#so hopefully i'll be around soon xoxo )
arlerts-angel · 4 months
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🧚🏻‍♀️ hello wanderer! i see you've stumbled into my neck of the woods and found this note i've left.
it has taken me a while to write this, so if you read it all the way through, i thank you in advance.
i am taking a semi-hiatus from writing.
that being said, fics for gaza has priority. i still have an aot fic to be posted, and i am still accepting fics for gaza requests - more info here!
i've been going through a lot recently... mental health and working through trauma, coming to terms with and accepting my identity and speaking out about it to my safe circle of people (happy pride month!!! 🩷💛💙) i am so mentally drained, and i haven't been this sad in years.
on top of all that, engagement just sucks.
everyone says "write for yourself, don't write for engagement" and i do, to an extent, write for myself, but my entire blog has always been centered around taking requests and writing those for you.
i used to feel very encouraged to write, but i don't feel that anymore. i hardly get interactions from mutuals at this point. it goes both ways, i know. i have a hard time reaching out, i feel like i am always a bother, or that no one actually cares to hear from me, or that my asks "get lost" sometimes.
why do i feel like a bother on my own blog?
anyway, i'll still be here, reblogging and simping if anyone wants to connect. i am simply just stepping down from writing for a bit.
i hope i'll continue to hear from my draken anon 🤍 you have no idea how happy you make me.
i am truly am grateful for you all and hopefully someday soon the spark will return. <3
if you made it this far, here. have a cookie for your time. 🍪
xoxo, mack
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dividers by saradika
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Hiiiii, I'm a new follow who got absolutely smitten with your work!
I saw your last post anddd I just decided to drop by this ask!
So, umm, I really crave this man named Marco I love so much like fr I'm crazy about this guy lmao 💀 anyways can I possibly get a Marco x F!reader idk just some fluff stuff with this man I really think he's super affectionate and smitten with his partner sooo can I get morning with him or something like that? Like reader waking him up for some coffee and then him taking maybe a shower and shaving while maintaining his mini beard (stache is that what its called? Idk) while reader watching him admiring him and then marco notices her and sooo you know the idea! Could be SFW or NSFW you choose the best thing you see coming up eith the plot please!
Hopefully, I didn't make this hard for you but really I love your fics so muchhhh like literally you really share the same way of thinking of the characters personalities and actions as me so I'm loveeeeee!
Anyway call me strawberry!
thank you!
Stay safe out there!
Hey Strawberry! Here is my go at your request. Thanks for the suggestion, I had fun writing it! It kind of ties in to my Marco x Reader fluff I posted earlier today, but if you didn't like that or don't want to read that I'll give another short scenario here. It's short and sweet. I'll do a Marco NSFW hopefully in the next couple of days. Plan is to have it fit in with this fic and my earlier posted marco fluff fic. Hope you enjoy! If we want more Marco or someone else, like, comment, request below! Thanks friends!
Warnings: Suggestive, Fluff, SFW, petnames, spoilers for WANO, I do not own these characters
Scene Set up: Either follows my previous post Falling for Marco the Phoenix or You, a former member of the Whitebeard Pirates, decide to go with Marco to Sphinx Island to help protect Pop's home Island. After living on the island awhile, you and Marco confess your feelings for one another. This fic takes place the next morning as you begin to go about your routines as a couple in the same house.
A Morning with Marco
The next morning, you rolled over in bed to find Marco’s side empty. You lifted your head and looked around the room. You noticed the door to the bathroom was closed and it dawned on you that you could hear the sound of the shower running. You smiled as you realized besides the sound of the water, you could also hear Marco humming in the shower. You laughed as you heard him break out in song. You rolled on your back and listened to him for a few minutes, before finally deciding to make some coffee. You crawled out of bed and found Marco’s purple dress shirt still on the floor. You put it on and buttoned the two middle buttons, knowing full well it showed off some of your cleavage and cut open just above your mid-thigh.
You walked to the kitchen and measured out the coffee grounds and poured water into the pot, then hit the power button. You reached into the cabinet and pulled out two mugs. You noticed you heard the water stop running. You still heard the faint sound of Marco humming and singing. You still couldn’t believe yesterday had been real. Marco had feelings for you, he had kissed you, then, well you had last night with Marco… you smiled as you thought back on the details. You were hoping for a reenactment as soon as possible. You heard the bathroom door open and were immediately broken from your daydream. 
You looked at the coffee pot and noticed there was enough for two cups already brewed and quickly poured them. You returned the pot to the stream of brewing coffee and picked up your two coffee filled mugs. You walked back into the bedroom and smiled as you rounded the far side of the bed, which allowed you to see into the opened bathroom door. Marco was shaving his stubble in the mirror, wrapped only in a towel that covered his waist. His tattooed chest still glistened with water droplets as his wet hair lay messily atop his head. You walked to the bathroom doorway and leaned against it, a giant smile plastered on your face.
“I kind of liked the full stubble look.” You said.
“Oh.” Marco asked as he turned his gaze from his reflection, to over his shoulder to look at you. “Well how about half of it?” Marco asked as he set down his razor and came towards you.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and rubbed his half shaved neck against your cheek. You laughed as you held the full coffee mugs away from the two of you in one hand and grabbed his arm with your free hand.
“Marco, I’ll spill the coffee!” You gently yelled.
“Coffee? Is one for me?”
“Of course.” You said with a laugh.
You handed Marco the mug and he brought it closer to his lips, still holding onto your waist with his other hand. You moved your hand to his chest and brought your coffee mug to your face. You hoped the mug covered your blush as you admired the build of the man before you. Marco’s lips parted around the rim of the mug and he smiled at you as he took a sip. As he lowered his mug, he looked down at your body and noticed what you were wearing. 
“Well you win. That shirt looks better on you than me.”
“You think so?” You laughed as you played with the collar of the shirt that hung near your cleavage.
“Mhhmm.” Marco said as he took another sip. “Thanks for the coffee, babe. You make it way better than I do.” He added as he pulled you closer and kissed your forehead. 
You pushed against his chest as he kissed you and laughed.
“That’s because Thatch never taught you guys how to make coffee. Anyways! Finish shaving! It tickles too much!” You cried and Marco laughed in response.
Marco let go of your waist and returned to the sink. He set down his coffee mug and returned to shaving. You stayed leaning against the doorway and watched him as he finished up. Marco returned to humming as he worked. A wide smile rested upon your lips. He stopped in the middle of his razor swipe and looked over his shoulder at you once more.
“What are you smiling about? Is my performance that good?” He asked with a laugh.
“What? Oh yes, it is.”
“Hmmm… well what’s your favorite part?” He urged as his eyes narrowed studying your expression.
“Hmm…” You took another sip of coffee and studied your surroundings trying to pretend to think hard. “The outfit. The towel only. I like the look.”
“Yeah. Is that what has you smiling?” He asked with an eyebrow raise.
Marco gripped the counter tighter as you took another sip of your coffee. You looked at the ground between the two of you, then scanned up his body until your eyes met.
“No.” You said as a devious grin formed on your face. “Knowing what’s underneath has me smiling.” You added with a blush as you raised your coffee mug to cover it. 
You raised your eyebrows and backed out of the doorway.
“Is that so..?” Marco asked curiously.
Marco grinned at you then picked up his razor and finished shaving. You moved to sit on the bed to finish your cup of coffee. After a few minutes Marco exited the bathroom. As he entered the bedroom, still in his towel only, you set your coffee mug down on the table beside you. He jumped on the bed and rolled on top of you, where he slammed his soft lips against yours. Your arms wrapped around his neck as his hands began to roam your body. You stroked Marco’s bottom lip with your tongue. His lips parted allowing you to intertwine your tongue with his. Marco’s hands started undoing the buttons of your shirt as your hands rifled through his hair.
His lips separated from yours. He looked into your (E/C) eyes warmly. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“You can make coffee, taste like coffee, and you’re beautiful. How’d I get so lucky?”
“I don’t know, if I had to guess, it was the singing. I hope I get a show like that every morning.” You replied with a laugh as you pressed your lips back against his.
Suddenly, there was a knock at your front door. Your lips separated and the two of you panted as you looked towards the main room where the front door was. He looked at you and sighed.
“Marco!” A voice called. 
“Coming.” He replied. 
Marco climbed off of you and the bed. He quickly grabbed some boxers and a pair of pants from his closet and tossed them on under his towel. He threw the towel back in the bathroom and headed towards the doorway of the bedroom. As he did, you started to get out of bed, but Marco stopped you.
“I’ll be quick I promise.” Marco whispered sweetly.
Marco, kissed your forehead and walked out of the room, cracking the door behind him. As he headed towards the front door, you laid back against the pillows in the bed and decided to wait for him. A smile grew upon your lips as you hoped  every morning going forward would be like this, except without a neighborly interruption. Marco opened the front door and you heard him gasp.
“Cat Viper? What are you doing here?” He asked.
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gurugirl · 1 year
A Balancing Act Sneak Peek
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A/N: I'll be posting Part 1 of this 4 part mini series next week (not sure what day yet but I'll be announcing it). This is a 1.5k word sneaky so enjoy! xoxo
Series requested by @cinnamonone
It had been a while since she’d been interested in anyone. And she didn’t know what Harry wanted but the night before she was picking up certain vibes. She could be wrong. Perhaps she’d misread the whole situation. But she thought it could be fun to get out a little. Try and move on from the trauma of her last relationship. She tried not to think of it when she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Moving on had been something she’d been attempting to do for a while. A fun night with a handsome pop star could help a little. If that’s where things led. Hopefully.
At the bar, she ordered soda water to start. She didn’t want to get sloppy, just in case it turned into something more than just a friendly chat. It was around the time Harry said he’d meet her. She’d give him a little leeway to be late since he had just gotten finished putting on a concert for thousands of adoring fans.
But when another thirty minutes had passed she checked her phone to find that there was nothing from him and no sign of his cute dimples in the bar anywhere either.
She waved at the bartender, “I’ll have a glass of house chardonnay please.”
She figured she might as well have one more glass of wine for the evening before calling it a night.
Looking at Instagram while she waited for her glass of wine she realized she had a dm. It was from Dante. An artist she hit it off with at her last art showing. They’d been messaging back and forth a bit but nothing had come of it. He lived a few hours away from her so getting together again hadn’t really been brought up. Except now.
Hey!  I’ll be heading your way for an art exhibit soon. Would love to catch up in person if you’re free. Would you be interested in seeing me again? I’ll let you know when I’ll be in town when I find out more.
Smiling she began to type her response when the bartender placed her glass of wine down along with an envelope with her name written on the front.
She looked up at the young man in question
“Concierge handed this to me right after you ordered.”
“But how did you know this was for me?” She lifted the envelope up and flipped it over to open it up.
“Because I have your credit card with your name on it when you started your tab. Plus they described you. It’s from a very special guest I’m told.”
A very special guest.
She pulled her lips into her mouth to hide the grin that was about to take over as she looked around the bar, still, with no sign of Harry.
Pulling out the contents of the envelope she took a sip of her wine.
Sorry, I ran late. Take a drink in my room with me? p1900 - H
Blinking her eyes she felt her pulse pick up as she folded the note and tucked it into her purse. She gulped down another bit of chardonnay and grinned to herself, already having completely forgotten about Dante.
So she had read this right. The nerves in her belly bubbled up as she waved at the bartender, Check please!”
After making a pitstop at her room to “freshen” up she realized that in the elevator the buttons for the floors stopped off at 8. After that was P.
Hitting the P, she leaned her back into the wall as the elevator took her to the top floor.
The moment she stepped out of the elevator she was greeted by a man, “Can I help you, ma’am?”
“Oh!” She suddenly remembered who she was dealing with. Harry Styles, a world-famous, A-list pop star. Of course, he’d have security. “Yes, I uh… Harry invited me up-“ She reached into her purse and pulled out the note, “Here.”
The man unfolded the note and then looked at her with a smile, “Y/n?”
So he’d told them her name…
She nodded as he handed the note back to her, “Follow me.”
She figured this was something Harry had done before; had people brought to his room. The occasional one-night stand. Some fun for the weekend.
The man knocked at the door and only a handful of seconds passed before Harry was standing in the doorway, wearing the same comfortable after-concert outfit he’d been wearing when she left the venue earlier.
He smiled at her, “Come in,” and then looked at the man, “Thanks, Shamus.”
The suite was huge. That was no surprise. She’d seen a few nice suites in her days. Being an artist wasn’t always so lucrative but she was often invited to the good after parties. She had a lot of artsy fartsy friends, some very well-off.
“I’m really sorry about being so late. I just got caught up and then before I realized the time it was too late. I’m glad you were still at the bar.”
“Yeah,” she said as she walked around toward the sitting area with the large woven rug and plush couches, “about that… what if I wasn’t in the bar? I was about to go back to my room.”
“Well, then I guess we would have missed one another. That would have been a shame.”
“But you have my number. You could have reached out.”
Harry scratched the back of his neck as she sat down. She was acting far more confident than she really was. But this was part of what she did. She was constantly put into situations where she needed to be confident and sell herself. Her art was an extension of herself. So when she needed to make some sales at shows and galleries she learned just how to do that. Her art sold itself for the most part. But there were enough people who wanted her story. Sometimes, she was what sold her piece. She’d do whatever it took to not be a starving artist anymore.
“I know I could have. But… I hope you don’t take offense. I have a rule not to give out my number so easily. Not that I think you’d use it to do anything but I’ve just had some really bad experiences. People I’ve trusted have betrayed me and changing my number is something I have nightmares about,” he laughed as sat down next to her on the couch.
She laughed with him. She actually could sort of understand it. Being a woman was like that in a way. Giving out her number to someone could be risky. It was a gamble to have her information out there with someone she didn’t know well.
“I’m not offended. But I really thought you’d changed your mind. Though, in all honesty,” she stretched her arms overhead and leaned back into the very shockingly comfortable couch, “I was sort of looking forward to my bed. I’m exhausted.”
Harry leaned back and draped his leg over his knee, “I know what you mean. If I were you I’d much prefer a comfy bed than to spend any time with me either,” he laughed and then put his arm along the back of the couch, “but really… if you’re tired, don’t feel pressure to stay. I am glad you’re here, though.”
There it was. He gave her the choice. So he could have the green light. The thumbs up. He was clever. Telling her she didn’t have to stay but also letting her know he wanted her there. The ball was in her court.
“I’m curious as to why you think I’m interesting enough to invite back to your room for a drink, of which I’ve not yet been offered,” she teased with a chuckle. She didn’t want to seem like some pushover but at the same time, she felt a little flirty. She’d had such a good night at the gallery and she hadn’t been alone with a man nearly as attractive as Harry in… well, she’d never been alone with a man as attractive as Harry. And he was very much giving off the air of flirty himself. The way he kept putting his finger up to his lip, the eye contact, his arm reaching across the couch behind her… His body language was a dead giveaway.
 “You don’t think you’re interesting?”
Y/n smiled. He was good. Of course that was a good line to use on someone he didn’t know. She was wondering something very specific that he’d yet to admit. That she was there for some fun. A quick romp. He had a need that he wanted filled and so did she. The reason he’d asked her to his room was for that. Yet he insisted on playing coy.
“I know I’m interesting. But you don’t know me. So why is it that you’ve asked me here?” She raised her brows at him as he stood and walked to the buffet across the room.
“I felt comfortable with you from the start. It’s nice to have a conversation with someone new once in a while. Not someone in the industry,” Harry turned back with a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses in his other, “and sorry I didn’t offer you a drink. Wine?”
Feedback/Thoughts | Support Me! | Main Masterlist
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ambling-rambling · 2 years
Hey pals!
I have a bunch of half written drafts and a couple requests from the mini celebration. I haven't forgotten and I will get to them.
The kids and I have been passing whatever seasonal cold and flu bug is going around back and forth between us for approximately 1 (one) eternity now which has left 0 brain space for making words go.
Knock on wood, the kids seem to be on the upswing of it at long last so hopefully we'll be back to normal soon and I'll be able to get brain space to pump some of these drafts out.
I appreciate y'all. I've honestly been blown away by how many likes, reblogs and fresh follows are rolling in even though I haven't been the most active. Y'all the real MVPs and I appreciate each and every one of you.
Requests are still open and definitely check out the Mini Celebration here. Still definitely taking requests from that and hoping I'll be back in tip top shape to start getting to them after Thanksgiving.
Much love to you guys!
Pix 😘😘
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okenki · 1 year
📣April Newsletter📣
Hello Hello!
I was very busy last month and this month is no different I think, so far at least. I dropped out Nanoreno to focus on work and I think i did the right choice because I ended up being overwhelmed during march by unexpected things that came up.
This month I'm doing a challenge with a friend where I draw a digital drawing everyday. So far so good, I'm also recording time-lapses I'll publish on my p4tre0n every week or two, depending on how much energy I have to edit them haha
I'm also working on some zines, a french one, the paper version of "lardon explosion" and two secrets, one in english and one with not text. I hope I can tell you more about it soon!
Goth Boyfriends will take a small break after part 2 on Comic Fury, because I need to redo some chapter of part two for the printed french version and also get some more chapter in part 5 before I feel like I have a comfortable enough buffer, haha
I still have a few more things in the works, but not much I feel comfortable talking about yet, but hopefully I can go through with them!
As usual my sketchbook tour will be up around the 20th on P, and I will upload art on social medias whenever I can/feel like.
Stay safe and warm during this weird month haha!
xoxo, ken
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eusuntgratie · 2 years
3, 6, 12 :), 15 :), 17, 19, 29, 30
Sorry boo xoxo
for the ao3 wrapped asks... apparently i wrote 138k in 2022 so far! 🤯
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
oh i don't know. maybe coda (911) or we weren't perfect (hockey rpf)
6. Favorite title you used
slut era (teen wolf rpf)
12. How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year? vbg
rude and uncalled for. i think i have around 10 that i've worked on recently and am planning/hoping to finish soon. i refuse to count every languishing in progress fic in my google docs 😬
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
i don't know yet! hopefully all of those 10 that i don't finish this month and maybe some other random ones we'll see!
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
tk and eddie, i think?
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
i'm not currently planning on writing any new ones! i have lots of wips planned for hockey boys that i'm excited about. and hopefully i'll do femslash feb again.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
who knows but i like this one a lot from we weren't perfect
Nolan has a giant locked dumpster in his head that he fills with all the dirty, hopeless, tragic, and beautiful thoughts he has about TK every goddamn day, straining to lock the padlock, sitting on the lid to try to keep anything from escaping
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
hahaha probably diving headfirst into hockey rpf 🤷🏻‍♀️
ao3 wrapped | ask grace
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1d1195 · 8 months
I love your “geekiness”! You’re passionate about things and like who cares if it’s considered “nerdy”?! If you love it then really like that’s what matters!
And a peach sangria sounds so good ngl?! And yeah a whole lecture after an exam is BRUTAL and so mean lol my hot professor did that this week and honestly my heart broke a little😔 but he did look hot that day once again sooooo I guess I will let it slide 🤪
Omg are possibly doing a boxer AU?! HELLO?! Very excited for whatever comes from that inspo! I loved that you were able to create that anxious/suspense vibe though! It was so fun to read! AND I SAW HOW YOU WANTED TO END IT IN THE FIRST PLACE LIKE SAM GIRL YOU COULD HAVE ABSOLUTELY PULLED IT OFF!!!!!! That alternate ending would have been AMAZING TOO! It would have once again been unexpected but totally understandable since her stalker is actually insane?! And I feel like it would have been dramatic (in a good way) and I just know the angst would have it so well! Anyways I 100% support you going for it in future stories!!! I mean you were able to pull off like 2 kidnappings in protection so I’m sure you would have done great in this too! But this doesn’t mean I don’t love the ending that you posted any less!! Trust yourself bestie❤️
And thank you so much! My weekend has been good so far! I even bought a new book I hopefully can read! I hope yours is going well too!!!-💜
I started a book earlier in the week and read a good chunk of it this morning with my morning coffee, It's sunny around here for the first time in like 2.5 weeks so I have the shades open and no lights on and it's so nice! I woke up super early for a Sunday 😐 had a dream someone broke into "my" house (I am poor and rent an overpriced apartment) and woke up in a cold sweat. That's what I get for writing a stalker story. Anyway, I hope you get to read too and have a peaceful Sunday! 💕
I am not a wine-drinker. I'm hoping I'll turn 40 with kids and switch will go off and I'll start liking it more but I'm a sl*t for sangria of all types. Fall is always my favorite season and I'm honestly not a big drinker (I've got a lot of family hang-ups about it) but I think I could make an exception when it comes to apple cider sangria 🤭
Well yeah, you probs don't have a choice staying for hot-professor's lecture 😍 All the more, a good reason you left on Thursday.
I was thinking about my alternate ending this morning. We'll see. I think it would have been a little anti-climactic and it would have very strict guidelines to follow reading as it would only take place in the middle of part 8 and probs still end with her family showing up kind of thing if that makes sense. Like literally just swapping out the apartment scene with a restaurant scene. I don't think I've mentioned it before but I was very much inspired by the show The Night Agent while writing Protection so I feel like that's why I was able to pull off a few kidnappings in that one hehehe
I've been mulling over my boxer au for a while now. I've been trying to come up with a bit more substance to it but the bare bones are there. It'll be here soon I think 😉
0 notes
magical-girl-topic · 1 year
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Hey! Its been a while 0_0
I had a lot going on when I started this blog, idk why I thought I could keep it up. But now I'm hoping to make a come back.
Anyway, this magical girl is Calamity Mary from the series Magical Girl Raising Project, there are 12 episodes of the anime and I believe 15 manga volumes? Correct me if I'm wrong! :3 I bought the first manga volume during the summer at my local comic book shop, but then I had a ton of renovations done to my room and had to store all my stuff in the attic for a while, so i never got around to reading it until last week! Its a pretty easy read, took me about 45 minutes, and it was super interesting! I plan on buying the next two volumes very soon!! I believe before the manga there was a novel series, I'd love to check that out too! So far Calamity Mary is my favorite, but that'll probably change!
I'm going to show you crunchyroll's description of the anime, and then I'll talk about what happens in the manga, I'll try my best to give as little spoilers as possible, hopefully none at all!!!, but I'm not very good at that, so I apologize in advance. Anyway, crunchyroll's description:
"Magical Girl Raising Project is a popular social game that has an ability to grant players a 1 in 10,000 chance to become a real life Magical Girl with unique magical abilities to help people. However, at some point, Fav, the magical administrator fairy, decides to cut the population of Magical Girls in half. The game quickly changes into a twisted, wicked battlefield as the 16 magical girls get dragged into a battle for survival against each other."
So yeah! The animes pretty much the same as what I read. Here's how I'll describe it.
Magical Girl Raising Project is a very popular mobile game, its wonderfully made and its free! Anybody can play! But theres a rumor going around, a rumor that random players have been selected to become real life magical girls. And that rumor is true. 16 people have become magical girls, but fav has decided that's too many. Every magical girl has to collect magical candy, whoever has the least candy by the end of the week is eliminated... and dead! :3 Nobody here wants to lose their life! So, some magical girls have to take matters into their own hands...
dun dun dunnnn!!! But yeah, its super duper good so far!! I'm gonna watch the anime over april break. :D
Thanks for reading luvs! Have a great break and stay magical. <3 xoxo
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vexeliers-breakroom · 2 years
Love you bae @hatchet-kills ❤️
Hi baby!
I know it's only been a day and I'll be back soon but I really miss you. I'll get you a ton of new cool plushies from this convention though! I'll even get you one of those gigantic Snorlax plushes!! I'll have to hurry though because they seem to be selling out really quick. We need another room for all these plushes... I've already got you so many! And I found this really cool Genshin figure that you might like as well! I've still got a lot of exploring to do at this con but I'll bring you tons of stuff soon! I'll see you later baby. ❤️
Yours truly, Makoto Naegi.
Sincerely, Fumikage Tokoyami.
Dearest Toby,
Tonight's scouting is exceptionally exhausting. Hawks has been teasing me for hours I am sick of him. Dark Shadow has been asking when we will be returning, seeing he misses your constant affection....and I have to confess that I do as well. You're quite good at fixing my feathers... tonight I will come home with dinner so please don't stress yourself with cooking. We will watch a film and eat in bed, comfortably. Perhaps you could rub my beak afterwards going to bed...
To my dearest Toby,
Heya babe, I beat up some random bad guy today. They were kinda annoying and I just wanna go home already. I ate a sandwich today! This really nice old lady got me a sandwich after I helped her cross the road she was so sweet. Anyway, I found you this cool ass sticker pack full of little animal stickers! I had to store it in my backpack so I don't lose it swinging around, hopefully it doesn't get stolen...that'd be the sixth backpack gone. Thieves are wild these days. Anyway babe, I gotta save some more people. I'll see you at home!
Stay safe!
-Peter Parker
Hi Tobes, I hope today's been alright for you. I had to stay home today because of some weird ass cold...Clawdeen's been on my tail about it. You should come by after class and take a nice nap with me ❤️ I miss your warmth. I also missed basketball practice today :( I was so excited to show off my new move for you babe. I'll just have to do it even better when I'm back in the game. Clawdeen should be bringing you a little something from me during lunch...if she remembers. I'll see you later babe!
XOXO, Clawd Wolf.
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mackenzielovee · 2 years
sixth sense blurb: a surprise
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synopsis: "Admitting it feels too simple, and you’re sure if Rafe loves you, he would’ve said so by now."
warnings: SMUT (kissing, protected sex, daddy kink)
wc: 3.3k
a/n: too many people i want to dedicate this to but i love all of u so much and i hope you enjoy. i'll have a new part of the series up soon but hopefully this fulfills your need for now ! xoxo
series masterlist
     Rafe has never been even a minute late when it comes to spending time with you. 
You’d noticed this pretty early on, but you never realized how much you loved it. Dates, sleepovers, even just short ‘be over in ten with lunch’ surprise texts; he always remained on time. 
So, you think, of course the day you have excitement and anticipation bubbling over in your stomach is the day he isn’t exactly on time. You pace the living room, sucking in deep breaths and releasing them far too soon, then check the time on your phone again. Two minutes late. You pull up your text chain with Bryn and fire off a message with shaky thumbs, willing Rafe’s familiar knock to sound only moments before he unlocks your door with the spare key you’d given him. 
He’s late. What if he hates it?
Not five seconds later, your phone goes off with a text from Bryn. 
Are you kidding? If you can walk into work tomorrow, I’ll be very surprised.
You let out a laugh and feel your anxiety start to calm. She’s right, you think. He’s going to love it. 
     At five minutes late, Rafe’s knock sounds. You immediately stand and hurry over to the entryway just as he slips through the door, fresh bouquet of tulips in hand. He looks at you and winces apologetically, closing and locking your front door before offering the flowers to you. 
“Would’ve gotten you more if I knew I’d be late,” he frowns, “I’m sorry. The first place I went to was out of tulips and—”
“I love them,” you blurt, your excitement and nervousness taking over, “Thank you.”
He lets out an easy laugh, “You’re welcome. Come give me a kiss, will you?”
You swallow and take your steps across the entryway to him. You accept the flowers and swear the section of skin you want him to see is burning under your sundress as he leans down with a smirk. 
His greeting kiss is slow, passionate, and has the capability of melting you right into a puddle. His hands meet your waist, and you can tell from the deep groan he lets out that he’s holding himself back from sliding them right underneath your dress. Any other day, you’d arch into him and encourage him to touch you, but today is different. 
When you pull back, it takes him about five seconds to furrow his eyebrows at your shy expression. He reaches up to pull your bottom lip from between your teeth, letting his palm cup your chin. Your eye catches on the gold ring wrapped around his pointer finger, and you swear he knows just how much it impacts you when he wears it. He pairs it with his gold cuff bracelet —- the one he wears on the same arm his sleeve decorates. You drool at the sight but silently apologize in your head, knowing his mother’s birth date is engraved on that bracelet and it means a great deal to him. You break your eyes away from his beautifully decorated physique and meet his eyes once more, willing yourself to stay focused. 
“I, um,” you hesitate, watching a smirk spread across his lips, “I have a surprise for you.”
“Really?” he asks teasingly. 
You nod, “Yeah. But I thought it might be fun if you try to find it.”
“Find it, huh?” he grins, his hands wandering up your back, “Is it under this dress?”
You’d never intended to give yourself away so quickly, but when he catches the way you swallow, his hand trails from your back and around to your chest, then gently up around your throat. You blink while he grips your neck; not squeezing at all, just angling your head up to look him in the eye. He raises an eyebrow, as if to repeat the question, and when you nod, his jaw ticks. 
All at once, both of his hands meet your waist, and he picks you up with ease. You squeal before you can help it, legs wrapping around his waist and grip tight around the bouquet of tulips you hold. 
Rafe takes the flowers from you and tosses them onto the coffee table before he lays you down on the couch, crawling on top of you. His face buries itself into your neck and his hands tug your dress up your body as a hurried attempt to remove it completely. He gets his way, and with the feeling of his hands traveling over every inch of your exposed skin, your excitement and anxiety are forgotten. 
“Not lingerie,” he remarks, mumbling his words into the skin of your neck, “What are you hiding, baby?”
“You—” you stop and gasp when he nips at you, earning a chuckle from him, “You have to find it.”
You’re laying completely bare, completely exposed, and you know all he has to do is pull away from his spot in the crook of your neck to see it. He kisses along your jawline and then reluctantly pulls back, those hazy blue eyes making you bite down on your lip again. 
“Okay, let’s see,” he smirks, his hand traveling down to meet your core, “My pussy is wet, and my—”
His eyes snag on the underside of your left breast — where the faintest, but yet completely visible, bit of ink rests. 
You’d gone to Bryn’s tattoo shop with her, initially intending on being a spectator. She convinced you, using her Rafe would love it card, and twenty minutes later, you were cursing from the pain while also crushing her hand. 
You watch Rafe’s eyes darken as he shifts upward, brushing the tips of his fingers just underneath the fresh ink. Your eyes never leave him, not even once, as you watch him swallow. 
“Is that—” he stops and clears his throat, letting his jaw twitch for a moment, “Is that a tulip?”
You nod slowly, “Yes.”
His jaw shifts in his mouth, as if he’s deciding for a moment what to do, not surprising you at all when his mouth meets yours in a frenzy. 
His right hand cups your ribcage just underneath your tattoo, and you know he’s being careful about touching it. You hiss at the feeling of the cool metal from his bracelet pressed against your warm skin, but Rafe doesn’t remove it. When his tongue slides into your mouth, you forget how to think, and you let yourself get lost in him once again. 
His hips grind into yours, the rough fabric of his jeans rubbing against your most sensitive areas and forcing moans from your mouth and into his. Rafe moves from your lips to your cheek, to your jawline, to your neck, and down your chest, listening to you pant wildly above him. 
“Is your skin still sensitive?” he asks, brushing the pad of his thumb lightly over the ink rounding your breast. 
“A little,” you mumble. 
Rafe latches onto your right breast, grinning around it when you arch your back into him. 
“You want me to kiss it better, baby?”
You nod, and nod, and nod even more until you feel his mouth cover you, taking your ink-stained skin between his teeth and running his tongue over it. Without missing a beat or dropping his lips from your skin, he sits up and pulls you with him, tucking your bare body into his lap. Desperately, you buck your hips up into him against his jeans, already reaching down to undo his belt and fumbling when he runs his tongue just the right way across your skin. 
“Rafe, I—” you pant, whining when you realize your condoms are in your bedroom, “We need— I need—”
“Shh,” he hushes you, breaking away from your skin to meet your lips, “Relax. You want me to put you on your back?”
You shake your head, “No. I just need —- the condoms are—”
“Right here,” he replies, shifting up with ease to pull one out of his pocket, “Let me get you ready first.”
He watches as you shake your head again; your need for him is too high to worry about anything except feeling him right now. 
“I can take it,” you promise, “Please.”
“Fuck,” he grunts, “Okay. Pull me out and put this on for me like a good girl.”
You whimper as he tears open the condom wrapper, then hands it to you. Quickly, you roll the condom on and sit up on your knees while Rafe uses his right hand to steady your hip and help guide you down. 
Just as he enters you, Rafe silences your gasp by covering your mouth with his, swallowing down every noise you make as you take him in. You take your time, letting him stretch you before you take more, and it feels like ages until you’re finally settled in his lap. 
You don’t move at first; instead opting to meet his eyes and give him a lustful smile. His eyes never leave you, but his expression reads bliss as his jaw hangs open and his hips start to grind up into you. 
“So, you like it?” you grin. 
Rafe smirks, “I’m about to show you how much.”
He ruts up into you then, watching your face change from a teasing smile to complete pleasure. You work your hips as best you can against him, but Rafe’s grip on your hips keeps him in control. He moves you just how he wants you, listening to see which motions make you the loudest. 
“Oh, shit,” you cry, burying your face into his neck. 
“You’re such a good girl, baby,” he whispers in your ear, “You’ve never taken me without prep. But, you’re just too needy today, aren’t you?”
“Yes. Yes, I needed you — didn’t get you yesterday—”
He smirks and kisses just below your earlobe before taking it into his mouth, all while keeping your hips on pace. 
“Missed me, huh?” 
“Yes, yes, I did,” you cry, and the admission makes Rafe change angles, wanting to satiate your every need as he curses himself for not coming over last night to give you what you needed. Your mouth falls open as you choke on a gasp, desperate for air and desperate for him as he hits that spot inside of you. 
“Shit—” Rafe groans, but silences himself when you whine. 
Maybe it’s the angle change. Maybe it’s the way he reacted when he saw your tattoo. Maybe it’s the fact that you’ve been dying for him inside you for twenty-four hours. If you could think, those are the reasons you’d cite. 
Rafe’s lips meet your throat just as the words escape your mouth, and he feels them as they travel up and out. 
“Fuck, daddy,” you whimper, “Oh, my God.”
Truthfully, you don’t even realize it at first. The slightest falter in Rafe’s instruction of your motions is what clues you in, and you actively have to try to figure out what had happened to disrupt your pleasure. 
Just as you open your mouth to speak, to apologize, to beg him not to pull out of you and leave, he wraps his right arm around you and tosses you onto your back. He pushes himself back in immediately, tossing your leg over his shoulder as he begins his rapid thrusts. 
“Say it again,” he demands, turning his head to the side and kissing your knee before he nips at your inner thigh, “Come on, baby. Don’t get all shy on me. I want to hear you say it again.”
“Daddy, please,” you sob, watching his eyes close as he tries to calm himself, “Please, please, let me—”
“Let you what?” he questions, “Let you cum?”
You nod, your eyes wide and pleading,  “Can I have a kiss?”
You watch Rafe’s expression, knowing he loves it when you ask for things while he’s fucking you. It makes him feel in control, and more importantly, it makes him feel like you’ve given yourself over to him. It lets him know that you trust him to care for you — even when you’re so far gone, you can’t even think straight.
He leans down and kisses your jaw, grinning against you when you whimper. He pulls back just enough to see your pouty expression, and it takes everything in him to hold back from giving you what you want. 
“Ask me properly,” he demands softly. 
His left hand cups your cheek as you give him a small smile, “Can I have a kiss, daddy?”
He doesn’t waste a second after your question leaves your mouth. He kisses you like he’d die if he didn’t; his tongue invading every inch of your mouth and tangling with your own as you clench around him. 
“You can cum, baby,” he whispers against your lips, “Cum with me. With Daddy.”
If you hadn’t already been teetering on the edge, hearing him say that would’ve definitely been enough. You tighten around him as you release, and you let Rafe’s groans fuel your orgasm. You can feel your hands shaking and your toes tingling, but it all feels too good to focus on one sensation. 
Rafe collapses on top of you as both of you come down, and you’re not surprised at all when his lips meet that same patch of skin. 
“Daddy, huh?” he smirks, mumbling the words against your skin. 
You feel heat blossom through your body, “Shut up.”
“Teasing you,” he chuckles, “It’s sexy as fuck. You better keep calling me that.”
“I will,” you smile.
Rafe presses another kiss to your tattoo, then tips his chin up to catch your lips. His kiss is softer, calmer, less demanding. When he pulls back, he gives you a smile, watching as you return it. His eyes fall back down to the ink, as if he can’t believe it’s still there.
“When did you do this?”
“Yesterday,” you murmur, “It kinda hurt.”
He laughs then, the smallest of smiles painting itself across his lips as he finally looks up at you. His hand moves around you and cups your ribcage, shifting you over slightly so he can get a better look. He lets the base of his thumb run over it lightly, sucking in a harsh breath when he confirms that it’s real. 
“Does it still hurt?” he asks. 
“Did they use clean equipment?”
“Who took you?”
He nods, looking wide-eyed and completely distracted by your skin to fire off any more questions. His thumb brushes over it again and you smile, watching as his eyes flicker back and forth from each end of your tattoo, as if he’s trying to figure something out. 
“What is it?” you question him, tipping his chin up to look at you.
He smiles softly, “Nothing. It’s beautiful, baby. I love it.”
“Thank you,” you reply, but that bit of hesitance still remains in his eyes, “But I know you better than that. Tell me.”
He sighs, removing his hand from your skin only to run it through his hair before he’s touching you again. 
“I’m just—,” he groans, “What if I fuck this up, huh? And then you regret it forever. Regret me forever.”
Your eyes search his desperately as you wait for your brain to catch up — to tell you that he didn’t really just say that. 
But how do you tell him you will never, ever regret this without telling him how much you love him? Admitting it feels too simple, and you’re sure if Rafe loves you, he would’ve said so by now. 
Can’t he see it?, you think, Can’t he see how much I love him by citing the fact that I got the flower he buys for me tattooed on my body? Isn’t it obvious?
“Rafe, I—” you freeze, telling yourself that the hopeful look in his eye doesn’t mean what you think it does, “You’re not going to fuck it up. And even if, God forbid, this ends in the worst way possible, how I feel with you isn’t something I want to forget. I promise.”
He grins at the words, and even though you’re still full of him, you only want him closer. You run your hands through his hair as you revel in his smile, wanting it to stay there forever. 
“You’re becoming a softie, you know that?” he teases, “I’m gonna need you to glare at me or something.”
You narrow your eyes, “How’s this?”
He pecks your lips and starts to push off of you, to which you whine and cling to him. Part of you is teasing, the other part has no actual desire to separate from him at any point. 
“Not yet,” you complain. 
“I have to take care of the condom,” he reminds you, “And take care of you. Stay right here.”
He pulls out of you, but when he sees your pout, he leans down to give you another kiss. You cave and let him go, but not without a smirk and a snarky remark. 
“Okay, daddy.”
You hear him groan from inside your bathroom, “Can I please clean you up before you get me hard again?”
You giggle. A part of you wants to shoot off a you were right text to Bryn, but Rafe returns before you can. He’d put on the sweatpants he left here but remains shirtless, as you figured he would. He holds a warm washcloth and one of his shirts for you, then tosses a few condoms on the coffee table, making you laugh. 
“Did your class get canceled?” you ask him, knowing he has a class in two hours. 
“No,” he replies, using the washcloth to clean you up, “Those are for now. And in an hour. And when I get back.”
You laugh, “Oh. Right.”
“I’m getting tested tomorrow. It’s getting too expensive to buy condoms every three days.”
He grins and so do you, shaking your head slightly, “You’re insatiable, Rafe.”
“Me?” he questions, “You came onto me the second I walked in the front door.”
“You stripped me naked after one minute!”
“Yeah, well, I know every time you wear those little dresses, you’ve got nothing underneath. It’s impossible for me not to take it off.”
You laugh and so does he as he finishes up with you. He takes the washcloth to your hamper while you slide his shirt over your head, then open your arms for him to join you on the couch.
“Thank you for the flowers,” you say, eyeing the discarded bouquet still on the coffee table. 
“Mhm,” he hums, kissing your forehead, “Need anything? Did I clean you alright?”
“Yes, you did. And no, I’m okay. Just really want you close right now.”
He nods and draws you closer, his tattoo covered arm wrapping itself around your body. You smile as you allow yourself to trace over the ink the way you always do, silently wondering if he would ever get something permanent the way you did. 
“Y/N?” he whispers, watching as you shift to look up at him. His eyes are filled with an emotion you recognize but refuse to admit you see, because he hasn’t said it yet. 
You swear your heart stops as you wait, silently begging him to admit it. To tell you. He opens his mouth to speak and you’re sure it’s about to happen, but then his eyes fall from yours and he licks his lips impatiently. 
“Let’s watch a movie before I have to go,” he mumbles. 
You frown, but he isn’t looking at you, “Okay.”
He kisses your temple, and you let your eyes flutter shut as he grabs the remote. He hands it to you with a small smile, one that you share even given your desire to hear and say those words. 
“You pick.”
@witchwyfe @ghostselena @goldenjo @storytellingwitht @scenesofobx @itsalexwin @onmykneesforrafe @valeriiecameron @lovedetlost @mardema @girlsneedloovee @wishing-i-was-rafes-princess @malums-trash-can @emotionalbruv @onenightnorth @rafecameronswhore @wanniiieeee @sarahwasfound @lilgoddesshines @abrunettefangirlnerd @absolute-fcking-chaos @jordynsharum @premixed-margarita @anonymousobxfan @samcaniglia @midnightanticss @iammirrorball @r0und3bitch @thesimpletype @notdisneychannel @gillybear17 @solllaris @i-is-for-inspiring @luversgirl @maybankxw @mattyskies @imobsessedsblog @ryswritingrecord @barbiietiingz @sierraahhhh @masteroperator @hazza05 @totallynotkaibiased @mannstarkey
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bbysamu · 3 years
Haikyuu boys when he’s asleep and you ask for his credit card to buy something ridiculously expensive 
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featuring:: BOKUTO Kotaro, MATSUKAWA Issei, SUNA Rintaro, AONE Takanobu
genre:: TikTok 
warnings:: none!
inspired by:: @noelleagcaoili’s tiktok 
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❥ BOKUTO Kotaro 
“Ko, wake up!” You shake him once, then twice, finally waking your husband up. Bokuto blinks before breaking out into a grin, “hi pretty lady, are you my wife?” “yes, now give me your credit card.” “okay, my pretty wife.” He gives you his card and turns back to sleep. About two hours later, Bokuto emerges from his nap and snakes his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder, “what’d you buy?” You put on your best excited expression, “an autographed BTS album and it was on sale!” Bokuto’s eyes mirrored your excitement, “really? how much was it?” “$8,000!” Bokuto drops his arms in horror, “wait, Y/n you serious?” The look in your eyes got him dramatically taking a step backward. “Ko, I thought you’d be happy for me! you know I've always wanted an autographed BTS album.” “but it’s $8,000!” “yeah it’s a steal.” “I'm going to need to take another nap and hopefully when I wake up it’s just a dream.” You giggle, “you don’t need to do that, I'll tell you right now. It’s just a prank.” He visibly relaxes before collapsing onto the sofa. “thanks for almost giving me a heart attack babe. Please come here and kiss it better.” 
You jumped onto the lump under the blankets. “oof!” your husband immediately wakes up and cages you in his arms, “what’s the meaning of this? princess, I was sleeping!” “hurry, give me your wallet, I need to buy a limited edition t-shirt.” “okay.” He hands you his card and pushes you off him. About an hour later, Matsukawa walks into the living room and leans against the frame of the door as he asks, “so did you get the shirt?” You grin up at him, “yup! and guess what issei? it was only $2500!” He immediately straightens up, “Y/N! are you kidding me? ONLY $2500?” “yeah...do you know what the original price was? $5000! I got a 50% discount!” He plops down on the sofa next to you, trying his very best to control his anger as he pleads with you. “is it refundable?” “nope, it’s a done deal.” He explodes, “PRINCESS! Why would you spend $2500 on a single t-shirt! We could’ve use that money to go traveling or something.” “I mean we still could.” “how? unless you got another $2500 lying around somewhere.” “yeah, I do because it’s just a prank.” Matsukawa processes your words and stands up and leaves. “I love you baby!” “shut up!” 
❥ SUNA Rintaro 
It’s a risky prank because your husband hates nothing more than being woken up over something stupid. “babe?” no response. “rin?” again, you’re met with silence. “Suna Rintaro, wake up right now.” He finally rolls over, sleepy eyes meeting yours. “yes, what do you need?” You give him your sweetest smile, “may I have your credit card please?” He hands you his card, “nothing over 500 okay? we’re on a tight budget lately.” You kiss him in response, “no promises!” You return his card 30 minutes later, “here you go, handsome.” He pulls the blanket over his head, mumbling, “how much did you spend?” “$2,000.” He doesn’t respond for the longest time. You thought he might have suffocated under the cover. “Rin?” “what?” “didn’t you hear me? I said $2,000.” “yeah I did.” “you’re not mad?” “I am but you also forget I'm on tiktok, so jokes on you.” You pout, “you’re no fun.” He pulls down his cover, “I'm no fun? you’re no fun for disrupting my sleep.” He opens the blanket, an invitation, “now come here and cuddle with me before I change my mind.” 
❥ AONE Takanobu
“wake up!” The hard slap on his chest immediately jerked Aone awake. “what’s wrong?” “There’s a $1,000 dollar brush set on sale right now at Sephora. Give me your credit card.” Your husband sleepily reaches over to the nightstand, large hands fumbling with his tiny wallet as he picks out his card. He hands it to you silently and goes back to sleep. 30 seconds later, his eyes springs wide open. “how much did you say it was?” You bite your cheeks from laughing as you nonchalantly reply, “1,000 dollars.” “oh okay. $100.” “no, I said $1,000.” He sits up and stares at you with his tired eyes, “honey, are you serious? $1,000?” He sighs before looking back up at you, “do you really like it?” You nod. “fine get it then.” You burst out into laughters and climb into bed with your husband, wrapping your arms around him, “it’s just a prank babe, I'd never spend the much on some brushes.” You feel his body relax visibly, “okay. can I sleep now?” “only if you I can be your big spoon.” “yes, be my big spoon.”
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▸ Taglist: due to organizational issues, my previous taglist will be disregarded - sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll be coming out with a new one very soon. Thanks for understanding!
📮 Requests are open!
stay fetch, xoxo
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barnesafterglow · 3 years
all you need (4)
summary: just after finishing college and your first novel, you meet bucky barnes - a friend of a friend, a publisher, and hopefully something more
pairing: publisher!bucky x author!reader
word count: 3.6k
chapter warnings: explicit language, mention of a car accident/death, shania twain is an icon, surprise character y'all will (hopefully) love, bucky gets called jamie!!! (this a warning because it keeps my heart beating), me knowing nothing about how book publishing works, fluff to an extent a/n: ok i know i said i was taking a break, and i still am, but i managed to revise this part and wanted to repost. there's not a huge difference - i just went a different direction with the scene where bucky tells her about his [redacted]. i'll probably hold off on chapter 5 for a little bit, and i feel terrible because i hate disappointing people but i need to clear my mind. i am eternally grateful for @pellucid-constellations and @sweetdreamsbuck for always encouraging me, i love you both endlessly. i hope you all enjoy this! xoxo
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When you agreed to drive to Brooklyn with Bucky, you didn’t quite think about the fact that you would be stuck in a car with him for four hours. You also didn’t expect him to drop a bombshell when you asked where you would be staying.
“Well, I thought maybe you could stay at my place. I’m only a block from the office and then you wouldn’t have to be alone in a hotel or anything. I totally understand if you don’t feel comfortable, though. It’s all up to you.”
You had thought about it for a minute, a million possibilities floating around in your head, an abundance of what-ifs scrambling to the forefront of your mind. Once you managed to get a logical line of thinking, you decided that it would be easier all around if you did stay with him, and you told him so.
He seemed pleased, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up considering everything that had happened between you. But when he grabbed your hand and told you he was really excited, you thought your heart might burst.
What was this man doing to you?
Realizing what he had done, he pulled his hand away as if you had burned him, and your confidence, or whatever was left of it, cracked in half. The weekend was going to be hard, that was for sure.
The rest of the card ride was filled with idle small talk, but thankfully there were no more awkward silences after the hand holding incident.
Driving down a long strip of highway with no service, you took this as an opportunity to snoop just a tad through Bucky’s car. Popping open the glove box, a book of CDs fell out, and you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing.
“Are you making fun of my CD collection?” He feigned offense.
“No,” you countered, “I’m making fun of the fact that you even have a CD collection. This isn’t 2006, you know.”
“I know your generation grew up with iTunes and Spotify and all that - which I use, thank you very much - but I accumulated these through my college years, you can’t make fun of my memories like that.”
“Okay,” you held your hands up a bit in defense, before pulling out a CD from its sleeve. “Can I make fun of the fact that you have all of Shania Twain’s CDs, and they look like they’ve been played a lot.”
He snatched the CD from your fingers in mock anger, before informing you that your snooping privileges had been revoked. Then, as if he could read your mind, he inserted the disc into his stereo.
It was as if a switch had been flipped on your friendship, and soon you were belting out the words of Shania’s greatest hits together, laughing like you had been doing it for years.
You wanted to worry, to tell yourself that you shouldn’t get so close when he obviously didn’t want anything to come of this, but seeing him so carefree and happy, head thrown back and smiling wider than you could imagine, you really didn’t want to think about that. You wanted to enjoy the little bubble the two of you had created in his car.
It was like the car ride was over in a flash with the way the two of you joked around the whole time, and soon you were pulling into an underground parking garage in the middle of Brooklyn.
When you stepped out of the car, you walked around to the trunk of his car to grab your bag only to find it already slung over Bucky’s shoulder. Even though you tried to take it from him, he just patted you on the head, flashed you his million dollar smile, and motioned for you to follow him.
The rickety elevator took you up to the 11th floor of the building and opened into a long hallway. Bucky stopped just a few doors down and you stepped into the apartment of your dreams. You stared in awe at the bookshelves filled to the brim, the mismatched furniture, and the overall warm and homey vibe of the place. Bucky might have looked a little proud, but you were too busy touching every book on the shelf to notice.
You finally turned your attention back to him when he cleared his throat, looking particularly amused.
“So, are you hungry?” As if on cue, your stomach growled loud enough for him to hear halfway across the living room. He laughed before continuing, “Perfect. I want to take you to this diner I’ve been going to since I was a kid. I think you’ll love it.”
Nodding enthusiastically, you followed him out of the apartment and onto the streets of Brooklyn.
“Oh my god, this is the best milkshake I’ve ever had.” Your moans were practically pornographic, but you didn't care when you were eating the most delicious thing to ever grace your lips.
Bucky sat back, looking perfectly content to sit back and watch you instead of drinking his own. That is, until he was smacked upside the head with a stack of menus.
He turned and his face went from one of mild annoyance to that of pure adoration.
An older woman, with brown hair and piercing blue eyes just the same as Bucky’s, stood beside him with her arms crossed, though you could tell she was trying to contain her laughter.
“James Buchanan Barnes, I know you are not wasting that milkshake. I also know that you did not bring a beautiful girl here without introducing her to me.”
“Ma! I’m sorry, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my gracious mother, Winnifred.”
“Oh, please. Call me Winnie.” She had a kind voice, and though you were still slightly in shock, you held your hand out to her. She, however, was having none of that, and reached almost across the booth to give you a hug.
When she pulled away, you gave her one of the biggest smiles you could remember having in a long time, and the one on Bucky’s pretty much mirrored yours. Winnie could feel the sparks crackling in the air, but it seemed the two of you were oblivious.
“Maybe I should have mentioned, when I said I’ve been coming here since I was a kid, I really meant it,” Bucky laughed.
“Oh, yeah!” Winnie interjected with a laugh of her own. “He was almost born in the kitchen.” At the look of disbelief on your face, she continued. “My water broke while I was cleaning up one night and I didn’t know if George, his father, would make it in time to get me to the hospital. I laugh about it now but really, this little shit terrified me.”
Bucky looked slightly guilty, though it wasn’t truly his fault, before she leaned down and gave him an exaggerated kiss on the cheek. Deciding she was tired of standing beside your table, she slid into the booth beside Bucky.
“So,” you started, very curious, “do you own the diner or just work here?”
“I own it! My parents bought it back in the 40s, and I spent the better part of my teen years working as a waitress. While I was in college, my dad taught me everything I needed to know about the business side of things, and when I graduated they passed it down to me. Well, mostly, it was in their name until they died but by then I had been running it for almost 20 years.” You could see the pride shining in her eyes, and you nearly wanted to cry from how happy that made you.
Not only that, but Bucky looked at her like she hung the moon and stars, and you could see why. You were about to ask more questions when she leaned forward and grasped your hands in hers.
“And what about you, my dear? How did you meet my little Jamie?” She took one of her hands away from yours to pinch his already red cheeks.
Not knowing how to answer, he stepped in to help you.
“Ma, she’s a, uh, client. I’m publishing her first book.” You nodded along to his words, shoving down the disappointment of him calling you a client, even though that’s what you were. Winnie looked like she didn’t believe that for a second, but kept her thoughts to herself.
“Well, I do hope I get to read it very soon. I better get back to the kitchen before someone burns the place down.” With that, she gave your hands a kiss and pinched Bucky’s cheek again before disappearing behind the double doors that you assumed led to the kitchen.
The two of you looked at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter.
“Your mom is amazing,” you gushed. “Seriously, do you bring all of your clients here for this treatment?”
His cheeks, finally returning to a normal color, flamed pink again, and he looked so embarrassed you wanted to take a page from Winnie’s book and pinch his cheeks.
“No, I’ve never really taken anyone here, actually, besides Steve and Maria and Sharon. I just thought you would really like it. I also thought my mom had taken the weekend off to go visit my sister, otherwise I wouldn’t have let her bombard you like that.”
Christ, he was adorable.
“Well, Jamie, I loved getting to meet her. I almost feel special.”
Just like his mother, he held your hands in his much larger ones, looking you dead in the eye.
“Y/N, you are special. Never doubt that.” His gaze was filled with such intensity you thought you might burst into flames right there on your side of the booth.
Not knowing what to say to that, you simply waved him off.
“C’mon now, finish your milkshake before you get another swat to the head.”
He laughed before grabbing his glass and settling back into his seat, moving on to less searing topics. You didn’t know whether you were happy or sad about that.
Back at Bucky’s apartment, you faced the question that had been lingering in the back of your mind all day: where were you going to sleep?
It was only a one bedroom apartment, so that meant you would probably be on the couch, or at least that’s what you thought. But when you merely mentioned the idea, Bucky acted as if you had personally offended him.
“Of course you’re not sleeping on the couch, you’re a guest.”
“Hardly, this is your home, Bucky, I’m not taking your bed away from you,” you countered, though his proximity to you already had you wavering in your argument.
“I don’t care. If you want to take the couch, then fine, but I’ll sleep on the floor and then the bed will be wasted, so you might as well.” He said it with such conviction that you didn’t even bother replying, you just threw your hands in the air in mock frustration before grabbing your bag and heading to the bathroom.
Twenty minutes later, you emerged fresh faced and in shorts that you definitely remembered being longer. At least the t-shirt you wore pretty much covered them entirely.
Bucky was sitting on his couch, relaxing with a mug in one hand, and another right in front of him on the coffee table. As you brought it towards your face you were hit with the strong scent of peppermint, causing a delighted smile to take over your face.
‘Wanda, uh, told me it was your favorite, so I made sure I had some.” This man always seemed to be blushing, and you not-so-secretly hoped it was just because of you.
You couldn’t have possibly known that he was thinking the exact same thing.
As you settled into the other side of the couch, he informed you that he was going to take a shower. When he disappeared behind the door, you took the opportunity to look at his bookshelves more closely. You gasped when a particular title caught your eye.
He had a first edition of The Hobbit. You were absolutely floored. Last you heard, an edition like that had sold for almost one hundred thousand dollars. Very carefully, you pulled it from the shelf, gently fingering through the pages. It was worn in the way a book over 80 years old is, but near perfect condition otherwise. All you could wonder was how on earth he had this.
Not realizing how long you had spent marveling over the piece of literature, you heard the bathroom door open, and through the billows of steam stood Bucky Barnes in all his glory. Clad in nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants that hung dangerously low on his hips, he looked like a Greek god, and you were so stunned you almost dropped the rarity in your hands.
Terrified you actually would, you quickly, but gingerly, put it back on the shelf. Before you could even turn to ask your burning question, he was already answering it.
“That was my grandfather’s copy. He bought it when it first came out, and it became his most prized possession. When I was younger, I became obsessed with it. He never let me read that copy, only admire it, but he bought me my own when I was about 12 that I read literally to pieces.” He gestured to the second copy on the shelf, tattered and barely held together by the binding threads. “When he passed away just after I graduated college, he left it to me in his will.”
You could hear the slight hitch in his breath, and you turned to fully look at him for the first time, not realizing he had snuck up on you, quiet as a ghost story. Your head was less than a foot from his chest, and it was then you noticed the mess of scars decorating his left shoulder and bicep.
Not wanting to make him self conscious, you averted your eyes, but it was too late. He didn’t seem offended though, only grateful that you hadn’t looked disgusted or scared like he was so used to.
“I was in a really bad accident about seven years ago. It was dark and snowing and I wrapped my car around a tree. A piece of metal pierced me straight through the shoulder, and I was lucky they didn’t have to amputate it.” His own gaze rested on his shoulder, while yours remained focused on the slight sheen of tears in his eyes. He shook his head as if to clear any negative thoughts, before continuing, “Anyways, it doesn’t hurt much anymore, just the occasional nerve pain. I get by.”
It was then he looked at your face for the first time since he had started talking, and saw the silent tears streaming down your face. He brought his arms around you in a warm embrace, softly stroking your hair.
“Oh, honey, you don’t need to cry for me. I promise I’m okay.”
You wiped at your tears, determined to keep your calm. “No, it’s just. I’m so glad you are. It just hits really close to home, I guess.” Though it was a struggle, the concern growing on his face forced you to keep speaking. “My sister, the one who gave me that copy of And Then There Were None you saw at the cafe, however many weeks ago, she died in a car accident. It’s been almost 10 years but it’s still really hard for me.”
He was speaking to you, soft assurances that made your heart soar. You don’t know how long you two stood there, wrapped in his arms, but eventually you felt the quickness of your heartbeat slow to a dull thus, exhaustion finally washing over you.
“Bucky,” you whispered, and he pulled back to look down at you, his eyes radiating an emotion you were too drained to unpack. “I don’t want to sleep alone tonight.”
His surprised expression was quickly overtaken by one that radiated pure joy, but it didn’t say a word as he slightly nodded and led you by the hand to his bedroom.
The safety of his presence lulled you to sleep faster than you could remember, but before you were fully pulled under, you felt a kiss pressed to your temple, and a murmur of something you couldn’t quite understand.
The next morning brought a headache that came from your whirlwind of emotions the night before, as well as the internal freak out once you realized that not only were you not in your own bed, there was an arm wrapped around your waist that most definitely did not belong to either of your petite roommates.
It hit you then that it was Bucky, and you shot straight up, startling him awake. His warm hand calmed you for a moment, before you looked at his face and your first thought was I love him.
Where the fuck that came from, you had no idea, and you were about to bolt from the room when that same gentle hand circled your wrist before sitting up beside you.
“I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t scare you off after last night. It doesn’t have to happen again.” He paused to tuck a strand of fallen hair behind your ear. “Now, let’s get ready, we have a lot to do today.”
Nervously fiddling with the plastic lid on your cup of honey lavender tea, not even the sweet, floral smell could calm you as you rode the elevator up the few floors to Bucky’s office. Once you got there, he asked you to take a seat while he did a few things.
Though he was only gone about 10 minutes, it felt like an hour and by the time he came back your leg was bouncing uncontrollably and it took everything in you not to fling yourself into his arms just for a small semblance of comfort. Instead, you stood up and let him place a hand on the small of your back to lead you down the hall to another office with a plaque that read Dr. Banner just outside the door.
Bucky leaned just a tad to whisper, “He’s a little odd, but he’s the smartest person I’ve ever met,” before pushing open the door.
Standing behind a large mahogany desk was an older man, wearing an adorable combination of a button up, tweed blazer, and wired framed glasses. He looked like everyone’s favorite professor, and it warmed your heart dearly.
He had a stack of manuscripts on either side of the desk, but the one right in front of him caught your eye - it was yours. He saw where your eyes had landed and gave you a shy smile.
“I hope you don’t mind me getting a head start, I really loved this piece, and I couldn’t wait to read it over again.” You were in somewhat of a daze, never having received so much praise from anyone but Beth and your own mother. This caused him to let out a heartfelt laugh, before he turned to Bucky.
“You did good, Buck, I look forward to working with the both of you on this.” He extended his hand towards you, your brain finally jumpstarting, and you reached out your own, thanking him profusely and telling him how excited you were to be working with him as well.
Bucky’s hand once again gravitated its way toward your body, this time resting gently around your waist, as if giving you the chance to pull away. Though you knew it was probably a bad idea, you leaned into him, letting him lead you further down the hallway to Maria’s office.
She was the office’s literary agent, he informed you, and basically kept everyone’s ass in line. He said it jokingly, but you could tell he really admired her. After making a second round of introductions - since the first had not been under the best circumstances - he left the two of you to chat while he went to talk to Steve.
An hour later, he came back, expecting the two of you to be talking business. Instead, he found you both bursting with laughter, as Maria was telling an incredibly embarrassing story about Bucky from their college days.
“No, seriously, he wasted every last bit of his paycheck trying to win a stupid teddy bear for this girl who ended up making out with Peter Quill at the end of the night anyways.”
He cleared his throat, and the look on his face as the two of you turned to him caused you to break out into another fit of laughter.
“All right, all right, you’ll have plenty of time to make fun of me later on. Y/N,” he turned fully to you, extending his hand, “are you ready to sign all the paperwork?”
Near tears, both from nerves and excitement, you accepted his hand, and held it tightly in your own as you walked towards the corner office.
Holding the door open for you, you walked in to face Steve, a stack of paper you assumed to be your lengthy contract, and Sharon - their contract manager, you remembered Bucky saying.
“So,” Steve said, a huge grin plastered across his handsome face, “you ready to become an author?”
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taglist *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
@mrsbarnesinmyimagination @ducky2104 @demongirl1917 @writing-for-marvel @zbutx @asgardwinter @thesneakylittleminx @winth0rsoldier @carrotfantasimp @cutelittletwistedhorror @enchantedbarnes @tlcwrites @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @subwaysurf45 @intrepidacious @ambrosiase @riverevelations @nexusnyx @buckydaddy @babycap @aquariusbarnes @gray-reads @starbuckie @lovinggbarnes @igotnoname4thisblog @signofthebarnes @cupidsbarnes @lostyx  @silentkiller2374 @blossomedfloweroflove @red42985 @bennibabie @thesneakylittleminx  @theokatz @fyeahatised @smokeinherperfume @miyadarling @awaywithtime @fandoms-writings @povlvr @clementinesjourney @beefybuckrrito @pineprincess @scxrletrecsmarvel @vivalakatee @dihra-vesa @peachyprism @emmabarnes @goldustwomun @scxrletrecsmarvel @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @babebr
if your user is scored i couldn't tag you!
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acaplion · 2 years
Well, I'm so sorry I have been MIA from this blog for so long. Thank you to all my new followers who followed me even after I stopped posting any new content. For all my old friends/followers, I miss you all dearly! I have just had a rough few months so I haven't been around as much. I also have no idea who is even here anymore so if we used to talk just shoot me a DM or something!
I had a family death in the last month but I was preparing for that moment in the months prior. That is one of the reasons I haven't been around. Secondly, I started my career for real after passing all my licensure exams and I have been very busy running my own business.
I do not know what this blog will look like in the future. Hopefully, I'll start posting more stuff when I'm in the mood. I know i still have more astro and tarot knowledge to share with the world, but I just need some time to be inspired again.
Again, thanks for all the follows, likes, reblogs etc. I see everything since i do come on to check notifications and like/reblog things. I love you all so so much from the bottom of my heart but I ask that you stay patient with me. I will try and be back when this blog hits 2k (which is honestly going to be soon). Maybe, by then I will be feeling better. BTW no pressure to follow me or anything, this is more of an internal goal to be back by the time I hit that milestone.
Well, I think that is it. If you would like to talk to me please feel free to message/dm me and I will try to get back to you.
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
My dear Sorbet and Gelato, I hope you are doing well. I do miss you both greatly. The missions we have to do take away our time together and it makes me ever so sad. I do wish that we could spend some more time with each other. Maybe cuddle and watch some movies like old times. I do await for your arrival home, and I'll even bake some sweets for you both for you to enjoy. I love you both greatly, and always will. And for when we meet again, I do hope that we can go for a walk, possibly at sunset? Wouldn't that be romantic. May you two hopefully come home soon, I love you.
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It’s so cute how much you think of us. We’re thinking of you too, of course. Sorbet and I enjoy spending time with you, but we also enioy going on these missions too... We’ve got to keep you safe from harm, you know. How can you be safe when there are some bad people creeping around? :( I would have Sorbet write something but he’s busy at the moment and his hands are... not the cleanest right now, but he wants you to know how much he adores you and he looks forward to having some of your sweet treats when we get back! We’ll see each other soon. Take good care of yourself, and if anyone is causing you any problems don’t hesitate to let us know.
Sorbet & Gelato 
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thereaderinsertlady · 3 years
Valentine's Day; Asking Requests (Open until Feb 10th[Now Closed])
What's this about?
So, I really like doing holiday related things, right? I mean, I have a whole one-shot series dedicated to holidays! (Holiday adventures with you and King Boo.) And, since I love holidays so much, I figured that I should take in timely holiday requests!
Up until the 10th of February, I will be taking in Valentine related requests (headcanons, oneshots), which most, if not all should be completed by February 14th. I will post all requests on that date. Now, you're probably thinking "Hey reader insert lady, you've got 20 different requests already— don't you think you've got enough?" ...In which you would be correct with your line of thinking— BUT HEAR ME OUT! Since it'll take forever to get to the newer requests currently in my inbox, I'll be able to write for a lot of people at once with this in a (hopefully) timely manner.
What are the requirements for Valentine related requests?
There isn't a lot of requirements, but there is a few;
It has to be Valentine related in some way. If it wasn’t, then it wouldn't be a Valentine's Day request! Here's some examples; gifting flowers, saying "I love you," going on a date... If you are unsure if your request is Valentine related, then don't be afraid to ask!
To avoid confusion, please put a flower emoji, or say 'Valentine' somewhere in your request. If you only put "Hey, can I get a Bill Cipher where he gives flowers to the reader xoxo," then I'll have a difficult time figuring out if your request is for Valentine's or not. (Few examples of flower emojis: 💐🌷🌸💮⚘)
Your request also has to follow the 'Things to look at before requesting' guidelines... but there isn't a lot of rules, I pinky promise. TLDR; No pedophilia, the forbidden 'forced NSFW' is fine, and your request can be extremely simple or complex. Though, I still would recommend looking at it, since it includes what characters and fandoms I'm willing to write for.
The reason why I didn't put hearts instead of flowers for emojis, is because there's a few asks in my inbox that aren't Valentine's related, but have hearts included. Though, if you also include hearts in a Valentine's Day related ask, I won't mind lol. I just need to know that it is Valentine's related.
I can take up to around ten Valentine's Day requests, but if I receive more than that, I maaay not be able to finish by the 14th. However, I will never turn down a request unless it doesn't follow the guidelines posted in 'Things to look at before requesting.' So, even if I have fifty Valentine's Day requests, I will accept them all! Regular requests are still allowed, of course, but uh... (pointedly ignores the 20 regular requests currently in my inbox). If you accidentally make a boo-boo, and submit a Valentine's Day request without putting a flower emoji or having the word 'Valentine' somewhere in there, please let me know as soon as possible.
Otherwise... I believe that's it! Again, if you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask! Happy hunting~ (or would it be happy requesting? Hmph, it doesn't sound the same...)
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hunnybunnyxoxo · 3 years
I absolutely love your answers! You seem like so much fun, I’d enjoy breaking you. I hope you sleep well and thoughts of me sneaking into your room later on don’t stop you. The thought of the only thing you feel being a rag grind getting held over your face before you pass out onto the bed. Slightly catching a glimpse of my face as you go, the brief look of panic on your face is adorable. What a treat you are always wearing skimpy bed wear and looking your best, as if you’re expecting me to turn up and to do what I want to you. Slowly removing your “clothes” as I run my hands over over your passed out body, lightly running them over your hips and round your chest. Getting harder and tighter as I remember you’re passed out. My cock begins to grow so I rub it up against your drippy little cunt, you feel so tight and fragile, no resistance from your limp body as I thrust myself inside of you. Pushing my cock balls deep into your pussy, feeling my cock ripping you apart as your pussy begins to drip even more. My pace gets faster and harder as I grab onto your hips and thrust my cock in as deep as I can, stretching your hole out like it’s nothing. You’re nothing. Just a fleshlight, a warm set of holes for abusing. My own personal thing for pleasure. Pump load after load into you as I slap you about and throw you around. There’s nothing you can do because you don’t even know what’s happening to you.. such a little slut. Creaming on my cock whilst you lay there unconscious, slightly starting to moan as you begin to wake. I pound into you and slap your face as I notice you’re begging to wake up. Wake up little cum dump, look what I’ve been doing to you whilst you sleep. Don’t worry you didn’t miss out I set up a camera over there! Now hold still so I can hit you in the jaw and knock you back out. All Thai screaming you’re letting out is fun but I prefer it if you stay quiet this time. Maybe I’ll leave a good bruise on your face so you can tell it was real. Not just some fucked up dream you’ve had. Not that the cum leaking from your wrecked holes and the fact you’ve nearly got a broken jaw won’t point out what happened to you. I’ll leave leave the recording of us for you to watch whilst you rub your pussy and where I’ve carved my name into your body as you think about me coming back again. -🔪
honestly knife anon i am so sorry! i read this almost as soon as i received it but when i did actually read it, it melty my brain cells n i felt bad about the response might've given because you love them so much..
however,, dear glob i cannot even begin to imagine this! of course i always wear cute/minimal apparel to bed because of course i want/need a big thick cock destroying me! but most of all it's for you <3 it's so sweet the way you think that the look of panic on my face is adorable as you send me off to sleep, i'll try my hardest to look cute (in your opinion) not matter what happens! i'm so sad i missed the groping for myself (that's my favorite part) but you're incredibly sweet to leave me the tape so i can fondle myself in the same way that i watch you go about it.. n rub myself numb to how you use n abuse my limp self! yummy! how sweet of you! how thoughtful <3 n also how thoughtful of you to leave a bruise for me to show off! i love bruises! even tho i may tell those who ask, " i'm clumsy, i've fallen/was horsing around too hard n accidentally hit my face of some object" because i'm too embarrassed to share the real cause. they'll hopefully see my face turn red thinking of the way the bruise came about. i adore the way you yearn to hurt me, how sweet of you! how sweet you are! please feel free to use my mouth as well <3
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