#kits oc rambling
kitwasnothere · 5 months
i love you twst ocs i love you oc x canon i love you yumeships i love you artists drawing their friends'/mutuals' twst ocs together i love you artists drawing crossovers with twst ocs i love you headcanons i love you twst ocs twisted from disney characters that haven't been done yet in twst i love you artists drawing each others ocs i love you twst canon that allows for ocs to be made without necessarily having to involve them in the plot heavily i lo
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thelampisaflashlight · 6 months
Swiss, holding his son: "Remind me again why you named him Baja Blast?" Crescent: "Well, originally, I was going to name him Cheddar, 'cause you're Swiss and I was thinkin' since I'm named after the moon, and there was this joke I had about moon cheese, but I forgot it..." -sniffs- "And then I wound up eating Taco Bell as my first meal in the hospital after all was said and done and I held my drink up next to him for a size comparison-" Swiss, looking at his son, then at Crescent: "For a size comparison?" Crescent, nodding: "Exactly." -boops Baja Blast's nose- "The color was a near perfect match." Swiss: "...Did you put that on the birth certificate?" Crescent: "Heck no!" -whispering- "...Named him Simon." Swiss: "...Simon." -hums- "Swiss would have been-" Crescent, hand on his shoulder: "I would have named him Baja Blast for real before I named him Swiss Junior..." Swiss: "What about Lichtenstein?" Crescent: "...Is that a freaking geography joke-" BB: -wondering how he ended up with these two as his parents-
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kittygamer2888 · 4 months
No, but like... imma be real with you guys.
I don't know why, but this insane pink gumball son of a gun has been in my brain for who knows how long, AND HER STORY IS DARK BUT SHORT AF😭
Either way, have this doodle of her
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Song reference below:
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sometimes I like to think about how I can easily boil down my ocs to just a skin deep description of them and I think I hit the jackpot today
Rory Sinclair: Audrey Hepburn in body armor - but make her morally grey
Kit Cross: What if Joan of Arc, Jack Torrance, and Travis Bickle had a love child?
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kingmaxstatic · 5 months
I've been wanting to ask this for a while now, so : if Baby Breaker is canon, how did they grow up in time for Imposter Syndrome? Growth juices or something else?
[ /genq ]
SO There's this INCHERESTING little image from Starline's lab. People have pointed out those two little weird. clone thingys in the BG. Nobody really knows exactly what they were supposed to be.
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I am a firm believer in the "These are Surge and Kit's prototypes" hc/theory.
HOWEVER I add more ONTO this theory by stating that they were prototypes that SPECIFICALLY were like. Actual clones. Like DNA wise. Basically my hc goes that before the whole "Mr.Tinker" thing. Starline DID have a version of Project Remaster in the works (sort of like a v.1 version). But after finding Eggman and bringing back he pretty much focused ENTIRELY on that.
Breaker was pretty much the only surviving clone from the v.1 era.
THOUGH I JUST REALIZED HOW MUCH I RAMBLED (I have evil autism). But Baby Breaker was, basically developing flesh (It's ironic they're called "baby" breaker when they're more akin to a fetus. Gross comparison I know)
But Breaker WAS "re-awoken" as a teenager/older kid. Starline managed to like, speed up the aging process somehow (Growing juices IS the best way to explain that)
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ANYWAYS I made a silly little time line to show off their growth.
TLDR; Breaker's baby form is more akin to a fetus, Starline used growth juices, Breaker's "final" stage was a teenager.
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OC Ramblings: Kitty Hale (or Kit)
Unsurprising that this is happening considering how hard the Love and Deepspace brainrot has hit.
I'll tuck it under a read more (so I don't clog up everyone's dash...) but I've been having some general thoughts about her.
For those in the L&Ds fandom, Kit is my non-MC who's romancing Sylus. Clearly I write a lot about them, but he's her boss, and she's his assassin second in command. I actually didn't know this was a common trope until after I created her.
Oh, well. I love her too much to care, tbh. We can't all be unique, but putting your own spin on a classic can freshen it up a lot.
So now, to the Read More, and the ramblings. If you enjoyed this, please leave a like. It brightens my day when I see people enjoying my content.
Kit's general stats
Height: 5'11/180cm
Name: Camilla Kitty Hale (she goes by Kit)
Age: 26
Hair: Black, loose curls
Eyes: dark purple/brown (not heterochromia, just the particular shade I chose looks almost brown)
Birthday/sign: January 1st/Capricorn
I really enjoy Kit as an OC, and as a companion to Sylus. There's something about the ✨yearning✨ that's tasty, of course, with the canon story for Sylus and all our other LIs, but I opted for extreme slow burn and like recognizes like.
Kit's...a lot. She's been refined again and again so that she's not just my trauma dump character. There's always one, and you just gotta sort of shape them into their own thing.
She's fierce, loyal to a fault, and deeply vulnerable. I think that she's viewed herself as a tool for so long that it's created a sense of naivete, which is something Sylus clocks immediately.
When you're in survival mode for that long, most things get tossed to the wayside, and that includes relationships and intimacy.
This doesn't just mean romance, although it is a big part of it especially for Kit, but it does create some good tension and back and forth between her and Sylus. She's extremely skilled on the battlefield, well enough to keep pace with him (which is honestly a feat in itself), but when it comes to flirting, courtship, and what's in the bedroom, Sylus leads their strange push and pull.
I don't have the patience to write a true slowburn (especially bc a two year slowburn would be like 50k and I...hngh. I can't brainrot myself like that. I wouldn't get any work done. I'm already writing fic like crazy). But! It would be genuinely interesting to see it.
Sylus is a very direct character. He seeks consent from those he cares about, is blunt to a fault, and exceptionally intuitive. Whereas Kit knows her way around a battlefield, but has a tendency to bottle up and not talk about what's bothering her unless pushed. Probably because her backstory features her getting punished for expressing her personal thoughts.
There's a fun scene that I don't actually remember if I posted here where Sylus and Kit actually talk about it and her trauma a little bit.
“Is it okay for us to do these things?” She mumbled. Her hands dropped over his, smoothing over the ridges of his knuckles and finding the calluses of his fingers. “I just have a hard time feeling as if it's not some sort of…weakness. People like us aren't nice, do we deserve nice things? Do…I deserve things? What happens if I let myself relax and be…”
Kit hesitated for a second, before pushing on. “What happens if I want to be cute and girly, and someone uses that against me? Sometimes I feel like I'm only allowed to be the…” she trailed off, sighing.
Sylus smiled wryly. “The monster?” He supplied, his tone quietly bitter. “I've had a bit more room to come to terms with it, Kitty, so listen.” He spun her around, his hands settling on her shoulders. His eyes were dark, hollow and sad in a way that reminded Kit why they matched so well. “You're human, Kit. Specifics aside, you are, in fact, human. No matter what anyone says, you have a heart that feels deeply, that bleeds and beats like anyone else's. And it's because you have a heart that you deserve the same things as anyone else.
You're not a weapon, baby.” His soft voice made her lips tremble, her stomach twisting with the heavy weight of her emotions.
“Unfair of you to use that nickname now,” she whispered hoarsely.
Sylus smiled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “We're not monsters,” he said. It seemed to be as much to himself as it was to her. “And if anyone tries to use your joy against you, you have me, the twins, and even Mephisto.”
She laughed wetly, her eyes shiny with unshed tears.
I've always loved the idea of two people teaching each other to move past their traumas. Honestly, in my personal opinion, part of growth and recovery from trauma is teaching someone else. My therapist talks about "parenting oneself" a lot, about being the parent to yourself that you may not have had in a way to sort of...help guide your brain towards healthier habits. And I apply that here as well. Mentoring someone who's not as far along as you but has similar trauma can help you, as well (be careful with that and consult professionals, I'm just a writer with my own baggage).
In teaching Kit to love and be loved, to be human again, it feels like Sylus is teaching himself as well. Not to mention that she often calls him out on his bad habits and keeps him in check. It's a push and pull, they're on relatively equal standing. I think that's why it's so easy to write them as a relationship, and why they mesh so fast even as a new thing. There's established rapport and even, dare I say, friendship that builds a very solid foundation for romance. There's good communication between them even when they're being stubborn, and the two never really have many misunderstandings.
“You-!” She bites out. “You've been grumpy and short with me since I got here!” Kit shoves the towel back at him, furiously wiping him down even as she snarls.
“I have been trying to follow your orders all day. ‘Kit, teach this kid’ ‘Kit, pour water on me’ I'm doing my best, Sylus! I want to be good for you! I want to follow your orders! I came out to the middle of the desert, no questions asked, on a dime, because you told me to! Cut me some slack and put those gentling gloves on, because I know you can! Now, lean down so I can dry your hair!”
Kit glares at him, and she instantly knows she's well and truly fucked. Sylus's eyes are a bright, burning red, the right one beginning to glow in a way that is as annoyingly arousing as it is terrifying.
And yet, he leans down quietly, bowing his head for her.
Without a word, she sweeps the towel over the wet strands. Her hands tremble. Despite her harsh words, despite losing her temper, she is, as ever, gentle with him. As if she were handling fragile and delicate glass.
Larger hands cover her own, and she can't help but flinch.
“Are you scared of me?” Sylus’s voice is ever-so-soft, almost tentative. There's a strangely raw edge to it, as if he anticipates the worst possible answer.
“No,” she whispers. “The ones I flinch from are ghosts, not you. Are you mad at me?”
As if he can hear her silent permission, Sylus steps forward, crowding her against the wall. His head drops to her shoulder. For a moment, all she can hear is the steady sound of his breathing.
It takes a moment, the heat of his body seeping into hers, Kit’s thin undergown the only physical barrier between them. Then, he speaks. “It’s…complicated. I'm not mad at you. You're not the only one with ghosts, Kit.”
(from my Lost Oasis piece)
Sylus made himself snap back to attention.
“Talk,” he said forcefully, his eye glinting. “I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong.”
Kit wilted further.
“...riod,” she mumbled.
Sylus tapped her forehead reprimandingly. “Louder.”
“I'm on my period!” She whined, her cheeks flushed bright red. “So please, kindly, can you fuck off? I hurt so much and I took medication and it's not helping!”
His eye twitched, and his hands settled on her hips, flexing in irritation. “I understand that you're hurting,” he said firmly. “You still don't have the right to talk to me that way.
I'm well aware you only snap at me like this when you need something but you feel embarrassed, so just tell me. Or I will leave you, and you won't be happy with me when you're done with your cycle.”
Sylus's tone was icy and flat, in a way it hadn't been in a long time.
Kit deflated. She looked down at her lap, the tip of her nose turning pink as she fiddled with her fingers.
“Sorry,” she whispered, swallowing hard. “You're right. I'm being unnecessarily cruel. That's not okay or fair to you.”
He leaned forward, kissing her forehead. “Thank you for apologizing. Now, tell me what you need.”
(from an unreleased fic that I probably won't post bc it's VERY nsfw)
Anyway, I genuinely love this pairing because, ironically, it's a very healthy relationship. They communicate, they hold each other responsible, and they help each other out. Despite the fact that they're both very much criminals, lmao.
Kit comes from a place with a lot of trauma, she was born in the Vagrant's Quarter, and she's very much another person who was once a kid desperate to survive despite the odds. Just because she has a healthy relationship with her adopted father and foster sister doesn't mean she's not constantly in the thick of it, and due to lots of backstory reasons, she can't stay away from the N109 zone and the career she was forced to have (not by Sylus).
There's something about abuse and "going back to what you know because it's easier than fighting against it and going it alone", and that's very prevalent in Kit's life.
If I were to do guesswork, I think that Sylus may have been the same when he was younger and more vulnerable. Even the terrifying leader of Onychinus was a child, once.
This is such a solid pairing to me, no wonder I have brainrot about them both.
If you've made it to the end of this rambling, thank you!! I hope you enjoyed all the little snippets and heavy topics. You're wonderful!
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 12 days
i mean yeah my ocs have canon love interests but also they're all gay and in love with each other in the au that only exists in my head
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moon-the-silly-evil · 4 months
please please talk abt lil kit Brie pls join me in this collective OC creation bc I love Brie
(I think she and aunt Rory are besties)
~ @atmosghoul
Under the cut!
Ok hear me out- Brie as a little baby kit, right? She's got that peach fuzz kind of fur on her that just makes her feel like a ball of lint (in a good way)
I think she's mostly fire in her elemental makeup, with a bit of earth and water in there from swiss. I also just think it makes sense from a cheese perspective. I'm not a cheese monger or anything and i coukd be thinking about it wrong, but the way I see it in my head is like- cheese comes from cows (earth because nature) but is a liquid at first (property shared with water) and usually curdles with heat (thus the fire), all from Swiss's side ofc. The other part of fire just comes from any fire ghoul, really.
But let's just say, for the sake of familiarity, that the other parent is Dew. I like to imagine a very strong spirited, stubborn, and charismatic ghoulette. She's definitely a bit sassy (more than a bit let's be so honest) and has swiss's winning smile, 100%.
I like to think she's really close with the rest of the pack, but Aurora is definitely the favorite aunt. Aurora taught her how to do her nails and gossip and they just bond over silly stuff. Maybe Aurora babysat for her the most, idk.
Idk, that's just my thoughts :] please feel free to add on or change if you have any thoughts!
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vulpixelates · 2 months
i have decided that my post-apoc/hopepunk private detective oc, kit wright, gives lame names to all of her cases
the current one, in which she is investigating a biohacking gang called labyrinth, is ofc called "labyrinth of lies" (after the nancy drew mystery) "/ too close to the sun" because it's started to involve a company called daedalus
also she is working on a side case where she's tracking down this dying woman's first love to see why he never met her at the train station to run away the day before her wedding to another man and that is called "last stop to lost love." so cheesy and bad
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I just had an idea for a Warrior Cats fanfiction.
In a world of Warriors, Bumblestar, the leader of Sunclan, welcomes a pregnant rogue she-cat named Bug into the camp. Bug and the deputy, Coyotesnap hate each other.
Bug made it clear that she and her kits are leaving the clan as soon as her kits can safely leave. However, when the medicine cat delivers a prophecy, it suddenly becomes a problem. The situation shifts to: "Hey, umm… we've changed our mind. Give us your children so they can save our religion."
The story is just following Bug and Moth and their kits as they just try and escape the lands and just being followed by these guys hellbent on trying to fulfill this prophecy that sounds batshit insane.
Bug and Moth are like real icons and just trying to be good parents and trying to provide what's best for their family and getting away from this absolute nonsense. Moth takes one of lives of Bumblestar when he finally confronts them.
Dunno what happens next, haven't gone that far yet.
Here's like a passage I made for the story on the whim.
The night was shrouded in darkness as Bug shifted restlessly in her makeshift nest of leaves and moss. Sleep had eluded her, her senses on high alert in the unfamiliar territory they had sought refuge in. A rustling of leaves and the distant sound of approaching paws snapped her into full awareness.
Coyotesnap's voice, carried by the wind, reached her ears, accompanied by the thudding of multiple sets of footsteps. Bug's heart raced as she sat up, her instincts screaming at her to flee. She pressed her ear against the ground, hoping to discern their direction.
The sound grew louder, the realization that the clan's pursuit was drawing near forcing Bug into action. She turned to Moth, her voice urgent. "Moth, we need to move. Now!"
Moth with his eyes wide with concern nodded as he gathered their kits close. They moved swiftly through the undergrowth, their steps cautious as they snuck away. The distant voices of Sunclan warriors grew louder, urging them to push on.
As they ran, Bug's heart pounded in her chest, the terror of being caught urging her forward. The scent of the clan's trackers grew stronger, they were closing in. Just as the sounds of pursuit seemed to echo all around them, Bug spotted a dilapidated barn in the distance.
Without hesitation, Bug led her family to the shelter of the barn, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She pushed open the creaky door, revealing a dim interior filled with bales of hay. With a sense of urgency, they slipped inside, their scents masked by the musty smell of the barn.
Bug and Moth huddled close with their kits, the tension in the air almost suffocating. They listened as the sounds of pursuit drew nearer, the thudding footsteps and hushed voices echoing through the night. The adrenaline coursing through Bug's veins was matched only by her determination to keep her family safe.
The sound of Sunclan's warriors reached a crescendo, and Bug's heart raced as she imagined them closing in on their hiding spot. She pressed her muzzle against Moth's fur, her voice a whisper. Urging her family to stay quiet.
They held their breath as the sounds of footsteps and voices seemed to surround the barn. Bug's ears strained, her heart pounding in her chest, willing the clan cats to move on and leave them in peace.
After what felt like an eternity, the sounds began to recede, the thudding footsteps growing fainter with each passing moment. Bug's grip on her kits tightened, her body still tense with anticipation. It wasn't until the night grew still and silent that she dared to let out a sigh of relief.
"They're gone," Moth's voice was a mix of relief and exhaustion, his body sagging against Bug's.
Bug nodded, her heart slowly returning to a more steady rhythm. She gazed down at her kits, their eyes wide with fear.
"We'll stay here for now," Bug murmured, her voice a soothing lullaby to her kits. "When the time is right, we'll find a new and safe place."
As the moon cast its gentle glow through the cracks in the barn, Bug, Moth, and their kits huddled together in the hay. Bug finally finding rest in knowing her family is safe for the time being.
Unaware of the turmoil and trouble within Sunclan causing a crack to show in it's once prosperous unity and peace.
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kitwasheree · 10 months
(head in hands) the amount of vignettes and cards i have planned for iris. ooooggghhh why is the twst style so hard to copy. feel free to guess what happens in each based off the title and who the vignette is with.
Iris Sibirica - [SR] Ceremonial Robes Vignette " Workplace Insubordination "
Iris Sibirica - [SR] Labwear Vignette " As Bad As Cooking "
Iris Sibirica - [SSR] Dorm Uniform Vignette " An Agreement "
(Event cards technically twst wouldnt give one character this much cards but i do what i want)
Iris Sibirica - [SR] Suitor Suit Vignette " A Waste Of Time "
Iris Sibirica - [SR] Masterchef Vignette " Pot Meet Kettle "
Iris Sibirica - [SSR] Halloween Vignette " That's (Not) The Spirit "
Iris Sibirica - [SSR] Light Music Club " What Are You Looking At? "
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kitwasnothere · 7 months
happy birthday to my boy axel lotto ... i dont have his vignette or birthday art ready 😔 axel i am so sorry i still love you
fun fact : axel's birthday is on 4 march, employee appreciation day
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Since Swiss won the poll for having had an "oops" kit, we now know who this little guy's dad is:
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Congratulations, Swiss, your son is a beverage.
Crescent probably hasn't told Swiss' he's Baja Blast's dad either.
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kittygamer2888 · 7 months
Anyone else just... get a chance to continue a random storyline in your head whenever you daydream?
Because I've been doing that with my OCs backstory for a long time now, but whenever i actually try to imagine the story, it's just...
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I forgot to say, but I decided a while ago on fear magic for Lee!!
it feels lowkey silly but Lee is also one of my most "unassuming" oc's that giving them magic like that at first glance makes them not seem like a threat, but is also super intimidating at the same time if that makes sense??
there's so much in the realm of fear or just emotions in general that I've found so fun to explore
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like I wrote that when I was still figuring out the mechanics of it and I have more to add but I find it to be cool
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chapter 52 of American Beasts is one of those chapters that is causing more headaches than I like and its all because it's primarily a lot of Kit's inward thoughts -- which, of course, generally aren't very sane. and that makes it super difficult when trying to write her having any sort of breakthrough of emotional intelligence (in this case, figuring out she's in love) especially when there isn't someone else for her to sort of work off of. She has to be led there on her own, and this horse doesn't always want to go to water.
She's addled by so much guilt and denial of having any sort of feelings at all for anything or anyone after so many years of abuse and neglect that for her just the simple act of being a "good dog" for Jacob is as close to love as she thinks she deserves or can get since it was more than she ever received with her father. She doesn't believe she deserves a proper kind of love like she would have had with Alina in her youth. So how can her mind comprehend that what she already has with Jacob (no matter how fucked up and toxic it is) is love. It goes beyond her just being this loyal tool, and there are genuine moments of care between the two of them. She can be vulnerable in front of him which she can't with anyone else, despite both of their stupid ass theories on strength and weakness.
It drives me nuts because I just want to throw my head against the keyboard and write her magically understanding that love is what she has, but that wouldn't be true to her either. I can't do my girl dirty and make her just see it for what it is...
I am struggling...
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