#so ive gotta sing my way to victory here
whereisyourredscarf · 6 years
Hey fellow singers
I have a big audition on Saturday, and I'm hecking sick and am finding my voice to be very shaky. Does anyone have any tips for this? I'm desperate at this point 😣😣😣
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motorcitizens · 4 years
ive never seen anywhere to watch motorcity with subs? so i went looking and found transcripts of most of the early mc episodes (available in a reply so tumblr doesnt kill the post) but theyre missing a few towards the end. i decided on my fourth rewatch that id transcribe episode 9! whether youre a hard of hearing fan or just want the reference, here you go! let me know if the initials are annoying, ill edit them out.
-I got you with the slash!
-You first.
-Why me?
-Cuz you're dead anyway.
-There's nothing down here!
-Philip? S- stop fooling around, man. I- I can hear you down there.
-The last time I bought anything from you, it took me a week to fumigate the kitchen!
-Okay, the reshcaps were a mistake, you're right about that. But today, I have something extra special...
D- ...then she says, 'that's why I can't eat the sandwich!'
[all laugh]
C- Wait, wait, I got one. Where does a snowman keep his money? In a snow bank! Eh? Get it? Come on, it's funny!
Th- We're searching for the Vanquisher, king of the realm?
T- Oh. I think they're talking about me.
M- Yeah, I have no idea who you're-
Th- There he is!
Burners- Chuck?!
T- [laughter]
R- Hey! You dare insult Lord Vanquisher? I should take your tongue and feed it to the birds.
T- Uh, you can't do that. I need my tongue.
C- Release him, Darkslayer.
R- ... Fortune smiles upon you today.
M- So, Chuck, you wanna introduce us to your... friends?
C- Guys, allow me to present: Thurman the Magnificent, and Ruby the Darkslayer!
Th: We are knights of the kingdom of Raymanthia.
C- It's called LARPing! [...] Live action role-playing? [...] Okay, I have a life outside of the Burners, you know!
D- Sure doesn't look like it.
T- Oh! I get it! Ahahaha!
Th- My Lord, a situation has arisen. The oracle awaits.
O- As you requested, Sam and Phillip were dispatched on a scouting mission early this morning. But we have not heard from them for many hours.
M- What do you mean you haven't heard from them?
O- I fear, Lord Vanquisher, they have gotten lost on the outskirts of the realm.
T- Texas is confused. Okay, now is this part of your little game or is this real?
D- We're standing behind some dude's van who calls himself the oracle. What do you think?
O- I demand silence!
J- I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm with Texas on this one.
O- Chuck! Make em stop.
C- Wait. Is this part of the game?
Th- No. Sam and Philip are really missing.
M- So, this is for real?
O- We need your help.
C- I vow to find our wayward kinsmen.
C- Guys, this is LARPing!
T- Woah. That's it?
C- Each weekend, teams battle for control of the realm. The rules are simple: First, once you step onto the field of battle, you must remain in character. Second, if you must be vanquished: do so with honor. It's neat, ain't it?!
J- The game's already started?
R- If by 'game' you mean a ferocious battle to the death for the crown of Raymanthia, then yes.
O- But we can't win unless we find our friends.
[at the same time]
C- I say we split up.
M- Let's split up.
M- No disrespect! Chuck- uh, I mean, Lord Chuck. What do you think we should do?
C- Ahem! If we split up, we'll cover more ground!
O/Th/R- As you say, Lord Vanquisher.
C- Okay guys. We'll check the warehouse near the old Renaissance center, you guys check the battlefield.
Th- I dunno where that is. Can somebody else drive?
M- So, King Chuck. How'd you win your crown?
O- It happened many weekends ago... Chuck stood as freedom's last hope against Mad Dog the Conqueror. If he were to fall, darkness would reign for yet another long weekend. Mad Dog summoned his dragon to finish off the Vanquisher once and for all, but fate had different plans. It was totally awesome!
C- Naw, it wasn't... that awesome.
D- Little dudes!
J- Sam! Phillip?
D- Where are you?
Guy- Huzzah!
R- Leave this to me!
Guy- The bards shall sing of this day... the day the Darkslayer fell!
R- Someone shall fall on this day... but it shall not be me.
[fighting noises]
Guy- Aha! Tsk, tsk. You've lost your sword!
T- hyah!
R- What are you doing! I had him right where I wanted him!
Guy- You're not playing by the rules.
T- These are Texas rules! [karate noises] Now. We need you to answer some questions.
D- We're looking for two missing kids, Sam and Phillip. Have you seen them?
Guy- I'd rather die a thousand deaths than help the likes of you.
J- Ahem! Forgive us, my liege, but we are but humble squires in search of our kinsmen. Can you help us?
Guy- I've never been one to refuse a lady, certainly not one as ravishing as you. Saw your kinsmen five hours ago, approaching the Dungeon of Anguish.
D- Neat trick.
Th- We're never gonna find them in time. Then the stupid Bardonians are gonna win, think they're all cool with their fancy mustaches.
C- Hey. Buck up there, camper! People said we'd never win the Battle Royale last Fall, but we did. Our friends are out there, and we'll find em! We just gotta keep-
M- Uh, sorry. Dutch just called. Your friends were seen someplace called the Dungeon Anguish?
Th- It's actually the Dungeon of Anguish.
C- It's, uh. Well, it's actually just in the basement right here.
C- Wah, ah! Get it off me, get it off me!
Th- This isn't part of the game!
M- Yeah, well, neither is this!
R- That was. Incredible!
D- What were those things?
M- Don't know. But I'm betting they have something to do with our missing friends. We have to move. [LARPers kneel] Uh, come on. Get up, guys, we don't have time for this.
O- From this day forth, you shall be known as "Mike, the Smiling Dragon."
Th- You just got a great name. Jealous!
C- For saving my life on the field of battle, I owe you a debt of life.
M- That's... really not necessary.
O- Actually, it's totally necessary. The king of the realm cannot rule while carrying a debt of life.
C- As such, I give the crown to the Smiling Dragon!
M- No. No, Please, look, I can't, I just- I was-
C- Mikey, you gotta!
J- Hey guys, check this out! I've never seen that symbol before.
D- That's really old.
M- Way before my time. Maybe Jacob can help.
Th- What if those... things have Sam and Phillip?
R- Never fear. We have the Smiling Dragon. As long as he's our king, we can't lose. Did you see his moves? They were just so- so-!
M- You okay, buddy? Look, if it's about what happened back there, I'm sorry man. I was just trying to help.
C- It's not that. It's just-
M- Just what?
C- Look, I tripped, okay?
M- Um... If that's some kind of LARPer slang, I have no idea what it means.
C- The story you heard. About how I earned my crown? That's not how it really... went down. It was my first real battle. I'd never held a real lance before. I was still getting my balance when Lord Mad Dog summoned his dragon... I ran forward but... I tripped. The lance fell and hit him by accident! I won my crown with a lie. Hey... it's better that you're king now. I was never fit for the post. I've been king for 48 consecutive weekends, and-
M- 48? Woah, you do play this game a lot.
C- Yeah, but... it took less than an hour of LARPing with you for the others to see me for what I truly am... a follower.
M- Hey, a follower couldn't have led his team to 48 consecutive victories. You can't fake that!
C- Mikey... Look, I appreciate your support but we both know I'm no leader. Not when I'm a Burner and not even when I'm here, playing make believe.
M- Here. Take the pin back.
C- You can't just give it to me! The only way I can get it back is to earn it by saving your life. And let's be honest. That ain't gonna happen.
Th- Never seen that tunnel before. You aren't planning on taking us down there, are you?
R- Well I'm going in!
Th- Do you know how much trouble I'll get in if my mom finds out I went down some crazy dark tunnel looking for killer robots?!
O- He's not joking. His mom is terrifying.
M- They're right. This isn't a game anymore. Texas will stay up here and keep you safe while we go get your friends.
T- What! Wait, why me?
M- Because you're the bravest warrior we've got.
T- Yeah, that's true, but come on! Don't leave me with the nerds!
D- What is this place?
O- Booyah! Mutant wolverine. I win!
Th- I could show you how to use that.
T- Save it. Not interested.
O- Why not? You're really good.
T- You really think so?
Th- Here, watch.
T- Hyah! Huh?
T- Mike, Julie! Incoming! We got trouble!
Th- Come on, I just got this!
O- Your mom is gonna be so mad.
J- This isn't working!
M- I'm open to suggestions!
R- A wizard!
Ja- Applesauce!
J- Jacob?
R- Aww!
Bot- The creator has returned!
M- Uh, Jacob? Care to fill us in?
Ja- It started back when Kane and I were partners- before there even was a Deluxe! I was designing our first ever Utility Bot. Its purpose was to make life in Detroit easier and safer. I equipped it with a new AI that would allow the bot to anticipate human commands, but I was the only one the bot seemed to listen to. But if it were ever to escape the lab, there's no telling the danger it could pose. I begged Kane to shut the program down! I always thought he did.
Bot: It began soon after you left us. Kane retrained us! We were instructed to capture enemies of the public and bring them back to Kane's new creation, an Interrogator. But the humans could not control it. Kane sealed the lab. Our new master told us every human was out to destroy us. As such, every human became our enemy. Disloyalty was severely punished. So we waited, until this door finally opened.
M- Our friends went missing this morning. Have you seen them?
Bot- Of course. We took them per our master's instructions.
J- We need to get them back!
Bot- Our master has awoken. If he discovers you here with us, he will destroy us.
M- Get the LARPers out of here!
C- I'm not leaving you guys!
R- Our place is here, with our King!
M- This isn't a game! Get your friends to safety.
C- Let's move!
D- Come on!
J- Look out!
[rubble collapses the door]
T- Mike!
D- Julie!
Both- Jacob!
D- We'll never move this stuff by ourselves!
T- Says who?
Th- What do we do?
C- I know a way to get through there! But I will require your van.
Ja- There used to be another exit!
J- Hey, look at this!
M- The kids have to be in one of those rooms. If we can find a way past that thing we can rescue them and get the heck out of here! Think you can buy us some time?
J- Do you even have to ask? Hey, ugly! Over here!
M- Sam! Phillip! Climb up here!
S- You're the new king of the realm?
M- You bet your butt I am. Lord Smiling Dragon, at your service. Now get up that rope, squire!
T- Okay, I admit. It's pretty cool.
C- But is it possible?
D- Sure. But there's no way the three of us can build it fast enough.
C- What if they helped?
D- I know you don't mean the little lunatics that just tried to kill us!
Bot- We cannot get involved. If our master were to find out-
C- He's not your master! You are in Raymanthia. And in Raymanthia, every man- or... freaky little Utiliton- is free! Free to stand up for yourselves. Free to fight back! And free to live! Our friends are down there, and I swear to you on the steel of my blade that even if I have to slay the beast itself, we! will! bring them back!
[utilitons cheering]
T- hwah! Nah, see, this ain't nerdy. This is a level 25 battle ax, okay? Twenty five. Think about it.
Ja- Maybe there wasn't another exit?
M- Stay here!
M- Way to go, Chuck!
S&P- The Vanquisher!
T- Make way for Texas!
C- The beast is absorbing the blasts!
[mike gets got]
C- Mike!
C- Drive! and when I say stop, stop fast! ...STOP!
M- Ha, oh yeah!
M- For saving my life on the field of battle, I owe you my life. My steel is yours to command, since a king cannot carry... I forget how the rest of it goes, here! All hail King Chuck, the Vanquisher!
R- This was the coolest game ever!
M- ... the game. Your win streak. You guys have to go defend your crown!
Th- We'll never be able to muster an attack in time.
T- What if we help.
M- We're yours to command, Lord Vanquisher.
C- For the glory of the realm!
[all yell]
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angrylizardjacket · 6 years
ask your destiny to dance [17] {Roger Taylor}
It takes Roger exactly two weeks to realise he doesn’t know Ash nearly as well as he thought he did. There’s a lot to glean about a person from their room, and what they say, but not everything, not even close to everything.
“So I guess you’re working tomorrow?” Roger asks, leaning against the bar as Ash polishes a glass. It comes as a surprise when she makes a face, shaking her head. “We’re going on a pub crawl, if you wanna come along then.” 
Ash takes her time before answering, hanging up the glass and pulling another from the rack before she finally speaks.
“I can’t, I’m busy, sorry.” And she sounds... uncomfortable about it. Roger’s never known her to be uncomfortable about anything that didn’t relate to her home life, and she can see the moment he jumps to that conclusion. “I’m going to Paris in the afternoon,” she says quickly, and Roger’s taken aback, “I don’t get home until late; train times, you know?” 
“A day trip to Paris?” He asks, and Maureen leans over to Ash with a small smile.
“Is that where you go on those Saturdays? That’s cute, Ash, little routine trips to France.” She flicks Ash with the end of her tea towel, to which Ash smiles despite herself, blushing and flicking Maureen back.
“Oi, I’m just going to Paris, nothing cute about it. I’m allowed to have hobbies, you know.” She argued back, and Maureen snickered, smiling fondly at the ginger before she tucked her tea towel into her back pocket and went back to cutting lime wedges. “I’m going to The Louvre.” Ash explained to Roger, cheeks still faintly pink.
“The Louvre?” There was a surprise in his voice that Ash had expected, and when she looks up at him, she still seems a bit defensive.
“There’s free entry once per month; first Saturday at six.” She pauses, and when his expression brightens, hers falls and she feels like she’s said too much.
“Do you go every month?” He sounds delighted at the prospect, and Ash wants to defend herself, but then he says, “you shouldn’t be catching the train so late, it’s dark even at six, love, you must get home at like midnight; just let me drive you.”
“Rog, you don’t need to do that,” but her grin is more relieved than anything else, the tension leaving her shoulders as she goes back to her work, “you guys are going out tomorrow, and besides, it’s not like I’ve never done it before.” 
“I can get on the piss with them any time; this only happens once a month.” And the way his words make Ash smile, quietly pleased, he’s already pretty sure it’s going to be worth it.
Things between them have been... weird. Good weird, sure, but that doesn’t make them less weird. They haven’t really had time for an actual date yet, they just sort of show up at each other’s homes and watch TV and make out whenever they don’t have work or rehearsals of a night. It’s been good, it’s felt safe. 
When Ash sits on the curb outside of her dorm, she feels nervous more than anything else. It’s not a feeling she’s used to; she’s never been nervous around Roger before; it takes her probably too long to realise how much she wants this to go well. When he shows up, just after midday, he’s beaming from the second hand station wagon that he’d gotten since recording the album. There’s a map in the passenger seat.
“I’ve driven there before, but not for a while, you’re going to have to direct me.” He advises as she buckles her seat belt, putting her sketchbook and thermos by her feet and unfolding the map.
It’s a long drive, just over five hours, and Ash is nervous for about three of them, which is only compounded by getting lost twice, and eventually Roger pulls over.
“You’ve been tense since I showed up; what’s wrong?” He asks, and Ash sighs heavily, picking up her thermos and pouring herself a small cup of tea.
“I don’t exactly go blabbing about the fact that I make semi-frequent trips to Paris, alright?” Ash admits, and she takes a sip of her drink, looking out through the windshield. Roger’s not sure what that means, how to respond, and after a minute, she adds, “Freddie doesn’t even really know.” And she finishes the tea, putting the thermos back, and Roger’s still quiet. When she finally looks at him, his expression is fondly amused.
“You’ve made me feel all special.” It’s far too genuine to be a joke, and Ash lets herself smile back, rolling her eyes at him.
“Don’t let it go to your head.” She warned, and Roger’s smile sharpened as he pulled back onto the road.
“Too late.” But he reaches over to rest his hand on her knee as she opens the map up again, and her heart grows warm, her anxiety easing. They turn up the radio for the rest of the trip; Ash hums along to the songs she only knows the tune of without too much hassle, yet somehow can’t seem to actually sing a note to save her life. She finishes butchering Elton’s Crocodile Rock at the top of her lungs, and Roger’s sides hurt from laughing, and she’s grinning in a way that means she knows exactly how terrible she is and how much it amuses Roger.
“I have other skills.” She says dismissively, grinning with her nose in the air as the radio host announces another song, and instead of answering, Roger sings along to the radio like he’d written the melody himself. “Showoff.” Ash laughed, and Roger’s eyes crease as he grins.
“I don’t have other skills, I gotta make use of this one.” He replied, lightly, and Ash’s expression softened.
“Oh shut it, you’ve got at least two other skills, probably.” She played along with his joke, watching him as he sings along to the rock song blaring from the radio, and it’s relaxed and easy, and she finds herself wondering why she’d been so worried just a few hours before. 
They hit Paris at a quarter to six, and grab some fast food before heading to the gallery. There’s people everywhere, and the line isn’t exactly short to get in, more than a few of them are uni students like them, looking to get in for free, and Ash says hi to a few; the fact that she goes here enough to know other people who do this regularly to is still something that baffles Roger a little. He’s worried she’s getting nervous again when she takes his hand - they’re not the sort of people who hold hands - but when he looks at her, her eyes are shinning and bright as she looks up at the building; she’s excited. 
Ash goes quiet in the gallery, looking around with wide-eyed reverence at the works around them. They move past the entrance slowly; Ash gazes at the works with their plaques memorised, while Roger reads them, fingers laced with hers. 
“Oh, hello.” Voice reverential, Ash greets a statue at the end of the hall like an old friend, and introduces Roger as such. “This is the Venus de Milo, she’s almost two thousand years old, god, look at that marble work, imagine how sharp it would have looked back then,” and then it’s like she’s opened a floodgate, and she’s tugging him along, rambling along the way about each piece they pass, little facts not on the plaques, things she can cite from the top of her head. Above everything, she’s passionate, pulling out of his grip to clutch her hands to her chest and looking up at headless sculpture of what Roger thinks is an angel, and what Ash clarifies to be The Winged Victory of Samothrace.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” Ash’s moon-eyed gaze was focused on the statue’s marble garments, but Roger’s only got eyes for her. When he doesn’t answer, she looks to him, catches the way he’s smiling at her, and she feels her cheeks heat up. “What?”
“You really love this stuff, don’t you?” It’s a sincere question, and it’s as if he can see her responses flit through her mind, sarcastic, dismissive, an eye roll, flippant, she passes them all, takes a moment to really look at him, taking her time to breathe in the whole situation before responding.
“More than anything.” It’s a sincere answer, and it catches him off-guard. Ash is many things, but unapologetically enthusiastic is not one Roger’s familiar with.
Turning on her heel, Ash leads further in to the gallery, but it’s finally hits him how much this means to her, this place, these works, bringing him here. They’d been together for barely a fortnight, but they both know it’s felt so much longer than that; she’d taken a gamble, bringing him, he has no doubt she’d have left him in London if she didn’t want him to come along, and something tightens in his chest. 
He doesn’t dwell on it, he takes it in stride well enough, peppering her with questions along the way that she seems thrilled to answer. Tucking her arm into his, they make their way through the building, the babbling turning to banter easily as Roger provides his own commentary on each piece as they pass, which serves to make Ash laugh.
They get to a small painting on the top floor with a border that looks bigger than the picture itself, and Ash has gotten quiet again. 
“Who’s this?” Roger asks, the two of them stepping close to get a closer look.
“The Lacemaker.” Ash sounds a little awed, and when he looks down at her, Roger sees how fondly she’s smiling at the little painting. “She’s my favourite.” 
“’course she is, she’s like you.” Roger answers easily, and Ash makes a face, laughing a little self consciously.
“No she’s not, shut up.” She doesn’t sound like she believes him, a bit of a laugh in her words, but she’s resting her head against Roger’s shoulder and he wraps an arm around her.
“Same focus.” Roger muses, and when Ash looks to him, surprise and confusion on her face, he just grins. “When you sew, you’ve got the same look on your face, same focus.” He explains, and there’s something in Ash’s awed expression that he can’t place, and she pulls away from him too fast for him to really identify it.
She’s pretty sure she loves him.
It’s fucking terrifying.
She can’t look at him, stepping out of his grip as she feels tears well in her eyes as her emotions overwhelm her, not that it’s an uncommon occurrence, Ash has never set foot in an art gallery and not cried, but Roger didn’t need to know that. She’d really been doing well today, too. Usually she gets lost in the scope and detail of The Wedding at Cana, or even comes to obsess over the little details of The Lacemaker, but she’s also usually alone and can get away with it. 
“That’s- Rog, that’s really sweet of you to say.” And he can hear in her voice that she’s trying not to believe him, that she can’t let herself believe him. And when she turns back, she’s wiping at her eyes, and he wants to try and comfort her, but she’s already walking past him briskly, leading to the next painting.
“There’s something I’ve... well, I’ve always wanted to try here.” He hears her say, voice firm as if she’s trying to move quickly past whatever the moment she’d just had was. She leads not to the painting, but to one of the weirdly low, backless sofas that are scattered around for people to view the paintings from. This one’s empty; Ash looks around for security, and seeing none, steps up onto it. 
“And what’s that?” He asks with a smirk, the sofa giving her only about two inches of height on him. He doesn’t ask why she’d almost started crying, and for that she’s thankful. Instead, his hands come to rest on her hips, and he’s smiling at her in that way that sets her heart aflutter.
“Don’t ruin this.” She warns very quietly, amused smile on her lips, and Roger quirks an eyebrow.
“Ruin what?” He asks, shooting for innocent, a million different things running through his mind that could make her smile, but would definitely ruin the moment; he bites his tongue. 
Ash cups his face in her hands, and she can’t help but laugh as she leans in to kiss him. It starts sweet and tender, her lips soft against his, but he wraps his arms around her, pulling her close and deepening the kiss. There’s people moving around them, most ignoring them, some stare, but neither of them seem to care. She tastes mostly like the tea she’d sculled in the car when they’d arrived, and she’s got a hand in his hair when he presses kisses from her jaw, trailing down her neck, and she laughs, a little giddy. He pulls back, if only to see her bright eyed and blushing. 
“Let’s go home.” She says softly, and Roger’s never agreed to something so quickly, his heart elated to see Ash giggling and mischievous as they backtrack through the gallery, knowing that he and the art were the things that made her smile like that. 
“I didn’t ruin it.” He sounds a little smug when he says it as they walk through the streets of Paris back to his car, and Ash glances at him out of the corner of her eye, snorting.
“I could see you holding yourself back from a one-liner about pinning masterpieces to walls or something like that; I appreciate your discretion.” She tells him, deadpan, and Roger gives her a self-satisfied grin.
“It certainly wasn’t easy.” He agrees, but she still reaches out and takes his hand. When they get to his car, he goes to head around to the driver’s side, but she pulls him back for a moment, pressing a kiss to his lips. After a moment, he’s got a hand on her hips, pressing her against the side of the car, and she sighs against his lips, her arms around his neck. Her legs slide open easily as she pulls him closer, letting him slide a knee between her thighs.
“Christ,” Roger breaks away from the kiss, murmuring the word against her neck as her nails graze his scalp.
“Thank you for today.” She whispers softly, and he can hear the smile in her words. He presses a kiss to her shoulder.
“Any time, love.” He steps back from her, enough to see her fond smile, and to give one in return, before he heads around to the driver’s side and they both get in the car.
It’s well past midnight by the time they get back, and Ash follows Roger up to his flat with a yawn, flinching as the door opens and Brian, Freddie, and John all greet them with a cheer, obviously taking a pit stop in the middle of their pub crawl.
“I was starting to sober up; the walk between the last pub and the next is directly smack bang in the middle of here.” Freddie claims with a surprising amount of confidence considering his words make no sense.
“No- this place is on the way to the next pub.” John corrects, and Ash has to giggle at the sight and sound of a drunk John Deacon. It never fails to amuse her, he’s surprisingly confident and well spoken.
“Yes! Deaky is right! You two can join us!” Freddie brandishes and subsequently spills on Brian, who’s sitting beside him.
“Go if you want, I’m knackered.” Ash yawns, giving Roger’s shoulder a nudge, moving past him to his room.
“Actually, I think I’m right, I’ve been driving for a while,” Roger says, making to follow Ash, only to hear Freddie boo loudly, and John call out after them.
“Where’d you guys go?” He asks, and Roger answers over his shoulder.
“Art gallery.” He answers, and he hears Ash snort from his bedroom.
“That’s... Rog, that’s surprisingly cute, didn’t know you had it in you.” Brian smiles at him, and Roger feels a little patronised by the pride in his flatmate’s voice. He flips Brian off, along with the rest of them, since John was grinning like the cat who got the cream and Freddie looked like he was three seconds away from actually ‘awe’ing. 
“Did you kids have fun?” Freddie calls, sounding nothing so much like his own mother, wearing a shiteating grin, which only got wider as Roger told him to piss off, slamming the door once he got into his room. 
Ash was standing by his bed, pulling off the shorts she’d been wearing all day, already wearing one of his shirts. Roger can hear the others on the other side of the door already laughing and talking about something else, all three of them trying to convince themselves to get up and move on to the next pub. She gives him an amused smile and Roger just rolls his eyes at his friends’ whole situation.
They don’t speak, though Ash’s yawn triggers one in Roger, and when he’s stripped down to his boxers, she’s waiting for him beneath the covers. When he kisses her, it’s a thank you for the day, and she hums a soft, contented noise against his lips. They’re too tired to even fool around, and Ash wraps her arm around him as he turns to lay on his side, pressing her chest to his back, pressing a kiss to his shoulder blade before they fall asleep.
the ususal suspects: @deakydickfanpage @hollyissuchahoe @laueecakee @smittyjaws @crystalshines2909 @i-am-sarah @legendsaresooftenwarnings @2ptonpt @benhardy24-7 @maiilovely @mickey-yr-a-goner @butter-times @heyyouitskay @tired-eyes-fairy-lights @yepimthatperson @missieluvsmurder @ironqueen98 @ceruleanrainblues @banhbao329 @fantasticchaoticwho @ko-kitty @seven-seas-of-hi @mimisfangirlfantasy @aadjuric @rogmobile @cardybenhardy @snacfu @perriwiinkle @the-strange-fan-girl @finite-incantatem-7 @tapetayloe @florencewelchismybiggod
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things about my playlist (super long cause i included lyrics whos surprised)
Right Here, Right Now Right here, Right now I'm looking at you and My Heart love the view Cause you mean everything  im always a sucker for a good hsm song but this moment in the movie just really strongly resonates with me, the desire to make the moment last even though everything is speeding around them
Today Was A Fairytale But can you feel this magic in the air? It must have been the way you kissed me Fell in love when I saw you standing there every day just feels like floating like it really is magic honestly
Hung Up I'm not usually the type of guy to call twice And leave a message every time i think ive only left multiple voicemails for my mum like once
Thunder I don't wanna ever love another You'll always be my thunder So bring on the rain something bout boys like girls just always resonates about us but especially this. i used to play it every day when i spent that summer away
Check Yes Juliet Run, baby, run Don't ever look back They'll tear us apart If you give them the chance we all know how shit romeo and juliet when badly idealised but something about this just made me feel really strongly that it was ok cause of all the issues w my folks but i could run from that and itd still be ok
Two Is Better Than One Cause everything you do and words you say You know that it all takes my breath away this song just brings me back to that first night up against the wall honestly
Mine You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter You are the best thing, that's ever been mine another one of those played everyday, not even just the summer, but literally everyday for a long while. this part was the part that clicked most, that you brought me out of my shell
Love Story And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet" But you were everything to me, I was begging you, please, don't go  swift is kind of a running theme for my sweet summer tunes, but parts of this song reminded me of what my folks would be like, and the constant (poor) secret-keeping and the constant want to be free to be us
Marry You Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you i think its kinda self explanatory
Can I Have This Dance Take my hand, I'll take the lead And every turn will be safe with me Don't be afraid, afraid to fall You know I'll catch you through it all this will never stop being the cheesy fall back memory i have, its another soft moment but i love it so
2002 Now we're under the covers Fast forward to eighteen We are more than lovers Yeah, we are all we need When we're holding each other this song just invokes a lot of early memories, of the way we would belt every song out that would come on, the way that wed fix a playlist like no one else was there
Everything I Ask For Oh she makes me feel like shit (it's always something) But I can't get over it (she thinks it's nothing) 'Cause she's everything I ask for gotta agree with john, wearin red when youre feelin hot. its a good colour for you, yknow
Alone Together I don't know where I'm going But I don't think I'm coming home and I said I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead This is the road to ruin And we're starting at the end we started a mess, we ended a mess, were still a mess, and anything we do going forwards is a mess, but its ok
Still Into You I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you And even baby our worst nights I'm into you, I'm into you Let 'em wonder how we got this far, 'Cause I don't really need to wonder at all Yeah after all this time I'm still into you  i remember when my dad sent me the video to this song just because of what was on haleys tshirt. i didnt think it would come to stick with me for so long and mean so much
Runaway (U & I) I wanna run away Anywhere out this place I wanna run away Just U and I wouldnt be my playlist if i didnt throw electronic into it. a general running (lmao) theme though isnt it? to want to run away, to find somewhere new to start
Ours Seems like there's always Someone who disapproves, They'll judge it like they know about me and you, And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do, The jury's out, And my choice is you another summer jam. no matter what, this is ours. no one can take that away, nobody but us can change it. it will always be ours
Song 2 You I'll give you my song These words to you Sing you what I feel My soul is true. a little victorious doesnt hurt. its a soft song, mostly about a materialistic girl, but the feeling behind it resonates with me. i love how soft it is, i love the meaning behind it. but most of all i love that its still music thats being used to connect people
Stupid For You You're a symphony, I'm just a sour note I'll take what I can get The best is hard to grip when everybody wants you And everybody wants you basically about feeling just a little not good enough, but still chasin and makin it work. id say im pretty stupid for you though
Right Girl I've never been the best with my mouth Try to stay smart but the dumb comes out Maybe I'm shy, I drive an old car Maybe I'm amazed that I got this far you are the best thing to ever happen and i let my dumbass brain panic itself into doing the wrong thing to the right girl
Rock Bottom That you hate me now and I feel the same way You love me now and I feel the same way We scream and we shout And make up the same day everything culminated to this, to being rock bottom and tossing and turning and trying and maybe not trying enough. everythings still low it still feels like rock bottom while still feeling like theres more to fall. its hard to explain
Trigger Why can't we talk about it Why don't we try I think we can change our minds If we could just look at it through each other's eyes Instead of letting bullets fly i wish, at least for getting through this, we could be better at pushing emotions back to talk, that i could be better at pushing emotions back. i wish i was better at taking a step back and seeing it from another perspective before it got too late
I Really Like You Who gave you eyes like that, said you could keep them? I dunno how to act or if I should be leavin' I'm running outta time, going outta my mind i remember thinking how annoying this was when it came on, but it explains so well this state of limbo, this state of “what can i say, what cant i say”
Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic Every little thing she does is magic Everything she do just turns me on Even though my life before was tragic Now I know my love for her goes on my dad used to play this a lot when i was younger and i forgot it for a while, but something about you sparked me to remember it, to want to hear it on repeat, to belt it despite how quiet it is on spotify, to let it wash over me
How You Get The Girl And then you say I want you for worse or for better I would wait for ever and ever Broke your heart, I'll put it back together I would wait for ever and ever i remember how you used to say you didnt like this song but now it kinda feels like were living it, that someones going to show up on someones door step six months down the line in the pouring rain. or maybe someone wont. but it doesnt stop ever resonating with me so deep in my bones
Be There I'll be the warmth in your empty hotel I'll make it right when you're going through hell I'll be the call when there's no one to tell no matter the situation, ill still be there for you. doesnt matter when, how, what, why, ill be there
Anchor If you’re lost And feel like you’re alone I’ll be the one to guide you home You’ll never have far to go just to really drive the point home with a little tritonal, ill be your anchor, maybe not your rock, im not solid enough, or rooted myself. i sway with the tide but ill still be something you can hold on to
My Life Would Suck Without You Maybe I was stupid For telling you goodbye Maybe I was wrong For tryin' to pick a fight I know that I've got issues But you're pretty messed up too Either way I found out I'm nothing without you i dont care how rocky its been, i refuse to let myself be without you, whatever that entails
Dopamine What you do to me is no good But baby, you're good for me, so good for me We break up to build something new Chasing after what I have with you i think no matter what, it will always feel like what im doing is trying to get back what we had, but not the way it was, more the way we fit together, how we could sit together and be content, to fight and curse each other out but still somehow make it ok, thats what id be chasing after
I’m Yours So I won't hesitate no more, no more It cannot wait I'm sure There's no need to complicate Our time is short This is our fate, I'm yours my heart will always be yours, even if you dont want it, it doesnt plan on going anywhere any time soon. i could leave and it would still stay with you
I Want You Back Oh, baby, give me one more chance To show you that I love you Won't you please let me Back in your heart Oh, darling, I was blind to let you go Let you go baby Cause now since I see you it is all victoria justices voice makes it feel more relevant somehow, maybe its the female voice with the same lyrics, maybe its just the way she sings it, who knows, but this rings pretty fuckin true
Just Wanna Be With You I got a lot of things I have to do All these distractions Our futures coming soon We're being pulled a hundred different directions But whatever happens I know I've got you while comedic in the end of year musical, the rehearsal version really i think really captures the heart of the relationship, that everything is happening everywhere and theres nowhere to stop and breathe but theyre still there for each other, and i will be too
Black Butterflies and Deja Vu I lose my voice when I look at you Can't make a noise though I'm trying to Tell you all the right words Waiting on the right words one of my favourites off the album, i hadnt found one i connected with much off the american candy album, except for ‘miles away’ perhaps, but then LLL dropped with this as a single and it just clicked so much with me. i find it so hard to tell you all the things i want to, the right things to tell you, its hard to ask you to be patient for me to get out what i want to, and i always end up sticking my foot in it, but one day ill get it right
Marry Me Forever can never be long enough for me To feel like I've had long enough with you a soft way to end this playlist, a perfect way to end it i think
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In response to the aolw fanfic please do it please
Well, since you twisted my arm...
Not canon. Just for fun. Not a collaboration; I stole Alex and wrote him, and I never feel like I do that well, so I just want to stress that this is not official in any way. But here you go, if you’d like to read some Art of Letter Writing ephemera.  
Five Times Zoe and Alex Met Before They Met and One Time They Didn’t
The summer Zoe is ten, her mom’s writing spot is a coffee shop called The Book and Bean. Zoe tags along with her most days, if she doesn’t have swimming lessons or camp or some other activity to go to.
She and her mom have a routine. They get to the coffee shop around ten every morning. Zoe’s mom spreads out her research and notes and laptop on the top of the table while Zoe nests with her own books and notebooks underneath. She writes her own stories until noon or she gets hungry, whichever comes first. Then she reminds her mom about lunch, and they go buy sandwiches and drinks at the counter (tea for her mom, and hot chocolate with some kind of flavored syrup in it for Zoe). When she’s done eating, Zoe reads a book or plays herself in checkers or puts together one of the puzzles from the back wall until her mom is ready to go.
One day, about halfway through the summer, Zoe knows it’s time to go when she sees her mom packing up her laptop and notebooks, but Zoe is almost at the end of her chapter, and she just wants to finish. She reads as fast as she can as her mom comes closer and closer to being ready to go, and finally, when her mom says, “C’mon, Zoe, we gotta go,” Zoe shuts the book and shoves it into the top of her very full bag and hurries after her mom.
A few seconds later, almost to the door, a voice calls out behind her, “Hey! Um, excuse me?” Turning, she sees a boy about her age, with warm brown skin and dark hair and eyes, holding her book out to her. “You dropped this,” he says.
“Oh! Thanks,” she says with a smile. He shrugs, and she takes the book, then turns and follows her mom out of the shop.
The truth is, Alex couldn’t really care less about football. But Emma had argued that they couldn’t miss the last game of the season. And the chili cheese fries are worth coming out for. But they’re playing Torrey Pines tonight, and the Torrey Pines football team sucks, so the game hasn’t been the most exciting. It’s the end of the third quarter, almost, and Canyon is a good four touchdowns ahead, so he and Emma decide to head to the concession stand.
It’s crowded, mostly with band members from both schools, who are only allowed to wander during third quarter or something, so it’s slow going up to the counter. He’s just gotten his food when a huge cheer erupts from the Torrey Pines side of the stadium. He turns to see what’s happened -- and runs straight into a girl from the TP Marching Falcons, spilling cheese sauce all over her scarlet and gold sleeve.
“Madre de Dios,” he mutters, bracing himself to be yelled at even as he grabs some napkins. He knows how Emma would react if some clumsy oaf spilled cheese all over one of her outfits. “I’m so sorry.”
But to his surprise, the girl shakes her head. “Totally my fault, I was right in the way.” She accepts his napkins and wipes up the worse of the cheese, but it’s still going to stain.
“You’re not gonna get in trouble, are you?” he asks, and she laughs.
“Have you seen these things?” she asks, gesturing to herself. Now that she mentions it, there are a lot of mud and grass stains on the uniform. “It’s the last game of the season, they’re getting dry cleaned next week. Seriously, don’t even worry about it.”
“Alex!” Emma shouts from behind him. “Are you coming?”
“Yeah, in a sec,” he shouts back over his shoulder, then turns back to the TP girl to say ‘Okay’ or ‘Bye’ or something equally awkward but less awkward than just walking away.
The shout comes from a burly guy also in scarlet and gold. Eyes going wide, the girl whips her head around to see the scoreboard, then mutters, “Shit,” and takes off for the Away side of the stadium at a sprint without so much as a backward glance.
He shakes his head and goes to meet Emma. Band kids are weird.
“All right now, Zoe,” the sandwich shop manager Tim says in a voice of gentle condescension that makes Zoe contemplate punching him in the face. “Do you think you’re up to taking an order all on your own?”
She does not say what she’s thinking, and she really ought to be commended for that. Instead she gives Tim her best, most winning smile. “Absolutely!” she says.
“Okay, then. Next customer is all yours. I’m not going to step in at all,” Tim warns. I’ll believe that when I see it, Zoe thinks, but keeps the smile on her face.
Soon enough, the bell rings, and a guy about her age walks in. “Welcome to Which Wich!” Zoe calls in an upbeat voice. “Have you dined with us before?”
“Um, yeah,” the guy says, already pulling a bag and a Sharpie from the holder on the wall. Zoe takes his bag when he’s finished filling it out and makes his Italian grinder quickly and efficiently, even with Tim breathing down her neck.
“Don’t forget to double check all condiment and topping choices!” Tim warns before she’s even finished with the meat.
“Thanks for the reminder, Tim,” she says through her smile. She is careful not to grimace or make any sort of face at all while adding banana peppers to an otherwise fine sandwich.
“Now, you have to make sure you call out the name loudly and clearly enough to be heard,” Tim tells her as she wraps the finished sandwich and puts it in his bag, her smile never wavering despite the fact that she has heard him say this at least twelve times in her two days of training. “Remember, it may be quiet now, but during our rush hour, there is noise and commotion, and a quiet meek little name call simply won’t---”
“ALEX!” she yells out with all the power of her trombone playing lungs. Can she help it if Tim the Manager was hovering too close and got an earful? “How was that?” she asks with a smile, turning to him. “Was that loud enough?”
“Just -- tend to your customer,” Tim says as Alex comes up to the counter. Zoe passes over the bag with a cheery grin and rings him up. She’s about to wish him a wonderful day when Tim interrupts over her shoulder with a, “And remember, if your food isn’t exactly how you want, we will make you a new sandwich or refund your money! Sometimes it can take these new girls a while to get the hang of things.”
Zoe will not strangle her boss with her apron strings, she will not, she repeats over and over like a mantra. She allows herself one second to breathe deeply and pray for patience. Luckily, the universe helps her avoid homicide, as a new customer approaches with a bag. Tim hurries over to serve them while Zoe finishes Alex’s transaction.
He tips her almost 50% of his bill, and maybe she’s reading into things, but he seems to be offering a silent means of support for having to deal with a misogynistic asshole of a boss. Zoe’s going to choose to believe that, anyway. Anything to help her get through the day.
He knows something odd is going on in Cuppa Joe’s that morning before he sets foot inside. All the baristas are gathered around the counter, and Andi is waving her arms in the air, and . . . are they all singing?
He considers turning around and going back to his car, but he needs his coffee, so he pushes the door open and slips in.
“ . . . birthday to you!” The baristas and half the shop finish their raucous rendition of the birthday song and burst into spontaneous applause, all directed at a girl Alex doesn’t know, who is smiling and laughing and enjoying the situation much more than he would be if an entire coffee shop decided to sing to him on his birthday.
“Thank you, thank you,” the blonde girl says, nodding to them all, still laughing.
Andi catches sight of him. “Mr. Carter!” she calls out, putting him on the spot. “Wish this lovely young lady a happy birthday!”
“Oh, um . . . happy birthday,” he says, and he thinks maybe he doesn’t sound like a complete idiot. The girl beams at him, like nothing gives her greater joy than having a stranger awkwardly wish her a happy birthday.
“Thanks,” she says, and then Eddie says something to her, allowing Alex to place his order at the counter, but when he goes to pay, someone else places a five dollar bill on the counter. “It’s on me,” says the birthday girl.
“You really don’t have to do that,” Alex says.
“Well, Andi refused to let me pay for my own drink,” the girl says with an affectionate eye roll. “And I’m like a hobbit. I like to give gifts to other people for my birthday. You are the recipient of a random act of kindness. No escaping it. Pay it forward if you like. I couldn’t think of a better birthday gift.”
And before he can think of anything to say, she flashes one more grin, gives the whole store a merry farewell, and bounds away out the door.
“If I was an SAT Math workbook,” Zoe mutters to herself, slowly turning in place and scanning the study tables in the library, “where would I be?” She and Librarian Joy have been searching for the thing for almost ten minutes. The library catalogue says it’s in, Joy’s special librarian catalogue says it’s in, but it’s not on the shelf or on a reshelving cart or anywhere that they can find.
Then she seems him -- a boy about her age, typing away on a laptop, earbuds in his ears and a stack of books beside him. She takes a couple careful steps in his direction, the better to identify the books, and aha! There it is! Victory!
“Excuse me,” she says, approaching his table, but with his headphones in, he doesn’t hear her. So she reaches out and very gently taps him on the shoulder.
He startles, and she immediately springs back, cringing inwardly. “Sorry!” she says in a rush as he pulls out the earbuds. “I didn’t mean to startle you, or interrupt. I was just wondering if you were checking out the math prep book, or if I’d be able to use it.”
He blinks, then processes the question. “Oh! No, I’m done with it. Go ahead,” he says, extricating it from the middle of the pile.
“Thanks,” she says with a smile, taking it. “I think the math portion might actually kill me.”
He offers a tight smile. “Same,” he says, only a little awkwardly.
“When do you test?”
“Three weeks.”
“Me too.” And then, because every bit of his body language is screaming that he would like to be done with this unexpected social interaction, she says, “Well, good luck.”
“You too,” he says, and puts his earbuds back in as Zoe turns, searching out an empty table.
Librarian Joy comes over. “Oh, you found it!” she exclaims.
“Yep! When all else fails, look for another slightly frantic high schooler!”
Joy laughs. “Oh, Zoe, I meant to ask you. How did that project end up going for you? With the letters?”
“Really well!” Zoe says, her eyes lighting up. “Thanks for letting me stash one here -- I got a lot of responses, and I’m still writing to a few people. It’s been a lot of fun.”
“I’m thrilled we could be a part of it,” Joy says, then lets Zoe get to it. Zoe’s glad. If she can crack 600 on the math practice test, she’s allowing herself to respond to Alex’s latest letter.
Three tables away, Alex types on, completely unaware of who it is sharing his space.
All it takes is one overheard sentence. Alex is sitting in Cuppa Joe’s, reading a book and procrastinating going home when he hears it.
“ZO-oe, you are so slow!”
His attention is immediately brought to the door, where a girl a few years older than himself stands, her posture oozing impatience as she calls to someone out in the parking lot.
Alex is listening hard now for anything, any other clue that might confirm the suspicion making his heart race. Out of the window, he catches a glimpse of long, white-blonde hair whipping in the California wind just as a second unfamiliar girl in the doorway says something that ends in, “ . . . burned hand, cut her some slack.”
Alex is up and moving before the first girl’s response of “A burned hand does not affect her feet, and we are on a schedule,” has time to register.
In hindsight, locking himself in the bathroom may not have been the smartest move. Rachel keeps talking about remodeling and putting multiple stalls in the bathroom, but for now they’re single use, which is currently a blessing and a curse. A blessing because he can press his ear to the door and eavesdrop and know when certain people have left certain coffee shops. A curse because it’s going to be much harder for him to stay in here indefinitely without drawing attention to himself. At some point, someone else will need to use the bathroom. He can only pray Zoe has left by then.
Though it becomes clear after a few minutes that his retreat into the bathroom has not gone entirely unnoticed. The baristas are dragging out this interaction, and the only saving grace is that Zoe and her cousins seem to have someplace else to be, so he won’t be trapped in the bathroom for upwards of twenty minutes.
Finally, finally, finally they are gone, despite everyone’s best efforts. But Eddie is waiting for Alex when he gets back to his table.
“Dude!” he exclaims. “You have the worst timing! She was right here!”
“I know,” he says, gathering his things because loud as it will be at home, it’s gonna beat being here, with the entire staff staring at him and whispering among themselves about things he’s not sure he wants to know. “That’s why I disappeared.”
“That makes literally no sense,” Eddie says, and Alex refrains from rolling his eyes. “Don’t you want to meet her?”
Alex carefully schools his face into an impassive mask. Eddie talks enough as it is. Alex is not going to give him any more ammunition. “It’s an honor thing. We want it to happen on our terms.”
“That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I say, the sooner the better. Why wait?”
“I have to get home,” is all Alex says.
He’s not usually one to indulge in “What ifs,” but as he drives home, he can’t help but think what might have happened if Zoe’s cousin hadn’t called out her name before she walked through the door.
(and one time they had a conversation about it)
They’re lying on a blanket under their tree in the park in comfortable, easy silence, their hands interlaced between them when Zoe gives voice to something she’s been thinking about lately.
“Do you ever wonder how many times we met before we met?” she asks. When she turns her head to the side, Alex is looking at her.
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“I mean that you and I have both lived in San Diego our wholes lives, and that the city isn’t really that big, especially when you think about the areas we each really inhabit. There’s a lot of overlap in that Venn diagram. My mom has been writing at your stepmom’s coffee shops as long as I can remember. Our schools play each other at football. I work at a restaurant I know you visit because it’s cater-made for people like you who don’t like to interact with anyone.”
He elbows her side at that remark, and she elbows him back, grinning. “At some point,” she continues, “the Law of Averages has to come into play. I mean, we know we were in Cuppa Joe’s at the same time at least once. Honestly, I’d be more shocked to learn that April 18 was actually the first time we ever interacted. So, do you ever wonder how often we did?”
“Well, now I’m going to.”
She grins and turns her gaze back up toward the leaves. “Then my work here is complete.”
They lay in silence for a little longer, then he says, softly, “It’s weird to think about. That I could have met you, talked to you, and not remember.”
“We wouldn’t, though. Necessarily,” she replies, because she’s thought about this a lot. “Because it takes a lot for an interaction to move into long-term memory, right? I call my wait staff by name, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to remember their name three days later, or recognize them if I pass them on the street. Until someone becomes important or semi-permanent . . .” She trails off and shrugs.
“That’s . . . kind of depressing.”
She sits straight up and stares at him, shaking her head. “No, it’s not!” she exclaims. “It’s the most encouraging thing in the world.” He raises himself onto his elbows and looks at her quizzically. So she explains. “When I hypothetically made your sandwich at Which Wich, and did not make faces at the amount of banana peppers I’m sure you made me put on there--” He smirks at that, which was her goal “--or when we, I don’t know, bumped into each other at a football game or a coffee shop, or any other of a million possible interactions, we weren’t ready to really meet yet because really meeting then wouldn’t have led us to this moment and this reality right here, and the universe knew it! It’s like you going into the bathroom when I came into Cuppa Joe’s over Christmas. You knew the timing wasn’t right, but until we could sense those things for ourselves, the universe had to do it for us, and it did! It made sure that we met when we were ready to meet.”
“Or it kept throwing us in each other’s paths and we were too oblivious to notice,” he counters.
“See, that makes it depressing,” she says. “My explanation makes it encouraging.”
He sits all the way up and gives her that look that melts her into a puddle, that smile that’s barely there, his eyes shining with amusement at her but also wonder and joy and so many other things. “Well, then . . .” he says softly, “I suppose I should be thanking the universe.”
“I do every day,” she tells him, and the look in his eyes intensifies and she knows she’s about to be kissed (or she’s about to do the kissing, one or the other), and as the distance between them is closed, she thanks the universe one more time.
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precious-nico · 7 years
I was tagged :O and I’m feeling extra positive today so lets go
also I was tagged by @mikamista
5 things I like about myself
1. I love cute things (ask me about my stuffed hamsters if u dare) (or my dogs)
2. I call out my dogs names for at least 20% of my day (I just keep calling out to my dogs even when they’re close to me or like sleeping on my I’ll just keep calling out to them)
3. I’m pretty decent at making cool edits for Love Live! and sometimes fire emblem!
4. I can sing a bunch of idol songs from heart! Like Sakura Girl by NEWS! Catch me singing Sakura Girl and also crying at the same time I love that song so much even tho the feels and tegoshi that disgusting sparkling idol whom I love and detest and his dedication to his fans holy shit tegoshi im in pain dammit tegoshi all the time and also Kimeta yo Hand in Hand! dont even get me started on love live Also I know alot of anime songs! like Cruel Angel’s Thesis! and Hanamaru Pippi wa Yoiko Dake! and all of Konjiki no Gash Bell’s songs! the whole ost! Chichi wo Moge! Boin-chan to wa Iwanaide! (idk if thats the real title im going form memory) Kasabuta! Kimi no Kono Koe ga Todoki Masu Youni! (probably the title) Mienai Tsubasa! March of the Tender King! Umagon Rock! Coral Q’s song! Catch My Heart! Very Melon! Hijou no Victory! Hadashi no Ou-sama! The ending songs that I can;t remember! Stars atarshi mirai eto akiramenai hitori janai etc yeah! Also I know a very good portion of the plot of Konjiki no Gash Bell from heart! Try me! If you dare! I would die for Gash and Kiyomaru and Kanchome and Umagon and Tio and Wonlei and Rein and Brago and also everyone else in the story if anyone is into Konjiki no Gash Bell please message me i want to talk to someone about it but im too scared to put myself out there in a normal fashion Also I’m pretty knee deep into general J-Pop! Catch me singing Koi by Gen Hoshino! and SUN by Gen Hoshino! and Have a nice day by Kana Nishino! and Darling by Kana Nishino! also I have an album from Iida Riho! I love Iida Riho! I would die for Iida Riho! My favorite song from Iida Riho is Slowly Love from her first album Rippi-Rippi! I LOVE IDOLS AND KONJIKI NO GASH BELL AND ALSO FIRE EMBLEM even though I;m a new fan and im barely in the fandom AND ALSO J-POP AND JAPAN CATCH ME SINGING DIRTY WORK BY AUSTIN MAHONE BECAUSE BLOUSON CHIEMI! THIS SECTION WAS TOO LONG BUT I LOVE THIS WHOLE PART OF ME THIS IS THE PART OF ME THAT YOUR NEVER GONNA EVER TAKE AWAY FROM ME! I WOULD DIE FOR MOMOCHI 
5. (this one took a bit because I actually like myself more than I originally thought this was a good eye opener bc i’m not as shitty as i believe myself to be) I like how I randomly use song lyrics in everyday situations! Like how I just used Part of Me! I try to use idol songs! but no one irl is into idols that I know of! atleast the kind of idols i;m into! only my sister gets them! but not all of them bc my sister isnt into love live! but she gets a lot of them! Jumping to me dream! Setsunai kono kokoro de! Fighting for my dream! Taiyo wo dakishimete! HAPPY HAPPY TRAIN! Kienai kienai kienai no wa! Koisuru fortune cookie! Omoi wa kasanaru made! Matezu ni kuyashi kedo sukitte junjo! Yume mite kira kira! Watashi no naka no romantic! chiri yuku kana kirei nandatte sa sonna koto shiranai boku ni nani ga dekitatte iu no sa! Sakura no yo na kimi deshita haru no yo na koi deshita itsumademo tsuzuitte yuku to sonna ki ga shiteta! oh peanuts butter jelly peanuts butter jelly love! doko kara doko made! futanari wa niteru no! koi wa peanuts butter jelly love! ok im sorry for the song lyric spam ive had them bottled up sorry the last 2 were damn long I didn’t realize that
ok so I gotta tag ppl
but u dont have to do it if u dont want to
I dont have any favorite followers im just gonna do the first 10 i see on my activity
@faittodayo @jecook @trolldog @hanayoyos @viktuuri-on-love @zanaea @danithepanda @ohayousoro @soramaru-vevo @prismatoids
sorry if u guys dont wanna be tagged u can just ignore this!
also sorry this was way longer than i thought like really long im actually suprised how long this was like geez chill
i just read through what i wrote and number 4 and 5 seem to be off topic pls yurushite nyan
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Angel sends Rhys to Sanctuary. She also wants him to bring Claptrap with him. He doesn't like it, but what choice does he have ? No matter how badass you may be, anyone will happily lay down their life for a pretty girl, with big, blue eyes.
“So, this Sanctuary is like, a city full of bandits?”
“More or less.”
“And you want me to go there.”
“That is correct.”
“To join them in fighting against Handsome Jack?”
“Are you out of your mind? Why would I want to do that?”
Angel rolled her eyes. “He tried to kill you. Remember?”
“He is not the first person who tried doing that. And I bet what’s left in my wallet that he is not the last one either.”
“Jack has been terrorizing this planet for almost a decade. Many innocent people lost their lives because of this person. He claims himself to be the saviour of Pandora but all he does is bringing fear and death to its citizens.”
“Oh, you mean all those lovely people running around in masks made of…Other lovely people?”
Angel stayed silent for a moment. “Either you go to Sanctuary, or you will stay here with Claptrap.”
Rhys frowned at her, turning to look at the yellow coloured robot who was currently searching for something in his closet, making noises that remotely resembled dubstep. “Can’t you just get me out of here without me going to the Sanctuary?”
“Why not?”
“Roland will need all the help he can get. You are a Vault Hunter. Meaning he needs you.”
“What part of – I hate bandits they destroyed my whole life, I’d rather choke myself with my own fists than to ever work with them – did you not understand?”
“Alright Rhys. Let me clear one thing for you. Right now, you are stuck on this planet. Only way to get out of here, is in a spaceship. And those are expensive. You will need a lot of money to get a ticket on one of them. How much money do you currently have on you, Rhys?”
Angel grinned when the brunet didn’t respond, looking back at her with pissed frown. “Thought so. You know Rhys, they might be bandits, but they pay well. Work for them for a while and you will be looking at Pandora from space in no time.”
Rhys hid his face into his palm.
Angel was right. He knew she was right from the beginning of their conversation. He just didn’t want to admit it. Working for bandits? That was a new low, even for him. He didn’t like it. But staying on Pandora after the job for Handsome Jack was currently on hiatus, that he liked even less.
“Oh, god fine you’re right. So how do I get there?”
The AI smiled victoriously. “Just follow Claptrap. He knows the way.”
“Why do I need to take him with me? Don’t you think my brain cells have suffered enough?”
“You will need him to open the doors for you.”
“Couldn’t you do it instead? You already hacked into my ECHO eye, opening a door should be a piece of cake for an AI like yourself, no?”
“That is correct. But I want you to take him with you.”
“Why is that?”
“He is such a cute thing. Would be shame to just leave him here.”
Rhys looked over his shoulder at Claptrap who now added dancing to his little performance.
“You are joking.”
“Not at all. Just take him with you.” Angel winked at him, really enjoying his reaction.
Rhys was staring at her with narrowed eyes. “Claptrap! Let’s go. I don’t wanna spend here more time than I have to.”
“Alright! To Sanctuary it is. Follow me minioooooo-“Claptrap yelled  as one of the biggest bullymongs Rhys has ever seen – true, he hasn’t seen much, but still – just came out of the hole in roof, grabbing Claptrap by his “head” and swinging with him like if he was a rattle. For some reason, it decided that the most interesting thing on Claptrap was his eye. So, it took it out, accompanied with Claptrap’s loud yell “My eye!” and left the same way it came, throwing the robot back on the ground.
No, please, take him with you. I don’t want him. Rhys thought desperately, watching as the eye missing robot was unsuccessfully trying to regain his orientation. Needless to say, it was really entertaining thing to watch. He tried throwing a desperate look at Angel, but she was already gone.
“Minion! I will need you to be my eyes.” Claptrap announced after hitting the same spot for the fifth time. “Just tell me if I am going to walk into something.”
Yeah, right. Rhys smiled to himself after watching him hit the same stone again.
“I will just assume that you didn’t see that.” Claptrap mumbled, moving away from the stone just to hit another one. He looked so pathetic, it made Rhys feel sorry for him.
The brunet rolled his eyes. I am way too soft for my own good. “Here, hold my hand.”
“Oh, thank you minion! “Claptrap singed happily, catching the offered hand. “Now, let’s go on our adventure. We will be like two soldiers on battlefield! United and inseparable. You will be the muscles, I will be the brain. You will be the wheel, I will be the driver. You will be-“
“I am throwing you out of the cliff if you won’t shut up.”
“Understood sir.” Claptrap responded happily.
Rhys didn’t believe it could be possible, but the unit actually did stay quiet for a moment, leaving the two of them walk in almost complete silence trough the frozen land.
That was until more bullymong came. Then he started screaming hysterically.
“Protect me squire!” The unit shrieked as it was rushing to hide behind a piece of ice.
Rolling his eyes, Rhys loaded the shotgun he found at Claptrap’s place and fired a few rounds into the closest bullymong. But the gun was a cheap piece of shit and it took at least four shots to get one of the animals down. By the time, he killed all six of them, his count of ammunition was on dangerously low level.
“This won’t do.” He said more to himself than to the unit, who came back from his hideout after the last animal stopped moving. For the fact that he couldn’t see, Claptrap was able to hide admirably fast. “I am already running low on ammunition, and we just left the cave.”
“Well, you can always try searching the piles of snow.”
“Heh, right.”
“There are usually some ammos hidden in them.”
“Wait, what?” Rhys turned back to face the robot.
“Yeah! Nobody really knows who keeps putting them in there, but you can always find something really useful in those things.”
Rhys looked at the nearest pile of snow. He found it hard to believe that there might actually be something hidden in there. But the robot didn’t look like he was joking. Still, hard to tell with this guy, judging by the fact that he had no facial expressions and his voice is always in the same tone.
Rhys sighed, feeling like an idiot as he approached the snow pile. “Just punch it with your robotic arm. It will break and you can take whatever flies out of it.” Claptrap called behind him.
Punch it. Right. I can do that. Rhys swung his arm and hit it with all his might. To his surprise, some ammunition actually did fly of the snow landing in from of Rhys’s foots. “You´ve gotta be kidding me.”
He picked up all the ammo and repeated the same action with the other piles before his magazine was full. “Alright, that should do for a while. Let’s go.” Rhys announced, reoffering his arm to Claptrap.
The moment Claptrap grabbed it, his ECHO communicator went on, voice coming out of it before he even had the chance to pick up.
“Hey, kiddo. Jack here, president of Hyperion.” Rhys froze in the middle of step. Oh my god. It´s Handsome Jack. Handsome Jack is talking to me. “Let me explain how things work here. Vault Hunter shows up. Vault Hunter looks for the new vault. Vault Hunter gets killed. By me. Seeing the problem here? You’re still alive. So, if you could just do me a favour and off yourself, that’d be great.”
“What, Handsome Jack wants me do to the job that he fucked up? What a surprise!” Rhys slammed the palm over his mount, but the words were already out.
The other line was quiet for a while. “Heh. Cute. See ya later pumpkin.”
There was a sound announcing the end of the call and then the ECHO went off. Rhys stayed in the same position for a few moments, before putting the ECHO back into his pocket.
“Wow. I never thought I would see someone to back talk to Handsome Jack.” Claptrap said, still holding Rhys’s hand. “Well, technically I didn’t see it, with my eye still missing. But you got my point.”
“Yeah, well what can I say? “Rhys chuckled, still processing the fact that he just had a private phone call with Handsome Jack. “I’ve inherited my mother’s sharp tongue.”
Jack had a hangover. A really bad one to that. His head hurt as hell and every little noise he heard felt like it had a volume of a thunder.
He spent the night playing Gun Game Online IV and drinking his finest whisky. But after the fifth level Jack gave up on the game and focused his full attention on the honey coloured liquid. The first bottle was empty before he knew it and as the morning came, second bottle was, more or less, in the same state.
Jack winked a couple of times, trying to get his blurred vison under control. Without a success.
He groaned at the sound of his ECHO beeping. Jack grabbed the little box and accepted the call without even looking at the name.
“What?!” He barked into the microphone.
“I have spoken with the surviving Vault Hunter.”
“Oh, Angel. You did? And what…What did they say?”
The second end of the line was quiet for a while. “Jack, are you drunk?”
“What? Me? Drunk? Pfff…don’t be ridiculous Angel. I don’t get drunk.”
“Sure. I will call you later.”
“No, no no no. Don’t do that. I am fine. I am fine, just tell me how did it go? Who is the lucky bastard that got to see my special fireworks and live to tell about it?”
Angel sighed. “It’s the developer. The one with the robotic eye. He is known for upgrading his guns or even making his own. People call him the Company man, but I don’t really know why and from what I understood he doesn’t use the nickname himself. He goes under the name Rhys.”
“Rhys, Rhys… Hmm, nope doesn’t ring any bells. Could you send me his file so I can take a look at what we are dealing with here?”
“Sure. But it won’t be much. Whoever this guy is, he is really good in hiding his tracks. I wasn’t able to find any of his personal files. All we got is a few police records and some photos made by our safety cameras.”
“Yeah, whatever. Just send them here will ya?”
“They are already in your mail box. Right now, Rhys is on his way to Sanctuary, but he hasn’t even left the Windshear Waste.”
“Alright. Keep an eye on him for me and let me know whenever he does something interesting.”
“Of course, Jack.” Beeping noise announced the end of their call. Jack shoved his ECHO communicator back into his pocket and slowly stood up. It was a challenging task, considering the fact that his head just wouldn’t stop spinning. But with enough willpower, he managed to get to his computer and open the file Angel just sent him.
First thing that popped up was a picture taken by one of the Hyperion’s security cameras on Eden 6. It showed Rhys, who was just about to enter one of Hyperion’s facilities through the window, looking over his shoulder, as if checking for someone who might be following him. However, Jack couldn’t read much of his features, partly because the picture was taken during a night, and partly because his vision hasn’t fully regenerated itself yet.
But what he did notice was a silver prosthesis arm. He didn’t see any logo on it, meaning that it had to be home-made. Jack let out an admirable whistle. You either had to be rich as fuck to afford one of those, or incredibly skilful to be able to make them on your own, without risking it exploding the moment you attach it to your body.
Angel was right about the lack of information Hyperion had on this guy. There were a few notes about him clearing a bandit camps here and there, stealing something from the companies’ stocks or doing some lower jobs like a delivery or finding a missing person. Nothing really interesting what could help anyone to find out more about him.
Jack got back to search through his photos – only photos, no videos which was really suspicious. Almost like someone took his sweet time with separating things he was willing to share from those that were actually useful – and stopped at one where Rhys was looking right into the objective of the camera.
The picture was taken in some city Jack didn’t recognize. Rhys’s flesh hand was running through his brown hair, destroying his trim haircut. He was wearing black shirt with metallic looking vest. Jack wondered if it was bulletproof. Heh, probably not. Nobody wore bulletproof vests anymore, After Atlas came up with electromagnetic shields, those things were good for nothing but slowing you down. Plus, they never covered more than half of your body.
Jack zoomed in on the boy’s mismatched eyes. Unlike himself, he had one brown and the other light blue. Wait. Didn’t Angel say something about him having an ECHO eye? That must be it. Heh. This boy must be tougher than he looks. Jack remembered when Wilhelm told him about his first surgery, when he was getting the first ECHO eye. “It was a close one.” He said. “The doctors told me that they were sure that I was a goner. My brain just turned off during the surgery. They said that I was lucky to be so strong built. Took more than a few incapable doctors to get me to stop kicking.” Jack had been thinking about getting one of those for himself, but this conversation made him change his mind.
Other thing Jack couldn’t help but notice, was that the boy was really good looking. Like damn, he was hot! Jack had seen some pretty faces among the Vault Hunters, but they mostly belonged to girls. Male Vault Hunters all tend to keep this tough image, making themselves look as if they were ready to crush your bones just by looking at you.
Rhys’ features on the other hand were soft. Almost too soft for a guy, a Vault Hunter to that. He didn’t make the impression of someone who would be able to survive an explosion, and walk away from that like nothing happened. Jack even considered calling Angel again to ask her if she’d sent him the right files.
But then he got a better idea. He will call Rhys instead and talk to him himself! Just to see how things really are with this guy.
Not bothering to think about what he was going to say, he quickly searched for the signal of the Vault Hunter’s ECHO communicator and dialled it.
One of the many advantages of being the owner of a billion dollars’ company was that you didn’t have to wait for others to pick up your calls. The moment their ECHO reads your ID, it just picks up itself.
Time to make a good impression. Jack thought the moment he heard noise announcing his ECHO call being successfully connected.
“Hey kiddo. Jack here, president of Hyperion.” Yeah right. As if he needed to introduce himself. He heard a gasp from the other side of the line as the kid realized who was calling him. Alright. He got his attention. Now what?
“Let me explain how things work here. Vault Hunter shows up. Vault Hunter looks for the new vault. Vault Hunter gets killed. By me. Seeing the problem here? You’re still alive. So, if you could just do me a favour and off yourself, that’d be great.” Good old threatening. Never fails.
Jack didn’t really expect the kid to respond anything to that. He wouldn’t expect anyone to respond to that. But before he managed to end the call, he heard a honeyed voice coming out of the speaker.  “What, Handsome Jack wants me do to the job that he fucked up? What a surprise!”
Jack stayed quiet for a second, unsure if he heard that right. Did the kid just back talked to him?
“Heh. Cute. See ya later pumpkin.” The CEO responded sarcastically before hanging up.
Kid´s got balls. He thought to himself. Well, he just signed his death sentence. Nobody back talks to Handsome Jack and gets away with it. Jack pressed the blue button on his table, calling his secretary.
“Morning sir.” Meg answered from her office.
“Hey Meg. Get me on the Pandora’s broadcast will ya? Need to do my morning announcement.” He stopped for a second.
“And where the fuck is my coffee?!”
“Right away, sir.”
Jack smiled to himself. So, Rhys. Let’s see how you manage to keep running the pretty mouth of yours after I get the whole planet chasing after your guts.
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