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22, They/Them, Artist, Witch, and Certified Dumb Bitch, Idk what the hell this blog is so strap in fuckers
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leotheloaf · 3 hours ago
Everyone should have their own version of Barbie the same way everyone has their own Miku
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leotheloaf · 7 hours ago
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godot from ace attorney is unfuckable! what the fuck do you think this is? x-men? tron?? take the visor off idiot you’re scaring the hoes
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leotheloaf · 8 hours ago
Texas’ HB 3399 bill will kill people if it passes. It will make hormone therapy illegal. For all ages. Period. This was never about women’s sports. It was never about bathrooms. It was never about “protecting the children”. They want us dead. If you’re a fellow trans person and you live in Texas, I strongly urge you to be ready to move somewhere safer.
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leotheloaf · 11 hours ago
Chikorita and Totodile: Yay we get to be in Legends Z-A!!!
Cyndaquil, stuck in 1800s Japan:
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leotheloaf · 11 hours ago
"I'm a top" "I'm a bottom" "I'm a switch" okay and macavitys a mystery cat he's called the Hidden Paw for he's a master criminal who can defy the l
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leotheloaf · 11 hours ago
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Why do right-wing memes make us look so cool. I support these gay anarchists and their dog backpack
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leotheloaf · 11 hours ago
every time i look for clothing it gets more depressing. you mean to tell me they don't make booty shorts in my size? at all? even the most basic kind with a common design? really? they don't make this? they don't have this for me? i'm not allowed? really?
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leotheloaf · 11 hours ago
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LOL whos tye saultry little binch on the bottom lsft????
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leotheloaf · 14 hours ago
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Waht if we kissed on the pokemon legends z-a anti homeless architecture bench,
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leotheloaf · 15 hours ago
oh my godddd the people in the notes of that pokemon anti homeless bench are going to kill me. they're so eager to come up with lore explanations or dismissive hand waves instead of looking at it for what it is. anti homeless benches are so unbelievably pervasive that, whether intentional or not, a designer made the benches in a fantasy game mirror the real world in a jarring way. it's an ugly and uncomfortable juxtaposition that really sticks out in a heavily sanitised and safe kids game like pokemon. i don't think this is some grand statement on gamefreak's politics or anything like that, rather a scathing unintentional indictment on the cruelty of a world that intentionally creates public spaces hostile to homeless people leaking into an idyllic fantasy world where humans live in harmony with nature.
maybe the designer is so used to seeing anti homeless benches that they've never thought about it too much, maybe they knew thought it would make it more immersive and get people talking about the inherent cruelty of such a thing, maybe a million other things. the beauty is that we'll never know. the only thing that will remain is the genuinely profound and baffling phrase "lumiose city anti homeless benches" and the dizzying implications that come with it. banksy couldn't eat her shit
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leotheloaf · 1 day ago
Its come to my attention that a lot of people do not know how to deal with a hot car in summer. A lot of people will get back to their car, after hours of it being parked in the full sun, and will open the door to be blasted in the face with furnace-level temperatures, and you'll just clamber in and shut the doors and leave the windows closed and you'll start driving that thing, and you'll wait for the air-conditioning to battle and overcome the heat.
Thats. Insane to me.
The inside of a car can get up to 40°C/104°F hotter than the outside temperature. Why would anyone get inside that????? It's gonna take your air-conditioning at least half an hour to combat that and bring the temperature down to something even remotely reasonable, and in the meantime you're sitting there risking heatstroke.
Now, I understand that it's currently winter in the northern hemisphere, which is where most of this site lives, but a) I'm in the southern hemisphere and today was Lots Of Degrees, and b) y'all should read this now and commit it to memory or queue it to reblog in summer or whatever, because it boggles my mind that some of you get into a car whose interior is literally oven-hot.
So!!!! Some tips!!!!!
Get a sun visor. One of the big ones that goes inside your windshield. You will not believe how much cooler those things keep your car. Get one, use it. Leave it to bounce around in your back-seat on cooler days, but have it on hand for the stinkers. They range in price but two-dollar stores usually have them for pretty cheap.
Leave the windows of your car cracked open. It doesn't have to be much. Literally just the tiniest amount will mean that the heat building inside your car has a way to escape, meaning the interior temp will naturally be kept lower. The larger the opening, the better, but depending on the neighbourhood you're parking in, maybe it would be better to have them open just a sliver. Even the tiniest crack will help. Ever tried warming up an oven with the door open? It doesn't work well. This is the same concept. If there is a way for the hot air to escape, the inside of your car will stay a lot cooler than it otherwise would have.
If you're fancy enough to have an openable sunroof (that's the dream) then leave that open a bit as well.
Youve just gotten back to your car and opened the door, and its hot as fuck in there. Open another door, ideally on the other side of the car, and let the hot air escape. If you can open all four doors and the boot, then thats even better. A bunch of the hot air will flush out. Not all!!! But a lot. Give it anywhere from a few moments to a few minutes, depending on how much of a hurry you're in.
Get in, start the car, open all the windows. Yes, even if you hate having the windows open.
Put the air-conditioning on full blast, and make sure the recycle is turned OFF. This means it pulls fresh air from outside the car (hot, but less hot than inside) and pumps that into the car, further displacing the heat inside the vehicle.
Start driving, still with the windows down. Once you get up enough speed, the force of the air from outside coming in will blast the rest of the excess heat out of the car.
The temp inside the car will now be roughly equivalent to the temp outside the car. Still hot!!!! But MAJORLY less so, and majority more handle-able by your air-conditioner.
Put all your windows up, and switch the air-con over to recycle. This means it takes the air in the car and cools it, then spits it back into the car, meaning that with each cycle, the air gets progressively cooler a lot faster.
If you do this, your car will be a hell of a lot more comfortable a hell of a lot sooner than it would be if you got into a 60°C/140°F cabin and just.... endured that, until your aircon could overcome it.
This post has been brought to you by an Australian who knows not one but TWO people who get into 60°C cars and wait 15 to 30 minutes for their car to drop back down to a temperature that's even REMOTELY tolerable.
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leotheloaf · 1 day ago
Something I don't think we talk enough about in discussions surrounding AI is the loss of perseverance.
I have a friend who works in education and he told me about how he was working with a small group of HS students to develop a new school sports chant. This was a very daunting task for the group, in large part because many had learning disabilities related to reading and writing, so coming up with a catchy, hard-hitting, probably rhyming, poetry-esque piece of collaborative writing felt like something outside of their skill range. But it wasn't! I knew that, he knew that, and he worked damn hard to convince the kids of that too. Even if the end result was terrible (by someone else's standards), we knew they had it in them to complete the piece and feel super proud of their creation.
Fast-forward a few days and he reports back that yes they have a chant now... but it's 99% AI. It was made by Chat-GPT. Once the kids realized they could just ask the bot to do the hard thing for them - and do it "better" than they (supposedly) ever could - that's the only route they were willing to take. It was either use Chat-GPT or don't do it at all. And I was just so devastated to hear this because Jesus Christ, struggling is important. Of course most 14-18 year olds aren't going to see the merit of that, let alone understand why that process (attempting something new and challenging) is more valuable than the end result (a "good" chant), but as adults we all have a responsibility to coach them through that messy process. Except that's become damn near impossible with an Instantly Do The Thing app in everyone's pocket. Yes, AI is fucking awful because of plagiarism and misinformation and the environmental impact, but it's also keeping people - particularly young people - from developing perseverance. It's not just important that you learn to write your own stuff because of intellectual agency, but because writing is hard and it's crucial that you learn how to persevere through doing hard things.
Write a shitty poem. Write an essay where half the textual 'evidence' doesn't track. Write an awkward as fuck email with an equally embarrassing typo. Every time you do you're not just developing that particular skill, you're also learning that you did something badly and the world didn't end. You can get through things! You can get through challenging things! Not everything in life has to be perfect but you know what? You'll only improve at the challenging stuff if you do a whole lot of it badly first. The ability to say, "I didn't think I could do that but I did it anyway. It's not great, but I did it," is SO IMPORTANT for developing confidence across the board, not just in these specific tasks.
Idk I'm just really worried about kids having to grow up in a world where (for a variety of reasons beyond just AI) they're not given the chance to struggle through new and challenging things like we used to.
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leotheloaf · 1 day ago
i see no one knows about the ice cream lesbians
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leotheloaf · 1 day ago
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🌟 WOO! The draft is prepped for release! Came out being 11:11, how fitting! 🌟
Assuming everything goes right, Pretty Pretty Please I Don't Want to be a Magical Girl the animatic pilot will premier TOMORROW, February 28th @ 10am PST for the last day of Black History Month!
Look for this thumbnail ^^^ or sub to my youtube!
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leotheloaf · 1 day ago
Coming back to say that it’s kinda silly to act like every person who ads their own take to a post is somehow maliciously out to erase YOU SPECIFICALLY and doesn’t think the original point is important.
That’s how tumblr has worked for YEARS, that’s why reblogs work the way they do. People adding their own perspective to posts is a part of the site’s culture. Sometimes it’s to build, sometimes it’s to argue, sometimes it’s to be funnier than you could ever imagine being, it’s O K
The concept of “derailing” posts has done irreparable damage to our brains
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leotheloaf · 2 days ago
The concept of “derailing” posts has done irreparable damage to our brains
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leotheloaf · 2 days ago
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