#so i went grocery shopping alone. lol. for fun. it was scary
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mainfaggot · 1 year ago
hi guys my lower back hurts like a mf and the world almost ended 9 times today but it didn't and im okay and it's fine and having an anxiety disorder is stupid as fuck. lol. LMFAO even
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https-harlow · 4 months ago
Ugh I’m sorry 😭 How are you feeling now?? Grocery shopping on sundays is a nightmare because it’s always packed ngl… Yes, doing one fun thing is always a good idea, I wish I went to the movies more often because it’s literally next to my house and I love going, but my friends tend to be busy and I’m embarrassed to go alone, esp about possibly running into someone I know and them seeing I’m by myself 🤣🤣💀 Who doesn’t love naps lol 🤭 they’re even more fun than regular nights sleep 🤣🤣
I feel okay because I just took some medicine! It is! But I saw a really cute puppy so that made up for it 😂 Go to the movies by yourself!! It won't be a scary the second time I promise!!
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diabolikpersonals · 2 years ago
Ayato x yui headcanons?
(if u listen closely, u can hear the sound of fireworks going off in my brain as soon as I read this ask)
I LOVE AYAYUI it's my fav yui ship and my fav ayato ship and I'll talk about it forever yes yes <3
I love how ayayui content in the games plays with Ayato's loneliness. He's been lonely before, ever since he was a kid, but now that he has someone he loves this much, he can't stand it anymore. When Yui gets kidnapped? When she goes grocery shopping?? When she stays at school a little longer than usual??? When she's doing the dishes and not paying attention to him??????? HATES IT. Being lonely sucks, Ayato wants to see her right away!! ;-;
That's why it's such a big deal when Ayato goes off to college at the end of MB. He knew he had to do it to get a proper job and support her. He wanted to do that for her. But it's so scary for him, you know?? School is already stressful enough for him, and now he has to do it alone. A L O N E. With no Yuis in sight!! But he did it, he did it because he loves her, and it proves she's not just someone who will ease his loneliness. He loves her so much he will be brave and be lonely for her.
Since Ayato really wanted to be So Fucking Brave About It when he went to college, I think he avoided contacting Yui for a while. (Also, if he called her, he'd just end up missing her even more, and then maybe he wouldn't be able to take it...) But then when he visited home, Yui bursts into tears and she's like "why haven't you talked to me at all!! do you hate me now!!" and Ayato's like NO NO NO-
and they both have to cuddle and cry about it together for hours lol. "Actually, I missed you so much. I missed you so much I thought I would die."
When they get married Ayato never shuts up about his wife. Yui is seriously the most important thing in his life. If you try to talk to him about something else then he'll probably find a way to mention Yui.
Yui is more than happy to do all the things Ayato never got to do as a kid. Nothing is too childish; they're having fun together so there's no need to be embarrassed. She'll introduce Ayato to stuff she used to do as a kid too. They'll have snowball fights, build sand castles at the beach, etc
and Ayato gets all the head pats he ever wants for the rest of his life, and Yui gets a guy who is totally devoted to her. the end
(PS: Ayato encourages Yui to be more dominant in bed sometimes, and she gets used to it little by little. They can both be the dominant one now. They sometimes use rock paper scissors to decide who it will be that day. By the way, Ayato defaults to rock every time, and when Yui figures that out, she can throw out paper or scissors depending on what position she feels like doing.)
(Also...they like to roleplay that Yui is a vampire attacking Ayato. It's their favorite thing.)
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atopearth · 3 years ago
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder Part 2 - Soryu Oh Route (up to Proposal Epilogue)
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Okay, I really like Soryu so it's not an exaggeration to say I'm super looking forward to this haha. I'm impressed the heroine actually tried to escape when Soryu went to shower, I guess I'm so used to how obedient she is with Eisuke lol. Soryu with his hair down and not using gel is actually really cute too. To be honest...I thought the pager thing was an Eisuke exclusive thing because he thought it was fun, but I didn't think it was actually a VIP penthouse thing lolll! Soryu is pretty mean LOL, like he legit just told her that if things don't work out with her pretending to be Mei Ling and she dies, then she won't even need to care anymore (since she's scared of dying) loll, like wow thanks. Anyway, I don't blame the heroine for being so scared meeting all these Yakuza bosses for marriage meetings, I mean Soryu is scary enough, let alone these guys that are strangers who talk about killing people and illegal stuff so casually! Yep, stalkers too, scaryyy. Anyway, lmao at Inui saying he'll cook, and then brings out charcoal, and lmao when they think Soryu is bringing out his gun to shoot him for it😂😂
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Aww, I love their little grocery shopping trip~ It was so cute~ And I agree that it's saddening Soryu is used to being hated, but lol people sure are vocal about being scared of him, like are you not scared of him retaliating? Anyway, Soryu carrying her back and even calling her by her name was sweet~ It made my heart swoon too hahaha. I found it hilarious when Eisuke and Ota bothered to have an arranged marriage meeting with the heroine just to see how Soryu would react, and I guess it's understandable because Soryu was so cute hahahah. Omgg, I was soo sad for the heroine when Soryu told her that he was going to marry Mei Ling. I'm so glad the guys are so supportive of their love though and encouraged her to chase him to Hong Kong and tell him her feelings properly. Soryu's confession saying he ended up refusing the marriage because her tears made him realise he didn't want to do something that would hurt her was touching😭 The execution thing was so crazy though, like whaaat! Glad the guys helped Mei Ling's dad come to his senses that it's much more beneficial to have Soryu alive than dead. I find it so funny how much Soryu loves the heroine's omelettes hahaha, I definitely find their relationship super sweet especially now that he can be honest with his feelings. I really enjoyed the epilogue! Their first date was so cute, and I loved how much the heroine wanted her friends to understand that Soryu may be mafia but he's really kind. Seeing Soryu touched that the heroine wants people to see him in a better light and gets so happy when people do is so adorable.
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I guess there's a point when Ryosuke following them around everywhere on their dates would make the heroine sad haha, alone time is important~ The heroine is lucky to have such a nice and supportive friend who would encourage her and tell Soryu what she's worrying about. Lmao at Soryu having a glaring contest with a tiger🤣 When Soryu asked the heroine why she chose him out of all the guys back in the beginning, and there's an option saying it's because he's the hottest out of all of them😂😂 I have to admit it would be my reason for choosing him😂 Throwing a grenade in the middle of the street at night??? Yeah, I can see why the heroine would be traumatised lol, that is scary, and it was right after she caused Soryu to get grazed by a knife too. Honestly, I thought the heroine would be the one to break up with Soryu because she feels like a burden, but it seems like Soryu cracked first to protect her. I'm surprised that even after a week, the heroine hasn't confronted Soryu about it and talked to him properly though. Like c'mon, he was willing to die if it meant he could "love her" and all that, shouldn't she at least believe in his feelings rather than think about what his break up words were? Like at least ask him if these are really his true feelings and stuff?? I know the heroine for KBTBB is usually dumb but at least follow your feelings girl! At least the guys told her what Soryu is probably thinking since she couldn't figure it out herself. I'm glad the heroine reminded Soryu that they knew from the beginning that this would be difficult and that she would be a burden, but she still wanted to be beside him so he wouldn't be alone and show him an ordinary happiness that he always wanted but never experienced. I liked their talk at the end, especially when the heroine told him to not resolve things by breaking up again lol. I'm shocked that Kyo was the culprit all along though because he just seemed so loyal and kind, honestly it's kinda crazy how forgiving Soryu is to him though lol, like just because he needed money and that underground doctor to cure his mother doesn't mean he can sell out Soryu, he really could have died. Awwww Soryu getting sick from the flu and getting all embarrassed at the heroine feeding him is so adorableeee!
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I like how the heroine saving Inui and telling Soryu and them that you can't only care about your comrades when it's convenient and abandon them when things get tough was done. Like obviously, this is a difficult situation for Soryu and that's why he's been unable to properly move and do what he wants to do, but I think the heroine saying that gave him the push he needed to really have the resolve to go against the people controlling him in order to protect the people precious to him. Well, getting rid of Ryuun (leader of the Ice Dragons) was much easier than they made it sound before lol. What I appreciated the most was the heroine being incorporated into the Mafia alongside Soryu because of her good relations with Rahman, and I guess her ability to make everyone like her and appreciate her opinions haha. It's just that a lot of the time, the partner is never really involved in the Mafia work at all, so seeing that the heroine has some sort of power makes it refreshing. Whether the writers gives her the opportunity to use it is another story though lol.
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It's so cute to see Soryu go through a baby names book to try and find a suitable name for the puppy Ryosuke picked up. Lmao at her name becoming Jasmine because Baba kept calling her that lol. Seeing Soryu sulk a bit because the delivery guy asked the heroine out was actually really cute haha. I wonder if the delivery guy is Rahman's son that ran away from home because he didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps🧐 Honestly can't blame Soryu for feeling hurt realising that when he was away, the heroine had to take Jasmine to the vet, and she didn't say anything about it. I thought she was going to tell him, since he especially told her that they should be honest and communicate with each other about everything, so I was disappointed about this misunderstanding, but I guess it's understandable that she didn't want to trouble him. Still her fault though, especially since she had to rely on the delivery guy and she didn't say anything about it. Now, not only does he feel like he's unreliable, but she's hiding things from him too. I'm so glad they finally both told each other they were both holding themselves back and hiding stuff to not worry the other, and I'm really happy to see them acknowledge that Soryu's way of life will continue to be dangerous, but they're willing to get through it together. I love how the heroine ended up using the self-defence technique Soryu taught her, that was a nice touch to the ending haha. I really enjoyed seeing Soryu's perspective leading from his tiredness after becoming the new leader to having to handle the problems in Hong Kong, whilst feeling insecure about his relationship with the heroine because he can never properly give her the "normal happiness" an ordinary guy like the delivery guy can give her. His worries and stress was understandable and I liked seeing his thoughts elaborated.
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Aww I love how Soryu has already decided that they're going to get married and that it's just a matter of when. I especially loved how he said when he chose her, it basically meant he was ready to marry her one day. On the other hand, it was so random when the heroine got held hostage all of a sudden when they were just walking on the street, like ummm I honestly don't think Soryu is that careless that he wouldn't have been able to notice and protect her in time. It's kinda sad to hear that the London branch of the Ice Dragons aren't doing well and can't keep up with Soryu's ideals, so they steal and stuff to protect their family. Anyway, Jin (one of the leaders of the London branch) is hot, I like him already. Okay, I didn't expect Soryu to say they could only have a common law marriage, even though I guess it should have been kinda expected since he probably doesn't want any official records of her being his wife, since it probably puts her more in danger etc. But I still think that considering she's prepared to be a mobster's wife, she might as well at least "quietly" sign the papers with him or something. Like c'mon, regardless of what they do, I'm sure that if someone wants to know who Soryu's partner is, they will be able to find out. He's not going to hide her from the world after all. Anyway, my heart nearly shattered when Soryu said he needs to marry the other gang's daughter in order to hold a truce because the Ice Dragons are weak in London. Honestly, I wanted to punch those mobsters that said they wouldn't follow a leader who was willing to "abandon" them for a woman. Like uh, is it any better if your big boss is selling himself out in marriage for it? In the end, Soryu will just be strung along by them instead of really having power to do anything. I know it's not simple to close down the branch but they might as well pack up and leave if they have to rely on something like marriage with an enemy.
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Honestly, if I was the heroine, no matter how much I like Soryu, I wouldn't be able to accept it. Maybe if I was ready to become his mistress from the beginning, I might be able to take it, but suddenly being forced to being the side piece now? No way. I would rather leave. I can't imagine being treated like crap by the future wife and her gang, never being able to celebrate Valentine's Day and stuff like that with him, and always wondering if he might actually fall for the legal wife one day. Of course Soryu isn't that kind of person, but regardless, it will hurt, it will be painful, and personally I'd rather stay alone than be forced to endure all that, I would honestly just tell Soryu to marry that woman and save his gang members (since they're apparently dying??) and then leave afterwards. Okay, I really didn't expect Soryu to do it, but he really left his position as boss and gave his leadership to Jin. I...was honestly so touched. We know how much the Ice Dragons means to Soryu, so seeing him give all that up for the heroine really made my heart melt. I know we're supposed to like Soryu's slicked back hair look more because that's the most "natural" for him since he's been wearing his hair like that as a mobster most of his life to look more "intimidating", but I honestly prefer his hair down, he's so much cuter!! Seeing Soryu's resolve to be with the heroine, and even try his best to put everything behind him when it must have been so difficult for him to ignore hearing how much the Ice Dragons have fallen after Jin took over and how he was a spy for the Crimson Swords all along was very painful. After seeing how much Soryu was willing to give up for the heroine, I can't help but agree with the heroine's decision to push him back to becoming the boss again to save his organisation from becoming something corrupt with a ruined reputation, and I admire her resolve to give up on her "ordinary happy life" and willingly choosing to be a mistress if it must come to that one day. After all this, I can't help but acknowledge that I would hopefully do the same, because knowing how much Soryu cares is enough for me. I am sooo glad Soryu changed his mind and ended up proposing to her, he was so nervous, it was so cute! Like, it was obvious he would eventually change his mind, but seeing the process to it, and seeing him feel so bad that he made her cry so much about it and even force her into thinking that being a mistress is okay just made it so worth it to see everything come together like this at the end. I'm so happy for them😭
It was actually saddening to see from Soryu's perspective that from the very beginning (when he moved to London), he already had the marriage papers ready to make their relationship official. However, the instability of the Ice Dragons in London, and the danger the heroine was starting to become involved in by constantly being associated with gangsters made him change his mind and think about having a common law marriage like his peers instead.
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Overall, Soryu has been and will always be one of my top favourite Voltage guys. I’ve always liked him since ages ago even when I hadn’t read his stories yet, but now even after reading them, I still very much love him. It’s dramatic sure, and it does like to dwell on the mobster part quite a bit, but I think the way the stories are shown really makes it understandable how his job continuously makes it difficult for both him and the heroine. Whether it be the lack of time spent together, insecurity, physical danger, problems with getting married etc, I found them very understandable problems that they had to go through even though it was frustrating to deal with stuff like the arranged marriages etc, like c’mon haha! Anyway, I think what makes me love Soryu so much is his sincerity when it comes to his love and his feelings towards the heroine. I’ve never doubted how much he liked her because you could always see how much he treasured her, so seeing him try to balance his work and her was painful, but it also made him dropping the Dragons for her that much more touching, since we know how important they are to him. And of course, he’s very cool and cute at the same time, Soryu going through a book to find an appropriate name for their pet dog just shows the kind of honest consideration he has for the heroine and everyone around him, I love seeing how much he cares about others and wants to protect everyone around him, and I think that’s what makes him such a great LI to me haha. Definitelyyyyy my favourite boy forever haha.
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 5 years ago
(HC) RFA + MC in Quarantine
Listen lads, this is just a silly I wrote this the other day (I may have been a little but tipsy but shh) and I thought I might as well share it. I hope this cheers some of you up during such a scary time <3
★ okay this is gonna sound obvious
★ but bare with
★ G A M E S
★ but!!! not just LOLOL!! oh no no!
★ i’m talking board games, PC games, active games like tag and hide and seek
★ you guys basically act like children how are you surviving on your own
★ you guys also do LOADS of cooking
★ like so much
★ you’re baking like one cake a day pls slow down
★ ngl you guys are thriving staying home all the time lol
★ if Yoosung has online classes, you set up a study club!
★ he does his college work whilst you do whatever work you gotta do boo love that tEAMWORK
★ honestly you guys have never been so productive oop
❤︎ oh boy
❤︎ be prepared to be SMOTHERED in love
❤︎ zen i love you too but pls i have stuff to do
❤︎ m o v i e  n i g h t s
❤︎ f a c e  m a s k s
❤︎ there are so many movies/tv series that you guys have been waiting to watch together but haven't had time to bc of zen’s work
❤︎ big sad :(
❤︎ it usually turns into make out sessions but shh nobody has to know
❤︎ Zen kinda discovered that you guys c a n n o t cook
❤︎ so!!! you learn!!!
❤︎ it’s MESSY y’all
❤︎ “aw mc you look so cute with flour on your nose” throws flour at your face “zen i sWeaR tO GoD I just wanna make b r e ad leave me ALONE”
 ❤︎ quality couple time <3
☞  lets get down to business
☞ to defeat
☞ lol JK
☞ seriously the house has never been cleaner
☞ obvs your cafe isn't open so y’all have some time on your hands
☞ one day Jaehee suggests gardening
☞ oh man
☞ it escalated
☞ gardening has now become an OBSESSION
☞ honestly you couldn't find a prettier garden on pinterest swear down
☞ you also decided to renovate the house you’ve been meaning to do it but have never had the time
☞ your house is now a work of art wow proud of you guys <333
☞ tbh, Jaehee actually has a small fear of getting sick/you getting sick so you guys are only leaving the house if it is a b s o l u t e l y necessary
♚ nobody talk about the bad ending
♚ i said don’t…
♚ he’s be waiting for this moment who needs a cage when you have a national lockdown
♚ all jokes aside though this man still has to work from home
♚ poor bby
♚ let us all shed a tear for Jumin Han
♚ you love to bring him tea and homemade baked goods whilst he works and guess what??? so does he lol
♚ it is time
♚ to D A N C E
♚ this man is so extra oml
♚ insists on taking online ballroom dance lessons bc why not MC hmmm???
♚ he is actually a very good dancer
♚ once you guys get good enough it turns into spontaneous ballroom dancing in the kitchen whilst you clean up after dinner
♚ wine??? wine did you say??? W I N E???
♚ oh b o y
♚ you've seen each other tipsy before, and lemme tell ya it takes a lot to get this man drunk
♚ his tolerance is so high from all the w i n e
♚ but one night you two get absolutely HAMMERED like oh my God guys calm down pls
♚ rip your liver lmao
♚ it makes for a v e r y funny evening though you guys have literal tears in your eyes and its so nice to see the mighty Jumin Han loosen up a little aw bless
☀︎ okay
☀︎ listen
☀︎ this man is absolutely out of control i can’t
☀︎ you thought he was a prankster before???? oh man i am so sorry
☀︎ “saeyoung why is there a balloon above saeran’s door” “don’t worry bout it babe” “i am WORRYING SAEYOUNG”
☀︎ on a serious note though being stuck in the house does sometimes bring back some bad memories for him
☀︎ there are some bad days where he just n e e d s to get out
☀︎ so you sometimes go out for a quick drive in some desert place ya know let’s be sensible
☀︎ you guys have also made a habit of climbing to the roof and watching the stars aw
☀︎ you’ve also both fallen a sleep there a few times oopsy daisy
☀︎ the memes are the only thing getting you guys through at this point it’s a problem
☀︎ but you are loving the quality time with your choi boys so it’s not all bad <3
☀︎ family snuggles are a must
☀︎ a M U S T
☀︎ the desired s n u g g l e position is you sat on Saeyoung’s lap, your legs draped over Saeran’s lap and Saeran’s head resting on Saeyoung’s shoulder AW
☀︎ sometimes you hold Saeran’s hand whilst he’s asleep bc your edgy boi needs love but wont ask for it ever
❁ first of all
❁ a w
❁ this man is the sweetest peach
❁ he makes so many cute things for you whilst you guys are in lockdown
❁ i mean he’s writing letters, knitting you scarves, painting you pictures the whole shebang
❁ he even made you a pyjamas
❁ he’s sewing guys he’s out of control
❁ if your working/reading/just having a quiet moment he will sketch you
❁ you wouldn't know it though bc he’s a s n e a k y bastard
❁ he’s never filled a sketchbook so fast and it’s his most treasured possession
❁ a book!!! filled with YOU!!!!! amazing!!!!!!
❁ wait, did you hear that????
❁ oh yeah
❁ actual children
❁ even if what you make is terrible its just so fun because you're doing it together
❁ brb just crying my eyes out i love this man so much
❁ you guys also make care packages and do the grocery shopping for the elderly/at risk people in your area and deliver it for them AND sewing scrubs/masks for doctors
❁ “I don’t want to stay inside doing nothing all the time when there are people who need help” THIS MAN IS TOO MUCH
☽ i hope you're ready for this grumpy motherfucker
☽ he never went outside anyway but now that he cant go out it sounds like the best thing in the world saeran pls
☽ ah yes it is time to wake up
☽ oh it’s 4pm?????
☽ HA who needs a sleep schedule anyway
☽ also Saeyoung is not the only twin with the Mischief Gene™
☽ oh no no no
☽ you two team up and absolutely destroy him
☽ i am so sorry Saeyoung but you had this coming
☽ when Saeran says that he wants to learn an instrument you are GOBSMACKED
☽ he orders a keyboard and omg he’s such a fast learner
☽ probs from all the years of hacking ouch
☽ do i smell??? A FAMILY BAND?????
☽ you and Saeyoung play kazoo
☽ Saeran has left the chat
☽ seriously though his piano playing is so pretty and it calms him down so much ughhh PRECIOUS TOMATO BOI
This is so chaotic hahahah I hope you enjoyed though. If people liked it I’ll do some more silly things like this. It was a nice break from...the other stuff I’m writing...hint hint watch this space ;)
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Hwang Hyunjin// Happy Howlidays
Stray Kids Christmas Series
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Scenario: “Parents are gone, but the dogs are still here. Maybe Christmas should be dog-themed this year? “ Genre: Fluff/ Humour Tropes: Already dating Pairing: non idol!Hwang Hyunjin X Reader Word count: 9,4K Warning: Fluff, Fluff and only Fluff. Hyunjin being dumb, we love him though. A/n: I know that it is January, but I still am going to finish this series.
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“Okay, bags. Check. Drinks for the drive to the airport, check. Passports-“ “Mom calm down you have everything, you checked four times already.” You laughed as your mother kept checking her list. “I’m sorry dear, we’ve never gone with the four of us on vacation.” She sighs. “It’s okay, you should do it more often, it will be good for you.” “So that you and Hyunjin can be alone, I see how it is.” Hyunjin’s mother laughed.
Your boyfriend’s mother and yours had been friends for years. They grew up together and were close ever since they were kids. When they both got married, they had children, which were you and Hyunjin. The mothers used to joke how it would be cute if you and Hyunjin would date later. Through the years of you and Hyunjin being friend, in senior year, where you and Hyunjin would graduate together, he finally confessed his feelings to you which he had kept secret for years.
It was a quite emotional and cheesy moment. Hyunjin was, just like you who felt the same way towards him, scared that confessing feelings to you would ruin your friendship. Instead of it being ruined it was the start of something new. Hyunjin cried after you told him you felt the same way, he had burst out in tears because he was so nervous and scared that you just wouldn’t feel the same and that you would look at him differently and that things just wouldn’t be the same.
Your parents didn’t suspect a thing the first month of you and Hyunjin dating. It was at a dinner party at Hyunjin’s apartment where the two of you accidently revealed your relationship to your parents. He was seated next to you as you were eating together. “Baby can you pass me the water?” He asked without giving his choice of words a second thought. You all turned to Hyunjin in shock, making you almost choke on your food as you realised that he just did. “Baby?” His mother asked, making Hyunjin realise what he just said. He turned bright red and stuttered out gibberish as he tried to save himself, and you of course, from this awkward situation. “Are they dating? Really?” You mother squealed happily as she grabbed onto her best friend who was hysterically squealing as well.
“Maybe we should leave them for a while?” You said to your boyfriend whilst laughing at your parents state. The both of you were questioning your mothers’ sanity as they started to rant about whatever, you couldn’t follow. Your dads on the other hand just sat there in shock. “My little girl is dating.” Your dad started as it looked like he was about to slip into a crisis. His hands in his hair as well as he stared into nothingness. “My son is dating!” Hyunjin’s dad cheered, looking like the complete opposite of your dad, making you and Hyunjin wheeze. Your boyfriend’s dad came up to the both of you and hugged you, whilst the two of you still sat down, congratulating you.
It was a rollercoaster of a night, but you were just glad that your parents were supportive of your relationship. You dad eventually got over it as well, but he indeed had that ‘dad-talk’ with Hyunjin. He hadn’t had to add scary voices since he knew Hyunjin almost inside and out. He knew that Hyunjin grew up to be a kind young man and that he could trust him with his one and only daughter.
Your parents also gave you dogs around the same time. Hyunjin now had a little long-haired chihuahua named Kkami. Your parents gave you a little Pomeranian pup a year later after Hyunjin received Kkami. You were crazy about her, because not only was she small and fluffy, she was also crazy about Kkami. They also ended up to be best friends. As soon as you and Hyunjin realised that your dogs had such a close relationship like the two of you did, you started to go on dog-dates together. It would be the cutest thing. Your little Pomeranian, Nana, named after the dog from Peter Pan, would know when you would visit Hyunjin’s place. She would start to bark happily and wag her tail in joy. She would pull you to the door where you could hear Kkami on the other side of the door barking to sign Nana that he was there. As soon as the door opened slightly, a little snoot would squeeze its way through to get to its best friend.
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You and Hyunjin would just laugh at them before you greeted each other. Even now they were sharing a little spot on the soft carpet, laying closely next to each other as they slept. “Well, take care of each other and don’t mess up the apartment when we will be gone.” You mother said as she hugged you. “You too and have fun.” “We definitely will. Well, we’ll see you in five days. You will be alright, right?” Your mother asked once again, as she caressed your cheek with both her hands. “We will be fine, he has me by his side.” You joked, receiving a dramatic gasp coming from your boyfriend. “I mean she isn’t wrong.” His mother said, making you laugh loudly as your boyfriend now looked at his mom shocked.
You would say your goodbyes to your parents before they went off to their vacation. As soon as the door slammed closed you ran into your boyfriends arms and wrapped your arms around his waist as you hugged him. You fell onto the couch, making him groan slightly as the air was knocked out of his body. You giggled when he rubbed his cheek on yours like a cat would. “We’re alone.” “I get to hold you at all times now.” Hyunjin sighs happily as he pulled you even closer to him as you laid next to him, being squeezed in between his chest and the backrest of the couch. “Yes please.” You mumbled against his skin as you just enjoyed your affection.
“What do you want to do the upcoming days?” You asked, whilst brushing your hand through his soft hair. “Well, we kind of need to decorate the house, go grocery shopping and maybe get a small Christmas tree?” “Sounds good to me, what kind of decoration-“ “My parents are gone, but the dogs are still here. Maybe Christmas should be dog-themed this year?“ Hyunjin gasped as he cut you off. “Did you just fucking rhyme.” You laughed. “But like a pupper Christmas! A howliday!” Hyunjin gasped as he shook you excitedly. “Sounds honestly like one of the best ideas you’ve ever had.” You teased, before receiving a playful push from him.
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Later after laying down with Hyunjin for a little longer the two of you went out to get some ornaments for the tree that the two of you were about to find. In a little store that you had found near your apartment complex they sold a lot of Christmas ornaments, they even had animal themed once and you immediately dragged your boyfriend inside.
“Baby, look at this dog! It looks like Kkami!” You squealed as you found a little dog for in the Christmas tree. “Babe, this one looks like Nana-“ “We are so getting this!” You squealed.
After spending a little too much on puppy decoration in that little store, the two of you went to a market where you would search for the perfect Christmas tree. “This one?” He asked before presenting you the umpteenth tree. “It’s too thin on the bottom.” “This one?” He asked again. “No, too big, we won’t be able to take it back home.” You added. “This one?” He groans dramatically. “Yes! That one’s perfect-“ “Thank God!” He cried out, making you laugh before you were about to pay for the tree.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Your boyfriend says. “Paying for the tree-“ “No you’re not.” “Yes I am.” You fought back. “No you’re not, it’s for my apartment.” “And I’m a guest who’s staying at your apartment, so let me pay it for you.” “No, I’m your boyfriend I should pay-“ “I want to-“ “If the two of you can’t decide, just go Dutch.” The salesman says, making you and Hyunjin blush in embarrassment as you quickly paid the man and sped off with your tree.
“He hated our guts.” “Fuck yes he did.” You laughed.
“Children, we’re home!” You sung as you walked into the apartment, causing the little dogs to jump up to their little paws, slipping over the floor in process, before he came running towards you and Hyunjin in joy. And also hopeful on getting a treat from the two of you. “I’ll set up the tree, you go give the children a treat.” Hyunjin joked as he carried the tree inside.
When you came into the living room you found your boyfriend sitting on of the chair, tangled into the lights that he was trying to unknot. “Please help me.” He muttered as he was stuck in an uncomfortable position. You laughed loudly, almost falling to the ground, making your boyfriend whine because of it. “Baby please!” He whined as he wiggled to get lose. Instead of helping him you snapped a couple if pictures and send it to your parents.
You: ‘The lights have taken over my boyfriend, now he’s not the only thing that lights up my day.’ Mom: ‘Oh my gosh Y/n, go help the poor guy.’ Dad: ‘Hahaha lol wtf.’
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After you were done texting your parents you helped your boyfriend to free himself, so the two of you could start to decorate the tree. It didn’t take you very long to finish the tree since it was rather small. “Do you want the star on top?” You asked him. “Yes, let me help you with that.” Hyunjin said before sweeping you off your feet, holding you bridal style as you put the star on top of the tree, which was already in reaching distant. You giggled uncontrollably and hit him in the arm for flustering you so badly, causing him to laugh. “Why did I choose to date such a sap.” You muttered into his chest as you hugged him. “You love me though.” “Most of the time.” You giggled, before getting tickled by him.
The two of you would continue to decorate the rest of the house. You and Hyunjin would try to put lights on the frame of the window, to make it look aesthetically pleasing. Hyunjin went to grab some tape or something to make the wiring stick and stay to the wall, whilst you tried to keep it in place. He came back to see you struggle to keep the lights up against the tall frames of the windows, making him smile. “Can you reach it Tiny?” He jokes as he went to help you, you pinched him in his sides making him stop functioning for a second whilst shrieking.
Sooner enough the two of you had finally finished decorating the house, you would rest your head on his shoulder as you looked around proudly. The two of you had made a special little Christmas corner near the heater where their bed was. There was a little doghouse next to their bed where the two puppy ornaments were placed, maybe not the best idea, but it definitely was one of the cutest.
It was getting late and you still needed to go grocery shopping together. Fortunately for you the stores were still open as you arrived at the mall. When you strolled around after getting the food you needed you came across a couple of dog pictures that were displayed in the shop window. “Hyunjin! Photoshoot! Christmas! Puppies!” Were the only words that you could make out through the enthusiasm that came over you like a big wave. Hyunjin was confused at the lack of words you used and made his way towards you, before he could take a look at the pictures you had already dragged him into the store. “Look at these tiny costumes!” You cried happily at the cuteness.
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And so, you and Hyunjin bought more dog frills for the Christmas time. At the drive back home you were too busy looking for inspiration for the photoshoot that you definitely wanted to shoot with your dogs, and Hyunjin of course. You didn’t even bother helping him unpack the groceries as you walked straight to your dog with a tiny blonde dog who was wagging her tail, not knowing what would happen in the next minute. When Hyunjin heard you squeal for the umpteenth time that day, he figured that you had put on the tiny costume on Nana. The poor dog looked up to Hyunjin with a lost and confused look on her face. In the mean time you were almost on the edge of tears as you looked at the adorableness that your dog held. “Are you alright baby?” Your boyfriend asked you whilst laughing at how cute you were being. “I’m not, because I also have this green one for Kkami-“ “Give that to me woman I need this!” Hyunjin gasped as he grasped the green costume and went to chase his dog and ending up in tears with you, causing both of the dogs look at you questioning both of your sanity. “This was the best decision we’ve ever made as a couple!” He cried dramatically as he was frantically taking pictures of the dogs. You would edit the pictures to make it a Christmas card you could send to people on social media, the reactions starts to flow in. You would read them and respond to them as proud parents as you shared the cuteness of your pups. When the pups would’ve gone to sleep you and your boyfriend would sneak into the kitchen to make try and make cookies, both for you and the dogs. Hyunjin had found a receipt online before he attempted to bake something. The difference between the kitchen side of his and yours were drastic. He had flower all over his face, the wall and his clothes. You on the other hands, no dough to be found on your fingers, the wall was still squeaky clean and your looks were still flawless. “How in the world-“ “I’m capable of doing things.” You teased him as you rubbed the flower even more over his face as you cupped his face. “Come here you brat.” He joked, before ducking his face into your neck, rubbing the excess flower on your face, hair and shirt.
“No baby no!” You squealed as you tried to push him away. “No feel my love baby!” He sung a he shook his head like a dog, causing the flower to fly into the air, making you laugh.
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After cleaning up and waiting for another fifteen minutes as soon as the timer went off you boyfriend ran to the kitchen and swung the oven door open. Hyunjin was too excited for the cookies to bake, he had eaten all the left-over dough form the bowl, the whisk, he even kissed some off your fingers, making you blush as he stared at you deeply as he did so.
Hyunjin was about to grab the plate out of the oven, making you yell at him in panic for him being a dumbass and not wearing over gloves. “You’re the dumbest bitch, oh my Gosh my heart is pounding.” You cried out in laughter as Hyunjin ended up on the floor from your yelling. “Your heart is pounding? I just got assaulted-“ “I just saved your ass what do you mean?” You yelled as you threw the other glove to his head.
You had taken the cookies out and let it cool off so the two of you could decorate it. You each took one, because you were too impatient to wait before you could try them, both of your mouths would burn as you took a bite out of it. Sighing in content when the cold milk cooled your mouths down from the heat. “Why does it taste so weird?” Hyunjin asked whilst chewing on his cookie. “Hyunjin, I just told you, you were dumb, but this just fucking peaked. You’re eating the dog’s cookies!” You laughed loudly, almost spitting out yours as you watched your boyfriend being dumb for the umpteenth time that night. “I was wondering why I tasted bacon.” Hyunjin laughed along, before he went to the dogs and gave it to them, or well laid it in their bowl since they were sound asleep.
The two of you were exhausted after that night full of baking and cleaning. The two of you fell asleep on the couch with a big blanket draped over the two of you that he had brought from his room. The next morning the two of you groaned in pain, because both of your necks were too stiff from the uncomfortable position you had laid in all night.
You ended up massaging each other as you sat across from each other, the both of you were still too tired to function, before some more time went by and you had decided to get cleaned up and go on a walk with the dogs. You would enter a dog park where there was also a little stall that sold hot chocolate milk that the owners could buy whilst enjoying the sight of their puppies having fun. You laid your head on Hyunjin’s chest as you sat on a bench together, the two of you just enjoyed your time together holding hands and just feelings each other’s’ warmth in the freezing weather.
A couple of kids who also were playing around the dog park. They were cutely asking you and Hyunjin for permission to pet them and give them treats. You of course let them and the two dogs loved the extra attention they received from the kids. “Will you and your wife come here more often so we can play with Kkami and Nana?” One of the Kids asked politely as they held their parents’ hand. You almost spit out your drink and Hyunjin just smiled sweetly at the child. “We might be around here sometime! I think Nana and Kkami really liked you! You would be great friends, we will hopefully meet again in the future!” “Will your wife be there as well? She’s really pretty!” He whispered to Hyunjin, making you awe. “She probably will, I can’t live without her.” Hyunjin winked before he ruffled the hair of the kid and saying goodbye to him.
“You’re the sweetest thing, I swear.” You sighed happily. “I love you too.” He muttered with a sweet smile on his lips as he kissed your temple. “I would love to call you my actual wife in the future though.” He added. “Y-you want to marry me?” You asked him in shock. “Of course I do, I couldn’t imagine anyone else by my side other than you in the future. I love you too much to let you go.” He smirked as he pressed kisses on your cheek.
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Later on, back home from a fun day at the dog park, Nana and Kkami were exhausted and snoring away in their bed after eating the homemade cookies. You were in the kitchen, boiling some chicken soup whilst cooking you and your boyfriend something as well for supper. Hyunjin would come up behind you as you would be stirring away. He had rested his head on your shoulder as you continued to cook for him.
“I wished this moment could last forever.” He whispered into your hair as he kissed the nape of your neck in affection. “I love moments like this with you as well. They are they best.” You muttered back, resting your head on his slightly. “I can’t wait for us to get our own place. Not that I don’t like this, but I can get to be with you at any time I want.” He said happily as he hugged you even tighter. “Do you really think about stuff like that?” You asked him rather shocked. “Of course I do, when I have such a beautiful girlfriend, I have to think about a future with her or else she might think this will lead to nowhere.” He admitted softly, making you turn off the stove and turn around to face him. You had now wrapped your arms around his neck as you looked at him endearingly. “I’m not going nowhere honey, if we don’t have the money yet to live on ourselves, I’d still be happy to spend time like this with you.” You pressed a kiss on his cheek, making him smile. “I love you.” “I love you too.”
The night went on and the two of you had decided to eat dinner on the couch, whilst later on cuddling together with the dogs on your laps, with a blanket draped over the four of you.
Once again, the two of you ended up falling asleep on the couch, causing you to wake up with a pain in your neck. “Baby, we should sleep in bed from now on, I like massaging you, but we shouldn’t.” You chuckled as you sat across each other again as you massaged each other. “I would massage you all day if it would make you feel relaxed.” Hyunjin admitted. “Uh-“ “Not like that!” Hyunjin sighed in disbelief, making you laugh before pressing a kiss on his lips. “You love me though” “Most days.”
You and Hyunjin went out to walk with the dogs and ended up at a dog café. The owner saw you two and told you that you two were a beautiful couple and that they were actually in need of a couple for a photoshoot for their café promotions. You and Hyunjin happily agreed to help the lady out and before the two of you knew it, the pair of you plus your dogs were dressed up in matching sweaters and smiling for the camera.
Hyunjin would be playing cutely with Kkami as you and Nana enjoyed the products that the café offered for both people and dogs. The lady thanked you dearly and paid the two of you generously. “A Christmas gift from us for helping us out.” She had said with a bright smile before you and your boyfriend politely thanked her. The pictures and videos turned out great. You and Hyunjin couldn’t stop gushing about how cute you all were. “We’re like a little family.” He joked before kissing your cheek.
That day the two of you would go and visit a shelter to spoil the dogs there. You decided to not bring your own dog for their sake of safety since the other dogs might not all be mentally healthy. The two of you had done this for a few years now, even before you started dating have the two of you gone together to the shelter. It’s one of the things Hyunjin had always loved about you: showing kindness to everything that lives. Even when you accidently bump against a plant you would apologise to your ‘Mr Papyrus’.
He always thought you were the cutest when you were in your soft and kind state. At the shelter he was at first very worried that you would get hurt, but the animals got a certain vibe of safety around you and gently came towards you as you fed them. Today as well, you had recognised some of the dogs who were still at the shelter and went to greet them first.
Hyunjin would smile at you fondly and look at you with his eyes filled with love. He would chuckle shyly when the other volunteers would coo at him at how cute of a couple the two of you were or that he must feel lucky to have such a great girl like you. He would bow to them politely and then rush to where you were and help you wash the dogs. He would splash some water in your face and neck every now and then, receiving a gasp from you before laughing as the dog joined in by shaking off the water on her fur.
You would pet them for many hours before you had to say goodbye. The two of you also had decided to donate the money, you had earned at the photoshoot, to the shelter so the dogs could have a better living environment. You would walk back home, hand in hand, as it snowed. He couldn’t stop looking at you and you laughed when he bumped into objects like streetlights. “Look ahead.” You would tell him. “Why would I when I can look at you?” He smirked, making you let go off his hand and start to walk ahead of him. He ran after you, crashing into your body as he hugged you from behind, picking you up in process as he twirled you around. “I just love you so much, I can’t have enough of you.” He would confess before he kissed you softly. “I love you more.” You whispered against his lips. “Impossible.”
After the two of you came home, you went to walk with the dogs, who were also very excited to see you after hours alone with each other. Later on you and Hyunjin would change into you pyjamas and sit on the couch. It was already getting late, so you suggested to get into bed and watch tv there. The two of you would be laying in his bed as the tv played, you both weren’t paying attention to it at all as you suggested to buy each other gifts. “We could do a ‘secret Santa’?” Hyunjin suggested. “But I know you would be my secret Santa and visa versa, you dummy.” You laughed as Hyunjin facepalmed himself. “But we could keep it secret what we got each other? And it doesn’t have to be expensive, just like three things and maybe a thing for the dogs?” “For the first time in our relationship you’ve said something intelligent.” You gasped sarcastically. “Get over here!” Hyunjin would mumble before he turned over to tower over you and tickle you as you laid under him.
You would squeal loudly, making the dogs jump up and run to you worried. You would be out of breath after the tickle fight. The two of you now were exhausted. Hyunjin was resting his head on your chest as you laid together in bed. The two of you had fallen asleep together, but never really purposely slept in the same bed together, since the both of you were either too shy or too awkward. Hyunjin had sneaked into your room every now and then when sleeping over, claiming he missed you. He would get into your warm bed and cuddle together.
He looked up to you with tired but happy eyes before the two of you drifted off to sleep.
The next morning it was already the twenty-third of December, the two of you got up early after a, for once, good sleep. You two were headed with your dog carriers to the mall where you had split up to get each other presents.
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You were lost at first on what to give your boyfriend. You had looked around for ages at the mall. You had ran into Hyunjin every now and then, him grinning at you as he not-so-smoothly passed you, trying to hide the bags he was carrying. “You better get me something!” Hyunjin told you with a playful grin on his face. “Calm down! I need inspiration!” “Y/n! You know me! Don’t think to hard!” He said before he ran to you and pressed a kiss on your forehead before running off to his own adventure again.
In the last hour of the two of you being at the mall, you finally came across a boutique where you brought him a new necklace and a nice blouse he could wear for Christmas. You didn’t doubt it if he’d look good in it or not, your boyfriend looked handsome in anything. He could be wearing a trash bag and you would tell him to strike a pose for the ‘gram.
You got Kkami a cute new collar that matched Hyunjin’s new blouse, so the two could match for Christmas. Lastly you got a bunch of snacks for him and some beauty products to keep his skin healthy and pretty.
When the two of you got home, he would be in the living room and you would be in the kitchen as you were both wrapping the gifts. “Hyunjin stop peeking. I will eat all the cookies by myself if you’re not going to quit it!” You sighed as your boyfriend kept barging into the kitchen to ‘get something he needed’. “I’m not, Kkami wanted a- uh-“ “You’re not talking yourself out of this one Hwang.” You laughed at your speechless boyfriend. “Shut up.” He muttered with a pout on his lips, making you laugh harder.
After you were done with wrapping your presents, you were getting bored since Hyunjin was wrapping his presents at slug-speed. You decided that it would be fun to mess with him. You grabbed his phone sneakily before keeping it in your back pocket as you made your way to the electricity box. You flicked the switch, causing the apartment to go dark, making you giggle as you heard Hyunjin yell in surprise. “Baby? Where are you?” You decided to keep quite as you stayed where you were. “Baby, this isn’t funny.” Hyunjin called out once more. “Y/n, I can’t find my phone and it’s dark and you aren’t responding to me, please just say something or make a noise.” He begged.
You could hear him walking closer to were you were, bumping into walls every now and then until he finally reached you. You had a flashlight ready and aimed at your face to make you look scary as you jump scared your boyfriend. Hyunjin yelped and fell down dramatically as he jumped in shock, making you laugh as you turned the electricity back on. “What was that for? You gave me a heart attack!” Hyunjin cried out whilst laughing along with you. “I was bored.” “Excuse me? So that makes you think it’s alright for you to give me a heart failure?” He chuckled as he sat back up straight. “You make my heart fail everything I look at you, this is a little payback.” You winked before kissing his head and walking away from your now-flustered boyfriend.
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The night went on with the two of you being bored out of your mind, it was nowhere near bedtime and you both wanted to do something. You ended up watching YouTube videos together, when you suddenly stumbled across a video where dogs were paw-painting. You and Hyunjin looked at each other with wide eyes as the video that was streaming on the tv continued to play. “I’ll get the paint!” Hyunjin yelled as the both of you shot up to get the stuff to be creative with your pups. The dogs thought you wanted to play with them and made you chase after them, as they wagged their tails happily. Hyunjin walked back into the room, with a big plastic spread and a couple bowls and towels.
“I don’t think it would be safe for the pups to use regular paint on their paws, so I thought about using food as paint.” Your boyfriend wiggled his eyebrows as he suggested the so-called brilliant idea to you. You laughed loudly when your idiot forgot to put the lid on the blender, making the strawberries go everywhere.
“I can’t believe I’m dating someone as dumb as you.” You giggled as you wiped some of the strawberry mush off his face. “But you love me.” He sang sweetly before shooting you a wink.
Finally after preparing the ‘dye’ you dipped the paws of your pups into the mush. You let them walk around on the canvasses and the now-not-so-blank-anymore papers, making you and your boyfriend laugh when they started to chase each other and licking their own paws, enjoying the sweetness of the strawberries.
After the fun, you let the paintings dry and coated them with a thick layer of hairspray, both not in the mood for flies to be attracted to your new artwork. Hyunjin started to whine eventually that night, because he was in the mood for something, but since the both of you had used your fruit for art, you were out of it. Hyunjin whined some more and tried to drag you off the couch to make you join him on his quest to get some snacks from the convenience store. “Can’t you go by yourself?” You groaned as you hugged the couch for dear life as your boyfriend kept trying to drag you off it. “I don’t want to go by myself.” He whined. “You big baby.” “Yes I am, only for you and I don’t want to be alone, so can you just get your butt off the couch and come with me so we can get over this.” “Ugh, alright, but you owe me one.” You slowly got up, making Hyunjin groan this time. “Stop being such a slug and get moving woman!” He picked you up, making you squeal as he walked the both of you towards the door.
“Wait! I don’t have my shoes on!” You yelled, almost cutely, making him chuckle. He picked up a random pair of yours and grabbed your coat and threw it over you whilst still holding you, making you scoff in disbelief.
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An hour or two later, the two of you had finally returned home from your little adventure. Hyunjin almost sold out the entire store, he had bought so much. You were just staring at him in disbelief and shock as he rushed around with his basket, filled until the brim with snacks and drinks.
You got even more embarrassed when you ran into some ‘fans’. The pair of you loved making pictures of each other and having little photoshoots, since the you two are just breath taking. And the people on the internet seemed to love it as well. You had almost a couple million people who followed the two of you. They found your relationship adorable and your looks of course more than pleasant. The three girls who squealed when they saw the two of you bickering away, caught your attention. And when they stared to compliment you, you began to hide your face into your boyfriend’s chest, making them squeal all over again. Even though the two of you looked like a mess, you still agreed to take a picture with them after they asked.
Now after that lovely late-night adventure, the two of you had changed into your matching pyjamas and both stuffed full with whatever Hyunjin had bought the two of you, both laying on the couch whilst listening to R&B love songs together.
Later, he suddenly grabbed your hand and raised you on your feet. He had pulled you close to his chest as he suddenly started moving slowly to the beat. You laughed warmly at his action and out of instinct, wrapped your arms around his neck whilst looking at him adoringly. He twirled you around, receiving a pile of giggles from you. You spun back into his arm and you held his cheeks into your smaller hands. He leaned down with a smile as he pressed a soft kiss onto your lips.
Even the dogs seemed to join in after a while, but in reality, they were chasing your colourful socks, trying to munch on them.
“What?” He asked you as he caught you staring at him. “I just love you so much.” “I love you too baby.” He chuckles, whilst shaking his head. “Don’t laugh at me and just kiss me you fool.” You whined before pulling him close again.
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The next morning, you woke up early. Which you usually did compared to your boyfriend, since he was such a heavy sleeper. You could throw him off your bed and he would still sleep through it. When you were buying gifts for Hyunjin the other day, you found a mistletoe and went to bought it. You were trying to hang it up above the doorframe until your boyfriend walked in, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes as he spoke to you with a yawn. “What are you doing?” He asked, holding your waist protectively to make sure you didn’t fall off the chair you were standing on. “What do you think I’m doing?” You ask in responds. “Hanging up a ceiling booger.” He smiled sheepishly, making you laugh loudly and almost losing your balance.
He picked you up and put you back on the floor, since the branch was hung above the both of you. “You really don’t know what that is?” You asked him in disbelief. “No, what is that ceiling booger thing.” “Guess you fricking moron.” “I don’t know! A booger-“ “A mistletoe you dumbass!” You laughed, making him crumble into a ball of embarrassment.
You immediately exposed him on Instagram, filming him whilst laughing. “I’m dating the dumbest boy in the entire world. He didn’t know what I was putting up, which was a mistletoe. Now tell them what you called it.” “A ceiling booger-“ “A ceiling booger!” You yelled. “Let me die of embarrassment in peace woman!” Hyunjin groans as he clings onto you. “Never!” “Well, you’re always needy for these lips-“ “And that’s enough internet for today! Merry Christmas everyone!” You yelled, turning the camera to you before switching it off.
“You’re so stupid, I love you.” You giggled as Hyunjin was still curved into a ball. “I love you too.” He muttered, whilst still pouting. “Want to take a nap? Our parents are coming back later this afternoon-“ “Yes-“
Once again, you woke up earlier than your boyfriend, a couple hours later. You noticed the sunlight shining through the curtains. Sliding off the couch and out of your boyfriend’s  grip you went to open the blinds, planning on annoying your boyfriend. Instead, you squealed loudly in excitement, almost scaring the dogs awake when you saw the thick layer of white snow resting on the city. Running to your boyfriend you almost crashed on top of him, your fluffy socks were slippery than you thought. “Babe-“ “There’s snow outside! Get up! I want to go outside!” You groaned as you tried to get your tall ass boyfriend off the couch.
“Let me wake up-“ “No time! You can wake up in the snow!” You stopped trying to get him up, instead you were hopping around, gathering your stuff whilst trying to put on your snow boots. “Baby, be careful you will hurt yourself.” He laughed tiredly whilst stretching his limbs.
Before he knew it, he was standing outside shivering his butt off. In the meantime you were running around after the dogs whilst making patterns in the snow. Hyunjin smiled to himself as he watched the scene happening in front of his eyes. He saw the two pups running after each other and tripping over their own feet, making both of them end up with their snout in the cold snow. He took out his phone and recorded your cuteness, also contemplating with himself if he should post this online, or to keep this all to himself.
In the end he kept it for himself, since he loved being the only one able to see this soft and sweet side of yours. Sooner enough, he was dragged, for the umpteenth time this morning, and was forced to make snow angels and a snow-couple plus two tiny snow-dogs with you. “Baby, your clothes are soaking wet, let’s go inside before you catch yourself a cold.” Hyunjin groans worried as you were whining to stay outside. “We can come back later you know? Besides, our parents will come home later and the place is a literal mess. I also don’t feel like dying on Christmas day, murdered by my parents for turning the place upside down, so get your cute butt back inside and let’s clean!” Now it was your turn to be dragged, the small dogs following the two of you behind.
And so, the two of you started to clean the mess that you called his apartment. You had compromised that you would clean the kitchen and the living room and that he would take the bedroom and the bathroom. When you were finished you were wondering how your boyfriend was doing so you went to check up on in. You got suspicious when it was awfully quiet. After swinging open the bedroom door you let out a chuckle in disbelief. Here he was, passed out on his bed, a cloth over his face as he laid there.
You wanted to wake him up, but nothing seemed to work. You smirked to yourself after removing the cloth off his face to reveal his puffy cheeks. Blowing raspberry kisses on his cheeks, caused a loud funny noise and before you knew it you were pulled down on top of Hyunjin whilst laughing. “Who told you, you could sleep?” You pouted whilst slapping his arm playfully.
The pair of you would get you would get up and clean the last bits of the apartment, before the two of you went grocery shopping. It was so busy and you two regretted not doing it earlier this week. An elder couple smiled warmly at the both of you when she heard you sing along to the Christmas songs in the middle of the store. The two of you were minding your own business, having a little sing-off in the snack isle, when you heard a sudden applause. “I remember my husband and I being this young and crazy. Just enjoying life and each other. Bless your hearts and may you have a great holiday.” She smiled, her sweet words touching both of your hearts.
When they had left, the two of you shot each other a look and cringed in embarrassment, before quickly leaving the store after gathering everything. Trying to avoid another confrontation from another witness.
“I want it.” “Excuse me- you want what now baby?” He smirked. “Don’t be stupid, I want that.” You said whilst nodding towards the cookie, which you made earlier this week, that your boyfriend was holding. “Uhm, no I picked it up first.” “So, I did all the work I deserve that-“ “You didn’t let me do anything-“ “Because I don’t trust your so-called ‘cooking skills’.” You laughed before trying to snatch the cookie out of his hand.
“Nice try baby, but at least be fair about it.” He said with a smug smile. “And what did you had in mind?” You asked, whilst crossing your arms and staring at him. “Rock, paper, scissors, the winner gets the cookie.” And so, a thirty-minute battle of rock, paper, scissors went on between you and your boyfriend, but still ending up in a tie no matter what.
“This is ridiculous! Let’s do something else-“ “Aegyo battle!” Hyunjin screamed. “Well, that’s something I never thought I’d hear coming out of your mouth.” You laughed in surprise. “Are you in or not? Winner gets the cookie.” “Can’t we-“
You were cut off by an ‘cute’ act of Hyunjin, making you almost scoff in disgust. You shot one right back at him and you could see the change in his eyes from amusement to agony. Or well, sort off. He loved it when you acted cute for him, every now and then, but this time one of the most delicious cookies in the entire world was on the line.
And so the battles went on. In the end you had defeated your boyfriend. “You’re my man. My sweet talented man who I love so much. No this much! No this much!” You said whilst spreading your arms and hugging him afterwards. He started to squeal and pushed the cookie in your mouth, making you groan.
He pouted as he turned his gaze away from you. He really wanted that cookie. “Here.” You said as you broke off half of it and handed it to him. “Wait-“ “If you would’ve listened to me earlier, you would’ve heard me say that we could’ve just split the thing and enjoy it together. Instead of going through all this effort on winning with these dumb battles.” “But you enjoyed them though.” He muffled with a mouth full of cookie, making you shake your head whilst smiling. “Idiot.” “What?” “Nothing baby.”
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“Oh my God, I’m an idiot.” Hyunjin whispered to himself as he stared at the cookie jar in front of him. “You’re telling me, that you’ve hidden a full jar of cookies from me?” You asked in disbelief as you stared down at your boyfriend. “I- no!” He stuttered. “Yes you did! Those are so mine now!” You say snatching the jar from him, putting a cookie half-way into your mouth whilst doing a little dance to tease him.
He just smirked and swiftly stepped closer to you and leaned in, keeping eye contact with you the entire time. He bit the other half off, causing your heart to flutter. He would laugh at your flustered state and mock your little dance from earlier. “You can’t just do that! My poor heart!” “You asked for it.” He smirked. “How can my heart handle your handsomeness-“ “Woman look what you’re doing to my heart!” He groaned back whilst the both of you clutched your chests dramatically.
“By the way, do you want to open the present later, or right now?” Your boyfriend asked, after he had caught his breath. “Let’s do it now, our family will be back later and I want some time for ourselves.” You responded. “You said that as if we didn’t had any alone time these past days.” He laughed, before he walked off to gather all the presents.
You two sat across from each other as you opened the presents you had bought for one another. Hyunjin loved the blouse, the necklace and the matching collar you had bought for him and Kkami. To top that you had bought him a new game for his Nintendo Switch, that the two of you would probably play later that night.
Hyunjin was excited to see you opening your presents. He had bought you a nice big and warm hoodie, one with a bit of poof in the sleeves and you loved it. He had also bought you a small bow for your dog that matched the cute hoodie. You immediately went to your pup and squealed at how cute Nana looked. “And we always save the best for last.” He said as he pulled out a velvet box. You had a heart attack when you opened your eyes when he cued you could, the fabric of the box giving you a little hint on what it could be. “Oh my God, for a second I thought you were going to propose.” You muttered flustered, making him laugh as well. “Soon baby, soon.” He muttered back before pressing a kiss on your cheek. “What-“ “Just open the box woman!” He groans, making you jump in surprise and open the box, causing you to gasp.
It was a beautiful ring that was hung on a necklace chain, which matched the ring necklace your boyfriend always wore. “Read the letter baby.” He whispered.
‘Hi baby, It’s been a while since we got together. These past years have been the greatest years of my life. I can’t thank the universe enough for letting us meet and setting us up. You are truly the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You’re an actual gift- no blessing from above and I sometimes can’t believe that you’re mine. I love you so much baby, with this ring I will promise you to exchange that to an actual diamond engagement ring one day. For now let’s match together and be happy. I love you so much. Merry Christmas my love.
I love you.
Your loving boyfriend Hyunjin.’
Tears were rolling down your cheeks at the end of the letter and you threw yourself into Hyunjin’s arms who was also an emotional wreck. “I love you!” “I love you too!”
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Hours went by and your parents had already texted you that they would be on their way back. To kill time you and your boyfriend had decided to check out that new game you had bought him. And the both of you being dramatic as usual, it ended up in a chaotic, and playful, screaming match. “What are you doing! Hey! Watch out! You’re going to get us both killed-“ Hyunjin was cut off by Nana who was barking loudly at him, setting her two paws on his foot to say ‘Stop yelling at my mom!’ Causing you to laugh.
“She’s got my back honey.” You giggled before returning your attention to the game. In the middle of the game, when the both of you started to grow a little tired of it after playing for a long time, you felt cold. “Did you turn on the heater?” You asked Hyunjin who just stared blankly in front of him. “Oh my God, I really am dating a dumbass.” You laughed as you got up to check it out for yourself. “No wonder we were freezing our asses off! You never turned it on?” You asked, still in disbelief of his stupidity.
“Well, I was excited for Christmas and I forgot-“ “Nonsense, you’re just dumb-“ “No need to hurt me woman!” He groans dramatically. “I’ll make us some tea, go get the blankets. It will take some time to heat up the entire apartment.”
You would be cuddled under a blanket with hot tea in your hands as you sat on the couch, dogs laying comfortably in between the space of you two.
“I’m so glad our parents are coming back today, I really want to go out and eat some nice food with all of us.” He mutters as he had rested his head on your shoulder. “So, you’re saying that I don’t cook well-“ “Don’t do that. You know what I meant. Stop playing.” He groans as he shuts you up with a kiss pressed onto your lips, causing you to hide your face in his chest. He laughed loudly before hugging you and pressing yet another kiss on top of your head.
“Hyunjin?” “Hmm?” He responded. “We got to walk the dogs.” “It’s cold.” He whined as he looked outside to see that it was snowing yet again. “I know, but we better do it now so we can return back to our cosy warm blankets.” You would make your way through the park, hand in hand as you had both of your dogs on a leash. Suddenly, and to this day you still have no idea what overcame your dogs, but they started to run around like crazy. “What- Nana calm down!” You yelled as she ran around you and Hyunjin. Kkami copying her actions, causing you and Hyunjin to end up tied and their movements made the two of you fall into the snow together. “Did we just get pranked by our dogs?” You laughed in disbelief as you hugged your covered-in-snow-boyfriend. “I believe so.” He laughed as well as he tried to untie you. “I guess we got to get back and get a hot shower then, cause that blanket isn’t warm enough for this crap.” You whined.
Not long after returning home, you had hopped into the shower. And when you were done you put on one of Hyunjin’s sweaters, instead of the new one he had bought you. You really wanted to safe that one another time, especially since the both of you were getting dressed up to go out tonight.
Hyunjin gasped loudly and dramatically when he saw you walk in with his hoodie on, as if he had never seen you in his clothes before. It was just one of the few things that had him smitten for you. He wanted to rush over to you, to hug you. And expecting you to hug him, instead he got you dodging away from him and squealing. “I just got warm.” You whined once again. “And I’m freezing still. And you just happened to look awfully comfortable and warm. Just let met hug you-“ “No!” “C’mon! Just a little hug!” He teased, whilst running after you. “No! Get away from me you cold demon!” You squealed as you tried to dodge him still as you ran around the couch.
For a moment, the two of you were staring each other in the eye and he suddenly smirked at you, causing you to gulp loudly. He jumped over the couch and tackled you to the ground. “No! Defeat!” You yelled, before bursting into laughter, which turned into squealing not much later when Hyunjin pressed lots of kisses onto your skin.
And yet again, the two of you fell asleep. This time you laying on top of him. There’s a reason why people call you the ‘dream couple’. But Hyunjin would try and convince you that it was scientifically proven that napping together strengthened the bond of someone’s relationship. And to your surprise it actually was an article, so you just went on and lived by science’s words.
You two were still asleep when your parents walked back into the apartment. They awed when they saw the four of you, including the dogs, sleeping. Hyunjin’s mother couldn’t help but snap a couple of pictures of the young couple. “Aren’t they sweet together?” “They are, aren’t they.” The mothers cooed. “My baby girl is all grown up.” Your father whispered dramatically, receiving a slap on his chest from his wife as he ‘pinked’ away his ‘tears’.
“Maybe we should go on vacations more often, they seem to have handled this quite well.” “We should. And I think they would love to have some more alone time at home.” “No, not Y/n she loves us. My little princess would never-“ “Honey stop it.” Your mother laughed at your father’s drama act.
“Can you guys be quiet, she’s sleeping.” Hyunjin whispered, causing the four parents to jump in surprise. “Gosh, you’re awake. How was it honey?” His mother whispered as she went to kiss her son’s forehead. “It was great mom, I got to have a taste on what it was sort of like to live with her. I really am looking forward to us living together. I love spending time with her, or being around her in general. And I really am not just saying that because her parents are right there. I genuinely love your daughter and I hope to spend the rest of my life with her. And no, I didn’t propose, even though this may sounds like I did. But I did promise her that I would exchange the promise ring into an engagement ring one day.” Hyunjin whispered as he looked down at you adoringly.
“We would be happy to have you in the family Hyunjin. You already got our blessing.” Your father responded, causing Hyunjin to smile happily. “I promise to take good care of her.” “We know you will.”
He looked back down to you and sneakily pressed a kiss onto your hair. Christmas with his family, his dog, your dog and of course you were the best. Knowing that he got your parents’ blessing, his day couldn’t get any better.
He for sure now knew what he would get you next year.
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Gif isn’t mine.
I hope you guys liked it!
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messinwitheddie · 5 years ago
little bit topical, but I was curious what you think the aweflds cast would do if they were quarantined? Eddie’s shop would probably be closed and the kids would be out of school, so I’m sure that house is interesting rn. also any murkoff personnel who can work from home probably are, so Trager’s probably bored out of his mind. all the others? not entirely sure. Chris probably considered essential so he’s working, but not sure beyond that. been thinking about them to get me through this, lol!
Oh, this is actually really fun! I have given the topic thought. I'm not sure how exactly things went in Colorado; I'm sure it's a nightmare there too. Where I live everything was shut down except bear essentials (overtime for me) and strict regulations have to be kept. I'm basing these answers off what I've experienced.
Hope this cheers you up a little. Be safe everyone. Take care of yourselves. One day at a time. <3
I promise to go through with more refined illustrations that cover the entire cast/ this dialogue.
Bear with me; slow hand.
Eddie "The outbreak has changed our lives overnight. Almost the entire Plaza was shut down except for Frank's Meat Market and that coffee shop next door. The coffeeshop only offers to go orders now. Frank has been only taking call orders too; it's impossible to keep up with demand. It's a zoo in there to say the least. Chris is still on patrol. He has to keep the peace around the plaza; I'm sure it's stressful.
Unfortunately, my tailor shop was shut down and so were the kid's school. Trager gave the kids new tablets to stay on track with their schoolwork. He works from home now, last I talked to him. Trager gets bored very easily. I'm sure he's going insane. At least he takes the virus seriously. He drives Troy to pick up groceries for me every so often. Somehow they make adventures out of that...
Most of the events that I had been commissioned to tailor were canceled or postponed. I still sew from home and occasionally I go to the shop alone to work. My sewing station there is bigger. Still, it was...quite an unforeseen setback.
I was upset. Everyone was-- is worried. It took some adjusting, but one thing about us Gluskins, we strive to keep busy. My store was gone, but Etta has been coaching me to be more computer literate while I teach her my trade. I've even managed to teach Troy some basics beyond cutting patterns. He pitches in more than ever now. My children and I make a good team. We sew masks on a daily basis. Etta and Troy have started putting together essential kits with socks, underwear and night shirts.
Poor kids are desperate for projects to keep them occupied. We've made minor repairs around the house together. I put Troy in charge of grocery shopping, since most of that has be done online too... He seems to like the challenge.
Even still, my children get bored. They find time to be creative. Etta draws her elves. Troy has his dragon stories that he writes and acts out...in every room now.
My living room has been rearranged several times in an effort for the kids to perfect "the fort". The Murder Mannequin Obstical course has also been revived and expanded in the hallway into the spare room...I...We can't have company anyway. May as well let them get exercise.
I think we're adjusting well to the situation, stir craziness aside. Scraping by financially is something I'm used to. My online business keeps us afloat. I still get to do what I love. Etta has introduced me to Zoom weddings. Yes, I want to keep sewing dresses and suits, but more importantly to me on a personal level, it's comforting to know love endures.
As scary as the outbreak is, it's been nice spending more time with my children. We've been safe and cautious so far."
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pearloftheorient · 5 years ago
sorry to not be a fandom blog or roleplay blog for a moment. i just feel like i wanna express a bit of a heart-to-heart, just a quick rundown of whatever’s going on and how it all happened from my perspective. i mean i don’t even care if nobody reads this, but as someone who expresses a lot more in writing i feel like i should take this opportunity to help unload, you know?
so the lockdown definitely hit us here on friday the 13th in march, which didn’t feel as bad as it was. as a nurse i’ve had this weird concept that a lot of the common diseases that spread around can easily be blown up by social media (hold that thought for later lol) and i just you know, say you should just wash your hands, it’ll be okay. i mean i tend to take the logical route when it comes to health care?? because that’s what i studied and i feel like i owe it myself not to panic TOO MUCH. plus, my husband (an intellectual) also had the same attitude towards media being exaggerated, so like i’m copying his cool attitude as much as i can. i mean we even went to budapest just a week prior, watched a play, mingled with clusters and clusters of people..... and even though people already started wearing masks, i even make fun of them for wearing it wrong or just being quite excessive and wearing gloves in public (i still don’t like seeing gloves in public and if you’re a health care professional you might feel exactly the same way)....
and then they told me on that friday that all of the training days for the next three weeks that i have worked hard to set up, study for, book on rotas, juggled, invited speakers for (i’m a nurse-educator and i organise staff training as part of my job) are now to be stopped. my staff are now asking me about their learning opportunities, is the course gonna go on, and i feel a bit more responsible to give the correct information but i just don’t know where to get it??
then come monday, it was a whole different story again. since the non-clinical aspect of work has been indefinitely stopped, i am one of the people who had been expected to go back into the clinical area and handle patients (i mean i still do this despite my role, but i now have to do it more often). which was fine because handling patients is my happy place, i feel like it is within my remit, i know exactly what i’m doing most of the time, i have a smaller scale to tackle and that’s gonna ease my brain a bit while the world starts to fall into chaos. i’ve done this for the next few weeks. i did mostly clinical shifts, and just do some admin stuff like once a week?? just so i can keep up with the new developments and properly disseminate information, like what PPE are we gonna have, train people in wearing them, what we actually need to do if we get patients with COVID, crash courses for those who will be redeployed, cancelling and cancelling and cancelling study days and training days and finding multiple alternative ways so people still maintain standards despite not having the face-to-face training....
as a nurse-educator, i also feel like i should always watch the news and be aware of the latest guidelines, what WHO wanted us to do, how am i gonna apply this for my colleagues and the safety of our patients... so i’ve done that on a regular basis, and my brain is just filled with information and i actively help in setting up bedspaces with the initial instructions of what PPE to wear....
and then towards the end of march, people are dying. and the fact that it was building in numbers made it more real. and now i started to question what i already know, if we’re actually doing the right thing, but why do other countries do it differently?? why do other hospitals do it differently?? how come people are still on the street?? decisions from the government and the big execs just fluctuate and this trial and error approach just all of a sudden.....became the new normal. 
and then we’re all like, but we just have to work together - since all of our non-clinical stuff had been on standby then we can just focus on working clinically, doing patient care. and then i was given the instructions to gather nurses from my unit (we deal with neonates - babies - like i personally haven’t got a clue on how adults work anymore as i haven’t handled one for like 15 years) who can be redeployed based on their previous experience. redeployment sometimes is viewed as heroic, like wow you’re brave to work in adults despite your rusty experience just for the sake of helping with the pandemic, that’s Great. and then to some, it is their worst nightmare, being redeployed is like being fish out of water - going back to square one, not knowing exactly what you’re doing (remember how i was so confident doing clinical?? yeah that’s only for neonates). and then the solidarity feel like, yeah but at least you’re not alone? we gonna support you?? you’ll get all the special messages, a round of applause, because you’re doing something so brave. i wasn’t redeployed, but six of my colleagues are - and every time they talk to me about how stressful it was and how scared they were being uncertain all the time and surrounded by death and suffering, i felt responsible for putting them in that position.
and then i started to feel sadder and sadder. but i can’t stop working, i am physically well, i am strong enough and i am a Great addition to the numbers. besides, with all this redeployment, we are also receiving some temporary replacements who simply had no idea how neonates work! (it’s like a full exchange programme but with little training) and it is my responsibility to make sure they are trained (i mean look, we all did LONG ASS courses to reach where we are in terms of knowledge, months and months of clinical exposure to the area to gain experience, but now i’m asked to train all of them for just ONE DAY.) and so after training, i’m like this mother duck chasing all the ducklings making sure nobody goes astray. so that was the first two weeks of my april.
it’s also when i decided to stop watching the news or looking at social media about the virus because i have enough stress going on, and i don’t wanna like sound so depressed whenever i’m teaching this new people that are coming to us. i have to be open and warm and welcoming and maintain a cheery attitude despite my patience running so infinitesimally thin. i’ve always been known for my calmness and patience. i may be an anxious bean but i’m quite good in not letting it show in my handiwork.
so i know that’s been stressful - but the good things, i am definitely thankful for. people stepping up, working hard and together with less animosity. the free food was overflowing, i don’t even have to bring lunch at work anymore because there’s always something, even fresh produce because tbh everything hurt after a hard day’s work that you can’t even go grocery shopping :p we had this really posh resto that gave us free breakfast every single day and normally in this resto you like have to make reservations at least 6months before to be worthy lol. despite the back and forth decision making, we do have the right equipment to do our work, and with the virus not usually affecting the little ones, we are not heaving as much in terms of the amount of patients. and just the love, the supportive messages, the rainbow drawings, the applause - i mean just wow.
i guess the more i’m fueled to work harder. and the fact that i get to keep my job when a lot of people had been furloughed or lost theirs, i just feel i have to make it count and continue helping in ways i know how.
i have just trained the last two nurses to come (so far) when i got called that my husband got sent home because he got ill. and he is a nurse too, looking after adult patients with covid so he is getting far more exposure than me.
by protocol, i am automatically self-isolated because of him. and so for the last week of april, we are on a full lockdown, with him on a sickbed and me trying to “work from home”
i am working from home and my colleagues continue to ask me questions about work, i write guidelines, mark essays, basically all the admin stuff i’ve stopped doing because i have been pulled into clinical numbers. i constantly dreaded how my husband will be - knowing the scary stories about how the virus treated some people and the rising number of deaths, especially among frontliners. he was fine and got better, thankfully. and then i fell ill that very weekend - and i became a full dramatic binch for a week because my fever and muscle weakness definitely prevented me from doing anything productive. (this is when i binge-watched the untamed lol)
but then we both got tested and we’re both negative lol. whatever the fuck that was surely knocked us down but thankfully it wasn’t covid WHICH MEANS we should go back to work sooner rather than later. yay. we’ve been off for a total of 10 days.
and then i returned to work last week, and i felt so exhausted. apparently it was a common theme from those who had symptoms or had self-isolated (even though i am negative) and i just felt like those 10 days despite spending them mostly in bed, i felt like i ran a marathon that entire time and now i’m paying the price.
i still feel tired now after 4 days of work, and i haven’t even been clinical (they gave me the benefit of the doubt that it might be FALSE NEGATIVE) so i haven’t handled patients YET and instead focused on my admin work - which welcomed with its spiky arms fuck that shit we just had the most dramatic cases at work that i had to deal with, and that’s not even covid-related. and so my brain was also like scraped to the core lol
so anyway, yeah i guess that got long.
i mean i still haven’t talked about what’s happening in the background at this point, like my family (they are okay! thankfully. and my mom is very paranoid which means they are always taking care of themselves lol), the government in where i live and where my family lives (lotsa fucked up things happening right now out there too, dammit i’m so sorry philippines), and all my future plans for 2020 that have now been shitted on by this virus, but let’s not get overly dramatic now.
idk i just feel like pouring stuff out because apparently that’s healthy for you.
stay safe. wash your hands. stay at home if you can. frontliners - and i’m just not talking about my fellow nurses - TAKE CARE AND STAY STRONG. AND THANK YOU. but don’t be an extra hero. wear PPE when you come face-to-face with potential risks. take breaks. know where to draw the line.
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no2da · 8 years ago
dream diary,  my guys have fun
i was in a friends home, it was at night and i think i was supposed to cat sit? no one was at home (to my knowledge) but im talking to someone? probably myself?? the apartment was so huge and some of the rooms looked like the original walls had been removed and new ones been built to change the layout completely and i was asking the person who i was talking to where the bathroom was cause i couldnt find it and then i looked into the parents bedroom and theres just a doorway arch without door and a stair leading down and the steps are laid out with tiles and at the bottom i can see a bathroom and im just thinking, oh wow i thought this was a flat, also. lol they have no bathroom door you can hear everyone shit from the beds. and i wanted to go down there and i thought, must suck for the parents to have everyone go through their bedroom to go use the toilet. and when was downstairs i realized the bathroom wasnt a bathroom but just a narrow hallway and there were some doors leading into rooms and one rooms door was slightly open and light was coming out and i was like, shit!!!! and i run upstairs and when im in the bedroom again i whisper really angrily ‘why didnt you tell me theres still someone here ???!! ‘ and then i go down again cause i wanna know who is there and i peak through the gap between the door and its some kid watching tv and she turns around and looks me straight in the eye and i fucking run away that was so scary. i run into one of the other rooms and barricade the door and sit there and im having the image in my head of me cutting the throat of that kid with a sickle and hearing, that would solve the problem, and then im like, no!! and see myself cutting my own throat with the sickle and im like, THAT would solve my problem you sick fuck, and then i can see whats happening out the door and theres the kid standing with a sickle about to ram it into the wood and then im outside again but she didnt notice me and i grab her arm and softly say, no, and then im in another room and theres someone with me and also a cat and the other person is doing embroidery and im playing with the cat with their yarn and i try to roll the thread back and the other person says they dont want it anymore cause the cat had it in its mouth.
i woke up for a bit cause the dorm next to mine is getting renovated and they made some noise but i fell asleep again
all the characters from naruto where having like a banquet for borutos anime debut, and they werent animation but real life people, like sasuke was some middle aged dude wearing the shittiest wig and tenten a rly tall black girl, also tenten was the owner of the venue where the party was hold. this was in the late evening it was dark already. then everyone noticed that boruto wasnt even there so they started a search for him. this lead out of the city. there were like only two locations (it was around sunset now), one was a still picture of a highway crossing and the other was a highway along a huge field of wheat. boruto was in that field for idk what reason, there was also a black kid with bleached hair and a rifle sneaking around in there. the search troupe werent aware of them and were looking on the other side of the highway. then there was a small explosion followed by a gun shot  in the field. at one end we now could see a couple police guys swat gear ?? and a drone was flying over the field. could see boruto dodging the shot from the swat guys but couldnt dodge the drone. the kid with a rifle was standing a couple meters away not being fast enough for any real reaction. then choji and his mom and dad were there, jumping in and like, matrix like blowing the fucking bullets away, ,,. then everyone was like lets go back home we saved boruto blah and some guy was like, anyone know this kid (with the rifle) but no one knew him but they took him back to the city with them, and on the way back there was the still picture of the crossing again and someone commented, hey, the sun hasnt moved one bit but our search lasted hours? also didnt we start the search at night why is it still sunset? 
idk who made this comment but naruto tried to dismiss it and then we were back at tentens restaurant and someone (I Cant remember) was leading shikamarus child in there (still like a toddler) cause they thought the father was in there, but tenten told them he wasnt there but they were like, oh well lets still let him wait for him here and brought him to their usual table and josuke and okuyasu (whatefuck are you guys doing here) were sitting at the table and okuyasu gave tenten a compliment on her new suit. when the person who brought the child was gone tenten went into the kitchen and talked to one of the waitresses about how weird that was and she was really worried about something called an ACADEMIA and suspecting something to happen, then the kitchen door opened and some huge ass slimey meat blob came through and it had a mouth and when it opened it we could see its tongue and its tongue had a mouth again (haha) and shikamarus kid was like, slowly coming out of that second mouth and it was crying and the thing was starting to talk and it said it was an ACADEMIA (my guy thats the name of this fucking alien thing what the fuck ,mind the capital letters) and how it needs to kill all life forms that arent ACADEMIAs and then the waitress started screaming and took one of those huge metal trays for baking and just starts beating the alien with it and it was just like fucking putty but the thing about those aliens was that they could regenerate if left alone, so tenten and the waitress shoved the thing under a pantry so it wouldnt have the space to become big again and they also folded the edges of the, flat putty thing over, so it coudlnt grow limbs?? (it didnts even have limbs in the first place waht) and after that was done tenten realized that shikamarus kid was gone now too, killed along w the alien and she had a come up with something now
and while this happened in the kitchen >>I<< (but, i wasnt watching the whole thing from >my< perspective i was still watching it all like in a movie and suddenly i am an actor in it) showed up at the restaurant and just started, grocery shopping there?? i bought a weird moldy lemon (only because a waitress convinced me to buy it and i cant say no), a lemon the size of a melon, a pack of tiny muffins and one huge muffin, and chocolate covered biscuits, white chocolate and some weird ass red one. and i stole the shopping cart i just took it home with me, and i lived in some weird ass run down shit house with a netto right next to it and i fucking go grocery shopping in a restaurant instead, i bring the fucking shopping cart with me into the kitchen and a family is there while i unpack the groceries, and im. like. posing for one of their family members. i dont know these people and they dont know im not really the person they think i am but im not even in disguise. so i put the muffins on the counter and say i bought the huge one for (i forgot the name) and the white chocolate biscuits for (i forgot the name too), they were the two daughters. muffin was the younger one and biscuits the older one, but then older one comes up to the counter and takes the muffin and looks at me really knowingly and says thanks in a rly weird way and im just, shit. i fucked up they know now im not the real thing. and i just try to play it cool take the lemons and go back to my room.
and my room is . the set for a historical play about suffragettes im writing and and all the actors and technicians etc are there  and deedee is there too and shes asking me to give her a role in the play and i want her to play one of the suffragettes (note: the costumes for the suffragettes were mainly made out of belts, weird) and of course the character deedee plays must be a lesbian too but my director says she can only have a crush on another woman whos already married to a man, no requited romance cause i already wrote another gay couple in the script and there cant be two according to him and that pissed me off so i want to take it out on his favorite male character. he was supposed to have a party hosted at his house and i change the scene so the party is somewhere else. i put down the lemons on my bed and climb on it to take down the wall carpet, which was like, essential for the guys party scene, idk why my bed was in the scene. the carpet was super gross like tons of dust and lady bugs and there were even. tiny plants sprouting from it and i verbally let my anger out on the guy and he gave me a vacuum cleaner so i could clean and while i try to suck in some lady bugs  and in that moment the bag is apparently full and so fucking full that the shit comes out at the tube and the end piece and there are tons of bugs and i just let it drop cause it scares me and the older sister who exposed me tells me to change the bag and takes my lemons and i just wanna cry cause the fucking bugs are on my bed and i dont wanna open that thing and she took my lemons!!! but im strong and go get a new bag and open the vacuum and cleaner and for some reason i have a pair of scissors now and cut open the old full bag (WHY WOULD I DO THIS) and theres bugs crawling everywhere, silver fish and lady bugs and im just sitting in this pile of shit, good morning
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suckitsurveys · 5 years ago
How long have you been distancing yourself from others now? Since I was born? Lol. But for this, since ~March 16th. I’ve seen my dad a handful of times because I have to do laundry and deliver him groceries, but I don’t go anywhere else in his house except for the laundry room and sanitize everything I touch and don’t go near him. I was also going to the store, but I got a shit ton of groceries the other day so I won’t have to go back out for at least another 2 weeks. 
Did you have to leave work and start working from home? Yes, I’m working from home right now.
Did you have to take on homeschooling your children? I don’t have kids but jfc I can’t imagine what parents are going through right now. 
How do you feel about the situation overall? It’s terrifying and depressing.
How seriously does your city take the situation? Our mayor is taking it seriously. She’s shut down everything, including playgrounds and some parks with walking trails, and has been very vocal about people staying home. People have been making memes with her photoshopped into popular public places and it’s fucking hilarious. 
How seriously are the majority of people there taking it? People are still being idiots and hanging out in public places like Target and parks.
Are you self-isolating alone or with someone? I’m with my husband.
Are you in the risk group? So, before all this started, I’d been having trouble breathing a little bit and having weird things happening with my heart and I was going to make an appointment after my dad came back from his trip and I didn’t have to stay with my grandmother anymore, but the day he came back is when shit started to really hit the fan, and the last thing I wanna do is go to a doctor. I’ve been okay and haven’t really had the issues I was having last month, but it’s still scary to not know if I’m at a greater risk. 
What do you do with all the time that you now have? I’ve been working, but since I don’t have to drive home and sit in traffic, I’ve been more motivated to keep going after work, so I’ve been keeping the house clean for the most part. We also bought a Wii and Wii’ve (haha sorry) been playing with that once or twice a day. 
Are you more scared or hopeful? I have my moments of each. I’m a planner and I HATE that I can’t plan stuff, but I’m hopeful that I will be able to soon. But I’m also scared that it’s going to last all year and we won’t get Halloween or Christmas. And that I won’t be able to see my family for that long. And that I’ll literally go crazy. And I’m also worried for my dad and grandmother because they are seniors. 
Have you seen any good shows that you otherwise wouldn’t had watched? Not yet. I have some I need to check out, but I’m rewatching Bob’s Burgers right now haha. 
Have you taken advantage of any sales right now? Just a couple things.
Do you go grocery shopping or have them delivered? I was going to the actual store and wiping everything down when I got home, but like I mentioned before, I stocked up on groceries for at least two weeks so I wouldn’t have to go out. 
Have you taken up any new hobbies? I’ve been cooking more.
Have you started to learn something new? Nah.
Have you started to make more video calls? Yes.
Have you considered adopting a new pet? I WANT ALL THE SHELTER PETS.
What’s something you’re grateful for right now? My husband and that my dad is following directions and taking this seriously too. And for the ability to work from home. 
Did you hoard anything the first week when this began? Not really.
Is the isolation getting to you, or do you embrace it? Both. I didn’t really do that much, but I still got out. I hung out with my nieces went to the gym, got food with my dad, went out to eat sushi with friends, went shopping for the hell of it. Now I can’t do any of that. And now they’re saying you shouldn’t even go for drives. I’m really worried about my mental health through all of this. But it’s also kinda nice to just, not feel like you have to do anything. It’s such a weird feeling. 
If things weren’t this way, what would you be doing now? EATING SUSHI, getting hot dogs with my dad, working AT work, spending our tax return on things for the house and yard, working out efficiently. 
Did you have any big plans cancelled? Yes. We were planning a surprise party for my dad’s 70th birthday next Sunday. And now I don’t know if we’ll have Fran’s 2nd birthday party at the end of May.
Are you prepared for this to go on for a long time? Not fucking mentally, no. 
Have you watched Tiger King yet? No and I don’t plan on it because I don’t wanna see tigers like that.
Do you frequent social media more or less now? Same as always.
Have you been baking or cooking more lately? Yes.
Have you showered your family with love more now? As much as I’m able to from my house. Or are you about to blow your gasket with them? Mark’s been annoying me a little bit more than usualy :P.
Are you sleeping more? Eh.
Have you played games with friends online more? Yes! We’ve been playing Cards Against Humanity online. 
What’s the thing that gets you up in the morning now? The fact that I have to work. 
Do you try to do something significant and meaningful every day? No, we’re in a crisis, I shouldn’t be expected to do anything “meaningful.” Fuck that mindset.
Is the sun shining today? Yes, partially. It’s supposed to rain later tonight and I’m really excited because it’s like 70 degrees out.
Will you go and do something fun now that this is finished? I’m probably gunna do another survey.
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