#so much context that I cant explain because spoilers
tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
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Me about tmnt: solar flare
(I cant just say that Donnie violently rips Karai's entire arm off, shoulder blade included as a big shadow werewolf without explaining all the context behind that)
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tauforged · 2 months
Do you have any tips/tricks on getting into warframe? I want to play bc the designs look cool and I'm sure the story is just as interesting!
(It is completely OK to info-dump!)
OH BOY OH BOY!!!!!!!!
ive probably said it better before, but cant find the posts because this website has the worst search function known to all mankind -_- so i will give you some bullet points that will not be all inclusive and i invite anyone else who wants to chime in to do so!!
while the devs are definitely trying to streamline new player experience, the story is uh. a lot! the game has like, what, 11yrs worth of content behind it by now? there's a lot! depending on your playstyle and how you progress through the game, it might take you a while to really get into the meat of it -- or you might speedrun all the main storylines in like a month. there are lots of side quests and secondary objectives you can dick around with as much as you like, which some people find fun and some people find annoying. i liek it :) but it can definitely be a lot
there have been a lot of time limited events and hidden lore entries that make some things pretty inaccessible to new players. they seem to be trying to get better about this but its still not ideal. the wiki is not always right (afaik, theyre still hung up on whether or not albrecht and loid were ~canonically~ together, which is literally just blatantly textual) but it can be a good place to find summaries of shit you've missed out on. ive never watched a single one of those 'warframe lore explained' videos so i cannot vouch for any of their accuracy. i dont really pay attention to the subreddit or the official forums either, but those might have information too? idk
i personally find that some of the quests are thrown at you wayyyyy earlier than they should -- heart of deimos is one that i strongly believe should be way more lategame than it is, since it builds on a lot of stuff that you probably won't know by the time you get to it unless youve been paying veryvery close attention or have been going wiki spelunking. i wouldnt stress about it too much if something seems to make no fucking sense, though. most quests are replayable if you want to go back to something with fresh eyes or different context
i have probably already spoiled you on a lot of the lategame stuff and for that im sorry! lmao this isnt really a game where spoilers will ruin something per se, but since ive been playing the game since like 2013 i went into everything blind as it was released and i always had a huge blast when the game dropped a bombshell on us, so i try not to rob anyone of that experience if i can help it -- not a huge deal though depending on preference
there's a lot of grinding and farming. i personally dont find it overly tedious as there's a lot to do and it's easy to mix things up and take breaks, but for some people it's a huge turn off, so just a heads up i guess. you can technically bypass a lot of the grind by buying new frames or weapons off the market if you really want to spend your money on that, but there's some things that are locked behind a reputation grind and such. and honestly, you dont Need to spend money on anything but some cosmetics
trying to play through everything solo might be fun if you enjoy a challenge, but i personally find it to be unsustainable. you're going to want to find a decent sized clan and you're going to want to either find friends to play with or hit up the recruiting chat for backup.
you can make platinum pretty easy by farming prime parts or rare mods and other such tradeable things and selling them to other players. i dont bother with this because im bad at keeping up on video game economies and it never interested me. but it makes being a 100% f2p player a lot easier when you need to buy inventory slots and such
there are over 50 warframes and countless ways to mod each one, and an absurd amount of different weapons -- there isnt really any one playstyle thats 'better' than any other. i perosnally pay next to no attention to the meta outside of keeping in mind what damage types are effective against which enemies. some people really enjoy minmaxxing the hell out of their shit. you can kinda just do whatever
don't buy plat without having at least a 50% discount login bonus unless it is an absolute emergency. the discounts are random but ive found they happen often enough that i can just wait around for one to pop up and replenish if i'm low. or dont bother idk i cant tell you how to spend your money im not your dad
mute region chat for the sake of your own sanity. nobody in there is as funny as they think they are. moderation is better in there than it used to be but it's still a wasteland
the most important part of playing warframe is having fun and being yourself :)
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jam-packed · 17 days
i saw someone post abt the netflix show kaos (which is good u should watch it) and during my watch, i did subject my friend to who (in motogp) would best fit the characters in the show.
spoilers cus im gonna explain them within context and talk about the ending and my prayers for a season 2 :( and 3 actually but thats it.
going to separate this in groups of confident to 🤨🤨🤨 yk. anyways.
Set In Stone (to me):
zeus - TOTALLYYYY vale. eccentric bastards, but very entertaining, very likable in the beginning despite their wrongdoings. i feel like in a different world, vale would be wearing tracksuits around his big ass mansion but a guy has to find joy in dressing like a 15 yo boy so props ig (speaking of, i LOVEEE the wardrobe of this show. muy muy bueno to me.....) both have such an intense paranoia on how others receive them and their eternal impact on the world. its all about aging and their race to defy it, but they cant and that comes to be their downfall. regardless, theyre both crazy powerful and crazy in general they are like. the same guy.
poseidon - jorge lorenzo. in some inherent way. poseidon is jorge to me. theres the (for lack of a better term) jealously that poseidon has for zeus (in terms of hera) that jorge has w vale when it comes to personability/marketability. that, and the way poseidon acts is very jorge to me as well. the way he stands like hes in drag race. anyways, theres a nonchalance to poseidon's character and how he interacts with humans that makes me think, "yeah if jorge had this much power, he would act in this way."
hear me out here. hera - dani. not just because hera and poseidon are having an affair, mind you. but yes also mostly that. because im not knowledgeable about dani uh at all im going to base this on how ive seen him ride in the past. dani, to me, is an incredibly strong rider, hes very determined and sound in his efforts. but theres always someone stronger. and while that doesnt inherently mean he is fearful of them, i feel like within the context of the show, hed probably act in the same ways hera does despite how highly she considers herself. hera's a cunt in this and tbh dani is cunt to me with that crazy power i think hed be similar. also im not saying that dani sucks as a rider, its just. the vale/casey/jorge/marc of it all 😕 bad timing
prometheus - casey fuckin stoner, man. were casey and vale ever friends? idk im sure at points. they follow each other on instagram and casey loves to hate so idk. regardless, casey would be totally on board to help a cosmic plan to take down vale, would he kill his wife for it? real vale, no, zeus vale, its reaching towards the table. prometheus and stoner dont have the same humor, but theyre smart, they know how to act. even if casey isnt one for media, he can beat vale on a bike (ducatis on the straights omgggg). and prometheus and zeus are this weird battle of wits and intelligence. im not saying vale is stupid, im saying that he is blind to his insecurities and that can harm him in the same way it hurts zeus in this series.
marc has to have his own segment cus i could make arguments for 4 different characters. walk with me:
riddy/eurydice - stubborn, headstrong, cunt(y), defined moral code. riddy is such an interesting person within this show and i think marc is very similar to her in some respects. one of the main downsides though is the lack of codependency she has with literally anyone. shes not close to a lot of people, shes kinda isolated (from what i interpret, and idk if thats the fault of orpheus but for the sake of ease, lets say riddy does it herself), but she can connect with people easily. marc doesnt really do that. one, no álex, thats never gonna happen; two, he has a hard time being alone, their upbringings are incredibly different, which may have a major part to play in all of that, and that would kinda change who marc is (duh)---if he were alone all his life rather than surrounded by his closest friends and family, as he is now. so, if you want like. bezquez with a sour note, then yeah go marc eurydice, but idk its not my favorite. maybe luca or pecco (pecco is NOT riddy do not listen to me!!!!)
ari/ariadne - the brotherisms go crazy. very similar to riddy in that she is incredibly headstrong. she is not stubborn she is filled with guilt for something she didnt do my sweet lovely little pookiebear i should not be saying that whatever. so, ari's brother is the minotaur (shocker) and i think itd be interesting to explore marc's love for álex despite not knowing he's alive for YEARS (30 fucking years bro free my girl 😭😭😭). regardless, they are both smart, sympathetic to others, and get shit done when it needs to be. i think they match up as people pretty well, but we once again run into the issue of isolation and relationships throughout upbringing. ari does have some very close relationships as we see in the show (for a few episodes and then never again. ok.) like her father and her bodyguard. is that enough? idk maybe. makes me think abt santi........who will come up later actually. all to say, i think theyd make similar decisions to each other, i think marc if put in this story would be ari to an s (close enough, is my joke). anyways, marc is a good ari if you want a calm, semi-levelheaded marc (who kills someone) who will very likely end up with dionysus. but off the dome idk who dionysus could be. hm.
dionysus - he was my favorite in the show im sorry i want my faves to be each other. dionysus is such a character, hes so guy, i need him to get his cat back. ok, so dionysus is the son of zeus and he wants more responsibility/power---upsettingly, because of how marc is as a rider, i think this is why he ISNT dionysus. dionysus is a character that has to grow into himself (by learning about love ❤️) by killing his dad. haha i joke. but cmon. anyways in the context of dionysus's original goal, ehhhh not marc. but dionysus has this (again for lack of a better term) eccentricity that reminds me of marc. they have larger than life qualities but theyre quite mellow outside of that, they want people to be happy, they want love to prevail, if dennis was shiva he would do the exact same things dionysus does with that cat (carry it everywhere). theres a distance dionysus has with humanity that he loses over the course of the series, and i think thats interesting in marc's case cus once again NOT MARC!!! marc, from accounts that arent him (livio suppo is the only name in my mind rn) say that marc is very like. stable. hes a good kid, he doesnt let fame get to him (or at least how he treats others cus wtf is his house), and dionysus's arc is about connecting w humanity and i dont think marc would really have that problem. yes this was a waste of time yes it was just me convincing myself marc cannot logically be dionysus. this is my post man lemme do what i want :(
persephone - a lot of girls here. wonder what that says about how i view marc. womp womp idgaf. so, persephone is queen of the underworld, wife to hades. she LOVES hades and if we're thinking about old men and the young(ish) people that love them. santi. dovi. persephone is not one to lay down and take it, but hades is so gives me smth to play w in terms of who im going to make not a (I HAVE NO BETTER TERMS) pussy. persephone also loves love, she wants to help the gods because she wants to help her husband but she knows that isnt possible with what the gods (ZEUS COUGH COUGH) are asking them to do, so she defies them, she lies to them, she cares for her husband, she feels sympathy for dionysus and helps him to realize zeus is a lying bastard cunt. with great hair. marc to me. again, like ari, he seems the guy to put his money where his mouth he, he WILL do whats best for people cus he knows they deserve it, he wants to help, he will repay kindness, he doesnt forget (dionysus argument actually. repaying kindness this but i digress).
ares - ares literally isnt in the show yet. he got a technical mention in the last moments of the last episode but like idk......based on my knowledge of motogp and greek mythology and also his name is marc i think itd be cool.........put my man in the show give him a sword let him go ham let him kill god vale pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pl
marc my beautiful enigma u cannot be placed. except i think ari is your best bet at accuracy. especially if we're talking human strength and determination, ari n marc brother.
semi confident but could consider others
orpheus - marco bezzecchi. in my heart of hearts, as much as i love bez, he would probably act like orpheus. omggg hes so in love, he WOULD journey to the underworld but also hes a little evil hes a cunt hes a bastard hes cringefail but hes winning. except not really at all. orpheus has this tendency to. self-pity is my best assumption at a word. very whiny man. to me. cus i didnt really feel bad for him throughout the show. anyways, bez does have that intense loyalty that orpheus has, i do think he would do what orpheus does. bez is also kinda a cunt sometimes and i think he would say and do the twat things that orpheus does as well. the hardest part abt bezpheus is like. whos gonna fall out of love with him. you got a lot of options but they all kinda dont make sense yk? pecco just doesnt make sense w the character, cele does make sense he just probably wouldnt fall out of love or be in love in the first place, luca is also an option. luca marini my cringefail bestfriend who is famous and good at sports and doesnt know me, actually yea its luca. honda move, its luca.
riddy (again) - luca. it needs its own section ok i feel like i need to explain myself. luca, currently, looks like he wants to explode and die, he wants out of his fuckass brother's shadow (i dont hate vale im just full of vitriol) and if we transfer those feelings to loveless marriage, do we see how being hit by a truck and shipped off to the underworld and choosing to go to honda (I LIKE HONDA OK IM SORRY) are similar. did riddy choose to die? no its fate she doesnt really have a choice, but grand scheme of things did luca have a choice? idk, talk it up with a philosopher. im a math major, i could care less (lying).
caeneus (i think?) - álex. i think they look similar. i see caeneus and i go omg its álex márquez 2 time world champ in motorsports brother of marc márquez. also theres this weird like almost timidness that caeneus has that i feel is very similar to how álex acts and talks. hes kinda, and this is going to sound so mean to álex, average. however, he is meant for something more, he is more than the surface level by a long shot. and i think thats true for álex as well. caeneus is also very truthful, hes going to get mad at you, if he doesnt wanna tell you shit he wont but hes not gonna walk around it idly, and álex is a marc lie detector so. theres that. again, some downsides, no codependency brothers wth. anyways luca álex ship name. lucquez. aluca. lucalex. rosquez 2 less evil edition. this is so hard cus of fuckin marc bro free me.
not super confident but sure id consider it
dionysus - pecco. vale son, the favorite at some moments, biffs it at others. i dont think pecco has a problem with loving others in the way that dionysus does (aro dionysus slay) but i think theres mentalities that they both have (given by their respective parental figures) that hinder them in similar ways. pecco does not have dionysus's early personality. pecco is very calm, very controlled, (very mindful very demure) but he can also fight with someone after they crash into him, hes not gonna take everything lightly. idk if hes quick to forgive, nor do i know if hes privy to stew in his feelings. one of the primary relationships (thats explored in the show) dionysus has is with zeus. he visits zeus (the only child to do so), he gives zeus gifts (that get rejected), he steals from him (lmao), he defies him (yayy), he gets punished for defying him (NOO FUCK). turbo as dennis ough the thought brings me anguish. anyways, i think with dionysus being a sort of foil to zeus it works with pecco being a foil to vale. evil vale would say flopnaia is a disappointment tho. anyways, if flopnaia were dionysus, hed probably be feeling and doing and saying the same things as d is in the show. would he be as sexually promiscuous? probably not so yk. confidence low. but woah omg very likely marcnaia what a trip.
i dont wanna write an explanation cus this is getting too long but bez could also be considered for dionysus. literally any vr46 boy could lbr.
and tbh anyone else in the cast would confuse the shit outta me i dont know enough people in motogp in that way. i barely know the ones im talking about 😭😭😭 anyways pls diregard everything i said because it makes no sense to try to put people in the correct slots of other media, just write based on the person, not the character you want to portray, thats what makes them interesting, its what allows for different stories and outcomes. all to say i did this for nothing ❤️
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getinthefuckingjaeger · 5 months
hello tumblr user getinthefuckingjaeger do you have any more thoughts on your wizard!bucky au? personally think that bucky would be really good at quidditich and the first time he puts buck on a broom, bucks shit scared but like he really cant explain how light his heart is when he sees bucky smile as they whiz through the air :D
hope ur having a good dayy :)
Hi there <3
Oooh this one is a fun ask. I suppose in the context of my Scamander AU, Buck would be a muggle/no maj - which means putting him on a broom will absolute scare the shit out of him because "John Clarence Egan this is not like flying a B-17 and you know it - no, no don't you even think about speeding JOHN."
In that verse, Bucky is absolute a start quidditch player for Hufflepuffs. I tossed around ideas on what position he would play and have settled on a beater - he would be fast, strategic, ruthless, and knows how to control the flow of the game by where the aims the bludger. This also means that he has a lot of bludger related injuries and have spent a lot of time in the hospital wing, much to Theseus' amusement. Theseus isn't all that worried at all - Quidditch is as quidditch does. He does, however, try to watch all of Bucky's games - likes to use Bucky's games as an excuse to drag out Newt to civilization, in fact. They make the most embarassing banners for him and really, Bucky's never seen Newt and Theseus yell that much before. The day that Bucky got his Quidditch Captain's armband in the mail during that summer before 7th year was the proudest day of Theseus' life. Newt thinks his brother might have cried a little.
BUT back to Gale. Maybe once everything is said and done, and the wars on both fronts have come to an end and Bucky manages to convince Gale to visit the Scamander estate (or rather, Gale and Theseus conspired to bring Bucky back to the Scamander estate - these two do not always see eye to eye when it comes to taking care of Bucky, but at least they can agree that Bucky misses the estate and the freedom), the Scamander boys can introduce Gale to flying on brooms.
Curt is there because I said so and in this verse [spoiler LMAO I SWEAR I'LL POST THAT OTHER THING AT SOME POINT] and he just says , "Either get on the broom or they'll introduce you to one of them hippogriffs, Cleven."
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suffarustuffaru · 9 months
Im not updated on rz, is otto doing some roswaal level of bullshittery?
HI ANON the answer is yes and no.
yes as in: otto himself parallels roswaal!!! they are both morally dubious. and good at manipulating situations. and also otto is a little. Possessive and A Bit Weird about his friends hah. to the point where ROSWAAL gets concerned. sorry otto youre one of the most pathetic men ive ever seen :<<<
no as in: otto is Not at roswaal levels of bullshittery because hes cringe fail and keeps being. Stopped. for some of it. :<< but hes still doing Bullshittery. absolutely. and ottos still like Above Average Intelligence even if hes not 100% on the same level as roswaal. and ottos good at um. Lying. and Manipulation. i'll give him that. and hes not someone to be messed with for sure.
and also i see people on rezero reddit sometimes get confused and attribute a little too much credit to his motivations being Pure Malice or people think otto is just Soft and Nice 24/7 and yeah. yeah these can be/are traits of his. but they are Both part of him okay you cant have one without the other :<<< hes like if you combined roswaal and subaru's character traits together!!!
anyway - my unhinged rant aside. if you would like a quick read + want to catch up but would like something shorter to read and youre still interested in Whatever The Hell is going on with otto i would like to recommend reading the side stories otto's bittersweet peddling trade log and the summary for the sequel to that (tsuchigumo / three idiots set out! earth spider episode). otto's trade log takes place before otto even meets subaru and tsuchigumo takes place post-arc 4 (so no spoilers for later arcs!!). these stories also help explain a Lot of ottos thought process and it adds more context to his later arc stuff!!
yeah so hope that explains things anon :O !!! without any more major spoilers lajdflsd. and also i dont know how caught up you are with rezero anon HAH so uhh sorry if you knew some of this already :o !!
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achoshistor · 1 year
[totk] alternate dimension???
HAHA ok i simply can't go without writing this down but this time i will try my best to omit all spelling errors to preserve readability... tbh i wouldnt read this if you havent finished the geoglyphs
ok im gonna be honest i've only finished botw and totk so this is gonna be moreso why the alternate timeline from botw is plausible in comparison to the actual placement of the timeline bc thats too much thinking and its been like a million bajillion years since i read the historia.
ok so firstly zelda doing different things in the past is def why the line would have changed from botw to totk but why was zelda the one who went back in time?? In botw the divine beasts are literally analogous to the current sages which is basically
vah rudania/daruk = yunobo
vah naboris/urbosa = riju
vah ruta/mipha = sidon
vah medoh/revali = tulin
that covers all four but what about link?? link gets his own divine beast (master cycle) too so why is zelda the sage and not link?? besides i heard this mentioned somewhere else (i forgot where) but link has the ability to literally slow down time when hes drawing his bow or looking through the scope and he can pause time with the menu but idk if thats actually canon LOL. either way link can also control time like zelda. But speaking of divine beasts the 4 helms can be found in totk as well but the item descriptions call them zonai while the general look of the pieces is clearly sheikha which is weird cuz whaaaat?? also idk maybe nintendo just wanted a way to explain amiibo gear but this just suggests that the divine beasts themsleves are also zonai of some sort. Ik people are saying they dont mention the divine beasts at all but impa and i think like one or two other npcs mention them meaning they are still here but zonai somehow which doesnt make sense in the context of botw.
also aside from the divine beasts theres some other things of note too: firstly, your house in hateno which zelda STOLE 😭😭liek man i paid good money for that sign... 3000 rs.... this is p minor but why would she just take the sign away unless it wasnt already there?? I mean ok maybe link wanted to live with her
[zora arc spoilers]
anyways point two about yona... tbh i thought she was ganondorfs spy or something at first because she came out of nowhere... im assuming she's muzu's daughter but we saw no sign at all of her in botw... maybe the devs hated sidlink that much lolol. In all seriousness tbh her appearance does seem to point to a shift in the events of 100 years ago unless she's not from hyrule which seems unlikley seeing that sidon grew up in zora's domain according to the botw dlc.
[zora spoilers over]
ok last thing... the bottomless swamp is gone!!
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like whaaat theres a pond there now
I'm like 99% sure this is just because they needed a body of water that you can drop into safely but its also the only pond on ground thats actually got the lily pads from the sky in it which is interesting. I don't think they added any other new bodies of water aside from this though. Lorewise though it makes no sense at all that they removed that whole giant skeleton from here in a few years and even if they did iirc the ground around it was crackly and dry. Lanaryu/Zorana used to all be a desert and they said it took hundreds of years for it to become fertile so its kind of nonsensical that this area would only take a little while...
overall i think this is probably just nintendo trying to make it so that totk can be standalone but man it cant be that hard to write coherent lore
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acredb · 1 year
you guys are cool
*gives you my everhood au ideas*
spoilers for after arm getting so its after the cut
its very long i apologise
context: at this point, reds killed the forest spirit, the mushrooms, slim jim shroom (the sprunkel fight), the maze monster and gold pig
(this is literally just bc during a playthrough when i got to this point i figured "...yeah, this would hurt them mentally." so i MADE it hurt ;3 ) (they killed gold pig out of spite, they were the only person red WANTED to kill not counting maze monster)
they couldnt bring themself to kill their friends so they quit. they didnt let the lost spirits know that they were quitting the murder rampage, they just did. ofc the lost spirits weren't happy about this, so they started to 'punish' red for this. they appeared in their dreams, *fucked up* their dreams, and every so often one of them would appear and just...lecture them, using their mental state against them, so this hurt
nobody alive knows about them, not even blue
reds become a lot more protective, meaning theyll get mega pissed if someone hurts blue, green learned the hard way (they decided to prank red into thinking theyd killed blue (dumbass) and red almost killed them they were so upset)
a few weeks? go by and red decides theyve had enough of constantly fearing that they'll hurt their friends so they decide 'What's the point of keeping this stupid arm if all it does is hurt people?' and casually drop it into the incinerator where it burns to a crisp
the lost spirits did NOT like that.
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(zoom in to read details but im explaining it more so uh) the lost souls got a lot more direct in how they were making red regret this. they appeared in their dreams *every night* instead of just when they felt like, and warped them more and more until red would wake up terrified
the spirits started following them everywhere, always just out of sight. every time red's seperate from the rest of the group, they appear, multiple at once.
this ended up driving red mad, and they go bezerk, running away into the Peaceful Forest (peaceful my ass) because theyre so afraid to hurt their friends now that theyre not taking any chances
because theyre so unstable they act like a scared animal, if they cant run theyll attack. literally the only person they wont try to hurt is blue, because even in their madness they know they care about them too much to hurt them
after a month and couple weeks of looking for them, rasta beast finds them in the forest eventually, very much scuffed. red does the whole regular run away thing, until they get cornered. a small (physical, not dance) fight breaks down, rasta fighting back in self defense, until they manage to knock some sense into red. for the first time in a while, red's comforted
this does nothing for their fractured mind, but it gives rasta beast a *little* more protection, because they can snap red out of it for even just a couple minutes
rasta beast goes back and tells the others (everyone hangs around prof.orange's lab cause protection) and prof.orange wants to get red into the lab maybe to study them or something so he sends green and purple mages to get them cause theyre magical and shit
after a mad goose chase the two lose red, but green finds some gnomes (the psychadelic ones) and asks them to get red high out of their mind so they and purple can bring them to orange
(little about the gnomes in this au, they can emmit pheromones that stimulate the mind like weed does because there is NO WAY red wasnt high for 'you want gnomes'. also whenever red is high theyre too overwhelmed to do anything so they eventually just flop over and see god until it wears off, which is why green got the gnomes)
it works and now purple and green are bickering about the morality of the drugging while dragging a practically passed out red to the lab
(ive come up with everything until this point, ill make a part 2 whenever i add to this)
(oh yeah and i forgot to mention but prof.orange has a machine and using it seperated pink and red so the vessel is sentient and the soul lives, orange also made a machine that translates some of red' thoughts into audible sound, they were so fucking happy when they heard their voice they cried)
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fictionfixations · 7 months
aphmau and other mcyt (mostly aphmau tho)
uh. warning for cursing?? and spoilers probably
i was going through my playlist and stumbled on aphmau songs (or well songs i associated with her? The Last of the Real Ones although I think it's a fan thing, Way Way Back?, Cause You're The One, Be With You, I Am Falling For You ?, Faster Car..) and HOLY SHIT im going through memory lane now wtf
it used to be so cringy i cant (lMFAOO there was like alpha werewolves… and like-- so much more that im not sure how to explain LMFAOOO?????)
anyway remember that time incest happened??? im pretty sure ein (who mind controlled aph) was like a half brother or something. but mind controlled her into loving him, and like attacking aaron theres a whole host of other problems with it anyway
and then something something happened- OH MY GOD remember WHEN ANGELS FALL??? WAF. or something like that. I DONT REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED, THE CONTEXT? i know aphmau learned healing for his scars that she like caused him (i think she pushed him off a cliff and later? stabbed him LMFAO) BUT LIKE. THEY WERE BEING HUNTED DOWN. ??? i honestly only remember that masquerade episode. and all i remember is that it happened. i think people died.. and there was the forbidden. potion. i cant remember the name. forever..? something? it gave them green eyes either that or they were mind controlled by some other way but there was sad moment Also i think kawaii chan almost died. or maybe it was zane?? i havent even thought about it in years omg
i dont know if shes doing anymore series. and i think id honestly cringe if i tried watching cause its all kids content anyway. last i checked she was like 'people waiting for a series, it'll happen soon' or something something (maybe im making it up but i think she mightve said something about minecraft diaries??). except there were like controversies where i think she fired a bunch of people. and other stuff? idk i dont pay attention to that stuff youre better off searching for it yourself
actually oh my god talking about mcyt controversies. popularmmos?? hello?? (it feels like everyone i used to watch turns out to be not so great or something)
i still dont know if it was real or not. jen (the wife?) refuted it
but i think i heard somewhere they got divorced?? i dont know man im so confused. and i mean i wouldnt watch him now (i was just obsessed with those lucky block videos iirc) but it still really sucks??
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Anyway series I've watched from her (I might've missed some because I didn't remember? Or maybe there was a period I stopped watching and then came back, and thus missed some):
Angelsville I think tho idk if that counts since it was apparently a survival series (I'm looking at the wiki)
MyStreet: Aphmau's Year
Diaries Rebirth
Dreams of Estorra
Harvest Valley
Heart Point
Mermaid Tales
Meteora Valley I think?
Minecraft Diaries (S1-S3) (i remember once an episode was posted with the same thumbnail and name or something as the last hehe)
My Inner Demons
MyCraft I think.
MyStreet (below are the rest of the mystreet seasons. 6 seasons)
Love-Love Paradise
Lover's Lane
Emerald Secret
When Angels Fall
(ANYWAY prequels to mystreet now--) Phoenix Drop High S1-S2 I don't remember watching Graduation Days. or Falcon Claw University, but some of the thumbnails look familiar..?? I think I watched Phoenix Drop Days..
The Bigger Move (side story. if I saw The Big Move, idk)
MyStreet Holiday Special
New Years Party
Aaron's Ticket
MyStreet: Her Wish
A Woof's Tale (pdh side mini-series)
MyStreet Upsidedown? Maybe i didn't see it, maybe I did, but the outfit I recognize
Phoenix Drop High (S1-S2)
Ultra Nova
woo man thats a lot. even if i get rid of the ones im unsure of its still.. a lot. blink blink
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itsmewahoo · 1 year
Top 5 moments or scenes in Scarlet Hollow?
theres so many good scenes in the game but i also have terrible memory so im probably forgetting some stuff lol. i'll add a 'read more' since some of my favs are heavy spoilers
Finding Stella at the end of Ep. 4 (specifically with Tabitha)- I think if you already follow me you already know that I love Stella and Tabitha lol. But I think this was the first time I actually teared up playing this game. Seeing Stella just break down and talk about her parents and the accident broke my heart. And it's even more heartbreaking when Tabitha is there. I honestly have a hard time explaining why I love this scene so much but god it made me so emotional. Also being able to have Tabitha and Stella mend their relationship is the cherry on top. I'm not even talking about romantically either. Platonic or romantic I just want these two to be happy and know that they aren't alone.
Mystical monologue when you meet Wayne for the first time- You see Wayne welcoming you back and the game says, 'You're back where you belong.' It's so chilling and ominous I love it! And it sets the tone really well for the whole game and a mystical playthrough.
Finding out about the whole mind controlling tea and how the traits react to Sybil- I was already suspicious of Sybil. I knew she was keeping secrets but when I found out that her tea basically made us an unreliable narrator I freaked out. I also just really like how the traits act when under its influence. Like how Hot thinks Sybil is a nice old lady because they give her tea. Or how Keen Eye MC thinks they would just be getting in the way of Kaneeka and that Sybil is just looking out for her. But Mystical seems to be the only one that knows something is off! Its so good! I love the unreliable narrator trope a lot when its done really well! We cant even trust our own MC sometimes. Sybil is shady.
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(4.) The Haunting- The whole sequence of the haunting and finding out about Charlie and Edwardine was just a surreal trip. The sound design and art direction was just *chef's kiss*. And I love how the vibe is totally different when you invite Tabitha to the ghost hunt or not. And I also like how you can even miss out on some spooky context if you invite Avery or not and the whole Entity dialogue.
(5.) Dustin- The little mans! I love him and I am glad I had Talk to Animals as my first trait! He is a good boy. Just talking to him and Dustin Mom is such a delight. I hope he doesnt die!
Honorable mention:
Tabitha's hangout. I feel like it's such a cop out answer when I say that her hangout is my fav since she's also my fav character lol. But I just love how multifaceted she is. She has so many layers and she has obvious flaws. She has this whole generational trauma that basically warped her whole way of living. I want to know more about her. Her whole hangout just made me fall in love with her character. I love characters like her and I love the level of care and thought they put into her personality, ideals, morals and worries. I'd talk more about Tabitha but I would just go on forever.
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actualbird · 2 years
observations on the boys' personal story 3s part 1: vyn, luke, and opposite methods resulting in a similar consequence
[obligatory disclaimer that these r just my own thoughts and interpretations. spoilers for perso story 3 and some cards here and there too]
so ive been percolating thoughts in my brain bout the perso story 3s and it's fascinating to me how some of the boys' stories are acting as two sides of a similar coin or linking directly with similarities despite being so so different at first glance. currently, im still not done with marius' but ive already put together some thoughts about vyn and luke, so i'll go thru this first:
vyn and luke are doing opposite "methods" irt how theyre treating mc. ive seen a few other people talk about this and YES, THANK GOD because this was the first thing i picked up on after finishing vyn and luke's personal story 3s.
vyn wants to expose mc to the darkness of the world, and luke (albeit indirectly and not much a focus in his personal story but still apparent in like, literally everything else hes ever done) wants to shield and protect mc from the darkness of the world.
but while these seem to be opposites, theres a p clear link still between what theyre doing
vyn richter: controlled exposure
vyn's rationale for his exposure is clearly explained in the flashback of the very last bit of his perso story 3, in his monolog about eagles teaching their young how to fly.
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(pictured: vyn making the knife cat expression. oh and also the metaphor)
and like, while this is a KINDA INTENSE WAY TO WORD IT, LOL (part of me thinks that this was vyn tryna one up cap morgan in this scene by wholly unsettling him. TACTICS!) this completely tracks. like, Yeah, experience leads to growth and in a world as complex and fucked up as the world is, exposure to the ugly and scary and whatnot helps one learn and become stronger.
however, i think it's key to note the context of the eagle monolog. this whole bit happens cuz captain "third wheel" morgan criticizes not just vyn's choice to allow mc to talk with uhhhh whatshisname, the PUA poet guy who looks like nearly every dude i saw in the fine arts department of my college. morgan also criticizes vyn's choice to keep mc in the dark.
morgan and vyn hatched this plan together, and for a while, mc was missing parts of the story and chunks of information. vyn wants to expose her to the evils of the world for her growth, yes, but he also does so in a controlled manner where he held more of the cards and set up more of the situations.
it's exposure but it's controlled by the strings vyn is pulling.
let me now pivot to luke.
luke pearce: controlled protection
luke's personal story 3 indirectly tackles his desire to protect mc. at this point, hes still keeping his illness a secret and also works hilariously hard keeping sphynx's true identity away from her. this is luke still protecting mc from certain darknesses (i.e. his illness, aaron who would also link to his illness)
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(pictured: luke pearce digging an even deeper hole for himself)
but outside of his perso story 3, the protection shtick is apparent as hell.
main story 5.1 and the whole NOOOO, LEAVE THE NXX TEAM, IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!! lost gold and the whole nOOO, I DONT WANT U TO SEE MY MURDER SIDE!! smaller moments here and there where luke employs a well-meaning but ultimately condescending kind of chivalry: sott and the whole TOMB EXPLORING IS DANGEROUS TOUGH WORK, LET ME DO IT. him doing 90% of the work in SR Timely Rescue and making mc feel like crud, him being overprotective in SSR Iridescent Heartbeat and making mc pissed. YOU GET MY POINT.
overprotection leads to controlling another person's actions. this is what they can and cant do, what they can and cant know, etc.
like listen, im a luke stan, and to me, this is one of his most apparent and interesting character flaws: he wants to protect so much to the point that he ends up disregarding mc's feelings and right to make her own choices.
putting things together: exposure and protection act as opposites, but both vyn and luke are controlling whats happening
looking at vyn and luke together shows that theyre not as different as theyd first seem: vyn goes the route of exposing mc to world's bad parts but it's an exposure hes still ultimately in control of. luke goes the route of protecting mc from the world's bad parts in a way that, whether intentional or not, attempts to control her actions.
both of them are doing what theyre doing out of love. they want mc safe. vyn sees her safety as something that will grow along with her skills and potential due to the exposure and while that happens, he'll play protector at the sidelines, ready to swoop in should she ever be in danger. luke sees mc's safety as something that can persist so long as he acts as a shield from all dangers, be it situations or cases or information he doesnt want her to know.
vyn and luke are employing these opposite methods out of the same motivation: love for mc
yet these opposite methods also results in a similar consequence: removing mc's agency to a certain extent.
i'd like to see this tackled as the stories progress. luke said in his perso story 3 that he doesnt wanna lie anymore, but hes....still lying a lot sdkfhsd. at least theres awareness now! baby steps!!
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meanwhile vyn's story hinted at his method maybe failing in the future, with darius' warning to him that vyn wont be able to control everything in the world, even vyn has limitations.
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at some point, the control both of them are exhibiting is gonna fall through and things will come to light
then mc will see whats been hidden from her, and from there, she the choices she makes are truly unimpeded and wholly hers.
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artisticgreaser · 2 years
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Okay so I do have a certain habit of creating mutiple sketches and never finishing them so I decided to post them and add some context as well because why not?
1. This drawing is just a ship art from the cartoon pilot of 3 Dog Band which was a pilot that submited along with some other pilots on a contest to see which one would make it to a show and Regular Show won. I did watch Regular Show but I was unaware there was a competition with also other pilots and that 3 Dog Band even existed, I rrally like the concept and my favorite is the german blonde dog seen in my ship art with a random fox lady that was present dancing in the pilot. The pilot is avaliable on youtube too for those more curious:
This is another ship art this time from french comics named "Les Nombrils"(The Bellybuttons in english)which is about 3 friends and their dramas Jenny,Vicky and Karine. Its really good to read and I have read it online and love it, and this girl in blue Vicky is in love with the goth girl that her parents forbid her to be with because they are homophobic. If u want to really undersand anything that I just said the better to do is to read the actual comics:
I have also wanted to read another french comic but so far I cant see to find "Le blog de Tamara" anywhere online in english so, guess Ill have to wait.
Not much to explain, I created a SU gem called "moonstone"the basic backstory about gems that live on the moon completly unaware of human life, they also seem to be directly created by moon dust and rocks. However, they are not happy about the regime in the gem empire and decided to stay hidden on the moon.
A sketch about 2 of my OCs that I lost inspiration to continue, they were dacing,they ar a sheep who is a singer named Hilda and a mean wolf called Arthur who is a mafia boss and rules over the city(this takes places in the 50-60s). Hilda is requested to sing at a night bar in visit of Arthur who is considered someone really important and dangerous, so Hilda is forced to sing and Arthur begans to have interest in her and later fall in love with her.
(Not gonna give up spoilers about the full story but there is a plot twist in it)
I like Euphoria and Metal family and once I saw the actor of Cassie doing a photoshoot to Paper Magazine I could only think of Lydia so I decided to draw Lydia as her. They look realy alike.
This might sound immature but when I was little I used to watch a lot o LPS and even own some (I used to own 50 to 60 LPS but ater gave them away as I grew up), and recently rewatched the whole LPS Popular series and still liked it.I was suppose to make Savannah and Brooklyn as human in their prom outfits(I also ran out of inspiration on this one after finding out theres a massive cliffhanger and the series were left unfinished 3 years ago and to this day theres not much information about it continuing ever again so.)
I really like Pickles,especially the fem version made by @mtllica (I love their art) and all they make about Pickles HCs and AUs is perfect <3 inclusing their octopus/demon versions of Pickles liKE PLEASE-
Just a silly sketch of my character sleeping :)
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chromes-corner · 3 years
New Story Update: Some Predictive and Assorted Thoughts
hi ive had so many big thinks about the update coming on thursday so heres whats been going through my head regarding some predictions and hopes (mostly about choco and cacao so if thats your cup of tea come drink this up)
this is a super long post and there are some very minor spoilers (just stuff on affogato) under the cut so fair warning
design and aesthetic
ok im just gonna say it the art/design team put their whole cookussy into the direction and style of the environment/aesthetic. like maybe its just because im a slut for lonely castles (which is why i loved the vanilla kingdom location so much) but holy fuck dude the design of the cacao castle really scratches an itch in my brain. i just fucking. adore everything about the art from what we seen and im fully expecting to be blown away by the final product upon release. i am screaming. i am crying. dont even get me started on what i assume to be the title screen thats been floating around the internet because holy fuck. the composition. THE COMPOSITION. i am such a WHORE for composition theory and it gives me so many vibes i cant even explain. oh the themes of life and death and how they intertwine and compliment each other and how you cant have one without the other and i am. a nerd for this shit. okay so basically in conclusion i will kiss everyone in the devsis art department.
affogato cookie
YESSS BITCH BE EVIL!!!!! IM SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR HIM TO FUCK SHIT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need him to interact with the other CoD. please god please please please. i want him to be so evil and fucked up he gives pom a run for her money. oh manipulative advisor of the king my beloved. i want him to do some evil shit and be completely unapologetic about it. i want to hate him so bad. i want him to be totally aware that hes a hottest guy in this bitch and to flaunt it. god. please.
caramel arrow cookie
ok so there hasnt been a ton of leaks or info surrounding caramel arrow, and im assuming theyll actually be released later into the season (maybe with an episode 14? who knows) but tbh im kinda looking forward to see what part they play, ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY WERE THE MYSTERY COOKIE IN CHOCOS FLASHBACK???? like holy fuck im so interested in that and who they are in relation to the royal family. from what im seeing it looks like theyd have a captain of the royal guard type of deal?? like a sworn protector thatll probably be the antithesis of affogato?? idk whatever the deal i hope they dont get sidelined because i really want to know whats up with them.
the licorice sea
for those who dont know, according to the artbook, the “licorice sea” is apparently a big threat to the kingdom, but the choco wall kinda keeps it at bay. recently the crk twitter posted this
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which is more than likely the aforementioned licorice sea. so my thoughts on this is that. it goes hard. like what the actual hell is going on here i want to know so bad. will licorice have anything to do with this. i think thatd be cool as fuck. like he rolls into the kingdom and hes like “yeah i choose fucked up necromancy today.” idk not a lot of thoughts on this but im very curious indeed yes.
alright, heres the big part of my thoughts and hopes, so buckle in if youre willing to give this a read.
obviously, a big part of this update (or, what im hoping, anyway) is an exploration of choco and cacaos relationship both in the past and as it stands now. i know theres a chance for the narrative to completely disregard this in favor of focusing more on a “present problem” narrative, that being whatever the hell is going on with the licorice sea and the problem of affogato cookie, but i digress. i think i speak for the whole of the fanbase when i say that we desperately want a closer inspection on the royal family and how it plays into the story and the characters.
so, in the art book, the dark cacao denizens are described as follows:
"Harsh climate doesn’t make for a developed sense of humor. What the Dark Cacao Cookies genuinely excel at is combat. From a young age they learn weapons or martial arts. When the time comes, an apprentice finally receives a sword to defeat a wolf on their own and complete the coming of age ritual. and although the Cookie was allowed sweet cocoa or delicate milk chocolate, it is only bitter food from this point on. The Dark Cacao consider bitter food a constant reminder of perils and death. As a result the Cookies are not afraid of crumbling, but rather despise dishonorable living."
"Having to cope with dangerous beasts and a harsh climate that makes farming extremely hard, all Cookies of the Dark Cacao Kingdom undergo rigorous combat training from a young age. With peril always lurking nearby, the locals tend to cultivate asceticism and abstain from pleasures."
keep this in mind as you read, as my thoughts stem from these cultural lore tidbits.
i just want to point out that the art book directly mentions “asceticism,” which, for those who dont know, is a form of not partaking in pleasures. the thing that really makes me curious, however, is that the word is specifically about sexual/sensual pleasures. i have exactly two thoughts on this:
1. are you telling me the cookies have sex
2. so like is it a shunned thing to have children?? assuming the cookies do, in fact, reproduce sexually??????????????????
(also i highly doubt there is sexual reproduction in this universe but that is a topic for a whole other post that i will one day write. mark my words.)
so theres been an image from the art book floating around for quite some time:
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and many are hoping to finally receive some context for it. here are my thoughts on it: dark cacao was not a traditionally “loving” father. thats not to say that he was ab//sive, just that he was more than likely emotionally absent, if we are to believe he upheld the commonplace behavior of a dc citizen as described in the art book. 
so honor is a big thing in this society, and, according to the art book, death is literally preferable to living in dishonor. so, some thoughts (take a shot every time i say thoughts) and headcanons that will probably be obliterated once this update rolls out:
dark choco did not excel as a child. he wasnt a “failure” by any means, though. he was perfectly average in his studies and activities, but average doesnt cut it for the kings son. while already dismissive of the prince with his kingly duties, cacao only grew colder towards his son when he couldnt live up to his wild standards. young dark choco, seeking out the love and nuturing from his father, only received a cold, emotional barricade.
so he trained. and he trained. and he trained. dark choco was never seen without a sword or bow in his hand. he won tournaments. rescued villages. vanquished threats. the citizens loved him; saw him as a great hero. cacao did not see that. his son had yet to prove himself worthy of his title. no matter what choco did, nothing pleased his father. he eventually rebelled against his father, so set in his ways, claiming change was what they needed. cacao dismissed him as immature and not knowing what he was talking about. so one day he set out on a self-imposed journey to finally prove that he was a hero. a sword of great power lay somewhere. a sword that would give choco the edge he needed. i think you can figure out what happens from here.
choco and cacao: the line in the sand
as pessimistic as i can be (see my prediction bingo) i do believe the royal family will come to a clash in this story. and boy. they can either make this amazing or completely fuck this up. there is no in between. heres what i think both outcomes would be:
a lukewarm reconciliation is exactly how you fuck this up. i will be real here:
dark choco should not be redeemed here.
yeah, i said it. but, do take note about how i said he shouldnt be redeemed here. i wouldnt mind seeing a redemption for him. eventually. just not quite in this arc. you see, this is a great place to begin the redemption. to sow those seeds of doubt into chocos head that maybe, just maybe, his path is not a linear one. a rushed redemption is poor writing and not satisfying at all, especially for a character like choco. he seems the type to strictly convince himself that the world is black and white and that you are either one or the other. he needs to start seeing those shades that fall in between, but slowly through his arc. all it would take is a bit of apologetic dialogue, a hesitation, or even a sabotage to his own team to save the heroes. something that gives him that fork in the road, but not something that shoves him down a different path. as the chapters continue, he should eventually find the freedom to throw away his map and to wander to where he desires. meeting his father again should just be a catalyst for this pivotal change to begin to grow.
familial trauma is a touchy subject. it is one to be handled maturely and with care, not something to throw under the table and heal through a couple half-hearted apologies. i hope the narrative team can deliver something reflective of the delicacy of this subject, and not just throw it all away because they said sorry and hugged and made up. i also hope they dont just... not give us anything on the matter. its an integral part of these characters, so to see it go to waste would be heartbreaking. i believe they are competent enough to at least give us something worthy of our time, something developmental to these characters who really honestly need the arc. im putting my trust in that.
so, with that being said, i suppose ill see you all on the 24th.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. This comic just keeps getting worse and worse and I'm left wondering... How... And more importantly, why can't I look away from this fictional train wreck?
2. i mean on one hand i would not buy any merch with current lo art given how twelve it looks now, but on the other hand if rachel and webtoons are aware literally none of the past two years of art is viable then maybe thats a sign it needs a serious break to rework itself back to at least some semblance of quality. it cant ride off on "well even if the writing isnt good, at least the art is!" when the art is bad now too. at least put enough into one aspect of it, not being lazy on both.
3. Nooooo please no. RS is going to sell the narrative where P&H deeds are not that bad by comparing them to "bad" characters now? Cause ya know genocide, slavery, nepotism are not that bad but offending a king? Indefensible! (Minthe can't even defend herself anyway) and fans are just going to buy it cause they love their classism. UGH it's getting worse and worse each week my brain cells are dying
4. Woow.. Hades was so unlikable in the latest FP. When I saw the title "Hypocrite" I genuinely thought it'll refer to how blindsided Hades is, but it clearly had Thanatos in mind. I think I'll skip a few weeks of future episodes cause the trial is such a drag and it only frustrates me tbh. It's been like 5 trial eps now and we know nothing new (besides this weirdly biased Thanatos' backstory). Maybe if a component writer was taking care of LO, they'd recognize Persephone's faults (not saying she deserves the chair but any consequences would be appropriate) and wrongdoings but we can already see how this story will end. There's no suspens, just frustration.
5. I don’t hate chapter 175. Like there was a lot of useless panels, Eros asking Aprdite and Ares whose watching the kids, like I thought Aphrodite was suppose to be a good mom while Ares was mostly absent, but this is suppose to be comedic in a chapter actually dealing with murder.
I was excited to see the twins talk, but I’m kinda irritated. Before the trial they were rushing to meet each other amd maybe it’s off screen that they did, BUT now that tension is loosened a bit because it’s about Apollo’s clothes. What about Apollo trying to marry Persphone? Like I did like the scene but the context for the situation just wasn’t right.
I don’t know why Persphone thinks she’s slick when she talks to her mom. “You’ve made him forget about me” LIKE YEAH HES A MILLION YEAR OLD MAN WHO CALLED HER 18/19 year OLD DAUGHTER HOT, and she wasn’t even MEAN ABOUT IT she gave him more alcohol and let him sleep PEACEFULLY. Idk if I see fans praising Persphone “standing up” against Demeter I’m gonna roll my eyes. I give Demeter credit man. She was in the dark about most the plot going on and she must be mentally hanging by a string. Hecate was no help, Demeter go captured and forgotten about and now she has an ungrateful daughter who is probably exactly the same when she left home in her eyes.
What I did like about the chapter is that it gave room for other characters to talk. I was just a review of events that was explained a lot of chapters ago so people probably forgot, espically since the nymphs dying wasnt mentioned. I know RS wants to be funny and to me she always misses the mark mostly cause I feel she tries it too much, espically if HXP aren’t the main of it leaving little character to the other cast. I just wish more chapters focused on a lot of the other characters.
-----FP Spoilers-----
6. Don’t you love how the newest FP episodes calls Thanatos a hypocrite for calling out Persephone for receiving special treatment when he received special treatment himself but in actuality, what Hades calls “special treatment” is child labour enabled by a neglectful mother (Nyx)?
7. FP Spoilers! Honestly, with Thetis abruptly coming into the courtroom with Minthe in her plant form claiming “murder” is so stupid. Once it’s revealed that Minthe was cursed by Persephone, Demeter will probably uncurse Minthe to save her daughter’s ass and then Thanatos will turn on them. I can see it now, he’s going to be portrayed as an apologetic hero just because he’s in a relationship with Daphne. “It was all their idea, Hades, im a good boy, my mommy said so!11!1”
Honestly, I should just let my eyes fall out because of how much im rolling them.
8. Fast Pass Spoiler
How are you going to compare Hades taking care of a toddler or small child because his mother practically abandoned him with Hades being horny for a teenager and clearly giving her special treatment like she's his sugar baby or something??
Even so, that one (1) image of younger Thanathos with Hades seems more like Hades using him as a servant than taking care of him or having a good time with him, even Nix says that he's there to serve him??? 
9. Holy fuck so I read the newest chapter via fast pass, and it’s so stupid.
Thanatos brings up a valid criticism that he decided to join on the bandwagon to expose Persephone because Hades was giving her special treatment, which he was. He even brings up specific examples and then Hades is like well “ur mom dropped you off when you were a child and didn’t know what was going on and I had to take care of you and that’s how you got the job”; like it’s the same in anyway?
Like it’s literally not Thanatos’ fault. He was a child and instead of giving him back to Nyx, Hades took him in. HADES made that choice. Maybe Hades favours Nyx but it’s not like Thanatos used that to get a job. He was a KID just following his mom. And everyone else who’s watching the live case just glares at him, like he’s the most evil person in the world for reporting dear perfect murderous Persephone. It’s like Rachel is insulting us that we would DARE think Hades is being unprofessional because he wanted to get some tail from a teenager and that reasoning is VALID in anyway oh no.
Ya know, it’s pretty funny because there’s actually this 2 book series I like where the teenage wide eyed new guy gets into a relationship with the 100 year old teacher/mentor who’s seemingly sweet around him but cruel around others. However, he’s actually a manipulative groomer and it makes sense. It’s honestly a better version of what Rachels version of Persephone and Hades should be. If she’s not gonna make it actually feel like the Greek gods at all she should delve into how actually fucked up it is for a teenager who’s intentionally made child-like to be in a  relationship with someone who has power over her and is wayyy older.
If we just ignore, for a second how gross is it for someone to be 1000s of years old to be dating an isolated girl only a year over the age of consent, it’s still not okay for a boss to be dating an intern who NEEDS the money.
10. FP //
Man is it me or does this whole latest (fast pass) episode really feels like a "Debunking antis with facts and logic" from Rachel?
I found it funny especially when Hades gets mad for being called out like sure grandpa lets get you to bed
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deathtale0-0 · 3 years
levi dying + his children
Okay so I was listening to this song while walking my dog and was in an aot mood so I thought of this scenario that completely ruined my day and gave me major sadness so ofc i need to ruin other people's days in the same way,, there are no spoilers here because this is a completely made up scenario with no relation to the actual plot or manga of aot (apart from one reference to chapter 114) and yeah I hope you enjoy also I know that some of you may disagree with how I've presented the characters here and I did have multiple ways that I thought they would react but i didn't want to include every way I think each of them could react cause it would be too much and ik that this idea about Levi getting rest through death can be a bit of a hot topic for some but here its purely for the context of the headcanon
~ Oh, before they turn off all the lights ~
Levi's dying and this song is his lament or dirge - the Levi squad are singing it to him after like he's killed the last titan, but he was fatally wounded doing it and it just took everything from him, if you need a reference he kinda looks like he did after the explosion in chapter whatever when he's all bandaged up, like imagine this happening post that so he still has all those injuries, anyway, Levi is slowly dying, but his children are all there y'know. Eren. Mikasa. Armin. Jean. Connie. Sasha. For them he's the man who had stuck by them through everything, the man who had taught them so much, the man who had seen them through and we all know that he's basically their father so with this song they're all like 'dad it's okay you can finally rest now' and he's laying on the floor and they're all around him crying in different ways, like, Eren is kinda stupefied cause this is Levi, it's their captain there's no way this can be happening and hes kinda clutching at Levi in a childlike way to try and keep him there longer cause theres no way this is happening but when he does start crying its that really heartbreaking tragic mouth starts to wobble as eyes well up and then the whole face just crumples, Armin is the most composed and he's doing a soft, sad smile with tears shining in his bright blue eyes, Mikasa is ready for it and holding it together but she has tears falling from her eyes, Sasha has tears in her eyes that occasionally like dribble down but shes also in a state of shock like Eren, Connie's eyes are so wide cause he just cannot believe whats happening and then they fill with tears and he tries to speak but nothing comes out and he just starts bawling, like full on sobbing and Jean is trying to keep everyone together and be like Armin but honestly he cant be and when he first saw Levi there he couldn't run up to him like the rest and stood back for a moment in shock before he went to cover his ears and turn around but stopped because he knew that Levi deserved better than that so he went over there all shaky and tears are just dripping and streaming down his face as he looks at Levi in a complete state of disbelief before composing himself and trying to dry his eyes and giving a sad smile. Where the song says 'I won't read you your wrongs or your rights' it's like captain don't worry there's no need for you to explain yourself to us and talk about all that's happened over the years and whether he's made the right calls or not - it doesn't matter - and he doesn't need to be haunted by anything anymore, he can just go in peace. And when he asks 'won't you just close your eyes?' they're telling Levi that he's humanity's strongest soldier but he doesn't have to be anymore, all the titans are gone and you've fulfilled your mission and dedicated your heart so you can just close your eyes and rest now it's okay you don't have to give anymore of yourself, and when it says 'it's my turn to chase the monsters away' they're like we'll uphold your legacy and don't worry we can protect humanity now and deal with the rest. Armin is the one who sings 'I'll read a story to you', Mikasa 'folded his clothes on the chair', Eren 'I'll tell you goodnight, close the door', Sasha 'I hope you sleep well', Connie 'don't be scared', Jean 'the time has gone', then they all sing 'I'll try to make you proud' because they all valued his opinion above anyone else's and he saw them grow up but Eren struggles the most with it because of how his relationship with Levi was a bit more different and a bit more special than everyone else's, especially since he had been part of the old Levi squad as well, and the chorus that echoes 'two grown men saying goodbye' and 'I know your mistakes and you know mine' are the rest of the Survey Corps standing behind the 104th as Levi dies ready to greet him...
'Captain, you can rest now.'
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a very off topic Song of Achilles review/literally a rant that not a soul asked for and is literally one big fat fucking spoiler
from my notes app
i’m not even finished yet but i know what happens because it’s based on the greek myth but omfg i keep crying because the happy moments are sad and the sad moments make me hate real life ugh gods sake i can’t deal with it
also my context with reading pjo since third year means im so familiar with the mythology so i even know the side characters and it’s making me even sadder and sadder its like ah i just want to go back to reading magnus chase for a forth time and chill and laugh but then i get sad like oh shit those guys have had so much loss too, my poor babies, i’m miserable, i’m going to go cry, but THEN i read a solangelo fic and i’m like THANK FUCK and there’s a new book coming and rick probably hopefully can’t kill them off (ask me for an explaination why i think this if you are interested) bc i would kill HIM. literally so excited for the book i love Mark Oshiro(the person the solangelo book is in collaboration with) ahhh okay i think i’m fine now WAIT NO BECAUSE NICO DI ANGELO HAD THE SADDEST BACKSTORY OF THEM ALL I LOVE HIM SO MUCH IM SO SAD I MISS BIANCA at least he got some good things in the end thank fuck for will solace they are my otp solangelo is the best ship AND best ship name besides fierrochase. like ever. i don’t think i will ever love any other characters more than them they’re the best characters in all of literature. okay i think i’m fine now BUT NO BECAUSE THEN JASON GRACE DIES LIKE WHAT? FUCK MY LIFE POOR NICO OH AND PIPER DONT GET ME STARTED HER RELATIONSHIP WAS BASED ON A LIE PLACED IN HER HEAD BY A GODDESS AND HE DIDNT HAVE THE MEMORIES BUT SHE DID FOR THE REST OF HER LIFE IT FELT REAL FOR HER SHE CANT JUST GET RID OF THEM SO THEY BREAK UP BECAUSE ITS TOO HARD WHICH IS A GOOD DECISION BUT OH AND THEN JASON DIES? THAT IS THE MOST AWFUL DISGUSTING THING I AM SOBBING AND BARFING ALL OVER THE PLACE ugh and leo is the most precious thing i kin him and i did before i even knew what kinning was when i first read about him in year 5 (i think it was year 5) or maybe i’m just in love with him it’s one of the two, when i was younger he was my favourite character but now it’s like all of them. calypso is perfect for him kinda? like i don’t know when you read it it makes so much sense and you can practically feel his happiness radiating of the page and it made sense like story wise it fit in very very well so i love that… however when i think about caleo vs solangelo and fierrochase… eh. it’s just #lame i can’t explain! even frazel is cuter than caleo because omg they are just COMPLETELY PERFECT i never realised but i have a crush on hazel AND frank… not that that means that much because i have a crush on every single character but i think i love them most? theyre sort of the most memorable because i loved them as soon as i got to know them in the second heroes of olympus book idk i feel a different way about them hm🤨 okay i’m done. i think i’m done. this wasn’t even about song of achilles really HOLY FUCK NO NOW IM THINKING ABOUT PATROCLUS AGAIN NOPE IM SAD I CANT DO THIS. i was actually crying before more than i have in weeks like it was a build up of things in my life,!but mainly when achilles said “i have traded love for glory, and it cost his life. to any god who is listening, end my suffering.”
god. this is fucking embarrassing and unreadable
NEWSFLASH i’m still too scared to finish it and i am finishing every happy book i can find before this jesus christ this book it going to wreck me and today as already been emotional😫
ok a few weeks later and am i insane? girl? i wrote so much anyway i’m still reading other things and i don’t in any way want to finish song of achilles atm so we’ll see i guess!
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majimemegoro · 4 years
kiryu meta, remastered
im reposting & remastering this because its one of my most important posts but for some reason never shows up in searches and i need to be able to find it sometimes. im making some minor changes and additions but ill put a link to the original in the reblogs. also the codeword is whackusbonkus and thats what ill search if i ever cant find this on my blog. also i am censoring any words that tumblr might think are Bad Words, again to make the post more likely to show up in my blog search.
I wrote the original in response to an anonymous ask that said:
I finished YK2 and while I loved it, that ending got me rolling my eyes and sighing "UGH MEN". Massive [no] measuring context ever. What was the point? And don't get me started with the "Haruka will understand". Understand what Kiryu? That instead of taking the elevator, get to a hospital and save yourself you decided to have a pointless fight that served no purpose or whatsoever knowing full well you would leave her alone in this world? Like, I get that’s not the true ending. But damn it’s just such a stupid move. Kiryu I love you but that was dumb as [dumb]. (SORRY FOR THE RANT)          
now buckle your seatbelt this is where the rambling starts. OK SO I totally get where you’re coming from and I think your criticisms are totally legitimate, but i actually had a completely different reaction to this part and i consider it one of the best ending sequences in the series (if not the best). Ill try to explain why.
For me, Y2 is the story of kiryu trying to die.
We see him go to meet with the omi when everyone is telling him its certain death. we see him trying to get kaoru to take his life as some kind of stupid reparation for his negligible involvement in the death of her parents at the age of twelve. (TWELVE.) we see him pull a knife out of his gut wound. then at the end theres a) the fight with ryuji and b) the fact that he doesn’t take the chance to leave before the bomb goes off. there might be other examples but i can’t remember. So over the whole game we watch kiryu trying to die, at first in the service of “worthwhile” projects, in the service of utility and honor, but none of it pans out and we see his self-destructive behavior gradually become more pointless, e.g., the knife. but hes still alive.
then in the ending sequence at the top of kamurocho hills, we reach the - in a way natural - conclusion of that. kiryu is left with the absolute thinnest justification for seeking death, a sort of existentially (in the sense of the specific philosophy) valuable activity that is valuable/honorable/meaningful at all only because he decides it is. only because he can’t see beyond not wanting to live. only because he knows that going out with dignity in the midst of a crisis is a “good” way to die. so he gives up on even pretending to have altruistic motivations and he admits to himself at least on some level that, yeah, he wants to help people, but he also wants to die. and people have been helped - the day has been saved as much as it could be - so now he can die.
I think thats why he stays to fight ryuji. on some level it is absolutely a shallow machismo contest, but its also kiryu grabbing onto the only thing he can see that has meaning. its also kiryu getting a way out that will feel strong and dignified and almost metaphysically important. it’s su*cidal ideation masquerading as thymos. physical combat makes an apt stand-in for meaningful activity because it is inherently tied to life and death: physical combat can make a division between life and death, and life and death are important, so fighting ryuji must be important too, right? and then he can die, right? and then-
and yeah, he’s going to be leaving haruka behind. he doesn’t have a justification for that. but i think he really can’t see beyond just wanting things to stop.
is it selfish? yes, in a way. is it psychologically compelling? I say absolutely.
(interestingly, I think the soundtrack supports this interpretation - A Scattered Moment is NOT the background music for an *purgatory announcer voice* EPIC MANLINESS CONTEST !!! its the background music for something that is sad and almost beautiful - something trying to be beautiful - and impossible to stop.)
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