#so hopefully in the future i won't have any more like this 😭
babysitterpng · 2 years
On your store, what does the small surface defect mean???
some of the charms with epoxy coating that makes the front rounded was touched before they fully hardened during production, which unfortunately left little dents or scratches in it. they're visible on inspection and touch, but doesnt ruin the design (which is sandwiched between 2 pieces of acrylic so it will never get scratched).
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fantastic-fantasy · 3 months
TanFang have so much potential. They really deserve much more screentime. Like Fang slowly opening up to Tan about his feelings, about his parents being not present. So he had to take care of Phum as his big brother. But also about him feeling lonely and not loved by the people who should. (Because their parent put their work over the needs of their children.) Of course he has Phum. But again he doesn't wanna show any weakness toward his little brother. So he pushed it all down. He doesn't show that he cares. I think it's his way of protecting himself of getting hurt and disappointed if he expects to much. And I really would have loved to see Fang working through it. Slowly realising that Tan is here to stay, that he won't leave him no matter what. And that he loves and protects him, so he can finally rest. It's exhausting to keep the "I don't care" mask on all day, cause deep down he want to care. He want to feel. And I'm so happy that Tan is breaking down that wall, that he build around his heart, bit by bit. Getting Fang to open up. He showers him with love and he always has his back. At the beginning of the Serie Tan invited his friends out to go eat together. And why? Cause he's lonely too. They're two lonely soul that found each other and they find comfort in that. And I love it. I would love to see a deep talk of them. Laying out they're worries and getting comfort by one another. I need a cute cuddle scene of them.🥺
And I really like how Fang slowly opens up to Tan, just like in today's ep (ep 11). After noticing that Tan waited for him for so long, his face got all soft🥺 Him being thankful and sorry toward Tan result in him calling him "Babe". And I swear Tan could have died in a heartattack right there. He's been calling Fang babe since they started dating, but fang never said the word back. And finally he did. And I couldn't be happier for Tan🥺Tan deserves do much love and affection as well. He always tried to make Fang laugh, that's just his nature. He's the mood maker. But he also needs place to rest and reload his energy. So again. I need them to cuddle it out. The recharge their energy.
My point is, they could have made a whole show of them alone. They story has so much potential,... Hopefully we will see more of them in the future 😭
And gmmtv move your Ass and give them their own full length BL series and MAIN COUPLE!!!!
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sarahjtv · 2 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 428 Spoiler Talk: Did Kohei Horikoshi Just Blueball Us???
So, that just happened, huh? Not a bad chapter by any means. It was a solid, slice-of-life-ish chapter that continues to give us our beloved Class 2-A kids some idea of how life is going to be like now that the war is over:
The chapter starts off where we left off 2 weeks ago with the new first-years (the new Class 1-A) fangirling over Shoto and Bakugo. Iida has to step in to stop the chaos while Bakugo and Shoto hide behind him like little kids using their big brother as a shield 😂! It's cool to know that our kids have fans now and seeing them as Senpai to new Kohais is a nice idea to think about. I also like that there's a panel of Shinsou in the class to remind all of us that he's part of the main group now.
There's also a tall 1st-year who is inspired by Deku and wants to be like him after seeing him fight in the war! I love that for him 💚! I don't think Deku's really had any fans outside his classmates before, so it's nice to see how people are looking up to him like how he looked up to All Might.
A little later, we see our Class 2-A working to help clean up the wreckage from the war with Fat Gum, Best Jeanist, and Edgeshot who FUCKING SURVIVED (BRO, HOW???) and is now just a big strand of string with a face and tiny string arms 😂😭! It's a funny visual for now, but Edgeshot says that he'll be better than ever hopefully which makes Bakugo show a wobbly, awkward smile 🧡.
I also love how much Bakugo has changed in general. It has been a slow, general progression, but it's clear that he's softening up and opening up more to the people around him. It's such great character development for him. I love this dude so much 🧡
It's also cool to see the kids work and use their Quirks to help clean up all the rubble. We've seen them do this a little before during the Provisional License Exam, but it's good to see it again because it's a good reminder that there's more to Hero work than just beating the bad guys and saving civilians. I can absolutely see how a lot of their Quirks can help out with clean-up duty, but I can't help but wonder how people like Jiro, Shinsou, and Kaminari use their Quirks though can already think of some ideas. Actually, Kaminari can restore power to towns and cities, but he can't use his Quirk to help pick up rubble.
The civilians and even the new Class 1-A kids come along and are more than willing to help clean up the mess too. The heroes are being trusted more again and then getting help from the people who they thought lost faith in them is a great sign for that bright future everyone hopes for. I also have high hopes for the new UA kids. They're already heroes in their own right by wanting to help during their first few days at the school. I also really like the look of the few new designs we get out of these kids. As expected of our mangaka!
Later that night, we are told that the students at UA aren't forced to stay at the dorms anymore, probably because things have calmed down after the war. This is good to hear because while I know the kids loved life at the dorms, I'm sure they missed their families too. I won't be surprised if some students in general decide to stay home for a while. I'm sure this also gives Horikoshi an excuse not to draw so many characters in one panel because god knows this man has his work cut out for him over the next 2-3 weeks.
The last couple of pages boil down to beautifully drawn panels of Ochako who's still keeping up that fake smile and optimistic façade and Izuku and Tsuyu worrying about her because something is CLEARLY wrong. Ochako does eventually break down remembering Himiko Toga and her fate. This chapter doesn't outright confirm nor deny what happened to Toga, but I'm pretty sure she's dead. I don't think Ochako would be this sad if Toga was alive in any capacity. It sucks because Toga had a change of heart in her final moments and I think she would have been given something of a second chance had she lived. But, maybe not because I don't know how society would really treat her if she was allowed to go out in public again. I would love for Toga to be alive, but I'm betting my gatcha money that she isn't... Still, this is a big loss for Ochako and I feel for her. I still can't help but feel we got blueballed on Toga's fate, though and I'm not sure how to really feel about that.
The final page shows us that Izuku used some embers of One For All to get to Ochako who's on the same hill back during the "We're Weird" conversation they had before the Final War. First off, Izuku bby 🥹💚. Second, this absolutely sets up Izuku and Ochako finally talking to each other since the Final War ended. I assume some kind of love confession is going to happen, but I'm not 100% sure because I don't know if now is a good time for that or not. Ochako definitely needs a shoulder to cry on and Izuku needs to talk to someone about what happened, so we'll have to see where things go from here.
Regardless, we have 2 chapters left and something has to happen before the end. It's going to be bittersweet next week though because we are getting the Cover and a Color Page in WSJ! These will be the last ones we get, so I hope they're special. Knowing Horikoshi, the art and coloring are going to be immaculate and I am going to cry happy tears for the next 2 weeks.
We will also get a 16-chapter tie-in chapter for the new You're Next movie by Yoko Akiyama, the mangaka for the spin-off Team Up Missions manga! I love her art so much! It's very similar to Horikoshi's, but the style and the coloring especially is so soft and cute! It's perfect for a slice-of-life-esque spin-off like TUM and she hasn't disappointed me yet. Plus, I'm 99% sure she did the manga tie-ins for the 2nd and 3rd movies too, so this was expected.
We're finally at the penultimate and final chapters of the series. I still can't believe it's ending. Just 2 weeks to go starting this Sunday.
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
✨ important blog update ✨
Dear esteemed colleagues,
Please read the entirety of this post. 😭 Or at least the TLDR at the end.
You may have noticed that there has been a shift in the type of fics I've been writing (mxm). You also may have noticed that I've been fairly open lately about how I've struggled with writing reader-inserts for a long time for various reasons, and I want to be upfront with y'all about how I'm doing. Thus, I have an important update about the future of this blog:
I'm opening requests indefinitely because I will only write reader-insert fics if they're submitted as requests, if they're part of my 100 Drabble Challenge, or if I randomly find inspiration.
For now, I don't want to completely stop writing reader-inserts because I really enjoy sharing my stories with those of you who prefer them. Unfortunately, every cool idea I come up with only inspires me to write mxm fics. That's why I'm reopening my requests. I want to continue exploring reader-insert fics based on what you're interested in (assuming I'm comfortable with the request).
Of course this means I’ll write the fics y'all requested for my "part 2 when?" anniversary game, so don't worry! I'm actually very excited about those. However, I won't be finishing any incomplete reader-insert series.
This blog and my moots/followers have brought me so much joy over the past 2 years. It's my safe space and, hopefully, a safe space for y'all. Some of you will probably be disappointed by my decision, but please don't see it as the end of anything. I'll still write reader-inserts; they'll just be more infrequent. If you want to be notified whenever I write a reader-insert, you can join my taglist(s) and/or subscribe to my reader-insert AO3 account (daddytaehyungie).
That's all I have to share for now. If anything changes, I'll let y'all know, of course. I just want to be honest about my struggles and the solution I hope will help me enjoy writing again.
💜 your bestie, jai
TLDR: Jai is opening up their requests forever because they can't find inspiration to write reader-insert fics anymore, but they still want to write them for you if you have any ideas for fics you'd like to read.
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randomsillyfangirl · 1 year
Random Pablo things <3
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Random little things in my mind abt Pablo as a boyfriend <3 Warnings: non, just cute shit <3 ------------------------------------------------------------
He doesn't like missing football, but whenever you're really sick he'll take off work just to take care of you
He won't admit it, but he loves to have matching outfits with you
If he sees something that reminds him of you, he'll buy it. No matter what it is or who he's with. He's bought you everything from expensive jewelry to random stuffed animals
I never hear people really talk about Pablo spoiling you. This boy has money- and with that he definitely spends money on you. Idc what anybody says, he always will in my mind
He'd find any way to talk about you in an interview as soon as you turn public. " so Pablo, what's your plan for the future? " , " well obviously still a footballer- but hopefully if I travel for football I can bring y/n with me. " it sounds really cringe but you know what I mean 😭
His most used emojis with you would be: ❤️😍😘🫣😔🥰❤️‍🔥
He uses ❤️ with like hello and bye
😍 whenever you send a picture of yourself, you two together or something you wanna wear " you look stunning 😍"
😘 when one of you are out without each other " stay safe anjo 😘"
🫣 for whatever he's embarrassed " stop I'm not jealous bebe 🫣"
😔 whenever you say something like " no more besos para usted " playfully
🥰 for whatever he's in a different country, goodnight and good morning texts
He doesn't use ❤️‍🔥 often, but there's no reason for the emoji unlike the other- just uses it whenever he feels like
He suggested making a Spotify merge playlist thingy so he could always have the option to get closer to you, even far away
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jazeswhbhaven · 1 month
Holy shit you actually read my post thank you. And sorry for what I will throw out here:
Hello again! I guess I should use some label but I always forget. Let's just go with 💭 anon because I think way too much for anyone's liking. And Yes, I did finish Chapter 6.
So Chapter 6 actually gave a LOT of information for us and yes MC finally did stuff that actually helped them gain some merit. Their abilities still feel pretty dormant, I guess they wanted to show off just a small taste of what MC could be capable of in the near future. Hopefully. If they don't relapse back. Your move PB and you don't have a lot going for you atm.
But...that's about it. I think after this many chapters and most of the summaries of the L card stories...I don't really have a lot of expectations. In fact anything with the MC is very low expectations for me. But I say I will give them a slightly lighter sentence for CH6, only a smidge but I'm just that hard to please. In the end, I still don't see why the devils like MC. Like I get the devils have no shame and stuff but if the MC is supposed to represent like "us," then it's not really like, blank slatey enough for me to want to make an MC OC because it's like the game tells you that you have to be a frigging pervert which to each their own, I don't really function that way enough to want to fuck every single devil. If I want to make someone crazy I'd make a demon instead. Heck a powerful demon MC makes more sense than a rando human watching porn who happens to be the descendant of someone important? I mean I expect more to their background but it's "descendant of Solomon this and that." Too much emphasis on the Solomon part(be quiet, Sitri) too.
And honestly agree with you when they decided to go gaga over the angel. Heck during the Foras confession bit I'm just going. "Foras you're so sweet, but..seriously? -scoots him over to Astra/OCs- You can do better." I guess PB is making them consistent of them going stupid over any pretty face, and honestly I think everyone's gonna have to just deal with(and I'm sure they are) MC being...well MC I guess.
I accepted it, but I won't like it. It gets tiring when I have to go: "Oh they did a cool thing good for them--aaaaannnnnd we're back to them being a perverted degenerate. Great. Moving on."
Props to PB making a H game and all that, but maybe I'm silly and want to some more meat on those bone(rs). I don't even bother with the unholy boards anymore because I reading the first parts I'm not really invested to throw in all those candies.
I'll let you in on my inbox strategy 💭 anon. There's literally no organized way I answer asks. I do in fact read every single one, and see if my brain has an answer for it, if I do and I can churn it out without getting distracted it gets posted quickly. If not it takes a few days 😭 (or longer as most of ya'll can clock) So yes! very slow reply rate, but I do read every single one at least once so I can keep track of what I need to answer when I get to it.
SO YES glad you finished chapter 6 so we can talk about this better.
MC really made me wanna smack them when they were doubting the devils because I'm like, hello??? the only good angel you've seen is Leamas and even then he was lying to you for his and Nina's benefit while almost getting ya'll killed in the process. Plus, Gabriel killed your bestie/future husband if he has anything to say about it, every devil's backstory should have you convinced, especially Belial's. His damn vocal cords are damaged, you think he did that on purpose?
"I only heard one side" true. But the angels haven't really given you any reason (main story wise) to believe that they should be trusted and shortly after Camael definitely proved that point by getting frustrated when they wouldn't believe him.
There was also that point where they attacked poor Ppyong, so it's clear that they haven't gotten to that level of being able to handle all of the kings powers. Nor be able to take on multiple contracts.
I love how you mentioned scooting Foras over to other OCs, but yes Foras please look elsewhere.
And to brag about Astra for a bit, if you don't mind me doing so, while Astra does have the "hot girl summer, th0t" personality it's literally because she's allowed to do so in Hell, so why not? back with Minhyeok she doesn't want to further embarrass him by acting out, saves that energy for her job, and comes back home and chills out with him. But also, there's a sense of "I have to fight with them otherwise what I am here for?" which is why she tried to beat up Gabriel when she was attacked by him in the first place lol I had to put that for her because I was like, nah we're not gonna have a character that doesn't fight that doesn't sit right with me.
And other's OCs also seem to have their amazing personalities and some are even fixed on one devil and that's it. I love how realistic that can be, and how everyone's characters differ from MC. That's also why I agree that while they aren't blank-slate enough for self-insert, they are made to where we all can just insert our own characters in place and it would still work to some degree.
And for making a demon OC, I'm starting to think I should bring mine over. Nova is half-demon, but I think my demon OC would fit here too (couldn't really figure out how to get him to fit in the OM universe)
I know there's some MC fans out there that don't really see anything wrong with them, (which is why I have my tag on here) but sorry ya'll MC just ain't doin' it for me. Male MC acting this way too just makes me feel like I'm reading this one BL that I won't mention or we'll be here all damn night....lmao
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kylorengarbagedump · 3 months
hi!! i literally just created an account on here to send you a message 😭 lmao
I hope this message finds you well/hope you're doing good!<3
anyways i just had to let you know that your stories have always been a safe space for me & no matter how long i would need to wait, i'd LOVE to read more of DYA someday. Do you know if you'd ever continue the story or would you rather just let it be? Because there are still so so many people out there who love your stories as well. Your fics are literally the only ones i can't stop thinking about. No matter what i read, it just doesn't compare. Your writing style is unique and thats why i hope that someday you find the motivation to pick up DYA again because you ARE ICONIC. And please never ever delete your fics (i noticed FYA is gone from wattpad somehow) because i honestly don't know what i'd do without them. No writer gets Kylo like you do. Honestly. I may sound cheesy or pathetic or whatever but i'm just being honest. Others portray Kylo as this mildly "grumpy" guy who just needs to fall in love in order to be "fluffy" and then he suddenly turns into a completely different person. But only you manage to actually capture his anger, his rage, his turmoil. Your style is unmatched and you have no idea how much i miss reading new things by you! Also the fact that he can read the reader's mind in FYA/DYA.. ahhhh i could go on and on. just love your style and your ideas so much. Hopefully some day i can read a new chapter and until then i will re-read all of the existing chapters for a 10000th time 😭
sending lots of love!! <3
HIIII - really quickly - I actually had no idea FYA had been removed from Wattpad because I haven't logged on to that website in probably 2 years at this point. I assume it was deleted due to mass-reporting. I refuse to delete anything from the internet, pretty much, so anything that's gone now was removed against my will, haha. But, that's why I feel safe on AO3! All of my work is there and I plan to keep it there.
Now onto the rest - you're sincerely SO kind and thoughtful to send me this. I really really appreciate it, and I truly don't ever take any compliment I receive on my writing for granted, and I really do appreciate your encouragement and generosity. I love knowing people resonate with my interpretation of Kylo, because he's very near and dear to my heart and writing him feels very intimate to me.
That being said, regarding DYA... I'm not sure if I will continue it, tbh. I truly HATE to leave a project unfinished, it's very unlike me, but I've encountered something of a 'stuck' spell in my writing in general. It's very hard for me to produce anything nowadays - nothing seems good enough, interesting enough, I feel like I've run out of ideas. With DYA specifically, I feel like I've written myself into a corner and I've already ruined the story I might've told. Not saying ANY of that is true or for sympathy - it's just how I feel. That's not to say it's impossible, but I wouldn't hang your hopes on it. To be very honest, I feel quite down in the dumps and hopeless about my writing these days and I hope that will change in the future. I have considered taking it down or something just because I hate giving people false hope, but like I said, I'm loathe to delete anything from the internet so I haven't and I won't.
Regardless, comments and interactions like these always brighten my day and do make me feel a little bit hopeful, so I'm very grateful you sent it. Thank you so much <3
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chocochipjewel · 5 months
Okay yall Bad Batch finale aires in just under 12 hours and I have some finale theories to talk about! Hopefully I'll be able to post at least some rough art after the finale where I talk about the show some more but for now final theories!
I think CX-2 is Cody, it's too late for it to be Tech and it would be delightfully tragic if Rex or someone (who I think is definitely showing up for the finale) kills CX-2 and unmasks him after the fact or something
I think Hemlock did retrieve Tech's body and I think he's one of the experimental CX units who have not been released yet. But I don't think it worked. I want his sacrifice to mean something, so I want him to stay dead (even if my heart wants otherwise 😭) maybe his body is found, maybe he's never seen again, but I don't think he's coming back
I'm pretty sure Rex and his group of renegade clones will make an appearance, and I hope Phee gets a final moment to be badass as well. Apart from that, I'm hoping for no more extra characters cluttering the episode cause we already have so many loose ends up tie up here
I wouldn't put it past Disney to end the clone rebellion storyline on a cliffhanger tbh but I so badlyyy wish it won't be that way. Let their story end here. It will be sad but you know what that's better than the finale just being a tease for a future show. Let all the Tantiss prisoners break out and branch out to live new lives and die naturally as they deserve.
Now... for the actual Bad Batch itself
I'm certain someone is going to die. No one they're all making it out, not after all the teases and death flags. This isn't going to be like Mando S3 where the characters retire on some field for the rest of their lives (that's just for my fix it headcanons ❤️)
As for who, I've gone back and forth on this but I'm not sure. Every remaining member of the 4 troopers we have here have enough death flags on them and I've read compelling theories for all possibilities, including ones where they get Rogue One'd and everyone dies 😭
So I guess I don't really have a theory for this. I'm certain someone is going to die and I'm honestly scared for who it will be but I don't have a specific person yet. I'm leaning towards Hunter or Crosshair cause their conflict and relationships with Omega make the heart of the show itself, but I wouldn't be surprised if Wrecker or Echo died instead, or any other combination of the team members
Only thing I'm mildly certain about is Omega surviving. Disney Star Wars doesn't like to kill kids much. She's not 100% clear but least likely from my perspective. Plus it would end the show on too sad a note if the character driving the entire plot so far dies 😭 I can see a possibility in which she dies to delay Project Necromancer indefinitely, and it would honestly be sad as hell, but that's just it, it would be way too sad. I don't think the show likes being that dark, especially for its finale. And frankly, Omega's arc deserves to end with her finally getting to stop running and just live her life on her own terms.
Hemlock is definitely getting eaten by the Zillo beast while it destroys Tantiss and Rampart is almost surely making it out and turning a new leaf in my eyes. He's not any less of an asshole but he might just go live somewhere away from the Empire and away from the Bad Batch too.
Emerie is an interesting case cause I can't tell if she'll get the redemption = death thing or she'll make it out too. I honestly have 0 predictions for her. I can see her dying to save the force sensitive kids, but I can also see her making it out.
The force sensitive kids, clone cadets, Batcher, and Phee are probably gonna make it out and you know what good for them. They'll probably be the emotional support for the remaining members of the Batch (if there are any) to move on after this.
I am hoping and praying for no Boba Fett or Ventress or Vader or Palpatine cameo cause this is the last episode of the Bad Batch show and it should ideally focus on. The Bad Batch. The show already has too many loose threads. No more cameos please.
As for whoever survives in the Batch, my ideal wish would just be for them to retire to Pabu under a new identity or something and live out their lives. After Tantiss is destroyed, there would be no clones left in captivity. They can finally rest then. It would be bittersweet to see the end of their adventures as they knew it, but it's at least a peaceful end.
Anyways, that's all for my theories I think! Whether I end up being right or not, I hope the finale is actually good 😭 and I hope whoever dies doesn't make me TOO sad, just that sweet spot of devastated but in a good way 😭😭😭
I'll be reblogging this after I watch the finale with updates on whether my predictions were true or not, probably with a thank you post to the show, so I suppose this is it.
See you all on the other side, TBB nation!
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lokisprettygirl · 11 months
Okay I finally watched the episode and I have several feelings so here we go...
If you haven't watched the show, stop reading. (Though I hope you have blocked the spoilers tag, if not it's your own fault..don't come at me)
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Am I dying every second thinking about him being alone there for eternity? Obviously 😭
But am i stupid or delusional enough to think he won't make a comeback in the next Avengers movie? No.
I don't think those people can fight kang without loki, they would at some point need his help because he's literally the most powerful god out there now.
Coming back to the episode there's not much I cared about, I probably wouldn't have blinked if ob, b15 or Casey would have died..didn't care about them at all if I was being honest and it's not the character's fault.
As much I hated the ship (because god forbid two male characters are friends in any show these days because they have to be lovers otherwise it's homophobia.. remember when bromance existed? Good times)
Mobius had a good character development that began in season 5 and continued this season unlike Sylvie who started as such a badly written selfish character that the only way they could have fixed it this season was to completely sideline her, which thankfully they did. The smirk and smile at the end even knowing that she may never get to see Loki again? (Yeah just die already).
Hopefully I'll never have to see her again.
Coming back to Loki (my precious baby love) i know his arc ended on a bittersweet note (that smile at the end just warmed my heart like never before) and it's more bitter for me than sweet because I can't handle the thought of him being so lonely because this is not what he wanted or deserved but then I think about Loki who died via strangulation and I'm like fuck everything, this is definitely much better than that ending.
Personally I think with time he's going to grow and learn to control this new power (or he could just clone himself and use him in a way? Idk Marvel can do anything) but I can feel it in my bones that this is not the end of him (unless ofcourse Tom is done with him and won't return for future projects)
That being said, Loki is alive and sure he is alone at the moment but he's a hero now, he has more than redeemed himself and he can finally forgive himself for everything that he didn't do right, perhaps this is what he needed to find that sense of purpose he has been looking for all his life. Hopefully he'd see himself as the god that he always was.
A man that was always ridiculed for his selfishness and narcissism chose to save the multiverse by sacrificing his freedom, by giving up his own free will. He chose everything he didn't want, a throne and what seemed like eternal solitude (but hopefully not)..a man of actions indeed. His arc reminds me of Tony in a way and that's beautiful.
Wherever you go, it's just death, destruction, the literal ends of worlds!
Uhhhhhuh? Look what my boy just did for the whole fucking multiverse.
I'm just trying to see the silver lining here that he's alive and he's the moment..he's everything, he literally became the most powerful being to ever exist in mcu and that gives me hope for him…he'd come back. Kang's arc started with him and they'd need him when the time comes. If not I got my fanfiction powers 🤣 (He deserves to find the sort of love that would stay by his side even if he's all that person would ever get)
Thank God they changed the writers this season and fixed somewhat of the mess they had made of this majestic, ethereal god last time.
Overall yeah my heart is breaking for him but look at him..he's the moment, he's the king of the multiverse, he's everything.
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jsuika · 5 months
Your line art is so smooth and the colors too! How are u underrated
Thanks :]]
Actually I remember doing thick linearts before to make it look like y2k bubbly styled and I was thinking of going back again since I wanted to make logos or icons like this one:
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These ig were just a lil practice if someday I'll be making one (or more of these). Also this is just an example btw, these are artist-made game icons. Imo, if it were me to be commissioned to design one or if I was assigned by a game dev, then most likely its gonna look like something that y'all won't know who did that thing lol.
Besides, I'm pretty sure a lot of people were inspired by my artstyle. 😭 Also in case you guys don't know what these are, I'll show you guys mine. (NOTE: You can still check on archive, I don't mind though-)
Examples of my artworks with thick lineart:
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The first one was Hatsune Miku fanart
I kinda remember drawing this back in the day since 2023, the sketch version (on my other sketchpad) was discontinued. Supposed to finish it but, sadly I gave up because the hair was something that reminded me of an Inkling from Splatoon (rarely I noticed the first miku fanart also reminded me too lmao).
I wish I'd do this again hopefully if I could use my artstyle, then yeah. Watch here if you want to see the speedpaint :3 : https://youtu.be/sRE3-snDGkM?si=op3tISbGFTjLCcdB
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Next one is Bomb Rush Cyberfunk fanart
Okay LISTEN, I may not be good at anatomy but might as well tried especially RED's head. For the BG, I only duplicated the character + added a screenshot/fakescreenshot/whatever, to make it look related to both y2k & frutiger aero (same applies to Hatsune Miku).
Nothing to say much but I've been thinking of making more character concept arts in the future & maybe work on shoes since they look a bit too complicated much.
Overall, I'd say it isn't bad. I'll just leave as it is for now (until some BRC fan shows up and sees this).
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Last but not the least, my very first artist-made album cover
I remembered drawing this for future use if I ever find a music composer either if they can do DnB, game soundtrack or whatever but it slightly depends on them. Also shout out to Lxchee Music! They're the ones who compose music like these. They even commented on my speedpaint video!!! (after using their songs lol).
Such a shame that I am limited to drawing only however, I wish I also was a composer of this whooooooole album then everyone's gonna listen to my bangers. One time I used to make music in Beepbox.co (a website where you can compose there).
There are some music-composing softwares that most people use for their game making & also songs. I wish I'd even use FL studio or other music-composing. Reminds me, I also have one friend who makes music (unrelated to dnb or any genre) using accordian & any other instruments that he uses. I swear, he is so good in composing Nintendo Orchestra-music related I can tell.
No worries though, I didn't say I hate using thick lineart but its sometimes too much for the anatomy still and might not fit pretty well. I can still do another one hopefully just to focus on more y2k aesthetic. But if it were me to learn anatomy, might as well use thin lineart and just increase to make it look like there is perspective on it.
Anyways, ig this might be a long one but I do hope you understand what I mean-
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an-abyss-of-stars · 1 year
Something I haven't done in AGESS, is give y'all some fic updates!!
I'm going in order of what's being worked on the most at the moment!
✵It's Visceral And It's Cruel✵
So I've been working on chapter 5 for the past couple of weeks here and there, but I've really tried to buckle down this week and I'm actually about halfway through it! Since the next couple chapters are already pre-planned out, I've got my list of plot points/scenes that I know need to be included per chapter. This chapter has 6 plot points/scenes and I'm planning on finishing off the 2nd scene and moving on to the 3rd today! Fingers crossed honestly, but Y'ALL I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS CHAPTER!! A lot is going to happen, and while it won't all be particularly Rhaemond based, I think it'll be super interesting! A lot of things will be set into motion and there's going to be some super tense and interactions between our big name characters!
Release date: TBD (I would LOVEEE to work all through my weekend to get this out by then, but we'll see, I won't promise that now tho)
❤️‍🔥Burnt Over And Over Again❤️‍🔥
OOOOOooooo this fic has a chokehold over me right now!! Likeee, chapter 5 has ALOT planned for it. It's going to be a pretty long one in comparison to the other relatively short chapters! Last chapter had Aemond tracking Rhaena down in Venice and it was so tense and sexual, just imagine that energy multiplied for this next chapter!! The ✨DRAMAAAAA✨ I'd say I'm about a quarter of the way through, there's an argument/conversation they needed to have at the start of this chapter that was really giving me trouble, but once I worked through it, things were flowing a lot easier!
Release date: TBD (there's still a lot left to write, but who knows, maybe the inspiration will hit me this weekend)
💝Coffee, Tea, Muffins and Nibbles 💝
I.e. Early One Morning Part 2
So technically this is a pretty direct sequel to Early One Morning, and if you've read that, then this literally takes place that very same morning 😂😂 except it's ✨ Breakfast Time✨ now. I've actually got this entire thing written out, back when Early One Morning was going to be one big one-shot, I'd already written this scene as the next scene after the kids joined Rhaena and Aemond in bed. So technically, all I need to do is spruce it up a little and then edit it and it's done! Thinking about it now, I think I might try and finish this one up as soon as possible so maybe it can go up by Thursday or Friday...maybe even tonight, but we'll see.
Release date: (Hopefully) Thursday OR Friday!
☾ He Saw Her At Daybreak ☾
Oh fuck...here go 😭😭😭
Y'all... there's only so many times I can be sorry about the delay with this ONEEEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Remember the good ol' days when I used to just drop a chapter a week 🤣🤣🤣 like spontaneously it was all flowing! But not any more it seems. Again, honestly, I think you all know the issue by now. It's editing and reworking it 😂😂 which might have actually been done by now if I could find the will to return to that 30k doc 🤣😭 All things aside tho! Like don't worry, EVENTUALLY this will come out and hopefully my readers still care about it when I finally do😂😂 I'm not planning on discontinuing or abandoning it, I've got too much planned for this smutty fic to just let it go 😂 too much planned for the futures of all of their babies and the family at large 😂
Release date: TBD (Eventually 😂)
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Ahhh the rhaelicent snippet is feeding me 😂
This here . “Your place was never at his side,” she swore. 😭
I love Alicent because she’s such a complex character. It infuriates me when people try to pigeonhole her as just bad and evil. Crazy to me that’s why I have such a soft spot for aemond I think because he is such a extension of her.
What are your plans after sacrifice and duty? You have any more stories in mind or extensions of this one.
I wanted to drop by on here because your comments can get a bit crazy and the good can be lost in the madness of all the fighting. So I’d rather drop my appreciation here.
Love this story. Love your style of writing. Can’t wait to see how it all wraps up 💜
Regarding this drabble.
Haha I'm so glad! In case you (or someone else) hasn't read it yet, I did post another small snippet a while back too!
Yes, I immediately don't trust anyone who doesn't at least sympathize with Alicent. Like you can villainize her in a fanfic all the live long day, I'll deal (if the rest of it is well-written), but the moment people start blaming her entirely for marrying Viserys or say she hates her children I'm out. Like, we must have watched a different show or something.
My plans once D&S is over are to write 2-3 lucemond one-shots and a few rhaenicent behind-the-scenes moments from the D&S verse! I might do a poll once the fic is done to find out what people want most, but I think it'll probably be around 3-5 scenes of our fav queens :)
Once I take a good enough break from longform fic I'm planning to return though--first with a lucemond fic I'd HOPE to cap at like 6 chapters (with a long sea voyage and Lord of the Tides Lucerys) but we know how that goes for me sometimes 😂 then a modern!rhaenicent fic that's been ruminating in my brain for forever it feels like, which will be pretty long (like D&S length). So basically the whole year is mapped out! lol
Thanks so much anon for your kind words and enthusiasm, it's readers like you that keep me going!! Hopefully my comment section won't be so scary in the future, things seem to have calmed down of late :)
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dovesndecay · 1 year
Hi! Wanted to let you know I added you on Patreon but the way it’s set up I can only give $1. If you add more tiers you could probably get a larger income from it over time - I know I was planning on doing $5, which I know is still not much (but it’s what I can spare), but I feel like it could add up
Oh gosh, thank you so much!! 😭 <3
Since I don't have much up besides updates and a couple of old pieces of writing, I haven't felt comfortable adding higher amount tiers as of yet. That very much may change down the road, depending on what I'm capable of making available for folks!!
I'm planning on sharing some more photography stuff over the next couple weeks, and hopefully some writing will make its way in there too if we're both lucky!
That said, I checked and you can edit your pledge at any time through your account -- if I do add higher tiers in the future, it won't add you to them automatically as far as I can tell, but if you feel strongly about paying more, I'm certainly not going to be the one to tell you no!! 😁
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
I'm Back!
Wow, so Lent is over now, so my tumblr fast is also over and I'm still a little in shock, lol. I had hoped the past six weeks? I don't know, Time is weird, would be more productive but at least I got SOME stuff written/posted. Anyway, I have one more month of school and then fucking FINALS so expect sporadic updates at idiot-o-clock hours of the night, and maybe yell at me to sleep, eat, study, or drink water whenever i do post 😅
I am up to SO EFFING MANY wips rn on so many different fronts you guys have no freaking idea 😭 so here's a status report for EVERYTHING on or going on sardonic_sprite. (Its gonna be a monster post, y'all, bear with me)
in absolutely no particular order:
Wayne4Ham: We have a LONG way to go with this one, so just be patient and I'll slowly but steadily plug on through. Aaron Burr, Sir, should theoretically take me no longer than end of april
Wayne-Crazy: there's like 4 specific requests on it, plus a few 'series' i started, but after those, say 6-7, i'll probably mark as complete and only re-open if someone offers me an idea
Batman Beginners: i'll tell y'all up front, this one will take me forever. i don't even know what all I intend to cover, but know that i'm halfway done with the DITF arc, and it'll probably come out in the next two months
Just A Kid: this was my shits-and-giggles fic that got like 3000 notes in a weekend lmao. it's something i do intend to continue bc its so fun and i enjoy the concepts in it, but i don't have plans to actively write more of it in the immediate future.
Rev Wayne: just gave y'all Jason's fic, so the next probably won't come until late in summer, extrapolating from my few data points. if anyone has ideas for timmy's intro, let me know, i'd love some inspiration
Celeb Batwaynes: reported separate from wayne-crazy for reasons. i think theres like 12 specific requests plus 2 ideas of my own. i may put out a poll for the next one to write, but not until after school's out, because these fics are HUGE time-eaters for me. speaking of, are non-tumblr-users able to vote on polls?
Welcome to Gotham U: this was again, me doing shit bc why not. will probably add more in the style that i first posted, but i doubt i will write any prose for it. if you would like to give it a try, please reach out, i'd love to see what you write!
One Diamond: every time i touch this i make the cliffhanger worse lmao. i finally do have a direction, but execution is gonna have to wait a while.
The Young, Innocent, and Righteous: this is mostly just for me anyway, but i'm just gonna say that i'm waiting until i finish watching miraculous season 5 before i go any further
AS you wish: i have 5 more requests to do and i am so sorry to everyone waiting you do not deserve this lmao. i promise im trying, i love your ideas, it just takes me a really long time to fill in the rest and then actually write it. the next one on my list is particularly hard to pin down and so it's halting the ones behind it to. if not before, then after finals i will sit and bang my head on the keyboard until something good comes out
Light Isn't Fadin': soooooo many people have asked me about this one oof. SOMEDAY, i swear. right now its a huge, nebulous, hulking monster and im sorry it's just not happening yet.
A christmas carol: wait until december. please
Father's Day: june.
A Little Problem: over the summer, i will watch marvel movies until they once again hijack my brain and fuel this to completion. maybe.
easter eggs: how the fuck did i forget this lmao. i'm doing as much as i can in april, but when the month is done, i'm sorry, we'll all be waiting until next lenten season. hopefully it won't come to that.
aaaaand i THINK that's finally it. there's also a bunch of random paragraphs in word and google docs that may appear, not to mention ideas that kidnap me in dark alleys. but i also have like a good half dozen other wips for other places that im trying to attend to, so please be forgiving if it seems like its taking a while to post something as sprite.
as always, i love questions, comments, concerns, even some complaints, so feel free to interact.
See ya when I see ya!
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lumyart · 1 year
I am intrigued!
Mysaria in OoS being Alicent's friend! I wonder how that's going to work!?
Can't wait to see what you actually write, in the meantime I'll amuse myself with my own take of Mysaria being a Dom Alicent considers having a go with when she gets scared of catching feelings for Rhaenyra. Either that or she is a Dom that sort of sits Alicent down and has a Wise ElderTM moment with.
Also: agreed with previous asks, paper rings!Rhaenyra has that revenge coming!!!
Have I mentioned how hyped I am for that Hostage Alicent fic we are getting at some point in the nebulous and undetermined future?
Because I am. Badly.
Love your writing!
Question about golden melodies: will there be "let's induce labour" sex? Because that's like another excuse to add to their ever growing list of excuses
you're definitely close to the truth here but i won't say about which one of these two options🫣 maybe both, who knows....
i get that a lot of you are quite hyped about it yes, but trust me when i say not more than I am😭 i think about it daily, build the lore slowly, and i cannot wait to write Alicent in the dungeons, all wrapped in pretty golden chains, while Rhaenyra fails to decide if she wants to call for her death or ensure her protection herself... but i forbid myself from posting it until paper rings isn't complete, because i'll get too overwhelmed otherwise (even if i think about posting the first chapter literally every day)
i think that by the time Alicent goes in labour they will hopefully no longer be strictly friends😭 there's only so much denial they can share haha but any excuse is good to have sex🫡 (but my plans might change so we'll see, they might still be in denial idk😭)
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hugsqueeze · 1 year
Just rambling about future project hosting BELOW!!!!! 🐛
Maybe I'll write (more) extensively about this another day, but I've been delaying and stalling any kind of creative projects out of fear/aversion to modern fandom culture and also... Just general stage fright. I like the idea of making comics for my stories or even working on games again. I've been drafting stuff for several projects on and off. But I always clam up and lose motivation when I imagine my work circulating to a much bigger audience. ☹️ Idk why, it's too intimidating. And I repeatedly thought to myself, "Well, I just wish that I could show my mutuals/friends the finished product and that's it." Not have it in a public space necessarily, but give the link to a couple people I feel comfortable with. And maybe over time, I would feel comfortable enough to release it for the general internet to see. Though the idea of being at the center of a fandom again is. Really... frightening and overwhelming to me 😭 Even now.
Mostly everyone who follows me here is on my comfort list of people who I would want to see my work. But again, if I just post the direct link or comic pages or whatever, it's a lot easier for random people to stumble upon it. Not trying to say that I think my projects are going to be good enough to get majorly big (nor do I want them to get big!!!!), but Hopefully you know what I mean anyway!!!! >_< BUT! I recently realized that I can make certain characters/posts/etc authorization only on my toyhouse! So, if I want to post comics or even game links, I can do so there. That way, only a limited number of people will see it. And even if it gets shared with others, it probably won't reach a huge audience of people. :] Thus keeping it MOSTLY in my circle of friends/mutuals and such (at least as much as possible)!
Again, this is a sort of makeshift solution. And maybe (HUGE maybe) I could make my stuff not authorization only in the future! But, for now, going forward, that's my game plan!!! Because I don't want to make games to accumulate an audience, I want to make games for fun. And because I love my OCs and want to see them come to life. I don't want to stifle my creativity out of fear. If that makes sense!! Anyway... I apologize for the rambling!!!
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