#so i ordered a cab *again* and the same dude picked up and he called me
smileyerim · 1 year
what’s mine is yours
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if mark isn’t going to make a move on you himself, his friends will surely find a way to make one on his behalf. the opportunity arises after an evening of drinking at mark’s apartment that lands you tangled in mark’s sheets wondering if he feels the same chemistry that you do.
pairing: mark lee x reader
genre: fluff, suggestive !!MDNI!!
length: 4.9k
warnings: adults drinking alcohol and getting drunk, dialogue about sex, both reader and mark are drunk the entire time, mark is a pussy!
net tags: @kflixnet @k-labels
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Drinking with the boys always led you into sketchy situations. There was the one time Haechan insisted on breaking into a waterpark to ‘visit the mermaids’. Or the time that Renjun ordered a cab for all of you to go over to his ex-girlfriends house to win her back. Jaemin once threw up in the kitchen sink and didn’t tell anyone until morning.
So, yeah, drinking with the boys always led you down odd roads and tonight wouldn’t be any different.
“Okay!” You exclaim drunkenly, head previously falling forward as you dozed in your spot.
“Which one of you gentlemen are going to drive me home?” Your eyes lazily trail across the room at the boys all scattered about in various positions.
“Uh, I’m not good to drive,” Mark says and shoves his thumb into Jeno’s shoulder to ask “you good to drive?” Which earns him a shake of his head.
The rest of the group reacts now, all to let you know that none of them were sober enough to be behind the wheel.
“Okay…” you drag out the word and pull out your phone to open the rideshare app and struggle to type in your apartment’s address.
“Uber is $65.” You say bluntly, again scanning your eyes around the room expectedly. When you don’t get a response, you speak up again.
“This is the part where you say ‘Oh, here Y/N, we’ve got it.’” You tease and Haechan just rolls his eyes and groans.
“Just stay over. It’s fine, you can take the couch.”
“I call dibs on the couch.” Chenle’s voice is muffled from where his nose is nuzzled in the cushions. You’re genuinely surprised that he’s still breathing. You’re not too sure how, though, he’s buried pretty deep. He’s clearly not about to move any time soon.
“Fine, you can sleep with Mark.” Haechan says, hand signaling to the boy who was too distracted by his phone to keep up with the conversation until his name was spoken.
“Wait, dude, what?” Mark exclaims, his wide and glossy eyes switching between you and Haechan quickly. His drunk brain can barely keep up.
You hear a snicker from over your shoulder, “That’s a good idea, Y/N, why don’t you sleep with Mark?” Jaemin’s hand sits lazily on your shoulder.
You frown, a little too drunk to pick up the pieces and put them together.
“Yeah, that’s a great idea.” Jeno says, his own giggle escaping his lips. The two aforementioned boys had smoked earlier, leading to a fit of giggles shared between the two.
“Why is this a better idea than walking her home?” Mark panics, watching you slowly absorb all that’s going on around you. It doesn’t seem like you’ve picked up on how obvious the boys are being and he’s thankful for that.
“It’s cold out and we’re all tired. Just take one for the team and let her sleep in your bed.” Haechan argues. He’s getting more and more frustrated by the minute. Mark has been complaining for weeks about his crush on you, and the moment that Haechan finally does something about it, Mark protests?
“Where will I sleep?” Mark stupidly asks and Haechan’s head falls back onto the couch when he rolls his eyes.
“With her, Mark.” He says with a frustrated tone, his eyes shut and squeezed.
Before Mark can object again, you finally put the pieces together and move to stand, nearly falling into Jaemin’s lap behind you in the process.
“Come on, Mark.” You say, your hand is out in offering for Mark to grab. His slow brain goes a bit numb, too focused on the gold ring on your middle finger. He hadn’t noticed you wear it before.
When he doesn’t move fast enough, Haechan groans and rolls his eyes, grabbing Mark’s arm by the wrist and placing his hand on yours.
“I have to do fucking everything around here, don’t I?” Haechan says to the group, excluding you two who have already begun your drunken trek to Mark’s bedroom.
The vibe is much different when you’re in his room behind a closed door. He keeps his room tidy usually, but his unmade bed and loose bath towel on the floor suggest he wasn’t anticipating company. You prefer it this way, it makes you feel less like a guest. Especially when you’re about to use his bedroom as a hotel, nonetheless.
It also helps when his ruffled sheets make his bed look all the more inviting and comfortable. You flop your belly down, snuggling into his pillow. It smells faintly of tea tree shampoo and musk. You wonder when the last time he washed his sheets was, but you aren’t sure you want to know the answer. It smells like it’s been quite a while but you’re too drunk to care.
“You want some clothes?” He says from his standing position. He wasn’t expecting to see you so… comfortable. You look as if you’re at home in his bed.
He can’t believe it. You’re here in his bed. Sure, you’ve been in his room a million times, you’ve sat on his bed a million times, you’ve even cuddled with Mark on his bed a million times. But this time is different. You’re sleeping here, you’re going to wake up here, you’re going to be lying side by side with Mark for a minimum of 8 hours and he’s not sure he’ll be able to hold it together that long.
“No,” you say looking down at your athletic shorts and crop top. You weren’t wearing a bra, anyways. “A toothbrush would be nice, though.”
He scurries off to the adjoined bathroom and rifles through his drawers quickly, praying that he’d have at least one clean spare toothbrush.
“Unless, of course, all your hoes have used all of them.” You tease. You aren’t quite sure where that comment came from or why you felt compelled to say it but it has an effect on Mark as he stills for a moment before continuing his search. He finds one and walks back over to where you’re still lying on the bed.
“My hoes don’t ask for toothbrushes.” He says in half-honesty. It’s true, no girls have ever asked him for a spare toothbrush. Sure, that’s due to the fact that he’s never had a girl stay over before, but it’s still the truth nonetheless.
“Ew. Good to know I don’t have much competition then. At least I have basic hygiene.” You say, already loading up the toothbrush with his toothpaste.
His brain goes haywire at the comment. Does what you said mean what he thinks it means? Why are you including yourself on the list of Mark’s “hoes”? Do you want to be one? His only one?
Once you’re done, Mark has already changed into his outfit for bed. He’s hesitant on whether or not to wear a shirt. For your comfortability he probably should, but you’ve never been bothered by his bare chest before in all the times you’ve been over. What would make this time any different?
He decides against it as he gets himself ready for bed, trading spots in the bathroom when you go back to bed. His heart is beating out of his chest, which is saying a lot for how much the alcohol still present in his system has relaxed him.
He’s equally thankful for and also angry at Haechan for the stunt he pulled to get you into his room. He’s wanted this for a long time, thats no surprise, but is this how he wanted it? He wants you to know that you’re special to him, is a drunken night sleeping in the same bed enough to tell you that? His head is spinning and it comes to a halt when he sees you lying in his bed on your phone waiting for him to come to bed.
You look natural there, like you’ve always belonged.
“I’ll be right back.” He panics and runs out of the room before you can acknowledge him.
He sulks out into the living room once his door is shut behind him where all the boys still remain. Only Haechan and Jeno are still awake, playing some video game on the TV.
He plops down on Haechan’s left, careful not to sit on Chenle’s knee which Haechan is resting his back against.
“How’s it going in there?” Jeno asks and Mark groans in response, pouring himself his final shot and downing it quickly. The burning sensation in his esophagus is a welcomed distraction from the flurry of thoughts in his head.
“I don’t know what you want, Mark, honestly.” Haechan says, eyes still trained on the TV in front of him.
“I know, I know. I just want her to know that she’s special to me and not just another girl.” Mark groans, playing with the idea of pouring himself a second nightcap shot.
“Did you tell her that?” Haechan says like it’s obvious.
“She’s drunk, Hyuck.” Mark counters, deciding finally to pour himself another shot of the room temperature liquor. Mark is drunk too, so he’s not too sure why that factor matters right now.
“Did you try telling her?” Haechan repeats himself, earning a shoulder check from Jeno.
“What he’s trying to say is that it’s in your hands at this point. You know what you want and you know how to do it. You just need to grow the balls and get it done.” Jeno says and Haechan leans his shoulder on Jeno’s shoulder to signify a quick hug in thanks.
Mark doesn’t move up from his position in an act of procrastination, and Chenle, who Mark previously thought was sleeping, kicks Mark swiftly in the lower back to force him to his feet.
“Go before she falls asleep and you lose your shot again.” Chenle says, head still buried deep in the cushions.
“How the fuck are you breathing, dude?” Mark asks dumbfounded.
“He has his ways.” Haechan responds, an arm wrapping around Mark’s hips to shove him out of the way of the TV screen.
Clearly, Mark is no longer welcomed out in the living room with his friends, so he moves back to his room with you, quietly opening the door in case you had fallen asleep.
You haven’t, of course. You’re far too concerned about Mark to relax long enough to fall asleep.
“If you want me to go home I can just get the Uber it’s fine.” You say the moment Mark walks through the door.
Fuck, he thinks to himself. He can’t even have one second to think.
“No, you can stay.” He says, heading back into the bathroom to brush his teeth again after the two shots he took.
“You just seem a little off, so I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. It’s no big deal, really.” You say, already moving to stand up out of his bed, moving at a much slower pace than normal due to the alcohol still in your system.
“No, please, stay.” He says, walking over to your spot, essentially blocking you from standing.
Your face still doesn’t seem convinced so he shares the truth in the best way he knows how, “I want you to stay.”
You still don’t seem fully convinced, but you lie back down anyways and wait for Mark to join you. He’s stalling at this point, moving around the room and unplugging every socket he can see.
“Big fire hazard guy?” You tease from your position in bed, his pillow parallel to your chest where your head lies. There’s something about the hopeful anticipation in your eyes that makes Mark’s head spin.
Or maybe it’s the alcohol. Probably the alcohol.
He laughs dryly, finally laying down next to you. His head is flat against the mattress, blocking your view of his face from your position atop the pillow beneath you.
“Oh, here, you want it?” You say, offering him the pillow. Mark chastises himself internally for only owning one pillow.
“Nah, you take it, you need one too.” Mark waves you off and adjusts to bend his arm behind his head, resting on his forearm.
You think for a moment before replying, “Well… you’re here aren’t you?”
“Wh-“ Mark’s question is cut short by you sitting up, placing the pillow beneath his head, and then laying your own head on his chest.
He hopes you can’t hear his heartbeat when you ask, “Is this ok?”
He, very boldly in his opinion, responds by wrapping his arms around your body. One over your shoulders and one around your waist. Thank you, alcohol!
“Just peachy.” He says, voice cracking.
His limbs are still stiff around you, but you don’t mention it as you sit up one final time to flip the light switch by the door.
You feel him jolt when you lie your head on his chest again. You feel like rolling your eyes at his dramatics.
“Seriously, Mark, I can go home.” You say, gauging his level of discomfort by the stiffness of his limbs and the sound of his breath that he’s clearly attempting to get under control.
“Nope.” Is all he says as he wraps his arms around you tighter and pulls you in. A beat passes as you feel his muscles relax beneath your head.
“You’re confusing, Mark Lee.” Is your message of acceptance as your fingers find his collarbone, tracing circles around it and scratching into the caverns gently.
He scoffs at your words, “I’m confusing?”
“Well, you say you want me here but you’re clearly uncomfortable.” You retort. He just wishes you would let the conversation settle. He’s trying his hardest.
“I’m not uncomfortable.” It’s a half truth and he knows it, but he’ll say anything to get you to shut up.
“When’s the last time you had a girl in your bed?” You ask and thankfully you can’t see him roll his eyes in the darkness.
“A while.” He swallows. He can tell where this is going and he doesn’t like it.
“You could’ve just said that!” You say with a soft, almost condescending, tone as you coo, digging your head further into his chest.
“It’s not that. You think you have me all figured out but you don’t, so just drop it please? Let’s go to sleep.” Mark pulls you even closer at that and it’s your turn to stiffen.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper into his pec and he sighs, the hand around your waist holding you tighter.
“It’s fine, just settle down.” He says and you try your best, but your mind is now running a mile a minute.
What the hell did that mean? If you aren’t making him uncomfortable, and if it isn’t that he’s just out of practice, then what is it? Why is your best friend acting so weird?
Your mind can’t help itself but say, “Are you drunk?”
“Very. You?” He says honestly. You smile against his bare chest.
“Very.” You giggle and he does too, his hand traveling down your body to grab at the back of your knee to hoist your leg to rest over his. The ice has been clearly broken as he relaxes into the new position.
You nuzzle in closer to his chest, your hands continuing to explore the dips and curves of his shoulder.
“Did you drink more when you went out there?” You ask, not really wanting to go to bed just yet. You have an odd feeling that your night isn’t over.
“Yep.” He pops the ‘p’ sound. He can’t tell if you’re prying to try and collect information or if your drunk brain is truly just curious, so he keeps his answers brief.
You giggle out your question, “Why?”
“You don’t usually have this many questions.” He deflects, but you catch him.
“You don’t usually avoid answering.” You retort and he sighs, chest rising and falling slowly below your head. It’s a nice feeling, you think.
You’re anticipating an answer, but he doesn’t give you one. Frowning, you move your head so that your chin rests on his chest, your eyes level with his cheek from where he’s lying back. He looks down at you in the dark of the room to notice your impatient stare.
“Just needed a little extra liquid courage, that’s it.” He shrugs and you frown deeper. That answer just gave you more questions than answers.
“But-“ he cuts you off.
“Just let it go, please.” He begs, his voice genuinely sounding desperate. Usually you have a free pass to tease Mark, but something is different about him tonight so you don’t pester him any further. You lie your head back down over his chest and continue to stroke his shoulder lazily. You seem to be getting more and more comfortable with each other here, which pleases you.
He appreciates the gesture, clearly, as the hand that was previously around your waist travels back down to your leg to grab a large handful softly, his thumb stroking over the side of your thigh near your knee gently.
It’s a nice moment, you think, and before your brain can tell you otherwise, your lips are puckering to leave a gentle kiss to his bare skin beneath your head. His breath hitches softly at that, so you move your head gently away from the spot to rest your forehead against his chin.
Truth be told, you aren’t quite sure why you did it. You and Mark have cuddled a million times before, but you’ve never kissed him. You’ve never even given him a cheek kiss as a greeting. Your lips have never touched Mark Lee, but for some reason tonight you felt compelled to. It was innocent and short enough that you could pretend it didn’t happen at all.
You can feel Mark slowly turning his head, your heart beating at a mile a minute at the sheer unknown of how he will react.
Just as your mind begins to conjure up rejection scenarios, you feel something.
His lips make contact with your forehead, his warm breath fanning over the top of your hair as he stays in his position, gentle lips kissing your forehead. You hold back a gasp, and your heart picks up pace. He still hasn’t moved, which you’re thankful for, as you absorb the feeling and attempt to process your emotions quickly.
That was a move.
That was a move.
Mark is making moves on you. Do you want him to? You can’t lie and say you haven’t thought about him romantically before. He’s your best friend, he’s seen your lowest and your highest and he’s stuck around through it all. He’s also undoubtedly attractive and your type. But you’ve never imagined him in this context.
But you wouldn’t want to take advantage of him. This is Mark you’re talking about here. There is no “casual fun” with him. Whatever is happening is already changing the course of your friendship, do you want to keep it going and take it further?
He doesn’t give you the opportunity to decide before his hand finds your chin, pulling up to signal that he wants you to look at him. You comply, of course, with probably too much ease.
His eyes dart between your two as he tries to read you. He wants this. He knows he wants this. What he doesn’t know, though, is whether or not you want this too.
“Are you too drunk to know what you’re doing?” He whispers and you can feel the air from his words hit your lips and it only makes you want him more.
“No.” You whisper back meekly, your eyes trained to his lips. He’s never looked so kissable. In fact, you’ve never even considered the idea of kissing Mark. Now that you’re here, though, you can’t believe it’s not crossed your mind before. You want him so bad that it feels like you’ve wanted him forever.
Your answer was clearly all he needed to brush his lips over yours. It feels like the wind is knocked out of you as you lie there, not even pursing your lips, just allowing him to adjust to the feeling of being so close with you.
The moment is beautifully intimate, you won’t lie, but you’re feeling a bit impatient and if Mark spends any more time cherishing the moment rather than seizing it you may combust. So you take the next step and officially slot your lips over his, your hand coming up to grab at his jaw to keep him steady on you. He reacts without hesitation, kissing you back with as much force as you’re giving him.
The kiss is remarkable in all the ways that it truly isn’t. There’s no sparks or fireworks, and it takes you a while to get into a rhythm. Your teeth knock his a few times and you both miss the opportunities to insert your tongues into each others mouths. It’s almost laughable how bad the kiss is from a black and white perspective, but you’re satisfied. Because, above all else, the kiss is natural and it feels right.
Once you’ve found your rhythm though, you’re fully emerged in the feeling. He’s a slower kisser than you thought he would be, clearly still attempting to savor the moment with everything in him, and you let him.
It’s nice, you think, being here like this. Every first kiss you’ve had has spurred an emotional rollercoaster inside of you. You’re typically too preoccupied with doing the right thing, looking hot enough, memorizing the other person’s likes and dislikes, and thinking about the future when you kiss someone. Kissing Mark is different. You aren’t full of worries, you’re simply enjoying it. A part of you tries to pin it on the comfortability that comes with being as close friends as you are, but another part of you that’s been hiding for a long time tells you otherwise.
Your adrenaline spikes at the thought, and it spurs you to make the next move to straddle across his waist. He reacts instantly, his hands finding your hips as he kisses you harder.
You like Mark, you realize. Perhaps your heart is a little behind your head as you’re already kissing him, but the realization sparks something in you nonetheless.
“I’ve wanted to do this for a long time,” he admits when his lips leave yours to trail down your neck. You aren’t sure if Mark is intending to bring the heat up, but it’s working when he finds that one spot near your carotid.
You hum, hand threading in his hair to keep him close. You love this. You love this moment. You never want it to end.
As if he hates you, Mark’s mouth leaves your neck to look at you to do precisely that.
“Are we doing this?” He says and you’re startled by his honesty and boldness. Is this the same Mark who was too scared to even sleep in the same bed as you?
“Define this.” You ask. It’s a valid question, he has to say, but he’s not bold enough to say it by name. Sure, he can grow a pair when he absolutely needs to, but his natural instinct is to quietly observe the other person, not be observed himself.
He doesn’t respond with words, but with an action much more bold than he realizes when his hands find your hips again and move you down to rest over his crotch. He’s not hard yet, but you still get the gist of what he’s trying to say. A gasp escapes you, earning a coy smile from the man below you.
“I take that as a yes?” He teases and you aren’t given the opportunity to respond before he sits up fully, meeting you in your sitting position to wrap both his arms around you tightly as he kisses you again.
Now the kiss is hot. His hands are busy all over your body, lighting fire in its path. You moan encouragingly into his mouth when his hands graze the underside of your breast. He catches the message quickly and moves his hand higher to officially grab you, both of you moaning at the contact. Your mouths connect sloppily, and you begin to feel a poke from underneath you.
It takes all the self control in your body to slow things down, but you owe it to Mark to talk about this.
You say his name into his mouth quietly, which he interprets as a moan, and responds with his own groan right back.
“Mark,” you say a little more firmly this time, your hands finding his shoulders to signal that you have something to say.
“Are you sure?” You ask and his previously anxious eyes soften.
“Are you?” He retorts and you roll your eyes deliberately at him.
“I asked you first, idiot.” You say and he smiles, bringing you in for a hug, his nose finding the crevice between your neck and shoulder. You can feel him relax below your fingers when you hug him back, your hands threading into his hair. The moment from before is long gone, but you prefer this.
You smile from your position on his lap. This is easy, you think. Much easier than it ever has been. It almost scares you how natural this feels with him, but you don’t allow your brain to indulge in the anxiety of it all. You’ll happily wait as long as Mark needs to give you an answer if he’s holding you like he is now.
“I’m sure that I want you, if that’s what you’re asking.” He says and it makes you smile again. He’s trying to get you to say it first. Your best friend has never been very sly, although he likes to think of himself that way.
“That is what I asked, but that’s not what I meant.” You say, throwing the ball back into his court.
All this back and forth is giving you a headache. Under any other circumstance you’d have been fed up with all the pussyfooting and made an actual move, but you want to give Mark the chance to say what he needs to say. You have a feeling that he needs the floor more than you do.
“I want to fuck you, but I don’t think it would mean the same thing to you as it does to me.” He says finally and you melt at his indirect confession, holding him tighter and slightly swaying your bodies side to side.
“Then ask.” You say simply, still not taking the power he clearly wants you to. He’s used to you being the bolder one, he’s never had to fight with you to get you to offer your mind.
“You’re making this really difficult for me, aren’t you?” He jokes and you let out a genuine laugh, kissing the crown of his head once you’re done.
“You’d regret letting me take the lead.” You read him honestly and he scans his brain for a conflict, but you’re right. He would regret it.
“You know me so well.” He says, resigned acceptance on his voice as his hand rubs wide circles into your back.
“I know, that’s why you like me so much.” You snark and Mark leans back to look you in the face with a shocked expression of offense.
“You said you’d let me take the lead!” He whines and you giggle, hand coming to rest on his cheek.
“You’re taking too long.” You attempt to justify yourself.
“I wanted to tell you.” He pouts and you move to grab the other side of his face with your other hand.
“You still can.” You gently inform him, quieting down and looking deep into his eyes.
You had anticipated a confession right then and there, but he continues to stare back at you. You can see the wheels turning in his head and you roll your eyes once more in faux annoyance, a teasing smile on your lips.
“Now, Mark.” You taunt with a giggle and he breaks out into nervous laughter, leaning away from your hands and you let him go hesitantly, resting your hands back on his bare shoulders.
He clears his throat and averts his eyes to the bedpost as he gathers his thoughts. It’s cute, you think, how flustered he is. All of this drama for you? Mark is this nervous to confess to you? You’re not a self conscious girl by any means, but you feel a little out of bounds by the idea that Mark Lee is flustered over you.
He’s amazing. Why doesn’t he think that you would notice that about him? Why does he look like he’s preparing himself for rejection right now? Does he really think of you that highly? Or worse, does he think of himself that low?
He clears his throat once more, saying your name quietly and grabbing your hands in his. You feel as if a bit more distance has been put between you now as you’re no longer holding him, but you allow him to guide.
“I’ve been into you for a while,” He says, taking in a sharp breath after the phrase is out. Although you were expecting to hear it, actually being in the moment feels more intense than you thought it would be. Your toes curl in anxiety as you attempt to keep your cool.
“and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before I kissed you— that I genuinely blame on the alcohol—but this is all me.” He says with a sigh at the end. If the confession had been pretty, it wouldn’t have been Mark’s. But you love it all the same.
A smile slowly creeps over your face as you look at him through your eyelashes. You don’t want your reaction to influence him, you want him to fully own this moment.
“Say something please.” He says with a cute impatient lilt to his voice that makes you laugh.
Your poker face, if you even had one in the first place, slips when you open your mouth to respond.
“Mark, I’ve been into you for… well…. not that long,” you say and he laughs in response, hopeful eyes and expectant smile on his face.
“but this is all me, too. I swear if I had known before I would’ve done something before.” You draw an x with your finger over your heart and Mark grabs your hand and presses a gentle kiss to your fingertip. Your heart melts as he grabs your hand with his two and draw them down to his chest.
“I like that you let me.” Mark says, leaning in as if he was about to kiss you. You smile, tilting your chin to meet him.
“Thank you.” He whispers before meeting your lips together in a sweet kiss.
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i wrote this all in one day and only proofread it twice so if it sucks…. uh….. yeah! if you did enjoy my little brain dump of a story, please reblog and send feedback! your engagement means waaayyy more to me than you realize.
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kirishwima · 3 years
ah yes, a little bit of xenophobia, as a ~parting gift~ before i leave this country
#im carrying aTON of notes to take to my friend so i took a cab bc its impossible to carry itherwise#and the driver came to my adress then?? said i didnt show and left#even tho i was waiting downstairs for him#so i ordered a cab *again* and the same dude picked up and he called me#and started speaking in czech super quick which#i understand most of it but not when fast and its difficult for me to speak it#so i said in czech im sorry could you say that in english?#and he got so mad started saying#shit like english? youre in prague speak czech hitch and shit like that#and i let him finish his spiel before saying im sorry i dont speak czech (in english this time)#simply bc even if i were to try and speak czech before i sure as hell wouldnt now#you do NOT insult me like that and think ill behave nicely#and he said 'thats your problem not mine' in ENGLISH the mf#and i said 'sure it is' and hang up#and reported him#but gdi its been a good year since i last had an incident like this#ive heard a lot of shit here i got cussed and more#bc of covid its been a while lmao#in cyprus ppl will go above and beyond to communicate with u like we learn english alongside greek#and you can at least respect that czech's my third language-fourth if i count my shitty french#ive had good experiences too with ppl trying to speak english#and apologising saying they speak it badly and i always say dont worry about it at all!#leaving abroad you get more than happy that ppl try and thats more than enough#but this left such a sour taste in my mouth esp since im leaving soon#burrito talks#not fandom related#delete later#if youre the type that says 'speak the language' to foreigners fuck you
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bastillewolf · 4 years
Shinigami Eyes (II)
Pairing: Corpse Husband / Reader
Summary: After you distastefully kill Corpse in a game of Among Us, he wants you to make it up to him and invites you to come over for the week.
Notes: Thank you so much for the love on the previous chapter, I’ve never gotten this many notes before. I hope you enjoy, and maybe leave an ask if you want to? I can’t promise I have time to do them, but I’ll pick out a couple.
Also, I might rewrite this. I kinda rushed it because I wanted to finish it by tonight, but there will be a final and third chapter to this afterwards. Please do let me know what you think.
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Shinigami Eyes - Pt. II
5… 4… 3… 2… 1…
You were teamed up with Sean.
Your fist violently slammed down on the desk. “Goddammit! I don’t want to be impostor anymore! This game has no compassion for my poor nerves.” It was the third time in a row now, and you were really craving to do normal tasks now without all the scheming. “Fuck it, I don’t care if they kill me. I’m just gonna do my thing without thinking about it.”
You decide to follow Toast for a bit to watch him do some task. You kill him in Laboratory. You vent back to Launchpad and take your time walking towards MedBay while the kill button restores. You meet up with Corpse, and follow him while pretending to do wires in the Y-hallway. You watched the green bar go up, and continued. Sabotaging and then fixing lights, you made sure your place with Corpse was settled. Then the body of Lily was reported.
As you expected, Corpse easily vouched for you as he’d seen you do a task. The round was skipped, though Rae was sussed for ‘chasing’ Sean, by his own words.
“Corpse, you’ve grown weak,” you muttered to chat.
You were in Greenhouse, and decided it would be best to kill him there and sabotage Reactor. “Sorry baby, but I can’t keep following you around.” You quickly set off Reactor and murdered him in front of the plants. “Your blood shall keep the plants hydrated.” You did an evil laugh. “Pretty sure that’s not how it works, though.”
You vented down to MedBay and as you walked out you met up with Rae. She’d be the vouch who would confirm you weren’t anywhere near Greenhouse. “I’ll just have to fix my own sabotage so they’ll never suspect me.” You helped her with the handprint, and noted Sykkuno and Felix being there. Sean sabotaged lights, you killed Sykkuno, and ran out to follow Lily into Laboratory. Felix reported the body.
“Holy shit,” Rae gasped. So far, five people had died. You only needed to kill one more person. “It was Felix!”
“Wait, what?” the man in question asked. “I was fixing Reactor!”
She mentioned that only you, Sykkuno, Felix and herself had been there and that you’d helped her do handprint. “Sykkuno must have fixed it, and then you killed him!”
Sean asked if you’d seen anything.
“No, the lights were out. I followed Rae into Laboratory after the scan.” Your voice didn’t tremble or raise, a tactic you’d taken up from the best lair in the group. Well, the one who was now dead. Oops. “I haven’t seen Felix this entire game, though.”
He was evidently at a loss for words, so the group was quick to vote for him.
Pewds was ejected.
You thanked Sean for a good game who was laughing his ass off. “I can’t believe you did Corpse like that! Poor guy!”
“I deadass thought you were innocent,” Corpse replied, “I’m hurt.”
“Why do you still sound dark and menacing when you say something like that?!”
You agreed with Sean heartily, “He’s just salty I’ve bested him at his own game.”
“Hey now, no need to actually insult me.”
The group laughed. You decided to call it for the night, right before Corpse did the same.”
He was calling you again. “What is it this time, you salty?”
“Salty? Nah, never,” he said, but you weren’t convinced.
“Then why you calling?”
“What, I can’t call my friends after playing a nice round of Among Us?”
“Not when you lost the game and you call the person who you lost to. Kinda sus, dude.”
“Alright, maybe a little salty.” You smirked.
“Aw, you need me to make it up to you?”
He laughed. “What did you have in mind?”
A bunch of thoughts, most not rated PG-13, crossed your mind. You were suddenly starting to feel uncomfortable. This was probably just something innocent, which got twisted in your fucked-up mind. You shrugged, “Uh… I don’t know.”
“I got an idea.”
“What is it?”
“Come over this week. You said you needed a break, right?”
“That sounds more like you’re doing me a favour instead of me making it up to you.”
“I don’t have any friends. You’d be making it up to me by being the first physical person here in years. I usually don’t invite people over.”
“Wow, I’m flattered. So, you don’t consider me to be your friend after all?”
“You know that’s not what I meant,” he chuckled.
“Sure, sure. Tell me that again when my presence suddenly brightens your life making you not want to get rid of me, ever.”
“I’ll keep it in mind.”
You walk through the gates following a hoard of people, all the while still feeling drowsy from not getting any sleep during your flight. At least you didn’t have any turbulence and landed safely. Glancing around here and there with no result, you figured Corpse would be waiting outside, until you spotted a figure clad in black a little ends away by the escalator. You were glad you were still awake enough to have found him, because he appeared to silently linger halfway behind a fern.
At least, you hoped it was him. The only indications were his clothes, mask and dark hair. You saw him run a hand through it, and identified the chipped black nail polish and familiar rings. Oh yea, that was him alright.
He seemed to be paying more attention to the floor until he saw two feet appear in his line of sight. “Hey,” you awkwardly greeted. A bit taken a back, he replied, “Oh, wow. Hey.” A mask was covering the bottom of his face, but as far as you could see his eyes were a very dark shade.
“Wow?” you repeated. He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. “Yea, sorry. It’s a compliment.” You held your elbow out in a safe-distance gestured hello, but he shrugged you off. “You’re gonna be staying with me anyways.” Suddenly in a daze, you felt him wrap his arms around your waist and instantly hugged him back. His baggy sweater felt warm and soft to the touch, and strands of hair tickled your face. You very much tried to repress your smile and blush, but how could you? Hugging someone wasn’t supposed to feel this good. When he pulled back he reached down to take your suitcase from you. “I don’t own a car, is it okay if we take a cab?”
“Y-Yeah, of course,” you stuttered, “But it’s on me. Same with food and stuff.” “Don’t worry about it,” he chuckled. “No, you’re letting me stay with you and a hotel would’ve been a lot more expensive than this. It’s my treat.” “Yeah, we’ll see.” He gave you a look and even with the mask you could tell he was smirking underneath it.
It’s about half an hour drive to his apartment complex, and it’s rather nice. “All that YouTube money paying off, huh?” you asked in amusement. “You’d know,” he replied. You insisted on carrying your suitcase up the stairs yourself, which he silently shook his head at, until after a few flights he noticed you struggling and settled on carrying the thing in between the two of you. “How many clothes did you bring?” “Oh, it’s mostly filled with bricks I might need to throw at your head.” He laughed at that.
His apartment was simple, but cosy. “Home sweet home,” he said, almost sarcastically. You furrowed your brow at him. “I’m sure you could’ve had it a lot worse.” He reluctantly agreed.
He helped you set down your luggage in what appeared to be his bedroom, where the curtains were still closed and the black bedsheets fresh. He had a few pieces of fanart up on his wall, and some on his closet. You turned to him and gave him a look. “You’re not sleeping on the couch.”
He quickly shook his head, “You’re not sleeping there. If you won’t let me sleep on the couch I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“If you’re sleeping on the floor, I’m sleeping on the floor.”
“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” he murmured. “What?” “Nothing.”
He suggested playing video games as you were both too tired to do anything else. You’d landed quite late yet were still confused about what time it actually was. Flying is weird. You hopped onto his couch and grabbed a controller.
He sat down next to you, but suddenly seemed tenser than before.
“You okay? You can just go to sleep if you want to.”
He shook his head, “Nah, I don’t sleep a lot. It’s fine.”
You didn’t stop looking at him, though. He was still wearing that mask. “You don’t have to take it off, if you don’t want to. I understand if it makes you uncomfortable.”
“It’s not that, I just…” He took a deep breath. You hadn’t expected him to take it off then and there. You stared at him, your mouth slightly agape, controller barely held by your numb hands.
It was as if he was expecting you to make a face or something, but you didn’t give him anything, except for a blatant “Nope” and an “Are we gonna play now or what?”
“You don’t have anything else to say?”
You shrugged, and looked him up and down again. “You’re kind of what I imagined you to be.”
“What’s that?”
Neither of you could stop smiling for the rest of the night.
You eventually forced him to sleep in his own bed, even going as far as to shove him into the room and keep your weight against the door so he couldn’t get out, so he eventually relented. “Inviting you here was a mistake.” “How come? All I’ve done so far is look after you!” “You’re a nightmare.”
You mostly stayed in for the week, which you didn’t mind at all. Being in such a closed-off environment with someone you got along with was nice. He attempted to get you to lift the weights in his room and succeeded for around fifteen minutes until you nearly dropped a dumbbell on your foot. You ordered take-out from his favourite restaurant, watched horror movies until you adapted to his sleeping schedule because you were too scared to close your eyes now, and even streamed a bit together with your friends.
“Wait, is Corpse with you?” Rae had asked.
“No, I’m at Corpse’s. He’s sitting across from me so I can’t see his screen but we’re gonna have to share the Discord unless you want to hear an echo.”
“Ah, man! You got to see his face, too?” Sykkuno whined.
“Stop simping, Sykkuno. You get enough attention from him already.”
“Don’t worry, I still love you,” Corpse said.
It was probably a good thing that you got teamed up again, because you could indeed start to see his hands shaking right as the word ‘impostor’ appeared on the screen. You reached over and stroked it with your thumb. He smiled gratefully back at you.
“Just please,” he pleaded later that day, “Sleep in the bed. If only for one night.”
“No. I’ve heard about and now seen your sleeping habits. If you take the couch you’re never going to get any sleep.” You made a real effort to show him how comfortable you were – even though your back had started to hurt already after the first night – by crawling underneath your blanket and rubbing your head into the soft pillow. He snorted.
Next thing, you feel yourself being lifted by an arm underneath your knees and one around your back. “Corpse! Put me the fuck down!” you shrieked. You knew he lifted weights, but how the hell did he still have the energy as an insomniac? He ungracefully dropped you onto the matrass and turned the lights off. “Good night.”
You quickly got hold of the back of his hoodie before he could leave and pulled. He fell down next to you with a low huff. “Fine, I’ll sleep in the bed. But only if you sleep here too.”
“I snore.”
“Don’t care.”
For some reason, there wasn’t any tension or awkwardness. You were comfortable, and the soft rhythm of his breathing seemed to soothe you. He called out your name, to see if you were still awake.
“…Thanks for coming over.”
“Any time.”
This was how you would spend the rest of the nights, and whenever either of you woke up suddenly curled up around the other, you didn’t mention it or move away from it. It was the first time in years Corpse got a few nights of complete rest.
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hecatemoon87 · 2 years
Charles Bronson - Art Teacher (AU)
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Ch. 4 - Body Paint
*this chapter was inspired by @potter-solomons
I’m so nervous. I don’t know why because Charlie and I have already had sex. But that was different because it had been unexpected and there had been no time to dwell on the what if factor. Now, with the whole thing premeditated it was giving me time to think. And my brain was sifting through every what if scenario a girl could think of. In just an hour, I was supposed to meet him at his art studio. It would be considered a proper date or would it? Was he reaching out because he thought I was easy? Was this booty call?
“Katie,” Nora said, leaning on the doorframe of the bathroom.  
I jumped and turned to face her. “What the fuck, Nora? How long have you been standing there?”
“Dude, you’ve been brushing your hair in the same spot for like two minutes. Aren’t you ready yet?”
“I am, I’m just…I’m just finishing up some final touches,” I said. 
Nora had picked out my clothes. It was a navy blue summer dress with small white flowers printed on it. Something sexy, but not over the top. Beneath I chose to wear a plain white bra and panties, uncertain where this night would lead me.
“Don’t you think the dress is too much? I mean, maybe I should wear jeans? The dress might suggest I’m wearing it for easy access?” I said, fussing over the zipper at the back. 
Nora came over and zipped up the dress. 
“You’re worried that this is a booty call, aren’t you?” Nora said, reading my mind. 
I nodded gloomily. 
“I dunno, but you’ll find out soon enough. If it seems that way, tell him how it is and leave,” she said. 
“Okay,” I said, swallowing hard. 
I went ahead and ordered a taxi. As it drove me through the city, I began to notice we were headed toward the nicer side of London. As the houses became increasingly nicer the taxi halted just outside an impressively refurbished brick building. I hesitatingly got out of the cab, wondering if I was at the correct location. It dawned on me that Charlie was a very famous artist. He was world renowned and he probably made a lot of money off his work. I sometimes forget that some artists made a fortune. Not me though, I was one of the classic starving artists. I had to share a flat with Nora just so I could make ends meet. Recently, my dream of becoming an artist full time was fading away as things in London grew more and more expensive. 
I confirmed the house number once again with Charlie’s text. Feeling more confident that I was at the correct location, I approached the entrance, only to find it was blocked by a heavy iron gate. I saw that there was a small black intercom with a red button installed at the gate. I pushed the button and waited. After a moment it crackled to life and I heard Charlie’s voice on the other end. 
“Hi love, letting ya in,” he said.
I glanced up and saw a camera in the corner of the entrance way. Ah, so that’s how he knew it was me. The opening of the iron gate regained my attention and I stepped back as it automatically opened. I stepped through and walked up the stone pathway to a large solid oak door. As I got closer to the door, it opened and Charlie stood on the other side. He was wearing a tight white muscle shirt and black gym shorts. Upon seeing me he smiled and stood to the side to allow me inside. 
“Blimey, uh, if I knew you were gonna dress up I would have dressed a bit more appropriately,” he said, closing the door behind me. 
I was too distracted by his house to comment on his clothes. It was a huge space, open concept, high ceilings and a finely polished wooden floor. He had the latest modern furniture and the art that decorated his home was from all over the world. It was all eclectic, but done very tastefully. 
“Wow, this is your home?” I asked, amazed. 
“Yeah, it ain’t much,” he said, looking almost embarrassed. 
“Not much? I’ll trade flats with you if you want,” I said, jokingly. 
He chucked and put his hands into his pockets. I glanced over at him and I can tell that he’s nervous too. It helps put me at ease knowing he feels the same way. There’s a moment of awkward silence.
“So, the studio, it’s just over there. I had it built onto the house. The whole place used to be a storage facility in the early 1700s,” he said, breaking the silence. 
“It’s just stunning, it really is something to be proud of, Charlie,” I said.
I had never used his nickname, Charlie, before. During art class I’d always called him Charles. I like saying it and I can tell by his reaction that he likes hearing me say it. 
“Cheers, come on then, let me show you it,” he said, motioning me to follow him. 
We walked across the house and he opened a door. He walked through and flicked on a light switch. I followed him in and I’m once again amazed by this room. His studio is astounding. It is covered in all sorts of partially and completed works of art. Around the room was an array of mediums. He had used acrylics, charcoals, pastels, water colors, you name it. It was a room filled with creative expression, something that I had always longed for myself but never had the space or time to fulfill. I looked over at Charlie and he smiled.
“You like it?” he asked. 
“It’s wonderful,” I said, my eyes wide with awe. 
“Good, I hoped that you would,” he said.
I loved it and I badly wanted to be enjoying my time with him, but there were questions I needed him to answer first. 
“Charlie, I want you to be honest with me,” I said. 
“Yeah, sure. About what specifically, love?”
“Have you ever been in trouble with the law?” I asked. 
He frowned and nodded slowly. 
“Yeah, that’s why I was doing the class,” he said. “Was getting my knuckles whacked.”
“What did you do?”
He shrugged and looked around the room, avoiding eye contact with me. 
“Assault. Got in a tussle with a mate of mine. Broke his arm and some ribs, he charged me,” Charlie said. 
“That’s all?” I asked. 
He looked at me sheepishly. 
“Uh, well, that was my third assault conviction,” he said, cringing a little. 
“Third? Who else have you tussled up?”
“My mate, he was my third. My first, was a school teacher when I was a lad, the second was some bloke I didn’t know. But he was beating his dog and I wanted him to stop.” 
I mulled this over in my mind. Okay, so I already knew he had an anger issue, but this didn’t seem as bad as I had thought it would be. 
“Why your school teacher?” I inquired. 
“He hit me first…I don’t have good impulsive control, so I went ahead and knocked his block off,” Charlie said. 
“I see and what about your mate?”
“My girl, she cheated on me with him,” Charlie said, looking down at his feet. 
“I’m so sorry, Charlie,” I said, my heart breaking for him. 
I walked over to him and took one of his hands. 
“My last question…I’m not just some sort of…um, like, you know…” I said, trying to find the words. 
I didn’t need to continue as he seemed to understand what I was trying to ask.
“No, I don’t see you like some slag…I wanted to bring you here and get to know ya. I was joking about the modeling bit, well, sorta,” he said. 
A rush of relief flooded my body. It was good to know he had just wanted to show me his studio. But then I became curious about his sorta comment.
“What did you mean by sorta?” I questioned. 
“Ah, well, I can tell you about that another time. I think, maybe…maybe we should just go slow, yeah?”
“No, I want to know. Tell me,” I said, taking his other hand. 
He laughed softly and shrugged. 
“I got it in my head about doing a living canvas kind of thing,” he said. 
“Living canvas?” I said, puzzled. 
“Yeah, body paint, uh, female model,” he said, grinning. 
The idea of him lathering me up with paint as I was naked excited me. 
“Ah, and…was that going to happen tonight?” 
“Maybe…but I wanted to see what you thought. Didn’t know if you would run screaming,” he joked. 
“Why me though? I bet you have a long line of women willing to do something like that,” I said. 
I was still holding his hands, but he moved so that he could fully hold mine. He gave me a reassuring squeeze and gazed deep into my eyes. 
“Nah, it ain’t like that. I wasn’t looking for anyone, really. But that day you first came to my bullshit art class, I couldn’t take my eyes off ya. I mean, you weren’t just beautiful, you were actually talented. My heart had been broken, but when I met you, I was hopeful,” he said. 
I blushed at first from his praise, but then I laughed a little.
“But, we argued so much! I thought you were mean,” I said. 
“Yeah, I’m an arse. I don’t like many people, actually I hate being around people. I kept you at a distance ‘cause I didn’t think you’d even consider me. But that last day, I was afraid I would lose the chance to tell you how I felt. I didn’t expect you to jump my bones though,” he said, laughing. 
I blushed again and shook my head at the memory of literally jumping on top of him. 
“But I like it. I like how fierce you are, so passionate,” he said, slowly wrapping his arms around my waist. 
I rested my hands on his strong chest, my eyes drifting away for a moment. I’m not certain on how to process all this information. I really hadn’t expected him to be so thoughtful, so intelligent, so caring. I looked up and locked my eyes with him. 
“So, where’s that body paint?” I asked. 
His eyes opened a little with surprise. I guessed he was thinking I would want more time to talk. But I felt pretty confident in my decision to commence with this living canvas idea.
“Alright, if you’re willing,” he said, taking just one of my hands and leading me over to a ten by six platform. 
It was covered in a white sheet and when we stepped up on it I could tell it was made out of wood with a foam matting glued to the top. 
“Uh, you gotta get undressed,” he said, stepping down from the platform, looking up at me. 
I liked where this was going. Being sexy, I slowly unzipped my summer dress and wiggled out of it. I tossed it over to him. He caught it and carefully draped it over an easel nearby, all the while watching me intently. I proceeded to remove my bra and panties, flinging both over to him. He respectfully placed them over my dress and walked over to inspect my naked form.
“That night, it was too dark to see you properly. I knew you were a fucking goddess, but bloody hell, you’re enchanting, love.”
“Stop that, you keep making me blush,” I said, giggling. 
“Give me a second, let me get the supplies,” he said, turning to go over to his work table. 
He came back with a tray of paints and brushes. He placed the tray on the platform and jumped back up. Removing his shirt, he tossed it to the side, revealing his well toned, muscular chest. He left black gym shorts on. I’m a little shy, so I folded my arms over my bare breasts and squeezed my thighs together in a vain attempt for modesty. 
“Relax, I’ve put you in more compromising positions than this,” he said, smiling. 
I laughed softly and he took my hands and guided me to the floor. We're both sitting our our knees when he begins his work.
“Alright, I want you to stay on your knees,” he said. 
I did as he said, but he frowned a little. 
“A little further apart, love,” he said, his hand snaking between my legs, edging my thighs a bit wider.
I released a pleasurable gasp as he touched me. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip. 
“Easy, girly, I haven’t even gotten started,” he said, chuckling. 
He pushed my hair back behind my shoulders. I can feel my nipples already getting hard. I took a deep breath, steadying myself. I watched him pull the tray over and he picked up the first paint brush. He had three paints ready on the tray. An indigo, a white and a gold paint. 
“This is non-toxic body paint,” he said as he delivered the first stroke to my skin. 
He glided the brush smoothly down between my breasts, over my navel, stopping just above my mound. The paint was cold, but inside the studio, the temperature was warm. It’s at the end of August, so I felt comfortable. 
“So, you just have non-toxic body paint stored away for these occasions?” I asked.
“Nah, I bought these for you. Like I said, the first day I laid eyes on you I couldn’t stop thinking of ya,” he said, dipping his brush back into the paint.
He re-applied the paint brush to my skin, this time rotating the brush around my left breast, forming a spiral. When the brush reached my areola, he swirled the paint around it. It felt strangely arousing and I shuddered a little with pleasure. He smiled as he watched me enjoying the session. He set the indigo paint brush down and picked up a fresh brush. He dipped this one into the gold paint and applied the same pattern on my stomach and right breast. As he worked, he changed between the three paints. He decorated my arms and hips in beautiful geometric designs. 
Once he was satisfied with my front, he moved to my back. The paint seemed to be drying fairly quickly. He pushed my hair forward, draping it over my shoulder. I felt him begin painting my back and after a few moments he asked me to get on my hands and knees. I complied and he glided the paint brush over my right ass cheek and then he did the same to the left with a different brush. He brought his hand back between my thighs and spread my legs a bit wider. This time his hand brushed against my lips and I arched my back and whimpered.
“Charlie, fuck. I think…I think I can’t wait, if you’re planning on doing anything?” I asked, looking back at him. 
“Hush, you know better than to interrupt an artist and his work,” he said, pretending to be serious. 
In protest, I wiggled my bottom. I heard him groan, but he continued his work and I tried to be patient. I’m still on my hands and knees when suddenly Charlie laid on his back between my legs. His hands gripped my hips and he lowered me onto his mouth. I was not prepared for this part of his artwork and my unsuspecting pussy was wonderfully assaulted by his tongue. He lapped at my folds, his tongue edging its way into my canal and then skimming over my clit.
“Charlie, yes!” I moaned, pushing my fingers through my hair. 
He twirled his tongue, massaging my aching cunt with long licks and soft kisses. My legs started to tremble from sensory overload. The dry paint started to get wet again as my heart rate picked up from Charlie’s wonderful work. The studio was a bit warm as well and my sweat began to smear the paint down my skin. His bear paws were also smearing the paint on my hips as he gripped me hard, preventing me from rising off his mouth. 
“Charlie, I’m going to lose it, Charlie, oh, you’d better stop,” I whined.
I knew full well that if he didn’t stop now that I would cream all over his face. He didn’t listen and he drove me to the brink of my orgasm, nursing my clit with his gorgeous lips. The flood gates are released and I creampie all over his greedy mouth. Still he didn’t stop, he just continued to take every ounce of me into his mouth. He showed me no mercy and only when my thighs began convulsing, too weak to support me any longer, Charlie moved out from underneath me. I sank to the floor, settling on my back. The paint is dripping off my skin, staining the perfect white sheet below me. My chest heaved and I closed my eyes, trying to gain my bearings. 
The light darkened a bit in front of me and I opened my eyes to see Charlie looking down at me. I felt fairly certain that I looked horrible, I could not possibly appear even remotely attractive at this point. But Charlie told me otherwise. 
“Fucking hell, you’re gorgeous,” Charilie said, removing his shorts and underwear. 
His cock was completely engorged, firmly erect and ready for me. 
“You need a few minutes or are you ready for me, princess?” he asked, towering over me. 
I sat up from the floor and flipped my hair back. I’m square with his cock and I looked up at him with wicked eyes. 
“No, Charlie. The question is, are you ready for me?”
Before he was able to reply I took him into my mouth. He was big, so I had to open my mouth wide to take him all in. His cock felt warm and firm in my mouth, I found sucking him to be a major turn on. He laced his fingers through my hair as I bobbed my head back and forth. I was really getting into it and my hands darted up to his taut ass. I gripped his cheeks hard, I didn’t want him going anywhere. His precum hit my taste buds and I felt my feminine response between my legs. For a minute more I gave him everything my mouth could give, but I didn’t want him to cum just yet. I then released him from my mouth, I need him inside me now. 
From my knees I looked up at him, still holding onto his muscular buttocks. 
“I want you to do me, Charlie,” I said in a sultry manner.
His eyes were intense and he nodded. In an instant he pushed me onto my back, lacing each powerful arm underneath my knees. He eletates me up, angling my opening with his cock. I felt the pressure of his cock’s head upon my opening and then he drove it into my tightness. It stung a little as his thickness plunged through, stretching open my walls. He continued until he was buried deep into my slick, molten core. I’m at his mercy once more, the way he has me positioned I couldn’t grab hold of him. He arched his hips back before delivering the first thrust. I moaned as he partially left me then returned with an impact that shook my core. He proceeded to tear my delicate flower asunder, pausing only to drape my legs over his shoulders. He drilled me until my cunt molded around his width and length. It was like I was his clay and he was sculpting me to become his most perfect piece of art. 
I felt like I’m suspended between the earth and spirit world. My senses are blurred, overwhelmed with only pleasure. I’m expressing my approval via my most vulnerable feminine sounds. I’m not aware, but this is driving Charlie masculine urge to both fuck me sensless and want to protect me at all cost. He felt him start to slow down and it isn’t like he is about to orgasm. I opened my eyes and he gently settled my legs around him, allowing my bottom to finally touch the floor. He stayed fully inside me, but he stopped completely. He supported himself with his arms against the floor and looked me in the eyes lovingly. 
“What’s wrong?” I asked, stroking the side of his face. 
He smiled and kissed my lips lightly. I opened my mouth and we shared a slow, but sensual kiss. As we kissed, he picked up his thrusting once more, but this time he delivered soft and careful thrusts. 
“Nothing wrong, love. I just wanna show you I can be gentle too,” he said. 
“I know you can be,” I said.
We end our fucking and transitioned into love making. When Charlie was close, he nestled his head into the nook of my neck. I felt his heavy breathing, his chest pressed against my breasts, my arms wrapped around him. His body tensed up and he released a deep masculine moan as he coated my walls. The sound he made was so sexy and I clenched around his member tighter in response to it. I clung to his frame, not wanting this moment to end. But once he was finished he pulled out from me and then helped me up from the sheet. 
“Would you like to take a shower?” he asked, lifting my arms up and inspecting me. 
I glanced down at my body, I’m a mess of smeared paint and sweat. 
“Yes, I think that would be wonderful,” I said, smiling. 
He took me back inside his flat and showed me the bathroom. I jumped inside the stall and early scrubbed off the paint and grim that had formed upon my skin. When I stepped out I saw that Charlie had placed a cotton towel and my clothes on the edge of the sink. I’m touched by such a simple gesture. He had seemed so angry and uncaring when he was teaching the art class. But then I recalled him saying he didn’t care for people. I supposed he was not happy because he was forced to be there and he was just taking it out on the students. 
After getting dressed, I made my way back out to the living room and found Charlie on the couch. His arms were stretched out on the back of the couch and his eyes were closed. I smiled thinking that I had taken a lot out of him. He appeared clean. He must have had another bathroom and had taken a shower as well. He had been just as badly smeared in paint too. I walked over to the couch and I sat down next to him. He opened his eyes and moved forward to wrap me in his arms. I willingly snuggled into him, my head resting on his chest. He smells good and his body is firm and warm. 
“If I asked you to come work with me…what would you say?” he said. 
“I would ask why would you want me to work with you?” I said, keeping my head on his chest.
“I told you, love. You have talent. I can pay you too,” he said, stroking my hair. 
I took a deep breath and sat up a little to look him in the eyes. 
“Are you being serious? You’re not just high on sex right now?” I asked. 
“I’m dead serious,” he said. 
“I don’t know…I was thinking of just putting aside my dream of becoming an artist,” I said. 
“What? No, I won’t let you. Come on, work with me, eh? You can use the studio as you like. I’ll give you a key. Hell, I don’t even have to be around, you can have creative usage,” he said. 
“I want you around though,” I said.
“You do?”
“Yes, I like you,” I said, smiling.
He smiled and held me tight. 
‘I like you too,” he replied. 
I snuggled in closer and closed my eyes. Looks like my dreams of being an artist were about to come true. But the best part is that I think I found the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. 
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hellhound-whisperer · 3 years
Rumor Mill (Part Two)
Pairing | Dean Winchester x reader eventually
Warnings | Alcohol, I think that’s it…never get in the car with a stranger (even if it is an incredibly hot hunter)
Prompt | “Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you.”
Word count | 2k
A/N | Alright, part two! Let me know what you think…goal is to have part three done to post by Sunday. Hope you all like it :)
Part One
The next time you saw Dean and Sam, it was about two weeks later. They said they were living nearby, but you still weren’t sure you would see either man again. Most hunters passed through, especially ones with a reputation like theirs, with a long history and variety of monsters ganked. Most of your regulars either specialized in killing certain things, like Earl, who only dealt with poltergeists for a reason he hadn’t yet shared, or lived in Omaha or Wichita and only stopped on their way home.
So you were very pleasantly surprised when they walked in this Friday night, and even more surprised you had to quickly turn your head away to hide the smile you found creeping across your face.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Sam start to head to an open table, but Dean walked right up to two open stools to your left. Sam shook his head, but he followed his brother anyway.
“Y/N, hey,” Dean greeted, giving you a smile that would be your undoing if you weren’t a professional. Which you were. Absolutely.
“Dean, Sam, nice to see you boys again. Two beers, one whiskey, a burger and a chicken sandwich?”
“Sweetheart, I think I’m in love. Please.”
Sam chimed in, “Hey, Y/N, please, thanks.” You left to get the beers and whiskey, but you could still hear them. For hunters, they weren’t great whisperers.
“Dude, really? You think you’re the only one to hit on her tonight? Or in the last hour?” Sam’s tone was scolding, but you imagined he was merely teasing his brother.
“Shut up,” was Dean’s only reply.
You brought the drinks to them, and gifted Dean with a wink. You could swear you saw the start of his blushing when you heard your name being called from the other side of the bar.
“Sorry boys, duty calls.” You gave Scotty their food order, and then proceeded to make your rounds around the room, checking on your tables and other bar flies. You kept stealing glances at Dean, thrilled to catch him looking at you a couple of those times. He would avert his gaze every time. but you caught him all the same.
By the time you caught up to them, Scotty had just brought their burgers and given them fresh beers. “It seems I’ve been replaced,” you teased, leaning on the bar to Dean’s left, making sure to give him just the faintest of peeks down your shirt. You hadn’t had this much fun flirting in years!
“No one could ever replace you, Y/N.” Sam snorted, and you caught Dean giving him a glare that could kill. You hung your head and laughed a little yourself. “Good to know, Dean. I know it looks busy, but it’ll thin out pretty soon, if you guys don’t mind hanging around for a bit so we can catch up.” Maybe you only met them one time, but you had a soft spot for the pair already. They were polite but entertaining, and the growing crush you had on Dean was rivaling those girls had in high school. You hoped they were willing to hang around for a bit.
You didn’t give them a chance to answer though, going to make another ring around the room, and collect the checks you’d laid down earlier.
As you made small talk with two locals you’d known your whole life, you picked up on their hushed conversation behind you.
“Dude, I’m tired,” you heard Sam groan.
“Fine, FINE. Here, take Baby home. I’ll take a cab if I have to.” You heard keys hit the counter.
“You know you really don’t have a chance.”
“Whatever, man.”
True to your word, Rumor Mill’s Friday night crowd of farmers and ranchers thinned, leaving you, Dean, Sam, and two groups of locals not ready to call it a night quite yet.
Just as you cracked two beers, you heard Sam call out to you, “Sorry, Y/N, I’m good. I’m calling it a night. Dean here will get the tab.” He stood, slapping his brother on the shoulder. “See you around.”
“Bye Sam, drive safe!” You waved, getting one in return before he headed towards the door.
“And then there was one,” you said coyly, setting one of the beers in front of Dean and taking a long sip of the other.
“Guess so, sweetheart. He did take the car though, which means two things,” he held up two fingers. “One, I’m stranded. And two, I don’t have to be sober. Whiskey please.”
Laughing loudly, you poured him a double. “My treat, for keeping me company. And don’t worry, I’ll get you home, one way or another.” You took another long pull at your beer. You saw one of the two groups hold up their hand for the tab, your lips pulling into a smile. “Be right back, handsome.”
It took three beers and two whiskeys for Dean, and another hour before the only ones left were you, Dean, and Scotty, who was wiping down the last of the tables.
“You can take off when you’re done, even if someone else comes in, it’s too late for dinner,” you told him, drying glasses behind the bar. Scotty eyed Dean, and you were touched at his worry. “He’s fine, I’ll just shoot him if he gets out of line.” Dean looked at you, an actual glimmer of fear in his eyes. You looked pointedly at him, “And don’t you forget it,” you said, nodding to your place behind the bar.
“Call if you need, you know I ain’t far,” Scotty assured, making sure to give Dean the eye on his way back to the kitchen. Scotty wasn’t what you would call intimidating, but it was sweet all the same. Dean held his hands up. “All good, man.”
Laughing, you hollered out goodnight and then turned back to Dean. “Don’t worry, Dean, I know you’re not a monster. I’m not really worried for my safety,” you said, placing your hand on his forearm.
His smile turned a little sad, and he shook his head, downing the rest of his drink. “You closing up then?” he offered.
“Not a chance. Infamous Dean Winchester all to myself, with no one else to distract me? Drink.” You poured him another, grabbing another beer for yourself. He may not need to drive home, but it looked like you would be responsible for the both of you – no way in hell a cab would be available out here this late.
“So, my turn to pick a creature feature?” Dean nodded, waiting for you to name a monster. When the boys seemed hesitant to talk last time, you pulled back, asking if they would do what other hunters did for you – tell you the stories they didn’t mind sharing. You would throw out a generic creature, and they could pick the tale they told, if they had one. Either way, you would buy them dinner and a couple drinks, and maybe they got to remember something that wasn’t so bad. In your experience, most hunters being men, they wanted to make you laugh, which in turn made them laugh, and you got to bring a little levity to their hard lives. You couldn’t hunt the things in the dark, but you wanted to help the ones that did.
“Uh…ever had to kill a clown?”
Dean’s eyes darted back and forth, thinking. “Few times…Oh! Little known fact, Sammy is terrified of clowns. We figured out this guy was using hoodoo to bring kids’ drawings to life at one of those, Plucky Pennywhistle places. You ever heard of ‘em?” You shook your head. “It’s basically a playground for kids, with the ball pit and games and all that crap. Anyway…”
“And when I caught up to Sam, he was covered, and I mean, COVERED in glitter. It was awesome,” Dean smiled brightly, clearly picturing the sight in his mind. You were picturing it yourself, and the idea was making you double over in laughter. As your laughter died down, Dean finished his beer, and you did the same.
“I suppose it’s that time,” you commented, collecting the bottles around you.
“Probably. So uh, that cab…”
You scoffed. “Please, you’re in the middle of Kansas. There’s no cab around now. I’ll drive you home, it’s fine.”
He couldn’t hide his look of disappointment.
“Sorry Dean, you’re not getting lucky tonight. Keep coming back though, and it’s not off the table,” you encouraged, rewarded with his wide smile. He nodded in defeat.
“I respect that. But I don’t want to put you out, I’ll figure out a way back. I’m a big boy, I’ll be alright.” Dean stood.
You placed your hands on your hips, scowling. “Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I still worry about you. Let me take you home.”
He shrugged, “Fine by me, sweetheart. Need any help locking up?”
Shaking your head, you replied, “I got it, I’ll be out in two.” You tossed him the keys from your pocket, taking the one for your bar off the ring. “It’s the pickup out front, get it going and I’ll be right out.”
He left, and you finished up the last of the closing chores. You locked up behind you, and got into the driver’s seat beside Dean.
“Nice truck,” he said, patting the dash. You smiled; you loved your ’94 Chevy Silverado.
“I can’t tell if you’re being serious, but she is. Been mine since high school, she’s my baby,” you shared, catching Dean’s smile at your word choice and winking.
You pulled out of the parking spot, and Dean began to direct you on where to turn.
“Since high school? What’s that, ten years?”
“Stop flirting, Dean. I already like you. And yeah, since high school, or at least right after. Graduation present from my Dad. He raised me since I was in diapers, so I didn’t exactly grow up to be a pageant queen. I fix her up when she needs it, and she keeps rumblin’ on. We have an agreement,” you finished, tapping your fingers on the wheel.
“Turn right up here, we’re almost there.”
You smiled brightly at him. “Trust me, I know it. Yours is a Chevy too, right?”
Shock registered on his face. “I know a little,” you admitted.
“You’re quite a woman, Y/N. Baby is a ’67 Chevy Impala.”
Talking about your cars the rest of the drive, he finally directed you to the path that led to the abandoned warehouse in Lebanon. You pulled up where he directed. “You’re squatting here?”
He chuckled. “Not exactly squatting.”
“Seriously, Dean, this place is like, the ghost story around here. My grandparents used to tell me about this place, strangers coming and going, weird shit happening. I know you’re a hunter, but come on, there’s a motel 15 minutes from here. I can front you…”
He cut you off with a wave of his hand. “Trust me Y/N, it’s not a ghost story. You want to see?”
You hesitated, eyes searching his face. Was this whole good guy thing an act, and this is where he kidnapped and cut you up into tiny pieces?
He must have noticed your pause. “I heard you before, I mean nothing else by it. Just thought you might want to know what all the fuss was about.” Again, his hands went up to show he meant no harm, and you couldn’t lie, being inside the place is a thing of legends where you grew up.
“Alright, but just so you know, I grabbed my gun before I left the bar.”
“You’re a smart chick, I figured you would. Scout’s honor, I’ll just open the door, you take it from there.”
Dean got out of your truck, and you followed, though your hand rested on the handle of your gun tucked into the waist of your jeans. He looked back to you as he unlocked the door, seeing your stance.
“Good girl,” he chuckled, and you suppressed the thrill that phrase coming out of his mouth sent through you. He pushed open the door, and your jaw dropped as you walked in.
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Cursed Blessings - Chpt.2
Pairing: Thomas Jefferson x reader
Warnings: Language, angst, suggestive material, misunderstandings and bad researched background of job titles.
Chpt. 1 ~ Chpt.3
Wow, I don't like how I wrote this part at all. But bare with me, I swear we’re getting somewhere...eventually. The plot line is there, it’s just...coming together slowly. I hope yall will continue to read this series, if you could call it that? So yeah, I apologize for the rusty chapter. Lemme know if you want to be tagged. Enjoy!
Three years later
Flying made him nervous. It was just a big box floating in the air, and it was unsettling to think there was nothing but clouds around him. 
The stewardess was shooting him concerning looks as Thomas kept ordering alcohol. He doesn’t blame her, but it wasn’t like he was going to become a loose drunk, especially not when he’s so anxious to get on the ground. 
New York was not his favorite place to be, especially not in the winter. Bustling traffic, tourists looking for a white Christmas, and Thomas was just trying to keep this branch under control. Washington said that they were still new, that the office needed someone who was ‘experienced.’ 
As if the years of keeping his office door shut, retorting quickly, and even making an employee cry was considered “experienced.”
Maybe he’s been a little more preoccupied with work than usual, but it’s been busy. There was a lot to do, always time to work. Call him a workaholic, but you could never call him lazy. Thomas was productive when it came to his job, never one to let anyone else step over how much dedication he put into his work. 
But this is where he’d stay for now at least. His temporary penthouse was near a bar and a coffee shop, which he figured he would be spending a lot of time at both. As soon as he landed, he got a cab and moved his stuff in. Two hours later after a visit to the store, he was on the couch in his pajamas, eating and watching terrible tv dramas. 
And that was pretty much the next two days. New York was just like any other city he’s visited, it was nothing special. He was perfectly fine with lounging around until he needed to go in for work. 
That was until he ran out of his basic necessities, and was forced to throw on pants to go outside. There wasn’t a supermarket far from his place, and given it was late on a Sunday night, it was pretty quiet. 
Thomas roamed the aisles slowly, and thought about how exhausting the next couple of months were going to be. He wasn’t one to volunteer to practically train an entire office floor, neither was he sure that he could do it patiently. Hence he had an enclosed office back in Virginia where he could keep to himself. If the workers back home could barely do their job, surely these people couldn’t either.
Lost in his thoughts, he turned the corner and almost knocked over a small child. His hand automatically reached out to stop her from falling. But she just looked up at him with wide eyes and smiled as if he didn’t almost run her over. Thomas was about to walk around, but she held her hand up, showing off a small rocket.
Thomas slowly took the toy from her, gesturing towards it and shrugging. “Very nice.”
She grinned at his approval, and Thomas didn’t even know if she could understand him. 
There was a loud shout behind him, and before he could turn around-
“Sorry, she just got out of my sight for a second.”
Well, Thomas could recognize that voice anywhere.
Y/N still looked the same, but her hair was a bit shorter now. Those sharp eyes always made him catch his breath. But how she looked at him now, Thomas didn’t know what to think.
They just stared at each other for what felt like hours. He didn’t mind it, because he didn’t know what he was going to say if he pulled his eyes away. However, there was some babbling and then something hit his leg. Thomas completely forgot about the toddler at his feet.
“Sorry,” Y/N walked around him and picked her up. And he could see it now.
The matching eyes, except hers were much brighter. They have the same mole just below their jaw, and their noses have the same little curve. 
And how could he miss those curls?
His heart caught in his throat.
“She’s pretty fast...I can’t keep up with her sometimes,” Y/N sighs as she avoids his eyes.
“It’s fine…” Thomas can’t take his eyes off her.
“You’re staring?”
He blinked and looked between the two. Clearing his throat, he couldn’t help but point out the obvious. “You have a daughter.”
Perhaps he said it too excitedly, but Y/N looked almost sad. Like she didn’t have a gift, that they didn’t have a gift. Something Thomas only dreamed about when they were together.
“I do...” Y/N brushed her daughter’s hair back. It looked so domestic, so loving, Thomas almost reached out and did the same. 
“What...uh, what’s her nam-”
“Thomas, why are you in New York?” 
Right, Thomas wasn’t supposed to be here. He wasn’t supposed to be going to this branch, he wasn’t supposed to fly in on a Friday and he wasn’t supposed to be at the store right now. He shouldn’t be so giddy about this discovery.
“For work. I, uh, I have to visit a new branch in the city tomorrow.” 
She nodded slowly, almost as if she was trying to sense if he was telling the truth. 
“What about you? What are you doing here?”
“I live here.” 
That was understandable; it’s a big city, he knew that she had some friends from college living in the city. Thomas also knew why she would want to get out of Virginia, out of the town. 
“I’m sorry?”
“Her name...it’s Cora,” Y/N didn’t look at him, instead looking at her daughter like she was the entire world. She now had her head tucked into Y/N’s neck and staring at him with tired eyes.
As Thomas repeated her name, the air seemed to thicken with tension. He had so many questions, he just wanted to know what Y/N was up to now, how this happened, when it happened? But he couldn’t ask in the middle of an aisle at the store. 
“Do you think we could sit down somewhere? Maybe grab a coffee or something?”
“I, uh...I don’t think that’s a good idea, Thomas.” Her grip tightened on her shopping basket as her eyes grew wide.
“Wait, Y/N, please-”
“I gotta go.” And just like that, Thomas lost her again. The only thing remaining was the toy rocket in his hand.
“You’re back! You won’t believe the shit I just heard.”
Y/N put Cora down and watched her waddle towards the kitchen. She had been crying the whole car ride home; after an entire car search, Y/N couldn’t find her toy and she wasn’t going to go back to the store to see if she left it.
Y/N couldn’t let herself do that.
“Yeah, well you won’t believe what just happened either.”
Closing the door, she followed her daughter inside and set the bags down. She walked in to see her sitting on the counter, a popsicle already in her hand.
“Dude, seriously?” Y/N put a hand to her hip. “I was just about to start dinner.”
“Relax, she’s fine.” A hand swept through her hair as Y/N tried to stop the sticky mess running down Cora’s arm. “As I was saying, do you believe some stuck up southerner is going to sit in as management tomorrow? You believe that? As if he can waltz right in and make some changes. Who does he think he is?”
“I think you’re being a bit dramatic,” The amount of stories that Y/N had heard the last months of idiotic lawyers and disobedient clients were a bit overreacted. 
“Believe me, I would never over exaggerate anything when it comes to my job.”
It made Y/N pause, for a second she even thought Cora could understand how ridiculous it sounded.
“Anyways, there is no way that I’m going to sit back and let him take over,” She was sure that her of course you won’t comment was ignored. “But I don’t know how it will affect my schedule.”
“Don’t stress, I’ll find someone to watch Cora when I’m out.” 
“You know I would but-”
“It’s fine, Alexander.”
The man straightened at her tone, but nodded nevertheless. He moved around the counter to the fridge. “So, what was it you were going to say?”
“You won’t believe who I just saw…”
Alexander turned, wide eyed and careful to note her far off look. It could have been a list of people; there had been lots of promising moments ever since Y/N came to New York, lots of friends made, lots of sites seen. However, there were also a lot of complications, lots of threatening emails sent, lots of pressure she was under. 
And as her whole mood seemed to stutter into a daze, Alexander could connect the dots easily. 
After all, it was the same look she had months into her pregnancy. Months after she left. Months after she stopped getting phone calls. Months after she stopped caring about him.
Let me know if you want to be tagged!!!
Jefferson Taglist:  @notebookgirl30 @dontblinkumightmiss @checkurwindow @einfachniemand @astralaffairs @daveeddiggsit @ramp-it-up @ohsoverykeri-blog @i-know-i-can @tinywhim
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shinobirain24 · 3 years
Iceberg Week 2021: Day 2 (July7)- Romeo and Juliet AU Pt. 1
Note: This fanfic is actually going to be a modern version of Romeo and Juliet. Where Weiss is the mafia's daughter and Neptune is the son of a police captain. I know it wasn't the best, but I would like to release it to share with you fellow viewers. Sorry for the late submission. I thought I should cut it into two parts
By wolfstyle2074
"Two Households, both alike and in dignity. When the differences have settled in cold blood. Love cannot be killed. The story of two young lovers seek out a way to escape with their lives when first sight came to light. Between law and crime, it was always conflict, questions of the choices we make in the war of blood..."
"Uh, Ren. Can we repeated that please? The background is getting sizzled?" Nora, a ginger-haired girl holding the camera, then interrupted as Ren, a raven-haired boy is speaking with a microphone in his hands. He is a reporter for a boarding school writing a story about two runaways fighting for their lives. "Um, Nora, are you okay?"
He asked. Seeing Nora wiping the tears off his eyes. Hearing the story kinda got her emotional. "Yeah, I just wished they'd be here to appreciate how you write this story."
"Don't worry, Nora. Neither of them will be forgotten. I am sure they will appreciate what you did to remember them." Ren said. Walking towards Nora and patted her on the head to cheer her up. "Wanna get some ice cream on the way out? I am sure it will make you feels better." Ren asked. Nora then rose her head up from the camera and smiled and nodded to the suggestion. "Yeah, I am sure it's fine. This is our last year in the Academy, sooner or later we will graduate." Nora said.
"You have read my mind, Nora." Ren said walking out together with Nora out of the school building. "Two years, and it was the story that made headlines that involves forbidden love between law and crime."
"Something tells me you will make a great novelist." Nora encouraged. The school bell rings. The one bell that rings from one transition to another, the sound that will haunt the students forever.
-2 years ago-
Captain Saturn Vasilias of the New York Police Force was in his cab to his destination for the assignment he was in. "10-2, we got a cartel in the dust facility, Ever Dust Inc., five males, two females on the road." One line have said from the radio. Saturn then picks up and speaks through the mic. "10-2 unit 6, close all the roads and don't let them escape." Saturn responded.
After driving at full speed, knowing he might have much time to prevent the crime of robbery in the dust facility and caught up with two cargo tricks in front of the entrance. The bombing was non-stop. The Schnee Family were a known crime family that illegally sells dust for weapons, their empire grew large since then. Saturn has been researching about them for years, but none of the family members has been caught. However, one of them, a young woman has been reporting about them and giving them tips since then, our of fear for the safety of her younger younger siblings, and would suffer the same fate. The woman then became an undercover informant.
Saturn then got off his cab, and takes out a megaphone as he spoke to an old man, who is in his 50s or 60s, wearing a casual suit, which is the sign of him being a ringleader of the cartel. "Jacques Schnee, you are under arrest for the robbery and numerous murders!" Saturn announced.
"Your father before you was a fool to think you could win this round!" Jacques retorts after ordering his men to raise their guns and pointed at him. "You never learn, haven't you, cold-blooded man?!"
Saturn's son, Jupiter has been behind his father this whole time and also pointed his sniper gun at him, mostly the main boss are the main targets. "Jupiter, you cannot draw weapons at him, you'll be charged with firearms! And you don't have a permit for that!" Saturn scolded him. "Relax, dad. Mom taught me a lot. Plus, this is the first time we have a father-son day in your fight." Jupiter remarks. But Saturn wasn't pleased. "Get ready, old man! Either you and your buddies come quietly and peacefully, or you'll regret it!" Jupiter warned.
"Peace? Peace is the very word I hate, as I hate all Vasilias'! Come at me then! Winter!" Jacques stated as he gave a hand signal to his men for gunfire. And called out his daughter, Winter to lead the gunfire. She came out and gave a signal to fire. Saturn and Jupiter hid behind the left side of the cab as the bullets created holes from a right side of the door. Jupiter then came out of hiding and shot back.
Jacques hid in his cargo for his own safety. And Saturn shots back at his arch-enemy. "Blasted Schnees, they don't know when to quit." Jupiter scoffed. Kept firing one after the other. Later, after a scuffle, Jacques got away in his own cargo. But the rest of his men have been caught, and some of the stolen dust has been recovered, but the rest were stolen.
Lydia, Saturn's wife, and Jupiter's mother, and a lawyer, cleaned some of the wounds they received from gunshots. Luckily they survived. But knowing her, she feared for her family's wellbeing and would scold them for getting too reckless. "Honestly, Saturn. You have enough damages for one day! And you, Jupiter, try not to get in the way for your father's patrol the next time."
"Sorry, Mom." Said Jupiter, crossing his arms.
"Sorry, honey. I'll make it up to you by making dinner tonight." He winces a little as Lydia puts rubbing alcohol on his bleeding shoulder. "Ah!" He hissed. "I am just glad Neptune wasn't here to witness this, it would've been traumatizing for him. Knowing how sensitive he was."
"I hope so too. Good thing our dear boy is at home minding his business." Lydia breathes in relief to know that her son is safe at home, or so she thought.
Later that afternoon, Neptune is in his bedroom doing his homework. Having headphones covering his ears with the music in his head. Then a knock on his window. It was a blonde-haired young man his age. Neptune then hears the knock and walks over to the window for a greeting. And opens the window. "Dude!" Neptune greets, and Sun jumps into the bedroom and gave him a handshake. "It's been a while."
"How've you been?" Asked Neptune. Sun then break away and gave him some stolen IDs with photos of him and Neptune. With different names that were related to crime empires. For Neptune, it's Kaman Aquors, and for Sun, it's Solar Reign. "What's with the fake IDs?" Asked Neptune. Sun smirked proudly as he thought of a great idea, or in Neptune's case, a bad idea. "Duh, I heard the Schnees are having a secret meeting for an auction. Where the stinking rich gathered around to buy stolen dust."
"Dude, no. I said it once, and I will say it again. No way. I cannot sneak out there and go to this auction. Dad will worry, and Mom, she'll be grounding me for a year if I ever go. I don't like how things were going as much as you do, but this is a bad idea." Neptune objects.
"Come on, Dude think of it as an undercover assignment. Think about it, once we have evidence to where Jacques Schnee is hiding, it will be the end of his empire. And plus, your dad will be so psyched, he will wanna make you part of his squad." Neptune then thought about it, his father has been stressing out for years fighting against the Schnees for their dangerous methods of running the business.
It worried him one bit as he saw his father feeling fatigued, coming home with wounds. Neptune then proceeds to think about the idea. Although it might get them into trouble, but it would give them the advantage for him to finally convince Saturn to rest up a bit. Neptune has no other choice but to accept the invitation. "Alright, if we're going to do this, we need a disguise. Knowing the Schnees, they would probably be after my family for being law enforcement."
"Alright! I knew you come around!" They high-fived. Later, Lydia came into her son's bedroom with dinner on the tray. "Sweetie, sorry your father and I are-Ah!" Lydia dropped her tray and it scattered into bits of vegetables and sushi. And saw that her son is gone and the window opened. "Oh my god! Saturn, he ran out again!" This is not the first time her sons have snuck out the bedroom window.
Weiss, the heiress to the Schnee has arrived to her room to get ready to meet her mother. Since she came back from a business trip. "More tea, Miss Schnee?" Asked her butler, Klein who have been close to her since she was young. The only family member she had been interacting with is with her elder sister. "Your sister had returned from her business trip."
"Thank you Klein. You know, it's funny. Living in a private island with no one but your family. This is absolutely isolation for the matter. Father had some shady dealings. Mother appoints lawyers in cases of my father on trial. While my brother wasn't around, just with my father. "Well, it's natural to be alone sometimes, my dear. But at the same time, it wasn't okay. Hopefully your mother will get the time off and you can have a bond with her."
"Good idea. But in the meantime, I have to think about what to do for the rest of the day." Then Weiss hears footsteps. It was her elder sister, Winter. The main heir to the Schnee Mafia. Although neither of the sisters agree to this. They acted like they were used to this. Winter came back in a sweet after finishing tipping off the police. Without their father knowing it. "One more thing there and done." Winter sighs in relief.
Weiss is happy to see her sister appear in her room. "Winter!" Said Weiss. As she ran and embrace her sister once more. "How are you today my sister?" Winter said. Weiss broke away. "Not so bad." Weiss replied. "Welcome home, Miss Schnee. How are your shifts with your father?" Klein curtsied. But Winter said, "Klein, there's no need for you to address me. But it's good to see you too." Winter assured. Winter hates the life she is living right now and wants her father out of the picture to provide the freedom for her siblings.
"Did you know that Mother will be arriving soon?" Asked Weiss. But Winter was adamant and never wants to speak about their mother. But reluctantly, she had to keep her sister at Bay to not be down on suspicion. "Yes, I have heard. But for who knows how long." Winter responded. But their mother appeared before her. "I am right here you know." Sighed their mother.
"An evening with you, Mother." Sighed their mother, Willow. Willow walks over to Weiss, who she has been expecting to appear before her. With Winter ignored a bit. But to her relief. "To what will do I owe you, Mother?" Asked Weiss.
"I age forgotten that you are reaching adulthood at this time, darling." Said Willow. "Still, you look very lovely."
"Ah, yes. Weiss has been growing up with her studies and was ready to apply for a university at this age. But at the same time, she-"
"I know this is too much to ask, Weiss. But have you ever thought of marriage?" Weiss was a bit stunned for a moment. Never she thought her parents would ask of this. But was aware her mother had been arranged to marry her father at Weiss' age. "Not exactly, Mother. I haven't thought of that. Anything you want to add?"
"Oh, for goodness sake, Mother. Marriage? I thought we were over this. Weiss is young and you can't just arrange someone to marry her. That's objectifying her." Winter argued in her sister's defense. Knowing that it was a ludicrous solution.
"Your father has been running out of men for the run-ins at some point. Therefore we need to combine our empires. And your father has already picked out the best suitor for your sister." Willow argued back. And Winter can tell in the eyes of her mother that she is just too much into pleasing her husband. "The auctions start tomorrow and the selection, Henry Marigold will be there to seek her out. His father will be the solution to our problems." Said Willow.
"Um, Mother. I don't know about this. Maybe Winter is right. Never met him. And he probably won't like me anyway." Weiss took Winter's side, unsure if she should take the opportunity of pleasing, or the opportunity of arrangement. But then again, she has not seen either of her parents, or her younger brother. "I have not yet met this person. But since this might be the option to get out the manor, even for a moment. This might be her chance. "If it means it will help our family, then I will see to it. Give me time to get to know this person." Weiss said. And Willow clasped her hands in joy. "Splendid, starting tomorrow, we will get you ready." Willow gestures Klein to follow, leaving Weiss and Winter alone in the same room. Winter shook her head in disapproval.
"Weiss are you sure about this. Think about it. You can't have this. What about your dreams of university? You can't throw that away. What if this person was a tyrant?" Winter asked, unsure how is her sister going to deal with this. Normally Winter would defend her to keep her out of harm's way. Informing police in secret in hopes she would put her father in jail. But the thought of her sister in exploitation is the horror she wished she wouldn't have to hear. If two empires merged by union would mean bigger chaos with crime all over. And it would lead to square one. Another thing she has to report.
"I don't know, but no matter what, I'll have to keep and eye on things, just to be safe." Said Winter, this could be a chance to expose some darker secrets.
Neptune and Sun have entered the auction without fail. Using the fake IDs with the names of the previous rich men Sun had stolen from before he arrived in New York. Wearing tuxes and mask to keep themselves covered. To not blow their cover.
The private island of Schnee was no problem to find. Since Neptune had been hacking in computers all his life, he has no issue to find the transmission networks of the island. Most of the time the wealth has been building private islands for isolated reasons, and they have the most secured equipment. "Must've taken a lot of money to build this place." Said Sun.
Neptune looks around while seeing people in dresses and tuxes, masks and jewelry. Chandeliers hanging from the ceilings. Portraits of Jacques in a series of timelines. What a show-off. Only a few portraits of him and his family. Tables with such beautiful silver cloths. "Tell me about it, sooner we take the photos, the sooner we get out of here. Here, every day the auctions were illegally run by the Schnee Mafia. Empires gathered to buy the most expensive loads of dust and weaponry." Neptune replied.
"I'll see if they got any contracts that are related to this. We need a list of surnames just to be sure." Said Sun. Neptune nods, "Good idea, I'll talk to some guests, see what they know. I'll also record anything on the way." Suggested Neptune. Sun then pats him on the shoulder for some luck for him. And left his side to go upstairs. Neptune came to look around for some whispering crowds. But someone who came across him when his eyes got caught, distracting him.
A young, white-haired woman his age wearing a dark blue dress, and silver necklace. A mask matching her dress with teal gems attached. The woman looked at him and gave him a smile. Neptune cannot make out for what he was feeling, as if a fever began to make his heart pound in his chest. But then the gaze was interrupted when a dark blue-haired young man, whose hair was combed to the side approached her before him. "Are you Weiss, how do you do?" Asked the man.
"Henry Marigold, I presumed?" Weiss asked. Henry then smiled and lend her his hand. "Indeed I am, I hope you can do me the offer in this dance."
"Of course." Sighed Weiss. Neptune is left disappointed at he was beaten to it. But decides to wait for the right moment to see what Weiss knows about the empire. While Weiss wants this to end, growing exhausted that Henry talks about himself and never asked Weiss of what she likes, or what hobbies. Finally, she has enough, and Weiss excused herself for some fresh air. Neptune takes this chance to approach her. "Evening Miss. How is tonight?" Asked Neptune.
Weiss rolled her eyes and thought she was about to get a round of boredom. Things did not go as planned. "Terrible, I thought tonight would go so well, but I felt like nothing, as if everything died down a bit." Weiss replied. Then Neptune offers her his hand. Weiss looks a bit surprised. "I hope you don't mind if I offer you this dance. If that's okay with you?" Neptune asked. He was a terrible dancer, if he can mimic the moves by watching the crowd of dancers, then he could pull this off. Weiss is a bit shocked, but felt flattered that a man asked if she would like to dance. His eyes captivated her in his gaze. The charming smile he drew on his face.
"Actually, I would love that." Weiss replies and takes his hand, and was pulled into the dancefloor. Trying his best to watch his steps while seeing how the others dance their hearts out. Weiss then gazed into his eyes. Meanwhile, a security guard whispered into Weiss' younger brother, Whitley's ear, and was shocked to see who was on the dancefloor with his older sister. "There's a dog scorching on the House of Schnee? No, absolutely not. By the length and honor of my kin, I shall take this by my own hand." Whitley was about to make a scene to expose Neptune, until he was stopped by his father. "Ah, son! It's a pleasure to see you're enjoying this party!"
"Father, don't you see who that was? That commoner is nothing more than that son of the cop who's been chasing you for years." Whispered Whitley. But Jacques refrains him from taking action. "Look as long as we don't create a scene. If we have blood drenched on our hands, we would be hunted down by his father. So just do me a favor and keep it down. I'll sent someone to take care of him by the morning." Said Jacques, then Whitley unwillingly complied and left without a word, defeated. But not before giving Neptune (who did not notice and whispers into Weiss' ear, as she giggles) a dirty look and then turned his head and went to his bedroom.
Then Weiss is escorted into the courtyard by Neptune to have a moment alone with him. "So, you don't see much of what went all in those kind of parties?" Asked Neptune as he sat near the fountain near Weiss. "Most of the time, I would stay in my mansion, the only times I went outside the island is when I have classes to attend. I always dreamed of going to university. But with my parents having different plans for me, I am not sure if that's happening any time soon."
"Really? I always wanted to study at a university too. When I was a kid, I always wanted to study in NYU." Neptune blushed as he looked at her once more. The more they chat, the more enchanting the night has become. Neptune seemed to forget for why he was here. Something about the girl he was staring at seemed familiar to him, but this is the first time they have met. "The last thing I wanted was a life of success and a bit of freedom, even if that freedom cannot last. I never saw my parents often, nor my brother when they're busy on the line of work. Surely I knew those kind of things were illegal. But how am I supposed to argue with that? Of course, I wasn't allow off this island to know more." Weiss sighs.
"I'm sorry, I guess it wasn't fair that you've been living here all your life. But hey, look on the bright side. How was this night now?" Asked Neptune. Weiss then blushed and giggled. "I guess it's okay, for now. Maybe tonight wasn't so bad when you came along. Something tells me you weren't from around here." Weiss questioned. Not sure if it's another one of those suitors her father had sent, but she didn't mind since he seemed to approach her sincerely.
"Oh, yeah. I was sent here. Just for inspection. It was getting boring to me, but meeting you, it got less boring." Neptune replied. Soon, neither of them realized they are getting closer and drew their faces nearer, and their lips touched to one another. Weiss caressed his cheek as they have kissed for a few minutes. It was like fireworks exploded in their hearts. But it was interrupted when Winter showed up in front of him. "Sister, what was the meaning of this?!" Confronted Winter.
Weiss and Neptune broke away. Weiss tried to find a way to make excuses. Although Winter does not mind letting her sister having a great time. But at the same time, she knew she have to pull her away to not let her face her father's wrath. "Come, Father is expecting you." Winter grabs her hand and pulls her away. Neptune follows and saw that Winter has escorted Weiss to her father, his father's arch-enemy, Jacques Schnee. Winter then whispers something to her ear. "I must warn you, his name is Neptune, and he is a Vasilias." Weiss is in shock and looks at Neptune with despair. Feeling she was tricked by a boy who enchanted her in this party. At least Winter did not tell her father about the kiss. Neptune was about to leave, but not before seeing Weiss smiling at him, a sign that they will meet again. Neptune still couldn't believe she was a Schnee, but he was happy to have met her. Sun then approaches him. "Hey man, where have you been?"
"Um..." Before Neptune can say anything, Sun smirked at the side of him he has been seeing. He could tell Neptune has been lovestruck. "Oh, I see what was going on here." He sang. "You've been infatuated." Neptune jolts at the state of blushing. Then waved his hand in defense. "No no no! That can't be true! I was just lost that's all."
"Really, I won't tell your dad. Just tell me about that girl you've been swooning with." Sun asked. Neptune wasn't sure how to describe to him. He would be a bit shocked to find out it was a Schnee he was dancing with. "How am I going to put with this. Okay, just keep calm when I say this. But the girl I was dancing with, she was a Schnee." Sun's eyes have bungled at a state of shock. Then shook his head and tries to set the record straight. "Dude, she is way out of your league, did you forget that her dad is a criminal, deadly mastermind?" Sun reminds him, but Neptune huffed in response. But manages to change the subject. "Dude, let's just get back to that later, right now we have to get out of here. Trying to get answers from her and she never knew much. But you can tell she has been living on this island too much. And her dad would've probably sent the guards by morning.
"Fine, you and I need a serious talk when we head back to New York." Sun sighs. One night, they were hiding somewhere in the jungle where the manor took place. Even if the trees are fake. Neptune then snuck into the gardens of the Schnee Manor to see Weiss standing on the balcony of her room. "The glimpse of her in front of the moon can't be more beautiful than the moon at sight. Her eyes matches the icy waters. And Weiss is the moon in the sight of my eyes."
"Oh Neptune, Neptune..." Weiss said as she thought of that name after the party after it grew quiet as the guests left. "She speaks." He said quietly. "Wherefore art thou my Neptune? Deny my father and refuse my name. For what is a name if thou wilt be? But be sworn my love and I won't be a Schnee."
"I defy my name too!" Neptune shouted as Weiss jolted in shock to see him below the balcony. "Goodness!" Weiss gasped in shock. She never expected him to meet her again. But worries what her father will do. "Neptune, what are you doing here? If Father finds out you're still here, he will kill you." Weiss whispered in a harsh tone. But Neptune uses a pillar to climb onto the balcony to speak with her.
"I know, but as a son of a cop. Unlike your father, my dad is more of an overprotective type. I knew you are form this family. But it doesn't matter, I just want to get to know you more. Therefore I also defy my name and would be preferred to be called by my first name." Neptune explains.
"For years both the Schnee and the Vasilias have been at war with one another and they were still at war now. It came to the point where I knew I cannot see you. But I want to know you as well. My father has been committing crimes I wished I should've stopped. There was nothing I can do. It was a never-ending bloodshed." Weiss adds, turning away for a bit. As Neptune listens.
"Last thing I wanted was this war to end. Although you are a Schnee, I don't see you as one, just a woman with culture and personality." He then lift her chin, gently as he follows. "So, maybe we can meet in New York, I know I can't stay here and get caught. I can take you anywhere you want. Just say the word and I'll do it."
"I would love that. But knowing my father, I will always get surrounded by security. Or in some cases, my sister, since she was older than me."
"Maybe I can come up with the sneakiest plan for us to escape security and we can hang out a bit more. Without both our parents' knowing." Neptune suggested.
Weiss has been thinking about it, she cannot stand being in the crowd of security. She knew her parents would forbid her from seeing him because he has Vasilias blood in his veins. But there was a side of him no one has ever seen. "Perhaps I will think about it. see if we can meet. I will give word to my sister. After all, maybe she can help with that." Said Weiss. Knowing her sister will be staying for a few weeks. Neptune then smiled as a response as they leaned in closer and kissed again. "Weiss! Where are you?!" Winter called. Once again, they break away from each other and Weiss knew she has to get back inside. "Coming, Winter!" Weiss called back. Then push Neptune away to get him to hide. "Quick, hide! Before security comes!" Weiss urges him until he fell off the balcony and landed on the bushes in the garden. "I'm okay!" Said Neptune.
The next day, Neptune returned home, only to find his parents waiting for him in the living room of his house. "Where have you've been, Neptune?! Do you have any idea how worried sick your mother has been?!" Scolded Saturn, he was not one to be harsh on his children, but never took his youngest for being a rebellious type. "Oh, hey dad. Sorry I am late, I was just out for a walk..." He said, nervously. But Saturn was a bit suspicious. "The thing is, I got bored and I couldn't help but feel a bit dizzy in my own home and thought I could get some fresh air. I didn't realized it was late and my phone has died." Neptune lied.
Saturn then approaches his son. And then places his hand on hos father's shoulder and sighs. "I am sorry, son. It wasn't fair for you to be kept in the house all day. We are worried for you, that's all." Saturn apologized.
"Are you sure you're not lying, bro?" Asked Jupiter, suspicious about his brother's whereabouts before he came back. He saw red in his face. It was a sign he was lying at some point. The last time Jupiter snuck out, his little brother was too honest enough to snitch on his brother.
"Just don't do it again. Next time just tell us, okay sweetie?" Asked Lydia. They were just going to let this slide and let this go, being the caring parents they are. Lydia then walks over to her husband and son and embraced them. Jupiter decides to let this go this time. But thought that the next time Neptune snuck out, he would have to follow him to see what he was doing.
On the weekdays, Weiss and Neptune would have to escape security with the excuses of school activities after school. Only to sneak out of the school building and go on dates. First, Neptune has been taking her out to the movies on her request. Seeing a romantic movie about Titanic. How an upper-class woman has been forced into an arranged marriage, only to fall in love with a lower-class man who saw her as a person.
"Even with those differences, they found each other." Weiss teared up as she saw the ending as the love of the main protagonist's life has died from hyperthermia. Neptune wrapped his arms around her to comfort her. Weiss felt better after the ending. Unbeknownst to them, a curious ginger-haired girl takes a picture without a flash of light. They heard a click, but saw nothing as the young photographer hid from them.
Another day past and they were at a mall. But wrong move, Jacques' security team arrived to search for Weiss, but they hid in another shopping center, where they bribed the manager to help them escape. After they exit the building using an emergency exit, Neptune and Weiss laughed a bit. Thinking how awkward this say went.
The next day, they were at a park while avoiding some eyes that might see them. Suddenly, some classmates they never recognized in their school approached them and asked them to take a photo for the school yearbook. "Can we take a photo of you guys?" Asked a raven-haired boy. They gladly accepted and Weiss and Neptune posed together. Not thinking twice before, cause they were having too much of a great time. Then Neptune spotted his brother looking for him. He then yanks Weiss with him and ran off before Jupiter could see them.
The next date, Neptune has to sneak out of his house. But not before his older brother notice and decides to follow him. Neptune has taken Weiss to a cafe, where she can try some latte, something her father would not allow her too. "I don't know, I wasn't allow to have some caffeine." Weiss said with hesitance. But Neptune insisted to make her feel good about being outside of the island and some relief from isolation. "Come on, one taste cannot hurt."
Weiss took one sip of the straw and felt the flavors on her tongue. And felt the cool but tasty features of the latte. "Oh, that was blistering, but sweet. What else can you show me? I cannot believe we hadn't been caught yet." Weiss giggled.
"I cannot believe it either." That is, until a voice interrupted them. "A-ha! I knew you were lying this whole time, Neptune." They then turned to see Jupiter standing before them. He is not happy to see him with Weiss, knowing she was a Schnee and he hates the family that committed the crimes against his. And seeing him with the daughter of the Schnee family made him furious. "Neptune, who is this? He looks like my sister's age." Asked Weiss as Neptune stood in front of Weiss to prevent Jupiter form doing anything to her. As he approaches his brother. "What were you thinking, she is a Schnee for crying out loud! Her family are criminals and they hunted down our family for years!" Jupiter shouted as they crowd from different tables are watching. "Jupiter, I can explain!" Neptune defended. But Jupiter grabs his wrist, tightly. "Home, now." Jupiter hissed.
"Gee, do you have to be this scary?" Neptune flinched. Then Jupiter turned to Weiss in pure anger. "And you, tell your sister to meet me in Times Square. And stay away from my brother, or else..." Weiss looked at him in shock as his face grew a bit frightening. Neptune then looked at her with sadness. "I'm sorry, Weiss." Neptune apologized, before being dragged away from her and then back home. At least Jupiter is not going to tell their parents about the relationship. But decided to keep Neptune watched 24/7. To not let the daughter of the criminals see him again, fearing she will use him for their father's information.
After two weeks, Neptune received a text from Weiss. Telling him they need to talk and to meet him at Central Park. Neptune manages to block the cameras hidden beneath the walls meant to keep an eye on him. Jupiter has no idea what hit him. Then jumps out of the window again. Ran in to Weiss at the Central Park.
"Hey, Snow Angel. What's up?" Before Neptune can ask a bit more. Weiss started to tear up. "I'm sorry, I cannot see you anymore, Neptune." Weiss wipes her tears from her eyes. "It was a mistake, I never should've met you." Neptune is appalled to hear that she won't be seeing him anymore as he thought he did something wrong to make things worse. "What do you mean, did I do something wrong. Please, Weiss. I want to know what I did wrong." Neptune pleaded, wanting to comfort her and console her. As he gets closer to her, she pushes him away.
"The truth is, I am getting married." Neptune thought his ears were playing tricks when Weiss mentions she was getting married. "My father planned this from the start, he knew you were at the party that night. And the fact that you were the son of a cop, he was furious. He told me he knew about our dates. And if I don't go with the plan of marrying the son of another mafia, he would kill your father and you." Weiss explains. Neptune is shocked. He never knew her father would gone too far.
"Weiss." Neptune then wrapped her arms around her. But Weiss wants to protest this. But her feelings of warmth from him are too strong and she allows herself to, as if it were the last time before she meets her fate. "I'm sorry, I am sure that we cannot see each other again. But it was for the best if you're alive and your family as well. I think this is goodbye, Neptune." Weiss then turns away and walks away to depart from him.
But Neptune did not just stand there and watch, instead he stopped her and she turned back to look at him. "Neptune, I told you. We're different. I am the criminal's daughter, and your the son of the police captain. We're just not meant to be. I enjoyed these times together."
Neptune did not take these words to heart as he then decides to defy the opposites. He then brings out a small box wrapped in a ribbon. "Weiss, I don't care about any of that. Like I said, I defy my name and renounce the name of Vasilias. Just like you said, you also defied the name of Schnee. Therefore for me, you're just Weiss. And I won't define you by name. And I won't be preferred by the name Vasilias. I am Neptune, and only Neptune."
"Neptune. Somehow you managed to convince me. And for some reason, I have no regrets meeting you. The stars, the ocean, and the night sky, it will always remind me of the night we met. I also dreamed not only for university, but to also see you there. Where we can be free of our differences."
Weiss then looks up in the night sky and Neptune turned to the gift box. It was the perfect place for the right moment. Even if it is too early. His family will not like this, and her family will not like this either. But now would be a matter of time to ask her something. In hopes to free her from the Mafia life under her father's rule. "Weiss, I know we have met for a couple of days and months, but I was hoping I will ask you this."
Weiss then turned to Neptune who had knelt down and he opened the box to reveal a golden ring. Not expensive, but it was enough for Weiss to know the love he has for her. The real love she has wanted for a long time. "Neptune, you know we can't."
"I know, but I want to be the one to make you happy. If you let me, I'll try my best to give what I can give you. I will free you from this, and when we run, and cut ties with our families completely, this way, you can settle. Weiss Schnee, will you marry me, and join me in the flow of time?" Neptune's eye sparkled. Weiss can never be happier than before, as she wrapped her arms around him as he slips the ring in her finger. The least they have to do is survive their family feuds.
The next afternoon, Winter and Jupiter are in a middle of a gun showdown as they came into a Mexican stand-off. "This time we will settle this once and for all, Schnee." Jupiter then cocks his rifle as he was the master marksman. But Winter has ready her gun after filling her bullets with her pistol. "You should appreciate when I became an informant for your father. I just want this war to end as much as you do."
"But not with you. These past few years were a streak of humiliation. Your father will not get away any longer without his secret weapon, mainly you. How does my father tolerate you this easily?" Jupiter snared. Glaring at her with such hatred. "Stop!" Then Neptune came in between them. "What are you doing, little bro?! Get out of the way!"
Neptune then turned to Jupiter. "No, bro! Let me handle this!" Then he turned to Winter. "I'm sorry my brother has been causing trouble for you! But for min and Weiss' sake, stand down!" Pleaded Neptune. Jupiter refuses to go down without a fight. And starts firing the gun, then Winter got behind the rails and shots back while Neptune and Jupiter also hid. "Sorry, Neptune, but this war has to come to an end."
Winter did not waste time to fire back. Jupiter then emerges and shots back. Neptune then fights back by tugging onto Jupiter's gun. "Let go of the gun, Neptune!" Jupiter yelled. "I'm doing this for the good of the family!"
"Good by foot!" Neptune retorted. Winter then lowers her weapon as she was about to say something. "Don't you realized this war has gone too far?! You and Winter have the power to stop this! If not for Dad, do it for me!" Pleaded Neptune as they kept fighting over the gun. Finally, Jupiter knocks out Neptune. Both are once again in position.
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luna-eclipse2000 · 4 years
How I met your mother Armin x reader, modern AU
*Based off an episode of Criminal Minds where Spencer Reid has to have a normal conversation with someone, causing him to meet a girl in a park
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Armin POV
“Daddy!” I hear my children call out to me as they run into my office. I put my pen down and swivel in my seat onto have two blond heads of hair jump up, and sit on my lap. “Ok, ok!” I say with a laugh. “Did you make mommy mad?”
“No.” (s/n) says with a shake of his head, causing his hair to move across his forehead. He looks exactly like me from when I was a child, and (s/n) has her mother’s (e/c) eyes. “But we wanna know how you met her!” (d/n) tells me. “You want to know how we met?” I ask surprised. “You won’t find it yucky?”
“Nuh-uh!” They respond in unison. “Alright, but I’m holding your word to it.” I tells them.
“Armin,” My best friend, Eren, says my name from my doorway. “Do you want to come to the lakeshore with Mikasa and I?
“I have to study for my European geography test.” I answer him from my desk, slumped over my review sheets. “Yeesh, dude. There’s so many mugs in this room, we might get a weather network coming to take a reading soon.” Eren says as he looks around my room.
I have sticky notes of various colours and sizes absolutely everywhere, text books piled high, and over five mugs of coffee- some hot, some cold, and some finished. Mikasa, Eren and I are roommates for college, deciding that renting an apartment would be better for us than on-campus residence.
“Alright, buddy.” Eren says as I hear him enter my room. “C’mon, let’s go.” I feel him start to wheel my chair out of my room. “You need to get out of this room for more than coffee and a piss.”
“Eren! This test is important!” I inform him as we head down the hall. “If I fail, I could lose my chance at being a geography professor!”
“You’ll ace this test just like every other one you’ve ever had in your life. Don’t stress yourself out.” Eren tells me as we stop in the living room. I sigh in defeat, knowing that that fact is correct. “Armin, get changed.” Mikasa orders. “You look horrible.”
“Fine. I’ll be right back.” I say and head back to my room. “If you’re not out in five minutes, I’m coming to get you!” Eren calls after me. I get out my blue sweater, jeans, white button up and socks. I then head into the washroom and cringe at my unhygienic look. “When was the last time I brushed my hair? My teeth?” I ask myself as I apply toothpaste to my toothbrush and start to scrub.
I then brush out my messy hair, and clean my glasses. I then head back to the living room to put my shoes on so we can leave.
We’ve been out for about an hour and I’m already itching to get back home. “Are we almost ready to go?” I ask my friends. “For the last time, Armin, no.” Mikasa deadpans. “You need to let loose, man.” Eren says. “Maybe you need to... you know...”
He moves his hands to try and emphasize what he’s saying but I don’t understand at all. “Become a mime?” I ask slowly. “No! A girlfriend!” Eren finally spits it out. “Eren, no way!” I disagree. “I’m way too socially awkward to even talk to a girl! Besides, must I remind you about my last date? Grade 11, Marley’s Diner, Annie Leonhart?”
“Oh, right, she threw that milkshake on you and called you a mop-headed idiot.” Eren remembers. “But that was four years ago, Armin.” Mikasa reminds me. “You don’t have any friends outside of me and Eren, so you stay inside and study to deal with your crippling loneliness.”
“I would’ve probably gone softer but, yeah.” Eren agrees and I pout. “So, here’s what’s gonna happen.” Eren starts. “You’re going to stay outside for six hours, I’ll have a timer going, and you’re going to try and have a conversation with a stranger. Have it in the Starbucks line as you wait for your drink, go to a bookstore and talk to someone about how good the one they picked up is, I don’t really care. Just have a conversation.”
“And if you don’t, I’m going to beat your ass.” Mikasa promises. I nod in acceptance because I know she’ll drop me like a hot potato. You don’t become a self-defence instructor for nothing. “Great! See you at 5!” Eren says and walks away with Mikasa as he puts his phone in his back pocket after setting the timer. I just stand there awkwardly for a few seconds before walking towards the street.
“There’s a good bookstore down the street. I’ll just go hang out there for a bit.” I say to myself as I start to walk towards it. “Oh, damnit all!” I hear someone shout. The tone of the voice causes me to search it out and I see a young woman with (h/l) (h/c) hair walk into the sidewalk. “Of course it decided to break down. Can’t have one nice day, can I?”
I feel bad for her so I decide to see if I can help. “Uh... is everything alright?”
She looks at me with the brightest (e/c) eyes and prettiest face I’ve ever seen. “Oh, no.” She dismisses kindly with frustration lacing her voice. “My car decided to break down and I don’t live signing walking distance. Thank you, though.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” I apologize. “It’s not your fault, this old fucker was about ready to expire for the past year or so. I just don’t want to pay the towing fee.” She says. “I’m absolutely drowning in student loans.”
I see hear start to tear up a bit as she starts to get a bit overwhelmed. “Hey, hey, hey. Look at me.” I tell the girl softly and she does. “Take some deep breaths, just like me. Watch me.”
I take a deep breath in and then slowly release it. She copies what I do. “There we go. How about you go do something relaxing to get your mind off this for a while?” I suggest. She nods. “Did you want to join me?” She asks me in such a cute voice that I can’t respond. “If you’re not doing anything, of course! You just... seemed to be by yourself, too.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. My friends ditched me because they want me to get out and meet people because I’ve got crippling loneliness’.” I say the last part dramatically. She giggles at me. “Then let’s be lonely together! I’m (y/n).”
“Armin. It’s nice to meet you.” I say and then we start to walk away from the car. “So, where did you want to go?”
“Well, I’m a bit hungry. There’s a nice bistro down the street next to a cute little bookstore. Wanna have some lunch?” (Y/n) asks me. I nod my head, so we head towards the bistro in a comfortable silence. Once we get a table, I decide to ask her something. “You mentioned student loans, so you’re in college, right? What for?”
“Oh, I’m in for (dream job). I go to Paradis College.” She informs me. “No way! That’s where I go to school! (“Really? That’s so cool! What for?”) Geography. I want to be a professor for it at a private school my parents taught at. I was going to go into history, since I love it, but then I decided on geography because I love it more. I originally wanted to be a history director at a museum on the Titan Era.” I tell her. “Oh, wow! I could never pay attention to that unit I’m high school, I was too scared.” She admits with an embarrassed blush. “Cute.”
“At first, I was the same. It was such a nerve wracking time for humanity. But then I remembered that there were people who swallowed their fear and actually faced the titans.” I say. “True, yeah. Isn’t it funny?” (F/n) asks me rhetorically. “We’ve only known each other an hour at this point, yet we’re talking like old friends.”
I give an airy laugh and nod at her true statement.
We end up hanging out for the whole six hours that I was bound to the outside world. But I didn’t want to let her go yet, not meaning to sound creepy. “Guess I better call for a tow truck now.” She says as we make it back to her car. I nod and watch her pull out her phone. “Alright, Armin, think! Use that high IQ of yours and think of a way to see her again!... Just ask for her number, idiot!” I come up with my plan as she hangs up her phone. “Goddamnit. (“What’s wrong?”) They say that I can’t ride with them to the auto shop.” She tells me as she runs a hand through her hair. “Well, I can drive you home once they get here.” I offer. “You’re so sweet, Armin. Thank you.” She thanks me. “It’s no problem. I like hanging out with you.” I admit shyly. “So, uh, can I have your number? So we can talk more?”
“Of course! Here.” She hands over her phone to me. “You put yours in mine and I’ll put mine in yours.”
I take her phone and then unlock mine before handing it over to her. “There we go.” I say to myself as I save it and hand hers back. Right as we finish, the truck comes and tows (y/n) car away. “Thank you!” She calls after them. It’s then that I remember that I don’t have a car. “Oh, shit. I, uh... I just remembered that I don’t have a car with me...”
(Y/n) starts to laugh at the situation, and I find myself doing the same. “I’ll call us a cab.” I say through fits of laughter. She nods and wipes tears away from her eyes.
We get into the cab and make it to her house rather quickly. “Well, I’ll see you some other time, Armin.” (Y/n) says. “Let me get the door for you.” I offer as I leave my side and open her door. “You’re such a gentleman.” (Y/n) says as she exits the car. I take a breath as I come up with a last second effort to get to stay with her longer. “Then would you consider joining me for dinner tonight? I’ll have my car so there won’t be won’t be a cab pulling up.” I ask. She gives me that beautiful smile of here that I’ve melted over every time she’s done it. “What time will you be here and what should I wear?”
On the outside, I’m slightly giddy with excitement, but on the inside I’m celebrating the hell out of this moment. “Does 6:30 work? (“Mhm.”) Want to go to Braus’ Kitchen? The owner’s an old friend of mine, but my roommates see her fairly often.” I suggest. “Then I’ll see you at 6:30, Armin.” (Y/n) tells me and then kisses my cheek before heading into her apartment building.
“And that’s how I met your mother.” I finish telling them the story. They look in awe at it which causes me to giggle. “Armin! Baby!” I hear (y/n) call from the living room. “Yes, sweetie?” I respond. “No! The baby!” (Y/n) restates. “The baby?” I ask quietly before realizing. “THE BABY! OOOOH KAY! Ok!”
I take the kids off my lap. “I’m gonna call Uncle Mikasa and Aunt Eren- I mean, Uncle Eren and Aunt Mikasa to watch you as I take mommy to go have your new baby sister, ok?” I tell them and then bolt out of my office to get the hospital bag from the master bathroom while calling Eren to watch the kids.
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skinsharpenedteeth · 4 years
Prompt 1 or 8 of the Angst list for Malex, please.
This is probably not what you wanted, Nonny Mus... but maybe it is? I went with Prompt 1 “I love you! Is that what you want to hear?”  Either way, it is suitably ANGSTY and I hope you enjoy it!
TW: self-harm, talk about self-harm (after the cut)
Also available on AO3.
 “I love you ! Is that what you wanted to hear ?” ANGST
              Michael got the call a little after midnight. He’d been down in bunker under the junk yard making diagrams for a project he wanted to start when his phone started buzzing across the worktable. He furrowed his brow and stared at it for a moment, not recognizing the number on the screen and feeling a little leery of any signal that could get to him underground. Normally when he was in the bunker, his phone was for keeping time and no one could get a call through to him. He let the phone go to voicemail before turning back to his drawings. Seconds later it started buzzing again, the same number lighting up the phone’s screen and taunting him. He it go to voicemail. He let it go to voicemail three more times before he finally couldn’t stand it any longer and picked up the phone.
              “Whoever you are, it should be pretty obvious I’m not taking any calls ri—” he started, sarcasm being his best and most beloved defense mechanism.
              “Michael?! It’s Forrest,” a frantic sounding voice cut him off. Michael paused, looking at his phone in confusion before answering.
              “Forrest? Nazi Forrest?” Michael asked, curiosity beating out annoyance. Why was Forrest calling him? He and Alex had been dating for about a month and from what Michael could tell from his brief run-ins with them, things were going well. Was something wrong with Alex?
              “Yeah, hey…. I hate to ask this, but uh… can you come over to Alex’s?” Forrest asked, sounding nervous and ready to be told to go to hell. He apparently had no idea how many awkward situations Michael would go through in order to make Alex happy.
              “I mean, I guess I can head that way? What’s up? Everything alright over there? Need me to fix a busted pipe or something?” Michael asked, already shutting off the lights in the bunker and cradling the phone between his ear and shoulder as he moves around the room.
              “Uh… Look, lemme level with you. I got hear about an hour ago and Alex seemed about three drinks ahead of me. Not like… hammered, but obviously drunk. We were… uhm… anyway, we were messing around and he just like… freaked out on me and locked himself in the bathroom? Now he’s crying and I can hear him saying your name occasionally and honestly, I don’t know what to do?” Forrest sounded almost apologetic that he had to call Michael and admit that they’d been “messing around”.
              “What did you do to him? If you hurt him, motherfucker, I will fucking kill you, Michael replied with a steady voice despite being almost blinded by the sudden flush of rage through his system.
              “Dude, I would never! No, we weren’t even doing anything interesting yet. We were just making out and he like… broke away and bolted for the bathroom. I thought he was going to vomit or something, but then he was in there for like… a long time and I didn’t hear anything so I went to check on him and that’s when I realized he’d locked the door and he was like… crying or something,” Forrest explained. Michael climbed the ladder as quickly as he could and ran to his truck, throwing himself the cab and throwing the ignition in almost one movement. “Look, are you coming over or what?”
              “I’m on my way. Just try to keep him calm if you can. Talk to him through the door,” Michael advised.
              “Obviously,” Forrest replied sarcastically. Michael wanted to gut him for the attitude, but instead settled for just hanging up on him. He tossed the phone onto the dash and peeled out of the junkyard and towards Alex’s house. He really hoped it was his house and not the cabin but figured Forrest would have clarified if it had been out of town.
              As he drove, Michael tried to think of things he knew would trigger Alex to binge drinking and break down, but he had to admit to himself that he didn’t know of anything off hand. Alex was the controlled one, the one who dealt with his emotions by repressing the hell out of them until they blew up in a volcanic fit all over anyone unlucky enough to be around. This sounded more like Michael’s way of handling the Too Much of his brain and heart, escaping into a false euphoria that numbed the outer world for a while. Maybe this was one of those volcanic fits, maybe he’d be fine with a little sleep and some Pedialyte.
              Michael turned into Alex’s driveway ten minutes after hanging up with Forrest (shaving five minutes off his normal drive time by speeding unapologetically in his worry to get to Alex). When he arrived, Forrest met him outside in the driveway looking frazzled. Michael started to blow past him when he felt Forrest catch his arm.
              “What!” Michael yelled, yanking his arm out of Forrest’s grasp.
              “Michael, wait! Wait! Let’s talk for a moment, I think I figured out what this is,” Forrest called after him, catching Michael’s shirt and slowing him on his way to the front door. Michael rounded on him with a snarl.
              “What do you think this is about then, Forrest? What did you do?!” he asked through gritted teeth, summoning every last drop of patience in his body for anything other than Alex. Forrest looked at him with wide eyes, taking half a step back from Michael and dropping his hand.
              “I told you, man, I didn’t do anything. I wouldn’t hurt Alex on purpose or force him to do anything he didn’t want to do!” Forrest added quickly, voice rising when Michael opened his mouth to speak. “I think this is about you.”
              Michael reared back like he’d been slapped.
              “How could I have done anything to Alex? I haven’t even talked to him in like… three weeks? Not since you two… ya know. Started dating or whatever,” Michael said, confusion and shame warring with him. He knew he’d been borderline ghosting Alex since he’d officially begun dating Forrest, but he’d felt like it was the best way to handle the situation. Alex wasn’t going to move on with him around anymore than he did when Alex was present in his life. He hadn’t thought he was being cruel though? And when did Alex not just storm in and demand his attention when he really wanted it?
              Forrest was quiet, just watching Michael as he battled internally with his own guilt real or imagined. Finally, he broke through Michael’s spiral.
              “So… So Alex and I talked about what his dad did to you back in high school. We also talked about how Alex dealt with his dad’s behavior before you came along and how he still deals with things when the pressure gets to just be… too much. Did… did you know that Alex self-harms?” Forrest asked quietly, eyes mapping over Michael’s features to see if he had known what he’d revealed. Michael hadn’t known. His chest suddenly felt hollow at the idea of Alex hurting himself, of creating physical pain to control emotional pain. He ached because he hadn’t known and Alex had never told him, had hidden that part of himself from Michael.
              “I can see that you didn’t. Okay, well, shit. Okay, so that’s out of the bag. Now let me compound that knowledge by telling you that Alex still carries a lot of guilt around what happened with his dad and you. He logically knows it’s not his fault, but you know how it is… when your brain turns on you, you just sometimes can’t turn it off. And apparently today is the um… anniversary?... of that particular day. I kinda feel like this is something he does habitually on this day. I wasn’t even supposed to come over, I surprised him so I wouldn’t have even seen this is I hadn’t… but yeah,” Forrest trailed off. Michael knew he was staring at him, at the ghost-white skin and horror-stricken eyes. He must’ve looked so stupid, but he just couldn’t… couldn’t wrap his mind around what Forrest was telling him. He heard Forrest sigh loudly. “Look man, go in there and talk him down. I’m going to get out of here. Do whatever you have to do, okay? I can’t help him through this, he doesn’t need me.”
              Michael watched him walk to the curb and get into his little black sedan. He heard the engine turn over and watched the car drive off down Alex’s road, turning right at the stop sign, and then out of Michael’s sight. He turned and looked at the door to Alex’s house, a few inches ajar, inviting Michael in. He was suddenly cold with fear, terrified he’d make this whole situation worse if he went in there and tried to talk to Alex. He hated Forrest for abandoning Alex, for abandoning them both, to let the Fate’s sort out as they would. He hated himself for thinking he knew every last piece of Alex’s soul and then finding out that he was woefully ignorant of such an important secret. He also hated that Alex hadn’t been the one to share that secret with him, that he’d had to hear it second-hand, and all that that meant. Ten years going on eleven. Ten anniversaries with one possibly being ‘celebrated’ while Michael stood outside pissing himself.
              He pushed through the open front door and closed it quietly behind himself. He toed his shoes off in the foyer like he knew Alex liked people to do when visit. He threw his keys, wallet, and phone onto the front door sideboard. He didn’t think he’d be leaving tonight and sleeping with his pockets full was a pet peeve of his. Taking a deep, fortifying breath, Michael turned and started towards the back of the house where the bedrooms were. The house boasted one bathroom, but it was well sized for the era of house it was in. Some previous owner must’ve sacrificed a closet to open it up. Michael pushed down on the newly installed lever door handle which stuck halfway down, proving it to still be locked. Cautiously, Michael pressed his ear to the door to see if he could hear anything on the other side. He didn’t know which he wished for, sound or silence. When silence greeted him, he felt like this might be worse.
              He concentrated his TK on the door lock mechanism and slipped the lock. Slowly he pushed down the lever handle again and opened the door. He held his breath as the door swung inwards on silent hinges and his eyes tracked over every new inch of the room revealed by the opening barrier. Alex was laying in the bathtub. He still had his clothes on and he looked pale…deathly so. Michael had to clench his jaw against the tightening in his throat and the surge in his stomach. He stepped in and closed the door behind him quietly. Alex didn’t move, didn’t flinch, didn’t seem to breathe. Michael walked over and looked down at him in the tub. He looked almost serene, his hands folded over his stomach, his knees bent and bare. He was laying there in a tank top and boxers. His prosthetic, liner, and jeans were piled against the wall between the toilet and the bathtub. Michael wondered if he could find all the places Alex had hurt himself; if he’d be able to tell the difference between the self-inflicted scars and the ones an unfair life had given to him. With a shaking hand, Michael pressed his fingers to Alex’s neck, intent on finding a pulse, when Alex’s dark eyes flew open and before Michael could blink, he was looking at the closed bathroom door with Alex’s arm around his neck as he held him in a choke hold. It only lasted for a second before he was being let go, his body falling forward as he gasped for air.
              “Fuck! Michael what were you thinking sneaking up on me like that?” Alex yelled from behind him, voice echoing oddly on the bathroom walls. He sounded like he was angry like a parent would be angry and a child who’d scared them, covering fear with aggression. Michael coughed and turned his body to see Alex slumped back in the tub, one hand covering his eyes and other gripped tight in agitation. “I could have hurt you!”
              “Oh, so you only get to hurt you today, is that it?” Michael replied, surprised by how much anger his voice felt. He’d been so scared a moment ago that the transition to anger startled even him.
              “What are you talking about? Why the fuck are you here, Guerin? Where’s Forrest?” Alex asked rapid-fire. His voice was slightly slurred and his pupils seemed impossibly huge.
              “Forrest left, but not before calling me to tell me you were locked in here hurting yourself. Apparently, you’ve been hurting yourself for a long time…,” Michael paused, hoping Alex would deny it, but when he stayed quiet, Michael continued. “Why didn’t you tell me, Alex?”
              “Why do you care? You walked away. You looked away. It doesn’t matter what I do to myself, it’s none of your business!” Alex growled at him looking angry enough to throw hands.
              “Because I love you! Is that what you want to hear? I fucking love you and I don’t like that you’re punishing yourself for something that isn’t even your fault!” Michael snarled back, hitting the cabinet next to him. Alex glared at him silently.
              “You’re not the boss of me. You don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t feel guilty about. It was my fault we were found in the shed. It was my fault for not stopping my dad from hurting you. It was my fault you had to use a half-functional hand for ten years. I caused that and I feel guilty for it, Guerin and you can’t change my mind about it!” Alex was yelling by the end, tears making his eyes shine in the warm fluorescent glow of the vanity lighting and Michael found him beautiful, even as his the corners of his mouth pulled down and he bared his teeth at him in agony. “This is my penance, Michael. Let me have it.”
              Michael watched him, watched his face shatter, and watched his body pull in tight to itself against the side of the bathtub. He could see the barest hint of red smeared between Alex’s knee and calf as he listened to Alex begin to sob. It was such an ugly, raw sound that seemed to be clawing its way from his gut and inflicting as much damage as possible on its way out. It made Michael’s own face hurt, feel hot and flushed, vision blurring as he leaked tears in sympathy.
              Awkwardly, Michael stood up and climbed into the bathtub next to Alex. He reached out and grabbed Alex’s shoulders, tipping his body towards Michael’s. Alex pushed him away at first, shaking his head and wiping roughly at his eyes, but when Michael tried again, he allowed it. He allowed Michael to pull him in against his body and wrap his arms around him. Then he clung to Michael. He shoved his face into he soft, almost threadbare cotton of Michael’s shirt and muffled a scream against his stomach. His body shook as he let Michael see what ten, going on eleven, years of bleeding was doing to Alex on the inside and Michael understood for the barest flicker of an instant why cutting might be a preferably way in Alex’s mind to deal with an anniversary of their shared trauma. Michael wouldn’t let him talk about it, tried to ignore it himself, but he’d used his ugly, malformed, half useless hand as his own penance for the same amount of time. He’d mourned losing the thing that hurt him every day because he’d been using it to assuage his own guilt. So he didn’t say anything, he let Alex sob. He let him scream, and clench his fists in Michael’s shirt, and do anything he wanted as long as he let Michael keep holding onto him.
              When it quieted down, Alex laying limply on top of Michael’s torso breathing through his mouth because his nose had congested in the outpouring, Michael dared to speak.
              “I don’t like that you hurt yourself. I don’t like it at all. But,” he said, giving Alex a look to keep him quiet while he finished, “but I understand it. I get the necessity in your mind for it. I just wish it hadn’t been necessary for you to find a way to let yourself feel things and control the output of those feelings. I wish the hurt you’ve lived through had never been so big you had to let it out a little at a time.”
              They stayed like that for some time, until Alex's nose cleared and his breathing slowed until Michael was sure he’d fallen asleep. When he thought Alex was asleep for real, his weight heavy and loose against him, Michael let himself break down. He looked at Alex and thought of all the broken pieces of themselves they’d displayed over the years and wondered how he’d missed this one. How did he never notice? He strained to keep his muscles from shaking too hard and his breathing from coming out too loudly. He didn’t want Alex to add this to his own mountain of guilt. He watched a few tears darken the hair at Alex's crown and imagined a life without Alex in it. It felt unbearable.
              A warm hand reached up and wrapped around the back of his neck, fingers squeezing the tense muscles almost like an apology.
              “Can we go to bed? We’ll both regret it if we spend the night in here,” Alex asked, turning his head to look up into Michael’s face. His eyes were puffy and red still, but his expression just looked tired. He no longer looked like he was being burned alive and Michael tried to take some comfort in that.
              “Yeah, sure,” Michael answered, sniffing loudly and wiping away his tears and snot with the sleeve of his shirt.
              Alex moved off of him and Michael thought for a second he wouldn’t be able to stand the lightness it left in his wake. But he could, so he stood and offered a hand to Alex to help him stand.
              “Crutches?” Michael asked succinctly as he steadied Alex with his hands.
              “Carry me?” Alex requested softly, sounding shy as he gauged Michael’s reaction. Michael gave him a reassuring smile before bending to place his arm behind his knee and the other behind his back. When he felt Alex’s arms look around his neck he swung Alex’s body up and held it firmly against his own. Alex wasn’t a waif by any means, but Michael hauled car parts around for a living, so he wasn’t a burden either. He stepped out of the tub and he made his way to the bedroom. The sheets were messed up, pushed to the side that no one slept on and a small warm feeling of relief came over Michael when he realized he’d been looking for signs of Forrest. He gently deposited Alex next to the bed and noticed half dried blood on his arm. Michael checked the back of Alex’s leg and saw the small red line above his knee.
              “Lay on the bed on your stomach and I’ll go get some antiseptic and a band aid for your leg,” Michael instructed Alex as he moved back towards the bedroom. He heard Alex moving onto the bed as he started rummaging under the cabinet for Alex’s first aid kit. He grabbed it and wet a washcloth in warm water before walking back to the bedroom. Alex had shed his shirt and was laying on his stomach staring into the empty air in front of him. Michael moved to the side of the bed and set the first aid kit on the bedside table. Then he started to clean the smeared, dried and half congealed blood from the back of Alex’s leg. As he did so he noticed thin, white scars next to the new open spot. Five hatch marks beside the new one. When he glanced at Alex’s other leg he saw five more on it, old and faded to practically invisible unless you were looking for them. Michael sucked in a breath, but instead of lashing out as he wanted to do, he clenched his jaw tightly shut and cleaned up the last of the mess on Alex’s skin. He tossed the rag towards the hamper and turned to the first aid kit.
              “You know those aren’t all about that night. They’re about my entire childhood. My adulthood so far. And they’re about that night. It’s not just one thing. I was doing this to myself for years before I ever met you,” Alex intoned flatly, eyes meeting Michael’s for only a moment before falling back into staring at nothing ahead of him.
              Michael didn’t respond, didn’t know how to respond, so he kept working. He grabbed an alcohol pad and swiped over the cut and then laid a piece of gauze over it, taping the edges securely. The gauze was probably overkill, it wasn’t a terribly deep cut, but he didn’t want it to bleed on Alex’s sheets in the night (and he secretly hoped it wouldn’t scar, wouldn’t turn into another tick to mark the years between them). When he finished he gathered his mess and took the first aid kid back into the bathroom, replacing it where he’d found it. Slowly, with growing trepidation, Michael approached the bed again.
              “Do you want me to stay?” he asked quietly, watching Alex’s face for his reaction. Alex closed his eyes as if the answer was far back in the recesses of his mind before he nodded and patted the inside of the bed next to him. Michael started to strip.
              “I’m still dating Forrest,” Alex said as Michael reached for the button on his jeans. Michael looked at him, saw the regret in his eyes as he looked over the skin Michael had revealed so far. As far as consolation prizes went, it would have to do.
              “I understand. But I’d like to not sleep in my jeans?” Michael said, hands still paused by the fly as he waited for Alex’s answer. Alex nodded and shut his eyes again, arms raising to snake under the pillow beneath his head and draw it closer to him. Michael finished stripping down to his boxers and crawled onto the bed next to Alex. He grabbed the covers and pulled it over them both before reaching past Alex’s shoulder to turn off the bedside lamp. He laid on his side facing Alex, trying to will his body to relax, but the adrenaline of the past few hours hadn’t turned into lethargy yet so instead he just tried to stay still and quiet.
              “Guerin? Cover me?” Alex asked, turning his head to look at Michael as he did. Michael grabbed the blanket that was already covering mid-way up Alex’s back and pulled it to his shoulders. He saw Alex smile and shake his head minutely. “I mean lay on me a little. I wanna feel anchored tonight.”
              “Uhhh… you’re still dating Forrest?” Michael repeated Alex’s earlier pronouncement with confusion obvious in his voice.
              “I didn’t ask you to fuck me, I asked you to lay on me. Platonically. Or romantically, but not sexually. Just get over here, jeez,” Alex joked as Michael continued to look slightly confused. But Michael wouldn’t say no to Alex so he scooted closed and threw a leg over the back of Alex’s, his chest covering one of Alex’s arms and shoulder, and their faces resting very close together.              
              “Just because I’m dating someone else doesn’t mean I don’t love you and it doesn’t mean I don’t need you sometimes,” Alex said softly into the air between them. An invisible hand squeezed Michael’s heart, but it didn’t hurt like the rest of the night. This felt like a good ache like a growing pain.
              “Me too, Alex. Good night?” Michael asked, snuggling his body closer as the air cleared between them.
              “Good night.”
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365days365movies · 4 years
February 22, 2021: Pillow Talk (1959)(Part 1)
Y’know, I actually do like Doris Day.
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She’s funny, she’s talented, and she’s a timeless beauty that I remember very well. TOO well. You guys ever have that one thing that your parents crammed down your throat SO MUCH that you got sick of it? Well, that’s what my Mom did with The Thrill of it All.
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Which is, for the record, a cute movie, and one worth watching again at some point. But I’m gonna ease my way into that with Doris Day and Rock Hudson’s first movie, 1959′s Pillow Talk. 
However, while I’m not stranger to Doris Day, I’m afraid that I don’t know too much about Rock Hudson from experience. Well, there is one interesting tidbit about him: Hudson was one of the biggest stars of the ‘50s and ‘60s, and his career continued up until his death in 1985...from AIDS-related complications.
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Yeah, Rock Hudson was one of the biggest gay celebrities in Hollywood, although he never publicly came out. However, it was somewhat of an open secret in the community at large, and basically all of his female co-stars know about it. 
And said secret was revealed posthumously, after his tragic death during the height of the AIDS crisis. He was by far one of the most high-profile deaths during this time period, and you’d think that would’ve caused more waves about the AIDS-crisis, considering that he was good friends with...well...another actor.
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Yeaaaaaaaaah, not gonna get into Reagan and ALL OF THAT SHIT here. This here is a movie blog, not a political blog! But, uh, yeah, a LOT of fucked-up shit about Reagan and the AIDS crisis, obviously, and part of it was Rock Hudson. So, yeah, it’s something that I wanted to address before we got into this whole shindig.
Because, again, I’ve never seen a Rock Hudson movie, but dude was a pretty huge deal, and this was a part of his life that I felt it unfair not to at least acknowledge. SO, with that out of the way, let’s have a little Pillow Talk. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
We start with that might be one of my favorite opening sequences so far this month, which you can see above. From there, Jan Morrow (Doris Day) wakes up, humming the theme song from the credits, which is clever, considering that she sang it! Talented lady, seriously.
Jan wakes up and goes to the phone, intending to make a call. However, this is where we get a pretty stark cultural difference, and a needed history lesson for some of us, me included. See, Jan’s phone line is actually a party line, seen through this neat little visual edit.
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See, this is what’s called a “party line”. From the 1870s onwards, there was a shortage of available phone lines. By the time you get to the ‘60s, more and more people had personal phones in their households, but without enough lines to go around. And so, some people were forced to share their phone lines with others, hence the party line system!
Here’s the thing, though: if somebody was on the line already, anyone else on that line could hear the conversation of other people. Which is exactly what’s pissing of Jan right now, as she needs to make a call, but the line is being used by her party line partner, songwriter Brad Allen, who’s serenading his girlfriend (?) Eileen (Valerie Allen). Not sure that they’re actually dating, but Eileen definitely wants to.
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After Jan’s insistence, they get off the phone, and Jan’s able to begin her busy morning at last. Well...almost. Brad’s now talking to Yvette (Jacqueline Beer), and she wants him to sing HER song to her, which is LITERALLY just the Eileen song with a different name and in French! Which is...hilarious. It’s very funny, not gonna lie.
Once again, Jan tells him to get off the party line, and hangs up angrily. She leaves just as her cleaner woman, Alma (Thelma Ritter) arrives, fresh off of a hangover. Jan goes to try and get a line of her own, and the manager, Mr. Conrad (Hayden Rorke) makes a WEIRDLY sexist comment about jumping to the top of the list if she were pregnant. Which, yeah...weird.
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Anyway, Jan, in her frustration, tells Mr. Conrad that she’s hired of sharing the line by a “sex maniac.” Mr. Conrad asks for specifics, and is AGAIN WEIRDLY SEXIST ABOUT IT. He asks if his dalliances with other women disturb her in particular. But yeah, he also says that if he is indeed a “sex maniac,” they may need to disconnect him altogether. Which has...uncomfortable undertones all on its own, but whatever, moving on.
On her way to work, Jan’s friend Jonathan Forbes (Tony Randall) shows up to bring her a STRAIGHT-UP CAR, holy shit! He’s doing so to thank her for decorating his offices (she’s an interior decorator, he’s a car dealership owner, so...fair exchange?). She insists that it’s too personal, which confuses him, as it isn’t perfume or lingerie.
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But, uh, dude? IT’S A WHOLE-ASS CAR!!! Look, I’m with her on this one, don’t just give me a fuckin’ car out of the blue! I don’t care what the reason is, tell me that shit first! And Jonathan is CLEARLY trying to make it just a little more personal, if you get my meaning.
Jan finally arrives at her office, owned by Mr. Pierot (Marcel Dalio), and she tells him that an inspector has been sent to look after Mr. Allen. This inspector is Miss Dickenson (Karen Norris), and being of the wimmins, is immediately entranced by the apparently irresistible Mr. Allen, sabotaging any attempt at inspection.
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The next morning, the inspector’s report comes through, and Miss Dickinson has of course cleared him of all charges. He calls her, and the two clash in a way that definitely means they’ll never, ever, ever fall in love, no sir, not these two, not a CHANCE IN HELL
They agree to make a schedule for using the phone, and Brad accuses Jan of being jealous of his free-wheeling, bed-hopping lifestyle, which she takes great offese to. But after they hang up, she thinks on the idea of having bedroom problems. Looks like Jonathan wants to fix that, on account of being the THIRSTIEST MAN ALIVE.
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Dude has three three ex-wives, all of which were revolts against his mother, for which he’s seeing a psychiatrist.
...CHRIST, the man’s a walking-talking red flag. Jan also says that she doesn’t love him, like...AT THE FUCK ALL, and the man just straight-up says, “How do you know, we’ve never even kissed.” Ai which point, any normal person would see the phantom neckbeard and whip out the fuckin’ bear mace, but Jan just lets him lean in for the goddamn kiss!!!
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Jan...standards, Jan. My God. Anyway, she still turns him down, he asks her to get married again, and she leaves. For God’s sakes, man. Anyway, she goes home, where Alma’s listening to Brad serenade a girl over the party line. Jan notes the time, and tells him to get off the line. He calls back, and tells her off.
Brad gets a visitor: his old college friend FUCKIN’ JONATHAN AGAIN. He bemoans being a millionaire (po’ babyyyyy), then reveals that he’s pining over Jan, whom he doesn’t know is the person on the party line with Brad. He hears a good amount of information about Jan from Jonathan.
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After the conversation, Brad tries to somewhat reconcile with Jan, but she doesn’t have any interest in doing so. That night, the two have separate affairs. Brad meets up with a woman named Marie, and  serenades her with the same goddamn song from earlier, that suave motherfucker. Dude flips a switch, and the door fuckin’ LOCKS! Jesus, state-of-the-art hook-up tech of 1959.
Meanwhile Jan is attending a dinner held by an extremely client, Mrs. Walters (Lee Patrick). Needing to get home, she has her son Tony (Nick Adams) give her a ride. But on the way home, they stop and WHAT THE FUCK TONY??? I actually can’t find a clip or GIF of this, so I’ll tell you...he is ALL THE FUCK OVER HER, and it’s GROSS. CAN WE PLEASE STOP SEMI-RAPING DORIS DAY? WHAT THE FUCK, IN NO WAY IS WHAT I JUST WATCHED OK, HOLY SHIT!!!!!
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Like...wow, that was the most uncomfortable I’ve felt watching a movie in a WHILE. And it’s not even because of the act itself, it’s because of how...OK it feels in the context of the film. Jan is BARELY upset by this slimy little weasely-faced rapey CREEP LITERALLY ASSAULTING HER IN THE FUCKING CAR. And in case you were wondering, yes! This film was written by FOUR MEN.
This is gross. Sorry, but this whole sequence is gross, and it gets even LONGER, because she AGREES TO GO GET A DRINK WITH HIM. WHY, JAN? STOP ENCOURAGING THIS BEHAVIOR. He tries to get her drunk (but ends up drunk himself), but she tries to leave. However, who should be sitting one table but Brad, who realizes who this is. Jan tries to leave, but Tony tries to get her to dance with him, AND SHE ONCE AGAIN AGREES, JAAAAAAAAN!!!!!!!
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And its during this time of distress for Brad that, OF COURSE, he finds himself extremely attracted to her. And since he knows who she is, but she doesn’t know him, he decides to fake his identity. And there we go, we’ve got a creepy-ass one-sided relationship set-up.
Meanwhile, lightweight Tony passes out on the floor, drunk as shit. Brad goes into help, putting on a take Texas accent and calling himself Rex Stetson. And OF FUCKING COURSE, she’s lost in his fuckin’ eyes. Damn those eyes, and his suave bullshit.
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They shove Tony into a cab, then take his car, which appears to be too small for Brad, which makes sense, given the fact that Hudson was 6′4″, goddamn! The two take a cab, and the two reveal their mutual attraction to the audience, through their inner thoughts. Looks like all Jan needed for a relationship was handsome-ass Rock Hudson.
In her thoughts, she thinks on how honest and down-to-earth Rex Stetson seems, unlike “monsters” like Tony and Brad Allen. And OF COURSE this is how we get this started. OF GODDAMN COURSE this is how we start this relationship. Liar revealed, LIAR REVEALED, I FUCKIN’ HATE THAT GODDAMN TROPE SO MUCH
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Soon after “Rex” takes her home, he goes home herself, and gives her a call, inviting her to dinner the following night. She accepts. Then, in the middle of the call, Brad pretends to pick up the line as himself, in order to set up the two identities as being separate...this is reverse You’ve Got Mail, isn’t it?
Think about it. Two people that hate each other, and they’ve never seen one another, but also love each other after meeting in person. IT’S THE OPPOSITE OF YOU’VE GOT MAIL. Ugh. Fine. Even down to the fact that he has a sizeable advantage over her, due to his full knowledge of the situation. He even tries to use his identity as Brad Allen to set-up their date the next night for success.
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And it works, goddamn. A clever yet manipulative asshole, this dude is. They get on a horse and carriage, and we hear the inner thoughts of Jan, Brad, and the dude who owns the horse. And, yeah...it’s funny. The two go to dinner, where Jonathan shortly arrives. Brad gets him out of there with...mildly fatphobic means, but it is the 1950s, so things were just kinda...entirely that.
But in any case, Brad gets away with it, and he and Jan spend a hell of a lot of time together going all around the city. And the whole time, he’s playing the role of “Rex.” Ugh. This is a good halfway point, so let’s go to Part 2 here! See you there!
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Green-eyed bad boy (2)
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Summary: He’s trouble, you don’t care.
Pairing: AU!Dean x Reader, AU Sam, OFC’s
Warnings: angst, tension, flirty/cocky Dean, nakedness, talking about tattoos, voyeurism, virgin reader, innocent reader, language, smut, protected sex, fingering, oral (female receiving), seducing, slight age gap (the reader is 24; Dean is 28)
Trouble Masterlist
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Eight months, two weeks and four days ago…
Blinking a few times, you need to let his words sink in. Your heart beats faster and you are sure the way you are breathing is wrong.
“Did you listen at all, Y/N?” Your father, or rather stepfather barks. He only was nice to you as he loved your mother, or at least he pretended to do so. 
“Yeah, Jason.” Sniffling you look away. “I heard your words. Every single word telling me you are going to marry a woman barely elder than me after my mom died not a year ago.” Spatting the words, you want to turn on your heels, but your stepfather grabs your arm harshly.
“You will be nice to her or you can leave my house. I think you should learn your place, Y/N. I only let you leave here and pay for your education as your mother asked me to do so. Don’t be useless for once and follow my orders…”
Stiffen you nod silently, not knowing where else to go. “Okay…”
“Good…now…” Handing you the keys to the house, garage and back yard your stepfather narrows his eyes. “I want you to let the gardener in the whole month. I will be away for at least a month, maybe two. Money is in my office, the brown envelope.”
“I don’t know how to…” His grip tightens and you whimper as your stepfather smirks at you. “You will learn how to live alone. You turn twenty-five, you are gone. Got it.”
“Yeah…mom really could pick them…” Mumbling the words you cry out as he backhands you. 
“I promised her to make sure you can end your education, nothing else. Twenty-five was the limit. Now take the keys and follow the list lying next to the envelope. All bills are paid, you only must buy food. No parties. No boys. No friends.”
Finally letting go of you your stepfather glares at the gardener who dared to walk into the house.
You can see the pity on the tall man’s face seeing your split lip and the tears rolling down your cheeks. “Sir, I’m Sam Winchester, my brother Dean is outside with the needed tools. Can we begin?”
“The student… Law was it, right?” Changing is posture your father offers Sam his hand and you wonder. “He’s studying law at Stanford. Maybe you should’ve studied something useful too…”
Two weeks later the tall gardener is gone and got replaced by his brother. He’s tall too, cocky and doesn’t talk much. All he does is cutting the lawn while playing music.
Today you try to find some peace while looking for a payable apartment and a job to apply to. No way you will keep on living with your stepfather and his new wife.
“Can you hand me the water, Sweetheart?” Smirking the gardener eyes you up and down, enjoying the way you look up at him with doe eyes. “I won’t bite.”
Feeling your cheeks heating you nod, not able to talk to a man like him.
“Here…” Handing the tall man a bottle of water and a half of your sandwich you bite your lower lips as he takes a huge bite, moaning at the taste.
“Such a nice girl, Sweetheart. I bet your daddy is proud of you…” His piercing green eyes search your face only to see it fall.
“Stepfather, and he’s not. I need to…” Pointing toward the newspaper and your iPad you want to continue your research.
“Damn, such a shame…” You want to say something, want to tell him your stepfather doesn’t even like you, but he strips his Henley off, followed by his undershirt to reveal his muscles and tattoos.
With shaking fingers, you grab the newspaper while you try so hard to not stare at the man opening the water bottle only to pour it over his sweaty chest. A tiny whimper escapes your lips as he flexed his arms.
“You should look at my brother’s girlfriends’ profile. She offers a room. It’s a nice apartment, safe and clean. Sammy would hang out there, but according to my brother you liked him.” Dean turns toward the mowing machine, showing you the tattoo on his back.
There’s a phoenix on his left shoulder, one of the wings is placed at this left upper arm, the other spread over the back. It’s a beautiful tattoo and you could get lost in studying the man’s body.
“Are you in a gang?” Glancing at the odd numbers underneath the phoenix you gasp at your boldness. Believing he will get mad you try to get away but he’s turning around, giving you a dirty grin.
“Sweetheart, I am member of a gang. I like tattoos, the girls like it too.”
Stepping closer, close enough to let his breath fan over your skin the green-eyed man darts his tongue out. His fingers reach out for you, slowly sliding over your right arm.
“Girls…” Looking up at him with glassy eyes you barely recognize you place one hand onto his chest. “Is that the reason you’ve got a heart tattoo on your chest?”
“No, Baby Girl. That’s just the first step…you know…” He’s closer again, almost brushing your forehead with his nose. “First step? I don’t think I understand what this means…Sir…”
“Dean, Sweetheart. Just call me Dean.” Smirking he wraps his hand around your upper arm, squeezing your flesh. “It means this tattoo is for a special girl, a girl I didn’t find so far. One day her name will join the heart…”
“OH…” Nodding eagerly you look at the heart at his chest again. “That’s romantic…”
“Nah, I’m not into romance or cuddling. I’m rather the take what you want for one night guy.” His nose brushes your forehead and you shiver as you can smell his cologne and musky scent.
“You mean sex only…I see.” Shrugging you take a step back. “I don’t like men doing such a thing. Pretending they like you only to use you…”
“Baby Girl, I do not use anyone. All girls are coming back…” The smirk turns into a dirty grin. “…for more…”
Every day the same pattern. Instead of sitting in the garden you hide in your room, behind the curtains to watch Dean take care of the garden or repair the fence. Dreamily you bite your lips when he takes off his shirt again.
Once or twice he got a glimpse of you, knowing you are watching him. Dean is flexing his arms, stretching his back to show you all he has to offer but so far you didn’t give in to his advances.
“Dude, get dressed,” Sam mutters as he steps into the garden, handing Dean the phone he forgot at Jessica’s place. “She’s not one of your one-nighters, Dean. Y/N is a good girl, innocent…”
“Innocent…” Looking up to your room Dean licks his lips as you hide behind the curtains, panting heavily. “I shouldn’t…”
“Yeah, you shouldn’t, Dean. I know you love your love them and leave them attitude, even the bad-boy façade, but that girl…” Sighing Sam points toward your window. “She’s been through enough without you breaking her fragile heart. Just don’t…”
“Don’t…” Dean nods, not wanting to hurt you even more. He can see the longing in your eyes and the want, but he will be damned to hurt you.
Forming a plan in his mind he will try to scare you away.
Walking back toward the house, two heavy bags in your arms you wonder why a black muscle car stands in front of your fence. Glancing at the car you gasp at the sight of Dean butt-naked on top of a girl. 
He’s calling her dirty girl, while she screams underneath him. You want to look away, want to walk into the house but you can’t take your eyes off his body rocking into the woman.
To your shame he turns around, looking at you with those plump lips curved into a dark grin. Flustered and disappointed you rush toward the house, not wanting him to believe you are a peeping tom.
For the next days, Sam took over his brother’s job, took care of your mother’s roses while you searched for an apartment and job. 
“Got some water for me, Sweetheart?” Dean husks but you don’t turn around. Simply pointing toward the water, you remain silent, continuing looking at a scrapbook you made with your mother. “Are you mad at me for having fun in front of your house?”
“Why should I? The street, we don’t own it and you are a grown man able to have sex with whoever you want to.” Sniffling you look at the next picture.
“Are you crying, Y/N?” Feeling guilty Dean looks you all over, seeing the red and puffy eyes he believes it’s his fault. “Listen…I’m sorry…”
“Gosh, Dean. Do you believe everything is about you?” Scoffing you jump up, pressing the scrapbook against his chest. 
“It’s my mom’s date of death. My stepfather promised to be here but he’s busy fucking a girl barely elder than me. You can have fun with this girl anytime. It’s not as if we are friends or anything…”
Turning on your heels you run toward the house, not looking back as Dean stands in the back yard, blinking a few times.
“Damnit…I want you…”
Another week passed without Dean coming around. Oddly you miss his company, even if he only gave you a dirty grin or called you Sweetheart Dean made you feel comfortable around him.
Tonight, your friends insisted on dragging you into a bar. Here you are now, bored and not in the mood for their stupid jokes you look around to meet sparkling green eyes.
Your breathing quickens as he smirks at you, downing his drink in one go. Watching Dean for a while you sigh as a girl sits next to him, trying to get his attention but his eyes are focused on you and the way you look away now and then.
“I need to go, Lis. I don’t feel well and should sleep a bit.” Pecking your friend’s cheek, you say goodnight to call a cab outside of the bar but only a few heartbeats later you feel a presence behind you.
“It’s late, Y/N. You shouldn’t stand out here alone in the darkness.” Dean steps closer to wrap his jacket around your shoulders. “’s cold too, Sweetheart. Let me drive you home…”
“I can call a cab, Dean…” His hands move up and down your arms to warm you up as he chuckles behind you. “I didn’t ask for permission. Come to my car and I will drive you home, no talking back…”
Eyes glued to Dean as he drives toward your house you bite your lower lip. There’s a new tattoo at his right upper arm and you have the urge to shove his shirt away to reveal what it is.
“Just have a look, Sweetheart…” Shoving his shirt away Dean shows you it’s another phoenix.
“You like a phoenix?” Gently touching the colorful tattoo, you look at Dean. His features change for a moment. There’s a hint of sadness in these green orbs as he stops the car.
“It has a meaning, every tattoo…you know. The phoenix stands for resurrection, Baby. It means I was dead for a moment and came back to life.” Gasping you touch the tattoo again.
“You were dead?” Blinking you flinch as Dean places one large palm onto your thigh, gently caressing your skin.
“Car accident when I was eighteen. Sammy, me and my parents got hit by a truck. My parents…they died…” Gulping you feel his hand wander higher, squeezing you tightly. “I was in the hospital and my heart stopped beating for like half a minute. They had to reanimate me three times…”
“So…there will be three phoenixes one day?” Panting you spread your thighs as the hand wanders to your mound, cupping it shamelessly. “Dean…”
“I got another one…” Smirking Dean leans closer to brush his lips over your ear. “I’ll show it to you one day, Baby Girl. Now let me drive you home…”
“The numbers underneath the big phoenix…is that the date of death of your parents?” Dean shakes his head, brushing his fingers over your clit to ignite a spark you didn’t know exists.
“It’s the time my heart stopped beating. I will always remind myself I’m mortal, and destructible. I live my life the way I want to, Sweetheart. No rules. No complaints. No chains holding me down.”
“Will you let me in to have a shower, Sweetheart. Sweat his running down me like a waterfall.” Dean takes his shirt off, licking his lower lip as you are only in a flimsy nightshirt. 
“I was still asleep. It’s Sunday morning, Dean…” Yawning you walk toward the stairs to show Dean the way to the shower. 
“You could join me, Y/N. I won’t bite…not if you don’t want me to…”
Stepping backward you shake your head, glancing at the tattoo at his chest once again. There are flames around the heart now, which seem to burn the heart.
“Changed it a bit, you know…” Stepping closer Dean cups your face. “I might have found someone burning me inside and outside…”
Plush lips press against yours and you gasp as his tongue swipes over your lips, forcing its way into your mouth.
“I want to taste you…” Purring the words Dean smirks as you blink a few times, not getting what he meant.
“I…uh-I got no clue what this means…” Laughing Dean presses his lips to your forehead. “You are a good girl after all…”
While Dean has a shower, you prefer grabbing some clothes to get dressed. You can hear him sing under the spray, along with praises for the water pressure.
Giggling you get a pair of panties out of your drawer to get dressed but stop in your tracks, watching Dean walk into your room, only a towel slung around his waist.
“I thought you wanted me to taste you…” Dean’s eyes roam your body as you try to hide the panties in your hands.
“You won’t need those…” Taking the panties out of your hand Dean tosses the fabric over his shoulder. “Need you to lie on your bed and spread those pretty legs…”
“I…no…Dean…” Pressing your hands against his chest you shake your head. “I never…I can’t…”
“Shh…I want to taste you, not steal your innocence - not today at least.” A dirty promise in his words Dean pushes you onto the bed, making you yelp as he crawls onto the bed to spread your legs. “Son of a bitch, Baby Girl. Such a nice little cunt you have…”
Paralyzed you feel one finger slide over your folds, spreading your arousal around your clit. His thumb draws circles around your nub, and you gasp as he lowers his head to replace his thumb with his tongue.
“Dean! Oh…god…” Grasping for his hair you cry out as his wet tongue laps at your folds. You read about this in a book, but never thought you would ever experience someone will willingly go down on you. 
“Fuck, you taste so good, Baby Girl. Can’t get enough.” 
Your thighs lock around his head caging him as he wraps his lips around your clit, suckling hard enough to let your legs shake.
“I…it feels…please…” Fisting his hair harder you press his face further into your sex, grinding against him and Dean groans against you. “I tainted you…” Purring the words he slips two fingers into you, teasing your entrance.
“Dean,” Whimpering you arch your back. “Oh…don’t stop…please.”
Smirking against your he laps at your folds, as his digits slide deeper into your pussy.
“You want this? Right here…right now?” Eyes three shades darker Dean looks up at you, smirking as you nod eagerly.
“God, I’m such a selfish bastard…” His lips seal around your clit, sucking hard and you cry out his name. “Love it when you cum…”
You’re a quivering mess, boneless and shivering as Dean kneels between your legs to remove his towel.
“Dean…do you have something with you?” Nervously chewing at your lower lip, you point toward his cock and he laughs, nodding eagerly. “We will wrap it before I take you apart, Sweetheart…”
“Take me apart…” Eyes wide, fearful you watch Dean grab his wallet to fish a condom out. “I will not hurt you, Y/N. Let me make you feel good, Sweetheart. I know how to treat a girl right…”
“I know, you got some practice a few weeks ago after all.” Smirking Dean nods before he pounces on you, tugging at the shirt covering your body. 
“Get this off … now.” Growling Dean kneels between your thighs, watching you strip your shirt off with a dark grin on his lips. “You’re fucking perfect, damn…” Cupping one tit he squeezes your tender flesh and you press it further into his hand.
“I’ve got you, Y/N. Do you want this? I need to know you don’t do this only as I’m here between your thighs. We can stop anytime.” Dean tilts his head to wrap his lips around one nipple, causing you to arch your back. “So responsive…”
“I want this…with you. All guys I knew are…dunno…” Shrugging you look at Dean. “I want a man, not a boy…”
“I am a bad boy, Baby Girl but I’m going to make you feel so good…” Pushing you onto the pillow he kneads one breast, not taking his eyes off you as he rips the foliage of the condom open with his teeth.
“Do you think Dean is into that girl? He spends more time at her stepfather’s house than he gets paid for.” Jess smirks as her boyfriend sighs heavily.
“He wanted to help me out, take over my shifts and I am afraid he’ll get into trouble or hurt Y/N. She’s not his usual girl…maybe we should intervene, Jess…” Meeting his girlfriend’s eyes Sam gives her his puppy dog eyes.
“Sam, he changed the tattoo…you know…” Pointing at Sam’s heart Jessica smiles. “There are flames now, Sam. You know what this means…”
Looking at his tattoo Sam smiles. Loving the way Jess slides her hand over his chest to place it onto his heart. “You mean he found the one?”
“I think he did, Sammy…”
“Just relax, let me in, Y/N.” Settling between your legs Dean carefully slips the tip in to press into you. You are a panting mess, nervous as hell to embarrass yourself as Dean slowly inches into you. 
“You’ve got freckles…” Giggling you slide your fingers over his chest, glancing at the little dots all over Dean’s skin.
“I got freckles, Baby Girl and …shit…oh…you’re so tight around me.” Bottoming out with a groan Dean press his lips against yours, slipping his tongue into your mouth.
Your hands slide over his shoulder, gripping him tightly as you feel him slide back out.
After a few shallow thrusts, Dean sets pace taking your breath away.
Your legs wrapped tightly around his thighs you try to match his rhythm.
The spark reignites and you dig your nails into his shoulders, crying out his name to urge Dean on.
“Want you to cum for me, Sweetheart. Need to feel this tight pussy squeezing me…” Nodding you peck his lips, panting against him while the heat in your lower abdomen gets unbearable.
“Please…so close…” Your hands get pinned down as Dean press his knees into the mattress to slam his hips against yours. He pants, curses and moans between thrusts, looking like the bad boy he is with his smirk on those plush lips.
“Fuck, Sweetheart…” Body shaking, you whimper as you come undone. “Best fuck I ever had…”
You feel something warm fill the condom, not daring to say a word. “I think…” Kissing your neck Dean smiles against your skin. “I want to do this with you again…”
Months later…
“You’ve got a surprise for me, Dean?” Sitting on his hood you look up at your boyfriend, your lover, your bad boy as he unbuttons his Henley.
“All for you, Sweetheart.” With shaking fingers, you touch his chest. The heart is even more on fire now, but that’s not what takes your breath away. It’s your name written under the heart.
“That’s my name…” Stammering you get up to kiss his chest. “My name…”
“You name, Baby Girl, only your name.” Smirking Dean cups your cheek. “Now, we need to decide where to put my name…”
“Hmmm…my chest?” Dean shakes his head, looking you all over before his eyes land on your lap. “I think I found my favorite spot…”
“No way!”
“Can I seduce you?” Wiggling his eyebrows Dean smirks as you pout at him. “How about my chest, right over my heart. Matching tattoos…”
“Bad boys do not wear matching tattoos…” Cursing Dean feels your hand slide over his chest as you look up at him with doe eyes.
“But you are my bad boy, Dean. My man can wear matching tattoos…”
“Fine…you win…” Grumbling Dean presses his lips to yours, snaking his tongue with yours.
“I’ll have a phoenix too, Dean. I want one on my shoulder as the moment I met you I got resurrected too…”
>> Part 3
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SPN Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @sandlee44, @strayrosesbloom, @notyourtypicalrose, @thewinchesterco, @marvelfansworld, @hobby27, @gh0stgurl, @flamencodiva, @jay-and-dean, @voltage-my2dlove, @spnhollis, @chonisberonica, @wittysunflower, @supernaturalenchanted, @shikshinkwon, @yolobloggers, @hhiggs, @laxe-from-outer-space, @ilovefanfic86, @linki-locks11, @eggingamazinglove, @trumpettay, @fandom-imagines1, @thenamelesschibi, @waywardbaby, @straycuties9, @drakelover78, @stuckys-whore, @zxph-yr, @i-love-superhero, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @deepmuffinspymaker, @katpatrova17, @heyitscam99, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @neii3n, @exo-nova, @cocklesbelli, @echoesofpassion, @lauravic, @shatteredabby, @deanmonandnegansbitch, @sea040561, @lemondropirwin, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes, @juniorhuntersam, @helpmeluci, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @shadowkat-83, @alltimesamantha, @officialmarvelwhore, @meganywinchester​, @miraclesoflove, @lu-sullivan, @maniacproffesor​, @hollymac79​, @kayla-2000​, @gracefultrenchcoat494, @babygirls-fav​, @spnwoman​, @amiquette​, @alexoloughlinlover32​, @geekofmanyforms​, @jessica-marsh09​, @spnficgirl​, @shut-themoonscone​, @thequeenreaders​, @countrygal17a​, @atomicfandombomb​, @kteelou​, @soryuwifeyxx​, @kricketc28​, @defenderrosetyler​, @shortwinchester​, @maybesomedaygayyyy​, @tmiships4life​, @sabascio​, @that-place-called-middle-earth​, @the-broken-angel-13​, @bunnybaby89​, @pandabiiissh​, @maddiedott​, @lilulo-12​, @theoneandonlymelol​, @mblaqgi​, @clawsandshotguns​, @justsomedreaming​, @cassiopeia-barrow​, @its-the-timey-wimey-winchesters​, @mscarter213​, @jo-like-josette​, @mep6811​, @prettydeaneyes, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel​
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
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jeonggukingdom · 4 years
splinters of love • day XVI [ksj]
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pairing  ⟶ kim seokjin x fem!Reader
summary  ⟶ a collection of drabbles (one for each day of April) based on prompts by an online prompts’ generator site. Specifically  ⟶  • day XVI ↳ in which you casually fall asleep on this stranger’s shoulder in the train and he has no idea what to do so he skips his own stop and waits for you to wake up until, crap, you’ve reached the terminal and now you both have to get out and figure out an alternative way to reach your homes.
genre  ⟶ fluff
rating  ⟶ G
word count ⟶  2.201 words
warnings  ⟶ none except Seokjin being an absolute angel, knight in shining armor, smooth boyfriend material random dude on a bus
series masterlist  ⟶ here  (links on mobile may not work, if you’re looking for all the works in this series, you can click on the “!splintersoflove” tag and you’ll find them all there!)
author’s note  ⟶ @cupcake416​ I don’t know who your bias is or what your favourite genre is but you mentioned that today was going to be your birthday so I wanted to dedicate this drabble to you regardless to wish you THE HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY EVER! I hope you’ll like this little story and if I can manage to put even just a little smile on your face I’ll consider myself happy, ah ah ♥
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The bus is almost completely packed tonight and you huff as you climb the little stairs to help you inside. You miss the convenience of owning a car and not have to stand for an entire ride after such a long day at work but, alas, you don't own that luxury anymore and you won't for a little while.
Your lips form a little pout as you scan your surroundings and then, your eyes land on the only free spot in the entire bus and your eyes light up as if your eyes had just landed on the biggest treasure ever known to mankind.
With a smile stretched on your coral-tinted lips, you hurry through the corridor and very unceremoniously drop on the empty seat with a victorious grin.
Your cheeks heat up the instant you catch the stranger sitting next to you looking at you, a baffled expression on his features and the hint of a pending chuckle on his plump lips.
You offer him a sheepish smile, retreating inside your shoulders as if in a silent apology for startling him and disrupting his peace.
He gives you a gentle smile in return while shaking his head and then, his eyes shift back on the window to peer outside the busy streets while music plays loudly in his ears.
You exhale loudly, getting as comfortable on the seat as possible and fix your own gaze ahead of you as you usually do to get lost inside your own thoughts.
The stress of the day slowly washes off your body and you relax ever so slightly with each passing second until the motion of the bus turns you drowsy with sleep and then, without you even realising it, your eyes close and with a turn of the bus, your head lands exactly on that poor stranger's shoulder.
Seokjin jumps at the sudden touch, his heart missing a few beats in his chest before turning absolutely rampant. His eyes shift from the glass to you and his mouth opens in bewilderment as he realizes you have fallen asleep just like that and fell on top of him.
He would have woken you up if it weren't for the peaceful expression on your features, for the dark circles under your eyes that he hadn't noticed at first.
He bites his bottom lip unsure of what he's supposed to do, especially considering that his stop is the next one in line and this is the last bus he'll be able to catch tonight in order to go home.
He ponders and ponders and just finds himself unable to do anything about you and the way your entire weight is being supported by his shoulder.
He heaves out a sigh, curses himself under his breath and simply waits for you to wake up. Maybe, if he's lucky enough, you'll wake up soon and he will just walk a few blocks to get home.
Sadly, you do not wake up and minutes tick by and by until you are the only two passengers on the bus.
His heart drops in his chest the instant he feels the bus stop and realizes you have reached the terminal and now he has no choice but to wake you up.
He grimaces but shakes you awake as gently as possible, he offers you a gentle smile as you jump at the sudden contact and look up at him in surprise.
"You fell asleep," he says, barely above a whisper as his cheeks turn a nice shade of pink under your intense gaze.
Your cheeks feel as hot as the sun, instead, shame filling you up to the very core as you jolt backwards apologising over and over again.
"It's ok, it happens," he offers as a consolation but then you watch his eyes fill with doubt, his bottom lip suddenly trapped under his teeth as his eyebrows furrow.
"Oh! I just realised this must be your stop!" You get up in an instant failing to realize the bus is empty and that the driver is looking at the both of you rather unamused by the fact that you are wasting too much of his precious time.
Seokjin gets up then, scratches the back of his head as he shakes it lightly.
"Well that's... uh... we kind of reached the terminal."
"What?!" You finally look around and blood drains from your features as your mouth opens in utter shock, "Wait, why didn't you wake me up sooner?!"
Seokjin's mouth opens and closes, opens and closes as he looks at you completely baffled.
"Well, I didn't want to wake you up! You looked tired and like you needed the rest so I just..."
He seems to become smaller under your gaze and that's when you realize you are being incredibly ungrateful right about now and just as you open your mouth to apologise, the driver decides to chime in and not so kindly ask you to leave the damned bus and figure it out on your own outside his vehicle.
That's how you find yourself standing in the cold night against a stranger with absolutely not a single clue on what to do next.
"I'm Seokjin by the way," he says after a few minutes of very thick and awkward silence.
"Oh, I'm _______," you offer him a smile and your hand and he quickly grabs it which makes your smile deepen a tad bit more.
He seems to be just as lost and uncomfortable as you are as you stand there like two idiots, looking around as if the solution is suddenly going to pop out behind the corner and save you from this awkward and romcom-like situation.
"I'm sorry for yelling earlier I was just taken aback... uhm, thank you, for, well, everything, I guess."
You look at your feet as you say this, torture your fingers as your insides twitch uncomfortably inside of you.
If you could disappear inside the bitumen, you so would.
Seokjin, instead, hums at your words, shifts his weight from left to right while keeping his gaze trained entirely on you.
"So... how far away do you live?"
You close your eyes and heave out a sigh as you think about walking for such a long distance in the middle of the night and with bloody heels on.
"Definitely too far for a walk," you mumble, shaking your head as you start pondering over the idea of calling a cab or a friend to come to your rescue.
"Same," he says, chuckling at the predicament you've both fallen into because of, well, you.
"Maybe we can call someone?" You suggest, finally lifting your gaze to look at him.
"Yeah, uhm, I don't think my friends are going to pick up anytime soon... it's the weekend after all."
You nod your head a couple of times pretty sure that's the case with you as well, not to mention you don't even have an endless list of friends to choose from.
"We could call a cab?" He asks, tilting his head to the side as he pushes his hands inside the pockets of his jeans.
"Oh. Well, I don't... uhm."
How do you confess to a stranger that you cannot afford a cab ride that long? You grimace and evidently, he can see it pretty well under the moonlight because without you having to add more, he hums and offers you a meek 'me neither' as a response which, honestly, would have made you chuckle if your heart hadn't just dropped deep within your chest.
"So walking it is," you say then, heaving out a sigh as you finally decide to take the lead and walk away from the stupid terminal.
Seokjin follows suit in silence but this time it's more comfortable and it seems to ease up your nerves. He didn't even ask you where you live exactly, he's just following you blindly so you curiously look up at him trying to decide if you should be worried by it or grateful.
"So," you say after a while, "Your house is in the same direction as mine?"
"Not really," he confesses, making himself small inside his wide shoulders.
Seokjin stops on his tracks, looks at you for a second and then, realization twists his features into a stupefied expression that prompts a chuckle to escape your lips.
"I'm not following you! I mean, I am but not because... I mean no offence because you can probably take care of yourself just fine but I wouldn't really feel at peace letting you walk home by yourself at this hour of the night."
"You are awfully nice, did anyone ever tell you that?"
Seokjin laughs, his eyes reducing to two adorable half-moons as he does so and soon enough, you are chuckling right along with him, unable to resist his contagious laugh.
That's how it starts.
You find out that talking to Seokjin comes pretty easily, that he is witty and funny and comfortable to be around to and so much so, he feels like someone you've known for most of your life and that have just met after years of being apart.
The only downside to it all is that your legs are killing you, not to even mention your feet. It is when you absolutely can not take it anymore that you stop to take the shoes from hell off of your poor feet and sigh at the sensation of your soles lying flat on the dirty bitumen.
"Oh no, you are so not going to walk with your naked feet! Do you have any idea of the dirt and thousands of germs that live there?!"
"Well, I can't walk in these stupid heels a second longer so this will have to do."
Seokjin shakes his head, sighs deeply and then he crouches down before you, offering you his wide back to hop onto.
"Are you kidding me? You are offering me a piggyback ride right now?"
"Well, doesn't look like I have much of a choice right now, does it?"
He looks at you from behind his back, his eyes pointedly fixed on your features as he urges you to hop on his back already so that he can safely you accompany you back home once and for all.
It's with all the shyness and insecurity of the world that you do this, allow his arms to wrap around your thighs and yours around his neck.
"You really are awfully nice," you whisper in his ear and Seokjin chuckles again, nodding his head because he realizes how absurd this all is and to be honest, he doesn't know himself why he is doing all of this for someone he has barely met but... well, there's just something about you that makes him want to help you and he can't explain it but it's there and he simply cannot ignore it.
You don't know exactly how long has passed since you left the bus' terminal but it might as well been days because that is how tired you are by the time you finally reach your apartment complex and Seokjin frees you from his grasp.
"I don't know how I can possibly repay you for all that you did for me tonight," you say as your feet land on the bitumen and you look up to him, your lips protruded forward into a little pout.
Seokjin smiles then, mirth shining in his black eyes as he tilts his head to the side.
He can't believe himself he is about to say this but, hell, this is probably his only chance so might as well try, no?
"Well, you could give me your number."
You look up to him in surprise, mouth slightly agape at the bold question you would have never expected to fall from his plump lips.
The most shocking part of it, though, is the fact that you don't even need to think about it to know the answer.
Maybe it was destiny that brought you together, maybe it was fate that decided you had to find that empty spot, fall asleep on his shoulder and no one else's. You don't know but a part of you decides to believe that, to take a chance for once in your life and that's how Seokjin ends up with your number registered in his phone and a grateful kiss on his right cheek.
Your hearts beat frantically in your chests as he walks the opposite way to finally reach his house and you run up the stairs that lead you to your apartment.
It takes Seokjin exactly twenty seconds to ring your phone after you turn your back on him and it takes just two for you to eagerly pick up while closing the door behind your back.
It takes Seokjin forty additional minutes to walk himself home while you keep him company by talking to him on the phone.
It takes three hours for you to end the call and close your eyes on this absurd days and well, it turns out that sometimes it takes a lot less than twenty-four hours for two people to fall in love.
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Copyright © 2020 by jeonggukingdom. All rights reserved. Do not repost, do not steal, do not translate without consent.
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dovechim · 5 years
a remedy for mondays 02 (m)
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➾ 12.6k
➾ please read part 01 first!! 
➾ summary: all you wanted was just one day off work. but for that to happen, you need to invent a plausible reason. and then somehow, somewhere along the way, things get out of hand, and now people think you’re having a baby with your co-worker Park Jimin after a one-night stand. confused? join the club.
➾ warnings: SMUT, risky unprotected sex (pls be safe!), one night stand, oral sex (m&f), cum fetish/ cum eating (m), creampies, public bj, impregnation kink, baby making dirty talk, switch jimin. 
➾ a/n: happy monday (at least for me)!!!! the smut is finally here u guys... i feel like im making up for lost time lmaooo ok but real talk there’s a lot more to come in the future. once again, i wanna express my undying love for @jimlingss. without her, half of what's in this fic would not exist c: 
love you guys. have a good week ahead 💓
The notifications are pouring in like crazy. Before this you didn’t even realise you had this many friends, but it seems like now everyone wants a piece of the congratulations-pie, everyone wants to share in on your good news.
Your sister has been calling and texting you non-stop to ask when your next checkup is, and if she can come along to see the ultrasound. Your mother has been leaving long, weepy voicemails begging you to call her back.
It’s all just too much, and its Monday again.
“Your performance has been awfully sub-par lately,” your manager sighs as she flips through your report. “I thought we went over this the last time we met? Where’s the analysis for the datasets I gave you last week?”
“I’m sorry, I’ll work harder,” you mumble under your breath, swallowing back the unfairness that tastes bitter in the back of your throat. Even though you’d spent what was remaining of your weekend churning out all the reports, it’s still not enough. Nothing will ever be enough for your slave driver of a manager.
“See that you do. You may go for now,” she dismisses you, and you leave her office.
You plop down at your desk with a heavy sigh, looking at your emails with no real motivation to do anything. Between the pressure at work and the whole mounting scandal of your supposed pregnancy, you are caught between a rock and a hard place. There’s no real solution to any of this. All you have to blame is yourself.
No, actually, your asshole boss is to blame. She sent you a set of painfully incomplete datasets last week, expecting you to get a full analysis out of them. When you wrote back to her that some data was missing, hence making it difficult for you to analyse, she just ignored your email.
Feeling your anger surge through our entire body, you pick up your mug and shove yourself out of your chair, muttering under your breath.
“What the fuck does she want me to do, magic the data out of thin air? Pull the data out of my ass?” Luckily everyone around you is too absorbed in their work to notice that you’re walking around and talking angrily to yourself.
You wash your cup with more vigour than necessary, scrubbing extra hard as you imagine that the surface of your cup is your boss’s face. You get back to your seat and set your cup down, breathing hard both from the exertion and the annoyance.
“I hit 200 mentions this morning,” Park Jimin remarks casually as he drops his briefcase on his desk and sinks into his chair. “I’ve never had this many notifications before.”
You shoot him an annoyed glare. “Not here!”
Gesturing for him to follow you, you scope out an empty meeting room and close the door.  He comes in and sits on the desk with his arms crossed.
“So what are we going to-“
“Let’s have a baby.”
Park Jimin gapes at you, and if the situation weren’t this dire, you’d laugh about how someone so handsome can get caught off guard too. You run your eyes over his body, from the way his thighs look thicker as he perches on the edge of the desk, his slim biceps that show through his white dress shirt, and his dashing good looks. Why nothave a baby with Park Jimin? At this point, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to you.
“You’re not thinking straight are you?” Jimin cautions with his hands up, as if trying to ward off a raging, charging bull. “What happened? Did your manager give you hell again? You’re always cranky on Mondays.”
“I’m cranky, am I?” Your voice has a slight edge to it. “I’ll tell you why I’m cranky alright. My sister is texting me every two seconds asking if I’ve set up an appointment with the doctor yet. My mother is calling me every four seconds to tell me what she thinks our baby’s name should be-“
“Wait- really? But you haven’t gotten a single call in the whole time that you’ve been here…”
“I’m not getting a moment’s peace,” you whirl around on him with a slightly manic look on your face, and Park Jimin’s eyes widen even more, and he gulps in fear. “Let’s just have this fucking baby already.”
Jimin knows well enough not to engage someone when they’re in full on panic mode, so he lets you take a few deep breaths before speaking. Over the past few months, he’s grown pretty familiar with what your likes and dislikes are, particularly your preference for drowning your sorrows in alcohol. So maybe the next thing that he suggests is not the most rational, but fuck it, at this point, does it even matter anymore?
“You know what? Let’s ditch work early today and go for drinks.” Jimin watches your expression change immediately, and his heart seizes in relief.
But then a frown crosses your face. “Oh but I can’t, I have that fucking dataset to analyse…”
“Fuck it.” You’re shocked when the expletive leaves his lips; the normally reserved Park Jimin who always does all his work and makes sure to cross his ‘t’s and dot his ‘i’s. “It’s Monday. Who wants to work on a Monday?”
It feels like the two of you are doing something illegal when you lean to the side and catch Park Jimin’s eye at exactly 5pm on the dot. You already decided that leaving at the same time from your seats would be far too inconspicuous, so the plan is for you to pretend to go to the ladies’ washroom, which is in one direction, and for him to leave for the men’s about 10 minutes later, then meet at the taxi stand and hail a cab to get the hell out of this place.
It’s a whole rendezvous, and since you left earlier, you reach the taxi stand first; panting even though you haven’t done that much physical exercise to justify it at all. The minutes are ticking by; any time now any one of your coworkers could walk by and see you waiting for a taxi and immediately know that you’re leaving work early. But it’s even worse still if they happen to catch you and Park Jimin hopping into a cab together, so you only pray that your brainless coworkers are tied to their desks.
Not a second later, Park Jimin appears, his hair ruffled and his eyes shining behind his glasses with mirth. His lips are quirked into an excited smile as he waves down a cab, opens the door for you and gestures you in. The simple act of his, done without much thought at all, actually makes your heart skip a beat as you get in.
You can’t help but obsessively check over your shoulder to see if any of your co-workers just so happen to be around. It’s only when you clear the near vicinity of your workplace that your shoulders sag with relief, and even more so when the cab screeches to a stop, signalling that you’ve arrived. Jimin pays the driver without a word, refusing to accept your money as you clamber out of the cab after him.
It’s not the typical scene you would have found yourself at in your younger days. This bar is a lot more lowkey, the lighting is dim despite the fact that they haven’t even reached happy hour yet. It’s hard to make out anyone’s face inside, and you nearly lose sight of Jimin were it not for the fact that his hand is tightly grasping yours.
“What would you like to start off?” Jimin asks as you reach the bar. He turns to see you struggling to get on the high chair in your skirt and heels, and he reaches to steady the back of the chair so that it doesn’t tip over.
“Shots.” You declare. “I need to get wasted, and fast.”
Giving you a raised eyebrow, but not protesting in the least, Jimin turns to order and in that moment, gives you a really nice glimpse of his side profile. Somewhere along the taxi ride he had taken off his glasses and pushed his hair back, and unbuttoned his dress shirt a little more. You have to tear your eyes away from him when the bartender presents you with a tray of tequila shots with salt decorating the rim, and some finger food to go along with it.
You grab one and he follows suit.
“What should we toast to?” Park Jimin asks.
“To our baby,” you say with a slight laugh, and though you can feel the slightly weird look that the bartender gives you, you don’t really give a fuck. All that matters is that the only other person in here who knows the truth is Park Jimin, and he gives you a shared smile as you clink glasses.
The alcohol burns as it slides down your throat, and you immediately reach for another to chase it down. The tray clears out pretty quickly as Jimin matches you shot for shot, and every time you put down your glass, reality gets further and further away, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“So tell me,” Jimin says as he reaches for the ketchup bottle and uncaps it, pulling the bowl of truffle fries closer to him. “Was this always your dream?”
You stop him as he’s about to pour ketchup all over the top of the fries like a savage instead of doing it the normal way, on the side. “Dude, order your own fries if you’re gonna ruin them like that!”
“What, how is that weird? I’ve always done that!”
“You belong in a mental institution,” you fix him with a glare. “Anyway, was whatalways my dream?”
Jimin just shrugs and gives in as he takes a few fries from the bowl to dip, like a civilized person. “This job.”
“Was working at a desk job for 9 hours straight always my dream? Uh, I think not,” you chew on your fries. “Which child ever had a dream like that? Did youhave a dream like that?”
“Me? I wanted to be a policeman,” Jimin grins as he raises his clenched fists. “You know all that idealistic shit children believe in. Making a difference in the world. Catching all the bad guys. Things like that.”
“So you don’t believe in those things anymore?”
“No, I still believe in them,” he raises another shot to his lips and downs it with a grimace. “I just realised that things aren’t so black and white. There are bad guys everywhere, but sometimes you just can’t catch them. Sometimes they’re the ones in positions of power over you and you gotta live like that.”
You reach for another shot, but the tray is empty. Jimin signals the bartender to bring you a second round of drinks; a gin and tonic for you and a coke with vodka for him. The alcohol has your senses buzzing pleasantly, it feels like there’s a disconnect between your brain and your mouth, but you don’t actively object to it either. It feels nice to be able to tell someone things like this.
“I gave up on having a dream long ago. Not everyone is lucky enough to do what they like in life, and I already accepted that I’m not one of those people. And it’s okay.” You turn in your chair so that you are facing Jimin directly, though you have a bit of trouble because it seems like your body is disconnected from your brain.
Jimin helps you with a hand on your thigh that sends shockwaves through your entire body. His daring touch makes your heart speed up, and when he positions your chair so that his thighs are on the outside of yours, you can barely breathe as you look him in the eye. And then he leans forward, slowly, bit by bit, until you think he’s going to kiss you, but then he only takes a whiff of your alcohol laden breath.
“Come on. I should see you home. We still have work tomorrow.” His words brook no resistance as he helps you off the chair with an arm around your waist, and the alcohol seems to have taken effect on you faster than usual today, because you’re only capable of sinking into him, feeling his firm body against yours.
A cab pulls up to the entrance of the bar, and Jimin shields your head as you get into the car, barely having control over your limbs. You mutter your address to the driver, and over the ride home, the bumps and turns actually help you to sober up a little, but then you begin to notice the little things like how Park Jimin’s thighs are actually pretty thick.
And when he stretches forward to pay the driver again, you notice how nice his biceps are.
When he walks in front of you leading you with one hand, you notice how tight his ass looks in his pants.
As he waits for you to unlock your door, you feel his breath on the nape of your neck, and just the feeling of having his body this close to yours is just-
“So um, goodnight, it was fun, I guess,” Park Jimin is stuttering and stumbling over his words as he scratches the back of his neck. “We should do it again sometime. Ditch work, I mean.”
Oh fuck it all to hell, you think to yourself as you grab Park Jimin by the collar and pull him into you, your lips meeting and immediately, you taste the sweetness of the coke on his tongue. Park Jimin lets out an adorable little grunt of surprise, but his hands still wrap around you anyway, one around your waist and the other inching down towards your hip.
“We- shouldn’t be doing this,” Park Jimin pants in between kisses as you bite his lips roughly, and watching them become swollen with your kisses gives you a strange satisfaction that you’ve never experienced with anyone else.
But his rationality is impeded by the alcohol rushing through his bloodstream, but even more so than that, the feel of your soft body against him. So Park Jimin forgets what he was going to say next as you make him walk backwards in the direction of your bedroom.
“But we’re doing it anyway,” you tell him with flushed cheeks, and his hands agree with you as they climb up your body, reaching for the zipper on the side of your skirt.
He pulls your skirt off impatiently, but you won’t let him get away with it so easily as you fiddle with the buttons of his dress shirt, finally prising them apart to get a good look at his sleek chest muscles and his toned abdomen.
“Shit,” you swear under your breath. “When the fuck did you get those?”
Park Jimin looks smug as he pushes his shirt off his body, feeling his abs tense as you straddle his lap. “What do you mean? I’ve always had these.”
“I thought you were just some skimpy little nerd,” you huff at him in slight annoyance. It’s almost a little rude of him to spring it on you like this, suddenly turning from the computer geek nerd into a hot walking sex god.
“A nerd hot enough for you to have a one-night stand with,” Jimin throws back at you with a proud smirk, and irritated with his sudden overconfidence, you shut him up by grinding against the bulge in the front of his now too tight dress pants.
“That doesn’t count, I was panicking,” you try to defend yourself weakly, but Jimin ignores you in favour of mouthing against your neck, kissing his way down to your bra cups, which he pulls down with his teeth. As if to prove his point that you are having a one-night stand with him right now.
Jimin is fumbling with your bra at the same time you are trying to undo the button of his pants, and the whole affair is desperate; the two of you are half-sober and everything is a blur. All you know is, the next thing his pants are off, his cock is leaking on his stomach, and the desire to take him in your mouth is undeniable.
Your hand grasps him at his base, and he bucks his hips into you immediately, curses falling from his swollen lips. A few good strokes, and then you can’t wait anymore, your lips close around his head and the saltiness of him spreads across your tongue.
“Ahhh, fuck,” Jimin’s hands tangle themselves in your hair. “I- gu-ess we’re not co-workers anymore?”
Your mouth is too full of cock to respond as you sink down on him deeper, loosening your throat as your tongue teases the underside of him. Saliva is already dripping from the corners of your mouth to run down your chin, and you belatedly realise that your bra is still on; Jimin hadn’t managed to get it off. With one hand you reach behind you and undo the clasp, shrugging the bra off in a single movement as Jimin swears as if he just witnessed a miracle (he’s never actually seen any of the girls he’s been with do this.)
You pull yourself off his cock for a moment to give yourself a breather, resting the head of him against your chin as you look up at him. “Just ask yourself, Park. Would a co-worker be sucking your dick like this?”
And then your mouth is back on him; you feel his hands in your hair and his thighs trembling beneath you. His cock is leaking in your mouth, it is thick in your throat as you bob up and down, the sounds of you choking around his cock are filthy and wet.
“Stop!” Jimin sounds out with a gasp, his abs trembling from the amount of effort it takes him not to blow his load. “It- it’s been a while. I don’t wanna cum yet, please.”
His pleading, whiny voice that’s filled with desperation makes you reconsider. Maybe he isn’t a sex god after all; he just happens to have a good body. You pull away from his cock and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, and Jimin pulls you forward to sit on his lap. His cock brushes against your stomach, and he can’t seem to keep his eyes off your breasts.
“Have you even done this before?” You mean it as a joke, but Park Jimin’s eyes widen in panic.
“What?! Of course I have!” He says defensively. “Let me eat you out and I’ll show you.”
He reaches for the waistband of your underwear, but you swat him away impatiently. “That’ll take too long. Just let me ride you and we can both cum.”
You push down your underwear in a single movement, not missing the way his eyes are drawn to how your arousal clings to the material. He helps you situate yourself on him with his hands around your waist, and you grab the base of his cock to start to guide him into you. But then, Park Jimin stops you.
“Make sure you’re wet enough?” He asks as he runs his fingers against your slit, though he pretty much already knows the answer just from seeing how soaked your panties were. He just wants to feel the evidence of your arousal for himself. His fingers come away sticky and soaked.
While Park Jimin is busy marvelling at how wet you are just from sucking his cock, you position the head of his cock at your entrance, and then you sink down slowly onto him. The stretch of him against your walls makes you dig your fingers into his shoulders, and likewise, Park Jimin’s fingers dig themselves into your waist as he moans out your name.
“F-fuck, you’re tight,” Jimin barely manages to get out as you stop with a few more inches to go. “You didn’t answer my question earlier on.”
“What is it?” You grit your teeth as you position yourself on your knees, trying to work yourself into taking his entire cock. It had been a while since you last had dick, let alone one as thick as Park Jimin’s, but you aren’t a quitter by any means.
“We- we aren’t co-workers anymore, huh?” Jimin groans again as you squeeze his cock with your walls.
“For fuck’s sake, Park,” you growl at him as you start bouncing on his cock, each slap satisfying as he bottoms out inside you. “We stopped being co-workers the minute I publicised our one-night stand.”
Your hands are on his chest for better leverage as your hips grind on his cock to get him as deep as possible, alternating between up and down movements and side to side movements. Park Jimin has his hands on your hips to help guide you, but he realises you don’t need guidance, so he just sits back to let himself enjoy the visual spectacle that’s unfolding in front of him. You, with your cheeks flushed and breasts loose and bouncing because of his cock, riding him as if your life depends on it. Jimin looks down to where his cock disappears inside you, where your sweet thighs are flexing and working to get the both of you off. But it’s not quite enough.
“Turn around,” he begs. “Wanna see your ass too.”
“God, you’re so fucking weird, Park,” but you do it anyway, letting his cock slide out of you as you turn around and fold your knees under you so that your back faces him.
Jimin spreads his thighs just enough so that they frame your ass perfectly, his hand pressing against your lower back so that you arch and press your ass against him even more. Then he spreads your cheeks with one hand and guides his cock back into your warm depths with the other, groaning when you push back onto him and sit on his cock fully. Now every time you bounce on his cock, your ass jiggles deliciously, and as an ass man, Jimin appreciates this view so much that he tries his best to take a mental picture of this whole view with his mind.
His cock sliding into your pussy so easily since you’re so wet, the fleshy globes of your ass against his thighs as you fuck yourself back onto his cock.
“I-I’m gonna cum,” he warns you with his cheeks hot and abs tensing.
“Just cum already,” you huff in impatience as you turn your head to catch a glimpse of his already fucked out look, lips swollen and his hands on your ass as his cock twitches inside you.
With your permission, Jimin lets himself go as he feels his balls tense, cock releasing inside your sweet, warm pussy and filling you up all the way with his cum. He continues to watch your ass bounce on his cock to milk him dry of every drop, his hips thrusting upwards in an effort to prolong his pleasure. Once he can feel that he’s given you every drop of cum in his body, he places his hands on your ass and pushes you forward with cheeks spread so he can see how well he filled your pussy.
His softening cock starts to slide out from you, and Jimin can see his cum start to leak from your pussy almost immediately. To your benefit, you are giving him the fucking show of his life as you arch your back and lean forward, guided by his hands as you lower your upper body to the bed.
“Shit, oh fuck it,” Jimin mutters to himself as he pushes himself into a sitting position, then with both hands grasping the back of your thighs, he flips you over till you are on your ass, then pulls you with legs spread closer to him. The sight of your cream filled pussy is just too tempting to resist, and Jimin licks through your soaked folds as he savours your taste mixed with his.
He barely hears you squeak out his name in surprise as he continues to devour your creamed pussy, tongue around your clit in circles and fingers dipping into your cunt to tease out more of his cum from your depths. To his pleasure, his cum leaks from you in an ever steady stream as he eats you out; your thighs are shaking around his head as you cry out your pleasure till you lose track.
When you beg him to stop, thighs quivering from overstimulation and clit raw and abused, he raises his head and gives you a quick kiss to your inner thigh, collapsing onto the bed in pure exhaustion. Post high, you are both wiped out, and that’s how the two of you, who are most certainly notco-workers anymore, fall asleep.
Everything is too bright. And everything hurts, your throat is dry and again, everything hurts. You forget that you aren’t in your prime time anymore; that drinking is a night of fun followed by a morning of regret.
Though this morning, you have a lot more to regret than just alcohol.
You wake up with an alien arm around your waist, and frustrated by the unwanted physical contact, you toss it away with an annoyed grunt. Your elbow strikes out in the same direction, only to hit a solid, warm body beside you, and then your eyes shoot open as you sit straight up in bed.
Only to find a very naked, very passed out Park Jimin sleeping beside you.
“Holy fucking shit,” the realisation of exactly what happened last night hits you, and dread punches you in the stomach.
“Is it morning already?” Park Jimin buries his face into your sheets, his blonde hair sticks out in every direction. “Five more minutes, mom.”
Irritated that he’s yet to come to his senses, you kick his stupid, bubble butt, and he jerks awake, opening his eyes blearily. Once he takes in your expression, he closes them immediately.
“Can’t say that’s the best thing to wake up to in the morning,” Jimin says with his face buried in the sheets again, his voice muffled. “Nothing kills my morning wood faster than-“
“Get the fuck up, Park,” you hiss at him, clutching the sheets to your chest. “Come to your fucking senses!”
At the tone of urgency in your voice, Park Jimin finally shakes himself awake; he blinks slowly until he takes in the whole situation: you and him, supposedly co-workers, waking up together in the same bed, naked.
“Holy fuck, did we just…” Park Jimin glances down at his cock that lies limp against the side of his thigh, and the sticky, dried essence left behind. “Oh my god. We fucked.”
“We arefucked,” you correct him.
It seems as if whoever is running things up in the divine realm really has it out for you. Nursing a hangover as you walk into work, you try your best not to make eye contact with Park Jimin, which is easier said than done considering that he sits right opposite you.
So this is how it feels when two colleagues actuallyhave a one-night stand.
You run a hand through your hair in frustration, unable to focus on any of your tasks this morning.
“Hey, _____- whoa, are you feeling okay?” Kim Taehyung does a double take as he passes by your desk. “You look a little, um… under the weather. You feeling alright? Is it… how’s the baby? How many months are you again?”
Your face only pales even further as he brings up the non-existent baby, and with that, a realisation that the both of you didn’t use protection last night. Park Jimin seems to have arrived at the same realisation, because he makes eye contact with you for the first time that morning as he peeks out the side of his computer.
“I’m- I’m alright,” you manage a forced smile, wanting nothing more than for him to just fuck off already so that you can begin to process all this in peace and figure out exactly how screwed over you are.
“Well, if you say so,” Kim Taehyung says with a doubtful frown. “You know, _____, we actually have really great benefits for mothers. Even unwed mothers. I’d love to sit down and go through them with you one day if you could spare me the time. Wait actually, can I see your baby bump? I always thought they were the cutest-“
“I have to throw up,” you say without hesitation, and you stand up and push past him on your way to the restroom.
It’s not entirely a lie, since you do spend a good ten minutes praying at the porcelain altar, but no one has to know it was because of alcohol intoxication. When you finally flush and then rinse out your mouth at the sink, you open the door of the restroom to find Park Jimin waiting with a worried look on his face.
“Are you okay?” He starts, but then Jeongguk walks by you and shoots you both an admiring look.
“Lovebirds alert!” He sings out in that highly irritating voice of his as he dances down the aisle.
“No, I want to fucking die,” you mutter under your breath as you stare daggers into Jeongguk’s back.
“I need to ask you something,” Park Jimin says urgently as he glances around for any eavesdropping ears. He grasps your hand and tugs you into the nearest meeting room, and once he makes sure that the doors are locked securely, he turns to you again. “We used a condom last night right? We are responsible, working adults. We wouldn’t forget something as basic as that.”
You sink down onto a chair with a glum look on your face. “Impossible. We couldn’t have used a condom. I don’t have any condoms in my house.”
Park Jimin makes a strangled sound in the back of his throat. “Well… then, you’re on birth control right?”
“It makes me gain weight like crazy. The only reason why I’m not a balloon right now is because I went off the pill years ago.”
There is a beat of silence as Park Jimin stares at you as if you’re pulling his leg. Then a random thought occurs to you that you could very well still end up being a balloon precisely becauseyou’re not on birth control right now.
“What about Plan B?” Jimin lights up, literally jumping out of his chair as he suggests it. “You could get it right now. I’ll drive you. We can say we’re going to the doctor’s for an appointment or something.”
The sobering reality sets in as you sit there in silence, and Park Jimin is still looking at you, waiting for your response. Only, you don’t quite know how to respond. The rational part of you should be jumping to your feet now and making him rush you to the nearest pharmacy, but then there’s a tiny voice in the back of your head that you can’t ignore.
This would solve all your problems.
Park Jimin is still waiting for your response, growing more and more antsy as the minutes tick by.
“Do you know how many people know about this baby?” You finally say.
Those were not the words Park Jimin was expecting to hear, and he does a double take. “Wh- what? What are you talking about?”
“Approximately 265 people,” you continue on, ignoring his cautious look. “Your family, my family, the whole company, my friends, my ex-boyfriend and his new wife-“
“You counted? Why would you do that?” Jimin groans as he runs his hands through his hair. “You didn’t have to remind me of how fucked we are and how many people we have to answer to. My Granny dug out my baby clothes from some godforsaken corner in the house and gave them to me last night.”
The mention of Jimin’s Granny fills you with guilt once more, and it makes the tiny voice grow a little louder, and you try to swallow back the awful feeling.
“Exactly. So why don’t we just… leave this up to chance. Just this once.” You keep glancing at Jimin to gauge his reaction, but the blonde haired man only stares back at you with the same serious expression on his face. “Plan B wouldn’t have worked anyway. I already ovulated this month.”
“Shit,” Jimin sighs as he collapses down into a chair. “So there’s an actual chance? That you could be pregnant right now? But I… I ate you out. Maybe I got most of it out from you.”
The both of you know that Jimin is simply grasping at straws now.
You just shrug silently as Jimin takes some time to let the reality of the situation sink in. Just then, your phone buzzes and you open the text from your sister who’s asking if she can accompany you to your ultrasounds. You groan audibly, and Jimin takes a peek over at your phone screen.
“Just this once,” he says, as if he’s really considering it as he watches the messages from your sister flood your screen. “But… will you be okay? If it really does happen, I mean. Are you okay with that?”
“I mean, I hate kids and all, if that’s what you’re asking.” You lock your phone and put it face down on the desk just so you don’t have to deal with that for a hot second. “But that aside, if it’s a cute kid, I guess I don’t mind. I mean… if the kid looked like you. I guess I don’t mind.”
You don’t know why it’s taking you so long to say what you really mean. It’s not like you to beat around the bushes like this, nor is it like you to be tripping over your own words like an idiot. But the gist of it still gets through anyway, by the look on Park Jimin’s face.
“I… I guess I wouldn’t mind either. Kids are cute.” Jimin says hesitantly, eyes constantly darting away from yours. “I mean, I’mcute. Obviously my kids would be cute.”
“Um. Okay then,” you say awkwardly, getting up and skirting around him to get to the door. “I guess… um… so… I’ll let you know. If anything happens.”
Jimin gets up with a resolute look on his face as he follows you to the door. “Yeah. Sure.”
The next Monday, everyone is off work for the afternoon because it’s the quarterly Healthy Lifestyle Day, where a poll is sent out to everyone to vote for the healthy bonding activity that their team should engage in. In actual fact, the poll is a scam since bowling wins every time, all because it’s well known that Bae Joohyun’s favourite pastime is bowling.
You endure the awful scents of sweat as you squeeze into your awful rented bowling shoes, grimace as you cram your fingers into the holes on the bowling ball, try not too hard to embarrass yourself as you bowl gutter after gutter. Your back is aching, face is sweaty and you are straight up not having a good time.
Bae Joohyun, on the other hand, is nailing strike after strike in her own lane, with her team of personal cheerleaders making a huge fuss every time she finishes her round. Those are the very group of people who are aiming for a promotion that year; the rest of you are just kind of milling about the other lanes and pretending to enjoy yourself.
You finish your round and plop down on the seat with a sigh, watching as Jeon Jeongguk takes his turn after you with a flourish as he launches his ball down the alley. It’s no secret that he too loves bowling, and he’s pretty good at it too, until Seokjin, one of those vying for a promotion, had to come over and tell him to tone down lest he beat Bae Joohyun’s score.
God forbid if that should happen.
Jeon Jeongguk is trying very hard to do his worst, and it’s actually kind of hilarious because you can literally see the veins in his neck as he strains, his body tensing as he shifts his posture so that his ball rolls into the gutter. The utter disappointment on his face as he strolls back, looking as if he’s about to cry.
“Better luck next time, Jeon,” you call out, feeling a little sorry for the boy with the bunny smile since it seems as if he really does enjoy bowling.
“Yeah, better luck next time!” Kim Taehyung yells out as he takes his time choosing his ball. He holds it in front of him and glances at you with a strange look on his face that immediately warns you to be on guard. “Hey, _____...”
“Yes?” Your voice is raised in suspicion, already not loving where this is going.
“I wanted to ask you this last week, but where is your bump?” Taehyung strokes the bowling ball with a reverence that makes you want to roll your eyes. Why the fuck do you work with weirdos? Taehyung eyes the bowling ball he’s carrying before he looks at you again. “Shouldn’t you be around this far along by now?”
You glance nervously at Jimin, who is in the other lane paired up with the Parenting team, laughing and smiling with this other girl who has long wavy hair that comes down to the middle of her back. But he’s currently too occupied with making her laugh, even helping her out with her bowling posture, to help you out of this hole, so you have to deal with this one yourself.
“The doctor said it’s a small baby,” you shrug as nonchalantly as you can, secretly marvelling at your own genius. “Some people don’t show until the 8thor 9thmonth, you know. It’s perfectly normal. Every pregnancy is different.”
You even sound knowledgeable to your own ears. Taehyung looks convinced by your story, but then he decides to put the bowling ball under his shirt for some inane reason, drawing more attention to himself as your coworkers start to notice.
“Hey Park! Look, I’m your girlfriend!” Taehyung yells and you stand up in horror.
“What the fuck, are you fucking high?” You hiss at him, trying to get him to take the ball out without dropping it on his own foot. “Stop fucking around! Bae Joohyun is here!”
Her name gets him to sober up a little, though it’s already too late because Namjoon from HR is strolling over with an amused look on his face, having sat out the bowling because of his injured finger (he’s always injuring some part of his body because of his clumsiness).
“Hey _____, how’s the baby? Don’t mind if I feel the bump? Is the baby kicking yet?” He says with an excited look on his face. “My sister felt her kicks early. It was the most magical thing.”
“Uh… no, not yet,” you laugh weakly and wave his hand away. “It’s a very small baby for now, so…”
“Oh come on, I’m sure there’s been a flutter or two here and there!” Namjoon insists with his eyes bright, and Taehyung nods vigorously.
“C’mon, just let us feel the bump?” Taehyung begs with his hands clasped together, and you glance around furtively. The two of them won’t seem to stop going on and on about this baby, but if you just let them touch your stomach maybe they’ll be satisfied. It can’t hurt, it’s not like they have ultrasounds for hands.
“Fine,” you sigh as you tense your stomach a little. You don’t have the flattest stomach, but it’s certainly not as pronounced as it should be this far into pregnancy. But it’s harmless, they won’t be able to feel anything, and-
“Oh my god, I think the baby just kicked!” Namjoon exclaims with his hand on your lower abdomen, and you frown in distress. “There! Right there! I felt it! Taehyung, did you feel it too?”
Namjoon removes his hand and urges Taehyung to take his place, which the latter does without hesitation. You’re just about to protest that this touchy feely session has gone on for a tad too long, but then Taehyung’s face lights up.
“You’re right! I felt it too! Oh my god ______, your baby kicked!”
He says this last sentence with a booming voice that echoes throughout the bowling alley, and you wish the ground would just open up and swallow you whole. More and more people are turning to look at you now, including total strangers not from your company, and even Jimin and the pretty girl he’s with are turning to you.
Namjoon and Taehyung are absolutely wrecking you today. Luckily Jeon Jeongguk doesn’t seem to be in the mood to join in, seeing as he’s seated on the far end of the sofa soaking up his own misery.
Your cheeks are burning as you feel the burrito from lunch announcing its presence, but you paste on a shaky smile and add on to your credibility with a nervous laugh. “Oh wow… um, that’s the baby, y-yeah it is! The kicks have been so tiny I barely noticed!”
Namjoon is literally clapping his hands with glee. “Where’s Park? He needs to witness this moment! He’s your baby daddy!”
Taehyung glances around till he catches a glimpse of Jimin and the pretty girl with the wavy hair, and then he grimaces. “Woah, looks like you got some competition huh? Better up your game, if you know what I mean. I saw them getting pretty up close and personal just now. Park was teaching her how to hold a bowling ball. I mean, who the fuck needs to learn that?”
“She can hold my balls if she wants,” Namjoon snickers, but then his face straightens when you glare at him. “It was a joke. Sorry. Please don’t report me to HR for sexual harassment.”
Sometimes you just want to quit your job. Not because of Bae Joohyun, but because of your fucking idiotic coworkers.
“Namjoon, you areHR,” you hiss at him with barely concealed patience.
Taehyung continues as if you’d asked for advice on your sex life with your non-existent baby daddy. “A little pregnancy sex never hurt anyone.”
You can’t quite concentrate on what he’s saying as you glance over at Jimin and his new girl turning their attention back to bowling, him picking out a ball and handing it to her, their hands brushing and the girl giggling. Your attention is focused on them, how Jimin stands behind her as she gets ready to bowl, the way she bends over and practically flashes the whole alley in her short skirt.
Meanwhile, Taehyung is still going on as if you’d asked about his sexual preferences. “Some men find it hot. I, in fact, would love to knock a chick up and then keep fucking her after. Something about that primal instinct, you know?”
When the girl hits five pins, she turns to Jimin with a squeal and raises her hands for a high five. Jimin returns it with a happy grin, but then somehow the whole affair escalates into a hug, and you frown.
“Shut up, Taehyung,” you are taking out your anger on him, but this stupid punk sure as hell deserves it anyway.
Taehyung holds up two hands at your sudden burst of anger. “Woah, I was only giving suggestions. Trying to help here.”
You leave him, still fuming and wanting nothing more than to get out of these fucking uncomfortable shoes. In actual fact, you have no idea why you’re this worked up. It’s not like you and Park Jimin have this exclusive agreement together. He’s free to flirt with anyone he likes.
But really, her? With the flippy hair and obnoxious voice? And while you’re supposed to be pregnant with his baby too? He’s practically cheating on you openly!! Never mind that you aren’t actually knocked up with his kid. It’s the principle of it all.
By the time you reach the counter to exchange your token for your locker key, your expression must have evolved into something truly frightening, because the poor girl manning the counter squeaks at you in fear when you bark out your locker number at her.
When you’re done changing your shoes, you head into the washroom for a bit to splash some water on your face so that you can cool down, and also to check if your period is here, but it’s not. A few minutes later when you leave, you find Park Jimin waiting outside, still in his bowling shoes, his cheeks flushed with exertion and his hair ruffled out of place.
“Are you okay?” He asks, then clears his throat. “I mean; did anything happen? While you were in there? Did your period come?”
You feel the urge to brush past him in annoyance. The whole of last week, the two of you had avoided each other; on one hand you were completely swamped with work, but on the other hand, there is also this awkwardness in between you that hadn’t existed before that fateful night. You still hadn’t directly addressed it yet, only skirted around the topic in hems and haws.
“No it didn’t,” you say, your voice small all of a sudden. “Who’s that girl in your lane?”
“Oh, Seulgi from Divorce Support,” Jimin says. “I was just teaching her how to bowl.”
There’s another awkward silence as the two of you avoid eye contact, and then you hear Seulgi’s high pitched voice calling Jimin’s name, asking him to come back and help her score another strike. Jimin is just about to respond back to her, but then you grab his collar and pull him into the secluded space just behind the female toilets, shutting him up with your lips on his.
His protests soon turn to muffled moans against you, and his hands come to circle your waist somewhat hesitantly, but the intention alone is enough for you. Breaking apart for air, you finally get a glimpse of how sinful Park Jimin looks, and flashbacks from that night revisit you once more. Plush, swollen lips parted mid gasp, cheeks red and flushed and his eyes that can’t stop devouring you whole.
“You should be teaching mehow to bowl,” you push him up against the wall for added emphasis. “I’m the one you knocked up, not her.”
Jimin gulps nervously as he feels your body press against him, and all the blood rushing down south that will soon make itself known against your lower belly. He tries to put a little bit of space in between your bodies so that he won’t embarrass himself, but you are relentless, pressing your breasts into his chest as your hand makes its way to the front of his pants.
“Yo-you aren’t really knocked up,” Jimin tries to protest weakly as you grab a handful of him, and he hardens immediately.
“I could be,” you shoot back. Aware that you don’t have much time, you pull down the zipper on his dress pants and reach inside to grope him lewdly over his underwear. “You knocked me up with your cock right here. Came inside me and filled me up so good.”
“Shit,” Jimin is panting harshly against your neck now, his hips twitching involuntarily as he feels himself soak the front of his underwear. “Wh-what’s got into you?”
“Your cum,” you say simply, watching his eyes widen again as you sink down to your knees, pulling his underwear the rest of the way down to expose the leaking head of his cock. In your previous one-night stand (the actual one), you regrettably didn’t have a chance to admire him properly, but now you’re going to make up for it.
His cock is thick from base to tip, the head of it already red and angry. You can feel your jaw ache just with the thought of deepthroating him all the way, yet you don’t even care if it’d make Park Jimin feel good.
Pushing his cock to lie flat on his belly, you give the underside a long, salacious lick that has Jimin gasping and sobbing already. You start from the bottom again and maintain eye contact as you kitten lick your way to his head again, and then you take him whole into your warm mouth, suckling him as his hands find their way into your hair.
“We- we can’t do this, we’re at work,” Jimin pants, his actions contradictory as his hip surge forward to chase the warmth of your mouth. All it does is showcase his less than ideal willpower when it comes to you.
“What would your Granny say? If she saw you flirting with another girl while the one you knocked up watches?” You squeeze his cock hard, causing Jimin to buck his hips with a groan.
“Pl-please don’t talk about my Granny when you’re sucking my cock,” Jimin protests as he pushes your head further down on his cock.
You let him push his cock down your throat, relaxing and breathing through your nose as you take him for a few seconds. Then you pull back with a wet, sloppy sound, his cock covered in your saliva and precum that drips onto your blouse as you swallow and breathe. “We aren’t at work right now. We’re at a bowling alley.”
And then your mouth is back on his cock, bobbing up and down as you give him the suck of his life, his taste salty on your tongue. One hand wraps around his girthy base as you suck the rest of him, and the other hand comes up to play with his balls. Jimin is all curses and breathy pants above you, his thick thighs trembling with pleasure as he struggles not to lose his balance, nor his load.
“Like it when I play with your balls like this, hmmm?” You pull yourself off his cock to watch the effect your words have on him, tugging on his balls that feel tight and heavy as you jerk him off with the other hand. “When was the last time you came, Minnie?”
The pretty column of his neck is drenched with sweat as he throws his head back against the wall, cock twitching in your grasp as Jimin struggles not to cum. The nickname makes his knees go weak and his voice is lost somewhere in his chest.
When he still doesn’t answer you, you turn and sink your teeth into his fleshy inner thigh, causing him to whine sharply.
“I’m waiting for an answer, Minnie.”
“L-last week,” he gasps out. “Wi-with you.”
“Someone’s been a good boy,” you resume your strokes of his cock as you lick his balls, causing his thighs to clench in response. “Are you sure you haven’t cum since? Didn’t stroke your cock like a dirty pervert and make a mess of yourself with your cum?”
“I-I promise, I didn’t!” Jimin peers down at you in the haze of his desperation and lust, only to see his precum coating your chin, red lipstick smeared all over, but yet you’ve never looked prettier.
Satisfied with his answer, and also how fucked out he looks within such a short span of you getting your mouth on his cock, you wrap your lips around his head again as you jerk the rest of him off, still cradling his balls with your other hand.
“I’m gonna cum,” comes Jimin’s half plea, half warning.
You double your efforts at jerking him off, opening your mouth to show him the head of his cock as it rests heavy on your tongue. That’s all it takes for Jimin to lose his load, his balls pulsing under your grasp as pretty white ropes of cum shoot decorate your tongue. Jimin can’t quite keep his eyes off the way your mouth fills with his seed, and the way you swallow down every drop of him, licking and cleaning his cock as if to make sure you get all of his cum.
When you make sure he’s clean, you press a light kiss to his oversensitive head. “Just remember. I was the one who sucked your cock and swallowed your cum today. Not Seulgi.”
Jimin reaches to tuck himself back into his pants, hands shaky and thighs still trembling. When you stand up and start to walk off without another word, he reaches for your waist to pull you back into him, wanting a taste of your lips after you swallowed his cum.
It’s bitter and sweet at the same time, and Jimin’s sinful moans only make your thighs clench together harder. When you pull apart, Jimin doesn’t let go of his arms around your waist.
“You have a thing for cum?” You raise an eyebrow at him, remembering him eating you out after he came inside you the last time as well. Most guys you’d been with in the past had no problem kissing you after eating you out, but turn it the other way around and they’d be utterly disgusted.
“It’s hot,” Jimin mutters as his eyes slide away from yours.
Recognizing the telltale signs of his embarrassment, you place your thumb on his chin to stop him from looking away. “It’s hot when you do it.”
Hearing you validate him makes him visibly relax in your arms. “What are we? I don’t think we’re coworkers anymore.”
There’s a brief pause as you are aware of how intimate this is, feeling the arousal still pooling in your underwear and feeling Park Jimin’s body warm against yours. There’s something about being in his arms like this that makes the rest of the world disappear.
“No, we aren’t,” you admit. “We… we could be something more. If you want.”
It’s your turn to be nervous now and you can feel your heart racing in your chest, already anticipating for the handsome golden boy to turn you down. Why would he want to be something more with you after all, when there are so many other pretty girls in the office for him to fuck around with?
“I want to. Be something more, that is.” Jimin smiles back, a cute little shy smile that makes your heart skip a million beats.
“_____! It’s been so long since I last saw you!” Granny welcomes you with a wide grin and comforting arms as she bundles you into her embrace. “You look so pretty! Glowing, as usual. Has our Jiminnie been treating you right? Hmmmm?”
Her tone rises into a slight warning as she glares over at her grandson, who is currently struggling with both your luggage a few feet behind.
“He’s been good, Granny,” you reassure her with a relaxed smile.
Granny invited the both of you to spend the long weekend at Jimin’s childhood home in the countryside which also now serves as a sort of vacation home for the Parks. You can’t even remember the last time you had a vacation, had the chance to pull out your flowy summer dresses and really let your hair down. Though this time, there’s another reason altogether for you to wear loose and flowy clothing.
You are ushered into the house to meet the rest of Jimin’s family; his parents and his brother welcome you as if you are already part of the family. They invite you to spectate a game of Wii Tennis, and it’s then that you realise that Jimin’s family are a bunch of heathens because they don’t wear the Wii remote strap while playing.
Jimin is paired up with his father, against his mother and brother. You are more than content to watch from the sides, nestled in beside Granny who feels as soft and comforting as your own mother. Her words, not so much, as she urges the Jimin and his brother to do better, why, if she joined the game she’d beat all their asses!!!
When Jimin’s side wins, the whole family claps and cheers as his mother stands up to give his father a kiss, and when they’re done, the whole family turns expectantly to you and Jimin.
“A kiss for the winner, that’s the prize!” Jimin’s mother says with a mischievous grin on her face.
Jimin fidgets on the spot, tips of his ears growing red as he protests. “Ma…”
“Oh come on, don’t be such prudes!” Granny chides the both of you. “You already did the nasty with each other. How else did my grandchild come into this world?”
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Jimin’s brother begins to chant with a shit eating grin on his face that reminds you of a certain co-worker.
Jimin is getting more and more embarrassed trying to fend his family off, but for you, it’s no big deal. It’s not like you and Jimin haven’t said or done more lewd things to each other. In a sense, Jimin’s Granny is right. The both of you already fucked. What is one tiny little kiss?
So with that, you pull a protesting, flustered Jimin closer to you and tiptoe to reach his lips, arms around him as you kiss him deeply, putting on a show for his family. Whoops and cheers celebrate the two of you, and though Jimin is stunned for a moment, he kisses you back just as passionately, letting his tongue meet your own as he tastes you.
When the two of you part for air, Jimin’s brother lets out a loud whoop, and Granny is still clapping. But poor little Jimin is as red as a tomato, and he tugs on your hand, mumbling something about showing you his room and retiring for the night.
You are still laughing and giggling over how embarrassed he is when Jimin closes his door behind the both of you, giving you a cute pout as he crosses his arms in indignance. But he’s too cute too pass up on, and you pinch his cheeks, squishing his face.
“Was my baby Jimin embarrassed?” You coo at him in a baby voice, grin lighting up your face as it gets him even more annoyed at you. Unfortunately for Jimin, (but luckily for you) he’s just that kind of person who gets even cuter when they are angry or upset.
“I’ve never kissed a girl in front of my Granny you know,” he turns his cheek at you as he goes to sit on his bed to continue sulking. “She’s seen me in my underpants when I was a kid!”
“So? I saw you in your underpants too,” you grin lewdly at him, laughing when he throws an arm over his face and groans in embarrassment.
When he hears your laughter, Jimin peeks out from behind his arm to see your face glowing and radiant, hair loose in waves around your face and looking… happy for the first time. Not stressed or worried about work, or in tears because Bae Joohyun humiliated you.
Just happy.
“You look really pretty like this,” Jimin admits in a small, shy voice.
You stop mid laugh to look at him properly. “Like what?”
“When you’re happy,” he clarifies. “When you laugh like that.”
“It’s when you make me laugh like this,” you look down at the pattern on his bedspread, tracing along it with your fingers. “I haven’t laughed like this in a long while. But ever since you came in, I… I don’t know. Mondays haven’t been so bad for me lately.”
The two of you are shy suddenly, and Jimin feels like he’s a teenager again, confessing to his crush in his childhood bedroom. Back then he always dreamed of bringing a girl back to his house and confessing to her, maybe even making out with her behind his parents’ back, but of course back then he wasn’t nearly cool enough to do any of that.
But seeing you look so soft and pretty in your dress that dips down at your neckline, giving him a good view of your cleavage, seeing you beside him on his bed, your attention focused on him solely makes him glad that all his childhood fantasies never happened, because he feels like they’re going to be fulfilled right now.
“Can I kiss you?” Jimin asks.
“Not shy anymore?” You tease him one last time before you lean in and capture your lips with his, and then Jimin is switching positions with you so that your hair fans out over his pillow, he is on top of you in between your legs.
“I want to do it properly,” Jimin scatters kisses down your neck and chest, one hand pinching your nipple through your thin dress. “The last time was rushed. And we were drunk. And we were still co-workers back then.”
Your strap slides off your shoulder sinfully as Jimin pleases himself by worshipping your breasts, kneading them and sucking your nipple through the material.
“I- I told you… we were never co-workers. From day one,” you retaliate against his teasing by pinching his nipple through his shirt with a devious smirk on your face.
“You mean we were fucked from day one?” Jimin grins back as he takes off his shirt in one smooth motion, baring his toned chest and slim abs for your viewing pleasure. Your hands are on him immediately, stroking his firm muscles and running your fingers over every inch of his beautiful skin.
Jimin hikes up your skirt, kissing his way up your thighs till he reaches your underwear. The scent of you is driving him insane, he can already see a wet spot on your panties even though he’s barely touched you. The thought of you getting so wet for him makes him even more eager to pleasure you, so he hooks his fingers into the side of your underwear, pulling it down to expose you to his gaze.
“I still owe you from the bowling alley,” he says when you tug at his hair impatiently, wanting to see his face, kiss his lips. With that as explanation, Jimin gives your core a sloppy lick before he seals his lips to you, French kissing your pussy and making sure he gets your clit with every stroke of tongue.
Your cries and moans are music to his ears; at this point he doesn’t even care if his family hears you anymore. Pulling your dress up to your waist so that you can see in between your thighs, the sight nearly sends you over the edge as you witness Park Jimin eating your pussy like a man starved, his chin glazed with your arousal as he laps everything up. His hands are on your inner thighs, opening you up for him even though your muscles spasm from the pleasure.
“Jimin- fuck! Please,” you are already begging as he assaults your clit with his tongue, circling it relentlessly. “Want your fingers. Please.”
“Want to feel me stretch you for my cock?” Jimin gives in with one finger first, slowly inserting it into you with care until you whine and thrash under his grasp in protest. “My baby wants more? What a greedy pussy you have.”
He embellishes this with a sharp spank on your clit, and your thighs twitch again as you cry out. Jimin gives you two fingers now, and the burn feels so good as he pumps in and out, his tongue occasionally flicking at your clit. Your arousal coats his fingers and his palm messily, starting to drip down onto his sheets, but Jimin figures that the both of you are going to get a lot messier before the night ends.
As you watch Jimin pleasure you with his fingers and tongue, all traces of the shy boy who was embarrassed to kiss you in front of his family are gone. The submissive side of him that gave in to your demands so easily at the bowling alley is also gone, in its place is a gentle but firm dominant who takes charge of your pleasure, and you love that he can switch between the two.
“Cum for me, let me see my baby cum on my fingers,” Jimin coaxes you as he speeds up his fingers, curling them to try and find that one rough spot inside you. “You made such a mess already.”
You can feel the edge right there, the knot so tight in your lower belly and just ready to burst. But words escape you, and all you can do is whine Jimin’s name. In response he wraps his thick plush lips around your clit, maintaining eye contact with you as he sucks,and then you come undone, legs going boneless as your back arches, clenching hard around his fingers as you ride out your orgasm.
Jimin helps you to calm down as he withdraws from your pussy, stroking your legs gently as he admires the glow on your face, your fucked out expression as you breathe deeply. His own cock is straining against his jeans, and he is dying to feel your pussy wrapped around him.
When you finally regain your senses and open your eyes, you see the uncomfortable looking tent in Jimin’s jeans, reaching for it immediately to give him his own release. Jimin shifts his body so that his thighs can fall open, and you pull his jeans off, revealing his thick thigh muscles that you straddle as you get his cock out of his soaked boxers.
“Wait,” Jimin stops you with a hand on your waist. “We need a condom. We still don’t know if… if you’re pregnant. From last time.”
Your cheeks heat up as you swallow back the guilt. After bowling, when you went home that night, your period had come, just one day late, but you didn’t tell Jimin. Upon the sight of blood staining your underwear, there was a strange sense of disappointment that bloomed in your chest, and it confused you so much that you didn’t have the bandwidth to even think about telling Jimin what this meant. You had to take time to process both the consequence of not being pregnant, as well as the unprecedented feelings of disappointment that came with it.
“Um… actually, my period came last week.” You say after taking a deep breath.
Jimin raises an eyebrow as he takes in the news. “So it means… you’re not pregnant.”
“I’m not,” you agree with him, and you want to keep going, but the words are just stuck in your chest.
“The first time we were risking it, but I was just thinking…” Jimin picks up on your hesitation, his own words coming out slowly. “If we should… if we should start trying. For real.”
Jimin is completely serious as he returns your gaze, biting his lip in uncertainty.
“You mean… try to get pregnant? Intentionally?” You’re aware that you’re just repeating his words, but some part of you needs to confirm it.
“Yeah,” Jimin says as he strokes your waist, and you’re fully aware of his cock twitching as he says his next words. “I want to have a baby with you.”
Your breath is sucked out of your chest as the impact of his words hit you, and arousal aside, you feel your stomach fill with butterflies.
“That is… if you want to as well,” Jimin scratches the back of his neck nervously. “I mean, I don’t want to pressure you into anything-“
“I want to,” you interrupt him, reassuring him with a grind of your hips. “I want to have your baby. We’re about three months late, but I think if we start trying real hard now, this baby will get made and we won’t be too far behind.”
Jimin’s cock twitches again, giving away how aroused he is, but he doesn’t give a fuck anymore. Hearing you say that has awakened a fantasy in him that he didn’t even know existed. No longer is he going for the low hanging fruit of just kissing a girl in his childhood bedroom. No, he’s going to make a baby in his childhood bedroom.
You pump him with a few strokes, watching the precum bubble up from his head and run down his girthy length, admiring how hard he is for you. His length feels so heavy in your palm, and your mouth waters as you remember how much better he felt in your mouth, how salty and thick his cum was as he released down your throat.
Just as you bend down to give yourself a repeat ride, Jimin stops you with a hand on your cheek, his own cheeks rosy and embarrassment creeping back in as he says, “You’ll get a mouthful of cum if you do that. As much as I want you to swallow my cum, you’re not getting pregnant that way.”
And then he’s back in charge as he flips you over, spreading your legs wide and resting them on his shoulders as your pussy leaks your arousal. Jimin uses the head of his cock to collect all your juices, teasing your clit before he prods at your entrance. The blunt head of him nudges in slowly, and the stretch makes the both of you moan.
Your legs are trembling, hands reaching out for something to hold on to as Jimin bottoms out inside you. You don’t remember him feeling so big inside you, stretching you out so good and going so deep that you can feel him at the base of your lower abdomen. When you look down, you realise that there is a small bump there, and Jimin is watching that exact spot as well.
“Feel so good and tight, my baby was made to take my cock,” he praises as he intertwines his hands with yours, forcing them above your head as he begins to thrust. His cock slides in and out of your drenched pussy easily, and your walls grip him so tightly that Jimin never wants this moment to end.
Jimin leans forward so that your thighs are pushed to your chest, making the fit even tighter around his cock. Your pussy is already clenching around him, and your breasts are bouncing, cheeks flushed red and lips swollen and shiny from his precum and saliva.
“Harder, fuck me harder Jimin,” you groan as he punishes you with his thrusts, every slap of his thighs against yours reminds you that the both of you are fucking to make a baby. Just watching the sweat drip off his chest, his abs tense and feeling his ass flex as he fucks into your pussy with the full intention of giving you a baby, hisbaby, makes your pussy cream uncontrollably around his cock.
“Does my baby like this?” Jimin gives a harsh thrust and bends your legs back till he can feel your cervix. “Fuck, you’re driving me fucking crazy. Wanna give you a baby so bad. You’re fucking asking for it, asking to get filled with cum.”
“I want it, Jimin,” you gasp as you feel him against the entrance of your womb; Jimin is giving you no mercy as he continues to aim his thrusts deep as he can go. “Want your baby. It’s all I ever wanted.”
Jimin lets your legs fall off his shoulders as he wraps his arms around your waist to pull you into him, as his thrusts increase in power and speed. Your legs wrap around him tightly as if to keep him from pulling out, so all Jimin can do his grind the head of his cock against your cervix, feeling himself twitch as his orgasm draws near.
“I’m not gonna last, cum with me please,” he begs, mouth open and kissing your neck as he buries his face in the crook of your shoulder.
“I’m close, just a little more, fuck,” you loosen your thighs a little so that Jimin can thrust a little more, and the movement of him brushing against your clit sends you into an orgasm, clenching hard around him as you cry out his name and your walls milk him dry for every drop.
Jimin groans as he feels his balls tighten up, filling you up with cum as he thrusts to get every drop right where it should be. “Take it all, take my cum and give me a baby. That’s what my girl wants right?”
“Yes, yes!” You whine as you feel the warmth of his cum in your pussy, his frenzied thrusts as he rides out the last of his orgasm, making sure he gives you everything he has.
Jimin’s face is still buried in your neck as his hips continue to fuck his cum into you, hearing the filthy squelch as he tilts your hips up so that not a single drop can escape. The leisurely thrusts feel intimate as you hug him close to you, feeling his soft breaths against your skin as your legs wrap around his waist, feeling him finally still with his cock still deep inside you. Everything is warm and sticky, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
A few minutes pass before you realise that Jimin is perfectly content to have his cock plug your pussy up with cum, and while the thought kind of turns you on, he’s heavy, and you nudge him off you with your knee. Jimin pouts as he settles beside you, still drawing you closer to him as he lifts one of your thighs to get a better look at the mess he made of you.
“It’s all coming out,” he says in a disappointed whine as his fingers scoop out the frothy white cum that spilled out of you because of his fucking, gently pushing it back into you. But he can’t resist a little taste, bringing his fingers to his lips for a second.
“Jimin! Stop stealing my baby batter,” you grab his wrist to stop him, shoving it back toward your thighs.
“That’s the least sexy word for cum I’ve ever heard,” he frowns disapprovingly at you. “Stay there, don’t move. You need to keep your hips up.”
Jimin pushes a pillow under your hips, and whilst you’re rendered immobile, he takes the chance to sneakily lap at your inner thighs, cleaning up some of the cum that he didn’t manage to push into you. You glare at him, reaching down to tug at his hair, but then-
“Stay safe, kids!” It’s his father’s voice from down the hallway.
“Why do they need to stay safe? She’s already having his kid!” You hear Granny’s voice a second later, and your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. “No need to stay safe, Puppy! You heard me? It’s good for the baby!”
You glare at Jimin, then push your chin toward his door, expecting him to answer his Granny.
Jimin mouths a ‘what’ at you in exasperation, his lust filled brain unable to think of a single appropriate response for this situation. Finally, he forces a cheery tone as he shouts back, “we will, Granny! Night Granny!”
Your head falls back into the pillow with a groan at how lame he is.
You’re most definitely not looking forward to breakfast tomorrow.
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
Walking Like a One-Man Army
I guess this chapter is kinda for @soosly ? It does prominently feature Soos being a BA.
: Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 :
The three of them piled into Soos’s truck. Ford elected to slide into the back of the cab with Mabel rather than sit shotgun. He needed to tell his niece what Debbs had decided.
“Mabel, I, uh…” He said slowly, “I spoke with your mother earlier this morning…”
The colorful girl tensed and pulled the collar of her sweater up a bit. Had all their ill-fated conversations over the last couple of days left her apprehensive to even speak with him?
“...I told her I wanted to keep Dipper on as my apprentice, and that you were welcome to stay here as well. Unfortunately, she, uh, declined to grant her permission.” 
“Oh!” Mabel smiled with relief, letting her collar drop. “That’s ok! Me and Dipper already talked about it and decided not to stay here anyway, so everything works out!”
Ford’s heart sank. So Stan was wrong. The children had indeed come to realize the old researcher was a toxic influence in their lives. He tried to tell himself it was for the best, to focus on his intellect and control his emotions, but controlling anguish was a lot harder than controlling fear. He at least was able to keep his expression neutral as he found something else to distract him: nitpicking grammar.
“Dipper and I.” He corrected her mechanically. “In any case, we need to come up with a plan to confront Bill and find Fiddleford.”
“He’s got this little shelter next to one of the telephone poles.” Soos commented from the driver’s seat. “It’s actually surprisingly nice for something in the middle of the dump made completely out of scrap material.”
“If Bill’s expecting us, that’s probably where he’ll be.” Ford said gravely. “I imagine he’ll keep Fiddleford close-by, to keep a close eye on his bargaining chip. We’ll need a distraction. Bill may be an all-seeing eye, but even he has trouble splitting his attention.” 
“Oooh, I’m super amazing at being a distraction!” Mabel piped up.
“I don’t doubt that.” Ford nodded, fondness somehow managing to slip past all the other emotions he was repressing. “But I promised your brother and Stan that I’d keep you safe, so I need you to stay close to me. Soos, do you think you could be a good distraction?”
“Oh yeah, totally.” Soos said nonchalantly. “Mr. Pines asks me to be the distraction all the time! When the taxman comes, or the safety inspector, or the police….”
“Of course he does.” Ford muttered. “What I need you to do is keep Bill’s attention while Mabel and I look for Fiddleford and get him to safety. Bill should still be possessing that time travel agent, so while he won’t be able to access any of the reality-warping powers he wields in the mindscape, he will have access to any weapon from Gravity Falls’ history or future. You’ll need to be ready for anything.”
“Well, they did teach me how to disarm an opponent with a gun or knife in my karate class, so I’ll probably be ok.”
* * *
It was quieter that Mabel was used to when they reached the dump. Normally, you could hear the sound of power tools and banjo strings even from the dump’s entrance, but not today. Today was deceptively peaceful.
The peace was broken by an eerie, high-pitched laugh. It was coming from the center of the dump, but as they looked around frantically, they couldn’t see their enemy anywhere. Ford fired his blaster, obliterating a board in the fence with a one-eyed triangle carved into it. 
“Well, he knows we’re here.” He said gravely. 
“What should we do?” Mabel asked.
“Proceed with the plan. Soos, you head straight for the center of the dump, we’ll go around the long way. Mabel, do you think you’ll be able to lead me to Fiddleford’s shelter if we don’t take a direct route?”
Mabel nodded with determination, even though she was only about 50% sure she’d be able to find the place, considering she’d only been there once. 
They split up, Mabel leading Ford towards the east wall of the dump. She was pretty sure if she climbed up the pile of wrecked cars there, she’d be able to look out over the dump and figure out a way to get to McGucket’s shelter, and maybe even see where Bill was at.
While running through the dump, they heard the occasional scurry of a racoon or possum through the trash. It was clear that Ford’s already twitchy nerves were on high alert, and he leveled his blaster at every single one. Luckily, he hadn’t been startled enough to fire it yet, which was good because they were trying to sneak around while Soos was distracting Bill.
The stack of cars was within sight when they noticed more scurrying around the corner. Only unlike all the other scurries they’d heard, it seemed to be running towards them instead of away from them. Ford pointed his blaster yet again, and pulled Mabel behind him.
“Don’t you dare speak to her.” Ford growled. 
“You’re a butt-brain!” Mabel shouted, flinging out the worst insult she could think of.
“You really think I was stupid enough to bring it here with me?” Ford scoffed.
“Well I’m not.”
“And with Grukle Stan!” Mabel added defiantly.
Bill snorted. “YEAH, ‘CUZ I’M REAL SCARED OF HIM!”
The possessed time traveler didn’t even get a derisive chuckle out before Soos barreled into him with a flying kick.
“Hey dude, I need you to pay attention to me for the next, I dunno, five to ten minutes?” He looked over at Ford. “D’you think that’s enough time?”
Ford just nodded mutely, unsure of how else to react to the handyman’s sudden entrance.
Bill picked his possessed body up off the ground. “YOU WANT ME TO PAY ATTENTION TO YOU, QUESTION MARK? HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS ATTENTION?” He pulled out a time tape and disappeared in a flash, only to reappear a second later with a large carpenter’s hammer in his hand. He threw it at Soos, who dodged it with skills honed from ten years of karate sparring.
As Bill continued to pursue Soos, pulling out weapons from random time periods as he went, Ford pulled Mabel away, back towards the center of the dump. This was just the distraction they needed, it just happened in a different order than they’d been expecting. 
So, her original plan to look for McGucket’s shelter from the top of a trash mountain wasn’t going to work now, but she could still find it, right? She remembered that a telephone pole had been one of the main support beams in the little hut, so she just needed to follow the telephone lines! Spotting one above, she rushed ahead, now pulling Ford instead of the other way around.
Sure enough, they came upon McGucket’s hovel nearby. Too nearby. They could still hear Soos doing his best to lead Bill on a wild goose-chase on the opposite side of a pile of discarded furniture and tires. But they could also hear a low, animal-like moan from inside the shelter. The two of them rushed across the clearing, hoping to reach the fox skin that acted as a door before Bill rounded the trash pile.
Before they could reach it, two things happened.
First of all, a loud, up-beat pop song started blaring out of Mabel’s pocket. 
“Girl, oh girl, you got it all, you know.”
“But girl, oh girl, you don’t got me, no!”
Mabel slapped her forehead and pulled out her phone, trying to silence it. “Ugh, Pacifica! Bad timing!”
Second, Bill blew away the trash pile with a shot from a cannon, sending chunks of broken wood and plastic everywhere and clearing a path between him and the shelter.
Mabel just barely managed to hold onto her phone as Ford grabbed her by the arm and practically threw her into the door. He hurtled in after her, but no second shot came. Instead, they heard a loud, frustrated groan.
“Well, it’s not that they thought it was a good idea, it’s just that they hadn’t developed the technology--” Ford started to explain when Mabel reached up and covered his mouth. He really couldn’t help himself sometimes, could he?
That same moan they’d heard before came again, louder, from under a pile of newspapers. Many of them had frantic calculations scribbled all over them. Ford reached down and brushed them aside, revealing a shivering, hyperventilating McGucket.
Mabel had seen McGucket be pretty crazy this summer. He’d jigged on an unplugged videogame for a week, ate his way out of a dinosaur, and claimed he preferred to walk backwards when she gave him a makeover. But she’d never seen him look so terrified and broken. His eyes were wide and unfocused, like he didn’t even notice they were there, and his breaths were coming in short, sharp whines. It was especially sad compared to the last time she’d seen him, when his mind really seemed like it was beginning to clear.
Ford looked down on his friend, absolutely devastated. If McGucket was looking bad compared to the last time Mabel had seen him, she could only imagine how he looked compared to the last time Ford saw him. 
“Y’KNOW WHAT, I’M JUST GONNA GO BACK AND GET ANOTHER ONE THAT’S ALREADY LOADED.” They heard Bill whine, followed by the zap of the time tape being used.
McGucket moaned again at the sound of Bill’s voice, shutting his eyes tightly and clutching his head. That seemed to snap Ford out of his shock, and he reached down and scooped the old inventor into his arms.
“Let’s get out of here.” He told Mabel.
Just as they ran out the door, Bill reappeared in front of them with another cannon.
“Just keep running!” Ford shouted to Mabel. They picked up the pace and just barely got out of the way in time to avoid the cannonball that ripped through McGucket’s shelter.
“Dudes, over here!” Soos called to them, where he was trying to finish reloading the other cannon Bill had abandoned after less than a minute of trying. “We can fight cannon with cannon!”
“There’s no time!” Ford barked. “We need to either get out of here or find cover!”
“Cover, huh?” Soos said thoughtfully, scratching his chin, until an idea popped into his head. “Oh! You’ve seen that old timey video of the dude who takes a cannonball to the stomach and it just bounces off of him? I’ve always wanted to try that!”
Ford and Mabel stared at him for a beat, dumbstruck.
“I say follow your dreams, Soos!” Mabel encouraged him.
“Yes, if you believe you’re capable, I see no reason not to give it a shot.” Ford agreed.
When Bill reappeared with another cannon, Soos stood squarely in front of it while Ford and Mabel made a run for the truck.
“OH, THIS OUGHTA BE GOOD!” Bill smirked as he fired.
Soos braced himself just as the cannonball collided with his stomach. While the iron ball did bounce off his gut and drop to the ground, Soos was also thrown back almost three feet. He landed on his back but the wind was already knocked out of him. As soon as he could move again, he rolled over and threw up.
“Ohhoho… dude…” the handyman muttered. “I knew that was probably gonna hurt, but it still hurt way worse than I was expecting. Ugh, I think I might’ve cracked a rib.”
No answer. Not even a mocking remark from Bill.
“Dudes?” He slowly got up to his feet and looked around. Ford and Mabel had run away, and Bill had chased after them. Oh well, at least Soos had bought them some time. He reached into his pocket to call his abuelita for a ride home, but alongside his phone, he felt another object. His truck keys. “Uh-oh.”
* * *
Despite Soos’s best efforts, Bill was still hot on their tail. Fiddleford squirmed weakly in Ford’s arms as they passed another mountain of garbage. His eyes seemed to briefly focus on Ford, but they looked far, far away.
“I’m jus’ barely gettin’ my mind back now, I don’t wanna lose it again...” The old inventor murmured feebly before resuming his catatonic state. It felt like someone had just stabbed Ford in the heart with an icy dagger, and he picked up the pace.
The sign above the dump’s exit soon came into view, but there were still several more piles of junk between here and there. As they fled, Mabel turned and fired her grappling hook at an old kitchen sink sticking half-way out the bottom of one of the larger junk piles behind them. The hook caught on the faucet and Mabel yanked back on the line hard, dislodging the kitchen sink and collapsing the garbage mountain in a landslide. 
“Let’s see Bill blast his way through that!” She cheered.
Ford knew it was too soon to relax. As long as Bill was possessing this time travel agent, he had access to any weapon in human history, or humankind’s future, for that matter. Although, come to think of it, why hadn’t Bill used a weapon from the future on them yet? Perhaps that would draw the attention of the Time Paradox Avoidment Enforcement Squadron?
“There’s the truck!” Mabel exclaimed, bringing Ford out of his speculations. They skidded to a stop as they finally reached the vehicle and Ford tried to open the door.
It was locked.
Soos still had the keys.
Ford swore under his breath as he searched for something to pry the door open with. Yes, he could break into the truck, and yes, he could hotwire it, but that all took time! Time they didn’t have!
He was expecting Bill to step out of the dump any second now, but he didn’t appear. Instead, what at first glance appeared to be a flock of ravens rose out of the nearby woods. At the same time, Fiddleford thrashed in his arms and began to yell incoherently. Stanford tried to lay him in the back of the truck gently, so he wouldn’t drop him. The old researcher’s blood ran cold. It sounded almost identical to the gibberish his friend had spouted immediately after the failed first portal test. 
As the mysterious flock drew near, Ford began searching for a rock, a golf club, anything he could use to break open the truck’s windows and get inside, all while keeping a close eye on the approaching swarm. As they came closer, he could see they weren’t birds, they were bats! But why would a swarm of bats take flight in the middle of the day? They were close enough to start blocking out the sun when Ford realized they weren’t bats. They were Eye-bats!
He pulled out his blaster and started firing into the swarm. “Mabel, find something to break into the truck with!”
She nodded and took a step back towards the dump, when Bill finally made his leisurely way to the exit. Ford couldn’t help but notice that Fiddleford’s cries stopped almost as soon as the possessed time traveler appeared.
Just as Bill took another menacing step towards Mabel, Soos appeared, sledding down a trash mountain on a car door. He crashed into Bill and kept going until colliding into the side of his truck.
“Uh… I got the keys.” The handyman said in a daze, holding them up triumphantly.
Ford grabbed the keys and helped him up and into the shotgun seat. “I think I’d better drive.”
“Thanks dude, I appreciate it.” Soos said with a chuckle, then clutched his stomach. “Ooof, ugh, that’s… that’s definitely bruised.”
The truck zoomed away just as Bill rushed for the truck bed where Fiddleford was still laying. The swarm of Eye-bats descended on them, and Ford rolled down his window, steering with one hand and firing his blaster into the flock with the other. He knew it wasn’t exactly the safest position for his friend to be in, nearly unconscious in the bed of a speeding, reckless pickup truck, but he couldn’t exactly pull over and buckle him in next to Mabel. Not if they didn’t want to be overtaken by Eye-bats. The old researcher just had to hope that his old friend would be able to hold out until they reached the shield spell.
* * *
Stan was just sitting and watching tv like this was a perfectly normal day. Dipper wondered how he could possibly do it, just push all the danger and worry aside and vegg out like that. Sure, Stan wasn’t really invested in McGucket’s safety, but he had to care what might happen to Mabel, Ford, and Soos, right? 
Of course, Dipper had known Stan long enough that he knew the old conman tended to express his emotions in a weird way. He teased and noogied to show affection, loaded on chores instead of compliments, and lied to the people he loved to try and keep them safe. Not to mention he’d spent the last thirty years trying to bring his lost brother home with an incredibly dangerous machine, while also pretending everything was normal. Maybe Stan was just really good at ignoring danger and worry by this point. And wow, that was a depressing thought. 
Dipper kept vigilant watch out the front window, searching for any suspicious activity while also waiting anxiously for the return of Soos’s truck. He’d been sitting there for maybe fifteen minutes when the phone rang. It rang two more times, and Stan made no move to answer it. Dipper was unwilling to leave his post himself, but Stan was just watching old reruns of Baby Fights!
“Uh, Grunkle Stan?” Dipper called out after the fourth ring. Maybe he’d turned down his hearing aide?
“I hear it kid.” Stan grunted.
“Well, aren’t you going to get it!?”
“It’s probably just that triangular jerk, tryin’ to distract us. And if not, whoever it is can just leave a message.”
“But what if it’s Mabel or Soos?”
Dipper was distracted from his complaining when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. A car was coming down the dirt road towards the Mystery Shack. The boy seriously doubted the rescue mission would be back already.
Stan got up with a grunt from his chair to see what had caught Dipper’s attention. “There, see? What’d I tell ya? Wouldn’t’ve noticed whoever this yahoo is if you’d been trying to listen in on me while I was on the phone. When you know somebody’s after ya, you gotta keep distractions to a minimum.”
“You were just watching TV!” the boy gestured back to the flickering CRT.
“Eh, it’s a rerun, I’m not really payin’ attention to it, just need something to calm my nerves.”
The mystery car drove out of the trees. It wasn’t a car at all, it was a limo. One Dipper recognized from the Northwest’s fleet.
“Well, this ain’t gonna be good.” Stan grimace.
“M-maybe it’s just Pacifica coming to ask for help again?” The boy said hopefully, although his heart wasn’t really in it.
Sure enough, the Northwest stepping out of the limo was Preston. He looked around like everything about the Shack was a personal insult to him before stepping up to the door and knocking with a gloved hand.
Stan grabbed the taxidermied fake dodo sitting on a small table in the corner and reached under its wing, pulling out a small handgun, which he held behind his back as he opened the door. Dipper wasn’t quite sure how to feel about the fact that his uncle was answering the door with a loaded gun in his hand. Sure, they were all in danger from Bill at the moment, but he really didn’t want Stan to go to jail for shooting one of the most important people in Gravity Falls, even if Preston probably deserved it.
“Whaddya want?” Stan asked gruffly.
Preston’s small, forced smile seemed painful. “Aheh, yes, well, I suppose I’ll get right to the point then. I’m here to purchase your… I suppose this qualifies as a business on some level? My opening offer is two million dollars for the building and the land it occupies.”
“Hah! Yeah, right!” Stan barked. “I wouldn’t sell this place to a scumbag like you for twenty million!”
“Well, how about fifty million?” Preston asked coolly.
Stan froze, his eyes wide. He stared the billionaire down, trying to decide if he was bluffing. It sure didn’t seem like a bluff to Dipper. The boy knew the Northwests threw that kind of money around like it was nothing, because to them, it was.
“Not for a hundred million.” Stan said, although it was less of a defiant denial and more of a fishing offer, trying to gauge how high Preston was willing to go.
“How about a hundred and fifty million?” Preston offered.
“Higher.” Stan shook his head.
“Grunkle Stan!?” Dipper cried indignantly.
“Ah-ah!” Stan pushed him back without even turning to look. “Not now kid, the grownups are talking.”
“Two hundred million?” Preston asked, his cool smile starting to slip.
Stan shook his head. “Uh-uh. Higher.”
“Three hundred million?” Mr. Northwest ventured again through clenched teeth.
“F-five hundred million?” 
“I’m thinking twice that much.”
“Seriously!?” Preston finally exploded. “You want a billion dollars for this--this hovel!?”
“Y’know what, you’re right.” Stan shook his head. “I’m not askin’ enough. Two billion!”
The Northwest patriarch looked like he very much wanted to strangle Stan.
“C’mon Northwest, I know you’re good for it!” Stan smirked.
“Absolutely not! Seven hundred and fifty million, and that’s my final offer!”
“Welp, my final offer’s still two billion, so you can either pony up or get off my porch.”
“....Fine.” Preston hissed, the veins in his forehead popping.
Stan stuck out his hand for Preston to shake, but as soon as the billionaire reached for it, the conman yanked it away.
“Psych!” Stan chortled. “Hah! I just wanted to see how far I could go before you chickened out! You couldn’t give me your whole dirty fortune for this place!”
It took Preston a moment to regain his composure. “I beg you to reconsider, Mr. Pines.” He said with a dangerous edge to his voice. “Take it from someone in the real estate business, property can lose value so quickly.”
“Yeah, the answer’s still no.” Stan said flatly. “Now get outta here. Don’t think I won’t call the cops!”
“I’m afraid you’ll find they’re busy at the moment. I just made a rather large donation so they’re holding a banquet. Even if you could pry them away from it, I doubt they’d be willing to arrest the man that just doubled their salary.”
“Oh, well, if you’re so sure the cops won’t be coming.” Stan pulled the gun out from behind his back.
Mr. Northwest finally backed off, although he shared a long glare with Stan before getting back into his limo. “This isn’t over, Pines!”
“Tell it to someone who cares!” Stan shouted after him.
Dipper looked up at his uncle with awe as he shut the door. “Grunkle Stan, that was awesome!”
Stan rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah, don’t think I didn’t notice you actually thought I was gonna take his offer.”
Dipper blushed and laughed sheepishly.
The old conman sighed as he sat back down in his recliner. “Eh, guess I can’t blame you. I was actually tempted for half a second. Then I remembered that guy’s a lying cheating crook, and he wasn’t gonna actually pay anything for this place. Still, two billion dollars, wouldn’t that be somethin’!”
“Grunkle Stan, no amount of money is worth the end of the world as we know it.” Dipper reminded him sharply.
“I know that!” Stan retorted, insulted. “I’m just sayin’, if I’d been able to trick him outta that much, heh, that would’ve been the con of a lifetime.”
“I-I’m sorry,” Dipper stammered, taking up his watch at the window again. “I shouldn’t doubt you. I’m just… I’m just really worried, y’know. Bill’s using more and more people to try and get at the rift. The Northwests are the most powerful people in town. You got him to leave for now, but he’s probably gonna hire thugs or something.”
“I know you’re worried, kid.” Stan said sadly. “I wish you didn’t have to worry about all this junk, but at the very least, you don’t gotta worry about this. I’ve had to hole up against hired thugs in this Shack before. ‘Course, this time I’m not gonna be able to fake my death to get ‘em to give up and go home.”
Dipper grimaced. This conversation wasn’t really reassuring him. 
Stan sighed again. “Look, bud, I know Bill’s got a lot of people in his pocket, but time’s on our side, right? Eventually, that glue you found is gonna set, and then what’s he gonna do? Besides, you and your sister are going home next weekend anyway, and then you won’t have to worry about a thing.”
Dipper turned to look back at his uncle. “I’ll still worry about you. And Ford. And everyone else left here in Gravity Falls.”
Stan felt his heart swell when he realized how much the boy cared about him. It didn’t matter if he was safe, if his family was still in danger. Stan was all too familiar with that feeling, and he didn’t like the thought of this twelve-year-old kid being burdened with it.
“Well then, we’re just gonna have to figure something out then, aren’t we?”
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kyvir · 5 years
Sincerely Yours
Sarada loves her job, and lost an opportunity because the President gave it to his son, Boruto. Why did Boruto take it? Because he heard there was a feisty manager on the team. Watch them fight, argue, tease, flirt, "accidentally" fall in love, and deny it to the bitter end.
Rating: M
Pairing: BoruSara
Collaboration with @kairi-chan!
Chapter One
Another day, another traffic jam. Sarada took a deep breath as she sat in the back of her cab. It was almost 9:30 AM. Almost, but not quite. No one cares what time she comes in or goes home. She’s a manager. She can handle her own time and tasks. But that wasn’t the main reason why. 
The spot for Marketing Director had been empty for a few weeks now, and Sarada had been hoping that position would be for her. 
Three years. She had been Marketing Manager for two now, the other year she was promoted. It was high time. But really? Marketing Director at 25? Unheard of.
But I work so hard, Sarada huffed to herself. Everyone knows I do. She looked at her screen. 9:15. 
She has time. 
As soon as her cab pulled up to her building, she paid the driver and greeted him to have a good day, and he smiled and said the same for her. Tilting her head back, she looked at the shiny building. This has been her stop for four years, wanting to give up a lot of times, but her mama raised no quitter. 
Besides, that Ramen isn’t going to market itself, right?
Once she got in the elevator, Sarada took in her reflection. Jetblack hair spilled past her shoulders, and her red glasses were slightly askew. One touch and it was back in place. Right when she reached her floor, she took another deep breath and stepped out. 
The big shiny letters hung over the receptionist’s table. She couldn’t help but smile a bit. Despite all the stress and long work nights, working here was something she loved to do and gave her fulfillment. Her team was awesome, and she had been boss-less for a good month. 
She could be the next boss. Her grin grew. The day was looking to be great. 
Sarada walked to her desk and placed her things down. Chocho spun around on her chair and grinned. “Good morning, Boss!” 
“Don’t call me that!” Sarada laughed. But damn, that did have a good ring to it. 
Chocho laughed and picked up the paper on her desk to browse as she continued talking to her. “Oh come on, Sarada. Who else will they hire? You sure HR hasn’t emailed you for a meeting yet or something?” She leaned in with a devilish grin, “Or are you pulling a dirty on me and keeping it a secret?” 
She shook her head. Chocho was too much sometimes. “No, I promise,” Sarada smirked and picked up her tumbler. “If Konohamaru talks to me about it, I’ll tell you, for sure.” 
Chocho nodded. “Okay, sure. Go get your coffee before I talk to you,” she waved the paper around, “About this. I don’t know if you’ll like it or what.” 
Sarada shuddered. “Okay, coffee first. You want anything?” 
Chocho nudged to the side, a white cup and a paper bag there. “Already got mine. The line was crazy.” 
When did a line ever deter Sarada from getting her morning coffee? Never. 
Making her way to Ninbucks, Sarada held on to her tumbler a little tighter. The aroma of coffee and freshly baked goods filled her senses, instantly lightening her mood. There was no line, too! Thank god for being late, sometimes. That meant the morning coffee run was over! 
“Good morning, Sarada!” The barista grinned at her. “Your usual?” 
She nodded and handed her tumbler over. “Yes, please.” 
The barista proceeded to write her order on a sticky note and handed it over to the bar. Sarada’s eyes wandered around as she waited for her payment to be processed. 
There were a few familiar faces, all the baristas behind the counter were rushing around, and a group was huddled over at the receiving counter. Looked like there was a bulk order, but Sarada smirked when she saw her favorite barista recognized her cup, and placed it ahead of the others. 
Perks of being a coffee addict and coming to this branch every day. 
Once she paid, her gaze went back up to the receiving counter. Her drink was ready, and the barista was calling for her. 
Hastily, she tucked her money in her pocket and reached out for cup. Thanking the barista, she picked it up and turned around, only for someone to bump into her, crushing the cup between, spilling the coffee on the floor. 
“Oh my god!” she screamed, looking at the spilled coffee on the floor horrified. It looked like a scene out of the scariest movie. Never mind that part of her leg got caught (but thank god for wearing a skirt today!) her coffee was wasted! She wanted to cry. Felt the tears coming. Real tears. 
“I’m so sorry!” The culprit apologized, concern evident in his smooth voice. “Are you alright?”
Shocked. There was no other word to describe how she felt right now. Even if the whole world had already moved on from her spilled drink, she wasn’t. 
Shuffling of tissues and other gasps and murmurs were all she heard until she looked up to face the coffee murderer. 
The world went back to being silent because her eyes laid on the bluest eyes she had ever seen. He was talking to her, holding some tissues but she couldn’t hear what he was saying. 
Damn. This coffee murderer was gorgeous. He had gold hair and blue, blue eyes. Even when he was worried, they sparkled. Sarada swallowed and straightened up, her mood lifting when she heard he would buy her another. He was crouched down, despite being in an impeccably stylish suit, wiping the coffee off her lower leg. Her cheeks burned. Never had she let a stranger get this close to her, but for this gorgeous dude? Sure. 
“Doesn’t look like you got burned too bad.” He said, blue eyes glancing up to her face before he stood. “Nice legs by the way.”
Her cheeks burned all the more. Sarada cleared her throat as the baristas ushered them away from the mess to mop it up. Thankful for the distraction, she watched as they picked up her tumbler. 
“Sarada, would you like to get another? I’m so sorry about your drink,” the barista asked. He looked nearly just as sad as Sarada did. 
“Y-yes, please.” Sarada pulled out her wallet and made a move to the cashier. 
“I’ve got it.” The coffee murderer said, brushing her hands aside while pulling out his own wallet. 
The barista pretended not to hear, only brought the tumbler over to the cashier and proceeded cleaning up again. 
Sarada followed the coffee murderer to the counter, still at a loss of how she should feel. Angry? Sad? Plot this blond’s murder? She guesses she can forgive him since he’s getting her another. 
The man had ordered himself a coffee as well and he paid for both, leaving a tip before turning to Sarada with a smile. “Sarada, right?”
The way her name rolled off his tongue sounded too good. She looked away and pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose. “Yes. Sarada Uchiha. Thanks for the coffee… What’s your name?” 
His smile widened until he was grinning at her, flashing perfect white teeth. “Boruto.” He answered simply, but happily, a hand extending for hers. 
Sarada looked at his hand suspiciously before giving him a firm handshake. Surprised to find that his grip was firm, but not painful. And his hand was so… warm. “Nice to meet you.” 
The barista by the pick-up counter called for their names, and the two of them let their hands go to fetch their drinks. 
Sarada happily took her tumbler and took a nice, long sip. Finally. This morning was far too eventful before her coffee.  
“I’m sorry, again. I would stay and chat but I’m kind of running late and it’s my first day on the job, so… yeah.”
She smiled, now feeling so much better after a sip. “Oh, don’t worry about it. I need to go, too.” Turning on her heel, Sarada made a move for the door. For a while, he walked behind her but picked up his pace to open the door for her. 
Okay. Maybe he wasn’t that bad. Despite murdering her coffee and that fuchsia colored tie, he was pretty okay. 
A few more steps and she noticed he was still walking behind her. Once she turned the corner, he was still there. Weird. Was he following her now? Sarada didn’t mind it and thought she would lose him the moment she stepped into the lobby.
But he was still there. She turned around and asked, “Excuse me, do you need anything, or are you following me?” 
“Whoa, excuse me.” He huffed. “I am following you, but only because we’re going the same way.”
Her brow lifted, but she turned around and entered the elevator. She pushed the button for her floor and asked him for his. 
“Looks like we’re headed to the same one.” He said with a smirk and leaned against the wall, crossing his legs and his arms as he looked her over mischievously. 
First day on the job… On her floor… What position could this guy possibly have? He looked only to be her age. Sarada wracked her brain for any open positions she knew he could have gotten. 
The ding! indicating they reached their floor shook her out of her thoughts, and they stepped out. Was it rude if she asked him? Sarada couldn’t even recall if HR released any new emails about having a new employee. 
They both hopped off the lift and walked towards the receptionist. Coming from the corner, a man with brown hair wearing a blue scarf saw them and grinned. 
“Boruto!” Konohamaru waved. “There you are. I was beginning to think you backed out.” 
The coffee murderer returned the smile and shook his hand. “No way, big bro. Who could pass up that offer?” 
They were chummy. A little too chummy. What was up with that, calling the HR Director Big Bro? 
The two of them kept talking, and even went on tapping each other’s shoulders. 
“Oh, Sarada!” Konohamaru finally noticed her presence. “Have you met Boruto?” He patted his shoulder and gestured towards the blond with the other. “He’s the new Marketing Director.” 
The blood from Sarada’s body dropped to her feet at the news. She stood there, without a word, not making a move. 
“He’s your new boss!” Konohamaru laughed. 
And with that second announcement, Sarada dropped her coffee to the floor. 
This time, no one was getting her another. 
Chocho sipped her frappe as she typed away on her laptop. As soon as she heard footsteps approaching, she looked up and lifted a brow. 
Sarada was back. No tumbler in hand and she looked like someone had died. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked. “Where’s your coffee? You took longer than usual, too…” 
Sarada didn’t say a word. Didn’t even look. Or acknowledge any of the questions asked. She pulled her chair and sat down on it, still trying to process the whole thing. 
“You’re like… scaring me. What happened? Where’s your coffee?” Seriously now. They shouldn’t even be having a conversation unless Sarada was holding on to it, or for Chocho to know that she had at least sipped from it a few times already. Chocho was a smart girl and valued her life. 
“I… dropped it.” 
Chocho’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets and her jaw went slack. “Excuse me? You what?” 
She groaned and planted her face on her palms. “I’m so stupid! So naïve! Oh my gooood!” 
After collecting her jaw from the floor, Chocho took her own coffee and placed it in front of Sarada. “This looks really bad and I know you don’t do cold coffee in the morning but like,” she pushed the frappe a little closer. “You can have this while I get you one.” 
As if on cue, their blond haired colleague strolled along, whistling cheerfully. Perfect timing. 
“Actually,” Chocho gave him a pointed stare, “Inojin will get you your coffee and I’ll stay here to make sure no one bothers you, okay?” 
Inojin was about to retort but saw the slumped figure on the desk and gaped. He mouthed, “where’s her coffee? What happened?” 
Chocho shrugged and only pointed the way he came, insisting he get the drink. Inojin picked up his phone and waved it around, gesturing that Chocho better explain over text as he got it. He turned around and left. 
Sarada hid her face in her arms, slumped over her desk. Why her? This was supposed to be her opportunity! That guy… he looked like he was only her age! But the way he was so chummy with Konohamaru really threw her off, something was up. Sure, Boruto seemed charismatic—a vital characteristic for any marketeer. But at 25? Without even being in the company? 
This wasn’t fair! 
Keep it together, Sarada told herself. And for fuck’s sake, don’t cry! 
After a few minutes, all Sarada heard was some rustling around and Chocho telling people to go away from the marketing department. Sarada was thankful that Chocho was such a good colleague and friend. It didn’t take long before some paper bags rustling was set near her, and a familiar aroma hit her. 
Slowly, she raised her head and saw the familiar Ninbucks logo along with another brown paper bag. Her throat was dry, and she couldn’t say anything else. Inojin and Chocho sat a few feet away, watching her with wary looks but a small smile on their lips. They’ve been working together for around two years now but it felt like they knew each other for ages. 
They just got her, and she was so thankful for that. She took the cup and sipped. Seeing she was okay, the two of them went back to their tables, and didn’t say anything on the matter. For now. 
She noticed that the two had their chat apps open, furiously typing and chatting away. From the looks of how long their messages were, they probably already knew what was going on. 
Sarada rolled her eyes. Of course they did. These two were the biggest gossips on their floor. Inojin probably strolled by Shikadai’s desk, and got some information. 
Taking advantage of their distracted states, she went back to her laptop and started it up. There  as a calendar invite for an event happening in the next ten minutes. Sent by Konohamaru. 
She literally jumped when she saw who else was in attendance. 
Naruto Uzumaki. The company president. 
When she saw Boruto’s email address already on the invitation list, she wanted to scream. 
Boruto and Naruto has the same last name. 
After a quick trip to the ladies room, Sarada stood in front of the HR’s office. She straightened up her skirt and blazer, and after one big breath, she knocked. 
“Come in!” Konohamaru called out. 
Sarada came in the room, and found the two blond gentlemen sitting in front of Konohamaru’s desk. There was no chair laid out for her.
What? Was she supposed to stand? 
“Good morning, sir,” She addressed Konohamaru and then turned to Naruto. “Mr. President, it’s been a while. How are you?” 
Naruto grinned and stood, extending his hand towards her. “Sarada, so nice to see you again!” 
His handshake was firm, and his hand was also warm… much like the other person’s in this room. She didn’t dare look at him. 
That coffee murderer was also an opportunity stealer! No way was she looking, even if he was grinning at her. 
As soon as Naruto let go of her hand, he offered his seat. “Please, sit down.” 
“Oh, no, sir.” She grinned. “I’m fine. I can stand.” 
Of course she had to say that. In a room full of men, with higher authority, what was she supposed to say? 
“Take mine.” Boruto said, taking a stand. He moved aside and gestured to the seat. “Seriously.”
Sarada swallowed. Even if her pride was hard to let go, she had to. This guy was going to be her new boss. “Thank you.” She replied as she took a seat. 
Naruto grinned and settled back into his seat and Konohamaru was looking absolutely ecstatic. 
“Sarada, I’m so excited for you.” The HR director started. “I know it was just recent that the previous marketing director resigned, but we found a quick and capable person to fill the position!” He clapped his hands together, “and because you have been such a good performer, Naruto decided to rearrange the marketing team’s organization chart and promote you!” 
Promote me? How? He stole it from me! She huffed internally. But of course, she was all smiles on the outside. 
Naruto cut in this time. “We thought it was time that you handled people. You’ve been with us since you were an intern. And have made great steps and projects to make the company successful.” 
Sarada couldn’t help but smile a little bit more. Naruto always sounded so genuine whenever he was giving praise. And to hear it come from him was such a great feeling. “Thank you, sir.” 
“Chocho and Inojin are great employees,” Konohamaru said. “You get along so well, and to ease the load for the new marketing director, we decided to have them report directly to you now.” 
What? Now this was a surprise. “Really?” Was all she could say. 
“Yes!” Konohamaru grinned. “And you will be reporting to the new director, Boruto. You will be the only one on the team to do so. Now, should you need extra headcount, they will also report to you.” 
This guy… was making her a shield. Shielding the two from Boruto or Boruto from the two. Either way, she was caught in between. 
“I know it’s a lot to take in,” the HR director said slowly. “But Naruto, with Boruto’s help, did give a very generous raise for the new responsibility.” 
Raise? Oh my god. 
Naruto slid a sheet of paper towards her, and placed his own pen on it. It was silver, with a cursive engraving, “best dad ever” on it. He’s had this pen for years, and Sarada saw him use it whenever he had to sign important documents. She looked at the pen and paper and then at Naruto.
He smiled warmly at her. “If you don’t want the responsibility, we understand as well.” 
Sarada bit her lower lip. They were putting her on the spot. She looked up at Boruto, who gave her a sunny smile. Okay. That was a mistake, her eyes darted back to the pen and paper. 
Shakily, she took the pen and signed her name on the contract. The amount on the paper made her want to scream. It was so much more than she could have expected. As she finished up signing and thanking the men in the room, she asked herself just what the hell did she sign herself up for. 
That day went by too fast for her liking. It was like she was caught in a dream. Her salary had been doubled. She was promoted. Had her colleagues be moved under her. But only one thing turned it into a nightmare. 
The promotion she wanted wasn’t given to her, instead, it was given to the president’s son, Boruto Uzumaki. 
“He isn’t even all that great, Mama!” Sarada fumed. Her phone was next to her as she chopped up vegetables for her dinner. “He hasn’t even worked anywhere else before this! And he gets to be director!” 
“How is that even possible?” Her mother asked. Even if Sakura’s voice was naturally soothing, the disbelief and irritation was far too clear. 
“Inojin and Chocho found his profiles. Didn’t even take them an hour to know his whole life story. Can you believe he had it all on Ninstagram? Who even does that?!” Sarada was so angry her chopping was getting harder. 
“Can you really know all of that through his account?” Sakura asked. 
“He’s been travelling around, taking gap years.” She emphasized the S a little too much. “He graduated a year later than I did but we found that he’s older than me by a year. Apparently he and Shikadai are friends, too. Same university.” 
In the background, Sarada could hear her papa talking, but it wasn’t clear enough for her to hear. “Hold on, papa I can’t hear you.” 
“I said he’s a thief.”
“You bet he is!” Sarada agreed way too fast. “He hasn’t worked a day in his liiiife!” She whined. “Papa it isn’t faaaair!” 
“Oh my baby,” Sakura replied, sounding so sorry for her daughter. “Darling, if he isn’t fit for the position, I’m sure they’ll see that and do something about it.” 
“But he’s the president’s son! He’s like, immuned, for sure. You know how much Naruto spoils his kids!” Sarada stopped chopping and placed the knife down. She picked up her phone and plopped down on the sofa. “It isn’t fair,” she repeated softly, voice sounding so defeated. 
“I should kick his ass.” Sasuke scoffed. “He’s obviously an entitled brat. Only you deserve the position.”
Sarada heard a slap! “Sasuke-kun!” 
That made her giggle. Even as the years go by, her parents never changed. Now that she lived alone, Sarada often found herself missing them. “Mama, take it easy on Papa. He’s on my side.” 
“Yeah, and you know I’m right. He stole the position from Sarada just because his father owns the company.”
Sakura groaned. “You would do the exact same thing!” Sarada could practically hear her Mama roll her eyes. This made her laugh. 
“That’s completely different!” Sasuke huffed. “Sarada is… my cute little peanut.”
“Oh my god, Papa. Stop calling me that!” Sarada laughed. “But yeah, I know you would do the same thing for me. I get why Naruto did it.” 
“Still, darling,” Sakura grabbed the phone and her voice came in a little louder. “I know you’ll do great and the extra money is a really nice offer.” 
She sighed. “I know. It’s one good thing that came out of this.” 
“If you need me to go up there, all you need to do is say the word and papa will take care of that brat. Okay?” Sasuke spoke smoothly, tone soft and concerned. 
“Sasuke-kun!” Sakura chided him, and the phone made a bunch of sounds, Sarada could only guess one of them dropped it. 
Sarada laughed again. Her papa always was so protective and supportive of her. The two of them always made sure her wellbeing and happiness came first and she was more than thankful for it. After a few seconds of still not hearing anything coherent, Sarada ended the call and sent them a text. 
“Thank you for the call. I feel so much better now. Thank you for always having my back. Mama, don’t get too mad at Papa. I know you’ll come to kill him if I asked, too. Haha! I love you!” 
With that, she went back to the kitchen to finish preparing her dinner. Making a little more so she could bring some for her lunch at work tomorrow, and enough to share with Inojin and Chocho. 
Sarada turned on Ninflix to watch as she ate. It helped to fill the silence in the apartment, and distract her from her troubles. Cleaning up the dishes and preparing her lunch for the following day, Sarada padded over to her bedroom. Picking up a book to read before she slept. Feeling too distracted, she decided to stop after three pages and just turned in. 
Slipping under the covers and tucking herself in, she ignored the empty space on the right side of her bed and closed her eyes. 
The worst was over. Tomorrow would be a better day. At least, she hoped it would be. 
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lavishedinjimin · 6 years
a little bit of sugar, daddy [3]
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↳ Pairing: taehyung x reader
↳ genre: sugardaddy!au, ceo!au 
↳ rating: 18+    
↳ word count: 4.2k
↳ warnings: ceo!taehyung, sugardaddy!taehyung, lots of implied smut, lots of dirty talk, BDE taehyung lol
— synopsis: Taehyung - a sugardaddy and a businessman, a man who derives his life from sex, pleasure, and money. Y/n - a girl working at a small cafe, whose sex life is as dry as the weekly delivered coffee beans. Will Y/n adjust to the new lifestyle she agreed to, and keep up with all of the dirty antics with Taehyung?
a/n: go and check out my masterlist located at my bio to see the next chapter of this story!
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"Congratulations Miss Y/n. You're at the top of the class again, it seems like you really love this course." Your biology professor, Mr. Chun, stated as he brought you in front of the auditorium after class. "Oh, well thank you, sir. I do try my hardest.” You smiled kindly at him. He nodded once, “I expect a lot from you. If you need anything from me, I’m gladly here to help you. You can count on me, y/l/n.” 
“Don’t you know you’re the luckiest girl on earth, y/n?” Olivia said as you walked side by side together around campus. You gripped the strap of your bag as you chuckled, “Maybe, maybe not.” 
“Look, I still don’t know what to do with this sugar daddy thing. I don’t even know if I’ll like it if I said yes.” 
“Isn’t that the point of trying? Y/n, don’t be so worried, this can make your life fun!” 
“It can, but it can also probably make me miserable and unfocused. Mr. Chun already complimented me that I’m doing so well in my studies. I’m just afraid that this will change my life, you know?” 
Olivia stepped in front of you, stopping your tracks. She smiled, making your heart warm. “I understand, Y/n. But I know you’re in need of money to pay bills and all and he can give it to you.” 
“But the sex--” 
“Don’t worry about that!” she pats your shoulders a couple of times, “I know you’re a little virgin but he can help you with it.” 
“I’m not a virgin.” 
“Well, you act like one,” somehow her words didn’t hurt you, “I’m sure that he knows what to do to you.” She winks right after, followed by a laugh making you scrunch your nose. 
“Because girl, if you don’t accept this offer, I’ll gladly take your place.” 
You rolled your eyes playfully, “Whatever, Olivia. I’m going to the cafe, see you.” 
The cafe was only a walking distance from the campus which was a bonus, you didn’t want to call a cab every time. As you were enjoying your little stroll, you felt your phone vibrate against your jeans. You pulled it out and your eyes widened. It was a text from Taehyung. 
Taehyung [3:03 PM] - Good afternoon, angel.
It was almost embarrassing how you blushed in public because of that simple nickname. It was also embarrassing how fast you replied. 
You [3:03 PM] - Good afternoon to you too.
Right after you pressed send, you thought that the fact that you added a period at the end of the sentence made it look too strict and formal that it worried you. Immediately, you added a smiley face. 
You [3:03 PM] - :) 
“Wait…that seems more awkward.” You grunted and decided to just shrug it off, hoping that Taehyung wouldn’t react to this in any way. 
Taehyung [3:04 PM] - Cute
Taehyung [3:04 PM] - Where are you? Are you off school? 
It was a miracle that you didn’t bump at anyone whilst you texted. You looked up for a moment and saw that the cafe was near and you hurriedly ran to get inside. “Hey, Y/n. Thank god you’re here.” Yuqi, another part-time employee greeted you. "Why? Did something happen?"
"That girl right there –” she pointed at a familiar face, making your eyebrows crease to try to remember her, "has been looking for a man named Taehyung for how many minutes now." Your eyes widened in shock, gasping. She was the girl Taehyung was with yesterday.
Yuqi looked at you with her eyebrows furrowed, "Why? Do you know who Taehyung is?"
"I do." You bravely said, and you didn't know why. "I'll talk to her."
You heard Yuqi murmuring a 'good luck' under her breath as you walked towards the woman. She was the one who Taehyung spanked, right in front of your fucking eyes.
"Excuse me, miss?"
"What?!" She harshly turned her head to you, her straightened hair whipping because of the action. She was talking to an employee who – as you can tell by the look in their eyes – was frightened to death. You nodded, signaling for her to go. "No man named Taehyung is here. If you could just leave –”
"No! I texted him that he should be here! Where the fuck is he?!"
"Maybe he didn't arrive. Now would you please leave this cafe alone and go scream for his name outside?" You gritted your teeth, pointing at the door. You didn't know why you were this pissed, something in her attitude, probably? Or the fact that she was looking for Taehyung made you jealous. He didn't tell you who this girl was, and you had no idea what they were talking about in this shop the other day. 
The lady scoffed bitterly and rolled her eyes, “Yeah, whatever fuck this.” She stormed out of the shop and the whole atmosphere was finally back to normal. Yuqi let out a sigh behind you, “Thank Jesus that you’re here,” she smiled, “if it weren’t for you she’d probably go as far as breaking stuff in this café.”
She turned to the few customers, “Everyone, please continue your business! The hell lady is finally gone.” You laughed and smacked her arms, “Shut up, Yuqi.”
“Oh please, she probably just wanted the attention.”
You walked around and behind the counter where Yuqi previously was and placed your bag on the floor. She leaned over, resting her forearms on the surface and looked at you with one of her eyebrows up, “Who was this Taehyung dude anyway? You said you know him?”
“Well,” you didn’t want to say who he really was. You gulped, trying to find excuses on what he can be, “I think I met him at school, he was some sort of one of my colleague’s brother? I don’t exactly know if he’s the right Taehyung I’m thinking about, though.”
Yuqi looked to the side, shrugging her shoulders, “Okay then,” she made a thumbs up followed by a click of her tongue, “gotta go.”
You let out a deep breath right after she stepped foot outside the shop. Suddenly, your eyes widened as you remembered that you didn’t reply to Taehyung’s text. You hurriedly grabbed your phone out of your pocket and saw 4 new messages from him. Shit.
Taehyung [3:05 PM] – Y/n?
Taehyung [3:06 PM] – Hey, are you there?
Taehyung [3:10 PM] – alright where the fuck are you
Taehyung [3:15 PM] – you’re at the café, aren’t you? picking you up at 5:50.
You shoot out a bunch of replies, saying sorry and that you had to handle something at the café. But you agreed to his request. You wanted to ask him who that lady was, though. You were dying to know.
“Can I have two black coffee please?” the customer said, followed by kissing her boyfriend on the cheek, “one for me and my boyfriend.”
You fought the urge to try not to gag. Instead, you scrunched your nose and punched her order. “T-that would be 3 bucks.”
The boy looked down at the girl, giving her a smirk as he rummaged through his pockets, “I’ll pay, babe.” The girl giggled beside him as he gave you the exact amount. “We’ll have it to go, please.”
Thank god. 
You handed him the receipt, “Thank you, please have a seat and we’ll give you your order,” you faked a smile for the hundredth time this day.
“Okay, what the hell was that,” You turned to look at Matt, who was patiently waiting for you on the other side of the counter, waiting for your shift to be over so he can take place. He scoffs, “Look, at least they love each other.”
“Yeah, wished they didn’t rub it on my face.” You rolled your eyes and taking two cups from the shelves, preparing the couple’s order. He laughs and pats your head, a genuine smile creeping up on your face. “You’re probably just jealous of them and wonder why you don’t have a boyfriend yet.”
With your eyebrows raised, you smirk at him, “Just ‘cause you have a girlfriend doesn’t mean that I’m the ugly loser here.” He laughs and runs a hand through his hair. His hair was blond and it was a little bit wavy. You can admit that he was sort of handsome, but he wasn’t your type.
You pressed the black coffee option on one of the machines and waited for the second cup to fill up. Turning your head, you saw the couple on one of the booths, laughing and kissing each other. You shrugged your shoulders – more to yourself. If they’re happy then let them be, you shouldn’t be the one to judge.
You placed the cups on a paper bag and made your way to their booth, attending to them with a smile. “Here is your order, I hope you have a wonderful day.” 
The boy smiled at you, “Thank you, we’re new to this place and we already love it. We love that everyone’s so kind.”
Oh. You were frankly surprised at his acclaim, but it made your heart warm either way. “Well, thank you! We all hope you come back soon.”
You bid farewell to the couple and watched them step out of the shop. You collected two dollars from the table which you thought was a tip and gladly took it with a little giggle. “Hah! You are mine, two dollars.”
You walked your way back to the counter which Matt already took place in. “I see you’ve been given two bucks.” He smirks, handing you your bag from the ground. You grasped one of the straps and swung it over your shoulder, “Mhmm, and a little compliment too. They said everyone here is so kind.”
Matt laughs, “Well, wait ‘till they see Yuqi.”
“Don’t…disrespect my queen like that.” You pointed a finger at him jokingly, rendering a laugh to emit from the both of you.
You said your goodbyes to Matt, waving at him and he did the same. You looked at your watch and it was exactly 5:55 PM. ‘Wait,’ you thought, ‘isn’t Taehyung gonna –’ You looked up and saw Taehyung, in his usual black suit, leaning against his black BMW with his hands on his pocket. He was staring directly at you, a smirk slowly creeping his face. Your breath hitched, gripping the strap of your bag tightly.
Making your way outside of the shop, he pulled the glass door open for you without saying a word. You gulped, really not knowing what to do. Taehyung locked eyes with you for a mere second then taking your bag away from you. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you watch him open the passenger’s seat. Tilting his head to the direction of the seat, he signaled for you to go inside. 
You obeyed, sitting on the leather seat as he gave you your bag back. His car smelled just like him and his expensive scent, almost making you dizzy – but it a good way. He made his way to his seat and started the engine.
The ride was awfully awkward, he wasn’t saying anything and you didn’t know where he was taking you. Before you can even ask, he was faster than you.
“It seemed like you were having a good time at the shop today.”
You looked at him, confused. His gaze was directly on the road but you can see how he clenches his jaw. “I – uh, I did. Yeah, a little.” Your voice was small, not really sure about where he was going in this conversation. “Who was the guy?”
You found yourself difficult to breathe, and you didn’t know why. What he said was just a simple question but you had trouble spitting out the answer. “O-oh, his name is Matt. He’s a co-worker.”
He turned his head to look at you for a moment, then back to the road. You can tell that he’s a little bit pissed but also amused because of the sudden smirk that crept back to his face. What was wrong with him? “Taehyung, he’s just one of my friends and, well – he has a girlfriend.”
Suddenly, he placed his right hand on top of your knee, making you jump a little at the sudden action. He chuckles, “Don’t worry, Y/n, I’m playingg with you. I know him.”
Your eyes widened, “You do?!”
“Mhmm. He once worked for me. He’s a nice dude, Y/n. Glad to know that he has found a job now.”
Your mouth was slightly agape, shocked by the whole situation. He looks at you and lifts his hand up to your chin, shutting your mouth with his index finger by applying a little pressure to it. “Close your mouth, baby. Before something goes inside.”
“Matt worked for me as an intern once. He did a great job and all and I always kept an eye on him. I thought he’d be more, well...” he started to find the right words, “lucrative, career-wise.” After that sentence, you narrowed your eyes at him, “Hey, don’t say that.” 
He laughs at you, shaking his head, “I know, baby. Don’t worry. I don’t discriminate.” 
“He never liked me that much, to be honest. But who didn’t? Everyone thinks I’m too bossy.”
You snorted, “Well, isn’t that the point of running a whole company? To control people?”
“That’s right, angel,” he looked at you and chuckled, “having control is my forte.”
“Where are you taking me, anyway?” You asked a minute later, and his hand was still resting on your knee. You were praying that he won’t move that hand up any further. “To my home. You owe me an answer, don’t you?”
Oh, right.
“Oh, right.”
He laughs quietly, stroking your knee. “Don’t be too afraid, Y/n. I’ll understand whatever decision you make.”
After a while in the car ride, you suddenly got used to his touch. It was a good thing that he abided your desire of not moving it up to your thighs anymore. You liked his touch, even if it was the simplest thing he can ever give to you. All of a sudden, the thought of the lady that was looking for him came up in your mind. You gasped from the abrupt remembrance. “You good there, angel?”
“There was a lady earlier in the shop, and – uh, she was looking for you.”
Taehyung scoffed in his seat as he rolled his eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, “Who is she?”
“Her name’s Crissy. One of my submissives at the time.” He looked at you, “You saw her the first time inside the café too at the time, right?”
You remembered the time, that fucking moment where he slapped her ass right in front of your eyes. You sighed and nodded, somehow feeling resentful all of a sudden.  “A submissive?”
“Yes.” He simply stated. Little did you know you were already at his place as he opened his door, walking over to your side as he opened yours. You were still confused as hell, but you followed him inside his building. You stepped inside the familiar home, the kitchen was the first place you see and the memories of yesterday flooded your mind, making you blush.
He made you sit on one of the stools as he sat across from you. “I brought Crissy to the shop because I wanted to talk to her about some business shit. She was working for me at that time, plus she was a submissive. It didn’t turn out the way we wanted to so I cut her off.” The fact that he said those sentences so simply with his deep, monotone voice made something ignite in you. “We made a condition, that whatever happens between us will only stay between us.”
He runs his hand through his hair in frustration, “She didn’t listen, and decides to tell her friends about us.” He looked deep into your eyes, “Obviously, the talk had gone all throughout other employees.”
“So they know…they know what you do now?” You stuttered, voice quiet. He smirks and lowers his head. He arises from his seat and goes around the island to stand behind you. He places his hands on the counter, trapping you in his arms. You can feel his breath right on your neck, making you tense. 
He chuckles behind you, “Only a few, but don’t worry, baby.” He presses his cheek closer to your neck, trying his hardest to hold back and try not to kiss your exposed shoulders. “I made sure that none of them will spill anything, ‘cause if they did,” he held your chin and firmly made you look at him, smirking, “they’d be gone in a flash.”
You widen your eyes, gulping. He notices this and laughs, shaking his head on how cute your reaction was.
“Taehyung, I really wanna do this, I really do,” you looked down, tucking a strand of hair back behind your ear, “b-but I’m just not sure enough.” Worried on what his expression might be, you didn’t look at him. Taehyung, on the other hand, smiled – as if he was expecting this.
He took your hand and pulled you away from your seat. He led you to his office, sitting down on the leather chair. He sat across from you and removed his blazer, placing it behind him. You can see that he has three buttons undone on his dress shirt, exposing the skin on his chest. You tried your hardest not to stare too much 
He opened a drawer below him and brought out a white folder, sliding it across to you. “Open it.”
You did as you were told and you were greeted with a page full on encoded words. The bold, capitalized title catching your eyes first.
Are you kidding me?
You looked up at him, his face was expressionless. “A contract?”
You never actually presumed that these were real, you only ever saw them in movies or in risky books, but never imagined that it was factual. He tilted his head to the side, leaning in closer to you as he rests his forearms on the table. His face was only inches away, taking your breath away. “Mhmm. We can’t do this without your full consent. Trust me on this.”
You only nodded and continued reading.
The following terms are the connecting contract between the Dominant and the Submissive.
1.    The central purpose of this contract is to allow the Submissive to explore her limits and her sensuality without harm with all due respect, and to take account of her needs.
2.    The Dominant shall not at any time demand, allow, or require the Submissive to participate in any activity that seems to be unsafe. The Dominant will not permit to be undertaken any action which could cause serious injuries or risk to the Submissive’s life.
“R-risk to…what?” You widen your eyes at him, confused and also scared at the same time. He caressed your cheek carefully, but it didn’t help your petrified state. He carefully smiled at you, looking deep into your big eyes that always made him crazy. “As it states there, angel, we won’t do anything that you do not consent to. I’m not about forcing anyone to do things that they’re not comfortable with, yeah?” Taking a deep breath, you replied, “Okay.”
3.    The Dominant will control, dominate, discipline, and accept his Submissive as his own during the term. The Dominant will use the Submissive’s body at any agreed times in any manner.
4.    The Dominant will provide the Submissive with all necessary guidance and training to properly oblige the Dominant’s needs.
5.    The Dominant may discipline the Submissive as necessary to fully appreciate her subservience to the Dominant and to discourage unacceptable conduct.
You weren’t even halfway into reading and you found yourself holding a breath. Taehyung was deeply looking at you, examining your expressions every time. He noticed how you sometimes gulp, how your eyebrows furrow, and how you shift on your seat. He bit his lip, trying to control himself.
You were twenty, and he was twenty-seven. You were like the freshest flower to him – the last one to bloom. He didn’t even know himself that he would choose a girl like you, so serene and delicate. You were so careful in everything, so pure. Something always fueled inside of him whenever he’s with you, and he liked this new experience. You don’t know what you do to him, but he was also feeling all these sparks inside of him, just like you do.
Sexual kinks/fetishes that the Dominant settles on:
‘Sir’ kink – the Submissive must call her Dominant ‘sir’ whenever they are accommodating in sexual activities.
Impact play – spanking, flogging, paddling, whips.
Light bondage and blindfolds
Sex toys
Establishing ownership
Orgasm control
- And others that can be indicated prior to or during the act of sexual intercourse.
You bite your lip as you read those words from the paper. All of it made you feel nervous but also turned on. Looking up at him, you saw how his eyes dilated as his gaze was fixed on yours. He took a deep breath, loving the effect all of this had on you. His thoughts became dark, but he knew how to contain himself. Right now – at least.
“You alright, angel?” he softly asked as he pressed his tongue on the corners of his cheek. He examined your body, checking you out up and down. You suddenly felt small, intimidated by his scrutiny. Feeling timid, you looked down on the floor. You wanted to try these all of these things with him, but you really don’t know how. Sudden questions popped up in your mind, asking that what if you wouldn’t do well enough, or what if you wouldn’t satisfy him as he deserves?
“Look at me, y/n.”
You tried, you really did. But at this point, you were too embarrassed. You gulped as you nervously played with your hands.
“I said look at me, baby girl.”
The sudden harshness and strictness in his voice accompanied by that pet name made you instantly obey and looked up at him. “I know you’re nervous, y/n. This is all new for you and I get where you’re coming from.” He grabbed your hands and encaptured them in his. “Tell me, have you ever had any intercourse?”
You sighed, wanting to look down but you knew that he wouldn't allow it. Licking your lips, you answered, “Yes. But that was only about a year ago and I haven’t gotten any ever since.” Your voice was small as you carefully read his expression. He raised one of his brows, biting his lip for a second. “How many?”
“Like how many times?”
He chuckles, “Yes, angel.”
“T-that was my first time. It wasn’t that good.”
A fire ignited in Taehyung’s stomach. He wanted to know more.
“Have you ever touched yourself?” He leaned even closer, faces now centimeters away. You can feel his hot breath tickling your lips, making you shiver. Taehyung wanted to touch you and kiss you so bad at this moment, but he prevents himself.
You shook your head, “No.”
The man in front of you sighs, pulling himself away and leaning back on his chair as he threw his head back. “Shit, Y/n. You're gonna make me insane.”
He stands up, walking around the desk to stand in front of you. He pulled your hand, commanding you to stand up as he made you sit on his desk. With his big hands, he parted your knees away from each other as he stood in between them. He held your waist tightly and firmly, making you lose your breath. Everything happened so quickly in a split second. He pulled your body closer to him, slightly pressing his hips on your own.
“Do you even know what you do to me, baby?” he held your jaw with one of his hands, making you look at his dark irises, “huh?”
Taehyung wanted to fuck you so bad, he wanted to take you on his desk, wanting to claim you as his. He never felt anything like this with his past submissives, his nerves were on fire. He wanted to do everything that the contract had, but he knew that now was not the time.
Taehyung closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath as he removed the hold he had on you. “Sorry, angel.” He stepped back, running a hand through his hair. “I-I didn’t know what I was doing. I lost my control and I know you didn’t –”
“Taehyung,” you called out his name, forcing a kind smile to plaster on your face. “It’s okay.” You giggled, pulling him back to you. He was stunned for a moment but smiled as well.
He creased his brows, not sure where that ‘yes’ came from. ‘It couldn’t be…’
“I wanna,” you paused for a moment, wanting to think this through properly. But the way how he touched you lingered in your body and in your mind, and you wanted to feel that sensation more often. 
Fuck it. 
“I wanna be with you, Taehyung. Wanna be yours, wanna be your girl.”
Taehyung couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had his mouth slightly agape, shocked with your answer. “A-are you sure, Y/n?”
You smiled genuinely, “Yes I am, very much.”
Biting his lip, he smirked at you. God, how much you liked that smirk of his. “You’re saying yes to me, baby girl?”
A sudden idea popped into your mind, and now you’re the one smirking. Without even thinking about it twice, you spoke, “Yes, sir.”
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