#so i was in trip-planning mode already then
ashtcnirwin · 2 months
0 notes
puckinghischier · 5 months
Hat Trick
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Nico Hischier x fem!reader, Jack Hughes x platonic!reader, Luke Hughes x platonic!reader
summary: part 4 of the locksmith series! reader attends her first ever devil’s hockey game, and leaves a few pucks richer than when she came
notes: y’all i think this is my favorite part of this lil series so far. i literally wrote this in one sitting. i’m so happy with how it turned out. i hope you are too!! happy reading!! 🫶🏼
part 1, part 2, part 3
You’ve been to a lot of Hughes centered hockey games in your life. You’ve been to watch both Quinn and Luke play during their time in Michigan, and you’ve been to watch several of Jack’s minor league games when you were teenagers.
Though somehow, despite how long you’ve been intertwined with the hockey breathing family, you had never been to a professional game. You talked about making a trip to Vancouver with your family at some point to watch Quinn, but it never worked out with your school schedule. You wanted to come watch Jack with the Devils a few times, too, but the plans always fell through.
You wish you’d tried harder right about now, because walking into the Prudential center, red and black everywhere you look, you’re a little overwhelmed.
Jack had told you exactly where to go and who to call if you got lost, but getting there wasn’t the issue. Finally having your car with you helped with that, considering it was delivered just yesterday. The company that you hired to haul your car to you had gotten the date of your move wrong, so you had been depending on Jack and Luke for rides anywhere outside of walking distance.
Today, though, they were needed at the rink far earlier than you would’ve been allowed in. And, in true superstitious hockey player fashion, they claim they can’t ride to the rink together for home games because the last time they did they lost the game. So, you were extremely excited when you got the call that your car had just been parked outside of the apartment complex the day before.
You had found the arena just fine, leaving your car with the valet Jack had told you to go to. You had gone to the entrance designated for friends and family of the players, flashing the locker room pass Jack had given you, and even managed to find your way to the public areas of the arena by yourself.
The issue you had run in to stems from the fact that not only had you never attended an NHL game before, but you had never attended an NHL game alone.
Even though you blended in with the crowd outwardly, donning a devil’s jersey like everyone else, you were way out of your element. Usually at the boys’ games you had Ellen and Jim with you, or your own parents. They always made you feel like you belonged a little more, because they would explain certain fan behavior to you.
You knew all you had to do was simply sit and watch the game, but with the energy being so chaotic leading to the rivalry game, you knew that the fans were going to be absolutely buzzing. People were walking past you, jumping in front of you for high-fives and fist bumps, yelling “GO DEVS!” before walking away like nothing had ever happened. You didn’t miss the occasional dirty look from anyone in a blue Rangers jersey, either.
When you had first made your way to the foyer area at the front of the arena, you had already seen security having to separate a Devils fan and a Rangers fan. They had been screaming at one another over something that you couldn’t make out when the Rangers fan slammed his fist into the Devils fan’s cheek.
The scene made you a little apprehensive about how the game was going to go. You knew this was one of the biggest rivalries that existed in the hockey world, and you had read that the Rangers had a tendency to play extremely physical, so you were nervous for all of the Devils players you were growing fond of.
You eventually make your way to your seat, but not before going full fan mode and buying a foam finger at one of the many merchandise stands you passed on your way. You thought Jack and Luke would get a kick out of it, figuring you’d need all the help you could get after they see what you’re wearing.
You kept your promise to Nico, currently sporting the number 13 on your back. You felt a little silly, honestly. You had never not worn a Hughes jersey to a hockey game before; you always wore the jersey of whatever brother you were watching, even if you had to buy one. But the conversation you had with Nico a few nights prior kept playing on a loop in your mind. The promise of a hat trick was too tempting to miss out on. Plus, even if he didn’t get a hatty, you knew you’d have the chance to make him do anything you wanted him to.
As you walk down the stairs towards your seat, foam finger on display proudly, you take in the pure atmosphere of the place. The arena looked huge from where you stood, lights dimmed and a red shadow cast over everything in sight. Not many people had made their way into the seating area yet, but there were a few fans bunched around the glass, waiting for the players to come out and start their warm ups.
You were pleasantly surprised when you found your seat free of any bodies, being able to settle in and wait for the arrival of the players on the ice. As the minutes ticked by, a few people made their way to your area, smiles and chants of ‘go Devils!’ once again filling the air around you.
You could see why people enjoyed coming to games so much. The sense of community was so strong in this building. Everyone was here to support the same cause, one goal in mind: a Devils win. You started to survey all the signs that fans had brought, setting them up against the glass for the players to see. Some of them had clever saying or riddles on them, some simply reading “puck?” with their favorite player’s number on it.
You also noted how many people were wearing Jack and Luke’s last name on their back. Even as you were driving up to the arena, you noticed the large presence of 86’s and 43’s surrounding you. It was odd, really, to see how many people were supporting your boys. It made your heart swell with pride, a little bit. To physically see the amount of people that believe in them the way you always have was enough to sell you on attending every Devils game from here until the end of time.
The newfound knowledge also further calmed your nerves surrounding your decision of wearing Nico’s jersey tonight. You had seen plenty of number 13’s floating around in the crowd, too, but Jack and Luke clearly had no lack of fan support.
The sound of pucks hitting the ice is what broke your attention from observing the people around you. You instantly clocked Luke’s curls, finding Jack not far from where Luke had settled on the ice. You looked around, trying to find a familiar head of brown hair you hadn’t seen nearly enough. Was he not warming up today? Was he okay? Did Luke actually hurt him the other day and he wasn’t playing today?
You don’t remember either of your roommates mentioning that their captain was hurt. That’s something they would’ve mentioned at least once, right? You continue to scan the ice for any sign of the Swiss man you couldn’t get off of your mind, not paying attention when Jack started skating in your direction. A loud bang on the glass in front of you was what finally broke your investigation.
“You’re here!” Jack yells through the glass at you, ignoring all the shouts of his name from the people standing around you.
“I told you I wasn’t going to miss it!” you shouted back, wondering if he could even hear you in the noisy environment.
Movement behind Jack caught your eye, Luke making his way over to stand next to his brother, causing an entirely new wave of sound to erupt around you.
“Bouy! You made it!” Luke shares his brother’s surprise, eyes flitting down to the jersey you’re wearing, noticing the black C that neither his nor Jack’s jersey had.
“Did you guys really have no faith I would show up tonight? Am I that bad of a friend?” you ask them, wondering why they thought you would be a no-show.
“Know it isn’t your scene, is all,” Jack shouts back, shrugging his shoulders, smile on his face.
“Uh-uh, it is now. Look, I even bought a foam finger! I’m legit, now!” you wave your newest Devils merch around.
They both shake their heads and laugh, your eyes wandering to the ice behind them once again.
“Who ya looking for, huh?” Luke is the one to notice they no longer held your attention, turning his head to look at his teammates warming up behind them.
“Oh, no one. Just, taking it all in,” you try to recover. Luke simply looks at you, the moment he caught you staring at Nico in your living room in the back of his mind.
“It’s awesome, right? I’m telling you, you’ll be wanting to come to every home game by the end of the night. There’s nothing like a Devils home game,” Jack tells you, oblivious to Luke’s implications moments ago.
Jack must have decided it was time to acknowledge some of the fans around you, skating off after he finishes his statement.
“He’ll be out in a minute, just so you know. Got hung up in a pre-game interview,” Luke’s muffled voice travels through the glass.
“Huh? Who? What’re you talking about?” you look at him, confusion taking over your features.
Luke deadpans at you, basically telling you to cut the bullshit. “You know who, Y/N.”
“Really, don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m here for you and Jack, remember?” you remind him.
“Yeah? Then why do you have Cap’s jersey on?” Luke questions, raising an eyebrow at you.
Your head shoots down to look at the jersey you were wearing, cheeks turning red. You had almost forgotten you were even wearing it, too distracted by the atmosphere around you.
“Don’t think you’re getting away with that, by the way. He’ll be getting an earful once he gets out here, don’t you worry. And god help him when Jack finally notices. Might be the first time a player gets a penalty against his own teammate,” Luke continues, looking over to where Jack is chucking pucks over the ice a few feet away.
“It was Nico’s idea. Said he wanted to mess with you guys, is all. Then said if I wore it he would score a hat trick, and if he didn’t he owed me a favor of my choosing. Figured it’d be fun to mess with him and make him do some outrageous task. You know I never miss the opportunity to get under yours and Jack’s skin, either. Couldn’t resist the offer,” you confess.
Luke rolls his eyes, not wanting to call bullshit out here in the open like this, deciding to save the rest of the conversation for when you get home tonight.
You were going to respond, try to further plead your case, when you see a blur of red jump onto the ice from over near the Devils’ bench. Any attention you had granted to Luke was gone, watching a much anticipated head of hair flopping around as Nico does a few circles on the ice. You watch him wave to a few fans around the glass, conversing with a few of his teammates as he made his way around the ice.
Luke watches you follow Nico’s figure glide around on the ice, laughing to himself at how you were just trying to convince him you weren’t looking for anyone.
“I think I’ve proved my point,” you barely hear as Luke starts to skate away, noticing his captain skating over towards your section of the glass.
You’ve tuned out the shouts of Nico’s name around you as he makes eye contact with you, skating towards you with a smile.
“Hey! You’re here!” he winks at you, parroting Jack and Luke’s words. “And I see you chose the right jersey!” he lets his eyes fall to the jersey swallowing your body, eyes a bit bright than they were a few seconds ago.
“Why did no one think I was going to show up?” you huff out, throwing your arms up, foam finger still attached to your hand.
“Jack and Luke were convinced you’d bail because of your aversion to hockey crowds. But I see you’ve made yourself right at home,” he chuckles, nodding towards the foam finger.
“Well, yeah. Had to make myself official, y’know?” you give the foam accessory a small wave.
Nico laughs, sliding his feet back and forth in short strokes, planting his stick on the ice for stability.
“You ready to score that hat trick you promised, Cap?” you shout to him, crossing your arms in a challenging stance.
“Never been more ready in my life, Bouy,” Nico smirks.
“If you keep using that nickname I won’t be so nice in choosing a favor for you to do when you don’t score your hatty,” you threaten, hating that Jack introduced the nickname to Nico in the first place.
“Oh, I’m gonna score that hatty,” he moves closer to the glass, making sure you can hear him. “My good luck charm did exactly what I asked her to do, so I’d say my chances are pretty solid.”
You’re so focused on Nico’s words that you completely miss Jack making his way back over to your area, slapping Nico on the back once he reaches his destination.
“Hey, Cap! ‘Bout time you made it out here. Was starting to wonder if someone was going to have to come and save you.”
Nico removes his eyes from your flushed face, turning to chat with Jack as you’re left speechless.
You miss the rest of their conversation, too caught up in Nico calling you his good luck charm. You were entering very dangerous territory, here. Every conversation you have with the man bringing you farther and farther into a rabbit hole you might not be able to climb back out of.
On top of being stunned, you’re also confused. You’ve overheard Luke and Jack talk about Nico’s interactions with women. The amount of times they’ve poked fun at his obliviousness to women’s advances not forgotten. Or the way they claim he’s too focused on his career to think about anything other than hockey. You remember one story Jack told of Nico completely misreading a conversation with a woman at the bar, begging Jack to take him home after he all but ran away from the woman, claiming a stomach ache when she tried to coax him into an uber.
So, what was different about you? He clearly had no issues with casually sliding in comments that, although you try to convince yourself otherwise, are naturally flirtatious in their nature. When you let your eyes wander you notice Luke watching the interaction. He follows the way Nico’s gaze flicks over to you every few seconds, even though he’s in the middle of a conversation with Jack. Luke meets your eyes and gives you look you can’t decipher.
“Y/N, what the fuck are you wearing?” you hear Jack’s voice, snapping your head to look at his face, his eyes focused on the black C on the upper left side of the jersey you’re wearing.
“A…jersey?” you answer apprehensively.
“Yeah, I can see that. But why do you have on Neeks’ jersey, specifically?” He asks you, but looks at the player standing next to him.
“Guess she decided the better jersey wasn’t even in the Hughes family at all,” Nico references the argument Jack and Luke were having days prior.
Jack looks back at you, expecting an explanation from you. You open your mouth a few times to answer, but the reasoning of ‘I just wore it to get under your skin’ doesn’t seem appropriate when you can see the underlying anger on his face.
“You know what, I don’t have time for this. I need to actually warm up, but this conversation isn’t over,” Jack shoots to two of you a glare before skating away, huffing like a little kid.
“I knew he would get mad!” you point an accusing (foam) finger at Nico.
“Don’t worry, he’ll get over it. It’s just one game.”
“Well I’ll let you handle this then, mr. nonchalant. It was your idea, it’s your bomb to diffuse,” you wipe your hands of the situation.
“Gladly,” Nico flashes you a smile. “By the way, heads up,” he warns you before chucking a puck over the glass, watching it land on the ground beside you. You bend over to pick it up, noticing the writing on the back.
You read the scribble of “hatty” followed by the date and Nico’s signature in silver marker, looking up to see him skating off with a wink.
After you watched Jack throw his fit about you wearing Nico’s jersey from afar, earning nothing but a laugh from the jersey owner himself, they both skated away from each other to start actually warming up for the game ahead. You noticed Jack kept glaring at Nico, shoulder checking him a few times for good measure. Jack wouldn’t even look over at you, earning a pout from you when you made eye contact with Luke, begging him to do something to make Jack love you again.
Luke just shrugged at you as if to say “told you so,” choosing to focus on his warm ups instead. As the players left the ice to prepare for puck drop, you watched Jack finally look over to you, sporting a glare and giving a shake of his head before he disappeared from your view.
Even after the game started, you could still feel Jack’s pouting from where you sat. He was hesitant to pass the puck to Nico, costing them a few chances at goals. You cursed him every time, worried that this would’ve happened. You don’t know what was said, but during one of the tv timeouts, Nico skated over to Jack and all you could see was a finger poking out to jab Jack in the chest. Jack’s face grew more and more unimpressed as the conversation went on, but ultimately Jack nodded and skated off, rolling his eyes when he looked over to you.
For the rest of the period, you noticed Jack was better about passing the puck, no longer alienating Nico from his plays. He was still mad, though. You could see it in his body language and how he was playing rougher than he normally does. As soon as the first period was over, you were out of your seat and making your way down to the locker rooms. You flashed your pass and waited patiently after you asked someone to go fetch Jack for you, claiming it was an emergency.
Jack comes walking out of the locker room into the hallway, towel around his neck, jersey left behind.
“Okay, get it all out now, or so help me god I’ll jump onto that ice and beat some sense into you,” you tell him, wanting him to get all of his anger out of his system.
“You always wear one of our jersey’s, Y/N. Always. This is your first time watching me and Luke in a professional game, and you’re wearing someone else’s jersey?” Jack asks you, a small bit of hurt showing on his face.
“Jack, it was a joke. A last minute plan between the two of us. We thought it’d be funny since you and Luke were arguing about it,” you tell him, feeling a little bad that he genuinely seems hurt. “Plus, I didn’t really want to choose between you and Luke. It was hard. I had all three jerseys laying on my bed earlier, and I just couldn’t choose between the two of you.”
“I still don’t like that you wore someone else’s jersey,” Jack grumbles.
“It’s just one game, Jack, it’ll be fine. I promise this isn’t going to become a habit,” you assure him, reaching up to ruffle his hair, regretting your decision when you feel how sweaty it is.
“You sure about that?” Jack asks you, catching you off guard.
“Oh c’mon, Y/N,” Jack starts, dropping his arms to his sides. “Don’t act like you haven’t been staring at him the whole game.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you feel your cheeks heating.
“You can’t lie to me, remember? Know you too well,” he tells you, reminding you he’s always been able to tell when you’re caught in a lie.
“I mean…maybe I’ve been watching him. So what? He’s your friend, Jack. Not to mention our neighbor and the only teammate of yours I really know,” you try to justify.
“Bullshit. You’re into him.”
“No, I’m not!” you say too quickly, your voice going up in pitch, causing you to clear your throat. The sudden change in conversation came out of nowhere, causing your brain to short circuit.
“Oh yeah? Then why do you ask about him every time Luke and I mention practice, or our jobs in general? Why do you always ask us if Nico made it home when we get home from practice? Or when you spent basically the whole night talking to him at the bar your first night here?” Jack asks you, waiting for your answers.
“I- I don’t ask about him that much,” you say, trying to retrace your conversations with Jack and Luke. Maybe you do ask about him more than you thought. “And I spent the night at the bar being shuffled around from table to table, which you did!” you remind him, having felt like you were speed dating, but platonically.
“When I came to get you to leave you were completely alone with him in a dark corner of the bar,” Jack throws back at you.
“He came and found me. I was on the phone with my mom and he decided to come check on me. I had nothing to do with that,” you defend.
Jack still doesn’t look convinced, crossing his arms once again, tilting his head towards you. “Listen, I’m not trying to start an argument. You know how I feel about having a thing for my teammates. But, out of all the guys on the team, I guess you could’ve done worse.”
You open your mouth to respond, trying to defend yourself once again, but Jack interrupts you before you can get a word out.
“Listen, none of this is really important right now. We can talk about it when I’m not in the middle of a game, but I still don’t really like that you wore his jersey instead of mine or Luke’s,” he circles back to the original conversation. “I mean, you’ve known him for like, two weeks. Joke or not. You know what people think when you wear someone’s jersey, right?”
“It’s not like that, I swear. And it’s not like I’m the only one here wearing his jersey, Jack,” you tell him.
“I know, but I’m just telling you to be careful. Nico’s a good guy, but he’s also a professional hockey player. He’s going to have…admirers. And once they see that you’re actually close to the team and his jersey is the one you’re sporting, things could get messy,” Jack warns you.
You stood there for a few moments, trying to figure out how the conversation even led to what it is. You know Jack is just trying to watch out for you, but he’s jumping to conclusions way too soon. It’s one game, and no one even knows who you are. Plus, it’s a harmless joke. It’s not like you’re wearing his jersey for any other reason.
“Thanks, Jack, really. But I assure you, I only wore it because he suggested it. He wanted to pick fun at you and Luke, that’s it. I’m sure he’ll tell the same story if asked about it,” you reiterated, trying to reassure him.
“Wait, he asked you to wear his jersey?”Jack asks you, surprise in his eyes.
“Yeah, he asked me to wear it to poke fun at the two of you. Then told me he’d score a hat trick if I agreed to wear it, so I did. Thought it’d be fun to see,” you shrugged, not seeing the big deal.
“So, he wanted you to wear his jersey and he promised to score a hatty if you did?” You nod at Jack’s echo of your words.
Jack stares at you, looking like he wants to say something but decides against it. The look on his face has you wondering if he knows something you don’t. You decided to let it go, though, and shoo him back into the locker room.
“Alright, talk over. Go back in there and get ready, you have some Rags to beat!” you push him away from you. You hear him laugh as you walk away, thinking about the conversation the whole way back to your seat.
Shit. He actually did it. He scored a fucking hat trick. The crowd goes absolutely wild when Nico’s shot sails straight into the goal as the buzzer sounds, signaling the end of the game. You jump up from your seat, screaming as loud as you can with the crowd around you. You bang against the glass, cheering for Nico as he celebrates with his teammates.
Once he breaks away from the group hug, he skates right over to you, pointing a gloved finger in your direction. You flash him a huge smile, not even caring that you lost whatever bet – if you could even call it that – you had going on with Nico. You were too high on the atmosphere. The goal causing the Devils to win in the last second, ego a little inflated at the thought that you could’ve contributed to it.
After the players left the ice and the crowd started to disperse a bit, you slowly made your way back down to the locker room, having been told to wait there after the game by Jack. You took in the sight of the happy fans milling about the arena, soaking in the energy for a little bit longer. You didn’t realize just how much you were soaking it in until you realized the time, figuring the guys would be changed and ready to go any minute.
 As you were walking down the hallway to where other friends and family of the team gathered, you felt a harsh contact with your shoulder. It flung your body back, nearly making you lose your balance until you caught yourself at the last second.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you,” you said, knowing it wasn’t your fault, but apologizing anyways.
“Obviously,” you heard a deep voice say, a man in a blue Rangers jersey standing across from you, rolling his eyes.
“Well, no need to be rude about it. You bumped in to me, y’know,” you grumbled out, a little pissed as the man’s response after you apologized first.
“Watch it, bitch. Just cause your shitshow of a team won tonight doesn’t mean you’re truly better than us. Just wait till next game. We’ll smoke your asses,” he spits out at you, letting you smell the alcohol on his hot breath.
“What the hell does the game have to do with you bumping in to me? The two are completely unrelated,” you question, stepping back and scrunching your nose at the foul smell.
“Keep talking, bitch, and I’ll show you just how bad we can beat the Devils asses,” the man steps forward, stumbling a bit before correcting himself.
“Alright, chill out. It’s just a game, buddy,” you back up against the wall next to you, trying to put some distance between you and him.
“God, why do you puck bunnies never shut the fuck up? I literally told you to stop talking, what part of that don’t you understand?” he backs you up even further, not leaving much room for you to make an escape.
“Technically you told me to keep talking,” you say before you can think better of it.
The man basically growls at you raising his hand back. To do what, you never find out, because a voice brings him back to reality, making him seem to remember he’s in public.
“I suggest you drop your hand and step away.”
The man’s head whips around, looking behind him. Once he steps back from you slightly, you make your escape, removing yourself from the wall.
You see Nico standing a few feet away from you, a grey suit on his body, his hair covered by a cream color beanie.
“Oh, how convenient. Captain to the rescue,” the guy slurs, turning his body to fully face Nico.
“Do I need to call security or are you going to be smart and get the fuck out of my arena?” Nico spits, surprising you with his harshness.
“Whatever. I’m going. Don’t be so dramatic. The puck bunny started it, anyways,” the man waves you off, stumbling away without a glance back.
Nico watches him walk away, stepping towards you the second the man is out of view.
“Are you okay? Did he do anything to you? Do I need to go get security?” He fires off questions, concern present in his brown eyes.
“No, I’m fine. He bumped into me then started spewing some bullshit about the game. I asked him how the two were related and he just kept talking about how he was gonna show me how ‘we can really beat the Devils asses’,” you put up air quotes.
“Are you sure?” his eyes continue to look you up and down, darting across your face to check for any sign showing you weren’t okay.
“Really, it’s fine. He didn’t do anything. Thank you, though. For scaring him away,” you assure him, causing him to relax.
“Of course. Seems to be a pattern, after all. Me running to your rescue,” he references your previous encounters. Letting you into your apartment, getting the bartender’s attention so you could order a drink that same night, his help when you were making dinner just a few nights ago. He really did always show up when you needed help.
You look up at him with a smile. “My very own knight in shining armor.”
He bows dramatically. “M’lady.”
You laugh at the action, causing Nico to join in.
“So I guess I owe you a congratulations, huh?” you ask after your laughter dies down.
Nico beams at you, pulling a stack of three pucks out of the bag slung over his shoulder, the tape they’re held together by reading ‘hat trick”. He holds them out towards you, signaling you to grab them.
“Here, they’re yours. You’re the reason I got them, after all,” he tells you, placing the pucks into your hand.
“I don’t think I had anything to do with it,” you look at your hand before looking back up at Nico.
“Sure you did. I told you if you wore the jersey I’d score one. And you did. And then I scored three goals. I told you, you’re my goodluck charm,” he smiles at you, shrugging like a hat trick was no big deal.
You roll your eyes at him, trying to fight a smile. “Sure, whatever you say, Cap.”
He chuckles at your sarcasm, shaking his head at you.
“Guess I need to pocket that ridiculous favor I had in mind, then,” you tell him, toying with the pucks, thinking about how he gave you four different ones tonight.
“I’m sure you can save it for future use. Think you’ll be able to cash it in sooner than you think,” he tells you, a confused look on your face.
“You won, though. I wore the jersey, you scored three goals. That was the whole thing,” you remind him, not knowing where he was going with his statement.
“You never asked me what I got if I did score a hatty.”
You were taken aback by his words, not realizing that was part of the deal. “Okay…well, what do you get, then?”
“You have to do me a favor,” he tells you, grin on his face.
You furrow your brows, confused. “I thought the whole point of my end of the deal was because I already did you a favor?”
“You did. But now I get to ask you for another one,” he rocks back on his heels, way too giddy about the situation.
You look at him, a little scared at what he has planned. He just continues to look at you, his shit-eating grin still extremely present.
“Okay…what is it?” you ask him, getting impatient.
“Oh, I’m not telling you yet. I’ll cash it in when I’m ready,” He replies, amused at the unamused look on your face.
“Seriously? You’re not going to tell me what cruel fate you’re subjecting me to?”
You hear the voices of Jack and Luke echoing through the hallway on the other end of the room. You turn your head away from Nico, watching the two brothers make their way towards you, lost in their own conversation.
“All in due time, dear Bouy,” Nico says, taking a step back from you.
Your distaste for the nickname shows on your face, causing Nico’s eyes to twinkle, loving how mad you get over the silly name he still hasn’t learned the origin of.
“Whatever. Keep it to yourself, then. I don’t care,” you lie.
“Have a good night. See you soon,” Nico says with a wink, turning to walk in the direction of Jack and Luke, giving them a wave as he passes them. Both of them look up and notice you standing where he just came from, turning to look at each other with raised eyebrows.
You look down at the pucks in your hand once more, looking at the emblem on top noting what game and date they were from. When you look at the bottom of the last puck, you catch a streak of silver reflecting off of the fluorescent lights in the hallway. Turning it completely upside down, you make out the 9 digits of a phone number scribbled along the bottom, matching the handwriting of the words and signature on the first puck Nico gave you that night.
“Hey, ready to go? We’re starving. Luke wants waffles so we’re going to meet a few of the guys at a diner not far from the apartment, you want go?” Jack asks as the two approach you.
You don’t respond, too stuck on the fact that Nico gave you his phone number on the bottom of his hat trick pucks. You’re impressed at how smooth it was, but also freaking out and trying not to jump to conclusions. It’s just a phone number. It could mean nothing. Maybe he just wanted you to have it because you’re neighbors? Or because you’re so close with Jack and Luke. Maybe he wanted you to have it for emergencies.
“Hello, earth to Y/N. You good?” Luke snaps you out of your trance. You bring the pucks down to press the bottom against your leg, hiding the phone number from your roommates.
“What? Yeah. I’m fine. Great. Perfect.”
“Okay…” Jack trails off, giving you a suspicious look. “So, yes or no to the waffles?”
“Oh my god, yes. The answer to waffles is always yes,” you say excitedly.
“Okay then, let’s go. Some of the guys are already there. I’ll drive,” Jack laughs at you, walking towards the exit leading to where the players park.
“Shotgun!” Luke yells out, turning back to see your reaction to the competition that was so fierce when you were kids.
Your mind is once again on the pucks in your hands, and the player that gave them to you. You look at the numbers again, deciding the boys were far enough ahead for you to safely sneak a peek, wanting to make sure they were actually there and you weren’t seeing things. Your earlier conversation with Jack making its way back to the front of your mind, wondering if maybe Jack’s concern is relevant.
Luke just smiles and shakes his head, remembering watching his captain frantically ask around for a sharpie in the locker room, writing something on the exact set of pucks you now have in your hands before bolting from the room like a man on a mission.
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nickfowlerrr · 11 months
Would you rather:
Walk in on dbf!Lee pleasuring himself to your pictures or have Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode while he’s fucking you 💞
it's no secret
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pairing: dbf!lee bodecker x curvy!reader
warnings: 18+ only. reader is at minimum 25 but there's still an age gap. male masturbation. unprotected smut. lee being referred to as "daddy". honestly not as nasty as i was originally imagining this to be, and not as forbidden as most dbf tropes should probably be lol sorry.
words: 3.7k
notes: i was gonna say bucky, i really was, but then i got to thinking, and suddenly my fingers got to typing, and now here we are lol. pls enjoy.
thank you in advance for reading! comments and reblogs are always welcome and so appreciated.
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You were essentially blackmailed into coming along on this weekend trip to the family cabin by your dad. A promise that he wouldn't tell your mom about your holiday plans, and how they didn't involve you coming home this year, in exchange for your presence on this "family" trip. 
Unfortunately, your father failed to mention the last minute change of plans that included a few more people than you were prepared for staying at the cabin with you. 
Your room was yours, but all the other ones were now taken by family friends; some you knew, and some you'd only just met. As annoyed as you were at the number of people around, the presence of one in particular kept you from loading up your car and faking a work emergency to head back to your apartment in the city.
Lee Bodecker was a relatively new friend of your dad's, but his impression was lasting to say the least.
He was tall and thick, had a strong jaw and sharp cheekbones, gorgeous blue eyes and the beginnings of crow's feet around them that only added to his attractiveness; you couldn’t deny that his age and respectability were part of what held your attention. His chestnut hair was dark with gray that shone through around his hairline and the badge he wore on his belt caught your eye, too. A sheriff. Hm. He had this air about him, this unspoken confidence and a powerful, authoritative presence that had you just a little more than interested in the man.
You had met a few weeks back at your dad's birthday party. He had caught you staring at him from across the room as he spoke to a group of people crowded around him, while you were sitting on the couch alone, nursing your soda and watching the party go on around you.
You hadn’t meant to stare, didn't even realize you were, until his sapphire eyes met yours. The twitch of a smirk playing on his lips as he returned your gaze sent a thrill up your spine, but you simply looked away, taking a sip from your drink as you crossed your legs and got more comfortable on the sofa.
You felt his eyes on you for a moment longer before the heavy weight of his gaze fell away. It wasn't long after that that a heavy weight soon fell next to you on the loveseat. 
Most of the guests, and your parents, were drunk as the party continued all around you, no one paying much of any attention to you or Lee as you sat right up against one another.
You set your drink on the side table before you turned slightly with a raised brow to your unexpected company.
“Hope you don’t mind me comin over, darlin’,” he began easily, “you looked a little lonely sittin here by yourself.”
His arm moved to stretch across the back of the couch, inviting you in closer to him than you already were.
“Did I?” you questioned. “Well, I appreciate you tearing yourself away from your enraptured audience just to offer me some company.”
You and Lee spoke for a long while, his charm effortless, his hand wandering, and that damn lopsided smirk never faltering as he flirted and teased you with fleeting touches… his big, warm palm sliding up your exposed thigh, under the tight material of your dress in a game of chicken until he was reluctantly pulled away from you by the badgering of your dad and his drunken friends, needing Lee to recount the story you were sure they’d all hear a million times by now. 
You had had enough yourself for one night, so adjusted the hem of your dress that would have been riding up your thick thighs regardless, and grabbed your purse and keys.
“Maybe I’ll see you around,” you said as you moved past him to get to your dad first, needing to say your goodbyes to your parents before you left.
“You will,” Lee rumbled in his reply, his voice a little deeper now than it had been earlier as he watched you walk in front of him, the view leaving him licking his lips as he fought to keep his hands to himself.
And he was right. 
You weren’t expecting him to be here this weekend, but you definitely weren’t complaining. 
All day had been spent with you both stealing glances at one another and trying repeatedly to get close, only for someone to come by and ruin any chance you had to even speak. 
It wasn’t until that night that you finally had some alone time with Lee.
Your parents were leading a hike up the mountain to see the stars that everyone wanted to join in on. Everyone but you two.
Lee had said goodnight to the group as they started getting ready to take off while you hung back, making sure everyone had everything they’d need. You helped spray your mom’s friend’s kids with bug repellent and double checked the flashlight batteries on the bigger lights before giving your portable phone charger to your dad, just in case, before the group of them left for their hike.
You were surprisingly giddy as you watched them all take off down the path. You waited a few minutes, making sure no one was gonna change their minds about the long night hike and turn around. You did a quick look around the cabin to ensure it really was just you and Lee and when you were satisfied, you went to your room to change into something more…easily accessible. 
You fussed over your hair needlessly for a minute in the bathroom before adjusting the straps of your night slip.
As you padded down the hallway from your room to the one Lee was staying in, you slowed when you heard noise coming from his direction.
The closer you got, the more the anticipation built as you realized what it was you were hearing.
Lee’s grunts and moans filled the empty hallway and had your pussy fluttering as your heart pounded. You squeezed your thighs together in an attempt to ease the growing desire but it did little to satisfy you as his voice only rose. 
When you were at the door, you realized that it wasn’t completely closed. He’d left it ajar.
You saw the glow of his phone from over his shoulder as he sat on the opposite side of the bed, facing away from the door.
You didn’t have to guess to know what it was he was doing, his fist moving tortuously over his thick cock as he pumped himself. It did surprise you, though, when you made out what it was he was looking at; more aptly, who he was looking at.
You recognized your picture from your private instagram account, the one you kept family off of. It was for your sexier pictures, the ones you didn’t always feel comfortable posting on your main. You’d followed Lee from that account the day after you’d met, your mom had posted a picture from the party and tagged him, among others, in the group pictures, and you took the opportunity as it was presented to you.
You’d messaged each other when you got the spare chance, exchanged numbers, and talked more these past weeks. So much so, you had even told him you were going to be out of town for this trip this weekend. 
The cocky smile he wore when he saw you this afternoon let you know why he hadn’t decided to share that he’d be here too. The look of surprise on your face was exactly what he wanted to see.
He’d tried to set up a time to see you in the time between your meeting and now, but you were always busy when he was free and vice versa. Honestly, a part of him was worried if you knew he’d be here, you would’ve found a way out. 
God, was he wrong. 
You’d been desperate for this man since the night you met him.
As you pushed the door further open, you couldn’t help but admire his form. He was naked as he sat on the edge of the bed, the muscles in his solid back flexing as his strong arm moved up and down while he stroked himself.
You didn’t even realize you were breathing heavier as you inched closer, his moans the only thing you could focus on now.
Lee could sense you coming up behind him, he heard you when you pushed the door open, and now he was really putting on a show for you. He wanted you to know exactly what you did to him, with just a goddamn photo. He wanted you to hear how fucking good you make him feel without even having to have his hands on you. 
You aren’t thinking as you climb onto the bed, crawling closer to him until you're against him entirely. You take a second before you allow your hands to touch him, slipping them up his back, over his shoulders and down his chest as he purrs, leaning back into you.
You’re mesmerized by his movements, his fist pumping over his leaking cock as he keeps his eyes on his phone, your photo taking up the screen as his mind runs wild with all the things he wants to do to you. 
“As good of a picture as that is,” you speak headily in his ear, causing goosebumps to break out over his skin, “I’m sure I can do more for you in person.” You smile as he licks his pink lips, taking his phone from him before gently tossing it up the bed.
“‘Bout damn time,” he responds gruffly, turning to capture your lips in his as he lets go of his cock. He holds your head with one hand as he threatens to consume you with his kiss alone.
He then reaches his arm down and takes you by the waist as he moves to lay down on the bed in the same moment, everything much more hurried now as he urges you to move on top of him.
Lee is completely naked as you straddle him, your night slip raised over your hips to allow the position. 
“Fuck I’ve been picturing you like this since the night of your dad’s party,” he said as his hands moved from your thighs, up your hips, and under the slip to push it up your body further.
“Let’s not talk about my dad right now,” you rasped before you allowed him to raise the slip higher, finally pulling it over your head and tossing it to the side.
“How pissed do you think he’d be if he knew his precious daughter was seconds away from riding his friend’s cock in his own cabin, huh?”
“Lee, please,” you moan with a pout.
He chuckles as he reaches a hand up from your hip to your breasts, pinching a nipple meanly as you whine, moving your hips over his to no avail. He keeps you exactly where he wants you.
“You made me wait, it’s only fair, darlin’,” he smirks, clearly enjoying himself.
“You’re gonna be left waiting even longer if they get back soon,” you try to argue.
“You think I won’t still fuck you if your parents are here?” he asks as he takes hold of his cock again. You move your hips, trying to make it easier for him to position himself as he moves his dripping cockhead up and down your slit. You moan helplessly as he rubs against your clit, leaning over him as you urge him to just put it in already. His tauntings aren’t doing anything to help, either.
You can feel his tip at your entrance as you feel his lips against your ear, 
“Let your dad hear you screamin’ daddy,” he growls as he thrusts into you at last, a wanton moan escaping you as your hands find purchase on his shoulders. 
He growls again as your walls grip his length. He holds you there for a long moment as you adjust to his intrusion, his fingers digging into your fleshy hips.
“God, you feel so good,” you whimper before you begin to move atop him, his hands leading your movements.
Your head falls back in pleasure as you ride him, the way he fills you up, a delight you don’t think you’ve ever experienced. 
Lee watches you with heavy lids, his blue eyes dark with unrestrained lust. He lets you take control as you move your hips over his, chasing your own pleasure as each move stimulates your clit.
He can’t stop himself though, eventually his hips jerk up into you, causing you to clench around him, your hold on him tightening when he begins fucking up into you with abandon.
You fall onto him with a cry as he grips your ass almost painfully.
The first slap he lands is sharp and stings but has your walls gripping his shaft even tighter.
“You like that, baby?” he snickers through a moan as you babble mindlessly, his cock still thrusting into you as his hips never slow.
The second slap burns more than the first but Lee quickly follows it up with his palm massaging the sting gently as you moan meekly.
“Daddy asked you a question, darlin’,” he taunts as his pace slows. The drag of his cock is still long and deep, though. He ensures you feel every inch of him as he slides in and out of your cunt. 
“Yes,” you answer as you pick your hips up and down, wanting it harder.
Another slap has you gasping as you peer up at Lee. Your mouth goes dry at the look in his eyes as his hips stop moving entirely.
“Yes, daddy,” you murmur as you hold his stare.
A growl ripes from his throat at your words as he holds your waist tightly, flipping you so you’re on your back as he hovers above you.
The sight of Lee between your legs sends a new wave of slickness to your pussy as you relax into the bed with a pleasured sigh.
He positions himself at your entrance and slides right in, pulling you closer by your hips as he thrusts into your wet heat.
He groans as he leans over you, looking down at your exposed body.
“You’re so fucking beautiful, you know that?”
You’re stunned at his words. You knew he was attracted to you, duh, but there was something so genuine about the way he said it. It sent a flutter to your belly as you couldn’t do anything but stare back up at him with doe eyes as he fucked you so perfectly.
You reached up and pulled him down to you, crashing your lips into his as your response. He licked into your mouth and you let him dominate the kiss as you followed his lead.
He finally broke it when you were both nearly out of breath. 
“Goddamn perfect,” he husked as he leaned back up, rolling his hips into yours, his cock sliding right against the spot you most wanted to feel him. He groped your breasts, kneading them with his large hand, playing with your nipples as he growled and groaned, his touch and filthy sounds only spurning you on further.
“Lee,” you whimpered, grabbing at him as your walls tightened, that coil in your belly tightening more and more with his every thrust.
“‘M right there, baby. Right there with you,” he huffed, “just a little more.”
“Please,” you breathed, your eyes squeezing tightly as you tried to hold off your orgasm just a little longer, “please, Lee.”
He grunted, hands gripping your hips tight enough to bruise as he fucked your harder, stretching you delightfully. 
“Please come with me, Daddy, please,” you begged, earning a deep thrust and a symphony of sinful noises and curses from the man pounding into you. Another harsh thrust had you nearly squealing as you finally came around his thick length, the hot pleasure shooting through you before crashing down wave after euphoric wave as your body tensed and shook.
Cries of pleasure and his name like a prayer left your lips as your walls milked his cock, his come filling you up as he let himself burst inside of you. The hot, thick ropes of his release hitting your walls had you squeezing him tighter as you whimpered beneath him.
As you began to come down and tried to regulate your breathing, his hand on your face had you opening your eyes before they closed once more as he pressed his swollen lips to yours. The kiss was slow and deep as his hips slowed and stilled against yours while your hands found his face in return, holding him to you. His cock softened and slipped out of you, causing you to murmur into the kiss at the loss of him. He smirked against your lips before he ended it, pressing his forehead to yours instead as you breathed each other in. 
You peered into his eyes as he stared down at you.
There was a softness in his gaze that you swear could’ve had you melting into the mattress right then and there.
He smiled at you and you couldn’t help but return it as you smiled demurely back.
Your thumb mindlessly stroked his cheek before he nuzzled into your touch. Lee let his body lay down next to you on the mattress, holding your hand against his face and pulling your body closer to his with his free hand.
He sighed contentedly as you turned into him. 
“Was the wait worth it?” you asked softly.
He looked to you, squeezing you just a bit tighter, “Well worth it.”
You laughed, “Good. I’m glad. We’ll have to do this again sometime,” you simpered, pushing off of him, turning back to get off the bed.
“Where do you think you’re goin’ sweetheart?” he said, stopping you from leaving.
“What, I can’t stay in here. My mom’ll realize I’m not in my room and freak out. She’s paranoid about me being taken by some mystery monster up here, has been since I was a kid,” you reminisced. 
“Darlin’,” he drawled, rolling over you once again, “I think she already knows you’ve been taken by the monster,”
You laughed as he attacked your neck with kisses, holding you close to him. 
“Oh, and you, Sheriff, you’re the monster?”
“Mhm. Prepared to take her daughter away to his lair. Keep her all to himself,” he murmured against your skin.
“Well, for what it’s worth,” you said, running your fingers through his short hair, “I don’t foresee her putting up much of a fight.”
You could feel his smirk before he pulled away to look you in the eyes once again. 
“I am serious, darlin’. I think she already knows we may be up to something.”
“How would she possibly know that?”
He sighed, turned and layed down next to you again, “I asked your dad for his permission before I tried to ask you out the other week.”
“What? You did?” you asked in disbelief, “and he said yes?”
“I was as shocked as you are,” he smiled. “He asked me the other day at work how it went and when I told him we hadn’t been able to set anything up, he invited me here this weekend.”
“Ah,” all the pieces were connecting now as you let out a breathless chuckle. “Hm.”
“There a problem with that?”
“No,” you shook your head, “no, I just. I don’t normally tell my parents about the people I see until things are, uhm…serious, I guess?... And I mean, this was great, I would absolutely love to do it again,” you smiled, “but, uh, what exactly are we doing? Just so we’re on the same page, so we know where we stand.”
“Sex is great,” he agreed, “but I’d be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t hoping for more.”
“More as in, like, dating?”
He turned to be face to face with you before he spoke, “That was my intention.”
You nodded then, fighting a bigger smile from breaking out across your face. 
“Okay,” as you spoke, you could hear the front door downstairs open. Your eyes went wide as your head shot to the still open door of the room, “Shit. Well for now, I’d prefer my parents not know I desecrated their beloved cabin by getting creampied by their friend in the bed that they paid for,” you whisper ranted as you clamored off the bed and pulled your night slip back on. You were about to rush to the door, trying to beat them up the stairs as Lee sat up and leaned against the headboard, watching you, quite entertained by your frantic state before you stopped in your tracks, turned around and padded back over to him, “I’ll leave my door open, but you’ll have to wait until my parents shut their light off if you want round two,” you whispered, kissing him gently before slipping away just as fast, shutting his door behind you. All he could do was smile, still basking in the afterglow and the idea of what was still to come.
It was an hour later, after your mom had checked in on you - a habit from the past twenty something years since they’d bought the cabin - and their lights went out across the hall, that your bed dipped as Lee quietly crawled in beside you.
His arms wrapped around you, his lips pressed against your ear,
“You said somethin’ bout round two. Much as I loved hearin’ you moan for me, let’s see how quiet you can be for Daddy.”
You whimpered almost inaudibly, but Lee heard it anyway, his large hand coming up to your throat, instantly causing you to get even more wet for him as he squeezed ever so slightly.
“You gonna be a good girl for me, baby?” he prompted, a wicked smirk on his lips as he pressed his boxer cover erection against your bare ass.
Your voice was a pathetic whisper as you pressed back against him,
“Yes, Daddy.”
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puppyslutposting · 3 months
"Yeah of course I can be trusted to house-sit for you while you're on your business trip! :3"
I watch you pull out of the driveway, waving to you from the porch. As soon as your car is completely out of sight, I bolt inside and upstairs to your room. Now that I'm finally alone, I can go full puppy mode. And I already know just what I want to do... After all, I've had the biggest crush on you for a long time now. We're constantly flirting and teasing each other when we hang out, but neither of us has the courage to take it further. You know about all of my kinks, and you constantly tease me about them. You've even called me "good boy" before, which got me so wet I had to excuse myself. All of this sexual tension has been really getting to me, and I know exactly how to let off some steam...
I walk over to your dirty clothes hamper. There's a black sweatshirt haphazardly draped over the rim. I snatch it up and immediately put it up to my face, inhaling deeply. "Fuck..." I think to myself. "It smells just like them. I want them so badly. I NEED them, and they don't even know it. I just wish they would fuck me..." As I hold the cloth up to my face and sniff it lustfully, I slip a hand down my pants. I can feel I'm already pretty damn wet just from your smell, and realizing my own desperation only makes me hornier.
I throw the sweatshirt onto your bed and start stripping, throwing my clothes wherever with little regard. Once I'm fully nude, I take a second to just explore my body with my hands. I feel up my breasts and nipples, my hips, my face, and my thighs, taking note of how sensitive I am. Every touch leaves me desiring more, until I can't take it and I crawl into your bed.
I don't fully have a plan at this point, I just know I need to masturbate. Specifically while inhaling your addictive scent. I lay on my back and grab your sweatshirt once again, throwing it over my face. Then, I spread my legs open and start rubbing myself. My needy t-dick twitches wildly between my pointer and middle finger as I slide them up and down my wet vulva. I moan helplessly as your scent drives me into a heat, making more sensitive and needy than I've ever been before. Rubbing isn't enough anymore, I feel like I need to fuck you. I look around, desperate for something to slide my t-dick on, and then I spot it. The teddy bear I gave you for your birthday last year, sitting up in bed between your pillows. Under normal circumstances, I would have been absolutely flattered that you kept it in bed with you all this time, but in my current state I don't even consider it. I snatch it up and roll on top of it, mounting it like the horny mutt I am.
It's been about 30 minutes at this point. I'm a sweaty, panting, drooling mess. My face is shoved into your musky shirt and Im gripping the plush tight while I rut against it needily. I'm so focused on trying to cum, that I don't even hear my phone buzzing. I'm completely in a trance, my entire mind and body only wanting a release. I don't hear the car pull up in the driveway, or the front door opening, or your footsteps coming up the stairs. Only once you come into the room and start talking do I snap out of my trance.
"Hey, sorry, I forgot my-" Your words are cut short. You're shocked by what you're seeing, but you can't look away. My eyes grow wide and my face goes bright red with embarrassment as I try to cover my exposed parts. I stammer over my words, trying to cough up an explanation, but even I know there's no way out of this. I gulp nervously.
You feel your pants getting tight. You know you should be upset, but you can't help but to find it incredibly arousing that I would be so horny just by your smell alone that I would do something like this. But you're also so glad that there's finally a reason to break the sexual tension between us, and you can't help but to smirk mischievously. This is just too perfect.
"I think I'm going to have to teach you a lesson for this, mutt.~ You're such a bad puppy... Present your pussy to me. Now." You say, slipping off your tie and starting to undress. Your mischievous grin grows more and more as you think about all of the perverted things you'll be able to do to me now that you have me right where you want me.
Braindead and desperate for your touch, I immediately obey. After all, good boys do as they're told...~
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thesamoanqueen · 4 months
A/N: my lovely @harmshake asked me what the "beast mode" that journalists attribute to Roman is for me. I have a clear idea, because he has already talked about it, but I wanted to try something in a sort of headcanon/imagine, a type of fanfiction I hadn't tried yet here. [warnings: 18+ smut, jealousy, protective prompt}
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Between the two of you, the one with the more visceral attitude was you and it was not surprising considering every woman is forced to fight for everything on a daily basis. Roman, not the Tribal Chief the crowds was used to, was a man it was simple to feel at ease, great listener, good manners and hypercritical mind on a personal level. He was a mama's boy, not because he was spoiled - even if it was true -, but in his ability to understand, give and care, qualities every man should have and which unfortunately were lacking in most boys. However there were moments, scenarios, in which he too gave in to the less soft side of himself and when he finally snapped, it was like facing a beast that had forgotten had been tamed.
Your relationship was his top priority, his jealousy didn’t come from insecurity or doubts and for this reason perhaps it would have been more appropriate refer to it as territoriality, rather than jealousy. Seeing you admired, at work as much as in private life, filled him with satisfaction and pride, for him there was no pedestal too high for you. When admiration became something more though, that part of him less inclined or not at all to tolerate woke up in full force, pushing him to mark and protect what was his without worrying about anything else.
The overly insistent glances put him on alert, the whispered proposals in an effort to lure you away from him made his mouth twitch, but it was the attempts to invade your personal space that drove him crazy. He knew you were capable of taking care of yourself, he never stood by though and watched when some mr. nobody put a bad idea into practice and it didn't matter if there was too many drinks or an agreement between sides where it was necessary stay cordial to justify it. It was then that his hands found you, sliding along your back or pulling you by his side in an intimate touch to show he was the only one chosen for such a privilege. You would have recognized him just by the touch, even blindfolded, but it wasn't necessary because with his hands, all his presence came: solid body pressed close to reassure, shield you and intimidate anyone who thought could get over him and his voice, so soft, caring in your ears as he made sure you were okay and threatening to anyone unfortunate enough to deserve direct confrontation.
- "Back off" – the target almost never understood what was happening, staring in silence.
- "You heard me. Take a step back, two and three, all the way until you get back from wherever you came from. Or maybe you want a lil help, hm boy?"
The few who had tried to resist intimidation, even assert themselves, had regretted it the moment next, ending up in a match they could never have won and which they quit at the first serious grab as you said your prayers to bring Roman back to his senses.
As with jealousy, his patience reached the bottom even when you found yourself, as he said, in potential dangerous situations. Organizing and planning was part of your job duties, it wasn't often that something was beyond your control, but unexpected events happened on trips and was when plans changed that Roman didn't like it, especially if he wasn't physically there with you to deal with whatever what’s going on. A delayed flight at an inconvenient time, an impromptu hotel in an unsafe city triggered a chain reaction you most often tried to avoid, managing it without warning him or giving too many details. But Roman seemed to have a sense, reading between lines and then calls and messages began, to know where you were and what or why was happening, ending with an epochal argument on the phone when you finally confessed - even if in the end it was resolved all for the best -.
- "This isn't up for discussion! Im going to come between you and anything bad in your damn life! You should have told me!"
It wasn’t a mania, but real concern and the only reason why you put up with his outbursts. The idea in his mind of not being there when you could have needed him made his blood boil, see things more dramatic than expected. You had gotten into real problems years before, a few bad moments that had taught you a lot and for which he had jumped on the first available flight or in a car, forgetting to rest even after too many hours of work, consuming miles to even reach the other coast of the country. The beast that thundered, opening his mouth, going head-to-head against everything and everyone, turning everything and everyone upside down, had made you feel small then, but it had come to your rescue.
Comments didn't affect him, he had heard too many boos during his career to be impressed, but he channeled disappointment into his training and it was when he gave everything. For Roman it wasn't about preparing, it was about trying, testing his endurance, pushing himself for when the moment came. His returns had always been epochal events, changing the direction of the entire industry. His impact was unique because regardless of whatever people's opinions were out there, Roman had always left his mark for better or worse and he did it knowing he could. You supported him, assisted him as you could, but there was a part of you always worried it could have been too much and things could fall apart.
He had never really fallen though and if it had happened, his mindset had put Roman back on his feet immediately, proving to you over the years that nothing could really bring your man down even fighting the worst challenges. When the goal became clear in his mind, when he focused, there was nothing and no one that could push him down another path or make him change his mind. He was ready to crush any obstacle, overcome limits that he himself had previously drawn, see what others could not. Roman tenacity went beyond physical strength, it was mental, psychological, a terrifying confidence that brought out the part of him that made him so special. He didn't believe he could do anything, he knew he was capable of it and in one way or another Roman always found a way to do it, shaping himself and everything around him to realize his vision. Another species of man on another level of greatness.
- "Is perfect, take a break" – you tried to convince him and he nodded, but you saw it in his eyes even before you heard it.
- "One more time."
Sweaty body, heavy breathing, a man working hard to satisfy you.
You had your love adventures, but comparison with those who had been there before and Roman wasn't even a comparison. You had never felt so much love and lust in someone's arms, never had you felt so precious and fragile at the same time, like a flower pressed between the pages of a book, while he crushed you between the sheets. Sloppy kisses on your lips and delicate ones on your forehead, hands moving a lock of hair from your face and then sinking into the flesh of your thighs, turning you upside down as he pleased.
- "I'mma fuck my name in your head sweetheart, don't run, you ain't going nowhere" – promises that sounded like threats and made you tremble, a wave of pleasure washing over as you felt him go deeper – "you're stuck with me, quit it."
You whimpered, clinging to him like your life depended on it, shaking your head, begging, but Roman knew you better than you knew yourself and his grin always came right on time. When you felt like you were at your limit, he would increase the pace, pounding until he took air out of your lungs to kiss you and fill them with himself. Your body melted in his big hands, tears and sweet moods, climaxes following one another to the rhythm of your heartbeats and his brown eyes adoring and consuming you. Moans then became silent, pleasure intense to the point you couldn't feel anything else, you curled up giving in, abandoning yourself to his imperative desire to claim you. Only then did Roman slow down, bending you over, going beyond that sweet spot that he had tortured for the whole night, chasing his own pleasure this time and the perversion in his mind that made him go feral to fill you with his seed. Then he buried his face in your neck, between your breasts or behind your shoulder blades, hips pressed against your skin, nutting right into your soul and everything around you both fell silent to let the beast finally rest.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @alyyaanna @expert-texpert @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @joannasteez @reignsx @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @333creolelady @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @dreamsinfocus @vebner37 @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @mahi-wayy @jxtina-86 @harmshake @southerngirl41 @smile1318 @headoftheetable @sortudademais @bookuce
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popcat69 · 1 year
Iron what?
Rottmnt boys x anaemic!reader
Notes: this can be read with gn!reader. I didn't get a request for this but i almost passed out a few days ago so i thought this would be kinda funny to write something i relate to a bit. Enjoy <3
Warnings: no warnings just the boys being sweet and caring. Leo is a bit of an ass but oh well
Before Raph knew you had a iron deficiency he would always be confused as to why you had to take a moment when you stood up from lying down. Or when you felt dizzy alot.
One time when you decided to have a movie night with him and you stood up too quickly you felt dizzy and lightheaded. You grabbed the closest thing to you or well turtle to help support you.
Poor boy was so worried
He was franting asking if you were alright
You were able to smell his fear stink 
Once you told him you had an iron deficiency he was confused so you had to explain it to him. He understood quite fast and began keeping a closer eye on you.
Feeling dizzy? He's carrying you. 
Looking paler then usual? He sitting you down to eat something.
If you take medication he will put an alarm on your phone and his to not forget.
How this turtle found was something else
Long story short you stood up too fast and basically fell to the floor
Leo being the insufferable person he is thought you tripped on something and was laughing his ass off.
But in no less then a minute hes realising you not moving and goes into full panic mode.
As you regained consciousness you realise you were on the couch next to a turtle fulls of tears.
He pulled you into a big hug as you calm him down and explaining that your anaemic.
Leo has experience with medical…stuff? Perks of being the team medic.
Soon after that whole incident he started to become more observant. Always by your side when you stand up or when you haven't eaten a lot that day.
With leo if you take medication if he will keep a bottle on him at all times incase you have forgotten yours at home
I feel like Donnie would already kind of know as hes quite observant
“I'm anaemic btw” “i know”
You kind of stared at him with a raised brow thinking. What?
Anyway he would always ask you if you have eaten a proper meal or gotten enough sleep.
Kinda ironic if you ask me
One time he gave you a diet plan to help with your iron deficiency and you followed it for like a day or two and then kinda forgot.
You felt really guilty when he asked how was the plan going. You knew he put the time and research to make it for you specifically so you gave him a sheepish smile as you looked around the room nervously.
Since that didn't work out he made you a portable pill dispenser? And it has a checklist on the back of it.
Have you eaten at least 3 proper meals?
Are you feeling dizzy a lot today?
You get the idea
You loved and cherished donnie’s small inventions that he gifts you.
Mikey (my beloved)
When mikey realised that you are frequently dizzy or lightheaded he would immediately asked if somethings the matter 
You explained to him without any hesitation and he would just slowly nod listening to you
He would find small ideas to help remind you to take your medication and to eat meals that are rich in iron.
Also he would send you small texts as reminders
Hey to the most amazing, best person in the world. Did you remember to eat enough?
Honestly it makes your heart melt. The first time he sent a text to you like that you were almost in tears holding you phone to your chest 
He once found out that you haven't eaten all day and forgot to take your medication from overworking yourself or just when having a bad day then BOOM!
Doctor feeling has arrived
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dearmantis · 1 year
Golden Crown of Sorrow
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova/The Darkling x fem!Princess!Reader
Summary: After sending dozens of letters begging your father to help you flee from your betrothed and his family, someone finally comes to save you
Warnings: domestic abuse, neglectful/abusive parents, sexism/violence against women, mentions of suicide, murder, mentions of child murder, mentions of getting attacked by an animal (if you get bitten by something, even a human, get checked by a medical professional), Fjerda slander, mention of pregnancy
Word Count: 4k words
Authors Note: This was originally part of A little loss of Innocence but it works way better as it's own one shot. Also, please pay attention to the warnings. English is not my native language and I didn't edit this
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"Did my father send you?" You ask as you settle in the carriage, voice timid and quiet in a way that is so unlike the version of you that he knows that it throws him off for a second.
You haven't spoken at all during the ride here, contempt in burying your fingers in the mane of his horse or sleeping as he led it away from the house of the family you were promised to, and starring at the forest or the small fires he lit to cook food during the breaks.
His gaze wanders over you, taking in the way your shoulders are pulled together to make you appear smaller, the small, almost invisible cut on your left cheek, the way you keep wincing when the carriage shakes a bit, and how your eyes keep jumping around, gaze always flickering between the window and the position of his hands.
He can't lie to you, he realises. You're suspicious and filled to the brim with fear and paranoia. Whatever happened in Fjerda has shaken you to the core and thrown you right into survival mode. If he lies to you and you find out, you will never trust him with anything ever again.
Because even if you recover from this, you will always remember the fact that he lied to you when you were in your most vulnerable state. And Aleksander needs the trust of the royal family, as much as he might despise that fact.
You bite your lip harshly, teeth digging into the chapped, dry flesh before you nod, eyes finding his. The suspicion in them is stronger now, accompanied by a bit of confusion.
"Then why did you come? What's in it for you?"
Aleksander frowns. "Excuse me, your highness?"
"Why are you saving me? Why did you decide to come here instead of letting me die in Djerholm? My own family was ready to watch me perish there after all."
There is no anger in your voice, no sadness, nothing. Just this monotone, quiet, submissive voice that doesn't fit someone born into the status of royalty.
But your gaze is scrutinizing, clarifying that every question you ask is a test designed to make him trip in hopes of revealing his true motivations. You're expecting him to lie to you. In the back of your mind you're probably already planning how to weasel the truth out of him, so all he can really do to take control over the situation and reassure you into trusting him is to reveal the truth and in turn his playing cards for this specific game.
You want him to lie, and he has never enjoyed doing what the royal family wants.
Your surprise is like a shooting star: Visible for a singular heartbeat, then gone forever.
"Glory?" Your eyes look back down to your knees, your hands playing with the fabric of the skirt of your dress while the volume of your voice drops into a whisper. "You won't achieve glory like this. You will most likely be punished for saving me, and I'll be sent back."
Your behaviour is starting to bother him. It was a welcome change when he first got you out and traveled through Fjerda with you on the saddle in front of him, but now all he wants to do is shake you until the words start falling out of your mouth.
He thought you were just quiet because you were scared of being caught, but evidently, nothing has changed for you after he led you across the border to Ravka.
Maybe it would've been better to lie? To tell you that he was some kind of chivalrous knight in shining armour who had come to Fjerda out of the goodness of his own heart to save his struggling princess?
"I doubt that you'll be send back, your highness," he responds carefully. He never thought about the fact that your family might be upset about him saving you. They did give you away after all, and he simply acted on the assumption that they love you and want you to be safe, like all parents should. He should know by now that many parents don't love their children.
"I hope you're right," you mumble, averting your gaze to look at the scenery of Ravka rushing past the window, "For the sake of both of us."
You sink back into silence after that, and the letter still stuck in a pocket of his kefta is suddenly heavy as a bag of bricks. It's a short one, written on a scrap of paper that you must've somehow smuggled out of the house of your betrothed. It had ended up in his mail one day, either through an accident or through a servant who couldn't continue to watch the king ignore your cries for help.
Please father. I don't know how much longer I can survive this. I dream of taking a knife to my throat every day. I'm not strong enough for this.
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The next time you speak, you're less than ten minutes away from the town where he planned to take a break, your quiet voice piercing through the air like an arrow.
"Do you have to bring me to my father?"
Aleksander looks up from the documents he had been reading, a deep frown on his face. "Where else would I bring you, your highness?"
You mirror his facial expression. "You could hide me at the Little Palace."
"No, I can't. What if someone catches you?"
"Nobody would catch me, I promise. I would be so quiet, I would never leave my rooms I would-"
"No. End of the discussion, or I'll tell the coachman to turn around and bring you back to your betrothed."
His voice is sharp and cold, the stress from the last few days finally boiling over, and you flinch back from him so harshly that your head hits the wood behind you. Fear burns like a small fire in your gaze, your frame curling in on itself even further.
You don't talk at all for two days straight after that. The only time he hears your voice is when you scream and cry at night, probably due to nightmares.
Looking back, he probably overreacted a bit.
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The next time you talk, it's only because he asks you a question.
You're both sitting in a tavern, quietly eating together, and while your gaze keeps jumping from the three other people around you to the door and the windows, his is glued to you.
He has collected a thousand questions on his tongue in the last few days, and his mind works overtime trying to discern the differences between you now and you before all of this. Before the betrothal, before your travels to Fjerda.
"What exactly happened to you in Fjerda?"
Your attention shifts to him, brows furrowed.
"The same thing that always happens when a woman of Ravka gets betrothed to a man of Fjerda."
In the back of his mind, he remembers the death of Princess Fruzsina. How her brother, crown prince Konstantin, didn't let anyone see her or her newborn daughters corpse when they were transported back to Ravka, not even her own parents.
"Nobody needs to see this. It's better to remember her the way she was when she was still here."
He feels acid rising in his throat.
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You talk again a few hours later, attention flickering from the window of the carriage to him and back a few times before you finally manage to find your voice again.
"Why did no one ever betroth you to someone?" You ask carefully.
Aleksander looks up from the book he has been reading, a small spark of annoyance visible in his eyes at the interruption.
He regrets it as soon as he sees you flinch again, his mind immediately travelling back to that young woman completely wrapped in shroud, her small babe right next to her. Just bundles of linen, not a milimetre of skin visible.
"Excuse me, your highness?"
"Why did no one ever betroth you to someone?" You repeat, "Or one of your ancestors at least. Wouldn't that make sense? Tie you and the Darkling line to the royal family through marriage and kids, force allegiance that way?"
Closing the book slowly, he lets your words roll over in his head.
"The Darklings have been loyal to the Royal Family since the Black Heretic died."
"Yes, but wouldn't it be better to tie the families together forever? It would also help to smooth over past animosities, I think. Suddenly, the king isn't just a stranger. He's the current Darklings father in law or uncle. And the Darkling is no longer a random stranger to the Princes and Princesses either. He's their cousin."
The idea is simple and logical, he has to give you that, but he has also spent the last two centuries making sure he wouldn't be betrothed to anyone. It kind of ruins his whole "faking his death and pretending to be his own son" ruse, after all. But he can't explain that to you, can he?
"No ravkan king would ever betroth their child to a Grisha, your Highness. Not when all over the country highborn children are still drowned in lakes and bathtubs as soon as they show their abilities." The words come out harsher than originally planned, but he doesn't correct himself. "Why are you thinking about this? You've never shown interest in Grisha, me, or the politics surrounding us."
He has to wait almost thirty minutes for an answer to that question. He's gone back to reading, carefully annotating his thoughts and questions, when your voice rings through the carriage once more, almost getting swallowed by the noise of the horses outside.
"At night, when I couldn't sleep, I often asked myself if I had other options. If I could've gotten betrothed to someone else. One of the only men I could think of that were still eligible is... you. And as soon as I realised that, I also noticed that the Darklings have never married someone highborn."
There's something else, he can tell by the way you speak, slow and careful like you're holding something back, but before he can even think to push you the carriage shakes and your face contorts into a pained grimace.
He doesn't have to see the skin hidden by your clothes to know that you're probably covered in bruises and cuts, maybe even some animal bite marks.
You should rest, and he can still interrogate you later, so he slowly nods and returns to his book, his eyes gliding over the paper without absorbing a single word. His mind stays with you.
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You start having an easier time moving and walking a week after escaping your betrothed and his family, but you're still visibly keyed up and stressed. Everything scares you, everything wakes your suspicion, everything worries you.
He hears you mutter under your breath sometimes, especially during the late hours of the night and the hours before sunrise, convinced that he must be asleep. He can never quite understand what you're saying, only catching a few words at a time when it happens. You whisper about wolves following your scent, of someone sending you back into the north, of shoving a knife into your neck, deep enough that not even a well trained healer would be able to save you in time.
Your lack of sleep worries him as well. The only times he has seen you truly sleep well were at the beginning of your travels. You almost slept for two days straight, sitting in front of him on his horse, his arms keeping you stable in the saddle, only waking up after he made camp for the night and forced you to drink and eat. Now, the only sleep you get is through small involuntary naps in the carriage, when the exhaustion claims you like it did in those first two days.
The nightmares that wake you as soon as you fall asleep don't help either.
You're petting and brushing the horses while the other Grisha accompanying you fill the water bottles at a nearby river, your only guard being the General himself sitting a few metres away, eyes on the forest surrounding you.
"I was surprised how much I missed you," you say after a while, your attention still fully on the beautiful horses in front of you, carefully brushing the dust and dirt out of their fur in hopes of making them a bit more comfortable, "I missed my brothers, of course, and my friends and servants as well. I missed the gardens of the Grand Palace, the beauty of Os Alta, my own bed. I missed being home and not being scared for my life. But I also missed you a lot more than I thought I would."
You don't look at him, your voice light as if you were talking about the weather.
"I kept thinking about how much time I spend bothering you, how much my own parents brainwashed me into disliking you, and how much you must've suffered because of that. I was a brat before I was sent north, I know that now, and I want to apologize for my behaviour. I can't thank you enough for coming to save me despite everything."
Aleksander is speechless for longer than he would like to admit, starring at you with visible shock on his face. It takes him a while to shake it off, to find the right words to respond to you.
"You were a child for most of it, Your Highness. It would be stupid of me to hold a grudge because of that."
He has held grudges because of less, but you don't need to know that. You're the first member of the Royal Family to actually apologize to him. Sure, you're probably only doing it because he saved you from your betrothed, but he can tell that you genuinely feel bad.
"It wouldn't be. I was a terror as a child and grew up to be a brat."
The Darkling frowns weakly, watching you carefully as you move onto the second horse to brush it.
"I was a brat, and stupid too. I heard the story of Princess Fruzsina a thousand times. I even dug through the archive to read the reports from the Healers. I know everything they did to her. I'm probably the only person alive that actually still knows, since no one ever bothers to read through those documents... and I went north anyway. I betrayed her memory. She begged in her last letter before she was murdered that they could never send another ravkan girl north, and I went anyway."
He shakes his head, responding to your words before he even realises that he opened his mouth. "You did what your parents wanted from you. They were the ones suggesting the betrothal, and they encouraged you to go through with it. If anyone betrayed Fruzsinas' memory, it's them, just like they betrayed you when they suggested the betrothal without educating you on the sensitive political climate in Fjerda and their exact traditions and rules."
"I'm a woman grown, General, and I did research on Fruzsinas murder on my own. I should've done the same with the treatment of women in Fjerda instead of blindly believing my mother when she assured me that the men in the north don't hit their wives anymore. That they wouldn't dare to hurt a girl from a royal family. I'm a stupid little girl, nothing more."
"You believed that your parents would keep you safe instead of selling your life away for a political alliance. You assumed that your family would do what they're supposed to do. That's not a sin, your highness."
"Oh, but it is!" You bite back, eyes finally meeting his. There's anger and hate flickering in your irises, but he knows it's not directed towards him. It's directed towards yourself. A weapon pointed at your own heart and soul instead of his head. "I'm old enough to think for myself, to make my own decisions. People expect it of me, but instead of using my head I follow my mother and father around and copy them in everything, playing the obedient little princess instead of developing a personality and beliefs of my own. It took a man beating me half to death in front of his men to change that, to free me of the shackles I put onto my own wrists and ankles."
Your voice is sharper than a knife, colder than the permafrost up north, and your breathing is getting harsher. Gone is the sumbissive, quiet thing he pulled out of that house in the middle of the night. "I did everything to apease my parents, to be the perfect princess in their eyes, in everyones eyes. I loved what they loved, hated what they hated, and did what they did. And for what? To be sold off like an animal to a slaughterhouse?"
A scoff escapes your lips, an unladylike sound that you would've never let yourself make before. He guesses you stopped caring. There are many unladylike noises that you've probably made while laying in your own blood, cowering from the man who was supposed to protect and cherish you.
"That's what I meant when I said that they will send me back. I had the help of two of the servant girls. They smuggled letters out for me and sent them off to my parents, but no answer ever came. The only reason why I got out is because you somehow knew that something was wrong and wrongfully assumed it was an opportunity for you to gain glory."
He doesn't mention that he knew of your predicament because one of your letters ended up with him on accident, nor does he disrupt you for any other reasons. This is the most you've spoken since he dragged you out of that forsaken house in Djelholm and smuggled you out of the city. It would be insane to cut you off now and risk never hearing of your thoughts and opinions ever again.
"It's ridiculous. Even if a miracle happens and I don't get sent back immediately, they will simply betroth me to someone else from Fjerda, like that's somehow going to fix the years of tension between our countries. I will never be safe again. I will never be allowed to stay here. I will never be free the way I was before all this. I didn't even realise how privileged I was."
There is a way to save you from that fate. Several, actually, but one of them would play right into his hands if he simply played his cards right.
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Aleksander suggests it two days before they reach Os Alta while they sit in the carriage.
He doesn't do anything special, doesn't prepare anything or bothers to give a speech. It would be filled with lies and manipulation anyways, and you would probably be able to tell. He hasn't officially accepted your apology for your past behaviours, after all. He just says what he wants you to do, nothing more.
"Marry me."
Your head whips up, attention dragged away from the book you had been reading.
He smiles. "Marry me."
The carriage is currently driving through a town, the noise of children playing and people talking filling the silence between you two.
"Why?" You finally ask, suspicion barely hidden in your body language.
He has many reasons to make a suggestion like this, of course. Tying himself to someone, an otkazat'sya no less, is incredibly risky for him, after all. It needs to be thought through carefully, which he has.
Aleksander feels like he has done nothing else other than think since your rescue.
You're popular with the people, ravkas beautiful rose, kind and sweet and obedient. If the commoners found out what happened to you, what your parents knowingly put you through with this betrothal, they would riot in the streets. It would only get worse if they found out that they sent you away from your lover.
The story basically writes itself. It would be easy to plant rumours amongst the merchants and peasants, make them believe that you were in love with him and planned to run off with him, knowing that the king and queen would never allow for your love to flourish. That your parents found out and sent you away for a betrothal to a harsh and violent man as a punishment. That he saved you because he loved you so deeply, marrying you on the road back to the Grand Palace in a small chapel, hoping that the marriage will tie your souls together forever even if he gets killed for disobeying the wishes of the king and queen.
If he does it right he can claim that your father attacked you and that he killed him and the rest of the royal family to defend you, or that Fjerdans assassinated the royal family in revenge for the failed betrothal and that Aleksander somehow managed to save you, placing you on the throne, him right next to you.
He would no longer be General, then, but king consort. Your reputation should be high enough with the otkazat'sya to balance the hatred they have for him out as well. The rose of ravka would never fall for an evil man, after all.
Of course, this plan could backfire horribly. What if you hate him after he slaughters your family? What if you don't want to be queen? What if one of your relatives manages to kill you before he can kill them? He would have to claim the throne through right of conquest, and the people would hate him for it, would turn your family into martyrs and put his Grisha at even more risk.
But the risks might be worth it. He just has to be smart.
And he'd be saving you from an awful marriage. He could be a god husband to you. He could make you happy.
Of course, he can't confess these things to you. The best way to force you to participate in his plans is if you don't know that he's planning anything at all.
"They can't send you back if you're married. You'll be mine. I'd be able to hide you away in the Little Palace, just like you wanted."
You make a face, clearly not convinced.
"They'll just order a priest to annul it or kill you to make me a widow and renew the betrothal," you warn.
"Your highness, as much as I respect the swordsmanship of the guards, I sincerely doubt that they would be able to kill me. Besides, I don't think that they would be able to betroth you to a fjerdan man after we consummate the marriage."
The book you've been reading drops to the floor of the carriage with a quiet thump, but you don't even notice that it has left your grasp, your full, undivided attention on him.
You're probably trying to discern if he's serious, and if you should slap him for even suggesting something like this.
"There's a chapel in this town, and a small tavern right next to it," he murmurs after a while, offering his hand to you, "It wouldn't be like the royal wedding you probably dreamed of, but you would be safe. I swear it. I protect what is mine."
He watches you swallow, traces the movement with his gaze, gleeful at the visible effect his proposal has on you. He can see the temptation in your eyes, the battle you're fighting in your head.
Are you willing to go behind your parents' backs to marry him? Are you willing to become the Darklings wife, to carry his children?
You grab his hand slowly, the look in your eyes vulnerable.
His smile widens when his fingers wrap around yours, his hand moving to knock against the wood of the carriage to get it to stop.
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tubatwo · 16 days
third wheel - huening kai (+kang taehyun)
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summary: where kai feels like a third wheel in your relationship
pairing: gn reader x tyunning
genre: fluff/slight angst: 1.4k words
a/n: forgive me for writing poly fics but this is a safe space right…? |⩊・)ノ⁾⁾ I just love the dynamic of a throuple with the stern one and the one who gives reader everything they want lol. I immediately thought of writing something with tyunning! would anyone want an alternative ver with tae?
being in a relationship with taehyun and kai was the perfect balance.
there was taehyun: the sweet but spicy one who loved taking the lead
and then there was kai: the shy one that couldn’t help but grant your every wish
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sometimes their different personalities left kai feeling uneasy about what he might be lacking. sometimes he felt as if you enjoyed taehyun’s boldness more. and today happened to be one of those days as you laid on kai’s chest, rubbing his tummy while waiting for your other lover to come home. taehyun had excused himself shortly before to grab some food for movie night, not wanting either of you to move a muscle after the morning you had.
“taehyun, stop!” you giggled while playfully pushing him away as he tickled the sides of your waist.
the three of you decided to go to an amusement park together as a celebration for your free schedules finally lining up. the lines were long, the people were loud, and the weather was honestly shit, but none of you could resist the idea of a fun, nostalgic trip. however, while you and taehyun shared laughter and innocent touches, kai stood off to the side, almost as if he was a third wheel. multiple people had already complimented you and taehyun as a couple, and now you were waiting to ride one of the rides together; one that kai was completely terrified of. he already agreed to skip this one and wait for you guys to finish, but now he was having second thoughts. standing to the side, staring at the ground, kai wished that he could be different for you just once. he wished that he could be more confident when it came to pda, he wished that he wasn’t afraid of scary rides, and he wished that people would recognize you guys as a couple too.
“hyuka? you aren’t riding right? why do you look so uncomfortable?” you asked innocently, unraveling taehyun’s arms around you so you could grab kai’s instead. before he could even process what was happening, he already blurted out
“i’m going too.”
despite yours and taehyun’s assuring words that it was okay to skip this one, he went through with his plan. from an outsider’s perspective, it would look like he was completely in zen mode while the ride was going. but on the inside, kai felt scared. he felt dizzy and horrible, but the only thing he cared about was the three of you sitting next to eachother while holding hands. sadly, that short burst of contentment came to an end after the ride ended and he felt the urge to throw up
hours later, kai’s stomach has calmed down a lot and is more than ready for some real food. taehyun calls to double-check everyone’s order while standing in what seems to be the longest line in the world. after giving your orders, the voices of you and taehyun slowly fade into background noise while kai spaces out. “how long will it be, tae? i’m getting really hungry…” you pout, nuzzling your face into kai’s chest.
“i’m sorry angel, I didn’t expect the line to be this long. it’s like a nightclub over here.” kai stays silent, not really focused on the conversation happening right now. “wait!” you sit up, slightly flustering him in the process. “we have those snacks from our last trip right? huening, let’s eat some.” you bounce lightly on the couch and grab his hand, making his ears grow redder than before.
“y/n, you shouldn’t eat any sugary snacks before dinner,” taehyun interrupts and lightly scolds, “plus, we might upset huening’s stomach again.” but what taehyun doesn’t hear is the sound of your own stomach letting out a small growl.
kai can’t help but feel guilty, even though his stomach was the one that went through the most today. deep down, he knows taehyun is right, but all he ever wants is to make you happy, even if it’s something silly like sugary snacks. it’s not that taehyun doesn’t want the same, oh no, you’re his angel and he loves to spoil you. but someone has to be the responsible one, and it just so happens that kai has an extremely hard time telling you no.
“i’ll skip snacks this time, but they can have a few just to calm their stomach, yeah?” kai tries to compromise on your behalf, resulting in a loud but humorous sigh from taehyun on the other line. “alright you scoundrels, but I want both of you to eat well tonight.”
kai zones out again as you lightly tease taehyun after being saved by kai, and he hears a beep signaling the end of the call after a few minutes of you two going back and forth. you immediately do a small victory dance after, making kai shyly laugh and touch his nose. his thoughts quickly leave his head though, as you lean down to press tons of kisses across his face. “thank you baby, you’re always so good to me.” you murmur. kai frowns at this, because he truly believes that he should do better.
“not enough.” he mumbles.
your smile fades as you lift your head up, “what do you mean?”
“I wish I could do more for you.” he admits, “like taehyun…”
his words continue to confuse you, especially after the brave face he put on today while at the amusement park. neither of you wanted him to do something he wasn’t comfortable with, but he insisted anyway. regardless, you weren’t sure where these sudden feelings were coming from. “I don’t understand… the both of you are equally good to me, though?”
he sighs before continuing, “but I get shy in public… people don’t even realize we’re together.” before you could even open your mouth to respond, he continues his rant, each word leaving another sting inside his chest. “he also takes the lead a lot, and i’m just… here.”
you chuckle lightly as you realize that this is just a small case of jealousy. you love kai a lot, and during times like this, you feel happy reminding him of just how much. “huening, you do know that you’re my safe place, right?” you ask, taking his hand into yours. but he doesn’t respond.
“I love the two of you because we all bring out the best parts of eachother. we both know that taehyun enjoys taking the lead and being protective, that’s why we act childish with him, right?” he finally responds by nodding and letting out a soft hum. “even though we know he’s always right, and don’t tell him I admitted that..” you joke, making him break his facade and giggle with you before you continue, “you still let me be playful, and you always play along too. taehyun feels the same way too, y’know?” kai smiles, almost embarrassed at how easy it is for you to cheer him up.
“also, I don’t care how people see us in public. seriously, you’re so shy, it’s adorable. especially because you’re allll~ over me the second we get home.” you sing out, making him hide his face in a pillow before you gently take it away and cradle his face in your hands. leaning down, instead of kissing his face again, you press your lips against his. “my sunshine.” you coo. kai’s entire face is red at this point, but he doesn’t care because he’s so, so happy. in the midst of more kisses, you both fail to hear the sound of the front door unlocking.
“and what exactly am I interrupting here?” taehyun walks over with a soft smile on his face, hands carrying two large bags of food everyone was desperately waiting for.
“I thought you two were supposed to be eating candy, but instead you’re starting something else without me?” you reach out to slap his arm playfully, scolding him as kai’s face turns red again. “shush, thank you for bringing us food, tae. we didn’t end up eating any snacks!” you tell him proudly.
taehyun smiles. “thank you angels, now come eat.” he walks over to put the bags on the table. “huening, I got your favorite egg drop soup. hopefully it wont be too much for your stomach.”
you look back at kai and kiss his cheek one last time. “you okay?” you whisper. he smiles and gives you a kiss this time. “i’m perfect.” after eating dinner, everyone was satisfied. kai felt better, both physically and mentally, and spent the rest of the night squeezed between the two people he loved most.
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atarathegreat · 5 months
My 'Pup' König
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KorTac, who was better known for its swifter breeds, did have some war types sprinkled in. Mostly German Shepards, but the one that stood out was the Colonel. Colonel König was a Tibetan Mastiff born in an unknown area to a German mother and an unknown, foreign father. Bushy tail and fluffy ears aside. the Colonel was an absolute unit and killing machine. König had the sharpest canines on base, sharpest senses and even the sharpest tongue when he chose to speak.
Speaking with other members was never an issue, the man gave the clearest orders of anyone, but he avoided women. Women were to be respected and treated fairly in his squads...but avoided because he was nervous. First impressions meant everything, and if he didn't go full Colonel mode, he would fumble his words and make a mess of himself.
"She's a Tibetan, like you, so you'll be training her." König was given his order swiftly and without him having time to protest. Everyone could see that something was bothering him, his tail down instead of curled as it usually was. No one dared to ask, seeing how agitated the man was. So, no one raised a finger when a female Tibetan started to follow him around.
"You're the Colonel?" Your voice startled him. König had been too wrapped up in his thoughts to even notice your scent behind him. Steel toed boot, meet steel toed boot. You blocked his kick with one of your own, wagging your tail happily as he growled at you.
Great, I've already made a fool of myself... König grumbled to himself as he lowered his foot to the ground. "Apologies, I failed to notice your approach." König held a hand out to you. It was strange that you wagged your tail at a man who had bared his teeth (something you couldn't see because of his sniper's hood) at you and growled with every ounce of dog in his genes. "All good, Sir. I was informed to find you for my first day of training." The way you smiled at him showed your little canines. He wondered if they were as sharp as they looked.
"Today I want you to show me what you know -"
"Nothing, Sir." The interjection was...annoying, sure, but König could handle it, "I am fresh from camp, Sir. Not an ounce of knowledge in my brain." König sighed and pinned his ears back, "Alright, then spend the day learning the base and I'll figure out what we'll do tomorrow."
König watched your fluffy tail bounce away to make friends and learn the base, just as he'd ordered. He liked that. An obedient little thing, weren't you? For the next week you showcased your obedience and willingness to learn everything you needed to. Getting attached to you wasn't something that König planned on; it was just that you were perfect for him. Little, obedient, strong, and he couldn't help but notice the way you retained his scent from all the time you spent near him. It made him mess up when you were near, fumble his words, and trip over his moves while fighting.
"You smell sweet, pup, what's your name?" A large German Shepard was looming over you and smiling so his canines stuck out. As if she'd be swayed by your pathetic teeth. König glared at the display of what was supposed to be elitism but only came off as desperate. The fur of your tail bounced as you wagged, "I'm Y/n. You are?"
"My name doesn't matter, pup." The soldier was carefully holding some papers, so his nametag was hidden. "But I tell you what pup," He leaned over her and whispered, grinning as he glanced up at the colonel. When your tail stopped, König moved. It didn't matter what happened, you always wagged your tail and angled your ears to whoever was talking. No tail wags, ears flattened. König didn't like it.
"-and I'm sure you'd take my knot perfectly. Wouldn't you?"
König snatched you up by the back of your neck and tossed you over his shoulder, growling deep in his chest. The German Shepard, as they both abandoned rank to take part in the dominance battle, got chest-to-chest with König and growled back. There was a heavy decline in striking fear in the other male due to König's hood hiding his teeth. You were aware of how scary the Colonel could be from training, so you carefully reached around and raised the mask enough to flash his shiny canines.
"She ain't got your scent strapped to her." The German Shepard snarled; his tail lowered to show aggression. It was a move König didn't take kindly to. "Then you must be nose blind, she reeks of me." König growled, leaning to get in the man's face, "Might wanna go to the vet and get that fixed."
"König..." Gods, the way your sweet little voice calling him anything but 'Colonel' made his tail perk, "I'm gonna bite him if he doesn't leave you alone..."
"Then how about we get away and I'll show them all whose pup you are."
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Hello, I am about a month out of ankle surgery, no cast, no boot, I can proceed with normal activities but sometimes my ankle just throbs with pain. May I request Logan helping a reader with day to day activities that they can’t do the same anymore and helping them with their pain? Like reader is stubborn and upset they can’t do things quite normally yet, they have to work their way to that point and have to be kind to their body.
I hope you get better soon and I hope this can help, I think we all need a wolverine to look after us.
The mission had been straightforward, at least on paper—get in, retrieve the intel, and get out. But things never went quite as planned, especially not with Logan. He was the kind of man who expected the unexpected, and he always came out on top. You, on the other hand, were still learning that sometimes things went sideways, no matter how careful you were.
The night had been long, the tension between you and Logan thick as you navigated through the enemy base. Everything had gone smoothly until it hadn’t. The explosion caught both of you off guard—a misstep, a trip wire you didn’t see in time. The blast sent you flying, and you landed hard, the impact shooting pain up your leg. Logan was on you in seconds, his enhanced senses already picking up the injury before you could even register it fully.
“Damn it, stay down,” Logan growled, his voice rough as he knelt beside you. He took in the sight of your twisted ankle, the way it was already swelling. “You’ve broken your ankle.”
You bit back a groan, trying to push yourself up, but the pain was overwhelming, making your vision swim. “I’m fine,” you lied, stubborn as ever. “We need to keep moving.”
Logan’s grip on your shoulder tightened, forcing you to stay down. “You’re not goin’ anywhere on that ankle. We need to get you outta here, now.”
You wanted to argue, to insist that you could still make it through the mission, but the pain in your ankle was making it hard to think, let alone move. And Logan’s expression left no room for debate. He was in full protective mode, and there was no way you were getting past him.
Reluctantly, you nodded, letting Logan take charge. He scooped you up into his arms without a word, cradling you against his chest as he made his way out of the enemy base. You hated feeling like dead weight, hated that you couldn’t do anything but hold on as Logan carried you to safety. But there was no denying that the pain in your ankle was unbearable, and every movement sent sharp jolts of agony up your leg.
By the time you made it back to the Blackbird, the pain had dulled to a throbbing ache, but it was clear that your ankle was in bad shape. Logan had already radioed ahead to the mansion, and as soon as you landed, you were whisked away to the med bay.
The next few hours were a blur of painkillers and X-rays, the doctor’s voice a steady drone as he explained the extent of your injury. A clean break, but it would require surgery to set the bone properly. You tried to focus, but all you could think about was how useless you felt, how you’d failed the mission and now you were laid up with a broken ankle.
The surgery went smoothly, or so they told you. When you finally woke up, your leg was wrapped in a cast, your ankle immobilized to give the bone time to heal. The doctor gave you a rundown of the recovery process, but all you heard was how long it would be before you could get back to work—weeks, maybe months before you were back to full strength.
The first few days were rough. You were stubborn, refusing to admit how much pain you were in, but Logan saw right through you. He was always there, a silent, gruff presence that kept you grounded. He helped you with everything—getting out of bed, moving around the mansion, even the simplest tasks like getting dressed. It was frustrating, humiliating even, to need so much help, and your stubbornness only made it worse.
“Stop fightin’ me on this,” Logan said one evening, after he caught you trying to hobble to the kitchen on your own. “You need to rest. You’re only gonna make it worse if you keep pushin’ yourself.”
You glared at him, hating how weak and helpless you felt. “I can’t just sit around and do nothing,” you snapped. “I need to be out there, helping.”
Logan crossed his arms, his expression unreadable. “You need to heal. That’s your job right now. You ain’t doin’ anyone any favors by pushin’ yourself before you’re ready.”
His words stung, mostly because you knew he was right. But it didn’t make it any easier to accept. You were used to being strong, to handling whatever was thrown at you. Now, you could barely walk on your own, and it felt like your independence had been ripped away.
Logan seemed to sense the turmoil you were going through, because he softened, his voice losing some of its usual gruffness. “I get it. Bein’ laid up like this sucks. But you’re only gonna get better if you take care of yourself.”
You looked away, the frustration bubbling up again. “I just… I hate feeling like this. Like I can’t do anything.”
Logan sighed, stepping closer. “You’re not gonna be like this forever. But you gotta give your body time to heal. And that means takin’ it easy, even when it pisses you off.”
You were quiet for a moment, letting his words sink in. He was right, of course, but that didn’t make it any less frustrating. Still, you knew you had to be kinder to yourself, to your body. Pushing through the pain wasn’t going to help you heal any faster.
“I’m trying,” you said finally, your voice small. “It’s just… hard.”
Logan nodded, his expression softening even more. “I know it is. But you’re tough. You’ll get through this.”
His words were a comfort, a reminder that you weren’t alone in this. Logan was there, and he wasn’t going to let you push yourself too hard. It was a small reassurance, but it made all the difference.
The days passed slowly, each one a test of your patience. Logan was always there, whether you wanted him to be or not, helping you with the things you couldn’t do on your own. He was patient, more patient than you expected, and he never once made you feel like a burden.
One evening, after another frustrating attempt to do something on your own, you finally broke down. The pain, the frustration, the sense of helplessness—it all came crashing down, and you found yourself in tears, sitting on the edge of your bed with your casted leg stretched out in front of you.
Logan was there in an instant, kneeling in front of you with a concerned look on his face. “Hey, hey, it’s alright,” he murmured, his rough voice soothing. “You’re doin’ fine. You’re gonna get through this.”
You shook your head, wiping at your eyes with the back of your hand. “I just… I hate this, Logan. I hate not being able to do anything.”
He reached out, gently taking your hand in his. “You’re doin’ more than you think. You’re lettin’ yourself heal. That’s the most important thing right now.”
His words broke through the frustration, and you nodded, squeezing his hand. “I just feel so… useless.”
Logan shook his head, his grip on your hand firm but comforting. “You’re not useless. You’re strong. Stronger than you know. You just need to give yourself time.”
You took a shaky breath, the tears slowly subsiding as you leaned into his touch. “I’m trying,” you said again, this time with a little more conviction.
Logan gave you a small, encouraging smile. “That’s all anyone can ask for.”
The days turned into weeks, and slowly, you started to see progress. The pain became more manageable, the swelling in your ankle reduced, and with Logan’s help, you began to regain some of your independence. It wasn’t easy—there were days when the frustration still got the better of you, but Logan was always there, a steady presence that kept you grounded.
As your strength returned, so did your confidence. The exercises the doctor had given you started to pay off, and soon you were able to move around more easily, even if you still needed crutches. Logan was there every step of the way, helping you when you needed it, but also giving you the space to do things on your own when you were ready.
One evening, as you sat together in the mansion’s living room, you looked over at Logan, feeling a swell of gratitude for everything he’d done for you. “Thank you,” you said quietly, your voice sincere. “For everything.”
Logan glanced at you, his expression softening. “Ain’t no need to thank me. I was just doin’ what needed to be done.”
You smiled, feeling a warmth in your chest that had nothing to do with the fireplace crackling nearby. “Still, I appreciate it. I couldn’t have gotten through this without you.”
Logan’s eyes softened, and he gave you a small nod. “You’re stronger than you think, kid. But I’m glad I could help.”
You leaned back against the couch, feeling a sense of peace you hadn’t felt in a long time. The road to recovery was still ahead, but with Logan by your side, you knew you could face whatever challenges came your way.
And for the first time since the injury, you truly believed that you’d come out the other side stronger, not just in body, but in spirit too.
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lovingjingyuan · 7 months
Sweet Jing Yuan Headcanon pt 1
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I love Jing Yuan so much I had to write about him. I never really enjoyed writing but for him yes! I love this man to death and he's the sweetest and the kindest man! Also gentleman!!! He would be an amazing supporting husband for sure!
Warning: None!
I'm gonna write an NSFW version when I have time.
Jing Yuan who is general and never experienced love til he met you♡
-Jing Yuan is a busy man and most of the time he's never in his office yet he always makes time for his beloved. Need help with anything? Somebody is already on their way. It's either him or someone else capable of handling the situation.
-A busy man needs motivation and you are his motivation. Jing Yuan is perfect in almost every aspect til his new title "Dozing General" for his overly laid-back demeanor and "laziness" til they see the pile of paperwork and overfilled schedule. One kiss on the cheek and he's suddenly energetic and back to work flying through the paperwork.
-Doing work, especially reading through hundreds of files is no fun but draining. The only time he really takes pleasure in it is when you are by his side. He made sure to give you a few kisses even subconsciously. For example, your forehead, cheeks, lips, and anywhere at random in the middle of work.
-I feel like this man is actually clingy. Lion cubs depend a lot on their mother and his mood depends on you. When you're sad he tries to figure out the problem and cheer you up, when you're upset or mad he might chuckle and try to make it better by overstimulating you with kisses or buying your favorite food. Yet in return, he wants kisses and cuddles.
-Like a lion needing to sleep by their mother's side at night he holds you close to his chest as you both sleep peacefully. If you're anxious at night he'll put up fairy or night lights up for you.
-Although his schedule is flooded with meetings and having to attend them. He always finds a way to add in dates with you in his schedule because to him you and him both need personal quality time together. Each date is extraordinary. It can be a trip to another planet like Penacony or a fancy dinner in the Luofu or another Xianzhou ship, even staying in his room cuddling and kissing all night while watching films!
-Jing Yuan who will support you in any goals you wish! He'll help you as much as he can just reward him with some kisses and cuddles. He loves you so much it's hard to say no sometimes to you.
-Jing Yuan who will put you in place if needed. Remember that one scene with Yanqing where he wanted to continue fighting I think, but Jing Yuan told him enough? Jing Yuan knows it will hurt your heart if he tells you to stop or no, but he will for your safety if it's too reckless because he wants to protect you. He only does it when it's mandatory and will get serious when needed but he'll never do anything to harm you.
-Jing Yuan plans and thinks carefully about the future with you and him. There is not a single thing he wouldn't do for you to keep you and his future bright. He understands the consequences very well in everything and will do his best to ensure the safety of the people he loves that is you.
I wrote this when I was supposed to be studying for my political exam. Oh well, I'm gonna fail but worth it for Jing Yuan <3 I also love this man so much and his character and design! His charming personality and how he gets serious when needed. i love that one part where he was giving Luocha a trial and when he got complimented he joked around and was soft a bit before getting back into serious mode.
His character is everything to meeee! I don't wanna mess up his character too much for Yandere Jing Yuan so gotta write this! Hopefully, it's in character 😭 cause I know Jing Yuan is a sweet gentleman.
I don't need a man like Jing Yuan I need Jing Yuan.
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mrsnancywheeler · 8 months
Sometimes when I be bored I think about Finnicks reaction to finding out his sweet girl is being forced into prostitution. Boy would be broken
no this is so real bc I also imagine the most angsty situations whenever I'm slightly bored which is why I write what I do lmao
tw talks about trafficking
but like imagine like you don't want to tell finnick about because he's already struggling and you want to comfort him without him worrying about you. so you bear the weight of it all alone until you can't anymore. you're able to say trips to the Capitol alone are for interviews with ceaser or to entertain the Captiol with whatever talent you've chosen, which is true except you're also being forced to entertain in other ways. and marks or bruises can only be explained as a fall or brushed off so many times before they become suspicious. and finnick notices that sometimes you just don't feel there anymore, like you've left your body, but the moment he brings it to you snap back into being comforting, happy, and supportive. finnick probably knows deep down before he actually comes to terms with it and when he does he's so broken up about it. why you? why didn't you want to tell him? how did he not notice ever sooner? what can he do for you?
and one night you're just laying in bed, he's been staring at the page of a book, but not focused on it. he's too busy fully realizing the truth and there you are laying down, staring at the ceiling, completely gone.
"Snow's selling you isn't he?" Finnick would ask it in the quietest tone and he's trying not to cry because you're his sweet girl, so loveable and soft, and now the Capitol is using you, breaking you down.
And he knows it's true when you just stare back at him, eyes so sad and a little shocked he figured it out. then you're both just staring at each other untill you're both bawling. and finnick is holding you like he's terrified to let go.
"why didn't you tell me?" he's mumbling out between choked sobs
"you just already have so much, I didn't want to add to your plate" and you're just so worried about him and he hates it and loves it
"I'm supposed to help you too, not just you with me. do you understand?" and you're nodding, saying you're sorry, and he's telling you it's okay
finnick's girl, his sweet, gorgeous love, who recently won her games coming to finnick and telling him snow is planning on selling her
like you're all solemn and nervous, playing with your fingers and trying not to cry. finnick is so confused about the silence and what's going on so he's racking his mind to see if he did something.
and eventually with a shaky voice and tears on the brim of your eyelids you're like, "snow's going to sell me" and finnick's world comes crashing down
he's supposed to keep you safe which he already nearly failed at when you were reaped and almost died in the arena. "no, I'll talk to snow, I'll just take more, I can do it, I can handle it. not you, sweet girl, they can't have you." and he's just a wreck of tears trying to scramble for the next move in the chess game of the Captiol
"finnick, you're not going to do that." and your voice is still so soft, hands on his arm . "you can't do more, I can, and I'm popular right now"
and finnick's trying to insist, but you're hushing him as you cry until you start to really sob and crumble in his grasp so he's back in alert mode. stroking you hair, telling you he's got you, that things will turn out okay
anyways yeah a couple long thoughts I had about this, sorry lmao
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
staying in
Author’s Note: feeling cheesy and silly and lazy. ☺️😝🥱
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staying in
Hashira x Reader, Kamaboko x Reader
Word Count: ~900
CW: mild sexual content
Song Inspo: Low Key by Russell Dickerson
An evening in consists of…
… almost getting scammed by an astrology website with Zenitsu, before finally agreeing that the free version is fine, and who believes in astrology anyway? Clearly, you’re made for each other (despite there being some ~areas of conflict between your charts). 
… board games with Inosuke until one of you rage quits, and the other has to convince them to: stop sulking in the bathroom, and play again. Who rage quits usually depends on the game, and you’re much better at goading him into another round than he is at bribing you.
… a quiet stroll out with Gyomei, so not exactly staying in, but still more peaceful and mindful than going to a bar or attending an event. He compares your presence to the radiant fullness of the moon, and you tuck a fallen flower behind his ear. “How do you know what the moon feels like?” He doesn’t quite know how to explain gentle, mystical tug of moonrise, so he settles for, “I can feel you, and that is more than enough.”
… cleaning and redecorating Kaburamura’s cage with Obanai. It’s a little gross, and a lot of a fun. From teasing him for his obvious doting, “Does Kaburamura really need six donut cozies?” to being flat out rejected, “Sooo that’s a no to body painting? It’s safe for humans! How could it not be safe for snakes?” You end up falling asleep as he dutifully photographs Kaburamura curled up on your shoulder #guess I’ll finish cleaning by myself.
… doing Tanjirou’s make up, and him doing yours. If you don’t own any make up, then you go on a field trip (minimal budget). You randomly pick themes (old fashioned via “from a hat” or modern via “app for raffle draw”), set a time limit, and then send photos of your final looks to your Hashira + Kamaboko group chat to decide on a winner.
… making the most outlandish cocktails (or mocktails) you can think of with Mitsuri. They have to be intricate, original, AND taste delicious (~just okay suffices too), or you put on a pair of socks. By the end of the evening, you’re drunk (or sugar high) as heck, and have at least four pairs of socks on.
… a project with Shinobu. Whether that’s tackling a Lego set, making candles, or deep cleaning a specific room (likely the kitchen or bathroom), the laughter is ever constant, frustration to be expected, and resulting pride and excitement at the final product a worthy reward — not to mention the way she kisses you afterward! *happy sigh*
… cooking with Kyojuro #bet you didn’t see that coming #sarcasm intended teehee. Sometimes it’s complicated, hours long endeavors; other times it’s spaghetti; and there’s always take out if your fancy Huntsman pie doesn’t go to plan. He’s almost unbearably efficient when it comes to cooking tidily, and chops vegetables so quickly that you just marvel at how his fingers are intact.
… watching a movie with Sanemi. This includes: ~arguing over which movie to watch for a solid hour (give or take), another twenty minutes for snack prep, and another half an hour to spontaneously design and build a pillow fort (for the optimal movie watching experience, of course). Even when it’s a movie he swears he despises, he’ll still stay awake through the whole damn thing because it matters to you, and you matter to him.
… creating scavenger hunts for each other with Muichiro. You roll dice to determine who gets to claim which room(s) and in what order, set up your hunts, and then hunt (duh)! Winner gets to choose dinner (or dessert if you already ate dinner), and loser gets to cook aforementioned dinner (or dessert). You usually win, but he notices when you begin making his clues easier, and promptly informs you that he’d rather lose honestly than win on Easy Mode. “Your happy noises whenever I feed you are prize enough for me.”
… planning your future with Giyuu. It’s easy to get caught up in the mayhem of Life™, so evenings in are a grounding, intimate opportunity to reconnect and recenter with him. From cuddling on the couch to dancing in the kitchen to watching the moon’s traverse through your favorite window, you discuss current stressors, recent successes, and your gratitude for each other. It may seem simple, but it’s the little things that fit most snugly in your hearts. “Where do you see us in a year? Five years? A decade?” you ask. His answer remains constant: “Together.”
… reading with Tengen. He’ll read to you, or you to him; you’ll share a book, or the couch, or the bed; and you alternate who gets up to brew more tea. If you prefer audio books, then he’ll occasionally eavesdrop, and when it’s your turn to be on tea duty, you more often than not return to a cute sticky note (with dramatic commentary regarding the chapter you’re on) bookmarking your page.
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spideysbruh · 8 months
I Got You
request- hiiii! you take tchalamet requests right? I got one for yaaaa how abt timothee and y/n are at a red carpet event for Wonka and y/n gets super overstimulated as this is her first premiere with all the cameras and flashes and people yelling and asking her soo many questions and so she panics so she runs off and timothee follows her and helps her calm down…? and timothee and y/n have a platonic, best friend relationship?
a/n- I haven't written in a while, so I hope you like this !!!
"I'm so glad that you said yes to being my date, y/n! We're gonna have so much fun." Timothée said as he sat with you in the back of his limo. You smiled and pinched his cheek before getting your phone out to take a selfie with him, hoping it'll help ease your nerves.
You're heading to the premiere of Wonka, you wanted to support him as you were best friends, but truthfully, you were pretty scared. This was your first one of these events this size, you had no idea what to expect.
You tried to not let it show, you were always overthinking anyways, what's the worst that could happen? You trip and fall in front of your celebrity crush??
Oh god. What if that DID happen?!?!!
"Say cheese!" You giggled and snapped the picture as he grinned at the camera with you, "I'm posting that one!"
Timothée put his hand on yours and squeezed it lightly, comforting you a bit, "I promise I won't leave your side, Y/n. Unless you ask me to." He said softly, you scoffed.
"I don't plan on asking that, Timmy." You replied quickly, he could always see right through you.
He laughed, "Good, 'cause I won't. You know I'm always here for you, Y/n/n." He said, he smiled at you and pushed a strand of your hair behind your ear. You smiled and laid your head on his shoulder.
Once you stepped out of the car and Timmy came out right behind you, the flashes from the camera basically blinded you. Your heart started racing as the photographers yelled things to your best friend.
Thankfully, Timothée noticed and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers. People already knew who you were, just Timothée Chalamets long-time best friend who he is always seen with and speaks so fondly of all the time.
"Do you want to go on the carpet with me?" He asked as you were let inside.
You shrugged, "I dunno, will they even take pictures if I'm there?" You half-joked, he chuckled and shook his head.
"Of course they will, look how beautiful you are." He said, squeezing your hand. You smiled and shrugged.
"Alright, I guess so." You answered, making him grin and pull the both of you into the line for the red carpet.
You peered ahead and saw how the people currently on the carpet were blinded by what seemed like hundreds of flashes from every single direction. They were yelling sk many different things, you already felt the overstimulation at that. You can't do this.
"Okay, let's go y/n." Timothee said as he started walking onto the carpet, your hand still interlocked with his. You slowly walked behind him, and as soon as you both made it on, the flashes and yelling immediately intensified once Timmy was in his red carpet mode and you were trying to look normal enough for cameras.
Where is "here"???
You smiled for the cameras even though you felt nothing but butterflies in your tummy. You've never felt so uncomfortable and nauseous in your life.
Timothées hand moved out of yours to rest on your lower back as he moved you both further down the carpet.
All the noises jumbled together as you looked down at your shoes, trying to keep your attention on just one thing. But the yelling mixed with Timothée trying to whisper words of encouragement to you along with the harsh lights flashing at you was all just too much.
"No, I cant." You mumbled and shook your head, alarming Timothée. His head shot to look at you, but you were already almost off the carpet, your shaky hands blocking your eyes from the incessant flashes.
He quickly rushed after you and once you were both off the carpet he lightly grabbed your hand again, "Y/n, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have made you do this. I'm so fucking stupid-"
"Please Timmy, just- just..." You gave up and slowly slid down the wall, covering your face with your hands. You tried to control your breathing, but it was getting hard. It felt like your heart was beating out of your chest.
Many people could still see you, which didn't help your nerves, but at least you were... semi-secluded.
Timothée kneeled down in front of you, putting his hands on your shoulders and resting his head against yours. He started a slow breathing pattern and looked into your eyes to help guide you, "After me." He said simply, and you followed along. "In... and out."
You were so overwhelmed with emotions while doing this, a few tears slipped out of your eyes. You shut them tightly out of embarrassment. Look at you, crying over this. You felt stupid.
But Timmy would never make you feel bad for your feelings, he's always supported you and never made you feel stupid. Ever. He really is the best.
"I got you, y/n/n. I got you, babe." He softly said, his hands now moving to either side of your face. He gently held your head and nudged his nose against yours, something he did every time you felt this way. It always made you giggle.
You smiled and a giggle followed, making him chuckle, "You're alright." He said, "Whenever you're ready to get up, I got you." He said quietly, he turned his head to look at the photographers and celebrities that they were just by.
Only a few photographers cameras were pointed in your direction, which you're grateful for. You sighed and wiped your eyes, "God, I feel so stupid. You do this all the time and the one time I do, I have a panic attack." You looked at him, "I'm sorry, Timmy. This is your day, I-"
"My first carpet, I went to the bathroom and hyperventilated for like... five minutes. Didn't I ever tell you that?" He said, tracing lines along the palm of your hand.
You scoffed, "Don't lie to make me feel better, Timmy."
He shook his head, "When have I ever lied to you?" You didn't respond and he smirked, "It's nerve-wracking, it's scary, and it's definitely overwhelming. I'm sorry I made you do it." He finished and now it was your turn to shake your head.
"You didn't make me do shit, I'm perfectly capable of saying no to things, as you're fully aware." You threw a joke in to lighten the mood, "Don't apologize, Timmy. It's not your fault." You reassured him, running your hand along the side of his face. He smiled and cleared his throat.
"I love you, y/n. I got you, always."
You smiled, "I love you too, Timothée. Thank you. Now help me up." You said, making him laugh but stand and reach his hand down to take yours. "I look alright?"
"Eh." He teased, making you nudge his shoulder. He turned you to face him and ran his thumbs under your eyes, wiping your stray tears away. He then fixed your hair before giving you a grin. "Beautiful."
"You too." You giggled.
He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, "You ready?" You nodded.
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sokonoi · 1 year
can u do tr characters when y/n is ovulating and after sex she realizes she yk acted out than usual and is embarrassed ( can u include kazutora, draken, baji etc )
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ft. kazutora, draken, baji, kakucho, rindou.
contents. reader is ovulating!! size kink. fem reader is dominant. unprotected sex. plan-b trips. blowjob. brief arguing. car sex. daddy kink. chocking. praise. embarrassment. degradation/praise. slight d/s undertones. bathroom sex. usage of the word slut & bitch. breeding kink?? enjoy ovulating queens!! no beta reader. masturbation. WHITE MODE SUGGESTED, but do what you want pussy queen
noties : had loads of fun. i hope you like anon<33
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You can’t look him in the eye, as vivid flashbacks plague your mind.
Kazutora’s hips were about to give out as you both reached your limits. Your tongue lolled out in ecstasy. “Who’s my fuckin slut?” you say in his ear. His whole body locked and relaxed as he kept thrusting into you. You grasp his chin and point it down to you, “Who’s my fuckin slut? 
His cheeks turn red, “m-me?” he responds unsure. “Of course, you are,” you giggle. You are entirely hysterical, the dopamine clouding your mind.
 And as you sit at his mother’s table, your legs are like jelly as you rerun the fuck in your mind: in his car, down the street. You try to blink it away, but can’t as white-hot embarrassment floods you. It wasn’t like you.
Later on Kazutora slips beside you. Giving you a look, “Are you ovulating?” 
The question takes you by surprise as he stuffs his face full of chips. “Why?” 
A playful smirk plays on his lips, “Nothin.”
“I just think it’s funny! How you love smilin’ in other bitches faces!” 
Draken throws you a lazy smirk, “Really y/n.” 
“You think this is a game?” 
Draken laughs, but his laugh is cut short as you grab his balls. “This fuckin cock is mine. Everything that is Draken is mine!” 
He gives you the longest stare, “Prove it.” 
That’s how you ended up, in the bathroom—with his cock in your mouth. You’ve never sucked this hard. Your tongue swirled around his cock head, as you tried to suck his big dick in. your other hand preoccupied with fondling his balls.
Draken bites down on his lip so hard it bleeds. You can feel him getting ready to come. You pull your hot mouth away from his cock. Looking him dead in his eyes, “Do those other bitches suck you like this.” 
No answer. You drag your teeth over his tip.
“No. No, they don’t. Only you,” he mumbles hands covering his eyes. “Good.” you hum. Continuing your ministrations. 
The walk to the car was torturously quiet. There was nothing left to be said since you practically sucked the cum out of him. Yet you were shying away from him, as he placed his hand around your shoulder. Draken picks up on it, “Don’t be embarrassed now!”
“Yes!” you cry as your feet curl. 
“You love this dick?” Baji breathes huskily in your ear. 
“Yes,” you whine as he pounds inside you 
Baji’s thrusts are erratic as he pumps into you. You’ve come at least 3 times already as he further pushes his hard cock inside you. Your legs begin to shake under the pressure. “Baji,” you cry 
“Yea, sweet girl. I’m right here,” he says gently caressing your cheek. 
Baji was expecting you to say: “You couldn’t take it”. And to which he would say yes you can. Yet the scenario didn’t play out like that. “Cum in me,” you whisper seductively. He almost blows his load right then and there. “Want you to put a baby in me!” you mumble as your eyes roll to the back of your skull. 
Baji’s brain completely shuts off at those words as his fingers gently wrap around your neck. “You want my cum sweet girl?” his thrusts become near pain. You nod to him deliriously. 
He erupts inside you almost out of breath. You both don’t understand the magnitude of your decision until you both sit in the car with a Plan B staring back at you. “You wanna explain last night?” Baji questions turning his complete body to you. 
Nope,” you say popping the O. He cocks his head to the side confused. 
“You were stupid enough to actually cum in me. So don’t flip this on me.” 
Baji’s mouth hangs agape, ”You told me too!!’ 
“Doesn’t mean I was serious!” 
You’re riding him so good, your mouth hangs open. “Kaku. Kaku. Kaku,” you chant over and over as your ass meets his pelvic bone.
 “Yea, keep riding me just like that. Making me so proud,” he praises which makes you further slip into such deep trance. 
His hands find the bottom of your ass. Lifting you up with ease, supporting you. He brings you back and forth on his cock. The tip of him hits such a sensitive spot it makes you dizzy. 
For support, you place a hand on his chest. 
“Yes Daddy,” you yell in a fit of pleasure. Kaku blinks back the surprise before assuming his role. You’ve designated for him. “Daddy huh?”
“Gonna make Daddy proud and cum one more time. I know you can,”  he whispers in your ear. 
“Yes,” you mumble out. 
“Yes, what? Daddy can’t hear you.”
As you lay facing away from Kakucho nothing, but downright shame washes through you. What had gotten into you? Mother Mary you were gonna need all the priests in the world to baptize this sin away. 
Kakucho slips in behind you his arms beaconing you to a safe place in his chest. You bury your face there hoping he can’t see you.
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Kakucho says simply as he kisses the top of your head. “I suspected you were into it anyway.”
 Your lift up your mouth hanging open with pure shock. 
He’s busy in another meeting—a pout form on your lips as your panties dampen. 
You’ve been waiting for him all day yet nothing. You even walked past with skimpy clothing and all. He still didn’t pull the phone away from his ear. You were hopeless, even a pillow wouldn’t suffice. 
You skitter inside his office with nothing on. Your tits bounced with every step. Rindou doesn’t move almost like he’s been frozen in time. 
The phone doesn’t leave his ear, however. You can fix that as you climb atop his desk a devilish smirk on your lips. You open your legs revealing the wetness that had formed over a long tortuous day. 
Your fingers pulled your pussy lips apart as you slipped in one finger easily then another. 
A small moan leaves you as you begin to fuck yourself on his desk. Rindou’s eyes don’t leave from between your legs. He removes the phone from his ear discontinuing the line. 
“Oh. It’s like that.” 
Rindou wasn’t any stranger to how your ovulation affected him and you. Of anything it made him ecstatic. It made him feral with the need to breed your pretty little womb.
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sokonoi—like & reblog lovelies
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svt-kiki · 2 months
✦ 🍒 ⸝⸝ ⸺ seungcheol / s.coups
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# kiki + seungcheol / kicheol ... 100%
# TAGLINE ... old married couple *for real*
everyone can see they love each other
he can be the sea and she’ll be the ship that floating on it
every time he needs to play the 'scary eldest' role, she always felt sorry bc she knew she can’t do it ( she’s too pacifist for that )
kiki is his no.1 listner for whatever his thoughts are
they basically tie the knot already *blinks*
his parents basically adopts her lol
the reason why they have such a strong bond is not only they share the most trainee days with another
but they keep fighting to protect the group and members before and after the debut
seungcheol: *being sulky*
kiki: *judging side eye*
honestly she wasn’t totally sweetheart for him from the beginning ( not in the public eye i mean )
more like teased and pretended like judging him
but after he got into hiatus in 2019 ( it was HER darkest time too ) she just went like “f*ck that, i won’t stop expressing my love for him anymore”
well it’s always appearant that he goes down on her knees like-
not only within the group but recognized as one of the strongest ships among the kpop industry
the ‘knights line’ 1/3 - such a protective of her all the time
✦ 🐰 ⸝⸝ ⸺ jeonghan
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# kiki + jeonghan / kihani ... 80%
# TAGLINE ... devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes
kiki in the most of gose : IM WATCHING U YOON JEONGHAN *in mute*
she pretends like she was offended by his cheating in the contents
but she’s the one who always cheers him and giving compliments
“u got this jeonghanna!” “u did so well~ i’m proud of u :)”
she always trust him through the trainee era, support him for both dancing and mentally
she knew he’s kinda type to get nervous often
so she always has his back, says something nice, holds his hands
and is she his soft spot? OBVIOUSLY
he always treats her meals and little gifts like sweets, cosmetics and accessories
she really takes care of his long hair bc if she doesn’t who does
late night walks, hanging out at the park
mostly she’s kinda ‘good girl’ type but when with him, her ‘devil mode’ would be activate ( and seungcheol would cry at the end )
jeonghan: *speaks japanese*
kiki: *proud mom*
personal space [ 404-not-found ]
well he kisses to her cheecks ... and forehead ... and top of the head ... and back of the hand ... ( and list continues )
when he turns low buttery mode, he goes towards her and either leans on her shoulder or rests his head on her lap ( mostly be witnessed in the concerts )
sometimes they are the completely opposite, but the other time share the same energy
✦ 🦌 ⸝⸝ ⸺ joshua
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# kiki + joshua / kishua ... 85%
# TAGLINE ... the mf soulmates
like i said, SOULMATES. that’s it, that’s the tweet
they’re like puzzle pieces ⸺ get along well bc it’s different
he brings out her active energy
she learned the guitar from him
and handles his silent chaotic energy pretty well lol
they always make plans and daydream abt trips they want to go
sometimes josh stans confirm he’s alive through her social media
joshua: *planning something crazy*
kiki, whispering: DON’T ( he’ll do it anyway 🤷🏻 )
cafe dates, drive dates, movie nights
his mom lowkey hopes for kiki to be a daughter-in-law which is never gonna happen lmao
he came up with ‘kit kat’ as her nickname
and yes, the treatment is sweet as the treat ;)
he normally acts like a twin but never forgets the gentle behavior as the gentleman should
especially in the beginning, she prefers not to be treated exceptional cuz she’s the only female member, but his manner and considerate changed it slowly ( and surely in a good way )
he’s kind of the friend who doesn’t say the words such as “oh r u okay” “i’m worried about u” out loud often but always there for her and take her to the night driving when she got stuck
✦ 🐱 ⸝⸝ ⸺ junnhui / jun
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# kiki + jun / kijun ... 70%
# TAGLINE ... the cat and the lion ( aka the owner )
they have the most pure kind of love
he has always been her protector in the airports and clouds
she really looking forward to go to shenzhen one day and visit all the places he wants to take them
she’s always so proud abt his acting career and calls him the movie star, now she’s too
and her secret dream is to costar with him one day
he never forgets to escorts her in the award shows and concerts, helping her in stairs, no hesitation to do arm in arm, lends her jacket if he worries she’s revealing too much of her bare skin for gowns ( in his eyes )
many skinships !!
they always share a bite to the other, both LOVE to have tasty foods and willing to let the one try
his little brother always wanna talk to her when he was a kid ( lowkey childhood crush ) then now he’s totally shy about that past and tries to avoide her when jun did the facetime and let the lil bro talk to her just to tease him
he won’t say anything until she went too far and overwork through days, but once he felt okay that’s enough he’ll just kidnapp her to the bedroom and tuck her in bed and like SLEEP
the ‘knights line’ 2/3 - he behaves like a cat playing with dearest owner and sending a nonverbal message to people around them like “ don’t look at her like that she’s OURS ”
✦ 🐯 ⸝⸝ ⸺ soonyoung / hoshi
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# kiki + soonyoung / kisoon ... 70%
# TAGLINE ... conqurer of the stage
everybody clear the way, the MAIN DANCERS are coming thru
but they really are THE all rounder, multi talented, just good at everything
they created their own handshake
she’s a secret no.1 supporter of horanghae
but she also LOVES his hamster pelsona, enjoys silently when it popped out randomly
in fact he is the reason that she determinded to be an idol for sure ⸺ she entered to pledis without firm belief about her future profession, but after his entry she was so impressed by his skills despite the gap of dance training experience. moreover, he was so sure about his future, to becoming the idol as his dream, and she just woke up as if she’d been slapped on the cheek like “what the hell i was thinking, of course i’ll be the idol too”
and he always admires her as a dancer and the respective person. he dreamed of not just being an idol, but standing on stage next to her since they met
surprisingly they quarrel most among the ship of kiki and members, but all of them are professional argument as they are in charge of choreographing and stage creation
and they always made up at the end of a day by eating ice pop side by side
he’s the one who encouraged her to do it when the other idol group reached out to her for their choreography production cos he believes in her talent more than anyone just as she does
both have hUGE gap between on and off stage, when they go hard it’s HARD 🔥🔥🔥 but otherwise they can be softest marshmallows
✦ 🐈‍⬛ ⸝⸝ ⸺ wonwoo
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# kiki + wonwoo / kinwoo ... 85%
# TAGLINE ... the book fairies
he’s nearly worshipping her *ships tea*
it’s not a big secret that she’s his first love ( at first sight )
and after all these years, she’s still the woman of his dreams
yall know wonwoo wasn’t really talkable person at first but more shy and quiet
well same things can say to her
so she understood his silent and calm yet passionate personality
and kiki really stood by his side and just being his comfort space
she listens to him well, even he express his thoughts into words not that much
she always recommends his glasses and he’ll buy her choice without HESITATION lol
they can spend whole time together without chattng, just reading or sleeping alnogside
and it’s so CUTE
he gave the camera to her for the birthday present, and it made her enjoying to take photos more than ever and he loves the influence he made on her
art museum date, hanging out in the night town and ww just keeps taking photo of her
they have a ritual as they go to the night walk when the group is off to the overseas in tours, strolling the town and find the cozy cafes
she can notice whenever he is stressed or gets nervous and so does he, she often pats his back in those situation and it comforts him really well
u can see ww stares her a LOT in behind contents or gose ( he literally gave up to hide his affection at this point )
tries to teach her how to play pc games but fails everytime
✦ 🍚 ⸝⸝ ⸺ jihoon / woozi
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# kiki + jihoon  /  kihoon ... 55%
# TAGLINE ... the vocal boss and the dance queen
trust me, they ARE strong. it’s just not aloud as others
woozi found japanese beatuful at first bc it’s the language she spoke
and kiki loves the words and lyrics he weaves, his korean is like a poet to her
he doesn’t wanna admits out loud but it’s hard to say she hasn’t owned the special ( and soft ) place in his heart
even makes him to do slightest physical contacts: pinches her sleeves, fiddles with her hair, plays with her earrings... and the list continues
kiki’s the one takes care him when he starts to get stuck in the studio for the work
takes him to the short walk, late night drives, make him foods and be sure he gets rest
sometimes they just sit together in the universe factory and chats about the song, anime and composing stuffs, eats takeouts and sessions or duets randomly
she joins as a recording direction besides him time to time, esp in the jp songs recording: she’s the lyricist of the jp songs is one of the reasons but also she has the good ears and able to hear the subtle difference like he does
woozi: *points out the differences* others: okay but WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE kiki: ??? wasn’t it obvious...???
well apparently she’s the closest female to him on the planet ( except his family ofc )
he rarely calls her noona but mostly just calls her kiki, there’s no paticular reason it’s just what it is
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(    📁    )   :   NAVI   :  MASTER LIST     
( tag list / open ) : @smh-anon
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