#so long as everyone still calls me ollie
combeauferre · 1 year
every now and then someone at work discovers that my legal name is not ollie and not only is it a big "sorry i didnt know that was you" but now more people just know my deadname i guess
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verstappen-cult · 7 months
If you are taking requests, i was thinking of a poly!lestappen. Where the reader is a F1 presenter and she's excited that Oliver is doing hus debut at Ferrari because its one of her favorite drivers in F2 and both Max and Charles get jealous. Like she asks Charles to take care of Oliver since he's still 18 and its his debut.
You still have forty minutes to spare until you have to go live, so, you make your way to the track, where everyone’s waiting for the Drivers Parade.
You spot your boys pretty easily, they are standing close but deep in conversation with different people. Max is talking with his teammate and Lando, while Charles is talking with Ollie. You really don’t want to interrupt but the Monégasque has already seen you, and for the looks of it, he’s telling the younger boy about you because he turns his head in your direction, a bright smile on his face.
“Hey, pretty girl.” Charles greets you, his arm finding your waist in a second. He loves having you close to him, touching any part of your body.
“Hey, Charlie.” You kiss his cheek, wiping the lipstick stain. “How are you feeling, Ollie? You did amazing yesterday!”
The british boy blushes, a shy smile dancing across his lips. “Oh, thank you. I’m excited and nervous too.” He looks at Charles for a second before turning to you. “Charles has given me some advice, so, I’m feeling a little more confident.”
Lewis calls Ollie’s name, waving at him from the back of the room.
“I’ll see you after the race, I hope?” The younger boy asks, and you nod. He waves goodbye to you and his teammate for a day, and walks away.
“Did you came here to give us a good luck kiss?” You hear your boyfriend’s voice behind you and then a kiss being placed on the top of your head.
“You know it’s something that would never change.” You stand on your tiptoes, kissing Max’s lips briefly, turning to Charles you do the same. “but I also came here to tell you to take care of Ollie,” You say looking at your brown-haired boyfriend. “But you are already doing a good job, so,” This time you look at Max, giving him your best puppy eyes. “Would you do that for me? Just wish him good luck or something before the race, I’m sure he would appreciate that.”
Charles and Max look at you with eyebrows raised, confusion in his eyes.
“You came here for that?” Charles says, sounding a little hurt.
“I came here to give my boyfriends a good luck kiss like I always do,” You try to explain that by talking slowly. “But I also came for Ollie. I’ve known him and his family for as long as I’ve known you two.”
But that’s not enough for them, because Max rolls his eyes and looks away.
Okay. They’re acting weird.
“Wait,” You try not to laugh when a thought crosses your mind. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous.”
They avoid making eye contact.
“Oh my God,” And this time you laugh, because you can’t believe it. Sometimes you forget how childish they are. “You are jealous of an eighteen year old boy. Are you aware of that?”
“Well, when you say it like that…”
You shake your head, closing the distance between you and Charles to kiss him one last time. You do exactly the same with Max.
“Good luck, pretty boys.” They watch you walk away, but then you are turning around, stopping to glare at them. “If you don’t take care of Ollie, we won’t be celebrating tonight.”
“What? That’s so unfair!”
“He’s the enemy!”
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jellyfishsthings · 6 months
Nerves and Stolen Kisses
I have been toying with the idea of writing a fic about him for quite sometime and after last weekend I just had to. Estelle ( Ollie's rumoured gf is mentioned here but it is a fake relationship for PR reasons.) Also Paul Aron has a gf... friends to lovers trope.
Shoutout to @httpiastri for the inspiration
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The Saudi Arabian Grand Prix was fast approaching. And Ollie was a jumble of nerves and excitement as usual. Since the early hour of the day, he opened the curtains letting the sun into the room and you groaned into the pillow.
“Wakey wakey, sleepyhead. Come on, we have a whole day ahead of us.”
“No, you do. I don't know why I came.”
“Because I am your bestest friend and I paid for your ticket and let you stay with me.”
“Both of which are for your benefit.”
“Come on….”
“Fine.” You say with a dejected sigh as you get up and you both get ready for the day. David, Ollie's dad was already waiting for you and you headed towards the paddock.
Everything was a frenzy and was passing by so quickly. As Ollie got into the garage and got ready for the quali you headed towards the stands trying to find Cassie, Paul's long-term girlfriend. Throughout the years you have formed a unique friendship. She was the only one who knew about your crush on Ollie and she teased you endlessly about it. Ollie and you had been best friends for the better part of your life, joint to the hip, having endless sleepovers, even if Dad didn't approve.
It was an endless nightmare being close enough to get a taste of all the what ifs, but never experiencing them.
“Do you and your lover boy share a room, huh?”
“It's not like that and you know it, Cassandra.”
“Yeah, it hurts, doesn't it?”
“So much. You have no idea. Yesterday I couldn't sleep and as the hours passed, he came closer and closer. He ended up holding me in his sleep. And I felt so bad because of Estelle. I know that they aren't really together and it's for PR, but still, I feel awful because technically I am the other woman… and she is just so nice and sweet. Never overstepping, I think she knows.”
We both stay quiet after that as the session continues.
“You know… whatever the case. You both love each other, platonically or not.”
“Yeah, I know.” I say as I watch the times set by all the drivers, Ollie having the fastest one yet.
“Looks like your man is on pole.”
We both make our way through the paddock, trying to pass the roaring sea of fans and we hand out already-signed autographs to anyone who asks for them. When we finally arrive, we part ways, before making promises about having dinner together at a restaurant Cassie wanted to try. And I head towards the Prema garage finding two beaming Bearmans, hugging.
“Hey Bear. Did you drive fast enough?” You call at him. And he grins like an idiot before swooping you into a tight hug spinning you. His laughter echoes in your ears as he sets you down.
“Yeah I drove fast enough, you minx.”
“Good. Now let's go. We are having dinner with Paul and Cassie in four hours and I want to see the city.”
“Give me five minutes to change and we are good to go.”
The afternoon is spent visiting local stores, trying to communicate in scrappy English and making terrible puns with products or street names. When they finally head to the restaurant their sides hurt from laughing. Dinner passed by as quickly as it came. As everyone says, time flies by when you are with the people you love.
Just as they open the door for their hotel room, Ollie flops in the bed as you head towards your computer and open it as hoards of emails and messages appear on the screen. Great more deadlines and essays to write until the end of the week.
“Leave it. We can pretend that we have nothing to do and watch a movie or local TV and try to understand what the hell is going on.”
“Thanks Bear. But I can't, as tempting as your offer is. Go to sleep, I will join you soon.”
And so you sit in front of your computer, ending essay after essay, sending them on time, until your eyes hurt from the pale blue light. The bed seems more welcoming than ever before as Ollie starfishes the entire length of it and his soft snores fill the empty space. Yeah, maybe it's time to call it a day.
An awful sound echoes in the room and eventually wakes you.
“I swear if it's one more ad I will jump from the window.” You grumble into your pillow as you steal the blankets and turn yourself into a burrito.
Ollie hisses as he opens his phone only to find a ton of messages and many missed calls from Ferrari. He dials Fred back as he moves towards the bathroom, trying to let you steal a few more minutes of much needed sleep.
When he emerges back in the room he sits down in front of you, his back supported on the bed.
“Ols, what's going on?”
“Carlos has an appendix”
“Oh no. Is he having surgery?”
“Yeah.” He says softly. “They want me to replace him.”
“What?” At that you are fully awake. Your hair is a netted nest and you look at him in shock. He looks at you, you his best friend who would look like a mess to anyone else but to him you look like the most beautiful and amazing creature in the world. Your mere presence has a more calming effect on him than anything else. If it weren't for you, he would have already lost his mind. “How? When? I…”
“We need to get to the paddock, if I don't want to miss FP3. I will wake up Dad and break the news to him.”
Soon after you enter the paddock and thousands of reporters try to get a better look at Ollie, flashing their cameras at you and bombarding you with questions as you make your way to the Ferrari garage and mechanics steal Ollie from you and David as they set to work quickly. David looks pale and sick as he paces into the garage trying to control his nerves through the FP3 and the Quali. When Ollie finally got off the car when he scored the 11th place, missing Q2 only by 3 hundreds of a second, you knew that this was it. He was finally shining like the bright star he was. He had done more than enough, his raw talent showing with barely one hour to get used to the car. And as mechanics and reporters closed around him. You couldn't help but feel like you didn't belong here. Where did you fit in? The reality hit you and it hit you hard. You hid in the back corners of the garage, eyes glued to the screen as everyone passed by without acknowledging you. You would happily hide in the shadows where he shined but this world wasn't meant for you. The anxiety was picking up at you, eating you alive from the inside.
And when Ollie got too close to the wall, your heart stopped beating. He was driving a car that was twice as fast and twice as dangerous than his normal F2 car. It was too much. The sound, the danger, everything really. Breathing suddenly seemed so hard and you needed a way out. As you hide behind the garage you call the one person who could understand. Terri picks up in the second ring her soft voice already calming you.
“Hey love. Is everything alright?”
“How do you do it? How can you stand back and do nothing?”
“You love him, don't you sweetheart?”
“I thought it was obvious.”
“Well … no I always hoped but… whatever the case, to answer your question you simply do it, you just have to. A driver needs his support system and you are it for him. You are his forever person, whether that is romantically or not. He needs to be near you and as much nervous as you are, so is he. Without you he would be lost, believe me I know my son. And I can bet you that as much as your heart breaks right now, you are also immensely proud.”
“Of course I am. But where do I fit in, in this world.”
“Right beside him, love.”
“Thanks Terri. Please call David. I think he is losing his mind and he is sick with worry.” You say chuckling before saying your goodbyes and head back towards the garage. The session is already over and Ollie is nowhere in sight.
Ollie plays with the power button of his phone trying to calm down but to no avail. The lock screen is a photo of the two of you. It was last summer both your skins flushed and hair slightly wet and tangled. You both smile at the camera and your eyes look bright with happiness. He feels slightly lighter but he knows that there is an impending panic attack and so he turns to the one person who could help him in this situation.
"I got your text," you say, tiptoeing inside and shutting the door behind you, careful to not make any loud sounds to scare him. "How are you doing?”
Ollie is sitting on a massaging table, elbows on top of his legs and head resting in his hands. His eyes are stuck on the floor, his silence is defeaning. When he still doesn't answer, your heart rate picks up. Is something really wrong?
You make your way over to him, hands finding his cheeks and softly tilting him up to look at you – and you swear you've never seen him look this wrecked before. Not after his worst crashes, not when he lost the rookie championship last year, not when he was cheated out from the Formula 3 championship. Once again, you've entered completely new territory, and your heart breaks at the sight.
"Ollie, talk to me," you plead, holding back the tears that starts to form on your eyes and threatento spill. It's so painful to look into his eyes, but you can't back down. Not now, not when he needs you this much.
"I'm-" his voice cracks but he shakes his head, clearing his throat. "I'm so nervous, I don't know what to do."
It's like he's oozing anxiety, and his heavy sigh is like a stab in your chest. Ollie, your usually so calm and collected best friend is probably going crazy over this – you know him well enough by now to understand that he's definitely freaking out even more on the inside than what he shows or tells. He is a messy jumble of nerves.
"I get that. One hundred per cent. But.." your thumbs begin to stroke over the skin of his cheeks, along his jaw, and then finally across his eyebrows, to which his eyes flutter closed. "This is your dream. It's been your dream since forever, and now you finally have the chance.”
"And it's not just any car, it's a Ferrari. Do you realize how cool that is? Do you realize how many people would kill for an opportunity like this?" You smile at the sight of him with his eyes still shut, eyelashes resting atop his cheeks, messy fringe covering his forehead. Even like this, at his most stressed state, he's completely gorgeous, not that you would ever tell him that. "You would've killed for an opportunity like this just 24 hours ago."
"But what if I ruin it?" His voice is barely above a whisper when he speaks, shoulders slumping forward. "What if I go out there and I'm shit, and then they realize what a big mistake they've made by even putting me in the academy? What if-"
"It won't happen." His eyelids slowly open and he looks up at you, seemingly not even the slightest upset that you cut him off. "You're too good to do that. You'll get in that car and it will feel like your second home, just like it always does."
Finally, a small smile makes its way onto his lips. It's only been a few minutes since you came in, but he seems much more relaxed now, leaning into your touch completely. "I'll try my best to make you proud."
“I'm always proud of you, you mufflehead.”
A laugh bubbles from his chest and he stands up from the table, opening his arms wide and pulling you in for a tight hug. His heart is still beating louder than a drum in his chest when your ear is pressed up against it, and you're almost worried it will jump out any second now. But his breaths are much more controlled now, and his mind seems much lighter. And soon enough his heartbeat slows to normal.
“I bet that in twenty four hours not only will you finish the race, you will score points and beat Max Verstappen.”
“Let's not get ahead of ourselves” he says chuckling. “God, my neck is killing me.”
“Sit down. I've got you.” And so you start massaging his neck. It's stiff and hard under your hands and he lets a small groan as you untangle one of the knots that were quite painful. After a few minutes he is putty in your hands, his eyes closed, trusting you completely and feeling at ease for the first time in the past two days.
True to your world, Ollie crosses the finish line in seventh place, having gained points in his debut. But the one thing that kept him calm through the process was the thought that she was waiting for him in the cool down room. When the race finishes and drives the car back home he jumps from his seat and he can't get fast enough to her. People around him are praising him and congratulating him but they all fall to deaf eyes.
When he finally gets into the room to change into new fireproofs, she is patiently waiting for him. Her eyes are a little misty and her face flushed.
“I told you.”
“I didn't beat Max.”
She closes in on him and her hands are thrown around his neck, he reciprocates the hug immediately as his heart beat finally slows down. They doth draw away after a while only for him to dive back into her and kiss her firmly on the lips. Shock petrifies her and when he stops, he places his forehead on top of hers. He is a flustered mess and he is mumbling apologies, before she reconnects their lips.
For the following hours Ollie sports a shit-eating grin on his face. Everyone thinks that it is because of his amazing performance and not for kissing the girl that held his heart captive since they were five years old.
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sofiawritesstuff · 2 months
part 9
summary: When Lando's "playboy" image is setting a bad reputation for him. He's turns to the person he trust most in this world for help.
pairing: landonorris x bestfriend!reader
warnings: suggestive
part 8
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IT'S HERE!!! I apologise for the lack of uploads, I was in Spain and visited family in Italy, my car broke down and the plane was delayed. I was then in work for 5 day straight and I'm in for a further two nights too. No more excuses I will be back more consistently.
You with your arm wrapped around Lando's waited at baggage claim at the airport. While he called his brother updating him on how long the two of you would be, you decided to go onto the F1 gossip page.
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f1gossippage Lando already enjoying his week off with girlfriend Y/N L/N. They were spotted this morning at the airport and appeared to be heading back home to the UK. Y/N also posted a picture with her holding a man's hand with the caption "home for the week".
"Well we've made it to the gossip pages again, a fan must have took a photo of us at the airport" you show Lando your phone, he looks down and your phone, humming kissing the top of your head.
As the two of you waited for your luggage to appear on the carousel, Lando tried to wake himself up by looking as the gossip pages "Cute picture of us though"
"At least Zak will be happy" you shrug "This is our week, let's not think about him. We will spend the night at Max's apartment, you will go to your meeting, I will pick you up and we will head to my parents. Just us, no Zak"
The noise of the carousel drew your attention to the suitcases arriving, luckily for both of you, your suitcases were the first ones out. You watched as Lando effortlessly lifted both cases off and nod towards the exit.
"Don't worry, I'll take it" he tells you as you go to take your case from him "Thank you, is Oliver outside?" you asked "Mhm, he has the car parked right outside"
The two of you walked out of the airport you saw Oliver stood outside the car "Ollie!" you smile running towards him "Hi sis, how are you" he smiles, hugging you tightly "I'm good how are you, how are my girls?"
"We're all good, the girls are desperate to see you and their Uncle Lala" he teases Lando ruffling his hair "Get off" Lando laughs hugging his brother
"You two have a lot to answer for by the way, Mum has seen the photos and I think her heart could have exploded with how excited she was that you two were finally together" Olivier says putting thr cases in the car
You felt your heart drop, Lando's mother had been like a mother to you for as long as you could remember, someone who had been longing for you and Lando to get together.
You and Lando looked at each other, frowns on both your faces "What?" Olivier questions looking between the you "Uhm" Lando starts "Listen, we're planning to go to Mum's and Dad's tomorrow night. We need to talk to everyone about what's been going on. Can you bring Savannah?"
"Okay, I have just felt my heart fall to my stomach. What's been going on?" he asks getting into the car "We will explain everything tomorrow, I promise you will know everything"
The drive to Max's apartment was nice, empty roads and hearing all about the children's lives, Lando's racing and your work place. You had the music blasting until Lando fell asleep on your shoulder.
"Still a big baby, I see" Olivier smiles, looking in the mirror "Yeah" you run a hand through his hair "He's exhausted, he has only just started to get a goodnight's sleep. Hopefully being back home he will sleep as good as the girls"
"Are you going to Canada?"
"Yeah, that's what my meeting is about tomorrow at work. My boss wants to see me just go see how I'm doing and about working from different places, trying to get a few clients. Get a few more posts on social media"
"Do you still like the job?”
“I like how flexible it is, my boss is literally so amazing but sometimes I wish i didn’t have to work during the weekends, I like just being able to put all of my focus into Lando”
“He appreciates everything you do for him you know, that one time when he was feeling down about the race and he came home to his favourite dinner and snacks. He messaged me telling me how grateful he was for you”
You blush, kissing Lando’s head making him snuggle into you more “He’d do the same for me”
“So are you going to tell me what’s been going on, or do I have to wait until tomorrow?”
“It’s best we tell everyone together” you admit as he brings the car to a slow stop “I understand, if there’s anything you need. Just give me a call”
“I will. Now do you want to do the honours of waking him up or will I?” you ask with a smirk “Give me the keys and I will take your cases inside. He will be less cranky waking up to you rather than me” he jokes, getting out of the car
You watch as he drags the suitcases to the door, you gently shake Lando awake "Baby come on, we're home"
He groans mumbling, wrapping his arm around you "Lan, we can sleep again in about ten minutes"
"That was a quick drive" he says waking up "Yeah for you, you slept the whole hour. Are you ready to go inside. Get some sleep in a bed"
He nods, leaning over giving you a quick kiss just as his brother gets back in the car "You're awake" Olivier says loudly making you two of you pull away "Yeah, thanks for the ride. I'll see you tomorrow" Lando says quickly getting out the car
"Thanks Ollie" you rush out following him. He takes you hand rushing you inside. Closing the door behind him.
You enter the apartment, following Lando straight to the bedroom "It feels good being home doesn't it?" you tell Lando watching him take his shirt and trousers off getting into bed
"Yeah. I love Monaco but it feels good being here. Now come on get into bed"
The next morning, you woke up in just your underwear and the shirt Lando was wearing the day previously. You weren't used to the 7am wake up calls, you hadn't been for the past two years.
"What time is it?" Lando asks waking up "Sh, sh, sh. Go back to sleep. I'm going to work. Pick me up at 1pm okay?" you hold his face, kissing him quickly leaving the bed.
You head towards the hall, getting clothes from your suitcase, and got ready for the day. Just as you were about to leave Lando comes into the kitchen fully clothed and putting his shoes on.
"You ready to go?" he asks grabbing his keys "What are you doing up?"
"Taking you to work, there's no way I am letting you get a cab at this time in the morning, plus i'm going to drop our cases off at my parents"
"Thank you but I need to come back here after work to get changed anyway"
“All sorted, I’ve left clothes out for you” he says proudly. You walked into the bedroom to see a pair of jeans and shirt left out neatly on the bed for you.
“Thank you” you smile coming back through to thee kitchen. You grab your bag and follow him out the apartment, getting into the car
"How are you feeling about the meeting?" he asks reversing out of the drive "I'm not nervous about the meeting but I am nervous to go back into the office, so many of the girls hate me"
"They don't hate you"
"No they do, they hate me because you're in my life and not theirs. They only want you for your money and to fuck you" you scoff, he laughs putting his hand on your legs
"They will never get the chance baby, the only person that will ever get to fuck me in that office is you" he squeezes your leg sending you a wink
You look out of the window, hiding your smile. Watching as the weekday morning traffic slowly building up.
“Well I’ve definitely not missed this” you mumble turning your hand to Lando “Neither have I, how long is your meeting today?”
“Mark said I would be done by 12. Meeting starts at 10. I don’t think it will even last that long”
“Well I will be waiting for you at 11:45 where I drop you off. Do you want anything brought in for lunch? I can stop at the cafe just around the corner”
“No, no. I’ll be okay and get something at work. Get yourself something though” you smile rubbing his shoulder
“Will you though?” he asks turning the corner into the car park of your work “Yes. Thank you” you say taking your seatbelt off
Lando looks at you, staring out the window. Takes your hand in his in attempt to calm your nerves “You’ll be okay, I know you will. Go in and ignore anyone that has a problem with you. You know everything you need to do”
“Thank you” you smile “I love you, have a good day and I will be waiting here for you when you’re done”
“I love you too”
He leans in, giving you a kiss to the lips before kissing your head “Have fun” he says as you leave the car, you close the car door, waving at him through the window.
Entering the office, people come up to you greeting you, including your best friend Robert
“I’ve missed you so much, this place is hell without you” he hugs you tightly “It can’t have been that bad” you laugh sitting down at his desk
“Oh it is, I have so much to tell you but first tell me how you’ve been?”
“I’ve been great to be honest, I’ve absolutely loved travelling with Lando. Getting to experience his first win, we’ve tried so many different foods and countries. It’s been so good. We’re staying with his parents this week before heading to Canada”
“Yeah i’ve noticed how much you’ve enjoyed your time with Lando. I’ve seen the photo of you two kissing. He’s finally your boyfriend?” Robbie squeals
“Yeah, he is” you lie staring at the man across from you “So how did it all happen? I need all the details”
Before you can say anything Mark appears at the meeting room doors, signalling you both over. You thanked him in your head. Glad you don’t need to make up another lie.
“Tell me later” Robbie smiles, leading the way to the office “Okay” you nod
Everyone sits around the table, the few girls that you didn’t like sat across from you “Good morning everyone, thank you for those who aren’t here everyday for coming in. Also a big welcome back to Y/N who has been doing an incredible job getting clients in every country she’s been too. How have you been doing Y/N”
“Yes great thanks, so far I have gathered 12 clients and I'm off to Canada next weekend so I'm hoping to meet a target of fifteen then"
"And how are you going to do that attached to your boyfriends hip?" Emma asks with a smirk on her face "Well funnily enough I do have a life outside of my boyfriend, I'm not with him 100% of the weekend, I also use Thursdays to gather clients and have meetings with them throughout the weekend"
"Well we all appreciate your efforts Y/N, we only require you to work eight hours a day Monday to Friday so we are grateful for the overtime that you do and the calls that we have had since you've been away are great"
The hours fly by and before you knew it, it was 11:50. You gathered your belongings, putting them all in your bag. "So how are you getting home? Do you need a ride?" Robbie asks handing you your charger
"No, Lando is outside for me, we're heading back to his apartment so I can shower and then going to his parents for the week"
"That sounds nice" he says opening the door for you, you talk about the week ahead while heading down in the elevator "Well there's Lando and it looks like he brought you lunch too" he nods over to Lando leaning on the car
"Hey Lando!" Robbie waves "Hi Rob" he waves back "How was it?" he asks leaning down giving you a kiss "Better than I thought"
"I'm glad to hear, you had a slice of toast this morning and I know the most you'd have in there was a coffee so I got you a sandwich and a drink"
"Thank you" you lean up kissing him, he walks around opening the door for you "What a gentleman" you smile getting into the car.
part 10
@harrysdimple05 @ironmaiden1313 @charli123456789 @alltoomaples @jule239 @panicsinvirgo @cmleitora @imboredway2much @landoslutmeout @obxstiles @morenofilm @formula1mount @dreamercrowd @brekkers-whore @sialexia @bokutos-babyowl @wobblymug @merchelsea @lexiecamposv @lunamelona @nightlockcornucopia
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plathfiles · 8 months
Ok but what if Felix x fem!reader and Oliver is tryin to kill her first yk but fails like maybe Felix walks in and Oliver tries to lie n cover it up type of thing or that reader just ended up in a small coma? Am I ok to request this?
please i love this, honestly a sucker for angst so thank you for sending this to me 😵🫶🏻
i hope you enjoy xx
pairing: felix catton x fem! reader
warnings: attempted murder, physical abuse, angst but with a happy ending, oliver is his own warning. lmk if i missed anything
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You had found out Oliver’s secret. He was lying to Felix and everyone about his family.
One day you and Oliver were sun bathing, waiting for Felix to return from a discussion with Farleigh. Oliver was wondering what was taking so long so he went over to where they were. He’d left his phone on his chair and it started to ring.
It was his mother. Curious, you answered the call. That was when you found out everything. The lie about his Father, his financial status, everything. You were in shock and also angry. How dare Oliver take advantage of Felix like that. How dare he take advantage of your friendship.
You planned to confront him and that’s exactly what you went to do. Walking back into the castle, you saw Oliver walking up the stairs.
“Hey Ollie!” You shouted. He turned around and looked at you with confusion. You tossed him his flip phone.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” You asked, your protective side coming out.
“Y/n, you’re acting strange. I don’t know what you mean?” Oliver said, although on the inside he was nervous.
Oliver and you were both on the stair case, he was above you and you were closer to the ledge.
“I know you lied. I know everything! About your father and where you come from. You’re a fucking liar, Ollie,” you said, looking up at him defensively.
With him being on the stairs, he was taller than you. Oliver walked down a couple steps, to match your eyesight.
“How could you have possibly found out?” Oliver asked, his voice now lower and more intense. It wasn’t a denial and you took a step back.
“Your mother called. She wanted to send you a card for your birthday,” you snapped.
“You should be careful. You might trip,” Oliver said. He needed to get rid of you. Or else you would mess up his plans.
You stood your ground, “I’m going to tell Felix. In fact I’m going to tell everyone,” you said lowly, looking directly into Ollie’s eyes.
In an instant, Oliver’s hand went around your neck, choking you. “You are not going to tell a soul. Is that clear?” He asked, almost teasingly.
You panicked and tried to pull away from him, but when you did you fell down the bottom of the stairs. Everything went pitch black.
At that moment, Felix and Farleigh had walked into the room. Farleigh only saw you fall but Felix saw Oliver’s hand around your throat and then saw you collapse down the stairs.
Felix’s heart broke, seeing you unconscious at the bottom of the stairs.
“Oh my god! did you push you her?” Farleigh yelled in shock.
Oliver looked at Farleigh and Felix. “It was an accident. She was going to attack me,” Oliver said, trying to play the victim.
Felix didn’t care though, he knew what he saw. And he wanted answers. But first you need to go a hospital.
���Y/n, baby please wake up,” Felix said, hovering over you on his knees. He lifted your head up and some of your body but you were out cold.
“Felix I—,” Oliver began to say, but Felix looked up at him in pure anger.
“Go. Now. Before I do something I’ll have to cover up,” Felix threatened. If looks could kill then Oliver would be a dead man.
Farleigh called Elsbeth and Sir James and the family immediately called the fastest doctor they could find.
That was the thing about being rich, you could get anything delivered to you at any time.
One of the guest rooms was turned into a hospital room. You still hadn’t woken up and Felix wouldn’t leave your side. The doctor said you weren’t in grave danger. But just in a small coma because of the impact of your head hitting the stone floor and the loss of oxygen from being choked.
Felix was angry at Oliver. Oliver had went to his room after Felix threatened him. Duncan had locked the door.
Felix would get his answers soon. But he knew he wouldn’t believe Oliver in the slightest. He had no right to put his hands on you.
Felix stayed by your side the entire night. You still hadn’t woken up and he was worried you never would. He took your hand and squeezed it comfortingly, he needed you to know that he was by your side.
Then, as if you’d felt Felix’s touch, you slowly opened your eyes.
“Felix,” you said, your voice soft and hoarse.
Felix’s heart leaped and he smiled when you awoke. “Y/n, darling. I’m here,” he said, softly.
“Felix,” you said, beginning to cry. You thought you were going to die. You didn’t know Oliver could do those horrible things.
“Shh it’s okay, lovely girl. I got you. You are safe,” Felix comforted. “I’m not going to let anybody hurt you,” he insisted.
Your stomach filled with butterflies and a small wave of comfort washed over you.
“But Oliver—he, he’s not who you say he is,” You said, looking at Felix like you would need hours to convince him.
But Felix wanted him out of the house for just purely putting his hands on you. When hearing this though, Felix raised a brow.
“How do you mean?” He asked. And you explained. The call with his mother, the confused questions you asked when you heard that his father really wanted to see Oliver.
Felix’s face broke and grew in concern. He felt like an idiot. How could he have put his trust in such a person? How could he have let someone like him anywhere near you?
“I’m so sorry, Felix. I know you two are close,” you said, tears streaming delicately down your face.
Felix shook his head. “Don’t apologize. I should apologize to you. I’ll fix this. We’ll have Oliver out of the house by the end of the day,”
“And when we return to Oxford?” You asked, Felix wiped your tears away with the pads of his thumb.
“We won’t see him back at Oxford, I promise,” Felix replied. “Get some rest. I’ll be right here and I’ll protect you.”
You nodded and closed your eyes. As soon as you fell asleep, Felix called his father into the room. Felix never left your side but told his father that Oliver needed to be removed from the house and a restraining order needed to be placed on him.
Felix would never let anything like this happen again. Not to the people he loves—especially you.
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daddyricsdoll · 10 months
Friends? ✭ Ollie Bearman
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Summary: You and Ollie were just friends, no matter how much your feelings grew or your need for his lips against yours. Well that was what you thought when you found someone else to put your mind to for the evening, but maybe not with Ollie's furrowed brows and glares.
Warnings: Unprotected sex
Word count: 1.9k
A/N: If only the things I write were true. Based off of this request. Please Enjoy!!
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My hands clench around the handle of my suitcase as I walk out of the doors of the Abu Dhabi international airport. Expecting to be greeted by my Ollie, and I was right when my eyes made contact with his brown ones. A wide grin compliments his pigmented cheeks as we both make quick steps toward each other.
Simultaneously our arms wrap around the other for a refreshing and long awaited embrace. I had missed him, my dear friend I love too much that others claim it’s more than friendship. But he’s so oblivious that I’ve had to shut my feelings down, but every time he speaks a word to me or brushes against my skin, it lingers, and it’s not like I want it to stop.
I finally realise we still both hold each other before I suddenly let go and we pull away. He looks at me with that one smile everyone knows, but this one has a glint in his eyes that I know all too well, not from the times he’s looked at me but other girls that have run after him at races or passed him on the streets. I want to give in, I want to grab him, but then comes the reminder of him claiming we’re great friends, but who said friends can’t be more? Especially if we're already great together. 
Just seconds later it’s like I break out of this “trance” and I see that I’m seated in the backseat with Ollie next to me. We catch each other up on everything, what he did during his break when we weren’t together or my uneventful life without him.
I have to keep reminding myself that we can’t be more than what we already are, which brings me to my conclusion of finding a distraction, or something better than Ollie- if it exists. I hear his soothing voice again and then I make out the words he tells me. “There’s a party, well an event kind of thing tonight, all of the drivers will be there as well as a few other important people and I just wanted to see if you wanted to come?” It takes me a few moments to think of my answer, but I eventually nod and we both plan our arrival together. 
Four hours go by fast and the next thing me and Ollie sit next to each other in a taxi, going to the venue of the event. Ollie wears a simple black suit with a white dress shirt as I wear an elegant black dress that displays my curves but doesn’t expose too much skin, acknowledging the event and country. 
We walk in together, soon dispersing when he generates good conversation with someone. I decide to grab myself a drink in hopes it’ll grow my confidence to meet someone new. As I ask the bartender for a drink I hear my name being called by a familiar voice, it belongs to none other than Paul Aron.
Paul had always been so kind and welcoming, making nearly everyone fall head over heels for him, me included. When we first met, his charm didn’t fail with me, and I had dreamt of what his lips would feel like. But now I’ve grown to know him and realised his charm, is him. So I had lost some of my feelings but he still never falls short to make me blush. “Hey Paul” I give him a soft smile and we exchange a short but comfortable hug. “It has been so long, hasn’t it? I missed your face.” He states and we both chuckle.
“Likewise. I’m surprised you recognise me.” The light hearted joke leaves my mouth freely.
“Oh I could never forget you, you’re too good.” I couldn’t distinguish if that comment was platonic or meant more, so I give him a kind smile and hope I don’t give off the wrong sign. 
We carry on a relaxed conversation, frequently giggling and brushing hands. We both notice Ollie from across the room and when his eyes meet mine I give him my signature smile, before I watch his brows furrow as his eyes glance at my hand that sits millimetres away from Paul’s. He looks back up and Paul waves at him, in reply Ollie turns his head which encourages me to excuse myself and make my way to him.
He watches me as I get closer with each step, a questioning look on my face as I finally reach him. “What’s up?” I ask him softly and his reply of “nothing” forces me to grab his hand and drag him out of the room. I walk through the long hallway and find a door that hides a moonlight sunroom. I shut the door once both of our bodies stand under the stars and I stare at Ollie in silence, observing him. His deep eyes look into mine and a smirk curls on his lips. I tilt my head to the side and try to hide the smile that begs to curl on my lips. 
“Would you like to tell me what’s wrong?” 
“I already told you, nothing’s wrong.” He utters in his soft British accent. 
“Oh, ok then. Well if nothing’s wrong then I’ll just go back to Paul.”
“No” He says immediately, one of his calloused hands grabs my arm. “Why?”
“Because, I don’t want you to go with him.” A sigh leaves my mouth and I try to keep calm, but also not wave away the problem because of the way he looks at me with that face or when he takes a step closer so both of his hands can brush against my skin. 
“Why?” I ask him in a whisper, and he gives me the same answer, just like I had given him the same question. “Why do you think that you have control over who I talk to?”
“Because I know it’s not just going to be talking” He looks down at me and matches the sound of my voice. “Ok, maybe you’re right, but what’s so wrong with more than talking? Can’t I do what other people my age do? Or is it something with Paul?”
“No, there’s nothing wrong with Paul, but if you want to do “things that people your age do” don’t do it Paul.”
“Oh ok then, then tell me, who am I supposed to do it with Ollie?”
“You can’t possibly ask me this question like you seriously don’t know who would take care of you best and learn every part of you to make you satisfied. Did you notice what you do? Teasing me with those long hugs and short kisses on my cheek that you call “platonic” or whenever you cuddle me when we watch movies together and you’re the first person waiting for me when I finish a race. You can’t do all of that and then go after him. What has he done for you? What can he do? I bet he can’t touch you like I will, or if he kisses you. You know that I’m better, you would probably wish that it was me? Wouldn’t you?” 
His face inches closer to mine and hands slide around my waist. My breath becomes uneven but I don’t lose eye contact with him. “What makes you so sure of that?” I breathe out, barely audible. “Let me prove it to you, let me show you how good you’ll feel. You won’t think of Paul again.”
One of his hands grab the back of my neck and pull my head toward his, our lips colliding and they instantly mould against the other like they were destined for each other. My hands wrap around his waist, pulling him closer to me before and feeling his warmth along my whole body. I stand on my tippy toes and intertwine my hands together behind his neck.
Ollie grips the back of my thighs and pulls me up so you can wrap your legs around his waist. We broke the kiss so I could lay open mouthed kisses on his neck and my desire for him grew every second that his hips would grind against mine. His umber eyes glistened and I couldn’t tell if the stars I saw in them were a reflection from the sky or a display of his delicacy.
He was always a masterpiece to look at, pigmented cheeks, a light shade of my favourite roses, a smile worth more than the moon and eyes that make you feel so many emotions of love. And oh don’t get me started on every other part of him, his voice, the one that hugs me, makes me feel so giddy even my knees buckle and go weak. Before I felt his touch I only wanted it but now, oh it’s a need.
He puts me back on my feet just to lower me to the ground, my back makes contact with the cold floor, and my eyes make contact with the moon and the stars. His body hovers over mine and he plants kisses along my skin as he leisurely moves lower and lower. Oh the feeling of his lips that kiss my insecurities and heal my scars, I just wish I could get every nanometer engraved and memorised on my lips and body and mind. 
Ollie lifts my hips to pull the fabric of my dress up and then over my head. He places my body flat on the floor as he looks at me with parted lips and wonder melting in his eyes. “You’re so beautiful” He says in advance of his hands pulling my panties down and body inching closer and closer to mine. I watch him unbuckle his belt and pull down his pants. 
“Ready to forget about Paul?” I was forming my response until he swiftly lifted my hips up and thrust into me. My breath immediately hitches and a short moan leaves my mouth as I grow comfortable to the stretch. His groan was like a melody to my ears, before he released a hushed curse and made another ram into me. Ollie readjusts my legs so they hang over his shoulders and he manages to get even deeper inside of me than before. My hips lightly grind against his, adding friction to my clit and whines emit from my mouth. 
“Tell me, would Paul do this to you? Fuck you under the stars?” His words brought me to surprise, but it was a surprise that I would happily get used to, as long as it was him. 
“N-no” I choke out my response as he drives in me at a consistent pace, fast and rough but tender and sensitive. His head lingers above mine until my hands tangle into his now tousled hair and pull him closer to me. Our lips fuse together in a powerful kiss, one where we share each other under the moonlight, finally. After months of pining and wishing to know what it feels like, I ultimately do, we both do. 
A moan releases from my mouth into his as the knot in my stomach becomes tighter and tighter, just waiting for the last motion to make it snap. “You gonna cum?” He mumbles against my lips and suddenly all words leave my vocabulary, but moans come out pretty easily. My head nods up and down eagerly and he snaps his hips the last few times just enough to make me release with a loud whine. Ollie’s thrusts become less consistent and I feel him spasm inside of me before his cum fills me. He rides both of our highs out before halting deep inside of me. Our breathing soon matches and his head lowers beside mine, just enough so he can whisper in my ear.
“Do you think Pau-” We both chuckle as I quickly cut him off.
“No. Only you Ollie, only you.”
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bad268 · 4 days
Love your writingg!!
Could you write a oneshot with ollie when reader couldn't make it to a race and she got sick while at home but didnt tell ollie cuz it couldve made him shit the race and he comes back home at takes care of herr??
+hiii!! idk if ure still taking request, but maybe an ollie x reader where she gets her wisdom tooth out and the aftermath is just her being chaotic and funny while ollie just goes with everything.
but yeah, i think it’s pretty cute. thank you!
Boyfriend Of The Year (Ollie Bearman X Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/F3
Requested: Clearly (I just did a sick fic, so i decided to incorporate these. Hope yall don't mind <3)
Warnings: Wisdom teeth surgery and recovery
POV: Majority Second Person (You/your), some Third Person (They/them)
W.C. 2301
Summary: A routine dentist appointment turns into a secret to keep Ollie sane.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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Your phone was blowing up with texts from Ollie. He was probably wondering where you were at this point since you promised to be at the qualifying session, but due to a dentist appointment scheduled between the sessions, you had to split up. Ollie and his dad drove together, and you took an uber to your appointment. Well, at that dentist appointment, you found out that your chronic jaw pain was actually your wisdom teeth getting dangerous. They were growing inwards and pressing your teeth, so your dentist strongly encouraged an emergency wisdom teeth removal for the same day. Ollie was going to be pissed and you knew it.
“Hey, CareBear,” You greeted in a fake tone. You were still at the dentist, but you stepped outside to get a little bit of privacy. “What’s up?”
“Don’t ‘Hey CareBear’ me! Where are you? You said you were gonna be here,” Ollie asked. He was finally able to let out a breath after running around the paddock trying to find where you were. When he couldn’t find you, he started asking around, but no one had seen you. Then, he started calling you, and coincidentally, the calls were during your x-rays or consultation, so you were not answering. It was driving him insane. “Are you almost here?” 
“The dentist was short-staffed, so they haven't gotten me in yet,” You came up with on the fly. You knew he would hate that you lied to him, but he would also throw his entire race weekend away for you. Yes, it was adorable and it’s part of what made you love him, but this was not the time to be a loving boyfriend. This was the time to show everyone why he deserved the Haas seat. He could be boyfriend of the year afterward. “I can text you when I’m done, but I need to see them today. You know how bad my jaw has been hurting lately.”
“Oh?” Ollie smirked as he lowered his voice, about to make a joke but his dad walked right past him.
“Don’t even start, Oliver,” You pressed as you saw your dentist gesturing for you to come back in, so they could prepare you for the surgery. “Listen, CareBear, I gotta go. I think they’re ready to take me back. I’ll text your dad to pick me up when we start wrapping up. You need to get back for debrief or start preparing for quali.”
“Yeah, I should probably eat something,” Ollie said to himself as he scratched the back of his neck. He had never had to go into qualifying without you, so he was a bit nervous. However, he totally understood that this was something you needed to do. “I’ll get on pole for you.”
“I expect you in the top 22, nothing less,” You joked as you both said goodbye and hung up the call. You headed back inside as they started giving you the rundown on how the surgery would occur. For once, you were thankful for scheduling your appointment in the morning and not eating beforehand. Just before they would put you under, you decided to call Ollie’s dad. It didn’t take long for him to answer.
“Hey, Y/n,” David greeted immediately as he walked toward the back of the garage, “Need me to pick you up? That was awfully quick.”
“Actually no,” You chuckled nervously. “Don’t tell Ollie until after quali, but I’m getting my wisdom teeth out right now. If we tell him, he’s going to freak out.”
“Was this the plan the whole time?” He asked, quieting down as Ollie walked by nonethewiser. He was finishing up before he would be getting in the car, so he had enough on his plate, in your opinion.
“No, I just found out that the jaw pain I thought was the start of TMJ was actually my wisdom teeth growing inwards,” You explained with a smile as you watched your dentist finish setting everything out. “Listen, David, I’ll need you to pick me up in like an hour. Maybe after qualifying break it to him? Or just let him figure it out when I’m loopy. I really don’t care.”
“I’ll take care of him, don’t worry,” David reassured as he saw Ollie gesturing for him to come over before he would get in the car. “Have them call me when you’re done, and we’ll pick you up.”
You thanked him before ending the call and heading into the back where the operation would take place. 
The qualifying session went by quickly for Ollie because it was basically a one-lap shot. Right after the first laps, it started pouring rain, so when Ollie was at the top of the timing page, no one was able to beat him. He tried to call you as soon as he got out of the car, but every call went straight to voicemail. It freaked him out a little, but he brushed it off, thinking you were still getting your cleaning. It wasn’t until his dad was ushering him to change and get to the car park almost as soon as he wrapped up media that he started thinking something was wrong. Ollie sat nervously in the passenger seat as his dad drove in silence, which was completely unusual for him, so he decided to try and break the tension.
“So, dad,” He dragged out as he looked over at his dad. They pulled up to a red light, and David looked at Ollie. “Where are we going?”
“The dentist,” David said simply as he moved the car into first gear when the light changed. “We need to pick Y/n up.”
“Shouldn’t they have finished up during quali?” Ollie asked before muttering to himself, “I thought they would have been in the garage by the end of media.”
“They had to get some work done,” David responded. It was light-hearted, so Ollie wasn’t too worried. When they pulled up, he parked the car but made no move to get out for a second, causing Ollie to look over confused. “They had to get their wisdom teeth out.”
“What? Why didn’t you tell me?” Ollie freaked out, immediately getting out of the car and trying to reach the front door before his dad. Unfortunately for him, his dad anticipated this and beat him to the punch by blocking the door. “Dad, let me in.”
“No, you need to understand why we didn’t tell you,” David pressed as he put a hand on Ollie's shoulder and sheered him back toward the car. “They didn’t want you to be nervous in qualifying. It’s getting to the end of your season, and next year, you’ll be in F1. Everyone’s eyes are on you, and the last thing they wanted was for you to get nervous and risk your position in the championship.”
“That makes no sense! I wouldn’t have thrown the session!” Ollie disputed as he threw his hands up.
“Oh, please,” David tsked, “You almost crashed the car when you found out they had a headache a few months ago. Of course, you wouldn’t completely compromise your qualifying session knowing they were getting surgery. That sounds totally believable to me.” 
“Maybe you have a point,” Ollie mumbled as he dripped his hands to his sides in defeat. He looked back over to his dad as he sighed, “Can we go in now?”
“Are you going to cause a scene?”
POV Switch-Third POV
All the while, Y/n was just waking up. The team had wrapped up the surgery at the end of qualifying and called David, saying he didn’t need to rush since they still needed to ween Y/n off of the meds and they still needed to pass the memory tests.
Y/n didn’t remember even waking up, but they did semi-register people walking in, around, and out of their room. Most of them were dentists or nurses checking their vitals, but then two people walked in that didn’t look like a dentist or nurse. It was Ollie and David, but Y/n was still too out of it to recognize them (or what they were saying to be honest).
“So they’ll be a little loopy for a while,” one of the dentists said to David, causing him to nod. Ollie had already taken a seat beside you and was holding your hand. The dentist then took David out of the room to talk about how to help clean the wounds and give him a list of foods that Y/n could eat while recovering. Ollie wanted to say something, anything to Y/n but they ended up talking before him.
“Whoever is your significant other is lucky because damn you’re hot,” Y/n chuckled slightly as they fell back against the pillows and smiled sleepily as they looked at him. “They’re like really lucky.”
“Well, you’ll be happy to know that you’re my significant other,” Ollie chuckled with them as he brought their hands up to kiss their knuckles.
“No way!” Y/n said as loud as the gauze in their mouth could allow as their eyes almost fell out of their head. “You’re telling me I bagged you?!”
“You bagged me,” Ollie chuckled in disbelief. He was upset at first that Y/n didn’t tell him sooner, but he couldn’t find it in himself to be mad at them, especially when they said something like that. “If I tell you a word, can you remember it for me?”
“Anything for you, handsome,” Y/n shamelessly flirted as they leaned in a little closer to prop their head against Ollie’s free hand that was resting by their head. 
“The word is ‘pole’,” Ollie said, and Y/n repeated it a couple of times before nodding that they understood it. “Okay, how are you feeling now?”
“I’m feeling tired. I wanna sleep. I wanna eat. I’m hungry. I want someone to tell me what place Ollie is in for the race tomorrow,” Y/n ranted before gasping toward the end, remembering the qualifying session they missed. In the haze, Y/n’s brain never connected that Ollie was sitting in front of them as they went on a rant. “Ollie Bearman is my favorite driver, and I wanna know where he placed. Do you know Ollie?”
“I know of him, yeah,” Ollie said as he bit back a laugh. There was no way he was witnessing this. “I think I know where he placed.”
“Where?” Y/n gasped as they tried to sit up in the bed, but the vitals machine started going off, causing a few personnel to walk in, but Ollie was already pushing them back.
“What was the word from earlier?”
“Pole?” Y/n said confused before it finally connected, “Wait, pole position?”
“Yup, he’s on pole for the feature race,” Ollie smiled at their enthusiasm. “Now, what’s my name?”
“What’s your name? CareBear?”
“Well, yes, but what’s my real name?” 
“Oliver,” Y/n dragged out before the fog cleared enough for them to make the connection. “Wait! Ollie, my CareBear! You’re Ollie!”
“I am,” Ollie chuckled as he leaned over to place a kiss on Y/n’s forehead while the dentists started removing wires and needles from Y/n, so they could leave. Ollie wrapped an arm around their shoulder, knowing Y/n didn’t like needles. He took to whispering reassurance in their ear until they were cleared to leave. Ollie then asked, “You still sleepy?”
Y/n didn’t respond as they were already asleep, so when all of the paperwork was signed, Ollie picked Y/n up to carry them to the car.  The entire ride to the hotel, Y/n was asleep against Ollie’s shoulder until David pulled into the parking spot. That’s when Y/n woke up, stretching their arms above their head.
“I still wanna sleep,” Y/n whined as they leaned back against Ollie. “My legs feel like jelly.”
“I can always carry you again,” Ollie commented already getting out of the car and moving around to help Y/n out. As soon as Y/n stepped out, Ollie’s arm was lifting up their legs to carry them up to their room. Thankfully, David was already leading the way and opening doors for them.
“You’re really working for that Boyfriend Of The Year award, aren't you?” Y/n teased as they plopped their head against Ollie’s shoulder.
“I didn’t know I was in the running,” Ollie joked back as he left a kiss on their nose.
“You’re always in the running,” Y/n pouted before going on another tangent, “Y’know, I’d love to kiss you, but I can’t really feel my lips so I don’t know how that would go.”
“I’ll give you a kiss when you don’t have bloody gauze in your mouth,” Ollie said as he walked up to the door. “Does that sound like a deal?”
“Add some ice cream or smoothies and you’ve got a deal.”
“You can’t drink from a straw, so no smoothies.”
“Not a buzzkill,” Ollie said simply as he set Y/n down on the bathroom counter, so he could change their gauze. “We’re not risking you getting dry socket.”
“How does that make me a kissass?” Ollie chuckled as he helped Y/n down from the counter and to the bed. Ollie fixed the pillows around them to make them comfortable before grabbing an icepack from the freezer. 
“You know the judge of the Boyfriend Of The Year award, and you’re kissing their ass,” Y/n chuckled as they leaned back into the pillows and took the icepacks from Ollie, immediately pressing them against their face. “Let me say, you’re winning.”
“I would hope so,” Ollie retorted, “I should be the only one in the running!”
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papaya-queen · 3 months
So high school – Ollie Bearman x Y/N
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An Ollie Bearman x reader One shot inspired by the song So High School by Taylor Swift.
Wordcount: 1710
Truth, dare, spin bottles
It was way past midnight, and all the teenagers were sat in a circle playing truth or dare. Some were drivers, others were friends from school. The bottle was spinning in the center, everyone wanted to see where it would land. After a few seconds, the bottle slowed down in front of Ollie. He swallowed hard, he knew Paul or Kimi would try to embarrass him. Paul smirked:
“So, Ollie, truth or dare?”  He had in mind something, he wanted to make things move.
Ollie took some time to choose. Truth was way too risky; Paul and Kimi knew too much to play safe with those questions. He concluded on dare. Paul eyed Kimi and smiled, that was not a good sign.
“Kiss the most attractive person in the room”
Ollie wanted to kill him. Silence filled the room: everyone was observing Ollie’s moves. His eyes were wandering around the room, until they found hers. Y/N, sitting opposite him. Their gaze met, a question in the boy’s eyes. She nodded, understanding the silent message he tried to communicate. He walked over to her, stood next to his best friend, placing his hand on her cheek, their lips only centimeters apart. She looked at him as he closed the gap between them. All their friends were screaming, laughing; Paul and Kimi high fived each other, proud of their plan. Ollie and Y/N were in their little bubble; they knew the kiss was going to haunt them for a long time but that didn’t stop them. A crimson red blush flashed across their cheeks as they parted from the kiss. Ollie went back to his seat and Y/N sat back on her chair.
You know how to ball (race fast cars)
Y/n was on the edge of her seat, crossing fingers hoping that Ollie would finally overtake Isack. It was the last lap, Ollie still had pretty fresh tires and was only 0.4 seconds behind the race leader. He attacked in a turn, diving in the interior.  He passed Isack, he was leading the race. He pushed the car to it limits, assuring that the French wouldn’t overtake him before the end. He finally crossed the finish line as the winner, he was screaming on the radio and Y/N was screaming in the Prema garage. She ran to the barricade with all the engineers, tears streaming down her face. Her best friend had just parked his car behind the P1 sign, he was jumping out of the car, lifting his fist in the air celebrating like all his racing idols before him. He ran to her, pulling her over the barricade and hugging her. Y/N escaped for a few seconds, placing her hands on each side of Ollie’s helmet, resting her forehead against it.
“I’m so proud of you, Ollie”
He tried to respond but the helmet blocked the sound. He hugged her again before someone told Ollie to head to the podium. As he stood on the top step, he was glowing. Looking like a prince, he couldn’t be prouder when the British anthem started playing. Y/N was clapping for him, watching him do the champagne pop with stars in her eyes. When he got back to the Prema garage after all his media duties, Y/N tugged him in a big hug without the helmet, the crowd and the throttle.
“You were amazing Ollie!”
“It’s because you were here, my lucky charm”
They started to pack their things and headed to the hotel, a brand-new winning trophy with them.
I know Aristotle (engineering)
Oh, she was stressed. What if she tripped on her foot? Or stutter during her speech? She was thinking of all the worst-case scenarios that could happen. The president of the university called her name, Y/N stoop up carefully, watching her step to the big scene. She was handed her diploma and a mic to do her speech.
“Hi! I’m Y/N. I’m now a mechanical engineer. Valedictorian even better. I want to thank my family and my best friend because they were the one who taught the little girl I once was about science, cars, motors. They supported me in my studies in this male dominated field. If there’s any little girls here today, I have one advice for you: dream big! Discover things! Try science, physics, chemistry, economics, anything! Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something! If you want, you can!
Applause filled the room as she walked out of the stage. After the ceremony, Y/N went to see her family and Ollie who attended it.
“You were amazing, sweetie!” said her mom, hugging her the second she saw her.
“Yeah, your speech was brilliant” added Ollie, holding his best friend close just after.
“Thank you so much!” Her smile was growing more and more as she hugged all her family.
“Y/N, I have a surprise for you.” Ollie said. Y/N looked at him and everyone, they all seemed to have that knowing smile that made you feel out of an inside joke.
“Wait…what?” She grabbed the phone Ollie handed to her and started reading:
Welcome to the PREMA team Y/N Y/L/N…
“Ollie! You didn’t just get me a job!”
“Of course I did! I knew you always wanted to work there so I asked if they needed someone.”
“There is no way they actually said yes!”
“Turns out they needed someone in the F2 team for the end of the season, so you start next week!”
“I love you so much Ollie” She jumped in his arms, lacing hers around his neck. Ollie grabbed her waist to turn her in the air.
You knew what you wanted and boy you got her.
He hated this. That thing between her and Zak. Ever since Y/N started to work in paddock in the middle of the season, Zak started talking more and more to her. It started rather friendly; Ollie and she went to eat to some stand in the paddock in Spa rather than in garage with the Prema team. Zak just asked Ollie to introduce him to his friend. But now he was openly flirting with Y/N and Ollie couldn’t be madder. Everyone knew Y/N was out of reach. She was Ollie’s. Ollie’s what? God knows, everyone thought they were dating, they said they were best friend, but Ollie was definitely in love with her. As he walked through the paddock on this Thursday afternoon, he was determined to get a talk with Zak. He found him only a few minutes after his arrival, in front of the Prema garage. If he was here, it was probably for Y/N and that realization messed up a little Ollie’s mind. He grabbed him by the arm and got him away from the entrance.
“Oy Ollie, how are you?” He asked, surprise could be felt in his voice.
“Don’t play that game with me now Zak! God what are you doing?!” Ollie was mad. Eyes killing Zak with a simple gaze.
“What are you talking about mate, I don’t understand…” Zak was panicking a little. He tried to look around for someone that would help him but all the sudden, the entire paddock was empty.
“I’m talking about Y/N! Why would you go around and start flirting with her, you bloody idiot! You know that she’s not for you. She’s not for anyone! She’s my girl, my best friend and my crush. You don’t get to flirt with her like that!”
“Mate, I really didn’t know, you never told me, and no one warned me” Zak, clearly panicking, kept looking behind Ollie but the boy was too heated to notice it.
“Of course you didn’t know! Maybe open your fucking eyes and see, I love her since the beginning, it’s painfully obvious and I know it! So now you’re going to stop that shit you’re doing and step back a little, is it clear Sullivan?” Ollie pinched the bridge of his nose, fed up with the guy.
That’s what Zak was looking at.
Y/N, standing right behind him, in front of the garage.
Y/n, who heard what he just said.
Y/N, who just learned her best friend was in love with her.
Ollis wanted to disappear right now. Out of all the possible scenarios he imagined for his confession, he never thought of that. So unromantic, rushed, not planned. Zak used the bit of time that the two lovebirds spend at looking at each other to escape. Ollie faced Y/N completely, looking at her like a child who just did a mistake.
“Y/N…I…” He was cut short; he didn’t even know what he wanted to say in the first place.
“You love me?” She seemed so calm saying this, as if there wasn’t a tornado of thought in her head.
“Yes…” He confessed, there was not point in denying it, she heard him say it.
“But since when?” She stepped forward, placing her hand on Ollie’s cheek, trying to meet his eyes.
“Since we were 14…” He lifted his gaze from his shoes to Y/N’s face. She was smiling.
“I’m so sorry, I just ruined 7 years of friendship. I’ll understand if you don’t want to be best friend after that…”
“Ollie…” She cut him again
Y/N got on her tippy toes and pressed her lips against Ollie’s.
Ollie melt into the kiss, arms lacing around the girl’s waist. It was tender, simple, romantic. Their lips were slightly touching. Sparks and butterfly were flying in Ollie’s stomach. His heart was racing but he was pretty sure he could hear Y/N heartbeat that was as fast as his. She pulled away first, her hands still on Ollie’s cheek:
“I’m in love with you since we were 14 too”
“And you didn’t tell me?”
“I mean, it was so obvious, I’m pretty sure everyone knew”
“So, we’re both oblivious idiots?”
“Yes, love, we’re both oblivious idiots”
He kissed her again, bending down to her level. Still all tender and cute, like the teenagers they were. He picked her up in his arm, like a princess, as he walked them back to the garage. What a start for the weekend.
Hi guys! Hoped you liked the fic. I might do a part 2 if you’re interested. Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated.
Bye Bye Babes!
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okay-j-hannah · 3 months
Part 5: Mieczyslaw
Teen Wolf : Multishot
Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word Count: 13k
Warnings: series rewrite, season 1 {aka 2011}, slow burn, friends to lovers, Stiles pining, eventual NSFW, usual teen wolf levels of violence and gore, heart conditions, fainting
Request: This just came from my own head 😊  
A/N: A little more history of the Reader in this one - I honestly love her family's backstory
Part 4: Ollie's Catnip
Part 5: Mieczyslaw {You Are Here}
Part 6: Orange Cream and Peachy Sugar
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The hospital was quiet that evening. You were assigned to the long-term care floor and spent long hours updating patient files and making your rounds. Checking vitals, refilling water bottles, adjusting patients with bed sores, and administering medication at the right times.
It was the perfect distraction. You would be missing the lacrosse game that night, missing the first game with Scott being co-captain and Stiles being first line.
You’d be missing Andrew and his dimpled grin.
Instead of focusing on that the rest of the night, you call Lydia who had texted you an SOS.
“What do you mean you’re done?”
“I mean, he sent me a pathetic text asking for his house key back. The loser is so down in the dumps that he doesn’t think he deserves me, which is right, of course.”
You hold the phone with your shoulder and start typing notes into a patient file, “I’m sorry, Lyds. Breakups suck.”
“He’s become such an asshole recently. I don’t know what’s gotten into him. But good riddance. I needed to climb the social food chain anyway. He’s been lacking in the lacrosse category.”
“Sounds like you’re handling it surprisingly well.”
“I’m completely over him. Only took a few minutes… seconds actually.”
You smile, “Yeah, you barely sound upset over it.”
She can hear your sarcasm, “Did you hear that Allison is still going to the game? Her dad and aunt are going too.”
“That’s weird,” you frown, “I wonder why.” With the Argents being hunters… you wonder how much they know about the number of werewolves in town.
“You’re still on shift tonight?”
“Yes, right where I want to be. The perfect excuse to miss the game.” You upload another patient file and wave to another night nurse leaving for her break. It was just you and one other nurse on the floor – a redhead named Jennifer.
“Anything exciting happening?” she asks in a huff, upset that the attention was no longer on her dilemma.
“Nope, I’m working the long-term floor. Everyone here is mostly in recovery or stuck in their beds. It’s usually pretty quiet at night, which is why there’s less staff.”
“Fascinating,” Lydia says quickly, “Anyway, I’ve got to go. I’m going to sit with Allison and scope out my next boyfriend.” She laughs before adding, “Don’t worry, Andrew is off the table.”
You scoff, “Yeah, thanks. Have fun.” And you slide your phone back into your scrubs pocket.
The next half hour was relatively quiet, just two call buttons going off. The rest of your time was spent making your rounds and completing chores. That is until a pair of sneakers comes walking down the hallway.
“Yeah, I said I can’t find her.”
You stand to confront the foreign male voice that was definitely intruding past visiting hours, only to find Stiles on the phone. He was getting snippy with whoever he was talking to, “Hey, listen here wolfman – the only reason I’m harboring your fugitive ass is because you saved (Y/N)’s life last full moon, got it? I don’t owe you any more favors.”
“What the hell?” you say, catching his attention, “Don’t you have a lacrosse game to get to, hotshot?”
In a few seconds you can see a range of emotions flickering through his face: confusion, happiness, worry, and something in the way he looks at your scrubs. “Hi, (Y/N).”
You walk around the nurses station and fold your arms, “Care to answer my question?”
He gives you a goofy side smile, “You’re talking to me.”
“Yes, Stiles,” you fight the immediate grin that wants to envelop your face. “What are you doing here?”
He leans into the phone for a second, “Uh… is there a Jennifer working here?”
“She’s the on call nurse tonight, why?” you pop a hip, arms still tightly crossed.
“What about Melissa?” he asks, walking down the hall and to a room. He speaks to the phone again, “Yeah, well, he’s not here either.”
“Who are you talking to?” you ask exasperatedly, “Stiles, you can’t be here past visiting hours. Would you please…”
“He’s not here. He’s gone, Derek.”
Your jaw drops, “The fugitive you’re harboring is Derek?”
He looks to you, “Yeah, the rest of the town doesn’t know he’s innocent because it’s actually a psycho Alpha werewolf that’s killing everyone,” he says to you. “You sure Melissa isn’t here?”
You hold your hands up, “I’m not answering anymore of your questions until you tell me what’s going on.”
Suddenly you can hear the frantic voice of Derek over the phone and Stiles has a look of instant terror. It sets you on edge when a mysterious man stands at the corner of the hall; it was as if he had appeared out of thin air.
Half his face is covered in burn scars and after a second thought you realize that it’s Peter Hale – the long-term resident of the floor. Your eyes widen at the sight of him standing without his wheelchair and Stiles takes a few steps in your direction.
“You must be Stiles,” Peter says in an eerily calm tone. He’s barely smiling as he nods in your direction, “Hello, (Y/N). It’s nice to finally be able to speak to you.”
Stiles drops his hand holding the phone, walking back until he feels you near him. He reaches behind him and takes hold of your arm. Your instinct is to press yourself closer into his back, “Is that…?”
“He’s the Alpha,” Stiles mutters, whipping his head to the side at the newcomer.
“Jennifer!” you say, “We have a situation with…”
The redheaded nurse holds her head high, “Shut up!”
Your mouth clamps shut – how many people are in on this? Stiles, in his usual fashion, can’t stay quiet for long.
“You and… him? You’re his… and he’s the…” Stiles is shielding you with his body at this point. “Oh my god, we’re gonna die. We’re gonna die.”
You jab a finger into his spine, silencing him. “This is not how I’m supposed to die.”
But with an elbow to the face, Jennifer falls to the floor and Derek takes her place. You forget momentarily how tall, dark, and handsome he is. Peter speaks again with that same calm, menacing tone.
“That’s not nice. She’s my nurse.”
You start to pull Stiles against you, taking you both behind the nurses station.
“She’s a psychotic bitch helping you kill people.”
Peter makes his way over, “You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family?”
A growl ripples from Derek’s throat, fangs appearing from his open mouth. Blue eyes glowing with strange power, he bounds for the attack. You’re paralyzed at seeing the action up close.
“Holy shi…”
Stiles drags you to the floor, doggy-paddling across the tile like a swimmer. You army crawl beside him as Peter and Derek start to throw each other against the hospital walls. Bits of plaster and plastic side railing break away easily.
“Okay,” you say, coughing as you breathe in some plaster dust, “I believe you now. I really believe you.”
“Is that why you haven’t been talking to me or Scott?” Stiles yells over the growling werewolves. “Scott could have easily proven werewolves existed if you just asked him to show himself.”
They continue their sliding movements across the station and to the next hall, the sound of breaking glass loud behind you. “No, I stopped talking to you because I needed a break after hearing the truth. It’s a lot to think about when you realize the whole freaking town has lore in supernatural entities that aren’t just make believe… they’re actual fucking werewolves!” You swipe an arm across the tile and shove his legs out of the way to reach his side. “I needed time to cope with the sudden shift in what I knew to be reality.”
“Understandable,” he pants, tongue sticking out, “I just wish we could’ve helped you cope instead of you just shutting us out.”
“Like I said… I wasn’t really thinking!”
“And of course it was the same night as Scott forcing a kiss on you and trying to kill you in your own home…”
“Shut the hell up, Stilinski! Bigger problems at hand!” The werewolves were moving to a different patient room to continue their fight. You gesture to the end of the hall, “The emergency exit is there. We just have to get there and down the stairs. We can call 911 when we’re outside.”
Stiles agrees, watching you with a different panic, “How’s your heart?”
“If anything happens we’re in a hospital,” you say frankly, “Come on.” You lead the way as the fighting becomes quieter.
Stiles admires you from behind, standing to run the last few feet. You slam into the door and guide the way down the many flights of stairs. Stiles is jumping whole steps and crashing into the walls.
Your lungs start to fight for breath by the time you reach the bottom, Stiles tripping over the last step and falling to his knees beside you.
“Does… Does the Alpha have control…” you pant, holding a stitch in your side, “… over Derek?”
Stiles breathes dramatically, his face scrunching up in a funny way. “I wouldn’t be surprised. He might be forcing Derek onto his side right now with some crazy alpha mind control.”
You stumble toward the exit, shoving it open to a gust of chilly night air. You lean against the hospital wall, hands on your hips. Stiles follows, pulling out his car keys.
“Can you make it to the jeep?”
“If I say no would you carry me?”
He shrugs, pulling a face, “No promises. I could probably swing a piggy-back ride.”
“Yeah, no thanks,” you say, bending down to put your head between your knees. It was routine when you were out of breath and starting to feel lightheaded. Your hands lay flat on the concrete, your mind focusing on how cold and gritty it feels under your fingers. You listen to the crickets and the wind whistling through trees. You smell the honey sweet rain from Stiles.
A large warm hand spreads against your back, rubbing up and down your spine.
You feel the air flood your lungs, “Have you called the police yet?”
“I told them there was a possible break-in and a nurse got knocked out,” he says, “They’ll be here soon.”
You take a few deep breaths, soothed by Stiles’ hand. “I have to wait for the police.” You sit up and Stiles retreats a few feet. The action makes you consider him for a few seconds. “I’m not mad at you or Scott. I just… I needed some distance while I tried to figure things out.”
There’s a bob in Stiles’ throat, “And… have you figured things out?”
You screw up your lips in thought, “I need to talk to Scott first.”
Stiles nods vigorously, hope lighting his eyes. “Yeah, yeah – for sure. Let’s go find him now, I’m sure the lacrosse game is almost over.”
A flash of pity is in your face, “You missed your first game.”
“Yeah, well…” he waves a hand, extending it to help you to your feet. “I had a couple more important things to tackle tonight.”
“Won’t your dad be disappointed?”
“Maybe a little,” he shrugs, walking to the passenger side of the jeep, “But if the pinkeye epidemic continues then I’m still first line for the time being!”
You giggle, sliding into the jeep, “I’ll pray for the conjunctivitis.” With the heater still broken, you’re grateful you chose a long-sleeve undershirt for your scrubs. It took a few minutes for you to call your boss and explain the situation.
The police were on their way, and you were meant to stay to give a witness statement. It would also have been irresponsible to leave your patients in their time of need. Choosing to wait in the jeep was just common sense seeing as there were two werewolves having a row upstairs.
“Do you think Derek is okay?” you look out the window.
Stiles was drumming his fingers against the steering wheel, “He’s fine. Peter will probably try to get him under his control.”
“Then what?”
“He’ll keep trying to get Scott into his pack.” Stiles leans more against the door to get a better look at you. “So we have some catching up to do.”
“Like what?” you smile.
He frowns, picking at his fingers, “I don’t know… like how Jackson broke up with Lydia.”
“Yeah,” you grimace, “Lydia only just told me about the breakup tonight.”
Stiles blows air between his lips, “Jackson always has another agenda. He’s been black mailing Scott because he wants the werewolf bite.”
“You’re kidding,” you say, “How did he find out about the supernatural?”
“I don’t know! He hasn’t been talking to anyone, not even Danny.”
You lean against the door to match Stiles’ stance, “Well, I know Lydia has said he’s never been the same since Scott outperformed him. He’s been slipping ever since.” You rub at your eyes, “He doesn’t talk to me much, and now it’s awkward between him and Lydia.”
“There’s also the news that the Argents know about a second beta werewolf.” At your look of confusion, he continues, “They know there’s an alpha and they know about Derek. They’ve realized that there’s a second werewolf and they’re trying to figure out who it is.”
“They being Allison’s dad and aunt?”
Stiles nods, “They have been scouting ever since – they think it might be a teenager.”
Your head perks up, “Lydia said Allison’s family was going to be at the game tonight. I bet they’re looking for clues as to who could be the other werewolf.”
“Let’s just hope they don’t suspect Scott.”
Stiles continues to pick at his nails, looking at them instead of you. “I’ve also heard that you might be going on a date with a certain potential lacrosse boyfriend…?”
You fight a smile, “Andrew asked me out.”
“And you said?”
“Yes!” you laugh, “I’ve been waiting for him to ask since I started working with Coach on the lacrosse field.” You miss the bitterness in Stiles’ face; he was trying to hide it with his downcast gaze.
A police siren could be heard down the highway. Stiles clears his throat, “Is he going to ask you to the winter formal?”
“I don’t know,” you shrug, tickled at the thought, “But that’s still a couple weeks away.”
“Do you want him to?” Stiles finally looks at you, straining to keep the hurt he feels at bay. The tightness of his chest was smothered by the boiling jealousy in his stomach. He hates the way you sound doting on Andrew. And he hates himself for being jealous over something he shouldn’t be mad about.
You made your choice and Andrew is a good guy.
“I’m not sure. He doesn’t know about my heart and a formal dance would be prime time for it to give out.” You take a deep breath, “I’d rather not spoil an evening like that.”
Stiles nods and considers you, “I guess you just need to go with someone that knows how to calm you. That way you don’t need to worry.”
It was suddenly tense for a few seconds while the police cars come closer to the hospital. You put a hand on the door handle and say, “You should probably get out of here so your dad doesn’t overhear why you might not be at the game. Police radios, you know…”
“Right,” Stiles says, “Let me know if anything comes up. I’m going to find Scott and tell him about our newly identified alpha.”
The next few days felt a little less hostile as the friend group settles into a new norm. Jackson is still moseying up to Allison, who is still apologizing on behalf of Scott for the impromptu kissing. You console her in that Scott wasn’t himself that day.
Allison was also venturing into new hobbies to keep her mind off things. She had taken to practicing archery in the woods, sometimes taking you or Lydia with her.
Jackson was talking in angry whispers to Scott and Stiles more often. You know it has something to do with seeking the werewolf curse.
As for yourself, you were working on your science project implanting E.coli in varying meats and cooking them, swabbing each as you go and putting samples in petri dishes. They were currently incubating in the chemistry lab while you walk down the hall with Andrew.
“I’m sorry I missed it,” you say, eyeing the way Andrew held your books for you.
“Hey, now we’re going to state,” he says, “You can come to that game.”
You smile, almost to English, “I’ll bring my pom-poms and megaphone.”
Andrew laughs, handing back your books for class, “I won’t say no to a little cheerleading outfit.” He winks at you and a warm blush envelops both your faces.
“I’ll see you later,” you say.
Walking into class you’re quick to notice Scott and Stiles staring at you (Stiles with a little more of a frown). You choose to sit in front of Scott, taking any opportunity for Allison to be near him.
“(Y/N)…” he starts with hesitance, “Stiles told me you’re talking again.”
You don’t turn around at first, “And?”
He leans forward across the desk, and you can hear his whisper over your shoulder. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to apologize to you this last week and… nothing seems good enough. After you avoided me and everything, I thought I lost my chance.” He sighs and you can feel it in your hair. “(Y/N), I am so so sorry. I’m sorry for attacking you – I’m sorry for forcing a kiss on you – I’m sorry for scaring you – and I’m sorry for trying to kill you.”
Very slowly you pivot in your chair to look at him.
Those puppy-dog eyes were back full force. Those were Scott’s eyes – not the dark, menacing look they had on the full moon. You knew the difference was night and day. The real Scott McCall would never do those things if he was in full control.
“I feel terrible,” he continues, afraid at your persistent silence. “I’m an awful friend and I should have told you the truth sooner. Maybe you would have been more prepared for the full moon like Stiles.”
You blink, “Have you apologized to Allison?”
“Well, I tried…” he scratches at his shaggy head, adding to his puppy-dog look. “She was shooting arrows in the forest with Lydia yesterday… and I needed to return a necklace of hers.”
“You mean you were stalking her?”
“The details are a little foggy,” he says quickly, “I might’ve scared her and she tazed me.”
Stiles snorts from beside Scott and you have to stop yourself from losing your composure. “She’s picked up a few things since breaking up with you.”
“I noticed,” he says lowly. “Anyway, I tried to apologize, and I think it got to her a little. She’s still mad, but I think she might forgive me eventually.”
“I told you,” you say with a slight smile. It gives Scott hope.
“And what about you?” his dark brown eyes are wide with anxiety.
You share a look with Stiles, who shrugs. “I forgive you.”
Scott sighs, his head falling into his arms on the desk. “Thank god. I promise, (Y/N), I didn’t mean to do any of those things. The full moon had me wired and it was like something else was controlling my body.”
“It’s okay, Scott. I did a lot of thinking while taking a break.” You look between Scott and Stiles as the tardy bell rings. “And I don’t think I can be involved with all this werewolf stuff.”
Stiles is nearly out of his chair with how he reacts. “What do you mean?” his desk squeaks terribly against the tile floor.
“I mean, I’d like to still be friends with you guys…”
An awful needle like puncture was screwing its way through Stiles’ chest. Friends.
“… but I don’t really want to be included in any werewolf business or late night investigations or almost being killed – which has happened to me about three times now since starting school.”
“Werewolf business is a very regular part of my life,” Scott says with a disbelieving laugh.
You nod, “I get it, I just mean I’d love to hang out or go to a party sometime, but I can’t be involved with anything else related to the alpha situation.”
Stiles was having trouble swallowing as Scott continues, “Like it or not, (Y/N) – you’re kind of a part of my pack. The pack that the Alpha wants me to get rid of.”
“Then… I’m resigning from the pack,” you shrug half-heartedly.
Stiles’ jaw nearly hits the floor as the teacher snaps at the three of you for talking. There is about three minutes of quiet as the teacher explains the upcoming book report that you’ve already finished on Sense and Sensibility.
After that you receive a group text from both Scott and Stiles.
Stiles: You’re just unfriending the pack?!
(Y/N): Can’t I do that and still be friendly?
Stiles: No
Scott: Of course you can. We just don’t get why
You raise your hand and share what stance you took on the book report requirements. You wrote an analytical piece on the personalities of two sisters: Elenor being all sense and Marianne being all sensibility.
The teacher looks pleased and asks for more volunteers. You’re now covered to keep texting.
(Y/N): Tell you later
Scott: Ok
Stiles: Tell us now
You tuck your phone away and feel it buzz with a few more messages before going quiet. You don’t mean for it to be such a shock. You just knew that the more stress you had the more likely you’d have a fainting episode with your heart condition. That would lead to more heart damage and an end that you want to prolong as much as possible.
Being surrounded by high stress werewolf situations was going to be the death of you.
You are quick to leave the classroom at the bell and the boys weren’t far behind.
“Hey,” Stiles grabs your shoulder, slowing you down. “Explain.”
Scott holds his backpack straps, awkward but less demanding on hearing your explanation.
“It’s not a good idea for me to be around a lot of stress,” you sigh, “You know… because of my heart.”
Both boys purse their lips and share a look. Scott is quiet when he asks, “Because you have a tachee-heart?”
You and Stiles both say, “Tachycardia?” You laugh and continue, “Yes. My heartbeat is already irregular and if I do anything to add to it… it’s bad news bears.”
“Care to expand on what these bad news bears are?” Stiles asks irritably.
“That’s a talk for another day,” you say quickly, leading the way to your next class. “Just know that the more my heart struggles the worse off I’ll be.”
“But we can help you,” Stiles says, pressing into your shoulder as you all walk down the hallway. “We can calm you down if that happens.” I can calm you down.
You sigh, “Not always. It can be random and persistent.” You stop outside the door of your next class. “This isn’t me saying we can’t be friends, just… I want to avoid any werewolfy scenarios that might involve near death and/or general terror.”
You leave Scott and Stiles to contemplate out in the hallway. Shoulders sagging, Scott groans, “This werewolf thing is ruining my life.”
“Yeah, and mine.” Stiles broods at the classroom door, taking a second to realize what he said and turning to the mild anger on Scott’s face. “What? I’m the best friend – I am legally bound to whatever misery you experience.”
“All the new friends I’ve made are literally being pushed away because of this curse,” Scott rubs hard at his face, “And it’s ruined my love life, not to mention my lifespan. Hunters are basically knocking down my front door!”
“Yeah, it’s really putting a damper on my love life too.” Stiles mumbles to himself, “I really thought I had a shot with her.”
Scott shoves his friend, “Even after all her talk about Andrew?”
Stiles scowls, “That’s just a silly crush.”
“And what she feels for you is… what exactly?”
“Hidden feelings that I will unlock one day for her to realize that I am the perfect guy for her…” he licks his lips, wincing, “… despite the clumsiness, sarcasm, and general idiocy.”
Scott laughs, “Yeah, she’s really missing out.”
“Hey!” he rams into Scott as they walk towards their next class. “I really like her, Scott. Like… I like her, like her.”
“I know, Loverboy.”
“She’s all I can think about, and I know I’m just a pathetic friend of hers, but I’m hopeless, Scott! Completely hopeless.”
Scott gives him a look, “Are you sure you’re not stalking her?”
“In a broad sense of the term,” Stiles shrugs, “I’ve never felt this comfortable around a girl before. I’ve never felt this way about any girl.”
“You’ve got it bad,” Scott sighs, “I know the feeling well.”
You walk through the aisles of computers to sit near the back beside a hunched figure. He keeps his head down even as you watch his eyes dart to see who you are. If anything it makes him more shy, his shoulders drawing in as if he were trying to make himself as small as possible.
You sling your backpack onto the ground and ignore the random text Stiles sent you about the history of the male circumcision. He was always sending you the most out-of-pocket things.
“Hey,” you smile at the quiet boy, “My name’s (Y/N)…” He turns his head a little more and you instantly recognize him as one of the benchwarmers on the lacrosse team, “… and you’re Isaac, right?”
His blue eyes seem to warm at your recognition, “Yeah, Isaac Lahey,” he clears his throat, “I uh…”
“You play lacrosse!” your smile widens, “I didn’t realize we had computer science together.”
“Play is a strong word,” he says with a hint of a smile. “I sort of keep to myself.”
You lean on your elbow, considering him as he fidgets under your gaze. “I think the last time we talked was when I was passing out permission slips for that spring retreat Coach was talking about.”
Isaac nods his head, still bowing like he was trying to hide behind his computer screen. “I don’t talk much.”
“You didn’t bring back your permission slip if I remember correctly.”
“No,” he clears his throat again, finding it hard to swallow. “My dad needs me to stay home.”
“Even for just a weekend?” your brows knit.
He licks his lips, “He needs help at work and… I’m the only one around to do it.”
“Shame,” you mutter, “I’d like to have seen you there. Maybe we could’ve roasted marshmallows together and tossed Coach’s whistle in the lake.”
His lips upturn a little more, “You’re going on the retreat?”
“I don’t think the Coach can survive without me,” you stifle a laugh, “Besides I’m the only one who knows anything about the retreat. He probably couldn’t drive a single one of you up there.” You nudge your arm into his, “You should ask your dad again, see if he’ll change his mind.”
Isaac has an emotion you can’t gauge flash across his eyes. “Maybe.” He nods and hides that smile you’re trying to pull out of him. “I wouldn’t mind messing with Coach, though.”
“We could hide his energy drinks or put dye in his toothpaste,” you muse, “Make his teeth blue for a day.”
“Or we could put a squirrel in his cabin,” Isaac says with a little more enthusiasm, “Or maybe we could hide his shaving kit and see what kind of beard he can grow.”
You snort, “I bet it’s as white as an old mans.”
“It’s because all us kids give him gray hairs,” Isaac laughs, smiling wide.
You laugh along, suddenly struck with his change of demeanor. “You have a great smile, Isaac,” you say, “It looks good on you.”
A rush of red fills his cheeks, unable to stop smiling now. He isn’t hunched behind his computer anymore, “Thank you.”
The teacher was about ready to throttle you two for giggling over her talking. You nudge Isaac again with your arm, putting a finger to your lips.
The next day you’re being dropped off at the Argent residence for a ‘family dinner.’ Allison has been complaining about how often her dad talks about meeting you. It was odd not having met them – almost every parent in town knew who you were.
That was the consequence of a small town with two working parents in the emergency fields. Most adults knew that they had to leave at the drop of a dime if your heart was ever in trouble.
Hence the anxiety making your fingers pull on your sleeves.
“(Y/N)!” Allison greets, pulling you into a hug, “I’m so sorry for this,” she whispers.
You whisper back, “Don’t be.” But a flash of fear crosses your face when the door widens to reveal a blue-eyed, middle-aged man. “Mr. Argent?”
“(Y/N),” he extends a hand, eyes never blinking as he probes you, “We finally meet.” He shakes your hand firmly, “My wife and daughter have only had good things to say.”
And my friends have told me about your penchant for shooting arrows at teenage boys. “Nice to meet you.” You follow the family inside and to the dining room. “I hope you don’t mind…”
In your free hand was a small container of peanut butter brownies you had made earlier that day. Chris Argent looks pleased when he inspects the contents, “How wonderful – you didn’t have to.”
“I know,” you say, handing the dessert to Allison to plate. The Argents were able to provide for themselves, plus extra.
Living on the other side of town, the Argent residence was much more lavish than what you were used to. It created a very unfortunate divide between the teenagers. An invisible line that was rarely mentioned, but nonetheless present.
Over in these neighborhoods, Lydia, Allison, and Jackson lived with rich crown moldings, nice cars, high ceilings, and antique furniture. More in the valley, you, Stiles, and Scott lived in modest homes with hand-me-down items and a small growing pile of bills.
With one check you bet the Argents could take away your family’s medical debt.
“Your home is lovely as always,” you say, admiring the chandelier in the dining room. “And dinner smells amazing.”
“Not my doing,” a dirty blonde says with a crisp laugh. A near forced laugh as her less piercing blue eyes meet yours. She assesses you with something a little colder than Chris. “Hello, I’m Kate, and I have no talent for cooking.”
You give a wave across the table, instantly wary of her. Allison pops up beside you, “That’s my aunt I told you about.” She looks to Kate as she sits, “(Y/N) is an amazing cook.”
Kate nods, still scrutinizing you with her gaze. “What else are you good at, (Y/N)?”
“Reading,” you say instantly, sharing a laugh with Allison. “I keep to myself mostly.”
With the table set, the Argent family sits to enjoy the meal. Victoria Argent, whom you’ve met the few times you’ve been out with Allison, sat with her husband.
“So, (Y/N), tell us a little more about yourself,” Chris says, spearing asparagus with his fork. “You’re close with our daughter but we know almost nothing about you.”
You try to swallow your roast chicken quickly as Allison scolds her father. “I told you not to interrogate her,” she leans closer to you, “He doesn’t really have a ‘pleasant conversation’ option in his vernacular.”
“It’s alright,” you say with a wave, grabbing a nice cloth napkin to dab at your mouth. “My parents like to know who I’m friends with too.”
“You know Scott and Jackson, correct?” Kate digs into her chicken with a knife.
“Yes, we’re all friends. I also am a teacher assistant for Coach Finstock, so I see them at lacrosse a lot.”
Chris considers you, “But you weren’t at the last lacrosse game?”
“No, I work at the hospital as a medical assistant and I picked up a shift that night,” you take a sip of your water. How much information was too much information to give?
Kate tilts her head in your direction, “Wasn’t there a break-in at the hospital that night?”
You nod slowly, “Yeah, someone got into an altercation past visiting hours. I don’t know who but when I went to investigate the noise, there was a lot of broken glass and cracks in the walls. Thank goodness none of the patients were harmed.”
Chris takes his time cutting his meal into pieces, “That sounds terrible. What did you do?”
“I called the police, checked on my residents, and ran outside to meet the cops.” You take a small bite of food, “They didn’t find anything besides the damage.”
“Cameras?” Kate questions.
You shake your head, “My co-workers said that they had been damaged as well. Wiped clean or lost… I don’t know exactly.”
Chris seems satisfied for the time being, “Well, I’m glad you got out safely, whatever it was.”
Kate, on the other hand, seems to perk with interest, “I hear you’ve had a run-in with danger a couple times this year.” At your look of confusion, she nods toward your collar. “The attack on the video store, I mean.” She barely moves a centimeter as she stares you down, “Allison told me you had gotten clawed pretty bad.”
You spot the wince in Allison’s brow. “I did get attacked that night,” you wipe at your mouth again. “It was pretty bad for a while, infected and everything. But I’m okay now.”
Kate was persistent, “Must have left a pretty gnarly scar.” Her eyebrows lift as if expecting you to reveal your shoulder. She was scolded by her niece.
“It’s still a little pink, but that’ll go away with time,” you say as nonchalantly as possible. “I’d say it makes me look a little cooler than I am.” You shift the collar of your shirt an inch to reveal the tail end of three massive claw marks, another curling around your arm. It was your turn to gauge the reaction of the Argents.
Chris and Kate share a look and you clear your throat in response. Are you making yourself a possible werewolf suspect?
“And what do you guys do for work?” you say, steering the conversation off yourself. “Allison says that you’re a weapons dealer?”
Chris pours himself more water, “That’s right. We have quite the collection if you’re interested.”
You shake your head quickly, “I’m not really built for that. I enjoy my books and my lazy cat sleeping in my lap as I read.”
He nods, hopefully in a sign of respect. “That’s why Kate is here. She deals in weaponry as well – a very skilled hunter.”
She raises her glass, “The art of the kill. I needed my brother’s expertise on a few pieces for my latest hunt.”
“What do you hunt?” you say innocently.
“Big game predators,” she says, cold eyes locked on you. “Cougars, bears, wolves.”
You almost smirk. These people are hiding in plain sight.
“My mom is a buyer for a store in San Fransico,” Allison steers the conversation even more. “Right, mom?”
Victoria, already done with her meal and leaning back in her chair, replies, “Yes, it’s a charming little boutique. I also teach math at a boarding school for boys on the side.”
You nod, “Why math?”
“Strategy,” she says flatly. “Equations and probabilities. I enjoy the art of stratagem.”
That was slightly off putting as well. Did these people know how to be subtle? How had Allison gone this long without knowing her family history?
“And your parents are…?” Victoria continues.
You smile, “My mom works behind the desk at the police station – taking and directing calls. My dad works at the firehouse.”
“You must hear everything that goes on around here,” Chris smirks.
“Only when I ask,” you say, “And that’s considering nothing wild has happened in Beacon Hills for years…”
Kate leans back in her chair as well, crossing her arms in contemplation. “Have you lived here your whole life?”
“Yes,” you say, pushing your plate away, “Almost since birth.”
“Where did you live before?” Chris asks.
He might be intimidating, but you enjoy talking to him much more than Kate. “My parents lived in Palo Alto when I was born. We had a nice house and my mom worked security at Stanford University. My dad actually met her at the San Francisco Bay. He was a lifeguard before he was a firefighter, and he watched the swimmers at Keller Beach and Berkeley Marina.” You smile a sweet smile, “She kept coming back to those places to see him… even pretended to drown once for a kiss.”
“Must be a fan of The Sandlot,” Allison snickers, enjoying hearing you talk more than her family.
 “So why make the move to Beacon Hills?” Kate asks, arms still tightly wound.
Your smile falls a little, “I was born with a congenital heart defect. The medical bills and surgeries became too much… and we had to downgrade.”
Allison puts a hand on your leg beneath the table. Chris sends a piercing look to his sister and mutters, “I’m sorry, (Y/N) – I didn’t know you were sick.”
“Still am,” you say with mock cheerfulness, holding your water glass with two hands to give yourself something to focus on. “Heart problems are persistent. We try to keep it as discreet as possible.”
He nods, looking at you with a different air of likeness. “It sounds like you have a wonderful family.”
“I do,” you say fast, “Thank you.”
They move on to the brownies you brought as a means to change the subject. Victoria hums her appreciation, “These are delicious, did you put caramel in here too?”
“Caramel is one of the greatest inventions of all time and deserves to be incorporated into as many sweets as possible,” you laugh, “Of course I put caramel in them.”
The table laughs as you eat, feeling a little stripped bare after revealing so much about yourself. As Allison said, it did feel more like an interrogation rather than a pleasant family meal. You were quick to text the boys as you leave the residence.
“My place in ten minutes. I have an Argent update.” You smile as you add, “… and leftover brownies.”
Allison was kind enough to drive you home, apologizing the entire way. “My dad wasn’t as brazen as usual, but my aunt Kate?” she rolls her eyes, “I can’t believe how much she was grilling you.”
“You have a protective family,” you shrug, “So do I.”
“Your parents have a good reason to be extra protective of you,” she retorts, “My family is just nosy and suspicious and… I don’t know, my aunt and dad have been a little tense with each other this visit. They usually get along so well.”
“How much longer is your aunt staying here?” you ask, holding your container of leftover brownies.
Allison knits her brow in thought, “I’m not sure. She says she’s getting ready for another big hunt and just needs supplies and my dad’s advice. But I don’t know… sometimes I feel like she isn’t telling me everything.”
You thank Allison for the ride and the invitation to dinner. You promise to give her an update on your date with Andrew that weekend, and she drives off. Entering your house was a breath of fresh air.
Oliver trots to your side, his furry underbelly swaying side to side before you scoop him up and kiss his head. He purrs instantly.
“How was dinner?” your mom asks, sitting at the dining table with little potted plants in front of her. She was trying to grow herbs from seeds and the lavender was not doing so well.
“It was fine,” you kick off your shoes, “Her family is a little interrogative.”
Tom walks in with his usual cola, no doubt with a few ounces of whiskey poured in. “I knew they were a little tense, especially after that Chris guy shot the mountain lion at parent teacher conferences.”
You scratch under Ollie’s chin, “It was still nice, but I would watch out for that Kate Argent. She scares me a little.” You sit at the table and watch your mom preen the little sprouts of eucalyptus and rosemary. “Oh, I also invited Scott and Stiles over, if that’s okay.”
Tom folds his arms, making them look massive beneath his firehouse flannel. “I thought you liked that Andrew guy.”
“I can like a guy and be friends with other guys, dad,” you snicker, “I’m just going to take my medicine real quick, will you send them up when they get here?”
Your mom waves you off, adding some water to her seedlings, “Leave me one of those brownies, would you?”
A minute later, and having taken all your prescription meds, there’s a howling laugh coming from downstairs. You move to the foot of the stairs to see Stiles beaming and your dad wiping his eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Tom says, “Stilinski here was just telling me about a police fiasco with a red tricycle and a klepto.”
You look puzzled as Stiles scratches at the back of his head, “Yeah, I might’ve stolen some already stolen items from evidence when I was a kid. I was the prime suspect for about three days with all the stuff in my possession.”
“And at five years old,” your dad laughs, downing his drink.
“I really wanted the tricycle!” Stiles retorts, “It was my first bike.”
Tom shakes his head, “Learning to pedal on stolen property.”
Scott pulls on his friend, “It was nice talking to you guys.”
“Of course, sweetie,” your mom says, “Now not too late, you still have school tomorrow.”
Walking up the stairs (Stiles tripping over at least two of the steps) you lead the boys into your room, Oliver already on your bed.
“Hey, buddy…” Stiles gets on his knees and crawls to the edge of the bed, “How’s the fuzz ball?”
Ollie perks his ears and blinks slowly at Stiles, bowing his head for a pet. Though upon Scott’s arrival, the cat sets his ears back and hisses.
“What the…” you mutter, watching your cat growl low in his throat and dart to leave the bedroom. “He’s never acted like that before.”
Scott looks guilty, “Well, I am part dog and… I did break into your house as a werewolf not too long ago.”
Your lips make a thin line, “Right. Cats and dogs don’t always get along.” You walk to your bed, flicking at Stiles’ head as you sit down, “Do you guys want a brownie? They’re leftover from my dinner with the Argents.”
Stiles’ greedy fingers dive for the plastic container while Scott shoves his hands in his pockets. “You had dinner at their house?”
You relay some of the conversation you had. The mysterious penchant for weapons and hunting big game predators. The interrogative questions on the hospital break-in and your involvement with Scott and Jackson. The request to see the claw marks on your shoulder.
“Do they think you might be the second beta too?” Scott asks with a tense line between his eyebrows. Stiles was too busy eating his third brownie.
“Maybe… do they think a scratch could turn you?”
“That’s what Derek said,” Scott swallows hard, “He told us a deep enough alpha scratch might give you the curse. The Argents might have the same theory.” He smacks his forehead, “Which is why they’re suspicious of Jackson. He has those claw marks in his neck from Derek.”
You frown, “And they don’t know they’re from Derek and not the Alpha.”
“But they do know your scars are from the Alpha,” Scott mutters worriedly, “I wouldn’t be surprised if they do a follow-up on you.”
“But after I told them about my heart condition, they seemed to back off. At least Chris did.”
You relay the conversation that you had about your parents meeting in Palo Alto and the move to Beacon Hills because of your heart. You remember the likeness Chris Argent had in his voice as he expressed his apologies for your sickness.
“If you’re sick then you couldn’t have the curse,” Scott mumbles, picking at his chin. “Werewolves heal really fast unless the wound is supernatural too.”
Stiles is licking his fingers when he suddenly blurts, “Do you think if you were a werewolf your heart would be cured?”
You shrug, finding the amount of brownie left on Stiles’ face amusing. “I don’t really want to find out. Anyway, I knew you guys would probably want to know.”
“Still not keen on all this werewolf business?” Stiles asks.
“I’m just trying to protect myself.” You sit on the bed, Stiles on the ground and leaning against the mattress. He’s looking up at you with his brown eyes, fizzing with warmth like cola and whiskey. “It’s not that I don’t want to investigate with you guys. I just worry what it’ll do to my heart.”
You laugh and point at your own face, “You’ve got chocolate all over your mouth.”
Stiles is quick to rub his mouth across his shirt sleeves, “Those brownies were just too damn good.” There was still a smudge at the corner of his lips.
“Maybe if you swallowed between bites…” you move your fingers to his face, lifting his chin to look up at you. He’s frozen as you move your thumb to the corner of his mouth and wipe down and under his bottom lip.
Eyes wide and imploring as they look up at you. He’s all sweet innocence and deeply adoring as you touch his mouth. The brown of his eyes was melting into the sticky sweet sap color, like warm honey in the sunlight.
You pull your hand away and suck the chocolate off the pad of your thumb, “… but thank you for the compliment. I’m not as much of a baker.”
Scott was trying to keep a smile off his face as his hand hovered near his crinkled nose. He was smelling something that was flying off Stiles like a firework set aflame. The poor boy was squirming in his spot on the ground, crossing his legs and keeping his hands over his lap.
“How was Allison?” Scott changes the subject.
You look up, now ignoring the sappy eyes gazing from below. “She was fine – maybe a little embarrassed about her family. It was strange knowing the motive behind her family’s questions but seeing none of it register with her.”
“I have a feeling she’ll find out soon enough.”
“Me too,” you stand, “For now she’s releasing a lot of her stress through archery and training with her aunt.”
Scott shivers, “Scary.”
You nod, walking to the door and hearing Stiles scramble to his feet. “I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow?”
Getting into the jeep was uncomfortable, Stiles pulling at his jeans. Scott was laughing at him before too long, “Dude, you should have seen your face. You really are hopeless.”
Stiles groans, slamming his forehead into the steering wheel, “She touched me and every thought just flew out of my head.”
“I could smell it off you,” Scott grimaces, “Just awful lovey-dovey sex hormones, even without the full moon I could smell it.”
Stiles sat straight, making the jeep wiggle side to side. He had a ruddy red mark on his forehead. “Did you smell anything from (Y/N)?”
Scott clamps his mouth shut before shaking his head. “I could hear her uneven heartbeat, but that’s nothing new.”
In a dramatic turn of events, Stiles slumps in his seat and puts the car in drive. “I need to figure out a way to tell her.”
“Tell her your feelings?” Scott gaps, “What about the possibility of utterly crushing humiliation? Not to mention ruining what friendships we still have.”
“Thanks for adding to the anxiety, Scott,” he grumbles, “I just… I can’t help thinking about how I am with her. I have never been able to just talk about my mom to anyone… but with her it’s easy. I’ve never brought a girl over to my house before… but with (Y/N) it was a no brainer. I’ve never been so equally terrified and comfortable with a girl. And with her heart…”
“You’re like an anchor for her,” Scott says quietly, all teasing aside. “You can calm her.”
Stiles puts one hand over his cropped hair, “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her.”
“You know the difference between you and Andrew Wickstrom, Stiles?”
He snorts, “He’s maybe four inches taller than me, has perfect curly hair, and is way better at lacrosse than I am.”
“He asked (Y/N) out,” Scott says, “You just need to ask her out.”
Friday night was all excitement and butterflies as you walk around a strip mall with Andrew. The white fairy lights turn on when the sun sets, and you’re left walking on cobblestones and eating ice cream.
You were laughing at the ridiculous training regime that Coach was making the boys do in preparation for the state game.
“What is the benefit of running laps to the classroom and out to the field?”
“Coach makes us carry his stuff too and from his office,” Andrew mocks, “He makes it sound like an exercise, but really he just wants us to fetch his granola bars and energy drinks.”
You laugh again, “That sounds about right. How do you feel about the game?”
“Since switching to goalie it’s been hard figuring the plays out. But I think I’ve got the hang of it now.” He offers to throw away your empty ice cream cup and spoon.
The night so far had entailed a dinner at a little café outside the mall before looking in some of the stores for new summertime clothes. Andrew bought an outfit for you, shorts with little revealing tears in them and a strappy top that shows your scars way more than you’re used to.
You love that Andrew doesn’t question you about them.
Next was a stop at an ice cream parlor, taste testing different flavors before picking your favorites. The pair of you now walking around as the moon comes out, the trees adorned with white fairy lights.
You were walking so close to each other that you kept bumping arms. “Next time I want to show you my favorite antique shop downtown. It has some of the coolest things from every time period, and it’s connected to an old bookshop – one of the ones with tall ladders and a second floor just like in…”
“There’s going to be a next time?” Andrew says, sounding a little giddy. He was looking at you with pink dusting his cheeks.
You blush, “Is that alright?”
In reply, Andrew locks your fingers between his. “Very alright.” You stroll down the next street of cool fairy light, squeezing each other’s hands. “What were you saying about the old bookstore before I rudely interrupted you?”
You brush hair behind your ears, “Oh, just that it reminds me of the old bookstore from Beauty and the Beast… the one from her town.”
“You’re a fan of Disney?”
“Always,” you laugh, “With movies like The Princess and the Frog and The Emperor’s New Groove… how could you not be?”
Andrew snickers, “It’s because of Naveen, isn’t it?”
“Ah, Prince Naveen,” you groan, “You got me there.”
“Got to be honest though… Treasure Planet might be the best one yet.”
You pull on his arm, “I haven’t watched that in ages!”
Andrew side eyes you as his dimples come out, “So old antique shop and then movie night?”
You’re giddy at the thought of another date, “Sounds perfect.” You wander the streets just talking and laughing for another half hour before he offers to drive you home.
He holds your hand atop your lap the whole way.
Walking to your door, porchlight on as your parents wait for your return, you thank Andrew for a lovely evening.
“It’s nice after all the chaos the town’s been in the last month.”
He nods, “I had a really nice time with you, (Y/N).” He hands you the shopping bag with your new summer outfit, “I’ll text you a time for the next one.”
You smile wide as he takes a step closer, “I had fun too.” He was leaning down to your height, your chin rising to meet him.
In a quick mind-boggling moment, Andrew presses his lips to yours. He pulls away just an inch to see your reaction before moving further.
At your slight smile he leans in for more, kissing you more firmly and cupping your cheek. A sudden warmth blooms up your chest and into your face – and a beeping comes from your watch.
You break away suddenly, “God, sorry…” you cover the watch face with your hand. “Parents are waiting.”
Andrew licks his lips, all smiles as he says goodbye, “I’ll see you on Monday.”
You slip inside and find your mom pruning a more successful chamomile plant at the dining table, no doubt planning to make tea with it. “Hello, honey…” she smirks, “Had a nice time?”
Checking your watch, you take a deep breath, your chest tight from something a little more than your racing heart. “The best.”
You had no idea that Stiles was burrowed beneath his blankets in bed, his phone lighting up his face is somber blue light. He watches the alert of your heart rate die down and knows in his gut that you probably had an exciting goodnight kiss on your date.
It sticks him with an ache he can’t shake for the rest of the night.
The weekend came with an invitation from Stiles in the most untoward manner. You were working on term projects for history and math when there was a sharp rapping on the window. Turning around you see Stiles waving on the roof.
Already smiling, you go to unlock the window and help him open it, “What are you doing here?”
“I came to ask you something.”
“And your phone is…?”
He shrugs, “More of a boring gesture than this.”
“And not coming to the door…?”
He screws his face up in a comical expression, “Again, this is a more interesting entrance.” And with a graceful slip of the hand, he falls forward through the window and crashes to the ground, “Ow!”
You grimace, hearing the floorboards squeak in the hall, “Shit, Stiles my parents will kill me if they knew you were sneaking up our roof!” In a frantic waving of your hands you shove him under your bed.
He does his now famous doggy-paddling across the hardwood floor.
“(Y/N), sweetie?” your mom calls as she enters your bedroom, “Oh – what was that noise? I thought you must’ve fainted and fell.”
You put your hands behind your back, looking around and finding Ollie still snoozing on the history textbook on your desk. He was so unbothered and not at all helpful. “Um… I dropped my math workbook,” you say quickly, “It’s pretty thick.”
Your mom looks to your hands to see the workbook and raises her eyebrows in question.
Choking on your words you look around and find the evidence on your bed covers, “See! I just picked it up when you walked in.”
Angela shakes her head, “Studying must be getting to you. Maybe you should take a break.”
You nod vigorously and thank your mother, closing your door and finding Stiles already trying to pull himself out from under your bed. His tongue was sticking out as he struggles.
“That was close,” you laugh, sitting on the floor with him, “Who knew you’d be such mischief.”
Stiles snaps his eyes to yours and flounders in his words, “I… you – did you…”
Your knees are inches away as you give him a quizzical look, “What?”
“My m-, my mom used to call me mischief.” His voice was quiet and wondering as he says it. He looks at you with a kind of awe; a freckle of sadness making his eyes glassy.
You suddenly feel warm, maybe from embarrassment – maybe from empathy. You couldn’t imagine a life without your mother. “A very fitting name for someone so mischievous.”
He chuckles, his smile subconscious, “That’s not the only reason she called me that. Um… I uh – my name isn’t actually Stiles.”
“I knew it,” you smirk.
“I actually have a polish name – my grandpa’s name. And it’s really hard to pronounce, so I’d pretty much stop at saying mischief cause that was as close as I could get.”
You raise your eyebrows, all curiosity, “And this name is…?”
He looks shy as he mumbles, “Mieczyslaw.”
He becomes shier as he repeats, “Yeah, Mieczyslaw. You can imagine why a young impressionable child would choose to go by something a little easier.”
You look at him fondly, “I like it. I like learning things about you.” You stand, taking his hand to pull him up, “Now what was the thing you wanted to ask me?”
“I wanted to know if you’d come hangout at my place tonight and meet my dad.”
“I already know your dad, Stiles.”
“Yeah, on a professional basis,” he mocks, “But… but you’ve never seen him without the badge on.”
You agree to come over that night and say you’ll bring a treat, which immediately strikes interest in Stiles. You plan accordingly, cooking all Saturday evening and dishing it in traveling containers. Placing them in a large take-out bag, you drive with your dad to the Stilinski bachelor pad.
You hope your gesture is kindly met.
“(Y/N)!” Stiles says with as much enthusiasm as one seeing someone for the first time in weeks. He’s awkward as he thinks of another way to greet you and is grateful when you go in for a hug. “Something smells delicious.”
You lift the large bag, “I told you I’d bring something.”
He leads you to the kitchen and you see Noah Stilinski looking over case files at the dining table. He looks stressed and wary until he spots you in the doorway.
“Ah, hello (Y/N). It’s nice to see you outside of the station…” he stands up, “… and outside of an ambulance.”
You laugh, going in for a hug that he wasn’t expecting, but loving it nonetheless. He holds you for a second longer as you say, “It’s about time.” He smells of whiskey. You gesture to the food in your bag, “I brought us dinner.”
“Oh my god,” Noah deadpans, “You spoil us.” He frantically tries to shuffle his case files into an orderly fashion, “I’m sorry it’s such a mess.” He moves his full whiskey glass and goes to put the decanter away.
“It’s okay,” you start to help, catching words like ‘murder’ and ‘Hale House.’ Stiles ran for some plates and forks. “There’s not always warning when Stiles makes plans.” You wonder how drunk the sheriff already is – the case must really be getting to him.
Noah chuckles, “You really know my son, then.” He seems awkward without the authority of his badge – like any other suburban dad. “He didn’t tell me you were bringing anything. Wait… did you cook that?” he points to your bag of containers.
“Yeah,” you say, helping Stiles set the table, “My specialty.”
Noah shakes his head, “I haven’t had a homecooked meal in…”
“Years,” Stiles snorts, “(Y/N) is the real deal, dad. Whatever she made will change your life.”
“He eats some chicken and rice and suddenly I’m a three-star Michelin chef.”
Stiles chortles, “Don’t forget those brownies. I’ll never be the same.”
You laugh as the boys sit down and you reveal the dinner you brought. A bowl of spicy Italian sausage, a plate of sliced garlic bread, and a dish of homemade mac and cheese topped with chopped parsley and green onion.
It was very quiet for the first few minutes, you placing a slice of garlic bread on each plate and ladling the cheesy noodles on top like an open-faced slider. You end with placing a few pieces of sausage on the side and passing the plates to the boys.
Stiles still can’t find the words as his dad says, “Did um…” he clears his throat. “Did Stiles tell you…”
You nod, feeling a presence there like nothing you had ever experienced before. “He said it was one of her signature dishes – a favorite of his.” You look to Stiles beside you and notice something glistening in his eyes.
You let them soak in the thoughtfulness of the gesture – what it actually signifies for them – and you start to eat on your own. Though it didn’t bring up any childhood memories of motherly love that it would for Stiles… it was still delicious.
“You’re right,” you say softly, “Like a fancy kids meal.”
Noah starts to chuckle, sniffing as he clears the emotion from his throat. He’s next to start eating his meal and the way he savors each bite is compliment enough. You wait for Stiles to start, very conscious of his quietness.
Stiles was never quiet.
He picks up the garlic bread laden with mac and cheese and takes a bite. He giggles like a schoolboy, “Wow.” He closes his eyes and you feel inclined to put your hand on his. Beneath the table, you wrap your fingers around his against his leg.
You rub your thumb in circles around his knuckles, watching him open his eyes and see tears there. “How is it?”
He sniffs, looking at you with wet eyes, “Like I remember.” He wipes at his face as you smile.
The rest of the meal continues with small talk and fond memories bringing up laughter. The sheriff finishes his whiskey and seems full and tired. Stiles keeps eating until there were no leftovers in sight.
He was now staring at the files of paperwork on the current Derek Hale case. You catch his eye and stand to wash dishes, “You finished, sheriff?”
“Oh no, I’ve got it,” Stiles slips out of his chair and takes the plates from your hands, “You just sit down, I’ll clean up.”
You smile to yourself as the sheriff looks more work wary, leaning on his hand and rubbing at his temples. “You bring out the best in him,” he says quietly, “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him willingly wash a dish before.”
“He’s sweet,” you say. Realizing too late that that was another thing Mrs. Stilinski used to say all the time.
Noah nods, a little red in the cheeks from the alcohol, “He is. She always said so.”
You had a feeling the sheriff didn’t talk about his wife very much. “You seem a little put out.”
“It’s just this case,” he rubs hard at his face, “I’ve been staring at it for weeks and I know they’re all connected, but there’s something missing.”
“What are all connected?” you ask.
He points a finger at you, “I shouldn’t be telling you.”
“You know I’m not going to say anything, sheriff,” you say candidly, “I’m a hermit that makes very good mac and cheese in my spare time.”
He chuckles deep in his throat, quieter the drunker he is. “The thing is… the bus driver that got killed, he was an insurance investigator assigned to the Hale house fire.” He pulls on a paper with his fingertips, sliding it across the table.
You read it sideways as it moves. “’Terminated under suspicion of fraud.’”
“The video store clerk who got his throat slashed, he’s a convicted felon, history of arson. Two others in the woods… they had priors all over their records, including…”
“Arson…” you say to yourself. The true crime fan within you was a little tickled. It sounds like all the victims had something to do with the house fire six years ago. You look over your shoulder to see Stiles standing in the doorway. He had soapy water soaking the front of his shirt.
He puts a finger to his lips and listens.
“There’s just so many questions…” You don’t stop him for fear that he’ll register all that he’s telling you. “If Derek wanted to kill everyone involved with the fire, then why start with his sister? I mean, she had nothing to do with it. And why make it look like some kind of animal did it?”
You shake your head. It must be killing Stiles to know the real reason behind some of these things and not being able to share. He was protecting his dad from the supernatural. Just like how he was trying to protect you from it.
“You know the instances of wild animal reports were up 70% over the past few months? It’s like they’re going crazy and running out of the woods. I don’t know.” He hand a palm to his forehead, already dozing off.
You feel a little guilty as you lean in your chair.
“Hey, sheriff, can I ask you a favor?”
“Anything, sweetheart…”
You smile warmly as Stiles leans his head against the archway. “Would you be willing to call my parents and tell them I’m staying the night? It’s late and I don’t want to worry them. Stiles and I have some work to catch up on… our chemistry project and stuff. Now would be a really good time to get it done.”
The sheriff had a dopey smile on his face as he looks at you. He considers you while Stiles is having a heart attack in the kitchen.
“Sure thing,” he says, fumbling for his phone, “I know your parents worry about you.”
“It’ll sound better coming from you,” you say kindly, “Thank you, sheriff. And thank you for letting me stay.”
He scratches at his head as you stand, already dialing your mom’s number, “Hey, Angela. No, no – she’s fine. We’re taking good care of her… hey, listen. The kids want to work on some projects, and I wanted to offer to let her stay the night.” He rubs at his tired eyes, “Sure, sure… of course. It’s just late and I know Tom is at the firehouse tonight so… yeah, sure thing. We’ve got plenty of room. Yep, thanks Angela. Sure, bye bye.”
You’re walking towards Stiles with a stupid grin on your face, “Let’s go talk.”
“Night dad!” Stiles yells instantly, still in awe that you were able to pull that off.
Noah waves them off, “Don’t stay up too late.”
You pull Stiles’ hand and go upstairs. “I can’t believe that worked.” You find the bathroom but wait for Stiles to show you his room.
“Um… one second,” he holds up a finger and tells you to stay put. He rummages like a madman in his bedroom, knocking things over and slamming things shut. You picture mounds of clothes and old plates of food being shoved into the closet.
He’s breathing heavy when he opens the door again, “Okay, you can come in.” He holds open the door and you walk in to find a queen bed with ruffled blue sheets, a desk on the other side with bulletin boards hanging on the wall. One of the smaller ones had a blanket thrown over it.
You wonder how much decluttering Stiles did because it was still very messy. Papers, sticky notes, and red string were everywhere. “Cozy.”
He looks nervous, playing with his fingers and watching your expression, “I don’t… ha…” he fidgets with his soapy shirt, “I’ve never had a girl in my room before.”
You take a bow, “I’m honored.” You sit on the edge of his bed, “What your dad is investigating…”
“Derek… I know,” he sits at his desk chair. “He’s so close to figuring it all out. He just doesn’t know about the Alpha.”
“Was it bad of me to egg him on while he’s so clearly drunk?”
“No, I would’ve done the same thing.”
“Exactly,” you deadpan, smiling. “If the Alpha is killing people responsible for the fire, then Derek siding with him at the hospital…”
“… is probably because he wants people to pay for the fire as well.”
You rub your legs down to your knees, “And the Alpha just wants to become powerful again in his revenge.”
Stiles was tapping his fingers against the desk, “So was there any other reason why you wanted to stay the night? Because I know for a fact you already finished our chemistry project and it’s incubating in the lab right now.”
“Well, there have been a couple things I wanted to talk to you about.” You sit cross legged on the mattress and say, “Coach has been talking to me about Scott failing his classes.”
“Big surprise,” Stiles scoffs, “The guy thinks he can be some werewolf savior and graduate high school at the same time.”
You wince, “Finstock made a deal with the office. Scott can’t go to the winter formal.”
“Because he’s failing?” Stiles gawks.
“They wanted to kick him off the team, but Coach said… some strange things… and made the dance agreement.” You tilt your head to the side, “Are you still planning on going?”
Stiles spins around in his chair, fumbling over his words, “Um, er – yeah, technically. I was s-still planning on it. Why… might I ask?”
You sigh, “Allison will need someone to ask her out.”
He was caught off guard, “I’m sorry, what? Me ask Allison to the dance.”
“It makes sense!” you say, “With Scott’s savior complex he’s going to want everyone under supervision in case the Alpha decides to take us out one at a time.”
There was a hesitance in the way Stiles kept spinning around in the chair. He seems grumpy, “Why can’t Jackson ask her?”
“You don’t want to go with Allison?’
“Well, I…” he was biting his lips, “I don’t know. Are you going?”
“I think Andrew is going to ask me on our next date.”
Stiles bangs a foot against the desk and nearly slips out of the chair, “A second date? Already?”
You smile, going a little red, “We had a good time and… we may or may not have kissed.”
A horrible sinking feeling enters Stiles’ stomach. His heart clenches painfully and the sudden desire to hurt Wickstrom came on hard and fast. “And… you liked it.”
“It was a nice change of pace from my usual,” you try to hide your smile, “I haven’t been kissed in a while.”
Stiles waves his hands around, “Woah, woah, woah… you’ve been kissed before? I thought you were a hermit that made mac and cheese.”
“And I have the occasional neighbor boy kiss me,” you laugh, “There was Easton from down the street when I was thirteen and then Adam who was visiting from San Fransico over the summer when I was fifteen. Not to mention, nimrod, that Scott kissed me just the other week.”
“Oh my god,” he wipes a hand across his face, “How do you do that?”
“Get people to kiss you?”
You squint your eyes, folding your arms, “Are you telling me you’ve never been kissed?”
Stiles squirms in his chair, swinging it back and forth. “Maybe.”
“Ah, Stiles!” you bounce on his bed, “That’s so sweet.”
He groans, “Don’t tell me it’s sweet. It freaking sucks. All of my friends are getting their jollies off and I am left here in the dust with the driest lips this side of the valley.” His arms hang limp at his sides, “Is it nice?”
You giggle, “It can be. I think it only ever is when you kiss someone you like. It’s just… god, it’s hard to explain.” But Stiles was leaning in like the most attentive student. “There’s something really vulnerable about it, which leaves you wide open to feel anything and everything. You’re scared to death of course, especially with someone you like. But the bliss you feel after doing it is like nothing else.”
Stiles purses his lips, “Is that how the Andrew kiss went?”
That raises his eyebrows, “I thought you really liked him.”
“I do, but I kind of have this new rule since the summer with Adam from San Fransico,” you hold up a hand, “I can’t date seriously. I can’t get too involved with any guy. So I’ll have to tell Andrew to stop eventually if this keeps going well.”
Stiles frowns, a punch to the gut, “Why can’t you date seriously?”
“Personal choice.”
“Because of what?” You smile and he groans, “Let me guess, it’s another story for another day.”
You use a finger gun on him, “Precisely, you’re catching on.” But the smile starts to dip from your face as you look at him. You lick your lips and say, “How about this. If you don’t have your first kiss by junior year… I’ll kiss you.”
The chair creaks as Stiles nearly falls from it, feet kicking out, “What!?”
“I’ll kiss you. We’ll make a kiss pact. I don’t want you getting too far into high school without having been kissed. The first one is always nerve-wracking anyway. It probably won’t be as meaningful as getting surprised with it by someone you really like, but it might be the next best thing.”
Stiles was losing his marbles, little fireworks exploding behind his eyes and falling like sparklers into his chest. “Okay.”
You smile at his goofy expression, “Now, can I borrow those sweats again? And maybe a t-shirt?”
He was still looking at you with sparklers in his eyes, “Huh? Oh yeah, sure.” He went to rummage through his dresser.
A few minutes later you were both in pajamas, having taken turns to use the bathroom to brush your teeth – you just using toothpaste and your finger – and standing in Stiles’ bedroom. You had dark sweats and an oversized shirt. With how broad Stiles’ shoulders were, the shirt hung low on your frame.
His throat was bobbing when he saw you standing there, pillows and blankets on the ground. “You good?”
You yawn, “Yep.” You meet him at the makeshift nest on the ground and nudge him, “Move please.”
“Oh, no this is for me,” he says, “You get the bed.” Standing so close to each other, you have to look up at him.
“I’m the guest, Stiles. You use your bed and I’ll count the dust bunnies under the bed.” You smile at the deep frown on his face.
He shakes his head, “Not gonna happen.”
“Fine,” you say, crawling onto his bed, “We can share.”
He chokes on his spit and starts coughing, “Share the bed?”
“Is that okay?” you look at him innocently.
That look combined with you wearing his clothes was sending him over the edge. His stomach was full of butterflies tickling the tightness in his ribcage. He wasn’t sure what to do with himself. In one night he had a girl in his room, said girl promised to kiss him, and now wanted to share a bed with him.
“Um… I kind of sleep in the middle of the mattress. I don’t want you to wake up to me invading your personal space.”
You laugh, “That’s fine, I can just shove you away.”
He nods, but is lost for words, going to turn off the light while you get comfortable. He’s back in the darkness and hesitates, “Are you su…”
“Get in the bed, Stilinski,” you mumble, already buried in his woodsy honey scented sheets. You feel the mattress dip as he finds his pillow. His knee knocks into your leg, and he apologizes. He shuffles down further and pulls up the blanket, rubbing his arm against yours, and he apologizes again.
“It’s fine, Stiles,” you laugh, “We’re bound to touch being this close.”
He swallows hard, staring at the ceiling as you cuddle further into your pillow, blanket tucked under your chin. “Goodnight,” you mumble.
Stiles bites the inside of his cheek, “Goodnight, (Y/N).” In the dark of his bedroom and the warm, calm presence of you beside him, it gave him a sense of ease. He takes a deep breath and says, “Thank you for the dinner today. It… meant a lot.”
You hum in reply, “You’re welcome.”
The last thing he remembers is turning on his side to face you already asleep. Your mouth was a little open and the pillow was squashing your cheek. Your hair was wild behind you and the shirt you borrowed was low enough that he could see the scar above your heart. You look more beautiful than ever laying there.
He wanted to know what you were holding back. He wanted to know what he had to do to give you the same feelings he was having.
And with thoughts of you looking beautiful in his bed, he fell asleep too.
Hours later you wake groggily to a still dark room. Stiles was standing and pulling his shoes on, phone in his hand. You groan and shift the covers closer to your body.
“Where are you going?” you ask half-asleep.
Stiles freezes at your words, “Uh… werewolf business. You can just stay here…” he walks over to your nearly asleep figure, “I’ll come back later.”
You don’t reply and he thinks you’re already back to sleep. It makes him smile. He bends down to tuck the covers a little tighter around you and… he hesitates, looking at your face. He swallows hard and leans down to place a kiss to your head.
“Sweet dreams.”
Taglist: @assassinsasha23 @tasty-book-fans @lovelybaka @the-fandom-queen @runs-with-sciss0rs @iamaslytherin0 @n3muru @bethsvrse @taylorbrooke-0912 @iloveyou2mia @everrrsincenewyork @gisellesprettylies
149 notes · View notes
sweetteainthesummerx · 4 months
In which Ollie turns 21...
series masterlist
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
scuderiaferrari posted
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scuderiaferrari Happy Birthday to the youngest driver on the grid!
tagged: olliebearman
liked by aubreyyang, charlesleclerc and 990,842 others
user1 awww everyone say ty admin
olliebearheart BABY BEARMAN ALERTT
aubreyyang ❤️🎂
olliebearman and the author liked this comment
olliebearman Thank you! ❤️
charlesleclerc happy birthday son, can't believe you're 21
-- olliebearman love u dad
-- user2 STOP MY HEART
logansargent happy birthday bro!
landonorris party hard mate 🍾
happy birthday ollie!! im so happy I met u in that paddock :) you make life more fun good luck with your next race xx
thank you aubrey :)
wish you were in Italy with me us rn
:( me too ive been in meetings all week
but party hard!!
can't Im on a strict diet :(
also it would be more fun if u were here
aww poor baby
I have smth that might cheer u up?
im directing a music video for a week in london...
😭 mid July? u have a two week break then right
HIWHFEJOJFE I stopped breathing I have an idea
this might be ur greatest idea yet
no actually tho
you finish up in London and we can backpack through a few countries
okay yeah sure :)
bearyfast_04 posted
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bearyfast_04 confused because she sends me "xx" calls me baby but when I suggested a trip with her she asked if we should bring friends. Be honest is it over for me 🫠
liked by kimi_possible, landoakabob and 14 others
landoakabob yes.
-- leosdad NO. it is not over bring another couple (me and Alex) and it'll still be romantic
kimi_possible that picture and the quotes💀
-- bearyfast_04 how I feel fr
chililos55 still waiting for someone to fill me in
arthuranddw GET UR ACT TOGETHER (what was the context of the baby calling)
-- bearyfast_04 "poor baby"
-- arthuranddw ur cooked
-- leosdad Arthur now hes crying 😤
aubreyyang posted
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aubreyyang 🇺🇸
tagged: oliviarodrigo
liked by olliebearman, iamcharliebushnell and 559,907 others
view all comments
walker.scobell pls tell me u fell out of the window
-- aubreyyang shouldn't u be at school
-- walker.scobell shouldn't u be w ur man
this comment was removed
-- user2 PLS SAY SIKE im traumatized from mace
this comment was liked by dior.n.goodjohn
oliviarodrigo 🤭
-- aubreyyang love u Livy!!
olliebearmanfanpage2 pls can we get her to another race I have aubrey content withdrawals
this comment was liked by olliebearman
-- user3 AYOO they're shameless now they have to be together
f1wagsupdates posted
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f1wagsupdates In recent episode of Grill the Grid, Ollie Bearman was asked what his favourite movie was and his reply was "Station 13. I watched that movie so many times when it came out" and later on when asked who his celebrity crush was as a child, he answered with the star of the aforementioned movie, Aubrey Yang. The two have been linked together more than once...all we can say is that we would love to have Yang as a wag.
liked by olliebearhearts, aubreyxloves and 17,031 others
aubreyxloves Ollie Bearman I was unfamiliar with ur game 😳
user1 he's having his tom holland moment AND IM MANIFESTING IT TOO PLSS THEYRE SO CUTE
-- olliexaubes RIGHT the way he was blushing afterwards they're so bbg coded 🤭
user2 oh to be Aubrey yang with her oscar, multiple nominations as an actress and director and a Ferrari f1 driver in love w her 😞
-- user1 low-key I dunno if I want to be her or be w her
-- aubreyyann REALL
★・・・・★・・・・ ★・・・・★
Taglist: @callsignwidow @iloveyou3000morgan @honethatty12 @taygrls
© sweetteainthesummerx.tumblr. all rights reserved. unauthorized copying, translation, or claiming of my writing or any works as your own is strictly prohibited.
162 notes · View notes
warping-realities · 19 days
Found Family
The sun was pouring through the dusty window of an old SUV, driven by a beautifull woman in his late thirties. But that light didn’t seem to warm the sour expressions of a couple of boys sitting in the car. The reason for their attitude was right outside the window, in the beautiful coastal town they’d just moved to. After a long and messy divorce, Amanda Sullivan (formerly Williams), the boys’ mom, decided it was time for a fresh start. Being an amazing cook, she chose to move to the picturesque beach town of Santa Maria, where she spent most of her childhood vacations, and open a restaurant there, bringing her kids, Robert and Benjamin, along for the ride. The two weren’t exactly stoked about the whole moving thing. They were in their senior year of high school. Robert, older than his brother by about ten months, had tons of friends and a sort-of girlfriend. Ben, on the other hand, had a tougher time at school and had never dated, which might make someone think he’d be more open to changes, but in reality, it was the opposite; he was even more pissed than his brother because it meant leaving their dad behind. He was always closer to his father than his brother. Amanda's second pregnancy, a few months after the previous one, was complicated and the boy was born prematurely. He remained small for his age, and his father was always his protector. At least he could count on having his brother in the same class to help him. That oddity made his classmates call them twins and the nickname stuck. Everyone called them that, except for their father, who always seemed to have a slight preference for his youngest son. A father who was distant and absent, but still their dad, and he knew the distance would only make things worse.
“Come on, boys, I know you’re bummed, but I promise you’re gonna love it here. I had a blast when I was a kid and loved it even more when I came back to find our new home and the best spot for the restaurant. By the way, this is the first thing I wanna show you: the restaurant space is right over there, close to the beach.” A smiling Amanda said, looking at her two grumpy kids, who got out of the car and followed their mom to an alley near the beach, filled with little shops. The restaurant that their mom had worked so hard to open was situated between an ice cream shop and a surf store.
“So, the place is perfect, right?” She asked in an excited voice toward her kids, who stared back at her with little enthusiasm. “You guys could at least pretend to be happy for me.”
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“They won’t need to pretend for long, I’m sure they’ll feel at home in no time.” Said a cheerful male voice. The three members of the small family turned toward that voice and were faced with a handsome guy. He was sitting in front of the surf shop, with a surfboard beside him, in his 40s, with the sculpted physique of a hard-working man, long blonde hair, and a bright smile, radiating the energy of a guy who, despite his age, was still living life to the fullest. “Guys, this is Sean Hale, he’s been a great friend, helped me a lot with everything around here.”
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“Happy to help, Amanda, it wasn’t long ago that Ollie and I were in the same boat, and we would’ve loved to have some friendly faces around. Speaking of which, here comes the devil. The boys and their mom turned in the direction Sean was pointing and saw what looked like a younger version of him, in the late teen years. The kid, Olliver, had the same blond hair, an enviable physique, and a youthful vibe.
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“Hey, Dad! Mrs. Sullivan! Great to see you again, and I see you finally brought the twins with you. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, guys. I know you’re not super hyped about the move, but Santa Maria is a magical place.” The two boys exchanged furtive glances, how the hell did this random dude know so much about them? Quickly, those looks turned angrily toward their mom, as if Amanda had been trash-talking them to her new friends. More pissed off than his brother, Benjamin spoke the first words of his day, although far from friendly.
“Fantastic, Mom, not only did you drag us to the other side of the country, but you also share our private stuff with the first people you meet.” He turned back toward the car, not even glancing at Sean and completely ignoring Olliver’s outstretched arm in a failed attempt at a high-five that was awkwardly met by a shy Robert.
“Hey, um, Ollie? Sorry about Ben’s behavior; just because we didn’t wanna move doesn’t mean we have to be rude to those who welcomed us so nicely. Also, I apologize to you for my brother’s attitude, Mr. Hale.”
“You can call me Sean, Robert, that’s what everyone calls me. And I get it; all this change can be a shock. It’s a shame Benjamin stormed off like that; I would’ve loved to explain to him that I’m not a complete stranger, actually, your mom and I have known each other for many years here on this beach, when we were younger than you guys are now. And we’ve crossed paths again over several summers until she never came back.”
“I had college on the other side of the country to attend, then there was the wedding and the kids, and my ex-husband hates the beach... but the truth is, when everything changed, I ended up being drawn back here, it was almost like a magnet pulling me back to Santa Maria.”
“I get you; when my wife passed away last year, I felt the same. I sold everything I had, moved here with Olliver, and opened the surf shop. I’ve always been passionate about the waves and have been bringing Ollie every summer to teach him how to surf, so it felt natural to open the shop and teach the sport to the tourist kids.”
“You surf, dude?” Olliver asked Robert.
“I can barely swim, Olliver.”
“You can call me Ollie or bro; our parents are old friends, we don’t need formalities. And about not knowing how to swim, let me help you; in no time, you’ll be owning the waves, and trust me, girls love a surfer, even if it is useless to me”
“Um, I’ll think about it, Olliver.”
“No thinking, and call me bro, bro. Let me show you our boards; I bet you’ll wanna grab one and jump in the water as soon as you see them.” Olliver said, dragging Robert inside the shop.
“Ollie, since you’re going in, ask Harry to come here; I’ll need his help unloading Mandy’s stuff.”
“Yeap.” Responded his son, already inside the shop.
“Sean, there’s no need for that; we can handle it ourselves.”
“I know that; from what I gathered, you’ve been managing on your own for a long time, even before the marriage ended, Mandy. But it doesn’t have to be like that; I’m here for you guys.”
“That’s really kind of you, Sean, and I can’t deny the truth in your words, it’s been so tough. Rob is upset, but that should pass soon, but Ben... Ben is different; he still misses his dad a lot, my ex was his idol, so being left behind... he’s really mad, and how does he deal with that? He refuses to admit his dad’s abandonment, so he chose to take that anger out on everyone else, including me.”
“That’ll pass, believe me; if you want, I can try to help, or maybe Ollie; the age proximity might make things easier.”
“Would you do that?”
“Sure, I’ll ask him to drop by your house tonight, if you don’t mind.”
“Of course, I don’t mind; I’m really grateful.”
“You don’t need to thank me; it’ll be a great pleasure.” Sean concluded with a radiant smile.
“This is the last one, Mrs. Sullivan.” Said a huge black young man, with a contagious smile, as he dropped the last box at Amanda’s new house. This was Harrison, Sean’s surf shop employee. A young man with massive muscles but an easy laugh and a laid-back vibe, evidenced by his head full of dreadlocks. It was a big shock to discover that a guy that big was only nineteen, having just graduated a few months ago with Olliver. But despite his size, the kid was so friendly and cheerful, exuding so much happiness that even Ben let his guard down a bit when he met him at the beach.
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Speaking of Ben, Harry, as he preferred to be called, turned to him. “You’re a senior, Ben? So you’ll be classmates with my brother Micky; I think you guys could hit it off. You both give off the same vibe.”
“Um, thanks.” Ben replied, at least acknowledging it, before heading inside the house.
“I wonder what that vibe would be. Crybaby teen?” commented a much friendlier Robert, who quickly hit it off with Harry and Olliver and started to think that maybe this whole moving thing wasn’t so bad after all.
“I’d say more like a future family killer.” Harry replied, smiling, giving Rob a high-five.
The end of the day didn’t have any other significant events, being filled with the work of organize the house, which was already furnished. Thanks to the chores, even Benjamin loosened up a bit and started chatting, still a bit grumpy, with his mom, while Robert seemed like a different person, chatting excitedly at dinner about thinking over Ollie’s offer to learn to surf.
“You’re a terrible swimmer, Rob; just because you wish for something doesn’t mean you’ll get it, bro!” Ben commented with the first smile of the day.
“I think you’d be surprised at the power a wish has.” Someone said at the dining room door. Standing there was Olliver Hale in all his golden glory.
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“Sorry to interrupt, but the door was open, Mrs. Sullivan. My dad asked to see if you needed help with anything.”
“Ollie, sweetheart, don’t worry, you’re very welcome; we’ve got everything sorted. Since you were so kind to come here, would you like to have dinner with us? Tonight I made my famous bolognese lasagna. Since I’ll be serving lighter dishes at the beach, if I were you, I wouldn’t miss out.”
“Oh, I certainly wouldn’t, excuse me.” Said the kid sitting next to Benjamin, who then stood up and stormed out, irritated, without saying a word.
“A tough crowd.” Olliver joked.
“What do you mean by that?” Robert asked.
“My dad asked me to come here and try to befriend you guys to make things easier for both of you. But from what I can see, Benjamin isn’t interested.”
“He’ll get over it; it’s just that things have been intense the last few months.”
“I get it, bro. And until then, I can dedicate all my time to you. Speaking of which, stop by the shop tomorrow after school for your first surf lesson.”
“Hey, I said I’d think about it, Ollie.”
“And I said don’t think. So, no arguments, surf lesson tomorrow afternoon. Wow, this is the best food I’ve ever had, Mrs. Sullivan; trust me, I’ll be spending a lot of time here. A new bro and food like this, I’ll be calling your place home soon.”
Ben woke up with a bitter taste in his mouth after his impromptu exit from the dining room the night before; he locked himself in his room, kicked the bed, lay down, and cried himself to sleep, mad about his situation, missing his dad, and also embarrassed about his attitude toward Olliver. He and his dad seemed like cool guys, but they represented everything he hated most at that moment. Still, he would have to apologize to them for his behavior.
After a quick shower, he got ready for school and headed down to the kitchen for breakfast. And to his surprise, he found himself face to face with Olliver, in an animated conversation with Rob. “I can’t wait for my first class, bro. Surfing is so awesome...”
“What’s going on? What are you doing here?” Benjamin abruptly interrupted, suddenly abandoning all thoughts of apologizing.
“Enough, Ben. Ollie stayed up late last night chatting with me, and I invited him to sleep here. We all get that you’re bummed, but that doesn’t mean you have to be rude!”
“Until yesterday, you didn’t want to be here either, and now you’re all happy and making friends; I thought we’d find a way to go back home.”
“Grow up, Benjamin; this is our home now, you said that yesterday, just because you wish for something doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen.”
“Bro, chill. Ben, can I call you that? I understand what you’re going through; when my mom died and my dad decided to move here, I wasn’t happy either, and I’ve known Santa Maria my whole life, but let me tell you, it’s a magical place...”
“Magical place, you’ve told me that already. And look, I’m sorry for my behavior, but... Hey, there’s someone at the window!”
“What?” the other two boys said in unison, turning to the kitchen window, but there was no one there.
“Ben, just apologize and we can move on with our lives.” Rob said to his younger brother.
“But it’s true, there was a black kid standing right there...”
“Alright, the choice is yours, bro.”
“But I...”
“Ollie offered to give us a ride to school; grab your stuff and let’s go; he’ll pick us up when we’re done so we can start surfing lessons.”
“I didn’t agree to that, and besides, I’d rather go to school alone.” Ben replied, leaving without having breakfast.
“A really tough crowd.” Olliver commented, watching the other boy leave the room.
Ben almost regretted refusing Olliver’s ride; it was tough finding his way to school, but he finally made it. The first days of school are always the same boring routine, and Benjamin thought he could count on Rob, but at that moment, he wanted to be as far away from his brother as possible, sitting as far from him as he could. Throughout their lives, they’d always been there for each other. But now Rob was a traitor, selling out for a friendship with a brainless surfer and the promise of learning a sport he had no talent for. And thinking about how much water his brother would have to swallow, with a certain malicious satisfaction, he scanned the rest of the room. To his surprise, sitting right in front of the class, looking at him with an unreadable expression, was the kid he saw at the window during breakfast.
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Ben found out the kid’s name was Michael, but he had to wait until the end of class to ask what he was doing at the window in the morning. Which wasn’t an easy task, since the kid seemed to disappear from the world, leaving the classroom as soon as the bell rang. It was only during the period before lunch that he finally got his chance, when he walked into the classroom and saw the kid again and chose to sit next to the classroom door, blocking him from leaving without passing Ben. And that’s exactly what he did; when the kid walked past him without saying anything, Ben pulled him aside, trying to get some answers. But he was caught off guard by the kid’s expression; there was so much fear in his eyes.
“Let me go, please, I promise I’ll stay away, don’t do anything to me, I swear I’ll stop trying to figure it out...”
“Figure out what? What are you talking about?”
“I saw you with them yesterday at the beach. You’re one of them.”
“What do you mean by ‘one of them’? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“If you’re not one of them yet, you will be soon; you’re too close to them. Now let me go.” The other kid finished, breaking free and running away.
“Michael, come back here, MICHAEL!!! What the hell is going on?”
Ben decided to ignore his brother’s text messages, first asking about lunch and then what he was doing after school. He also ignored his mom’s worried messages, opting to walk along the beach in an attempt to figure out what the hell was happening. It wasn’t until Amanda left an angry message saying she was really worried about him and that if he didn’t show up in the next fifteen minutes she’d call the cops, that a reluctant Benjamin called her to say he was heading home.
After a long lecture about her son’s childish behavior, she informed him that she would be staying late at the restaurant preparing things for the opening that would happen that weekend, but that there was food ready and that Rob was already home. With one last motherly plea, she asked Ben to make an effort to at least sort things out with his brother since apparently, that wasn’t going to happen with her anytime soon.
Sighing heavily, Ben entered the living room of the house, and upon doing so, received the biggest shock of his life. Sitting at the table, studying, was Rob, but this wasn’t the same Rob from that morning. Shirtless, with the sun-kissed skin of someone who spends a lot of time outdoors, extra pounds of muscle, and light blonde hair almost golden, anyone would think it was another person, but the face and aura were all Rob, altered, but still him.
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“What the hell happened to you, Robert?” Asked a truly desperate Ben upon seeing this totally strange version of his older brother.
“What happened is that I got tired of waiting, bro. If you don’t wanna hang out with me anymore, fine. So, once you grow up and stop acting like a crybaby, you can come talk to me.”
“I... I’m not talking about that, Rob. Your hair, your skin, your muscles, how did this happen?”
“Dude, this is what happens when you go out and live your life. If you had gone surfing today, I would’ve shown you how great it is.”
“But that’s impossible... Rob, there’s no way such a change can happen in a single day.”
“What are you talking about, Ben? Of course, it can’t happen in a day. I’ve been surfing for almost a year now, ever since our parents split and I moved in with Uncle Sean.”
“Uncle Sean? Rob, that doesn’t make sense. Sean isn’t our uncle, and we moved here yesterday. We met him yesterday. None of this makes sense.”
Apparently, Ben didn’t make sense to this different Rob either. Because he stared at Ben with a look that was probably a mirror of what Ben had at that moment. And with a sigh, he finally said, “Alright, Ben, if that’s how you want things, fine. When you’re ready, you can come talk to me, bro. I’m your brother, we are the twins, try to remember. I’ll always be here for you, as long as you don’t push me away like you’re doing now. I’m done studying, I’ll go help Mom with the restaurant stuff. Don’t wait for us, but if you decide to be yourself again, stop by to help; we’ll be really grateful for both decisions.” Concluded Rob, getting up, putting on a shirt, and walking out the door without looking back, leaving a stunned Benjamin standing there with his mouth agape in the middle of the living room.
Ben needed answers, more than that, he needed a way to get his brother back to normal so they could get out of there together. Talking to their mom was out of the question; she was probably the first one to be... dominated? Hypnotized? One person popped into his mind. Michael, he knew what was happening and thought Benjamin was part of it. He needed to find Michael and convince him to tell him everything he knew and fast.
The next morning, he woke up before sunrise, after a sleepless night where he had to pretend to be sleeping when his mom came to say goodnight. He hated doing that to her but wasn’t sure if she was infected or not; unlike Rob, she hadn’t shown any significant changes in behavior or appearance, unless you counted her sudden desire to settle in Santa Maria, which, despite his disapproval, was nothing compared to what happened with his brother.
Sneaking out quietly to avoid being seen, he headed to school, praying that Michael hadn’t freaked out enough to decide to skip classes. Apparently, some higher power heard his prayers, as Michael not only showed up for class that day but after a bit of persuasion agreed to talk to Ben. In an empty classroom, Ben started his plea for any kind of answer.
“I swear I’m not infected or zombified or whatever the hell is going on, but they took my brother and maybe my mom too; you’re the only one who seems to know something about what’s going on, so please, help me.”
Michael looked at Ben with unreadable eyes for a few seconds before sighing and speaking. “Okay, let’s say I believe you; what happened to your brother?”
“Long story short. My parents split up last year, after which my mom got it in her head to move us here and open a restaurant by the beach, dragging my brother and me along with her. Something neither of us agreed to. We didn’t even like the beach. Until we arrived here two days ago at least, when Rob started hanging out with Olliver Hale, and since then he’s been acting different, but that’s not the worst part; he seems different and acts like things have always been this way. Calling Olliver’s father ‘Uncle’ and we barely know the guy.” Benjamin replied in one breath, afraid of sounding ridiculous. But Michael just asked another question: “Have you met my brother, Harrison?”
“Harrison? Harry? The surf shop employee? Wait a minute, are you the Micky he was talking about?”
“No one, no one has ever called me that, at least not until a few months ago. So, please, keep calling me Michael. But yeah, that Harry. So let me tell you my story. Although I still don’t have the slightest idea if you have bad intentions...”
“I promise I’m not lying; you saw my brother at the kitchen window yesterday, and don’t deny it, because now I’m sure it was you. Wait until he shows up at school, and you’ll see the difference in him. Believing me is your choice, but you heard my story. I think I’ll lose my mind if I don’t understand what’s going on.”
“Then I’m sorry to disappoint you, because I don’t have the faintest idea of what’s going on. I can only tell you what happened to me. But before I continue, you told me you met Harry. Take a look at this photo here and tell me what you see.” Michael said, handing Benjamin a worn-out photo. It was a picture of two skinny Black boys, both wearing glasses; one of them was clearly Michael, while the other could be some other brother or close relative, as the resemblance was striking.
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“Benjamin, you’ve met Harry; now I present to you Harrison. We took this photo together a few months ago; it’s worn out because I keep it with me so often just to make sure I’m not crazy.”
“I don’t get it; this isn’t possible...” There was no way the kid in the photo was the giant Ben knew, even with steroids; there was still the height issue, Harry was at least a foot taller, and the hair, hair like that doesn’t grow overnight, even if it was some kind of wig...
“Think, Benjamin, you just told me about your brother; I’m telling you what happened to mine. I thought finally someone would believe me; you have no idea how many times I’ve tried to show this photo, without success, but no one believes me. It’s not like I have many people to support me; since our parents died, it’s always been Harrison and me, taking care of our grandma. Even so, I thought someone would remember, that someone would look at the photo and help me. All the other photos and videos show Harry, not Harrison; for some reason, only that one remained. But people think I’m trying to pull a prank or something stupid like that.”
“Michael, that’s not possible; no one changes that much...” Ben repeated.
“Your brother hasn’t changed?”
“Yeah, but he’s still... him. Maybe he already gained those muscles and I didn’t notice, and his hair might be dyed, and he could have a fake tan... maybe this is all a huge prank in response to my behavior... and maybe you’re in on it too; yeah, confess, Harry asked you to do this, didn’t he?”
“Don’t try to rationalize, Benjamin; I tried, and it just frustrated me even more; there’s no space for reason in what’s happening. But there’s an easy way for me to prove to you that I’m not messing with you. Tell me, have you seen your brother today?”
“No, that’s impossible; there’s no way this is real. You’re joking; you’re all joking. I get it, I’ve been unbearable the last few days, but doing this to me is bullshit. Stop messing around, Michael, I promise I’ll go home and apologize to my mom and Rob, and then I’ll apologize to Sean and Olliver too.”
“No, don’t do that; they’ll find a way to grab you too; I’ve been feeling that they’re close to getting me; I feel it’s an increasing attraction every time Harry is near me or when I get close to his work; they want you too, and if they took your brother and your mom, they definitely want you.”
“Why? Why us?”
“Because you must have something they care about. Let me finish my story. It all started when the Hales moved here a few months ago. Harrison was almost done with his last year, probably would’ve been the class speaker and would’ve landed a scholarship at a good college. He worried about what would happen to me, being left alone at home with a sick grandma. But I always told him those were opportunities he couldn’t miss. But then the Hales showed up, and Olliver became Harrison’s classmate. And my brother felt attracted to him like a moth to a flame. After that, everything happened so quickly; one moment Harrison was going to college, the next he was kissing Olliver Hale, talking as if he’d known him for years, and finally... finally he was Harry, like you knew him, that mountain of muscles, all smiles and joy, without a care in the world other than surfing, working a mediocre job, dating the owner’s son, and... me, I guess. Harry seems to like me just as much as Harrison liked him, but I... I can’t like him back... I need my brother, not him.”
“Wait a minute, you’re telling me Harry and Olliver are together?”
“Seriously, out of everything I told you, you choose to worry about two dudes being together?”
“No, that’s not it; do you think this... thing... happened to your brother because Olliver was into him? Because Sean seems pretty interested in my mom; on the day we arrived, I watched them from a distance, and he was flirting with her the whole time. Still... I don’t know what to say; I want to believe you because you believed in me, Michael, but this is too much.”
“Do you know where your brother’s locker is, Benjamin? Let’s go there.” Concluded Michael as Ben nodded.
There were still a few minutes until the bell, but standing in front of Rob’s locker was a big blonde kid with his back turned to the two approaching. When he turned around, Benjamin was even more surprised than the night before. It was Rob, but not really. This Rob looked way more like Olliver Hale’s younger brother than Benjamin’s brother.
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“Good morning, bro, good morning, Micky. So good to see you guys getting along; if I’d bet with Harry, I would’ve lost!”
“Sorry, bro, but I gotta head to football practice. Mom and Dad will be stoked to know you’re making an effort just like Harry, Micky, as long as you guys aren’t up to anything! See you at lunch, Ben?”
“I don’t...”
“No, no, bro, we’re having lunch the three of us, and after school, I wanna see you two at the shop. Mom and Dad had to leave town and won’t be back until tomorrow, so we can do something just us. I wanna introduce you to someone important, bro. See ya, please don’t leave me hanging.” And he walked towards the classroom, leaving behind two stunned boys. “What the hell was he talking about, about Mom and Dad? Our dad’s not here; he’s on the other side of the country, and they’d never hang out again, not after the divorce.”
“I don’t know, but I bet you’ll figure it out soon. And did you see how he talked to me, like he knew me, and I can assure you I never spoke to him in my life.”
“This whole situation is so complicated... At least we have proof we were telling the truth. Which leaves us with one question: what the hell are we gonna do about this?…” Michael and Benjamin decided to keep as far away from their brothers as possible until they had some idea of what to do; the problem was precisely that: they had no clue what to do. They vaguely discussed the possibility of investigating the surf shop, but that would put them directly in the enemy’s den. There was also the issue that, even if Michael wasn’t affected yet, that didn’t mean the same would happen to Ben, especially with him being so close to the center of everything. The two skipped lunch, and after class ended, Ben ran home, stopping to grab something to eat and locking himself in his room, hoping to avoid any conflict. Unfortunately, as soon as he got home, he found himself face to face with an irritated Rob.
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“I don’t know why I was so dumb to think things were getting better, bro. I thought that after our talk yesterday, you’d make an effort to try to adjust, and when I saw you and Micky together, I thought you were finally starting to accept that this is our new reality.”
“Rob, how can’t you see what’s going on? You’ve completely changed!”
“Enough, Ben. I get that you’re bummed because our mom decided to move back in with my dad after all this time. But I want you to remember I was by your side when Ollie decided to move in with our dad because his relationship with your dad was crap. I stuck around for you. I expected the bare minimum of effort from you, just a little gratitude!”
“Rob, let me...”
“No, let me tell you something. My dad may not be your dad, but our mom decided to go back to him for a reason, and yeah, Ollie and I are super happy about it, and I repeat, we understand why you might be feeling bad. Ollie felt the same way when Mom married your dad; I was too young to remember, but I bet I felt the same way too. So, we get it, bro. And I’m sorry, but your dad’s a piece of work; he doesn’t give a damn about you, but my dad is here for you, just like he is for Ollie and me, if you let him.”
Ben was once again stunned by what he heard, to the point of standing there in the middle of the room, speechless, just staring at what should be his brother. “You’ve got nothing to say, Benjamin? Great! Then you can go to your room and lock yourself in there like you’ve been doing for the last few days. I was gonna introduce you to Jessica tonight and then take you to your first beach party, but you don’t deserve any of that.” Not knowing what to do, Benjamin went to his room, sat on the bed, and cried, for his brother, for his mom, but also because that distorted version of Rob was speaking the truth: his dad didn’t give a shit about him. And, most likely, Sean Hale would be a good dad, so maybe... But before he could finish that thought, he was distracted by a noise outside his room. Standing at the window, just like the first time he saw him, was Michael, waving and seemingly asking Ben to meet him outside the house. Benjamin quietly slipped out to meet his new friend.
“What? Why the hell are you here? You could’ve sent me a message.”
“I did! I sent several messages; when you didn’t reply, I decided to come find you. Sean’s out…”
“Yeah, I know, and apparently now he and my mom are the parents of Rob and Ollie. That’s what Rob was talking about this morning when he said Mom and Dad were leaving for a day. Dude, this is so fucked up. I lost my brother!”
“I know, I’ve had that same thought for months. Look, Harry asked me to go to some kind of party on the other side of the beach; Olliver and your brother are going too. With Sean out, this is our chance to at least check out the surf shop; it’s a long shot, but…”
“But it’s all we’ve got. And besides, I don’t know how much longer I can take this; I was about to give up when you showed up.”
“I know, I almost agreed to hang out with Harry when he hugged me. Dude, I just want my brother back.”
“And what’s worse is that they seem so happy.” Ben said, pointing to Rob leaving the house at that moment, accompanied by a pretty girl, both smiling and radiating total happiness.
“Dude, it looks like his hair grew even more in the last few minutes; this is so…”
“Fucked up, I know. Let’s go.” …
The two boys ran to the beach, with Michael leading Benjamin to the back of Sean Hale’s surf shop.
“How are we gonna get in?”
“I grabbed these keys when Harry hugged me.” Michael said, showing a set of keys with a mischievous grin, the first one Benjamin had seen. As soon as they entered the shop, Benjamin turned to Michael again and asked, “So, what are we looking for? Some kind of device, a spell book, some alien goo?”
“Maybe a bit of common sense?” Interrupted a deep, serious voice. Standing in front of the two, with an irritated expression, was Harry. “Boys, you’ve crossed every imaginable line. Michael, it’s about time we caught up, bro. Benjamin, your brothers are waiting for you in front of the shop so you can settle in too.” He said, holding Michael by the shoulders.
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Benjamin took a good look at his friend’s face and, with an apologetic expression, ran out the back door. And he ran, ran until his legs hurt so much he forced himself to stop, collapsing in the sand and crying for the second time that day. And that’s how he stayed for hours until he fell asleep in the sand.
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It was late evening when he was awakened by a deep voice. “Finally I found you. Hey, bro, what are you doing here? I know things aren’t great, but I thought we were friends; you know you can always count on me, Benji.” Benjamin, wiping the sand from his eyes, found himself facing a muscular black kid who looks... just like his brother.
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“Micky, dude. Don’t say it like we don’t know each other our whole lives.” Ben didn’t even try to argue this time, too worn out from all the weirdness; he just turned and run again. However, when he arrived at the main street he came face to face with Rob and Ollie waiting for him.
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“Thinking about sneaking out again? No way, little bro. We’re going home; Dad wants to talk to you, and I can add that I’ve never seen him like this. Good luck.” Thinking it was better to just get it over with, Benjamin gave up and followed them...
Benjamin stayed quiet during the whole journey, he didn’t wanna argue with anyone; besides, he felt overwhelmed by equally large amounts of shame for ditching the closest thing to a friend he’d made in this town, guilt for what had happened to that person, and anxiety about what would happen to him. All of this was made worse by the fact that this new version of Michael - Micky - was nothing like the Michael Benjamin had known; Micky was cheerful, playful, and outgoing, and genuinely seemed hurt by being ignored by his supposed best friend. It was unbearable how nice he was, to the point that Ben couldn’t help but return the hand touch and the farewell hug offered by him when they finally reached their destination.
“See ya, bro. Chill, everything will be alright.” That was Micky’s farewell phrase. Before Robert turned to Benjamin.
"Benji, I don't know what's happening to you, but I'm really worried, bro. This isn't you, talk to dad and let him help you, little brother. I want my twin back." And then he hugged him, easily wrapping Benjamin's body with his long arms, and as much as he wanted to get away, he felt comfortable in that place. His brother smelled of coconut and salt, but underneath it there was still his own scent, which Benjamin knew so well.
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Wiping away the new torrent of tears, he turned around and without looking back entered the house. As he entered the living room he found himself facing Sean Hale, sitting shirtless on the couch with a worried look on his face.
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What do these people have against shirts? Was the first thought that crossed Benjamin's mind before he was hit with another feeling: the most intense anger he’d ever felt in his life. Standing in front of him was the guy responsible for the absurd situation he was in. But before he could say or do anything, Sean turned to him: “I think I owe you an explanation. I’m really sorry, Benjamin; it’s all my fault, I didn’t think it was necessary. But apparently, just like your buddy Micky, you have this crazy resistance to change, and for things to go the way they’re supposed to, changes need to be embraced.”
“You know when I’m gonna accept that? Only in your wildest dreams.”
“It’s funny you mention my dreams, Benjamin, because my part in this story actually starts with my dreams. My dreams of a big, happy family. But this story, our story, goes way back. Do you know why this town is called Santa Maria, Benji?”
“Don’t call me that, and I don’t care what this town’s called; I just want my brother and my life back.”
“And you’ll get it if you listen to me. Santa Maria was the name given by Spanish conquistadors to this land in an attempt to assimilate the native peoples into the Catholic faith when this part of the country was still under Mexico’s rule. When they got here, they heard a legend about a local female deity. A woman whose son had been killed and who, in her grief, threw herself off a cliff into one of the caves along the coast. Over time, this cave became a pilgrimage site for native women seeking help with their children. For Catholic preachers, the association with the Virgin Mary was obvious, and so a church in honor of the Mother of God was built on a hill, giving the town its name. The church was destroyed when the region was integrated into the United States. But secretly, over the years, countless generations of mothers sought out the old cave, praying to the virgin or the mother of the legend to intercede for their kids. When you’re a mom and you need divine intervention, the source of that intervention doesn’t matter.”
“I don’t get where this is going...”
“Please, just chill, Benjamin; you’ll understand soon enough. Your mom and I actually met when we were kids on this beach, and we heard all about the old legend together. Our paths diverged; your mom met your dad, and I met Lilly, my late wife, although, at this moment, that story is being rewritten, and soon I’ll forget it, which hurts me so much. But this is the path Lilly set for us. She and I came here every summer for our vacations. The tradition continued after Olliver was born, and the three of us were really happy here. But about a year ago, around the same time your parents started the divorce process, something terrible happened to us. Olliver came out, which wasn’t a problem for us; parents usually know about these things long before their kids, and we’ve always loved him as he is. But not everyone’s like that. One day, those who were supposed to be my son’s friends pulled what they thought was a prank on him, basically a huge act of homophobia. Ollie didn’t take it well, and one thing led to another, in this case, a beating followed by a coma. You have no idea how horrible it is to see your kid lying unconscious, fighting for his life, with doctors saying there’s no chance of survival. It tears you apart inside.”
“I’m really sorry to hear that, Sean, but I still don’t get what the point of all this is...”
“Hang tight, I’ll get to that part. Over the years, my wife also heard about the legend, and in her desperation, she went to the mother’s cave to ask for help. But the legends she heard were wrong; they spoke of blood sacrifices, of one life for another... and in her hopelessness, Lilly jumped into the abyss.”
“Oh my God.”
“Yeah, a terrible, sad decision, I think she decided she couldn’t live without our son... But her sacrifice awakened something, or someone. Santa Maria really is a magical place. And you and I both experienced it. The next morning, Oliver woke up, and within a few days, he was literally brand new, healthier than ever, stronger, taller. And only I seemed to notice. As for Lilly, her body was never found. I thought I’d never set foot on this land again, but a strange feeling in my chest, like a pull, kept bringing me back here. Until I finally gave in and came. The day my shop opened, that pull reached its peak, guiding me to the cave. And inside it, kneeling in prayer, was your mom, asking for help with her kids. So I knew what to do; I approached her and offered the help she needed. At that moment, I didn’t know something like what’s happening now was possible. Of course, not long after, Ollie met Harrison, and suddenly, I had an employee named Harry who was also my son’s boyfriend. Still, when you guys came here, I thought things would just flow naturally. But I realized I was wrong again when I watched the transformation happen with Rob, with a new set of memories about him entering my head, first of him knowing me his whole life and moving in with me right after Amanda’s divorce. Then the memory changed again, Rob and Olliver became my sons with Amanda, as if Lilly had never existed. At the same time this situation infuriated me, it also scared me. I looked for your mom at the same time she was looking for me, and when we were together, we both felt that pull again, so we came to the same conclusion: we should go to the cave.” He sighed and looked at Benjamin, his eyes sympathetic. “Now things get really complicated, Benjamin. When we arrived at the cave, both Amanda and I were overtaken by a force, something much bigger than the two of us. We were invaded by alien memories, of a mother hugging her son and her lover, both dead, in that same cave, and jumping off the cliff. Then, countless mothers kneeling there, begging for their children, the intervals between those visits getting longer and longer. Until the consciousness that was there fell asleep. Then, Lilly... I was forced to witness the prayer and sacrifice of my wife, Benjamin. In her final moments, she didn’t just pray for our son’s life but also for my happiness, so that I could find a family like I always wanted. She shouldn’t have done that; Lilly’s sacrifice gave the entity more power than it had in centuries, and it used it. It found another desperate mother seeking help and put her in my path, ensuring that Lilly’s last wishes were fulfilled. Ollie is happy with the boyfriend he always wanted. Harry never had the courage to come out until he met Ollie and always worried about leaving his brother alone with a sick grandma when going to college. Your mom wanted a stable father for her kids. Rob wanted friends and a girlfriend. Micky wanted a brother he could connect with. And me, I just want a family, a big happy family. So now it’s your turn, what do you want, Benjamin?”
“I want my dad back, my brother, and the life we had.”
“I figured you’d say that. But that’s not possible. The entity can’t grasp the concept of love between a father and son. The father of her son was the one who killed him when he found out about his relationship with another man. She made it very clear to me that I only got what I wanted because it was what was best for your mom and our kids. But understand, Benjamin, the power from Lilly’s sacrifice is running out. That’s why she summoned us to the cave; she doesn’t have much time to fit you in. I’m afraid your dad’s absence in the last few months is a side effect of my wife’s desire. Your mom would’ve liked to be here and tell you all this in person, but she took the first flight back to her old city this morning, trying to track down your dad, and she was successful... Benjamin, I’m sorry, but he doesn’t remember you or your brother; he’s got another family and another life.”
“No, no, you’re lying.”
“Look into my eyes, Benjamin. I’m not lying. I care about what happens to you just like I care about my other kids. Understand, the entity can’t be guided or have its power reversed. At this point, I have two sets of memories in my mind; in one, I’m the father of two boys; in the other, I have three. Your mom is going through the same thing; she’s desperate, Benjamin, please accept what’s being offered to you!
“I don’t know...”
“You want a dad and a mom who love you and are by your side; you want your brother by your side. Even if the flow of events were reversed, it wouldn’t happen the way you want, Benjamin; your dad and mom weren’t happy in their marriage. They were hurting each other, and if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll admit they were hurting you too. So I’m begging you, let me be the dad you so need. I want the set of memories with the three boys to be real. I’ll also be letting go of an important person in my life; Lilly will cease to exist for me, but it’ll be worth it; you’re worth it.”
“I... I...” Unable to respond, Benjamin closed his eyes and just nodded as he felt the tight embrace of strong arms around him...
The sunlight streamed through the kitchen window of a big beach house, lighting up the space and an eighteen-year-old kid busy preparing breakfast for the rest of his family. This kid had golden hair like the sun shining on him and a smile so bright. He seemed carefree, humming a happy tune while setting the breakfast table. Distracted for a moment while making pancakes, he didn’t notice the handsome blonde man standing at the door, watching him with an admiring smile. “Good morning, Benji!” said the man, finally deciding to interrupt the kid.
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“Dad, you scared the hell out of me.”
“Watch your language, kid.” replied the dad, still smiling. “It’s just that you remind me so much of your mom when she cooks.” Of his three children, Benji was the most physically similar to him, a little shorter than his brothers and with a more robust build. But his behavior was all Amanda.
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“Someone had to learn how to cook since you and none of my brothers can whip up a dish that doesn’t make everyone sick.”
“Oh, the harsh truth. Speaking of your brothers, where are they?”
“Ollie hasn’t woken up yet, and Bobby spent the night with Jessica, so it looks like it’ll just be us for breakfast.”
“Couldn’t ask for better company, son. So, what’s on your plans for today?” said Sean, stacking pancakes and pouring a generous amount of syrup on top.
“Nothing much, Bobby will meet me here so we can go to school together, Micky will meet us on the way. This afternoon we’re gonna surf, and I promised to help Mom with the restaurant tonight.”
“Hey, how come I don’t get a hand at the shop?”
“Because you’ve got an employee and your two other kids to help you with that, and both of them are incapable of frying an egg so that’s up to me. Aaand do I need to remind you I’m already giving surf lessons to the younger kids with Micky?
“Alright, you win. You win.” Sean replied, still smiling.
“I always win, Dad; Mom always says I’ve got your face but her brains, and her brains always beat you.”
“Smart woman. But we’re talking about you, kid. And I just want you to know I love you tons and I’m super proud of you, son. You’re everything a dad could want.”
“I love you too, Dad, and I couldn’t ask for a better one.” Benji replied, finishing his meal in a hurry and getting up from the table.
“What’s the rush?”
“We gotta swing by Micky’s place before school, and you know how he is; he can take longer than Ollie in the morning, and I don’t wanna be late, we have football practice.”
“I get you’ve got a busy day, but stop by the shop before heading to your mom’s restaurant.”
“Sure, see ya later, Dad.”
He said as he ran out of the kitchen. In a few minutes he was back with his backpack on his shoulders and heading out the door to meet his brother who was waiting for him on the sidewalk. He was followed the whole time by the gaze of his father who, upon seeing his sons greet each other with the greeting of the moment, could not resist calling them, making them both turn around.
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“Boys!!! Before you go, where’s my hug?” He asked, which was met with all the affection from his sons.
That afternoon, Sean and Amanda were at the beach, watching their three sons running after each other like they were still little kids, the resemblance between them was so strong that anyone looking from the outside might think they were triplets. It was only on closer inspection that an outsider would realize that one of the boys was slightly older than the other two. After Ollie they had longed for a girl, but But what was the surprise for both of them when they discovered that they would be parents of twins? The pregnancy had been complicated and they had gone through some tough times but somehow everything worked out and the boys were now grown men or should have been...
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“Looks like these kids are never gonna grow up.” Sean commented to his wife.
“What did you expect? Their dad never grew up.” was Amanda’s cutting reply.
“Ouch! That hurt.”
“Stop whining. You know very well I prefer it this way. I wouldn’t have married you for almost twenty years if I didn’t love that goofy surfer vibe of yours.”
“So, no regrets about not going to college to be with me?”
“You know I don’t regret it; I have everything I could want, a job I love, three wonderful boys, perfect copies of their dad, the love of my life. I’m sure some higher power guided our destiny. And you, aren’t you happy with everything we’ve achieved?”
“I’m the happiest man in the world. And I’m super grateful for everything we’ve got. I think even in other lives I wouldn’t find a better family.”
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One last word
So, this is a revised repost of a story I've always liked but didn’t get much attention around here, maybe 'cause it ain't an erotic story. Anyway, since most of my work is that kind of stuff, I rewrote this one so none of the characters are underage. If you’re older, you probably caught the 'The Lost Boys' vibe in this story, and yeah, that was totally my inspo. That was one of my fave flicks growing up, and being the weirdo I am, I always hoped the vampire boss would win and the kids would join his fam so they could all be happy draining blood on the California coast. My story ended up being way less bloody, of course, but still, it’s kinda how I wished the movie would’ve wrapped up. Judge me if you want!"
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mbappebby · 5 months
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Stargirl || Three
Ivy Carter (OC) x f1 grid
Summary: In which two unexpected people turn up to try and ruin Ivy’s weekend..
Requested: Yes, by anonymous: Hey girl! Loving Stargirl series, can I request one where Ivy’s parents come to a race unexpectedly, Toto & Susie get really protective over her and all the grid finds out about her past? Thank you :) x
Taglist: @myluvtaeil @eugene-emt-roe @itsjustkhaos
It’s been a few races in formula 1 for Ivy, it’s fair to say that she has been preforming very well and proving to everyone that she deserves to be there.
Emilia-Romagna was the next race ahead, Ivy was at the track very early as she wanted to go and watch the F2 practice session before she had hers. She made her way into the F2 paddock and went into a familiar garage.
“Vee!” OLLIE BEARMAN exclaimed seeing his former teammate entering the garage. “Hey Ol!” Ivy said as the pair hugged. “Congrats on the podiums this year, you’ve been insane!” Ollie added.
“Awh, thanks Ol! You’ll be up with me in no time!” Ivy replied. “Hopefully!” Ollie said. “Well, if it isn’t Ivy! How are you, kid?” RENÉ ROSIN said as he approached the pair.
“Hi! I’m good, how everything with you?” Ivy replied as they hugged. “Yeah, all good. What brings you back here then, eh?” Rene asked. “Just thought I would pop in to see you all, haven’t had a chance this season yet!” Ivy said.
“The garage is a lot quieter with you not being here” Rene joked as Ivy playfully rolled her eyes. “As if I believe that, Ollie and Kimi must be a handful” Ivy joked. “Hey! That ain’t true!” KIMI ANTONELLI added as he walked over to them.
“Oh hi Kimi, how are you?” Ivy asked. “I’m good Vee, congrats about this year in F1 you’ve been insane!” Kimi said. “You sure have kid, keep it up!” Rene added. “Awh, thanks guys!” Ivy said.
“Right, you two need to get ready for practice. Vee, you can sit with us on the pit wall if you want!” Rene told them. “I would love to! Have a good practice guys!” Ivy added.
Ivy goes to the pit wall and sits there watching her former team in the practice session, before she has to go back into f1 paddock for her practise session.
Ivy’s eyes went wide when she saw her parents trying to get into the Mercedes garage. She tried to get Toto & Susie’s attention but her parents had seen her first.
“Ivy, darling! Please tell this security guard that we are your parents!” JORDAN CARTER said. “We wanted to surprise you, that’s why we didn’t tell your team” ELLA CARTER added.
Before Ivy could say anything, she was pulled from behind and two people were now stood in front of her. “I don’t know why you both are here, but you are not going anywhere near Ivy” Toto said.
“Oh great, you two again. We are her parents we have to right to be able to see her” Jordan replied. “You haven’t been her parents since she was 16 and younger, so don’t ever use that title” Susie added.
“It’s because she wanted to be in this stupid sport instead of helping her family when we needed it. She just a selfish bitch” Ella spat as Ivy flinched and started to shake. “Still a weak little girl, I see” Jordan laughed.
“And you call yourself parents but calling your daughter all those awful names. You don’t deserve to be her parents and you never get that title back” Toto said. “We still have the rights of her” Ella replied.
“You won’t for long, you disowned your 16 year old daughter and know know how you were treated her before that” Susie said as they heard a few gasps from people hearing this argument. “She deserves it, she’s weak and pathetic” Jordan added.
Ivy looked to see quite a few cameras filming them, she ran inside the garage and locked herself inside her drivers room and could only let all the tears fall down her face.
“You have 3 seconds to move or there will be even more serious consequences than there already is” Toto told them as police officers arrived within seconds.
George went to Ivy’s drivers room to try and get her out, but it didn’t work. He was mad that her parents had the audacity to even turn up after 2 years. He walked out of the garage to see a few of the drivers there.
“How’s Vee?” Lewis asked. “Can’t get her out of the drivers room, you can go try if you want” George said as Lewis nodded before walking into the Mercedes garage. “I can’t believe they have the audacity to turn up” Alex said.
“You’re telling me,” George replied. “You both knew about her past?” Max asked. “Yeah, Lewis and Valtteri knew as well” Alex replied. “It’s awful that people were filming that” Charles added.
“So, they disowned her when she was 16?” Lando asked. “Vee has never had a good relationship with her parents, they never liked or supported the idea of her in karting. All their focus on was her older brothers” George told them.
“Brothers?” Oscar asked. “She’s never told us she had any brothers” Logan added. “Ivy hasn’t seen them since she was 15, they were both 18&19 and was started their careers which her parents supported” Alex replied.
“So, they treated Ivy as she didn’t exist?” Lando asked. “Yeah, they gave everything to them. Ivy was literally living in the same house but they wouldn’t let her have anything” George added. “Not even food?” Charles asked.
“Nope, Vee got her part-time job at like 13 to pay for food and all the other essentials until they disowned her and kicked her out” Alex replied. “That’s so fucked up” Max said.
“Where did Vee go after she got kicked out?” Oscar asked. “She was between me & Carmen and Alex & Lily. Toto and Susie were always there too” George said.
“Wow, you just wouldn’t think that has happened to Vee due to how happy she is” Lando added. “She’s good at covering that up and putting on a fake face” Alex mumbled.
“I’m glad that you both and Toto & Susie were there for her” Charles added. “Any ideas where her brothers are now?” Max asked. “I’m glad we were too, no idea mate” George replied.
Before anyone else could say anything, Ivy came over to them and hugged George & Alex. “I’m assuming they’ve told you everything now, I just hope you don’t treat me differently now knowing about my past..” Ivy said.
“You are still just the happy little kid to us Vee” Max told her. “Someone who definitely belongs in the sport as you are kicking our asses” Lando added with a laugh.
“Like a little sister to us all,” Charles told her. “Just know we will always be there for you” Oscar said. “And you are still our best friend” Logan added.
“I love you guys so much,” Ivy told them as she hugged them all individually, before they all had to get into the cars for practice.
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Liked by lewishamilton, landonorris and 3,526,920 others
ivycarter: When I’m more comfortable I promise you all I will sit down and tell you what I’ve been dealing with by my own parents these past years..
However, I’m not going to let what happened today ruin this weekend for me, we have high expectations of getting a podium this weekend and that’s what I aim to get. It was a great practice sessions & I’m ready for qualifying tomorrow and the race on Sunday.
Thank you for all the kind comments, it’s means a lot to me I love you guys💗
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bettyfrommars · 9 months
I'm on Fire
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chapter 18: the ties that bind
masterlist playlist
18+ MDNI
If you've come this far in the series, you know what to expect. No physical violence in this final chapter, but there might be some jealousy, protective/jealous Eddie, and threats. Steve with an OC character, parental Stobin, unprotected sex, oral, and meeting the extended family. Can't say goodby without a glimpse of Charlene. Reader is an artist and a vegetarian, but I try hard to keep away from any physical description.
word count: 15k
official author's note will be at the end of this chapter. I cherish you, my I'm on Fire fam, I'm so grateful for the ride, and I hope you enjoy this one.
"It's a long dark highway and a thin white line Connecting baby, your heart to mine."
-- the ties that bind, Bruce Springsteen
The next morning, a new Henderson opened her eyes to the world. 
Steve was the next one to hold her after her parents, and he hadn’t expected to cry, to have his throat close up around his emotions and choke him when he was told they named her Stevie.  He held her so close but so gentle and he barely noticed how wet his cheeks were until Robin came close and rubbed her palm in circles on his back.
“She kinda looks like me. That’s weird right?” Steve hushed, voice catching in a tearful hiccup. He was already thinking of the tattoo he would get with her name, inside his arm, close to his heart. 
“Yeah, that is weird and impossible, Dingus,” Robin smiled into his shoulder, stroking a loving arc over Stevie’s little infant forehead with her finger.  “But she kinda does.”
The labor had been long, the sun was up, and everyone was exhausted.  Astrid was at the house making breakfast while you and Eddie looked after Oliver.  He insisted on watching Pee-Wee Herman's Big Adventure again, and that was when you learned it was one of Eddie’s favorites as well; he knew every line by heart.  He mimicked Ollie with the chant, “I know you are but what am I, I know you are but what am I?”
And it was only then that you realized why Eddie had made a joke once about violently cutting off your mattress tag, the one that specifically said DO NOT REMOVE. Also, it explained why Steve so ardently wanted to start his own biker gang called Satan’s Helpers.
After breakfast, Eddie took you back to the Hammer to get your car, and even though you didn’t want to socialize, you were also in no mood to be stranded at your place without wheels.  Jackie reminded you that you looked like shit on your way through the smoky haze from the late morning drinkers.  You simply nodded in silent agreement, and it wasn’t so much a nod as your head lazily bobbing on a spring.  Your internal clock was out of whack, and you desperately needed a shower.  A shower and a soak in the healing waters of some type of magical pond that could heal you from the inside out. 
Maybe a month on a beach somewhere.
And then you pictured Eddie in a pair of loud, tropical swim trunks and giggled to yourself.
You were just about to leave the locker room with your paycheck and a few of your things, when tall, blonde Erika pushed in with a concerned look on her face, making you back up.  She shut the door behind her and leaned against it, covering the “Safety in the Workplace” poster. 
“Hey, so, that guy is here looking for you again,” her whisper was urgent.
Your heart sank for a second as the memory of Craig gripped you.  You had to remind yourself that he was long gone.  
But you wondered if a part of him would always be lurking somewhere near, haunting you from beyond the grave.
Your next guess was Chief Hopper, maybe he had more questions for you.  
“What guy?” You were hoping she had a clue, or asked a name, so that you could prepare yourself, doing your best to smooth out the front of your shirt.
She only shrugged.  “He’s older, Paul Newman type. Smells like he’s made of money. This is the third time he’s been here asking about you.”
It still didn’t ring any bells, but you’d only slept a half hour on the couch curled up next to Eddie while Pee-Wee stormed the Alamo looking for his bike.  
You took a slow peek around the corner of the bar from the hallway and saw John Gregson sitting there with a drink in his hand. Full head of salt n’ pepper hair slicked back off his face, wearing one of his signature gray suits. 
Was he by himself?  The way Charlene had been popping up like a bad rash lately, you almost expected to see her there, playing the dutiful wife.  
You hid yourself in the hallway again, wondering if you had it in you to have a conversation with anyone, let alone him.
To say his face “lit up” when he saw you would be an understatement; He looked as if you’d been pulled from the rubble of a burning building, and he thought he would never see you again.  
You found it hard to match the enthusiasm, even though he’d turned out to be a decent guy.  
He stood up from his stool and Shana gave you both a curious look from behind the bar as she poured a shaken martini into a glass. She was wearing one of her long, black wigs that day with Bettie Page bangs.  
“It’s good to see you,” he gestured to the seat next to him, his icy blue eyes shone like the Mediterranean Sea. “It’s been a while.”
You sank one hip onto the padded stool so that one foot was still on the ground.  You didn’t want him to think you were staying for too long.
“I’m sorry I’m so behind on your painting, life has been—”
He put his hand up, palm out to you.  It was his left hand and you noticed that he was not wearing his wedding ring.  
“Please, don’t worry about the painting.  Take all the time you need, that’s not why I’m here.  Can I buy you lunch?”
“I-I…” you fumbled.  “I was just on my way out.”
“A drink then?” He cleared his throat and shifted closer casually so that his knee was touching yours. He swirled his drink in his hand.  “There’s something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about and I didn’t feel it was appropriate to do it over the phone.”
Your anxiety spiked a bit, and it wasn’t as if he was a serial killer or anything, but his sudden shift in proximity gave you pause.  You asked Shana for an iced tea and gestured for him to follow you to one of the more isolated tables against the dark red wall, underneath a framed Led Zeppelin poster.  He pulled your chair out for you before getting settled with his gin and tonic, making sure to use one of the black cocktail napkins as a coaster. 
“I know you’re busy,” he cleared his throat. “So, permit me to get right to the point.” He removed the two stir straws from his drink and put them on the napkin.
 “First of all, I’d like to apologize for my wife. I believe she’s caused you quite a bit of trouble.”
You had not expected that one
His stare was too intense, you had to shift your attention and take a gulp of your drink.
“You see,” he settled back, keeping his forearms on the table.  “I met Charlene when I was barely out of high school, we were together before I made my money, and I always felt like I owed her my blind devotion.  Lately it’s obvious that we only make each other miserable.”
He continued.  “I’m not a stupid man. I always knew about the other boyfriends, not that she made much of an effort to hide it,” he smiled wryly to himself.  “Not to bore you with the details of my failed marriage, but I know that Charlene’s the reason you lost your job at the gallery, and I’d like to rectify that, if I can.”
Realization dawned at his words.  Why hadn’t you put those pieces together earlier? Of course Charlene was the reason you lost your job, she probably threatened to remove her funding and ruin Judith.  
You could barely catch up to what he was saying before he started again.  “I’m opening a gallery in Chicago, and I’d like you to come out and run it.”
You choked and had to cover your mouth with the back of your hand.  “Excuse me?”
John smiled so genuinely at your reaction that the skin around his eyes crinkled.  He undid a button on his suit jacket to get more comfortable. “You’d have full creative license, you’d be able to hire your team, do with it what you wish.  I trust your vision.”
It was that opportunity you’d been dreaming about for years, the one you’d been working toward for almost a decade.  
So easy, just like that.
Here, take it, it’s everything you’ve ever wanted.
…but was it?
Your head swam, vision tunneling slightly as you glanced around the Velvet Hammer.  You imagined Steve on his stool at the door and Eddie pulling you aside in the hallway to kiss you.  The song Everlong by The Foo Fighters was on, and you thought about how Chicago was over three hours away.  You’d have to move; it was much too far for a commute.
“That’s such a generous offer, I…I don’t know what to say?” 
“You don’t have to say anything right now,” and before you knew what was happening, his hand slid across the table and was on top of your fingers. 
Your eyes flashed to his hand over yours and you sat there shocked while your need to be polite overrode your core instincts. 
“I know there’s a lot to think about,” he continued, removing his hand to cup it around his drink again.  “Of course, I’d pay for all of your moving expenses.  I own a building downtown with an artist loft I think you might be interested in.  You’d have plenty of room to live and paint, start fresh, if you wanted to.”
Start fresh.
You felt like Shana had slipped a psychedelic into your tea, like you were melting into your chair.  Your brain was having a hard time keeping up with the reality of what was being offered.  
He tossed back another sip and wiped the corners of his mouth, looking almost unsure if he should say the next part.  “Charlene and I—” he licked his perfectly straight teeth in contemplation. “---we’ve decided to go our separate ways.  We’re selling the lake house, a few other properties, and she’s planning to move to Hawaii to be near her sister.”
A thought zipped through your mind then. How long had Charlene known she was leaving? Why would she become a partner in The Velvet Hammer and then move to Hawaii?
“That means I’ll be at my condo in Chicago most of the time, unless I’m traveling for business,” he gave you a pointed look again.  “There are so many places I’d love to take you to in the city.  If you are interested, that is.”
“Well,” you laughed nervously. “I’d need to talk to my boyfriend about it. About the job, I mean.  Moving to Chicago. His whole life is here.”
“Certainly,” John nodded, not missing a beat. “You talk to him and when you’re ready, you have my number. The gallery space I’m buying needs work, so I’d like to fly you out there in a week to take a look at it, once you decide.”
You were still staring glassy eyed at the edge of the table after John stood and left the Hammer.  You hadn’t remembered to breathe in god knew how long, so you tried that, letting out a hard exhale that made a cocktail napkin go flying off the table.
Would Eddie move with you? Visit you on the weekends? The latter seemed more likely but also not, considering how demanding his work schedule was.  Katie told you that Robin had asked her to move in, and you were overjoyed for her.  She’d be paying her share of the rent and utilities for the next month, but after that you’d either need to find a smaller place or a new roommate because you couldn’t afford your duplex on a Velvet Hammer salary.  
One week was all you had.
Did you even need a week? Surely you knew your answer.
The tires on the tow truck screeched to a stuttering halt out on a Hawkins back road lined with cornfields.
Behind the wheel, Eddie idled there, right in front of that familiar white picket fence around the big yard and the farmhouse with a porch swing and a red barn in back.
Eddie knew the details of the old Ferguson place by heart, it had been his dream house ever since he was in high school and used to take long rides on his bike to clear his head.  The couple that had spent their life raising a family there were in their 80’s now, and he’d heard through the grapevine that they were relocating to a retirement community.  To a smaller place that was easier to care for.  All of their children were grown and lived far away.
The newest addition to the house was where his eyes fell.  
His attention fixed on the sign at the end of the driveway for a long while, heart thudding in his chest.
The old Ferguson Farmhouse was for sale.
The next day was the Welcome Home Baby Stevie barbeque at Steve’s and he had a blue “Kiss the Cook” apron on and a spatula in his bandaged hand when you and Eddie arrived.  He wore an elastic bracelet made of colorful plastic beads around his wrist that you assumed was a new gift from Oliver.  The sky was bright blue, almost blinding, and the air was crisp. 
“You sure you’re okay?” Eddie asked on the way up the driveway to Robin and Steve’s backyard where the lawn had been neatly mowed and edged.  “Anything you want to talk about?”
You hated keeping things from him, but you had no idea how to bring up John’s offer, or if you even wanted to mention it.  Eddie had invited you over to his place the night before, but you’d told him you needed some time alone to get to bed early.  Turns out that being alone with your thoughts only made it worse.
“No, I’m fine my love, I promise,” you leaned into him.  “I’m just tired.”
He put his arm around your shoulders to scoop you closer and kiss your ear.  “I’m gonna take care of you tonight.  Make you a bath, pour you some wine, kiss you all over.  How does that sound?”
“It sounds—” you felt emotions water your eyes suddenly and you blinked it away as quickly as you could.  “That sounds perfect.”
You felt guilty that you were even considering John’s offer, but how could you not? A very hopeful part of you said that both were a possibility, that you could keep Eddie and have your dream job in the city. But how? You couldn’t take Eddie away from Wayne and Oliver and his business, you would never ask that of him.  
“Is Wayne coming?” You asked, noticing you did not see his truck.  Also, your thoughts were racing again and you needed a distraction.
“He’ll be here later,” Eddie assured you.  “Astrid is picking him up on her way over.  Max and Lucas stopped by the garage for a visit and I didn’t want to disrupt the reunion.”
You felt a bit embarrassed at the mention of his longtime friend Max, only because you’d been made to believe that she was a mysterious redhead that Eddie was having an affair with not too long ago.
Thanks to Charlene.
You imagined that Hawkins would be a much better place without her lurking around every corner.  Was there a chance that Judith would take you back on at Moon River Gallery?  No, you had no desire to go crawling back to that place. Unless a new gallery opened, or your art took off to celebrity status, you’d be waitressing at the Hammer and squirreling away your tips for the foreseeable future.
But, you’d have Eddie.
You’d been spacing out so hard, you barely realized that Robin was standing in front of you, offering to take the sack with a Tupperware full of homemade potato salad and hamburger buns. Eddie was carrying your veggie burger patties that he bought especially for the occasion, and the fixings to make tofu skewers.  You told him you were a vegetarian once, and you never had to remind him again.  
“You good?” Robin asked, noting the way you shook your head a few times to come back to reality. Katie came up behind Robin to place her hands on her girlfriend’s hips before she moved over to your side.
“Have a beer with me?” Katie asked softly, reading the weariness in your slightly hunched shoulders.  
It was officially fall, but the weather was warm for Indiana in late September.  Eddie had on his Iron Maiden concert tee under his jacket from their 1985 World Slavery tour and black converse with his worn jeans, and he took his leather off and threw it on a lawn chair as he walked over to the grill.
“You better leave the hard stuff to me,” he said to Steve, shifting his gaze accusatory to grill.  The last time he let Steve grill your veggie burger, he’d charred it within an inch of its life.  
“Have at it,” Steve dusted his hands together.  “I have to go check on my pie in the oven.”
“You baked a pie?” Eddie gawked at him like he had hornets crawling out of his ears.  
“Well, Astrid made it,” he pinched a few sunflower seeds out of the front pocket of his apron and popped them in his mouth, chewing as he spoke. “It’s cherry,” he bobbed his eyebrows up and down a few times suggestively, and Eddie scoffed, elbowing him out of the way so that he could put his skewers down on the folding table.
You were just about to take the first sip of your beer when a man’s voice that was not familiar called over from the driveway.  
“There’s that long-haired freak I’ve been looking for.”
The skin on your arms prickled with gooseflesh and you spun around, thinking there was about to be some sort of trouble. 
Slightly unrealistic to think the worst, but you were understandably alert.
There at the edge of the lawn stood a tall, handsome guy you’d never laid eyes on before, maybe in his late 20’s, and he had a Coffin Kings cut on that was very similar to the one’s Eddie and Steve wore.  At his side, holding his hand was an adorable redhead. Her long hair was pulled through the back of a baseball cap, but you noted that the bright candy color was deeply familiar.  
You turned to see Eddie’s reaction like you were watching a tennis match.  
“Well, I’ll be damned,” he beamed.  “Look what the cat dragged in, "and he stopped what he was doing to make his way over with his arms out and the two hugged, giving each other hearty pats on the back.
“Max!” Robin squealed, practically doing a cartwheel in that direction.  You and Katie fell back and stood shoulder to shoulder, watching the group reconnect in a way that was very familial.  
Lucas and Max had been together since high school, you learned, and Lucas was a member of the Coffin Kings Indianapolis chapter.  The song Love Spreads by The Stone Roses played from Robin's portable boombox on the steps as the new arrivals meandered in to be with the rest of the gang and assimilated with ease.  
Eddie rested his hand on your lower back to introduce you, and instead of a handshake, Max went in for a hearty hug, and in your ear, she said, “Eddie loves you so much, I’ve been dying to meet you.”
When she pulled back to meet your eyes, you nodded, swallowing hard.  “I’ve heard so much about you,” you told her, and then Max shot a look at Eddie and made a crack about how she hoped it was all good things that you’d heard.
They were even more interested to meet Katie, being that Robin had not been serious about anyone since before Oliver was born.  Just then, the Oliver in question came bursting out of the house flying his hot dog bun through the air like a plane, making engine noises.  
By the time Dustin and Suzie came by with their new baby, the smell of burgers charring on the grill filled the air and you helped Steve bring some more chairs out to the lawn.  Eddie was taking much care to keep your vegetarian stuff away from the meat, and you couldn’t help but notice with deep adoration.
Astrid had a lot on her mind.  So much so that she didn’t have it in her to make the usual banter with Wayne that she enjoyed when they were together.
“You okay, darlin’?” Wayne turned to her in the truck on the way over.
“Oh,” she tucked a thick swatch of dark hair behind her ear. “You know, just thinking about how excited Steve must be about the new baby.”
There was a distinct melancholy in her voice.  One of the reasons the relationship between her and Steve had never gone any further than besties who make love was her refusal to take away his chance at a big family.  She was barely 21 when a doctor told her she’d never be able to conceive. Well, technically he said there was a small chance—a hairline percentage—but that it “would take an actual miracle”---those were his words.  
She loved Steve too much to not let him be a dad.  He was made for that life.  Ever since he was a teenager, he’d known he wanted to be a father, and once he had Oliver, she knew she’d done the right thing.  She’d tried to keep their relationship platonic time and time again, but in the end, the chemistry between them always proved to be too strong.  
She’d decided that she would love him until he found someone else, and then she would continue to love him from the shadows.  She’d given her heart long ago, and with him it would stay.  
“Hell, look at the head of hair on that kid,” Wayne said when Suzie introduced him to her daughter.  He gave a crooked grin and stroked a finger along the back of her tiny, exposed hand.  
At that, Dustin took his cap off and swiped a hand through his unruly mane.  “Thank god the rest of her looks take after her mother.”
“My thoughts exactly,” Lucas grumbled, thumping his friend in the arm.  
Steve had his back to the crowd when they came in and Astrid spanked him on the bum on her way up the stairs to the kitchen.
He spun on his heel and was quick to cage his arms around her so she could only squirm.  His face was flushed and glowing.  “You meet the kid?”
“I did,” normally, she would’ve kissed him, but instead she pulled back a bit, tilting her chin away.  “She’s so beautiful, Steve.”
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, I—” she knew she was a fool to think he wouldn’t be able to read her face, a fool to think he couldn’t read her like a book after all of those years.  
Steve frowned, examining her face for a clue to her distress.  
Astrid’s stomach felt like she’d swallowed a lead weight.  
She hadn’t decided if she should tell him or not.
About the secret she’d been carrying with her for a few days.  
15 years, that’s how long she’d been in love with him.
Back when he was 19 and she was 23.
They’d known each other since they were little kids.
“I need to talk to you later,” she told him.
Steve dropped his arms from around her but held her hand.  “You can’t tell me now?”
She’d be 38 in December.
“Later, okay?” She winked at him to ease his suffering, and then made her way into the house, knowing that he stood there the whole time and watched her go. 
But later that day never came.  
Wayne wanted to get back and rest before his chemo treatment, and Dustin and his family only stayed for about an hour as they were all understandably still exhausted and wanting to recover at home.  
Astrid waved goodbye to Steve on her way out, and Steve stood up from his chair thinking he’d get a kiss, or at least a hug—but then she was gone.  
He tried not to think too much of it.  If he’d done something to upset her, she was never shy about letting him know.  Maybe she was tired of socializing, maybe she needed a break from him.
Lord knows he wished he could take a break from himself.  
Eddie looked over at where you stood talking with Max and Robin, and he recalled the conversation he’d had with Wayne a few days earlier.
“I don’t have to tell you you found a good one,” Wayne said from the couch in his trailer while Eddie sat next to him.  “I think you know they don’t come around very often.”
“Oh believe me, I know,” Eddie raked a hand through his hair, brushing his bangs off his forehead one, two, three times.  “I keep thinking one day she’s going to wake up and realize she could do a lot better.”
“You’ve done better than you give yourself credit for,” his uncle returned in a low, steady voice. 
When the next words came, Eddie felt a tightness in his throat:
“I’m proud of you, son.”
Wayne had a hard time leaving the house the day after his treatments, so Eddie always came by to bring him lunch and make sure he had everything he needed.  One day he came by to check on Wayne and found that you were already there, doing his dishes for him.
He’d never been with anyone who cared about the people in his life like that.  
Back at the barbeque, you slipped up next to him and planted your lips on his bicep, breathing in the sandalwood and leather of his scent.  “Penny for your thoughts?”
“Since you asked,” he smirked.  “I was thinking how I wish I’d met you a lot sooner.”
“How much sooner?” You batted eyes at him once he turned to face you. “In high school?”
Eddie made a yuck face.  “No, you would not have given me a chance in high school.  I would’ve been a lovesick puppy, but you probably wouldn’t have even known I existed.”
“Are you kidding?” You stuck the tip of your tongue out between your teeth, examining him.  “I would’ve jumped your bones so fast.”
“So fast, huh?” He chuckled, taking you by the hips. “What about now?”
He pulled you in and you hummed against his lips, trying not to get too horny right there in front of the guests.  
Lucas and Max would be in town for a couple days, so you and Eddie made plans to meet up at the Velvet Hammer when you were off work on Tuesday.  By the time the sun went down, all of the visitors were gone, and you were happy to head home as well after helping with some cleanup.  
“Robin and I can take care of it,” Katie nudged you away from trying to wash out a casserole dish at the sink. “You get out of here and go rest.  Make Eddie rub your feet or something.”
You both stopped what you were doing to look at each other.  
The way you were searching your friend’s face made her turn to give you her full attention.  In the background, you could hear Steve trying to convince Oliver to get his pajamas on and brush his teeth in a sing-song voice.  
“I can’t believe how much has happened in these past few months,” you still had soap bubbles popping on your wet hands and you slid them absently along the thighs of your jeans. 
Katie gave a thoughtful sniff.  “I think about it a lot,” she mused. “About that night on the couch at our place when you first told me about the guy who picked you up in the tow truck, and then meeting the boys at The Hideout and then—”
She cringed and covered her face with a dish towel, remembering her “date” with Steve.  “---it feels so surreal that Steve and I actually…well…I don’t want to think about it.  It’s too weird.”
“But then you and Robin found each other again,” you offered, thinking back to that first barbecue at their house when Eddie had to take off suddenly for secretive Coffin Kings business.  
It was on the tip of your tongue to tell your friend about the offer from John Gregson.  Katie knew you better than most people and you could always trust her advice to be on the mark.  
For some reason, you wanted to cry, just drop to your knees and start bawling right there on the kitchen floor.  For no one reason just
Katie caught the way your jaw moved like you were just about to say something, but then Eddie’s hands were snaking around to hold your back flush to his chest.  Your hair caught on his beard stubble when he leaned in, warm breath at your ear.  “You ladies need any help in here?”
You closed your eyes; you were glad to have him there. Glad to be in his arms, glad to know, in your heart, that he would always try his best for you.
But you were the one keeping a secret.  
Robin joined Katie at the sink and told you both to take a hike, lovingly.  
Steve came into the kitchen after you were both gone and the engine of Eddie’s Chevelle could be heard thundering down the road.
The first thing he did was pick up the beige, wall-mounted phone and call Astrid.  He stood there for a while with the receiver pressed to his ear and his other arm folded over his chest before he held the mouthpiece out in front of him and stared at it.
“She’s not answering,” he mumbled loud enough that the girls could hear.  
“Maybe she’s at Wayne’s? Did you check there?” Robin offered; her hair worn up in a haphazard ponytail.
Steve checked the clock first to make sure he wasn’t bothering Uncle too late, but it was barely 8:30 and he was probably up in his recliner watching M*A*S*H reruns.  
Wayne answered and they exchanged a few words, but then when Steve hung up again, he was quiet, contemplatively so.
“What did he say?” Robin asked impatiently, drying some silverware with a checkered towel.
Steve frowned.  “He said she dropped him off almost two hours ago and told him she was going home.”
He tried her house one more time and, again, no answer.  He let it ring five times but disconnected once her answering machine clicked on.  
“Maybe she went to bed early,” Katie shrugged.  “And turned the ringer off.”
Steve knew better; Astrid barely slept.  Normally, not being able to get a hold of her would not phase him, but something about the way she’d been acting that night set an alarm off in his gut.  
Outside, there was the sound like a firecracker bomb going off that shook the house.  Robin yelped and Steve bolted to the window to yank the yellow curtain back to see where it had come from.  
He got there just in time to see a streak of lightning crack the dark sky and a drizzle of rain hit the glass.  “Oh shit, good thing Eddie came in the Chevelle,” the droplets turned into a downpour as he stood there.  
“Looks like a hell of a storm is brewing.”
Earlier that day, Charlene Gregson marched out of Murray Bauman’s office with her lawyer in tow.  She wore her oversized sunglasses and no expression on her face as they went down in the elevator and exited into the austere lobby.  She looked like a million bucks, which was probably the cost of all of the gold and diamond jewelry she had on.  
Outside on the busy street, her personal chauffeur was waiting by the Towncar to open the door for her while her lawyer, a pit-bull of a man named Saul, got in on the other side to slide in next to her.  Billy was out there waiting on his bike, to make sure no one bothered her on their way out.  He flicked his cigarette to the ground and revved the engine, angling to fall in line behind the Towncar.
“You sure this is what you want?” Saul posed the question to her as he slammed his door shut. They’d just thrown a lot of money at Murray and had him sign official documents.
Charlene sounded annoyed.  “It’s a bit late for that, isn’t it? The deal is done.”
He continued. “I suppose I’m still trying to wrap my head around why you would—” 
“I don’t pay you to ask personal questions,” she sniffed. “Just make sure there’s a smooth transition.  I don’t want to be having a cocktail on the beach and find out that you fumbled something, and I’m forced to fly back out here.”
The town car sailed into traffic and the two sat in silence for a few minutes until Charlene stared out the window at the passing buildings on their way back to the lake house. 
 “Have you ever been in love, Saul?” 
He was confused by the question and tapped his foot a few times.  “I can’t really say I have.” 
After recent events, and everything that he’d been tasked to do in her name for the benefit of someone else made him wonder. “What about you?”
“Only once,” she pressed her red lips together, eyes unblinking behind her sunglasses.  “And once will have to be enough.”
Saul assumed she meant her soon to be ex husband John, and so he left it at that.  
In a matter of seconds, the rain was coming down in sheets and the windshield wipers on the Chevelle were flapping back and forth at supernova speed.
“We could go back to my apartment if you want,” Eddie turned the Faith No More song down on the radio so that he could be heard over the rain.  “But your place is cozier, and I know both are fairly small but I’ve been wanting to talk to you about—”
“I think I want to stay at my place tonight,” you blurted it out, keeping your attention fixed on the dash, staring at nothing. “Alone, if that’s alright.” 
You could see in your peripheral vision that he turned to look at you, and you offered a reflexive smile, shoulders hunched a bit as if you were trying to fold  in on yourself.  
He smoothed his palm around the steering wheel and tried not to let the sensitive side of him that had been abandoned his whole life jump to conclusions.  Not everyone needed to sleep next to the person they loved every night; you wanting space was totally reasonable and had nothing to do with your feelings for him.
Just in case, he decided to make sure.  “Was it something I said or? Cause if there’s an issue between us, you know you can talk to me.”
For some reason, his insistence to have healthy communication irritated you.  Possibly because you knew he was right and you should put it all out on the table and talk to him, but you didn’t know how.  Your brain had barely been able to process the offer from John, let alone put the whole thing into words.
“It’s nothing you did,” you said softly.  “I just need time to think.”
Something about your tone and choice of words made his heart rate increase.  “Think about what?”
“Just stuff Eddie, okay? I don’t want to talk about it right now!” You snapped at him, for the first time ever.  
After everything with Erika and Charlene and Melanie and thinking he’d been cheating on you, you’d never lost your temper with him, and the two of you had never had a fight.  As much as you knew that arguments and disagreements were a very normal part of intimate relationships, you still felt like shit the second the words came out with such vitriol.
There it was, Eddie’s biggest fear: you were pulling away from him.  
He’d suffocated you just like he was prone to do.  He was “too much”, and now you were getting sick of him.  
For the next few minutes of the drive to your place, neither of you said a word.  
You because you didn’t want to take your confusion and anxiety out on Eddie, and Eddie because he didn’t want to sound like a whiny, needy bitch and make things worse.    
He parked up in your driveway to get you close to the door, but he kept the engine running to let you know he was honoring your wish to drop you off and let you be.  
You took a deep breath and flipped the manual lock up with two fingers.
“Wait, let me—” he was about to get out and come around to hold his coat out for you so that you wouldn’t get wet, but you were too quick for him.
“I’ll be fine, goodnight.” you were soaked the second you stepped out, fumbling in the pocket of your bag to find your keys.
“I love you,” Eddie’s voice was barely loud enough to be heard over the weather.
“Love you too,” you said quickly, and then you were bolting for the house, wishing you’d left the porch light on.  
Once you were inside, you clicked the deadbolt shut and watched the beam of Eddie’s headlights retreat.
This was ridiculous.  You were being ridiculous.  
There’s a beautiful man out there who treats you better than you’ve ever been treated in your whole life.  
You threw your bag on the floor and undid the lock to jerk open the door again.
You stumbled out into the rain.  “Eddie wait!”
But all you could see were his taillights as he pulled onto the main street and drifted away.  
Back at her house, Astrid let the phone ring.
At one point, she had her hand on it, ready to pick up, but then decided against it.  
It was impossible for her to be fake with Steve, but she also wasn’t ready to be as forthcoming as she needed to be.  
She stood at the table and looked at the paperwork from the doctor's office one more time before she made her way over to the couch and hugged a pillow to her chest to let the tears fall hot and heavy.  
She had her eyes closed, so she didn’t notice the lights approaching in the driveway or hear Steve shouting her name from the sidewalk as he stood out in the rain.
He’d borrowed Robin’s car to ease his mind and make sure Astrid was okay.  What if she had slipped and hit her head or something? What if she was there with another dude? Also, a possibility under their “don’t ask, don’t tell” relationship agreement.    
The white t-shirt he had on was soaked through, making the tattoos underneath look like they were a design imprinted on the material that hugged his muscles.  
He banged on the door with the side of his fist and shouted her name again. 
By then, Astrid could hear him, but she stayed curled on the couch and waited in vain for him to give up and leave.  
Eddie scowled to himself as he parked the Chevelle in one of the garages and made his way across the parking lot and up the steps to his apartment, shaking his wet hair like a dog.  He could hear a few of the guys partying in the clubhouse, and he thought about joining them, but realized his spirits were too low to be social. There was a punching bag in the back office where he normally did his workouts to burn off steam, but he wasn’t in the mood for that either.  
He told himself he would check on you first thing in the morning, but then it occurred to him that you might not want to hear from him right away.  He wanted to respect your wishes, your boundaries.  
He didn’t want to smother you.
On the nightstand next to his phone was the card for the real estate agent he’d visited the day before.  There was a room on the second floor of the Ferguson farmhouse with a view of the big backyard and he imagined setting some easels up to make it a place for you to paint.  It had a big living room with a fireplace and a workshed in the barn.  He wanted to talk to you about it, to ask if maybe you could see yourself living there.  With him.  
But now he wondered if things were moving too fast.  
He crossed his arms over his body and took his shirt off in the bathroom mirror.  He rubbed a hand down his stomach, noting the areas of skin that were not covered in inked designs.  The fanged bat with wings spread wide on his chest, the dragon design on his bicep, the grim reaper on his forearm.  A crude dagger made to look like it pierced his skin just under his rib cage that said, “true friends stab you in the front”.  There were other bits of traditional biker flash scattered around that Steve had doodled on him over the past decade.  On his other forearm was a memorial tattoo for his mother with her name, the year she died, and an angel statue with eyes that dripped blood, surrounded in roses and thorns, and the thorns came down over the back of his hand.  It was done in a way so that the bats that had been inked there earlier were still visible.  
He was barely 15 when another friend inked HELLFIRE on his knuckles.  It was done with a homemade tattooing gun like the ones used in prison, and the letters had to be redone later because they were basically chicken scratches.  One of the other earliest ones was the skull with a snake through it on his opposite bicep with his nickname “War Machine” underneath.  
Some days, he wanted to get them all removed and start over.
Other days, he wanted to go balls to the wall like Steve and be inked from ear to foot.  
He threw his soaked shirt in the hamper and was just about to grab a beer out of the small fridge near his desk to take into the shower with him—
but then there was a knock at the door.  
At first, he thought it was one of the other Coffin Kings, trying to drag him down to get plastered with them, but then he noticed that the rapping of knuckles was soft, cautious even.  
His head snapped around at the sound of the voice.
It was you. 
Steve held his finger on the doorbell, relentlessly.  “Astrid, if you don’t answer the goddamn door, I’m gonna break it down!  You know I will!”
Astrid wiped her face, flapping her hand to dry her eyes and cheeks to the best of her ability.  She still had on the flowy, floral, maxi dress with an empire waist that she’d worn at the barbeque, and she wrapped a black shawl around her shoulders as she stomped begrudgingly to the door. 
Just as she was about to reach up to unlock the safety chain, there was a loud thud from Steve’s foot slamming into the wood, vibrating the hinges.
“Steve stop!” She yelled, fussing with the second lock on the doorknob.  
She yanked the door back and there he was: soaked to the bone. 
There was only a short awning over her front steps, and so he was standing as close to the frame as possible while more thunder rumbled in the distance. His wet hair had flopped into his eyes, and he swiped it back with a twist of his head, spitting to the sidewalk as he did so.  
His expression was one of anger at first, but then it melted into confusion when he could tell right away that she had been crying.  “Why aren’t you answering your phone?”
“This is a bad time,” she stayed blocking the entrance, although the yearning in his eyes was actively testing her resolve.
“The hell it is?” He pushed. He shifted to see behind her, as if there was someone or something she was hiding.  “You’re upset, I can tell.  Let me in.”
“No.” That was her answer, but Steve wasn’t having it.
He stomped up onto the threshold, wet hair dripping onto her face as he closed in, bracing his hand on the door so that she couldn’t shut it.  “Why don’t you want to see me?”
She tried to look everywhere but his face, but then his hand caught her chin and guided her eyes up to meet his. 
 “Talk to me,” he whispered from lips dotted in water droplets.  
There was a tug of war going on in her heart, and in the end, Steve won.  He always did.  
She didn’t invite him in properly, she just turned on her heel and left the door open, knowing he would follow her into the living room.  
His boots squeaked from all the moisture on her hardwood floors.  He always liked to take his shoes off when he came to see her, but it was too late for that.  He found her sitting on the couch in the dark, but he could only see the outline of her curly hair.
“Why are you sitting here without any lights on?” He reached down and flicked on a tiny wicker lamp that was on the nearby bookshelf.  
“You ask a lot of questions,” she mumbled.
He pinched the front of his shirt to peel it from his body and flapped it a few times as if that would dry it out. “What did you want to talk to me about at the barbeque?”
“You’re soaking wet,” she got a good look at him in the light and suddenly felt bad that she’d made him wait out there.
“No kidding?” He snorted sarcastically. 
“You left some of your clothes here last time. I folded them in the third drawer,” she hugged the pillow.  “Get into something dry and then we can talk.”
He stripped down to his underwear right there in front of her, staring at her the entire time, as if he was worried she would bolt and try to hide from him. His patchwork of colorful tattoos was a jumble of loud expressions of his aggression and passion.  In honor of his nickname Taz, he had several Tasmanian devils doing various things including riding a motorcycle and one on the back of his arm giving onlookers the middle finger.  The ones on the front of his thighs were all self-done when he was just a kid, practicing his craft.  When he was a teenager, he used to tease her and call her “Asteroid” and just above his knee was an asteroid with a fire tail crashing toward a heart-shaped earth.  Besides the Seek and Destroy tattoo on the side of his throat, his skin was full of phrases, including the big “FTW” letters in an arc under his ribcage that stood for “Fuck the World”.   
He went into her bedroom and brought out a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt with “Gary’s Plumbing” advertised on the front pocket.  He dressed in front of her as well, keeping a relentless eye.
“You really are ridiculous, you know that?” She put her chin in her palm and waited patiently for the show to be over.  
He flapped his arms out to his sides like a little kid waiting for approval on his outfit. “Okay, beautiful. I’m dry.  Time to spill the beans.”
“Can you sit down, please?” Her heart flopped in her chest as she considered the words that were about to come out of her mouth and the effect, they would have on him.
In Steve’s experience, when someone asked you to sit down before they told you something, it was always their attempt to soften the blow of bad news.  “Why can’t you just tell me now? You’re freaking me out, babe.”
“Steve,” She pleaded sternly.  “Trust me, I need you to sit down for this.”
Eddie barely had time to greet you before you were pushing by him to get into the studio apartment.  You were hugging yourself, and anxiety had your stomach in knots.  
“I need to talk to you about something,” you gushed.  
Eddie stood at the door, keeping his back to you while he locked it.  He was shirtless, dark hair dripping down the pale muscles that flexed under his flesh.  
You looked around, trying to decide if you should sit or stand when your gaze landed on the painting you’d done for him after that first time you met.  He had it displayed front and center, right above his desk on the main navy-blue wall, as if it were the most important piece in the room.
You were pacing when he turned toward you, the wheels in your mind spinning.
When he got closer, you stepped further away, but he caught your wrist.  “Hey, why can’t you look at me? What’s going on?”  His voice was sterner than he’d intended it to be.  
“I can look at you,” you made yourself meet his stare to prove his point, but it was difficult. You felt like he could see right through you; all of your doubts, all of your fears and insecurities. 
“Sit,” he directed you over to the end of the bed, facing the small sitting area with where there was a couch and a coffee table in front of an old Zenith tv.
Next to you, the mattress sank under his weight, but in your mind, you were somewhere else.  
“So, is this it?” He released a heavy breath and started to play with one of the rings on his hand, pulling it up the finger and then pushing it back down to the knuckle.
“What do you mean?”
It was he who couldn’t look at you now.  “Are you breaking up with me?”
“No!” You blurted it, eyebrows pinching together in frustration with the way you couldn’t get the words out.  “That’s not…I didn’t mean…I just have a lot on my mind, that’s all.”
A rush of endorphins filled him with temporary relief while he waited for your next words.
You stretched your neck from side to side, swallowed hard, and then you told him.
You told him about John’s offer to run your own gallery in Chicago, the opportunity to have the artists loft you’d always dreamed of.  You picked at a piece of skin on the side of your thumb as you talked.
“But I said I needed to talk to you about it first,” you added.
Eddie got to his feet and went over to look out the window over the garage parking lot. “Sounds like a pretty sweet deal,” he mumbled.  
You weren’t breaking up with him, but you were, in fact, leaving him, which was much the same thing.
“Well, it’s complicated,” you said, watching as he went over to snatch his pack of smokes and lighter off of the coffee table.  
“Doesn’t sound complicated to me,” the cigarette bobbed between his pinched lips as he talked, cupping his hand to light the end.  “Sounds like you already know what your answer is.”
“I wouldn’t be talking to you about it if I’d already made my decision,” you countered.  “I want to know what you think.”
“Well,” he scoffed, exhaling a sharp plume of smoke down his chin. His eyes were much darker now, almost black.  “No one in their right mind would choose to stay in Hawkins, not with an opportunity like that on the table.” 
He almost added, “no loser biker boyfriend is worth it,” but decided it was not the right time to be self-deprecating. 
“But I like it here,” you mused. “More than I ever thought I would.”
“We’ll always be here, trust me,” he was trying to remain cool, but his exterior was cracking.  “So, this John guy has been stalking you or something? Getting you to do this painting for him was one thing, but now he’s waiting for you at your job to get you to what? ----Move to Chicago to be closer to him?”.
The smoke came out his nose that time and the muscles in his throat tensed.  He had a bad feeling about that guy before, but he wanted to respect your business ventures and give you space.
The change in Eddie’s demeanor made you wonder if that was the time for full transparency.  In the end, you’d made a promise not to have any secrets from each other and you wanted to keep your word.
“There was mention of that, yes,” you said cautiously, nibbling at your lip.  
“Mention of what, exactly?” Eddie scowled, cocking his head to the side.
“He said there were lots of places he wanted to take me to in the city,” you recited the words cautiously.
Eddie laughed and threw his head back; it was much more of a crazy, maniacal cackle.  “Oh shit, maybe I should pay him a little visit?  See if pretty boy wants to show me the city too.”
“What did you tell him?” He was fuming now, grinding his jaw as he stabbed the half-smoked cig into the ashtray.  
“I didn’t tell him anything,” you repeated, but in a much louder voice.  “I said I needed to talk to you, my boyfriend.”
“He knows you have a boyfriend, and he still pulled that shit?”  Eddie bit the tip of his tongue between his teeth with a grimace.  “That fucker needs to get rolled.”
“No, I’m serious,” he was yelling now, but more about the situation than at you.  “I gave him a chance to be cool, to be a gentleman, and he fucked it up. I told you babe, dudes like that, with money, think they can take whatever they want.  Well, he can’t have you, unless it’s over my dead fucking body.”
“Well, it’s my fucking choice, and I don’t want to be with him, I want to be with you, asshole,” You shot to your feet.  
You’d realized something on your way over to his place and it was that you really did not want to leave Hawkins.  
Every rational bone in your body told you to take the offer and run, but the other bones in your body, the not so rational ones, told you that you’d finally found your family and a place you belonged.  
“Listen to me,” you grabbed him by the arm and made him turn, his hair flying over his shoulder.  “I don’t want to take the job, okay? I want to stay here.  With you.”
Eddie nostrils flared.  It was taking all of his strength not to go out looking for that pencil pushing dweeb Gregson.  But if he actually got his hands on him in the heat of the moment, he was afraid of what he would do.  
“I’ll move with you,” Eddie wet his lips, a new idea flashing behind his eyes.
“With me? To Chicago?”
“Yeah, no, I could make it work. Hire another manager here, another tow truck driver. Come back and check in a couple times a month,” he walked by you as he talked, plucking at his lower lip with thumb and forefinger. “I could get a job at a garage in Chicago, easy. There’s even a King’s chapter there. I could get Bones to patch me in.”
“What about Wayne? And Oliver?” 
“We’ll come back to visit,” Eddie nodded at the plan that was forming in his head.  “Steve and Robin and the kid love Chicago.  Maybe we can get a place with a spare bedroom for when they come up.”
“But what about—”
“I know this means a lot to you, this opportunity,” he cut you off.  “I know I’m a dirty, biker asshole, but I’m not going to be the reason you give up on a dream.” He went over to the dresser drawers and pulled out a Pabst Blue Ribbon shirt to pull on over his head.  The armholes were cut wide, and the collar was frayed.  
“But what if I don’t want to live in Chicago?”
Eddie squinted like he hadn’t heard you correctly.  “What now?”
You bit the inside of your cheek in contemplation.  “I’ve been thinking that I don’t really care about that world anymore, the art world I mean.”
“You don’t want to paint anymore?” He appeared hurt by this notion.  
“No, I do, I will always paint,” you corrected with a wave of your hand.  “But the retail side of it, the snobby clientele, the stress, I’m not sure it makes me happy anymore.  Not sure if it ever did.”
It was Eddie who took a seat that time, perching on the back of the sofa. You could tell he was trying to understand, but the information was coming at him a bit too fast.
“I don’t want to work at the Hammer for the rest of my life, either, but it’s okay for now,” you were working through the revelations as you spoke them aloud.  “I have a friend who is starting her own greeting card company, and she wants me to do some artwork for her.  Little by little, I can make a living while still doing what I love.”
Eddie’s thoughts drifted back to the farmhouse, and how much he felt like it fit the both of you.  
“Are you telling me you chose Hawkins? Really?”
You went over to situate your hips between his knees and brushed his bangs off his forehead.  “No, I’m saying I choose you, asshole,” a smile tugged the side of your mouth up.  “Hawkins is a bonus, yes, but I will always choose you.”
Foreheads met then, and Eddie forced out a long-held breath from between tight lips.  “I don’t want you to wake up one day and realize you made a mistake.”
“The only thing I regret is that I didn’t get to jump your bones in high school.”
He chuckled, repeating what he’d asked at the barbeque earlier.  “Well, what about now?”
In the back of his mind he was thinking, “that John Gregson is still a dead man,” but he kept it to himself.
Steve flopped down next to Astrid on the fluffy, tan sofa so violently it was as if he’d been thrown there by a force of nature.  He scooted closer and pawed at her hand so that she would intertwine her fingers with his.  He was reminded of all of those times as a teenager when he would get hurt on purpose just so she would patch him up.  She was a couple years older and wanted nothing to do with him back then, but nevertheless he melted under the tender touch of her attention every time.  
“I’m all ears,” he prodded eagerly when she did not speak right away.  
Keeping Steve’s hand with hers, Astrid turned to face him and tucked her bare feet underneath her, adjusting the stretch length of her dress.  
Steve watched the way her long hair fell across her neck and ample cleavage. 
“Okay,” she cleared her throat. “What I need to tell you is—”
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, perpetually distracted.
“Sorry, go ahead.”
Another big inhale and then: “These past few weeks, I could tell something was…off.  I thought it was early menopause because I missed my period.”
Steve stared blankly, trying not to get turned on watching her lips move.  
She let her gaze fall to their hands clasped on Steve’s knee, wondering if any of it was real, or if she was still dreaming. 
“Is it cancer?”  He dared to ask, squeezing her hand.  “Because I’m not going to let anything happen to you.  I’ll find the best doctor at gunpoint if I have to.”   
“What? You’re making me crazy! Tell me everything's okay?”
“I’m not dying, Steve.”
“Well then what is it? I’ve been going out of my mind and here you are—”
“I’m pregnant.”
His body had been moving, vibrating even, but it all came to a complete halt at that.  
As if he’d been flash-frozen on the spot.
A mannequin of himself; mouth open, one eyebrow up. 
He shook his head, confused.  “Hold on, what? But I thought you said that you—”
She played with the hem of her shawl.  “I was told it was impossible.  I was told it would take a miracle.”
“Wait a minute, so—” he gulped and then leaned forward to search her face, one arm scooping behind her.  Her eyes were glossy again, on the verge of another wellspring.  
“Is it m-my…is it my baby?” He stammered.
She could only nod, chin quivering as more tears gathered at her lash line only to race down her cheeks once she blinked.  
Steve lost it then too, sucking in air before he choked on his own emotions.  He brought her hand to his chest and held it there.  “My baby,” he gasped, eyes flooding.  “You’re having my baby.  We’re having a baby.”
“Yeah,” she hiccuped and sniffed. “You’re not upset?”
“Upset? Why would I be upset? How could you even think that?” He was deeply offended that she would question his reaction to something he’d wanted his whole life with her, specifically.
He was wiping her tears away with his thumbs as she spoke.  “This is far from convenient, Steve. The way we both live our lives, we never planned for this. We barely have two pennies to rub together between us and—”
“Shhhh,” he kissed her nose and her eyelids and her mouth. “Money comes and goes, sweetheart.  It doesn’t matter, nothing matters, but you and this baby.  Our baby.”
Our baby.  He couldn’t stop saying it.  
He hadn’t known about Oliver until a few days before he was born, and he always felt robbed of all that time in the womb when he could’ve bonded with his son.  Tina had been a three-day fling at a music festival, and he never had any intention of seeing her again.  He’d been prepared to do the right thing though, to be a family even if it killed him, but then Tina just handed him a baby boy a week old and drove away, as if he knew what the fuck he was doing.  
Robin had been in the car waiting for him when it happened.  She saw him standing there in the street holding that screaming baby in a blanket and right then and there, a mother was born.  
He put his hand on Astrid’s stomach, gently.  “Can I feel it move yet? The baby?”
She laughed into her hand as she wiped her nose.  “I’m barely seven weeks along, silly.” 
He curled down like he always did when he put his head in her lap, but instead he placed his ear on her stomach, massaging her thigh with his hand. “I don’t think you can hear me, little one, but daddy has loved your mother his whole life and I love you very much.”
His next words were to Astrid; a murmur into the meat of her. “Will you let me love you now? The way I’ve always wanted to? Will you stay with me?”
She scratched her fingers through his hair, and then held his head there when his arms went around her waist. They stayed like that for a long while.
A bit later, in bed with her head on his chest, he was half asleep when she whispered: “You know that twins run in my family, right?”
“A geriatric pregnancy,” Steve told you from across the bar when you were both back at work the next evening to the tune of Connection by Elastica. 
You made a face while you put some limes and shots of tequila on your tray.  
“That’s what they call it, I guess, when a woman is over 35,” he shrugged.  “A geriatric pregnancy.  So, I’m forcing her to take it easy.”
He was letting you and Shana in on the good news, and he’d been grinning from ear to ear for so long, his cheeks hurt.  His gold incisor caught the red lights like it had a ruby in it.  He’d even been smiling in his sleep, somehow, as Astrid noticed when she got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. 
“I’m so happy for you,” you mirrored his enthusiasm.  “Does Eddie know? Wayne?”
“Not yet,” he made a loose fist and cracked his knuckles. “We wanted to tell Uncle together.  I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone, but I couldn’t wait,” he added sheepishly. “She knows I can’t keep a secret like that.”
“I’ll wait and let you give Eddie the news,” you told him.  “I think he’d rather hear it from you.”
“Where is that War Machine?” Steve looked around, adjusting his sunglasses on his head.  “I owe him a drink.”
“That’s a good question,” you glanced at the clock that was up by the wall-mounted tv.  “He said he was going to stop by, but that was almost two hours ago.”  It didn’t concern you too much because your boyfriend was a busy guy, and last-minute things were always popping up at the shop.  
It was on your to-do list to call John on your break and let him know you were turning down his offer.  The more you thought about it, the more you wondered if he’d planned to hire you on merit, or if he just wanted to get into your pants.  When you thought about the possibility of the latter, it made your blood pressure spike.  
You delivered a round of drinks to a table, and on your way back to the bar, there was a man in a suit coming through the door, holding a briefcase.  
Steve gave him a nod when they made eye contact, but he didn’t ask to check his ID because the man had a graying hairline and was possibly mid-fifties at the least.  He was fit though, and had a very confident demeanor about him.  He looked like he was there to do business.  
“My name is Saul,” he introduced himself to Steve with a handshake and Steve stood up from his stool to be eye level with him.  “I’m looking for Steve Harrington.”
“You found him,” Steve rolled his neck, wondering what he could possibly want from him.  
Saul gave a stiff smile that did not reach his eyes. 
By then you were at the bar, acting like you were busy so that you could eavesdrop.
“What’s this about?” Steve pushed the sleeves of his flannel up to his elbows, exposing his tattoos.  
“Well, it would behoove you to give me a moment of your time,” he moved one side of his suit jacket back to shove his hand in his pocket, rocking back on his heels.  
“I have some business to discuss with you on behalf of Charlene Gregson.”
John Gregson had no idea he was being followed.
He vaguely registered the sound of the loud pipes from the motorcycles rolling up to Margie’s diner, but he was having a late lunch with a business associate and didn’t pay much attention to it.  He preferred white tablecloth lunch meetings, but in Hawkins there weren’t many choices.  Their BLT was unbeatable though, as was the chocolate cream pie.  He’d have to calculate them both into his low-carb diet and spend extra time at the gym in the morning.  
He had his back to the door, making notes in his date book as the man across from him spoke over the sound of clattering dishes and silverware.  
He felt the shadows pass over the table, but he figured it was a group on the way to sit at a booth further down.  
But they came to a halt and loomed there, smelling of leather and tobacco.
John glanced over the top of his reading glasses at his companion first and saw that the color had drained from his face.  
There were four members of the Coffin Kings glaring down at them.  
Eddie frowned at the man with John and jerked his thumb to the side.  “Get up,” he said.  “Find somewhere else to be, I need to talk to your friend here.”
Devlin sank into the booth behind John while Van stood across the aisle flipping his butterfly knife, and Lucas stayed next to Eddie.
“Now, hold on just a—” John began to protest, about to get to his feet, but Lucas clapped a hand onto his shoulder and pushed him back down with calm, steady force.
His companion’s eyes darted from Eddie to John a few times before he gathered his things in a rush, tucking all of his papers under his arm, and shimmied past Van while holding his breath.  It was clear he had no intention of going to wait at another table, he was down the row of booths and out the front door in a flash.
With a heavy sigh, Eddie sank into the seat across from John, wallet chain dragging on the vinyl as he settled in, stretching his arms wide along the back of the bench.  
Lucas turned his back on the two but stood in the same spot, feet planted wide, hands in his pockets, blocking John from leaving.
With a resolute nod, John put his pen down.  “Have we met? I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure—”
“Cut the crap, man,” Eddie huffed with a lazy grin and hooded eyes.  “You know exactly who I am.”
John took his glasses off and tucked them inside his jacket pocket.  “Fair enough. How can I help you?”
Eddie plucked a pack of smokes out of the front pocket of his cut and motioned for Devlin to toss him a lighter.
“This is a no smoking section,” John reminded him, pointing to the sign on the wall with a red line through a cigarette.
Eddie stared at him as he lit the end and sucked in his cheeks until the cherry glowed orange. 
He waited until after a generous exhale to speak, directing the smoke into John’s leftover pie.  
“You see, John—can I call you John? I’ve been really…patient when it comes to this infatuation you have with my girl.  More patient than you deserve, I think.”
John clicked his tongue.  “Now, you misunderstand me, I—”
“I haven’t misunderstood shit,” Eddie scoffed a laugh. 
The waitress came over, and John was sure she was going to tell him to put his cigarette out, but instead she just gave him the most flirtatious smile.  “You want some coffee, hun? You hungry?”
Eddie finished taking another drag and winked at her.  “Just coffee for me, darlin’,” and then he gestured to the other Coffin Kings. “Get these boys whatever they want and wrap it up to go.  It’s on John’s tab.”
Once she was gone, Eddie continued.  “Here’s what’s gonna happen, slick,” he reached over to tap the ash out on John’s plate.  “Once she finishes this painting, you’re gonna to pay her more than what you initially offered, and then you’re never going to see her or talk to her ever again.  Comprendo?”
John used the back of his fingers to push the plate a few inches away, dabbing the sides of his mouth with his napkin.  “My offer for her to run my gallery in Chicago had no devious intentions, I assure you.  I genuinely believe she is that talented.”
Eddie ground his teeth, jaw muscles bulging.  “She’s beyond talented, you got that right, but she doesn’t want to work for you.  You’re a creep.  Throwing money and big promises around to get what you want.  I know your type.”
“My type?” 
“Has your wife ever mentioned me?” Eddie inquired, exhaling into John’s face.
He watched John visibly go rigid.  
Rhonda set Eddie’s coffee cup on a saucer down in front of him with extra creamer and poured him a steaming cup.
John cleared his throat.  “I think it would be in her best interest—”
“You don’t know what’s best for her,” Eddie bit.  “Who are you, her fucking dad?”
He’d said it a bit too loud and a few people from other tables craned their necks to follow the sound.  
Eddie leaned forward, whispering tensely.  “I don’t think I have to tell you that I have friends in low places. People who will do what I say at the drop of a hat.  You think you can hide behind your money?  You’re wrong.  The people who pump your gas and make your food and clean your bathroom?  They’re all with me. You’ll be looking over your shoulder for the rest of your life.  If you fuck with me on this, if you seek my girl out after I’ve told you not to?  Well, then, I hope you like dentures sweetheart because I’m gonna pull your perfect, pearly teeth out one by one.”
By the time he was done, his hand had curled into a fist on the table.  He spread the ringed fingers out wide and then made the fist again, making John look at it.
Eddie snubbed out his smoke in John’s pie with a sizzle and then settled back in his seat, relaxing his shoulders.  He cocked an eyebrow up.  “Are we good?”
John sat back as well.  “We’re good,” he acknowledged stiffly, adjusting his suit jacket.
Eddie slapped the table and gave John a wink.  “Well, this was fun,” he chuckled.  “We should catch up more often.”
He took a quick gulp of his coffee and slid out of the booth.  
He stopped to bend over and whisper, “don’t forget to tip well, slick,” in John’s ear on his way out.  
By the time Eddie showed up at the Velvet Hammer, swatting away plumes of second-hand smoke as he went, everyone knew that Steve was going to be a dad again.  Even the new customers who’d barely just walked in the door that evening.  
Astrid had prepared for this.
One of the many complicated reasons she’d waited more than a week to tell him was because she’d known that, if he knew, he’d be announcing it to everyone he passed by on the street.
Steve jumped from his stool and hugged Eddie.  “I’ve got great news, man,” he clapped Eddie a few times on the arm, over the thick leather jacket he had on.  
Eddie had been on his way across the room to you when his friend stopped him, so the sudden affection took him off guard.  “I like good news,” he caught your eye over Steve’s shoulder and smirked.  
Steve let him know that he was going to be a dad again, which Eddie assumed would happen sooner than later, but he was surprised and delighted to know that Astrid was the mom.  They both knew that she’d been told it would be nearly impossible for her to conceive.  
Steve leaned in.  “This proves it, man, I have a magic dick.”
“Sure you do,” Eddie scoffed, patting Steve on the cheek a few times.  “Only took you 15 years.”
Before you could greet him, Eddie was already in front of you, pulling you flush to his body.  He started to walk and you took backwards steps to stay with him.  “Can you take your break right now?”
“I wasn’t going to for another hour but—”
“I need to talk to you,” he hushed.  
“Um, okay, well,” you glanced over at Shana and she waved you off.  
His mouth found yours the second you were obscured in the dark hallway.  You figured he’d be escorting you out to the alley where you usually took your breaks with him so he could smoke, but this time, he pulled you into one of the two unisex bathrooms and locked it behind him. The bulbs inside were red, and it set an eerie, bloodwashed glow.
“This place sees a lot of action,” you mumbled into his kiss as he worked your skirt up so that he could take a handful of the meat of your ass.  “I like to call it Steve’s Office.”
Before you knew what was happening, he was hoisting you up onto the sink counter with a grunt.  Your thighs and bum were fully exposed now, covered in fishnet stockings, and one of his hands held your face while the other rubbed a knuckle over the heat between your legs.  Your panties and stockings were preventing him from going further, but not for long.  
You were about to protest, to say you had to get back to work, or to remind him how many women Steve had probably railed in that very spot, but
And just when you softened with a shaky moan, he kissed a trail down your jaw and throat, with a few nibbles in between.
You whimpered, spreading your legs further apart, Doc Marten booted feet locking onto his thighs to keep him close.
“I have something..” smooch “...that I need…” smooch “...to ask you…” smooch
“Right now?” You palmed his hard length over his denim and then went to work at undoing his belt buckle. “We only have 10 minutes.”
He leaned back, letting his cherry bitten lips hover there at eye level.  His bangs were getting too long, he needed a trim, and you brushed them to the side, off of his eyebrows. 
“Do you want to move in with me?”
You blinked a few times. “Into your apartment?”
“No, no,” eager lips found your mouth again and his thumb rubbed circles over the taut nub of your nipple through your shirt.  “The big farmhouse down on Marigold Road.  I pointed it out once when we drove by.”
You stopped.  “The old Ferguson place? Aren’t there people already living there?”
“Not anymore,” he could feel your arousal soaking through your underwear and he hissed, grinding his erection against your thigh. “I want to buy it. For us.”
In your desperation, you reached down and clawed at the section of black fishnet that was keeping him from you, ripping a little further down your thigh than you’d intended to.
Eddie kissed down the front of you on the way to his knees, and then your underwear was pulled to one side and his tongue was on your swollen clit, rolling in circles there.  
You dug your fingers into his hair with one hand and supported yourself on the ledge with the other.  He sucked a few times, and then his tongue went inside of you, and you bit your lip, squirming to try and repress a scream.  
“That is a big step,” you gasped. “Moving in together.”
For the longest time, you couldn’t see yourself living with anyone other than a roommate ever again.
He hummed on your now soaked cunt and then kitten licked it a few times.  “I’m ready. Are you?”
You didn’t respond at first because your eyes were rolling back in your head, so he popped off to get to his feet, his chin glistening.  He spread your thighs further apart to make room for his hips and undid his zipper.
His pupils bloomed wide as he searched your lustful eyes, insecurities making his heart rate quicken.  “Are you not ready? I mean, do you not want that? Is it too soo—”
But then you silenced him with your mouth, lapping up your juices from his chin, moving away a strand of his hair that had stuck there. “I want to see the inside. Could we go look at it together?”
“Yeah we can,” he pushed his boxers down and rubbed the tip of his leaking cock along your slit. “I’ll call the real estate dude in the morning.”
You clung to his neck, jaw going slack as he sank in. “I’ll have to check with Charlie.”
He chucked into the kiss at you mentioning your cat, and then he was stretching you out, easing his way in, aching to be one with you.
“Deeper…more,” you whimpered, and then you each let out a muffled cry when he filled you to the hilt, flush inside of your pulsing heat.
He rested his forehead on yours and began to work his hips, thrusting deep and retreating with a curl of his hips so that you could feel every vein, every ridge, but then you were clenching around him, and he sped up with a curse, a thumb working at your clit.
“This…fuck, I’m going to cum so hard inside of you,” he admitted with a huff.  His belt buckle clinked against his zipper with every thrust.  “You want that? You want all of me?”
“Fuck, Eddie, yes,” You whined, clinging to him as stars exploded behind your eyes. 
His strong fingers dug into your flesh to hold your legs in place, and after a few more shaking pumps, he was spilling inside of you, each of you a moaning mess of “I love yous”, clawing at the other to be closer.  
Someone banged on the door just as the two of you were catching your breath and Eddie was still inside of you.
“Get lost!” Eddie yelled, not caring if it was a customer.
“Are you two having a tea party in there? Cabbage Patch meeting perhaps?” 
It was Steve, and then you could hear his ruckus laughter as he banged another few times just to be cheeky.
You adjusted your underwear back into place, and Eddie fastened his jeans before he helped you down off the counter.  You pulled your skirt down and checked yourself in the mirror.
The rip down your inner thigh was painfully obvious.  You wondered if shredding them in a few more places would make it more of “a look”, but then realized that the lighting in the Hammer was not great, and it wasn’t unheard of for someone to accidentally rip their stockings at work.  
But what about when Eddie’s seed started to drip down your leg?
“You go,” you shooed him away as he stood there adjusting the collar of his jacket, waiting for you. “I need to pee.”
He was looking at himself in the mirror, rubbing lipstick off his cheek, but then he turned just before grabbing for the door.  “If you don’t want to, you know, live together right away, I get it.  But with Katie moving in with Robin and all, I figured—”
“You figured we could be roommates?” 
He smirked, giving a bashful shrug.  “A little more than that, maybe.  Roommates with benefits.”
“Yeah?” You sank against his chest, forever helpless to his gravitational pull.  “What kind of benefits?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” he rubbed the sides of your arms with his calloused hands. “I’ll make you pancakes.”
“You think you can make pancakes?” 
“Baby, I've told you before, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”
Uncle entered the Hammer and everyone screamed his name like he was Norm in an episode of Cheers.
It had been a while since he dropped by unannounced, and he looked better than ever.
Still much thinner than he had been the year before, and it was hard for him to catch his breath sometimes, but his eyes were bright, and he wore a soft smile more often than not.  
Maybe the chemo was working? Maybe there was hope?
Devlin had been sitting on the stool at the bar next to Eddie, but Eddie was quick to tell him to take a hike when Wayne showed up.
“What did the doctor say?” He asked as his uncle straddled the stool and got comfortable.  He was in a green and white plaid work shirt and had decided to leave his Coffin Kings leather at home.  
Wayne gave a single nod and patted around for his smokes out of habit, even though he’d given it up when he started treatment.  “Just heard Steve's gonna be a dad again. He better treat her right, that's all I can say." It was obvious he was damn near giddy at the thought, Eddie could see it in the way a smile kept tugging at the sides of his mouth. "I’m sick of talking about doctors and my goddamn condition. Want to forget about it for a night.”
Eddie respected that, and tapped the bar to order him one of those non-alcoholic beers that they kept cold specifically for Wayne and one other regular patron.  
You barely had a chance to give Wayne a shoulder squeeze when Robin burst in through the door, frantically scanning the crowd.  There was a dancer on the backstage, working her way down the poll, and Steve had gone over to remind a few rowdy customers to behave themselves.  Robin rushed over and met him halfway, in front of the glowing jukebox.
He found no comfort in the way she looked like she’d been crying.
“What’s going on?” Felt like his heart literally stopped beating in his chest. “Are you okay?”
“The spare key,” she held her palm out.  “You used it last time and now I’m locked out of the house.”
He felt around in his back pocket.  “Where are your regular keys?”
She rolled her eyes, bouncing in frustration. “I lost them somewhere, okay? At work maybe, I’m not sure, but Oliver just threw a fit, I’m on my period, and we’re all just in a really bad mood and want to go home.”
“Alright, alright, here take my key,” he wrestled it off the metal ring to hand it to her.  “Just remember to leave the back door unlocked for me.  Is Oliver in the car?”
“No, he’s at Katie’s place with her, I needed to take a drive alone so that I could scream,” she snatched the key from him.
“Shit, you had me worried for a second.”
“Sorry,” admittedly, she felt like she was overreacting to something so small and fixable, but more likely her tears were from an accumulation of things.  Once the panic spike subsided, her eyes landed on half of a white envelope peeking out of the pocket of his Coffin Kings leather, right above his TAZ insignia.  She always teased him and said his official nickname should’ve been Dingus.
“What’s this?” It looked like it had some official lettering in the corner, and she plucked it out to look closer.
They made their way back to the front so he could keep an eye on the door, and she frowned at the name of a law office in the corner. 
“I don’t know, I haven’t opened it yet,” he shrugged.  “Some douchey lawyer brought it by, said it was from Charlene.  It was busy when he came in, so he gave me that to read and told me to call him in the morning.”
“Fucking Charlene?” She balked.  “What, is she suing you for not wanting to be her boyfriend?”  
“I haven’t had time to open in, but it wouldn’t surprise me.”
A group of people came in, and two looked like they were 16, so Steve carded them.  
Robin ripped the top of the envelope open. You stepped in front of her on your way to a table, and the two of you collided.
You said a quick apology and were about to ask if she wanted a drink, when Shana shouted across the bar to tell Robin the phone was for her.
“It’s your boss from the motel,” Shana continued, holding her hand over the bottom half of the receiver.
Robin gave a heavy, exasperated sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose.  “She’s going to ask me to work a double shift tomorrow, I just know it.”
She shoved the paperwork at you that she’d just unfolded, but not yet read.  “Hold this for me? Be right back.”
“Oh—okay,” you had the paperwork pressed flat to your chest as you made your way over to stand at Eddie’s shoulder.  He was talking to Wayne, but he reached back and squeezed your thigh in greeting.  
You hadn’t meant to look, to eavesdrop on their private business.
But once glance was all it took
For you to be fully invested
Charlene’s name was the first thing to catch your eye
And then, The Velvet Hammer
You took a few long blinks, unsure if what you were looking at was real.
You mouthed a few of the words quietly just to make sure you were reading them correctly.
The way you froze made Eddie curious, and he turned his head to see what you were doing.
“What’s up babe? What is that?”
“It’s, uh—” you stammered.  “It’s Steve’s.  You’re never going to believe this, but um—”
“Can I see it?” 
He tried to meet your eyes as he took it from you, but you couldn’t seem to look away from the words on the paper.  Your mind was reeling.
Robin returned just as Eddie held the papers out in front of him, and she steadied herself with a hand on his back to read over his shoulder.
Steve meandered over; his curiosity officially piqued at what you were all huddled together about.  
“What’s it say?”  He had a smoke bobbing between his lips and his hands in his pockets.  “Did I win the lottery or somethin’?”
He chuckled, but then you all turned to him in unison, unblinking, mouths agape.
“Yeah man,” a smile curled on Eddie’s lips.  “Actually, you kinda did.”
Charlene was on the plane to Hawaii when she read the newspaper article.
A glass of first-class champagne and a window to her right, an empty aisle seat to her left.  
There he was, right on the front page of The Hawkins Post: 
In a bigger city, a business changing hands could fly under the radar, but in a small town, it was newsworthy when a local biker and bouncer becomes a business owner overnight.
A Cinderella story, the reporter called it.
The cover photo was of him out on the sidewalk, standing next to the red door entrance to the Velvet Hammer.  Shana was in the photo with him, as were Robin, Jackie, Erika, and you.  
Not pictured was Eddie Munson, whom the article mentioned Steve had chosen to take on as a partner.
The article talked about their plans for the Hammer, including bringing in a tattoo studio to the vacant storage space next door.  
She ran her finger over his face on the newsprint.
It wasn’t until the end of the article that she got the wind knocked out of her:
“Steve and his longtime partner, Astrid Bautista, are expecting their first child together in the spring.”
She hadn’t expected that.
She had to look away and take a generous gulp of champagne.  
Her eyes got a little wet and her vision blurred, but she read it again.
“Did you miss me?” Billy sank into the seat next to her with his sunglasses on and a white shirt unbuttoned almost to the waist of his jeans. He smiled around the pink gum he was chewing and craned his neck to see what she was reading, but she folded the paper hastily and turned it over.
She didn’t answer him, she just stared out the window over the clouds and tried to forget she ever felt a thing.  
authors note: wow, we did it. This is my first fic series to finish ever 😭 If you've made it this far, you know how much this story and the characters have evolved since those first couple chapters. If this were an actual novel, I'd go back and make it all sync up, give it more continuity, and reveal nicknames like War Machine and Taz earlier in the game. But the cool thing about posting this way for a fandom is that you, the reader, are able to see in real time how the characters develop a mind of their own and take over the story in a way not even the writer can predict. In this case specifically, you can also see how I went from having no idea how to write a reader insert fic to becoming more and more comfortable with it.
I never had any intention of making Charlene a villain. She was literally based off of the wealthy woman in the Bruce Springsteen video for his song I'm on Fire. Just a gal who had a crush on her mechanic. Some of you voiced that you wished Charlene could get killed, or hurt somehow, and for those of you, you can trust that she is hurting. Knowing that Steve will be having a family with someone else is a deep wound.
I've had several requests for a separate biker Steve story with a new reader, and until two chapters ago, I fully intended to follow through on that. But the more I wrote him with Astrid, the more I felt it was wrong to keep them apart. If you are a fan of their love story, I highly recommend visiting THIS masterlist from @texasblues who created Astrid's character. But I do plan to bring a slightly different biker Steve back in a new au, stay tuned 🥰
This of course, is not the end. I plan to drop an epilogue on you all when you least expect it, and it will take place a year or two after the events here. If you are a friend of mine, you will laugh at this because whenever I say I'm going to write an epilogue, I never do. But this time I mean it.
I can't express in words how much your comments, asks, and messages about this story have meant, and will always mean to me. I was living through one of the darkest years of my life when I joined tumblr back in April and started writing this fic, and you all have held me together, whether you realize it or not. I love you and am deeply grateful for you all.
Taglist: @notsobubblybaby @unfocused81 @aysheashea @etherealglimmer@manicmagicmayhem @dream-a-little-nightmare@chaoticgood-munson @emxcast @rhirojo @bexreadstoomuch @micheledawn1975 @falling-solar-system@secretdryrose
@whatwedontdointheshadows @miarosso @seventhlevelofhell @corrodedcoffincumslut @lofaewrites @goldyghoul @chloe-6123 @kelsiegrin @chelebelletx @stylesxmunson @kurdtbean@dandelionnfluff @clincallyonline17 @tlclick73 @eddiemunson95 @sidthedollface2 @hideoutside @truffleshuffle12 @tenthmoon @texasblues@emilyslutface@mmunson86@onegirlmanytales@laylaloves-ed@dashingdeb16@eddiiiieeee @ick90 @dashingdeb16 @polyestermonster @trixyvixx @atomickaratel8dy @kiyastrf94 @allthingsjoeq @eddiesxangel @razzieth @corrodeddeadlydoll @erinekc @angietherose @sllooney @writinginthetwilight @moonbeamsandmayhem @brianamunson92 @joannamuns9n @bellalillyrose @alba8688 @chevelle724
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
the best day with you today |janitor!eddie munson x teacher!reader|
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prompt: after the fostering and now adoption of oliver, eddie navigates life as a father. or the first time eddie is called "dad".
contains: life ruining fluffy angst. dad!eddie, mom!reader, mentions of past trauma, foster care, adoption, shitty parents, but really just cutesy fluff.
Wayne had been shocked to see them, Eddie and Oliver. Oliver in his sneakers and zip up hoodie, padding behind the older man up the stairs, sneaker clad steps against the creaking wood. He looked better since the first time he saw him, Wayne decided. A far cry from the scraggly, scared little thing with wide eyes that darted around the room at anything that he was when he first came. He looked more relaxed, confident- loved.
He'd looked so much like Eddie then. Looked so much like that same scared boy with a shaved head and nervous eyes that Wayne saw when Eddie'd first came to live with him. It made his heart twist with uncomfortable sympathy at the time, the parallels between the two. But now, Wayne was proud. The boy looked better- his grandson, officially.
Wayne had been there the day the judge announced the adoption, just shy of three weeks ago. Standing in the court room, lips pressed in a watery boasted smile, standing next to your parents, trying to hide his tears while Eddie beamed down at the young boy. You both looked so proud, so full of love. He knew the two of you would love Oliver the way he deserved, how a child should be loved and adored and doted on. It made his chest swell with pride, proud he’d raised such a good man. Wayne bragged on the two of you every chance he got, boasted to everyone about his grandson. Standing in grocery lines chatting to strangers- something he never did before- pulling a picture out of his wallet to show anyone who'd let him Ollie’s school pictures, laminated photos of them fishing, brag about his stellar report card.
"What're you two doin'?" Wayne grinned wide, lines around his eyes crinkling. The screen door to the trailer creaked loudly when he leaned against it. "Didn't know you were stoppin' by."
Eddie hugged his uncle briefly in greeting. "Hope we're not bothering you." He offered, but he knew they weren't. Wayne's small scoff assured him of that.
"You know you never bother me." Wayne shook his head. "'Specially not when you bring my favorite boy around." He grinned down at Oliver. "How you doin', Ollie? Gimme a hug, boy."
Oliver smiled back in greeting, throwing his arms around Wayne, a tight hug that only a child could give. Wayne was glad he was still small, still giving hugs. He was ten now, nearly eleven, growing more and more everyday.
"What brings you two over? Myrtle's comin' over in a few. We're gonna watch our program if ya like to stay." Wayne offered. Myrtle, from two trailers down, and Wayne had been in a casual fling for as long as you knew them. Eddie always shook his head when you asked him, shrugging and rolling his eyes at his uncle.
Oliver’s ears perked up at the mention of the older woman. He adored Myrtle, loved the records she played, and more importantly, that she made the best brownies in the world. She was always sneaking him a sweet treat, a tight lipped smile and a wink like it was a super secret.
"We came looking for a basketball." Eddie said with a nod, looking over at Oliver to confirm. "Ollie wants to try out for the fifth and sixth grade team, so we're going to practice."
Wayne hesitated, face falling for a moment, brows raising in question. "And you... you're gonna teach him, Ed?" He asked, brow lifted skeptically.
Wayne distinctly remembered when Eddie got the basketball, the last gift from his father. His father was fresh out of jail, for the fifth time, and Eddie was thirteen. He left Eddie a birthday gift, four months after his birthday, and it was a basketball. One he'd stole, no doubt, but given to Eddie as a 'heartfelt' gift. Eddie had tried to play, tried to learn, and Wayne had given it his best effort to teach him. He took him down to the courts by the trailer, but the boy could barely dribble, looking about as graceful as a bull in a china shop, open hand smacking the ball. The basketball had gone up that day and never gotten back out, sitting on the corner of Eddie's dresser in his room and collecting dust. Until today.
Eddie frowned, looking from Oliver back over to Wayne. "Yeah," He nodded, giving the younger boy a reassuring half smile. "We're going to go down to the school. Practice on the courts there." Eddie patted Ollie's head, rustling the curls underneath.
Wayne nodded, grinning down at the boy. "Well, that sounds like a big day." His brows raising in excitement, exaggerated for the younger boy. "Good thing you have your Daddy to teach ya, right, Ollie?"
Eddie felt his heart drop, squeezing in uncomfortable anticipation, craning down with a side eyed glare so hard it strained his eyes. His breath hitched, anticipating the rejection from Oliver, that soul crushing discard that would wreck Eddie. Ollie just nodded, unbothered by the term. They'd had Oliver in their care for a while now, he was in your class even before then, but Eddie was still hesitant about the titles.
Basketball in hand, wiping the thick layer of dust that covered it, Ollie and Eddie bounded back down the stairs, waving goodbye before setting off to the courts. Wayne watched them back out, head shaking in amusement at the two.
Eddie's heart hammered as they inched closer and closer to the school, sweaty palms he rubbed over the wheel in a tight grip. Oliver seemed unbothered, and he was glad, watching the boy in the rear view him along to his cassette, kicking his little Reeboks against the seat. Eddie’s stomach twisted, turned and lurched with bundles of nerves, the fear that he wouldn’t be able to fulfill what he was supposed to- that he’d let Oliver down.
His head clouded with judgement. He knew he wasn't the best for a basketball lesson, he should've asked Steve, but dammit if his selfish pride hadn't let him. When Oliver came to Eddie, expressing interest in trying out for the team, Eddie leaped at the opportunity. The thought of any other sharing the experience with him instead made his insides twist with jealousy.
So here he was, holding the rusty orange ball, awkward and unsure in his big hands, with the little boy in front of him, wide eyed and awaiting.
"Uh, you need to learn to dribble first. That would be a good place to start." Eddie nodded firmly, much less confidently than he should have. He paused then looked at Oliver. "Do you know how to dribble?"
Oliver shook his head, and Eddie's shoulders deflated slightly. "Right, right." He muttered, eyes flashing up quickly. "Not that that's a bad thing!" He replied frantically. "That's alright,, I mean, that’s why I-I'm here to teach you."
Eddie sounded sure enough, except, he wasn't entirely sure how to dribble. It couldn't be that hard, you just hit the ball and it bounces back up. "So, you take your hand and lay it kinda flat- like this," Eddie showed him, holding the ball in the other. "Then you just hit the ball hard, but not like too hard, just enough for it to come back up to you, like..."
Eddie dropped the basketball, other hand out in anticipation to smack it and show the dribble. The ball made a defeated thudding sound, the air sputtering out of it with a thick plop! before melting into the asphalt like putty, slouching with a collapse. Eddie frowned, picking the ball up, fingers pressing into the thick material of the ball, it felt squishy and molded to his touch. Eddie wasn't an expert by any means, but he was sure that wasn't supposed to happen.
Oliver titled his head to the side curiously, squinting when he looked up at Eddie. "I think it needs some air." He observed, in pure childlike obviousness.
Eddie let out a short huff, frustrated with himself, truthfully. Of course the ball was out of air. He hadn't touched the thing in well over twenty years.
"Yeah, I think you're right, buddy." Eddie nodded, lips pressing together in thought. He looked towards the school, patting his pockets. "I think there should be some in the gym closet. Maybe we could get one of those and use it?" Eddie suggested, fishing for his keys.
Oliver's eyes lit up in excitement, little sneakered feet bounding beside Eddie towards the school. "Can we get out the rolly chair things?" Oliver asked, grinning wide up at Eddie, bouncing on the rubber soled ends of his shoes. He was snaggletoothed, missing his front tooth after last weekend.
Eddie's heart melted. "Maybe. Only if Coach Bronski hasn't stacked them like a jackass again." He muttered, rolling his eyes in disdain for the elementary school coach. His eyes widened, looking down at Oliver, seeing the tiny smile on the boy’s face. "Don't say that word. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He said quickly.
Oliver giggled. "I won't."
Eddie grinned, squinting down at him playfully. "You better not. Your mom will kill me, buddy." Eddie groaned dramatically. His chest panged with a little jealousy, lips falling slightly when he pushed the key in.
Oliver had taken to calling you 'Mom' a few weeks ago, after Olivia was born. You'd cried when he did. Eddie was enthralled for you, he was, but he couldn't help but hurt a little for himself. It made him entirely too insecure for his own liking. He knew he shouldn't take it personally, that it was Oliver's pace of comfort and he would never do anything to pressure him. Yet he still felt consumed with fear, guilt, worries about why Oliver didn't feel comfortable with him yet to give him the title.
Eddie turned the lock, the bolt clicking loudly before it was unlocked. Eddie pushed the door open with a loud creak, letting the little boy scamped under his arm. Oliver's eyes were wide with wonder, looking around the empty gym that doubled as a cafeteria. The lunch tables were pushed into the wall, everything put away and lights dimmed for the weekend. Though he'd been in the school after hours, it was all still so exciting to the ten year old.
"Isn't it cool that you have a key to everywhere?" Oliver asked, eyes wide and shining up at Eddie.
"Yeah, 's pretty cool." Eddie grinned back down at him. "Sometimes it can be a lot of pressure. With great responsibility, though, Ollie." Eddie twirled his keys around.
Oliver giggled. "That's from Spider-Man." He said proudly, waiting for Eddie to open the door.
"It is." Eddie nodded. "You still liking Spider-Man?"
"Yeah." Oliver hummed. "I like Aqua-Man, too."
"Oh, don't tell me you're going over to the dark side with Uncle Dustin." Eddie groaned playfully. "You know Marvel is better than DC."
"I dunno." Oliver giggled with a shrug, purely boyish and sweet. Eddie’s heart squeezed in adoration. "I jus' like them both."
"That's alright. I'm just teasin' with ya." Eddie ruffled his locks with a smile. "As long as you don't start actin' like Dustin, we're good." He grinned at the laugh Oliver gave him.
Eddie fished the basketball out of the large big, giving it a few test bounces before the duo went back outside.
Eddie awkwardly showed Oliver how to dribble, the two moving around the red top courts outside with the grace of newborn fawns. Smacking hands, the boing! of the ball bouncing off the pavement while they chased it, hitting it at an uncomfortable angle.
"Run, run, Ollie!" Eddie laughed, clapping his hands with encouragement. "Just-Just dribble it- yeah! Yes! Just like that! Atta boy, look at you!" Jogging beside the younger boy, laughing gleefully while they smacked and chased the ball.
He knew this wasn't great 'coaching' on his part, but Oliver was having fun. Wide smile that crinkled his eyes and a laugh that rang through the open court. Eddie's own laugh joining in while the clambered back and forth, chasing the flyaway ball and bouncing it extra hard to see if it would go higher than the two of them. The two were positively silly running with the ball, but they were having fun.
Oliver rubbed his eyes, cheeks red and wind bitten from the outside, fighting a yawn while Eddie put the ball away. "You tired?" Eddie asked, small smile on his lips. He knew the answer, but the sleepy nod, bob of curls bouncing from the smaller boy shaking them made his heart warm, knuckling at his eyes.
Eddie patted his shoulder, hugging him to his side. "You did good today, Ollie." Eddie beamed proudly down at the boy- his son.
Truthfully, Eddie wasn't sure if Oliver did great or not, he's let Steve be the judge of that (he was the coach of the team after all), but he did know that they had fun. They'd laughed until their cheeks hurt, ran up and down the court until their sides ached with laughter.
Eddie's chest was warm, light and filled with content while Ollie grabbed his hand, an instant reaction when crossing the street towards the lot. He could hear your voice in his ears, “Look both ways, grab my hand.” Eddie could feel the hand in his, small and soft.
"I had a lot of fun." Ollie admitted, looking up at Eddie, eyes gleaming even in the gloomy sky. "Do you think we could do that again, Dad?"
Eddie's breath caught in his chest, strangled gasp that choked and sputtered out of his mouth. Heart lurching in his chest with surprise. His eyes widened, and he tried to will them to relax, knowing his reaction could scare Oliver. He was still fragile from his before home life, sudden reactions scared him still, sent him retreating and cowering.
"W-What?" Eddie stuttered, dumbly. He kicked himself for the reaction, wishing he would say something better than what he did. Especially when Oliver’s hand tensed in his.
"I-I liked dribbling on the court." Oliver muttered hesitantly, chin tucking to his chest, a sign of submission. Eddie's heart lurched in panic. "I'd like to do it again if-if you want to...with me. If you're not too busy with the baby or-or if you don't want to-"
"No." Eddie blurted, fiercer than he meant it to be. He cringed at himself, eyes shutting in irritation. Get it together, Munson.
"No, I mean, no I-I would never be too busy for you, Oliver, you know that." Eddie said sincerely, nodding down at the boy, rambling anxiously. "I just, uh, I- yeah, I had so much fun with you today too." Eddie admitted.
"Really?" Ollie asked, tilting his head to the side. "I thought you told Mom you didn't like sports and confor-forminin-"
"Conformity." Eddie snorted lightly with a grin. "I was just teasin' her. I just never had someone to play sports with me, but now I do, right? We can be sports...partners." Eddie was unsure of the word, but Oliver didn't seem to mind.
"Yeah," Oliver nodded. "Like-Like Aquaman and Aqualad." He grinned excitedly at the analogy.
Eddie let out an exaggerated breath of air, eyes rolling in playful dramatics. "Please, don't use your DC references around me."
Oliver giggled, pulling the handle of the car door open. He hung on the door for a moment, looking back at Eddie, tiny lips twisted in thought. "Spider-Man and Iron Man?" He offered, head tipping to the side.
Eddie grinned, dimples deep in his cheeks. "Better." He laughed, helping the boy into his booster seat.
Eddie got a little emotional seeing the base for Olivia's carrier next to Oliver's booster seat, one he was already about to outgrow before needing nothing at all. He'd never had a car seat or booster seat before coming to live with you and Eddie, carelessly strapping himself in before his mother would try to navigate home, usually too fucked up on whatever she's shot up her arms to see straight.
He'd been so little in your class, still small when he came into your care. A scrawny and malnourished little boy with dirty clothes that he tried to clean in the sink before school, usually coming into the classroom with his shirt still dripping, but he didn't want the other kids to tell him he smelled.
Now, he had a new wardrobe, Wayne and your parents spared no expense spoiling their new grandson, even before he was officially yours. He went to bed with a warm belly, clean sheets, clean skin, brushed teeth, and warm kisses. Oliver had flourished since then, not so bony anymore, a little taller; happier, loved.
Eddie secured the seat belt. "Maybe we should stop by the store and get a ball." Eddie suggested. "One that's not flat, if you want to play again."
Oliver nodded. "Yeah." He paused for a moment, little brows furrowed in thought. "Is-Is it ok if I call you Dad?" He asked, eyes shining up at Eddie's.
Eddie felt his breath hitch again, heart fluttering and beating so hard in his chest he thought it might shoot through his ribcage. "I-I mean, yeah." Eddie stuttered, frowning at himself dumbly. "Only if you want to, Ollie, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."
Oliver looked down at his feet, dangling and hitting the seat. "I-I think I want to call you Dad." Oliver admitted. "Because I call Mom, Mom, and-and you're my Dad like Mom's my Mom." His logic was simple, boyish, but it made Eddie's nose and throat burn, happy tears but emotional nonetheless.
"I think I'd like that too." Eddie agreed, jaw clenching to keep himself from crying. "I had a really great time with you today." Eddie reached down to hug the boy, a little awkward in the carseat but tight and full of love.
"Me too." Ollie smiled. "Thanks for teachin' me to dribble."
"No problem." Eddie pulled away, hands on the little boy's shoulders- his son's shoulders. "You're a natural, kid. Gonna be in the hall of fame."
Oliver laughed, but blushed at the praise. Eddie couldn't stop smiling, he was sure his cheeks were going to split open, but he couldn't help it.
Oliver bounded through the front door, kicking his little sneaker off in the pile by the bench, before running to find you.
Eddie could hear him in your bedroom, excitedly chattering about his day, showing you the new basketball. Shiny and new, still had the fresh rubber smell. You cooed back at him excitedly, smiling when he went to show Olivia, talking sweetly to her in her little bassinet.
"Hey," You greeted Eddie with a smile. "Good day? Heard dribbling lessons went great." You beamed.
Eddie nodded, sniffing slightly. "Yeah, yeah it was great. Amazing actually, he, uh," His eyes cut from Oliver and Olivia back to you. "He called me Dad today."
Your face melted with joy, a small gasp leaving your lips. You watched Eddie's eyes shine, watering, his lips press together in a tight line to keep his lips from quivering. "Oh, Ed," You coo, reaching your hand out instinctively to cradle his jaw.
You were so sweet like that, so kind. Nurturing and caring came so easy to you, Eddie was for certain you had to be some kind of saint, you were too perfect in every way. You wrapped your arms around Eddie's middle, squeezing him tight, feeling his arms wrap back around you.
Oliver continued to babble to Olivia, letting her grab onto his finger, gurgling spit and giving tiny baby cackles to her older brother when he'd talk to her. You'd been worried when the adoption process first started, and you had found out you were expecting, that it would mess things up, ruin what you'd built with Oliver. He'd been hesitant at first, more uneasy with the thought that you might replace him, but the second he met his little sister, he'd been completely wrapped around her tiny finger. Just like his daddy. Just like you.
You pressed your cheek to the soft fabric of Eddie's shirt, watching through glazed, love drunk eyes Oliver push Olivia's little bassinet, rocking her slowly. Eddie's hand ran up and down your back soothingly, pressing into the small of your back to pull your closer. It was everything you all could have wished for, your own little family.
for @wheels-of-despair bc I know this is your fave lil family <3
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yesimwriting · 7 months
How do you think Felix would react to bestfriend!reader coming out as bi/pan or nonbinary/genderfluid?
Do you think he would view women as much of a threat as men or…? And what do you think he would say if reader went: “OMG FELIX that girl is so hot” or something like that.
Sorry this was kinda long— 😭
i wanted to answer this fully bc it's a good question, and that got a little long so it's below the cut!!
also i analyze felix's sexuality a little just to give some background on my perspective,, but i try not to put my own speculations on felix's sexuality in fics (unless asked to) bc i want the person reading to be able to decide how they see felix
oh!! also! side note! i've mainly written bestfriend! reader with female pronouns,, and some plot stuff in the main fic i'm writing does rely on reader being female, but if anyone ever wants a specific blurb to have reader be gender neutral,, just specify in the ask and i'll make sure to write it that way :)
okay,, i think felix is extremely bi/pan leaning
and by that i mean i don't think he'd label his sexuality,, and not even in a 'too cool' way, he just wouldn't put that much thought into it,, like he probably sees himself eventually settling down/marrying a girl bc that's kind of the default (a tiny bit of comphet lol),, but i think he likes who he likes, he's attracted to who he's attracted to and doesn't pay much mind to their gender
i feel like this applies to most of felix's family/inner circle as well lol,, like attraction is attraction, why get caught up on the details if that makes sense
also no one can convince me felix didn't feel anything for ollie,, they are that romantic coded best friendship that ends dramatically and traumatically for all involved <3 but in bestfriend!felix verse reader will always be his #1, trust
but if we are reading felix as straight,, i still think he'd be super supportive (bi wife energy)
so considering that (and the fact that felix loves reader too much to ever make them feel bad about anything,, especially something like that) he'd be extremely supportive of reader's sexual orientation and/or gender identity,, and if anyone even implies something rude oh!! he's fighting!
depending on how bad it is, felix might just exclude that person socially, and bc of felix's influence, that means everyone starts to shun that person,, if someone was really homophobic towards reader,, felix would cuss them out fr,, might even instinctually get physical depending on how bad it is
as far as reader being like "felix! that girl is so hot" his initial reaction would be to agree/hype you up bc it's instinct to support reader,, but then it'd hit him and he'd be like oh. wait.. :(
true equality and acceptance of reader's sexuality/gender identity is wanting everyone of all genders to realize how wonderful reader is,, but from a distance <3 like yes i have the cutest, most perfect, lovely,, intelligent best friend, i'm glad you noticed,, unfortunately that's all you get to do
i do think that if it was just you two talking while out partying or hanging out and it didn't go further than some comments, felix would be supportive, but he'd be a little extra touchy to prove to himself that reader will let him
i think he'd be more bothered if reader called a guy hot, not bc he's more intimidated, but bc at least when reader finds a girl attractive it's much less of a direct comparison (bc female presenting and masculine presenting are generally hot in different ways) if that makes sense
if it goes any further than that,, felix is equally pouty no matter the person's gender
also we know felix's friends have a habit of hooking up with venetia,, so i could see this making felix more wary of venetia and reader getting along a little too well over the summer lol,, like he wouldn't assume the worst if they started liking each other a little, but he'd be wary
honestly, though,, at the end of the day, as long as it's clear that felix is reader's absolute favorite person of any gender, he'd be chill and even when he's jealous he's supportive
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emojellyace08 · 1 year
Lookism Characters when it's your birthday!!!
A/N: It's my birthday todayyyy!!! So if you share the same birthdate with me or you happen to scroll this down on your own special day and if you're not on the mood, this is for you!
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Daniel Park/Zack Lee/Eli Jang/Sally Park/Mira Kim/Crystal Choi/Mary Kim/Zoe Park/Jace Park/Jay Hong/Heather/Jake Kim/Yoojin/Jihan Kwak/Gapryong Kim/Jinyeong Park/Sinu Han/Lua Im/Brad Lee/Jerry Kwon/Yui Kim/Joy Hong/Duke Pyeon/Jason Yoon
The really super sweethearts tbh
They're the ones who will remembers everyone's birthday (especially when you're superrr close with them).
So they will call the others to have a group meeting or create a group chat with over 40 members on it to surprise you on your special day! "GUYS ATTENTION!!! IT'S Y/N'S BIRTHDAY IN 4 DAYS WE GOTTA SURPRISE THEM!!!"
They will assign who will buy the décor and food (they will all share the budget!).
Will think of many plans and ideas to surprise you (It can turn out a little wacky though but at least they have put effort on it!)
Vasco/Doo Lee/Jiho Park/Olly Wang/Goo Kim/Yuseong/Warren Chae/Jibeom Kwak/Tom Lee/Kuroda Ryuhei/Sinu Han/Gongseob Ji/Alexander Wang (add in Zack Lee ; a little bit if you're really close)
They're the super noisy ones lmao
I can imagine the others getting so annoyed from them since they can't keep quiet when they're still preparing for the surprise (don't blame them they're super excited!).
So when you came inside the dark room and you opened the lights, they will scream and screech at the top of their lungs "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/NNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!" xD.
They're also the super hyped ones while singing Happy Birthday even though they're out of tune LMAO (the others looks so done while you just stand there in the center with the cake lit with the candles be like 🧍‍♀️).
Even while eating, they're still super talkative while there's lot of food smudges on their face (how the hell can they still speak? Because their vocal chords are SUPERIOR).
Jay Hong/Joy Hong/Jiho Park/Crystal Choi/Goo Kim/Gun Park/DG/Yoojin/Tom Lee/Mitsuki Soma/Charles Choi
The super rich ones. They have the budget to buy the décor for themselves but the others insisted to pay for it and help too.
Will also buy you a very expensive gift like designer clothes, jewelry, shoes or anything that you really like but you can't afford! The others will be just like "Woah! They bought the limited edition jewelry of f/b for Y/N!"
They just really love you so much so they bought the most expensive gift for you that they can find so you'll feel very special! (Though just don't use them as a sugar mommy/daddy it can turn them off).
They will smile, chuckle and pat you on the head if you're super happy with their present "WuahHhhHHh THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHH YOU DON"T HAVE TO SPEND TOO MUCH MONEY ON ME NEXT TIME!!!" "As long you're happy I am too".
They just wants to see you smiling all the time even if it's not your b-day they hate you seeing sad (like everyone hates seeing you sad :)))) .
Daniel Park/Zack Lee/Eli Jang/Warren Chae/Sally Park/Mira Kim/Vasco/Jace Park/Mary Kim/Zoe Park/Heather/Jake Kim/Jihan and Jibeom Kwak/Hudson Ahn/Johan Seong/Yuseong/Jerry Kwon/ Line Man/ Lua Im/ Sinu Han/Brad Lee/Duke Pyeon/Jason Yoon/Jichang Kwak/Young Jinyoung Park
Will feel insecure about their gift (or if they don't have something to give for you).
Like don't blame them they're just in high school they're not like super rich (for young Jinyoung Park too).
They will be the ones who will either buy you cheap but cute items that you like and it's wrapped in beautiful gift wraps, make it hand-made or they will write a super long letter with your favorite decorations and stickers on the envelope (they're so precious).
They will be hesitant first to give you their present but after encouraging themselves, they will be super shy and lovey dovey while giving it to you "Ha-Happy Birthday Y/N... Hope you like it".
But after reading their letter you'll probably burst into tears lol (they're so good at expressing their feelings through writing it down on a paper that it makes you feel appreciated and loved so much since you're so nice to them).
They will also comfort you for crying and they will feel bad for making you cry because of the letter lmao "Y/N ARE YOU OKAY WHY ARE YOU CRYING?"
Over all sweethearts tbh "WUAHHHH THANK YOU FOR THE GIFT YOU DON'T HAVE TO SPEND ON ME TOO MUCH MONEY ON ME DUMMY THE SURPRISE IS ENOUGH!!!" "So-sorry for making you cry though..."
Johan Seong/Samuel Seo/Gun Park/Goo Kim/DG/Taesoo Ma/Vin Jin/Magami Kenta/Jiho Park (villain arc)/Cheon Taejin/Mandeok/Yui Kim/Mitsuki Soma/Xiaoleoung
"Why the hell am I here?" vibe.
They're just here for the food (they might not even know or care for the celebrant if you're not close with them lmao).
But they're still going to buy a gift for you if you know each other.
Acts like they hate it, but they secretly love birthday parties (Goo's an obvious party monkey so he really loves making chaos on birthdays like throwing and smudging the cake on everybody's faces lol).
Will secretly turn on birthday song remixes and sus shit on the bluetooth speaker lmao.
ADD IN!: Duke Pyeon/Daniel Park/Jay Hong/Jerry Kwon/Warren Chae/Vasco/Jiho Park/Brad Lee/Lua Im/Goo Kim/Line Man
They're the camera man with the shaky hands.
The pictures they take will be a little bit blurry and shaky while Goo is just doing it on purpose to piss you off (the others are really doing their best don't get angry).
They just wants to enjoy and spend some time with you without the others bossing them around (please save them).
Jiho Park/Vasco/Joy Hong/Warren Chae/Zoe Park/Goo Kim/Kuroda Ryuhei
They're the ones that will unintentionally spoil the surprise.
They will get so excited that they will spill the tea from you without realizing that they're talking to the celebrant and the others will cover their mouth shutting them up. "WE'RE HAVING A SURPRISE PARTY FOR Y/-" "OKAY WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???!!! Sorry Y/N..."
They will apologize to the others while there are tears building in their eyes "Sorry guys! I just got so excited I won't do it again!" (while Goo is just doing it on purpose to tick the others off he's such an asshole lmao).
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