#so i had to spend a good 10 minutes telling him about the worst thing that had happened to this website since the onceler
trashabilly · 5 months
me explaining thomas jefferson's miku binder to my fiance, a normal person who doesn't use tumblr:
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zegrasdrysdale · 7 months
[ photograph ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) decides to fly out to Philly for Valentine’s Day after watching Jamie say in an interview that he’ll probably be spending the day alone
warning(s) : just some tooth rotting fluff with no angst for once, a heavy makeout
author’s note : this is just a (not so) lil fluff filled thing bc i wanted to write something for belated valentine’s day. sorry or you’re welcome (idk)
“Yeah, uh, I don’t actually have any plans tomorrow,” he explains to a reporter through the screen on her phone. “Everyone I know here does have plans and everyone else I know is across the country so I’ll most likely spend the day putting together furniture in my new apartment.”
That was the moment she decided that she was getting on the first flight she possibly could to Philly so Jamie didn’t spend Valentine’s Day alone. No one should have to spend the day alone. She doesn’t have any plans and she’s off from work for about two weeks because they’re doing renovations so a little trip to Philadelphia doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world.
Last year he spent the day with Trevor on the couch and watched movies in their shared apartment. This year, he is in Philly and Trevor actually has a girlfriend. Not very ideal for Jamie.
She isn’t Jamie’s girlfriend, but she is one of his best friends and could never let him be alone on Valentine’s Day. Especially not after hearing what his actual plans are for tomorrow. She’s going to at least help him put furniture together in his apartment.
A flight out of LAX is scheduled for 10 that night. It’s six so she has about two hours to pack for a week long trip to Philly. She even buys a ticket for Saturday’s game at MetLife since she wants to see Jamie play a game while she’s in Philly.
By eight, she’s out the door with a suitcase that’s packed full of clothes and non-liquid toiletries. The jersey Jamie sent her about a week after the trade is neatly folded with the rest of her clothes. She orders an Uber to drive her to the airport.
While in the Uber, she debates texting Jamie and telling him that she’ll be at his new apartment early tomorrow morning since she’ll be landing a little before six in the morning. It’ll probably take about 45 minutes after she lands before she’s on Jamie’s doorstep.
Maybe a surprise wouldn’t be the worst thing so she puts her phone away until she has to pull out her plane ticket.
Getting on the plane takes an hour between getting past TSA and buying snacks for the nearly five hour flight. She boards the plane twenty minutes before it takes off so she has time to get comfortable.
She’s asleep before the plane even leaves the ground.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
All the snacks she bought before the flight are going to be the snacks she eats while she’s in Philly because she slept for the entire flight. It didn’t feel like she slept for 5 hours but she did.
By six, she’s at baggage claim and grabbing her suitcase. She orders an Uber to Voorhees while she waits for her things. The car is waiting for her when she get outside.
It’s a lot colder out than she thought it was going to be. All she has on is a Ducks hoodie that Jamie gave to her the year before and a pair of leggings with Uggs on her feet. Her feet are warm. The rest of her is not. She shakes as she puts her things in the trunk of the car.
She gives the driver Jamie’s new address and she’s off to surprise her best friend.
The closer she gets to Jamie’s, the more nervous she gets. What if he found someone after moving to the Philly area? What if the whole putting furniture together comment was a lie so he didn’t announce to the entire world he was in a relationship? What if he doesn’t want her there in general?
Maybe a spontaneous trip across the country without at least letting Jamie know she was coming wasn’t the best idea she’s ever had.
A call comes through from Trevor. Confused, she answers the phone. “Good morning?”
“Are you in Philly?” he asks.
“Maybe,” she slowly replies as she watches the Philly skyline pass. “Why? It’s like three in the morning.”
“Not for you apparently,” he retorts. “I looked to see where you were because Mason said you weren’t replying to his texts so I wanted to make sure you were okay and I see that you flew across the country.”
She smiles and shakes her head. The way Trevor would find out she’s in Philly is by checking her location. He and Jamie are the only ones that have her location because she’s closest with them.
“Just wanted to surprise Jamie,” she tells Trevor. “That’s all. Tell Mason I’ll call him later because I’m about ten minutes away from Jamie’s apartment.”
“You gonna tell him you love him?” Trevor questions. She opens her mouth to object but he keeps talking. “It’s so freaking obvious so don’t even lie to me.”
A nervous laugh passes her lips. “We’ll see,” she replies. “I’ll talk to you later, Z.”
“Tell me how he’s really doing,” he tells her. “I worry about him sometimes.”
“Will do,” she says as the driver pulls up to Jamie’s place. “Talk soon.”
The line goes dead and she looks out the window at the apartment building. Jamie’s somewhere in there asleep and she’s about two minutes away from calling him to come let her into the building.
She gets her things out of the trunk and thanks the driver before he drives off to pick someone else up. She sighs and pulls up Jamie’s contact.
When she presses the ‘call’ button, it rings about four times before Jamie answers. The entire time, her hands are shaking and she isn’t sure if it’s because of the cold or if she’s nervous to see Jamie for the first time since the trade.
“It’s like four in the morning,” he croaks when he picks up. “Are you okay?”
She smiles at the sound of his morning voice. “Actually it’s almost seven in the morning and I’m currently freezing my ass off outside your apartment building so if you could come let me in, that would be great,” she says.
It sounds like Jamie falls out of bed when she says that she’s outside of the building. If he broke anything then she’s going to have to explain to Torts why Jamie will be out for six weeks.
He isn’t holding any body parts when he swings the door open and blankly stares at her from the top of the steps of the building. He blinks a few times like he’s trying to decide if he’s still dreaming or if he’s awake. She waves and a barefoot Jamie runs down the stairs to hug her.
A laugh passes her lips and she wraps her arms around his torso. “You’re actually here,” he says against her ear. “I thought you were lying to me.”
“Nope,” she replies. “I’m here. I didn’t have anything else to do so I thought I’d come surprise you. Help you put together some furniture for Valentine’s Day.”
Jamie pulls back from the hug just enough to look at her. “You saw that interview?” he asks.
With a nod and a smile, she replies, “It sounded like a very boring way to spend Valentine’s Day so I thought I’d come keep you company. Maybe watch you play at the outdoor game this weekend. I have another week off from work and spending it in the Philly area with my best friend didn’t sound like the worst idea.”
“You are actually insane for buying a plane ticket without knowing if I’d be here or not,” he tells her. “I could’ve left for Toronto before you got here since we play them tomorrow.”
“Yeah I know how your travel schedule works,” she retorts. “That’s how I knew you’d be here.”
He shakes his head and grabs her suitcase. “You have some of the best timing because I took a maintenance day today so I have a day off from practice, but I leave tomorrow morning for Toronto,” he says to her as they walk into the building together.
“Listen, I’m spending a week in the area,” she replies. “I get to watch you play at the outdoor game on Saturday when I wasn’t planning on being on the east coast at all. If you’re gone for a day or two then it’s fine.”
The smile that forms on Jamie’s face makes her heart do somersaults in her stomach.
She can tell how excited he is that she decided to visit him. She knows how much he has been missing Anaheim so she brought Anaheim to him for a week.
When Jamie opens the door to the apartment, she is very surprised by how decorated it is and how much of the stuff he had in his Anaheim apartment has made its way to this one. It still needs some work done, but that is why she’s here. She’s here to help him finish putting it all together.
“I need to build some shelves,” Jamie tells her. “And put together the guest bedroom. The frame still needs to be built for the guest bed too. This is what my plans were for the day.”
She turns her head to look at him as he closes the door behind them. “So it wasn’t come ruse so you didn’t have to admit to the world that you had a secret girlfriend?” she questions.
If she should expect Jamie to have a girl over then she might as well get the girlfriend question out of the way early on in her visit.
“Uh, no,” he replies. “No secret girlfriend. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had any time to find a girlfriend. Yorky has tried but he’s not the best wingman.”
She can’t help but laugh. Jamie smiles and rolls her suitcase to the unfinished bedroom.
She decides to make some coffee for the two of them so they can get started on the day’s plans. They have to put together the guest room and build some shelves. It can’t be very hard to do either of those things. Right?
It turns out that Jamie can’t follow simple instructions to save his life. She has had to refrain from throwing whatever is in her hand at him so many times because he can’t read a piece of paper.
“Jamie, what am I supposed to do with this screw?” she asks as she holds up an extra screw. “Do I have to put it in your head so you can use your brain or something? You missing one in there? Do I need to get Trevor on the first flight out of LAX to come help you figure out how to read the instructions?”
Jamie looks up from his spot on the floor and throws the instructions at her. “Here, you try to read this and tell me if it makes any sense,” he retorts. “It’s all confusing. My parents helped me build shelves when they came to visit a few weeks ago. I didn’t have to do this. Maybe it’s just an extra.”
She grabs the pamphlet and reads the directions. The screw was supposed to be put in when putting the shelves in place. A shelf is missing a screw.
“You dumbass,” she says. “It’s not an extra screw. It was supposed to be put in on the bottom shelf to make sure it is secure and even. You now have an unsecure shelf in your guest room.”
Jamie flattens out on his back on the carpeted floor with a groan. “This is why I’m a hockey player and don’t work in home improvement,” he says as he rubs his eyes. She laughs and tries to keep her eyes on his face instead of on the sliver of skin that peeks out between what is a new Flyers t-shirt and pajama pants. “This is so dumb. I am not about to take that whole thing apart to put one screw in.”
She walks over and slaps the pamphlet on his stomach. He gasps and sits up with the paper in his hands. “Then get it together, Drysdale,” she tells him. “We have a bed frame to build.”
“Fuck the bed frame,” he sighs as she grabs the box in the corner and drags it into the center of the room. “You don’t need a bed to sleep in tonight.”
With a light laugh, she teases, “If we don’t get it set up then I’m gonna be sleeping in your bed until we get it put together.”
Jamie mutters something that sounds like “would be okay with me” but she pretends she doesn’t hear it. She can’t hear it or else she will just say “fuck it” and sleep in Jamie’s bed the entire time she’s here instead of putting the bed together.
The mattress is sitting up against the wall next to where the box with the bed frame was. He has everything he needs to put this bed together and he hasn’t done it yet. Not even over the All Star break when he had a few days off before going to Mexico with the Flyers.
Putting the bed together takes less time and a lot less arguing back and forth. Within an hour, the mattress is on top of the bed frame. Five-foot-eleven 185 pound Jamie flops on the mattress to make sure it’s secure and won’t fall apart if someone were to jump on it.
They do not need to have another shelf problem with the bed that she will most likely be sleeping on while she’s in the area. If it is like the shelf and it’s not safe to sleep on then the couch is in the living room for a reason.
The two of them stand in the doorway and look at their work when they decide the bed is secure. “We make an amazing team,” she comments. “Aside from the shelf.”
Jamie groans and walks down the hallway to his own room. “Shelves are stupid anyway,” he replies. “Who is actually going to use them in this room aside from me just putting a handful of books and pictures on them?” She laughs and goes to unpack her stuff now that it’s safe to do so without stepping on wood, metal or a screw on the floor.
The Flyers jersey that he sent her gets hung up in the closet along with her shirts, hoodies, and nicer pants. She’ll pull bras, panties, and socks out of the suitcase as needed. The beanie she brought to wear on Saturday is put on the bedside table.
Then she pulls out the gift that she brought for Jamie. It isn’t much but she’s hoping that it means as much to him as it does to her. The pictures she brought were taken at such important moments in Jamie’s career and she hopes that he doesn’t mind having a few pictures of his best friend around the apartment.
She walks down to Jamie’s bedroom and knocks gently on the door. There are footsteps behind it before the door swings open. “I, um, had these printed and framed in case I ever came to visit you,” she tells him as she holds out the three picture frames. “Thought you might need some décor.”
Jamie looks down at the pictures and shifts through them.
One of them was taken on Jamie’s Draft Day. He has on a Ducks jersey and she has on his Ducks hat. He looks so happy. He has an arm around her shoulders while he holds up six fingers and is smiling at the camera. She has a smile on his face and is looking up at him with a proud look on her face. Messy ponytail and all.
The second one was taken the day Jamie made his NHL debut and scored his first goal. It’s a selfie she took of her, Jamie, and Trevor at dinner that same night. They’re both holding their pucks because they went right from the arena to a restaurant to eat.
The third one was taken during the 2021 World Juniors tournament where Canada placed second. She’s putting the silver medal back around his neck after he had given it to her. “Silver just means you lost” is what he had said to her a moment before this was captured. She had told him that she was a winner to him and put the medal back around his neck. There is heavy eye contact between the two of them in their matching jerseys.
It was as the third picture was being taken she realized that she loved Jamie. The first two pictures, she knew she had feelings for him, but the third was when she realized that she wanted to be there for him as more than just a friend.
“I had no idea you had any of these,” he says after he’s done looking through them. Jamie looks up at her. “All at different points of my career.”
“Been with you since day one,” she replies with a smile on her face. “You didn’t think that I wouldn’t be here with you while you succeed in a whole new city, did you?”
Jamie laughs and shakes his head. “Absolutely not,” he tells her. “You always make sure you’re a presence in my life.” He pauses and looks right at her. “It’s one of the things I love most about having you in my life.”
She could almost cry when he says that.
There have been so many times over the years where she thought she was annoying or that he wanted her out of his life. She followed him to California when he started playing with the Gulls then the Ducks. He asked her to come with him, but she thought for months it was out of pity.
He has erased years of insecurity with one comment.
“Thanks for keeping me in your life,” she replies after a brief moment of silence.
“You’re like Trevor,” he teases. “You’re always around. It would be hard for me to get rid of you.”
She smiles up at him. “Except he would never fly across the country to see you,” she retorts. “Especially without at least telling you he was coming to see you.”
Jamie laughs. “No, he wouldn’t.”
They look at each other for a second before he walks past her. He has the picture frames in his hand as he walks into the living room. She follows him even though she is confused with what he’s doing.
He puts the picture of himself, Trevor, and (Y/N) on the coffee table under the lamp next to the couch. It’s the most public place in the entire place so it makes sense that that’s the picture that is put in the living room.
The picture of the two of them on Draft Day goes on a little table that leads to the hallway with both bedrooms and bathrooms. The table is under a little mirror that’s been hung up. A little less public but it also joins the other pictures that were taken that day. It looks like it belongs.
Jamie glances at her and walks back into his bedroom. She follows right behind him and stands in the doorway of his room. Her eyes are on the picture of the two of them at the 2021 World Juniors as it’s placed on Jamie’s bedside table.
“This one means the most to me so it deserves a little more privacy than the others,” Jamie tells her without a look in her direction. “You were there for me and picked me up when I was down. I didn’t want anyone else there but you. You were the one that convinced me silver was okay. The team worked hard to get to that moment. The medal was very well deserved because we did everything we could to make it to that game. I did everything I could to get the team to that game. We just came up a little bit short.”
She pouts and walks further into the room. He finally looks over at her. “I didn’t know you felt that way,” she softly says to him. “I didn’t know that I was the person that convinced you it was okay to wear silver around your neck.”
“I needed silver because my gold medal was you,” Jamie shakily admits. His voice is soft. “You’re my gold medal.”
His words have her speechless. Her jaw drops in surprise. She has no idea why he’s saying this to her now.
He reaches out to her and brushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She takes a step forward and feels her heart race in her chest as she looks up at him. Her body shakes as she realizes that their relationship is changing.
A line that she never expected to cross is about to be crossed. She can see it in Jamie’s eyes as they examine her face, landing on her lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
She nods because she doesn’t trust herself to speak. She is afraid that she’s going to admit how long she’s been in love with him if she says a single words.
So she nods, and Jamie leans down to capture her lips in a soft, hesitant kiss. He’s testing the waters to see if she’ll push him away.
She’ll never push him away.
Not when she finally has him like this. Not when she finally knows what it feels like to kiss Jamie Drysdale.
When she feels him begin to pull away, she wraps her arms around his neck and leans more into him to deepen the kiss instead of Jamie breaking it. Her fingers find a home in his hair.
She is scared he will regret it if the kiss breaks, and she doesn’t want that. She doesn’t want to see that look. It might break her if he looks at her like that if the kiss breaks.
Jamie cups her cheek and brushes his thumbs over her cheekbone. She melts against him with a sigh.
“(Y/N),” he mumbles after a second. “I need to breathe.”
That’s when she lets him pull away. The sight of his red, swollen lips and unruly hair is almost too much for her. There’s a hint of a smile on his face and something overcomes her.
“I love you,” she tells him. “I’ve loved you since that was taken.” She points in the direction of the picture on his bedside table. “It’s always been you, Jamie. That’s why I flew across the country on Valentine’s Day. I wanted to be with you today because I miss you and I love you.”
Jamie smiles and brushes his thumb over her own lips that are as red and swollen as his are. “I love you too,” he says. “I think I’ve been in love with you since I saw you at my first NHL game in my jersey. I’m very happy you came to the east coast to watch me play in the Stadium Series game this weekend. I was going to probably fly you out anyway.”
She laughs and shakes her head before burying her face in his chest. They’ve been in love with each other for years and are only now saying something about it after Jamie was traded to Philly and she’s stuck in Anaheim for right now.
“Only took me bringing you pictures to finally kiss me,” she teases.
He rolls his eyes. “Shut up and come here.”
Their lips meet in a heated kiss. Everything they’ve been feeling is coming out in the kiss. Jamie tugs her until she is sitting on his lap while he’s sitting on the mattress. She drapes her arms over his shoulders.
It’s that moment when she realizes they put together a whole bed for no reason because there is now no way she is getting in that bed now.
She pushes him down until Jamie is lying flat on his back and their chests are flush against each other. Her hair creates a curtain around their faces despite his fingers curling in her locks.
“Wait, hold on,” Jamie says. She pulls back from the kiss. “Have something to ask you before we get distracted.”
“Will you come to family skate on Friday before the game at MetLife?” he asks. “As my girlfriend?”
The biggest smile forms on her lips. “You’re going to have to give me skating lessons because despite watching you play hockey for years, I have no idea how to skate,” she tells him.
“I will give you skating lessons,” Jamie laughs. “You’ll come though?”
She nods and kisses him. “I’ll come.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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liked by jamie.drysdale, philadelphiaflyers, and 193,872 others
yourusername life recently w my 🤍
view all 15,982 comments
masonmctavish23 ig i forgive you for not answering my texts last week
yourusername we can hang out when i get back into cali on wednesday
masonmctavish23 good. i’m mad that jamie stole you from us
fan2 oh my god. this is so cute
fan3 you were at metlife ??? i think i walked past you at one point
yourusername i had on the drysdale jersey
trevorzegras oh this is all i’m gonna hear about when she gets back
leocarlssoon it’s about time. i was praying this would happen bc the way jamie talked about you was insane
jamie.drysdale let me live !!
philadelphiaflyers Thanks for coming out
jamie.drysdale skating w my girlfriend for the first time was the best feeling 🩵
yourusername being your girlfriend is the best feeling
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leclerckins · 1 year
Hi Dina, I hope you're okey if you have the time, I'd love to hear your thoughts on Charles Leclerc looking after his girl. Maybe she's not doing so good and he takes the time to tidy, cook a meal, make her bed etc 🥹 feeling all the feels tonight. Thank you x
truly madly deeply [cl16]
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❀ pairing (s) — charles leclerc x student!reader
❀ notes — hi! gonna do this in some sort of headcanons of what I think how Charles would react to his girl having a bad day! and i think i got carried away omg anyways hope ur having a good day and hope u would like this!
You are having the most horrible day like your assignments are piling up and you still have to submit your resumes since you're in your final year of uni so everything just gets too much for you
You haven't even been to the last couple of races because of how busy you are
Your absence from the races actually raised some speculations about your relationships like all the gossip pages pinpointing and tracking when was the last time you and Charles were spotted together
This just gets on your nerve and makes you even feel so much worse with people saying that you are not being a good girlfriend like whatever that means
You didn't want to tell Charles about the things that are bothering you since he is also having the worst time with his races
It's another race weekend and you are still not able to go and support Charles which makes you feel even worse even though Charles has assured you that it is totally fine and he understands why you couldn't go
During the weekend, you kinda moved into Charles' apartment because you just miss him and his scent
And you found yourself being able to focus on your work when you are working from his apartment
You also multitasked with finishing up your resumes and also watching the race at the same time
As usual, Ferrari fucked up and you just wished you could be there for him
When he called, you rushed to answer your phone and you could hear his tired voice which made you wish you could give him the biggest hug
Charles says he is coming home tonight and you mentally note that you need to pack your things by this evening
But you fell asleep in front of your laptop on the couch so when Charles walked into the door of his apartment, he nearly had a heart attack but smiled softly seeing you sleep on his couch
He drops his bags at the apartment door and moves to carry you to his bedroom
You stir but didn't wake up and instead just snuggle further into his neck
Charles settles you on his bed and he smiles at the mess you made in his bedroom like your books on his table, your notes on his bedside table and your clothes on his chair
He kisses your forehead and settles himself down for the night before slipping in next to you and he becomes the big spoon as he hugs you from behind
Charles woke up first and kisses your forehead as he gets ready to buy breakfast for the both of you (wouldn't bet on Charles cooking breakfast like there wouldn't be a breakfast if he is the one in front of the stove)
He comes back to you still sleeping since this is actually the first time you managed to get more than 3 hours of sleep so he just gets your breakfast ready and made your coffee just the way you like it
Charles wakes you up with peppering kisses all over your face and you smile as you wake up to the smell of him and also coffee
"Good morning, mon ange (my angel)" he says as he kisses your temple and also helps you up from the bed when he leans down to kiss you
"Nope! morning breath!" Charles just chuckles while ignoring your ridiculous (to him) notions about morning breath and still kisses you
You kiss him but immediately run to brush your teeth so that you could give him #real kisses
He is already waiting in front of the bathroom door and immediately snatches your waist and you two finally kiss (reads: makeout)
And when I say you guys spend 10 minutes just making out like okay we get it yall are obsessed with each other omg
Both of you finally move to the kitchen to have your breakfast
"You cooked?" "More like the cafe three blocks down, baby"
You both catch up on everything and you slipped up on how tired you are lately
Charles didn't say anything but he just moves closer to you to give you the biggest hug
That's when you finally broke apart and just become a crying mess in his arms and his heart breaks seeing you cry
You rant about how ridiculous people are to assume you guys are broken up just because you weren't at the races this year but also feeling like such a bad girlfriend for not going to the races especially since it has been shitty for Charles
Charles shushes you and carries you over to the couch so that he could position you on his lap and you just try to collect yourself
You are looking the absolute worst (Charles: cute) with your reddened nose and cheeks and your hair all over the mess
Charles thinks he would never trade anything else for this view like he wants the bad and the good (bless him)
Once you've calmed down, he runs his fingers through your hair and cups your face with him stroking your cheeks
"First of all, you are the best thing that happened to me. Second of all, they know nothing about us. Lastly, baby even if you are not coming to the races with me it is fine like do I want you there? more than anything in the world but also at the same time, you're always in my mind so it still feels like you're there with me"
He's so cheesy but just like he said in that one interview: "I am romantic"
Charles kisses your forehead and you snuggle into his chest
You actually fall asleep again on his chest and Charles carries you into the bedroom and tucks you in
While you're sleeping, he tidies up your books and notes so that they are organised on his table and will make it easier for you to study later
He charges your laptop and your iPad since they are running low on batteries
He picks up your clothes on the floor and put them with the dirty laundry and also puts them in the washing machine
You're still sound asleep so he goes over to your house to pick up extra essentials like extra clothes, extra skincare and your favourite blanket that he knows you forgot
He stops by the grocery store to get some stuff to make a cute little care package like your favourite chocolates, snacks, extra hairbands and the sequel to the book you are currently reading (he learns how to do this from tiktok)
It's late afternoon and he manages to come back home while you're still sleeping so he runs you a bath with your favourite bath bombs and soaps and then proceeds to wake you up
You woke up to Charles' soft kisses on your face and he leads you to the bathroom
Your heart just gets full at the sight of the bath he prepared for you
He leaves you to have a little time to yourself while he makes a dinner reservation at your favourite restaurant
You finish your bath and you see a beautiful silk dress on the bed and a pair of Louboutin high heels that you have been eyeing and are currently in your online cart right now
Charles walks into the room and hugs you from behind and kisses your shoulder
"We are going out tonight so get ready, amour"
He leaves to get ready and while you're getting ready, you saw the care package he has put together for you
You want to cry at how sweet he is and you also notice how organised your things are and how there are extra clothes in the closet for you
Charles comes out from the bathroom and you immediately just jump on him
He laughs and warns that you might not get dinner if you distract him like this so you behave
Both of you going out looking like the IT couple you both are and got every gossip page eating their words out
When both of you are back home, he is the one who is removing your makeup and is doing your skincare routine for you (yup, he memorised your skincare routine)
The night ends with smiles on y'alls faces because both of you are truly madly (obsessed) deeply in love with each other and that's the only thing that matters
extra: Charles broke the internet with a instagram post by the end of the week!
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liked by yninstagram, carlossainz55, pierregasly, joris_trouche and others
charles_leclerc The reason why I didn't pick up any calls this week
scuderiaferrari and Fred said it's okay! you get a pass!
leclercstan ATE the breakup rumours up
charleswdc and to those gossip pages that have been talking shit....WHATS GOOD
arthur_leclerc literally radio silence from both of you
unhingedleclerc i hate hot people who are in love (let me join pls)
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Mc burns down the House of Lamentation
he knew it, he fucking knew it!
leaving you without magic was already bad enough, but a feral gremlin that doesn´t fear anything? and they have the capability to use fire magic? this was a recipe for disaster from the beginning
hanging for eternity for you if your lucky
and if not… well either way you better hope he won´t catch you because this would probably be the worst punishment he ever dealt
I actually would recommend running before anyone get´s home and just run as far as possible
never stop and never look back because Lucifer will be hunting you for the rest of your life
his thoughts exactly was “oh fuck oh shit oh fuck!”
yeah there is no way Lucifer won´t kill you for this
“good luck to ya Mc! it was nice knowing ya!”
yeah he won´t help you, best he could offer you is to plan your escape route
and maybe stall Lucifer for a little bit… for the right price of course (he´ll just run with the money, he already knows Lucifer will finish everything that´s in his way)
he will happily relay your last words towards his brothers
he will miss you and good luck with your remaining life
“lol good luck”
yeah he won´t help you actually your even lucky he talked with you and didn´t ignore you so Lucifer doesn´t know he talked with you
he just told you to never come back and hide somewhere Lucifer won´t ever suspect you to be
is it helpful? maybe, but there is no way Lucifer won´t track you down
Lucifer has like a sixth sense to find trouble makers
but he also had the guts to ask you to bring him any merch you find while your on the run
he got hit for this
pray nothing happened to his things
if nothing happened he might be willing to hide you in his room
because it will piss Lucifer of and he knows no one would be able to survive without you
and he can spend time with you without anyone barging in
and it´s actually very easy to hide in his room considering it´s you know entirely covered in books
he will also smuggle you out of the house from time to time because he knows how boring it can get
pray nothing happened to his things part 2
actually scratch that just for worrying him that his room might have gotten destroyed makes him want to kill you
he will definitely tell Lucifer where you are hiding
his skin got irritatet from his worrying, which means you have to pay
you should hope when you get punished that you won´t get left alone
who knows what Asmo is planning
he does not play around when it concerns his appearance
actually wonder who would be worse?
he was probably the most worried about you and he would even be willing to save you from Lucifer
I mean he won´t hurt Lucifer because he is his brother and everything
but he will take part of the blame
biggest sweetheart right there
he will get so many cuddles if you survive this
and snacks
but that still entails the big fat if you survive
if not it was nice knowing everyone
and you will hunt Lucifer for the rest of his existence
is he in the burning house? no?
than he doesn´t care what happens
he won´t even help you
if you´re to loud he will even tell Lucifer where you are
no remorse for what fate Lucifer has in store for you and what horrors will await you
he will betray you for 10 more minutes of sleep
and will sleep like he didn´t just indirectly killed you
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duskpeak · 2 years
What it’s like to hold/hug them
(note: I am American so I use Fahrenheit, I’d put the Celsius number too but I’m just slapping this down as I think of it and I don’t feel like googling it)
Slight NSFW mention for Zoro
Oh boy, look, Ace ran hot even before his devil fruit he’s that one friend that is never cold when everyone else is and sweats in 65 degree weather. Wears shorts in winter, unless hell is literally freezing over you will not catch this man in pants (in an au you’d only find him in pants in summer because all three of them, for whatever ungodly reason like the house/apartment as cold as the air conditioner will make it). I was gonna keep going but this is about hugging them so anyway my point is this man is fucking hot all the time. He is your free personal heater in the cold months or on winter islands. Your pass to never need a blanket again. But he is also the bane of your existence, I’ve seen some fics where he can cool himself down but I disagree, at most he can only get himself to MAYBE a little below his pre devil fruit standard temp. The only good thing is no matter what he doesn’t sweat from heat, training? sure, goofing off on deck? why not, but no matter how hot it is outside you will never get a sweaty hug because it was hot outside. Before he got his devil fruit you might as well just dunk him in water because oh my god he sweats so much, don’t touch his hair, just don’t please. 8/10 before his df 10/10 after he gets his df
Look guys I know y’all want to think all the ASL brothers are just naturally warm but listen you’re not exactly wrong but your not right either. Luffy, being rubber absorbs and releases heat quite quickly so his temperature heavily depends on the temperature of the room or area you guys are at. Generally he’s nice and warm though, he pretty much spends the whole day lounging in the sun so yeah I wouldn’t suggest touching him if it’s anything above 85 degrees just give him a few minutes to cool down. If it’s not direct skin contact I’d say go ahead, though if it is a hot day it might be a little too warm. On the other hand we’ve seen Luffy not realize he’s cold because he’s so excited but he actually gets colder way faster than everyone else. Winter islands are the worst for him, he doesn’t think of it that way but once he loses whatever heat he had his temperature just keeps dropping so it’s imperative you make sure he’s wearing something warm or at least are there to warm him up. Speaking of which warming him up is your perfect excuse to hold him not that you need one but sometimes it’s necessary in order to save your skin from the teasing from the rest of the crew. Aside from the temperature thing Luffy, despite being rubber never feels stiff in his hugs, that is, until he wraps an arm or leg around you which interestingly enough only feels that way until he’s done stretching. You can’t really figure that one out but it’s better you don’t think about it too much. Anyway holding/hugging Luffy is generally a very comforting experience even when he’s too hot or cold(then he puts his hands up your shirt wether you scream or not he still gets smacked by Sanji/Nami) 9/10 I would def get daily hugs from this man.
Look guys even before timeskip Zoro is comfy to hug, they’re big, all encompassing, and feel safe. He can tell you all he wants that he doesn’t like hugs but he does, just maybe not infront of anyone else. Zoro runs pretty hot but not enough so that hes sweating for anything over 65 like Ace is, he gets hot quickly when doing any kind of physical activity but otherwise he’s got a completely normal body temp. Don’t even get me started on this man’s tits OH MY GOD they’re literally the perfect headrest, do not ever tell him this though he won’t let you touch him for at least a week if it’s just you guys but if it’s around everyone else it could last up to a month. (Actually it’s because once he thinks about it more he gets horny and embarrassed that you think that about his tits so he avoids you). 7/10 this man is STIFF until he gets used to hugging you after which it goes to a solid 10/10
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butterflykpop · 1 year
So sorry if this is too awkward. But can I get a oneshot about Hyunjin comforting his girlfriend when she’s on her period. I honestly have the worst pain, it’s unreal! Maybe he comforts her and soothes her when she has really bad cramps??
It’s totally fine if you don’t wanna write it!
Pairings. Hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings. None just Hyunjin being the best boyfie ever
Word count. 0.5K
A/n. Hii you're my first request ahh this is exciting i really hope this was able to fullfill your desires and to you and the other readers please let me know if this was good all the feedback is needed. One more thing this is 100% not awkwaed at all like i said i will write about almost anthing anddd i hope you're feeling better my love, ilyt🫶🩷
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Your pov
Being in bed all day might seem wonderful to most people but not when you're in this much pain.
I've been laying all day twisting and turning hoping that this pain would somehow come to an end. But these cramps seriously felt like they were never going to go away.
I was on my phone when i heard the front door open and your probably why would leave the front door open?
Well i left open knowing my boyfriend was coming over to spend some with each other, not having a glue what this guy was doing.
"Hey Hyunnie whats all that stuff for?"
He let out a soft chuckle "Their for you my love i know you have your period i got the notification from the tracking app."
"Hyunjin really? i dont even track my period."
"Well im doing it for you." He said as he let a cute laugh
"Okay baby i bought all your favorite snacks, a heating pad and of course all the kisses and cuddles you need."
"Oh thank you Jinnie you have no idea how much i needed this."
"I know baby its never easy going through this every month, I'll go heat up the heathing bad baby just give me a few minutes i'll be back"
He smiled at me while giving me a small peck on my lips.
He came back after around 10 minutes (i had to google how long it takes to heat up a heating pad😭)
He then placed the heating pad on my stomach and i couldn't help but look at while i was smilibg like a idiot, he was the only who could ever cheer me up within any moment im truly lucky to have him and call him mine.
"What are you thinking about honey."
"Nothing really just how lucky i am to be able to call you mine all you ever is make me like a princess."
"You don't do this only when i am on my period you do this at any given you can and Hyunnie i still can never find words to thank you."
"Thank me? Oh baby you never have to thank me not now not ever i'm supposed to do this is for you, its my job and duty for you to make sure you get treated like a princess, so you don't ever have to thank me."
I was starting to tear up a little just knowing my boy cares about me this much.
He definitely noticed as he was previously sitting on the bed now he changed positions now laying next to mine.
He leaned in a little slowly planting a soft kiss giving me all the butterflies.
I smiled in to the kiss as he caresses my cheek and delicately rub his thumb against it
I pulled away to bury my head in his chest, never wanting this moment to end, to always be with, stay with like this forever and never escaping from it.
Hyunjins pov
Y/n is always telling me how lucky she is to have me but god i am the most luckiest man to ever exist, to able be to get to love her, be with whenever i can, taking care of her like this i truly am the most blessed man ever and let alone to be able to call this girl my mine feels like a dream.
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yankstrash · 2 years
I’m Right Here, Angel (Jack Hughes x Reader)
this is actually an imagine i wrote on wattpad but i wanted to post it on here too for y’all to read :)
(so if you happened to see this on wattpad, no i am not stealing it, it’s my work 😭)
It was a little past midnight when you shot up in bed; body shaking, heart racing and tears beginning to form in your eyes. This was the third time this week you’d woken up in a sudden panic. You had final exams coming up for school, and to say they were stressing you out was an understatement. You were constantly anxious and hadn’t been sleeping well. It didn’t help that your boyfriend, Jack, had been in and out on roadies, and wasn’t always there to comfort you. 
While he was home, however, he spent as much time with you as he could. The Devils have a week long home stand, which is perfect for you, but unfortunately didn’t halt your sudden sleep panics all together. And tonight, Jack was busy with a boys night with his team. 
The team had a night off from games, so they decided to get together at yours and Jacks apartment for game night. You greeted everyone when they got there, but soon after excused yourself to do some studying and head to bed. You had a big week ahead of you, and Jack knew that. He almost felt bad inviting everyone over and not spending time with you, but you assured him it was no problem, you had schoolwork to do anyways. 
However, getting a good nights rest after studying apparently wasn’t going to happen tonight. If there was one thing that could make you feel better from your panic attacks, it was your boyfriend. You wanted nothing more than to be curled up in his arms right now as he rubbed your back and told you everything was going to be okay. But how could you do that when he was occupied with 20 of his teammates right now?
You attempted to fall back asleep, but your efforts failed. Bad. If anything, you only became more stressed as the minutes passed. Your eyes were continuing to spill out tears and your body was still a shaky mess. You really didn’t want to interrupt Jacks night with his friends, you hated the idea of doing it. But you needed your boyfriend now more than ever. 
You climbed out of bed, pulled a tiny jacket over your sleep tank, slipped your slippers on and headed out to the kitchen. As soon as you opened your bedroom door you heard the commotion. Music playing, boys yelling and cards being slapped on the table. Great, and every single one of them was about to see you in your worst state. You wiped the tears from your cheeks, but your eyes were still obviously blood shot red from crying. 
You slinked around the corner and were met with half the Devils team and 10 different conversations taking place. You were hoping to just run right up to Jack and avoid everyone else, but as soon as your presence was in the room, it did not go unnoticed. 
“Y/N! Come back to join us?” One of the guys asked. Immediately, almost all conversations came to a halt and dozens of pairs of eyes were on you. Including the beautiful, green eyes of your boyfriend. 
“Hey baby, what’s up?” He asked. It took him not even a second more to notice your state. Limp, shaky body, glossy eyes, red cheeks. You said not a word as you trudged over to him and plopped yourself down in his lap, not caring that the whole team was watching you. 
Jack didn’t even have to ask, he already knew what was going on. You had your arms wrapped tightly around his neck as you buried your face in his shoulder, while he held your tiny waist with his arms, rubbing your back up and down in a soothing manner. You felt him remove one of his hands at one point, waving at his teammates to keep playing their game. He just held you in his arms for a few minutes, letting you calm down. 
He moved one of his hands up to the back of your head and held it tightly before moving his head slightly by your ear and whispering “Do you want me to tell them to leave?”. You shook your head as you finally lifted it off his shoulder, looking into his beautiful eyes. “No, it’s okay.” You said as you sniffled and wiped more tears away. “I just needed you for a minute.” 
Jack looked into your glossy, red eyes and sadness overtook him. All he wanted to do was hold you for the rest of the night and tell you everything was going to be okay. “I’m right here, angel.” He said, as he moved your head to rest back on his shoulder. “I’m right here. I’ve got you.” His sweet words made the tears fall again and your body shake a little more, as you were so grateful for your sweet, caring boyfriend and the comfort that he brought you. 
Jack felt your body begin to tremble again, and he held you even tighter. “Shh, baby it’s okay. Jacky’s here, I’m right here, sweet girl.” His words soothed you, and you began to calm down. You stayed on his lap for a while longer, and eventually he went back to the game with his teammates. You watched and enjoyed being in his presence, as that alone made you feel ten times better. 
After a while, you felt your eyes begin to get heavy. You let your head roll onto Jacks shoulder, and he looked over and noticed your tired state. He rubbed your arm up and down and said “Want me to take you back to bed, baby?” You fluttered your eyes open and nodded your head. Jack wasted not a second more scooping you up bridal style and announcing to his teammates that he would be back. 
A unison of “Goodnight Y/N!” were said from everyone, and you laughed at the sweet guys in your kitchen. Jack carried you back to your room and gently set you back into bed. He pulled the covers over you and cupped your cheeks with his hands, running his thumbs up and down them. “You sure you don’t want me to tell the guys to leave? They won’t mind, I can come lay with you to make sure you’re okay.” Jack offered again, but again you shook your head no. “It’s fine babe, go have fun. I feel better, I promise.” You said with a smile. 
He smiled back and leaned down to plant a long kiss on your forehead. “I’m sorry for interrupting boys night.” You said barely above a whisper as his lips detached from your forehead. “Baby, you have nothing to be sorry about.” He said, as he sat down on the bed next to where you were laying. “I’m glad you came and told me. I never want you to feel upset or feel like you can’t come to me when you are, even if I’m busy. I’m never too busy for you, you know that.”
You smiled and nodded your head as you did know that. You knew that wholeheartedly. Jack would do anything for you, absolutely anything. You were his world, and he would drop anything to make sure you were okay. 
“Get some sleep, lovey.” He said as he kissed your forehead again. “You know where to find me if you need me.” You nodded and smiled at him. “I love you, Jack.” He returned the smile and rubbed your cheeks with his thumb. “I love you, pretty girl.”
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yoonzinuhh · 11 months
last dance,last chance — minghao
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : minghao x reader
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 : fluff,angsty
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : talks about world ending
𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 : this is purely fiction. i’ve inspired this from my current favourite song ‘ima — even if the world ends tomorrow’ also happy hao day <3
standing in your balcony,eyes glistening as the cold breeze hits you,seeing the roads that were always filled with people now be empty.
a warm hand holds you close from behind. you smile leaning onto minghao as he pecks your cheeks.
“i want to do something..one last time.”
one last time. yes. the world apparently is ending tomorrow. as much as you want to laugh at this,it is. what once was a city filled with loud happiness,kids running around,night lights is now empty because of the fear of ending. and to you,what mattered the most was the guy behind you. you’ve been with minghao all your life. from your childhood neighbour to your first kiss to your now everything,he was always there. minghao was an optimistic person. trying to find the good in everything while you were someone who always had something or the other to worry about. and to be honest that made you both feel more made for each other. and to see the world end with your whole world,him,was what could make this thing a little better. because all the worries you had for future is now nothing.
“come with me” he leads you to the living room while turning on your favourite song. the song that has no slow dance melody but still made you both dance slow.
putting his hands onto your waist and your hands to his shoulder,pulling you little closer,close enough to feel his warmth.
letting your body move with the song
“even if the world ends tomorrow ” he chuckles
“i say this all the time but this time this is happening for real..wow” he breathes out as tears prickle in your eyes and starts flowing.
“y/n- i really can’t believe that it’s happening right now and wow- damn like if the world doesn’t actually end tomorrow please don’t tease me..okay” says with a laugh.
kissing your tears off your cheeks,resting his forehead on yours without breaking the eye contact he stays still now.
“all these years that i’ve spent with you,that’s technically my whole life but yeah. all these years you’ve been someone who i knew i had. you’ve seen me. you know me. and you had me. from the first time i knew this wasn’t a silly crush to now when i kiss you..you never stopped giving me butterflies. you’ve seen my worsts and bests and i’m so glad that i let you because..because if it weren’t you..i probably would’ve not been me..you know that. and i’m so glad that i fell in love with you y/n..i’m so glad that i get to spend our last moments together..i really mean this..you’re the love of my life. and i never will regret this.”
you weren’t amazing at showing your emotions or good with words while he was the polar opposite to you. he was never scared to show or tell how much he loved you,cry with you,laugh with you. he is the love of your life,too.
all these words from him made you lose it. you sob,making all sorts of noises as your knee feels weak you just lean onto him.
sobs and tears growing,you put your head onto his shoulder,hugging him with your trembling hands as he pulls you closer also crying against your head,pecking your hair.
5 minutes,10 minutes. god knows how long. you’ve been crying together with no words shared.
you slowly pull away brushing your lips and whispering a “i love you” against his lips. pulling him closer by his neck deepening the kiss. it was slow. love breaths,nose bumps,breaks to stare each other.
this moment. it feels so intimate. love filled the air,so did the sadness.
“even if the world ends tomorrow” he says again onto your lips.
you smile weakly nodding.
“even if it ends”
you end your night,cuddled up against each other. nothing but silence and your heart beats. the world does end tomorrow,but atleast with him.
tags : @aaniag
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telli1206 · 9 months
I Won't Let Go
Happy Holidays @bucket-barnes! I'm your Descendants Secret Santa. I did my best for a little Harry hallucination holiday angst for you. I hope you like it!
Harry is dealing with past trauma in Auradon during Christmas, and Uma and Gil are there to get him through it. Just a little fluff and angst for the holidays ❤❄
Uma’s hand tightens on the doorknob. Her eyes are tilted downward, following her own movement as if in a trance. She’s trying so hard to focus on the dinged-gold gleam of the metal rather than the words being spoken to her.
“Uma? You get what I’m saying, right? It’s for his own good. T-to, help him, I guess? I just…I want to keep him safe.”
Her chest feels tight, and the next breath she sucks in is borderline painful. But she plasters on the most genuine-looking smile she can muster, looking Ben in the eye with her chest puffed in fake bravado.
“Of course, Ben,” she coos, brushing her hand along his arm in a reassuring way. “If there’s anyone here that knows what’s best for us, it’s you. If you think Harry needs this, I’m in.”
Ben flashes her a grin, the most white and straight and perfect one she’s ever seen still, despite being surrounded by them now in a world of prim princes and princesses. There’s a sadness in his eyes, though. Uma feels like she’s been recognizing it more often. Whenever Ben has to acknowledge how the Isle has made their lives different, she sees it. And she finds she can really appreciate that about Ben in this moment. Neither of them wants to do this, but they both care enough about Harry to know it needs to be done.
“So, you really want to be in there, with him? I’d hate to keep you confined, too.” Ben’s chewing his lip, his brow furrowed with worry. “Once I lock the door it has to stay that way. The clock’s going to start ticking down the minutes to the parade in about…10 minutes?” He tells her with a brief glance to his watch. “And then the bells go off for a full minute after that. I think Harry’s going to need the full night to recover. After what happened at that Tourney game, I can’t risk it. The gash on Jay’s leg isn’t even fully healed yet.”
Uma winces at the thought. That wasn’t the first time they realized the Tourney bell could set Harry off, but it was definitely the worst. He had lunged at Jay simply because the boy was closest to the direction of the sound, so he got the brunt of Harry’s swing. Jay hadn’t stood a chance.
She shook her head sternly. “I’m not leaving him alone, Ben. He needs me.”
And I need him. The thought goes unsaid, but the tiny smile quirking at the end of Ben’s lips makes his understanding clear. With a gentlemanly wave of his hand, he grants Uma’s entrance through Harry’s door.
There’s no hesitation in Uma’s step. She charges through the door with the same determination and confidence she always has when she’s coming to see Harry. Like she wants to be here. Because she does.
In this moment, there’s nowhere else she’d rather be.
The second he meets her eyes, Harry’s smile gleams so bright. Warm and all-encompassing, reaching all the way to the crinkles of his ocean-blue eyes.
He always smiles that way when he sees her, Uma knows that. Because she always feels that same familiar heat pool in her belly when he does it, like she’s the only thing he ever needs to see again. The only thing he wants in his life, forever.
“Love, you’re back!” Harry proclaims, his arms already outstretched for her. He waits patiently that way, his wide grin unwavering until Uma’s in his arms, her tangle of braids spilling into his face as he envelops her.
“I was hopin’ ye weren’t gonna make me spend Christmas Eve without ya,” he said, voice muffled into the side of her neck. She shakes her head vigorously at that, making him chuckle.
“Don’t be a dolt, Harry. You know that would never happen.” She pulls back to smack him on the chest, the gesture missing all its animosity as she couldn’t fight the smile off her face. Harry ducks into her space, looking up into her eyes with a teasing smirk on his lips.
“A dolt, am I? But I’m your dolt, so what does that make you?”
Uma’s eyes whip to the door when Gil comes bounding in, practically toppling over Ben as he tries to open the door. She swallows a snort at the comical way the blond boy rolls over the king’s arm, flipping into a somersault and jumping up to his feet in an almost graceful flop. He flashes a toothy grin when he’s finally standing in front of them, panting audibly as he tries to offer a little bow for them.
Harry bursts out a laugh at that, picking up Uma in his arms to bow them both in return, eliciting a giggle from her while she clings desperately to his neck. Harry stands up quickly though when a loud cough erupts from the doorway.
“Eh, well…I guess Gil…we’ll see you in the morning too?” Ben stammers slowly, his smile halfway curling in an uncomfortable way. “Just, you all have a good night. And Merry Christmas!”
Ben waves as he closes the door, barely nodding an acknowledgment at the way Harry waves wildly back, almost dropping Uma to the ground as he does so. She lands on her feet though, brushing herself off quickly so she can jump on Gil and hug him tightly.
“Gil, what are you doing here?” Uma demands, smiling easily when he hugs her close. He’s sighing happily, and she lets it happen for a few moments before pulling back to look at him.
“Really, you should be out, enjoying the holiday stuff! You don’t need to be stuck inside.”
Gil’s brows knit together as he stares at Uma, clearly dumbfounded.
“Why would I want to do that when you an’ Harry are in here? That stuff doesn’t matter if I don’t have you guys! You know I love you, don’t you Ums?”
Uma bites her lip at that, holding her breath to fight down the swell of tears that’s starting to build.
“Yeah, Gil. Yeah. I know.” She smiles at him, turning to stand beside him to throw an arm over his shoulders.
“And you love our first mate too, right? We both do,” she adds with a wink, relishing in the way Harry beams back at them.
“Course!” Gil agrees, quickly jumping on Harry. They fall back on the bed in a hug, Harry nearly bellowing with laughter as Gil squeezes him tight, tickling his neck when he buries his nose there.
“I was bummed when Ben told me you guys couldn’t come out of this room, so I made him lock me in too,” Gil added in his muffled voice. He lifted his head to look at Harry, his expression changing to confusion when he sees the smile unexpectedly slip from Harry’s face.
“Locked…in?” Harry repeats. “So we can’t get out?” He glances at Uma. “What’s he talkin’ about?”
Uma huffs, but forces a smile back on her face. As much as she loves Gil, sometimes he could really stand to have some sense knocked into him.
“It’s nothing!” She waves it away, walking up to Harry to grab him by the forearms. “I wanted to have a nice Christmas, just us. I told Ben not to let anyone bother us, ok? I’m sick of all bells and lights and singing and that…eggnog crap that tastes like spoiled milk with cake mix thrown in.”
She emphasizes her last comment with a fake gag, forcing a slight chuckle out of Harry. She throws a quick glance over Harry’s shoulder to Gil, who’s just staring at her, eyes blank and confused. She tries to give him a little wink, but she’s sure it’s not enough for him to understand what she’s doing. Still, she tips her head their way, indicating for Gil to join them, and her shoulders relax when he simply shrugs and follows her.
“Can we snuggle Harry? I just need some time with my boys. This winter weather is shit. I’d like nothing more than to lay in bed and maybe watch a movie on the laptop.” She grabs Gil and yanks them both to stand beside her.  
“‘Pirates of the Caribbean’?” She adds, pouting her lips hopefully.
Harry grins instantly. “Oh Cap’n, you always know how to get me to do yer biddin’.”
She smiles brightly, pushing Harry back towards the bed. As he crawls into place, Uma is quick to pull Gil close to her.
“Clock ticking’s about to start,” she mumbles quietly, eyes still on Harry. “Make sure you have both arms around Harry as soon as we lay down, got it? The next 10 minutes are gonna be real tough on him. And us.”
She looks up briefly to Gil, relief flooding her chest when his eyes widen in recognition. He nods and scrambles quickly onto the bed, prompting another cackle from Harry when he leaps on top of him, wrapping his arms and legs around him and locking them together on the bed.
Uma manages a shaky laugh at the sight, her eyes darting quickly around the room for a second. She spots Harry’s hook on a high shelf, where Ben had made him set it when they arrived in Auradon. His sword is mounted in a case on the wall, out of commission.
She sighs in relief and crawls her way onto the bed, carefully positioning herself on the other side of Harry. He’s still laughing, and she offers a loving smile as she lays her head on his shoulder, placing a hand over his and Gil’s on his chest. Her grip tightens as the clock ticks its first, and she’s fast to swing her other arm behind Harry’s shoulder, holding firmly as his eyes bulge at the sound.
Harry’s face quickly twists from fear to anger as his fists begin to clench. Uma plants a small kiss to his shoulder before closing her eyes and bracing herself.
“Love you Harry,” she whispers softly, before the silence of the room is lost to a heart-wrenching scream.
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theloveoffootball10 · 13 days
sᴛɪᴄᴋᴡɪᴛᴜ : s ᴇ ᴠ ᴇ ɴ
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m a s t e r l i s t
s ᴇ ᴠ ᴇ ɴ
Arriving back home on the Tuesday night I slump back on the sofa with a huff. The whole weekend has been incredible and now I have to prepare myself to go back into the office tomorrow. After I left Lando at the hotel on Monday morning I spent the rest of my time with my dad.
We went for breakfast before I met him back at home in Oxfordshire for the night. Being at my dad's home has always been one of my biggest security blankets and getting to spend the time there with him always reminds me of being a kid. Although I grew up with my parents not being together my mum would always drive the near 6 hour round trip from Cheshire to Oxfordshire and back again if I wanted to see my dad and he was home. We'd never tell him, we'd just jump in the car and be welcomed with open arms at the end of the journey.
"Hello to you as well, talk about moody Margaret walking through the door" my mum says from her spot in the corner of the sofa.
"I don't want to go back to work tomorrow" I feel like I'm on the biggest comedown of my life after spending so much time with Lando.
"Right who is he?" My mum asks as she pauses whatever she has playing in the background "come on tell me. You're never this depressed when you come home from your dads and you've been in the house less than 10 minutes"
"Mum do we have to" I say with a groan. I don't mind telling my mum what happened, I tell her literally everything I just don't know if I'm ready to have this conversation out loud.
"Yes we have to, you're not having a pity party for one over this. Which driver is it?" Turning my head to my mum I nearly give myself whiplash as I frown "don't give me that look. I've been there. Only a formula one driver can turn a girl to this"
"Lando Norris. Fucking hell I can't believe I'm saying it out loud to you"
"Ooh he's a good looking lad Lucía! He had a good weekend and now I think I know why" I can't believe my mum has just said that! "Look, I've been there Lucía and you've grown up in that world so I'm not surprised you've met someone working in formula one, if Lando Norris makes you happy then I'm made up for you"
"Muuuum nothing has happened other than sex" I say with a groan knowing in her head my mum has my wedding planned and is thinking of names for her future grandchildren "he wants to take me out in Miami for an actual date though"
"And I'm guessing you said yes? I'm sure he's got something insane up his sleeve if it's in Miami but after that date you had with that Jake lad even going to Starbucks for a brew is an improvement"
"Don't ever mention that date again! It was traumatic, I think I'm mentally scarred from that experience! Who tells a girl they're taking her out, tells her to dress to impress then takes her fishing! I won't ever be over that mum" I cringe at the thought of the worst date I've ever been taken on, sitting in the rain at the side of a lake surrounded by fishing gear absolutely freezing was never my idea of a good time.
"To be completely serious for a minute though Lucía, if you think you could have feelings for Lando give him a chance. If you don't that's fine, you're an adult and I trust that you're sensible enough to make the best decision for you. As always this stays between us until you're ready for your dad to know anything"
"Thanks mum. I appreciate it. We both have completely different lives but I'll see how it goes in Miami and then go from there" I can always count on my mum to make me feel better about a situation "did the stuff I need for Tomorrowland come?"
"You've got a load of parcels that came over the last few days so I'm guessing so. When is it you go?"
"Just under two weeks time, so this weekend I don't have plans then I have Tomorrowland, I'm home for like a week then fly to Miami" when it comes to summer I'm always back to back with plans. Since I was old enough to do my own thing I've always made the most of my anual leave throughout the summer. It would be easy for me to not work and live off my dad forever but I actually really like my job.
"I won't see you until you're back from Miami. I fly to Ibiza with the girls on Sunday when you're in Belgium. I'll make sure I leave your birthday present for you to open before you go or for when you're in Miami" my mum may be in her forties but I love that she still has girls party holidays to places like Ibiza. Me and some of my friends have been on holiday with my mum and her friends one of the most memorable being a long weekend in Magaluf.
"Mum don't worry about it. I can get it when we're both home. I'm going to shower and get sorted for work tomorrow" making my way to my bedroom I throw myself on the bed. I need to shower but I can't get Lando out of my head. Checking instagram I notice I don't have any messages from him which makes me wonder if this was just a Silverstone thing. I suppose I'll have to see what happens between now and Miami. I'm not saying I want scheduled phone calls from him but a few messages would be nice especially if he is serious about taking me out in Miami.
Nine days later I arrive in Belgium with some of my closest friends for Tomorrowland, the sun is shining and we're staying in a mansion rather than camping this year so the ten of us can stay together. As a group we do this trip every year, kind of like a ritual but we've grown up together and since we were all old enough it became our thing. Posting a photo of the girls to my instagram story I pour the first of many drinks I'll be consuming this weekend.
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As we're all getting settled in our home from home for the weekend I sit on my bed when I see a notification pop up on my phone. Lando Norris replied to your story. I've spoken to Lando a few times since we left Silverstone and still it's always a dm. Neither of us has asked for the other's number but I always feel like I have a heard of elephants in my stomach when I see his name on my phone screen.
I guess I'll see you Sunday and won't have to wait until Miami x
You're coming to Tomorrowland?
Aren't you in Hungary?
I'm flying straight over after the race and when I'm done with media x
I might just sack off the media now I know you're at Tomorrowland x
That wouldn't be a good idea would it Mr Norris. I can only imagine how much the media and your PR manager would disapprove. However I would appreciate seeing your face x
Mr Norris is my dad plz don't ever say that again 🤢 you can see my face as much as you like. Enjoy the weekend as much as you can, I'm jealous I can only be there Sunday x
we both know your weekend will be even better when you see me though so it doesn't matter if you're not here for the full weekend 😜
See you Sunday Lando x
I'm fucked. Lando Norris has well and truly got me under his spell and I'm hanging on his every word. I might love Tomorrowland but I'm wishing the next three days away until it's Sunday and I get to see him again. The fact I get to see him before Miami has made my weekend.
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HI I LOVE YOU the Allies with a crush hcs you wrote are so cute I adore how you characterize everyone 😭 would you please do the SFW alphabet (from your pinned post) with America? Thank you so much :D
America SFW Alphabet
Affection: How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
He's very openly affectionate with you, completely shameless when he kisses you in public. He compliments anything good he notices about you and always says he loves you, but he also likes hanging out with you at his favorite places.
 Best friend: What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?
Tbh Alfred just saw you and decided to have a conversation with you, this could be anywhere while anything is happening. He's a very playful friend, he really likes playing sports or video games with you.
 Cuddles: Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
Most definitely he would. He likes if your head lays on his chest while he hold you with one arm, it makes him feel like he can protect you. Also he just seems like the type to rest on his back to me.
 Domestic: Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?
He can make scrambled eggs or toast, but thats the farthest his chef skills stretch. Cleaning isn't for him either since he always ends up breaking something on accident. He wants to wait until he can do those things to settle down, if he does. He's fine either way.
Ending: If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
He'd wait for a good time then tell you he doesn't think this is working out, he probably didn't think of what exactly to say beforehand so it probably took him a good minute to finally explain his feeling.
 Fiance(e): How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?
Not the wildest about marriage, he'd do it if you want though. You can also do it almost whenever, he doesn't care too much as long as he knows you love eachother. Probably wouldn't marry you like a year into the relationship though.
Gentle: How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
He's nice and not too rough with you, but he's certainly not gentle either. Expect plently of excited hugs when you two see achother. He does care when you feel bad but he mostly just tries to distract you, unless he can fix it, then he'll gladly be your hero.
 Hugs: Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
Hugs you a lot, doesn't even think about it either. He's naturally an affectionate partner and love's hugs. He just kinda squeezes you for 7 to 30 seconds and probably gives you a few little kisses too if you're up for that.
 I love you: How fast do they say the L-word?
Depends a bit on how your relationship started, longest it will take is a month into you guys being together.
 Jealousy: How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?
He gets pretty jealous every once in a while. Dislikes when you spend too much time with other people, also doesn’t like it at all when other guys (or girls) talk to you like they’re into you. Definitely a hugger when jealous, if it’s bad enough he’ll mention that you two are together.
Kisses: What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
Loves to kiss you. He gives lots of excited kisses on the lips and cheek (mostly lips). His kisses aren’t all too rough though even if they’re fast, they’re always sweet.
Little one: How are they around children?
He's... alright. He's not the worst, but good is an overstatement. He likes to play with them until he's accidentally too rough and they start crying. He doesn't handle the moody ones well, but shy ones dont work either. Would not change diapers if its a baby, or do anything important in general. 3.5/10 with kids imo.
Morning: How are mornings spent with them?
Shakes you awake because he doesn't wanna be the only one awake. Thinks mornings are better when he drags you along with him to get IHOP once you two are ready, but at least he pays so thats a plus. Likes to go to the park afterwards so he can walk with you and start a race back to the car when done.
Night: How are nights spent with them?
He watches a movie before bed, won't force you to partake but will beg every time. After that he does the nightly rituals and struggles to choose a position to sleep in for about 20 minutes, then remembers something he wanted to look up and talks to you about it. Falls asleep midway through reading about it. You'd assume this would be annoying, but it grows on you.
Open: When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
A lot of people assume he's an open person but he does have things he keeps to himself. Doesn't do it all at once, just brings it up every once in awhile or if something reminds him of it. Doesn't linger on it too long, but you do start to learn his life story and whatnot the longer the relationship goes on.
Patience: How easily angered are they?
Not too easily angered. Some things can get to him though after awhile but after being frustrated for about five hours he forgives you. Can be pretty petty every once in awhile though.
Quizzes: How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?
Remembers about 70% of what you say, he tries to listen so he can get an idea of what gifts you'd like or to hear your interests. If he hears your impressed about something you saw, he might try it himself. Doesn't remember everything you say though, especially if you tell it while he's busy. Sometimes you say "hey, remember when i told you- (blah blah blah)?" and he'll lie that he does, then pretend to know all about the subject.
Remember: What is their favorite moment in your relationship?
Definitely something stupid. Either the time he snuck a (live) snake into a glass jar in the kitchen while you were in there or when he got you to come with him to a horror escape room and you two were chased by a man in a clown costume.
Security: How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
He'd protect you if you're in any danger, without much thought really. He is the hero so it makes sense. He doesn't get protective over too many things that aren't dangerous though, like you having other friends who are guys or anything like that. Doesn't like it if people hit on you though, not like he'll cause a scene or anything but he certainly won't allow it to pass by.
Try: How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
GIANT show off. Sometimes, though. Sometimes he'll just drive around with you while listening to music, or he'll take you to mcdonalds. Don't be shocked if he takes you on a luxury cruise for your fourth anniversary though. Also a fan of road trips to major spots in the USA with side trips to things like the salt and pepper shaker museum, or the biggest cowboy hat. LOVES day trips even if nothing special is happening though, expect one a week.
Ugly: What would be some bad habits of theirs?
Wore axe body spray at some point. Lasted two days until someone (you don't know who) had a talk with him about it. Depending on your opinion his fast food eating, and eating out very often in general might get annoying. Always pounds himself with cologne, sometimes multiple ones at once so he smells like a walking scent store. Would have a whole closet for 4th of july stuff, and sometimes brings the stuff out even when its not a partiotic holiday. Oh, also he has his flag on his boxers so look forward to seeing that if you look at the laundry.
 Vanity: How concerned are they with their looks?
Pretty shameless. He likes to wear really stupid stuff out and about to get stares since he thinks its funny. Does put some attention to what he wears though, especially if he feels its important. He likes to think he dresses good for the most part though.
Whole: Would they feel incomplete without you?
He does think you're really important, but incomplete isn't what he'd describe. He thinks of you two as not only dating, but also best friends. He does miss you though when you two are apart, but he doesn't think about you all the time either. Never think of it as you not not being valuable to him though.
Xtra: A random headcanon for them.
Cooks barbecue every damn weekend, every other week theres a pool party with it too. Since his house definitely has a pool. People there are a mix of complete strangers and close friends of his you never met before. Be prepared for that.
Yuck: What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
He's pretty open to various types of people, he doesn't like people who argue a lot though. Doesn't like extremely negative people either, especially if it brings everyone else down too. Of course, people who are sad or not overly positive in general are fine, he actually tries to help them feel better. Doesn't like the idea of someone who dominates his life either, he wants to be able to do things without being dragged down by his partner.
 Zzz: What is a sleep habits of theirs?
Snores, noticeably but not too badly. Sleep talks too. Moves around. Always close to you though, will not ever leave ur side. Even if it means your being pulled with him if he falls off the side of the bed, which has happened before. Was funny to him, but not you.
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juminsswife · 7 months
my thoughts on Netflix's ATLA live action
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As an adult who watched this show growing up and was there for the countdown to the comet (iykyk!!) I have thoughts!
Best: Zuko. angsty, teenage boy depression, father issues, determined to a self-destructive degree. The actor is great at capturing all these facets of Zuko's conflicting, complex character. Really great with the choreography/martial arts too. Its not easy to pull off Zuko's mostly shaven but with a ponytail haircut, but this actor manages it. And yes, the opening scene with him seeing the beam of light from the iceberg and saying, "Finally." did give me some chills. Honestly the actor just captures Zuko really well. Great casting.
Worst: Katara. has the personality of an elegant yet unassuming well watered house plant. Its more because of the writing than the actress… she's doing her best with this depressing egg whites version of Katara she's had thrusted upon her. It's not going to be convincing when Toph comes along next season and calls her sugar queen.
Aang: never has any fun. spends every episode staring into the distance being sorrowful and melancholic. *teardrop rolls down cheek* he is a depressed 40 year old in the body of a 12 year old. He has no fun side to him anymore- an important side for a 12 year old kid to have! Also spends the entirety of season one (you know, titled "water"!) and doesn't learn a lick of waterbending, not even from Katara, who spends a lot of it learning from the waterbending scroll!! Why??? However the actor is doing a great job and I think he captures Aang's essence really well. He is young and I think next season he will improve a lot.
Sokka: I almost forgot to write thoughts down for him, which I think says more than anything else. He's essentially been boiled down to the same old overprotective big brother, but now he comes complete with daddy issues. It's a little hilarious that Katara's worst memory is watching her mom get burned alive by a firebender soldier while Sokka's is hearing his dad say he's disappointed with him. Kind of ruins the moment tbh. They really took all the fun aspects of the main Gaang and dulled them down completely, its sad. At least he's cute though- and imo, the chemistry with Suki's actress was there.
The previous avatars: every single one meets Aang just to berate & yell at him and tell him he shouldn't have friends and where has he been for the past 100 years without giving him a second to speak. What?? Sadly it seems any dignity, grace, or wisdom the previous avatars had in the original, has been completely wiped out in this live action. Also, this idea of them telling Aang about things that are going to happen makes no sense. Did no previous avatar tell Roku his friend was going to betray him, let him die on the island, and start a 100 year long war? Also the idea of Aang being able to communicate ONLY if he's in one of their temples is stupid. What is the point of the avatar state, then? Will Roku be able to teach him anything at all?
Princess Yue: yes I wrote an entire paragraph about her lol. She is one of my favorite minor characters. I think they wanted her to look so accurate to her original counterpart that she just looks too much like a cosplayer, with such a stiff and lifeless looking wig. This is the one and only time I will concede I prefer M. Night's version of Yue as far as costuming goes, though both funnily enough forget her eyebrows shouldn't be dark. The actress was fine. But this version of Yue is quite a different person from og Yue, I can't really compare. Plus, it feels like we see her for a good 10 minutes before she dies for the moon spirit. I couldn't buy into her and Sokka having feelings for each other because it felt like they knew each other for a good 2 hours at most. Ideally, I think these two versions kind of fused together would be perfect.
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Azula/Mai/Ty Lee: Grouping them together because. Azula is the most unconvincing out of the characters for me. I don't buy that this girl is supposed to be the princess Azula for a second. I'm neither intrigued nor intimidated, and that's pretty bad as Azula was one of my top favorite characters from the original. The costume is fine, the wig feels cheap, her dialogue is horrendous, the actress can't convince me. Azula isn't smart or cunning, sharp, or collected, and her "working with Zhao" just made her look dumb when the entire plan flopped. She is a whiny, petulant little girl stamping her feet in every other scene. It's not for me. Also, the way her relationship with Ozai is depicted here makes Ozai look like a loser, too. It's like they want us to not be afraid of either of them.
As for Mai and Ty Lee. Ty Lee is fine. She looks okay, the actress is fine for how little we see her. On Mai, the wig is just so bad I don't get what happened. It's like they're struggling on the line of being realistic with the styling, or leaning completely in cartoon-character-came-to-life. I don't think the actress for Mai here was a good choice.
Dialogue: the worst part of this show. When they're not completely quoting word for word from the original, it's.. just bad. Everything is always exposition and thats not good. The few moments that aren't are just... idk.
CGI: not bad. I was expecting worse. Fire, earth, and air all look great. Water feels a little slow, mostly when its just water and not ice but that can be improved I assume. Koh was pretty cool, as was Wan Shi Tong.
Settings: Beautiful!! Omashu looked great. South and North water tribes looked great. Ozai's throne room looked incredible and I was annoyed every time we see it, he is just standing around and not sitting on his throne. It just reminded me how amazing the buildup to Ozai and Azula's reveals were in og season 1.
Costume: Its either a hit or a miss. There's strangley not much in between. Aang, Katara, Sokka, Zuko, Iroh, June, Ozai, Jet, Suki, the Kyoshi warriors, all look pretty great. Then you have characters like Azula, Mai, or Yue, who just look like half decent cosplayers. It kind of takes you out of the moment when it looks like the person is a cartoon character, rather than just a normal person. For example, compare how Katara looks compared to Azula.
Music: of course it was fantastic. A lot of it (I think most) was from the original show, which has one of the greatest soundtracks an animated show has ever had imo.
Final thoughts: Ultimately, it was kind of what I was expecting. You can't condense 20+ episodes worth of development into 8 and expect it all to flow perfectly. However, there are also a lot of changes that really don't make sense to me. I am very curious to know how on earth they will do seasons 2 and 3, as season 1 is the slowest in pace compared to the next two seasons. The original's finale was split into four episodes! Unless they add more episodes for next season, it's going to be a big jumbled mess of lore being shoved into our faces. I am also concerned about Toph. The Gaang so far has been stripped of their fun/unique personality traits. Is Toph going to be the same?
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thegeminisage · 1 month
star trek update time! last night we watched voy's "worst case scenario" and ds9's "blaze of glory."
worst case scenario (voy):
this one had something. this one was Doing something. i normally Hate holodeck episodes but this one had an okay start, a very strong middle...and then a very very very weak ending. which was sad because i was having a great fucking time and then it was like having a bucket of cold water dumped on my head
the beginning scene was a little long. like, we obviously knew something wasn't right because chakotay was the one who KEPT people from doing a mutiny, he'd be the last person on the ship to instigate it. so having to wait so long before we found out it was a holodeck thing was a little tiring
after that though. like aside from the exhausting length of that section. the middle of this episode was fantastic. tom and b'elanna doing the like guilty pleasure in doing this holonovel over and over. everybody failing to keep it a secret even though it's supposed to be a secret and nooobody telling captain janeway because. awkward. their outrage at the cliffhanger ending. all extremely funny
like, of COURSE he wrote chakotay as the hugest asshole because they hate each other so bad <3 that makes SO much sense. he also wrote chakotay, specifically, complaining about how much of a hardass he himself was. incredible
also funny: janeway was like no no no you guys keep doing the little mutiny scenario i'm not afraid of creativity maybe holo me will kick your ass. like she was so chill about it. i felt sooo bad watching fake chakotay betray her until they smirked at each other at the very IDEA of chakotay doing a mutiny and then it was like oh okay so that's gonna be their next little sex game
even tom and tuvok arguing over how the novel was supposed to end was funny, especially because tom "no outline" paris was like yeah i got this and tuvok was like you do Not got this i want my novel back and meanwhile people keep coming into their gdoc like "do you take requests"
what really got me was the end...like, oh no, the safeties are off! the holodeck is malfunctioning again! and we're trapped in here! again! way to remind me of why i hate the holodeck. i'm not sure how i would have resolved that but anything besides the seska hologram becoming semi-sentient and making them run around like rats in a maze. WASTE of a good cameo. i spent the last 10-15 minutes of this episode just wishing it would end
that said, the rest of the episode was SHOCKINGLY charming so not a total loss
blaze of glory (ds9):
episodes that made me wish i found eddington compelling...i just don't. he and sisko don't have any chemistry...and look, i don't like to be mean to this guy, but do you know how bad you have to be at acting not to have chemistry when you are spending an entire episode playing off of avery fucking brooks? come on
along with the cringe les mis stuff from his previous episode, he was never really...threatening? sisko played it so well, about how deeply his betrayal struck him, but i never felt physically or emotionally threatened by him. even when he was like yeah man let me die here and let the bioweapons start a new war idagf (which was without a doubt his most threatening moment, when sisko could neither blackmail persuade or bribe him into cooperating) i was just like. eh
i guess it was fun that he outsmarted sisko, but that doesn't even offer us any real closure so far as he's concerned - no sense of victory over him except having captured him that one time except sisko didn't outsmart him then either he was just a dick until he surrendered
and his death was also...kind of pointless...unnecessary...it didn't make me sad or angry or anything i was just like oh ok
anyway i wish i cared! but i don't. so. a rare boring ds9 ep
TONIGHT: ds9's "empok nor" and voy's "scorpion part i" AAAAA IM SO EXCITED
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madsworld15 · 3 months
New Fic Alert! you’re still the one that i love (Brian/Justin)
This one is a twofer. It serves as an addition to the QaF Prompt Challenge 2024 AND as another story in my Diabetes Chronicles series.
Prompt is: Follow-up to popular story you’ve already written. (Prompt #10) [7/21 for me personally]
Justin was writing lesson plans on his laptop as Gus and Isaac playfully yelled at each other and tried to thwart the other from winning at whatever video game they were currently engaging in. As he glanced up and watched the two teens in amusement, he realized that when this whole journey began, he was Gus and Isaac’s age. It was one of those things that he wanted to turn to Brian and comment on; only his partner was out for the evening.
Justin had told Gus that his dad was working late, but Justin knew it was Brian’s monthly rendezvous with one of his rotations of sexual partners. It had been the stipulation in their commitment to each other when Brian had finally moved to New York. He was more than happy to build a life with Justin and come home to him every night. But Brian pointed out that giving him free rein to spend an evening with a “stranger” would make their relationship stronger. Justin, knowing Brian’s aversion to being too settled, agreed. The only stipulation Justin put on that was he needed to know which person Brian was with and that it wasn’t every week.
So, over the last twelve years, Brian had kept a rotation of about 5 or so guys that he enjoyed enough to have sex with every so often. He ran his list by Justin, who never argued with any of them because it wasn’t about controlling Brian’s behavior, just that Justin wasn’t being kept out of important decisions such as this. Justin especially wanted to know for diabetic emergency purposes.
“Jus.” Gus’ voice was suddenly next to Justin, making him realize he had zoned out for a bit.
“What’s up?” Justin looked Gus up and down, trying to assess if something was wrong with him.
“When is Dad getting home?” Gus looked over his shoulder toward Isaac. There was a nervous nature to Gus’ demeanor that set Justin on edge.
“Why? What’s wrong?” Justin was suddenly on high alert. “Is there something wrong with Isaac?”
“No, he was just asking. Wondering why Dad works late a couple of times a month. Says that he thinks it's weird that he doesn’t work late more often, like his dad does.” Gus shrugged but still glanced over his shoulder nervously. Then he leaned forward and whispered something else directly into Justin’s ear.
“I know that he’s seeing some guy for sex.”
Justin almost choked on his spit at Gus’ confession. He looked at the 17-year-old and wondered how much of what he and Brian were trying to keep from Gus was actually still being figured out.
“How?” Justin scrunched his eyes in confusion just as his phone chirped three times with alarm.
He pulled it out and saw that Brian’s blood sugar had dropped drastically in the last five minutes. Gus looked down and then looked back at Justin, their gazes meeting in mutual worry.
“He’s fine. Your dad knows how to handle himself and his diabetes.” Justin brushed off Gus’ concern with a forced smile and a reassuring shoulder squeeze.
“What if he doesn’t?” Gus’ voice came out a bit squeaky.
“Then, we will handle it.” Justin stood up, closed his laptop, and squeezed Gus’ shoulder again for good measure. “How about some food?”
Gus nodded enthusiastically, “Could we have bagel bites?”
Justin laughed, “Sure, just don’t tell your Dad I gave them to you. He finds them offensive.”
“He says they aren’t real food.” Gus shrugged and gave Justin his signature boyish charm-filled smile.
As Justin was moving about the kitchen, creating a snack for the teens, his phone rang. It was from an unknown number. He almost didn’t answer, but then Brian’s numbers from a few minutes ago floated toward the surface of his brain.
“Hello?” Justin asked, nervous for the worst.
“Mr. Taylor?” A woman responded. Her voice was warm and comforting without even trying.
“Yes, I am Mr. Taylor.” Justin was still unsure what this call was about, exactly.
“Your partner, Mr. Kinney, was brought into the ER a little bit ago. He’d passed out and couldn’t be revived. As his medical proxy, we need you to be here to make decisions for him.”
“Ma’am, he has Type 1 Diabetes, and his numbers dropped recently, very low. He was with a friend, though, who probably didn’t know what to do.” Justin explained, already throwing on his jacket.
He got Gus’ attention without saying a word. The two teens immediately jumped up and shoved their feet into their shoes.
“Thank you, ma’am. I’ll be there shortly.” Just replied to the woman on the phone before he hung up.
Turning to Gus and Isaac, Justin remarked, rubbing his hand through his hair. “Your Dad is at the ER. Apparently he passed out.”
Gus nodded solemnly. He pulled out his phone and pressed some icons. Then he looked up.
“A car will be here to pick us up in 5 minutes.” Gus held up his phone and shook it to show Justin he’d arranged transportation.
“Oh. Thank you.” Justin was all out of sorts. It wasn’t often that Brian’s diabetes put him in the hospital. In fact, he hadn’t been in the hospital since his kidney transplant 12 years ago.
“Dad gave me his account login to be sure I’d always have a way home. No questions asked.” Gus shrugged.
To most people that sounded like a parent providing for their child, but Justin knew it went deeper than that. It allowed Brian to give Gus the freedom that he’d earned without losing any form of control. Brian liked being able to provide for those he loved, but Gus was at a rebellious teen phase and hated any forward attempts at love, care, and help.
About twenty minutes later the trio were rushing into the ER waiting area. Gus nudged Justin toward the admittance desk before he pulled Isaac over to a set of chairs that were unoccupied next to a middle aged man who looked overwhelmed. Justin glanced toward Gus to make sure he was settled before turning to the desk attendant.
“My name is Justin Taylor. I was called about my partner, Brian Kinney being admitted.” Justin licked his lips and tried to keep his anxiety under wraps.
“Yes, they are running a few tests on him now.” The woman looked at her computer. “It says here you’re his medical proxy should he be unable to make decisions.”
“That’s correct. Has he woken up yet? When the woman called earlier she said he was unconscious.” Justin tapped the side of his thumb on the counter as he waited for information.
“I’m not sure. I’ll page the nurse helping him. Until they get here you can have a seat.” She pointed to the waiting area.
Justin walked over to the boys. There wasn’t an open seat with them, so he stood in front of their seats and addressed them.
“What did she say about Dad?”
“Is Mr. Kinney going to be okay?”
Justin grinned at both boys asking at the same time. “One at a time. Ok?”
“What’d she say?” Gus insisted.
Justin looked the teen up and down. “She said I had to wait for an update from the nurse working on him.”
“Did his friend bring him or just drop him off?” Gus’ tone was bitter and tinged with anger.
“I don’t know.” Justin rubbed his face, he didn’t have the energy to deal with whatever this was.
“What are you talking about? Mr. Kinney was at work.” Isaac chimed in, his confusion settled all over his face.
Gus scoffed at his best friend. “Oh come on Isaac. My Dad doesn’t work late. He’s always out fucking some random guy. Isn’t that right, Justin.”
“Gus, I’m going to give you about five minutes to shift that attitude.” Justin gave no room for argument in his tone, and yet, Gus found space to do so.
“Seriously?! He’s cheating on you and you don’t even fucking care!” Gus was angry enough to stand up and stand chest to chest with Justin
Without batting an eye, Justin responded in a controlled, even tone. “Gus, you have no idea the agreement your father and I have about our relationship. Now is not the time to be having this discussion.”
“Then when? Huh, pop? When are we going to talk about how Dad sleeps around on you and you let him!” Gus was practically screaming at this point.
Before Justin could reply or talk Gus down, a man appeared asking for the family of Brian Kinney.
Justin gave Gus a look that told him they weren’t done, before he walked over to the doctor waiting.
Gus muttered, “Fuck you,” as Justin passed him by.
To Justin’s surprise the man that had been sitting next to Isaac this whole time stood up and approached Justin. He looked nervous and honestly completely wrecked.
“Hi, I’m Luke.” He put his hand out, “This is awkward but I guess I’ve been fucking your husband.”
Justin looked the dirty blond up and down, then let out a maniacal laugh. His nerves were shot to hell not knowing what was going on with Brian and here was this guy having the nerve to introduce himself.
“Look, Luke, I know all about you. And the others like you. My partner and I have an agreement. I appreciate you bringing him here, but I must ask you to leave.”
Luke, however, didn’t back down. “He’s gonna leave you for me. He told me I’m the best sex he’s ever had.”
Justin turned away from his pursuit of approaching the doctor to give Luke a piece of his mind.
“Keep dreaming. Brian Kinney fucks em and leaves em. Unless they’re me. Until he’s stuck around in your life for 17 years don’t come to me with an unwarranted bravado about the nature of our relationships with Brian.”
And just like that, Justin turned away and came face to face with the doctor who’d asked for Brian’s family.
“Hello, Doctor. I’m Justin Taylor, Brian’s life partner.”
“Hello, Justin. My name is Dr. Alec Henderson. I wanted to let you know Brian has woken up and is asking for you. We’ve given him some electrolytes and glucose to bring his numbers back up.”
“So, I can see him?” Justin placed a hand nervously to his chest.
“Absolutely. He’s been asking for you.” Dr. Henderson smiled.
Justin turned around once more. He scanned the room for Luke but couldn’t find him. He let out a sigh of relief. Then, he got Gus’ attention and motioned the two teens to come over. Gus rolled his eyes and groaned, but was encouraged to comply thanks to Isaac.
Dr. Henderson led them back to a small exam room a few feet down the hall. Justin let out the breath he didn’t know he’d been holding the moment he laid eyes on Brian. The brunet was up in bed, smiling and flirting with the nurses.
He turned when Justin, Gus, and Isaac entered the room. His smile grew, causing his eyes to twinkle.
“Sunshine! Sonny Boy! Kiddo!” Brian threw his arms out in greeting.
Justin rushed to his bedside while Gus hung back, shooting daggers at Brian. Isaac, unsure of his place with everything stuck close to Gus.
“I’m fine.” Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, kissing the top of his head. “Just had a low hit me out of nowhere.”
“I was so worried when they said you passed out. You could’ve died!” Justin tried to stop tears from welling up, but his emotional walls had crumbled under the stress of the last hour.
“Hey, I couldn’t die without,” Brian started, but then glanced toward the teens and put his lips against Justin’s ear before continuing. “Fucking you into oblivion first? Come on, Luke’s not even that great.”
Justin sniffled one last time and chuckled. He adjusted his position so that he could look down upon Brian.
“He just tried to assert his permanence in the situation with me in the waiting room. He’s got balls, I’ll give you that.” Justin smiled, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
“So you’ve seen.” Brian put his tongue into his cheek. “But, he’s got none of your spunk Sunshine. I’m always picturing you instead.”
“Just what every guy wants to hear.” Justin smirked and leaned down to kiss the older man on the lips.
“Come on!” Gus exclaimed, pulling the men’s focus away from each other.
Justin groaned and turned to address Gus. “NOT NOW.” He gave the teen a hard look.
“No, Pop. How is it fair to you? Dad sleeps around, tells you about it, and expects you to just be okay. That’s not fair.” Gus put his hand on Justin’s shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look.
“Gus, do you know how long I’ve known that your Dad needs some anonymous release sometimes?”
“I’m guessing like 5 years because I’ve known about Dad sleeping around since I moved in.” Gus looked beyond Justin to engage his Dad in a stare down.
“Try 17.” Justin replied, smug but not so much so that Gus would pick up on it. “Your Dad might have come to me the most in the early years, but I was the exception. It still took him 4 years to even admit we were in a relationship and tell me he loved me. All this time I’ve known that I’m the one not just another fuck.”
“But how could you possibly be okay with this?” Gus continued defending Justin against Brian which the blond found highly amusing.
“Gus, bud, your Dad showed me he loved me from the moment we met, though it took me two years to see it. If he needs release outside of us that’s fine. Because your Dad told me 15 years ago that I should know that when he comes home he’d be doing exactly what he wanted to do, coming home to me.” Justin wrapped his arms around the shocked teen.
“Sonny boy, it’s not cheating if Justin knows about it. We have an agreement. I get to go out no more than once a week, but I usually only need to go once a month, as long as Justin is informed and knows who I’m with.” Brian further explained.
Justin pulled back, sat on the edge of Brian’s bed, and kept his hand on Gus’ arm. He smiled at Gus and Brian in turn.
“I approve of any and all people your Dad entertains.” Justin shrugged. “Like I said, I know your Dad loves me. The rest is just who he is.”
“This family is weird. And considering my parents, that’s saying something.” Isaac broke in, finally stepping away from the doorway.
Brian started to laugh. Justin joined in and tickled at Gus’ side until he did as well.
“What’s life without a little color?” Justin smirked at Brian. Then, they both hugged each other and watched the two teens continue laughing.
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whoredmode · 5 months
Dexteros: Pre-relationship 6, Love 5
Troyteros: General 8, Love 9
Kinzteros: General 3, Domestic life 9
SHIP QUESTIONS (send me more!)
sorry this took a minute i was getting my hair done then i had to pick up some dinner it was a whole thing. ANYWAY.
Dexteros: Pre-relationship 6, Love 5
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
this is a cute thing to think about. i don’t think dex ever believed in soulmates, whereas anteros finds a soulmate in just about anyone. but especially if you told him after they’d been dating for awhile during sr1, i think anteros could believe it. even afterwards. despite everything. like how do you stay so devoted to this, to spend every waking minute thinking of him. the things you wished you could’ve said or done. of course they’re soulmates.
if you told sriv/post-sriv dex? i could see him believing that in like an almost incredulous “of course” kinda way. who else but anteros?
Who’s better at comforting the other?
i’d say it might depend on the era. sr1 i think anteros would be better at it bc i think at times dex has a tendency to kinda say the wrong thing? not that he intends to, i just think (especially during sr1) he’s not the best at relating to people. it’s something i think he gets MUCH better at the older he is though. anteros meanwhile i think is better at it in general.
there is a moment tho during sriv where after an extremely intense solo battle between anteros and some philosotologists, dex is the one who finds him and is able to calm him down. holds him and grounds him and in that moment is able to tell him everything he’s wanted to say the past 10 years. he’s here, he’s here, he’s still right here.
Troyteros: General 8, Love 9
Who gets jealous easier?
honestly…troy. if only bc he gets like. rightfully kinda typical boyfriend jealous. like for example during the LoP story when he meets torque for the first time, anteros is being his usual self around torque and still kinda playfully flirting w him and i can easily imagine troy getting a lil annoyed by it. anteros is just not the jealous type. clingy at worst but not necessarily jealous. anteros probably thinks the jealousy is kinda cute tho, and the jealousy itself never extends past just mild annoyance. it passes quickly.
on a semi-related note i would not be surprised if when they have their big argument prior to their breakup, troy makes a comment about dex not being there anymore but anteros still being so obsessed. it comes out much worse than intended, but the moment is meant to be a bit of a breakdown on troy’s end bc he’s been bottling up so much the past 5-6 years. anteros wasn’t too offended (definitely still hurt but y’know. to be expected) but he was more concerned for troy in the moment, and there are sincere apologies when everything cools down, don’t worry.
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
troy isn’t much of a pet names person tbh, but i do think he’ll call him the occasional “babe” sometimes. anteros is all about pet names tho. calls him pookie, baby, booboo, etc. even after they stop dating anteros still calls him pet names, but that’s just anteros in general. everyone gets a nickname. i like to think he does it to troy the worst tho
Kinzteros: General 3, Domestic life 9
What was their first kiss like?
i’ve never really considered that before tbh? their relationship really does just kinda Happen, so i wouldn’t be shocked at all if their “first kiss” was just them making out when they started having sex w each other
Who’s the better cook?
ohhh neither. so good at microwave meals. anteros knows what wines pair best w what frozen foods if that counts for anything.
with that in mind, they eat out a lot. diner dates are a staple for them. kinzie doesn’t sleep, anteros has sleep problems, they’re both awake at 2AM and the diner’s open 24/7. both looooove getting breakfast food together. their alone time is sacred to them both, and sometimes it’s nice to just sit and eat waffles and hashbrowns in a quiet diner, making each other laugh while the rest of steelport sleeps. for a minute there’s no one else but each other, and that’s all that matters.
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gumballavocadoharry · 2 years
Harry and River;
Late night talking:
It was the middle of the day, the bright sky was singing with the sun, the birds were chirping along to the rhythm and the mood was set just right as I was finishing up my sunflower painting. It was going to be a real beauty to hang in someone's kitchen or living room or bedroom.
My phone beeped alerting me that it was time to pick up River. I clocked out, said my goodbyes to Mitch and drove down to River's preschool. I waited for him to come out as the bell rang and all the kids were racing out there except for River who was usually one of the first ones. "River, your daddy's here now. Do you wanna tell him what happened?" I peeked into the room to see River sitting in a timeout chair and him looking down at his twiddling fingers.
"Tell me what?" I interrupted. "Well River had some trouble with calming down after recess. Another little boy had started a little riot in class and River joined in and wouldn't stop after several warnings."
I knew River was usually a good kid and it wasn't like him to behave this way. But nonetheless, I was disappointed. "Okay, River let's go home now." I took his hand and led him to his cubby with his backpack and lunchbox. "Thank you." I told the teacher who gave us both a warm smile. I held River's hand tightly in a loving manner as we left the school.
"River, why did you do that?" He shrugged. "I thought Micah was cool, so I wanted to be cool too." "Oh Rivie, you can't just do something just because someone else does it. And Micah doesn't seem so cool to me if he gets you in trouble."
But even as the day continued on, River seemed to have a little rain cloud over his head. I pondered him having a rough day already but it just seemed to get worse. In the middle of watching tv, I head a yelp and a crash. I paused my show, and ran upstairs to check on River who was whimpering and crying while looking at his big toe.
"Rivie what's wrong? What happened?" "My camera fell and broke, and it fell on my toe too." He sniffled. I looked over his purplish blue and pink toe and his broken camera on the floor. I took care of first things first. My heartstrings were tugged looking over River's bruised and noticeably swollen toe. I gently took his little foot into my hands and tenderly rubbed it.
"How about a kissie to make it better?" River smiled and nodded. I bent down and pressed a sweet soundly kiss to his toe and then looked at his camera that beyond repair. "I'm sorry baby," I said with a pout. "I know how much you love taking pictures, so tomorrow when I go out I'll be sure to pick you up a new one." River smiled half heartedly and I couldn't blame. I hated not being able to help him.
And it didn't get any better, River burned his tongue on his ravioli, he missed his favorite show and he lost rexie for 10 minutes which cause a bucket load of tears and me having to spend the next 5 minutes calming him down. "Today is the worst day ever!" He stormed off to his room. I felt really horrible for River after the day he's had.
I wanted to plan something really special for him so he wouldn't feel as alone and that it would show him how much I love him.
The next day was Friday, a perfect day to go big with plans since there would be no work or school the next day. I decided to have a slumber party with River. Just me and him together where we could watch movies, eat a nice dinner, tell stories and just have fun. Plus we get to sleep downstairs!
Oh and I forgot rexie can come too. I just need to make sure he doesn't take all the cookies.
After work, I zoomed over to the preschool just in time to see everyone coming out for the day. River walked sluggish with gloomy look on his face in a somber attitude. I commiserate for River who eventually made his way to the car. It was his whole world had crumbled into pieces right in front of him or like a dream or ambition that was stolen from him and now he was just sitting on a shelf collecting dust.
I couldn't help but engulf River into a big bear hug, squeezing him tenderly. "It'll be okay." I whispered softly into his ear. "Because I've got a surprise for you." River perked up a little.
Later on in the evening, I set everything up including a blowout bed, snacks, movies, and dinner that I ordered from one of River's favorite restaurants.
"River come downstairs in your pajamas!" I yelled from down the stairs. I went into the kitchen to prepare beverages, humming and softly singing to a tune. "If you're feeling down, I just wanna make you happier baby." I brought the ice teas into the living room to see River coming downstairs holding rexie in his arms.
"Welcome to Daddy and River's sleepover!" I cheered. "And rexie helped of course." River's face lit up as he ran into my arms. "Oh..I thought you could use something positive. I'm sorry you had such a bad week, but we can make it better." I bent down and kissed River's cheek super big.
We got started by watching a really good movie while eating spaghetti in bed. I couldn't help but glance over to see River enjoying his dinner and having a ball. Rexie was curled by his side, eyes memorized on the Tv screen. I swirled some spaghetti on to my fork and positioned it in front of River's mouth.
"Open wide for the airplane." I said kinda babyishly. River complied as I fed him the spaghetti. "Yummy!" He chirped.
Later we told stories while eating some cookies I had baked. "So, then our bed started to fly in the clouds, over a wedding, and then over a huge slumber party..." I had put on a tan blazer over my pajamas and parted my hair to look like the character I was describing.
River was so attuned to it, giggling whenever I did something funny. "You're funny." He said laughing really hard. I smiled noble. Me and River played a couple games, including sorry, uno and green light, red light. Eventually, River feel asleep. And why wouldn't he? It was almost midnight and I started to get tuckered out myself. I cleaned up, going in and out of the kitchen and accidently waking River up in the process.
"Daddy?" "No, no go to sleep baby." I tucked him back into bed and put the covers around him snuggly. "Did you have fun?" I asked softly. "Yeah, it was so fun, can we do it again?" I gave a chuckle. "We'll try rivie. Now you and rexie better get some sleep."
I gave River a big kiss on the forehead and then crawled into bed next to him. We both fell asleep, feeling more illuminated in happiness.
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