#so i do feel a bit awkward about being here while they're going through something so serious and personal
thevioletcaptain · 29 days
#so one half of the couple i'm house/dogsitting for had an unexpected medical emergency on their trip#which -- i won't go into details but it culminated in a pretty serious diagnosis and emergency major surgery#and now they're coming home today after getting medevac transport back to california#and have asked me to stay here for a few more days while they settle in#as the one who had the emergency needs 24/7 care during recovery but is being released from hospital to recover at home#and they need someone to basically keep looking after the dog/keep her from getting in the way while they figure out what care he needs#anyway i agreed to stay a few days like they asked#which means i'm trying to finish my coursework before they get back later this afternoon but man my focus levels are LOW#and honestly they have been for several days at this point because once again it seems that waiting to hear about medical stuff has become#somewhat of a panic response trigger for me since the extended nightmare of february this year with my dad#and mostly i've been able to compartmentalize but the energy that takes has truly wiped me out#to the point that i'm genuinely shocked it hasn't set off a fibro flare up (touch wood)#also i really don't know this couple very well at all -- they're mostly friends of my parents-in-law#i've looked after their dog for them several times over the past couple of years#but obviously that's been while they aren't home#and i've only had fairly brief interactions with them#so i do feel a bit awkward about being here while they're going through something so serious and personal#but they're nice people and they need the help and i'm able to provide it so i'm gonna push past that#anyway just a tag post venting thing
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katakaluptastrophy · 7 months
I think what's so interesting about Gideon as a narrator at the anniversary dinner is the fact that there's clearly tensions that she's just not picking up on because she's only there to eat a dessert.
But these people are all the immensely powerful leaders of the Houses and consider themselves to be in competition for literal godlike powers and the favour of the emperor.
There's so many little snippets that are potentially intriguing: why is Teacher trying to prime the Ninth to consider the Fifth a threat? Why are the Third and the Sixth "sizing each other up like prizefighters"? The Fifth absolutely knew what they were doing when they sat the teen heads of the opposing cults near each other.
Through Gideon's lens, Magnus' speech is a little awkward jokey thing. But...the seneschal of the House that is known to be actively trying to absorb another House is saying it's such a shame they're all so remote from each other and what do they all have in common (and it's so quiet you "could have heard a hair flutter to the floor") - that had to feel a bit different to people who aren't Gideon.
Palamedes' is dissecting the meaning of "Master Warden" and at one point compares it to a prison warden. 'Dulcinea' asking about whether Magnus and Abigail have children is perhaps less small talk and rather more pointedly political. Harrow's apparently stilted conversation with Protesilaus is clearly her actually probing his limitations like he's a bad Chat GPT-run chatbot.
And then 'Dulcinea' tells Gideon she liked the dinner because it was "useful". In her typical "I never lied to you" way, Cyth wasn't lying when she said Abigail had to die because of her hobby - Abigail Pent let loose on the Facility would have risked blowing Cyth's cover sky high. But what does a Canaan House look like where after the dinner party, the Fifth go down to the facility, get a key, and survive to continue their 'the Houses are going to get along or else' agenda? We've seen Fifth House soft power on a smaller scale in HTN: and it looks like inviting a teenager round for coffee, lulling her into a false sense of security with small talk, and then physically preventing her from leaving the room until she does what you want, while smiling the entire time. A series of little coffee chats could probably have led to a lot of cooperation in Canaan House, one way or another.
Gideon jokes about Silas marrying Ianthe because of their similar colour pallete, but it does raise the fact that there seems to be some tension around the Third, its succession, and the *point* of Ianthe. Why is Silas openly saying Ianthe should have died at birth? Combined with Judith's comments in the Cohort Intelligence Files about succession on the Third, it feels like there's something else being said here that Gideon isn't picking up on.
And of course, Harrow wasn't the only one desperate to become a Lyctor because her con was unsustainable. Presumably at some point Corona and Ianthe would be expected to marry, or at least take on more separate roles as Corona prepared to take over the throne and Ianthe was funneled off elsewhere. At some point, their package deal would have become unsustainable and Corona's cover would have been blown. But much as Harrow wants to become a Lyctor so she can reveal the state of the Ninth without repercussions, Ianthe is probably in part motivated to become a Lyctor for the same reason. Because otherwise, what would Ianthe's expected role have been? Amidst the suggestion of anxiety about the Idan succession, the dinner party also presents the fact that the reason Abigail and Magnus' infertility isn't a succession crisis for the ruling family of the Fifth is that Abigail's younger brother dutifully married in his early 20s and had kids. We know there are branch families in Ida - Babs is from one. He may be a prince, but he's not treated well, and you do get the sense that the stakes to stay in power in Ida are high.
We don't learn anything about the political situation in the Houses themselves during HTN or NTN, but in the wake of Canaan House, you have to suspect there are a number of tensions and concerns.
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sillymilie · 5 months
Charles Leclerc imagine
In which you got your period at your boyfriend's house but he takes care of you and makes you feel better.
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You went over to your boyfriend's house wearing your pajamas. It was a cute set that Charles had gotten you a few months back. For what reason? He simply wanted to please you and get you something you wanted for a while now.
Three knocks were heard on the outside of your boyfriend's front door, and shortly after that he answered and opened it.
"Hey mon amour, how are you feeling?" Charles asked, knowing you've been having some pre-period cramps. (my love)
"Hi! I could be better. How about you, Charles?" You asked as he let you inside. He looked at you as you walked in, admiring how cute you looked in the set he got you.
"I'm doing really well now that you're here." He said, honest. You cracked a smile at that sentence and blushed. God, you still had the biggest crush on him after months and months of dating. You couldn't help it though, it was indeed Charles Leclerc.
"You're so adorable." You said as you set your tote bag on the kitchen counter and watched as your boyfriend came behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind. You got butterflies, and he knew that. You couldn't lie to him. He always knew everything and you couldn't help it.
"Je t'aime." Charles said, kissing your cheek. "Come on, let's go watch a movie. I got ourselves snacks. They're all set up in the bedroom." (I love you)
You followed him and saw multiple kinds of snacks scattered around the desk besides his bed. Charles got every snacks you liked, and even a cute blanket that he had previously washed after buying it at the store. It smelled amazing.
"Charles, do you know how much I appreciate you?"
"What? Of course I do." Charles said while giggling, probably not taking you very seriously.
"Stop laughing, I'm being serious!" You said, as you threw yourself onto him as the both of you fell on the bed. You grabbed his face and covered him with kisses as he grabbed your waist with both of his hands so that you wouldn't fall off. As you pulled away from his face, you grabbed a strand of his hair and put it back into place. You grinned and watched him as he looked deep into your eyes.
"Come on, choose your movie crazy lady." Your boyfriend said, handing you the TV remote.
"Ha-ha. Very funny." You replied sarcastically, taking it from him and went on Netflix.
After looking for a while, you ended up watching the first Spider-Man movie together. You laid on top of him as he played with your hair and whispered sweet words in your ear. You were about to fall asleep until you felt something odd.
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom, I'll be back." You said, quickly getting up and going into the bathroom. You closed the door behind you and immediately sat on the toilet, pulling your pants and panties down. Shit. You got your period. Not knowing what to do at first, you looked around but there was nothing that could help you. You sighed and decided to do what was best.
"Charles!" You yelled in disbelief. Footsteps became louder and louder, indicating that your boyfriend was getting closer.
"What's going on?" He asked, a bit of panic in his voice.
"I- I got on my period." You said, feeling awkward.
"Can I come in?" Charles asked.
"Uh- yeah?"
Charles came in and looked through one of the cabinets in the bathroom. He got a box of pads out and handed one to you. You looked at him confused at first but then you sighed in relief and looked at him.
"Thank you, you saved my life. Why do you have this though?"
"I bought it in case anything like this would ever happen, and it did. To you." Charles smiled as he quickly kissed you and got out of the bathroom, letting you have some privacy.
After doing what you had to do, you got out and joined Charles back in bed. The movie was almost over but you and him didn't mind. You got under the sheets and he wrapped you up in his arms, cuddling with you. You felt your eyes close more and more each second. You were so thankful to have a boyfriend that truly cared about you. And so, you fell asleep as Charles continued to whispers sweet words in your ear.
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moodymisty · 3 months
*awkward cough*
Mother, I crave luna wolves smut.
(this is my first time sending someone a request *internal panic* so bare with me)
(I'm thinking about the luna wolves bullying a surf fic that you did and now have brainrot.)
Like, imagine being my height (5'1) and having a big "mean" astartes fully aware that I'm sooo horny I'm loosing my mind.
And something about space marines that I can't stop thinking about is how they smell. Like the amount of testosterone.. Their sent has to be immensely horny inducing for a female.
Like- damn. Gigantic, absolutely shredded, smug ass smile and, teasing comments, absolute bastard of a super human. Asking you to do stuff that requires a lot more physical closeness than normal. Getting absolutely wrecked by the astartes smell(TM).
Eventually deciding to "help each other out" hot and heavy Make outs, grinding, humping, neck kisses and neck bites, the absolute WETness, SERIOUS man handling..
Jeez sorry I'm so down bad. Feel free to ignore me lol.
Big fan of your writing, hope you're doing well.
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[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 | 𝕬𝖔3 ]
Author's note: i am unhinged. Decided to make an actual Luna wolf oc for this one just cause. This idea is my fucking jam but for some reason I had a lot of trouble with this one, I think it's just because I'm getting a bit burnt out finishing the last of the requests. I hope you still enjoy.
Relationships: Artyom(Luna Wolf OC)/Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mild NSFW, Grinding, Groping, Some mild manhandling
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The Thunderhawk shakes as the air cools during its ascent, and Artyom puts a hand on your shoulder to steady you in your seat. You don’t have any risk for falling over, but he still does it anyways. You look up at him and give him a small nod in thanks.
The other refugees however are largely fending for themselves, grouped close together and muttering amongst themselves.
You don’t mind not being part of it. You barely know any of them; And throughout this entire ordeal, you've found yourself growing closer to Artyom than any of them. He doesn’t seem to mind, and if anything, seems to find it amusing. During the few times you’d see him wander through the base he’d always make a point to call you out, say hello before returning to his duties.
The other refugees found it odd. While Astartes are respected and admired, being in their attention isn’t seen as the most positive. They are mercurial and unpredictable on the best of days, intimating masses of muscle that can kill with ease; And enjoy doing so.
Artyom is an oddity among the Luna Wolves, to enjoy poking at a human. Even if it's only one, and he regains his stoic, almost sleepy expression when barking orders at any of the others.
Once the Thunderhawk docks into the landing bay of the battlebarge, everyone makes their way off. The Astartes leave silently other than an apothecary who ushers the refugees along to where they’ll stay before being placed. More than likely the first Imperium port they come across, where they'll become the Imperium Guard's logistical problem.
You move to follow along with them, assuming that will be your place, but Artyom grabs you before you have the chance. His hand claps your shoulder, nearly painfully heavy from the size and weight of his gauntlet.
“Come with me instead.”
You look up at him before following closely, halls rapidly becoming filled with only Astartes. They all look curiously at you, as if wondering what a baseline human is doing in this area. Clearly they're not used to them being here. You continue following Artyom anyways however and try to ignore the questioning gazes, until he pulls you inside a room filled with armoring equipment.
“Here. Hold this while I remove my armor.” He hands you his knife, while his bolter and rifle go on a rack made specifically for them. The knife clearly has more sentimental value, you assume.
“Why did you have me follow you?”
You say, holding the knife tight as machines slowly peel away plate after plate of ceramite. It's such an odd thing to see, watching him go slowly from a near machine in massive armor to something you would consider more human; Even if still very different.
“Those refugees are going into the serfs quarters until we pass by a human settled world. It will be a tight fit.”
The material of his black skinsuit is revealed bit by bit, until no armor remains. Your hands tighten around the handle of the large knife. The suit leaves nothing to the imagination as the name implies, stretching over his entire body other than his upper neck and face, and interface ports.
“So I won’t stay down there? Where will I sleep then?” You feel disrespectful for asking, you should be thankful his legion even bother to saved you. Artyom however seems to find no intentional disrespect, or at least doesn't point any out.
“You can stay in my quarters. Unless you would prefer the serfs.”
Slowly he starts to peel away his black skinsuit, revealing bare skin. The farther down it peels away- neck, collar bone, chest, hips- the farther down it drops the more you force your eyes to remain at strictly shoulder height and higher.
Once everything is removed, he pushes his shoulder blades together and they let out a crack, flexing his shoulders and chest. You swallow a knot in your throat, the knife being strangled in your hands.
Artyom hums, grabbing one of the sets of trousers and pulling them on. You shake your head and try to dispel thoughts you are sure would get you into an unspeakable amount of trouble away.
“Oh, nothing. I'm sorry.”
Now dressed you can worry less about your eyes wandering to places they shouldn't, but not completely; the waistline of his trousers exposing a good portion of his hips and lower stomach. You hope he didn't catch the way your eyes lingered on the v of his hips for a bit longer than they should have.
He walks closer, closer enough that you have to take a step back. He gives his neck a crack, and for a moment you wonder if the armor is that intensive on them; In it they never seem to mind, almost as if it's a second skin.
“Are you sure? Your heart is loud.”
He can hear it? You're throat tightens; You wonder what else he can hear. Can he hear your ragged breathing? The way your blood is thumping in your ears and downward between your legs.
“Oh, I just… A lot has happened. It's a lot to think about.” Artyom gives a gentle, sleepy smirk, and puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Do not worry. You are safe with me.”
Perhaps from physical dangers; but your mind is now a battleground between common sense and base instinct.
The way his shoulders make your body seem so frail, towering over you. The way his muscles stretch across his neck, his collarbone, the smooth taughtness of his stomach drifting into the v of his hips.
And perhaps he may not smell the nicest in first impression, there’s something underneath it that is oddly, not terrible. You find yourself swallowing a large knot in your throat as he looks down at you, his smirk shifting the taught skin of his facial scars. You skin feel like it's on fire, like you're boiling from the outside in, and you swear you've never felt this aroused in your entire life. The way you feel like your cunt has an actual heartbeat.
"You must still be quite unsettled, if your heart is still racing."
He steps closer, putting a hand on your shoulder; Though it's large enough that it pushes against the crook of your neck. He squeezes it just a bit, and you try to resist letting out an audible hitch in your breath.
"I'm fine, really. I thank you for your concern, though. It means a lot coming from you."
You feel like you're beginning to sweat, and your lower body feels tight and hot. You squeeze your thighs together subtly and instantly you can tell you're getting wet.
Artyom takes a step closer, and you didn't realize how close you were to the wall until your back presses against it and you're near entirely consumed in shadow. The armoring room is quite small, you can only assume because the battlebarge lacks the size of their larger ships.
"You are not a good liar," He says, his smile changing form. "I can smell you."
His hand moves from your shoulder to around your waist, easily able to cover a significant portion with how large it is.
"It took me a bit, to realize what that smell was whenever you were around me."
You don't suppose that's surprising; Being an astartes is surely a secluded fate, without much room for fraternizing. And the smell of someone being so aroused is probably unique and quite subtle, not an easily explainable thing.
He pulls your body forcing you to arch your back towards him, shoulders still against the wall. Your hands press against his body, and you can feel the overwhelming stuffy heat of his skin. He's nearly naked with only his trousers, yet he still feels like he has the body heat of a man who's just run for miles and miles.
His other hand also wraps around your waist, and you feel his fingers pushing up against the bottom of your chest.
It's bit awkward for him to lean down closer to you with his size, but it's easier when he forces his knee between your legs, rising you to your tiptoes. The feeling sends jolts of sensation right up your spine, and your cunt throbs. It's a intentional, painful act to not grind yourself against his thigh like you were desperate, no matter how in reality it was true.
"You're so small," He jokes, shadowing you. "Do you think you could even help me remove and put on my armor with those little hands of yours?"
His lips ghost over yours, the bow of his lip brushing against yours as he teases you. You can't help the way your hips twitch forward slightly, ever so subtly grinding against him as he moves in to kiss you. During so, his hands slide down from your waist to your hips, and forces you to push down on his thigh harder, as well as raising his knee up against the wall just a bit more to force your weight even more on him. His leg is still barely bent however; He could easily take your feet all the way off the ground if he wanted.
His hands grip your hips tightly and force you to grind against his thigh, causing you to moan and whimper. Your hands grip his own body weakly, leaning forward into him and pressing your face into his collarbone. You can feel the heat and hardness of his cock against your leg, and your cunt keeps tensing around a disappointing emptiness at the thought.
You want it so unbelievably bad. You would do just about anything for it. You don't care who hears or who sees, you just want him inside of you and you'll be more than willing to beg and plead and cry for it.
His lips pull away from yours, lips swollen and well kissed. You feel your spit mixed with your own against them.
"Be my personal serf. It'll be a far better life than whatever a refugee's will be, where ever you and your fellow humans end up."
You can't deny what he says is true. But the lust-driven cloud fogging your mind is more than a significant contributor to the 'yes' that you utter to him. It makes his smirk wider, and his eyes darker.
"Would I, still stay in your quarters?" His hands still grip your hips tightly as you speak breathlessly, trying to whimper and grind yourself against him further.
"There's serf's quarters right next my own I can requisition just for you." His lips move from your mouth to your neck, pressing against the pulse point just below your right ear.
"But if you'd rather stay in my own, I won't complain."
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hangesdarling · 6 months
Idea! Hange who finds out her rival in the scouts is actually just a massive bottom
rivals, right? — h. zoë
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PAIRING. Hange Zoë x female reader SYNOPSIS. You and your rival Hange were forced to sleep in one tent for an expedition. CONTENT. 18+, MDNI, nipple sucking, fingering, oral sex, a bit slow burn WORD COUNT. 2.1k A/N. sorry anon i missed the part where they're scouts :") they're both section commanders on this one though. hope that's alright!
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"I'm not sleeping with you," you groaned, the irritation sharp enough to cut through the night. 
"You make it sound weird when we're just sleeping in one tent," Hange said with an amused laugh, padding up the tent floor with a few blankets so it wouldn't be too rocky to lie down on. 
So annoying, you might be thinking. Hange always acts coy, teasing even as if your constant clash and rivalry were an amusement of some sort. Years of training and expeditions, even as scouts, Hange always managed to be linked with you. Both were labeled the smartest, both became section commanders at the same time, and both were considered respectable researchers. Your titles always one up with the other, a tight competition you never seemed to have an agreement on. 
"Ugh, why is it always with you?" You mumbled behind the notebook you're scribbling on. It was loud enough to reach Hange's ears. 
"Sorry, dear. Every tent is occupied," they said simply. Hange placed two makeshift pillows, peeking over the tent as if waiting for you to come inside. You glanced in their direction but turned away almost instantly. 
"I'll be out here for a while," you muttered, focused on scribbling on your notes. Hange looked over your shoulder in curiosity, crawling beside you. 
"Observations, huh?" Hange remarked, pushing their glasses up so their eyes could follow your scribbles. 
You blushed at being observed, quickly hiding the notes you were writing. 
"Nah, just listing why my research is more relevant than yours," you saved yourself from awkwardness, pulling a smug smile. 
Hange laughed, tilting their head almost mockingly. "That's kinda pathetic, don't you think?" 
"Heh, not when I get those two titans for my experiment," you replied, lips curling into a smirk. 
Ah, so damn stubborn, Hange thought. They shook their head lightly, still amused by how you managed to pull this stubborn behavior with them for years. You're typically kind and soft-spoken with other scouts, an authority to be respected, not feared. But Hange finds it almost ridiculous when you both act like bickering children around each other. 
"Would it kill you to share a titan with me? Besides, Erwin said we only get to capture one titan each."
"Out of all people, you should know that won't be enough," you replied. The situation you're both in just hardens your stubbornness. How could humanity thrive and gain knowledge when research is always limited? Tight budget, the shitty authority; Survey Corps never seems to run out of problems. 
"Well, we have to work with our limited resources, you know," Hange explained. "We're not supported enough in terms of this. Our supplies are insufficient. That's probably why we're sharing a tent."
"I'll do something about that," you mumbled like a steadfast promise. "Just go to sleep for now."
Hange looks at you for a while, perhaps in admiration or judgment. But in any way, they see the reflection of their resolve. 
"You should sleep too. It would be a long day tomorrow. Good night, Y/N."
Do something about it, huh? Hange slept with that curious thought, wondering what risky method would you try to pull in the next few days. 
Being outside the walls stopped feeling new after your tenth or fifteenth expedition. As a scout, you always have some sort of fear just from the countless tales of unsuccessful expeditions and a tower of dead bodies after one. 
 But now, you managed to expertly map through the routes outside just from memory. Where titans roam the least or the best view to watch over their behavior. 
You were sitting atop a branch of a large tree, binoculars in hand, and planning where to stage the capture. Your mind went through the manpower and equipment sent with you outside, wincing at the fact that the capture could be dangerous. Hange managed to develop a catching net some months ago, ensuring a safe capture. However, with the tight route and a precarious amount of titan, you doubt that this capture would be entirely safe. 
From another tree, Hange was watching titans, observing how slow they usually walk without bait. They are focusing. Supposedly. 
But now and then, their binoculars would travel over where you sat, the lenses perfectly capturing your distress at the current conundrum. 
No sooner, you felt another presence at the tree—Hange's familiar footsteps, careful to reach you on that wide branch. 
"You're worrying about the route, isn't it?" you heard them whisper behind you as you lowered your own binoculars. 
"Not just that," you sighed defeatedly, head on your hands. "I was thinking that two titans really wouldn't be enough for us even if we shared."
You handed Hange your notebook much to their surprise. They flipped over the pages, gaining an understanding of your concerns. Your desired experiment might be ambitious and idealistic but it would be helpful if you succeeded. But with resources so limited and countless lives to take into consideration, how would you able to do this?
Hange sat beside you, still thumbing over some pages. Even if you're turning your face away, Hange could tell you were trying hard not to tear up from the frustration and possibility of loss. This was important for you after all. They've watched you study, observe, and create all of these for over a year. 
They placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it lightly before saying, "We could do something about this, you know that. Come with me."
"Why do you always kick your blanket off when you sleep?" Hange asked curiously one night in the tent. 
"No, I don't."
"Yes, you do! I had to tuck it beneath your feet at least three times last night," Hange argued. 
"My, don't bother with it..." You brushed it off, turning away from them to hide your face. You tried to trace back since when Hange Zoë's relationship with you became so casual, almost friendly. If your mind wanders far enough, you might consider something else happening. Affection, maybe. But you shrugged all those thoughts off, reminding yourself that the plan you agreed on was purely for science and the advancement of humanity. 
"But you're weak to coldness," Hange continued, covering you in several layers of blanket, ignoring the pout on your lips. They had a grin on their face when they said, "Don't want my research partner getting sick, do I?"
"We're not research partners," you frowned.
"Eh, why not? I just told you my whole plan and you agreed with it."
"Doesn't mean we're partners from now on."
"God, you're one stubborn lady," Hange chuckled, a sigh escaping their lips. They pulled their blankets over them, slowly dozing off. Outside, the night was filled with the gentle chirps of crickets, chorusing at one point. Even with such proximity, you could feel Hange's warmth, their gentle breathing only conveyed that they must also be awake. 
The next morning, you and Hange's plan set into motion, traps were located strategically in a different route. Both of you were taking full liability for what would happen in the days to come, informing the soldiers about the need to capture four titans to sufficiently conduct the research. It wasn't the safest plan, some were hesitant but many trusted your scheme since all of you share a common goal. 
You commander your unit, imparting knowledge of the best actions to take. But for the remaining hours, your eyes remained on your notebook, pretending to check details to reach the optimum result. However, Hange knew you had an entirely different reason. Maybe to interact less with them, afraid they would bring up how you two ended up tangled in each other's arms last night.
"I'm just letting you know that won't happen again," you said flatly, eyes boring upwards through the tent as you lay down. 
Hange turned their head to you, their lips forming into a subtle smirk once more. "What is?"
"Um, last night..." you said in a low voice. 
"Ah, you mean when you're hugging me so tightly?" Hange asked smugly. 
You bit your lip, trying to save yourself from this. "I was asleep. Not responsible for my actions, but forgive me for disturbing your sleep."
Much to your surprise, Hange hovered over you, their deep brown eyes glinting almost knowingly against the dark space inside. The atmosphere thickened, your heart ramming louder than the sounds of night. 
"No need to apologize for anything, sweetheart," they whispered, their eyes following your lips the way your eyes do for them. In that heated moment, all that you've both held in flooded out like a dam breaking and gushing to spill over. Hange placed a firm hand on your shoulder, keeping you pinned on the blankets as their lips met yours. It was a firm kiss, your lips nearly melting into each other's. Your hands traveled on Hange's hair where you tug and pull them closer. Hange sat you up in their lap, gaining better access of your neck and chest. Their hands snaked under your clothes as they ask for permission to go further each time to which you only nod. 
"If you want to have me so bad, you shouldn't have spent years being annoying," you muttered into the kiss. 
"Says the one who wouldn't let go of me last night," Hange smirked, a thumb circling your clothed breasts. "Besides, you should've picked up on it early on. You're so smart after all."
"You know, you look more attractive when you shut up," you muttered as you fell on top of Hange. Their flushed face look at you expectantly, expecting you would dominate this whole ordeal. After all, they saw you in that dominant, commanding light after years of leadership. 
But Hange noticed how flustered you were just from being on top of them. Your thighs kept straddled on their lap, your hands resting on their shoulder, not knowing where to hold on. Hange smirked, taking it as a sign to flip you over once more. Their breath was warm against your ear as they whispered, "It's okay, Y/N. Let me do it for you."
Hange locked your lips in a kiss once more, bundling your shirt on your chest. Their lips slithered from your lips down to your throat, reaching the trail between your breasts. They kept one firm hand on your wrist as their tongue gently circled one of your nipples, sucking their lips on the hardened bud.
Hange covered your mouth before you let out high-pitched noises from the sensation. 
"Shhhh... You don't want your subordinates to hear you, right?" They smiled against the darkness. 
The night was slow and heated as you let Hange do wonders with their mouth and fingers, always managing to draw out a soundless moan from you. Your lips could only part, your hands clenching around their body. They were amused to see you follow along and nod with their wishes, so compliant with their charm.
Hange had the button of your blouse open, your breasts spilling out into their face and the warm flesh of your stomach open for their wet kisses. 
"You know," Hange began, drawing their fingers in and out of you at a teasingly, slow pace. "I didn't expect this much submission from you."
"Shut up, Hange..." you breathed out, a hand over your eyes as you were beginning to write against their fingers. Hange held down your hip, tugging your pants a bit more so they could have more access to you.
"As you wish, m'lady," Hange placed a kiss on your clit before gently lapping up the warm wetness gathering on your slit.
Hange kept on until the faint light of dawn slitted through your tent. You forgot just how much stamina they had to draw one orgasm after another from you. They only stopped when you've whined and writhed enough under them, pleading for a break. Hange fixed up your clothes, smoothed out your hair, and drew the blanket over you again as if nothing happened. Their wet lips kissed you once more as they said, "You still have a few hours to sleep. Sleep tight, sweetheart."
The capture will take place during the afternoon. The equipment was set, and the soldiers were preparing their ODM gear for however long the capture may last. 
The scouts passed by, even some of your friends, noticing the slight shift of the atmosphere but couldn't quite put it into words. Maybe this time their section commanders weren't bickering as usual. They went with that fresh start in high spirits,  brushing off their suspicions whenever they saw Hange place an arm around your waist or whisper something to make you laugh or blush. Your unit didn't think much of it, even attributing it as a minor hallucination or a ripple in the universe. There's no way their section commanders are getting affectionate.
After all, you're rivals, right?
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likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated, sweethearts <3
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bluginkgo · 25 days
Ep 8 Thoughts and Details Part 1
Some thoughts and details I had while watching ep8, and some parallels I found. And yes, I had to split this into 2 parts because Tumblr said "fack you, you can only upload 30 images :P"
Spoilers, duh
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Already starting strong, the song that plays through the radio is "Cyn's theme" if you will, that is heard all the way back in ep5 (time stamp about 2:34)
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Ep8 showcasing the first teaser image that was released on Liam's channel. Quite bittersweet, in a good way.
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Well, uh, Uzi is a true god now XD She's got the AS that was originally in Cyn as well, double powerful and double traumatized/damaged OC!
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"A How-to guide of overcoming the existential dread evoked by murdering innocent sentient robots capable of emotion and independent thought. Real life JCJ engineer testimonies. Thought provoking analysis of life and the benefit of being the apex predator. Insanely philosophical advice such as, 'Get over it,' 'Shut up and keep working,' 'Do you want a job or not.'"
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Bleh >:P The fact that the AS is still playful is something a bit silly to me, in a funny way. Despite it being the god of the universe- almost- it has a silly side to it.
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The amount of times there were cuss words either almost said/implicated made me so happy and burst out laughing one too many times XD
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I've seen some people mention how the reunion between Uzi and Nori was unsatisfactory. In my opinion? It was perfect. The awkward feeling of meeting someone you should have known your entire life, all the while trying to the world was perfectly translated here. The silliness that Uzi inherited from Nori shines here. But most of all, N's kindness shines through Uzi. I think if Uzi was still her angsty rebellious teen like she was back at the beginning of the series, she would have not had as nice of a reunion with Nori as she did now.
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Omg, you have no idea how happy I was in this scene. The animation, VAs, the DETAIL- ALL OF IT was so amazing! N looks so silly and goober-y <:3 Another thing I took notice later on was the timing. It's not really stated how much time it took for Uzi to go from falling down the AS hole to being punted into space. But assuming about minutes, that implies N facking booked it. The moment he got tossed out of the cathedral with the keys, he absolutely booked it to the ship without evening thinking whether Uzi was alive or not. He needed to see the evidence for himself. He didn't give up on and assume that Uzi was gone.
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Recently one of the animators posted the scenes they worked on, giving us a clearer view of expressions. The work done by Xoriak was amazing and really pushed the expressions on these characters to the limit. What used to be Uzi's anger, quickly melts into relief an sadness as she realizes that N didn't give up on her in this scene. While she sacrificed herself, N did not accept her possible death as the only answer. No, he chose to look for her, and he would have done the same with V had the elevator not been blocked off.
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This made me happy too. N has grown so much from who he was in the pilot. He used to be the push over that made friends with rocks, that accepted any order from the higher ups and didn't dare question any rebuttals. Now? Now he's confident enough to even voice the fact that he was mad about what Uzi did.
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Give me like- giv- give me a second- LKJD;OIADKNVKVNAKDJF;OIWAEJFANVKJASDJFAOIWEFNAKJSDBV For the longest time my hyperfixation has been BONKS. Evident enough with what I've drawn (looks back at the 4-5 bonk drawings I've made). The fact that I got to see them bonk in canon made my sad sorry soul ascend into the upper plane of existence XD Oh and "die man bit-"
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I grew up watching Studio Ghibli, so to see this moment- of NUzi falling and holding hands, of course my brain said- YOYOYOYO LOOK LOOK THEY'RE SO CUTE-
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The moment of respite, the hug, the tail wrap around and the quick release from Uzi's part after having a heart to heart- it was all so perfectly beautiful ;w; NOT TO MENTION THE MUSIC, as usual AJ DiSpirito absolutely delivered. I REQUIRE THAT MUSIC TO BE PLAYING LOUDLY IN MY EARS 24/7 PLEASE AND THANK YOU AJ.
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"I owe you 1 spaceship" -N
Couple things:
It's funny how J just either gave the ship up without a fight, or N was so stupidly fast that J couldn't even do anything about him taking it XD
N is an absolute machine at speed drawing XD
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"I'm FINE, and calm, and GO AWAY." J is the embodiment of the entire work force TwT Couldn't help but say "same, honey, same ;w;"
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Excuse me while I just- ITS VVVVVVVVV SHE CAME BACK OH MY GOSH- passes out On a more serious note, I've seen plenty of people mention that if V came back, her sacrifice would be for nothing. I don't think so. V came such a long way and grew to be more kind and honest thanks to her interactions with N, Uzi, Lizzy, and even her "death." It shows, because she chose to side with Uzi and N, and they all fought together in an amazing dance.
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There were many moments in the episode that were a bit "slower" pace as many have put. That these moments took away from the intensity that was supposed to be in the episode. I don't think so. These moments are needed not just for the comedy part of it, but to give our brains to rest. To take a second, process the fighting we just saw, and be ready for more action. This is often used in Studio Ghibli movies, where after heavy action, it is followed by moments of quiet serenity to give you time to let the events sink in.
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This, this right here TwT CRIES. These three have been together, hanging out, figuring out the eldritch mysteries- of course they'd pick up habits from each other. From N becoming more confident with himself and allowing himself to be mad at someone. To Uzi picking up on V's crawling on the ceiling habit. To V picking up Uzi's "bite me."
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The amount of hand holding that was in this episode gave me enough serotonin for a life time. And the way that N always ended up wrapping his tail around Uzi, be it a hug or a cool pose. All of my NUzi hyperfixations are becoming canon and making me go FERAL.
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Something that is interesting and always comes back to us, is the AS's interest and fixation on N. The way I have always seen it was Cyn was the reason for it. The AS tends to take something from the host and amplify it ten fold. For Uzi's case the perfect example was when she felt anxious or upset. Ep4 and ep7 are great examples of that. For Cyn's case it would seem that she got attached to N after she entered the mansion as a Solver host. The AS probably took that thought and amplified it to unhealthy amounts.
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Oh.MY.GOD. THESE GOOBERS SEND HELP THEY'RE TRYING TO KILL ME WITH HOW CUTE THEY ARE. N first attempts to protect Uzi, and she says "nuh uh" and covers his hand instead. This. This right here. It's far too beautiful TwT
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Great frame, but uh, how the fack are we able to see the AS symbol? XD Cause uh like, her face has a split for the nose section still and all of a sudden it just... went away? XD Don't get me wrong, the animation is TOP NOTCH in these last episodes, but silly little moments like this- where it's super tense and scary, but after a rewatch it just seems silly.
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When I first saw this I figured "oh shit, it's ep7 all over again, they're gonna be obliterated." The demonic screams I let out were a bit embarrassing to say the least XD
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This little shit. She's just playing with them, and she knows it. This entire fight was nothing more than a little game for her. Like a cat playing with a mouse before killing it.
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In this scene you can actually hear the first notes of Eternal Dream, but in a super distorted way, much like it sounded in ep6 (timestamp about 15:30)
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Alright, Ginkgo what now, why include this blurry frame of nothing? I really admire Cyn's VA. Fitzy has always done an amazing job at making my favorite character- Cyn- the creepy silly goober that she is. So of course I would have watched and unwillingly memorized laugh takes that Fitzy also shared. One of which was here (time stamp of about 0:47. The laughs are similar, and most likely reused from ep7 takes that never made it into ep7 but carried over to ep8. Just a fun little detail I noticed.
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Split second frame but I see it. I SEE IT V. SHE COVERED UP N'S CORE TwT Despite all of the comments she made, despite all of the things she did, she still cared for him. And the entire show, her entire character growth shows that. She didn't run in that moment- she could have much like she did from Cynessa mere seconds ago, but she stayed, and tried to protect N too.
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The entire fighting scene between Uzi, Cynessa and J was so amazing. As usual, AJ DiSpirito did an AMAZING job with the songs, but more so the fact that Uzi is able to hold her own against J and Cynessa, that just amazes me. She has always been strong, but seeing it in battle made me appreciate it all that much more. Another thing about this episode, it seemed like the animators didn't particularly try to hide anything sneaky. All of the glitched sections (ex: Uzi's visor after she at the AS) were code that general population is unable to read/decipher- unless someone with an actual expertise tells me otherwise, I can only assume its code of her CPU functions- once again, remember, I know next to nothing about computers and that language TwT But the moments that were evident were these- they were even changed to BLUE. From the pilot time, everything was sneaky. I mean from the way the Murder Drones logo switched briefly into the AS symbol, to N's waking up having administration "CYN" written on his visor upon reboot. All of that was sneaky details put in for us to hunt down. This time around, it didn't feel much of like a hunt and more like silly easter eggs.
Wanna see the rest of it? Yeah, here's part 2 because Tumblr doesn't like more than 30 images per post TwT
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ayyyez · 1 year
Can you mayhap do more goshiki and Tsuki headcanons? Maybe first date, first time, first kiss etc
A/N: oh yes more of the side haikyuu boys! sure thing!
TAGS: first kiss, making out, first date, first time mentions and descriptions but not explicit, mentions of foreplay but not explicit, headcanons, Tsukki being a little shit but also a secret simp, Goshiki being a loveable dork who sometimes gets a big head lol, undercut for length
CHARACTERS: Tsukishima Kei, Goshiki Tsutomu
First and foremost, to date this guy you gotta be able to call him out on his shit because he NEEDS that.
Doesn't matter about personality in regards to being either shy/reserved and preferring to do it in private or being confident/ outspoken and doing it right there when its needed (or any combination of them) AS LONG AS IT HAPPENS! CALL HIM OUT!
It makes Tsukki respect you, listen to you (depends on the situation on whether he follows through on the change lol) and also is what makes him attracted to you in the first place.
See the thing is he wants to be seen so you calling him out leads to banter and banter leads to a familiar rapport and eventually one of you cracking (yes cracking because its a game of how long either of you can last without spilling your feelings!) and confessing.
Definitely a confess -> date -> kiss kinda guy but in saying that these things can totally all happen in the span of a week with him.
Once the balls rolling he moves FAST
Likes chill, casual dates and your first date is no different.
Something like a cafe, a lowkey restaurant to eat or even just going over each others houses for a study date.
Prefers being out of the eyes of the public.
Will also leave the control of the date (in general), including the venue, up to you (with those previous preferences as his contribution).
When it comes to telling you this though he's kind of jerky about it (to a strangers eye anyway) as Tch-ishima makes an appearence.
'Tch, we're just hanging out like usual.' and then will add 'Shouldn't a date be just us two and away from everyone else.' While internally he's just gunning for the date to be at home lol.
It also gives him ample opportunity to go in for that first kiss. Tsukki you sly guy!
Will never admit in a million years.
Feel free to try teasing and asking him about it though!
'So did just bring me back here to try and pull this huh?' Right after a kiss.
He'll just give you one of those smirks and poke your forehead.
'I don't know did I?'
Tries to act indifferent but you see that smirk soften ever so slightly into to a the hint of a real smile.
Psh what a dork. Forever the internal simp.
While he moves fast in terms of the from first date to first kiss scene the first time comes with a bit more time.
He's ever so patient with that kind of thing and doesn't really see the whole point of rushing in unprepared that leads to everyone having an awkward ehem unpleasant time.
Okay so maybe thats a bit of a mild—not fear exactly—it's definitely a bit of a concern though. So he keeps those kisses wanting and makeouts steamy but cuts them off Jussssst~ when they're about to get good.
It's not on purpose he's just got to stay in control ya'know?
He's not letting those floodgates open until you bring it up. Maybe a part of him wants you to beg a little. It's not a must of course! He's just not opposed to it.
This is the part where you can comply or give him a little smack upside the head to reground himself. It gets a smirk either way.
Either way the first time with Tsukki comes when you ask for more and you both agree to finally (your words not his) move forward. Tsukki is the kind of guy who has the patience to wait a lifetime. No qualms.
Once you've got him going though. He's like oh damn. This is something else. Even better than those makeout sessions!
A first time with Tsukki is a more drawn out first time. It's exploratory and sensory with lots of touching and not lots of talking (unless it's from you, it's okay to be a nervous talker - he's just only going to talk when necessary or to respond).
There's definitely communication for needs from him he's just not the type to have a chat during (at least in the first time and early days).
He also has a concentration frown and sometimes he's biting his lip so hard your afraid it's going to break and bleed. It's cute honestly.
Lots of foreplay before the main act. Lots of exploratory touching. There's no jumping in even though it's the first time. He takes his time and his patience can be frustrating at this point if you wanna just GO.
He can get a little teasing here. It's where he probably talks the most. 'Oh raring to go huh? Well lets just take our time.' Little shit lol.
Once you're doing it though he's actually pretty sweet. Making sure you're okay. You're comfortable. Expects the same from you too. It's an act of trust after all.
May confess a sweet thing or two during. Depends on how he's vibing. Feels a bit awkward about it afterwards but won't take it back. Just will tell you to shut up if you tease him about it.
Perfect time to make him blush. Yes he will get you water and help clean each other up and spoon you after if you are into that. It's good manners afterall.
Goshiki is a little sweetie okay and deserves someone who appreciates and respects him.
However much like Tsukki it's kind of the same where you have to be real with him and tell him when he's getting a too big head sometimes.
Definitely a friendship to lovers vibe or even a you respected me to call me out as an acquaintance then I fell in love with you and chased after you vibe (Goshiki being the chaser lol)
Goshiki is definitely a 'fall in love at first sight' kind of vibe. Like he doesn't actually but he thinks he does. He just gets swept up very easily by people who make a strong impact on him and runs with it.
Him chasing you can go two ways depending on the type of person you are and how you want this sweetie to react.
You could be the type to catch on to his very obvious crush on you. He's not stealthy about it to the point it's likely his whole team knows lmao and whats worse is he THINKS he's so clever, calm and collected about it but he's...the opposite lol.
Using this information you could do you both a favour and just confess to him first. Goshiki will become the most flustered mess you've ever seen.
He'll be bright red, shocked silent until he barely recovers, saying 'Haha of course you wanna date me!' while also internally is like Omg you want to date me!?
But you know him. You've learnt to read the doubt behind his eyes whenever such words leave his lips.
'Yeah I want to date you, so whats your answer?' You reiterate.
This throws him of balance again and he's spluttering because oh yeah this isn't one of his daydreams he has about being the best ace and getting his crush. This actually is his crush asking him out.
'Yes please.' He manages to get out. Ever so polite just as his parents taught him. It takes everything in you to keep your smile composed and not laugh at him. Adorable.
The OTHER WAY this could go if you're not one to ask someone out or if you just want to see what he'll do, is wait. He'll sit on his crush until he just sort of explodes.
It'll take awhile of him running over to you at every opportunity he gets, you can always count on it like clockwork.
Then one day he's not there? Nor the next or the next. You kind of get worried. You see a friend of his wave them over and begin to ask when you FINALLY see Goshiki come over.
he's redder than usual, frown on his face like he'd been....sulking? huh.
Wraps his hand around your wrist. 'Can we go?'
Tugs! Tugs you away somewhere a bit more secluded. Away from prying eyes.
You stand there and scan his expression. Still stuck in a sulky frown. Almost pouting? huh cute.
'Do you-' He stops looking down. 'Will you-' He stops again groaning. 'I'm the ace right?'
'Huh?' Okay major confusion. 'Yeah?'
'So that makes me pretty cool right?'
You frowned, scanning him up and down. Was Goshiki asking if you thought he was cool? With a sulky expression? Something had to be going on.
'Naturally.' You cleared your throat watching him smile. 'Whats going on?'
'Well since I'm the coolest guy you know it's your lucky day since I've got a question for you!'
And with that Goshiki went bright red and stumbled into asking you out in his own awkward, self concious way.
Very sweet when the two of you start dating. Always trying to show off for you and share volleyball with you but also shows that he makes you one of his priorities.
Heckin loves food so loves food dates especially to lowkey restaurants, loves showing off in this regard by showing you nice places but likes to be spoiled too so show him cool places.
A sucker for hand holding. Thinks its peak affection along with cheek kissing.
Takes him awhile to move up with physical affection because he combusts and gets anxious about it and his feelings. He's self concious from various complexes he's developed over time.
You probably have to initiate the first kiss or have to make do with being VERY patient. He's so shy. If you do intiate it be prepared for him being flustered. It's cute.
Making out is a very big deal to transition to as well. You gotta talk him through it. He's all stiff, clattering teeth and noses and forehead bumping at first. Whoops. Its sweet though.
Once he gets though he REALLY gets it! Really gets into it too like this boy is a quick study after all and he just gets the kissing bug. It'll be you who will be like OKAY BABY WE GOTTA COME UP FOR AIR YOU'RE ALL RED AND ABOUT TO PASS OUT.
But he looks~ well if looks could kill~ he's a hot mess you could devour right then and there. All red, flustered, panting? Lips all slick? Love bites on the neck? Hair disheveled? Hello Goshiki where have you been hiding?
First time is much like the first kiss in terms off nerves. He's all stiff and jumpy.
Again, you'll have to talk him through it but it doesn't mean he won't attempt to take initiative. It's a team effort on both fronts. It won't be drawn out though, he's too worked up and nervous.
A lot of bumping into each other and awkward moments but there's also a lot of sweet moments and feeling good.
Lots of communication and awkward mess talking. Lots of kissing and touching. Grab his hair for good moans hehe.
Things are loud with Goshiki. He's vocal, he can't help it. Don't make fun of him though he's sensitive.
He needs aftercare in form of cuddles and pillowtalk. Very clingy after and he's also VERY warm so if you run cold then good news for you! You've now got your own personal heater.
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killerpancakeburger · 9 months
Attending a wizards soiree with Rolan headcanons - Angst Version
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Rolan is about to ask you to come with him when he stumbles upon you and one of your warlock/wizard/sorcerer (pick wattya want) friend asking you to come with him to said soiree.
Didn’t mean to listen to the conversation. Does it anyway when he realises what it's about/that he's been beaten to it.
Your nonchalant, sardonic reply breaks his heart a bit. "Why would I go to that stuck-ups gathering? It's going to be full of pompous jerks who like to listen to themselves talk all night. Hard pass." With a derisive laugh.
He goes back the way he came from, face unscrutable, resolutely determined to not mention it at all to you.
You notice his change of attitude - he's colder, less patient, snaps more easily - in the next days but despite racking your brain about it, you don't get where this is from. 
The evening of the event, he disappears and you go to his siblings for information. Awkward conversation ensues. 
"Have you seen Rolan?" "Well he's at his beloved wizards gathering obviously" "... what gathering?" "...you mean he didn’t tell you?" "Tell me what??" Cal and Lia exchange anxious, embarassed looks. Your worry and apprehension boil over. "What is it!?”
Once you wring the truth out of them, you pause for a moment, before remembering your conversation with your friend, and everything brutally makes sense. Welp, time to fix this mess.
You find a fancy outfit in a hurry and rush to the soiree in a panic, while still trying to look dignified.
You get pushed back at the entrance. Invitations only. You try your best to not cause a scene but it ends with the guard and you raising your voices high enough to be heard from the guests. You're considering knocking them out until Rolan shows up.
Of course he recognized your voice from afar. It's not like he had been spending the whole evening trying to keep you out of his mind. To no avail.
"They're with me." Crisis averted. Well, for now. You're in like you wanted but now it's time to face the music. Despite coming to your rescue, Rolan does not look happy.
"Why are you even here?" are the first words crossing his lips. His features are twisted in a scowl. Being familiar with his temper, you can tell that he's restraining himself from yelling.
You have to rein in your first instinct which is to snap back "Why do you think!?". Aggravating the situation is not why you came. You afford yourself the luxury of taking a deep breath to compose yourself.
"I came for you, of course." You stare directly into Rolan's gleaming eyes as you say those words, trying to convey your sincerity and your feelings through your gaze.
Rolan crosses his arms, still frowning. "Far be it from me to suggest you should waste your evening by spending it listening to pompous jerks who love the sound of their own voices."
You put your hands on your waist and raise a dubious eyebrow. "Come on Rolan, I was deliberately exaggerating to make my friend laugh. Surely you figured that out. Plus I distinctly remember all the times you complained about the wizards you interacted with, and how they drove you crazy with their contempt and their egoism."
The frown on his forehead progressively disappears, but his gaze becomes shifty, avoiding yours. "I... I suppose I fail to comprehend why you would have accepted my proposal when you declined his."
You open your eyes wide in suprise, then your shock makes way for understanding. "Oh, Rolan." you sigh with both endearment and annoyance, a fond smile stretching your lips.
"What", he retorts, crossing his arms again, but in a different way than earlier, akin to sulking. A light blush adorns his cheeks. He knows that smile of yours, and that tone. You're about to say something sappy.
You close the gap between the two of you, tenderly cupping his face with your hands - he makes no move to stop you. "Rolan, rolan, rolan. Is it so hard to believe that I would endure hours of nagging, self-important wizards just to make you happy? Just to spend time with you? I defied shadows in a cursed land to save your tail, I braved the army of an immortal man to free your family, and I slaughtered the so-called greatest wizard of the Sword Coast for daring to lay a hand on you, and you think I'm scared of a soiree?"
He closes his hands around your wrists, not to repel you, no, but to gain more contact with your skin. He's able to look you into the eye again. "I suppose... it does sound foolish when you put it this way."
At last, you both join the function, but not before you first reclaimed a kiss or two from Rolan, to make up for his coldness the last few days.
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
I wanna see Mihawk with a fem golden!Sanji. I don't think much would change over all but I feel like Mihawk being a girldad would be hilarious. Because she's nine and looks like she's six and she's been through hell and back and she's scared of men and boys. Mihawk doesn't interact with girls or women all that much so Zeff shoving them together would be hilarious and heart warming I think. Mihawk would be The GirlDad™️ and not even know it. This is so long. I'm so sorry(not).
Like Mihawk who wraps and braids and cords his swords looking at his daughters hair and taking the time to help care for it and make it look nice because she hasn't had somebody do that for her in years. She lends an ear to his stories and music and she doesn't comment for a while, a long while but when she does start adding her opinions in a soft voice he does smile a bit.
They probably dance a lot, like Mihawk would have taught golden!Sanji anyway, but with his daughter he probably teaches her more of the pairs dances she might have to do during Baratie parties or something. But she's small, like half his size when she starts learning so he's holding her and dancing around the room and she's laughing and Mihawk is smiling. During one such Baratie party Zeff managed to get a photo of this and it's framed in Mihawk's office. The one Sanji has framed in her room is of her passed out on Mihawk's chest in her chef coat and pants and him passed out with an arm over Sanji and the other over his eyes. Five people in the world have seen these photos and no one else believes they exist.
Sanji knows a lot about sex, no one who works at sea - no matter how old, unfortunately - can't not know. Mihawk tries to make the conversations not awkward but like he's Mihawk and Sanji is Sanji so at first they're probably awkward and very factual until Sanji's older and living Baratie and asking her dad some bizarre questions about sex, like what certain acts are or something. Like technical terms and when he's asking her why she's asking she mentions how Zeff and the cooks killed a man or something for propositioning her or something and Mihawk is like 'Ah, yes. I did leave you in good hands for work training, but nothing else.' and then explains whatever she's asking and they'll dive into the nuances of certain acts or the mechanics.
And when Zoro and Perona are on Kuraigana, Mihawk is looking at them and is like 'okay, well, my daughter's not here and neither of you will fit in her clothes' and they're both shocked he has a kid as he digs in old chests and finds clothes for them. Perona isn't in Sanji's old room but they are allowed to look through the room and see if there's anything they'd like to borrow. Zoro probably finds a very old copy of Noland the Liar and tells Mihawk and Perona going there and how the cook was scared of all the bugs. Mihawk is neutral until Zoro opens up the page and sees Sanji's name and Zoro laughs and says there's two people named three in the world and Perona has keyed into something but she's not sure what as Mihawk is like 'just one, to my knowledge, my daughter is the cook of your crew.' and Zoro pales immediately.
One time they're all in Mihawk's office as he goes over paperwork and Perona asks why there's a blonde braid on his desk next to a photo of him and a kid. Zoro comes to look and says they both remind him of Sanji and Mihawk is like 'did you both already forget who my daughter is?' as pinches the bridge of his nose. Mihawk explains the braid is from when Sanji moved to Baratie full time and left home. She has one of Yoru's old cords and her own photo from a Baratie party. Also no one will believe them that this photo exists. Nor is anyone going to believe them about Mihawk having a daughter. He sits back and watches in amusement as realization takes both of them and that outside of the geezer and Sanji, no one will believe Zoro and no one in Perona's life will believe her.
When the Strawhats are reunited Zoro corners Sanji and demands to see the photo of her and her dad and Sanji is making fun of him for losing his eye on Kuraigana as she shows him the photo and the cord. I also feel like it becomes common knowledge on the ship because someone(Usopp and Luffy) found the photo and brandished it to the crew and Robin is cooing at baby Sanji with Nami and Zoro is talking about the photo Mihawk has on his desk. Everyone is staring at the cook in awe and she points out none of them asked.
Every time they get an ally and Luffy is introducing his crew and gets to Sanji she thumps him on the head and is like 'you can't keep telling people who my dad is! You're going to get us killed!' and no one fucking believes it until they pass the photo on the way into the galley. And (for the Lawsan agenda) everyone always makes a comment about how darling they look but Law asks how Mihawk even acquired her and Sanji mentions he saved her and the geezer and took her with. Geezer said he needed someone to make the man soft so the blonde girl would do. Law is like 'oh this is me and Cora just flipped' and then he starts falling for the cook. Because she is good at making people soft, she gives him a place away from Luffy and the others, has coffee ready at all times of the day, and is insanely good at bickering with multiple people as well as intelligent conversations. When they start dating, post WCI and during Wano, Sanji brings up meeting her dad eventually and Law points out he's met the man. Sanji says knowing the man as a warlord and as her boyfriend are different and will garner different reactions which makes Law blanch and Jinbei and Marco fucking lose it at them.
When Law does meet the man as Sanji's boyfriend? It's happenstance, Mihawk is sailing by and figured he'd check on Zoro(and Sanji) and Sanji has a few drinks in her(courtesy of Ikkaku) and is on Law's lap when he rolls up he hears the crews talking and Zoro and Luffy welcome him aboard since this isn't pirate business, just a man checking on his kids and Luffy announces to everyone that 'Sanjis dad is here!' and Law and Sanji are staring at the swordsman who is staring back as Shachi and Penguin are losing it and Law shambles him and his girlfriend away out of not panic but a definite fear for his safety.
Sanji is of course telling him he's dumb and just made it so much worse for them because her dad is a master of observation haki. He will find them. Law groans buries his face in her neck because they're a few drinks deep and were not planning on introductions yet, but they have to be made. Also they shambled to Law's room on the Tang so they have to make their way from the Tang to the Sunny. Mihawk is talking with Zoro and nods at them as they go back and Zoro asks Law if Mihawk scared him that much and Sanji says to be nice but Mihawk does agree he's a rather frightful person to have as your partner's parent. Sanji frowns at him and Mihawk raised a brow at her and then she very unceremoniously drags her dad to the galley and he lets her. He just goes which might be the more concerning part because even Zoro is surprised the man lets her pull him around.
They return with wine and glasses to join the party and Law can tell his girlfriend is blushing from whatever they were talking about in the galley as she stands beside him and Mihawk next to her and they open the wine as Mihawk looks to Law.
"I don't necessarily do 'shovel talks' if that's what you're concerned about." Mihawk says smoothly.
"Right." Law nods. "Knowing you're her father is enough, I assume?"
"Well, Zeff and the cooks from Baratie maimed or killed those who were...uncouth. I have no doubt my daughter would kick your ass if you needed it. I assume I would only be called if something dire were to happen." Mihawk answers as he sips his wine. "I didn't kill Roronoa to defend my daughter's honor because she can do that herself."
"Yeah, sure." Zoro hummed in his drink. Sanji handed her glass to Law as Mihawk looked amused and then shocked at Sanji's legs catching on fire as she rushed the green haired man.
"She can skywalk too." Law says as he watches the fight start. "When I saved Zoro-ya after Kaido punched him I shambled us down and she happened to catch both of us. One on each shoulder and still managed to not lose speed."
"Yes, well, being a chef does require a decent amount of upper body strength already, cooking for this crew even more so." Mihawk acknowledges. "Though her hair not being braided is new." He tacks on tilting his head as the wings fight.
"She hasn't the entire time we have been dating." Law says in a questioning tone. Mihawk hums as they watch the cook fight the swordsman, Luffy is laughing and reminding Law he can't take Sanji with him which makes Law flush and yell at him which makes Mihawk chuckle into his wine as the fight concludes. Sanji goes back over and Mihawk hands her his glass and just starts braiding her hair because 'what the fuck have you been doing to your hair?' 'Nothing! Look at my crew! It wouldn't last a day!' 'So pin it.' and everyone is watching him make quick work of her hair and then takes his wine back. The father daughter duo definitely threaten to call Zeff on each other. Mihawk is surprisingly relaxed during the party, even when his daughter leaves with her boyfriend to sleep,
The next morning he's helping Sanji cook in the galley of the Thousand Sunny and Law is the first to come in, despite his hangover, and does say his cooks are providing breakfast to his crew and Sanji nods and gives him coffee. As the crew filters in for breakfast Nami asks Mihawk about braiding and how quick he did it. Mihawk answers he's been cording sword hilts for most of his life and wrapping with multiple cords is just braiding and applying it to his daughter's hair was not so different and offers a demonstration. Which Nami agrees to eagerly and Robin smiles and says that would be a good idea. Mihawk tells Law he is participating, no arguments.
After breakfast is cleaned up Sanji is sat on a chair on deck and Nami has brought the hair pins and hair ties out and Mihawk shows them all several different braids, ranging from simple to intricate. Law is taking many mental notes during this whole thing. When he is made to do a braid on his girlfriend under her father's watchful eye Law doesn't shake because he's a surgeon who has been in worse situations and executes it well. Mihawk departs with a clap to his shoulder and a promise the next time they'll meet to be an excellent fight. Sanji is smiling and once Mihawk is gone asks Law how it was meeting her dad. Law groans and curses her and pulls her close because her dad is terrifying and he's afraid he knotted the shit out of her hair and he will hear about it.
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akira-the-graphophile · 4 months
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Their THE KISS scene on season 3 episode 5 (yes i remember exactly dont ask why) it was REALLY powerful because it literally showed us the development between the two characters from them trying to kill one another (mostly Rayla) to saving each other and Callum expressing it such a beautiful way by his speech with "Because she's Rayla" Playing in the background was just TO DIE FOR!!!! it was emotional, romantic, strong! It was everything! It wasnt forced it was just there in the perfect time. I can never stop praising the shows writers enough istg. Even rn im listening to that ost in the background.
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I cant lie bc it was adorable seeing these two being all lovey dovey with each other by kissing and hugging etc. But when season 4 begins, their relationship is just not there anymore. Yes there are bits and pieces but they're scattered everywhere. Callum reminiscing about her and their time together gives us half of the answer. Something happened that pulled them apart but what is it?
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When he was looking out in the balcony to the sky, their theme was also playing at the background but so soft and so weak that you felt Callums' pain. It was a sad track, it was a tragic track. Raylas' memories were still there but not herself. And it made him so sad that the dude said it was NOT his BIRTHDAY but the ANNIVERSARY OF RAYLAS' LEAVING!!!! THIS BOY CARES ABOUT RAYLA MORE THAN HE CARES ABOUT HIMSELF!!!
From then on the relationship starts to have a second build up. Its like strangers to friends to lovers to strangers to ??? . The only difference of this build up compared to first three seasons is that there is already an established relationship, its just broken. So in a way they start again. Going on adventures, being there for each other in case either of them needs help. Callum doesnt let his feelings for her suppress his hurt which was also caused by her but little by little it starts to heal. It starts to fix.
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Here we see Rayla admit to her mistake of going after revenge and leaving the most important thing she has behind (aka Callum obv) . Her admitting this out loud is so great to hear. Because she know she made a mistake and that mistake hurt Callum and she intends to FIX that mistake. She gives him the space he needs while also staying close enough in case he would need her. Just like Soren said "sometimes you need time to work through the weird, and then it'll work out or dont. The heart do what it do or dont what it dont"
And thats exactly what happens! With time the awkwardness becomes less and less and their hearts do the job. Their feelings for each other were never gone in the first place, and when they both finally realise that it just keeps getting better. In the form of saving friends (Zym and Soren) they remember how it felt working together which helps them get closer.
But even tho they act close their words are still apart. They dont admit it. They dont talk about it. They just go along with it. But then Rayla gets caught sneaking Runaans' bow. When Callum orders them to release her even without knowing the reason why, Rayla picks up what he's putting down. He trusts her, he doesnt push her to explain him anything because he knows that she will when she is ready. She sees that there is still a chance to make things just like before maybe even better.
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(Also in this scene when they're going to the grand bookery and they cross this path, she says "its an old wound that's healing" I cant help but feel like its a parallel to their relationship. The wound of leaving for two years but now finally working through it. Its just perfect)
So yep after everything she admits it, which is also perfect because she was the one that made a mistake so she does fix it and she does it right.
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"Im glad we could be here together, looking at the stars..." She says.
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And Callum feeling the same way rests his head on hers. ITS JUST PERFECT AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! THE WAY THAT THEY STILL KEEP TALKING ABOUT STARS AND THIS WHOLE SCENE HAVING AS MUCH POWER AS THEIR KISS SCENE AND DARE I SAY EVEN MORE (i dont know which wins bc i was jumping around screaming when they kissed after Callums' poetic speech LOL it was ROMANTIC ALRIGHT?! 😭😭😭😭 SAME GOES FOR THIS ONE)
And the thing is that it'ss so easy to mess up. They could've gone for a route like "hey im back after two years of absence" "Oh hi its great to see you again" And its not just the characters and their relationships but also the world that you're telling to the audience. It is so easy to get it wrong ESPECIALLY if you are writing Fantasy. With so many kingdoms, dragons, elves and other species with also magic its very very simple to mess up. Im glad that they went this way with the story telling. Its more natural, more enjoyable and it just works perfectly.
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stinkysam · 11 months
Levi Ackerman - You, who survived despite the odds.
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Warning : end manga spoilers
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "levi and reader (male) have had feelings for years now but for the fear of one of them dying they never reached anything, not until they ended up living together after all the stuff they went through. reader takes care of levi and is usually very talkative but now he seems more closed off and clearly levi notices this but the reason is that reader is thinking of how to ask him to finally be his boyfriend. ૮꒰˵• ﻌ •˵꒱ა" - @vainillacookie
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
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You had wanted to ask him out for a while now, but one thing had stopped you.
The fear of having to mourn him.
It was constant, a daily feeling you grew accustomed to over the years you got to know him.
Today though ? It was gone.
Things had changed, the titans were gone and a more peaceful and calmer time had settled itself into your lives.
So one thing rummaged through your mind : how to ask him out ?
You've been thinking about it for days. Keeping quiet to study better when was the best moment to make the move.
You were currently handing out candies to kids in a camp to cheer them up a bit. It was Levi's idea.
You say nothing as you smile at them, your fingers rhythmically tapping on his wheelchair.
"Spit it out." He finally said, looking at the kids running away with their candies.
"W- what ?" You look at him, surprised.
"You're awfully quiet, what is it ?"
"No, nothing. Nothing at all." You say with an awkward smile, trying to play it cool.
He turns his head to look at you then sighs as he looks away again. You glance at him, debating whether to do it now or not. You push his wheelchair again, walking to find another group of kids.
"I was thinking, uh… maybe… we could go to a dinner together ?"
He said nothing for a moment, raising an eyebrow. That's what was going through you mind ?
"Sure." He shrugs.
"No like, as a… date ?" You bite your lips, quickly rectifying yourself.
"Is it still a yes ?" You ask, hopeful, feeling your heart beats louder. You spot another group of children and push him toward them as he's rummaging through the candy box.
"Yes." He simply says, a bit too focused on the candies.
You grin, happy with his answer and you try to remain cool about it. You stop when you arrive in front of the kids and let Levi hand them a big lollipop. You smile a bit too brightly at them but they don't seem to care, too focused on the candies they're getting.
Levi would be lying if he said he wasn't anxious. After all, feelings were never his forte, putting them aside in all those years of fighting titans.
He had a reason to, fearing you would die wasn't an unreasonable thought. He lost so many people dear to him on the way.
So many people he thought wouldn't die. Seeing them, in his head, survive despite the odds like he thought for Hange or Erwin or many more, only for their death to happen and remind him of the harsh reality he's in.
Like he still hasn't learned since his first experience with titans and Furlan's and Isabel's sudden and brutal death. He told himself he had learned. That he knew to expect death for him and for others.
And yet he still imagined so many of them surviving. Being there with him at the end. Only for them to die, leaving him one by one. No matter the age, no matter the determination to live, no matter the background.
He didn't want to have to mourn you too much, even though he knew he would.
Because he knew it would hurt. It always hurts anyway. But he hoped, by not acting on his feelings and acting like he isn't attached, that it would hurt less. He also knew it was stupid and your death would touch him just as much whether you two are a thing or not.
But yet. You survived.
With him.
You were both… alive.
Something he didn't see happen, again.
Like his feelings for you that had blossomed unprompted, never wavering. He never thought he'd get to act on them. Thinking he'd die before it could happen.
And here he was, at the end of it. The end of the titan Era. The end of the constant fear of losing people to titans. It was finally over.
And now it was the start of something else.
With you.
He smiled, his scarred lips curving slightly upward as his fingers grabbed another candy, holding it tightly.
War with titans was over. He could have you now. He could spend his future, because he has one now, with you.
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writing-frenzy · 1 year
Isekai with the Kurosaki fam; now with some UraIchi spice
So, my brain has been dumping even more ideas for a fandom I can't write for, so I guess I'll dump all the ideas on the ground and sees what happens; also, partly inspired because of DevinePhoenix's Glass Body, Steal Wings and slightly be Cannon Ichigo in AU series by Williamcipher, especially the third of the series, because ye.
Anyways, so for me, I can never imagine Ichigo would part from his sisters and Goat-face easily, even in a normal au, because it's Ichigo's family, his friends, his lost, his life experiences that makes him who he is as a person; if he died and then transferred, a part of me wonders if he would ever try and get back home somehow. So my brain went-
Brain: hey, how about we have a thing that makes the entire family get into an accident :D
Brain: And, like, maybe a day before or when Ichigo was younger, he ended up saving a godly being's most beloved person, so the god is like; hey, I owe you, I'll reincarnate your family into my world; thing is, the world the god has is maybe connected in a way to an anime/webnovel/comic one of the girls or Ichigo's friends were reading, and Ichigo knows it because he was convinced to watch/read it as bonding.
It's a world of magic and fantasy, where words and names have power and things go bump in the night ever so easily. Ichigo and his Family find themselves in a cozy little hideaway, all confused but happy and relieved to be alive and with each other. Isshin in this au will be an awkward, not the best father but he loves and he tries, and he just wants the best for all of his children. (He is the unsarcastic B+ parent, because with all the shit in this au coming, Ichigo deserves this).
Isshin in their original world is descended from a sword wielding samurai family, and he's had the forms and everything beaten into him since he was young, and the reason why he never taught Ichigo was because he didn't know how to be a gentle teacher and he never wanted to hurt his boy. (it's why he's always given his children freedom and choice of what they want.) And coming into this new world, this new place, everyone can feel a change in their bodies, can feel power in their veins even if they don't know what to do with it. See, Ichigo's mom had a little something funky with her blood but didn't know it and Isshin is actually a human with spiritual powers but with their original world it never came out, and with the God giving them a boost/perks, everyone is learning how to control themselves first and foremost.
It's after a bit of convincing and Isshin making Ichigo promise to tell him if he's going too hard that he starts teaching him the family style, along with others in scrolls with phantom teachers to guide them along. It is rough, it is harsh, but it's Ichigo so he pushes on through and becomes better for it. (The two do agree to see if they can find better teachers for the girls though, as Karin wouldn't suit this style even if she would be good with a sword, and Yuzu seems like she would be better with magic then a blade.)
The family of four spends like three years here, learning all they can, devouring every book and all they can remember of the OG!Story of this place before they all have exhausted all the sources and knowledge of the cottage, can no longer progress in their skills as they have been, and had enough cabin fever to drive any sane person down the river. But they're not stupid, so first things first, Isshin scouting at first, then with his son, before him and Ichigo take turns exploring and scouting the area because they don't like leaving the twins alone. But as they're getting a lay of the land and comparing maps and such to reality, even getting a feel for their new magic gadgets and all, they come across monsters and such here and there Once Isshin is sure that Ichigo can handle himself, its only then they spilt so one can stay with the girls while the other explores for a few days, even if Ichigo is only allowed to do it for two days to his father's week.
After that, packing everything they need into magic bags and hammer space, the family takes one last look to their home of all these years, bows in thanks before they are off. It's not long till they join a trade caravan, Isshin trading his skills as a doctor to do so. They travel around for a bit, before in the end, they settle down in a bustling, safe city that never fell in the story, even if the story's protagonist and gang lives here with all their wacky and troubling hijinxs.
So, now that backstory and such is out of the way, let's get to some of the fun stuff. :3
Ichigo does not realize just how strong he actually is; see, in this world of magic and stuff, swords are... technically considered obsolete; of sure, in the story there is a Magic Swordman who is part of the Protagonist's party, but even there they mostly use the sword as fancy focus then to actually fight with it. But with the way Ichigo was trained, as well as both his and his father's lack of common sense for this world, for them it is as easy to cut down a monster as it is to cut down spells themselves. Neither Ichigo or Isshin understand how insane that is, because once a spell is out, you usually have to dodge it or hope it hits someone else if you can't counterspell it.
The Kurosaki's also avoid the Protag and his crew; lets not get involved in your drama, please and thank you (lol, just had the thought of how protective Isshin and Ichigo would get if the story was with a Harem Protag; both would be protective as heck over the twins because with either reverse or regular harem, girls usually get the shit end of the stick). Ichigo is just fine how he is, even if he keeps getting into fights because of random assholes, his charm flowing out and getting his own loyal friends without his knowing. Karin is way too interested in magical sports to care not to mention her age while Yuzu is getting fascinated by potions, alchemy, and cooking to care.
One day, after Ichigo has been feeding some tidbits to some strays, he finds what seems to be a tea and candy shop, with books to read. it doesn't have much business, being out of the way like it is, but there is the occasional regular coming out. Ichigo shrugs, he has time and so he enters this Urahara Shoten.
Somehow, someway, he ends up making friends with Geta-boshi, who as frustrating as he is, recommends good books and a listening ear. Things lead to one things, stuff happens, and Ichigo finds out this guy also has sword.
Sparring partner acquired, though it takes some convincing, a bit of bribing, but Ichigo is able to get the other to agree; he gets his ass beat easily, but Urahara is a harsh, but good teacher, and so Ichigo just thrives in the challenge.
As for Urahara, this guy is so fucking terrifying, just like in canon, how he is assassin sharp and quick with his blade even as he can spellcast at the same time, just watching Ichigo cut through his spells to meet his blade.
Kisuke: this is the most fun I've had in ages :D I wonder what else he can do if I don't tell him what's impossible.
These two end up getting involved in some harsh canon event disasters, Ichigo fighting with Kisuke, knowing the other man won't let him down. Kisuke, having someone he can trust lead the way, knowing, having faith the other can survive alongside him...
Just, these two bonding, getting closer, Ichigo introducing his sisters and Goat-Face who is giving that weird stare.
(On Isshin's part, he recognizes what's going on, and for all that he is not going to be a hypocrite, is not going to kick this Urahara guy as hard as he can and hide Ichigo away, he suddenly... completely understands Misaki's family's cold and hard stares as he had gotten, watching how the elder blond stares at his 20 year old son like he is sun, like he can't believe there is any light in his life again after being shadowed so long. He's pretty sure that is the same stare he had given Misaki as well, just as how Ichigo looks softer, warmer, happier the minute that Urahara guy stays by his side, just how his mother would melt around him despite her expression never changing.
So, Isshin won't say anything, especially since he can tell neither has a clue... but he will be doing the protective, embarrassing Father as much as he wants.)
So yeah, this is the idea :3 I also have another idea with a Mob Protagonist!Ichigo, where he comes to be a character never even mentioned in a story, and ends up charming local shop owner Urahara Kisuke, who is secretly the terrible, scary Puppet Master Benihime without knowing it. maybe I'll note it out when I feel like it, though if people want, they can ask questions about it.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Tamaki Amajiki head canons please 🙏
[ I can make Tamaki headcanons, although you didn't specify what kind. So, I made this. The reader and Tamaki falling for each other and Tamaki eventually confessing those three little words. ]
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The first time you met him was shortly after relocating to Japan, you were a fresh graduate who wanted to explore a different world. The BMI hero: Fat Gum was the only one that offered you, an outsider, a position in his agency and he was the one that introduced you to "Suneater" aka Tamaki Amajiki.
The two of you didn't exchange many words, even when you were in the same room. At first, you believed it was because of the obvious cultural difference, this aside you noticed you were beginning to stare at him whenever he happened to be nearby. You knew this indicated you found something fascinating about him, but whenever he caught your gaze, he'd gasp and quickly turn away to hide his obviously flushed face.
"Now don't mind him, he's a shy one! But I see the way ya look at him. Ya have a bit of your heart involved, don't ya?" Those words were Fat Gum trying to reassure you that Tamaki did, in fact, like you despite his questionable actions. Yet, you weren't ready to admit you were attracted to him.
"O-oh um, s-sorry I just l-let me-ah!" His panicked voice wasn't something you'd soon forget, and you thought it was awkward to have almost run into him while trying to pass through the doorway of Fat Gum's office. The fact that the two of you tried to get out of each other's way only to get in each other's way again was not how you wanted to get his attention.
"I...I'm not sure w-what to do, they're just..." he tried to explain his feelings about you to Mirio, but it was useless. "You said they're from America, right? That's pretty cool and you're pretty brave! You'll find the courage to talk to them soon. After all, you can't hide your feelings forever, right!?" His best friend responded in his all too cheerful voice which made Tamaki sigh.
He had no idea why but being near you made him happy. It was a weird feeling considering he didn't believe he had much to smile about and part of him hated it while another didn't want it to stop.
You found yourself feeling a little let down whenever a day went by, and you didn't see Tamaki or only caught a glimpse of him around the agency. Little did you know he felt the same way, and Fat Gum quickly caught onto this fact given the look of happiness or sadness on your faces by the end of the day.
"I...I think I need to tell them...I know they're still n-new here but I..." he jumped when Fat Gum laid his hand on his shoulder and trembled when he lifted his head to look into the eyes of his mentor. Fat Gum smiled down at him and gave a thumbs-up with his free hand. "Go get'em," despite his encouraging words, Tamaki couldn't help but feel a panic attack coming on.
Fat Gum calling you into his office was nothing new, but your heart raced when you noticed Tamaki was the only one in the room and even more so when he stood up and walked over to you, staring you directly in the eye. Then he muttered the three little words that made you smile, "I l-like you."
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sunny6677 · 12 days
In the late month of September, Y/N L/N decides to move back to a town they visited once in the past—with their old friend Radford helping them out with certain difficulties.
However, at midnight a few days later—Y/N decides to go out late at night without realizing how late it is, with the sole intention of using a camera they're particularly sentimental about. But they end up running into some rather spooky company—who end up being the cause of the many faces they end up meeting.
PROLOGUE, PT 2: Unpacking Memories.
"Geez, dude—sorry about that. I didn't even notice that thing when I walked in."
Radford gave me a soft frown, looking on at me while he bent down right next to the side of my legs. I had my leg positioned upright—my shoe now completely off. Feeling the warm fabric of the bandage he had in his hands slowly wrap more and more around my toe, I nearly breathed out a sigh of relief—even if it didn't get rid of the stinging pain that was in my toe quite yet.
"..mmmh.. no—it's fine." I grumbled, furrowing my brows as the searing pain in my toe didn't seem to fade. "It's not like I really saw it either."
"..are you—sure you wanna unpack everything right now? I can just go ahead and do it for you if you want."
"N—No. No. I can—I can still unpack things just fine. May be a bit hard to walk though." I found myself mumbling in return. Once he lifted his hand away from my foot, I leaned over to grab my shoe, and bending my arms back, I slipped the show on.
In the corner of my eye, I saw Radford raise a brow, and then quickly furrow his own. His lips curling into a frown, he huffed. "..you're kinda stubborn, man."
Feeling mild irritation, I only rolled my eyes while grumbling quietly, "No, I'm not. If anything, you're more stubborn than me."
Huffing again, I finally bent down on my knees, letting my eyes drift over to the several boxes before us. "Anyway.. weren't we supposed to start with the decorations?"
Radford blinked. "Huh?" He then lifted his head, as if it were jolting back. "Oh—yeah! Forgot about that. Uh—here—"
Letting his arms shoot foward, he practically dragged the small box with decorations inside in front of me. From beside me, I heard him shift and move in before adjusting his position and crossing his legs.
Dragging the box closer an inch—he wore a slightly silly smile on his face. A smile that made my own lips began to curl upwards. Rolling my eyes gently, I chuckled.
"Geez.. how'd you forget? It's only been like a few minutes."
"Hey—y'know me!" Radford grinned, his lips slightly quivering from awkwardness. "Not like I can really remember to unpack stuff when you just got your toe stabbed by a nail."
"You asked me if I was sure I wanted to unpacked literally a few seconds ago. What do you mean you can't really remember?"
Seeing how he began to pout, I couldn't help but feel a heavy feeling begin to appear in my chest.
"..err.. sorry. I didn't—mean to hurt you, if.. that's what I did."
"What? No! No." Radford shook his head. "You didn't. I just—don't really like being joked about.. like that. Anyway—why don't we focus on cleaning?"
Shooting his arms foward again, he let his hands slowly slip beneath the flaps of the box, and with a swift motion, the flaps quickly came open.
When the flaps came open—I felt an oddly familiar, warm sensation wash over my face. It was.. most likely the dust or something, or just the scent from my old house. But the scent that began to flow through my nostrils right then was so familiar and strong that it felt.. almost as if I were back at my old house.
The sensation was so strong in fact I almost squinted for a moment. But once I had gotten over the sensation, I let my eyes flicker inside. I already knew what was going to be in there, so it.. wasn't as if I really needed to be surprised at anything that was in there at all.
Inside, there were simply several sheets of tiny napkins I usually had for my dining room. Long, strings of beaded lights that were curled up and burying whatever must have been beneath. Seemingly.. seemingly a few photo frames.
As my eyes lingered over the golden frame of what was beneath the beaded lights string, Radford spoke from beside me.
"Alright—lets start with these!"
Radford smiled. His hand shuffled inside of the box, and from out of the box, he slowly slipped his arm out—holding the pastel napkins that were inside in his grasp.
He blinked a few times, squinting. "Why do you have napkins inside of a decoration box?" He asked, shifting his gaze over to me.
"..err.. I dunno. I like making my place look fancy when guests come over."
"..is—" Radford snickered a little, holding up one of them. Seeing it, my expression faltered. "—this supposed to look fancy?"
It was a napkin I.. hadn't used for the dinning table unless I was really certain that whoever was over wouldn't mind me using it. I sort of just bought it a long time ago because I thought it looked funny—but it had text on it that simply read:
"If you're having a great time, stay as long as you like! If you're not having a great time, get the hell out."
A warm flush began to form on my cheeks, and I forced out a quiet laugh. "Heheh.. I.. thought—I thought that.. would have been funny. Heheh.."
"Heh—" Radford giggled from beside me, "Don't get embarrassed over it, man. I buy things I think look funny all the time!"
"..mmh.. yeah. At least it never backfires on you though.."
"Nothing. Uh.. hey—" I lifted my own hands, digging them into the box and pulling out the upper part of the beaded light.
"Why don't we take out these lights? I'll probably just end up putting them around the place later so you're not stuck here decorating my house for me."
"Eheh—I wouldn't mind that!" Grinned Radford. "It's still been a long time since I've seen you."
"Yeah, but it's not like you owe me decorations just because we haven't seen eachother in a while. I wouldn't wanna keep you here forever."
"So? Just cuz I don't owe you anything doesn't mean I don't wanna at least have a reason to talk to you."
"Well.. true. Wa—Wait, why would you need a reason to talk to me? Can't you just tell me if you wanna talk?"
"..yeah, but—mm.. nevermind. That stuffs too complicated."
I slowly said, a little unsure of what that meant. Still, I guess being socially awkward was just something everyone had to deal with every once and a while. Maybe even someone like Radford had to deal with it.
Grasping the cord in my hand, I began to slowly slip it out onto the wooden ground—hearing it click and thud onto the surface of the wood as I did so. Radford watched as I did this, slightly smiling to himself before looking back inside of the box. He then blinked a few times, chuckling softly to himself.
"..what? What is it?"
He flashed a quick grin at me, and then shuffled his hand inside for a moment, before pulling out a sticker. A white sticker with a burger with eyes and hands on it. One that I.. still recognized in fact.
Radford smiled, "Dude—you kept that sticker from the one dining place we went to?"
"..uh.." I trailed off, looking at the sticker. "..yeah. I.. I did. Heh."
"Aw, man—this is sick! Haha.." Radford lightly laughed. "We should go there again sometime!"
"Uh—maybe. Might depend on if whatever job I get will give me enough free time to."
"Heheh—don't worryyy! Not like your job won't give you breaks or anything. We can just go when we're both free!"
He looked down at the sticker, his smile weakening.
"..it.. really has been a while since you were here, hasn't it?"
"..yeah. I.. guess it has."
..there was a pause. Then Radford looked up. "You still remember when we first saw eachother?"
"..yeah. That—that was when you first got your movie theater job, I think. Heh.. you looked a lot less taller back then."
"Ah—sorry. It—it was fun though! Getting to meet you. Getting to hang out with you a little bit after even if I was only there for a bit."
"..that was such a long time ago. It.. feels like such a long time ago. Even if it was only a few years. That.. that was when.."
Noticing my expression, he appeared to realize what I must have been about to say, and a soft look flared in his eyes.
"Uh—hey—why don't we.. not talk about that right now, okay?" He laughed—or at least forced himself to. His voice became slightly more gentle. "I.. I still know that.. moving here must have been hard. You know, with.. everything that went down last time."
"But.." He set a hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up. "You're here now. You have a chance to make stuff better for yourself! Not really any point in being stuck thinking about things that already happened, right?"
"..that's.. true."
I let myself look down at my lap, and I let out a sigh. "..sorry. It's.. hard to think of the last time without thinking of.. y'know.."
"Don't worry. I know. I.. really know how that feels, actually. Just try not to think about it, okay? If anything, I know it's better not to let yourself get all caught up over it."
"..mmh.. well.. okay. Let's keep.. taking stuff out, I guess."
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You know, as much as Simbar is spicy while also so cute, I just thought how funny their dynamic can be too.
Here we have Ámbar. Little miss perfect. Straight A student, rich af, always needing to put up an act, literal girlboss (like, literal, she becomes a BOSS at age 19), always have been raised to be as proper as possible. Probably grew up faster than most kids, because she was always expected to act more mature than what she was.
Then we have Simón. Silly guy. Wears beanies. Wears shorts that a surfer would wear. Says corny lines. He’s never been rich in his whole life. Shares an apartment with his bros. He always looks and dresses a bit messy. He likes to joke around and loves to make his friends laugh. He's not immature, but he's also not the kind of mature that Ámbar is - he just has... you know, normal dudebro maturity.
We see the clear difference with them kind of shortly after they kiss for the first time. Ámbar tries to keep it cool, yk, act like she usually does.
While Simón... well Simón is like this.
But most of all, he's being himself with her. He doesn't care that she's the high class rich girl Ámbar, who's so proper and elegant. He's his messy, awkward, corny, yet charming self around her.
What gets funny is that in season 2, while Ámbar still puts an act around Simón even while they're dating, when alone she becomes a silly girl in love. She talks to her mirror, going "Simón is all yours now 🥰" with a bright smile, before immediately catching herself. She goes to choose clothes for the date and loudly speaks to herself "I'm gonna find the perfect outfit for mine and Simón's date 😍". She becomes what she considers "immature". She can't be in love? She can't be like that? She has to be in control! Behave herself!
Things then get complicated in season 3 - as Ámbar is going through stuff, she creates essentially this imaginary version of Simón. Simón keeps being the silly dude, but in Ámbar's head he's cool, tough, very masculine... she even, and I don't think I'm exaggerating, thinks he's rather sexy.
The best example is when she has the Solos daydream.
When looking at Simón play, she imagines him like this
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When in reality... he looks like this
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And idk, there's something so inherently funny to think that Simón's just looking like every guitar guy ever and Ámbar's over here imagining him in leather jackets grinding at her. It's extra funny if you can picture her doing that every time she sees him too.
To add to this, Simón during S3 also has a version of Ámbar in his head that isn't how she actually is at the moment. Only that his version of her is the version that she was in the past - the version of her that he fell in love with. From his side, he just wants to help her get back to "being herself" again, because he knows she isn't right now. Ámbar doesn't wanna go back, because while she did have genuine feelings for Simón in S2, it was also a version of herself she wants to forget about. Cause even if what she felt for him was true, she was still putting up an act at all times, since she still was under the influence and watch of her godmother. And she just wants to break free from everything, both the bad and the good.
But throughout the season she's also still a bit awkward and acts like a "silly girl with a crush" about Simón, especially when Emilia questions her about him. "Whaaatt??? Pfft, I don't like Simón, he likes me, come on I'm just teasing him it's not my fault it's him who's obsessed with me hahahaha-" She doesn't want to, she wants to keep in control and hide it, but she can't.
Simón always keeps being himself. He can be serious with Ámbar, he is incredibly patient with her and while he tries to help her, he also tells her off when she goes too far. But when he wants to, he's still the silly and corny guy with her.
My final example is the rose scene. The rose scene is beautiful. It's magical. It's very romantic and their tension is off the charts.
But also, only Simón would do a thing like throwing a bunch of petals on the floor to make a "romantic road" down the hallway. Also...
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I counted and it's about 6-7 seconds from when he knocks and when Ámbar opens the door (side note that is a very short sleeping gown for a kids show lmao...)
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The amount of planning for this romantic gesture must have taken so much. He had to...
Go and spread out all the flower petals. He needed to do this while knowing no one else was around, because someone else def would question what he was up to.
He'd need to make sure Ámbar didn't hear him walk around outside her bedroom door.
He had to knock
He needed to get back downstairs VERY quickly, and if he did not run then I guess he just slid down the railing? He was very good on doing it so smoothly, because he could have easily been tripping or being overheard with loud running steps.
He's gonna have to clean up all of this later
Nonetheless, this scene is still so heartwarming and beautiful. But, also, it's such a chaotic thing that only Simón would properly pull off.
Also, it's the way Ámbar just genuinely brightens up.
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How she first goes "oh gosh, this is so cheesy, but adorable". But then she smells the rose and just goes in a little "yes!!" moment. Because that's her cheesy but adorable man! And he did this for her!
Side note, I need to comment on the difference between their outfits. Ámbar is here in a beautiful white nightgown, all barefoot.
And Simón is dressed like this.
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It's a contrast.
But it's so pretty at the same time too.
They were from different worlds, and seeing them separate on their own, you wouldn't think it would work. But then they get together and it just... does.
Ok, so this was just gonna be a "lmao I love how Ámbar is just the perfect upper class girl and then Simón is just this silly beanie boy" but then I just decided to dive deeper.
There's much to analyse with Simbar, and it's really hard to keep it short.
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trashyslashers · 2 years
Please a Corey x peepaw x reader OMGGGGG 🥴
The Corey we have here is the Corey we see from middle to end of the film, so he's much more bold and outspoken than he is in the beginning of the film. I'm assuming that's what you had in mind, anon!
Thank you so much for the request! I may do a part 2 down the line as I feel like there's SO much more I could add to this.
Just a note that Corey and Michael are not written as romantically involved with each other in this - just you.
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General Corey Cunningham x Reader x Michael Myers headcanons
Being the shared interest of these two is... interesting, to say the least. It doesn't matter if you're spending time with the both of them at once, or if you're alone with one of them - there's rarely a dull moment, though many times, not in the good way.
While Corey and Michael get along in some ways, they don't get along in every way, and when it comes to you it's a mixture of both. While they both want you and they both have you, this mutual, extreme obsession with you leads to occasional clashes as they both tend to feel that the other party's obsession with and feelings for you is getting in the way of their own. Que the (sometimes literal) tug of wars with you between the two of them. Though neither of them would ever hurt you, there are occasions where you're quite literally being pulled away from one of them and into the chest of the other because they refuse to share.
There are many, many moments where it seems like the relationship isn't going to work because of this, yet it always manages to come through in the end. Both men value their feelings for you and your contentedness over any issue they may have with each other.
Despite their frequent scuffles, it's safe to say you have near constant protection. While Corey doesn't have the practically undying, almost superhuman-like qualities that Michael does, he is damn protective, and he can actually be with you pretty much everywhere Michael cannot be. There have been times he's even informed Michael of some breach of your safety, and the two of them teamed up to take care of whatever the issue was.
Both are possessive and protective, but both in their own ways. Michael's approach is much more cold, much more calculating: if he sees someone mess with you, harass you, not take no for an answer, etc, he'll typically stalk that person for sometime before he moves in for the kill (and he is brutal about it. The killing itself is actually very rash and bloody, as opposed to his approach).
Corey, on the other hand, unless for some reason he can't or shouldn't, has no problem going right up to whoever it was at that moment and either verbally ripping them a new one - or getting physical about it. He's not afraid of doing either, even if he often gets his ass kicked with the latter, and if it's bad enough he will not hesitate to don his scarecrow mask and make sure they cannot bother you again.
You're pretty much nearly untouchable when you're with the both of them romantically. If somehow, someone manages to do something to you, it's an absolutely bloody mess how the two of them work together, much like how we saw in the movie. Hell, sometimes it's almost like a game they play: Corey manages to lure whoever it is into an alley, or below the bridge near the sewer, or somewhere secluded, straight to wherever Michael is, and the two of them quickly work together to subdue their prey. The body is pretty much unidentifiable by the time they're done.
On a fluffier note, if both men are agreeable with each other enough that you can have a calm, quiet, cuddle session with the both of them at the same time, it is insane how safe and warm you feel. Initially it was a bit awkward finding a position that worked, but the three of you eventually found one: laying down, with Michael (if he's in the mood for cuddling, that is) behind you as the big spoon, with you sandwiched in between him and Corey, with Corey's head resting on your chest, his arms tightly wrapped around your midsection. Corey will nuzzle and press kisses to your chest, shoulders, chin, while the steady rise and fall of Michael's chest relaxes you.
The three of you love to binge watch old-school horror and monster films together. If you're the type to get scared, fret not because you have two of the best guards you could ask for. Michael may not be as cuddly as many, but you know he'll never let anything touch you, meanwhile Corey has no problem pulling you close to him and holding you in his lap if you're feeling scared, or anxious. Corey tends to be the more physically affectionate out of the two of them, and on days where you see little to nothing of Michael, Corey's by your side pretty much all day to shower you in all the affection and love you want.
While it might not always pan out nicely or neatly, it's needless to say that both of these men are completely and utterly obsessed with you.
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