Adam Driver Post
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Happy Birthday Adam Driver
アダム誕生日を記念して2022年を振り返ってみた。AITAFのイベントでルーマニアのNATO軍MK基地で慰問上演を行ったことが今年を象徴していると感じた。Burberry Hero香水が発売され再び注目された。最近は、これから上映・配信のWHITE NOISE推しのニュースも目立って来ている。
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“Here, come take some evil inside you.”
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soft!Phillip AND daddy!Phillip
Open for better quality <3
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This Is Where I Leave You for @wbpictures in Los Angeles in 2014 📸 Jason Bell
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I got to attend the screening of Logan Lucky at Navy Base Coronado thanks to my friend Janessa aka Front Row Queen. We were front row for Adam Driver’s Q&A! Definitely worth freezing outside in line for over 4 hours. The theater holds 1,500 people but I feel like there were only about 300 people there, 500 max since the whole second section of the theater was empty and most people sat in the middle, the sides not so much…
There was no signing or meet and greets, but Adam extended his time twice to answer as many questions as possible, and 4 people asked for selfies during their questions so they got to take pics with Adam after the event before he was quickly put in the back of a black SUV and whisked away. He seems like such a nice and down to earth guy. And super funny! I would love to just hang out with him and be his friend.
I really hope this brings more attention to his nonprofit Arts In The Armed Forces. No videos were allowed but I did try to live tweet the event. I cringe at all the typos, grammatical errors, and all the times I wrote Lucky Logan instead of Logan Lucky but this is what happens when your fingers are frozen and you’re trying to live tweet when Twitter refuses to install an edit button.
Adam just talked about film versus live theater – film is more accessible “who wants to pay $300 to watch a play? I don’t” so part of what he’s trying to do w/ AITAF is make the arts more accessible It took 3 months of working w/ a dialogue coach for Adam Driver to get the West Virginia accent for #LoganLucky Adam Driver filmed w/ 3 different type of arms for #LoganLucky Adam says Sodeberg works insanely fast He had 30 minutes of the film done in 2 weeks. Many of the scenes were one or two takes #LuckyLogan Protein, sleep, and exercise – the secret to Kylo Ren’s Star Wars physique lol Adam’s favorite movie is Ordinary People @ninatamburello5 Adam talks about having to lose weight for Silence and how it was great working with Scorsese The line for questions for the Q&A queue is like Hall H SDCC status. I’m not gonna get to ask an question… A Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton got to ask Adam the favorite movie question. Adam had been stationed at Camp Pendleton so it’s nice to have him come back to San Diego Adam talks about joining the Marines shortly after 9/11 and growing up fast in the military when you’re put in charge of other people’s lives. Acting was a huge game changer for Adam transitioning from military to civilian life Adam was iffy taking on the role of Kylo Ren because he didn’t want to mess up Star Wars. A kid asking a question just said Adam made Star Wars better – whole audience erupts in applause People never ask Adam about pranks on set because they assume he’s no fun on the set. He says he and Channing got a kick out of scaring each other on the set of Lucky Logan Adam talks about bringing a ping pong table onto the set of Star Wars. Progression from during setup, between scenes, to between takes *insert ping pong sound* Adam just talks about the film Patterson. A handful of people cheered – he said ooh 5 people saw it LOL The person asking the question now says he’s a huge fan of Matt the Radar Tech Guy…laughs from the audience, but also frustration because of the long queue for questions. The XO just said limit questions to 1 to try to expedite process It would be safe to say 95% of the audience are Kylo Ren/Star Wars fans especially based on questions Adam would like AITAF to do a film screening of Silence and have Scorsese talk about it. That would be awesome! Can he come back to San Diego and do that? Adam says that it wasn’t until after his military service that he felt confident enough to pursue acting and applying to Julliard To find out more about Adam’s organization Arts In The Armed Forces visit They’re based in New York and always looking for volunteers. How do you get into the character of Kylo Ren? Adam starts his answer with a joke saying “get bad indigestion” Seriously, the script dictates how he approaches Kylo. Costume helps too – tight and restricting There are lots of people who are truly appreciative of Adam’s service and his continued involvement w/ military folks and veterans Someone asked what Adam’s favorite Disney movie is…I’d want to know who his favorite Disney princess is Adam got a fan gift of a ball with his dog’s face on it… He also talked about being followed home (which made him mad so fans don’t do that!) Filming of Silence and Girls overlapped Adam suffered hypothermia at end of Silence because he had 0 body fat Had to eat lots of carbs and wear thick sweaters on set of Girls after What advice would you have for someone who wants to become an actor? Hard to say but for Adam, going to school was helpful and important Also introduced him to lots of key people Lots of comedy in Lucky Logan but not so much cracking up and breaking character. Jokes in between takes unrelated to scenes Someone from I Heart Radio wanted to ask how he can book Adam for other engagements Chase Randi if you want to get a hold of Adam for interviews lol Most difficult scene ever filmed? The film he’s currently filming which he can’t talk about there was a scene of two people just talking Very emotional. Also Silence filming in ocean and getting hypothermia and no body fat Logan, a young kid, wanted to know how to become an actor? Adam says live your life. Education on technique from acting school helps so you don’t burn out Little kid Isais asked how do you feel about Star Wars? I feel good. I feel tall. And I feel foolish. High schooler in theatre and ROTC asked which is more important. Adam said they’re very similar – group of people in quest for something bigger than just any one of them Shared goals, working together Adam says not all actors lose anonymity but that’s definitely something he’s had to deal with. How does Adam deal with achieving work life balance? He makes a conscious decisions to work less, maybe do more stuff in NY or closer to NY Adam has tripped numerous times wearing the Kylo Ren mask. He said 50…the forest scene was difficult. He’d trip every 5 steps It’s not about the actor to feel good about the take. He has to trust that the director gets the audience’s feelings in the story they are trying to tell A shy audience member asked on a card whether Adam was bullied. He said of course, look at me. He joked karate would help, but said life goes on and time heals all wounds. Whatever’s happening has a shelf life. Adam doesn’t want to take all the credit for Star Wars despite all the accolades because a group of people were involved in creating the films Thanks, I worship you! Reaction from a happy fanboy who got to ask Adam a question. The teenage girls behind me in row 2 just said “that’s me/that’s my life��� lol Adam is excited for 10 minutes with every new role he gets then it shifts to pure terror Audience member asked how Adam picks his roles since some like Silence have clear moral compass and Star Wars is the dark side He says it’s about the directors Adam’s talking about his audition to Julliard. He sang Happy Birthday when they asked him to sing a song after he did his 2 monologues I love that Adam has agreed to stay and take more questions. He was supposed to leave at 9:15. He’s so funny in the way he’s handling the Q&A. How do you deal w/ the haters? I try to stay away from it as much as possible. You can’t please everybody. Favorite type of movie? Action and drama How did you prepare for Patterson? He actually did get a bus driver’s license and had to drive in New York. Patterson is so structured His physical life is on auto-pilot, allowing him to drift for poetry Favorite part of playing Kylo Ren? Helmet and light saber The super hardcore fangirls behind me are really not happy about the repeat questions Adam’s already answered (several questions have been asked in similar but slightly different ways) Hi my name is Tony and look at my shirt. The little kids is wearing a Kylo Ren shirt and said thank you for your service to Adam awwww One of Adam’s first jobs was as a burn victim in You Don’t Know Jack and Susan Sarandon, John Goodman, and Al Pacino were in the scene. Adam says Julliard gave him a lot of structure ie working on voice The mannerisms of each character – conscious decision, part of the backstory Adam crafts for each role What kind of hair product do you use on your hair? Adam says today it’s leftover from the film from shooting. Randi shouts from the side BUMBLE&BUMBLE (for shampoo) and conditioner if his wife has it lol Adam just extended the Q&A time again. He wants to get through to all the questions, he’ll just try to talk fast Deadpool or Kylo Ren? Kylo Ren I wonder if @bumbleandbumble will start a campaign starring Adam Driver? Do they know that he uses their shampoo? Everyone at tonight’s event wanted to know what’s responsible for Adam’s hairporn lol Celebrity doesn’t shape Adam’s life. His family is more important. Andre wants to know, so when is Kylo Ren gonna hook up with Rey? Justin is way better than Jacob Lol this kid just got Adam to say that on video to spite his brother in San Francisco Adam tries not to watch the movies he’s in…He said he got really cold/sick watching The Force Awakens It was intense Adam doesn’t follow sports He tried hockey. Wishes he could play piano
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#ironing 👔🧺✨
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The Last Duel (2021)
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The Last Duel (2021)
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Adam Driver talking about the wig guy that he brings with him to all his film sets now since The Last Duel
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Who do you want to see join the Adam Driver Minifig Universe next?
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“When I began attending Juilliard, I noticed a huge change in myself coming not just from a military background, but from a background in the Midwest, where communicating feelings really wasn’t a priority.
Suddenly I was exposed to playwrights and these characters and these plays. And for the first time, I became aware of the value of expressing yourself and putting language to feelings. It felt like that was missing from my military experience. Not that I thought people should sit around and share feelings all of the time, but there was no real avenue for us.
The entertainment we were exposed to at the time, while it was all well intended, was slightly condescending. It was like winning dates with cheerleaders and somebody singing songs about how America is great — which I totally agree with and believe — but I just felt like we were capable of handling something more thought-provoking.
So I went to veterans organizations that were already established to see if we could do it. Everyone kept telling me that theater really didn’t fit the military demographic. So, really, more than anything, anger spurred this nonprofit.”
— Adam Driver on AITAF, From Marine Grunt To Star Wars Villain: A Conversation With Adam Driver By ADAM LINEHAN on April 7, 2016
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“Driver plays the youngest of the four siblings, junior to Tina Fey, Jason Bateman, and Stoll. They’re all saddled with stereotypes: Fey is the tragic suburban mother who lost her first love to a brain injury. Bateman’s wife cheated on him with his shock-jock boss. Stoll is literally impotent. Driver’s character is no more unique: He’s the incorrigible problem child, drawn so close to stock that he shows up late to the funeral, wearing a black leather jacket and driving a black Porsche. It’s like The Big Chill never happened. 
The difference, though, is that Driver’s a supernova. Every time he’s onscreen, he distorts the structure of the film on a cellular level. When he leaves the frame, you wait until he returns. When he’s there, the other actors change. There’s a scene in which he playfully picks up Fey and puts her over his shoulder like a rolled-up rug. It’s the only time Fey, a truly great comic actor, seems to be enjoying herself. He puts his forehead up against Bateman’s, and all of a sudden Bateman isn’t playing Bateman anymore: He’s playing a brother. He fights Stoll, and Stoll bristles like a dog.” 
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Adam Driver as Louis Ironson and Bill Heck as Joe Pitt in “Angels in America” (2011).
Adam took over the role from Zachary Quinto for the last eight week extension of the play at Signature Theater in NYC.
Photo Credit: Richard Termine
[@adamdriverobscura aims to circulate properly credited Adam Driver photos that aren’t as well known.]
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Adam Driver as Louis Ironson and fellow Julliard alum Michael Urie as Prior Walter in “Angels in America” (2011).
Photo Credit: Richard Termine
[@adamdriverobscura aims to circulate properly credited Adam Driver photos that aren’t as well known.]
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“On the one hand, it is called acting. On the other hand, there are deep truths that need to be explored. When I was in Angels In America, I was Prior and Adam Driver played opposite me as Louis. And he’s not remotely gay — he’s painfully straight. But he’s such a good actor, and approached the role from within himself. I think when you’re doing true naturalism roles like Louis or Prior or Arnold, that are so human and demand so much of yourself, you start with yourself, and as opposed to putting on the character, you find what is the same about the two of you and go from there.
What Adam did, I think so beautifully, is that he didn’t say to himself, “Okay, I’m not gay. What do I need to put on in order to seem gay?” He just accepted that the way he seems could be gay. He didn’t need to add a limp wrist or a “sibilant s” or a swish in the walk or anything like that in order to be gay, because gay people come in all shapes and sizes, and even Adam Driver — hulking, giant, massive man that he is — could be a gay person, and could be called “sniveling little” like he is in the play, and we would just buy it. We would just go with it, as long as he tells the truth.”
Michael Urie reminisces about working with Adam Driver in Angels in America - Acting Out: An Interview with Michael Urie, via metroweekly July 11, 2019.
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NEW behind the scenes photos of Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, and Ian McDiarmid on the set of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
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Adam Driver making hats look good
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