#so multiply this all by eight to get the full total
sometimesiwritethings · 3 months
figured i'd go ahead and share what i've been working on instead of Yeosang's incredibly late birthday fic time is a social construct from which i'm completely divorced
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sauleline2 · 7 months
Maths, Gender, And a Number Bigger than the distance to Kepler 22-B
heads up this is loooong
so i was thinking about xenopronouns (pronouns which are impossible for humans to pronounce, mostly used by therians and otherkin. eg. a pronoun that is a lion's roar, bird chirp, or alien language, etc.) while trying to fall asleep. well, i thought, couldn't an example of a xenopronoun be a normal pronoun set, like she/her, but with a different coloured font? well. i got to thinking. how many colours are there? well it depends on what format you use. an RGB colour has 255 ✕ 255 ✕ 255 colours. that comes out to 16,581,375 different colours. HSV on the other hand, has 3,600,000 different colours (360 ✕ 100 ✕ 100). but why stop there? underlines! bold! italics! the possibilities are (almost) endless! (btw im gonna stick with the rgb colour list, because it's a bigger number and i, an idle game player, find that cool) well. im just going to stick with the stock word formatting options (bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, subscript, and superscript). all of these options can be toggled all together, with the exception of superscript and subscript. now. how do we calculate that? well we take how many options there are (8, not counting the subscript and superscript (we'll get to that)) and multiply that by our number of colours. this gives us 132,651,000. we quickly multiply that by 3, to get our full total formats. 397,953,000. now i could say something sappy about how there are infinite combinations of letters, to make infinite pronouns, but that's boring in my opinion. so. there are 149,186 unicode characters (in the current version). sure, not all of them can be made into bold, or some don't have italics. who cares? they still have the italics information. or the bold information. you get the point. well. we take our amount of format options, and multiply that by the amount of unicode characters. 59,369,016,258,000. fifty nine trillion, three hundred and sixty nine billion, sixteen million, two hundred and fifty eight thousand different combinations. now. to make these into pronoun sets. to make this easier for myself, im gonna cap the maximum length of one of these at 7 characters, and the minimum at 1 (invisible characters are cool, like U+2064 or U+2063, for example). each set will be in the format of "she/her/hers", so that means each of the sets will be between 3 and 21 characters long (forward slashes are excluded). i wasn't sure how to do this with a calculator, so i did it by hand. or at least, i was going to. then i realized "wait the way im doing this is shit, and i could very easily have calculated this like the way you calculate how many different states a combo lock has. 343 different combinations of characters. we multiply that by the amount of characters we have, and boom. the total amount of robot pronouns. 20,363,572,576,494,000. twenty quadrillion, three hundred and sixty three trillion, five hundred and seventy two billion, five hundred and seventy six million, four hundred and ninety four thousand. now. most of these will be unintelligible messes of characters in different colours.
i may as well repeat the final number that i got. 20,363,572,576,494,000. think about that. if you want to put that into perspective, there are approximately 100,000,000,000 stars in the milky way galaxy (at a lowball. it goes up to around 400,000,000,000). or, 3,154,000,000 seconds in a century. (im gonna put these numbers up next to each other at the end of this, under the cut, just to help you look at them.
(up to date (as of writing)) (most of these are approximates btw) (distances are in kilometres)
"Pronouns": 20,363,572,576,494,000 Kepler 22-B's Distance: 6,055,000,000,000,000 Distance of All Human Veins: 772,485,120,000,000 Cells in the Body: 30,000,000,000,000 Elon Musk's Net Worth: 205,200,000,000 Stars in the Milky Way: 100,000,000,000 Baby Shark's Views: 14,118,385,910 Earth's Population: 8,100,000,000 Seconds in a Century: 3,154,000,000 Listens my Friend has to Sum 41: 18,306
if this looks like shit... lmao? i guess. it was formatted for web view. idk how it looks on mobile, don't care to check. (Yes i did put elon musk there because i hate him and want to point out how fucking rich he is and i think that we should kill him) (yes i did put my friend's Sum 41 scrobbles there to make fun of him)
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imkazz · 6 months
Pink and Green Hair (trendy in the taisho era)
We all know that Mitsuri ate a crazy amount of it to get her signature pink-green hair, but just how many would she have theoretically eaten?
To start, we have to look at the numbers. She ate 170 mochis per day for 8 months straight.
It's already crazy enough of a number, but imagine just how much that the Kanroji family would've spent on that mochi even before Mitsuri was a part of the Corps with her own salary, not to mention the fact that hashira can choose how much money they recieve. We can prove this fact by Mitsuri having her hair at a pre-pubescent age, when she beat that sumo wrestler at arm-wrestling.
First, since all months but one (mumbleaugustusmumble) have 30 days, we multiply it by eight for the eight months she spent eating the mochi. Then, I estimate by adding 4 for half of the months having 31 days. Since this is a bare estimate, these numbers can't be perfect.
244 days. This is, according to Mitsuri/Gotuge, how long it took until the Kanroji family started to notice Mitsuri's hair turning pink OR when her full transformation ended.
Now. We can multiply those days by how many sakura mochi she would eat in one of those days.
If you wanted anime hair from eating a sweet, that's an estimated amount of how many sakura mochi you would have to eat.
Since this is unreliable information because there's not enough data given about this, and Mitsuri herself wasn't keeping track of this specifically, there's not much of a way to tell how many sakura mochi to actually eat, and this is also really unhealthy because duh it's a dessert that any normal person who isn't a girlboss like Mitsuri should eat more than three.
We also have to think about the actual sakura mochi. This sweet is made with pickled sakura leafs, which are edible, along with anko (red bean paste) and glutinous rice coloured pink, the same as sakura blossoms. Sakura are already notorious for only blooming for a week or two before fading for the rest of the year. This is why this wagashi (sakura mochi) is only designated as a spring treat.
Of course, it can still be eaten year-round. It's simply customary to eat in springtime, late March. You would just have to have loads of ingredients all the time in order to make it. Since, as I talked about Japanese tradition of only eating this in spring, it's probably that the Kanroji family would pickle their own sakura leaves, in the same way that they also make their own honey. Yet another way of telling us how well-off they are.
Other than that, anko (the filling) and glutinous rice (along with the pink colouring) is relatively easy to find because other types of wagashi are served year-round, and I believe that many of them have those two core ingredients (such as ohagi or manjuu). The main thing that makes sakura mochi special is the pickled leaf that can only be harvested in springtime, hence why it's only really served in the time that there are blossoms.
And finally, it also happens to be that I'm currently in Japan in middle-late March. I got to visit a (romantic) love temple nearby, prayed that I would find a Mitsuri gachapon before I leave Japan (because that's what you do when you go to a love temple, pray to see the love hashira), then it so happened that three doors down, there was a wagashi store!!
They also happened to serve ohagi (despite that being an autumn wagashi, in spring ohagi would usually be called botamochi), mitarashi dango (which will totally calm Haganezuka-san down), and of course, the reason for this post, sakura mochi!! Three character's favourite foods, so we obviously got some!!!
Taste test.
Mitarashi dango, as per usual, is amazing. I love warm mochi and the sauce is always great, especially when it's served fresh or you can watch the storeperson dunk the mochi into the sauce. I also got to have a huge version whilst exploring Odawara-jou, and before that too.
Ohagi, I was very excited to try some, but surprisingly, out of these three, it was my least favourite. That's not to say it wasn't good, but I don't think I really liked the anko being on the outside. Thinking back, it's probably unhealthy for Giyuu to hold it out to Sanemi with his bare hand.
Finally, sakura mochi. The leaves are edible, and they don't give any sort of taste or reliable texture, they seem to more be there as an ornamental piece, it was just the stem that could be a little pokey. The glutinous rice is light pink and on the outside, wrapped in the leaf. It's sweet! A bit sticky too, which is probably the reason for the leaf-holder. The anko on the inside is also very sweet, and this sweet was my favourite out of the three types of wagashi that we got. They are relatively small, maybe 10cm from a rough estimate, but they have a lot of density from being packed tight. While I really enjoyed this, I don't think I could ever eat 170 in a single day, much less for eight months.
I also forgot to mention, but there's two types of sakura mochi. First is the type with glutinous rice, the type Mitsuri is shown to be eating in the manga and anime, and the one I just tried. Second type is made with a pink pancake wrapping the anko, which is also wrapped in the sakura leaf. I think maybe two or three days after the first type's taste test, I got my hands on the pancake ones, but I was so tired that it got stuck in the fridge overnight. Let me tell you. Those pancakes were solid. If anyone has a taste of the pancake sakura mochi, feel free to give your actual impression!
Since, as I've already said, sakura mochi is the main type of wagashi served in spring, in the sakura season, there's loads of shops selling it nearby. I even got to try this taiyaki with sakura mochi filling instead of anko, which was... interesting, I suppose, but not terrible.
So try some sakura mochi if you're ever in Japan for the March season! I'm pretty sure that people sell this wagashi for the entire month, for more sales. (unfortunately, the sakura will only bloom in the week after i leave japan) (talk about a letdown, i always have to leave japan the week before they bloom for school)
Unfortunately no photos, but I did get to go on a train called the RomanceCar!! I immediately thought of Mitsuri with this, and I did get photos of that! Then, I searched up why it's called that, and the only reason is that there's two seats side-by-side with no armrest between, which gives room for couples to cuddle. Imagine modern Mitsuri with Iguro or Shinobu on one of these!!
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reimalebario · 9 months
Character Creation Challenge 2024 - Day 5
Up until now I’ve been doing fairly simple characters for fairly simple systems because, although I do want to do this, I haven’t had a lot of time or energy because this month is frankly horrific. So I also haven’t really talked much about the games or the character creation process within them.
But tonight I have a bit of time to myself and I’m going in.
So, read along as I create a character for … (duhn duhn DUHN!) … Powers & Perils! Not a recent game but also not one very many people would describe as “a classic” so much as “a relic best forgotten”. But I do own the core set, the setting box “The Perilous Lands” (which, to be fair, is very good and I used it as the setting for a long Rolemaster campaign) and the module The Tower of the Dead. But I have never dared try to convince my group to actually play P&P.
Well, let’s get started!
The first thing I have to do is roll 2d10 for each of my ten Characteristics to determine my “Native Ability in each. Well, the actual first thing is to open Excel because there’ll be a lot of shit to keep track of here, but the second thing, then, is to roll Characteristics. OK, I actually first need to choose Race and Sex before I roll as this game gives you characteristic mods for both. Which isn’t great but there it is. I’m going for a human woman. Human to keep this from getting too complicated (the other choices are Elf, Faerry and Dwarf). Woman because, all in all, women get slightly better modifiers than men. Anyway, I get 7, 15, 15, 16, 13, 13, 6, 10, 7 and 13 for Strength, Stamina, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence, Will, Eloquence, Empathy, Constitution and Appearance respectively. 
You may be wondering what “Native Ability” means about which the rulebook has this to say: “Native Ability represents the phenotypic potential of
the Character.” I think this makes it very clear. Thank you.
Constitution and Appearance are special. For these, I need to roll on a tablel to determine a multiplier to determine my Current and Maximum Ability as, for some reason, these values can’t change. I get multipliers of 5 and 2 so my Current and Maximum Ability in them are 35 for Constitution and 26 for Appearance. For all of the others, I simply roll 2d6+14 for a number of Multipliers that I must assign to the other eight Characteristics in blocks of 0.5 to get the numbers by which I must multiply the Native Ability to find the Maximum Ability. I get 19 which isn’t great. I assign them in a way that mainly focuses on my character’s physical stats as I see her being, perhaps, a thiefy sort.
Next I need to roll a d100 twice to determine Age and Station. She’s 18 years of age and Station 1 which translates to Free man, Common soldier or servant. I now roll for Initial Increases on 2d10 plus Station plus double Age. I roll 17 on the dive for a total of 54. These must be assigned to the four categories Characteristic Points, (Combat) Experience Points, Expertise Points (for Skills) and Wealth. At least 5 points must be assigned to each category and I start by putting that minimum into Wealth because with the lowly status I enjoy, I’ll get virtually nothing for them anyway. I’ll put 7 into Experience to be Combat Experience Level 1 but i imagine being less of a fighter than a runner awayer, so I’ll split the bulk of the points not quite evenly between Characteristics and Expertise giving me 76 Characteristic Points and 340 Expertise Points for use in buying Skills later. I’ll spend the 70 Characteristice Points to boost my Characteristics closer to their lofty potentials.
I can optionally roll for Special Events where I roll once on a table for every full ten years of my character’s life so far (so: once). I will totally do this. I get a 41 meaning my character (whom I will now name Fela) has been imprisoned in the nation where the adventure is starting until she escaped 1d6 (4) days ago and is a wanted criminal. Oh, there’s a table to determine the severity of the crime that Fela committed. I roll a 31 – Felonious Theft. There’s a reward of 1d10 (10!) Gold Coins for her return. She could turn herself in and be rich! The reward is dead or alive, so Fela better watch her back.
OK, I need to determine a lot of boring ficured characteristics based on her stats. I’ll spare you the detail and just do it in Excel and get back to you.
There, done.
I need to get some skills now. I didn’t say, but earlier I need to choose to be either Barbarian or Civilized and just quietly chose Civilized without mentioning it but this affects my starting Skills. As a Civilized character of Station 1, Fela gets the following for free: either maximum possible EL (Expertise Level) in City Survival and EL 0 in Rhetoric or maximum EL in Survival in a different native terrain and EL 0 in Tracking. I see Fela as more of an urban type so I opt for the former. She also gets to choose between Husbandry, Forester or Miner or any two skills with a cost to learn of 15 (Exp points) or less. I’ll just take Miner. No wonder a life of doing crimes seemed more alluring.
Okay, now I finally get to spend my 340 points. There’s a confusing skill list where some of the skills are actually bundles of other skills. One such skill is “Thief” which is also the first skill I want to get for Fela. Its cost to learn is 100 for freelance thieves but only 75 for Guild thieves. But to become a Guild thief, Fela must roll equal to or less than her maximum possible EL as a thief (on a d100) to be accepted! This number is 48 and I roll a 60. She’ll have to go freelance and pay full price. It was probably the guild that shopped her to The Man! She pays 100 for a Starting Level which, due to a peculiarity of how Starting EL’s are determined and her Characteristic values is 51 – greater than her Maximum of 48. I’ll just give her the 48. I’ll also get her the Dancer skill to give her something to fall back on when crime isn’t paying enough. I’ll pay 76 Exp Pts for Dancer at her maximum EL (6). Why not let her learn to Read & write? I’ll spend 45 points on a starting EL, so she can read and write very poorly. Finally, I should probably get her some Combat Skills. I’ll get her Dagger – Fight and Dagger – Throw at EL 2 and 3 respectively and Scimitar at EL0 because why not? (That leaves Fela with 2 Exp pts unspent which I’ll just say are put into Scimitar to help her pay for her next EL in it.
I suppose I should buy her some equipment for her 10 Copper Coins and it’s late and I want to go to bed. 
Here’s a screengrab of as much of her character sheet as I could be arsed to fill out:
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To be completely fair to P&P, this is actually a pretty compelling character, I think. Maybe I should give running it a go?
Speedy, continued
Speedy helps Fela get away from the countless people pursuing her for the rich bounty on her head and they go on many hilarious (mis)adventures together in The Perilous Lands after which Speedy’s stats increase to this:
Speedy Maledict
Muscle 44, Speed 59, Stamina 31, Mental 54, Luck 16, Total 204
Damage 5, Init 6, Heal 4, Power 6, Luck Roll 7, Force 20
Physical 45 (19x2)
Life Points 38
Skills: Pilot-1, Mechanic-1, Street Criminal-3, Unarmed-1, Rapier-3, Theatrical-1, Wilderness-2, Gamma Raygun-1, Futuristic-3, Magical-3, Stage Magician-1
Powers: Magneto-1
Rapier, Gamma Raygun, Backpack, Mechanic’s tools, 4 Gold Coins cash, Lockpicking tools
He’s starting to pick up some arcane abilities. Perhaps these will come in handy in the strange alien site he finds himself transported after foolishly picking up a strange beetle-shaped artefact in a dungeon? Perhaps, but almost certainly not.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Silent Treatment ~ OT7 [M] [Request]
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PAIRING: ot7 x reader
GENRE: ot7, non! Idol, family relationship, smut, oral f recieving, female appreciation, we’re sorry sex,
A/N: I’m still not 100% there with ot7 smut, I am trying though so I hope that this is okay for you! I didn’t add too much smut as you only said a little. I hope you like it!
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If someone had told you that you would be in a happy relationship with seven men, you never would have believed them. You never took yourself as someone who would be into polyamorous relationships but when you met the boys it all changed. They were kind, sweet, caring and they all loved you equally so it was no wonder you fell hard for them. Eventually moving into a huge home together and having a child. The only difficult part about that was explaining to your daughter’s teachers that she had different people going to pick her up from school. The dirty looks you would get from other people who thought your business was automatically their business when it had absolutely nothing to do with them.
“Mummy!” You snapped out of your daydream when you heard the familiar cry of your daughter’s voice. The more she grew older the more she began to look like you. Which you were thankful for. Neither you nor the boys knew which of them was the father, none of you wanted to know either. Collectively she was your child and that was the only thing that mattered.
“Hey sweetie, how was your day?” You questioned as you bent down to pick her up, placing her onto your hip as she began to list off everything she had been doing in class that day. You couldn’t believe she was almost seven years old, time flew by so quickly with her. 
“We did maths! I learnt how to multiply up to 10 today.” You giggled as you began heading back to the family car. It was supposed to be Yoongi’s turn picking her up today but it turned out he was busy and stuck at work. No big deal, you were mostly a stay-at-home mum and wife anyway since seven of them earnt far more than you knew what to do with.
“Are my dad’s at home?” A filthy look flew in your direction from the woman in the car beside your car. You weren’t stupid. You knew how everyone felt about your relationship with her fathers. Even the teachers in the school weren't best pleased that your daughter understood that she had more than one father. They expressed that they would rather have her know them as her uncles but who were they to tell you how to raise your daughter?
“Daddy Namjoon and Jungkook are but they’re a little busy, sweetie.” You strapped her into the back of your car, taking her book bag from her to check if she had homework to do. 
Normally it was Namjoon’s job to help with the homework, something you were trying to make happen so she knew it was okay as she grew older but not tonight. Tonight he and Jungkook were making renovations on the house so it was going to be you that helped her out.
“Okay, I’ll ask daddy Hoseok to teach me some dance moves when he comes home. We have an end of the year dance coming up and I want to ask Jaylyn and Katie to go with me.” You smiled weakly at her. The boys were all busy with their own things tonight but you nodded along, not wanting to upset her too much before you got home for the night. 
“Shall we put on some music or would you like to keep telling me about the dance?” You looked in the mirror at your daughter who pointed to the radio. One of her favourite things to do was listen to music. Something she had gotten from Yoongi. He was a radio jingle maker/ producer on the side which meant he was almost always busy with work. 
“Maybe we’ll hear daddy Yoongi’s radio jingle,” You told her with a laugh as you turned up the radio and began your drive home for the night. 
Your daughter had something from each of the boys, Yoongi’s love for music, Hoseok passion for dancing. Namjoon’s brain, Jungkook’s ability to be good at literally everything that she set her mind at. Jimin’s duality, Taehyung’s art skills and she took after Jin with her loud rambling in Korean. There was so much of them in her it was hard to believe she was only one of their children.
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Once your daughter had finished her homework you allowed her to go and play while you cleaned up the house. It seemed that no matter how much you tidied up it would end up a total mess again. Clothes were strewn about on the top floor where everyone would come home and dump everything they had on. Shoes were piled up at the bottom of the stairs in front of the front door. Somewhat of a safety hazard. The floors seemed to always get dirty no matter how many times a day you cleaned them.
“What do you have planned for dinner?” Was the first question that flew from Jimin’s mouth once he entered the house. Shoes on messing up your freshly moped floors. Staring at him you almost wanted to slap him with the wet part of the mop.
“Jimin! I just moped!” You called out as you sat him leaving dirty shoe prints all over the place, seeming to have no care in the world as he made his way into the kitchen and heading into the pantry.
“Relax. It’s just a bit of mud.” He grumbled as he continued to go through the cupboards for snacks. Dropping different packets onto the floor that he didn't bother to pick up once he came out with what he wanted. 
“What did you say you had planned?” He questioned when you began cleaning up the mess he left and then began putting everything you had been using away.
“I didn’t, I don’t have anything planned.” You grumbled as you put the cleaning products away into the kitchen cupboards. Standing back up and looking over at Jimin who shrugged his shoulders.
“Nothing planned?” Jungkook’s voice chimed in as he heard you speaking. By now all of the boys were home and expecting something to eat as if you were the only one that knew how to use the oven. 
“Yes, nothing planned because guess what? I’m not the only one that knows how to cook.” You snapped as you glanced at each of their faces. You hadn't meant to snap as nastily as you did but it was getting to be exhausting being the only one that cooked and cleaned everything in the home.
“You’re the only one that has nothing to do all day. You've done nothing, the least you could have done was made dinner,” As soon as the words left Jungkooks lips the air seemed to turn cold and thin. Everyone turned to stare at him as you scoffed at the statement. The only reason you didn't work was that they had convinced you that they earnt enough, there was no need to work because who would look after your daughter all day.
“I did nothing all day?” Your hand rested on your hip as you tilted your head to the side. The boys said nothing leaving Jungkook to dig himself a bigger grave.
“I didn’t mean-”
“I do nothing? So I don’t clean all day, make breakfast and lunch for you, or take our daughter to school..." Jungkook turned pale as he realised how angry he had made you. 
"I don't pick her up even though it’s everyone else's turn. I don’t do the laundry, make sure the studies are clean or go food shopping, parent and teacher meetings?” Jungkook was taken back by everything he realised you did. He had no idea that you did so much leaving them to get on with whatever they wanted to do. 
“Y/n you’re being dramatic,” Taehyung mumbled as he shook his head, to him this was all easy work. Nothing about what you had said seemed as tiring as you were making it out to be,
“You know what...I don’t even have the energy for this,” You began making your way to the door when you heard Yoongi speak out this time,
“It's not like you work a full-time job, we would help but we work more than you do.” There it was. The "you don't work but we do" line. Something you had been anticipating since the moment they told you that you didn't have to work. Looking at each of their faces you knew from the moment you saw them they agreed with Yoongi.
“So you think being a mother isn’t a full-time job? That everything I do around the house is easy? Oh, please I would love to see you fucking try it for once.” You countered,
“You’re being stupid, they didn't mean it like that." All that you heard fall from Jin's lips was that you were stupid. You stared at him mouth hanging open a little but nothing came out. You just shook your head and stormed out of the room.
Ignoring them all as you stormed up to your bedroom. Normally you would share it with one boy a night, or two if you needed the extra cuddles but right now you needed to be alone. You walked past one of the studies to find your daughter fast asleep holding her barbies. Luckily she was away for the fiasco going on downstairs so you picked her up and carried her to your room. If they saw she was with you they wouldn't bother trying to get into the bed with you. 
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Days passed by and the boys barely noticed you were giving them the silent treatment. They were all so busy with their jobs that they didn't speak to you. Meanwhile, you played the role of the pretty little housewife that made everything perfect for them while they were away. The house was spotless, your daughter was at school on time and picked up at the same time. 
"Darling, go and tell your dad's that dinner is waiting for them." You told her as you set the table for eight. Making sure your daughter's spot was right at the top of the table before putting their plates down and heading up to your room. There were piles of laundry sitting on the bed waiting to be put away. 
"Daddy," She called out as she walked into the back garden. They were all working on a new wendy house for her. They were trying to make it bigger than the last one so that everyone could fit into the house for tea parties. 
"Yes, sweetie?" Jin called out as she came bounding over to him, jumping into his arms and smiling.
"Mummy told me to tell you that dinner is ready," She looked at all of them and Jungkook clapped loudly. 
"Break time!" He chuckled rubbing his hands together and heading into the house. 
The dining room was empty and only eight placemats were set at the table. 
"Where is mummy?" Namjoon questioned your daughter who was sitting in your usual spot. She simply shrugged her shoulders before eating.
"I haven't seen her much and when I do she's silent which isn't like her," Jin mumbled as he began to eat the food you'd made, everything tasted fantastic like it always did when you cooked for them. 
"I tried to speak to her this morning but she ignored me," Jungkook mumbled as he pushed food into his mouth, 
"I don't blame her, you were rude on Tuesday." Hoseok reminded him of the day of the fight. That wasn't really a fight more like a disagreement. 
"We all were." Namjoon corrected him as they continued to think back on it. 
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The weekend continued on just like that. You were sending messages to the boys through your daughter using her as a messenger owl while the boys did the same back. Monday morning came around and you were standing outside the school gates with your daughter. 
"Mum?" You looked at her as you zipped up her coat, grabbing her bookbag. 
"What is it, sweetie?" You questioned as you made sure her hair was perfect and she looked good to go. 
"Are you and my daddies going to spilt up?" You looked at her and then over at the school as the bell rang. 
"No, we're just having a small fight baby that's all." You whispered as you kissed her forehead. If you tried to explain it now she'd be late for school. 
"Go, I promise we'll make up while you're at school." She began rushing off in the direction of her class and you waved goodbye until the doors completely shut and you could head home. 
Home where all of the boys were waiting for you. They had collectively decided to take the day off from work so they could get to the bottom of whatever was wrong with you.
"So what's the problem with you?" Jungkook questioned earning a slap around the back of the head from Namjoon who was trying to be the levelheaded one throughout all of this. 
"What he means to say is, why are we getting the silent treatment?" Namjoon reiterated the question but in a different manner.
"Let me see...Tuesday night ring a bell?" You questioned as you walked past them and into the kitchen. Beginning to get started with the housework when Hoseok pulled you into a tight hug from behind. Your whole body seemed to melt into his as you missed the contact from each of them. 
"We were being idiots, we were tired and irritated with our jobs and we took it out on you." He whispered in your ear as he kept his arms around your tightly never once letting go. 
"Let us make it up to you," He whispered again, his breath making your back tingle as you shook your head. Getting away from him as quickly as you could. He knew what his whispers and touching did to you. 
"You think I'm just going to forget what you said with a simple, "we were irritated?" Because that's not how it works!" You snapped at them all, glancing over all of their faces to see if they truly meant what they were saying. 
"We didn't mean for it to be so mean and we're sorry," Yoongi told you as he stepped closer to you, holding your hand and running his fingers over your knuckles.
"We know how much you do and how hard you work," Jungkook stood up from the sofa and made his way into the kitchen to look at you.
"Now, please...Let us make it up to you." Yoongi told you again as he stepped closer to you. Running his hand up and down your cheek as you relaxed into his touch. 
"None of you have actually said sorry except for Yoongi." You moved closer to Yoongi, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck as you giggled. 
"So maybe I should only forgive him." You looked at the boys as your lips slowly began to kiss up and down Yoongi's neck, biting down softly right at the nape of his neck. His weakest point. 
"No! We're sorry! I'm sorry." Taehyung whined out desperately as he so wanted to have your body on his. It had been so long since any of you had been together intimately it was starting to become too much to be away.
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Seven apologies later and you were laid on the bed making out with Yoongi while Namjoon's hands ran down your naked body. Massaging your breasts while his mouth wrapped around the other, sucking and nibbling on your nipple as you let out small moans of pleasure. 
"L-Let me touch you," You complained as you reached out to touch Yoongi but he moved your hand away. 
"It's about you tonight and only you," Confused by what he meant you went back to kissing him. Your lips moving in sync with one another as he held your face in his hands.
Suddenly you felt Jimin's lips on your core making you cry out at the sudden contact, 
"Seems like someone has missed us almost as much as we've missed her." He chuckled as he began to slowly lick stripes up and down your folds, nibbling at your clit whenever he could.
"Jimin!" You whined out, back arching a little as he continued with the slow movements of his tongue which almost had you begging for more.
"Hmm so good," Jimin moans out as he begins to dip his tongue in and out of you. Taking his time as he slowly licks your pussy, tasting every bit of you he can get. 
"So fucking good," He growled deeply, your whole body shaking as he continued to lap up your juices. Repeatedly flicking your clit with his tongue causing you to cry out his name, hands buried in his hair as you pushed him closer to your cunt.
"Jimin right there!" You cried out as he inserted two fingers into you, curling them up as he continued to suck on your clit. 
Your whole body was on fire as you could feel yourself getting closer to the edge. The curl of his fingers making you moan out, every now and again he would let out growls causing your pussy to clench around his fingers. 
"Don't take away all the fun," Yoongi pouted as he took your breast into his mouth, sucking harshly while Namjoon did the same to the other. Your head was spinning so fast you'd forgotten the other boys were in the room.
Watching as you were eaten out so carefully and lovingly.
"J-Jimin!" You warned as you could feel yourself beginning to get closer. The coil in your stomach was beginning to tighten with every bite, lick and thrust from him. 
"I-I can't-" You couldn't even finish your sentence before your orgasm ripped through your body. Your eyes shutting tightly as you cried out his name. Hips bucking against his lips begging him not to stop until you rode out your high.
"My turn." Jungkook chuckled as he began to kiss up and down your body. Hands travelling down to your core as he began to rub your already sensitive clit. Each touch felt intensified from your previous orgasm. 
"J-Jungkookie," You moaned out as he kissed you sweetly, two fingers rubbing small circles into your core.
"Shh, let us take care of you tonight, it's not about us." Jin's whisper filled your ear as he began to kiss and suck on your neck. Hoseok's hands made their way to your breasts as did Taehyung's. It was going to be a long and very good day.
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By the time they were finished with you, you were panting and dripping in sweat...As well as other substances. You'd finally convinced them into letting you please them. Girls couldn't have all of the fun after all. Whining out as you held onto Jin you looked up at him,
"Someone needs to go and pick our little girl up, I don't think I'll be able to walk straight for a week." You laughed softly as Jin helped you into the bathroom. He'd already drawn you a hot bubble bath with a mug of hot chocolate waiting for you. 
"I'll go and get her, we can stop by the library before we come home," Namjoon said as he watched you sink into the hot water, eyes rolling back as you finally relaxed.
"I'll come too," Jungkook said as he looked at Namjoon and then at you. Making sure you were okay before they headed out to go and pick up your little girl.
"J-Jin." Your hand reached out to touch him and he turned to look at you. 
"Can you come in? I don't want to be alone." You told him, the others had all gone to wash up and you would have been alone. 
"Sure." He whispered as he stripped down, getting into the bath behind you and holding you close.
"I really love you guys," You mumbled as you closed your eyes. Listening to nothing but his heart beating against his chest.
"We love you too," He whispered as he began to slowly wash your body off carefully.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @sw33tnight​ @taestannie​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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rosemarypasta · 4 years
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➤ pairing : oikawa tooru x female reader (karasuno manager)
➤ chapter warnings : slowburn (?)
➤ summary : You just recently joined the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team as their first year manager. As you grow closer to your teammates, you also unexpectedly grow closer to one of their biggest rivals, Oikawa Tooru
➤ chapter word count: 2762
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-ˏˋ chapter two ˊˎ-
8:00 AM
You woke up the next day super early to get ready for the practice match. Eight hours ago before collapsing due to an energy shortage, you made sure to set up an alarm for eight AM so you could have a full hour to get ready before going to the morning practice. You showered, brushed your teeth and ate some breakfast first thing in the morning. As soon as you finished your last bite of toast, you said goodbye to your parents and set off to school with thirty minutes to spare. You knew you could've used the remaining thirty minutes to chill for a second or do your homework that you didn't get to do yesterday but you figured that you'd start to freak out and question why you were doing all this in the first place if you didn't go immediately.
Physically, you felt tired and worn out from dodging stray volleyballs yesterday but you were oddly pumped and energized to go to practice. As you began to question your sudden surge of enthusiasm, your brain quickly reminded you of a reason why.
Oikawa Toru was a reason why.
You felt like a thirteen year old having a crush on the popular boy all over again. You've only seen him once and you find it ridiculous how much he has already been occupying your mind. He didn't even acknowledge you last night. He couldn't at least pretend to be interested in who you were and ask for your name. "Whatever." You mumbled to yourself as you tried to push the image of the Seijoh student away. But there is nothing wrong with finding a stranger hot anyway.
As you entered school grounds and walked towards the gym, you could already hear the squeaking sounds the volleyball shoes made. You looked over to see the time on your cell phone and confirmed with yourself that you were fifteen minutes early. So how are there already somebody practicing? You peaked through the open door and caught a glimpse of the red head sprinting to the opposite side of the court in a blink of an eye. HInata suddenly jumps vertically up but falls shortly, a volleyball joining beside him a second later.
"You jumped too fast!" A familiar voice yelled. There was somebody else in there this early too aside from Hinata. "Well maybe you just tossed too slow." Hinata pouted as he crossed his arms and legs like a toddler throwing a tantrum on the floor.
You giggled to yourself as you found the sight of a high schooler to be ridiculous.
"Ah! Y/N, good morning!" The redhead greeted you as he noticed you creeping from the door. "Hey." Kageyama greeted you briefly before picking up another ball from the cart you and Shimizu organized after yesterday's practice. Judging from the amount of balls already scattered throughout the gym floor, you could tell they have started way earlier than you previously thought.
The rest of the team quickly started to pile in the gym one by one. BY the time coach Ukai showed up, the whole team had already started their stretches. They seemed more fired up than yesterday.
You weren't the type to keep up with sports but you do know that your prefecture was quite well known for some of their volleyball players. You've heard of powerhouse schools like Shiratorizawa and Aoba Johsai but you've never heard of Karasuno's outstanding volleyball team. So if this is the performance and morale of a team full of nobodies, you wonder how insane the training is in the powerhouse schools.
The practice went by smoothly, no yelling or fights and most importantly, no injuries. They took frequent breaks to drink and rest in between different types of training. Despite it being a Saturday morning, you didn't feel worn out like you did during yesterday's practice. In reality, it was pretty entertaining watching them play a sport they are all so passionate about. Well, most of them seemed passionate. Tsukishima, the first year, seemed to be pretty good but anyone could tell that he was doing the bare minimum compared to Nishinoya and Hinata who were pretty much begging the coach to keep playing during breaks.
And before you knew it, twelve o'clock came around and the black and orange uniformed boys met their rivals for the day. Around the same amount of players in white and turquoise walked in the gym but as much as you scanned the crowd, you didn't find the familiar face you hoped to see. You sank into the bench you were sitting on and sighed. Was he not a regular? Then why was he so confident in beating Kageyama when he isn't on the team to begin with?
You contemplated whether you should ask Kageyama about him but you pushed that possibility away as you watched him do his final set of stretches to prepare for the match. You also thought it would be embarrassing if he knew you had an interest towards someone that was so ridiculously rude towards him. Though while debating with yourself, you caught Kageyama looking through the room and looking concerned for a while but shook it off swiftly before serving in the first set of the day. You knew Aoba Johsai has a pretty big volleyball team and they only brought twenty people to Karasuno so maybe Oikawa really wasn't a regular.
Two sets went by and both Karasuno and Aoba Johsai each had a win which means the last set they played would determine the first win of the day. With a blow of a whistle, Asahi was already throwing the ball in the air to serve but got distracted by the sudden entrance of a brunette in a white jacket.
"Sorry for being late everyone, it took me a while to get the ok from the doctor." He graciously announced as he leaned on the door with a white supporter on his right knee. "So you can finally play?" An Aoba Johsai player with spiky dark hair asked Oikawa to which he replied with a sparkly smile and an enthusiastic thumbs up.
"You guys lost the first set to them huh?" He casually spoke with a bright smile on his face that seemed sinister with the context and tone of the words he spoke. "Leave the rest to your captain." He smirked. He pulled the jacket off his back to reveal his white uniform with the number one printed brilliantly across his chest.
As if the whole ordeal was pre-planned, the timid looking boy that made Aoba Johsai lose their set point the last set moved back and joined the rest of the white uniformed team on the bench with a simple hand gesture from the coach. Oikawa swiftly moved to the back of the court. His legs parted and arms wide open, ready to accept the ball his black uniformed opponent was about to serve.
As soon as the ball left Asahi's grasp, Aoba Johsai was quick to react, even quicker than the last two sets they played. Each move the players made on court was filled with confidence and no hesitation was shown, as if a single person like OIkawa multiplied their skills by three just by setting foot on the polished wooden floors riddled with sweat. The brunette captain was quick to react when his name was called. He ran up to the front of the net, tossed the ball towards his teammate and allowed him to spike with all his might.
Watching the whole ordeal was mesmerizing despite being on, what seems like now, the underdog's team. As the ball left the spiker's palm, it zoomed in the air. You held your breath as you saw it in slow motion touch the area beyond the white line.
It was out.
You sighed in relief and sank back into the bench beside coach Ukai and Shimizu. You felt relieved that no one on the Karasuno team touched the ball since it looked like it was strong enough to break an arm. You turned to see them cheer as usual every time they win a point but the celebrations seemed to be duller than usual. They seemed tense, not letting their guard down as they briefly high fived each other.
"It's the grand king's turn to serve now." You overheard Hinata mutter to himself as he wiped sweat droplets from his forehead. The grand king? Who's the grand king?
You turned to the opposite side of the court and saw the pretty brunette spinning the ball on his long and slender finger. The Aoba Johsai captain threw the ball in the air lightly then proceeded to hit it to the point where the side where the ball touched his palm grew flat, parallel to his hand. You thought the last ball they hit was powerful but this time, you were sure that this one was strong enough to put a hole in the middle of the gymnasium.
The whole practice match went on for another hour and a half. The two teams played six sets in total. Two went to Karasuno while the other four went to the fashionably late captain's team. You felt bad that your team lost, despite how much practice they put even before the official practice hours had begun but you assumed that losing four sets in a six set game to a powerhouse school wasn't so bad.
Though, you thought the fired up ones like Nishinoya and Hinata would be bummed after losing a practice match but they seemed fine. They were mopping the floors as usual and were mingling with some of Aoba Johsai members who were still cooling down before journeying back to their school.
For your part of the clean up, you carried a crate of empty water bottles outside to the back of the gym to fill them with water. Carrying twenty empty bottles and filling them to the brim was no problem, but carrying them full back in was one. You took a deep breath in before focusing all your strength you had onto your fingertips but before you could even attempt to lift them, they seemed to float up on their own.
You realized the pair of hands on top of yours.
You startled yourself and dripped the heavy plastic crate to the ground as you jumped away in shock. "Sorry for scaring you, I just saw you struggled with it and wanted to help." The captain of the opposing team spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah! No, it's fine. Thank you for your concern and help." You frantically replied back. You could feel your cheeks heat up in shame. You stepped away from the crate as he crouched down and picked it up like it was nothing.
"I'm Oikawa Toru, though I suppose Tobio-chan filled you in with that information last night?" He introduced himself as he began to carry the bottles in the gym. Your heart skipped a beat pathetically. He remembered you from last night. You let out a small sigh, disappointed at how easy it was for Oikawa to impress you this much by doing the bare minimum.
Though, despite your conflicting inner thoughts, butterflies unwillingly started to fill your stomach. "So are you Tobio's classmate? You two seemed pretty close yesterday. Was he walking you home?" OIkawa set the crate down carefully on the floor, speaking casually as if you were already acquaintances for a long time. "Yes he did but it was nothing special- Shimizu-senpai told me to have someone walk me home since it was already dark outside." Your face paced answer seemed desperate compared to how chill he was acting. "And we aren't classmates, I'm just in the same year as him." You didn't know why you were so eager to answer each and every question he asked. You knew he was just making small talk but you answered as if they were the final words he would ever say to you.
You could tell he was the popular type. The way he acted and played screamed like the jock pride and joy of Seijoh. His perfectly styled hair, charismatic smile and toner body had the ability to make anyone, whether they liked men or not, drool.
"OIkawa get your ass in the bus, we're leaving." The dark haired boy in the number four uniformed yelled from the opposite side of the room. "Well, I guess this is goodbye for now, Y/N-chan." He winked before running off to join his vice-captain who hit his head in response to Oikawa patting his hair once he caught up to his friend. You giggled at the sight of them bickering childishly as two of your seniors slid behind you.
"Don't be fooled by that pretty boy's charms, Y/N." Tanaka warmed, his face contorted in intimidation in an attempt to scare the rival's captain, which went unnoticed as he was already out of the gym, busy talking with his friend. "You two! Cut it out, don't spread rumours about Oikawa." Daichi sighed as he hit the two boys with odd hairstyles on the head. "They aren't rumours if they're true, Daichi-san!" Nishinoya managed to say as he winced in pain, rubbing the top of his head in sync with his buzzcut haired partner. "So what's the deal with Oikawa-san?" You replied in curiosity without thinking further. Tanaka and Nishinoya snickered at your response, satisfied with the reaction they sparked and straightened their posture, before clearing their throats. "Well aside from the fact that he nearly beat up poor Kageyama when he was only in his first year of junior high just because he wanted advice on volleyball, I'd say he's a decent guy." Tanaka informed in a low voice, looking around to make sure Daichi wasn't around to scold him.
Oikawa? Beating up Kageyama? He may look like someone from the popular side but he didn't seem the type to bully someone, let alone an underclassmen who was two year younger than him. You wanted to ask more from the two troublemakers but given the look on your face and how the three of you were bundled up like a group of moms gossiping about their neighbour's scandals, Daichi walked up to the second years with a sinister grin on his face but they were two steps ahead and dispersed on their own, pretending to be busy with cleaning up to avoid their captain.
After another hour of running practice outside, Daichi and Sugawara treated the whole team to some popsicles to cheer them up from the loss of the practice match and the team was shortly dismissed. You and Kageyama started to walk home together unintentionally and made small talk throughout the journey. You knew he was a nice person but you did pick up that he more or less lacked some social and communication skills. As the two of you talked about normal stuff, his answers sounded awkward and short but you were quick to realize that that was not the case when it comes to talking about volleyball so you switched the topic of the conversation to the practice match. You let him ramble on about his serves, Hinata's failed attempts at a block, and other various things you barely even noticed in the match. It was a nice way to familiarize with volleyball terms so you didn't mind. Besides,, he seemed pumped to talk about volleyball despite having just played it a while ago.
You were tempted to bring up oIkawa but you decided not to as you began to enter your neighbourhood. Although what Tanaka and Nishinoya said explained why Oikawa behaved superior and confident towards Kageyama the other day, it seemed more like harmless banter rather than petty bullying. Besides, a full three years have gone by since the supposed bullying so you were sure he has changed.
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4:00 PM
"What's with that face, you look constipated." Iwaizumi abruptly spoke, sitting up on his bed as he pushed away a manga he was reading to narrow his eyes at his childhood friend.
Oikawa rested his head on Iwaizumi's bed and smirked, "That Karasuno girl seems like she's close with Tobio-chan." He sneered, shortly feeling a sharp pain on his forehead.
"Don't get any childish ideas, Shittykawa." Iwaizumi spoke sternly in his signature monotone voice as he retreated his fingers after flicking his captain on the forehead.
next:  -ˏˋ chapter three ˊˎ-
previous:  -ˏˋ chapter one ˊˎ-
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mst3kproject · 4 years
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The Flame Barrier
I’ve got an awful lot of movies from 1958 on my resume, don’t I?  Why is that? Honestly, I couldn’t tell you. Apparently it was just a bumper year for cheap, crappy black-and-white films.  This one stars Kathleen Crowley from The Rebel Set and Rodd Redwing from The Mole People, in a movie written by George Worthing Yates, who also penned Earth vs the Spider.  Also featuring a blob from outer space, with motives even less clear than the one in The Space Children.
Over yet another stock-footage rocket launch, one of those deep-voiced 50’s narrators informs us that there’s a layer of Earth’s atmosphere called the Flame Barrier which destroys everything it touches. This particular rocket was no exception, and its crash-landing in the Mexican jungle may be related to the disappearance of explorer Howard Dalman, whose wife Carol has now come looking for him. She seeks out a pair of prospectors, Dave and Matt Hollister, to guide her to his last known location.  As they go deeper into the bush, they find they’re wandering into something unknown… something that can make men burst into flames!
This movie isn’t terrible.  It’s not great, but it’s not irredeemably awful.  It reminds me a lot of The Giant Gila Monster, in that there’s a story going on and it’s not a bad story per se, but it’s one that’s got nothing whatsoever to do with the title and premise that drew us to the film in the first place.  When the supposed main plot pops up again at the end, it makes for a sudden and jarring shift.
The Flame Barrier starts off all right.  We have the inevitable narrator to give us the backstory, and then it gets right on with meeting the characters.  They’re introduced one by one, telling us their personalities and goals: Carol is naïve and spoiled but she’s trying her best, Matt is a drunk fool but he’s got a good heart, and Dave is a gruff, cynical realist who loves his brother but is tired of his bullshit.  None of them are exactly nice people but you can see where they’re coming from, and they each get an arc.  Carol struggles with whether she really loved Howard, whom she barely knew, and the movie allows her to toughen up and learn how to survive in the wilderness. Dave spends much of the movie being a jerk to Carol but eventually realizes he judged her too harshly and apologizes.  Matt gets a chance to be a hero and takes it, believing that he owes it to Dave for never giving up on him.  The writing is frequently unsubtle but the actors are competent, and these little stories work just fine.
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The movie that surrounds them, however, is often very sloppy.  The narrator tells us that the space probe from the opening crashed because ‘it unexpectedly lost its gravitational force’.  What?  What is that supposed to even mean?  The narrator also tells us it’s been six months since Howard disappeared, then mere minutes later Carol says it’s been four. There’s a bit where Carol is menaced by an iguana… the creature is never actually in the shot with her, so they couldn’t find anything scarier?  The stock wildlife footage on their trek through the soundstage sets of Central America includes hyenas.  I can hear Crow saying, “boy, are we in Afri… wait a minute…”  And, pet peeve, they describe a snake as poisonous instead of venomous.
This being a jungle movie, obviously there are ‘natives’.  I think most of these are actual Mexicans, although Wikipedia says Rodd Redwing may have been from India (if so, I like to think his entire career in Westerns was based on just walking into casting directors’ offices and announcing he was ‘an Indian’, and letting them draw their own conclusions).  Being as this is a movie from the fifties, the natives are there largely to provide a body count – white people aren’t allowed to die until the climax.  To its credit, The Flame Barrier mostly (though not entirely) avoids the trope where the natives have interpreted the mysterious happenings as supernatural, leading the white characters to scoff at the whole thing.  There is some of this, but Dave clearly knows these people well and respects their culture and their warnings.
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Then there’s the love story.  Obviously this is a movie, so Carol’s gotta fall for one or other of these idiots, but neither of the Hollister brothers is a good choice. Matt is sweet to her but he’s also a useless drunk who only has a job because his brother puts up with him.  Dave spends eighty percent of the movie being an asshole and I have no idea what Carol sees in him.  At least the two men never fight over her.  I guess the love affair is important to the plot, because it spurs the party on to finish their search for the missing Howard Dalman despite the odds being stacked against them… but that basically boils down to Carol and Dave needing to be sure she’s a widow before they can bone.
After all this messing around in the jungle, with the run time half over we get to the plot, and the movie changes gears with an almost audible ka-chunk.  Now we’ve got this space blob sitting in a cave (how did it get in there when it’s still attached to the rocket?) doubling in size every two hours, which must be destroyed before it can consume the entire earth!  Suddenly we have a laboratory, because all the scientific equipment Howard brought with him is still in perfect condition despite having been sitting in the jungle for either four or six months.  Suddenly Dave the rugged survivalist is a scientist and mathematician.  It’s like they took the same actors and sets and started trying to make a totally different movie.
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Honestly, I think this is more or less what happened. I think the multiplying space blob was the movie somebody originally wanted to make – it starts out as a tiny thing in a test tube, growing bigger and bigger until it consumes the whole building and will destroy the entire city if it isn’t stopped!  That sounds like a pretty fun 50’s sci-fi movie in itself. It also, however, sounds like an expensive 50’s sci-fi movie, needing miniatures destroyed and screaming extras and other stuff The Flame Barrier just didn’t have the money for. Hence the need to spend so much time wandering around in the jungle swapping tragic backstories before the characters are allowed to get to that point.
The unfortunate thing about this is that the movie doesn’t really have time to get into the nature of its alien.  In Spacemaster X-7, the Blood Rust was offscreen much of the time but we still had a good idea of what it was and of its capabilities, and the explanations we were given made a reasonable amount of sense.  In The Flame Barrier, we’ve got this blob that apparently lives in the rarified and super-hot outer atmosphere (the writers seem to have confused Earth’s atmosphere with the Sun’s corona), but can also survive on the ground… and its effects are all over the place. Sometimes when things get too close to it, they’re just electrocuted and disintegrated, as happens to the rocket’s original passenger, a very young chimpanzee.  Sometimes people get horribly burned and then burst into flames and are reduced to skeletons hours or days later, as keeps happening to the natives. And then there’s Howard, who somehow managed to get close enough to be swallowed up by the thing and his corpse is still completely intact inside it.
None of this makes any sense.  If the blob has that protective electrocution barrier that the humans must be so careful to avoid, how did Howard get close enough to be trapped in it?  How did the chimp get out to end up wandering around in the jungle?  What the heck is happening to the natives who get burned and then skeletonized and why doesn’t that ever happen to the chimp or any of the main characters?  And how do they manage to kill by electrocution a creature that uses lethal amounts of electricity without any harm to itself?  ‘It’s an alien – we don’t understand it’ can cover a multitude of sins in movie writing, but the blob’s random effects don’t even feel like they could potentially make sense.
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The Flame Barrier reminds me of other MST3K movies, too. Prominent among them are It Conquered the World and The Crawling Hand, both of which ended on the same unintentionally depressing note: they suggest that the dangers of going into space are so great that humans will never be able to overcome them.  It Conquered the World tells us that there are eight more Venusians just waiting for their own turn to invade.  The Crawling Hand says that exposure to outer space causes mutations that will turn astronauts into mindless murderers.  The Flame Barrier posits that not only is space itself deadly, but is also full of deadly creatures, and the only way to avoid them is to stay on the ground.
This has always interested me because movies like this stand alongside things like the tales of Rocky Jones, Space Ranger!, in which humans have an exciting future among the stars. Stories set in space can be about either the exhilaration of discovery or the terror of the unknown, and this dichotomy seems to be as old as science fiction – Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is considered the first work of proper sci-fi, and it encompasses both.  Frankenstein tells us that if we let our fear over-rule our curiosity, we’ll miss out on something potentially wonderful.  Movies like The Flame Barrier, and even modern space monster flicks like Alien, seem to say the opposite, that we shouldn’t meddle with the unknown at all.
This movie was kind of a compromise on my part.  I’ve had a lot on my plate lately and I picked The Flame Barrier as a movie that was kinda stupid but wouldn’t be either a test of my endurance or particularly challenging to write about.  I’m hoping to have something a little juicier for you next time.
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The Treatment of Capt. Syverson-Chapter Two: Therapeutic Procedure
Pairing: Captain “Sy” Syverson x OFC (Shane Benton)
Summary: Shane and Sy share some moments during their treatment sessions…and a phone call that could set the tone for the next few weeks.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: None, yet… ;)
Author’s Note: Sorry, I was so eager and excited to post the first chapter of this last night, I totally put some inaccurate info in my description notes. I will correct that in the original post and  try to do better henceforth! Hope you enjoy Sy and Shane totally flirting some more and getting more friendly in this chapter. Feedback is appreciated! Even constructive criticism! :D
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism. 
Tags: @onlyhenrys @cavillryarchive @summersong69 @titty-teetee
Let me know if you wish to be added to the list! I’m happy to do it!
Shane woke up that morning with knots in her stomach. She dropped every product she picked up in the shower, she was shaking so much. She accidentally ordered the wrong coffee on her way to work and was now drinking something much less caffeinated and far too sweet for her taste. The barista had informed her it was a grande caramel macchiato with an extra pump of vanilla and extra caramel drizzle…with only two shots of espresso…she couldn't begin to describe how wrong that drink was for her. But it was better than nothing, she told herself, not fully convincingly.
She had chosen her clothes with extra care, even though, with the dress code, her options were limited. And she had made sure to put on a bit of mascara and just a touch of perfume, even though they weren't strictly supposed to wear it…she didn't know why she was bothering.
Well, actually, she did know why. She had been checking her schedule extra diligently lately to make sure she didn't look like a hobo when Sy was coming in. He'd been coming for three weeks now, and after the initial bellyaching about Jordan not being as pretty as her…her heart!...and his feeling extra sore after his visits with him, they were on a roll and had a great chemistry together as far as their treatments went…she tried not to think about…beyond the world of therapy.
She thought back to their first session after she got back from her trip. And the conversation they had.
"I think the next time you can't see me, I'm just going to cancel." he had sulked as he wiggled his mass of muscle onto the mat.
"Sy, no. you need therapy. Don't be like that to Jordan. He's an excellent therapist."
"He ain't you though." he smirked, sending her heart racing with that smile that somehow managed to look both boyish and rakish under his full, dark beard. Fucking hell. He needed to stop.
"Well, we can't fault him for that, can we? Lay back, Mister." She demanded. Done with the niceties of the evaluation and onto the treatments where she was in charge. The boss.
"Yes, sir!" she laughed at his clear avoidance of calling her ma'am.
"So where'd you go last week? Vacation or stay-cation?" he asked, the term "stay-cation" sounding downright comical coming out of his country-boy mouth.
"I went to the beach. Gulf Shores."
"I thought you looked like you got some sun."
"Yeah," she pretended his noticing the detail of her awesome tan did not send her reeling. "My folks rented a condo right on the water for my siblings and I to come and stay with them. They're still there. It was tough to leave all that beauty." the beach, pretty much any beach, was her favorite place to be.
"I bet…" he looked at her, something dreamy in his eyes, but he looked away before she could process it. "I thought I had my fill of sand and sun when I was over in Iraq. But you make it sound…like paradise." he smiled softly up at her as she worked on his knee, trying to break apart some of the scar tissue from the injuries and surgeries he'd had…and focus on that, and not the warmth rising in her.
"That's the perfect way to describe any place on the Gulf of Mexico. I doubt it's anything like Iraq, since there's so much water around. It's my favorite vacation destination. Well, apart from London."
"Them British folks always seem so stuck up. Don't know if I'd get along with any of 'em."
"It felt like a second home for me. Everyone was very kind and polite, for the most part. At least it was no worse than it is here."
"Maybe it's just because you're so nice."
"Wait 'til about week eight or ten of your protocol. You won't think I'm nice then. You'll be cussing me out and ready to ring my neck."
"Promise?" he asked, a dark grin on his lips and in his eyes…she faltered for a moment, gulping.
"Cut it out, Syverson." she rolled her eyes, covering…without great effect the way he made her feel.
"Yes...ma'am." he smirked with satisfaction.
And now, today, she'd be treating him again, fairly early in the day, and she had to prepare herself. She'd checked the policy, and although there wasn't anything strictly against dating a patient, it was clearly a conflict of interest, and would be frowned upon by her frigid tyrant of a boss. Best to let things remain platonic for now.
Her 9:30 was a no show, so she finished up some notes and was working on some continuing education credits when messenger popped up around 10:00.
Sergeant Sexypants is here. He's quite early and he knows it…*smirk emoji* he must like you, Shane!
Heather, come on, be respectful…he was discharged at the rank of Captain! *rofl emoji* and I think you might be right about him liking me…*nervous emoji*
Oooooooooh!!! You guys are gonna *couple kissing emoji* *eggplant emoji* *okay emoji* *explosion emoji* *baby emoji*
Omg…*three facepalm emojis* I am going to go ahead and start him early since my 9:30 was a NCNS.
Don't finish him too early. Make it last. *smirk emoji*
Jeez. She closed the chat and went to grab him from the waiting area.
"Hey Sy, you ready?"
"You bet, sunshine!" he flashed her a crooked smile. He was calling her sunshine now…ad that to the list of things she'd have to pretend didn't make her swoon.
"Great. Let's start on the bike. How's the knee feeling today?"
"Oh, it's…about the same. Stiff. Lil' sore."
"Well, it's a slow process, like I told you at your eval. You've got a lot going on in there."
"I know…just…it hasn't taken me four weeks to do anything in my life." he sulked. "So…thinking about this taking…twelve or more…" he grimaced as he sat down on the bike, and adjusted it for his longer than average legs, putting his feet in the pedal stirrups.
"You may not see it, Sy, because you're so close to it, but trust me, you're making progress. I can tell you're doing your exercises at home, and you're always willing to put in the work here. You have no idea how much that sets you apart from…some of these other people." she leaned in closer and spoke the last part more quietly to him. It was true. So many of her patients were either lazy or just in it to appease their MDs into writing them scripts for pain meds. That wasn't Sy.
"You really think so?" he gave her the side eye with his baby blues, crushing her with the color like the waves of the ocean she'd just returned from.
"In fact, I know so." she placed a reassuring hand on his broad and thick shoulder. She felt the tension between them hum, like electric current.
"Now, level one, and a steady pace. You're not trying to win any medals here. I'll take those crutches."
"When ya think I can 86 'em damn things?" he griped as he handed over the assistive devices.
"Well, you see Potter again tomorrow? I'll write an update today and send it to him. If he likes what he reads, or more likely pretends to read, regarding your progress, he may discharge them. Do you feel like you can be good to the knee and treat it nice without using crutches? I don't want you to regress and re-injure yourself. That's not gonna get you into your running shoes any sooner."
"I'll be nice. Real gentle." he winked at her…he wasn't just talking about the knee. And she knew it. But again, she pretended she didn't, ignoring once more those butterflies threatening to choke her they were multiplying so fast in her belly.
"Okay, I'll put that in my note. Patient compliant with instructions to be nice." she laughed.
They talked as they biked, Shane sat on the one next to him and pedaled along with him for something to do other than be idle. She thought it made him feel better as well. Like he wasn't doing it alone. They covered the subject of her siblings, an older brother in IT and a younger sister who was an MA, and his German Shepherd, Aika, which he was allowed to bring home from Iraq after they were both honorably discharged. Music, both of them completely in agreeance about the superiority of classic rock.
"I noticed you've worn a Lynyrd Skynyrd shirt a few times and meant to say something before now."
"Yeah, they're one of my favorites. But there are a few newer groups that I like a lot, too. Kings of Leon got me through some tough times, honestly."
"Oh, they're great! I love their sound. And their lyrics…poetry."
"No shit. Sorry." she shook her head and raised up her hands to indicate that he didn't need to apologize to her for swearing. She'd been known to make sailors blush when she was off the clock. "Only by the Night…that whole album is…it's just in my blood, ya know? Ya ever have an album do that?"
"I have. Whole artists catalogs, actually."
"Which artist?" he prodded.
"The Beatles. Pretty much every song. Like you said, it just, like, I dunno, it's almost deeper than the veins. It's in the marrow. My soul." she stared off out the windows ahead of them, thinking about her favorite band in the world and how magical it was to experience Sir Paul McCartney playing some of her favorites live…twice…and the timer on the bike went off, pulling her from her daydream.
She looked over at him, startled by both the noise, and the dreamy look in his eyes that was becoming all too familiar.
"Sorry." she stood, grabbing his crutches for him and handing them back to him from where she had leaned them as they rode.
"Hey, don't be sorry for…ahem…for loving what you love. We should all…hold on to the things that make us feel like that." she nodded.
"Thanks…I don't think a lot of people…understand the way I…my tendency to take things like music, movies, and shows…books…so deeply to my heart." they walked to the treatment room from the gym, taking their time, since they had it. A rare occurrence for Shane, always needing to capitalize on every spare minute. To make productivity a priority.
"I think…that…well, seeing a pretty grim side of the world like I have…seems like there's enough darkness and bullshit making everyone miserable. If we find something…or…someone…that brings us some happiness or even just makes that misery bearable…we oughta hang onto 'em real tight. Cherish it like gold." the silence in the small room was loud with that electrical hum of their tension again. He'd said all the right things, as he always seemed to, but under the absolute wrong circumstances. She just nodded.
"They teach you philosophy in Basic?" she giggled. He laughed back in response.
"Oh, no, Basic was way easier than…whatever goes on inside of us."
"Speaking of which," she segued deftly, "lay back, and let my try to get some range out of that knee before I take new measurements for this update I'm gonna write."
"Yes, ma'am!" he chuckled.
"You get some sick thrill out of calling me that, don't you?" she scowled playfully at him.
"Oh, you have no idea…ma'am." he winked at her.
The next day, Shane was wondering how Sy's appointment went as she ate her soup at lunch and caught up on her morning notes. She got a ping on messenger.
You have a gentleman caller…*eggplant emoji*  hehe, he's on line three.
Geez…thanks Heather.
No need to ask for a name. She knew Heather meant Sy.
She picked up the phone at her desk in the treatment room.
"Hey Sy! How'd the appointment go?"
"Hey, sunshine…eh…he said I'm doin' good, but he wants me to stay on crutches another two weeks." she could hear grave disappointment in his voice. She felt for him.
"Aww, I'm sorry Sy. I know you wanted off those. And I know they're a pain. Literally and figuratively."
"Why wouldn't he want me off 'em?" he was so frustrated. He must have just left the office.
"Did you ask him that question?"
"You know doctors, Shane. Not like I would have got an answer in plain English. Figured you'd know."
"Well, I haven't seen your post-visit report, but it's my presumption that he wants to play it safe. You know he spent most of his day in the operating room with you, right? An eight hour surgery, you had. He probably doesn't want to undo all that by d/c'ing the crutches too soon."
"I was gonna be careful though, Shane!" he was worked up properly, and she could hear it over the roar of his pickup in the background.
"I know you were, Sy. I'm sure you were going to take all kinds of precautions. But what if you're walking into your kitchen, during a storm, and there's a loud clap of thunder, and Aika gets startled and busts past you? What if you're feeling good one day, and forget about it, and jog to catch up to someone holding the door open for you and miss a stick or something under foot? You can't prepare yourself for every pebble or patch of mud in your path, Sy. Accidents will happen. Some circumstances are beyond our control…we just have to do the best we can. The crutches are going to help you until we get you stronger. That's what we'll focus on until those two weeks are up."
"Why is it you can calm me down like this?" he asked, sincere and truly calmer than he had been.
"I'm just a good therapist, is all."
"Ya don't think that's really all, do ya?" the sound of his deep drawl in her ear from the receiver made her shiver. He was implying something that she just couldn't entertain. It wasn't possible for them right now. Maybe…down the road…in a few weeks…
"I'll see ya tomorrow, Sy. Come ready to work that knee."
"You didn't say no…" he was too hopeful. Damn it, he was cute when he was hopeful. She was glad she couldn't see his face light up like she knew it was doing.
"You may have noted I didn't say yes, either."
"Yet. See ya in the mornin', sunshine."
"Bye, Sy."
She put the receiver in the cradle and her face in her hands.
She had a feeling this particular patient was about to become much more complicated.
Up Next: Chapter Three-Therapeutic Activity
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ahkaraii · 4 years
You're a doctor, right? Or studying to be one? (Idk if that changed, sorry.) Thoughts on the Kaioken and how much it would wreck Goku's body from using it? Especially after his first fight w/ Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga. Just, saw your Future Gohan comic and wanted to ask. (That was really great, btw! I love your writing and art style! 💖)
Yeah, I’m a recently graduated medical doctor <3 (thrust neck deep into the pandemic wahoo life is not fun rn 4 of my staff have covid and =chuckles nervously= i think i’m next)
Ahem, on topic: I know the anime later has Goku spamming it willy nilly but if we take manga as canon then the last time he uses is it against Vegeta I think. And hoo boy, I absolutely think Kaioken fucked Goku’s body up something gnarly: our boy was hospitalized nearly immobile for months until the deus-ex-machina Senzu bean miracled him back to full health, just in time to go to Namek.
Had it not been for that, I fully think Goku would have been crippled if not totally paralyzed for the rest of his life. Kaioken appears to force the muscles to react faster, contract harder, and bulge to roid-rage levels of unhealthy in seconds, which at the very least would’ve caused Goku massive muscle damage at the end of it, let alone all the soft soft tissue damage (tendons, ligaments; heck, bones even; i bet Goku had crush/compartment syndrome after Vegeta stomped on him).
I drew a comic some time back about Goku post-Saiyan Saga, where I basically had Goku suffer renal failure due to rhabdomyolysis (fancy words for you have too much muscle detritus in your blood that blocks your body’s filtering system, aka your kidneys) and implied he had multiple fractures that pretty much immobilized him in the intensive care unit for a while, so that’s my personal explanation for some of kaioken’s devastating effects.
Though that gets all thrown out the window when Goku turns Super Saiyan because magical space monkey powers xD
(If you think about it, Kaioken is very similar to Naruto’s Eight Gates/opening chakra gates technique that supposedly should not be spammed because it fucks up your body but the shonen trope of Gotta Get Stronger somehow makes the character immune to the supposed repercussions of the technique to the point where it feels like a cheap unearned strength multiplier lmao)
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musab-12 · 3 years
7 ways to lose weight fast
It's that time of year again when many of us regret the diet decisions we made over the summer as we realize our jeans are too tight! The all-inclusive vacation and trips to the beach and pool can often lead to some unwanted pounds by September and, as a result, poorly fitting jeans. Look your best, and get ready to slip into your skinny jeans with these tips to help you shape up quickly.
1. Eat protein at every meal. Eating enough protein will help you stay satisfied and resist the temptation to snack excessively between meals. If you want to lose weight, aim to eat approximately .7 grams of protein for each pound of your body weight. Just multiply your body weight, in pounds, by .7 to determine the number of protein grams to eat each day.  Protein also helps boost your metabolism, since it takes more calories to metabolize compared to fat and carbohydrates. Some high-quality protein sources include: lean beef, chicken breast, fish, lentils, beans, and Greek yogurt.
2. Don't drink your calories. You've heard it many times before, but drinking your calories, with sugary drinks, juice, or alcohol, is an easy way to sabotage your diet. Dehydration, though, is an underlying cause of food cravings, so do drink plenty of water! Water helps to keep you full and is a key way to detox your body. To calculate your water needs, take your body weight and divide by two. This is the number of ounces of water you need to drink every day. If plain water sounds boring to you, flavor it with fruit or veggie slices for a fun twist.
3. Just log it. Writing down your food and beverage intake is critical to weight-loss success, because it keeps you accountable. My clients often tell me their eating habits get worse when they stop logging their food intake. Many great apps, such as My Fitness Pal, can help you keep track of your diet.
4. No eating after dinner. Late-night snacking is a problem for many people, especially when it's done mindlessly while watching TV or browsing the Internet. When you snack after dinner, your body will be busy digesting your food while you sleep instead of burning the fat. You want your body to be burning fat while you sleep so stop eating after dinner. This is a key to losing weight more quickly!
5. Eat three meals per day, not five or six small ones. As a registered dietitian for over 16 years, I have seen many people who are trying to lose weight graze all day long and never stop eating except to sleep. Shifting to a three-meals-per-day mentality helps them to focus on eating a good source of protein and a whole grain along with fruits and vegetables at mealtime. Eat a satisfying meal, and wait to eat again until the next meal. That also puts your body into the calorie deficit you need to start losing body fat.
6. Try high-intensity interval training (HIIT). without getting the results they crave. If you want change, you must try high-intensity interval training, which is an excellent way to help you lose fat. Getting your heart rate above 75 percent of its maximum rate has been shown to increase your metabolism, which helps you burn more calories. High-intensity exercise burns nine times more fat per calorie than low-intensity exercise does. One of my favorite methods of HIIT is doing Tabatas, which were developed by Izumi Tabata, former training coach for the Japanese speed skating team and now dean of the Graduate School of Sport and Health Science at Japan's Ritsumeikan University. The basis of his method is to work at an extremely high level for short periods of time. Each workout is four minutes long, consisting of 20-second, high-intensity work followed by 10 seconds of rest; this continues for a total of eight cycles. This method has been transformational for the women in my Adventure Boot Camp class. Some examples of these exercises would be jump squats, burpees, and mountain climbers.
7. watch this video
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leechtwinsfling · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland @ DISNEYLAND  [ Chapter 3 ]
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✨ Twisted Wonderland FanFiction ❤
[ Disneyland Date Series - HEARTSLABYUL ]
We are lead another portion of the garden as I find decorated tables inside the tall wall rose bushes. A few people are already seated as a server dressed similar to a butler heads our way before bowing.
“Welcome, for two?” 
“Ah, no, we actually have five more coming. So it’ll be a total of seven.” I answer getting the butler to nod before leading us to an empty table of eight. 
The table has a black tablecloth with three rounded plants in a row on the middle of the table. Each golden seat has a red ribbon wrap around with roses behind. There are three sets of different size plates, and neatly organized cutlery along with tea cups.  
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Since the size of the table is similar to the seating back at the Heartslabyul’s Unbirthday Parties, I take my seat at the middle of one side as Riddle takes the head. We wait patiently for the others to come as I find small snacks already on the table.
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Trying not to drool at the appetizing food, I hear familiar voices nearby getting me to look over to the entrance to find Cater and Trey. Smiling, I wave them for their attention as they are looking around. Seeing us, they inform one of the butlers who was welcoming them before heading over. 
“Hey guys.” I greet.
“Hey, the Queen of Hearts mentioned you two.” Trey informs with a chuckle, “Said that it’s a shame Riddle doesn’t have a lover.”
I laugh hearing this as Riddle sighs, “If I have a relationship, I don’t want it to affect my learning.”
“What, is there a rule that doesn’t allow you to date?” I ask.
“Actually -” 
“WOW! THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!” a distinct voice shouts getting all of us to instantly know who it is. 
Looking over to the entrance again, we find the three stooges grabbing everyone’s attention. I couldn’t help stifle a laugh watching them running everywhere as the butlers try to calm them down. Seeing Riddle getting annoyed, it seems like the three could feel his glare as they stop and look over to us. They halt their crazy running before heading over to us quietly. With how they act reminds me of children who know they’re in deep trouble from their parents. 
“There are other people here, don’t bother them.” Riddle lectures them for minutes as I find Cater sitting between Riddle and I. 
Trey sits across from him having an amused smile on his face watching the three as usual getting a scolding. When the second year finally finishes with a huff, the three take their seats. Grimm sits beside me as the other two sit across, all with guilty glum faces.
“So where did you go?” I ask Grimm wondering where he went when we were at the theater. 
“I smelled tuna, but in the end it turned out to be tuna scented eraser.” the cat sighs as I react with a horrified face.
Tuna what eraser?!
Just when I am about to comment about such an absurd product, trumpet horns ring as I realize that every table is now full of people. A red carpet rolls down the entrance as the mascots that we saw minutes ago walk down towards the larger table at the end. It’s design is near the same replica as all the other tables except for the parts where it’s bigger for the mascots’ hands and size.
“Presenting! Queen of Hearts!” a soldier-like dressed staff shouts as the Queen is the last one to walk down the red carpet.
When everyone is seated, the Queen stands up, “I welcome you all to my Unbirthday Party. Please enjoy yourself!”
With that, people dig into the tea and food offered getting me to wonder how do we pay for all this.
“I’m pretty sure all this is not free, so where do we pay?” I ask Cater who’s munching on a bite-size sandwich.
“Oh, we paid it beforehand. Trey reserved it once we were told we’re coming to Disneyland for a field trip.” he answers.
Okay, not a shock.
“Isn’t she amazing?” Ace asks staring at the Queen like a love-struck boy.
“Ace... you do know she ain’t real, right?” I ask concern for his well-being.
He dramatically gasps at me, “Don’t say that! What if the children hear you? It’s like saying Santa is not real!”
Turns out, someone must have heard him as a nearby table a child begins crying saying that Ace said Santa isn’t real. The parents look over to our table before giving a disapproving glare.
“Good job, Ace. You ruined a kid’s childhood.” I shake my head disappointingly at him.
“Hey! You’re the one who started it!” Ace blames.
“Quiet, let’s all just enjoy the tea please?” Riddle sighs already used to our bickering during times like this. 
With us enjoying some small talk about our experiences so far, along with the tea and snacks, I hear Cater soon humming along with the music which I recognize is the ‘Unbirthday Song’. Couldn’t help myself, I decide to hum along getting his attention. He breaks into a smile before singing along with the music and raising his tea cup to me. Laughing, I clink my tea cup with his as we both begin singing the song.
“A very merry Unbirthday to me !” he begins singing loudly that other people look over to us.
“To who?” I sing back deciding that it’ll seem fun despite being embarrassing. 
“To me!” 
“Oh you!” I point to him looking shocked.
“A very merry Unbirthday to you!” he offers me a hand which I take after putting my tea down.
“Who me?” I question.
“Yes, you!” he quickly touches my nose.
“Oh, me!” I gasp in surprise.
“Let's all congratulate us with another cup of tea! A very merry Unbirthday to you!” he cheers as people begin applauding and cheering.
Laughing at how he amazingly hit that high note, he then pulls me off from the table as he continues singing. Instead of being a small show to each other, it then becomes a huge performance for the whole party.
“Now, statistics prove, prove that you've one birthday.” I speak looking over to a group of children enjoying the unplanned performance.
“Imagine, just one birthday every year!” Cater adds.
“Ah, but there are three hundred and sixty four Unbirthdays!” I cheer.
“Precisely why we're gathered here to cheer!”
“It’s also my Unbirthday!” a child from the crowd raises his hang getting Cater and I to look over at each other before smiling and heading over to the small boy.
“It is?” Cater asks picking the child.
“What a wonderful world this is!” I pat the boy’s head.
“In that case!” Cater puts down the boy.
He puts the boy’s hand with mine before grasping the other boy’s hand and mine. We begin dancing in a circle as we continue to sing.
“A very merry Unbirthday!” we sing as children become rushing over to join the circle.
“To me?” the small boy asks.
“To you!” I smile finding the circle growing big as adults are cheering from the sidelines.
“A very merry Unbirthday!” the audience then begins singing.
“For me?” the children asks.
“For you!” we all shout.
“Now blow the candle out my dear and make your wish come true! A merry merry Unbirthday to you!” we all sing together.
Once the music ends, I can’t help but laugh as the children demand another performance from Cater and I.
“One more time! Can we please?” a child begs pulling down my shirt.
“Please!” other children chorus.
“Okay! Okay!” Cater agrees, “Everybody get ready!”
Everyone heads back into a circle as another child grabs my hand. I smile at the small girl who smiles widely back at me.
“You have a nice boyfriend, Big Brother/Sister.” she speaks.
Okay, stop right there. How many times has it been that people mistaken me to be with these boys.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” I laugh.
“Eh? But you’re holding hands with him!”
“Yes, and everyone else is holding hands with others too, right?”
“Ah!” she realizes, “Yeah!” 
After many repeats of singing and dancing, the parents decide to help us as they see the exhaustion on Cater and I. Giving a relief sigh, I feel Cater lean on top of me with his chin on my head.
“Ah~ I didn’t expect to be so tired this early in the morning.” he  hugs me, “[N/A]~ Carry me~!”
“You think I can carry your heavy-butt?” I ask feeling tired on my own.
“So mean~”
“Can’t help but tell the truth.” I laugh before feeling him actually put all his weight on me, “Ugh, oh my god, what did you eat?”
“Trey~! [N/A] called me fat!” Cater tattles as I’m trying to support us from not falling face down on the ground. 
“I didn’t! How do you expect me to carry a grown man?! I’m still growing!” I argue dragging us towards our table.
“I’m still growing!” Cater gasps.
“Ha, not with your age.” I laugh obviously fooling around.
“I’m only two years older than you!” 
“Two years! You’ve eaten more than 2190 meals than me!” 
“How did you get that number?” 
“Well, there’s 365 days, and the average amount of meal is three. So 365 times three is 1095. Then multiply with two since it’s two years, and that’ll be 2190.” I easily explain.
The boys can only stare at me as the first years look at me like I’m talking gibberish as the older two didn’t expect this from me.  “Okay, I might be not that smart at school but that’s only because everything I’m learning is entirely new to me! Remember, I’m from a different world than you guys.” I remind getting them to snap out of their daze.
“Awe, our little transfer student continues to surprise us all still.” Cater hugs me tighter. 
I let out a choking sound, “Can’t breath. Can’t breath!”
He releases me allowing me to gasp for air before relaxing, “I thought I was gonna die just then.” “Am I that strong~?” “With the addition of your body weight, then sure~” I continue to tease getting him to gasp and sulk before slapping me playfully.  Laughing, I sit back onto my seat as he does the same. The party continues as the mascots visit each table to talk with the children. I, personally, am stuffing myself with this delicious food in front of me.
“Y/N~! Try this!” Cater offers a bite of his small chocolate cake on his fork. 
Without hesitation, I take a bite and can’t help but moan from the richness it melts on my tongue.  “Right~! It’s so good! Here, have another bite.” he offers another spoonful which I once again eat from.
“This scene reminds me of a mother feeding her baby.” Grimm comments.
“Don’t be jealous that Mother loves me more than a stray cat.” I stick my tongue out at Grimm playfully. 
“Ah! There’s chocolate on your cheek.” Cater takes a napkin and gets ready to wipe it but stops.
Instead he smirks and leans in before licking the chocolate off my cheek. My eyes widen as I can’t help but blush like a tomato. The others saw this and are frozen into place as they can’t believe what happened. “There~” Cater smiles acting like nothing happened but knows what chaos he just started.  And the party ends with a food fight started by the first years. 
[ to be continued ] 
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toastedricecakes · 4 years
How loud would the combined buzzing of every bee alive bee?
Short Answer: This is impossible for any one person to calculate.
Long Answer:
Ah, the bee. A yellow vibrating bug that generates sweet treats and has a kamikaze poison knife built into its butt. Some are fuzzy. Some burrow tunnels. Some produce the yummy honey we humans gather in a mutualistic business transaction that has surprisingly rare sting rates despite personal and universal fears of the opposite. If dog is man’s best friend than the bee is a close second. Or third, depending on your opinion of cats.
For calculating ‘Loudness’ we will be using decibels. Now, decibels are added logarithmically. You can’t just get two instruments going at 50 decibels and add them together to get 100 decibels. Logarithms in a nutshell is how much a certain number (x) has to grow exponentially to get to another number (y). The equation looks a little like this:
Logx(y) = Logarithm
Here’s an example in action:
Log2(8) = 3
This means you need to multiply three 2’s (2x2x2) to get eight. Three is your logarithm. If I want to get to 8 decibels and I have bees that emit 2 decibels each, the logarithm would be 3. So I have to take the bee population and add it exponentially to the decibel amount:
(decibels emitted by (1) hive) Total hives = HLEBCI (How Loud Every Bee Combined Is)
Why am I using hives instead of bees? It was very hard to find the exact number of decibels a single bee vibrates at with my limited online resources. The decibels of an individual bee's buzzing changes drastically with their age, size, species, and how angry said bees are. A bee’s volume, much like humans, varies wildly depending on their mood.  
So, if you hear a particularly loud bee, it probably has anger issues that spawned from underlying emotional struggles from its childhood as a little bee larva. Recommend said bee a good therapist, listen to said bee vent over coffee, or just communicate your sympathy for the bee via interpretive dance and vibrations.
I found several different accounts with measurements ranging from 60-80 dB per hive. Now that we have how loud a bee hive is, let’s talk population. Currently, the population of bees ranges wildly.  
Like, it’s fucking bonkers, dude.
Estimates suggest that there are around 80 to 100 million domestic bee hives, which are mostly honey bees. That doesn’t even include the feral bee colonies, which experts estimate to be around 400 to 900 million hives for just honey bees alone. Never mind trying to calculate populations for other species, whose hive populations vary from 100,00 to 1 (Yes! In certain cases, bees can be antisocial lone wolves. These bees can be found in shady bars down in the wild west, having a hard drink on the rocks and making edgy one-liners like “Osimia Lignaria? I haven’t heard that name in ages.” or “Real bees don’t drink honey. Real bees drink nectar.”)
Okay, okay. I’m getting a little stressed at all the numbers here. Let’s just try to start small. And by small, I mean just honey bees alone. There is about 480 million to 1 billion honey bee hives total. Each hive vibrates at 60-80 dB. That leaves us with the following equation:
(60 – 80) 480,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 = HLEBCI
So here is our answers:
Minimum: 60 (48 x 10^7) decibels
Maximum: 80 (1 x 10^9) decibels
...That’s a lotta zeros. More than can fit on your average calculator (trust me, I tried my darndest, but I think my computer will explode if I attempt any more)
For reference, a gunshot is about 140 dB.
Now that we have the pure raw statistics, lets talk consquences. What effect would be combining the power of every bee buzz on Earth do?  
Picture the scene:
A mad scientist steps back from their masterpiece, tears welling in their eyes. Their most prized possession: The Beeinator 2000 (Don’t ask about what happened to the other 1999, it’s not a happy story). If it works, it will consolidate the buzzing power of every bee on Earth, funneling it through a tube and recreate it right there in his office. They extend a hand, fingers trembling as they grasp the knob and crank it to full power.
For a moment, every bee in the world goes silent. They look up from their hives, from their flowers, from their underground burrows. Bee keepers watch in amazement as every bee on their farm hovers in midair or on a flower or on top of their hive.
The bees look one another in the eye, twitching their antennae towards one another in a silent sign of solidarity.
The Beeinator works. From the brass trumpet comes an earsplitting burst of noise. Millions of bees joined in symphonious buzzing. The scientist is thrown backwards by the shockwave, landing onto their desk and making paper’s fly loose.
The soundwave travels like a jet, compressed sound honing in on a certain building nearby. It’s a pesticides factory, which pumps out fungicides that poison local bees. Currently, the owner was razing a meadow filled with wildflowers the local bee population are dependent on for food in order to build more labs to manufacture his toxic product. Larges fumes of dense greenhouse gas smoke puffs out in fumes from the factory's chimneys, contributing to global warming and further collapse of the humble bee’s ecosystem.
The bullet of sound crashes through the building, destroying concrete. Breaking glass. Breaking the ear drums of the wealthy factory owner and the pesticide chemical scientists and exploding their brains. The last thing they ever hear? The buzzing sound of millions upon millions of bees, hungry for vengeance. The owner clutches their ears, and the last thing they register is the faintest bittersweet scent of nectar...
…Or at least, that’s what the scientist imagines happening as they flick on the dial. When really, all they do is kill everyone on Earth that ever existed and also maybe destroy the planet probably.
That’s science, baby!
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linkysmommy · 6 years
Let’s talk gems.
There are exactly 587 chapters out total in the Choices app. In each chapter, you can assume there are:
One 25 gem outfit choice and approximately two 20 gem narrative/other choices (romance scenes, outings with friends, decorations etc).
Based off this assumption, it would take approximately 65 gems to unlock each premium choice per chapter.
If we multiply 65 by 587, we get 38,155. That is approximately how many gems you would need to unlock every single premium option in choices.
Thirty eight THOUSAND one hundred fifty-five gems.
The purchase that gets you the most gems with each individual gem costing the least is $100 for 1,500 gems, valuing $0.06 a gem. In order to pay for the 38,155 gems, you would need to make this $100 purchase 25 times. That’s $2,500 just on gems. This isn’t even mentioning the additional cost of keys. However, I bet most of us can’t justify paying $100 at once, and are more likely to pay $20 or less at a time. So, if someone only purchased the $20 option for 250 gems, they would have to spend $3,000 for the 38,155 gems.
It would be between $2500 and $3000 total to pay for each premium choice in Choices
That’s double the amount of a regular sized iMac, more than double the amount of the phone you’re using to play the game. It’s 41 times more expensive than a $60 brand new PC or PlayStation game, and not to mention eight times more expensive than a platform console itself.
Listen PB. We know you need to make money but this is a robbery. Your gem choices are becoming more important to the quality of narration in the stories, you’re taking more time to set them up only for us to be forced to not be able to use them, and you are limiting the player experience by a paywall, more now than ever before. But please excuse us if we aren’t able to pay $2500 just to play your game!
You don’t have to get rid of options for us to pay. You don’t have to get rid of diamonds. Just make them affordable. Don’t make it so only Jeff Bezos’s kids can have an opportunity to play your app and actually enjoy it because only they’re crazy rich enough to be able to pay for the full experience
Just take a look at this and consider it. All I’m lobbying for is more fair and economic pricing to enjoy your stories.
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tamarajohnsonca · 5 years
How Long Does a Weed High Last?
I’m imagining you sitting there, trying to focus as you type “how long does a high last” into the search bar. Or you could be on your phone pacing back and forth anxiously or crawled under covers hiding from the world. I hope you’re okay; I hope you’re not having an overwhelming experience. But if you’re looking up “how long does a weed high last” because you want yours to end, take heart. No high lasts forever, and you’ll probably be right as rain in an hour or so.
Why Worry How Long Your Weed High Will Last?
Maybe things aren’t as dire as I’m imagining. Maybe you need to get behind the wheel eventually and want to know how long you should wait to drive. Perhaps you just want to know what kind of experience to expect from different cannabis products and delivery methods.
Perhaps you’re thinking strategically: that awesome band goes on at 10 p.m. and you want to plan your session before they hit, so you peak when they rock your favorite track. Or maybe you’re a medical patient who wants to leave space in the day for your treatment without compromising your productivity.
After all, there are all kinds of reasons you might be asking yourself “how long does a marijuana high last?” If you have some experience with weed, you probably already have a sense of how long your high sticks around. But you might still want to know how you can take control over that aspect of your experience.
And if you’re relatively new to cannabis, having an authoritative answer is an important part of making sure you have an enjoyable session. For everyone who enjoys cannabis, timing, as they say, is everything.
How Long Does A High Last? Use the “Highness Equation” to Find Out
It might not get past the peer review board of a medical journal, but here’s a more-or-less scientific way to “calculate” how long you can expect your weed high to last. Call it the “highness equation.”
The highness equation incorporates the four major aspects that determine how long your marijuana high will last. Here it is:
Length of High = ( (dose x concentration) / (metabolism x tolerance) ) x delivery method
So that’s the dose you take multiplied by the concentration of the product, divided by your metabolism times your tolerance, all multiplied by the delivery method factor: ingestion or inhalation.
In other words: how much weed you put in your body, divided by how your body processes and responds, all shaped by the specific path the weed takes through your system.
It’s less complicated than it sounds. And if you’re looking for a bottom line answer—the median, the average, the “ballpark,” then your answer is simple.
After you get high from inhaling weed, expect to stay high for about one to two hours. If you’ve eaten your cannabis, your high will last about 3 to 4 hours, maybe longer.
But if the tl;dr version doesn’t satisfy, read on to find out the factors that influence how long your high lasts. Then, once you figure out where you fall, you can start experimenting with ways to prolong, or if need be, shorten your high.
The following guide breaks down each component of our highness equation to help you figure out how long you’re going to be high after you smoke, vape, eat or otherwise consume your cannabis. But first, let’s take a deeper look at how different cannabis delivery methods can influence the answer to the all-important question: how long does a weed high last?
How Long Does a Weed High Last After Smoking Flower?
Despite the rising popularity of edibles and concentrates, flower still reigns supreme. So how long does a weed high last after smoking a joint or a bowl? This is a tough question to answer, because the THC concentrations of flower can vary dramatically from as a low as eight percent to as much as 35 percent. In general, a high from smoking flower is going to last up to two hours. But your high won’t be at the same level over that time-span.
Smoking flower will make you high fast, and THC levels in your blood will peak within a half hour of your first puff. Then, you’ll stay around that peak for another half hour before you start to taper off. From after the first hour, your high will diminish fairly quickly until you no longer feel the effects of THC. Again, that ranges, but a typical taper runs about another hour, putting the total length of your high from flower at about two hours, give or take.
How Long Does a Weed High Last After Dabbing Concentrates?
There’s no more potent and fast-acting delivery method than dabs. THC concentrations in concentrates like shatter, wax and budder are much higher than they are in even the most potent flower. As a result, a weed high from a dab can last a significant while longer than a high from smoking weed.
Still, it’s all relative. Typically, dabs attract experienced cannabis consumers with an appetite for potency and therefore, a higher tolerance to THC. For some, then, a dab high can last just as long as a high from flower. For people new to dabs or who dab only occasionally, however, a dab high can be a very long-lasting experience.
But this doesn’t necessarily apply to concentrates in things like vape pens and THC cartridges. Yes, these oils have higher THC concentrations than flower. But you usually don’t vape as much oil as you would smoke flower, so a high from a vape pen tends to last just about as long as a high from flower. In fact, a high from a cartridge can be a shorter experience than smoking flower, especially if you just sip small amounts throughout the day.
How Long Does a Weed High Last After Eating Edibles?
Edibles like brownies, candies, gummies and other THC-infused treats easily provide the longest lasting high of all the deliver methods. And that’s because the entire process of getting THC into your bloodstream is different. First, there’s typically a long onset time for edibles, anywhere from 30 minutes to a couple hours. It’s hard to predict and depends on all kinds of digestive and metabolic processes in your body.
But once that THC hits, it hits hard, because the activated form that makes it into your bloodstream from your liver is a more “potent” form—technically, it’s more pharmacologically active and bioavailable. Depending on your dose and how fast your body processes THC, a high from eating edibles can last up to 8 hours. But if that sounds like too long, don’t worry. You’ll experience the peak of the how for about two hours after onset, and it will gradually taper down from there. In other words, the high is fairly mild during those last few hours.
Now that you’ve got a ballpark sense of how long a weed high lasts with various forms of cannabis, let’s dive into the specific factors that make weed highs last longer for some and shorter for others.
Really, it’s all about getting to know your unique body and how it all reacts and responds to the compounds in cannabis and the effects they all produce.
William Casey/ Shutterstock
Your High Lasts As Long As THC Meets Up With Your Endocannabinoid System
Your weed high is the sum of an infinitely complex series of metabolic and chemical reactions occurring all throughout your body.
Whether we perceive the effects of those reactions depends on their intensity and our sensitivity to them. And that’s why you’ll find studies claiming that the effects of cannabis can last from 5 hours up to a full day.
That may be true on a chemical level. But THC can interact with our bodies without giving us the experience of feeling high, especially at low levels.
And that’s where the bottom of our “highness equation” comes in: metabolism x tolerance. Being on the bottom of the equation means these are the factors that work against your high, shortening how long you feel the effects of THC.
Metabolism x Tolerance
There’s a common misconception that a person’s weight determines how high they get and how long that high will last. But in fact, it’s a person’s metabolism that plays a major role in the length of a high.
The length of your high depends on the presence of THC in your bloodstream. Your blood carries that THC to the network of cell receptors it binds to, the endocannabinoid system (ECS).
Your body is also in the business of metabolizing the stuff you put into it, breaking it down, taking what it needs, and expelling the rest.
So if you’ve got a high metabolism, your highs will tend to be shorter. Or at least, your body is working against the clock a little bit.
Then, there’s that elusive and hard-to-quantify factor of tolerance. In common parlance, we say we have a high or low tolerance to weed. But in reality, what we mean is that we have a higher or lower tolerance to dopamine and other neurotransmitters our brain releases when THC meets up with the ECS.
The good news is, cannabis doesn’t so thoroughly deplete our dopamine supplies that we have to chase ever larger quantities to get the same effect.
But that also means THC’s powers are limited. Hence the ceiling effect frequent users experience, where no matter what they do, they can’t get higher than a certain point. If you’re hitting that ceiling, the answer to the question “how long does a high last?” is probably not long enough.
For most regular cannabis users, however, the same dose will produce roughly the same experience time after time. For heavy users, even a short “tolerance break” can restore your tolerance levels to their low defaults, making your next high feel more like your first.
However, if you’ve built up a tolerance over time or with frequent use, your high is going to feel shorter for sure.
If You Want a Longer High, Consider Upping Your Dosage or Using Higher-Potency Products
Now that we’ve covered what shortens the length of your high, let’s look at what extends it. This is definitely the simpler part of the equation.
Put more weed into your system, and in all likelihood, you’re going to have a longer high. That means smoking strains with higher THC concentrations. Or vaping concentrates—or even better distillates, with upwards of 85 percent THC.
It also means taking a larger dose. Not only will your high last longer, it will stretch out your peak so you enjoy your high as long as your body allows. How long does a high last for you if you smoke flower versus vape concentrates?
How Long Does A High Last: Calculating Dose x Concentration
The top of our highness equation is pretty self-explanatory. But a few points bear repeating.
If you’re new to cannabis, it’s really a good idea to start with smaller doses. Don’t feel like you have to take huge rips or smoke multiple bowls just because the other kids are doing it. If you want that, you’ll get there in due time.
For now, appreciate what you have, that veteran weed enthusiasts often sorely miss: those early, heady days when a single puff sent you to outer space. (Maybe that’s part of what drives dabbing culture: that desire to recreate those first encounters with weed—that inimitable intensity and euphoria.)
The rest of us are busy chasing that dragon with ever-higher concentrations and tech that makes huge doses possible. Rip a 2-gram dab in one sitting and you’ll be high for the better part of the day, probably. Rip 20 grams and you’ll probably feel high for the rest of the week.
So when it comes to dosage, that’s easy. Smoke or vape more for a longer high. Even better, spread out your sessions. That will keep tossing you back up to the peak of your high when you’re on your way down.
And in terms of concentration, look for high-THC strains and strains with ultra-low CBD. (CBD can counterbalance the effects of THC on your system, shortening your high.) Or just stick with concentrates and extracts.
The Delivery Method Factor: Inhale or Eat?
We’ve covered all the parts of the highness equation. Except for the one that shapes them all: delivery method.
Those who’ve tried them know that edibles tend to produce a much longer-lasting high than inhalation methods.
That’s because of the metabolic pathway that THC takes through your body when you eat it versus when you inhale it. To make a long story short, your digestive tract converts THC into a different active form than heating alone.
How long does a high last from consuming edibles? Well that form, THC-COOH, or carboxy-THC, has some serious staying power. But your body takes some time to produce it. That’s why you have to wait 45 minutes to an hour or so for an edible to really kick in.
Once that THC-COOH is pumping through your bloodstream, you’re along for the ride until your body is finished processing it. Again, that can be about three to four hours on average and sometimes longer.
So for those truly looking for an extended high experience and who have the patience for an edible or drinkable cannabis product to kick in, ingesting your weed is the way to go.
How Long Does A Weed High Last For You? Your Mileage May Vary
How long does a weed high last if you eat your cannabis? How long does a marijuana high last if you smoke flower? Just generally, how long does a high last? If you’ve come away with anything from this article, hopefully it’s an appreciation for the complex chemical dance that is a weed high, and all the factors that make up the answer to those questions.
Of course, there’s no definite, constant answer. The lengths of your own highs will change. No need to compare them to other folks’.
So, how long does a high last for you? If you plan on one to two hours for inhaled cannabis and three to four with ingested weed, longer with higher doses and concentrations and shorter with higher metabolisms and tolerances, you’ll be all set.
(Updated from a previous post.)
The post How Long Does a Weed High Last? appeared first on High Times.
The post How Long Does a Weed High Last? appeared first on FunPot.ca - Marijuana Blog.
from Marijuana Uses https://blog.funpot.ca/how-long-does-a-weed-high-last/
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eight Causes Why You Cannot Lose Weight
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Natural muscle gainer supplements are one of the best natural treatments to improve physique weight and to eliminate skinny physique. You should eat ceaselessly, and also you need the carbs and protein to replenish your physique with the gas it's consuming. When you're aiming at the lighter aspect, a muscle-constructing creatine weight gainer could be sufficient to get you to your purpose weight. Weight gainer dietary supplements embody a sht-ton of calories. Any excess energy beyond this level shall be transformed into body fat. In the case of weight gainers, unintended effects are usually gentle. Select wisely and consider the next dietary supplements to maximise muscle progress. Furthermore, you can get a very pure enhance simply by weightlifting and fascinating in HIIT (Excessive Depth Interval Coaching) exercise. It is vitally essential that individuals have wholesome bodies and in the event that they assume they need to gain weight then they need to do it in a wholesome manner. Whereas the sarcomeres in skeletal muscle groups are organized in common, parallel bundles, cardiac muscle sarcomeres join at branching, irregular angles (known as intercalated discs). This weight gainer will help you a lot to achieve around 5-eight lbs by way of one tub. It is also notably excessive-calorie - 2,600 calories in a serving - sot it's good for many who have bother gaining weight. The problem with mass gainers is that they've carbs which can be stored as fat, so within the case of constructing energy and muscles, it's most popular to take whey protein. It's beneficial to work your abdominal muscle mass day-after-day. Studies say that taking an afternoon nap can naturally promote the load gain function in physique. However should you're looking to shed pounds and need some menu ideas, we've consulted with registered dietitians on this 1,200-calorie meal plan. People aren't able to produce Omega-3 fatty acids that are why they have to be obtained by your diet or by way of dietary supplements. Nonetheless, if you've upped your energy to excessive heaven and train like a beast without seeing many results, perhaps a weight gainer is right for you. Mass gainers are a mix of protein and carbs to add further calories to your day so you possibly can construct muscle and acquire weight. We discovered that lean mass gainers share the same core qualities - they're high in calories, carbohydrates, and protein. The truth is that should you're a natural weightlifter, your physique can only placed on a lot muscle in a single month. Moderately than spending years attempting the newest fad for constructing muscle mass, I'll prevent the trial and error by sharing all my Hardgainer expertise concerning the best methods to gain weight and acquire muscle groups, all naturally. 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Taking gainers with any ingredient other than plain water provides to calorie intake. Keeping all the needs and requirements of the users in thoughts, this mass gainer product from the model is without doubt one of the best options out there in the market. You find out about plenty of wholesome, filling meals and snacks that can assist you to not solely weigh much less but also feel your very best. FitOfat capsules comprise very strong and powerful herbs which are rich sources of important nutrients unavailable even via nutritious diet and properties which are boon for building body mass. The cost of this Optimum diet weight gainer could also be on the higher facet however this weight gain complement will actually work well for you. Our distinct maintenance program will assist you hold your weight off by supplying you with actual-world drawback-fixing expertise round healthier eating and physical activity. Following these coaching packages pressure them to coach when their muscle mass have not totally healed. That's because our cells want protein to kickstart protein synthesis , which is needed for hypertrophy, the method cells use to heal and develop bigger muscle groups after being damaged down through exercise. It has been proven to aid weight loss and is linked to many other well being advantages. Something for http://rezeptfreiepotenzmittel2017.ovh/xtrasize-oder-member-xxl.html the conspiracy of bodybuilding dietary supplements turn into stronger correct, and chances are you'll be quick pace. Excessive-intensity interval coaching (HIIT) is a kind of train that alternates between fast bursts of exercise and transient restoration intervals, preserving your coronary heart fee as much as increase fats burning and http://potentiepillen-nl.eu accelerate weight reduction. The product helps to increase the production of testosterone, which impacts the expansion of muscle now we have. On this mannequin, small increases in muscle fiber size are produced by a rise in muscle protein synthesis charges by way of will increase in the activity of existing nuclei, whereas bigger will increase in fiber measurement are caused by a rise in the number of nuclei. Hover over the celebrities and click on to rate this Dietary Dietary supplements web site. For this reason it is often supplied alone as Leucine Powder that may be easily added to any other combinations of protein powders and powdered supplements you take pleasure in in your mix. Complete massively parallel sequencing, or polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), or http://penisvergroter-pillen-nl.eu/turbomaxblue.html long vary polymerase chain response (LR-PCR) had been used to detect mtDNA level variant or mtDNA deletion 17 - 19 And targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) was applied to detect nuclear gene defect 20 And 178 healthy contributors have been recruited randomly as controls for a 2:1 match with the patients when it comes to age and sex. The tough, fibrous epimysium of skeletal muscle is both connected to and steady with the tendons In turn, the tendons hook up with the periosteum layer surrounding the bones, allowing the switch of force from the muscle tissue to the skeleton. When used alongside healthy consuming, certain beverages are more effective than other promoting weight reduction. For http://comprimes-pour-les-articulations2020.eu/ the homebody, massive muscle and bone loss might not be as a lot a problem as those further calories packed on while watching soccer or soccer on the television. Another main influencer is water and this can be a problem when individuals use muscle achieve and lean positive factors" interchangeably. Individuals often underestimate how a lot they eat and the Physique Weight Planner values are correct for most individuals. The precise source of power and structural components for muscle tissue are crucial for regenerating losses brought on by straining exercise sessions. There are totally different sources of proteins that can be utilized for muscle acquire. We at Nutrimuscle purpose to supply our customers with reasonably priced and efficient well being supplements. There aren't many dietary supplements that include this specific mixture of ingredients and shopping for them individually will probably be costlier than a container of Genius Creatine Powder. Operating can assist you burn body fat, in combo with eating regimen (as mentioned earlier), as a result of it is one of the highest calorie burners in terms of working out. Mass Gainer might be easily consumed with water or milk. If you recognize the place your youngsters are coming calories you'll know where to make adjustments and how one can in the reduction of, especially with meals which have a whole lot of empty calories. It thus seems that underneath the free-dwelling situations of everyday life, hormones and substrates act in mutual help to limit protein loss and protect muscle mass and function. This information will take you thru every little thing from diet to training and even supplementation which will get you on the proper path to add quality slabs of muscle. With 1,250 energy per serving and 50 grams of protein for muscle recovery, this instantized powder makes the ideal put up-workout and between meals shake for sizing up your objectives. Now, simply deduct the body fat percentage from 100 that the figure will arrive at the lean muscle mass share. When you're able to go above and beyond in your workout sessions, it's a must to use prime-high quality supplements. Trying to plan and cook meals when you may have youngsters attempting to drag your consideration can mean that you find yourself opting for one thing simple and sometimes not so wholesome in relation to meals. It is also framed as ‘a weight loss program' as opposed to a sustainable eating plan for life. They checked out appendicular muscle mass," meaning the legs and arms, in addition to subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. It additional helps in enhancing the method of muscle build and mass achieve. Our balanced blend of whey concentrate and isolate assist your protein ranges to rise shortly and stay up throughout the course of your exercise. Rest is essential as with ectomorphic our bodies, your muscle mass tire very easily and take longer than the opposite physique types to heal. Eat mindfully, and luxuriate in your meals reasonably than obsessing about calories or vitamins. Your pure bodybuilding results will not solely soar, however the scale can even. The body merely adores storing these as fat, so instead goal to eat fresh vegetables, protein and wholesome fats. So topping off your levels earlier than you start your exercise can help increase power availability and performance, http://naturasellina.de/ she says. The reality is there is no one measurement suits all" answer to everlasting healthy weight reduction. In regards to the protein choices the HCG will solely enable from a particular few choices: veal, beef, hen breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp, an individual shouldn't be allowed to eat any visible fat in any respect. If the answer is sure, then a weight gaining complement is probably going an awesome choice, otherwise strive making some small nutritional adjustments first then re-assess if a gainer protein is for you. VMI Sports Major Mass Lean Protein Gainer - The supplement has an excellent monitor record of building muscle groups effectively. When the gene for the myostatin protein is mutated and no myostatin is made, this leads to increased muscle formation in animals (Belgium blue cattle, Texel sheep, greyhounds, mice) and humans. Protein powders make it extraordinarily simple and handy to eat six meals a day and to get enough high quality protein into your physique. As soon as the infant is born you may assume you can leap straight again into your pre-pregnancy weight loss meal plan but if you are breastfeeding that you must contemplate this as properly. I'm male,age 26,height 178 cm and weight 80kgs I've low higher body muscle and high lower body muscle, fats and i've right knee downside (not an enormous factor but can't do squats). Impact of physiologic hyperinsulinemia on skeletal muscle protein synthesis and breakdown in man. But all that onerous work makes you wish to let off a bit of steam, and your first temptation is to stray from your strict weight loss plans. Table 6 Associations between PM2.5 exposures, skeletal muscle mass and body fats mass, stratified by personal elements. It is easy to decide on one thing fast and sometimes unhealthy when your a busy mum attempting to juggle multiple things and the needs and needs of multiple individuals. It'll serve as a reminder of your food selections and your dedication to succeed in a wholesome weight. In case you can knock out units of bench together with your bodyweight however cannot perform at the very least 5 bodyweight chin-ups then it is time to re-evaluate your priorities. To get one of the best pricing, critiques and free delivery in Canada on Online Supplements, take a look at my website about Whey Protein. They each include protein and carbs to flood the recipient's body with further energy and power. Tribulus - a supplement which is accountable for offering testosterone which is answerable for constructing since its not all men show exactly the same testosterone degree, not all of them experience quick muscle growth.Tribulus supports muscle development and healing, which is why it can be considered among the greatest dietary dietary supplements for muscle gain. Intake of finest supplement boosts the power of muscle mass by supplying required amount of vitamins to physique cells. For a construct up on bodybuilding, take a look at the following articles. Therefore, on the lookout for the perfect weight gaining complement for horses vital, as it will stop you from overfeeding them and making them overweighted. There was a rise in muscle mass and a small enhance, not statistically important, in fats mass. Bodybuilding supplements can vary significantly in the components they embrace, so the particular advantages each product affords can differ as well. Every serving offers 50 grams of fast acting and sustained launch protein to help you build muscle mass, improve power and boost restoration. Though, it have to be stored in mind that slimming capsules alone will not be ample to supply optimum weight loss. Weight loss is a serious drawback in at the moment's life-style. Muscle constructing refers to a course of a specific sort of train or physical workout is adhered to develop muscle groups. When individuals shed pounds by means of calorie restriction however with out exercise, they tend to lose muscle along with physique fat. For instance, you would possibly need to combine creatine in there with a sure type of protein isolate, or maybe you need a vegan mass gainer infused with rice protein and creatine resulting from some diet restrictions. Mums are busy and do not at all times have time every day to buy, plan and prepare a wholesome nutritious meal for the household which is why planning forward and even prepping forward is necessary to help you get by the week. Due to this fact, you need to choose that mass gainer which is zero on this additional sugar amount. Storing and reheating your meals safely may help preserve their flavor and minimize your danger of meals poisoning. It works rapidly and effectively, so you can begin seeing muscle features in no time. Bear in mind, once you lower through the entire advertising hype, there is no such thing as a magical muscle building system in these items; instead, they merely function an efficient option to dump an entire bunch of calories into your body quickly. Hence, always deal with clean, healthy eating as prompt to drop pounds. There are 3 potential approaches to sustaining or rising muscle mass and function: hormonal therapy, exercise, and diet. Read my fats burning furnace evaluation on tips on how to maintain off the fat while maintaining a lean wholesome physique. Basically Mass & Weight Gainers supplied a handy and price efficient means to add further energy from protein, carbohydrates and fat when you are critical about increasing your body weight and muscle measurement. This great amount of calories ensures to deliver the proper and desired body weight to its users and likewise improves the general character. Take a weight gainer shake after the gym to replenish your our bodies nutrients and regain the calories you misplaced during. It is usually necessary for hardgainers to not comply with the advice from their jacked buddy. Whey Protein: As soon as your exercise is finished, you should definitely reach for a whey protein blend shake. There isn't any better approach to preserve a superb health and keep regular physique weight than doing so by way of the stuff you love. Attempt to particularly avoid consuming a big carbohydrate primarily based dinner earlier than going to bed - your physique will not have time to use up the energy and much of it is going to be saved as fats. Working out helps make your metabolism extra environment friendly by burning energy and fats, reducing blood sugar levels, and balancing weight-loss promoting hormones corresponding to leptin. Deficiency of vitamin B12 might result in a decrease in appetite and subsequently making it harder to eat the calories to achieve weight. After the initial 30 days, slowly reintroduce the foods you miss, while monitoring the results they have on your body. Greatest weight gainer supplement for skinny women and men can be utilized for long period of time with no well being dangers. The worth is great for the price, quantity of servings, and clean elements. A broad portfolio of products, the most recent expertise, an uncompromising dedication to high quality and schooling - this is what makes NUTREND one of the leading European producers of dietary dietary supplements for sport and lively lifestyles. It's fairly easy to use mass gainer for reaching to the best body weight. But so has the physique's lean muscle tissue, the physique mass that keeps the body wanting young and very important. The proper of weight acquire entails training and high quality vitamin, thankfully OPTIMUM DIET Pro Gainer Weight Gainer Protein Powder has the nutritional front covered. Weight gainers , which are also referred to as mass gainers, are protein powders which are excessive in calories and infrequently utilized by people who need to construct extra muscle. It also protects you from consuming ingredients that aren't wholesome for the physique. Extremely Mass Gainer will not simply load you with extreme energy but also allow you to to fulfil your vitamin and minerals requirement. It accelerates muscle mass building. Not only will they assist you achieve better sexual efficiency, they are going to improve your total health on the identical time and there present in all the most effective natural intercourse tablets for males. It's important to eat proportionately in order to drop a few pounds and on the identical time stay wholesome. You might be manner better off choosing a top quality whey protein powder and simply eat more of healthy carbohydrates fairly than chugging down a mass gainer stuffed with sugar and low quality protein. A study conducted by scientists at the University of Memphis with resistance-skilled males discovered that HMB supplementation didn't affect coaching-induced modifications in physique composition and power. Applications like Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers use group support to impact weight loss and lifelong healthy consuming. They normally have a picture of a bodybuilder or an arm stuffed with muscle mass. Kalinkovich, A. & Livshits, G. Sarcopenic obesity or obese sarcopenia: A cross discuss between age-related adipose tissue and skeletal muscle inflammation as a essential mechanism of the pathogenesis. Bodybuilders, strength and endurance athletes making an attempt to reach physique or efficiency objectives, and people searching for a structured weight loss plan that "breaks up the monotony of a low calorie weight loss plan," says Delight. One of the first issues that it is best to think about whereas selecting the mass gainer is the obtainable ratio of protein and carbohydrate. Folks with lactose intolerance can still drink weight gainer shakes depending on the product and the supply of protein. Carbohydrates are the gas in a weight reduction diet plan. Proper after our opinions for the perfect merchandise, we give the within scoop on all things gainer-related, including how one can take gainers and follow proper safety with sports diet products. IFBB professional athletes Amanda Aguzzi and Tim Santiago are proud natural bodybuilders who come by their features the laborious method. It's a lot simpler to realize these macronutrient ratios with a gainer product than it will be with meals, so it's a more convenient nutrition choice for constructing lean muscle. That's maybe the greatest enchantment to isometrics-a person can enhance muscle mass and strength with only some simple repetitions in a restricted time with out heavy exertion. After he and wife Briana misplaced a mixed 112 pounds on the high-fat, low-carb eating plan, they're sticking to it. The couple has been eating Keto-friendly meals morning, midday, and night time, and Ryan typically uses his Instagram feed to supply recipe ideas for every time of the day. Aerobic train similar to brisk walking, jogging and biking burns energy that can assist you deepen your day by day calorie deficit. A fad diet is nothing however a eating regimen plan that claims that can assist you drop some weight within the shortest potential time. Some supplements get their further whey protein from cow's milk. Mass gaining dietary supplements are extremely popular with bodybuilders because they provide maximal restoration from intense exercises, and help provide enough calories to gain muscle. They include carbs and proteins in three:1 ratio and have ample calories as a result of bulking (growing in dimension) requires further fuel (energy) derived from high quality nutrients," explains Sangram. Just like the absence of further sugar, you will need to have the presence of important amino acids within the mass gainer. The Space Shuttle Program and, particularly, EDOMP has supplied an excessive amount of data in regards to the results of spaceflight on human physiology and particularly on alterations in skeletal muscle mass, power, http://potencia-problemak-hu.eu/peruanska-maka.html and function. That means it is organic, non-GMO, gluten-free, and non-allergenic, and it also doesn't have that gritty texture and earthy taste associated with different plant-based protein dietary supplements. The System gained scientific acceptance in 1953 when a few German researchers named Dr. Theodore Hettinger and Dr. Eric A. Muller published a research exhibiting people who did isometric exercises obtained dramatic results by inflicting their muscle tissues to tense for no more than 10 seconds at a time. As a result of the 2 best dietary supplements to construct muscle (whey and creatine) are current in meals. One of many first and greatest muscle constructing dietary supplements for muscle development to come back into widespread utilization was creatine. And that it targets the fats stores, not the muscle mass. These are nice to include in your keto weight loss plan, but add a sauce on high for some fat quite than consuming plain. Our muscle tissues play a significant position in our health in any respect stages of life, from permitting movement and stability to contributing to bodily power, organ function, pores and skin integrity, immunity and wound healing. 1. Excess of Carbs" and Protein" of Mass might end in well being risks such as diabetes, weight problems, http://cistus-pastillas.eu/resena-cistus-plus.html extra physique fat, and http://ranking-powiekszanie-penisa.eu/maxisize.html many others. Cease by one among our places and let one of our Match Pros analyze your run to help you find the perfect shoe, or browse our online catalog to discover the ways we might help you in your working and weight reduction journey. It's a nicely-identified fact that amino acids are liable for protein synthesis, hence the nickname ‘constructing blocks'. Each individual at the moment is in pursuit of a wholesome way to build lean muscle mass and achieve a properly-toned and muscular body. It's because all-natural meals are more healthy. WARNING: Only take if you wish to acquire severe muscle mass. The extent and period of the debilitation ensuing from critical illness is dramatic; <50% of individuals employed before getting into an intensive care unit return to work in the first yr after discharge ( 15 ). Extensive losses of muscle mass, strength, and function during acute hospitalization causing sustained physical impairment have been probably contributors to the extended restoration. When you've got allergy symptoms to sure meals, you are going to need to just be sure you keep away from taking any mass gainer that is going to make you sick. The variety of calories included in these merchandise can vary extensively, ranging from a few hundred to effectively over one thousand in each serving. Little question, mass gainers are essential for sustaining the well being of the customers and also to get the desired persona. This vegan mass gainer can also be naturally excessive in fiber that helps a wholesome digestive system. To increase muscle mass by reducing the degrees of the muscle progress inhibitor myostatin and related components. In an effort to keep an everyday eating routine, it's a must to plan your meals. This key hormone governs dozens of functions within the male body, including sexual health and muscle power. You too can use this website as a fast reference as a result of it lists the components in many of the bodybuilding dietary supplements and in addition data regarding their potential negative effects and benefits. Among the finest ways to assist energy building is sweet diet. I want The 2 Week Weight loss program plan by Brian Flatt due to it actually a legit and effective means of shedding pounds. Lowering the muscle recovery time, activation of muscle protein synthesis, retarding the muscle catabolism throughout exercises and enhancing the growth hormone manufacturing are other noticeable advantages of using glutamine as a weight gaining supplement. Gastrointestinal misery and muscle cramps can occur should you take too much at once or without being properly hydrated, but studies looking at day by day creatine supplementation for as much as a yr have found no hostile effects. You should buy HMB by itself and take 2 to three grams before training, however you can even find it in my pre-exercise fats burner FORGE , which was created specifically to accelerate fat loss and protect muscle whereas coaching in a fasted state. After 12 weeks, the group that took casein protein was stronger, had extra muscle and misplaced more fats. Like powder supplements, capsules to realize weight are designed to enhance your urge for food, thereby permitting you to have better weight administration if that is your objective. At nearly 70 grams per serving, the Signature Mass Gainer is likely one of the larger-protein merchandise on the market. Nonetheless, for some folks motivation appears to wane with each passing day as they struggle to sleep in and skip exercises or blow off their eating regimen when issues get powerful. There are a ton of options on the market when it comes to selecting the best mass building supplement. Carbs help your muscle mass recover after understanding, and protein helps to develop and preserve essential muscle. 7 About two hours after a workout and usually for seven to eleven days, muscular tissues swell resulting from an irritation response as tissue damage is repaired. Now, we aren't saying all Mass & Weight Gainers are simply empty promises, however you do have to be a little bit shopper savvy when selecting the best product that provides you with the results you are after. These dietary supplements are designed to have an instantaneous-medium term impression, the pre-exercise to supply energy and shit and creatine to help with ATP production and in-health club performance. Producers realized creatine presents numerous potential as a dietary complement Creatine is principally utilized for energy production and modulation. Once I first began utilizing Muscle Drugs ®, I used to be slightly skeptical pondering that capsules wouldn't be enough for vital muscle acquire. Should you've ever been to a dietary supplement store you've seen the broad assortment of bodybuilding dietary supplements that there are on the market at the moment. A complete industry was constructed practically in a single day with the "weight gainer". They end up consuming both an excessive amount of food to lose fat, or not sufficient food to construct muscle. Hormones like testosterone and human development hormone set about rebuilding and repairing your body. As a consequence, low muscle mass and energy contributes to a number of antagonistic health outcomes throughout childhood. Gaining weight requires a caloric surplus and when you don't appear to be able to get it out of your food alone, having 1 or 2 weight gainer shakes a day is one thing it's possible you'll need to take into account. Scorching water washes out the fats thus serving to to shed pounds simply. Wholesome exercise is essential to the human physique whether you're overweight or not it doesn't matter what form it comes in. Train is essential for correct blood circulation and other actions of the human physique system.
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browniesnivy · 6 years
Random Asks!
This template was made by biaesthetic, just so you know. I cut out some of the questions I didn’t I saw feel like answering, but otherwise her template worked really well for my needs! I saw cyberenergyshock do something similar and felt the need to do one myself, so here we go! Y’all really don’t know anything about me (which is mostly because i’m super paranoid about privacy) and I don’t intend to give out super precious info or anything here, I just thought it’d be nice. 
what was the last thing you read? The last book I read was issue three of the Bunny Drop manga. So far it’s a very cute story that I recommend to people who like family stories. It’s very touching and cute, but can be fairly thought-provoking at times. I haven’t finished it yet so I can’t give a full review or anything... but those are my thoughts so far!
favorite movie? Captain America: Winter Soldier! I know it’s a pretty basic choice as far as favorite Marvel movies go, but it really is just soooooo good. The action, the intrigue, the emotion, the relationships... all so good! Ten out of ten would watch again... and I believe me, I have. Three times in fact. And I’ve cried at least once every time because I’m weak sauce.
favorite book? That’s really hard... I really loved Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets but I haven’ t read that in years and am really fuzzy on the details... so I guess I’ll have to say the Warrior Cats Super Edition Crookedstar’s Promise. What can I say, I love Warrior Cats! And this edition is just so emotional. Without giving away any spoilers, this book is an absolute emotional rollercoaster at parts and contains one of the most manipulative, petty, dangerous, terrifying and broken villains the series has to offer and she is just fantastic. If your down with some of the special Warrior Cats-brand of stupidity this book is a total treat!
dream date? We’d be alone somewhere quiet and serene, nature surrounding us as we were covered in a blanket of stars. Cool, refreshing water babbles nearby, giving poetry to our escape. The most calming and tranquil environment imaginable. However, we wouldn’t just enjoy the soothing scenery, but we would talk in a low whisper, joking about things only we would understand and geeking out over fandom, all in between mouthfuls of take-out pasta from Olive Garden. It would be a mixture of a fun hangout with a friend and a romantic tender scene. (I guess all of that was really corny, huh? Haha, sorry!)
do you have a crush? Not on anyone real... but if Hatsune Miku asks tell her I’m free!
what are your hobbies? I love creative pursuits like writing and drawing and have loved them since I was extremely young. One of my favorite pass times is playing video games like Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Harvest Moon, The Sims,, Civilization, Stardew Valley, Super Smash Brothers, and many many others... too many to reasonably name! I love reading novels, but manga and anime alike are what I seem to do more of nowadays. My parents are pretty strict on which anime I watch though, so I spend more time reading manga because they aren’ t nearly as finicky about my reading material since my younger siblings won’t have to be subjected to it. Also, I really love philosophy. Ethics and morals have always fascinated me and the idea of mapping out the human spirit like a genome is endlessly fascinating to me... I love to read books on morality and watch philosophical YouTube videos in my down time, and I hope that someday I can come to some kind of understanding of the truth. I guess that means I’m kind of lame! 
what’s your favorite time of day? Evening. I love the darkness. The chilling winds and the stars illuminating the dark skyscape is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen, and it’s all right their in your backyard if you only care to look! Well, I guess if you live in the city or something you can’t do that... in which case I’m very sorry! Anyway, the serenity of the night is something the daytime can’t match for me. Peace and quiet are seldom found around where I live, so the silence is very appreciated!
if you could look like anything, what would you look like? Anything you say? In that case I guess I’d look like a calico cat. That away, I could climb along fences and gates or go exploring into the wilderness without anyone looking at me funny! Plus, maybe someone would pet me!
are you a romantic? If you just read my ideal date, the I you’ll probably know the answer. Yeah, I guess I am! I’m not super ditzy or anything, in fact I rarely every feel romantic attraction to people, but I do long to find a soulmate. 
what’s your favorite type of weather? The rain, definitely. If you couldn’t tell, quiet tranquility is pretty much my aesthetic. I love water. It nourishes the plant life and makes everything sparkle with dew, the greenery becomes so much greener and everything becomes so much more vibrant... it’s like the spirit of the world has been born again. And yet almost nobody is out their enjoying it. Fine by me, I’d rather be alone on my walks down the rainy neighborhood streets. Bonus if it’s raining at night, because not only are the walks multiplied tenfold in their beauty, but when you decide to hit the hay the soft pitter-patter of the raindrops can gently lull you to sleep...
what do you like talking about? Well obviously I love to talk about Yu-Gi-Oh!, and I’m pretty much open to talk to anyone about it... but I also love to talk about other fandom! I also love mythology and philosophy (that though provoking shit) and just random trivia in general and it’s nice to talk to people who are also interested in it. Other then all that nerdy cooties, I just generally like listening to other people talk. As long as what you say isn’t completely repulsive to me I’ll probably listen, but I’ll probably crack jokes the entire time unless you’re being really serious. I love funny stuff.
if you got a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? Oh, I’d never even think about a tattoo! I’m far too much of a scaredy-cat, besides the initial pain the idea an image could be burned onto me forever kind of freaks me out. I have no problem with other people getting them at all, just not something I could ever do. I don’t really think I can answer this question adequately... but I guess if I had to choose I’d say something small like an eye or a teardrop. I’d put it on the lower part of my neck to the left side: it would be discrete and not very noticeable, but kind of pretty and thoughtful. Nothing to obtrusive or, dare I say, obnoxious for me.
do you want any pets? I wish! We used to have a dog when I was very little, and then we had a cat when I was about eight or so, but nothing since then. Such a shame, because I am filled with love and affection for cats and dogs especially and would like to have at least one of each someday. If I had to pick which breeds I’d like, I’d say a border collie (they’re so expensive, but hey a girl can dream, right?) and a calico. 
dream job? “When I grow up I want to write books!” I’ve been saying that since I was old enough to write my own stories. Above all else, I want to be an author, but even most of those have other jobs as well. Of course I’ve gone through phases of wanting to be different things... when I was really small I wanted to be a waiter, then in second grade I wanted to be a marine biologist (I saw sea turtles at an aquarium and fell in love. Don’t want to do marine biology anymore but sea turtles are still the some of the most precious beasts on this planet!), but now I’m thinking either an animator, a journalist, or a moral philosophy professor. Who knows what I’ll end up doing, I'm only a freshman right now, after all.
dream place to live? Take me home, country road, to the place, I beloooooooong…! No, I don’t want to live in West Virginia specifically (though that would probably be pretty swell), but the American South is where I grew up and it’s where I want to live. The flourishing flora, sparkling water forms, and the waves of fertile farmland are just some pf my favorite set pieces of the Southern United States. I don’t live there anymore, and there are a lot of social problems down there that might target me specifically, but just for the scenery alone I wish to go back.
dream vacation? Japan! in this dream scenario, I can speak Japanese and navigate the land without many hitches, ordering of the menu and understanding all the signs. I’d go to a maid café and one of those resteraunts where there are stuffed animals everywhere, I’d buy a crap-ton of weeb shit, if I was lucky I’d see a vocaloid concert... and the sightseeing! I’d go hiking on the mountains and see cascading waterfalls and flourishing sakura and  really neat beetles... I hope that happens to me someday!
do you want any piercings? I don’t even want my ears pierced at all, so not at all! I’m not a very flashy person, in fact I’m quite quaint, and I never wear jewelry unless my family somehow bamboozles me into it. I’d never wear any of it, so it wouldn’t be worth some weirdo assaulting my earlobes (or any other body part) for it. 
if you had kids, what would you name them? I think me having kids might be kind of a long shot all things considered (but who really knows, right?) but I do have several names I’m really attached to that I would gladly give to someone. The first is Eve, which I just absolutely adore the aesthetic of. If you couldn’t all ready tell, I love the nighttime, and this name just screams a sort of lovely starlight elegance. Plus, it was the name of my first crush in Harvest moon Magical Melody so... backstory! The other name I’d go with would have to be Jamie. It just sounds so peppy and interesting, it’s a very unique name that I can’t help but love. Not coincidently, Jamie was the name of another Magical Melody character I was particularly fond of, because they were my first experience with gender nonconformity and non-binary gender identity! 
what are your best traits? Am I really the best person to judge that? Well, I guess I can try. I try to be as patient as possible and to keep an open-mind because I hate hurting people’s feelings, believe there is always a kind and peaceful solution, and think every single person deserves personal respect and to be treated with integrity when possible. I’d say of all my traits, those are the ones I try the hardest to foster and exercise.
worst traits? I’m so anxious, literally anything going wrong cans end me into a panic. My family has kind of a history with predisposed anxiety, so I should probably get that checked out... but then the idea of being diagnosed as “wrong” freaks me out a lot. Vicious cycle. This underlying anxiety manifests in some other nasty traits of mine: specifically that I’m a wuss, a doormat, and a pessimist. Long story short, I’m way to worried for my own good.
what’s your worst fear? Well, I’m pretty much afraid of everything! Alligators, heights, amnesia, blood and guts, rejection, underwater tunnels, birds coming near me, loud noises, illness... there’s a lot more, but I’d say my biggest fears are failure and weakness. The two kind of go hand in hand in my mind, and the thought that I could fail and become irredeemable and worthless is petrifying.  
what do you want to eat right now? Something to know about me: I’m always hungry. I snack incessantly, so it’s a wonder I’m still such a skinny little bastard! Right now, I could really go for some sushi. Put some seafood and some avocado on that shit and I’m sold.
favorite social media platform? Tumblr! I mean, it’s really the only social media I have, but still! Even though looking at all the fighting and toxicity on this website that can really make me feel awful, there is an undertone of community that outweighs that for me. Seeing so many fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! and ShrimpShipping in particular makes me feel like I really belong somewhere, and when I see the entire community harmonize to create a positive environment I remember what this life is all about. When I get a heart on a post, I think about how someone liked that post, how something I made or that I said might have put a smile on their face or roused a chuckle from them, and that makes it all worth it to me. Plus, all my mutual are really cool!
favorite article of clothing? Jackets, blazers, hoodies, coats, sweaters, suits... I love that cozy shit! I unfortunately live somewhere really hot, so a lot of times flaunting my style makes me uncomfortable, but it’s worth it too look fly as hell! When it comes to dressing, I’m very butch to androgynous, which makes since because I’m pretty gender nonconforming, I always have been. When I was younger and at a different school I was definitely the tomboy, but now I tend to try and blend in more just because people at my new school seem so much more judgmental. 
do you play any sports? I’ve been playing tennis since I was in third grade! I really only ever play it during the school’s season because there is just so much homework and I’m always busy, and thus my growth has been greatly stunted... but it’s still a really awesome sport. There’s a precision and an elegance to it that just fascinates me, plus it’s not a team sport so I don’t have to worry about screwing my partners over! Unless it’s doubles, which I try to avoid whenever possible. Other factors that make me like it appealing to me is that I have the body for it (tall with freaky long-ass arms) and my dad plays it too, so we can go out and help each other improve our skills. 
favorite meal of the day? Well they’re all great, I mean food is food, but I’m biased to dinner. The biggest most complete meal of the day that packs the most flavor and is the most filling, dinner is great! In my opinion, going to bed on a full stomach is one of the best feelings in the world, so we can thank dinner for that. Plus, my mom lets me eat snacks after dinner so I don’t have to sneak around to eat potato chips... heh.
what are you excited for? ShrimpShipping Week definitely has me excited, because I have so many shrimpy ideas to let loose upon this world... and I’m really looking forward to looking at everyone else’s contributions too! ShrimpShipping Week is the time I can see the most unity within the community, and it truly is a wonderful experience! Also I’m hyped as hell for Smash Ultimate and that currently unnamed Animal Crossing 2019 game... I’m a huge Nintendo fan my dudes.
when was the last time you cried? Like a few days ago? I can’t remember which of these instances came first, but I figured out I got on probation in NJHS because I got (gasp) a C+ in Geometry?! That seriously fucked-up my self-esteem, so I cried about that. But I can’t really remember if that was before or after I rewatched Madoka Magicia (which I personally consider a brilliant work of art and an anime must-see)… well either way I cried really recently.
dream house? Perhaps by the side of a crystal clear lake, maybe by the banks of a babbling brook, possibly by the sparkling seashore... but somewhere near water there would sit a two story house. Crisp hardwood makes up the walls of the construction, and there are windows opening the entire house to gorgeous natural light. Inside, everything is painted soft colors that seem to glow in the light, and every piece of furniture looks like you could sink into it’s soft surface. The downstairs floor has a living room with cases for cards, game boards, and video game disks are displayed neatly and conveniently alongside posters and figurines. It is essentially a nerd rec room. Beside that, the dining room and kitchen are organized and clean, and you can still smell pasta from the night before. A large flight upstairs leads to an upstairs library and study, which then empties out into a cozy bedroom full of stuffed animals and an open closet full of suits and coats. The bedroom has a balcony attached to it overlooking the water source nearby, a quiet and comfortable escape out into the serenity of nature. I suppose that’s all very idealistic, but this is a dream house... so I can have as many plushy sofas and anime girl figurines as I want!
what’s something you hate about the world? How selfish a lot of people are. I don’t mean to sound mean or judgmental, but there are just so many people who refuse to even try to be kind. All they care about is themselves and they don’t understand how much their actions effect those around them, and they certainly never try to adjust their viewpoints. I think there are so any problems we could resolve if we just tried to understand the people around us. After all, they aren’t going anywhere. You might as well try to make life as pleasant as possible for others, right? But that’s just my two cents. 
what’s something you love about the world? Even though the world is full of self-serving close-minded folk, there are also those who are driven and motivated to try to improve themselves and those around them. They want to try to make things more positive for those around them, they want to help those in need, and they believe in people’s capacity to improve. They believe int he ability to change and to improve. And when I see these people join hand in hand to change the world, I feel very inspired. I know it’s not possible to solve every problem, at least not in one go. But seeing people who wholeheartedly try to help out is what I love most in this world. 
what scents do you like? I tend to like scents like chocolate or sizzling steak, the kinds of scents associated with foods. Like I said, I’m always hungry. I also love the smell of nature after a rainy day, it just draws out all the scents from the flora in the most fantastic way. 
what kind of sleeper are you? If a bomb detonated outside my house, I would still stay asleep. In other words, I’m an incredibly heavy sleeper. Basically no amount of rambunctious noise can awaken me from deep slumber, but I am very responsive to someone disturbing my sleeping environment by touch. if the bed rocks or a finger brushes against my face, I’m awake instantly, probably in an anxious sweat. That’s why I can’t sleep in the car. But if you give me a warm bed and take care not to touch me in anyway, I’m dead asleep. 
are you a cat or dog person? Don’t make me choose! I love them both so much, but for completely different reasons. Cats are good because they are cuddly and soft and relaxing, but they for the most part don’t give a fuck about anything. And dogs are nice because they are so fun and loving, and sometimes they seem just as complex as humans in their emotional capacity. I love them both so much, I don’t want to choose!
how long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse? I’d probably be one of the first to kick the bucket honestly. I mean, I’ve beaten my siblings and other kids in wrestling matches more times then I can count, but a zombie apocalypse? I’d be too scared to do anything! The only thing that might push me forward would be the desire to help my loved ones, but even then I think i’d be pretty useless. Suffice it to say I’ll be easy pickings when the zombies come for our brains.
when do you feel safe? I’m pretty much always nervous to be honest, so I guess I feel safest when I’m asleep! 
are you trusting? I actually don’t know how to answer that? I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and when I make bonds I get seriously invested in them, but most people on the streets I’m always a bit on guard about. Got to play it safe, you know?
what fictional characters do you identify with? Alderheart and Hollyleaf from Warriors. Alderheart because he’s really anxious and just trying his best to be useful, and Hollyleaf because she wants to do the right thing and follow the rules but often gets confused and starts going a bit batty. For something that’s not Warriors, I’d have to go with Homura from Madoka Magica, because she puts on a lot of strong fronts to protect those she loves and to avoid failure at all costs. I’m not trying to say I’m as fucked-up as some of these characters or that any of my situations are as bad as theirs were, just that I see bits of myself in them and can feel a connection to them.
what labels do you commonly get? Well there is a lot... fangirl, nerd, overachiever, butch, standoffish, weird, tomboy... if I named all the boxes I’ve been put in I'd be here all day!
what issues are you dealing with right now? Anxiety! That’s all I'm going to say, because I honestly think I’ve said enough about my problems. It makes me kind of uncomfortable shouting my fears into the internet because... it makes me feel guilty? I don’t know. Just... anxious. That’s my problem. 
how can someone win you over? If they display an extensive knowledge of one of my fandoms then I’m instantly sold. Do you know how hard it is to find fans outside of the internet sometimes, and even in the internet? I’m so down to get in any amount of fandom talk!
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