#so much fun doing this thank you <33
mayomkun · 1 month
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Cat eyes Charles commission for @kajaono !! 👁️👁️
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gingermintpepper · 18 days
I saw it in your tag game post that you're also fond of the Apollo-Heracles conflict 👀 for a myth that appears in only a couple of sources, it sure has a lot of presence in the vase paintings (no seriously, everytime I think I've seen the last of it, I find ten more)
SO do you have any favorites among the paintings that represent this story??
I also think it's extremely interesting that it's a story so popularly portrayed by vase paintings and in such a variety of ways!! It's certainly one of the stories that gets left out of written compilation of Heracles' legend a bit (which is a shame, I think it's a fantastic story) but Apollo had a very peculiar relationship with Heracles in general that I just kind of find amazing (and very, very funny).
Apollo is not a god with any legitimate grudge against Heracles, but he does argue with the mortal a bit like he argues with his favourite brothers 😂Part of why I love the story of Apollo and Heracles fighting over the tripod so much is that it is such a little brother thing for Heracles to be upset with the proclamation his elder brother has given him and so, he throws a great fit, taking up the chair and declaring that he'll just give himself a better prophecy! And Apollo, instead of being a marginally professional big brother, decides to fight him for it until their father has to break up their cat-fight. Like was that not just the plot of the Homeric Hymn to Hermes? Is this not exactly how Apollo treated Hermes when he was a child and now those two are inseparable? 💀
Because of this, my favourite vase paintings tend to be the ones that highlight the personal squabbling between Apollo and Heracles the most. There are some very elaborate ones that have the full host of them - Athena, Heracles, Apollo, Artemis, usually a dog and a doe, I've even seen a couple that had birds and plants etched on them, but the simplest ones that show Heracles about to bonk Apollo with his club out of frustration or depict Heracles nyooming away from Apollo while Apollo (presumably) yells curses about how he's going to fling Heracles head first into Tartarus for daring to take his things? Yeah, those are the premium big brother/little brother things I'm looking for.
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(Photo. Marie-Lan Ngyuen)
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(Photo. Museo Claudio Faina)
Also the one in the Theoi.com archives is a real classic - perfect energy.
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#ginger answers asks#Thank you SO much for letting me talk about this even a little it always makes me smile#Despite their disputes - if you ask me Apollo was quite fond of Heracles#And I think a big part of why I ultimately come to that conclusion is that Apollo never hinders Heracles or withholds blessings from him#He simply calls him a bitch every time he sees him and then makes his life marginally more inconvenient#like any good older brother let's be so fr#It's extremely charming to see him so playful with a mortal he's not in love with/that is not his son#Other moments of Apollo teasing Heracles includes him trying to convince Artemis not to let Heracles catch her doe when he comes#to fulfill that particular labour (again he doesn't actually try to stop it he just puts up a bit of a fuss about it)#and perhaps another of my all time favourites#Personally luring Heracles into Admetus' house so Heracles can wrestle Thanatos while Apollo rescues Alcestis#I DO NOT KNOW WHY MORE PEOPLE DON'T TALK ABOUT THE LUNACY OF APOLLO'S ADMETUS/ALCESTIS PRESERVATION PLAN#He really said “No yeah I know a guy don't worry about Death Incarnate” and then Heracles shows up at Admetus' door like this is a sitcom#The laugh track that plays in my mind every time Admetus opens that door sees Heracles and then looks back at the disguised Apollo like#'HIM?? HERACLES?? Heracles who can break me in seven pieces with a thought Heracles???'#And Apollo just gives him a thumbs up and says “feed him well pookie <33”#Genuinely some of the funniest shit I have the pleasure of reading in greek myth#Another reason I don't think Apollo has any ill will against Heracles though is how Apollo reacts when Heracles#loses Hylas in the Argonautica#Or well some versions of the Argonautica - this is also a story that changes wildly depending on the source/compilation#But Apollo is incredibly sympathetic to Heracles' sorrow and kind of decides there and then that Heracles losing one love#should be the return of another and asks that Zeus let Heracles free Prometheus when he makes his descent into the underworld#Similarly it is Apollo who anoints Alcaeus/Alcides the name Heracles (also dependent on the myth source)#They just had a very fun relationship and it's a serious shame that it's not acknowledged more#apollo#heracles#greek mythology#(Also people do not talk about the fact that Apollo grappled with Heracles to a standstill enough actually)
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yujeong · 22 days
15 (trembling hands) and 43 (undone) for vegaspete? 🥺👉👈
Ohhh, thank you so much for sending me these, they're lovely. I hope you don't mind me combining them into one micro story ❤️ ---------------- Pete was close, he was so close, he tried so hard, he kneeled, he begged, he almost saved him, Vegas turned around, Vegas smiled, but no, he didn't, it was in vain, all his effort were in vain, all his efforts came undone, all of it was for nothing, Vegas was dead, all for nothing, Vegas is dead, Phi Pete is grabbing his blood-soaked body and Phi Vegas is dead and Pete is touching his cold skin and Vegas is Phi dead and Pete is covered Phi in his blood and Vegas is dead- "P'Pete!" He takes a shallow breath and it all comes back. He's not at the main family compound, he's home. Vegas is sleeping on their bed, a few centimeters next to him. His medicine is strong - nothing can wake him up after it takes effect. The room is dark. Macau is here. Pete just killed a man by crashing his neck with his bare hands that can't stop trembling. Macau is here. Pete loosens his grip, letting the lifeless body of the intruder drop on the carpet, a low thud echoing in his ears. Macau is here. Pete raises his head to look at him, his expression neutral and eerily calm. "Phi, it's fine. Hia is fine." Pete can only make himself nod. He's sure he looks wild in Macau's eyes. He can't help himself. "Are you going to call P'Porsche or should I talk to Chay?" He's talking in whispers. Pete can barely hear him, but he understands. He gulps, then nods again, hoping Macau understands as well. "Okay, I'll be right back. Stay here." Pete does, staring at Vegas the entire time.
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indiangp · 5 months
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Enea Bastianini's Podium finish at COTA + light pink for @marquezian
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lesbianlotties · 28 days
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keeps-ache · 4 months
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here i am!!
[separate figure and background below]
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
commission for @rosaagora!! :-) little sweetkit and palekit just being the absolute cutest <33
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MIRMIR FOR BLORBO BLEEBIS???? (jake too if you want! i feel like you cant do one without the other lmao)
BITES YOU SO HARD!!!!!!! AWAHH!! youre so right theyre a deluxe package they come as a set
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ALSO I know you Did Not Ask but since ur a fellow RvB fan (intellectual) i also did a grif one and i wanna share
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corrieguards · 1 year
Would you rather have your first kiss with Cody or Rex? Also I hope you have a great day ❤️☺️
Oh damnn this is a toughie. It's like asking me to pick between puppies and kittens. They're both so great in their own way-😭
Ok ok, let's give it a go
ramble under the cut
Now I would usually go for Rex, no questions asked I mean c'mon, he's Rex- However, if we're talking in the context of a first kiss...
I'm gonna have to go with Cody :0 betrayal
I know i know, I'm sorry, but I can explain! As a shy and insecure person by nature, I tend to stand back and let the more experienced people take the lead, y'know show me how things are done first, before I feel confident enough to do it myself. And I think Cody would be the best choice for that.
Rex would too, don't get me wrong. But he would probably be more prone to letting my nervousness rub off on him. It might make him feel like he isn't doing good enough, or that I wasn't enjoying it as much as him which wouldn't be true but anyway And, in that case, he could even need some reassurance of his own.
Cody, however. Cody is good and he knows it. He would have no problem taking charge, in fact I think he would thoroughly enjoy it maybe a little too much So it would be a win win for both of us. Also, Cody doesn't hold back, he'll go all in. He'd be the kind of guy to grab your ass while you guys are kissing, even if it is the first time, he doesn't give a fuck.
He's all or nothing and I like that.
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cinnamon-bunni · 9 months
hm... 4, 7, 11, 12, 17, 21, 22, 24! happy new year, bunni!
4. Total number of words you wrote this year That's hard to find tbh....I didn't end up posting a lot of fics, so i dont only have to just check my statistics on ao3, but all of my possible fics ive written this year in my wip docs as well. the total i got was 58,171 words (~35k of it being WIPs and not posted)! so definitely not as much as i wrote last year which was (i think over 100k), and also not including all of my notes ive written. i did not do a lot of writing this year, so hopefully next year i'll wrap up all of my big fics and post them all <3
7. longest completed fic you wrote this year Again, i did not write a lot this year, much less finish them lmao. if you were to ask about uncompleted fics, we would have a different story--but alas, the longest completed one was Once More, With Needles, sitting at 4,414 words!
11. fandom you enjoyed writing for the most this year hm....obey me, I suppose. its hard to say really, but enjoyment from writing specifically, i'd have to give it to obey me. what can i say, the cast is just really fun to write (even when levi is impossible to write, like what the hell man i have rewritten your part in my undead fic like 3 separate times and am continuing fixing it, like what the hell man i trusted you and then you dont behave for me). like this year specifically i realized how much i love each and every character--those like lucifer reminded me as to why i love the game and the characters, and people like mephisto and raphael randomly won a spot in my heart. theyre all just so so fun to write <333
12. favorite character to write about this year lucifer!!! even though i only have like, one fic that features him thats out and finished lmao; hes such an interesting and complex character, yet is one whose mind i can easily slip into when i need to write when its his pov. idk, sometimes i find myself struggling to write characters like levi or even asmo sometimes--mainly from my own failures to pay attention to their canon interpretations and making them not out-of-character--but lucifer is surprisingly one i can always rely on to be easy and fun to write!! he is angst galore and so emotionally constipated, hes great <3
17. fics you’ll continue next year Heart Melts for sure!! i originally wanted ch3 to be out before the new year, but ive been drafting and redrafting all of my future chapters (i am trying my best to make it a psychological horror in order to match the tag that i put on the fic, but idk if its going to live up to the hype that people have for this fic ^^;;) so i sadly didnt get time to finish it. maybe by the end of January ill have it out--heres to hoping its done by then! and maybe i might continue Dirty? I didn't even update it this year lol--its def one i dont wanna leave discontinued, as i have all of the chapters planned out, but i just have many other projects that i wanna focus on and also i really wanna rewrite it, so ive been debating doing that first or just to finish then rewrite it. in a perfect world, i'll update that one too lol
21. most memorable comment/review I have two that come to mind!!! in all honesty all comments make me sooo happy, but these ones specifically is just,,,idk man, they just hit a certain way that itches that scratch in my brain that needs validation lmao i love rereading these all the time <3 theres these comments for Messy Makeup:
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(make me go insane from them saying i wrote multiple fics that were their favorites <33) and of course there's this banger of a comment from @/snugglebunnies!!! idk if youre reading this but thank you thank you thank you for inspiring me so much with your fics!!! i love them so much, and this comment was just incredible! from the fic Heart Melts:
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(love when people leave quotes, no matter how long or short!!!! such deep analysis is what i live for!!!!) and of course, sending out so much love to everyone who leaves a comment on any of my fics, no matter how big or small they are <333
22. events you participated in this year i didnt participate in any events this year! i tend not to do events tbh, theyre not really my style, as i dont do well with due dates unless i have months in advance lol;; usually i might do one, maybe two, events a year, but those are usually simple gift exchanges or something. nothing caught my eye this year, and ones that did i just didnt have the time to do, sadly. but! i do plan on doing the sonic big bang next year, which will be my first ever "bigger" event ive been in! exciting, but also really nervewracking as ive never posted sonic content and idk how well i'll do staying on schedule. but its still something i really wanna do (have a great fic planned for it!) so i still wanna give it a shot and do my best on it lol
24. favorite fic you read this year from this year is really hard to say--i think all of my favorite fics were found last year lmao so its a struggle to think of one. @heleentje's BOTW fic Moonlight has been a fantastic read (even though i havent finished it yet;;; i promise will soon!!) and just hits all of the right notes for me!! The batman fic Performance Piece is also definitely up there for me, as it captures so well what i want in my own writing when it comes to writing characters, especially when it comes to inner-dialogue (i might just go back and reread that one again lmao)
as of posting, i have about twenty minutes left before the new year. so happy early 2024!! 🥳🎉💝
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elisa6102 · 2 years
Victor just feeding the Farmer some spaghetti (namely @justashamwithwastedpotiental's farmer)
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rhinoyo · 8 months
hey cos!! what are your favorite rune factory games in order :0!! im super curious!! have a nice day!!!
helloooo!!! <3 oou thank you so much for the question.. <333
of the ones i’ve completed in full — 4 is my favorite, followed by 3, and then 5! <3
including the ones i’ve just played enough to have an opinion — it’d be 4, 3, oceans, 2, 5 :> <3
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years
The colors here ..... Are beautiful
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i knoooow i'm so proud of it and i know i'll never be able to recreate the same yellowy soft background vibe the way i drew it there xD
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snakeeyesdraws · 1 year
Mutuals I Wanna Know Better, Tagged by @illdothehotvoice 💚💚💚
Last Song I listened to: Her (Loving You) - GLADES ; I love songs that have sad or relatable lyrics put over a very catchy beat haha, I've also been looping the original The Little Mermaid soundtrack a lot (Part of Your World is changing my life fr)
Currently Reading: I only just started it but I'm finally picking up Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi ; heard good things about so I'm excited to read it, esp since I've been meaning to get back into read physical books again! I really miss it, and I wanna get back into writing prose so gotta brush up on the reading skills again :]
Currently Watching: Just rewatched the 2023 Mario movie again, after rewatching the 1993 Mario movie last weekend! I enjoyed a lot of the new one, but also I'm here to spread 1993 Mario propaganda again. Please watch it, if you keep an open mind and accept that it's a very different take it is SO funny and entertaining!
Current Obsession: It's uh.. it's Super Mario JKSDAJKAKSD I can't help it I'm having so much fun with this franchise from drawing the characters and engaging with other people about it and watching the movies/playing the games. I love the funny Italian plumber brothers. I'm hoping to get back to playing Dream Team and finishing my own playthrough of it soon, and I'm always down for a round of Mario Party Superstars!
I'm gonna tag: @0mbry @richzardstudios and @mushtoons !! No pressure to fill this out though, only if you wanna! And if any other mutuals see this and wanna fill it out, you can say I tagged you! ^^
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fivefeetfangirl · 1 year
if you want to do something but scared to do it cause you have no one to do it with, just do it alone. its so worth it
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chuluoyi · 5 months
࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 02:33 P.M 」
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based on this video. this idea has been rotting in my brain for some while :') dad gojo will always have a soft spot in my heart <3
a part of gojo's love entries
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your baby’s first trip to aquarium was such a cute affair you were sure you wouldn’t forget anytime soon.
“waaa~” your baby’s eyes were gleaming with wonder as he gazed at the diverse array of colorful fishes above him, completely captivated by the view.
and your husband...
“aren’t they pretty, hmm?” satoru asked his adorable son with a grin, pecking his cheek and holding him snugly in the baby carrier against his chest, with a backpack of baby essentials strapped on his back.
he was the very vision of a domestic dad, and along with your son, who was dressed in a bear onesie, complete with two little ears, they made a really irresistible pair. even you couldn’t fault the crowd for staring at them.
“fwaa! waa~” your munchkin was squirming with joy, his tiny fingers stretching out towards the sight before him. satoru giggled, moving closer to the glass to give his baby a better view.
“look! that’s clownfish! and those wiggly flowers are anemone! and that is—”
he faltered at a fish passing in his view before deciding, “this— i don’t know, but it’s the clownfish’s friend!”
they are basically the same. your little boy and your husband, both of them clearly shared a brain cell as they happily pointed out different fishes.
“meh! hehe!” your baby babbled away, excited and incredibly happy in his father’s hold, and satoru too seemed to feel the same, as his eyes beyond that sunglasses crinkled.
“damn, my kid is so cute.”
suddenly he dived down and pretended to chew his pumpkin’s chubby cheeks, effectively making him squeal in glee.
and oh lord, the way your heart skipped a beat seeing that. it was so clear how much satoru adored your baby, and it made overwhelming warmth rush to your chest.
“he’s a good man,” an elderly lady beside you suddenly remarked, making you turn to her. “not many men do that for their kids.”
“he is…” you agreed with a shy smile.
“it’s a shame that you only have one baby,” the elderly man beside her—possibly her husband—added. “you’re still young and he is so good with them too.”
your heart swelled and would’ve already burst if it was possible. bashfully, you thanked the elderly pair as they went on their way.
and along the way, you received similar hushed comments and adoring looks—
“oh my! their baby is so cute!”
“how can such family exists?! the dad, mom, baby… all three of them are so good-looking!”
“such a hot dilf! can’t he divorce his wife and marry me instead? i’ll be his kid’s stepmother gladly!”
satoru pretended not to hear, but he clearly held back his laugh. you threw the school girl who carelessly blurted that a pointed look, making her scurry away.
and after the three of you were done walking around the aquarium, you stopped by the gift shop to get your baby his first fish pet.
your son suddenly became fussy, and satoru unclasped him from the carrier. “hmm? do you want mama?” he handed him over to you. “here, here~ mama wants to hold you too~”
as soon as your son was settled in your embrace, he giggled, and you couldn’t help but bounce him and coo. “do you have fun? you do, don’t you?”
it might not visible to others, but now satoru was staring at both of his reasons of being with literal stars in his eyes.
several years ago, he thought his life had stopped when his best friend negated his beliefs entirely, but you were there, holding his hand throughout it all. and then you married him— and then, you gave him a son to dote on.
you keep giving his life a new meaning. and he was thankful for that.
. . . meanwhile, you kept hearing whispers from a gaggle of girls in the next aisle, about how much of a dreamboat your husband in his blue shirt was and it was grating at your nerves so much that you pursed your lips into a total pout.
satoru thought you were the cutest, not even second to his baby, and he decided he wasn’t known for public decency anyway so he dived in and pecked your lips—dispelling any stray thoughts and making you flush in an instant.
and before you could rebuke him, he whispered in your ear:
“so... baby number two, when?”
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