#so i can find it later
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scribbiesan · 3 months ago
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Back again with my bullshit! I decided on Monochrome for the Dragon Doodle forum game, and had a blast with detailing them! Figured they deserved a treat, so I gave them some coffee to enjoy. Wasn’t feeling up to detailing with shading and such, but i managed to make a nice little background instead.
Yesterday was a doozy, and I figured the best way to destress was to draw some lovely dragons! I’m still working on the Borrower/Minecraft pieces, so look forward to those. Just needed a short little break to draw something else.
Hope y’all like!
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utilitycaster · 1 year ago
I'm curious for a variety of reasons!
For the sake of this poll, since technically all characters are someone's OC, please limit this to OCs outside of official published/release works (ie, Luke Skywalker is not considered an OC for our purposes). Similarly, do not count Actual Play PCs as other people's PCs. If you care about the PCs/OCs of your friends in general, including in games you play in, pick option 2; if you only care when you're involved in the game pick option 4.
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sporkberries · 1 year ago
Msf as a whole but also kaz specifically are the first victims of the cult leader big boss eventually becomes. The monster he is in mg2.
The majority of the soldiers kaz included are people he kidnapped. People who now hinge on his every word and would die for him. Just because kaz is also his accountant wife doesnt make him any less of a victim or follower of BB. Kaz can call it a partnership all he wants that doesn’t make it the truth, their relationship is not and never has been equal.
Kaz doesnt go against BB because he snaps out of his trance and realized how wrong everything is, how crazy his plans are. He does it because he felt personally betrayed. And that pride is the very reason BB betrayed him in TPP. There is no room for autonomy in his heaven. Its ironic, given the whole point of the bosses dream in the first place.
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iinsertblognamee · 1 year ago
when i wanna read a fic based off this picture
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but im also so not bothered to write anything (but like i totally should [but like im so not bothered x 2])
ugh. the joys
(but someone pls write something and i'll forever be in your debt 🫶)
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arcsin27 · 2 months ago
My brain is so yaoi rotted I only saw my brother play metaphor up to the morning of the funeral and already ship will x strohl and will x the prince
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morganbritton132 · 2 years ago
'Some people were mean to me today' oowwyy that litterally made my heart clench :cc mentally wrapping u and stevie up in blankets and giving forehead kisses 🖤
I want u to know ur writing always makes me feel something, its so down to earth and easily picture-able, which I know is a true talent c:
Feel more than free not to answer this part but is there anyway u want us to refer to u as? Like pronouns or a nickname (I'm a big advocate of telling the Internet nothing about yourself so genuinely you don't need to choose anything)
Thank you so much! I feel like I keep repeating the same thing over and over every time I say that everybody has been so wonderfully accepting of this little series and has been so nice. I feel like it’s probably a universal feeling for fanfic creators, but I get so anxious about posting stuff because I’m afraid someone is going to be mean to me.
But everybody has been truly great. Also this very nice comment had great timing. I’ve been dealing with some things in my real life and getting the notification for this really did just make my day better, so thank you!!!
My name is Morgan. There’s a post on here about how crazy it is to make your username your name, and it’s not specifically about me but it’s calls me out. I created this account in middle school to look at pictures of Robert Downey Jr as Sherlock Holmes and had no intention of ever posting. Now, it’s been too long and I’m just gonna keep my same username.
But yeah, my name is Morgan. I use she/her pronouns.
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theonlyadawong · 11 months ago
re height post i guess (im bored)
ada and leon - 5'10"
jill - 5'3"
luis, sherry and ethan - 5'7"
chris and helena - 5'11"
claire - 5'4"
wesker - 6'
rebecca - 5'3
sheva, mia, jake, and piers - 5'9"
ashley - 5'6"
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smalltimidbean · 2 years ago
So I am gonna write the thoughts I have about Cheeseshop AU bc writing things down helps me, and you guys are welcome to chip in your opinions/ask questions on it too!
Okay enjoy my ramblings bc this is going to be barely organised
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So idk what the 'story' is of this AU, or even if there needs to be one, all I have so far is that Brick is a human who owns a cheese shop, and Gus, Peppino and Pep are her larger-that-average rat friends, whom she found outside (regardless if there is a tower or not, she'd meet them beforehand, (except for Pep in some cases, but we'll get to him))
So idea one, no tower at all! Brick just happily runs her little shop and everything is hunky-dory
Do love a good 'slice of life' with some wacky antics thrown in
Opportunity for a different conflict or antagonist? I suppose this can be said for any of the ideas, but I am putting it here bc the other ideas have a Pizzaface/Pizzahead and they'd still be hanging around
Maybe a little boring, and removes perhaps the main part of Pizza Tower - the Tower!!! And without her, probably wouldn't have a reason most of the other characters
Idea two; there is a tower, but it is all cheese - maybe even dairy themed? - and Brick must climb it to save her shop from an alternative Pizzaface (Cheeseface???)
Easy to understand, since it would be mostly beat-for-beat as the OG
We'd get all the characters, albeit alternate versions of them
Perhaps redundant (for lack of a better term)? Considering PT is mostly cheese, some things would be exactly the same, like Vigi and all the cheeseslimes
I think there is only so much one can do with cheese... Well, I'm sure you can do a lot with cheese, but I, personally, am perhaps limited on my cheese knowledge
Idea three!: Now this one's a little geared towards my own version of the game, but Cat Tower
I headcanon that Brick hates, and I mean hates, cats, so Pizzaface/Pizzahead would be a giant cat of sorts, and the tower would be cat themed. Story kinda the same with the shop being threatened with destruction, some of the reasons are changed (I cannot tell you original reasons bc spoilers for Pep's blog kdfkj)
Who doesn't love cats!!! Well, besides Brick jfdlsdk
Get to draw furry things yippee!!
Mostly stems from a single headcanon? Idk if that's a con, but it feels like it lgjdg
Idea four is kind of an 'add-on' to one of the other ideas, so there is a tower, but instead of the shop being threatened, Pizzaface (or whatever his alternative name would be) kidnaps Gustavo and Peppino, and Brick has to scale the tower to get them back
Brick would not have Pep in this version, as Pizzahead would still have a personal vendetta against Peppino (for some reason), and did the cloning thing with him anyway, so Pep would still be a boss
This is probably more game idea, than story, but basically Brick would go through each level of the tower with a different companion - so on her own for the first level, but as she rescues Gus and Peppino, and befriends Pep (and maybe some of the other bosses), they can help her progress!
Interesting spin on the game
Cute reuniting moments
Extremely funny for this twink to have a vendetta against a single rat
Again, probably more suited as game mechanics rather than a story?
Would still have to choose a theme for the tower and other characters
This is all I have for now, and it is probably even less coherent that I expected, but it is okay, I am just putting thoughts down
But now I am going to bed, so goodnight!!!!
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phoebastria-albatrus · 4 months ago
people ive gotten to watch pacrim: like. four?
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deeisace · 2 years ago
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Music section of the Nimona credits!
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boombox-fuckboy · 1 year ago
EM: “Mediocre advice columnist”?
AMET: The advice itself is sound, but you have a tendency to shoehorn in pseudo-intellectual tangents, then finish off with some general statement that relates more to those philosophical musings than to the situation at hand, as though you’re unable to answer a question without obliquely relating it to some event in your life that you haven’t dealt with yourself.
EM: Okay, that’s fair.
DOLOR SIT: He also said your relationship advice sounds like it was written by “an alien anthropologist fascinated yet disgusted by human courtship rituals.”
AMET: That was a compliment.
The Godshead Incidental, Episode 3: Early Action
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yume-fanfare · 1 year ago
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAR!!!!!!!! hope you have the most amazing day and rest of the week ever o7 torikasas . for u
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8ball-wizard · 2 years ago
i have an unfortunate prediction.
within the next year and a half, tiktok will """discover""" nine inch nails. this will happen one of two ways:
1. someone will, for some reason, tell the masses that listening to the entirety of The Downward Spiral in the dark made them astral project/have some sort of specific mental Experience that makes people treat the entire discography as some sort of magic thing
2. teenagers with neither the media literacy nor the stomach to handle it will discover the Broken movie and somehow assume that it means that trent reznor is a bad and evil person for making it without doing any further reading on the matter.
both of these options will end the same: people will start being obnoxious and pretentious about nine inch nails, people will find a new reason to excuse being ridiculously cruel to teenagers, and trent reznor will, even in a small and unnoteworthy capacity, be expected to discuss something he isn't paying attention to because he's got better things to do.
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feralkwe · 10 months ago
For Urianger:
What kind of perfume would they wear?
When they feel safest?
15. what cologne or perfume they would use
ooh this is a good one.
urianger is a messy bitch. he's not gross. like, he doesn't leave bits of food in places it will cause problems and draw pests, and i'm sure all his laundry is clean, but he's not a tidy person. he gets lost in his work and follows the whims of his thoughts, so papers pile up and clutter is a fact of life. while he keeps his hygiene standard, i don't think he puts much thought into something so secondary as perfume or cologne.
that said, he's the pixies' favorite plaything, so i bet he smells like light florals, maybe lilac, or tuberose (which is a night-blooming flower and i like that imagery), or even something sweeter like white ginger because they've somehow enchanted it to linger on him. he may not even notice.
19. when they feel safest
urianger feels safest when he has a plan. when he has every detail and eventuality worked out in his mind, even the unlikely scenarios. he's always ready to be abandoned at a moment's notice, even when he knows he's loved, and i think having a plan that will carry him through it is safety.
but i also think he learns to find it in someone who will patiently and consistently show that he is not and does not have to be alone. someone who believes he would be just fine on his own, but reminds him he deserves not to be.
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scionshtola · 8 months ago
i think i might need to extend cori’s timeline between the end of enw and the start of dt 🤔
right now cori spent a few weeks in the infirmary in old sharlayan -> a week at most in their apt in sharlayan -> a few weeks with shtola in dravania -> a month or more by themself on their island -> two or so weeks with shtola on the island -> a few weeks doing patch stuff -> goes to tural
the end of enw wasn’t a completely happy time for cori and left them in a pretty mentally/emotionally vulnerable place even after their physical recovery. cori’s got ptsd and nightmares from the body swap, the scions deaths, and the zenos fight. they still can’t cast. and now they are being asked to get involved in politics again and thrust into the role of mentor.
i’m not generally against the idea of cori mentoring (she and shtola are mentor for a teen when they’re older!). i wasn’t really that invested in the way it was implemented in the game and do think the wol could have been given more of a connection to the story/antagonist/just more things to do? there was like a whole quest where mostly what you did was carry things for wuk lamat bc she couldn’t be trusted lol. also i mostly enjoy when the other characters don’t make cori feel like they are a weapon to be deployed at their will which has been kind of a fascinating thing to see everyone enjoy so much but anyway. im here to talk about making things work
so i think probably my options are to extend the timeline until cori is in a place where they would be interested in sort of taking wuk lamat under their wing and being involved in all this (obv cori wants to help when they find out about zoraal ja, but i don’t think wanting to help necessarily leads to wanting to mentor). or make her—sweet, kind, always wants to help—cori unsure about it? and liking and being fond of wuk lamat but not so fond of this role she’s been forced into. idk. probably i need to play it again or read the script to solidify things.
i do know cori feels bad about letting things with sphene go so far, they had their suspicions upon meeting her (cori gives sphene this really funny up and down once over look when they first meet that unfortunately screenshots do not fully capture. but i watched the scene twice bc it made me laugh) but didn’t voice them enough. maybe actually cori sucks at being a mentor right now. maybe it’s a learning thing for them both!
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chuuyanaurkahara · 1 year ago
song titles i will use once i stop procrastinating and actually start that project
help i changed the language of a videogame and it crashed my laptop what do i do
once i rule the world
my family dragged me to a restaurant where none of the food will taste good to me
ew raisins
did he really throw that chair tho
1+1=5 because i'm bad at math and i can do whatever i want
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