#so i attempted to get off right? well it fell on my foot and grabbed it and started jumping like a goddamn looney toon.
fucking damn it.
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highwayorgantrade · 2 years
Honesty Hour
Pairing: (cis)female reader x Jasper Hale
Word Count: 4.5k (oh god, just look at the author's note for this one.)
Warnings: Drinking, cursing, mentions of drug use, reader is inebriated, drunk sex (please don't do this unless you have sober and active consent!!), unprotected sex, men in blonde wigs, orgasm denial.
Summary: When you invited the Cullens to a house party, you really didn't expect them to come. You also didn't expect the quietest sibling to back you into a dark room.
Spotify Playlist: Honesty Hour
A/N: So many bad influences! I intended to imply that the reader is 21, as this is happening in college, and Alice and Jasper are not mates, merely siblings :) And I know I keep apologizing for how long my fics are, and yet I change nothing! This is my first time ever writing smut, and I just kept dwelling over it for so long. To consistent 18+ authors: I have the utmost respect and love for you. Y'all seriously keep this world turning.
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"No, listen, I'm talking about a Euphoria-styled house party. But without all the hard drugs or a huge fight. Maybe a huge fight." Your friend was clearly excited about her spring break party, barely even stopping to let you get a word in. You set your backpack on a bench, pulling out your water bottle. If you were going to be drinking tonight, you would probably need it. "And I know you don't have a lot of friends, but invite whoever you want."
"You absolute snake." You hit her lightly, and noted the Cullens headed in your direction.
"Isn't it kind of weird that they move in a pack? Kind of... cult-y." She asked, trying not to make her prying obvious. Yeah, it was weird, but didn't everyone kind of stay with their own pack?
"I would kill someone to be that close to my family, honestly." You replied, and an idea struck you. "Think they would come?"
"I don't know, I haven't ever seen them at a party before."
"I feel like a real cult would go to lots of parties." You shrugged. "You know, to get their foot in the door." You set down your water bottle, and walked over to the group. What was the worst they could do? Say no?
"Hey!" You called out, grabbing the attention of... all of them. They eyes on you suddenly made you feel inferior, and your resolve cracked. "My friend is throwing a party tonight, and we wanted you to know that you were invited!" Their silence only made you talk more. "It's cool if you don't come, it's just going to be a bunch of loud music and drinking, but you know... Yeah."
What a strong note to finish on. You were about to walk away, when one of the girls spoke up. Her hair was really cute, and you made a mental note to tell her so someday.
"Yeah, we'll come! What time?" She asked, and you were taken aback by her light voice.
"Well, we told everyone 9, but it'll probably start getting fun around 11 or so. It's at 1171 Big Pine Way. You'll really come?" Your confirmation wasn't unwarranted. They never really spoke to anyone else, but it's not like they were bullies or anything. You recalled the other week, when that poor girl's research paper fell out of her hands, the really big one helped her organize it. "Can I-" Was this rude to ask? "What are your names? So I can scream it in excitement later."
One of the boys, the blonde one, caught your eye, and the corner of his mouth twitched up. Oh God. Why would you say that? It started off as such an innocent question, but your stupid attempt at a joke went completely sideways. You felt the urge to confirm what you meant - you meant that you got very friendly when you were drunk. Backtracking now would mean that you knew you said something wrong.
"I know what you meant." She laughed. "I'm Alice, this is is Emmett, Edward, Jasper, and Rosalie. Don't worry, we don't expect you to remember that right off the bat."
"Good, because I don't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning."
"Well, we most definitely are coming." Alice smiled at you, and you believed her. Okay, good. Social interaction check passed. You both began to go your separate ways, until a voice stopped you.
"Hey." You turned around to see the blonde one. Jasper? Jasper had his mouth set in a half-smile. "It was nice to meet you."
Yup? Seriously? Yup? If he was actually coming tonight, you were going to be in big trouble.
<- ->
The music pulsed, people were everywhere, and you were hot. Not just you as a person (although you knew you kept this outfit for a reason.), but you were warm as hell. Not only was the house packed with people dancing, girls running around trying to find their friends, and boys scouting for whichever girl was willing to lower her standards, but the 2 vodka sodas and the few shots caused your nose to go numb, and you expected your lips to be next.
You haven't seen any Cullen sibling yet, but it wasn't for lack of looking. You know what? If Jasper didn't come and see how super hot you look, then that's on him. His loss. What do you care? Actually, why do you care? He had barely spoken 7 words to you, and they were all pleasantries. Ugh, you needed another drink. When you approached the table full of various amounts of alcohol, you stared at the selection. Okay, you don't want to get super messy drunk, you're enjoying the buzz you have right now, but drinking water just seems so boring.
"Need help?" Jesus fucking Christ! The deep voice suddenly behind you made you jump, causing a small clattering of the bottles next to you.
"Jasper!" Okay, do not act drunk. You do not know this man well enough to act drunk around him. "You came!" You felt the smile cracking across your face, and he feigned a surprised face. "I really wanna hug you right now, but I don't know if you consent to that, so I will keep my arms to myself. Just know that I'm emotionally hugging you!"
What. The fuck.
"You can hug me if you want, I won't bite." He shrugged, pulling you out of your shame spiral. He said you could hug him! Your excitement was immeasurable, and before you could move, he pulled you into his chest with a firm grip.
"I'm so happy you came! My friends got boring so I went looking for any one of you!" You babbled when you pulled away (but God, he smelled like pine and something earthy, but clean. Incense? Either way, you wished you could stay there.) "Did you know that you smell like incense?" Your thoughts jumped from one train to another, and Jasper couldn't help but smile as he tried to navigate the two separate topics that were happening.
"Yeah, Edward and Rosalie probably weren't going to come, but Alice and Emmett got caught up in a paper." He answered your questions in quick succession. "I did not know I smelled like incense, that's nice to know. What are we deciding on?" He glanced at the table.
"I like the smell of incense." You added, before turning back to the bottles. "I'm not interested in drinking anymore, but I don't want to drink water. But I'm also not interested in soda, either."
You both stayed quiet for a moment, considering your options.
"I think there's sparkling water in the cooler by the couch, if you want to sit down." He suggested. You just stared at him. At first, it was because that was the greatest idea you had ever heard. And then, it was because, simply put, you liked looking at his face. His features were soft, an extreme mirror to the resting bitch face he walked around campus with. The scars that you knew you wouldn't ask about added an air of danger, that he had been through something, and survived. The faintest hint of a smile was left on his face as he stared right back at you, waiting for a response.
"Sorry, you're really pretty, I got distracted! Sparkling water sounds great!" You grabbed him by the hand and pulled. His skin was cold, freezing, actually, but it felt really nice against the warmth of the rest of your body.
"You're very honest when you're drunk!" Jasper ran his free hand through his hair and let out the most gentle laugh you had ever heard.
"It's the best time to get to know each other! Want some more honesty?" He nodded. "I want to hear you laugh more." You sat down on the couch, grateful to be drinking something that tasted like alcohol, but wouldn't get you stumbling up the stairs.
"What do you want to know? I'll match your honesty." He sat down, and you turned your body so you were facing him. What were all the things everybody wondered about the Cullens? Why are they all so hot? Why didn't they really talk to anyone else? Why are Emmett and Alice working on a paper on a Friday?
"Where are you from? You have a southern accent." You stated, cocking your head.
"I do. I'm from Texas, and Carlisle adopted me when I was 17. I have a question for you."
"I'm an open book." Your arms gestured openly, hoping he would ask you anything, something you could say 'yes' to. He could ask you to ride into war, and you absolutely would.
"What's your name?" Before you could process the question, the answer slipped out of your mouth.
Well. At least it was firm. "I, uh, my name is (Y/N)." Jasper held out his hand, and you gave it to him, expecting him to shake it. What you didn't expect was Jasper leaning his head low, and placing the softest kiss you've ever known on the back of your hand. Your mind went blank and absolutely crazy at the same time. The eye contact didn't help the jump in your stomach, and the feeling of your heart in your throat.
"Pleasure to meet you, (Y/N)." He pulled back, and smiled at you, like he hadn't just committed the most sinful act of chivalry imaginable. "Your turn for a question."
"Why did you do that?" There were so many other questions you wanted to ask, but that was the only one on your mind at the moment.
"I was greeting you the way I believe you should be greeted. Did you not want me to do that?" Jasper quipped, but he already knew the answer to that one. You knew he did. He placed his hand on your knee, and your brain short-circuited once more.
"I didn't know that was something I wanted until you did it. Why are you looking at me like that?" He had not once taken his eyes off of you, and his gaze at you would've made you press your legs together if you weren't so focused. You would do anything to keep his hand on you.
"I'm looking at you like this because-"
"(Y/N)!" Please, no, not right now. You felt a hand grip your upper arm and start pulling. "Please come dance with me!" Your friend, completely oblivious to the scene in front of her, had finally found you. Your back and forth with Jasper was over. The pull of not wanting to dampen her spirits battled with your intense desire of staying in the little world you were in with Jasper. "Ugh, he'll still be here at the end of the song, won't you?" She looked at him with pleading eyes, and he leaned away from you.
"Absolutely. Go." He waved his hand toward her, and the same crooked smile crossed his face. Wait, he's supposed to be on your side!
"Betrayal. That one hurts. Hurts my heart." You rolled your eyes and set your water down. "Stop trying to dislocate my arm, damn it!" You yelled at her, and you could swear you could hear that same stupid, quiet laugh.
"Here, take this!" Your friend grabbed two shots off a table, and handed them both to you.
"What do you want me to do with this?" You shouted, as you both had moved into the group of people dancing, and the music was loud.
"I want you to drink it and to stop being such a pussy!" She tipped the cup towards your face, and soon, it had burned their way down your throat. "And now, dance with me like you wanna dance with him!" She tilted her head in Jasper's direction, and to your surprise, he was still watching you. Carefully. You did like the song, and what’s the worst that could happen? Worst possible scenario: Jasper is so disgusted with your dancing that he leaves and you never talk again? Okay, that's not an option.
Almost instantly, your mild anxiety and self-consciousness disappeared, and you were overwhelmed with new confidence. Whatever was in that alcohol, it made you feel hot. This wasn't the same hot feeling from earlier, but you felt perfect. Jasper was so far from your mind at the moment, you just wanted to physically represent how amazing you were feeling. You glanced over to where Jasper sat, whether to make sure he was watching or not make sure he wasn't watching, you weren't sure. Either way, he was not watching. In fact, he had disappeared entirely.
You had barely started to groan in disappointment, when you felt a shock - an arm had wrapped around your waist and was guiding you out of the crowd. Okay, you were gonna go with this adventure. You looked up to meet your captor, and you were met with Jasper's tightly clenched jaw.
"Where are we going?" You questioned him, as he weaved you through the crowd, carefully avoiding the people.
"Are we still doing the honesty thing?" He looked down at you, and leaned in slightly so you could hear him. He could be leading you to your death, for all you could care. He could be leading you straight to eternal damnation and you would skip happily behind him. You nodded as well as you could with your neck craned, when you suddenly weren't next to him anymore. your back pressed against the wall, and Jasper's hand was placed between your head and the wall, and the grip on your arm was bruising. His eyes bore into yours, and you never felt more like prey in your life. And you could play that part well. "Then tell me, why were you dancing like that?"
"For your attention." You lifted your head so your lips were merely inches from meeting, and you smiled, the hand behind your head twitching slightly. "Did I get it?" Your voice was quiet, and you barely recognized the sound.
"Now normally," Jasper placed a soft kiss on your cheek, and his hand went from your arm to your waist. "This would have taken months. I would've taken my time with you, like you deserve." You keened at his response. You didn't want to take your time, you were barely holding yourself together now.
"There's a difference between what I deserve and what I want." Jasper laughed, and glanced down at your lips
"There's a difference between what you want and what you need." He growled before turning you into a doorway, and you found yourself in a dark room, a red glow being cast by the strung up lights.
"Will your friend mind if we use this?" Jasper breathed behind you, gesturing to the familiar bedroom.
"She might bake me a cake." You laughed, and with a rush of bravery, you pulled the neckline of Jasper's jacket into you, and you finally kissed.
His tight grip on you moments ago seemed far away, as it seemed like he was now afraid to touch you - like you would break. His hands hovered at your sides, barely touching you.
"(Y/n)" He whispered between kissing you, never wanting to pull away. "(Y/n), are you sure? We don't have to."
"So all that talk about what I want and what I need was bullshit?" You snaked your hand into his hair and clenched, his hair wrapped tightly around your fingers. Your confidence grew when you heard his low groan. Your free hand found the zipper of his jacket, and pulled it down the rest of the way. Jasper didn't hesitate to help you pull it off.
"I just want..." He lifted your head with his thumb, and began in on your neck. You felt your stomach drop, and when your knees buckled, he placed you back on the bed. "I wanted to make sure you wanted this." He stood above you, and in the light, Jasper actually looked kind of scary. He smirked, like you had voiced that observation. His hand reached toward your face, and on instinct, your lips parted for his thumb to toy with your bottom lip. "You look beautiful tonight, but don't think this is the only time I've noticed you." He leaned towards you slightly, until your hips met, and you twitched at the contact, gasping. "I've noticed that you prefer doing your work alone, and that you like to color code your notes." He pushed his thumb past your lips, and you accepted it gratefully. "I noticed that you wear your emotions on your face, especially when someone interrupts you."
Jasper stared down at you, that goofy half smile on his face again. His analysis of you made you feel exposed, and you realized he was waiting on you to make the next move, as if the two of you were playing chess. God, you just wanted him to move. You ground your hips onto his, eliciting a gasp from him, and you raised your eyebrow. He slowly withdrew his hand from your face, and you whined when his thumb left your mouth.
"Jasper, please." You begged, sitting up to pull his shirt off of him, and holy fuck, those scars were bigger than you thought. You didn't know where they were from, or who gave them to him, but the sight went straight to your core.
"Please what, honey?" Jasper drawled, hooking your chin and tilting your head up. "Look at me."
The last remnants of your pride and dignity went out the window as you took a deep breath.
"Please just fuck me. Please."
The energy in the room completely switched as you spoke those words, and frustration clawed at your throat. Jasper's face darkened, and your breath hitched in your throat, almost choking you.
“How much do you like this outfit?” He tugged lightly at the material of your pants.
“Well, I’d like to keep it.”
“Then you have two minutes to take it off before I destroy it.”
As you tugged your shirt over your head, Jasper slid your shorts down your legs, sprinkling light kisses on your hips, praising you.
“You’re good at following directions.” He glanced up at you and smiled, taking in your body, and touching whatever he could.
“You’re good at giving them.” Your voice was breathy, and Jasper's teasing was driving you absolutely insane. His hands burned trails up and down your thighs, squeezing lightly. He laughed at the desperate noises you made, and slid your underwear off, kissing everywhere except right where you needed him to. The waves of annoyance mixed with pleasure rolled off of you, causing you to writhe under him.
"Alright now." He placed his forearm over your hips, barring you from moving anymore. "None of that, honey. Look at me."
You had barely made dizzying eye contact with Jasper when he latched himself onto your clit, sending electricity running through every vein in your body. Instinctively, your back arched, and your hands gripped the bedsheets in a desperate attempt to ground yourself. His arm moved from your hips to make easy work of keeping your thighs open for him.
"Oh, God Jasper, please, please don't stop." Your rambling came between gasps. It was like you were drowning, and Jasper was doing nothing to help you.
You felt like you were on fire, and it was only getting hotter as you felt the desperation. You rocked your hips impossibly closer to Japser's mouth, feeling every single nerve explode under his lips. You were so, so close, and just when you began to feel yourself unravel, the sensation was completely gone.
There is no fucking way he just stopped.
He began kissing up your stomach, glancing at your wildly confused and betrayed face.
"How many times have I told you to look at me?" His smile was mocking, like he knew your answer wouldn't be correct.
"What? Maybe twice?"
"Mhm." He continued kissing up your body, until he had reached your chest. "And how many times have you done it?" In lieu of a response, you groaned when he began sucking a mark onto you. "Zero." When Jasper brought his mouth up to your neck, you prepared for him to give it the same markings that were now on your chest. You snaked your hands into his hair, pulling gently. Instead, Jasper hovered, your combined heavy breathing pressing your chest into his. His ragged breath almost made it sound like he was growling, and the thought sent your heart pounding.
"You are..." Jasper let out of dark chuckle. "I don't think I could ever get enough of you." His teeth grazed your skin, and for a split second, you almost felt like you were in danger, like you were merely prey that was being toyed with. Your nails dragged down Jasper's back, a desperate attempt to get him to just move. He pulled back to look at you, and... Weren't his eyes a light brown color? In the light, somehow, they looked pitch black, almost consuming his entire eye. "Beg for me, darlin'. Come on." He goaded. Your hesitation resulted in silence, and his hand trailed down your body, fingers toying with your entrance. A smile slowly made its way onto his face, and his eyebrow raised, waiting for you to collect yourself enough to speak.
God, if just his hand made you feel this good... Fuck it. No shame.
"Jasper, please fuck me, please. I want it so bad." Your begs almost came out as sobs, and Jasper's expression darkened.
"Put your hands above your head." He drawled, and you immediately obeyed, remembering the consequences if you don't listen. "Such a fast learner." He cooed at you, one hand meeting your wrists, and pinning them down. Anticipation jumped in your stomach as you felt Jasper position himself at your entrance, soft moans and curses falling from your mouth. He leaned down, placing a surprisingly soft kiss to your lips. Almost all of your focus dissipated as you focused on how his lips moved against yours, how you could almost feel the lopsided smile curling the edges of his lips. Jasper's grip on your wrists tightened, and Jasper finally pushed inside you.
Jasper didn't look as muscular as he was, and he certainly didn't act as big as he was. The feeling of him bottoming out was dizzying, and his low groans were destroying you from the inside out. Finally, he began to move as gently as possible, but the feeling of him inside you turned any logical thought, any conscious decision, into dust. All you could think about was Jasper, and how he ruined any resolve you once had. His hands moved from your wrists down to your hips, making absolutely sure you felt every inch of him.
“Fuck, I can’t, I gotta-“ He breathed, and hearing Jasper curse sent you reeling. Jasper began to snap his hips into you, the slow start completely abandoned. His hands rolled your hips in rhythm, and with every thrust, the edges of your vision blurred. Your nails found purchase in his back, the pleasure making you fall silent. “No, ma’am, I need to hear you.” You were grateful the music was so loud, as you’re absolutely sure without it, the entire house would hear your cries. Jasper began peppering rougher bites on your neck, and you knew that you would be marked up for weeks to come. Good.
The familiar feeling of falling over the edge rose again in the pit of your stomach, and you hesitated. You didn't want this to be over, and you focused on keeping your head about you.
"Jasper, please." You groaned into his neck, looking for anything to focus on other than the growing fire in your core. There was no doubt, Jasper was destroying you. He was destroying you from having sex with anyone else, he was ruining your desire to cling onto anyone but him.
"Come on, darlin'." You could tell Jasper was close too, his thrusts were faltering, and his grasp on your hips was only getting tighter. "Let go for me, just let yourself go." You felt like you were falling down a hole that had no certain end, and you were fine with it.
Your body was no longer listening to you, it was only responding to Jasper. At his command, the rope that was holding to you together snapped, and you buried your face into him, your shaking legs trying to press together, only to be held open by Jasper's own hips. He stilled inside you, growling a string of both curses and praise, but you couldn't focus on what he was saying, your mind felt completely numb and blank. You and Jasper had stayed like that for a bit, groaning when he finally slid out of you.
Anxiety bit at you as you grasped for something, anything to say to him. The room was strangely quiet, save for the thumping of the music and your heartbeat. You pulled your clothes on quickly, stumbling a little when you got to your shoes.
“So, uh…” You began, but lost your words when Jasper looked at you again. “I guess I’ll see you at school?” Your voice was timid, unsure of where this would lead, if it would lead anywhere. Surprisingly, he smiled.
“What? Absolutely not. Would you rather I drive you back to your place?”
No! You didn’t want that! You wanted to stay with him. You wanted time to freeze so the two of you could stay in this moment forever. You bit your lip as you pondered any socially acceptable way to phrase that.
“I don’t wanna…” You took a deep breath, bracing yourself. “I want to stay with you. Be with you.” Silence hung in the air, and you didn’t know you were fidgeting with your shirt until Jasper placed his cool hand on yours.
“I can feel that you’re nervous. Why?”
“Are we still doing the honesty thing?” He nodded. “I don’t want this to just be a hookup. I like talking to you. I like making you laugh, because I think you look too serious all the time. I’m nervous because I don’t want to make you feel forced, but-“ He cut you off with a shattering kiss, pulling you in by your waist and gripping you tightly.
“All that talk ‘bout how you should be treated right, (y/n), I was talking about how you deserve to be treated by me." He whispered against your lips. "Here's what's going to happen. You're going to come with me, I'm going to drive you to my house, and you'll spend the night. Alice will have clothes for you, don't worry. In the morning, I will be taking you to your place so you can change, and then we're going on a date."
As he laid out his plan, Jasper took your hand, and kissed it once more.
"To your house, like, with your parents? And this all seems very planned out." You had never met, or even seen for that matter, any parent with the Cullens. You had to imagine how amazing they were to raise the kids that they did.
"Stop getting nervous, you don't even need to meet 'em if you don't want to. Trust me though, they'll love you. As for your plans tomorrow, it's been a long time coming, trust me."
"Damn, do I really wear my emotions like that?" You laughed, shocked at how easily he picked up your anxiety.
"Yeah, something like that. Now, come on."
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eetherealgoddess · 8 months
i found your works recently and I FELL IN LOVE <333 if you feel up to it would you be able to write about a foreign exchange reader with any tr boy possibly ending in smut?
Thanks for the support! I love when you guys send requests and love!! I hope you enjoy this! ♡︎♡︎♡︎
Shoutout to @deadxyeyes for our brainstorming that led me to this idea!! The original idea we talked about was a bully au but then while I wrote the story, it became different and my brain just went on autopilot.
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ꨄYou’re Never Leavingꨄ
Oneshot - Yandere Foreign Exchange Student Au
❦You catch Kazutora’s eye❦
Hanemiya Kazutora x Reader
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Not fully proofread
Pretend it’s all in Japanese bc you learned the language, except when you speak to the people from your home.
I apologize if I get any Japanese etiquette or culture wrong, I literally have to research the culture for some of my fandom stories so if anything is wrong, please excuse my ignorance.
I’ve only been an outsider to foreign exchange students visiting America when I was in high school. The reader will be from wherever you are and this will take place in college. I did a little research on studying abroad but I can’t promise complete accuracy!
✩Y/n is 18+. I picture her as a black female but you can see her however.
✩Some parts of the story may not be realistic or factual. After all, this is a work of fiction.
✩Although it's a dark 'romance,' I do not condone any of the behavior displayed.
✩Dark content such as: gore, violence, triggering topics, graphic scenes, vulgar language, explicit sexual content, etc.
✩There may be scenes that involve non con and/ or dubcon so don’t read if that makes you uncomfortable
✩That being said, this story is for 18+ only.
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You’re Never Leaving
Preparing years in advance for this wonderful opportunity, you finally reach the end of your second week at your new college in Japan. Excitement fills your senses as you take a selfie to send to your friends back home while sitting in the study room of your dorm. Your plan is to complete a whole year, having saved up all the money you made from working in high school for this very moment.
You’re currently sitting in a chair with a foot propped onto the mini wooden table in front of you. Your laptop open on an incomplete assignment you had been working on for the past hour, deciding to take a break. Your eyes meet the door when you hear a click, watching as a man you haven’t seen walks into the room.
You analyze his features, attempting to ignore your thoughts that begin to race at the attractiveness of the guy who entered the study room. You grab your laptop and set it on your lap after setting your phone down, continuing the paper. You keep your eyes on the screen as the brunette with blonde strands sits in the seat placed beside you.
“You’re one of the new exchange students in the dorm right?” He greets, a sly smile as he leans back in the chair, crossing his legs once his feet were placed on the table. He eyes you up and down, observing your features as well as your different aura. You turn away from your screen to acknowledge him with a friendly smile.
“Yes, I’m Y/n.” His smile seems to widen at the mention of your name.
“Y/n, Y/n.” He says, your name rolling off of his tongue as he plays with it. “Pretty name. Hanemiya, Kazutora. Call me Kazu. Say, aren’t you bored of your homework?” One of your eyebrows raise.
“Depends on where you’re going with that sentence.” You respond, giving a sly smile of your own. In all honesty, no matter where you're in the world, completing papers has never been your favorite thing to do unless it was something you were interested in.
“Let me show you a good time?” He offered, a hand raising as well as one of his eyebrows.
You give a look of contemplation with a finger on your chin. Deciding that you can postpone the completion considering it’s not due for another one or two days, you shrug.
Once you packed everything, he walked you to your dorm room to grab your purse and set everything else you had aside, locking the door behind you once you got all your things. Throughout the night, he took you to different bars and clubs as well as the other hot spots in Japan, you both taking pictures with each other as you enjoyed your time together. You hadn’t known but you had already caught Kazutora’s eye from when you first moved in. The unexplainable attraction caused him to search a little more about you, though he couldn’t find much besides a few selfies on your social media.
He decided to get your attention so he could get to know you, take you out and see you in a more laid back setting besides school. He didn’t regret it, you both having a blast with each other as you drank the night away and danced. He pointed out different foods for you to try as well as feeding them to you which caused giggles that he already loved so dearly to spill out of that pretty mouth. He just knew that you’d be perfect together, your personalities fitting very well. He feels a connection he had never felt before with his one night stands and past girlfriends. Yes, he knows it’s ridiculous to be this infatuated with you and you only just met, though he can’t control how he feels.
The end of the night finally came and he walked you to your dorm. Usually he’d be in the girl’s bed, already getting to know her intimately, though he had wanted to go a little slower with you, deeming this a perfect opportunity to obtain an official girlfriend at some point. Yes, he’s moving fast but it’ll be worth it when you’re in his clutches.
“When are you free tomorrow?” He asks.
“Anytime after the morning. Gotta call my boyfriend.” You respond. His delighted expression drops when he hears the mention of your boyfriend.
“You have a boyfriend?” He questions in disbelief.
“Yeah! He’s so sweet!” You say cheerfully before dismissing yourself politely, giving him a ‘goodnight,’ before walking into your room.
He stares at the door for a moment before he turns red with embarrassment and anger. This can’t be right considering the obvious connection you two seemed to have. He can’t be wrong. How could you have a boyfriend when you had so much fun together? This is your fault for acting so casual. Your fault for leading him on. Your fault for seducing him. A vixen you are. A sneaky little serpent who tricked him. He walks away from your room to enter his own.
Over the weekend, you hadn’t heard from your new friend. A little concerned considering he stood you up the next morning, not answering your messages or calls. You let it go with slight disappointment, going on your own adventure as you toured the area, video chatting with your friends a couple of times and taking memorable pictures.
When the week began, you still hadn’t heard from Kazutora until he walked up to you during a break.
“Sorry I stood you up. Something important came up. Let’s make up for it tonight.” He says, giving a charming smile.
“That’s okay. I’m cool with that, but let’s have a chill night. I have to wake up early in the morning.” He nodded in response before you both separated and went to your designated classes.
When the night came, you both met up in the same study room you met. He brought some alcoholic beverages which caused you excitement because it helps you stay awake. You drink as you both converse and complete assignments together. As time went on, drink after drink you began to feel drowsy and hot, sweat building as the clothes on your body began to feel tight.
“You okay there?”
Kazutora had been studying you the whole night after he gave you the spiked drinks. He made sure you kept drinking by innocent friendly contests with the shots filled with aphrodisiacs, along with sleeping medication.
“I-it’s so hot in here! I’m burning up, man.” You whine as you take your sweatshirt off, too intoxicated to care that you’re only wearing your bra and pants. He smirks as he eyes your chest, ready to grab them though holding himself back to make sure the plan goes accordingly.
“Come ere.’ Let me help you feel better.” He says, motioning for you to come toward him. Your eyebrows furrow as you try to hold your head up.
“W-wait, Kazu. I c-can’t get up.” You whisper, your eyes closing as you lean against the chair only to open your eyes wide and try to hold yourself up. You look at the floor with confusion as a heartbeat forms in your panties, wetness beginning to stain.
“It’s alright, I got you.” He chuckles, standing up from his chair and picking you up, setting you on his lap cowgirl style as he sits back in his chair.
“You’re so pretty, angel.” He states, using his thumb to caress your cheek which causes a shiver to go down your spine. You grab onto his shoulders as you feel a bulge form through his pants. Barely holding yourself up you try to push back, the sensation of your whole body weakening slightly scaring you.
“I-I don’t know what’s happening.” You say as tears form. He brings your face closer as he uses his other hand to rub your back.
“Shh. It’s okay. I’m gonna take care of you.” He says as he unclasps your bra with one hand. He tosses it to the side as he eyes your hardened nipples.
“Relax. Everything’s okay, baby.” He flicks his tongue against your nipple, causing your breathing to pause as you look down at his mouth. He continues his kitten licks before closing his lips around the nub, sucking as he traces your back with the tip of his fingers. You couldn’t help but release a quiet moan as your hips moved against his bulge. Both of your arms wrap around his head as you lean into the sensation, grinding drunkenly as your head falls back. He continued to rub your back and suck your nipple as one of his hands moved into your pants, fitting into your panties as he parts your lips with his fingers, pressing against your clit.
Everything felt intensified, causing you to be sensitive by even the smallest touch. Pleasure engulfs you as you grind against his finger, fingers tightening in his locks as you moan shamelessly. He rolls his finger as he stares at your eyes, both of you making eye contact when your head hasn't fallen black with your eyelids closed.
“Feels good?” He whispers against your nipple, slightly nibbling. You nod your head causing him to stop moving his finger. You look at him with confusion.
“Tell me how good you feel.” He demanded with a husky voice. God you want this so bad, he can see it all over you. He just needed to hear it. Yearning for your praise.
With your hands placed on his face you lean over near his ear and whisper, “It feels so good, Kazu.”
“Yeah?” His face pink with an intoxicated look of lust on his expression, eyelids heavy without his usual smile. You nod, “Yeah.”
He continues to roll his finger against your nub, placing his lips back on your nipple as you grip his head and roll your hips. Your mouth stays slightly open as your head falls back once more in awe.
“Take my cock out. I wanna show you how hard I am for you.” He pulls his hand out of your pants as you comply, moving back to where you're kneeling on the floor in between his legs. He sits as if he’s on a throne, watching you pull his erection out after unbuckling his pants and pulling them down along with his briefs.
“See that? See what you do to me, Y/n?” You eye the length quietly, observing the veins and how the thick girth pulsates. Your pussy tingles as you feel more juices spill, leaking in your underwear as you become more turned on by the second. An intensifying heat spreads throughout your body as you lean against his legs for balance, still going in and out of darkness.
“Show me a good time.” He smirks as you nod, gently wrapping your fingers around the length. You lower your head, circling your lips around his tip, sucking lightly around the lining of the mushroom. His cock twitches in response as he gives a slight moan. You close your eyes as you fit his entire girth into your mouth, easing down your throat as your lips meet his base.
“Fuck.” He whispers, pulling his phone out as he aims it to your face, eyeing the angle through his phone as he makes sure to get your bare titties in there once he presses record.
You begin to bob your head slowly, saliva and pre cum dripping out of your mouth as you wet his dick, engulfing it in warmth as he moans, lifting his hips slightly when his head hits the wall of your throat. Too occupied with his cock you open your eyes, too high to register that a camera is in your face. You don’t care. You don’t care about anything right now. You only care about receiving his nut like the good little vixen you are.
Tired of recording, he presses the button to stop it as he sets his phone down. Using a hand to grab your head as he lifts his hips once more, pushing you all the way on his cock.
“Good. So fucking good.” He breathes as he pulls his hips back and begins fucking your mouth. Easing in and out as he accelerates. You begin to hold his thighs as he roughly thrusts his hips, becoming sloppier as time passes. Edging himself, he pulls you back abruptly.
“Take off your pants and get on me.” He says, ready to explore that pussy. You drunkenly comply as he helps you before snatching you off the floor.
“Show me what you can do.” He states, guiding his head to your entrance before you ease down, moaning as his girth stretches you out.
“Shit!” You hiss as his head immediately meets your g - spot. You grab onto his shoulders as you pull your hips back and drop down, grinding as he holds your thighs, helping you as he picks your body up and slams you back down, speed accelerating.
You both breathe heavily in each other’s ear, moaning and cursing as his hips meet yours, rutting against you desperately as he bites down on your neck.Your hands reach around his neck as you grip his shirt, scratching through the fabric with your nose scrunched and eyebrows furrowed. Eyes rolled back into your head as you bounced on his cock.
“Yeah! Just like that.” He grunts, fingers gripping your skin, nails piercing as they leave indents, his mouth hanging open as he leaves open mouth kisses on your shoulder. The effects of the medication begin to take you as you almost faint on his cock, drowsy by the sensations as they overtake you before he wakes you by pushing you back and using one of his hands to grab your neck.
“Stay with me, angel. S’ fucking close.” You groan as his cock repeatedly hits your g-spot.
“So deep, Kazu.” You whisper as a moan follows, a warmth building in your core before he slams you down one more time, the pressure causing you both to finally release, his semen shooting deep inside you as he holds you down against his lap while you grind out your orgasm.
“You did so fucking good, Y/n. My beautiful girl.” He holds onto you tightly as you begin to fall asleep on top of him, unknown to what awaits you in the morning.
You grunt as the constant ringing of your phone wakes you up, your hand grabbing your throbbing head as you slowly sit up in your bed. Your eyes are squinted as you read the contact name, confused as to why your boyfriend is calling you so early. You answer with a croaked out, “Hello.”
“How could you do this to me? To us?” He exclaims. Your eyebrows furrow with confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“Look at what I sent you!”
You immediately put him on speaker as you comply, opening your chat. Your eyes widen and your hand goes to cover your mouth as you watch yourself sucking a random person’s erection, furrowed brows as tears form. You try to remember when this could’ve happened and how but you had no memory before today. Just distant memories of your first week in Japan.
“Derrick, I-I don’t know or remember, or even how this happened! You have to believe me, please!” You cry out, scared of losing the love of your life. The one you planned to marry. Tears threaten to fall as your hand shakes over your mouth.
“I didn’t know you were such a slut, Y/n.” You gasp as the line goes dead. You attempted to call him back but you were only met with his voicemail. You check the group chat with your friends to respond to all of the notifications, only to see the same video one of your friend’s said Derrick had sent to them. They shamed you and apparently blocked you. You searched their social media and couldn’t find anything.
You begin to cry, your life feeling as though it has fallen completely apart. You only hope that they won’t send the video around to anyone else at home, not that you knew many people personally. You skip your classes and sulk in your room, curtains closed as you weep for the rest of the day. You contemplate getting out of the bed when you hear a knock at your door.
With a blanket wrapped around your head and body, you opened the door to tell the visitor to go away. Of course, Kazutora doesn’t listen and walks in anyway, pulling you into a hug as he asks, “What’s wrong?”
You explain to him everything, anxiety filling your mind from your violation. You talk to him about how scared you are because of the unknown person you had sucked off, stds being a fear as well as just feeling shame in general. You couldn’t believe you allowed that to happen. He explains how it wasn’t your fault and he’ll go with you to the doctor’s. He embraced you and allowed you to cry on him. He knew you needed him. Heknew that you just needed a push in the right direction. He knew that there was nothing truly wrong with you considering it was just him. He’s clean anyway.
He was prepared for the tears and pain though he knew it would be worth it once you're in his arms. After a month of healing, you both became a couple, Kazutora asking you out in a romantic way. He had patience throughout the relationship, wanting you to be comfortable in your own skin once more. A year passes and you decide to stay in Japan, having nothing left in your old country. Having attended therapy, you both live on happily, though you are still unknown to the truth that ruined your life in the first place.
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164 notes · View notes
neosero · 11 months
[ 01:15pm ]
and sometimes you have to remind yourself they’re gods
p.ii | fontaine version
[ 12:30am ] and yet, you still resist
word count | 7.5k total
noteworthy warnings | gn!reader; excessive use of the word ‘you’ sorry lol; rushed fiction; dark themes [ ? ]; violent/gory descriptions [ ? ] ( venti ); false descriptions of the archon war, implied kidnapping ( zhongli ); false post-cataclysm descriptions; inazuma spoilers for new players ( ei ); implied sag!au ( nahida ); version 3.2 spoilers and beyond ( special mention o.o );
if you find any of these warnings uncomfortable scroll away. viewer discretion is advised.
THE ANEMO ARCHON Lord Barbatos | wc. 1.5k+
Venti had always been known to chug down one too many kegs of wine when given the chance.
Although he slurs about the price going to his tab, it is always you who has to fix up every mess. Whether it be ending fist fights, pleading with angry bartenders or paying half his tabs in compensation, the guy really knows how to ruin someone’s night.
“It wasn’t my fault this time.” Venti’s whining starts right off the bat, not caring that you have barely made it any distance from the bar. It's clear with the way he stumbles that he has long since past his limit. Your arm securely holds him by the shoulder opposite of you, an attempt to steady his wobbly footing although the sigh from his lips tells you he believes the touch is something else. 
“I don’t need your excuses, Barbatos.” Your words are hushed but still harsh. His body deflates at the sound of his name used in such a tone, however he still refuses to relent.
“I promise you it wasn’t me who started it. The guy was…mouthing about everyone in there; he started saying nasty stuff about Brook’s drinks, called my music terrible and he then started…” saying things about you.
Well the guy attempted to until Venti stood from his stool, the force of the movement - or so he explained - must have tipped the drink over and spilled all over the poor guy’s clothes. Of course he got angry, who wouldn’t but when he started shouting about payment that’s when things took a turn. When Venti declined and left to grab another bottle the guy rushed him. It wasn’t his fault the guy was so drunk he missed the swing and stumbled off so badly he tripped and broke his nose. But it wasn’t like you were gonna believe a word coming from his mouth, he’s played the intoxicated card too much for it to have just been an accident this time around.
“I know you pushed him.” He opens his mouth to retort, “I know you pushed him because candles just don’t blow out within a closed bar with no windows, Barbatos. I know you pushed him because that man explained it felt like he was being shoved into the ground when he fell, Barbatos. I know you pushed him because this has been the same story with you for the last three weeks! By the gods, what has gotten into you?”
You’ve both gotten far enough from Springvale to talk freely, but hearing your voice carry in the winds of the quiet forest hurts a lot more than being scolded in front of the dozen or so citizens. You come across an abandoned supply wagon and take this as a moment to stop. By helping Venti up the back of the wagon to sit on its edge, you take the time to look him over. It is always surprising how he comes back unscathed from every encounter; not a single hair out of place, nor smudge of cheap alcohol anywhere on his clothes or lingering scent of said alcohol anywhere in the air - only noticeable when close enough to his lips. Venti sways in his seat, head hung low like a child who's been told off by their parents and sometimes it feels like just that. You sigh.
“I’m not upset with you.” The change in your tone makes his head raise and a noticeable color return to his face.
Yeah, just like a child.
“I just wish you’d fix whatever you have going on with you right now. I have a lot on my plate as is with the Knights of Favonius and getting everything I can with that Snezhnayain diplomat. I had to leave a meeting that could have been a pivotal breakthrough with them today because of you!”
You don’t see it with how you fix the legs of your armored plating, but Venti rolls his eyes. He knows about the plans of the Cryo Archon. He knows a lot more than what he lets on to the traveler or anyone else who inquiries about the matter; there's a reason he normally steers clear of the Adventures Guild’s Katherine. Still the more he relays the information to you, warnings upon warnings of caution, you don’t listen. It is demeaning knowing what little trust you have for your own god, let alone having to continue this conversation every night.
“...and you might not take this seriously, Venti, but it's really disappointing.”
“You're more disappointed that I ruined date night.” Venti had tried to hold it in, he really did but hearing you praise that woman Signora over giving praise to your own archon would make any one of Celestia’s chosen snap. He stands then, the most sober movement he has had all night and you scoff.
“Oh may Celestia take me now! This again? For the last and final time I am simply working with the women. It’s my job and whatever I do shouldn’t matter to you.”
“And why is that?” 
“Because you are a god!” The winds pick up, there is a clear green gleam in his eyes you’ve never seen before. “People offer prayers to you daily. They work and celebrate all in your name. You used to split mountains, Barbatos…What I do should be insignificant to the eyes of someone like you: our supposedly high and mighty deity.”
“It's high time you act like it.”
There is a heavy thudding in the distance, you turn around missing the clear shake in Venti’s hands. The wind rages on stirring the clouds above but you don’t care as you catch sight of a Mitachurl barreling in your direction. Clearly your shouting stirred it somehow and with how fast it's charging there is no room to run.
You draw your sword and stand in front of Venti as protection, “Damn. We’ll continue this later.” He’s gone quiet and when you dare to look away from the charging beast to see your archon, your skin runs cold. He’s bleeding in his right hand, fist balled so tight he shakes as he breaks skin and it runs down to evaporate before it hits the ground. His lyre rests in his left but it's different; the strings, once a vibrant glow of green, run a deep dark red almost the same color as the blood on his skin.
“Vent-” you begin to call out but the words are cut off by the heavy shout before you. You turn your neck quickly to see the Mitachurl with its ax raised high, about to strike. When had it gotten so close? You brace yourself ready to hold off the blunt force as best you can, turning again to shout for Venti to move.
But he strums his first note.
This sound is far different then what you’re used to. What was once a gentle, harmonic strumming of a lyre blessed in the winds, now feels dissonant. The sound is a deep vibration one that could only be described when hitting the wrong keys at the end of a piano in quick concession. A sound you feel breach into the roots of your lungs and pry out all the air you have stored.
You can’t breathe.
The sword falls from your hands as you frantically clutch your chest. Your legs wobble and your head is hammering, the need to breath is overwhelming but with every harsh breath you take in it all seems to be sucked out.
“You want a god. I’ll show you god.”
Barbatos strums his second note. 
This sound has a higher pitch, the noise most quickly catches you as that of a violin when you bring it’s bow down with a little too much pressure against the wrong chord. There’s a force to this note, one you must assume was the same the guy at the bar felt as you are shoved into the wagon. The force of the blow leaves you more winded then you were before. All your strength feels drained from your body and your knees give out. There is no time to recover though…
Not when Lord Barbatos pulls at his third and final string.
You don’t register this one, the ringing in your ears and overall loss of oxygen leaving you closer and closer to the brink of unconsciousness. Even so you watch him toy with the string. The wind has picked up and now you notice the Mitachurl raised in the air, it struggles with its head thrashing about. Venti turns to you, a smile crazed and eyes dim.
Then he lets the string go.
It's hard to watch. Wind isn’t a visible thing, but in this very moment you pinpoint just where the breeze shifts and changes as it tears through the beast limb from limb. Arms and legs twist and bend, its chest constricts slowly and its head rotates like an owl with a chorus of loud cracks of bones; if it wasn’t for how close you feel to the brink of death yourself you know the sounds of the snapping and screams would have killed you alone. Barbatos stares still. 
It doesn’t last long, the sheer horror of it all ends quickly as the Mitachurl is compressed into the origin of the tornado it's caught in until it blows in a rain of blood. The loss of oxygen finally gets to you as your eyes drift but not before seeing the finale of your oh so mighty deity. 
He stands unmoving as the blood pours down in a shower along his face, eyes now closed, “disappointed in your god now?”
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THE GEO ARCHON Rex Lapis | wc. 1.6k+
Six-thousand years ago, the start of the Archon War.
A long and painful four-thousand years of battle over a couple seats at the throne that was already predetermined. Four-thousand years wasted away killing friends and family and loved ones for power they themselves now wish to throw away. A lot of gods didn’t want to be a part of this…holy massacre - or whatever these scholars wish to paint it as - and you were one of them. You were given many names for your time: Theia, Anthos, Gia. The only thing that remains certain within all books of history is your ability to create elemental stones.
Ascension silver, within today’s terms, was a skill none could manage; for being a god who could bond to a multitude of elements at once was beyond even the original seven of Celestia. The gems you produced offered various needs opposed to the power of visions; pyro silver for warmth, hydro silver to be shattered and give rain, geo crystals for fortitude in times of terrible weather, dendro crystals to fertilize plants, cryo silver to cool in the warmer weathers and electro silver to strengthen weapons for combat. It all could be found in the midst of your domain.
Your domain resided in the Huaguang Stone Forest, within the underbelly of Mt. Aocang. It was just a large hollowed cave filled with crystals and home to a small community of humans. They traded off the crystals you produced, for food and supplies, holding festivals and village gatherings under your name. When they needed protection, your crystal walls provided and the Vishaps, organic creatures of your creation, helped protect those from outside.
All was good, all was at peace. 
Until six-thousand years ago, the start of the Archon War.
Tremors grew in both number and extremity over time. Your people starved and scared as trade drew to a halt and more and more outsiders flocked for your domain for protection. The energy of fellow gods and people you once thought would grow old together die out like the stars one by one. However, within your domain all was good, all was at peace, all was protected.
Or so you thought until you met Rex Lapis, the self proclaimed God of Geo, four-thousand years ago during the Archon War.
He requests your assistance, he speaks of monsters and demons emerging from the earth of Guili Plains and that without you they would consume the earth and all within it. You were hesitant to believe him, not when he stormed in covered in the blood of gods and an army of yaksha armed tooth and nail to your fortress of peace. When you speak of the wellbeing of your people he promises to ensure their safety with a few of his yaksha, but when you question him further its General Musatas who warns you to watch your tongue when speaking to one of the chosen seven. Thinking back about it now that should have been the first sign of danger; putting your trust in a god fighting to be apart of the corrupt Celestia. But your people needed more help than what you could provide alone, and you still young and naive wanted to believe that the word of the god of gods was absolute.
So you leave and for a thousand years you fight for a cause you thought to be pointless. You watch gods die, your crystal shields only doing so much in the onslaught of war. Whenever you came close to being wounded it was Morax who protected you from harm time and time again. Taking the blunt force of claws and the heavy pummeling from Osial, all to keep you from harm's way. You had thought it was admirable…if only that same persistence was there for Guizhong.
When she perished on the battlefield you all were pushed back. In a last stand against the enemy you took hold at Mt. Tianheng, and it was there we prospered. Rex Lapis’ sheer power and battle strategy in command of the adeptus and five general yaksha pushed through for the victory and settlement of Liyue. It was then the god of contracts requested a binding: all remaining adeptus would stand to protect Liyue if danger ever stirred once again.
And once again you were a fool to trust the words of the god of gods. 
For the others were allowed to roam as they pleased until called upon and you were to remain within Liyue Harbor forever at the side of your god Rex Lapis. He claimed it was for protection, your powers being the strongest he’s seen for a lifetime, however you could only recall being of no help to protect the ones you hold dear on the battle field. 
You fight, complain and wrestle against his iron grip but the contract holds still. As the Harbor prospered and grew over the years, it left you with the stronger desire to see your people once again. A request with the yaksha would fall on deaf ears as they were still to handle the aftermath within the Plains, but when talk of corruption and madness spread among the masses you had feared the worst. Against your better judgment you left, you thought the wellbeing of your people is more important than the loyalty you have in some god.
When you return to the Stone Forest, you’re enveloped with a sense of home. You spot Cloud Retainer at the top of the peak, but she is gone before you can offer a wave. When you finally reach the door to your domain your heart drops. The Geovishaps who stand guard are nowhere to be found and the energy of your barrier left so long ago has run dry. Even with the clear signs, you still push forward and believe in the word of Morax.
Still so young and naive.
The domain is bathed in dried blood. There are bodies upon bodies of your people scattered along the floor, their blood painted over your crystals and the bodies of yakshas having killed everyone else looked to have turned against each other. Tears of pure silver fall from your eyes as you make way through your temple, a last ditch effort for hope of any survival…for anything.
Everything lays in shambles - crystal decoration of your own design shattered across the floor, Vishaps of all ages lifeless and unmoving just like the images of the gods all those years ago. What breaks you is what sits at your throne: the remaining villagers all curled together encased in a crystal prison. It was a skill you taught your strongest Vishaps just before your departure, never considering that they would need to use it you had no way of reversing its effects. You fall into a sob, pillars of crystals sprouting just where your tears meet the bloody ground. All hope is lost from you until you feel the looming presence of Rex Lapis.
At first, you're overjoyed.
He could somehow fix this. Given his ability to cleanse gods and shape islands with minimal effort, this could be done by the snap of a finger. You stand with some difficulty, the gems having crystalized at the bottom hem of your garments almost keeping you weighted to the floor as a warning. You pay no mind.
Then, all at once, you’re afraid.
When you reach him, smiling and happy for once to be in his presence, the weight around you feels heavy. The glare of Rex Lapis is stone cold, gold irises like slits of the dragon you witnessed decapitate so many of your old friends. The general Alatus to his left stands armed and ready, and to his right Cloud Retainer - one normally so proud and boastful, hangs her head low behind the god before her. 
“You left.” His voice is calm, a stark contrast to the way he is looking at you. Glaring at you like the enemy. “Well yes.” You begin, a stutter to your voice, “the war has long since reached its close…and with n-no more danger I thought it would be alright to-”
“Danger is always upon us. You went against our agreement.” There's a bass in his voice that rocks a tremor through your body as well as the cave you reside in, its strength leaves Alatus to stumble his footing and Cloud Retainer to dip her gaze that much lower. You, however press on, “I had no plans to be gone long a-and with no word from my home I feared the worst. So I had to-”
His hand envelops your throat in an instant. Rough, scaled fingers grip tightly around you and when you make an effort to speak he squeezes harder. “You had to remain within the harbor. We had an agreement. You swore an oath to me, an oath that was never to be broken.” Frantic fingers grip at his hand, you try to pry him off of you but your body feels like it's being pulled by an unknown force that leaves you weak and him unmoving. He watches you struggle, and somehow in those eyes you see him pleased with the way you whither in his grasp.
“Should I take care of them, Master?” General Alatus’ mask envelopes his face, karmic energy flowing from his body. You shutter as his blade is brought to your sides. Rex Lapis turns his head swiftly, the first he’s looked away from you since he’s got here, and glares harder. In seconds the general is brought to the floor in a shout of pain. In the position he kneels, Alatus clutches the floor in a grip so tight you’d think he was trying to push against the heavy pull of the world’s gravity. “You will hold your tongue until I see fit for your suggestions, General.”
Alatus nods as best he can, body struggling just as much as yours to try and fight against the power of the god of geo. The glow of his scales dims, and the yaksha begins to breathe as he stands on wobbly legs. It is then the archon drops you. You swallow oxygen in desperately and cough it back out heavily as you gaze up at the man before you. When he reaches for you again, you scurry away but not far enough. This time he grasps your arm dragging you away breathless and reaching for what’s left of your home.
He scoffs at your sorry state, “your offense to me isn’t great, but you still will be punished for your disobedience.” You’re helpless to it all, too weak to challenge one of the chosen seven of Celestia. He snaps his fingers and just like all those years ago he takes you from your home.
Back then it was for a cause, an unspoken oath you had no idea would chain you to a man you don’t believe in; but now it's as a prisoner, a powerless god who watches their domain crumble right before your eyes.
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THE ELECTRO ARCHON Raiden Shogun | wc. 1.1k+
“Leave us.”
For a moment, you think she sounds disappointed. The guards release you from your binds and you're quick to snatch your wrists away to rub the tender skin. They give stiff bows and with stiff, sharp pointed turns make way for the doors of the Shogunate’s chambers. When they leave the room, Baal and the kitsune Saiguu emerge from the panels behind the back of the throne. Baal is as calm as ever; she sits eyes closed, knees folded below her and her wagasa twirling in her slender fingers as if pondering something. Saiguu seems more openly displeased; her tail rests rigid behind her when she sits beside her own Shogun, she looks concerned as she scans your body and you notice she has left her cigarette holder behind.
You are in real trouble now.
Beelzebul had descended her throne before the guards even walked through the door. She paces in between you and her sister, her strides come to match the tempo of the thunder that increases in volume over the heavy rain from the outside world. When a particularly loud clash resonates through the skies, Baal stops her twirling. “Ei, you’re beginning to cause a stir amongst the people.”
She stops her pacing and so too does the thunder if only for a little. Beelzebul looks you over and it seems that fans her flame even more when her eyes rack over your body. Her gaze doesn’t match that of Saiguu’s though. “You’re wounded.” She finally speaks, it's more at you than to you. The wound is nothing serious, a small scratch to the arm that has left your garments a little bloody but it's really nothing that won't heal by the morning. She moves quickly for bandages, trying and failing to distract herself from imploding, but when she gets close with the adhesive you dodge around her touch.
The first clash of lightning strikes the seas.
Beelzebul sighs and stands, you watch the bandage begin to buzz and spark in her grasp. “Bleed out for all I care.” In an instant, the cloth blows and dissolves in a small show of flames. You flinch.
“Ei-” Baal begins again, her hair glows at the tips and you know she is fighting to calm the storm of emotion that continues to rage outside.
“What did you hope to gain by seeing her again at such a time? We are in the middle of a war of gods and you see it fit to chase a traitor.” 
“Chiyo is no traitor!” You don’t mean to yell, but the way she spits the word ‘traitor’ has your blood boiling. Baal makes no effort to calm you down. “She had been trapped inside the belly of that beast for so long; months fighting her way from the inside out. That could turn anyone to madness…and when she finally emerges scared and confused you try to kill her.”
“She’s become crazed with madness. Something in that beast left with her and a blight like that can’t be cleansed. Saiguu knew the moment she saw her.” You break your gaze to look at the goddess.
Saiguu nods at you even without looking your way, “Not even a cleansing from the Sacred Sakura would have helped. Even being that close I could tell that blight ran deeper than her soul. I’m so sorry.”
You shake your head vigorously. There had to be something you could do, even if that meant caging her within the temple for an eternity anything would have been better than more death. “There was something we could have done. I know it. Rukkhadevata would know something; she knows everything. Let me go to Sumera and-”
A dry chuckle bursts from Beelzebul, “It seems you might have been tainted by whatever she had. If you think you are in the right to start making requests now I can assure you it won’t happen. Have you forgotten the current situation: we are at war, not just us but all the gods. You were only lucky enough to get to the forests before I had to save you from that beast.” The air around you feels static. The hairs on your body raise and the wound on your arm feels like it’s being pinched every so often. “Why are you so adamant on leaving my protection?”
“Protection?! Your protection! You keep me imprisoned. I cannot see anyone but who you allow me too. I am followed constantly and whenever I so much as breathe in the direction of the outside world I’m dragged away. You keep me here shielded like some precious doll while everyone else fights.” Baal’s gaze meets yours behind her sister almost there to push you on. “I am a soldier to this nation before anything else and would rather take my chance out there than to live knowing I sat sheltered and protected like a coward with you here.”
Ei’s stunned. A storm ripples through her gaze and for a second you think those purple hues of clouds show shines of rain. 
Instead lightning clashes before you.
The blunt end of her blade is brought to the heart of your chest in a flash. The feeling of its energy pulsing so close makes the tales of its power in battle sound underplaying, stray bolts of lightning bounce off it and reach in to rub under your clothed skin. You jolt. Saiguu makes an effort to stand but Makato raises her hand to halt her advance.
“If you wish to die so eagerly, I will strike you down here myself.”
It's clear she means it; having already slain and severely injured two of her closest friends there would be no hesitation if you had to be next. Makoto finally decides it's time to intervene, her fingers curl along her sister’s shoulder and although Ei doesn’t break away the energy pressing into your chest does decline in pressure if only for a second. “Pain doesn’t last an eternity.”
They don’t even look at each other when she speaks, she just holds her there. You think it has to be something only they could feel as twin gods and hope Makoto wins the internal battle. The sword dissolves in her grasp and you let go of the breath you had thought to be your last. “You're both hurting and you might fight it but it's for the same reason. Chiyo was dear to all of us, so were Sasayori and the others but we cannot let their deaths bring about our own. What would they have fought for? Have died for?” Ei brushes the hand from her shoulder and walks towards the balcony in long strides. 
Makoto does nothing to stop her, choosing it best to let her storm settle on its own then to try and guide its course. She does turn to you, pleading you to understand — her sister only cares for the best of you. You don’t respond, staying glued to the floor while your mind tries to catch up to your heart. Ei pushes into the storm outside that leaves the doors rattling and a chill to the room. Tearing your gaze from the ground you look to your god, she now stands on the ledge head turned up towards the heavy rainfall. She looks almost strangely content with the chaos outside, you could still make out the rotting corpse of the great serpent in the distance. There is a pain bubbling from your gut as your heart still hammers in your chest. Is this the weight you must bear under the care of a god?
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THE DENDRO ARHCON Lesser Lord Kusanali | wc. 1.5k+
“Tell me: what do you think shapes a dream?”
You should have known something was wrong the moment Nahida had requested to see you personally. This wouldn’t be the first time one of the archons has requested something like this from you, however Nahida’s tone of voice somehow puts you on edge. The way it echoes in the hollow room she had led you in racks a chill down your spine.
“A dream is made solely by your emotions.” You recall this from your psychology class, the professor was so invested in the topic it was kinda hard to forget. “Whatever fuels that of your wishes, memories and abstract thoughts all tie into what can shape a dream when you fall asleep.” You’ve recited that line so many times before that final exam and still remember being so pissed it was never even mentioned within the test. “However, the worries that rest in the back of your mind might also shift the course of a dream as well.”
“Hmm. I had never thought of it that way.” Nahida curls her hand under her chin thinking, “would that be the same case for a nightmare?” 
“I would assume so…yes.” There is a piece you’re missing in the puzzle of questions. Her curiosity is hiding something else, something that you can’t picture right out but you do feel it with every passing second. “But why would someone try to sleep with negative emotions moving through their head?”
If it weren’t for the fact that you knew this is a virtual world you would have been fooled to see Nahida as the child that she is. Her small frame looks up at you expectantly; being the only person in her world to ever know more than that of her vast case of knowledge, she treats you much more like a new toy to play around with than as the high god everyone else believes you to be. 
That in and of itself is both a blessing and a curse.
“Sometimes it can’t be helped.” You try to not think about it but you tell yourself this everyday now. “It’s something we can’t fight…the negative emotions, they are always with us because we never know what the future will hold.” 
“It's all a random chance of time. One day, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a terrible storm, you could walk straight into dog poop with brand new shoes or you could even walk into a meeting with all your clothes inside out…One day you could lose a loved one, you could walk into a store and see your house in flames on the news, you could even-”
“Be trapped with no way home.” Your eyes widen. Nahida’s head is tilted ever so slightly, eyes squinted and you realize she is studying your reaction, “y-yeah you could.”
You don’t even realize it but your voice waivers, “What is?”
Nahida looks away from you to her holo-screen behind her. With delicate fingers she swipes through files and documents you can’t catch sight of until her little fingers stop on one. You can make out the screen and it looks like a video. She taps it.
A screen materializes before you and the video plays. Image looks like the holding cells of the Knights of Favonius headquarters, but the person within the cell looks like no character you have seen in game at all. It isn’t like you remember every npc within this world, however, each character has similar features that make it obvious in telling who is who. Could this be a new character? There is no knowledge of them in recent patch notes.
Nahida’s voice startles you. 
“Oh…you must be curious? This is user 804897112. Although the name he chose at the start was Starlord, his real name is Chris.”
“It took him four weeks before he slipped up. They hadn’t noticed him as the Creator of that server yet but when he went around sprouting drunk nonsense about the Archon War at Angel Share things took a turn.” You haven’t been watching the screen, too caught up on understanding what Nahida had just said but the scream catches you off guard.
That person. That real life person, Chris, is chained and on his knees before Jean, Rosaria, Kaeya, Diluc and Venti. Kaeya’s sword is jabbed into Chris’ shoulder, Rosaria looks to be trying to get him to cough up any information he knows but you can’t hear anything. Did Nahida only want you to hear that screams? There is a troubled look on Jean’s face like she’s reluctant to continue this, but Venti says something that rouses everyone in the room and pales Chris’ skin. He’s crying now, snotty and nasty as Diluc beelines to him with his heavy blade.
Diluc’s greatsword raises and you gasped in horror as its brought down on Chris’ head. Out of sheer fear you clutch your own neck. Blood seeps out in a sparkle of gold and they all stand as stunned as you, the poor boy’s head tumbling over in the pool of it blood. The video ends there.
It’s hard to breathe and you're given no time to recover yourself as another plays. “This is user 119876532, Diana. She asked questions about Scaramouche’s true origins to the Shogunate. Knowledge no one should possess and again before the establishment of her identity as Creator.” This one carries no build and is from a farther angle atop a tree, like from the perch in the eyes of a bird, but it's all so vividly clear. The girl is tied to her knees before the shogun, spilling out words too quickly for you read and understand. There is no need to though, Ei is as calm as ever. She listen to Diana’s rambling, and for a second you think she might believe whatever she’s saying. Five seconds later, you watch Diana die in the same flash of lightning as La Signora.
You can’t stand now, legs given out in the horror of it all. The videos continue like this until you can’t bear to look at the screen anymore.
User 908765342 crushed by meteorite hurled by Zhongli. User 743828950 — Sam, found dismembered by a pack of hilichurls. Robert gets mauled by a geovishap. Lee can’t take it anymore and…
“Why?” The tears fall from your eyes in heavy waves. “Why show me all this? Why tell me about all these people? I don’t-”
It all connects in seconds: they found out about you.
You move to stand hurriedly and make a beeline for the exit but your feet stay planted to the floor with the sight before you. The Doctor stands grinning from ear to ear. He clasps his hands together with a sigh of glee. “You ask why and it’s simple: you survived.”
He’s on you in an instant, tightly holding your wrists in his hands and preventing your escape no matter how hard you thrash. He breathes into your neck harshly and you sob. He whispers breathlessly into your ear how he has never been this fascinated, this drawn to a specimen before and promises to be gentle in your dissection. Nahida watches you with wide interested eyes as you struggle in hope of saving yourself. You cry out to them, to your guards, to Lumine or Dehya or Thoma. To anyone who would hear you even though no one can. But still…
You scream.
Cyno breaks down your door, his gaze looking over the room hastily to find the culprit to dare stir the peaceful slumber of the Creator.
It was a dream? It was a dream and yet your wrists burn, the images of all those people looked so real.
Was this a sign? Would that happen to you if any of them ever found out? Have they already started to suspect something? What if you don’t ever get out of here? What if-
“Your grace?” Cyno’s hand brings you back to reality, hard. His fingers feel almost frozen over against the skin of shoulder and you flinch away in such a haste it brings crease to his brows. You almost question why he runs so cold but with him looking at you with so much concern you don’t think it's him that is the problem. “Do I need to go get Tighnari? I will only be a couple hours but I could stop by our Archons domain just so-”
“No!” Your voice is filled with fright, but it’s obvious that the sheer volume of your scream is what stuns him the most. You can feel the sweat run down your temple and the pound of your heart so aggressively in your ears. It takes you far too long to compose yourself but you are grateful that Cyno listens and just stands by your side.
“There is no need for all of that. I’m just a little shaken.” He doesn’t seem to take your word for it but when you explain that it was only a dream and not some illness that caused this he is partially relieved. “The doctor won’t be needed for this and it isn’t like this is something of his expertise.” 
Cyno offers a quick nod before he settles in a chair at your desk. He shuffles closer to your bedside with a cross to his arms and a tense raise of his shoulders. You can’t blame him for staying alert; dreams are a new phenomenon within Sumeru and with the few months you have known him, you know Cyno doesn’t do well with handling business he cannot comprehend for himself.
It takes too long for you to finally get calm within the safety of your own bed, but it does help that Cyno — as loyal to you as he once was to the akademiya — stays by your side the whole night. 
It gets hard trying to keep your mind from blurring the line between your life outside and the one within this game. Watching Cyno sleep next to you, the steady rise and fall of his chest is far too detailed for your sensitive mind to keep considering these people aren’t real people. A Sumeru rose, a gift handed to you by a child of the city, loses a petal and you watch the leaf fall then blow in a spark of pixels. You’ve been here too long. 
You need to get out . . . and soon.
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You should have known this could have been another one of the Doctor’s tricks.
You are privy to his experiments and know just about everything there is to know about his latest desires as a man of knowledge…but it seems you have gotten too relaxed within his presence to suspect that you were the next pawn to be sacrificed within this long orchestrated game.
Being left to go through with the final reports on the Balladeer’s status without his supervision should have been the first and only sign needed to show you something else was at play here. The Doctor was always to see everything himself, deeming everyone else — even you — inferior to his intellect and prone to time consuming slip ups. Why you would ever trust an order like this for its face value you will never know. But now you can tell it was a mistake.
The laboratory has been cleared on the orders of the Doctor, and yet you feel like you have been being watched ever since you have entered the building.
Since you entered Sumeru for the matter.
Pushing away the chills, you check the sixth harbinger’s vitals. Everything looks to be in order but that is to be as expected; the Doctor had said this could be close to being his greatest creation and that would obviously show in his work. You hum triumphantly and quickly move on to the next task. The body of the Prodigal is kept in a separate room, with how massive the final product came to be it was bound to happen. It is still mesmerizing to know how much raw power is stored within a gnosis on its own. Crazy how an item so small is able to create mass destruction in the world.
Everything seems in perfect shape when you finally reach the test sight. The distant hum of the overhanging lights do little to add any glory to the giant machine before you. Even without eyes its looming figure looks down upon you as if it can tell the significant power difference between you two. Dottore had told you it was nonsense; the Balladeer would be in a state of hypostasis until his body finally converges with the power of the electro gnosis. He couldn’t possibly be able to tell a slime from a hilichurl let alone know when anyone enters the room. 
You find it — much like everything else that comes with interacting with the Doctor —  demeaning. He undermines everyone and if it weren’t for his rank you'd have thought he was just too full of himself. His genius could be on a par with the dendro archon but that's something you’ll never admit even to the nicest of his segments. 
Data shows that Scaramouche is still stable. The gnosis too somehow remains with a constant flow of energy as it diverts power to the main systems. It still eludes you how someone like Scaramouche can handle power as strong as this for as long as he has. Though you do not know the criteria of the ranking amongst harbingers, his order in the hierarchy holds true.
So caught up in your own thoughts you hadn’t even noticed how close you had gotten to the body. If that presence was intimidating at a distance it pales in comparison to being up close. It towers above like the clock-house in Snezhnaya, arms and hands long and big enough to crush you whole. You shake your head from the thought. 
Your hand reaches to touch the machine. The metal is cold to the touch but there is a sensation of static that travels along your arm the longer you linger there. By the time you move your hand away ready to depart to report back to Dottore, a sudden shock sparks from your hand. You pull it back with a wince. This must be an unforeseen side effect to the gnosis. 
All at once your head throbs with white noise. It starts off faint but then rises to ring above all else. At first you believe it to be a faulty pipeline and look around for any signs of damage but yet again you see the perfectly unharmed lab. The sound is overwhelming and you can feel something pressing into the back of your mind. Memories not of your own flash before your eyes.
The sensations are too much to bear and you collapse when it's all too much at once. The moment you come too it feels different. The buzzing in your arm has spread throughout your body, and the noise that filled your mind is now gone, replaced by knowledge that leaves you weighted to the ground trying to understand it all.
The Balladeer…Scaramouche is…
“Was a puppet.” The voice is familiar and you cannot believe that its real. “A puppet that now wields a greater power than that of the god who chose to abandon him all those years ago.” He has ascended and so soon. Dottore’s notes were foolproof, everything down to the last decimal was precise so how could his hypothesis be false?
Scaramouche offers a snarl, and it's only now that you can register that he is inside your head with his reply, “because Dottore is a buffoon. He will always underestimate someone who he believes he could outsmart at any game, under any circumstance and do so without question. It’s that pride that will be his undoing in due time.” He walks around you, there are long pauses between every sentence and he speaks as if you will be overwhelmed by him just looking in your direction. You don’t know why you feel so grateful for it.
“Enough about him though.” He stops to kneel down to where you lay on the ground. His hand ever so delicately lifts your chin to meet his gaze and he gives you opportunity to look away. You don’t. “Let me see into you.”
Words filter through your head without him even needing to open his mouth. You’ve been connected to him by the soul, a pact between your compatible life force and his new godly abilities that were enforced the moment you touched him through the machine. You’ve been chosen as his first and whatever that entitles you don’t know but you do feel the tears roll down your eyes. Your mind cannot decipher if they are tears of joy or resentment of this new god.
Why are you calling him that?
Scaramouche wipes them away with a wicked smile. “No need for sorrow my chosen. For as your new god I will craft a world for you that leaves no room for those emotions to ever cross your features again. The Everlasting God of Arcane Wisdom will pave a way for your salvation and my glory to rise. So long as you put your faith in me and me alone.”
His hands fall from your face as he stands, but they still remain outstretched to you. The invitation hangs in the air and yet his smile never waivers like he knows what you will choose him over anything else. Like you will choose him over life itself. 
And for a moment you think you will.
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a/n: this is very dark of me and really shouldn’t be my comeback post but rewatching nahida’s introduction really had me in the mood to bring our archons back into the light. also yes i am formally back to writing so do expect more posts soon to come.
p/s: furina version will be up as soon as i catch up enough with her character.
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didyoulookforme · 6 months
pov: matty taking care of you after a night of too much drinking
mostly fluffy thoughts but with some slight smutty mentions.
this was something i tried to write months before i started this blog just to see if i could do it. that's when i quickly found out writing full fics is not my thing, lol. nothing special, just a stream of consciousness ramble really.
warning: smutty thoughts if you squint, alcohol. grammatical errors, typos.
masterlist here
“c'mon, it's time to go home, love.” there’s this ungodly pounding inside your head, a confirmation that, yes, one too many pints were consumed this… evening? night? hard to tell, really. you have no idea what time it is or where you’re right now—all that registers is the warm feeling of his arm on your waist, leading you toward the exit of whatever this place might be.
the cold air bites your skin as soon as the door opens. wearing a short dress feels like a silly choice now, but he said you looked beautiful so that makes it all right of course. you lean into him as he drapes his coat around your shoulders, the same leather garment he's let you wear countless times before because he knows you love it so.
“okay, your flat's just a few blocks away. let's walk, get some fresh air. it will do you good.” his lips brush the top of your head before you both start to slowly stumble alongside the dimly lit streets of london. “i like it when you kiss me, matty.” he leans down to plant a soft peck on your cheek and for a fleeting moment it makes you wonder if maybe he feels the same way. just maybe.
walking never felt so difficult. perhaps it was when you were a child, but obviously you have no recollection. his arm around your shoulders continues to guide you as you just focus on placing one foot in front of the other until you reach your destination. it was a fast trek but you don't mind. in fact, you are thankful for it.
“don't think i’ve ever had this much trouble openin’ a fuckin’ door.” none of the keys seem to work, ugh. he chuckles behind you (rude) and grabs them from your shaky hands, unlocking and swinging the door open with ease (show off). you try to walk on your own, but it doesn't quite go as planned as you stumble on the mat right behind the entrance.
"shit, are you alri—“ you cannot help but quietly laugh at yourself and the embarrassing situation you're in, and it catches you by surprise when he picks you up, one arm under your knees and the other one around your waist. he gently places you on the green couch so you're finally sitting down, your drunk mind spinning as you gaze at the boy kneeled down in front of you, working on getting the patent heels off your feet.
“m’sorry you have to see me like this.” for a split second you wonder how it happened, how did you get to this state, but quickly realize that’s too much thinking for your clouded mind to process. you’ll figure it out later. it’s not often you get flat out drunk, especially outside the confine of the four off-white walls you call home. you prefer to drink in your flat as you don't like the thought of making a fool out of yourself in front of others. much like right now. oh well. it probably won't be the last time.
with your shoes off now (thank you, matthew), you slowly stand up and somehow manage walk over to your bedroom successfully without tripping over your feet. you sit down on the floor, facing your full length mirror as you take your earrings off and try to undress. “matty?” you attempt to reach the zipper on the back of your black dress, but your limbs just can't seem to bend far enough “please help me take this bloody thing off!” you give up after a few seconds and get distracted by the red marks on your knees from where you fell just a few minutes ago.
“hold on, darling."
you lazily stare back at yourself in the mirror as matty walks through the room to set a glass of water on the bedside table. he takes a few steps and kneels behind you, fumbling his fingers to undo the pesky zipper. it's maybe the alcohol in your system or some wishful thinking, but you seem to notice a blush on his cheeks when he realizes you aren't wearing a bra as the straps of your dress fall to the sides. for a moment you catch his eyes gazing at your reflection, making you smile as a warmth, familiar sensation in your navel continues to grow.
a smile of his own tugs at the corner of his lips when he holds your elbows to raise you up on your feet, your silk dress sliding and pooling at your ankles in the process. he turns you around so your eyes finally meet, big brown loving eyes looking straight at you.
your head finds his chest, you can hear his gentle heartbeat, a soft repeating thud that you never grow tired of. "i think i could jus' fall 'sleep right here..."
“unfortunately, i don’t think that’s really going to work here, love. c'mon, get your arms up so i can put this shirt on.” you obey by raising your flimsy limbs up to the best of your ability while matty attempts to get the fabric on you. it takes a few tries, but he manages.
you now find yourself dressed in nothing but your shirt and underwear. you watch as he pulls the covers off the bed, getting your spot ready. once it’s set, he grabs your hand and slowly brings you over.
“please stay.” it wasn’t much of a question as much as it was a plea for him to keep you company.
he doesn’t argue with you, he knows better than that. he nods. “i'll just be on the sofa in the other room but let me know if you need anythi—" you shake your head. "this bed is big enough for you, too." you lazily pat the extra pillow besides your head. you get scared as he doesn't say much, but you breathe again once he starts to walk over in your direction, lifting the covers and making himself at home next to you. he doesn't bother getting undressed, but maybe that's best for your (and his own) sake.
you rest your head on his chest, letting your body melt into his as your lids grow heavy from the mix of alcohol and exhaustion. “thank you for keeping me safe, matty.” you feel as he brings you slightly closer, one hand running through your hair while the other grabs on to your shoulder, his lips softly planting a kiss on your forehead. “always, darling.”
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jenniferswhor3 · 2 years
i meant it - jj maybank
summary; drunk jj confessed his feeling
warnings; mentions of throw up, jj being drunk, fluff
authors note; back in my obx era
masterlist | obx masterlist
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whenever jj got drunk, his emotions would be all over the place.
sometimes he’s get really hyped up and want to do some crazy shit. other times he’s get emotional about the smallest thing.
the one emotion nobody knew about was his lovey dovey side. well, nobody expected you.
it happened one night when you were sitting in your bed reading. it was around 2 am and you were ready to turn out your bedside light and fall asleep.
startled out of your half asleep state, jj had appeared at your window opening it. you sat there, half confused and half still startled, watching jj attempt to climb through your window. he looked like a baby deer being born.
jj ends up tripping by getting his foot caught on the ledge of the window and face planted on your, thankfully, carpeted floor.
with a groan from jj, ass up in the air and face still planted on the floor, you finally get up out of your bed. “what the hell are you doing, jj?!”
he rolled over flat on his back. “i jus’ wan’ed to come overrrr.” he slurred with a dopey smile. he was obviously drunk.
“are you drunk?!” dumb question. “nevermind don’t answer that.”
you extend you arm out to help and jj responds by holding both arms out like a big baby. you attempted to pull jj up but he ended up helping himself up.
after he was upright, he ended up leaning right back on you. “mmm, i missed you.” his arms wrapped around you waist. yours hesitantly wrapped around his neck.
“okay jj. you are obviously drunk and you need to sleep.” jj groaned in response.
his dopey smile had returned as he pushed himself off you and started undressing himself. you could t help but stare and unconsciously bite your lip. jj’s eyes were half closed so he couldn’t see you.
it was just a small crush on your best friend. nothing dramatic. definitely no longing stares while he looked away. none of those girly giggles whenever he said anything. and definitely no daydreaming about the two of you on a boat ride… half naked… and kissing.
“okay,” you draw out as he started to take off his cargo shorts. “let’s keep the shorts on. you cuddle up in my bed and i’ll go get you a glass of water.”
his response was a short moan and he flopped right onto your bed. his bare back lay perfectly on display and his muscles were perfectly sculpted as always. as tempted as you were to sit and stare at his back all night, you were set on getting your best friend some water.
turning on the kitchen light, you head to the cup cabinet and fill it up in the sink.
while waiting for the cup to fill up, you feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around you waist and a head bury itself in your neck. “come back upstairs.” jj’s voice whines into your neck, tickling your neck.
jj has always been touchy with you. kie says it’s because he likes you but you never believe her. he always pulled your legs in his lap and rubbed you legs. or he’d have his head on you shoulder and played with your fingers. but you never thought it meant anything.
after filling up the cup, you grabbed a bottle of aspirin from the junk drawer and headed back to your room with jj hot on your tail.
“drink this.” you handed jj the cup of water as he sat on your bed. he reluctantly took the glass from your hand and drank only a sip.
“not thirsty.” he mumbled setting the glass down. he swiftly grabbed your waist and pulled you down on top of him. the position was awkward. “jj let me properly get in bed.” you crawled up onto your bed and get yourself under your covers; so did jj.
his head curled up in your chest while his limbs tangled themselves around you. “you’re so warm. how are you so warm, like, all the time?”
you let out a small giggle, “i don’t know, j.”
eventually, jj fell asleep to the quiet sounds of the office playing on your tv and your nails scratching in a rhythmic pattern.
fast forward to now, jj was spinning in your desk chair, drunk, of course. he was previously dissecting each part of his motorbike and explaining why it’s useful. that was until he got distracted after explain the tires and started spinning in your desk chair.
“jj, if you don’t stop you’re gonna make yourself throw up.” as if you saw the future, jj made a bee line to your bathroom.
you cringed while he groaned and flushed the toilet. he walked out and apologized. “it’s okay, jj. it happens.” you walked into the bathroom and pulled out a unused toothbrush. you had kept a couple incase this ever happened to one of your friends.
after he finished brushing his teeth, he crawled into bed with you where you flicked on the office. it had become a favorite of jj’s.
his head lay on your chest, his new favorite spot. he felt most at comfort whenever you’d twirl his hair or scratch his back.
jj’s mind was still hazy; he was only tipsy now. not all of what he was saying was well thought out or even a structured sentence. but he always said what he meant.
you were both half asleep by the time jj spoke his last words for the night. “i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too, j.” you had thought he meant it in a friendly manor, like what you guys say to all of your other friends.
“no. i mean it, i really do.” his eyes stayed shut and he was half mumbling his words into your neck. “ever since 5th grade.”
you sighed. there’s no way he was telling the truth. “tell me that again in the morning j. when you’re sober.” he let out a small groan signifying and ‘okay’.
the sun shines through your white curtains, only waking you up. jj could sleep through a whole fire.
you were stood in your bathroom, getting ready for the day, when you could see jj stir awake out of the corner of your eye.
he groaned, his head pounding. his eyes still closed and head still buried in the pillow, “i meant it.” it was low enough that you could hear it from your bathroom.
a smile spread across you face, “really?”
“really.” he replied.
for the rest of that day, you and jj curled up in your bed together watching the office. his head on your chest and your fingers tangled in his hair. it was perfect.
you sighed. there’s no way he’s telling the truth. “tell me in the morning, j.
with a generous look in his eyes, jj went to hug you but you put a hand in his chest to stop him. “not until you brush your teeth.” a with a small whine, jj did just that.
sooner or later, jj fell asleep to the quiet sound of your tv and the way your nails scratched his back.
he turned over and nuzzled himself
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book-place · 2 years
Toddlers and Toys
Warnings: mentions of child abandonment, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Crowley x daughter reader, Aziraphale x daughter reader
*not my gif*
Summary: It’s Christmas day, but you appear to be the only one in your household to care
A/N: Welcome to the bonus day of Book Places 12 Days of Christmas Celebration
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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“Daddy! Papa!” You cheered, little feet pattering loudly against the carpeted floor, “Wake up! Wake up! It’s Christmas!”
Crowley groaned, turning his face to bury it further in his pillow, “Shut her up, Angel.”
“You’re the one who wanted her,” His husband mumbled back, eyes not even opening as he responded, already drifting back off into a slumber.
“Well, I didn’t know that she planned on getting up at the crackass of dawn everyday.” He grumbled back.
You giggled at your fathers antics, hopping up onto their bed and jumping in between them, eyes dazzling with excitement as you shook the bed to try and stir them from their sleepy states.
“It’s Christmas!” You repeated.
“I heard you the first time.” Crowley grumbled, “Now go back to bed.”
“I don’t wanna-“ You were cut off by Aziraphale pulling you down gently and wrapping his arms around you, snuggling you to his chest in hopes of all three of you being able to go back to sleep.
Crowley and Aziraphale had found you, abandoned by the side of the road, about two years ago, when you were merely three years old.
Shockingly, Crowley had somehow been the one to find it in his heart to want to take you in right away, though it wasn’t as if it took much to convince his husband to feel the same.
“Papa!” You complained, trying to wiggle out of his grasp, “Help me, daddy!” You cried desperately, flailing your arms around to try and grab ahold of your other father.
After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to raise your parents from bed, you fell backwards with a huff, ignoring your papas content hum when you did so.
Finally, when their breathing had once again evened out, you were able to slide out of Aziraphales grasp and softly move off the bed before smirking in a way that was all too much like Crowley’s, and flipping on the bright lights.
Crowley automatically hissed dramatically as if the artificial light was blinding him as he brought the covers over his face. Aziraphale, on the other hand, slowly sat up and looked around in confusion.
You giggled at the two of them before spreading your arms and jumping up and down, “Come on, daddy! Come on, papa! It’s Christmas!”
Your light haired father released a sigh through his nose before throwing back the covers and getting out of bed when he realized that there was no arguing with you today.
“You too, daddy!” You called, walking over and taking his arm while trying to drag him out of the sheets.
“No,” He complained as he fell limply to the floor, “It’s too early, child.”
Aziraphale smiled softly at the two of you, walking over and scooping you up into his arms, “Come now, Crowley, it is Christmas after all.”
“Yes, yes,” He grumbled, slowly dragging himself off the rug, “I heard her the last fifty times.”
You giggled again, leaning over and planting a sloppy kiss on your fathers cheek.
He sighed, reaching out and ruffling your hair. He never could stay mad at you.
You tugged at Aziraphale’s shirt and whined a little, “Come on, papa, I wanna go downstairs.”
“Alright, alright, calm down, young one.” He chuckled slightly to himself and sent an amused glance towards Crowley, who just crossed his arms and grumbled under his breath a little.
Aziraphale used his free hand to grasp onto Crowley’s, and the three of you made your way downstairs.
As soon as you reached the foot of the steps, you audibly gasped as your eyes widened and little and your head snapped back and forth in wonder.
The entire first floor had been decorated to absolute perfection thanks your dads- and a little bit of miracles- the night before so that it would be ready by the time you woke up.
Christmas lights hung from the ceiling, trees were in every corner with ornaments and shining, bright stars proudly displayed on the top.
An excited squeal escaped your lips as you arrived in the living room, where the biggest tree in the house stood, a bit poorer decorated than the others because the husbands had let you do it a couple days prior.
And underneath, were mounds upon mounds of presents.
You bit your lip- though it did nothing to stop your ever growing smile- and bounced up and down slightly in anticipation.
“Well, Crowley,” Aziraphale said in mock wonderment, “Whatever shall we do with all these presents?”
Said man smirked a little as they both looked down at you, “Why, I don’t know, Aziraphale.” He teased, “If only we had someone to open all of them for us.”
You looked just about ready to burst by then.
“Oh my.” Aziraphel fake gasped as he looked down at you, “Do you think our daughter would possibly be interested in opening all of these gifts?”
You nodded your head vigorously in return.
“Hmm,” Your other father put a hand on his chin as if he were contemplating, “You know what, all right, you can open them, little one.”
You squealed again and pumped a fist in the air, hugging their legs tightly before diving into the wrapping paper and boxes.
On it went, with Crowley and Aziraphel lounged comfortably against a couch, and you ripping open the boxes full of toys, candies, and more that they had both gotten for you.
By the time you had finished, wrapping lay every which way, and you were curled up under the tree, surrounded by all your new things, sleeping steadily.
Crowley scoffed lightly at the sight of you, “And she thought she wasn’t tired.”
Aziraphel chuckled as he looked at you with fondness, “I think she rather enjoyed herself.”
“Indeed,” He lolled his head to face his husband against the back of the couch, “Merry Christmas, Angel.”
“Merry Christmas, Crowley.” He said back, taking his husbands hand with a smile.
Ineffable Husbands 😇- none yet
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foreverdom-tish · 2 years
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Request - Can you pls do a Shuri x reader fic where they had just finished an insane mission and in the heat of battle had confessed their love for each other, and they get back home and dom/top!Shuri goes to town on sub/bottom!reader and uses the vibranium strap 😮‍💨 maybe a lil praise kink too 👉🏻👈🏻
pairing - top/dom!shuri sub/bottom reader
word count - 2,214
contains - smut (18+), praise kink, mention of fighting, strap-on sex, face riding, multiple orgasms, cunnilingus, fingering
translations - andikwazi kulinda ukukugezela - i can't wait to fuck you
intombi entle - pretty girl
usana - baby
A/n - heyy i got this request a while ago but midterms came up quick and i had to focus on school BUT here it is and this is my first time writing and i hope everyone enjoys 🤍
“Y/N WATCH OUT” Shuri yelped, she couldn’t bear the fact that she had dragged y/n on a mission with her because she’s selfish and wanted her next to her at all times, and now because of her you’re now dodging the blade of your attackers which wasn’t new but it scared her shitless
“SHURI HELP PLEASE” you scream, you were currently fighting from the front and back you had it until the attacker from the back swiped their foot beneath yours & you fell backward with a loud thump
“SHU-“ you attempted to call her once more while covering your face with your forearm just giving in defeat until you heard silence then heavy breathing you uncovered your face and saw shuri blood dripping from her claws you immediately started looking for the 2 attackers. once your eyes looked down you were faced with your attackers … their faces were basically torn to shreds
“t-thank you” you said heart burning as shuri stood above you panting lighting, jaw clenched, claws sharp, and out the sight made your heart burn even more but now with lust
“y/n i’m so so so sorry, i never meant to drag you unto such danger it’s just i’m always gone and i love being around you and i thought being you with me would - “
shuri rambled on eyes wandering around the small cave until your lips were pressed against hers gently, shuri leaned into the kiss grabbing your waist while your arms were draped around her neck, shuri moaned into the kiss and you gently pull back
“shit shit shit i- sorry i just- fuck” you stumbled over your words while shuri stood there shifting back and forth on her feet and picking at her fingers something you noticed she did when she had something on her mind that was hard for her to get out
“y/n” shuri cut off your rambling “i love you and i know this was never supposed to happen and we were strictly to be just partners on missions but i can’t get you out of my mind …”
you stood there quietly rubbing your fingers together as you started shuri straight in the eyes
“i love you too shuri”
you cut shuri up once again by kissing her but this time is was more passionate and way more tongue. shuri hands start to palm your bottom and you stop her
“andikwazi kulinda ukukugezela” shuri says looking you dead in the eyes pupils blown, lips swollen & cult pulsing in between her folds
“what does that mean” you ask cocking your head to the side, you weren’t wakandian but in college, you were a little rough around the edges and fought like hell and videos soon surfaced which caught the panthers attention she was fascinated by not only your fighting but your beauty, the way you threw quick but lethal punches, the way your curls bounced when you dodged hit, the way your body looks the tight one price you always work when fighting and well … she kidnapped you and had you fight alongside her
“you’ll find out soon” shuri winks and grabs your waist leaning for another kiss
“we should probably head back” you say even though you wanted her to take you right then and there in that cage in front of the fuckers who she had just torn into shreds
“of course usana”
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as soon as you reached her bedroom her suit deactivated leaving her in only her black sports back and black boy shorts that had a large wet spot
you on the other hand took off your mission attire leaving you in nothing but a skimpy thong (you hated wearing undergarments”
“wow” shuri whisper stalking toward you while you stood there shyly
“you are so beautiful usana” she placed her hands on your cheeks and kissed you
“shuri” you looked up at her grasping her shoulders
“please touch me”
with that shuri nods and picks you up and places you on the bed laying you down and straddling your waist
she beings sucking on your neck leaving marks and slowly goes lower and lower leaving a trail of love bites on your collar bone, stomach until she reaches your thong
she hooks her fingers into the small string and gently tugs them down and is now face to face with your gorgeous drenched pussy she moans at the sight of your puffy lips, clit slightly peeking from under your hood
“she’s so pretty and i know she tastes even better”
“shuri wait” you sit up on your elbows and bite your lower lip
“what you said earlier … what does it mean”
shuri slowly comes up to your face and slowly inches so close you thought she was going to kiss you instead she says something that rocked your whole world
“i can’t wait to fuck you, hard *kisses your lips* long *kisses your neck* and deep *shoves two fingers into your tight hole”
“oh my- fuckkkkk” you grip her wrist to slow down the outlandish pace she was fucking you at
“be my good girl and take it” she lowers back down and kisses your clit “you can take it right” and flattens her tongue to lick from your finger-stuffed hole to your clit
you immediately clench hard around her fingers and moan deliciously
“oh you like being called a good girl huh” shuri pace speeds up and she’s now sucking on your clit
“shu- i’m about to c-cum” you grip the sheets hard and moved your lower half away from her face the pleasure becoming too much
“stay fucking still, i thought you would be my good girl” shuri tugs you back down but before she does you catch a glimpse of her face, your wetness dripping down her chin some resting on her top lip and she quickly swipes her tongue to taste you come before going back to devouring you
“yes yes YES IM YOUR GOOD GIRL unhh unhh” and with 3 more pumps of her fingers and 2 tugs on your clit you’re creaming all over her fingers body shaking and mouth wide open
“yesssss usana that’s a good fucking girl creaming all over your queen's fingers”
your clit jumps at the praise and shirt notices and chuckles she then pops her fingers in her mouth sucking off all your cum “delicious” she mumbled as you inch to the top of the bed and curl into a ball anything to get away from her devilish tongue and fingers while shuri reachers up to place soft kisses on your cheek while rubbing your back
“i’ll be right back i want to try something else”
you simply nod and close your eyes preparing yourself for whatever she had up her sleeve
shuri quickly hops up and goes to her closet and grabs a purple and silver box, she opens it and inside is something she created a little after your second mission together, seeing you beat the shit out of a man that was almost 3ft taller than you riled shuri up and that night she made you this special strap, it was about 8 inches, black with hints of purple running through it which of course was vibranium that allows her to feel inside you as pleasure and the base had your initials etched into it
shuri walks over to the bed where you are now sitting up on your elbows legs spread, cum making your folds glisten, and eyeing shuri as she attaches the strap to her
“you’re so hot shuri” you say taking your bottom lip into your teeth
“yeah” shuri says as she slowly walks to you leaning down placing a soft peck on your lips
shuri then grabs your feet pulls you towards her and flips you over so you were now on your stomach, you instantly pull your ass while your back made a perfect arch your pussy blooming
“fuckkk y/n” shuri growls and rubs your ass before landing a harsh slap
“mmm” loving the stinging feeling that lingered
shuri aligns her tip at your entrance ready to breach and slowly slides in using your last orgasm as lube and instantly moans at how warm and wet your pussy feels and starts the thrust slowly wanting to feel you suck her in but also wanting you to feel all of her
“please please faster shuri fuck me like you hate me” you gasp out
hearing that shuri leans down and places a peck on your back and grabs your left boob while her other was tightly gripping your waist she started pumping faster inside you
“uhnnnnnn it feels so good” you sob throwing your head back and using your hand to grab over shuris
shuri then lifts your back up so that your back is pressed against her and at this new angle she’s perfectly abusing your g-spot
“yea intombi entle you’re taking it so well, this pussy is so fucking good you feel so fucking good” she says in your ear
suddenly your whole body is shaking, your moans become high pitched ,and before you know it your closing your eyes as your 2nd orgasm runs through your whole body, your body goes limp as you fall back into the bed but shuri is still pumping into your hands now on both of your round checks thrusting harder and faster chasing after her own orgasm
“this pussy is so creamy you’re about to make me cum y/n you’re about to make me come so fucking hard-“
“mmm fuckk” shuri thrust turns slow and sloppy as her orgasm hits her and she slowly pulls out of you and deactivates her strap
you shiver hearing her low moans and happy you got her to cum as well
“y/n are you okay” shuri flips you back around and cups your cheeks pulling your curly hair away from your eyes her eyes frantically searching your face she puts her hand on your chest to feel your breathing
“GRIO-“ shuri yells
“shuri baby” you chuckle “i’m okay i’ve never came that hard before i’m just trying to calm down”
“sorry after what happened today i’m just so scared of hurting you in any way, shape, or form”
hearing this warmed your heart as you gather some strength to sit up and slowly kiss her
shuri deepens the kiss and turns so now you on top of her and you straddle her waist and rub her sides
“can we do one more thing usana” shuri ask
“of course love”
“ride my face” shuri smirks looking up at you and you giggle and nod shuffling up until your pussy is hovering over her face you were a little nervous because you didn’t want to suffocate her with your beautiful thick brown thighs
shuri grabs you by your hips and shoves you down
“i said sit not hover” shuri mumbled before sticking her tongue out darting it in and out of your hole”
“FUCKKKKK” you yelp and lean over so now your hand were gripping the headboard “shuri shit you’re so good bast you’re so good”
shuri hums while flattening her tongue grabbing your bottom and you get the hint she wants you to grind on her tongue …. work for your next release
you grind on her tongue and you feel the heat growing hotter and hotter in the pit of your stomach
“i’m about to c-cum shuri” you moan tightening your grip on the headboard to the point you thought you would break it
“cum my usana cum all over my face” shuri begins sucking and tugging on your clit like she trying to milk the cum out of you
“ughhhhh shuriiii” you drag out her name as your body jerked uncontrollably as you came for the 3rd time
shuri licked up all your cum and use the tip of her tongue to trace something with your come onto your clit. you stay on her face and read the letters in your head “S H U R I”
“fuck” you gasp silently lifting off her face
shuri sits up and licks all the cum off her lips
“what” shuri looks at you and tilts her head
“you spelled your name on my clit … with my cum” you said hesitantly
“yeah we’re bonded now” she shrugged
“tasting like that & being such a good girl i couldn’t help myself” she pulls you in and places a kiss on your temple
you push her away blushing and excited you were now hers
“shuri please with that name i can’t cum again even if i wanted to” you giggle a little flustered
“i know i know let’s go get cleaned up okay” shuri picks you up, pecks your lips and walks you to the bathroom and places you on the counter and starts your bath
“hey shuri”
“i know you could feel me with that strap” you giggle
“yea and i can’t wait to feel you again” she walks over and kisses your neck and you two bathe and talk about your guy's next plans for the future
i hope you liked if please leave requests, feedback, and love :)
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mothduchess · 2 months
Kitsune HRT Part 2
Pre-Medication --------------------------------
"It wasn't this bad the first time around." That was my first thought as I sat in the park with eyes on the birds flitting about. The various thin layers of my outfit, colored browns and pinks, was decorated with a smattering of crumbs from a delicious sandwich that I had bought an hour earlier. It was the first time I was out of the home in what felt like months, and in large part it was thanks to an accessory I'd dug up out of the bowels of my closet: a fluffy fake fox tail, bought at a convention years ago. Who'd have thought that such a minor purchase would feel like a life preserver nearly a decade later? "Was it really that long?" I looked closer at the park; the rusting metal frames of damaged swing sets and playful slides that I once clambered upon sat side by side the colorful plastics of new play sets. It was hard to recall memories of this place, even being right there. What was that little boy wearing? What did he even like? "Stars, I think?" Two decades later and here I was: an echo of that little boy. My fingers wove together as thoughts passed between my ears as a hollow gust. My cloudy walk down memory lane was cut short by the sound of soft foot falls against the weed-eaten pavement. Looking up, there I beheld a man in cotton white fur and a green shirt that had surely been the warzone for many moths at some point. He wore his smile like a shining helm, ears wobbling atop his head proudly. After staring a few moments, I tucked back into mys- He sat next to me; he was already stretching out his feet and pulling out a water bottle. My senses couldn't help but notice how soft the lightest brush of his fur felt when I scooted to the side. Of course, he wasn't fully a rabbit - patches of human flesh poked through beneath his shirt, and legs seemed off in a way that I had no ability to express. He turned towards me, black pearls gazing at my hunched figure. "You okay?" Mentally, probably not. Physically...? "I... think so." "Shitty heatwave am I right?" "Yeah. Fucking ridiculous. Nice breeze though right?" He chuckled with a few short nods. Judging by how water fell short of his lips and his attempt to catch the droplets, his quasi-snout was a recent shift. "Note to self - buy a straw," he muttered. Words tumbled behind my lips. I wanted to ask him so many questions, but what if I was wrong? There was a chance he wasn't like me for why he chose to change, and I knew how shitty it was to be asked questions out of the blue. That peskering swarm known as anxiety billowed forth from its hive that had nestled itself within my bones. "-iss? Hey, you alright?" Ears that existed only in my daydreams perked up at the question; I turned to face him. "You got water?" "Uhhh... no." He handed over his water bottle with a friendly smile. As I drank, he leaned back for a spot of sun bathing. "Nice tail. Noticed it on my laps." "Thanks. Would've worn some other stuff, but it's a bit warm for that." "Sure. Furry?" "...Dunno." "You don't?" "I'm still figuring things out. Turns out, not all furries are-.... well, apparently furries only *like* anthropomorphic animals. They um. They.... don't...." "This was a mistake. Just leave." I shook my head and went to get up. As I did, he grently grabbed my wrist - my head bolted around in surprise. "Hey. I don't know if my read's wrong on this. Maybe it is. But have you ever looked into making that tail real?" I took a long pause. He was a stranger, in the middle of the park. The rabbit had grabbed my arm, and it felt awkward to simply leave. The clouds overhead began to part, however, with a flock of birds streaming by. "...Yes," I squeaked out. He pulled away, and handed a card. With a quiet farewell salute, he gave a knowing nod and took back to the pavement. My heartbeats matched his steps in tandem as he quietly walked off; my fingers toyed with the hems of the long skirt I wore, my other hand clutching the card and spinning it over. A breeze of wind blew away the buzzing stillness of anxiety. I looked towards the card after a long minute of standing.
I swore I could smell roses.
Kitsune Transition (Pre-Medication) Week 1:
-The tail works!!! So much fewer dysphoric feelings. -kinda sucks with my cute skirts though, need a new anchor -wish it was cold enough for the gloves
-Can't believe that guy gave me this card -(wish I knew his name, thank you rabbit dude)
-Just one small step forwards. You got this.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- <PREV FIRST NEXT>
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simplydannie · 8 months
Velvet and Veneer One-Shot
“I Got Your Back”
Even amongst thugs and delinquents at the Rageoun Detention Center, the twins still have one thing…. Each other.
Rageous Detention Center for Troubled Youth…. Or as Veneer had called it, prison. This would be the home of the twins for the next couple of months… actually, perhaps the next couple of years.
Dawning their orange uniform, they made line in the cafeteria for lunch…… at least Veneer did…. Velvet walked past him, straight towards an empty table way in the back…. Away from any eyes.
Veneer sighed. He got as much food as he could for him and his sister. As he made his way towards Velvet, he heard whispers, giggles… chuckles…
“So much for the spotlight jerk face.” They called out…. Everyone knew, and everyone would not let them forget it. Veneer did his best to ignore the voices around him…. All that mattered was to get him and Velvet through this. Taking a seat next to her, he offered her some food.
“It’s fettuccine today. Not the best, but not the worst.” He smiled handing her a spoonful.
“Ugh.” She rolled her eyes and faced her back towards him… she has yet to forgive for what he did… for admitting their lies to the public.
“Come on Vels you have to eat something.” He begged.
“Oh go jump off a cliff. You’d do us both a favor.” She crossed her arms, leaning against the table…. As much as Veneer tried, she wasn’t talking to him. He knows when to leave his sister alone, when she wanted her space… and this was it. Grabbing the tray he left her.
“Pretty boy can’t get his sister to eat.” He heard some thug say. Veneer ignored him and kept walking… though he made the mistake of walking right past the thug kid. Sticking his foot out, he tripped Veneer, sending him and the tray of food tumbling to the floor.
The cafeteria exploded with laughter as Veneer struggled to stand.
“Pretty boy better know his place around here. Not much without your little glam outfits are you.” The bully shoved Veneers face to the ground.
“Hey!” Within moments Velvet was at level with the kid… well almost… he was a whole foot taller than her and Veneer. “No one shoves my brother’s face to the ground except for me!” She attempted to shove him away but with no success at all… the kid was huge.
“I see you’re still cute without all the glam. Maybe you’d like to stop by my cell later.” He winked, attempting to grab Velvet around the waste. She kicked him, moving away from his grasp.
“As if jerking face. Leave my brother alone or next time my foot goes straight up your…. Ahhhh!” The kid shoved Velvet hard. She slammed against the table with force, nearly knocking the wind out of her. She gasped for air, rubbing her back…. The cafeteria bursted with laughter yet again…. That’s when Veneer snapped.
Grabbing the tray that fell with him, he turned around and smacked the tall bully square in the face. The bully had no time to react as Veneer got on top of him landing blow after blow onto his face.
“YOU. DONT. TOUCH. MY. SISTER!” He yelled as he kept punching away. One the bully’s friends attempted to grab him from behind… but Veneer was quick to move. Grabbing the friend Veneer slammed him against the table. Another friend was able to land a punch to Veneers face causing him to stumble side ways.
“Oh no you don’t!” Velvet grabbed the guy, putting him in a headlock, landing some punches as he struggled to get free from her. In full rage, Veneer returned his attention to the big bully… struggling to stand as he held his bruised faced. Veneer knocked him back down and began hitting away again.
Within moments security came in. They released the boy from Velvets grasp… holding her arms behind her back. They struggled to get Veneer off the bigger kid… eventually Veneer got off on his own… staring daggers at the boy who looked at Veneer in fear now…. All the cafeteria was silent as they stared in awe at the twins… stared in fear.
“You guys aren’t going to make this easy are you.” The guard said taking Velvet and Veneer away. Velvet looked at her brother who walked away with only a small bruise beneath his eye.
“Are you okay?” She asked as they were escorted to the isolation ward.
“I am. I don’t know about the other guy.” They smiled at each other, “I got your back sis.”
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roninishere · 1 year
I liked that a lot…
Muichiro x Female Reader
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Warnings: Muichiro fluff! Poor grammar Summary: how you guys met and your first kiss.
“Y/N, all is well?” Master Ubuyashiki soothing voice asked you as you assisted him on his feet.
Your soft calm eyes concentrated oh being very careful of not allowing him to slip or fall “Yes master, all is well,” getting him carefully on his feet, you kept a hand in the small of his back and allowed him to rest his weight on your other arm. “Shall we join the others?”
“Yes my child.”
Bringing him to behind the doors, you adjusted his haori before his daughters announced his arrival. When the doors slid to the sides, you walked by his side until his wife Amane got on the other side of her husband. After setting him down carefully, you bowed at the family before taking your position.
Normally Muichiro would have his head in the clouds, trying to remember the name of the cloud again. Hearing the Master thank Y/N, the young boy couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You stood tall, around five foot five, however without your heeled boots, Muichiro bet shorter.
There were multiple layers to your Kimono; it appeared to be made by the same fabric of the demon slayer uniform. The baggy sleeves reached to about your mid bicep before a tighter black material covered down to your wrists with gold cuffs from the forehead to your wrist as well. You had two tight fitting golden belts around a little underneath your breasts and one on your belly button. The kimono had three slits in the front from your waist down, just exposing a bit of your thigh before your thigh boots covered the rest of your skin.
You had a sword on one of your belts and on the sides of your thighs, there were holsters for these long sais you had.
That was just what YOU wore. He couldn’t see your eyes from his distance, but your pretty hair was pulled into two pretty braids buns.
Seeing that their young hashira had been distracted most of the meeting; Tengen and Kyojuro looked at one another before following his gaze as everyone began to leave.
With a grin on his face, he had a brilliant idea. Kyojuro smiled before patting the teenager on his shoulder “Muichiro! You should go say hello! Staring isn’t polite!”
“Then what should I say?”
Tengen suggested “how about you ask her train with you? Or to grab some food?”
His blank expression was fixed on Y/N as he said “Yes I suppose she’d make a good training partner.” He walked towards you and once he was just a few feet in front of you, he finally got a good look at your beautiful eyes.
They widen at his current actions, and you felt yourself freak out in the inside ‘oh my, Muichiro Tokito is right in front me.’
“Mr. Tokito, is there something I can help you with?” You tilted your head to the side playing it cool; despite his emotionless look, you were well aware of his situation, his mint green eyes were definitely a beauty.
There was a pause before he asked “would you like to be training partners? And perhaps get food with me?”
“I’d be honor too,” You attempted to play off but the blush on your face gave it away. “I can meet you at the training grounds in an hour once I’m relieved?”
Nodding, he went to turn before he thought, you didn’t tell me your name did you? “What is your name?”
Y/N… what a pretty name for a pretty girl.
The two of you became friends; you guys trained, grab or even cook food together, and even looked at clouds together. Although Muichiro was very forgetful, you were was so patient with him, re-telling him who you were and how two of you became of friends.
Every time you retold him the stories, you felt all warm and fuzzy inside, your heart beating a hundred times. Unsure what it met, you couldn’t help to asked Master Ubuyashiki wife for advice.
“Oh dear, you’re in love.”
Love? I’m in love?
You fell in love with your best friend. Was that even possible?
“It’s safe to say that I believe he feels the same. You should tell him.” Aname then told the story of her and Master Ubuyashiki, it was adorable.
While you asked, Muichiro went to the Flame and Sound Hashiras unsure if he was getting sick or something. The overwhelming feelings he had when they were together, even when he had forgotten meaningful moments.
It was so frustrating at times.
“You are in love with Y/N!” Kyrojuro announced accidentally with other Hashiras who gave each other “I told you so!”
Tengen nodded in agreement encouraging him “Muichiro, admit who you feel! In a very flashy way!”
“But what is the point if I could forget?”
Wouldn’t that be exhausting?
“You may forget memories, but you never forget those feelings you feel.”
During their training session, Y/N misstepped, causing yourself to trip and fall on top of Muichiro who caught you. Instead of having a hard impact, feeling the softness of his chest on your cheek, you immediately pulled away, of sheer embarrassment. “I-I-I’m s-“ “Y/N, I love you.”
“I-I love you too Muichiro.” You stuttered a bit as your cheeks were on fire. Was this really happening? You looked like a deer in headlights at this situation. Muichiro started caressing your cheek, your skin was so warm yet so soft.
‘When you love someone, you also kiss them!’ He remember what Mitsuri told him when he visited her for help too.
It didn’t help that he wasn’t experienced, but neither were you, you only knew about kissing through books you read. Closing his eyes, he leaned in, pressing his lips to yours. Though it was a little awkward, it gave you guys butterflies in your stomachs.
You for sure thought that Muichiro could hear your heart beating as if it was going to best out of your damn chest. One of your hand on his chest as the other tangled its fingers into his black and mint green hair. Pulling back, you both were blushing messes.
Is this what happiness feels like?
He combed back thoughtlessly back your loose hairs, clearing them away from your face. He swore that he could get lost in your eyes. The hand that gripped around your waist, he started tapping his fingers out of a nervous tick “um…I liked that a lot.”
“Me too,” immediately responding to him, you realized you both were still on the training grounds, “we can do more of it while we cook?”
Such a bold suggestion, you scowled yourself as you blushed harder.
“I’d like that.” Putting your weapons away, Muichiro grabbed your hand, unlocking your fingers together.
Is this what it means to be alive?
Y/N glanced at your hands, mouth open and eyes widen before giving his hand a little squeeze as you guys were on your way to his estate. Walking out the gates, the two of you teenagers didn’t see the other Hashiras who were on their way to the training grounds when they turned out of facility.
“Oh my god! Is that Muichiro and Y/N?!” Mitsuri cried out in awe and happiness seeing the two of you young lovers, “Obanai! Aren’t they so cute?!”
All the Hashiras had the same thought.
Wow. Muichiro Tokito was growing up.
Alright! I’ve had this one in my drafts for a while now so when y’all were voting for this one, I was too impatient to wait for the voting session to run out haha! I hope y’all enjoyed! 🩵
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starpirateee · 4 months
Could I request something where Curt tries to stop Owens fall but instead they both end up falling.
Where they BOTH fall?? Jesus wow, i'm all in! again i'm so sorry that this took an absolute age, i wasn't so confident about this one at first and it did go through a revision or two....
tw for injury detail and blood
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The ground was unsturdy beneath their feet as they ran. Curt knew the weight of what he'd done— some confidence that had been present in him before let him completely ignore Owen's bet of four minutes— but he didn't have the time to consider how he could've done anything differently.
"Shit. We gotta run!"
Owen's hand scraped through his hair, exasperated. "For god's-" He cut himself off with a sigh, and shook his head. He was the first to start running past the fallen agents that had collapsed when the ground began to rumble, and sent a sharp gesture to Curt in the hopes that he was following him. "Curt, god only knows you're gonna be the death of me..."
"Nah, no way!" The two of them made a beeline for the stairs, and Curt saw the way Owen's hand had tensed against the railing as he started to ascend. There was going to be two sets of explosions, then. It was a matter of surviving long enough to get out before the second lot threw them off their course again.
He followed Owen closely, briefly glancing behind to check for pursuing agents, and then forced himself to focus. "I'd never let you-"
Owen's foot caught something, and he slipped over the edge of the railing with a cry that perfectly radiated their collective surprise. Curt's eyes went wide, and he scrambled forwards in an attempt to catch him. Just before he could get there, Owen's fingertips scraped the balcony, and he just about managed to catch himself before he fell all the way.
"Jesus Christ-" Curt breathed as he lowered himself quickly, one hand flashing out and grabbing the closest railing for extra stability. "Owen! Take my hand!"
He didn't see the cause of all this, but he had the worst suspicion that he knew exactly what it was... This was the same set of stairs they had been using to make their way down to the main floor, where he had dropped that trash on the grounds that nobody would care if the whole place was gonna be annihilated anyway.
This was the same set of stairs, right?
His heart sank. If Owen was even slightly slower there, he'd have fallen, and it would've been his fault, and he wasn't sure if he'd have ever been able to shake that.
Thankfully, he hadn't. Thankfully, he didn't have to think about that possibility.
Really, he shouldn't have been thinking about that at all, not with what was at stake right now.
Owen struggled to transfer his weight, even after Curt crouched closer to the ground and tried to reach out to his furthest. He could hear people behind them. They were gaining ground quickly, and there they were, looking like they were ready to accept the fate that was to be thrown at them, stuck in a catastrophic balance.
"C'mon, you bastard, it's not gonna end like this! I- said I'd never let you down and I... Damn well mean it!"
Owen reached, and almost slipped again. His eyes were wild with panic, which was unusual for him in itself. It looked so out of place among his otherwise perfect features, and it took Curt a moment to realise it was only multiplying by the second. His other hand was starting to falter, fingertips digging desperately against the edging as he tried to haul himself up.
His effort— their collective effort— was completely in vain. The last time Owen tried to force himself to land a grip and reach up for Curt’s hand, his fingertips gave way with the momentum, and Curt lost him to whichever fate awaited him at the bottom of the silo, carried away by a desperate scream.
Curt stared at the empty void that was the space in which he’d just lost Owen. His breath ran short. His pulse thundered in his ears. Every inch of him was screaming, but he was silent. Too much shock had overrun his body, and he could barely produce a coherent thought, let alone the strength to call out Owen’s name.
He tried to stand, but his legs felt weak. There wasn’t enough time to register the world spinning around him, blurring the edges of his vision, because the moment he managed to struggle to his feet, someone shot at him. The bullet tore through the air from a point on the staircase that he didn’t have the time to locate before it struck him straight in the shoulder.
Blurs of dark colours— shades that all looked the same among the threat of tears that were all too close to falling— flashed through his vision as he stumbled, but he was unable to stop himself, and unable to realise just how little balcony he had left.
He fell. The balcony was left long behind him, and the effort of trying to save himself became too great.
The world went black.
Owen was first to wake. He and Curt were in close proximity, but not in the place he recalled falling from. That was an industrial silo they’d been using to make their escape. This was… somewhere else.
What had happened?
His head was pounding with the beat of his heart. Twice to every pulse. Once, twice, and then a beat. Once… Twice… And then another beat. It was agonising, and trying to think about the happenings made it worse. Eventually, he decided to just stop trying and focus on something else.
There was little else available to them besides the ominous chill in the air, and the nettle sting numbness that spread across the surface of his skin. It felt like a canvas, pulled taut against a wooden frame, and stretched beyond limits. The muscles in his face were trying to work against him— he could feel the prevalent twitch near his cheekbone, it was driving him crazy— but on the surface, it was tight, and he could still feel a residual heat.
The tightness— a violent and rather dramatic burn, from the feel of it alone— spread from about halfway down one side of his face, down the length of his neck, and trailed far beyond the line of his singed shirt. He traced it carefully, feeling the line between what his skin should feel like and this new area where sensation ended altogether.
Curt wasn’t conscious. That was enough of a concern in itself, but whatever had happened to them only seemed to make things worse. By the looks of things, he was pretty badly injured too; the most prevalent of which being a large gash that split his hairline from the rest of his face and left a crimson river pooling at the side of his head. Owen pressed a hand gently against the gash, and was relieved beyond measure when his fingers came back relatively clean.
His racing mind wouldn’t let him rest, so instead of straining himself and trying to find out what had happened to them, he gave Curt a quick once over with a glance while they still had the light available to them.
Curt had been burned too, across his shoulders and presumably down his back as well. They’d taken the heat from different angles, but it had struck them both rather harshly.
Owen remembered flashes. An explosion, rescuing Curt from the hands of the Russians, hitting something hard after falling from a height and being surprised when his spine didn’t immediately snap upon impact. He drew his hand away from Curt slowly and slumped back against the closest wall.
One, two, and then a beat.
One… Two… And then another beat.
An uncomfortable silence washed over him as he breathed quietly and hoped to god that Curt was going to wake up. He couldn’t face this unknown alone, not when he knew that Curt was right there, and it would be an injustice for anyone to have kept him alive alongside Curt’s corpse, even if they were both alive when they were left behind.
What he had managed to gather was that the two of them were trapped. They were at someone’s liberty, and logic had to determine it was the same people who had captured Curt the first time.
That meant they hadn't left the facility, but the last he checked, he and Curt were—
They were trying to blow the place up.
That would explain things. It explained this twin set of burns lining both of their bodies, and the excess of heat left simmering underneath his skin like a reserve. They had been trying to rig this place to blow, and they hadn't gotten out in time. There was still a large, empty space there in the blurs and eroded edges of his mind, but he had neither the energy or the capacity to figure it out.
Curt was uncharacteristically still. The more he stared— having given himself no other way to cope— the more he had managed to convince himself that Curt wasn't actually living at all.
Surely they hadn't actually left him with a corpse, had they?
Nobody would dare to be so cold, not in their right minds, anyway. Giving him hope that Curt might pull through, and then ripping it away from him with the cold image of his lover, left frozen in time and forever trapped in the same, non-changing body.
But he didn't look like he was moving, not even a slight rise of the chest. He looked like he'd be cold to touch.
He had to check. He couldn't stay here a second longer without knowing for certain whether Curt was alive. So, he leaned forwards, shifting to get himself in position, and then pushed Curt's collar out of the way and desperately took a pulse.
He's dead. They've left you dealing with the aftermath.
A position change. Another check. A breath held in anticipation.
Owen let the dread speak for itself. He knew only moments had passed, but waiting for something of this weight made the moment stretch out into eternity.
Then there was a beat. Owen didn't think he could physically feel more relieved if he tried. The moment he felt a beat beneath his fingers, he sighed deeply and sat back, letting the absolution wash over him.
Shit. Curt was alive.
He tried again, and again he found that there was a pulse present. Curt was alive. All of his stagnant thoughts would subside on their own in good time now, if he let himself really take in the signs that he was still there with him.
The most prevalent factor trying to make sure that wasn't the case was the gash splitting his forehead near his hairline. Sure, Owen was aware that his fingertips had come back mostly clean from his last check, but there was still the fact of the matter: it was still bleeding.
Most of the remedies he could think of weren't possible in such a space where they had nothing to hand but what was on their person… He couldn't think of a single viable way to tend to it until something in the middle of the blurred expanse of his mind remembered something he should've thought about a long time ago.
Curt was carrying alcohol.
It wasn't ideal, not the best of solutions by any means, but it was a solution of sorts. Curt had whiskey in the pocket of his jacket, and that would at least do something to disinfect the wound… He could use an edge of his own shirt to apply what was left of the whiskey, pain be damned, and he could make sure that at least that factor had been taken care of. 
There was a whole list of things he could've sorted or tried to rationalise, but his thoughts were taking him nowhere but here. He wasn't bleeding himself— not anymore, anyway, not after he'd discovered a split laced just below his bicep and discovered it to be at least healed over with layers of dried blood— so the only thing he could allow himself to focus on was the fact that Curt was.
He shrugged off his jacket— something that took far more effort than it should've— and tore his shirt at the sleeve, where his own gash had produced a sizable hole in the fabric. The bitter chill hit him immediately, and he winced as the air messed with new wounds just below the cutoff and agitated them further. He'd never been the type bothered by the cold, but there was something about this particular strain of cold that just served to make everything worse about the situation itself. Everything became far more terrifying when things that normally weren't bothersome became noticeable…
Owen clenched the fabric of his shirt in his fist until his knuckles paled. He couldn't lose himself now, not when he had something to do. And Curt still wasn't showing signs of coming around, so he still had time to get on with it, too. In fact, there was no better time. Why was he even hesitating? It was sometimes just part of the job to see one's partner sprawled out on the ground, barely breathing and bleeding from the head. That was totally normal, what was he even getting himself worked up about?
His hands shook as he reached for Curt's jacket, trembling fingers fumbling with the zip and only managing to get it down at all because he landed a grip for all of a second. This particular issue transcended agency. Went far beyond the professional, and deep into the personal. Sure, it may not have been out of the blue to see one's partner in a bad way after a particularly rough mission, but it was a little worse when the other definition of partner— the one supposed to be a separate matter from business altogether— was bleeding out on the ground with no end in sight.
Owen reached for the whiskey in Curt's innermost pocket. He couldn't afford to even think if that was the direction his mind was going to take him… At least that would be easier on the aching in his head.
Removing the cap from the flask was certainly not the easiest of tasks, what with the state of him, but he did manage, and immediately poured the alcohol onto the severed sleeve of his shirt.
He muttered an apology to nobody in particular, and immediately pressed the cold, hastily folded fabric onto the wound only not dripping blood into Curt's eyebrow because of the position he was in. His free hand messed with the cap again before anyone who was around noticed that they were carrying supplies, and he just about managed to screw it back on before his frustration boiled over.
Focus, Owen. 
He tucked the flask underneath his jacket for the time being, hoping not to get caught by outside forces, and turned as much of his attention as he could to the repetitive and apparently grounding motion of cleaning the gash on Curt's forehead with his makeshift rubbing alcohol and cloth. 
He almost didn’t notice the fact that it wasn’t one continuous streak of blood until it was too late. The blood was running down the side of his face in a continuous, seemingly unbroken line, but that wasn’t quite the case, as Owen realised when he got close enough to the end of the trail.
Because there was also blood running from his ear.
Owen’s eyes widened the second he noticed that, and he swore he heard his breath catch in his throat. That was never good. That was something that had already caused lasting damage, and was going to have it’s effects later on, if Curt— when Curt— eventually woke up. He couldn’t think about this now. He’d appointed himself a job to make this worsening hell a little easier on both of them, and he couldn’t think about the fact that Curt might have just been close enough to the danger to warrant definitive hearing loss.
That scared him. Why was it so hard to kick his brain into action to produce something coherent on what had happened to them? Why did he have to pull it together from scraps left over from the ashes, and blood, and scars that were going to dig deep and leave an impact?
Nothing he did was enough to be able to account for everything wrong with them or their situation, but he felt slightly more at ease knowing that there was something he could do to alleviate a little of the dread settled deep within his chest, one piece at a time. Even if neither of them would ever recover. Even if both of them had to learn to survive in a different way, in a solidarity with one another deeper than it had ever been before. 
From now, they were the only people who understood. He was right before. This ran far beyond agency, and anything they could comprehend in their limited scope of vision for their agents— no, their assets.
Who cared if a few of them came back battered from a badly done mission? Who in their right minds would even notice if one of them came back with a haunted vacancy in their eyes that was hard to shake, if it was hard for them to concentrate because of what they’d seen?
Who really cared if the scars started multiplying by the day, until the fresh faced recruit who’d walked in through those doors became nothing more than a shell of their former self, with no trace of the spirit that left them the first time they realised they’d be permanently changed by this repetitive purgatory of abuse with no recognition?
Curt awoke to the sound of static. It flooded his ears, pulsing through the space left in his brain. He’d been painfully aware of how little time they had left, but he knew that they hadn’t the time to sort it for themselves. This was what he got for vastly underestimating his own overconfidence and openly jeopardising the both of them. The buzz was a little too much for him, but gave way to certain thoughts before he could even think to make a move to dispel them. On either side of his periphery, there was nothing. Everything in his head was too loud to try and prove that theory otherwise, because he couldn’t hear anything from the outside either, so by all logic, that meant he was alone, at least until proven otherwise.
“... Owen?”
His own voice sounded strange, like no more than an echo through the aether that would never be heard. He was with Owen when all of this happened. He was with him, that much was for sure, so if something had happened to him now, if something had gotten them separated…
He pushed himself up against the wall, and immediately winced in pain as the top of his shoulders made contact and some kind of all too recognisable pain shot down his back. It felt heated, and he knew he’d experienced it before, only to a much, much smaller degree.
Fighting through the pain and his own body rebelling against him, he managed to clear his vision enough to see that, in fact, he wasn’t alone at all. There was someone sitting feet away, watching him with a kind of intent. The shadowy nothing gave way to a familiar— albeit bloody— face, framed with familiar waves of dark hair. 
Curt’s relief was palpable. 
There he was. Tense and beaten and shaken in a way that he had never seen on him, but there all the same. Seeing him made all of this a little more bearable, but such a feeling was instantly eradicated when he registered what had happened. The explosion had hit them both. Owen’s low cut shirt was the only thing that made him see how far it had spread, from a point he didn’t want to imagine on his shoulder, to about halfway up his face, stopping in a vicious series of uneven flashes just beyond his cheekbone.
Owen seemed to make an effort to answer. He looked over, his shoulders dropped as soon as he seemed to register the fact that Curt was conscious, and he sighed. That was about where the familiar, comforting presence ended. He went to say something, but through the violent buzz, Curt couldn’t make anything out but the shape of some of the words as they left him. 
The only thing he could truly make out was the fact that Owen looked strained, and therefore probably sounded a little different to that which he was used to. He tilted his head, trying for all it was worse to fight off the static and the ringing, even though they insisted on getting more violent. “Huh?”
It was easy for him to read what people were saying. That was all part of the job, honing in on conversations of all kinds from a distance, to make a judgement on whether a situation was viable for infiltration. But when Owen was injured— and he was injured— he tended to talk fast without realising it, and that wasn’t exactly making things easier.
It looked like he tried to repeat whatever it was he said, but Curt was getting nothing but the violent mess going on in his head. Either his thoughts were running too fast and he couldn’t discern one thing from another, or something had gone worse than he thought when…
When he too had fallen from the height of the balcony and left himself and Owen to the depths of the explosion that they’d set up.
He couldn’t hear his own breath permeating the air. He couldn’t hear the sound of Owen's breathing. 
He couldn’t hear Owen. 
What was going on in his head? Why was it only getting louder with every passing second? He tried to think, but was stopped by the pain running it’s course through his body, through his mind, pounding inside his skull.
One thing of everything else was certain.
“Owen, I can’t- I can’t hear you!”
The next thing that was said was familiar. Curt knew well the way Owen’s face fell as a fresh wave of surprise flooded him, and could just about make out the “what?!” that followed.
He didn’t need the repetition, it was clear enough that he had heard him, but the only thing that Curt’s suddenly stricken mind could think to do was say the same words again. Maybe it would solidify it in his head a little more. Maybe he would come to accept it if he just said it enough times for it to stick.
“I can’t hear you! I-I can’t hear anything!”
Owen shifted then, until he was sitting in front of him, leaning forwards against his knees. It was always him. He knew how to sense the panic that lay deep inside his chest, and he knew how to quell the flames for long enough that he could finally think for himself. If he could get rid of the static too— if that were even possible— then he would owe him more than just his life.
An offering was made. Simple as Owen holding out his hand. Curt knew what his instinct wanted him to do, but his stiff, slow working mind didn’t want to allow it. But, he made an effort, and Owen met him halfway, hand so carefully laced in hand. He took a breath, clearly in the realms of being aware of the pacing of his own speech, and making a conscious effort to try and slow down.
“Curt… Curt, look at me, okay?”
Curt’s eyes met Owen’s for a moment. For all the world had done to him, there was still a stagnant fire left over in those whiskey depths that refused to burn out. He’d always admired him for that.
“Is this alright?”
Curt just nodded, silent and strangely hopeful. Owen wasn’t a miracle worker, he wasn’t going to be able to fix this, but Curt had the slightest suspicion that he’d at least make it a little more bearable.
Owen nodded too, pressing his lips together for all of a moment. “Alright.” He glanced away, as if there was something on the outside, as if the world was bigger than the two of them, but his eyes were back on Curt in a moment. “I… I’m not going to claim to know what happened to us, but you can’t afford to lose yourself now… I’m here, and whatever the hell this is… We can face it together, like we always have.”
Too quiet? Too loud? 
Curt never knew how much he’d thoroughly hate not even having a gauge on his own voice. Everything was so violent, and the inside of his mind had never been louder. Maybe it wasn’t static at all… Maybe it was something dragging a sharp instrument directly through the inside of his skull, or a nail being pulled and replaced over and over and over again.
“... Curt?”
Owen looked… Concerned. No. A little more than concerned, actually. For the first time since he’d known him, Owen Carvour looked downright terrified. He had a passionate fear of the unknown, which was why he put everything he had into researching before anything, to make sure he knew as much as he could. He went out of his way to make sure there were no uncertainties, even mid mission, and he was always so careful about it that it was hard to ignore when that hadn’t happened. Curt knew that. He wasn’t sure if anyone else did.
His brow was drawn, and it was obvious that thoughts were running through his mind at a faster rate than he would normally allow for himself. There was something wild in his gaze, and that was worrying Curt enough as it was. He wasn’t going to pretend to have not noticed the fact that his jacket lay discarded on the ground in a hasty crumple, or the fact that he was missing a sleeve, or the fact that said sleeve was covered in blood and laying just beyond their reach.
Clearly, he’d tried to keep himself as busy as possible by ignoring what was going on with himself, and had tried to keep all of his focus on what he could actually see. 
He wasn’t quite sure what he was apologising for— whether that be the panic beating a heavy drum against his ribcage, or the fact that it was him who had gotten them both into this mess, or the fact that he’d lost focus— but Owen didn’t seem to want to take it, whatever he was trying to make up for.
“You’ve nothing to apologise for, I just- need you to stay with me…”
The world was bigger than the two of them, but it wasn’t like they had any proof for that in the moment. Curt had Owen. Curt had the feeling of his hand as his fingers brushed his knuckles, and the ghost of his voice, and everything he’d done in the last stretch of time to make sure they both pulled through. 
Owen didn’t have the memory enough to know what had happened, and that was enough to let the dread settle in and mix with the rising panic that just would not go away. It was only a matter of time before he figured out they were only in this mess because of him, and then what? 
Focus, Curt. Stay in the moment. 
He forced a breath. Held it. That felt right to him. It did a little in alleviating the pressure, anyway. On the exhale, he gripped Owen’s hand a little tighter, only to have that squeeze returned. “What’s going on?” He asked, having not had an indicator either way so deciding to keep his voice just so.
Owen grimaced. “I don’t know. It’s been too quiet.”
Curt could only imagine the resignation in his tone. His next breath came a little slower, though he could still feel the drum beat in his chest. “Nothing?”
“No. Not yet.”
“What happened there?” He nodded over to the discarded fabric. Owen turned, as if noticing for the first time that his jacket was missing, and then looked beyond it at the bloodied sleeve of his shirt. He reached back far enough to take his jacket, and slipped something metal into his free hand.
“Had to clean you up.” He shrugged, nonchalant, and handed back the flat metal something.
His flask. Empty of the whiskey that had once been in it, but familiar. And he really needed that right about now.
He nodded his thanks and slipped it clumsily into his pocket. It was a comfort to know that it was there in the first place, it gave him an edge more confidence, which sometimes felt like a foothold on the world itself. “What about you?”
“... I finished it.”
“No, I mean—”
“I’m fine. You were bleeding from the head.”
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bigoltrashpile · 4 months
No Matter What
Hi everybody! This here is a commission for Palestine by the amazing @galacticroyal93!! Thank you so much for the support! If you want a commission, see this post for more details. Also, this fic is about broken bones, so if that freaks you out, maybe sit this one out.
“-and then, do you know what he said?  He fucking said that I was the stupid one!  After he asked for a discount on the shoes that he scuffed up!  Can you believe it??”
Papyrus fought back the urge to laugh.  He always loved when you told him about your day at work, even when you weren’t in the same place.  That’s what phones were for!  “I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT!  SOME PEOPLE HAVE GOT A LOT OF NERVE!”  He threw his wet laundry into the dryer and stepped into the living room.  He had you on speaker phone so that the other skeletons could hear you.  “I HOPE TOMORROW GOES BETTER FOR YOU.”
“Yeah, me too.”  You sighed through the phone.  “Oh well, these delicious nuggets will help me.  And the gummies.”  That was another thing about you, you were always fun to talk to while high, you had no filter.  Just how Papyrus liked talking! And one of the many reasons Papyrus liked you.  You didn’t try to hide how you felt. “Anyway, how was your day?”
“Oh, hold that thought, the doorbell rang, I think my package is here!”  There was the sound of you jogging to the door, and then the door opening.  Just then, your shrill oven alarm echoed through the tinny speaker.  You swore softly.  Suddenly, Papyrus heard the sound of slipping, and a sickeningly loud “CRACK.”
Immediately, Papyrus froze up.  Sans shot straight up from his supposed sleep on the couch.  From the kitchen, a mix between a gasp and a choke came from Slim.  “HELLO?  HELLO???  ARE YOU THERE, WHAT HAPPENED???”
“Ow,” you muttered.  “Oh shit, I think I broke something.”  There was a pause.  “Yeeeeeeeah that’s broken, I can see the bone.”
Sans was instantly next to his brother.  “i’ll shortcut us there,” he said.  His eyes were black.  “slim, you coming?”
Papyrus’s double poked his head into the living room.  “i...i don’t think i can.”  He somehow looked even more pale than usual.  “i think i’d throw up.  i’ll tell the others.”
“SIT TIGHT, WE’LL BE THERE IN A MOMENT,” Papyrus promised you.  His brother grabbed him and they both fell through space, right outside your apartment.
As soon as they were there, Papyrus pounded on your door.  Sure enough, there was a large package on the mat.  “WE’RE COMING IN,” Papyrus announced.  He phased through the door, unlocked it from the inside, and swung open the door.
Right on the floor of your living room, just feet from the door, there you were.  You waved casually up at Papyrus, like your foot wasn’t currently facing the wrong way.  Papyrus shuddered and tried not to look at it.  He could see an unnatural bulge in your skin where your bone was attempting to poke through.  “Hey Paps,” you smiled.
Papyrus couldn’t move.  You were hurt.  Badly.  This couldn’t be happening.  Would you be okay?  He had never gotten to tell you how he felt.  Seeing you like this was splitting his soul in two-
“holy shit.”  Sans stepped in as well.  His eyelights were still gone, and his smile was slack on his face.  “oh stars.  we gotta get ya to the hospital.”
“Oh.  Yeah, probably.”  You shrugged.  “Can one of you go turn the oven off?  My nuggets are gonna burn.”
“i got it,” Sans said quickly.  He vanished, and from the kitchen, Papyrus could hear him retching.
Papyrus knelt next to you.  He had helped Undyne with a broken arm once, so he knew how much pain you would be in once the adrenaline wore off.  “DON’T WORRY, WE’LL GET YOU TO A DOCTOR.  WILL YOU BE OKAY IF I PICK YOU UP?”
“Yeah, I should be okay.”  Papyrus carefully, carefully picked you up, trying his best not to jostle you at all.  You winced, but didn’t scream in pain, so that was good.  “Damn, you’re strong!” you said, clearly trying to distract yourself.
“ALL THE BETTER TO HELP YOU, MY DEAR!” Papyrus said, trying to avoid looking anywhere near your ankle.  “SANS!!!!  HURRY UP!!!”
A few seconds later, Sans returned, also not looking at the injured limb.  His face was just even more pale than Slim’s had been.  “yeah, oven’s off, let’s go.”
He put a hand on Papyrus’s shoulder, and the three of you were instantly in the hospital.
“You guys can take me back home,” you complained.  “I can take care of myself.”
“IN ANY OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE THAT WOULD BE TRUE,” Scar admitted as he placed a large glass of water on the bedside table.  “HOWEVER, YOU CAN’T EVEN WALK.  YOU’RE STAYING RIGHT HERE.”
You pouted and folded your arms.  After your hospital visit, the skeletons had unanimously decided that you would be staying with them.  Your ankle was so swollen that the doctor’s couldn’t perform surgery yet, so you couldn’t put any weight on it until the next week.  Papyrus shuddered to think of you trying to crawl around the house, before giving up and just walking on your broken foot, hurting yourself even further.
“yeah, you ain’t goin’ anywhere until you’re better.  now shut up and take your drugs,” Butch insisted, shoving your bottle of painkillers into your face.
You laughed and tried to swat him away.  “Jeez, your bedside manner is terrible!  You guys are awful nurses!”
“THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS THE BEST NURSE!” Papyrus argued, putting a hand on his chest.  “THESE TWO ON THE OTHER HAND…”
There was a knock on the door, before it swung open.  “GOOD NEWS!” Lucky announced.  He strode happily into the room with Slim and Sans, holding a large grocery bag.  “WE HAVE COME WITH GIFTS!”
“Presents?  For lil’ ol me?” you gasped, putting on a false Southern Belle voice.  “Golly, ya shouldn’t have!”
“too bad, we did,” Slim smiled.  “you’re hurt, so we wanna take care of ya.”
That made a small blush spread across your face, but you quickly covered it up by leaning forward eagerly.  “Well in that case, what did you bring me?”
Sans put the bag on the bedside table.  “to start with, we got ya some more nuggets, since yours went cold while we were in the e.r.”  He put a large container of fast food nuggets in your hand and you gasped.  If you were a skeleton, stars would have appeared in your eyes.  “then we got ya some candy, for emotional support.”
“also a new video game for ya to play while you’re stuck in bed,” Slim said.  “i can set up my system in here for ya.”
“i tried to veto this but i was outvoted,” Slim interjected.
Ignoring him, Lucky triumphantly pulled out a nightgown.  It had lobsters on it, and the words “Pinch me, I’m dreaming!” on the front.  Your face lit up at the stupid pun, but Papyrus groaned.
“Oh my god, that’s so thoughtful!” you beamed.  “It’s going to be really hard to take pants on and off, so that’s a great idea!  And I love the pun!”
“i knew ya had good taste, doll,” Butch winked.
“Anyway, I should probably get that on.  And take a bath or something.  And go to bed, it’s been a really, really long day.”  You sighed.  “Thanks again for all your help, guys.”
“do ya need any help with that bath?~”  Butch winked.  He wiggled his bone brows suggestively, just to really drive the point home.
“I mean…maybe, but not from you!” you laughed.  “You’re way too horny to actually help!”
“I CAN HELP!” Papyrus immediately volunteered.  “...IF THAT’S OKAY, OF COURSE.”
You smiled.  “That would be perfect, actually!  I trust you, Papyrus, you’re a gentleman!”
“That is true, but you have those scary claws,” you pointed out.  “No offense, but I don’t want to get stabbed and have a broken bone.
“c’mon, let’s give ‘em some privacy,” Slim said gently.  “they need sleep anyway, gonna be hard with all of us in here.”
The skeletons, besides Papyrus, filed out of the room.  A few of them shot Papyrus jealous glances as they left.  Once they were all gone, Papyrus turned to you.  “LET’S GET YOU CLEANED UP,” he said gently.
Once again, he picked you up bridal style.  He was terrified of jostling your broken bone, so he was sure to treat you like a porcelain doll.  He carried you to the ensuite bathroom and set you on the closed toilet seat.  He turned on the water before turning back to you.  “ARE YOU OKAY WITH GETTING YOUR ANKLE WET?  YOU DON’T HAVE A CAST OR ANYTHING SO IT SHOULD BE OKAY, BUT WILL IT HURT?”
“No, I’ll be fine!” you beamed.  “Can you go grab me my pills while I get undressed?  I should maybe take them now so they kick in once it’s time for bed.”
“GOOD IDEA.”  Papyrus went back to the bedroom and grabbed the pill bottle and the glass of water Scar had left.  He waited politely outside the bathroom door until you shouted that he was okay to come back in.
Keeping his eyes firmly on the ceiling, Papyrus walked back into the bathroom.  He did not want you to feel uncomfortable in the slightest.  You giggled at his actions before taking the pills.  “Can you help me into the tub?” you asked.
Papyrus nodded, and helped you lower yourself into the water using your one good leg.  You winced at the heat, but quickly relaxed.  “This is so nice…you guys are the best,” you sighed happily.  “How did I ever get such good friends…”
“BY BEING YOURSELF,” Papyrus pointed out.  He handed you a rag and some soap.  He gently scrubbed your back while you very carefully washed your ankle.  “YOU’RE WONDERFUL, YOU DESERVE ALL THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE!”
“Ha, my wonderful stupid self, tripped over my own door mat,” you laughed bitterly.  “If I could just walk straight you wouldn’t have to take care of me…”
Well now, that negative attitude just wouldn’t do!  “Hey,” Papyrus whispered.  He gently gripped your chin and turned your head around so he could look you in the eyes.  “Do Not Speak Poorly About Yourself.  I Am More Than Happy To Help You.  You Would Do The Same For Us, Right?”  You nodded silently.  “Then Let Us Take Care Of You.”
He let go of your chin, and you turned back.  Your skin seemed much hotter than before as Papyrus continued to help you wash.  “T-thank you,” you whispered.
Once you were finished washing up, Papyrus once again helped you out of the tub and handed you the-ugh-pun filled nightgown.  Gently, he helped you pull the nightgown on.  He would have let you do it yourself, but your painkillers had clearly kicked in much faster than you had expected, and you were having trouble staying balanced.  Even while sitting down you seemed wobbly.
Papyrus scooped you up once again to take you back to bed.  He loved holding you like this, you were so light and cute, and it made him feel strong.  Like he could protect you.  It was a great feeling.
You yawned as Papyrus tucked you into bed.  “Mm…thank you Papy,” you beamed sleepily.  “You’re the coolest.”
“Thank You!  Now, Get Some Rest.”
Papyrus tried to leave, but your hand on his stopped him.  “Hm?  Do You Need Something Else?”
Papyrus leaned down.
Papyrus knelt next to you so his head was right next to you.  “Yes?”
Suddenly, you sat up and pressed a kiss to Papyrus’s teeth.  “Mm…love you…”
You plopped back into bed, and were somehow immediately snoring.  Papyrus was frozen.  You had…kissed him???  On the teeth????  Does that mean you like him????
After a…much longer time than he would like to admit, Papyrus finally came back to reality.  He walked out of the bedroom in a trance.  On his way out, he almost ran into Hound and Noir.
“we weren’t eavesdropping-” Hound quickly said, before freezing.  “you good?”
“YOU LOOK…ORANGE,” Noir half chuckled.  “DID YOU TWO HAVE FUN?~”
“I…UM…” Papyrus’s brain was still working at half speed.  “THEY…KISSED ME??” “WHAT???” Both skeletons shrieked.
“damn, lucky,” Hound grumbled.  “drunk words are sober thoughts and all that.  i bet they like you more than they let on.”
“yeah.  i’ve confessed so much shit while drunk, you have no idea.”
While the two skeletons spoke, Papyrus’s thoughts were back with you.  Did you actually like him?  He liked you, a whole lot.  He just thought you didn’t feel the same!
Well, he would ask you later.  Having you feel the same as he did would be a dream come true!
Papyrus went back to his own room.  Even though he was practically shaking in excitement, he forced himself to stay calm.  Right now, taking care of you was the biggest priority.  He could have a long talk with you later, after you were healed.  In the meantime, he would just have to prove that he could take care of you better than anyone!
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masivechaos · 2 years
regulus black x gn! potter! reader
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Request: yes / no
see the request here!
Synopsis: You had enough of hiding from James your relationship and apparently, elements help you
Warning/content: hurt/comfort a little, kissing, my English
a.n.: 3k words- i hate this one won't be mad if you let it flop (jk reblogs are appreciated)
masterlist/ marauders masterlist / navigation / taglist 
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
You looked left and right, taking a small and quiet step on the wooden floor, wincing as you hoped it wouldn’t crack under your foot. You took sight of the common room, you were alone.
A sigh of relief passed your lips. You took some more confident steps and finally made it to the corridor. Your wand in one hand, a gift in the other, you made your way to the Slytherin common room without appealing Filch or his crazy cat.
You waited in a corner for Regulus to come to get you. Your lips automatically tugged up when you saw his raven hair stepping out of the room. His stare scanned the space before landing on you.
His pace grew faster as he walked to you, he looked around before grabbing your hand that was before holding the wand, which was now in your front pocket, and kissing it softly “Hi, darling”
Your cheeks could only heat up at the simple gesture “Hi, Reggie” he smiled at you and if you ever doubt you loved him, you were sure now. He was so perfect.
He didn’t go off your hand as he dragged you to his dorm, passing by the common room where the only present people were Barty and Evan, who knew about you and kept it a secret and send you a teasing look that Regulus royally ignored, and a random bloke asleep on his homework.
When you were alone, Regulus looked down at the gift you had kept in your grip “What’s this?” he asked confused as you both sat on his bed. That was the good thing about Salazard’s selfishness, every student had their own bedroom and bathroom.
You playfully raised your eyebrows “I don’t know. Open it” you bit your bottom lip, excited to see his reaction.
Regulus tore the paper away and saw what you had given him. “That’s our photos?” he looked at you with a shy smile and you nodded.
“Yes! You asked for them so” you trailed off the last syllable. You and Regulus loved to take pictures together with your muggle camera a friend offered you for your birthday. And you had kept most of them but decided to give them so you could hang them on his wall.
Regulus’ eyebrows knitted together “On my walls?” and you hummed. Your respective brothers didn’t know about your relationship and it was better like this. One would cry and the other would cry because his best friend is crying.
But considering Sirius never came to his brother’s room, you could allow yourself to spread some clues, right? Because James often came to your dorm since he loved to tell you about his attempts to get Lily.
You took a photograph between your fingers, you were both kissing under the snow on it, grabbed a roll of tape in his nightstand drawer and stood on his bed. You cut pieces of it that you stuck behind the photo after making a loop with each one of them and pressed the picture on the wall before releasing it, making sure it stuck well.
“Tadaaa” you said as you proudly show the picture to Regulus. He chuckled and stood up next to you “I think we look pretty good” you said as he looped his arms around your shoulders to keep you close.
He smiled at you softly “We do” he kissed your temple gently and you both spent the rest of the night hanging pictures on his wall.
When you were done you let yourself fall on the bed and Regulus joined you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and hid his face in your neck. You didn’t even need words to understand each other. You just hugged him back, gentle but tight and fell asleep.
You groaned as you woke up to the sound of the alarm, it was way too early. It was one of the inconveniences to have a secret relationship, you had to sneak back to the common room before anyone would be awake.
Regulus moved a bit when you got out of bed “Sorry.” you apologized before kissing his forehead. “I have to go” he sat up, watching you dressing up. You walked back to the bed to give him a final kiss and left the dorm.
You headed to the Gryffindor common room as carefully as the night before. But unless the last time, it wasn’t empty.
You had the nice surprise to find your brother standing there, in his quidditch robes. You closed your eyes if you can’t see him, he can’t see you, right? “What are you doing here?” fuck.
When you opened your eyes you found a confused James standing in front of you. “What are you doing here?” you asked back. You winced, that was such a stupid question, he was in his quidditch clothing.
James raised his eyebrow “Practice?” you let out a sigh “Oh well, good practice” you tried to walk to your dorm but he stopped you “You didn’t answer my question”
You took a deep breath as you turned to him “I spent the night in the infirmary” was the only excuse you thought about.
James’ face fell “Oh. Are you okay?” he asked concerned and you felt a little guilty he was worrying about something fake. But you quickly nodded and rushed to your room, wanting this discussion to finish as fast as possible and wishing James will about it.
But unfortunately, he didn’t. After his practice, when he found his friends he didn’t miss telling them about the incident “I hope Y/n’s fine” he said as he plopped down on the couch next to Peter.
The latter raised an eyebrow as he took a bite of Moony’s chocolate he wasn’t supposed to eat “What happened?” Sirius and Remus turned their head, interested to know.
“Saw them coming back in the common this morning. Said they spent the night in the infirmary” Remus’ eyes widened as he choked on his own saliva “Infirmary?” he said with amusement.
Remus was the only one, with Evan and Barty, to know about you and Regulus. Since he was surprisingly good friends with Sirius’ little brother and happened to walk into the both of you making out he promised not to say anything to his friends with this mischievous smile of his on his face.
So of course he knew you didn’t say the truth to James and he knew his friend was totally oblivious and therefore didn’t understand you lied.
And James was so oblivious that he didn’t even catch you when you were studying with Regulus.
You were sitting next to your boyfriend in the library, in appearance, you could be considered friends but you still looked close. And James only had confusion painted over his face and walked to the both of you, encouraged by Sirius to do it.
“Why are you both together?” your eyes widened, you weren’t supposed to see them now, they normally didn’t have a free period now.
You swallow “We’ve been assigned together for a potion project” you felt Remus’ gaze on you he peeked at your papers, it wasn’t potion at all. You turned your head to look at him. He was clearly amused by the situation, with his small smile. You shot him a glare that could say ‘don’t you dare to say anything’ to which Remus nodded, still laughing at the situation.
James, Peter and Sirius, who was still a little suspicious, were fast to go but Remus stayed a little longer.
“Spent the night in the infirmary” he quoted with a laugh. You rolled your eyes “I panicked!” you said with a sigh as you slammed your head against the table stronger than you wanted, you whined, exasperated.
Remus smiled at the both of you like a proud father “I still don’t know how they didn’t figure it out yet” Regulus rested a reassuring hand on your shoulder and you groaned at the older boy's intervention.
You were sick of hiding your relationship, to be honest. You wanted to be able to hold his hand in the corridors, to have a date at Madame Puddifoots like every other young couple. But you didn’t know your respective brothers would react yet, you wanted to be sure before telling them.
And Remus knew that and he knew how his friends could be stubborn and hot-heated “I’ll cover you since you apparently are bolder now” he sent you a smirk and left the room.
You let out a long sigh, Regulus touch his knee with yours before resting his hand on your thigh. You looked down and smiled sadly, he knew what you were thinking about. And he was feeling the same, secret relationships could suck.
Your heart tightened, why was it so complicated? At first, it was exciting to be hiding but after months it was just constraining. Your chair moved as you got up, your eyes darted into the library, making sure no one was looking and you leaned in, your lips meeting Regulus’s forehead for a second.
He grabbed your fingers before you walked out of the room, he wanted to find a way to cheer you up. He dug into every space in his mind and found an idea.
When he stepped into his dorm, he rushed to his desk. He wasn’t the best with words but if he ever talked it was sincere and spontaneous and pure, he took a quill in his hand and started to write.
After some minutes, the letter was done. He wanted to make you feel better but he felt like some words weren’t enough so he planned a date.
The next day, he sat next to you during charms and slipped the letter in your bag carefully. He then caught your attention but kicking his foot against yours, your eyebrows knitted together in confusion and you saw a little piece of paper on your desk.
You took it carefully between your fingers ‘Date with me, darling?’ you smiled to yourself as you nodded, obviously you wanted to go out with him. After the class, you waited that everyone leave the room to talk to him.
Regulus looked up at you as you sat on the desk “What do you have planned for me?” you asked with a smug face, he let out a quiet chuckle “Follow me” you liked this more teasing part of Regulus, a part only you could see.
You followed him, asking him where you were going but he refused to tell you. When you finally reached the black lake, you stopped. He turned around, hair in his face as the wind blew against him, he stretched out his hands to point at the grass “Have a seat”
You laughed at his behaviour before plopping down on the floor, Regulus did the same. The urge to put your head on his lap as you would usually do when you were alone was so strong but you had to fight it. But since no one you knew was around you allowed yourself to let your head fall on his shoulder.
That’s how you spent the next hour, just talking about everything and living like a ‘normal’ couple for an instant was genuinely enjoyable. You were grateful he had this idea.
But the moment was interrupted as you received a small rock. You groaned and furrowed your brows before looking up to find Remus standing not so far from you. With a head movement, he showed you James and Sirius behind him.
You thanked him with a smile and got up after dropping a discreet kiss on Regulus’ cheek. You quickly greeted James and walked to your dorm, when you sat at your desk and opened your bag you had the surprise to find a piece of paper.
Confused, you unfolded it and recognised Regulus’ handwriting. It was a sweet and comforting letter, he was telling you about your lives after Hogwarts when he would be away from the toxic grip of his family and your respective brothers would know about you and accept it. It was maybe oneiric but it was what you needed to hear.
You fell asleep with a smile on your lips and a stronger motivation to tell James.
And you felt bolder now, you cared less about being caught. It was Saturday so you decided to invite Regulus to your dorm because none of your roommates was staying for the day it was the perfect occasion.
You waited for him after breakfast and grabbed his hand when he set foot out of the Great Room. He jumped slightly, surprised to find you “You scare me,” he said, a little out of breath.
A laugh escaped your lips as you guided him through the castle “Y/n!” he called from behind you. With a sly smile, you turned around and hummed. “Where are we going? We’re going to get caught!” he whisper-yelled.
“There’s no one! It’s gonna be okay!’ you reassured as you reached the Fat Lady portrait. You mumbled the password and, after verifying no one was in sight in the common room, led Regulus to your dorm.
Regulus never stepped inside it, the more he had done was to wait in a corner in front of the painting. Therefore, he carefully observed the little details in the room, quickly deducing which bed was yours since he saw the pillows and blanket you would bring when you had picnic dates.
You sat on the red sheets, your back against the headboard “I thought we could read” you said as you took the book that was resting on your bedside table. Regulus nodded before resting his head on your lap.
As one of your hands was holding the book, the other was dancing in his dark locks, your fingers brushing the skin of his forehead every now and then. He listened to the relaxing sound of your voice, arousing his ears tenderly. There wasn’t a better place.
His eyes shut and he let a calm sigh, settling further on your knees.
You kept reading for a good hour before a knocking at your door could be heard. You froze. “Who’s there?” you bit on your bottom lip as you pronounced these words, tension building in your stomach.
A muffled but energetic “James!” came to your ears. Your eyes widened as you looked down at Regulus who was as surprised as you were. You weren’t completely panicked though, James finding out was maybe not the worst thing ever. You mostly dreaded Sirius’ reaction.
But it’s not like you had time to think, the door opened wide. James’ eyes fell on Regulus, he had sat up but his hair was dishevelled and his cheeks were pink. With your guilty airs it looked like you have been kissing. You didn’t, but you could have been and that was the problem.
His face scrunched up in confusion and the awkward silence was broken by Sirius's voice “What’s hap-” his voice died in the back of his throat as he saw the both of you.
You immediately felt your face (and whole body if you were focused enough) getting hot, waiting for their reactions.
“Tell me I’m dreaming” Sirius said as he tugged on James’ sleeve. You let out the breath you had held for the last minute, it wasn’t so bad for the moment. No yell yet.
James opened his mouth but no sound came out, but not in an angry way, he was just confused. “There’s something between the two of you?” he finally managed to say.
You peeked at Regulus, asking him with your eyes if you could tell the truth. He let you know it was fine and you glanced back at your brother. “Yeah” you said it so low, he mostly understood by reading on your lips.
The two best friends looked at each other, processing the information. At the same time, Remus and Peter, who, as a very observant person, had figured out since the last time what was happening, were holding their laughter.
But they had the bad idea to glance at each other for a second and they immediately laughed. Their friends looked at them “What’s so funny?” Sirius whined.
Remus swallowed before answering, still grinning “That you didn’t figure it out yet” James’ eyes grew wide and his mouth opened agape.
“You knew?” he asked, not seeing this coming when the scarred boy nodded as he smirked at you. “That’s why the infirmary!” he remembered all the time you gave him fake excuses.
That was a massive chaos. And you had to put an end to it “Hey!” you shouted to the group of friends bickering “Can we talk calmly?” you demanded, feeling Regulus smile proudly next to you.
“I agree” James said as he took a step forward the both of you. “You love each other?” he asked as he wet his lips, you would think he would be maybe angry but he didn’t seem so mad. You were even surprised by his question.
You nodded, slipping your hand into Regulus’s, gripping it strongly. You felt him squeezing your hand back, interlacing your fingers. Even with bad vision and glasses, everyone could see you were being honest, just the way you were super close but were too shy to look at each other.
Sirius let out a long sigh “I just don’t want you to hurt each other. If you fight, I won’t take part because I won’t argue with James” he warned and James nodded.
Obviously, they would need a time of adaptation but you could count on Remus who would scowl at James if he was being dramatic. But in the end, it was what you had always wanted, a sweet boyfriend and a supportive family. You couldn’t wish it better.
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.───・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.──
⋆ ★ regulus black taglist: @ell0ra-br3kk3r @sw34terw34ther @cauliflowertree @spncvr @madison-rebel @moonlitmeeks @vintagepearlss
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spyderlondon · 24 days
A/N: Just something silly with both of our OCs and just a surprise for Scarlet in general.
Raceway AU @thescarletnargacuga @theamazingdigitalraceway
OCs: Scarlet's dragonsona and my canine sona
"RACE ME, DANGIT!" Noa shouted up at the black and red dragon that was currently hanging on a battlement of the wall surrounding a decent sized castle that the dragon was able to coerce Caine into making for her somehow. No one ever really questioned it since she was the former champion of the raceway until she was basically forced to retire by the announcer desperately needing some other racer to win besides just her. No one really bothered her at the castle...
...except the canine that was currently below her. She was often found aggravating the retired racer whenever the current racers were given a day off to rest- something the brown dog was bad at.
Usually, Scarlet was able to get Noa to leave her alone by blowing a fireball in her direction and burning a bit of her dark red track suit along with some of her back fur. It didn't necessarily scare the dog but it did cause her to yelp and flee so she could extinguish the flames as well as get some aloe vera on it by Ragatha... as well as a scolding from the rag doll.
This time, however, "...fine." The dragon finally caved after so many desperate attempts from the younger woman to get her to listen to her, "If it'll get you to FINALLY stop coming over here and yelling at me." She rubbed her temples with her yellow claws gently.
The canine's eyes brightened up in excitement and she jumped up, cheering, "REALLY?! YES!!" She hooted and hollered happily. At least until a small fireball barely missed her, making her squeak in surprise, "A-Ack! Right! Calming down... Sorry." She smiled sheepishly at the dragon.
Scarlet leaned against one her hands, "You better work with Caine and Pomni on making a racetrack for me though- I refuse to race on that boring practice track." She snorted, some black smoke forcing its way out of her nostrils, "I need something exciting and harder than what you racers have been doing so far- it'd be too easy for me on those tracks."
"R-right! I'll get right on that!" Noa smiled eagerly before running off to find the AI announcer and his girlfriend with a bit of a skip in her step.
The dragon watched her go with a scoff, "She's not even a good racer- how does she have the guts to race me?" She shook her head before going back to what she was doing earlier.
"Pomni!" Noa called out to the jester racer as she got near her, "Could you get Caine for me? I can't find-" She paused as Pomni slowly turned around in a flustered state as she held the announcer's shoulders and he her waist.
All three of them stared at each other for a few moments before the the canine simply held out a foot and turned a full one-eighty and began to walk away like she saw nothing. She only made it a few feet before she was pounced on by the jester, "YOU ARE A TATTLETAIL SO GET YOU BUTT BACK OVER HERE!" The younger woman tackled her in her embarrassment.
"Woah, [%^**]!" Noa fell with a grunt, "I wasn't going to tell anyone!" She tried to defend herself, pretty weakly since it was true- she kind've sucked at keeping juicy things like this to herself. She felt both of the racer and AI's eyes staring holes into the back of her head which made her go silent for a few moments, ".......okay, maybe I am a bit of a tattletail." She admitted sheepishly, "Gotta admit y'all are cute together though-" She tried to save herself by complimenting the couple.
Caine rolled his eyes as he grabbed Pomni and had her hover in the air with him, "Sorry about her, mutt." He shook his head, using the nickname as an friendly way of teasing the canine racer, "She gets overly embarrassed when we're caught being affectionate." He explained as he watched the jester pout and cross her arms, "You know she means no harm.... outside of the races."
Noa could see the little bit of a scowl on the younger woman's face and chuckled a bit nervously, tugging on my track suit a little, "......I'm going to be hit with so many items-"
"You're getting distracted." A voice called from above and the three on the ground were suddenly cast in a medium sized shadow of a draconian creature, "And here I thought you were excited to race me?" She landed on the ground in between Caine and Noa.
The AI tilted his head at the dragon, "I thought you were retired from racing, Scarlet?" He blinked, "You usually just stick to helping me get ideas for track designs or monster obstacles."
She scoffed, "I am retired but this idiot over here-" She pointed a claw at the canine, "-keeps demanding I race her so I finally gave in." She shook her head before handing a track design to Caine, "And because I knew she'd get distracted, I decided to figure out a design instead. Mind building it for a one-on-one race?" She asked flatly.
The pair of dentures chuckled at how clearly Noa was trying to befriend Scarlet in the only way she knew how- racing- it was kind've nice especially with how shy she normally was. He nodded, "Alright- I'll get right on that."
The dragon nodded before flying upwards again, "I'll see you when it's race time." She told the dog simply before flying off.
I... apologize if your dragonsona is mischaracterized, I tried.
A/N: This one sucked but I ran out of ideas for this and I have other stories I wanna finish ^^;
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simplychestnut · 5 months
Sick Days
By: SimplyChestnut
Fandom: Animator vs Animation
Au: Simply’s au
Green rolled over on his side and looked at his alarm-clock.
7:23 A.M.
He sighed and rubbed his eyes. Somebody coughing loudly caught his attention. Green threw off his blanket and stood up, stretching as he started to make his way across his dark room. His foot made contact with something hard and he stumbled, catching himself using the wall as support.
I have got to remember to put my guitar away, He mentally noted.
He finally reached his door and slipped out of his room, quietly making his way down the hallway in an attempt not to wake anyone. He was so focused on keeping the floorboards from creaking that he nearly tripped over Oreo. The dog whined softly and rubbed his leg affectionately.
"Hey buddy," Green chuckled, scratching Oreo's ears softly. "What are you doing out here?"
The dog barked softly and trotted down the dark hallway, stopping in front of Red's door. That's when Green realized that the coughing was coming from Red.
He quickly nudged Oreo out of the way and quietly entered the room.
"Red?" Green flicked on a nearby lamp.
"G-Green?" Red rolled over on his side so he could face Green.
He started to sit up but erupted into another fit of coughing. Red's face was pale and he wheezed softly. Green swiftly rushed to his brother's side and urged him to lay back.
"Hey now. Easy." Green laid a hand on his little brother's forehead.
Green gasped softly. Red was burning up.
"G-Green... I don't f-feel so good..." Red's voice was pitifully weak as he grabbed his older brother's arm with a shaky hand.
"Shhh... I know." Green grabbed his hand, trying his best not to panic. "You wait right here. I'm going to go get help."
Red nodded his head and coughed softly, a few tears running down his face as he hugged Oreo around the neck. Green quickly rushed out of the room and headed down the hallway. He had no idea what to do, and the others were still asleep. He could hear Second's soft snoring. A dim light caught his eye and he realized it was coming from Yellow's room.
Yellow must still be awake.
"Yellow!" Green burst into the engineer's room.
Yellow yelped and nearly fell backwards, dropping the screwdriver he was previously using.
"What in Alan's name is wrong with you?!" Yellow snapped, trying to regain his bearings. He couldn't get his heart to stop racing.
"Sorry," Green winced. "But it's an emergency!"
"What's wrong?" Yellow growled, still fuming with anger.
"It's Red! Something's wrong with him! He's awful sick and I don't know what to do and Blue's asleep and-"
"Green! Focus!" Yellow grabbed his arm, trying to stop Green from panicking.
His expression still showed signs of anger, but concern now filled his tired eyes. Green immediately stopped talking, but still tapped his foot on the ground nervously.
Yellow sighed. "Now. What's wrong with Red?"
"He's coughing a ton and has a really high fever. He's practically burning up!" Green couldn't hide the worry in his voice.
Yellow hummed thoughtfully for a moment before rubbing his tired face with a grease covered hand. Without bothering to wipe the black smudges off his face, he extended his arm towards his older brother..
"Gimme my crutch." His voice was stern yet filled with worry.
Green quickly grabbed Yellow's crutch and handed it to him. Yellow used the crutch as a support and stood up, hastily following Green down the hallway towards their youngest brother's room. They were instantly met with pitiful coughing as Red lay on his back, tears streaming down his face. Yellow's face immediately softened and he hobbled to the thirteen-year-old's side.
"Hey buddy," Yellow rubbed his shoulder softly. "I heard you weren't feeling very well."
Red shook his head in response, looking up at the ceiling solemnly.
"Can you tell me what hurts?" Yellow's soft voice reminded him of Blue.
Red thought for a moment before replying. "My chest hurts from coughing and my head hurts like crazy." He sniffled softly.
Yellow placed his hand on Red's forehead and immediately winced, pulling it back quickly.
"You're right. He is burning up." Yellow turned to Green. "We need to get Blue. He'll be able to help."
Green nodded and quickly left the room. Making his way down the hallway, he almost ran into a very tired looking Second.
"What's happening?" Second stifled a yawn.
"Red is sick. Yellow's with him right now if you want to see him." Green said quickly as he hurried past.
Second's eyes lit up with concern and he started to head towards Red's room.
"Blue!" Green called, knocking on his brother's door. "Blue, we need you!"
Shuffling was heard and Blue soon popped his head out. His hair was a mess and all he wore was an undershirt and a pair of shorts, revealing the burn scars that covered his legs completely.
"What's wrong?" His soft voice already sounded worried.
"Red is sick! He has a really high fever and he's coughing-" Green started, but Blue was already out the door and headed towards Red's room.
Green rushed after Blue, trying to keep up with his long gait. He had to take twice as many steps just to keep up with Blue's normal walk. Soon they were back in Red's room. Second and Yellow were sitting on the bed with Red, Red being snuggled up in Seconds lap as Yellow rubbed his shoulders gently, trying to comfort him in some way. Blue kneeled down in front of Red, who was now shivering, and gently cupped his face with his hands. Red whimpered softly and squirmed in protest, snuggling deeper into Second's chest.
"Yup. He definitely has a fever." Blue rubbed the back of his neck.
"We've already established that." Yellow said sarcastically.
Blue just rolled his eyes and took Red's arm gently.
"Let's move him down to the couch by the fireplace. He'll be warmer there." Blue looked at Red again. "Do you think you'll be able to walk?"
Red shook his head weakly, coughing once more.
"I can carry him." Second's voice was tired but calming.
He stood up and gently lifted Red, and started to make his way towards the door. Green couldn't help but notice as Second's legs began to tremble softly.
"Hey now, buster." Green grabbed Second's shoulder softly. "You don't look quite awake yet. I'll carry him."
Second didn't protest and even smiled gratefully as Green took the shivering figure from him. As soon as Red was in his arms, Green could almost immediately feel the heat pulsing from his little brother's face, yet his arms were freezing. Red whimpered again as Green started to make his way slowly down the stairs. Second followed behind them, carrying Red's comforters from his bed and a pillow, while Blue helped Yellow down the stairs. After almost being tripped by Oreo, Green finally made it into the living room, and he gently laid Red on the couch. Grabbing the pillow from Second, he gently propped Red's head up with it as Second tucked him in with his green comforter.
"Comfy?" Green softly brushed the hair out of Red's sweaty face.
"Y-yeah," Red responded with a weak smile.
Yellow sat down on the floor, propping his crutch on the coffee table as Blue rushed towards the kitchen. Blue soon came back, holding a wet rag, a thermometer and a bottle of some sort of medicine.
"I'll need you to open your mouth so I can take your temperature." Blue quietly urged.
Red didn't argue and opened his mouth obediently, allowing Blue to gently place the thermometer under his tongue. They waited a couple of seconds, as Blue eyed Second suspiciously, concern still spread across his face. Second, who was leaning up against the wall near the fireplace, refused to make eye contact with him and continued to study the floor carefully. Soon, Blue took out the thermometer and held it up towards the light, wincing as he examined it.
"You've got a pretty high fever. I need to give you something to bring it down." Blue laid the wet rag across his forehead and reached for the bottle sitting on the table.
Red groaned and sunk deeper into his pillow.
"Icky medicine." He stuck his tongue out and grimaced.
Blue rolled his eyes and Green chuckled.
"It's for your own good. I think you may have the flu." Blue shook the bottle, sloshing the contents within.
"Is it serious?" Yellow asked.
"It's nothing I can't handle." Blue popped the bottle's lid off and peered inside. "Stink. There isn't enough left, and this is my last bottle."
Green let out a frustrated groan and Red quietly celebrated.
"Nice try mister. You need medicine to make you better." Yellow laughed as he tossed a small pillow at Red. "I can go get some more if needed."
Blue looked at him. "You sure? It's awfully cold out there."
"Eh," Yellow shrugged. "I'll be fine. I just need someone to grab my leg. I left it upstairs."
"That sounds so wrong." Blue giggled at the last part of his phrase.
"I'll get it." Green hopped up and sprinted upstairs.
"Sec? You okay?" Blue eyed Second with worry.
"I'm fine. My head just hurts a bit." He shrugged, coughing slightly.
Blue and Yellow looked at each other, unsure of whether to believe him or not. After a moment, Blue stood up and approached Second, grabbing him gently by the shoulders and leading him towards the recliner near the couch.
"Rest." Blue said firmly.
Second opened his mouth to protest, but Blue soon shoved him backwards softly, forcing him to fall back on the recliner.
"No buts." Blue laid a hand on his forehead. "You need rest. You don't look much better than Red right now."
Second just rolled his eyes and nodded, curling up in the soft recliner while coughing softly.
"Is he okay?" Red's weak voice sounded worried once again.
Blue sighed. "He's got a bit of a fever as well. Nothing serious, but I'm not taking any chances."
Footsteps were heard as Green came back down the stairs, holding Yellow's prosthetic leg and a few more blankets.
"I grabbed some more blankets while I was upstairs in case we needed more."
"Good thinking." Blue smiled up at Green. "Second isn't feeling too well either."
"Sec is sick too?" Green threw the pile of blankets on to the floor and handed Yellow his prosthetic leg.
“Yup. I think he's coming down with what Red has." Blue grabbed a nearby blanket and threw it over Second, softly tucking him in.
Second smiled gratefully and snuggled under the warmth of the blanket.
"Aw!" Yellow laughed, strapping on his leg. "A Second and Red burrito!"
"Shut up," Second groaned and Red giggled softly.
"Alright. I'm heading out." Yellow stood up and grabbed his coat.
"Not like that you aren't!" Blue gestured towards his grease covered face.
Yellow rolled his eyes and used his coat to wipe the black smudges off his face.
"If you don't come back in about thirty minutes, I promise I'll send a search party." Green smirked.
"Thank you." Yellow laughed. "That makes me feel so much better."
He quickly headed towards the front door and slipped out, immediately being greeted by a cold gust of wind.
"Adiós, hermanos!" He called loudly and slammed the door shut.
"Since when was he Spanish?" Red chuckled.
"Since about two minutes ago." Blue shook his head and laughed.
"Uno!" Red called out hoarsely, slapping a card down on the pile.
Green laughed and ruffled his curly hair.
"Good job!" Green grinned.
They were currently both on the couch playing Uno, having scooted the coffee table closer to lay their cards on. Red was wrapped up in a pile of blankets with Oreo curled up at his side. Second was fast asleep on the recliner, coughing softly every now and then, and Blue was in the kitchen, humming a song quietly as he brewed some herbal tea for his two sick brothers. Green's phone caught his attention as it buzzed softly on the arm of the couch, indicating that he had received a text message. He reached over and grabbed his phone while Red peaked over his shoulder curiously.
"Who is it?" Red asked.
Green shrugged and unlocked his phone, revealing that the message was from Purple.
Are you still coming today? -Purple
Green slapped a hand to his forehead. He was supposed to ice skating with Purple today! He quickly replied back.
I'm so srry! I won't be able to go today. Red and Second have come down with the flu so I'm helping out with them - Green
Purple almost immediately texted back.
Oh! You're good! We can go another time!  Tell them I hope they feel better soon! If y'all need anything, I'm just a phone call away <3 -Purple
Green smiled and turned his phone off. "Purple says she hopes you feel better soon."
Red grinned and snuggled deeper into the pile of blankets.
"She's so nice." He yawned softly.
"Alright. Time for you to take a nap, mister." Green stood up and encouraged Red to lay down.
Red obeyed and laid back, wrapping his arms around Oreo who snuggled up beside him.
"I'm going to go help Blue. Yell if you need anything." Green ruffled his little brother's hair before turning towards Second.
Second was still asleep, and was even snoring quietly. Green sighed with relief and then headed towards the kitchen. Blue was currently pouring a few cups of tea, the delicious, herbal aroma filling the kitchen pleasantly.
"Red's resting right now and Second is still asleep. You need any help?" Green leaned up against a nearby stool.
"Nah. I'm almost finished here." Blue smiled gratefully. "Hopefully Yellow will be back soon. I wonder what's taking him so long-"
As if on cue, the front door opened and a very cold looking Yellow entered the kitchen.
"Got the stuff you needed." He grinned, trying to peer through his fogged up glasses. "The stupid store was closed when I got there, but it was supposed to open in about ten minutes, so I waited."
"You stood in the freezing cold for that long?" Blue sounded alarmed. "You're unbelievable!"
"I try, really." Yellow smirked and Green laughed.
Blue just rolled his eyes and reached for the bag Yellow was holding. Yellow started to walk away, but Blue stopped him.
"Not so fast, buster. Here. Take this." Blue handed him a warm mug of tea.
Yellow chuckled and took the mug, enjoying the warmth it gave. "Thanks. And I'm sorry if I worried you."
"I'll forgive once you're under at least three hundred pounds of blankets and you finish your hot tea." Blue pulled a couple bottles from the bag and opened a drawer, grabbing a couple spoons.
"But Blue! I may suffocate!" Yellow whined sarcastically.
Blue just grunted. "Better than hypothermia."
Green laughed at the twins' bickering. "It's no use, Yel. You can't beat Blue in an argument."
"Fine..." Yellow groaned dramatically as the three of them headed back to the living room.
Blue gently shook Second awake so he could take some medicine. Second sat up, looking slightly dazed.
"Oh! Yellow! You're back!" He coughed softly.
"Yup. How are you feeling?" Yellow sat down on the coffee table in front of them.
"Like I got hit by a truck." Second chuckled hoarsely, rubbing the back of his neck.
"You look like you got hit by a train." Green laughed.
"Here. Take this. It should help with the fever and your cough," Blue said as he poured a spoonful of medicine and held it up to Second's mouth.
Second didn't hesitate and took it obediently, grimacing slightly due to the strong aftertaste. Blue then handed Second a warm mug of his special tea, Second smiling gratefully as he took it.
"Thanks Blue. You're the best." Second took a sip of the tea, savoring the soothing flavors it contained.
Blue smiled and turned to Red, who was awake and leaning against Green.
"Your turn, mister." Blue grabbed another spoon and poured more of the red liquid into it.
"Noooo!" Red cried out dramatically, hiding behind Green.
Green laughed and grabbed his younger brother.
"Come on, Red! It's for your own good." Green gently encouraged.
Red sighed and nodded, opening his mouth wide and closing his eyes tightly. Blue chuckled and shoved the spoon into Red's mouth. Red immediately gagged, trying desperately to swallow the bitter taster down with the tea that was handed to him.
"Yuck." He grimaced, sticking his tongue out.
Green laughed and rubbed Red's back comfortingly as Red continued to sip on the warm tea. Green glanced over at Blue who yawned tiredly. He looked exhausted.
"Why don't you go lay down for a bit?" Green insisted, laying a hand on Blue's shoulder. "You look wiped out."
"I don't have time for that, not when Sec and Red are sick." He shook his head, trying to shake away the sleepiness that was quickly overcoming him.
"We're fine Blue," Second's soft voice spoke up. "You need rest."
"Yeah! We've got this! Right Yel?" Green punched Yellow playfully in the arm.
"Right," Yellow chuckled, coughing slightly.
Blue looked from one brother to another, finally sighing in defeat.
"Fine. I'll go lay down for a bit." Blue yawned again. "But if anything happens, you come get me immediately."
Green saluted sarcastically as Blue headed up the stairs. As soon as Blue was out of sight, Green and Red both locked eyes.
"Nintendo Switch?" Green grinned.
"Nintendo Switch!" Red pumped a fist into the air.
Second chuckled. "Can we play Mario Kart?"
"Sure!" both Green and Red said at the same time.
"Ya'll have fun. I'm gonna make some coffee." Yellow rolled his eyes tiredly, tossing them the tv remote.
(A few inches later)
"Yes!" Red nearly threw his remote in his celebration. "I won!"
"Great job, champ!" Second ruffled his hair playfully.
"Come on!" Green spread his arms out dramatically. "He so cheated!"
"Oh yeah? You're just jealous cause you were beaten by a thirteen year-old." Second smirked.
Red laughed, but he soon started to cough. Green rubbed his back soothingly, trying to comfort him in any way.
"Do you want me to get you some water?" Green laid a hand on Red's shoulder.
"Y-yeah," Red stuttered.
Green hopped up from the couch and made his way towards the kitchen. The smell of coffee immediately hit him, making his stomach churn slightly.
"Come on, Yellow!" Green stepped into the kitchen, holding his nose. "That smells nasty."
Yellow just shrugged and took another sip of his coffee.
"You're the only one who doesn't like it," he pointed out.
"Whatever." Green grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and started to fill it with water.
Yellow laid his head down on the counter, coughing softly. Green noticed this and he turned off the faucet, glancing towards his younger brother.
"You okay, Nerd?" He asked worriedly.
"Just tired," Yellow mumbled quietly, his voice sounding a bit shaky.
Green raised an eyebrow, uncertain whether he was telling the truth or not.
"Well, I'm going to give this to Red. You comin'?" Green started towards the door.
"Y-yeah." Yellow began to stand up, wavering slightly.
Green set the glass of water down and approached Yellow worriedly.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He studied Yellow cautiously.
“I'm fine. Just a bit dizzy," Yellow quickly insisted, trying his best to straighten up.
He took a step forward but he soon had to grab onto the counter top for support, his legs threatening to give out at any moment.
"Yelly!" Green rushed forward and grabbed Yellow's arms, encouraging the pale figure to sit down on a nearby stool.
Yellow sat down hard on the stool and leaned his head back, wheezing softly. Green placed a hand on his forehead and quickly drew it back, wincing worriedly.
"Dude, you're burning up! Why didn't you tell anyone that you didn't feel well?" Green growled.
"Blue's got enough to worry about right now." Yellow paused to cough loudly. "And I didn't want to add to the stress."
Green would've face palmed, but he was too busy trying to keep Yellow steady on the stool.
"Is everything okay?" Second poked his head through the kitchen door.
"Yellow's now sick as well. Can you go get Blue?" Green pleaded urgently, keeping his arms around Yellow who was trembling softly.
Worry spread across Second's face and he disappeared, heading upstairs to get Blue.
"Come on, Yel. Let's get you to the living room." Green gently wrapped his arm under Yellow's shoulders and helped him stand up.
Yellow stood up shakily, leaning on his older brother for support as they slowly made their way towards the living room. Red noticed them when they entered and sat up, making room on the couch.
"Yelly! What's wrong?" Red scooted over as Green helped Yellow onto the couch beside Red.
"I'm f-fine. Just a bit tired," Yellow stuttered, lying back.
"I think he's got whatever you and Sec have." Green straightened back up, rubbing the back of his neck.
Red faltered for a moment before hugging Yellow's arm tightly.
"I'm so sorry!" He sniffled, his blue eyes beginning to water. "It's all my fault!"
"What?" Green raised an eyebrow.
"It's my fault you're sick! I must've given it to you and Second." Red began to quiver as a few stray tears rolled down his cheeks.
"No it's not!" Yellow wrapped an arm around Red. "You can't exactly control the flu. It's bound to spread, and you can't blame yourself for that. Besides, I don't think you were deliberately trying to make us sick." He paused to boop Red playfully on the nose. "Now if you were Green, I'd be suspicious."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" Green scoffed.
Red giggled and snuggled closer into Yellow's arm.
"Besides, it's more my fault anyways. I shouldn't have stood out in the cold for that long." Yellow coughed.
"Oh, you better believe it's your fault, Yellow Becker." Blue's angry tone made them all jump. "What kind of idiot stands out in the cold like that when he could have very well gone into a gas station or someplace that's warm?"
"A handsome one." Yellow smirked.
"Shut up." Blue grabbed his face and felt his forehead. "Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling well? Actually, don't answer that. I know what your answer will be. Ugh! I shouldn't have sent you out there in the first place! Does that make me the idiot? Now I feel bad! How do you do that? You've made me guilty without saying a single thing. But just because I feel bad doesn't mean I'm not mad at you. What kind of idiot stands out in the cold like that? Wait. I just asked that."
Both Green and Red laughed.
"Blue. It's okay." Second tried his best not to laugh, gently placing a hand on Blue's shoulder.
"No it's not." Blue pulled away from Yellow and looked Second dead in the eyes. "You sir, need to sit down and get back under those blankets. Ain't nobody gonna drop dead on my watch."
"Blue, it's just the flu. It's not fatal." Green laughed.
"I don't care." Blue huffed as he grabbed another blanket and threw it at Second, who obeyed and curled back up on the recliner. 
Yellow started to say something but coughed violently instead. Blue's face softened and he stood up, heading for the kitchen. He soon came back with a spoon and a bottle of medicine, and, sitting down in front of Yellow, he quickly poured some of the red liquid into the spoon, gently urging Yellow to take some.
"Here." He rubbed Yellow's leg softly. "This will help. We need to bring the fever down."
Yellow gagged slightly at the taste, but still managed to swallow it all.
"Green, can you go get me another wet rag?" Blue asked as he spread a blanket over Yellow and Red.
"Sure." Green hopped up and walked towards the kitchen once again.
"Yay!" Red snuggled up against Yellow, pulling the blanket up over his shoulders. "Cuddle party!"
Yellow laughed softly as he lay onto his back and Red wedged himself between Yellow and the back of the couch.
Blue chuckled. "It's a good thing we have a big couch. I'm surprised you both can fit on there. Are you sure you're comfy?"
"I am!" Red piped up.
"This is pretty comfy." Yellow chuckled as he wrapped an arm around Red. "Red's like a living teddy bear."
Red giggled and hugged Yellow. Soon Green came back with a wet rag and he handed it to Blue, who placed it gently on Yellow's sweaty forehead.
"There. That should help a bit." Blue sighed as he stood up.
"Thanks, Blue," Yellow said hoarsely.
Blue just rolled his eyes. "I'm still mad at you for not telling me sooner."
Yellow laughed softly before slowly falling asleep. Blue smiled as he went to stand beside Green. They both watched their sick brothers for a moment, enjoying the silence. Then Blue's coughing interrupted the moment of silence.
Green raised an eyebrow and smirked at Blue. "Is that a cough I hear?"
"It's nothing," Blue grumbled as he yawned.
"No no, that was definitely a cough. Time for somebody to take a nap." Green grinned, grabbing his taller brother by the shoulders.
Blue groaned sarcastically. "Fine. You win. But I'm sleeping down here. Last time I went upstairs, somebody almost passed out." Blue glanced over at the sleeping forms of Yellow and Red.
"Whatever makes you feel better." Green grabbed a couple blankets and spread them on the ground, making a place for Blue to lay.
I was gonna do a part 2, but I got busy :/ follow for more future content!!
And Ty for reading!! <33333
(Also pls don’t steal or claim credit for this. I worked very hard on this and if I find out somebody is stealing it, imma come after u with bricks)
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