#so i went ahead and got a new one... which reminded me i was wanting to accessorize my uniform more
7-oh-ta1 · 9 days
I just went on a buying spreeeee I'm so sorry bank account 😭😭😭😭😭
#lindsay speaks#i just.... it was just a FEW THINGS at first#so like I keep buying different slacks for work becs each pair keeps messing up one way or the other#and then i was like my belt is pretty torn up... i need a new one before this one snaps.... but then i accidentally broke my necklace chain#so i went ahead and got a new one... which reminded me i was wanting to accessorize my uniform more#and ended up buying like. an undershirt. a bracelet. new shoes. new shoe laces#I ALSO GOT off brand crocs because my bro's family all has w CUTE CHARMS and i feel left out i want to go matchies#when we all leave in our sweatpants & crocs to the gas station... IT'S A VIBE#anyway i also ordered a bottle so i could take my energy drinks to work in my purse LMAO which reminded me i was wanting a bottle to go#round my neck for when I'm walking/jogging SO I GOT ONE OF THOSE TOO 😭😭 and a couple of stretching/working out things too...#including pants i always forget to buy workout pants...#and i got a new bookmark because I've been reading more again recently and have been using a scrap of paper#and. a new headband for skincare/make up time... and a workout headband... and a glass for water in the bathroom... and a face brush...#Oooo AND PAJAMAS#I've never had a pj set before#:>#and um. a capybara accessory for my purse. and um. a tenma lanyard + hair tie.#and a portable charger so i don't have to be in the breakroom on my break... and a yearly planner... cause i think it will help...#and finally more lip tint......#lord forgive me i have made a purchase 🙏 many purchase in fact#you WISH you were me with my pink kitty cat fanny pack on my hip w strawberry scented dog poo bags & brown bear water bottle round my neck#<- what i look like on my walk#like damn she in ha mood
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This is the most expensive paint I own now
#it was 18.99#i had a michaels gift card and they didnt have the thing i was actually there for so i got myself a lil treat#most of my paints are walmart paints cuz theyre the best cheap paint (and also the cheapest acrylics ive found)#but i have some liquitex basics that i also bought with a gift card#those were my most expensive paints#i also got myself some teeny detail brushes cuz ive been wanting some that i didnt get in a paint by number set lol#ALSO#my replacement light curtain got here today#unfortunately one of the thumbtacks holding them up broke and i cant reach it without a ladder to replace it#and moving my bed out of the way is way too much effort so i guess ill just suffer that part of the curtain drooping down farther#than the rest#its a lot brighter than the other one#which. that one was 3....? years old. so that checks out#honestly im impressed it still turned on but it was having enough issues i went ahead and got a new one#same brand#hopefully it lasts as long#cuz most reviews i read of other ones thought them lasting for more than 4 months was impressive#so clearly them lasting 3 years of constant use is unusual for these types of lights#i had to go to 4 stores today#i was just gonna go to michaels and target. but then dillons sent me a text reminding me to pick up my prescription (it auto refills)#and walmart had colanders and mixing bowls cheaper than target ($2 each instead of $4 each)#so since i was gonna be over there for my meds anyway i decided to stop at walmart for those things since theyre for rinsing my rocks off#so id rather just go with the cheapest options#but i still had to go to target cuz its the only place that has my favorite granola#BUT the granola was on sale today so thats good#.......gift cards dont expire right? i have a hobby lobby gift card from last Christmas that i havent used cuz i dont go to hobby lobby#but i need to check if they have a jar lid with a soap dispenser on it cuz michaels didnt have any and i have a skull jar i wanna turn into#a soap dispenser cuz my current skull soap dispenser is a cheap plastic one i got at walmart and it sucks
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tatoda · 1 year
Guitar Pick | college!conrad x fem!reader
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part 2
summary: you go to Brown and maybe you don’t exactly fit in, but one brown haired boy makes you feel as if you do
pairing: college!conrad fisher x fem!reader
warnings: just fluff <3
wc: 800 (sorry it's short im getting back into things)
first con fic since last year :) a little rusty on the writing i apologize. sorry it’s not so long :(
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It was the smell in the air that brought you comfort. The casual people-watching you would do as you walked down to the music store closest to campus— it wasn’t the best place to shop but it will do for the times you’re in Providence.
The ding of the door sounded as you walked through the store. The red interior with wood floors reminded you of back home, so that is why you kept coming back to the same spot every weekend. No one tried to bother you when shopping. Of course some boys would walk by and you’d glance their way, but they would never glance back at you the same way.
Picking up a guitar from one of the stands you sat down at the small corner couch. You have always loved playing any instrument, you would run around the house singing and hitting any object around the house to make drums until your aunt got you a ukulele at the age of 6 which took your dreams and desires for music to grow. Being at Brown surprised your family. They really thought you would just go to a music school, but you wanted to explore other career paths. Sometimes your parents weren’t proud of it but they supported your decision.
After a few minutes of strumming the instrument, you stood back up to get a new guitar pick. It was time for a new one— well that’s what you told yourself but you just loved shopping for new things. Reaching for a red and green one, another pair of hands reached for the same one.
“sorry.” glancing up at the voice, you see a boy maybe around your age, with brown eyes and brown hair as his cheeks turned a little red at the intersection
“no that’s my fault sorry, go ahead it’s all yours.” you gestured towards the pick.
“no, my mom raised me to be a gentleman. please take it.”
“i-“ but the tall figure cut you off
“please i was looking at another one anyways.” he looked down at you
“thanks, sorry again.” you softly grabbed it as he smiled gently at you before picking up a solid navy blue one
You didn’t think twice before you went to go pay for it and took off out of the store carrying on with your day.
The next day, you sat under a tree strumming your guitar just letting the nice weather hit for once. The shade of the tree helped you relax not being blinded by the sun. You were so busy strumming the instrument you didn’t realize the figure walking towards you.
“guitar pick girl.” the familiar voice called out making you stop in movement, the boy from yesterday. he was walking towards you wearing a Brown sweatshirt and sweatpants
“hi.” you softly introduced not knowing you would be seeing this boy again
“I’m sorry, i know it’s weird for me just to walk up like that and rude for me to not know your name. you left too quickly yesterday i tried to-to get your name but you were gone.” he played with his fingernails as he spoke
“sorry.” you smiled apologetically not knowing why this boy who you totally thought was cute was suddenly approaching you
“no worries,” he rocked on his feet “i-im Conrad, Conrad Fisher” he stuck his hand out to you and you lifted yours off the guitar
“y/n y/l/n” his eyes seemed to immediately remember the future
“how long have you been playing?”
“my whole life basically. you play?” he nods
“yeah just not too long ago maybe like a summer or 2, my mom wanted me to learn a song for her.”
“that’s sweet of you. you must be a mamas boy for the two times you have mentioned her talking to me.” you grinned at him
“yeah.” he sadly smiled and you didn’t feel like pushing him to ask about what it was all about “do you mind if i sit? you look like you need some company.” he gestured to the grass next to you
“all yours.” conrad then sat down next to you criss-cross
“what year are you?” he played with the grass that was in front of him
“junior, what about you?”
“sophomore.” you nodded and you both went silent but it wasn’t a bad silence, it was comfortable
“could i take you out sometime?” your eyes drifted over to conrad and his eyes went wide “sorry! i didn’t mean to come off so strong, i’d just like to get to know you better.” you looked down at his hands as they played with the grass faster and you put a hand over his to stop his movements
“i’d love that.” his eyes went to your hands and his visible relaxed
“i just thought you were really pretty yesterday.” that sentence made you blush and look down biting your lip
“i thought you were pretty cute too, conrad.”
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cumikering · 2 months
Alex Keller x plus-sized reader
.8k | fluff, body insecurities Even if you don’t love yourself, Alex will until you do
The door of your shared apartment slammed shut followed by a couple of thuds.
“Baby?” Alex called from the couch, looking over his shoulder.
When you rounded the corner with a frown, he rushed and wrapped an arm around you, noticing the wobble of your lower lip.
“Oh, sweetie, what is it? Did something happen?”
You’d jumped out of bed with a grin that morning at the thought of the shopping trip ahead. One of your girls had their birthday coming up and you were getting matching dresses.
“No… It’s just…” You sighed, fighting the brimming tears. “I couldn’t find anything.” The first tear fell anyway, which you wiped away immediately.
He led you to the couch.
“Each time they found something cute, I had to be the bearer of bad news and tell them they didn’t have it in my size, or that it looked horrible on me. We went through the whole mall, and I had to look at all these cute dresses that I’d never get to wear because nothing would fit right. I feel so left out.” You sniffled. “I… I was feeling good. Got to have a nice brunch and boba after, but now I just feel guilty about ruining the day! We spent the whole day out and we didn’t even get anything.”
“You didn’t ruin the day, sweetheart.” He gripped your hands. “You just haven’t found the perfect dress yet. It takes time, doesn’t it?”
“I couldn’t even find anything remotely flattering. How am I going to find the perfect one? I don’t… even want to go anymore.”
You still wouldn’t meet his eyes when he wiped your tears away. “How about this, you get a dress you like, and we’ll get it tailored? Then you’ll get to showcase all those gorgeous curves I love so much.”
“But… It’s not supposed to be tailored. It’s supposed to look good right away.”
“Clothes off the rack don’t usually fit everyone perfectly. My dress uniforms were tailored too.” He tilted your face towards him. “We’re living, breathing things. We don’t all look alike and that’s normal.”
After a long silence, you muttered, “Why are you with me, Alex?”
“Because there’s no one I want more than I want you, no one with a sweeter smile or a lovelier voice.” He kissed your knuckles. “Some days I wake up and I wonder what you are doing with me. You should be with someone who doesn’t have to leave you all alone for weeks, make you worry sick if he’s coming home. Someone who doesn’t have so many ugly scars.”
“It’s the same reason you’re with me, isn’t it? It’s never about what I see, always about how you make me feel.” He kissed your forehead. “I don’t see these flaws you talk about, because to me they’re not. I wish you could see yourself how I see you, just 5 minutes,” he said, caressing your cheek.
“Your smile is what keeps me going in the field when things go sideways. This pretty face is my absolute favourite thing to come home to.” His hands slid down your arms. “Because there’s nowhere safer than your arms when you hold me tight, or when you stroke my hair with your gentle hands.”
He squeezed your waist. “This is a wonderful reminder that I keep you happy. What else am I supposed to grab when we spoon?” His gaze trailed further down. “I love when you jump into my arms, especially when those thighs wrap around me, or when you get on your tippy toes on to kiss me.” He gave you a once over before bringing your hand to his lips again. “Fuck, there’s nothing I don’t love about you. I can’t ask for anything more.”
Your lips wobbled again, but for a different reason now.
He pulled you to his chest, his strong arms around you as he kissed the side of your face repeatedly. “I know it’s hard sometimes. But I’m going nowhere, and I’ll love you even more the days you can’t.”
He brushed the new tears off your face with his thumb and peppered more kisses on your cheek as he held you.
“We have the whole day to shop tomorrow. We can go anywhere you want, maybe the matcha cafe you like too after?"
“You don’t mind?”
He shook his head, giving you one of his gorgeous smiles. “The best things take time, like finding you. But had I known it’s you, I’d have waited longer.”
Happy birthday to my C aka my April sis aka the one Alex Keller would literally be on his knees for aka the story itself @shadofireshinobi. Here’s to many more times I’m gonna slide into your DMs and rizz the hell out of you <3
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Hiiii! So I do not know if you are making requests but if you are doing can do: Charles x Reader where she is a medical student and will do an internship in formula one, Charles does not like her much until he gets hurt and have to take care of her which makes the two approach
kiss with a fist | charles leclerc
warnings: needles and blood mentions and charles being an asshole <3
Y/n was nervous. She was starting her new internship with none other than F1. She watched a couple of races, but she wasn’t a die hard fan. But she wasn’t here to watch men drive in circles, she was here to work.
When she first arrived to the paddock, she was already making enemies. She didn’t mean to, but a certain Ferrari driver had woken up on the wrong side of the bed that morning. Y/n bumped into Charles, nearly dropping his hot coffee on himself.
“I’m sorry! The photographer was backing up and I-”
“Do you not watch where you’re going? There’s all this space around you.” Charles groaned as he dropped his coffee into a trash can. “What? You want an autograph?”
Y/n rolled her eyes. “Not everyone wants your autograph. And I said I was sorry. By the way, I’m more of a Red Bull fan.” She really didn’t know anything about Red Bull to be honest. You could have someone explain every single detail of f1 and she still wouldn’t understand. All she knew was that Red Bull probably had more haters than supporters.
She quickly left Charles and walked to her boss’ office where she was supposed to meet him. Y/n was already wishing the day was over so she could go back home and bury herself in her blankets after her interaction with Charles, but she had a long day ahead of her.
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“Charles Leclerc crashes into the barrier!”
Y/n watched from a monitor as Charles’ Ferrari crashed. The replay kept on going, sort of a reminder to the Ferrari fans that this season wasn’t going their way. Charles stumbled out of his car, almost tripping over his feet.
“He’s okay, right?” Y/n asked her boss. Sure, he was an asshole to her that morning, but she would never wish for someone to get injured.
“Yeah, I got confirmation that Leclerc is fine. Have you met him yet?”
“Sort of. Had to leave before I could even get an autograph.” She said sarcastically, but her boss didn’t pick it up.
“I’m sure you’ll get one.”
Yeah, no.
After the race, Y/n was going through the piles of paperwork she was told to do. She was writing down on her clipboard when she heard a knock on the door. She figured it was her boss or someone else other than Charles Leclerc.
“Yes?” She looked up to see the driver. “Oh. Finally brought me an autograph?” She went back to writing in her clipboard.
“No, someone made me realize that not everyone wants my autograph. I was just wondering if you have time to check if I’m dying.” He said casually.
Y/n dropped her pen and looked at him, wondering if he was serious or not. “Check if you’re dying?”
“Yeah, I crashed today. My head is hurting, I think I might pass out. I’m not dying, right?” Charles explained.
“Fine, I’ll check. Sit down.” Y/n pointed to the examination table next to the desk she was currently using. Charles followed her instructions and sat on the examination table.
“Are you going to give me a shot? Because I hate needles. And sometimes I get weirded out if I see my own blood.” Charles admitted.
“Why would I give you a shot when your head is hurting? I can if you want me to.” Y/n said, standing In front of Charles.
“Nope, I am good.”
“Great. So just let me check if you’re dying real quick.”
Before Y/n could even do anything, Charles spoke up. “My head actually doesnt hurt at all. I lied, I wanted to come here to apologize for this morning.”
“Did your mom find out and made you come apologize?”
“No, my mother doesn’t know but if she did she would pull my ear and tell me to treat women with respect. And I do treat women with respect, but I’ve been having a bad…” Charles sighed and looked down.
“Day?” Y/n guessed.
“Season actually. Point is, I shouldn’t have been mean to you and I’m sorry and i understand if you don’t accept my apology. If I were you, I wouldn’t.” Charles nodded and got off the examination table. Before he could leave, Y/n called his name making him turn around to face her.
“You forgot your lollipop. I have this thing where I give my patients a lollipop no matter what age they are so here,” Y/n handed Charles a red lollipop. “You’re still an asshole, just the sweet kind.”
“Was that intentional? The sweet comment then you giving me a lollipop?” He chuckled as he took the candy.
“Just take the damn lollipop, Leclerc, or I will give you a shot.”
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glitterjay · 9 months
ー picnic date
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minors dni
jake x fem!reader
warnings public sex, pet names, fingering (reader receiving)
for @magyuhye <3
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you were in your room, looking at your self in the full sized mirror in front of you. your boyfriend jaeyun had proposed a picnic date, and asked you to wear the prettiest dress you could find in your closet. you stood there admiring the flower pattern that went perfectly with the nice weather, and how it revealed just enough skin.
without thinking too much, you got yourself a nice water bottle downstairs, and waited for your boyfriend to arrive. soon enough, you heard keys jingling right outside your door. you boyfriend revealed himself as soon as the door opened, showing you that peculiar smile that accompanied him all the time. “you ready?”
on the way to the park, jake kept repeating just how amazing you looked, and how you were all his. the compliments never failed to make you feel extremely pretty, and also make your heat throb. your hand rested in the gear stick with his hand right on top. you loved that no matter what, jaeyun always kept contact.
you guys arrived at the beautiful park and settled down. the colors of the wonderful green grass and the tall trees went perfectly with the colors of your dress. jake sat himself right next to you, hand on your thighs at all times. you both giggled at random things, and admired the view before you.
as you watched some kids the birds eating a few feet away from where you were sitting, you felt something move under your dress. you looked down and realized your boyfriend’s hand was moving dangerously close to your heat, which was not a good sign considering you missed him. a lot.
“whats wrong, love?” jake asked, knowing exactly what he was doing. you simply shook your head, afraid your voice would betray you and crack if you spoke. he smiled at your actions, moving his hand in a blunt movement, making contact with your core. you couldn’t help but squirm a little, putting a hand over your mouth to stop any noise from being too loud.
this gave jaeyun the queue to slide your underwear to the side, caressing your folds with his finger. he covered your legs with another blanket he had brought in advance, this being his plan all along. “your legs must be cold, am i right? the breeze is a little chilly today” he pushed just the tip of his slender finger into you, teasing. he leaned in, nibbling your earlobe before speaking again “you look so pretty when you’re embarrassed”
you could feel your face turn even redder than it already was. you held onto his shoulder, hiding your face there. “j-jaeyun, don’t do this to me”. he giggled at your words, carefully inserting his full digit slowly into you. this made you bite his shoulder in response, scared of being way too loud and getting caught. “careful there, darling.”
he continued moving his finger, picking up the pace with every thrust. your entire world felt dizzy. you didnt know if the birds in your field of vision were real or part of your imagination. jake cooed at your fucked out expression. he decided to be a little bold, and with a smooth movement, he was hovering over you. with this new position, he was more free, and so, he added another finger.
you bit your lip, reminding yourself that you’re still in a public place. to some people, it might’ve looked like you both were playing. little did they know you were about to come undone right there and then.
“can- can’t hold it anymore”
your boyfriend smiled big, knowing damn well he was the one doing all of that. he wanted to take the blanket off of you, he wanted you to cry and scream his name at the fop of your lungs, he wanted everyone to know HE was the cause of such pleasure, but he held himself.
“go ahead, love. cum for me”
the pet name was enough to throw you over the edge, hand flying to your mouth to muffle your moans and cries. body left shaking at the adrenaline, embarrassment, and pleasure you felt at the same time. he left a kiss on your forehead, sitting straight on your side again, leaving you laying on your back. “fuck baby, we might have to go home soon and deal with this other problem.”
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© glitterjay | tumblr
hello! one of two things here. first of all, i know today is october 2nd. i missed the first day, so i will be posting twice today. second, i suck at writing long scenarios so i apologize for that. if yall do like it tho, feel free to request more scenarios for other enha members (besides ni-ki and sunoo) in my ask! help this poor soul, i won’t be able to come up with things all on my own for the whole month
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muwapsturniolo · 4 months
✯Somebody Else✯
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Inspired by this reel i saw.
Summary: Chris lays in bed with another while thinking of his ex-lover
warnings: hella angst, brief mentions of sex, swearing, Chris being upset. weed.
Chris groans as he spills his seed into the condom, pulling out of the girl beneath him and collapsing next to her. Both of them breathing harshly from the intense sexual encounter.
After a few minutes, the girl sits up and tries to leave the bed, but Chris stops her, "Stay for a bit, we can roll up and chill."
She stares in confusion, not use to guys asking her to stay after sex. They are usually the first to throw her clothes in her lap and tell her to hurry up and leave.
It's a nice change of pace.
She nods and grabs her shirt, slipping it on along with her underwear. She settles back into the bed, sitting crisscross on the black sheets. Chris sits up, reaching into his nightstand to grab the items needed to roll a blunt.
As he starts grinding the weed, the girl speaks.
"Who's Dessi?"
Chris stops what he's doing, his heart clenching at the name.
"Who's Des-No I heard you. Why are you bringing her up? How do you know her?" His tone holds a bit of malice, clearly frustrated with the name.
"You literally called me her name."
He pushes the paraphernalia to the side and rubs his hands over his face in exhaustion. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. that was probably awkward to hear." He apologizes.
He didn't even know he did it and it has him thinking, has he done this to other women who have laid in his bed? The thought alone makes him want to throw up.
"Wanna talk about her?" The girl offers. Chris slowly turns to her, "Huh?" She rolls her eyes and grabs the grinder from his lap.
"Talk about it. it's clear you still have love for her. Maybe if you talk about her you won't call another girl by her name." She jokes softly.
He goes back and forth with idea. He could talk about her and risk crying like a little bitch in front of his one-night stand, or he could keep his emotions bottled up like he always does.
"Roll up first, I'll play some music."
The girl nods and proceeds to roll two blunts, figuring they will be here for a while. As she lights the first blunt, the sound of Lil Uzi's The Way Live Goes fills the blue-illuminated room. Chris settles back down, a pair of grey sweatpants adorning his hips.
They sit in silence until Chris finally speaks.
"She was someone I loved...I loved her and she screwed me up big time." The girl hands him the blunt, figuring he needs the drug to continue. He takes a hit, ghosting it before blowing it right back out.
"We met a couple months ago and I fell hard. She was beautiful, a little shorter than me, with beautiful brown skin. She always wore wigs but I loved when she wore her natural hair, even though she said it was too much to keep up with."
The girl mumbles something along the lines of, "She ain't lying."
Chris continues, staring straight ahead, "I met her at a party and we left to get food. She laughed at all my jokes, was super sarcastic and just had an amazing vibe. After that night I felt like I met...My person."
He hands her back the blunt, now fiddling with his phone. "I started taking her out on dates, which was new for me because I'm not good in relationships, but I wanted to be for her. I did everything I thought she would like. I got her the flowers she loved, I would buy the little trinkets that reminded me of her, for fuck sake I even wrote love letters."
"Love letters? That's really cute." She mumbles, a small smile on her face as she relights the blunt. "I thought so but she didn't. This went on for two months... She would tell me all the time that she loved what we had but she didn't want to put a label on it yet." He chuckles as her voice fills his ears.
"let's not label things yet, you're having fun, right? That's all that matters."
He shakes his head, plucking the blunt from the girl's fingers. "My brothers and a few friends would ask me what we were and I couldn't give them an answer. When I explained to my older brother Justin, he gave me this look of sadness, like he knew what she was doing all along. He told me, but I didn't listen. I loved her." The girl nods, choosing to listen instead of speaking.
"Two months ago I started getting fed up with it. I wanted to make her mine. I'm bad at talking about my feelings verbally so I wrote her another love letter. I poured my heart out, telling her how I felt from the first moment I laid eyes on her, to the point where I realized I was in love with her."
She watches as his eyes get glossy. Of course he's high at this point, but this is a different type of glossy, a glossy only made by the salty tears your body produces.
"And you know what she did?" He laughs softly, the vocal expression filled with sadness.
"She called me and told me to stop. She told me she wasn't in love with me, that she wasn't in the right mental state to be in a relationship." He wipes the tears streaming down his face, cursing internally for getting so worked up.
"I was hurt, but who was I to be mad because she wasn't in the right mental state? So I told her I got it, and that she can hit me up whenever she felt better, or comfortable being around me again."
The humming of the 1975 begins to fill the room, the girl identifying the song as "somebody else."
She watches as his breathing gets harsher, a clear indication that he's going to break down any moment now.
"She hit me up a week later...I didn't even get a 'Hey how are you' text. instead, I got a fucking video of her getting her back blown out by some douche bag and her moaning how she loves him."
I don't want your body But I hate to think about you with somebody else
He breaks down, his sobs bouncing off the wall as he puts his head in his hands. The girl quickly ashes out the blunt and wraps her arms around him, holding him close. His whole body shakes in dejection, the tears streaming endlessly.
"A-an hour later she t-texted me and t-told me to f-forget about h-her because sh-es in a relationship."
Our love has gone cold You're intertwining your soul with somebody else
The girl rubs his back in a caring manner. She's only known Chris for about three hours now, and she already hated seeing him like this. She can tell this Dessi girl has truly fucked with his mental, screwing up any interpretation he has of love.
"Shh, it's ok. Everything is ok."
"I-I just don't understand! I did everything right and sh-she just threw me to the side like g-garbage! H-how can you tell me y-you aren't ready for a r-relationship then g-get in one?!"
Her heart aches for the boy. She may not know him that well, but if she ever met Dessi on the street she would dogwalk her for him.
She continues to comfort Chris, rubbing his back and mumbling praises in attempt to calm him down.
After 30 minutes, he stops sobbing and switches to sniffling. "Sorry for that... Must have been a huge turn-off to see a guy crying like that." He sits up and wipes his eyes, reaching for the other blunt. She stops him, slowly pushing his hand down,
"Wasn't a turn-off, if anything I found it attractive...I like guys who can be vulnerable."
And c'mon baby (I know) This ain't the last time that I'll see your face
The two stare at each other, the once blue LEDS now a soft pink, illuminating their faces and bodies in the warm lighting.
Maybe it's the weed, but the longer he stares at her, the more she begins to look like Dessi.
I'm reminded that I should be gettin' over it
He shakes his head. She doesn't look like Dessi, she looks like her own person.
I don't want your body, I don't want your body
Her own beautiful person.
He crashes his lips against hers, pushing her back against the soft pillows.
"I'm done talking about her, I want to focus on you Y/N"
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @mattslolita
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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The contrast is so poignant when it comes to Belos isolating Hunter for years and instilling the fear of wild magic, versus Hunter's future in carving palismen to connect with nature and with others.
We have his signature gloves as part of all his outfits before he went to the human realm, representative of that isolation and fear: Belos wanting to keep 'Caleb' to himself, wanting to prevent Hunter from forging connections and thus finding freedom. The gloves come off once Hunter has room to create and experiment and explore.
During the many many months in between him beginning to learn the palismen-carving craft and us seeing him mastering it in the epilogue, there would've been many setbacks. Many cuts and splinters via mistakes (thus, more wounds and scars...small, but numerous) and bandages on his hands, like what happened with the sewing needle. Thus, many times when he was reminded of what happened with his best friend. I can imagine that on the more difficult days of learning under Dell, remorse and horrible memories eating into him, he'd be more at risk of leaving more cuts because it would be harder to focus. There would've been days where he got close to giving up.
In his arc, this changed everything:
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He was found by a free-spirited, strong-willed palisman.
This was when things began to be truly dangerous:
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but by then he gathered enough courage to finally question Belos directly.
What a high price to pay. Recovery from trauma is certainly that way in real life too. But it led him on that path towards transformation, towards what he truly wanted.
In his old life, he'd point a staff at others to intimidate, to instill fear, and be Belos's instrument in furthering a cause that Hunter didn't truly support.
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In the future, he generously gives palismen to others from the heart, via new creations made with his own hands, to bring more love, connection and wonder into the world. Letting others live out their truth via the bonds forged with their new palismen, the same kind of truth he himself had to fight so hard for.
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If we rewind back to what the Bat Queen said in Hunting Palismen:
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contrast that with this point in Hunter's arc:
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Still blocked and numbed out from fully experiencing the worst thing he had ever been through: being possessed and in that process, slaying Flapjack.
Willow and Gus had just began to reach that vulnerability within him, moving him with their love and support (which is why the anger he had for around 2/3 of For the Future began to subside).
But it wasn't enough.
In the finale, he gets some temporary respite and relief:
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But I believe the real gruelling work was to begin beyond this exact point:
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More vulnerability ahead, to pave the way for healing.
Putting the scene of him looking at the old Flyer Derby photo (in For the Future) next to the scene where the Bat Queen sums up what palismen are all about...it indicates to me how steep the climb would be to connect with the full range of his emotions and memories, which parallels his development under Dell's mentorship. To bring some beauty out of that horror he has endured. To bring about the conviction that yes, he deserved Flapjack's gift, from Flapjack's sacrifice.
It would've been years before he would confidently and effortlessly rest in the truth of who he really is, and who he would like to be (remember his "Even if I'm not who I'm supposed to be, I like who I am right now" in front of the mirror, right before getting possessed?).
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Liberating himself from enmeshment with his violent abuser and that old life, a process he'd have to repeat again and again even beyond Belos's death. Changing that narrative of "supposed to":
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into freely choosing the person he would like to become after Flapjack granted him love and literal life. We receive the one clue that he wanted to freely choose, as early as this scene:
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When it comes to palismen, we have "emotion" and "conviction" and also the deepest wishes that witches have in their hearts.
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For emotion to flow freely, there must be vulnerability, generosity and love: Hunter integrating even the most difficult emotions into his story.
For him to grow into acceptance of his future major role, it would have involved wrestling with many questions to reach that place of conviction.
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im-just-a-bug · 29 days
Finished In Stars and Time last night and want to put down my thoughts bc that was nuts. Spoilers ahead v
Theres still much I havent seen, and ive only gotten one ending but man this game blew me away. Here are some things i loved about this game.
Timeloops are such a common plot device, a way to help the mc level up for the big bad, and the way they flipped that narrative on its head! The instant shift from "this is a gift to help me!" To "who did I think I was, how stupid," is so satisfying.
The music, at the end, terrified me. That first time Headmaiden broke down, and the music glitched and deteriorated, i realized oh. Oh fuck this is a kind of horror game isn't it. I wasnt wrong.
The changes in character art!!
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The subtle things; the mirror never catches you by surprise again. Your battle sprite looks bored. You stop making silly noises at the birds.
That moment in act 3 where everything is finally going right, your companions love you and youve never felt more content, and Siffrin wins and gets to the end and they loop anyway. The way that the first time his party notices anything wrong is when he is completley and utterly heartbroken, the way they run to him. And he wakes up in the meadow, to allies that don't love him anymore. Who have no idea what hes going through. Who aren't grateful. And love didnt win the game so they go searching for answers and it makes sense but it makes everything worse.
You talk to King, and for a second you think everything might work out because stranger things have happened. And after a whole game of Bonnie being safe, Bonnie running away. Bonnie never being in any real danger. King picks them up and crushes them in front of you to 'teach you a lesson.' And the terror on Sifs face the next loop they reach the King startled me deeply, and reminded me that this game is a god damn masterpiece.
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The way this game sets you up to stop caring about how you treat others, only to give you a real ending after what was essentially the WORST loop youve ever had?? Incredible. Siffrin doing everything he can to manipulate his way to the end, even if everyone hates him bc hes just so desperate. There's no point being nice, there's no point pretending in the end, bc he hopes there won't be another loop but in their heart they Know there will be, so what's the point? And he fumbles every interaction, makes every one of his friends hate his guts, and then has to fight the King alone. And then they save him anyway. They follow him and pick him up at the end (which cinematically is a God damn masterpiece all on its own God DAMN) and you figure out the whole time Siffrin was looping not bc the country fumbled a Wish, but because he didn't want his friends to go. He wanted to stay with them so badly he wished for it on accident, and the universe listened.
I haven't even gotten into how in awe I was, putting together the little puzzle pieces of Sifs backstory, of his island. Even in act 1 I was squinting my eyes. Several mentions of a whole island wiped from existence no one can remember? A protagonist with severe memory issues and no connection to or knowledge of any culture left? God I love this game.
And Loop. I didnt learn Loops story on my playthrough, but i looked into it and man. Its so incredibly neat that you have this character, this other siffrin, who went through these loops so many times they got desperate enough to make a whole NEW wish, unspecified and uncaring, just wanting something to change. Wanting help. And got shoved into our Siffrins reality instead, because wishes never work how you want them to. Finding their star room and their journal and trinkets and lore was so incredibly cool!! Though im confused why the journal says they made a cooy of themself, but their battle dialogue says they got shoved into a different reality. Idk, but it's still cool. And their anger, that someone else got their happy ending? Fucking mwah.
These characters are so complex and interesting and a day later im still in awe about it. There are so many parts of this game i havent even mentioned here that are like a punch in the face. So many little interactions, so many art shifts.
I loved this game deeply, and the only thing stopping me from playing more is guilt at taking away that ending. When a game makes u care about the characters that much, you know its a great game.
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rustingcat · 9 months
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Kara was late.
She hated being late, but the amount of paperwork she had to sign was much larger than she anticipated, and the lack of signal in the classified room in the DEO meant that she couldn't alert Lena on time.
Kara made it to the lab an hour later, more exhausted than she realised.
"Kara! Is everything okay?" Lena asked the moment Kara put her bag down.
"Yes, I'm so sorry for the delay. I had to sign a LOT of papers for the DEO." Lena seemed so engulfed in the work, their work. The last thing she wanted was for Lena to feel like she's forced to take on the load.
"The DEO? Did something happen?" The worry in her voice was clear. Kara put a reassuring smile on her face to take some of it away.
"Yes, yes. I just signed an employment contract, I'm officially no longer a vigilante!" Kara said with a small chuckle.
"Oh, why the change? I remember you weren't a fan of working for the government before, especially with everything that went down with Colonel Hailey." Lena walked closer to her, a concern not completely gone.
"Well, now that my identity is public knowledge, Alex was very adamant in reminding me how open I am for lawsuits. Both private ones and from the government, like they could potentially sue me for stuff they ask me to do! How crazy is that?"
"Did you sign it already? I could go over it to make sure they don't put any peculiar articles or subsections."
"It's ok, Alex is still in touch with Lucy Lane. They went over the contract together several times before presenting it to me. Lucy is really good with this stuff." She reassured her.
"So you're a government official?"
"Yeah, free from any Supergirl related lawsuits, and with some pretty sweet tax benefits. Plus all of the salary they wanted to give me is going to go to different kinds of selected charities of my choosing, so that's awesome."
"I'm glad it all worked out."
"Me too." Kara breathed in relief.
"I have some news, too." Lena said as an excited smile spread on her face.
"Do tell," Kara said, biting her lip as a smile matching Lena started spreading.
"Okay, while you were off signing what was no doubt a mountain of paperwork," Kara nodded, "I found and fixed the problem with the distributor." Lena proclaimed proudly.
"What was the problem?" Kara asked, matching her excitement.
"We switched the materials connecting it to the compressor, but not the ones connected to the bio-terminal!" She explained quickly, her hands moving around in excited blur to match.
"Oh Rao! So it means–"
"We can start testing!"
"Ahh- Lena that's amazing!" Kara crushed into her best friend, giving her the big tight hug she deserves. She absolutely loved hugging Lena, really she took any opportunity she got. Feeling her warp around her tightly as if not wanting to let go, her smell that somehow always smelled amazing and feeling her heartbeat so close to hers. Hugging Lena was amazing, and she really deserved the most amazing hug after that discovery.
"Wait, we don't have their DNA to test it with." Kara noted once they pulled away.
"It's just a test to see if it can even process something like that, It doesn't have to be theirs. We already have exactly what we need." Lena explained.
"What do you mean?" Kara was confused, they didn't collect any DNA ahead of time.
"Samples of two specimens of the same biological sex, not to mention a combination of human and non-human DNA." Lena smiled at her.
"Oh." The room suddenly felt hotter. "Yeah, no… yes I see. Yeah that- that would definitely work." They would be combining their DNA. She and Lena. Their biological data would be combined. Kara felt very normal about this.
"Will you be able to extract some of your blood? If not, we can try saliva." Lena asked and she started to look around for the tubes.
"I think I can," Kara answered, looking at her fingers in an attempt to decide which one would be easier to cut. It's not like she would have to worry about the long term effect of the wound as it would heal once she stepped out into the sun.
Lena was already grabbing a syringe by the time Kara decided to go with her thumb, hoping to make the surface of the wound big enough to extract more blood.
She checked with her tongue to see which of her teeth is the sharpest –her upper left fang, and attempted her first try. It was painful, yet unsuccessful. She braced herself for the unavailable pain and tried again. The metallic taste in her mouth paired with the pounding pain in her finger told her she was successful. She took out her thumb and tried to lift it in a way that no blood would spill out. She held it above the tube Lena handed to her, letting the small drops fill it as much as she could, squeezing a bit despite the pain, until she was satisfied with the amount.
A quick walk to the window, letting the reflected rays of the sunshine upon her finger, fixed the little cut she created. She only wished Lena had similar powers. The syringe made her cut relatively small, but a cut was still a cut in Kara’s book. Lena was pressing a small piece of cotton to her arm, holding it tightly as she worked.
Kara walked closer to her. She was healed at this point and just as familiar with the machine as Lena, it was her turn to put on some work. She took Lenas wounded arm and gave it a small kiss to make it better. Lena's cheeks were immediately coloured with a light share of pink.
"All better now." Kara smiled at her. "Do you mind if I take it from here? You can keep pressing on the arm."
Lena simply nodded.
Inserting their blood samples carefully, Kara directed the machine to start the process. It was odd, she thought to herself, seeing all of the biological specification options for the combined data of her and Lena's DNA. Afraid to make a mistake, she slowly pressed on each button, choosing to unspecify everything before starting the process.
Kara looked at Lena with an exciting smile, biting down both her upper and bottom lips in the anticipation.
"And now we wait." Lena smiled back.
They watched in silence as the machine processed their data, searching for any errors or possible problems. They went through the math and the coding multiple times, they were at the very least confident in their work. The test was not to see a baby going through a full term, that process would take a few months even in their very advanced machine. Not to mention that due to the possibility of success, they knew that their first test subject should be for people who would be willing parents. So the test itself was only to see if the machine can prepare their given data to what could later become an embryo and then a healthy fetus should they choose to continue.
The process bar got closer to the end. No errors yet.
Lena was still pressing on her wound as she followed the process bar closely with her eyes. Kara wasn't sure if it was worry, tension or excitement on her face. Probably a combination of the three. She couldn't say she was faring any better, chewing in her bottom lip with similar emotions.
The bar got closer to the end. 97%, 98%, 99%, 100%.
Kara instinctively inhaled quickly. Holding her breath until the bar disappeared completely, replaced by a 'process complete' message on the screen.
"Oh my god!" She heard Lena exhale in relief.
"It worked!" Kara turned to face her, mouth wide open in shock and excitement.
"It did!" Lena confirmed in amazement.
They were hugging again before Kara fully realised she was doing it. Jumping in excitement in Lena’s arms as the latter laughed in response. When she settled down she noticed how close their faces were to each other, she could feel the heat radiating off of Lena's face warm her own. Suddenly their excited hearts became louder to her ears as she watched Lena wet her own lips. Kara instinctively mimicked the movement. They stayed like that for a moment, before Lena suddenly pulled away. Kara felt a pang of disappointment she could not name.
"I should check on this one project before I leave for today. Could you finish everything here?" Lena hurried to find her back, refusing to meet Kara's eyes.
"Sure," she had no problem wrapping everything herself. "What do you want to do with the PF?" It was the name they decided on for a successful processed DNA combination, a shorthand for Potential Fetus.
"It's not important, you can dispose of it." Lena finished collecting her stuff and exited before Kara could respond.
"Right." She muttered to the empty room. The project she went to check on must've been important.
Kara turned her attention back to the machine. She was familiar with the options, she designed the UI herself after all, yet they gave her pause. The button to proceed to the next stage had somehow become the most fascinating thing in the world. Flash images of small hands, a wild patch of dark hair and big striking green eyes passed through her mind in quick succession. She only noticed she clicked the button once a warning message asking her if she was sure she'd like to proceed popped up on the screen. Small panic went through her body as she realised what she almost did, Rao she almost greenlighted the creation of a baby for her and Lena.
She quickly pressed no, and moved on to check the other options. She had no need to restart the process to respect the bio-data for the PF, nor make changes to the DNA. She stared at the button to terminate the PF and all data related to it, but couldn't bring herself to do it. The images flashed her mind again. She wasn't sure what it was but she couldn't bring herself to do it, she couldn't press the button.
A message from Lena asking if she wanted a ride home made her notice the time. She sent her a quick message saying she would be right there, and turned back to the machine. Kara made a quick decision to store the data for later use, just in case they wanted to reexamine it, of course. Plus it was their first success, it could also be a reminder of their progress.
Kara finished turning off whatever unnecessary parts to keep the power consumption at a minimum, went over everything twice and spared a moment to stare at the container, before she left.
The images followed her to her dream that night, along with a familiar dimpled smile by her side.
Read in order in AO3
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
Hi y’all! This is my last unprompted angsty fic for a little! Gonna go back to our usually scheduled hijinks that are sitting in my request pile, I wanted to do this one first. I write all these as a way to deal with things that happen in my own life, whether it’s stressing about school and work, stupid romance, great romance, family, health, whatever, and I wanted to say (yet again) thank you for all the support. Sometimes I still can’t believe that you all like what I write but hey, there ya go
It’s funny, because my most popular fics are the ones that have been written directly out of my actual life. The ones that start out hard-to-deal-with, or with real, palpable heartbreak. The endings are often different because real life isn’t guaranteed a happy ending, but I’m allowed to take the past and see what it would be like if things went differently.
My characterization of Jamie is based on the only person I’ve ever really loved, which is why I can write his voice so clearly. I first watched Ted Lasso and was surprised at how similar they were, stupid hair and all. A lot of these fics are my way of archiving our story and immortalizing parts of it, as well as reminding myself that the love was there. It didn’t last and it wasn’t supposed to, but it was there.
Now, what’s real and what’s fiction? I’ll leave that up to you to decide, but I will say that it’s more than you might think and less than you might hope for.
So if you read this current fic and think, “huh, that was a really specific premise,” well I got news for you! It is. I’m in the first part of my journey on this, the early stages, and this story is not the way I want things to go for me. But I’m hoping that by creating a good ending out of a rough beginning, I can better face whatever lies ahead for me whether I approach it on my own two feet or with the assistance of some really sick wheels.
Anyway, enjoy this or skip it, it won’t hurt my feelings!
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how to love being alive
Jamie’s at training when he gets the call. He barely registers the words on the other side when he’s cursing something awful, enough to make Roy Kent blush, and saying something about an emergency before speeding out the door. He pauses for a moment to look up an address in his phone, then he’s tearing out of the parking lot in a manner that puts Colin to shame. 
To summarize, he’s not acting like himself. 
He pulls up to a chiropractor of all places and the girl at the front desk must be able to tell who he’s here for because she just points to a door down the hall. Jamie’s pretty sure he’s never moved this quick in his life and wonders if this could translate to the pitch. Sure he’s fast, but he could always be faster. 
He bursts through the door to see you borderline catatonic, staring at the floor while a doctor pats your arm. She looks at Jamie and says, “Let’s chat for a minute outside,” before he has a chance to say a single thing. Jamie can’t tear his eyes away from you as the doctor leads him out and shuts the door. 
“Thought emergency contacts were for like, hospitals and shit,” he says. 
The chiropractor shakes her head. Jamie notes that her name tag says “Dr. Hadley,” and has a vague memory of you mentioning her a few months ago. 
God, it feels like a lifetime ago. 
“We’re not confident she’s in a fit state to get herself home,” Dr. Hadley says. “Her headspace is a little messed up, which is to be expected. Usually people come to these types of appointments with some moral support.”
Jamie asks, “What kinds of appointments?” and Dr. Hadley tilts her head at him. 
“You are Mr. Tartt, aren’t you?” she asks and Jamie just scoffs because he can’t decide between responding obviously, or telling her no, he’s not Mr. Tartt, that’s his father. He’s just Jamie. 
Dr. Hadley knows who he is because she doesn’t live in a hole in the ground, so she doesn’t ask for identification. She takes his scoff as permission to keep talking, so she says, “She’s here for her MRI results. We’ve been in the process of treating a protrusion on her spine.”
Jamie is positive everyone in this office must think he’s on drugs because Dr. Hadley is talking like he’s supposed to know this, but for the life of him he knows you’d never said a thing. 
“Your girlfriend has been in a severe amount of pain over the last few months, and we’ve finally been able to see the extent of the problem. Apparently she thought it would just go away, but it never did. So now she’s here with us.”
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Jamie says automatically. Because it’s true, innit? You’re not. You’ve been broken up for a month because he couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t take the irritation at attending his matches and the tossing and turning in bed at night and the fact that you were wound so tight that you’d snap at the most minor offenses. 
You hadn’t been surprised when Jamie said he couldn’t do it anymore, it’s over, and at the time he had wished that you’d shown just a tiny sliver of emotion. After all, a year and two months is a long time to be with someone for you to coldly slide him his key and then turn away as though he were a stranger. 
He could have sworn there was a glimmer of tears in your eyes, but they’d looked that way for a bit now so maybe it was just allergies. There’s no reason for you to have been in the verge of tears for the entire month before the breakup, right?
But he can’t think about that now because Dr. Hadley is frowning at him in a way that so comically reminds him of Roy’s sister that he has to bite back a laugh. 
Everything’s all twisted. 
“I certainly hope your split was amicable,” Dr. Hadley says. “You’re the only one listed as her emergency contact. She needs someone to get her home safely.”
“Right,” says Jamie. “Yes. Fuck. Right. Um, what exactly is wrong with her?” 
Dr. Hadley shakes her head. “That’s her personal information to share with you at her prerogative. And we should probably go see her, I’m sure she doesn’t want to be alone for long.”
Jamie snorts at that. This doctor doesn’t know you at all. If you’ve received any type of bad news the last thing you want is people hanging around. 
Jamie used to pride himself on being the only one you’d let into the bad-new bubble. 
You don’t count with those other people, you’d said once while wrapped around Jamie so tight he thought he’d have to call Ted to bring a crowbar. You said, I don’t have to pretend around you. I don’t ever get tired of you.
Jamie bitterly thinks that that statement turned out to be a lie, but he shakes it off because you’ve only been separated a month, and apparently he’s still your emergency contact for a doctor he didn’t know you had been seeing and fuck if you didn’t look like the most pitiful thing he’d ever seen. He’ll pretend it’s ok for as long as it takes to get you home and comfortable, and then he’s calling this office to get his number switched off. 
So he follows Dr. Hadley back into the room as she softly says your name in order to break whatever trance has you studying the carpet like your final exam is in ten minutes. 
You can barely look at her as she whispers something about going home and being gentle, to which you nod and finally look at Jamie. 
He wonders if you recognize him, because the stare you have is so vacant that you might as well be looking at a stranger. 
“Is she on drugs?” he asks because it looks like you’re on drugs. 
Dr. Hadley shakes her head and holds out her arm to help you up. “No, she’s just in a lot of pain. And emotional distress. It’s a killer combo, and she’ll need extra gentle handling for a while. No sitting for too long, no bending, no lifting. There’s a back support at the front desk for you to take.”
Jamie thinks he hears something pointed in the way Dr. Hadley says, extra gentle. What, like he doesn’t know how bad an injury can take you out? He’s in the Premier League for fuck’s sake. He knows how to deal with a strained muscle. 
Dr. Hadley transfers your arm over to Jamie’s so smoothly that he barely understands what’s happening as she ushers you both out the door, thrusting a small foam roll into Jamie’s free hand. 
“For lumbar support,” she says. “Won’t help much, but it’s better than nothing.”
Jamie’s pretty sure he’s said thanks as you climb in the car and then he’s in the drivers seat and it’s dead quiet. 
“Right,” he says to the silence. “What the fuck.”
You’re picking at your nails something fierce. Jamie has to fight the urge to take your hand in his. A month of separation is not long enough for this shit. 
“Can you just drive?” you ask in a broken voice. “I don’t want to be sitting for longer than I have to.”
There’s a new pitch in your voice, one Jamie’s never heard before, so he doesn’t argue. He doesn’t turn on the radio or a playlist or a podcast or anything, just drives in silence. He knows if it’s quiet long enough, you’ll talk. 
He’s the opposite. He doesn’t need time to crack wide open, just a kind touch or a soft glance and he’s an open book. He was always shocked how early into your relationship you’d figured that out. A soft, “What’s on your mind, Jaim?” and he was unloading about whatever stress or fear he had. 
He’s two minutes away from your flat when you break the silence. “I have gradual onset paralysis,” you say in a voice devoid of emotion. “‘Gradual onset’ means it happens over time. Paralysis means, well…paralysis.”
Jamie can hear what you’re saying and he understands it, but what catches him is the way you’re like nothing more than a hollow body. Not cracking a joke, not picking a fight. Just- empty. 
Jamie says a long and drawn out “Fuuuckk,” because what else can you say? It’s not really his business to comfort you or to pry, except he’s the one the doctor called, so he allows himself one question. 
“How did it happen?”
Last he knew, you were healthy as a horse. 
“Two disks in my spine popped,” you reply, still in that same awful emotionless voice. “They’re not really sure how, could’ve been any number of things. Anyway, it got into my nerves. And my spinal cord. And it’s messing things up and it’s only going to get worse. The scans were to see if they could operate, because sometimes you can remove the shards. Or whatever it is. But I guess they can’t, because if they tried I’d definitely be paralyzed. So all I can do now is be in pain and wait for my legs to shut down.”
Jamie doesn’t know how to respond to any of that but he’s saved from thinking of an adequate response because he’s at your flat. 
It was smart of you not to sell it when you’d moved in with Jamie. He wonders if you knew the breakup was inevitable. 
He hops out and opens the door like a gentleman, offering his hand like he’s some Mr. Darcy-type shit, except you had both agreed that Roy was Mr. Darcy and he was Bingley. So it doesn’t fit at all except as soon as you’re done clutching his hand so you can get out without unnecessary pain, his hand flexes itself like he’s in that damn movie. 
It wasn’t even a conscious choice, just a thing his hand decided to do, and he definitely thinks he’s going to have to talk to Ted about this. Or maybe Sam. Sam knows shit and is good at empathy. Maybe he’ll know what to say when your ex-girlfriend tells you she’s not going to walk ever again. 
Jamie follows you to the door as you fiddle with the lock and push it open with a sigh. For a moment he doesn’t know if he should go inside, but it smells like honey and cinnamon because it’s the beginning of fall and he thinks that he should at least make sure you’ll be alright. 
He notices you’re moving weird. All stiff, like. You’re trying to get an icepack out of the freezer but you can’t maneuver in a way that’s comfortable so Jamie grabs it and hands it to you. 
You mumble, “Thanks,” and Jamie catches a glimpse of the perpetual glimmer in your eye. 
“D’you need me to call someone?” he asks. “I can get Keeley down here. Or fucking… Ted. Or Colin.” He doesn’t say Sam, because he needs Sam. He can’t talk to Sam if he’s here with you. 
You shake your head. Jamie wonders if it hurts to talk, but he remembers how much you hate the sound of your voice when you’re crying. 
You take a slow, shallow breath to collect yourself. “I’m ok,” you finally say. “Not much anyone can do, and you’ve got training. I- I didn’t know they’d call you. I still have to switch your number with someone else. I’m probably going to ask Keeley since my family’s still far away.”
“Right,” Jamie says. Not much else to say. Except- 
“You were seeing that bone doctor when we were together, and you didn’t fucking say anything?”
It’s accusatory and he knows it, but he can’t for the life of him say it kinder. Ted’s always on about communication and shit, and that is not communication. 
You shuffle over to the couch and use it to help you lay face down in the floor. The icepack is precariously balanced on the small of your back. 
“Didn’t know how to tell you,” comes your muffled voice. “Least, I figured out how to tell you too late. What was I gonna say, ‘Sorry I’ve been a complete bitch to you for four weeks, I’ve got shit floating around in my spine that makes me hurt so bad I want to die?’ Sounds fucking stupid.”
Jamie wants to say, Swear jar because it’s a long-standing joke, but he catches the words right before they reach the tip of his tongue. 
“You could’ve said something,” he replies instead. “Chronic pain’s shit. It’s really shit and it makes you act like shit to the people you care about. It’s not an excuse, but it’s a reason.” As the words are coming out of his mouth, Jamie is reminded of a time when the roles were reversed, and you were giving him the “excuse versus reason,” speech. 
You’d said, You’re dad’s an abusive prick, Jamie. Makes sense that you’d have a lot of negative emotions. 
Fuck, if only you’d said something sooner. Maybe this would be something that you’d be cracking jokes about, or Jamie would be holding your hand, or he’d be laying right next to you as he runs his fingers through your hair. 
But your muscles spasm so that thought gets banished as you bite on your forearm in an effort not to yell. 
“Fucking hell,” Jamie says. “I don’t think you’re sorted on your own. I’m calling Ted.”
He walks to the other room so he can pretend he can’t hear your protests. 
Ted leaves training to Roy, Beard, and Nate. What’s the point in having four coaches if one of ‘em can’t leave for family emergencies?
Sure, you’re not actually family, but that’s Ted for you. He doesn’t do casual friendships. 
Jamie is out the door like a shot as soon as Ted knocks with a “Sorry, coach,” that Ted barely has a chance to wave off. 
Ted doesn’t say much once he’s inside, just rambles on about training and Kansas and Henry. He’s clattering around in your kitchen and you can’t find it in yourself to care what he’s doing so you just keep laying on the floor, willing your back to stop hurting. 
Finally, he comes over and sets down a smoothie in a short glass with a straw. 
“It’s so you can drink it without moving,” he explains. 
“I don’t think I can do this,” you say more to the couch legs than to Ted.
He sighs from where he’s crouched down next to you. “You don’t really have a choice, darlin’. You have to do this. The question is, are you gonna go through it alone?”
You shrug as best as you’re able. 
“Wrong answer,” says Ted, standing up. “You’ve got a whole crew of people here who are gonna root for you and support you with whatever you need. All you got to do is ask, sweetheart.”
Ah, fuck, you’re crying again and Ted can definitely tell because your shoulders are shaking. He’s pretty sure you’d want to save face so he stands up and says, “Beard’s coming over after training. Says he wants to figure out how to modify your house for a wheelchair or something. Thought I’d make us all dinner so we’re not so hangry when he mentions taking an ax to anything.”
The mental image of Coach Beard chopping down your stairs is enough to make you smile a little through your tears.
Waiting is really shitty. Like, really shitty. Every day is the same thing: tingly legs, shooting pains, phantom cramps. The worst was when Dani and Richard were over and you stood up to get something from the fridge, and your legs decided at that moment to lose feeling. You panicked with your arms held out for balance as you swayed back and forth for a moment, willing your feet to fucking move. They did, but not before Dani and Richard were on you in a flash, ready to catch you if you fell.
“Well that was weird,” you joke in an effort to cut the tension. They laugh, but you still catch their worried glance.
“You do not have to put on a brave face for us,” Dani says. “If you want to joke, we will joke. But if you want to cry, we will cry too.”
“You can cry,” Richard says, “I will just pour more wine.”
You laugh. There’s been a steady stream of Greyhounds at your flat for the last week and a half. Everyone and their mother (quite literally) has come by to see you. Your own parents were coming in a week to stay indefinitely while you sorted things out.
You wonder if it’s easier to lose control of your legs slowly or all at once? On the one hand, you at least have notice. But on the other hand, the long, drawn-out waiting feels like slow torture. Every day you wake up from restless sleep and experimentally wiggle your toes. Every day, you check off one more box on your mental calendar as you count down to a date that doesn’t even properly exist.
The only person who hasn’t visited is Jamie. You don’t blame him, though. Keeley’s come round almost every single day and has been successfully switched to your emergency contact. She’s the one you’re calling as soon as you discover you can’t move.
You’re pretty sure it’s getting closer. Your legs fall asleep more frequently and things are all numb. It’s like you know you’re in pain, but it’s not quite registering with your nerves.
It fucking sucks.
You don’t believe in intuition like spirits and all that, but you believe in it in that your brain can pick up things that you couldn’t if you were actually trying.
That’s why you’re pretty sure this is it.
Walking is pretty much a no-go right now, so you stiff-leg yourself to the couch and sprawl out as comfortably as you can.
You call Keeley, and she’s over in no time.
“Hi babes,” she says as soon as she’s through the door, “Can I call Rebecca for girls’s night?”
“Sure,” you say, “Might as well live it up.”
Keeley replies, “Great! She’ll be here in ten minutes,” and you laugh, really actually laugh, because of course Keeley’s already called her.
Rebecca swoops in all smiles and no sympathy which is great because if one more person pushes their lower lip out at you, you’re going to scream. She’s brought drinks and Keeley’s pulling out snacks and you’re going to talk and giggle until you fall asleep, ready for what the morning has.
“Is Shandy making a move on that one player?” Rebecca asks Keeley from the couch. 
“Nah,” Keeley calls back, “He said he wasn’t interested right now. Still hung up, I think.”
“What player?”  you ask. You know what Shandy’s like, and you feel for the poor guy.
Rebecca and Keeley are silent before Keeley says, “You wouldn’t know him.”
“Bullshit,” you reply. “I know everyone on that team and I know you haven’t signed anyone new recently. Is it Colin?” 
Rebecca shakes her head and gives Keeley a look. Keeley shrugs. “You’re the one who brought it up, babes.”
Rebecca turns to you. “It’s Jamie,” she says. “She’s been trying to bag him ever since Zava showed up.”
You shake your head. “She’s not right for him. He deserves someone better than that.”
Keeley’s back from the kitchen and scrutinizing your expression. “And what exactly do you mean by better?” she asks.
You laugh. “Oh no, not me. I wasn’t talking about me. No, I’m not- he needs someone different. Like, I don’t know, Roy’s sister, maybe? She’s great and a doctor to boot. Very caring too.”
“You’re caring,” Keeley says slowly, “And anyway, Molly doesn’t like him like that. They’re just friends.”
“Hang on, are you putting yourself in the same bracket as Shandy?” Rebecca interjects.
You shrug. “I was a complete bitch the last month we were together. There’s no excuse for it. I’m just surprised he lasted as long as he did.”
“You were in fucking pain!” Keeley exclaims. “You said you weren’t sleeping and everything fucking hurt and you couldn’t even think straight.”
You grab a handful of candy from a bowl. “Keels, I appreciate the sentiment, but I majorly fucked it. Like, there’s no going back. So he can date whoever he wants as long as it’s not fucking Shandy. Can we please, please move on?”
Rebecca’s eyes are narrowed but they both acquiesce. “Keeley, what about your love life? I’m sure it’s boring as usual.”
Keeley shrieks and smacks her with a pillow. “Fuck off,” she replies. “I’ll have you know it’s going very well…”
You were right. You wake up still on the couch tangled in Keeley’s arms, and the standard toe-wiggle just… doesn’t happen. It’s quiet, the early morning type, the kind where the sunlight isn’t so harsh and birds are chirping softly and all of Richmond hasn’t quite got up to begin their day. 
As you look at your unmoving toes, the first thing you feel is a rush of relief. The waiting’s over, you think. 
You look over to the wheelchair that’s been leaning patiently against the wall all this time. Here’s the first day of forever. You’re in no rush for it to start, so you let Keeley’s little snores and Rebecca’s heavy breathing lull you back to sleep. 
It’s definitely a learning curve. And it’s frustrating. And if one more person catches you crying out of sheer rage, you’re going to start throwing things. But like Ted said, you don’t really have a choice. 
Your mom said, “The only way out is through,” then grinned at the murderous glare you shot her way. She opened her phone and pulled up a picture of you, age three. “Same lovely expression as always,” she remarks cheerfully. That cracks your frown. You always were a funny kid. 
It takes a while to figure out how to get places. Keeley (the absolute angel) volunteered, but she’s busy with the PR firm and quite frankly, a little too delicate to help you into a car. You made the mistake of saying this exactly one time and because subject to a rant about how she’s “not weak, just PETITE FOR FUCK’S SAKE!!”
Roy had punctuated her argument with a couple “That’s fucking right, babe"s all while rolling his eyes behind her back. It made you giggle. 
The general consensus was that at any given reasonable hour (or unreasonable if you’re Richard or Bumbercatch) a Greyhound or coach would be able to get you where you’re needed. And today, that place is Nelson Road. 
“How often does Jamie come visit?” Jan Maas asks, straightforward as ever. 
“Um, never,” you reply. “We broke up, remember?”
“Right,” agrees Jan Maas. “We all know that, I just assumed you had gotten back together.”
You laugh. How absurd. “And why on earth would you assume that?”
“Because he talks about you all the time,” comes his prompt reply. 
Huh. That’s interesting. You haven’t received so much as a single emoji from Jamie, but hadn’t thought a thing of it. But this, this is strange. This does not fit into your idea of how broken up people act. 
“Weird,” you say. “Wonder what the fuck that’s about.”
Jan Maas shrugs and moves to lift you from the car. 
It’s weird to be at Nelson Road, number one because it’s been FOREVER, number two because you’re eye-level with all sorts of things you’d never noticed before (ahem, part of the wall Roy kicked that no one cared to patch up), and number three because the last time you were here, it was as Jamie Tartt’s girlfriend. 
Jan holds open the door as you roll in, ready to face whatever lies in wait. 
It turns out whatever is a very excited Ted and Beard as well as a neutral Roy who present you a coaching jacket and a whistle. 
“You’re coaching with us today because that little rat bastard Nate went to the dark side,” Beard says. 
You remark, “Tell us how you really feel,” earning a snort from Roy and a chuckle from Trent Crimm. 
“Oh yeah,” Ted says, “this is Trent. He’s writing a book.”
“Cool,” you say, “but you do know I know jack shit about coaching?”
Beard shrugs. “Neither do we. Worked out pretty well so far.” That earns another snort from Roy. 
“Right,” you say. “Well, I guess I’m up for anything.”
“You mean ‘down,’” says Ted. “Oh I’m sorry, is it too soon?”
“Never,” you reply. “It’s never too soon to make trauma-related puns and this world, it’s either laugh or cry. So fuck it, I’m going to laugh.”
“Fuck yes,” grunts Roy before turning on his heel to yell at the team to GET THE FUCK ON THE PITCH YOU LITTLE PRICKS!
You don’t do much except sit there and watch as the coaches yell and point and run drills. It’s a chore to remind yourself not to check out Jamie’s butt as he runs by so you start thinking not yours, not yours, like a mental mantra. 
He’s not looking at you so you won’t look at him and you’re sure it won’t be a problem because there are so many people to look at and talk to, except lunch rolls around (haha) and you sit at the head of a table and Jamie’s on the bench right next to you. So. There goes the no eye-contact plan. 
You take exactly two bites of your sandwich before thinking fuck this and pushing yourself back so you can roll away. You can just take the elevator to see Becca. 
You’ve made it a good way down the hall when you hear Jamie calling your name while saying, “Wait,” so you move a little faster. 
But it’s still new and you’re painfully reminded that arms are not legs so he catches you with ease. 
 “The fuck are you running away for?” he asks, and you want to point out that technically, you weren’t running. Metaphorically though, he’d be right. 
“I’m not running,” you reply. “I was just going to see Rebecca.”
“Bullshit,” he says. “I know you, and that was running. Is it because of me?”
“No,” you say, and you realize how much you’ve been looking up today. Your fucking neck needs a break so you rub it and look straight ahead, past Jamie at a life-size decal of O’Brien on the opposite wall. 
“Why would I be running away from you? You’re not- I’m the shitty ex in this situation. I’m the one who fucked things up, Jamie, so… you don’t have to like, pretend that it’s your problem. I actually think it would be better if you were just mad and avoided me instead of whatever the hell is currently happening.”
Jamie rubs his jaw. He should be exasperated, he should, but instead the gears in his mind are turning. A few words stick out to him and then it’s like the final puzzle piece has clicked into place. 
“Hang on,” he says slowly. “Hold the fuck up. Did you mess things up on purpose?”
The moment the words are out of his mouth he wants to take them back and apologize, because there’s no way they’re actually true, except you have a look on your face that can only be described as guilty. 
“Fuuckkk,” Jamie breathes out and you hurriedly interject, “It wasn’t intentional! At least, not at first. It started because I was irritable because I hurt a lot, and then I convinced myself that I was faking it so I got mad at myself for being a little liar. And then I couldn’t sleep because I hurt so bad and everything was making me uncomfortable so I started snapping at you. I noticed it pretty quick so I figured I’d get the pain checked out and sorted because I didn’t think pulled muscles were supposed to last this long. And it turned out that it wasn’t a pulled muscle but some of my disks were all weird, and then one day in between physical therapy and the chiropractor, I fell on my back and jostled everything wrong and it fucking popped.”
Jamie thinks he knows exactly when that was. He remembers you saying something about falling while walking to your car after work and him asking if you needed ice. It was at the tail end of things, and he’d taken your stiffness figuratively as opposed to literally. Like, you were acting all cold because you hated him, not because you couldn’t move. 
“So,” you continue, “I just leaned into it. I mean, Dr. Hadley was only one of my doctors, but she’s the one who told me I- you know, could end up like this. She said if things popped and it got into my spinal cord or fluid or whatever and they couldn’t get it out, it was only a matter of time before it messed everything up. They only way to stop it at that point would be to not move so either way, I end up stuck.” 
You half-sob, half-laugh. “I didn’t know how to tell you and I could tell you were already annoyed with me so I just decided to let it happen. You’re better off without me, anyway. I hate asking for help and I hate when people give me empathetic looks or what-fucking-ever, and I was going to have to ask you for a lot of help. You don’t even fucking have time for that, Jamie.”
Jamie is at a loss for words, and you’ve run out of things to say. 
You stare at each other in the hallway by the elevator, breathing heavily. You’ve both triggered each other’s fight-or-flight response, and it seems you’re both down for a fight.
“Right,” Jamie says finally, “ok, yeah, ok. You didn’t tell me because you didn’t want me to have to deal with this?”
You nod. 
“Right,” he says again. “That’s fucked up.”
You don’t respond and he looks at you closely. “You know that’s fucked up, yeah?”
You shrug. 
“Jesus, babe.” Jamie runs his hands through his hair. He’s going to have to fix his headbands. “Alright,” he says yet again, “look. Dr. Sharon and me- we talk. And, you’re supposed to be able to talk to people about shit like this. Like, me playing football isn’t supposed to mean I don’t have time for the people I love. And if you’re feeling that way or if you’re hurting, you have to tell me so I don’t think you’re being all pissed off because you hate me. That’s the whole point of love, babe. You take care of each other’s shit.”
“Jamie, I can’t get places easily anymore. I can’t drive and I can’t go up steps. I will never be able to storm the pitch to kiss you or walk with you in Brazil. I get mad really easily because everything’s so fucking frustrating and I just want to punch something.” You shake your head. “You don’t deserve any of that. You need someone who can be there for you and isn’t a total pill to be around.”
“Are you fucking trying to push me away?” he asks.
“Yes!” you exclaim. “Obviously!”
“Well fucking don’t. You almost had me the first time, but good luck getting rid of me now.”
“For fuck’s sake, just kiss,” groans Will, walking by with an armful of laundry. 
“Fuck off, William!” you both say in unison and then Jamie’s on one knee, eye-level with you and brushing a thumb across your chin. 
“Fucking hell, love,” he breathes. “You have to remember that you can talk to me, yeah? Just promise you’ll remember.”
You nod, unable to speak. 
“Good,” he says. “We’re giving this another go. And if you can’t kiss me on the pitch, might as well do it here, yeah?”
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princess-pray-a · 10 months
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warnings : mention of death of komugi oneshot , slightly alteration than real anime , intro of new character y/n , vaginal penetration, 1st time , creampie , breeding kink, unsafe sex, soft mereum, , kissing , breasts fondling m sucking breasts, mereum has 10inch cock , mate au, smut , 18+
Characters : Mereum X reader
minors donot interact
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Komugis death broke mereum, his humanity that had sprouted out now seemed to eat him. Trying to finally understand his act of killing humans, almost causing genoside makes him step aside from her injured body trembling . The impact from the debris was Enough to rob of her life , and pitou was also unable to rescue no matter what she did . The king finally realized what he had done what loss he caused for the human kind and how his ideals were the cause of suffering . The lifeless body of komugi taught him his extreme ways had caused multiple others to feel the same anguish and torment he faced , what if they had more than one person they cared in the way he did for komugi the pain would have been much much terrible .
was he really the top of all when he couldn’t even understand that sentiment of people he wanted to rule over ? he should better understand their emotion , wouldn’t that be better for even himself !? Seeing Netero risk his life to prevent killing of many humans ,brought to his understanding that power existed to protect the once weaker than them . The human society was definitely warped but what he did was nothing a sort to be celebrated . An emotion bubbled within him , I will come back to rule only when I can truly stand to the the leader of this being . seeing the display of humanity by the king
Netero and Zeno felt compelled to hear him out , he surrendered claiming he was stupid enough to think that he could rule over human without even knowing how they operate , The pride in his words were evident though pouf tried to stop him , he continued “ I need to grasp what this humanity is better understand everyone starting from my guards and those around me before I set a conquest for a world , I don’t mean to rule over the mass full of corpses merely controlled by me , so I believe it will be a worthless fight no matter which party wins “. Nefero went ahead with the negotiations “fine whatever it is what do we get in return for simply going on your wimps !? Can you sure never to lay a hand on human life !? To consume human !?” Mereum was silent he felt conflicted , many emotions , ran through him one that was starving for the rare human and another imagining to witness another loss like komugi , but he made his decision quick ,” fine I won’t devour human , but for the bargain if your kind willingly pick up fight with my royal guard or me you will be devoured that instant.
The king and royal guards of chimera ant make their way out .now that the fight was , taking away the lifeless body of komugi and buried her .This was a path for the king to find and explore his humanity all before you met him . You are a hunter who just learned her nen and had ventured the mountain fei outskirts of pejing for finding a rare herb to make medicine as the medical hunter . You Who have been studying microbiology unknowingly endup infiltrating the base of these royal guards and the king. Your small stature shoulder length brown curly hair side swept and sparkly brown eyes made you look vulnerable yet precious. Luck wasn’t at your side hence you got capture by the royal guards then you were now presented before the king mereum
Many even today when presented front him trembled through pitou s en and aura . But you simply bowed them . Why are you here are you here to challenge me for duel !? . The king asked you who was pure of heart simply replied “ Oh no no sorry for intruding your place I simply came to look for yarshagumba . I am a medical hunter you see ! “The. King sensed a feeling of deja vu your figure reminded him of komugi that komugi who introduced him to humanity and feelings he at that moment he hadn’t realized but now it was clear it was love . “Take her to the guest chamber and treat her with utmost care” . The words from the king made royal guards reply immediately “ as your highness wishes”. The king who was almost dead inside finally showed the signs of life in pitou s eyes , though pouf felt he was returning back to his time with komugi but now as the situation and time had passed he realized a king without emotions would only command an army as a robot . For the spiritual well being of a king they needed her .
you smiled brightly at the king with the kindness and fondness that even komugi couldn’t deliver . She was blind she didn’t see the beastly form he had , but you you saw him yet you could smile soo sweetly at him with no malice in your heart . She was not a beauty but you were far more brighter than her , not in complexion but your light was beautiful, your heartbeat was a melody, your aura the most calming and nurturing, oh how could he forget you were a healer, a medical hunter , “ Thankyou soo much for your kindness I will make sure to repay it somehow,” you said clearly with innocent curiously. “ by the way what is your name he asked !?”. His eyes peered searching for komugi the same name that had left its print on his heart . But alas “ it’s Y/N .. and what about you ?” . The king that had been in a sea of thoughts came back he,, what had he expected , she was gone and you are a different person . You had asked beaming with excitement again . He blinked a few times and a smile to his lips “it’s Mereum, “ he was finally able to answer his name to someone , it gave him a sense of accomplishment. “ your name is mereum the light that rules over all that was what your mother wanted you to know “ the word of Netero. “ ahhh it’s such a beautiful name “. Your smile from ear to ear now thawing his heart , he felt something flutter he never had experience such emotions , what he had with komugi was excitement of game and wish to protect her but with you , he was having these different emotions .
he wanted to know more about you , what is your inner working ,how could you stand there smiling without fear in front of a creature as him , komugi was blind but you , you could see yet there was no hostility or wary ness. He chuckled to himself . “You may leave I will meet you tomorrow to know about yarchagumba or what you said “. “ hehe surely can’t wait” waving to him you are escorted by the royal guards .
Next day mereum couldn’t wait to venture out with you , what in the world had you seen to make you soo carefree , he was curious to step into your view your own ideas . “ good morning mereum shall we go ?” You ask him hopping and full of energy you were somewhat that was an energy ball in his gloomy life he was blinded by your light !” Yes let’s go “ matching steps with you he went to scout the area . “ together you explained him how rare is yarchagumba and how to pick it up , dancing and singing while dwelling in the mountain . You taught him how song heals the soul . The beauty of dance during festivals and falling in love with the nature . In spotting a River you pull him together “ look the water is soo fresh come let’s go and soak the feet into it your feet might hurt you have been walking barefoot “ he was being soo patient with you, not saying no to any request or ideas because all these moments he was in your world was so peaceful and beautiful. He imitates what you do after removing your socks and shoes . The content expression on your face as the cool water wash over your sore feet makes his gaze glued to you , the simple moment making his heart race , and when you hum a tune while enjoying the breeze and cool water , he feels like hearing the most magnificent tune better than the violin of pouf . You both decided to catch some fish way back . When you both arrive at the base l the royal guard they are perplexed seeing you return with fishes. You are beaming so mereum motions his guards to say nothing to you , and they take the hint.
“Can I use the kitchen to cook ? I really am good at it I will also make it for you pitou,Pouf and Yupi sama so we can dine together “. Your demand is met by a laugh “ haha you really don’t fear us do you ! “Pitou says “ well I am ok if his highness is ok with it” pouf added
me too “ youpi simply replied . “ sure but I will want to watch you while you work if it’s given then you can cook” mereum said .
“Hehe sure I would love to be with you I can teach you about various stuffs too “ you replied . In the kitchen you show your skills using the vast range of spices telling him about them and their benefits to mereum simply as he gazed you down with aw.. “ after you were done you had meal with all of them together , they definitely didn’t feel different in taste but the way you brought them together gave the whole dining experience a new light even to the royal guards. Hence your days at the kings base was a new experience for them too .you were a light that was shining in their highnesses life .
it had been weeks , you had definitely grown a lot familiar with Mereum and known his story , every moment he shared with you was precious to you , you had fallen in love with the villain but did he feel the same for you !? Or he still loved his first love . That thought stung you . You were clutching a sketch you made of him while he was sitting ,it wasn’t the best sketch but good enough to say it was him . As you peered down into the forest through the balcony you heard footsteps approaching , the love of your life was there standing infront of you , you wanted to take that step a step where you could be closer to him than any other but we’re afraid . “Hello how was your day “ you asked as the last r of sunrays exited the room . “ it was good , what are you doing here alone ?” “Oh it was this picture of your I had made it’s not that good but still ” you showed him your creation and he smiled softly at you “ it isn’t bad after all , I wanted to have some talk with you is it ok ?” He asked cautiously. It wasn’t like him to ask for you for your permission so you went to his room for whatever it is .
“ do you know what a purpose I hold !? My birth is for ?” , you nodded at his question “ isn’t it that you are supposed to mate with other female creature and make them queens ?” The question made you feel heavy weight in your heart lump of throat and you started aching all through your body . What is he gonna say what is he gonna do ? Is he going to find females to reproduce with , would I be able to watch it !?” An array of questions flooded through your mind until it was he is voice that brought you. Back “ what do you think of me !? As a mate !?” “ ah .. huh you are .. perplexed embarrassed confused and spellbound .. does he see you as a potential mate !? Or just one among many ? The first he wants to try with ! Your over thinking brain just couldn’t take it any more ! You were at your limit as you finally confess .” Ahh well , I I really like you , more than like I love you but I know you still love Komugi , I really wished you saw me as lover but if you want to mate me I .. I would really love it if you had feelings for me or atleast I knew what you had in your heart for me !” Well you went ahead and did it and now there was no going back .
thinking that maybe you would be replied with a negative feedback or even death you strengthen yourself but you are embraced in a warm hug . “ how fool are you , you are unaffected during our intense aura but are trembling when expressing your heart how can you be so weak and strong at the same time !” He is warmth giving you a sense of relief but also your heart is pounding madly this is the closest you have been with him. He breaks the embrace and cups your cheeks “ komugi might have been my first crush but , you are different , I love you and only you , you bought light to my life , she gave me humanity but you gave me a world of richer in humanity wonders peace and love . The tension in the air grew heavy as your gaze locked with eachother his eyes spoke volumes of the affection he carried for you , your own eyes watered at the sight slightly sobbing ‘“ ah . *Sniff *I ,, Thankyou thankyou soo much , I have *sniff *never been loved , Thankyou for loving me as me , I love you too “ . He wasted no time capturing your lips kissing it will lust and brimming love for you . You replied back in kind . As the nose brush against eachother you get more and more lost in your kisses seeking eachother out changing angles deepening it as much as possible pouring your love together ,his tongue enters your mouth devouring you completely .
after some time of making you both part for air a string of saliva attaching you together your body goes limp as he guides you to his bed. Your face flushed and needy, his face too had a little of that blush . His hands roamed around your body feeling through your clothes . His each and every strokes sending sparks to your body . “ ahh ngg “ a moan escaped your lips .It’s ok look at me I am here allow me to hear all those naughty sounds of you my love “ he said his voice a soft murmur . He rained kisses from your eyelids to your breasts taking off the shirt, he kissed you deeply again holding your waist allowing you to straddle him . You were feeling lightheaded all consumed your heart raced full speed almost ready to rip out . Your lover claiming you as his queen the thought itself setting your body a blaze . Unclasping your bra he freed your breasts . “ you are soo beautiful and you are mine “ assuring you on the way he sucked breast drawing circles over your nipples . The sensation making your womanhood throb your walls clench around empty already lusting you moaned out calling his name while his hands made a quick work to get rid of your skirt and underwear ,feeling insecure you quickly went to hide but he stopped you mid way . “No let me cherish your every part love, show me each and every part of you I want to love it all . “ on his encouraging words you let him touch the most intimate spot of yours your wetness coating his fingers as he rubbed and scissored your making your ready to take him . He flipped you over laying you down and spreading your legs wide for him you could see his huge cock that was hard and long about 10 inches god would it even fit ,you thought was it a bad decision to back out now ,every thought coursed your brain that you may die but again as supportive he has been with you he said “ it’s ok it will be fine I have modified ones that secret extra lube so you can accommodate me ! I am here with you ! Look into my eyes and give yourself to me” believing what he claimed you allowed him to slowly penetrate ,you god the stretch was painful but ain’t that much as you thought would be however a tear rolled from the corner of your eyes , he kissed it running hands over your hair smoothing it lovingly . “ that’s good girl ngg fuck.. you are soo tight and feel soo good “ he was fully in you and started moving slowly after you adjusted the pain changed to pleasure and now you were asking more, “ ngg an faster mereu.m mhggg ahh yes yes god it feels soo good ahhh.”. He was thrusting into you pounding your pussy with huge speed making sure not to break you , his cock almost kissing your wombs insides as his cock bulge was seen in your lower tummy .” I can’t wait to breed you for the next season love “ we are going to have many’s many breeding seasons together “ he kissed you while fondling your breasts , you soon reached your high as your walls clenched around him you too could feel his cock twitch as you alert him of your coming orgasm “ ngg yes yes I am gonna c..cummm ahhh mer..merum come here … “ you pull him closer for a kiss “yes fuck y/n I am near too your walls are milking me make sure to take the kings seed well I am cumming “ you both reach your high simultaneously and his cock paints your walls white filling your womb while you wash his cock with your juices .and the extra drips out of your pussy He stays inside until every last drop of cum is released in you . Finally bringing a blanket to cover your bodies as you collapse from exhaustion . Smiling to you while kissing your forehead holding you in his embrace “ get rest we will start in an hour again well I won’t tell you for now but i will wake.you up love “
pouf enters to give some report to the king but sensing the lust he retreats mid way with a smile to himself his king has started the mating and now it was clear to not disturb them for two days conveying it to the other royal guards . well finally the king has found his mate but unlike other of his kind he faithfully lives with his queen until death takes them together as they die of old age in eachothers embrace. THE END .
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hoe4sports · 3 months
In the enemy’s locker
Katie Mccabe ft Leah williamson x reader
A/N: Consensual mild waterboarding. Can be read as a sequel to “Baller”.
You were tiptoeing after Jonas, the coach of your new club. He invited you to come an hour early to practice so you could see the facility and get everything from keycard to athletic wear sorted. “This is where the physical therapist is, if you have issues or concerns, especially regarding your acl; see him immediately.” He knocked on the door, and a few seconds later the door swung open. “Welcome to Arsenal!” The therapist yelled as he dragged you into a hug. “I’ll take it from here Jonas, I’ll bring her in before orientation.” He cheered as he dragged you along into the room. You werent too sure about what you were doing, but you would bet on a lecture about your acl and how to keep it activated. He signaled for you to hop up on the bench, and being a professional athlete that was common curtesy.
“Right or left acl?”
He did tests on both your feet to check out the resistance. “It’s my- OW” you yelled as he flexed the right achillies . A sense of embarrassment quickly spread across Your body, and you looked at him with an apologetic look. You hadn’t really taken well care of the achillies since you tore it. It was always a bit sore, so you figured that the soreness was the new normal. “I got just the solution for you!” he sang as he disappeared around the corner. For a hot second, he reminded you of the Harry Potter scene where he gets his wand from the old guy. You fully expected him to come back with some sort of rehab device or a program for you to do before bedtime. However, he arrived with a box. He opened the box towards him and pieces of silk paper instantly got thrown to the floor. “I hope these are alright, we don’t have many color options! I can order in a specific color if you want. There is also options of adding your name or number on it. I already have all your sizes and measurements, so that wouldn’t be no issue.” he sang as he pulled up a pair of cleats.
“This is the new aeroluna 5, made for post tear women!” You werent really on board as you had tried endless things from before and landed on the Nike mercurials . He practically smacked the shoes on your feet, and lo and behold. They fit like a glove. They were comfortable and so supportive. You swore, you could’ve almost cried. The shoes however, were hot pink which you honestly didn’t mind. You looked up at your new born saviour with tears in your eyes. “Hot pink it is” you said as you adored my new cleats. You thanked the weird; but kind man and walked to the team warderobe.
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“Ah, ladies, this is our new striker! Y/N! Now, please be kind to her and teach her the Arsenal way of caring for each others.” Jonas said as he patted me on the back. “Ex-girlfriend, finally! We meet at last.” Leah yelled out causing everyone to laugh including you and Jonas. She even did a clap and a little dance. “Your cubby will be next to Leah’s so go ahead and take a seat” the swede said as Leah patted next to her spot on the bench. You felt rather flabbergasted by seeing your face mid strike glued to the wall. It was blown up, and you were stuck with feeling some secondhand embarrassment. You popped down by Leah, and carefully listened as Jonas went on about his hopes for this new season. Leah lifted your right leg over her thigh just like the old days. When your acl would kill you every practice, it was the only sense of relief you got. You looked around the room, all the girls seemed so nice. You recognised quite a few of them, as you played them last season and they were good with their defence. A very well organised defence. Jonas was chatting away about his weekend, and you bent down to retie your shoes. Your need for the shoes to be tied equally tight was one of your peeves from your childhood. “And then, we need to work on our abil-“ he started as he was cut off by the door swinging open.
“I’m so so sorry for being late, my cat broke down and my car ran awa-“ the woman chaotically stated before cutting herself off. Her voice was awfully familiar, but you couldn’t seem to place it. You smiled as you curiously leaned forward before your face froze. You stared, she stared, Leah stared and everyone stared. Everyone went silent, including Jonas. “Oh this is season is about to be real good” Leah mumbled nudging you.Jonas was just as invested in this drama as everyone else remember your last meeting on the field.
“Katie McCabe” You said. “You” she said back. She walked towards you and for a second you were concerned that she was gonna knock you out. “Scared, McCabe?” you asked as she was nearing you. “No asshole, you are sitting next to my cubby.” she said with an annoyed tone in her voice. “Better sleep with one eye open because next time, it’s not my ankles that are getting cut off” You whispered as she sat down beside you, but as far as she could without causing attention.
As Jonas finished up talking, the girls started changing into their workout gear for the field. Everyone was wearing the same t-skirt except for Katie. She had pulled her sleeves up so she could show off her bronzed toned arms. “Trying compensate for your terrible tackles?” You said as you nudged her. You mean, it was hot. She was hot when she wasn’t trying to chop your ankles off, but you werent letting her in on that information. Katie turned around and looked at Leah. “How’d ya know her?” she asked with her Irish accent. “Ex-girlfriend and long term one night stand” she spat out as you felt slightly embarrassed. Leah was very fit, so it honestly didn’t bother you too much as she clearly was not ashamed of admitting that you for the last year had slept together at least once a week.
You went out on the field and did drills. Jonas was really testing the group, making sure that the girls hadn’t skipped their programs during the off season. After 2,5 hours, you were all fried and while you were drinking; Leah squirted her waterbottle at you making your white top and white sports bra see-through.”Leah!!” You yelled as you got up while removing the cap on your bottle as you attacked her and forced her to the ground while you sat on her. You held the bottle above her head and slowly poured everything out on her head. Katie looked at you annoyed, “For fucks sake, stop flirting” You looked at her with confidence while my nipples were showing through my top. “Jealous of you not getting these?” You teased as she just stared. “Or perhaps you are intimidated by my ability to uno reverse your tackles?” followed by a wink. “Fuck you, Y/N” she yelled as she walked away. It was safe to say, that she was not gonna get to pick on you for the next 5 years.
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berryhobii · 9 months
Hi queen hope your day is going great ❤️
Can I request bf!jungkook x black thick reader reader showing off her new bikinis that she recently purchased to him ( you don’t have to make it a smut if you don’t want to ʕ·ٹ·ʔ)
Thanks so much for your request! I hope you enjoy and please leave feedback if you want🩵I made this very fluffy and a little suggestive as well.
Impromptu fashion shows were a favorite of yours. Whenever you purchased new clothes, you just had to try them on at home even if you already tried them on at the store. You didn’t get your boyfriend to install that big ass mirror with built in lights for nothing.
Jungkook was sitting on the couch watching television when he heard you burst through the front door.
“I’m home, love!” You called, toeing off your shoes before entering the living room. Multiple shopping bags lined your arms, all of different sizes and colors.
He stood to his feet, coming over to help you with all of the bags. “Here, sweet. Let me help.”
“You sure bought a lot of things. Is this all for our vacation?” He asked as you two walked back to your bedroom.
“Yup!” You chirped. “There was a sale and I couldn’t resist.”
After he placed all of the bags down, he turned to you to give you some much appreciated affection. You were way ahead of him, wrapping your arms around his body to snuggle into him.
“I missed you.” You fluttered your eyelashes at him, tilting your head back to receive some pecks on the lips which he gratefully gave you.
His hands ran up and down your back, trailing down to your ass to give it a squeeze, almost lifting you off the ground.
“Missed you too.” He mumbled against your lips, rocking you two back and forth. After basking in the love for a moment, you pulled away.
“I want to show you all of the things I got.” You excitedly clapped, going over to start sorting through your bags. As you did that, Jungkook went to sit on the bed, leaning back on his hands and eyes focused on you.
Jungkook couldn’t help but admire and gaze upon you. You were just so perfect in his eyes. His heart swelled with love as he watched you pull random things out of the shopping bags, chattering about how you found them or how you caught a sale. He just loved seeing you so happy and passionate about something. And he loved being able to spoil you, not even caring about his credit card statement because it was all for you. He just wanted to give you the world.
He also wanted to give you a bite on that incredibly juicy ass. Everytime you bent over to grab something out of another bag, he was reminded of this morning when he bent you over the bathroom counter as you were moisturizing your coils. You barely got out of the door to meet your girlfriends on time, having to stop yourself from licking every inch of your boyfriend. And from him licking every inch of you…..again.
You made an excited noise, signaling you found something you really wanted to show him.
Turning to him, you held up some pieces of fabric but he couldn’t really tell what they were.
“I also got these swimsuits. They were 4 for 1. Don’t you love this color?”
He smiled at you. “Yeah it’s beautiful, sweet. I’m sure you’ll look gorgeous in them.”
“I’m gonna try them on! Wait right here!” You jumped on your toes before skipping over to the bathroom and shutting the door behind you.
While he waited, he looked through one of the bags closest to him, finding a few dresses and a new pair of denim shorts that he could imagine you in now.
“You’re definitely taking these.” He said to himself.
Right as he was about to snoop through another bag, the bathroom door opened and you stepped out.
His jaw could have unhinged itself from how hard it dropped.
A wide smile spread across your face, your feet taking you across the room to stand before your large mirror. It also just so happened to be right across from the bed so Jungkook got a front row seat to your curvy backside.
The dark purple fabric popped against your brown skin, the strings tied carefully on your wide hips to keep the bottoms up. His eyes practically swallowed you whole, gulping down a block in his throat as you ran your hands up your own body. You were just checking yourself out innocently but the way you were doing it was sending pulses straight to his cock.
You finally turned towards him, a hopeful and happy expression on your face.
“What do you think?” You spread your arms and wiggled your fingers.
The front was just as good as the back. The top was halter fashion, your full breasts sitting nicely and almost spilling out of the sides.
Biting his lip and trying to control his raging boner, he got out an, “I love it, sweets. The color looks great on you.”
Your happiness soared at your boyfriend’s approval. While you were body confident and didn’t need anyone telling you if they liked how you dressed, you just absolutely loved when your boyfriend complimented you. You loved dressing up and looking nice for him just as much as yourself. The whole reason you went shopping was to gather a wardrobe for the couple’s vacation you were attending with some of you and Jungkook’s friends. The plans actually made it out of the group chat and in about 2 weeks, you’d be on a plane with your best friends and your man for a week long vacation in Costa Rica. You were so excited!
“Okay! I’m gonna go put on the next one.”
The next one was a black and white one piece with a large bow across the chest. More modest but equally as cute.
“I like this one too.” And he did. He thought you looked great in anything.
Your next choice was a green and white two piece with a cover up skirt.
“This one is so cute! Can’t you just imagine me lounging by a pool? A margarita in hand? And one of those big floppy hats?” You twirled around, posing as if you had a hat on your head.
Yes he could. Your brown skin would soak in the sunlight, relaxation seeping out of every pore on your body. He just knew you’d look gorgeous with luxury and sunlight painting you.
“Come here, sweet.” He beckoned you. Of course, you came right over to stand between his legs, your hands going to push his hair back out of his face. He’s been letting it grow out lately and you’ve been loving it—playing with it, braiding it……..gripping it when he ate you out. He talked about getting a little trim before you went of vacation so you were basking in it for the time being.
His warm palms ran up the sides of your legs, chin resting on your lower belly to stare up at you.
“I’m so excited for our trip.” You said, running a thumb across his eyebrow to his piercing. That was certainly a welcomed addition to his lip piercing and his new sleeve of tattoos. He’s also been working harder in the gym so he just looked extra delicious lately. And the whole alternative bad boy aesthetic was sort of a turn on to you. He already had a full sleeve when you met him and it definitely fed your fantasies. And now that he was officially all yours, those fantasies were becoming true every day.
Fantasy number 43: A vacation in a humid place with your buff and tattooed boyfriend? Yes please!
“Me too. I can’t wait to see you in all of these clothes.”
“Really? I feel like I got too much.”
He hummed. “Doesn’t matter. Just make sure I get to take them off at the end of the night.”
You rolled your eyes at his suggestive tone but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t send shocks down your body.
Your hand pulled at his hair, tilting his head back. A grunt rumbled in his chest, hands gripping at your ass. “How about we practice now?”
Jungkook gripped you tighter, laying back and bringing you down with him. Squeals of laughter came from you as Jungkook pressed kisses all over your face.
“Should I show you the lingerie I got too?”
Oh yeah. This would be the best vacation ever.
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peanutpinet · 8 months
Protection - Mafia! Jungwoo x fem reader
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A/N: yes, this is another mafia NCT, this time, for a member that I rarely ever did but because my lovely friend @mymoodwriting is a fan of Jungwoo and she has always give in to writing for me, I want to do something for her and her bias. Hope you like it, Lin :)
Also, to the one that requested Jaemin, that is my next to-do and I already have a bit of a plot in mind. Minor spoiler in this one. Oh and you don't have to read Jeno, Haechan, or Taeyong's one to understand this but if you want to, I'll link it right below
Synopsis: NCT was developing a new technology to help them expand more and help them to always be one step ahead of their enemy
Warnings: mafia activities, a bit of cursing, slight angst, torture\
Taeyong's story: here
Jeno's story: here
Haechan's story: here
A smile could hide so many things that a person is feeling or doing. Whether it is their feelings or true identity. But Jungwoo learned to use his smile to not only protect his personal feelings but to also hide his true identity.
To his neighbours, Jungwoo was just a smart young man who was working in one of the best tech companies in the country, Neo-Tech. When in reality, Jungwoo co-owns the tech company along with Lee Taeyong, the leader of NCT, an infamous mafia in South Korea that has members from different parts of the world and has worldwide connections.
The only thing that people didn’t know was the core NCT members. While everyone knew the core leaders, Lee Taeyong, Mark Lee, and Qian Kun. There were many other core members under the leaders who were not made known to the world and oftentimes were just blending among the regular people. One of which was Jungwoo.
Walking into the tall building, Jungwoo greeted every single worker, from the security, the administration, to even the cleaning services of the building; all with a smile. Despite his tall, slightly unreachable figure, Jungwoo tries to be kind to everyone. Jungwoo would help the old lady from finance bring her paperwork, hold the door to the content team who were bringing big and heavy filming equipment to help his coworker’s work even if it wasn’t what he did.
Arriving at his desk, Jungwoo took his regular working laptop and got to work which was helping the HR filter out some candidates for an internship to be working under Jungwoo. Hours went by and Jungwoo started to get a bit hungry so he ordered some food while going to the breakroom to get coffee when he saw Taeyong and his personal assistant, Doyoung walking pass the breakroom. Stopping when he noticed Jungwoo gossipping with one of his coworkers.
“Ehem” Taeyong coughed, grabbing both Jungwoo and his coworker’s attention. “My office, now, Jungwoo” Taeyong stated, leaving his office but Jungwoo caught Doyoung eyeing and signalling him to come asap
“Sorry, I have to go. Boss is calling. But I hope that your operation will go well, Ms Choi” Jungwoo replied, throwing the paper cup into the trash as he went back to his desk to grab the necessary paperwork and laptop to Taeyong’s office, not forgetting to lock the door and closing the blinds
“You wanted to see me, boss” Jungwoo joked, acting as if he was a new worker in the company
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“Drop the act, Jungwoo” Taeyong stated, unamused
“Geez, would it kill you to just live a little?” Jungwoo shrugged, sitting across Taeyong while Doyoung stood next to him. “Also, since when do you follow TY around?” Jungwoo asked, looking at Doyoung
“I’m part of the HR team here and his personal assistant regarding other business” Doyoung replied, rolling his eyes at the younger one
“Still. You follow him around like a pet” Jungwoo commented, annoying Doyoung that he almost strangled Jungwoo
“Enough. I can’t believe the younger ones are more easier to tame than you both” Taeyong reminded, making the two younger members stop
“So, what is it that you need from me? Broken weapons? Need an upgrade for your vehicle?” Jungwoo asked, crossing his leg over the other one
“Doyoung” Taeyong commanded and Doyoung took his tab out that showed a resume of a young college girl, placing it right in front of Jungwoo
“A college student?” Jungwoo questioned, swiping the tab to read more of the girl. “Holy. She’s from Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST)?! Top of her class?! Researched about the potential worldwide satellite tracker?!” Jungwoo gasped
“She’s applying for internship here and will be directly under you. I want you to get close and work together to figure out that worldwide satellite tracker” Taeyong stated, making Jungwoo stopped scrolling
“You mean, you actually want me and this girl to upgrade our current satellite tracker to be able to be used worldwide?! Hyung, I’ve been researching and doing trials here and there for the past few months. I—” Jungwoo complained but Taeyong stopped him
“Don’t underestimate the girl, Jungwoo. I didn’t underestimate you when you first join us. When your college “friends” betrayed you and used your findings against you” Taeyong stated, standing up from his chair and swiped the tab once again
“She’s won multiple science fair since junior high. Always at the top of her class when it comes to anything science or maths related subject. Always receive scholarships since high school up till university. Her research on the worldwide satellite tracker won multiple attention from many other scientists. Even the US government wanted her knowledge. But of course, our government made a deal with us and it would benefit us greatly if you both actually managed to complete that tracker” Taeyong explained. “I don’t need you both to finish it that quickly but I need you to get as many information from her to upgrade our current tracker. She’s only going to be interning with us for only 6 months. Make them count” Taeyong added, placing a handful of the intern’s research in front of Jungwoo right as there was a knock to the door
“Come in” Taeyong mentioned. “Sorry to disturb you sir, the intern is here” the building’s security mentioned. “Right, bring her in, thank you” Taeyong mentioned and the security opened the door wider to reveal the new intern
“H-hi” the intern stuttered, clearly nervous when entering the boss’ room
“Hi. Don’t be nervous. Come, take a seat. That’s Jungwoo, by the way. He’s going to be your supervisor throughout your internship” Taeyong greeted the new intern
“H-hi. I’m (y/n). Please to meet you” the intern bowed at the older men before taking her seat right beside Jungwoo
“Hi. I’m Jungwoo. Welcome aboard! I promise you that you’ll learn lots of things and there won’t ever be a dull day with me around” Jungwoo exclaimed, taking in on (y/n)’s feature
“Oh, is that my research on the worldwide satellite tracker?” (y/n) questioned, looking at the paper on Taeyong’s table
“Right. I was just telling Jungwoo that you were also researching about that tracker. Jungwoo himself has been trying different things and I believe that with you onboard, it would help him a lot. You don’t have to finish it by the end of your internship. But if Jungwoo does manage to finish it with your help, there’ll be a big bonus for both of you” Taeyong explained
“I’ve never actually tried it myself since you know, I don’t have the equipment” (y/n) mentioned
“Then this is the perfect time for us to try it together. We have the equipment and you have the brains!” Jungwoo exclaimed, making (y/n) chuckle. “Yes, we can”
“Well, looks like the two of you are getting along. I trust Jungwoo will teach you around. Also, we don’t to overtime unless there’s a launching event but you don’t have to worry about that because we’ll compensate you for it. If Jungwoo gets a bit too much, feel free to tell Doyoung here. He’s the main HR of the company and my personal assistant” Taeyong explained
“Got it, boss!” (y/n) exclaimed back. “Here’s your laptop and welcome goodie bag. Jungwoo will show you around before actually giving you your tasks” Taeyong mentioned, taking out a laptop and goodie bag, handing it to (y/n)
“Oh?! Thank you!” (y/n) thanked Taeyong. “Here, let me help you. Let’s go, shall we?” Jungwoo offered, taking (y/n)’s laptop and standing up from his seat
Right before both Jungwoo and (y/n) leave, Taeyong called out to Jungwoo. “Jungwoo. Think about it” Taeyong reminded the younger one as Jungwoo and (y/n) left
Jungwoo’s POV After the little meeting with Taeyong, I helped (y/n) take some of her things to her new table which was right beside mine. Introducing her to the rest of the team before bringing her around the office for a mini office tour.
We started off with the regular floor which is where everyone does their work, a mini breakroom to make coffee or heat up some food or drinks. I then directed her towards our pantry where people can come to cook, have breakfast because as cold as Taeyong looks, he’s pretty considerate and provide different kinds of food, beverages, and snacks for everyone.
“Can we really take any of these food and drinks?” (y/n) asked
“Of course. I know Taeyong might look intimidating but he’s a very considerate boss. He pays us all well. He doesn’t push us. He would oftentime be hands on in some of the work, especially when it’s a busy week like launching a new product. You have nothing to worry about when Taeyong is the boss. Well, as long as you don’t get on his bad side” I joked
We then went to the floor where we do product testing where everyone run tests on the products, tries it, making revisions on the spot and even taking product pictures and video shots.
“So, this is where we do all our testing. We have 2 floors for testing. Well, we mainly use this floor for testing and the other floor is more so for product shots and videos. Sometimes with models as well” I explained
“Jungwoo, I need your help because Hae— is this the new intern?” I heard Jaehyun calling out to me
“Yeah, meet (y/n), the new intern. She’s directly under me. (y/n) meet…” I introduced (y/n) but apparently it seems that she knows Jaehyun first
“Jung Jaehyun, right? I’ve seen you model for Prada. Your last drama series was also amazing! I can’t believe that I get to see you. In real life!” (y/n) exclaimed, making Jaehyun’s ears turn bright red. “Thank you for the compliment, it’s always a pleasure to meet a fan. I hope Jungwoo hasn’t been too much for you” Jaehyun replied
“I’m right here?! What were you saying again, hyung?” I asked
“We can talk later, Jungwoo” Jaehyun brushed me off. “So, (y/n), I heard that you did research regarding the worldwide satellite tracker?” Jaehyun asked (y/n)
“Yeap. It was just a theory. But Taeyong boss said that me and Jungwoo oppa might be able to test the theory out!” (y/n) explained, her energy was very cheerful despite being at the office this early in the morning
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out. I read your research paper and let me tell you, you’re definitely smarter than Jungwoo” Jaehyun half-whispered. “I heard you, hyung!” I scoffed whereas (y/n) just giggled
“A-are you a fan of all these science things? Sorry, I didn’t mean to just, you seem quite different from your on-screen persona” (y/n) asked
“No worries. I guess it’s because I’ve been a close friend of Taeyong for a long time. We go back since like senior year of high school and we’ve helped each other since. When Taeyong said that he needed my help to model his products, I was more than happy to help since Taeyong had helped me before. Plus, I used to suck with technology until this one taught me some tricks I could do with some of the products” Jaehyun explained, pointing at me
“Okay!! That’s enough backstory of you and Taeyong-hyung. Come (y/n), let’s go to the other floors and then we can start upgrading the satellite system” I mentioned, placing my hands on both of (y/n)’s shoulders, guiding her away from Jaehyun
“Don’t forget that I need to talk to you later, Jungwoo!” Jaehyun exclaimed and I waved him off
After bringing (y/n) around, it was lunchtime and I took (y/n) to our cafeteria and got her some food as we sat near the entrance since we came in a bit later than everyone else. Right as we were talking and getting to know each other, Haechan decided to come and disturb us.
“Hi. The name is Haechan. You must be the new intern” Haechan mentioned, sliding right beside (y/n) who was shocked at the sudden presence beside her
“Ya! You can’t just suddenly waltz in like that. Can’t you see we’re having lunch and how scared she is? Ignore him. He’s just a weirdo” I mentioned, reassuring (y/n) that Haechan is harmless
“I’m alright, Jungwoo-oppa, thank you. Hi! I’m (y/n), nice to meet you” (y/n) replied, taking her hand out which Haechan took to shake
“See, Jungwoo. You’re overreacting. Anyways, I’m Haechan, as I’ve mentioned. I work part-time here as the IT guy and part-time streamer. If there’s anything wrong with your laptop or anything wrong in terms of your technology, I’m the guy for it” Haechan boasted himself, making me scoff
“Thank you, Haechan. I’ll keep that in mind” (y/n) giggled
“Another thing to keep in mind is to not get on Taeyong’s bad side, you can bully Doyoung whenever you like because it’s fun. Oh and, I’m not sure if Jungwoo mentioned this to you already but do not. I repeat. Do. Not. Go to the absolutely forbidden place in this entire building. The backup backup storage room. Whether someone you know is in there and needs your help, do not go in there. Even if you have the access, you ask? Yes. Do not go in there” Haechan pointed out a piece of information that I accidentally forgot to mention
“Why? You keep dead bodies in there?” (y/n) joked, making me and Haechan look at each other
“Just don’t go in there, (y/n). You might not have access to that room but just in case if anyone who has it accidentally drops it, don’t use it to go in there. Even if there is an earthquake or whatever disaster” I mentioned, my tone was serious that it might’ve scared her a bit
“Okay. I won’t. I promise. Oh, lunchtime is over, shall we go, Jungwoo-oppa?” (y/n) asked
“Yeap. Let’s go grab some snacks from the snack bar and then start our work of the day” I exclaimed, helping (y/n) grab her tray. “See you later, Haechan” I mentioned
“Bye, hyung. Bye (y/n)!!” Haechan exclaimed
After grabbing some snacks, (y/n) and I went to one of the testing rooms to get started on our worldwide satellite tracker. I started by telling her about our current satellite tracking system which uses the current South Korean database hence we could find anyone in South Korea.
“It’s more complex when we’re talking worldwide database and we have already tried to access lots of the database from here and there but sometimes the connection would cut off” I explained, showing (y/n) the database that we had connected to the satellite
“Ahh right, I mentioned this in my thesis. I wrote that we need connectors in each continent like one in Asia, one in Europe. It acts like a phone, like our SNS in a way. You connect with one another to give and take information with each other” (y/n) explained
“Great. All we have to do is just build the connection devices, right?” I exclaimed
“Not quite. Each connection/transmitter device needs to be built with a chip that connects each of them together and activates them as a transmitter that links the data with one another” (y/n) explained. “Meaning, we need to create a chip that can be linked to our own devices so whenever our database is updated, so do the transmitters and the satellite” (y/n) added on
“Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s get to work!” I exclaimed, smiling at (y/n) as she turned a slight pink hue
Time Skip to 5 Months Later
Throughout the past 5 months of (y/n)’s internship, we’ve gotten closer and even went to hang out with each other outside of working hours. I’ve come to know that (y/n) didn’t have the brightest childhood with her parents being harsh on her as she was their oldest daughter.
Not only that, she was always compared to her other family members who either are running a business, a doctor/lawyer, married to a rich guy and have kids already, and the list just goes on. It was heartbreaking to hear a young talented and smart girl being put down like this just because she was different from what most girls enjoy.
Plus, I also found out that her parents didn’t like her taking mechanical engineering, saying how it’s “too manly” and they even went as far as not wanting to fund her degree. But luckily enough, (y/n) was a smart and bright girl that she managed to get a fully funded scholarship from the university.
Throughout those 5 months, both (y/n) and I have slowly built all the chips that were linked to our main computer where our team would always update the database and while we haven't gotten to the exact part of building the transmitters, we have made much more progress as compared to before (y/n) joined us.
Because of this, I talked to Taeyong about potentially bringing (y/n) into our company full-time which he agreed since we were making a lot of progress because we’ve tested the chips on other devices between our internal NCT members to connect the database and it worked perfectly fine. Now the only thing left was building the transmitters; which is the easier job and then assembling everything and testing it in a larger distance. Which is the hard part.
3rd POV
But of course, building the machines wasn’t just the hard part because Haechan mentioned that there was a mole in the company who was working for one of NCT’s enemies who was also in the tech industry. While NCT wasn’t looking to sell our worldwide satellite tracking system, our enemies were and they have been eyeing (y/n) ever since her thesis on the tracking system went viral.
During lunchtime, Jungwoo was talking with (y/n) and Haechan like any other day when Kyungtae, one of their IT employees went up to their table, telling Jungwoo and Haechan that there was a bug, a virus in the company’s main computer, saying that one of the new IT guys accidentally bugged their computer which spread out through the company’s central computer.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me. I told you that the new guy was weird. C’mon, Taeyong is gonna kill us” Haechan exclaimed
“(y/n), you’ll most probably leave early today so don’t wait on me. I’ll call a cab for you, alright?” Jungwoo mentioned, getting up along with Haechan. “Thanks for letting us know, Kyungtae” Jungwoo added, patting Kyungtae on his shoulder
“No problem, hyung” Kyungtae replied, patting Jungwoo back
“Alright. Be careful then, two of you! Hope everything will get resolved quickly” (y/n) reassured them, offering a smile as she watched the two males leave her
“You’re the new intern, (y/n), right?” Kyungtae asked, looking at (y/n)
“Yeap, that’s me. I think I’ve seen you before. You’re from IT, right? Sorry, I don’t know your name. I’m always in the lab with Jungwoo-oppa” (y/n) replied
“No worries. It’s Kyungtae. I heard that Jungwoo was going to call a cab for you, do you happen to go home alone?” Kyungtae asked
“Yeap. Typically I take public transportation but Jungwoo-oppa has been dropping me off since he found out I took public transport late at night” (y/n) replied
“Well, I can take you home, if you’d like. Jungwoo is right to take you home since it’s not really safe to be going home alone late at night” Kyungtae offered
“I’ll think about it. If I do, I’ll need to text Jungwoo-oppa first. Anyways, I think I should get back to my work. I’m finishing up my transmitters and my internship report. See you later, Kyungtae-oppa” (y/n) replied, slightly bowing before leaving the office canteen and going back to her work
Jungwoo’s POV
Haechan and I rushed to Taeyong’s office after walking past the IT section who were all in chaos trying to figure out the virus that was spreading through the computer. Knocking on Taeyong’s office door, we heard a rough sound from Taeyong, telling us to come in.
“Hyung? We heard what happened” I mentioned, coming in with Haechan
“It’s not just a regular virus. Someone breached all of our security and nearly reached the one that NCT made” Taeyong replied, showing us each security wall that was breached
“Shit. Let me check it real quick, hyung” Haechan exclaimed, going over towards Taeyong’s desk and opening the computer to review all the security walls that were broken by the virus
“Also, there’s a mole working in this company” Taeyong pointed out, making both me and Haechan look at him in shock. “Do you have any leads on who it could be?” I asked
“Someone from IT. Because the only people who would and could access anything on our database would be the IT system and engineer. But I’m 100% sure that it’s the IT because only someone that smart and knows the computer and system back and forth would be able to come here and even hack into the system” Taeyong replied
“Hyung!! We need access to the NCT system” Haechan mentioned
“Alright, let’s go there then” Taeyong replied as the 3 of us headed to the forbidden storage room where we have one of NCT’s main computers that helps power up all the tech and database for the company.
However, upon reaching and opening the door to the storage room, all three of us were shocked to see (y/n) in the room. Without even thinking, I yanked (y/n)’s wrist. Questioning her on why she was here. “What are you doing here?! Who brought you in here?! You’re going to get in trouble” I exclaimed
“What’s the difference with you?” (y/n) whispered back, making me confused
“What are you?” I asked. “You used me. All of you! You just wanted me to finish your satellite and then ditch me, weren’t you?” (y/n) confronted and that’s when I noticed all the computers behind her showing all her background information
“(y/n), let’s talk about this, alright?” I reasoned but she yanked her arm away from my grip and walked away, standing in front of Taeyong
“Are you going to do some MIB shit and wipe my memory of all of this? Or are you going to put me somewhere until you know what you want to do to me?” (y/n) asked and Taeyong let out a long harsh sigh. “You didn’t see much since the important information is completely protected by the top cyber security in the country. So, go to my office and wait until I get back” Taeyong stated and (y/n) just slightly bowed before leaving the room, leaving the three of us together
“Which one of you lost the card?” Taeyong asked right when (y/n) left and the door was locked again
“I have it with me since I was the one that opened it” Haechan replied and both him and Taeyong looked over at me
“It’s in my…” I mumbled but as I rummaged in every single one of my pockets, it was nowhere and I instantly panicked. “Shit. I, I lost it. I swear I always have it with me, hyung” I exclaimed
“Haechan, fix the virus that’s spreading in the company. I’ll find Jungwoo’s key access card” Taeyong-hyung stated, going towards one of the computers to find my card since every single one of our cards have a tracking chip on it
“My card. It’s…” I mumbled. “Moving. Someone stole your card. Recall anyone touching you near your pockets or anything? Because it’s moving fast from this building to another…” Taeyong asked as he tries to use our current satellite tracker to track my card
I tried to recall who would steal the card or who touched me, specifically my pockets throughout the day since I know for a fact that I still had my card the other day. Right as I was trying to remember, Jaehyun suddenly called us through our in-ear.
“Guys. Is (y/n) alright? I saw her going into Taeyong’s office but right when I walked past again, she was gone. I asked someone if they saw anything and one of the staff mentioned that Kyungtae was carrying her and that she was unconscious. Kyungtae said that she fainted right as he was putting some paperwork into Taeyong’s office” Jaehyun mentioned
“She was fine literally a few minutes ago” Haechan replied, finally fixing the cyber security of our company. “Hyung, you might want to check this” Haechan exclaimed and we went to his side right as Haechan opened the front security camera and saw Kyungtae putting (y/n) in a black minivan
“Jaehyun! Go with Jeno and find this van” Taeyong exclaimed, sending Jaehyun and Jeno the security footage that we just saw
“Jungwoo. Finish that global tracker. We need it. Kyungtae must know that there’s a tracker chip in that card. He’s going to eventually take that chip out. So I suggest you finish that tracker while you can” Taeyong instructed
“But hyung, the transmitters should be placed in each continent to collect the data” I debated. “We don’t need to go that far just yet. But we do need every information about (y/n) and Kyungtae. I’m sure that that won’t be so hard since it’s just an upgrade from our Korea tracker” Taeyong replied
“Alright. I’m going to grab the chips and put it in the computer” I mentioned, going out of the room to grab the chips that both me and (y/n) finished making and even testing
Back in the storage room, both Haechan and I put in the chips with the new database and started to look for (y/n) and Kyungtae through every single security camera in South Korea. Hacking into every tech device that has a built-in camera to search for their faces, what vehicles are they in, and even tracking their live location.
“Taeyong. The signal is gone. They took out the chip” Jaehyun stated. “Jungwoo” Taeyong called out to me
“We’re just about done, hyung. Our computer is using the satellite to connect with every tech devices in South Korea. There we go, they…They’re at the harbour in Busan. They’re going to make an escape to another country!” I exclaimed, immediately rushing out
“Hold on!” Taeyong exclaimed. “Haechan, I’ll have Doyoung come here and accompany you. Standby and keep us updated. Jaehyun, Jeno, go after them. Make sure they don’t escape. Go on the ship if you have to. Jungwoo, you can bring one of the chips and they’ll still be connected with the one Haechan is handling, right?” Taeyong added and I nodded
“Alright. Grab one of the chips, we’re going to sea. I’ll let Yuta, Hendery, and Johnny know that we might need their help since it’ll be on sea” Taeyong mentioned and I quickly followed him
Arriving at the Busan harbour, Jaehyun and Jeno told us that Kyungtae hasn’t left yet because according to Yuta and his Japan team, they were waiting for backup from Japan but Yuta and his team found out about it first and hijacked their ship so when Kyungtae is waiting for backup, it’ll actually be our backup.
After Taeyong instructed us on the plan, both Jaehyun and Jeno immediately confronted Kyungtae who was immediately flustered. “Better stop what you’re thinking. Even if you escape, we’ll always find you again” Jaehyun mentioned but Kyungtae just laughed
“Because you build that tracker that can track almost anyone? So what? I have the girl that can build a device to counter yours” Kyungtae exclaimed but Taeyong and I immediately came towards the other side, cornering Kyungtae
“No way we’re letting you take her with you” I exclaimed, grabbing everyone’s attention
“Right, because you need her to finish your little transmitters?” Kyungtae questioned, taking the blueprints that both (y/n) and I worked day and night to finish then ripped it in front of us right as a ship from Japan arrived
“Even if the leader of NCT himself is here, you all can’t possibly match up against a lot of people, now can you?” Kyungtae chuckled as he took an unconscious (y/n) out of his car, making sure to hold a knife right by her neck, just to make sure that we wouldn’t do anything
But right as Kyungtae thought that it was his backup that came, Yuta held a gun right behind Kyungtae’s head, making him shudder. “I think you want to rethink that” Yuta growled right as Jeno and Jaehyun handled Kyungtae while I took (y/n) out of Kyungtae’s grip
Jungwoo’s apartment - 9:12 pm
It’s been hours since I came back and Xiaojun and Kun took a look at (y/n), telling me that she was just asleep since Kyungtae most probably drugged her and the only injury she had were just a few bruises which Kun concluded that she got them from trying to fight off Kyungtae.
Not knowing when she’d wake up, I decided to clean up the apartment, cook some soup just in case (y/n) woke up hungry and showered. Right when I finished my shower, I heard some shuffling from (y/n)’s room and quietly opened the door to see her slowly wake up.
“Hey. Are you hungry? I made some soup” I uttered, grabbing (y/n)’s attention but she didn’t respond to me. Instead, she just scanned the room she was in. “You’re in my apartment. I brought you back here. To make sure that you’re alright. And to apologise” I added but (y/n) still didn’t respond so I just kept on going.
“I’m sorry that it might seem that I, Taeyong, and the company were using you by offering you a large amount of income. But I’m not sorry that we were the ones that took you in first. Sure, maybe during the first few weeks was just me trying to get more information out of you but after a few months, all that thought of using you was gone. I even convinced Taeyong that you should join us, permanently. We were about to break the news to you but then you went into the storage room and found some of our information” I admitted. “I know that it might feel that we, I, am betraying you because I know how much you yearned for that recognition from someone close to you and it seemed that we were using you but we’re not. And I promise you that you’ll be save under us” I added, sitting right by her feet
“It’s not like I got much of a choice, is it? Even if you guys let me off and I want to just bury everything underground, you will always be watching me and I don’t want that” (y/n) finally uttered and I instinctively grabbed her hand. “You’ll always have a choice. I promise you that. Watching over you is not because you saw something that’s supposed to be a secret but because I made it so that you’re under our protection” I replied
“I know that things might’ve gotten a bit…rough but I hope that you’ll forgive us because it’d be a bummer if we don’t get to finish that thesis of yours” I joked, making (y/n) chuckle a bit
“I get that you guys have your secrets but don’t ever do something like this to another person. Ever.” (y/n) argued and I chuckled. “Promise” I smiled at her
NCT Base - 2:17 am
“This is like the third guy that won’t admit unless Taeyong gracefully walks in and enlightens us with his presence” Haechan groaned
“What do you expect, he’s the leader after all” Jeno replied, making Haechan roll his eyes
“I expect for us to be done quicker so I can go home and cuddle” Haechan ranted. “Why don’t we just, you know, somewhat drown him but not drown him? Just make it so that he’s on the verge of not being able to breathe, you know?” Haechan added on, standing right behind Kyungtae. “I mean, you wanted to go to Japan, right? How about we help you, you know, just in case your ship drowns and you have to swim all the way to Japan?” Haechan provoked
“Lee Haechan” Taeyong scolded, making the younger one backed away. “No fun at all” Haechan scoffed
“You had your fun, remember Haechan?” Taeyong stated, making Haechan huff in annoyance
“Going to talk? Or I’ll let Jungwoo and Haechan have their way with you. Who do you work for and why do you want (y/n)?” Taeyong questioned
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“You don’t know. Do you?” Kyungtae scoffed but it intrigued Taeyong
“See, I have many enemies. And many wanted (y/n) to work for them so they could have the most advanced technology. Unfortunately for you and your client, we have her first” Taeyong replied
“My client doesn’t want (y/n) to just advance their technology. There’s a specific person he’s searching for” Kyungtae stated but when Taeyong questioned him again, Kyungtae stayed silent
Taeyong looked over to Jungwoo and signalled him. Jungwoo then moved to stick some patches on the side of Kyungtae’s temple. “Wh-what are you doing?!” Kyungtae protested
“Nothing much. Be grateful that you’re going to be our first test subject” Jungwoo smiled as he turned on the machine, shocking Kyungtae’s brain, making him have an intense headache but also gathering some data
“Who is this specific person that they’re looking for? My members? Me?” Taeyong questioned again but Kyungtae refused to answer again which made Jungwoo send more shockwaves to his brain
“See, we have all night to do this and when we get tired and bored with your brain, we can have other kinds of fun. Maybe even let Haechan help you swim” Taeyong taunted
“You. You don’t understand. He’ll kill me if I admit everything to you” Kyungtae pleaded
“Could be worse. I’d have you torture first until you admit something or you wish we would’ve killed you. Now talk while I’m being patient. Who is it” Taeyong taunted
When Kyungtae didn’t let out any sound, Jungwoo was ready to fire the shockwave again until Taeyong stopped him. Telling him that Kyungtae let out a whisper. A name. A name that he hasn’t heard since the day he helped Na Jaemin. Nam Goongmin.
A/N: Yeap, that's a tiny spoiler for the next mafia story, Na Jaemin :)) Also to anyone who wants to request a fanfic while also supporting my writing, you can request it on my Fiverr. Hope you all enjoyed reading this story and I'll see y'all in the next one. Stay safe and healthy xoxo vinet
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chussyracing · 7 months
f1 news, rumours and interesting facts from the last few days
Alpine is parting ways with Director of Racing Expansion Projects Davide Brivio at the end of 2023 despite his contract running into 2024, there are rumours he will join Repsol Honda motogp team as a team boss
Aston Martin got approval for a new research and development facility in Silverstone
Either Andrea Stella is joking or smoking crack because he thinks in equal cars, the three best drivers on the grid would be Max, Lando and Fernando
Jannik Sinner scored a partnership with f1 to attend some races and promote the sport (and then visited Maranello)
Kubica is confirmed for ferrari's third hypercar and Shwartzman said he is interested in the seat as well - but he also tested indycar with Ganassi
Sainz says new ferrari 2024 car (or protect rather than a car at this point) behaves differently in the sim to the 2023 one
Aramco signed 5 year extension with am and they will be named aston martin aramco f1 team
Alfa Romeo is now Stake F1 Team Kick Sauber..... (and alpha tauri added the "RB" to their name which could be racing bulls but also red bull)
Merc is finally leaving the no side pod design to allow more event distribution and less drag
Charles won the overtake of the year with his move on Perez in Las Vegas!!!!
Fia changed rules about misconduct (and officially changed maximum fine to 1m euros, prohobited the use of flares on grandstands and shortened the right to review from 14 days to 96 hours aka 4 days)
Rbr did a pit stop in dark for some kind of dick measuring contest and got 2.84s which is just faster of ferrari's normal pit stops (if we have all 4 tyres ready)
Button to hypercar with Jota in 2024
Alpine finished the shares selling to us investors (the reynolds guy thingy)
Max went on about how absurd his fee is despite his team saying they will pay for him so... um 🤐
Fia hired more staff for in factory check ups to visit every 2/3 weeks but they wanna start visits with little to no notice where they call the factory and immediately visit in 10/15 mins
Rbr will start making a new wind tunnel in Milton Keynes that should be finished in (or was it by?) 2026
Ferrari confirmed the previously rumoured date of 2024 car presentation for 13th feb (Fred also said the car will be 95% different which supports Carlos saying the car concept is very different in sim and Fred saying they completely skipped two upgrades this year to focus more on 2024, among other stuff Fred also said both drivers will start on equal terms during the new season start)
Audi is rumoured to be keeping tabs on Lawson besides Ocon and Hulkenberg
there is a new ferrari challenge with matt gallagher from shell (someone remind me to watch it along the math challenge when I have time, also shout out to shell because I love the mini playing car from them i got) and the secret santa was posted (it is kinda boring this year ngl)
Also! The head fortuneteller Mika Hakkinen said yesterday that he thinks mclaren will take another step ahead in performance for 2024 and challenge red bull closer that merc or ferrari, but he also said that ferrari are finally on a correct path and Fred is the one team principal under which they will win a championship again "sooner or later"
While I knew f1 drivers are prohobited from doing dangerous stuff (unless you are Charles Leclerc and can make puppy eyes, then you can run half a marathon, wall climb, ice wall climb, scuba dive, ride and water scooter and what not), but I did not know red bull (and probably other drivers) have it specified in their contract they can't even drive a motorbike - which some of them wanted to do at Honda thanks day seeing Marc Marquez on his bike
Ben Sulayem is playing some weird game i do not like taking a dig at jean todt for leaving the fia operating with a loss (completely disregarding that's counting the covid years where motorsports events often couldn't even take place and lawsuit fees for the use of halo) and saying how under him the non profit organisation will get balanced sheet by 2025 (also said how fia must focus on safety and reputation which... hmm)
There are some rumours about the fia and its integrity and governing abilities (I just learned about how they fucked up wtcc and then wtcr after making the championship with close fights and easy rules where more teams could get in too exclusive opening chance for Citroën only to get ready for new rules so they dominated everything and adding huge spoilers which created dirty air and kept overtaking close to zero. Sounds scarily similar to f1 these days?)
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