#acaplion talks
acaplion · 3 years
Help me by answering some questions
I want to do a post a music astro notes post. You can reply with or send in as an ask!
Send me your:
top 5 favorite songs/artists from your spotify wrapped
your vibe spotify gave you
sign and house you have Neptune
12th house sign (and any placements)
5th house sign/ruler (and any placements)
sign and house you have venus
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acaplion · 3 years
GUYS I'm fangirling so hard
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@hillarysss I'm fangirling so hard right now...I never thought that the Queen herself would see my posts and like them. I read your posts religiously before beginning to post unique posts myself.
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acaplion · 2 years
Well, I'm so sorry I have been MIA from this blog for so long. Thank you to all my new followers who followed me even after I stopped posting any new content. For all my old friends/followers, I miss you all dearly! I have just had a rough few months so I haven't been around as much. I also have no idea who is even here anymore so if we used to talk just shoot me a DM or something!
I had a family death in the last month but I was preparing for that moment in the months prior. That is one of the reasons I haven't been around. Secondly, I started my career for real after passing all my licensure exams and I have been very busy running my own business.
I do not know what this blog will look like in the future. Hopefully, I'll start posting more stuff when I'm in the mood. I know i still have more astro and tarot knowledge to share with the world, but I just need some time to be inspired again.
Again, thanks for all the follows, likes, reblogs etc. I see everything since i do come on to check notifications and like/reblog things. I love you all so so much from the bottom of my heart but I ask that you stay patient with me. I will try and be back when this blog hits 2k (which is honestly going to be soon). Maybe, by then I will be feeling better. BTW no pressure to follow me or anything, this is more of an internal goal to be back by the time I hit that milestone.
Well, I think that is it. If you would like to talk to me please feel free to message/dm me and I will try to get back to you.
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acaplion · 3 years
at 700 followers (6 more to go) I will do another FS ask game involving my new astrodice! Let me know what kind of game you want to play with it and I will do so!
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acaplion · 3 years
I just hit 800 followers. Thank you everyone! I have just released a PAC here. As for Future Spouse Big 3 game it's still currently closed but people keep sending them in anyway 😂. Ill be nice though and still answer them if you do! Consider that my gift for 800 😂
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acaplion · 3 years
Pick my next PAC reading
Go here and vote for what PAC reading you want to see next. It's mostly Future Spouse/love reading and then one general reading. Thank you for voting, and of course feel free to leave suggestions for PAC readings below.
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acaplion · 3 years
I officially have over 1k followers on this tumblr now! like WOW I'm still in shock? LOL thanks for following everyone! Umm I'm still working on that 1k ask game. Anyone got any ideas they want? Leave them down below!
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acaplion · 3 years
So a couple things! Thank you for all the well wishes! I have indeed passed my final board exam and I am overjoyed with being done.
Moving on, this weekend I will do a PAC on "How will your FS treat you" since that was second place on the poll I sent out.
I am about 40ish followers away from 1k and that means I'm going to do a MASSIVE ask game to celebrate. Let me know below what ask games you want and I will see if I can include it. Or you can tell me what you want to see if not an ask game haha.
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💋 acaplion
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acaplion · 3 years
Taking a big exam tomorrow. Kind of nervous, kind of just want it to be done and over with. I've taken 3 of these exams in the last 4 months to be licensed to practice. I'm so nervous like I always am, but I hope I pass because I'm over studying.
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acaplion · 3 years
Tell me about yourself and your blog
Hii! so this is mostly for my newer followers but anyone can answer if they want to! I want to get to know my followers and follow them back but I started gaining so fast that it's hard to keep up with all my new followers. So you can either answer on this post or send a whole new post. Anyways, I just want to get to know my followers!
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acaplion · 3 years
Just a heads up, that my next year may be crazy busy. I'm starting my career again for real this time, doing a doctoral program etc. So like I may just start writing a lot of drafts so that I have things to post bi weekly?
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acaplion · 3 years
ask game
So, I am working on the 1k ask game slowly but surely. I think over 100 asks were sent? So they will take me a while. I'm doing the FS appearance asks first as they are the most numerous. I have a template for each ask game so it makes sense for me to do them in batches.
If you aren't sure if you have been answered check these tags. Please be patient. You will likely be answered, eventually.
#acaplion ask game
#ask game replies
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acaplion · 3 years
Every time I log onto tumblr to see how things are going I immediately see drama on the timeline. Anyone want to send me a recap of what happened? I feel like Elmo in this scene.
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Also, I have procrastinated and it's almost Chinese New Year...guess I should finally release my Chinese Zodiac observations.
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acaplion · 3 years
Sorry I have been MIA lately. I've had a lot on my plate recently, and I just haven't been in the mood to be on here (also it is sad because many of my friends have left and I don't feel excited to be here anymore) .
Hopefully, I will have the Chiron post up sometime soon.
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acaplion · 3 years
someone come tell me the tea today in my DMs. Like I log onto tumblr and I'm so confused? IDK what to believe anymore. Like WHAT IS HAPPENING!
- A leo who likes to hear the tea/drama but would like to be excluded from the narrative itself.
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acaplion · 3 years
Get excited, I'm writing up a post about Chiron! I can't say when it will go up but hopefully soon.
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