#so it ended up being done on my phone like all my other art LOL
silvrash-797 · 4 months
I wanted to participate in @thepinklink's dtiys challenge, but I don't really have a style, so it was more of a 'draw this AT ALL' challenge 😅
Anyway, here's my submission!
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And, of course, Plink's beautiful original!
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My noodle dragons might be a tad bit bigger than hers, but they're present and that's what matters!
Congrats on 300 followers, Mama!🫂❤️🫂❤️
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eijirousbestie · 2 years
AHH THANK YOU SM hearing someone thought abt my story in their day to day life is actually insane so thank you for reading!! Love to see a fellow art major around here🤝🏽I hope this story is to your liking i tried my best😭<33
“Can I draw you?”
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this is kinda long (I got too into it lol)
pulling at the heartstrings a bit here
he’s a willing participant???
unorganized dishes
golden hour
* * *
Being an art student had its perks. For one thing you didn’t have “real” homework like other classes and you could spend majority of your time creating something new. In other cases, being an art student was dreadful, and today proved that to be true.
Walking into class and setting your bag down, you sit at your easel and scroll on your phone as your professor waits for other students to trickle in before he takes attendance. The sound of a chair scooting can be heard as your professor makes his presence known and calls role. He finishes and places his clipboard down, clapping his hands together with enthusiasm.
“Good morning guys! First things first, I just wanted to say you all did a great job at critique this past Tuesday. I was very impressed with the outcome of all your pieces. Now for those of you who have checked the class schedule, you’ll know we have our Portrait 1 assignment due at the end of next week. I’ll give further instructions and we’ll go ahead and get started on those today.” He grabs a stack of papers, assuming to be said detailed instructions for your next assignment. As soon as he hands you a copy, you skim through the premise of what you’re going to be doing.
Portrait 1 Assignment
1. Pick a subject you will be referencing to for your portrait. (No you cannot use a reference online. It has to be someone you can poke).
2. Arrange a time outside of class to meet with your subject to begin your sketch.
3. Pick a feature of your subject to enhance in your final drawing. You can add color, darken line weight or distort the feature you chose, but the rest of the portrait should be in the style of a sketch.
This drawing should be done on an 18x24 sheet of paper from your sketchbook and no smaller.
You internally cringe at the thought of having to snatch someone from campus to sit with you for hours just so you can draw them. You instantly begin to think of people you know who you can draw. You take your phone out and begin typing up a message to a friend of yours, asking when they’re free. Much to your dismay, they inform you that they have work directly after class all this week and won’t be able to help. You understand, but now you’ve got yourself stuck and you absolutely refuse to ask a stranger. For the remainder of the period, all you can do is mindlessly write a list of names and the pros and cons of their potential availability.
* * *
Sitting in the living room after getting back to the dorms, you rest after having no success trying to recruit anyone to be your reference. The dorms are practically empty as everyone is out doing something. Working, training, shopping. Everything you don’t do. Essentially losing hope for the day, you resort to lounging on the couch. Cozy pajamas nearly lulling you to sleep. However before you can slip into the best nap of your life, clanging from the kitchen startles you awake. Whispered curses soon follow, ultimately giving away who caused the noise. Getting up from your oh so comfy spot, you make your way to the kitchen to investigate. Peeking a head in the doorway, you see a rather frazzled Bakugou picking up pots and pans that had fallen to the floor.
Looking at his bent form, you speak up. “You aight?” He picks up the last pot and places it on the counter before responding, fully facing you.
“I’m good. My bad if I woke you.” You give a shrug and lean your hip on the doorframe, arms crossed over your chest.
“Nah you’re fine. Wasn’t fully knocked out anyway. What were you doing in here?”
“Reorganizing. For whatever reason, idiots around here can’t understand that stacking dishes causes shit to fall. Just proved my point too.” His eyes fall on the various pans on the counter he was in the process of arranging. You give a chuckle and move to help put them away.
“Say it louder for the people in the back.”
“Yeah well apparently they ‘don’t respond well to yelling.’ Whatever the fuck that means.” He nags as you both place each dish in their respective places.
“Gotta give em a glare or side eye to get the message across,” you joke.
“Shit only goes so far. But if looks could kill everybody here would be on their deathbed.”
“Jesus man, gruesome much?” You let out a heartier chuckle, actually entertained by his empty threats.
“S’called being self-aware.” He leans against the now empty counter and folds his arms across his chest. A silly thought crosses your mind. A glimpse of hope even. You decide to pursue it.
“Speaking of looks,” you start off tentatively, “I could really use yours if you’ll let me.”
He gives you a half-curious look, left eyebrow slightly raised as he side eyes you. “The hell’s that mean?”
You’re not sure whether it’s the desperation talking or the fact that you’re half asleep, but you immediately hit him with your dilemma.
“Well… can I draw you?” It seems like minutes that go by before he responds with a sharp click of his tongue.
“Lay off the drugs huh? Shit’s got you talkin outta your ass.”
“Bakugou please! I need a reference for an assignment and I’d really appreciate if you’d let me draw you. It won’t take long I swear I’m fast!” Your hands are clasped together as you ask for his cooperation.
“The hell’d you wanna draw me for? Plenty other people you could ask.”
You don’t have it in your heart to mention nobody else was available to help you. It’d be like blatantly telling him he was the last option and you don’t want to potentially upset him by saying that. It’s not necessarily true either, you just didn’t think he would be up for it in the first place so you didn’t want to bother him. He was your saving grace really, never the last option.
“Well you’ve got great eyes. And perfect eyebrows too. So it’s kinda hard not to want to draw you. But seriously, if you’ll let me, I’ll do my very best to capture the best parts of you. Please?” If you hadn’t known any better, you could’ve sworn you saw his hands clutch the counter in a death grip. He’s quiet for a moment. Two moments. Then he shakes his head in disbelief and his eyes sweep to look at anything else but you.
“Fine. Just don’t make me look like shit got me?” A light look of embarrassment covers his face. It’s endearing.
“I promise.” You smile a wide grin, relief relaxing your shoulders. “You mind if we get started tonight? I’m kinda behind as it is.”
He gives a nod and a hum in response. You tell him to stay put as you grab your sketchbook. He takes a seat on the couch and watches the slow sunset. It’s golden hour and the living room is filled with warm oranges and yellows as the sun is close to calling it a day. You come back, supplies in hand and before you can put your things down, you catch Bakugou as he gazes out of the window, the setting sun casting onto his face. With his hand propped under his chin, he looks ethereal. His red eyes now a vermilion as the rays reflect on them. It highlights his jawline, casting shadows that make the edges prominent. His hair aglow in the light, tufts of blonde now appearing marigold. You don’t realize how silly you must look staring at him until his eyes flicker to your frozen form. His gravelly voice pulling you out of your thoughts.
“Got your stuff?” He doesn’t move from his spot as he asks. You gather your bearings and nod.
“Yeah uh I got everything I need. We can start now if you’re ready?” You walk over to the couch where he sits, setting up your easel right in front of him.
“Mmh go ahead. Is there a certain way you wanna do this or?”
“No no what you’re doing now is fine. It’s actually better if you’re comfortable. We might be here a while, but let me know when you need a break.” He gives a nod of approval and you’re off, hands sketching and eyes darting back and forth between easel and subject. Soft scratching noises from graphite on paper filled the silence. By this point you were detailing the features of his hand holding up his face. Neat nail beds and cleanly trimmed. Bruised and scarred knuckles from countless hours of training. A strong neck that connected to an even stronger jaw, probably chiseled by the gods themselves.
You’d be lying to yourself if you thought drawing him would be a chore. It was actually enjoyable. There was no need for trivial conversation. Just you sitting there, drawing him as he let you. Him trusting you to capture his very being with only a pencil. It was a beautiful experience and you couldn’t be more grateful that you both were a part of it.
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robotsrawesome64 · 5 months
ohhh please can you do cod match up for me?? i'm female, german, 27, aquarius and work as an artist and project manager at an agency specialised in classical music. at work i'm very organized, detail oriented and efficient, but in private i like to slow things down. i guess you could say i have two personalities: at work i like getting things done and have no problem arguing with people, but in private i literally hate calling the doctor's office lol.
it's very hard for me to take my brain off work and usually only achieve that by getting engrossed in a show or painting. i like cooking, not so much baking. my hobbies are reading, going for walks (how very german of me), playing with my cat. i can be very funny, but i am more introverted and a very good listener. my love language is acts of service.
my cod favourites are price, ghost and könig, but at the moment i'm leaning more towards könig.
thank you very much and lots of kisses 😍
and I AGREE::: (shorter and sweet ones now SORRYYt_t Cue some HCs/drabbley things:)
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 @/fairypurgatory on pin & @/jolvelyn on twt [art]
W: Intimidating newer man in your house O God, dark if you think about it (sprinkle sprinkle glitter sparkles on the war criminal), abrupt end
◈ After many sweet-talkings outside your respective doors, y'all had a date due at your place. If you cooked for him- omigod. Social expectations be damned, the clear thought and skill behind it… When he looked back up at you, eyes boring into yours, you were half worried you'd bought a serial killer home? (Which I mean, technically yes, don't ask too much about his job history-) But no, his ridiculously intense, maliciously-coded gaze was that one of determined enrapturement. ◈ It was an amusing juxtaposition to see him meet your cat. Tough guy, tryna be smooth, leaning on the side of the doorframe.. Before his intense focus was interrupted by something fluffy and he hit his head and almost cried. He's not the best with animals, but after enough visits they become casually inseparable, and a key part of the cuddle pile. If your cat wasn't spoiled already they were now. Hey, the pair of you aren't half bad at taking care of something.
◈ Doubly fell in love with you when he saw you popping off at work. He got called in for something important you left at home, god forbid, but of course he had your back, emergency key and all. He knows all too well the importance of things needing to go to plan. But forgive him if he just stared in awe like a motherfucker seeing you go off on someone.
◈ Oh, don't you worry. When your teeth are clenching looking down at your practice's phone number for that long overdue appointment- it's right there, just a click away,- König will snatch it from you. Mixed feelings, perhaps his confidence a little infantilizing, but… it's like a vice is undoubtedly unclamped as he waddles away with the dreaded compressed waiting room music (as if it was a totally normal thing to do). He'd confirm any details prior bending over behind you, rubbing your shoulder and cooing in your ear about it. Because of course you can do it, darling, but he's always there~…
◈ Takes great smug pride in a)taking care of you, if that's something you want- and b)being with you. Uh, yeah, the badass work-focused bigshot is his? And putty in his arms? That's right. So proud of showing you off to others at any possible convenience. 'Tries' to be subtle about it. Keyword 'tries'.
◈ He needs a break too. Proudly, toxic-masculinely denies any interest at first, but would ultimately happily waste away binging something with you. Colours and shapes reflecting off the TV onto his narrow, goofy lil' glasses, eyebrows slightly furrowed in focus as he guillibly complains about some ragebait. Uses you as a human weighted blanket laid on him, supporting your back with his chest.
◈ König's a prevalent yapper during whatever you do together. He plans as much as you'll allow, whisking you off for dinners, lunches- all expenses paid (or halfsies). Or elaborate hiking trails he insists you join him on, though sometimes he likes to choose the ones with tricky bits as an excuse to help or carry you.
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ihateapbiology · 3 months
begin again
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(yes from the Taylor swift song but not completely lol)
part 3 to the exs to lovers- part two
You and Julien had both been texting the rest of the day and decided on a restaurant you both had always loved. It served burgers, shakes etc the works. You threw on a pair of mom jeans and a light sweater avoiding looking in the mirror because you knew you’d second guess yourself. You were going on a date with Julien. With your Julien. The thought felt too good to be true like some idealistic dream that would soon be bashed to pieces. What if you guys were completely different people now? What if she was still mad about you leaving and she just did this to get back at you? What if she realized she was too good for you? You took a deep breath in and grabbed your phone to see if she was close. She was. You heard a knock and opened the door to see her smiling face.
“Hey gorgeous” she smiles.
“Hey yourself” you pull her into a hug.
You all head to her car and she turns on some music from some artist you had never heard of before. You laugh.
“what’s funny huh?” She asks you with a smile.
“You and your pretentious music” you tease- you actually loved her music taste but liked to give her a hard time about it.
“Pretentious? Says you” she laughs “remind me where you went to school again.”
“Just a small liberal arts law school around Boston” you joke. The banter felt so right, so natural, so you guys. You all chat about recent artists you guys had been listening to, you ask Julien about different celebrities she had met an and if they were actually good people. It’s perfect.
You pull up to the diner and you take a seat. “God I missed this place” you mention.
“Yeah I’ve been a couple times but it’s not the same without you” she says.
“Well I haven’t been here in 3 years so I’m ready to eat.”
You both order a milkshake and a salad and some other sides.
“Oh god this shake is not as good as I remember it” you giggle clutching your stomach and pushing your chocolate shake away.
She laughs “here have some of mine.”
You dip your straw into hers trying hard to ignore just how “couple-y” the action was. Your faces just inches apart you swore you could smell the mint of her toothpaste.
“So…in Boston did you date anyone? I know you said you aren’t seeing anyone now but did you ever.”
“Uh super casually I went on like a couple dates with these two girls but both of them just weren’t really my type. No bad blood or anything” you shrug- they were nice and pleasant but you didn’t feel a spark with them. “I think I was just…also not really in the place for a relationship.”
“That’s nice sometimes casual is the best” she remarks “are you ready for a relationship now do you think.”
You think wanting to be fully honest and then nod. “With the right person 100% yes” you give her a cheeky pointed glance. “What about you? You ready to retire from the rockstar life and settle down.”
She rolls her eyes “oh yeah you know me different girl every night.”
You laugh “wow such a womanizer.”
“But in all seriously you know with The Tour being done and me being in a good place I can say I am in a good place for one” she says.
“That reminds me you gotta tell me about touring!!” You exclaim. As she happily speaks about it you feel her hand getting closer and closer to your hand. You know this move from the early days of your relationship. You softly move your pinky to touch hers and you hear her briefly stutter before continuing on.
“Oh was that a stutter Baker?” You tease.
“yeah yeah yeah” she rolls her eyes and continues speaking.
The night is perfect, you argue for who should pay, she wins somehow being more stubborn than you.
As you walk out you guys are fully holding hands now.
“I don’t want this night to end” you say softly.
“Let’s walk a bit yeah?” She smiles.
Her hand grips yours like she’s afraid that you’ll get away from her, your steps fall into rhythm. “God I did miss Tennessee in the spring” you say leaning your head down to rest by hers.
“Yeah I bet you missed actually having a spring instead of just a second winter” she jokes. “Hey by the way when is that date for your graduation?” “Mmm sometime in May I forget the exact date.”
“Let me know ok? You been studying for the BAR?” She grins.
“Oh god yeah don’t remind me.” You bury your face into her shoulder.
You walk for about 30 min more and then she drives you back to your current place.
“tonight was perfect” you smile.
“Thank you for being with me” her big brown eyes look so deeply into yours.
“You free tomorrow or the next day? I don’t wanna be clingy” you laugh.
“I’m free the day after tmrw but I’ll definitely call you tmrw” she explains.
You both stare at eachother smiling like fools.
You feel gentle tattooed hands cup your face softly trying to pull you down to her.
It’s a soft peck, chaste but full of love. You both pull away and giggle like idiots.
“Goodnight Y/N text me tonight” she bashfully says.
“Text me when you get home drive safe.”
You close the door and close your eyes. That girl would be the death of you.
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Writer Interview Tag
Thanks for the tags, @darkurgetrash and @kimberbohwrites <3 I really enjoyed reading yours! I tag… hmmm, who hasn’t done it yet? @dutifullylazybread @commander-krios and @redroomroaving ? (And consider this a free tag if you want it!)
When did you start writing?
I honestly couldn’t say when my very first act of creative writing was, I feel like I’ve been writing on and off my whole life (barring like 5 years from 16-21). When I was 8 or 9 is the first I really remember though. I kept a diary religiously at that time (yes, it’s hilarious), and also attempted several stories that went nowhere, including a glorious portal fantasy about two children who are isekai’d into a kingdom of cats and have to face off against an evil cat stealing wizard. As you can tell, I love cats, lmao. And I have always loved portal fantasies and isekai. A through-line all the way to Planar Tears!
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Oooh. Well, there are very few genres I *wouldn’t* read, and I’ve only written so much, so I suppose most genres currently sit in this pile for me? I can’t really see myself writing original sci-fi, despite loving it as a genre, because I think it really lives or dies on having an excellent concept more than a lot of other forms of fiction. Short of being struck with a lightning bolt of inspiration, I think I’d lack purpose. But I love, love, love science fiction. Isaac Asimov, Philip K Dick, N.K. Jemisin, Octavia Butler, John Wyndham, Marge Piercy, Ted Chiang… all of these SF authors’ stories have a place in my heart.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
No-one has yet compared me to anyone. I often realise that I’m going a little too Austen in my work, and gently push myself to modernise - but I guess that speaks to the fact that whilst I admire her, I don’t want to exactly emulate her? I love the way she gently teases her characters, the way she makes clear the contrast between what they believe and what’s actually true without being cruel. But I don’t want to write a pastiche.
On the other end of the spectrum, I recently re-read My Year of Rest and Relaxation and was reminded of how much I love Otessa Moshfegh’s cold, somewhat brutal cataloguing of the world around her character; her sparse but vivid imagery (casting aside a pair of shoes like “dead crows”) and her unlikeable but extremely readable MC. I should read more of her work!
Basically, I love to read and have a wide spectrum of influences, but I’m not aiming to emulate any single one of them. I would say my writing swings between archaic and more efficient depending on whether I’ve read classic or modern literature most recently, because I love both.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I have many. On my phone anywhere - especially the commute - and at home on a laptop, either sat at our dining table (we live in a rental flat in an expensive city, a proper desk would be a luxury), or on the sofa with my girlfriend and flatmate sometimes contributing "suggestions" lol. If I'm in a writing phase, which I have been for a year - every space is a writing space.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Hmmm. I am rarely in a completely creatively fallow period - unless I'm just straight up obsessed with a game/TV show/the gym, in which case I'm busy having a good time in other ways - but I'm not always in the writing zone. I like textile crafts and sewing, and art hobbies generally. I guess that is to say, if the writing muse is not present, I rarely miss it; I'm probably thinking about something else.
(Barring the times when my mental health is fucked, but even then, I'm probably throwing myself really hard into a hobby as a distraction. I'm an all or nothing person). When I'm struggling with writer's block on say, a chapter of a long fic, it's usually because it's not quite headed in the right direction, and I need to backtrack, take stock of where my characters are emotionally, and try again in a different direction. Honestly... I know it's advised against by some, but sometimes I just have to sit down and make myself write just to figure out what's wrong. Just do it, and rip it up later if you have to. (**put it in a separate doc in case you can use it elsewhere. you probably wrote it for a reason. DO NOT TILT OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH AND DELETE YOUR SHIT, NO MATTER HOW FRUSTRATING).
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Number one is “coming to terms with making mistakes in your vocation, and recognising that you are more than your talent at it.” It’s the reason that draws me to Rolan in the first place, because it mirrors my own life experiences very closely. I was somewhat picked on and harassed in school (shit that many of us have experienced) and built my whole personality around being smart and having my life planned out as a shield against it. I was going to do [thing], I was really good at it, and it was all clear. Not to mention I loved this subject. So when I got into a prestigious university my life was sorted, right? Except... all of the hideous self-esteem issues and perfectionism I'd been papering over came crashing down all at once, and I was in an incredibly unforgiving environment, in a very male-dominated subject where other (male) students would literally be like huh, isn't it weird more women don't study this subject? Why do YOU think that is? I felt like I was worthless, stupid and useless, and that I stuck out like a sore thumb - and I was carrying the weight of every woman who wanted to do my subject and was afraid they weren't good enough. My life plans crumbled before my eyes, and I was severely depressed, alongside other health issues - which my uni did not give two fucks about, at all.
Which is to say, I draw many parallels between my own arc and Rolan's - being an outsider, the precarity of having your own talent validated only to have your entire future rest on it, and being vulnerable to really shitty messaging about how hard I should be working and how it was obviously my fault if I wasn't succeeding already, when they were one of the best universities around. And then I realised I was writing similar experiences with Catrin and SW Tav - discovering, and appreciating, that you're more than this one crutch you cling to, this singular skill that you desperately need to hold you above the maelstrom of life. And I promise that, like Rolan, this has a happy ending - I personally took some years out after battling through undergrad, faced my demons, and returned to the subject that I loved as a far more well-rounded person, better equipped to deal with failure. I'm not perfect, and I never will be. I'm neurotic and perfectionistic and all the rest. And that's probably why I keep writing, and exploring this theme - to remind myself that I want to avoid that trap, and to deal with the ways I feel when I'm in it. I was gonna write about kink here too, but I think this is enough, lol.
What is your reason for writing?
Joy. I love exercising my creative drive. And I love re-reading what I've written!
Obsession. These fuckers, these plot points, occupy every spare inch of brain and will not stop until I vent them.
Learning. Honing my skills is a frustration and a pleasure.
Connection. I'm so, so grateful to have people who read and care about my work. It means the world.
Horny. Um. Yeah. I have no further explanation for this one lmao. Except. Fantasies are amazing, but then writing them down makes them even better because now you're really thinking about the specifics and those specifics come to mind more easily next time you're [REDACTED. CABBAGE STOP. ENOUGH!!!]
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I can’t pick just one! A balanced diet of comments is the best ;)
I joke but - I love them all. Shouting about the plot? You're invested, and I'm grateful. "Additional kudos" twenty chapters in? You've stuck with me this far, and I'm grateful. I guess if I had to pick a few:
1. Strong emotional responses. Kicking my feet/biting my keyboard/stressed/blushing/screaming - whatever fits the mood of the scene. I’m so happy my writing evoked strong feelings. That’s a good chunk of the point, right?
2. Writing analysis. Picking out individual lines or highlighting certain aspects - characterisation, dramatic tension, etc. The day someone said that I "had a knack for showing character in a single action" and then provided examples, I nearly exploded. Augh. I particularly love comments on my OCs because they're especially precious to me. My own brain children, and you LIKE them? heaven for reader. heaven for reader for 1000 years.
3. “I should be sleeping but instead I read this” AND I AM KISSING YOU. That’s all.
4. Just straight up compliments. "I love this" thank you I'm crying. ahhhhhhh. Cute lil kudos graphics (you know who you are). I'm over the moon you enjoy my work. <3
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Well, I know for certain that a large swathe of my readers perceive me as “the one who writes good subby Rolan porn” and frankly? I love that reputation. If nobody appreciated the SFW elements of my work, I might feel differently, because thoughtful storytelling is also really important to me - but I feel seen in that regard too, so I can delight in knowing my writing has a distinctive flavour. Kinky chilli ice cream, spicy and sweet.
I would also love to hope my readers think of me fondly when they get the next long fic email, and are excited to continue the story. Oh, and I hope my readers enjoy chatting in my comment section, because I do. All I can aim for is to be the friendly author who "rites gud". Fingers crossed I meet that bar :)
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
You know what? I might not have said this once upon a time, but I actually think I’m pretty decent at plotting. I think I wind various threads together quite well, and with purpose.
I think I’m pretty good at observing character too. I hope. I’ve written so much Rolan that he’s really taken on a life of his own, but I do often rewatch his cutscenes (I know, such a chore 😉) and think I have a good sense for him. I also think that although Catrin started out difficult to write, I developed a very distinct character for her too, which I’m glad about.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
90% of what I’m writing is for me. I want it to be the best it can be, for me; I want it to cover the themes I care about. I want to tell the story in my head. Before BG3, I wrote for a teeny tiny fandom, inaugurating its fandom tag, and that inoculated me a little against writing for stats because well, thirty kudos felt like an INCREDIBLE achievement in that fandom.
Also, I want to write my kinky filth and not dilute it. That means actively CHOOSING not to worry about whether people are put off, because they absolutely, certainly will be in cases.
However, I do also care about my readers; I love comments and I want to give them the best story I can. I really enjoy my NSFW prompts; since my tumblr connections know the baseline of what I’m into, they can throw out AMAZING ideas that I love writing and am deeply grateful for. I’ve also definitely pushed harder on fics and oneshots because I knew a particular commenter or mutual was super excited for them ❤️ (shout out to my piss kink cheerleader lol, and everyone who has kindly - or ferally - expressed interest in my longfics).
How do you feel about your own writing?
Mostly very good! I do struggle with writer’s block sometimes, but my particular combination of perfectionism and obstinacy means I don’t tend to publish my work until I’m happy with it. I can see imperfections in my work, especially my past work, but I do genuinely enjoy the process of learning even if it frustrates me sometimes. I really enjoy re-reading what I’ve written later, because by the time it gets out there into the world, I’ve always beaten it into something I’m proud of.
I can't deny that I do, occasionally, get bitten by the little green monster though. Seeing someone else's Rolan writing get called "the best" or whatever has me nursing a tiny stab of pain. And I know it's valid - I'm not *the* best writer of all time, I'm just writing my reasonably-good stories out here, but I can't deny that small oof. (I'm tipsy so you're getting rather honest Cabbage tonight). I'm also very aware that I get many wonderful comments and treasure them, so I just accept my limitations a bit and try not to think too much about other peoples' writing that is along similar lines to my own. You're all writing beautiful stuff and I support you, but I will go NUTS if I spend my life reading closely-related fic. (If I have read your fic, know I fought my inner demons to do it, lol). Idk. I write what I want to write, as well as I can, and I'm grateful that people want to read it. Seriously. You have no idea how much every bookmark and subscription and lovely comment mean to me <3 And all I can do is my best to master this lovely art form and carve out from the marble an approximation of what I see in my head.
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bluebeads-art · 1 month
your art is so amazing !!! i adored the 3d printed stuff (as someone who has had to design myself 3d printed merch before because i don't usually have much access to the merch in my fandom lol), it's so good?? and all your coloring is beautiful <3
all this to say it might not seem like i reblog much but rest assured all the stuff i liked (or didn't) went into my queue a few times over hehehe. i LOVE your art it's amazing <3
wishing you luck with the identity and health stuff, even if it doesn't get better i hope you find happiness within it 🫡
gah this got away from me sorry for the ramble
aaaaaaa I saw this message in a notification on my phone, said "I'll read that when I actually have time to reply," then the notification got dismissed somehow and if there's no notification prompt to remind me of something, it no longer exists to me. It's been a month I'm so sorry ^^;;
Thank you so much! I wish it was easier to convert more of my stuff to be 3D printable, but my usual modeling style is not watertight in the slightest and disregards gravity entirely. 😆 3D modeling has always been really cool to me because there's so many different workflows depending on what you're trying to make. Keeps things from getting stale!
Speaking of differences, I feel like people don't tend to mention my coloring. :0 I think my line art usually steals the show, heh. I used to be a lot more conscious about color theory and shading when I was younger, but these days there's no thoughts, only vibes 😂
Ok the line, "even if it doesn't get better i hope you find happiness within it" hit me unexpectedly hard (in a good way). Any nice messages I get always means a ton to me, but while I don't seem to be able to articulate why at the moment, I think that line will stick with me for much longer than usual. Thank you so much ♥
Speaking more generally (this message just gave me a good excuse to talk, heh)- spoilers; the artist in my brain refuses to die. So after, like, a literal year of not touching it, I've started working again on a 3D modeling project that I started in 2021 that has been haunting me ever since. Been trying to redesign a robot OC of mine Rayner, and I'm really particular about wanting his joints to work in a physical space instead of bending the rules artistically. I'm Really bad at designing complex hard surface objects in flat 2D though. However, there's a reason artists tell you not to character design in 3D, and that's because it's slow, it's easy to lose design cohesion, and most importantly it just sucks, awful workflow. But I am Doing it. And while I was super stuck for years and almost developed a friggin phobia of the project, I am now Doing It. And it's actually working out this time. The 3D model itself is MILES from being done, but the design almost is, and while that's a boring end result for other people, it represents a huge milestone and accomplishment for me in many ways.
I've been drawing a little bit lately too! But I feel my social media hiatus has given me a healthier relationship with posting? Like I have a few doodles that I could either post now or post soon, but I don't feel the same pressure to anymore? Where even if I never post them, I think I'm fine with that. I've always thought I made art for myself, but that's not exactly true because I was also making art for the sake of sharing. And while I don't think there's anything wrong with that, I think being able to separate the two and be content with simply just creating is healthy. Also I'm still not as active on social media in general anymore which is probably healthier as well LOL.
So I'll prrrobably start posting again soon-ish now that I've broken this blog's posting silence? Not sure how to wrap this monologue up. My physical health problems are going to keep on probleming, but in terms of artistic fulfillment I've been in a much better place this past month, and that's a huge yeehaw from me 👍
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k-n-e-o · 7 months
Nct Dream as high school students
This has been in my drafts for years! I’ve just reread it now and I think it’s pretty decent to post lol.
This is also mildly based off of my own highschool experience (which it’s now been years since I’ve graduated so obviously not current experience lol)
Disclaimer: this doesn’t have mark in it because he wasn’t back in nct dream at the time of writing, so I had it in my head that he already graduated and is in college
[ Renjun ]
This is used a lot but it fits him so well
He’s our little artist
Loved art class
Helps the drama kids make the props and costumes
Made a chair once for an art project, absolutely hated it (this was taken from something a friend of mine had to do once lol)
He was covered in black, red, yellow, and blue wood stain for weeks
He also smelled like saw dust for a while too
I think he’s the only one that would make and bring his lunch just because he doesn’t want to have to deal with the other idiots at the school during lunch
Him and the boys stay in the art room at lunch, it’s quieter
I want to say he’s the only one in the group that actually studies
But knowing this group of boys,
None of them are getting anything done lol
[ Jeno ]
We all know this boy is the jock of the group.
He’s also one of the responsible ones
Being the driver of the dreams carpool to school everyday
He also uses the schools fitness centre (basically a weight room and stuff)
Gets his lunch money stolen by Haechan all the time so he now brings double so he’s not asking Jaemin to steal stuff from the cafeteria
Track and field boy
Probably beats his own records every year
Also probably does football with Jaemin (spoiler?)
A goofball in all his classes, especially the ones he shares with Jaemin
Leaves little smiley faces on his friends work when they aren’t looking.
[ Haechan ]
I’m sorry but he’s a theatre boy
Auditions for all of the plays
Leaves his I.D card on the stage all the damn time
So he can’t sign out a computer when he needs one
Ends up using his phone instead and sometimes gets in trouble for it
He’s known all around the school even if people don’t actually know him they know of him
Every teacher knows him too
And they only roll their eyes when he’s loud and goofy in class
I won’t lie he probably doesn’t know any of the names of people in his class so he has to ask whenever he’s paired up with them for projects even though he’s been going to school with them for years already (how can you tell I was the person who people forgot lol)
But they can’t be mad at him for long when he’s got them bent over in laughter a few seconds later
[ Jaemin ]
In culinary arts, so he gets free food sometimes
Especially when he works in the cafeteria at lunch
Sometimes if jeno doesn’t have lunch money Jaemin will sneak some fries out for him
Also on the football team
(I don’t know why I see him doing this but I do so fight me)
Forgets his water bottle all the damn time so had to do push-ups whenever any of the football coaches catch him
Heart breaker of the century
Has girls (and some guys) staring at him and stalking his social media
Taking bio and chem at the same time
Quickly regrets that choice he made lol
Spends his spares annoying Renjun in art
Ends up painting his arm or hand and gets scolded by the art teacher
Friends with almost all of his teachers
Yes like Haechan he’s also that kid who the teachers know instantly by name and who they tell their other classes funny stories about
Probably almost blew up the chemistry lab with Haechan once
Now Haechan and him aren’t allowed to touch any of the lab equipment
Works out with jeno but sometimes slacks off
Makes jeno stop by the local coffee shop every morning on the dreamies way to school
[ Chenle ]
I don’t know why but I struggled so much with Chenles
It’s weird
He’s probably a band student who uses the piano in the room as often as he can.
He goes into the band room in the morning when jeno and Jaemin have early football practice and he goes when he has a spare
And when he’s still there after the school he plays the piano
I mean, he probably has like three pianos at home
But there’s something about the giant nearly empty room
And just playing the piano just to play
He’s a simple boy with simple desires
You can expect this boy will try out for the basketball team
And if he’s not with his friends or at a piano in the band room
He’ll probably be in the gym shooting hoops
Hate hate hates doing homework
He’s the main reason why Jisung gets nothing done too lol
Also if the dreamies aren’t “studying” at a cafe you can bet they are at Chenles house
And the only reason is because his house is the only one that can fit all six of them comfortably
Sometimes mark joins too, for old times sake
[ Jisung ]
You can fight me on this but this boy would be in the poetry slam club
He’s that quite cute boy who everyone glances at through out the meeting
Never used his locker
Instead he puts all his stuff in Chenles locker because, and I quote
“It’s easier”
Goes to all the sports games cause Chenle drags him there
Attempts to study
But we all not that ain’t happening
Gets really stressed during exam season
Probably eats one to many instant ramen packages
(He found Chenles secret stash)
Probably doesn’t skip class
Although he tried it once with Haechan but decided it wasn’t his thing
Eats lunch with the others at a near by food place every Friday as an end of the week treat
Is late to his afternoon class because they lost track of time
He’s the one always asking for a pencil or a pen
Probably tried out for the soccer team
And obviously got in
Kinda disappointed that the soccer season is short tho
But works hard none the less
Always forgetting his water bottle
Works on his writing when he has a moment of free time in class
Probably the kind to leave little love notes in his crushes locker
I don’t think he’s a huge party person
But he gets invited to a lot of them
Always complains about his student I.D photo 
But it’s not as bad as he says it is
Hands in assignments late because he keeps forgetting to do them
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innerslumber · 9 months
So...I've started drawing again. It's rough as all hell but the last few months while sick with pneumonia, I was stuck on my couch a lot and trying to sleep upright. Most nights it was unsuccessful and my brain was too scrambled to read or write, so I'd doodle.
During my teenage and college years, I wrote and drew a fair bit. Went to a ton of anime conventions and haunted the artists alley. But then school, work, family, LIFE just kept coming at me and then 20+ years went by with no creative outlet.
It didn't help that I've had people in my life that constantly discouraged it. That writing and drawing was frivolous and a waste of time. And as the years went by, the harder it was to think I could do it again. It was just easier to tell myself I got more important things to do.
But by some weird happenstance, I fell back into fandom a few years ago and picked up writing again. Now, I am the first person to say that my writing isn't like...earth shatteringly good or anything of that caliber. But that wasn't the point. I just wanted to create again and have fun with my new friends. I write at a glacial pace but at the end of the day, it feels nice to do it again when the inspiration strikes.
Art feels...different. It's incredibly intimidating lol. I know SO MANY INCREDIBLE artists and I've watched them apply themselves for years and I just...I don't know lol. The imposter syndrome is wicked hard. I could never call myself an artist, especially after such a long hiatus.
But a friend recently reminded me that art can literally be a doodle on a post-it note. I don't have to compare myself to others and undermine myself, too scared to even start. And the other day, another friend said I never have to post anything if I don't want to. As long as I'm happy and having fun, that's the whole point.
Creating anything, by word or art, can be so hard. So time consuming. But I'm going to keep trying at both. Right now I'm still figuring things out, especially because I'm trying to make art digitally and I've only done that a few times.
Life is still incredibly busy and hard...and I've been conditioned for years that to enjoy myself was being selfish. Having my abusive husband scream at me that I was a "bad mom and a bad wife" for having a writing hobby and that my online friends and I were "trash" for writing about "men fucking each other" was really demoralizing. I'd wait until when everyone was asleep to write on my phone in the dark. But at the end, I still ended up deleting and leaving behind so much because of his vitriol.
But that isn't my reality anymore. If I have time, I can write when I want to. I can draw when I want to. I don't have to look over my shoulder that I'll get caught doing something that isn't anything to be punished over.
And my art is all over the place but that's okay! I'm experimenting and trying new things. There isn't any high stakes. And I can allow myself to just enjoy it. Maybe I might even post it lol!
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starlightsearches · 7 months
Valentine's tag game 💗
thanks for the tags @theold-ultraviolence and @waywardrose, and happy valentines day loves!!
The most painful love crush/disappointment in life?
I've never cared that much about romantic relationships, so definitely the most painful disappointments have been from friendships breaking down. I had a very close friend for more than 10 years, and the end of that friendship was so incredibly hard on me, although I'm much better now :0)
What was your first real date like/what do you imagine your first real date like?
I went to prom my Sophmore year of high school with a boy I had maybe said 10 words to total before he asked me to prom. "Promposals" were really big at my school at the time, and I had to have a friend ask him if he actually was asking me to prom because the way he did it was kind of convoluted. The actual date wasn't so bad, although we did find a dirty diaper on the dance floor???
What would be the most awkward situation for you on a date/has happened to you while dating?
I had a friend who asked me on a date and I was pressured to go, but I did not want to. It ended up being a group date with a mutual friend of ours (the one who pressured me to say yes) and her boyfriend.
Like an hour before we were supposed to go on the date, the boy who asked me called me up and said that nobody could get into contact with our mutual friend and asked if I had heard from her. After like an hour she finally picked up her phone and did not get what the big deal was that she made us an hour late and also did not answer any of her texts or calls. We went to this art museum exhibition, but because we were so late it was super crowded and we could hardly get around. I was sick to my stomach the entire time and counting down the minutes until I could go home.
In the end we went back to his place to watch Spirited Away and my friend and her boyfriend fell asleep on his floor. We didn't finish more than like half of the movie before he asked me if I just wanted to go home.
What was your first kiss like/what do you imagine your first kiss to be like?
I'm part of the never-been-kissed club, but at this point it's gonna be something silly and casual with a friend ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do you have any sexual quirks that others would find strange/is there anything you would never do when it comes to sex?
lol my friends and I all took the BDSM quiz and they were all surprised that I scored so high on bondage, so that's one. Voyeurism is hot to me, too.
And I'm really not into pet play. Collars and leashes are cool, but that's about where I tap out.
Kinkiest thing you've done/could do with a partner?
Literally a straight man's dream because I'm super in to anal. I'm also gonna steal Irma's answer and say using a double-ended dildo 👀
The most romantic thing ever?
hmmmmmmmm, i don't know. just having somebody who wants to be around me :0)
Tagging: whoever wants to join!
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✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Ohh bless thank you for this ask
I put so much work into Blowing Cover and it is super unpopular compared to all my other works. I really liked the character too and kind of thought they might be fun to bring back for another one shot (I mean, given the ending, they have a ton of one-shot potential).
But. The kinks/tags involved are certainly a bit edgier so I can see it getting less hits. I'm already writing for a very niche group, then this hits an even smaller category within that group. Ohh well. I enjoyed making it, at least.
As for feedback! Uh, your kind, lol. I love that you put so much time into selecting the lines that really stand out to you. That blows me away. It's like the best kind of annotations ❤️ and it helps me tailor what I do, I'm still learning what gets folk's hearts fluttering!
That said, literally just a like on a Tumblr post or a message or a keyboard smash also has the capacity to melt my heart. I've received PMs that I gush over for days and reread 1000x over. Back in the old old days of my elder fics, I got fan art and I still have them saved on a special folder on my phone. I drink out of mugs someone created of my OC's Fay and Tsiri. Just knowing people read and enjoyed it is great.
(And I'm one of those weird folks who also welcome criticism too, actually. I want to be better. I want to write good good fics that get people coming to the table and screaming for more. I want to know what you like and hate. What I could improve about my style for clarity. What was so cringey it made your skin crawl. I aim to please.)
I am almost done writing a fic longer than Return of the King that's literally all I'm going to be talking about for weeks. I hope it's good, lol.
In regards to engagement, in my experience I've created numerous connections with people all across the world from different experiences and backgrounds just through fandom culture. That's healthy for cultivating a good, open-minded worldview. Those connections give me so much joy and energy and help inspire me to create! When I get home, I can't wait to work on my projects, and I really want to finish something so that I can giddily hide behind my computer screen and hope you all see and enjoy it.
But beyond that, human connection is very important to me. I like seeing your personal ramblings about how y'alls days are going, your jobs, your day-to-day stuff. The people behind the blogs. And I like that on the internet, there isn't a huge expectation of availability like there is in person. I myself have a great deal of social anxiety, but online, I can choose when I have enough energy to reach out or start a conversation or message back, or when that reserve just isn't in me.
If you're really anxious, know that I still see you and am happy even if you just follow and lurk, even if I just get a kudos or a like and then you disappear. I know what I share is quite salacious and not everyone wants to have that on their blog, believe me lol. Being seen is also gratifying. If you ever have the energy for a word of an ecouragement, that means the world to me! But if not, be not afraid. I do not hate you for liking my posts.
Aaaaand for WIP stuff-
Nice try, you can't fish out more deets about the end of Ride or Die/Fly or Fall than I have already shared lol. I CANNOT spoil anything at this point. But I will say this: I feel more strongly about the theme and the arc for Volume 2 than I did for Volume 1. I have a more concrete plan overall than I did the first go round. And the message is kind of something I'm already working towards at the very end of this work, so they should flow together quite cohesively.
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icarus-suraki · 11 months
Classic, owl, skeleton for the spoopy asks :D
Spoopy ask game ooooooh~
Classic: What’s your favorite classic spooky movie? I could get really pedantic here like "But what do we consider a 'classic' and what is a 'spooky' movie? Indeed, what is a 'movie'?" But I'm not gonna.
I'm gonna go way back to a true classic: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari from 1920.
The German Expressionism turned up to 11, the irrational and disproportional sets, the establishment of a buncha tropes, the influence it had and still has, the visual elements, the twist ending, Conrad Veidt in a black leotard and a lot of eye makeup…!
I like a lot of spooky movies, some more spooky than others, and I could just sit here and list them, but Dr. Caligari is just so iconic and influential in so many ways.
The art museum here had a showing some years ago accompanied by a live string quartet and I desperately wish I could have gone. Alas!
Owl: What creature would you have as a familiar? This is tough! I mean, I can always fall back on the classics: cat, crow, raven, owl.
Whatever, I'm kind of basic: cat. But it would be interesting to have a hairless cat. I worked with a guy who once said that I seemed like the kind of person who'd have a hairless cat. Maybe he's right. My hairless cat familiar and me, practicing experimental chaos magic in a minimalist house all done in black and white. That's the dream.
Now, speaking of, I did have a dream about a skinny black-and-white cat (more black than white, but he had white toes) named Honk who I saw in the bay window of an old bookstore next to a sign that read "Honk is not for sale!" So if I ever find Honk (who will be adoptable, I'm sure, but not for sale), maybe he's my familiar?
Skeleton: What never fails to send a shiver down your spine?
A lack of context!!!!!!!!
Let me explain: the less context or explanation there is around an image, a sound, a video, &c, the creepier or stranger it is (to me).
This is why I get disappointed partway through basically, um, every analog horror series or internet horror creation: sooner or later, there's too much context and/or too much explanation and it destroys the mystery. It puts too much of a frame around the concept. It solidifies it. And it immediately defangs it.
Once there was all this lore that evolved around The Backrooms, they immediately stopped being interesting to me. Do I like that The Backrooms are this collaborative storytelling project? Absolutely. And I enjoy some of the things people have made in that whole concept. But they've ceased to be as eerie to me because there's all these explanations now.
One of my favorite(?) examples of no-context-horror is from just before the US-made version of The Ring came out, the "cursed video" was posted online--and it was just the cursed video. There was no context, just a series of unnerving and (seemingly) disconnected images. (It was 2002 and I remember watching it on my friend's desktop in her dorm room. We were all scaring each other with it. If you had a cell phone, you'd call your friend's dorm number right after she'd seen it lol.)
And, yes, a lot of the images are gross or disgusting unto themselves--twitching severed fingers in a box is gross. But not knowing how everything connected together made even benign images like a plain wooden chair all the more horrifying. As in, if the images will go as far as a finger jammed onto a nail, the implications of the plain wooden chair are even more horrifying.
But then you see the whole movie and it's like seriously? That's it? It was a real letdown for me. The suggestions were scarier than the facts.
And, honestly, anything that you do show can't be as horrifying as what might be shown. I don't even mean Cloverfield-style where you don't really see the monster but you know a monster is there. I mean leaving the whole thing open-ended enough that the benign becomes the terrifying. Why are weird sounds in the dark scary? Because you don't know what's out there; you can only imagine it. Or worse, you can only half-imagine it.
I think The Blair Witch Project (1999) just about managed this because they never showed the witch. You got no satisfying explanation. That made it scarier (to say nothing about the "is it real or isn't it?" marketing, as Cannibal Holocaust did back in the 70s).
Nowadays, it feels like all the found footage stuff explains too much. It's like the creators think of something for the backstory so therefore they must include it in the main plot. No, don't do that. Stop that. You have to hold some things back.
Same thing with most modern "real ghost videos." It's Too Much.
Back in the early 2000s on YouTube there were actually decent "real ghost videos" that had no context, no explanation. Some of my favorites were compilations of ghost videos and photographs from Japanese horror/ghost televsion shows--I remember the photos giving me the absolute creeps in particular. And it was because I had very little context. The language and culture barriers made everything scarier--to say nothing of the time distance, since most of the clips I was watching were from the early-mid 90s. So it was all low-quality VHS tapes and film cameras, which made it just that much harder to really parse out what you were seeing. And then when you see it, you will shit bricks.
And I think this lack of explanation is what makes Tool's video for "Sober" by Fred Stuhr so fucking disturbing. Humans like narrative and explanation right? And, yes, there's some kind of narrative here but it doesn't entirely align. There seems to be a story here but it's not clear. At one point, this human-like figure the camera has been following opens up a pipe and there's raw meat flowing through it. What does it mean? What's going on? Why is this happening? We want an explanation, in part because the raw meat is distressing unto itself, but we get nothing, which makes it more distressing than just gross-out images. (The video always reminds me vaguely of Kafka's writing, and he understood this too. See: The Trial and The Penal Colony.)
I could talk about this for hours because I really think "showing the monster" is both the escape hatch or the release valve of horror but it's also the weak point of horror. Stephen King loves to show the monster eventually in his books and I don't usually find his books all that horrifying. But Revival actually almost got me because of the creepy visions the main character experiences and the whole "Mother is behind the paper sky" line. There's not much explanation in the plot/text about this, but it's not totally unexplained. But I can tell you, the first time I hit it in the book it actually got me. And that's rare.
I think that lack of context is very hard in the, well, context of a narrative. I mean, narrative demands context. Narrative is context. So the things that get me are the rare things without much of that: the cursed video from The Ring, music videos (like "Sober"), certain kinds of visual art (Francis Bacon's early work, especially), butoh dance, early internet stories and some urban legends, ghost videos/photos that don't try too hard… Lose the context, gain the fear.
(I think this is why I like the smeared, almost-but-not-quite look of older AI art, like Midjourney v3. It's in that other uncanny valley: it should be recognizable and yet it isn't entirely right.)
Oh my gaw this went on longer than it should haaaaave...
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Question: cringe culture is 100% dead, but I'm curious what you'd pick as your most embarrassing fandom, past or present? I know some people consider supernatural to be a guilty pleasure but honestly there's some other fandoms that I'm way more embarrassed to still like
Generally, I’m not really embarrassed about any of the stuff I’ve been into. If I liked it, clearly it brought me joy at the time and that’s what matters. You know, how would I be the person I am today if I didn’t play Undertale or even if I didn’t read every creepypasta I could get my hands on as a kid? That plus my memory problems means no cringe for me lol. But I guess I could talk about a few.
MLP was back when the show was still airing — I want to say 3rd or 4th season? — and I just dove into the fandom because ‘woah guys did you know that people write stories about the ponies? That there are infinite amount of stories to read?’ Which, you know, ups and downs, you got your Keepers of Discord but you’ve also got your Cupcakes. (Though, to be honest, the fact that I had a reading of Cupcakes bookmarked on my computer to listen to to help me fall asleep? probably explains uhm. Some Stuff About Me.) Honestly, wouldn’t trade my time with MLP for anything, and I still love the show and a lot of fanworks dearly. I rewatch Lullaby for a Princess every few weeks, I reread Something Sweet To Bite every Halloween, and when I can’t sleep, I still find myself going to ObabScribbler or TheLostNarrator’s YouTube channels to find fic readings to calm my brain down.
Dream SMP is… more complicated. Obviously, if you know anything about it, you know all the shit that came out. I won’t get into that here because that’s not really a part of my experience? Just sort of a gross thing that overshadows it all, even though I was out of the fandom before any of that stuff was known. I actually got into it to bond with my little sister, she loved that stuff, and damn it all, but I got unironically sucked in by just the fantastic work that came out of a fandom surrounding a minecraft roleplay server lol. They aren’t wrong about the art that got made for those YouTubers, it’s all stunningly good. And it’s how I found Sad-ist’s animations on YouTube. Still subscribed to them, their work is always beautiful to watch, the old Dream SMP stuff and the new stuff. And I liked bonding with my sister over the bonkers minecraft lore. The end of that hyperfixation was when Technoblade died. Got too real, all of a sudden, too close to home, and I peaced out hard. It was good, though, while I was there. I liked having something to talk to my sister about.
Uhhhh okay out of that downer ending let’s talk about Sherlock. Yes hi hello original superwholock-er here, despite only seeing the first two seasons of doctor who but IT COUNTS. I can’t even be mad at past me for liking Sherlock because I probably wouldn’t be as close to my friends as I am if we hadn’t all been watching s3-4 live. And dunking hard on s4. I was never a johnlock conspiracy person, so that helps. There was the time my friend read us outloud some Johnlock mpreg ass birth fanfic in math class. That was… an experience. I give this a “I can’t plug my phone in without being haunted by his voice”/10
And finally, back to serious town, Harry Potter. I don’t even have anything good to say here, really. The whole “mourning something important to my childhood” phase is long over, the damage continues to be done, and. And nothing. I just don’t want to see it anymore. It’s not shame or cringe, I guess, it’s more like… disappointment. Not at myself, because fuck it, dude, I was a kid, I knew everything there was to know about the books, I waited for the mail when I turned eleven, I wrote “Hogwarts is my Home” on the inside of my closet like a ward to keep me safe. The first thing I ever read about being trans was a damn Harry Potter fic, one of the first podfics I ever made, too, though I was too chicken to post it. So what’s left except disappointment, even the anger long gone because it just keeps happening. I just don’t want to see it anymore.
Anyway, uhhhhm. Hope that suffices as an answer lol, I rambled on way too long.
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Hello again! So I’m both a bit nervous and excited since this is the first time I’m truly posting art online (Or on Tumblr anyway)
But, the good news I guess is that I made my own Hantengu clone OC! (I might change his name in the future)
His name is currently Yamai. It may not be correct but from what I translated it it was either Disease or sick child (Sick child from Yamai-Ji)
((before the translator changed it anyway))
A little backstory I guess:
(Btw a lot of headcanons for this?)
When Hantengu was a human child he often got sick due to his weak immune system and had to go to the hospital pretty often. His parents didn't think he'd survive since they were poor and couldn't afford his medicine, but he was somehow able to make a full recovery after a year or two.
Hantengu’s long stay in the hospital was also when he started to steal and lie a lot more. (For example, he would steal the medical supplies the doctors used on him and lied that it wasn't him who did it.)
After he got out of the hospital he would continue to commit crimes, lie, and steal. Once he got to his older years, however, his immune system started to fail him again like it did in his childhood and he started to become deathly ill. Luckily that was the time when Muzan showed up and saved him from being executed for his crimes and so he’s no longer sick.
…Unfortunately for one of his clones, they became the sickness/sick clone and now have to deal with all the illnesses Hantengu had when he was human. (He may not look like he’s super sick but he feels it.)
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((The photo quality is poor since I drew it on another device and took the picture on my phone. Also, I did a poor attempt at drawing the Kanji on his tongue lol.)) *Don't repost or steal any of my artwork, please. I don't care if you credit I don't want anyone to post my art on websites or pages I'm not on. Sorry if it came off as rude, but still.*
Yamai as the sickness clone appears to be super tired with his eyes always half open. He will often be far away from the group as he doesn't want to bother them and get them sick. (Although the other clones are demons too.)
(Yamai walks and moves super slowly and so he often seems to be weaker than the other clones or an easy target but, ends up tricking his opponents/enemy by dodging their attacks and quickly hitting them. He's also a bit thinner than the other clones.)
Yamai’s weapons of choice are needles which are filled with powerful medicines and poisons. It's random so you don't know what you'll get so you could either be lucky or unlucky when you fight him.
He also coughs a lot and there's a chance he could get his opponent sick just by being near them and or coughing. (And since he has many illnesses him getting you sick would probably be deadly… His breath smells super bad too so that wouldn't be too pleasant either.)
Facts About Him:
-He gets very nervous around women and will not attack them if he finds them attractive.
-His favorite clone other than himself is Aizestu since he gives him pity and comforts him.
-He’s really good at victim-blaming and makes his opponents feel bad and give up fighting him.
-Although he mostly wears orange his favorite color is violet. (Or blue) ((Also orange in Japan represents good health I believe so I thought that would be funny.))
-His clothing is based on clothing/kimonos children in Japan would wear in the 1800/1900s and is pretty childish.
-Like Aizestu he is very mentally weak.
-He doesn't like wearing shoes since he finds them uncomfortable and will complain if he's forced to wear them.
-He has more purple veins on his body to show his sickness? Idk.
I apologize if the writing was cringy or poorly done. I hope you all enjoy it nonetheless!
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luciferstit · 2 years
hiii just want to ask when you do mp100 edit how do you decide on which part to use and how to make clean scene without subtitles? Is there like a simple how to in making edits?
Sure, I can give some tips as a sort of mini-guide for making amvs! 
More below the cut! 
Deciding on which scene from the show to use is always the hardest part, and so much of it genuinely just boils down to 1) knowing the show very well and 2) luck. I usually begin the amv by creating a very basic “outline”, matching up lyrics from the song to scenes from the show that I thought would match them. 
My ability to pick scenes from the show to use in the edit relies HEAVILY on how well I’ve memorized the show/how many times I’ve seen it. You want a scene that matches both the rhythm and the lyrics—meaning that the scene makes sense with what is being said/plays a role in the narrative purpose of the AMV while also matching the musical rhythm with an interesting movement or animation that suits the beat. It’s super intuitive and a lot easier in reality than I’ve made it sound here. If it looks good and makes some sort of sense, that’s all that matters. 
However, sometimes I accidentally stumble upon a scene while looking for a DIFFERENT scene that matches much better with the rhythm and the lyrics and is just a lucky, perfect fit, which is why I said that luck also plays a part in it. You’re not gonna be able to feasibly 100% memorize everything in the show, so sometimes you’re just gonna accidentally stumble on a scene that fits twice as well as the one you originally planned to use and change the plan last-minute. 
In terms of getting subtitle-free scenes, I specifically seek out and download the dubbed versions of episodes, as they don’t air with built-in subtitles and provide a blank scene without any distracting script. For Mob Psycho 100, gogoanime.gold (please use a VPN and antivirus if at all possible) provides good episode downloads at a very reasonable file size while still maintaining good picture quality. I have every episode of the MP100 English dub downloaded on my phone to make AMVs with lol.
As for a general sense of how to make one: it might seem kind of trite, but honestly the best practice you could ask for is to jump in the deep end and just start making them. So much of the decision-making process during AMV creation, from my perspective, is done by feeling and intuition alone. The more you play with it, the easier it becomes. 
Capcut is a great, easy-to-use service that can be used for free, and it’s also wildly popular. I actually prefer CuteCut Pro, which is a paid app and not as technically amazing as Capcut is, but it’s what I started out using back when I was 16 and it’s what I know best. I know the app inside-out, so I find I work better on it. Sometimes I will take the product from CuteCut Pro and move it over to Capcut for filters, effects, or subtitles, though. 
But yeah. The best way to get a feel for AMV rhythm and editing is just to pick a song, get some footage, and play around with your app of choice until the pieces start coming together. I promise that, eventually, they will. You can also always watch other people’s AMVs and edits to see what they decided to do in certain moments for some inspiration and direction. 
HELPFUL TIP: If at all possible, do not edit in  wireless/Bluetooth headphones. Most wireless headphones connected through Bluetooth can cause a very slight sound delay and make your editing seem a bit off-beat. 
Some people choose to follow the beat in AMVs, some prefer following the melody, and some prefer just matching the lyrics. IMO, there’s a time and a place for all three to be done well. It’s genuinely hard to make a bad AMV, so don’t be hesitant to play around with it. It’s kind of like art in the way that people aren’t going to see your AMV and be like “that’s not as good at THIS AMV 🫤”, they’re gonna be like, “Yay, another AMV!”. 
If you decide you want to make AMVs, just have fun! At a fundamental level, that’s really all it needs. 
If I didn’t fully answer your questions here or you have additional questions you’d like to ask about, feel free to send me more asks and I’ll answer them as best I can! 
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ovenmade · 3 months
9, 11, & 14!
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9. For canon characters, tell what drew you to use a character to make them a muse? Any of your choice.
I'll just talk a little about all of them! Strawberry Crepe was an easy choice for me. The moment I have a mess of lengthy, disorganized notes on my phone and a handful of Google docs filled with ideas and headcanons about a character, it's almost certain I'll be making a blog for them lol! Perhaps there is some familiarity with them and even Silverbell, as Strawberry Crepe has some shades of Sora Shiun'in while Silverbell has hints of III / Michael Arclight, but they're still very much different characters and certainly can't be treated as the same. Though now that we're talking about Silverbell, I honestly ended up picking him up pretty quickly because he just instantly appealed to me haha. I loved nearly everything about Secrets of the Silver Kingdom update, especially the culture and mythos of the faeries ( and of course the beasts ), and I will absolutely be expanding it with my own lore and such! I hope we get to revisit the faeries at some point. Red Velvet and Stardust both kinda fall in the same category — I love both of them as characters and enjoy their stories, but I've never quite written muses like either of them before. I've always wanted to broaden my horizons and try new types of characters, and Cookie Run gives me that chance in a way that other fandoms I'm in don't seem to. I'm not exactly confident in my portrayals of them yet, which is why Red Velvet and Stardust are currently labeled tertiary, but I actually do have a lot of thoughts and feelings about both of them! Eternal Sugar and Peach Blossom was purely because of aesthetic. Now that we actually have the story of Peach Blossom, which did not satisfy me simply for my bias of wanting him to be more important / involved ( especially considering his character inspiration ), it's more because of the potential I see in him. I feel a lot more can be done with Peach Blossom, and I very much plan on developing him further and having fun while I'm at it! As for Eternal Sugar, I'm very much looking forward to their debut episode ( whenever it comes ) and learning about how they became corrupted. I have a feeling all the beasts have a similar setup to Mystic Flour ( in that they didn't become 'evil' for the sake of being evil — there was a cause, a reason, an epiphany of some sort. ) My portrayal will probably stray away from canon to some degree because I already have a few personal headcanons for them, but to be honest, all my portrayals here are headcanon-based on some level or another. Some more than others, but my point still stands!
11. Have you ever drew any of your muses, if so can you show a drawing?
As far as my Cookie Run muses go? I haven't yet and that's a crime! My art is still amateurish and I haven't drawn consistently enough to have improved very much, but I've been trying to revisit the basics and go forward from there more recently, jotting down ideas for when I feel my skills are a bit better. That said, there isn't really anything worthy to show off really unless you want to see a bunch of studies lmao, but here's some of my old art anyways! Again, far from professional, but as Bob Ross says: "Talent is a pursued interest. Anything that you're willing to practice, you can do."
14. Which of your muses is the easiest to get along with? Which one is the hardest?
Out of the current roster, Peach Blossom is probably the easiest and Strawberry Crepe the hardest! Almost anyone could get along with Peach Blossom honestly. It's actually a little funny that he was in Dark Cacao's story, the cookie with the least trust for strangers ( though his distrust is understandable, especially with what he went through in Beast-Yeast. ) Strawberry Crepe being the hardest to bond with is also ironic, given that they are actually lonely and do desire the company of others ( despite acting like they don't. )
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botnasty · 2 years
Part One: I Heard A Theory
Roommate!Bucky Barnes X F!Reader
Summary: Bucky heard an interesting theory about cum…
Words: 1,4K words
Warnings: SMUT, mention of oral F, ORAL (M), slight praise and degradation kink, slight daddy kink (like I just mention daddy once at the end lol)
Note: All mistakes are mine and please tell me if I’m missing any warnings. And also don’t be shy, if anyone wants to become mutual, just come into my inbox :)
Not proofread
Part Two
Series Masterlist
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You groaned as you banged your head against the desk. The vibration making your open laptop shake and a few pencils falling to the carpet of your bedroom. It was exam week and you were exhausted. All you’ve been doing for the past day is wake up, study and eat. A very problematic routine, but it had to be done if you wanted to raise your grades.
You looked up to your laptop, your chin rested on the wood, as you looked at, what felt, hundreds of tabs open. Your laptop was so hot and loud from the overuse, you were pretty sure it was gonna explode if you used it for another second.
Just like your brain.
It was so fried you felt like you were getting dumber by the second.
A knock on the door is what makes you lean back into your chair. You turned around and smiled when you saw your roommate and best friend Bucky Barnes. He had been your best friend since middle school, so it was very fitting to move in with him when you both went to college. While you were studying medicine, he was in the art world. His dream is to become a tattoo artist, which is why his left arm is covered in tattoos.
“Hey, toots, haven't seen you in a while!” The man exclaimed as he went straight for your bed and layed on in.
“Hey, Buck, yeah sure make yourself at home.” You sarcastically said to him as you went back to your textbook.
“Well, if we are being honest here, this is technically my home, toots.”
You waved your hand at him. “Yeah, yeah.”
You jumped when you saw the pencils that felt down poking at you. Bucky had picked them for you with a big smile. “Thank you.” You grabbed them from his hands and went to your book.
As you tried to read, you couldn’t help but glance at Bucky who was still laying down on your duvet, his phone in his hand. His other hand lay on his lap, very very close to his crotch. Bucky was one hell of a man, a man you had a severe attraction to, you couldn’t lie to yourself, but never would you jeopardize your friendship.
Not until he does the first move.
You groaned as you went back to your textbook, now annoyed at the fact you were getting turned on at this moment. Your mind was flashing your image of you two, in bed, very much naked. Pictures of his big hands on your skin, his long finger inside your cunt and his tongue circling around your clit.
Your head banged once again against your desk at the flashes. Your clit was now throbbing and you needed for Bucky to get out so you could take care of it.
You heard rustling being you and a hand patting your head. “You okay in that head of yours.” Bucky laughed. “You should probably take a break before you become dumber instead of smarter.”
“This is probably the best idea you’ve ever gotten, ever.” You mumbled in your book. “I do feel stupid.”
“Well, you know. I read somewhere that if you drink cum from a smart person, you become smarter.” He suddenly said, biting the inside of his cheek, as if he was waiting for your reaction.
Your head rose up and you turned around to look at the man. “The fuck is you talking about?” Was he saying what you thought he was saying?
Bucky raised his hand up, like a sign of defeat, and looked at you with an innocent gaze. “Just saying what I read.”
You glare at him. Him and his perverseness will be the death of you. “Oh, and what is the name of your source? Is it trustworthy?” You tell him nonchalantly, slightly amused by this conversation and aroused at the same time.
“Well…” He bopped his head as he continued. “I would say, I’m pretty trustworthy.”
This made you laugh.
You shook your head. “Bucky, Bucky, Bucky. What am I gonna do with you?”
“Suck me off?” He innocently said.
You shrugged, trying to seem nonchalant, when on the inside your heart was jumping around. “Sure.” You got up your chair and got on your knees in front of his closed legs.
Bucky seemed to be in a daze, completely caught out guard. “What?”
“Open your leg, baby. I’m gonna suck your cock.” You tap his thick thighs and part them. As you pulled down a little his grey sweatpants could swear you heard him say ‘fuck me’ under his breath. You licked your lips when you saw the outline of his cock under his sweatpants. He must not be wearing boxers which made your cunt squeeze and gush with wetness.
When you fully pulled them down, you gasped when you saw his cock slap against his stomach. He was so long and girthy, you were scared he wasn’t gonna fit in your mouth, but when you saw the pulsing vein on the side of his cock, you couldn’t help but lick your lips before placing a kiss on it.
You grabbed the base and pulled his cock closer to your mouth as you kissed it all over. On the base first and licking your way up to the tips. You smirked when you felt him twitch in your hand. “Fuck, toots. Such a fucking tease.” Bucky whimpered as he threw his head back. His hand goes to the base of your neck, gripping it with such force to keep you there.
You licked your lips when you saw pre-cum oozed out of the tip. You couldn’t wait to taste. You wrapped your lips around the tip and french kissed it, your tongue licking the cum. You moaned around his cock, when you finally got a taste of him.
“Please, stop teasing. Please.” Bucky was now begging you, but never did he push down your head so you would swallow more. He was going at your pace and you appreciate him more for that.
You could hear him beg in his breath and that was what made you snap. You opened your jaw more and swallowed him down the tip of his cock touching the back of your throat. You gagged a little before bopping your head up and down, this time with the help of Bucky. He had now placed both of his hands on your head and was pushing your head up and down his cock, all while he was moaning and grunting.
“So fucking good, baby. So warm and wet.” He praised you and you could feel your juice running down your thighs. You were so turned on by his cock and his praise that you couldn’t help but bring one of your hands down to your cunt. You pulled your panties to the side and started rubbing circles around your clit.
You looked up at Bucky and you saw his eyes darken when he saw what you were doing. “You fucking whore. Is sucking my dick that much of a turn on. My good fucking whore.” You eyes widen. He pulled your arm up and put your gush-covered fingers inside of his mouth. You were sure you could’ve been able to cum just by that and the sound he made when he tasted you.
You whined when Bucky pulled your head up, his cock sliding out of your mouth. “Open your mouth and close your eyes, baby.” He grabbed his cock and rubbed it up and down. He was glistening with your saliva. “Fuck, it’s coming, toots. Hope your ready.”
“Give it to me, daddy.” And you opened your mouth. He let out a loud moan at what you called him and rubbed faster. You shivered when you felt his cum landing inside of your mouth, on your cheeks and eyelid.
You heard him laugh as you swallowed his load. “So, do you feel smarter?”
You swiped the cum that landed on your cheek with your finger and sucked on them loudly. A whine escaped Bucky’s mouth. “Well, I do feel more relaxed than before that’s for sure.”
He brought you closer to him and kissed your lips. “Well, wanna know what else I heard.”
“What?” You said mindlessly, your eyes focused on his lips, almost pleading him to kiss you once again.
“I read that there is a better chance to get smarter: if you let someone cum inside of you. Wanna test that theory?”
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Thank you for reading and feel free to repost or comment what you think :)
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