#so if you want to support your local museum and you can afford it buy a membership!!
battle-of-alberta · 2 years
Hey Cal! Question for you. What do you think about the Shaw family's recent donation to the Glenbow museum?
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sometimes I try to answer current event asks in a timely manner and sometimes I wait 8-12 months because i got distracted I am Following the Story and Waiting for Developments cough cough cough
this announcement about the $35 mil donation was made in January 2022 and followed up in the spring with government funding committed for renovation. The Glenbow’s main building is in the process of transforming into the JR Centre for Arts and Culture.
I graduated a couple years ago from a museum studies program so I know a little bit about admission and funding models in Canada - they’re quite different from Europe and the US because about a third of the funding comes from government, which is usually much less than in Europe and much more than in the States. It is very typical to have free admission to major museums in NYC or in the UK, but basically unheard of in Canada until now. Of course, Calgary would be the city to do it due to having the most billionaires per capita in the country and a history of generous private arts funding.
(This also probably means that the Glenbow is actually being talked about in Museum Studies in a context other than the infamous Spirit Sings exhibition scandal in 1988, but I’m no longer a student nor am I currently working in museums so I don’t know exactly how that discussion is going)
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inkskinned · 9 months
i got rickrolled today but it didn't work because i have adblocker installed, so youtube just told me i violated the terms of service. yesterday i was trying to edit a picture as a joke for my girlfriend, and google made me check a box to prove i'm human because i wasn't "searching normally".
it isn't just that capitalism is killing fun and whimsy, it is that any element of entertainment or joy is being fed upon by this mosquito body, one that will suck you dry at any vulnerability.
do you want to meet new friends in your city? download this app, visit our website, sign up for our email list. pay for this class on making a terrarium, on candlemaking, on cooking. it will be 90 dollars a session. you can go to group fitness, but only under our specific gym membership. solve the puzzle, sign up for our puzzle-of-the-month-club. what is a club if not just a paid opportunity - you are all paying for the same thing, which makes you a community.
but you're like me, i know it - you're careful, you try the library meetings and the stuff at the local school and all of that. the problem is that you kind of want really specific opportunities that used to exist. you are so grateful for libraries and the publicly-funded things: they are, however, an exception - and everything they have, they've fought tooth-and-nail to protect. you read a headline about how in many other states, libraries have virtually nothing left.
do you want to meet up with your friends afterwards? gift your friends the discord app. you can choose to go to a cafe (buy a coffee, at least), a bar (money, alcohol) or you can all stay in and catch a movie (streaming) or you can all stay in bed (rent. don't get me started) and scream (noise complaint. ticket at least).
you want to read a new book, but the book has to have 124 buzzwords from tiktok readers that are, like, weirdly horny. you can purchase this audiobook on audible! your podcast isn't on spotify, it's on its own server, pay for a different site. fuck, at least you're supporting artists you like. the art museum just raised their ticket price. once, they had a temporary exhibit that acknowledged that ~85% of their permanent art galleries were from cis white men, and that they had thousands of works by women (even famous women, like frida! georgia o'keefe!) just rotting in their basement. that exhibit lasted for 3 months and then they put everything away again.
walmart proudly supports this strip of land by the street! here are some flowers with wilting leaves. its employees have to pay out-of-pocket for their uniforms. my friend once got fined by the city because she organized a community pick-up of the riverfront, which was technically private property.
no, you cannot afford to take that dance class, neither can i. by the way - i'm a teacher. i'm absolutely not saying "educators shouldn't be paid fairly." i'm saying that when i taught classes, renting a studio went from 20 bucks an hour to 180 in the span of 6 months. no significant changes to the studio were made, except they now list the place as updated and friendly. the heat still doesn't work in the building. i have literally never seen the landlord who ignores my emails. recently they've been renting it out at night as an "unusual nightclub; a once-in-a-lifetime close-knit party." they spent some of those 180 dollars on LEDs and called it renovating. the high heels they invite in have been ruining the marley.
do you want to experience the old internet? do you want to play flash games or get back the temporary joy of club penguin? you can, you just need to pay for it. i have a weird, neurodivergent obsession with occasionally checking in to watch the downfall and NFT-ification of neopets. if i'm honest with you all - i never got into webkins, my family didn't have the money to buy me a pointless elephant. people forget that "being poor" can mean literally "if i buy you that toy, i can't afford rent."
you and i don't have time to make good food, and we don't have the budget for it. we are not gonna be able to host dinner parties, we're not made of money, kid. do you want some kind of 3rd space? a space that isn't home or work or school? you could try being online, but - what places actually exist for you? tiktok counts as social media because you see other people on it, not because they actually talk to you.
there was a local winter tradition of sledding down the hill at my school. kids would use pizza boxes and jackets and whatever worked, howling and laughing. back in september, they made a big announcement that this time, rules were changing, and everyone must pay 10 dollars to participate. when im not scared shitless, i kind of appreciate the environmental irony - it hasn't gone below 40. so much for snow & joyriding.
i saw a bulletin for a local dogwalking group and, nervous about making a good first impression, showed up early. the first guy there grimaced at me. "sorry," he said. "there's a 30-dollar buy-in fee." i thought he was joking. wait. for what? the group doesn't offer anything except friendship and people with whom to walk around the city.
he didn't know the answer. just shrugged at me. "you know," he said. "these days, everything costs money."
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msmunifystudyabroad · 4 months
Cost of Living in Spain: Budgeting Tips and Financial Support Options for Indian Students
You've finally made the exciting decision to study in Spain! While visions of tapas, siestas, and sangria may be dancing in your head, your practical side is wondering just how you'll manage your money. Studying abroad is an investment, and you want to make the most of this experience without breaking the bank. Although the cost of living in Spain is lower than in many other European countries, you'll still need to budget wisely. But don't stress! With some strategic planning and resourcefulness, studying in Spain can be affordable. Expert tips from overseas education consultants can be of great help here!
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This guide will break down the average costs, scholarship options, and money-saving tips to help you create a realistic budget. Follow this advice, and you can fully immerse yourself in Spanish culture without going into debt. ¡Vamanos!
Study in Spain: Average tuition and living costs 
Let's talk about expenses while studying in Spain according to overseas education consultants:
Tuition fees
For Indian students, tuition fees in Spain are quite affordable compared to other European countries. Undergraduate programs cost between 6,000 to 18,000 euros per year. Private universities charge higher fees of 10,000 to 18,000 euros. Medicine, business, and engineering degrees have higher fees.
Living expenses
As per overseas education consultants, studying in Spain is generally cheaper than in other Western European countries. You'll need around 800 to 1,100 euros per month to cover basic living expenses like accommodation, food, and transport. Rent costs between 350 to 750 euros per month for a one-bedroom apartment. Groceries cost around 300 euros per month. Local transport is around 50 euros per month.
Additional costs
Don't forget additional costs like health insurance (around 50-100 euros per month), phone/internet (30-50 euros per month), entertainment (around 100-200 euros per month) and any extra tuition fees for courses.
Financial assistance
There are scholarships and loans available for Indian students in Spain. The ICCR and the Spanish government offer scholarships covering tuition and living costs. Student loans from Indian banks like SBI, BOB, and PNB offer loans up to 20 lakhs for studying in Spain. Some private education loan companies also lend to students going to Spain.
Budgeting tips to save money as an international student
As an international student studying in Spain, keeping expenses in check is key. Here are some tips to help you budget wisely:
Find affordable housing
Housing will likely be your biggest expense. Look for shared student housing or host families to cut costs. If renting an apartment, choose a place close to campus or public transit to avoid transportation fees. Negotiate the best deal you can- you never know what discounts may be available!
Buy a student travel pass
Public transit in Spain is very affordable, especially if you buy a discounted student travel pass. These passes often allow unlimited travel within a city, so you can easily get around without a car. Some even provide access to bike-sharing or reduced-fare taxis.
Take advantage of student discounts
Show your student ID whenever making a purchase. Many businesses like museums, gyms, and retailers offer student discounts of 10-50% off. Download student discount apps like UniDays, Student Beans, or Youth Discount to find deals.
Cook meals at home
Eating out frequently can drain your budget fast. Buy groceries and cook meals at home instead. Shop at budget supermarkets and meal prep on weekends to have leftovers during the week.
So there you have it, my friend. Studying abroad in Spain can be an amazing adventure, but you'll need to be smart with your money. Make a detailed budget, look for discounts and scholarships, consider working part-time if your visa allows, and don't be afraid to ask for help from your university or fellow students. The financial aspect may seem daunting at first, but with some planning and resourcefulness, you can make your Spanish dreams a reality without breaking the bank. The experiences you gain will be well worth the effort. Best of luck with your studies abroad!
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youshouldnthomeschool · 7 months
Show Me The Money
Customization, flexibility, and a child's ability to follow their own interests are touted as the great advantages of homeschooling, and so they are. But how is it achieved? To speak plainly, you get the best output with the best input, and that often costs money. It's how it is.
Perhaps you're tired of the constant fundraisers at your local public school. You're always forking over cash for another field trip, or keeping up with the latest sneaker trends teenagers have to have to impress their friends. It could be any number of things! But homeschooling will not save you any money; in fact, it usually costs you more.
If your student has a passion for music, are you able to buy or rent an instrument? Cover the cost of music lessons? Gas money or bus fare to those lessons?
If your students does exceptionally well and wants to advance, can you cover the cost of that? Or is that where his or her passion ends, and tough luck? If your student does poorly and loses interest, can you afford to swallow the cost with good grace? Your child will develop many different interests, some of which will be pursued successfully, and some of which will fall by the wayside. It's a normal part of their development, and you must consider your ability to support that. In a public school setting, they're exposed to many different areas and topics of interest, and are able to dabble with less expense to you. That financial safety net is lost to homeschooling parents.
Aside from financial expenses you might incur from typical extracurricular activities like sports teams and clubs, what amount are you prepared to invest in their most basic education? Reading, writing, and 'rithmetic can't all be taught with a notebook or Khan Academy. Purchasing a curriculum isn't the right fit for everyone, but if you do, remember you'll continue purchasing as they age and advance. If you mix and match educational resources instead, you can also expect to spend an increasing amount as subject matter grows in complexity and depth.
Can you cover the cost of all the basic school supplies year round? If your student advances beyond your expertise in a subject, or below your ability to teach, can you afford to bring in another person to tutor them? If they have a learning disability, do you have the resources to provide alternative learning tools in the home? What are you willing to pay for the customary enrichment opportunities, like museums, their public school peers are receiving? If you're not prepared to invest - literally, INVEST - at least a thousand dollars a year in your child, you should not homeschool.
A notebook and a pencil aren't going to cut it. Laura and Mary Ingalls may have shared a slate back in the day, but they were expected to can vegetables, not have basic coding experience. At the end of the day, how much are you ready, willing, and able to spend?
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officemaster-ae · 2 years
Taking a Closer Look at Contemporary Office Furniture
The world has evolved so well and everything is changing fast. It is definitely a bore to work in a stiff and old-fashioned environment when all you see are heavy wooden tables and heavy wooden chairs. These may look elegant but they definitely deserve a better place in the museum together with your old favorite grandfather's clock. Pieces of contemporary office furniture are absolutely a must especially if you want to increase everyone's productivity rate. There is nothing better than an office that is comfortable, convenient, and easy on the eyes. A light and cozy work environment is something you'd like to get up for every morning. Who would want to drag her or himself daily to the office anyway?
Research showed that the way the workspace is planned, including the arrangement of the furniture, has a direct effect on the employees' mood and productivity. This is the reason why many companies have started modifying their offices by going for pieces of furniture that are more modern and timely. They want everyone to work harder and better. It is not a problem to shop for these modern items because a lot of local furniture shops offer great deals. Some of them even offer highly affordable products that you may end up wondering what had taken you so long to redecorate your office.
Basically, you can choose from two types of modern office furniture: freestanding and panel-mounted. The latter is more commonly used. This type has wall panels that serve as the base of the system. Modern office Desks and file cabinets are directly mounted to these panels. Freestanding pieces of furniture, on the other hand, have dissevered (dividable) panels that are placed around them.
Both types of contemporary office furniture have their own pros and cons. Freestanding can be easily positioned, re-arranged, and reconfigured, while panel-based ones render great flexibility when it comes to design. They can also be installed with built-in power supplies and their tall heights offer privacy and noise reduction capacity.
Pieces of contemporary office furniture are not only a hit in the corporate world but also among people who earn their living from home. A lot of individuals working from home like buying modern office furniture to make their workplace a little more appealing and inspiring. They put a premium on their workstation just as much as they would have, had they been working outside in the real world.
Before buying any piece of furniture though, there are some things you must not fail to consider. First is the furniture's comfort and support. You would not want to sit on an elegant-looking chair that gives you tremendous backache, right? Of course, you'd pick one that has lumbar support. Another thing you must take into consideration is the shape of contemporary office furniture. For instance, an L-shaped table is better if you wish to place your computer against the wall, or you wish to turn to the window when you are writing or when you have to answer a call. Get the latest updates on 
modern office furniture, Meeting Tables, office chairs, office desks, Office Workstations, Office Sofas, Filling Cabinets, and Reception Desks in Dubai, for detailed office furniture, please visit our website officemaster.ae
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guerilla935 · 4 years
My Favorite Fishing in Video Games Where Fishing is Not Core Game Play
A really awesome surprise for me is always to boot up a game that is full of action and suspense to be introduced to a fishing side activity. I have toiled away at fishing in games for hundreds of hours at least. It has gotten so bad in some instances that my friends have asked me why I haven’t just taken the plunge into real fishing. It’s definitely because that is a lot of work and in real life I don’t catch a fish every 30 seconds. They have also wondered why I don’t just play a fishing simulator like Planet Fishing (Shout out to Planet Fishing that’s a great game). And that’s where I have to think for a while. Fishing while you have better things to do like save the world is very special. You aren’t fishing because it’s the objective of the game or because that’s why you are there, you are fishing because it’s fun and maybe you need a break to swing a fishing rod instead of a sword. And then you can stop, and get back to fighting or whatever the rest of the game entails. Below are games that have fishing in them for mostly no reason at all. I have shamelessly spent way to long with my bait in these waters and absolutely loved every second of it and I hope that you (the reader) can find a lot of relaxation in these waters as well.
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Pokemon Series
Since the very first Pokemon game there has been fishing. You get the old rod from some guy and then you are free to fish up as many goldfishes that you want hoping that one of them will grow up to be a 21 foot tall dragon. Pokemon has combined their fishing with their main game play and makes you at least start a battle with the fish you drag onto shore. Now fishing in Pokemon is pretty subpar mainly because a single Pokemon game hasn’t really been known to have more than a handful of Pokemon that you can fish for. Also if you are looking for a strong water type Pokemon you could do a lot better than fishing for it. Typically a Pokemon player will fish about 5-10 times total. And although fishing for Pokemon isn’t all that great it has been in every game for over 20 years and that is pretty impressive. It’s a small detail that makes the world of Pokemon feel like a real world of wild creatures.
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Sonic Adventure DX
In Sonic Adventure DX you are given the choice to play as a lot of different characters, one of which is named Big the Cat. Most of the characters are combat characters that rely on speed and attacks to get through levels, some even wielding rocket launchers and extremely oversized hammers. However when you start the story of Big the Cat you are thrown in a completely opposite direction. Big the Cat is a giant purple cat who lives in the jungle with his best friend Froggy. Froggy accidentally swallows one of the most powerful objects in the Sonic universe and Big the Cat must chase him all over the world trying to fish him out of where he is hiding so that he can eject the Chaos Emerald out of him and they can return to their life in the jungle. The fishing mechanics in this game actually are really good and this is probably because Sega had just put out a series of mildly successful Bass fishing games before releasing this game. Either way its absolutely hilarious that Big the Cat gets to defeat Chaos 6 right before Super Sonic has his showdown with Chaos Perfect.
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Final Fantasy XV
In Final Fantasy XV you play as Noctis and his favorite hobby is fishing. When I first played this game I sped through it and never fished once and reached the end of the game never indulging Noctis in his hobby. When I replayed Final Fantasy XV I fished for 50 hours and then ejected the disc from my console. The fishing in Final Fantasy XV is surprisingly deep with a lot of the vendors supporting what you could call a fishing road trip. In the game it is extremely dangerous to be out at night so I would plan day trips to lakes to maximize the amount of fishing I would get to do. I would prepare days in advance to make sure I could afford the trip and that I had enough supplies to both protect myself at the lake and have enough supplies to last the whole day. Final Fantasy XV really is a game about getting really distracted and fishing is probably its best distraction. My days on the lake were the perfect balance of peaceful and rewarding, this game offers an awesome reward of well planned trips and a good haul of fish.
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Final Fantasy XIV Online
Final Fantasy XIV is the only game I have ever played where the fishing played exactly like its combat. When you are fighting enemies in a dungeon in FFXIV you are constantly adding buffs, landing hits, using consumables, and managing resource bars. When you are fishing in FFXIV you are constantly adding buffs, landing hits, using consumables, and managing resource bars. Note you are doing so at a much more leisurely and less life threatening pace but you are still doing it. I never maxed out the fisher class but I got it into the expansion content which was a really long and relaxing experience. Yet another Final Fantasy title where the real meat of the game is in getting distracted. When you fish you also sell on a player market that fluctuates based on market price just like real fish. You get the relaxing fishing side of the game and also an aggressive economic number crunching side as well. I spent way too long with a real pen and paper deciding how much I should sell for on any particular day and bossing around my two cat girl employees.The MMO aspect of the game adds so much to what you would expect to be a very solitary experience.
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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Have you ever gone fishing for hours to receive an empty bottle? That is exactly what kick started my addiction to fishing in Twilight Princess. An empty bottle in Twilight Princess means another way to heal yourself, another way to add oil to a lantern, another way to carry useless water around. The only way to get the 4th bottle in the game is to go to a dedicated fishing spot and fish until you pulled it out of the pond. The actual fishing is pretty weird, it involves motion controls which I still am not entirely sure what they do or how to properly use them but it is really fun to hold the pole in gyroscope and set the lure in the water waiting for fish to come get a nibble. Although the physics with the water make it difficult to see if you have actually gotten a bite or not it still is enjoyable the other 85% of the time it works.
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Stardew Valley
So this one is at the top of every other “fishing in games” list and there is a big reason for that. It’s really good. I think in my first Stardew Valley farm I gave up farming entirely and fished all day every day and stopped to buy food to replenish my energy and go back at it. I really didn’t care about getting rich or making enough money to expand the farm or get to know everyone I actually spent about 50 hours just fishing. The fishing takes some skill and a pretty keen eye but the random jerks of the fish and the rhythm of the game play are so fun to try to master. It’s a part of Stardew Valley that I felt like I was continuously improving on as time went on and it was really fun. I mean I don’t recommend it because you’ll end up moderately poor but it was really fun.
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Fantasy Life
Fantasy Life offers you 12 potential jobs, you could be a brilliant blacksmith or a devious potions maker, a lumberjack or a knight, a hunter or a seamstress. However your inner dad is calling and you decide you want to play through a fantasy RPG as a fisherman, hell yeah. the story is relatively short so you can quickly unlock a lot of locales to fish at and there is a manageable economy system that lets you deal in fish in advantageous ways. You can even pick up cooking on the side and make fancy dinners and sell the fish for higher you can do that as well. Fantasy Life is like a clever mix between Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy XIV and it kind of succeeds and falls short of it. The fishing also takes a good amount of skill and rhythmic approach to master so it doesn’t get boring almost at all until you have cleared the game.
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Maple Story 2
Maple Story 2 is one of the most expressive and cutest games that I have ever played. And the fishing is no different, its all about style. The fishing in Maple Story 2 is monotonous and can get old but you do it for the chibi clout. Because much like the rest of the game you can look however you want and do whatever you want and sometimes you just feel like kicking back and throwing lure in the water at the beach. I never got super into the fishing in this game but it won me over with its adorable design and stylish atmosphere.
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Animal Crossing Series
Of course I had to include the most popular game right now. Animal Crossing has become something of a connection between people when we can’t leave the house. A thing we all have in common on social media and with our friends. My first experience with Animal Crossing really starts with New Horizons and I was completely blown away. The fishing isn’t super complex or difficult but the range of what you can pull out of the water and what you can do with it is absolutely breathtaking. For a game about cartoon people living with humanoid cartoon animals the fish looking photo realistic. And the museum where they can be kept is stunning. The museum looks like it was designed to capture the feel of being in a museum and matches the design of all the great real life aquariums and observatories. Although it is a bit frustrating when your rod breaks it is easy enough to make one (or worst case buy one) to get your bait back in the water.
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Tell me I’m wrong, you can’t. Isabelle getting added to Smash brought a very powerful fishing move that isn’t practical all the time but is really funny. Wouldn’t recommend this game if you are looking to relax and fish but I do recommend hooking your friend with a fish hook and send them flying off screen if you had to.
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I have a very special role in Minecraft when I join a friends server. A role that I assign to myself. While everyone is off getting awesome swords, spelunking for diamonds, and exploring the infinite landscape, I build a small wooden shack and I set up a farm with an irrigation canal and start fishing. A steady supply of food is necessary and while I’m hanging out with my friends in a server I’m happy to be the one to provide it. The fishing in this game is probably the slowest of all the ones on this list but is the most useful. just throwing the fish in the oven creates food that can help keep you and your companions alive for a long time. I think I definitely have my limits with Minecraft fishing and I couldn’t do it for hours on end it is rewarding to set up shop and find a nice place to settle down for a few hours to fish.
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses
This is the only Tactical RPG in this post. Fire Emblem: Three Houses has sections between combat where you can go and talk to your students and do other activities. We aren’t here to discuss other activities though we are here for the fishing. The fishing allows you to catch fish for some reason that I’m sure is good but never intrigued me enough to learn. All I know about the fishing in Fire Emblem: Three Houses is that it’s fun. I started to bust through combat just so that I could get back to fishing. The funniest part about this one is that the fish has a health bar. Pressing the A button at the exact moment finds a way to become easier and still find ways to mess you up. Either way, I’m not that interested in tactical RPGs but I heard there was fishing in this game so I had to play it and it was worth it.
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Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
In Jak & Daxter, Daxter gets turned into a small animal by dark eco while exploring a dangerous island off the shore of his home with his best friend Jak. To get back to the island to investigate, the pair have to borrow a boat owned by a fisherman who is troubled by an invasive species of poisonous eel that is ruining his haul. He asks Jak to catch fish for him without catching any eels. This fishing mini game can only be done once but it is going to either be something you think is very unique or a huge waste of time. All I’ll say is that the sound that the fish makes when it goes into the net is absolutely a reward in itself it is so satisfying. But anyways, more intense than some other options here but get it done so you can get back to absorbing eco powers and jumping on stuff.
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Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight is a 2D action platformer but you can also fish. And you fish for the best kind of fish, money. You can get some other stuff too like health pickups and magic replenishers but we know what you want. You see that little glint and you pop out the fishing rod and pull out those money bags. If you are devoted enough you can even get a surprise from the Troupple King (long live his highness) if you fish out the right stuff. I don’t even know if I fished all that much when I played Shovel Knight but it’s hilarious that you can.
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NieR: Automata
I did not play a lot of NieR and that’s because I was fishing. I don’t know why all I did was fish but you throw your little robot in the pond and you lean on a magical stool so honestly it was good enough for me.
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Club Penguin
If you know then you know. In hind sight there really wasn’t a whole lot to do in Club Penguin but this mini game really messed me up. You basically get to move up and down, catching fish and avoiding trash and other hazards. Basically trying to do this and catch as much fish as possible to avoid having to ask your parents for real money to pay for snacks to feed a virtual ball of fluff with eyeballs. I don’t really remember how challenging it really was but I remember getting decently high scores to about like 100 fish per round so I guess it was pretty easy if I could do that at age 10.
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Rune Factory 4
I’m gonna be very honest about this one and say that the fishing in Rune Factory 4 is basically just Animal Crossing fishing but more anime. The fish react to the pole the same, the fish almost look the same, and the buttons to respond are the same. What makes this one special is where you can take it. You can fish in the little moat in town, in the lake, in a dungeon full of monsters, in a lake that is eternally the season fall, anywhere. You are constricted by the boundaries of Stardew Valley and that is how much energy you have and how much time you have in the day. It’s still fun to fish but I wish that they had used their fun fantasy setting to give the ability to fish up some cool made up fish instead of strictly things that exist in real life.
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Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Ok, diving, fishing, same thing. Diving in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is just fishing with your whole body. It works a lot in the same way as Pokemon where you fish up monsters to fight and get the rewards from them. It is a completely optional activity however if you decide to undertake the grind of scavenging in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 then you will never hurt for money ever again. It makes my wonder why Rex stopped being a salvager to do odd jobs because this was PROFITABLE. The main incentive is that there are spots that spawn a certain enemy that drop cores. Cores are like gacha or loot boxes that contain new anime girl partners that deal huge damage in fights. They even have their own side quests and story lines. I spent maybe 30 hours grinding before giving up on this game and while it does become tiresome I really enjoyed the random rewards of possibly getting a new companion or a really cool weapon.
It’s been tossed around that every great RPG has fishing in it. I won’t argue that point but a lot of great RPGs certainly do have fishing in them. Everyone needs a break sometimes and fishing is the perfect activity to remind us to stop and take that break. Even games can get long and without these distractions it might be so much harder to complete these harrowing tasks. Don’t forget to take breaks and just enjoy the sound of the water every once in a while because there’s no rush playing video games.
Honorable Mentions:
Kingdom Hearts: Sora fishing with his bare hands on Destiny Island
Persona 4: Weird aqueduct fishing
Persona 5: Marina fishing life
Sea of Thieves: A pirates life for me
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mostly-megan · 4 years
I Read The Triple Frontier Early Draft Script
And I have several thoughts on it. @frannyzooey Told me to, so I’m going to go down the line of points I thought were interesting and notes on the characters. It’s all going to be below the cut so we don’t bother the people who don’t care.
It was clearly a very early draft, but I still think it’s interesting to see how the characters changed over time.
Important note: Everyone except for Benny and Tom is only referred to by their nicknames, no real names. So I keep that up to keep from getting confused. 
I do not link to the google doc with the script, but you can dm me if you want the link privately.
Warnings: Mentions of violence, suicide, and sex; mild gore; character death; racism
Pope during the drug raid learns from a teen in the gang where Lorea keeps his money
Redfly, Benny, and Cat are in North Carolina and keep turning down bs military mission
Pope shows up on Redfly’s stoop, stays with his family, and he tells him about the heist
Redfly seems to agree, but only because Pope is asking and not for the money
The “ You were shot 5 times for your country and can’t afford a new truck” scene is here bit for bit
They go meet Ironhead at one of his support group speeches to convince him to join. He begrudgingly agrees.
Cat and Redfly talk at the fight about the job and both reluctantly agree since the other will do it
Cut to South America running through surveillance, we learn that there are two gun towers, ground sensors, machine guns, and several guards
Pope’s informant is Lorea’s sugar baby(?), Yovanna, who gave him a pic of the money in the office a few weeks prior
The plan is to hide in one of the maid vans and make their way in and out with the money
Everyone is distrustful of his old intel, so they do their own surveillance 
Getting caught in rain on heist day, they wait in the jungle for the guard rotations to resume, almost catching hypothermia
The heist vibe is the same, but this time they find the money is not there instantly
Redfly and Cat try to call the mission, but Benny and Pope insist on getting the money
Benny gets shot(grazed?) in the face and wants to say fuck it, but Redfly reminds him it was his idea
Pope blackmails the guard in the video room and gets the tape before killing him
While Cat, Benny, and Redfly grab the money, Ironhead is shot badly and they have to tape his mouth to keep him quiet
This is when Redfly snaps and decides they go out blazing
Lorea’s guards are outside waiting for them, but the boys literally blow up the front of the house and make a run for the river behind the house with a raft waiting
Lorea’s personal guard shoots him
Kidnapping Yovanna from her apartment, they get her money, passport, and visa to her Redfly grills her and seriously debates killing her, but instructs her to get to Australia 
After essentially holding up the airstrip workers, they see the news of the break-in on TV and weigh 8 tons of money 
Cat argues it’s too much weight, but agrees it will probably be fine
During the flight, Ironhead dies from his wound
Helicopter crash is the same
Pope goes in solo to speak with the farmers and they actually almost kill him before Redfly shoots way too many of them
They get pack animals from the farmers, load up the money and Ironhead, and start climbing
At some point, Cat insists they bury Ironhead because taking a body with them is going to start causing way worse issues
They camp at the burial spot, Pope voices how he blames himself for the death
The trek up the mountain is the same, including dumping some of the money and memorizing the coordinates
Getting to a port town, Cat gets sick from exposure, so they rest a few days
The local gang leader figures out who they are and uses his gang of kids to confront them
They shoot their way out and grab with guns and the money backpack on the way to the car
Benny drives and they almost flip the truck
They literally ALL get shot, but still make it to the boat and get away
The boys all agree to donate all the money to charity, in honor of Ironhead, and almost literally head off to the sunset
All-American late 30′s white guy; genuiniely wants to be a good person, but seems too wrapped up in the Army life
He’s the main character and most of the story is his POV
He is still with Molly and the girls, and we actually get a nice scene with them in here
He legitimately snaps once Ironhead is shot and doesn’t come back until after they bury him
He seriously almost kills Yovanna and sounds like he regrets not doing so
Says the words to her “After you sucked him off? You were lying there, playing with him- And you asked ‘What’s your real name? Where are you from?’-What did he say?” and I disliked it
Yovanna tells him that Pope thought he was so honest and he hates knowing he is not that person anymore
Mid-30′s white guy; way more of an instigator and really manipulated his friends to join him 
They never give a reason why he wants to get rid of Lorea
His argument for committing a crime is that America was founded on crimes and it’s not different them the war crimes they committed under orders
Seems embarrassed about his relationship with Yovanna and it’s implied he actually told her his name, but he told her Redfly is the most honest guy he knows. 
Calls some indigenous South Americans “Indians” and says they “don’t even know what century it is”
When an informant runs late, he says it’s because they run on Latino Standard Time
He saved Ironhead’s life once in fire and that is how he convices him to come, so he blames himself solely for his death
He literally brought cigars with them for after the heist. They smoke them once they are in the boat
They made Pope the asshole we don’t like, which is understandable, but upsetting
Laid-back mid-30′s white guy who now trains Benny and works as a Private Investigator
He still is the main joker and sarcasm, but they really make sure we remember how dark his past is
There is a scene played as a laugh where he gets annoyed waiting for a cheating couple to fuck, so he holds them at gunpoint, tells them to strip and kiss, take the picture, and then tells them he’s sorry, but they should just get a divorce. It comes off terrifying and gross.
He seems to really distrust Pope and is closest to Redfly
He barely speaks Spanish
The Special Forces Museum put up a statue of him, the only living operative to have one, and his wife tells him to retire then because there was no topping that
When they argue about the weight limit, Cat says “Oh, I’m sorry, I missed you going to flight school.” And I appreciate that line.
Early 30′s white fighter
He’s described as being all or nothing and prone to manic depressive behavior and “prone to pills”
Redfly thinks he’s too old to go pro in fighting and Benny is v offended
He’s the only one to cry over Ironhead’s death
He still uses his “fuck you” money for a fire
He seems to have the most med knowledge and is the one checking for hypothermia, gives the “reason” why Ironhead dies, helps nurse Cat when he’s sick
He’s mostly played for laughs and it’s sort of a waste
Grizzled, but generous 55 year old white vet
He is literally the father figure here and is called that often
He is not related to Benny, but he seems to have a very soft spot for him as the youngest
He somehow served under Redfly?
He gave up running and gunning to mediate and help newer retirees
In the support group, his speech details all of the horrible things that he’s seen and had happen to him, this is supposed to be the reason why the younger soldiers listen to him
One of the group admits to almost committing suicide the past night and Ironhead say he will not tell him not to do it, just that he will not do it tonight and they all recite not tonight, it’s actually touching to “see” them all taking heart in what he is saying
He only agrees to help Pope because Pope once saved his life in combat and he told him he owes him. This scene is described as a father sadden that he can’t get through to his son, but says yes to keep an eye on them
In the “what will you buy with your money” scene, he says he will donate it to charity. It’s quickly followed by Benny excitedly saying he wants a Ferrari and Ironhead affectionately looks at him and says, “That’s a nice car, Ben!” Which made my doubting heart melt...
He the entire time gives the boys reminders to preserve their humanity and is the one who tell Redfly it’s good he let Yovanna go
When he’s shot, they say that the wound was through, meaning that the bullet entered and exited. But, when he dies, Benny says the bullet must have shifted and nudged into his heart. And I’m really annoyed by that clear mistake....
I genuinely did like this version of the character, not more than OUR Will, but I liked him
His intro to the movie is literally leading the police in a high-speed chase in his yellow Lambo
He brings a business partner to his mansion during the boys surveying his house and they see his personal guard shoot the partner and cut off his head so it fits in the trunk of the car
I had to learn that, so now so do you
He has a thing for exotic birds and has to bring in several shifts of maids to clean up after them
He comes off here as way more of a rich wimp
Lorea’s sugar baby/girlfriend who sleeps with Pope and gives him info
She used to be a beauty queen
The script says Redfly is her type and she says out-loud that she wants to watch Pope and Redfly fuck. 
She taught one of Lorea’s birds to say “Hello, Beautiful” and lets that bird get loose in the mansion so she can get the pic of the money for Pope
I genuinely liked her character, too
My Review
I prefer the actual plot and planning of the final movie. The plan and surveillance here slowly fell together smoothly, but ultimately made far less sense.
But, I think they felt like actual friends here. They interact with each other instead of around each other
But this version is racist and kind of gross, so I’d take kind of boring any day
4/10, please do not make me read again
Tagging because you guys seemed interested: @frannyzooey @mandoplease
@krissology @pedropasscals (thought you might like it)
32 notes · View notes
Kombat Krew and Animal Crossing.
It should come as no surprise that I’ve been playing Animal Crossing a lot recently. I’ve got real life debt in terms of my student loans. And also, debt in the game too! What a life I have and what a world we live in. So, here’s a crossover that no one asked for. Kombat Krew reacting to it/ playing it with their S/O and what kind of villager they’d be!  I didn’t do everyone, mainly the ones that I think would/could play the game! And This is such a pure post. Wow. No warnings what so ever. But just because of length of post I’ve popped a cut in, just because it’s a little long!
·         Cassie Cage; She’s reluctant to play it at first. When you’re both chatting about it and hyping it up, she’s sipping her smoothie raising an eyebrow. But because she’s a supportive partner, she will watch all the trailers in the hype run. She has to admit it does look cute. She’ll buy you it and can’t help but keep peering up and watching as you run around your island, catching bugs and fish. Smiling at the occasional scream as you try and run from a tarantula. “So, you owe the Racoon money? Wait, why are you paying for more extensions on your house?!” Doesn’t understand till she finally bites the bullet and plays it when you’re not in… within an hour she’s bought it and is playing it. Then it’s on. You find her awake at 3 AM, she’s sat crossed legged on the sofa, playing it intently. Cute dates where you go out to a café and local play. Visiting each other’s islands, planting flowers and taking cute aesthetic photos. Her house is full of bright colours and random assortments of bits and pieces she found cute. Johnny takes the piss out of you both. The fact you’re both sat next to each other on the sofa, playing the same game, and speaking gibberish. Cassie is also slightly competitive; she doesn’t know where she gets it from Johnny and Sonya.  So, it’s no wonder that she wins the tourneys, does all of the events and completes the nook mile challenges efficiently. 
If she was a Villager: A squirrel. Kind of like Blaire. Normal personality.
·         Smoke (Tomas Vrbada): If ever there was a game that fit Smokes aesthetic and general vibe it would be Animal Crossing. How he got introduced to the series was that he was reading peacefully. Until your squeal of excitement disrupted him. Honestly, at first, he thought some shit had happened. Queue him evaporating and appearing mid living room. Only to see you’re happy because there was a leaked trailer for a game. His mouth starts out agape, as if questioning, why you would make such a noise over a game. That expression changes when he watches it with you. He loves it so much… is actually excited for the prospect of living a quiet life on his own Island. Pre-orders with you so you both can play it. Smoke also definitely owns a grey switch. He. Loves. This. Game. Stays up late with you playing it the first days it’s released. His islands name will be something fantasy based. His character has great hair too. Loves planting flowers and tending your joint garden on his island. His house is so neat, and each room has a theme. Everything is in place and organised too. He loves also going to the museum with you and having a look at everything. He loves that there’s a museum. He’s pretty much the Lin Kuei Blathers at this point. And you guys can go on virtual dates to the museum and each other’s towns when he’s away on a mission. Loves playing it whilst you’re both snuggled up in bed together. When he finds out that the different hemispheres have different bugs and fish, he begs Bi-Han and Kuai to get it. Because he wants to flesh that museum out! “So, there’s this racoon that you have to pay your debt off too. But it’s addictive and it’s a great distraction…” “TOMAS IT’S 3AM GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP” – Bi-Han. If he was a villager: There’s a hipster bear in it. So yeah. He’s a hipster bear, he’s basically Beardo. If there were owl villagers, I’d have made him an owl! Smug personality on AC is more polite, gentleman like, so it’s actually not a bad personality.
·         Kabal: He’s sure he should be doing work right now. But who gives a fuck when he needs to tend to his garden. Virtual chibi Kabal is living his best life right now. Not having to put up with Kano. His boots are on his desk whilst he plays. He honestly remembers playing the original on GameCube. A friend from school had it and he wanted it so badly, but his mom could never afford it. But now he’s an adult, he can literally buy whatever the fuck he wants. When he finds out you love the series too, he cannot help but smile. He tries to let on that he’s not obsessed, but he is. He preloads it and keeps checking to see if you can play it. Queue him staying up till midnight and waking you up to let you know it’s on. By the time you get up properly he’s filling out the museum, has paid off his first loan and is ready for more. He loves playing it with you, will be a bit of a dick at times, and will totally hit you with net or snipe the bug you’re trying to get. Only for him to gift you it. He’s strategically planned this hit. He’s chosen the Southern Hemisphere and has got oranges. He needs everything. It’s cute how obsessed he is with it. When he’s away, he loves playing it with you, visiting each other’s towns, leaving cute notes on the Notice Board and sending letters. Virtual you and him are so cute. “Hey Kabal, what you playin’?” “None of your fucking business.”  
If he was a villager: Definitely an Alligator. Just going off the fact he has a tooth. I’m going with Jock personality. Just because he’s a hyper up and can be intense at times. So probably like Sly.
·         Frost: She like Cassie pretends not to care about it. Who has time for games? She sure as hell doesn’t… even though it does look cute, and she does miss having a garden. She finds it therapeutic. Not that the temple has a garden because ahaha it’s fucking freezing and always snowing. Frost is literally acts like an ice sculpture, hard and frozen inside and out. In reality, she’s more like a snowman. Soft and squishy. She does have a soft spot for the game… especially when she watches you planting flowers and making a little garden. If you have a full switch and can create multiple characters, she may get a little emotional that you made her and made her a little garden. Okay. Maybe she’ll play it for a few minutes… *Four hours later* She’s giggling wildly as she catches bugs and plants and waters more flowers. At first, she’s content with just playing the character you made her… but then she finds out from Cassie you can play together. And that’s it. She wants to do cute couple shit on it. Buys the game and surprises you when she sits next to you and reluctantly asks what to call her Island. You’ll both lay next to each other playing it together. She’s hyper competitive as well, so she ends up doing all of the tourneys and winning. As well as helping you out if you’re struggling with a certain part.   If she was a Villager: She’s definitely a cat villager. Probably like Katt, quirky looking and a bit mean looking. But on the inside really caring and sweet.
·         Kuai Liang (Sub Zero): Why is he playing this again? You said you had a great distraction in mind for him. What he did not expect was for him to be sat on your sofa on a rainy day. Holding you switch and staring from it to the TV in mild confusement. He knew that a new game had come out and it had, in a word, consumed every fibre of your being for the past few days. He loved how happy it made you and would often smile fondly watching you play it… but he didn’t expect himself to be playing it. You made him, pretty accurately, on the game and he’s kind of impressed. You do have to walk him through it, because him and technology do not mix. He does get the hang of it and he has the patience of a saint and the accuracy of a pro angler when it comes to catching fish. You’re pretty damn impressed. He hates to admit how much he loves the game. And it’s kind of cute that you’re sort of playing it together. He may round the corner a few times when you’re playing to ask if you’re advancing the island, because he knows he can’t do it… and he would like to visit the museum and add to it. Secretly loves it. Not enough for him to actually play it himself, but he does find himself playing it in a morning before you wake up. Don’t tell Smoke or Bi-Han he won’t hear the end of it. ‘I don’t have time for pop culture’ BULLSHIT KUAI!
If he was a villager: A Penguin. fucking fight, me on this. He’d probably look like Roald but with a smug personality. Remember Smug is good in this game, I know mind fuck.
·         Bi-Han: Okay so the colours hurt his head. They are so bright. Why is that eagle wearing a blazer? What the fuck is going on. If you thought Kuai was confused Bi-Han is next level confused… but he also wants a go. He really wants to play it. He likes to get involved with what you like, and if playing this Mutli-coloured game about living on an island makes you happy, then so be it! Will start off with a character on your save. Before progressing to him eventually getting it himself and ‘borrowing’ the hidden Switch that Smoke has. The one he hides at the bottom of his sock draw, next to his diary, to the left of embarrassing photos of him. You’ll find him playing in between meditation and training. He secretly loves it. He gets a system going and soon has overtaken you on it. Invites you around to show off his pad. Which is a mess, just like his actual room. But it’s got the Bi-Han charm. Totally moves his house to a ledge so no one can visit him. Will play it secretly, pretending to be busy but actually just vibing on a tree stump catching bugs. He loves visiting your island. He’ll change your flowers around, and plant fruit trees for you. He’ll also leave you small presents in your house. He gets into it, but he just likes been able to share a bit of your world. He didn’t have videogames growing up, so it’s nice to finally be exposed to a bit of pop culture.
If he was a villager: He’d be a bear with a jock personality. Would probably look something similar to either Curt or Groucho.
·         Jacqui: She’s excited to play this. She remembers playing it when she was younger. Confused the fuck out of her dad. They had a real farm, but she wanted to virtually take care of her plants and trees. Confused him. But when she finds out you love the game too, she’s over the fucking moon. She’s got Cassie to play it with her, but the fact you, her darling S/O love it too makes her so happy! She’s had the same aesthetic and favourite villagers since she was a kid. But she loves all the villagers, she thinks there all quirky and cute in there own way! Her Island is also so organised. She also saved your butt a few times, catching the tarantulas as you ran around madly trying to avoid them. She event split the profit from her trip to tarantula island with you!  I’ve always had the HC that Jacqui is artistic, so she makes cute custom designs that look 110% amazing. And has totally made you both matching outfits to wear and take cute photos with. She tried her hardest to make her house into your shared apartment, and to be fair, she did a really great job at it! You and her both lay on the sofa playing it together, laughing and chilling together over takeaway, with a comfy movie on in the background. She loves that you can share this interest and that you can still virtually be together when she’s far away. Will send you letters in game too when she’s away. With stuff she’s picked up and thinks you’ll like or will ok cute in her house. She owns all the shell stuff because it’s so pretty and costal looking. Her house is totally near the beach. She’s always secretly wanted to live near the coast. Jax can’t get his head around that your in her game, and she’s in yours.
If she was a villager: I’d say a wolf villager. Kind of like Audie who’s really peppy and happy go-lucky. Most of her intros are upbeat and can-do attitude like! So, I think it matches her personality really well!
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taeguboi · 4 years
BTS as... ‘ordinary’ employees
Okay so when I say ‘ordinary’ I mean as in not famous basically. This is more what I just have personally imagined them doing and I think I’ve lost that somewhat ‘realistic’ touch I used to have a few years back when I was more of an avid writer for this blog and could have an idea of their actual personalities, current likes, etc. This is also in no way a reflection of what I think they are and aren’t capable of so please don’t scream at me if your bias has a ‘lower’ role than you might have expected.
Sorry I do like to blabber on before these things, don’t I? 
I hope everybody is staying safe anyways and happy imagining!
BTS as... Masterlist here
Pawn Shop Sales Assistant
learning everything about every thing
if you have an object to sell for cash
he probably knows everything about it
or at least like a lot about it
his career is in early days right now
because it’s a family trade
but he learns from the best
but asks not to be favourited over other staff just because he’s the manager’s son
like you know he wants someone to tell him if they think he didn’t get a good deal for that ring
no special treatment please
sometimes uses a bit of the old charm to get a good deal
many girls like that
some of the guys not so much
especially the boyfriends
meets his wife there
she’s a fairly regular customer
buying good finds from charity shops
or finding stuff in the house
and taking them to the pawn shop to get by and save up a little
they really click
after like the 11th visit he finally plucks up the courage to ask her out
“so, uh... I clock off soon and I was wondering if....
and he gets quite flustered because he really likes her
“... would you like to maybe grab a coffee with me?”
and she sort of teases him to fluster him
“I don’t like coffee”
“Oh erm....”
“Just kidding”
and inside he’s like “don’t DO that to me!”
fast forward a few years and he’s got a kid with her
but anyway back to joon as an employee
has many many friends in and around the industry
just people over the years who he’s needed to contact to double check some stuff about an item
sometimes there’s the odd nutter who comes into the shop
like any shop really let’s be honest
but oddly enough, Namjoon has a calming effect on them
maybe he’s just really patient
maybe he has great negotiating skills
but if someone kicks off at one of his colleagues
it’s resolved in under ten - fifteen minutes
he reasons with people who are shocked to find out that their gold isn’t actually real gold
or negotiates with those who thought they had something worth more
or sometimes just has to outright sass back at the aggressive ones
but most people find him to be an agreeable guy
banter with his dad / manage
rand although he gets on with everyone there
there’s that one colleague that just becomes his best mate
and this mate is also in on the banter
but again, there’s no staff feeling left out or not getting the same treatment
it’s a family business
and anyone that helps them along the way is family too
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Sales Assistant
in a big supermarket
stacking shelves
helps customers that can’t reach the higher shelves
such a gentleman
lovely customer service
some wish they could give him a tip
but he wouldn’t take it most of the time even if it was allowed
he doesn’t need to be paid to show basic kindness
it’s just manners really
but he doesn’t fully realise how much he goes above and beyond
very patient at explaining stuff to people
he’ll repeat directions 10 times if he has to
and he helps the elderly make smarter shopping choices
not that his manager knows that though
because he’s supposed to focus on building up bigger transactions
but what can he say
he’s just a people person
empathy and understanding levels are like 1000/10
a good bean
wish you could be served by him all the time
people purposely queue up at his lane when he’s on tills
because he just provides a friendly smile 
and pleasant conversation
“how was your day?”
and he’s not saying it because he has to
he’s genuinely interested in what everybody has to say
takes forever but becomes a supervisor
some of his workers often mistake his kindness for dumbness
is that a word, ‘dumb...ness’?
but actually he more than knows what he’s doing
cashes up faster than anyone else ever
has solid ideas to help both business and customer
and whilst it’s a bit difficult getting them out there to higher people
they go for it
from ideas about what customers have previously asked for that the store doesn’t - didn’t - have
to community projects courtesy of tokens from shoppers
even a park that gets set up nearby is named after him
he may seem like just a sales guy to an outsider
but really he’s the heart of the local community
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Tech Support
the funniest you could come across
you know, if you were listening in to the way he deals with some
just pay attention and there won’t be any problems
sometimes he’ll have those days where he’s like
“Have you tried turning it off and on again?”
totally not an IT Crowd reference oops
but seriously that can work like half the time
used to work in some dull office
but took his work to his house
he can basically work wherever and whenever he wants now
as long as he’s got a laptop and a connection
that is the one change he made in his life that made him a lot happier
because although some might turn their noses up to a job like this
it suits him down to the bone
and he doesn’t really care to change career paths any time soon
is up to date with all the tech trends
owns one of everything
well most things
he even has like a drawer of many phones
it’s like a museum of the company he works for lmao
has this spare room that he turned into an office
which definitely could be mistaken for a man cave
the ultimate problem solver
in work and in life
like he can get a phone call about a super complex problem 
and he knows what to do just like that
or a mate has a problem with some relationship
and the reply he gives them is just wow
and he’ll have just made their problem sound a lot less stressful or problematic
loves to help people in and out of work
he understands that the people he is helping might be at their worst moment in their work
or it’s an older person desperately wanting to contact family
he doesn’t just solve the technological problems
he calms you at the beginning of the call
he motivates you at the end and wishes you luck
he talks you through the technology in layman’s terms so you can understand what it is you’re doing
and that attitude continues in his social life
he’s the sober friend when you’re crying in the club toilet drunk
he’s the friend that comes knocking on your door because he hasn’t heard from you in a while and he wants to check everything is okay
he will drop you a phone call the day after to see how you’re hanging
or just because
just because he’s an absolute sweetheart
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College Tutor
the type that is fairly laid back
but won’t take any shit 
so go through your assignment at your own pace
just don’t take the mickey
like he will understand that you might have some personal shit going on
and he’ll extend a deadline under special circumstances
but don’t push your luck by lying to him
happy to have banter with the students
makes lessons fun
but also productive
actually the most productive class(es) of anyone’s day
he’s just one of those tutors you’d love 
because he’s engaging
and there’s that one other tutor that no one really likes
because this other guy is boring, dull, basically almost jealous of the students and their ambitions
and although Hoseok won’t say a bad word about his colleague
he can teach you more in half an hour than the other guy does in the entire year
and when you pass the unit he won’t even take credit for the significant part he played
really fucking modest
but he really is one of those teachers that builds lives
keeps quite to himself generally though
has just a small group of friends outside of the college
it’s important to him to keep professional and personal life different
just an overall cool guy
very fair
some say a bit boring
but he’s just sensible really
no one from colleges knows he has a wife
some girls swoon over him and speculate he could be single
and usually he’s oblivious to / ignores any flirting
he’s just here to do his job
he’s here to educate
and he’s here to help you
and he’s happy to help you
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Dance Instructor
yes, it’s a bit of a typical idea, sorry
but come on
dishy dance teacher whilst you try to learn a style of dance
some students may or may not purposely so bits wrong
because they know Jimin can sometimes be quite physical in his teaching
“Okay, no worries, let’s go back to that bit... It goes like...”
and he’s just behind you to guide you
has his own dance school
holds sessions in the local community centre every weekday night
Monday: contemporary
Tuesday: Street Dance
Wednesday: Musical Theatre
Thursday: Tap
Friday: Ballet
the little un’s are in from 4pm - 5pm
preteens 5pm -6pm
teens / young adults 6pm - 7pm
and finally the adults at 8pm
it sounds like hard work
but dance is all Jimin knows
he’s more than used to is
his stamina is so good
and once his business as a teacher gets up and running
he can afford to put on shows 
to showcase all the hard work his students have done
every year, some time in spring
the nearest theatre in town
it’s not as successful as, say, the pantomimes at xmas
but there are plenty of family and friends of the students interested
parents come to watch their kids
adults come to watch their friends
and so on
He has so much faith in everyone
and is proud of every little achievement 
at kid’s tap class he’ll be like “wow Sally! that’s amazing! you did a pick up!”
or “keep it going Amanda, you can do it!” at adult ballet
but it’s not just dance achievements he’s interested about
the things you do in your life matter too
sometimes he can be like a therapist
pulls you aside after class if he doesn’t think you were quite as on it as usual today
“are you okay today? you seemed distracted”
yes by your beautiful presence
just kidding
and you can just tell him
he’s always there to listen if you need to talk about something that you don’t want to tell friends or family
he’s there for anything really
like maybe a teen is struggling with exams 
and his encouragement really contributes to them pulling through
“you passed maths! I’m so proud! I knew you could do it!”
and there’s always the big squeezy hug that follows
he loves everyone
everyone loves him
no one can say a bad word about him
like seriously, no one can
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Vintage store owner
Tae always wanted to own a shop
ever since he was a kid
he didn’t quite know what it was that appealed to him
but just the idea of running a store that’s your own
that’s the dream he worked towards
ever since school
weekend jobs
errands for neighbours
he saved every penny
and invested it on the cute little building 
on the block before the high street
Not like a charity shop
well some of the stock is second hand
but that’s because it’s real vintage
actually not just vintage, further back than that
like some of his stock can be referred to as ‘antique’
anything that has history
everything in his little shop has a story
the decorative chandelier that belonged to a middle class family in the early 1900′s
a vase made in Japan that someone brought back from touring the country years ago
velvet upholstery that could have been part of a noble household in Europe
glassware from the 70′s with intricate design
just cool stuff
you could spend hours in his shop
knows a lot about antiques, collectables, etc
blink and you’ll miss if you want something there
if you see it and you love it the first time you go in
you better buy it
because it’ll be gone even by this evening
his knowledge makes him a brilliant sales person
because the way he delivers the information about an object
just makes you want to buy it
so as you can imagine, sales are always good
everyone within a couple miles radius probably has something in their home bought from Tae’s store
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because phwoar
lmao sorry
wait, no I’m not
can’t you just imagine it though
the uniform
the muscles
okay sorry not sorry
a true hero 
like sure, all of his colleagues are too, of course
but he goes that little bit extra
takes more risks
he doesn’t let much scare him
passionate about what he does
can mean he gets a bit extra in other aspects of his life
because he knows the dangers of literally anything
like you leave the hairdryer plugged in a few minutes after using it and he’s like
*dramatically, almost full takes a leaping dive to get there, unplugs it*
adrenaline rushes
he lives for those
a very can do attitude
feels amazing after rescuing anyone from anything
it could be a cat in a tree, evacuating people in a flood, or a person from a house fire
if he has helped them, it’s all rewarding
just good at everything
the job of course prepared him for lots 
but he’s just like REALLY good at everything
first aid pro
ultimate calming skills
navigation and driving - smooth
excellent judgement
even the science behind it all, he knows more than enough
all that jazz
he often gives lessons to younger people
because it’s important that incidents can be prevented
he’s very popular when he makes appearances in schools
because all the girls fancy him
some guys too hahaha
and I don’t just mean the ones that are quite sure they might be gay
pretty close to being a real life super hero
like he has to work at unsociable hours
but everyone in the area knows him
there’s hardly a street he walks down without someone saying hello
and even when they’re experiencing some of the worst possible situations
he just brings smiles to people’s faces 
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Cheap Homes and Tips For Buying a House in Sale
A home is a financial asset and more: it's a place to live and raise children; it's a plan for the future; it's an investment in your community. That's why all Americans should have an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of owning a home. And here are some tips for first-time home buyers.
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Knowledge is said to open doors. This is literally true when it comes to buying a home. To become a first-time home buyer, you need to know where and how to begin the home buying process. The following questions and answers have been carefully selected to give you a foundation of basic knowledge of home purchasing. In addition to helping you begin, these steps will give you the tools necessary to navigate the entire home buying process - from deciding whether you're ready to buy house, all the way to that final proud step of owning a home, getting the keys to your new home.
You can find out by asking yourself some questions:
Do I have a steady source of income (usually a job)? Have I been employed on a regular basis for the last 2-3 years? Is my current income reliable? Do I have a good record of paying my bills? Do I have few outstanding long-term debts, like car payments? Do I have money saved for a down payment? Do I have the ability to pay a mortgage every month, plus additional costs?
If you can answer "yes" to these questions, you are probably ready to buy your own home.
Start by thinking about your situation. Are you ready to buy a home? How much can you afford in a monthly mortgage payment? How much space do you need? What areas of town do you like? After you answer these questions, make a "To Do" list and start doing casual research about property. Talk to friends and family, drive through neighborhoods, and look in the "Homes" section of the newspaper, Foreclosure Listings, and internet search.
The two don't really compare at all. The one advantage of renting is being generally free of most maintenance responsibilities. But by renting, you lose the chance to build equity, take advantage of tax benefits, and protect yourself against rent increases. Also, you may not be free to decorate without permission and may be at the mercy of the landlord for housing.
Owning a home has many benefits. When you make a mortgage payment, you are building equity. And that's an investment. Owning a home also qualifies you for tax breaks that assist you in dealing with your new financial responsibilities- like insurance, real estate taxes, and upkeep- which can be substantial. But given the freedom, stability, and security of owning your own home, they are worth it.
The lender considers your debt-to-income ratio, which is a comparison of your gross (pre-tax) income to housing and non-housing expenses. Non-housing expenses include such long-term debts as car or student loan payments, alimony, or child support. Monthly mortgage payments should be no more than 29% of gross income, while the mortgage payment, combined with non-housing expenses, 4 should total no more than 41% of income. The lender also considers cash available for down payment and closing costs, credit history, etc. when determining your maximum loan amount.
Start by asking family and friends if they can recommend an agent. Compile a list of several agents and talk to each before choosing one. Look for an agent who listens well and understands your needs, and whose judgment you trust. The ideal agent knows the local area well and has resources and contacts to help you in your search. Overall, you want to choose an agent that makes you feel comfortable and can provide all the knowledge and real estate services you need. But make sure you check the prices for homes in the area on internet before you visit any real estate agent.
Your home should fit way you live, with spaces and features that appeal to the whole family. Before you begin looking at homes, make a list of your priorities - things like location and size. Should the house be close to certain schools? your job? to public transportation? How large should the house be? What type of lot do you prefer? What kinds of amenities are you looking for? Establish a set of minimum requirements and a 'wish list." Minimum requirements are things that a house must have for you to consider it, while a "wish list" covers things that you'd like to have but aren't essential.
Select a community that will allow you to best live your daily life. Many people choose communities based on schools. Do you want access to shopping and public transportation? Is access to local facilities like libraries and museums important to you? Or do you prefer the peace and quiet of a rural community? When you find places that you like, talk to people that live there. They know the most about the area and will be your future neighbors. More than anything, you want a neighborhood where you feel comfortable in.
You can get information about school systems by contacting the city or county school board or the local schools. Your real estate agent may also be knowledgeable about schools in the area.
Your real estate agent can give you a ballpark figure by showing you comparable listings. If you are working with a real estate professional, they may have access to comparable sales.
The total amount of the previous year's property taxes is usually included in the listing information. If it's not, ask the seller for a tax receipt or contact the local assessor's off ice. Tax rates can change from year to year, so these figures may be approximate.
Keep in mind that your mortgage interest and real estate taxes will be deductible. A qualified real estate professional can give you more details on other tax benefits and liabilities,
There isn't a definitive answer to this question. You should look at each home for its individual characteristics. Generally, older homes may be in more established neighborhoods, offer more ambiance, and have lower property tax rates. People who buy older homes, however, shouldn't mind maintaining their home and making some repairs. Newer homes tend to use more modern architecture and systems, are usually easier to maintain, and may be more energy-efficient. People who buy new homes often don't want to worry initially about upkeep and repairs.
13. WHAT SHOULD I LOOK FOR WHEN WALKING THROUGH A HOME? In addition to comparing the home to your minimum requirement and wish lists, use the Home Scorecard and consider the following:
Is there enough room for both the present and the future? Are there enough bedrooms and bathrooms? Is the house structurally sound? Do the mechanical systems and appliances work? Is the yard big enough? Do you like the floor plan? Will your furniture fit in the space? Is there enough storage space? (Bring a tape measure to better answer these questions.) Does anything need to repaired or replaced? Will the seller repair or replace the items?
Imagine the house in good weather and bad, and in each season. Will you be happy with it year-round?
Take your time and think carefully about each house you see. Ask your real estate agent to point out the pros and cons of each home from a professional standpoint.
Many of your questions should focus on potential problems and maintenance issues. Does anything need to be replaced? What things require ongoing maintenance (e.g., paint, roof, HVAC, appliances, carpet)? Also ask about the house and neighborhood, focusing on quality of life issues. Be sure the seller's or real estate agent's answers are clear and complete. Ask questions until you understand all of the information they've given. Making a list of questions ahead of time will help you organize your thoughts and arrange all of the information you receive. Prepare your own Home question list before you visit property. Find out about monthly utility bills for entire home.
If possible, take photographs of each house: the outside, the major rooms, the yard, and extra features that you like or ones you see as potential problems. And don't hesitate to return for a second look. Organize your photos and notes for each house.
There isn't a set number of houses you should see before you decide. Visit as many as it takes to find the one you want. On average, home buyers see 15 houses before choosing one. Just be sure to communicate often with your real estate agent about everything you're looking for. It will help avoid wasting your time.
An inspector checks the safety of your potential new home. Home Inspectors focus especially on the structure, construction, and mechanical systems of the house and will make you aware of only repairs,that are needed.
The Inspector does not evaluate whether or not you're getting good value for your money. Generally, an inspector checks (and gives prices for repairs on): the electrical system, plumbing and waste disposal, the water heater, insulation and Ventilation, the HVAC system, water source and quality, the potential presence of pests, the foundation, doors, windows, ceilings, walls, floors, and roof. Be sure to hire a home inspector that is qualified and experienced.
It's a good idea to have an inspection before you sign a written offer since, once the deal is closed, you've bought the house as is." Or, you may want to include an inspection clause in the offer when negotiating for a home. An inspection t clause gives you an 'out" on buying the house if serious problems are found,or gives you the ability to renegotiate the purchase price if repairs are needed. An inspection clause can also specify that the seller must fix the problem(s) before you purchase the house.
It's not required, but it's a good idea. Following the inspection, the home inspector will be able to answer questions about the report and any problem areas. This is also an opportunity to hear an objective opinion on the home you'd I like to purchase and it is a good time to ask general, maintenance questions.
If your home inspector discovers a serious problem a more specific Inspection may be recommended. It's a good idea to consider having your home inspected for the presence of a variety of health-related risks like radon gas asbestos, or possible problems with the water or waste disposal system.
If the house you're considering was built before 1978 and you have children under the age of seven, you will want to have an inspection for lead-based point. It's important to know that lead flakes from paint can be present in both the home and in the soil surrounding the house. The problem can be fixed by repairing damaged paint surfaces or planting grass over effected soil. Hiring a lead abatement contractor to remove paint chips.
Laws vary by state. Some states require a lawyer to assist in several aspects of the home buying process while other states do not, as long as a qualified real estate professional is involved. Even if your state doesn't require one, you may want to hire a lawyer to help with the complex paperwork and legal contracts. A lawyer can review contracts, make you aware of special considerations, and assist you with the closing process. Your real estate agent may be able to recommend a lawyer. If not, shop around. Find out what services are provided for what fee, and whether the attorney is experienced at representing home buyers.
Yes. A paid home owner's insurance policy (or a paid receipt for one) is required at closing, so arrangements will have to be made prior to that day. Plus, involving the insurance agent early in the home buying process can save you money. Insurance agents are a great resource for information on home safety and they can give tips on how to keep insurance premiums low.
Be sure to shop around among several insurance companies. Also, consider the cost of insurance when you look at homes. Newer homes and homes constructed with materials like brick tend to have lower premiums. Think about avoiding areas prone to natural disasters, like flooding. Choose a home with a fire hydrant or a fire department nearby.
Your real estate agent or lender can help you answer this question. If you live in a flood plain, the lender will require that you have flood insurance before lending any money to you. But if you live near a flood plain, you may choose whether or not to get flood insurance coverage for your home. Work with an insurance agent to construct a policy that fits your needs.
Always check to see if the house is in a low-lying area, in a high-risk area for natural disasters (like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc.), or in a hazardous materials area. Be sure the house meets building codes. Also consider local zoning laws, which could affect remodeling or making an addition in the future. Your real estate agent should be able to help you with these questions.
Your real estate agent will assist you in making an offer, which will include the following information:
Complete legal description of the property Amount of earnest money own payment and financing details Proposed move-in date Price you are offering Proposed closing date Length of time the offer is valid Details of the deal
Remember that a sale commitment depends on negotiating a satisfactory contract with the seller, not just Making an offer.
Other ways to lower ins-insurance costs include insuring your home and car(s) with the same company, increasing home security, and seeking group coverage through alumni or business associations. Insurance costs are always lowered by raising your deductibles, but this exposes you to a higher out-of-pocket cost if you have to file a claim.
Unless you have a buyer's agent, remember that the agent works for the seller. Make a point of asking him or her to keep your discussions and information confidential. Listen to your real estate agent's advice, but follow your own instincts on deciding a fair price. Calculating your offer should involve several factors: what homes sell for in the area, the home's condition, how long it's been on the market, financing terms, and the seller's situation. By the time you're ready to make an offer, you should have a good idea of what the home is worth and what you can afford. And, be prepared for give-and-take negotiation, which is very common when buying a home. The buyer and seller may often go back and forth until they can agree on a price. Check Home price in that area on websites.
Earnest money is money put down to demonstrate your seriousness about buying a home. It must be substantial enough to demonstrate good faith and is usually between 1-5% of the purchase price (though the amount can vary with local customs and conditions). If your offer is accepted, the earnest money becomes part of your down payment or closing costs. If the offer is rejected, your money is returned to you. If you back out of a deal, you may forfeit the entire amount.
Home warranties offer you protection for a specific period of time (e.g., one year) against potentially costly problems, like unexpected repairs on appliances or home systems, which are not covered by home owner's insurance. Warranties are becoming more popular because they offer protection during the time immediately following the purchase of a home, a time when many people find themselves cash-strapped.
Generally speaking, a mortgage is a loan obtained to purchase real estate. The "mortgage" itself is a lien (a legal claim) on the home or property that secures the promise to pay the debt. All mortgages have two features in common: principal and interest.
The loan to value ratio is the amount of money you borrow compared with the price or appraised value of the home you are purchasing. Each loan has a specific LTV limit. For example: With a 95% LTV loan on a home priced at $50,000, you could borrow up to $47,500 (95% of $50,000), and would have to pay,$2,500 as a down payment.
The LTV ratio reflects the amount of equity borrowers have in their homes. The higher the LTV the less cash home buyers are required to pay out of their own funds. So, to protect lenders against potential loss in case of default, higher LTV loans (80% or more) usually require mortgage insurance policy.
Fixed Rate Mortgages: Payments remain the same for the the life of the loan
15-year 30-year
Predictable Housing cost remains unaffected by interest rate changes and inflation.
Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMS): Payments increase or decrease on a regular schedule with changes in interest rates; increases subject to limits
Balloon Mortgage- Offers very low rates for an Initial period of time (usually 5, 7, or 10 years); when time has elapsed, the balance is clue or refinanced (though not automatically) Two-Step Mortgage- Interest rate adjusts only once and remains the same for the life of the loan ARMS linked to a specific index or margin
Generally offer lower initial interest rates Monthly payments can be lower May allow borrower to qualify for a larger loan amount
An ARM may make sense If you are confident that your income will increase steadily over the years or if you anticipate a move in the near future and aren't concerned about potential increases in interest rates.
In the first 23 years of the loan, more interest is paid off than principal, meaning larger tax deductions. As inflation and costs of living increase, mortgage payments become a smaller part of overall expenses.
Loan is usually made at a lower interest rate. Equity is built faster because early payments pay more principal.
Yes. By sending in extra money each month or making an extra payment at the end of the year, you can accelerate the process of paying off the loan. When you send extra money, be sure to indicate that the excess payment is to be applied to the principal. Most lenders allow loan prepayment, though you may have to pay a prepayment penalty to do so. Ask your lender for details.
Yes. Lenders now offer several affordable mortgage options which can help first-time home buyers overcome obstacles that made purchasing a home difficult in the past. Lenders may now be able to help borrowers who don't have a lot of money saved for the down payment and closing costs, have no or a poor credit history, have quite a bit of long-term debt, or have experienced income irregularities.
There are mortgage options now available that only require a down payment of 5% or less of the purchase price. But the larger the down payment, the less you have to borrow, and the more equity you'll have. Mortgages with less than a 20% down payment generally require a mortgage insurance policy to secure the loan. When considering the size of your down payment, consider that you'll also need money for closing costs, moving expenses, and - possibly -repairs and decorating.
The monthly mortgage payment mainly pays off principal and interest. But most lenders also include local real estate taxes, home owner's insurance, and mortgage insurance (if applicable).
The amount of the down payment, the size of the mortgage loan, the interest rate, the length of the repayment term and payment schedule will all affect the size of your mortgage payment.
A lower interest rate allows you to borrow more money than a high rate with the some monthly payment. Interest rates can fluctuate as you shop for a loan, so ask-lenders if they offer a rate "lock-in"which guarantees a specific interest rate for a certain period of time. Remember that a lender must disclose the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) of a loan to you. The APR shows the cost of a mortgage loan by expressing it in terms of a yearly interest rate. It is generally higher than the interest rate because it also includes the cost of points, mortgage insurance, and other fees included in the loan.
If interest rates drop significantly, you may want to investigate refinancing. Most experts agree that if you plan to be in your house for at least 18 months and you can get a rate 2% less than your current one, refinancing is smart. Refinancing may, however, involve paying many of the same fees paid at the original closing, plus origination and application fees.
Discount points allow you to lower your interest rate. They are essentially prepaid interest, With each point equaling 1% of the total loan amount. Generally, for each point paid on a 30-year mortgage, the interest rate is reduced by 1/8 (or.125) of a percentage point. When shopping for loans, ask lenders for an interest rate with 0 points and then see how much the rate decreases With each point paid. Discount points are smart if you plan to stay in a home for some time since they can lower the monthly loan payment. Points are tax deductible when you purchase a home and you may be able to negotiate for the seller to pay for some of them.
Established by your lender, an escrow account is a place to set aside a portion of your monthly mortgage payment to cover annual charges for home owner's insurance, mortgage insurance (if applicable), and property taxes. Escrow accounts are a good idea because they assure money will always be available for these payments. If you use an escrow account to pay property tax or home owner's insurance, make sure you are not penalized for late payments since it is the lender's responsibility to make those payments.
The first step in securing a loan is to complete a loan application. To do so, you'll need the following information.
Pay stubs for the past 2-3 months W-2 forms for the past 2 years Information on long-term debts Recent bank statements tax returns for the past 2 years Proof of any other income Address and description of the property you wish to buy Sales contract
During the application process, the lender will order a report on your credit history and a professional appraisal of the property you want to purchase. The application process typically takes between 1-6 weeks.
Choose your lender carefully. Look for financial stability and a reputation for customer satisfaction. Be sure to choose a company that gives helpful advice and that makes you feel comfortable. A lender that has the authority to approve and process your loan locally is preferable, since it will be easier for you to monitor the status of your application and ask questions. Plus, it's beneficial when the lender knows home values and conditions in the local area. Do research and ask family, friends, and your real estate agent for recommendations. Once again internet research can help you in home financing too.
Pre-qualification is an informal way to see how much you maybe able to borrow. You can be 'pre-qualified' over the phone with no paperwork by telling a lender your income, your long-term debts, and how large a down payment you can afford. Without any obligation, this helps you arrive at a ballpark figure of the amount you may have available to spend on a house.
Pre-approval is a lender's actual commitment to lend to you. It involves assembling the financial records mentioned in Question 47 (Without the property description and sales contract) and going through a preliminary approval process. Pre-approval gives you a definite idea of what you can afford and shows sellers that you are serious about buying.
A credit bureau score is a number, based upon your credit history, that represents the possibility that you will be unable to repay a loan. Lenders use it to determine your ability to qualify for a mortgage loan. The better the score, the better your chances are of getting a loan. Ask your lender for details.
It usually takes a lender between 1-6 weeks to complete the evaluation of your application. Its not unusual for the lender to ask for more information once the application has been submitted. The sooner you can provide the information, the faster your application will be processed. Once all the information has been verified the lender will call you to let you know the outcome of your application. If the loan is approved, a closing date is set up and the lender will review the closing with you. And after closing, you'll be able to move into your new home.
This will likely be the first opportunity to examine the house without furniture, giving you a clear view of everything. Check the walls and ceilings carefully, as well as any work the seller agreed to do in response to the inspection. Any problems discovered previously that you find uncorrected should be brought up prior to closing. It is the seller's responsibility to fix them.
There may be closing cost customary or unique to a certain locality, but closing cost are usually made up of the following:
Attorney's or escrow fees (Yours and your lender's if applicable) Property taxes (to cover tax period to date) Interest (paid from date of closing to 30 days before first monthly payment) Loan Origination fee (covers lenders administrative cost) Recording fees Survey fee First premium of mortgage Insurance (if applicable) Title Insurance (yours and lender's) Loan discount points First payment to escrow account for future real estate taxes and insurance Paid receipt for home owner's insurance policy (and fire and flood insurance if applicable). Any documentation preparation fees
You'll present your paid home owner's insurance policy or a binder and receipt showing that the premium has been paid. The closing agent will then list the money you owe the seller (remainder of down payment, prepaid taxes, etc.) and then the money the seller owes you (unpaid taxes and prepaid rent, if applicable). The seller will provide proofs of any inspection, warranties, etc.
Once you're sure you understand all the documentation, you'll sign the mortgage, agreeing that if you don't make payments the lender is entitled to sell your property and apply the sale price against the amount you owe plus expenses. You'll also sign a mortgage note, promising to repay the loan. The seller will give you the title to the house in the form of a signed deed.
You'll pay the lender's agent all closing costs and, in turn,he or she will provide you with a settlement statement of all the items for which you have paid. The deed and mortgage will then be recorded in the state Registry of Deeds, and you will be a homeowner.
Settlement Statement (itemizes services provided and the fees charged; it is filled out by the closing agent and must be given to you at or before closing)
Truth-in-Lending Statement
Mortgage Note
Mortgage or Deed of Trust
Binding Sales Contract (prepared by the seller; your lawyer should review it)
Keys to your new home
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awoman-sreach · 4 years
Art Collecting – Hobby or Investment?
So, you have decided to collect art. Perhaps you found a few pieces that you like and purchased them, and now you are thinking of expanding. Or perhaps you have some pieces that a friend or relative made or gave to you. Whatever the reason, you will first need to determine whether your collecting will be ad hoc and subjective or deliberate and focused. Here are 10 steps for building a thoughtful collection:
 1.       Select artworks that touch and/or inspire you. You will likely have the piece for quite a while, so it should provide you with happiness and a connection to your spirit. You want to love it for you will likely look at it for a long time.
2.       Learn about the artist and the art work. Why did the artist make the work? What is his/her practice about? What message is s/he trying to convey? What was s/he tackling or exploring?
3.       Determine your underlying purpose for collecting. Is it work by local artists or people you wish to support? Do you like its intellectual challenge or cutting edge quality? Is it the subject matter that attracts you or is it a geographic interest? Is the piece to complement your interior/exterior design? Does it make a statement? Do you prefer abstract or realistic/representational art? Does it have ethnic or historic value?
4.       Do your homework. Visit art venues and fairs to evaluate what appeals to you and the going price for the items that interest you. Speak with curators, art advisers, and art center staff about their recommendations. If it is a more renowned artist, check art auction catalogues, such as ArtNet, Art Sales Index, Blouin Art Sales, or Art Market Research.
5.       Educate yourself about the art market and art trends. This is an extension of #3. Read and research art periodicals and auction materials. Talk to experts.
6.       Determine your Budget and/or Price willing to pay. What can you afford to pay and how many pieces will you ultimately want? Various factors affect pricing (covered in another blog), so you will want to compare similar pieces in your area. Pricing is also regional, for example a painting in a fancy gallery in Laguna Beach, CA, on the Pacific Coast Highway will be more expensive than one at your local, non-profit arts center.
7.       Consider appreciation/depreciation. A work of art will increase or decrease in value due to the popularity of the artist (living or deceased), the age of the piece (recent or antique), and whether it is an original, limited edition print, or a general print.
8.       Conservation and care of the art. Where will it be displayed and are there climatic/size/support concerns? How will it be lit and will the lighting affect the piece over the long term? Does the piece need archival matting and framing? Is the covering acrylic Plexiglas or conservation glass; is there a UV coating? Is it in an area of high- or low-traffic? Does it need to be on a pedestal or outside?
9.       Where will you exhibit or store it? You may have a piece you wish to lend out to a museum or show. Do you need insurance (transportation, installation, fire, and theft) to cover the piece in case of damage? If you put it in storage or ship it, how will it be protected from damage?
10.   Keep documented records of your purchase and the provenance of the piece. Is this your first piece, or, if you have several valuable pieces, will you need an inventory? How are the pieces valued after a few years? Do you need a security system?
Some categories to consider collecting:
New, emerging artists
Obscure works from famous artists
Limited-edition, signed prints or etchings
New, emerging art galleries
Ethnic or Geographic art
Finally, you may ask the artist if you can “try before you buy”. Maybe you can put down a deposit or give a check to hold that allows you to take the piece home for a specified length of time (7 days, 30 days) and see how if fits with your environment. If you like the artist’s style, but don’t see what you want, consider asking the artist to make a piece under a commission agreement.
I hope these steps will make your art collecting easier and encourage you to think more expansively about the pieces you purchase.
What type of art do you like? Why?
Do you prefer realistic? abstract? sculptural?
Where do you go to find art?
Where do you purchase art?
Why do you collect art?
Have you begun a collection?
What is your price range
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dippedanddripped · 5 years
In October 1958, a teenage boy walked into a music shop in San Fernando. He bought a sleek Gibson ES-225 electric guitar.
Tourists sometimes look incredulously at shop owner Ed Intagliata when he reveals the Pacoima teenager’s name. But then he just shows them the receipt, signed by Ritchie Valens’ mother.
Founded in 1948 by Albert Cassell, the music shop is a San Fernando Valley institution. Originally housed in a shopping center on San Fernando Road, it relocated in the mid-’80s to the corner of Maclay Avenue and Lucas Street. Since being featured in the movie “Wayne’s World,” it has drawn tourists from every inch of the planet, becoming a local museum as much as a place of business.
Through a partnership with local schools, Intagliata helps parents who struggle to afford a musical instrument for their children. The Play-It-Forward program lets some of them pay only $1.
“It’s not a giveaway charity thing. The kids don’t know a dollar from a hundred dollars,” Intagliata said. “All they know is: My dad bought me a guitar. I’m going to learn it.”
The program, he said, would not be possible without the generosity of customers. He cited one former student who had paid for 10 lessons before having to move away. Instead of asking for a refund, she donated the lessons to students in the program.
“People wanna help. They really do,” said Intagliata. “I’m not looking to be the biggest, baddest music store around. We do a good business. I make a living for myself and my family, and we pay our bills. And I’m happy with that.”
Intagliata came to California from Connecticut as a child and grew up in affluent Palos Verdes. He was appointed to run the shop by his father, a now retired aerospace engineer. His father purchased Cassell’s Music in 1978, after seeing an ad for it in the Los Angeles Times. His hope, said Intagliata, was to provide his eight children with a place to work during their college years.
At the time, Intagliata was working in the customer service department at Sears, where clients habitually returned worn shoes and dried-up cans of paint. He had a degree in music from Cal State Fullerton.
His father, said Intagliata, “had to put up some heavy collateral to buy the store. I didn’t find that out till later, that he was putting his future on my shoulders.” Intagliata was 24 — the second oldest of the Intagliata children. His employees were his siblings, which could cause a little tension.
“One of my brothers thought he could do his homework on the counter here,” he said. “And I told him: ‘No, man, no. You do that at home.’”
Nowadays, Intagliata, 64, welcomes everyone who comes through his glass doors and greets the mailman with a fist bump. To better serve some of his Latino customers, he made it a point to learn Spanish — using the language to communicate in a suburban San Fernando Valley city where, in the 1940s, people of Mexican descent had to sit in the balconies of movie theaters.
Intagliata enjoys peppering visitors with trivia questions. “Did you know,” he asks, “that Ritchie Valens’ real name was Richard Valenzuela; that he was buried at the San Fernando Mission Cemetery ; that ‘La Bamba’ was added to the National Recording Registry of the Library of Congress?”
A scene in “Wayne’s World” filmed at the shop in the ‘90s helped put Cassell’s Music on the map. In the movie, the protagonist, played by Mike Myers, makes repeated visits to the shop just to gaze longingly at a white 1964 Fender Stratocaster electric guitar. Nearly three decades later, Intagliata still has wide-eyed tourists pop into his shop every summer. Sometimes they try to re-enact the scene in which Wayne finally takes the instrument in his arms. On Facebook, Intagliata has posted photos of smiling tourists from Florida, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Australia, Argentina and El Salvador.
In addition to a framed photo autographed by the actors in “Wayne’s World,” the walls of Cassell’s Music are covered with mementos showcasing Intagliata’s customers. Thank-you cards from recipients of the Play-It-Forward program adorn one area. On another, he keeps a framed article that recounts a visit from The Master’s Kids, a pre-kindergarten program at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley.
The visit, documented by Music & Sound Retailer, highlights Hannah Carmichael, who went on a field trip to Cassell’s Music when she was 4 years old. Years later, she returned to the shop as a chaperone with her daughter’s class. That day, she brought a photo with her, taken by her mother at the shop in 1993. In the article, Intagliata proudly notes: “Mrs. Carmichael told me that, out of all the field trips her preschool had taken, the visit to the music store was the only one she remembered.”
Julie Chung of Granada Hills has accompanied three of her five children on field trips to Cassell’s Music. Normally, she said, parents of 4-year-olds make for anxious chaperones. Their main goal is to ensure that the little ones do not touch — and break — anything.
But that fear dissipates at Cassell’s Music, she said. During the field trips, the children and their parents get the store to themselves, and Intagliata starts off by playing the same tune using woodwinds, strings, percussion and brass.
“So that the children can hear the difference,” said Chung. Following the presentation, he leads the handsy children to a table full of instruments. “Go on,” he says. “Give it a try.”
None of Chung’s children have taken up music classes. Still, she said, “I know many kids who’ve been inspired by Ed. And I’m talking about entire families, generations.”
Esteban Andrade, a freshman at Cal State Northridge who began taking violin classes at Cassell’s Music in kindergarten, is one of them. Back then, said Intagliata, “we just called him ‘Stevie.’ Now, he’s this accomplished musician, and he’s got all these mariachi groups trying to recruit him. Makes me real proud.”
Andrade is one of three brothers, all of whom have taken classes at Cassell’s Music. Their father, Francisco Andrade, described Intagliata and his store as “indispensable.”
“Whether it’s support with acquiring new instruments or teaching us how to make small repairs, there’s always this generosity,” he said. “Without Ed, we would’ve had to go out of our community to provide for our boys.”
Intaglatia has begun flirting with retirement. He’d like to travel, he said.
“I want to see your Vienna, your German towns and Italy, all the places where classical music flourished. I want to go to the Holy Land, all the biblical sites,” he said. “Maybe go to the South Pacific and get one of those bungalows over the ocean — God, that looks great.”
But he can’t pinpoint when that will all take place. “I just don’t know,” he said. “I’m having so much fun right now.”
Outside of Cassell’s Music, Intaglatia keeps busy with more music. He plays bass on his church’s worship team, directs “a small choir” and sings with the Santa Clarita Master Chorale. He also brushes up on the seven instruments he knows how to play, including the accordion — his “first love.”
“It’s a good conversation piece,” Intagliata said. “People always ask, ‘What’s your favorite instrument?’ And I tell them, ‘Well, you gotta guess.’”
He laughed. “They never guess.”
As cars whizzed past the intersection where he’s worked for decades, Intagliata pulled up two images on his computer.
“You gotta see this,” he said.
On the left side of the screen, he had a picture of Sophia, a local student and the first recipient of the Play-It-Forward program. With a shy smile, she holds her first guitar with both arms. On the right, Sophia, now in middle school, juggles two instruments: her first and a blue electric guitar.
“She outgrew the first one,” Intaglatia explained. “Wants to play electric now, which is great. And you know what she did? She says, ‘Here. Give my old guitar to someone who needs it.’” Intagliata said, his face beaming. “Can you believe that?”
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visualcommune · 5 years
Londs Reuter  0:24   No, but if that changes, I'll let you know. Thank you. Ari Wil  0:28   Okay. Um, so could you give me a description of your work? Yeah. Londs Reuter  0:36   I So, I guess, great question. I oversee sort of like three different programmatic domains at the Whitney and tour in my title and one isn't. So I work in community partnerships, which are mostly local neighborhood organizations. We want to be stakeholders at the Whitney Museum and influence interesting policy and programming and we want their buy in and we want to do right by them. So I'm, I'm part of that relationship and I have been in like, building those relationships and sustaining them. And so that's the community aspect of the work. I work in accessibility, which is really my background. Where I advise on exhibition design and planning. I also help run three different tours, like monthly tours of the museum for different disability communities. And then the third component that's like, not really in my title, but it sort of baked in is that I work a lot on senior programming and senior partner ships, which often take place off site at different senior centers, or community centers. And some of them take place here at the museum where they come and visit. And we also have a twice yearly sort of free day for seniors to come to the museum and get docent led tours. So that's the senior programming aspect of it. So yeah, three different domains. The work on the day to day looks a lot like calling and emailing and running around Ari Wil  2:32   OK. Yeah. Londs Reuter  2:34   But in support of those goals. Ari Wil  2:35   okay, and would you say that the overall goal, which is, is to ease the problematic, problematic nature of art? Londs Reuter  2:46   Hmm. I guess I'd want clarification on what the problematic nature of art is to you. Ari Wil  2:54   Okay. Okay. Well, here's the quote from you. I'm so sorry. I didn't Me, me me means to bring it out like that. Okay, I'm so sorry. You go artists a problem and then what you're addressing is how do we eat is problematic nature. So I was just wondering if Yeah, is that something that is that a concept you would apply to your work?Or like to those different areas? Where does that concept? Londs Reuter  3:19   Yeah. Ari Wil  3:23   I guess I guess I'm so sorry. I'm not trying to call you out for that. Londs Reuter  3:27   It's like communing with a former self and I'm like, Who are you? I don't believe in ideas of like universal access, or like this idea that anything is completely accessible to everyone. Which means that there are always problems for someone in anyone's access that like my access can actually mean your inability to access something at times. It doesn't always have to be in direct conflict, but they aren't always sort of mutually instinctual. So I guess the problems are ongoing and it means that like, the inherent nature of access work is to be constantly responding and changing and like offering options. So like you there is no perfectly accessible art because there is no perfectly accessible anything. Which I'm I think some people disagree about that. Most disabled folks don't disagree. Yeah. In my experience. Yeah. Which means artists problem like everything else. Ari Wil  4:54   Yeah. Londs Reuter  4:55   Yeah, I just happened to work in art museums. So I'm like, very to to that particular struggle. Ari Wil  5:02   Can you talk about your experience as an art administrator? Just your background and access for too? Londs Reuter  5:09   Yeah. So funny, I never think of myself as an art administrator, but I, that's how I make a living. I think of myself as like an artist, and a person who supports access to art, which is an administrative goal, anyway. So the question again, yeah, I'm sorry. Ari Wil  5:45   Oh,yeah. So your experience as an artist and maybe our admin, yes, worker. Londs Reuter  5:53   There's so many ways I could answer that. So I'll give you some, like, tell me what you need or what You're looking for I have been working in accessibility projects, I'd say for the last six years or so. And it was like, a moment of redirection for me. I've been working in education and I've been working in an education style that actually, in reflecting on it feels directly opposed to a lot of my current values around access. And I just hadn't done the amount of work that I've done now to see things in the way that I see them now. So my work in access, I largely sort of like, legitimize my entry into the field by citing a lot of my work as a quote, special education instructor, which is what I did previously. Though I, I wouldn't count that high among the skills that actually lend themselves to the work that I do. I think I'm a dancer by training, I think dance prepares people to like, go into literally any situation and assess the feeling and like, understand what conditions need to be created in order to like, generate situations. Ari Wil  7:36   So dancing is like the vibe check? Londs Reuter  7:38   Yeah, I mean, for me, like, dancing only happens when we're in the space, figuring it out together. And like access also only happens when we're in the space figuring it out together. It's like not a checklist. It's not a thing that I can like. Just like shoot you the email and make sure you have the right dimensions on the pedestal or, you know, it like actually needs to happen. Through interaction and actions. So, for me I like really feel like I'm calling upon my dance practices in order to do my accessibility work more than like the things I actually legitimize to my job interviews and things like that. Those certainly like, my intimate relationships with students with autistic students has like, just like, absolutely shifted my worldview, and actually is the thing that like, made me feel that I had to leave that type of training and schooling that I had been doing with students was like, an act of love to those students. But it doesn't necessarily feel like the thing that's prepared me, I will say, and it was very clear to me starting out in this work, that there was information that I wanted and didn't have access to It is by I started a graduate program in disability studies. So I've been part time in graduate school for quite a few years. So that's the other way that I've been sort of prepping myself to do this work is sort of theoretical. Ari Wil  9:18   During the panel, you kind of briefly talked about the growth process of being a teacher with autistic students and then turning into your work now. What were the strengths and weaknesses of that and unlearning process to your work today? Londs Reuter  9:42   Yeah, this it was a messy time. I was also like 25. And it was -- I'm getting this wrong because I'm I'm 30 now --  but it was also a time in your life, when people have often been doing a thing thinking it's the thing and then you have a shift. So it doesn't feel like it's particular just to that circumstance but also to that time in life. But a lot of the shifts for me were philosophical. I I had sort of made peace with the fact that my art practice wasn't going to be lucrative. And I knew that before I even moved to New York, which is what I did right after college, I moved here from Maine. Okay, that was the last stop before here..But  I so I was, I was like seeking work to offset the cost of Living and making art. And I realized pretty quickly that actually, in the span of a week, I might be spending more time at that day job than I would be doing my art practices and that therefore I needed a day job that spoke to my values and beliefs. But I just couldn't do certain service oriented jobs that like left new, more depleted by the end of the day. And if I was going to be complicit in capitalist structures, I wanted to at least give something of myself out into the world. And it felt like the world needed. So that was sort of like my move into doing teaching. And then from teaching, I tried to shift into museum education. And in that museum education shift, I was having all these conversations around accessibility. I will say working in museums, it was partially just that I didn't backgrounds by could legitimize working in these spaces. But I was very interested in just doing accessibility work. And that happens in a lot of institutions. So I was looking at educational institutions like universities, as well as places like museums and cultural places. So I wasn't necessarily seeking out being an art space, it was more that I had things on my resume that let me move into an art space. But for me, the ambition was really working and accessibility. Ari Wil  12:36   Okay. And then what motivates you to work and accessibility? Londs Reuter  12:41   Yeah. I mean, access work is fascinating. I will like it just as a person who like needs a certain level of like intellectual friction, but like I need things I can chew on. Ari Wil  13:09   Yeah, complex ideals. Londs Reuter  13:10   Yeah. And access is like never ending and so profoundly intersectional  sometimes in really hard ways.  I would say like very especially when it comes to talking about race and when it comes to talking about capitalism that like, it is like a growth process that is, like just becoming, but a never arriving process for me that like really keeps me engaged and interested. I mean, I think I grew up with a disabled sibling and experienced a lot of ableism early in my life, where I was afforded opportunities that I was like directly witnessing as like a four year old that my brother wasn't getting as a seven year old. So there's also like,  it also really matches the way that I have long been engaging with the world of like seeing things and not understanding that other people don't see them. But also wanting to be an accomplice to like bringing other people into the work Ari Wil  14:38   an accomplice! I read an article on that, like three days ago. Access you also, in the panel talk about access as "love and hospitality. Justce". Yeah. Is there anything else you want to say about that? I want to cite that Londs Reuter  14:56   okay. So that's not an original thought or idea. And it's also like there are lots of things that are sort of out in the ether that like maybe one disabled activist like sort of coins, but like has generally been understood before, perhaps not articulated in quite that way. But Mia Mingus is a Disability Justice activist and a sort of, I think she works a lot in healing justice as well. And she's based in the Bay Area and is sort of the person that coined "access is love" has a term I want to say also that Alice Wong did it, she has a podcast. I think Alice is a she her called Disability Visibility, and I feel like that activist is also related to access as love movement and an idea. It's like on shirts, they have it on mugs now. There's like really moving that forward. Ari Wil  16:02   Noted, Yeah. What are you most proud of in your work on diversity and accessibility. Londs Reuter  16:10   Hm proud...feels very hard. I think in part pride feels like it centers myself and I actually feel like a lot of the work that I do tries to like knock me off center. Interested that I'm not. Yeah, but but also it's important. So I'm going to try to hear the question and I, I'm also working on seeing myself in the work that I do. Which I think is a lifelong project. Ari Wil  16:48   Yeah. So talking about this growth process in your professional life, because I'm 20. Londs Reuter  16:56   growing won't stop. If you're doing it right. In my opinion. So hopefully you're still changing your mind when you're my age. I can I say things I'm proud of, you know, I'm really proud to have disabled friends. That's one thing I'll say that I know people that work in accessibility that do it in service of people. But that those people like don't come to their home, or like they don't get beers together. And I'm, I'm proud that this work for me it's different boundaries of my life. So that's one thought I'm having. Ari Wil  17:49   Another quote that's kind of like accesses love nothing about us. Without us. Yeah, I just feel like that's nice that you let that into your life. Londs Reuter  17:57   Oh, yeah. I'll say that too. thing about us without us is sort of like the was the rallying cry of the disability rights movement, which was like largely in the 90s and early 2000s. That sort of like first wave and disability movement. And I say like, second wave that we're in right now is Disability Justice. Okay, cool. You're nodding. Ari Wil  18:17   No, I'm here. Londs Reuter  18:18   Yeah, I just want to offer that. You know, another thing I'm proud of is that I am reasonably beginner level proficiency in American Sign Language. And that, thank you. At the Brooklyn Museum, there was a deaf school across the street. And I always, for years wanted to build a relationship between the school and the museum. And and the way I started to build a relationship was by learning ASL. And I would go to the school and I would take lessons with other parents and caregivers and lots of grandparents of like deaf kids at the school that like, they were learning how to communicate with their kids. And I was able to audit those classes in the museum paid for that, which I'm also very proud of. And so that when I started sign language tours at that Museum, I was able to welcome every person and introduce myself and like, not just like, hire someone else to do all of it. Yeah. But actually take the risk of like, speaking someone else's language with them. And that, and I've continued to learn sign language and it's also just like the most brilliant genius language that I quite obsessed with its practicality. Ari Wil  19:56   So you recommend picking it up? Londs Reuter  19:58   Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you're Like into languages is like, I find the language to be like, so straightforward and charming. And there are so few signs that I've learned that don't make sense. Okay. Okay, like I learned a new sign and I'm like, Ari Wil  20:19   yeah, no Chinese is not like that at all. I was in China for a semester, and I came away with nothing. I mean, wow. Londs Reuter  20:35   Mandarin? Ari Wil  20:36   Yeah. Mandarin what's the greatest obstacle to your work? Londs Reuter  20:40   Whoo. Okay, many, well, greatest? Stigma. I would say. I mean, I think that's very hard about institutional work is I would say inheritance is that like, there's turnover. There are different ways that like people leave different legacies and you inherit them. Yeah. And you inherit people's baggage. And it might not even be the person who had your role before, but it's just like who used to be the person that communicated with the person in your role? You know, like there's that, in an institutional sense that I'd say inheritance is really hard. But I wouldn't count that as the hardest. I would still say that stigma is like we're so far from being in a place where that doesn't negatively like it detrimentally affects almost every aspect of accessibility work. Both like in the work and I say, me too, you know, like, that's not a thing I've totally eradicated from myself. Yeah. So Ari Wil  21:52   What would you say is the Whitney's target audience? Londs Reuter  21:58   I don't know that. I know Enough to answer that. Okay. target audience? I have been quite surprised since working here at how many sort of like tourists from other countries are coming to this museum that like I get an elevator and I hear English like every third time. Ari Wil  22:21   And then the elevator Brooklyn Museum? Londs Reuter  22:23   Yeah, that was like locals, lots of school kids. That was like a big project there. And some tourists but not to the same ratio, as I experience here, but I don't know if that's a target for the museum necessarily. I think. And I'm in a very particular vantage point in the museum where I'm actually really thinking about New Yorkers. I'm really thinking about like, meatpacking district I'm thinking about like, like, who lives in like pen south and Westbeth and just like this. So these are all like New York City Housing Authority sites. So like, they're my audience in a way. And they're my target, but I don't think they see themselves that way. You know, so. Okay, yeah. Ari Wil  23:22   So you would say your audience is the local community? Londs Reuter  23:28   I guess I work with accessing community programs. So like, I want to make sure that like disabled people are part of the general public and that includes like staff and visitors and artists and all of it. And I also want to make sure that people that live down the block from the museum know that this is a museum that they can come to. Okay, whether they grew up with this museum down the street, Or they've lived here for eight years. And this has really transformed the neighborhood. Ari Wil  24:07   Do you feel like there's one particular vantage point or view missing? More than another? Londs Reuter  24:16   missing? An interesting question. I woul want to think about that. There isn't anything like immediately springing to mind. Ari Wil  24:34   okay to say no, I wouldn't be surprised if you saw another email from me later. Just with like a follow up question thing. Londs Reuter  24:40   Cool. Ari Wil  24:41   So anything that I say mull it over..we also have like 10 minutes, okay. Yeah. But I want to talk a little bit about how you think we can manage implicit bias. Londs Reuter  24:55   Okay, let's go there. Ari Wil  24:56   Yeah. And keeping people accountable for it. Londs Reuter  25:02   Yeah. Yeah. Ari Wil  25:04   Do have you felt implicit bias in your work? Have you ever catch yourself? Is this something that takes your thinking to the competition strategic planning? And then even you said like, you want to get disabled artist and you want to make them a part of the internal how do you do that without pigeonholing people and hiring someone? Just Just because you know, yeah. Londs Reuter  25:31   I mean, I don't, I don't hire people. I will say that, like, I don't work in HR. I'm not a curator who selects the artists. I think I can be an accomplice to those hiring processes or like considering different artists but and I also think if I change the ways that people are seeing and viewing the world, and seeing themselves as like in implicit embedded in ... Ari Wil  26:04   white supremacy? Londs Reuter  26:05   Yeah, I mean, like and and you know? Ari Wil  26:08   Yeah, just supremacy. Londs Reuter  26:09   Yeah. That like that can be in service of opening the door a little wider. Yeah. So I see my work in that way, but it is sort of like more conceptual and in a sense, though, I don't think it's really at a remove. So let's say that I mean, yeah, implicit bias is sort of embedded in everything that I do. I think I do a lot of work. A lot of work on myself. I think I've had multiple situations where I've been held accountable for words, thoughts, decisions that didn't actually align with the truth of the situation. And those are hard situations. They've gone best for me when they weren't public, but when they were like personal and and gave me time and further harm wasn't actually the goal from the person letting me in on the harm i'd caused. Those have been the most effective For me. So those are certainly processes that I've been through on multiple occasions. None here yet. It's only been three months. And I think to like, I work in a spot that's like quite vulnerable for an institution, you know, I'm like the one that's actually that's trying to do a lot of work. That from an institutional perspective just keeps us from getting complaints from a local community from disabled folks coming through the door, you know, like, I'm, I'm at the crossroads of that I'm not interested in keeping us from getting complaints. Like I'm interested in people having experiences with art and like going to a cultural institution, because they want to go on this day. But it's a spot that can take a lot of heat. Especially thinking about community relationships for museum that moved here in 2015. And there's only one meatpacking district. Yeah, business at all in the neighborhood anymore. And it's next door and we're looking to see if we can maybe expand there. So like, I am complicit in some actually that should not go on the record about that building next door. Okay, sorry. Okay. That's noted. Thank you. But I think I share it to highlight the fact that like, I'm working in a mechanism that's so much bigger than me that has like, histories that some things I agree with, and some things I don't and ongoing choices that some of them I agree with, and some that I dont. Ari Wil  29:48   Still an institution, you know. Londs Reuter  29:51   And that's like, embedded in the patronage model, which like, means that like we're getting money from really wealthy donors. To the wealthy in the United States often means certain practices. And like is embedded in certain histories over others. And so I'm, I think not only is like my implicit bias at play, but I also know that like me as an individual can only do so much to redirect these resources. Yes. Ari Wil  30:29   You're still working with in it. Londs Reuter  30:30   I'm working with in it. Yeah. Yeah. Which is, I think, really complicated. Ari Wil  30:36   Thank you for being honest about that. I think that whole thing was always kind of hard to talk about. What resources do you need to do your work? Londs Reuter  30:51   Great questions. Ari Wil  30:53   Thank you. Londs Reuter  30:58   Friends. I would say friends and community is like a very important component of this. I think if I were like, isolated and out of touch with real people making real choices, my work would be at a disconnect. So that feels actually like the first and most important thing. I think access, as we currently conceive it, is can be quite expensive. So I won't. So I don't want to forget that like financial resources make a lot of this work possible. Though, I think there's a lot of ingenuity possible for thinking about access in ways that aren't super expensive. Ari Wil  31:53   Is that why you say friends was like your primary resource, because from everyone else, and not everyone else will make that general statemtent, But I keep hearing budget as the biggest one. Hmm. So you saying friends was nice, but do you think that runs does then kind of shifted where like money is a nice resource to have. But if you have friends, it's more like you can make other dreams happen? Londs Reuter  32:19   Yeah, isn't that interesting? Yeah, everyone's so much market administrator than me. I mean, it matters getting it in the budget, especially for thinking institutionally. And it matters getting it in everyone's budget, not just in your like access budget here, but because in an institution, there are lots of glitches. But I guess for me, it's like if I have friends that are alerting me to things and showing me new ways to like to practice access then like Often, I'm learning about things that don't cost money, like just adding image descriptions, to, you know, it's going to take three more minutes of my day, but like, that's not, I mean, that's three minutes of money. It's okay. I mean, but like, friends don't necessarily pay the ASL interpreter, you know? So they're like, I see. I would hold them both in like high regard. I guess I just I never want to take people out of the equation. So like putting budgets as the most important thing feels like. But what about people? For me. So that's where I'm at? Ari Wil  33:45   Yeah. It is 1145 now, okay. Do you think that maybe I can send you the questions or we can do some kind of follow up or something. What do you think? Londs Reuter  33:57   Uh, yeah, I mean, I just have to be somewhere at noon and I want to check my computer before I get there, Ari Wil  34:03   but I wouldn't really rather you do that because like the way like these questions are kind of, you know, add some girth to them. Londs Reuter  34:10   Okay. Cool. Ari Wil  34:11   I wouldn't even mind you like doing a voicemail If you would prefer that, you know, like I can send you them and then just talk or literally anything. Okay, I'm very down. Londs Reuter  34:21   That would be nice. A voice note. Ari Wil  34:22   okay. We can email about it. And so yeah, thank you. Yes. Anything else? Any other questions you have for me? or anything else want to say for the record? Londs Reuter  34:34   I'd love you to check with me. For anything shard publicly. Ari Wil  34:42   Yeah. Londs Reuter  34:43   it's just to say that you offered at the start, but I'm new here and I would just want the chance to make sure that I'm not misrepresenting. Ari Wil  34:55   Yes. Londs Reuter  34:59   But that's the only I'm really, I'm really thinking. Ari Wil  35:04   yeah, I can definitely do that. Cool. Londs Reuter  35:05   All right. Thank you for this project for you. Ari Wil  35:07   Thank you.
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askpetethelibrarian · 5 years
Arrr! The Pirate Library
Yesterday, someone over at King Shot Press found himself in a little hot water over some tweets that were...not pro-piracy, I guess, but not AS anti-piracy as some people wanted. 
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It turned into a whole thing. Because this is the internet, so one person’s opinion on piracy shatters too many worldviews or something. 
Frankly, it turned into a big mess. I wouldn’t want to get involved, until...
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And when someone said “I honestly don’t see the difference with a library” I felt compelled to say a few things. And to ask myself: Why is checking out a book from the library different from piracy?
Before we get into it, however, I just want to say that the opinion of someone at King Shot isn’t something that induces anger in me. I think it’s an opinion that I agree with in some ways and disagree with in others, and I’m not looking to pile on here. After the library bit, I’ll share some of my opinion on piracy, in general. 
1. Scale
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When piracy puts a book up online, an infinite number of people can download, possess, and read it simultaneously. 
When a library buys a print copy of a book, that’s obviously not true. That book can only go out a limited number of times (50 checkouts is usually too many for most books, physically). It can only be held by one person at a time. And, it can only be in any person’s possession for a limited period. 
When a library buys an ebook, similar rules will apply. Overdrive/Libby, the most popular library ebook service, does require us to buy licenses for every copy. Not every title, every copy. So, if we have two copies of something, we bought two. If we have one copy, only one person can have it out at a given time. 
Hoopla, another service, has a different model. We don’t buy individual licenses for individual items, and any number of people can have it at the same time. However, the time period is limited, and users are limited to a given number of titles per month. So, one can’t use library service to stockpile a bunch of books that they keep forever.
Piracy and borrowing might not look different from a user POV, but from a view that’s bigger than the individual, the difference is big enough to start having its own gravitational pull. 
2. Purchase
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It certainly seems like I can check out something from the library for free, so what’s the difference between that and downloading it for free?
The library isn’t “free.” It’s a pre-paid service, meaning you’ve already paid for it, it’s just a matter of whether or not you make use of it. Much like a road, street lamp, or public park. You pay for those things, and then you choose whether or not to make good use of your money.
You’ve also paid for ebooks held by your library. Your tax money goes to the library, the library buys ebook services.
Now, in theory, SOMEONE paid for a copy of a book at some point before it was up for free online. So there’s a similarity here. However, let’s look more closely:
If a library buys a title and it’s very popular, they will buy more. Our system has a policy that says we’ll buy another copy of something for every 5 simultaneous requests placed. If 50 people requested The Martian when it came out, our guiding principle is that we should have at least 10 copies. 
There’s no such system in piracy. That one copy is all that’s ever purchased.
To cross over with the above argument about scale, let’s say that my library system bought 10 copies of The Martian. Consider that this is ONE library system serving a portion of one U.S. state. Even if we were overly generous, we could say we cover a quarter of the state. Multiply our purchase four times to cover Colorado, then multiply times 50 to cover the U.S., all of a sudden you’ve got 2,000 purchased copies of The Martian. This is very quick and dirty math, and it’s almost certainly a lowball. 
Also, you need to factor in that libraries will be replacing copies of books. So, in the 5 years or so since The Martian came out, the initial number has likely doubled. 
There’s another effect here. Once The Martian is a hit, you’d better believe libraries are all over Andy Weir’s next book, Artemis. Pre-orders play a big part in sales. Pre-orders count in the first week of a book’s sales, and large pre-orders help a book climb onto bestseller charts. 
You might not care about putting money in Andy Weir’s pocket, and I’m not here to argue about that (for THAT portion, see below). It does warrant talking about, however, in terms of the difference between pirating material and borrowing it from the library. The library is a positive factor in the economics of books. Piracy is not. 
3. Mutual Support
There is oftentimes an argument for piracy that’s about piracy being a positive force for folks who can’t afford books. Let me tell you why using your library is better. 
The library works like this: you support us, we support you. 
You come in, check out some stuff, and that gives us better stats to take to the local government and say, “See, this is important. The community needs this.”
When you pirate something, we lose out on those stats. We become less busy. The local government sees that the library needs less cash. And then, that economically destitute person who can’t afford books? Where do they go now? Piracy? Bad news, economically destitute people are far less likely to have a computer, an internet connection, and maybe even a place to plug a computer in if they DID have one. Oh, and they probably don’t have a fancy-ass e-reader either.
Piracy may be an option for some people who can’t afford books, but if you are concerned with the availability of books to all, the library is a better solution.
Let’s talk about some of my personal feelings on piracy, in general. 
We Hurt The Ones We Love
I spoke to a very well-known author. This author told me that they’ve had some contractual trouble with their publisher because this author’s books are VERY frequently pirated, which means that the books are popular, but the publisher won’t pay as much because they will have a hard time getting a return on their investment. 
Pirating material can have a ripple effect that makes it more difficult for the artists we love to put out more of the material we love. Some might see it as hurting a large, faceless company, but the truth is that we’re hobbling someone whose work we love. 
The Money Question
When talking about piracy, there’s always an element of class warfare going on. Why should someone pay the multi-millionaires like Metallica for an album they had to work 2 hours to afford? Why do I care if Harper Collins loses out on a few bucks?
I’m about to enter some uncomfortable territory because the stats are impossible to find. Because, frankly, piracy is something that many people wouldn’t admit to doing. It’s pretty difficult to get a good bead on this whole thing. I tried to find out whether or not piracy is a result of economics, and I could find no evidence supporting or denying that. What I will speak from is personal experience. Because that’s all I’ve got. 
Yes, there is probably some kid out there who is economically destitute and the only way he’s getting his hands on sweet books is through piracy. 
However, my personal experience tells me that a whole lotta piracy is committed by people who could afford the things they’re pirating and end up stockpiling things they never use. 
Let me put it like this: I don’t really have a problem with an individual sneaking into an art museum because they can’t afford to pay their way, and they really want to see the art. 
But I think it would be wrong, while sneaking into the art museum, to grab yourself something from the gift shop. Even something small you don’t need. 
My morality on this is somewhat flexible, and somewhat capitalistic. If you genuinely can’t afford books AND you’ve exhausted the options to come about them legitimately (libraries, friends, etc.) then I don’t think I’d have a problem. However, if you, like most people, justify the collection and hoarding of electronic files that you could afford to come by legitimately, you’re in a bad moral spot. 
Short version: If you are that person who can justify piracy because you pirate only that which you actually view, and you wouldn’t be able to experience art otherwise, you get a pass. But if you’re the person justifying it because someone else is probably too broke to buy books, therefore it’s okay for YOU to pirate, I respectfully disagree.
The Value of Art
Some piracy is justified through saying that pirated things don’t necessarily equate to income loss because they wouldn’t have been purchased anyway. In other words, maybe I would pirate a movie I would never actually pay to see. 
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Sure, like Speed Racer. Maybe I wouldn’t pay a single dollar to see it, but I would watch it for free. This means that the makers of the movie don’t really lose anything. Maybe I wouldn’t PAY for a new Metallica album, but I would listen for free. 
For books, I don’t know that this is nearly as applicable. Who is going to put in the effort to read a book that they wouldn’t pay the paperback price on? It’s not a passive medium the way movies and music are. The book isn’t just going to happen in front of you. You actually have to do some shit to get the information inside your head. 
The real issue on this point is that of de-valuing of art. 
Writing a book is hard work. Damn hard work. I think writers deserve to be paid for their work. 
There’s a long-standing tradition of de-valuing artistic work as work. Because artists aren’t out there busting concrete. 
But I’m here to tell you, art is work. It’s not a blast to sit down and type out a couple hundred thousand words, edit them, re-edit them, send them out for publication. No part of this is more fun than watching Speed Racer. 
The writers you want to read, while you’re enjoying a book, binge-watching something, doing whatever you like to do, they are working, many of them doing so in addition to their regular day jobs. Many of them in addition to being parents, partners, and doing all the same bullshit we all do every day. 
I also feel, in this time of plenty, that there’s really no need to watch movies you hate, listen to albums you don’t like, and read books that’re no good. If it’s not worth the cost of admission, it’s not worth your time either. Just leave it be and move onto something else you’d pay for.
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A Strange Coincidence: Part 2
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Stephen Strange x Reader, Slow Burn, Female Pronouns
A Strange Coincidence Masterlist
AO3 Link/ Support Me on Ko-fi
Summary: You’re a student who just moved to New York City to finish your PhD in Archeology.  But, things turn for the strange when you accidentally stumble upon 177a Bleecker Street.
A/N: So I decided to continue this based on somewhat popular demand and my own brain not allowing me to work on anything else until I posted something.  Strange is my new muse.  I can’t fight it any longer.  I’m sorry Poe.  I promise I’ll come back to you.  PLEASE REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS!
Word Count: 1.9 K
         Strange did his best to forget you. But, as the week ticked by, he realized it was easier said than done.  He cited the unusual circumstances as the cause.  People did not simply wander into the Sanctum.  All of them, for good or for ill, had a purpose.  You had yet to reveal yours, and it was driving him mad.
         He had caught himself pacing the upper levels; often with a book in hand or simply examining the relics, but always within sight of the door.  Wong had asked him more than once if he was expecting somebody, and each time, he couldn’t bring himself to say no.  He was reaching a point where Wong requesting a sandwich from the local deli felt like a God send.  At least it got him out of the Sanctum and out of his own head, for a little while.
         Walking down the streets of New York was a bit of a culture shock every time he did it.  He now so rarely left Kamar-taj, that standing in the middle of a busy sidewalk in one of the most urban cities in the word felt like he was on a different planet. It was strange to think it was his life, not so long ago.  He knew he could never truly go back, but, it was still nice to visit now and again.
         There was a bit of a line at the deli when he got there as the lunch hour was just starting to pick up.  The wait didn’t both him. It was so perfectly normal, he felt a small relief in it.
         The door chimed in a steady pace behind him, he barely registered who was coming in and out.  Until, someone called to him.
         “Doctor Strange?”
         He stiffened, his hands clenching inside his pockets, ready for a fight. But the instinct faded the moment he felt it.  He knew that voice.
         He turned to see you standing behind him with one earbud in your ear, and a surprised smile on your face.
         “Y/N,” he said, your name coming easily to his lips. A million thoughts and questions raced through his mind at seeing you, but none of them made it past his throat. All he seemed able to manage was a stunned.  “Hi.”
         “Hi,” you said, with an expression that matched his own.  You fumbled slightly with your phone as you pulled the earbud out of your ear.  “You didn’t strike me as the deli type.”
         “What can I say? I’m layered,” he said, dryly. His mind was only just coming to terms with the fact you were in front of him. “What are you doing here?”
         You gave a small shrug as an embarrassed look crossed your features.
         “My friend lives near here,” you said, gesturing vaguely to the door. “We were doing a study session and she told me to come here.  Apparently, they’re the best sandwiches in Manhattan.”
         Strange nodded in understanding.  “Well, she’s not wrong.”
         It was then the man behind the countered called him forward.
         “One Ruben on rye, and one tuna melt,” he ordered.
         “Can you make that two tuna melts and a club sandwich on sourdough,” you said, before pulling out your wallet.
         Stephen’s brows furrowed at the gesture.  “You don’t have to do that.”
          “I want to.”
         “One Ruben, one club, two tuna melts,” the man repeated.
         “That’s right.”
         “That’s not right,” Strange insisted. “You’re a student, aren’t you?  You’re supposed to be broke.”
         “I live in New York.  I can’t afford to be broke,” you countered, handing your card over the counter before Strange could protest any further.  The man behind the counter took it, giving you a small smile at your victory. You then turned back to Stephen, with a slightly pleading look. “Consider it a thank you for not throwing me out in the rain the other night.”
         Strange wanted to press the point but realized it would be no use.
         “You’re welcome,” he said, still feeling a little guilty. “You weren’t just paying for me.”
         “I figured.”
         There was a pause.  The silence lingered as neither of you knew what to say with each other.  Strange doubted the reason you stumbled into the Sanctum was just to buy him and Wong a sandwich, but he had no idea how to approach the topic.  And, considering your introduction to him, he could only guess as to what you were thinking.
         “I made this weird, didn’t I?” you finally asked.
         “No,” he said, quickly. “I just didn’t think I’d see you again.”
         A lie, but better than the truth.  While some part of him knew he’d see you again, he thought it would be on his territory.  Then, he could have a plan, or, at least, know what questions to ask.
         “Me neither,” you admitted, before shrugging. “Small world I guess.”
         “Yeah,” Strange mumbled, “small world.”
         Thankfully, your orders were called before another silence could settle in.  You each grabbed your bags and made your way out of the deli.  As soon as you stepped outside, you turned and gave him a small smile, as goodbye.
         He returned the gesture, feeling his stomach sink. It wasn’t how he wanted to end his meeting with you.  He still had so many unanswered questions, but, it was more than that.  Something he couldn’t name tugged in the back of his mind telling him not to go. It was an unusual feeling.  One he couldn’t recall experiencing before.  
         He ignored it as best he could, turning to walk towards the Sanctum.  He got barely three paces before noticing you were walking alongside him.  You both stopped in your tracks, turning to face each other.
         “You’re headed the same way?” he questioned.
         “Yeah,” you said.  The embarrassment was clear on your face.  Maybe it was simply the fact you weren’t completely soaked to the bone, but, at that moment, you struck him as utterly adorable.
         “Of course, I could always just pull out my phone and pretend I got a text for a few minutes to give you a head start,” you offered.
         Strange smiled. “Or we could just, walk in the same direction for a while.”
         You shot him a surprised look, but it quickly dissipated into an odd half-smile. “Or we could do that.”
         You turned back up the sidewalk, walking side by side.  The silence that followed wasn’t nearly as awkward as before, but a tension still remained in the air.  Stephen didn’t know what it was exactly, but he knew he would have to be the one to break it.  
         “So, you’re a student,” he said.  He had never been a fan of small talk, but it seemed like his only option.
         “Indeed, I am.”
         “What are you studying?”
         “I’m actually finishing up my PHD in Archeology.”
         There was a clear sense of pride in your voice, which brought a small smile to his face. He remembered all too well the late nights, and the stressed induced mania that came with getting his own doctorate. His devotion to medicine and pushed him through it, and he had no doubt your own passion was motivating you through yours.  
         “A regular Indiana Jones then,” he quipped.
         “More like a Henry Jones senior,” you countered, wryly. “Honestly, I spend most of my days in the library deciphering dead languages scribbled on broken pottery.”
         “So, you’d be the one decoding the ancient forbidden text that brings about the apocalypse?”
         “That’s exactly the aesthetic I was going for.  I’m glad you picked up on that.”
         Strange let out a small laugh.  So, you were smart and funny.  He now had two solid facts about you.  
         “How much school do you have left?” he asked.
         “Only one year.  I just transferred.”
         His brow furrowed in confusion.  “Why transfer? Seems like it would break up your momentum.”
         “Not really.” You shrugged. “New York homes some of the finest museums in the United States. It makes researching a lot easier.  That and I have friends here.”  
         He nodded, but it still didn’t quite add up.  “But considering…”
         “The whole alien invasion thing?” you finished. “My parents hit me with that one too. I don’t know.  I guess you can’t consider it an adventure without risks.”
         He admitted defeat at that.  Clearly, you were determined. If the prospect of another battle of New York didn’t deter you, nothing would.  But, it still didn’t explain why you had shown up on his door.  
         “Okay, my turn,” you said, interrupting his thoughts. “You’re a doctor, correct?”
         “I am.”
         “So, are you a doctor of academia or medicine?”
         “Both, technically,” he said, allowing some of his own pride to shine through. “I was a neurosurgeon.”
         He paused, wincing at his mistake. Moments like these, he wished he was a better liar.
         On the other hand, a simple google search of his name would tell you his entire backstory up until the accident.  It was best to be honest with you.  Besides, the idea of lying to you felt wrong, for some reason.  
         Carefully, he pulled his free hand from out of his sweatshirt pockets, showing it to you.  You stared at it in stunned silence.  On instinct, your hand went out to meet it, but you stopped yourself before you could make contact. He watched your gaze as you examined the surgical scars and shaking fingers. To his surprise, there was no repulsion in your eyes.
         “I lost the touch,” he explained, dryly.  “Car accident.”
         “I’m sorry,” you said.  It was an automatic response, but one with no shortage of sympathy.
         He shrugged it off.  “It happened a long time ago.”
         “Well, you seem to be doing alright,” you said, offering a kind smile.
         “Trust me, I wasn’t for a while.”
         You nodded, but didn’t press him for an explanation, for which he was grateful. He was surprised he told you that much.
         “Okay,” you said carefully. “So, how does a former neurosurgeon become a curator of a random old home in New York that makes him dresses like a blue monk on the weekends.”
         He huffed out a laugh at your description.  “Who says it’s just the weekends?” he countered.
         You rolled your eyes, clearly wise to his game.
         “C’mon, you have to give me something.”
         “Hmm, no I don’t.”
         “I bought you lunch.”
         “And that makes us even.”
         You let out a huff of annoyance, but you knew he had won. He grinned in triumph just as you were approaching 177a Bleecker Street.  Without another word, he turned up towards the staircase, leaving you at the bottom.
         “I’m going to get it out of you eventually,” you promised.
         “I wouldn’t count on it.”
         “I’m an archeologist, it’s my job to find secrets buried in old relics.”
         He hand went instinctively to the grey at his temples as he turned to you. You wore a teasing smile, with humor shining in your eyes.  Before he could say anything smart, you shot him a wink and walked up the street.  You got a good five paces before his mouth finally caught up with his brain.
         “I’m thirty-five!”
         “Old relic!”
         He breathed out a laugh, shaking his head.  He kept his eye on you until you were out of sight, his mind coming to a new understanding. He was going to see you again, and that knowledge alone brought him peace. Your purpose would reveal itself in due time.  There was no rush. 
Permanent Tag List: @sassy-satanunicorn, @roseslovedreams, @stargeek727, @kaliforniacoastalteens, @yourwonderbelle, @steve-thotgers, @stellasakura31
Doctor Strange Tag List: @siriuslovesmarlene, @letsdeerintheheadlightsuniverse, @cobalt-one, @independentideals, @cinnabearice, @queen-maximoff
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Learn Spanish Barcelona
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Study Spanish Using the Captivation Approach
Intensive Spanish Barcelona
Learning Spanish In another country
Spanish is probably the most well-liked languages, and it is usually found in many countries close to the world. The easiest way intended for you to learn Romance language is always to immerse yourself with a Spanish-speaking country. Despite the fact that normal Spanish language classes usually are adequate, in order for you to entirely envelope oneself within the words and pronunciation of Speaking spanish, a vacation to Latin America or even Spain is in buy. This is certainly called the "total immersion" way of learning any language. Not merely does this include attending instructional classes, although also using Spanish inside day-to-day life.
Intensive Spanish Barcelona
Learning The spanish language to foreign countries is the the majority of efficient way to study. Many people who get taken Romance language courses to get years still sense shed while having a straightforward dialogue with a indigène Spanish-speaker since Spanish-speakers make use of a different slang along with speed than what college students learn in class.
Understanding Spanish overseas forces a person to use your understanding throughout real-life situations about an each day basis. Furthermore, while researching abroad, an individual will find learning Spanish language very important because you tend to be surrounded by the actual dialect. Therefore, you will produce a bigger effort to increase your own personal fluency to help to make your visit nicer. As an alternative of learning basic verbs and grammar which could come to be quite tedious, anyone can see how a vocabulary is used in standard circumstances which will support you learn speedily. Very best of all is which you can chat the particular same as a indigenous by day one, which usually is important mainly because communicating like the natives will allow you to more than speaking busted Speaking spanish you learned through a publication. Learning The spanish language abroad is also some sort of approach to learn more concerning the culture plus the persons of a country, particularly if you travel to a amount of places in the nation.
Vocabulary Immersion Schools
You can find individuals who hope to understand Romance language abroad by merely visiting The world with the English-Spanish dictionary in addition to supposing that they will decide on up typically the language, however this can be a good difficult way of mastering. Staying in the as well as attending proper Spanish language classes is probably the very best way to find out, especially when you avoid the temptations to see tourist areas just where English is definitely predominantly used.
There are many universities in Spain and Asian The usa that arrange with regard to people to traveling easily to learn the terminology. There are Spanish chute educational facilities in nearly every single Spanish-speaking region. These colleges usually manage accommodation and also daily Speaking spanish classes with the vicinity. Most faculties offer you the option of keeping with a nearby host loved ones. In this way you can find out Spanish abroad while possessing if you want a at the very same time. It is crucial to find the sessions and living situations that may best help you discover The spanish language.
Making an Expanded Visit inside a Foreign Region
There are certain arrangements you must make regarding a long vacation to one more country. If you are usually going to check out a state for more than a new few weeks to know Romance language, you may need to help obtain a university student passport. Student visas are often tough to get. Check along with often the country's consulate in order to see how much time you can certainly stay in the land with out a visa, and to be able to find the way to go with regards to applying for a college student passport. There are distinct rules intended for citizens regarding each country. If you wish to acquire a student visa, the varsity you pick should always be able to help you actually. Or even, at least inquire them for tips about the actual application process. Never make an effort to stay in a international country not lawful!
See the particular World
There are several forms of Spanish thanks to locations pronunciation within different parts of typically the world. Which usually variation involving Spanish do you need or have to have to learn? What area of the world would you similar to to visit? Spanish language is actually spoken in 21 years old international locations around the world, thus you can pick from between a large variety connected with places. Do you need a European metropolitan knowledge, or warm beaches, or perhaps high mountain peaks? Understand Spanish in the nation that accommodates your likes.
Learn Speaking spanish in South america
For people moving into often the United States, going for you to Mexico to wait a The spanish language language concentration school will be the easiest along with most affordable choice. Since Paraguay is usually an entirely Spanish-speaking place, you will be continually exposed to the actual phonetics of the language. It is quite easy to pick way up a words when a person keep hearing it out in addition to over.
There are a lot of places inside Mexico to help learn Spanish. An advanced00 pupil, your university may possibly previously have an exchange software with another school; then you certainly have little to get worried about throughout planning. In any other case, it is time in order to do a little analysis. The internet will certainly be the best application to find a institution in South america to find out Spanish. First, check out Us university web pages as well as where they send pupils in their intensive Romance language courses. Many American educational institutions give their students to be able to specific language institutes, not necessarily necessarily the Mexican college or university. A collaboration with a great American university is actually a advised way to find any Asian school.
You may also do a very simple internet search for universities with Mexico. You may get thousands of visits, so narrow your research together with words like "recommended" or maybe "testimonials, " for you to get educational institutions that include endorsements. Be sure to help in fact check out the particular recommendations and mail e-mail to former scholars detailed as references. With a reliable school, all this details should be on typically the web site as well as obtainable via email.
Slim your personal search again by universities in the area associated with Mexico where you wish to review. If you are generally going to Mexico in order to learn Spanish language for often the hospitality industry, for instance , that might be best to be able to study from Acapulco or even Cancun. In the event that politics usually are more important, check out Paraguay City. If you require to keep close for you to the states, look to help Tijuana. You should examine prices, plans, meals, accommodations, and work schedules to guide you choose the course that may be best for an individual.
Learn Spanish within Southern region America
South America is definitely a great and also wonderful place to learn Speaking spanish. Spanish is the established dialect of all Sth American places except Brazilian.
Peru specifically is some sort of wonderful and intensive region in which to study Spanish. Due to the fact not quite a few people speak The english language inside Peru, travelers will see the idea more necessary to understand Spanish and therefore can learn rapidly. Just including in most countries throughout South America, Peru possesses educational facilities to help folks learn Spanish. The particular classes are usually more sensible when compared with they are with the United States. As a result, a person can learn The spanish language more accurately and somewhat with little outlay by simply studying abroad. Pupils can easily learn Spanish within Europe in a class room in the day coming from their teacher, peers, along with books, and then could discover Spanish out with the town in the actual evenings by means of interacting using the local people. It will cost every waking hour when it comes to who speak Spanish. Whenever you want to interact having someone, may it be to acquire a cup of java or access a coach, you will be in a position to train your Spanish expertise. Trainees who wants in order to learn Spanish inside Peru America will learn quickly.
Learning Spanish in England will probably prove to possibly be easier and less nerve-racking, not to mention exciting and cultural also. Spain is situated in South usa with Buenos Aires becasue it is capital. Although Spanish is actually Argentina's national language, everyone also speaks English as a result of Argentina's huge number regarding year-round guests. Therefore, finding out Spanish in Australia will be easy and enjoyable.
Discover Spanish in Spain
Presently there are over seventeen regions throughout Spain, and each features its unique subculture. Barcelona is well know for being a new fun, international area, yet many people there converse primarily Catalan. Madrid may be known for its beautiful skill in addition to museums. Think in relation to what you want in the area of study and locate areas of Spain that will is many appealing to be able to you.
One urban center I actually strongly suggest becoming fluent in spanish with is Andalusia, which can be hidden into the province involving Granada. In this southern-most as well as densely populated spot connected with Spain is the particular fascinating, early, and gorgeous city of Andalusia. Given that Roman times, individuals appreciated its climate and also traditions. Its alcazar, historical one fourth, mosque and other internet sites draw thousands of travelers. The location has been typically the subject of piece of art, safari, and literature. Nonetheless it is usually not just a stunning vacation destination. There are numerous Romance language immersion schools. You need to opt for a program that agrees with your needs and plan. Will you be an advanced Spanish language student buying long captivation experience? Currently more associated with an informed tourist in which wants to learn regarding the language along with customs of a place? Think of how long you can certainly spend within Granada in addition to how many hours daily and days per few days you need to study. If anyone must critically learn Speaking spanish in Milgrana very swiftly for school or perhaps perform, look for the almost all extensive programs. Some packages maintain classes for ten several hours a day and then send learners to stay with Spanish-speaking family members. In the event your interest is considerably more of your hobby or private interest, you could enjoy anything more unhurried that results in time to check out Andalusia.
The greatest thing concerning learning Spanish in Proyectil, still is that nearly all schools offer industry travels. Small group excursions head to sights around Andalusia along with the rest of Spain. While three to four students and the teacher check out a village bullfight, an olive farm or maybe a winery, the knowledge is definitely much better and much more intimate in comparison with anything any tour business can supply. These field journeys tend to be usually optional and expense extra. Be sure for you to ask about these while you are shopping to get a school.
You can also get "traveling" Spanish schools situated in Bomba and other parts regarding the country this incorporate an extended bus as well as train travel with The spanish language lessons. These kinds of programs are usually usually geared a lot more to culture and taking in the sights quite than quickly instilling a powerful grasp of Spanish. According to what you need to help know, a traveling classes may or may definitely not be what you will need.
Learning Spanish in another country inside a different country and also a different culture is fun. It is also often the fastest strategy to learn Romance language, and you will figure out how to speak like a local. Becoming fluent in spanish using the overall immersion approach lets you actually live the vocabulary relatively than just study the item.
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