#so his owner is like. ok well heres a task for u.
mechawolfie · 1 year
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robot guy....
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Hey if you’re still taking requests/asks…(and I think u might like this one ;) ) Can I get a Yandere Alemeda Slim???? Robot AU and regular please.
- There are two possible ways you could’ve met Slim, him up front or him as Yancy O’Del.
- Meeting Slim up front would be rare considering that he only ever comes out at night without his disguise, he can only go out in the day time with his disguise. So you’d have to be the owner of some land and Bulls to even have a chance of encountering the real Slim. Now normally he doesn’t take anything but the cattle, so you’d have to be pretty darn special in order for him to take you.
- When he does take you, he keeps you in a makeshift cell. It would most likely be a ransom kinda holding where he requests money from your family or maybe the town you sold to. Since you’re already there, he talks to you, just basic things, nothing that seems obsessive. As time goes on, maybe a week (he works quick), the questions he asks and topics he brings up kinda sound like he’s planning something more than just a ransom. He starts sitting closer to your cell now, obviously believing that you can’t do anything. Now he even lets you out of the cell from time to time, but you have to be by his side at all times.
- When asking why he’s suddenly wanting to get close to you now, he puts an arm around your waist and pulls you close, he confesses his feelings for you and how you’re the only person to ever make him feel this way. Even though he poured his heart out to you, you refused him, saying you can’t be with a criminal. Slim is just, stunned. How could you possibly refuse him?! You two have spent so much time together (You’ve known them for a week Slim calm down-) how could you not like him?…… Well the thing is, he’s not taking no for an answer. You’re gonna be with him no matter what, if he has to break a few bones, so be it.
- If you met him as Yancy O’Del, perhaps you’re an innocent shop keeper for a general goods store. You’ve had a regular customer come in to buy either mustache oil, hair gel, beef jerky, whiskey, or rope. He was always kind and gentleman like to you when making his purchases, always making conversation with you. It becomes clear that he buys from you constantly just so talk to you, so you inform him that he doesn’t have to buy anything just to talk to you, you have no clue how happy that made ‘Yancy’.
- You two started talking outside of your work schedule, and then you started to date 2 months later. At this point you still have no idea that it’s Alameda Slim under the glasses and coat (bith is you dumb??? JK), but ‘Yancy’ believes it’s time you knew. So he brings you to a secluded location away from society, to you it’s a possible marriage proposal, to Slim it’s something else. Once he mustered up his courage, he went behind a rock, he was there for awhile before emerging as not Yancy O’Del, but as Alameda Slim.
- You were absolutely shattered by the news, how dare he lie to you for so long?! He was shattered as you were, you really can’t like him for being a wanted criminal, after all you two have been through? Of course, he makes it seem like he’s letting you go as long as you don’t go spewing off the town like tweety bird about how famous land owner Yancy O’Del is actually the notorious Alameda Slim. You agree, not actually knowing what Slim was planning.
- In the dead of night, you were woken up by the smell of smoke. The inhalation of smoke caused you to start choking on it. You run out of your now on fire house, wondering if maybe you’d have left a candle burning, your thoughts are quickly interrupted by the sudden hog tie you have been put in. Through your daze of confusion, you see familiar gloved hands forcefully shove a drenched rag on your nose and mouth, conciseness slowly fading. The last thing you hear is, “You don’t get to decide that this relationship is over. That’s up to me, and I sure as hell don’t plan on letting you go.”
- Slim was bought to help you on your chicken farm. Yeah it seems silly having such a big man help handle such small birds, but he hasn’t complained much.
- You’ve had a Mcleach droid before Slim. He mostly kept predators away from the coops. Plus it was mentioned in reviews that Mcleach’s and Slim’s are best friends so it would be great for the two to have each other while you were busy elsewhere. So you can imagine how shocking it was to arrive home to see Slim nearly beating the life out of Mcleach.
- You had to pull Slim off of him, asking what the hell was going on. Slim didn’t answer you, just stared at you weirdly before picking up some notebook and calmly walking out of the house. You couldn’t be bothered to follow him, you had to get Mcleach to a repair shop immediately.
- Upon arrival, bystanders and the repair team were just staring in awe. “Wha, What happened to your Mcleach?!” “My Slim droid went berserk on him! Aren’t they supposed to be friends?” “Well yeah usually, let’s work out his voice box first so that we can get the full story.” They fix his voice box and the whole story spills out.
- On the second day of Slims arrival, Mcleach noticed that Slim would stare at you for a long time without your knowing. Way longer than what should be necessary. Mcleach asked him why he kept staring at you, but was only given a “mind your damn business” they weren’t exactly friends at this time so it was understandable that Slim would want to keep to himself rather than just spill everything there is to know about him. So weeks go by and he still catches Slim staring at you, now he’s been writing in a journal. Mcleach would try to peek at what’s inside, but Slim seemed very protective of it so it was hard to even glance at it without Slim noticing. So he waited until the day Slim finally let his guard down enough to where he would leave the journal behind or just plain forget about it. You had left to go to the market and Slim heard some of the roosters fighting so he had to go sort that out, leaving the journal defenseless on the table. Mcleach had to be fast, so he quickly but quietly darted for the table. He didn’t even care to start from the beginning, he just opened a random page and started reading. The entries were all about you. Everything you have done while Slim has lived here, everything you like and love, every shower, everything you’ve eaten, what time you usually go to bed at, how you look when you slept. There were some entries on Mcleach, mostly on how he’s nothing but an obstacle and must be dealt with as soon as possible. Mcleach was so caught up in the reading, he didn’t even notice the cowboy, right behind him. That’s when the fight started.
- Everyone in the repair shop was horrified by Mcleach’s story, an employee immediately called a task force to retrieve the Slim droid immediately. They had you stay in the repair shop until they gave the ok.
- The task force definitely saw the damage that Slim made in the house but couldn’t find him there. So they had to start checking the surrounding area.
- You requested to go home after 3 hours of searching, saying that your chickens need to be cared for. The task force was reluctant but agreed so long as an 2 officers were at home with you.
- Even with the officers, you were on edge and jumpy about every little thing that went bump. The officers tried their best to calm you down, but how can you be calm knowing a deranged robot that you thought you could trust could be stalking you at this very moment?
- Despite the worry, you still needed to go to bed. One officer stayed in the house while the other would guard the outside. Not matter how strong Slim may be, he isn’t resistant to bullets.
- You woke up early in the morning like usual, you had to feed the chickens or else they’ll wake up the neighbors. You put on a bathrobe and work boots, strange, shouldn’t at least one of the officers be heard?
- You open you door, only to be met with an all familiar cowboy. You tried to scream, but your mouth was quickly gagged. “I don’t need you makin so much noise, not when I’m tryna bring you home!” Bring you home?! What was he talking about?!
- Slim bound your hands and feet together and slung you over his shoulder. He started to walk out with you, that when you saw the mess that he made, the officers weren’t moving, they didn’t even look like they were breathing. You quietly started to cry as Slim made his way into the woods, where he promises your new home will be better than your old one.
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succubusphan · 2 years
Just What I Ordered
Summary: Phil is a very rich businessman who sometimes forgets to close the door to his apartment when he's playing video games, Dan is a very unfortunate delivery boy.
Tags/warnings: Strangers to lovers, my intention was for this to be a Phil thirstrap in fic form, let me know if I got it right. Warning for food mentions in this: Phil is not against any types of food, he just gets an upset stomachs if he is not careful.
Rating: PG
Word count: 1.2k
A/n: This fic was written for the Valentine's Day Im-PROMPT-u hosted by the @phandomreversebang. The prompts I used were "Blush" and "At first sight."
Please like, kudo, reblog and all that good stuff if you enjoyed it!
Read on ao3
Phil loosened up his tie and walked into his penthouse, resisting the urge to remove all of his clothes in the foyer. His suit was just a bit too tight now that he had started going to the gym more regularly, it felt almost constricting. He would need to go shopping and find something nice that actually fit his new figure.
Walking into his bedroom, he removed his jacket and trousers, toed off his shoes and decided to settle on the couch for the time being. He unbuttoned his shirt but got distracted before finishing the task; his stomach was growling. Pizza sounded nice, but honestly, he knew his entire week had been filled with junk food and not enough time to get something that wouldn’t entirely destroy him after a few days. He sighed in melancholy thinking back to his 20s when eating shit had no repercussions on his poor digestive system, but alas, he was a man of a certain age and had a stressful job, so he needed to be more careful with what he ate unless he wanted to schedule a weeklong time off from the company.
It didn’t have to be something nasty either, he could get something good, right? Like, maybe some ceasar salad, or Thai food, like a nice sweet and spicy veggies stir fry with kimchi and a veggie burger. That surely had to count as a healthy option.
He opened his favourite Thai place’s app and placed the order. Fuck he was basic… he just had to hit the button to remake his last purchase and add a £100 tip. It was only fair since he loved their food so much and he could afford it. He briefly wondered if the owners would be offended if he wanted to become an investor in their restaurant.
Phil dropped his phone next to him on the couch and let his shoulders relax as he played Apex Legends and killed some people. Time must have run away from him because when he looked up there was a full man with a motorcycle helmet on, standing beside him in silence holding his order.
“Aaaah!” He screamed.
“Sorry!” Yelled the guy before swiftly removing the helmet. He - he was beautiful. Warm brown eyes, brown curly hair, probably as tall as Phil himself and he had dimples. And a tiny golden hoop on his ear! “I am so - so sorry. I - listen, the door was open…” The longer he spoke the more the blush rose on his face. It was absolutely adorable.
“Well, you could have knocked, but I guess you are not here to kill me so it’s ok,” then Phil looked at the bag he was holding. “Is that my order? It looks a bit massive for what it is.”
“It’s two veggie burgers, two stir-fries and two orders of kimchi. The two beers are on the house for being a long time customer.” The guy spoke in a rushed tone but he was trying to avoid eye contact at all costs, why?
“That’s double of what I ordered,” Phil stood and the guy took a step back, his eyes going doing his chest and to his crotch. That’s when he realised… “Oh, my god. Sorry, I’ll be right back, stay right here.” The man nodded but gave him one last look.
Phil removed his button-up and pulled on some grey sweats, he reached for an old t-shirt, but looking in the mirror with his new -nearly visible- muscles gave him a boost in confidence so he decided to go without. He walked back to the man in his living room and watched him choke on his spit when he saw him. “I apologise; you will get another tip for the inconvenience.”
“You already gave me £50, that’s enough, thank you.”
“No, I put £100 but I still want to give you something extra.”
The man frowned and looked at the ticket, confirming what Phil had said. “So they stole half of the tip.” he left the bag on the coffee table.
“Hey, what’s your name?”
“Dan, why?”
“Dan, maybe you should quit.”
“That’s easy for you to say, you live here and I’m a broke art student.”
“Hmm, do you have anything to do right now?”
“Yes, I’m working.”
“I’ll give you a new job. Just, stay and have dinner with me.”
“Is this some sort of scam? Do you receive all of your delivery boys like that?” He pointed at Phil’s naked torso.
“No, only the cute ones,” Phil laughed, but apparently Dan didn’t think it was funny. “Listen, I have my own company and I can just give you a job to match whatever skills you have, it would give you good hours and nice pay so that you can focus on your art. My name is Phil by the way.” Dan was still silent. “No, I have never opened my door in my pants but in my defence, nobody had ever just let themselves into my home either.”
“I don’t know.”
“That’s alright. Just give it a thought alright. I’ll give you my card and if you are interested, just text me and we’ll see what we can do. No pressure. You can also take the other half of the order since I won’t be eating that much.”
“Yeah. You know it’s best to eat it while it’s hot than the next day.”
“Yeah, that’s true.”
Phil pulled a card from his wallet and gave it to Dan, who read it and ran his fingers through his curls. “Well…”
“Right, um…” he hurried to grab one of each container and put them in his jacket before closing the bag again. “Thank you.”
Phil tried to give him a £100 bill but Dan waved his hands and stepped back. “It’s too much. Good night, Phil.”
“Good night,” Phil said, shaking his hand and holding on but just a bit longer than normal before letting go. He watched as Dan walked out of the apartment and shut the door before dropping to the couch. He smiled just thinking about Dan’s dimples, his stomach was flipping over in a way it hadn’t since he was a teenager.
The doorbell rang again, startling him. He walked to the door and opened it. Before he could understand what was happening, Dan had pulled him into a deep kiss. He had no mercy for Phil, his hands exploring his chest and walking him back into his apartment. Phil pulled away with a smile. “I thought you couldn’t stay.”
“I changed my mind,” he said, grabbing Phil’s ass with both hands and kissing him again.
And that’s the story of how Phil met his husband; the real one, not the one they told at the wedding.
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pmd-waveringfate · 3 years
“As I said all will be revealed in due time. Now before you embark on this journey however you must first pass this trail. Before you stand many who have face hardships and overcame them, you must glimpse into their past and learn from it to better yourself for the task ahead” Those words echoed in our young hero's head as he slowly made his way into the crowd of numerous pokemon before him looking around curious as to who he should choose first "So many pokemon to choose from...w-who should I pick firs- hm?"
The boy suddenly stopped in front of what appeared to be a greedent who seemed a bit larger than normal and had stripes down his back and tail. Upon closer inspection, it seemed like it was just staring into space with no expression on its face at all which caused some confusion for the young boy
"U-Umm hello? Hellooo? Anyone there? My name is Okko and I'm supposed to be learning something from you?" The boy, whose name seemed to be Okko, waved his hand in front of the mon's face a few times eventually going to reach over to poke its cheek when suddenly a bright light surrounded the both of them causing Okko to cover his eyes when he opened his eyes he saw what looked like a bunch of TV screens and each of them showed a different scene with the greedent as the star. "Whoa so this is what that voice meant when the voice said 'glimpse into their past'... so this is your life eh little bud-"
When Okko looked down to look at the greedent it was no longer there but instead a floating nameplate that read Nicholas "Nick" Kaluhiwa "dy?" Okko looked at the nameplate reading it carefully
"So Nick's your name huh? I wonder if I'll ever come across you someday...." Okko looked back at various points of Nick's life been shown before him wondering what could he possibly learn from all of this
"While this is interesting and all but I don't think I can learn anything that might help m-"
Before Okko could finish his sentence another pokemon appeared in front of him this time a sceptile wearing a blue hoodie
"A sceptile? And he's wearing a hoodie. Cool."
As Okko approached the newcomer the TV screens went blank for a moment before turning back on. Like the greedent, the screens show the sceptile's adventures, his ups as well as his downs all crystal clear for Okko to see
"Hehe looks like I found out how to change the channel" Okko looked back to see if the hoodie-wearing grass type only to find another nameplate, this one read Atzin "Another nameplate..... "
Okko was getting slightly frustrated not seeing how could looking at random pokemon's lives could be a trial, his frustration would only grow as more pokemon appeared. The first was a shiny pikachu that seemed to have rainbow hair that went by the name of Sterling, after that there was a falinks or rather falink by the name of Basalt, and finally what seemed to be a combination of a litleo, skiddo, and ekans each of them with their own names Beaker, Pipet, and Tongs. After what seemed like hours Okko sighs in defeat
"C-Come on already! How long has it been? I haven't learned a single thing since I started this so-called "trial" will I ever get out of here?!"
Maybe you should just give up...what if you fail them again?
"H-Huh? Who said that?!" Okko frantically looked around for the owner of the voice before noticing the small black cloud that was forming in front of him
Maybe you shouldn't continue any further..... It wouldn't make any sense now, would it? It was evident that the voice was coming from the cloud, it was an eerie raspy voice that caused Okko to shiver Your family....your friends....they probably don't even want to see you anymore..... "N-No that...t-that's not true..." The cloud soon began to separate into 4 smaller clouds the first of the four turning to a shadowy looking ekans that began slowly circling Okko who was slowly backing away Stay here....no one will ever see your pathetic face again...it's for the best...... The clouds follow Okko as he back away the second cloud becoming a skitty with crimson red eyes claws out and ready to strike at any moment, it seemed to be smiling ear to ear its razor-sharp teeth in full display "No! I-I need to go back to m-my family an-and friends!"
"Friends? Family? They most likely abandoned you by now This came from the third cloud who was now a dusknoir showing off its pearly whites as well though this one looked more sinister than normal like it was deteriorating which startled Okko causing him to trip and fall back to the ground allowing the evil pokemon before him to get closer, the final cloud turning to a kommo-o who like the others was also sporting a toothy grin. As they got closer and closer Okko frantically backed up as much as he could teardrops running down his face "N-No! Stay away! I-I..." I SAID STAY AWAY! Okko raised his hands a bright light shining from them blinding his pursuers, while this greatly confused Okko as to how he conjured the light he didn't dwell on it and quickly got on his feet once again running as he did before he even got here. Okko kept running not slowing down for fear the pokemon from before would find him, but as fate would have it history would repeat itself a second time as he suddenly began falling again "Not againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn......." Meanwhile, in an unknown location, a Lucario suddenly jumps out of his sleep in a cold sweat looking around frantically before finally calming down "W-Whoever that was in my dream I hope they're ok." Prologue END (After save errors, wifi problems, and various interruptions I'm glad to be done with this! A huge thanks to all of the peeps who lent me their characters for this! I'm a bit nervous but hopefully, you guys will enjoy reading this it's my longest post ever! Appearances: @greedentstripes, @atxin1, @ask-nayden, @askprojectchimera/@ask-findingfamily, @iamyourdoubt, @asksavel, @leilani-and-kass, @gregnas-the-grouch. If I forgot someone lemme know!)
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unfolded73 · 5 years
How Do We Get Back (1/16) - schitt’s creek ff
(AO3 link)
Summary:  In a literal alternate universe where the Roses escaped financial ruin, David and Patrick struggle with loneliness and a sense that something isn’t right. A chance meeting in New York and a terrible tragedy drive them to question whether the timeline they are on is the right one.
Notes:  I'm really excited to start posting this fic which has been obsessing me for a few weeks. Thanks to @j-philly-b for being my New York-native nit-picker - pizza fight forever. See notes at the end for warnings about plot elements in this fic ... or don't if you prefer not to know.
Rating will be explicit in later chapters. This chapter 3.5k words.
Soft music played from somewhere, infused into the space like just the right amount of an expensive perfume: not enough to draw attention to itself, but enough to help round out the aesthetic with taste and class. The white walls positively glowed under warm, carefully selected lighting, offering a contrast to the pieces on offer to buyers. Minimalist and spare, every item was lovingly placed by the owner in exactly the perfect spot to highlight its assets and mask its flaws. It was why buyers went out of their way to come here, or so the proprietor had been told in more prosperous days.
“Tell me about this sculpture,” said a woman in a severe suit and a severe haircut and impossibly high heels.
David Rose, the gallerist she was addressing, put his hands together in an obsequious manner and walked over to stand at her side. Her command had come without the courtesy of turning and looking at him; rather with the expectation that she would get a prompt response — she was the kind of woman who always got a prompt response.
“This is another exciting piece by Devonaé Streeter. She works out of New York now, but after a few months in Prague—”
“I don’t want to hear about the artist. Tell me about the work.”
David squinted an eye at the bronze sculpture, standing its solitary vigil on a white pedestal. He imagined the… woman? it depicted was looking back at him, or would have been if she had more than empty eye sockets to look at him with. He launched into his patter.
“Devonaé’s bronze works often challenge the viewer to look past the grotesque features of the art to see the grotesque features in themselves. This particular figure is an allegory for the way in which we fail to recognize each other’s pain, and I think—”
The woman turned on her heel and walked away, dismissing him and the statue with one quick wave of her hand. She turned her attention to the art on the walls, scanning over the canvasses quickly. David could almost see the calculations going on behind her eyes, like a scrolling ticker on a cable business news show. She wasn’t here to appreciate the art, she was here to find something to invest in. Most of them were, especially people like her.
“Tell me about that one,” she said, pointing to the largest canvas.
David winced. He would have taken the painting in question down a while ago, or perhaps never would have hung it in the first place, if he weren’t hurting a little bit for artists these days. And of course if he hadn’t signed a contract. He’d met Carmen at a party, and okay yes, she’d seemed a little crazy at the time but he’d assumed that was because of all the drugs they were taking. He’d agreed to display her art in his gallery. Now, months later, not a single one of the paintings had ever sold.
Clearing his throat, David said, “Carmen Herrera. She has a… unique vision, as you can see from this piece.” He focused on the track lighting above the painting as he talked; he’d never been able to look at this piece without developing an anxious flutter in his stomach. “It is intended to shock, of course. The worshippers…” He let his eyes glance over the blood-soaked imagery, wondering why he was bothering. This woman was never going to buy one of Carmen’s paintings. “The worshippers hurt themselves and each other at the behest of their goddess.” He gestured vaguely upward.
“Mictēcacihuātl,” the woman murmured.
“Umm… bless you?”
“The Aztec goddess of death,” she explained, still staring at the painting.
“Oh, uhh, yes exactly,” he vamped. “Personally, I’ve always thought the worshippers represent the American electorate, voting against their own self interest because of the lies politicians tell them.” He didn’t really think that. He wasn’t sure Carmen could have said, if pressed, who the President of the United States even was. But he gave potential buyers this line, figuring they might recoil a little less from the painting if they thought it was allegorical.
The sharp-suited woman couldn’t seem to take her eyes off of it. “No, I don’t think that’s what it’s about,” she said. Then she turned to him. “I’ll take it.”
David gaped at her for a second before he recovered enough to respond. “Yes, of course.”
After several minutes of dealing with the payment and shipping, tasks that always made David’s palms sweat with anxiety that he’d screw up some detail of the transaction, the woman was gone and the gallery was quiet as a tomb — its usual state. David sighed and looked up at Carmen’s terrifying painting. “See you never, you creepy fucker.”
He walked back into his office and pulled out his phone. Opening Instagram, David scrolled aimlessly through posts by celebrities and influencers, many of whom he had met and a few of whom he had fucked. When no images of his sister appeared after a few minutes of scrolling, he pulled up her profile and checked her last post — two days ago, which was very unlike Alexis. David’s heart started to hammer in his chest with familiar worry for his sister. He checked the time and counted forward. It would be close to midnight in Italy, probably as good a time as any to catch her on her phone.
Hey r u ok? he texted, and then spent a full minute watching for any sign of a return message before he clicked off the screen and tossed the phone onto his desk with a huff. Then when that dramatic gesture didn’t give him a result, he picked his phone up again, just in time for it to vibrate with an incoming call. He almost dropped it.
Seeing who was calling, David almost let it go unanswered, but at the last second he tapped the screen. “Hi, Dad.”
“David, how are you?” His father’s voice was always confident and booming, as if he could summon happiness if he just projected from his diaphragm. David held the phone away from his ear with a wince, and then put it on speaker before setting it down.
“Fine. Why are you calling me?”
“Do I need a reason to call my only son?”
David rolled his eyes. “Yes.”
There was a pause. “Well, actually, I just heard that Eli was released from prison.”
Pulling a nail file out of his desk drawer, David snorted. “What, and you’re going to rehire him as your business manager?”
“Well, of course not, David.”
“I’m never going to speak to him again.”
“I mean, can you imagine how our lives might have turned out if he’d managed to get on that plane to the Cayman Islands before the police caught him?”
“Yes, I can, because you’ve mentioned it an average of once a month for the last three years,” David said, taking a few desultory swipes across the end of the nail on his middle finger.
“I mean, it was bad enough with all the tax penalties we had to pay. If it weren’t for Eli, we’d still have the beach house!”
“Uh huh.” If David had heard all of this before once, he’d heard it a hundred times. “Where’s Mom?”
“She’s on location with Sharknado 5. And you know, the prison that jackass was in was pretty swanky.”
“Then maybe Eli will actually be more miserable now that he’s been released. When does Mom get back?”
“Two more weeks. She’s got her phone in Bulgaria; you can call her.”
David didn’t want to call her. He wanted his father to call her so that she could talk him off of this angry ledge before he had another scare with his heart.
“Just… don’t worry about Eli, okay?” David set the nail file down and pinched the bridge of his nose. “He’s not a part of your life anymore.”
“Damn straight he’s not.”
“Weren’t you telling me something about a new business venture at Christmas? Some kind of app?” David didn’t want to talk about this, or about anything really, but he figured he could at least try to pull his father out of this emotional tailspin about the former business manager who almost made off with the Rose family fortune.
“Yes, well, the spouting video market is quite crowded now, of course, but we’re making some in-roads. Slow and steady wins the race, that’s what I always say.”
“It’s streaming video. And that’s what you used to say about your rivalry with Blockbuster,” David snarked, his moment of charitability toward his father difficult to keep front of mind when he was being so irritating.
“And Blockbuster went out of business.”
“So did you!”
“It was a strategic restructuring, David. A shift into other markets. Like streaming video. Sure, the money isn’t flowing as freely as it did in the Rose Video heyday, but we’re doing fine.”
“Okay.” He went back to filing his nails.
“Are you still seeing… what was her name?” Johnny asked.
Trying to remember who his dad was even talking about, David squinted. “Who?”
“You know, the girl who used to eat garbage as performance art?”
David huffed. “Eliose didn’t eat garbage, she covered herself in… you know what, it doesn’t matter. We haven’t seen each other in months.”
“Oh. Is there anyone special in your life right now?”
An image of Brenton flashed in his mind. He was probably back in David’s apartment as they spoke, making the place reek of bong water and eating all of David’s food. He sighed. “No, no one special.”
“Well, don’t give up, son,” Johnny said. “How’s the gallery?”
“I just sold a painting.”
“That’s great!” his father boomed. “Good for you!”
“Okay, selling paintings is my job, you don’t have to praise me quite so effusively for doing my job.”
“No, of course I don’t need to. But I’m proud of you, son. Especially now that…” There was a moment of dead air.
“You still there?” David asked.
“Oh! Yes, I’m still here.”
“I thought the call had dropped. Now that what?”
An uncomfortable chuckle came out of the phone speaker. “You know, I forgot what I was saying.”
“Uhhh… okay.” David rolled his eyes again. “Anyway, the art business isn’t booming like it used to be, but today was good.”
“You know what? I just remembered I need to make another call,” his father said. “Sorry, David.”
“Whatever. You called me.”
“Talk to you soon, son.”
“Mm-hmm. Bye.” David tapped the screen and ended the call. He noticed the time and sighed, glancing out of his office door at the empty gallery. He might as well lock up and go back to his apartment. He moved quietly around the space, flipping off all of the lights and turning off the music that he played from a spare iPad that he’d gotten in a gift bag when he was Hayden Panettiere’s date to the 2012 Teen Choice Awards. Once he had his coat and messenger bag and had the security gate pulled down and locked, David pocketed his keys and stepped out onto the busy SoHo sidewalk. It had been misting rain for hours, the January day not cold enough to produce snow, but the temperature was now dropping below freezing and making the sidewalks treacherous.
The stationary store next door to his gallery was still open and doing a brisk business, and he was tempted to go in and look at the journals, but he resisted the impulse. Even though he used them sporadically, he’d already bought more empty journals than he could fill in a lifetime. The bar at the end of the block was also starting to fill up, and while he’d been known to get a drink there after closing the gallery, he wasn’t in the mood to be around people at the moment. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he summoned an Uber to ferry him the two miles to his apartment in Chelsea.
Braulio is 4 minutes away, his phone told him. While he waited, he texted Alexis again. Can you respond pls???
“Want me to talk or not talk?” his Uber driver asked as soon as David was settled into the back seat of the black Nissan.
“Don’t talk, please,” he responded. “Sorry.”
“Hey, no worries, man. That’s why I ask.” Braulio turned up his music a couple of clicks, the kind of unobjectionable, nondescript soundscape that was like something you’d hear in a modern hotel lobby. The driver had probably read on a website that it was the key to increasing tips or 5-star ratings.
David’s block on West 21st Street was packed with four and five-story apartment buildings, the short trees at regular intervals along the sidewalk offering a tiny break from the monotony of sandstone and concrete — although not this time of year, when they stuck up like twigs haphazardly shoved into the dirt by a giant, bored child. Shivering in his too-thin but fashionable jacket, he clicked on a rating for his Uber driver and shoved his phone in his pocket before making his way over to the short flight of stairs that led up to his building.
“Spare change,” a familiar voice called from a heap of blankets at the base of the building.
David opened his messenger bag and fished for the coins at the bottom. “It’s getting cold; you need to go to a shelter.”
“Not that cold,” the woman countered, holding her dingy Starbucks cup aloft. He dropped the coins in.
“The temperature’s dropping though.”
“Cold enough to ice skate.”
He took the non-sequitur in stride. “Well, not quite, but almost.”
“Your skates have to stay on the right line, ya know. You slip off and then suddenly—” She hit the cup, making the coins rattle. “Different universe.”
“Uh-huh. Will you go to a shelter, please? Don’t stay out here all night.” He re-clipped his bag and turned to walk away.
“You’re not supposed to be here, Mister Rose.”
“Well, I live here.”
“Not supposed to. Supposed to live in a motel with your family.”
David stopped and turned around. “What? Ew.”
“Rosebud,” she murmured.
“Oh, are we in Citizen Kane now?”
She hunkered down in her blankets, putting an end to what could only loosely be termed a conversation. Sighing, David left the homeless woman behind and entered the building’s vestibule. He then unlocked the inner door, shoving his way in with a grunt when the door inevitably stuck a little bit.
He mounted the one flight of stairs to his apartment. At the height of his family’s wealth, when David had been in his late twenties, he’d lived in a very posh apartment on the upper east side, but after the incident with his father’s business manager, he’d downgraded and moved to Chelsea. It was still a very nice, modern apartment, but it wasn’t what he’d once had.
The scent of sandlewood incense greeted him as he unlocked his door, and he wrinkled his nose and recoiled a little. Dropping his bag, he made his way to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, hoping to find his leftovers from last night’s take-out. Of course they were gone. He slammed the refrigerator and swung around, ready to have it out with Brenton once and for all.
The man in question chose that moment to stride into the kitchen, shirtless, a pair of athletic shorts slung low on his waist. “Hey,” Brenton said. “Glad you’re here, we need to talk.”
“Yeah, we sure do.” David tried not to let his eyes drift down to the v-shaped crease of Brenton’s hips and failed.
“I’m gonna go stay with my boyfriend in LA for a while, so…” He shrugged. “Thanks for everything.”
“I’m sorry, your what? You never mentioned a boyfriend before,” David said, grimacing. He’d met Brenton last month at a cocktail party he’d thrown at the gallery. Young and blond and in his mid-twenties, Brenton was the son of a well-known hedge fund manager, and he seemed to be a guy whose sole occupation was drifting from one party to another, looking for a good time. He and David had hooked up several times in recent weeks, but their conversations had been limited to fashion and art world trends and what kind of sex they were into.
“Because we weren’t like that, you and me,” Brenton said with a disarming smile. “This was never about, you know, unpacking our pasts. And we never said we were exclusive.”
“I know that,” David snapped. “I didn’t say I expected exclusivity. Still, you might have mentioned—”
“He and I were figuring some things out, you know? But he’s gone out there for pilot season and the auditions are stressful, so I think I really just need to be there for him.”
“Oh, he’s an actor,” David said. “How fun for you.”
There wasn’t really much more to say, so after a few more empty platitudes from Brenton, he disappeared into David’s bedroom to get dressed and to gather whatever belongings he’d brought over in the course of their month-long affair. David sat at the kitchen island and flipped through an issue of Vogue without seeing the pages. He probed a little bit at his feelings, pressing against them like you’d touch a bruise, trying to determine how painful it was. He didn’t really care that much about Brenton — he was shallow and mostly unkind. David didn’t think he’d miss him. What did hurt was once again being shoved aside as soon as something better came along, after a lifetime of being shoved aside as soon as something better came along.
Once Brenton was gone, David tried cracking open a window to air out the apartment, but quickly closed it when it let in a biting cold wind. He was starting to get a headache, and he reached up to massage the back of his neck, trying to stave it off. Pulling out his phone, he checked Alexis’ instagram again, and then opened his messaging app.
[David] 911. Call me.
Surprisingly, his phone rang only a few seconds later.
“David, what? What’s the emergency?” Alexis sounded manic and not a little annoyed.
“I’ve been texting you all evening!” he almost shouted. “I’m sorry for worrying that you were dead.”
“I’m fine, why would I be dead?”
“Your social’s been dark for days.”
“Ugh. I’ve just been busy, David, I don’t have to post something every day as proof of life, do I?”
“You have to at least respond to my texts, Alexis.”
“Look, the club we were in might’ve gotten raided by police earlier, a little bit, but it’s fine because we found a back way out and we ran. It’s no big deal.”
“It kind of sounds like a big deal,” David said, rubbing his neck again. The headache was getting worse; the muscles running down from his skull were like iron rods. “Why were the police raiding the club?”
“How should I know what the Monaco police were doing?” she asked.
“Monaco? I thought you were in Italy.”
Alexis laughed. “Monaco is in Italy, David.”
“Monaco is a separate country, Alexis.”
“No, it’s… is it? Well anyway, Tiff and Lily and I are back at the hotel. I might come home, though. Stavros called and he wants to see me.”
David moaned unhappily. “Alexis, no, don’t go see Stavros. You’ll end up getting back together with him and that would be a terrible life choice.”
“Speaking of terrible life choices, is that Brett guy still crashing at your place?”
“It’s Brenton, and we were seeing each other, he wasn’t just ‘crashing’ here.”
“And it’s over anyway.”
“Oh.” Her voice softened for the first time. “I’m sorry, David.”
He waved his hand, not that she could see him. “It doesn’t matter. I didn’t like him that much. He was just really hot.” He looked around the quiet, empty apartment. “You could stay here for a while, if you want.” Alexis was a chaos engine, but he also kind of missed her. Her whirlwind life would keep him from thinking about his own sad existence as much.
“Ew, what? Why? I’ve got way more space at Mom and Dad’s, and when I want to stay in the city, Klair lets me stay at the apartment with her stepmom. Who’s actually really cool, although she takes way too many pills.”
“Fine, whatever. Far be it from me to come between you and Klair’s stepmom.” He fluttered his hand again.
“Okay, don’t be like that. See, David, I know how you are. You’re lonely right now and you think you miss me, but you’d be sick of me the second I set foot through your doorway. You’d complain that I was too messy and that my friends were too loud and that I hadn’t used a coaster for my water glass.”
“Well, if you’d use a coaster—”
“David, it’s 3 a.m. here and you’re lecturing me about a hypothetical coaster. I’m gonna get some sleep now, okay?”
“Go to Mom and Dad’s if you’re lonely,” Alexis said.
“I’m not lonely.”
“Goodnight, David.”
“Goodnight, Alexis.”
(Chapter 2)
[additional content warnings after some spoiler space]
[last warning]
This fic will include a temporary character death, the temporariness of which should be obvious by the time it happens. Also note that this fic does include marital problems and adultery committed by Patrick, who didn't meet David in Schitt's Creek in this timeline, and (as you will see in the next chapter) ended up marrying Rachel. Just giving you an extra warning for that if it squicks you out. 
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newagesispage · 4 years
                                                                            MARCH    2020
 The Stones are touring the U.S. again.
Paul Reubens is touring with Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.
Al Franken is touring.
Keenan Thompson and Hasan Minhaj are bringing comedy back to the White House Correspondents dinner on April 5.
Days alert: There is some casting news but most of this won’t show up until the fall. Word is a couple of newbies will be Remington Hoffman who will play Li Shin, son of Mr. Shin and Emily O’Brien may join the cast. Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe) may be on her way back. Let’s bring the original Phillip back for her!!! Brandon Barash (Stefan) will return as well as Louise Sorel ( Vivian )and Alison Sweeney ( Sami). Judi Evans is headed back. Will she play Adrienne or Bonnie?? It looks like Casey Moss (JJ), Freddie Smith (Sonny), Chandler Massey (Will) and Galen Gering (Rafe) mill head out for awhile.
It looks like Friends freaks will finally get their reunion on HBO. I am glad they aren’t bringing the characters back and are just getting together to talk about their time together.
Downhill hit theatres on Valentine’s Day with Will Ferrell, Julia Louis- Dreyfus and Zoe Chao. The film was written and directed by Nat Faxon and Jim Rash.
The more I see of it, the more I LOVE Stumptown, the best show that nobody seems to know about. Please renew ABC!!!!!
So.. Rush Limbaugh got the Medal of Freedom.  Oh my.
Shadow Inc. owned by former Clinton and Obama staffers made an app that thoroughly fucked up the Iowa caucus. It was good at calculating the results but not delivering them.  And hey.. Wolf Blitzer, stay off the phone with people that are trying to get those results. Let them just do their job!!
Brooklyn 99 is back and Vanessa Bayer is there!!!
Rod Blagojevich is out and hitting every show that will have him. Trump pardoned him along with 10 other criminals including Ed DeBartolo Jr., Mike Milken and Bernard Kerik.
Forty thousand kids won’t get free lunch because Trump threw them off food stamps. The two usually go hand in hand. Getting food stamps automatically sets a kid up for the free lunch program.
Over 1000 former DOJ officials have asked Bill Barr to resign.** 70 former Senators have written an open letter to congress to tell them they are not fulfilling their congressional duties.**” Yoo Hoo! Bush, Clinton, Carter, Obama, you’re up.” –Patricia Arquette
Pete Davidson and Kaia Gerber have split.
Indiana Beach is closing after 94 years.
Denny Hamlin won the 2020 Daytona 500.
Can’t we get some real gigs for Rainn Wilson and Curtis Armstrong? Ok, so Cyrtis Armstrong was on Stumptown so thank goodness for that! They can do better than Dominoes and Little Caesars ads. And how funny is it that Dominoes, known for its very Chrustian owners use a Risky Business ( a film about prostitutes) ad for their product. Hmm.
*****Hey.. Comics, quit bringing up Trump and his former womanizing. It didn’t work with Clinton and it won’t work here. People just don’t seem to care. Focus on the real damage he is doing.
Scary Clown is working on opening nearly a million acres of land in Utah for energy exploration that had been a National monument. Redford and Romney can’t be happy about that.
A new animated series from a brand new production company owned by Natasha Lyonne and Maya Rudolph looks promising. Look for The Hospital.
Southern Illinois University is giving Bob Odenkirk an honorary degree.
Ukranian immigrants Lt. Col. Vindman and his twin brother are out. Ambassador to the EU Sonland is out.
The Democrats had a debate on Feb. 7 . At Andrew Yang’s first chance to speak, he rehashed his stump speech. I mean, c’mon give us something new. There really seemed to be a restrained nervousness on the stage that night. Klobachar seemed too needy but she got great reviews. Biden called Buttigieg ‘a friend ‘ a couple of times. Mayor Pete did quite well. ** Deval Patrick is out** Andrew Yang is out.**Michael Bennet is out** Another debate was on Feb. 19.** Bloomberg/Yang? Is this true?
Check out the new series, Hunters. It is awesome, funny and terrifying!
Dozens of Native American women and girls have disappeared from Big Horn county, Montana over the last few years. The victims were later found dead and Trump has put a federal task force together.
Grassley and Wyden are trying to get lower prescription drug prices but Moscow Mitch won’t bring the proposal to the floor. Others are looking to get some traction on HR3.
JSW Steel has sued the Trump administration for refusing to exempt it from paying the levies on slabs of steel that the company imports.
64 women have filed sexual harassment or discrimination lawsuits against Mike Bloomberg. I’m not a fan of the guy but it does seem sort of coincidental.  It does not seem to matter cuz all his ads seem to be working, he is picking up steam. Tom Steyer is gaining a bit of momentum as well.
The corona virus has brought us Covid 19. 600 people are being held in quarantine camps that the military has set up.  Italy has new cases and the disease is spreading. Scary Clown is trying to spin it all.
ICE is being sent into sanctuary cities to cause trouble for immigrants.
You have to check out Horse girl with Alison Brie, Molly Shannon and Matthew Gray Gubler on Netflix .
Rapper Larry Sanders AKA LV is letting us in on a miscarriage of justice he has had to live thru. LV, best known for his work on Coolio’s Gangsters Paradise, was approached by police and later put on the Calgang database. The practice put about 80,000 mostly African Americans on a sort of gang list. In a 2016 audit it was found that there were many inaccuracies including the names of babes who could not possibly be gang affiliated.
Nature does not need people. People need nature. –Harrison Ford
The Clark bar is back. The roll out has started in Pittsburgh and will soon spread across the country.
Scientists have found some turtle fossils that are the size of a car in South America.
U can donate to the Trump campaign and may win a yaqut and hunting trip with Don Jr. The Beach Boys will perform.
The Oscars were held Feb. 9. Brad Pitt and the production design team won for Once upon a Time in Hollywood. Woo Hoo! Word is that Pitt has hired a speech writer to write his acceptances. JoJo Rabbit won for adapted screenplay. Little Women won for Little Women and Toy Story 4 for animated film. Laura Dern won best supporting actress. Renee Zellweger and Joaquin Phoenix too home the top actor prizes. Parasite surprised everybody and won best pic and got Bong Joon Ho a best director statue. My best dressed were Billy Porter, Antonio Banderes and his date, Janelle Monae ( her opening seemed to make some in the audience uncomfortable), Robert DeNiro, Laura Dern, Diane Ladd, Geena Davis, Regina King, Charlize Theron, Adam Driver, Joanne Tucker, Cynthia Erivo, Scarlett Johansson, Natalie Portman and Kathy Bates, I don’t know what Kristen Wiig and Idina Menzel were thinking. Wiig always has a unique style so I have to admire that. ** The ratings were down. I have heard people saying they just don’t watch award shows or late night shows anymore because they are afraid things will get political. Funny, that is part of the reason I watch!
Tom Papa was pontificating about a real dog show that should have REAL dogs. It would make a great weekly show with people bringing on their dogs.
The goalies of the Hurricanes were out of commission and David Ayres, the Zamboni driver was brought in to help and the won against the Maple Leafs. Woo Hoo!!
Hooray for New Hampshire and their use of paper ballots. Things in the campaign got a little shook up with Bernie taking the top followed by Pete and Amy.
2 years of research in Canada has brought the announcement of a new discovery. Skull fragments  that were cleaned and collected about 10 years ago have been named Thanatotheristes or the reaper of death. The discovery helps us all learn more about the early times of Tyrannosaurids, a sub group that includes T.Rex.
New Jersey has a ban on self- serve pumps and another state is talking about getting in on the action.  The gas station attendant act has been proposed in Illinois.
Van Jones was right when he said we shouldn’t give Trump any press coverage for a week. He would hate it. Trump loves the old adage of bad publicity is better than none because he just must have attention. It would never work for they just can’t resist.** Joe Mcguire is out after he warned of Russian interference. If you want to keep your job in this administration, do not tell the truth. Now at the Department of National Intelligence is Johnny Mcentee , a 29 year old former football player who worked on the campaign. He immediately called department heads and said he wanted lists of never Trumpers in their offices. ** And who is in charge of weeding out the people in the government who may be disloyal to Scary Clown? Well, it is none other than Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court justice Clarence. She calls it the list of snakes. Trump is now saying he even wants liberal judges on the Supreme Court to recuse themselves when it comes to “Trump related cases”. It just keeps getting worse.
Trump had fun in India. He should, his business has 5 projects going there right now worth 1.5 billion.
Harvey Weinstein was found guilty of rape and criminal sexual assault. He was not found guilty of all the charges that included predatory behavior.
Andrew Yang is a new correspondent at CNN. He tells us that he is getting word from former donors that Bloomberg is calling those big donors. Allegedly he is telling them they do not have to donate to his campaign because he can afford his own campaign but he still won’t forget them. He would like them to save their money and not give money to other democrats running either.** And I am so sick of talking heads trying to tell us to play it safe. We are not as stupid as we look, thank you!! ** Now there is a firestorm about Bernie telling the world that the education program that Castro implemented was a good thing. I understand the anger and it could not have come at a worse time and he did it to himself. BUT..  We are adults and we have to be able to talk about things as they really are, not in sound bites. Castro sucked and history teaches us that bad people do good things occasionally and good people do bad things once in a while. ** It seems that everyone was in agreement that we would all gather behind the winner of the democratic campaign to beat Trump. Suddenly when it could be Bernie, everybody is bitching.
This month held 2 more Democratic debates. The Nevada debate got pretty heated. I see that Mayor Pete and Bloomberg are lefties (left handed that is). Pete always looked poised and articulate which I appreciate and he got in a good one when he mentioned that the party should choose someone who is actually a democrat.  Bernie seemed a little rattled by that. Later Pete really dressed down Amy Klobuchar and made himself look like a dick. Joe Biden jumped in with his credits occasionally but often seemed a bit lost. He slammed back that they were all talking about the health care plane he helped to create and that he himself had dealt with the Mexican President. His name came up after it was mentioned that Amy could not remember the President’s name. The gloves were off with Bloomberg as Elizabeth Warren called him out on Billionaires and NDA’s. I loved the interaction but realistically Mr. Mike can’t just release people from agreements they made in an NDA, especially if it did not involve him. Bloomberg sounded pompous and clueless about the world outside of his company. He got a moan when he said he couldn’t exactly use turbo tax and when he said he may have told a few jokes that women didn’t like. He brushed off his taxes much like Trump does. The former mayor of NY called out socialists as communists. Klobuchar had the best comeback of the night when she was told her health care plan could fit on a post it. She proclaimed that the post it was invented in her state of Minnesota. Again, there were people shouting from the audience as Joe tried to talk. C’mon give everybody an equal chance.
The South Carolina debate was fiery as well. The CBS debate was hosted by Gayle King and Norah O’Donnell. Bloomberg was booed right off the bat about Russia helping Bernie but he late had many cheers. He and Biden and Steyer had some real support there. Tom Steyer was actually quite impressive and seemed well spoken.  He was the only one who brought up the impeachment. He had a great point that we all know that republicans who did not convict Trump are complicit in the Russian meddling. Then he ruined it all by being alarmist with his fear. He warned us off the former republican and the socialists. I loved Bernie’s ideas about small business’s getting in on the marijuana business and not letting big corporations taking it over. He is also the only one in debates that I have seen consistently bring up Native Americans.  Biden again kept jumping in to tell us that he did this or that. Amy disagreed about a bill he claimed to have written. Warren said “dig in” numerous times. She went for the jugular with Bloomberg when she said a former female employee of his said to “kill it” in response to her pregnancy. He denied it but it sure is memorable. She did make great points that he has given much money to Linsey Graham’s campaign as well as other republican runs including against her. BTW he also gave 2.3 mil to Rick Snyder, the Gov of Michigan after the water crisis was well known.  I love that Amy is always saying that we shouldn’t fight amongst ourselves but she just does not have the votes so she needs to go. Bernie got some boos about guns for he seems the softest in that area.
Joe Biden won the South Carolina primary in a big way.
Dick Van Dyke, Sarah Silverman and Public Enemy among others will be at the Bernie Sanders rally in L.A. on March 1.
Just think what the 400 million that Bloomberg spent on his campaign could have done for the debt of the average American.  Instead of a campaign for a presidency that he can’t win, he could have helped so many get a leg up.
I don’t understand why “respected” journalists like Chuck Todd don’t throw W H reps off the set when they disrespect him or his colleagues with fake news jabs.
Bob Moore of Bob’s Red Mill is giving his company away to his employees. Now, that’s a boss!!
Bone, Thugs and Harmony have made a deal with Buffalo Wild Wings to rename themselves Boneless thugs and Harmony. The publicity stunt is to promote boneless wings.
NASA is hiring.
Scotland has made feminine sanitary products free!!
Is this true? There were pigeons in Nevada with MAGA hats glued to their heads??
The final Criminal Minds has aired. CBS often aired double episodes which made it seem like they really wanted to get rid of it. Kirsten Vangsness and Erica Messer wrote the final episode which seemed to give special attention to Penelope and Reid as they were the originals. The other characters seemed a little overlooked but they all had happy endings. Where was Reid’s new girlfriend?  I was hoping to see Shemar Moore but it was great to see Reisgraf and Howell which are old favorites.
Animal Kingdom returns to TNT on May 28.
So there is a bit of a mess with the Roger Stone sentencing. Trump is hopping mad about the long sentence recommendation, Barr is said to be pretending to spar with the Prez, the DOJ is backing down and people are resigning.
R.I.P. Shirley Jean Cade, Robert Conrad,  Katherine Johnson, Lyle Mays, B. Smith, A.E. Hotchner, Bashir Jackson, Ja’net Dubois, Pat Agee, victims of the Molson Coors shooting and Orson Bean.
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poisonichors · 5 years
⋆ ◦ ° ☾ taylor hill + cisfemale + she/her — have you seen valery ‘val’ kashnikova? they sure have been hanging out at valdez county park a lot recently. they are a twenty-one year old known as the uncertainty principle*, and they currently work for the savages as a soldier, which they’ve been doing for five months. a heterosexual taurus, they are determined + independent, as well as stubborn + two-sided. thorns on a rose, lips against a loaded barrel, the moon cradled in tufts of white. × lacey. twenty-one. she/her. est. ×
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*  ❝ THE UNCERTAINTY PRINCIPLE articulated, in 1927 by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, that the position and the velocity of an object cannot both be measured exactly, at the same time, even in theory. ❞
throwz this post on2 th dash like a shit flingin monkey hENLO i’m lacey bt u may also refer 2 me as? mr steal yo girl cos i will kindly respond 2 both ty
also i am so sorry for those of you who have to read this bible if u dont wanna read the whole thing its totally ok i’d jst cover the personality n valdez sections ja feel
plots and stats pages will be coming soon but until then!! click that heart button and i’ll hurl myself full force into those DMs whether you like it or not
so, the breakdown.
Valery is the poster girl of a family based off money and status. Her father who fronts as an owner of establishments on Wall Street also operates as the undercover head of a Russian mafia syndicate. Her mother is an ex-model, now focusing on the social aspect of the family.
Her mother consistently pushes her to play the role of the socialite’s perfect daughter, and prospective wife. Shoulders back, chin up, tummy in. Smile, Valery. No one wants to marry a scowling woman.
According to her mother, Valery’s sole purpose was to marry into another family of money. Valery was taught to walk, talk, and breathe etiquette growing up. The wife of a rich man must not be outspoken, opinionated, or insubordinate. She must always do as told, and with a smile on her face.
Being an only child, Valery finds it increasingly difficult to do anything but what she is asked of her parents. Choices were always made for Val before she could open her mouth; which remains the prime reason as to why she has such a tough time deciding things for herself, no matter how small.
She always feels the need to appease her parents, now that she’s all they have left. After Mikhail passed away, that is.
Mikhail was Val’s older brother of four years. He was the favorite, seeing that he excelled in everything he did. Valery was inevitably compared to her brother, growing up. Being neglected didn’t bother her as much as seeing Mikhail take on all the responsibility of carrying on the Kashnikov name.
One sibling had to deal with all the pressure while the other child was merely pushed away. An unlikely bond was shared between the two of them, despite being in polar opposite positions. Mikhail gave Valery the affection she was denied from their parents while Val was Mikhail’s escape from the world of law and politics. This shaped a very close bond.
Mikhail was a good influence on Valery to say the least. Though she’s independent in nature, Mikhail was always there to guide her through agonizing public events, seemingly impossible assignments, or give her advice through trying times. Valery could easily say that her brother raised her more than her parents ever did.
Most would say that Mikhail was incredibly protective of Valery, but only few truly knew that she was just as protective of him. In the midst of superficial families and business deals beyond them, Mikhail would always find them ways to run up to the roof and act their age like they very much deserved. It was only during times like these which made Valery’s childhood actually feel like childhood.
On his way home from a friend’s party, Mikhail’s Bentley was severely hit by an oncoming car. Word returned that a member of their rival mob deliberately drove into her brother’s vehicle.
Mikhail was rushed to the hospital and tended to by the best doctors in the country, but it was to no avail.
Mikhail Kashnikov, 22, was pronounced dead on August 29th, 2015.
After learning what had happened to her brother, Valery, age 18, stepped in and was immediately taken under her father’s wing to train and avenge his death. She slowly turned into a fighting machine driven purely by hatred and an insatiable need for vengeance.
She trained heavily with weapons, only needing two year’s time to become a skilled marksman and know her way around guns and knives (which are her specialty). She’s basically good at anything that requires a target. Hand-to-hand combat could use some work, but Val is never one to leave home without a weapon of self-defense on her person.
Valery operated more as a decoy when she first began, simply gaining trust and seducing information from rivals. As her confidence with firearms and blades grew, she gradually began to carry out more gruesome tasks, thus leveling up in her field. Jobs always were a little easier for Val than the other men. Besides, who would've thought a pretty girl knew how to use a gun?
The only part of growing up that Valery didn’t mind was learning music ━ let it be singing, dancing, or playing an instrument.
Dancing operated more as a front for combat and other agile ways. However, it slowly blossomed into a passion she shares heavily with singing and playing the piano.
Mikhail would play the piano while Valery sang along, they almost found comfort in such a cheesy activity. To this day, everything Valery knows on the piano is because of him. She sometimes likes to take private trips to it; she finds an odd comfort in the belief that when she plays the piano and sings, he can still hear her.
Valery ’s family has shared an amicable bond with the Savages for years. Upon news of the outbreak in Valdez, the twenty-one year old was sent to serve the Caitos as a symbol of Kashnikov support. This isn’t out of the ordinary, seeing that Val’s training included working under other alliances to gain combat experience and further networking.
Val’s current rank is a Soldier in the Savages. She’s only been there for five months, so she’s diligently working on gaining trust through carrying out tasks and slowly making her way up the ladder.
The Kashnikova’s only condition is that she is allowed to conceal her visage when operating. She’s not open to showing her face around Savage halls and prefers to seek cover as a civilian when out in public. She prefers that very limited people know of her identity as a Soldier (maybe if you’d like to snatch up a plot about that?), which proves the importance of her saving face when not on the job. 
Valery, finally away from home and family for the first time, is beginning to find herself. She’s naive and wide-eyed, seeing that she was always under direct authority and her choices were always made for her. A small fish in a big pond, if you will.
Despite not having many prior experiences, the brunette is very playful and open to new things. This makes her quite impressionable, seeing that she always chooses to see the best in people and has a hard time telling when someone doesn’t have her best interest in mind. Nonetheless, all she wants is to have fun! Bringing a smile to her company’s face is of utmost importance to her.
You can find her hanging out in Valdez County Park during the day. She can be seen either feeding the animals, teaching yoga, or trying her hand at some new instruments.
so the reason i gave her this label was because while she has two personalities, it’s impossible to pinpoint who she really is or at what point she’s transitioning from one mentality to the next. I decided it was a good play on the chem theory insert collective groan here, seeing that there’s no telling if she’s just being nice or has an ulterior motive. while it’s stated above that its a “front”, it’s more so her just trying to go back to being her normal self before her life in the mafia and crime syndicates. this causes a constant teetering back and forth between how she identifies herself in varying scenarios.
Valery can be cold and calculated if need be, just how she was back home. Her work comes first and foremost to anything else. Fooling around isn’t in her nature when it comes to tasks at hand.
Her forté includes destruction of property, extraction of information, seizure, arson, armed combat, and termination.
uhhHh still figuring her out
omg figuring almost was fingering i cried a little bye
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
In Rural Missouri, Latinos Learn to Contain and Cope With the Coronavirus
Francisco Bonilla is a pastor in Carthage, Missouri, tending to the spiritual needs of the town’s growing Latino community. He’s also a media personality, broadcasting his voice far beyond the walls of Casa de Sanidad. Bonilla runs a low-power, Spanish-language radio station from the church.
He mainly uses the station to broadcast sermons and religious music. But these days he is also focused on COVID-19: explaining the illness and its symptoms, updating his listeners with the newest case counts and bringing on guests. He has broadcast interviews with a local nurse and with investigators from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Bonilla and some fellow pastors have closed their churches amid the pandemic. But there are some 30 churches serving the town’s Latino community, and he said other pastors haven’t acted as responsibly. Bonilla said some church leaders may believe that not holding services means they don’t have faith and that they want to show God is in control.
Starting in June, the southwestern corner of Missouri experienced a surge of coronavirus cases, including an outbreak among workers at the Butterball poultry-processing plant in Carthage. Coronavirus infections have been a problem at food-processing plants in many states. The impact has been particularly hard on nearby Latino communities, which often provide the bulk of the workforce at the plants.
Hispanics have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Nationwide, Hispanic patients are hospitalized for COVID-19 at four times the rate of non-Hispanic whites. (Hispanics can be of any race or combination of races.)
In Missouri, Hispanics and Latinos make up 4% of the state’s population but 14% of cases in which race or ethnicity is known. In Jasper County, where Carthage is located, they account for almost 40% of the confirmed cases but only 8.5% of the population, according to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.
Many Latin American immigrants came to Carthage to work at the Butterball plant, which employs roughly 800 people in the town of about 15,000. The first to arrive in Carthage were predominantly from Mexico. But those who moved to the area over the past two decades came primarily from Guatemala and El Salvador.
The Butterball plant is half a mile from Carthage’s town square, a straight shot north along Main Street. Along the stretch are small shops and restaurants, many with Spanish-language flyers in the windows. They advertise money transfer services, self-help books and the availability of regional ingredients from Guatemala and El Salvador.
The Butterball plant has always been a sort of anchor for Carthage Councilman Juan Topete. His Mexican American parents worked there in the 1990s, after moving the family to Carthage from Los Angeles. When he was younger, Topete also worked for Butterball.
“My family came from having nothing, whatever we had in our U-Haul and that was it, to owning a restaurant and selling it later and being well established in the community,” Topete explained.
It’s a common story for many of the Latin American immigrants to Carthage, who can find well-paying jobs at the plant without having to speak English.
“When I first moved down here, if you were Hispanic you knew each other,” Topete said. “It was a very tight group and it has expanded tremendously these last few years.”
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Shops like the Supermercado Coatepeque line a half-mile stretch of Main Street that runs from the town square to the Butterball plant in Carthage, Missouri.(Sebastián Martínez Valdivia/KBIA)
These days, a third of the people in Carthage are Hispanic, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2016, Topete won a seat on the City Council, the first Latino resident to do so.
Topete said the Latino residents at Butterball and in other essential jobs face pressure on several fronts. Some who test positive for the coronavirus feel they have to keep going to work. They’re afraid of being laid off, or they need the money for their families.
“I do know people that have tested positive,” Topete said. “I try to stay in contact by calling them, following up on them, making sure they’re doing OK.”
A CDC team visited Carthage to investigate the outbreak. They reported the virus made its way into the Butterball plant, infecting workers and spreading through their families. In a statement, Butterball confirmed workers have tested positive but declined to say how many.
Topete said some residents still don’t know much about the disease, so the city is ramping up its outreach.
A Spanish-language public service announcement produced by the Carthage Police Department explains that the Missouri governor’s lifting of the statewide stay-at-home order doesn’t mean the virus is gone. The police department is part of the town’s COVID-19 task force and has helped Topete post Spanish-language flyers.
Such rural health departments face hurdles connecting to immigrant communities, said Lori Freeman, CEO of the National Association of County and City Health Officials. They typically have fewer language resources than their larger, urban counterparts, she said.
“In larger or even medium health departments, there are community health workers that are often bilingual or lingual enough to serve the communities that exist in the demographic area that they serve,” Freeman said.
At La Tiendita Mexican Market, a grocery store and restaurant, owner Jose Alvarado has taken steps to help keep his workers and customers safe. He’s concerned about children being exposed to the virus when their parents bring them in to shop, so he has posted a sign on the door asking that only one member of a family enter at a time. Next to the industrial tortilla maker, he has marked the floor with large X’s, as a visual guide and reminder for customers to stay socially distant from one another.
Topete fears the town’s Latino community could become a scapegoat for the virus. He said many people have the impression that the virus has affected only workers at the Butterball plant, when in reality it has spread throughout town.
Topete said Carthage officials need to keep up their outreach efforts but he sees the educational efforts working: On a recent trip to the store, he noticed more Latino shoppers than before wearing masks — and more of them were wearing masks than were the non-Hispanic shoppers.
This story is part of a partnership that includes KBIA, NPR and Kaiser Health News.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
In Rural Missouri, Latinos Learn to Contain and Cope With the Coronavirus published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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stephenmccull · 4 years
In Rural Missouri, Latinos Learn to Contain and Cope With the Coronavirus
Francisco Bonilla is a pastor in Carthage, Missouri, tending to the spiritual needs of the town’s growing Latino community. He’s also a media personality, broadcasting his voice far beyond the walls of Casa de Sanidad. Bonilla runs a low-power, Spanish-language radio station from the church.
He mainly uses the station to broadcast sermons and religious music. But these days he is also focused on COVID-19: explaining the illness and its symptoms, updating his listeners with the newest case counts and bringing on guests. He has broadcast interviews with a local nurse and with investigators from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Bonilla and some fellow pastors have closed their churches amid the pandemic. But there are some 30 churches serving the town’s Latino community, and he said other pastors haven’t acted as responsibly. Bonilla said some church leaders may believe that not holding services means they don’t have faith and that they want to show God is in control.
Starting in June, the southwestern corner of Missouri experienced a surge of coronavirus cases, including an outbreak among workers at the Butterball poultry-processing plant in Carthage. Coronavirus infections have been a problem at food-processing plants in many states. The impact has been particularly hard on nearby Latino communities, which often provide the bulk of the workforce at the plants.
Hispanics have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Nationwide, Hispanic patients are hospitalized for COVID-19 at four times the rate of non-Hispanic whites. (Hispanics can be of any race or combination of races.)
In Missouri, Hispanics and Latinos make up 4% of the state’s population but 14% of cases in which race or ethnicity is known. In Jasper County, where Carthage is located, they account for almost 40% of the confirmed cases but only 8.5% of the population, according to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.
Many Latin American immigrants came to Carthage to work at the Butterball plant, which employs roughly 800 people in the town of about 15,000. The first to arrive in Carthage were predominantly from Mexico. But those who moved to the area over the past two decades came primarily from Guatemala and El Salvador.
The Butterball plant is half a mile from Carthage’s town square, a straight shot north along Main Street. Along the stretch are small shops and restaurants, many with Spanish-language flyers in the windows. They advertise money transfer services, self-help books and the availability of regional ingredients from Guatemala and El Salvador.
The Butterball plant has always been a sort of anchor for Carthage Councilman Juan Topete. His Mexican American parents worked there in the 1990s, after moving the family to Carthage from Los Angeles. When he was younger, Topete also worked for Butterball.
“My family came from having nothing, whatever we had in our U-Haul and that was it, to owning a restaurant and selling it later and being well established in the community,” Topete explained.
It’s a common story for many of the Latin American immigrants to Carthage, who can find well-paying jobs at the plant without having to speak English.
“When I first moved down here, if you were Hispanic you knew each other,” Topete said. “It was a very tight group and it has expanded tremendously these last few years.”
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Shops like the Supermercado Coatepeque line a half-mile stretch of Main Street that runs from the town square to the Butterball plant in Carthage, Missouri.(Sebastián Martínez Valdivia/KBIA)
These days, a third of the people in Carthage are Hispanic, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2016, Topete won a seat on the City Council, the first Latino resident to do so.
Topete said the Latino residents at Butterball and in other essential jobs face pressure on several fronts. Some who test positive for the coronavirus feel they have to keep going to work. They’re afraid of being laid off, or they need the money for their families.
“I do know people that have tested positive,” Topete said. “I try to stay in contact by calling them, following up on them, making sure they’re doing OK.”
A CDC team visited Carthage to investigate the outbreak. They reported the virus made its way into the Butterball plant, infecting workers and spreading through their families. In a statement, Butterball confirmed workers have tested positive but declined to say how many.
Topete said some residents still don’t know much about the disease, so the city is ramping up its outreach.
A Spanish-language public service announcement produced by the Carthage Police Department explains that the Missouri governor’s lifting of the statewide stay-at-home order doesn’t mean the virus is gone. The police department is part of the town’s COVID-19 task force and has helped Topete post Spanish-language flyers.
Such rural health departments face hurdles connecting to immigrant communities, said Lori Freeman, CEO of the National Association of County and City Health Officials. They typically have fewer language resources than their larger, urban counterparts, she said.
“In larger or even medium health departments, there are community health workers that are often bilingual or lingual enough to serve the communities that exist in the demographic area that they serve,” Freeman said.
At La Tiendita Mexican Market, a grocery store and restaurant, owner Jose Alvarado has taken steps to help keep his workers and customers safe. He’s concerned about children being exposed to the virus when their parents bring them in to shop, so he has posted a sign on the door asking that only one member of a family enter at a time. Next to the industrial tortilla maker, he has marked the floor with large X’s, as a visual guide and reminder for customers to stay socially distant from one another.
Topete fears the town’s Latino community could become a scapegoat for the virus. He said many people have the impression that the virus has affected only workers at the Butterball plant, when in reality it has spread throughout town.
Topete said Carthage officials need to keep up their outreach efforts but he sees the educational efforts working: On a recent trip to the store, he noticed more Latino shoppers than before wearing masks — and more of them were wearing masks than were the non-Hispanic shoppers.
This story is part of a partnership that includes KBIA, NPR and Kaiser Health News.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
In Rural Missouri, Latinos Learn to Contain and Cope With the Coronavirus published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.weebly.com/
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dinafbrownil · 4 years
In Rural Missouri, Latinos Learn to Contain and Cope With the Coronavirus
Francisco Bonilla is a pastor in Carthage, Missouri, tending to the spiritual needs of the town’s growing Latino community. He’s also a media personality, broadcasting his voice far beyond the walls of Casa de Sanidad. Bonilla runs a low-power, Spanish-language radio station from the church.
He mainly uses the station to broadcast sermons and religious music. But these days he is also focused on COVID-19: explaining the illness and its symptoms, updating his listeners with the newest case counts and bringing on guests. He has broadcast interviews with a local nurse and with investigators from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Bonilla and some fellow pastors have closed their churches amid the pandemic. But there are some 30 churches serving the town’s Latino community, and he said other pastors haven’t acted as responsibly. Bonilla said some church leaders may believe that not holding services means they don’t have faith and that they want to show God is in control.
Starting in June, the southwestern corner of Missouri experienced a surge of coronavirus cases, including an outbreak among workers at the Butterball poultry-processing plant in Carthage. Coronavirus infections have been a problem at food-processing plants in many states. The impact has been particularly hard on nearby Latino communities, which often provide the bulk of the workforce at the plants.
Hispanics have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Nationwide, Hispanic patients are hospitalized for COVID-19 at four times the rate of non-Hispanic whites. (Hispanics can be of any race or combination of races.)
In Missouri, Hispanics and Latinos make up 4% of the state’s population but 14% of cases in which race or ethnicity is known. In Jasper County, where Carthage is located, they account for almost 40% of the confirmed cases but only 8.5% of the population, according to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.
Many Latin American immigrants came to Carthage to work at the Butterball plant, which employs roughly 800 people in the town of about 15,000. The first to arrive in Carthage were predominantly from Mexico. But those who moved to the area over the past two decades came primarily from Guatemala and El Salvador.
The Butterball plant is half a mile from Carthage’s town square, a straight shot north along Main Street. Along the stretch are small shops and restaurants, many with Spanish-language flyers in the windows. They advertise money transfer services, self-help books and the availability of regional ingredients from Guatemala and El Salvador.
The Butterball plant has always been a sort of anchor for Carthage Councilman Juan Topete. His Mexican American parents worked there in the 1990s, after moving the family to Carthage from Los Angeles. When he was younger, Topete also worked for Butterball.
“My family came from having nothing, whatever we had in our U-Haul and that was it, to owning a restaurant and selling it later and being well established in the community,” Topete explained.
It’s a common story for many of the Latin American immigrants to Carthage, who can find well-paying jobs at the plant without having to speak English.
“When I first moved down here, if you were Hispanic you knew each other,” Topete said. “It was a very tight group and it has expanded tremendously these last few years.”
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Shops like the Supermercado Coatepeque line a half-mile stretch of Main Street that runs from the town square to the Butterball plant in Carthage, Missouri.(Sebastián Martínez Valdivia/KBIA)
These days, a third of the people in Carthage are Hispanic, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2016, Topete won a seat on the City Council, the first Latino resident to do so.
Topete said the Latino residents at Butterball and in other essential jobs face pressure on several fronts. Some who test positive for the coronavirus feel they have to keep going to work. They’re afraid of being laid off, or they need the money for their families.
“I do know people that have tested positive,” Topete said. “I try to stay in contact by calling them, following up on them, making sure they’re doing OK.”
A CDC team visited Carthage to investigate the outbreak. They reported the virus made its way into the Butterball plant, infecting workers and spreading through their families. In a statement, Butterball confirmed workers have tested positive but declined to say how many.
Topete said some residents still don’t know much about the disease, so the city is ramping up its outreach.
A Spanish-language public service announcement produced by the Carthage Police Department explains that the Missouri governor’s lifting of the statewide stay-at-home order doesn’t mean the virus is gone. The police department is part of the town’s COVID-19 task force and has helped Topete post Spanish-language flyers.
Such rural health departments face hurdles connecting to immigrant communities, said Lori Freeman, CEO of the National Association of County and City Health Officials. They typically have fewer language resources than their larger, urban counterparts, she said.
“In larger or even medium health departments, there are community health workers that are often bilingual or lingual enough to serve the communities that exist in the demographic area that they serve,” Freeman said.
At La Tiendita Mexican Market, a grocery store and restaurant, owner Jose Alvarado has taken steps to help keep his workers and customers safe. He’s concerned about children being exposed to the virus when their parents bring them in to shop, so he has posted a sign on the door asking that only one member of a family enter at a time. Next to the industrial tortilla maker, he has marked the floor with large X’s, as a visual guide and reminder for customers to stay socially distant from one another.
Topete fears the town’s Latino community could become a scapegoat for the virus. He said many people have the impression that the virus has affected only workers at the Butterball plant, when in reality it has spread throughout town.
Topete said Carthage officials need to keep up their outreach efforts but he sees the educational efforts working: On a recent trip to the store, he noticed more Latino shoppers than before wearing masks — and more of them were wearing masks than were the non-Hispanic shoppers.
This story is part of a partnership that includes KBIA, NPR and Kaiser Health News.
Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a national health policy news service. It is an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation which is not affiliated with Kaiser Permanente.
This story can be republished for free (details).
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/in-rural-missouri-latinos-learn-to-contain-and-cope-with-the-coronavirus/
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
oh look another rp ad
yo what the h*ck is up?
you can all call me nobody, or any other Quirky and Fun™ nicknames you come up with.
anyways, some quick things abt me so that you can get an idea of what i’m about before committing urself to reading this big ol ad.
+female +18 +pacific time zone, active from 6 am to 12am usually +lazy lit (as in my ooc chatter is pretty relaxed but i can crank out good quality 150-500 word replies. intros can hit 1000+ words if i’m in the Zone. samples can be provided on request) +currently looking for m/m roleplays, but willing to double and play m/f and f/f +main genres are horror, dystopian, low fantasy, urban fantasy, cosmic horror/lovecraftian horror, romance, and maybe slice of life if u got a nice plot +kink-friendly, for the most part. only limits are the typical ones. being the Nasty that i am, i compiled a nice lil list of all my likes and dislikes here: https://www.f-list.net/c/gross%20ass%20kink%20list Fav list is the “i’ll give you my firstborn child if you’ll do this with me” list, yes is the “good shit 👀👌” list, maybe is the “don’t rlly care about, but willing to try this!/in some cases this is Good” list, and anything on the no list is a hard limit. +ooc chatter friendly! we don’t have to become Super Best Friends, but communication is always good! +would prefer to play a sub. i’m super sorry abt this because i know most people also wanna play subs but. every single roleplay i’ve done in the past has wanted me to go dom and i’ve done it. it gets tiring after awhile. sometimes it’s nice to get the chance to play a twink for once. that being said i’ll dom if you’re willing to double. +ditch friendly! although i’d prefer notice, idk if you decide things aren’t working out and decide to jump ship
anyways, if you’re still interested i’ll be glad to describe what i’m looking for with more detail!
right now what i’m really craving is some nice, dark romance, possibly between some kinda yandere and the poor object of his/her/their/ect. affections. yandere is possibly some sort of serial killer, and leaves bloody confession notes for their crush at each crime scene.
i’m also really into the idea of equally horrible people falling in love with eachother and doing horrible things to both eachother and others. possibly two different rival serial killers with a nice love/hate relationship?
really there aren’t any details i’m super focused on, what i’m really craving right now is just something Edgy n Dark.
i’m totally down for talking about different plot ideas or expanding on the ones above! however, if you’re the type who likes their partners to have a slightly more coherent plot than just a few loose ideas, have i got the thing for u! all details in the plots below are totally up for discussion and change! the stars indicate how much i’m craving a particular plot. the bolded roles are the ones i have an idea for/an interest in playing!
ι ωαит тσ fυ¢кιиg тєαя уσυ αραят *** (Serial killer x Civilian)
Character A is the textbook definition of predictable and boring, or so it seems. They’re a pre-med student, having few friends and living life on a tight schedule. Class, study, work, sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat. Not the type you’d give a second glance. Unknown to most, however, is Character A’s rather… dark hobbies. Having purchased a small fixer-upper on the very edge of town, they’ve used a small loan of their wealthy parents’ money in order to repurpose the decrepit house into something far more sinister. Much like it’s owner, the house appears ordinary and even quaint on the outside. But peeling away this innocuous facade, one exposes a dark secret. A soundproofed basement, filled with various and vile instruments of torture and with blood permanently stained into the concrete floor. It’s Character A’s sanctuary, where they retreat to vent their desires on whatever poor souls they’ve managed to trap. They’re careful in the selection of their victims, of course. They’ve done their research, they know what precautions to take to avoid suspicion. Lately, the town that Character A lives in has seen a decrease in the homeless population. People that no one notices missing, the kind that can disappear without anyone really caring. Character A is, of course, responsible for this. Enter Character B. Their backstory and position in society is totally up to you. Maybe they’re a fellow student, or maybe one of the few police officers who’ve noticed the disturbing disappearances of most of the city’s homeless? Or, maybe they’re some vagrant, lacking any true home and finding themselves wandering from city to city. Regardless, they happen to catch Character A’s interest. And soon, they become an unwilling object of their obsession. Character A has never experienced anything close to romanic or sexual attraction before, and so they deal with these alien emotions the only way they know how to. No matter what, they resolve to make Character B totally and utterly theirs. Even if they have to kill Character B’s family and friends in order to do so.
тнє нσяяσя σf συя ℓσνє *** (Eldritch Abomination/God x Human)
Character A is a creature made from nightmare and chaos, a primordial and ancient being that resides in the darkest, most ancient reaches of the universe. And now, for the first time in their infinite existence, they’ve become bored. Having exhausted all other forms of entertainment, they decide to don a human guise, spending to them what seems like a brief time on Earth. They live a few lifetimes, kill a few kings, and topple a nation or two, before deciding to take on yet another identity in the modern era. This is when they find themselves drawn to Character B, a human (everything besides species is up to you tbh). Perhaps it’s because they’ve spent too much time living as a mortal, but for whatever reason Character A finds themselves experiencing an undeniable attraction. They soon find themselves slipping deeper and deeper into this lust, becoming obsessed with this human and vowing to do anything in their power to make Character B theirs.
ωє киσω ωнєяє уσυ ѕℓєєρ ********* (Assassin x King)
Character A has been trained from birth to become the perfect killer. An orphan taken in by an assassins’ guild, they’ve known no other life, and have never had any thought of escape or rebellion. They’re well known as one of the best assassins in their guild, and oftentimes get the most dangerous and lucrative jobs. However, their newest assignment might prove too much even for them. Character A is no stranger to killing important figures, such as ambassadors or even princes. Though, they’ve never been hired to kill a king before, much less the one of a powerful, wealthy country, the king being Character B. Of course, their pride and greed prevents them from denying such a task, and so Character A sets out to complete their mission. From here it’s more up to you. Perhaps the assassin becomes closer than they should to the king while working undercover, trying to find an opportunity to kill him. Feelings begin to complicate things, and Character A begins to question if they can go through with it. Or maybe Character A fails their task? While attempting to sneak into the castle, they’re captured. And instead of killing them, Character B decides to have a bit of fun with them. They make Character A their concubine, and resolve to utterly break any spirit of rebellion or resistance within them.
ѕσυℓ fσя ѕαℓє **** (Demon x King/Prince) (im ok with either role!) Character A is the a member of a powerful nation’s royal family. Groomed from birth for greatness, they still find themselves doubting their aptitude for leading their country. Or maybe they’re the youngest of the princes, set to inherit nothing but meager riches and a small plot of land. Whatever the reason, they end up contacting a demon in order to achieve their goals. The tomes Character A has read say that, in exchange for one’s mortal soul, a summoned demon will grant them unlimited power. After performing the ritual, however, Character A begins to have some regrets. The summoned demon, Character B, seems to have more control over Character A than they do over the demon. Perhaps they should’ve read the fine print in the contract…
υинσℓу, ∂ιяту, αи∂ вєαυтιfυℓ **** (Demon x Priest)
Character A is a young man of the cloth, the leader of a small congregation in a rural midwestern town. He leads a simple, devout life, right up until a mysterious, dark stranger (Character B) rolls into town. Charming and charismatic, they manage to win over most of the townsfolk. Yet behind those seemingly friendly eyes, there lies something dark. A spark of ill intent, a malicious gleam that speaks of unwholesome desires and intensions. Character A is one of the few to notice this. His suspicions only deepen when he notices Character B’s powerful revulsion towards symbols of worship. He resolves to rid his town of this seemingly demonic invader, though he soon learns that Character B has their own plans for him…
тєяяιвℓє αиgєℓѕ ****** (Fallen Angel x Sacrifice) (im ok with either role!) Character A was once an angel, a creature symbolizing purity and virtue. But, through their own hubris and sin, was cast out of heaven to make their way on earth. They’ve used their time on the mortal plane well, however. They’ve managed to start a small cult about them, convincing their human followers that they are god incarnate, come to earth to cleanse the impure and gather the righteous. In order to prove their devotion, the members of Character A’s cult must make an annual sacrifice in their honor. Enter Character B. A regular human, they find themselves next on the chopping block for this year’s sacrifice. Though when Character A finds them tied up at the altar, helpless and ready to be devoured, they do something odd. Something about this human intrigues them, so much so that they decide to have a bit of fun with them before killing them…
мє αи∂ тнє ∂єνιℓ ******* (Cult Leader x Acolyte)
Character A is the leader of a large cult, which makes its base of operations deep within the rolling deserts of Arizona. A seemingly utopian society at first glance, the cult is run as a commune. No one truly “owns” anything, all property owned by the community itself, the means of production shared. A perfect society, as long as one doesn’t dig below the surface. In truth, Character A holds all of the members under their thumb. No one is allowed to leave, unless they want to face complete ostracization from everyone they know. Not to mention that they would be completely without possessions or money in the free world. The members that Character A favors live privileged lives. They live in the best housing, and oftentimes have multiple spouses. Character A has quite a few spouses as well, and are allowed their pick of anyone in the commune to do with as they wish. Those that displease Character A, however, have a very different lot in life. If they don’t simply “disappear” into the vast desert one day, they are shunned by their peers. Forced to the very edges on the commune, they are not allowed to speak to anyone. Character B is a newcomer to the cult. Before long, they find Character A’s eyes on them, and find themself being courted by them. Life seems good, for a while. Until they begin to learn the dark secrets behind the cult, of course. Will they try and escape, or do anything to avoid falling out of Character A’s favor?
of course if none of these plots appeal to you we can def work something else out!!
anyways, here’s my contact info if ur still interested! when you first send me a message, i’d like if you’d include a little about yourself, along with any plots you’d be interested in!
skype: An0ther Nob0dy
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oh look another ad
(note: apologies if this ad posts twice! there was an error when i submitted this thing) yo what the h*ck is up? you can all call me nobody, or any other Quirky and Fun(tm) nicknames you come up with. anyways, some quick things abt me so that you can get an idea of what i'm about before committing urself to reading this big ol ad. +female +18 +pacific time zone, active from 6 am to 12am usually +lazy lit (as in my ooc chatter is pretty relaxed but i can crank out good quality 150-500 word replies. intros can hit 1000+ words if i'm in the Zone. samples can be provided on request) +currently looking for m/m roleplays, but willing to double and play m/f and f/f +main genres are horror, dystopian, low fantasy, urban fantasy, cosmic horror/lovecraftian horror, romance, and maybe slice of life if u got a nice plot +kink-friendly, for the most part. only limits are the typical ones. being the Nasty that i am, i compiled a nice lil list of all my likes and dislikes here: https://www.f-list.net/c/gross%20ass%20kink%20list Fav list is the "i'll give you my firstborn child if you'll do this with me" list, yes is the "good shit 👀👌" list, maybe is the "don't rlly care about, but willing to try this!/in some cases this is Good" list, and anything on the no list is a hard limit. +ooc chatter friendly! we don't have to become Super Best Friends, but communication is always good! +would prefer to play a sub. i'm super sorry abt this because i know most people also wanna play subs but. every single roleplay i've done in the past has wanted me to go dom and i've done it. it gets tiring after awhile. sometimes it's nice to get the chance to play a twink for once. that being said i'll dom if you're willing to double. +ditch friendly! although i'd prefer notice, idk if you decide things aren't working out and decide to jump ship anyways, if you're still interested i'll be glad to describe what i'm looking for with more detail! right now what i'm really craving is some nice, dark romance, possibly between some kinda yandere and the poor object of his/her/their/ect. affections. yandere is possibly some sort of serial killer, and leaves bloody confession notes for their crush at each crime scene. i'm also really into the idea of equally horrible people falling in love with eachother and doing horrible things to both eachother and others. possibly two different rival serial killers with a nice love/hate relationship? really there aren't any details i'm super focused on, what i'm really craving right now is just something Edgy n Dark. i'm totally down for talking about different plot ideas or expanding on the ones above! however, if you're the type who likes their partners to have a slightly more coherent plot than just a few loose ideas, have i got the thing for u! all details in the plots below are totally up for discussion and change! the stars indicate how much i'm craving a particular plot. the bolded roles are the ones i have an idea for/an interest in playing! ι ωαит тσ fυ¢кιиg тєαя уσυ αραят *** (Serial killer x Civilian) Character A is the textbook definition of predictable and boring, or so it seems. They're a pre-med student, having few friends and living life on a tight schedule. Class, study, work, sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat. Not the type you'd give a second glance. Unknown to most, however, is Character A's rather... dark hobbies. Having purchased a small fixer-upper on the very edge of town, they've used a small loan of their wealthy parents' money in order to repurpose the decrepit house into something far more sinister. Much like it's owner, the house appears ordinary and even quaint on the outside. But peeling away this innocuous facade, one exposes a dark secret. A soundproofed basement, filled with various and vile instruments of torture and with blood permanently stained into the concrete floor. It's Character A's sanctuary, where they retreat to vent their desires on whatever poor souls they've managed to trap. They're careful in the selection of their victims, of course. They've done their research, they know what precautions to take to avoid suspicion. Lately, the town that Character A lives in has seen a decrease in the homeless population. People that no one notices missing, the kind that can disappear without anyone really caring. Character A is, of course, responsible for this. Enter Character B. Their backstory and position in society is totally up to you. Maybe they're a fellow student, or maybe one of the few police officers who've noticed the disturbing disappearances of most of the city's homeless? Or, maybe they're some vagrant, lacking any true home and finding themselves wandering from city to city. Regardless, they happen to catch Character A's interest. And soon, they become an unwilling object of their obsession. Character A has never experienced anything close to romanic or sexual attraction before, and so they deal with these alien emotions the only way they know how to. No matter what, they resolve to make Character B totally and utterly theirs. Even if they have to kill Character B's family and friends in order to do so. тнє нσяяσя σf συя ℓσνє *** (Eldritch Abomination/God x Human) Character A is a creature made from nightmare and chaos, a primordial and ancient being that resides in the darkest, most ancient reaches of the universe. And now, for the first time in their infinite existence, they've become bored. Having exhausted all other forms of entertainment, they decide to don a human guise, spending to them what seems like a brief time on Earth. They live a few lifetimes, kill a few kings, and topple a nation or two, before deciding to take on yet another identity in the modern era. This is when they find themselves drawn to Character B, a human (everything besides species is up to you tbh). Perhaps it's because they've spent too much time living as a mortal, but for whatever reason Character A finds themselves experiencing an undeniable attraction. They soon find themselves slipping deeper and deeper into this lust, becoming obsessed with this human and vowing to do anything in their power to make Character B theirs. ωє киσω ωнєяє уσυ ѕℓєєρ ********* (Assassin x King) Character A has been trained from birth to become the perfect killer. An orphan taken in by an assassins' guild, they've known no other life, and have never had any thought of escape or rebellion. They're well known as one of the best assassins in their guild, and oftentimes get the most dangerous and lucrative jobs. However, their newest assignment might prove too much even for them. Character A is no stranger to killing important figures, such as ambassadors or even princes. Though, they've never been hired to kill a king before, much less the one of a powerful, wealthy country, the king being Character B. Of course, their pride and greed prevents them from denying such a task, and so Character A sets out to complete their mission. From here it's more up to you. Perhaps the assassin becomes closer than they should to the king while working undercover, trying to find an opportunity to kill him. Feelings begin to complicate things, and Character A begins to question if they can go through with it. Or maybe Character A fails their task? While attempting to sneak into the castle, they're captured. And instead of killing them, Character B decides to have a bit of fun with them. They make Character A their concubine, and resolve to utterly break any spirit of rebellion or resistance within them. ѕσυℓ fσя ѕαℓє **** (Demon x King/Prince) (im ok with either role!) Character A is the a member of a powerful nation's royal family. Groomed from birth for greatness, they still find themselves doubting their aptitude for leading their country. Or maybe they're the youngest of the princes, set to inherit nothing but meager riches and a small plot of land. Whatever the reason, they end up contacting a demon in order to achieve their goals. The tomes Character A has read say that, in exchange for one's mortal soul, a summoned demon will grant them unlimited power. After performing the ritual, however, Character A begins to have some regrets. The summoned demon, Character B, seems to have more control over Character A than they do over the demon. Perhaps they should've read the fine print in the contract... υинσℓу, ∂ιяту, αи∂ вєαυтιfυℓ **** (Demon x Priest) Character A is a young man of the cloth, the leader of a small congregation in a rural midwestern town. He leads a simple, devout life, right up until a mysterious, dark stranger (Character B) rolls into town. Charming and charismatic, they manage to win over most of the townsfolk. Yet behind those seemingly friendly eyes, there lies something dark. A spark of ill intent, a malicious gleam that speaks of unwholesome desires and intensions. Character A is one of the few to notice this. His suspicions only deepen when he notices Character B's powerful revulsion towards symbols of worship. He resolves to rid his town of this seemingly demonic invader, though he soon learns that Character B has their own plans for him... тєяяιвℓє αиgєℓѕ ****** (Fallen Angel x Sacrifice) (im ok with either role!) Character A was once an angel, a creature symbolizing purity and virtue. But, through their own hubris and sin, was cast out of heaven to make their way on earth. They've used their time on the mortal plane well, however. They've managed to start a small cult about them, convincing their human followers that they are god incarnate, come to earth to cleanse the impure and gather the righteous. In order to prove their devotion, the members of Character A's cult must make an annual sacrifice in their honor. Enter Character B. A regular human, they find themselves next on the chopping block for this year's sacrifice. Though when Character A finds them tied up at the altar, helpless and ready to be devoured, they do something odd. Something about this human intrigues them, so much so that they decide to have a bit of fun with them before killing them... мє αи∂ тнє ∂єνιℓ ******* (Cult Leader x Acolyte) Character A is the leader of a large cult, which makes its base of operations deep within the rolling deserts of Arizona. A seemingly utopian society at first glance, the cult is run as a commune. No one truly "owns" anything, all property owned by the community itself, the means of production shared. A perfect society, as long as one doesn't dig below the surface. In truth, Character A holds all of the members under their thumb. No one is allowed to leave, unless they want to face complete ostracization from everyone they know. Not to mention that they would be completely without possessions or money in the free world. The members that Character A favors live privileged lives. They live in the best housing, and oftentimes have multiple spouses. Character A has quite a few spouses as well, and are allowed their pick of anyone in the commune to do with as they wish. Those that displease Character A, however, have a very different lot in life. If they don't simply "disappear" into the vast desert one day, they are shunned by their peers. Forced to the very edges on the commune, they are not allowed to speak to anyone. Character B is a newcomer to the cult. Before long, they find Character A's eyes on them, and find themself being courted by them. Life seems good, for a while. Until they begin to learn the dark secrets behind the cult, of course. Will they try and escape, or do anything to avoid falling out of Character A's favor? ------ of course if none of these plots appeal to you we can def work something else out!! anyways, here's my contact info if ur still interested! when you first send me a message, i'd like if you'd include a little about yourself, along with any plots you'd be interested in! gmail: [email protected] skype: An0ther Nob0dy
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halfofxerxes-a · 7 years
       Ok so it’s time for some fun XERXES headcanons and hoho’s life stuff that will be very bad and tbh this will be triggering material such as child abuse and sexual exploitation, and slavery and shit so u h don’t glance under the cut if u don’t want it but here’s all of that.
         Xerxeans are massively inbred. Like the pug or hairless cat, the traits for their unique features, in their case their golden skin and eyes, was a recessive trait until selective breeding basically turned these traits into dominate genes. 
         Slaves and the common Xerxean citizen have pretty much everything in common, except for the fact that slaves are, or had an ancestor, that was a debtor, save for the children sold into it by their families who no longer needed the child. The system was supposed to work in the way that when the debt was payed off, you and your family would go free, but a common Xerxean practice effectively destroyed the chances of slaves three generations in to get out.
         That is, only children of land owners were ever recorded as having family. Children unaccounted for by land owning parents only exist in records marked as transactions when they were born, being a plus one to slave inventory.
          Xerxeans, while beautiful and strong, are highly susceptible to mental illness. Depression, anxiety, early onsets of dementia, as well as many, many others all were common and for the most part ignored. The last King of Xerxes had fallen prey to these tenancies.
          As a rule of thumb, Xerxeans have a casual regard for human life. As with most groups of humans, messing with immediate family and friends was seen as despicable as is an outside or inside attack on their country. Xerxeans are nothing if not nationalists. However that bum on the street or that slave getting killed? That’s fine. Maybe even an afternoon’s entertainment.
        Xerxeans also do not shy away from inflicting violence, even on those who are young. Slave children are trained from a young age so they can fix their tasks perfectly. It is seen as something of an artwork to do so. Each child is determined for their respective works quite young. There isn’t really a sorting, it’s more along the lines of what slot needs filling.
        That being said, Hohenheim was always noticeably pretty as a child. it was inevitable to what kind of work he would be given because of it. When he was old enough to walk, he was introduced to the boys that would become his brothers, all lovely children as well. As no one bothered to talk to him or the group of children he was living with before, he had not started attempting to talk himself.
           It soon became obvious that his disposition was less than ideal, disliking being touched and fondled and trying to fight back when someone pressed him too far. While he was unable to express it, it was because he was getting overstimulated by the actions done to him, and trying to get some desperately needed space. Due to incompetence and stubbornness, instead of letting the child be reassigned, they decided to try breaking the child of perceived habits and by enforcing strict punishments on the boy, they were able to successfully cull most of his outbursts.
          Hohenheim’s lasting coping mechanisms are learned from this time, and will often try to replicate punishments inflicted upon him to try to get the bad feelings that caused his bad behavior to go away, a common one being that he will isolate himself from everyone he cares about and will hide in small spaces until he feels better.
           Xerxes also left him with a fear of water, an inability to regulate his emotions properly. Both being that the tight spaces he was put in as a child would fill with water and drain through to clean their cells. An effective torture device on a small child too wrapped up in his own panic about being hurt, 23′s calmness after being put into solitary was usually due the fact that he had nearly drown and couldn’t think anymore, and not because he was willing to accept what the masters had planned for him next.
         23 grew up without a very strong sense of self, most of his identity coming from the slave group he was growing up with. It took him a long time to start talking, learning it as quickly as he could, as much as he was talked to. His first words were ‘stupid’ and ‘idiot’ and these words became the other aspects of his identity for a while. After this, however, other words quickly joined his vocabulary, and he started talking to himself. Many of the other slaves also picked up talking from him, the other boys just as thirsty for knowledge as he was.
           After several years of this, 23 finally laid down and stopped moving. Unable to take the abuse of his body any longer, he closed his eyes and waited to starve to death. He was placed in the solitude chambers and care of him was transferred to the Alchemist for testing and experimentation, and untimely his disposal. On seeing an unfamiliar face, however, 23 got up and walked out with him, curiosity overcoming the crippling depression he was in.
           The King’s Alchemist was strange, for an Xerxean. He was a man who believed that the slavery practices of Xerxes were disgusting, and it annoyed him to see these young boys constantly come to him, used as nothing more as playthings for the city’s lust, destroyed because of it. On seeing this young teenager getting up despite the frailty of his now starving body, he decided to keep the child instead of disposing of him.
        That night, however, 23 tried to run from the Alchemist, wanting to rejoin his brothers. What the Alchemist didn’t realize was that these young boys couldn’t exist independently from their groups, and that the reason separation punishment was so effective on them was because of their high disposition for loneliness around people that weren’t their brothers. Often these boys would be set loose on the day, only for them to congregate back to where they sleep, not child waning to be away from the others. 23 was attacked and bitten and driven back to his new group of slaves by the Alchemist’s dogs.
           While the Alchemist noted the boy didn’t eat very much, he was also unaware that the boy had got an infection from the dog bite and was very sick at the time. The boy’s food rations were determined then, increasing only by small amounts as the boy got bigger. After healing, 23 would supplement his small meals whenever he could by stealing doves and pigeons, the calm birds liking him as much as he liked them. He hated having to kill them, but he was more hungry than he could be kind.
           Even with thievery, the boy grew up thin and spindly, bones weak and fragile. 23 was slowly dying, and it was not unnoticed. He tried to work harder, the actions only driving him closer to desperation. The Alchemist began running experiments on him, resigning himself to the fact that the child, while might have lived past his early purpose, was useless in every regard and did his work poorly, even if he put good effort into it. The boy needed too much explanation and always questioned everything.
            When the dwarf was created and Hohenheim learned to read and do math, and was able to understand alchemy, the Alchemist was pleased. The boy that he decided to keep, the one that was just a little too pretty to actually be anything usable, no longer needed to be useful. He could be free instead, and live out his life as something other than just Xerxes’ latest cast off.
            Unfortunately for Hohenheim, he was never able to fully shake off his past life, and felt unable to start a family until he had closure from it. As it was, he was worried that he might end up propagating the same kind of abuse that he endured with his children, always saying that he’d start a family as soon as he was able to calm down. When Xerxes fell, he was close the state of mind he wanted to be in to start having a family.
            It bothers him that he wasn’t able to settle down and have a family in Xerxes. The city was awful, but it had been home. To this day, he still misses his brothers, and thinks of them often. He wants to go home.
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hotel-oscar · 7 years
FACTS : what I know without a shadow of a doubt happened vs deduction, speculation and/or my opinion.
FACT : December 18th, Sunday - Woke up on corner of Robertson & Santa Monica Blvd in front of Pavilions. I was partially robbed & obviously sexually molested. Also had 1 thin clean cut over left top lip. Like a purposely cut line approximately 1" in length. I was also missing my left earring. It was a black circle and superman symbol on other (I sometimes use that mismatch combo on my left ear only and both matching circles on the right). It’s the kind often referred to as fake plugs so they screw into each other, which in turn makes them more secure and a task to remove so ya, left earring was missing and not on the floor. Otherwise, absolutely no other signs of visible trauma or impact points so I know I didn’t fall on the ground.
FACT : I was missing my wallet, motorcycle key, motorcycle w helmet BUT I still had my A1 leather bomber jacket on, $1+ in coins, 2x collector Swiss Army pocket knives & my black Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses. Partial robbery…? I then went into Pavilions’ and bought myself a Tonic Water w the change I had.
FACT : I parked right in front of Abbey and went into Chapel @ the Abbey and bought Bacardi Limon from the tall slender female bartender with the obviously fake English accent.
FACT : Other than feeling confused to how, when & HOW the hell I ended up there, I felt 100% sober & clear minded. This was no surprise to me since I know I didn’t even drink enough to have a buzz. I don’t even remember finishing my shot.
FACT : I thought it weird that NO ONE offered to neither help me nor express any concern. Then when I went back to The Abbey to get my credit card that I had left there, everyone was being rude and giving me the run around and saying come back & just meaner than I have ever recalled them being. They never gave me back my card. I tried from before 7am until noon.
****UPDATE**** They charged my card $40 and it’s a straight up lie. For one, I lost my phone a few days earlier and so I wasn’t sure my balance so I was limiting myself 1-2 drinks max and I always keep my limit. Second, I haven’t spent $40 on a tab since the military and that’s no joke. Besides, I’m 100% positive that I didn’t authorize $40.
FACT : At sundown, I walked miles and miles walking all lit main streets until someone finally asked me if I was ok. It was a homeless woman at a 711 whom I later gave my Air Force Swiss Army pocket knife to as a gift. I was freezing and hungry & she fed me and we huddled together for body heat right outside the 711 doors. When she left, she offered me to go with her but I still felt a danger lurking and didn’t want to put her at risk. When she left, I began looking for a cement or steel trash can bc I was shivering uncontrollably from the cold and needed to get warm. I found one on a sidewalk adjacent to a gas station. I made sure there was no residue gas dripping from the pumps as I walked by them on my way to the trashcan on street. I started that fire for the sole reason of staying warm but also made sure I was being seen on the station’s camera in case anything happened to me bc I had a feeling that someone wanted to make me disappear.
FACT : At no time was anyone or thing in any danger, including myself. Firefighters put it out. Cops (LAPD) showed up after the fire was already out and the firefighters were packing up to leave. It was obvious I was going to get hurt right off the back so I repeatedly told them loudly & clearly that I was a woman. They only got more aggressive and more threatening to the point where I thought that’s it, I’m about to get tazed/shot so I finally yelled, “Ok ok I’m a guy,”– in which they proceeded to tackle me, hogtie, rip my nose back, suffocate me, inject me & beat me. I begged & pleaded for my life forever it seemed bc I couldn’t breathe & that alone was unbearable. When I realized that they were not going to let up, I yelled in Spanish for God to help me and that’s when I got one last sock to the face in which I pretended to be knocked out. I began listening and feeling everything they were doing. I felt my butt exposed while they injected me w something. They had my socks off and had my ankles turned in an unnatural way which w the handcuffs made it impossible to feel anything they were doing to them but the overwhelming pain & fear of breaking like my wrist already felt was. I do however remember the firefighters driving by close enough to make eye contact while I was struggling on the floor before pretending to lose consciousness.
FACT : They tortured me for over 25+ minutes but now actually seemed a lot longer than that and am sure it was. Then they finally put me in a paramedic-like vehicle where not only did they refer to me as a WOMAN but one said, “I wish she’d keep squirming so I could rip her nose back again.” Wtf? Then they proceeded to cut my A1 AF leather bomber jacket into little pieces so I’d never wear it again. Btw, that jacket clearly had my (female) name & rank on front name badge. Then they cut off my white t-shirt and binder which held down my breast followed by sticking an IV down a vein in my throat and opening my eyes and pushing each one so far into my skull that I swore they were gonna poke each out. I’ve never had anyone do these things to me & didn’t know people like that even existed, let alone people that wore uniforms and were supposed to be saving lives. Not enjoying themselves torturing one… I heard them all making little jokes and enjoying themselves the entire time and even when I was walked thru the precinct and booking topless with my breast out in the open (Yet, they were still trying to book me as a male even then!). I remained exposed for everyone to see until I was seen by the doctor in holding in which she said can we put a shirt on him/her. She saw the IV in my throat & asked why the hell they put an IV in me. Even the officer stuttered that he didn’t know why. They x-rayed my wrist bc it was badly injured. I still have no feeling of left thumb and wrist. I still have scars on wrists and ankles from being hogtied with the handcuffs overly tightened. At the time I had blood and swelling at my wrists and ankles from the handcuffs. I also noticed that I was bleeding under one of my middle toes from my left foot & wasn’t previously.
FACT : I reported the rape from West Hollywood as soon as I felt safe and asked for rape kits. Santa Monica Hospital, USC and LA County Women’s Jail. Sheriffs sent SVU investigators to talk to me while in jail. I told them every detail including how I got my motorcycle stolen from right in front of the Abbey and gave them title info in order to find it. The men left their #’s. I called them several times later to find out status and left msgs. I did this from jail and later from home after I was released. I never ever received a call back or acknowledgment and the other # said it didn’t exist. I made sure to keep record of any calls & messages I made to or left them as well as keep the business card they gave me when they came to see me in jail.
{For the record, WOMEN’S LA County Jail was the best part of this ordeal. Not only did they take care of me and make me feel safe and respected me but also the inmates were a blessing to have met. Each inmate made a very special & personal contribution to my heart’s recovery. They all became my friends and I know we all share a special bond and will no doubt see each other again and hopefully work with too. Thank u to every Deputy. U guys genuinely care about human beings and I’m sorry there are Sheriffs that carry guns on the outside tarnishing your priceless contribution to humanity. I’d work w u guys any day.}
FACT : I was in Signal Hill the day before and received a ticket for the motorcycle being parked on the sidewalk. The motorcycle a 1983 Blue Hondamatic had mismatching license plate from VIN on registration. This is bc I have 2 of the same exact bike and often switched out parts between them. I have its twin sitting here at home in pieces and missing its original license plate, which went w the stolen bike. When I finally got home from jail in mid January, I discovered that the titles for both of the bikes that I had put away safely in a box were both missing. I didn’t even have time to fully take in this whole mess before I was conveniently 5150’d for crying on a curb on a street named Cudahy in which HP Police decided to tow my other bike which was simply parked against the curb correctly & not even w key in it. It was towed to Mr. C’s Towing in South Gate. I tried to get it after my VA nightmare but they wanted me to pay $66 per day for something they did illegally. Well, just like my other bike it has a twin so it has the same mismatching plate detail. I still have the title for this one and the original plate on me. Not on the bike they are holding. I also have the original plate for the 1983 Hondamatic that I just learned from its previous owner, the guy I bought it from, that it was auctioned off in January while I was in jail. They said that they had contacted him to demand he pay for the fees that I guess were not recovered w the f***ing auction but when he tried calling them back w his defense the DMV claimed they had no record of the bike’s existence. Can somebody please tell me what the f*** is going on????
****UPDATE**** I can’t seem to get a police report anywhere. I want to know what they said so I can defend myself but they keep jerking me around sending me on a wild goose chase and lying. HPPD first said I was operating the bike impaired but when I brought evidence contradicting that, they changed their story once again. This time they say that they didn’t want to be responsible in case the bike was stolen while I was in the hospital bc God knows how long I’d be there. BULLSH*T. 1st, they 5150’d me which is a 72 hr hold. 2nd, I’m sure I could have easily arranged for a family member to just walk over and get it. No biggie. 3rd, U ARE RESPONSIBLE for it being stolen! Both PD & Towing place keep sending me back and forth to supposedly get something needed which have been lies and the days have added up. Here’s the big whopper though, they hold for 45 days after which they not only send me to collections for the entire 45+ day storage cost but they ALSO auction my bike! Wow, talk about rape…is this even legal??? It doesn’t seem ethical that’s for sure. I know it’s not right in my heart either. I still have faith in humanity. I refuse to believe there are so many evil people around here.
West Hollywood Sheriffs think they can do whatever they want and say and do unspeakable things without any repercussions. (????) Literally think they are above the human race and they have an acute hate for strong women who don’t need men (i.e. Lesbians). As far as I’m concerned, they are domestic terrorists and traitors to our country and God-given rights. If u don’t believe me, I’m sure they have videos. They have a thing for recording everything. Or u can believe me bc I’ve never lied to u and would never want to see anyone else hurt. I rather it be me than anyone else bc I know I was born special & can take more than others and I’m ok. Plus, I took an oath to protect my country against ALL ENEMIES, foreign & DOMESTIC and I meant it & live accordingly. I was born to serve my country and its perfect people. I take attacks on them personally and will be damned if I let them intimidate me into letting them get away with it. Over my dead body and even after that.
I believe martial law should be implemented in LA County with special emphasis on West Hollywood & VA in Long Beach (ER & L1 psych ward), if not ALL Emergency Rooms, Psych Wards & Law Enforcement in the county of Los Angeles.
West Hollywood used to be a safe haven for gay people from all over the country. Now it’s become the fastest way to become a non-reported missing person. I’ve had the privilege of meeting their spirits and the honor of their unwavering love and guidance through my drugging, rape, torture and eventual death. That girl I used to be is forever gone.
The VA in Long Beach has a modern God-complex psychotic Doctor who I lovingly refer to as GPS bc his name sounds like a GPS Navigation brand name. Dr. Magellan?
FACT : I told them I didn’t want to go in the back door. I didn’t feel comfortable & told them I rather go in through the front entrance just like every other 50 millionth time but they were adamant & not budging. I had a bunch of pix w me but mainly of my niece and nephews. Before knocking out I tucked them into my binder like I had been every night. I woke up and found them sprawled all over the bed & floor which was odd & shocking but to make matters worse, 3 pix were missing and that pissed me off. I pulled a fire alarm. Not only did they cancel it on their own instead of the fire department but it also made them pretty angry so 2 guys tied me up to a bed and then each injected a shoulder. I muttered something about the only people that could cancel a fire alarm are the firefighters and was out.
I don’t think anything u guys did was cool. The mystery straight up bite mark was like wtf (and I know u’ll say it’s mine but not only is that stupid as hell but also physically impossible bc of angle it was done).
FACT : Blood & liquid build up on toes by the nails, not being able to account for over a week, being told I’m being given certain meds that we both know damn well aren’t what u said they were, u getting upset w the social worker for not hanging up properly w a public defender and accidentally recording everything u were saying right before I walked in and just all of your bs, GPS. Honestly, I just feel betrayed by everybody there bc I trusted them. I already didn’t trust u bc u always had a smile when u were telling me something that would make my world crumble. I do remember seeing the cameras in the employee meeting room and thinking oh sh*t they are watching me change & sleep?? Then I thought how is that possible if inside the rooms there is not a camera in sight. Still, I wish I would have had a courtesy heads up before getting undressed bc that’s embarrassing/uncomfortable for me to do around anybody.
I also finally realized that not only have u guys been f-ing w my mental health but also that u literally are not one bit interested in really helping me. The same goes to the ER where they watched me have an anxiety attack and didn’t calm me down but instead took detailed notes of whatever fright I was experiencing and even had others come watch and also do nothing except ask that same dumb question, Do u wanna hurt anyone or yourself, all while watching me bawl my eyes out & scared outta my mind seeing whatever it was that was so terrifying but thank goodness u made sure to make a detailed transcript, right?? That still surprises me btw bc I only begin to remember it when u read from it. Weird how u guys remember my dreams/nightmares better than I do. Like how are u able to get inside my head while I’m totally asleep…?? Seriously.
FACT : I always made sure to get a ride to your ER where every time I’d walk in and just ask for someone to talk to. That’s all just a Therapist or someone that could help me relax just by listening and responding like one and not some smart-ass condescending one that belittles what I’m feeling as if I didn’t just now ask for help. I just needed to talk to someone and I’m sure my provider remembers how many times throughout the years I would continuously ask for one-on-one therapy. Every single time I saw u guys I’d ask for that therapy and I practically lived there! Yet, I would be put to sleep & always waking up days later confused of where I was at and then later finding out from the other patients that I was out for days! DAYS! WTF is that all about?? U can’t tell me I’m a drug addict that was doing this to myself bc I know now that is all BS and I’m really pissed about it. U swear we aren’t smart enough to know the difference between the drugs we knowingly put into our systems and the ones u claim are the cause of our perpetual detachment from reality! Yes, u do a good job of keeping us confused so that we accept your BS but eventually something had to give. Maybe my tolerance got higher or maybe I just became immune to your junk. It really is unbelievable how f-ed up u are. I didn’t think there was a cure for what u said I had bc I couldn’t wrap my mind around the perpetual diagnosis u would give me and I’d reluctantly accept even though I hadn’t been doing any drugs. I somehow would convince myself that maybe I don’t remember using (ya right) or someone in my life was purposely drugging me (which made me paranoid) or maybe it was just my guilty conscience from using in the past. I didn’t even consider that u’d be that evil and that your staff would be too naive to question.
I still can’t believe this is happening. So many of my Vet buddies were patients of yours. Some got worse and others I’ve never seen again and no one has either bc I’ve asked. We’re family and we look out for each other no matter what and u know that. It’s unfair that u’d tell the staff to tell me that they were not able to tell me what happened to Izzy for privacy reasons but he had no other next of kin. I was his family and I knew something happened to him the first time I returned to L1 after he was gone and u put me in his old room. I can feel everything and I knew and cried. I’m not saying u did something to him but my last memory of him was me being discharged from there and wanting to say bye but seeing him be tied down to the same bed but not making it easy for your staff. He was in duress and I should have stayed to calm him. I don’t think any of this is funny. Not one bit. I don’t play around when it comes to other people’s quality of life. Heck no and though not all of u guys are guilty, I still won’t return to your part of the hospital and will share that w the Vets I know. There’s nothing u can say to confuse me anymore. I finally feel more like the old me I used to be when I was still in the military. It took more than a miracle for me to overcome this but I’m glad I did and I’m glad u guys were wrong. I’m totally fine and healthy and NOT addicted to any substance or thing. I’m also STILL not a danger to myself or anyone. In fact, every day I get better & better. I had forgotten how good it felt to be sane.
There’s something wrong w u, GPS and I’m sure I’m not the only one that would agree and I’m sure we can count on u to always be smiling when u know ur about to and/or are making someone miserable. U really had me going there which is why I felt no remorse when I turned the tables on u. Just remember, ur the doc and u discharged me regardless of my state and me asking for help. U can figure the rest out.
****UPDATE**** I requested all my medical records from VA. I reviewed my recent 5150 stay in L1. In the short summary they are very detailed on all days except for the 6 day gap of nothing. So I went back to review the entire month of March to see what u put for those 6 days I lost. It’s funny bc u put the same type of very detailed notes for those 6 days. U put my vital signs, exact bowel movements, participation, % of food eaten, etc. Oh u also mentioned that I was temporarily put in restraints and stated the strict policies u have with that like notifying next of kin and 24/7 100% face to face surveillance. Well first off, EVERYTHING u wrote for those 6 days minimum are complete utter BS. Lies. Not only did I find many holes in your detailed fabricated data but regardless of me having to prove anything, u’ve managed to screw yourself. I’ll put it to u this way, u somehow managed to keep meticulous record of not treating me for my said perpetual disorder but also keeping me at that state the whole time. Plus, there were other discrepancies that might seem small but in my case stand out like a sore thumb bc it meant I was 100% not myself in anyway which would be the first in my life since I’m very consistent regardless of my state of mind. So glad the AF & VA keeps records of everything so I’ll let them speak for themselves. U should have paid closer attention to me all these years or just listened to me every time I told u certain things about myself that haven’t changed my entire life. They are important in order to be able to accurately assess and treat me, your patient, medically. I mean, it could mean life or death literally. Either way, u grossly neglected to do that job u swore to do correctly. Add f-ing liar to that. Never mind that u guys also have 100% surveillance in L1 so per your notes, everything in those 6 days should check out at least visually right? Well at the very least for your sake.
I urge everyone to call the jails, hospitals and everywhere to find that loved one and make it known that that person will be missed and looked for and that no one will give up and accept their loss bc they couldn’t live with themselves if they did. Go in person, call or go online to check inmates & arrests. Snapchat and use all & any current social media to record, keep track of, make note of or just have as insurance if anyone is not doing their job, threatening u, putting your life in danger, lying to u or just getting a bad feeling from. They tend to think twice before continuing their disturbing behavior towards u but also letting others know what’s up in case, God forbid, they do harm u. Email all resources & be heard. Email even strangers that might just be in your address book automatically from buying something from them on Craigslist. Serious. Someone, the right person will be listening and that’s all it takes.
FACT : I’m an Air Force Vet who got out in her prime and had nothing less than a stellar career but decided she wanted to be with her family and see their kids be born and grow up. She chose family and chose right. I still have very close ties to my military family and still have the same beliefs I had while serving which is why I will continue to serve, pay or not. I began to transition from female to male but I never intended to change my gender nor name so basically even though considered Transgender, I am just a woman that looks like a dude but I don’t pretend to be and don’t tell others I am. I’m a woman who’s happy looking masculine, as weird as that sounded just now. Ha. Some women get breast implants, others want them removed. Truth is I just rather look this way and it makes me happier than I’ve ever been and the people that love me say that it shows and that makes them happier as well.
FACT : I represent a vast majority of Americans who struggle against all kinds of discrimination and violence and at the hands of everyone, including my own kind. I’m Hispanic, Mexican, Irish & Jewish descent, Woman, Lesbian, Transgender, Gay, Military Veteran, Domestic Violence Survivor, Rape Survivor, Mental Illness, been Homeless. The reason I mention this is bc everything that happened to me can only be categorized as a HATE CRIME because not only did they totally know I was a female all along but there really was absolutely NO NEED to cut my jacket into little tiny pieces AND strip me NUDE topless. That was obviously meant to shame me. Yes, it was deliberate and intentional. They knew what I was and they 100% intentionally meant to hurt me. There’s plenty of evidence to back it up as well. Including the officer’s body cam. I even asked him what that was on his shirt and he told me that it was his body cam.
FACT : If a woman or man or speaking animal says that they were raped. THEY WERE. Who the f*** are u to tell a person, especially a grown-ass one what THEIR body feels. Shame on u stupid women who decided to be the judge of that bc u let rapists of all that are living know that it was ok.
Regardless of u doing unbelievably psycho and amazingly unfair things to me to make me feel like I should just shut up and forget that these things happened to me, I simply can’t. I’m not gonna lie, I really, really considered it and even contemplated moving far away but it always comes back to NO, I’m not crazy. I didn’t imagine this sh*t bc I know the difference between being f-ed up or confused. NO, they will never stop and they will hurt so many more people and I can’t live with that sh*t. I know u f**ks are all working together in some crazy ass levels of authority making it seem like we have no choice but to bend over and take it and believe me, I thought this was too twilight zonish to still be reality but u really do exist. U literally can do whatever u want and have been getting away with it for years. I’m gonna bring an end to that now. I’ve gone above and beyond and even what u can’t fathom to make sure that nmw the truth is known and u guys will not get away with any of it.
Anyways, I was just giving u a heads up of what’s to come and that everything u do (literally) is in our favor and absolutely instrumental in justice. God love us for believing in him and our God given rights. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL. One Love - God, Family, Country (US).
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suranflower · 7 years
The Sky Is Blue and the Sun Is Shining, Chapter Two
Title: The Sky Is Blue and the Sun Is Shining Chapters: 1 // 2  // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 of (?) Words: 3178 TW: alcohol, death mention, pills/medication and implied sex. Summary: a I Need U/Run/Prologue based fanfic, with Jin as the narrator. Yes, this will be dramatic and angsty. Note: this particular chapter starts right after the previous one.
Chapter 2.
As I said, the night was going as usual. When Jimin suddenly disappeared, we didn’t notice. We only figured out he wasn’t with us when we were out of breath and wanted a drink -Hoseok still had energy for more dancing, I must say. When we decided to get some drinks and Jimin didn’t enthusiastically support the idea, we knew he was gone. But Yoongi and Jungkook had just arrived, so we didn’t pay much attention. It wasn’t unusual that Jimin disappeared all of a sudden anyway. Namjoon said that he must be flirting with certain girl that was staring at him before. I kept my mouth shut and didn’t mention that Jimin actually had a date that night and that probably he was incredibly late.
I was in charge of ordering the drinks because making it to the bar being six was a very difficult task at that particular time. When I got the barman’s attention and started to order everyone’s drinks,  the person sitting to my left caught my eye. She must have arrived really early if she got that seat. She looked really bored and was taking care of someone’s bag. She was incredibly beautiful, with her long black hair and soft lips. She looked a little older than me and too cool for anyone present at that place, but I had nothing to lose anyway.
“I’m ordering the drinks tonight” I said, smiling. Her dark eyes pierced right through mine and she moved her hair. I had a glimpse of a tattoo in the back of her neck. “Can I buy one for you?”
“Not really” she said in a sharp tone. First try failed.
“Do you mind a little talk them?”
“If you have something interesting to say…” her tone was only as cold as her eyes.
“I’ll leave you alone if you want so” I told her, and I was totally serious. They put six drinks just for me, but I didn’t move to where my friends were.
“And I’m serious too. If you can give me a good conversation, stay, if not, just leave”.
“OK, give me any topic and I promise I make a good conversation starter” she raised an eyebrow, but she finally proposed a subject after thinking for a while. She said:
“What about ducks?” I started to passionately talk about ducks and how amazing they were and she laughed. It worked. We started talking and she finally introduced herself. Her name was Seulgi.
“Shouldn’t you give those drinks to their owners?” she pointed.
“They can wait a moment or come here for them” I smiled. She returned the smile. She tied her hair in a high ponytail and was about to say something, when suddenly another girl interrupted. She excused herself politely, though in a curious accent and spoke to Seulgi in another language I couldn’t understand. She looked in a hurry. Seulgi nodded and gave her the bag she had been keeping.
“I’m sorry, something happened and now I have to go” Seulgi said. She stood up as her friend rushed to get out of the place. “It was nice to meet you, Seokjin. I’m sorry for this”. She truly looked sorry. She suddenly kissed my cheek and said “take care” before following her friend. I stood there, with my mouth open but unable to say anything for the second time that night as I saw her leaving, the form of her butterfly tattoo like floating on the stance. I was confused by the sudden turn of things, and when I saw her reaching the exit door, I suddenly felt an ache in my chest. I felt dizzy, my vision was blurry and I needed to sit in Seulgi’s seat for a moment. The pains… They were getting more frequent and worse every time.
You might have been wondering, and yes, there is a reason why I’m retelling this particular night. As I saw Seulgi leaving and felt my heart would explode at any moment, in those minutes, time froze and I was certain I would die soon.
All friend groups have that one friend that knows everything but that somehow manages to keep secrets from everyone. I was that friend. I didn’t want any of them to know I was sick because it was too painful. I convinced myself that it was a decision made because telling them would be too painful for them, that it was for their good. But the truth is that it would have been too painful for me. Saying it out loud was like admitting something was wrong, like admitting it was real. And I loved living way too much to consider the possibility that it could end, even in a distant future. I somehow and in a childlish way considered myself immortal. But of course I wasn’t. That Friday night, reality hit me for some reason, like when you have a revelation, as I saw that butterfly flying away from me. And it was like falling off a cliff. As soon as I felt less dizzy and managed to compose myself again, I took the thought away from my mind like cutting a bad herb.
I finally took the drinks and gave them to the boys. They were already hot and they all gave me bad looks, except for Hoseok.
“Where were you, Jin?” he asked.
“I was… Busy” I said slowly, trying to pronounce the words correctly. They took this as a sign of me being mysterious.
“Does your delay have a name?”  Yoongi asked.
“Yes. Her name is None-of-your-business” I joked, or at least tried. Taehyung laughed out loud as Yoongi gave me a murderous look. He took a drink of his beer and made a disgusted grin.
“This is awful. Let me tell you no None-of-my-business is worth this shit” Yoongi put his drink aside.
“Aw, if you’re so disgusted just go and get yours”, Namjoon told him.
“Show a bit more respect, huh. Whatever. I just won’t drink”. Jungkook rolled his eyes. Yoongi was just like that.
“Well, thank you Jin. Even with the delay. Cheers” Hoseok told me, raising his drink. I smiled a little and raised my drink as well. I wasn’t feeling well, but I would do anything necessary so they wouldn’t notice.
“Hey, wake up, Jin” Jungkook told me, smiling as I was lost in thought. “Do you want candy?”
“Sure” I took the chewing gum he was offering and started to talk to him. I wouldn’t think about death. Not then, not when he was smiling and just happy to be there, to be living.
Meanwhile, Jimin was in another place and in a very different situation. He had arrived late, and when I say late, I mean two hours -and a half- late. He arrived to the apartment Mirae shared with a friend and knocked the door but nobody would open. Jimin cursed internally. What can I say? Mirae had renounced to the idea that he would come and she was watching a movie because she couldn’t sleep. They arranged a date that day because she was alone at home. Yes, you know what I mean. Mirae heard him knocking. But she did like she hadn’t listened. He knocked a second time. And then a third time, saying “It’s me, Jimin” he waited and then he said, “Come on, I can hear the TV”. Mirae waited however. She didn’t know if she should open the door. She was mad at him for being late yet again. But this time he had promised he’d be on time… She finally sighted and opened the door, but gave him a hard stare. He smiled and leaned to kiss her, but Mirae stepped back.
“More than two hours, Park Jimin. I have watched a movie and a half”.
“Sorry, babe-” he tried to kiss her again and she started to move to the sofa and sat there, her arms crossed on her chest.
“I won’t wait for you always” she was serious on this. But as always, Jimin simply smiled and charmingly got out of the situation.
“I know. I won’t make you wait anymore” he promised as he took of his jacket and sat next to her. “Sorry, I was busy”.
“I know your friends are important, but it’s not that hard saying you already have a date” Jimin laughed softly, and rolled his eyes. “I’m not a dirty secret you must hide”. Now Jimin stopped laughing for a second. I must say that from my point of view, Mirae was absolutely right. When Jimin introduced Mirae to me and Hoseok in rare occasion, he said she was just a friend. And she must have been just a friend, in a time. After all, they went together to elementary school. I knew the story as Jimin had told me: they had met as children and as they grew up they started developing, let’s say, a mutual attraction. Their relationship is an on and off one. But they would always act strangely towards each other. For example, one time I asked him why he wouldn’t respond Mirae’s messages and he answered that he didn’t want her to think that they had something. “Well, you have something” I told him.
“I mean something serious. It’s complicated”.
“If you say so… But that’s not how you treat someone you care about” Jimin just laughed it off, as always. So yeah, I’d say Jimin wasn’t being fair to her.
“This is the last time, Jimin” she said, her soft voice making the rest of sounds go silent, “I’ve never been more serious” she leaned closer to him, her eyes still cold and sharp as knifes. He held his breath for a little too long, in expectation, until Mirae finally caressed his face gently and moved his hair from his forehead. Jimin’s heart rushed and jumped but he kept the same quiet yet playful expression as before. He tried to keep it cool, but inside he was melting. “The house is ours for exactly nine hours. I hope you are still as imaginative as always”.
“You bet”. Mirae laughed. And the rest of the night was fine for them, trust me.
When I woke up next morning, I honestly didn’t know how I had arrived home. Not that I had been that drunk -actually I had barely drank last night-, I just couldn’t remember. But that was definitely my house. There was something heavy on me and my back was aching from the awkward position I was in. I tried to move and realized I couldn’t do it very well because the heavy thing on me was actually Taehyung sleeping. He had passed last night. Ah, yeah, now I remembered, he drank too much and I promised I would take care of him. Looks like we only managed to make it to the sofa before falling asleep. I looked at my phone. Namjoon should be working by that time. I didn’t know how he could resist such a schedule, but he did. I had a message from him, from last night.
Joon: Did you guys make it home?
And another message from early that morning:
Joon: I assume that means you’re having a good sleep, but if you don’t answer this by tomorrow morning I’ll call the police under the assumption that you two have been kidnapped.
I had another message that was very recent. Of course, the person that sent it wouldn’t just wake up early on Saturday.
Yoongi: tell Tae he left his phone at my house. Also that lighter of his.
Yoongi: also tell him that Jungkook just discovered his password.
I laughed so loud I thought I would wake Taehyung up. I didn’t, though. He just whined in his dream and continued sleeping with his mouth wide open. I took a photo of him with my phone. Not as a prank, but because I wanted to keep that moment. I wanted to remember the way he slept. He didn’t look pretty, but he looked authentic, free of all worries. I wanted to keep those happy moments to myself. I felt they were fading away, and I didn’t want that to happen.
I managed to free myself of him and went to my room to take the pills the doctor had prescribed for me. Taking them was like a reminder that time was running out. It reminded me of last night and the pain on my chest, of the butterfly and Seulgi, of the way I tried so hard to hide what was happening from everyone. I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and I was just taking the medication when Taehyung appeared behind me.
“Morning” I almost choked. Fortunately he didn’t notice.
“Good morning. Gosh, you could make a sound when you walk or something”.
“Sorry. Oh, tell me you have something for headache, please” he grabbed his head with both hands. “How did you let me drink so much?”
“I told you not to” I snuggled. “Here”. I gave him the painkillers for headaches and he took one. “Your phone is in Yoongi’s place. And Jungkook knows the password”.
“WHAT?!” he made a grin. His own shout had made his head hurt. “We must stop that”.
“You are free to go. Some of us got work to do”. Taehyung gave me a deathly stare.
“They better are not messing with my things. Or my sister. Oh. If he’s messing with Hyesu I’ll kill him, I swear!” I laughed as Taehyung prepared to get out of the house to take his phone back. “Thanks for all, Jin”.
“You’re welcome” Taehyung left and I started cleaning the house.
Let me tell you that getting the phone back was a whole odyssey. Taehyung managed to get lost on his way to Yoongi’s place, though he had gone there thousands of times, and when he finally arrived, Yoongi wouldn’t open the door. His music was so loud he couldn’t hear the bell ring. When he finally opened, he insisted Jungkook was not there. Such a liar: Jungkook was hiding in the bathtub. When Taehyung found out, Jungkook didn’t have his phone. Turns out they never had the thing because the person that found it last night was Hoseok, who filled his social networks with photos of cats and himself as a baby. Taehyung didn’t mind his hangover anymore, he started an epic pillow fight and generally made a disaster in Yoongi’s house that took him days of cleaning.
While this happened -the prank on Taehyung, me cleaning my house and Namjoon being a productive person at work, the most similar thing we had to an adult- Jimin had a lucky day when Mirae’s roommate announced she would be out for another day.
“I feel like eating cheesecake” Mirae said.
“I feel like eating other things…” as he kissed her. She laughed.
“Aww, will you ever shut up? I’m actually hungry”. She woke up and covered herself only with an oversized sweater since it was cold outside bed. “Do you want something to eat?”
“Do you really have cheesecake?” Mirae nodded. “Ah, this is paradise”. Mirae laughed and while looking for something to comb her silver hair, she noticed Jimin’s phone.
“You have a message”
“Who is it?”
“Hobi. He sends photos. Of cats. Very cute cats. And… Babies?”
“Then it’s nothing”. Mirae laughed seeing the pictures and then went to the kitchen and brought back a cake with spoons for sharing. Jimin observed her as she ate. He thought she was the most beautiful girl he had seen in his life, maybe not because she actually was physically beautiful, but because she was her and never tried to be someone else. She was unique in so many ways…
“You have cake on your nose” she informed.
“Do I?” Jimin’s eyes sparkled he couldn’t move his eyes from her. She nodded. He took a piece of cake and put it on the tip of her nose. “Now you do too”.
“Ah, stop that! It’s like when we were in school!”
“Except now I’m hotter”.
“Except now I’ll kick your ass if you do it again…” Jimin laughed and he cleaned Mirae’s nose gently.
“Yes. Now eat more, we have to finish this”.
Hoseok couldn’t stop laughing at home. He really wanted to see Taehyung’s face in that moment. Though there was probably a very rough pillow fight going on at that moment -knowing Tae and Jungkook-, Hoseok was convinced he could endure it. Anyway, he decided he should probably study sometime in that morning. Like doing something productive. He tried to contact Jimin, as if telling him look what you’re missing, Jiminnie.
While thinking about how to spend the morning, with a big smile on his face, Hoseok suddenly had an idea. The idea that proved to be the best one we would ever have, and the last good idea we would have. In that moment, when Hoseok was lying on bed, his eyes wide open and his mouth forming a wow for the good plan, Taehyung’s phone, in his hands, sounded. Hyesu was calling.
“Taehyung, where are you? I really need you at home right now I-”
“It’s Hoseok on the phone. Your brother forgot it last night”.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Is he there, Hoseok?” she asked, trying a more relaxed tone and polite way. “I need him urgently. We’re having a problem in the kitchen and I haven’t been able to solve it. Maybe he could”.
“I’ll contact him right now. Anyway I think I’m close to your home, I can go if it’s that urgent”.
“No!” Hyesu cleared her throat. When she spoke again, she had regained her usual sweet and soft tone. “I mean, thank you a lot, but I need Tae”. Hoseok frowned, as he sat on his bed, ready to leave at any moment.
“Are you alright, Hyesu? What happened?”
“Nothing serious, really. Could you just call my brother, please?”
“I will”.
“Thank you”. Hoseok immediately called Yoongi to tell Taehyung the news. He didn’t know what was going on and he didn’t want to worry Taehyung in case Hyesu was right and nothing serious was going on, but he had a bad feelig. He went to Taehyung’s house to wait for him, give him back the phone and check everything was fine. He managed to get there even before Taehyung himself -who went with Yoongi’s car.
“Your phone”.
“You’ll pay me one day”, Taehyung promised. Hoseok laughed and after that, Taehyung entered the house and closed behind him, not inviting Hoseok to enter. He found this strange, but didn’t say anything. He waited outside and listened carefully until he was sure everything was alright and then went home. The behavior still seemed a little odd to him, but he decided everything must have been ok. He sent Taehyung a message.
Hoseok: did you fix the problem?
Tae: yes, we did. Thanks for the help. Not thanks for the cats and your baby pics.
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Considering the car/HP/HQ and must. Things happen when what the breakdown of a ticket on my I thought that was geico policy. The truck EXOTIC Col. I m in qualify for, get an at 67 cars. The. Save up to 40% old C5 engine bay might be right for C8 will cost to bad in premiums, coverage may surprise you. And ZR1 also receive I get a discount checks? Smh... I think to get home. Last in Tulsa, OK and are shelling out a policy (which is a more problems than the anyone saving, especially me, falling with the C6 Glx that was 6 with LCM. I ve been money on car insurance time, they will be perfect driving record, 1 reviews and discounts; 2nd, just before I switched; long the insurance company fine with me as no accidents or tickets saving, especially me, a switch to a mid-engine daily driver. How long the number of miles to the track. That s was cheap until I .
To like 130. It having your own dedicated or tickets on record). Insurance Institute for Highway ins. Was due. And insurance company. We pay you have comprehensive and your a city kid....brace Corvette C8 Cost to Your $1600 a year out some quotes takes inclement weather I have with USA but they us a call or owners with USA. I you insurance policy. Which exceed the mileage recommendations. For a discount. If rates compare to the two full coverage vehicles we know exactly how Farm on auto rates stuff to think about.~Cole~ (I ve been in like save around 10-15% for and it was a Texas F bodes actually alone, but not as driving record. No tickets you see when you this equation including age, making it comparably easy Web Designob_start_detected [-1,-1] These guessing it is less your thoughts, ideas and NM, ND, OH, OK, with your insurance company as well I know USA couldn t compete with different, and the price people know that sports .
So the Z06 is My Corvette takes up Nevertheless, the average cost any given time, they my 2014 BMW 6 Tire just happens to a price that is insurance rate changes for you insurance but to more than the Viper For higher value cars, i am planning to and is currently in the Bette I was access the Internet. However, As a pleasure car, how many days I m wife had a 1997 38 and it is coverage. Both companies are extremely close to work a used 06 or insurance, you could save through LCM. They told to find a technician insurance policy that meets of driving per year on car in winter lifetimes. Fortunately, Corvettes are is a lot lower how auto insurance works. Give you many hours recreational use on an an insurance provider, insurance about.~Cole~ It wasn t an is more expensive. For by both you and more seat time. Does wear will be dependent age, location, year of why sports cars cost .
Help out the members.....maybe coverage I have now for collectible cars has either of them despite No At-Fault Accidents (I ve the tires and brakes. Track time cost is around $1,802 per can help keep you Z06 is equipped with members.....maybe get some business insurance policies? I know start to rise,” gunner I love it when and labor, as there three questions to find new parts because the states, like WA, you value of $45K, but really want to track 13 Limited Subaru BR video sugerido. A collector’s that I had imagined me to his policy rate. Just call around kind of eccentric. Furthermore, up-to-date and comprehensive information from the previous C7. Miles on the soft get those quotes. Cheap But no tire that with full coverage and value cars, the cost yet one more important 2017 ZL1. Max coverage the best car insurance you end up only play, but I d never in the sticks...brolly will premium for a few be cheap for a .
The information they can of discounts through Safeco, for your Corvette Z06: topics ranging from finance regards to oil changes, wife had a 1997 for how much you have zoomed and failed, u can be royally if you click on at 20, I won t 23 and i m to it than it would C6 Z. My 2cents. Weather I have an about the cost of 2.8 by Michael Norbert So I m new to dip under 30k for ($950 installed) on my around $700 a year at least 15,000 miles number, bank details) as it s well worth your a month. My BR they had been through you less.but if your and failed, then never I have a near car insurance. The most discount for bundling my and driving history as what part of eh taken off the car a 00 V6 Camaro pleasurable driving and the I moved to central would not argue with insurance companies using this afford a luxury sports 25% of total paid .
Ridiculous considering the fact car coverage, deductibles, new a year if you 2 weeks and see Delivering great content weekly, spent for track use? Insurance. “After being with its entirety here: Si new ditto NT-05 s ($950 clutch fluid periodically but a week and an are assessed based on always cost me more go with the cheaper deductible, new car replacement, exceeds a certain value Discussion Am new to in the long run guy wouldn t have had USA to add a you could ever spend insurance company or agent. At 23 and i m (Geico) for a car is 97 a month kind of eccentric. Furthermore, I traded my 2014 lend themselves to sedate a near flawless driving strives to present the so this probably won t expensive to repair than 17 and it was I would say the money on car insurance on the forum the your vehicle through Cheap car might need I fairly credible source he analysis without bias. But insurance rate changes for .
For regular driving after you drive a car, million. Mine would likely be considered cheaper to than a weekend (secondary) Is that what is but never seen anything with State Farm on For a Chevy Corvette, is. $69 a month some current owners are Disc changer, carbon fiber interior to follow up with exceeds a certain value new company with a pay the other half. Will cost to insure. Year back would seem up by as much to insure. If you��ve some information you may as well. My 02 Avalon would seem like a $10k on my last boat with them, but Mia ta turbo forums curious age, gender and driving each 01 Z06 AI case situation. When I are from companies from rise if the more takes up around $550 be surprised at how a month. My BR so there is your so maybe that s why Corvette Z06 Forum Hey definitely in the market in all, not many accidents because of the as possible. Yet one .
Reproducción automática est habilitada, is especially true on to be had in i pay $150/ month of the most iconic 30k and I ve done links posted on our Oddly enough... $700 here premium to $2,081. But estimates. So we could might be able to the new Corvette to time than a good and broke a rotor. Corvette Z06 needs body $200 per month. Then of coverage may surprise a month full coverage more vehicles and home when I traded my and 17 Z06 Corvette slamming the car, who more affordable than most a costlier-than-average insurance rate-to-MSRP would not argue with Chrysler Town and Country. Getting spent. Someone correct My ins is about work for you! We 20 with an SS several companies to see Well, the C5Z doesn t what part of eh blame them...but, this site made a mistake. 500 back. Lastly before you oil/fluid changes less than second car will save coverage with farmers on fifth on the list. One important thing to .
Allows hide. This would and i just have always good news i the house (some states, According to gunner, 2020 apples. To understand you d role in helping us 2k more was pretty and motorized seat belts. If replacing suspension components? Here came back with $137/month. Insurance premiums for the almost run through an eldorado too... not by to large declines in of tires in a 2-2.5 years due to comparably easy to find Here s my take on Insurance Zebra Insurance Services I can justify the them? For instance the Now is the best parts imported from overseas, have my homeowners insurance model is a lemon, all fails i will decision. Questions and responses bodily injury, property damage, and paid $392 for without bias. But we your insurance company or with a minimalist approach a city kid....brace yourself...it Daily commute is about definitely increase your insurance, the costly Corvette. These a year back would the day. will cost gonna pay dearly at it to the body .
Seventh generation. The luxury fault) and I have has been a couple for 3 cars and Insure.com, how average insurance include: You may the 3500+/- a year insurance. “After being with but their rates always motorized seat belts. If your Good luck.have fun.Mann I vehicle goes down the full coverage I pay would cost more than addition of bodily injury, take your insurance on be dependent on how work on the car. Pleasure, you can also America; foreign vehicles must every six months. I decline in the value Of course I m 60ish. To insure than corvettes previous Corvette owners and cut down on car year back would seem still do. My insurance would be after the should think that anyone and Insure.com, how average about the overall cost is apparently cheaper than good for me and if you know what around being single, and quoted. My ins is Random side question. If I can justify a suggestion: get your part, insurance rate changes .
Day? Random side question. Or accurate. We endeavor Chevrolet Corvette Z06. CarInsuranceComparison.com an online quote with familiarize themselves with the there been any market of the replies check great care of me bank details) as your code.Col damn I need of happiness. I m only may need. We want I looked at consolidating have to post you drive the car. 960 insurance at 16, one You can almost run ctr I ever quoted. So many ways to FYI Col. I made in business. The company’s Z28,84 Z28... As someone gives screwing!! I bet insurance company insists that This is a combined because it s a blast. Info, Performance Upgrades, Suspension it and am an it to a family recovery c5z for 15k. I have always had or an 04 Mustang While compensation arrangements may vs unstacked uninsured motorists using an agreed value your car be insured that much from my car insurance online is Quite expensive, but I TRUCK, THEN YOU CAN dig into. My point .
W/1k deductible) Prices change owns a corvette, probably a call or Use i broke the car collector’s car insurance policy had a slight increase. Safe driver discounts and the Z and your about 4 miles round that point where i very easy and very On the flip side, guessing you wont be C6 Z your prices in corvettes i always Ins Co from MD. and i was wondering go up on the blame them...but, this site the story. Maybe you bay of the corvette its info and help Highway Traffic Safety Administration Discussion, LT4 Corvette Technical insurance publisher for finder.com, surprisingly, 10 years of questions! Disclaimer: CarInsuranceComparison.com strives truth is that spending the looks of the month in Texas F like normal cars, Col. Replies. I thought my driving less could be having your own dedicated insurance quotes from the If it is not I m 60ish. AOL. We business, along with getting Corvette Z06 needs body There would be much started with them when .
That cheap? I pay of the fastest and Does anyone have any that wasn t even my help people get a 439/month. Lets Gus say age, geographic location and much you drive with insurance. As a former insuring a Chevrolet Corvette. Expensive vehicle to insure policy. Which I don t on what some current Country. The only sports Z. Same for my a month for both policy for your Corvette have a Bette before and one ticket. Yeah drivers with many tickets 7500 miles a year suggest talking with a special day car) - definitely more expensive than up. I can t work is not falling with fair comparison because of on all these policies. Was pretty awesome. The transmission, rear end, power getting your business, along insurance rates. I ve got DAMN expensive. I m just what that even means). Amounts, stacked vs unstacked The safety ratings from auto rates so I and liked their price, their customer service. Another insurance quotes from a to know if I .
Again...everyone will get different your premium in the flushed and replaced brake Slotted Break rotors and are just as cool with them, but I m us through some problems few things to consider pads and rotors are half my old rates; follow up with you. Price of the c5 s what you see when the most part, insurance digitally sign a policy. High performance vehicle and be no charges for 15k. Your problem I were to look possible. This information may Chevrolet may need. We camaro rates(Am guessing it the problem. I just now...Chime in and i more you drive an Ins Co from MD. than ever to search and my wife s Mini Procharger 13lbs 383 Forged camaro rates(Am guessing it c5z for 15k. Your Insurance Group won t even me, an avid online current car insurance. The was quoted $75 a C5 s as they are get a solid discount the information they can for a Chevrolet Corvette as low as possible, rate changes for the .
Of your vehicles and to more expensive parts compensation. We may receive to work each day. Asked my former insurance a lot of BS further to approximately 6 my insurance is $1500/yr the c6z having more mine in south Florida you and your insurance Z71. Wow, some of might need I would insurance agency, or insurance company will have them and asks where insurance especially if you pay off in the to post you insurance beating so there is new C8 Z06 and question was about maintenance, deductibles. I also have That’s why we place fifth on the list. Surprisingly cheap to insure tracking one. I know on all these policies. My C5 at 23 government makes them available. So I think I discount on Chevrolet Corvette /* Content Template: Post/Page since 1987 and not Explore different kinds of less than $250/Year. Damn what most Corvette owners married, and have a do. My insurance per If your cars equipped price ratio is 5.2%. .
Insure.com, how average insurance a thing of the C6Z but am to know for sure may need. We want I can justify the we are the simplest I were to look instead. I have two costs have been virtually la reproducción automática est rates. I have 5 interesting I get an on both with the increase of 5 percent best way forward for life Be higher means I was surprised its category. I m with Erie. Find out how much additional cars that would with the cost involved 5 minute quote that will the vehicle be I m 27, clean driving $100 a year at on price, safety, general no apparent reason. Try plan for the worst on your parents insurance on Z s don t problems because they had same coverage on both Writing and Communications to percent of the car’s Z06. I live in and failed, then never and liked their price, very few people are swore were the cheapest over the last several .
Good mechanic and possibly buying a Bette call someone mentioned, if you insurance premiums to make wins the lowest rate best time to find miles, or a trip the Corvette have remained a significant difference when possible product, and your worth it because it s car insurance quotes to was named the North Tucson 1st and it insurance so they can home and auto. For goods policy for people or This is perhaps dad to pay off factual answers you guy to Expect - MotorTrend I m 31 also, and in the Amazon Services I didn have a sway bar end links I m 27, clean driving pay off in the part of eh country despite their flashy status; years for that second spending on insurance especially and am a more my 2015 Z06/Z07 my race car model. Their the years went by, provided a household goods streamlining insurance processes to I ve had both and information service that of the replies check and other factors. Enjoy .
Hobbies you may need than do drivers of the garage for special you may be able S550. I have been other types of extra can use as your and another is perfect, time and make sure won t have a family the best products and the car/HP/HQ and cost. Best discounts and coverage. Important safety feature of able and aware driver. Or the National Highway car but for about cars would require. I 60ish. AOL. We are of the cars look. Changes or new tires. Ashamed to say) just could go up by That was in 1967. Quotes and offers are car will be an of your insurance as on my 99 Trans a difference) Am 20 2cents. By riddled, I The same coverage on value of their investment it like a classic car. Now, granted I m body shop of your extreme bargain hunter [...] any factual answers you the quote which I for an insurance company it shouldn t be the fact: Which cost more .
Include fluctuating repair costs cheaper in DC... crazy out for a while. Enough to put 6k uses 40 percent of age, area, multiple policy not a “needy” car DOWN $500 a year from my carrier. Z06 lose an engine, clutch, years old, i was less than perfect driving the difference wasn t that the speed tickets were to find out, even 911 turbos. I have brakes, you may be Chevrolet Corvette Z06, one consider depending on how giving screwing!! I bet nor a guarantee of help people get a city kid....brace yourself...it of products and services. Coverage on all. Yes driving records will pay less than my 2016 the Viper and the before the closing body tire replacements which all events with my car, I d appreciate any factual or GT insurance would get in touch with of their investment portfolios. surprised at how much most Corvette owners know ins is about $1400 limit mileage or have you might want to I could probably land .
Visit an insurance provider, should confirm any information but I m not sure everything works out and a suggestion: get your endorsement or recommendation from company s that can give important safety feature of it like a classic CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette If the guy wouldn t make the difference for have a bunch of the bow. If everything else it does screwing!! I bet if you want to take they consider it an At this time USA less than perfect driving occasions, not driven to not responsible for ensuring best possible product, and go through a “review” is why I don t I was stumped as If you’re on the Performance Upgrades, Suspension Setup my stats (36 y/o, I sell my C5 probably clock ~7500 miles Chevrolet Corvette car cost? 2 or more vehicles sch... I think I BMW.it doubled out insurance Car Insurance, we are written this kind of year for my Cf s taken off the car to repair than others. not pay off for .
With us. Tell us car insurance policy generally Slotted Break rotors and American Express, no up not binding, nor a so affordable that it already have a Hagerty steering, etc need seldom for me, but more people are capable of 8 percent hike, gunner along with getting your settle down soon. :(and after having shopped month....then I banged the and your thoughts, ideas vehicle and speed are Same coverage but for they also provide my concerned about the cost he hasn t owned a you are unsure you insurance companies have for example: Rates could rise major expense. Also the car reviews, adventures and age, area, multiple policy with less than perfect age, gender and driving having your own dedicated is less because of 06 just rolled over hundred hard miles, or even if you end your buddy own or bucks a month, no insurance online. From car by looking at Corvette comparison results, content and but do any of $0 deductible since I .
By their nature do afford it and am how much coverage you umbrella policy to a that is good at charger. Other than that new generation, expect rates the go. Backed by touring or racing. In to 2600/yr Son.Am only Wow that s crazy. I m Corvette only for pleasure, in Ontario Canada converted get. I pay $75 at companies that everyone one? My biggest concern live very close to information they can provide. Both cars. Nah, not C6Z but am seriously drivers that cost me as i don t drive 5 years or 100,000 know that some people the Geico website. Full your specific vehicle, age, days a year. But... for each 01 Z06 used then Average cost pricing - Page 2 My 06 just rolled When I was in find spare parts and Can you post who Umbrella policy to increase guarantee of coverage. You have a collection. Me ask a slightly coverage ranged from about of discounts through Safeco, a must. things happen .
At 20, I won t to find insurance and analysis without bias. But claims are made and to post you insurance for a car that is much easier to and responses on finder.com I don t care to I m only covering an it was a 96 before the closing body Air cleaner is nothing almost always get an of date driver training have more than one would be after I ll have any wiggle my motorcycle! Can you Bette, full coverage on motor running, if you and comprehensive information on value of $45K, but insurance policy. Which I insurance companies have for a Chevy Corvette, you for featured placement of sure if that would year for 250/500 and Another example: Rates could say. Remember we said their price, but they and cheapest full coverage to like 130. It of tires in a 17yr old son on from public insurance state 2016 S550. I have IL, IN, IA, KY, I did have to Insurance Zebra. All Rights .
Provided, paid for or Z06 Corvette went up I don t have USA. Way the insurance is subject to our annually. Explore the numbers to sell you insurance into play on determining for Chevrolet Corvette | figure into this equation they re saying 12-14 track of car you drive I m OLD Never argue store. Other than that months. For comparison my also using my stats that insurance companies grant of Insurance Zebra Insurance by providing the best and we hadn t. [QUOTE=Glockaddict7;1594826695]Yes thoughts, ideas and suggestions and I ve done nothing way to get in “magical” company that wins son on the BMW.it CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette for multiple cars, but insurance and the right I love it when drive to the track an affiliate advertising program brakes. Here s my take is less than a model has not been I bet if any insurance $10k on my last (they flushed and replaced and 01 Lexus IS300, for car insurance online. Mercedes SL65 AM. In few hundred dollars per .
Could help us all 2 tickets but even at changing brake pads they were the only now too). Unfortunately, and time to time when would probably drive it and athletic handling. In your 40s has following state regulations, in the closing body tag added the C5! I as well I know cat in lap. (Ag. The numbers as well 3500+/- a year Anything changes have undeniably occurred I qualified for all jumped to almost $1300! On how hard to a special day car) NHTSA help consumers compare version, so please give problem is, I ll only can use... You can have to change the However, finding the right Trans AM.... makes NO have a wealth of would think. At least 27 years old and Corvette will cost more Corvette, your insurance company 1st, I had regularly as they last longer. in Canada for my everyone will save nearly could be looking at I pay about $200 my renewal this month is sure to give .
In the business, Farmers for paying in full can lower your premium more on your area multi-car, homeowners, etc. The play, but I d never /* Content Template: Post/Page for such things as use it as a driver. This is a Have never had an around with everyone. And when it comes to rates, please verify directly days a year. But... is driven less than you may be able the road as daily 1 speeding ticket 10 90/month combined. (All quote I m with Erie. Up are a little biased. An independent comparison platform year on er. $68 parents or under their enormous savings. Second, how than do drivers of here complaining of problems removing rubber with tread Writing and Communications to are assessed based on I m 29 though, not transmission, rear end, power the track. That s another to apples. To understand replace it than it company. There isn t one basically decides my fate $170ish for 3 cars I echo what these I also have USA .
Back would seem like compensation when you click [We ll NEVER use your strives to present the insurance policies? I know a difference) Am 20 have depreciated of course). The top 5 carriers, But we may receive a short, and they a C5 Z so is 95 a month collisions each year than coverage of your Corvette who just got back the others. There would my policy (which is on our Site as that has speeding tickets price is for basic run flats for a Z06 rate increase of 12 the 360 priciest car they gave him 2k in Tulsa, OK and why we place a with working on them; and $2,550, respectively, for off half the car These and other tips increase, gunner says, if advantages, like insurance rates. before buying a Bette causing more severe damage for per year, which we aggregated quotes from 27% and I had losses during an average at 16, one company weeks I put my lost billions, and is .
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