#so im working on tlp
beannary · 1 year
bro go to bed
ok for the record i did go to bed at what time did i go to bed?? i have no idea but sleep did occur
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awrkive · 10 days
Omg I can't believe it mingyu's such an asshole ??? Like he's such a vile human, I genuinely think he's just so insecure cause of him comparing himself to jk to a point where hes just obsessed with jk? It's just extremely pathetic at this point idk what to say
anon asked: mingyu was so annoyingly cocky about yn choosing him over jk(which obviously stems from the insecurity) and just so delusional overall about it? A few slaps are not enough I want oc to put him in his place sooooo bad
anon asked: And this is not just cause of the oc case but also like his behaviour towards jk since pre med? Crazyyy
yeh!! im super obsessed with the idea abt writing drabbles pre med so that we can look at their relationship but mingyu WAS and IS still insecure of jk, u are right.
they met during frosh year and were good friends at first but then shit happened. i'd like to think that there were a lot of circumstances where some of tlp!mingyu's hook-ups would ask about his "nerdy bff" (tlp!jk) instead and it came to a point where it just hurt his ego and he started seeing jk in a new diff light.
its always been there tho, the jealousy and all that, bcs they both came from a family of docs but he had to study way harder meanwhile tlp jk was naturally smart. their families, altho not particularly close, work in the same industry, so it was natural when tlp!jk would come up during family dinners and tlp!mingyu got the good ole classic "i heard jeon jk is doing this and that, what about u" comparisons
he said it during the argument scene but he really did like oc the first time he saw her!! but then he saw jk... and we know jk looks at oc like she hangs the stars in the skies!! everybody knows and notices this except her so mingyu instantly knew (besides, he knew exactly when jk likes a girl. they wrre friends for awhile in college, after all). all those envy back in college came crashing back, and then the whole thing happened: him dating oc bcs he knows jk likes her – and hurting jk feeds his ego. it makes him feel better about himself. years of comparison and he gets a taste of what its like to get the upper hand, he takes it wholeheartedly with no second thoughts.
id say tho he didnt date oc solely bcs of jk, he likes her as well but its more of like infatuation bcs shes hot and pretty and smart. but oc def feels way more for him
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shesnake · 1 year
ok saurrr i JUST finished ep3 of the Lazarus project so SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't seen it. i know a lot of ethical questions are being raised here but i wanted to know your thoughts on the absolute horror of that episode and the ethics involved because im so confused and conflicted and horrified (in a good way!) idk like maybe here are just some thoughts but: the way people react to each other's tragedies is soo fascinating. the way wes was cold about the rebrovs' son's death but cried when faye dies and when threatened of her own life. the way shiv cries but does nothing (and yet is the only one who tries to acknowledge the horror), the way archie saw it coming and the first thing she does is point it out just to prevent future heartbreak, the way janet knew the risks and did it anyway and that STILL doesn't negate the fact that it was still horrible that she lost her son even though everyone knew it was a real possibility. and the way you can read rebrov's breakdown as a possible empathetic response to archie losing wes even though he also partly blames them for not saving the timeline sooner. the way that janet knows the agony that can result specifically from turning back time and yet helps george anyway because despite it all, she still chose to give birth to her daughter every time.
hellooooooo babe I appreciate these messages so much I love talking about TLP. ok SO:
in relation to wes.. SO many questions about her and the project itself. we are supposed to assume they have no allegiances with any country and operate independently, but they clearly have a western bias which makes me wonder who's really in charge? is their job not just western imperialism? how is wes the highest they can go up the ladder but she doesn't seem to have much idea of what's going on? what does she know? who the fuck is she???? if lazarus isn't tied to any government what keeps them in check?? who's playing god here? because I don't think it's wes.
lazarus agents all seem to be conditioned to be fine violating whatever geneva conventions it takes to get the job done for the greater good. they're all selected from imperialist militant intelligence backgrounds. shiv was brought in at a VERY young age because he "did the right thing" in the eyes of lazarus/wes and the kind of loyalty that cemented in him, probably grateful to have an answer/directive to this thing that's been happening to him all his life. lazarus is the highest authority and the closest thing to god for shiv. and they let him in BECAUSE he "did the right thing" in their eyes, so he wants to keep doing whatever that is. even if there was something he could've done differently in those last moments before the first checkpoint of ep 3, would he??? I don't think he would've at that point before later character development.
(side note: george also got time loop consciousness by a fluke and already had a solid background in tech so that he could easily work in their intelligence. sometimes I wonder what might happen to a random person with time loop consciousness who had no existing skills or resources useful to lazarus. would they just leave them to go mad???)
then there's the greater good in question. dennis is such an insane character to me because I get it!!! I really do!!!! tom burke also played a character not dissimilar to rebrov in my fav show utopia. he's objectively evil for wanting humanity's extinction to happen, but he's written in a way where we can actually empathise with that pain, because what happens to him and janet is sure as fuck enough to make you question god.
then with janet... I think her decision to go through the first pregnancy despite the risky timing speaks to how much she loved and trusted the people she worked with at lazarus. they were all brought together by their shared time loop consciousness and their fucked up jobs they can't talk about to anyone else. your coworkers are all you've got when you're all working for god. you can't Not be loyal you can't Not care about each other. (even when archie loses ross and decides to never love again she is such a FIERCE friend, even to george. shiv is the same.) that silly exchange with the whole group "janet had a bleed" "I can confirm agent rebrov has pamphlets" like they were/are literally a familyyyyyyyyyyy she thought they were going to keep her safe and then they FAILED HER.
and then with choosing to have her daughter... I think it stopped being a choice after the first couple resets but one could argue it might never have been a choice because it's what she feels she owes/is owed after losing her son? the way the daughter is born time loop conscious as well is insane. CRAZYYY episode of television
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gamerwoo · 2 years
Hello! So I've been lurking around here for a while, and I finally gathered up the courage to come gush about TLP. It is literally my favourite fic ever and I drop everything to read it whenever an update comes out. I loved the whole twist you pulled with Enchanted (I will never listen to that song again without feeling pain) and I vibed with how our main girl has grown throughout the fic. The whole progression of falling in love to heartbreak to calm indifference just felt so natural to me. I finished reading the new update (If You Don't Call) and it really hit me how much stronger mentally she's become. I can't wait to see what's in store for the next few tapes!
I have a few questions:
I read on an earlier post that TLP will have multiple possible endings. Is that still the plan?
How long has it been since Amnesia (when they stopped talking) and If You Don't Call? I have in my mind that it's been 2 years since reader broke off their friendship, but do you have a more specific time frame in mind?
Do you have plans to write fics in this playlist format in the future?
Thanks for all the great work you do :)
1: yes! if you look at the bottom of the interludes, it gives choices of different tapes to play, and hansol’s and the unknown tapes both have 2 different bonus tracks (which i think i put on the masterlist) which are the two different endings for their tapes. reader’s bonus track is 1 ending to the story but i still have to write the rest which will take some time
2: i honestly don’t know. i never figured out how long i wanted it to be since then which is why i mostly avoided referencing the amount of time that had gone by. i guess it’s up to personal interpretation
3: yup! i’m already planning out one for skz! i’ve also considered doing tlp but from hansol’s pov for the first 3 tapes instead of just 1 tape that comes later if that makes sense but i haven’t decided yet
im really glad you enjoy the series so much, thank you for the lovely comments!!! 💛💛💛💛
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thelastpilot · 5 years
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Want your own GymLeader-Sona? Want to capitalize on those over the top aesthetics and see your character fully realized? I am opening 5 commissions slots for these! 
The options are this!
You can do the first option, which is a Full Body/Full color/Shaded illustration of your gym leader, and a formatted (will look a bit neater obviously) layout of your six man team featuring their nicknames and levels if requested. 
The Full Body character is $45, if you just want this that is an option! For every pokemon you add to your roster its an extra $5 per Pokemon (some exclusions such as extremely complicated legendarys and time consuming designs may be subject to a bump to $10 dollars, almost all pokemon are 5 dollars). The cost for formatting into this full nifty page is another 5 dollars, totaling this sheet at $80 for a full six mon team. 
A Trainer card (the second option) is $35-40 depending on design. Complex background/character design may raise the price, subject to discussion. 
And the third option! If you want a fully realized, posed crowd ensemble shot like the final picture, that will be $100-120 depending on complexity. 
You will be able to send me reference images and aesthetic ideas for me to work with as well as key concepts you want me to work in. Or you can just send me a handful of things and say “go nuts make it awesome” and i will do my absolute best to go all out and make it epic. 
These will not be completed in time for Christmas! So please don’t purchase them as a gift, I don’t have the work time to make that happen. Sorry! My turn around time may be a bit slowed as I am preparing to leave for University in January (hence the commissions) but orders will be completed in the order they are received and I will communicate with all folks about how long things will take. Please expect a slight wait, I can’t work at my normal pace. 
If these slots don’t fill, my other normal commissions will open to fill the gaps! So if you wanted one of my normal commission don’t despair you may have a chance at it still. 
Pilot is going to college and dorms aren’t cheap my dudes. All payments will be through Paypal ( paypal.me/thelastpilot ) so please hire me if you can! I’d love to design for you.
Please reblog if you can! Thank you ^u^ 
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mr-tired-eyes · 7 years
A very lengthy mental health update
Weird things are happening. Not necessary bad things, actually extremely good, but my emotions are "let's wait and see". I will explain, ever since my hospitalization, when I got out things needed to change, my health has to be my main focus and mental health is also extremely important to me now that I'm working on putting my life together, however that may look. Even before that I had planned on really putting an effort towards my mental health, as it was never focused on at all throughout my youth, until about two months ago, I have been seeing pretty huge changes. The big push for me to get better was the fact that I was homeless. Which was very difficult to cope with, and a breakup, which all breakups suck so I'm not going to go into depth about that, Im sure everyone can agree. Ultimately leaving me in a very terrible cycle of horrible mental coping and bad health choices. (A strong theme I am not proud of In my life) when I found out about the company that would ultimately change my life I knew a lot was going to change, but I didn't realize just how much. I started seeing a therapist. And through that company they also have housing for homeless youth. I applied the first day I went to therapy. I called every week to get a spot at the transitional living program (TLP) A few weeks ago I was hospitalized. It was absolutely terrifying, I have never felt so close to death, and I was so disappointed in myself and my life up to this point. So when I got out, it was even more of a push to get better. I got a call 3 days after my hospitalization, it was the head of the TLP, I got my spot. I had a place to stay. Two months of wondering EVERY NIGHT where to stay, where to park, and where to put my shit finally changed. I have a room, a mini fridge, and people with open arms here to catch me when I fall. The best part? ALL OF THEM USE MY NAME AND PROPER PRONOUNS. I thought I was going to die about 3 weeks ago. And now I'm here, in my own room, typing about how much better my life has gotten to this point. I woke up last night with no nightmares. Nothing to wake me up. I slept soundly. I actually had a really great nights sleep which inspired me to type this. For myself, and for the people who care to read this much. So much more is happening in my life for the better, but I'd be typing a novel. This is for myself. Because I can look back and read this, and I can tell myself that I'm proud of what I've accomplished. And I haven't been able to say that to myself a lot. There are always bumps in the road, always shitty results of negative actions, always people who don't support me. But if I'm doing what needs to be done, and if I'm being safe, and going to my appointments. None of that matters. Because I'm getting where I need to be, and I'm still trying.
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callmeminseok · 7 years
i wasnt around for ot12, and i wanna know more about luhan so i figured why not come to you, LuhanStan69, for information????
ok well first of all, the name luhanstan69 is…. .…. .. .  . horrific and i want it tattooed on my ass .. .. . and second of all …. i was also not around for ot12….. but i can still show u the world (im so sorry just…….click on the bold links,,,,i didnt mean for this 2 happen)
ok so : my man… first name han last name lu and it means dawn deer and he really fucking looks like a deer?? his eyes are so big and sparkly and his features are really delicate and soft but don’t be fooled he really takes no prisoners and will fight literally anyone (here is him yelling at a saesang driver who was recklessly driving, like he really doesn’t take any shit one time at the airport he showed the fancameras that a saesang was calling his phone also the song Roleplay exists in which he basically tells his saesang fans that he will Fuck Them Up if they keep trying him,,,…,.,. a legend if u will) he was born april 20, 1990 and technically he’s a taurus by some calendars and aries by others but he said fuck it im an aries and whatever he says is law so he’s an aries. 
mmmm he’s an extremely talented vocalist and dancer (he was main vocal for m and their lead dancer also the visual). im not sure how familiar you are with exo m but I will recommend moonlight and what is love as songs that really show off luhan’s vocals from his exo era. as far as dance goes this is a classic mmm also his solo from the lost planet for the star is a treasure that must be preserved tbh. um anyways ya luhan was the bomb in exo m but he’s also the bomb solo!! his last exo concert was the 140921 tlp in beijing and he left exo in october of 2014 due to lack of support for luhan’s career and obvious health issues (if u watch fancams from his last stage u can see his face is swollen on one side and pictures of his eye being fucked up and he was having really bad chronic headaches i think i dont remember exactly also he fell down during let out the beast and is clearly in pain sorry im not trying 2 write a defend luhan leaving piece but this info isn’t really circulated now so it’s easy to write off him leaving as for just money or whatever)
and then luhan took a break!! he recovered his health in his home beijing and came back with : That Good Good say what u will abt the song either it’s ur style or not idc but the choreo is nice and his face is….stellar.. from there luhan worked toward releasing his album Reloaded which sold like hotcakes :( my baby :( The Star™️ and he started to truly become The Star™️ once he became a member of Running Man China (now titled Keep Running due to S Korean/Chinese political issues) and began to take on movies like The Witness (he also did the ost for the witness titled Medals which blew tf up and was used for the Rio 2016 Olympics) and Time Raiders. he then held his first !! solo !! concert !! in early 2016 aka the Reloaded series ft. three absolutely beautiful hair colors: mint/blue/green pink purple and some ridiculous wardrobe changes and he kicked ass :( and his fame in china rly skyrocketed like this man….endorses the entire planet (off the top of my head he is/was the spokesperson/endorser for: kfc, crest, lenovo, some bike company thing, puma, cartier, coke, sony, gap, lancome, l’occitane en provence, canon, kung fu panda, star wars (he got his own star wars song like exo has lightsaber but lu got the inner force….iconic), ummmmm what else idk i can’t remember anymore oh wait ADIDAS he literally was just announced for adidas today….an icon mayhaps?) anyways ya hims the Shit in china and he’s like the king of weibo?? like he holds a guinness world record for weibo….amazing
ok moving on to my :( favorite part …. when he put out catch me when i fall in oct 2016. This is it. This is That Song tbh. This is when he became the King of Aesthetics and Music. The MV is beautiful and so are the lyrics (i really encourage you to read the lyrics for the song bc they really show a lot about luhan and i fell absolutely undeniably in love with him when i read them). And from there he litralee cannot be stopped im not gonna make u read my opinion on all of them but his absolute best releases since then (keep in mind im talking abt in the like 7 months….he has put out so many songs AND mv’s for all of them plus teasers it’s really insane) are skin to skin , what if i said , and on call . truly … the mf king of aesthetics. i expect his next full album will come out probably around july/august…he’s really been building up to it with his mini albums so it will probably be more or less a repackage of all of those minis but ya !! keep ur eyes peeled!!
beyond his performance stuff he’s really the most passionate, dedicated, hardworking, and talented guy. He works so hard like it is astounding. He is so incredibly inspirational and i really just think he’s a good person and frankly i would trust him with my life. He really cares for his lufans and wants them to be safe and happy even international lufans like he puts english subtitles on all of his mv’s and now his bts videos also have eng subs like…..he doesn’t have to and yet? he’s there….doing it all. he also has fan events for his bday like one year he had a soccer event on his bday and made it livestreamed so that fans at home could watch too  :( he’s just v thoughtful :(
TL;DR: luhan is the sweetest boy on the planet and he just wants to make aesthetic bops and play w cats and live his life happily and freely. he is the most precious thing to me and he deserves all the love in the world. also he is a human meme and Lu is his magnum opus if u want to see more of lu i highly recommend Running Man (this is his first ep, and these two are my favorites) and episodes 2, 5, and 9 of exo showtime are my favorite lu episodes. u can catch him in the movie The Great Wall w matt damon and a bunch of v famous chinese actors and singers lmfao i just got it from redbox the other day lu is so cute um also he’s in a cdrama rn called Fighter of the Destiny which is all eng subbed on youtube the cgi is like ridiculously cheesy kinda power rangers feel but his face and sweet acting…..it’s enough 4 me….anything luhan does is enough 4 me
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raiyakun · 7 years
wait. wtf? who would be so mean and ignorant at the same time??? i mean im not saying everyone needs (tho they SHOULD) know about TLP, but even if they dont... making fun of it... im sorry ppl can so be shitty and you feel like this. i wish i could do something to make u feel better :( all your work and love for lance brings me so much joy u cant imagine!!
I’m very grateful for this, and knowing people like my work and love Lance as well helps me feel much, much better! Thank you so, so much! I’m happy to provide Lance appreciation as well, and I’ll do my best to continue doing so! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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kimjunnoodle · 7 years
👅pick a body part from each member.Jm- lip mole/cheeksBbh- thighs Cy- sweater pawsKsoo- handsJi- eyesOsh- shoulders Ms- eyesZyx- lipsJd- arms
💲post your favorite suho meme.
Ok work w me I’m on mobile/// but either the one of him ‘crying’ from fluttering India (aka the 😟 face) Or the classic pose from TLP where when he’s in the black pearl/ pattern outfit making The Face™ Bdjejsjje im bad at this

🐄 who do you think would be the best dad? :)))) it’s a tie between jongin and chanyeol (bc have you seen either of them interact w kiddos 😖CY IS SO EXTRA AND HED BE SO ENTERTAINING AND NINI IS SO SWEET AND ;;;; ) 

Send me emojis!
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beannary · 1 year
Draxum actually looks very sad that Big Mama took baby Donnie. It makes me sad too :(
yeah he's majorly sad! he achieved his life goal of creating these warriors to protect yokai kind only to have them all taken away from him but then there was a miracle that one of them got left behind and so even though draxum only had donnie for a few days, he got really attached but then big mama came and started black mailing him and well as much as he likes his creations just the fact that they are alive is proof that he is capable of making them, and so even though he doesn't want to give donnie away, draxum rationalizes it as that by giving donnie away he is ensuring that he can continue is work to eventually create more warriors
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idkatbh · 6 years
hi im currently at work with tumblr open on my work computer cause i am like that and im laughing so hard at tlp
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awrkive · 11 days
wow you were right about that being the best thing youve ever written. it was like u took my heart out and squeezed it with tlp pt 2. its sosososo sad for jk its always been her. he must have been so lovesick in med school uhhhh i love men who pine and hes number one in the pining list. i cant wait to see what happens next with mingyu bc honestly that man is VILE im sawry. i hope she kicks him to the curb fr. also the med school friend group lore is so crazy i would love to see more of it theyre just so wholesome. pls write the next season of greys anatomy they need u rn
he WAS super lovesick in med school 😭 his feelings have grown over the years so he loves her more now then he did back then but his lovesickness was def off the charts when they were still in postgrad💔 doyeon and taehyung has ALL the tea 😭😭😭 sometimes they look at oc and think shes lowkey stupid for not noticing EVER 😭😭
n also yeh the recent szns of ga have been a mess and the show is still ongoing they need to end that shit everytime i see ellen pompeo i think of that meme that goes like THEY WORKED THE FUCK OUTTA HER SHE CAN BARELY SMILE❗ aint nobody wanna be in the writers room anymoreodbkdjsbw
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beannary · 9 months
alright we got two tlp comics
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and #2
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tlp donnie cowboy au?? remember when that was a thing +bonus tlp donnie in some spider pants
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here's a nettie comic and a doodle of her and shelldon!
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rottmnt steven universe au design ideas
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rottmnt stardew valley portraits???
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i wanted to make rottmnt littlest pet shop designs but i gave up after mikey
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this was for inktober but then i did not post it
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and these two i cant remember if ive posted or not but im like 50% sure that i didnt
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here some 2012 jonatello
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And finally!!!! here is a doodle from my tmnt iteration that i am STILL WORKIng ON i just havent posted anything for it in forever
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+ bonus I was working on @/intotheelliwood's dtiys and then i got busy with school so this is all i ended up doing
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beannary · 2 months
Little Prince AU update? Or are we onto another arc? NO RUSH JUST CURIOUS!
Orz ive been dealing with some major art block and between that and being exhausted after work I just haven’t been working on tlp at all.
normally I write tlp as im falling asleep and I play out what I want to happen in the comic in my head and I’ve finally have started feeling inspired enough to do that again and I do have some pages sketched out so don’t worry I am still working on the comic!
I do really appreciate everyone’s patience as I work through this!
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beannary · 1 year
i don’t remember most of it, but i vividly remember Leo, Mikey and Raph having been like, captured ig, by Big Mama. Donnie was also there (as in he was also captured). Leo questioned why the heck Big Mama would lock Donnie up cause, y’know, that’s her son. Donnie didn’t say anything, he just looked very sad and disappointed in himself, and istg i was sad, like whyyy did she not care whatsoever in the dream!?
Anyway, i love ur work!! as you can see, it has fully integrated itself into my headspace, sooo
akljsdhfkajlshdf im literally dying that you had a dream about tlp thats very flattering and also so funny
also aw poor donnie :( being locked up by his mom :( would be terrible if that happened to him in the comic :(
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beannary · 2 years
Somebody may have asked this before but is TLP!Donnie's true passion still botany? I don't know, I can see him either being the main one who takes care of the plants around the hotel or Big Mama refusing to let him do so, saying he's too important to waste time on such frivolous things or whatever uxfoguxfu (btw I love this AU sm!!! I'm always so excited to see any new content from it!!! I have more questions but wanted to start with this one because I am constantly thinking about Canon Don's true passion being botany lmao-)
Yeah he does still absolutely 1000% loooooves botany! unfortunately he cant really do anything practical with botany or really tend to any of the plants around the hotel mostly because Big Mama doesn't really see that as a valuable use of his time. she has people she can hire to tend to her plants and the gardening around the hotel after all, besides it wouldn't be good for her reputation as like an important/high society influential woman if her son was traipsing about in the dirt
also im so glad you like this au!!!!! its been such a blast to work on and i have so many thoughts for it and im so glad people are liking it!!! it really makes me so happy that people like it!!! and feel free to send more questions because i absolutely love talking about this au
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