#so im glad that i can get things that benefit all my sports
sapphicdancer · 1 year
so today i went to my first ever gymnastics class!! I had a lot of fun, and even tho it was super chaotic (thats special olympics with a 0 year old dominated sport for ya), it felt so good to move around and stretch and honestly kinda just play with the things ive always wanted to play with. I was able to do handstands!!! And I held them for like 30+ seconds wich is way more than I ever could as a kid or a teen, so Im super proud of myself. We tried the bars but i could not do anything with that at all (which i expected as much). this week and next week are just introduction classes of course, and im sure people will start to drop in a couple weeks, but im so excited
AND I get to start ballet next week so im gonna be double working out two days in a row DX but im so excited ive been feeling so dormant and im so glad for this
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meeshimi · 1 year
It’s hard to explain. I do fear that later down the road I’m going to become something I never expected to be just because I want the thrill of seeing something new and those thoughts have bad outcomes. It’s starting to feel like really nothing truly matters and I can make any choices I want to and get away with it as long as I’m very careful about my choices.
It does sound hard to explain and your thoughts sound very complex so im glad that you're able to rationalize those still. It seems like you're struggling/fighting with it and that you've thought it through a lot.
I think I mostly understand what you're saying but I am a little confused about some things. Can you give an example or a situation? Would you have to do something out of character to have new experiences? What are the bad outcomes that you've thought of? Maybe impulsivity isn't something we should look into due to your thoughts, maybe we can think smaller. Is there anywhere around you that you've always wanted to go? A concert? Friends you've wanted to visit in the past? Is there a hobby you used to do that you haven't done in awhile? Like sports, play an instrument, even a show you haven't seen in awhile?
I don't mean to pry, I just want to see how you think to be able to talk & help ♡ But if those questions are too complex to answer you don't have to. I will say, though, the fact that you're able to rationalize your thoughts instead of acting on impulse is a great sign-especially with how you've been feeling. You seem to be very emotionally intelligent and I think it will help you in the long run fight those thoughts. Make sure you feel what you're feeling too, fighting against it all the time can be exhausting. Sometimes its best to take time to yourself to just feel, accept, understand, and start moving.
It's okay to change, too. It's not a negative thing because we're always changing and adapting to things around us. As long as the changes benefit you in the happiest & healthiest way possible ♡
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kdipshit · 1 year
Just keep writing ;
I blacked out lastnight, lol. I wasn’t scared to ask about how I was tho, I wasn’t scared to watch the videos, well I was scared, but I look really really happy but also kinda annoying lol. Apparently I was skulling the tequila, I don’t even have a memory of that. I don’t have much of a memory of anything, I hate that. I’m okay with my choice, my choices, I’m still going up. I’m excited to see 8 months again, getting into my normal routine was very hard this morning, my rooms still not clean, I’m getting thru it tho, washing my sheets, had a really nice shower washed my hair, and keeping my thoughts positive. I’m so grateful today for my body, for all I put it through, I’m also sorry to my body, I’m sorry to myself for filling it with toxins for no one’s benefit but my egos, im sorry for breaking my streak, I’m grateful that I restarted it. I feel a lot better knowing I wasn’t a dickhead and probably just embarrassed myself a little bit lol. That’s what I feel, embarrassed, my dad said he was disappointed in me for drinking, but he keeps me positive and on the right track. I feel like when I don’t remember things, and I black out, I feel anxious not knowing what I did, and how bizzare is it that I literally cannot remember a single thing, it’s ridiculous, I feel like I can use my experience as like a study on myself, which is what I enjoy doing a lot, look at everything from a science perspective lol. It’s fun.
I’m completely powerless over alcohol. I don’t feel like myself, but I’m still glad I drank, because I’m using it as a stepping stone, a learning curve. Makes me not want to drink again, not in a party. Not with my cousins, not in someone’s back yard, I know what I don’t want by doing them, and proving them.like a science experiment, I really don’t feel like myself at all. I want to live the life I’ve always wanted since a kid, I want success, I want to be a writer, I want to be stable, I want to play sports, I want to be healthy. I have all these issues but I also have hope, persistence, and faith in myself and my universe.
I feel like things don’t exist unless I write them, like i don’t pay attention to it unless I write it. And I have this horrible feeling in my stomach, that writing somehow fixes. My words to me are more important than anything else, and my investments to myself every single day do not fail to show improvements. I love who I am, I love where I’m going, my favourite food right now is roast potatoes, with lots of salt lmao.
Thank you god for the peace.
I’m also disappointed in myself a little bit because I let myself get to a point where I wasn’t thinking about anything else, completely powerless when it comes to alcohol. Good news is that I don’t need it, so being without it isint hard. I’m embarrassed at how drunk and sloppy I got. I’m extremely clumsy when drunk, probs coz my soul is not in my body lmao. I’m finding it easier to not smoke weed today, probs coz I still have alcohol in my system. I feel reset? In a good way, I’m letting go of everything, I wasn’t in my body last night, I don’t know where I go, I know it’s just like a switch In my brain but like spiritually speaking I don’t believe I was in my body. And I went away somewhere, roaming the endless black space until my body called for me back. I could have died. I’m an absolute beast when I’m blacked out, this is a good time to continue step 4…. Make a searching and fearless moral inventory of myself. Its hard to crack that one open, but idc as long as I’m writing. The fearless thing is what I can’t seem to shake, I’m scared. Uncomfortable, embarrassed. But fuck it, idc how I feel, lol. Just keep writing.
I feel born again, when I come back to my body with no memory. It’s scary. I don’t know what’s going on, how I got home…. My body is sore and I feel sick, I’m so excited to be sober again. Lol, thought I’d never hear the words…. I like what I do, I have so many goals, im literally doing the best I can which is amazing I’m doing so well, I’m not gonna let this effect me negatively at all. I’m so grateful. I feel very grateful for my awareness. I’m so happy with my writings, as rough as they are…. Am I even an alcoholic? Lol no I’m not, I’m not addicted to that feeling. Drinking stops a lot of feelings and makes me feel happy, but it’s not real, I’m not there. My ego is having a fkn field day lmao yanno what she deserved it she’s amazing too, now I realise I don’t need it. I don’t need it. I have a choice, everytime, and I make the right ones everytime. Every choice and decision is the right one that benefits me the most. I believe that. I love my messy writing. My handwriting is so beautiful and I get compliments all the time. I don’t even say the B word anymore. Even tho I feel it, I don’t say it, I’m not B word, I started saying ‘I need inspiration’ instead of the B word, honestly it didn’t really work lol, so I just stopped saying anything that might be negative in anyway lmaooo. I can’t be B word with time, appreciate the moment your in.
I’m listening to Tylers new album, fkn slaps of course, I appreciate the effort that goes into an album like Tylers, i have to give it up to Tyler every time, the discography is an art museum and of course I heard bastard. The first piano chord drew me in like pretreated carrying treats. Lol. Then I said to myself… fuck is he speaking to me? BLESSED just to played for the first time, beautiful. And I totally agree
Writing has also helped me to think more positively, because I only want to write positively, or like in a positive nature, my drug & alcohol therapist doesn’t think it’s a good idea lol. She wants me to keep it real, but I do keep it real… I’m just positive about it, hopefully I can finally let that thought go aswell lol it stays in my head coz I got triggered when she said that.
Not trying to impress anyone is so hard for me sometimes it’s all I think about. Always thinking about other people’s thoughts on me. Why, because I can’t have it? Lol. A child. I’m also grateful to my body for not being super dramatic after drinking, usually my mania and anxiety decided to rip thru life while I’m still getting rid of the alcohol that in my body, piss, shit or vomit it out. I thought I didn’t have a bad hangover because I didn’t drink much. But considering I was skulling the tequila I’m very grateful I didn’t have a killer headache, and almost die of death, I felt good enough to be able to look after myself and I did just that. Thank you for taking care of me. I love and trust you very much. The world is beautiful and life is truly amazing. Just like Tyler’s new album lol, thank you so much Tyler for dropping this masterpiece and making my life a little better. If writing is all I do today, I’ve done enough. Though I should study today.
I’m probably gonna be single forever so I’m just looking for someone funny to have around lol. Kind of like a boyfriend but not my boyfriend, lol. I’m single by CHOICE my guy, i have em lined up.. nah I’m kidding I’m a wallflower… nah I’m not… because I don’t want to be ahahahah. I need to remember that I didn’t ruin anything because I chose to drink. Imagine how gross it smells inside your body…. Ew lol, coz like my room smelt like roast potatoes before, and I just finished the potatoes and now I can’t smell it anymore… coz I swallowed the smell…. Hahahahaah wtf, I don’t feel myself living my head, I feel myself living in the moment, I feel so different, my mind feels different, i think I may have cracked the code lol. I can’t live someone else’s life, and I can’t try. I must work on my own life, for my own reasons. I’m very excited to receive my ‘big book’ that a church organisation donated to me.
I don’t have a desire to be ‘locked in’ with anybody. I’m so happy to be single, I’m comfortable being single, I don’t like anyone else :) that was such a hard and long lesson to learn, but I genuinely am so happy on my own, adding a person into my life stresses me out, and no one is worth it to me.
‘Sobriety is everything alcohol promised me’ ha, beautiful.
Music is also very important in my life, the type of music is also important, I don’t listen to bullshit anymore. I listen to art. I see music as art, I treat it as art, I appreciate it like art.
I could have really hurt myself last night…. I need to be more careful. I gave in, but I’m okay and I’m starting again now… maybe I needed this day, like I needed to get snapped back into reality, my beautiful reality. I’m not a bad person, I have been but that’s not who I am. I’m not an anxious person, I’m not a depressed person, I’m not an idiot. I’m confident, I’m happy, I’m free, I’m sensitive, I’m maternal, I’m a safe place. I’m know I’m gonna be rich soon. I need to be more assertive, I need to work on that. Because I’m too scared to do anything to talk to anyone, but I need to otherwise I won’t get anything. I need to pull up to my job and get some hours so I can do what I what I’m already doing, but better. I’m already doing everything I want to do, I’m studying my ass off, I’m writing everyday, I’m so happy with myself.
Stop trying to be someone you’re not. You’re weird, it’s safe to be weird. Be happy with your uniqueness, don’t ever forget your gorgeous inside and out. I love the fucking way I write it’s so refreshing and funny lol. Maybe I’m the only one but I’m funny.
I obviously have to be on the same page with someone in order to be in a relationship with them, and I’m just not on these bitches page, yanno I think im a completely different book, that’s why I never fit these standards, im different. Different than ‘normal’ im different, im not bad because im different. I can only sleep with someone if they’re my friend and make me laugh hahahahaha. Doesn’t exist mate, therefore, I don’t sleep with anyone hahaah. Just be me man, just be me. I feel real life right now. I’ve been super gentle with myself today, it’s rough but I’m still smiling
The absolute best thing I can do for myself is write it out. Write it out. RIDE IT OUT. IVE LITERALLY BEEN SAYING RIDE IT OUT EVERY TIME I FEEL BOMBARDED WITH EMOTIONS, which I haven’t actually had a problem with for a while…. I’m super medicated, oh speaking of medication, I’m running low on weed, ahhhh. Nah lol I’m not really freaking out about that either. I guess I might.. nah I won’t even say it.. well I kinda just did fam, lol, I don’t believe it tho, that’s crackhead moments, I don’t freak out over no weed, writing actually takes me away just as well. Even better because of all its benefits. Ugh they’re the same hhaahahah omg I love writing as much as I love weed bro, wawwww I’ve come so far, I really really have. I don’t freak out over having no weed now**** as in, im gonna try not freak out tomorrow when it’s gone, and come to writing instead. Slow down. I’m a completely different person compared to the person I was yesterday morning. Everything has changed, everything has shifted, I’m on new grounds, I know everything is working out for me. I’ve avoided the computer all day, my room was a pigsty when I woke up. I have fresh sheets now :)
Im back at the computer hehe, its a mess over here. Brb. even just a small genuine conversation with myself, is so loved, I can barely hear or think its so crowded, its like I’m confused, but when everything slows down, I can actually see my thoughts as clouds because nothing else matters. I can hear myself think, I think thats what I’m trying to say lol. Its a nice noise. The quiet. The simpleness of it all, I love all my moments, I’m okay with every moment, and every version of myself that presents itself. Ummmmm…. I feel like writing I’m suicidal, sometimes those kind of feelings just don’t shake they just keep coming back, its uncomfortable, and hard to resist the pros, which is ; I don’t have to feel that any more. I know not to act, I have learnt not to try and act, its not my exit. But it gets dangerous for me, and so when I’m suicidal, the hospital would be the best place, I feel safe locked away by myself, nurses are nice and patients are friendly. Lol, I loved my last stay in the hospital, I wrote a lot when I was in there, I really enjoyed being alone, I felt safe with my nurse, I felt safe in my room, I felt free, I was writing, I was sober (forcefully) but I loved it, I jus needed to be alone and have someone come check on me and give me meds like I was living the life tbh. It was amazing, and I left, because my mum told me to, and went to work Monday like nothing happened. That is where I went wrong, I left the hospital, if I had just stayed, who knows my entire life might have been different, coz once I left, I had the most manic episode lasting a solid 3-4 months. heavily drinking nearly every single day, I was doing 4 day benders one day off. I didn’t even get sick it was like I got the right to drink because I didn’t get hungover and I was high functioning. I would love to sit at the table with her. I was always outside on the fkn table, getting pissed. With my ini now folks, lol. Jesus, lol. I was the stereotypical Maori on the piss all the fun time, a messsssss, a mess. I couldn’t even imagine the kind of things I would have done, not remembering at all. I didn’t care about anything, I had no thoughts, I had no worries, I had money, like I was living it the fuck up, in the bush land lol, some crazy memories from that episode, the crash was hard, oof. I am not a violent person, but liquor does something to me, I guess my ego gets hurt and I switch and I’m violent. Its a very hard switch to switch when I’m sober, or smoking, like I’m never mad like that with anyone, its easy to flip when I’m drunk.i think I needed to get drunk, to write this, to write everything I ever write in the future, its a big ripple effect I have created, and I’m so excited.
I didn’t think we would ever move from my small town in New Zealand. so moving countries, took a big toll on me, I remember specifically asking my mum as a child if we were moving countries and she said she would never, and then its like a couple months later and I have to say goodbye to everything I know, I just finished primary school and was headed to intermediate and go to the school I have always wanted to go to, the school I couldn’t wait to go to, all my friends were going, it was going to be perfect. It was far from perfect, my transition between the two countries it was a culture shock. I was so confused but I was very happy to be with my family, at least I still had my family. For a little bit before I went through puberty and got sexually assaulted by a family member. Which I think I’m healed enough to talk about, I’m still very confused about it, Im still trying to figure out how to heal fully, or just be okay in my truth, yes its uncomfortable, its not my fault. But lets look at the things I can do; react differently. Not using my thoughts to cover my pain. There are many different versions of me to go back to and help. I have the ability to. I can be the one thats there for me… at least I know ill show up, lol. Show up for yourself every single day.
I really have been writing all day, my title makes me want to not stop, its kind of a good hack,
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excaliburofficial · 3 years
Thank you for the ask!! I'm glad my Naigus headcanons facts striaght from Okubo's email made you happy! :)
Kilik is honestly also a super cool character that needs more love I feel????? He just gives me such wholesome vibes idek so I'm really happy to be doing these since he's such a stand up dude tbh
Headcanons I have about Kilik Rung
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He's a really rational thinker and obv very very competent but his real strength is his resolve
He has a very strong personal moral code and will always stand by and do what he thinks is right. A lot of integrity from Kilik!!
He's a very dependable person and an all around good friend. He's pretty emotionally intelligent person who says what he means and gives good advice and is very loyal to the people he cares about the most
What some might think is being hot headed is just a result of his passion and drive. He isnt really reckless or arrogant or anything, he just gets overwhelmed with his determination and passion in the heat of the moment
He doesnt really like ambiguity much and is a problem solver
He really liked things like Karate Kid and DBZ growing up and a lot of the lessons and messages really stuck with him
Got really involved in like combat sports like martial arts and wrestling pretty young because of how much the idea of personal strength in those movies/shows really meant to him
Hes very focused in general in personal growth both with physical capabilities and with his interpersonal relationships
He's absolutely the type to lift up the other people around him so they can be their best selves
He was interested in going to the DWMA largely because it seemed like a good fit for his lifelong interests and skills and goals and HE WAS RIGHT
But tbh he was actually a little hesitant specifically because he didn't think he could find a weapon partner that matched his more close/direct preference from his sport experience and karate movie influence but in the end decided to go ahead and try
After all he could learn to use a weapon pretty quickly if he needed to and who would pass up the chance to be a meister? Esp when he has the passion for it already?? Not Kilik no way cause he knows what he wants and will get it
Enter Fire and Thunder who were worried about finding a meister who would think about using a hand to hand combat style cause they kinda require it
And because Kilik is in general just this down to earth and intelligent (esp socially) person matching wavelengths with both of them wasn't really an issue
He's pretty popular at DWMA and will talk to just about everyone he sees like he's known them forever
He became such good friends w Ox because he saw that Ox was just kind of this super serious guy and was like "hmmm he could probably benefit from lightening up some"
And as it turns out they actually had a lot in common esp when we're talking about self improvement even if they have different approaches to that
He actually really respects Ox as his peer and they do a lot to lift eachother up, in fact Ox is probably one of the people he respects the most
Plus both of them having thunder attacks helps them bond haha
Is generally just a stand up guy overall who puts effort into everything he does
Outside of combat/DWMA stuff he's really into music! He has a wide variety of stuff that he listens to and has made a ton of different playlists for friends and different occasions
Idk if I necessarily think he's aroace but when we see him in the series I get the feeling that he's def more focused on his friendships and personal goals than romance or anything which like good for him
Really likes filling foods with complex carbs like pasta and baked potatoes but isn't a picky eater like at all which I might just say bc im hungry and could really go for a baked potato or noodles rn but ssssshh
Has at least 1 teddy bear that he's has since he was a baby and will never get rid of and still has his baby blanket
Probably really loves his grandma. Idk anything about his grandma except that he loves her a lot
Very proud of what he's been able to do WHICH HE SHOULD BE YOU GO KILIK and is excited to be able to do more and see what he and his peers are capable of
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shotorozu · 4 years
𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤
𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔲 𝔥𝔦𝔱𝔬𝔰𝔥𝔦 ᥊ 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you find yourself in a bar that you and your ex used to go to regularly. the local bartender calls your ex- shinsou hitoshi; thinking you guys are still together. 
𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀: angst to fluff (happy ending), sfw, pro hero au (aged up), drinking (alcohol mentions and intake) ex to lovers, minor todomomo (not the center of this fic) reader is in the top 5, some swearing. 
𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗱: [Y/N = your name, L/N = last name, H/N = hero name, ] f! reader, quirk not mentioned. 
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: i also did this trope on ao3 with todomomo, so i better not see people think i plagiarized them because.. that’s literally me lol. also! i was very conflicted, bc i also wanted to do this with shouto but since I already have 2-3 fics in the making, i went with hitoshi (but let me know if you wanna see shouto’s version.) 
word count to be added when im not sleep deprived
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You swivel down another shot down your throat, not caring of the burn in your nose, nor do you care about the smell of the alcohol. 
You’re never like this, this is not the best representation of yourself, no. This is not who you are as a person, and the way your former classmates look at you with concern when you chug down another shot shows how unusual this is to them.
“Take it easy..” Momo pats your back, and you exhale heavily, putting down the glass. Everyone is certain that you’ll obtain some serious hangover, almost to the point that you’d have to take the morning off to treat your hangover. They’re aware that you’re not this careless, since you're in the top 5 after all. 
But they let you be momentarily, but why you may ask?
Because this is your way of coping a breakup with your boyfriend of 3 and a half years, Shinsou Hitoshi. They’re aware on how hurt you really are, and to be real- they were the ones that asked you to come out with them tonight to distract you. 
“They’ve been going at it for a while, it’s almost concerning.” Tsuyu comments, as she tends to a slightly tipsy Mina, holding her so she doesn’t fall face first into the floor. 
The least they could do is let you be, while you're not totally blacked out.
The local bartender- Maki, looks at you with concern when you order another shot, yet they still give it to you (with the slightest hesitation) since you’re such a good friend to her. (Your rank makes you very respectable, it’s almost intimidating! but your casual friend ship with the bar tender says other wise.) 
But on the contrary, you'd know when you’ve reached the limit, and you’d probably know when they’d start refusing your requests of another shot. 
One by one, their friends depart from the table, either they were too drunk to even handle it so they were brought home, or something came up- everyone could agree that they all had some sort of worry towards their dear friend’s very out of character coping mechanism. 
“I have to go soon,” Momo sighs, when she receives a text from Todoroki- though it’s very obvious that she’s still very concerned for you, considering that she’s the only friend left. “Please take care of Y/N, Maki-san.” 
Maki nods at your black haired friend, and the creation hero looks at you one last time before leaving the bar. 
Lifting your head, your words are slurred as you request for another shot, which seems like the umpteenth time that you requested for a shot. The concerned bartender still attends to your needs, yet- she’s contemplating of calling someone if you ask for another. 
Likewise, you finish that shot in a moment, and you slump down on the table. Eyelids fluttering slowly as your laughter is filled with intoxication, your cheeks are warm from being inebriated from the intake of alcohol. 
You don’t notice how your concerned bartender dials up a number, requesting for them to pick your drunken state. 
     »»————- ➴ ————-««
“Did you know the word bed is shaped like one?” 
It’s now past midnight, and you’re mouthing off about something random, the train of thought is endless (but it’s more like a shower thought ramble.) Your fists are deep into your hair- holding your head up so it doesn't hit the table, meanwhile Maki paces back and forth- still tending to other requests from the very few customers left. 
“Now that you’ve mentioned it, yeah.” They answer absentmindedly, “Man, I haven't seen you in nearly 4 months! it’s been a while. You knows how to hold your alcohol so frankly, this is the first time I’ve seen this side of you!” 
“Oh really?” You slur, continuing on to spout out purposeless words.
The bartender’s response is a total blur, words turning into background noises, and a part of you is lucky to still be conscious and still functioning (yet it's barely) 
“..But you hold it well for--” 
You’re also very lucky that you’re a little too under the influence to even register the name.
You didn't know you’d take this breakup with him harshly. The most you were expecting was just.. crying while eating ice cream. 
But no, it was an utter shit hole. 
The door busts open, and the bartender’s expression seems to brighten up “Ah, there you are!” 
You grumble, the bar’s lights causing your eyes to sting- and your head hurts too. You might need some aspirin later.. you close your eyes shut. The bartender is chatting with the unknown person, and frankly- you just wished you didn’t intoxicate yourself this much.
The baritone voice is almost sufficient in sobering you up. Turning to the familiar voice, you see the tall figure, sporting bedraggled purple hair. 
It’s Shinsou Hitoshi. A reason why you’re in such a mess, coping with a breakup in the first place. 
You almost fall off your chair in sudden revelation to the appearance of your ex lover. It was almost like.. your drunken state was making you see things- a possible hallucination maybe? it has to be that. Maybe it’s the side effect of the growing headache?? What was in that shot?
“Ugh, I must be crazy,” You wipe your cheek from slob, your head throbbing from the growing headache. The weary purple head raises an eyebrow, and the bartender is confused by the sudden tension. It's abnormal, alright.
The reason why you broke up was because of his lack of self care. 
Again, it’s not like he was being a shithead and cheating on you, or being a total prick of a boyfriend and neglecting you, and it’s definitely not the other way around either. 
It was probably the opposite. He'd neglect himself for days on end, not caring about himself, and not caring about his own being. It was.. not what you wanted at all. 
You figured just because the both of you are rising up heroes, and also adults- he would’ve gotten a grip of not neglecting himself. 
But even habits like that don’t get old. 
“Hitoshi- seriously, when was the last time you’ve took a breather?” growing slightly irritated by Shinsou’s continuous neglect of his own self care, and also the fact that he’s clinging onto you 24/7. 
“It doesn’t matter.” He shrugs, pinching your cheek. Heck, you should be glad he wants to be with you for the majority of the days. But you can’t tolerate him when he’s constantly complaining about being tired, although making little to no efforts in taking care of himself. Heck- his dark circles got even darker- how is that even possible?
“’Toshi, it really does. You can’t neglect self care.” Your brows furrow when he chooses to ignore your words. “You’re not listening to me.” 
“You should be glad that I want to spend time with you.” 
It stung. What the hell did he even mean by that..?? scoffing, and slightly offended, you reply “That’s not the main issue.” you cross your arms “We’ve talked about this before, remember?” You reason out, giving him the nice benefit of the doubt. You'd like to be civil here. 
He ignores you once more, and you can actually feel the irritation grow within you. “I don’t want to be the reason why you neglect yourself.” 
“I’m really not, okay?” He retorts back, “Why do you always have to bring up things that don't matter?” 
Aggitated, you snap back “Wh- we’re talking about you! Hitoshi, we’ve talked about this- and you said you’d work on it! do my words mean nothing to you?” Hitoshi’s gaze flickers up, only staring at you, as if it was his own way of judging you and your intent. 
And that’s how it erupted into a full fight, and into your eventual breakup. 
You didn’t know how expressing your genuine concern for him blended into him saying things he’d never mean in his entire life. He doesn’t stop you when you walk out, not saying a thing at all
There was no verbal breakup. It was just.. there. 
The unknowing bartender interrupts the nonverbal tension, “I thought you’d be a lot happier, y’know.” 
“..’ll get going now, thanks again.” Before you know it, Hitoshi’s hooking your arm around his shoulders— as he walks to the door, leaving the very familiar bar.
It’s awkward, surely. You’re not sure why he was there, and you’re not so sure as to why he decided to come to your aid in the first place. If Maki called him, and he was requested to come to you in question, then he could’ve just..
“..sent someone else,” You mumble. You reek heavily of alcohol, and your skin is undeniably warm. Frankly, he doesn’t remember the last time you were like this— was it the first time you had a drink? it was years back at this point.
You’re pretty.
That’s one thing that hasn’t change. Surely, what changed things was the fact that he said some.. horrible things— and refused to even listen to your concerns, which ultimately cause your breakup. His relationship status changed into some lonely and young hero, and his heart ached in different ways.
But you’re still very beautiful, to him.
Doesn’t matter if you’re all dolled up for a hero interview, or a mess on a off saturday. You’re still beautiful.
But now— he’s focused on your words, and he’s taken aback when you continue to speak, causing the both of you to stop in the middle of the sidewalk.
“You’ve coulda asked s-someone else to pick.. me up.” Your words are slurred, a normal side effect of being drunk. However, seeing your ex has surely sobered you up.
“That’s true,” Shinsou moves to continue walking, so you guys weren’t standing on the middle of the side walk on a cold early morning.
“What are you even doing at a bar at 1am?” He changes the subject, but you’re still caught on to your previous question. “You didn’t answer my question at all, meanie.” Her grip is firm, so there’s no way of budging it.
His laugh lacks humor, yet he feels obligated to answer her. Or else they’d be stuck on the sidewalk, due to her hero grip.
“It didn’t feel right,”
“Yeah sure.” You grumble, “Because you suddenly care.”
“I’ve always cared, Y/N.”
“Really?” You say, not really believing him anyway. “You seemed pretty sure with your words back then to care.” Despite being toxicated, your words have undertones of venom
“You may say that, but.. I’ve always cared.”
“Then why the hell did you say all of that back then, huh?” Overwhelmed by seeing your ex, who you still fucking loved by the way— tears grow at your eyes. “If you’re lying, stop it.” You say, literally not in the mood to be lied to right now.
You’re literally being carried by your ex, while intoxicated, while also having a throbbing headache.
“I’m not.” Hitoshi answers firmly. A certain edge grows in his throat, and he hates it.
“Yes you are,” Your voice is now wobbly, it’s really just a mix of your overwhelming emotion, as well as your drunken state. “You would’ve told me that weeks ago!”
You were always right, and he knows it. Ever since from the last moment you shared with him, your words were just.. nothing but the sheer truth. Yet, he’s only hurt you— because of his denial.
He knows you’re right, and he knows that he had his habits of neglecting his own care. Though that’s why he decided to change, that you were in fact- correct all this time.
And he was just an ass to even admit it.
“You’re right,” His fists crumple, grip tight as he fights his sudden urge to break. “You were always right. I’ve always cared, and you’ve always cared about me. Yet I was worried of changing, not being around you just so that I could take care of something that’s not really important-”
“But you are, Hitoshi,” You sob, nearly collapsing onto the ground— “You matter so much, yet you don’t even see it, and if I’m going to contribute to your destructive ways— then...”
“How could you? If you don’t care about my words, then do you care about yourself..?”
Shinsou sighs, bending down to meet your level— you’re gasping and sobbing into his chest, tears angrily running down your cheeks.
“I know, kitten, and I’m sorry.” Wiping your tears with his thumb, he speaks once more. “That’s why.. I’ve thought about what you’ve said, and I decided to take care of myself a bit more, I want you to know that.. I do care.”
You glance up at him, the city lights luminating his face— enough for you to see the adorning expression he’s sporting.
“..really?” You speak, in a nearly hush tone, again— you’re still very drunk, and overwhelmed with emotions. This could’ve been passed off as a fever dream, and you could’ve been normal with it.
“Yes, Y/N.” His mouth perks up into a small smile.
“Then.. would you allow me to start over with you again?”
Pushing against Hitoshi, you envelope him with your arms— it’s almost cliché and dramatic, the way you collapse into his arms like it’s the last day on earth.
But.. Shinsou’s glad he has you again. Finally a chance to prove that he’s changed.
You sit on the counter of your apartment, hands covering your face— as a way to shield your eyes from the prodding sunlight that peaks from the windows.
“This should help,” Hitoshi hands you a cool glass of water, “The way you hold your alcohol is terrible,” You chug down the glass of water, and you take a jab at him with your feet.
He hisses at the sudden attack, and only chuckles, “You’re mad because it’s true kitten,” He teases
“Shut up,” You draw him in with your leg, setting the glass down, “Just kiss me already,”
And so he does, pressing your lips against his— savoring the sweet warm moment he’s been practically starved of for nearly 4 months.
He pulls back, his expression showcasing that he’s tasting the aftermath.
“Ew, you taste like beer.”
You glare at him, and take another light jab, “Of course I do, Idiot.”
Despite saying all of that, he pulls you in once more.
       ˚✧₊⁎❝᷀ົཽ ❝᷀ົཽ⁎⁺˳✧༚
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading (literally the first fic i’ve ever posted, so y’all BETTER like it or i’ll 💀)
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing
do not plagiarize my work :)) (literally don’t, it’s 3:26am on a tuesday.)
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a-forgotten-spirit · 4 years
Two Heroes x Reader Oneshot
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Pairing: Todoroki x Bakugou, Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou, Poly relationship
Summary: I rewrote the entire Two Heroes movie with you in it, changed a few things but mostly the exact plot. It’s a “oneshot” off of my other story “Love Isn’t an Illusion”. I added a lunch scene, getting dressed and...smut for Bakugous Birthday. 
Words: +- 18,000, There is 4000 words of smut you have been warned, sorry for mistakes there is a lot to read through. 
SFW Warnings: Domestic relationship, please if you haven’t watched the movie watch it, villains/villain attack, fear for Bakugous/Todoroki’s safety, mentions of sex, kissing, getting lunch with the boys, hugging, soft Bakugou, soft Todoroki, calling them by their first names, competitiveness, being called “Kitten”, swearing, slight injury, Bakugou needs attention, Todoroki needs reassurance, sending photos, being called their girlfriend, a dress that shows skin, nicknames, Mineta and Kaminari, fighting villains, no signal, claws and sharp teeth, bathing together, if you squint there’s a spoiler for the series,  NSFW Warnings: Bathing together, groping, moaning, groaning, it’s filth, neck kissing, biting, being called “Kitten”, switch Bakugou/Todoroki, Bakugou bottoms for a bit, soft Bakugou, soft Todoroki, on the pill, temperature play, nipple play, dirty talk, love bites, double penetration, teaching Bakugou manners,  traffic light system, riding, complimenting, description of smut, soft smut at the beginning, Todoroki bottoms for a bit, light choking, swearing, multiple orgasms, double cremepie, slight begging. IM SORRY
A/N: Well first off HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAKUGOU.  I wrote this for the fans. I do not own My Hero academia or the characters, I don’t own most of the plot for this story, I had watched the show and re-written the dialogue and plot as if the reader was the main character. Everything is centered around the reader. In Japan the legal age for sex is 13 and in my country is 15-17 so by law they are legal, thank you. I hope you all enjoy this oneshot. I don’t usually write oneshots and here is why. 
PATREON: This is my patreon, some benefits are getting chapters one month earlier then on tumblr, Love Isn’t An Illusion is one month ahead on patreon for example another benefit is getting a say in what I write and who for, I will also be posting AU’s. I have a NSFW tier that I will begin posting on when October starts and my final tier is commission, you may ask for anything you want! But there is only 3 spots, make sure to check it out. This is a teaser for the NSFW tier starting October.
Masterlist ________________________________________________________________
This expo was not something I wanted to go to. It would be long and not something I was interested in, though I could use my quirk as I wished which was a nice surprise even though I would not use it, Aizawa had made it quite clear I couldn’t abuse my quirk. Katsuki, Todoroki, Kirishima and I were walking around until we saw a challenge, a race. 
Katsuki and I turned to each other and we smiled at each other “I’m gonna win” we both yelled at each other before we were running over to line up “It’ll be nice to beat you again” I smiled and his arm wrapped around my waist bringing my body close to his own. 
“Yeah sure you will, no hard feelings” he screamed and I pushed him away shaking my head as we both stared at each other in anger. “You won’t be winning” sometimes I believe his quirk moved to his voice box as well with how loud he was like Present Mic. “I’ll go first” Katsuki did the course and I was livid, he was way too fast. I had to be faster than him, I could not lose. 
“Please welcome our next challenger, the villain attack points have been reset. Ready Go” and with her words I was off, running straight through the course. I propelled myself forward with my quirk, a wide and proud smile on my face.
Making it to the first villain I didn’t even look as a clone came up and attacked it, one down. I continued through the course destroying anything in my path but I had to beat Katsuki. I was going to beat Katsuki. Running along the water and then all three were down and I landed my hand on my hip as I looked at my boyfriend. “How was that for you?” I yelled at his angry face. 
“A tie” we both turned quickly to the woman “At fifteen seconds. These two are the winners” immediately we were screaming and throwing insults at each other as people looked on in confusion but I did see a few smiles. 
“We did not get the same. I clearly won” he screamed and walked over gauntlets on show for all to see as I shook my head and my hand came to rest against my chest in offense. I could see Shouto shaking his head with a small almost non-existent smile. 
“I beg your pardon, no you did not. I was faster” I yelled and we came face to face looking at each other before we turned to the woman “We want a rematch” she stood there looking around for a second and then laughed awkwardly. 
“Hey isn’t that Midoriya in the stands” Kirishima asked innocently, Katsuki and I turned to face the green haired hero in training and he was indeed in the stands. Looking down at us with a scared look. Todoroki walked out to come stand next to us. I looked around and could see a few people from our class. Why were there so many?
“What the” Katsuki was up throwing himself against the rails of the field as I made some stairs so Kirishima, Todoroki and I could get up to the stands. “What are you doing here Deku” he screamed as I stepped over the railing. 
“Oh hey there Kacchan” he stepped back face scared and hands raised in surrender. A good move, he just got his ass kicked by his girlfriend. I can imagine the anger swirling inside his body. “Maybe calm down a little” those were not the words someone should say to an angry Katsuki. 
“Don’t you dare tell me what to do” Katsuki screamed, I was glad the fence was between the two childhood friends as well as Iida who had run in to stand in front of Deku. I had been on the receiving end of those words far too many times to count but looking at him, I couldn’t help but love him more. 
“Bakugou. Behave yourself” Iida’s arms were out protecting the scared Deku, though those words were also something you do not say to an angry Katsuki. I leaned into Shouto who just shook his head at our boyfriend losing his mind. 
Katsuki began to yell, loudly. His hair seemed to stand on end even though it was already spiked. I had learnt it was natural, after so many times sleeping over I learned his hair was just like that. He looked like a little monster throwing himself back and forth against the railing. I was worried it would break. 
“So you guys got asked to the expo as well” Momo turned to us and so did the others. I went to lift my mask before remembering I wasn’t actually wearing it and my hand came to rest on my hip to look a little less awkward. 
“Kinda” I started and they looked a lot more interested now. “I was invited as I won the sports festival but Todoroki is here because of his father so if I declined I got to be Todorokis’ plus one and then Bakugou got offered as second place so that meant Kirishima could come too” I smiled and they all seemed to nod. I had gotten good at using their last names around the class but I was pretty sure everyone knew we were together. I remembered back to the conversation. 
“They want me to go to the expo thing” I spoke slowly as the boys came to move onto the bed. We were staying at Katsuki’s tonight. “Because I got first place at the sports festival” I felt both their heads begin to read over my shoulder. “But I can only take one,” I whispered. 
“I’m going with my father, so you can take Katsuki. Problem solved” Shouto had gotten a little more emotion in his voice since being with us. He had started to talk more which Katsuki and I loved to talk about. I nodded. 
“Or” I began. Katsuki had also learned to let others talk, I was proud of him. “If I say i'm already going as a plus one, they’ll ask the next person which is Katsuki. Hasn’t Kirishima been going on about this expo” I turned to face the blonde haired male. 
He nodded and shrugged “Shitty hair doesn't need to go Y/N, he just wants too. You won, you go” I knew that was his way of saying because I won I should get the credit not just going as a plus one. 
“I don’t mind. I can share a room with Shouto, you can come visit. Kirishima deserves to go. I heard Kaminari is going to work as well so it’s a win win” I smiled and I felt an arm wrap around my waist from Shouto as he nodded into my shoulder. 
“Whatever” I replied and within a few minutes Katsuki had received an email asking to attend as the first place was already going. Easy. I smiled and laid down as Katsuki sat on his phone no doubt messaging his red headed friend. ~
“You guys are gonna do the villain course or what?” Kirishima asked with a happy smile, turning to him his hand was pointed over his shoulder to he course the three of us had just done. It wouldn’t be a good idea with Katsuki in his little mood. 
“Don’t even try it, there is no way you’ll get a better score then I did” his face was pulled in anger as I watched him grip the railed tighter. Deku had gotten a lot stronger but at the end of the day it was a course made to win. The machines didn’t have quirks or a thought process, it had no relation to a real villain take down. 
Then his words registered “Our score thank you very much. We got the same even though technically I won” I smiled as his eyes moved to my own in anger. I leaned forward, my arms folded under my chest as I laughed and sighed. “Better luck next time, Ground Zero” I knew he loved when I called him by his hero name. 
“Yeah you’re probably right, yep” Deku looked about ready to run and hide. I wanted to laugh at his fear. There was no reason to fear Katsuki, he was a huge softy through and through. Give that man a massage and he is as placid as can be. Though that was Shouto’s and Is’ little secret. 
“Huh, I’m not so sure” Uraraka thought out loud as he looked up a hand coming to her chin in thought. Deku was fast but as I said before, these weren’t real villain’s and could no way mimic a real fight. “Only one way to find out I guess” she shrugged her shoulders. 
“Yeah you’re probably right” I was at a loss for words. I knew Deku had just repeated himself out of fear but to not even listen to what Uraraka had said and then my eyes turned to Katsuki who was seething. I think I could see steam coming off his body, this probably wasn’t good. 
Katsuki jumped over the railing and looked at Deku, his shoulders back and eyes narrowed “Just get your pathetic attempt over with. You damn nerd” with a swing of his arm Iida was pushed aside. Katsuki got right in the poor boy's face and with teeth grit he added “Then you get out of here” it yelled, I was surprised Deku didn’t go deaf. 
“He’s so well behaved with us” Shouto whispered as he leaned down next to my ear “So much progress down the drain because Midoriya is here” I smiled as he shook his head “We need to teach him more” I flushed at his words. “One night should do the trick” I laughed and looked back at our boyfriend. 
“Right, I’ll do that” I shook my head and let the air from my lungs. Deku needed to stand up for himself more, he was so strong but one comment from Katsuki and he was out like a light. Though I could see the fear, Katsuki never really yelled at Shouto and I. He was quite calm with us though there have been a few outbursts. 
“I don’t think one night is enough” I turned and smirked to Todoroki, “A few would definitely suffice though” I whispered and heard the little grunt from Shouto. If only Katsuki knew what we were planning. He would have stopped yelling, or continued. He seemed to like the lessons. 
Deku got up and was now going to get his turn. His electricity like lines spread over his body and when the course ended he was one second longer than Katsuki and I. I could see the wide smile on my boyfriend's face and he looked at both Shouto and I then nodded and laughed at the score. Always so competitive. Something I fell in love with. 
Deku was now back and talking with Uraraka and Iida as Shouto and I listened in. “I didn’t think I’d be able to get so close to Kacchans’ time” with the way Deku smiled and spoke those words and Katsuki’s narrowed eyes and angered look I knew this wouldn’t end well. 
“What, no way. I’ll go again and blast your score to ash” I was looking at Katsuki and shook my head in defeat. I went to turn around to talk to Shouto about this new predicament though when I turned I heard a scream and then the sound of ice. 
I ran to the railing and saw Shouto kneeling down ice sprouting from the ground over the course. No way, this couldn’t be happening. The whole area was covered in a thick layer of ice. “This is insane” it was, this was fast, I gripped the railings. “Fourteen seconds” I was livid, I could feel anger coursing through my veins but as he stood up I couldn’t help but notice how hot he looked. “This gentleman has jumped to the top of the pack” I felt my eye twitch and then Katsuki joined my side and then he was gone.
“Out of the way Icy-Hot bastard” I watched and Katsuki was now bursting through the air towards our boyfriend. I was rocking myself against the railing just like Katsuki had done. I was not going to stoop to his level, I was going to be calm. “You can’t just appear out of nowhere and show me up” Shouto had a blank face and I could faintly hear something about Katsuki needing to recognise he lost. 
With that I was jumping over the railing and landing on the course. I stomped my way over and looked at our boyfriend dead, his stupidly cute miss-matched eyes “You said you didn’t even want to participate” I yelled and threw my hands into the air. 
“Don’t ignore me” is one of Katsuki’s favourite lines to shout when we didn’t answer him. We needed time to think but at this moment, I felt the same. This was beyond anger inducing, he didn’t want to participate though by his choice of words I should have understood he meant to challenge our hot-headed boyfriend. 
“The next person is waiting” the woman spoke slowly and Katsuki and I both turned to her with the speed of All Might himself and I could see the fear in her eyes. I was sure she knew who we were and with all the yelling I would be afraid too. 
“Shut up, I am doing it again” we both yelled our eyes locked in on her form. There was no way she was stopping me from beating both my boyfriends this god forsaken challenge. I was going to prove I am the best and then later they would praise me. I didn’t want to praise Shouto, at least not for this. 
“Please stop, you are going to make the world think UA is full of degenerates” Iida was running onto the course. We were not degenerates. I was already coming up with a plan to finish in under five seconds. Instead of moving I had to do what Shouto did and stay still, let my quirk do the work.  
Shouto was holding Katsuki and I back as we were escorted out of the course grounds. Once out Katsuki and I were pouting as we walked with Shouto, Kirishima having said he wanted to go see Kaminari at work, I also heard that Mineta was here. I crossed my arms and pouted as we walked around. 
“Are you done?” Shouto asked us and I turned away as Katsuki said what was on his mind, as he always did. We had moved to a secluded area and I felt Shoutos’ arm wrap around my body and he cuddled into my neck “Don’t be mad Y/N” he whispered and Katsuki rolled his eyes coming in to join the hug. 
“I’m not mad” I gritted out, how could I stay mad as they both hugged me. It was nearly impossible for a few more seconds and Katsuki giving my forehead a light kiss I sighed and “Fine” I drew out the vowel and smiled. “Wanna get something to eat?” I asked. 
“It would be best to get something in the room, that way it is not a full meal, the reception is tonight and there will be food” Shouto pointed out, he was right, there would be food there. “Though it is still quite early, we could have a light lunch and a snack before the reception,” Katsuki nodded. 
“I saw a nice looking restaurant a little ways away, near that park thing” Katsuki began and brought out his phone from the little pocket on his pants. He unblocked his phone and showed us the location. I took his phone and looked at the online menu. 
I scrolled down and as we were walking I was scrolling. I couldn’t count the amount of times I had been on Bakugou’s phone and I still couldn’t comprehend the device sometimes. “Oh Shou they have Cold Soba” I smiled and showed him the photo. 
“I was unsure of this place and no you both don’t get a choice. We are going” Shouto nodded and both Katsuki and I were laughing, it was so funny to hear his monotone voice seem so excited. Katsuki and I could hear the difference. 
“You and your fucking soba. I could make it better” Katsuki had his hands on his hips as he looked at our boyfriend with a smile, I smiled at him. I couldn’t lie, Katsuki did make the best food. I had to admit that I had once called Shouto to pick me up because Katsuki said if we were at his house he would make us food. We showed up within the hour. 
“I do not doubt that Katsuki '' the little smile that Shouto gave the both of us as he spoke made my heart flutter in happiness. I loved them both so much, I would do anything for them. Even something as simple as a smile made me so happy. 
We continued to walk as I continued to look through the menu “Katsuki” I called out as we stopped and they both looked over my shoulder “It’s called the ring of fire. It’s just a bowl of chilli noodles and beef” I smiled and showed the photo to him. 
A loud laugh left his throat and he took his phone scrolling through the ingredients “That’s what i'm getting. It better be spicy” he nodded and then gave the phone back “What are you thinking kitten” he asked as we continued to walk. 
“I’m thinking something hot, I want noodles” I nodded and clicked the category of noodles. “This one looks good” my eyebrows rose as I looked over the beef noodles. “The broth has a few spices and the beef has been marinated overnight to then cooked to order, the vegetables are marinated with it” Shouto nodded as Katsuki took the phone and looked over it. 
“It’s like the noodles I made for our three months,” Katsuki answered and then put his phone away. It was one of my favourite ‘dates’ we had gone on. My parents were out and because my house was the biggest we had decided to get the ingredients and then go to mine and cook. It was such a good night. “It even has the same noodles.” those noodles were delicious. 
“Oh ok, I’m definitely getting that then” Shouto nodded to my conclusion and we finally made it to the restaurant. There wasn’t too much of a line but it was packed. It looked to my full. “I did not take into account the people” I whispered. 
“Don’t worry, let me talk” Katsuki and I tilted our heads but we slowly walked up to the front of the line. Shouto took his wallet out of his pocket and collected a card that was red. Katsuki and I made eye contact in confusion and we waited. The woman looked around and breathed out trying to find a spot but as I searched to no avail. “Do not worry, we will be taking the private booth please” the woman went to laugh and then her face fell as she looked at the card. 
“Oh my. Of course” she bowed and grabbed three menus “Please right this way, follow me” we walked through the restaurant and to the back, going up a flight of stairs and then we were taken to a booth at the back, it was quiet and there was almost no one. “A waiter will be with you in a few minutes to take your drinks” she bowed again as I wiggled into the seat, I wanted to be in the middle. 
“What is that card” I looked at Shouto who slipped the card back into his wallet then placed it on the table to the side to not get in the way. I needed a card like that, if it meant I never had to deal with people again in a crowded space I would love to have such a card. Katsuki took his gauntlets off placing them next to him in the booth. 
“It’s a card for the expo for my father so he doesn’t have to sit with fans. He said to use it so I’m not with common people” he shook his head and his eyes narrowed “But this way I can have a nice calm lunch with both my girlfriend and boyfriend without interruptions” he nodded. Picking up the menu to the drinks and began to look it over. 
My hand moved to gently hold his cheek as I leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss. I loved the way half his lips were colder than the other. He seemed surprised and then he leaned in getting into the kiss. We broke apart after a few seconds “Thank you Shou” I whispered. 
“Excuse me” We both turned to Katsuki who had a slight pout as he looked over to us “I am here to you know” it was hard sometimes to give all three people attention in the relationship but we tried. I had learnt that Katsuki really didn’t like being left out and often felt like people didn’t want him there. Shouto on the other hand had a lot of trouble with praise and had to be reassured we loved him every single day. All three of us had learnt to help each other. 
“Come here Katsuki” I leaned over holding his hand that was on the table and kissed him just the same as I had done to Shouto. His lips were always so soft, all his skincare routines he did on a night would definitely help to do that. When I leaned back I smiled at his soft face. “We know you’re here and we are both very happy you are here with us” we had to reassure him and I didn’t care how often I had to do it. 
“Can I have a kiss too Katsuki?” Shouto asked and leaned over my body so he could kiss him if he allowed, which he always did. Many believe he wasn’t affectionate but Katsuki was the most affectionate. “I love that you came here as well. I wouldn't have come if the both of you didn’t” Katsuki smiled and then leaned in kissing Shouto softly as I smiled at both of them. As they leaned back Shouto smiled and “I love you Katsuki you too Y/N” 
I watched as the male in question turned away a flush on his cheeks, something we saw quite often with him. He wasn’t too good with receiving affection, I moved to put a hand on each of their legs and squeezed. Then the waiter walked over. 
“Good afternoon, may I take your drinks order” he asked and looked us over as I quickly skimmed the menu. “If you need more time, I can come back in a few minutes” he asked and Shouto answered it was alright. After ordering our drinks we also asked him to take our food orders and then we were back to talking. 
“I don’t want to go to this party, it’ll just be a bunch of old geezers giving speeches. Sounds like a pretty lame night to me” Katsuki voiced as he rested his chin on his head. “I only came for you two” he added as he looked us over. 
I nodded “Shouto and I spoke on the plane about not really wanting to attend” I sighed. “I did bring a nice dress though” it was a beautiful dress. Something a little fancier then I would usually wear but nice nonetheless. 
“I do not want people to ask about my father” Shouto added and I leaned back “But we have to attend at least I do anyway. He wants me to go and I know it’ll only be more effort to not go in the long run” he looked down at his words and Katsuki leaned over taking his head just as I did. We knew it was hard on him. “You two stay in the room, I’ll only go for an hour or so and then we can spend the rest of the night together” he asked quietly. 
“We are going with you, I’ll have to go to my room and find something nice. I didn’t bring anything fancy, I wasn’t planning to go” he paused and smiled at Shouto, a real smile “We are here for you Shou" I nodded and the boy nodded as well. 
“Then we go together” I smiled “And I asked Kirishima if I could sneak a suit in his luggage for you” I smiled and with a shake of his head I was brought into a hug as I laughed and held out my arms for Shouto who happily moved closer to join in. 
Not too long after, the food and drinks arrived, we thanked and then began to eat. We began to eat and chat. “This is actually really good, wanna try” Katsuki asked as I nodded and leaned in to take some of the noodles off his chopstick tasting the flavour and hummed with a nod. 
“That’s really good. Too bad Shouto, you aren’t a fan of spicy food” he shrugged and then took some soba into his mouth with a nice hum. I got some of my own noodles and meat in the grasp of my chopsticks and held it up to Katsuki. “It’s really nice, not the same as yours but still good” I nodded and he leaned over taking them into his mouth then chewing for a few seconds and nodded. 
“It’s not too bad, not as good as mine but still good” he nodded and I saw Shouto look at my meal back at his and then back at mine. He wouldn’t like Katsuki, we all knew that but he looked sad he wasn’t offered some. 
“Shouto would you like to try some” I picked up the noodles just as I did for Katsuki and he looked a little awkward “come on Shou, don’t be shy. You can ask to have some” I smiled and he nodded leaning over to take a bite and then nodded. 
“Sorry, I didn’t want to ask but you two were right it is quite nice. The meat is very tender” he nodded and I verbally agreed as we began to eat once more. It was nice to be able to have a meal together and not be worried about the gazes of others about our choice of relationship. 
“Can I try some” I asked and I could live off the small smile Shouto gave as he gathered some in his chopsticks and then offered it to me. I leaned in and took the soba into my mouth and then chewed and nodded. “It’s good, Katsuki should make some for us. Sometime” I asked suggestively. 
We both turned to the boy in question who just looked up from his food and then smiled “I can do that” even as he complained about making us food he always did no matter whose house we were at. He loved to cook and provide for us. 
The rest of the lunch went by with quiet chatter and easy laughs. Time seemed to fly and as we looked at the time Shouto noticed a message from Iida saying where we would all wait and then go together. We agreed to get dressed and meet up then we would all sit at a table together and not talk to anyone. 
“Are you sleeping with us tonight” I asked just before we were about to part ways so Katsuki could go and get dressed. I hoped he said yes but then again then Kirishima would be alone in the room. 
“Of course. Shitty hair wants Pikachu and ball head to come over so I can just bring my bags over after the party” with those words and a few shared kisses we parted ways and we were off to our room to get ready. 
Walking into the room I stretched my hands above my head and put our phones on charge for the party. Searching through my suitcase I found my makeup bag and dress. “I’m going to go for a shower and do my makeup, I shouldn’t be too long” I called over my shoulder to Shouto on the bed. 
“Ok, I’m giving Katsuki a call, Kirishima isn’t there yet and he is bored” the small smile on his lips made me smile in return “I’ll tell him you’re in the shower” he looked up and I smiled back to him. I was so in love with both of them. 
“Tell him to charge his phone, he always forgets” a simple nod and I was off to shower, the shower was beyond lovely and warm, once out I put my hair up and began the process of makeup. I made sure to dry my hair and tuck in the towel so it wouldn’t fall. 
“She’s doing her makeup” I could hear Shouto say and then the door opened as I looked up from doing only the first part of my makeup “Doesn’t our girlfriend look beautiful” he moved into the bathroom and I saw the phone in his hand. 
“You both are” I smiled and looked down making a ‘Shoo’ motion with a light laugh. Shouto left the room but I could hear them “Your bathroom is so much nicer” I smiled and then continued on with my mission to do my makeup. 
Some flicked eyeliner, shining highlights and blow dried hair later I was done and walking out of the bathroom and I ran my fingers through my hair. I looked at Shouto who had taken a shower while I did my makeup and now his eyes widened. 
“I need to call Katsuki.” his hands were trying to find his phone without looking down. Once found he quickly looked down to call our boyfriend. “Katsuki” he quickly began and then Shouto was walking over “Look at her” the phone was in front of my face as I waved into the camera. 
It was silent as I looked around “I am definitely coming over tonight” he started and I flushed laughing lightly “Keep me on the line, I want to see the dress” the camera was then gone as Shouto tried to describe what he had seen with the little glimpse he got. 
I picked up my dress and headed back to the bathroom. A long sleeved, v-neck, lace F/C dress, at the waist it flowed down between my legs and over my rear, showing the sides of my legs and hips. I made sure the bra I chose to wear couldn’t be seen and then I was walking out. 
“Fuck” I looked up seeing Shouto in his suit and I paused to look at him. He didn’t swear often. He was moving to pick up his phone and I stood as he fumbled and then his hand came to rest on his chin. 
“Fuck” Katsuki repeated and I looked down, I felt pretty but that reaction was all I needed to know this was my dress. This was the perfect dress for tonight. I was so glad they liked it, confidence rose in my chest and I did a small twirl. 
“You guys like it” I asked and walked forward to Shouto holding the phone and Katsuki on the phone. They were silent as I moved to look at Katsuki and swap the camera around so it was facing Shouto and I. 
“Yes” they both spoke and then Katsuki had to go as Kirishima was coming into the room. “You look amazing” Shouto breathed out and his hand came to hold the small of my back as he came to lean in and kiss my hair. “I don’t want to ruin your makeup” he whispered. 
“Now that we are both ready and you are looking very handsome, can we take a photo for Katsuki and send it to him”  he nodded and then we were moving his phone and putting on a timer for the camera. 
A few attempts later we had a photo that looked professional. The lighting and the blank wall behind us made our outfits pop. I had put on the matching heels to make the photo look more authentic and beautiful. We were standing next to each other in just the perfect position and with a smile it was sent to Katsuki, I had to admit we really went above and beyond for this photo. Within seconds we received a reply “Please don’t do this to me, I’m with shitty hair”.
“Are you ready to go Shou" I looked over my shoulder at my boyfriend, his suit looked so handsome and I knew from the three of us it was going to be a fun night. Walking over I fixed his tie slightly “You look so handsome in your matching suit” I smiled “Come on Iida is waiting for us” we made our way through the room and then down to where we had to catch an elevator. 
“I sent Katsuki a message, hopefully he has not forgotten his phone again” Shouto whispered quietly as I leaned over to view the screen. Katsuki had gotten better at answering calls and messages. At the start of our relationship he wasn’t the best but he is working on it which I’m sure Shouto and I were grateful for. 
Coming out of the elevators I saw Iida who I assumed had gotten here far earlier than anyone else. Kaminari and Mineta were also here in their little butler outfits. I laughed lightly as I walked out and into the room. Iida turned around and smiled “I’m glad you two could make it, Todoroki looking very fresh, Y/N” he paused and then nodded “That colour suits you” he smiled. 
“Thank you Iida, you look quite nice as well, where is everyone?” I tried to ignore the stares from the two other boys and tried harder to ignore the little whispers to each other. We were a few minutes early but with Iida if you weren’t early you were late. 
“They seem to be running a little late” he took out his phone and rang Midoriya. The phone call was mostly linear movements and some loud vocals. I was surprised how loud his voice could go, sometimes louder then Katsuki. 
“Sorry about that, you guys” Midoriya’s words were slowed towards the end as he walked out from the elevator and looked us over, we had been here quite awhile but I didn’t mind. Shouto and I had quiet chatter and Katsuki replied saying Kirishima was guiding them to the venue and to go in without him. “Where is everybody?” he stopped running, going to a slow walk. 
“They’re not here yet” Iida arms unfolded “Does a proper meeting time mean nothing to you people” he was always like this, so in charge and ready for anything. He did make a good class rep and no one could deny that. 
With those words the sound of an elevator door opening rang through the room looking over. I saw it was Uraraka “Sorry i'm late, it took me a while to get ready” she looked cute with her hand scratching the back of her neck and the pink dress she had on. She clearly had gone to the trouble of looking nice. I was going to compliment her though with Kaminari and Mineta racing over. I stayed still. 
Another elevator opened showing a blushing Jirou and Yaoyorozu, Jirou was hiding behind the other girl, was she embarrassed? I was positive she looked beautiful no matter what she wore. “Apologies for the tardiness, Jirous’ feeling shy” I knew that feeling but with the help of my boyfriends I had slowly come out of my shell. I ignored the boys once again. 
They stepped out of the elevator and Jirou looked down playing with her earlobes “This is fancier than anything I’ve worn before” she looked nice in the pink and purple dress, Yaoyorozu did too. Shouto and I walked forward to join the group. “It feels like a costume” I couldn’t agree more. 
“I’m just glad you’re not in a t-shirt” I rolled my eyes at the electric blonde and sighed, he really needed some new morals. Shaking my head I leaned against Shouto just to try and calm my nerves, I wasn’t a fan of crowded places. 
“Even the jacket can’t ruin it” Mineta bluntly stated, they both got sound waves to ear, just as they deserved. I was glad I hadn’t heard the things they said about my choice of clothing. I would have put them in a box for the rest of the night. 
“I think you both look very nice, even with the jacket” I made eye contact with the fallen Mineta at that comment and looked back up with a smile “It’s nice to see you guys out of uniform. You too Uraraka” I smiled at the group. There was no harm in boosting someone's self esteem even if it was only a little. 
“Thank you, you look very nice too, I wouldn’t expect you to wear something like this but I really like it” Yaoyarozu nodded and Jirou agreed with an input from Uraraka. I smiled and pushed my hair back and smiled in thanks. 
“This is my first time in formal wear, I just borrowed something from Yaoyorozu” Uraraka walked over to Midoriya as her arms bent at the elbow up and down as she spoke. Yaoyarozu had very pretty dresses then. 
“It looks really good” Midoriya scratched his cheek and I smiled leaving the conversation. They had such chemistry, I was surprised one hadn’t confessed yet. Then again I hadn’t confessed in the greatest ways. I took Shouto’s hand, we weren’t much for public displays of affection but right now I was so happy to be with friends and loved ones.  
The sound of the elevator opening sounded and I turned hoping to see Katsuki and Kirishima though it wasn’t them. It was the girl I had seen at the stands. I never caught her name though she seemed to know the place. “Oh good” she ran in dress swaying as she did. “I thought I was going to miss you guys. Let’s get downstairs to the party” she seemed very friendly from the one sentence I had heard her speak. I should talk to her. 
I ignored the boys having a fangirl fest in the middle of the room. I shook my head and then we were off to the party. “No good, neither of them is picking up their phones. Knowing those two they’re just blowing off the party” Iida spoke out. 
“Bakugou and Kirishima said to go in without them, Todoroki and I messaged Bakugou” I began and saw a few sideways glances of interest. The girls always asked about my relationship with the two and most had guessed what was going on. “We can go in without them, they will come eventually” I smiled and got a nod from Iida. 
I took out my phone and saw a message from the explosive boy. Opening the message I almost dropped my phone at the picture of Katsuki in a suit with roses on the side and a tilted head. “What’s wrong” Shouto started and then looked over my shoulder at the photo “Why is he so handsome” he whispered and I nodded. Sending a message along the lines of what he had sent to us. I hoped they were both safe. 
The alarm began to sound and I felt Shouto pull my body closer to his own, the windows began to have their lockdown shutters fall. An explosive device? I worried for Katsuki’s safety as well as Shoutos’ and my own, so I looked around and we had everyone. So far so good. Most likely a false alarm. The voice over the speakers continued as I put my hand on Shoutos’ chest. What was going on?
Shouto took out his phone “I’m not getting any signal, looks like my service is completely blocked” I took his phone and then my own and quickly checked. No signal, we couldn’t contact Katsuki. What if he was in danger. I looked to Shouto who seemed to have the same fears. “He will be ok, he is strong” whispered quietly I nodded and handed his phone back. 
“The elevators are not working either” Jirou was standing in front of the elevator system, though we still had lights on so it wasn’t as if the power was out. What a suspicious time to have a lockdown. I stepped away from Shouto and looked around. 
“What the heck is going on here” Mineta cried out, he had a point. He was saying what was on everyone's minds. It had to be a false alarm, a faulty button. There wouldn’t actually be a bomb here, right? 
“It is strange that the system would go on high alert” it was the girl I didn’t know the name of. I had to ask her name, if I knew her name I could protect her. Her hand was under her chin in thought. She must know this place well. “That’s not the protocol whenever explosives are discovered” so she did know this place well. If this wasn’t the protocol then something must be wrong. 
“Iida, let’s go to that party” Midoriya stated sternly walking over to the seemed leader of the group. Iida questioned why, why did he want to go to the party. It was a lockdown. We should stay in the same place until we are told not to. “Because that’s the place we can find All might right now” I nodded, it was a good plan. All Might would know what to do. 
“Wait All Might’s in there” I knew that wherever Midoriya was, All Might wasn’t too far away. Though if the number 1 hero was here then we had nothing to worry about, if there was an explosive I was sure he was on his way to do and stop the issue. 
“Oh thank goodness, we don’t have anything to worry about” Mineta looked relieved but this was still suspicious. Would they not have put something over the intercoms to say the situation was being handled. They wouldn’t keep people in the dark plus there were probably up to a hundred Pro’s here. Someone would say something. 
“So Melissa do you know of a way we can get down there without the elevator” my eyes perked as Midoriya looked at the blonde girl, her name was Melissa. Perfect, name done. I could now protect everyone in the room. Shouto had been kind enough to give me the heros and top celebrities and things that would be here for right now. I was able to help.
“Yeah sure, we can use the emergency stairs” she replied pointing to the stairs behind Shouto and I, it would be risky. If something was actually wrong we could be going towards the danger instead of away.  I could only help so many people. “That will at least get us close” I wanted to voice my worries but I had trust in my friends. 
“We will follow your lead then” I clenched up, I was worried not only for the people in this room but Katsuki. I was beyond worried about him, was he ok? Was Kirishima with him? He couldn’t message us now and that brought a whole new wave of panic. 
We began to walk through the stairs, silently as we could which was hard with heels and fancy wear. I was scared and worried about Katsuki and Kirishima as well as the rest of the people on this island. Jirou and Midoriya walked in to see what was going on as the rest of us waited. 
“We’ve received All Might’s orders loud and clear, he is our teacher. I suggest we follow his instructions and escape this place” Iida had a point, he had told us to leave but we may be the only people that could actually help win this fight. Who knows what these villains were trying to do. “Otherwise we’d be going against his will”
“I’m afraid I have to agree with what Iida is saying. We are still only students, we can’t fight these villains if we don't have our hero licenses” Yaoyarozu was also in the right. Legally we weren’t allowed in interveen, we had to do as our teacher had told us but we did not come here as a school but as ourselves. 
“Why don’t we get out of here and tell the hero's outside?” Kaminari piped up, hypothetically that may work but it may also set off unwanted alarms along the way. It may end us in a worse spot than we already are. There wasn’t much we could do without permission but I wanted to help. 
“It’s not going to be very easy to escape” Melissa whispered out as her hand left her chin, I stood close to Shouto and tried to think my way out of this. My whole quirk relied on thinking, that’s what I was here for. I was logical and smart and I had to figure something out. “The security system here is on the same level of that of the Tartarus prison which is where they keep the most dangerous criminals in the world” think, I had to think. 
“And all we can do is sit and wait until everything is over I guess” Kaminari voiced out, his tone was low and sad. I couldn’t blame him, I also felt trapped. I had to think of something, anything. Any idea was better than none. 
Jirou stood up fists clenched and looked down to our classmate “Are you really ok with that Kaminari” she questioned in a soft tone. I wasn’t, I wasn’t ok with just sitting and doing nothing while innocent people feared for their lives. “Don’t you think we should at least try and stop them” I nodded in agreement. 
“Come on, those villains have even got All Might trapped. There’s no way we can stop them ourselves if the actual Pros are stuck” Mineta although was disgusting and quite pervy, he unfortunately was decently smart. His words were true. If they had a hold of All Might then what shot did we have. 
“Aren’t we trying to be Pros’ ourselves” my eyes left the ones of my classmates and turned to one of my lovers, he was looking down at his hand as he sighed out lowly eyes half lidded. He looked sad, he almost always did. 
“Yes but we are not allowed to work as heroes, you know that” Yaoyarozu looked sad as well as she spoke. I could see she wanted to help but also wanted to keep people safe, keep us safe. I couldn’t agree more but if we couldn’t at least help a few people then sitting here and doing nothing will be meaningless.
“Does that mean that it’s right to do nothing at all” Shoutos’ fist clenched as he continued to stare at his hand. I shook my head, he was worried. Whether it be about our missing boyfriend or the idea of sitting aside and not doing anything I didn’t know. I would guess it was a little of both. 
“Well it’s complicated” Yayorozu was right, this was complicated. Do we risk getting in more danger and not helping anyone or do we sit back and potentially not help someone in need. All Pro’s had to deal with these choices but as I saw everyones’ faces fall my own fell as well. 
It was silent in the stairwell but with a shake of my head I breathed in “I can help” everyone's eyes turned to me “I want to help, I don’t care for the consequences. Bakugou and Kirishima are out there, civilians are out there. I can shield us from being seen if need be but I am not going to stand here when I am able to help” I swallowed the lump in my throat as I pursed my lips. 
“I want to help” Midoriya whispered out “I want to save them” we made eye contact and he looked so determined, this was all our dreams. To become a hero, to help those in need no matter the consequences. To do all we can until we can’t. 
“You want to go fight those villains, did you learn anything from the USJ Midoriya?” Mineta's voice was loud and his hands were moving so frantically. I thought back to the USJ, I had been teleported to one of the zones alone and made to fight, I didn’t know any names so I spent my time dodging and using the loophole of my own name to survive. 
“This is totally different, we don’t have to fight them, as Y/N said she can shield us. We need to find a way to rescue All Might and everyone else at the party without facing the bad guys” Midoriya fired back, he was ready for any question that was shot at him, I could see it. I could shield all of us, I could shield the island if given enough time. I could do this. 
“That’s easy to say but you know it won’t be that simple” this time it was Kaminari who shot the idea down. If they wanted to be heros they needed to start believing in themselves. We could deal with the consequences, we were here on our business not the schools. 
“I know but I still want to try,” Midoriya nodded and I nodded, I was going to help them with or without the help of my classmates. I wasn’t going to let innocent people be scared because of some egotistical villains who decided to make a scene. “We can figure out what the best plan of action is and keep these criminals from winning. We can save everyone” he called out, I thought we were being a bit loud for the stairway but I wasn’t going to say anything. 
“I know where the security system is, it’s on the top floor of this tower” Melissa walked forward into the group, she did know this place which means she would most likely know the safest route to take. “If these criminals manage to take control of it then the authentication lock password has most likely been disabled. We should be able to restart the system ourselves. We just have to stay off the villains radar until then and get to the top floor.That’s all” I could cover us and the cameras wouldn’t see us but if doors were locked it would most likely sound an alarm which wouldn’t do us any favours. “If we do that the whole island will be safe again” 
“Then it’s possible” Midoriya whispered in hope, of course it was possible, everything is possible. The word impossible literally says I’m possible, we just had to devise a plan and stick to it to remain safe. 
“Sure but how do we keep on the low for that long” Jirou questioned walking forward towards Melissa who had just finished her motivating speech. Judging by the way she spoke I was guessing that she was able to restart the system. 
“The security system hasn’t discovered us yet that means the villains probably don’t know how it works very well” she had a point, the stairwell seemed to be fine. No alarms or villains coming to check it out. I nodded in thought. 
“So we avoid fighting anyone and try to get the place back to normal” I knew Shoutos’ voice from anywhere, I turned to look at his arms crossed over his chest and eyes downcast in thought. I hoped Katsuki was ok. “That could work” 
“I can cover us from unwanted eyes. I am able to cover us all with no problem. It would be like we weren’t even there” I smirked moving my hands to rest on my hips. “Cameras’ aren’t able to detect me when in an illusion, I’ve tried” I continued to smirk at the smiles I was receiving. 
“Not bad, what do you think” Kaminari turned to Jirou who smiled and agreed. Mineta did not look in the least bit impressed with his wide eyes and mouth. He was never going to become a hero if he was unable to take a leap of faith. 
“Many of our enemies are likely gathered there on the top floor” Yayorozu thought aloud into the stairwell. I would guess most would be there though some would be trying to do whatever it actually was they were trying to do here. 
“If we’re fast we won’t have to fight them, when the security system goes back to normal All Might and the others will be released. They’ll immediately jump into action and stop the villains I know it” we all seemed to be on the same page. 
“Let’s do this guys” Uraraka jumped up her eyes wide and hand fisted in determination. We would help these people, we would become heroes some day. This was just the first step in the long journey of our future career. “I don’t want to sit around here being helpless, not if there’s something we can actually try” she shook her head and looked to Midoriya who had said her name. “What’s important is that we’re helping people even if we’re not real heroes” I smiled at the bright girl. 
“That’s exactly how I feel about things, we’ll follow our hearts and save the island” even though Midoriya was talking to the group his eyes never left Uraraka, it seemed like all his words were directed to her and her alone. They would make a good couple in the future.  
Everyone began to agree to the plan, one right after the other. We were going to do this, for us and us alone. We were going to save these people not for show or to be seen but because that’s what a hero does. 
“The moment I think we’ve gone too far it’s over” Iida walked into the little huddle of us all eyes closed and brows knotted. He was worried you could practically feel the waves of emotion coming from him. “If that’s something you can agree too, I’ll join you as well” 
With all in agreeance, Midoriya told Melissa to stay behind and when listening in I found out it was because she was quirkless, something very rare these days. Even if the quirk was considered ‘useless’ they were still held higher than those without quirks. She was strong and put the greenet in his place with her knowledge of the tower. She was going to be a hero too. She was a student at the academy she said and she wanted to help. I nodded and smiled at her. She was going to be a hero one way or another. Midoriya went back to tell All Might what our plans were and soon we were off and going through the tower. When he came back we began to go through the tower to try and get to the top. We were running up the stairs which was quite hard in heels and a dress but I was managing. 
Finally we reached level 30, I couldn’t believe we made it without a single alarm of bystander. These villains really didn’t know what they were doing here. They did not know the system as if they did there would be alarms in the stairwell. 
“Melissa, how high does it go” Midoriya asked as I turned to the girl in question, she was puffed, sweating and holding the railing for support. She wasn’t used to high intense training like we were, the stairs were like nothing to us. An annoyance at most but not difficult. 
“Two-hundredth floor” she breathed out, I shook my head as Kaminari asked her to repeat herself. She could barely make it to the thirtieth I doubted she would make it to two hundred though I had faith in her. She just had to keep pushing herself. 
After a small discussion that taking the two hundred flights was better than an accidental run in with the villains we all began to climb again. I stayed in line with Shouto as we ran. We had to be fast otherwise something could potentially go wrong. I sighed out and shook my head while running, everyone would be ok. I knew it. Katsuki would be ok. He had to be. Each flight felt like impending doom and finally at floor eighty it was blocked. 
“What should we do?” Shouto asked as he breathed heavily. Eighty flights will do that to a person. I breathed out looking around, what could we do. There might be villains or civilians on the other side. “Break through it,” he suggested. I shook my head, no there had to be another way.
“If we did that, I’m sure the security system would alert the villains that someone’s in here” Melissa answered, I had the same thought. I looked over the block and bit my lip, my lungs still begging for more oxygen. What could we do? 
“Then why don’t we go through this door instead” that was Minetas’ voice and as I turned around not even hearing Midoriya’s words as he yelled. Mineta opened the door with a click. No, no, no, they would know we are here. This could ruin everything. 
We all went through and I sent out a cover, the detectors would detect something but they wouldn’t be able to see us at least. “We move now” I started and ran out first. “I have us covered but that doesn’t stop sensors only cameras” I called over my shoulder as Shouto came to join me at the front. We ran down the hall hoping to find a way further up.
“Is there another way to go up?” Shouto asked over his shoulder, I was guessing he was indicating to Melissa who knew her way around. I knew the villains knew we were here and I was sure they were sending reinforcement.  
“There should be another emergency staircase at the end of the hallway” she shouted back, it was good my illusions also hid sound, in a place like this I didn’t doubt that the cameras also had mics. 
“Alright then let's hurry” Iida instructed though as we turned a corney the gates began to shut. I guess they believed it wasn’t a false alarm and then people really were scuttling around on this floor. The gates began to close “Todoroki” Iida called. 
“I got it” a shard of ice shot out from his foot and then Iida was running and sending his leg through the gate. We had to keep moving. I grabbed Melissa’s arm and began to run, she was the most important out of all of us. 
Running in there were trees and bushed everywhere “What is this place” I hadn’t let go of her hand as we ran. I needed to know she was safe. She couldn’t defend herself like the rest of us. She was smart but villains didn’t care for smarts. 
“It’s a plant factory” she answered as we ran into the factory. “They research the effects quirks have on fauna here” she elaborated. An interesting field to go in I had to admit, I was more for the hero side if I was being honest. 
“Hold on” Jirous' arm went out in a rushed movement and we all stopped. I brought Melissa closer to me, she smiled and seemed grateful. I nodded to her. “Look, the elevators are coming up” she breathed, so they did know we were here. There was no point to hiding us here then. 
“Don’t tell me the villains found us” Mineta looked about ready to dig his own grave amongst the fauna. I looked around, we could hide but knowing villains they wouldn’t stop until we were found. We could fight them but that would mean owning up to us being here. 
“We should hide and let them pass,” Midoriya told the group and we all agreed. We ran off to the side hiding amongst the bushes. I covered us just to be sure. We waited in silence and I crouched close to Shouto and others down the other end talked. 
The villains came in, speaking lowly and I couldn’t quite hear them. They just had to leave, they had to leave. Walking in they began to look around for us. I could see Uraraka holding her hands over her mouth even though she knew they couldn’t see us but what if one of them had a quirk that could. This could be bad. We just had to wait for them to pass. 
“Hey we see you stupid kids” that’s impossible, they couldn’t see us. There was no way. No one could see us. Does he have a thermal imaging quirk type thing? We were safe, right? Was he trying to make us come out. Some kind of reverse psychology. 
“What did you say you bastard” I perked up, I knew that voice. Looking out I saw Katsuki in all his glory. His suit and tie, his scowl. He was ok, he was alive and ok. I felt a hand come to my back and I turned to see Shouto looking relieved. 
“What are you two doing here” one of the villains asked, they must not know what’s going on. Katsuki would never give up the chance to use his quirk against a real villain. Did they not hear the broadcast? How were they at such a high level?
He laughed lightly “That’s what I wanna know too” he began to walk forward. I shook, what was he doing? He needed to be careful. He was so close but so out of reach. I watched Kirishima put a hand on his chest and told Bakugou that he could take care of it. 
“We kinda got lost looking for the party” I deadpanned, lost, this was the eightieth floor. How do you get that lost that you wind up on the eightieth floor. I knew they weren't lying with how awkward Kirishima was acting. I doubted they even knew where they were. Katsuki did not look happy. “Can you maybe point us in the right direction” he asked politely. 
“Don’t lie to me or you’ll regret it” the words were yelled as one of the villains sent out what seemed to be a gust of wind towards the boys. My eyes widened and before I knew it I was running. 
My arm raised quickly sending out a wall to protect them. “Hey watch out” Katsuki yelled and I held the wall up as Kirishima fell back and Katsuki met my eyes. “What?” I saw his lips mimic but no sound came out. I was breathing heavily. I had to protect them. “Shou" he asked as Shouto walked out. 
His hand moved to the floor “We can keep them busy down here, look for a way to the top” ice sprouted from the ground and was sending the rest of the group up towards a higher railing. I was not in the right attire to fight but I was going to. They were trying to get through the wall. “We’ll be right behind you after we clean up this mess” I smiled at them. 
“Go be heroes” I shouted and looked to Melissa “Show me what you can do” she nodded firmly and then they were gone and up on a higher railing. I needed to make sure my boyfriends were safe, I knew they could handle themselves but love does strange things. 
“Wait you guys are here too” Kirishima asked slowly and confused “What the hecks going on guys” Kirishima walked over and Katsuki followed coming to look at us both. I knew those looks, he was checking us over. 
“You didn’t hear the broadcast alert” Shouto asked as I pushed the wall higher, they were strong villains. Though we could take them I knew we could. There were four against two, we could do this. Now that I knew they were ok I was less panicked, a clear mind. “Nevermind, some villains have taken over the tower” 
Katsukis’ eyes narrowed and he seemed to look us over more intently, he was making sure we were ok. “Wait, so that’s what this is about” he asked as I looked through the wall, they were desperately trying to get through. I just had to hold them there until the others were out. 
“I’ll explain more when I can, no time now” Shouto looked to Katsuki and looked him up and down as well. Not while Kirishima was here, not right now please. I felt a hard hit to the wall and made it stronger as I looked through, he had a weird quirk in his hands, was it air, it looked to be air. 
“What’s with guys quirk” I could already hear the few pops from his palm as Katsuki called out his question. I let the wall fall and I breathed heavily, he was strong. I needed a second to completely clear my head. When Shouto said to stay alert he got a lovely “Shut up, I know that” from our boyfriend in return. 
“So you wanna pick a fight” the man began to shake and grow. I stepped back, I couldn’t do much without their names but I’d manage. “Let’s see how tough you really are” he screamed, skin turning purple and veins bulging in his arms, he looked like an ogre, a beast. 
Shouto flicked his arm out spikes of ice running straight for the beast of a man, he was punching them and they broke in front of my eyes. So he was strong, noted. Then he was coming straight for us. We all jumped and I landed on an illusion in the air. 
Katsuki quickly turned “Die” he screamed and sent an explosion into the beast's back receiving a loud grunt in response. The beast fell though I knew he would rise again soon. Katsuki landed. 
Through the smoke I saw the beast running towards him, he was pushed out of the way by Kirishima “Bakugou” his arms rose in a cross formation and hardened, stopping the villain in his tracks for only a second before Kirishima was pushing into the ground and through the leftover ice shard from Shouto and into a wall. 
“Kirishima” Katsuki called and I was looking around frantically. I hid myself from view as I watched. Who was more pressing to go after, who was stronger out of the two villains. I watched, it seemed the one with the air type quirk was, he was long range making him harder to take down. 
“Dodge” Shouto called out as ice sprouted from the ground towards the villain but was taken out but a swipe of his hand. I knew what I had to do. I had to take him out. Shouto and Katsuki were back to back as they were in the middle of the villains. 
“You boys know how to fight, don’t you” the air quirk villain asked, his voice was higher than it should be. I was dropping towards the ground, they couldn’t see me, I needed to wait for the perfect moment. I stayed closer to the ground and above the villain. 
“Where did you come from” the other asked in confusion, I was watching the two villains, they couldn’t attack right now without potentially harming the other in the process, so I waited. 
“Yeah right, like we’d tell a couple of weak ass villains” Katsuki called out with a smile, I smiled as well. He always got revved up in these situations, always so excited and all over the place. It was one of the many things I loved about him. 
“Why would we tell you anything?” Shouto asked, his hand coming out to show ice slowly frost over his hand. Then the fight began, smoke and ice everywhere. I couldn’t get a good view and then it was perfect. 
Katsuki had amazing reflexes but the purple villain was just very strong and the other villains' quirk had nothing to do with air, he was displacing matter as he wished a very strong quirk.”Let’s put an end to this” he shouted and began to twist in the air just as he had done the sports festival. “Howitzer impact” I knew I needed to get out of the way. I dropped from the sky grabbing Shouto and creating a barrier as a gust of smoke and heat sprang out. 
Once over I uncovered us, “Damn you” the other called out and sent out a gust of wind tearing Katsukis’ sleeve with a scream from Shouto. I was already running before I knew it. Hiding and then springing up behind him and throwing my body into the air and spinning only to send a kick to his ribs sending him to the other side of the path. 
“Did you forget about me” I called out and the guy stood up looking angry and down to his hand that seemed to have small parts of Katsuki’s sleeve. I was confused but made sure to be on high alert just in case. 
“That’s the sweat from my palms” I knew what he was doing now I stepped back, this wasn’t going to end well. “It works like Nitroglycerin” and with those few words Shouto knew what to do and sent out a line of fire exploding the villain and then collecting him in a block of ice.We ran over to Kirishima “Kirishima” Katsuki asked while Shouto asked if he was ok, Katsuki did care for his friends. 
“I can’t move, can you get me out of here?” I wanted to laugh as I looked at the worried face of Katsuki fall into one of annoyance like usual. I was sad his suit was ruined, I was looking forward to some pictures and taking it off later tonight but not all dreams come true.
“Are you that stupid just turn your damn quirk off idiot” I walked closer come to stand next to Katsuki, I missed him, I was so worried for him. I needed to know he was ok and now he was, right next to me. He was ok, Shouto was ok. 
“Oh right” Kirishima deactivated his quirk and then removed himself from the wall “Guess I should have thought of that” he looked down to his hands and brought a knee to his chest and tried to wipe some dust off of his suit. 
“I’m just glad to see you are not injured” Shouto spoke out, he still looked just as we left the room. All pristine and beautiful, Katsuki as well. I sighed and continued to look between the two of them. I was so glad they were ok. 
“Yeah same to you guys” he smiled and I smiled back, we were all ok, for now. “If I may say” Kirishima spoke slowly and then looked at the three of us with a smile “I know the three of you are dating and your girlfriend looks like she’s about to cry” both eyes turned to me and I laughed awkwardly. 
I threw myself into Katsukis’ chest and hugged him as tight as I could. “i’m so glad you’re ok Katsuki” I whispered and felt his arms wrap around me and put his head down on top of my own. “I was so worried” I added and felt another hand come to rub my back as I opened my arms for Shouto to join and that he did. “I’m so glad you both are ok” I paused and raised my head to Kirishima “You too” he smiled. 
Katsuki looked away from the complete red head and spoke out “Thank you” we all stopped in our tracks for a moment. Did Katsuki just say thank you. I wasn’t hearing things, right? Sure he had said it to Shouto and I but anyone else, no way. This was new territory, unfound land. 
“Wow where did that come from” I could hear the waver in Kirishima’s voice but the smile showed all I needed to know, he was grateful and I was proud of Katsuki, Shouto and brought me into his arms to hold me close and kiss the top of my head. ‘Don’t worry about it” he finished. 
Katsuki turned back quickly, hands in his pockets and mouth wide in a yell “I’m not worried” he screamed and I laughed lightly, he was always so quick to bite back. I loved him and Shouto more than life itself. 
“Alright, let’s catch up with the others” Shouto voiced loud enough for everyone to hear and then we were off to find the rest of the gang. I had no idea how high they could have made it by now. They might already be at the two-hundredth floor. I just hope they didn’t run into anything else. 
“Don’t order me around” I turned to look at Katsuki with one raised eyebrow and a slight smirk and he looked away, his cheeks lighting up slightly. If only people knew just how much Katsuki liked to be ordered around in different ways. 
“Todoroki time to give us some details” Kirishima yelled out and Shouto looked back to the rest of us but at the sound of an alarm we stopped and looked forward seeing robots flooding into the room. 
“Oh this is easy. Stay back boys” I smirked and ran into the front lines. Sending out clones with long sharp claws. Claws ripped through metal and wires like it was butter. This was my time to shine. Clones grew long and sharp teeth rearing forward to send long sharpened claws and teeth into the robots and ripped them apart. I ripped through the metal like it was nothing and after a few minutes the clones fell “Well that was easy” I flicked my hair over my shoulder and smiled to the boys “what thought you guys wanna gonna have all the fun” I asked. 
“That was so hot” Katsuki breathed out with a wide smile and I flushed looking down to the floor in embarrassment. “Please, do that more” I knew Katsuki had a thing for strong quirks but I turned around and then we were off again. 
We were running to the top, so many flights of stairs and robots that were taken out by clones, ice and explosions alike. As we were running we came to see a load of robots heading outside, we all looked and nodded knowing they would most likely be following the group, we had to help them. Katsuki was the first to make a hit saving Uraraka from a bunch of robots. I ran out clones coming out long claws and sharp teeth alike as I joined the fight, ripping them apart. Shouto and Kirishima ran in and when I looked up I could see Melissa had wide eyes and Midoriya. I ducked missing a robots’ attack and sliced it in half.
I didn’t have time to listen or even hear what was going on as I heard explosions and fire and then a loud and booming smash. I continued to destroy the robots in large groups though they just seemed to keep coming and coming and coming. I was getting excited as I ripped apart the metal and wires. We continued to fight but then they all seemed to shut down.
“What happened?” Katsuki asked aloud as all the robots just shut off. I was out of breath and let all the illusions fade as I smiled and fixed my dress. Definitely not a dress you were meant to fight in. 
“That felt good” I stretched my arms up high and then heard a nice click in my spine. I smiled and looked up to see Uraraka looking at me with wide eyes and a confused expression “Are you ok” I asked walking forward. 
“Yes, that” she shook her head and then smiled widely “That was amazing, you just ripped them apart it was just” she paused again and I laughed lightly “Wow” I laughed louder and then nodded. 
“We need to go find Midoriya and Melissa” I stated and then we were off trying to find a way to get higher. “I can create an illusion elevator, hop on” I yelled and with that we were heading to the top floor hopefully to find Midoriya and Melissa.As we were slowly rising, I couldn’t go too fast that could make the illusion fumble or worse someone could fall. We had to get to the top, we had to meet up with Midoirya and Melissa. I was not going to make them fight alone. Looking up we could see smoke and debris falling from the top. “Hold on” I screamed and we were racing up. I could see a helicopter and Midoriya hanging off of it and then he was falling. 
Then All Might was up and in the sky and the helicopter was blown up as we made it to the top, there was All Might but a machine-like thing, the villain. He could control metal, All Might was thrown across the roof as we jumped off onto the roof. We had to do something. Midoriya looked injured and All Might was then back on his feet. I could see Melissa, she was ok.  
All Might smash only did so much as more and more metal was taken into this “I can feel my quirk getting more powerful,I'm never taking it off” he had some sort of strange headband on. That must be where the power is coming from. “The thing on his head” I yelled and then we were off. The roof was being broken apart as we ran over.
“I think I know the best way to raise the price of this device, I can charge whatever I want if it was used to kill the world’s number one hero” he wanted to kill All Might. It was hard even staying on the roof, there was no way we would be able to get to him while he was floating around his own quirk. How could we do this? 
The floor beneath me broke apart as I put an illusion under me to keep me up. The others seemed to be ok. I had to think, how could someone get close to him, with all the flying metal and debris, how was one even meant to try and get close, this was almost impossible. There was no time for thought as I took an illusion into the sky and hid myself to try and get close. I watched a metal was coming to crush All Might but was then covered in ice, Shouto would help him. 
“Go to hell” I heard the scream and smiled maneuvering my way through the flying metal as I heard explosions behind me. Katsuki wasn’t too far behind at all. I knew they would be ok. When this was over I would hold them close but for now it was time to be a hero. “How can you let yourself get beat by such a lame final boss. Hurry and take him down” Katsuki screamed as I dodged a piece of metal, a little more. 
I knew both of my lovers were close to their limit, I had to end this and end it now. I looked back and saw the rest of the others join. I was going to help them, I was going to do this. For them, for us. Or everyone. This was our time. I moved faster, I was so close. Just a little more, just a little more. 
The guy had All Might by the neck. I just had to go a little further, dodging and ducking around the metal I put my arm out. I couldn’t hear it was like white noise. There was nothing, I was going to be a hero, I was going to save everyone. I was going to help. He was going to kill All Might and I could see the rest of the class falling, All Might was bleeding, there was so much blood. I needed to do this, I had to do this. All Might was thrown away and it seemed like he was being crushed, he had to be ok. No this isn’t how it was going to end. That was Midoriya, All Might was up and ok. I was going to do this. He didn’t know me or of my quirk. I was going to do this. I was moving faster than ever, weaving and ducking through metal. I could hear everyone helping and I was so close, so very close. I just had to take off the headband thing. I came up from the side and I saw Midoroya and All Might coming straight for him, running together. Only a few more moments. He had that huge cube, if I could get it off then they could punch through it. 
I showed myself to them and then I thrust my hands out grabbing the headpiece and ripping it from him as I passed by. I met his eyes and I was then flying off. “Do it” I screamed holding up the headpiece in my hand, the cube was punched and I threw an illusion around myself and the professor, I could see him. Metal was still coming after me as I whipped through all the debris and falling metal. A loud bang was heard behind me and a shock wave was sent out into the sky as I was falling. Something had hit me, I was falling as I held my shoulder. 
“Y/N” I could hear someone shout as I felt myself being caught and looked up seeing Katsuki. We landed and I dropped the handpiece and brought the professor to the roof to be safe. I breathed out and rested my head on Katsukis’ chest. 
“Let me take her, your arms are about to split” I was then handed over to Shouto as I sighed out. I wasn’t tired but mentally exhausted, I looked up seeing Midoriya and All Might with their fists in the air. “You did so well kitten” Shouto whispered and kissed my head as I moved to stand on my own. 
I didn’t care who could see, I brought them both into my embrace and smiled as wide as I could “I’m so happy you two are ok” I cried out and felt a few tears prick my eyes but my makeup was far too good to actually cry. I felt them both wrap around me and I felt whole. “Though I am extremely mad your suits are ruined” they laughed with me. 
I ignored the group as they looked out to see Midoriya and Melissa waving down at us. I was smiling wide as I waved back but I wasn’t listening to anything they were saying. I wanted a nice warm bath and some cuddles, and a good meal. Soon enough we were allowed to go back to our rooms and a hero was coming that could also control metal and was going to come and help. 
Shouto took out his phone “Katsuki what’s your room number” three simple numbers and his phone was brought to his ear “Yes can you please go pick up the orange and black suitcase and bring it to my room, thank you” and his phone was put away “You are staying with us. Message Kirishima” he smiled lightly. 
Once in the room I kicked off my heels and sighed out in relief. “I need food” I turned and smiled sweetly to Shouto who nodded and moved to pick up the phone and the menu. This was a long afternoon but it would be one we would remember. It was strange how easily we just had to go back into normal lives after something like that, a life of a hero. 
I watched Katsuki walk up behind Shouto and wrap his arms around his waist looking over his shoulder at the menu, a quick kiss to Shouto’s neck he whispered “Can I have the spicy chicken noodles” another kiss. 
“Of course Katsuki” he turned his head and they shared a kiss as I smiled, we were all ok. He looked over to my smiling face and smiled as well “I was just going to get you some beef noodles, I know how much you love them” I nodded. 
Peeling off my dress I noticed it was covered in dust and debris. I was so sad, I spent so long picking this dress and I was so ready to look good tonight. The dress fell from my shoulders and landed in a pile beneath me. Once the dress was off I walked into the bathroom taking my makeup wipes and I began the process of taking off my makeup. “Hey boys” I called out and almost immediately they were at the door looking at me with wide eyes and smiles. They both nodded for me to continue. “Whose jumper am I stealing tonight?” I asked. 
“Mine” they both said at once and then turned to each other “Mine” it was a little louder and I sighed out finishing the cleaning of my skin routine. I wasn’t one to wear makeup but tonight was meant to be special. Once done I walked out only in my underwear I saw them both rummaging through their suitcases to try and find a jumper, they always did this and I loved it. 
It was Katsuki who found his first and it was thrown at me and I laughed at the pouting face of Shouto. I pulled the big jumper over my head and pulled it down my body, the end finished at my mid thigh. I walked over to the bed crawling up the bed and laying down on my stomach. “Come here Shou" I smiled and he made his way over and sat down on the bed as I cuddled into his side. “Katsuki are you joining us” I whispered out as he grunted and walked over. I felt his body heat press against my back as we cuddled. “This is perfect” I nodded and threw my arm over Shoutos’ waist. 
“I agree, after today it is quite nice to sit back” Katsuki grunted again his arm over my waist, his front against my back and I was so happy to just sit here. I nodded into Shoutos’ side and I felt so content to just sit back and chill for a moment. 
“I missed you both” I went silent as Katsuki spoke and he buried his head into my hair not wanting to show his face. He was always so affectionate when no one was watching or listening. He was usually physically affectionate but with those few simple words I smiled and turned slightly. 
“We missed you too Katsuki” I whispered and his head rose as my hand came to caress the side of his face and pulled his face close to my own and pressed our lips together. It was calm and loving. I loved kissing both of them. Pulling back I smiled at him as his eyes were half lidded. “I love you Katsuki” I whispered and gave him another peck. 
“I love you too” he smiled lightly and then we both turned to Shouto who was happily watching us. “I love you Shou” he whispered and moved to sit up and lean over my body to give our boyfriend a kiss. 
After a few moments they parted and smiled at each other. Shouto looked down at me as I sat up “Want a kiss too?” he asked quietly, already leaning in as my hand rose to his neck and pulled him in just as I had done to the other. I gave him another peck and sat back. “I love you both” Shouto whispered and looked away, he was the one who said it the least. He was always so nervous to say such things. “Alot” he added. 
“I love you too Shou” I smiled and then I shook my head leaning back on my legs as I looked at the two boys “Today was a long day” I nodded and looked down breathing out “I’m glad we can share this time together just us” both both nodded and as we were about to begin talking again there was a knock on the door. 
“That must be the food” Shouto shimmied himself off the bed and made his was to the door, opening the door Shouto was told that food was ordered to this room and the service person then went through the food and drinks that was ordered as I moved to look at the half open door. “Yes, thank you” a little trolley was pulled in. “Thank you” he finished and walked into the room pulling the trolley “Foods here” he called out. 
We sat at the little table and ate together, nice and calm as we just talked about school and what we were going to do when we got home “I want to try that new soba place” Shouto voiced and I could see Katsuki eat a little faster “They have spicy soba” Shouto looked up rom his food and then it got into the conversations of what spices Katsuki liked in his food. 
Once the food was done we placed the plates back on the trolley and then I looked at the boys who were standing in the middle of the room looking at one of their phones. “Would you two like to join me for a bath?” I asked out loud and their heads turned like owls. “I’ll take that as a yes” Within a few minutes I was in a towel and waiting for the water to rise to the right height. The bath was huge as this was one of the best rooms in the hotel, much different then Japanese hotels. “It’s ready” I called out and they walked in towels around their waists. “Whose in the middle” I asked. 
The boys looked at each other and Shouto shrugged “I’m happy to lean against the edge” with that Shouto took his towel off folding and then stepped into the bath and leaned against it with a sigh of content. Katsuki was next to do the same and then I stepped in, the water was warm and leaning against Katsukis’ chest was nice. 
His arms wrapped around my waist and I leaned back quite happy with these events. It was nice to just sit with them in a nice bath. We hadn’t gone to a hot spring together but that was in the future. I definitely wanted to go to a hot spring. 
Katsuki leaned down and moved my head to the side and began to kiss along the side of my neck, I let out a little sigh as he continued. I heard Shouto move and then felt hands coming to drag up Katsukis’ chest so that I could feel a little touch against my back. Katsuki’s kissing was soft and light, I heard a little grunt come from him and a little laugh from Shouto. Katsukis’ hands came from my waist to run up my stomach to my chest and squeezed. 
“Katsuki” I sighed and bit my lip letting out a small moan in response. He grunted in response, his lips never leaving the skin of my neck as I felt his teeth dig lightly into the flesh “Katsuki” I moaned softly as his hand squeezed my chest once more. 
“Should we move this to the bed” Shouto whispered out and his hand moved against Katsuki’s chest and then moved down towards his waist “I’m happy to stay here though” I heard Katsuki let out a little grunt and smiled. 
“Bed” Katsuki whispered and then we were out and drying with towels and then off to the bed. I was pushed onto the bed by Shouto, falling on my back with his hands next to my head as we began to kiss feverly. I felt the bed dip next to my head and Shouto was leaving my lips to kiss Katsuki. It didn’t matter how many times we did this it always felt new. 
Once they parted, Katsuki looked down, his breathing fast and his face slightly flushed. “Pill” he asked just as he always did, always so caring and affectionate. Although so many people though the explosive blonde was just that explosive, loud and uncaring he did care. 
I nodded “Suitcase” I answered and he was leaning down to capture my lips, lips moving against each other quickly and I felt Shoutos’ hands slowly feel up my hips and then dipping into my waist and up to my chest and then leaned down. I could feel his tongue drag along my chest and catch my nipple. “Shou” I breathed out leaving Katsukis’ lips but they were captured again quickly. 
Shoutos’ tongue was cold against the nub of my breast, so soft and gentle. Kitten licks and then took it into his mouth as his tongue swirled in circles, his other hand moved to my other breasts and began to toy with my breasts. Katsuki refused to let my lips go as I moaned and arched into Shouto who was on top of me from pushing me onto the bed. 
“I just want to fuck you” Katsuki pulled back and looked down his pupils blown and breathing faster then before, I couldn’t agree more. “It’s so hard to decide who I want to fuck” he breathed out and Shouto left my breasts to look up at us. 
“It is quite difficult” Shouto agreed and I flushed as they both looked down to see me. I could practically see the lust swirling around us. Shouto’s hands continued to drag along my skin and it felt so calming and nice. 
“I just want to feel both of you” Katsuki sighed and leaned over to kiss Shouto’s neck. Shouto was probably the most sensitive out of all of us. Any sudden movement or kiss would send him into a frenzy. Shouto moaned softly and I knew Katsuki was in one of his marking moods which we both loved even though we would be covered in love bites in the morning. 
“We could” Shouto whispered and my hands moved to caress his sides as I leaned up Shouto and I flush against each other as he straddled my lap. They were both so beautiful, I would never find partners like them. “Fuck Y/N” he breathed again and his eyes met mine “Together” I flushed, I knew what he was saying. I understood. It wasn’t often Shouto swore but during these times he didn’t care for his language. 
Katsuki left Shoutos’ neck, a small little love bite being left in his wake. “Please” Katsuki basically begged and his eyes met mine and Shouto nodded in need and how could I say no, not that I wanted too. I wanted to say yes. 
I nodded and breathed out “But first” I whispered and moved to push Katsuki down underneath me. “You were so good today Katsuki, so nice and well behaved though you did yell at Midoriya early so Shou” I turned and Shouto smirked crawling forward and moving to lean down ‘You need another lesson in manners” I smiled. 
My hands moved behind me, fingers wrapping around his member and squeezing lightly with a grunt and moan in the process “You were going so well and this morning” Shouto sighed and shook his head “You do need another lesson in manners” Katsuki was quiet as his chest rose and fell with each breath. 
“He deserved it” He gritted out and I began to move my head as his breath caught in his throat with a light moan. This was a very easy way to make our boyfriend quiet and complacent. I moved to hover above his member and his eyes opened. “Wait, no. Not this” he breathed and he knew what was to come, “I’ll try” he tried to reason with a shake of his head. I looked at Shouto “Shou come on, Kitten, I’ll try” he smiled and nodded biting his lip with a grunt. 
“No Katsuki, you need a lesson. We’ve been over this” I looked to the male beneath me as Shouto leaned down to begin to run his hand over the others torso softly. My hands rested on his chest, hard and toned. 
Without warning I sunk down onto his cock, thick and long. They both had amazing cocks, I put my head back moaning out in pleasure as I clenched around him “Fuck” I heard him whispered and Shouto moved to take one of his nipples into his mouth as I moved my hands. “I’ll be good” he breathed out “Fuck you’re so tight” he breathed and bit his lip “Shou” it was always the best when one of the group was being pampered. 
I rose and sank again using my legs to move my body as I started to ride him, stretching my walls each time I lowered onto him. His hands fisted in Shoutos’ hair as he shivered. “Katsuki” I whimpered and he looked up. “You feel so good, you’re so good” I moaned and breathed out eyes rolling back. I looked back seeing Shouto had moved to his neck as I moved faster. “Why don’t you say some nice things about Shouto” we had discovered Katsuki loved to compliment people when he was like this, his brain was shut off and he wasn’t trying to be the best. Placing pleasure with kindness seemed to help him be nicer. 
“I like” he moaned, it made him think more. Trying to find real thing he needed to think about “His hair” he added and his head fell back to the soft pillows and whimpered in need as I began to move faster “it’s so soft and nice, I like his eyes” he was trying so hard to get the words out as he moaned “they are such a beautiful colour” he finished and his chest rose to release a long and pleasurable moan. 
“Thank you Katsuki, anything else you’d like to say” Shouto moved to look down at the moaning and whimpering usually loud Katsuki who was just taking everything we were giving him. His cock was amazing, we had all shared our firsts with each other and I knew no one would ever amount to these too. 
“I like, oh my, fuck” his hands came to rest on my waist and he began to move me up and down his cock stretching my walls so nicely, “I like your” he bit his lip and then looked back to Shouto who was happily waiting for him to continue “I like how you take us out” his eyes rolled back as he moaned out. 
“You’re doing so well Katsuki, now compliment kitten, she’s doing so well isn’t she” Shouto smiled slightly and began to caress his chest and moved to hold his hands. I could see Katsuki grip his hand and breathe out in pleasure. 
“I liked the dress she wore” I smiled and circled my hips on his cock “Oh fuck” it didn’t matter how we tried he would always swear but this was helping him be nicer. Each of us had things we connected with pleasure. It helped. “She is very pretty and deals with my outbursts” he breathed and his head fell back to the pillows once more. He was quite easy to deal with if I was honest. “I like her eyes as well” he nodded and bit his lip and gripped Shoutos’ hand as I sunk down moaning out as he was so deep “They’re so nice to look at and I love when we all just sit and watch a movie, it’s so nice and I feel so loved” I smiled and leaned down leaving a kiss on his cheek. Katsuki has a hard time accepting love even though he was so affectionate. We had been to his house, we knew it was hard sometimes. 
“You did so well Katsuki” I smiled and leaned down to kiss him again as he leaned in and met my lips, he was moaning quietly and then he leaned back letting his breath out in short little pants. “See it wasn't so bad, was there a real need to complain” I asked sitting so he was as deep as he could be. 
He shook his and opened his eyes to see Shouto leaning over him and beginning to play with his hair. “I thought it was going to be like last time” I smirked, last time. Last time was quite fun, we didn’t let him finish until he complimented everyone we could think of, he was quite nice the following days. 
“No, it’s been a long day, we were going to do that” Shouto smirked and leaned in giving him a quick kiss. “Light” he asked slowly. Katsuki always made it very clear what he wanted and what he didn’t. Shouto always made sure though. 
“Orange” he breathed out and I stopped. “I just need a second to breathe. You can stay here, I just need to breathe” Shouto and I nodded waiting for him. He was so soft when he was bottoming but as soon as he got control he was off and ready to take charge, like a switch. “Green” he nodded and moved to his elbows to look at us. 
“I’m ready if you guys are or do you want some attention Shou” I asked with my eyes turning to blue and grey ones looking back at me. Shouto wasn’t one for being the centre of attention he much preferred to be giving than receiving though I always asked. 
“I want to be on the bottom” he asked and looked at us. I nodded and leaned down to kiss Katsuki as I left his body and allowed him to get up. Shouto moved to lay down and sighed looking at us “Come here Kitten” he whispered, Shouto was the possessive he wanted to be.
I moved to straddle his waist and looked down to him “Green” I asked and he nodded looking up as his hands came to run along my thighs “I need to hear the words” I whispered, we needed to hear it. 
He nodded with a smile “Green, sorry” he whispered “I’m just really happy” he smiled, it was small but noticeable. I smiled and then sunk down onto his cock my head falling down as I moaned. He felt so good, I loved the stretch. “Katsuki was right, you feel amazing” my hands came to rest against his chest. 
“Kitten” Katsuki moved forward, his hands coming to rest on my waist. I could feel his member up against my back and shivered in lust. “Green,” he asked, kissing along my neck. He was always so soft and loving. 
“Green,” I whispered and leaned forward, my hands still on Shoutos’ chest and leaned my head down to get ready. It always felt amazing but it took some time to get used too. I loved them both so much and I would happily do this again. 
Katsuki moved to have his tip at my entrance and I sighed out getting ready “You are doing so well” Shouto whispered and began to rub my sides as Katsuki pushed inside slowly, Shouto moaned out and I whimpered all the air leaving my lungs. 
“You’re doing so well Kitten” Katsuki whispered and leaned down to kiss along my back and up to my neck “You feel so good” I nodded and felt myself clench around them as Katsuki continued pushing inside. It was so tight and they were stretching me so nicely. “Look at Shou he looks so good” I looked up seeing Shouto biting his lip and I felt him gripping my sides. “He’s trying so hard not to fuck you” I flushed. 
Once they were both bottomed out I couldn’t help but moan, every single breath I was moaning. They were so deep and pressed against me, my legs were beginning to shake as I felt so much pleasure and love swirl around us. I moaned again and my eyes rolled back as I bit my lip and tried to calm down.
“Green” Shouto gritted out and I looked up. He was asking as his breathing was fast and hard “Green” he asked again and looked up to Katsuki who repeated the colour with a smirk, I could hear the smirk in his voice. His cock twitched inside me and I moaned loudly. “Kitten, I need you to say it” he breathed out. 
“Green” I nodded and smiled looking up to gaze as Katsuki “Green, green fucking green” I moaned and immediately they began to move Katsuki was the first to move and then they were going opposite when Katsuki pulled out Shouto was pushing in. It felt amazing. “Fuck” I whispered my head falling to Shoutos’ shoulder. 
I couldn’t do anything but moan and whimper in pleasure with each time they pushed inside me. Katsuki’s hand came to run up my chest and to my neck as I was pulled up to his chest his hand squeezing my neck “Look at you taking our cocks Kitten” I could hear the dominance beginning to flood in. “Doesn’t she look beautiful Shou” I was moaning, I could barely keep my eyes open “Open your eyes Kitten” I opened my eyes and saw Shouto looking up at me. 
“She’s beautiful, just like you Katsuki” Shouto whispered and then he began to move faster inside me, pushing in and out so fast I could barely think “Look at you” I leaned back on Katsuki feeling his hands holding me up. One hand on my neck and the other around my ribs in support. “You’re such a good Kitten. Katsuki was right, you take our cocks so well” Shouto complimentented and I clenched around his, my walls stretching to take them both as they both pushed in together. My legs were shaking as I moaned. “She’s about to cum” his voice was so deep and baritone. 
“I was just about to say, we know you so well Kitten. Come on, why don’t you cum for us” Katsuki whispered in my ear and looked down to Shouto as my head rested on his shoulder, my eyes rolling back as I felt the coil in my lower abdomen beginning to tighten. “Do you want Kitten to cum Shou” he asked. 
Shouto was nodding and sending himself inside me like he was in heat, it felt amazing. I felt so good, they felt so good and with the little grunts and moans, whimpers and tightening hands to know they were feeling good as well. I felt so full, it felt so good. “Yes, yes. I want her to cum, I want to feel her cum on our cocks. Come on Kitten cum for us” I couldn’t hold it. 
One of my hands moved to hold Katsukis’ hand on my neck and his lips began to kiss my cheek and my other hand dug my nails into Shoutos’ chest as I moaned and they continued to thrust inside me, stretching my walls so perfectly. I felt the coil tightening and then it came so suddenly. My nails dug into their skin as my legs shook and I felt my orgasm run through every single cell. I was practically screaming my pleasure as my eyes rolled back and it felt so good. 
“You’re such a good girl Kitten. Look you did so well” they stopped for only a moment so I could breathe, it was like the pleasure was not stopping it didn’t stop. My legs were shaking and if Katsuki wasn’t holding me I doubted I would have fallen. 
“You did so well Kitten, such a good girl” Shouto breathed out and I looked down my chest heaving and he smiled and moved his hips, my eyes rolling “It’s so cute that you can’t control your quirk after you cum” I tried to look down at him. It was hard with so many thoughts going through my head. I knew my eyes had changed. 
Katsuki turned my head to look at him. “You’re right Shou she’s so cute, your eyes look so beautiful Kitten” a sweet kiss to my cheek and I smiled letting my eyes close for a moment. Moaning out as Shouto moved I couldn’t help it. 
“Please, don’t stop. It feels so good. Please, please don’t stop” I begged and turned to kiss Katsuki as they began to move again without so much as a word. It felt amazing, so sensitive after an orgasm, I loved post orgasm sex they were so amazing. The kiss was sloppy and all over the place but once we finished I left his lips and moved to take Shoutos’ lips into a kiss just like the one I shared with Katsuki. 
They went faster than before, I was moaning into Shouto’s mouth as Katsuki gripped my hips and began to thrust himself inside me as fast as he could. He was moving as quickly and so deep I couldn’t stop moaning and I was trying so hard to continue the kiss with Shouto. 
“Look at you taking our cocks. You look so beautiful, you're clenching so tightly” Shouto moaned and moved down to kiss along my neck and bit down sucking lightly as I moaned out my body moving forward with each thrust of hips. That coil began to tighten more as I was moaning and whimpering, Shouto’s teeth and cock and then Katsuki desperately trying to go as fast as he was good. Grunts and little words escaping his mouth. “Katsukis’ so close you can feel him” I nodded into Shoutos’ neck, his teeth having left my neck. I could hear each slap of Katsuki’s body connecting with him. 
“Fuck I just want to fill you up Kitten” I was nodding. Words and begs falling from my lips like a mantra. I needed it, I needed them. “Shou we have to give her what she wants” he leaned down and Shoutos’ arms wrapped around my waist and held me to him. 
“Kitten do you want that” I nodded desperately needing them, I was so in the moment. I couldn’t stop. I needed them, I needed them to fill me up. “Why don’t you cum with us Kitten” I nodded agreeing. I wanted to cum with them, I wanted to cum so much. It felt so good, I was so sensitive and needed them. 
They began to move faster and all that could be heard was skin slapping, moans, whimpers, grunts and praises throughout the last few moments of our intimacy. I tightened and I was so close so very close. “We’re close Kitten” Katsuki whimpered and I nodded. 
“Please, please fill me up Katsuki” I breathed and brought in some air “Shou please fill me up” I moaned and then I felt them both push in as much as they could and the heat as they filled me up. I shook as my second orgasm ran through my system. Legs shaking and my mouth open in a moan. It felt so amazing, this is all I wanted. 
I felt so good and the feeling of Katsukis’ breath on my back as he slightly shook against my back and Shouto was breathing heavily beneath me. I breathed heavily trying to get my breath back as Katsuki leaned down resting his chin on my shoulder. 
“I love you Y/N. I love you Shou” 
“I love you both Y/N, I love you Katsuki” 
“I love you Shou, I love you Katsuki” 
We all answered and smiled. A quick shower and some fondling in the shower we were off to bed as I pulled on Katsuki’s jumper and Shoutos’ boxes to be completely comfortable. I smiled and laid down on the bed, it was so soft and I felt so tired and relaxed. Katsuki only had his boxes on as well as Shouto who came and cuddled into my body on the bed. I felt so loved and was pushed between them, Shouto was cold and Katsuki hot so it was the perfect temperature. Within a few moments I felt the soft breaths of Katsuki and Shouto, this is where I wanted to be. This was perfect, this is all I could have wanted.  
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endlayer · 3 years
Didn't draw anything for edo day for gx month so instead ill just talk about him because he makes me insane? the most guy ever
none of this is going to be linear and will instead just be a ton of simple points that exist in my brain that i cannot link together
you ever think about how edo's entire identity revolved around his trauma up until like season 3, and even then his life is still so heavily influenced by it. he was never himself, never edo phoenix. he was a machine motivated by revenge because the idea of justice was the only thing that could keep him alive. the skipping grades, the extreme sports, the pro dueling is all just something to get him closer to revenge. to justice. to closure. edo doesn't know how to actually function because his entire mind is so focused on that one point in his life that it's clouded his entire vision. he can't think about his future if it doesn't somehow involve getting justice for his father.
wahhh edo's self worth is almost completely determined by how useful he is to others this is like outright stated in season 2. motherfucker nearly loses it at the idea of not being "useful enough" to saiou which ties into how he's never "edo phoenix" he is an extension of others he is a tool used to reach a goal, his own identity and bodily safety does not matter when trying to achieve something.
he works himself two steps from death's doorway so he doesn't have to deal with his issues or process things. can't think about your trauma if you're busy kicking ass on the pro circuit!
also hi lol the reason edo took to readily to the idea of fate and destiny (other than saiou obviously introducing that to him at like the lowest point in his life when he desperately needed something to keep him going) was because it's so much easier to think that the things that have happened to you are predetermined and that you can't change anything than to process it and try to heal a little bit from it!
edo has been used by like every single man that has talked to him. other than his dad help😭😭😭😭 people look at edo and go I can use you for my benefit. come here young lad pspsppsosospsppss
wahhhhhhh edo is one of the most loving people in gx im putting them up there with fubuki. edo and fubuki stand together on a podium that says "i love so much that it will (and literally has) been the death of me." i'll never get people who say that edo is unempathetic. he literally isn't helpppp 😭😭😭😭 this kid is driven by his love for others! not even just his father. he's driven by his love for his father, his love for saiou and mizuchi, his love for judai, his love for kids. edo loves so much and in so many different ways. he's just a guarded, traumatized kid.
speaking of edo loving kids here's a hill i will die on: edo's passion is kids not pro dueling. "edo wanted to be a pro duelist when he was a kid!" yeah and i wanted to be a baker look where we are. edo phoenix, ~8 years old, saying he wants to be a pro duelist doesn't mean shit. i think i wanted to be like 7 different things when i was 8. he got involved in it way too fucking early (edo is 14 at the beginning of season 2, and considering his place as one of the most notable pro duelists, he's got to at least have been on the circuit since he was 13) and as he got older it was really just for him to collect intel on his dad's killer! even if it is his passion he's going to burn out with how intense he's been doing it for so long. here's where the kids come in (im rubbing my hands together) season 4 episode like 167 or something it's found out that edo donates like all his money to orphanages and schools and it's like cool! He's a nice kid. then there's the bit where he's playing with the kids at the orphanage and im printing this scene out im putting it on a corkboard and i am banging my fist against the corkboard this is one of the only times we've seen edo content. he loves kids he loves helping kids his biggest goal after avenging his father is making sure that every single kid is safe and cared for. thank you hope you all enjoyed that yelling segment i'm very passionate about it.
these two events aren't necessarily connected it's more just a show of edo's view of himself but if you watch the clip in episode 98 where dd calls edo a mediocrity then watch ep like 167 where edo's hand splits open during practice and he says something along the lines of "a mediocrity like me has to work 1000 times as hard as anyone else to get anywhere in the world" it's the most horrifying thing honestly.
i know i have more stuff to talk about but my brain ran out of energy ill come back and like rb this later or smth sorry i have so many edo thoughts he makes me actually fucking insane. anyways he and mizuchi have sleepovers a lot they watch shitty movies and edos like "i'm really glad i have you you're genuinely like a sister to me i love you a lot" and mizuchi goes "aww thank you so much! you're the gay brother i never had!"
and finally im closing this out by saying that edo has bpd because my psych guy was like I'm fairly certain you have bpd and i need to process it by pinning it on edo phoenix. and also he and manjoume should get into a fist fight. good night everyone!
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leaschuller · 4 years
About Lena Oberdorf:
Lena Oberdorf, 18 years old, became the youngest German World Cup player in history in 2019. She has now 13 international matches (2 goals), and she is also the winner of the Fritz-Walter-Medaille for the best young female player in 2020. In the Bundesliga, Oberdorf played for SGS Essen for the first time in 2018, and now she plays for VfL Wolfsburg (depending on success, Oberdorf’s transfer fee is around a six-figure sum. There is no official confirmation for this.) So far, Oberdorf mainly played in the defense, in the future she could also imagine playing as a playmaker.
Full Interview Translation:
This is where the future of German football speaks
Wolfsburg's new player Lena Oberdorf is an exceptional talent. The 18-year-old speaks about her rapid development, the Champions League restart - and misogynistic remarks on the pitch.
SPIEGEL: Ms. Oberdorf, at the age of 18 you switched to the German series champions Wolfsburg, and according to newspapers they have paid for you an "unusually high" transfer fee for women's football. Does that put you under pressure?
Oberdorf: I didn't even know that, nor do i know the amount. That is why I don't feel any pressure now.
SPIEGEL: In football, it's usually the case that the parties agree not to disclose the transfer fee. With the men the amount of transfer fees often gets out after all, but with the female football players you hardly hear anything at all about them. Your transfer could have set an example - according to the motto: female football players also cost money!
Oberdorf: But then I would feel pressure now. I'm glad it wasn't published. I also think it's nice that you aren't just talking about money in women's football. We are human beings and transfer fees are insignificant. It is clear that transfer fees are not common in women's football, but they are also part of it.
SPIEGEL: The Champions League will continue on Friday and you can play for your new club. At least in theory, the team is a well-oiled machine. With who do you want to compete for a starting spot?
Oberdorf: I'm not even thinking about something like that. In Wolfsburg it's common, that there is a lot of rotation. Four days after the Champions League final on August 30th, the Bundesliga starts again. It's not about taking someone's place. I'm just waiting for my opportunity. It is certainly good that i can play many positions: in central defense or on the six in front of the defense. I could also imagine playing a ten. The main thing is to play in the center.
SPIEGEL: All in all, that sounds cautious for a footballer who has already played 13 international matches und has played in a World Cup, who has already been described as the boss of German national team's defense.
Oberdorf: These numbers don't interest me at all. And I don't see myself as the boss of the defense either. A defense consists of four players, I am one of them. It's better if everyone takes responsibility.
SPIEGEL: The final tournament of the Champions League will take place in Bilbao and San Sebastián. The COVID-19 case numbers in the region are going up, Germany has designated Spain as a risk area. How do you deal with the development?
Oberdorf: We talk about it in the locker room. It's a shame that the numbers are now rising again, also for the tournament. But there are hygiene rules, regular tests for us, and we will live in a hotel with our own floor. We can't travel to Spain with fear.
SPIEGEL: FC Bayern will also be represented at the final tournament. The club has just signed many young international players. Why not you too?
Oberdorf: I only heard that Bayern were interested. But I found Wolfsburg more appealing. Also, the way football is played here suits me very well. Wolfsburg is very dominant, when I used to play against them with my ex-club Essen, we had about ten percent of ball possession.
SPIEGEL: What exactly is more appealing about Wolfsburg than about Munich?
Oberdorf: Everyone wants to go to Munich, at least as a tourist. Living there can be hectic though. I don't think I can make it to training in five minutes with the traffic. It's important to me to be in an environment with short journeys. Here in Wolfsburg, we almost all live close together, I'm only five minutes away from where Sara Doorsoun lives. I need this closeness to feel comfortable.
SPIEGEL: At the age of 18, you are now playing in the oldest team in the league - the average age of Wolfsburg women so far was just under 27. How is the difference noticeable?
Oberdorf: Oh, that's why they brought me in, to lower their average age! No, I'm lucky that, despite my age, I'm already far in my development. My parents did well. Honestly? Sometimes the players here are still like children in their heads.
SPIEGEL: Does it annoy you to be constantly asked about your age?
Oberdorf: I think it's good to be asked about it again and again. So it stays in the memory. Many media outlets forget that i am only 18 years old. But I am not a little chicken anymore.
SPIEGEL: There is a lot of discussion in Germany about the future of women's football. How do you rate the progress?
Oberdorf: The path is good, but the goal has not yet been reached. There could be even more. When the men have an international match, an advertising poster hangs on each advertising pylon. If we have a top game, it only hangs on one in ten. There is still a lot of work to be done.
SPIEGEL: Who do you see especially as taking that responsibility?
Oberdorf: Us players first. We need to use our reach in social media a lot more to bring this sport in the forefront. DFB and the clubs can certainly improve a lot when I think about marketing. the women's department is already well known here in Wolfsburg, even as a newcomer, I am often recognized on the streets.
SPIEGEL: Can you imagine being a strong voice in your sport going forward?
Oberdorf: At 18 you're not taken that seriously. But later i can certainly use my fame as a footballer.
SPIEGEL: You are a fan of FC Schalke. Does it annoy you that there - and also with their biggest rival Borussia Dortmund - they are not betting on professional women's football?
Oberdorf: Absolutely, even if I wouldn't switch to them right away. It's important that such clubs are betting on women's football. Also from an international point of view, it makes a huge difference, whether I receive an offer from Schalke 04 or from SGS Essen. A derby between Dortmund and Schalke would also appeal to a lot more viewers.
SPIEGEL: Schalke now established women's football in mass sports - they're starting in Kreisliga B (8th division).
Oberdorf: Always these excuses.
SPIEGEL: Is popular sport an excuse?
Oberdorf: If so, then do it right - with the aim of playing in Bundesliga. Other clubs show that it's possible.
SPIEGEL: There has been a small revolution in the Netherlands: Ellen Fokkema, a female player, will play in the future for a men's team in the 7th division. Do you find such a concept appealing?
Oberdorf: Yes, I do. I've played with guys for a very long time and benefited from them - I've become more robust, more assertive. I would have spent more time in a boys' team if that had been possible. But the question is whether a female player can help the men. Can she take it physically? At some point I came to the point where conflicts arose, it doesn't have to be of a sporting nature at all, but i can also be that you no longer find common topics of conversation. When suddenly only German rap was the topic in the locker room, at first, I couldn't even say anything.
SPIEGEL: At SPIEGEL, we repeatedly receive letters from readers that football is a men's sport and that women are simply not good enough for it. Have you ever been confronted with hatred?
Oberdorf: There is a story that I can remember. In the B-Jugend, a boy once said to me on the football field: "Why are you here? Go back to the kitchen." Then I just thought we are going to sort it out on the pitch. The guy never won a duel. That was my answer.
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sero-sphere · 4 years
Fucked Up Love ‘Triangle’
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so, i started working on this thing back in april ( hence bakugous birthday and the cherry blossoms ) it just took me a while to edit it. srry
anyways, this is like so self indulgent but w.e, still figured id share!
(f reader x kami x sero, seroxmina) it aint a threesome tho
Word count: 3k
Warnings: Slight angst, finger banging, weed, idk im bad at tagging (also were saying everyone is aged up so y’all can relax. like you were so innocent in h.s)
You were currently huddled up on the hammock with your favorite blanket, as Kaminari gently pushed you back and forth. There was music playing in the background, and a video game that had long been forgotten still displayed on the T.V. It was Friday night, and as usual, you and your friends were all in Seros room smoking together. Bakugou, and Kirishima had already retired to their rooms for the night, so it left just you, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina. The relaxing atmosphere was abruptly interrupted by Mina, who jumped up and startled everyone.
"BITCH, don't forget we’re getting our nails done tomorrow! I'm going to head back to take off my nail polish so it’s easier for them. They always claim they don’t charge extra for that, but I swear I think they do.”
"Ok! Text me!!! I probably will need a wakeup call after tonight!"
"Oh, I bet you will!" Kaminari said with a giggle. 
 "Hush, I'll see you tomorrow cutie!" You said to Mina with a wink. You couldn’t even bat an eyelash before she was skipping down the hall, off to her room for the night.
 "Why don’t you call me cutie?" Kaminari said as he got off from his position on the floor, and motioned for Sero to slide over, so he could claim Mina’s old spot on the bed.
"Because dipshit seems to suit you…"
 "Well she’s not wrong" Sero added, laughing just as hard as you were.
 Kaminari leaned back and sighed. “Whatever, I won’t be such a dipshit after my next study sesh with Yaoyorozu….when was that again?”
 “Tomorrow morning……she literally just texted you like an hour ago to make sure you wouldn’t forget? You’re not helping your case man.” Sero replied as he lit up another blunt and passed it to Kaminari.
 “Oh fuck! You’re right dude. I’m good for tonight I guess, I should head back so that way I don’t oversleep tomorrow…I might not make it in time for tea.” Kaminari was sporting his best puppy dog eyes, and pout. He motioned for you to sit down on the bed, and take his spot. He took one last hit, before he passed it to you and left, ( peering around the corner for Aizawa first ) heading to his room for the night, leaving just you, and Sero behind. 
You were seated over by him on the bed at this point passing the blunt back and forth. Both of you completely zoned out in your own little worlds. Sero leaned over to grab his water that was on the floor beside you. At first you didn’t really notice how close he was, but as he leaned over you again to put it back, his eyes caught yours. His face was so close, moving closer and closer, until it was like the two of you were moving in slow motion. Your body was just moving on its own at this point, and the next thing you knew you were in the middle of a heated makeout session. His hands started to caress your thighs, and you could feel the ever growing situation happening between his legs, his jeans were growing tighter and tighter. Your mouths were still too preoccupied to speak, and your hands still wandered up and down his body. Your fingers moved from underneath his shirt, back towards the straining bulge in his pants. You felt as his fingers moved your panties to the side, and he started to stroke you.
“You’re already so wet….is this ok?”
 You barely managed to mumble back that yes, it was indeed ok, before his mouth was on you again, kissing your neck ever so slowly. You couldn’t tell if it was the weed, or if Sero was really that skilled because not too soon after he got to work, you could feel your body start to tense in pleasure. After you reached your peak you pulled away to speak.
“Thank you Sero…let me…” You reached for the zipper to his jeans when you were both interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Y/N, it's past curfew and I can already smell what you guys have been doing. Go to your room for the night please, and next time you want to indulge in these types of activities, make sure it’s after I've already made my rounds. I’m giving you both the benefit of the doubt by not expelling you.” 
The next morning you groaned as you heard your phone ringing. You forgot you told Mina you needed a wakeup call.
"Hey. Cutie...dream about me?" You answered as you rolled out of bed to get ready.
"Heh, maybe, you dream about me?"
Your eyes widened, and you pulled your phone away to make sure you heard correctly. The voice on the other end was definitely not Mina. 
"Yeah! I figured I'd call and wake you up. You and Mina have a thing and I didn’t want you to oversleep...."
"Thanks! I’m glad you called. I’m assuming you got up in time to study today?" 
"Yup, bright and early! Oh, and Sero told me what happened last night, you got lucky… "
“Wait Sero told you what happened last night?” You were definitely confused. You hadn’t even had a chance to talk to him about it yet and he had already told Kaminari? With your luck the whole class knew by now.
“Yeah, he said you ended up staying for a while, and Aizwawa caught you two smoking while he was making his rounds.”
You were relieved, maybe he didn’t say anything about it after all. You decided to ask just to be sure. “Oh, yeah…that’s all he said?”
Kaminari giggled. “Mhmm, guess we’ll just have to make sure we have Bakubro’s birthday thing a little later tonight.”
"Oh fuck. I completely forgot about his birthday!"
“Well, I didn’t get him anything yet either. Wanna come with me after you have your nails done with Mina? We can get some ice cream from that place you like on the way back?”
"Are you trying to ask me out on a date Kaminari?"
 “Took you long enough...”
By the time you had made your way down stairs after getting ready Mina was already waiting for you.
“Jeez took you forever!” She gave you a once over before she licked her lips and chirped “Wow, you look cute, whose is all that for?” You shot her a look and bumped your hip into hers, as she grasped your arms, and you both made your way out of the dorms.
“Yeah, I uh…. I'm going out with Kaminari after this, I'm a shit friend and forgot it was Bakugous birthday.” She knew just by your lack of eye contact something more was up.
She decided to test the waters. “So Kaminari huh? I knew you liked him, you were low-key jealous when he asked Ibara out at the sports festival.”
“Uhm, I was not!!” By the blush on your cheeks you both knew you were full of shit. “But in the meantime I have a lot to tell you about last night…..”
“Oh yeah, I heard that Aizawa caught you and Sero. You’re lucky you’re not expelled, girl.”
 “Yeah. Well about that……”
You explained everything that had happened to Mina on your walk to the salon. There was a lot to tell. You were so confused. You really had never thought of Sero that way before. Honestly, you really did have a huge crush on Kaminari, but you were sick of him never asking you out. He would flirt with everyone all the time, you were no different, but he never actually asked you out before. You figured there was no way he actually meant it this time. You weren’t sure if it was all just a joke to him. 
Sero was hot adamantly, and clearly you didn’t regret what happened between the two of you, it was just that, even after all that, you still didn’t think you liked him...at least not in a romantic sort of way.
“I think I was just horny more than anything else..” 
Mina laughed. “Yeah, Seros weed has a tendency to do that. That’s how Bakugou and Kirishima finally got together after all…”
 You and Mina arrived back at the dorms just in time for Kaminaris' study session to be over. Mina caught you as you licked your lips, watching as Denki winked and headed over to greet you.
“Oh, girl, you got it bad...I'll leave you too it..”
“Mina, I swear I'm never going to tell you anything again!”
Your ‘date’ with Kaminari went well. He walked you to a nearby shopping center, stopping for drinks along the way, and you both successfully managed to find Bakugou something he wouldn't blow up. On the walk back, Kaminari insisted you both take the long route, which ended up being the best choice. It lead straight through a park where you just so happened to catch the last of the blooming cherry blossom trees.
“Oh, Kami! I’ve never seen the cherry blossoms before...this is amazing!!”
“I told you the extra mile would be worth it!”
With him paying for your drink, and the walk through the park, it was actually starting to feel like a real date. Before you got your hopes up, you decided to ask him. You wanted things to be cleared up between the two of you, so you could then figure out the whole Sero thing.
“Uhm, Kami...is this like…. a real date? I know you said it was, but I didn't know if you were joking or not…”
“I know I joke around alot, but this is real...I mean, it's real to me! Why would you think it wasn't?”
“I dont know, you've just never asked me out before...you've asked plenty of girls...just not me…”
“Yeah, I get it. With them it was easy… I didn't really care if they said no or not...with you, I was nervous….”
So Kaminari did indeed ask you on a real date? You tried to push the whole Sero thing to the back of your brain and forget about it for the time being. You were having a great time with your longtime crush and didn’t want to face the aftermath of last night quite yet.
That only worked for so long. As you and Kaminari made your way back into the dorms, you both rounded the corner and ran smack dab into Sero. Who looked like he had seen a ghost. Your memories came flooding back and you immediately glanced down at your feet, hoping Kaminari wouldn’t sense the awkwardness lingering in the air.
 "Hey dude, whats up?"
"Oh hey whats up?" Sero wouldn't even glance in your direction. He seemed to be ignoring you completely.
“Nothing, me and y/n  just went out and got Bakubro some sweet gifts for tonight!”
 “Oh...yeah I forgot about Bakugous birthday...I better go find him something...peace”  Sero chucked up the peace sign and fucked out of there faster than humanly possible.
 “Well that was awkward….I wonder what's up with him?”
 “Yeah I wonder” You managed to mumble back.
All night at the party Sero was actively trying to avoid you. All you two did was get a little touchy touchy...it's not like friends weren't allowed to do that or anything. Hell, you and Mina even kissed before. Even you and Kirishima. (maybe that was just on the cheek but still) At one point he went out to smoke on the balcony, you took that as your chance.
"Wow, so I must really be a terrible kisser huh? You've been avoiding me like I have covid or something?"
“Yeah sorry...it's just…” He was cut off by the sound of the sliding door opening.
Mina went to follow you out there, but realized Sero was out there, and turned right back around. He waited awhile to make sure there were going to no more interruptions before he continued.
“It’s just... that shouldn't have happened last night and I'm sorry.”
“It's OK. It’s not like I wasn't willing...you don't have to feel guilty or anything. We're friends Sero I don’t want this to change anything....” You moved closer, and he actually looked at you for the first time all night. You could tell he was feeling guilty about something.
 “That’s the thing...”
 “What's the thing?”
“That we’re friends....”
“Yeah and??”
“And....I have a "friend" who really likes you and I should have been a bro, and fucking respected that. Fuck.” Sero hung his head low, and put out his joint, glancing out into the night sky over the balcony.
“Oh....” The two of you stood there in awkward silence. “Yeah...is that friend Kaminari?”
Sero looked back at you “Maybe….”
 “Well I really like him too...we went out today, and I kinda realized he's even sweeter then I thought.”
 “Oh, then what about last night?” 
“Just because I like him doesn't mean I regret what happened.  Ya know? I can't take it back. I get why it sucks for us though....I didn't really think about what he would say if he found out.” Now it was your turn to sulk.
 “Yeah me either. I don't want to hurt his feelings, or break up the squad.”
The two of you were too wrapped up in your conversation to hear the door open this time. You both jumped when you heard another voice coming from behind you.
“Damn...break up the squad, this sound pretty serious!” It was Denki, as if right on queue, he joined you both outside.
With a quick glance to Sero, the two of you decided it would be best to tell him together. At first he just stood there silent.
 “Denki?” You waved your hand in front of him. With no immediate response, you thought you broke him, your heart fell right into your stomach.
 “You like me?....” He finally managed to mumble out.
“Uhm, yes...I went out on a date with you today didn’t I?”
“But, you also made out with Sero…”
“Uhm...Yes.” You dropped your head low, too afraid to look him in the eyes for this. 
“And he fingered you?” Denki took a step closer to you at this point.
“Mhmm….” You felt so stupid, right when Kaminari decided to finally ask you out, you had to go and do something dumb like hookup with his friend. You were utterly defeated. Until he stepped closer to you and grabbed your chin, making it so you were looking him in the eyes.
 “OK what??” You were confused.
He smiled, and moved a stray strand of hair from your face.“Just OK…” 
Sero decided to speak up. “Uhm Denki? I don't think that's a valid response bro..”
Kaminari turned back towards Sero while you still stood there silent, feeling like you were hit with Todorokis ice. 
“Well ok, it happened...You guys are just friends and I know you wouldn't try to date her or anything.  You like mina anyway…”
“Wait Sero...You like mina???” Hearing that broke you right out of your trance.
“Well now that the cats out of the bag….” Sero sighed.
“What a fucked up love triangle..” Denki muttered.
“More like a square but...” Sero seemed relieved.
You glanced over at Kaminari who seemed a little confused. You leaned in closer to him and whispered  “because they have four sides…”
It was like a lightbulb went off inside his head. “Yeah so, like you guys kissed, and finger banged. No big deal.”
 “You’re not mad?”
 “No...just as long as I get to do that tonight?” He smirked and  walked forward to wrap his arms around you in a hug. “ I just want my turn is all…”
You returned his hug, and shouted as Sero was about to go back inside and leave the two of you there alone.
“Wait!!!I have another problem?” 
Sero stopped. “What’s that?”
“I kinda already told Mina what we did...but she’s not dumb, she knew I liked Kaminari before i even realized it.”
“OK....” Kaminari chimed in, not following where this was going at all.
“OK, so now I know Sero likes her!....And she knows what we did, I don't want her to think he's like off limits or anything…”
 “Oh yeah fuck!” Sero stomped his foot to the ground in frustration.
 “Why is your weed too dank dude? Swear it makes everyone horny as fuck.”
 The two boys stood there smirking at each other while you actually put your brain to work. “Let me think…”
 After a few drinks you ran up to Mina. "Hey! So I don't want you to think I'm a total slut or anything… but..."
 "Never girl! You do you!...You and Sero " She stuck her tongue in her cheek and motioned with her hand to make it look like she was doing something else.
“Oh my god Mina! No! So that’s the thing….I like Kami…” 
“I fucking knew you did girl!”
“I told him that, and I told him about me and Sero and he's cool with it.”
 “Oh... So now you're going to get finger banged by sparky?” She took another sip of her drink and looked at you expectantly...she was not going easy on your love life huh?
“That's besides the point..” You joined her in taking another sip.
 “What is your point then chick?”
You decided to finish off your drink before answering her. “I'm not trying give you my seconds or anything... Cause I swear the whole me and Sero was like an unexpected thing....But…”
 “But what!?”
“But I've been told that Sero might have a thing for a certain someone…”
“You! You dumb ass!”
 “Sero...He likes me?” Mina looked like Kaminari did when he overused his quirk. 
“Yeah! I hope you don't mind. I didn't know that when he had his tongue all up in me yesterday or I wouldn't have done it.”
She thought for a bit before whispering “This is one fucked up love triangle!” 
You just rolled your eyes and watched as she downed the rest of her drink and bounced up off the couch.
 "Where you off to?"
 "Uhm? Do you expect me to just sit here after what you told me? Imma go get me some tape face action!"
 You flopped to the couch laughing "Oh my god Miina...So you're not mad?"
 "You didn't know. Plus you're hot, can't say I wouldn't makeout with you."
 “I’d pay to watch that…” The two of you turned towards the voice that rudely interrupted you. 
“Mineta!! Go away!” You and Mina shouted in unison. 
 Yep this really was just one giant fucked up love “triangle”
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vsharieff · 4 years
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Assalamualaikum and welcome.
Im Vasiya Sharieff, you can call me V Who is a wanderer. Forever trying to find home. I come alive at the night time and at the tip of my pen.
This is my proverbial tip toe into the ocean of the internet. Even though I’m glad you found me, the introvert in me might need to nap after this encounter. Lets give this a shot so that many can benefit, is my only intention. No matter what I write I will always feel it could have been better and that's what will help me grow.
Call me a Blogger, Influencer, Ambivert. Emotional Counselor. Thought-Provoker, life coach, I do narrative and islamic writing. I love poetry, haiku, glossary of poetry terms, and literature(Ancient Greece, poetry, drama, and prose) I’m just an amateur writer. I like to write random thoughts that normal people can relate to.
My connection with books is cerebral and sometimes emotional. Its a heredity gift.To know that you’re not alone in your misery or happiness is the greatest reassurance of all. I may not be physically going anywhere, but my thoughts wander endlessly.
I don’t pay any attention to what people say about me, good or bad. I firmly fix my sight on what I want to achieve.
Im not a fancy person. I love small spaces. I like tiny cars. I don't buy things, aside from sports and books. I get loads of attention even though im kind of boring. I think Im boring, but I have different interests. I don't go out much, not because Im hiding but because Im not a big of outdoor, but only if its nature and into the woods. I go out and have a good time with family mostly.
I'm not a presidential, historian, or who makes promises that I can't live upto but I am who is consistent and considerate. I teach, I preach, and I counsel.
I always believe in improvising myself and learning something new everyday - I invoke this lesson daily in my life. I do not appreciate the ones who do or say something in a roundabout way.
Sometimes I just cant articulate and most times im on rock and roll.
Was never the type of girl that some Prince Charming to open doors for her and compliment her hair but I love being reminded that existence itself is all about the tangling of souls
Sometimes, I ruin moments. I do it with panache, for valid reasons that are repetitive and sometimes im terribly vividly mean. Just being super honest. It's like underneath all these layers of angst and sarcasm, and at times im not the best judge of my words or my actions, im a human I err.
Lastly, I am certain and know this fact, all writers, poets, prosaist, haijins, poetess, novelists, satirists, librettist, haikus, write at their best when they are broken, longing for a loved one, hurt, pained, sad, missing loved one and im at my best now, been there done that, lived all those moments. Not everyone can write. So whoever write are bruised soldiers and they come out so beautifully
Much love,
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e8luhs · 5 years
i am very excited for refactoring!! i already love the characters. can you tell us more about the main cast? like personality and interests and stuff.
AW YES IM SO GLAD THAT YOURE EXCITED!! i got this ask this morning and it seriously made me want to stay home from school and just infodump. im putting this under a cut since it will probably get a bit long i just kind of wrote down some fun tidbits and etc
absolute jock-passing nerd. she dresses like she Does Sport even though she did like quiz bowl and whatnot instead.
shes quite chill and thoughtful (its the taurus rising) but gets easily bored and needs constantly new forms of stimulation to stay motivated. she loves a challenge and basically feeds off of that kind of stuff. this really only cancelled out when its something deeply stressful (like being teleported to an entirely new dimension and all that). she CAN settle down into one spot and feel comfortable with that so long as she isnt BORED because GOD FORBID SHES BORED.
mavis likes science but especially astronomy, and despite everything shes actually really into horror movies and the paranormal too. a definite Halloween Enthusiast and also listens to lemon demon dare i say.
whenever shes stressed or frustrated or anxious her knee jerk instinct is to try and joke about it and move on. she isnt really direct about how she feels and whatnot and when she IS its usually via punchline.
silas is probably one of the easiest people to read in the cast. its basically impossible for him to lie or say that hes doing well if he isnt. hes a very honest person and expects that kind of honesty from others also, and it becomes really frustrating for him when people arent direct about how they feel
BECAUUUUSEEEE hes also very empathetic. both of the hao siblings are but he goes about it in a very different way than catriona. hes much more like “I have to know everything about why you are upset or else ill die” because if he sees someone sad and doesnt know why it basically eats him up inside until he knows.
hes also a bit of a jokester not about his feelings or anything but just in general! rather than using it as a defense he just really enjoys making people laugh. silas is very sociable.
sometimes he can be a bit of a try hard.... he is really doing his best and i love him. him and lea and mavis all share a need to establish themselves as something greater than they are and his mainly stems from Youngest Sibling Syndrome with a side of boredom with his own life too. mavis and silas really bond over that but silas didnt really take on any escapist tendencies like mavis did. he pushes himself to take action and try many things and considers many paths.
she has a teddy bear in her room that she hides in a reading cubby because its still important but she feels that her image as Mature and Put Together matters too much to really share that soft side with others. and i think that basically sums her up as a character.
really just needs some fuckin sleep. she is fueled by various caffeinated beverages (her favorites being an overly elaborate coffee order and arizona green tea). shes articulate, but because shes usually running on 4 or 5 hours of sleep she can sometimes miss small details or starts talking faster than her own thoughts+stumbling over her own words.
shes a bit suspicious of other people because shes had her trust tested a lot. catriona is very like kind and warm still though its just that like... you know. if you wrong her its very hard to win her back and she likely wont trust you with anything again.
shes also much more of a “fix it” kind of person when it comes to problems. she will absolutely provide a shoulder to cry on when you need it but at the end of the day she provides very practical support by trying to provide options. she takes the same approach with her own feelings too.
basically like “*softly* dont”. they are very cautious and dont take a lot of risks unless theyre absolutely sure that it will work out and there will be a benefit. however, theyre still optimistic and theyre always able to see the best in other people and in any situation. not really in that toxic kind of positivity way... but as in like they are able to appreciate the small things and whatnot
^ that world view is basically why they are so into botany. its very precise but its something small that you can really appreciate and see your own success in little by little. they also like arts and crafts.
they are incredibly diplomatic despite their initial virgo stubbornness. theyre really open to other perspectives and theyre very patient/understanding. kirabo and catriona are basically opposites in this respect and so they balance eachother out a lot here.... they are like bestest buds.
they are very big on like Emotionally Productive Self Care. kirabo WILL put on a face mask and will be like “dont @ me i am chillin”. and they will be like “enough is enough i am going to knit a fucking scarf a second”. they just have a lot of little hobbies to keep them busy like that because they are super fidgety. anxious energy... the mercury-ism
absolutely hates being underestimated in any capacity. minka is fully aware of her intelligence and capabilities and expresses no qualms with it whatsoever. alot of her insecurity ends up lying in her social life and etc. shes just been through a lot and really just wants to share her passions with other people.
really likes to decorate and APPEARS messy but is super organized. she has that sort of “chaotic order” thing going on where she can locate something even if its under a huge pile of random stuff. she has lots of stickers and lots of color-coding methods too.
will do the “are we there yet” thing and the “why? why? why?” thing. mostly out of curiosity to see how far she can go. she is always so curious about how far she can go with everything. so once she finds company she basically never wants to be alone. shes very talkative and inquisitive.
a baby bi.... she is still figuring it out a little though
a little >:3c and i like love that for her. she has a lot of charisma and energy and those are things that she really NEEDS TO HAVE with being a video game streamer and all but deep down shes just really mischievous and playful too.
i consider her a vriska by technicality. she has a lot of issues revolving around her identity and how people perceive her because so much of the time she deals with people projecting an idea of what shes like onto her. so alot of her thing is allowing herself to just be rather than feeling like she needs to put on a show.
^ shes actually probably one of the hardest people to read in the cast because of that. its not that shes not being herself... its just that she feels like she needs to be a pretty altered version of herself. the neptune in 1st struggle. she also kind of tends to have one foot out the door on everything but it makes her very adaptable. pretty much opposite to mavis in that its hard for her to settle down in any sense.
has a scorpio mercury but a libra venus so basically like “good luck my deep lovecore affections for you will be hidden behind several proxies”. also it just makes it to where she comes off very Intense at first as is the scorpio placement way. but really its fucking great and i love her.
well theyre a scorpio sun AND a scorpio moon aka theyre like “i will know everything about you but you will never know anything about me ever” and also theyre like *rebirth* *rebirth* *rebirth*
despite what the emotional constipation and capricorn rising may tell you they are seriously A Lot. they make very quick decisions based on any instantaneous assumptions that they have so deep down theyre just very emotional and impulsive. AND intuitive which is partially because they are analytical of others but all around theyre mostly guided by like Vibez.
their precognition is kind of like if you randomly started having dreams during the day and only saw them through your left eye. so more than anything they get kind of like... weird deja vu when they talk to people or go to places that theyve seen in their visions.
really they are just like. okay in theory by first impression they would be a vriska but in actuality they are a rose lalonde because like. come on. theres a certain self-aware yet chaotic and dramatic and repressed je ne sais quoi here
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absinthc-blog · 5 years
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(  kim  seokjin,  cismale,  he/him,  26.  )  —  CHOI  MINWOO,  better  known  to  the  authorities  as  PROMETHEUS,  has  been  working  for  the  kumiho  for  around  SEVEN  YEARS  as  a  COORDINATOR.  rumor  has  it,  they  can  be  ADAPTABLE  &  CONCILIATORY  but  also  HAUGHTY  &  MATERIALISTIC  which  is  why  crystal  champagne  flutes,  black  cards,  cigar  smoke,  and  tailored  suits  makes  me  think  of  them. 
okay  first  and  foremost  i  want  to  say  a  genuine  THANK  YOU  to  each  and  every  one  of you  for  showing  interest  in  this  group  !  truly,  it's  been my  baby  for  a  while  now  &  i'm  so  glad  i  was  able  to  (  with  help  from  ness,  obviously  )  bring  it  back  for  all  of  us  to  enjoy !  words  can't  express how  grateful  i  am  for  all  of  you  &  for  the  out  pour  of  love  and  support  we've  received  for  kumiho  !  now...  onto  the  usual  intro  stuff  !
hello,  i'm  gem,  i'm  21+,  i  go  by  she  /  her  pronouns  and  i  live  in  the  cst  timezone  !  i  absolutely  love  pain,  angst  &  ruining  my  characters  lives.  i  also  tend  to  use  memes  all  the  time  so  if  we're  talking..  just  prepare  for  memeage.  also  a  fun  fact  that  literally  know  one  asked  for  but  i'm  giving  it  to  you  anyways:  i  cried  the  first  time  i  ever  saw  a  corgi  in  real  life  &  proceeded  to  run  across  a  busy  street  to  be  able  to  pet  it  !  okay  now  for  real,  onto  the things  you're  really  here  for  !
this  dude  right  here  is  minwoo,  he's  a  tiny  bit  of  a  trashy  mess  but  honestly  i  can't  seem  to  play  characters  that  aren't  a  mess  ?  his  backstory  is  still  a  work  in  progress,  but  below  the  cut  is  basic  stats  /  bullet  proof  bio  /  personality  traits  /  basic  wanted  plots  &  a  few  more  random  things  !
if  you'd  like  to  plot,  feel  free  to  add  me  on  discord  (  𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾 𝕆𝕆𝔽.#9330 ),  im  me  or  SMASH  that  little  heart  button  &  i'll  come  to  you  !
                                 GENERAL  INFORMATION.
full  name:  choi  minwoo. nickname(s): min,  woo,  minnie. date  of  birth:  tbd. age:  twenty-five. nationality:  korean. spoken  languages:  korean,  english,  chinese,  japanese,  thai,  french,  spanish,  german  &  russian. gender:  cismale. pronouns:  he / him / his. sexuality:  bisexual. faceclaim:  kim seokjin  (  jin  )  of  bts. BACKGROUND. hometown:  daegu,  south  korea. current  residence:  seoul,  south  korea. financial  status:  upper  class. occupation:  coordinator. family  connections:  tbd.
                                       EXTRA  INFORMATION.
myers  briggs:  entp-a. (  the  debater.  ) enneagram:  seven.  (  the  enthusiast.  ) temperament:  choleric. moral  aligment: neutral evil. hogwarts  house:  slytherin. sin:  gluttony. virtue:  pride. zodiac:  tbd. element:  fire.
born  and  raised  in  daegu,  south  korea.
parents  were  both  incredibly  well  known.  one  being  a  lawyer,  one  being  a  ceo  of  a  multi-million  dollar  corporation.
they  weren't  around  a  lot  due  to  how  busy  their  schedule  was,  so  minwoo  was  mostly  raised  by  the  nannies  /  maids  that  were  always  around.
there  was  a  tiny  bit  of  resentment  that  minwoo  held  towards  his  parents  for  never  being  around  that  he'd  take  that  out  on  the  nannies,  so  much  so  they  had  a  hard  time  keeping  a  full-time  nanny  hired.  they'd  constantly  quit  their  jobs  due  to  how  minwoo  treated  them.
after  a  while,  though,  the  choi's  were  able  to  find  one  nanny  in  particular  that  didn't  take  minwoo's  attitude  personally  &  didn't  allow  it  to  effect  their  job.  in  fact,  they  started  to  reprimand  min  for  the  way  he  was  acting  out.
at  first,  of  course,  minwoo  didn't  take  well  to  that  at  all.  he  got  more  angry,  started  getting  more  of  an  attitude.  but  after  a  while,  he  grew  tired  of  it..  finally  breaking  down  &  it  was  then  that  the  nanny  figured  out  why  he  was  lashing  out  at  every  person  that  happened  to  be  doing  the  job  his  parents  were  supposed  to  be.
minwoo  started  to  calm  down  after  that  day,  finally  starting  to  realize  that  it  wasn't  the  nannies  fault  that  his  parents  were  always  working  and  couldn't  be  around  to  raise  him  like  he  really  wanted  them  to  be.
it  was  then  that  his  grades  started  to  get  better,  attitude  improving  almost  completely.  sure,  there  were  days  where  it  still  got  to  him,  but  for  the  most  part  he  stopped  taking  it  out  on  everyone  but  the  people  actually responsible  for  the  way  he  felt.
his  school  days  after  that  went  really  well,  acing  all  of  his  classes  and  staying  at  the  top  of  his  grade  the  entire  time.  things  got  different  around  high  school,  though.  his  parents  started  breathing  down  his  neck  about  either  becoming  a  ceo  or  a  lawyer.
neither  of  those  things  is  actually  what  minwoo  wanted  to  do,  fully  unsure  of  what  he  wanted  to  do  with  his  life.  but  he  didn't  want  to  let  either  of  them  down,  so  in  his  free time  he  ended  up  studying  for  both  things.
completely  letting  his  'free'  time  go  in  order  to  please  both  of  his  parents  caused  him  to  start  building  up  his  aggression  &  resentment  once  more.
he  couldn't  take  it  for  much  longer,  his  parents  constantly  yelling  at  him  to  get  his  shit  together  caused  him  to  hate  school,  hate  studying  for  both  things  that  he  doesn't  want  to  do...
so  one  day,  he  snapped.  his  father  bursting  through  his  room  as  he  was  taking  a  break  only  to  start  yelling  &  instead  of  falling  back  into  line,  minwoo  got  up  &  got  in  his  father's  face  and  began  yelling  back.  telling  his  father  that  what  his  parents  wanted  him  to  do  wasn't  what  he  wanted  at  all.
his  father  didn't  take  too  kindly  to  that,  basically  telling  minwoo  that  if  he  didn't  want  to  do  either  of  the  things  his  parents  wanted  him  to  do,  he  could  move  out  and  deal  with  life  on  his  own.
to  prove  a  point,  that's  exactly  what  minwoo  did,  moving  into  his  aunt's  house  as  he  finished  high  school,  finding  multiple  part-time  job  that'd  pay  the  bills  he  needed  to  pay  as  well  giving  his  aunt  some  for  rent  just  because  she  willingly  let  him  in.
those  were  also  something  he  didn't  want  to  do,  but  he  did  them  anyways  just  to  be  able  to  have  some  sort  of  income.
after  he  graduated  high  school,  he  had  tons  of  colleges  that  wanted  him  to  join  them  just  because  of  how  good  his  grades  were,  but  that  also  didn't  seem  to  be  something  he  wanted  to  do.
he  declined  each  and  every  one  of  them  with  little  to  no  regret,  his  aunt  supporting  the  decision  even  though  she  wanted  to  see  him  do  something  better  with  his  life.
those  words  stuck  with  him  as  he  finally  moved  out  of  her  home  &  into  a  small apartment,  busting  his  ass  to  constantly  be  able  to  pay  bills.
it  wasn't  until  he  met  someone  at  the  bar  he  worked  at  that  his  life  started  to  take  a  turn  for  the  better.  the  mastermind  happened  to  frequent  the  place  he  worked,  always  giving  minwoo  a  hard  time  about  doing  better  things  with  his  life, only  for  minwoo  to  brush  it  off.
but  one  night,  min  finally  got  curious,  asking  the  mastermind  what  that  meant.  that's  when  the  offer  to  join  the  kumiho  was  set  in  place.  the  mastermind  had  seen  how  determined  minwoo was,  overheard  min  talking  about  the  four  shitty  jobs  he  had  to  work  in  order  'survive'  just  because  he  didn't  want  to  even  touch  the  money  his  parents  constantly  kept  sending  him  just  out  of  spite.
minwoo  actually  started  out  in  the  kumiho  as  a  runner,  getting  things  that  the  crew  needed  &  hiding  in  plain  sight.
however,  the  second  that  the  mastermind  found  out  about  minwoo's  studies,  they  were  quick  to  suggest  something  more,  explaining  the  difficulties  of  being  a  coordinator  &  explaining  why  they  thought  minwoo  would  be  perfect  for  the  job.
minwoo  was  skeptical  at  first,  though  it  only  took  a  few  days  of  debating  with  himself  before  he  agreed  &  ever  since  then,  he's  done  his  best.  he  wanted  to  make  sure  that  the  mastermind  was  proud  of  the  choice  they'd  made.
most  of  the  time,  minwoo  seems  pretty  cocky  &  sarcastic.
can  be  extremely  blunt  when  it  comes  to  certain  things,  even  if  his  words  might  happen  to  hurt  someone  else.
extremely  selfish  for  the  most  part,  always  looks  out  for  himself  before  he  looks  out  for  others...  but  he  does  still  care  about  others,  even  though  he  barely  shows  it.
also  loves  to  "one  up"  others,  it's  the  competitive  side  of  him  but  he  usually  does  so  in  a  playful  /  teasing  way.
he's  deep  down  really  goofy  &  loves  to  have  fun.  loves  to  explore  &  goof  off  whenever  possible.
has  the  tendency  to  hate  commitment,  so  whenever  feelings  start  getting  involved,  his  knee-jerk  reaction  is  to  run  &  avoid  it  at  all  cost.
is  one  of  those  people  who  pretends  to  hate  everything  &  be  really  serious  but  will  dance  around  his  room  in  his  boxers  when  he  thinks  no  one  can  see  him.
a  very  two-sided  person  but  not  in  a  way  that  could  be  seen  as  fake..  he's  just  got  a  very  serious  side  of  him  vs  the  goofy,  fun  loving  one  that  doesn't  get  to  be  seen  as  often.
extremely  serious  when  it  comes  to  his  job,  though.  will  call  people  out  on  the  smallest  of  mistakes  if  he  thinks  it'll  effect  any  of  the  heists.  he  really  has  no  issue  with  confrontation  &  will  do  so  if  he  thinks  it's  needed.
absolutely  loves  to  cook,  picked  that  up  when  he  was  living  with  his  aunt.  he  started  cooking  dinner  and  meals  so  that  his  aunt  didn't  have  to  whenever  she  got  home.
also  a  tiny  a  bit  neat  freak  so  he  gets  a  tiny  bit  stressed  out  whenever  headquarters  is  a little  bit  messy  and  will  either  just  clean  up  the  messes  or  get  snippy  with  everyone  until  he  figures  out  who  did  it.
loves  fashion,  constantly  is  seen  going  to  fashion  shows  to  try  and  keep  up  with  the  latest  trends  &  constantly  is  buying  clothes  &  accessories.
also  loves  cars,  will  buy  the  latest  and  greatest  models  of  each  and  every  sports  car  that  comes  out.
his  'socialite'  side  comes  out  the  most  during  events  where  he's  around  a  bunch of  people,  creating  new  ties  with  whoever  he  can  knowing  connections  like  those will  help  him  gain  new  followers  &  things  like  that.
known  for  modeling  &  his  instagram  /  social  media  posts,  gaining  a  following  just  because  of  his  'ootd'  posts  as  well  as  the  snapchat  videos  he  posts  about  his  daily  life.
                                                  PLOT  IDEAS.
bad  influence.  (  on  your  muse.  )
best  friends.
current  hook  up(s).
drinking  /  party  buddies.
drunken  hook  up.
enemies  that  used  to  be  friends.
exes  who  ended  on  bad  terms.
will  they  /  won’t  they.
friends  with  benefits.
good  influence.  (  on  minwoo.  )
hate  sex.
one  night  stand(s).  (  past  &  present.  )
partner  in  crime.
past  hook  up(s).
ride  or  die.
trouble  makers.
unlikely  friends.
9 notes · View notes
kaijoskopycat · 6 years
I’m super late, but I still wanted to contribute to Aoki Day (5/7) within the month of May.  Aokise is always for @limitlessmonster, who encouraged me to use an idea from my own work experience and run with aokise. LOL.  Summary: In which Kise and Aomine work for the same financial company in different regional offices. Phone calls get a little more personal and relationships lean further away from professional. After all, who can resist Aomine’s voice?  On ao3
“Thank you for calling Teikou Financial. Kise speaking.”
“This is Aomine, from the life insurance sales department.” Oh, it’s Mr. Deep Voice. Kise can hear Takao’s voice in his head.
He smiles to himself as he brushes his fingers across the keyboard. Aomine is his favorite salesperson. Takao sings the praises of Midorima, who is thorough and calculating in his speech patterns, but Aomine’s voice, in Kise’s opinion, is a good reason to favor him instead.
“Hello, Aomine-san. What can I help you with today?”
“Look, I have a request. I really don’t wanna go back to this client to tell them they need to do another med exam, but I know underwriters can be picky about results.”
Kise nods to himself. He’s content to let Aomine ramble just to listen to that deep drawl.
There’s a brief pause, interrupted seconds later by a soft sigh. “Guess I should’a started with the policy number, huh?”
Kise chuckles. “That’s alright. It could be considered a general question. I’m assuming the client completed an exam with another company?”
Aomine laughs. “Read my mind.” A rush of satisfaction brings another smile to Kise’s lips. “So ya think I could send that paperwork in and—“
“If you send it directly to me, Aomine-san, I’d be happy to deliver it straight to the underwriter myself. I’m quite persuasive when I want to be.”
The deep, rich laughter from the other end of the phone sends a shiver down Kise’s spine.
“I have no doubt about that. Okay if I email them?”
“Of course. You still have my email address?”
“Got it saved from the paperwork you sent last time.”
He can hear Aomine typing on the other end of the line and notes, with some amusement, that he types considerably slower than Kise.
“I really appreciate this, Kise-san.”
“Just Kise is fine.”
Aomine chuckles. “Just Kise then.”
“Is there anything else I can help with you with?”
“Plenty, but I’m sure you don’t have the time for all of it.” A pause. “Or the qualifications.”
“I’m qualified for plenty.”
More laughter. Goosebumps pop up across Kise’s arm.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Good.” He’s grinning now and secretly grateful that Takao isn’t perched on his desk to see this right now. “Well, if you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to call.”
“Oh, I won’t.”
“Have a nice day, Aomine-san.”
“Just Aomine.”
Kise laughs. “Have a nice day, Aomine.”
“You too, Kise.”
“I could really use a favor, Kise.”
Kise tries to hide his grin when Aomine’s deep voice rumbles through his headset. He’s waving a hand behind him, trying to usher Takao away from his desk. Takao leans in instead and smirks, mouthing is that him, batting his eyelashes and pretending to fan himself.
“You know I’m always willing to do you a favor, Aomine.”
He can practically hear the smile on Aomine’s lips as he says, “Just the words I wanted to hear.”
Takao is laying across one edge of his desk, miming his heart beating out of his chest. Kise adamantly ignores him.
“What can I do for you?”
“There’s a long list of things I want to ask for, but… I’ll only ask for the work related one right now.”
Dammit… he curses the color that rises to his cheeks.
“Shoot.” His voice is breathless, his mind locked on all the things he wants Aomine to ask for, but will never voice aloud.
“I really need that one policy to go out…ya know which one I mean?”
“The policy for Akashi Seijurou?”
“Yes,” Aomine releases a groan of relief. “God, you always just know, don’t ya?”
Kise chuckles. “You did just send me an email on it not too long ago.”
“Right, right.” Aomine laughs. “This is a huge case. Guy’s got a lotta money going into this one and he wants it done as soon as possible. He’s kinda scary so anything you can do to help... Everything is in to send it out, right?”
“Pulling it up right now.” Kise fingers fly across the keyboard. He clicks through the paperwork on the case as quickly as he can, nodding to himself and softly humming the latest song stuck in his head. “Looks like everything is good to go. I’ll stay a little later to make sure this gets mailed out overnight today.”
“You’re a damn lifesaver.”
“Excuse you,” Kise laughs. He loves that Aomine isn’t afraid to use profanity on a work line. He’s confident enough in his skills to know they won’t let him go so easily, has said as much to Kise before. “Only for you.”
“Even better,” Aomine says with a quiet laugh. “Only for me.”
Kise smiles to himself and slaps Takao’s hand away when he reaches for Kise’s flushed cheek.
“Now let me go so I can work on this policy for you.”
“Hah? Can’t talk and work at the same time?” Aomine teases.
“Aomine…” He can talk and work at the same time. He does it with Takao all day.
He can’t talk to Aomine and work at the same time. Aomine’s voice is far too distracting.
“Got it, got it. I’ll let you go. Thanks again, Kise. I owe ya.”
“You do know this is your third time calling me this week.” Kise swears he has a permanent smile on his face. His customer service skills must have improved these past few months with these frequent calls from his favorite salesperson.
“Is it?” Aomine chuckles. “Hey, I always call with work questions. No one can deny that.”
Kise snorts in amusement. “That argument might be questionable when you consider the fact that our last conversation was roughly forty minutes long.”
“I had a lot of questions,” Aomine replies. “Needed a lot of answers.”
“Pretty sure you know more about my upcoming family events now than even most of my family members do.”
Aomine’s soft snicker over the phone makes Kise’s heart skip a beat or two. It’s not a sound he hears often, but he’s grown to like it. A lot.
“If anyone asks, we were discussing the merits of long term care riders and their benefits to customers interested in purchasing permanent insurance.”
“Were you reading a script?” Kise bites his lip to suppress a snort of laughter.
“Damn right I was.”
“Aominecchi! Language!”
The static sound of silence greets his outburst and for a second he thinks their phone queue has shut down like it did for two hours last week.
Then Aomine says, “Did you just call me… Aominecchi?”
Oh shit…
“Kise…” Aomine’s voice deepens. It’s the kind of voice he’s used in past conversations to encourage Kise to spill the beans about a topic he wasn’t necessarily willing to elaborate on.  It works every time.
“It’s…” Kise presses mute on his phone and presses his forehead against the table with a groan. He catches sight of Takao out of the corner of his eye. He quickly taps out the word later into their existing IM and takes a deep breath before taking himself off mute. “It’s kinda what I started referring to you around the office here. I really only use it as a sign of respect, so it’s nothing weird or… anything.” He cuts himself off before he can sound like even more of an idiot.
Another long pause tempts him to hang up until Aomine says, “So, you talk about me with yer coworkers over there?”
Kise is glad they’re conversing over the phone so Aomine can’t see the nice shade of red his face is sporting right now. He can feel the heat in his cheeks and thinks he might need to take a swim in the frigid pool at their company gym after work today.
“I…” There’s no getting out of this now. “I do. But it’s only because we’ve spoken so frequently and you’re my favorite salesperson. And sometimes I get asked about my phone calls so I have to give at least some information away. And I’m at least letting people know you work here with us, just in another location. And—“
“Hold it,” Aomine interrupts. “What did you just say?”
“I’m letting people know you work here with us?”
“No, Kise.” If rolling your eyes had a sound, Kise is pretty sure he would’ve hear it right now. He’s positive Aomine rolled his eyes. “Before that.”
“About giving informa—“
“Before that.”
“About getting asked—“
A soft growl comes out of the phone and Kise stops breathing.
“Are you really this stupid or are you just pretending to be so you don’t have to admit it again?”
“This call may be monitored for quality and training purposes,” Kise counters as a reminder.
“Kise, I swear to god…”
Oh god… Kise draws in a slow, steady breath to ground himself. “That you’re my favorite salesperson?”
Aomine let’s out a heavy breath, like he’d been holding it while Kise skirted around his question. “Yes. That.”
“Well…” Kise sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. “It’s true.”
“Mm…” Aomine’s deep hum of contentment through the phone has to be a national treasure. Kise wishes he could find the recording of this call just to hear it again. “Ya know, yer kinda my favorite too.”
Kise breathes in sharply. “You’re favorite…” what?
“Yes,” Aomine replies. “My favorite.”
The silence that follows is weighted in an indescribable way. Kise is certain this isn’t an appropriate conversation to have at work. His hard earned phone etiquette skills fly out the window when Aomine is involved and he’s grateful his boss hasn’t decided to pull and monitor his calls.
“I’ll talk to you later, Kise. Thanks.” Aomine pauses and Kise holds his breath. “For reviewing that illustration for me.”
Ah… “You’re welcome, Aominecchi,” Kise replies softly.
“Bye, Kise.”
“Goodbye, Aominecchi.”
“Where do you think you’ll go on your first date?”
Kise looks up from the salad he brought for lunch and blinks at Takao.
“Excuse me?”
Takao sighs and dramatically throws his hands up in the air in mock irritation. “Keep up, Ryou-chan!”
“Who are you even talking about?”
“You and Mr. Sex-Phone-Operator-Voice of course!”
Kise’s eyes widen as he makes a slashing gesture with his hand across his throat. “Kazucchi, keep your voice down. Jeeze…”
Takao cackles. “It’s hysterical how embarrassed you get when I mention him when you have no problem openly swooning and drooling over him on the phone.”
“Shut up,” Kise grumbles, shoving a forkful of lettuce into his mouth.
“You know those calls are recorded, right?” Takao grins, leaning his chin in his hand. “Anyone can listen to you charm him like the shameless flirt you are.”
Takao now listens in on  any conversation of Kise’s when he’s close enough to hear. He’s caught Kise on the phone with Aomine more times than Kise cares to admit and, yes, every single time Kise has been shamelessly flirting.
But Aomine flirts back. He laughs that deep, rich, heartstopping laugh of his, practically purrs Kise’s name every time he says it, tells Kise how he’s his favorite, how he loves Kise’s laugh, how he wonders what it would be like to work in the same office .
Kise wonders the same thing. He wonders if the novelty of talking to Aomine would wear off, or not exist, if they knew one another in person. If they worked face to face. It’s a thought Kise entertains every now and again, always coming to the same conclusion.
The novelty would never wear off.
It isn’t just Aomine’s voice that he likes anymore. He likes Aomine. He likes his laugh, the smile he can hear instead of see, the way he’s fearless, doesn’t care who hears, doesn’t care what he says. He likes Aomine’s dedication to his job, his blatant favoritism of Kise. He just likes Aomine.
“You never answered my question,” Takao points out.
“Kazucchi, I’m never gonna see him,” Kise admits softly. It’s another thought that’s been swimming through his mind and, again, he only comes to one conclusion. It’s highly unlikely they’ll ever meet in person.
“You don’t know that.”
“I don’t even know what he looks like,” Kise groans. His head tips forward, his forehead making contact with the cafeteria table. He groans again.
“Do you want to?” Takao asks.
Kise tilts his head to the side, peering up at Takao through strands of hair covering his eyes. “You know I do.”
Takao grins. “I know what he looks like.”
Kise’s head is off the table in an instant. “You… what?”
“I know what he looks like,” Takao repeats, his grin spreading wider. He looks like the Cheshire Cat, but Kise isn’t in the mood for his games.
“Kazucchi, so help me…” His hand twitches, itching to grab a pen that isn’t near him to lob at Takao’s grinning face. “If you don’t tell me what you mean, I’ll—“
“I printed a picture of him.”
Kise gapes. “You printed…”
“It wasn’t hard to find him on the company website.” Takao shrugs and reaches into the back pocket of his dress slacks. “You wanna see?”
Drawing in a sharp breath, Kise nods. “You know I do…”
Takao unfolds the paper and slides it across the table. Kise realizes two things. One, Aomine is hot. Like tall, dark and handsome, bad boy, let me slam you against the wall and leave you breathless kind of hot. And two, Kise is royally screwed, and not in the way he wants to be after seeing that photo.
“Fuck…” he mutters, unable to take his eyes away from the mischievous gleam in the eyes of Aomine’s photo.
“My thoughts exactly,” Takao laughs and comes to the same realization as Kise. “You’re screwed.”
“I have a confession to make, Aominecchi.”
Kise hides in one of the small conference rooms on their office floor. He had transferred Aomine’s call to the phone in here to avoid Takao. He doesn’t need him sitting at his desk, cackling while he admits that he’s been thinking about Aomine ever since he saw the face that went with that sinfully deep voice.
Well, maybe he won’t say it in those exact words, but something to that effect.
“Mm… do you?”
Kise hears the smile in his voice and runs his palm down his face. It’s warm. He’s probably blushing. Thank god Takao didn’t follow him.
“So I may have looked through the company website…” he trails off and stares at the computer in front of him where he’s pulled up Aomine’s profile once again. “And checked out the team profiles.”
“Yeah?” Aomine drawls.
“And I noticed you play basketball.”
Aomine chuckles. “That’s what you noticed?”
“Well…” Kise rubs at his nape and imagines the smile on Aomine’s face. His heart thunders in his chest. “Obviously that’s not the only thing I noticed.”
“What else?” Aomine asks.
Kise frowns. “Now you’re just being mean.”
“You’re dancin’ around the real subject, Kise.” Aomine is laughing again. “You were looking up my picture.”
With an internal groan, Kise finally says, “I saw your picture.”
There’s a pause on the other end. Kise’s heart is beating so loud now he’s not sure he’ll hear Aomine if he says anything else.
“So,” Aomine finally says, his deep voice breaking through Kise’s incessant heartbeat. “Like what you see?”
Kise draws in a sharp breath, holds it. When he finally exhales his voice is soft, breathy. “How could I not?”
There’s the laughter again. Deep, rich. Like velvet across Kise’s skin. He shudders.
“Good to know I didn’t disappoint.”
Kise snorts. “Aominecchi, I highly doubt you could do anything to disappoint me.”
When Aomine lets out a sound similar to a gasp, Kise slaps a hand over his mouth. The realization that his words sounded so close to a confession dawns on him and he doesn’t know what to say. Doesn’t know how to make it seem like Aomine hasn’t been invading his thoughts day in and day out.
“I just mean that… you’re my favorite, you know? I like you. Not just because you’re good at your job or you have this great voice or that—“
“Kise,” Aomine interrupts. Kise’s name comes through the phone as a soft growl. “You talk too much.”
Kiss presses his lips together.
“Never thought I’d been into an idiot who talks as much as you do, but can’t control my tastes, can I?”
“Aominecchi!” Kise hisses, indignant. “I’m not an idiot!”
“Sometimes you are,” Aomine chuckles. “But hey, gotta let you go. Got a meeting to get to in five minutes. Should’a been setting up already.”
Kise sighs. He really should get back to his desk anyway. “Okay, okay.”
“Talk to you later, pretty boy.”
Kise blinks. “Pretty boy?”
“And by the way, Kise,” Aomine pauses and Kise holds his breath. “I looked up your picture too.”
The silence on the end of the line is proof that Aomine hung up, but Kise doesn’t put the phone down until it starts to beep loudly in his ear. When he hangs up, he stares at the phone in disbelief. Aomine had looked up his picture, had been wondering what Kise looked like too.
But that fact alone doesn’t leave him speechless. It’s only now that he realizes that maybe he wasn’t the only one who let loose a confession on that phone call.
Never thought I’d be into an idiot who talks as much as you do…
A wide smile spreads across Kise’s lips. He presses his forehead against the table and laughs.
Aominecchi is into me.
Takao slides onto the bench beside Kise, singsonging his name. Kise has been sitting outside by the small pond behind their building for the past fifteen minutes, debating on what to get his sister for her birthday. And maybe trying not to think about his conversation with Aomine and how he had suggested lingerie to impress her new boyfriend.
His eyes flicker toward Takao and the brilliant grin that lights up his face. The grin can only mean one of two things. Takao has news that will excite Kise. Or he has news that will come at Kise’s expense, and will, without a doubt, fail to excite him.
“You’ve heard, haven’t you?” Takao continues without being prompted. Always good at filling silences.
“Heard what?�� He shifts on the bench to better look at Takao. To try and read the sparkle in his eyes.
“About our visitors.”
Kise glances around. He doesn’t recall hearing about any visitors. It’s definitely not food truck day, or Takao would already have his container of tacos, half eaten, in his lap. Maybe he missed a visit from the Vice President while he was out musing.
“Kazucchi, if I knew, don’t you think I’d be just as excited as you?”
Takao’s grin widens. “Oh, you’ll be excited all right.”
Kise scrunches his nose. “Are you going to tell me who it is, or are you—“
“The sales team.”
Kise freezes.
“The sales team is coming to visit next week.”
Kise stares at him. He’s not sure he heard Takao correctly. The last he had heard about company travel was that they had put a temporary ban on it. The company wasn’t necessarily hurting for money, but they weren’t in a position to expend any of the budget on unnecessary travel when technology like video conference could be used on a daily basis for communication.
“That can’t be right…” Kise shakes his head. Surely Aomine would’ve brought it up, right? “The budget…”
“Ah!” Takao holds up a finger and presses his other hand to his chest, deepening his voice in a perfect imitation of Midorima. “‘Takao, it appears we will be guests at your regional office next week, Thursday May 7th, to present the recent successes of the sales team and how it will positively affect your work flow and the revenue of the company.’”
Kise snorts. “And you make fun of me for Aominecchi.”
Takao shrugs. “I can’t help it that my taste in men leans toward pretentious, superstitious, tight asses like Shin-Chan.”
If possible, Takao’s correspondence with Midorima could rival Kise’s number of conversations with Aomine.
“I can’t believe he told you before an email went out,” Kise muses aloud. Midorima isn’t one to skirt around protocol. He follows the rules to a T. Unlike someone else…
Someone who didn’t share the news of the sales team travel with Kise.
“Do you think…” Kise bites his lip as he trails off. He stares at the rippling in the pond as two ducklings skirt across the surface near the water’s edge. “Do you think they’re bringing the whole sales team?”
“Ryou-chan.” Takao elbows him in the side and waggles his eyebrows. “Thinking about all the things Aomine can sell you on while he’s here?”
Kise pushes Takao’s face away and rolls his eyes. He ignores Takao’s laughter as he stands, lifting his hand in a brief wave as he says, “Gotta finish up with a few policies before I go so I’m heading back in.”
“Make sure to tell Aomine hi for me!” Takao shouts as Kise walks away.
Kise lifts a single finger over his shoulder and silently curses Takao for his insight. He knows exactly which policy to pull up as an excuse to make a call.
“You know, you don’t have to use the Nijimura policy as a reason to call me,” Aomine drawls, his laughter rumbling through Kise’s headset. Kise rubs his hands up and down his arms to flatten the goosebumps that raise across his skin.
“Well, besides the fact that I wanted to hear your voice,” Kise grins as Aomine chuckles again. “We are missing a signature on this one disclosure form…”
“What the hell, Kise? You’re supposed to warn me about these things.”
“Ah,” Kise raises his hands on either side of his head in surrender, even though Aomine can’t see it. “In fairness, it was forwarded straight to me so you didn’t get to see it and it just came in.”
“Yer a little shit, ya know that?”
Kise snickers. “Aominecchi, that’s mean.” He taps his fingers against his desk and stares at the email in front of him. He’s read it more times than he can count. It’s confirmation that the sales team is headed to their office. The entire sales team. “But now that I have you on the phone… tell me, do you have any plans for next week?”
“Next week?” Aomine is tapping something against his desk. Kise can hear it through his headset. “That’s a weird thing to ask. Guess I don’t have anything in particular planned. Might take mom out to dinner cause she’s been on my ass about seeing me these past few days.”
Weird thing to ask… “You say that like it’s a chore,” Kise says with a soft laugh. “Like you won’t get a free meal out of it.”
“I never said I wasn’t down for dinner.” Aomine’s voice deepens to that suggestive tone he uses when he’s trying to intentionally fluster Kise. “What about you?”
Kise scrunches his nose. Dinner with his mom, he reminds himself as he says, “We’re having some visitors in the office next week.”
“Are you?” Aomine bums on the other end of the line. “Like the VP? Pretty sure that guy is coming here sometime soon too.”
“Like another team,” Kise ventures, his fingers ghosting over the forward button of the email notification they received. Maybe if he sends it to Aomine...
“Another team, huh?” Aomine chuckles. “Hope you don’t have a favorite person on that team too.”
Kise frowns. Is he really not coming? “Aominecchi, I know that you’re—“
“Oi, Kise,” Aomine interrupts. His voice is muffled for a moment as he says something to someone away from the receiver. “Gotta get going. We’re going out for lunch over here at the company’s expense. Talk to you later?”
”Oh, uh… yeah. Yeah, talk to you later Aominecchi.”
Kise is about to press the button to hang up the phone when Aomine says, “Oh, and Kise.”
“Mm?” Kise pauses, his finger hovering above the end call button.
“I hope you don’t have any plans next Thursday cause I could use a tour guide around your area and, you know, you’re kinda my favorite.”
A smile spreads across Kise’s lips, so wide it hurts his cheeks. “I’ll see if I can spare the time.”
Aomine laughs. “I’ll see you then, Kise.”
“See you, Aominecchi.”
Aomine in person is better than anything Kise’s imagination can conjure up.
He’s a hair taller than Kise, but it’s enough to get a smirk of satisfaction from Aomine when he notices. And that smirk. Kise’s knees threatened to buckle the moment Aomine turns that smirk on him. His skin is darker than the picture suggested, his hair a deeper blue.
His voice sounds better in person than it ever has over the phone. He stands in front of their entire department and goes over the feedback they’ve received from reputable clients, the rise in business they expect to receive from word of mouth alone. When he finishes and gestures for Midorima to take his place to crunch numbers, he angles his chair enough to meet Kise’s eye and grins.
People have always told Kise that his smile is dazzling. But none of them have ever seen a real smile from Aomine. Kise doesn’t think he can never compare.
After the meeting, they’re released early. Aomine makes his way to Kise’s desk, walks with him as they leave the building.
“So,” Aomine says, nudging Kise with his elbow.
Kise feels a flare of heat erupt from the touch, even through the fabric of their dress shirts. “So,” Kise replies, grinning to himself as they walk down the street.
The weather is perfect. Kise silently thanks any and all gods out there for giving him clear skies and beautiful temperatures. He also thanks Takao for his constant weather updates.
“You buyin’ me dinner?” Aomine smirks and digs his hands into the pocket of his slacks. “I am an honored guest, after all, aren’t I?”
Kise rolls his eyes. “You’re insufferable, Aominecchi.” He shifts, turning to walk backward so he can face Aomine as he talks. The sidewalks have recently been paved and all the little kinks that used to trip him up have been smoothed out. Aomine won’t have to find out about his clumsy side just yet.
Just yet… Kise thinks, hoping this visit isn’t a singular one. Hoping that more will come.
“I was thinking we could go to a little hole-in-the-wall ramen shop I like to frequent,” he says, gesturing down the street behind him. “It’s only a few blocks away. It’s small, but I’ve never had better ramen than there.”
Aomine’s lips twitch. “I have a damn good ramen shop back home. You really wanna make that claim?”
Kise smirks right back. “Aominecchi, you haven’t had this damn good ramen.”
“Sounds like a challenge, Kise.”
Kise shrugs. “I do have better taste than you, Aominecchi. I mean, look at that tie.”
Aomine shoves at Kise’s shoulder. “You little—“
“So you’re only here until tomorrow morning, right?” Kise asks, turning back around to fall into step at Aomine’s side. “Takao mentioned Midorima staying until the evening, but most of you are headed out early?”
Aomine hums to himself, casting a side eye glance at Kise. “I’ll leave when I want to leave.”
“And…” He leans toward Aomine. “when will that be, Aominecchi?”
“Sunday night at the latest.”
Kise cannot suppress the smile that spreads across his lips. He bumps his shoulder against Aomine’s and says, “You just can’t get enough of me, can you? I guess that means I’ll to show you around since you’re a tourist and all. Take you to all my favorite food places, the best things to see, the best shops, all of—“
“Kise.” Aomine grabs Kise’s wrist, stopping him. “You talk too much.”
Kise’s confused protest is muffled when Aomine’s lips cover his own. It takes Kise a moment for the action to sink in before his arms raise to slide around Aomine’s neck and he kisses back.
Again, his imagination did nothing to prepare him for this. Aomine is warm, all over. His lips are like a fire brand against Kise’s. It feels right, Kise thinks in the back of his mind. Like finding the final piece of a puzzle he’s been working on all his life.
When Aomine pulls away, Kise blinks at him, dazed. Aomine’s cocky smirk draws him out of it and Kise shoves at his shoulder with a pout.
“Aominecchi! The first kiss comes after the first date.” He presses shaky fingers against his lips to hide his smile. “Those are the rules.”
“Kise,” Aomine grabs his hand, pulling it away from his mouth to thread their fingers together. “Pretty sure our first date was during one of those long ass phone calls.” He ignores Kise’s snort of indignation and adds, “Besides, I don’t like to play by the rules.”
He steals another brief kiss before Kise can protest and pulls him down the street. “Now c’mon. I’ve got a big bowl of ramen with my name on it and you better have a damn good plan to keep me occupied this weekend.”
Kise stifles a laugh and says, “I have a few things in mind.” Grateful for the extra days, no matter how few.
181 notes · View notes
crossnecklace · 7 years
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hi hi hi! so i feel like a lot of my most favorite fics dont get talked about much, therefore i wanted to create a proper fic rec masterpost to spread the love!! this is going to be a looooong list, so hopefully theres something for everyone (though i do firmly believe u should read every single one of these before u die)
in no particular order, but a * indicates my absolute faves that i reread monthly:
hats off to my distant hope by navigator (21k) *
Harry is in White Eskimo. Louis is in London.
AU loosely inspired by the song “505” by Arctic Monkeys.
-kicking this off with one of my very favorites. i think my favorite trope is when hl have this angsty “we’re not dating but definitely fucking and also doing everything couples do also i’m irrevocably in love with you why aren’t we dating?” sort of moment. its painful in the sweetest way, and this fic captures that perfectly. there will be quite a few of those on this list, i’ll bet
up the long delirious burning blue by orphan_account (6k)
harry is a swimmer & louis is the writer who somehow manages to make him come up for air. 
-this one is quite sad. so poetic and painful and lovely and unf (warning for mentions of suicide and depression, and the ending is quite ambiguous but there is no MCD)
we wreak havoc with out hearts by flimsy (9k)
Harry finds that he can’t keep things separate; neither can Louis.
Harry tousles his hair, smoothes it back, shrugging. 
“Alright,” he says. “I’m, you know, outside if you need anything.” 
“Yeah,” Louis replies. “Sure.” 
He doesn’t look like he’ll be needing Harry, and Harry tells himself that that’s okay. They’ve both got their moods sometimes or maybe the timing isn’t good, and if it’s not then that’s alright as well. Harry can respect that. And it’s not like this is their first tour; Harry knows that Louis will come around. He always does.
-another one of those w that trope i talked about. im gonna call it the RFWB trope (romantic friends w benefits). this one is so hot and good
rather this than live without you by mediaville (10k) *
Harry decides to give it all up. Louis refuses to be left behind.
-RFWB pt. 3. i ADORE this fic. just the setting and the angst and the smut ugh it all has me on the floor
one day to believe in you by mediaville (7k) 
A mysterious force compels Louis to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Even when it’s really inconvenient.
Harry blinks and has the nerve to look surprised. 
“You think about me when you get off?”
“Yes,” Louis says. He wonders how hard he’d need to punch himself in the face to knock himself out.
“Yes, Christ, Harry,” Louis groans. “Probably eight times a week for going on six years now. On average, you know. More when we were touring, less when I’ve been visiting family. Anything else you’d like to know?”
- :-)))))))
all my love was down in a frozen ground by navigator (16k)
Louis goes to the woods. 
AU very loosely inspired by the creation of Bon Iver’s first record.
-i’ll be honest i dont even remember what this fic is about but its in my bookmarks and its by navigator so i know that its good
boys of summer by sharktoothedfawnskinned (49k) *
What he wants is for this to be a forever thing, not someplace Harry spent the summer once.  What he wants is for this to be more than a memory.
(New Jersey beach town AU.) 
we should get jerseys by orphan_account (12k) *
There’s a lot surrounding Harry, and Louis knows, in his heart of hearts, that there always will be. He just doesn’t know if he’ll manage to equate into the ‘always’ of it.
(Harry is a hockey player, and Louis is his slightly melodramatic boyfriend.)
- another old favorite!!! pretty much anything that involves harry being good at sports has me on my knees bc it paves way for automatic angst, louis being jealous of a puck/ball/net/what have you, and uhhh various other *athletic* activities
the finish line (is a good place for us to start) by @loaded-gunn (122k)
Louis Tomlinson, one-time Formula 1 World Champion, is looking forward to the 2013 season. He’s got Zayn in his garage and Liam in his ear, he’s got Cowell Racing backing him despite former indiscretions, he’s got experience and the best race car out there. Not to mention he’s the only racer they have, after Oliver dropped out late last year.
It hasn’t occurred to him that Oliver would have to be replaced by February. That is, until he finds himself at a party celebrating Harry Styles leaving Ferrari for Cowell. Harry hotshot Styles, who broke a record last year and is probably looking to make a big splash. Harry Styles, who is talented and somewhat intimidating. Harry Styles, who left Ferrari for reasons unknown and seems kind of lonely and harmless in person. Lonely, harmless, hot as fuck. Whatever.
The first thing Louis does is take him under his wing. From there it’s nine months of slow-burning romance, the past catching up to them, turning into the human puppy pile that is OT5 and a lot of feelings until, of course, reaching the finish line.
-one of the first 1d fics i remember reading. i havent touched it in a long time but it used to be my #1 fave and it has a special place in my heart. so much pining, only not really in a frustrating way bc theres abundant flirting and they kiss in like, the second scene. its basically louis trying to keep his shit together and failing miserably. AND its stuffed with fandom meta which is quite entertaining if youve been here for awhile. anyway give this a read, i truly love it so much
so keep my candle bright by whisperdlullaby (78k) *
louis returns to his hometown after four years to find that the reverend’s son has done some growing up of his own.
-god. the characterization in this one is just gorgeous. the way louis helps harry accept/explore his sexuality is so beautiful and i think about it every day. a must read!!! (warning for homophobia and religious themes)
no one like you by @myownsparknow (20k)
Dear Niall,
I was glad to have the chance to talk with you again at the AHA conference. Your idea that the Musee D’Orsay Tomlinson painting is in fact not a self-portrait is an intriguing one, and I may have discovered something that will have a bearing on that theory.
Some background: as you may remember, I’ve been researching for a book I’m writing about Harry Styles. I’ve been in communication with Styles’ last living descendant, who is in possession of a trunk that her family believed to have belonged to Styles himself. It held some personal items she presumes to be his, including two unmounted paintings and a small collection of letters.
Upon spending the last few days in Provins studying these items, I believe there to be a connection between Tomlinson and Styles, and I would very much like your opinion.
Are you up for a trip to France?
Sincerely, Liam Payne
Where Liam and Niall are art historians discovering the truth about two nineteenth century painters on opposite sides of an artistic divide.
-this is one of the only recent fics on this list bc i like to stew in the past and pretend all my favorite writers havent left the fandom. i read it when it first came out and man oh man, its like poetry. so gorgeously written, and hl’s relationship is so deeply rooted and beautiful. i love
our little corner of the world by brownheadedstranger (30k)
AU. Louis is stuck in his mom’s diner for the summer. Harry is the line cook with a pickup truck.
-so good!! i’d die for americanized fics which doesnt even make sense bc i hate america but. what can u do 
i could dream all night by @fondleeds (73k) *
As the sun kisses the horizon, one last flash of light before the stars and the moon take over, his phone will brighten in his grasp, Louis’ name appearing on screen, come over or wanna see you or miss your mouth. Harry always lingers on those messages, elbows bruising on the cool metal of the railing by the lookout, watching the water as he thumbs at the side of his phone, lips bitten into his mouth, trying to will away the bubbling in his stomach, the heat that flushes to his neck at the thought of being thought of.
At the thought of Louis thinking of him.
AU. Harry spends his summer away from the city.
-lordt. where the fuck do i begin. first of all, lysha, if ur reading this, i’d die for u even tho u already killed me with this fic. second, what the fuck???? this is so good??? the imagery is exquisite, everything is so soft and hazy and warm, but just be warned that its a tRick. this fics wraps u in like a warm hug and then stabs u 7 times in the back so be prepared :-))) (warning for ambiguous ending)
another hazy may by deLILAh (41k) *
louis is a terrible poet and harry lives in the now and they have six weeks to fall in love but, really, it only takes six seconds. bookshop meets military meets summer romance au ft. marlboros, the backstreet boys, and underrated literary devices.
-i dnot even wanna talk about it. i swear to god the first time i read this i stayed up all night and cried through literally like the last three quarters of it. its so poetic and gorgeous and now every time i think or hear about the literary present i wanna die so thanks for scarring me forever 
like a bastard on the burning sea by vashtaneradas (22k) *
au; harry breaks louis, louis breaks everything.
- listen i know im not supposed to like this but yknow what?? iconic. its absolutely a guilty pleasure and the only cheating fic ill ever give the time of day bc it just hurts so good 
take me to the church (series) by @kingsoftheimpossible (14k/6k/4k)
Harry and Louis are Horsemen of the Apocalypse- War and Conquest- but that’s not really important. They just like to fuck things up.
these r freaky but so so good. theres nothin i love more than boyfriends wreaking havoc on..everything. (the main warnings i’d say are for slight gore/violence and blasphemy. other than that i’d read the tags before you dive in)
if you love me, come clean by @victoryjacket​ (121k) *
AU in which Louis works at a recording studio where Harry’s ‘up and coming’ and ‘exciting’, soon-to-be famous indie band has just signed a deal to record their debut album at, and Louis’ never even heard of them for Christ’s sakes, but that doesn’t stop him from repeatedly catching the eye of the raven-haired, eyeliner-wearing and slightly dangerous-looking frontman (but he’s not interested, he isn’t.)
-everyone read my love’s fic right now. she writes tortured rockstar!harry beautifully and its just so good :-))))) ft. the slowest, sweetest burn 
a runaway american dream by dangerbears (15k)
AU. they take route 66 with only each other and their secrets.
-iconic. plus the whole thing is just hl trying and failing to be just bro pals and platonically share a bed
from the love to the lightning by orphan_account (22k) *
“i didn’t realize it would sometimes be more than whole, that the wholeness was a rather luxurious idea. because it’s the halves that halve you in half.”
 a like crazy au where harry and louis fall in america, but have to try to make it work when problems arise that force louis to stay in london.
-definitely in my top 10. first things first, the line that fucked me up forever: “Three thousand, four hundred and seventy one. There are 3471 miles and an entire ocean between them, but Harry doesn’t even have to get out of bed to find bone-crushing heartache.” AH. i think this might actually be the only long distance au ive ever read and its angsty as fuck but oh so worth it. like literally idek what to say except read this right now (warning for harry/ofc relationship that is pretty detailed, but i grew kinda fond of her? and anyway its mainly just a plot point to emphasize harrys pining for his tru love,,,,yk who) 
we can take the long way home by @eleadore (27k) *
“Fertile,” Louis says, and then laughs because it sounds stupid to say out loud. He hasn’t ever really thought of himself in those terms. Baby-making terms. It’s just one of those things his body can do, like exercise, or go without tea. Doesn’t mean he will.
or, The band takes a break. Harry and Louis come together.
-listen, i REALLY REALLY love this fic. its probably literally my favorite one shot, like, its really just so sweet and hot and its again one of those good ol RFWB tropes. loveeee
red brick heart by hazmesentir (99k) *
Harry has only had his room for thirty-two minutes when it stops being his.
Uni AU. Harry had turned up at the halls of residence expecting fun, new friends, and maybe a life experience or two. What he doesn’t expect is a surprise roommate who’s loud and dramatic and obsessed with tea and is maybe, actually, all he’s ever wanted.
-this is one of the few fandom faves i can get behind. i know its got that early era cliche of commitment phobe!louis but i really love hl’s relationship in this, and how harry comes to terms w his sexuality via making out w louis tomlinson like 500 times. plus the scene in the club where louis, uh, helps harry out just…GETS me, yknow? 
some things take root by navigator/quitter (50k) *
AU. Louis’ ex doesn’t get jealous of anyone besides Harry. Harry helps Louis use that to his advantage.
-pleasepleplalspelplseease. literally navigator can end me. this is THE fake relationship au yall, like, any fanart of hl making out near a bar gives me flashbacks to this fic. read it
keep yourself warm by navigator (20k)
AU. Harry sleeps around.
-this fic is really nice and oddly comforting, like, i just love the pining and the angst. its so !!!! 
with love comes strange currencies by mediaville (16k) *
One day One Direction will be over and Louis won’t be around Harry every waking moment. He’ll be able to finally get some space, let their bond dissipate as it’s bound to do, if they don’t mess up again. He can move to Costa Rica and forget that Harry Styles popped his first knot inside him. Until then, he’s going to have to deal with this.
or, They’re Accidentally Mated and Dealing With It Rather Badly.
-i con ic. listen, i have nothing against abo but im just .. not rly into it. however, THIS is the first abo fic i read and the only one i ever loved. like just the whole accidental mating and how it draws them to each other even tho its quite inconvenient, and how h takes cares of l when hes sick, i just..gotta go 
covered in lines (series) by mentalistecbm (24k)
He likes to imagine that he’s always aware of Harry’s eyes on him, but the spark that flashes across his body at how often Harry licks his lips while looking at his throat doesn’t feel like something he’s explicitly and consciously acknowledged before, but it feels familiar. Usual. Right.
(Louis is human, and Harry is lucky enough to be his vampire boyfriend.)
-noah fence but this is,,,, essentially twilight in au form, minus love triangles and werewolves. actually its completely different lmao, who am i, but the overall atmosphere and the vampire dynamics rly reminded me of it. i mean it in the best way!!! its so good, and anything involving dr*nking has me on the floor
weird honey by orphan_account (5k)
~staying up all night, talking blasphemous ash, weird honey~ 
(PWP where Harry is not 100% at home in his body and he and Louis use a sex toy to help work through the problem)
-this fic is soft and nice and makes me feel warm inside so highly recommend
who painted the moon black by throughthedark (95k) *
“People died,” Harry whispers so quietly Louis strains to hear. “People died, and I killed some of them. How does life just go on after something like that?”
Louis shakes his head. “I don’t know. It just does.”
Hunger Games AU where Louis Tomlinson is district six’s victor from the 69th Hunger Games and Harry Styles is district seven’s victor from the 72nd Hunger Games.
-listen. i do NOT want to talk about it. (ps harry throwing axes on the bbc literally  took me out by the knees bc of this fic)
one more for the stars by imsosorry (16k)
It’s different, and Louis knows that, because Harry’s got so much riding on this - a career and a future and his whole life. There’s talk of him going first overall in the draft, of entering the NFL after only two years in college, of going to New York or Seattle or Green Bay, and Louis wants to be there for him, wants to support him and help him make decisions, but he also kind of wants to pin him to the bed and cry and scream, What about me what about me what about me?
(au. Harry’s the star quarterback and Louis is about to graduate. It’s a heartbreak waiting to happen.)
-i think i mentioned before that sports au have me on the floor and this is no excpetion 
you and me were kings by ithacas (28k) *
harry plays football in a small town in west texas. louis might be the only person that doesn’t give a damn. au.
-another football au, this one with the added beauty of being set in southern us. im such a sucker for southern aus, mannnn, and this one is so soft and beautiful
hold onto your stars by vashtaneradas (16k) *
au; harry’s in the army, louis’ back home, and ninety days is a lifetime.
-are u srs????? this is another hazy may except…….Worse. like, im still working out the science of it but im pretty sure this killed me and brought me back to life just so i could suffer the pain of it forever. (nobody dies tho)
makes perfect by checkthemargins (8k)
“What if you practiced on like, a mannequin?” Louis presses. “Or one of those blow up sex dolls? Or even just like, I don’t know, a pillow or something. Whatever it’d fit around.”
Harry tilts his head thoughtfully, curls catching the light so entrancingly that Louis finds himself reaching up to push his fingers through them. “It’s different, though, innit? When it’s a real person. A pillow won’t snog me.”
“Why should it?” says Louis. “You can’t even take its bra off.”
hmmmm. hmmmmmmmm. im jus gonna leave this here,,,,,,,,,
all the diamonds you have here by vashtaneradas (21k) 
it hits louis now, how fucking close to the precipice they’re standing. 
or, an au feat. investment banking and children.
-its #confirmed that anything by vashtaneradas is guaranteed to be painful as hell. who said there cant be soul crushing angst in marriage/kid fics too ! 
wild and unruly by @100percentsassy/gloria_andrews (123k) *
Harry is a cowboy sitting on the biggest oil reservoir in Wyoming, and Louis is the paralegal assigned to pressure him into selling his land.
-ending this with a classic. i trust that everyone has read this masterpiece already and that i dont have to say anything about it other than w o w 
tis all for now! happy reading and pleaseee feel free to yell @ me about these fics if you liked them as much as i did!! 
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ohoshi · 4 years
wait actually i think mark looks kinda cute when he does aegyo (there was a clip of him doing it on weekly idol that was SO cute)...i think bc he doesnt usually like to do it so he doesn't overdo it (plus he's naturally a cutie)?? but yea in general whenever they do aegyo im just.....highkey cringing hahaha
omg yes nana is such a mood with how he's not competitive (like in nct world 2.0 he had this vibe that was like "when can i go home" and im like same lol introvert things) but yea i think he and jeno volunteered in indonesia (i think it was called "the best day" on some tv program?), and nana said, “i want to see the worlds happiest smile once, bc when i see that i'll cherish it forever" and im like omg nanaaaa what a kind soul my bias 😭 🥺 🥺 also i've noticed nana recently really likes to use the word sexy and it's taken on so many different meanings for him, he says it all the time now even on award shows 😂 😂
thats so cool that you're a dancer!! i dont usually notice these things (besides like the obvious cool things in choreos lmaoo (speaking of, i think one of my fav choreos is nct127 chain)) and now that you mentioned it, i do see the difference in nana before and after maw!! i think being in maw prob benefitted him bc he got to work w the hyungs and maw choreo seems difficult (not that dream choreo is easy either tho)! i also love superm so much and i love how you can tell their chemistry has really grown since they debuted!!
OH MY GOD DONT GET ME STARTED ON JAEHYUNS I LIKE ME BETTER COVER. asdfjdnsajk he looked sooo good in it (um excuse me bf material)?? and his voice?? and everything?? and the video itself was so aesthetic but i mean obviously...jung jaehyun makes every video better. for jaemins drama yea the drama itself was kinda cringe and the characters were kinda...boring...i honestly skipped some parts while watching bc it was slow 😅 but i felt like his acting was pretty good and i wanna see him act more in the future! i have hopes that jaehyuns drama will be better (also bc it’s like a full drama and not a short web drama)
i also love getting ur replies to my asks hehe tbh at first i was like damn i have to remember to go check ur blog for replies bc tumblr doesnt notify me on anonymous, but i look forward to ur replies so much that it’s not rly a huge deal!! <3
ohh i know what you mean, mark is a cutie indeed so he’s not too bad either but still ahsfdgha
i loved him in nct world 2.0 so much!! bc he’s so capable (omg when he beat yuta in arm wrestling i was??????? sexc but frankly i didn’t see that coming) but so unbothered!! OH AND I KNOW THAT VOLUNTEERING IN INDONESIA THING YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT so! precious! oh my god 🥺 and i love when he says ‘sexc’ to everything ahgdfhga mood tbh and adding to the list of reasons to love nana: yk when he kinda gets jealous (esp in those dream vs dream episodes when dreamies fail his questions) and he gets all cute and pouty and DRAMATIC and complains a lot  ‘jeno obvs doesn’t have very much interest in me and i have a lot of interest in him’ or how he complained to renjun bc renjun asked him what mark said to [renjun] when they met and he was so mad ‘yk renjun when i wrote these questions i was thinking of you and not of mark hyung’ and stuff sdahgsfdah that’s so adorable + HIS VOICE haddgha i love how it goes from real deep to broken in seconds
speaking of nct world 2.0 i enjoyed it so much ahdgsha let’s talk about it, what are your favorite moments?? personally i love everything that includes nana bc i’m trash like that, especially those sport games hadgjas i rewatched those videos i think at least 3 times so far it’s so fun, love my 00600 squad; but also the challenge to fry 23(?) eggs sunny side up that mark got dajgshhashagdf that was so funny but it also made me want to eat eggs (no joke the next day, first thing i did in the morning was fry some eggs for breakfast and eat them with ketchup)
AWWW I LOVE CHAIN but i think i love all nct 127 choreos it’s really hard to choose, they’re doing it so profesionally so their performances are always perfect i really enjoy watching them.... so i can’t pick just one (been into wakey wakey lately tho asdghfahg) </3 but i can pick one for wayv (take off!!!! that song is so good and omg the choreo??? it’s one of my favorite choreos of all time so good so cohesive LOVE IT.. speaking of which, why didn’t they promote take off a little more</3 it’s an amazing song and concept ehh) and for dream (i think i said this but either we go up or 1, 2, 3)
> i think being in maw prob benefitted him bc he got to work w the hyungs; yep!! in one vlive xj thanked ty for helping him with the choreo so i just assumed ty maybe,,, perhaps,,, also helped nana which is,,, perhaps,,, the reason nana’s dancing improved,,,
> i also love superm so much; me too me too!!!! i’ve been into kpop for (10) years (meaning i’ve known taemin, kai and baekhyun from before jadgshda i was a shawol first and human second) so seeing my faves get together in one super group was dghagsdjasjhajhdhjgfhajfhgjagfjgahg thank u @ smentertainment
YEAH THE WHOLE I LIKE ME BETTER VIDEO WAS IN our pov??? so it was kinda like we were with him in freaking paris... whoa.. thank u for that king  🤧✊
anyways i’m glad we agree on nana’s drama being bad but we forgive it bc it’s not an actual drama and nana was cute<3
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 i’m glad you look forward to my replies bc I’M ALSO LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR ASKS <33 what a sweet santa can’t wait to meet you
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umisabaku · 7 years
hi! would you be willing to write a bit about hinata and mihashi in the d:m universe? unless theyre going to meet up sometime later in a larger story, in which case im looking forward to it!
Mihashi Ren ispleasantly drowning in thoughts about volleyball.
This would be unusual,except they are not his thoughts. They are the thoughts of the orange-hairedboy sitting next to him, who has been talking rather animatedly aboutvolleyball for a good ten minutes.
Ordinarily, Mihashitries not to focus too much on someone else’s thoughts (except for Abe, who isthe exception in all things). In fact, he once again came to the JSDF basewithout Abe so that he could get in the habit of not depending on using someoneelse’s mind as a crutch. Except, the base was more overwhelming than heexpected, and here he is, concentrating on a stranger’s thoughts, lettinghimself get swept up in someone else’s mind so that he doesn’t have to be lostinside his own.
He’d feel bad aboutinvading the other boy’s privacy, if his thoughts weren’t so perfectly alignedwith what he is saying out loud.
Hinata Shouyou istalking about volleyball and at the same time he is thinking about volleyball.
Hinata had strolledinto the waiting room looking sort of sulky and petulant, but he’d instantlybrightened when he saw Mihashi was there too.
“HI!” he said loudly,startling Mihashi out of his downward spiral of distress. “Are you here for acheck-up? Man, I hate these things. But they say I have to, if I want to keepplaying volleyball. Do you play a sport?”
“…Baseball,” Mihashisaid meekly, already bombarded with images of a sport he knows nothing about.
“Baseball, huh? Iwatch games sometimes with my dad. He was always disappointed I didn’t likebaseball more, he said it was a national past time. I’m Hinata Shouyou.”
“…Mihashi…Ren…”Mihashi said meekly, already getting pictures of Hinata’s father, a smilingorange-haired man who reminded Mihashi of his own dad.
“Ren, huh? I don’tknow, baseball seems sorta dull. Not that I’m insulting your sport! I wouldnever insult someone else’s sport! But only one person at a time ever seems to doanything, even on offense. That would drive me nuts.”
Hinata carried on withwhy he liked volleyball and his own team then, and he didn’t seem to mindMihashi’s awkwardness with his responses, and all in all, Mihashi found him apleasant but overpowering person to talk to.
Hinata talks aboutvolleyball and his thoughts about volleyball are right behind. He talks abouteach member of his team and he’s thinking about them, loud and clear. Mihashihas rarely encountered thoughts so strong. Not like Abe—Abe is loud, butvery distinctly Abe, with organized, straightforward thoughts that help Mihashimaintain a sense of self in a rather chaotic world.
Listening to Hinata islike basking in sunshine. Powerful, volleyball-centric sunshine. It’s easy toget swept up and lost and for a few seconds Mihashi doesn’t know who he is,he’s just completely surrounded by thoughts of volleyball and Karasuno and howmuch love is behind these thoughts and it’s nice.
It’s really nice.
“Hinata-kun, it’s time—oh!Mihashi-kun, I didn’t know you were waiting in this room.”
The doctor feelsguilty, and that thought brings Mihashi back to reality. The doctor feelsguilty because he didn’t want Mihashi in the room with other people because heknows other people tend to hurt Mihashi with their minds.
Mihashi tries andfails a couple of times to indicate it was OK—he didn’t mind being aroundHinata.
“We’ll do your testsfirst, Hinata-kun,” the doctor says.
“Guh, I alreadytold you guys, I’m a better player now because I’ve been practicing. Notbecause my super powers have all of the sudden given me an edge.”
Mihashi blinks.
“Yes, yes, I know, butregular tests calm anyone who might think you have an advantage. Professionalathletes have to undergo regular checkups for performance enhancement too,think of it that way.”
“Laaaame. It was nicemeeting you, Ren!”
Mihashi makes asqueaking sound and remembers to wave. He stares after Hinata for a good longwhile after he’s gone.
It hadn’t evenoccurred to him that Hinata wasn’t human. That hadn’t been in Hinata’s mind atall. And only belatedly, does it occur to Mihashi that Hinata must have been aMiracle, the same as Akashi. He must have experienced the same kind of thingsthat Akashi did.
It’s the first timethat it occurs to Mihashi—the first time he actually realizes that it’s possible—thatmaybe you can move on from your past after all, and not forever be haunted byyour trauma.
It’s a nice thought.
A/N: Thanks,anon-friend! Sorry it took so long! (We’re getting down to the prompts that Ihave had for a *really* long time, so this is about standard for all theforthcoming prompts—I am sorry for how long it’s been!) For awhile I wasn’tsure if I was going to have that in a longer story, and then I also wasn’t surewhy Hinata and Mihashi would ever be meeting in the context of this universe.But I’m glad I wrote this because I do think Mihashi would benefit a lot frommeeting Hinata, so thank you and I hope you enjoyed!
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