#so keep your eyes peeled 👁👄👁
willowser · 2 years
'please to meet you' is easily one of my favroite dabi fics. i read it after i stumbled across 'and there's a burning' (which is easily one of my favorite megumi fics) and binged the two chapter you have posted. i wish i could go back and read it all over again for the first time because the way you ended the first part literally took my breath away. i sat there staring at my screen, heart literally palpitating for a good ten minutes before i read the second part. i could practically hear the tense music shows and movies sometimes play before a big reveal when i read the final few sentences and you confirmed who the waitress was. the world building and characterizations in that story are every bit as breathtaking as your prose. anyway thank you so much for sharing your writing! its been so much fun reading through all your hard work!
you know !! i was actually just talking about this today, the ending for chapter one, bc — i was actually very proud of that ending LOL and i say that because my intention was to introduce us — you — after we become someone to touya and i wanted there to be a kind of (;꒪ö꒪) moment, so i'm so like over the moon to know it had such an effect on you !! WHEW ! you have no idea how happy that makes me ! — and to that point, in the discussion* about this part, i was also talking about how much i enjoy that aspect and those details, both reading and writing them. my favorite thing is when something mundane suddenly becomes integral to the story, and i say all this because — if i am able to summon the power and patience and talent from the gods above LOL and i am able to pull this off the way i imagine it in my head — i hope for there to be many more moments like this. i actually have so many in mind and i am !! itching !! to see the response, bc i think they will be so touching and important and reveal so much in so little. assuming i pull it off LOL
but ! thank you so much 🥺 for not reading only this, but and there's this burning as well ! your words are so, so kind and needed when i'm in these odd near-the-end stretches of any work i'm doing, and i — again — literally cannot convey how happy this makes me !! i screenshotted it and sent it to my friend bc we were just talking about this, and i was saying how much i hope you enjoy the callbacks. i'm so, so excited to release chapter 3 and your message has singlehandedly given me the motivation to hack away at it after a 10 hour shift LOL i appreciate you so 🥺🌸🌿✨️
(*discussion: in which i neurotically spam the chat with all my intentions for ptmy, pepe-silvia style. caps lock, of course.)
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Born This Way, Baby
Pairing - Lewis Hamilton x Bisexual!British!Reader x Daniel Ricciardo
Word count - 2.3k
Content warning - Sexism, swearing.
Synopsis - As the first female driver in F1, you have to fight to prove you deserve your place in the paddock. But unable to keep quiet, you accidentally let slip a secret that could change your career forever.
Author’s note - This is very self indulgent as I just wanted to throw a little positivity out there for all my fellow queer F1 fans. Also, while this is in no way romantic or sexual, just kinda soft and sweet with a bit of flirting here and there, the upcoming sequel is pretty much just a very smutty threesome so keep your eyes peeled 👁👄👁.
P.S. apologies for making you British, It was just easier for me to write it that way lol
It’s not easy being a woman in a man’s world. From the moment you won your first competition as a kid, you knew you’d have to work twice as hard as everyone else for half the reward. But you didn’t care. You just wanted to be the best. So, on that fateful day the call came from Williams, asking you to take their second seat for the next season, you jumped at the chance. And there you were, the first woman ever to take an f1 seat in the history of the sport. And it felt amazing.
The media were in a total frenzy, with you plastered all over the front pages of newspapers and the trending pages of Twitter. Something along the lines of ‘is this allowed?’ And ‘this shouldn’t be allowed’ and ‘women are ruining the sanctity of formula one’ and whatever other bullshit the sexist pigs in the mainstream media were peddling. But that didn’t phase you. If anything, it only spurred you on. To prove them wrong, work your way up, and one day be the first woman to lift the championship trophy.
The summer break was fast approaching, and you had already become a fan favourite, known for your trademark wit, confidence and ambition. Your relationship with the other drivers was pretty solid too, giving just as good as you get with a little flirty banter thrown in there for good measure. This weekend was Silverstone, your home race, and your plan was to push hard and take your first points. Time to prove you’re not going down without a good fight.
You run your fingers through your hair, anxious sweat collecting at the nape of your neck. The press conference was usually one of your favourite things. A chance to talk to the media and the fans, answer some questions, both serious and stupid, and try to psyche out the other drivers to the best of your ability. Today was different, however, as the home press hadn’t been so kind to you over the past few months, calling you a gimmick, or a grab at attention and ‘woke points’ on behalf of your team. Total bullshit, of course, but that didn’t stop them.
You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around, dropping your headphones so they hang around your neck. “You okay?” Lewis asks, offering you a small smile of reassurance. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine?” You respond, not sounding too sure of your statement. “Just be yourself.” He says, patting you on the shoulder. “Terrible advice.” You laugh, “have you met me?” Lewis laughs and you instantly feel a little better. All you have to do is be your regular, charming, funny self and they’ll be good to you, right? Lewis is called away by someone in a Mercedes team shirt, and you pull your headphones back over your ears which greet you with your favourite song. You wander over to the corner of the room, resting your head back against the wall and closing your eyes, just absorbing the music. Your phone buzzes and you fish it out of your pocket. A text from your closest friend on the team, James, just three words, ‘prove them wrong.’
A stressed looking woman in a headset ushers you all towards the door, and you take a deep breath, throwing your headphones down on a random chair. You steady your breathing, before heading into the room, the sound of camera shutters and chatter from the journalists fills the air, but you tune it out, thinking only of your own breathing. You take your seat between Lewis and Daniel, who you exchange smiles with before leaning back in your chair. Okay, (y/n), time to turn on the charm. Smile for the cameras.
Attention isn’t on you as the conference begins, but instead on Lewis and Lando, after all, it’s their home race too, and they were in with far more of a chance than you for the win this weekend. You bounce your leg unknowingly as a way to get out all the nervous energy becoming pent up within you, that is, until you hear your name and immediately snap back into the room. “(Y/n)?” The reporter asks. “Sorry, I was off in a world of my own just then.” You laugh, leaning forwards to reach the microphone. “That’s okay, I can understand you’re under a lot of pressure, your first home race and all.” The reporter says. “Yeah, just a little.” You say, gesturing your arms wide and the room chuckles. “Do you have a plan for this weekend? As of now you’re yet to score, so, any goals, targets?” “Points? Just one would be nice?” You laugh into the microphone, “At this rate I’d sell my left kidney for a tenth place finish.” The journalists chuckle and you smile at the crowd. Another reported steps forward with a question. “Your appointment to Williams this season came as a bit of a shock to the community, with a lot of people saying you’re only here as a token of diversity, what do you have to say about that?” “Well, it’s bullshit.” You say, “So far this season I’ve proved myself a strong opponent. My gender has nothing to do with my ability to perform. So anyone who says I’m just a diversity hire, or whatever, I’d like to see them get in a car and take me on. I guarantee I could beat them. Easy.” “That’s quite a claim.” The reporter sputters, and you scoff. “Then prove me wrong.” You say, sitting back in your seat and smirking to disguise the seething rage rising in your stomach. The other drivers chuckle, and the reporter suddenly becomes silent, taking his seat in the audience.
The reporters questions pass from being race-related into more personal chat. A few questions pass about Lewis’ dog, Daniel’s new merchandise, and some other things you aren’t really paying attention to. “A question for (y/n), if that’s okay?” A young female reporter asks, and you perk up. “What’s your favourite kind of music to listen to before a race?” She looks to you expectantly first, a light in her eyes anticipating your answer. “Ah, I have a good playlist I always listen to that really gets me in the mood. A bit of Britney, some Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Cardi B, Cupcakke, and Dire Straits. Of course.” You laugh. “Share that one with me, will ya?” Daniel asks. “Sure. It also doubles pretty well as a sex playlist,” You smirk. “We’ll have to test that one later,” he says, winking at you. “I’ll be in room 282, wearing one of your stupid new beanies and nothing else.” You flirt back, winking towards the audience. They laugh and the question moves on.
“This one comes from social media. Sonia asked, Daniel, what’s your favourite pick-up line?” “Ah that’s hard!” He grumbles, “I have so many good ones.” “Test your best one out on (y/n)” Lando shouts down the line. “Alright, alright,” he says, exhaling deeply, “hey (y/n), do you know what my shirt’s made of?” “High viscosity elastane?” You ask, and he pouts at you. You roll your eyes, “Alright, Daniel, what’s your shirt made from?” “Boyfriend material,” he says, pointing at himself with his thumbs. “Ah, it hurts” You say, clutching your chest dramatically, “It’s so cheesy!” “Alright then, Casanova, what’s your best line?” He chuckles. You clear your throat. “Hey Daniel, are you from Mississippi? Because you’re the only miss whose piss I sippy.” You collapse into laughter, and the other drivers join you. Daniel looks at you with a raised eyebrow. “Alright, fair enough, that one definitely works better on the ladies.” You laugh, but then pause as you realise what you just said.
There’s an echo of confusion across the audience, and a weedy looking man stands up to shout, “(y/n) is this you confirming the rumours that you’re a lesbian?” You sigh, throwing your head in your hands on the table. “Why can’t I keep my bloody mouth shut!” You shout at yourself, bringing your head back up to face the journalists. “This isn’t the time and place for this, guys, thanks.” Lewis says, breaking the tension. “It’s okay, I don’t mind, I was bound to open my big stupid mouth eventually, wasn’t I?” You say, leaning in to the microphone. “To address the rumours, I am not a lesbian. I like girls. I like guys. But really I just like people, y’know?” “So you’re bisexual?” Another man from the audience shouts up. “I tend not to use labels, but for the sake of print and Wikipedia or whatever, yeah lets go with that. I’m bisexual and born this way, baby. Now someone else answer a question before I start spilling more of my private information. I fear my credit card details will be next.” You laugh, sitting back in your chair and resting your head in your hands. Oh fuck.
The press conference ends without any further issue, and you head out into the waiting room with the other drivers. “Well, that was terrible.” You laugh. “When I said be yourself, I didn’t mean you had to come out in front of a bunch of journalists.” Lewis laughs and you grumble. “I told you it was terrible advice.” You groan, slapping yourself on the forehead, “I’m an idiot.” “I can’t help but feel kinda responsible.” Daniel says, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. “Nah, it’s not your fault, I just have chronic foot-in-the-mouth disease.” You reassure him, “It could have been worse, they could have brought up the fact that my pick-up line was about drinking piss. Imagine the headlines, (y/n) admits to having a piss kink.” You laugh. “Yeah, that’s definitely worse.” Lewis says, and you all chuckle.
Race day arrives, with you qualifying in 8th position, your best start to date. A hybrid of bad luck and botched pit stops leaves you fighting for fourth place with two laps to go. “(Y/n) we currently have P4, keep fighting, be smart and we can finish well.” The voice from the radio calls. “Do I have permission to go for it? I wanna go for P3.” You shout through your headset. “Be smart about it.” The voice replies, and you grin. “Gotcha. P3 baby lets go.” You shout, your eyes fixed to the track you know like the back of your hand.
The finish line approaches, and only a tenth of a second separates you and the Red Bull in front. It’s now or never. You go for the move, and cross the line at almost the same moment as the car alongside you. “Did I get it? Did I do it?” You shout into the headset. “We’re just awaiting confirmation,” he pauses, “yes! You did it. P3, (y/n), P3!” “Fuck yeah!” You shout down the headset.
You pull into the paddock, and sliding your car into the P3 spot felt amazing. You detach your wheel and hop out of the car, jumping higher than you had ever done before. You remove your helmet and set your hair free, unfastening the tight braid and shaking your head to loosen the strands. Your team wait behind the barrier, and you launch yourself at them, screaming, shouting and hollering as loud as possible. You wander over to Lewis who you learned had comfortably taken P1 and wrap him in a tight hug. “You’ve more than proved them wrong, (y/n)” he whispers in your ear, and you grin. “Damn right I have” You respond, nudging him on the shoulder. “I got you something, well, actually, it was Daniel’s idea, but he didn’t think he’d be here to give it to you.” He says, as a member of his team from beyond the barrier tosses him a cellophane packet. He opens it and unfolds the material - pink, purple and blue. The colours of the bisexual flag. He wraps the flag around your shoulders and you grip it at your chest. “Thank you.” You say, giving him a cheeky wink. “Any time.” He responds.
You stand proudly on the podium, your flag still wrapped tightly around your shoulders as you receive the trophy. You feel so indescribably proud of yourself. No longer just the first female driver on the podium, but the first queer driver up there too. You had a lot to prove, and a whole new world of biases and fears to face, but in that moment it didn’t matter. As the music begins to play, you grab your champagne bottle from the floor beside you and give it a sturdy shake, immediately turning it on Lewis. He seemed to have had the same idea, as he begins to spray you relentlessly with the fizzy liquid. As the fizzing dies down, you take a deep swig, and Lewis throws his arm around you. “We should do this again.” He says. “Definitely, I could so get used to this.” You respond, before taking another gulp. You grin out to the audience and notice that among the sea of British flags are at least a dozen pride flags. You raise your flag up behind you and everyone cheers wildly, and you finally understand for the first time just why they call it pride.
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levisbrainrot · 3 years
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random headcanons for levi ackerman.
*you would cuddle him before bed. levi’s not much of a cuddler but he would not bring himself to peel you off, so he’s just laying there. probably a book in his hands that he’s reading above your head.
*cats. cats. cats. levi has such a soft spot for them (though he would never outwardly announce it). has like a little cat named after his favourite tea leaf that he keeps well groomed and fed.
*sometimes you’ll catch levi trying to put a cute shirt on the cat and taking photos of them in it.
*has a thing for pulling you closer to him. it’s more instinctively. like if you guys were walking on the street, he snakes his arm around to fill in the gap.
*he doesn’t say anything. his brain has just wired him like that he barely notices.
*definitely watches you sleep. not as in 👁👄👁. but more so like tracing his fingers over your nose and admiring how peaceful you look.
*like before, he’s not one to declare his feelings or emotions straight away. but if you’re wearing a nice dress or a flattering shirt. he’s sitting there holding his tea, literally eye gawking you with his montone face.
*“looks nice” he’ll say and leave it. truly though he’s buzzing inside.
*does and determines to keep it that way, the grocery shop. he’s very articulate and picky about eating certain products, not for him but for you as well. he wants you both to eat healthy.
*if you’re pregnant he’s for sure gonna be like, “you can’t eat seafood” “that has too much salt in it” “no you will eat vegetables instead”.
*really good at making food though. he enjoys cooking for others but not all the time. little dirty secret when it comes to cooking, is trialing new recipes and having you taste test them. to him if they’re good, you’ll like them. if not, it’s going in the rubbish.
*he likes watching your face react to any new herbs, spices and flavours he made. he finds it cute.
*his favourite ice cream flavour is lemon and vanilla. buys bulks of it.
*has an antique teacup collection. very precise on what teacup was made by whom, where and when.
*he’s not a fan favourite of babies but he doesn’t see them as an issue. he has own his babies. you. the cat. and the little one you’re carrying.
* he’ll only have 2 kids.
*I think he’ll have a third child if his other two are a little bit more grown. or if you wanted another one.
*however very persistent in holding his babies. nobody else is allowed to touch them. his newborn baby, only he can hold them.
*he is a good dad. he isn’t overbearing, allowing his children to experiment. sometimes he may come off cold but he doesn’t mean it. he is very hands on father, like sitting down and drawing with his kids in silence.
*definitely sleeps next to his kids when they get a cold. something about them being sick and miserable, reminds him of his childhood. so he always sleeps next to them so they know he is there. takes extra care with them.
*never allows hange to babysit them though. once caught hange and his baby sliding down a too steep slide and lost his cool.
*likes smelling your hair when he holds you. gives him some comfort and relief.
* idk why but i see him very invested into kdramas. he’s like sitting on the couch, mumbling things about the main protagonist. keeps up with the stars Instagram.
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milfsthings · 3 years
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I posted 1,476 times in 2021
185 posts created (13%)
1291 posts reblogged (87%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.0 posts.
I added 395 tags in 2021
#bellatrix black - 66 posts
#narcissa black - 60 posts
#bellatrix lestrange - 55 posts
#bellatrix x hermione - 40 posts
#alcina dimitrescu - 36 posts
#narcissa malfoy - 35 posts
#bellamione - 35 posts
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Longest Tag: 65 characters
#the fact that hermione looks like she's holding a tiddy is better
My Top Posts in 2021
You know what, Donna doesn't get enough love, so here is a headcannon about if Reader were to date Donna, because I'm gay and her h a n d s a r e h o t, asks are open if anyone has headcannon ideas
You would have to get used to all the dolls, and as much as you hate them, you never say anything to avoid hurting her feelings. Donna also tries to ensure there are rooms for you (including your shared bedroom) that is doll free.
Although you never express your dislike to them, she still knows.
Whenever she's in her little study or just sitting reading or doing work, you always like to crawl into her lap, and she always loves when you do it, she loves keeping you close
Although she's more quiet and laid back, you both still find things to do together, even if it's just reading in quiet.
You convince her to deal with that nasty peeling wallpaper
You tend to wake up to find she is gone, off doing some reading or for her dolls, but when she does stay in bed till you wake up, you're always happy to wake up in her arms, always happy to feel her amazing fingers playing with your hair
She always stays closed off to you, but when she does start telling you about her past, telling you about stories of her life, you sit quietly and listen. You learn something new each time!
You're always shocked by how soft and gentle she can be with you
The first time you saw her without her mourning garb, you were amazed by how beautiful she was. She was a bit shocked you weren't disgusted by her scar and her eye.
But after that, you saw her with it off more and more. You NEVER failed to remind her how beautiful she looks, which always seemed to make her flustered.
As she got more comfortable with you, she relied on Angie less and less to speak with you
You also started to try and help her through everything she was going through, and she always feared that you were going to leave her.
You do try to do fun things with her to keep her cheered up, you'll dance around the house with her, trying to be silly. She does laugh, she doesn't join in as much as you do, but you know she's still having fun.
When she isn't feeling well, feeling down, she likes to rest her head on your chest, keeping you in a hug as she talks to you about everything on her mind.
You're the person she trusts the most, and she becomes very protective of you.
You both start warming up to each others interests, and every time you ask her about her dolls or her about her pollen that causes hallucinations, her eyes always light up, it's always adorable!
410 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 16:52:38 GMT
It's not the best but bone apple tea
462 notes • Posted 2021-05-20 21:54:25 GMT
Donna's probably the freakiest, like imagine if the Lords were playing never have I ever, and Karl, to try and embarrass Alcina says something really damn kinky/freaky, and Donna just casually takes a drink to say she has
All the Lords just look at this woman like
475 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 02:33:09 GMT
Alcina is the wine mum
Karls the Vodka uncle
And Donna's the weed aunt.
695 notes • Posted 2021-05-24 17:02:26 GMT
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929 notes • Posted 2021-05-24 22:47:13 GMT
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prometheanglory · 4 years
vy, my good ol' vytatoe :-), for the oc interaction, how abt nr 10 for vinh and ronaldo? 👁👄👁
yumbo, my sweetest yumbalina, of course :>
#10 — vinh
vinh may be the type to not really seek anyone out, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t get curious. let’s take a gander!
rozalina ( @briarrosescurse), a Notable presence on her radar. she’s such a sweet and naive girl, but also she’s a danger to herself and everyone around her. vinh’s inclined to want to take roza under her wing — for some self-preservation and damage control reasons, but it’s mainly for friendship reasons! two noble girls tired of the noble world!
lotus ( @choconanime ) ! she’s such an independent and resilient girl, and vinh most certainly understands how it feels to keep your... companion who is your complete opposite in check. lotus certainly garners respect! she has a certain strength (literally and figuratively) that vinh can't help but to admire, and she presents it so nonchalantly !
ophiou ( @randomikemendegen ), a fellow ignihyde dorm member, and her underclassman — the duo may both be rather standoffish and aloof, but vinh's always watching over her underclassmen even if she seems disinterested. she gets curious about the reptilian boy who's slinking about in the shadows, what's he up to? is he alright? does he need anything? senpai instincts, man. can’t ignore him.
#10 — ronaldo
he always wants more friends (or more people to hate him). he's got his eyes peeled !
anna ( @circuscarnage ) would be someone he'd want to befriend, as they're both rather mischevious! they're both on the skittish end too (even if ronaldo tries to play it off). she seems like someone who he'd have fun messing around other people with! let’s get into trouble!
Lil Bro ( @wilted3sunflowers ). his snark and overall deadpan face is something ronaldo sees and wants to provoke — granted, he'll probably regret it, but c'est la vie! ronaldo wants to get on his nerves, grab his attention! ronaldo's easy to hate, come on, give it a go! (instead, ronaldo gets bullied back and gets his ego smacked around).
deion ( @conquer-the-raven ) ! a party boy with a craving for attention ! together in solidarity, man. ronaldo is usually provoking and somewhat bullying ignihyde students and the likes, but let's be honest — he's got no room to poke at deion here. bonding over annoying their more serious dormmates! cry nonsensically in the bathroom together! pick yourselves back up 3 minutes later and swear to act like nothing happened!
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