#so hopefully ill get out some good stuff for this fic
honeyglz · 2 years
</3 Breaking up w/ mha characters + little snippets </3
A/N - Let me know if you guys want full length fics for any of these cause I may or may not do some. Im starting this off with the main three but hopefully Ill do more characters later. Also Shoto's is a lil shorter than the rest my bad. Yk the drill on rpoof reading.
Reader- GN for Bakugou and Deku, fem used for Todoroki (Though it could be veiwed as more of a Afab reader instead, just mind the pronouns) , She/Her, You/Your/ Yours
Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters aside from my depiction of Y/N.
Pairings (separate) - Bakugou x (engaged)reader, Deku/Midoriya x (dating) reader , Todoroki x (engaged) reader
Warning- Mentions of violence/death/injury (No abusive relationship is written in this it is just part of their jobs as hero's). Arranged marriage for Shoto's
Category- Angst Check Master-list for follow up's for each character.
-♡- ✮Bakugou K.✮
Reason: He didn't care enough to make time
Plain and simple.
He's a busy guy, esp once he becomes a pro hero
It starts off small too
He misses the good morning kiss he usually gives you
Next its coming home late
At first you thought maybe he was just tired.
Until he starts blowing off dates. Here you were. Sitting in your chair uncomfortable with the amount of whispers that you could hear. 3 hours you had been waiting. Pity glanced brushed off your shoulders as you sighed flagging down a waiter. "ready to order?" the waiter said in a small voice as he watched you try to cover the sadness in your tone "Yea.. Ill take.."
Katsuki arrived home later that night. Covered in soot and ash as he lay on the couch.
You found him in the morning, still fast asleep.
You sighed as you let it slide, he was busy, surely it was a one time thing right?
So so very wrong
He had missed a total of 20 dates
20 .
It wasn't until you finally had enough of being second place to his job did you try and talk to him...
Bad idea. It was late. The glow from your alarm clock light your face, dried tears staining your checks. You looked down at the sliver ring on your finger. Unaware of the door to your shared apartment having been opened. Katsuki's footsteps were heavy, sluggish movements as he kicked off his boots. His gauntlets thrown carelessly onto the couch noticing the dim light from your shared bedroom. Tracking his way into the room he noticed you staring down at your ring, twisting it nervously as you spaced out. A low grumble snapped you from your thoughts as you stared up at him, eyes devoid of the warm glow he fell in love with. "Bakugou. We need to talk." His thoughts came to a halt at your words. Why the actual fuck were you using his last name? He rubbed his eyes tiredly as he sighed clearly annoyed at the shit you were trying to pull. "Can this wait, Im fucking tired and-" he huffed only to be cut off "It can't wait." There was a cold sadness to your voice, foreign to his ears. He had to be hearing things. He watched as you stood only now taking in the rest of the room. Your things were missing. "Did we get robbed or sumthin- where the fuck is all your stuff" He said making a vague gesture to what now felt like a very empty room. Katsuki's eyes landed on the packed suitcase. Everything clicking in place now. You were leaving. He felt a lump form in his throat as he looked you over. You looked almost as tired as him. You kept your eyes low fidgeting with the ring once more before speaking. Your words calm and thought out. "I think we should take a break" Now. Katsuki has grown alot in the past years. But something inside him snapped at hearing the dreaded words fall out of your mouth. To him you were giving up on him. Like everyone else. Emotions swirled through his scarlet eyes before an anger bubbled over them.
Safe to say you both didnt recover from that. -♡- ✮Midoriya I. (Deku !!)✮
Reason- He's too scared of leaving you that he kept you at arms length.
You heard me right folks
Poor bby is scared that one day he wont be around and he'll leave you all alone
Leave you all alone while he's still alive :D
Being fr tho ever since he became the new symbol of peace he's had this unconscious state of "Any moment may be my last"
Thing is he didn't really develop this until one night.... There had been a villain attack, one far more catastrophic then anyone would have predicted. Izuku came home hours later battered and bruised beyond belief. Walking into the your shared house it wasn't until he heard muffled cries that he snapped out of his daze rushing to the source only to find you, clutching his shirt, tears streaming down your face as the sound of the news blasted through the room. You turned your head to see your boyfriend, leaning against the door frame, splattered with blood and dirt his clothes torn with wounds oozing the horrid crimson liquid. Your glossy eye's met forest green and you sprang to your feet tripping as you fell, hands gripping his. That night Izuku fought tears while he watched you try to scold him between sobs about how he should have called you. How scared you were and how much you needed him to come home after stuff like that. Something in him switched that night. He never wanted to see you cry like that again.
And so he distanced himself
"Oh why dont u just come home early when stuff like that happens or be more careful"
At the end of the day there is no guarantee he'll be able to call you.
Or that he'll always be safe
There's no guarantee He'll be alive at the end of the day.
Its the realistic statistic's of his life
And of course being the symbol of peace, he had to accept that
But the thought of leading you on with the rest of the world
Leading you to think that every night he'll be there to lay next to you.
Allowing you to feel so much pain if he ever did leave.
The thought alone had him uneasy.
So he did the only thing he could think of.
Letting you leave first. You sighed as you packed your things, Izuku watching out of the corner of his eye, trying his best to act indifferent to it all. "I think that's the last of it..." You said gripping the handle as you looked over to the man you had loved for years. The man that you thought you would marry. The man who now wouldn't even spare you a glance. A uninterested hum echoed through the house. Utter shock painting your face as you scoffed biting back tears that threatened to spill once again. You turned on your heel hand hovering over the cool steel of the door handle before you stopped. "You're not the man I fell in love with, not anymore." You turned the handle leaving the shattered man behind. The slam of the door making the hero flinch. He did it. He kept you save. So why was he still crying? -♡- ✮Todoroki S.✮
Reason - He never gave it a chance
You two had been young when your parents arranged for you both to be wed.
You were told since day one about it.
Shoto, not so much.
It wasn't until he turned 18 was he told of this.
His first thoughts?
He hated it.
He hated the whole idea.
He despised it so much that he fought tooth and nail to get out of it. "You're not listening to me- I don't want to marry someone I've never met!" Anger filled his body as he yelled at his stoic father. The man never once cracking a look of sympathy for his son. Instead he stood up, firm eyes trailing down to the duo coloured ones below. "She had no problem with it. I don't see why you're making such a fuss, its for the family's blood line and-" Shoto felt flames crawl up his skin as he listened to his fathers ramble. Tired of it all he left leaving the man talking to thin air. He paced his training room before sending the room into a pit of rage filled flames. Ice covered the windows as he let out all his pent up anger. Cursing aloud at how foolish anyone would be to marry someone they didn't know.
Safe to say he didnt even want to meet you.
But you did and eventually got engaged.
But it was all a lie.
He didn't love you. He made sure you both knew it -♡- A/N I ran out of room. :/ I can redo Shoto's if yall end up liking this idk
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kalegreeneyes · 2 months
LOVING burning and buried, but i broke my rule of only reading completed fics so i’m itching for some more wolf star fics to read in between updates. do you have any recs for fics? i feel like i can trust your opinion given how good your work is!
the answer is yes, but the answer is also that i read a LOT of wips, and some of my recs will be bigger fics you may have already read, or have jegulus as another main ship which idk if you're into or not but here!!
lose yourself by daiver - holy SHIT this fic was so good. remus gets brainwashed into being a death eater and it is sooooo so so angsty and wonderful. it had so many moments that had my heart RACING
the horcrux hunt by lostmy_keys - this is one of my favorite fics of all time. regulus (reluctantly) teams up with remus to hunt horcruxes. it is regulus centric but also remus, MOSTLY platonic moonwater (which if u like burning and buried i assume u like) but they are quite flirty....which may not be your cup of tea, but as someone who has had a flirty close platonic friendship or two i LOVED. slowburn ANGSTY wolfstar. honestly, i might reread this one now that i've been talking about it. so fucking good.
the cadence of part time poets by motswolo- if you haven't read this, you should. its amazing. if you like slow burn wolfstar, plenty of angst, mentally ill remus lupin, and the best oc's i have ever seen in a fic, this is for you. it is a band au, but mostly it is a boarding school preparing to be in a band au and a freshly starting out band au. extremely long, but extremely worth it.
for the love of ducks by viwrites - UGH anything vi writes i love, but this is a wolfstar sickfic that just sort of scoops up your heart into warm hands and holds it. like, don't get me wrong, it's got angst--but in a comforting way? i love this fic. so fucking much.
saccharine by moonymoment - sirius is a ghost in an apartment remus moves into. i was smiling through this whole fic except for when i was crying.
'tis the damn season by moonymoment - wolfstar fake relationship christmas fic - need i say more?
retrial by pheonixgal - remus hosts a true crime podcast and focuses on sirius's case, which is a concept i LOVE.
god i could keep going for a WHILE but I'll move on
godlight by Badhairred - this is my fave wip at the moment. it has SUPER regular updates. it's jegulus and wolfstar, and i LIVE for the wolfstar in this fic. their relationship, the buildup, the backstory, UGH. jegulus is fantastic too in this fic, obvi, but since you're asking abt wolfstar...i love them in this fic.
sirius black's second chance by platypus_and_pen - as you might guess from the title this is a bring back black fic in which he goes back in time to his hogwarts days after going through the veil, and he gets to reconnect with not only himself, but his friends, and also HOPEFULLY right some wrongs.
the middle path of moonlight by asheseverafter - this fic is so long, so well written, and has weekly updates. i will warn you that they are STILL quite young (i think 14/15 right now? i'm not entirely sure) as the author is taking their time with each year (Which i love) but the relationship between sirius and remus (while not explicitly shown, builds into fade to black or is vague) is quite.......advanced. i personally, as a 26 year old adult, have to skip over that stuff just for my own comfort, and there is still a fair bit of overtly sexual flirting/jokes which is kind of impossible to skip over so if that isn't something you'll be comfy with then that's totally fair, BUT. that being said, the writing in this fic is absolutely gorgeous, i get jealous every time i read it. and the moonwater friendship is AMAZING and the black brothers/black family dynamics are some of the best i've ever seen and how in love and dedicated wolfstar are the entire time is very sweet.
cupid's chokehold by lollipopluna - also mainly jegulus and also having a good amount of wolfstar, but i had to recommend because it is just. so. good. it is violent and dirty and everyone is a little rough around the edges (putting it lightly) but no one moreso than reg and remus. there hasn't been too terribly much ACTUAL wolfstar bc of the angst and the slow burn aspect but i am so so excited to see where they go, and where jegulus goes, and where platonic (not even. more like reluctant enemies former friends?? I guess??) moonwater goes. the DRAMA. the INTRIGUE. the INTENSITY. its great.
AND last but not least, on a pillow of blue bonnets by kalegreeneyes (me (: ) - sirius is famous and he's spinning out so james and pete and regulus are like GET OUT OF HERE and they ship him off to remus's ranch in montana where lily and marlene live and work too!! and barty and evan are ranch hands! and it's a slow burn! and there are horses! and cowboy remus wielding an axe! the downside is that i haven't updated it in a really long time and the new chapter is slow going ha ha ha ha ha BUT it isn't abandoned and i have the whole fic loosely planned out!!!
alright that's all for my absurdly long rec. i could have kept going but i had a moment of self awareness and had to stop, lol
ty for asking!!
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aceofwhump · 2 years
Do you have any whump prompt lists/ recommendations or ones you like to use or inspire you?
I have a whole tag full of prompts you can check out here! Each one gives me inspiration.
Some good posts I enjoy:
@whumpprompts has good stuff and so does @injuryprompts and @trope-appreciation-tuesdays
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bebepac · 1 year
The Last Part
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I am participating in @choicesflashfics prompt: If you think I’d ever love someone after you, then I have failed in showing how much you mean to me”  will appear in bold.
I am also participating in @choiceschallenge-may2023 for engagement.
Thanks @peonierose​ for sending me an ask that helped a part of this fic come to fruition
This is the next to the last chapter of the Rotten Apple.  I decided to make the final, the Wedding be it’s own chapter on its own.  A lot of stuff is going to happen in that chapter.  Sorry it has been so long since updates, hopefully, you will believe the wait has been worth it.  
The Book: TRH
The Series:  The Rotten Apple 🍎
The Pairings: Eleanor x Nico (Eleanor x M!OC) 
Word Count: 2500ish
Warnings and ratings: Brief mention of mental illness/ Teen
Mood Music Monday Song Inspiration: The Call : Regina Spektor
Summary:  Elle and Nico have their first huge fight as a couple. Liam comes to visit Ellie and her family in Greece. 
Original post: 05/20/23 at 7:57PM  EST.  
She stared at him in silence focusing on his eyes; they were completely unreadable.  
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 She could always tell what was going on in his mind when he let her see him.  The two of them were identical in that aspect.  He could hide his true feelings from her, if he wanted to, and so could she. The look in his eyes scared her, until they brightened, and twinkled at her and a smile filled his face and more importantly his eyes. He had the most endearing smile line crinkles, which in turn made her smile.
Elle sighed in relief.  
“You’re happy.”  
“Of course I would be! Were you worried?”
“We didn’t plan this Nico…”  
“We didn’t plan Ana either, and I don’t regret how she came to be for a second.  Are you sure? How long have you known?”  
“Just since this morning.  I took a test, two to be exact, because I have been feeling off for the past few days. Both were positive. My doctor would like me to come in to confirm.  They might need to adjust some of my medications to make sure everything is safe for the baby, and for me. The earliest she could get me in is this Friday.”  
“I would like to go with you.  I want to be at every appointment with you. I don't want to miss anything. We both missed crucial points of Ana's life. Let's not make that mistake again."
The way he was looking at her now, enamored and proud, the way he gently caressed her stomach, was the way she had wished he had looked at her, when he had found out about Ana…. but those were different circumstances. Their life together was progressing in a natural way.
Elle rolled back over in bed, It was barely dawn. When she moved, she felt Nico's grip tighten around her. He softly kissed her earlobe and whispered softly in her ear.
"Go back to sleep, she's not up yet."
"Just because she's still sleeping doesn't mean that we have to."
"Mmmmm….wonder what's on your mind?"
Nico softly kissed her neck, nipping at her skin, grinding his hips into hers.
"Feels like the same thing that is on your mind."
Elle licked her lips pulling Nico's shirt off.
"A little delight to keep you in a good mood at work?"
"Yes, I love that idea."
“Then maybe you should lock the door?”  
Nico jumped up quickly turning the lock before returning to bed with Elle.
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Ana was out of school home with Elle for the day.  
“Stay home with us Papa.”  
Elle still had that nonchalant look  that she always did, softly shrugging her shoulders, with a little smirk to her lips, 
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which had Nico grinning.
“I would if I could Honeybee, but you and Mommy don’t get many days alone together, and you two should take advantage of it.”
Nico winked at  Elle as he kneeled for a moment to kiss Ana’s forehead.  Then he stood and kissed Elle’s lips, grazing her stomach with a feather light touch.
“You could stay home with us, if you want. We don’t mind.”  She emphasized the word 'could' to him to let him know he was wanted there by her.
“No it’s alright.  Have a girl’s day together, and I’ll bring you each a surprise home later.”  
Ana pushed Nico towards the door.
“Bye Papa!!!!”  
Nico lightheartedly laughed.
“Guess I’m being kicked out then.” 
 “Have a good day.” 
 Elle smoothed down the lapels of his uniform tugging him close to kiss him once more.
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“I’ll be back home soon.”
“With a surprise at lunch?”  Ana chimed in.
Both Nico’s girls watched him walk down the driveway to his vehicle.  He gave one last wave as he drove out of sight.
Elle began her day of  cleaning 
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entertaining Ana, trying to make it a special day just for them,  unfortunately her stomach did not want to let that happen. Morning sickness happened throwing a monkey wrench into all of her plans. She remembered having bouts of sickness with Ana, but this was every day, now, multiple times of the day.
Elle was doubled over in the bathroom hugging the toilet when she heard the door open.
She couldn't speak as another wave of nausea hit her again.  
"Mommy are you okay?"  Ana's voice was full of fear.
"I'm just feeling a little sick. I'll be alright."
Ana burst into tears.
"Are you going back to the hospital?"
"No Ana. I'm not. It's not the same kind of sickness as before."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. I'll be out in a minute."  
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Ana slowly closed the door behind her, leaving Elle alone.  Elle decided to make some more tea to make her feel better, better yet maybe it would be a good idea for her  to just drink some every afternoon. Ana looked truly mortified at the fact that she was sick, and afraid of the thought of her going away again.  They hadn’t told anyone about the pregnancy yet, and were waiting after Elle’s doctor’s appointment to share the news with everyone.  She tried to cheer Ana up
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 before Nico came home from work to no avail.  
Ana was still unusually quiet at dinner, and Nico being so perceptive and intune with Ana, noticed immediately.
"What's wrong Honeybee?"  He playfully nudged her, smiling down at her.
She looked at Elle for a moment, then turned to him  shaking her head, shrugging her shoulders.  
Nico’s smile immediately faded, his facial muscles tensing slightly, an overwrought look taking over his face.
"Ana? What's wrong baby girl?" Nico was concerned.
“Nothing.”  Ana whispered, still failing to make eye contact with him while picking at the food on her plate. Something was wrong, and Ana was upset enough that it was affecting her appetite.
"Don't lie to me. You look at me when I talk to you, young lady."
Because of the sternness to Nico’s voice, Ana immediately  looked up from her plate.
"Tell me the truth Ana." he urged.
Ana's eyes filled with tears.
"Tell me Ana."
"Mommy's sick again."
Surprised flashed in his eyes as he dropped his fork, it hitting his plate with a loud clatter.
"Elle? What is she talking about?"
"I'm fine. I have been going to my therapy check ins. I haven't….seen him, Nico, I promise. I wouldn't hide that from you. You believe me right?"
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Nico looked from Ana to Elle.
"What did you see Mommy do Ana?"
Elle gasped.
"Nothing! It can't be what you’re thinking! I didn't do anything Nico. I didn't."
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Nico completely ignored her, focusing on Ana.
"What did you see her do, Honeybee?"
“Nico…”  Elle’s voice was low, pleading and timid. 
“I didn’t do anything…”
Ana looked at Elle. “Mommy…..”
"Nico…don’t do this."
Again, Nico ignored Elle speaking to Ana sternly.
“Don’t look at her.  You look at me and tell me the truth.” Nico raised his voice. “NOW! Eliana. I mean it.”
“It’s okay Ana.  Tell him whatever it is you saw.”
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Immediately Ana’s eyes shifted to Nico’s.
"She was throwing up in the bathroom. She’s been sick a lot."
Relief washed over Nico’s face, and his smile returned.
"That's all you saw Ana?"
Ana nodded.
"Will Mommy have to go away again?"
"We should tell her then. I think it's time. We don't want her to be worried."
"You're right. She's scared."
"The reason Mommy is sick is because we have a baby on the way. Sometimes the baby makes Mommy's tummy upset."
"Did I make you sick when I was a baby?"
She looked between both of  their faces, but Nico couldn't answer because honestly, he didn't know.  Elle answered for him.
"I was sick a lot, but it was worth it because we have you now."
"And you know what this means Honeybee?"
She shook her head not understanding.
"You're going to be a big sister and you'll be able to help with the baby, like you do with Aunt Athena."
"Not with dirty diapers."
"Especially dirty diapers!"
Elle rose from her chair to walk around the table to Ana.
"I realize now how much I scared you, and how worried you were about me, and I'm sorry Ana."  
"It's ok Mommy, I just want you to stay with us, with me. Don't leave me."
Ana hugged her middle, and Elle gently stroked her hair.
"Never again."
Later that evening in their room Elle was giving Nico the cold shoulder.
"Elle, I'm sorry."
“You really thought I had hurt someone?  And that I wouldn’t care enough about our daughter to let her see me do it? Really Nico? Why am I even here if you have that little faith in me?”  
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Nico looked absolutely ashamed of how he had reacted. He took her hands, pulling her closer to him.
He was met with silence; Elle was livid with him.
"What do you want me to say? What should I say right now?"
She yanked her hands free from his.
"I wanted you to say you believed me! But you didn't Nico! You looked to Ana for a confession of my wrongdoing!"
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"The truth Elle....is I thought it might be the baby. You told me they might have to adjust your medication and that would have been my fault. Your medication was working just fine before the pregnancy ....…. And you’re pregnant because I got carried away in the moment and didn't use protection. That was my fault for not being careful."
He wasn't winning her over, Elle still looked angry.
"Nico, what we are building is supposed to have trust as a foundation, and what you just did to me in front of our daughter was the antithesis of that!"
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Nico hung his head for a moment.
"I know…. All I can tell you is the truth, Elle. I was afraid. Every single time I get too happy, something goes wrong. And I thought…this is it. Here it is. The proof that we were fooling ourselves thinking we could do this… be together after everything that happened between us."
Elle's eyes that were filled with tears met his.
"You feel like that too?"
Nico nodded. 
"I feel like I don't deserve this. Like I don't deserve to be happy. But the only times I've been truly happy in my life is when I am with you."
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She nodded.    
"I agree, even when I was trying to fight it Nico.  I know things are not perfect for us. Far from it. Maybe this is something we could think about working on together in therapy. Since it's something we both struggle with. Maybe it will help us both to work on it together."
"I've never been to therapy before."
"Never?!? After everything?"
"No, my family just looks at it a certain way. We deal with things on our own."
"Getting therapy doesn't make you weak Nico."
"I know that but…. It's just not what we do."
"Therapy really helped me, when I really made an effort and was honest with myself, along with taking the medication prescribed to me. I wouldn't be here now with you and Ana without those two things in conjunction. We should do everything in our power to make us stronger."
"I'll do this for you Elle. For us. We'll go."
Nico studied Elle's face.
"There's something else. Tell me Elle."
“The way Ana looked at you Nico.  She doesn’t look at me like that. She’s never looked at me like that.”
“It’s because I've had to discipline her when she has misbehaved. It usually doesn’t take much more than a stern voice to get her back in line. Ana has a very sensitive soul.
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 She reminds me of your sister Liberty in that aspect.  Like Liberty, Ana was trying to protect you. She loves you so much Elle. I love you so much. I'm sorry that I had such little faith in you when you are showing me every day you have truly changed.”
That Friday appointment confirmed what they had expected it would, meaning their little family in seven more months would have a new little baby boy or baby girl as a new addition.  Nico had made a request.  The first person he wanted to tell was her father.  He wanted to invite him there for a visit.
Her father had agreed to come into town for a visit. In less than a week’s time he arrived on her doorstep smiling carrying a bag of gifts, and an even bigger surprise.
“Hi Father…. OH MY GOD!!!!!  LIBBY!?!?!?”
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"Hi Ellie!"
She made the first gesture giving Libby a hug first and then her father.  
“Father, this is an amazing surprise. Thank you!”  She hugged him again.
"When Libby found out I was coming to see you here in Greece, she wanted to visit too.  You look very well Eleanor."
"Thank you Father. I feel better. Come in. Nico is not home yet, but he’s on the way. And dinner is almost ready."
"You're cooking?"
"Yes, I really enjoy it."
"It  smells wonderful."
"Thank you."
“How are things?”  Libby inquired.
"They're wonderful. I really love living in Greece, with Nico and Ana."
"You always did love Greece, even as a young child.  Are you happy Ellie?"
"Yes I am. The happiest I've ever been in my life.  It’s a dream come true.”
Ana came running up to Liam to give him a hug.    
Liam kneeled immediately, catching her in a hug.
“My beautiful granddaughter.  How are you?”
"I’m good!”  
Father’s guard Tomas did a check around the perimeter of the house.
“All clear Your Majesty.”
“Thank you Tomas.”  
“You look very well, Your Highness….’
“Thank you Tomas, but you can call me Eleanor, or Ellie.”  She still liked it that only Nico and his family called her Elle.  It felt very special to her.  
They decided to eat on  the patio since it was a wonderful night.  Conversation and laughter filled the night air.  
Elle smiled as her father heaped seconds of her meal onto his plate.  
“Ellie, this is amazing.  I’m genuinely in awe of your cooking skills, in such a short period of time.”  
“Well, I’ve had the best teachers here, and I really enjoy it.”  
Nico patted his stomach.  “I’ve gained over four kilos since she’s been home.”
“And I don’t mind that at all.  We both have gained some. The food just tastes better here.”  
“But that’s happiness. You two are happy together.”
“We are.”  
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“Speaking of, would you mind taking a walk with me King Liam, there are some things I wanted to discuss with you.”  
“Of course. Let me just finish….”  He took a few more bites of the food from his plate.  
“There is dessert father.  Your favorite.”
“Let’s get this walk in Nico, it might need to be a spirited run.”  
“We’ll start  at a fast paced jog and see how that goes."
Elle and Libby laughed as the two started to jog down the driveway.
"What do you think they're going  to talk about?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
Libby stared at Ellie in silence waiting for her to connect the dots.
"You silly!!!!  Father insists the two of you have an announcement to make since you invited him here. Are you engaged? I know you're not wearing a ring unless you’re hiding it?  Are you engaged Ellie?”  
“No, he hasn’t asked.”
“Would you say yes if he did?”
Elle opened her mouth to speak but Libby immediately cut her off.  
“Of course you would!  I don’t even know why I even asked that. Well if you’re not engaged….”  Liberty’s eyes went wide.
“Are you pregnant again?”  
Elle choked on her drink.  “Why would you say that?”
“Could it be your mini me, that’s playing in the yard with your dog Icarus right now? You’re not denying it.  And you’re drinking water, not wine.”  
“So what? Nico is drinking water too.  He doesn’t drink anymore.  He only keeps wine in the house for company.”  
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“You’re still not denying it Ellie….”
Elle nodded. "Yes, I'm pregnant.  He wanted to tell Father first."
"Think that's all Nico wanted to talk to him about?"
"I don't know, that’s all he told me he was going to tell him."
Nico and Liam
“I think this is a great spot to take a break.”  
Both Liam’s and Nico’s jogs stopped, pausing at the dock.  Both were relieved for the breather, neither were in the same shape they had been in when miles were easier to run and after a run, the two had spared for hours on multiple occasions.  
Before Nico could begin speaking, Liam spoke first.
“How is Eleanor doing?”
“She’s fine, she’s happy here, with me and Eliana.”  
Liam shook his head.  “How is she really?  We both know that’s how it started before, and then she started losing her grip on reality; she needed help.”  
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“She is really doing well, King Liam.  She takes her medication daily, she goes to a therapist, we even see one together.  This is the most emotionally healthy she’s been in a very long time. Honestly the both of us are in a better place because of it.”  
“That’s really amazing to hear Nico.  And how is she with Eliana?”  
“Like no time has passed.  Ana loves her mother  as much as I do, which is why I wanted to talk to you alone.”  
“Alright, what do you wish to talk to me about?”
“Elle has been living here with me and our daughter for the past four months as a family and the past two of those, we have rekindled our relationship. With your blessing, I would like to ask Elle to become my wife. I have had my mother’s ring for her all this time, and now I feel like we are ready for this.  We’re having a family get together tomorrow night, and I would love to ask her while you and Liberty are still here visiting. She won’t say it, but she needs and misses all of you.” 
“We have missed her too.  I talked to Eleanor for a bit before you came home, she is very content with her life here with you. That’s all I ever wanted for her, was to find her happiness, and she has.  You have my blessing Nico.”  
“There’s more.  We also wanted you to be one of the first to know.  The home we are creating for ourselves, and our family is growing. We just found out last week Elle is pregnant.”  
“Then congratulations are in order. I would have never thought the two of you then, would have found your way back to each other now.  I remember telling Eleanor not to expect anything from you, because of what she had done.”  
“I love her, and I see her even when she has the broken pieces, and she sees me, even though I have mine, and somehow this just works.”        
“I see that now.”  
Party at the Karahalios Home
“Who is he?  Another of your cousins?  You have so many I can’t keep track of them all.”  
The young man had asked Liberty to dance for the fourth time.
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“Actually no, he’s the son of a friend of the family.  We’re not related.”  
“He seems rather taken with Liberty.”  
“A little too taken.”  
“Father please!  Let her have some fun.”  
Liam crossed his arms over his chest.  “I’m watching him.”  
After more dances were enjoyed by all, Nico got the attention of the family crowd.
“Thank you everyone for coming out tonight, I can honestly say I’ve never been more content with the life I’ve been given and it’s all because of you Elle.   Can you come join me please?”  
“Go!”  Liberty gently pushed Ellie, she looked surprised as she walked across the lawn to  take Nico’s outreached hand, Ana stood by his side.
“If you think I'd ever love someone after you, then I have failed in showing you how much you mean to me.  Together we have made a family and a happy home.   The time we spent apart did both get to this moment.    I found love in your laugh Elle. And we both know, and remember a time when you didn’t laugh or smile a lot.  But that’s over now, because I’m here, we’re here. It’s just us Elle.  It’s always been us against the world.
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You are a loving mother, and you have put Ana first, from the moment you found out about her existence.  Even when I couldn’t see.”
“What are you doing Nico?”
“What I should have done the moment you walked back into my life again.  I love you Elle.  I love everything about you, including the little broken pieces, that somehow heal when we’re together, in both of our hearts.  
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Say yes to the next question I’m about to ask you, because I need you to, I want you to, and I believe you might want to, too.”  
Elle’s eyes filled with tears as Nico got on one knee.
“What is your question?”  
“Elle, will you marry me?”
“Yes!”  I will marry you!!!”  
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aliveinacoffin · 1 year
request for maybe an all might fic of him neglecting (not paying any attention) to his daughter. And she’s depressed in the inside (but even more after sir night eyes death) but outside she is “happy and cheerful”. But then she just gives up on her looks and behaviour and then someone notices and tells him and then he finally acknowledges her and when he asks what’s wrong she finally snaps at him. (Sorry if this is long)
That's okay! Are you the person who requested the same for the aizawa fic? Your ideas are so good but so sad 🥲 I hope you're not going through a tough time :( also, I was unsure if you wanted it to be in readers pov, but it was already too late when I started, oops T_T
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Important To You
Being the daughter of such an important man was already hard, but after he gets deathly ill and the death of his best advisor? Forget about it!
TW: Neglect, parental abuse, depressive episode, mentioned eating problems, bullying, death,
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Being the illegitimate and unwanted daughter of Toshinori Yagi wasn't all too bad. He was often times caring and meek, not really knowing how to be a dad to the daughter he never wanted.
But being the daughter of All Might? It was the worst thing in the world.
It made you feel guilty to feel that way. You knew his job was important, he had saved hundreds of lives every day for fucks sake! But he used to always be All Might. He had never been Toshinori, ever.
He used to never be home, always at his agency or out working. He used to just wire you money to let you fend for yourself if he remembered. Sir Night Eye, or as you knew him, Uncle Mirai, has been there from the beginning to make sure you were fed and made sure you were alive and safe every day. Ever since you were little, he would send someone from his agency to pick you up from school or from home to take you to his office.
Ever since your father's accident, his fight with All For One that left him chronically hurt, he had been spending more time at home. But it was all for naught since he just spent time locked away in his room or trying some new healing technique to try and get him back to his prime. He was still just as distant as always, but instead of the distance that separated you, it was the emotional availability.
Currently, you were sitting in your uncle-not-uncle's office doing school work while he typed away at his computer. Apparently, he was working with the Hero Commission for some secret project. Whatever it was, you knew it was serious business. Usually, he'd spill the beans to you, hoping that Hero business would rub off on you to give you more smarts or something like that. But you had never been usually interested in stuff like that, so most of the time, it was a lost cause.
But this time you were extremely interested, but he just wouldn't tell you.
"Please? Why won't you tell me? You know I won't tell anybody else, not like I could anyway." You muttered pitifully, scooting your school desk over to him. It was one he got for you when you were small, and he just continuously upgraded it as you got older. Faded drawings could still be seen, the main one still as bright as ever.
It was a stick figure of you and Mirai holding hands in an office, while All Might was a small figure in the clouds.
Spread out on your desk were math papers. You were a second year in a reasonably priced high school. What? Did you expect the quirkless daughter of the technically quirkless number one hero to go to hero school? Or even a prestigious high school? Hah, in your dreams.
"Because I can't. This is a very important mission. Hopefully, it will be over soon." Mirai said, his stiff form diligently working.
You sighed, hitting your head on your desk. Looking at your homework made your head spin, so you packed it up and pushed your desk to the back of his office. You grabbed the chair from the desk behind him and pulled up to sit next to him.
He immediately glared at you and exited all his open tabs. He called out to you, scolding you. You groaned and got up to face the back of his computer.
Mirai sighed and shook his head, mumbling a thank you as he reopened his work.
You took out your phone to play around on it, and you could feel his harsh gaze on you. You looked up, and half expected that he would tell you to 'smile more' or 'try to be more funny', but that's not what he said at all.
"What have you eaten today?" His voice was stern, almost cold in the way he said it.
You've always been in the middle of the weight class, with nearly childish features you inherited from your father. But you have never been the weight you could've been, always just falling short. Like always.
"Food, I ate today." You mumbled, looking away. Lying wasn't that hard for you. You lied all the time. Yes, I'm fine! Oh, don't worry about me, I'm just not hungry. Yes, my life is great! But when it came to your uncle? There was always a guilt there, like you were committing egregious sins when you lied about your homework or how home was like. The pain and squirming guilt outmatched the grumbling of your empty stomach.
"I asked what you ate today. You need to take better care of your body, you're a growing teenager, you must eat the proper meals to grow." Mirai scolded you, quickly opening an email to send some intern to get you food.
"It just slipped my mind." You shrugged, looking down like a pouting child.
"Then set reminders." He countered, not caring about your sour mood.
Sometime later, Mirio's shining face came in with a hearty meal and a large bottle of water.
The mood was off, and everyone could tell, and you were no fool to it.
"Why's everyone so tense?" You asked, flinging your backpack at the entryway. Dragging a nearby chair to sit in front of Mirai's desk, taking your usual spot.
"Do you remember the case we're working on?" Mirai asked, green hair mussed and slightly greasy.
"The one you won't tell me about? Yeah." You scooted closer to his desk, leaning over in anticipation.
Today had been shit. There had been a presentation in class about your family history. Of course, you tried to get info from your father, but that ended up being pointless.
"Dad?" Your voice was small, and the knock you landed on your father's bedroom door was smaller.
There was rustling, on the other end. "Yes, hun?" He called out to you, somewhere in the depths of his room. Not bothering to even face you to talk to you.
"I uhm-I have an assignment for class, and I need your help." You said, suddenly feeling embarrassed. You held the paper in your hands, the edges crinkling slightly as your nerves got the best of you.
"Oh? Why don't you ask Mirai, I'm sure he's much better equipped for your school assignments." You could hear the sound of papers hitting a desk, and a feeling of sadness filled you. They were probably lesson plans for that one student at U.A., the one he had been training the past couple of months. He was giving that one random kid more attention than you had gotten from him your whole life.
"Because for this one, I need to ask about my family history. It's about gathering information about my parents and grandparents and so on, it's to show our research skills. It's a summative grade." You explained. A large part of you was in denial, there was no way he'd say no, right?
"W-well-" Suddenly, his thin form peeked out the door, a kind smile on his face. "I'm really busy at the moment, how about later we can go through the closet and try to find some old pictures, huh?" Your father reassured.
"O-oh, okay!" You nodded fervently, trying to hide your disappointment. You went into the apartment living room, and sat down on your couch, pulling out the expectations and requirements for the assignment.
Later never came.
You did the same next day, asking him to help you, and each day was the same. Tomorrow alright? Oh later, is that okay? Each and every time, later never came. Timidly, you asked him why he kept pushing you off, trying to stress just how important this assignment was to your grade.
"Oh! I'm so sorry honey, my side has just been acting up, and I have so much work to do that it must've slipped my mind. I'm so sorry, how about I make it up to you? We'll get ice cream later, how about that?" Your father promised, his two bunny ears bouncing as he bowed slightly as he apologized.
"A-alright, as long as we get my assignment done." You said, trying to sound stern. Your tears threatening to spill out.
Later. Never. Came.
When it came time to present your assignment in front of the whole class, you were humiliated beyond belief and got the worst grade out of the class.
Back to the present, Uncle Mirai sighed and looked over at you from his computer.
"Well, we're finally making a move on them tomorrow. I have been doing extensive research, and I can only strive for the best outcome." Mirai was looking down on you, but you knew he was trying to comfort you.
You had gotten wind of how serious this project was from wandering the halls of the building, seeing how solemn and serious people looked, and overhearing hushed whispers made you somewhat aware of what was happening. But not only that, the look of your uncle's appearance became more and more disheveled the more you saw him, just seeing how overworked he was.
"That's great! I'm sure this will help the agency's notoriety right?" You trusted your uncle's abilities, you knew how strong he was, how smart and capable both he and his team was. You didn't have a shadow of a doubt that he'd be fine. He had to be, after all. You had no one else but him. You didn't have friends, growing up around your uncle and absent father didn't exactly give you the best people skills. Everyone either thought you were weird, or a freak. Especially as a kid when you tried to brag that All Might was your father.
"But he is! All Might is my dad!" You exclaimed, tears filling your eyes as you stomped on the ground.
"Then how come you don't have a cool quirk like him? How come you don't have any pictures of him? How come he never picks you up from school or shows up to school?" The other kids jeered, a small group of other kindergarteners surrounding, you trapping you.
"Because he's busy! My uncle just says I'm a late bloomer!"
"More like a lame loser! Stop lying for attention." You felt a pair of hands shove you to the ground, and the group dispersed.
The rest of your childhood was the same, you gave up around middle school trying to convince people. The bullying just became too much for you. Around that same time, you stopped eating as much, and stopped caring about your appearance, what you wore, and what you did.
Your hair was long and often tangled, the ends light from all the damage done to your hair, your constant eyebags deep and dark, your unhealthy weight from either the lack of food or the lack of proper food. The only reason you even bothered to eat was to make sure you didn't upset your uncle, he was the one to make dentist appointments, hair appointments, and doctors appointments. He was the only one who ever came to important ceremonies for school, sometimes even going to parent-teacher conferences for you, he was the one to hold you after school while you cried, the one always there for you. Your uncle was the only one who even cared about you.
"The justice we will bring will be greater than the fame we will gain." He nodded, piercing yellow eyes boring into you. As if he could read your mind and not the future, he turned fully to you, giving you his full undivided attention.
"I promise it'll all work out in the end, you're a strong and capable girl. Now tell me, did Yagi ever help you with your assignment?" Mirai asked though both of you knew the answer.
You turned away from him, trying to hide the embarrassed tears that came crawling to the surface. "I failed, and now I barely have a C in that class."
He sighed and took off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. He groaned and looked at you with annoyed eyes. "I should've known."
That made you giggle.
"Well, we're finally making a move on them tomorrow."
After school you immediately raced home, sending a text to Centipeder or Moashi, that you wouldn't need a ride to the office. There was no point anyway, your uncle wasn't there to keep you company.
You remember the first conversation you had with him, a funny misunderstanding that was the first development of your Kind Guardian/Kid relationship.
"I just don't understand." He said from the front of the car one day, unprompted.
"Uhm, what..do you not understand?" You piped up after a beat of silence, confused.
"well, for Sir Nighteye to even acknowledge someone, they must make him at least smile. But I haven't heard you tell even a pun to him, and yet he is very open with you. I am...also confused about the nature of your relationship." Moashi confessed, eyes constantly going back and forth between you and the road.
"O-oh, I'm his niece. And I'm...not very funny, I'm too awkward to try and tell him a joke every day." Your voice was weak and trailed off, embarrassment filling you. But you had told the truth, you struggled to even ask to go to the bathroom, let alone try the daunting task of trying to tell a joke. He hadn't made you do it when you were too young to tie your shoes, why suddenly start now?
"ah, I apologize for my unprofessionalism." He asked, embarrassed himself too.
Since then, you felt a little bit more comfortable around him, even if most days you sat in the back looking out the window.
Still, none of that mattered when you turned on the TV, feeling like a little get as you sat right in front of the screen.
"Oh sweetie, please don't sit so close to the screen, it's bad for your eyes." You could hear your father's voice behind you.
You didn't even bother to pull your attention from the screen when you spoke to him, "You know that's actually not true. Plus, Uncle Mirai has his raid today, and I need to know the result." You quickly surfed through channels, and you jumped when you found the one you needed. A helicopter was circling above an inconspicuous-looking house, absolutely swarmed with heroes.
"That's today? I hope young Midoriya will be okay." Toshinori mumbled, and it made you glare at your TV screen without realizing it. Your emotions were on the fritz, you hadn't eaten since yesterday, hadn't slept, hell you hadn't even drunk water. Too nervous to do anything other than go through the motions of life. Your head hurts, your eyes stung, and you felt like absolute shit, but you needed to know.
You heard your father sit down behind you, but you didn't move an inch to give him a better view.
Then, it began.
They won.
The heroes won, and they arrested all members of the Shie Hassaikai yakuza. But there were heroes so gravely injured that they needed to be life-lined out, and when they zoomed in on the victims' faces, listing off their names, both you and your estranged father ran to the car to race to the hospital.
Normally, your father was a strict follower of the rules, especially when it came to the laws of the road. But at this moment, the speed limit just didn't exist.
Hell, you guys were pushing a hundred while on your way to the hospital, the ride deathly silent. You were too terrified to speak, and your father remained unreadable to you.
The ride to the hospital was the most unbearable experience of your life.
You ran ahead of your father, not even helping him get out of the car as you burst into the hospital. Hurridly, you ran up to the receptionist, speedily saying your name and asking for Mirai Sasaki. She pointed you to his secluded room, and you didn't even bother to thank her as you took off at top speed.
It felt like your world was crashing down, your breath coming in short, and panicked. You could barely breathe, barely think, the only thing you could do was run.
Your lungs burned when his room came into sight, a scream was worming its way from your throat, your heart and chest burned absolutely alit with fear.
Some part of your mind registered a green-haired boy and a blonde boy in the room, but it didn't matter as you slammed the door open.
A sob forced its way out your mouth when you opened the door, your eyes clouding with tears when you drank in the sight of your uncle. "Mirai!" That scream tore its way out of you in a voice you couldn't recognize as yourself.
You rushed over to his side, grasping onto the sidebars as if your life depended on it like it was the only thing keeping you here on earth.
The display of his health horrified you. His usually cunning eyes were dull and glazed over. His naked body was filled to the brim with tubes, filling the hole in the middle of his abdomen. His body was weak, the blue veins visible under his thin flesh, covered in sweat as he weakly breathed, his lungs wheezing with the strenuous task of pumping hair into his body. He looked over to you slowly, a small smile tugging across his face as if the mere act of making a minuscule smile drained what little life force he had left. His usually neat hair was mussed up, a sight people rarely saw because his appearance was the second most important thing to him.
He reached a shaking hand to you and placed it gently on yours. It was such a stark difference, the feeling of his cold and weak hand gently resting on your hand, still clenching as hard as you could next to him. Tears were freefalling now, hitting his pale arm and sliding down it. His hand trembled on top of yours, and you hurridly grasped it with both of yours to ease the shaking.
"U-uncle-y-you-" You tried to speak, but snot and tears made it difficult to speak. Your throat was tight, the feeling of thorns and barbed wire made it near impossible to even breathe.
He called out to you, voice soft and small, shushing you in an instant. "Breathe, you must calm down. You're having a panic attack." Mirai's words were shaky, and he tried his best to reassure you, even at a time like this.
"But you're-you're-" You couldn't even finish your sentence, couldn't even think of the word coming to your mind.
He was dying.
Your uncle, the man who raised you, the man who made sure you ate every day, who made sure you had clothes, who taught you to tie your shoes, brushed your hair, and had held you on your best and worst days, Mirai Sasaki was dying.
And there was nothing to stop it.
When your father had almost died in his fight with All For One, you had been upset, sure. But Mirai had reassured you that he'd live, he even used his quirk to ease your worries, so you hadn't been as worried. Sure, it was still a deeply traumatizing event and was a hard time for you and your father. But you had Mirai, you always had Mirai.
And now he was leaving you, he was leaving you behind. The man who had replaced your father your whole life was abandoning you, and there was no way to stop it.
"Please, please don't leave me." You cried, finally managing to say words to him.
Mirai's face never faltered from his gentle smile, and his eyes crinkle slightly. "My child, please don't cry. Please don't forget your smile." He looked up at the ceiling and rested his hands on his wheezing chest. Your uncle's body completely relaxed, but he still had a smile on his face.
"When you were born, your father...did not want to keep you. Toshinori wanted to leave you at an orphanage, but I refused. I wanted you, I wanted you so badly I promised to take care of you. So I did. For the first couple of years of your life, I took complete care of you." He wheezed. "But he realized just how precious you were, so he took you back." Mirai mustered up the strength to look at you again, and it was obvious that the smile on his face was fake. "I've regretted that day every day. I should've kept you and raised you on my own. So I made sure to the best of my abilities that you were okay. But, I failed." Now, tears were falling from his eyes.
"Nno, no you didn't-" You started, voice full of panic, but he shushed you.
"Let me finish." He took a deep breath in and continued. "Every day I knew I should've kept you, it pained me to see you in such miserable conditions. Before I realized it, I had grown contempt for Toshinori. I hated seeing you in such a state, but I never wanted you to hate your father, so I just tried to help you in any way I could, and kept my anger to myself. I don't know when, but you had morphed into my own daughter over time. Maybe you always were, I'm unsure. Still, I want you to know one thing. I love you, and I always have. Please, promise me you'll live your life with a smile on your face and a kind heart, don't forget who you are." You gasped, trying to get as much air through the tears and agony.
"I promise, I swear on my life I'll honor your legacy the best I can." At this point, you were practically in the hospital bed with him, hunched over and clawing at his shoulders and hands.
"Remember to take care of yourself, live for me, and grow older than I'll ever be." Mirai shakily reached up to grasp at your face, weakly trying to wipe away your tears.
You closed your eyes, trying to appreciate and memorize his touch. "I pinky promise, I love you so much." Your eyes flew open when his touch disappeared, and your heart broke at the sound of his heart monitor flatlining.
At that moment, when nurses rushed in and your father's weak hands tried to pry you away you felt it.
Everything after that day was a blur.
Your world stopped that day.
You don't remember how you got home that day, or what you did the rest of that week. Hell, even his funeral was a blur. You didn't go to school, didn't eat, didn't sleep, you didn't even leave your room. You just didn't exist anymore, like you had died with him.
Moashi had tried to contact you, calling and texting you constantly. He wanted to go over the will. His will.
But you just couldn't bring yourself to answer him, or to check your phone, or even to look over to see it.
A week or two or however long into your depressive episode, your father came into your room. He was holding a plate of food and a glass of water, looking just as bad as you.
"I brought you food." Toshinori whispered like you were ready to break at any moment. Maybe you were, or maybe it was too late, and you were already broken, instead, he was being careful of the pieces of your heart that were scattered around.
You didn't even spare him a glance, still staring at the ceiling. "I'm not hungry." You didn't even sound like you, voice rough and damaged. Vocal cords fried from unuse.
"You must eat. You cannot keep living like this. What would Mirai-" Your father started, and you shot up out of your bed.
"Stop. Don't you fucking dare use his name. You have no right to even think of him." You growled, getting up out of your messy bed. You hadn't changed your clothes from that day, your life was slowly slipping away from you, and even doing basic tasks seemed impossible. You knew you smelt, you knew you were a disgusting mess, and you could feel the grime and filth from lack o personal hygiene and care. But you just couldn't.
Your head swam from the sudden movement, your body trying to shut down on you. You felt weak and disorientated, and the constant gnawing hunger pains ate away at you. Your teeth ached, your head and body itched, your body and mind just hurt.
"Do you have any idea how horrible it was to live with you? Oh, sorry, to live by myself? I used to get bullied for trying to tell everyone you were my dad, it got so bad that I stopped talking at one point because every day people were telling me to kill myself. I used to not eat, and did you ever notice? No! Because All Might didn't have a daughter, so he was never home. He was there for every fucking person in Japan but his daughter. There were times when I didn't come home, and you didn't even notice wasn't there. Did you even care if I ate? What I do? You let me fail an assignment because it was just too much of a bother. Who do you think took care of you when you almost died? Where were you all the times I stayed home because I was sick?" Your voice was raw, and your throat burned from the agony of yelling at him. But you didn't care, you didn't even have any tears left to cry. You had nothing left.
"Mirai was always there to kiss my wounds, he came to everything. Ever wondered if I know how to play instruments? What my hobbies are? Mirai did! He encouraged me to pursue what I loved and came to all my plays, and performances, kept every drawing I made him, every craft I did." You fell to the floor, exhausted. You looked up to Toshinori Yagi, the stranger you've lived with for the past sixteen years. He was not your father, he never had been, your real father, the man who loved you unconditionally and wholeheartedly was dead. And he was never coming back.
"I hate you, I wished I had never been born to a man like you. You're not my father, you've never been my father. You should've died instead of him." You spoke your truth, glare downright murderous as you watched the horrified man in front of you. You felt no regret as he started to tear up, clutching his damaged side in pain.
You'd live up to your promises to your father, but you'd also never come to regret the words you uttered to the man who you shared blood with.
Just because you shared blood with someone, that did not automatically make them family.
Holy shit;;;;; that was 4,538 words. Longest one-shot I ever fucking wrote. My computer is literally slowing down because I wrote this all on Tumblr lmaooo
Kinda don't like the ending, but I had so much fun writing this,,,, THANK YOU SO MUCH WHOEVER REQUESTED THIS, at first I was nervous because 'oh no how tf do I write this' but then it just started FLOWIN gyat dayum.
anyways, little notes incase you were wondering,,
Reader was abandoned by her mom after she was born, and mummy dearest managed to hand her back to toshi before she disappeared,,later she died pretty young, so, unfortunately, kiddo will never meet her. Toshi wanted to leave her because he couldn't deal with a child, but sir felt an instant connection with her and wanted her,,so he really did raise her but toshi saw how cute she was and was just like 'it wont be hard to raise a child right?' how wrong he was,,over time sir started to hate toshi, meaning his room isn't decked out in all might merch and isn't as harsh on deku and mirio when they come around,,if anything, kiddo made him much softer than he is in anime, because he knows what its like to be a dad(tm),, he never took her back because he didn't want her to hate toshi, so he just kept his anger to himself. (meaning he ain't creepy to bubble girl, thinking if anyone did that to his daughter hed fuckin kill them),,in his will, he left the agency to centipder so thats still the same, but he's under strict directions to train reader to one day take over the agency for her own, not caring that shes quirkless. Reader and all might will never make up, and when he dies, she will not feel regret nor sadness over his death, she will silently hate deku from the sidelines, and will be an endeavor fan (ick) ([okay sorry that want little but I love her-])
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ghostgirllw · 4 months
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i’ve been wanting to start writing here on tumblr for a while but i kept procrastinating so im posting this to make a commitment to myself and actually start posting, i just wanted you guys to know me a little bit better before i start releasing stuff and hopefully ill get to know some of you
hii i go by lux here on tumblr ( the virgin suicides reference) as im not totally comfortable using my actual name
i’ve been reading and writing fanfics for at least like 9 years which actually sounds crazy when i put it in writing
i’ve made COUNTLESS wattpad stories but i’ve never gotten around to posting them but it’s something that makes me happy so why not post them on here
i’m 19
im currently in college for early childhood education and want to be a teacher in the future, it’s something that i’ve always wanted to do because no kid should live without knowing what proper education and love is.
besides writing i like to hangout with my friends and drive around blasting music, i loveeee going out to eat (chipotle is so fucking good) i’m really into fashion but i don’t know how to dress myself to save my life
music: i listen to lil peep a lot and ive been listening to him since 2016 which is kind of crazy because i was still so young, i also loooove lana del rey, melanie martinez, and i also love anything from the 50’s and the 60’s i just think its calming and soothing.
my favorite shows are the 100, euphoria, obx, young sheldon, pretty little liars, you, floribama shore, and probably way more i just can’t remember them all right now
im going to start writing for the obx characters because ive been in such a obx kick lately but if you’d like me to write about any other characters ill try and write about them ( if ive never watched the show it will take me a little longer since im not familiar with said so character but ill still try my best 💕💕)
some of my fics will contain 18+ so pls MDNI.
please if you have any questions feel free to ask them, i love talking to new people and getting to know them.
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moonflower-rose · 2 years
I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, I’m just wondering. I noticed that you only seem to rec your friends. Also you ignore some of the fics from fests that you participate in when it’s courtesy to read and comment on everything.
This one has been sitting around for ages, possibly since last years Erised. I don’t normally feel the need to justify any of my decisions as a fan, I don’t feel I NEED to this time either but it is actually something I’ve seen pop up over many years and I’ve decided to answer it this one time only. I’ll probably ignore or delete any other asks on the same topic.
So, everyone participating in a fest reading and commenting on everyone else’s work seems like the ideal, right? In reality, some people want to write about things that you as a participant absolutely cannot handle - for me that’s usually MCD, terminal illness, infidelity, domestic violence, severe depression, and lots of other things. That’s what the tags and warnings are for, of course, and I’m using them appropriately. Have I read and enjoyed stories with any/all of those themes before? Yep. That doesn’t change that generally these themes affect me negatively so generally I avoid them. If and when I feel like I can handle them, I might try them out. Only I can know when I might be ready to do that. It might not be during the course of Wireless or Suds or whatever the fest I’m part of is. That doesn’t mean others shouldn’t write that content. It doesn’t mean I should harden up and just read it for the sake of etiquette.
Sometimes I simply cannot handle the size of the fic. I don’t feel the need to describe my whole life, but I work full time, I have family commitments, I need to do regular life things like washing and shopping and cooking and the dishes. Fics under probably 20K feel more manageable, I can read that on my lunch break or maybe before work, but more likely before bed. Longer stuff requires more time (obviously) and I’m not good at putting something down when I start it and pulling an all nighter mid-week is way harder when you’re 40.
Some of my closest fandom friends have big and popular fics that I haven’t got around to reading yet. Some of them have short ones that are heavy on topics that I can’t cope with right now. Not to put words in your mouth, but its unfair to assume the reason for my lack of attention is that I don’t care about them or I’m not appropriately prioritising my fandom time. I’ll get there eventually, or maybe I won’t. My friendships are hopefully strong enough to endure me not reading their stuff and them not reading mine. My friendships are not based on what those people can create for me or how they can promote my work.
As far as reccing goes, I’m a very inconsistent reccer. My goal for 2022 was to do more reccing and I did none. None recs with left beef. I’m not generally trawling for fic (the way I did as a 22 year old approximately one thousand years ago) and so I mainly see fic from authors I have already encountered and loved, via AO3 user subscriptions. My next gateway is via recs from friends (the magnificent @sitp-recs for example). I’ve been very lucky to have had people I deeply admire and enjoy become off-stage pals, but I’m not reccing them on a friendship basis. If I had to guess I would say my most consistent recs are of authors who I have had lovely, delightful interactions with but who I don’t have established friendships with. No stats but I reckon @lqtraintracks @writcraft and @letteredlettered would be people who pretty much always write things that make me lose my fuckin mind but we’re not part of a DM frenzy that involves graphic discussion of our latest health dramas, what we ate for dinner, what shenanigans our pets and siblings have got up to (that’s @shiftylinguini whether she likes it or not). I rec the BABY CHEESES out of them despite this.
What it boils down to is that I will engage the way I feel comfortable engaging, when I feel like it. I definitely have people I avoid (generally those who express terfy sentiments) and people I’m dragged towards like a magnet. It is what it is. I’m sorry if you have been a person who I haven’t engaged with and if you feel badly about that. It’s probably for benign reasons (see above), unless it’s because of one of the bad reasons.
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boydepartment · 8 months
ive noticed you tend to apologise a lot when youre tired and taking a break 😅 you shouldnt do that. youre a human, of course you'd feel tired sometimes. hope youre taking enough rest and recovering soon, no pressure to take and accept requests.
im sorry your interview went weird, but its good you pulled back the moment you found it sketchy. hopefully youd get a chance to accomplish your dream sometime soon in the future! take care jayjay
hi it’s okay 🎄 anon :) i’m gonna use your ask to talk abt something if that’s okay, this isn’t @ you, i pinky promise.
i’m gonna be honest after valentine’s day i might just leave this account ? i don’t think ill delete anything but i just can’t be on tumblr or read any of the content i used to. i talked about it a bit a couple days ago i just want to elaborate more.
it makes me really just idk :/ i don’t like the community at all anymore and it’s been declining my mental for a bit. i love enha and all my people in the different groups i like, but i really really hate how some ppl write them and it just freaks me out REALLY bad. ESPECIALLY RIKI. like fuck some of you guys are so weird bruh…. and shameless. like you have no respect and don’t even on the “it’s not that serious.” you’re fucking weird. period. there’s no reason to make some of the shit you guys say public at all.
it’s been talked abt more recently how dubcon and dark fics are more common now and i can’t keep scrolling past it and seeing it. it freaks me out that people will write about actual people like that especially someone who lived at the receiving end of abuse like that. why would you want someone you love to be put in the situation of the abuser? like it doesn’t click to me and sometimes even scrolling past and seeing the tags and send me into a bad episode so i just can’t anymore. i don’t know how people think that’s okay to push their coping mechanism that’s darker and extremely damaging on an actual HUMAN BEING. coping mechanism or not that’s fucking weird. they may be idols but they are human beings too.
i’ve also had a few asks in my anon that are just straight up rude, demanding, or calling me weird for liking riki at all? like you are attacking the wrong girl i have nothing but respect for him. those anons are just stressing me out aswell and it’s just too much. i’m exhausted constantly being disrespected. tumblr is supposed to be a platform where i can get away and get lost in lighthearted stories and it’s not that for me anymore.
i might come back after i leave on valentine’s day but i need time to actually enjoy kpop like i used to. the fans are ruining it for me and it’s just been making me really depressed. i can’t even go on tiktok sometimes because of the fan bases. i’ve always been very open with you guys and like, i need to pull back from these fan bases and take care of myself. i barely eat, sleep, or enjoy anything anymore(that’s due to offline stuff but being on tumblr doesn’t help any of that at all). i miss having fun and the communities are ruining it.
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cptnbvcks · 1 year
Hi! Hope you are doing well ✨️ i just found your fic the nature of living things, and i wanted to say how amazing it is. Youre a really good writer! Do you still write? I see its not updated for a while. Wish you a good week💕
ah thank you sm for enjoying it!!!
i'd love to get back to writing – this past year or so has been a fuckin' rodeo admittedly and i feel like, just like so many, stuff has been kinda rough and writing has sorta fallen to the wayside a little bit ☹️
personally, i've been dealing with my own lil mental and physical health stuff alongside two job layoffs in less than a year but I'm trying to return back to stuff that made me happy and maybe that might include writing! though i'm not sure if it'll be for the mandalorian fandom or something else (i've been really enjoying the ACOTAR series by sarah j maas hehehe) but hopefully one day i'll exercise my writing chops again!
i did also recently start up an etsy shop for the rug making i took up during quarantine, if anyone wants to check that out! (etsy's running a sale rn so you can save $10 on anything in my shop, and use my lil discount code BESTIES15 and it'll give you an additional 15% off!!!) 🥹
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i'll be adding some stickers there next including a few designs i did for ACOTAR (ill have to get them licensed tho!) but anyway ksjldhaf that was a long response but that's what i've been up to while i take a lil break from writing!!! thank you so much for your kind words, truly, you're wonderful and lovely for sharing such a lovely little sentiment mwah kiss on your forehead from me 2 u
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rorykeanersactualgf · 4 months
request where the reader gets sick with the flu and a fever so their boyfriend Benny Weir takes care of them
A/N: i quite like this idea because he is such a cutie patootie that he would love to take care of us. i hope it was okay that i did a pov switch and the pronouns were g/n. other than that, i hope you enjoy the fic my lovelies xx :))
CW: Benny being an absolute sweetheart, mentions of throwing up but it doesn't happen only gagging does, kisses and thats about it i think xx
Sick Remedies
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On a dreary Tuesday morning, in the early hours of the day, I was awoken to a searing headache, a hot sensation rolling over my body, my joints aching every time I tried to move, a blocked nose, a sore and dry cough, and to top it off, it made my eyes water and burn so I couldn't see anything. I stood up and almost instantly regretted it, I felt dizzy and so close to being sick but I managed to keep it down. I decided to write my parent/s a note saying how I felt and hoping that they saw it. As I tried to go back to sleep, my head started to pound more than before and all I wanted was sleep at that moment so I quietly crept downstairs and grabbed some water and Tylenol, chugging it and sneak back upstairs to bed.
Benny's POV:
As I woke from my peaceful sleep, I turned over to my phone to talk to my baby (Reader), now usually they message me first but when I saw my phone had no good morning text, I was a little bit confused but shook it off quickly seeing as they may have slept in or forgotten.
My day had gotten stranger when I was waiting outside of their house, like I usually do but they didn't some out, maybe they slept in or left without me. Weird, its not like them to leave without me, and we've never had an argument before so maybe they were at school. I had even tried knocking the door but no one answered, oh well, ill see them soon.
As I continued to mull over what could have happened on the way to school, I hadn't noticed that I had basically blanked my friends and already made it to school by walking on my own. I realised that I should probably try to find them and talk to them when I was in school, that was if they were even here. As I walked into the courtyard I saw my friends and walked over to talk to them.
A plethora of different greetings flushed my ears that made the talking and laughing in the courtyard less noticeable and helped me take my mind off of this morning a little bit. That was until I didn't see (Reader) with any of them and asked if any of them had seen them.
They all had a range of answers, ranging from "Oh, I thought they were with you," and " Nope," 's and wondered where they could be. Hopefully they were just late.
As the day went on and lessons progressed, I gathered the notes for their classes and made sure that the assignments were at least noted of so they wouldn't be completely lost on what to do and when it was supposed to be in by.
At the end of the day, when there was still no sign of (Reader) via in-person or text message, I went over to their house just to make sure they were okay and at least had the stuff they needed. I walked up their porch steps, knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. When someone did answer, it was their mom, with a smile on both of our faces, she let me in.
"Are you here to see (Reader)? They are pretty sick at the moment so I'd be careful going near her but if you want to see her go ahead." She said with a genuine smile on her face and two taps to my shoulder and she walked into the living room again. After hearing that (Reader) was just sick and not annoyed with me or in any serious danger, my heart swam with relief. I walked up the stairs to their room and knocked, just in case they were getting changed or just wanted some privacy.
At no answer from (Reader), I knocked again in case they didn't hear me and when I didn't get an answer again, I decided to walk in. When I walked into their room, it was dark, a small pile of tissues was near them on their bedside table, a small and now probably lukewarm glass of water was next to them on the table, and a small lump of a person was on the bed, under the blankets and lightly snoring.
As I saw (Reader) sleep for a little bit, I started to think of any remedies that I could use to help them. I quickly got up and went to the store, grabbing a few things and making my way back to their house.
When I got back to their house, I thought that I should at least let them know I was here and that I was going to take care of them so when I got back up to their room, I gently nudged and shook them awake. At first, it didn't seem like they were going to wake up until I got gently shoved off saying "5 more minutes mom" and rolling back over. This made me chuckle a bit because they were being cute and they didn't know it was me. I sat with them on the bed and said,
"Hey, it's me, Benny, I came to take care of you," which made them slowly but surely roll over onto their back and pull the blanket down so I could see their adorable face and smile at them,
"Oh, hey Bens," they said, their voice croaky and hoarse, which made them cough painfully and look at me with sad, almost watery eyes.
"I'm not very well if you couldn't tell already. How was school today? Did I miss anything important or interesting?" They said with a sniffle or two falling from them.
I had caught them up on my day given them the notes they needed so they didn't miss anything.
My POV: As benny was telling me about his day, it had slowly begun to dawn on me how confused and possibly upset he must have been that I wasn't in and that I hadn't given him his usual fix of attention and affection like I usually would have.
I felt bad so I picked up my phone when he had finished to message him good morning even though he was right in front of me. The plan was to cheer him up and possibly make him laugh, and it worked. He leant over to kiss me and just as our lips were about to touch, I pulled away at the last second.
Confused, he looked at me and was about to ask me what was wrong when the pieces in his mind had clicked and he understood that I pulled away to not make him ill.
When I had started coughing again, I leant over and noticed a shopping bag near my bed that wasn't there last night.
"What's in the bag?" I asked curiously, trying to look into its contents.
He picked up the bag and started taking things out like heating and cooling pads for my aches, water bottles, bland food like crackers and chips, a new teddy bear, and various other things.
He instructed me to sit back and let him take care of me. I did as I was told and sat back on my bed, laying upright on my pillows and groaning slightly from moving. My body ached so much and I surmised that it was because I had no Tylenol in my system and just as I had thought that, Benny had pulled a new bottle from his bag and gave it to me with a cool bottle of water to go alongside it.
He also pulled out a pack of crackers and an apple for me to eat with it, claiming that if I ate fruit with it, it would help bring antioxidants, minerals and whatnot back into my system and help me get over it quicker. "Can I use a spell to at least help with some of the coughing and sniffling? I promise it wont go badly." He said with puppy dog eyes, knowing I could never say no to him.
"If you're absolutely certain, then yes you can my love." I said with a small smile on my face and a quick ruffle to his hair to solidify my point.
"Yay!" He exclaimed and excitedly rummaged through his bag to get his spell book, flicking and scanning through all the pages to get to some of the remedies for small things like illnesses.
"Okay, so I'll need a frogs liver, a bunch of herbs and spices, a garlic clove, a chickens eyes, and a ladybug." Just hearing some of those ingredients, made me want to gag, and as he ran off to make the potion, I kept thinking about what was going to be in it, making me feel nauseous, so I pulled the bin from the other side of the room over to my bed's side. I continued to nibble on the snacks while he was measuring and making the potion, taking extra care so that it doesn't go wrong and when he came back up to my room, I saw that he was covered in various thing, and smelt like a crackly fire, a nice addition.
He walked over to me and worried about it being wrong, hands slightly shaking he passed it to me and I looked at it suspiciously, still apprehensive about it potentially being wrong so I lifted it to my nose and with the best of my abilities, I gave it a smell and instantly reclined. It smelt disgusting.
"Are you sure this is right? It smells horrible." I interrogated Benny as he looked more hopeful.
"I followed the recipe to a T. I guess that's just how it smells." He answered calmly.
"Alright, I trust you." I said as I looked at the potion, back to Benny, and back to the potion again. I lifted the concoction to my lips and took a small swig, the taste was almost obscene to my senses and caused me to gag, I almost leant over and spat it out when I suddenly felt a little bit better, my nose wasn't as blocked before and I could breathe semi-normally without felling like I need to bring my lungs up.
That was until I looked over to Benny and he had an incredulous look on his face, in complete and utter disbelief about something above or behind my head. As I looked up and behind myself, I couldn't see what he was looking at so I turned back to him and when I looked back, he was holding a mirror up and I saw I had a pair of cat ears on my head.
"Benny, you told me it was fine!" I exclaimed but not angry.
"I thought it was! Hold on a minute." He exclaimed while laughing slightly. He flipped back through his spell book and tells me that apparently additions from random animals was normal and should go away soon.
I started to calm down and laugh at myself because in all honesty, it wasn't a huge deal since my parent/s weren't going to be coming anywhere near me because of my various symptoms and they already knew that Benny was a wizard because of him pulling out a bouquet of flowers for my mom when they first met and he didn't realise she didn't know.
After letting him take care of me for a few hours, I told him that it was probably best that he left so he didn't get the same illness I had but he was adamant that he stayed by my side because he didn't want me to be alone and sick, and he said that he knew I would do it for him, which was true.
He ended up staying the night, giving his grandma a message so she didn't go crazy looking for him, leaving small kisses on my forehead and cheeks while I slept, holding me close and making sure that I wasn't going anywhere and because of that god awful potion he gave me, my symptoms cleared up by the morning but I was left with another surprise.
I woke up and rolled onto my back, feeling much better, better than I was before; when I looked over to see Benny, he was in the same state I was in yesterday, curled up to me, looking sweaty and uncomfortable. So, I tried some remedies that I had read about but in Benny's case it was slightly funnier since when he sneezed now, there were sparks that flew out and he had coughed a few butterflies into existence.
All I said to him was "I told you so," with a kiss and a smile gracing my face and a pout on his pretty face.
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writer-and-thrasher · 9 months
Fic in Review 2023
Thanks to @trentcrimminallybeautiful for the tag! I'm (fucking hopefully) starting to get over being so deeply ill after two whole weeks, so I decided it was the time to do this! Yay!
tagging: Literally anyone who wants to, plus I'll tag @providing-leverage, @jamietarttdoodoodoodoo, and @trentcrimmisgay (sorry if you've already been tagged or if it's too late, my brain is rebooting)
Total Number of Completed Stories:
I completed 8 fics this year (1 for Dimension 20 and 7 for Ted Lasso)!!! It's way more than I planned to write in a year, especially given that four of them are over 10k words and I genuinely didn't think I was gonna write any fanfic this year. All in all, I'm really really proud of how much I've written!
Total Word Count: AO3's word count put me at 63,919, which... woah. The one D20 fic I wrote this year wasn't even 2k words, which means that I wrote over 60k words of Ted Lasso fanfic in 6 months. I didn't start writing for TL until June, which honestly makes me even prouder and more excited for tackling stuff next year!
Fandoms Written In: Ted Lasso, almost exclusively. I've also written for Dimension 20, and I figure I will more when Fantasy High: Junior Year releases, but for now I'm on a pretty big TL kick.
Looking back did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expect: I expected to write way less than this! I'd hoped I'd write some, but nothing was really grabbing ahold of me until Ted Lasso crashed into my brain.
What’s your own favorite story of the year, personally?:
Ooh, that's really tough. I'll split it into two because I can't choose:
In my Dichotomy series (I'm just really proud of it tbh), my favorite of the fics was The Dichotomy of a Captain, aka Roy's perspective. It felt the truest to any of them, though I continue to try to stay true to all of them. It's also the first of the fics in this series that made me realize I really could finish the series.
My favorite one-shot of the year is probably Out of Practice, if only because sometimes I get WIP ideas and rarely follow through, but I worked hard to finish this one. And also, I really like watching through Isaac's eyes as he learns stuff about his best friend.
Did you take any writing risks this year?: Honestly, I think the fact that I came back and started writing again was my biggest risk of the year. I wasn't really sure of my voice or style, and it was intimidating to come back and keep writing, but the community made a world of difference.
Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?: I've got different WIPs I want to write, like finishing the Dichotomy series and a few series I have in the bank. I think more tangible goals are to get more comfortable with writing new scenes and being more comfortable with past tense. I've always been drawn to canon-explicit stuff, and for some reason, present tense has me in a headlock lmao
Best story of the year: I don't know that I can say anything is "objectively" the best, since fanfic is subjective as hell anyway, but I feel like The Dichotomy of a Captain is the one I feel is the best written. But that one is also my favorite, so I may just be biased.
Most popular story of the year: I'm stealing @trentcrimminallybeautiful's way of doing this because I think it's good, so shoutout
By kudos: "The Dichotomy of a Couch" with 268
By subscriptions: "The Dichotomy of a Couch" with 52 (This was originally going to be one work I wrote the series on, but someone suggested I turn it into multiple works in one series, and this one was first, so it has the highest)
By comment threads: "The Dichotomy of a Captain" with 14
By bookmarks: "The Dichotomy of a Couch" with 65
By hits: "The Dichotomy of a Couch" with 2604
Overall, definitely "The Dichotomy of a Couch", though I did admittedly post it first. But also, wow, these numbers are super humbling, and I'm honored that anyone has read and reacted to what I've written. It means the world for this fic (and my others) to be so kindly received.
Most personal story of the year: Most definitely Who Tells Your Story. No contest.
Funniest story of the year: Ooh, I genuinely made myself laugh while writing The Dichotomy of a Prick, so I'd have to say that one. It's the least serious, and writing Jamie's thoughts brought a smile to my face.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Mmm, I guess Who Tells Your Story.
Most fun story to write: I gotta go with The Dichotomy of a Prick again, it was a breath of fresh air between two very serious parts of this series and amidst other more serious one-shots.
Story with the sexiest moment: I genuinely don't write sexy fics, so the answer is going to be very silly. The best I've got is an illusion to a sexy moment in the past during The Dichotomy of a Prick, but Definitely nothing actually sexy lol
Sweetest story of the year: I gotta go with Who Tells Your Story again, considering that I wrote it for the sweet moment.
“Holy crap that’s wrong even for you!” story: I'm also gonna take this to mean angsty instead of scandalous and say The Dichotomy of a Captain
Hardest story to write: The Dichotomy of a Prick was hard to write on a more technical level as far as Jamie's POV went; I was really conscious about not fucking up his character or writing him too OOC. But considering how personal it was for me, Who Tells Your Story gave me some gut punches as I wrote it that made it hard emotionally.
Biggest disappointment: I think that some fics I liked didn't do as well as others that I didn't like as much, but I also know that my writing got better over time, so I'm really not dwelling on it.
Biggest surprise: Writing again in general, definitely, but also how much love I've gotten for things I've been really excited about. I fully didn't expect so much kindness (far more a me thing than anyone in this community, y'all are wonderful) and it's definitely inspired me to keep going. Y'all are amazing and I'm so grateful for all of you.
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kachinnate · 1 year
how would u describe evan hansens whole like. Deal. any character analysis for him? i love the way u write him
firstly: thank u!! ;_;<3 i feel as if my current stuff up on ao3 doesn't 1000% reflect how i Would write him now or maybe i just hate my old writing who knows 😭 but regardless it's for the most part up to par w/ how i feel abt heem....
so what i think his deal is is that he's an unintentionally sorta selfish kid riddled with severe self-loathing and mental illness and a desire to be wanted for Something despite the fact that He doesn't believe there is Something there for him to be Wanted for. and the selfish part mainly being in how he is so In His Own Head and kinda chooses to accept that he's a failure and that no one likes him and he has nothing no one alone when that isn't / doesn't have to be the case. like.... thinking he's the main character but in the inverse/wrong way if that makes sense some sort of inferiority complex 😔 i also believe he intrinsically can be kind but i don't think he's Nice, just overtly polite and therefore sorta Appearing as nice
when i was a teenager and just starting to write fic for the first time i would write evan kinda like... purposely a bit meaner than one might fkjgsndf at the time out of spite because it annoyed me so much seeing a lot of people in the majority of fanon spaces depict him as an uwu smol anxiety boy... however, looking back on it i Do think i was onto something for Different reasons 😭 mostly being that 1. i tend to lean a bit towards the arena stage characterization of him, which was objectively a bit more harsh and a bit more rude and 2. in most of the contexts i had written him in, it was w jared specifically in which case i do think he would more or less abandon most of his Need to Be Nice / Polite / Unoffensive because depending on the context 1. he's accepted the fact that 'jared doesn't like him' and therefore doesn't try as hard to give off a good image or pretend to be something he isn't because he doesn't really see a point and thinks jared is just Always gonna be a dick to him / think of him as a 'family friend' (which i'd like to believe he knows is bullshit regardless) or 2. he Does recognize jared as a friend and for the same reasons feels comfortable enough to not put up a front. maybe a mixture of both ! again it sorta depends on the context
his adamance (i'm not sure if that's a word) to the idea that he's such a loser who can't get better no matter what i think makes it much harder for both himself and others to like Be Close to him but yet he wants it so bad and simply doesn't realize he is inadvertently part of the problem. there isnt specifically any One Way he wants to be, he just doesnt want to Be Him... because to him it's clearly wrong and not right and why nobody sees him and why he feels alone etc etc etc
but all that to say -- that's how i personally try to write him when i do jsdkfnsdf obviously that's not The Right Way[tm] or how i expect everyone to see his characterization (and it probably doesn't encompass like even all of My thoughts either i'm just rambling a bit as i procrastinate further on a paper) but! hopefully that answers ur question
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thefactsofthematter · 2 years
for the fic title game!
“i dream of you almost every night (hopefully i won’t wake up this time)
- @we-are-inevitable ✨
@we-are-inevitable i am taking this title very literally but i think you’re gonna like this one 😁
davey jacobs has a crush.
and it’s not that weird. okay? he’s not a creep or anything. he’s just a normal guy… with extreme social anxiety, who pretty much only talks to his parents and his therapist on the day-to-day, far too freaked out to interact with anyone else. he tries not to be too hard on himself about his social ineptness— he’s mentally ill, it’s a disability, and it’s not his fault— but he often finds himself frustrated with the situation.
he’s taking online university classes, he works from home doing simple stuff like data entry and surveys and typing captions/transcripts (so that he can just take jobs from a database and do them himself without needing to send pointless emails or make calls), and he rarely leaves his apartment. he’s been diagnosed with agoraphobia, among several other overlapping anxiety disorders. he truly wants to get better— he checks in with his therapist every single day and he’s genuinely making progress— but it’s hard.
a big step for him is that he’s started going out to get a coffee every morning. he mobile orders it from the shop on his block, so that he doesn’t need to talk to anyone, but he still gets to go pick it up himself. someday, he’ll try to move on to actually talking to the staff or buying a drink that isn’t black coffee, but he’s not quite there yet.
there’s this barista. jack, his handwritten name tag reads. he’s there every morning, looking utterly joyful— he seems to truly enjoy making good coffee and greeting people and pouring fancy latte art to impress everyone waiting for their drinks. he’s pretty, in a way that most people aren’t. he’s a normal-looking person, not necessarily a model or anything, but his confidence shines through so brightly that it makes it hard to look away from him. simply put, davey is awe-struck by this beautiful man.
he doesn’t talk to jack, doesn’t even quite make eye contact with him, but jack starts to recognize him. he never pushes davey to interact, but smiles at him as soon as he walks in and has his coffee ready and greets him with things like there he is! right on time! here’s the usual, dave— have an amazing day! and davey always catches himself thinking about jack on his way home. it doesn’t even make him nervous that jack notices him and talks to him, because he finds he sort of likes it.
and then he has a dream about jack. you see, in his dreams, davey isn’t so anxious— he can talk to people without his throat closing up, and he can go out and do things without the utter terror that tends to grip him when he deviates from his routine. it’s an escape from real life, and he often looks forward to living in that world for some brief relief. he has a dream where he decides to take his laptop to the coffee shop to sit there and work, and then jack comes over to talk to him, and they hit it off and exchange numbers.
the dreams don’t stop. almost every night, jack is there— or rather, this fantasy version of jack that davey’s lonely and anxious brain has invented. davey doesn’t actually know the guy past their daily customer-employee interactions, where jack has a one-sided conversation while davey forces a polite smile. in davey’s fictional world, though, they’re in love <3
there’s 2 ways this au could go from here. option one, davey tells his therapist, who helps him thoroughly unpack the unhealthy obsession and eventually, after that’s dealt with, encourages him to actually introduce himself to jack and see where real life takes him. it’s cute and sweet and it turns out they do make a very good pair.
option two (which i think you’ll like jac bc i know you love a toxic javid au) is that davey gets a little unhinged.
the obsession grows, and he doesn’t tell anyone about it. he finds jack’s social media, figures out where he lives and who he knows, and starts to piece together every bit of information that he can. it’s not like he’s going to use it for anything— that would be creepy. he’s obviously not a stalker or some kind of freak… he just likes jack. he likes knowing about him, likes seeing him every day, and loves seeing him in his dreams, where everything is coming together as realistically as possible. it’s not just at night anymore, no, he daydreams constantly about the life that he’s convinced he’s supposed to be living. if he weren’t such a shut-in, he’d be happy. he’d have jack. that’s how things should be.
i’ll leave it open to interpretation how far this goes— maybe the obsession fades and jack never finds out. maybe davey goes too far. he’s definitely not quite joe from you (which i haven’t watched but have heard enough about to know that this au is starting to have similar vibes) but he’s def got a creepy side to him. idk. i’m never actually going to write this, but i feel like it could make an interesting psychological horror kinda thing to go with this option 👀 feel free to use your imagination!!
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kurosstuff · 7 months
Hello my darlings~ thank you all~ this is my thanks my dearies~
Before we begin. THREE important things to note.
(I'll try to remember but for the events I'll tag it EVENT)
NSFW rules will be tagged <- here so keep in mind there!
Fandom plus characters you can pick from -!!
(Not gonna be alot this time ONLY CAUSE their the characters I'm more confident in writing for
Hazbin hotel
Smut 8.)
Maybe lilith depends?
One piece
Boa Hancock
Nico Robin
You may request from anything from angst, fluff, you name it? I'll write it♡ please be detailed in the requests
It doesn't just gotta be smut stuff~
Also please note. some NSFW may be shorter or take more time. I'm rusty with this and still trying to figure it out
-rules for prompts- to not get too over the top. You may pick two lines. One character at a time for EACH requests
@scoutswritingcorner helped me out with these♡♡
(Character x reader x character CAN work I think!)
1) "You look so good spread out like this for me ___(reader or character)~ good enough to devore whole ~"
2.) "Use your words love~ what did you say?" "M-make me yours~"
3.) "You were just crying for my attention sweetheart~ now your begging me to stop? You sure that's what you want~?"
"That's My good pet~"
4.) Spicy make out session turns? Spicy~
5.) "I fucking hate you so much."
" oh i hate you too~ but.. Then why is my dick in you?"(be it a strap or ? Like that one idea? Girl dick ;) )
6.) "God don't know what's more ironic ~ your begging for me or the fact you thought you could make me submit to something like you~?"
"GO fuck yourself"
"Oh but little ___ that's what your here for no~? Go on. Continue"
7.) "Oh stop fucking whining~ you can take this dick can't you? Come on~ say. It"
8.) "This is your first..? Shit ok- it's ok~ I've got you ok? I'll take good care of you~ just- lay back and relax~"
For the reader(be it in hazbin OR one piece) they can have horns/tails ;))
(Fluff and angst fics will be posts on BOTH NY tumblr AND my ao3)
This is my first time making an event so please bear with me♡ I hope you all enjoy it- and I'll hopefully get through them easily BUT will be slow to ensure its good
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craw-dacious · 10 months
Review of the making of the map by fox_pitch
I'm new to marauders, this is the second fic I've read.
Summary: I liked this fic, a lot. It was a fun read and I really liked the progression of both Wolfstar and James/Lili (is it Jilly? I can’t remember). A bit less angsty than what I usually read and some parts felt underbaked, but the author kept my attention INCREDIBLY. I stayed up about four hours later than I usually do binge reading this. Very good.
Since chapters are shorter ill do bigger recaps infrequently throughout, but still little chapter notes
Chapter one
Cannot wait to see this unfold <3333
Aw they’re so cute, definitely a wolf star focus
I hope this goes through seventh year so I can see James and lily play out
Chapter two
Why did I not process its the first day of term thats wild and crazy
Ok so lily still is buddies with Snape which tracks timeline wise I guess
Do they pants him at the end of the fifth or sixth year I can’t remember
I am confused on the lily dynamic tbh what does she think of the group
Chapter three
This one kinda ate, im liking the short chapters I get more invested in each part of the story
Obviously I know they’re not just gonna kill off Peter, but him dying in the shack did cross my mind
I wonder when lupin gets the potion stuff
Chapter four
I hope remus gets over himself soon how was Sirius supposed to know how intense the situation was bruh
Blanket statement that I apologize for all shitty teenage boy behavior they need to chill
Chapter five
Calling him inbred is hilarious Im liking remus’s pov
Hes gay James stop
Literally he’s gonna go be ur wingman be happy
Good chapter very chill
I like the silliness thats been in this so far. I am NOT liking that remus and Sirius aren’t talking to each other. Is it a narrative device? Absolutely. But I despise it so much.
I think Sirius’ characterization is very good so far, I’m surprised they haven’t fleshed out the Regulus stuff more yet. Hopefully will get his pov soon
God I hope this is a save reggie fic cmon
I really hope this passage is the one to honey dukes.
Im sure the plots about to pick up more since they’re actually making the map
Chapter six
If I was lily I would’ve folded so fucking fast bruh
Like I know he’s annoying but like he’s cute, and likes her so much, and is clearly like progressive what is the problem
Anyway, sirius needs to chill if he wants to be gay
Chapter seven
Closet time closet time its time to be emotional in the closetttt
Calling him a cat is funny
Sirius is my fave because he’s also like a fixer upper with issues but he’s not EVILL he just has trauma
And he actually wants to be the best version of himself yk (unlike some dumb ass fucking bitches I know)
Chapter eight
Cradling his head
Sirius licking him
God can marlene just fucking kill herself please
Chapter nine
Honestly there is no world in which I wouldnt feel awkward with my friends jokingly offering to kiss me as a form of like emotional comfort like thats not normal
Like my best friend gave me a big hug after I broke up with my ex she’s not gonna go “oh haha idk what else to do other than make out with you lol lol.” Sirius what the fuck
Anyway I love to see the lily and James bonding but I can tell it makes remus feel lonelier
Wonder if we’re gonna get Peter development at all
Chapter ten
I dont even want to write uodates anymore because im liking the fic too much
Hes so stressed abt being gay I thought he already knew he was gay bruh Sirius is clueless obvi
Chapter 11
Love how the maps coming together
This is not going over well with Sirius im sure
Ok so bed making out
Im so fucking horny I need to make out with someone STAT
Preferably someone with a penis bc it confirms they like me but tbh I don’t give a shit
Its 1:12 am
So it did go over well with Sirius. I expected some internalized homophobia or something but he’s actually being chill for once
so i got so engrossed in the story that i forgot to write my chapter notes
but so far i feel fantastic about it
the regulus thing is making me want to kms. i have like no hope for reg redemption bc the fic isn't long enough, and i feel like all that happens will be the murder mystery and MAYBE gay shit
sirius was SO STUPID with marlene like clearly remus has some issues with being open and you need to like discuss,, not make out with some other bitch
also them both being bi is not what i expected? feel like remus should be gay
peters character is... interesting. why are they friends with him. also he has bo gryffy qualities wtf.
Recap AGAIN but not done yet
Ok, the wormhole shit is interesting. Poor elves.
I wonder what happened to them, is this the in between place or whatever?
They’re being too romantic on the battlefield you gotta lock in guys
Also I thought an avada grazing you killed you no matter what
Also Sirius fully used crucio and nobody like cared other than remus. Like no commentary
Hilarious. Peak comedy. Coming back to life and IMMEDIATELY kissing Lily. Her being grossed out. Literally perfect.
Ok the introduction of the OOTP, seems good.
Honestly really like what I’ve seen in the fic, but it’s a bit TOO silly for my tastes. I need more angst.
Like obviously I want Remus and Sirius to be openly gay and in love but it was too easy in this fic, like with Destiel its always SUCH an issue lmao.
I liked this fic, a lot. It was a fun read and I really liked the progression of both Wolfstar and James/Lili (is it Jilly? I can’t remember)
I do feel like it was a little too light at times, there wasn’t a whole lot of grey area morally, and a lot of big issues weren’t fully fleshed out. I wish they’d dived into Regulus more, and Snape. I wish they’d addressed Sirius’ use of the Cruiciatus curse, and I wish they’d address Dumbledores failings more directly
Werewolf shit was fantastic to read, the angst, the fear, the violence, the drama. I thought the transformations were excellently done and I really enjoyed the progression of them figuring out the roaming/playing
Hogsmeade passage shut off? Strange.
I did not enjoy that I cannot be sure they are safe. That’s a benefit of post-hog warts fic, if its truly marauders James and Lily often don’t die.
Overall very happy fic. I did love the aggressive use of drunkness as a plot device, I liked Lily’s characterization for the most part, and it was pretty addicting in the middle.
I thought Characterization was good, not fantastic but definitely good. Peter threw me, not very likable. It’s hard to do him correctly and have him add worth to the story, but I just did not like him the whole time, and I felt like Remus and Sirius both didn’t care for him and found him annoying.
7.5/10 <3
My rankings are not supposed to be biased. Horrible shitty fic would get like a one, something readable but bad would get a fourish. Most fics that I read will be around 7-9 simply because I sort by Kudos and get recs from misuss so they’re better quality to begin with.
Great light silly read, with just enough depth to keep it interesting. I could see myself re-reading this fic once I get to know the marauders better.
Also, I do not like the fanart in this fic but I'm sure that's not universal. The artist is credited within the fic but I'd like to tag them here just to acknoledge the hard work that went into it. I checked them out and ADORE some of their other work, this one was just not to my liking. They have some percy jackson shit up that EATS.
@komodokai on instagram
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lahooozaherr · 10 months
It’s been hard to get out of this depressive/extra sensitive slump I’ve been in, which just sucks.
I’ve been wanting to get back to my WIPs but it’s hard to pull anything out when I feel hollow.
I frantically bounce between “wanting to be seen” to “so embarrassed about showing my sad emotions hurry delete your vulnerability”.
Especially when I know half the stuff I’m sad about is whatever I’m insecure about or stuff that truly doesn’t matter (if you saw my post being little sad about losing some moots, no you didn’t) (although holding myself accountable here that that’s ok for people to do and I have no ill will really my brain is going through some hard times and I can tend to hyperfixated on insecurities and sad stuff)
I’m uhhh definitely working on it lol so I want to post more fic when I feel like I’m doing it for myself (although I love making as inclusive fic as I can and hope to work on stuff that is hopefully not seen as much and relatable) and not for people’s validation (although it’s very much appreciated when I get it❤️ I have some very sweet human beings on here)
I’ve beeeeeen grieving about the world and juggling that with grieving the loss of my grandpa and my cat. Haha idk I’m ngl but maybe also the full moon? My cycle?
I think it’s a good start but I’ve been at least coming up with ideas and writing them down as quick notes for later. I think better figuring out how to ground myself will helped.
Idk how else to end this off either so here’s a pic of Pepper caught in the act eating her foot
Tumblr media
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