#so i dont think youll be seeing me until then
reds-skull · 4 months
Revenant Side Stories
Story II: Graves
[Story 1 - Konchar] [AO3]
Ah yes, the oneshot I promised 4 months ago. I got sidetracked with bloodhunger, and I'm still busy with uni (when am I not...), but I finally found time to write Graves' story! I'll be honest, I kinda procrastinated on this because I wasn't sure I would be able to really capture his voice correctly, but I like how this turned out.
I got a few more characters on the list for side stories, but if you're interested in seeing anyone in particular, you're welcome to suggest them!
“You’re such a piece of shit, Graves!”
Philip smiles as wide as his mouth full of dry MRE cake allows him to, “I know you’re the one that put boot polish inside my shoes two weeks ago, Collins. Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?”
Collins’ face twists in anger, in a way that is quite satisfying to him, “I was fuckin’ saving that cake for after the op.”
“I know.” Philip swallows, grin finally able to stretch across his face. Collin doesn’t grace him with another reply, instead stomping away while muttering curses under his breath. Serves him right.
He leans back against the armored truck they’ll use for infil, in about half an hour from now. He’s been ready far before that, always the first on the tarmac. He has to, if he wants to be in his superior officers’ good graces, if he wants that promotion.
Being a Corporal is nice and all, but Philip aims higher than that. He thinks – no, knows he wasn’t made to follow orders till the day he dies. No, he’s much better suited to command, to lead, to make the final call.
He just needs to make the higher brass see that as well.
Among the buzzing activity of the final preparations for the upcoming operation, Philip spots Lieutenant Reed inspecting a crate of equipment. The man is build like a shit brick house, all 6’4 inches of pure muscle. That’s not to mention the Lieutenant’s special little revenant status, which makes sure that even if you manage to shoot the giant bastard, he’ll get back up quicker than any human being should. Apparently, healing powers are quite common for soldier revenants, not that it matters when their kind is as rare as it is.
A pang of jealousy shoots through him, at the sheer power the man clearly exudes just by standing there. It goes away quickly enough.
Lieutenant Reed is a great commander, don’t get him wrong, but Philip always thought he was too… caught up by his own moral compass. More concerned with doing what’s just, instead of doing what’s right. Admirable, but dangerous on the field.
A man who puts his and his squad’s life over the mission, is not a man who will go far. A man that puts things like righteousness over the mission…
Philip pities him, really. Reed could’ve been a General by now, if he understood that. But he’s grateful, in a way, that the Lieutenant is the way he is, to teach him this lesson.
The Lieutenant’s eyes meet his, and he motions with his head to move. He ruminated around long enough – time to get to work.
The mission is simple, a milk run, really. When he enlisted, Philip expected to be constantly fighting, to truly feel with each shot how he changes things in the world.
He sure didn’t expect to be loaded up in the back of a truck with five other soldiers, and act as basically a glorified delivery man, transporting gear to an American base in another part of a foreign country.
Those were the fantasies of a younger, stupider Philip. He now knows just how much is required to upkeep a base, both from first-hand experience and from his studies on his time off. After all, being the best doesn’t only come down to his physical abilities, it demands the best mind, the strongest will, the smartest of tactics.
This means he’s got less time to socialize with the soldiers in his unit, but he’s truly not mourning that. They seem like a bunch of idiots anyway. It only motivates him further to get the next promotion, if only to get away from them.
The downside to that, is that Philip barely knows the last names of the people currently in the truck with him. Lieutenant Reed is in a truck ahead of theirs, his rank high enough to grant him the privilege of not being shoved between crates and sweaty recruits.
Philip keeps half of his attention on the low conversation between the soldiers next to him, scanning the empty, dry grasslands surrounding the road.
“Heard the fellas up north have been attacked, last time a convoy went through.” a soldier he thinks might be Johnson murmurs.
Collins answers from the other side of the truck, “yup, I got a friend there. Two from his unit died.”
Maybe-Johnson shakes his head with a huff, “fuckin’ gangs man… The US might as well fund them, with the amount of supplies they drive right to their doorstep…”
“Think we’ll meet them today?” another soldier joins (Gonzalez? Fuck if he knows).
“If we do, I’m going to wipe ‘em out.” Collins grins, and Philip has to suppress the urge to roll his eyes. He couldn’t wipe out his grandma, let alone several trained gang members. “‘Sides” he continues, “we got the LT on our side.”
Gonzalez (???) laughs, “damn right we do! Can’t kill a man twice, can ya?”
Philip internally groans, jaw tightening. They think Reed is some sort of immortal, just because he died once and survived. A fucking bullet to the head would kill him all the same. The only thing the Lieutenant is truly invincible from is infection and diseases - what originally killed him. If any of these bastards ever bothered to pick up a book, they’d know that.
He apparently didn’t manage to school his features well enough, since Collins turns to address him, “what’s with the face, Graves?”
Philip does roll his eyes this time, “just because Reed is a revenant doesn’t mean y’all can just sit back and relax, he’s just one person.”
The road they’re on cuts through a hill, casting long shadows over them.
“Yeah, a person that heals from a stab wound in half an hour!”
“Those are just rumors.” Philip spits, “have any of you ever looked at the actual reports??”
A few soldiers groan as Collins answers, “not all of us are fuckin’ suckups, bro.”
Philip watches the lot of them laugh, a sharp smile slowly spreading on his lips, “not all of us are going to become Sergeants, bro.”
The laughter dies, Collins’ face twists in anger familiarly, “you’ve always been a piece of shit-”
The world becomes bright white for a moment, screams Philip later registers as his own rip out of his chest as the truck swerves and crashes.
His ears ring, limbs refusing to listen to his orders. “Hrgh… shit…” he forces his eyes open, as his hearing returns.
Gunshots flash between the wreckage and the top of the hills, soldiers taking cover behind the upturned truck. It seems like he was the only one blown away this far.
The fuckin’ gang must’ve hit him directly. Just his damn luck.
Philip tries to crawl forward, not particularly keen on staying alone with no cover, but even that small movement shoots intense pain through his body, his vision darkening for a few seconds. He winces, carefully turning to look at his torso and legs.
He swallows down the bile rising to his mouth, blinking down at the deep craters at his right hip. That… can’t be his own body, right? He thinks he sees bone.
Another RPG whistles through the air, missing the truck by only a few feet. His squad turns around, shooting down the gang members attempting to corner them from their flank.
He needs to get to them. They should have enough knowledge of first aid to at least stop the bleeding, or give him a stim shot, fuckin’ anything!
Philip starts screaming, “HELP!!! I’M STILL ALIVE!!!!!” he grits his teeth, desperation starting to crack his voice as he realizes he might actually die here, “COLLINS!!! GONZALEZ!!! HELP!!!!!”
Hope bubbles within him when he sees Collins turn his head to his direction, searching for the source of the shouts in the shadows. Philip raises his arm as far as he can, waving it to catch Collins’ attention.
He thinks it might be the first time he ever felt actual happiness to see Collins’ stupid green eyes lock onto his.
“I CAN’T MOVE, YOU GOTTA FUCKIN’ HELP ME!” he yells, pointing to his right leg.
Collins’ eyes trail down, to the puddle of blood coloring the grass under Philip red. He lifts a hand to his comms, mouth moving too fast for him to read.
He must’ve reported his condition to Reed. Collins is not completely useless, Philip muses.
Collins nods in response to whatever Reed told him, and Philip’s heart drops when he turns away from him, and points to the forest.
They… they’re not gonna run, are they? They’re not gonna leave him here, bathing in his own damn blood, right?!
Yet, that’s exactly what they do. The five soldiers, his own teammates, wait for an opening in the relentless shooting from the hostiles, and run. Without him.
Philip shouts again, anger now booming through his throat, “COLLINS! YOU FUCKING COWARD, COME BACK!!! DON’T LEAVE ME HERE, I’LL DIE!!!!! WE’RE ON THE SAME SIDE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT, HELP- HELP ME!!!”
Collins doesn’t even look back once, and Philip watches the figures of his squad disappear between the trees. He screams in frustration, hands shaking in fury.
His mind returns to the moment Collins nodded. Lieutenant Reed… he must’ve told them to disengage. Ordered them to leave him behind to bleed out.
A hysterical laugh shakes his shoulders. So much for ‘no man left behind’, eh, Lieutenant? Fucking hypocrite. Philip hopes that wherever revenants go after they die, Reed will suffer for the rest of his existence.
His laugh devolves into choked sobs when the reality of his situation sinks in. He’s gonna die. He’s going to die because his own team abandoned him.
Philip always knew they were useless, but he expected them to at least not fuckin’ betray him, y’know? 
As his vision fades for the last time, Philip smiles. Not because he accepts his fate, no.
But it’s nice to know he was right, the whole damn time.
“Philip Graves”
Philip’s eyes snap open, and he inhales sharply. It takes him a few moments to comprehend he’s not in that damn valley he was abandoned in. He’s… not anywhere on Earth… is he?
His own reflection stares at him, multiplied over countless times, like a hall of mirrors in a carnival. He raises a hand to his right side, pressing tentatively at first, and digging into the muscles when he realizes his wounds have been healed.
…What is this place?
“This is my Realm”
Several voices echo around him, and Philip looks around only to see his own wide blue eyes.
“W-where are you?!” he snarls, fear beating at his heart.
He cranes his head up, mouth opening in shock at the creature above him.
A writhing mass of limbs coils onto itself, arms and legs and faces, creating the vague shape of a person. Its face is blank, nothing but a maw. 
“You’re… a Reaper…” Philip mutters dumbly.
“The Reaper of Many”
The Reaper leans closer, Philip’s body shaking at the sheer scale of it, “so I did d-die.”
He doesn’t know how, but he gets the feeling the Reaper grins at the words.
“YES” “YES” “YES” a terrifying chorus of voices confirms. The twitching limbs seem to move quicker in excitement, “TELL ME, PHILIP GRAVES, WHAT DO YOU WANT?”
Philip covers his ears at the screeching Reaper, eyes squeezed shut in agony. In the back of his mind, he remembers the transcript from interviews of revenants, of this very question they all had to respond to.
Of the identical answer they all give.
“I just- I JUST WANT TO LIVE!!!”
Philip’s quick breaths slow down, when the Reaper doesn’t scream again.
“I just want to live…” he repeats, opening his eyes and lowering his arms. After a few moments of nothing, he finds the courage to look up.
The Reaper’s hand is hovering above him, finger uncurled and pointing to him.
“Give me your soul, Philip Graves, and I’ll let you live” 
Philip nods shakily, “It’s yours, Reaper.”
Giggling bounces between the mirrors surrounding him, gleeful and horrendous. The finger moves closer, Philip leaning back on instinct alone. It feels like his blood is boiling over, brain liquifying into mush, yet he physically can’t open his mouth to scream.
“From this day on, until the day you die, Philip Graves, you are mine.”
The Reaper touches his forehead, his vision flashing with bright colors he doesn’t have a name to.
“My revenant, Revenant of Many”
Someone is shaking his arm. Philip pushes away, scrambling back. He opens his eyes.
Something decidedly not human greets him.
“The fuck-” Philip curses.
“The fuck-” the creature answers. It doesn’t have a mouth, or any defining features. Barely a dark shape, like someone cut out the silhouette of a person out of the fabric of reality.
Philip feels an odd presence in his mind, like dozens of eyes looking up at him, awaiting command.
The valley is quiet. He looks up at the hills, finding more shapes lingering, all looking at him. Philip looks back at the one that touched him.
“What are you?”
The shape answers by echoing his voice, “-you?”
Philip breathes out a small laugh, hand carding into his hair in amazement.
His admiration of his new powers is cut short by the sound of an engine. Philip jumps to his feet, body still feeling a phantom pain of sorts, and orders his shapes, “disappear.”
In a blink, the shapes melt away into the shadows. He runs to the woods, taking cover behind a thick tree trunk when the vehicle rolls around the bend into the valley.
Philip’s eyes narrow when he sees that the vehicle is none other than the US military’s. He averts his eyes, scrutinizing the setting sun. It has been at least several hours since Collins and his group of dickheads left him to die.
The vehicle stops near the wreckage, the fire burning the truck long extinguished. Lieutenant Reed out of all people climbs out, instantly ordering his men to clear the area of hostiles. Burning rage ignites within Philip at the sight.
Without his will, the shadows around him materialize, blank faces all staring at him.
He gets an idea. It’s stupid, and frankly will probably put him in a lot more trouble than it’s worth, but honestly Philip literally died a few hours ago and so did his fucks to give.
“Seize them.” he tells his shapes, his Shadows.
The dozen or so Shadows instantly start running, tackling the squad of soldiers. Philip barely contains a laugh at their terrified screams. One of them manages a shot on a Shadow, but the creature simply ignores the gaping hole in his thigh, and wrestles the man down.
Lieutenant Reed needs two Shadows to force him to kneel, but soon enough they all stay down, lined up on the dirt road.
“If this is how it feels to be a revenant, I would be a cocky bastard too”, Philip thinks to himself while looking at Reed.
“Lieutenant, what the fuck are these- these things?!” one soldier asks frantically.
Reed growls, fruitlessly attempting to shake off the Shadow restraining him, “revenant powers. But I’ve never seen something like this-”
Philip chooses this moment to reveal himself, “impressive, aren’t they? I’d say they’re a fair trade to dying, wouldn’t you, Lieutenant?”
Lieutenant Reed’s face slackens in shock, “...Corporal Graves?”
He smiles unkindly, “the one and only. Tell me…” he crouches in front of Reed, “when you ordered Collins and his group of bumbling idiots to abandon me and run away, did you even feel a speck of remorse? If not for me, at least for my poor mother, that would’ve had to live with the fact the men that were supposed to be on his side left him to die?”
The Lieutenant at least seemed to pretend to be horrified, “I- it was the Commander, not me, Graves. I didn’t make the call to leave you behind, kid-”
Philip cuts him off with a few slow claps, “wow, Lieutenant. I’ve already gathered you’re a fuckin’ hypocrite, but a liar as well? You should’ve been an actor instead of a soldier, sir. You’ve got a natural talent right there.”
His digging remarks only seem to make Reed more guilty, “...I may have not made that order, but I take responsibility over my soldiers. You didn’t deserve to die, Graves. I’m sorry.”
Philip falters at the genuinely heartfelt apology. He didn’t expect Reed to actually be sorry about it. It only twists something in his gut further.
Philip’s voice loses the mocking tone it had before, “you have nothing to apologize for, sir. Without you, I would’ve never received such power.” he spreads his arms, motioning to his Shadows.
Reed’s brows curve upwards, regret painting his features, “really, I should thank you, Lieutenant.”
Philip grins as wide as his mouth allows him, not a lick of joy within it, “thank you, for letting me die alone.”
He knew he’ll get in trouble once he arrives back to base, but he didn’t expect Major Shepherd to be the one disciplining him.
Philip knows to dread the punishment the moment the Major opens the door, his face severe as ever as he dismissed the other officers in the room.
He rises to his feet, saluting the Major, before the man waves him off.
Shepherd takes the sit in front of him, staring him down for a few tense moments before speaking, “Corporal Philip Graves. Do you know how much shit you’ve put yourself into, with that little ‘prank’ you did to Lieutenant Reed and his squad?”
Philip doesn’t shy away from the Major’s burning gaze, “yes sir.”
Shepherd doesn’t look impressed, “the Lieutenant told me about your powers. Which Reaper got you?”
“Reaper of Many, sir.”
“Reaper of Many… can’t say I’ve met a revenant from it.” the Major drawls, “most of your kind belongs to the Reaper of Flesh.”
The one in charge of healing… Reed’s Reaper.
“Your powers are exceptionally strong, Graves.” Shepherd smiles, oddly enough.
Philip blinks, taken off guard by the praise, “... thank you, sir?”
The Major leans back, his demeanor less serious, “no need for formalities right now, Graves. I’d like to speak to you as an equal at the moment.”
…What is the Major’s angle here? He doesn’t seem angry at him anymore.
“About what?”
Shepherd smirks, something about it raising the hairs on Philip’s arms, “What do you see yourself doing, four, five years down the line?”
“Your aspirations, Graves. Aiming for Lieutenant? Captain?”
Philip frowns in confusion, “Commander, sir.”
“Commander, huh?” Shepherd hums, “I have a… proposition for you, Graves.”
Proposition? “I’m listening.”
“What do you think about PMCs?”
The rapid change in topic leaves Philip unsteady in his answers, “they’re… I think they’re necessary, but I’d rather stay with the US military. I want to fight for my country.”
Shepherd looks… disappointed? “Listen, son. I think you’re a great soldier, and you have been given great power to control. People like you… the military will just hold you back.”
Philip inhales deeply. Is Shepherd saying what he thinks he’s saying?
The Major continues, “I think you’ll do much better outside the red tape, Philip.” he pulls out a contract, a frankly absurdly high stack of papers, “I’d like you to work for me. Not as my subordinate, but as a collaborator.”
Philip stares at the papers, “you… you want me to leave the army?”
“Exactly. I want you to become your own PMC. I believe, with your amount of strength, other soldiers will just get in your way.” Shepherd adds, almost like an afterthought, “and you won’t need to worry about any sort of punishment about your actions today, your death will be completely redacted, and the Lieutenant ordered to keep his mouth shut.”
He looks back at the Major’s eyes, deep gratitude welling inside him. Shepherd offers his hand to him, right above the contract that will finally grant him what he worked years for, as easily as writing his own name.
Graves takes the offering, and shakes the Major’s hand.
“My Shadows will be at your service, Shepherd.”
Shepherd smiles, satisfied, “already prepared for your first mission, Commander Graves?”
Commander Graves. He thought it would take years until he was granted the name.
Graves flashes a grin, “was reborn ready, Major.”
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runningatypufullspeed · 6 months
AND THE HOUNDS ARE DISGUSTING THE COLORING IS SO SHITTY AND MILDRED …. Well ok she looks alright kindof but the COLORING ….. SKETCH WAS BETTER but do you guys. Do you still want to see it…….,,,,,,
#like ok maybe it isn’t. THAT bad#NO NO I TAKE THAT BACK I JUST LOOKED AT IT RIGHT NOW AND THE COMPOSITION IS ALL FUCKING VOER THE PLACE#IT. IT IS. THAT BAD#IF YOU GUYS SAY YESS YOULL SEE#ok but nasty bad art aside I know some of you will be asking why white Montag is such a bad thing and#there isn’t anything wrong with it!!! it’s just that for me personally#after I did a bit more thinking I was. physically incapable of perceiving Montag as anything other than POC/nonwhite#so when I look back at my old f451 art and stare into the eyes of a pale skittish twink it just#it doesn’t click. like that isn’t MY Montag if ykwim#now trembling BROWN skittish twink. that’s a different story#AGAIN I DONT have any issues with ppl making their own versions white I just think that . for me specifically. he looked a bit funny#a little off. a bit too crackerish for my liking#where is bros melanin 😭#I’m complaining right now but if I wanted to I could just… go in and try and make the skin tone darker#I might do that depending on how tired I feel after doomscrolling#also if it matters even though I have read the book over at least 8 times now not once have I touched either of the movies.#and it will STAY THAT WAY. until I completely log my notes for the book#then I can move on to the movies 🥰#but I will admit 2018 did sort of lead me to having a change of heart w my design. just a little. just a teensy bit. kinda. sort of?#actually not really now that I think about it#I have my own reasons.#TOO MANY WHITE PEOPLE MY EYES THEY BURN AAAYHHHHH MY EYES OW OW OW OWIEEEE#my Beatty design was so white that my eyes developed stage 4 cataracts#I needed a palate cleanser that WASNT Millie… oh god my Millie design…#she was white there too. terrible#it’s okay… 💔 I’ve since learned and moved on#ARGH GUYS I DONT HATE WHITE PEOPLE I JUST THINK THAT MORE SKIN COLOR VARIATIONS WOULD E NICE
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girlthingdecay · 9 months
#i kind of want to kill myself. im so disconnected from anything. i have no original thought. everything is scripted#everything is just put together pieces from things ive heard elsewhere and i do not have a single original thought#everyone can see that im masks all the way down and everyone can see that i am nothing underneath and even that is a stolen way of saying it#i have no way of making nothing palatable but i am simply nothing. invite me over and ill try to adapt to you and write a new script based#off new media but if you make me truly comfortable and somehow manage to unplug my behavior then youll be rewarded with me just sitting#beside you on the floor and staring at whatever media you show me without speaking much and only occasionally seeking further warmth from#you#i vocalized it to someone close recently but im a nothing void and i wish people all acted in exactly the way i wanted regardless#i have selfish fantasies about people just doing everything to make everything easy for me and if i were a god i would be an entirely#selfish one#if the right people would go and stay as i please even though im a nothing void and dont deserve them around#if they would all do whatever i needed like gave me cuddles or sex or affirmation or money or treats#if life was one long cycle of being the most treated god by everyone then maybe i could be something i dont know#maybe something could be manifested into me#everyone already projects an idea onto me so maybe a collective idea held by all with a great deal of love would make whatever they say of#me true and maybe then id exist fully#until then oh well#though in reality im just sanitizing a bit. having others fully as puppets serving me isnt something that i want because i think itll “fix”#me by any measures and id likely only grow far more sadistic and selfish but i wish for that world because i could live in perfect comfort#i could do anything i wanted and have anything i wanted and nobody would stop me#sorry this is just like. a long rambling in tags. i should shut up now
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moodr1ng · 3 months
today in "trying to get bottom surgery is its own circle of hell": on may 28th, i get my surgeon on the phone regarding the issue of my surgery getting approved and inform him that i have an official document of approval that covers all transition surgeries for the rest of my life and therefore i dont need to pass through a specific meeting to have bottom surgery approved. surgeon tells me to send him the document and hell be able to bring it up in a staff meeting "at the end of the week" and schedule my surgery asap. as soon as i get a copy of the document the next day i email it to him. so, of course, its been two weeks since that "end of the week" staff meeting and i havent heard shit!
emailed the surgeon again asking for an update.. maybe at some point ill finally get a date for this surgery ive been going through the process of preparing and getting approved since 2021 :) which was already scheduled then delayed twice in 2023 :))
can i move to the reality right wingers believe in where you just walk into a hospital and say "give me a sex change now!!" and they immediately start prepping an or lol
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muttsona · 5 months
i am the poisoned blood running through my tired veins
#personal#ITS SO MOT FUCKINH FAIR.#since he hates me now i dont care if he sees this and im pretty sure i fucking blocked the reat of them so idontfucking care#i hate all kf them so much and i dont fucking care how bad they hurt. i hurt too#for some INSANE REASON i was the only oke that had to apologize. why did they never apologize .#they know they hurt me. He knkws he hurt me.#when j say this they think im selfish. they can think what they want.#byt jts fucking crazy to act like im the only one tjat did anything wronh#i fucking admitted i was wrong. but it wasnt enough. notjing is ever enough for them!#if He ever tries to text me again im not responding. it was stupid of me to respons.#i wonder what he would say if he knew that i chose ro respond by chance of a coin flip#if it had landed on tails i wouldnt be making this post.#he cares more than i do. i dont have the luxury of caring.#he says “i led him on” but if he wanted skme speicodx kind of love fucking say skmething#i didnt knkw i was supposed to be differenr. if he had said that from the dtart i never would have agreed.#i didnt want to change for him.#he shouldve been different and he shouldve been better#i shouldve been too. but atleast i can admit ghat#what the fuck do you mean when you say you understand why j do what you do and uou get it so deeply#but then you still leave. does rhat mean you understand how much you hurt me that first time#it barely hurts anymore. but i cried four times last nigjt#now i dont feel it and now i dont care. youll never knkw little i can let myself care#ill distract myself until i forget all about you because i csnt let myself feel any of this#i dont care if im not changjng the way you begged me to. thats not an option rigjtnmow#im still fighting to stay alive. i dont know that you understand what thats like#you say you get it. i tjink you just say that#you loved me and i dont like that. i warned you and you dwatted my warning away#how is that all my fault.#how is all of this my fault.#💭
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mydr3aminvi0let · 4 months
i wear a lot of skirts and pink and whatnot as my style has developed with me & my personality but when one of those age regression girlies latch onto me....i do not like that
#like oh....you think im one of them...bestie no im freshly 23 and im happy i made it this far i dont wanna go back#sometimes i hate being 5'2 with a small frame you have to be very careful and kinda vet everyone you interact with#idk there's a complex discussion to be had. i am someone who has went through what they fetishize and i know a lot of girls in that#community have too. so i worry a lot if if my behaviors and preferences accidentally align with that community in ways i don't realize#bc trauma will always reveal itself. idfk. when i was 20 i got in a relationship with a man who was 30 because i misheard him and thought#he was 24. i thought he was okay until we were at this giftshop and he wanted to get me something but as giftshops are super expensive#i mentioned i could fit in childrens clothes and it saves me a lot of money ($60 shoes are $30 for kids) and tbh fit my frame better#so he was “prove it” so i did and mf said “THATS HOT” ??????????? BITCH#my style wasn't even feminine in the slightest at the time 😑 it feels like a curse to have this kind of trauma then never outgrow this body#believe me ik how trauma changes your brain but how#as a woman#can you ever be apart of that community? why do you allow this to continue and not persecute these men for existing?#you're inherently enabling it and saying its okay this happened to you and its okay that other adults can hurt other kids#when my rapist got put in prison i screamed i yelled i sang i danced my friends set off FIREWORKS for me#when he got out i cried more than i ever have. i moved STATES (not the sole rzn but nonetheless) not that i was in the one he was in prison#in anyways but i was so fucking petrified he'd find me again. its embarrassing but i started sleeping with a chastity belt again.#i made more phone calls i ever have in my life to people who have and will get their hands dirty#i understand the self hatred those girls have. i understand the girls who sleep with everyone to take some of their power back.#i even understand the girls who want to get raped if they got assaulted but it never felt like enough for the pain they're experiencing#but please stay the fuck away from me. as someone who has tried to heal and wants every man like that erased from earth.#do not give them an ounce of attention. ostracize them like they're meant to be. leave it to god for their karma they will be dealt with#reckon with your pain and make sure it never happens to anyone else. only the harmed can make the greatest teachers#tbh bro i am disgusted with myself at all that those are the kinda vibes i put out.#what are you supposed to do as a woman when feminity is equalized with infantilism? i think its tone deaf and misguided whem girls are like#i dress this way to contradict societies views!!! babes its a whole cultural issue that requires reviewing and reforming#you are not doing anything revolutionary by wearing frilly skirts and saying im not like them bc they see you and ur automatically boxed in#i dress how i want and say what i want but i know as a individual im not the beacon of a groundbreaking movement#singularily flipping society on its head. dress how you want but be aware of the connotations. you're living in this society here and now#there's consequences that may not be in your favor and youll be assumed to have values that dont align with you and it may break your heart
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ikihtoe · 1 year
it's been so long and I've finally got the time to get on this app omg I missed this place.
i have a few words for my mutuals in the tags so I hope you read it a bit at least—I've decided to post this because, idk sending them to you one by one is a bit time-wasting.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years
#other ppl: youll be fine! u r passionate abt what u do#no u dont understand. its not passion. im being consumed. im being devoured whole and alive.#its out of control and its killing me#stop trying to tell me im good. i can assure u its a problem and i want it to fucking stop. whats the point of being successful if u cant#even fucking breathe?#this has been my weekend in purgatory for some reason. but fuck u i got the fucking application 98% done so im gonna read it over tomorrow#when my brain doesnt feel like its gonna explode and thrn send it to the dude and idk see wtf he has to say about it bc im positive i#overwrote it bc im unhinged. whatever tomorrow im gonna spend another 4hr transfering algae#if i can. turns out ive given myself a headache and now i cannot sleep lmao#lol i wrote all that yesterday night. it appears i was having a bad time. and i continue to have a bad time bc my manuscript is 98% ready#for submission but i leave at 7.20 tomorrow morning for my flight and wont be home until 7pm in this time zone at the very least#which means ill have to fucking wait all day to submit i guess unless i use plane wifi or something. fucking idk#i also havent sent the application in yet and i havent bought any Christmas presents bc my brain is splitting into a million pieces#its 10 pm now. will is sleep tonight? who's to say i still have work to do on this fucking manuscript#at least my coauthor thinks itll only get sent back with minor revisions so it must look pretty ok#part of it is just me bitching abt inconsistent methods across papers bc it annoys me but also i dont give a fuck#i will fucking psychically control ppl to read this paper and use its knowledge bc the way they talk abt the topic annoys me so much#which is additionally annoying bc like i said i dont give a fuck#anyway im procrastinating#unrelated#my parents texting me today: yay we r excited to see u 🤗#and im just laying on the floor eminating a demonic aura
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salemlunaa · 3 months
It’s okay sleepyhead, we’ve all been there…
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so a lot of people talk to me about the fact that they are trying to tap into the void/“I AM” but they will get super uncomfortable or just fall asleep trying. Then it cuts to them waking up pissed off and upset that they are still in their shitty realities. I feel like so many people have this issue but no one really speaks about it, and to get most blogs to give advice about this specific topic, a lot of the time you have to ask them directly by dming or asking. i’ve also had this problem and let me tell you it’s one: frustrating as hell to deal with and two: no one really speaks about this problem. Here, we talk a lot about giving up, getting too scared at the last second but we never talk about dozing off.
but never fear, sai is here!!
If you are struggling with this i want you to know that as frustrating as it is, it’s so easy to get out of this rut. I would highly recommend starting earlier, i personally love SATS as do many people in the community, but be honest with yourself love, if you see yourself sleeping off i recommend starting earlier than the state right before you sleep as you will have more control of your body.
I also want you guys to try sleeping to waves, whether it be alpha, epsilon, delta and whatever, fall asleep to waves, repeating “I AM” until you doze off. And i know it may be hard for your mind to stick to it but you can, i KNOW you can
you can even try entering during the day, and no it doesn’t always have to be at night because you’re a god and don’t need to be a slave to “time”. you can enter perfectly during the day and it’s just as easy as doing it in the night, don’t let limiting beliefs be the death of you. You can even use the day to affirm that when you sleep you immediately tap into the void/“I AM”, because you are a god, it will become fact when you decide.
I also need you guys to flip your thoughts, and you’ve probably heard this a thousand and one times so i will allow an eye roll just this once, BUT it’s actually something you need to do, don’t tell me “i get it, sai!!” and then come back after another day gone, don’t go around a cycle. I need you to live in the reality in which you are a master of the void and you have never slept off before. I’m gonna say this until i die but the law of assumption is a LAW not belief or superstition A LAW, meaning it can never, ever, ever fail. like ever. If you stand firm in the fact that you don’t have this problem and you are so powerful that there isn’t any time for sleeping, your reality will reflect that 110%
“i fell asleep again even though i told myself i was entering today”
“i hate myself omg i slept off AGAIN”
“i’m such a failure”
SHUT UP, SERIOUSLY? like do i seriously need to remind you who YOU ARE?
“i am a master at the void, failure simply doesn’t exist to me”
“i tap into the void/“I AM” so fast that i don’t even have time to sleep”
“i’m a god and i’ve decided the void always goes well for me”
You can do it, i dont think so, i KNOW it, for a fact, because you’re a god and i’ll be damned if you give up on everything because your body keeps dozing off.
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satoruhour · 1 year
IDK IF U WILL SEE THIS OR ANYTHING BUT! is it ok if i request smth small and it starts off with gojo and the reader having a lil bit of banter by text, and the reader then says “satoru ur so pretty u should start a kissing booth for easy money” (as a joke ofc) and he was like “good idea” and went offline, making the reader freak out for the rest of the day until they came back to their apartment….. and found satoru set up a whole kissing booth in their living room
a/n: this is so cute!!! ty for the request anon <3 in this megumi is under satoru’s and reader’s care, tsumiki never went into a coma, and you’re married too / 1.3k
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you loved satoru’s compliance. when you tell him that he should never cook again as a joke, he listens with a wide grin and a face that’s burnt on one side, sweeping the hard charcoal pieces of pancake into a pan. when you tell him you have two left feet, he simply laughs and just plops you onto his own, making you look like a fool waddling around.
a lovesick fool.
you’re left smiling into open space until a notification cuts you out of your daze, smile twisting into a questionable expression as your husband sends a picture of him posing in front of some boba tea shop, a promotional banner stating get spanked by one of our staff and get a free cup of boba tea!
[9:17am, the strongest and handsomest and coolest husband 🩵]: bet i’ll do it
[9:18am, delivered]: satoru. now. youll do it even if i dont bet you???!!?!!?!! 
[9:18am, the strongest and handsomest and coolest husband 🩵]: hmm… compelling argument, i’m afraid you’re correct
a few minutes pass and you are confident it’s him asking for a spank with a blinding smile on his face, probably pointing to one of the male staff because i have a wife at home, y’know? she’s so pretty and hot-headed and hot and—
[9:20am, the strongest and handsomest and coolest husband 🩵]: photo attached
boba acquired 😈😈😈😈
[9:21am, the strongest and handsomest and coolest husband 🩵]: oh yeah, one of the staff called me pretty. was a guy btw. had to flash him one of my peace signs and i just know he swooned
the raise of your eyebrows returned, though you stifle a chuckle.
[9:21am, delivered]: he did not swoon i promise you
and another picture comes in, his face all up in the camera with a comical pout on his face and your laughter comes out more freely this time, basically hearing the looks you’re getting from the commuters in the subway, though your eyes are only focused on satoru, on the curvature of his lips and the peek of his baby blues behind the sunglasses you bought for him.
[9:22am, delivered]: joking. you’re so pretty, you know that right
years ago you would’ve told yourself that it’ll only fuel his ego, but that was long before gojo satoru had decided you were everything and more; where he values everything you say, where you’re all he worships. one compliment from you could shut him up forever.
[9:23am, delivered]: you should totally start a kissing booth for like …. $4 a kiss or something
it’ll be easy money ngl and then we can share the gains 
[9:23am, the strongest and handsomest and coolest husband 🩵]: woah… good idea baby. alright then!
and gojo satoru goes offline immediately, leaving you left out in the cold, confused and perplexed when the satoru??? where the hell did you go??? texts fail to be read. it’s not often he does it, usually sending you a plethora of hearts or some stupid ugly sticker before the conversation ends. on the way to the school, you’re continually texting him, too, looking way more distracted than you would like to be in front of the students.
“sensei? any reason why you keep checking your phone?” yuji asks after lunch in the classroom, both arms tucked under his head.
“hm?” you answer but your eyes are still glued to the screen, the taunting ‘last seen at 9:23am’ taunting you endlessly and megumi looks like he has half a mind to just blurt it out, but he thinks it’s worth seeing your reaction later as he takes one more look at his adoptive father’s updates, sending picture after picture of his progress and he keeps the device tucked under to avoid any suspicion.
[14:09pm, my terrible father figure i guess]: do NOT !!!! SEND THIS TO MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE . i wll literally humiliate you in training later if you do
megumi sighs.
[14:10pm delivered]: don’t you already? also stop texting me loser she’ll find out 
the raven-haired boy later is left to comfort you later when you’re holding onto the phone a little too tightly, and by then you’ve already gone through every possible thought. satoru dying, satoru meeting a curse that’s higher than a special grade, satoru on a rampage to kill the higher-ups, satoru—
“you’re going to die worrying about gojo-sensei like that.” and you roll your eyes, hand fishing around in your bag for the keys to your shared home while your eyes never leave megumi. it’s been like this for as long as you can remember: you being the voice of reason, megumi taking your rambles like he always has, gojo usually just laughs.
“yeah? well? how could i not?” you fumble with your keys and pick out the right one, putting it in the keyhole easily from the many times you’ve done it and you swing open the door, “not when he’s the strongest who has to take care of so many things without any rest! what if he got distracted and took down infinity? what if he—”
and sometimes you hated gojo’s compliance (you’re lying to yourself).
upon opening the door, the living room was full of cardboard boxes and cut out shapes, paint over the floor and on his jujutsu uniform, an all-knowing, but still stunning grin that you wanted to slap off of him. the chaos of the cardboard led to one thing: a small counter completed with a tip jar, his free cup of boba tea and a large sign that said kissing booth: $4 for a smooch!
and a smaller sentence is parenthesis, ‘free for my baby.’ the statement almost, almost gets you but you manage to ask him in a monotonous voice, “what are you doing, gojo satoru?”
“hi…?” megumi smiles secretly to himself before closing the door for you, putting the keys in your outstretched hand and it’s sort of the routine the three of you fall into everyday now. alas, with tsumiki staying in her university’s dorms, it was a little lonely for megumi, but the two of you were enough entertainment for him.
“well i was just listening to you!” gojo gestured to the whole place, which will probably be a pain to clean up, “who can blame my silly little brain for wanting to do a project to make my wife happy?”
you cross your arms in retaliation, but in all honestly, you wanted nothing but to greet the sorcerer with an embrace, something you’ve been meaning to do since your worrisome attitude from the morning. reluctantly, you frown while you make your way to the makeshift counter, immediately leaning forward before satoru puts a finger on your lips with a teasing smile.
“ah! four dollars please!”
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“i was really worried, y’know,” the words are muffled from the way you’re buried in his neck that night, inhaling the scent that you missed all day. it’s summer in japan at the moment, but you find yourself craving his skin more than ever, a hand going up to brush through his stark white hair.
“’m sorry, baby,” satoru pulls away from you, as with you, sending you a small smile before pecking your forehead, “i promise to tell you what i’m up to from now on.”
you lean forward to close the gap, and all the kisses you exchanged earlier were definitely not enough. softly, your arms wrap around his shoulders while a leg goes over his body, gojo sounding out a little surprised hum at your eagerness. smiling into the kiss, satoru only plants more kisses to your nose, your lids, to your eyebrows and your chin, and another gentle one to your lips.
“even if it’s arts and crafts or maybe attempting to make you some strawberry tarts.”
you slap his chest lightly, a faux shocked expression filling your features, “i thought we agreed no more strongest sorcerer in the kitchen?”
“of course, sweet girl,” satoru lands one last deep kiss to show you truly the extent of his love. but even then, he knew it wasn’t enough, so he hoped, at least his words were, “i only ever listen to your voice —  none else matters.”
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i love him
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opal-owl-flight · 2 months
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No sign of Rain.
Not easy living with the fact that you hurt someone you just wanted to protect, isnt it.
More context under the cut!
Tldr: 3 realizes that forcing 4 away from the Platoon after Sploon2 the way they did wasnt the best choice. That forcing her to ignore what had happened had most likely contributed to her unable to cope with life beyond war.
(The comic above is from after Sploon3/SO! Situation described below is post Sploon2/OE.)
3 and 4 have been doing missions together awhile. 4s been able to handle herself well, but theres a moment where she trips up and gets hurt a lil more than usual. Like, its to the point where she needs to be taken off the field awhile.
"|Im sorry.|"
"Heh? Three, if it wasnt for you, Id be dead. What are you saying sorry for?"
"|...if it werent for me going away when Octavio stole the Zapfish again...youd never have been dragged into this mess.|"
"Thats not your fault, Three. Cap'n called you away."
3 sighs... "|Still...you couldve been living a life where you never have to worry about your life being put in this much danger.
Or anyone else's life, for that matter.|"
4s the one whos quiet now, as she glances away. 3 does have a point... "...I guess so, yeah. But that wouldve meant that Id never have met you."
Silence sits between them awhile, until 3 grunts softly, to get 4 to look at them again. "|I want you to promise me something.|"
"What is it?"
"|When things settle down again, I want you to leave.|"
"|Live your life away from this. This danger, this war, this...everything.|"
"And leave YOU? Three, you cant do things alone anymore, you KNOW it!"
A clack of their beak. "|Im more capable than you think, Four. Dont think less of me.|"
"Im not- Im not thinking less of you!! Im just stating the facts!"
3s making a low gurgling noise. Its a similar sound an inkfish makes before spitting ink. A sound that says "dont test me."
"Three, Im not leaving. Its already happened... everything -- Octaria, the zapfish, the metro -- its all happened, and I cant just...go back after all of that."
"|Yes, you can. You still can. Youve a life outside this. Why else are you late enough that Marie has given up reprimanding you?|"
4 backs down...3s right. Again.
"...and what about you? Why dont you leave, too? Once...everything is stable."
3s ears droop. "|...theres nothing left for me. Ive thrown my lot with the NSS for as long as I remember. My team barely even recognizes me these days.|"
A silent beat goes by between them again.
"|So promise me. Promise me.| Rain." They rasp her name, making sure she gets the point. "|Promise me you'll live. Promise me you'll go back up there. You said you wanted to go to college -- go. Dont look back. Dont become like me.
I dont want you to become like...this.|"
They gesture to their scar. Their tentacles, forever stained marbled cyan.
4 can see in the gesture the pain they hid in their hearts. The regret. The guilt.
"Live." they rasp, So quietly."Live. Promise me."
"I dont want to leave you alone."
"|Ive been in this war since Ive hatched, and Ive done things on my own before you were dragged into this. You deserve none of this bullshit.|"
"You dont deserve it either!"
3 grips her shoulders. pleading with her. "Promise me. Please promise me. That youll leave."
4 shakes her head. Resolute.
"Im sorry...I cant promise that to you. Youre my friend, Tanara. Im not letting you do this alone."
3... leans against her, defeated. Burying their face into her shoulder. Theyre shaking their head, clutching on her tight.
"...I-Im sorry, I...Ill be more careful next time. Okay? I can...I can promise you that much."
3 remains silent. Thats not what they want. They want her to be safe forever.
"...this really means a lot to you, huh?
Ill...Ill think about it."
She does eventually decide to leave. Things were looking up for awhile, and missions are much lighter. She can dare to dream bigger now. That and...she cant stand seeing 3 looking so guilty whenever she says something abt her life on the surface.
None of it is their fault. Any of this. But they still feel that theyre taking her away from her "real life".
When she said that shes leaving the platoon, 3s look of jubilation both relieved and pained her. Then a thought hit her, right there.
"...Wait...all this time- did you just want to get rid of me? D-did you not want to be friends anymore?"
3 shakes their head. "|Rain, I asked you to live your dreams as a friend.
Your safety would be guaranteed. Youd be able to happily live your dreams without worry.|"
"...Will I ever see you again?"
3 sighs. "|...hopefully not.|"
4 gasps.
"|No- no-! Not because I dont want to see you-|"
"Tanara, youre making it hard for me to believe that youre doing this for me. What kind of life would I have if youre not there? Not a happy one, Im telling you!!!"
3s shaking as they sign. Trying so hard to keep their breaking mask tight.
"|Im a soldier, Rain. And Ill likely be one til the day I die.
I dont want to drag you back into this mess. I dont want you to get hurt, because of me.|"
Why is it that they always have a point? 4 despairs at the fact.
"So this means goodbye..?"
"|Weve got some days left. Lets make them count.|"
A smile. A bittersweet one.
These teenagers goddamn. 3 doesnt understand fully that shit still happened and one cant just leave and pretend nothing had transpired. Or maybe they felt they didnt deserve to have someone as good as 4.
Theyre ruthless in a sense that they know what their goals are. Their goal was to keep the world safe for everyone else to live. And if it means sacrificing their friendship with 4, so be it. If shes safe, their goal is met. Doesnt matter what either of them feel about it. (I suppose 4 getting injured really pushed them to make that choice.)
And 4... yeah, leaving was the smart choice for her personal growth, but agreeing with 3 to sacrifice their friendship wasnt the best choice to agree to. She felt like she cant argue 3 out of that decision they made for the both of them...so she just followed it.
"|Look alive, Rain. Your brand new life awaits you.|"
Thats why theyre so flabbergasted and upset that she came back. It felt like that time they spent alone, that sacrifice they made, was all in vain...
"Im sorry, Three. It sucked being away from you. It really did. I failed to live there...maybe my life is really meant to be lived here. On duty.
With you."
Are they disappointed that she failed her brand new life? No, never. They gave her the chance to run away from it all, but she came crawling back after doing so. If she felt that her life is here, after trying something else, so be it.
Thats what convinced them enough to allow 4 to return to duty. Theyll keep her safe another way. They also cant hide from themself the fact that theyre happy to see her again after so long.
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pathetic-tboy · 4 months
tw for extreme noncon, implied murder (not of the narrator) , sex slavery, kidnapping serial killer erotica
you went into the woods feeling prepared. you had a gun on you. people kept disappearing in the woods and youre sooo brave.
the dead bodies freaked you out. you decided to leave, but there she was. taller than you, with long hair and a knife. you reached for your gun as she strided towards you, you could see her clearly in the moonlight. there was blood all over her. her face, her clothes, everywhere.
you pulled the trigger. click click click. you had forgotten bullets. but she giggled, grabbing your face.
"oh, you're so cute to be out here looking for trouble, are you trans, too?" of course she had clocked you. before you could say anything, you were pushed down on your knees. you wanted to move, to scream, but you felt frozen in place. she fished her cock out from her jeans, rubbing it on your face. "be a good boy for me and take care of this, wont you?"
she talked so sweetly for a murderer. your heart was pounding out of your chest. you stared at her with a stupefied expression.
"aw, come on, sweetie, you dont want me to use this on you, do you?" she pressed the flat of the bloody blade against your face. you were shaking. everything in you told you to run, to fight back, but you took her cock into your mouth anyway, hoping that she'd let you go after.
you bobbed up and down, the woods silent besides her hums and your slurping. you looked up at her with tears in your eyes, wondering how you had gotten into this mess. but you knew, it was all your fault. you could die out here. you slowed down, lost in heart-chilling terror, but you couldnt deny the heat in your core.
"need help?" she grabbed the back of your head with one hand and shoved you down on her girlcock, fucking your face. you sputtered and choked around it, crying even more now, feeling helpless as she violated you. if only you hadnt come. if only you hadnt come. it was different when you were the one controlling the pace. she went hard and fast, you didnt even know if she cared if you could breathe. she might choke you on her dick until you drown in your own saliva, you could barely think as she used your mouth like a pussy. was this the first time she had had sex in a while? and it had to be you?
she pulled out of your mouth, leaving you gasping and panting, and threw you down onto your hands and knees. you tried to crawl away, but she dragged you back by your ankles, and flipped you over.
"you dont want me to get mean, do you?" she growled, staring you in the eyes. you avoided her gaze, shaking your head, but she grabbed your jaw and forced you to look at her.
"n-no ma'am....." you whispered defeatedly.
she didnt bother taking off your shirt, instead cutting it up and off you. she traced your scars, seemingly interested in them. "ill have to cut you up a little..... you make such pretty scars... ill need a fresh knife." she whispered morbidly. you could only choke out a sob as she unbuttoned your jeans, yanking them down and off.
"look at that pretty little cunt...." she dipped her fingers in, and you cringed at how wet you were. "youre so wet.... you must be loving the attention, dont you? youll love being my little boytoy, wont you?" you didnt answer. you were paralyzed with fear, tears streaming down your cheeks. but she touched you well, and you were moaning aloud at her expert playing of your pussy and tdick, thrusting your hips into her hands. the fear and her touching you were rocking your senses, you were terrified but you wanted more, but you didnt want more at the same time.
until she stopped, spreading your legs across her clothed thighs, brushing her girldick along the edge of your hole. you gave a couple of half hearted wriggles to get away, but you knew you were powerless. she held the knife against your throat then.
"you cut that out, slut, i know you want this. listen to your fucking moans." she rubbed her cock against your tdick. and you involuntarily moaned, thrusting your hips and proving her point. "yeah, i fucking thought so. now. take. it." she thrusted into you, drawing out a gasp, then all the way, pounding into you. she gave you no time to acclimate, raping your pussy as hard and fast as she could. you cried and screamed but kept still as she violated you, the knife scaring you into compliance.
but even still, your pussy made embarrassingly wet sounds around her thrusting, and you were moaning and whining. you felt your orgasm fast approaching, and tried to will it away. you cant cum from this. you CANT cum from this! shes KILLED people! but you let out a defeated wail as you clenched down around her thrusting cock, cumming on her despite your useless internal struggle.
"yeaaah, good fucking slut." she slapped your ass with the hand she was using to hold your hip, but she didnt stop. she didnt give you any time to breathe, or come down from your powerful orgasm, she continued to take you until you were cumming again.
"fuck- please!- uhhm- no more!" you cried out, but she either didnt hear you or didnt care. she bent down, bending your legs behind your head, and kissed you hard. she tasted like blood. she smelled like blood. all you could think about was how good it felt and how you probably shouldve been dead by now, and how you dont know if this is better.
"im gonna cum in you, you better be ready." she hissed against your mouth, bitng down on your lower lip hard. she fucked you hard and deep, making you sob despite your moans and guilty pleasures. you didnt have a uterus, but you didnt want her to cum in you. the first time was supposed to be special! but she made you cum one more time with her, spilling into you as you wailed. it felt so good.
"fuck..... good fucktoy." she sighed, twitching inside you as she dumped her load inside your aching pussy. "can you still get pregnant?" she asked, zipping up her jeans.
you didnt say anything for a second too long, she slapped you in the face. "n-no ma'am...." you whispered, holding your arms across your chest.
"so i can keep you? great."
"fuck- no- please let me go!" you cried, but she picked you up anyway, throwing you over her shoulder and carrying you deeper into the woods. you beat against her back weakly, but she didnt seem to notice. you screamed until you couldnt scream anymore, but at some point on her walk back to her isolated cabin in the woods, you quietly accepted your fate as a serial killers sex slave.
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ramiecutesy22 · 5 months
I illustrated 100 ASoIaF Characters
" A Song of Ice and Fire" is a series that has become rather (in)famous for its depictions of violence, and abundance of s3x scenes .and while criticism can definitely be made for these, it's important that we dont end up overlooking the important life lessons, nor end up with wrong takeaways from the story.
you see, at its very heart , i believe ASOIAF is a story of the human experience, as well as a commentary about the twisted ways of this world ( set within a fantasy backdrop). being caught in the middle of loyalties, ambition, Reputation, vengeance, culture, faith, and familial acceptance . its themes like this along with complex and relatable characters that youll pity and root for in one scene, only for you to be appalled by and flinch at in the next scene, is what i find so appealing in this series.
Spectacle, Political Intrigue and Character Drama (all present in the story too btw) aside , its a story that really makes you think ,reflect , and learn upon. and i love it for that!
so today , i just wanna show my appreciation to arguably the best aspect of this series: The Characters . for over a year now, i have made fanart for 100 characters from the series. some are major pov characters. some iterally appear for only 1 chapter. but all help bring so much depth and color to this story!
special thanks to:
@nobodysuspectsthebutterfly . your blog has been such a HUGE in help giving me inspiration and references for design and clothing . i also appreciate you reblogging art from fellow asoiaf artist to help give them a boost
@amuelia , i really love your design for Areo, and it was actually the basis for art for him! its only fitting that i give you credit
@whoknowsnugget . i was having a haaaard time coming up a pose for Asha when i first designed her, it wasnt until i saw your own fanart for her ( the one with her arms crossed while holding axes) that i finally found a fitting pose for her. because it was such a huge help, i figured i should give you credit as well!
@buildoblivionthenwewilltalk for being with the journey since last year!
and @squidprinceofwinterfell too, who is my other fellow asoiaf pal from tumblr!
i really hope yall like this one! i know this may really come off as unexpected, but ive actually liked asoiaf since 2018! ( with a massive revival of interest starting late 2022). as for THAT show, i have yet to watch an actual full episode yet hehe.
as for my account, let this be considered my proper comeback after months of inactivity. this project of mine played a large chunk for my absence, because i frequently get artblock coming up with a new post for every new character i make.
#asongoficeandfire #asoiafart
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okay so normally when i make informative posts about current news, i try to always link a source for it (i tend to rely on the guardian) or at least explain the source of it.
but i dont know if the government are planning to publicise this or quietly implement it so im hesitant to give details on where i got this info. im just gonna say it was from someone/s who works in the department of work and pensions, and hope that my prior post history speaks well enough of me for you to trust that this isnt misinformation.
i dont like doing this but i think this information is too important for me not to share it and said info is fucking disgusting.
starting in march, in the uk, if you ask at the job centre for a voucher for a local foodbank, you are going to be turned away.
under the current system, if you go to a job centre that has a food bank referral service, the staff will fill in a slip (theyre advised not to call it a voucher but tomayto tomarto you know?) and refer you to a local charity which will allocate you food according to the slip.
that ends on march 1st. after that, they will just hopefully signpost you to other services that can help you get an emergency food parcel. that will likely involve you having to travel somewhere, potentially on a public transport, costing you more money that you dont have. and that does not guarantee that you will get the food you need either that day or at all.
our government does not care about its citizens, but especially not about us who are poor. they see the working class, the impoverished and the homeless as subhumans. they see us as what new right sociologist and white nationalist libertarian charles murray coined the underclass.
and you know this because of how the current system will be working from now until the end of february because if youre gonna stab someone while theyre bleeding to death, you might as well double tap it, ay?
from now until february 29th, you now must have an interview so that they can be "sure" that you need that food.
bear in mind that this does not cost the government anything. they are not losing money because of this service, if you want to call it that.
and that interview? that could take up to 3 days; its whenever they have a timeslot within 3 days of your asking. you could go in and say "i have no money and i have no food, i havent eaten for days, please help," and they could tell you to come back in three days, and then not even give you that slip of paper anyway.
this could kill someone. yes, it takes longer than three days to starve to death, but if someone is struggling that much to need help acquiring food, theyre gonna have more problems going on. people might choose food over heating and freeze to death; they might decide to eat food thats gone off and end up dying from it because they couldnt call 999 because they didnt have electricity; they might decide to try and injure themselves so bad that they have an extended stay in hospital as a way to get food and die in the process; they might not have eaten in weeks and starve to death.
but hey, if you do pass the interview process, youll get the referral you needed up to three days ago and a discussion about how better to manage your finances, because hey, youve already stabbed the stabbed person two more times, why not twist the fucking knife?
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rukia-writes · 12 days
Rukiaaaa i hope i’m not brothering you too much- but i’m trying to keep the ror fandom afloat😭
So drop your personal headcanons. Dont matter what or how. Just anything!
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A/n: I finally had some time 🕰️ ♥️✨
Headcanon: what it would be like being around these two.
🦁 🐏 unless you are massively tall yourself, you are the short one but that’s okay. These two are the most fun and kindly accepting gods around ✨
🦁 🐏 I hope you’re the one that thinks a lot because the two together are the equivalent of:
Ares: if you do it, I’ll do it.
Hercules: I’ll do it, if you do it.
And it’s like something they shouldn’t be doing like maybe, bench pressing a mountain 🏔️ or maybe taking one of Hera’s apples!🍎 but hey Ares was hungry and needed that apple. So you have to be the one to tell them, “let’s not do that.” You have to be the balancer. ✨
🦁 🐏 also! Don’t, I repeat! Don’t tell Hercules who your secret crush is! Ares either! You have to tell these two not to tell anyone or else they’ll casually walk up to you or say from a distance how you and your crush make a cute couple ✨ lol it’s not that they can’t keep a secret, you just have to tell them not to say anything.
-Bonus: if you like Ares or Hercules and you tell the other person they’ll be your wing man to get you closer to the said person. Like, Hercules will somehow manage to get Ares to take you somewhere (because Ares needs a little push) or he’ll always push you two together for assignment. Ares will do the same, he probably likes to do the famous: “I’ll say all three of us are going to theatre, but I don’t show up so the two can have a date.” Ares also always makes plans at night 🌙 because he believes dates in the morning don’t count, it has to be night for it officially be a date.
-bonus: if you like both, youll have to tell both otherwise you could be in the friend zone for awhile. Hercules would pick up on the signs first that you like him first, Ares probably picks up that you’re flirting but he’ll probably won’t think anything of it and will chop it up as you two are good friends. (Unless you’re really, really coming on strong…then he gets it) ✨
🦁 🐏
You: I’m cold-
Ares: I told you it was cold out today, you should have bundled up. (As he wraps his huge ass cape around you while going on and on about telling you to wrap because he was right)
You: I’m cold.
Hercules: I’m glad I was prepared! (Like I head canon there is a pocket inside his fur kilt-lol-so he takes his scarf-the one he had as a kid because I also headcanon he has that too- and wraps it around you.✨ he gets it snug too✨
🦁 🐏 if anyone picks on you, that’s essentially means they are picking on Heracles and Ares too. These two gods don’t stand for that. Like, imagine someone picking on you or you had altercation with someone and the next day they look over their shoulder to see two huge ass gods wanting to know if there is a problem. Like, that’s scary as they both 6’10 😭 and weigh probably 280+
🦁 🐏 if you hang out with one more than the other, the other is going to get a little jealous and will stick to you until time is even again and believe me they know.
-If you need alone time, they totally understand and will give you space. But they’ll miss you the entire time and are always happy to see you again. ✨
🦁 🐏 having one of those days where you don’t feel like yourself, both are supportive in their own way. Hercules will give compliments to boost you back up and Ares will give compliments while getting you your favorite item; food, jewelry, hair products, clothes, etc.,
🦁 🐏 you essientally have to sweet and powerful protectors for life and they would be very cool and sweet friends.
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Sad bonus:
🦁 🐏 before round 4 Hercules gives you his scarf because you’re cold and tells you to always wrap up and that he’ll be back to wrap it around you again after his round. After the round, both you and Ares keep it close at all times. 🥹
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mrsvalbaker · 5 months
Sorry if it’s been asked already but, what would horror bimbo wear to a concert date with Eddie?
It hasn't been asked yet and even if it has been, I love this reply. I’ll make a moodboard, but horror!bimbo would look very Danzig girl, like a vampire nymphette. Black, white, or deep red velvet little dresses and tiny articles of clothing, lace ups, poetry blouses worn as dresses that hardly pass her ass, she will wear garters up her thigh, bdsm chokers and collars, dead girl eye makeup that makes her look dreamy and sleepy. She always goes for otherworldly slut,
She always spent the whole day of a concert preparing,
If it was a school day she would play hookey,
Eddie would hate it because he wouldnt get to see his sweet little moth, and would complain dramatically to her about it.
Hands splayed on her provocative hips before squeezing them possessively as he would bury his face in her sweet smelling neck that smelled of her lilac perfume and vanilla body powder, his mouth actually physically water. “You gonna leave me again until nighttime?” he complained.
She giggled and stroked his fluffy chocolate curls.
“Id invite you to stay, but I dont wanna bore you bear.” She always could call him that because to her he looked like a human teddy bear, a very sexy teddy bear.
He lifted his head from her neck, his doe eyes widened and pupils darkened. “Yeah? Youd let me watch you get dressed? Maybe help you wash that back…” he started kissing down the back of her neck causing her to shiver and preen against him. He was half hard thinking about it.
He spent the day getting ready with her. She ran a nice bubble bath with Vaseline vitamin e bath beads that turned the water teal, Crabtree & Evelyn rosewater bubble bath, and apricot kernel bath oil. She had to have Eddie join in her pre-concert ritual naturally, and no one was home but her. She lit lavender candles and played the Icon album Night of the Crime theyll be hearing tonight in Indianapolis.
She had Eddie joined her in the bath, she put an avocado masque on his face and hers and the Rave hair masque with a V05 hot oil treatment, She wanted him to feel pampered too, and they started kissing, he held her in his lap, she warmed his cock in the bath She felt so full like she ate a big meal, he is that big. She couldnt stop herself, felt too good, she started moving.
“Ooh fuck baby, if you dont stop that–”
“Youll what…daddy?” She put on her baby voice, the one that got small and sounded squishy and cute,
He stroked her back and she started to drool in anticipation. He took her face in his hand, turning her to face him and lick up her drool, his other hand squeezed her ample ass, “Fuck you have a perfect body for a whore.” He thrusted his hips up and she squeaked, feeling dizzy with pleasure. “Oh my fucking God!”
“Too bad youre just mine.” He laid a sloppy kiss on her shoulder and grabbed her waist before raising his hips and slamming up inside of her tight pussy, that gushed all over his cock. “Baby girl, making such a mess for daddy, what a messy baby.” He cooed.
After a steamy bath session, they got dressed. She used hot rollers for a sultry look, and slid on her french cut, black, lace panties, her puffy pussy sort of swallowed it a bit, and naturally Eddie had to have a quick taste.
She had a satin white garter with a pink rosette slid up her left thigh by his truly, her right leg adorn with a thigh high fishnet stocking, a revealing neo Victorian, lacey little slip with gaps terribly tied together by dainty bows, exposing her generous cleavage, the thin straps of her negligee falling down her shoulders, She slips into combat boots that contrast her attire, and one of Eddie’s leather jackets that was too big for her frame. She had black under eye to make her look like a haunted doll, and her lips were painted the same color as her nipples.
Her signature lilac perfume kissed her wrists, neck, and cleavage. Eddie realized the importance of getting ready for a concert.
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