#so i was approaching with mabel (my little dog) and tell me why this man stopped what he was doing (which didn’t look like a whole lot in
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Men are so weird!!!!
#guy in a reflective jacket at the end of my street is doing something ambiguous with a hole in the ground and a giant hose#don’t ask me what. i’m sure these people never get questioned. reflective jackets and hard hats are like the perfect cover to do a heist#but anyway he’s got traffic cones up even though what he’s doing is literally not blocking any part of the road or pavement#like sir at the risk of making everyone giggle; i can see your hole and it’s not very big#so i was approaching with mabel (my little dog) and tell me why this man stopped what he was doing (which didn’t look like a whole lot in#the first place) to stare at us the whole time we were walking towards him. like. the whole way down the road he was just staring#and when we got to like a few yards away he moved the traffic cone that had been (pointlessly) blocking the pavement#so that it was out of our way (or i assumed that was what he was doing at least??)#i thanked him. no response. we kept walking and i looked back and he was STILL STARING#FOR WHY#finally when i closed our gate and let mabel in the house i looked back and he’d put the cone back. he’s still doing nothing though#what was it about???? what does it all mean#sir where are your buddies. are they on lunch break. did they leave you to guard the hole. believe me i have NO interest in your hole#my dog probably does but she’s on a lead 24/7 because she’s an idiot terrier with no recall. like.#say something or at least stop STARING#personal#**24/7 on walks i mean. in the house or anywhere else secure she’s obviously allowed off-lead#but she goes out to pee on a leash because i don’t fucking trust her because she ran after the hermes man once and i had to chase her#in my sock feet and carry her home
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toddtakefive · 4 years
Can I Have a Ride Home? I’m at a Party and I Don’t Know Any1
fandom(s): Gravity Falls, Over The Garden Wall
pairing(s): Pinescone , Mabcifica (mentioned)
words: 5314
rating: M (reasons listed in trigger warnings + swearing)
work type: One-shot , AU
tw(s): homophobia , use of slurs , violence and references to past violence
Also on AO3!!
Wirt wasn’t entirely sure how Sara had managed to drag him along with her to Senior Prom, hell he wasn’t even sure how she had managed to get a suit for him when he’d refused to go in for a fitting, but now he was standing in a crowded gym full of high-schoolers and he already wanted to leave. In his defense, they’d already been there an hour and that was an hour longer than he was at most parties.
If he was going to be completely honest, the party wasn’t that bad. Sure the music would cut off whenever there was a swear - everyone would still sing it anyways -, and sure the punch tasted weird, but it wasn’t necessarily a bad party as most parties go. The reason it was a bad party is because it was a party full of nothing but high-schoolers, and high-schoolers are scary. At least to Wirt.
He lost Sara twenty minutes ago -he’s honestly starting to think she’s underneath the bleachers flirting with the girl from her Chem class- and he’s getting bored so he pulls out his phone and starts typing a quick text to Dipper.
‘Bored. Wish you were here :/’.
The reply is immediate, 
‘Lol r u a postcard??’ ‘Wish I wre ther too <3 drving rigt now txt you lter′. 
The next text he receives is a picture taken by the person in the passenger seat, likely Mabel, with a peace sign while Dipper attempts to get his phone back without taking his eyes off the road. The caption for the photo is ‘road safety laws are bogus B)’. He laughs to himself. Yup, definitely Mabel.
He looks up at the sound of steps approaching, expecting it to be Sara but instead seeing evil incarnate. He takes in a deep breath before plastering on a fake smile.
“Hello, Trevor.” he says. 
Trevor Martin. No offense to the British actor Trevor Martin, of course, but Wirt fucking hates this guy. He’s book smart, Wirt’ll give him that, but that’s his only redeeming quality. Not only is he a totally fuckwad, but he has the audacity to say he’s not and try to date Sara, a very loud and proud lesbian. Like, dude, at least Jason Funderberker had the decency to back off when she came out. Plus, never trust a guy with a first name for a last name.
Trevor, wearing his slimy little smirk like he always does, doesn’t even meet Wirt’s eyes. “So, where’s Sara? I figured she’d be with you, you know, since you’re like her fucking boyfriend or whatever.”
Wirt scrunches his nose just slightly, he doesn’t want this situation to escalate more than it has to. “I’ve told you this a thousand times, Trevor. She is not my girlfriend.”
Trevor rolls his eyes, “Sure. You get pissed off that I’m trying to date her because you aren’t her boyfriend. Got it.”
Wirt shakes his head, “I get pissed off that you’re trying to date her because she’s a lesbian. Which is literally common knowledge, by the way.” he throws away his plastic cup and walks out into the hallway. Trevor, being an idiot in everything but school subjects, follows him into the hallway.
“She’s not a lesbian, she’s just saying that to get me to leave her alone.” Trevor explains, causing Wirt to roll his eyes as he walks.
“That’s not how that fucking works, Trevor. Besides, if a girl is literally resorting to faking being a lesbian to get you to leave her alone, maybe you just don’t know how to take a hint.”
He hears Trevor scoff, “Well she’s dating you, so she isn’t a lesbian.”
“She isn’t dating me! And you do know people can be bi, right?”
“If she isn’t dating you then why are you always talking about your relationship in World Civ?”
Wirt, just wanting this idiot to leave him alone already, stops walking abruptly and turns around. Trevor runs into him and falls back a little bit, he has a look on his face that Wirt thinks is his ‘gotcha’ face, but he’s really had enough of the whole ‘Wirt and Sara are dating in secret’ thing when they’re both very out homosexuals.
“Because I have a boyfriend, Trevor.” he deadpans, and sees that smug look fall off of Trevor’s face. God he loves the look of confusion that floods his features, it’s pure poetry.
“What?” Trevor asks, with all of his genius.
“The reason you hear me talking about my relationship -in conversations that didn’t involve you, by the way- is because I have a boyfriend. He lives in California.”
Trevor looks as though his entire world view just got re-shaped. He’s between wanting to believe and wanting to think it’s a prank, but, to Trevor, Wirt isn’t cool enough to pull a prank like this with a straight face.
The long minutes of silence is starting to get awkward, but just as Wirt is about to walk away Trevor speaks up again, “Wait so,” he pauses, “you’re a faggot?”
Wirt tenses immediately. That word. God he hates that word. The first time he heard it was when he came out to his biological dad when he and Dipper started dating back in Sophomore year. It wasn’t a great conversation, and Wirt vividly remembers the bloody nose he got out of it.
“I- uhm. Y-yeah. I- yeah.” Wirt stammers out. Trevor’s entire demeanor changes.
“Wait, what the fuck?” he says, distancing himself from Wirt by a couple inches. This causes Wirt to snap out of whatever funk he was in. He raises an eyebrow.
“Me having a boyfriend isn’t new information, Trevor. You’ve heard me get teased for talking about him before.”
“Yeah, but I thought they were joking! I didn’t think you were actually. You know.” he makes a wild hand gesture in Wirt’s direction.
“Gay?” Wirt asks with a furrowed brow.
“That! That. I didn’t think you were that.” Okay, now Wirt’s getting pissed. Obviously the use of the slur pissed him off, but not even being able to say the word gay? Come on, dude.
“Is there a problem with that?” He asks, crossing his arms. He’s not entirely sure where this newfound courage is coming from, but he can think about it later.
“No it’s just, dude have you been checking me out in the locker rooms and shit this whole time!” Trevor asks, his stance becoming defensive.
Wirt flinches back a bit at the question. “No. Why would I do that?”
“Because you’re.” Another wild hand gesture. Dude, just say the word.
Wirt sighs, “Gay. Right, yeah. We’ve established that. But I don’t go around creeping on the guys in the locker room. That would be fucking weird. And, again, I have a boyfriend, and you also aren’t my type so we’re covering all the bases of ‘I’d never do that’.”
Trevor takes a step forward that causes Wirt to take a step back, “I don’t believe you.” he says, voice lined with anger.
Wirt, quickly realizing he should have just walked away while Trevor was confused, holds his hands up in defense, “Good for you, but I don’t really care.” he glances over Trevor’s shoulder to see if he could make a break for the door. That idea is quickly thrown out the window when Trevor grabs Wirt by the collar. Wirt laughs a bit to himself, “You know, this looks kinda gay.”
Trevor’s hold on the front of his shirt tightens, he brings his hands up higher to make sure he isn’t touching the other boy anywhere, “Okay! Okay, okay, okay! Okay. Look, honestly man, never watched you while you were changing! I don’t think we’ve ever even had a P.E class together, if I’m being honest. And besides, I don’t think watching sweaty teenage boys change is that appealing. Especially not you, cause no offense you’re not really anyone’s type. At least not any gay persons type I mean! I’m sure some girl at the college you attend will think you’re hot, she’ll probably have kinda low standards but a girlfriend’s a girlfriend, right? And she’ll marry you right outta college, and you’ll become a fucking accountant or something else just as soul sucking, and you’ll have two kids, and a dog, and feel free to cut me off whenever you like.”
There’s a crunch and a massive amount of pain that makes Wirt stop talking. His head is spinning faster than a tornado, but he knows the feeling of hitting the school floor well enough to know it happens somewhere within the time he gets punched in the face a second time and kicked in the stomach the first.
He’s not entirely sure how long he’s on the floor, but he does know that when he finally opens his eyes Trevor is standing above him, heaving, staring at his own hands like they’re covered in blood- oh they are. That is blood. That is definitely blood. That’s a lot of blood. Wow.
Wirt pushes himself off of the ground, there’s an ache in every fiber of his being but the floor is cold and dirty and he’d rather not be down there right now. As he rises, slowly, he can see a steady drip of blood coming down from his face. That’s not good.
By the time he’s fully standing, Trevor looks ready to burst. “Wirt! Oh my god, dude. I am so fucking sorry, I didn’t. I don’t know why I. I never. Fuck I didn’t, I just, shit are you fucking okay?” the questions are rapid fire. Wirt’s a little too out of it to be able to tell if they’re genuine or not, and he doesn’t really care if they are at this point. This guy eats paste.
“Trevor.” Wirt finally says, “Shut the fuck up.” his words are slurred, and it’s obvious he’s still scared if the tremor in his voice is anything to go by, but he really just needs it to be quiet right now. To his credit, Trevor does shut up, but he just stands there.
There they are, two guys standing in a hallway, five feet apart cause one just beat the shit out of the other for being gay. Prom night is great. In his delirious state, Wirt can faintly hear ‘Lover Is a Day’ by Cuco playing from the gym. The beats pulse under his feet, and it’s just adding onto the pain right now.
After maybe five minutes, Trevor speaks up again. “Wirt I really am sorry, dude. I don’t know why I did that. I was pissed and you wouldn’t shut up and I didn’t what else to do! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!” Trevor hits the locker to his right with the side of his fist. The sound rings through the otherwise empty hall, and Wirt just stares at the first still on metal.
Wirt runs a hand through his hair, “That’s great and everything, but was the getting on top of me and repeatedly punching me in the nose necessary? Or, you know, any of it? You just fucking committed a hate crime dude, do you even realize that?” he’s talking slowly, his voice is tired and he would rather be anywhere else.
“I know! I know it was! But it honestly didn’t have anything to do with you being,” he pauses, and Wirt is about to finish for him before he continues on his own, “Gay. It didn’t have to do with you being gay, okay. I just. I have like severe anger issues. It’s some fucking long ass name, but the shortened thing is IED. It’s not really something I have any control over, and it’s been a while since I’ve had an episode that bad, and I promise it has nothing to do with you being gay or anything! That fucking chill, man! This stuff literally just happens, I swear on my motherfucking yeezys!” Wirt, who is finally coming back down to Earth and is able to process English language again, raises his brow, “ Okay, I don’t own yeezys, but you know what I mean.” He looks down to the floor, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Wirt sighs, wiping under his nose with his suit sleeve. It doesn’t help, the blood keeps flowing and now his suit is ruined. Fuck Prom night, dude. “Look, Trevor. If you actually have a genuine mental illness that does that, you get a fucking pass on the beating the shit out of me part.” Trevor flinches at that, “But you’re still kinda homophobic dude.”
Trevor looks up from the ground, “What? How?”
Wirt shrugs, crossing his arms again. “Assuming someone isn’t a lesbian when they say they are is pretty high on the list. Actually, assuming a gay guy is checking people out while they’re changing is also pretty high on the list. Both of the things you said are pretty high on the list, actually.”
This time it’s Trevor who furrows his brow, “But she isn’t a lesbian. I asked her why she thought she was a lesbian a couple weeks ago and she said it’s because she thinks girls are hot and that she wouldn’t mind kissing them, but that’s normal. Like, I know a couple guys in my classes that I wouldn’t mind kissing or like fucking or something and I’m not gay or whatever. Everyone thinks like that.”
Wirt’s mind just fucking imploded on itself. He’s joking. He has to be joking. Oh fuck he is not joking. Oh dear. Wirt cringes to himself, “Oh Jesus.” he whispers, “Trevor, you do know that isn’t a universal thing, right? Like, you know not every guy would be fine with fucking another guy, right?”
“Wait, really?” Trevor asks, his voice quiet. Wirt simply nods and watches as Trevor seems to contemplate his whole existence in front of him. “But I’m not. My mom told me that I couldn’t be gay, I just needed to find the right girl and it would be fine. I don’t like guys like that, I’m not.”
Fuck, why does Wirt have empathy. If he was a dick he could just walk away from this situation and not feel a thing, but he can’t leave this guy in a crisis. Even if he did just beat his ass.
“Trevor, why do you like Sara?”
“She’s funny, and kinda cool, I guess. I just want to hang out with her more, plus my friends kept saying I should go for it, so I figured why not.”
“Dude, you just want to be her fucking friend. That’s, what you want is a friendship. Jesus dude, you don’t even actually like her do you?”
Trevor shrugs, “I don’t know. I mean, she’s cool and everything.”
“Would you kiss her.” Wirt asks.
“Would you kiss Sara. Or any girl for that matter.” He asks again, slower this time.
Trevor rolls his eyes, giving Wirt a look that suggest the answer should be obvious, but when he opens his mouth, no words come out. It stays open for about ten seconds before he frowns. “No I. I wouldn’t” he lets out a dry laugh void of humor. “Holy shit, I fucking wouldn’t. What the fuck.”
Wirt sighs taking a few steps over to Trevor, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Go home, Trevor. You have had more than enough action tonight.” his hand slides off and he turns around to find the nearest bathroom, he about to round a corner when he remembers something and looks over at Trevor, who hasn’t moved an inch, “Try to refrain from using the f-slur before you figure out your whole mess, maybe?” He gives the other boy a quick smile before walking away.
The nearest bathroom is way too fucking far away, in Wirt’s humble opinion. And why are half of the lights off in these hallways? God, he feels like the character about to die in a horror movie. Thankfully, the light switch in the bathroom was easy to find so he isn’t completely in the dark.
He grabs some paper towels and wets them, and then he finally looks in the mirror. Jesus fucking Christ.
Trevor did a number on him, and if it were any other situation that required less brain power he would be kinda impressed. His nose is definitely broken, if the aching and gushing blood are any indicator, he’s got a black eye, a busted lip, bruises across his face and collarbone -and if the amount of times he was kicked in the stomach is as many as it felt, he’s got them there too- and, the cherry on fucking top, his suit jacket ripped a little bit.
His phone buzzes in his pocket as he finishes wiping the blood from his face, but his nose is still bleeding. Pulling his phone out of his back pocket he finds two new messages. One from Sara, saying she scored with the girl from her chem class and that she has a date next Saturday, and one from Dipper saying they’ve finally stopped driving.
Wirt texts Sara back congratulating her on her suaveness that she most definitely didn’t have (see: nearly puked on a cute girl for complimenting her shoes once) before opening up his texts with Dipper and taking a picture in the mirror holding up a peace sign. He masterfully captions the photo: ‘babys first hate crime <3′. 
His phone rings immediately.
He picks up right away, and is greeted with a very frantic, “Where are you?” there’s faint music in the background, they must be at their dance right now.
“Uhm. The bathroom in hallway E, I think. Why?” Wirt asks, throwing away the bloody paper towels.
“We’re on our way.” Is all he gets in response.
“What? You’re in California how are you supposed to. Did he fucking hang up on me?” Wirt pulls his phone away from his ear, “Wow, okay.” He pockets his phone and stares at himself in the mirror for a few seconds. It’s gonna suck having to explain this to anybody, and he knows his mom will go full Godzilla mode on the school board if he tells the truth, but he can’t just out someone. Fuck, man.
The door to the bathroom swings open and two rapid sets of footsteps approach him, he’s almost expecting to be beaten up again until he’s turned around and hugged tightly. His confusion only lasts for a second when his land on Mabel, but then it flares up again because what the fuck that’s Mabel.
He pushes away from the person hugging him and is met with a person he both did and did not expect to see.
“Dipper.” He not shocked that Dipper did actually find hallway E, they broke in last summer to investigate if the place is actually haunted (it is), so he learned the layout pretty well in that instance, but he’s shocked that he’s even in the room. “Wait. Am I concussed? Is this a hallucination?”
“Er, wrong!” Mabel says, pushing Dipper out of the way and hugging Wirt tighter than a strait jacket. He lets out a sound of pain and she lets him go immediately. “Sorry! I forgot you’re like, dying right now.”
“Not dying, per se, but getting there if my nose doesn’t stop bleeding soon. I didn’t even know I had this much blood, if I’m being honest.” Mabel laughs a bit and wow did he miss that sound. He missed them, really. It’s always better when they’re around.
“What happened?” Dipper’s voice finally enters the conversation, and it makes his heart flutter but also reminds him the situation in which they’ve been reunited. Especially if the pissed off tone is anything to go by.
Wirt shrugs, “I got into a fight?”
Dipper gives him a look, “You called it a hate crime, before.”
Wirt laughs, “Yeah, I know. But it wasn’t, technically? I don’t know I’m still having trouble processing the whole ordeal. But I just got into an argument with Trevor, you know who I’m talking about, and he got really mad so he fucking beat the shit out of me and,” Dipper turns to walk out the door but Wirt pulls him back by the arm, “don’t walk away, I’m not done yet. He has a thing called IED, or something? He didn’t know the full medical name for it, but he said it had to do with like uncontrollable anger? Like it just happens or something.”
Dipper nods, “Intermittent Explosive Disorder.”
“Yeah, probably. But he felt really bad after, and I can’t blame him for having something he can’t control, dude. That would be a dick move. But yeah, we talked it out I guess. I think I just made him question the entire universe.”
Dipper sighs, still tense but loosening now, “So you called it a hate crime, because?”
“Well, I mean, okay. At first I thought he did it because I was gay, but from our little conversation we had after, it was definitely not that.” 
Both twins raise eyebrow, “Are you gonna give us any more info, or?” Mabel asks and Wirt just shrugs. Dipper lets out another, deeper sigh. He’s known Wirt long enough to know that little shrug means ‘never in a million years ever’. 
“What are you guys doing here, anyways? I mean, I’m happy you’re here, but I live in Arizona? It’s like an eleven hour drive.”
Dipper shrugs, taking Wirt’s hand. “Guess I missed the ‘Team Roping Capital of the World’.” he teases and Wirt groans.
“Shut up! You know I think that’s stupid as shit.” He says, and as the twins laugh at him he takes a second to admire his boyfriends face. Dipper always laughs freely, and Wirt thinks that’s one of the reasons he fell in love with the younger (”by two days!”) boy at summer camp. His hair isn’t in his usual baseball cap with a pine tree on it, and is styled just the right way to cover his birthmark. He looks happy, if not still tense about the fact that Wirt got his ass beat. An easy smile finds it’s way onto Wirt’s face as Dipper calms down.
“Let’s get the fuck out of here.” Dipper says, leading him towards the door. Mabel follows quickly behind, flicking off the light. She runs ahead of them, twirling around the hallway and nearly falling over herself in the process.
“So, I know Wirt is gonna wanna bounce because he’s covered in human juice.”
“Stop calling blood human juice.”
“Don’t interrupt me, Dipper. But what are we gonna do when we skedaddle out of here?”
Both twins look to the brunette for an answer, he huffs as he tries to think of something. “We could get burgers and shakes at McDonald's? And then head home, probably. Greg’s gonna be super excited to see you guys.”
“Oh! I can’t wait to see him! We’re here for the next four days, by the way, god I can’t wait!” She pushes open the doors to the gym and the music floods over them. Jesus, was it always that loud? How long had Wirt been away from the party?”
“What time is it?” He asks Dipper, trying to ignore all of the strange looks that are being sent his way. He can’t blame them, it looks like he got mauled by a pack of wild dogs.
“It is, nine forty-eight.” The other boy responds, Wirt nods as they exit the gym into the parking lot. Dipper’s car is still as messy as it was the year before, if not more, but Wirt thinks that just adds to the charm.
Sara, who had apparently been in front of the gym the whole night, drops her punch at the sight of Wirt. “Oh my god! Wirt!” she rushes over.
“I’m fine, Sare. Really. It’s all good.” He gives her a smile, but she doesn’t stop giving him a look.
“Trevor did this, didn’t he? You know he came out here like thirty minutes ago fucking covered in blood and looked like he pissed himself when he saw me. So don’t cover for him.”
“I’m not covering for Trevor! There were circumstances that I don’t know if I’m allowed to share.” Wirt says, gesturing wildly with his hands, thankfully Dipper doesn’t seem to mind.
“Wirt, if he’s blackmailing you just tell me. I can fix it!”
“Sare, I appreciate the thought, but this is really something that should be left alone, alright? I might tell you on a different day, but right now it is confidential. No I’m not being blackmailed, if anything the information I got out of him after everything could be considered blackmail, just. Not tonight, okay?” He can tell she doesn’t want to give up but he really can’t explain all of this right now, “Please?”
She sighs, “Alright. Fine. But I expect a detailed report of what happened tomorrow morning.” Wirt nods and it’s then Sara finally notices the twins, “Oh. You found him. Cool, see you guys.” The twins giver he simultaneous ‘later’s’ and she walks back to the girl from her chem class.
Mabel moves to get in the front seat before she’s stopped by Dipper, “Ah ah ah!” he says, gaining her attention. He passes her the keys and she whines but moves to the other side anyways.
“You fucking suck, Dip-stick.”
“Sorry that I want to be able to comfort my boyfriend in the backseat of my own car and can’t do that when I’m driving.” he opens the back door and motions for Wirt to get in, and once they’re all set they drive to the nearest McDonald's.
Ordering food had thus been the easier part of Wirt’s night, but he’s hoping things will start going up from here.
The food sits in the passengers seat in the quiet car before Mabel presses play on the car stereo. Wirt immediately looks up from where his head was buried in Dipper’s shoulder, a smile crossing his face.
“Isn’t this the mixtape I made you?” He turns back to Dipper, absolutely beaming.
Dipper’s face is red, but he nods. “Yeah. I listen to it sometimes.”
“Liar! He listens to it all the fucking time. I have it memorized by now.” Mabel calls from the front. Dipper kicks the back of her seat, “Shut up! At least I don’t have an entire folder dedicated to pictures of him on my phone!”
“My Pacifica picture collection is none of your business! And you have like eight hundred Polaroids on him on your wall, don’t even try that shit with me!” 
Dipper’s rebuttal is cut off when Wirt presses a kiss to his cheek. The younger boy turns and immediately presses their lips together in a kiss. It’s soft because of Wirt’s busted lip, but it’s still incredible. It’s never not incredible when it’s the two of them.
Mabel makes fake barfing noises, causing Dipper to flip her off, causing Wirt to laugh. They pull up to the drive way, walk through the front door, and are immediately greeted by Greg. He rushes into Wirt, giving him a tight hug. Even at ten years old, Greg still has as much energy as he did at six.
“Welcome home, brother o’ mine. How was, whoa what happened to your face?”
Wirt ruffles his little brothers hair, “I got into a fight with a dragon, dude. I won, obviously, but my jacket didn’t make it out alive.”
“I can fix that for you.” Mabel says taking his suit jacket, she’s almost knocked over when Greg charges into her next which makes her laugh. “Hey there, space cowboy. I missed you too!” She pulls him into a tight hug twirling him around the foyer before setting him back down. Dipper gives him a hug as well, just as tight but without all the spinning, and then Greg’s attention is back on Wirt.
“Okay. Why was this dragon mad at you?” He asks. This had become their thing ever since The Unknown. They would talk as if they were still there, or at least like they were in a fantasy world, and explain things to each other that way. Wirt thinks it helps them cope, but it’s probably just a result of being some weird kids.
“Anger issues.” Wirt says. That’s way too simple a phrase for it, and he knows that, but Greg is nine. He can explain it another day, but this is now and it’s ten o’clock.
Greg gives him a goofy grin, “Alright!” he says, skipping into the kitchen. The three teenagers follow him, Dipper once again takes Wirt’s hand.
“What were you doing in here little man?” Dipper asks, noticing that all of the chairs at the edge of the kitchen.
Greg picks up Jason Funderburker, the frog, and smiles again. “Well, Wirt was at his dance, and I wasn’t allowed to go with, so I made my own! Mom and dad are out tonight, too so I can play is as loud as I want!”
Greg being allowed to stay home alone tonight was a big decision. Not because no one trusted him but... okay yeah no one trusted him. Plus, it was dangerous! But, tonight was their mom and Johnathan's ten year anniversary and his mom didn’t want him to miss out on his Senior prom -no matter how much he assured her he could live without having gone- so it was the only option. No one was available to babysit, again prom night, and they couldn’t exactly take their nine year old to a bar. It doesn’t look like anything is on fire or broken yet, so Wirt can say it’s been a success so far.
“Alright then,space cowboy, lets get this party started!” Mabel says as she turns up the music. The song is ‘You Really Got Me’ by The Kinks, how Greg knows this song Wirt has no clue, and it bounces off the walls echoing up the stairs.
Greg does his weird jump step thing that he’s been doing since he could walk. It’s literally just jumping side to side to music, with the occasional dangerously fast spin, but it’s not a bad move. Jason Funderburker looks sick from all of the motion and Greg stops his movement just to let the frog go.
Mabel has always been a crazy dancer, just jumping around, arms flailing, hair going everywhere from her shaking her head. She’s probably going to poke someone’s eye out one of these days, but at least she’s having fun. Or, maybe she’s trying to poke someone’s eye out. Either way, she’s having a good time.
Dipper makes sure his arm movements hit every beat, spinning around for the parts where there are no hard beats to hit but smiling nonetheless. He looks like an idiot, and he knows he looks like an idiot, but what’s the point in being around all of your favorite people if you can’t look like an idiot in front of them?
Wirt, not much a dancer in normal circumstances, is going all out right now. He’s much more graceful than Mabel is being, but other than that they’ve got practically the same vibe. Except that Wirt actually did hit Dipper in the eye on accident earlier, but that’s in the past now.
The song ends and another begins and that cycle repeats for an hour until they’re all too tired for it anymore. Wirt sits down in one of the chairs, looking out over the kitchen. Greg is sitting on the floor with Jason Funderburker while the twins argue over what terrible movie to watch simply to make fun of it.
They both turn, “Wirt,” Dipper says, “What do you think?”
Wirt smiles. Maybe Prom night isn’t so bad after all. 
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anistarrose · 5 years
To See The Unseen - Ch. 4 (Gravity Falls)
Summary: The kids embark on a quest to take back the mirror, and Stan embarks on a quest to find his brother. Neither goes quite according to plan.
Warnings: canon-typical violence
AO3: archiveofourown.org/works/20884673/chapters/50514815
Remember when I said last chapter had changed the most from the outline? This chapter has it beat by a pretty large margin, but I’m so glad it changed because I feel like it really went from good to great.
Come on, Ford, where are you…
Moving scenes flickered by Stan, like a projector wheel was whirring and spinning inside his head. Gilled alien children, playing in an underwater kelp forest. A group of humanoid beings celebrating as a sleek rocket ship lifted off in front of them.
A city burning. A smaller town rebuilding. A man offering a few scraps of food to a stray dog. Two chimeras with bat wings and scorpion stingers, chasing each other across a starlit desert sky.
Yet for all their diversity, none of the scenes showed anyone resembling Ford.
He’s got to be out here somewhere. I would feel it if anything happened to him, I’m sure I would —
A long-abandoned space station colliding with a comet. A small family carrying potted flowers up a massive, barren mountain. A world teeming with insects and arachnids, associating into families and societies and nations. A perfectly clear ocean, eerily empty for miles in every direction.
There are too many places he could be, Stan realized. I need to see more.
I need to see everything.
The images blurred together as Stan’s head spun faster and faster, but the universe resisted becoming known, writhing and shrinking away from him.
The projector whirring intensified to a dull roar, as Stanley Pines grabbed existence by the throat and stared at it dead in its eyes.
“Shoulda figured the gate would be closed,” Wendy grumbled as they approached Northwest Mansion.
“Well, time to make Stan proud, then.” Dipper pulled a small crossbow out of his backpack, and fired off a few shots. The first bolt sailed harmlessly over the fence, but the second flew true and impaled itself in the security camera, spinning it around so that it pointed away from his party. “You want to lead the way, Mabel?”
“Sure do!” Mabel expertly scaled the gate with her grappling hook, then tossed it through a gap in the bars for Dipper to follow with. “If Pacifica asks, we’ll just tell her that we got lost in tunnels that mole people dug under the fence.”
Wendy shook her head. “First grappling hooks in the gift shop, and now crossbows in the closet? We need to get Stan back just so I can yell at him about leaving weapons where you kids can find them.”
“Hey, you carry an axe everywhere!” Dipper shot back as he landed on the other side of the wall, passing the grappling hook through the gate one last time. “And you’ve got to admit, these weapons come in handy all the time.”
Wendy shrugged. “Yeah, but I’m not a kid. I’m a responsible teenager.”
“That’s an oxymoron and we all know it,” Dipper told her as they set off towards the mansion.
“Less of an oxymoron than ‘responsible twelve-year old’ would be.”
“Shh, guys!” Mabel motioned towards a guard rounding the corner, and the three of them ducked into the bushes. Once he’d passed them by, they sprinted towards the front door, only to stand there awkwardly for a moment, unsure of how to proceed.
“Do we… just ring the doorbell?” Wendy asked. “It feels kinda anticlimactic after doing all this cool heist stuff.”
“Is it unlocked?” Dipper gave the door an experimental push, and sure enough, it slid open, revealing a grand ballroom lit by dozens of crystal chandeliers. “I guess we should just head in.”
“Aww, lots of cute animals!” Mabel exclaimed, rushing over to the nearest taxidermied squirrel. “And they must’ve been even more adorable when you were alive — weren’t you, Mister Fluffytail?”
“Why is there so much gravel on the floor?” Wendy muttered, kicking around a few of the jagged chunks of rock that were scattered across the carpet. “I woulda thought the Northwests would take better care of their stuff…” Her eyes followed the trail of gravel and dust across the ballroom, and up the stairs —
And to the balcony from which two Northwests glared down at them, one of looking far more ghostly and petrified than the other.
“Oh,” Dipper whispered. “So that’s what happened to that statue.”
“Dipper? Mabel?” Pacifica gasped. “What are you doing here?”
“Don’t worry, we had a really good reason for breaking and entering, I promise!” Mabel spoke up. “See, our grunkle spoke to me in my dreams and said that in order to lift his curse —”
Dipper and Mabel Pines? Nathaniel Northwest asked as his statue form began to rise up off the ground and out past the balcony. Oh, how convenient!
“Uh, excuse me?” Dipper asked. “I’ve never met you before, dude —”
The statue plummeted to the ground, smashing through the floorboards and coming just inches away from crushing Dipper as he jumped to the side.
You don’t even claim to know the very man whose legacy you fouled? I’ve met a lot of petty children in my day, but you put all of them to shame!
“Grandpa, what are you doing?!” Pacifica shrieked, covering her mouth with her hands. “Are you trying to kill him?!”
Nathaniel turned back towards her. Why wouldn’t I try to kill the meddling kids? Is mercilessly eradicating our enemies not the Northwest family modus operandi any longer? I didn’t think times had changed that much!
“No! It’s not! Even my parents or grandparents would never…” Pacifica’s voice trailed off, like she couldn’t help but doubt her own argument.
Oh, dear naïve granddaughter. Nathaniel shook his stone head. I can’t fault you for not knowing all your family’s history yet, but as much as I disagreed with my children, I simply can’t imagine them abandoning such a simple tenet. Nor can I imagine your parents, or your grandparents, or any of your ancestors, for that matter! How do you think we amassed the family fortune in the first place? Because it sure wasn’t by being kind, or charitable, or —
He staggered backwards as Mabel’s grappling hook caught him directly in the chest, and cracks began to spiderweb across his beard.
“That’s what you get for attacking my brother! You dumb old capitalist!”
I am not DUMB! Nathaniel roared. The world tried to suppress my genius!
His beard began to crumble even more, but a whirlwind of black smoke caught the rocky shards and hurled them through the air. Wendy knocked Mabel out of the way with a rolling tackle, then sprung to her feet and raised her axe just in time to deflect Nathaniel’s stone flagpole in place as he swung it at her.
“Pacifica?” Mabel pleaded. “A little help here?!”
“I —” Pacifica took a few hesitant steps down the stairs, and then froze. “I don’t know what to do!”
As Wendy and Nathaniel continued to spar, remaining at more or less a stalemate, Dipper frantically flipped through Journal 3.
“Come on, come on, I know there’s a whole section about ghosts in here somewhere —”
Nathaniel blew a plume of dust in Wendy’s face, but didn’t strike at her even as she began to cough. Instead, he turned to Dipper, and pointed a chipped stone finger towards the ceiling.
Searching for my weakness? Now now, we can’t have that!
Tendrils of smoke wound around the lamps and chandeliers, and their lights faded. Faint sunbeams from an overcast sky still poured into the mansion through the windows, but as the living combatants’ eyes adjusted, they saw Nathaniel’s statue form collapse to the ground, no longer possessed. His smoke-black, ghostly form was nowhere to be seen.
“Gah, it’s too dark!” Wendy cried, wiping dust away from her face. “I can’t see where he went!”
Mabel poked the lightbulb on her sweater. “Don’t worry guys, I got this!”
But nothing happened, even as she kept poking it more and more frantically. “Oh no! I must’ve ran out the batteries while we were in the bunker!”
“Look out!” Dipper shouted, and Mabel narrowly dodged a chair flung at her from behind. She whirled around and fired her grappling hook in the direction it had been thrown from, but it just harmlessly bounced off the edge of a table.
Nathaniel’s voice boomed from all around them. A lot harder to hide when you can’t see who’s attacking you, isn’t it?
Wendy picked up the same chair that Nathaniel had thrown, diving in front of Dipper and using it to shield them from a volley of broken lamps and shattered glass. “I don’t know, we still seem to be doing pretty well for ourselves!”
Nathaniel laughed. And I can’t wait to see how long you’re able to keep that up! It’s a good think I don’t grow tired like you mortals!
As Dipper, Mabel, and Wendy stood back to back to fend off a barrage of inanimate objects, Pacifica slid down the stairway banister and made a dash for the closest mounted animal — a ten-point buck, hanging on the wall just low enough for her to reach.
“What are you doing?” Dipper yelled as he noticed her pulling out her tweezers. “This is no time for —”
“You can thank me later!” Pacifica shouted back as she plucked a few hairs from the deer’s coat and tossed them into the lantern, then pulled a lighter from her pocket and set the oil ablaze. “Abracadabra!”
The resulting light didn’t quite illuminate the whole ballroom, but still cast a surprisingly far-reaching glow. It turned everything it touched grayscale, except the kids and Wendy, who still looked as brightly colored as ever, and Nathaniel himself — who no longer looked like an amorphous cloud of darkness, but rather an elderly bearded man, floating in the air and glowing a bright, impossible-to-miss shade of blue.
For a few seconds, he just stared at the transparent hands of his true form, until finally his eyes landed on Pacifica, bearing the lantern he himself had created over a century ago.
Young lady, he finally spluttered, what do you think you’re doing?!
Pacifica stared him down.
“I thought you were a kindred spirit,” she began softly. “I thought you were different from all the other Northwests… like me. But you’re really exactly the same as the rest of them after all, and…”
“And that’s not something I want to have in common with you!”
You want to betray your own ancestor? You want to be disowned?!
Pacifica flinched, her grip on the lantern tightening.
“You go, girl!” Mabel spoke up. “Tell him who’s boss!”
Pacifica whirled around, mouth hanging agape. “You really mean that?”
To her surprise, Dipper cheered her on too. “You heard Mabel! Give him a piece of your mind!”
“You’re not so bad after all, rich girl!” Wendy swung her axe through the air. “Don’t worry, we’ll back you up!”
Pacifica took a deep breath.
You can’t be serious! Nathaniel shouted. My granddaughter would never throw her lot in with you commoners —
“Thanks for letting me know how your lantern worked, Grandpa,” Pacifica interrupted with a smile. “I’m going to help to help these nerds exorcise you now.”
A fine mist of subatomic particles condensed on Stan’s glasses, then pooled into iridescent newborn dimensions. They dripped off the glass one by one, and fell into the spiral of foam rotating beneath him, ready to embark on eons-long journeys of existence.
For a fraction of a second, Stan considered looking away, but the thought escaped nearly as quickly as it had occurred to him — after all, he knew in the back of his mind that he wouldn’t be able to tear his eyes away even if he wanted to.
There was such diversity in the structure of the worlds, from the liquid droplets to the solid ice crystals to the bubbles of negative space in the foam. It was so much to take in, so much that you’d think it would destroy the mind of someone like Stan — but if anything, it was a comfort to behold, a reassurance to see how tiny and insignificant every tiny sliver of existence was on its own despite how massive and all-encompassing and significant they all became together.
Do not forget, an echoing voice sung in his ear, that you are also significant all on your own — perhaps not to the grand scheme of existence itself, but certainly to many of the people you share this existence with.
Stan rubbed his head. “Wait, what?”
This place encapsulates everywhere and nowhere, for now and forever. Anyone who can make their way out here, to this place no mortals are meant to see, can surely make a difference in the little droplet of reality they reside in.
“Um… thanks? I guess?”
Stan couldn’t see the entity smile, but he sensed it nonetheless.
You have done something extraordinary, Stan. But do not let that distract you from what you came here for.
“What I came here for? I… shit, I was looking for Ford! How — how long have I been here? How much time have I wasted when I could’ve been trying to find him?!”
Worry not. Your bond with your twin is strong, and that bond will guide you to him as long as you put your faith in it.
Stan nodded slowly, and closed his eyes.
“Ford never gives up,” he reminded himself out loud, “which means he’s still out there, still fighting and surviving. He’s my brother, and I will find him, because I don’t give up either.”
He let a wave of sensations and emotions from a trillion different worlds wash over him, but it didn’t carry him off his feet this time, and he wasn’t overwhelmed and hypnotized by it.
Follow whatever feels most familiar, the voice told him. And above all else, trust yourself.
There were too many familiar sensations from the multiverse to count — too many advanced math problems and leather-bound journals and trench coats and broken glasses. And others still, things that were so tragically Ford that they ached — broken inventions and angry parting words and loaded crossbows and bloodshot eyes…
But nothing struck Stan harder than the bittersweet nostalgia.
It was distant and fleeting, like someone’s not-quite-lucid dream as they began to toss and turn and awaken; it was warm like a beach on a summer day while stinging like a splinter from a recently sanded wooden plank, and it resonated. It wasn’t a feeling Stan had ever expected to come from Ford, of all people — but it was so familiar, like a dream that could’ve sprung from his very own head.
“That’s it,” he whispered, and a light pink tail materialized beneath his feet, guiding him forward as he dove towards the droplet of reality that held his brother.
Thank you, whoever you are, he thought to the entity, and even though he hadn’t spoken out loud, something told him the message had been received.
He held his nonexistent breath as images materialized around him — a damp cave, an extinguished campfire, a black sleeping bag…
And sure enough, there was Ford, sitting upright and rubbing his eyes like he’d just woken up. There was Ford, alive.
“You’re okay!” Stan whispered, not even caring that Ford being awake meant he wouldn’t be able to communicate. “Oh my god. I mean, I knew you would be, but — holy shit, Ford. I really will be able to bring you home, won’t I?”
Ford rolled up his sleeping bag and stuffed it into a larger bag of supplies, which he slung over his back alongside a giant, rectangular case that presumably housed some kind of weapon. He marched towards the mouth of the cave, through which rays of morning light were beginning to peek, but then paused for a moment, and rifled through the inside pocket of his coat to procure something.
Stan floated closer to get a better look, only to freeze in place as he recognized the item — a photograph of two boys standing on a boat, with proud smiles on their faces despite the broken hull and tattered sails.
“You kept that picture?” he whispered.
Ford sighed and tucked the photograph back in his pocket, then looked up to stare suspiciously at the exact spot where Stan floated — and for just a moment Stan would’ve sworn that Ford could see him.
But then Ford shook his head and stepped past Stan, out of the cave and into the morning sun. As he adjusted the strap holding his weapon, he muttered something that sounded suspiciously like “it won’t be long.”
“You can count on that, Sixer. It won’t be long at all.”
As Ford set off, Stan closed his eyes and concentrated on the familiar elements of the multiverse once again.
“Man, this took a lot longer than I expected, didn’t it?” he whispered. “I hope those kids haven’t broken into any mansions without me.”
“Pacifica, above you!” Dipper shouted, just in time for Pacifica to dodge a massive chandelier that came crashing to the ground. Nathaniel dove back into the statue, possessing it once again as he took a swing at Pacifica with a crumbling arm, and Pacifica lost her grip on the lantern as she ducked, sending it clattering across the hardwood floor as the light flickered and began to fade.
“Oh no you don’t!” Mabel jumped onto Nathaniel’s back from behind him, covering his eyes as Dipper snatched the lantern up off the ground and held it upright as the flame roared back to life. Pacifica pulled out a nail file and threw it with uncanny precision, knocking one of Nathaniel’s already crumbling fingers clear off of his flag-bearing hand.
Oh no YOU don’t! Nathaniel roared back as his other hand detached from his body, plucking Mabel off his back by the scruff of her sweater and hurling her towards the mounted head of a massive elk. She narrowly avoided being impaled on most of its antlers, but one single point pierced through her sweater just above her shoulder and ensnared her in place.
“Hang tight, Mabel!” Wendy shouted, taking a swing at the animal’s neck, but she failed to notice the detached stone fist swing around once again — first clocking her in the shoulder and making her drop her axe, and then grabbing Dipper by the throat and pinning him to the ground.
“Shit!” Wendy gasped. “Let him go, you bastard!”
Nathaniel advanced towards the lantern, blasting Pacifica backwards with a cloud of smoke and dust from his stump hand while raising his flagpole over his head in preparation to strike Dipper.
Give me the lantern, Pines, he growled. Or —
“How about I give you an ass-kicking instead?!” Stan’s ghost rose up from within the floor like a blazing blue lightning bolt, and in the same fluid motion, he delivered an uppercut to Nathaniel’s chin that knocked his spectral form clear out of the statue and twenty feet straight into the air.
“You want a fucking ghost fight?! ‘Cause I’ll give you a ghost fight!” Stan crowed, flexing incorporeal arms. “I got my ghost brass knuckles right here!”
“Grunkle Stan?!” Mabel gasped. “How did you do that?”
Stan whirled around to face her. “Wait, you can see me? Fuck, I really shouldn’t be swearing then, should I?”
Dipper got to his feet, the stone hand having relaxed its grip around his throat. “It’s the magic lantern, I think. It reveals all the ghosts in range of its light.”
“And it used to be Grandpa Granite’s own magic lantern at that,” Pacifica scoffed. “Talk about irony!”
“Ha, Grandpa Granite!” Stan laughed. “That’s pretty good!”
Nathaniel slunk out of the lantern’s range, where he transformed back into a ghost made of smoke and ashes, but his eyes were glowing such a firey orange that everyone could still make out where he was.
“Quick, kids!” Stan commanded. “Get behind me!”
Mabel tugged at her sweater, still caught on the elk’s antlers. “I can’t! I’m stuck!”
An orange smile flickered on Nathaniel’s face, and he leapt back into the light towards Mabel.
“Don’t you dare!” Stan shouted, diving forward at superhuman speed to meet him, knocking him off balance with a left hook before jabbing a knee into his groin. Nathaniel howled and aimed a blow at Stan’s head, but Stan jumped out of the way with ease, then kicked Nathaniel’s legs out from underneath him and sent him tumbling to the floor.
“I’m guessing you didn’t take boxing lessons as a kid, did you?” Stan asked smugly. “I never thought I’d tell this to a ghost that doesn’t weigh anything, but somehow, you’re putting too much of your weight into your punches.”
So this is how you want to fight? Nathaniel hissed. Too bad my quarrel isn’t with you.
His hand swept up a pile of jagged porcelain shards, and with a blast of ghostly smoke, fired them in a volley towards Mabel. Stan dove in the way to intercept, but they passed straight through him, and Mabel barely extricated herself from the antlers in time to dodge.
I can beat him to a pulp, but I can’t affect the physical world enough keep my kids safe from him while I do. They’re the ones he wants revenge on. Stan realized. I’ve got to make myself his main target, somehow. Or…
An idea occurred to him that was so dumb he couldn’t help but grin, and Nathaniel glared at him.
What’s so funny? Are you excited to watch your family die?
Stan ignored him, struggling to stifle a laugh. It was a horrible, risky, completely harebrained idea, and it was exactly what he needed.
“HEY, BILL CIPHER!” he shouted at the top of his lungs. “I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!”
The room fell dead silent as the tapestry behind Stan lit up with a flash of golden light. It depicted a gray, one-eyed triangle looming over two pleading silhouettes surrounded by red and orange flames — but as a cold wind blew through the ballroom, the figures began to write in agony as the flames lit up blue.
Bill cackled as he opened his eye and casually stepped out of the tapestry like it was something he did every day. “Well, well, well! We meet again, Stanley! Finally ready to make a deal?”
“Oh, hell no!” Stan replied, pulling his 8-ball cane out of thin air to make an overdramatic gesture in Nathaniel Northwest’s direction. “I just thought there was someone here who you might like to reunite with. For old times’ sake, you know?”
The cockiness deflated out of Bill’s pose as his eye went wide. “Hey now, let’s not jump to conclusions here! Give me a chance to tell my side of the story —”
Nathaniel lunged forward and grabbed ahold of Bill, seething with such an overwhelming rage that his whole body lit up firey and orange. YOU ARE NO MUSE! GO TO HELL, YOU TREACHEROUS AFFRONT AGAINST INSPIRATION!
Bill fired back with a blast of blue fire, but he looked shaken. “Alright, FINE! My side of the story is that I DESPISE you and every single atom that’s ever passed through your BODY!”
“Fight, fight, FIGHT!” Stan chanted. “Kids, get the camera!”
“FUCK YOU!” Bill shouted at Stan, only for Nathaniel to seize the opening and punch him directly in the eye. They continued to tussle, tumbling out of range of the lantern’s light, and Stan flew after them, disappearing from the kids’ view.
“I am so confused right now,” Dipper muttered.
“Stan knows what he’s doing,” Mabel assured him. “Probably.”
DIE, FOUL BEAST! Nathaniel roared, but Bill caught his fist in midair, and Nathaniel screamed as bolts of blue electricity surged up his arm.
Stan seized the opportunity, floating up behind Nathaniel and tapping his wrist, where a silver watch resembling the portal appeared. The clock’s hands whirled around the inner circle unnaturally fast, and Stan put on his cockiest grin as he raised his wrist for Bill to see.
“Remember, only nine more hours until we BOTH lose everything!”
The lightning bolts sparking from Bill’s hands shorted out.
“Speak for yourself!” he shouted, voice jumping up to an even higher pitch than usual. “I DON’T need —”
Nathaniel slammed his head into Bill, knocking him backwards and through the staircase.
“But of course you can keep wasting your time letting Cowboy Casper here beat you to a pulp,” Stan jeered. “I don’t mind waiting!”
Bill flew back out of the stairway, his whole body crackling with electricity as he summoned a vortex of fire around Nathaniel, trapping him in place — but Bill’s eye stayed fixed on Stan, even as Nathaniel thrashed and howled and cursed.
“If you want the portal on so badly, then just shake my hand, you idiot!” Bill shrieked. “I really don’t know how to make this any simpler for you!”
“If you really hate Old Man Northwest so much, then you should just trap him in the mirror and let me go for no price — because that handshake? That deal? That’s never happening, Cipher,” Stan shot back. “Go ahead, call my bluff! Wait out the last nine hours, and watch thirty years of biding your time go to waste! I’m sure you know exactly what a petty, stubborn asshole my brother can be, so let me give you one last warning before you make a choice you regret — I’m just as petty and stubborn as he is!”
Bill’s whole body lit up red as he slowly pointed one index finger at Stan, and fired another blast of blue flames —
And Stan sat up in his hospital bed with Bill floating over him, looking angrier than it ever should’ve been possible for any two-dimensional object to look.
“This isn’t over, Fez!” he hissed. “I’ll still get exactly what I need from you sooner or later, one way or another!”
“So you finally admit that I’m useful to you, too!” Stan gloated. His voice was hoarse, but he didn’t care. “I figured you’d come around soon enough!”
“You have NO IDEA how lucky you are that I need you alive! I would let you rot in that mirror FOREVER if I could!”
Stan stretched his arms, giving each of his biceps a celebratory kiss. “Ahh, I missed these bad boys! How’s it feel not to have a body, Bill? If only you hadn’t made it so goddamn obvious that you still needed me, I might’ve even given in and agreed to let you borrow mine!”
Bill vanished without any fanfare or even one final threat, leaving Stan alone in the hospital room with a recently-awoken and extremely confused Soos.
“Mr. Pines?” he gasped. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, more or less,” Stan assured him, places a hand on Soos’s shoulder as Soos rushed to his side. “Plan A didn’t go so great, but Plan B worked like a charm.”
“I’m so glad you’re back,” Soos cried, wrapping Stan in an uncomfortably tight hug. “But who were you just talking to? I didn’t see anyone else in the room…”
“Don’t worry about it, kid,” Stan told him. “Right now, I need you to call Wendy and the kids for me, ‘cause I vanished before their eyes just a couple minutes ago and they’re probably worried out of their minds.”
“Shh, not yet.” Soos wiped his eyes. “Just give me ten more seconds of hugging you and sobbing first.”
Stan sighed. “Alright, I suppose.”
(End notes:
Poor Bill, wasting such a dramatic entrance on a scene where he got completely and utterly dunked on. And there we have it, the conclusion of the main story! There’s still an epilogue coming to tie up the wide variety of loose ends I’ve created here, so keep an eye out for that sometime in November, if all goes according to plan!)
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rosegoldcross18 · 6 years
BatBoys Headcanons #2
You Get Closer:
Dick Grayson:
Ever since what you both called the “gym incident” a few months ago, you and Richard Grayson have started dating a bit. It was a weird dynamic, as it wasn’t as serious as it normally would be. You’d take turns taking each other out to the most random places, ranging from lunch dates to across-the-street-dates. You loved how honest he was with you and how special he made you feel. He had the most beautiful people falling at his feet, but whenever you two were together, you had all his attention. Whatever you had to say he honored and you, likewise.
It was no secret that you were falling for Richard; even road kill would be able to see. You constantly find yourself unable to stop giggling around him, always wanting to look your best, and generally happier. You had it bad for him, but you didn’t want to scare him away by being too forward. Besides, you were pretty sure it all spoke for itself anyway, but Richard had a tendency of being quite the airhead sometimes, you noticed, so it probably flew over him. That’s never stopped you from thinking that maybe, just maybe he might feel the same way, but at the same time you always stopped yourself from expecting too much.
On a certain Wednesday afternoon though, something sort of changed in your little arrangement. Your shift had just finished and you were about to clock out of work, when a commotion in the lobby caught your attention. You shuffled over to the crowd and saw Richard sitting by the lounge, looking as hot as ever. He dressed simply, a black shirt slightly unbuttoned at the collar and black jeans. “Richard?” you call out to him. “What are you doing here?”
Immediately his gaze went to you, going from uncomfortable to elated in half a second. All eyes went to you, varying shades of green in each of the women present. “Hey beautiful.” He greets, slinging one of his arms around your shoulders. Another thing that swept you off your feet all the time: you’re the only one he calls beautiful. “I was thinking a steak dinner tonight. You up for it?”
“If I start gaining weight because of you, I swear Grayson, you’re gonna die.” You point an accusatory look at him and he returns it with a sheepish one.
“It doesn’t really matter to me. You’ll always be stunning no matter what.” There was something about the way he said it that told you he wasn’t just fooling around. It wasn’t as lighthearted like all those times before. No, this felt like it had meaning.
And as he walked you to the steakhouse with his hand sliding down to hold yours, your hope for the two of you never felt stronger.
Jason Todd:
Water rushed over your hands as you lathered the soap. You had just finished off your last ink job for the day, another very satisfied customer walking out your door. Now all that’s left was to close up shop and you’d be on your way home. Gathering your things and fixing yourself up a bit, you shut the lights and lock the doors before leaving. As your boots clacked along the moonlit curb, your eyes darted all around, vigilant. Your apartment was a good twenty minute walk from here, but the streets were darker than they should be, and you weren’t exactly in the safest place in Gotham, so it was always quite the nervous trek.
As you made your way past the first two alleyways, a bunch of guys stuck their hungry eyes at you. You heard them before you saw them; they began whistling and crowing as you walked by. Obviously they were teenagers, with no sense of fashion too, you noted. They were dressed like stereotypical gangsters, the ones you see on a corny cop movie, but they were far from intimidating. They were bold, though, you’d give them that. Especially since one decided you were harmless enough to approach.
“Hello there, little lady. Whatchu doin’ walking out here by yourself? It’s dangerous.” One drawled close to your heavily pierced ear.
You smiled sarcastically “Oh yeah, definitely. Smell the breath on you, oh lord, I am fearing for my life right now.” You waved your hand back and forth under your nose. It pissed him off instantly.
“What did you just say to me?!”
“Oh, did I hurt wittle Jimmy boy’s feelings? Look, why don’t you go back to your little cronies and show your dick to them instead because I have bad eyes. Can’t see small stuff.”
“Why you-” He raised his hand in the air, ready to smack you, when a howl of laughter came from behind you. A very familiar-and sexy-laugh.
“Man that was a comeback worth writing down.” Jason swaggered his way to you, lazy grin on his face but a little fire in his eyes. “Alright, playtime’s over kid. You go run along now.”
“W-Who the fuck are you?!” He stuttered, still trying to keep the tough face on despite clearly being unsettled by Jason’s sheer size. You couldn’t blame him though; Jason was built like a fucking god.
“Ah, nobody really. Just saw you were giving the lady trouble and thought to stop it. You know, ‘cause it’s disrespectful. Plus I did you a favor, dude. Wouldn’t want your gang to see you get your face beat in, would you?” His face was smug, almost gloating, but you could still tell his threat was dead serious. Apparently Mr. Gang signs did too, since he just left with a scowl. “You alright?”
“Yeah, I guess. I didn’t really need help though, if I’m gonna be honest.”
“Oh believe me I know. I just wanted him to fuck off faster.” He chuckled as you both continued walking.
“How’d you know I was here?”
“I live relatively close by, and I just got back from Irene’s house. Helped her with some things.”
“I should go visit Mrs. Mabel, too.”
“Wanna go tomorrow?” Jason suddenly asks. “We could have lunch there.” You raised an amused eyebrow at his proposal.
“Jason Peter Todd, are you asking me out?”
“Yeah, I am. Is there a problem with that?” You both stop at the door of your apartment building.
“Nope. Absolutely nothing.” You hum, kissing him on the cheek before going inside.
Tim Drake:
Turns out you and Tim shared the same school. Thankfully, your schedules weren’t totally mismatched, so you both had time to hang out in between periods. You had become rather good friends in a short amount of time, as you often helped with his self-destructive sleeping habits. Honestly, you were shocked he was still so smart—sleeping nearly thirty minutes a day would have killed your entire brain in less than a week. You brought him scented candles, helped him pick out pillows and made him tea that’d help him drowse. You were mothering him in a way, and it was quite obvious he liked it.
Third period had just started and you were waiting for your ever-so-punctual professor to show up. Cheek squished on your knuckle, you blew a raspberry in boredom. Then your phone vibrated in your pocket, signaling a text. You saw that it was from Tim, and it read:
                       “Vacant time. Teach didn’t even bother to show up today, and no sub.
                        Bored as heck.”
You shook your head and texted back with a smile. “Sorry, can’t help you there. I’m in class. Why don’t you take a nap?”
               “I don’t feel like it. Can’t you skip?” You looked out the window and saw him looking down on his phone under one of the trees.
“You are not influencing me into truancy, sir, no matter how cute you are.” You saw his teeth peek out in a smile.
          “Come on, just this once? :( I’m very lonely.”
“Boo-hoo for you. I’m not sacrificing my mom’s hard earned money just to snooze under a tree.”
     “Touché. Fine, you win. I’ll wait…
    …but I’ll be thinking of you.”
Okay, pause. Hold the damn phone. Timothy Drake did not just say that to you. Your cheeks lit on fire as you attempted to keep your face relaxed. You looked up at him again, and saw that he too, was red in the face. He started punching the side of his head, seemingly regretting what he just sent.
           “Forget that last bit.”
Oh but you won’t. Not a chance in cold hell.
Damian Wayne:
Damian had been frequenting your shelter since he first came here a month ago, claiming that he had to make sure the animals were in “optimal living conditions”, and that his father’s money wasn’t going to waste. You didn’t see him very often because you had school and you only get to help on the weekends, but every time you did he was with a Dalmatian you liked to call “Oreo”. He was still kinda young, and Damian obviously liked him the most out of all the critters here. In all honesty, you wanted to talk to him and be friends, but you got very shy.
Currently, you were feeding the dogs while your dad bought some supplies from the vet across the street. There were twelve dogs total in the shelter, not counting the ten puppies in the nursery room. This chore in particular was your favorite, being that you adored dogs more than any other animal. All the doggos happily trotted around the feeding room as you prepared their feasts. “Okay, gang. Here’s the grub.” You holler, bringing out a dozen feeding bowls. “Now, you don’t eat until I say so, okay?” They all stood to attention, tails wagging back and forth like furry windshield wipers. You set the bowls in a line, evenly filling them with dog food and a little bit of raw meat. You backed away and twenty four beady black eyes stared at you in anticipation. “Okay…go!” Then they all simultaneously devour their meals, chomping and licking sounds filling the air. You giggle and put the food away, readying their vitamin-infused water for after they eat.
Amongst the cacophony of eating doges, you heard a set of footsteps from the doorway. You turn and see Damian, looking as stiff as ever. His eyes focused on the dogs and gained an approving look in them. You smiled, happy that you met his expectation. “What do they eat daily?”
“Oh, just a combination of dog food and some raw chicken. The vitamins I put in their water, since they don’t eat the supplements I mix in with the solid food.” Another nod.
“Sounds appropriate.” Then an awkward silence ensues. You gulp, feeling yourself shy away again. “Would you allow me to take Oreo for a walk? Your father mentioned that you walk the dogs on the afternoons.”
You tuck a stray hair behind your ear as you poured the water into the now-emptied bowls. “Oh sure! Actually, the backyard’s completely fenced and it’s a big place. Why not just set them all free there, let them run and play around?”
He paused a bit, his expression softening the tiniest bit. Barely noticeable, but it was something. “Alright.”
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Another @badthingshappenbingo card fill! I’ve had this idea in my head a while, and the stars just aligned.
Trope: survivor’s guilt
Fandom: The Breakfast Club
Characters: John Bender, Andy Clarke
Warnings: blood, abuse, graphic animal death, implied/referenced death of a minor, PTSD, implied/referenced addiction. This oneshot is very, very dark. Reader discretion is advised.
"Sic 'em, girl!" Bender stumbled into the backyard, turning to see his dad standing in the doorway. "I told you to get lost," The older man said and stepped to the side, letting Mabel barrel past him. The chocolate pitbull was thin, her ribs showing, but she was fierce. With her boxy head, strong jaw, and quick eyes, she was one hell of a guard dog. She was a nervous, spiteful thing, much like John, and for the same reasons. His dad would take a belt to her if she didn't obey, but she'd leap at the chance to chase a guy down. Mabel lowered her front to the ground, glancing around, before seeing John and baring her teeth in a greedy grin. John hoped that she would recognize him as the only one who fed her, the one who let her sleep in his bed and who scratched behind her ears, the one whose cuts she licked when he caught a rough beating. But the usually quiet, graceful dog jerked forward into another sprint when she saw her target. John backed up a few feet and turned to run. He made it a few strides, almost out of the yard, before she caught up and latched onto his right calf. Bender fell to the ground with a scream, but no amount of struggling could dislodge her. The pit bull's teeth were sunk into his leg, her jaw locked stubbornly. She started to twist her head back and forth, pulling with rough yanks, tearing shouts of pain from John. The leg of his jeans, along with the grass beneath him, was rapidly growing dark with blood. He tried to get her to let go, saying her name, ordering her to let go, distracting her, but she was dead set on dragging him back to the house to show off her prize. "Mabel, let go, for- agh! - for fuck's sake," John said for the tenth time, his hands itching to shove her away but afraid to make her tear at his leg more. There was a lot of blood. "Please, come on, girl." He slammed his fist into the ground beside him, trying to hold in another scream, and she growled, pulling harder. Desperate, Bender reached into his pocket and pulled out his switchblade. He flicked it open, hesitating. "Mabel, jus- sh-shit," He gasped, agony ripping through him with each tug from her locked jaw. "Let go, girl." She didn't. With all that blood, he was genuinely concerned that he might bleed out. And she was not letting up. "Come on, sweetheart," He hissed, straining to not sound threatening. There was no prying her mouth open, no calming her down, no getting out of this any other way. John raised his right arm, fist clenched around the handle of his knife, but he faltered with a dry sob. Fuck, it hurt like hell. He didn't want to do this. Shit. With a grimace, he stabbed her. He did it again before he could lose his nerve, letting the blade sink into her belly. Mabel's jaw unlocked then, and she cowered back, curling in on herself. She made the most heartbreaking sounds of panic. The pitbull whimpered and tried to crawl away, but she was bleeding too now. After a minute, she just lay still, panting and whining until her frantically rising and falling torso moved no more. John was in a haze as his father stormed over, having heard the sounds of the attack shift from his son's cries to the dog's shrill whimpers. Bender stared at her body, the blood, the blood on his hands. He dropped the knife, and it moved away. No, he was moving away. His dad was dragging him. There was a trail of blood being smeared through the grass as John was pulled away from her. To a hospital? Was he being brought into the house for a beating after what he'd done? When he heard the creaking of the metal cellar doors, John cringed. So that was his punishment. He didn't fight as he was dragged again, shoved in past the doors and pushed down the steps. He rolled and landed on the concrete floor of the basement. Bender didn't look at his old man as he closed the doors, a chain sliding and a padlock clicking into place up there. It was pitch black now. John wished he would just pass out - he was already kind of loopy from the blood loss, why couldn't he just black out and deal with this later? - but he remained conscious, lying in the large, empty space. He was crying. It didn't bother him because it was for Mabel, the only good thing in the damn place. If she wasn't lying dead out there, she'd curl up next to him, nudge him with her nose if he passed out, lick his wounds. Her blood was still on his hands, he could feel it growing cold. John didn't sit up, didn’t try to stop the bleeding, he didn't do shit. He kind of wished he would just bleed out and get it over with. He was fucking tired of this, all of it. ~ Andy didn't trust that Bender's dad was telling the truth. Sick? Yeah right, Bender would rather die of the flu in the street than stay in his house for a whole day. No fucking way. A little nervous, the blond snuck around the side of the house and to the back, hoping to find a window to John's room. He stopped short when he saw a dog - a dead dog. A pit bull, lying in a small puddle of blood. There was a trail of blood, and Andy followed it with widening eyes. There was Bender's switchblade, lying open. And past that, the trail led to a locked pair of cellar doors. He had no idea what had happened - well, it looked like Bender had killed a dog - but someone, a very injured someone, must be locked in that cellar. Moving closer, he saw there was indeed a padlock and chain holding the doors closed. That shed across the yard must have tools, he thought. Andy glanced at the house's windows, saw no movement, and quickly made his way over to the toolshed, avoiding the dog's corpse and the flies buzzing around it. Just inside the door he found a toolbox and grabbed boltcutters from it. He noticed a large stain on the floor and recalled what Bender had said in detention. ~ "Do you believe this? Huh? It's about the size of a cigar...Do I stutter? You see, this is what you get in my house when you spill paint in the garage." ~ Andy shivered and left the shed, heading straight to the cellar doors. It took a few tries, and figuring out it would be easier to cut the thin chain than the padlock, but Andy managed to slide the chains through the handles of the door. Mr. Bender had seemed pretty drunk, he must have passed out after answering the door or else he would have heard all the metal clanking and scraping. Andy stooped down and grabbed the handles of the cellar doors and pulled them open, flooding the basement below with light. Bender was sprawled on the floor down there. He lay on his back, squinting up at the sudden glare of sunlight. He wasn’t facing the stairs so all he saw was an upside-down silhouette in the light. “Dad?” John’s voice was quiet. He didn’t seem like he could tell if he was dreaming or not. Andy figured that was thanks to the alarmingly large puddle of blood he lay in. “Bender, holy shit,” Clarke descended into the dark basement. “What happened?” John frowned in confusion. “Go away.” “That’s a lot of blood.” Bender didn’t look down at his leg, he didn’t move. “Fuck off,” He nearly whispered. Andy hovered, unsure how to help. “Did that dog bite you before or after you stabbed it?” John turned his head away. His chest hitched. Andy thought he was trying to keep from yelling at him, but the following silence made him reevaluate. “Are you crying?” The wrestler asked, trying to see Bender’s face. John didn’t move any more to hide it, which worried Andy. “It’s not fair,” The criminal lamented. He paused to take a few breaths, which Clarke was starting to notice were too short and quick. “He made her do it.” “Who?” Andy tensed. “Your dad?” Bender nodded absently. It was strange to see him so lethargic and off-balance. “And then he locked you down here?” “Mmhmm,” John looked up at the ceiling. “Just wanted to go inside,” he mumbled. “What do you mean?” “He locked me out. I went around back. He shoved me back out and made her chase me.” John licked his dry lips. “I didn’t wanna hurt her.” Clarke glanced at the guy’s torn leg. “You didn’t have a choice.” John swallowed a sound of despair and Andy realized how bad Bender had it. Not just that things like this, like getting burned with cigars happened to him, but that it was normal for him. Now Andy felt stupid for complaining about his own dad, who urged him to train harder and be better. That was the worst he got, while John dealt with pain and isolation and fear. It was hard to see Bender lying there, trapped, struggling to breathe, pale and shaky, and reconcile it with the asshole criminal from detention. There was a distant crashing sound from inside the house above them, and Bender froze. “Is he home?” The words slipped out on a low breath. “Yeah,” Clarke answered, pushing himself from his knees to the balls of his feet, ready to move. “We gotta get out of here.” “Hide,” John hissed. He cocked his head, listening hard. “What? There’s nowhere to-“ “Hide!” The cry was so soft and panicked that it spurred Clarke into action. He got to his feet, cast around for something to hide behind, and rushed to the stairs. He managed to slide into the dusty space beneath them before the back screen door opened and heavy footsteps approached. They paused briefly at the cellar doors before thundering down the wooden stairs. “You still breathing, Johnny?” The older man mocked. Andy could see his form standing over John from between the slats of wood hiding him. “You got some chores to do, geddup!” He kicked John, who jerked but kept quiet. His dad swayed. “I’m not carryin’ your lazy ass, now get the fuck up!” John tried, pushing himself up on his elbows and sitting up. He bent his left leg to rise, but his right leg shifted and he fell back down with a cry, panting. “I said, get your ass up!” The man grabbed his son under the armpits and dragged him up. John actually screamed when his bad leg was moved below him and forced to take some weight. His dad turned him and slung John over his shoulder with a grunt. Bender cried out with each step as he was carried up the stairs. Andy winced when he hear Bender hit the ground outside with a terrible howl of pain. “Take this.” Something else hit the ground. “Bury that stinking thing, I’m tired of swattin’ flies. You can come in when you’re done.” A few tense seconds later, the back door clicked shut and was audibly locked. Clarke crouched to get out from under the stairs, brushing cobwebs out of his hair. He looked up from the cellar a moment, listening, before he started up the rotting wooden stairs. John was kneeling, his bloody leg twisted to the side so he wouldn’t put his weight on it. Mabel lay a yard away in a horde of flies. There was a small shovel in his hands, but he wasn’t digging. Andy walked around him to see why he wasn’t moving. Bender was staring at the far corner of the backyard, eyes haunted. “Hey,” Andy spoke, sitting beside the quiet guy. John didn’t respond. There was soft sound behind him and Clarke turned quick. There was a guy their age standing by the house, looking at them with a furrowed brow. When Andy had turned to look, he'd moved from where he blocked the view to John on the ground, and the stranger started toward them. "Who are you?" Andy asked, put off. "Friend of Bender's," The guy answered, distracted. He moved to John's side and knelt. He looked John over, then to the corner of the yard he was staring off at. The guy looked sad. "The name's Axel," He offered to Andy, then pointed at the dead dog. "Who did that?" Clarke nodded to Bender. "His dad made her attack him. He said he didn't want to hurt her." Axel looked to the house angrily. "Fucker made him..." He shook his head and looked over to the corner of the yard again. "He killed her." Bender's shoulders tensed. Axel looked to him once more. "Hey, man, 's your old pal Axel here. I'm just gonna take that shovel there, okay?" John was still tense, and Axel didn't take the shovel right away. "I'm right next to you. I'm gonna reach out for it, I'm not gonna touch you." He held out his hand, and John gave him the shovel, looking down at it for a few seconds. Axel then handed it to Clarke. "You dig, I'll find a way to move her." He stood then, heading to the shed. Andy watched him walk away before he started digging by the dog. It took twenty minutes to dig a hole big enough - he didn't want to bury her too shallow. Axel had grabbed an old stained sheet from the shed, probably for painting, and wrapped it around the dog. He pulled it over to the hole and set her down inside with care. Andy filled in the hole. John was staring at the ground now. Axel sat beside him again. "That bite needs to be treated. You okay to go inside and deal with it?" Axel asked lowly. Bender nodded. "Sick. I'm gonna help you up first. I'll be on your right side, arm at your back." Clarke watched curiously as Axel announced every move before he made it, and carefully got John to his feet. They started toward the house, John making small sounds of pain, Axel taking half of his weight. Andy didn't follow, unsure if he should. He waited, and Axel came back out pretty soon. He closed the back door quietly and approached Clarke. "Let's take a walk." Andy followed Axel out of the yard, looking back at the house. They were a block away before he spoke. "What was that all about?" Clarke asked. "Which part? I assume you know what Bender's home life is like. Did you imagine it different?" "I didn't imagine it being like that. I found him locked in the basement, bleeding out." Axel took a breath and nodded. "He doesn't have it easy." "I mean, that's crazy. You think it's crazy, right? He could have died." "I hate it, but it happens. I've seen you around school; I know you're popular, well-off. You don't know the shit that goes down around here." "Is he gonna be okay?" Andy looked back once more at the house, barely visible now. "For tonight, sure. Old man's passed out so that's not a big risk. I cleaned and wrapped his wound so infection's a 50-50 deal. Couldn't stitch it closed. He's way better at it than I am but he wasn't really in the zone to focus." "Yeah, what was with that? He was just... staring." "Mmm. Yeah, that's some heavy shit. It was just like Rosie." "Rosie?" Axel nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Yeah. Bender had a sister." Clarke's brows shot up. "A sister?" He thought a second, then added, "Had?" "She wasn't planned. His mom got pregnant, no idea why she didn't get rid of it. Had a girl. Thing is, she and the old man didn't want her. Maybe they wanted a boy, or they're just assholes. Anyway, John held her, and - to hear him tell it, she was the most beautiful thing in the world. Big brown eyes. He named her Rosie. He was the only one that gave a shit about her, so he kept her close. She slept in his room, he made a little, like, nest of blankets for her to sleep in. Stole baby food, milk, clothes, toys for her. You know, babies cry like a motherfucker for the first few months. He caught a beating near every day for all the times she woke them up hollering, but he wouldn't let his old man near her. Bender stopped drinking, smoking, stayed clean for her. She had this crazy laugh when he'd make faces, she'd giggle like a little goblin." Axel remembered fondly, then his expression clouded over. "She made it two years in that house." "What happened?" Andy knew the story didn't end well, but he kind of hoped it somehow would. Axel shook his head. "John went out, twenty minutes, tops. Needed to steal some more baby food. When he got back, the old man was on the couch, and she was on the floor. He must've dropped her or kicked her or something. Bender found her dead. He lost it, tried to kill his dad. He slashed him with his knife. Got beat half to death for it, then the old man made him bury her out back. In the corner of the yard." Axel sighed. "She was so small." He glanced at Clarke, who looked horrified. "After that, Bender didn't talk for a few weeks. Took any chance to go out and get blasted. Started shooting up. He's been better, but he can't talk about it." "How long ago did that happen?" "Couple years. We must've been fourteen. Mabel was a puppy when Rosie was born, John bought her off some junkie a town over. He wanted a pit bull to protect Rosie when she was old enough to walk, figured she'd be like him and get into trouble early on. Rosie loved that dog. Mabel played with her like the kid was another pup. After Rosie... Mabel was all Bender had. He was the only one that fed her. Let her sleep in his room, tried to keep her from the old man. She tried to protect him when he was hurt. Now, I don't know what he's gonna do." "I never would've guessed he loved someone like that. I mean, he's such a-" "Dick. Yeah, everyone thinks that. And he's far from nice. But he really, really loved her." Andy deflated. Then, he remembered another thing that had confused him. "Why were you talking like that to him?" "Huh?" Axel looked at him weird. "Oh, like, saying everything I was gonna do before I did it? I mean, do you know him at all?" "I guess not that much," Andy admitted. "You gotta do that when he's hurt bad. If you just touch him, he freaks out. I mean, when you've lived like that your whole life, you get pretty jumpy." "What can I do? I don't know him that well. How can I know if he's safe?" "You can't." Axel stopped walking, and Andy realized they were in a nicer neighborhood now. "Walk home, jock. You can't make home any safer for him, and he doesn't want your pity. Best thing you can do is give him space. Be normal around him." "How am I supposed to be normal when I know what it's like for him?" Clarke asked, put off. "You're not the white knight that's gonna swoop in, dish out some money and get him out of there. I know you think you can help, but you can't. Just let him be." With that, Axel walked away.
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advocatewrites-blog · 6 years
Into the Unknown Part 4 Chapter 2
Into the Unknown
Fandom: Undertale, Coraline (book), Over the Garden Wall, Paranorman, Gravity Falls (season 2)
Characters: Frisk, Norman B., Dipper P., Mabel P., Coraline J., Wirt, Greg, the Cat, the Frog; Sans, Toriel, Papyrus, Undyne, Alphys, Asgore,; the Other Mother, the Beast, Agatha P., Bill Cipher, Asriel D., Chara D.,
Pairings: Not the focus. Alphys/Undyne, with mentions of Papyrus/Mettaton, sans/Toriel/Asgore, and Wirt/Sara. Due to the nature of Undertale and the dating segments, there is also interpretable Papyrus/Wirt, Undyne/Mabel, Alphys/Dipper, Napstablook/Norman, Mettaton/Norman, Mettaton/Mabel, Sans/Dipper, Sans/Norman, and Sans/Greg.
Rated a high +K for violence, mild language, horrific elements that may be disturbing to younger readers,  mentions of child abuse and bullying, character death that is sometimes permanent, and mentions of suicide that may be triggering. These elements remain relatively unchanged from their source material, which most all are for children, but discretion is advised nonetheless.
Disclaimer: Undertale was created and owned by Toby Fox. Coraline was created by Neil Gaiman and owned by Bloomsbury and Laika. Over the Garden Wall was created by Patrick McHale and owned by Cartoon Network. Paranorman was created by Sam Fell and Chris Butler and owned by Laika. Gravity Falls was created by Alex Hirsch and owned by Disney. Any other work mentioned or homage are property of their respective owners. This is a fan-made, nonprofit work that only seeks to entertain. Please support the original franchises.
The hallway outside of the Ruins was a lot longer than either of them had expected. It was too dimly lit for either of them to see quite clearly, and the damp chill of caverns only grew as they walked. There was only one clear beacon of light as another chasm opened above them.
In the beacon of light, there sat a flower.
“I bet you think you’re real clever, don’t cha?” said Flowey. “Saving your goat mom like that?”
Both of them were still rattled from the fight, so the most Dipper could really do was stomp on Flowey. It burrowed back underground before his foot hit the ground.
“Tell me,” said Flowey as he popped up behind them.  “What do you think you would have done if you hadn’t saved her? What will happen if you meet someone you can’t spare?”
“We’re not here to fight anyone!” said Dipper.
“Oh? So why are you here, then?”
Mabel sent Dipper a concerned looked. The two fell silent. That was all that Flowey wanted to hear.
“You don’t know,” said Flowey in realization. “Don’t worry, my little monarchs. You’re not the ones I’m looking for. And maybe once you stop that goody two-shoes act, we can agree on something.”
Flowey burrowed back underground, leaving them alone.
“What was that about?” Mabel asked.
“I’m not sure…” said Dipper. “Mabel, what were we doing when we came down here?”
Mabel hummed as she thought.
“The last thing I remember was being at the Shack,” she said.
“Same with me,” said Dipper. “Do you think maybe something paranormal brought us here?”
“I mean, we are in a world of magic and monsters,” said Mabel. “Nothing’s out of the question.”
“Then we better get to work,” said Dipper.
Chapter 2
They didn’t talk much after they were reunited. It was too late to make any real plans, too dark to look at the map Frisk had gotten, and they were too tired to think clearly.
It was early when they started to talk again. The sun had barely risen above the mountains that surrounded them, but it was light enough that Frisk could read the map.
None of the mountains surrounding them were Mt. Ebott.
“These are not normal woodlands,” said the Cat. “Perhaps you can try finding another monster here?”
Frisk nodded.
“Then I suggest we try to avoid gnomes.”
He jumped out of his skin when he saw the white bone. A skull sat in the hoodie. Attached to the rest of it was a skeleton. Two pinpricks of light hovered in the eye sockets, as close to pupils as it could get.
“alright. go ahead and take your choice. don’t got enough g on me to keep restocking.”
The skeleton monster gave a vague gesture to a set of lamps sitting by the checkpoint station, and what fear Dipper had faded into confusion.
“Why do you just have human shaped lamps?” Dipper asked.
“ya better make it quick,” the skeleton said. “my bro’s gonna be here in a few minutes and he’s a human hunting fanatic.”
Dipper’s eyes widened as he put together what he meant, and dove behind one of the lamps that had a shade of a long cone. Mabel fell right behind him, and hid behind her own lamp.
“sup bro?”
Mabel poked her head out from the lampshade. “Oh, he’s cute!”
Dipper looked up just long enough to see the other addresser.
“He’s a skeleton,” said Dipper.
“You say that like it’ll stop me,” said Mabel.
The twins froze. Slowly, they both poked their heads out from the lampshade.
“sure, bro,” said the shorter skeleton. His skeletal smile was as thick as ever (and Dipper noted in the back of his mind that it didn’t move when he spoke), but there was a hint of frustration in his tone that Dipper could not quite place why.
He ran off, his laugh growing more and more distant.
“sorry bout that,” said the shorter skeleton. “name’s sans, by the way.”
He offered Dipper a hand up. Dipper noted the pink whoopee cushion hidden under his phalanges and decided to pull himself back up.
“Human hunting?” Dipper asked. “So you’re trying to hunt us down?”
“nah. he won’t hurt a fly,” said sans. “he’ll just fight you and give you awful puzzles to solve. i’ll keep an eyesocket out for you kids.”
sans walked off into the other direction as his brother. Dipper waited until he could not see him anymore to talk.
“Who just has a dozen people-shaped lamps waiting out in the middle of the forest?” He asked.
“The same kind of person who keeps hot dogs under his stand,” said Mabel as she rose. “And the kind of person I wanna be friends with. Want one?”
Dipper took one without thinking. His mind was racing.
Sans was not all that surprised to see the two humans in the world of monsters. He had gone through the trouble of special ordering several human-shaped lamps and dragging them out into the snow and forest. He had been expecting them.
“sans definitely knows something,” said Dipper as he took a bite of his hot dog. “Let’s try and figure out what.”
“Sounds like a plan, plan man!”
It was then that Dipper realized whatever he put into his mouth was not hot dog meat.
They find the boyband first. Frisk vaguely recalled seeing them on TV at one point, so it’s a bit of a surprise to find them in a magical forest. They thought about asking them whether or not they knew anything about the Kingdom of Monsters, but decide against it after they have to talk one of them out of eating a pinecone.
The boyband was not the only humans they found in the forest. They stumbled upon a campsite, where the only difference between its two occupants is the numbers on their hats. They did not know where Mt. Ebott was, but they were kind enough to show them where the other magical places in the forest are and offered their campsite if they couldn’t find a place for the night.
They find the gnomes again. They weren’t helpful.
It was late in the afternoon when something interesting happened. They only ventured in to town for a few moments, for Frisk to buy some food with what money they had left. It was only a packet of jerky from a vending machine, but it was enough until they can figure something else out. They wandered off to one of the prettier spots in the woods, settled down on a log, opened the packet…
The forest rumbled. Birds flew and gnomes ran away. Soundwaves shook the trees and cause ripples in the stream. The earth shook as something raced closer.
The Manutaur approaches.
Frisk ACTS without thinking, and held the jerky packed out in front of them. The fight stopped instantly.
“Not going to fight back, tiny human?” The manutaur asked as he poured jerky down his throat.
Frisk shook their head and shrugged.
“I believe they would like to talk to you instead,” said the Cat. “They are looking for a way into a kingdom of monsters. It should be hidden in the mountains.”
The manutaur hummed in thought. “Climb onto my backhairs. I’ll take you to meet with High Council.”
“I think I’ll pass,” said the Cat.
Frisk climbed aboard, and let the cat jumped onto their shoulders. The Manutaur sped off.
Papyrus ran through them back to his house, a movement that was at best a mix of running, skipping, and floating. His laughter faded off in the distance.
Dipper hardly noticed. His mind was abuzz with the new information, trying to put together what Papyrus had said to the theories he had already crafted into his head.
He hardly even noticed the last thing Papyrus had said, until he looked over at Mabel and saw the look in her eyes.
“You want to go on a date with him right away?” Dipper asked.
“Why not?” said Mabel. “He said we can visit whenever we want for that date!”
“Your date,” Dipper said.
“And what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know! I think there was a restaurant in town…”
“I bet if you go with me you’d be able to talk to sans about whatever nerdy stuff you wanna talk about,” said Mabel.
Dipper opened his mouth to argue, but close it just as quickly. That was actually a good point.
“Just promise me you won’t call my thing a date,” said Dipper.
“Can’t! Let’s go!”
It was a long and hard-fought training montage that lasted the whole day. But eventually, Frisk was accepted by the Mautaurs. They gave them bits of leather armor that did not really fit them, a spear made of bone and stone that reminded them of Papyrus and Undyne, and some neat temporary tattoos. They were sent on their way to conquer the Multibear.
“And we shall go with you to make sure you don’t botch this like Destructor did,” said Pituitor.
But Frisk knew they weren’t going to Fight the Multibear, much less conquer it. Hopefully the other Manutaurs would be cool with that too.
The Multibear lived on the other side of the mountain range. Frisk scaled it the way the Mautaurs had taught them. They entered the cave. The Manutaurs were right behind them.
The sounds of roars alerted Frisk to the location of the Multibear before their eyes could fully adjust to the darkness. The Multibear emerged from the shadows.
“Bear heads! Quiet!” The biggest head of the Multibear snapped. “So, the Manutaurs have seen fit to send to me another human.”
“Yeah, because you SUCK!” Gronk shouted from outside.
The bear head growled again, but stopped as it was slapped.
Frisk nodded enthusiastically. They put their spear down to sign.
“I am afraid I do not speak the language of Hands,” said the Multibear.
“Then allow me to translate,” said the Cat as he emerged from a stalagmite. “They want to ask you for directions.”
There was a loud groan from the Manutaurs outside. The Cat ignored it.
“They wish to find the Kingdom of Monsters,” said the Cat.
“You would provoke the ire of the Manutaurs just to find it?” asked the Multibear.
Frisk nodded.
“Then you must be very lost,” said the Multibear. “Very well. I will tell you what I know.”
Papyrus’ house was a unique mixture of old, clashing furniture, and surfaces so clean it was hard to believe that they had ever held dust. In a lot of ways, it reminded Dipper of the Mystery Shack. He took a seat on the couch and started to flip through a book on quantum physics.
“Wow! How’d you get your sink so high?”
Shoved in between the pages was a joke book, just a little smaller than the textbook.  Curious, Dipper took that out.
The joke book had been hollowed out to hold another book on quantum physics. Dipper took it out and opened it up.
Dipper looked up long enough from the books to watch the small Pomeranian from before rush through the kitchen and out the door.
The sound of a sad trombone filled the house.
“oh, what?” sans’ voice echoed from the top of the stairs.
“I’m shorter than Mabel by, like, an inch!” said Dipper.
There was a lingering pause upstairs, as sans thought about what had been asked.
“sure thing bro,”
There was the sound of a closing door upstairs, and the front door swung open.
“sorry bro,” said sans. “just wanted to make sure i got my date clothes on.”
The only thing Dipper noticed that was different were his socks, now matching.
Mabel wriggled her eyebrows at Dipper as she rushed upstairs with Papyrus. Dipper tried his best to ignore her.
“So, uh…” Dipper started. He made a vague gesture to the books on his lap.
“oh yeah,” said sans. “paps got that one for me. i made a few of my own modifications, of course, but i don’t think he’s gotten the joke yet.”
Silence fell between the two as Dipper tried to think of what to say next.
“Hey, sans,” said Dipper. “Do you know anything about a talking flower?”
The atmosphere grew heavy. sans’ grin tightened, and for a second Dipper felt a shiver up his spine.
“the echo flowers in waterfall, right?” sans asked. “didn’t think you had made it that far.”
“We haven’t,” said Dipper. “I mean a small golden flower that talks back at you, not just an echo.”
sans was silent for a moment. He shifted in his seat so he could look Dipper in the eyes. His smile had grown bigger, but Dipper was not entirely sure that was a good thing.
“I have a question for you kid…how did you end up in the Underground?”
“I don’t know. Mabel and I just kind of ended up here,” said Dipper. “That’s what I’m trying to figure out. And I think that flower might have something to do with it.”
“And I think you might know something about it,” Dipper finished.
The lights in sans’s eyesockets went out. Dipper fought the urge to jump back and run. Phalanges tapped on the sofa, forming a melodic pattern.
“What makes you think that, bucko?”
Dipper swallowed in a vain attempt to stop his voice from cracking before he spoke.
“Who orders a set of human-shaped lamps and leaves them out in the forest?”
“Should we do something about that?” Dipper asked.
“nah, they’re probably fine.” said sans. “but you know…you may be on to something kiddo. tell you what; you tell me more about that flower, i’ll tell you more about the other humans. deal?”
“Fine.” said Dipper.
“great. i’ll keep an eyesocket out for you, kid.”
sans stood from the couch and walked out the front door again. Dipper did not have a chance to question it before Mabel came downstairs.
“How’d it go?” he asked.
“I dunno,” said Mabel as she plopped onto the couch. “I mean he dumped me, but that was the best date I’ve ever been on.”
Dipper decided it was not worth it to point out that all of her other dates were with a group of gnomes, a merman, a psychic brat currently in jail, and the guy on the $10 bill.
“How’d talking to sans go?” Mabel asked.
“I might be onto something,” Dipper said. “There’s a lot more going on in the Underground that we don’t know about.”
Author’s Note: Compared to Coraline, Wirt, Greg, and even Norman to an extent, the Pines twins know what they’re doing. They’re ready to solve some mysteries and rewrite history.
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fernsplaysthings · 7 years
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I needed to do some loose scribbles because I’m working on a detailed Pathfinder character painting at the moment and boy it’s killing me. So while I’m being Dragon Age trash these important ladies were first thing I scribbled up.
And then I accidentally wrote scenarios with them. I don’t usually write existing characters from games etc. but here we go.
Like most evenings in the Hanged Man, the noise level was just above tolerable, the stench was terrible, and the alcohol left much to be desired but it suited it’s purpose just fine. Varric kept it flowing and Hawke kept drinking, it was only polite after all. And despite having been leaning subconsciously on Fenris for at least an hour, still drinking, she didn’t seem anywhere near done for the night. Her stories were getting more crude and the puns had gone from ‘quality but cringe worthy’ to ‘stop’ very rapidly despite the enthusiasm for each telling growing with each mug.
She also wouldn’t stop laughing at her own jokes.
“Dog Lord? More like a dong lord, am I right?” Mabel chuckled, the laugh soon growing slightly out of control, far too proud at her horrible double entendre, out stretched palm waiting for validation, “Seriously, ‘Bela where’s my high five?”
“Give me a moment, I’m trying to excavate it from that shipwreck of a joke.”
That earned a huff from Varric, Anders across the table quickly placing his mug down to turn away hiding his own laughter and possibly ale snorted from his nose. With an over dramatic sigh Mabel made an exaggerated gesture of offense, losing her balance momentarily on her seat and being expertly propped back up again by the elf.
“I’m wasted on you assholes.”
“You’re wasted, most definitely,” he deadpanned back at her, an arm pulling her close enough to press a kiss to the top of her head while the others were distracted by mopping the healer up, “Let’s get you home.”
It’d been a long time coming in all honesty. Toiah had tried to get her sister up to date with all recent events in the day or so she’d been in Skyhold but meeting the Inner Circle had been sprung upon her before she’d managed to finish and explaining on the fly seemed to be the best way to approach it now.
Josephine had been eager to meet ‘the Inquisitor’s sister’ and in a bizarre turn of events Dhavri had been flat out charming. Lelianna had been greeted with a similar amount of charm but the usual Dhavri was seeping back in with each introduction. She was curious about Blackwall, adored Iron Bull, clicked well with Dorian, made a great first impression with Sera, heard one word from Vivienne and left, similarly with Solas, found Varric insanely interesting, approved strongly of her sister’s friendship with Cassandra and...didn’t remember Cole.
All in all, things were going well. Toiah braced herself against the battlements as they knocked on the tower door before them. Introducing her to the Commander was going to be the decider though. Before they’d been swarmed by the Inquisitor’s companions, she’d tried explaining Cullen to Dhavri and much to her own shame, only got as far as ‘ex-Templar’ before Dhavri didn’t want to hear more.
Creators help her.
Peeking around the door Toiah wasn’t surprised to see the Commander at his desk, and as usual he stood to greet her, the hard lined frown he’d been wearing turning to a smile that she was growing unbearably fond of.
“Toi-Inquisitor,” somehow he managed to stop himself as Dhavri entered behind the mage, someone he didn’t recognise by her face but on comparison with the familiar face of the Inquisitor he realised they were related, “I don’t believe I’ve met your guest.”
Clearing her throat a little nervously, an act that drew Cullen’s attention and out from behind his desk to stand a little nearer, Toiah squared herself and tried to calm her voice before she spoke.
“Commander, this is my sister Dhavri Lavellan,” she started in the most even tone she could manage, words steady and measured, “Dhavri this is Commander Cullen...”
The jolt of fear and embarrassment that ran through the mage bolted her upright, a pitifully sorry look of terror on her face as she met eyes with the Commander.
“I...Cullen, I’m sorry I tried to...”
“She’d didn’t get a chance to tell me all about her friends but I know what’s important here,” the elder elf all but spat, a protective arm coming up and around her sister’s shoulders, “We never saw many Templars but I know all about them.”
Toiah’s face burnt bright red in shame, ears lowered, eyes no longer able to keep contact with the similarly flushed Commander.
“Well, let me tell you something Commander Templar, you get any weird Templar ideas about my little sister and her status as a mage and I’ll get some weird Reaver ideas about your innards and the floor, understood?”
Toiah prayed silently that the stone would engulf her where she stood.
“I assure you, my Lady, my intentions for your sister are nothing but good. I...am aware she’s a mage, and I respect her as she is. As the excellent leader she’s grown to be too,” the Inquisitor could hear the edge to his reply and she added to her prayer that the two didn’t end up in some kind of feud, “And as you correctly pointed out, I am a former Templar. Not that this seems to have made any difference in your judgement but I...understand your concern. I would fear for her safety too.”
Obviously not expecting such a reasonable response, Dhavri paused just long enough for Toiah to catch her breath and regain some composure before winding her verbally once again.
“Stay away from her.”
“That...may prove difficult.”
Another brief pocket of silence as Toiah wiggled out from the protective arm over her to place herself between them, hesitantly outstretching a slightly shaking hand which Cullen took between his without a second thought.
“We are...kind of, he’s...uh...” she looked to him for the right word, the descriptor for whatever level their relationship had found itself at, but he seemed just as reluctant to put a word to it in their volatile company, “We’re together.”
The Elven warrior raised an eyebrow, dark eyes flickering between the pair, “Together? A Dalish mage and a human Templar...together together?”
Toiah nodded, curling in on herself slightly, shame and embarrassment and defiance all boiling beneath her skin. The tight squeeze of her hand was sort of reassuring though.
“Da’len why...” Dhavri sighed heavily, rolled her eyes, rubbed her temples and just laughed sharply, “Oh, why must you do this to my heart? I should just be thankful you’re alive after the Conclave and Haven and...you’re such a Lavellan. He better not sodding hurt you, I swear.”
“You have my word, my Lady. Your sister’s well being is of the foremost importance and...”
“I’m...going to go get some air before you introduce me to anymore of your friends. I think my head’s going to explode.”
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rayman-25 · 6 years
Podcast Adventure Episode 2 Into the Light (2eme partie)
I do not have the characters of Gravity Falls, Phineas and Ferb, the Loud house, Teenagers mutant ninja turtles, Tekken and youtubeur (Moketo, Squeezie and Kirbendoworld) except John, Marc and Alice.
In the previous chapter
While Lincoln and Clyde were playing their game "Battle Moles," Lincoln's big sisters, came in from the house with a newspaper. He writes: "Manhattan's monster hunt contest which states that anyone who can find monsters wins a $ 100 00 reward"
One night, Lincoln, his sisters, Jean Wendy and the others, have to find his monsters and win $ 100,000. But April is hiding some things.
Arriving at the park, April received a text message from Leo. She went in search of her brothers. The Loud and the Podcast (except Mabel, Lincoln, Dipper, Irving and Marc) make a meeting of Pyronica.
Meanwhile in the old playground, April found her brother, but she does not know how to take it. That's when Lincoln saw them and the turtles. He went to warn his sister, but Leo looks at him and says, « You're just a kid! »
« AAAAHHHHH! » Lincoln screamed back to panic about it until he fainted.
« Oh no, » April says, worried that Lincoln spotted her turtles.
Now here is the sequel.
Arc 1: Heroes in a Loud-Shell! Episode 2
"Into the Light (part 2)"
« When I saw this kid fainting towards these creatures, I took pictures of them. I do not know how they became like that. When I left the park, I saw again it was a creature who jumped from roof to roof. Before going home, I first went to the police station to show them pictures of it's creatures »
Lincoln had fainted after seeing the turtles for the first time and April decided to help him, « Lincoln! » The turtles, on the other hand, were stunned by this intrusion, confused.
« Wait, April, do you know that little old man? » Mikey asked, her voice surprised by the fact that she knew a middle-aged person, or at least he thought so.
« Mikey, he's not a senior, » Donnie corrected.
« He is 11 years old » corrected April.
« So what about his white hair? » Mikey asked again.
« He must have a rare congenital malformation, » Donnie theorized.
« Guys, that's not the problem at the moment! » Leo shouted to his brothers and was slightly disappointed to let him see. « Our blanket has just been blown by an 11 year old kid! Do you know how many problems we are going to have now? »
Mikey, however, tries to think more about the positive note, « Oh, but how can this cute little guy get us into trouble? » Thought Mikey. So, he had an idea: « Wait, can we keep it ?! »
« You know it's called human trafficking and there will be a bigger research team for children! » Donnie had told Mikey.
Mikey, however, had taken the wrong path. « I have no idea what you just said Donnie, though I did understand ‘party’ so that would be great! »
Of course, Donnie just moans about Mikey's disillusionment. Leo, meanwhile, wonders about the child. « Well apart from that, again how do you know him, April? »
« He is part of the Loud family I told you about. »
« Wait, he's the only boy in his family, I thought you said the family was made up of girls? » Asked Mikey in amazement.
« Composed mostly of girls, » corrected April
« Does that mean that his sisters are here ?! » Donnie said, worried about her phobia acting.
« I do not think, I only saw it by anyone, » Leo said, trying to calm his brother.
As soon as someone was about to answer, Lincoln had finally woken up and was right next to April, « A-a-April? »
« Hey Lincoln, how are you feeling? » His emphatic and maternal tone.
« Stunned, I had a stranger dream where you were there and there were ... » Lincoln looked at the brothers. He was as stunned as panicked
« We come in peace, » Mikey said to Lincoln with a bright smile. But Lincoln screamed in fear, « Huh, it usually works. »
« In the movies, » says Donnie.
« Giant turtles! » Lincoln was panicked as he was before fainting, « It must be a strange and endless dream! How are they standing ?! How can they talk ?! Who or what are you guys ?! » Lincoln shouted.
April puts her soft hand on Lincoln's shoulder. « Relax, Lincoln. They do not want to hurt you. »
« H-h-how do you know that ?! » Lincoln shouted again, confused by the news.
« Because she is our sister, dude ». Mikey said absently to Lincoln.
Leo gave Mikey a whim. Lincoln looked questioningly, « Your Sisters ?! »
« It's a very long story, » April told the boy timidly.
« So, these turtles are your brothers !? How is it possible?! »
« You certainly ask a lot of questions. As she said kiddo, it's a long story, » said Leo.
Dipper, Mabel, Waddles, and Irving, ran before the entrance where they had heard Lincoln, Cree. Arrived in front of the place where April and Lincoln are, they saw three giant turtles in front of April and Lincoln. Dipper looked at it's creatures, « What's it creature? »
Irving was nervous for something « Guys I'll explain everything to you »
« Groinc, » squealed Waddles.
« Wait, do you know those monsters? » Mabel asked.
« Uh ... »
While April tried to tell Lincoln about his brothers, Leo lives in the distance, three children and a little pig « tell the guys, who's down there? » Leo asked.
April looked down and, but, he saw people. Waddles began to approach him from Lincoln and lick his face « yuck, Waddles stop! » Lincoln shouted.
Mikey approached Mabel and he looks smiling « ahhhhh » Mabel shouted.
"Ahhhh," Mikey shouted in turn. Mabel began to panic and started panicking, shouting, « ge-Get away from me! Don’t eat me! »
Mikey sending Mabel answered him: «  why would I eat you? »
But Waddles jumped on Mikey to save Mabel's life. But instead of biting him, he licked his face « Help guys! April! Lincoln! »
Mabel staring at his little pig who was licking the face of the giant turtle « Do not worry, Mikey he's not mean, » Lincoln said.
« Wait, do you know that monster? » Mabel asked.
April puts her soft hand on Mabel's shoulder. « don’t worry, Mabel. They do not want to hurt you, they are my brothers »
Dipper looked at April « Wait, so that means it's creature ..."
« She's already said, Dipper, » Irving interjects.
« It's a very long story, » April said timidly to the children and Waddles.
In front of the big lake, Pyronica threw her fireball in front of John's chest. He fell into the lake.
« John! » Shouted Luan and Alice.
Pyronica ran to elico, but Wendy used her foot to knock her down.
« Are you going like that ?! » She asked.
« Ok change of plans: Wendy, Alice, Squeezie and Thompson kick the backside to this pink, ugly woman and any disgust. We are going to find these creatures. I hope they do not hurt Lincoln and April, » says Lori.
Sisters Loud, Robbie, Tambry, Albert and Moketo left the park to find Lincoln and April. Pyronica stood up and start fighting. Wendy found a stick and hit the pink woman on her face. Pyronica was angry in his eyes. « Oh no, it's not over yet. You thought you could fight without Dipper and Mabel? I am powerful than you »
Pyronica rushed to Wendy. Both fell to the ground. Pyronica hit Wendy in the face again, and Wendy grabbed her head. Wendy pushed the pink pyro woman above him and the two got up. Alice, Thompson and Lucas went back to the hot dog stand and found things. Then they went back to Pyronica and Wendy « No people will interrupt us! » They said.
Lucas jumped in front of Pyronica. Alice gave him a knife on his chest. But the latter, dodged. Pyronica started giving him the coup de grace, but Wendy with the stick gave her a big blow on the head and Alice stabbed on the chest. Thompson by the belly with a blow of ball and Lucas the foot by the head.
« Double Reppuu Ken! » Alice shouted, giving Pyronica's right leg her feet. Thompson ran and jumped to Pyronica, but Pyronica threw him a small fireball in front of his stomach. Thompson fell to the ground and Pyronica gave him the coup de grace. But this one, still alive, evaded his attacks. The latter ran towards her, but the pink woman teleported and Thompson fell to the ground again. Pyronica is now teleporting in front of Alice.
Alice jumped « Double Rep ... » But Pyronica used her fists of fire to steal her.
« Take this, Pyrowoman! » Squeezie shouted, jumping in front of his chest. The pyro woman screamed in pain.
But she burst out laughing « ah ah ah ah ah, you! You are only fools! » Alice crushed her, but Pyronica teleported behind her. Angry Alice ran towards her and Wendy gave Pyronica the final blow. Pyronica avoids it and teleports. « Fire bomb! » Cried
Pyronica. She teleported to them again to make them fly « ah ah, you women of the earth, you are too weak for my taste. You thought you could beat me? » Pyronica asked with a happy face.
Squeezie ran to her « Shoryuken! » He shouted with an uppercut.
In the areas, Pyronica went down to Squeezie, but Thompson also gave him an uppercut « Rashomon! » He shouted.
My will to fight the knight
My will to fight the knight
My will to fight the knight
Face the Knight
In a world of evil light
And I'll survive
On my own
Overthrown yet not alone
And I'm alive...
My will to survive
My will to fight the knight…
Thompson and Squeezie ran to her. But she was still standing « fire sword! I call you! » Pyronica shouted. And the sword of fire appears by his hand. She turned around ten times and sent the two teenagers to the hot dog stand.
« Thompson! » Alice shouted. But Pyronica teleported to her, took Alice by her chest and she threw it on the floor.
Thompson ran to Alice for help. But Pyronica teleported behind him and sent him to the areas. The latter fell in front of the tree. Squeezie arrived. He intended to eliminate the woman's flame, but he was scared and started running towards the lake « I do not intend to kill, that boy » she thought. Alice Arriva. But Pyronica hit Alice's face and used the sword of fire on her forehead « But you're going to give me the pleasure of cooperating with me. » And together, we will be able to destroy the turtles and the football clan! She shouted.
Suddenly someone ran towards her. It was Mark, « who are you? » Pyronica asked.
« You better kill him, » Marc said. He started to hit his face « Where is my brother ?! »
Pyronica hit Mark's face. « Nooo, Mark! » Alice shouted.
« I've never heard the clan of foots, but killed giant turtles, will you do, » said Alice « and for cooperation, never! »
Wendy runs to her and prays to him by the chest « Squeezie quickly! » She shouted.
« Ok, I'm coming ! Lucas said running towards Pyronica. But before he arrives, he sees someone moving in the water. It was John « John! You are alive! Give me your hand, » said Squeezie, giving him his hand to John.
« What are you doing, damn it ?! » Wendy shouted.
« It's the perfect moment for the final shot! » Pyronica gave Wendy a little ball of fire and sent her to the park exit. Wendy ran past the park entrance to warn Squeezie.
« Finally, I do not think you're that bad, » John said with a happy face.
Squeezie Smile too. But he looked at Pyronica who used his magic sword to give him the final blow « John! Watch out! » He shouted.
Lucas pushed John and Pyronica sent him to the areas. She used the sword, giving her twenty shots, and she sent him a huge fireball and threw it to Squeezie, and the ball fell with him into the big lake.
« Noooo! » Jean shouted. He plunged into the lake to save Lucas. He came to the surface with him.
« I think I'm done here, » Pyronica said. She saw a little fog in the park. She left the park without her henchmen and the helicopter.
Wendy, Alice, Marc and Thompson ran to them « Are you all right? » Wendy asked.
« Yes. But you have to go home, » says Jean « it's way too dangerous »
« We must act quickly. Otherwise, the fog will be disciple, » said Thompson.
But Wendy found a stupid idea: « very well returned home, me and Squeezie we will wait Albert »
As they walked, Alice looked at Marc: « Tell me, were you or did you see the helicopter? »
« Well, I was at the store buying popcorn, » Marc explained to Alice.
« Listen to me, if you want Wednesday, we'll buy popcorn, » Alice said.
They arrived towards the exit and took the camper.
A minute later in the motorhome, Thompson told the group, « We're going to eat in a Mcdo and we're going home to do our free time. »
Alice called Soos : « Hello Soos? Yes, it's me, Alice, what do you eat at home? »
« Kirb and I are going to eat roast chicken with green vegetables. If you want, you can go eat with us. »
« Yuck. No question Soos, » said Alice, disgusted. « We're going to eat in a mcdo. But don’t worry, we promise you to come back »
Meanwhile, Raph was finally out of the garbage truck that had stopped completely and headed for an alley. But he was not more than happy: « I'm going to kill Mikey once we get together. And now, I feel the garbage! I mean seriously that this idiot would get killed if there was not me, Donnie or Leo who saved his ass! »
As he shook himself off the garbage and took a banana peel, he pulled out his T-Phone to call his brothers. Unfortunately, he had no signal around the area. « Well great just great! Is there anything else that could go wrong ?! » Raph shouted, he did not know someone had heard him.
"Guys, I think I heard something! "
Raph heard a voice and quickly understood: « Shit! » He decided to hide in an emergency exit. As he jumped straight ahead.
While he was hiding, the girls Loud, Albert, Moketo, Robbie, Tambry and Clyde entered the alley and began to look around him.
« Are you sure you heard him? » Lola asked Lynn.
Lynn replied, « I'm sure I heard something! It comes from here! »
Luna said, « Maybe he was just a random New Yorker, sister. They are always noisy like us. »
« What would a New Yorker do at random in an alley at night? » Clyde said suspiciously.
« Uh, get mugged, » Lana told them a little nervous.
They all seem a little nervous. While Raph was watching, « These are just a bunch of stupid girls, a nerdy boy, a guy with carpet on his head, a girl phone and a black punk, » he murmured.
Tambry answered Clyde, « So tell me, Clyde. How do you find us? »
« Well, uh … »
« Well, well, look what we have here. » A pair of Purple Dragon thugs headed for Clyde, Albert, Moketo, Robbie, Tambry and the girls, catching Raph's attention.
« What do you want, guys ?! » Luan asked, trying to sound brave.
« We just hope to catch punks who are joking with our-! »
One of the other thugs hit him on the back of his neck, « Do not tell them! He glanced over the Louds. « Let me make it as easy as possible, give us your things now! »
« No way ! » Lola shouted.
« In your dreams ! » Lynn said.
« I would like to live better! » Lucy says mecholony.
« Let me ask again! » He takes a gun from his pocket, « Give us your things!"
The girls Albert, Moketo, Robbie, Tambry and Clyde started getting nervous and the hooligans just smiled with their faces.
« Come on, I hate ruining your pretty faces. » Then, out of nowhere, a shuriken came towards the shooter's hand. The thug started screaming with pain in his hand. « Aaahhhhhhhh! »
« Was it a star that comes spear ?! » Asked one of the thugs with a blue scare.
« No idiot, it was an insect, of course, it was not a shooting star! » The leading gangster shouted.
« Does not that mean that one of them is here ?! »
Lynn used her baseball bat which she originally used for the monsters to hit the leader on the other side of her face, « Take this, Punks Purple ?! »
« I think that made him crazy. Ah ah! » Plaisanta Luan and the girls and Clyde tried to run away.
But some of the other thugs were on the other side of the alley.
« I do not think so ! »
Moketo, Albert and Robbie start fighting « Get out, guys. We'll take care of the thugs, » says Robbie
« You know it's easy to pick on children, » everyone heard the voice from above. Raph then fell from his hiding place. « Why do not you try someone your size !? Or at least my size! ? »
Everyone looked at Raph, his appearance stunned them, considering that he was above all that was normal. « What is this monster ?! » One of the thugs shouted.
« Hey, I'm not the one carrying a bunch of stupid hair dye, » Raph remarked. Raph took out his sakes and glared at all the members of the Purple Dragons. « Now, which of you would like to meet my sakes! »
The thugs just tried to squeeze him and hit a lucky shot or two, unfortunately everything went as planned. Raph started to wipe the floor with the thugs.
He did not stop to hit the faces, to hit on the belly and stab one on the thigh. This performance really shows that Raph is a fighting power.
The girls Loud, Moketo, Tambry Clyde and Robbie discover him, without Albert « were is Albert? » Tambry asked.
« I do not know, » Robbie said.
« So you believe me now, Lisa? » Lucy asked her self-sufficiency, evidently even in her monotonous voice.
« I am obliged to answer! »
« Are we just ignoring the fact that this Kappa knows how to kick your ass ?! » Clyde shouted.
Meanwhile, Raph was currently holding one of the conscious thugs of the purple dragons. « Tell me where is your hiding place! » The Purple Dragon thug was so lost in his words that he fainted, which irritated Raph: « Come on! Spoken-! » His interrogation was interrupted when he heard a camera flash.
The sisters turned to the culprit, Lola, who was holding the camera and now smiles. « Uh, sorry? »
Raph then poses the unconscious thug and looks towards Clyde, Robbie, Moketo, Tambry and the girls with a black look and growling at the same time, « Give me the camera! »
For the first time in a long time, Lola made him one by throwing it in his face. « Run ! »
But before they could run and scream in fear, some Purple Dragon hooligans blocked their way, made them nervous. As it happened, Raph felt something sting his neck, « Owwwww! » He pulls it out and turns out to be a tranquilizer dart. « Ohhh, Shhhh-«  Raph falls on the stunned concrete, while the girls look at the other thugs with fear.
« Call the boss and tell him we had one of the monsters, as well as some prizes. »
Albert, seeing his friends answered them murmuring, « I'm sorry, I can not help you, friends » and he took out his disposable to take the picture to Raph and he went to Central Park to find the others. But before that he looks at them « I always told you that you were part of the plant »
Meanwhile, April and the turtles explained to Lincoln, Dipper, Mabel, Irving and Waddles how they were supposed to be April's family and that they meant nothing wrong.
« Wow, that was messed up. So they took you in and you’ve been living with them ever since. »
« That's right, » April said calmly.
« So, how did you spend so long unnoticed guys? » Lincoln asked the turtle brothers
« Believe it or not, we were trained in the art of ninjutsu. Train to melt into the night and disappear completely ... until now, » said Leo dryly.
« So you guys are Mutant Turtle teenage ninjas »
« Essentially dude! » Mikey said. « We are TURTLE POWER bro! »
Lincoln burst out laughing at Mikey. Soon he heard his phone ring. « Um, could you leave me a second? I need to answer. »
« Go on, man, » Leo nodded.
As Lincoln answered the call, Donnie looked at Mikey with an impassive face. « Turtle Power? »
« It's catchy. » Mikey has summed up with a smile.
Dipper looked at Donnie, saying, « If I'm okay, are you one of April's smart brothers? »
"If you talk about me, yes I am, » Donnie replied.
Leo looked at Irivng, who was looking at Mabel feeding Waddles with the caramel love apple, « Say, don, you. We have not already saved you in a metro station? » Leo asked Irving.
« Um ... no, » Irving said.
« Maybe he lost his memory, » Mabel said, teasing the stick of the love apple as Waddles looked at Leo and Irving.
« But I know who you are. You are one of the characters in the series of the 80s, 90s and 2003! » Said Irving to Leo and Mikey « you are Leonardo, you Michelangelo, the turtle who discussed with Mabel's brother is Donatello »
« Wow, do you know our name? » Mikey asked.
« Of course, I know all the names of the characters in the series, including April and Splinter »
« Waddles can say « TURTLE POWER, » Mabel added to her little pig.
« Groinc, groinc, » Waddles squealed.
Mabel had a smiling face, « Your face is so fat!, » Mabel said.
Mikey, looking at Irving, said, « Tell me, Irving, you're in love with Mabel, seeing that you love this little pig, » and he spoke in front of Irving, "From now on, I'm not eating pizza with Pepperoni anymore. »
« Uh, you know, Waddles also eats pizza »
« What? Waddles, eat his peers, » Mikey shouted.
« Hey, guys, what's going on? » Lincoln asked.
« Ah, so you're the brother these girls were talking about. » A voice unknown to Lincoln.
Lincoln was confused, knowing that the caller's ID said Lori, but it was not she who called: « Uh ... who is it? »
« Oh, just a concerned person. Your sisters have a lot of problems. You know, that they saw me, with some of my friends, doing dubious business. »
Lincoln seems a bit nervous. « Okay girls, if it's a joke you're doing, it's not funny! »
"Ohh, do you want proof? » The phone was silent for a moment.
« Lincoln help! » Lana shouted.
« Let us go! » Lola asked
« If I had my bat I would bang your head, guys! » Lynn threatened.
« Girls ?! » That was proof enough to scare Lincoln.
« Tell him we met some hooligans and a Kappa with a red mask! » Lana shouted loud enough for Lincoln to hear.
« Shut up ! »
« What do you want ?! » Lincoln asked with fear and rage.
« Wait, she said a Kappa wearing a red mask ?! » April asked surprise, as did the other turtles.
« Now, listen to me kid, why do not you go see your mum and dad and tell them that if they pay us a little money, your sisters will be free. But if you tried to contact the police, they will be dead! » The voice threatened Lincoln and soon hung up.
« They have my sisters! Lincoln was scared. April decided to come to his comfort by taking him in his arms.
Turtles also seemed worried and a little guilty. « Raph got caught, how ?! » Mikey said worried.
« Let's ask him that after saving him, we must now save the sisters of Lincoln and Raph, » said Leo firmly, « Donnie, can you find Raph's T-Phone? »
« Yes, but it might take a little while. »
Dipper had received an email from Tambry « We are in danger save us quickly »
Dipper sent him a text: « I'm running through Linky's phone. Is Wendy with you? »
Tambry's message then sent her, « No, she is not with us, there are Linky's sisters, Clyde, Moketo, Robbie, and me. »
Dipper sends him a text: « Do not worry, we're coming »
Lincoln, however, hardly heard that. " What am I going to do ?! How am I going to explain to Mom and Dad ?! And if they end up killing my sisters ?! How can I save them ?! "
"Oh do not worry. If they're dead, you're going to stay with your animals, get a room all yours alone, "Mabel said.
"It's not funny, Mabel," Irving said.
Leo saw how scared Lincoln was, knowing that his sisters were in danger like his own brother. He then walks over to him and puts a hand on his shoulder, « Lincoln? »
« Yeah? » He looked up at Leo, tears in his eyes.
« We are going to save your sisters, I promise you. »
« Really, even after capturing you, guys? »
« You do not know us as much as we do, we can not judge. In addition, they also have our brother, so we are together in both cases. »
Lincoln smiles at Leo. « Thank you Leo, you're pretty cool for a giant turtle. »
« Hey, I know I am, » said Leo with a confident smile and a friendly pose.
« It's not friendly, Leo, » April said sarcastically. Leo was slightly deflated by April's comment.
« Guys I found it! » Donnie exclaimed. « They seem to be in the decrepit Chinese food factory. »
The others were excited to know where everyone was. « Ok, now April, can you take Lincoln home? »
« What ?! But I want to help, they are my sisters. Besides, I can not go home without them, I can not say exactly that to my mom and dad. » Protested Lincoln.
« Kid at one point, » Mikey nodded.
Leo thinks about it for a moment and then tells Lincoln his decision.
« Okay, but stay with April and she'll help you free your sisters. »
« Okay »
« Ok, we'll save everyone except Robbie » Dipper say. Everyone looked at him « no, I'm kidding. We'll save everyone, Robbie too »
« What do we do? » Asked Mikey pitilessly.
« You, me and Donnie are going to try to distract the purple dragons, » Leo told Mikey.
« Oh, I know how to distract them! We will do like a holiday rap routine! »
April and the turtles are palpated.
But Irving had an idea « I have an idea! We're going to make a metal gear solid »
« What is Metal Gear Solid? » Mabel asked.
« Oh that's right, you never play the games, Mabel, » Irving said.
« Do you want to do the Solid Snake, Irving? » Leo asked.
« Yes. Moreover, we will do everything Solid Snake! Irving shouted.
Suddenly, they saw fog he tries to prevent the passage « Oh no » says Leo « quickly, run before they see us » the others followed the advice of Leo
In the park, the fog knows how to dispel. Albert lives Wendy and Squeezie « Where are John, Thompson and Alice? » Asked Albert.
« I think John, Alice, and Thompson have already gone to Kirb and Soos, » Wendy explained « with Marc »
« Well ... it does not matter. For now, I have a picture of one of the giant monsters, look » Wendy and Squeezie looked at the image of the creature
« What the fuck » says Squeezie
« I'm sure Dipper is fine » Wendy said with a worried face
« Do not worry about him, » said Albert, approaching the latter with his hand on his shoulder « for the moment, I have to go home and show my mother this. »
Meanwhile, at the hiding place of the purple dragons, things were not going so well.
All the girls, including Clyde Robbie Tambry and Moketo, were all tied to a chair and Raph was unconsciously undergoing a serious operation until he started waking up. « Where am I ? »
« Oh look who decided to wake up, » Lola said with deep sarcasm.
Raph hears Lola and looks at the group. He looked less than satisfied, « Hey, you are those idiots who tried to capture me on your disposable! »
« Yeah, you'll have to apologize to Lola's loan, she may be a little tired » Lori politely told Raph to try to get on her side while she was still intimidated by her appearance.
« U-uh, so ... what exactly are you, Mr. Green Monster? » Lana asked with a hint of fear.
« I'm the ... fucking rope! » Raph raises his shoulders, then tries to free himself from the straps to which he is attached: « I ... urgh ... would have ... urgh ... need ... of ... something. ..urgh ... GO OUT OF HERE! »
« I've seen this monster somewhere, » says Moketo
Tambry interrupted him: « Have you seen this monster before? »
« Yes, he was a cartoon character, » says Moketo. « But, I do not know what his name is anymore. »
« You're going nowhere the monster! » Soon, Dragon-Face and Nelson entered the room and headed for Raph, « What are you? »
« Yo mama! » Raph replied.
Dragon's face was unaffected by Raph's comment but by Nelson.
« Watch your mouth, the reptile. Nobody plays with Dragon-Face! »
« Shut up, Nelson, » Dragon-Face ordered. « So you had to have a lot of courage to save those girls from us, huh? »
« It does not really take the courage to stand up to his idiots. »
« And I'm actually a boy » Clyde trying to fix it.
« Shut up before I cut you off. » Warns Dragon Face to Clyde.
« So, this ad in the newspaper was saying something about a Monster Hunter contest to capture the dead or alive monsters, think we could use the $ 100,000 prize. »
« Why not get money and a problem less to fear? »
So I guess you chose the dead option eh? » Raph then said he was struggling with his left arm without realizing that « Well, go! »
« Okay, Nelson is going to get him. » Commanded Dragon Faces.
« I just have a question. Dragon-Face, it can not be your real name? » Raph asked in the hope of distracting them.
« Do you want to know why I have this name? »
« Oh, of course, I'm a sucker for backstories! » Raph said as he was undoing the strap.
« Easy when I was young, I was stung by the rattlesnake. » He points a rather big scar on his face.
« I can not see it, approach so I can look good! »
Raph frees himself from his links.
« Oh, shit! » Nelson shouted before Raph caught his face with Dragon-Face and knocked them out.
Both fell to the floor and seemed unconscious.
« What do you mean by cartoon? » Asked Robbie
« Well, it's named after the painter and sculptor of Italian renown » says Moketo
« Pfft, idiots! » Raph walks over to them and goes to a table where his sai and T-Phone are. « Donnie would kill me if I leave that, » he was about to leave until he glanced at the girls and Clyde.
He wanted to leave them because it was their fault he was caught, but that would be against his training and Leo would probably harass him for that.
Plus, it would not be the right thing to do, because Splinter thought he was better at it. So he walked towards them with a sai on his right hand.
« Uh, you're not going to kill us, are you? » Lori asked.
Raph just raised his right hand with a sai that seemed to want to kill them and everyone closed their eyes with fear. But when they opened them, they see that the rope that tied them was cut off, which freed them. They then looked at Raph as he said, « If I were a killer, I would have already killed those two cats! »
« Ok, thank you for helping us, sir ... » Leni said, trying to give him a name.
« As if I give you my name! » Said Raph sarcastically, « Now lift your asses and move us!
Raphael's little remark started ticking the girls. « You know, he may not be monstrous, but he's a bit twat, » Luna whispered to the others. Despite this, the girls and Clyde did what Raph said, but the lights went out.
« Oh my god, I became blind ?! » Leni said scared.
« Tambry, in your purse you do not have a weapon? » Moketo asked.
Tambry tries to break away and she finally succeeds to free herself. She frees Moketo and Robbie « quickly, before they coming » she told Moketo and Robbie.
They soon heard steps to come. Raph then stood on his ground to prepare for what was coming. « Ok, did any of you fight? » Raph asked the group of girls.
« The eldest sibling, » Lori replied.
« Karate, black belt, » Lynn told him.
« I've already fought against the alligators, » says Lana.
« Pretty good, » Raph and some of the girls took their position.
Moketo, Robbie and Tambry join them « Ok we're coming too, » says Moketo
« Holds so. The carpet, the black punk and girl phone sound on our side » says Raph.
« You're going to shut up the red turtle! » Tambry shouted
As it was dark, the people entering the room looked like thugs, the girls, Moketo, Tambry, Robbie and Raph waited for Raph to shout.
« Now ! » He and the girls rushed.
However, when they jumped on one of the people, they heard the voice of a familiar blunderer, « Oh! Hey, brother! »
« Mikey ?! »
Then someone presses the switch, revealing to be Donnie, « Raph ?! He reveals that Lincoln, April, Leo, Donnie, Dipper, Mabel, Irving, Waddles and Mikey, who is currently pinned, have arrived.
« Girls ! » Lincoln screams before running to them and hugs them.
The girls were happy to see their brother, especially Leni, « Linky! You're okay ! » She takes him for a hug.
Lincoln blushed just in front of Leni's act but was happy anyway.
« So you too » Lincoln hugged and looked at Raph. "So, did you meet Raph? »
« Who is Raph- ?! » Lori and the others see the other turtles, « Are you more numerous ?! »
« Great ! Your sister is pretty, Lincoln! » Mikey declared that he is still stuck on the ground.
« Of course I am » Lola laughed. « Although I'm weird to talk to a giant green thing! »
« How-what-who ?! » Lisa stuttered trying to think logically.
« Girls, relax. They are cool » Lincoln tried to calm his sisters, « do not you guys? »
« Raph? Raph. Wait, Raph to a painter's name! Raphael! I found your name! » Moketo shouted.
« Yeah, I can attest, » April told the girls, trying to calm them down.
But this was interrupted when purple Dragon thugs entered the building.
« Tell me this is a joke ! » Leo said with complete discontent that their entire blanket had been blown away by the ordinary crooks of New York.
« That's the end of Kung-Fu lizards! » Ria One of the dragons. « You're not going to walk on us now that we put you cocks where we want you! »
« We are the ass of the Jack turtles! » Shouted Raph.
« Yeah! Leo and his brothers pulled out their weapons, « We are Ninja Turtles! »
« Anyway, get them! »
Turtles press the thugs to clear a path for the Louds and Clyde. Moketo, Tambry and Robbie help them.
Leo was kicking his face and even using his katana blades to cut their clothes and give them some minor cuts.
Raph used his strength to push them away or hit them unconscious, he used his sakes to give them painful shots leaving future scars.
Donnie used his stick to turn and give huge bruises to thugs. He even electrocuted some using the two electrical circuits located at the ends of his staff.
Mikey was fine, being ... Mikey and mainly confused the rogue wholes by getting shots. Most of these shots landed in the crotch area of ​​the thugs.
« Dude, I never had to fight head-on! I feel so constipated! » Mikey shouted absently.
Tambry used her bag to eliminate the limbs.
« Hey you, the carpet! » Shouted Raph. He took one of the leo katana blades to give him to Moketo
« Thank you Raphael! » Moketo shouted.
The Louds are content to look a little further from him. « Sorry, he just does not know what this word means » tried to apologize for Mikey's lack of vocabulary. As for the Louds, they seem to be quite obsessed and confused about everything that's going on. The fact that they witnessed four giant tortoises attacking a group of criminals with ninjutsu skills was not a daily occurrence. But one hand reached out and grabbed Lincoln by the arm.
« Hey ! » The person turns out to be Dragon Face and he looked completely angry.
« Lincoln! » « Linky » shouted The Girls, Mabel, Dipper, Irving, Moketo, Tambry, Robbie and Clyde while Lincoln was within reach of Dragon-Face.
« You're going nowhere, stupid kids! » Dragon-Face pulls out a knife and sits near Lincoln's neck.
April then releases a strange metal and throws it in front of Dragon Face. She first uses the Ninajato so that Dragon Face frees Lincoln.
She then gives him a hard blow on the face and makes him fall the knife. Then she hits him violently in the belly. And then catch him by the collar: « You said, creepy! » April looked at him in the eyes. Dragon Face said nothing but turned around.
She gives him a huge whim on his face and knocks him unconscious, then grabs Lincoln's hand to help him get up. « Are you ok Lincoln? »
« Yes » Lincoln said, still more in love with April than before.
« Can you teach me how to do that? » Lori asked.
Leo then goes to the group. « Maybe later, let's get out of here guys! »
The group leaves the building and continues running until they find a place to hide. When they left, some of the hooligans found themselves unconscious and Dragon-Face woke up, « Well, it was flawed »
« I'll even say more, » Nelson agreed. « If the boss discovers-»
« Find what ?! » The voice came from a tall, slender but muscular figure, who wore a gray coat over a black top, blue trousers, red sunglasses, blond hair and a dragon tattoo on his left arm.
« We ... we were ... attacked by ... four monsters instead of one. » Dragon Face said the muscled man.
« Yes, and they knew the boss Kung Fu! » Nelson added.
The tall man then grabbed the two by the collars and lifted them up, « Kung Fu panic huh ?! »
« I swear boss! » Nelson said fearing for his life.
« They seemed like a rather honorable group, none of our men were killed, » Dragon said to the man.
« And they escaped you? » He said angrily in his voice.
« It was an accident ! »
« So maybe I should stop you from doing other « accidents! » After announcing the news to Master! » The two men turned pale.
To be continued...
So now, the turtles and the Louds have finally met.
Sorry I had waited eleven months for gemturtles to face his fanfic. Stay tuned for the third part.
Meanwhile, in front of Albert's house, he found the keys and opened the door crying: « Mom! I am home »
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