#so like hed have an ability similar to protean/libero
cheemken · 1 year
You know what? I didn’t even think of the relationship between the Legendary Dragons and their hero’s
Like are they just using Iris, Hilda, and Hilbert to get what they need? Or do they actually enjoy the Unova Kids company and wish to keep them around, even when they eventually overthrow Arceus? Bonus that they’re also strong trainers that’ll fight for them if the dragons decide to keep them around
Goddd Iris you deceiving piece of shit, Drayden is going to feel like it’s his fault that the Dragons fused back together. Cause he was the one who told Iris about the DNA Splicers and trusted her with them. But he made a bad call and now he’s facing the consequences of his actions, even if no one can truly blame him in the end for trusting Iris, his own granddaughter
Also I like to think the Dragons let the six of them have their fun by causing chaos throughout Unova and getting back at those who have wronged their Hero and their chosen person. Idk what we’re gonna call Bianca, Cheren, and N. But yeah causing thunderstorms, heat waves, blizzards. All different kinds of weather that absolutely destroyed the ecosystems around Unova
Let me be self indulgent in our lil aus and say that the dragons got attached to the kids bc I'm such a sucker for found family stuff and while yeah at first they were just using them, they gradually got attached and went "y'know what... Yeah, if anything happens to them, we'll kill everyone else and Arceus right?" And the other two just agreed hahaha
Like idk, I always see the dragons listening to any of the kids even if it isn't their respective hero or chosen, cause their bonds are that close and strong na and it's also a bit terrifying cause no one could ever know who currently has which dragon with them, if one of them has all three, if one has two, if one has none, either way, the dragons are quick to head to their aid when they need them, as the kids had been there to help them achieve their goal of becoming the original dragon once again
And ouugghhhfhfhfh Drayden cbdmcbdn like imagine if Iris did get the Splicers while Drayden was away, when he was doing his Gym Leader duties. Iris got the Splicers, she met up with her friends and the dragons, and they finally fused all three of them. Standing before them now was Unova's Dragon, it's thunderous roar could be heard at every corner of Unova. Storms raged, a sudden heat was carried by the winds, and in some parts a bitter blizzard swept the lands. The Dragon stood tall, black and white and grey scales gleaming beneath the Unovan sun, eyes a gleaming purple, a crown like crest on its head; the Crowned Zenith. The Dragon crouched down to it's heroes, a sign of appreciation, his voice echoing within their minds, his thanks apparent, as he held his claws out for them, so see the world how he sees it from above, and they too shall see how it's like being a god.
And just chdmdb ough, the kids going on about their commands with the Dragon carrying them out, and feeling the absolute power just within their palms, it sent a shiver of delight down their spines. When they got to Opelucid, Drayden could only look up in fear and in disappointment in himself. He saw Iris with the original Dragon, a sordid smile on her face, as she commanded the Dragon to freeze Opelucid once more, letting the people know she's had enough of their hatred towards her. God imagine that breaking Drayden tho cjxksjfkd cause like imagine if he hears what Iris said, how the people never saw her as anything more than a child, how she will never be enough, and god that was such a shot at Drayden's heart; not only has he failed his family's purpose of guarding the Splicers, but he also failed his granddaughter, failed to help her when she needed him the most. And now he could only watch helplessly as Iris' eyes glowed ominously, her friends stood beside her, the Dragon behind them, waiting for Iris' commands.
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