#so if you're rude to me or do something that I otherwise don't appreciate- I'm going to unfollow and maybe block you
jessiesjaded · 2 years
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wgshdwgd im sorry if youre not accepting snippet reqs </333
but could i req you write abt a villain who *everyone* is genuinely terrified of. and then the hero just politely tells them to shut the fuck up. like, villain could be monologuing or smth and hero would cut them off saying that they would really appreciate it if villain could finish up in the next hour or so because they dont want to miss bargain day at the supermarket.
uwah im sorry if i broke any rules </33 stay safe its a crazy world out there <333
"-Could you please just shut up?"
There was a moment of absolute, horrified silence. One man promptly fainted. Nobody seemed to breathe for a few seconds.
The villain turned, slowly, towards the protagonist.
They were on their knees on the floor, surrounded by armed guards ready to execute the various staff still in their building. Their expression was one of exhausted long-suffering, one hand pinching the bridge of their nose as if to stave off a headache.
"Excuse me?" the villain asked, oh so softly.
"Will you please stop talking?" The protagonist dropped their hand, levelling the villain with a look. "Like, if you're going to slaughter the lot of us, just do it, don't make us listen to the spiel first. It's been forty five minutes."
"Are you so eager to die?"
"No. But if I'm going to die, I think I'd like to get it over with. Otherwise, I'd like to just go about my day. I need to buy food before the shop closes and takeaway costs a fortune. I mean, bloody hell. Forty five minutes. Do you really think anyone here is listening?"
The villain stared.
"Like, not to be rude," the protagonist said. "But they're all scared out their minds. They are not processing the finer points of your monologue. It's just so unnecessary."
"I could cut out your tongue and feed it to you."
"You don't have anything better to do?"
"I could cut out their tongues," the villain swept a hand around the room, "and feed them to you. That sorts out dinner, doesn't it?"
"I mean, I'm vegan, and not a cannibal, but I appreciate you're more concerned with being menacing than actually addressing the issue."
The villain stared some more.
The protagonist stared back.
"The data I need is still downloading," the villain said, after a long moment. "If I let you leave, someone will do something stupid like try and call the police."
"Sure, sure. But the monologue."
"You don't enjoy the sound of my voice?"
"I wouldn't take it too personally. It's been a week. Bit overstimulated, to be honest. Anyone's voice right now feels a bit like a cheese grater on my nerve endings."
"A bit like a cheese grater."
"No offense."
The villain blinked at them, slow and somewhat incredulous. "A cheese grater."
The protagonist shrugged.
"I'm assuming you didn't miss who I am in the last forty five minutes," the villain said.
"And yet."
"It's not that you're not terrifying," the protagonist said. "I just - forty five minutes. Humans aren't set up to be this stressed for forty minutes. My head is killing me. Processing all this - if you don't kill us - is going to be hard enough without having to fit in all the life admin I'm not currently getting done."
"Come here."
The villain crooked a finger to beckon the protagonist forward.
The protagonist swallowed, eyeing the villain warily, but didn't make them ask again. With a glance at the armed henchmen, they shuffled forwards to the spot the villain had gestured at their feet.
"You know," the villain said, "it's been a very long time since anyone has talked back to me."
"Sorry. I'm really not trying to be rude."
"No," the villain mused, head tilting with something alarmingly like curiosity as the protagonist came to a stop. "You're really not, are you? Turn."
The villain gestured again, to indicate that the protagonist should face away from them.
"...You can't just give me all the orders at once? I get this is more dramatic, but I probably wouldn't be trying your patience as much if-"
The villain seized the nape of the protagonist's neck, like scruffing a kitten, making their breath catch.
Everyone watched for the inevitable torment. The punishment. The kill.
The villain's fingers dug into the knots of tension in the protagonist's neck, power sparking up the touch.
The protagonist sagged. "Holy shit," they breathed.
"Um. I mean - yes - but -"
"Good." The villain glanced up to the henchmen. "Shoot everyone else."
"What? Wait - no -"
The sound was deafening.
Then the silence was, once again, absolute.
"You didn't have to do that," the protagonist whispered. "I didn't mean - if I offended you -"
"Oh, you didn't, don't worry. That's why you're still alive. Tell me about yourself."
The villain's grip stayed unrelenting on the back of the protagonist's neck, holding them securely in place.
"We still have ten minutes," the villain said, in a tone of great patience, "before the download completes. Tell me about yourself. I shouldn't be the one doing all the talking, after all. It's very rude of me, isn't it?"
Hesitantly, the protagonist talked, watching the blood pool on the floor. What else was there to do?
The computer finally gave a quiet beep to indicate that the download was complete.
"Good. Very good." The villain gave the protagonist's neck another gentle enough squeeze. "Now. Let's go grocery shopping," the villain said cheerfully. "Up you get. Dinner's on me."
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missmugiwara · 10 months
If I May Be So Bold
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Summary: fem!reader x Rengoku // You, Rengoku, Uzui and the boys go to the Red Light District. You agree to go undercover as an oiran, but you can't help feel some type of way for the Flame Hashira. Perhaps this mission will bring you two closer. Warning: 18+, NSFW, slight smut, some dubious consent (in the form of kissing), swearing, mutual pining, friends to lovers Note: Took me forever to edit! This is a bit of a long read. Hope you all enjoy!
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Everything went smoother than planned. Tengen and Rengoku did a fantastic job talking you and the three young slayers up (although the Hashiras' good looks really helped). On the first night everyone had successfully infiltrated a house in the Red Light District. Ironically, Inosuke and you had been snatched up together for House Ogimoto. Besides that, it was a relief to know someone was with you to make this a tad more bearable. So off went Tengen and Rengoku to do some snooping around as you gathered intel with the boar-headed boy.
A light knock at the door to your room interrupted your thoughts.
Softly, you called, "Come in."
When Rengoku slid open the shoji door, you blinked in shock . Instantly, you hopped up from your seat at the vanity. Strange that he was here even though you agreed to meet for a report tomorrow. Yet by the look on his face, something was on his mind. Quickly, you trotted to his side, urgently closing the door before turning to him. Gladly, you would listen to Rengoku's troubles. Without thought, you grabbed his hands in your own.
"Kyojuro, what are you doing here? Did something happen?"
For a split second, he did not respond as his striking eyes took a moment to gaze upon the beguiling disguise that adorned you. Then, those beautiful fire-like eyes flickered to meet yours.
He smiled gently, running his thumbs over the backs of your hands once, "Nothing at all! I came to check and see if you were alright."
A pause stilled the air. You could feel your cheeks heat slightly, and you snickered. Was he serious right now? You were a Hashira too - one of the strongest members of the corps just like he was. Even if Rengoku had become a Hashira years earlier than you, you were still just as strong. Plus, you were Tengen's tsugoku a while back, so Rengoku knew you were trained well and by someone he respected. It was not like him to worry like this.
"Why?" you shook your head - realizing that sounded kind of rude, "I mean, I'm fine! You know I can take care of myself."
"I know, but… I just had to make sure."
His eyes said otherwise. Something was bothering him. The relationship between you two allowed you to understand each other deeply and emotionally. After all, you had been close friends for years. Together, you had been through a lot. There was never anything that prevented you from speaking your mind in front of him because he truly respected you - mind, body, and soul.
A warm smile graced your lips at the sweet gesture. A slight flush heated up your cheeks. You looked down. The honorable Flame Hashira holding the hands of the lovely Hashira-turned-oiran. It warmed your heart knowing he was comfortable enough to do this. Rengoku could be very protective when it came to you, so it made sense that the possibility of being with other men in this district bothered him greatly. He just hid it well. Really, he did not have to worry.
But thanks to Tengen's flashy ideas, you were an oiran for the next few days. An oiran. Rengoku - just knowing him - probably was not accustomed to women of this caliber.
"Are you sure you're not here for… something else?" You asked with lidded eyes. Slowly, you moved your hands to brush up against Rengoku's chest as his face blossomed into a blush.
"Uh, n-no! No, I-"
You tilted your head to the side with a grin.
"Just messing with you! I appreciate your concern, but really… I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."
The Hashira was stiff for a few seconds in recovery from your bold teasing. What a cruel joke, and he played right into your hands. After another moment, Rengoku softened his gaze. His parted lips turned into a smile.
"Very well! Just let me know if you ever need me, my beautiful oiran. I'll be close."
His beautiful…? Was that a slip of the tongue? It couldn't be because Rengoku was not someone who made mistakes. You shook off your flustered state, taking your focus back to the mission. You had to make sure everyone would be safe. So when the Flame Hashira began to walk off, you realized you wanted to protect him too from anything. Even if he was strong. Ah, perhaps that's what he was conveying earlier. Without thinking, you reached out and grabbed the fabric of his uniform. Your fingers curled around his arm.
He froze before the door could even slide open. Gently, he turned towards you with a look of surprise. Using all your strength to muster up the courage for what you would say next, you simply stared at the ground and bit your bottom lip. Rengoku could sense something was not right much like you did earlier for him.
"Tell me what's wrong." he instantly uttered out in a low, protective tone.
A pause.
And then you broke out into laughter.
"I can't let you leave looking like that!" you grinned widely.
Kyojuro's brow twitched in surprise at the sudden change in your mood. He seemed amused.
"Oh? Like what?"
Still holding onto his arm, you tugged gently at it. He was captivated as you pulled him close to your body, following your movements about the room.
"People will get suspicious. Come on, you have to look the part!" you danced over to the vanity, searching for lipstick. Once you found it, you ran it over your lips a few times, puckering them in the mirror.
Then, you turned to Rengoku who simply blinked at you.
"I… don't understand. Please tell me what you mean!"
There was a blush at this cheeks. The color complimented his sweet eyes. You hummed while walking over to him. Still smiling sweetly, you ran your hands over his shoulders.
"Do you trust me?" your hands froze once they reached his neck.
Rengoku looked at your lips for some time before he darted his eyes to meet yours.
"Of course I do!"
"Good boy."
Before Rengoku could even speak, your hands grabbed at the collar of his uniform, ripping it open to pop a few buttons off. Rengoku's breath hitched in his chest, and he seemed to gasp - that is, before he stopped himself as you exposed his neck and part of his chest by running your manicured hands underneath the cloth and over his skin.
"Please forgive me!"
With your hands at his collar again, you pulled him in and slammed your mouth to his neck. His eyes widened as you held him for a few seconds, then you breathily released him with a pop of your lips. A swollen, light bruise plus a bright, red lipstick stamp of your mouth was now evident on his neck. Rengoku was stunned. You grinned sheepishly before pulling the Flame Hashira in again, smothering his face with kisses over and over - then all the way down his neck and part of his chest. Once done with your work of art, you pulled away to leave Rengoku completely frozen in place before he broke out into a goofy, lopsided smile. He was blushing profusely. Had he ever been kissed like that before? Had you ever kissed anyone like that before?
"There." you smoothed the uniform at this chest, smiling proudly, "All for the mission."
"Yes! For the mission!" he repeated, but there was something in his tone when he uttered those words and a smirk upon his face. You gingerly let go of his uniform, apologizing for making a mess out of him - blushing as you kept staring at his lips. Did you cross a line with Rengoku? Hopefully not. But as you kept focusing on those gorgeous lips of his, you felt butterflies in your stomach. It was the only part you didn't kiss because Rengoku was your friend. You couldn't possibly test this friendship further. You would never want to do that.
The sound of his voice brought you back to earth, and his hand upon your cheek grounded you. He leaned in to touch his forehead to yours.
"You really are a tease," Rengoku whispered, eyes becoming lidded, "and you always have been."
Time seemed to have stopped as you both stood there momentarily, just gazing into each other's eyes. His hand was so hot - it felt like it was setting your entire being on fire. You froze in place while clutching your hands to your chest. Just fixated on his glowing eyes. He certainly made a flustering mess of you. It seemed Rengoku knew how flustered you were, and he seemed to be enjoying it immensely.
He smiled so widely that his eyes closed. "Well, I shall be going now!"
What a shame. He was leaving already when you both only wanted more. Although, neither of you dared to say it outloud because you were just friends. This made you both all the more foolish.
"Uh, y-yes!" you dumbly responded, eyes still sparkling from this intimate moment. At how unexpectedly sexy Rengoku was. At how flirtatious he was. You followed the Hashira to the door as he placed his hand on it. He paused and looked to you one more time.
"There is… one more thing." he murmured.
"Of course! What is it?"
"If I may be so bold… you missed a spot."
Your eyes widened. No, he couldn't be! He wasn't referring to his lips, was he?
Was he!?
Because he seemed distracted enough by all the bites and kisses all over him, you were hoping he had forgotten about that little detail. Well, actually - you weren't hoping that at all. But this was so unexpected! Oh gosh, and kissing him? Rengoku? On the mouth? Oh yes, that would be amazing, but wait, right now? You broke out into a sweat.
"Um… come again?"
"Apologies, but won't it look rather suspicious that the only part of me you haven't kissed is my lips?"
By the look on your face, shocked eyes and parted lips, not responding to his question at all - Rengoku twitched nervously. Perhaps he asked too much of you! And instantly, he bowed.
"I apologize! I should have never suggested such a thing! That was inappropriate of me to even-"
"It's okay!"
He froze this time.
"It's okay. I don't mind. It's… all for the mission, right?" you bashfully smiled.
After a brief pause, Rengoku whispered, "Yes. All for the mission." And so you stepped forward, placing your hands on his shoulders. He leaned in, and you leaned in all the while both of you uttered apologies and whatnot for moving so slow, for pretty much any stupid little thing that didn't even need an apology. Stuttering voices, trembling hands, flushed cheeks - really, what a sight to behold as two confident, adult hashira were fumbling around in nervousness. Allowing this little moment to crumble their defenses.
Quickly, you pressed your lips against each other's, and you both parted. The red lipstick painted a pretty picture of your mouth that was once on Rengoku's. This was not the ideal moment in which you wanted to kiss for the first time, and you wished you could have made it last a bit longer, but you were friends. Just friends. At least you got to taste him if just for a little bit. Seeming as neither of you two made a movement, Rengoku responded first to ease the silence.
"I'll come again tomorrow. Good night."
"Good night, Kyojuro."
All for the mission.
Rengoku did come back the next evening for he always kept his word. He insisted it was just to check in and make sure you were safe. You told him everything was perfect and that no one had bothered you all day. In fact, Rengoku appeared nightly, and every night he reminded you to mark him up to your heart's content.
Including his sweet mouth.
Oh, because it was for the sake of the mission! To protect you both, obviously! Nothing more. Who were you to deny him? He was the expert here on missions and had been a Hashira longer. Happily, you agreed. Yet how much fun it was, how good it felt, but all for the sake of work and protecting one another. The low giggles, the flirty whispers - all of it so tantalizingly sweet and left you burning for more. So this display of unkempt clothes, disheveled hair, and kissing repeated itself every night. No matter how naive you both might have been.
However, one particular night was quite worrisome. Rengoku appeared at your door as usual, and you swiftly pulled him in - detailing him right away of some potential rumors Inosuke heard. You were so frazzled by the intel that you were quickly scooting Rengoku out of the room in a hurry.
"I'll get more information, just please be safe! Inosuke and I will meet with Tengen later! I wish I could have done more, but I'm working on it!"
His feet skidded across the floor as he tried to stop you from pushing him. You slid the door open, pushed him abruptly into the hall, and were about to slam it shut but Rengoku whipped around and caught it in his hand. He then grabbed your arm quickly in turn. You gasped in surprise at the way his hand needily grasped at your skin. The door slid shut behind him so quickly as he pushed you back into the room.
Rengoku pulled you to him so roughly that you nearly bounced off his chest from the impact. His arms around your waist kept you steady as he clutched your body close. Your face was on fire as you locked eyes - a look of something ignited in his, a look of arousal in yours. Your fingers gripped his uniform tightly at the chest. Before you could speak, Rengoku slammed his mouth against yours. You let out a squeak. Rengoku's one hand was in your hair while the other arm was so strongly, tightly wrapped around your waist. You froze in shock, but then you melted because god, you needed him badly. This was different than the other times you two had messed around and innocently kissed - though it was not innocent in the least. Rengoku had never embraced you so desperately before. After a few seconds, he pulled away. You stared at him with wide, frazzled eyes.
Rengoku grinned, "Oh! Apologies! You know… we just need to look the part! All for the sake of the mission! You nearly forgot."
"Yes!" you yelped with a stupid, lovestruck smile, "The mission!"
The mission?
The mission?
Fuck the mission.
What about that kiss!?
That was not like the quick pecks from before! Because Rengoku did that with feeling. You couldn't pretend anymore! You wanted more, you wanted him, and you always wanted him. For as long as you could remember. But you never did anything because he was just a friend, and you were frightened that that friendship may be ruined. Did he… want you just as badly? Oh, but this was all wrong. It was not the way you wanted to woo him. This had been pushed on for far too long now to solely be considered something two friends did.
Rengoku quickly excused himself for the evening and bid you good night as you stood there, frozen and hot and bothered. Snapping out of it, you reached for his wrist. When the Flame Hashira turned to you with concerned eyes, you gripped his wrist tighter between your hands.
There was such a needy tone in your voice, but you didn't care how embarrassing it was. You already made a fool of yourself every single night with these lies - kissing just for the mission? What was that crap?
"Please? For me." you begged. Your voice was wavering, a slight crack to it as you cleared your throat. It seemed you were about to cry, and it was not something you did often in front of him. His eyes pulsed at the pleading look you gave him. Rengoku did not hesitate in the slightest.
"Of course. I'm always here for you."
Again, he joined you in your room. It was wonderful that he did, but now that you had gotten to this point… you both were unsure of what to do next. Just like the first night, you were holding his hands in your own - just staring into his eyes while frowning, blinking again and again to stop tears from falling.
Rengoku's breath hitched in his chest at the sight. No. He couldn't stand seeing you like this, on the verge of tears and all. Something was making you sad. And even worse, for a split second, he thought - did he cause this? He would never allow it. Another moment of reflection and Rengoku was certain what to do next.
"This is foolish."
You blinked, "I… Oh… what is?"
He cradled your face in his hands gently after you sniffed, an attempt at trying to choke back tears. It was such a soft hold, and you craved that longing touch from such a gentle soul like Rengoku. Only Rengoku could ever do. He ran his thumbs somewhat roughly over your cheeks, smearing any makeup upon your face.
"This disguise. Everything. It's foolish! I'm sorry Tengen came up with such a ridiculous idea. I'm sorry he threw you into this." he smiled gently, and you blinked when he removed a hand from your face.
Lips pursed in thought, he titled his head to the side and hummed at you with lidded eyes. His tongue poked out between his lips, and he brought his thumb to them. He licked his thumb, then ran it slowly over your own lips. An attempt at washing away the lipstick with his own saliva. You whimpered at the touch. The gesture was so incredibly hot and watching him with those gorgeous eyes made it even hotter.
Your heart thumped in your chest especially when his hands moved to your hair. He gracefully took out any pins or accessories, and although such a simple act, it was so intimate. Letting your hair cascade down your face, you blushed when you tilted your head downward to just stare at his chest. When Rengoku was done, he softly placed the hair accessories at your vanity. He glided back to you, holding your face so sweetly in his hands once again.
"Seeing you like this, all dressed up and with this make-up… as tempting as it is, I find you much more beautiful without it."
His thumbs brushed against your cheeks. Rengoku's lips parted in deep thought, and he looked at you with such adoration in his beautiful eyes. You laid your hands against his chest as your face heated up. His hands moved down your arms to wrap around your waist. Your eyes became lidded, and his expression soon mirrored yours as you both slowly leaned in. He paused and ran a single finger over your lips.
"I won't be able to control myself much longer." he breathed. "Please, I need you to kiss me."
"Is… is it for the mission?"
"No. It's because I would like you to."
You grinned while stroking the side of his face, "Well, good. Because I definitely want to."
With that, he closed the gap between your mouths. Your eyes shut immediately when his soft, perfect lips pressed against yours. A simple, gentle kiss - but when you let out a moan against his mouth, Rengoku's arms tightened around your waist to increase the friction between your bodies. Your hands shot up to grab his hair, deepening the kiss as your mouths began to slowly move against one another's, leaving gentle smacking sounds to fill the air. He groaned once your tongue ran along his bottom lip, and in turn he gently bit down on it. You heart was thundering in your ribcage when you pulled away, only to find the Flame Hashira smirking.
"May I stay even longer?"
A chuckle escaped past your lips. You did not even care how ridiculous your expression was or how ridiculous the half-smeared makeup on your face must have looked.
"You can stay as long as you want."
And you leaned in again to lock lips, throwing you arms around each other. His mouth moved so quickly and desperately against your own, letting out small groans between your whines of pleasure. You pressed your body closer to his, hips grinding needily against his own. Your tongue danced across his bottom lip again, into his mouth, before he lifted you up by your thighs to wrap them around his waist and seated you at the vanity, knocking over anything in the process when your bottom slid across the surface. Mouths still connected, Rengoku's hand parted your thighs further, and you moaned when one skillful hand brushed up the inner length of your thigh underneath your kimono. Swiftly, you grabbed his other hand and placed it atop your breast, but Rengoku immediately pulled back. Your eyes snapped open to meet his, and he was blushing profusely at the sight of you two - hot and bothered and needy. You threw your hands off him.
You flushed, "I-I'm sorry! Is everything okay?"
Rengoku took a moment to steady his breath, and he leaned in with a smile on his face. He pressed his forehead to yours.
"No, I'm sorry. I can't do this. Not here, not like this." he spoke between pants, and you stroked his cheek with your hand.
A blush appeared on your face again. With a determined look in his eyes, and his usual confident smile, he gripped your hand between his own.
"Please wait for me! Wait until after this mission is over, and I can take you on a proper date!"
"Kyojuro, I -"
"Well, well, well." Tengen smirked, who was seated at the edge of your window.
Rengoku and you peeled yourself off each other, scrambling to look decent as you both turned to see the sound hashira. When did he arrive? How long was he there? Ugh, he was always like this! It drove you nuts when you were a tsuguko.
"I've been waiting for you two to get together for forever now!"
"How long have you been here!?"
"Not important." Tengen shrugged his shoulders, "I'm disappointed I caught you two goofing off when we should be working." he smirked again, and you arched a brow at this.
Because the way Tengen said that made it seem like he wanted this to happen. As his former student, you knew him well.
"But I can overlook it because," his eyes became lidded, "this was all a part of my flashy plan. Though I wasn't expecting this to happen so soon. Way to go, pupil!"
Rengoku let out a roar of a laugh at your flustered state. He waltzed right over to Tengen and slapped a hand on his friend's shoulder.
"How embarrassing for us! I am utterly ashamed! Apologies, Tengen! It won't happen again!"
You groaned in defeat. Of course Rengoku would laugh it off. The two Hashira turned toward you, both smiling and quickly getting over whatever this was.
"Ah, and I heard something interesting, Rengoku!"
Tengen readjusted himself at the window, "I heard our stunning courtesan here wasn't getting any calls, so I wondered why and went snooping around."
"O-Oh, did you now!?" Rengoku blurted out.
"Yes, and you'll never believe what I heard!" Tengen smirked wickedly, "I heard from the owner that every night, a gentleman of yellow and red hair drops a pouch of coins onto the desk asking for our sweetheart here. The owner said this man's exact words were: 'This should be more than enough to cover her. No one shall have her. She's mine.' Wanna tell us about that, Rengoku?"
His face was on fire as Tengen smiled sweetly. Not a care in the world from the Sound Hashira. You cupped a hand to your mouth to stifle your giggles, grinning innocently at Rengoku's reddening blush.
Tengen could be reliable as much as he drove you crazy.
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wolfybonnie759 · 7 months
Floyd with a clumsy female troll
Floyd x clumsy fem reader
before you say anything someone requested it don't judge me somebody requested it I didn't if you have something to say please keep it to yourself because I saw how other people are saying don't ship floyd with a woman I understand people's opinion but I'm only doing this one because someone requested it I'm not trying to be mean or be weird about it I'm just pointing that out I can do it for what makes people comfortable and happy with I'm just going to say this once I'm only doing this because someone requested it so anyway enjoy.
We all know how Floyd is he very caring and sweet
I'm going to say three words worried and caring and protested
Floyd get worried when you Trip he always check up on you to make sure you're not hurt or anything
He love you but he doesn't want you get hurt
Floyd always be around you to make sure nothing happened when you about to drop something he will catch it before it hits the ground and broke
When you get upset about how other trolls is telling you that you always messing up stuff Floyd would be there to comfort you and tell you that he didn't mean it
Floyd would cuddle with you cuz he just like cuddles close to you
If you get hurt he will always help you treat your wounds
He love to kiss you cheek forehead lips mostly lips
Sometimes he thinks that your clumsiness is cute
Floyd was great boyfriend he always make sure you are and help with your wounds and comfort you if somebody tell you otherwise if he sing you need to cuddle against him if you enjoy him sing
Floyd he appreciated even happy when you take care of him if you are sick you would help him with anything you cook for him you would help him shower ( not 18+ jokes just no) he get flustered by that but he happy that he have good girlfriend like you on his side
If he get nightmares You would help him calm down and play with his hair and sing him to sleep
he would take you on dates
he loves you with all his hearts he doesn't care about if you are clumsy what matters to him that he have you on his side
You might be clumsy but you have a big heart cuz you care about everyone even if they are rude to you
Floyd called you his sweet flower cuz you always sweet to everybody
Floyd love you for who you are even if you are clumsy he still love you no matter what he love his clumsy girlfriend
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sameschmidtdiffname · 4 months
i recently had a thought about the reader's online friend!josh futterman, like if these two actually KNOW each other irl but have no idea about it because they use nicknames
i'd really appreciate it if you'd write something like this and I hope my description of it makes sense i used a translator for this lol
in love with your writing btw !!! <3
Bbgirl I gotCHUUUUU
Familiar Strangers
A Josh Futturman x Gender Neutral! Reader Series
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Summery: They always say you never know when you'll meet Mister Right. But damn. This is a new level.
Tags: No use of Y/N, no gender specific pronouns for Reader, coffee shop AU, Josh never wins 'Biotic Wars' AU, fluff, meet cute, online friends who don't realize they're friends irl as well, brief mentions of smut, otherwise SFW.
Notes: Alright, first actually planned series! Is it gonna be a slowburn with twenty parts? A mini series? Who the fuck knows! Not me! Let's pray, mfers.
"Please tell me there's a chance for us," she says with baited breath. "Don't tell me you're walking away."
The atmosphere of the small, brick walled coffee shop is calm for 10 o'clock in the morning, but I'm not complaining. God knows I prefer this over the alternative anyways.
"You know that I can't answer that," Oshua says to Tiger, agitated.
This guy, always trying to be mysterious.
"I've waited for you my whole life. You could give me a goddamn-"
The ring of the shop bell tears me from my reading, my head darting up to see who has come to disturb my morning of peace and fiction.
"Hi!" The customer says in overly bright voice. One look at the man and I already know he's the chatty type, not willing to just duck in and out, keys jingling from the black belt on his hip as he flashes a bright, genuine smile, waving his hand enthusiastically while keeping the other in his pants pocket.
"Hi!" I try to return with the same bright smile and tone, but I feel irritation spike into my chest as I hear the soft 'click' of my phone shutting off. "Welcome to Maggie's, what can I get you?"
Gentle sunlight streams in through the permanently clouded bay windows of the shop, illuminating the store in its warm glow that just makes a morning feel particularly peaceful. There isn't much foot at this point in the morning, most people already having arrived to work an hour or so earlier, myself included. It was a busy enough part of town, a good location for a coffee shop to thrive, especially with the loyal flow of customers from Kronish Laboratory, a tall, dull building dedicated to scientific research, and the little coffee shop that signs my checks often had the pleasures (read: irritations) of dealing with said researchers and keeping them alive while they work on the miracle cure for herpes. Most of them being particularly rude and short about their orders, usually in a rush for a regular cup of black coffee and swiping it from my hand before storming out to resume their endless work typing away at a computer to log their samples after what must be their too short lunch break. Or maybe too long. Can never tell with those assholes. Most of which I know through mental nicknames. It's partially because I'm no good at actual names. And partially my own form of disrespect and entertainment. Come on, you do it too.
"I don't know," the unfamiliar man says brightly, placing his hands on his hips as he looks at the chalkboard sign hanging behind my head. "What do you like?"
'Whatever gets you out of here the fastest,' I think. But instead I say "Well, what exactly are you looking for? Tea, coffee," the door, "smoothies?"
"Hit me-" gladly. "-with a tea," the bright man says just so... brightly.
Thank you for being so descriptive. "What kind?" I ask, trying to keep my smile sweet.
"Whatever you like," he says with a shrug.
"Vanilla chai?"
I need to stop being so irritable when someone interrupts my reading. I'm not even allowed to be on my phone at work technically, except the manager generally doesn't care so long as I at least make half an effort to hide it and don't do it in front of customers. And maybe I wouldn't even really care about the interruption except I've been waiting for the release of this part for two weeks, and Nick had been so secretive about the ending he didn't even let me beta read the work before posting.
"What's got you in such a mood?" I ask the smiling man, turning to begin making the drink. Oh, size.
"What do you mean?" He asks, raising his brows, still smiling. Brightly.
"You're like a big... ball of sunshine," I say, gesturing towards him before holding up a small and large cup, now gesturing the two like they were on scales to silently ask his preference.
"Oh, I'm just excited this morning. I'm not usually like this," he says, laughing a little as a small blush grows on his nose, glancing down at the floor before returning his gaze to the cups, pointing at the small.
"Yeah?" I ask, putting the large cup away.
"Yeah. Finished a big project this morning, so I'm like," he shrugs, now scratching the back of his head as he tries to subdue his smile, pressing his lips together and now crossing his subtly built arms across his chest.
"Well, congrats," I say. There's a small moment of slightly awkward silence as the tea quickly brews, both of us not really sure what to say next. This is the part I hate about customer service. I feel bad if I'm not constantly keeping them engaged, but if they're constantly talking I wish they would shut the fuck up. I already can't read regular conversation cues, there's just no winning with this shit.
"I like your uh..." the man I've decided will henceforth be known as Sunshine drawls. "Apron."
I look down at myself, taking note of the dandelion yellow cloth stained with coffee at the bottom from an hour ago when it accidently dipped into a puddle of the stuff while I was cleaning up a spill someone hadn't even told me about only half an hour after opening.
"Thanks," I say, looking back up. "Company issued."
"Oh, we match!" Sunshine jokes, pointing at his grey jumpsuit. Alright, the man may be way too energetic for the morning, but at least he's entertaining about it. I take an actual look at his attire now, a janitors outfit with what I should've expected to be a Kronish Laboratory logo right above his name sewn onto the suit.
"That we do..." I glance at his nametag. "Futturman."
"Fut-turman, not Foot-turman," Sunshine corrects me.
"Oh shit. Shoot. Sorry, man," I laugh awkwardly, offering an apologetic smile as I pour the warm, steeped tea over the ice.
"Iced in Febuary?" He asks, giving me enough grace to not focus on the subject.
I feel my own blush creep onto my skin, a side effect from the name jumble and realizing I hadn't asked his preference. Get your head in the game, idiot.
"I can make you another, if you'd like," I offer sheepishly.
"No!" He blurts, straightening his posture and leaning against the counter. "I mean-" he coughs awkwardly, glancing away. "No, iced is good. I like iced, just uh- figured you... wouldn't have the same preference."
Please, God. It's too early for this.
"I don't like the hot to room temperature texture," I say awkwardly, searching for a lid. "Too... I don't know. Iced to room temperature is better."
"Totally agree," Sunshine says quickly.
Glad to know neither of us can interact with humans properly.
Another moment of awkward silence, except I know what to say this time.
"So, you work at the lab?" I ask. For the small moment I didn't have his attention, he seemed to be surveying the small cakes on display inside the counter beside me, looking at a little white cake with strawberry coating on top before turning back to me.
"Oh! Yeah, no, I just- Carl told me about the place, said I had to try it out," he says, shifting his weight as he stands. "Good vibes and all that."
"Carl..." I say, trying to remember if I've known a Carl.
"Big, like," he gestures his hands long then wide. "Works security, looks like," he makes a sort of stern, almost mean mug face. At that it clicks.
"Oh! Carl!" Deftones Guy. "Yeah, I know him," I say with a more relaxed smile, chuckling a little.
"Yeah, said you guys discuss music sometimes," he says, nodding enthusiastically like he's glad we know the same person.
"A little," I say, placing the drink on the counter. "Alright, Mr. Futturman. $6.70 is your total."
The dark haired man nods, pulling out a green wallet with an emblem on the front from one of his deep pockets. I try to get a clear look simply out of curiosity, but his large, tanned hand covers it too much for me to see what it is.
"Here you are," he says, handing me his card. There's more silence, this time comfortable as I swipe it, our machine beeping twice in decline. At the third beep, Sunshine begins to shift his weight again, licking and biting his bottom lip nervously.
"There should be money on there," he says with a nervous chuckle.
"Oh, it's the machine. It doesn't like working," I clarify. "One sec."
Quickly, I pound my palm into the righthand top corner of the device, right under the chip reader before inserting the blue, cloud covered card once more and waiting for the transaction to clear. At the much more calm, non-nuclear level beep we both breathe a sigh of relief as I return the card to him with a smile.
"Alright," he says with that bright tone to his voice once more. "Now I can see what's up."
We both can.
"I hope you have a good day, Mr. Futturman," I say brightly, still a tad pink from leftover embarrassment.
Sunshine nods and smiles at me, toasting his drink before turning from me and beginning to walk away, taking a sip of his drink and humming in approval, turning quickly and giving me a thumbs up before tripping over his own foot and stumbling into the door like a bit of an idiot, making me giggle slightly before I make myself look away to give him the same grace he'd given me earlier. And with that last exchange he's gone, and I'm free to return to my art.
The tall man looked sadly at- ah shit, I jumped ahead.
"I've waited for you my whole life. You could give me a goddamn answer, Future Man!" Tiger spat in anger and frustration, forcing the emotions she could barely even allow herself to feel overwhelm her in her attempts to communicate.
Emotional angst for my bright morning. God bless, Nick.
As I push open the door to my apartment, my phone is buzzing with still silent notifications of what I can guarantee are Tumblr sourced. More specifically, Tumblr messaging sourced. As I push the door shut with my foot, one glance at my old, outdated phone confirms my thoughts.
felinehusband: Okay, give it to me straight.
I smile at the notification, allowing my oversized bag filled with too many items to clatter to the ground loudly, unlocking my phone and responding quickly.
icanfixhimdotorg: Dude.
I walk as I type, entering the kitchen and opening the door to the small freezer to see which cheap meal I'll try not to nuke tonight.
felinehusband: Dude? ,:)
I smile at the message, picking out chicken teriyaki as I hit send.
icanfixhimdotorg: Worth. The. Wait.
I cross to the beaten microwave, the appliance cheap and secondhand from Facebook marketplace. It's honestly a miracle the thing hasn't blown up in my face or given me detectable cancer, but despite the large dent on the side, still usable. Google said if the door still seals and there's no opening, it was safe. And it got that dent from me dropping it on the way inside the apartment on move in day after I already paid $50 for it after getting it from some overworked mom who hardly wanted to even charge that low. I sure as hell wasn't gonna get a refund, or anything functional for cheaper.
I leave my phone on the counter as I open the frozen meal, vent the film and slap it inside. Now to wait for seven minutes.
felinehusband: Oh thank GOD. I've been anxious all day.
I chuckle softly, smiling as I lean against the permanently grimy counter.
icanfixhimdotorg: I don't know why!! You always post such good work :)
felinehusband: Well, I post work that always has good reception.
icanfixhimdotorg: The difference?
felinehusband: ... I'll get back to you on that one lol
I tap my foot against the floor, listening to the muffled echo mix with the loud hum of the microwave as I stare ahead at the mint green, poorly painted wall in front of me.
icanfixhimdotorg: No cervix penetration?
There's plenty of ways to meet friends. I didn't not bank on responding to a request for beta readers for fanfiction for some moderate, slowly dying game fandom to be one of them.
felinehusband: ONE TIME!
The quick response makes me laugh, clicking off my phone as I turn my attention now to my waiting meal that I'm going to devour much too quickly while working lines for my production.
Nick and I started chatting about six months ago. I had already been following him for some of his shit posts, midnight blogging, and when he started posting fanfiction I was one of his first readers.
'Biotic Wars' doesn't have a particularly big following on Tumblr as it used to. When the game first came out, people were going insane over how to beat the final level. The community thrived from memes, overly elaborate theories, fanfiction, you name it. It helped that there was a huge boost in the gaming community in general around the time it came out, what with 'Five Nights at Freddy's' cranking out sequels faster than anyone could keep up with, 'Undertale' breaking out onto the scene a little bit later. The gaming side of Tumblr was alive and thriving, and the amount of overlapping there was between fandoms only made it bigger. That was how I found the fandom personally. That and binging several different speed-running videos.
At the point Nick came onto the scene, most had generally lost their interest in the unbeatable 'Biotic Wars.' The fans that remained did so out of genuine interest or hyperfixation instead of temporary trends, and while good work was still being posted, everyone had at that point either begun to shift their own writing focuses, lost time to post frequently, or shifted to other platforms such as Archive of Our Own and had stopped crossposting to their Tumblr. So a decent, well paced, new angst fic following a lone Wolf and Tiger reminiscing on their old journies together as they attempted to survive a bitter winter night without any supplies other than an old tarp being used as their only attempt of shelter as they attempt to ride out a storm after a mission gone wrong popped onto the scene, people were immediately captivated. And even though it was a one-shot, the work received enough attention that a spin-off fic was posted within the following 48 hours. And once those two had blown up, Nick was quickly recognized in the community for his content, shitposts and fics alike. And he was very lucky to have overwhelming positive feedback. Until his first smut, that is.
icanfixhimdotorg: Nico, baby. It's an important first step for every smut writer.
Oh, it was brutal. First, he decided to go off the deep end by just jumping straight into some tenticle situation for poor Tiger. Now, granted, he did post a poll before hand asking if we readers would enjoy the consumption of some outrageous shit, to which 78.8% of voters said yes, myself included. But when reading a 'baby's first smut' fic, one doesn't really expect... that. But I'll admit, it was surprisingly good quality. Until the cervix penetration.
"Coiling in her womb." Yeah, Tumblr had a fun day with that one.
It took less than a day for him to post that he was searching for smut consultants and beta readers, to which I responded both out of genuine interest and a bit of pity since I was sure his ask box was filling with several new comments. No one was surprised when he ended up turning off anon for a few days. And since I had responded to quite a few of his works/posts already, I was one of the lucky few selected for such a job since he recognized me. And once the doorway was opened for casual chatter, both of us just kind of never stopped. Either by constantly responding to each others posts, automatic reblogs at each notification of a new post, or messaging each other about our days kept us both sane as we tried to just survive each new day as adults.
I look up from my notebook where my tragic script is scratched across the $0.75 college notebook as I lazily attempt to memorize my lines while mostly keeping my eyes trained on the old TV in front of me to check the buzz from my phone, swiping it open to read the new message.
felinehusband: So how's season four going?
icanfixhimdotorg: Dude.
I watch the screen until I feel the phone buzz once more in my hand.
felinehusband: No spoilers!! I'm still trying to push through season three for you ;)
Nick was sweet. Good for a joke, claims he's a little awkward, but a good friend. Sweet enough that about two months ago he'd let it slip he'd begun watching my favorite show simply because "If I have to see you go insane over animated anthropomorphic animals interacting with humans again without context, I'm gonna lose it."
icanfixhimdotorg: Binge it!! You're gonna lose your mind!!
felinehusband: You're gonna delay part 10 lmao
As I take the last bite of my meal, I realize the time, sighing as I begin to do the mental math of how long I have until practice tonight. Knowing how little time I have to prepare, I pause the episode and type one last quick text.
icanfixhimdotorg: If it does, it's worth it honestly. You won't believe this shit, Nick.
As I stand from the sagging, horrendously textured couch I catch his parting message while I stretch, popping about five different spots in my back.
felinehusband: Okayokay, if it means I can read your over the top rants again, it's worth it :)
icanfixhimdotorg: Excellent. Got to go, showering for practice tonight.
I trail quickly through the small apartment, grabbing whatever clothes are passable in public while remaining comfortable enough to sleep in when I immediately collapse into my bed around 11 tonight, an old, tattered, turquoise towel I'd stolen from my parents when I moved out, and grabbing my soap from the kitchen sink before making my way to the bathroom. Listen, Seventh Generation is cheap and works just as good on the human body as it does on dishes, alright? I'm trying to get a mortgage one day.
As I wait for the water to shift from its arctic temperature to something more bearable, I check my phone one more time to quickly reblog a gifset and read Nick's departing message.
felinehusband: Knock 'em dead, Mercutio :)
felinehusband: Also, I need some input later tonight for this like. Slowburn thing. May be an AU. Not sure, we'll see. I'm thinking coffee shop
Ah, yes.
icanfixhimdotorg: A classic.
I'm making no current promises on how frequently I update this series. Hopefully it'll be something I can work on while working and such, but we'll see what happens. My current hope is to post at minimum one request and hopefully one part for this series per week. However I will warn one of my current projects is about to wrap up, meaning I'm going to have to focus on that next week as much as possible, meaning I probably won't get anything done writing wise next week unless I aim for a drabble or headcanons. And even then I'm not sure I'll have time for actually editing and such, so don't be surprised if the only content you get next week is some rambles like I've been doing for Peeta lately or nothing at all. Alright, love y'all!! Stay safe, stay healthy <33 see you next time.
@cassiecasluciluce @gh0u1ishly @joshhutchersons-slut @schmidtsbimbo @sugarevans @wompwompwomp57 . Thank you for your support pookies!!! <3
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brunnerasposts · 2 months
i saw your tbbt fix AND OMG IT WAS ADORABLE could i maybe get a story about the whole gang getting overprotective when Somone flirts with reader [ik it's basic I just love the overprotective trope]
tysm!♡ of course!
Dinner Disaster
The Big Bang Theory x GN!Reader
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Summary: A dinner at the Cheesecake Factory gets awkward when the gang defends you from a stranger coming onto you
Word Count: 0.7k
Warnings: Outside of TBBT storyline, no shipping with anyone, gender neutral pronouns for reader
Additional Note: I had no idea what to name this one, I'm so sorry 😭
It was another average day for the gang in Pasadena. Everyone had just gotten home from work and decided to go have dinner at The Cheesecake Factory per Sheldon's consistent schedule.
You, Leonard, Howard, Amy, Bernadette, Penny, Raj, and Sheldon all took your usual places at the eight person table.
"Let's see... what am I going to order that isn't going to make me nauseous?" Penny asked herself, confusing Howard.
"Is something wrong with the food?" His chair made a slight scrape sound against the floor as he shifted. "Should I be eating a tum?" He joked.
Bernadette shook her head, rubbing her boyfriend's back. "No, silly. It's just that when you work in a restaurant for a while, the consistent smell of the food plus eating it on your break makes you get sick of it." She explained.
"Don't you feel weird eating dinner at the place you work?" Leonard asked you, making you shrug.
"I make a point not to eat the food here. Otherwise, I'd never step foot into the Cheesecake Factory again. I honestly can't smell half the foods in here anymore." You explained, the short scientist nodding as he looked over his menu.
"Excuse me," a voice came from next to you. Everyone, confused, looked to what they assumed was the waiter, but it was an unfamiliar man.
He was tall, clean shaven, but something felt off. Your gut told you this guy was going to cause trouble. Realizing that he was speaking to you, you turned to face him more. "Yes?"
"I know this might be a little forward, but you're really attractive, and I was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink with me at the bar?" The guy asked.
You froze.
Never had someone been so forward with you before, nor had anyone been so blatantly rude to the fact that you were otherwise busy. Penny, who sat next to you, leaned forward. "Who are you exactly?"
The man glanced at Penny, a bit taken back but also not doing anything to hide the fact that he was also checking her out. "Just a guy who noticed an attractive person and wanted to say hi."
Sheldon interjected, sounding annoyed with a stranger interrupting their dinner. "Excuse me, but I don't believe you understand the social protocols here. Our friend is clearly enjoying our company, and we are more than capable of fulfilling their intellectual and social needs."
Amy was quick to follow up. "Sheldon's right. We're a close-knit friend group, and quite honestly, I think you're making our friend uncomfortable." She added, her tone protective.
The man raised his hands defensively, clearly surprised that everyone was snapping back. "I didn't mean to cause trouble."
Raj, who had been silent up to this point due to his incapability to speak in front of women, managed to muster up the ability to say, "Back off, dude or Penny will kick your ass."
Penny gave Raj a look, but everyone knew that she'd be able to take him down.
"Woah, woah! Hey, look, I'm sorry. I was just trying to meet someone. No need for a fight." Rubbing the back of his neck, he looked to you. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."
Not really sure what to say, you shrugged. "You did, and I appreciate the apology. I'm going to have to decline." You tried to be nice about it, but your friends were making that a little difficult.
"Yeah, our friend is not interested. Goodbye!" Bernadette shooed him off. Surprised, the man blinked a few times before quickly scurrying off.
Once he was out of sight, the tension at the table seemed to disperse. You turned to everyone, laughing a little. "What was that, you guys?"
"What?" Leonard pretended to be oblivious, adjusting his glasses. "That whole thing that just happened!" You laughed, looking between everyone.
Amy, who sat adjacent to you, tilted her head a little. "Someone was making you uncomfortable. Did you think we were just going to let him?"
That made you smile, warmth spreading through you as you looked to everyone. Although you were slightly embarrassed, you were mainly appreciative that they were so quick to help.
"Thank you, guys." You said, touched by their concern. "Just remember I can take care of myself."
"We know. We just care about you." Bernadette smiled from a few seats down.
As dinner shifted back to its normal rhythm, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the people around you. Being apart of this quirky, overprotective group of friends meant you'd always have someone looking out for you.
You wouldn't have it any other way.
The End.
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127tyong · 1 year
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if you suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts, please skip this one. remember to read the warnings.
this content may be traumatizing or hard to read for younger audiences.
a second version of this story will be released that removes the bigger triggers.
Pairing: Jeno X Reader
Genre: Smut, Angst, Porn Star Jeno AU
Warnings: SA (on reader), forced pregnancy, emotional abuse and exploitation, date rape drugging, suicide
Word Count: 2.0k
"You're hot then cold. Warm enough to kiss my lips in the morning, but cold enough for me to question if you even love me…"
Part 3 of 4: Autumn- Graduation
"Fuck, it's so deep inside me! Harder!" The girl in the apartment next to yours was screaming her heart out.
"Say my name you fucking bitch." You heard a man slap her.
"Jeno!" She moaned.
"Good girl." 
You moved into your apartment a few weeks ago. Everyday it was like this. Jeno would bring over a girl and fuck her for hours. You were the unfortunate person who lived next to him, on the otherwise vacant 12th floor of your apartment building.
You and Jeno had fairly different schedules, so you never bumped into him in the halls… nor did you even know what he really looked like.
But today, enough was enough. You had to confront him yourself.
You knocked on his door a few hours later.
"Who is it?" Jeno yelled.
"Your neighbor." You yelled back.
"Oh, shit!" You heard Jeno hiss through the door, then open it. "What can I do for you?"
"I moved here a few weeks ago… And I just want to ask if you could possibly… Um…" You tried to sort your words. "Keep it down when you're…"
Jeno nodded, clicking his tongue. "Got it. To be honest, I didn't know someone moved in, I thought I was the only person on this floor…"
"Alright. Thanks, that's all." You awkwardly shuffled out of the hall and back into your apartment.
But the very next day, the screams and moans were just as loud, if not louder. You quickly realized… it wasn't Jeno. Jeno was probably watching porn…
You decided to knock on his door. Then you turned the door knob, not knowing it was unlocked…
He wasn't watching porn. He was holding a camera. He's a porn star.
Jeno invited you over to his place after everyone else left. "I should explain… And you shouldn't sit there." He stopped you from sitting on his couch. 
"Oh." You noticed someone's… bodily fluids.
"Just sit right there." He pointed at a dining chair.
You sat across from Jeno.
"I… do porn. And I record it all here." Jeno blushed. "The apartment owner let me have my own floor as long as I paid him, but I guess… You're here now too."
"Well… yeah." You didn't really have a response.
"I just want to say I'm really sorry." Looking around his apartment, you noticed a bunch of designer products around. His shoes, rings… even his lamp.
"How much are you making?" You blurted out. "Sorry, that's rude, I shouldn't-"
"50 thousand a month." Jeno responded. "But usually I'm the one filming it, not in it…"
You sighed. "That's… crazy."
"If you ever need money you should film with me." Jeno looked you in the eye. "You're pretty enough to."
"I, um…" You were thinking of a valid excuse to leave, when Jeno started laughing.
"I'm fucking with you." He scoffed. "I'm not fucking my next door neighbor."
You awkwardly laughed. "I know I crossed a line by asking how much you make…"
"Do you want some tea or anything?" Jeno stood up. 
You stood up as well. "Actually, I think I should be going…"
Jeno showed you out. "Please, don't be afraid to knock or something when we get too loud. Or can you give me your number?"
You shook your head, already out the door. "It's fine. Can you just knock and make sure I'm not home yet before you start filming?"
"Will do, neighbor."
You could tell Jeno was really trying his hardest to stay quiet, which you appreciated. The only thing that really bothered you was…
He seemed too comfortable with you.
"Hey!" Jeno banged on your door repeatedly with both fists.
You ran to open the door, thinking maybe there was an emergency. 
"Can I come in?" Jeno let himself in before you could even say no. "One of the girls fucking squirted all over my couch. I wanna watch TV. I brought some beer!"
You watched him, nearly ready to punch him.
"Do you have Hulu?"
"No, I don't…" You gritted through your teeth.
"Let me log in. You can use my account later if you want."
"Jeno." You sighed. "I-"
"Should I deliver some food? I'll buy some for you too, if you want."
You can't really turn down free food… "I guess."
Jeno plopped on your couch then hit the seat next to him. "Sit."
You did as told. "What do you want to eat?"
"You choose." Jeno wrapped his arm around your shoulder and continued to scroll, his head hitting yours.
You thought it was… weird how quickly Jeno began to get close to you, but you figured it was just part of the job, he's probably usually inside girls after 5 minutes. "Chinese?"
"Sure." His thighs touched yours. 
You tried to shift away, but he was holding onto you tight.
"I was thinking," Jeno turned on Euphoria. "You and I never really got to know each other properly."
"Yeah…" You were… too awkward. Too unsure.
"Well, let me tell you about myself then."
The rest of the night was filled with Chinese food and Jeno talking about his life, how he wanted to become a K-Pop idol with his friend, Jaemin, but failed, and ended up becoming a porn star since he failed high school and never graduated.
He treated you like he was his best friend. When he laughed, he would slap your arm, and his eyes turned into crescent moons.
Maybe you judged him too quickly and he just needed friends…
"Shit." You looked into your bank app 2 weeks later. You had a negative balance.
You thought about what Jeno told you…
You had no choice, besides, Jeno seemed like he would be able to loan you some money anyways…
You knocked on his door. 
He came out, his hair disheveled, only in his boxers. "What-"
You walked inside. "I need your help."
Jeno closed the door behind him. "What?" His voice was husky, probably from just waking up. 
"You said if I ever needed money…"
"You wanna film something with me?" Jeno smirked, crossing his arms. 
"No, look at my bank-"
"I'm fucking with you." Jeno opened his refrigerator, taking out a water pitcher. "I can lend you the money if you don't actually want to record me fucking you."
"Really?" You ran to Jeno and hugged him. "Thank you! Thank you, thank you!"
Jeno hugged you back. "Actually, you don't have to pay me back."
"I want you to fuck me with the cameras off."
You waited for Jeno to start laughing. "..." 
"I'm not joking." Jeno kissed your cheek. "You woke me up in the middle of a wet dream, and I need you to fix this."
"But I-" You wanted to explain you could pay him back.
"Do you want the money or not?" Jeno sat on his couch.
You went over to him and got on your knees.
"Smart girl."
You finally realized why he was a porn star. Beyond his abs and his generally attractive face, his cock was long and thick. It had to have been at least 9 inches…
"I don't- I um… Can I just pay you back?" You backed up.
Jeno stood up. "You want to back out now? No." And he shoved his dick down your throat, face fucking you.
"Jeno!" You tried to scream but you were muffled from his cock going down your throat.
"Such a pretty girl, you take my cock so well…" Jeno cooed at you, even though only half of it was in your mouth.
You tried to tap out as Jeno went deeper into your mouth, but your slaps were only met with laughter.
"You can take it, I know you can. Be a good girl for me and I'll give you a reward, okay?"
You felt like your neck was bulging out from how thick Jeno's dick was, and all you could hear besides your gagging was your saliva dripping onto the floor. It hurt, but somehow, the lightheadedness made you a bit wet…
Jeno pulled out and came onto your face. He went into another room and handed you a stack of 100s, slamming it onto the coffee table behind you.
"Is that enough?" He sighed, sliding a hoodie and some shorts on.
You nodded. "Can I wash my face?"
"Actually, you need to get out right now." Jeno turned the TV on.
You grabbed the money and ran back to your apartment to wash your face off. You felt… weird. This is what you wanted, and honestly, you could say you were… okay with it. And that pissed you off.
You went on with your day. You went to the bank and deposited the money. You came home and had dinner.
And Jeno did too.
"Hey…" Jeno knocked on your door a few days later. "My kettle broke… Can I use yours?"
"Uh… sure." You began to heat up the kettle as Jeno took some tea bags out of his pocket.
He made two cups of tea.
"Oh, Jeno, I don't really like tea…" You grumbled.
"Just try it. Just one glass. For me?" Jeno pouted.
"Fine…" You drank it with sugar.
"Shall we get to the real reason I'm here?" And with that, you fell on your knees, pulling Jeno's sweats down, dick already hard. You gagged a bit when it first entered your mouth, but you got used to it rather quickly.
Jeno grabbed your head, annoyed with how slow you were going, shoving it on and off his cock like you were a doll.
"Fucking-" Jeno hissed, pulling your head off him. "Up." He pulled you up by your head. "Bend over." He slammed you over the nearest table.
He ripped your jeans off you, feeling your slit.
"Jeno, I'm-"
"Quiet." He grabbed your thigh, his fingers gripping you so hard you thought it would leave a bruise the next day.
"Jeno…" You mewled as his middle and ring finger began to pump inside you.
"God, you're so fucking wet…" Jeno whispered. 
"Just… put it inside me." You insisted, the pressure getting to you.
"I like your style." Jeno slammed himself into you.
He felt bigger than when he slammed his cock down your throat… You were going to be so sore tomorrow. The way he stretched you out and his tip hit your cervix was all too much.
But it felt so good…
"Jeno." You whined. "You're in too deep…"
"You're fine." He began massaging your breasts, pinching your nipples.
You hated how you mindlessly moaned, covering your mouth with your hand.
He pulled out and came on your back, his cum trickling onto your hair. He ran and grabbed a paper towel, wiping it off your back. You sat on your couch, Jeno sitting next to you.
Jeno wrapped a blanket over you and him, pulling you to rest on his shoulder.
"I'll give you more money tomorrow." Jeno fell asleep on your couch with your head on his chest.
You woke up on your couch, alone, a stack of cash next to your head being the only thing keeping you warm.
You and Jeno avoided each other for the next few weeks. Jeno brought girls around to his place without warning you. It was… grating. It's not like you were in love with Jeno, but you certainly thought you two were able to at least talk to each other…
You knocked on Jeno's door.
"Can I help you?" He was wearing a suit, albeit without a shirt underneath.
"Um… I'm out of sugar! Making an apple… pie! I need sugar. Can you spare me a cup?" You fumbled around with your words.
"You're baking and you don't even have sugar?" Jeno scoffed. "You're such a bad liar. Just come in."
You followed him into his bathroom, hair gel and hairspray on the countertops. "I just… was wondering how you were. But it seems like you're fine, so I'll just go-"
His lips crashed onto yours, his teeth almost hitting yours. "I fucking missed you. Why didn't you come over here?"
You pushed him away, your hand on his bare chest. "Jeno, I just wanted to make sure you weren't dead. That's all."
Jeno rolled his eyes, running his hands through his hair, fixing it in place with gel. "Well?"
"...You're alive. So I'll leave." You stepped out.
Jeno grabbed you by your waist, pulling you back into a back hug. "You can't leave."
You stopped yourself from scoffing at Jeno. "Who are you to control me?"
Jeno placed his palm on your stomach. "Because I put something inside you, didn't I? Honey, you're not on birth control, aren't you? Of course, I had to wait 3 weeks to make sure, but… shouldn't you be getting your period today? I read your calendar."
You thought of the way you woke up on the couch. That night… you were too out of it. How could he open and close the front door without you waking up? "What the fuck did you do to me while I was asleep, Jeno?" You thought of the tea. He put something in your tea…
"Nothing I wouldn't have done while you were awake. But… just without you knowing." Jeno's grip around your waist got tighter. "Pregnancy porn is a really popular porn category. Don't worry, I'll take care of you and the baby until… the 5 month mark? When you start showing, maybe? Then you'll have to work for your money."
"Jen-" Jeno let go of your waist and spun you around, caressing your cheek with one hand, the other hand gripping on your shoulder.
"Quit your job. I'll take care of you from now on. You and that baby are mine." Jeno let go of you. "I have to go to work now. Another girl will be here in a minute. Get the fuck out of my apartment, you fucking whore."
Tears brimmed in your eyes as the reality of your situation sunk in. 
"I told you to get out."
Your feet felt heavy.
You gasped for air, your chest unable to breathe.
"Fucking- you're only good for one thing and you still want to act like this?" Jeno slapped you across the face. "Can't even fucking cook, God, I should've chosen a better girl. Oh, you know that kid is getting put up for adoption when it comes out of you, right? I'm not paying you child support." Jeno grabbed you by the hair, dragging you out of the bathroom. "Leave."
And you left.
But the abuse didn't end.
You gave birth on a cold day in October, when you gave up your daughter, and you would leave Jeno.
It snowed for the first time of the year the day you finally left.
And you could be... Happy. As happy as you could be.
You went into Jeno's cabinets and brewed a cup of tea with ten tea packets in it.
You walked into the forest with your warm mug in the palm of your hand, sitting under an oak tree. And when you drank it, you were warm.
Until your body went cold.
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hillbillyoracle · 9 months
My Care Kit
I've hesitated posting about this because I know it's not hard for this to get to the wrong side of the site - because even though there's been an awesome shift in the conversation about how care can look at different levels of functioning, we're still not really there yet. So if you're rude in the comments, tags, or reblogs, expect to blocked. Cause I just don't have it in me.
With that out of the way, I wanted to talk about what's been allowing me to be infinitely more regular with skincare, grooming, and to a lesser degree dental routines - my care kit.
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It's not mindblowing or original. I basically just took all the stuff I was storing in the bathroom and store it in my bedroom to use there. I'm sure plenty of people have figured this out before me but it took me a minute to realize how helpful this is.
So what's in here?
CeraVe AM Moisturizer
The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid
Good Molecules Discoloration Correcting Serum
CereVe "in the Tub" - Moisturizing Cream
Differin Gel*
*Differing Gel is something I only use when I take this kit to the bathroom as it's important to wash your hands after using a retinol
"But you're supposed to use it on wet skin!" - yeah I know. I keep a small spray bottle in here to wet my skin before applying
"But that can mold!" - yeah I know. It's a small one and I use it up in a few days before I need to refill it. I try to clean it regularly too.
But ultimately done is better than none. I accept some risk in order to make this accessible to me. My skin is no longer so dry it's cracking and getting infected. Thank god.
Native Deodorant - Black Oak + Amber
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab & Sphere and Sundry - Her Eyes That Were Full of Shining Perfume Oil
Kat Von D - Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in "Witches"
Besame Cosmetics - Black Cake Mascara
Tweezerman Tweezers
I don't use all of this all of the time but I appreciate having the option. Sometimes you know you're not getting out of bed but you'd like to look nice. Sometimes looking nice helps you get out of bed.
Not pictured but I keep a small mirror on my shelf near where I store this bag. I use that for make up and tweezing. When tweezing, I wipe the edges off with a tissue then toss it the next time I get up. I also rinse it the next time I use it at the sink. Not perfect, I know. But it helps.
I do have a facial razor in here, but I only use that at the sink at the moment. I also want to swap from disposable to reusable soon. But baby steps and all that.
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And now for the part that will horrify some people and be saving grace to others.
Disposable pre-pasted toothbrushes
Sea to Summit Collapsible Cup with Lid
I won't be accepting comments on this. It's personal and I hesitated to share this because I know it's polarizing. But I know there's something like me out there for whom this would help a ton.
I have a horrible reaction to most toothpastes. I'm talking brush my teeth for 2 minutes, shitting on the toilet for multiple hours afterwards bad. It is miserable and makes me terrified to brush my teeth. I also have just always struggled with it and been shamed a lot for it.
These dang pre-pasted toothbrushes for some reason I do not react to. Idk if it's the fact I toss them after or the paste they're using somehow doesn't have the thing I'm reacting to but I can finally brush my teeth without unbearable cramps afterward.
I recommend them for people who are depressed, bedbound, or otherwise can't get to the sink to brush their teeth though. For me it falls into the camp of medical waste - which no one should be shaming anyone for - if it's this or nothing.
The collapsible cup will also put some people off. What I do is spit into the cup, cap it, then empty and clean it whenever I get up next. Gross? Maybe. But it works. I've not had issues with smell this way and since it's capped, there's no way to spill it if I lose my balance or accidentally kick it.
Holotaco Nail Kit
Badger Sleep Balm
The nail kit was a gift and boy oh boy is it nice. You don't need this one but something like this is a godsend. It is so nice to be able to clip nails back, file them, and clean them up without needing to like make a session of it in the bathroom. I'm considering adding my fav base coat, nail polish, and top coat so I can more easily paint them too.
Badger Sleep Balm has become a part of how I wind down and also how I help recover from panic attacks. I've taught myself some basics of self massage and use this to make it go a little easier. I really recommend learning. There are some good videos on youtube and I get fewer cricks in my neck now.
I really hope this helps someone out. Maybe this doesn't suit your particular use case but I hope it serves as an example that sometimes you're not keeping your desired routines because the environment needs a redesign and sometimes that requires thinking outside the box a little.
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alanaplucked · 3 months
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part three
part four| masterlist
Matty assumed he had been staring at the ceiling for at least an hour. The silence was beginning to irritate him, a vast comparison to the scenery he was used to.
His mind was stuck on a loop, looking in on one specific emotion; one he tried so hard to overlook. To which he could not deal with anymore.
He soon found himself slinging a sweatshirt over himself and padding down the creaky staircase towards the outdoor studio. Unaware of the faint incandescent light radiating from the upper window.
Love found herself cross legged on the floor with an acoustic in grip. Eyes scanning the various books and papers around her, occasionally bending down to scribble something new down.
Her mind worked wonders in the late hours yet nights like these drained her emotionally, despite the great song material she got. Back facing the door as she intently mustered up potential lyrics in her head.
Her fingers tenderly picked the strings as lyrics just above a whisper fell from her mouth. She knew the song being conjured up wouldn't be heard to anybody but her, it was too impassioned. It could only act cathartically.
Yet the frame leaning against the door said otherwise. His stare acted unnoticed. It was pure and he found himself dazed at the young girl.
A sight so raw and unintentional, a sense of intruding struck over him as the room fell silent following the last strum. He knew he wasn't able to leave without her turning and noticing him followed by an awkward next encounter.
"That was so alluring - sorry I didn't know you would be in here I didn't wanna interrupt" He had added on once she spun around. A small sense of shock on her face.
"Oh god no don't be sorry. I'm the one who's not actually meant to be in here" Love’s cheeks had flushed, she wasn't usually nervous but considering Matty had walked in on such a vulnerable moment. "Let me just grab my stuff, I'll be out of your-"
"No no don't, I mean I don't think I would be able to deal with the silence. That's why I came in here" Matty hadn't recalled deciding to be so honest, though it came naturally.
"yeah it can get like that" Love spoke slowly lowering herself back into her original position. A low silence fell between them. A warm glow saturated the room, lamps were littered upon the studio. She found it comforting and supposed her father had too.
"I couldn't imagine living here" His body was now slouched against the leather couch only a couple metres away from herself. Sincerity radiated from him as his head dropped back against the brown leather. "I need the city noise"
"I try not to most of the time; live here that is" It was true though she hated to admit it. Yet she had imagined Matty had noticed she wasn't here the entire two months they had been recording.
"Do you not then feel like you're taking it for granted" Despite the nature of the question it didn't come across rude or prodding. Now meeting her gaze he could tell she was slightly uncomfortable.
Love was slightly confused, this wasn't the Matty Healy she had googled only a couple hours ago. Leaving the studio that morning led her to be curious of the new face. "yes and no. I feel like it's a small dose kind of thing. you can appreciate it only when it's necessary, plus i've spent my whole life here"
An uncomfortable silence was now lingering, well maybe that feeling was one sided because Love was at peace picking the strings of her guitar, despite her feeling his stare follow her every move.
"I listened to your album, you know, it was very impressive. I mean when I was seventeen I was writing about sex and girls with boyfriends" He was the first to break the silence and a small smirk rose upon her face though she was weary of whether he could see it or not.
"Is that surprising that I liked it?" He had noticed.
Straightening her face and turning to face him "at first, but I don't know any musician that is only subject to their own genre"  Her statement was followed by a low hum on his end.
"So what kind of music do you like?" Matty couldn't help but prod.
"Anything really" Love’s fingers were still picking and Matty wondered if it would lull him to sleep.
"Anything?" His voice echoed her own and she had to stop herself from looking up at him. Keeping an overly disinterested act as though she were far too busy for such a conversation.
"Yeah I guess-" It was true. Love’s father had produced a variety of different genres and his record collection was just about diverse as New York City.
"What so like metal to classical" Matty couldn't imagine this girl listening to anything different to her innocent guitar picking. It was silly of him to imagine that the daughter of one of the best producers in the world only listened to the top 40.
Love was confused to say the least but a small smirk picked up her lips and she scribbled down another lyric. surprised she would still be able to work while holding such a conversation. It helped she couldn't look him in the eye though she was starting to realise he's not as intimidating as he seemed hours ago.
"those are very basic genres, the average normy would listen to those without thought. plus, you can't say you like music if you disregard 99.9% of it"
"the average normy?, what are you implying we are?" Love realised she hadn't heard him laugh and she wished nothing more than to play it on repeat. If she could make him laugh like that again she thought she would be content forever.
"well obviously geniuses, or deities at least"
"ok, so let me get this right you listen to everything offered under the sun except my music" He had simply assumed. And by the look on her face as she got up to swap guitars- he was right, she had no clue as to who he was until she was caught in the studio.
"I actually listened to your album-" Love turned herself around to sit back in her spot that was now occupied by Matty, eyes scanning her lyrics.
"I'm sure you did" His head rose with a smirk; that was until her saw her frozen in the middle of the room, eyes burning on his finger trailing the fourth line of her page.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have-"
"yeah you shouldn't have" Love got herself to finally move and pick her journal up when he cowered back.
He sat back in shock at her current change in demeanour and said something he probably shouldn't have. "how'd you make an album if you can't handle someone reading your lyrics"
She felt the gentle tug at the tears gathering in her eyes as she moved to tidy the chaos she had wrought in the studio.
"that wasn't for an album, it wasn't for you, not for anyone" it came out gentle, Matty hated how beautiful he thought she sounded.
"it should be"
"excuse me?"
"that's better than anything you've got out there, truthfully. Are you making another album?" Frankly Matty had been feigning for more after listening to her album all those months ago. She hadn't gone on a tour, done any shows, press, there were no unreleased leaks, no covers on social media; she hadn't even had an account on anything. The most he had found was an old youtube video her father had posted of her singing 'both sides now' when she was twelve.
"not for a long long time" She had calmed herself. She thought as though Matty would 5150 her after reading what she had wrote.
"like Fiona Apple?" He had lit a cigarette now and reclined into the base of the couch, she had been leaning her hands back into the desk.
"Sure, she's great"
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turtlesocksv2 · 5 months
Liveblogging DFF episode 9
last time we checked in, Non was having just the Worst Time Possible, everyone was trying to cover their asses and Phi was entering into Murder/Detective Mode.
i know i've said it before but god the opening credits are SO GOOD. i don't think we appreciate them enough.
We're back in the present day! it's been so long! Tan is fucking brave to fight Fluke for the gun.
IT'S WHITE WITH THE STEEL CHAIR TRIPOD! BAH GOD THAT MAN HAD A FAMILY! love you white you're doing amazing sweetie.
...there was just a water bottle there at the shrine? and it looked opened? are you actually going to drink that? at least you smelled it first??? Ahhhh but notice Phi doesn't drink it! he lets Jin drink it but doesn't do it himself! my sus king.
"Why are you being so nice to me" i mean, dude is at least nominally your friend and you dislocated your shoulder or whatever and there's a killer out there after you guys? i think that'd be cause enough for Phi to be nice lmao. I get it though, Jin, i get it.
Aha, so we've got some timeline stuff. PhiJin absolutely happened POST PhiNon, which i had seen some intriguing theories that maybe PhiJin was actually first but this is confirmation otherwise. also that Jin very much had feelings for Phi but Phi was the one pushing the friends agenda, which we mostly knew.
Jin on that "you like Tan!" shit again, no wonder Phi didn't want to be in a relationship with your insecure self lmao. Tan is just his Bestie who helps with his Plucky Girl Detectiving, no big deal.
Once again, Jin sees things that Phi doesn't. shortly after the water. Hallucinogen maybe? guilty conscience definitely.
well that's one way to snap him out of the panic
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slight detour inspired by the blood splatter everywhere in this shrine is that if the Janta Cult isn't real/doesn't play a part in this somehow, I'm going to be so upset. why bring up perfectly good murder cults if you're not going to give us the payoff? BOC? Dr Sammon I just have questions! (that said, the theory that the mafia is using the cult rumors as a front for a body dumping ground is intriguing.)
Oh ho, Phi's gonna confess everything to Jin! but will it really be everything? 👀
poor Phi is so conflicted. he's hurt, but he loves Non but he doesn't want to see him but he doesn't want to end up like his divorced parents, he can't stop thinking about it, he regrets what he said, but he still so hurt.
Non's dad got transferred. interesting.
Ooooh Phi found the picture! and the real script!
Non's mom knows Phi. I wonder if she knew they were boyfriends of if she thought they were just friends. lmao at her Ring The Doorbell You Shady Shit, Were You Raised In A Barn?
New contacting Phi as the news breaks...the drama. i love it.
Tan is New confirmed!
OOOF. major oof. "aren't you sad i'm going to England?" "Whether you're here or not doesn't make a difference" just ouch.
He may have been a Not Great brother in your life, Non, but in your death New/Tan is going to Get Answers and Get Justice! giving up a scholarship in England, lying to his parents about it...Tan is going to Fuck Shit Up.
Jin, get your 'there's a cute boy around!!!!" face under control.
Tan just dives right in to asking questions and these bitches are so fucking sus from the word 'go'. yeah, they clearly have something to do with Non disappearing.
lmao Jin does not stand a fucking chance against Phi's seduction.
i am dying at Tan's "You didn't study, dumbass" on his ankle. Top's face is Too Funny.
Aww, White waiting for Tee after school and the group roasting them is really cute.
Phi how dare you take Jin to your and Non's spot! so rude! can't trust men at all, the second you disappear he's taking another man to the place you became boyfriends.😂 Jin awkwardly trying to figure out of this means Phi likes him back is cute.
Why Jin, how bold! asking Phi to stay the night!
oh damn this is full on full on, okay. Ta's ass just out there bare. "don't worry, i won't be too harsh i don't want to dislocate your shoulder" "who fucks so hard they dislocate a shoulder?" somewhere else in Bangkok VegasPete's ears are burning. Anyway, Phi was like 'don't test me, i'm being gentle for YOUR sake.' and that's the Minor Family Theerapanyakul in Ta. i was absolutely waiting for that astronaut dog figurine to fall lmao.
Tan going for the kill with that Did You Cheat On My Brother. Tan i'm sorry but not only is your brother most likely dead but Phi and Non are actually very broken upright now, no matter how much Phi wishes neither of those were true. Phi is in the clear here re: Cheating. He is not in the clear for manipulating Jin into sleeping with him, but like, Jin's into it so whatever for now.
"Fuck him however much you want but don't fall in love. He's with those assholes so he's also an asshole" i mean! He's not wrong! Jin is a good looking nice boy he could absolutely find other friends. the fact that he stays with these fuckheads......
poor Non's parents.
these teenage boys have better skincare routines than I do and I'm
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Jin just pass Phi a note in class: Do U Like Me Check Yes Or No
Ah, Jin has such bad timing. Everything about this is brutal. but lol this makes the 2nd boy in a row that Jin likes that doesn't like him back.
Tan doing chemistry shit. he's gonna be drugging everyone i just know it. also, never ever have your cellphone out in a lab and never answer it with your gloves on! Lab Safety 101!!!!
damn, Tan, you could have at least made up a part time job in england or something so that your parents didn't have to sell their house. this entire family's been ripped apart by all this shit.
and now Tan is alone. all he has is his investigation into Non and Phi his sort of brother-in-law.
oh shit, was it Tan's cigarette smoke that was causing hallucinations???! or are they the antidote to whatever Tan drugged the others with or both?
confirmation that Tan was drugging everyone!
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lol Tan's face at he very end as he takes in the chaos
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tododeku-or-bust · 3 months
I read the ask you answered about being quiet/making noise in public spaces and the article you linked and I found it really interesting and I wanted to thank you for your insight, i am white and have grown up somewhere predominantly white and I still have the instinctual reaction of seeing people making noise as being rude, and I understand that a big part of that is racism, but another part that I genuinely wonder about is that when listening to music on your phone without headphones you take the option of quiet away, whilst when you're listening on your headphones you can still listen to music but others can have quiet. I feel like I'm really not getting the point here in why its preferable to listen without headphones when you could take others into account, like you can't play silence on headphones, you'd need noise cancelling expensive ones.
Im not talking about enforcing anything and people who call the cops on people for stuff like this is insane and dangerous. I don't think people are entitled to silence and endangering black people's lives over something like this is terrible. I'm asking more as a question of the cultural differences in thoughts about noise and existing in public, what is rude and what isn't. What is entitlement and what is considerate.
I'm sorry if Im being racist, it is not my intention but i understand that i can have biases that i haven't looked at closely enough that are harmful. That's also why i am asking this, to genuinely understand and get perspective
Lastly I just wanted to add that of course its not your job to educate me, i just noticed i wasn't getting further with this subject in my head, and if you want to i hoped you could offer your thoughts, they'd be much appreciated.
Some more explanation here
Ngl, I'm tired, so this answer may not be as full as you'd like.
No, I can't tell you why it's "preferable" to listen to music on a train without headphones. The reality is that the people who don't, likely just don't have any at that moment, otherwise they'd be using them. Yes, it's rude, no it's not dangerous, it's just a temporary inconvenience.
Also, ngl, people swear Bluetooth headphones are cheap but the ones I have, since adapters die easy ASF and I was constantly going through them for years, were about $189 at the cheapest (at least when I bought them). So I'm not sure where this "headphones are cheap" idea came from unless y'all got plugs I'm unaware about. Being poor is expensive, and I really wish people would do the reading to get that. Poverty and Eviction by Matthew Desmond are two good ones to start with.
Anyway, you're in the public- there's not going to be a full "silence" option, unfortunately. Not without policing, either from actual police, or from people themselves. And when people themselves start policing (as is often the case in white neighborhoods and white spaces, which is what that Silence is the Sound of Gentrification article was about) things are bound to get worse, specifically for people of color. Because what was an annoyance for you can become legitimate violence on our end. Because people clearly don't want to communicate their issues- they clearly don't want to say "hey can you turn that down". No, they feel like it should be Standard for things to happen the way that they want (which, is often a privilege for the White).
Perhaps that is something that you as a white person can start looking into and questioning amongst your own.
Well, you said it yourself- cultural differences. There is no one answer to this. Tbh, it would help a lot more of white people took the time themselves to be amongst people of color. To actually learn and listen and be in those communities. Having real friends of color. That's how you learn what standards those groups have, and what is enforced and what isn't. Because I get the feeling that if more white people did that, we'd have less of these conversations. There'd be an understanding of how your actions affected others far beyond the inconvenience of "music out loud".
Because we all know that it's not the silly tiktok playing white girls that people are really complaining about here to the point of aggravation. The entire argument is a dogwhistle and that's why I get so angry when "good white people" share it.
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fazedlight · 3 months
fanfic writer questions
Thanks for the tag, @sssammich @waytooinvested ❤️❤️
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
With today's publishing of Clockwork (which has a moodboard I'm super proud of 😭), I have 19 works!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
204,675 words! A few are missing since I haven't uploaded my most recent ficlets yet.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl :) Generally supercorp, though I do have a dansen ficlet, and my first rojarias fic will be out in a couple months for @supergirlmayhem!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
No One and Nothing (season 4 rift) So I Kept Pretending (my first fic 🥺) Synthesis (season 2 fix-it) Inauthentic (pink kryptonite finale fix-it... it's not what you think!!) Iridescent (season 5 rift fic)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do!!
When I first started, I actually thought you weren't "supposed" to respond to all your comments. I eventually decided to throw that thought out the window, because I'm really grateful for comments and want to thank people. They really do mean the world to authors ❤️
(If someone has multiple in a row, I usually respond to just one in a cluster, but I appreciate all of them!)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm only capable of happy endings.
That said, Darkness in All Things and Iridescent had the most... complication in their endings. Things aren't perfect, but all the relevant characters are alive and happy.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
They are all happy 😌
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten comments from some known trolls and a couple of rude folks. It's worth noting that even the big authors get them, so I largely ignore/delete them.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have written smut once. I will do it at least once more. It tends to lean towards soft, and I find myself kind of terrified to throw smutty things into the world. (I think this is the ex-Catholic trauma talking.)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't written a crossover. This tweet is the best I've got on that front 🤣
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. (I have no idea why people even do this... how do you feel proud of something you didn't even do?)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I've never even had a fic beta'd. The idea of either of those terrifies me.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Xena/Gabrielle will always be dearest to my heart. I just never felt the need to write for that ship - the show gave me almost everything I wanted. (If you ever watch it, make sure to watch season 6 in spaghetti order.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None! I only have 2 published WIPs, both of which I'm super excited to complete (they were started earlier this year). For my unpublished WIPs, I'm pretty confident in them too.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I come up with good plots to explore the characters with.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing 😭 I have this story in my head that I want to tell - how the characters change and are interpreted and all that - but I find I never get close to conveying what I actually want. Writing is very hard!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Eep, I don't want to screw up another language. I occasionally include kryptonese when it feels natural, but otherwise I don't do this.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Supercorp got me writing fanfiction, and for that I am very grateful.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
This is a hard one.
Almost every fic, when I write it, is like my CHILD. It usually becomes my favorite - or at least top 3 - for the time I am writing it.
I will say Even Though You're Kryptonian (which, coincidentally, was the 20,000th supercorp fic). It started off as a lark to use some ideas I thought I'd never get around to otherwise, but ended up weaving together better than I thought it would.
But that's an answer that changes by the day.
No-pressure tags: @luthordamnvers @snowydragonscave @lgbtimelords @rustingcat @ekingston @thecasualqueer @fabulousglitch @nottawriter @thatonebirdwrites @trashpandato
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hollowtones · 2 years
Okay I wanted to clarify on the Hades thing as it’s the only Supergiant game I’ve played out of the ones you listed:
1. They went with one of the more favorable interpretations of the myth. Basically, Zeus did a dick move and left Hades and Persephone both in a place where if they did anything but what they did it would have started a divine war. Hades never asked Zeus to kidnap Persephone, and Persephone wasn’t mistreated when she got there.
2. As for the Zag romance point, Meg was never Zagreus’ sister. Nyx is not her mother, and the game implies that she and Zag had a thing before the events of the game. As for Thanatos, it’s a *little* weird, but the game always takes care to say that they were *childhood friends*, not raised as brothers. How that works precisely I have no idea, probably in some “kids don’t know what’s weird about their home life” way.
Anyway I don’t want to sound like I’m saying your feelings are wrong, I actually agree about the other stuff, I just noticed you said you didn’t remember it as well and as someone who is pretty deep into the lore I never really felt like any of it was handled poorly. Heck, Demeter is even Zeus’ step-sister (and older to imply they were never ‘siblings’) to remove the connotations of Zagreus’ parentage.
Anyway have a nice day and I’m sorry if I was rude.
My issue with Persephone wasn't how they contextualize her relationship with Hades (I thought it was fine from what I remember); my issue was I spent most of the game after meeting her thinking "I wish this character had more agency", which is at least in part What They Were Going For, I Think, but something about it still bugged me. I have not played this game in maybe a year so I don't remember specifics.
The game says Nyx is Meg's surrogate mother. It squirrels that away in the codex entries, and does not go into much other detail from what I remember. There's wiggle room to give these a more generous interpretation than how it felt to me, sure. It still feels weird to me.
It's okay if you have a different reading of a story than I did, or felt a different way about it. That's normal. You do not have to justify it to me. It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm not really interested in getting multiple messages of multiple paragraphs from anonymous strangers over the course of a couple days about two specific plot points in a video game I otherwise loved that I haven't played in a year. I appreciate your politeness about this, I imagine you specifically haven't sent all five of these messages yourself, so this is not me singling out you personally, and I'm sorry if I sound kind of exasperated here. I hope you'll understand: when I post a quick sentence or two about my opinions on something, in a casual setting, having a bunch of people come up to me to then say "well actually, here's a longform response about how I felt about it, what do you think of that", as well-meaning as most of it was, feels weird and exhausting! I like talking my thoughts on things, which I guess is why I'm replying to this. It just feels disproportionate, y'know? It feels weird to post a quick thought and then have people respond as if I'd written an essay & make assumptions about things I did not say. You're not being rude, I'm just tired, bud. No more messages about this, please.
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adventuringblind · 11 months
Hello Everyone,
Idk who needs to see this or even who will see it, but please, if you're going to send an ask, I ask that you please be respectful.
I understand that I'm not tagging correctly, but please know I have 25 fics ready to post and have already been tagged. They take time to tag and will take time to fix it, so I would appreciate it if y'all stopped calling me names (unless you're one of the nice ones, then this dosen't apply).
I've been on Tumblr for years but have only really started posting within the last few months. I've been an avid fic reader and have seen the tags filled with other things. I never bothered or really cared because to me it's not something that mattered and I was glad for it because sometimes I found something interesting that I wouldn't have otherwise.
All that to say that I figured it was something everybody did because of how often I saw it. Also, again, tagging takes time and is my least favorite thing to do but I enjoy writing and I know y'all enjoy reading. I want people to see what I write because I put time into my craft. I know it's not perfect because I hate editing, but I like sharing my imaginative ideas with you all.
I can't guarantee that my tagging is going to be perfect. But please, for the love of everything, stop saying such mean things. I like interacting with the community, and it has genuinely helped me out of a dark place.
It gets distressing after a while to see so many people being blatantly rude and toxic. I get your point. I'll fix it. We're all human and mess things up once and awhile. I know this very well.
Don't take offense to this, I'm just trying to explain why my tags are all over the place. I genuinely am not trying to ruin anyone's day or make things harder to find.
See y'all in the next fic 🤟🏻
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: LIKE, COMMENT, OR REBLOG IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN THE TAGLIST otherwise I'll delete you from it! Not to be rude I just kinda feel like I'm spamming accounts without meaning to jsdjsd -Danny Words: 2,706 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'As A Child' -by Madeline The Person
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II. Thanks for Checking In! I'm Still a Piece of Garbage
Ara's doing her best, but Leo's not listening, he's just trying to remember where he's seen Ara before.
"Do I get a sword?" He interrupts her as soon as they walk past the arena.
"Your cabin makes its own weapons."
"My cabin? You mean Vulcan's?" He smirks. 
"Hephaestus," Ara replies plainly, Leo wonders if she's capable of smiling.
"Festus?" He tries again. "Sounds like the god of cowboys."
"Hephaestus. God of blacksmiths and fire and all that stuff Annabeth said," Ara repeats absently.
Leo makes a face, he's thinking of the term "God of fire", but Ara doesn't know that. "So the flaming hammer over my head—Good thing or bad thing?"
"Normal thing," she shrugs. "Everyone gets claimed as soon as they get here..." She glances in the direction of the forest.
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Percy doesn't look at me like I'm a hindrance, he needs a friend, and I want one, so there is understanding between us. Also, I'm very low maintenance so he appreciates the simple company. I'm weaving with the naiads while Percy and Grover talk beside me.
"How was your conversation with Mr. D?"
"Fine," Grover pouts. "Just great."
"So your career's still on track?"
The satyr yelps. "Chiron t-told you I want a searcher's licence?"
"Well... no. He just said you had big plans, you know... and that you needed credit for completing a keeper's assignment. So did you get it?"
"Mr. D suspended judgement. He said I hadn't failed or succeeded with you yet, so our fates were still tied together. If you got a quest and I went along to protect you, and we both came back alive, then maybe he'd consider the job complete."
"Well, that's not so bad, right?"
"Blaa-ha-ha! He might as well have transferred me to stable-cleaning duty. The chances of you getting a quest... and even if you did, why would you want me along?"
"Of course I'd want you along!"
"What about me?" I ask distractedly.
"I don't see why not," Percy grins. 
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She gives a start. "Whatcha say?"
"That dude from a while ago... he mentioned a curse."
Ara dismisses it with annoyance. "Cabin nine's fine, their old counselor passed away and—"
"What? Like, painfully?" Leo asks in worry.
"There was a war," she answers briefly. "Don't ask."
"Why are you giving me the tour?" He proceeds quickly, too curious to think about one thing for more than just a few seconds. "Are we siblings?"
"No, that would've made things easier in the past..." She makes a face.
"Which one's your cabin, then? That thing Annabeth called you... What was it? Daughter of—"
"Olympus," Ara sighs tiredly. "It's a long story."
Leo's getting tired of her ambiguity. "Alright. Whatever. But you have divine blood, right?"
"Yeah," Ara admits. "But don't dwell on it too much, it's nothing special."
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"Chiron said you thought I might be something special."
I open my mouth to speak, but Grover shuts me up. I look at him in annoyance, being the guardian of a demigod as powerful as Percy is a great opportunity for a satyr like him! Why doesn't he want Percy to know? 
"Listen, don't think like that," he replies. "If you were—you know—you'd never ever be allowed a quest, and I'd never get my licence. You're probably a child of Hermes. Or maybe even one of the minor gods, like Nemesis, the god of revenge. Don't worry, okay?"
Percy nudges my leg once Grover leaves. "You were about to say something."
I don't want him to get angry... but also, children of the big three never get happy endings. Percy's destined to fight for his life until he yields. That sucks. I won't be the one to break it to him.
"I had a satyr," I say quietly. "And I'm nothing special. Don't worry."
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"That old lady..." the boy tenses. "What's she doing here?"
Ara freezes, her voice comes out frightened. "You see her too?"
Leo notices her reaction and gets even more nervous. "She's not supposed to be here... right?"
"Listen... you see something like that, you walk away. Nothing good comes from old ladies," Ara pushes him forward by the shoulder.
Leo pulls out pipe cleaners from the pocket of his army jacket and starts playing with them. "Do you know who that was, though?"
"No," she wraps Nico's jacket tighter around herself, the camp doesn't let winter in, but she's feeling a chill. "Let's go to your cabin."
"Alright," he tries to keep up the lively tone in his voice. "I'm in the mood for a good curse." 
The last time she saw weird things at camp, was during Percy's first arrival. Ara keeps throwing nervous glances at Leo, she can't shake the feeling that he's got something to do with it.
He whistles lowly as cabin nine comes into view. "They got a steampunk theme going on, huh?"
Ara looks at her old cabin wistfully. "Yours is one of my favorites, but you didn't hear it from me."
Leo's eyes brighten a little as he continues to look, then he shakes his head, and his expression hardens for a moment. Ara considers checking on him, but if a person doesn't want to talk about their feelings, she should respect that.
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The rest of the campers avoid Percy after he gets claimed, I approach him and greet him like always, but he glares at me. "You're still talking to me?"
I stop halfway, and my smile falters. "I'll stop if you want."
Percy stops. "I didn't mean... everyone's acting like a jerk."
"Yes. It's not good..." My eyes widen a little as I reply. "Annabeth thinks her quest has to do with you."
"Yeah, I heard," he sizes me up. "Hey... wanna train with me?"
"Aren't you training with Luke?"
"I could use a five-minute break in between. Only if you want though, I know you don't like swords."
"I like them plenty," I frown. "But I'm too small for the ones we have here, or that's what everyone says when I pick one up..."
"How will you get better if you don't train?" Percy offers the handle of his sword to me. "Try it."
My fingers brush his knuckles as I reach for the weapon, and my heart shrinks with an unpleasant feeling. Most of the time, I have to focus to feel stuff, but Percy's grief is lethal if I can sense it by merely grazing his skin.
"I'll train with you," I swallow the lump in my throat.
He doesn't like my reaction. "If it scares you—"
I hug him, the grief suffocating me even more. "I want to help."
Silena has grown protective of me since I told her I had this power. She says is "Empath's touch". I can feel other people's feelings and I can take parts of them to lessen the intensity. That's okay with me, no one should go through stuff alone.
"Can I ask you something? Promise to keep it a secret?" Percy inquires as I step away. "Is it normal for a demigod... to have weird dreams?"
"They're not dreams," I reply. "They're messages someone's sending you."
"Does everyone have them?"
I shrug. "Lots of campers have them, it's normal."
"You had any?"
I tilt my head. "They don't mean anything."
Percy frowns. "Fine..."
"I mean," I continue, "my dreams... it doesn't make sense to anyone, but I know I'm right. My dreams are memories. From my past lives."
"Wait, so..." he blinks. "You have reborn?"
"I shouldn't be able to remember," I admit. "Don't tell anybody, please."
He offers his pinky and I link it with my own. "You remember who you were and everything?"
I shake my head. "Not really. I just see bits of stuff..."
"That's interesting," Percy says as we reach the arena. "If you discover what that's about, do tell me."
"If you have funny dreams you'd like to share I'm here, and I like gossip."
He pats my shoulder and then spots Luke, he hesitates. "You sure you wanna stay?"
I pat his hand. "I won't leave you."
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"A weed whacker?" Leo approaches the nearest wall. "What's the god of fire want with a weed whacker?"
"You'd be surprised," a boy in a full-body cast appears on a bunk bed. "I'm Jake Mason. I'd shake your hand, but..."
"Yeah, don't get up."
"Hi, Jack-Jack," the girl gives him half a smile. "You look great."
"Shut up, Ara," Jake groans, then looks at Leo. "Welcome to Cabin Nine, been almost a year since we had any new kids. I'm head counselor for now."
"For now?"
Jake ignores his question and speaks to Ara. "I hope this isn't taking too much of your time..."
"You know I'm here to help," she shrugs it off. "Where's everybody?"
"Forges. They're working on... you know, our problem."
Ara's smile goes away instantly. She clears her throat. "Right. I'll check on them in a moment. You got a bed for Leo?"
Jake eyes the boy carefully. "You believe in curses, Leo? Or ghosts?"
"Ghosts? Pfft. Nah. I'm cool. A storm spirit chucked me down the Grand Canyon this morning, but you know, all in a day's work, right?"
Jake nods, missing Leo's joke entirely. Hephaestus kids don't have the quickest wits when it comes to humor. "That's good. Because I'll give you the best bed in the cabin: Beckendorf's."
Ara's breath catches in her throat, and her voice comes out slightly squeaky. "Are you sure?"
"Bunk 1-A, please."
The bed rises up from under the floor, and Leo jumps onto it happily. Ara feels a little insulted, but she bites her tongue. "I can handle this."
 "It retracts into a private room below," Jake adds.
"Oh, heck, yes," he grins. "See y'all. I'll be down in the Leo Cave. Which button do I press?"  He gives her a playful look. "Wanna join me?"
Her face twists in disgust, but Leo is used to girls looking at him that way, so he's not bothered in the least, if anything, it only makes him want to annoy her further. Jake clears his throat, wanting to save his new brother from Ara. "Well, Leo, if you don't mind sleeping in a dead man's bed, it's yours."
The boy sits up abruptly. "The counselor who died... this was his bed?" 
"Yeah, Charles Beckendorf."
"He didn't, like, die in this bed, did he?"
"No. In the Titan War, last summer."
Ara feels exhausted every time someone mentions the war. Lately, her life's been plagued with losses, and remembering takes so much energy from her... she recalls every little detail, all the moments that led to this moment, and studies them in her head one by one. She can't stop.
"The Titan War," Leo's eyes are on her, "which has nothing to do with this very fine bed?" 
"You'll be safe and comfy there," Ara replies numbly. "Kronos killed half of our campers during the battle, but we didn't fight him here—"
"I'm guessing this wasn't on the news?"
Ara frowns, intrigued by his ignorance. "Were you, Jason, and Piper together this whole time?"
"Er... no," he answers. "No, I was er... on the run, I guess. I met Jason and Piper like, a few months ago. Last August."
"When the war ended," Ara's brows furrow even more.
"You were lucky to miss it," Jake says. "The thing is, Beckendorf was one of the first casualties, and ever since then—"
"Your cabin's been cursed," Leo guesses.
"That's what they think," Ara intervenes. "But I've been working this whole time—"
"Jackson, you're the only one getting things done," Jake snorts and looks back at Leo. "She's the gods' favored one. Ara doesn't know how it is for us, regular campers."
She's never liked being pushed aside, it used to happen because she was good for nothing, but now it's happening because she's too much of everything. She doesn't know how to change that.
Ara looks around the cabin while the boys talk, and after the counselor closes his bed curtains, Leo is ready to pick up their conversation. "What did Jake mean when he said 'regular campers' as if you're not one of them?"
"'Cause I'm the Strategus, remember? But I don't feel different, I'm the same girl I was five months ago..." She leaves the cabin with Leo following close. "You want to know what happened?"
The boy smirks, happy to finally get some answers. "I'm listening."
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"I knew almost as soon as I saw you," I nudge Percy's arm. "Who your dad was."
He keeps his eyes ahead, he's wet and grumpy. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't want to scare you. But I could tell 'cause you smell like the sea," he sniffs his armpit, but the rain makes it impossible to distinguish. "Anyway, this is nice."
"How is any of this nice?" He scowls.
"Well, I don't do much at camp, and it's been years since I was out..."
"That thing you did on the bus," he replies, referring to what I did to the furies. "What was that?"
"Charmspeak. I convince people to do things."
"Do all Aphrodite kids have it?"
"A few," I answer. "Some can change their appearance at will, some are good at pairing up people—but Silena doesn't like doing that, the real matchmakers are rare—others can sense people's feelings. I have that too."
"Like a satyr?"
"Yeah, but I have to touch you in order to feel anything, Grover can do it without contact."
"So you have charmspeak, and you feel other people's feelings," Percy recounts. "Anything else I should be careful with around you?"
I grin. "Nah, I'm not dangerous."
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"So Beckendorf was popular around here?"
"He was a veteran, so we all sorta looked up to him. Jake became a counselor after we lost him, and he doesn't like it. Lots of kids had to take leadership positions without warning during the war, it was hard on all of us."
"So that's what happened to you?"
"No, I got my title after the war ended. I don't have a cabin. I chose..."
"You chose what?"
"To be of use."
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"Percy's being reckless, you don't want to be like that."
"He's allowed to be angry!" I whisper in annoyance.
Annabeth scowls. "Don't be like Percy. He's dumb and impulsive."
"So am I. Impulsive I mean, not—"
"But you're..." my friend stops before completing her sentence, but I know what she was about to say. Not strong.
I sigh and shake my head. "I won't do anything stupid, don't worry."
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"What's the problem Jake mentioned?" Leo continues, he's alright when he's not trying to be funny.
Ara makes a face. "After the war, their creations started to malfunction. A year ago I convinced Beck to rescue your cabin's most impressive—Oh, here we are! The forges."
Her old friends salute her, then all eyes land on Leo. "Hey," she greets them. "Got you a new brother. This is Leo... er..."
"Valdez," he scans the group, new campers are always surprised to find out they're not the only children of their godly parent.
Everyone approaches to say hi, Ara looks at them proudly, most of them are kept to themselves, but they're all sweet. She notices their injuries and her guilt increases.
"Well, all right!" Leo raises his voice. "I hear this is the party cabin!"
There is no reaction to his comment. Ara has to bite her lip to not chuckle out of pity. "Right," she clears her throat. "You think you can take care of him, Nyssa?"
"I got it," the girl steps forward.
"Cool," Leo eyes her reluctantly. "I always wanted a sister who could beat me up."  Ara snorts, and he perks up at the sound. "There we go!"
"Thank the gods!" A boy cheers sarcastically. "I was starting to think she got switched with a robot..."
"Hey, show respect to your General!" They hear a loud thud.
"Ouch! She was our friend first, wasn't she? We can tease her a little!" The boy complains.
"And at heart, she's still little Ara from cabin ten," Nyssa teases her.
"The difference is that now I can kick your ass now if you're not careful," the girl warns her, half-serious.
Nyssa smirks and crosses her arms. "Aphrodites! Always so feisty."
"Aphrodite?" Leo asks in shock. "You're from the Barbie Malibu Cabin?"
Everyone goes back to work and Nyssa whistles lowly, looking away. 
"So what if I am?" Ara's expression hardens.
The boy messed up, but he doesn't understand why. "I mean... everyone saying you're... you don't really... oh man, can someone shut me up?"
"Good idea," Ara glances at him coldly before turning away. "Oh, and watch your hands, Leo, it'll suck if you lose a finger on your first week, and most amateurs do. See you, Nyssa."
Leo scowls at her insult. Alright, he messed up, but she's acting like she's this mighty being above human error since they met, and that's getting on his nerves too.
Nyssa looks at them with a smirk. "See you, Birdy! C'mon, joker boy, I'll show you around..."
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Next Chapter ->
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @ash-the-hoarder @mmhmcreature @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @rainestorm2556 @ocanaug @owlalex44 @gamergirlsstuff886 @solangelo-enthusiast-girlypop @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen
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bl-bracket · 1 year
Hello! thank you for running this fun bracket. Having done similar fandom events before I'm not sure other folks know how much work it is behind the scenes so I wanted to send my appreciation.
I wanted to preface this with a thank you because my comments have nothing to do with anything you've encouraged or can control but if you can share with the voters who follow you:
It really does ruin a light-hearted fandom poll when people choose to be rude and entitled over it. It has nothing to do with hurting someone's feelings over a fictional character and everything to do with people choosing to be rude to others. It's fun when people make posts advocating for why their pick is so (insert characteristic) but it's no longer fun when people start insulting the other side and their fans.
I've seen it getting worse and worse with rounds with it being especially bad this round so I'm hoping if you share this message and remind participants that it's just a fun poll but the people you're being rude are real, it'll encourage people to focus on the fun part of cheering on their favorite character instead of being rude to others in fandom.
Thank you and good luck with the next round!
Firstly thank you! It means a lot!!!
And yeah, I noticed things were starting to heat up a lot more in the final few rounds. Another tournament blog I follow was also having to deal with people getting a bit more aggressive so it has been on my mind for a bit! I also received WAY more asks than I have ever received in the past in a very short period of time which was also a lot to deal with on its own, so I was planning on making a post like this regardless!
It is really important to me that things stay light-hearted and fun on here for me personally as BL and dramas in general are a fun hobby for me and not something I wanted to get all bogged down in negativity. I'm not saying that there isn't a time or place for more critical/less positive discussions or opinions on these things, this just isn't the space for that.
Competition can be fun and I don't want to limit the competitive aspects of this, but I do want it to remain a fun space where all fans can enjoy themselves regardless of who wins or looses!
I'll try my best to not respond or repost to anything I find to be a bit too mean or harsh or that subtracts from the fun of it all, but also as someone who can tend to be more sensitive, I also can tend to overcompensate and assume that things that may come off as a bit rude to me, might not to others and not want to restrict something that is otherwise fine. That's just to say that I'm probably going to make mistakes and not be prefect at avoiding more inflammatory posts, so please just be patient with and know that my messages are always open if you find one of the propaganda posts offensive or overly-aggressive.
I have lots of fun doing this, and I know many others have fun participating so I just hope that we can all continue to have fun together and not let things go overboard!!!
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