeah, Drew and I were just about to leave. So, have fun. But not too much fun if you know what I mean." Austin winked. And with that, Drew and Austin got up to leave.
"So babe, my parents invited you to have dinner with us at our house later tonight." I said.
"Sure! I'll be there around 6:00. Is that okay?" Levi asked.
"Yeah that's okay. See you later!" I answered.
-time skip to dinner at your house bc I'm lazy and I can't think anymore is brought to you by Nate fucking Parker retweeting so many things as I'm writing this that I had to turn off my notifications for him-
3rd Person P.O.V
All of them are gathered around the dining table and it's dead silent. Mr. Parker decides to break the silence and ask everyone how their day went.
"It was great, sweetheart! I did the groceries and met up with my friends at yoga." Mrs. Parker smiles.
"That's great! What about you, son?" Mr. Parker asks Nate as he ate asparagus.
"Um, I did lots of things today dad. I aced my chemistry test, I met up with the yearbook club and edited some sections of the yearbook, we had glee club practice, and we had a pop quiz in math." Nate says proudly as he ate mashed potatoes.
"Good job on acing that test, buddy! Continue to make us proud." Mr. Parker grins. "What about you, Y/N?"
"I had cheer leading practice today, glee club practice, and that's it." Y/N shrugs as she continues to eat her food.
"Fair enough. So, Levi what do you do?" Mr. Parker asks him.
Levi gulps in nervousness and answered, "I'm also in glee club and I'm the quarterback in football."
"Oh, that's interesting." Mr. Parker says.
"If you need me, I'll be in my room. I have to edit more stuff for the yearbook and I need to study for my history test tomorrow. Thanks for dinner, mom! It was lovely. You're a cool dude, Levi. See you around." Nate stands up from his seat and leaves.
"You said that you're in glee club. Can we hear you sing?" Mrs. Parker asks Levi.
"He's a really great singer." Y/N smiles.
"We'll be the judge of that. Go ahead, Levi." Mr. Parker says unamused.
"Okay. This one's called 'I'll Stand By You'." Levi says nervously.
(a/n: this is the song just pretend he sang it)
After singing, Y/N's crying and her parents were impressed yet confused.
"Why're you crying, sweetie?" Mrs. Parker asks concerned.
Y/N looks into her mother's eyes and looks at Levi and cries more. Mrs. Parker immediately understood, but chose not to believe/deny it.
"What's going on?" Mr. Parker asks confused.
"I'm pregnant." Y/N whispers inaudibly.
Mrs. Parker's thoughts that she feared the most are now confirmed. "There must be some mistake. This can't be. I refuse to believe this. Honey, we raised you right!" Mrs. Parker cries.
"You did." Levi says putting on a brave face.
"When you were a little girl, we always went out to go get ice cream at this specific ice cream parlor. We would always sit on a bench on the side of the road and count black and white cars. One day, we saw a young couple not older than 20. They were walking with a stroller. I looked at you and I said, 'Y/N, promise me you'll do better than that and you won't end up like them; young and struggling.' And I prayed that it wouldn't happen to you." Mr. Parker says while trying to be calm.
"I'm sorry, dad." Y/N sniffs.
Mr. Parker looks at Levi and sternly says, "You need to leave."
Levi nods and gets up but Y/N immediately stops him causing him to sit back down. "Can we please talk about this? Levi's a good guy! He loves me." Y/N cries.
"You too. Get out of my house." Mr. Parker says sternly.
"But dad-"
"Mr. Parker you can't do this. Mrs. Parker please do something." Levi pleads as he looks at Mrs. Parker.
"Oh, Levi don't bother. She wanted to do something she would've when she found out I was pregnant." Y/N looks at Levi.
Mr. Parker looks at his wife and asks, "You knew? You knew and you never told me?!"
"I-I didn't. She didn't tell me." Mrs. Parker stutters.
"But you knew and I needed you. I needed my mom and you were so scared of what he would do if he found out that you just pushed it aside just like every bad feeling in this house. If you don't talk about it, it doesn't exist." Y/N says through her tears.
Mr. Parker couldn't take it anymore. He's so angry.
"Don't you dare turn this on us! Why can't you be more like your brother?! YOU are the disappointment here." Mr. Parker stands up and shouts angrily.
"Why? Is it because I'm not a little girl anymore? Is it because I made a mistake?" Y/N asks.
"I don't even know who you are anymore. Who are you? I don't have a daughter like you." Mr. Parker says bitterly.
"I'm your daughter who loves you, and I know this must be really hard, but I just need my dad to hold me and tell me that everything's going to be okay." Y/N sniffs.
Mr. Parker walks towards her causing Y/N to stand up too; thinking her father would hold her and tell her that everything will work out in the end. Levi stands up too for protective reasons; thinking Y/N's own father is going to hit her. Neither happened.
"Please?" Y/N pleads as her father looks at her for a long time and leaves the dining area.
They hear footsteps coming down the stairs only to see Nate coming down and joining them in the dining area.
"What happened? Why're you crying, Y/N? What's going on?" Nate asks confused.
Mr. Parker heard this and shouts, "From now on you're our only child, Nate!"
"What's dad talking about? Mom, what's going on?" Nate asks Mrs. Parker.
Mrs. Parker remained in her seat bawling her eyes out.
"Carrie!" Mr. Parker shouts for his wife as she leaves the dining room, dragging Nate with her.
Levi hugged Y/N as she cried in his chest for a long time.
"What're we going to do now?" Y/N asks Levi.
* * * *
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