#so i dont know if enji would have any need for that anyway
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pocketramblr · 1 year ago
Au where quirks exist ever since the beginning of humanity but thought the last 200 years they started becoming rarer for no explainable reason
"for no explainable reason"? Not "because someone born two hundred years ago started eating them all"? Well, both can be true I suppose
1- humans have always had quirks so just go ahead and disabuse yourself of the idea that world history looks anything like ours now. Any boundaries humans have drawn between themselves or their spaces are totally different. Anyway, our story is set on the island nation of Akitsuba, which has begun to receive reports of children who are born without quirks- it seems impossible, but apparently the child born in Canton Province to two glowing parents but had no light himself was not the result of an affair. He is genetically both his parents child - just, without any unique plus alpha factor at all.
2- when the news breaks, Setsuji looks over at his twin brother. The two stay in a group home, and on the record, they have a spike quirk, just like their mother did before she died at their birth. In truth, Setsuji can take others quirks. He assumes he took his brother's in infancy, which why the boy can't use them, but now he wonders if his brother was in fact simply born without. He doesn't say anything, but his brother does- whispering it at night, apologizing for assuming his brother took it all this years ago and refused to even try to return it, but there's simply nothing to return, is there?
3- more people are born quirkless over time, and more people lose their quirk to AfO over time. Ujiko theorizes that quirks would get too strong, so both quirklessness and AfO are evolutions to prevent plus alpha self destruction. That is, sadly, a generous view- quirklessness is largely viewed as a horrible strange disability, and suddenly quirks become more important. Few people before had jobs that specifically used their quirks, but now no one wants to be mistaken for not having one. Many people campaign to treat and 'fix' quirklessness, trying to force activate one, study and prevent it, etc. Just go ahead and assume all the terrible things that can happen with this mindset, it all happened.
4- by the time of canon, however, quirklessness has been around for two hundred years, and it isn't going away- clearly the opposite. about half the population of the world has no quirk, and the number's hanging around 45% in Akitsuba when our main character, Akatani Mikumo is born. He's quirkless, and lives in the capitol of Higakyou, as schools there are required by law now to no longer require certain or any quirks. It's an election year, so his first semester of high school all anyone can do is talk about the candidates- especially Yagi Toshinori, a bit of a symbol for quirkless politicians and one people thought would run years ago. Mikumo, who helped Yagi carry groceries home one day and didn't recognize him outside of the bright suit, camera lights, and makeup, makes friends with a few kids at school. (Ochako, and the twins Tokoyami Fumikage and Kuroei- while the latter has a quirk, the former does not).
5- Then one day, Yagi is kidnapped, vanishing on live tv through a smokey warp. Mikumo doesn't know what to think about that, until he runs into the man on his way home from school- clearly in bad shape, with strange dark eyes that glow with some quirk he shouldn't have. Mikumo helps Yagi hide, and asks what happens, and how he can help. (AfO decided to end Yagi's use as a symbol by forcing a quirk on him and controlling him, but one of his brother's successors managed to break Yagi out first and give him his brother's quirk, allowing him to fight against AfO's quirk and withstand them safely. As for what Mikumo can do to help... he's done far more than he should already, a kind boy, but that answer isn't going to be good enough for him- he's determined to do more anyway.)
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alroma1 · 3 years ago
Lightning does not strike twice Part 2
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When some people critique All Might one of the point they made is how other people ( Gran Torino, Endeavor ) were better at teaching Deku handle Ofa, Which is true by the way. But I wonder if those who use this fact remember the reason for this. Its because All Might had no problem in handling Ofa since he got it. Its like trying to teach a person how ride a bicycle if you yourself only rode auto. 
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So we stopped on how I think Yagi being quirkless explain his muscular form. Its just my theory though. Maybe next chapter Kohei will give another proper explanation. But as for now I believe its worth sharing. 
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Quite a poetic way to describe it but if I got it right practically Ofa is a physical power boost. It enhances power, speed and other physical characteristics. 
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So yeah One for All came from blending of two quirks. Lets stop on stockpile quirk for a moment.
We dont know who was original user of this quirk and as things stands now thats not that needed probably. Though maybe Kohei wil surprise us latter. 
Anyway for original stockpile user that quirk was the only quirk they had. It enhances his or her body. Practically quirkless body since it was the only quirk original user had. 
What I am trying to say here is that this quirk was never meant for somebody with already existing quirk. It simply doesnt work right in this situation. 
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Both Banjo and En pointed out how their quirks became stronger with influence of Ofa. They both talks how its only stronger now with Deku but I suspect its not quite true, I suspect Ofa enhanced their quirks in their time too but in small amount. So small they didnt really noticed it while they were alive. 
So once again - stockpile quirk was meant to enhance physics of practically quirkless body ( since it was a quirk itself ). It was never suppose to boost another quirk. But for person with a quirk it is integral part of their physics. So Ofa starts to boost quirks as well. In small portions I think since its main point is in enhancing body. 
So when quirk person uses Ofa he or she cant draw its real power since it would be always shared between body and a quirk.
All MIght had no quirk to boost.  
He is the first Ofa user who handles it the way original stockpile user was. How its supposed to be. It fully went to his body and thats how muscular form came to be. 
Deku is a bearer for one year and roughly three months so maybe its not enough time for Deku develop it. But I doubt thats can explain this vast difference from All Might. 
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This moment from Endeavor Agency really gives red signal now if you ask me.
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Enji has a very strong quirk that starts to hurt him if he goes overboard. Sounds familiar isnt it? Yes, its similar to Deku and how he handles Ofa. Thats probably was the main reason why internship with Endeavor was so successful. 
So in the moment I was spoken earlier he placed himself and origin trio in one category and All Might in another. Of course he didnt know about Ofa at the time. But I think this moment was kinda 4th wall break. Endeavor placed Izuku in group of people with their own quirks opposing the quirkless born person. I think thats in very subtle way this was a hint to Deku having his own quirk. 
However Deku is special in a row of Ofa users too. Just not in All Might way. He is the first holder thats not only manifested previous users quirks. He actually has those dead people personally teach him how to use them.
Why this is even happening? 
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The basic explanation is that Ofa started growing. The reason for that was never stated. Thats unanswered question in manga as  for now ( 327 )
I would say its kinda implied that Ofa accumulated enough power for that change. The question then would be why its happening with Deku who only wielded that power for nine months when it first manifested and not All Might who had it for forty years.
Theres theory that All Might somehow unconsciously used those quirks which I dont think has any real base in it. 
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Its not clear if theres a special reason for quirk manifest in the order they are manifesting.( Thought Toshinori somehow knew that second would be Nana quirk ) But I suspect Kohei purposely made black whip first. All Might never had anything like this. Its like saying “No, this is something different”
So the question is why its happening with Deku. I have four versions. But only in one of those Deku is quirkless. In other three one way or another its because he has his own quirk factor. 
First version  - Quirk singularity.
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One for All hit quirk singularity and even though Deku is quirkless the power is too big to control. It would most likely means it hit it during All Might turn but his body was adapted to it. But when it was passed to new person it hit him with full power. Good theory. But I doubt. 
It kinda feels that Ofa hit singularity long time ago. Maybe even before All Might.Or more like quirk singularity of this quirk exists only for quirk persons. Or more like quirkless people use it right.
I suspect that even if Ofa accumulate power of ten thousand nuclear reactors as long as it is quirkless person it will be fine. This power will just buff their body as much as it could take and then stop. It will inflate balloon but not blow it up.
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Practically this wouldnt probably happen to quirkless person. I mean when All Might was hurt in battle with Ofa his body just started loosing muscular form. Super unsure about this one though. 
Second version - No quirk factor 
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Lets put quirk singularity aside for now and return to thought that at the time Ofa simply didnt have enough power to manifest those quirks. But nine months after Deku became holder it suddenly has. I say suddenly because its hard to swallow because Toshinori holded this power for forty years and nothing of that sorts happened. So maybe its already had enough power in All Might turn but he has no quik factor so it simply couldnt manifest those quirks. One cant SPEAK in six different languages if he or she is mute. As soon as it really settles in body with a quirk factor Ofa started evolve and manifested another quirks.  
Third version  - Last accord.
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Even though All Might was holder for forty years the power saved during that time was still not enough for vestiges and other quirks manifest. Deku added his own quirk factor to the core and that what caused changes. 
The last, fourth version is a bit more complicated. We need first to look closer at idea that Deku has his own quirk. 
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The first objection that comes with theory about Deku having his own quirk is this pinky thing. Quirk persons has one joint Deku has two hence he is quirkless. 
The first question I have - what about heteromorphs? Does this mean Spinner has human pinky? Okay lets say this is special case. 
Putting aside who told Deku this I think its interesting that this rule comes from EARLY research. A lot of time passed since then. Even if this is generally true theres always such thing as exception. Like certain percentage reject this rule or people with certain type of quirk are exceptions. 
 Another problem with Deku having his own quirk is how in fifteen years of his like Izuku didnt manifested anything that can be called quirk. But there was already precedent for this right?
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Yoichi had the quirk that didnt have anything that can be called manifestation. Practically it can be a quirk that wouldnt show signs of existing until very specific circumstances, 
But I doubt Deku has that kind of quirk ( if he has one after all )
I would say it sounds more like even though Deku has his own quirk it cant manifest for some reason. 
Maybe Deku case is special and he should have manifested in different time of life than others. Like in X-men majority of mutant abilities manifest during puberty.  
However I personally suspect something happened with Deku and that put something akin to block on his quirk. 
Personally I see two possible explanation to this. 
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Theres long lived theory that dr Tsubasa is Garaki and he stole Deku quirk.
While the two are clearly connected ( in 257 it was practically stated that Tsubasa clinic is in cooperation with Jaku hospital that Garaki founded) dr Tsubasa being a man himself sounds kinda strange to me. 
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Garaki is a careful one which makes sense. He is in legal field. Would he risque his years build public persona just so he could be a doctor somewhere in suburbs? Or more precisely would he risque it looking exactly like his public persona? I have my doubts so I will wait for Kohei explain this situation. 
So returning to theory about Deku quirk being stolen. Ironic but if this was a truth we wouldnt have so much problems. Probably. It would made him quirkless and thus the same as All MIght. Probably.
The thing is if I got it right Garaki doesnt steal quirks. He replicates them,
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It makes sense  - if he stole all those quirks it would raise numbers of quirkless people and inevitably caught the eye of police and heroes.
The only existence in this manga ( if I remember right ) that can steal ( not erase ) others quirks is a quirk called All for One which belongs to Afo. 
Afo can steal and give quirks but cant replicate them. Garaki can replicate them but cant steal them and only can give through long painful operation. It was a match made in hell.
If this is right the chances of Deku quirk ( assuming he had one ) being stolen is quite low.  Unless Tsubasa decided experimented on him. Which I would say kinda far fetched. Thats to say there is clear connection between him and Garaki so it wouldnt surprise me if one of remaining Nomu will start make explosion with its hands.
I suspect the real problem may lies in Inko
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I have already made a post  about how I believe Kohei hints that Inko isnt as wholesome as some believe and she might did something with Deku quirk. It would explain her clearly feeling guilty about something. Her guilt was stated in her profile but a reason for this was never told. 
The question how could she actually do something to his quirk is complicated but if this is really what Kohei hints I am pretty sure he has explanation for this. 
I think this version has more chance of happening because it would explain why its kinda feels like something eats her from inside. I mean lets be honest. She can support Izuku when times are relatively fine. But when it get tough he is the one that ends up supporting her. It was clearly shown in aftermath of him meeting Shigaraki at the mall.
So yeah if Deku has his own quirk after all I would say somehow it cant manifest. And here comes last version why Deku manifested quirks of predecessors.
Fourth version - Obstacle.
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 In its history power called One for All only had two kind of holders - those with quirks and strictly speaking those without it. However in Deku it found something new. It encountered body with quirk factor but strictly speaking no quirk. Body that cant manifest quirk because it has some kind of obstacle, What does flowing river do when it encounters impediment on its way? It bulges until it manages break through. And this is a real reason why Ofa started to grow. It tries to make Deku manifest his own quirk. To fix him.
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In Ofa realm All Might vestige looks different then other users. One of the explanations its because he is still alive. Might be. But in 304 chapter its quite strongly implied its because Yagi has no quirk factor. 
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He literally looks like Ofa flames. Deku doesnt look like that. 
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For justice neither do Deku looks completely like other vestiges. Though I would say he looks more like them than All Might. 
Yagi vestige cant speak in that world and neither could Deku at first. But latter he managed to form sounds so I would say eventually he will manifest mouth, Actually he takes more and more concrete form in this dImension. Its implied to be because he gets better at handling Ofa but I wonder... maybe its because we are getting closer and closer to his own quirk manifestation?
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There has been a lot of stars\lights in the story recently. But I suspect it has two different meanings. On these two panel its to symbolise Ofa users. On the first one theres eight stars and ninth is Deku in flesh. On the second just nine stars.Its pretty simple. 
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And here we have something more complicated. I think. It was said that core of Ofa contains previous users quirk factors. I think here stars symbolise those. Yoichi says that core should contain quirks from 2d to 7th users. He doesnt count himself and All Might. So strictly speaking there should be six stars at the core but as you can see on the first picture theres seven. 
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And here we have a moment from 287 chapter where you can observe six stars. I have two explanation for this. 1) They symbolise Ofa users minus Deku, minus 2d and 3d who at the time didnt acknowledge him. 2) Its lowkey confirms Deku has his own quirk since he is the seventh star at the core. Personally I suspect its second option.
So heres my thoughts on why I suspect Deku has his own quirk. I dont insist on it. Just think its worth sharing.
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If Deku really has his own quirk I suspect it to be water type quirk. Aside from small moments during manga that might foreshadows it Kohei hints quirks of the characters in their names. Midoriya Izuku. Mi and izu roughly can be read as mizu which is japanese for water. 
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theravencawsatmidnight · 4 years ago
blue bird anon: Can I request fantasy au with human Prince Todoroki and mermaid!reader? Thanks!
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Secrets in the Water.
“Shoto!!!!” Yelled the King
“Father..” Natsu rubbed his head in irritation.
“Hes right here!!!” Fuyumi said, tugging the young prince into the room.
“Finally. I have something i need to tell you all.” The King told them. “The summer is approaching and as you all know the village will open its shops and what not. We have other kingdoms visiting us for our goods and talks of marriage to bind families.”
Shoto rolled his eyes, he was 16 and already his life was in his fathers hands. Natsu was 17 and already to be wed along with Fuyumi who was 18. ‘Its best for the kingdom’ he said. When in reality it was just a way to expand and bring more money in for the family. He was more interested in getting to know the villagers, helping them with whatever they needed, talking about taxes and whats affordable and whats not . He just wanted to help, he had no plans to marry.
Enji, the King was not having it though. He took care of all those things .. well he said he did.the Kingdom was flourishing but .. the village down below was just getting by. It was not his first priority so he did not care too much.
“Any news?” Enji asked Natsu.
“Well uhmnn. The nearby river , the one that connects to the sea? Our fishing net got lose and we lost the catch.”
“Oh thats right! Our people were talking about that. Something about a man cutting our traps lose” Fuyumi added.
The King was not pleased. “Shoto, i need you to go down there to find the problem and get rid of it”
“..okay..” hopefully a ‘please stop’ would be enough.
Shoto had to go down the trail from his Kingdom into the woods and past the village to get to where the river connects to the sea. And sure enough the net was tossed to the side all cut up making it un useable. The young prince sat down by the net looking out to the water wondering who did this.
Meanwhile, you were peaking over a rock swishing your tail around watching from the sea. A man had reached down to pat your head and you gave him a worried look. “Do you think he knows?” You asked the man.
“Nope. I dont think he would do anything about it anyway.” The man sighed blowing smoke into the air from his cigar. “Wheres my boat fishy?”
“Are you going to confront him?!?” You pushed off the rock swimming to the front to look at the man.
“Maybe.” He was a tall slender man, he had black hair and scales all over his body from legs to chest. He was a special kind of mer man . He could walk the land and swim the sea. “Do you wanna ask him? He is taking your friends Fishy”
You pulled your tail to your front to hold it while you floated. “Kind of.. but you never told me why you wanted to do this with me. Have the Todorokis done somthing to you?”
The man glanced down extending his arm to tap the cigar into the sea.
“H-hey!!!” You dropped your tail and cupped the ashes placing them on the rock. “Dont do that to our home!!! “
Shoto heard a odd noise and got up looking for the source. Was someone yelling?
“Fishy you dont need to know why im doing this. All that matters is this gets that damn Kings attention.” He reached down to grab your head pulling you on the rock.
“Let go!!!” You whined slapping your tail around.
“Do as i say, or ill cut that tail off. Remember who took you in” he dropped you and you swam off elsewhere to calm down.
Shoto saw the splash and chased after whatever it was along the ground. “Hey! Are you okay?!?” He yelled out to the creature.
You swam to a little shady spot with a drooping tree above a rock . You pulled yourself up on it laying your chest on it with a whimper.
“You okay?”
Your tail slapped the water splashing him. “Whos there?!?”
“Ahh uhm..!” Shoto wiped his face and stepping into the water. “Are you alright? I heard a scream”
“I..” he was so handsome.. you gazed up at this prince .
“You look like your alright. “ he brushed your face free of water and kelp. “Pretty…, my name is Shoto..”
You got red in the face. “I.. y/n, im y/n.. uhm.. why are you taking my friends?”
“Friends?” He was confused.
“The fish..”
“Well.. my people eat them , we dont have much food”
“But you look like royalty!!!”
Shoto sat down on the ground with his legs still in the water. Thats true.. he is royalty, he could provide food another way.. but his father . “Ill see what i can do, im sorry i did not know.” 
You were taken aback by this. “You.. you will?” The fish man said all the royals were mean.. but this one… “thank you…” you swam over to him watching the water.
“Sure, you seen very upset about it.” He laid back on the grass to watch the clouds leaving you confused on what to do.
Meanwhile, the fish man was on land and watching all of this unfold from behind a tree, his hands in fists.
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autumn-foxfire · 4 years ago
Ok so im so fucken tired from ppl going oh dabi was just neglected not abused thats not enough of a reason to turn out like he did ESPECIALLY cuz im studying developmental psychopathology rn
Do you know whats a risk factor of a child developing a psychopathology
Thats right neglect
You know whats a factor that can keep the development of psychopathology going once its started
Its neglect again
Funny how that is
I dont think ppl understand what a horribpe thing neglect is even when not paired up with any other kind of abuse. Especially to children who are still forming their identity and who at Touyas age, their whole world is their parents and their family. The amount of damege neglect can do is horrible. Imagine if your whole world threw you away, told you you werent useful or worthy getting attention. Its already bad but Touya went from being Enjis favorite to being another discarded child. The betreyal of trust, the shifting of attachment style, fuck disorganized attachment style is one of the most likely to lead to serious psychopatological problems and the shifting between love and lack of care might have very well brought on that. No wonder Touya would grow up into someone craving Endeavors attention so much.
TW child death here
Like im just thinking of Spitz's A peril in infancy that is all about babies literally wilting away because theyve been seperated from their mothers and while they did recive physical and medical care those couldnt replace mothers love and attention.
For less extreme example of this look up still face experiment which is all about how babies react when their mothers refuse to emotionally conect with them. Like this is only for a few minutes n the baby very quickly becomes fussy and upset and scared imagine a whole life of one of ur parents just refusing to connect with you
Just because neglect doesnt leave physical injuries doesnt mean its less serious then any other kind of abuse n i hope this fandom fuckin learns that
I don’t even need to look it up, when I study psychology, attachment and it’s importance was one of the topics we covered so I already have a brief understanding of how serious neglect can effect a child.
I’m actually really tired of this fandom undermining the effects of neglect just because it isn’t as “showy” as physical abuse. Abuse is abuse, whether is be physical, emotional or neglect and all can have extremely serious effects on children growing up.
I’m actually really interested that Hori chose neglect for Dabi! Not only does it make the most sense considering we know what happened to Endeavor’s other children but being the oldest and being the former favourite of Endeavor’s only to be cast aside shows us why Dabi had such an adverse reaction to this treatment! You can also see how it fits the theme of the villains being ignored and it’s because of that behaviour that they became the way they were today.
Anyway, the next person who says something more should have happened to Dabi or that neglect isn’t enough is getting all the studies neglect has on children thrown in their direction.
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divine-draws · 5 years ago
okay i had a whole google doc that i wrote a buncha shit but imma try to CONDENSE it and make my ideas more clear bc there was some wishy washy in there. BUT dabihawks ice skating au bc im gay for that shit. all of it under the cut bc this shit is gunna get LONG. buckle in fuckers. ALSO FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ABOUT this i will be happy to answer shit :3c
SO fair warning before we begin. i know shit about ice sports. im like 1) not THAT educated nor have i legit participated though ive always wanted to and 2) this is just self indulgent so like if i dont get shit right or whatever dont come at me bro. im here to have FUN and live a bit vicariously. also as for location of all this shit i dont know and dont care and am american so my perspective on things are skewed. anyway cw: abuse mention
so dabi (touya) is a previous figure skater
he’s a figure skating prodigy 
enji was a pro hockey player (id say figure skating but this man was BUILT like a brick shithouse idk man) has a lot of championships under his belt but doesnt even begin to touch the legacy of his one sided rival yagi toshinori
him and rei meet and marry at a young age. she like.. actually liked him then?? shit was kinda okay but things kinda.... got bad quick. the abuse etc was ... yeah. she ends up having dabi and fuyumi (they’re twins babeyy) at a young age too and kinda doesnt feel like she can get out of her horrible marriage 
we wont dwell too much on the bad part of all of this though. anyway rei was a figure skater
p well known and known for her fucking GRACE god she moved so well on the ice.
she was so beautiful and spoke through her movements and enji loved that... and so as a hockey player and with a (now previous) figure skater wife he was like aight my kids WILL take up an ice sport and be the FUCKING BEST
dabi isnt made for hockey. enji tries to get him into it but it’s... nah... fuyumi isnt the best with figure skating. she’s good!! and her and dabi do some pair skating when they’re younger but it’s.. hm. dabi is the one with the clear talent here. (fuyumi is a beast on the ice when it comes to hockey though. will dominate. but she kinda... didnt really continue with it)
enji isnt PLEASED that his son isnt gunna be a hockey player but he still values figure skating and will fucking make sure he’s the BEST at it. and so the brutal training starts. he gets some good coaches and also takes up the coaching mantle 
the thing is.. rei was amazing as a skater but her body just... wasnt really made for all of that??? and dabi unfortunately kinda inherited that. his body hates the impacts and such. he’s amazing at figure skating. he has a grace similar to his mothers but there’s something more fierce to him. 
and honestly !!! he gets far!!
also natsuo comes around. he’s a bit too clumsy for either sport and resents the fact that him and fuyumi are neglected by their father. he also loves touya and gets so pissed seeing his brother so hurt
and shouto is born and this kid was made to be on the ice. he’s skating from the moment he can fucking stand on his own.
obvs enji’s attention is split but it’s mainly on touya who is winning championships and GOING places but it’s still not good enough
anyway idk how far he goes?? but it’s the biggest competition yet and on ice mid routine he lands wrong
one thing leads to the next and he’s pretty much medically retired from a young age. he can skate. he can still kinda preform but he cant do what he used to at ALL and he cant keep up with the brutal pace enji sets. there’s a lot of trying to push him still and it’s just.. not happening
for all it’s worth dabi is kinda glad he isnt doing it anymore. but he fears for his babies brother. shouto is a natural and while yes being a professional athlete of any sort is brutal on your body, his body is a lot more capable
but like touya before, shouto is pushed to his absolute limits. bleeding and injuries and puking his guts out from being pushed too far
there’s a lotta resentment but he still pushes through w skating. 
(side note but there DEF is some todomido/tododeku w hockey player izuku who ends up being coached by THE yagi toshinori and who helps shouto out w making shit his own)
anyway so in the end dabi ends up working at a rink tho lol
it’s p much owned by shigarai and run by the lov (who in this au end up making their own little ragtag unofficial local hockey team p much and play games against other teams like them)
despite his father’s whole career, dabi does enjoy playing hockey with these dipshits
but yeah he enjoys his time working at the rink, fucking around and sleeping in random places and sometimes running the zamboni
he’s also best frenemies with shigaraki. they get along and both deal with a shitty upbringing and despite some slight animosity they both would kill if someone fucked w the other 
(also at some point dabi DEF teaches some little kid classes lol)
also dabi does sometimes skate his own routines from time to time. only when he’s alone really. though fuyumi has a pass to be there though he will gripe still
now there is a couple ways to go with this and somewhere in me there is an au with hockey player hawks who takes skating lessons from figure skater dabi BUT
i think for this au we’ll just say he was a figure skater from the get go
i think he WANTED to do hockey as a kid. like shouto he’s also a fucking natural and was skating as soon as he could fucking stand and walk. and he looked up to enji and kinda wanted to take up hockey but 
listen,,, trans hawks. who wanted to be like todoroki enji and be a pro hockey player. shit just.. didnt work like that though and besides he’s a tiny dude and god he’d be fucking obliterated 
he kinda is self taught and the ice is his escape from his shitty home life
idk how this works but listen gotta tie in the commission somehow???
he’s scouted or whatever for figure skating at a very young age and his mom is happy to take the heavy scholarships and happy to sign him over to skate for these ppl and have them push him to be The Best
and this kid is FAST. he’s fast and is insane with his jumps and stg it almost looks like he’s FLYING (which gets him the nickname hawks)
the coaches are brutal and shit sucks and a lot of the time it kinda sucks the life out of the sport but he still enjoys it
he has a love for outfits that legit have flare to them (also im thinking of johnny weir’s one outfit w the feathers but yknow instead of white they are RED) and while he does do routines to boring ass music he mainly likes doing shit different (also dabi was p much forced the whole time to do shit to that boring ass music but on his own he’d use his own music taste to skate to)
and he’s good!! he GOES places. he’s like makes it to the olympics at a young age and is one of THE youngest gold medalists for figure skating
im sure somewhere along the line him and dabi DID meet. it was at some competition and hawks was VIBRATING bc there’s ENJI and he wants and autograph and oH GOD IS THAT HIS SON??? he’s HOT. (and at this time dabi still had his red hair and like no piercings and what little ones he had they were out but this dumbass will not recognize him later on)
but god he needs to chill TF out or he will fuck up in the competition 
he hears about dabi’s whole accident and like feels for him but again it’s not like they were friends. there was more of a slight rivalry and they barely spoke if they did
but so idk like.. between seasons hawks finds himself going like nearly every day to this rink.. aka shigaraki’s rink (also sidenote but lbr it’s really run by shirakumo who kinda has to fucking herd the cats w this group)
as frenemies dabi and shigaraki share their distaste for some of these pro athletes (tho some get a pass) and kinda complain about hawks a bit tho like..... shigaraki cant complain TOO much bc of the money from hawks renting out the rink for a few hours almost every day
dabi is too gay for this shit when he actually sees hawks in action. rip him 
tbh they dont really interact tho (besides dabi telling him to gtfo the rink or he’ll run him over with the zamboni) until one day that hawks catches dabi skating
he was done and should have been gone but he forgot something on the bleachers and then he sees dabi and.. oh boy he’s GAY AF
and also dabi is RLLY GOOD???
and so hawks makes a FOOL of himself and startles the poor guy and p much presses all the wrong buttons w asking why he doesnt compete or something
and i mean im sure they had some SLIGHT progress w talking before. nothing significant but god the walls go RIGHT THE FUCK UP and dabi is pissed
tbh dabi was gunna get to the point where he LEGIT talked to him and maybe lowkey asked him out (he says this but shigaraki calls his bluff) and now there is no way. he storms off and tries to avoid him so hard
and hawks tries to corner him a bit but after some time he does manage to corner him and be like pls just let me take you out to dinner to make up for that shit????
aaand dabi accepts bc listen okay he cant say no to free food ??? like he’s kinda pissy w this guy but also.. listen he has EYES 
anywayyy p much this just leads to them dating
hawks DEF looks him up and watches all the vids of him and like the idiot he is realizes that he met him before ( “oh my GOD i know you” “uh… we’re dating i hope u know me?????”  “nO I MEAN WE MET AT (insert comp)”)
but before that dabi did like tell him some shit. mainly about like how he used to skate blah blah and the whole thing that ended all of that
he doesnt really delve too deep into like his shitty childhood until well later
idk what leads to it but the convo finally comes up and it’s so draining for dabi and hawks is horrified and ready to fight his dad (“listen i just sharpened my skates i’ll just-”)
anyway some side things bc this is long and i will answer questions on this tho
rumi is a women’s pro hockey player and fuyumi who actually follows hockey and shit has the BIGGEST crush on her (they end up together)
also natsuo comes to see one of the leagues games (he hasnt really seen them play tbh?? he hears about it from dabi but he lives like at least a few hours away on campus and is going for med school so rip him) and like he meets shigaraki and anyway dabi is losing his FUCKING MIND bc his best frenemy/boss and his younger brother are FLIRTING. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM???
dabi and hawks are really gay together and have skated together by this point and made out on ice a few times and shigaraki was miserable and is like “NOW U KNOW!!” and dabi is pissed bc “yEAH BUT THAT”S MY LITTLE BROTHER??? IT”S NOt thE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 
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burnedbyshoto · 6 years ago
Hi, can you write a headcanon or a scenario about Todoroki Shouto having a girlfriend and he introduced her to his parents. Like how would Endeavor react to know that his beloved son already has a girlfriend. Thank you so much 😊😘
todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: endeavor LOL, fluff?, shouto and reader are like 25 btwwwww
word count: 1,882
a/n: so this is probably going to be my last fic for this week… i dont know, im moving back up to college and i was lazy and didnt get the number of requests needed done before hand… anyways anon, i really appreciated this ask it was super fun and interesting to write about because it really depended on my viewpoint of endeavor and shoutos future relationship. anyways so sorry this is late!!!! I had to go to the hospital because I had an allergic reaction to something LOL
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“Are you sure this dress is appropriate? I don’t want to feel overdressed!” 
You were studying at yourself in the mirror with the tenth outfit you had tried on today. Shouto, who had approved of your summer floral dress, was taking you to introduce you to his family–well, his parents as you already met his siblings–after a bit over a year of dating. You sighed as Shouto called out his admiration of your outfit and carried that you had to be leaving soon if you didn’t want to be late.
You knew that Shouto was nervous to be on time because his mother was going to be there. Todoroki Rei had been released from the psychiatric hospital a few months ago and was settling back into the world. Had it been just Endeavor, well you weren’t sure if Shouto would have even agreed to go. Their relationship had definitely matured since Endeavor retired from being a Pro-Hero, but Shouto has still not forgiven him for anything.
Mumbling curses about your indecisiveness, you slipped on a pair of white wedges and stared at your reflection. Your makeup was done, minimalistic jewelry in place, hair was styled in your favorite semi-formal way, and your outfit was cute. Smiling to your reflection, you grabbed your purse and walked off to where Shouto was waiting for you. 
Shouto stood leaning on the hallway’s wall wearing black pants that accented his long legs, a coffee-colored blazer that made you want him to wear the color more often, and a plain copper-colored t-shirt under the blazer. “Mm,” Shouto approved happily as you gave a quick twirl, “You look stunning.”
“You don’t look too shabby either,” You respond as Shouto twirls you into his chest, his lips immediately connecting with yours and you smiled into the kiss. Feeling Shouto’s fingers tangling into your locks. 
“Don’t you dare.” You warn as Shouto’s mouth trails down your neck, you did not need any hickies appearing moments before meeting Rei and Endeavor.
“Fine,” Shouto relents as he pushes you away from his body, a smirk on his face as he stares at you. “You have got to wear this dress for a date next time.”
“I’ll think about it.” You reply as you clutch your boyfriend’s hand with yours leading him out of the apartment and to whatever restaurant everyone had agreed to meet up at.
You were smiling way too much. 
Not in a good way either, but a bad way. This dinner outing was terribly awkward.
Endeavor–Todoroki-san–was sitting directly across from you at the end of the table, Fuyumi next to him with her girlfriend sitting next to her. Natsuo was the furthest away from Todoroki-san and had even placed his girlfriend directly across from him. You glanced over at Shouto who was talking with his mother, Rei, who sat next to him since you felt awkward taking the spot you knew Shouto wanted more.
So there you sat in a cute floral summer dress in shocking juxtaposition to the very formal looking Todoroki family, hell even Natsuo’s girlfriend was more formal appearing and she was wearing a club outfit. But there you sat smiling away whenever Todoroki-san’s eyes met yours.
God was he intimidating even without the flames coming out of his hair and beard.
“So, y/l/n, Shouto tells me that you’re not a Pro-Hero.” Todoroki-san finally states after the Todoroki siblings momentarily paused in their feuding over what was the worst way anyone of them was teased for their white hair.
Your head snapped over to Todoroki-san, your voice suddenly carrying no sound as you attempted to explain what it is that you did for a living. “I’m a, uh, I’m a–” You said attempting to find the words you were seeking, and you felt Shouto’s hand lay reassuringly onto your lap. “I’m a lawyer over at Deku’s Pro-Hero Agency.”
It was a job you were mighty damn proud of, your boss, being Midoriya Izuku was a total sweetheart and was an impressive client with cases that hardly needed you to have excruciating amounts of evidence for. 
“And what might your quirk be?”
“Endeavor–” Shouto snapped, absolutely not okay with this questionnaire, it was a family dinner, not an interrogation on you after all.
“Recall.” You answer back suddenly not nervous, easing yourself with your nerves of steel to take on your boyfriend’s unyielding father. “I can recall anything and everything I���ve experienced with 100-percent-perfection, and can, in fact, present them to other individuals. It makes me an amazing asset to have, because most Pro-Heroes, as you may recall, deal with cases caused by altered communication.” You paused grabbing Shouto’s hand from your lap and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Having me as the head lawyer makes people completely honest unless they are not aware of my quirk because as Deku-san’s lawyer they can not lie to us, as I can always bring up said events in court.”
Todoroki-san pulls away from his intense stare at you and does what you believe to see as a nod. But this small interaction caused Shouto to immediately switch seats with you, letting you sit next to Rei who gladly struck up a conversation with you that lasted through the entire night with dexterity.
At the end of the dinner, you actually were smiling out of joy. You really did enjoy Shouto’s sibling’s interactions, there hardly was a dull moment. Rei had been lovely to speak to, and being able to talk to the women Shouto loved more than anyone in the world was something that made you genuinely delighted. Things were going great.
The eight of you at the table eventually finished up dinner and were getting ready to retreat home, you went around and hugged everyone at the table, except Todoroki-san, and was delighted to have Rei hug you tightly.
“Take care of my baby boy, will you?” She whispered as she held you close, and you wordlessly nodded. “My biggest mistake in life was not being strong enough for him, but I think you are more than plenty strong.”
You felt your heart skip a painful beat as you pulled away, but there was still a joyful smile on Rei’s face as she went to hug Shouto. As Shouto placed a hand on your lower back ready to walk off with you into the night, someone called out for you.
“Y/l/n-san,” Todoroki-san spoke, and you turn your head to look at the head male of the family who seemed to be wearing a different expression then the cold look he seemed to adorn the entire evening. “Would you accompany me for a walk before you leave with my son.”
The entire group seems focused on your response, and you felt Shouto rearing to tell his father off and say you didn’t have to accompany you anywhere. Only you placed a hand on Shouto’s stomach and smiled up at your boyfriend who did not think well of his father’s invitation before he could react. “I would like that.”
You give a quick kiss to Shouto as you followed Todoroki-san out the door and into the night.
The two of you walked in eery silence for a long time, your hands fastened in front of your body, ready for any question coming your way.
“If Shouto had introduced a girl like you to me years ago, I probably would have flipped,” Todoroki-san spoke finally, and you glanced up to see your boyfriend’s father staring up into the sky. “I’m well aware you know about what type of childhood Shouto lived, and your opinion on me as his father.”
“You don’t know my opinion.” You say in response, unsure of what he meant by that phrase, but it was something you did not wish to have put into your mouth.
“It’s the same as Midoriya-san’s, Yaoyorozu-san’s, Iida-san’s…” He paused probably only having remembered three of the influential friends that Shouto had, and you laughed softly knowing that you did, for the most part, agree with those three’s opinion on Todoroki Enji, but where they wanted Shouto to forgive and move on, you wanted Shouto to do what he felt was best. Sometimes those Pro-Heroes were a bit too selfless.
“I am a bit different from them,” You say honestly, meeting Todoroki-san’s gaze as you nod your head, “Whereas Shouto’s friends believe he should forgive you, I think that Shouto should choose whatever he feels like doing. Be it one day he hates you, or the next he doesn’t, I will support him regardless of my personal opinions towards you.”
He lets out a dry chuckle that held zero amusement to it.
“That is fair.” He agrees.
“I know it is.” You respond.
“I know you may not believe me, and I don’t blame you if you don’t, but I am trying hard to make things work.” He says gently, as if not to alarm you.
“By hosting dinner with your children’s significant others, and going as far as worrying the entire table when you asked questions that most people at the very least wait until after a proper conversation to have?” You inputted and Todoroki rolled his eyes, and you could not help but feel the same energy you got when Shouto got annoyed being replicated by his father.
“I’m sorry about that, it’s hard to turn the switch off sometimes.”
“And again, my opinion doesn’t matter,” You repeat, “I will abide by Shouto’s feelings and opinions, not my own when it comes to you.”
You can now see the Todoroki clan waiting for the two of you by the restaurant’s entrance as you have circled back.
The two of you walk in silence as you near closer and closer.
Moments before the two of you are in speaking distance to the group, Todoroki mutters something to you that you can’t help but take as a win.
“For what it’s worth, I’m glad my son found someone like you,” Todoroki grumbles at you, “You make him happy, even I can tell that, even if your quirks are highly incompatible. Please keep him happy and love him, for both Rei and I.”
You stopped walking as Todoroki continued on, and you watched as Shouto walked over to you, his eyes darting back to his father’s retreating body as his sister, her girlfriend, and her mother. Natsuo and his girlfriend crossing the street and disappearing into the night.
You smiled warmly at Shouto who grabbed your arms, quickly studying your form as he checked for any and all signs of fighting or annoyance. “What did he say to you?”
You don’t respond as you go instead for a bold kiss, your arms snaking around his neck as he kisses you back. You sigh contently into Shouto’s mouth as he presses you softly onto his body. Your head tilts to the side as you deepen the kiss for mere moments before breaking apart with a rosy-cheeked grin.
Looking at him, you Recalled the memory, or at the very least the end part.
“Please keep him happy and love him, for both Rei and I.” Todoroki’s voice echoed in the memory you presented to Shouto and despite any harboring negative feelings Shouto may have had he smiles fondly.
“You do that perfectly already.”
i know i am typically really critical of endeavor because,,, yes, but i decided while i kept my criticalness of his character, I chose another route besides his typical: “fuck your girlfriend shouto! reproduce asexually please” because if shouto is introducing someone to his fam they are perfect, sorry but i dont make the rules
“What would you have done in the worst case scenario of Endeavor not liking me?” You asked Shouto as the two of you were getting ready for bed.
“Probably would have told him off among other things.” Shouto admitted with a shrug as he wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his chin on your shoulder.
“Telling him off and other things?” You question not all that sure what exactly your boyfriend meant by other things.
Shouto nodded pulling you in closer to his body as he chuckled, “My father is traditional, what better way of showing him that no amount of disapproval towards you will ever make me want you any less.” His lips gently touched the side of your neck with every word causing you to laugh.
“You spicy little rebel you.” You tease as Shouto smirks.
“Would you let this spicy little rebel show you to bed?”
“I approve of said action.”
And with that, he whisked you away.
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 5 years ago
Okk so I have another way too specific request🥺: A scenario in which Todorokis fem s/o meets his father for the first time and his father gets into an argument with his normally shy s/o because she is just really angry at how Todoroki was treated as a child
Me letting out all my anger towards Endeavor? Hell yes.
"Are you sure you want to do this? You know I dont care about what he thinks."
Standing in front of the Todoroki household, Shouto squeezed your hand as you sighed. "I know, but your dad seems to feel the need to involve himself in your life- so it's only a matter of time before I meet him anyways. Might as well be on a good note."
Shouto nodded, still worried though. You're so soft spoken and shy, and with how his dad is, loud and aggressive, he was worried about how you would be treated. But he would stand up for you, no matter what happened.
Shouto opened the door, and you both walked in, taking off your shoes and putting on the slippers that were laid out. You smiled, mentally thanking Fuyumi for being so sweet and lending you some slippers, knowing you were coming.
"I'm home!"
Shouto somewhat loudly yelled into the house, and you heard rustling as Fuyumi ran over to you both from the other room.
"Shouto, y/n, hi! Dinners almost ready!"
You figured that the best time to meet Shoutos dad would be when you were eating. Maybe the food would help everyone stay calm.
"Shouto, so this is the girl you're dating. I saw her at the Sports Festival- I wasn't impressed. "
Shouto glared at his father as you all sat at the dinner table - you sitting next to Shouto, Fuyumi and Natsuo on the other side, and Enji at the head of the table. Obviously, he didnt seem to like you already, and you stared down at your food in embarrassment.
"You are aware that you are supposed to be focusing on your training - yes? What good is it to be with someone who will end up a low class hero?"
"Shell be a better hero than you ever were."
Oh no, now everyone was getting tense. You grabbed Shouto's hand, squeezing lightly to try to calm him down. He looked at you, and he gave you a soft smile before going back to his food.
It seemed he was done talking, but apparently Enji wasnt.
"Y/n, if you truly care for him then break up with him. He may not understand now but he will eventually, he needs to focus on becoming the number one hero. And with that he'll marry another top hero - my legacy will live on strong."
Your eye twitched, and you looked at the giant red haired man defiantly.
"If you truly cared for him then you would understand that he is his own person, and he wants more in life than continuing your so called legacy. You dont give a damn about him - you only care about yourself!"
They all stared at you shocked, and Enji retaliated, "He is me! I created him, and I have every say in how he lives his life. He is my child, and he will act as such!"
Standing up and firmly planting your hands on the table, making the plates rattle as you did so, you sent him the coldest glare, "You forced his mother to marry you. You forced her to give you children. They are not yours, they are hers. Besides, Shouto is his own person, he decides what he wants to do with his life. You've stolen his entire childhood away from him, I'm not going to let you take the rest of his life away too."
Before he could say anything else, you turned to Fuyumi and Natsuo, "thank you for the food, and I'm sorry for bothering you." Then, you grabbed Shoutos hand and pulled him out of the house, barely even grabbing your shoes on the way.
It was silent for a while as you walked, you were embarrassed for acting in such a way. Even if Enji was a horrible man, you didn't want to cause problems for Shouto - maybe you shouldn't have said anything.
"Y/n?... thank you. I've never had the guts to say that - so thank you."
You stared at him with wide eyes, and he laughed softly before pulling you into a hug. "You surprised me a bit, you really must love me if you're willing to argue with that dick."
Laughing yourself, you nodded, "Of course, I love you more than anything. I cant help but hate him - everything hes done to you. I hope it doesnt cause you any problems, though..."
He shook his head, "Dont worry about it, he can whine all he wants. All I care about is you."
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 5 years ago
Secret baby chap2
(so a few notes here.i almost always post to tumblr first because i do heavier edits/changes when i post to Ao3 which is why this is going up now and not later when the full story on Ao3 will update. Second Rei is…not nice here. she’s under alot of pressure and says some shit she’s going to eventually have to awnser for. so um be prepared for that?)
Chapter 2
“Fuck. fuck. Fukfukfuk- oh my god fuyumi, wai-, what if i’m pregnant, how am, i need to.”  Touya struggled to get the words out fast enough and breath at the same time. 
“Calm down , we can figure this out, We just have to look at this like adults and be calm enough to think things through. Let’s make sure first, like you said, your sick a lot and your heats have never been regular.” Fuyumi crouched down and picked up the larger pieces of ceramic before throwing a towel over the rest for now. They could finish cleaning it up when they got back from the drug store.
“Go get your shoes on and we can go pick up a test while everyone is out. It’s why I wanted to do this now.” Fuyumi directed him.
Touya’s hand shook as he grabbed his coat and shoes. Thankfully he had his wallet in his pocket or he would have forgotten it. Fuyumi had to stop him from crossing a few roads without looking first. When he did stop she had to pull him along. Touya just let her guide him for the most part and held tightly to her hand as he tried to get himself to think about what he was going to do.
“We need to get a couple just in case,I’ll pay and tell dad if he checks that it was for a omega friend of mine” Fuyumi seemingly read Touya’s panicked thoughts.
“How much of this have you thought of Fuyumi? I still can’t think straight and you’ve already figured out a lie to tell enji” Touya hissed as they grabbed one of the first tests they saw from 3 diffrent brands and hurried to a checkout.
“A friend of mine really did have a scare last year, We looked at options and helped her plan out her first steps. Like getting tested and what to tell her partner. Making pro and con lists for her options.” Fuyumi paid and thanked the cashier then they were hurrying home again.
“The guy is a rising hero, we’re not even dating yumi, it was ju-” he stresses. 
“Just having fun, I know you’ve already said.” She pointed out. “Are you just not going to tell him then?”
“I’m going to think about what I want first.” Touya grabbed the bag with the tests and tossed them into his room before going back to pick up the mess from earlier.
“You don’t want to find out as soon as you can? Get the what if’s over with?” she asks when he came right back.
“Mom and shouto are going to be back soon. Natsou is also supposed to come back from the library any minute now unless he studies through it again.“ Touya pulls out his phone and unblocks Hawks. He starts to send a basic hey but the previous one text catches his eye.
“I can’t do this to him. The last text he sent me was just him asking me to say something because he hadn’t heard from me and wanted to know i was okay. What do I say to that? Hey thanks for worrying sorry i blocked you but i’m fine just pregnant with your kid.” Touya knows he shouldn’t be so sarcastic with fuyumi when she’s just trying to help but this is more stress than he can handle calmly.
“ Why did you stop talking anyways?” Fuyumi asked carefully. She didn’t want to pry but touya had gone from texting and smiling at his phone everyday to not having it go off at all.it had been nice to see him happy, even if only for a short period of time.
“He- i -look, he wanted more than hook ups and i’m not in a place i can allow that, i can’t invite him over to meet my mom or siblings and he started asking shit. About the burns and bruises and shit. What was I supposed to tell him? My personal life is off limits but thanks for the lay?” touya scoffed. Hawks cared too much for a hero, the job was going to end up crushing him and touya has no intentions of being around as Hawks stress relief or as his punching bag when it happened.
“It sounds like he cares about you” fuyumi asked softly and got started on making lunch. Their mom would probably appreciate not having to do it.
“Maybe we run off happily in the sunset and raise the baby together.” Touya missed Hawks, if he had to pick an alpha he supposed the blond wouldn’t be so bad. Touya shook his head and started helping fuyumi with lunch.
Natsou never comes home for lunch but his mom and baby brother arrive soon after it’s done.
Lunch passes quietly and Touya is still trying to figure out how to talk to hawks when his mother finishes folding laundry from earlier that day and takes his stack into his room.
“Touya” she comes out and her voice shakes.
“Yeah mom wha-” touyas voice dies in his throat as he turns around and sees the plastic bag he had carelessly left on his bed. The bag from the drugstore.
“Touya te-tell me these are for a friend and you’re just holding onto them.” the bag crinklies as her shaking becomes more pronounced.
Touya stares hard at the floor and wills his eyes not to spill the water he feels building up in them.
“Mom i’m s-”
“I didn’t even want you touya!” his mother is quickly entering hysterics. Touya flinches at the bluntness of it.
“I didn’t want any of you and now you’re out there spreading your legs for god knows who touya.whats your father going to say? What is he going to do touya! Did you think at all about anyone else?” she goes on. Touya doesn’t need to hear this. He really truly doesn’t.
“Don’t come to me asking for help telling your father and dont come to me asking for help raising yet another child I do not want.” she throws the bag at his feet and practically runs out of the room as tears continue streaming down touyas face.
He flips open his phone and stares at his messages from hawks until he gathers the will to move from the spot he’s been sitting and go hide his pregnancy tests in his backpack.
He hopes fuyumi hasn’t heard any of that.  He heads to bed early, scrolling through his phone and looking up pregnancy options.
His sister texts asking him when he’s going to take his tests. He knows if he’s pregnant he can’t stay here. It’s the first text of the night he sends and the only thing he’s truly sure of. He doesn’t even know if he is pregnant or going to keep her if he is. But if he is pregnant and he does decide to keep her then there’s no way in hell he’s going to raise her here. Afraid and knowing she was a mistake. 
 Like touya himself is.
 His baby is going to grow up being loved and never ever knowing what brought her about.
He falls asleep exhausted and leaves before anyone else to get to school early enough to take the tests before first period.
They Are positive.
Fuck he has to tell hawks. He sits on the seat of the toilet and lets his head rest in his hands until he can quite cry long enough to send a simple text.
‘I’m pregnant, it’s yours and we need to talk about what I’m going to do’.
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charmspoint · 4 years ago
37 for the fic writer questions!
Ask meme here
37. Talk about your current wips
This is great I was thinking of listing out everything im working on these days anyway n now i get an excuse. For quite a few of these I cant talk about them actually cuz they are event stuff but imma list em anyway.
(This got long so im putting it under keep reading)
Lets! Categorize!
A) Ready to post!
Here we have my ShinKami bb fic: No Escape (coming out tomorrow) and my DabiHawks bb fic: Red string of death (coming out sunday) - obvs cant say much until they are posted, lets just say that for shinkami we are gettin some horror and dabihawks gets double banger of soulmate au x reincarnation au but like angsty
B) Currently in editing
Pieces for: DabiHawks metamorphos zine, LOV found family zine and villain/vigilante deku zine - since they are zines i feel like its a big no no to talk about them so we goin down
C) Currently writing
A secret santa piece and a piece for todobaku bb - one of these is actually cute couple things and the other is be dumping magic and horror on to a shipping fic again i obviously have a thing for that the more i think about these
D) Currently planing
Shinsou bigbang! (Do NOT judge me for how many events im in) anyway im super looking forward to this i feel like i have such a great idea n mmm we arent even to partnering up yet so i zip
DabiHawks secret admierer au - something i can talk about :0. This was one of my pitches for the metamorphos au n i got attached. The basic premise is: no powers high school au, local bad boy band member Touya is pining hard after straight A good boy Keigo and in atempt to confess his feelings he leaves a love song in his locker. The problem? Dabi is super fucking edgy and so is his song and upon reading it Keigo is 100% Dabi wants him dead. Shennaniganse ensue. LOV is there giving Dabi increasingly bad love advice, Rumi is there mostly to laugh her ass of and then do dramatic reading of the song, im gonna write actual songs for it!!! Anyway just lil slice of life school comedy, im not always about horror and angst belive it or not. Im looking forward to this one it should be fun!
All the beautiful things we are (All the dangerous things we will become) - another chuuya gen fic!! This one featuring Kouyou (n maaaaaybe Kyouka) in some good ol sibling bonding. Set earlier then The suffocating quality of your dying breaths, its basically kouyou taking chuuya under her wing and some good sibling bonding that will probably feature some good ol exploration of gender expression and just kouyou wrestling a brat into a suit. I just want some good chuuya n kouyou n some decent chuuya experimenting with dressing up n darn it ill make it myself
There are a few more that are in my notes as possible ideas but these are the ones im sure ill write so i dont wanna promise anything i wont do
E) On hiatus
TodoBaku murder mystery - my original idea for the todobaku bb, i wanted to challenge myself n write something i never did before but then college slapped me n ye i went back into the comfort zone. I still wanna do this one someday, probably over summer. Basic concept: normal life au, Enji Todoroki is found dead in his bed and detective! Bakugo is on the scene trying to determin did any of the family members, gathered that night to celebrate their mother returning from a hospital, have anything to do with it while trying super hard not to fall for the one Todoroki that keeps sticking his nose where it doesnt belong. Featuring: literally everyone having a motive and Bakugo being done with the family drama, Dabi being in a gang and acting like he owns the place, and ice skater Shouto both too dumb and too smart for his own good. We will see does anything come of it.
Season of rain - omegaverse light fic where i, an asexual, look at a trope purely made for kink and go 'what if for me tho?'. I call it light cuz i wont be writing any sex but u know me its heavy on angst. Featuring: Deku squad as a ship, omega sho n izu, alpha uraraka n beta iida n tsuyu. Dealing with such topics as: postpartum depression, sexisam, fear of alphas, arranged marriges, pack dynamics, betas having an actual role and importance, maneging poly reletionships, me harping on about how ideal number of parents is actually more than two and that if there were three genders standard reletionships would be expected to be a x b x o not just a x o. Aka me putting way too much worldbuilding into a kink trope. Basic premise: seeing as shouto turned out to be an omega, instead of training him to be a hero enji signs him of to enter a quirk marrige when he gets older just like rei. Years later shouto has just gotten out of a divorce and with a whole baby in tow is taken in by dekusquad. Hurt comfort ensues as they slowly work shouto into their dynamic and make him feel safe and loved again. Honestly i just want to give this one more time n attention that i have rn so its waiting for summer
Ashes to ashes - a dabihawks (maybe) post war au fic that was supposed to focus on Dabi facing what he has done and who he has become and the almost imposible process of changing yourself for the better when you spent all your life chasing one thing, on one side and on the other; Hawks recovering fron trauma caused by almost being killed, dealing with his newly growing wings causing him pain and being afraid he'll never fly quite the same again and trying to find connections among other heroes just cuz i say he needs friends. Both of them are dealing with very mixed emotions about each other and they work through them seperatly and together, trying to set everything that happend into a perspective and figure out where to go from there. I havent decided do they actually get back together or not by the end of it all. I was planing this and then hori dumped dabis crazy ass on me n now im mostly waiting to see what he does with him so i know what to do with him in the end, smh hori making my life hard :/
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MHA Song Analysis - “Holy” by PVRIS
so i was listening to this song and it gave me massive todoroki family vibes lmao
anyway!! i got encouragement from fran (thank u fran) so its time to go off
i will leave a read more for those of u who dont wanna see me yell tho uwu
this is the song: https://youtu.be/rfrFT_3GP4A
SO i will be using genius lyrics as a ref for the lyrics so if u would like to double-check me on anything, u can do so using the same source
also for this analysis, we are going with the theory that dabi is todoroki touya just for simplicity’s sake
ALSO there are some manga spoilers in here so be careful!! it’s nothing too major or anything but there are instances discussed here that have not yet happened in the anime, so just a warning
w that let’s begin hoho
“youve got it all” “you” in this context is endeavor (who will be referred to as “enji” for the rest of this) and the rest of the line is obvious then; he’s got it all in the sense that he’s a successful, rich pro hero; he has a wife and kids and his own agency; when/if he retires, he could do so comfortably; he has a world-renowned, powerful quirk; he’s got looks and fans and everything
“but youve got it all wrong” despite everything enji has, he doesn’t treat it right at all. obviously he’s abusive as fuck towards his family, and negligent to natsuo and fuyumi once shouto comes along. he’s not satisfied with his place because he doesn’t get to have the number one next to his name. nothing is enough for him; his fatal flaw is envy, and it consumes him to an absolutely absurd degree
“now you dont know you’re a poor unfortunate soul” as previously mentioned, enji’s fatal flaw is envy. it fucks with him so severely that he can’t be happy with what he has, and instead stews in hate towards all might and the bitterness of “what-ifs”. thus, he’s a “poor unfortunate soul”
“oh i know/you make it seem that you feel whole/so they don’t know you’re a poor unfortunate soul” so even though enji is clearly a bit unstable and will never be satisfied or happy with what he has, he has to hide that fact; we see this particularly with his interactions with all might. he is venomous towards him, yes, but he will never let all might know that he’s jealous of him. we see this pattern of behavior echoed in shouto in the sports festival and dabi
“you put on a faith facade/think you’re holy when you’re not” the “faith facade” is enji pretending to feel accomplished with what he’s done, when he clearly isn’t. the “think youre holy when you’re not” refers to enji’s tendency to not see or not admit when he’s wrong. at least until his fight with the nomu leading to introspection, enji did not see any error in his ways. he was fine with using a woman solely for the children she could potentially bear, he was fine with neglecting the children that weren’t “good enough” in his eyes (natsuo and fuyumi), and he was perfectly fine with overworking the children that did meet his standards (shouto and dabi), which supposedly led to one’s death (touya/dabi)
“i hate to break it to you, baby/but you’re simply lost” could be seen as words dabi is telling enji during the nomu fight. shouto, fuyumi, and natsuo have no doubt thought this as well, though, and shouto and natsuo have said things that are equivalent to this (shouto when he told enji he would use him as a stepping stone to be a good hero and natsuo’s recent blowing up about touya’s “death” and enji’s parenting)
“you can right all the wrongs just to feel you belong” these are words natsuo definitely said to enji during their most recent interactions. shouto and dabi echo this sentiment, though, with how they interact with enji. its a very sarcastic and bitter line about not being able to just let what enji has done slip by
“but simply calling out sins don’t bring you closer to god” “calling out sins” is enji’s abuse towards his children and otherwise living through them, particularly shouto, and “bring you closer to god” in this context would mean enji reaching his goals. this is a sentiment all the todorokis feel, but particularly shouto, as enji honed in on him for years and shouto had no way of getting away from him until ua
“youre just a ghost at most/a set of empty bones” i feel as if this is a sentiment all the todorokis feel currently: enji because he’s finally realizing all he’s done wrong and doesn’t quite know how to cope with that; shouto because he’s trying to see himself as anything other than enji’s tool; natsuo because he wants to be more than the abuse enji inflicted on him, but it’s hard bc he can’t let go of touya’s “death”; dabi because he’s completely warped as a person from who he used to be and can’t reach out to his mom or siblings; fuyumi because she most likely has doubts about her feelings/lack of anger towards enji, even though her brothers are all angry with him in some form or fashion; and even rei, because she was changed as a person from enji’s abuse and hurt her own child because of it, and she must deal with the guilt of that
“searching for anything and everything to make you feel whole” this is a reference to how the todoroki’s are trying to cope with what is making them feel like a ghost. enji is reaching out to his kids, shouto is connecting with his friends and midoriya, natsuo is honest about his feelings to enji himself, dabi has a new family/group he connects with, fuyumi stands her ground bc her feelings are her own and shouldnt be swayed by what others are thinking, and rei is in a much better headspace now that she’s away from enji
“when it gets cold, oh, oh, oh” “when it gets cold” means when their struggles get particularly hard. examples of this: enji during the nomu fight, shouto during the sports festival, natsuo during the attack in recent manga chapters and the following conversation with enji, when dabi “dies”/runs away, and when rei hurt shouto. i cant think of a specific example for fuyumi right now, but you get the idea
“you dont know/no you dont know/oh you’re all alone/you poor unfortunate soul” i feel this line relates solely to enji and halfway with dabi, as shouto, natsuo, fuyumi, and rei all have each other and others that help them with being “unfortunate souls”. enji and dabi, on the other hand, only have themselves -- enji because he’s too prideful and also has no one left in his corner after his years of abuse, and dabi because he hasn’t told the league his past (yet), thus he certainly hasn’t talked about this at all
“you can’t control/where your body lets you go/oh you’re all alone/you poor unfortunate soul” i think this line, in particular, is dabi’s, as depending on which “dabi is touya” theory you’re looking at, he was kidnapped by ujiko to be made into a nomu that kinda failed/kinda succeeded, therefore he literally had no control where his body let him go. however, dabi in general didn’t have much choice, or probably felt he didn’t; he couldn’t stand to be with enji any longer, and it quite literally would have killed him if his scars are anything to go by. so he left, and ended up on the path of villainy. he didn’t choose that necessarily, it was just how the cards were played
“and you say that i’ve got it all wrong” “you” is enji and “i[’ve]” is shouto. this is before and during the sports festival. enji is still at his worst, shouto is trying to spite him/separate himself from him, and enji hates shouto for that, thus, he says shouto has it all wrong to not use his quirk/be obedient
“cause you just know im a poor unfortunate soul” enji knows and is the cause of shouto’s fucked up upbringing, so this line is kind’ve a bitter acknowledgment of that
“but there’s no way that there’s weight in the words that you preach/when you’re claiming your faith and you contradict your speech” shouto’s pov one again; he can’t take enji seriously in addition to not wanting to be like him because of enji’s obvious issues with envy. enji tells him to be proud of his fire, and yet clearly enji isn’t even satisfied with it as he can’t beat all might with flames alone. thus, shouto has resentment towards the irony of this, which this line attests to
“so i sit here and listen to your tongue and cheek/i know that when you sit and pray you’re only praying for keeps” shouto has no choice but to listen to enji’s hypocrisy, at least until the dorm system at ua is put into place the “praying” in this aspect can mean a couple different things; enji’s talks to the public, talks to shouto, or talks to all might. “praying for keeps” in these contexts, then, are: “just want to keep his hero ranking high”, “wants to live through shouto’s success because he’s unhappy with his own life”, and “wants to one-up all might in anything possible, from demeanor to supposed satisfaction to pride to legacy, etc”
chorus (“cause you’re a ghost...[...]unfortunate soul” bit) once more
“you’re shallow and empty and filled with regret” arguably all the todorokis feel this way. they all have things they regret at this point and all feel the emptiness that comes when there is a void in what is supposed to be a family. enji in particular has been shallow for a long time and still has issues with that.
“i think that chest must be heavy from that cross on your neck” the “cross” in this context is the weight that the todorokis each feel about what expectations they think they have to live up to/what worries them. obviously all the todoroki kids had/have the pressure to live up to enji’s expectations, but to get more precise: shouto and natsuo have the need to be more than “endeavor’s kids” on their chests, and shouto additionally has the pressures that come with being a hero course student; fuyumi has the dilemma of if she’s being too forgiving or not (and how that affects her loved ones) on her chest; dabi has the knowledge that he left behind his siblings and mother on his chest; enji has regret and dissatisfaction with his whole life on his chest; rei has the regret of what she did to her kids and the horrors of living with enji on her chest.
“you only wear cause you’re wary of what comes next after your death” why the todorokis hold on to their aforementioned “crosses”? they hold on bc its important to them that they carry reminders of who/what they want to be, or because they regret or are unsure of certain decisions, or because of nostalgia and a desire that things were different
“dont think i didn’t notice” this can be an outside perspective, but particularly im thinking midoriya because he’s met almost all of the todorokis now and has seen them at lows. very low lows in fact. thus,,,it can’t escape notice however it can also be the todorokis acknowledge the trauma and guilt that each other has; “takes one to know one” sort of thing
“dont think i didn’t notice/dont think i didn’t know/you’re just a po-o-o-or, poor unfortunate/so-o-o-oul, poor unfortunate/oh, oh, oh, oh poor unfortunate/so-o-o-oul, poor unfortunate” this line is kind’ve incoherent which is why i think it fits all of the todoroki’s thoughts; this is all of them thinking over each other about themselves and about the rest of their family
“and you’ve got it all/you’ve got it all wrong/no you’ve never known, known, known, known/you’re a poor unfortunate soul” once again, this is the todoroki’s thoughts overlapping each other, except these thoughts are exclusively about each other and not themselves
“dont think i didnt notice” definitely this is where the outside party comes in, at least for everyone but enji and dabi, as they have others that are there for them and they can talk to. as for enji and dabi, this line is still them thinking about the others
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hey-hamlet · 6 years ago
BNHA AU Ideas : Choir Group
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  Sometimes a family is 2 adults and 2 kids. But sometimes a family is a choir full of hero hopefuls.
(aka, what if everyone knew eachother from a choir group? what soft musical stuff can i cram into this au?) 
yagi does the allmight on the down-low
he had to leave broadway cause all for one ruined his organs
everyone in 1 a knows that yagi is all might but hes trying so hard to keep his secret so they just ignore it
izu wants to be a hero but hes scared of people so he joined a choir when he was smol
bakugou joined cause he wanted to beat izuku, they bonded a bit n its a more friendly rivalry
all of 1a was in the choir before ua, they are all shook that their class is just other choir kids
big three are the current choir leaders n izu was so proud they are the us big three too because he knew them when he was smol, baku n izu are the youngest in the top level
todoroki joined to spite his dad hes really good tho
mina lives for the dance group
iida is a baritone he sing low n hes a good boy, they are very proud of him cause hes one of the youngest in baritone, hes v proud too
ochako is an alto and I love her
monoma is a tenor n katsuki wants to kick him out of his section
tsuuyu is an alto too because i want someone to be a soprano but tsuuyu its too nice to be
jirou is a blessed alto
yaomomo is a soprano the poor girl
izuku is a soft alto boy! He had such a good upper range they thought hes be wasted in tenor
shinso is a soft tenor boy and has a singers crush on izuku
"oh my god hes just so fucking good he can dance too what the fuck guys. hes the only male alto im fucking shook he has the range of a god"
in their final year todo is the choral leader, bakugo is dance leader and izu is choir leader
villains are too scared to attack when they sing
aizawa was in the top level when izu joined
he was dance leader while in ua too because it was "only logical" he have a physical hobby (mic loved choir n aizawa loved seeing him that happy)
izu thought he was fucking amazing n thats why he wanted to join
n then he sees erazerhead n mic on tv when hes 8
yells to his mum "mama!!! thats zashi!! n shouta!! he had the dance solo when i joined" n inko doesnt know if izuku is right or not but she nods along and smiles anyway
first day of ua izu sees shouta n just gasps
"iTs HIm"
bakugo looks over
"oh my fuck it is isnt it"
aizawa is shook and confused
bakugo just sighs "its your fault deku is a fucking choir gay i hope you know that. you just had to be fucking competent didnt you"
all 1a student know each other from choir n they all have a big hug fest before the quirk test
"oH mY god its a soprano without a stick up her ass what are the chances" "jirou be nice to momo i know you hate sopranos but they have done nothing to you"
mineta exists in this au, as the only one not in choir. hes confused and then expelled the first day
aizawa is glad he was terrible because now he has his lil choir class, not that hed ever fucking admit it
1a harmonizes their bus songs and they learn all their choir repertoire on the bus trips around as  aizawa conducts
durring the usj izu n tsuuyu hum together to stay calm
izuku n todoroki are actually singing together durring their big fight, everyone in the audience is shook
its just because they are trying not to cry
because izu n todo have the "its your power" convo before the fight cause they are already friends, so izu is just trying to make him feel better about the argument he had with his dad
todoroki feels a lil more comfy so he brings up his flames n izu weeps n gives him a hug before they keep fighting
they sing stronger than you jokingly at the end of their fight
izu wins but only justttt. him n todo hug n laugh as they leave the field. yagi cries a lil for his boys.
izu n baku’s fight n it ends in a draw because they blow eachother out of the ring n they are both salty as
they have a dance battle refed by aizawa later (baku wins, izuku gives him soul custody of the medal)
enji would have a stroke
yamada was singing along the whole time other the speaker. Aizawa muted him but he just used his quirk
tenya had lots of good friends n doesnt hunt down stain, he n 1a go to hatsume about leg braces for tensei
tenya teaches tensei his choir choreography so he can get used to his braces
the boys do run into stain but they were minding they own business
they singing while they fight to stay in time n stay brave
stain is very confused but hes bopping along
todo starts it cause it made him feel better during the sports festival cause izu is crying
"you guys are true heros im so sorry about this but i really need to kill native"
"thanks i guess? but we gon fucking boop to you drop bitch"
"ToDorOkI nO"
"iida hes trying to kill us we can call him a bitch"
stains huming the song they were singing as he carted away to fucking jail
"what a goddamn boop, they heros of music"
training camp is the same time as choir camp n 1a is shook n they are conflicted. aizawa gets training camp moved back a week
(the villains still attack but they tried to assault an empty camp first n thats funny)
the fight through the earth beasts is just 1a singing literally every song they know theyd finish a song, n theres a second wait while everyone races to think of something they all know before they scream out the title n start them all off
they sang bohemian rhapsody 5 times
1a arrives at traing camp like
"we just had fuck choir camp you dont scare us"
1a wasnt joking they arent phased by the summer camp. 1b is crying
bakugo gets kidnapped n just hums softly
shinso made it in after the festival because aizawa thought he was promising n it was another choir boy zawa has to protect them no hes not going soft zashi shut up
"bitch you villains have nothing on ms king fuck she had me shook"
the bakugo rescuse is the same but its more of 1a n no one was trying to talk them out of it very well
"its dangerous, dont get hurt" "we wont" "yeah ok"
they hold hands while they watch the allmight fight cause they are too scared to let go
then they run back onto the field to allmight after the fight n they hug n cry a lot
they go with yagi to the hospital n sing dumb songs together while he gets a checkup
izuku doesnt have to stop to wipe his nose, n bakugos voice doesnt shake n todoroki is pitch perfect of course (kiri and momo are ugly crying unabashedly. tenya is trying to find tissues)
bakugo totally doesnt hide his tears n growl that thy need a shitty nerd to lead them so they dont get to good
he yells at everyone cause he was scared but he can’t make himself be too mean cause they are his smol kids
mic smiles n mutters that aizawa has really gone soft on this class n aizawa just hides his face in mics shoulder n pretends he wasnt scared out of his mind for them
all of them grab his hand
izuku hugs bakugo saying they all need the future dance leader, after all no one else is as good as him
aizawa wants to be mad but hes proud that his kids didnt get hurt and were smart n improved so much
in the dorms they draw up a birthday list n anyone whos birthday has already been gets a new birthday
they wake them up at 6am you sing happy birthday n they birthday kid gets to pick the music on the bus n in the kitchen
bakugo n sato bake
iida, shinso n izuku are harmonizing while trying to eat breakfast but its bean 5 minutes n they havent eaten anything
bakugo shoves toast into izus mouth as he walks past to make himself some coffee
izuku sings around the toats
bakugo groans n sings over him
"i Just wanTed Coffee"
"BitcH we gOttA hArmoNiZe"
ochako, mina n tsuuyu are going over their dance infront of the couch, satou n tokoyami are gently sparring around bowls of oats and fruit
aizawa is humming as he cuts up some fruit for him and mic
sero sticks sheetmusic to the walls with his quirk so they can go over it as they do other stuff
shinso plays the goddamn switch piano as a backing track n bakugo is mad that hes impressed
yagi visits n tells them all hes so proud of them n listens to their sing their favourite songs with them n listens to izuku gush about new musicals almost as much as he talks about heroes
bakugo saltily adds on little bits of info
shinso n izuku dramatically reinact musicals together as they spar, (obedient servant is their fave beat eachother up song)
they get out musical soundtracks n people call dibs on the songs they want to fight to, aizawa mans the speakers and acts as the ref as bakugo n izuku fight to alexander Hamilton
ochako n todoroki fight to my shot cause it means a lot to both of them
the kids not fighting are singing the song on the sidelines. aizawa sings along too but he wont admit it
( he n izuku sing a lil duet for the room where it happens, mic claps n yagi cries)
no one fights for the last song cause everyone is busy singing n crying. - aizawa only cried cause he had dry eye ok nothing more
bakusquad always fights over the jefferson n layfette parts, they all wanna sing them solo
izuku starts with history has its eyes on you, looks at yagi n then starts to cry
yagi starts to cry too
he n yagi hug n leave training for a min to get icecream
izu grabs yagi n full cowl jumps to get icecream, makes yagi carry the icecream n jumps back
they eat icecream as 1a finishes up the musical sparring n they try not to cry some more
todoroki is still 100% conviced yagi is izus dad, hes just also conviced neither of them know it
yagi is very proud of his boy and very proud he didnt cough blood over his icecream
mic was his section leader when he was still in choir n zawa was the dance leader n they made the best duo
they were low on time due to hero training to they learnt their songs as they fought, w mic playing them through his phone as they beat up villains
they wouldnt let midnight practise with them because the fights finished too quickly so they didnt get a chance to sing
yagi wasnt in that particular choir, or any choir really but he loved to sing, would hum to victims to make them feel better and sung on tv for fans and charity
he starts teaching at the choir after the retires from hero work because he misses working and he really thinks the kids are delightful
yagi is a good choir dad n cries at all the concerts, n at the gigs, n when ever they do well really
they get nicknamed the hero course choir because so many ua students go/have gone
there are normal highschoolers of course but the ua students wont be outdone and are the best in the class
aizwa tells vlad they sing during sparring for breath support and stamina, and then decides thats actually a good reason n makes that the official reason, ignoring "it makes them smile" and "these kids have had enough intense fights"
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pocketramblr · 2 years ago
Headcanons for OFA stockpiles beauty, tddk version, please.
1- ok so dorms happen earlier in the first semester, after the revelation that Shigaraki carries a picture around of Izuku and the winged nomu targeted him to carry off. But in the meantime while they're being built, UA is like 'maybe we should get this kid a protective detail or someone at least watching him off campus'. Tenya and Shoto are both in the hospital room while that's discussed, and both immediately offer their connections- but with the Iida family focusing on their sons right now, it makes more sense to see if they can take the Todorokis up on it instead. Which means that now, Izuku is alternating between staying with All Might (doesn't want to impose or run more of his time down) or the Todorokis (also doesn't want to impose, but its nice to get to know his friend more!)
2- Enji isn't thrilled about the protective detail, but he figures pretty quickly this kid's got some connection to All Might and would like to figure out what- and uh yeah Shoto's crush on him is as obvious as it is understandable, so he wants to keep an eye on that to make sure he isn't distracted now that he's finally using his fire.
He is very specific about Izuku getting a guest room in a different wing of the house from Shoto.
It doesn't matter much, since they spend a lot of time out with friends after school or together in the living room or dojo anyway.
3- Fuyumi decides to try and help her brother out, asking Izuku a couple questions while he's helping her cook and Shoto's gone to visit Rei one Sunday. She says she's sure he's the heartbreaker of his class, any datemate?
Izuku laughs uncomfortably, says no, but gets why she asked- its a side effect of his quirk, he isn't really as attractive as it seems, no one is actually likes him, just the quirk tricking them too.
Fuyumi gets very quiet and very serious, and says she's sorry. Sometimes, quirks don't seem worth the trouble, and he's in hard spot- but she's sure at some point, someone will see the real him, and like the real him, besides from the glamour. Izuku thanks her, and after dinner Fuyumi pulls Shoto aside to bring up the quirk and if he thinks he's under the effect of it, or if he has a real crush on him.
Shoto stares at her, and says he doesn't have a crush on Izuku, he's just objectively attractive and a brilliant friend.
Fuyumi realizes he's as oblivious as Izuku, and both beyond her help.
4- Shoto realizes that night that Fuyumi was right, but as a youngest sibling is physically incapable of admitting that so soon, and decides to simply act as if it was a slowburn unrelated to anything she said, and that itll probably be easy, since Izuku is so clearly over any attempts to woo him. He doesn't want to be pushy. He doesn't want Izuku to feel like Rei. So instead, he just acts friendly. Gets him All Might merch for his birthday, keeps a poker face when Izuku joins them in the hot spring at camp even if he cant quite control the temperature reaction, and keeps a lookout/causes distractions to make having quiet meetings with All Might easier for him.
5- Ok i dont know how but imagine whatever convoluted scenario needs to happen for Izuku to get shot with a temporary eraser bullet. this is mostly because he deserves to go feral and smart and fight quirkless again, but also because everyone realizes he does look/seem different this way, until the glamour comes back- everyone except Shoto, who didn't notice a difference and says it, which startles some tears out of Izuku only for him to bury that deep, deep down because he's got a while before he's gonna confront the mortifying ordeal of having a crush of his own
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