#so if smutty books aren’t your thing u can ignore this
furubaycrossing · 2 years
just a lil book chat under the cut for anyone interested (I’m gonna be ranting a lil bit)
ok first off for anyone that has previously seen any of my posts regarding books I do enjoy a good smutty read from time to time and this summer I downloaded a bunch of books for my vacation (rip z library) and one of them happened to be The Never King by Nikki St-Crowe. The whole idea of it being a Peter Pan and the Lost Boys retelling really piqued my interest
Since then I’ve read all three books that have been released so far in the series: The Never King, The Dark One, and i literally just finished reading the third one, Their Vicious Darling
typically I like a good smut with plot and fantasy and I’m not usually one to turn my nose up at some “dark romance/themes” as long as the plot can support it and it’s done well
overall the writing was ok, there were a lot of plot holes that bothered me and I didn’t mind the whole reverse harem aspect of the plot line involving the main character, who is a descendant of Wendy Darling, Peter Pan, two Fae Princes and the “dark one” (I feel like there aren’t enough reverse harems out there as it is tbh 🤷🏼‍♀️)
And I was really intrigued by the plot overall however I do feel like the books could’ve been longer and better hashed out. Each novel was incredibly short to the point of frustration and it felt like there was a lot missing. I also feel like the entire series could’ve been handled and written a lot better. I get when it usually comes to smutty books and literotica in general, most often than not we’re dealing with straight up porn with plot but I just feel like the plot was kind of glazed over. So much could’ve been done with it without cutting out the raunchy bits and it just… wasn’t and it kind of fell flat for me but I’m not the type to stop reading a series mid way through. I was still interested in how it would all play out so I stuck through it
now aside from all that, my biggest gripe and issue with the whole series (and anyone who has read it and felt the same way will most likely agree) was the age of the main character. Although the main character is eighteen, she just turned eighteen at the start of the series and here she is having all this really crazy wacky raunchy sex with these immortal characters which are described to be young men but still. The consent is there and she’s a-okay with everything going on and she’s all about female empowerment and she enjoys sex which is great!!! we love that! But why did she have to be so young?????? I’m assuming the target audience for this series is a bit older, early to mid-twenties and up so why eighteen????? why couldn’t she have been made to be older? I get that the whole point of the plot is that she gets stolen away by Peter Pan on her eighteenth birthday like all the Darling’s before her but i truly believed her age could’ve been handled differently and I honestly think it would’ve only made the plot more interesting. Why not twenty-something or even just twenty??? she was already written as supposedly “different” from all the other Darling’s and her mom did all sorts of awful things to her to keep her hidden from Pan (as written by the author), why couldn’t the author work with that a bit more and use it to her advantage??? maybe they could’ve managed to evade Pan for a few more years and then she finally got caught and then we could’ve proceeded with the canon storyline??? that would’ve been so much more interesting story-wise. but anyway it just left a bad taste in my mouth. I get that it’s fiction but regardless she didn’t have to be so young. I just pretended she was older as I read the series tbh. It was the only way I could digest it
also Peter Pan is meant to be a child who never wants to grow up???? why is he a sex crazed animal now???
ok that’s it !
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leyyvi · 3 years
Ley I hope your having a good time at con! I also haven’t seen AOT new episode so I just wanted to share some Levi thought to keep you company. I keep thinking about if you were in the canon world and while your trying to keep Eren and Historia away form the MPs in that little house that your not able to busy yourself enough to ignore the growing tension between Levi and you. Walking in on him putting his shirt on. Brushing against him in the little kitchen. Late night by the fire trying to hold onto that last bit of privacy in a house full of people. When it gets too much. When you feel like you can’t keep your eyes off him and Connie is asking why your always so close to the captain you head to the village near by.
Buying food, checking out the stores, until one day there is a traveling vender and they have all kinds of different things. She’s got toys for kids and dried herbs that couldn’t grow in this area and books you’ve never seen. When your talking to her about how you’ve had a lot of time on your hands and she lifts up a tiny box showing a couple of book that aren’t properly bond. Held together by leather strings. Your confused until you skim over one and immediately are flustered at the content. It’s not till you see the one that labeled ‘humanities strongest’ that you know your screwed. The growing tension that never seems to end between you and Levi fueling an irrational purchase. Your walk back has your nose in the book. Finding yourself engrossed in the smutty romance novel talking about the man who has invaded your mind. It’s nothing like him in reality and they definitely taken several libraries: they have him painted to be big and broad and almost charming. Only keeping his gruff undertones. But when your reading it late at night by candle light and it’s describing Levi’s hands, soft lips, and wanton moans your able to fill in what the book is lacking while rubbing your thighs together. Before you know it your rushing to find the lady before she leaves the village asking about a squeal. (Also imagine Eren find it lol)
FINDING SMUT FANFIC IN CANONVERSE oh my godddd I can just imagine whoever wrote it made him sound so dreamy and you can't help but laugh a bit while reading it bc he's so wildly different from it. Though itd be so fascinating to talk to the writer, seeing how she visualizes him and when you return to HQ that day you kinda observe him for a bit with a small smile, laughing softly to yourself. He'll catch you in the act of staring, asking what the hell is wrong with you but you can't give him the honest answer.
But when he gives you the typical cup of tea before you two go to bed he lets his hand rest on your shoulder for a moment longer than usual.
"You seemed in a good mood today. Was the book that good?"
"U-uh, yeah. Yep. Interesting read..."
Usually you'll tell him about the books you read but you've been suspiciously quiet about this one. He doesn't usually snoop but consider his interest piqued with how different you've been acting.
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superfreakerz · 6 years
"Til Death Do Us Part"
Rated M for eventual smut and heavy themes.
Immortal/Reincarnation AU.
Summary: There are immortals and there are those who reincarnate, but it's best to keep these things hidden. Lucy is attending college and meets Natsu, a boy with pink hair, a devilish smile, and a body that never ages.
Read earlier chapters on FF.net
Chapter 14
A sweet aroma filled Lucy's nostrils, strong enough to wake her from her sleep. Rolling over, the blonde realized that the spot beside her was missing a certain book-loving friend of hers.
"Rise and shine, Lu-chan!" Levy said, standing at the foot of the bed. She'd been up since eight even though it was a Saturday morning, but knowing that Lucy loved her sleep, she let the blonde sleep in.
"Morning, Levy-chan," Lucy replied, rubbing her eyes. They were a tad swollen from her lack of sleep. Once Natsu left last night, she'd spent much of the night tossing and turning, her thoughts reeling back to their conversation. "What's that smell?"
"Oh, Juvia and Erza are making pancakes. Well, Juvia is making the pancakes while Erza sits on the side and makes sure that she does it right."
"Sounds like something Erza would do."
"I heard that," the redhead chimed in. "And get ready for breakfast, Lucy. There's a special ingredient in the pancakes, you aren't going to want to miss out on these!"
Knowing there was no use in arguing for another five minutes to sleep, Lucy dragged herself out of bed to grab a change of clothes and freshen up in the bathroom. Hopefully, a nice long shower would do just the trick for her eyes.
Twenty minutes later- she cut her shower short so as not to keep her friends waiting- Lucy exited the bathroom, a bellow of steam trailing after her. Feeling rejuvenated, she sat by her friends with a smile as Juvia placed a plate of pancakes in front of her. She grabbed her fork and hesitantly cut into them- she'd been paranoid after trying Natsu's pancakes.
Luckily, these ones were actually cooked all the way and were delicious. And just as Erza promised, there was a special ingredient mixed in.
"The strawberries taste good," Lucy complimented, going in for another bite.
"That was my idea," Erza said with a prideful grin. She'd been known around Fairy Tail to devour any and all desserts that contained strawberries in it. Her favorite was Mira's strawberry shortcake. Once, a fight between Natsu and Gray had caused her to drop her cake, and that didn't end too well for either of them.
"That sleepover was fun last night!" Levy said. "We have to do this again sometime!"
"Yeah, but maybe next time we can do it at your place!" Lucy suggested. "I've still never been over to your place!"
"Uhh, mine wouldn't do! I live in the dorms and they're really strict about having people over after a certain time! We wouldn't be able to stay up and have fun!"
"Oh. I guess that makes sense. Then what about your place, Erza?"
The redhead tensed. "Well, my place wouldn't be ideal either. Since Jellal would be there, it wouldn't be a true girls' day, correct?"
"I suppose. Then what about you, Juvia?"
"Juvia has a roommate, so Juvia can't have sleepovers like this!" the blue-headed girl replied.
Lucy groaned, crossing her arms. "That sucks! I want to see all of your apartments!"
"Nothing can be done, I suppose," Erza replied. Even though a part of her felt bad for lying to Lucy, there was nothing that could be done. Unlike Natsu, she wasn't going to risk blowing their secret over feeling guilty.
Once they were finished eating, Lucy took the dirty dishes to the sink. Gratefully accepting Levy's offer to help wash them, the girls chatted while cleaning up.
"We never got to share secrets last night!" Levy exclaimed.
Erza gasped. "You're right. It totally slipped my mind. Well, there's no stopping us from doing it now. Shall we?"
"Well since it was your idea, you should go first."
"I suppose that is agreeable." Erza scavenged her memories for any type of secret that she hadn't told Levy or Juvia. Having been with them for a long time, it was proving to be difficult. It didn't help that she had lived such a long life, many of the years that she lived were practically forgotten. "Oh, I've got one. There was once a time in my life when I got a little too intoxicated and went to the nearest bakery and spent over four hundred dollars in cake."
Levy stifled a laugh. "As much as I want to say that's surprising, it actually isn't. At all."
"I can just picture the bakers wondering what you were going to do with that much cake," Lucy added, exploding in a fit of laughter.
Erza crossed her arms, an amused grin on her face. "With how much money I gave them, they were pretty pleased. Levy, you're up."
The girl tapped her chin with her finger, trying to think of a secret she hadn't told anyone, not even Gajeel. The moment one came to mind, a blush stained her cheeks.
"Looks like Levy has a secret," Juvia pointed out. "What is it?"
"U-Umm, it's nothing!" she lied, followed by awkward laughter.
"You will tell us," Erza demanded, a dangerous gleam in her eyes.
Levy groaned. Burying her face in her hands, the girl squeaked, "I have a large collection of smutty books that I've kept hidden from everyone! Not even Gajeel has seen them!"
The other girls gasped, leaning closer.
"No way!" Lucy shouted. "I didn't know you were into those kinds of stories, Levy-chan!"
"It is nothing to be embarrassed of," Erza added. "I, too, have my own collection of erotic stories. Sometimes Jellal and I read them together and-"
"Okay, I think that's enough of that!" Lucy interrupted, her cheeks just as bright as Levy's now. "Juvia, how about your secret?"
The blue-haired girl frowned. "Juvia does not recall having any secrets."
"Everyone has secrets, Juvia! Come on, think really hard!"
Juvia rubbed her temples in thought. "Hmm, this one will make Juvia sound like a bad person."
"Nothing will ever make us think you're a bad person!"
"Once, Juvia got angry with an ex after he broke up with her, so Juvia egged his house and his car."
"Why'd he break up with you?" Levy asked.
"He said Juvia was too gloomy."
Lucy cupped her chin. "You know, it's kind of hard to picture you with someone other than Gray. I can't imagine you loving someone else."
A warm smile stretched over Juvia's lips, her cheeks turning pink. "It is true that Juvia has loved before, but it's never been as strong as Juvia's love for Gray."
Lucy's brows rose in thought. Even though she wasn't in love, she felt she could somewhat relate to Juvia's statement. She'd had plenty of crushes in her life, and even a boyfriend at one point. But none of those feelings had ever ran as deep as her feelings for Natsu did.
"What about you, Lucy?" Erza asked, bringing her out of her thoughts. "What's your secret?"
"I can name plenty," the blonde thought. One of those secrets were bigger than life. But not being able to tell them about that one, she decided to tell them the secret that had been plaguing her thoughts ever since last night.
Lucy's cheeks were set ablaze. Fidgeting in her seat, she stared at just about anything but the other girls. She fumbled with her fingers, trying to find a way to articulate her jumbled thoughts.
With a sigh, she figured she'd give it to them straight.
"I almost kissed Natsu last night."
"YOU WHAT!?" the girls exclaimed at once. They crowded Lucy, making her blush even more.
"I want details, now!" Levy shouted. "How did this happen!? We were with you all day yesterday! Other than in your math class, but I know you wouldn't make a move on him in class!"
Lucy groaned. "Don't call it a move. It wasn't like I planned it or anything. And it happened last night, after you guys went to sleep."
"Natsu came over?" Erza asked. "On girls' day?"
"Yeah, but don't get mad! I told him I missed him so he came here. We were talking outside and somehow we got really close. Next thing I knew, I found myself leaning closer to him!"
"How are you two not together already!?" Levy asked.
Her question went ignored as Juvia said, "I thought Lucy wasn't ready for a relationship?"
Lucy sighed. "I'm not. That's why the kiss didn't happen. I realized what I was about to do right after I started leaning in and I stopped myself."
"What did Natsu say?" Erza questioned.
"I'm pretty sure he didn't notice. I stopped myself really quickly. If he did notice, he probably just thought that I momentarily lost my balance or something like that. He didn't say anything about it or acknowledge it any way, so I think I'm in the clear."
"I know you said that you aren't ready for a relationship yet, but I'm rooting for you guys, Lu-chan!" Levy said, smiling at her friend.
"Thank you, Levy-chan," the blonde replied. "Like I said yesterday, I want to be ready. And maybe that almost-kiss is a sign of me slowly moving forward!"
"Moving forward from what, if I may ask," Erza questioned. "You say that you aren't ready, but is there a reason? Is there perhaps an ex-boyfriend that made you scared of dating again?"
"No, not at all! I've only had one boyfriend, but it didn't end badly. It's just that I've never been in a real relationship before and the thought of it scares me. My inexperience, that is."
Among other things.
"We all start out inexperienced, but there's no way of getting over that fear without trying it out. Nevertheless, you should wait until you're ready."
Lucy nodded. Erza's words comforted her. Even though she wasn't ready, she still had plenty of time.
"Alright, I better get going now," Levy said an hour later. By then, the entire apartment was spotless after their night of fun. "I have work soon and I still need to get home so I can get ready."
"We'll all leave so that you can have your alone time," Erza told Lucy. "Though, knowing you and Natsu, you probably won't be alone for very long."
Lucy blushed. "Yeah, yeah. Make sure you all text me when you get home!" After waving goodbye to her friends and seeing them out, the blonde collapsed on her couch with a relieved sigh. She had a blast with them last night, but Erza was right. She needed some alone time.
Since she just took a shower, taking a bath was out of the question- her water bill was expensive enough as it was. That only left writing.
Pulling out her writing journal, Lucy flipped to the section she dedicated to her newest story. She was glad that she hadn't worked her way to any of the smut yet. She wasn't sure she was ready to write about something she wasn't even close to experiencing yet.
"I can't believe Levy-chan reads this sort of stuff," Lucy thought. "Even I haven't read it before. I wonder if I should let her read this story."
The thought of Levy reading an erotic story she had written had her shaking her head profusely.
"Nope, nope, nope! Not happening!" She could already picture Levy teasing her, asking who the story was about.
Picking up her favorite pen, Lucy began to write. She took what she had learned from all of her creative writing classes and put the knowledge to good use. Writing the beginnings of stories was easy for the girl, it was the blasted middle section that spurred up her annoying writer's block.
Luckily, working on a bunch of different stories at once actually managed to help Lucy. If she got stuck with one, she would just flip to the other. Even writing just one sentence at a time for each of her stories was helpful.
Hearing her phone vibrate, Lucy unlocked it to find three new text messages, each of them from the girls letting her know that they got home safe.
"It's weird that they all got home at the same time," she thought, but shrugged it off. She had already learned from Levy that they all lived near each other. Thus, she went back to writing.
Half an hour passed by without Lucy noticing. She was so immersed in writing, she hadn't heard her window creak open. She did, however, feel a gentle breeze wash over her.
"Oh, it's a little cold in here," Lucy mused to herself.
"Then put a jacket on, weirdo."
A shrill yelp slipped past Lucy's lips as she whirled around in her chair. Immediately, she was met with onyx eyes that held a mischievous gleam to them and a wide, cheeky grin. Her brows slanted, glaring at the boy in front of her.
"Natsu!" Lucy shouted, smacking the boy's arm. "What did I tell you about breaking in here?"
Natsu cackled, catching her arm before she could hit him again. "I told ya, Luce. If you lock the window, I won't come in. You're the one leaving it unlocked for me! You want me coming in here unannounced!"
A blush settled over the girl's face. "I-I do not!"
"Yeah, yeah. So, whatcha doing?"
Remembering that her journal was out, Lucy quickly turned around and shoved it out of sight. "Nothing."
Natsu smirked. "Oh, really? Because it looks like you were writing."
"What? Psh, no way."
Natsu's smirk grew as he held a pinky out towards her. "Pinky promise?"
Lucy pouted, tearing her gaze away. "Whatever."
Natsu laughed. Lucy's pout was just about the most adorable thing in the world, not that he'd ever say that aloud. He loved annoying her just so that he could see that cute face of hers.
"Let's do something, Lucy!" Natsu said, plopping onto her bed. "I'm bored and it's Saturday! Erza and the others are at Fairy Tail now, but I think everyone's splitting up for the day. And I don't wanna share you today!"
Lucy flushed from his last comment before she caught something. "Wait, you said that Erza and the others are at Fairy Tail? Like who?"
Natsu quired a brow. "You know, like everyone."
Lucy arched a brow. "Didn't they just tell me that they were home?" Grabbing her phone, she looked back at the texts and saw that they were sent half an hour ago. "Maybe they went straight to Fairy Tail after getting ready at their places."
Still, something didn't sit quite right with Lucy. She couldn't quite name it, but it wasn't adding up. There had been many times that things didn't add up with her friends, but she'd always shrugged them off.
Now, she was starting to get suspicious.
"First there's what happened with Gray, then they all tell me I can't come over to their places, and now this?"
Lucy frowned. She didn't like being suspicious of her friends, but she couldn't help it. She felt like they were hiding something from her. Admittedly, she had secrets of her own, but that didn't stop her from feeling a bit wary. And with a secret like hers, it was best to be on her toes.
It was like she was trying to solve a puzzle when it came to her friends. Each time they said something strange, it was like she acquired a new piece to it. And with the pieces she had so far, she couldn't piece them all together to figure out what was going on.
Lucy glanced at Natsu, who was currently rummaging through her pantry. She wondered if he was in on whatever they were hiding.
"I'm sure he is."
Still, it was hypocritical of her to be mad at them for hiding things from her when she was doing the same to them. So, she shoved those thoughts to the back of her mind, hoping that they wouldn't return.
"Buy your own food," Lucy said, meeting Natsu in the kitchen.
"But that's so much work," the boy whined.
"Well too bad. I'm running out of food thanks to you."
"Then let's go out somewhere. I'm starving!"
Lucy's heart skipped a beat. "Go out somewhere?" She couldn't help but imagine Natsu asking her out on a date.
"Yeah. That way you don't have to cook and we don't use any of your food," Natsu replied with a shrug.
They walked out together in a content silence, allowing Lucy to drown in her own thoughts. She figured that hanging out with Natsu would've been a little awkward after what happened last night, but luckily, he pretended that it never happened. He treated her the same way he always had, which also meant he must not have noticed her try to kiss him. She was grateful for that.
Meanwhile, Natsu's brain was short circuiting. He'd long since accepted his feelings for the Heartfilia heiress. They were deep, packed with much more passion than a simple crush.
It was scary.
Natsu had never experienced these feelings before, and he wasn't quite sure what to do with them. Well, he knew what most people did with them, but he wasn't most people. Neither was Lucy. He couldn't just do some sweet, romantic gesture that swept her off her feet. He wasn't a knight in shining armor or some prince. Mushy feelings weren't his forte.
But, he hoped that by asking her to go out to eat with him was some sort of progress. Sure, they'd been out as just friends before, but he hoped it was different this time. After all, he could've sworn he saw in her lean in last night.
"Maybe the guys are right," he thought, his heart picking up in speed. "Maybe she does like me."
The thought was scary, but also invigorating. He'd had many girls swoon over him before, but this time the feelings were mutual.
Natsu bit back a groan. He didn't know how long he'd be able to hide his feelings.
Reaching an Italian restaurant downtown, Natsu led the way inside. The hostess was a girl around their age with orange braided pigtails and freckles spread over her cheeks.
"Table for two?" she asked.
Natsu couldn't help but blush. Ducking his face behind his scarf, he nodded. With that, the hostess led them to a table in the back of the restaurant. She handed them menus and left them alone to look them over.
"Ooh, look at all the pasta!" Lucy exclaimed.
"That's why I brought ya here. That's all you eat at Fairy Tail," Natsu replied with a grin.
Lucy blushed, fumbling with the edges of the menu. So he knew her order. That was romantic, right?
Soon enough, their waiter came by to introduce himself. Immediately, his eyes wandered towards Lucy, a hungry gleam in his eyes as they trailed towards her breasts. Natsu gritted his teeth, his fingers itching to deck the guy in the face.
"Hey there, I'm Bora. Can I get you a drink?" he asked Lucy. He didn't even acknowledge Natsu's presence, further annoying the boy.
Lucy glanced up from her menu, her eyes meeting the dark orbs of their waiter. He was relatively tall and in good shape. His features were sharp, his hair a dark shade of blue. The only distinctive feature of the boy was the strange tattoo over his right eyebrow.
"I'll just have a water," she answered, staring back at the menu.
"Oh, healthy. Good choice!" Bora replied.
Lucy nodded, expecting him to ask Natsu what he wanted to drink. Instead, she found Bora was still staring at her- well, at her chest- obviously trying to come up with something to say. The urge to sigh was hard to stifle.
"Natsu, what are you going to drink?" Lucy asked, hoping that it would remind Bora of his job. Luckily, it managed to work as the waiter finally turned towards Natsu.
Natsu stared at Bora, his eyes cold as ice. With the most threatening voice he could muster, he gritted out, "Water." Fear flashed in Bora's eyes. It was hard not to laugh.
Finally, the waiter headed towards the back with quick steps, leaving them alone.
Natsu sighed in relief, looking over his menu again. That wasn't the first time he'd seen Lucy being hit on. Hell, she was asked out at least once a week. Whenever it happened, he tried to look as threatening as possible, which usually worked in scaring them away.
Part of him felt bad for doing so. Not for the leering boys' sakes, but for Lucy's. It wasn't his place to scare away guys that were into her, but with their lust-filled gazes trained on her breasts, it was obvious they didn't really want Lucy, they only wanted her body.
Lucy deserved better than that. She deserved someone that knew how to cheer her up when she was sad, or knew what kind of movie she would want to watch for movie night. Someone that loved listening to her words because her voice was the most pleasing sound of all. Someone that could make her laugh all day. Someone who could make her feel cared for.
Someone like him.
Natsu peeked over his menu at Lucy. A pleasant smile was spread over her face as she happily hummed, trying to pick something to eat.
He felt like a hypocrite. Sure, the guys he scared away were bad for Lucy, but at least they were brave enough to make a move. All he could do was ask her to grab food with him. Hell, he didn't even make it clear that this was supposed to be different than their normal, friendly outings.
"Is there anything I can get you two to eat?" someone asked. Natsu looked up to find a girl placing their glasses of water in front of them. Bora must've been so scared, he had someone else take over their order.
"I'll have the shrimp alfredo please," Lucy said with a smile.
"I'll have the meat platter," Natsu added.
The waitress nodded, taking their menus and heading towards the back.
Lucy faced Natsu.
"Do you want to play UNO?" she asked.
"UNO? You brought that with you?" Natsu questioned. Seeing the blonde grin as she pulled out the card game, he chuckled. "You're sucha weirdo."
"What? We can play while they make our food!"
"I guess I can kick your ass real quick."
Lucy rolled her eyes. "Please. You're talking to the UNO champion, remember? You still haven't beaten me once!"
"Because you cheated!"
"I did not!"
Natsu watched as Lucy shuffled the deck. It was always satisfying to see the cards being shuffled so quickly. Once she handed out all the cards, the game began. Natsu frowned, picking up from the deck as he didn't have any blue cards. Meanwhile, Lucy seemed to have everything she needed, never having to draw a card once.
The game was over in an instant.
Natsu crossed his arms, glaring at Lucy.
"You cheated! It must be when you're doin' that fancy shuffling trick! You give yourself the good cards!" he shouted.
Lucy glared right back at him. "I do not! And I only shuffled the deck because somebody completely destroyed the last deck while trying to shuffle!"
"Those cards were faulty!"
"No, you're faulty!"
The two bickered, not noticing their voices rising or the way they were leaning closer to each other in their heated discussion. Soon enough, they were bumping heads, literally.
"Quit being such a sore loser!"
"Then you quit bein' a cheater!"
Natsu tugged on Lucy's cheek while she pulled on his scarf. These kinds of arguments were normal for the two. To them, it was nothing to worry about, it was all in good fun. To innocent bystanders, however…
"U-Umm, I'm going to have to ask you two to keep it down," their waitress said.
The two turned towards the girl, still tugging on each other. Lucy's cheeks burned bright red as she pushed the boy away from her and sat back down. She hadn't realized that they were being rowdy.
"I'm sorry!" she squeaked, bowing her head in apology.
The waitress nodded, heading towards another table.
Natsu smirked, crossing his arms behind his head. "Way to go, Lucy. You got us in trouble."
"You got us in trouble, idiot!" Lucy replied, glaring at him. She groaned. "Why does this always happen whenever I'm around you?"
"Because I'm awesome!"
"That's definitely not it."
Before they could start bickering again, their waitress came back with their food. She placed the steaming plates in front of them before heading towards another table. Lucy and Natsu grinned at each other before digging in.
Lucy had long since gotten used to Natsu's animalistic way of eating. No matter how much she nagged at him, the boy refused to take his time and savor each bite. Instead, he scarfed his food down in large bites. Food spewed everywhere, hung out of his mouth, and even landed in Lucy's hair sometimes. It was gross, but again, she'd gotten used to it.
Once they finished eating, Natsu was slouched in his seat, his hand resting over his stomach. He managed to eat his entire platter of meat, and also stole a few bites of Lucy's pasta. He was stuffed.
"I gotta go to the bathroom," he said, getting out of his seat.
Lucy sighed, feeling bad for whoever was going to have to clean the bathrooms later that night. She'd learned that Natsu could really stink up a bathroom after a large meal.
"Would you like a box for that?" someone asked once Natsu was gone. Lucy looked up to answer when she found that it was Bora talking to her.
"Oh. Uhh, yes please," she replied politely. Bora smirked, sliding into Natsu's side of the booth. "Wasn't he supposed to get me a box?"
"So, what brings you here?" he asked, resting his head in the palm of his hands and leaning closer to the girl.
"Umm, the food?"
"I meant in Magnolia. Are you here for school?"
"What are you majoring in?"
"I'm sorry, but I don't feel like sharing that information with you."
Bora gave a look as if he'd been slapped in the face. He recovered quickly with that annoying grin of his. "Hard to get, huh? That's cool with me. I don't mind working a bit for the reward."
Lucy glared at him. "Reward?"
"You know what I'm talking about. And let me tell you, you're quite the catch."
Natsu patted his belly as he exited the bathroom. He headed straight for their table, stopping in his tracks when he found Bora sitting in his seat, chatting to Lucy, who looked annoyed if her slanted brows and crossed arms were anything to go off of. Bora had quite the nerve, waiting for him to leave so he could make a move. His fingers flexed, curling into tight fists. Stalking closer to the two, he could get a better hear of their conversation.
"I'm not a catch," Lucy stated, glaring at the boy sitting across from her. She always hated men that looked at women like they were just prizes to be won. It reminded her of the stuffy old men that she was forced to mingle with during her father's work parties, always telling her to smile because her job was to sit there and look pretty.
"Oh but you are," Bora drawled out, his eyes lowering to her chest. His smirk grew when he saw Lucy try to cover herself. "You're the biggest catch here. Hey, why don't we go out sometime?"
"No thanks."
"Why not?"
"Do you really want me to answer that?"
Bora gave a frustrated look. As much as he loved girls who played hard to get, he was losing his patience. "Is it because of pinky?"
"Excuse me?" Lucy asked incredulously.
"Is that guy with the pink hair your boyfriend or something? There's no way someone like you can fall for some brute like that guy."
Natsu wanted to turn the guy to ashes at this point but he held himself back, wanting to hear what Lucy was going to say. And considering he could read her like a book, he knew that she was going to unleash a fury that only few knew that she had. So, he grinned, waiting for the show to start.
"Take that back," Lucy gritted out.
"Take what back?" Bora asked. "About you liking that guy?"
"His name is Natsu, and he isn't just some brute. So, take it back."
"Listen, I'm not here to talk about that guy, I-"
Lucy slammed her hands on the table, rising from her seat. "I'm not going to let you sit here and disrespect my friend like that! Or me, for that matter! Now apologize!"
Bora rolled his eyes. "Calm down. I didn't disrespect either of you."
"Calm down? Don't you tell me to calm down! I don't even know you and yet you have the audacity to tell me to calm down! I was calm, and that didn't seem to work at getting you to leave me the hell alone! But then you just had to go and insult the one person you should never insult in front of me!"
"Why are you yelling and making such a scene? I just wanted to go out on a date!"
"Well did you ever think that maybe I don't? I don't know you! I don't want to go on a date with some stranger, especially one that thinks it's okay to insult my friends!"
Bora glared at Lucy, getting up from his seat. "Alright, fine! I get it! You don't have to be such a bitch about it!"
Lucy gasped, having rarely been called that word. She was about to retort when a fist crashed into Bora's cheek, sending him flying back and sprawled on the floor. Natsu stood over him, rage filling his onyx orbs.
Natsu yanked Bora up to his feet with one hand. Lucy had never seen the boy so angry before.
"What the hell, man!?" Bora shouted, trying to wriggle free from Natsu's grip on his collar.
"You're lucky that's all I did," Natsu replied. His voice was darker than normal. "Now, say you're sorry."
"What? No way! I didn't do anything wrong!" Natsu held up another fist, which had the other boy screaming in fear. "Alright, alright! I'm sorry, okay!? Don't hit my face again!"
Natsu dropped Bora, letting him fall on the floor with a loud thud. Fishing in his pocket, he grabbed the correct amount of change to pay for the food before grabbing Lucy's hand and leading her towards the exit. Before leaving, he grabbed a penny and tossed it towards Bora.
"Enjoy the tip, bastard!" he said with a wide grin before leading Lucy out of there.
Once they were on the streets of Magnolia, Natsu felt his anger start to die down. He was surprised that he managed to control himself to let that asshole get away with only a punch to the face. It was hard enough letting him talk to Lucy at all, his jealousy flaring within him. But then that idiot had to go and insult her. That was a grave mistake.
While Bora may've deserved it, Natsu knew that he had to get his jealousy under control. It was an irrational emotion, one that he shouldn't have had in the first place considering Lucy wasn't even his girlfriend. But keeping it under control was easier said than done.
It was hard to watch just about every guy ogle at the girl he liked. It didn't help that some of them had the balls to ask her out right in front of him, something that he'd been wanting to do but was too scared to.
Still, being jealous wasn't good. It was starting to get to the point that Natsu was even jealous of his close friends. There'd been too many times to count in which he'd irately watch Gray and Lucy talk. Even though Gray was in love with Juvia, it was still annoying watching him make Lucy laugh. That was his job.
With a sigh, Natsu forced himself to calm down. In doing so, he was finally able to hear the quiet sniffles coming from behind him.
Stopping in his tracks, he whirled around to face Lucy. Her bottom lip stuck out a bit as tears streamed down her face.
Immediately, Natsu's anger came back full force.
"I'm gonna kill that bastard!" he shouted, marching back towards the restaurant. It was bad enough he hit on Lucy and insulted her, but to make her cry? He was a goner.
Lucy tugged on his hand, stopping him. "It's okay, Natsu. I promise."
"Then why are you crying?"
"It's just frustrating. Guys like him think I'm just an object." Lucy smiled at him, continuing, "But luckily, there's guys like you to remind me that there's still some good ones out there."
It was then that Natsu realized he hadn't let go of Lucy's hand since they left the restaurant. With pink cheeks, he gazed down at their intertwined hands, holding hers tighter.
With moonlight washing over Lucy's face, their hands locked together, and her smiling at him warmly, it was the perfect time for Natsu to confess, to get the feelings he'd been hiding out in the open. It was the perfect time to make a move.
But he didn't.
Instead, Natsu stick to what he knew. Ruffling the blonde's hair, he gave her a grin.
"Let's go home, Luce. Today is the day I'm finally gonna beat you at UNO," he said.
Lucy's smile grew. "We'll see about that."
Instead of letting go of Lucy's hand, Natsu held onto it the entire way back to her apartment. It wasn't a grand, romantic gesture, but it was what he was comfortable with at the moment. Soon, he would have the courage to do something more, but for now, this was fine. All he needed was to be the one who made her smile.
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warmbeebosoftbeebo · 6 years
Hey, I’m the anon that asked panicsinning about the daddy thing. I’m seeing it in a significant portion of the fics I try to read at the minute (not just Brendon fics, but I seem to find more of them with him!) and I’m not into it at all. It kinda sucks. There are so many other ways to write a dominant Brendon, if that’s what people want, but as soon as I see the daddy thing I gotta close the tab like no thank u. And especially if he’s said it makes him uncomfortable
i think we’re dealing with the fall out of a generation of 90s and 2000s people raised on internet porn. i’ve noticed–this is evident on wattpad n tumblr especially–that a lot of smut is written by junior high n high school girls too, whose go to source is other smut fics by youn’uns n internet porn. like you could see that at work too on aooo n livejournal, but that stuff tended to be more grounded in real life experience/realistic n the writers skewed older–late teens n 20s on those–recorded porn was also less…fucked up in the 90s-early 00s n things that are mainstream now used to be fringe n avoidable. another thing i’ve noticed in fics: lack of solidarity with other women and girls–a lot of monstering of other females, who are usually portrayed as “whores” (this has a long history though–i remember the good girl/bad girl dichotomy in a lot of romance novels, vc andrews books, etc–tv shows n movies based around conflict between girls, the idea that women and girls are crueler to girls than boys are when the reverse is true, women getting angry at the “other woman” and not their dickhead men)
(trigger warning for me ranting about the content of pornography, the sexual status quo, etc)
i watched straight porn from about 8-12 from 95-99 and i don’t remember ever seeing pia for example. porn is now absolutely obsessed with men anally penetrating women with their dicks (if you are on a porn site, you will quickly see it guaranfuckingteed), particularly the damage that can result from it (eg “gaping,” women saying they can’t handle it *on camera* and the scene still continuing, “she’ll need an ambulance when we’re done with her”). there wasn’t much “deep throat”/”throat fucking” fellatio (i hate those terms–we are looking at throat rape) either, but now porn is obsessed with that too. it also used to be more about showing at least the performance of female pleasure and orgasm (usually faked of course) but now that is largely irrelevant and clear indications of pain are not only kept in, but intentionally there. piv that’s not a cervix bashing is hard to find, scenes without piv even harder (and they’re usually brief clips), and “sex” for men generally and pornographers in particular starts at piv–like if there isn’t at least “regular fucking” it doesn’t even register as sexual and worth watching to most.
“vanilla porn” has a lot of bdsm themes in it as discussed above as well as slapping, spitting, ejaculating on women’s faces, misogynist namecalling, “ass to mouth” and the hetero bdsm porn online is absolutely–we’re talking witch hunt and slavery levels of torture. in both, women are punished for the crime of being born female. based in aggrieved male entitlement–like men are punishing women for having any boundaries, desires of their own, telling them no outright or no to certain sex acts. any sexuality in women reduced to “fuck hole” (or a dewey eyed bisexual–tropes around female-female sexuality in porn are more varied i will admit but ultimately about viewer, typically male, titillation. femdom is also usually paid for by the man, and all about what he wants, and most of the domination and pain is both mild in comparison to what women are put through and based in feminizing him–comparing him to a woman, calling him gay, saying he has a small “ineffective” dick, calling his anus a pussy, etc. women are also often in absolutely ridiculous uncomfortable outfits n shoes.). a lot of humiliation, dom/sub–it’s really difficult for me to watch but it’s like men are in a contest with each other, expressing sexuality together, with women as the targets–seeing who can humiliate and hurt women the most–make her wish she’d never been born. man=sadist, and female=hole. (and a lot of the women making porn play that same game too.)
under this, girls are developing their sexuality, with the above porn online, and either just a general lack of information from school and parents, or a specifically religious tinge to discussions of sexuality as being sinful, shameful in women (and gay/bi men). sex=piv=sex, and pia is 5th base and you shouldn’t have hang ups about fucking bc it’s what girls and women are made for and like. things that women can do together don’t get transferred to sex with men at all, or at best MAY make it in as foreplay–sex is pole in hole, silly ho–not rubbing off on him (esp if you want to rub on a part or in a position that makes him feel like a girl), or getting oral, or masturbating in front of him, or him using his hand on you, or using toys together… women and girls are the gatekeepers for male sexuality and responsible for men’s actions and either natural saints or whores who need to either save men from the bad women (who deserve what men do to them, regardless of how cruel or sadistic or destructive–she wanted it if it happened at all–made him do it) or embrace their roles as cumsluts (liberated sexuality is doing what the pornographers tell you to, you go girl and suck that cock and have piv while you have few if any orgasms, don’t even feel that turned on and comfortable, and just put on a good show! lol don’t you know that focusing on yr clit n vulva is for masturbation and girl-girl action, if you focus on that silly part at all. or just rub your clit while he’s using whichever of your holes he wants–the sex positive solution. or spend years thinking you’re broken, to find out not orgasming during piv is normal, and just continue having it n taking hormonal birth control n praying for your period to arrive on time.)
there is a lot telling women and girls to find dangerous, possessive, sadistic, controlling, etc men sexy, and obviously this works–increasingly women are consuming porn, the success of the twilight novels, 50 shades of abusive gaslighting n pitying the poor poor dude who is just a hurt puppy (who can fucking kill you), advising already traumatized women to “work through their trauma” with a male sadist/top, telling women and girls that “daddy kink” is hot as fuck (ignore the fact that father-daughter incest is probably statistically the most traumatic form of child sexual abuse there is n hide it behind “it’s just a bit of kinky fun n letting him feel like a real man n letting you surrender to yourself n letting him take care of you” gaslighting), the whole mess of “sex positive feminism” (this is not what anne koedt, shere hite, audre lorde, etc were talking about folks) and repainting feminism (the fight for women’s liberation from patriarchy and the end of male violence) as about consumerist choices (particularly around conforming to beauty standards, partaking in prostitution industries) and saying women are not a class and women aren’t oppressed because of male desire to control our sexuality and reproduction but because we have inner feminine souls/brains and if you’re not a walking stereotype n don’t feel like one you’re not really female n sex is a free for all n not political at all (except for slutshaming bc women often are what men call us n shouldn’t be shamed for it–we should embrace it as empowerment) n trust women unless they say something you don’t agree with then they are monsters who kill with their words unlike men (even the ones who do kill) who aren’t why we feel unsafe (those bad women over there made them do it n besides, women are worse than men)… 
holy fuck this is quite the rant! i need to get back to writing the smutty times with beebs ;)
tl;dr this environment is ripe for girls finding “daddy kink” sexy because it encapsulates more explicitly what flows through our everyday sexual lives, media, etc. already. like the question shouldn’t be “why are some into daddy kink” but “why is there an intense focus on dom/sub, top/bottom, adult/child, male/female, penetrator/penetrated… dichotomies and roles in the first place?” or “how could so many *not* be drawn to it?” i remember reading explicit romance novels and this dom/sub, piv-oriented, etc relation was as common as air in them (they were generally way worse than graphic western novels n even worse than a lot of recorded porn back then), even the ones where the women were into equality outside of the bedroom. you can also see this in gay porn, where there is also this focus on pia and top/bottom roles, changing the way gay men have sex outside of porn too–like older gay/bi men see pia and roles attached to it as far less pivotal in their understanding and experience of sex than young gay/bi men do. (jesus christ gal get back on topic…) 
daddy/little (or kitten or princess or slut or…) confirms the way things should be: male control, authority, female deference, submission, etc. independence in women is punished. female desire for sexual pleasure and affection is denigrated. the amount of fics where women are punished or shamed for masturbating in front of him or on her own or rubbing herself on him by the daddy/dom! i can’t even… told not to, called bad for doing it…had their hand slapped away…physically punished for doing it. it’s seen as a distraction from the man’s Very Important Stuff at best, whether that stuff is nonsexual or what he wants to do to her sexually. sexuality is presented as a punishment for women (not so far from god’s condemnation of eve are we?), but something we desire simultaneously. like we should be punished for wanting, as if our wanting men or a man means we should be hurt by him/them. spanking is a humiliation and pain ritual a la abusive fathers with belts/forceful hands/tree branches/whips through the patriarchal ages, creating welts and tears and humiliation. females are *done to* and males *do*. even sucking dick becomes something men do to women by pushing her head down, pushing into her throat, etc as tears well up. outside of fic, women take painkillers and use numbing gels to endure it. the sexiest women are like little girls, and the sexiest men are controlling fathers. men *have to* hurt us, to let us know what we did wrong, so we can try to behave better next time. women need someone telling them what to do, when to do it, how to do it. telling us and showing us what we are for. men need to feel like real men, and women like real women–nothing is worse than an uppity woman making a man feel like a he’s not an avatar of masculinity, or however he sees himself–quit trying to emasculate men, unless they are into forced feminization of course n are paying for you to do what they want you to, are topping from the bottom. never challenge male self-image, especially in sex. know your place, and tell yourself you are precious, and cared for, and pampered by a benevolent master. daddy kink is the sexiest sex to ever sex, n vanilla is just so boring… why settle for lights out missionary piv when you can be choked n slapped n entered anally? those are your two choices. you’re not a prude are you? quit being so sex negative. quit policing these wild sexy desires in people. quit erasing and killing us with anything you might think or say to contradict this.
we live in a world where men get away with murdering women based on “rough sex gone wrong” defenses, even to the point where people think it reasonable that a native woman in prostitution bled to death after “consensual” piv with a john (when he likely sliced open the inside of her vagina with a knife based on the extent of her injury, let alone the belief that lethal injury can be consented to period let alone within prostitution), athletes are acquitted of rape when they gang rape a woman into several hours of bleeding from a vaginal injury (and she named it rape from the get go, the men were bragging and trying to get her to keep quiet), wives are murdered by boyfriends in “50 shades games gone wrong” that *she* wanted (considering she is the dead one not him...), people think *unconscious* women and girls are “consenting” whether strangled into unconsciousness or drugged or sleeping..., and another woman was literally choked to death during throat rape by the man she loved (the focus in that courtroom and the media? His allegedly big dick--how could he have helped himself, not killed her, with such a big cock? Injuring women with big dicks is so entertaining n humourous!). A male sadist is more likely to kill you than give you an amazing time in bed. More likely to claim it’s all fun n games when numerous women accuse him of sexual, physical and psychological abuse than actually help those or any other women have a good time in bed.
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