#so if you wanna see the full pieces 👀
b1rds3ye · 11 months
Can you make a fic / short headcanon of how the COD men reacts to reader riding those bull mechanical? Their usual bar/pub has installed a new attraction which is that bull mechanical. Either they dared reader or reader wanted to try to ride, depends on the character. You know how those bulls move makes the rider look like they’re grinding?? Yeah I wanna know how the guys reacts to that 👀
OHOHOHOHO GOT IT thank you for sending in the request!! This is the first one this blog has gotten 🥳🥳 I hope you enjoy~
Ride On
The local bar has installed a mechanical bull for an extra activity among the drunk and whimsical. One day off duty, you decide to give it a go and have some fun, and it seems the boys are enjoying it just as much as you.
Characters: Captain John Price, Simon “Ghost” Riley, Johnny “Soap” MacTavish, Kyle “Gaz” Garrick, König
GN!Reader w/ no physical descriptions (except you're shorter than König)
Word Count: 2.5k (~500 each)
Genre: Fluff, Spice, established relationship
Warning: Spicy (but no smut), 18+/MDNI,  awkward dialogue (it’s the cutest thing during flirty time fight me)
A/N: I don’t even write stuff that’s mildly spicy so I hope I did a decent job - also apparently mechanical bulls can do some real damage oh my god???
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Captain John Price
On duty Price may be your direct superior but off duty you were more than free to do as you please even in his presence, he had always been clear about that. So he knew you were up to something when you sauntered up to him asking him for permission to go on the mechanical bull in the middle of the bar
He could only stare at your deceptively innocent smile for a moment before repeating the mantra that you could do what you want, his free hand automatically reaching into his pocket for a smoke as you strutted to the mechanical bull. You were going to be the death of him
He’s sure this is what emperors felt like in the days of old. Food, drinks, some very enticing entertainment and Price feels like he’s on cloud nine. Sitting by a table, he lounges back, thighs spread as he takes up the entire space of his seat and then some, feeling like a king as he watches you on the mechanical bull. He does not move, save for the occasional shift as his pants tighten
When you’re done riling him up, Price stays put as you approach him again. He can’t hide the incredible smugness he feels when the hungry eyes of strangers trail you, only to look at him in envy when they realise you’re already taken. He isn’t bothered by any of their stares, he can easily give any of them a piece of his mind
“You’ve got guts, love,” Price huffed out a puff of smoke. He remained seated by his table while you stood beside him, his face directly in line with your torso. His gaze travelled along every line and curve of your body that was so tantalisingly close, he could feel the body heat emanating from you. He stifled the urge to lick his drying lips.
“I did a good job though, right?” You beamed. He quirked an eyebrow at your sickeningly sweet voice. So you were going to keep up this charade, as if your face was only flushed from the physical exhaustion of remaining upright on the automaton and not from being so close but so painfully far away from him. Even in the darkness, he could see how your pupils swallowed your irises but he chose not to comment on it - he wasn’t faring any better.
“Passable. You’ve got two choices, sergeant.”
You swallowed, a shiver travelling down your spine as Price tilted his head down, idly extinguishing his cigar against the ashtray.
“Either you go back on the bull for some further training, give everyone here a sight for their sore, miserable eyes…”
Price regards you again, head up so that you could finally see his full face. Like a man lost for days in the desert, he gazed at you as if you were an oasis. Eyes lit up in awe, full of reverence, yet glazed over in carnal hunger.
“Or we leave this pub and you give me a private encore.”
Simon “Ghost” Riley
The instant he saw the new attraction he instinctively groaned under his breath. He already knew that you, Soap and Gaz will be provoking each other for some sort of competition. He’ll interfere if anyone seems uncomfortable but if it’s all smiles and laughs he’ll just quietly watch on with a mirth in his eyes reserved only for you and the task force (he will make a quip about you lot behaving like muppets though)
That being said, he already knows how suggestive a mechanical bull can look. When it’s decided that you’ll give it a go, Simon can only exhale slowly out of his mask, mentally preparing for an unexpected trial of restraint
He slinks back into the darkness of the bar, one with the shadows. His eyes shine like jewels as they reflect the treasure that is you. He drinks in the sight, committing it to memory. If from the bull you manage to see him in the gloom, his gaze is so intense it can single-handedly throw you off the automaton
Even off duty, he’s good at keeping his composure. When you return to him, you almost mistook him for being completely unfazed by your little stunt on the bull. But his voice is a little gruffer, the muscles in his throat straining with every syllable. He shows his neediness through his presence, you won’t be alone for the rest of the night as he accompanies you for even the smallest of errands
Rubbing your shoulder that was bruised from falling off of the bull, you beelined for the rest of the task force, only to get unexpectedly pulled towards the corners of the bar where the lights could not reach.
“Simon?” Your voice is barely above a whisper as you feel his hand splayed across your spine. He was never big on public displays of affection, he was possessive in that all of his love will be seen by you only. Daring a move like this has you turning to him in concern, but he didn’t seem uncomfortable in the slightest.
“We’ve got a problem.”
“And that is?”
Simon doesn’t reply, not verbally. He takes your hips in his hands, you can tell he’s trying his best to be gentle but his fingertips dig ever so slightly into your skin. Guiding you back to stand just in front of him, you grunted as you felt a hefty weight against your backside. Now that is a big problem indeed.
“Need you,” he rasps, voice so thick with air they were barely discernible words. You allowed him to pull you further against him, a guttural groan escaping him. “Fuck, didn’t know you could ride like that.”
“I’m a soldier of many talents,” you replied. He huffs against his face mask, digging his face into the crook of your neck. “I suppose I could go again. Just, not on the bull.”
Simon’s lips curved into a smile that warped the mask against your skin. His hands on your hips tighten, you won’t be escaping him anytime soon.
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish
When Johnny’s eyes settled on the mechanical bull, he then took a brief glance at you and his mind went places. This absolute menace is conjuring up a million and one ways to get you on that bull ASAP (with your wholehearted consent, of course)
He’ll do anything, making a dare, teasing you, trying to make a bet, just so he can see you mount that thing. He’s a dedicated man, once he has a goal he’s seeing it through, no matter how many playful slaps and lighthearted glares you give him. He’ll even set an example and go first - he’ll be flattered as hell if he can get you out of all people riled up
Johnny thinks he can handle it, but he’s always overestimating himself when it comes to you. He can’t play off how you’re bothering him as your hips slide forward and back against the saddle. He can only clear his throat uncomfortably and choke out a fake laugh when the rest of the 141 comment on how quiet he’s become
He bit off more than he can chew, he thought he was the smooth one for being blessed with such a sight but he’s finding himself more bewitched by you by the second. When you get off the bull he gives you a feeble punch on the shoulder, trying to act like he’s alright but really he’s completely at your mercy, hovering around you near begging you to give him attention
You didn’t even have time to greet him as Johnny pulled you away from the rest of the task force, down into a quiet corridor of the pub. His silence was unnerving, you asked him if something was wrong but his only response was his lips against yours. When you reciprocated, the Johnny you knew was back with you, smiling into the kiss with an exhale of eagerness into your mouth as he traps you against the wall with his body. His weight against you, it was already hard to get a breath in as he claimed your lips again and again and again. But what truly made you gasp was the hardness that brushed against your thigh. It was initially so brief, you could credit it as a phantom of your own lust, but as Johnny got bolder, it rested permanently against your upper leg.
Now that he made his predicament clear, he reluctantly pulled away from you, just enough for him to speak. His heaving breaths burned against your skin, no more than his azure eyes that bored into yours.
“I got another thing you can ride, aye?”
You burst into laughter as you gave him a playful shove on the chest. It did nothing push him off of you, his smile widening at your countenance.
“Johnny, that was awful.”
“I ain’t lyin’. My li'l MacTavish needs some help.”
“I swear to god I’m leaving you.”
“You know you love me. Now are you gonna help me or no?”
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Kyle has a playful streak, when he sees you eyeing the new attraction he’ll approach you with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he slides some cash to you. “This twenty says you won’t last five seconds on that.”
And with that, a light-hearted competition started. Kyle’s intentions were genuinely innocent, he just wanted to have some fun beyond drinking the night away. After you gave the bull a go he was wholly planning to try after you to show you how it’s done - and possibly impress you with superior balancing powers
It started off fun as you laughed at the odd movements of the bull under you and Kyle smiled with you. He’s willing to give up that twenty as you were clearly having fun
What he did not expect was how as the mechanical bull became more erratic, bucking indiscriminately in all directions that the sight seemed more… suggestive. A yelp of surprise from you has him situating himself behind a table, ensuring no one can see the growing issue below his hips
He dares a look at the rest of the task force who are taking in the sight innocently. Soap is shouting encouragements like a battle cry, Price pulls a face that’s a mix of amused and impressed, Ghost offers a single dip of the head in respect and now Kyle feels dirty, guilt mixing with arousal into a sinful concoction that drips down his tightening pants
As you returned back to the task force, Kyle immediately came up behind you. His arms wrapped around your waist, he sat his head on your shoulder, cheek against yours. With his entire body smothering yours, his whole being moved with every inhale and exhale of yours as you tried to recollect yourself after that exhausting ordeal of the mechanical bull.
“Getting touchy’s not going to make me forget about that twenty, Kyle,” you chided with a smile. You hear a little hmph as one of his hands dip into your pocket, resting over your hip bone. He slips the note in but his hand stays there, his thumb tracing over the wrinkles in your pants.
“You looked real nice up there, you know,” he mumbled into your ear before giving it a peck, arms tightening around you possessively.
“Feels like you enjoyed it,” you whispered, voice disappearing as you noticed something firm pressing against your ass. Your laugh came out far too weak. “Is that a pistol or are you happy to see me?”
He chuckled, husky and restrained, too distracted to reply. His hand in your pocket was becoming more animated, rubbing at your skin. Even through the fabric, you can feel how hot he is, only getting warmer as he gets more antsy, his free hand now tugging and teasing at your shirt.
Kyle spares a look at the rest of the task force, clearly distracted with their own drinking and antics.
“Do you think they’ll notice if we leave?”
“... No, let’s go.”
König will never ask you to go on the mechanical bull because he’d never go on it himself. Putting on a show for a whole lot of strangers in a pub? Potentially embarrassing himself in front of said strangers, his allies and you? The thought already fills him with dread and he is empathetic to never ask for such a thing from you. That being said, when it’s established you’re more than happy to give the bull a go, he’s not going to stop you
He knew how suggestive a mechanical bull can look but he figured he could handle it; he did not reach the rank of colonel by giving in to every temptation. But he should have known better when it came to you, your mere existence making him feel like he lost all composure and combat experience
Upon noticing the lustful stares of others, König doubles as a bodyguard. He slowly stalks around the bar, using his hulking figure to strategically block the view of you for others. He also takes note of anyone who seems a little too fixated on you, not hesitating to send a glare their way
Once you lose to the bull, he waits by the edge of the ring, taking your hand to escort you back to your friends. He does it both to be a caring partner for you, but also he’s preening as onlookers visibly deflate upon realising that if they want to get to you, they have to go through him
König’s hand was tight around yours, you could feel it occasionally twitch, aware of his own strength and trying to loosen his hold on you.
“Entschuldigung, mein Schatz,” he grumbled. “You wanted the night here, but I must leave.”
König turned his head away in embarrassment, but you noticed his eyes dipped lower for a split second. When you followed his gaze, you took a moment to pride yourself for getting your partner so riled up. It was only broken when he gently took your chin with his free hand, tilting it up - or just anywhere away from his growing predicament.
“It is embarrassing,” he muttered. “You were just having fun, but I am here… needing.”
“Not at all,” you smirked. “I wanted you to notice me.”
“I am always watching you, Schatz,” König whispered. He was getting bolder - or perhaps more desperate - with every word, the hand on your chin moving down to settle on one of your hips. You tilted your hips into his grip and the consequent breath he emitted was forceful and ragged. “I did not think such a machine could be so… crude.”
“But you liked the sight, right?” Your voice was smug as you pulled his face down to be in line with yours. You now had a perfect view of his eyes that were alight with lust, pupils blown so wide you could not distinguish if it was the gaze of a predator or prey.
“Zu viel.”
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Call of Duty Masterlist
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iamred-iamyellow · 30 days
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ je t'aime
♥ pairing: charles leclerc x fem!singer!reader
♥ smau - fluff
♥ notes: here's some more smau while I work on the last part of the folklore series lol (none of the pictures are mine, all were found on pinterest)
♥ masterlist
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liked by oliviarodrigo, taylorswift, jackantonoff and 658,892 more
I feel incredibly honored to be featured on the tortured poets department. thank you @ taylorswift <3
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taylorswift <3
*liked by original poster*
user6 A FEATURE???
user7 ~you look like Taylor Swift~
jackantonoff come sing with bleachers now
yourusername JUST SAY WHEN
user5 💗
user1 now we just need her and liv
user8 and gracie
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liked by charlesleclerc, arthurleclerc, and 349,673 more
@ charlesleclerc wanna write a piano piece for my next album?
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charlesleclerc lets make it happen
oliviarodrigo goals
user12 how does he have time to write songs, own an ice cream business, AND be a professional athlete?
user8 ?!?!?!?
user7 taylor and now CHARLES??
user14 I'd literally pay to see this
user9 this is straight out of a fanfic
user2 right??!!
user1 unrelated but you're stunning
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
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liked by charlesleclerc, tatemcrae, gracieabrams and 1,340,875 more
sixteen days is out now! special thank you to @ jackantonoff my amazing producer and @ charlesleclerc for writing je t'aime with me
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tatemcrae ITS SO GOOD
yourusername THANK YOU TATE ILY
charlesleclerc how about a full album next? 😉
yourusername 👀
user6 THE WINK-
user12 oh they're so in love
user9 don't tease us
user8 when are we going to talk about the lyrics in je t'aime???
user7 sixteen days... isn't charles' number 16?
user2 they're leaving crumbs
user4 I'm going full inspector gadget, national treasure, sherlock holmes right now
user3 this album is amazing
user17 traffic and we couldn't stop are my favorite
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
time skip - one year later
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liked by yourusername, arthurleclerc, and 506,723 more
happy one year mon cheri ❤️
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yourusername I love you <3
charlesleclerc je t'aime
user4 wait that means they've been dating since their first song together
user7 they've been dating this whole time???
user8 they're so cute
arthurleclerc does this mean I get free tickets to your concert
yourusername no
arthurleclerc I'm literally the one who got you two together
yourusername my extra ticket goes to leo
arthurleclerc fair enough.
768 notes · View notes
justaaveragereader · 9 months
Slashtober🔪||American Psycho
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Pairing: Mingi x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Dom!Mingi, Manhandling, Cum Eating, Choking, Rough Sex, Squirting, Name Calling, Oral, Exhibitionism, Public Sex, Fingering, Belt Use As A Restraint, Mingi Has A God Complex🤪, Unprotected Sex (Don’t Do It!), If I Missed Anything…👀👀Let Me Know…
A/N: I’m still blind asf, but hopefully I get my glasses this weekend, so you already know the drill, sorry for the spelling errors😬
Slashtober Masterlist
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The third resident to arrive was Song Mingi, the man was one of the biggest neighbors, falling right behind Jeong Yunho. Mingi was one of the quiet ones from the bunch. Everyone looked at him when he walked by, he was sculpted like a God, thighs that could crush a melon, and hands that look like they could palm a basketball. You didn’t speak with Mingi much due to his day job, he was a hardcore businessman, you always saw him coming or going with his briefcase, with that tie that made you just wanna give it a tug while he was in between your…
He was quite friendly, you had only spoken a couple of times, the main time being when you went to go and greet him. Typical things welcome him to the neighborhood, see if he was in a relationship, see what he did as a profession. You know the typical nosey neighbor things.
“You should try talking to him!” Your best friend said through your FaceTime call. Trying to hype you up to go and talk to Mingi, you always viewed yourself as the neighborhood ambassador but were too frightened at him rejecting your offer. What was the offer? Nothing, besides being a friendly neighbor. You had often seen Mingi leaving his house late at night in a plastic like coat, you had assumed he took up some art courses with Hongjoong faulting him to always being wrapped in the plastic. You always were curious as to what the businessman Song Mingi did in his spare time, wanting to take a peek and be nosey, you had seen him pulling out of his driveway. Ending the call in a hurry you make way towards his house, it was well past 10pm. Assuming Mingi had more work at his office, you skipped over to his house, little did you know someone had been watching you make way towards his home, notifying Mingi of the soon to be intrusion of privacy.
As you shimmied your way into his backyard, you found that his back patio doors were unlocked, trying your best to fight with your morals. This was supposed to be a quick peek to learn about your quiet neighbor. Not a full on break in, your brain out weighed your heart, resulting in you cracking open the sliding glass doors, taking a quick peek inside. His house looks like it’s untouched. Everything is perfect the way it is, it almost looks like a doll house, everything was angled a certain way, everything was eerily perfect. Curiosity gets the best of you, resulting in you stepping into his home, you hear the plastic crinkle immediately, looking down at the floor you notice all the floors are covered in a thick layer of plastic tarp. Curiosity blinding your mind you fail to see the large man quietly waltzing into his own home, he’s as silent as a mouse. A deadly grin has taken over his face, he’s found a new plaything in his yard. Stalking towards you like you are the prey he’s been waiting for. You are so enamored in his collection of figurines, but it’s a glass plaque that catches your attention, your fingers run over the plaque lightly.
“The wolf has eyes for prey, the cow has eyes for hay, one is the killer, the other is buffet.”
Not getting a full moment to process the quote when you hear a slight shift, your instincts kicking in almost immediately. Swinging the ax you duck just in time, the head of it wedges in the doorframe, wood pieces flying around your crouched body. Throwing your hands up over your head, you quickly try to scramble away, knees hitting the floor with a thud. Scrambling on the wooden planks, your chest is heavy with fear when his large hand clasps around your ankle, pulling you back towards him like you are a weightless object. How strong was this man?!
The crinkle of his plastic coat falls upon your deaf ears, too worried with trying to get away, you try your best to kick his hands, refusing to make a sound, not wanting to give away that your ‘nice, friendly, non nosey’ neighbor cover basically had been blown away. He swings the ax again, caking itself right in between the plastic covered wooden floor boards right by your head. Your whole body freezes, your fight or flight falls suddenly, your body carelessly being dragged through his home. Pulling the ax out of the floor, he holds the dull blade to the back of your neck. The cool metal causes your body to shiver. Adrenaline courses through your veins, while you are in the most compromising position you can’t help but think, what if his large hands ran down your legs up to cup your ass, what if he threw you against the wall and bit all over you? Leaving his mark for others to see?
“What are you doing in my home?” His timber voice riddles your body with goosebumps, with a voice like that you want to fly out of your clothes and let him all over your body. It didn’t matter that he could literally lift his arm and swing your head off with the ax, your mind was clouded with Song Mingi.
“I-I’m sor-sorry.” You try to get through as clearly as possible, failing miserably. Gripping the ax a bit tighter he tells you to roll over onto your back so he can see exactly who it is, even though he already knows who it is. Nodding your head, you slowly roll over, you are caged in between his legs, while his menacing eyes stare down at you like you are nothing less than what’s on the bottom of his shoe. His eyes sparkle with mischief.
“My, my, my, what do we have here.” He says with a gleeful voice yet a smile never reaches his face which was odd as you heard him use that tone of voice numerous times, it was always with a smile plastered on his sculpted face.
“Mingi I swear, I jus-.” Cutting your own sentence mid way as he squats down, his thighs brushing over your own legs. His intimidating gaze burns holes all over your face, you can feel the sweat start to bead around your neck line not wanting to poke the bear more then you should you shut up, opting to just look at him through your lashes. While fear pumped through your veins, lust did too. It was hard not to feel such things when you had a big man hovering over your body. Pulling the ax out of the floor again, with each movement his clear plastic coat crinkles, snapping you out of your daze. Your eyes fly over every single one of his features, his sharp nose, his plush lips, his enticing eyes, the man looked like a God.
“I’m sorry…” you whisper out, he pushes the dull blade of the ax under your chin, your eyes drifting back onto his own, while it is hard to see due to the darkness in the room you can feel the energy shift. Rubbing your thighs together, your hands tighten into fists. Letting out a tsk noise like he’s disappointed in what he’s found. He stands up, the ax blade still sitting under your chin, the cool blade digs slightly into your skin. Your life laid in his big, deadly, strong hands.
“You know usually I take their lives after I’ve been seen, but you… I might just keep around.” He whispers out, eyes glazed over stilling in his motions, his voice feels like velvet is rubbing in your ears. Your eyes flutter with every word he speaks, it’s hard for your brain to process you are in potential danger. Yet the way his scent evades your senses, along with his smooth, deep voice that fills your ears, and flies around like small butterflies scattering in your brain you are drunk on this man and you haven’t even had a taste of him.
“Stand up baby girl.” Your body shivers at the nickname he’s picked out for you, stepping back slightly so you have room to stand as your figure rises. You stand on your feet, plastic crinkling beneath you, he wedges the ax back into the floorboard, the plastic cushioning around the dull blade. Walking around you like he’s stalking his dinner, he’s playing with you, getting you on edge for what’s to come.
“What should I do with you..?” He whispers in that deep voice you’ve become drunk, even obsessed with, if sex had a voice it would belong to Song Mingis vocal chords. He pauses behind your shaking body, you can feel his presence loom behind you, an energy so strong it makes your whole body sweat, the back porch door is still cracked open you feel the autumn breeze blow in, yet the heat he’s creating between the both of you is suffocating.
You hear him step closer to you, you can feel him step closer to you. His large hand settles on your hip, jerking your body back against his firm chest. You immediately feel his hard cock straining behind the plastic coat, tucked away beautifully in his work slacks. You let out a small whimper, your sticky skin sticks to the plastic coat. A small chuckle leaves him, lowering himself so he is right next to your ear.
“Is your body shivering with need? Or is it shivering because you’ve been caught?” Your brain immediately turns into soup, you are positive you can feel it slosh around in your skull. Gripping your hip he walks you toward the glass sliding doors, turning you around he shoves your back against them, towering over you with ease. You let out an accidental moan, letting out a mocking chuckle, he lowers himself to his knees. The Song Mingi is kneeling right before you, staring at you with an undetectable glint in his eyes, something you've never ever seen before. His sharp nose brushes against the front of your cunt, inhaling the scent deeply. Letting out a quiet groan, he rolls his neck, eyes fluttering back before gripping your pants, tugging them down to your ankles. Your body moves like it’s on autopilot, tossing one of your legs over his shoulder so he has better access to you.
“I’m starting to think you only came in here to get fucked.” He grunts out, running two fingers through your wet folds, staring at your bare pussy in amazement at how wet it is. As his fingers continue through your folds you let out a loud moan, tossing your head back on the glass. When it dawns on you that if anyone were to sit in their own backyard they’d have a front view as to what Mingi was doing to you. Trying to bring your leg down from his shoulder, he lets out a small chuckle, gripping your other leg and tossing it over his shoulder. He stands to his full height, your body being supported by his large shoulders, you are suspended in mid hair, back firmly pressed against the cool glass.
“Wait Min-Oh my God!” You semi yell out, he dives tongue first into your cunt, wrapping his tongue around your clit giving it a good suck, before letting his tongue explore all through your folds. His large hands come up to grip your hips, pinning you against the cool glass. The way you are moaning and shouting it is definitely echoing throughout the quiet home, and the backyard of his house. Your moans sound like a beautiful symphony to him. He's practically making out with your pussy, he’s precise with each suck on your clit, switching back and forth between sticking his long, warm tongue deep in your hole, while flicking it back to wrap around your clit and give it a good strong suck, flickering his tongue across it from time to time. He was eating you out like he truly was a starved man. Gripping your hips tighter, he lets a hand wander, gripping your throat tightly, immediately snatching the air from your lungs. He squeezes just enough where your oxygen barely gets cut off, sending you into a immediate orgasm, your body jerks, your hand wraps around his wrist, letting out a laugh that vibrates off of your clit your orgasm rips from your core, pussy squirting juices out directly onto Mingis face, and in his mouth. You are sure he has streaks of your orgasm dripping down his plastic coat leaving reminders on it that he brought you to that tipping point. Your hand grips his wrist even tighter than before.
“That’s it, that’s a good girl, you can give me more than that.” He grunts into your cunt, diving back in with his tongue, taking one hand away from your hip, pinning you with his hand that was choking you, he rubs two of his fingers over your sensitive clit, before tapping it firmly, sticking his fingers into your clenching hole, his long fingers immediately brushing your spongy spot. You let out a small yelp, tears begin to form in your eyes at the feeling. You are high on him, you want to drink him in and never let him wander away from you. You drag your eyes down to get a good look at him, he looks like a wolf slurping down his dinner, he truly did remind you of a wolf in sheep’s clothing at this moment. His eyes screamed predator, yet the way his warm tongue was fucking your pulsing cunt you could care less. Your hand finds home in his jet black hair. Your breathing ragged, his fingers continue to make home in your warm, velvety walls. He can feel your walls pulsate around him.
“Is my princess going to cum again?” He says mockingly through a fake coo. You can feel him grin into your cunt. You whine and plead for him to keep going. Pulling away from your wet cunt he makes you look him deep in his eyes, while he pops two fingers into his mouth. Letting out a hum of approval. He moves back slightly watching your body slide down the glass slowly. Your shirt rises up as you descend. His hands still planted firmly on your hips making sure you don’t hurt yourself as you come down. As soon as your feet are planted against the plastic covering on the floor, he immediately grabs you, pulling you towards the living room, lifting the blinds, the moonlight shines off of your post orgasm body. Ripping your shirt off of your sweat coated body. Shimmying his way out of the plastic coat, work clothes out on display, you see him through the reflection undo the first couple of buttons on his shirt, along with sliding his belt off of his waist.
He shoves you against the glass, placing your body on display for the whole neighborhood, any and everyone could walk by and see you both. Your naked chest is pressed firmly against the cool glass of his living room windows, not even caring if anyone sees you. Your warm breath is causing the glass to fog up. He's still for a brief moment, his thick cock slowly enters your wet walls. Letting out a small whimper you shift your hips slightly letting out a loud moan, the plastic beneath your feet is practically glued to you from the amount of sweat that is pouring off of you. Bending you further than you ever thought you could go, he wraps your wrists together with his belt, letting your body fully rest on the glass. Your nipples instantly pebble at the cool contact, your face is squished against it. Moving his hips slowly, he suddenly slams up into you, balls slapping your clit causing your body to shift even more into the glass. Your hands come up bracing yourself for his brutal pace that has your body shifting up with each movement. Gripping your bounded wrists, he uses this as leverage, slamming your body back down with each thrust.
“Min-Mingi!” You choke out through a gasp, he was fucking you senselessly. If he had been playing a game he’d be hitting every killer combo on your body. Letting out a quiet grunt, his large body towers over your frame, one hand coming up to wrap around your throat while the other makes home on your hips.
“Say my name baby, say my fucking name.” He grits out through his signature business smile, the constant chant of his name falling from your wet lips was how it must feel for a God to be worshiped, he felt like he was on top of the world. His hips slightly slow, going even deeper than before, his hand starts to squeeze on your neck, while the other hand falls to strum on your clit like it’s a harp, it’s going to play the most beautiful tune known to mankind. Your toes clench so hard they get wrapped up into the plastic.
“Oh my Godddd!” You moan out, with each thrust back your body slacks against his hips, with every drive forward your body presses harder against the glass. Out of your peripheral vision you see a light flicker on, going to turn your head towards the light shining from the house across the street, his grip on your neck tightens, bringing you to his chest, breast on display for everyone in the neighborhood to see if they wanted to.
“Ah, ah, ah, who's got your attention baby, me or the outside world?” His hot breath heavy on your ear, the groans he’s letting out mixing with the slapping of his wet balls on your ass is making your whole body burn from the inside out, his movements on your clit get faster, causing your eyes to flutter.
“Answer me baby, next time I won’t be so nice in asking you.” He grits out, sucking a hickey into the side of your neck, marking you for the world to see, he needed a stamp on you that he was the one bringing you such pleasure. Giving your neck a tighter squeeze, his thumb on your clit rubbing rapid circles, the way he’s cutting off your oxygen, your wrist bound behind your back, makes your whole body tingle. Trying to warn Mingi of your orgasm that’s approaching it’s almost like he reads your mind, pulling out of you, your arousal drips down your leg, letting out a unsatisfied groan you glance back at Mingi who opens the front door to his home. Grabbing you along with him, the cool air hits your naked body causing you to liter with a whole new set of goosebumps. Bending you over the small balcony he slams back into you, continuing his rapid pace, one hand wrapping around your throat again, stretching your body up to his chest, while his other large hand wraps around your throat. He wants you to feel every bit of him, he wants you to feel him in your stomach, he wants to be so deep that his cock aids with the hand wrapped around your throat that is snatching your breathe away.
“There are so many people in this neighborhood, and their eyes could be on you right now, you know that?” He grits in your ear, his own orgasm approaching. Choking you tighter, your body is being fueled with so many emotions the thought of multiple people on the block seeing your bare body out in the open being fucked by Mingi fueled more desires in your body than you thought. Biting your lip to hold back your moan, you try your best to look up at him with his grip on your neck.
“When are you going to drop that nice act and let everyone see the real you? The real you that loves to get bent over and fucked like the dumb slut she is hm?” His grip gets a bit tighter, your hips fly back with each thrust up, slamming back down on his thick cock, you are so lost in Mingi, you don’t notice the other lights that flicker on within the neighborhood.
“When are you going to finally admit that you are sick in the head just like the rest of us?” He grunts into your ear nipping the lobe, his sentence sparks a whole new fire in you, before you could say anything your mouth opens in a big O, you feel your orgasm spray out of you, soaking your legs, soaking Mingis legs, cock, and balls. Your orgasm was so hard it bullied Mingis thick cock out of your cunt. Threw choked out gasps, you barely can make a sentence you’ve never felt something so powerful before. Your nails dig into your palm, while your upper body hangs off of the balcony trying to stabilize yourself. His hand tightens, aiding in it dragging out its orgasm, still keeping the same smooth moments on your clit, with his hand soaked he doesn’t move an inch. Your cum puddles in the palm of his hand. Fueling his cocky Godly ego more than you’ll ever know. Thick cock hanging while you continue to ride out the aftershocks of your orgasm. You finally come to, body completely depending on the cool metal of the balcony to hold you up, his hold still tight, and possessive on your neck, he holds you like he owns you, like you are his, and his only. You know his fingers are clearly leaving thick finger bruises on the soft skin. Snatching your body back into the house, he presses you up against the glass door once more, catching a glimpse of his reflection, you both lock eyes with one another, you watch him slurp down the juices that puddled in his hand. He looked like a true mad man, his eyes were blown, his body big with energy, while his shiny ax gleamed while still being wedged in the plastic coated floor boards. You knew just with that look he had been the death to many before you.
You watched as Mingi dressed in his casual button up shirt, placing his glasses back on, slicking his hair back before grabbing his briefcase. It was like clockwork with Mingi. You knew his whole routine by heart now, wanting to greet him everyday before he pulled out of his driveway, you ran down to your front door, tossing it open with a thud while he stepped foot onto the pavement, you both had seen another moving truck pull up. A smile cracking on his face as soon as he seen the man who had stepped out of the truck, with a mole under his eye, and the laugh unlike another, your smile slipped slightly, eyes growing wide at the man who was now greeting you instead of you greeting him, your new neighbor Jung Wooyoung.
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Taglist: @araknoid @atinytinaa @k-hotchoisan @darkdayelixer @abby-grace @aurorasjoongie @tunaasan @jkookiejiminlvr @luckyblue98 @notevenheretbh1 @moonlightsora @raindropsondragons @park-simphwa @ro-written @hwajoongsang @certifiedmoa @pearltinyy @minniebinnie @solarstoy @frobin4ever @gvnwks @ethelia @jin-neck-shaft @nitarolls @jenthehobbityelf @gg-trini @tearfulsparks78 @10nantscompanion @moonm1st @oreoqueen @leehopehocarat @scuzmunkie @bangtan4everr @acetruepunk @s-unflowxr @rxnexxi @tenpesos @mixling-blog @sammylvr @helsnik @mrspettersen @mixtape-racha @realviviboss @mikaelless @queenoftrash97
Divider And Gif By @justaaveragereader
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Take Care of You [10]
Sugar Daddy!Joel Miller x Female!Reader
Overall Warnings: slow burn, angst/comfort, power imbalance, age gap, possessive tendencies, eventual smut, #daddyissues, independent reader learns to let go and relax, emotionally constipated Joel Miller learns to be vulnerable; (more specific warnings to be added to individual chapters if necessary)
Chapter Word Count: 5.7k
Mood board and borders by @saradika
Summary: You spent your entire adult life supporting yourself and barely getting by. It’s why a life of ease offered to you by a mysterious stranger sounded so foreign and unbelievable. Joel Miller, dressed in flannels that had seen better days, didn’t look like the kind who could promise you the world on a plate, but he seemed desperate to help out. All he asks is that you let him take care of you. That wouldn’t be so hard. Would it?
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[A/N: 🤡. I came back to life to immediately die off again i'm so sorry. here take this next part and all my love. speaking of my love, i already closed beta readers on tiktok but for anyone on here, if you wanna see why i've been so MIA, shoot me a message with your email if you wanna beta read my original work (i do ask that you do a questionnaire afterwards but that's just to help me out). But, imagine a scifi/fantasy where the book 'Six of Crows' meets 'The Last of Us', and I have good sources that y'all like TLOU👀]
[A/N pt.2: I did not edit this to the degree I should have and there is no tag list at the bottom i am so so so so sorry].
The ceiling wasn’t right. 
That was your first, foggy thought when your eyes opened. Rather than the bumpy, plaster speckles collecting dust it was smooth and off white. You slowly sat up with a groan, head spinning and mouth dry, and you blinked three times before your situation dawned on you. This was not your bed, not your house. Fuck. You set your hands on the bed to lean back then winced. With a hiss, you pulled your hand up and saw the bandaged injury from last night.
You cradled the hand with your other and turned to hang your legs over the edge of the bed. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a note on the nightstand. You leaned over. There was a full water bottle and a bottle of tylenol resting on top of a piece of paper. On the paper, in scratchy, nearly illegible, writing was, ‘Come downstairs when you’re ready. Feel free to use the shower and change if you want. ⏤Joel’. You dragged your fingers to trace the words. 
With a shaky breath, you grabbed the water bottle and took a couple pills in hopes to nurse the aches and pains you felt. You stared at the words again. Last night, Joel admitted to being married to Sarah’s mom and you had responded by passing the fuck out. You had tried to argue, demand more information, but your body fought against your curiosity. All the drinks you had prior and the fading adrenaline from the fight probably hadn’t helped. 
You rose from the bed with a groan and crossed to use the bathroom adjoined to Joel’s bedroom. When you flicked the lights on, you took the first movement to glance around the space. The walls were beige with white tile floors. On one side was a large jacuzzi style tub next to an expansive walk in shower. On the other was ample counter space and drawers with matching him and her sinks. In the back was the small room where the toilet sat and beyond that a walk in closet. The space was lived in. A dirty clothes basket off to the side half full, toiletries on the counter and on the shelves in the shower, you spotted a pair of glasses you had never seen Joel wear resting by the sink on the right side of the counter. That must be the one Joel used most. A toothbrush sat by it and you noticed water by the rim like he hadn’t wiped up when finished.
Also on the counter were a stack of clothes, you stepped toward it and saw it was a t-shirt and pair of sweatpants that must have belonged to him. On top of it was a brand new toothbrush. Your gaze lifted to look at yourself in the mirror and you flinched. You looked a mess⏤ your hair, your clothes, everything. You rubbed at your face with a sigh and slipped into a morning time routine despite the unfamiliar setting. 
The name rang in your head over and over and over again. It didn’t matter that you had been only half with it last night. You remembered that clearly. As you cleaned up, your headache began to improve and by time you left the bathroom you at least felt human again. A new anger bubbled just under your skin. You couldn’t quite yet put your anger into words, but you knew it was there. After washing up, you traded the clothes you wore to the bar for the ones Joel left you. The shirt was worn out, like it was aged, and navy in color. It read ‘Miller’s Contracting’ with a number on it for contact. It reminded you of the kind of shirt a small company would make and not a multi-million dollar one. You tightened the waistband of Joel’s sweatpants. They were at least joggers so you didn’t have to worry about tripping over yourself.
You crossed the upstairs, open space to the stairs. Faintly, you heard the sound of someone moving around downstairs. A brief wave of nervousness had you hesitating at the top of the stairs, but it slipped away back to anger. It seemed that was where your heart was making camp this morning.
Slowly, you descended the stairs. The wooden floors under your feet didn’t creak or make noise as you padded into the living room first. A few couches were situated in front of a wall that held a large flat screen TV and a fireplace. The back wall was made of glass, a window and door all in one that revealed the back patio where a small pool and deck were, and the space beside it was the kitchen. Just as open as the rest of Joel’s house. The cabinets were made of dark wood with matching countertops and at the center was a large island with chairs. 
On the island counter looked like to-go boxes of food. You stared at them a moment longer, but a door hidden just out of view on the wall in the kitchen opened. Joel stepped into the kitchen nonchalantly until he spotted you and did a double take. He froze and stared. The two of you were actually similarly dressed. He had on a t-shirt that looked tight on his broad shoulders and a pair of sweatpants that hung low on his hips. Joel looked exhausted.
“Hey.” He said softly. “Mornin’, sug⏤” Joel stopped himself, it looked like he choked on his words, but he locked his jaw and changed direction. “Mornin’. How did you sleep?” You gave a small shrug and a tight lipped smile. “Right. How’s your…” Joel lifted his own hand. “Your hand?”
You lifted it up to stare down at it. The bandages had been pulled away when you washed up this morning. It didn’t look so bad. “It’s fine. Thanks for the⏤ the tylenol. And the toothbrush. And the,” You motioned to the clothes hanging off your frame, “You know.”
“Can I?” Joel nodded toward you.
“I said, it’s fine, Joel.”
“I…” He sighed and the look in his eyes was agonizing. “I know you’re pissed at me. Understandably so. But, please let me…”
You walked over to sit down at one of the tall chairs at the island counter and set your hand on the marble top. Joel mumbled a quiet ‘thank you’ and disappeared for a quick second. He was back with a small first aid kit again. You twisted your lips when you felt his warm hand cautiously take yours. It was quiet as he reapplied a bit of medicine to the hand before wrapping it up again. 
“You don’t…” Joel started then cleared his throat. You never would have used the word anxious to describe the Joel you had gotten to know thus far, but nervous energy seemed to radiate off him. The tension in his shoulders looked painful to keep hold of. “I had breakfast delivered. Some stuff I know you like.” Joel pulled his hand away from yours. “But you don’t have to stay if you don’t wanna.”
“No. I want to.” You replied. Joel looked briefly hopeful. “I want to talk about this. I want⏤ to know. I want answers.”
“Right. Of course.” Joel nodded quickly. “I owe you at least that.” You nodded in agreement. Joel straightened from where he stood and ran a hand over his chest and shoulder with a quiet cough. “Can I make you something to drink? Coffee, tea, juice?”
You gave a small nod, mumbling a response, and watched as Joel put it all together. He poured himself a cup of coffee after serving you. Rather than take the seat beside you, he stood on the other side of the island counter across from you.
“You mentioned the girl from Vegas last night briefly, but how did you know…”
“Yo-yo told me you had a sugar baby before me. That you married her.”
“I did have a sugar baby before you, yes.” Joel sighed.
“Why did you lie to me?” You demanded.
Joel shook his head, “I never lied to you. I just⏤ I never told you, and you never asked.”
“Really?” You scoffed. “That’s what you wanna hang your hat on here? Semantics?” Joel hung his head then shook it a bit. “I didn’t want to believe her, but yesterday Nima texted someone she knows. A private investigator⏤”
Joel’s eyes widened, “You hired a private investigator??”
“I didn’t hire anybody! Nima just texted them and they confirmed⏤”
“You went to a PI before just asking me?” Joel replied sharply. You leaned back in your seat⏤ in shock at his audacity. He must have noticed how you felt because he held up a hand. “I just mean, that’s a huge invasion of privacy and all you had to do was call me⏤”
You pushed out of your seat and turned to leave. Joel called out after you before following. He grabbed your hand to tug you to a stop and you glared at him over your shoulder. You snapped, “If you’re just going to stand there and be defensive then there’s no reason for me to be here, Joel.” You pulled your hand out of his grip and spun to face him. “I understand that getting in contact with a fucking PI was a crazy move, but yesterday I felt a little crazy.” You scoffed. “I felt like an idiot. I felt like a naive, desperate idiot who got played. So, yeah, I let Nima text her cousin’s cousin’s cousin to find an answer because the thought of standing in front of you and asking⏤”
The rest of your words got caught in your throat. You didn’t want to get emotional in front of Joel. More than anything you wanted to keep your cool and be collected. Just in case he did break your heart, you could walk away with at least some of your dignity intact. Joel took a step closer. Thankfully, he didn’t try to touch you, but he did lift his hands slightly in surrender.
“I’m sorry. You’re right. I’m sorry.” He said. “I’m being defensive. Hell, I'm being an ass.” You locked your jaw and let your eyes focus on something over his shoulder. Unable to stare into those deep, dark eyes. “This is… This isn’t an easy subject for me to talk about and I⏤ I panicked. I want you to hear me out. I want you to know the truth.” He shifted in his stance so your gaze was forced to meet his. The longing there made you suck in a sharp breath. “Please. Give me another chance to explain this. I’ll do better.”
You rubbed the back of your neck with your non-injured hand and gave a small nod.
“Thank you. Thank you.” Joel repeated himself. He took a step back but kept his shoulders facing you as if he thought you were a flight risk. Joel motioned to his couch. “Do you wanna sit? I’ll grab our drinks.” You sighed and meandered over to sit down on one end of his leather couch. Joel didn’t move back into the kitchen until after you were seated. He came back with both of your drinks and handed you your own before sitting on the other side of the couch. One cushion of space between the two of you. 
You took a sip, trying to gather your thoughts, before nodding once. “I want to know about your wife first. Celina, you said? I want to know about her.”
“Yeah.” Joel swallowed thickly. “Do you remember anything I mentioned about Sarah’s mom before?”
“I didn’t know her name.” You replied. “You said the two of you had dated for, like, three months?” Joel nodded. “She got pregnant, and you worked it out. Things were fine, but two weeks after Sarah was born she left. You never said the two of you got married though.”
“Because we didn’t.” Joel replied softly. “I asked. Proposed to her when we found out she was pregnant with Sarah, and she said no.” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but he wasn’t meeting your gaze anymore. Joel stared down at the coffee mug in his hands. “I loved her. She was my first real love, actually. I knew our situation wasn’t ideal, but… I wanted it to work. I saw a future with her.” Joel ran his thumb back and forth on the edge of his mug’s rim where it reached. He chuckled, “When Sarah was born… Those two weeks? It was⏤ It was good. But, uh, then she left.” Joel shrugged in a way that attempted nonchalance but did not meet the mark. “Her leaving hurt for a lot of reasons. For one, in no way was I prepared to take care of a newborn.”
You set your drink on the coffee table before leaning back. Joel stayed silent, his jaw clenching and unclenching, and you recognized the look of someone getting stuck in their own memories. You spoke up, “What happened then? When did you get married?”
“Celina is…” Joel began. He rubbed his jawline. “I spent a lot of time being furious with her⏤ hating her. Not just for leaving me behind, but for leaving Sarah. Sarah deserved better.” He shook his head. “But she… she came to me, needing help, and I⏤ I couldn’t say no. Not to her. And not because I still had any sort of feelings for her, but because no matter how angry I was at her she gave me Sarah.” A vulnerable softness filled his features and he finally lifted his head to meet your gaze fully. “Without Celina, I wouldn’t have Sarah.”
You could understand that. You knew that his daughters meant absolutely everything to Joel. More so, despite all the shit going on between the two of you right now, despite Joel arguing otherwise, you knew he was a good man. You had a very hard time picturing him saying no to anyone who came to him for help. 
“When did she come to you? And why? What problem is solved with marriage?”
“Three years ago. Just about.” Joel mumbled. “It’s… She was sick. Cancer. The only feasible treatment was going to bankrupt her because her insurance refused to cover the cost. Celina came back wanting to see Sarah. Get to know her before she died.” Your eyes widened in surprise at both the news and the confusion that came with trying to connect the dots. “I told her that was up to Sarah⏤ she was old enough to make that decision for herself and I was gonna support her with whatever she chose.”
You nodded slowly, “Okay…”
“Sarah decided she did want to meet her mom. And I…” Joel paused. He set his coffee mug down on the coffee table as well and laced his fingers together. He was fidgeting. Another nervous tick of his. Joel could never seem to keep his hands still when he was caught in his own mind. It was like his hands so desperately wanted to fix what stressed him out⏤ even if it wasn’t a physical problem they could fix. “I⏤ I couldn’t stop thinking… remembering…”
Joel squeezed his eyes shut, and the palpable pain had you shifting closer. It dawned on you. Words clicking in your mind. You set a hand on his forearm and gave it a small squeeze, “Your mom.” Joel had told you, ages ago, that he had lost his own mother to cancer. “You lost her. I remember you telling me.”
“Yes.” Joel unlaced his own fingers so he could settle one hand on top of yours⏤ still resting on his forearm. The tip of his thumb dragged back and forth against the knuckle of your index finger. Tracing the shape of it. “It wasn’t… It wasn’t the exact same, I know that, but… Sarah technically had already lost her once.”
“I offered to pay. Pay for the treatment in full.” Joel’s thumb stilled to squeeze your hand once. “I’d cover all the costs, but⏤ but Celina refused. Said she didn’t want,” Joel scoffed with a humorless laugh, “Didn’t want to be a ‘charity case’. Said she didn’t come back for my money, or for me to fix the problem, she came back for Sarah.” Joel shook his head. “We argued in circles for God knows how long. We finally settled on this. If we got married, she’d have my insurance instead of her own. My insurance would cover most of the treatments and she’d pay what it didn’t.”
You understood that. It matched up with what you knew about Joel. “How is she? Now?”
“In remission. Since seven months ago, she’s been in remission.” A small smile flickered on his features. “She lives in Waco. Wanted to be closer to Sarah. One of the only reasons I could stomach all of us coming to LA while Sarah stayed in Texas for college. I knew she’d at least have her there in case of emergencies.”
Your face scrunched in question, “Then why… Why are you still married?”
“I don’t have a reason. Not a real one. Not beyond me just being lazy.” Joel said firmly. He held your hand tight, keeping it pinned to his arm, like it was a lifeline. “Up until now, it didn’t matter to me. It made no difference. That’s it. I swear to you, sugar.” The nickname fell out of his mouth like second nature. “And I’m working on changing that already. You can ask Tommy or⏤ or hell I’ll give you Celina’s number or our lawyer’s number. We started the official divorce paperwork the day you and I got back from Vegas. It was the first call I made after dropping you off at your place.”
You did believe him. As Joel held your gaze, all you could see in those soulful eyes was a deep desperation. An ache seeking the comfort that would come with reassurance. “I believe you.” You said softly and his eyes closed in relief. His entire body sagged as the tension seeped out of it. You really did believe him, and of all the ways this could’ve gone wrong technically you supposed this was the best case scenario. However, learning this made you realize what aspect of this bothered you more than most. You slid your hand out from under his. “Why… Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I was… I was going to. After.”
“Why though? Why after?” You shook your head. “Why didn’t you trust me with this?” Joel’s face fell again. “I know we haven’t known one another for long, but…” You bit back your words before you admitted to the naive truth that you felt some sort of connection to him. That being with him was as easy as breathing and you foolishly let yourself get carried away. “I don’t…”
Joel quickly scooted closer, a hand held up in surrender, “Had nothing to do with⏤ with me not… I do trust you. I do.” Joel shook his head. “Me not mentioning this had nothing to do with you. It was me.” His words reminded you of Vegas. This excuse was sounding familiar and the more you heard it the harder it was to believe. He hung his head and winced. “I need to tell you about⏤ about Erina.”
“That’s…” You began. “Is that your sugar baby?
“Yeah.” Joel nodded. “But it was more complicated than that.”
“So, I’m gathering.” You mumbled. The words of frustration left your lips before you could filter them. In this situation, you felt you had every right to be upset and bitter, but the look of pained guilt that filled Joel’s features made every cell in your body vibrate with regret. It felt like you had just kicked a puppy, and those sad, brown eyes were heart wrenching. “Sorry.”
Joel shook his head quickly. “No. Don’t. You don’t need to be sorry. I do.”
“You’re talking to me⏤ answering my questions.” You replied with a small shrug. “The least I can do is not be petty.” You twisted your lips. “So? Tell me about her.”
“She wasn’t my sugar baby to begin with.” Joel started softly. He turned his head to keep his gaze on the mug sitting on the coffee table, and you found the story easier to stomach without those powerful eyes focused on you. “My company got hired for a job. It was a big one, which is why it came across my desk. Some summer project. A finance guy wanted his vacation house completely renovated in Malibu. I decided to take a more hands on position for the entire thing. Stayed on site to work.” It wasn’t a shock to hear. You were plenty aware that Joel spent most of his work time on site if he could. Joel only donned a tie for the board room when Tess wrestled him into it. “The guy who hired us wasn’t there, but his wife was. At least, I thought it was his wife.”
“But it wasn’t.”
Joel gave out a sad chuckle, “No. She wasn’t. Erina was… lively and energetic. She was fun, and I… It had been a long time since I experienced that kind of light hearted fun. Plus, the client, when he did come around, was such an asshole to her and I⏤” Joel sighed. “She left him midway through the project, but we didn’t get involved with one another until after it was over. When it started, it was great. The honeymoon phase was…” His voice trailed off as a small, sad smile crossed his face. You found your stomach churn in jealousy at him talking about this other woman. It was damn near nonsensical, but the emotion rose up regardless. “The issues started a while in. I realized that we saw the relationship differently. I thought… I thought what we had was real, and she only saw me as her new sugar daddy.”
For a while, we just went on. I didn’t think the difference in how we viewed things would matter. Stupid, I know, but… I thought I was happy.” Joel mumbled the last bit. He lifted a hand to rub at his jawline. “As you’ve probably figured out, I’m not⏤ I’m not good at this. Relationships and…” He tensed. “Some people are just better off alone, but I’ve been too hard headed to accept that.”
“Joel.” You interrupted the flow of his story at his claim. You didn’t believe that and you especially refused to believe it about Joel. “That’s not⏤”
“Things were still working until I…” Joel shook his head. “I told her about Celina. Tried to explain the situation to her, but when she told me to get divorced and I couldn’t⏤ that’s when it all started to crumble. I didn’t actually end the relationship until after I found out she was seeing a few other guys.” You opened your mouth the speak, the beginnings of a sentence you didn’t know how to end slipping from your tongue, but Joel suddenly turned in his seat to face you and the look in his eyes silenced any attempt at speech. He hesitantly reached out and let his hand settle on top of yours. When you didn’t pull away, he squeezed his grip tighter. “You and Erina are not the same. It wasn’t until after we stopped seeing one another that I realized how terrible our relationship had been. So please, please, don’t think I’m comparing you to her because I’m not. I know how she reacted is not some⏤ some default and you wouldn’t necessarily react the same, but… but every time I considered telling you about Celina, all I could imagine was you leaving. And I, selfishly, stopped myself from admitting the truth to you because I didn’t want to ruin this the way I ruin everything else.”
You murmured his name. Early on, you recognized Joel had trust issues, but you had never realized it stretched this far. Joel didn’t trust even himself. It broke your heart that he thought so poorly of himself. No matter how upset you were at the man you knew deep down he was a good. His mistake had hurt you, but it hadn’t been born of malice. You saw that now. Fear and self doubt had brought the two of you to this crossroads. 
“Joel, that isn’t true.” You said softly. “You don’t ruin everything.”
“The evidence is pretty damning.” Joel chuckled sadly. You opened your mouth to argue, but he shook his head quickly and held out a hand to stop you. “That’s not the point of… I should’ve told you. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. I should’ve told you, been up front about it all, and I’m sorry.” Joel sighed. “I’m sorry, sugar.”
He had answered a number of your questions and with the truth came the relief of knowing.  Plus, the answer technically hadn’t been your worst case scenario. God knew your brain was plenty capable of thinking up some nightmare-ish situations. So in comparison, it would be worse. Still, there was an itch that hadn’t quite yet been scratched.
“Why… Why seek out a new sugar baby?” You asked. His experience with Erina had obviously been less than ideal so why try again? You shook your head, “Why me?”
“Those are two very different questions.”
“How do you figure that?”
“I …” Joel began hesitantly. You could see his thoughts jumbling in his mind as he struggled to string one along. Conversations like this were hardly considered Joel’s comfort zone so you did appreciate that he was trying. That went a long way as well. “Erina came back into my life not so long ago.” You felt your stomach drop and your heart clench painfully. The emotional response was so physical that it nearly made you sick. Joel must have noticed because he quickly reached out and settled a hand on your shoulder. “No. Not like that. She means nothing to me. She came to me wanting to get back together, harassing me about it, but I’ve made it crystal clear to her and everyone around us that I have no interest in restarting something with her. Especially now.”
“The idea was…” Joel winced sheepishly. “The idea was to hire a sugar baby as a way to show her that I was serious. We were done and I was moving on.” It was ridiculous enough that from anyone’s else mouth you wouldn’t have believed them, but they had been said in Joel’s sincerity. “I know how that sounds.”
“Not good. It sounds not good.”
“I know. Everyone told me it was a bad idea. Tess, Sarah, Ellie.” You found it interesting that his daughters knew about their father’s love life to that degree. It spoke to how close they were and his stance on honesty. Joel chuckled. “Actually, the only person who agreed with me on the plan was Tommy, but I suppose that should’ve been a sign to give it up.” Your lips twitched up mildly in amusement. “But, deep down I knew it would hurt Erina, and I… I wanted to be petty.”
You shrugged, “And I’m apart of this… how? To annoy Erina?”
“No.” Joel said firmly, almost roughly. “Absolutely not. Remember the day you bought me that coffee? I said I had been meeting with some other, um, women?” You nodded and let him continue. “By time I made it to the that coffee shop, I had already half decided to give up the idea. It was obviously going poorly. I was literally just looking for someone I wouldn’t mind spending time with and I couldn’t even do that. But you were… God, meeting you felt like a breath of fresh air.” He messily ran a hand through his hair while his other continued to fidget. “You stayed on my mind and when I spotted you again…”
“I…” You tried to find the right words. The ones he would want to hear. It felt odd to give forgiveness for a misunderstanding, but you knew that’s what he was seeking. Validation. “I forgive you.” 
The relief on Joel’s face was staggering and when he held a hand out to you, you knew exactly what he was asking for. You closed the space and let him pull you into a hug. His warm, large hands enveloped you as he craddled the back of your head to hold you as closely to him as you could. You wrapped your own arms around him and lazily dragged your thumb up and down where it rested. 
You did forgive him for this. That was the truth and you meant it with your whole heart, but this entire experience was eye opening. You had fallen for Joel so dangerously fast. It made you realize that if this had been a different scenario, one of the nightmare-ish ones you imagined, it would’ve destroyed you. With the speed you were moving in, you would’ve hit the ground at a million miles per hour and shattered. You forgave Joel, but you needed to figure out a way to better guard your heart.
“I’m sorry for reaching out to a PI.”
“No. Don’t be.” Joel pulled back and the hand at the back of your head dragged forward to cup the side of your face. He sighed, “You were right. I should’ve handled this better, but I… I do appreciate you saying so.” The two of you sat in a moment of silence and for the first time since you met him that silence felt awkward. Joel must have felt it as well based on the clearing of his throat and fidgeting. “So… Are we— Are we okay?”
You nodded, “I think so.” The tension left Joel’s shoulders and you quickly stood. “I should… I should go.”
“You’re off today though, aren’t you?” Joel stood as well.
“Well, yeah, but—”
“Stay. Please.” Joel motioned back to the kitchen. “Have breakfast. I called Tommy and he’s gonna bring over your stuff.” Your eyes widened in surprise and he shrugged. “Tommy is gonna bring over your friend who has your stuff I should say.”
You hesitated, nervous after this heart to heart, but Joel held out a hand to you. Equally a peace offering and lifeline. You just weren’t sure if it was a lifeline for you or him. You set your hand in his and he gave it a small squeeze. The smile on his face was soft and open. Two words you knew not many people were able to claim as a description with him. 
Joel led you back toward the kitchen and when you turned to try and go back for your mug he stopped you. He settled you on one of the bar stools, hands lingering on your hips briefly, before going back to the living room for both your mugs. 
“You know, when I pictured you spending the night here this wasn’t quite how I thought it’d go.” Joel chuckled and grabbed a plate. You leaned on the counter and waited since you knew that plate he was making was meant for you. It took a second for his words to dawn on you. Joel pictures you spending the night in his home with him? Your face and neck warmed at the thought. It wasn’t like you hadn’t had those kinds of ideas, but hearing it from him still made your heart flutter. Even with the disaster miscommunication still lingering in your rear view mirror. “Here. Lemme know if you want anything else.” Joel set the plate in front of you and handed you a fork. After making his own plate, he pulled the barstool beside you closer and sat down. He sat sideways to face you and his knee pressed against your stool. “We could, uh, we could have a day in.”
“Hm?” You took a bite of your food.
“We’re both in pajamas and neither of us have work.”
“You don’t have work?” You asked in surprise.
Joel shook his head. “I already called Tess and told her I wasn’t coming in today. Told her I was feeling sick.”
“Did she actually believe you?” You smirked.
“No.” Joel chuckled. “She didn’t. But she also didn’t call me out on my shit, so…”
He gave you a charming smile, obviously trying to lighten the mood, and you found you appreciated it. Things weren't perfect, but for the sake of what had been you were willing to try.
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andersonfilms · 16 days
ray, your writing is so amazing 🤍
lowkey, i need a “i love you x i loved you” angst with abby and reader ‼️😔👀
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tags: eighteen+,wc 2k, heavy angst, tw panic attack.
a/n: more than happy to fulfill this request for you, em. thank you for helping me even further bringing it to life. i love when our brains mesh. it's a beautiful and lovely thing. ily, mwah mwah ♡
daily click | palestine masterpost
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Three months, shot after shot, week after week, you call. The dial tone you’re met with again. The hint is there for you to take but you steer clear from it, hoping to wipe out instead. She never blocks you, a glimmer of hope you call it. It’s the only sliver of silver lining you hold onto. Your friends take away your phone after the fourth call, trying to protect you from the inevitable hurt. 
You’ve hit rock bottom, the tequila burning through the remnants left of your senses. Stumbling in your boots before you find an edge of a curb to nestle on, the now empty body of the tequila bottle you’d emptied kisses the concrete. 
Everything reminds you of her. The soft laugh she would sing after a silly joke, the way she would hold you at night when you cried, singing her favorite song of the week when the two of you would get ready in the morning together. Just like tonight, Abby would be the one to hold you, dance with you, twirl you around the dance floor and now some other girl tries and it leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. 
It’s a traitorous reminder someone else can and maybe, tragically, there’s another already filling your shoes with her. It’s the rude awakening you were in for, but you need it. You stop calling. Woefully, you let Dina and Ellie take you home, making sure you shower, hydrate, and slip into some clean clothes until sleep overtakes you. 
You throw yourself into work, it makes things easier. The only time you think of her is at night. When you’re entirely too lonely, somber floods your soul with the emptiness of your home. The absence of her presence rips you to pieces but it’s better than drunk dialing her into an abyss. 
Though she’s never said anything since, she’s probably glad you’ve stopped calling, the sobbing voicemails with soft cries of her name — would be too much for anyone to stomach yet you’ve subjected her to it. 
Cruelty. What you know best, right? 
You try not to think of it, leave it behind. Out of sight out of mind or something like that? Three more months go by and you’re on your first date. It’s going well enough, the conversation is good. She’s beautiful. Her brown eyes remind you of the honey you drip into your tea, soft caramel skin, the freckles dotting her face, and her smile? It grabs a hold of you. 
Maybe this could be good. This could be something. 
The way she tosses her hair, offers you to try a bite of her omelet, she asks questions about yourself and appears like she wants to know you. You’re enjoying yourself for the first time. The promise of your aching heart healing and the hope of something new makes you elated. Starting to believe it for just a moment, but then it comes crashing down on you like a tsunami wave. 
It’s far from town, tucked in the outskirts of town, you’d suspected to not see anyone here but you see her. She’s sitting outside on the patio, just like you, she’s working. The laptop in front of Abby has her full attention. Her veiny hands run through her golden hair for a moment before she’s taking a sip of her coffee, you presume it to be black. No sugar or cream, the one she normally takes the steamy beverage. As if she knows you’re watching, she slips the suit jacket off, left with only a white button up paired with a gray vest to match her slacks. She pushes her glass up as it glides over the bump in her nose. 
Abby looks like she gets a full night of rest at night. No dark circles are to be found as she’s put together like always. You try to focus on your date. Replies fall from your lips when necessary, you engage, compliment, smile insincerely, but more than anything you feel the bile swarming up your throat. It leaves with no other option than to choke. 
Baby blues shine at the waitress as she comes to check up on her — her smile gleaming with joy, the final knife to your throat reels you into turmoil. It slices you open in the middle of night, now you feel the trickles of blood leaking out from your heart. The wound is out of reach and only one healer can be found. How pitiful the one who can save you would rather never touch you again? 
Painfully, it’s almost as if she feels your distress. She finds you staring, jaw clenched as you look past the woman seated in front of you. An aching chest burns for her, the perplexed quirk of eyebrows and the slight tilt of her head tells you she’s just now seeing you. Meanwhile, for the past hour you’d been practically sweating. Not that the beam of sun left you much of an option. 
“Are you alright, love?” Her accent cuts through like knives, it feels loud. Too much? Too little? You’re not sure what but it’s simply not her. 
“M’good, promise. Let me just freshen up, yeah?” You need to breathe because it feels like you can’t. The weight on your chest feels unbearable as you attempt to catch your breath. Practically making a dash for the bathroom. 
You’re thankful for the singular bathroom as you lay against the cool, tiled wall. Your fingertips reach for the groves, in an attempt to calm yourself before a full meltdown overtakes. Just a flash of her blues sends you into your own, your mind latching onto every kiss, every moment of comfort, the hours you spent buried between her thighs. 
It reminds you of the feeling you’ll never find again. They’ll never be anyone like her again and it all was fucked up to the heavens to reap on, because you couldn’t have a little bit of faith. 
There’s a soft knock on the door, it leaves you reckless. It can’t be her? 
“I-, uh, occupied?” You muster, as you clutch onto the chain resting on your collarbones. “Hey, it’s me.” 
Your heart falls into your stomach, beat erratic at her voice. She’s speaking to you, just you. The familiarity of her soothes you more than expected. “Are you alright? You just ran off, and I just, I know how you get.” 
But you’re quiet, silent tears fall down the apple of your cheeks cascading further as they slip off your jaw. The blossoming feeling of her floods through like a never ending crashing wave. You’ve tried so hard not to venture into it, but she’s here. All it takes is one look in your eyes, she knows something is wrong. How do you move on from that? How can anyone? 
It’s a question you ask yourself, daily, but having it right in front of you is more unimaginably difficult to face. 
“Can I come in?” Abby asks and you let out a gentle okay. 
She’s here, in all her six foot glory, but the look in her eyes tells a different story. Distant, walled — just like when you had met her. Old habits die hard and all the two of you did was revert. She slowly walks towards you, until she’s in front of you, holding her arms behind her back. 
“How bad is it?” Abby inquires. 
“Sit down, alright?” Gently, she offers her hand making you sit as you hiccup, your hyperventilating. Pulling a handkerchief from her pocket, she runs it under cool water before placing it against your neck, and then gently on your forehead. 
Abby wipes away your tears, whispering sweet words to comfort you. It’s been her specialty. No one could calm you down like her. There’s a center to her, pulling your wreckage into her tranquil sense of being. You wonder how long it took for her to have it again, she broke for you when you couldn’t even bend. 
She gave you everything yet you couldn’t give her an ounce of what she wanted. Yet, her innocent hands clean off your hands, as if it isn’t her own blood she’s ridding you of. 
“You shouldn’t be doing this. I’m fine.” 
“I know. I certainly don’t have to anymore. Do I? You’ve made that clear.” There’s a bite to her tone, but she still helps you. “Stop complaining and grip onto my hand.” 
You pause before obeying her command. Making sure not to intertwine, only holding and she applies tight pressure with the contact. 
“You’re clearly not fine.” Abby bitterly laughs. “I see nothing has changed.” She whispers so quietly to herself you almost don’t catch it. 
Her eyes catch your own and it feels the same as it did before. The words you could never tell her, the reason she left — they crave to come tumbling out. You focus on her strong hands, the veins popping out, how well fitted the vest is on her chest. She’s holding off on full compression, only if you need it. 
“Maybe I shouldn’t, not when you’re like this.” 
“Just say it.” You spat. 
“You’re still afraid of me, of us, not that there is much left to be afraid of.” Abby sighs, biting her lip. Cursing at the gods above for making her fall for someone like you. You couldn’t give her what she needed and she moved on. 
They couldn’t even try for you, Abby reminds herself. 
“It’s okay. I just expected more from you when I shouldn’t have.” There’s no malice when she speaks, only laced with regret. Abby’s words wake turmoil within your heart, pulling at a thread until you’ve come undone. Then there’s her touch, the compression in your hand, the coolness of the handkerchief, it centers you. It’s chaotic, reckless and everything in between. 
It’s always been you. Not centered enough to hold her down or yourself, to anything. 
“I-I wanted to give more I just—” You try to explain, but they die. Just as they always have. 
“You can’t.” The minutes spent in silence the two of you looking in each other’s eyes as Abby allows herself to cling onto you. For just a moment, in the women’s singular bathroom, she allows herself to get some type of remembrance. 
She’s calm as she wipes away your tears, your breathing evening out, the grip on her hands loosens. The two of you lost in a moment, unresolved feelings come up bubbling. Abby lets you cradle her face in your pressing grip, it feels like acid on her skin but a familiar warmth floods in her heart. 
Unexpectedly, you’re leaning into her in the evanescence of her care. The possibility of finality leaves you clinging onto straws. Abby thinks you did, but part of her, maybe leans in a little bit too. Is it pity? Closure? A craving? 
Your lips gently mold to hers, she tastes the salty tears left on your lips and the raspberry balm you must have put on. It’s everything to you yet she’s not sure what it means. You’re trying to cling onto her, yet she pulls away far too quickly for your liking. 
“Please, don’t do this.” Abby picks herself off the floor. “You should go back to your date.” 
“But I—” The words die, again. 
“What? You can’t fucking tell me and you’ve never been able to. I deserve better than this, better than you.” 
“You’re selfish, god, why’d you kiss me?” 
“Because I wanted to?” 
“Yeah, exactly. Because you want to. Have you ever thought about what I want?” Abby pushes, shaking her head, seriously inquiring you to think about someone else besides yourself. “Did you think about me when you were drunk calling me every weekend, pleading to get back together while I was at home crying every night? Do you think hearing you heartbroken made me feel good?” 
Aggravatedly, she huffs. “That’s the problem. You always think of yourself and I’m just collateral damage. Couldn’t bother to give me what I wanted when we both knew you felt it. Just like keeping me in the dark for fun, huh?” 
Abby adjusts her tie, reaching for the door as she hears you. She does a double-take, not believing what she’s heard. Now? 
“What did you just say?” 
“I love you, Abby. Please.” Don’t go. 
She smirks manically, it’s too bittersweet. You couldn’t be bothered to give her what she craved but now one taste from her lips sends you into overdrive? 
Fuck you, is what she wants to say but she bites her tongue. 
“And I loved you.” Abby tuts, her jaw clenches, hands tightly clenching against the other, knuckles blown white in her misery. “I’ll still care about you. I always will but I could never love you. Not when I was pleading for something and you could only offer me nothing in return.” 
“No.” You’re shocked by her dismissal of you. “I never deserved this. I want someone who will love me and not be afraid of it. Who won’t treat me like shit when I’m begging for a lifeline. Hopefully, you can give that to the next one but it just won’t be me.” She leaves swiftly. All you're left with is the scent of mahogany and her handkerchief. 
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thanks for reading! mwah!
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blueywrites · 1 month
hi sluts! I have a lil dealer!Eddie thot to distract you from the sunday scaries, but it's a bit more... ahem... depraved than what I would typically write. So I wanna get a read on whether y'all would like me to write it as a ficlet and post here 👀
I've included a preview of what the tags would be for the full piece so you can decide if you wanna read on below the cut! there's more planned for the full fic, but this gives you a taste of what to expect 🩵
cw: 18 + only. mmf, dubcon, dom/sub dynamics, power play, sharing, objectification, age gap, oral (m), protected piv, unprotected piv, creampie, drug use, threat of violence (not toward reader). more tags may be added if/when the full piece gets posted.
So, this is dealer!Eddie and reader some time after u-haul/hit it. Now reader is officially Eddie's girl - totally devoted, will do anything he says. And he says he wants her to come with him to Rick's, with the intent that Rick would be able to play with her.
Rick's a stranger though, so she's a bit shy and self-conscious about the whole thing, the idea of this older guy seeing all of her body, touching her and feeling her. So Eddie really coddles her from the moment they arrive at Rick's place. Stroking her back, playing with her hair, talking to her nicely, giving her lots of kisses and affection. Enough so that she loosens up and doesn't object when Eddie takes all her clothes off so Rick can look at her. Eddie moves her around, shows her off, bends her over and spreads her cheeks and her pussy lips, and they talk about her body like she isn't even there, like she's just a toy for them to appraise and use.
And then when Rick fucks her, he does it with her on the ground, on her knees between Eddie's legs, her hair held in Eddie's fist as he gives her his dick to suck on so she's happy while he lets Rick use her. She doesn't really want Rick to fuck her in the sense that she only really wants Eddie forever and always, but she's into it because Eddie's praising her for being such a good girl, she likes how it feels taking it from both ends at the same time, and she loves it when Eddie looks at her like that as he fucks her mouth - like she's the only thing in his life he's ever loved.
And she knows once Rick is done Eddie is gonna give her everything he fuckin' has.
I would love to hear your thoughts babes 😌
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 month
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With a puzzled squint, you could see the adeptus was running over what you said in his mind, trying to parse out the meaning. Xiao then threw his head up out of his slight bow, almost glaring at you, “There is no task nor person more important than guarding you, my Lord. I will stand guard, worry not about my state.”
Nodding to you, he abruptly turned on his heel to shift to the side of the entrance to the mansion, his spear tall and ready. You’d have twitched a smile at him if you could, as you're sure he’s gotten a little more comfortable with you than when you first officially met. You’re also sure from meeting Zhongli just once in person that he’d have a small heart attack if he saw some of Xiao’s informal behavior.
But you’re glad he hasn’t, the more relaxed they are, especially considering your form, the better.
You duck inside, though the ceilings are so raised that you don’t have to go that low surprisingly. Huh, it was nice to be anticipated in a building usually sized for human heights. Wow. You’ve really reached the point of casually calling yourself inhuman.
…well, to be real with yourself right now, it might actually help to get more accustomed to that in case you’re never human again.
You also put that possibility back into the vault at the back of your mind.
HEY I live, again,
I had a big life update what with my sib graduating grad school (getting their masters degree) at the same time we both moved like 2 states over from our home state 😅
and unfortunately, i wasnt able to get my monster of a sequel out in time to post it remotely to get it out to you guys while i was afk
(as i havent had wifi/free time consistently in like 2-3 weeks)
which, phew, im finally able to be settled in one place enough to write again, and have enough time in the day to not be dealing wiht my apartment to write ToT
i hope you guys arent too mad at me! (or have forgotten me?? sobs)
i hear Natlan's coming out. 👀
I don't think it'll be out before i post the full (3 chapters total planned) sequel, but just in case, disclaimer-
🪄I am not to be held liable for not writing about Natlan bc it wasnt out yet woooo🪄
anyway, yeah its also taking a bit bc i wanna post the completed thing all in one go, over the course of like 3 days or so, that way u guys can actually look forward to the next little chapter in a reasonable amount of time lmao
well yknow, if anyones still reading this or my blog lol
happy summer you guys! I hope u all are having a good one so far, esp those of you in school, heart going out to yall fr <33
Catch you on the flip side (ao3 side?)✌️
Safe Travels,
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(If you ever wanna drop, just DM me! "No more taglists/[specifically this AU/fandom] please!")
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graves4girls · 9 months
what day is it 👀
☆ 18+ FΛSHION | miguel o'hara
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✮ wc. 2.2k ⚠︎ warning(s): 18+, masturbation, kinda meangirl!reader but not really (?), little bit of degradation (m receiving), fem!reader IT'S OCTOBER FUCKING THIRD !! mean girls day bitches wasn't planning on writing this but i have been meaning to write a meangirl!reader x miguel for awhile, (inspo taken from @nymphomatique mig fics btw they're so perf) and what better day to do it than today ?? ⟡ be sure to check out my work on ao3 → gravesforgirls !!
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You'd dragged him to the mall, insisting you were in desperate need of new clothes–which you both knew was a complete lie. 
Your heels click against the shiny tiled floor of the mall as you pull him along to yet another store, hugging his arm as he grumbles under his breath. If he weren't built like a greek god, you'd might have felt bad making him carry all your bags, but what were boyfriends for if not to spoil you and treat you like a princess? 
"Babe, we've been walking around for two hours already. What more could you possibly need to get?"
He frowns down at you as you pull him toward a rack chock-full of pink, skimming through the clothes as you click your tongue.
"Stop whining. I'll tell you when I'm done. What about this?"
You pull a satin mini skirt from the rack, holding it out to him as he sighs, eyeing the tiny article with a slight pout, shrugging.
"It's cute."
You slip the hanger under your arm to sift through more shades of pink, popping a hip out as you flip through each article. You can feel his eyes on you, running along your figure as he towers behind you, guarding you from any prying eyes. 
You wander to another tall rack, manicured fingers feeling the soft material of each dress as he follows you.
"That one's pretty."
You stop on the baby blue sundress, picking it off the rack and analyzing the piece, giving him a look.
"You know I don't wear loose shit. The color's cute, though."
You shove it back in its spot and continue flipping through the dresses, pulling another down and smiling as you turn to him.
"This one is super cute. And it's only thirty dollars." 
His eyes run over the short, baby pink halter dress, quirking an eyebrow. "Only?"
You roll your eyes and swivel on your heel, hooking the hanger on your hand. "C'mon. I wanna look at the shoes."
He drops his shoulders as he stays hot on your heels, nearly knocking over a display with your bags as he squeezes between the narrow aisles. You nearly squeal at the shiny heels propped on a pedestal, immediately reaching for them and admiring them in your hands, and he can swear your eyes are sparkling when you spin around to beam at him.
"I've been waiting months for them to release these! I have to get a pair."
You bend down to grab your size, grinning at him as you take a step closer.
"See? If we had left earlier, I wouldn't have even known they had these." You hook a finger over the collar of his shirt to pull him down, pressing a short kiss to the corner of his mouth. "I wanna go try everything on. C'mon." You hook your arm around his, pulling him to the fitting rooms.
"Miguel?" You emerge from the stall to find him slouched back on the little bench, scrolling through his phone. "Miguel, look!"
You set your hands on your hips as you shift your weight, tapping his leg with the toe of your high heel, and he slowly looks up from the screen to smile at you, reaching a hand out to feel the shiny fabric of the mini skirt. 
"Pretty. It's kinda short though, no? You can't really do anything but stand in it." He mutters as you spin, big hand splaying over your hip as his eyes lift to look up at you. 
You shrug, brushing his hand away.
"That's fashion, babe." He hums, and you soften for a moment, running a hand through his soft curls. "One more thing to try on, then we can go. Promise." You drop a kiss to the top of his head, turning and skipping back into the dressing room before he can pull you down for a proper kiss.
You nestle your hand in his hair as you step in front of him, tilting his head up to pull his attention from his phone, and he loses his words in his throat for a moment as he takes you in. His eyes run over the way the tight garment hugs your curves, ogling at the way your breasts nearly spill out of the plunging neckline, gliding down to the short hem that gently squishes against your thighs
"You like it?" You grin down at him, the answer so glaringly obvious.
He nods dumbly, tongue darting out to wet his lips as he slowly lifts his gaze, so desperately wanting to devour you right then and there. 
"Estás preciosa. Give me a spin."
He leans back as you slowly twirl around, expressing his admiration with a quiet whistle as you roll your eyes, stepping closer to push a hand against his chest.
"You're such a dog. Behave." You let your hand caress his jaw, holding his chin as his eyes continue to wander.
"Can't help that I have the hottest girlfriend in the world. Dame un beso, muñeca."
You press your hand over his mouth as you nudge his head back, playful smile tugging at your lips as you shake your head. "Not now.  If you're good, maybe you'll get one later."
He's pouting when you pull your hand away, sighing as you let go of him to retreat back into the dressing room.
He looks tired, and you do feel a bit bad as he hoists the bags into the back seat of the car with a long sigh, closing your door as he rounds the car. You reach a hand over his shoulder when he plops in the driver seat, acrylic nails massaging his scalp as you lean over the console, pressing a glossy kiss to his cheek.
"How about a nice warm shower when we get home? You look tense." Your other hand comes up to massage his big shoulder, tilting your head as he looks at you.
"Sounds perfect." His eyes run over your face for a second, catching on your pretty, plump lips. "Do I get my kiss now?"
You chuckle quietly as he stares at you, pretty brown eyes silently pleading. You take pity on him, lifting a hand to lay against his cheek as you kiss him, and he melts into you almost instantly, humming against your soft lips. His teeth tug at your bottom lip when you try to pull back, giggling at his sudden feverish nature as his big hand grabs at your waist, fingertips warm against the sliver of skin that peeks out from between the hem of your top and skirt. Your hand falls from his cheek to press your palm against his strong chest, your other hand slipping around his neck to press him closer. 
His cheeks are flushed when you finally pry yourself from his bruising kiss, eyes glazed over and lips swollen as his heavy eyelids lower seductively. God, was he perfect.
"What's that look for, hm?" 
The hand on his chest slowly glides down his abdomen, rubbing over his stomach as he bites his bottom lip.
"Nothin'. Just admiring you."
You purse your lips, tilting your head as your hand falls to cup him through his jeans, pulling a low groan from his throat as his eyebrows pinch together.
"Is that so?" Your fingers gently fondle him through the thick fabric, pressing your palm against him as he sighs. "You're a bad liar, y'know. Don't think I didn't notice this when we were leaving. You liked the dress that much, huh?"
He can't pull together a coherent sentence when your delicate fingers are rubbing at him, the barrier between you frustratingly exciting as his hips jerk forward, head falling back against the headrest. You watch his breath quicken as his chest rises and falls, legs spreading to give you more room to touch him. You lean over the console to press a trail of kisses down the side of his neck, lip gloss staining his tan skin as your fingertips carefully unbuckle his belt, popping the button of his jeans and pushing the zipper open. You stall your actions when he thrusts up into your touch, instead sliding your hand under his shirt to feel along his abs, toned and warm under your fingertips. 
"Control yourself. Stop acting like a fucking mutt."
His head slowly turns to look at you, cheeks hot and flushed as he pouts. "I'll be good, baby. I promise. Por favor…" His hand wraps around your bicep, wanting more than anything for you to just stuff your hand down his pants already.
You let him steal a quick kiss before pushing him back, patting his cheek. "God, you're such a little bitch. What would your friends say if they saw you like this? All whiny and begging for me to touch you." 
He groans when your hand slips into his briefs, pushing the elastic down and watching the way his cock bounces up against his stomach, already dribbling and begging for attention as it twitches. You run a light fingertip up the underside of his shaft, reveling in the little sighs and grunts that escape him as he strains himself to keep still, gnawing at his bottom lip. He snakes a hand under your arm to grab at your knee, squeezing your thigh when you run a finger over his slit, thumbing at the sensitive head. 
You lean your elbow on the console to kiss him, and he moans into your mouth when your fingers wrap around him, giving a slow, weak tug as he sucks on your bottom lip. Your free hand blindly searches for the big palm settled on your thigh, pulling it up to grab at your chest instead. He eagerly palms at the swell for a while until he gets bored of the lack of skin in his hands, tugging the neckline of your cropped cami down to set your bare chest on full display, big hand groping at you as he mutters something unintelligible against your lips. He pinches a nipple between his rough fingertips, grinning when a soft sigh escapes your lungs, dropping his head to litter your collarbone in wet kisses. Your fingers comb through his tousled brown curls, arching into his hot touch when he closes his mouth around your nipple, sucking at the sensitive bud with another low groan. 
Your hand lazily glides up and down his thick shaft, occasionally dropping lower to roll his balls in your palm, giving a gentle squeeze whenever he gets too excited and jerks his hips up into your fist. He's a mumbly, hot mess below you, muttering mindless praise into your skin as he mouths at your tits, big hand clutching at your waist when your wrist twists faster. You watch the way your hand quickly jerks up and down his big cock, the pretty flushed head shiny with smeared pre-cum as it throbs in your hold, thighs twitching whenever your fingers swirl around the tip. 
"Keep going, baby. Wanna come. Please, mamí, please."
He's whining, stuffing his face in your neck as he pleads. You swipe a thumb over his sensitive slit, fingers massaging the back of his neck.
"You're gonna come already? I've barely even touched you, and you're already about to bust. You are so pathetic." You hum quietly, letting him bite at your soft skin. "Go ahead. Fuck my hand like a fuckin' slut. Show me how desperate you are."
He doesn't need to be told twice, hips greedily chasing your fist as it nearly pulls off of him, slumped back against the seat as he heedlessly bucks up, hips hovering over the seat. He pants into the stuffy air, big hand clawing at your sweater as he cries out another moan.
"Thank you, baby. You're so good to me. Fuck, I love you so much. Thank you–"
You roll your eyes at his blabbering, shutting him up with another heated kiss, craning his neck back as he whimpers against you. The car rocks with every rough jolt of his hips, no doubt catching unwanted attention from other shoppers in the lot. Thank God he has tinted windows. 
His hand digs into your hair to keep your lips on his as his thighs tense, hips erratically jerking up into your fist as he huffs into your mouth. He pulses in your hand, angrily flushed as he desperately searches for relief, abs tightening and chest heaving as he teeters on the edge. 
With one more aggressive jerk of his hips he's coming, spurting white ribbons across his shirt and down the side of his shaft, spilling over your fingers as you slow your hand to a stop. He sighs and grunts as he slouches against his seat, hips dropping with a deep breath as he slowly pulls his head back, eyeing the mess in his lap before bringing his gaze up to find you licking your fingers clean, and he swears he almost gets hard again from just the sight of you lapping at the mess, tits still peeking out of your shirt as you raise an eyebrow.
"Stop staring and clean yourself up. I have shit to do."
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sinful-lanterns · 6 months
To the anon who sent the beach ask, I literally thought about the exact same thing!
The whole outing was organized by none other than Chelsea, the president and founder of the reader fan club herself. She went all out too, renting out a beach so no random men came up to us anyone and had a bunch of food and equipment packed for a beach picnic and games.
Garofano had made us a bathing suit for the beach day and the two piece bikini came out amazingly. It really complimented our figure and it had all of the sinners drooling.
The top of our bikini did slip off whilst we were playing in the water but Adela was kind enough to help us, finding it in the shallow water of the shore and helped us put it back on. She then promptly took us back to the sand so she could help us reapply our sunscreen and to rest with us for a bit.
Somehow, a game of chase had started where the sinners were chasing us. Bai Yi ended catching up to us pretty fast but we dupped her causing her to face plant into the sand. Rahu then caught up to us, but when she went to grab our shoulder, she instead grabbed the back of our bikini causing the strings to come undone a bit too easily.
Adela 👀
We ended up tripping as Eleven came from our side in front of us, planning to snatch us up before Rahu could but ended up tumbling to the ground as we collided with her. The next thing you know, Rahu is standing there with our top in had whilst Eleven is laying down with us on top of her, getting a face full of our naked breasts.
Needless to say, Cinnabar wasn't to happy about that. She helped us up, covering us in a towel so we could put our top back on without flashing our tits to the world. Cinnabar helped tie it too, double knotting it so it wouldn't come off as easy as it did. Eleven also endded up getting a nose bleed and it wasn't from falling to the ground.
I just think it’s really funny how Adela was trying to “help” tie the Reader’s bikini for her, but she instead tied it in a way where it could be more loose… I can’t. Secret pervert Adela is soooo…I did not expect it! 💕
Also the fact that Eleven got a face full of tits?? Oh you know all the women are just seething at that. Quickly interrogating and questioning Eleven on what she saw (because they want to know what your boobs look like) only to get no response because Eleven is currently lying on the sand, nose bleeding as she stares up at the sky in a daze 😭😭
I cannot… All the women are just so silly and pining for your attention it’s adorable! I wanna see more silly shenanigans between the sinners because it’s just so fun to read <3
P.S: It’d be so funny if only the calm women (the women who are the least thirsty of the group) are always the ones to see you in compromising positions. They’re the only ones who have seen you nude, do provocative things, etc. while all the thirsty women are left starving because it never happens to them. It’ll be a funny gag to think about 😅
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pixelatedraindrops · 3 months
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This is a commission that I received from FTAngel on Twitter. And I am completely over the moon for it!! Its just so perfect that it makes me wanna SCREAM 💜💜💜💕💕💕👀👀👀👏👏👏
~Rambling below~
I don't commission other people to make art for me often (let alone fanart) but if I do, I always tend to try to find an artist with a style similar to the fandom of the request that I want done. So it feels all the more canon and/or real to me.
Full Time Angel is a Danganronpa fan artist who does just as nice RainCode work. I decided that for my birthday I had to get a commission from them. (well actually I asked for 2) I failed to get a commission slot the first round, but I somehow succeeded the second round. (which is why it’s a month late)
I was a little shy at first, but I decided to take the plunge to ask them for this. I needed a good pic of a tired/sick Yuma laying on Yakou's lap for my life to feel complete. You know I live for these two's dynamic, they’re literally my roman empire 💜
And I gotta say, investment well spent! This is such an amazing piece! It came out so wonderful, it may as well be official!! >w< Yakou and Yuma look like they're pulled straight from their sprite art! And the detail on the background is phenomenal! Love the blur effects on the both the plant and the background behind the sofa! I'm so happy with it!! I could say so much more praise about this lovely work, but I’ll stop here.
Bottom Line: I’m in so much love with this! 🥰 💕
Best Birthday art gift to myself ever! ✨👌
This was originally supposed to be an illustration for HIWTHI’s Ch7, but nah I decided to make it a different scenario. Maybe someday I’ll write it’s own little oneshot/drabble c:
Feel free to interpret this however you want. Be it as Yakou Fathero, or a sweet domestic moment between two submates.
And as for the second piece...
Don't worry. You'll see it real soon… 🤭
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radiant-reid · 1 year
my sweet darling, how are you?? i hope you’re having a nice weekend so far! can i pls request a spencer piece where maybe they haven’t been intimate for a while (because they’re busy & life be life-ing, ORRR bonus: underlying angsty reasons👀) & one night they come home late after a case & spence needs to remind her of how good he can make her feel;))) & make is smutty pls & thank you if ya don’t mind, i woke up horny today ahahah
take care hun🫶🏻
thank you for this request !
Working at the BAU takes everything out of you. You wouldn't have it any other way, but it's difficult some days. Finishing a case is usually alleviating, knowing you've brought families closure and stopped a killer from killing. This time, it doesn't feel like that.
It might be that getting home doesn't feel warm like usual. It's cold, and you're sure the weird distance between you and Spencer is why. You've been out of sync with him before, but never as bad as lately. There's no anger or arguments, you just feel far away from him.
"I'm going to shower." You tell him, keeping your gaze fixed on the floor.
"Want something to eat?" He asks, tapping his fingers on the bench.
You shake your head, still not looking up at him. "No." You answer. "Thank you."
You turn back to look at him, watching as he takes books out of his satchel and puts them back on the bookshelf for a moment. You should just walk over there and kiss him, end whatever's going on. What you don't see are the gears turning in his head as he thinks about what to say.
You turn the water on, stripping as you wait for it to warm up. The warm water cascading over you is heavenly, soothing your tired muscles. You're so relaxed you don't notice Spencer opening the bathroom door and undressing.
When he steps into the shower, you gasp in surprise. "What are you-"
He places his hand over your mouth, stopping you from talking. "I love you. You need to know that." The passion pours off him, and his sudden declaration is full of his usual affection.
It makes your heart flutter in your chest. "I do know that." You say when he takes his hand away. "And I love you."
He kisses you as passionately as he spoke, cupping your cheeks and smashing his lips onto yours. It's everything you've been craving after two weeks of pecks.
You press your palms against his chest, fingers gliding over his skin. He backs you up against the steamed glass, and his lips break from yours to kiss down your neck.
Your head falls back, giving him more access to your soft skin as your fingers tangle in his hair. "Fuck, Spence." You moan.
His hand moves to your waist, keeping your hips tight against his where you can feel how hard he is. "Wanna do this here?" He offers, breath hot against your neck.
You nod quickly. "Need you right now." You confirm.
He groans at your answer, quickly picking you up and holding you against the glass. You squirm in his grip, trying to get yourself lined up with his cock.
The synced moans as you slide onto his cock confirm you're both experiencing the same divine feeling. "How'd you feel more amazing each time?" He chokes out.
"It always feels-fuck- amazing when it's us." You remind him, biting down on his shoulder. It drives him crazy, and it's enough to have him moving you to an angle where he can thrust into you, his hips grinding against yours.
His thrusts are sloppy, and the position is awkward as he tries to not slip over but you don't care. Not when it feels so good and you feel close to him again. His hands touch your skin just about everywhere, needing to feel you, and you keep your arms wrapped around his shoulder to stabilize yourself while your fingers tug on his curls and leave scratch marks on his back.
It doesn't take long, it's been so much longer than usual and you're both so desperate that you cum around him seconds before he cums in you, both repeating your love for each other again and again.
He holds you there for another moment while you both come down from your highs before delicately letting you down. "Hi." He says, pushing your wet hair away from your face and brushing his nose against yours.
"Hey." You say, smiling softly at him.
"To bed?" He offers.
You nod sleepily. "I want all-night cuddles as well."
Spencer chuckles softly, kissing your forehead. "What you want, you shall have."
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
CPN : ZZ’s mysterious driver & Web’s “selfie”
So I thought about whether i should talk about this or just leave it be. Cause i did mention the mystery driver in the August CPN post but I kept it vague and left minimum information. Because at the time, it sounded so galaxy brained and that it’s something that will never be what we want to be. And that’s fine. There are a lot of cpns/speculations/interpretations that are barely plausible and even us, we know it’s not possible, hence the term “clowning”.
this is one tho is making all of us go 👀.
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( isn’t he the most gorgeous man ever? i don’t blame wyb for wanting to fetch him or visit. )
If you’ve been in this fandom long enough, you’ll know that sometimes the most nonsensical clues will become key points in the future. or those impossible cpns will (sometimes) sooner or later become more true.
This incident is a great example of that…..
For ZZ’s LOCH filming, there are proxy shooters who wait outside the site and film when ZZ arrives and leaves. Their clue is the car he uses but i don’t think he was ever photographed coming in or out like what happened with SBMS. That time, you can physically see him leaving/arriving to the hotel back entrance. There are photos and videos.
So 8/13, the same thing happens and cpfs noticed that the driver looked peculiar. It’s not his face per se, but what’s on it (p2).
We were clowning that it’s WYB with his helmet but it doesn’t look like his usual one. It’s too covered up.
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At the time it was full on clowning. Would he really do this? Were other drivers photographed before and what did they look like? Is this the first time this mystery driver popped up? I haven’t seen the answer to that so that’s why i’m questioning it too. Maybe XZ does not want any part of the team to be recognizable.
A piece of the puzzle is added tho because of the Selfie WYB shared. As displayed above, we are putting it side by side. So is this him confirming our clowning? What are the chances that we were speculating about him wearing a different kind of helmet ( as the driver ) then he pops up with this selfie in particular.
Is this another coincidence? 🤡🤡🤡🤡
It’s also giving this vibe. His photo when he celebrated ZZ’s birthday and drove to where he was. Did he take this photo for the same purpose?
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There is also a cpn going around based on XZ’s workday, it ended 20:20 and then WYB posted 20:39 so did he post it for XZ to see after work?
CPFs also noticed it’s taken from wechat camera. So meaning he sent it to someone else and yet again, we got leftovers. You could actually argue that “selfies” or things he shares on his weibo now are “leftovers”. I actually like that. He did not take a selfie or film a video with the intention of “posting for fans”. He probably shared it to xz or his circle of friends and decided why not share it on his weibo + fans.
Bonus is in today’s episode of SBMS there is this scene. Shengyang was looking through drawings of what looks like a moto goggles (?). LOL. The universe is really joining in on the clowning. Does WYB know this scene will come up the next day? Hmmmmmm…
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It’s one of those things that is the reason why so many people are drawn to this pairing and fandom in general. Candies like this are why more and more people, even to this day, are becoming cpfs. We don’t even have to make “brainwashing” packages. You can’t even make these up. It just happens.
Disclaimer: I know the implications and dilemma of taking candies from these proxy shooters who make their lives hard. Tho the entrance of the shooting site is a public space and they know LOCH crew is in there, it’s still not an excuse to camp out. If you think about it, these paparazzi are the reason why the mystery driver have to dress like that instead of a normal person. So yeah. I understand if people don’t wanna eat this candy because of that or feel 50/50 about all of this.
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capn-twitchery · 4 months
I'm sorry did I see you say you did your masters' thesis on character design? could you tell us more? 👀
YES ABSOLUTELY thank you So much for giving me an excuse to go off about this oh my god--SO!! 👀
my masters was on animation, specifically concept art & pitch bibles for animation (i'm not sure how well known those are but basically it's a document/book you bring into a pitch, contains all the basics of the show!) so it focused around making an animated show concept, a pitch bible & a visual development portfolio (just a fancier way to display more concept art) & the thesis (was supposed to) document the thought process behind making it
it was classed as a science masters, which meant the project had to be based around a hypothesis, so things got Muddled (hypothesis was on the rarity of adult horror in western animation) but the core of it was: i wanted to make a pitch for a fake tv show and write about character design & analyse art styles. so i did! there was stuff on stereotypical design traits & what they imply, environmental storytelling, how to show story through character design, how genres affect art styles & why, stylising animals for animation, sticking to historic research vs visual shorthands/readability, off the top of my head.
i will spare you hours of ramblings BUT i will not spare you the chance to show off some of the stuff i made >:3c the show concept was an 1800s (vaguely) southern gothic horror vibe, i went for anthros bc i had never tried them before and wanted something more challnging than humans. story concept was based around ergotism, mass hysteria, unreality, weird creatures in the fields that may or may not be real, power struggles, etc. etc.
the pitch bible i am still so Unbelievably proud of--i made everything basically from scratch myself, drew so many things i'd never even Attempted before, and although i'd change a few things now (mainly the writing/formatting) i'm still proud of it! i think the visitants pag is the coolest thing i've ever made still >:3c here's a handful of pages, and i'll put a few of the visual development portfolio ones under the cut & the links to the full things if anybody is interested!!
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i never did get to finish the visdev portfolio bc of a bunch of health issues + a surgery, which is a shame. i do still really like this project tho and i'm immensely proud of getting the degree even through the Fuckery 😌
i'd love to come back to it someday, there's a lot of things i'd like to change now i'm not under a time limit (better historical reference, for one) but it's the first uni project i've still felt passionate about after submitting it, so thank you for giving me the chance to talk about it :D
if you did wanna see the full pieces, the pitch bible is here and the portfolio is here (albeit unfinished)
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whoreforharlow · 1 year
Extra Credit
Author's Note: New series, surprise surprise lol. So the E is for Enactment series follows Jack and the reader through their super playful relationship that involves lots of role-playing. This is just one of their scenes. The picture is just for outfit inspiration and is NOT a face claim.
Warning: oral(male receiving), mentions of bodily fluids, role-playing, light dirty talk, minors dni
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Wanna play?
You bet I do 😈
Go take a seat in the office
With that, you smirked and put your phone down on the counter. You grabbed the half-full mug of water and the file you had prepared and made your way to the office where you knew he'd be waiting. You glanced at yourself in the hallway mirror, giggling in excitement at what was about to come. You knocked on the office door, waiting for instruction to enter.
"Come in."
"Professor Harlow, is this a good time? I know it's the end of the day, but I'd really like to talk to you about my grade." You spoke innocently, just your upper body barely in the door, as you asked permission. You saw the look of realization cross his face, a smirk appearing as he registered the theme you were going with this time, before quickly disappearing. He maintained a stoic expression on his face as he leaned back in his chair, nodding his head to encourage you to enter further into the office.
You sauntered in: your hips swaying back and forth like a metronome, your short skirt brushing the exposed skin left by your thigh high socks, your heels clicking against the hard wood with each step, your silk tie brushing against the cleavage from your partially unbuttoned top. You had searched high and low for the pieces of your outfit, not realizing how hard it would be this far from back to school season, but you had managed well for yourself—Jack was certainly satisfied with it. You watched him adjust himself in his seat, his legs spreading further apart as his eyes hungrily scanned your entire body, keeping a cool expression on his face the whole time. As you came around his desk, you placed the mug in front of him, just barely on the edge of the wood, the file with a fake essay placed next to it.
"Like I mentioned earlier, I'd like to ask about my grade. I really need to pass this class, Sir." The honorific causing his nostrils to flare as his eyes met yours. "Is there any way I could get any extra credit?" You bat your eyelashes at him prettily, exaggerating your faux innocent look.
"Listen, Ms. Y/L/N, I'm afraid my grades are already in. I can't make any changes." His voice was husky, making you shiver. He grabbed the file, pretending to examine the contents, "seems like you just have to retake the class next semester," he sighed, before closing the file and placing it down again. He looked at you with faux sympathetic eyes.
"Oh, well. I guess I'll just have to study harder next time. Maybe find a tutor or something." You sighed in disappointment. "Thank you for your time, Professor. I know you're probably eager to get to your weekend. See ya Monday, I guess." You maintained that air of sadness in your tone, a pout on your perfectly painted lips. You dramatically reach over for the file, making sure to knock over your strategically placed mug into Jack's lap. The cup was only filled with a few tablespoons of warm water, but it was enough to fuel the next scene of your performance.
He wasn't expecting it, the water spilling on his crotch as he moved to sit up a bit in his seat, catching the mug and placing it on the desk before it could fall to the ground. You turned to reach for the cloth you had placed on the corner of the desk earlier in the day when you had concocted your plan.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Professor. I'm such a clutz sometimes. Here, let me help you," you insisted, trying to keep a smile off your face at how cheesy this all was.
"I've got it," he said, reaching for the cloth in your hand, but you were quick to press it right on the bulge in his pants, making him groan.
"Please, Professor, let me help you." You said again, this time your tone seductive as you continued to dab his pants with the right amount of pressure. You felt his hand go to your wrist as his eyes fell closed, enjoying your kneading and pressing.
"It seems like it's soaked through the layers," you say with innocent concern. You push his chair away from the desk a bit, getting down on your knees in front of him. His eyes were hooded as he opened them, taking in your new position from between his legs, his vantage point giving him the perfect view of your pushed up tits.
"I'll need to take these off to dry you properly, wet denim can be really uncomfortable." Your hands go to undo the button and zipper, tugging them down his thick thighs with some assistance from him. You continue using the cloth in your hand to dab at the barely there wet spot of his boxer briefs, his hard on pressing against the fabric.
"Hmm, I think these should come off too," you muse, tugging them down as well, revealing his fully hard dick. You continue dabbing at his lap, making sure to spend less and less time touching where he wanted you most so you could build up some suspense, focusing mostly on his pelvis and thighs.
"All dry, Professor Harlow," you spoke so softly, "again, I'm so sorry about this." You bat your eyes up at him, your face just inches from his dick, your breath tickling the tip that was right in front of your mouth. You placed your hands on each of his thighs, rubbing up and down the muscles, your nails lightly scraping the sensitive skin making him tense.
"Are you sure there was nothing I could do for extra credit?" You tilt your head to the side, your voice sweet and low like a siren. You had made sure to wear your wispiest pair of lashes, making your eyes look bigger under your large framed glasses that you bought for your costume. Your lips were painted Jack's favorite shade of cherry red and you knew you'd have him wanting them wrapped around his dick.
"I'd really appreciate it, Sir. I'd do anything to pass your class." You begged, your bottom lip purposely brushing the tip of his head, the precum you collected making your lip glossy.
"I'm sure there's something you could do for some extra credit," his voice was rough as he spoke, sending excitement straight to your core. He held your chin with his fingers, using his thumb to smear his precrum across your bottom lip before pressing it into your mouth. Your eyes closed as you took the digit greedily between your lips, your tongue swirling around it sensually as you let out an exaggerated moan. He pulled his thumb out of your mouth, a ring of red now at the base of it making Jack's resolve shorten even further. He moved his hand down from your chin, lightly grabbing your throat in his large palm as you gave him your most innocent look.
"Go ahead, show me how badly you want that extra credit." He commanded, pulling away and sitting back in his chair, your innocent pout pulling into a devilish smirk. You wasted no time, grabbing the base of him in your hand as you stuck your tongue out, running the flat of it up the bottom of his shaft before swirling the tip of your tongue just under the head of his dick, making him groan. You had taken a tablet about a half an hour ago, the effects of it overproducing saliva and numbing the back of your throat. You took him into your mouth, curling your lips and hollowing your cheeks to suck him in.
"Fuck baby, you're so fucking good at that," he complements, loving the warmth of your mouth around him. You started slowly, taking him inch by inch, allowing your spit to escape your mouth and travel down his shaft, letting you work whatever wasn't in your mouth with your hand. You moaned against him, pulling away to massage the shaft, placing kisses all around his inner thighs, leaving red lip prints on the skin.
You returned to his dick, relaxing your throat and taking him all the way down, making him groan and throw his head back, his hands coming to rest on the back of your head grabbing your a first full of hair. You placed your hand on his, encouraging him to maneuver you however he pleased. You felt him press you down further, nuzzling your nose into his trimmed pelvis, his hips pulsing as he thrusted into your mouth making you moan.
You tapped his thigh lightly, and he let you up to breathe, your mouth detaching from him with multiple strings of saliva, drool dripping down your chin and onto your chest and shirt. You could see the shallow puddle left in his lap, the ring of red lipstick staining the base of him making you feel proud of yourself. Even though you had pulled away to breathe, your hands never stopped massaging him.
"Such a good fuckin' girl, angel. You'll do anything for that perfect grade, won't you." His voice had you in a trance as you nodded, that innocent look in your eyes contradicting the rest of your face: your swollen sinful lips, your lipstick smeared, your mascara running down your cheeks in small streaks, your hair messy from his hands.
"I just want to pass, Professor Harlow. I want to make you proud, Sir." You spoke softly, your thumb rubbing the swollen head as your other hand went down to cradle his sac, lightly squeezing and massaging the weight in your palm. You continued your actions, Jack struggling to maintain eye contact as you quickened your strokes, his moans growing louder and louder. You alternated between pressing open mouth kisses to his shaft while massaging the head, and stroking him while sucking on the bulbous tip.
"I've been such a good girl this semester, I think I deserve a reward, Sir." You proposed when you pulled him out of your mouth. You knew he was close, his balls and stomach tightening let you know that.
"Why don't you let me get a taste of that extra credit, Professor Harlow." You begged him, opening your mouth wide while sticking your tongue out. You tapped the tip of his dick on the wet muscle, his eyes fluttering open to take in the sight before him, your hands still stroking him until he finally came. Ropes of white coated your tongue and face, his hips sputtering as he groaned loudly, watching his seed drip down your face and chest. He was breathing heavily as you continued to milk him, your mouth closing around the head as you gave it a suck, making him flinch and hiss. He attempted to push your shoulder, but you pressed forward and took as much of him as you could before his hip bucked you off of him. He was panting, his face scrunched up almost in pain, as he tried to overcome the sensitivity.
You sat back on your knees, just finally registering the dull ache in them from being in this position for so long, but ignored it. You watched him with a loving expression on your face, his chest heaving with his head slumped to the side, sticky sweaty curls stuck to his forehead and nape, his dick softening on his wet lap, lipstick kisses peppering his thighs. You were thankful that you had placed the waterproof mat on the leather earlier, otherwise there would have been some serious clean up needed.
You return your focus back to the task at hand, turning around to look for the small Tupperware container you had placed under the desk earlier. You had filled it with boiling hot water, so by now it would have cooled down to a warm temperature. You took your cloth from earlier, dipping it in the warm water before ringing it out, using it to begin cleaning up the mess you two had made. The sudden contact had made Jack flinch, his eyes opening to see what was happening, a smile on his face as you began to wipe him down.
"You really thought of everything, didn't you?" He chuckled tiredly.
"Mhm. A good director has to." You winked at him, before getting back into character. "Did I do a good job, Professor?"
"You did a great job, Ms. Y/L/N. I think I could change your grade to a B." He informed you, making your face drop and your hands stop.
"A B?" You question, clearly offended.
"If you're not happy with that grade, I'm sure there's something else you can do for an A." He smiled wickedly, his dick twitching as you watched it harden slightly.
"Oh," you smirk, "well like I said, Professor Harlow, I'd do anything to pass your class."
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
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may i interest you in some more fic recs????😉
the second half of my may fic rec list!! if you wanna see more more of my fic recs and favs, i have em all on my recs blog, here!! please note the navi page is still under construction!!
and of course, if you have any fic recs of your own, feel free to send em my way here or on my sideblog - i love finding new fics and writers!! 💜
may fic recs pt. 1
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John Price
missed you - @thanksbutno98
✧ everything i wanted and more omg this is the treatment price deserves tbh. man deserves to relax and be pampered like a princess. such a cute fic that filled my need for fluff perfectly!!
bloodstained honesty || part two - @a-world-with0ut-dr34ms
✧ had me on the edge of my damn seat good lord. saw this line “Price?” and had to stop reading to do a lap around my living room, this fic had me stressing tf out but in the best way possible.
puppy love || five | six | seven | eight - @writeforfandoms
✧ price. puppies. perfection. am i sad to see this series come to an end? yes. but it was fantastic from start to finish and i know i will absolutely being coming back to read this again and again.
languish - @moriflos
✧ you ever read something once and then decide that once isn't enough and just spend an hour reading it over and over and over? that was me with this fic. idk how to describe the way you write, i was so drawn in, craving more. "But for now, he can only watch as his heart returns to him in ashes-" just uuuggghhh i love it.
rise and fall of tides - @queenquazar
✧ moon/moonlight is such a cute callsign, i was already hooked before i started reading. and when i got to the actual fic?? stunned. the entire dancing scene had me smiling and blushing, i love the way you write price and moon and their relationship
ode to a conversation stuck in your throat - @yeyinde
✧ i don't think there will ever come a day where i'm not left in absolute awe by one of lev's fics. everything is literal poetry and this is fic is no exception. i can't describe the way it makes me feel, like i've been given the christmas present i've been waiting all year for
sad girl - @guyfieriii
✧ new price fic from the writer who inspired me to start my mob!au???? say less. the way you write price is so just aslkdakljs the way you write in general is just alsdkjal. i literally do not have words for how much i love this
karma - @stormiwaves
✧ honeypot mission!!! we love to see it!!!! "The dress was karma, filthy karma that Price deserved." yes girl, get it!! jealous!price isn't something i see often, but i loved the way your wrote it here and that ending?? 👀🔥
untitled - @ghostaholics
✧ i👏🏼love👏🏼soulmate👏🏼au's👏🏼 and this has me going absolutely feral. the phantom pain for his injuries, the journal, the angst, the panic, that ending??? if there is ever a full version, please know that i will lose my mind, it will be an immediate fave just like this is.
choices and consequences - @ghostandsoap
✧ this one hurt real good. the talks about guilt, the choices you have to make, the job, all of it was done so well. this was so wonderful and heart-clenching, i loved every bit of it.
our remains - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ i just- i mean- what else is there to say but
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handsome stranger || part 8 - @alittleposhtoad
✧ not only did this fic make me hungry for soup, it made me kick my feet and twirl my hair. so much fluff and right up my ally, i binged this series and loved every single bit of it.
fair game - @guyfieriii
✧ got me blushing and sweating like a sinner in church and staring at my phone like
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turn me to ashes - @guyfieriii
✧ when you said angsty little piece, i was not expecting to have my heart ripped out be left with a gaping void in my chest. i know i love a good angst fic but god damn if that didn't reach into the pits of my soul and destroy any feeling of happiness i had when i started reading. 10/10
price headcanons - @soapskneebrace
✧ the perfect piece of softness to make me feel better after the absolute heartbreak of the previous fic. the characterization is 100% on point here, one of the best i've read and so so so sweet.
price holding his first-born child - @daisies-daydreams
✧ big tough military men holding and being weak over little babies is my jam. it's the fluff, the sweetness, the soft domesticity of it all. the way he reads the book to her, i'm so weak for this fic.
a drink from her cup - @lunarvicar
✧ that post that inspired this has lived rent free in my mind for so long, and i was ecstatic to see you write something for it. i'm so down bad for this man and for your writing and the way you write him.
gem amra kheli - @guyfieriii
✧ i don't think i've ever talked about how much i adore the way you write banter, the little back and forths and comments between price and reader. everything just feels so real, so grounded and i'm completely obsessed
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
cult of vagabonds || ch. 3 - banshee bluethroat | ch. 4 - finch's frenzy - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ i'm screaming. vomiting. scromiting profusely.
"I hate you."
"I know."
how dare you do this to me.
reveries of a lost lamb - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ what's it like to be able to be one of the best writers on earth? i seriously cannot comprehend the sheer amount of talent and ability you have at writing the most captivating and emotion evoking fics i've ever read.
A golden sunrise, tangled fingers; gentle lips.
“I think I love you.” 
i'm deceased.
aiaigasa (相合傘) - @captainpriceslover
✧ i read "Your part of London smelled like wet pennies that evening." and was instantly sold. the rest of the fic was so fantastic, the perfect dose of sweetness i needed, i love gaz and the way you write him so much!!
white flag - @writeforfandoms
✧ you cannot stress me out like this!! but also please continue to stress me out like this!! also the little nicknames for price and gaz had me laughing so hard, esp price.
it's over - @itsohh
✧ i really loved this, i don't think i've seen a lot of fics with gaz that really talk about what he's gone through and how missions affect him and this one does it incredibly well. serious, yet heartwarming, i adore it.
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dead disco || chapter 4 | chapter 5 | combat baby - @peachesofteal
✧ never before have a i read a series that has captured my attention so much that willingly skipped out on lunch to read it. i couldn't stop, i am in love with this fic, the writing, the characterization, everything about it. there isn't a single flaw to be found here.
how they wake you up in the mornings - @nia-writes
✧ this was so cute, and the addition of the different scenarios for how the characters would wake you made it all the more better. i was blushing, laughing, anxious, constantly giggling about FOAP. such a fun read!!
soulmate au - @itsohh
✧ i've said it once and i will say it again, i love soulmate!aus!! and god the angst in these just raked me over the coals. angst is something i love seeing in soulmate fics and this was so expertly done, my heart still hurts when i think about it
touching their cheek for the first time - @runicarbiter02
✧ absolute cuteness all around, like a cuteness overload. each one fit so well, but i'm gonna take a second to really talk about the love of my life, Roach, being included in this and how this has become an automatic fav just for that.
physical touch - @siilvan
✧ tbh i came to this for the gaz hcs but it was so good that i immediately read the rest and damn near screamed when i saw roach on there. so cute, and adorable, and absolutely perfect i loved every bit of this!!
kiss headcanons - @mangowafflesss
✧ such a cute idea that you did amazing on!! i love kisses and kiss fics and i think you absolutely nailed it here. honestly me and reader are the same because i too would just like to smooch the 141 boys all over.
getting into an accident and being hospitalised while the team is deployed - @daisies-daydreams
✧ slipping while getting out of the shower and needing to have your jaw hinged shut?? reader's just like me fr. this was very sweet, a lovely little dose of fluff with a sprinkle of angst
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
silk series || silk ties - @uselsshuman
✧ i screamed. shrieked. went through a rollercoaster of emotions when this series updated. it was everything i wanted, more than everything i wanted, just so unbelievably beyond expectations!! and this:
“Stay with me for now then.”
stay with me forever wtf
no more || chapter 6 - hypnosis - @lethalchiralium
✧ we love a man who wants to apologize but man we gotta get ghost into therapy or st 😂seriously though, this was fun and the little back and forth about having a dad had me giggling
a bath - @blackssuunn
✧ i can't- i literally can't- this is too fluffy, too sweet, too perfect. i'm in awe of your writing "His eyes burn a little. Not a single drop of soap entered them." i'm speechless.
pomp - @bits-and-babs
✧ we stan anti-monarchy simon LOL so great and thos poor guards stuck at the doors. i went from blushing to cackling in like two seconds
tones - @blackssuunn
✧ soft lovely dovey simon is my favorite and you write him so incredibly well. the way this man is absolutely whipped for his partner, i adore it and i adore you for writing this
between dreams and sugar - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ i think i'm addicted to your angst, i keep happily going into these angst fics like i don't know i'm about to have my heart shredded into a million pieces. was there a happy ending here? yes. but it still hurt and i still loved it!!
feverish simon confesses to you - @angelltheninth
✧ this is such a cute trope that i don't read that much of, but i loved every bit of this! so much cuteness and let's be real, ghost is def the type of guy who would try and wait out an illness even if it was life-threatening 😂
footprints in the snow - @bittersw33t-lotus
✧ hello??? this was one of the sweetest things i've ever read??? i'm such a sucker for soft!simon esp when he's still a little shit and you've written that so perfectly
happiness series || you belong with me - @lethalchiralium
✧ i swear i'm totally normal about this series i'm not i totally don't immediately go feral every time it updates i do and i totally and definitely don't drop and ignore everything to reread the entire series with every new chapter i won't apologize
untitled - @lunarvicar
✧ the way you write simon and the way he shows love and how he cares has me so weak and how he teases is so aldkasjdkljk he's an asshole and i love him and i can never get enough of the way you write him
simon & rain little headcanons - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ aaaahhhh simon and rain!!! i've missed these two and when i tell you i sprinted to read this!! i love the way your write their dynamic/relationship and just how real and fun it feels!! you're literally so good at writing ghost, i can't even deal with
sassy series || ch. 3 excerpt - @peachesofteal
✧ i have never wanted to read a full chapter so bad in my entire life. this excerpt is like a the most delicious little appetizers and i'm vibrating with excitement for the full meal!!
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Valeria Garza
oh to be consumed by you - @sleepiexx
✧ i want to be consumed by valeria omg. i didn't even know vampire!val was something that i wanted-no, something that i needed-and this fic just came out of nowhere and hit me over the head in the best way possible.
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lookismaddict · 1 year
Lookism Chapter 434 Memes/Thoughts I Have:
(SPOILERS !!! I don’t own any of the Lookism panels and the translations. Only the memes that I made and the collages.)
Last chapter was CRAZY MAN. WTHHHH
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Um… wtf? 😀
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LOOK AT BABY BOY, USING HIS OWN ACTING SKILLS LIKE THAT. 😩😩💓💓💓 Or is he actually crying? Idk, can't tell. Oh, and “Grandma bullied me, mom.” 😐
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HOW DOES SHE KNOW CHARLES CHOI??? MF A CELEBRITY AROUND THESE STREETS. Him and Jinyeong both bruv. 😭😭😭 (Also, “Too late mom. Already met him and he attempted to kill me too.” /j Charles Choi and Grandma would make a perfect couple. 😌✨)
Awww, is that baby Daniel? 😭 Also, wait a damn minute. Why does he look like...
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The typos on here. 😅 "Choio" DFJKDSAHFKLSHDSJLKF SORRY. The first time I was reading this, I had to reread because I thought I was crazy for a sec.
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You guys wish you were that cow, huh...? 👀 Yeah, I see you. You can't fool me...
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Aw shit. Danny boy is gonna get gang.... (banged). SORRY. I CAN'T HELP IT-
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OMG DANIEL. BEAT THEM UPPP!!!! 😤😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽
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Dude. Why did I think this was Zack Lee for a second? 😳😳 (Zack and Gun if they had a child together LMFAO) ALSO THIS NEW GUY IS HOT AF. WHO IS HEEEEEE??? 😩🔥🔥🔥 (And we haven't gotten any naked scenes ever since Samuel, so is PTJ giving us some fan service since Samuel can't do the job right now...? 👀)
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WTH IS HE IN A TUB FULL OF SNAKES? N A K E D ? 😳 I mean... if he's into getting his thing bitten- 👀 NAH, NAH, NAH, IM KIDDING, I SWEAR. 😭😭😭😭
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I don't blame you if you stared at him for more than a minute.
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*N S F W M E M E S W A R N I N G*
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I can just imagine that horrifying face of his. Smiling so menacingly with those terrifying eyes. Like yessss king, go crazy!!! 😍😍😍
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LOOK AT THESE DAREDEVILS. DAAAAAAAMN. TERRIFYING AS HELL. 🤭 DANNY BOY REALLY GOT IT FROM GUN FRFR. (Ugh, like father like son. Daniel could be my son- I mean, what? 😀)
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Ok, but why does this mf look like a DILF??? HE LOOKS LIKE A MIXTURE OF MANAGER KIM FROM HIS OWN WEBTOON AND ELITE WHEN HE WAS STILL YOUNG. LMFAAOOOOOO (I'm deadass ab this. They're attractive ngl.) AND WHY DO THE VILLAINS LOOK HOT AF? I'M NOT AGAINST IT, BUT I FEEL LIKE PTJ IS INTO SEXY VILLAINS. HE HAS A KINK FOR THEM. AND HE B R E A T H E S THEM. IN AND OUT. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 (Update: I guess Kwak Jichang LITERALLY IS a piece of shit. Think about it… 💩)
ANYWAYS, we finna see who these Chungcheon mf's are next chapter. Hopefully, we get to know what the deal is with these people hating on Jinyeong. Bc I STG, IF THIS DRAGS OUT FOR THE NEXT FEW CHAPTERS, I’M GONNA LOSE IT. 😠😤👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽
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