#so i'll shush for now
maranull · 5 months
watching vaati's new vid and he mentions a lot of 1.0 item descriptions, so far only using them as add ons to one or two theories
but I'm thinking, if the developers decided to remove those old descriptions, can we still rely on them as canon/reliable sources?
I don't have an answer, just asking
EDIT: nvm, later on he dismisses a 1.0 description for the one that came after
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galacticcoffee · 1 month
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The scene from TYK where Zhou Zishu misses his wife so much he carves one-hundred terrible flutes about it.
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hystericfae · 2 months
My coworker asked for MORE days off in July and I was just absolutely baffled because it's an entire week and she like. Didn't seem to take into account that I work HER days off....so I'd literally be working 7 days in a row 💀😭
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 11 months
hey guys look at this cool flower i found
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nerunesoda · 2 years
guys look i made a gif!! :D
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cheeky wee playlist for my fic inhaler... cause I said so. send post.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 8 months
Wait oh my god there's a cinema near me showing the FNaF movie wait wait wait should I convince my mum to go with me or should I stick to my guns and wait till I can pirate it
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heffrondriving · 1 year
soooo. that new big time rush album huh
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a-wild-inky-boi · 2 years
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I was definitely overestimating how quickly I could do this but hey! It's fine and done and I think it's pretty cool
The lines there are from Taichi's monologue in Living the Dream because it makes me emotional every time
I have too many goddamn things to say about Taichi I could write a 10 page essay but idk how to say all of that just gah I love him look at him he's so funky. He's my beloved blorble boy and I hope he had a fuckin great birthday
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legolasghosty · 2 months
oh shit i forgot to send a new one! brain mush.
uh. let's say 75 please?
No worries, thanks for sending these, they're really nice!!! More Holograms (and the introduction of I think the last major character...)
Julie laughed and followed her brother in, Reggie and Alex on her heels. Fuego was standing beside the receptionist’s desk. He looked up and smiled when he heard them approach.  “Ah good, I’ll let Mr. Covington know you’re here.” He turned away from them, pink nails clicking against his tablet. Julie was about to ask about the agenda for the day when she heard a crash behind her. She whirled around to see Alex lying on the floor, someone else practically on top of him, clearly having just bowled him over. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry,” the new person exclaimed, scrambling to their feet and holding out a hand to Alex. “I wasn’t even looking.”
(Send me a number and I'll write that many words in my WIP and show you!)
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
I really want fine to go to the aquarium together can Toris center be mermaid themed or something,,,,
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hystericfae · 4 months
Exlax came back for a round 2 today and the period cramps are coming in HOT ‼️
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hey so uh. something lowkey bad happened this morning and i'm not feeling the best because of it, so if i'm not online later that's why
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time-slink · 1 year
good lord. you never realize how hard it is to caption a certain person until you've spent an hour and a half on ten minutes of video
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cupcakewebkinz · 11 months
Hi so I'm doing my dragon adventure missions right now but
I do have a picture of my Yueshi! It's in my theme, Caramel Candy, and she was the first ever to be made :3
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This was taken when she was 3 mut I believe?? Maybe 4 I don't remember. She's definitely not fm here as I was looking for the last one at the time XD
If anyone actually likes my lil dragon showcases here I'd be very happy to share more, I just thought it would be fitting to have my theme as my first dragon adventures post lmao
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cowardlychimera · 1 year
what if I told you that in 11:11 pm au I made the dream world version of Hero a doggy AND a sharky
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